#any console game can be played on PC and better
elbiotipo · 22 days
What's interesting about Steam is that it started as a patch tool for Half Life 2 and Team Fortress 2, and also a form of DRM as these things go. It was very, very poorly recieved at the time. It was very likely it could have failed, and the face of PC gaming would have been completely unrecognizible.
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juniefruit · 5 months
-[ gamer bf felix ]-
if only all gamer boyfriends acted like Felix, I think the world would be a better place.
Word count: 702
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Felix loves video games. For every game he plays, there is a reason. You love listening to his rambling about a game’s graphics or storyline. You’ll be cuddled up in bed, under a thick fluffy blanket, as he explains the plot twists in the game he’s currently playing, or how many annoying side-quests he has to complete. You count his freckles with gentle pokes of your finger as he smiles in bliss. He adores you just for listening to him. You’re his main audience, and he wouldn’t trade you for the world. On the other hand, you could listen to Felix endlessly. His voice is like dripping honey, deep and soothing with his signature Australian accent. Just by being near him, you’ve started adopting some of his accent into your speech. He noticed it one day while you were asking him what he wanted to eat for dinner. 
He has experience on almost every console, but he maily uses his PC. If you two don’t have any plans, he’s logging on to play with his mates. Hyunjin and Jeongin join him the most frequently. Sometimes you’ll even join, but Felix does warn you that you will get teased. It’s nothing actually offensive, because they knew that Felix would send them to their grave if they hurt you. Felix loves that you two have so much in common when it comes to video games. Like, if you two play together, it’s a fair match. He doesn’t have to go easy on you or sugarcoat anything, which he appreciates. He can be his true self without worrying about being judged. 
You guys go to every comic or video game convention in your city!! If you cosplay, Felix would definitely help you buy the materials you need, and then help you make it. Felix loves it when you take the extra time to make him a cotume too, so you can go as a duo. If your costume has heels, then he definitely carries a backpack with some comfortable sneakers for you to change into once it gets too much!! However, he does get jealous if your costume is a bit revealing. The guys that blatantly stare at women in cosplay tick him off. He would never control what you choose to wear, but expect a clingy and needy Felix once you get back home. You reward him with cuddles and kisses for being such a good boyfriend during the con. 
He’s totally committed to helping you achieve the perfect photoshoot in your cosplay. He’ll climb a tree, lay on the floor, you name it, he’ll do it.  
Once a week or so, you all have a friend group hangout and hold a mario kart tournament at your apartment. You and Felix make the required pre-game grocery store run. You get a little bit of everything: candy, chips, sodas, the usual. There’s something domestic about going grocery shopping together: taking turns moving the cart, checking items off your list, etc. During the tournament, you’re just as committed as the rest of the guys. It makes Felix feel so proud seeing how well you get along with his friends. Afterwards, you two work together to clean up as fast as possible before putting on some comfortable pajamas and passing out on the bed. 
You guys bake!! All the time!! One day, you trudged through the apartment door after a draining day of work, only to immediately be hit with the delightful smell of Felix’s brownies. In an instant, your smile grew as you caught sight of him in the kitchen with an apron on, specks of flour replacing the freckles on his face. The troubles you carried home from work melted away with a sweet kiss and a freshly baked brownie. 
One Christmas,  you got him gaming headphones with cat ears on them. He was a bit taken aback at first, but now he wears them all the time. They’re actually quite good, He’d say. That’s why I bought them! You exclaimed from the doorway, hands at your hips. You knew he’d like them, even if he didn’t want to admit it. He just “had” to wear them because they were good. This man… You thought.
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cerastes · 3 months
So, Tekken 8. I'm pleased with the direction it has fundamentally taken. In general, high profile fighting games have taken a far more welcoming approach towards newcomers, which is much needed and has thankfully gotten pretty good results so far: Street Fighter 6, for example, went lengths to provide a good, welcoming experience for new players, Granblue Rising retains its beginner friendly nature while expanding on systems to give it more depth at a higher level without stopping to be a fundamentally simple and 'easy' (but fun) fighting game with gorgeous flair, and Tekken 8 is following on the same road. It did this to some degree with Tekken 7, but Tekken 8 definitely goes a step further.
In general, Tekken 8 is much better geared towards user experience and perception than Tekken 7 was. I was a bit surprised to hear about friends that never really deal with Ranked in any game ever, tell me they were queueing up to climb the ladder. I started playing Tekken 8 a few days ago, and when I hopped into Ranked, I noticed small changes that carry a big impact with them in the UI, particularly in the loading screen pre-fight: What it shows.
So, in Tekken 7, you can see both players' Tekken Power, total wins as the character, rank, the results of their last 10 games, their 3 highest player tendencies, and personal match-up win and stage win rates.
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That is a lot of information, and you'd usually think "more information is better, right?", I think in this case it was a double edged blade, however: If you're a newer player who's gotten wiggity washed four games in a row now, with your 13 total wins and 9k Tekken Power (or Prowess, as it was in 7) and your B/C/C tendencies, and get matched up a guy with a rank you've never seen before, with over 10 times your Power, triple S+es, 2.3k wins, on a 7 win streak... Well, you're probably going to be more than a little intimidated before the game even starts. For a lot of people, understandably, this immediately becomes the moment of "holy shit, I'm about to get ragdolled", so you go in with a different mentality than you might go against someone whose stats you don't know. Some people don't get affected by this, but a lot of people do, especially curious people that are trying to get into the games and might get put off when they mentally lose before the fight even starts.
In contrast, the Tekken 8 loading screen offers less information, but it's a far better user experience:
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3 highest Tendencies, Tekken Power, Rank, and that's it. There's other stuff like console or PC, area, but it's otherwise a lot more laconic. And this works better! You just know their Power, their tendencies, their rank, and that's that. In the actual fight, you can see their current win streak, but no one can see if you or the opponent has 8 loses in a row. You don't know if they have 100 wins or 6000 wins, and so, you don't really think about it, you just go and fight. And if you lose, it's a world of difference to be "ok I got outplayed, that was some solid play from them" than it is to be "ok, yeah, they had ten times the amount of wins than I have lifetime games of Tekken, this was inevitable". So you can go and fight and win and keep playing. The user experience is much better.
I also really appreciate Arcade Quest: It's basically a short, very interactive tutorial: Instead of going through hours of dry tutorialing, a more inductive style like this is far better for newcomers, it's got basic, colorful characters, lots of tutorials peppered in throughout its run time, and a friendly coat of paint so you can get acquainted with the different systems at a nice pace: Your initial opponents are pushovers, letting you get a feel for movement and attacking, then you reach the third or so arcade, and your tutorial guy goes "hey, I heard they defend really well here, and they like opening you up with lows, let's learn how to deal with these" and you get your tutorials on how to open up opponents as well as dealing with lows, and then you fight the people in that arcade and it's mostly opponents like Law, Lili, Bryan, Dragunov, who have snake edges (strong low sweeps that offer good oki or launch for air combos, depending on whether its a counter hit or not) and their AI is specially geared to using these lows, as well as having better defense against highs so you use throws or lows. It's less a story mode and more a series of flavored tutorials, and I think it's really good for a game to have to ease players into the game's meatier systems.
The high level good ass Tekken is all there, it's just, there's a far more concise way of getting there for people that didn't grow up playing these games or had the raw gumption to deal with the sometimes Spartan fighting game community standards for onboarding. It's not a dirt road leading to the beach anymore, they paved it nice and easy so more people can get there, at their own pace, whether it be speeding there on a car, or through a nice leisurely stroll. It's something that I can appreciate both as someone who grew up in arcades playing fighting games with randos and regulars, and as someone that loves good, welcoming, efficient game design and wants more people to discover the joy of the fighting game.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 7 months
Video game console and case design
Today's hyperfixation is on the PLAYSTATION 5. Because I want one, but I really shouldn't buy one, so I am just looking up everything to do with games consoles and burning my brain out.
