#and the one other finished thing can sit in my drafts to post later for the illusion of me doing more art than I have haha
tevintersnakes · 1 month
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Lab tech brain compels me to ramble through my OC
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boy in silly sitting positions compilation
#cats#I especially like the last one where he just has one single paw poking out of that box for some reason lol#I still have costumes to post and like a billion other things.... grr... constantly failing at staying active on social media aughh#I think because currently my Main Focus is on trying to get my game done and stuff.. which basically just means sitting and writing all day#so there's not much to post about. Though I know the Good At Social Media thing to do would be to post about the#writing and share progress and talk about the game and characters or whatever to try to build interest or something but that is SOOO weird#to me.. I could maybe get it if it was like a tiny tiny discord groupchat of playtesters with like 5 people in#it.. But something about talking openly about things before they happen is weird to me?? Like presumptuous feeling or something#''oooo guess whats gonna happen LATER!!!'' like.. how do you know.. what if it doesnt. what if you dont finish it. what if its not the way#you think it's going to be. what if something changes. etc. Like I literally avoid movie trailers and game trailers for the same reason ghj#Even if it's not ME doing it it just feels... weird.. Maybe it has to do with my OCD and how I just don't like talking about ''future''#things in Certain Terms. Like if I was going to say ''Oh yeah sure. come over to my house in a few months''. I would have to follow it up#with like ''HOPEFULLY you can come over to my house in a few months'' or 'They'll come over in a few months MOST LIKELY''. Because just#stating that something will happen matter of factly takes for granted