I used to be a proper xbox player, until I got my PC, then I never really touched by xbox again. I got a PS4 to play Persona 5 and since then it's been a blu ray player for my Adventure Time boxset, not much else. But the current gen - PS5, Series X - is arguably more powerful than my gaming PC, and I still have a lot of friends stuck on PS5, so I am considering investing in a unit.
Anyway is it me or did they really shit the bed with design in this generation?
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Look at these chunky fuckers! They do not fit smoothly under your television at all. There is no detail or decoration breaking up their unnecessarily large faces, which makes them look bland and ugly. They look like they're made of cheap plastic, with the two controllers being the highest quality thing about them. I can attest the xbox controller is unbeatable, but playstation really made their shot this generation. A shame I can never get used to the dualshock joystick positioning.
The Series S and the PS5 Slim are almost NO improvement on the base designs.
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For some reason they made the Series S look like a speaker???
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The new PS5 slim FINALLY has a line across that massive faceplate, but the half matte half glossed finish is not doing it any favours. I think it would've looked much better if, for example, the matte and gloss plates were different colours. Like black and white! It also has an even MORE out of place disc drive, which I think is part of Sony's agenda to go digital only, and the two tiny "feet" for its horizontal positioning are pathetic! Personally I like this more than the original but not significantly, disappointing since I was really looking forward to it.
I want you to compare these nasties to the previous generation - the PS4 and the XBOX One.
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....Now, what's hilarious about this image is the consoles look ALMOST IDENTICAL from this angle. And, I guess, that would be why Sony and Microsoft decided to make such a departure with the space heater PS5 and the fridge Series X.
But they both look very premium and advanced, and they fit very nicely in your living room.
The companies tried to look a bit more distinguished in their followup versions in the previous gen too. The white PS4 Pro looks a lot closer to PS5 with its quirkiness, but without the atrocious shiny plastic. Sony tended to add or remove a layer whenever they altered the PS4, I wonder what they would look like all stacked on top of each other.
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It's not just the games console designs that suffer - Look at the game cases! I know that the companies want to incentivise you to go digital, but Xbox Series X cases are just awful.
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So if you're confused - You should be!!! Microsoft have two kinds of case for the Series X. One of them is the EXACT SAME CASE as Xbox One, but with Series X printed on the front. The second newer version foregoes the sexy Xbox logo entirely and just has Xbox Series X printed in some default font. Awful awful awful.
Playstation is doing better, but barely.
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They are reusing PS4 cases with a different print on them. It doesn't look as horrible as Xbox's, and it at least has a different colour on the logo, but damn, the jump between PS3/360 and PS4/One was really impressive, and now they've stopped bothering because they want everyone to go digital. If your game cases look like shit, why bother with physical?
I want to contrast with physical media kings Nintendo, who did an outstanding job in 2017 with designing the case for the Nintendo Switch.
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These bad boys are mine. They're super thin, easy to stack, decent quality, and F U N. The red colour pallette makes them pop out. You can see one from across the store and go, "damn, that's a Nintendo Switch game".
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I just want a thousand of them.
I would say a disadvantage, especially compared to the Gamecube games next to them, and even compared to 3ds, is that you can't tell what game you're looking at without going right up to them. These cases are TOO uniform, and really tiny, so i have to triple check I am picking up Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and not Tony Hawk Pro Skater. Meanwhile you can tell exactly what Gamecube games I have by colour pallette alone. Like, you can instantly tell that's Windwaker.
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The switch in general is a very fun looking games console, much nicer looking than its predecessor the Wii U, though I'm not sure how I feel about the white of the OLED. But every time I see a Switch Lite in stores, even though I know it's worse than my Switch, I want to buy one. It just looks so FUUUUUN.
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And finally a special mention to the 3DS and its games case. The console itself was pretty stylish, if... rudimentary for its release period, but the games cases are high quality and almost make me want to have 3ds games just so I can have the cases.
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jester-dragons-aus · 5 months
Horror House AU
Hehe Horror House returns(I had found only one piece of paper and I ended up drawing this)
When the world building comes out of nowhere/silly
Art and stuff under cut
[Note: certain few, who use VR instead of PC or Console, will be sucked into the game. Those who play with PC or Console will have a body substituted with a mannequin and will not be sucked into the game.]
Basically, the newer you are to The House, the closer you are to being the first person a random player goes against as you don't know much about how the game works. You go against everyone else first before you do this though. You can't leave once you're sucked into the game.
Only one person can play this game at a time, there is only one thing that can play it after all. Don't wear the headset if you don't want to be sucked in.
Pomni goes first! She is the newest member, after all!
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You need to keep away from her, may it be by running away or finding things to keep her away from you to keep her away. The farther you are from her, the more she'll need to exert herself to get to you. Once tired out, you figure out a way to get out of the area before she regains her energy again. She will wear herself out completely before she rests, falling to the floor and laying there for a relatively long time to regain her energy.
Imagine Pomni going through everyone else's past this point.
Jax is here and is a force to be reckoned with, atleast from his perspective. He thinks he's gotten better than before.
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His area is like a maze of hallways, doors, closets, and at the end, somewhere you can completely escape his area from. He walks through the hallways trying to find you, cracking open the doors of the messed up rooms to check inside(hide behind the doors or under any in-tact bed). He taps the closet doors as he walks past them(don't make any noise, he will open and it will be game over[respawn]). Once you get to the end hall, you will need to run. There are no doors or closets in the end hall, all you have to do is keep running forward until you reach the end. His big size compared to the end hall will make it hard for him to go full speed as he will keep hitting his shoulders and head on the roof. The exit to his 'level' is a door that is slowly going down the entire run through the end hallway, triggered by you, or him, stepping on something at the beginning of the end hall. You must slide under it at the end of the hall to escape. He will run into the door and pound on it in anger, trying to get to you, but it will be for naught as you have already beat his level.
Next, Zooble, the interchangeable and unpredictable. Even if they are predictable with some patterns.
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Their area is a large open space with one exit for you to escape. Above hangs many things that will be large objects, bodies and body parts, and scattered around the room are presumably more and random large objects to hide around. They are quite smart and quiet so be sure to listen for anything that could be them, like quiet huffs or half-shuffling steps. How you get out of the area is finding a lever or button or something to drop something heavy onto them without anything falling on yourself or being caught by them. Anything heavy enough falling on them will cause them to break, falling into pieces. Leave through the now opened exit before they put themselves together with whatever pieces they can find. Be fast.
Gangle is next and she's the most timid of the group but don't let that fool you.
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You are in a dark room with papers covered in drawings littering the floor and walls. Gangle is curled like a snake somewhere where you can see her but it's just dark enough to where you can't see her face. She will kindly approach you with her comedy mask seemingly glued together and ask you to help her with a drawing or some writing[this won't be important to the main game]. If you don't break her comedy mask, good for you! You got to go free easy! If you did, there is a sad mask underneath in a darker shade than the comedy mask, also seemingly glued together, and the comedy mask is hanging to it with strange threads of something you can't identify. Her sad mask is more "hostile" so to say and she asks you to help her with something else which is more deadly to you. She sobs every time she speaks, shaking while she slithers around. If you survive what she asked of you and don't break her sad mask, good for you! You get to leave with only the trauma of her sad mask! If you survive but break her sad mask... You must run and find something to trap her. Under her sad mask is a distraught and fearful mask that screeches loudly as if in pain once the sad mask was broken, still hanging to that mask with the comedy mask still hanging to it in the same way. Once her sad mask is broken, she slithers into the dark with that for mentioned screech and that is your cue to run and find something to trap her in, like a heavy box or a deep hole in the ground, which there is right in front of the exit with just enough room between the end of the level and the door for you to walk around the hole and leave once she falls in with a perfectly timed side-step.
Ah yes, our beloved blind ragdoll, Ragatha! One of the sweetest!
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Once in her domain, it's a lovely, relatively large, store-looking place, with spiderwebs in the corners and dust everywhere as if it isn't cared for despite Ragatha's attempts to clean her area. A small bell, upon entering, will ring and notify her of your presence and she will welcome you with kindness. If you are polite in return, she will help lead you to the exit and open it for you, but she won't be able to come with you. If you treat her rudely, she will turn to violence and try to find you. Be quiet and find the code for the door, tucking around corners silently to avoid her if she comes near. Once you find the code, you must make your way to the door without notifying her where you are even once and avoiding her if she comes near. Once you put the code in to the end door, you can leave the area and continue on your way.
Kinger, the largest but probably the easiest to get past if your quiet, is second to last, everyone!
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Do not wake him up. His area is a large fortress made of old, hole filled wood pillars, old, torn blankets and pillows, and partially stone walls. There are many large bugs, mostly centipedes about the size of an average 10 year old, crawling around the area, never crawling into your path for more than a few seconds. Make sure you don't step on them, you don't want to make the king angry. Once you enter this decrepit castle, it is mostly empty aside from this 50 foot long centipede-chess piece curled up and sleeping soundly. If you step on any of the bugs that might crawl in your path or if you touch him even slightly, he will wake up and you can't escape as he kills you[respawn]. Don't step on any of the bugs and don't touch him and you're home free, there's the exit on the complete opposite side of him from the entrance to his impenetrable fortress.
I bet you guys weren't expecting Caine of all people to be the final boss, right? I bet you guessed from Kinger's introduction! Well here he is!
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He will never change, no matter who comes and goes before him. He is the owner of this terrifying territory, after all! The ringmaster, if it were a Circus! He stands in the center of a large, dark, dully colored yet very colorful room, inside a ring. This room looks most Circus like, like the inside of a tent. You don't have to defeat Caine, really, just beat his "pets." The abstractions. To those who have been in The House for a long time, they sadly know how these terrifying creatures came to be. Not fully code, but once human like the majority of them were gone mad and lost every bit of their mind! The older beasts are larger than the newer ones, so you can tell who's been there the longest. Unbeknownst to you, Caine is definitely going easy on you, only using the newer abstractions, as they are not very well at their job: ending you. You just have to run past everything and get to the last door, an end for the ones who didn't get sucked into this world, or a void for the ones who did.
[End] [Checkpoint]
I am so sorry that one was so long but I really got sucked into writing this. I hope y'all enjoyed what y'all read if you read it all! I hope some of y'all also saw some references I made to other horror games I like playing or watching, like Doors or Little Nightmares(1+2)!
I really enjoyed writing this but this was all in one sitting, on mobile, and I don't know how to word things right sometimes or even spell some words correctly so some things might look weird. Yes, English is my first language but I am still not good at it despite graduating Highschool last year.
I put more effort into this than any writing assignments I got in school anyways all cuz I had a random paper and drew these goofs again after so long of only being able to draw on mobile.
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howlingday · 7 months
Yang: Hm... I wonder what I should play today.
Jaune: What console do you play on?
Yang: I was lucky enough to get a DS5 when it came out. It's incredible~!
Ruby: You mean when you stole it from someone when they weren't looking.
Yang: Not my fault they left it on the sidewalk unattended.
Ruby: You grabbed it while you were riding Bumblebee!
Yang: Haha! Fuck them kids!
Jaune: Anyway... What console do you play on, Ruby?
Ruby: I only play on PC, because while some people rely on others to make their console for them, like Yang, I can upgrade my system any time I want. With my PC specs, I am ALWAYS living in the next-gen.
Yang: You think you're better than me, you little bitch?
Ruby: I KNOW I'm better than you!
Jaune: Guys! Guys! Can't we just have a nice conversation without attacking each other? Personally, I think having either console is just fine. Some people aren't as tech savvy as you, Ruby, so they prefer the full package in their DS5 or Twitch. And Yang, Ruby's totally valid in owning a PC because it's the console she's most familiar with.
Jaune: If I can respect your decisions, then why can't you accept each other's?
Ruby: Yeah...
Yang: You're right... By the way, what console do you play, Jaune?
Jaune: Oh, I have the new GameBox Origins!
Yang: See, THIS is why everyone fucking hates you, Jaune!
Ruby: Even as a gamer, you're a fuck up.
Yang: What games do you even have?!
Ruby: You make me fucking sick.
Yang: God, you suck!
Ruby: And you're a bitch.
Yang: Go back to the fucking Ever After!
Ruby: Tiny, baby man.
Yang: Who even plays GameBox?!
Ruby: L + Ratio.
Yang: No wonder Pyrrha and Penny fucking died!
Ruby: PC Master Race.
Yang: Who the fuck even invited you?!
Ruby: Silver-Eyed Keyboard Warrior.
Yang: No-drip-having-ass-
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who-do-i-know-this-man · 11 months
Alright, looks like my dearest blorbo lost, so here's my long anticipated post mortem propaganda post for her and the 15 dollar game bundle that blew me away. For decency's sake, i'm sealing the meat of this post behind a read more, so as to not accidentally colour of the skies everyone who follows this tourney. (Or at least i'm going to try to. Tumblr is weird, and apologies if it does not work.)
One fateful day, I purchased the Bundle For Ukraine from itch.io. While I was initially put off by the seemingly bargain bin quality of most of the games, I ultimately decided it was worth it. I donated, got the games, and perused through them for anything eye catching. I found Celeste, Zeroranger, a couple of cute tools…
And a little game called Crosscode.
I was… intrigued. I'd saw this game once or twice before, and I was curious. Figuring that it couldn't hurt to try it, I downloaded the game and started it up.
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Crosscode turned out to be a very good game.
And most of that was because of the main character:
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In summary, Crosscode is an action rpg game made by Radical Fish and released fully on pc in 2018, with console ports later. It follows the story of Lea, a woman who wakes up inside a futuristic MMO set on a moon in a distant galaxy, where players physically control avatars made out of a high tech substance known as Instant Matter (think hard light holograms, and that's pretty much it.), as she's guided by a programmer in order to recover her lost memories. I can go on and on about just how amazing the game is: how the plot takes a turn from "generic mmo isekai esque" to if someone decided to adapt one of the better black mirror episodes into an action rpg, how polished the combat and puzzles are, and how incredible the music is, but that's not what the main purpose of this tourney is. It's to tell you just how good of a character Lea is.
Lea is the main protagonist/player character, a rather shy woman with a real competitive spirit and a cheeky attitude, once she warms up to someone. A major part of her character is due to a major glitch in her avatar's voice module, she's mute (aside from a couple of hardcoded words her programmer friend could put in). "A silent protagonist?" you may ask me. "Like, a player avatar that is deliberately left without any strong characterisation as to allow nearly anyone to insert themselves into?" Nope! Instead of being a blank slate for projection, Lea expresses an incredible amount of character through simply inflection and facial expression.
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This is only a PART of her spritesheet! Only a smidge, and i'm not even getting into the special sprites she has for certain story events.
Throughout the story, Lea has to tackle difficulties with not being able to communicate as well with players and NPCs, along with typical mmo difficulties, all while she unravels the dark mysteries of what's really going on behind the scenes of Crossworlds...
Despite her difficulties, she's always treated with respect by the game's narrative, which can be seen with the many interactions between her and the surrounding cast (all mainly expressed through her many sprites).
A few of my favourite moments of hers include:
Annoying her programmer friend:
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Her reaction to her horns:
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Her absolute freak out at being held by a five year old:
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Her absolutely intending to get into more antics after a certain sidequest:
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And if you need any more motivation to play this amazing game, here's the special reactions she gets when you turn on the New Game Plus cheat that gives you insane damage with every hit:
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Yes, the devs made specific sprites just for when you play new game plus with a certain cheat.
Please, do yourself a favour and play Crosscode. It's like twenty bucks on steam without a sale. It's what Sword Art Online would be if it didn't completely suck. It's disability culture. It's the world's best single player MMO. It's a Black Mirror's White Christmas episode adapted into a video game.
And most of all... it has Lea.
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Wow. Well unfortunately it seems that read more does not work in asks.
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dark-and-kawaii · 3 months
I’m always jealous of PC players because they can download mods for Baldur’s gate while console players can’t ;-;
If it makes you feel any better I was also a console player until I was peer pressured into building a pc xD I’ve since then sold the ps5 and used that money to put into my build….
I don’t recommend it!!! The mods are not worth it!!! Building a pc can be an absolute rabbit hole/money pit!!!
Here’s my build to totally not encourage you to build one and start looking into it……
I won’t lie, I do miss my console, for example I’m not able to play FF Rebirth because it’s not on pc yet (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ ) and I also can’t lay in bed playing video games anymore.
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
how do u play zelda games... or are u just very familiar w the lore without having played all of them? i only have a switch and have played botw and totk it's the only console i've ever had and i'd like to play more games like ocarina of time and wind waker and majoras mask but idk how to access them and also. expensive 😭
i've played every game I talk about on here! I try not to talk about ones i havent played bc i don't have a full understanding of them lol. for me it's been about 10 years since I started playing zelda games so I've had some time to get this many under my belt but I can definitely recommend some good games & methods for new players!
since you said you only have a switch, i'll start with legal ways to get older zelda games on the switch. many of these will be expensive and arent actually the method i recommend to play them but. for the sake of being thorough. im gonna mention them.
skyward sword HD remake (highly recommend!!) this game would probably be a pretty good starting point after botw and the remake is notably easier to play than the original. it is $60 tho when the original game was $30. so
NES and SNES virtual consoles which are free with a nintendo online subscription have the original zelda, zelda II, and a link to the past on them. as a new player i wouldnt SUPER recommend any of these but alttp is definitely worth it if you DO end up liking some of the more modern games in the series.
the dreaded n64 virtual console has oot on it but im just straight up gonna tell you not to buy that shit. oot is a must play but there are millions of better ways to play it
the fucking $60 links awakening remaster. don't buy this
the way I personally played most of my games is either via console or hacked console. if you're willing to invest in a secondhand wii to hack you can emulate basically any console that came before it, including the n64 for oot and the gamecube for wind waker. if you're willing to invest in OR you have an old 3ds lying around (preferably that hasnt been updated recently but you can get around that) you can hack it to play GB/GBA/DS/3DS games, which includes link's awakening, minish cap, albw, oot 3d, and majora's mask 3d!
if you're looking for a COMPLETELY free option, my next suggestion is emulation. you want a decent PC to be able to run most of this shit without speed drops, and some newer consoles won't run perfectly no matter what. wii games especially are really dicey because of their reliance on motion control so there's not a lot of emulators out there for them.
for anything before the N64 (majora & any game released before it) I recommend the MAME vintage game emulator. this thing was originally built for arcade games but runs a lot of vintage consoles pretty well too and is generally intuitive and user-friendly.
Visual Boy Advance is a good option for GBA games (link's awakening, 4 swords, minish cap, oracle games.) these may also work on MAME
Desmume for DS games (phantom hourgass, spirit tracks)
Citra for 3DS games (requires high processing speed & decent graphics card, most laptops will not run it) (oot & mm 3d, albw)
for gamecube (wind waker) I used dolphin emulator on my hacked wii so I can't vouch for how it'll run on anything else but i believe it should also be able to emulate wii games? (sksw, tp)
hope this helps fuel your loz adventures! if you ever have specific questions about emulation or hacking i might be able to help also lol i hate paying for games so i do this a lot
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foone · 1 year
ok please tell us about the tandy-memorex vis :D
OKAY the Tandy Memorex Video Information System is a hilarious console that Tandy/Radio Shack came up with in 1992.
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It's called the Tandy-Memorex VIS partially to distance itself from Tandy, but Memorex was owned by Tandy at the time, and this is entirely their fault. Back in 1992, the CD-ROM was the NEW HOT THING and everyone wanted to get in on that. Arguably every console that tried failed to some degree or another, until the Sony Playstation in 1994. But the VIS failed spectacularly hard, selling something like 11,000 units, and Radio Shack was nearly giving them away towards the short lifespan of the console (1992-1994).
It got about 20 games, and another 24 releases that could charitably be called "multimedia products". Things like encyclopedias, photo albums on assorted issues, and spoken-illustrated-book things with minimal animation. Of those 20 games, many of them were edutainment games, things like word puzzles, math games, drawing tools along the lines of kid-pix (on a console with no way to save pictures or print them out, so... yeah).
On top of this, it cost 699$. IN NINETEEN NINETY FUCKING TWO. Plug that into an inflation calculator and it comes out at about one and a half thousand dollars, for a console with barely any games and the ones that it did come with are designed for the little kiddies. This thing never had a market.
But here's the thing that makes it so memorable to me: While the games available for it were not interesting, and it's just another example of a failed CD-ROM console alongside the endless failed or barely-survived ones that littered the early-90s... (Every played a CD-i, 3DO, NeoGeo CD, PC-FX, FX Towns Marty, LaserActive, Commodore CD-TV or Amiga CD32? How about one of the add-ons, the Sega CD, TurboGrafx-CD, or Atari Jaguar CD? Hell, this is what the Nintendo Playstation was supposed to be, before that deal went sideways and it became two separate consoles)
The thing is that technologically the VIS is super unique because it's an idea that wouldn't really be repeated until 2001, nearly a decade later: The VIS is a console that's a computer.
Yeah, I know, all consoles are computers (except maybe arguably some early pong units), but I mean like a desktop PC. The Tandy-Memorex VIS is an IBM PC clone running Windows!
(EDIT: Accidentally submitted too early)
It's a modular windows, a sort of embedded-windows that only runs off a ROM chip, but it's still an Intel 286 with a relatively normal VGA card, a megabyte of RAM, and a 1X CD-ROM drive. This thing could basically play a ton of DOS games, it would just be a matter of some basic porting.
And it just never happened. Instead all the games are custom-designed edutainment/multimedia things, and no one ported Duke Nukem or Commander Keen or Kings Quest to it (Actually Sierra did make a test port of Kings Quest 5, but it never came out. Reportedly it was slow as hell)
It could have been a very interesting console that let us play tons of DOS games in the living room in 1992, but Tandy mismanaged it with the ridiculous price and bad policy regarding games releases which meant it never really amounted to anything.
Anyway I've got one in my room right now, and I'm planning on building a CD-ROM emulator for it so I can easily play around with making homebrew with it. I want to port a bunch of DOS games to it and make it reach its potential, like Tandy should have done in 1992.
They already had a successful line of PC compatibles in the Tandy 1000, and the VIS is partially made of advancements they developed for that weird line of computers. If they had leaned into that angle, sold it at a better price, they could have really built something special. So many advanced DOS games (and even more advanced ones made possible by the CD-ROM format) that would blow away anything else in the console market in 1992 could have been VIS releases. Instead we got some (barely-)FMV games and a bunch of sub-par Math Blaster and Reader Rabbit clones on a console that no one wanted to buy because it was too damn expensive.
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devildom-drabbles · 1 year
Story - What's Important
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Summary: Beelzebub seeks advice for a new phone background. Main Character: Beelzebub Other Characters: The demon brothers and MC Word Count: ~3.3k Warnings: None, just silliness with a fluffy ending Notes: This story is inspired by a page from the short Obey Me! manga on Twitter (as seen in the panel at the end).  It also serves as a headcanon for what each demon brother has as their phone background (when their relationship with MC is purely platonic, that is). Happy Holidays, everyone!  However you choose to celebrate these final days of the year, I hope you’re able to spend it with the people and/or things that are most important to you. 😊💕
“And...done!” Leviathan declared.  “All the data from your old D.D.D. is now transferred to your new one.”
“Thanks, Levi,” Beelzebub said as he retrieved the phone from his older brother’s outstretched hand.  “You’re a lifesaver.”
“No problem, but try not to eat your phone anymore.  I don’t want to have to keep doing this.”
“Right, sorry...” 
Leviathan picked up his wireless controller and resumed the video game he was playing before Beelzebub had entered his bedroom.  “I meant to ask earlier, but why did you eat your old phone anyway?”
“Oh, it was because of the background I had on it,” Beelzebub explained.  “I was really hungry, so I was going to order some food on Akuber.  But when I grabbed my phone and saw the photo of the Bloody Terrine that Barbatos made for my birthday on the screen, I ate it without thinking.”
“Seriously?!” Leviathan shouted.  “Geez, your stomach always manages to act before your brain can, huh?”  He continued pressing away at the controller’s buttons without looking at the larger demon beside him.  “You’d better choose a new background then, otherwise Lucifer will do worse than just giving you extra chores.  You’ll probably have to pay for the new phone next time, too.”
“You’re right,” Beelzebub agreed, his eyebrows furrowed with concern.  “What if he won’t let me eat until I have enough money to buy it?  Or he puts a curse on the fridge so I can’t ever open it again?”  A loud growl from the Avatar of Gluttony’s stomach seemed to make Leviathan’s room shake.  “Just thinking about it is making me famished.  Levi, what should I do?  I don’t want to eat my phone again.”
The aforementioned demon felt a pang in his chest in response to his younger brother’s worried tone.  “Uh, well, you just need to choose a background that isn’t food-related.  Then you won’t accidentally eat it, right?”
“Sure, but...I don’t know what to change it to,” Beelzebub admitted.
“How about an epic screenshot from a video game?” Leviathan suggested.  “I’ve got a ton of them saved on my consoles’ photo galleries!”
“Is that what you have as your background?”
“My gaming PC, yes.  My D.D.D., not a chance!  Only the lovely Ruri-chan is allowed to grace my phone screen!  Take a look!”  The otaku paused the game again to proudly hold out his phone for his brother to see.  “This is a screenshot from the Season 3 finale when Ruri-chan gives an epic yet heart-warming monologue about her time in the human world.  She talks about the friends she’s made, the battles she’s fought, and the things she’s come to love about that realm, and how she’ll continue to protect the human world no matter what evil tries to stand in her way.  It’s my favorite speech in the whole series!  And by this episode, the animators have mastered Ruri-chan down to the tiniest detail, which is easy for a true fan to notice when you think about the animation style in Seasons 1 and 2—”
“Most of the anime I like has food in it,” Beelzebub interjected nonchalantly, “and there aren’t any games that I like that much.  What else could I do?”
“For starters, don’t interrupt me!”  Leviathan then sighed while pocketing his phone.  He redirected his focus to the screen, unpaused his game, and said, “I don’t have any other ideas right now, so try asking Belphie or something.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a legendary weapon to find!”
“You’re trying to come up with a new background for your phone?” Belphegor questioned, sitting up from his nest of pillows and blankets in the attic to give his twin his undivided attention.
“That’s right,” Beelzebub answered with a nod.  “I need something that won’t make me think of food.”
The younger twin mulled over the dilemma for a few moments.  “Why not just copy my background?”
“Yours?  It’s a picture of some of the Devildom constellations, right?  That suits you well, Belphie, so you should keep it for yourself.  I don’t want to copy it.”
“Are you sure?  I honestly don’t mind.”
“I know, but I’m sure.  That’s special for you.”
“All right.  Then maybe you could use a different photo of outside scenery.  Is there a specific view that you enjoy?”
"I like seeing a huge meal being placed in front of me at an outdoor restaurant," Beelzebub replied matter-of-factly.
Belphegor shook his head tiredly, partly blaming himself for not clarifying his question further to avoid this predictable response. "Beel, I meant 'outside scenery' as in something in nature, like how I chose the constellations."
"Oh, right."  Beelzebub considered the question more carefully this time.  "I like the beach.  I had a fun time with everyone when we went there last summer.”
Belphegor smiled at the memory.  “That’s a good one.  We did a lot on that trip, didn’t we?”
“Yeah.  We had swimming races, water gun fights, snowcones, broiled deathfish—”  A familiar rumble abruptly silenced Beelzebub.  “Uh-oh, the beach makes me think of all the things we ate there.  I don’t think I can use it as my phone background after all.”
“In that case, any photo from the trips we’ve gone on probably won’t work either,” Belphegor realized, lightly scratching at his cheek.  “Hmm, what else might work?”
Just then, the pair heard footsteps reaching the top of the attic stairs and saw their blond-haired brother peeking inside the room.
“There you are,” Satan sighed.  He appeared somewhat disgruntled at the sight of Belphegor—bedhead, dried drool, and all—sitting comfortably atop the low rounded bed.  “I had a feeling you’d be napping up here when you didn’t show up to our Anti-Lucifer League meeting.”
“Ah, sorry,” Belphegor apologized half-heartedly, “I overslept a bit, and then I got distracted while helping Beel.”
“With what?” Satan inquired.
“I’m trying to pick a new background for my phone that won’t make me want to eat it,” Beelzebub explained.  “What do you have for your phone, Satan?”
“Mine is a photo I took the other day of two stray cats sleeping beside each other,” Satan answered.  “They looked so peaceful snuggling together that I couldn’t help myself.  Before that, though, it was a photo I found of Cat Island in the human world.  Images of cats are always wonderful to see.”
“No surprise there,” Belphegor commented.  “Well, did that give you any inspiration, Beel?”
“Actually,” Beelzbub began, “remember that animal documentary we watched last week, Satan?  I think a background of one of those animals would be nice.  Can you help me find a picture?”
“Sure,” Satan agreed, “but then Belphie and I really need to get to work on planning our next prank, okay?”
After searching through online photos of Devildom animals, Beelzebub settled on a picture of some baby devil chickens, which Satan promptly saved to set as his younger brother’s new phone background.
“Nice choice, Beel,” Belphegor remarked, having gotten off the bed to look at his twin’s phone screen.
“It’s not as good as cats,” Satan noted, “but devil chicks aren’t so bad either.”
Beelzebub smiled warmly, glancing between his brothers and then back to the image within his hand.  “They’re cute, especially that really tiny one that’s with them here.  Ah, that makes me think of how nice and plump they’ll all be when they grow up into big devil chickens.”  His rumbling stomach echoed through the room.  “Oh...  Now I want to eat fried devil chicken.”
“I guess you’ll have to forego a background with animals, too,” Satan concluded with a shrug.  “Belphie and I have to get going now, but we can help you brainstorm some more ideas later, if you still haven’t decided on one.  In the meantime, why don’t you ask Asmo for advice?”
“My wallpaper?” Asmodeus repeated while fixing his long bangs.  “Why, it’s me, of course!  I pick a different selfie every day to admire on my phone screen.”
In retrospect, Beelzebub realized that he should’ve seen this coming.  Nonetheless, he figured that some follow-up questions may better aid him in his quest to choose his own phone background:  “But why?  You see yourself in the mirror and on Devilgram every day, don’t you?  Why do you need to see yourself on your phone screen, too?”
Asmodeus immediately ceased fidgeting with his appearance in his vanity mirror and twisted back to stare at Beelzebub with a gobsmacked expression.  “Um, isn’t it obvious?  Who wouldn’t want to see such a gorgeous face gazing at you any chance you get?  I mean, look at me!”  He stood from his chair to gesture to his entire body.
Beelzebub’s brow furrowed as he stared back at the Avatar of Lust.  “...I’m looking?”
Asmodeus huffed in surrender.  “Give me your D.D.D.,” he ordered.  “Maybe it’ll make more sense if you had a photo of yourself as your background.”
“I’m not sure...”
“You won’t know until you try!  Just hand it here!”
Without further protest, Beelzebub relinquished his phone to Asmodeus.  He watched quietly as his older brother opened the Devilgram app and scrolled to a particular photo from his AsmoBaby account.  A few taps later and the image was boldly displayed as Beelzebub’s phone background.
“Is this one of the photos you took of me while we were working out together?” Beelzebub asked, the device now returned to him.
“Yup, that’s right!” Asmodeus admitted with a cheery nod.  “It blew up on my page after I posted it.  You even gained more followers, as well!”
“Really?  But it’s just a picture of me doing a push-up.”
“What are you saying?!  Look closely!”  Asmodeus started pointing at specific parts of the image while he spoke.  “That determined expression, those toned arms, the sweat dripping from your face, your fitting clothes...   Whether it’s this photo or one of my countless selfies, don’t you feel absolutely enamored and energized upon witnessing such a breathtaking figure?  That’s how everyone in the comments felt!”
Beelzebub tilted his head quizzically, not understanding his brother’s—or his fans’—enthusiasm over the photo.  “I just feel hungry,” he stated simply, his hand resting on his stomach.  He had been trying to solve his phone-background-predicament for quite a while without a single snack, and the hunger was now becoming too much to bear.
“Ooh, yes!” Asmodeus exclaimed excitedly.  “Plenty of the comments here mention that they experienced a sort of ravenous urge when they viewed this photo.”
“That’s...not what I meant. ...I think?  Never mind.  A picture of myself—or you—won’t work for me, but thanks for trying, Asmo.  I’m going to the kitchen.”
“I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!  I won’t do it again, Lucifer!  I promise!”
Beelzebub halted briefly at one of the breaks in the staircase within the entrance hall area.  He glanced over to find an annoyed Lucifer in the midst of restraining a pleading Mammon who will soon be strung from the ceiling (i.e. a common scene in the House of Lamentation—nothing noteworthy, in Beelzebub’s opinion).
“If I had a Grimm for every time you’ve ‘promised’ that, then your latest debt would be easily paid off,” Lucifer remarked, unfazed by his younger brother’s begging.
“I mean it this time!  I swear!” Mammon declared as he squirmed relentlessly within the strong rope being tied around him.  He then noticed Beelzebub wordlessly walking around them to head to the kitchen, hoping to remain unseen.  “Beel!  Hey, Beel!  You believe me, don’tcha?!  Tell Lucifer what a great and trustworthy demon I am!”
“I’d rather not be involved,” Beelzebub responded, uncomfortably rubbing one of his hands over the other.
“I’ll buy ya a meal at Hell’s Kitchen!” Mammon bargained.
“Mammon is a great and trustworthy demon,” Beelzebub promptly stated to Lucifer.
The eldest brother shook his head with a sigh.  “I can assure you that Mammon doesn’t have the funds to buy even a crumb of food,” he said.  “Perhaps spending the night here will remind him why he needs to manage his money better.  Speaking of managing things, have you refrained from consuming your new D.D.D. thus far, Beel?”
“Yeah, I still have it.  I’m trying to decide on a background that won’t make me want to eat it again.  Belphie and the others have given me suggestions, but nothing’s worked out.”
“That’s probably ‘cause they were thinkin’ about stuff that they like,” Mammon asserted.  “Lemme guess:  You’ve been told to try something with fictional characters, cats or animals in general, selfies, and relaxing outdoor views, right?”
Beelzebub blinked in astonishment.  “Wow, you listed everything they said.”
Mammon gave a short victorious laugh before exclaiming, “Of course I did!  You guys are so predictable!”
“Is that so?” Lucifer questioned with a knowing smirk.  “I believe you’re just as predictable, Mammon.  If I had to guess, I’d say that every time you unlock your phone, you’re met with a picture of my credit card, correct?”
“Her name is Goldie, ya know!”  Mammon paused as the rest of Lucifer’s words caught up to him.  “W-Wait, how did ya—  Whatever!  That was just a lucky guess!  Now it’s my turn to prove how predictable you are, Lucifer.”
“You’re awfully cheeky for someone who’s about to be hanging upside down for the next several hours.  But go ahead, let’s hear it.”
“Your phone background—”  Mammon stopped for a second to create a dramatic effect.  “—is just the default one!”
“You mean the image that’s already there when you get a new phone?” Beelzebub inquired.
“Impressive,” Lucifer complimented the second-born demon brother.  “You were right, Mammon.”
“HA!  I knew it!” Mammon cheered.  “Man, that’s so lame—  OW!!  I-I meant ‘tame!’  ‘Cause, y’know, you’re so prim and proper and a total straight-laced stick-in-the-mud—  GAHHH!!  Quit tightening the rope so hard!”
“Apparently you didn’t hear me,” Lucifer stated with another sharp pull on the ropes, “I said you were right.  As in, that used to be my phone background until some time ago.”
Beelzebub was once again amazed by Mammon’s skill in guessing such information about his brothers, but now he was curious about Lucifer’s phone.  “So, what’s your background now?” he asked.
“It’s a photo of Diavolo, Barbatos, and myself at the castle," Lucifer explained.  "Diavolo discovered that I never changed my background ever since I got my D.D.D. and pestered me until I agreed to replace it.  Making it a group photo was Barbatos’s idea, and that’s how it ended up including all three of us.”
“Do you not like it?” Beelzebub wondered.
“I wouldn’t say that.  I don’t see the background that often because I’m usually using an app on the phone, so that’s why I was indifferent about what the image was.  Diavolo believes that choosing a background makes a phone more personal and special to each individual.  I suppose I can’t disagree with him on that.  Should I ever misplace it, I’ll know right away that it’s my D.D.D. from the one-of-a-kind picture on the screen.”  Lucifer tied the last knot on the ropes and added, “But that's enough talk for now.  I need to finish with Mammon's punishment.”
Blocking out the sound of Mammon’s wailing as Lucifer proceeded to string him up to the ceiling, Beelzebub slowly trekked toward the kitchen while mulling over all of the ideas that his brothers provided.  However, no matter what he came up with, each potential background made him feel hungry in some kind of way.  
Beelzebub was about ready to bury his problem under the weight of all of the food in the kitchen when he passed by MC’s bedroom.  He peeked through the crack in their open door to see them working on something at their desk, their familiar refreshing appearance effortlessly subduing his hunger pangs.  They always seemed to know how to aid him whenever he felt troubled, so maybe they would know the perfect phone background for him.  A knock on the door was all it took for him to be granted access to his favorite human and share his dilemma with them.
MC hummed in thought as they processed everything Beelzebub told them.  “When you think about it,” they began, “all of your brothers chose pictures of things that they like, right?  Or things that are important to them.  What’s most important to you, Beel?”
“Most important to me...?” Beelzebub murmured.  Within the next few moments, a grin stretched across his face.  “I got it.  I know what I want my background to be, MC.”
“Okay, everyone!” Asmodeus called out cheerfully after adjusting the tripod that held Beelzebub’s phone.  “Move in closer so we can all fit!”
The seven other inhabitants of the House of Lamentation attempted to maneuver into two straight rows in front of Asmodeus.
“Ugh, I don’t want to be any closer to Lucifer than necessary," Satan grumbled as he settled into place in the front row.
“Are you still bitter that I caught you and Belphie preparing that shoddy trap for me in front of my study?” Lucifer inquired with his arms crossed while he stood tall behind the Avatar of Wrath.  “Next time, the two of you should plan it out better.”
Satan gritted his teeth.  “Oh, believe me:  We will.”  He then shot a glare at the youngest brother beside him.  “Won’t we, Belphie?”
“Yeah, yeah, I shouldn’t have nodded off while we were working,” Belphegor admitted.  “More importantly, Mammon, stop pulling MC away from me so that they can be closer to you.”
“I-I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” Mammon argued.  “I’m just makin’ sure ya don’t try to snuggle up to ‘em and take a nap on their shoulder during the photo!”
“At this point, it looks like I’m the one snuggling up to you,” MC noted, their side pressed against Mammon’s.  “Let’s all just be next to each other in a normal way.”
Mammon released his tugging on MC and turned his head away to hide his blush.  “F-Fine.  Just don’t come cryin’ to me if ya get drool all over ya.”
“Sounds like someone’s salty about getting rejected, LMAO,” Leviathan snickered.
Mammon turned around to bark at his younger brother, “Shaddup!” 
“Levi, make room for me at the end there so I can be more behind MC!” Asmodeus instructed.
“Huh?!  I have to move over even more?” Leviathan inquired in disbelief, already feeling claustrophobic.
“HA!  Serves ya right!” Mammon jeered.
“Will you stop shouting, Mammon?” Satan complained.
“All right, all right, let’s all calm down,” MC spoke up.  “We’re supposed to be taking a nice photo for Beel to make as his phone background, remember?”
“That’s right,” Lucifer chimed in.  “I expect you all to behave, or else we’ll be retaking this photo all day until we get it right.”
“Beel, is this fine with you?” Belphegor asked worriedly while glancing back at his twin.
Beelzebub nodded with a bright smile, grateful that everyone had accepted the request he had made the previous day.  “Yeah, this is perfect.”
“Looks like we’re all in,” Asmodeus announced.  “I’m starting the timer now!”
The steady ding of the phone’s camera timer counting down echoed in the House of Lamentation’s living room while Asmodeus hurried over to his spot and everyone else prepared themselves for the photo.  Beelzebub’s gaze grew more tender as he looked at each member of the group from the back row.  These were the individuals he was happy to call “family,” and they were more important to him than anything else in the three realms.  Overcome with joy and love, he leapt forward just as the camera’s flash went off, wrapping his arms around those next to him and leaning closer to those in the front row.  The action startled most of them, evident in their expressions captured in the photo.  Although it turned out to be a more candid shot than originally intended, Beelzebub treasured this picture that he kept as a permanent background on his phone.
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iwitch-plus · 7 months
Heya :) it's been a while!
Hi, my name is Dolly (she/her) and I've had this blog for quite some time! In the past I've done things like open up free readings, or create discord servers as a way to feel a sense of community, but this time around I think I'm okay with just being here instead of seeking attention and validation. A new era of this blog marks my first steps toward ACTUAL self-discovery and growth.
This was initially a side blog but now it's the main one I use. But since it's technically a side blog, if you see any likes/follows from @ibitch-plus that's me lol!
I just thought I'd make a pinned post sharing a little about myself, and I'll try to keep it brief but I'm bad at that.
The direction this blog is going to be going is ideally going to be personal, intimate, focused on my own growth as a person, and focused on my growth in my practice. I plan on being vulnerable and fairly open but not to the point where it's a burden on followers. I just want this to become a safe space for myself and others to share if they have been feeling like they're lacking in personal growth/their practice. You're not alone! And you're welcome to follow me and join me on my journey to help inspire your own journey!
I'm 23, I'm a Virgo sun, Gemini moon, Gemini rising, and I have an air dominant chart with a Gemini stellium!
I started researching and learning about Witchcraft in 2014/2015, so I guess I’ve been practicing on and off for 8-ish years. Still feel like a baby witch though, and ready to keep learning.
While I do love witchy aesthetics, my witchy blog has always been more dedicated to research, resources, and text posts along with my own personal photos, anecdotes, spells, and journey.
My witchy interests include:
Kitchen Witchery
The Moon
Glamour Magic
Low effort Witchcraft
Natural products (making my own salves, tinctures, balms, etc!)
All Greek pantheon, honestly
Spirits/Entities/Demons/Deities of all kinds
Pendulums, and most other forms of divination
Probably so many more but I can't think of any more specific ones!
My non witchy interests include:
Video games! Mostly Nintendo Switch gaming and cozy games but I play a lot of stuff on PC and some on other consoles, too!
Cartoons! Kids cartoons, adult cartoons, anime. I just like it better when it doesn't have real people in it. I love Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, recently been into Bob's Burgers, I'm just a big cartoon fan!
Cats! I have 2 boy kitties, a little black one and a big ol' orange dude. They're my favorite, and I love pretty much all cats in general.
Piercings and tattoos! I work in a tattoo shop, currently working on my piercing apprenticeship!
Mixology! Again, lol! I find the art of making and creating cocktails to be very witchy, but also just super fun in non-witchy ways.
Fashion! I love clothes and shoes, and I can never stick to one aesthetic
Pool! Like, as in billiards! Super random but it's fun and I've gotten a lot better over the past couple years!
Pretty much any hobby ever! Soap making, candle making, baking, embroidery, hand sewing, cosmetic making, jewelry making, singing, makeup, playing instruments, I just love to do it all.
Okay that's enough about me, like I said I'm bad at keeping it brief but there ya go! Can't wait to get back into the community. <3
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
Okay it’s 4am and I bring you: Ninjago gamer hcs (in order of who plays the most)
Jay is the gamer. That’s what he spends most of his time doing. He prefers older games for the nostalgia and has a massive collection. He also is just really into computers and consoles and knows so many unnecessary things about computing history and what pc has the best performance and what not. Yknow he’s probably a twitch streamer. And he just generally loves all kinds of games, arcade, console, computer, mobile. And he’s played all of them. He’s also probably tried his hand at coding games but he’ll start a project and never finish it (yknow like everyone ever). Jay also probably makes let’s plays and game reviews lol.
Cole is almost as diverse in his game tastes as Jay but he gets rlly into specifically rp games, and will ramble on about the plot of a game to anyone listening. He’s usually Jay’s player 2 in any co op game, and can become quite competitive (there’s like two instances of Cole being someone who beats other people’s high scores - even though one of those times was a prank by Lloyd). He’s actually got better hand eye coordination than Jay but Jay has more knowledge on game mechanics.
Pixal usually plays borg games (because yes of course Cyrus borg makes games). Regardless of what genre it is, she supports her dad. Although her favourites are racing games bc zooom. I think she’d enjoy rpgs as well idk. She got into gaming as a way to have alone time, and isn’t a huge fan of co op with the ninja because they’re really loud lol. But she can be player 3 sometimes.
Lloyd plays whatever is new trendy and “soon to be considered cringe” (not to say they are cringe but just to address the games that other ppl tend to describe as cringe). So he was big into minecraft and Fortnite (or the Ninjago versions of those) when it was popular. I can see him being in to first person shooters just because a lot of people play those. Oh and Nintendo esque games. Like we all know he kinned link from any Zelda ever. I think he’s also a fan of sonic tbh (jay too). Oh but Lloyd scarcely ever plays older games. He only really plays games that have just come out and as soon as a new game comes out he’s abandoned the old one forever.
Zane doesn’t play games all that often (honestly he enjoys board games more) but he does enjoy incredibly hard or thought provoking games. He’s a rhythm game king and is scary good. He’s also a mobile gamer on top of that. Unlike Cole, Zane can’t really get into rpgs especially if the graphics are kinda old school. Also he usually gets high scores so beating him is usually seen as a great triumph. Also everyone on the team is prone get frustrated at losing games but Zane isn’t really a sore loser because he never loses. But on the off chance that he does struggle with a game and loses, he’ll sigh and lie down on the sofa and idk refuse to make dinner. He’ll sulk the longest out of anyone and it’s fair because RHYTHM GAMES ARE SO PERSONAL OKAYYY
Nya doesnt really like video games. But she’ll play them to make jay happy because she likes seeing him game. But mostly she’ll just watch and offer random commentary. However she love love loves the dance game at the arcade because romance and also she likes being active (maybe she’d like a wii sports lol). She’s got a soft spot for the arcade but that’s about it.
Kai only likes a select handful of games and it’s usually brawl streetfighter games that specifically came out when he was a kid, and it’s mostly because he was good at them. He used to like them a lot more but grew out of it. He just doesn’t understand how complicated newer games are, and barely remembers how they work anyways. He’s like and old man who just watches Lloyd gush about the new game he got for his birthday with barely any idea of what’s going on. He’s more of jock so.
Wu does not game it hurts his eyes. I’d say he’d like chess but I think wu would absolutely despise chess (and it’s because both Garmadon and Misako are chess pros and wu doesn’t even remember the names of the pieces)
Bonus: all the ninja love (hate) mariokart and it is chaos. Cole spends 30 minutes picking a character, Lloyd can only be green characters because he relates to them, Kai is screaming because he keeps falling off the map, jay is screaming because he just screams during games, Nya doesn’t even play properly she drives around backwards on the map, Zane will get blue shelled and Pixal will win and Zane’s just holding back tears repeating “I love my gf” over and over. And Wu will unplug the tv because he wants to go to bed.
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4thmagicwielder · 3 months
I feel like a better reason to understand why people feel like there's no games on ps5, and maybe why it isn't selling like the nintendo switch is at least, might be more due to the way that the gaming market has changed rather than any lack of actual games, exclusive or otherwise.
See, it seems at least to me like the only real appeal to getting a ps5 is a not so vast collection of triple a games that, yeah, wouldn't be able to be played as easily on even similarly priced pcs, let alone cheaper and lesser hardware. The thing is however, is that not everyone wants or can afford to buy the latest, sharpest edged, state of the graphics triple a games that cost 70 USD these days, on top of needing to get a 4-500 USD console for it plus controllers and however much those costs each. And of course, said triple a games that are basically the only ones that can only run on ps5 might not even be games that people want to play or are that interested in to get a new console.
This of course runs into the bigger issue of double a games being in such small number I think, the kind of games that could maybe be a little cheaper, maybe rub different people's niches more, and also be cheaper and easier to produce to counteract the whole "ps5 and xbox series have no games" argument by just having more games that also don't make or break companies as much. Said double a games could still run on ps4 maybe, but could still run much better on ps5 to motivate people to buy one compared to indie games that you really don't need a whole new console over.
There's probably more to it of course, but I feel that there is a reason why people think 9th generation consoles right now have more games, or at least, not enough to justify having anything more than a switch, an old ps4, and or a steam account with plenty of deals and variety.
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egg-emperor · 5 months
I'm really happy I got to play Sonic Dream Team in the end. playing Sonic games really is a whole other vibe than just watching them, getting to immerse myself and experience it makes me feel so much more connected. I feel like I got to go to Ego City instead of just seeing it on a YouTube video and with poor quality low bit rate. XD and it's best to experience the story like that too because it was happening in real time and I had to earn it and have time to think about it in between cutscenes.
just makes me think about how I always highly recommend playing any Sonic games you can before properly analyzing and forming an opinion on any aspect honestly, even story. hell, I didn't even understand and like Frontiers for gameplay and story until I played it all the way through, not the first time but the second time. I understand that in the circumstances of Dream Team specifically, it makes sense that a lot of people unfortunately can't play it because it's limited to just Apple devices.
but for most of the other games, there are a number of ways to play, mostly easy and affordable, especially any game older than like five years old are so easy to get a hold of and pre-owned consoles can be cheap if you can't afford a brand new one or crazy gaming PC. I just really highly recommend more people playing and beating the games, any and all of the main Sonic titles you can. it's really a whole different experience than just watching any of them on YouTube, you may end up feeling much different about a lot of aspects.
I've played and beaten every single Sonic game that's possible for me to obtain in my 18 years of being a fan. that includes all main series titles and most spin offs. only ones I haven't ever played at all are rarer or straight up impossible ones without spending 100s-1000s. I've had every kind of console across those years BUT you can get a lot of the most important Sonic game titles on the Wii (not Wii U, get Wii for the GameCube compatibility for more games) and Xbox 360 especially, with all the different available titles, game collections, etc and the pre-owned console and games for both can be so cheap
playing the games is always a wildly different and way better experience for me than anything else to do with the series and watching videos really doesn't ever feel the same to me. I always highly recommend playing as many as you can
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chevvy-yates · 11 months
hopping onto the hype train and doing this too since this is a rather chill thing to do than having to think intensely about lore. But since I'm always so bad at deciding just for two pics, I'm going to make it three — but Vijay gets the ps4 bonus since his origin is from console. So lets start this!
Vijay got the privilege to be my first V and he exists since end of 2020 but I didn't take any pics until 2021 of him. Back then I loved taking pics on my ps4 but I hated it so so so so much you weren't able to turn it into 90° — it was a pain for me to tae portait pics. Bc of the crisis back then I somehow stopped playing games (+ consuming social media for nearly 2 years) so, PS4 Vijay never made it trough the game. I started with him dark blonde but changed him to be a ginger when I picked him up again in June 2022 and found my way back to fandom so I wanted to post my boy.
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He got warmly accepted even though he was just a smudgy PS4 cinnamon roll, but I was frustrated he couldn't have clothes I wanted him to have (fishnet shirt, my beloved), so I bought myself a gaming laptop real quick and recreated him exactly as he was on PS4 but added a few things as soon as I knew how to use mods and amm (took me about two weeks bc I learn fast) that disturbed me (red nose), so I gave him better skin and all the clothes he should have. Now he's got a new hairstyle too but aside of that didn't change.
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My most precious boy had the privilege to get built with pc version already, otherwise he would have looked totally different. Like V, Ryder didn't change much afterwards. You only spot details I exchanged and these are minor. He got another skin tone, his nails are now pointy and he's got sharp teeth, thats it. When I create a character I'm not gonna change them afterwards. If they are not perfect right from the start, I won't create them. And visually Ryder was a perfect creation right from the start — he embodies my favorite style — but I'm honest, I had mixed feelings about him at first. The way he looked at me through the screen told me that he's a difficult one. Didn't know if I'd like him and if he's only to stay a side character or not, just the ex-boyfriend. But it took a journey I never thought I was able to produce for him. And somewhere along the process I fell in endless love with him — not even a full year has passed since his creation.
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Okay listen, I did take pics of him right after I created him but I was not satisfied with the 'scars' on his face, the lip make up and he also had dark grey hair and the vanilla hair (I use for Jay now) at first but it was too dark, so I changed it immediately afterwards. I know some people seeing this first on the left now might scream "ooooh but he looked badass!" — I get that, but this look was drifting off way too much into the direction where Ryder is (and like I said - my fav style) but I wanted a soldier with albinism and not a second guy who would be falsely misinterpreted as another cyber goth guy like it happened with Ryder. So I gave him the silver hair and style and changed the lips to pale rosé, took another shot saw the scars needed to be different as well and now Thyjs looks like he is now. It's funny what only hair and lip color can make for a difference. I doubt I'll ever change something on him either except for a different hairstyle maybe. I thought about trying out the new KS Atlas body on him though but if the tummy cyberware doesn't work with it this will not change.
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had the luck I was already fluent in everything vp after warming up, so there's not a single change to see except I started using raytracing shortly after I created him. He's basically a copy of Vijay and got everything I'd have wanted Vijay to be in the first place, but went a different way I didn't wanna change. I did not create Jay because of that, though, Jay came to be because of story plotting. he won't change either, except his tattoos one day (not the glowing things).
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so the result of this for me personally when I look at the quality changes is I just had to warm up with using windows things (as I'm an apple user due to my job), get fond of amm, poses, using light and push the ray tracing button to get to the level I'm now. that why my quality got so good so fast. Just needed to get into virtual photography is all. Maybe I got better at sth but I do not notice it and I honestly do not care, I just do what I like still not holding much of myself and my art. Its a hobby that keeps me busy.
But I'm also glad my oc's didn't change much, only right after their creation I changed something bc pics showed me it was not what I pictured. And the rest is only minor cosmetic changes. So I think I always go in with a preceise concept, a plan I have made before I start the cc. I remember I scanned entire nexus mods 2 days before creating Ryder, picking out everything I could imagine, even his wardrobe, then built an imagine in my head and only started once my imagination was ready.
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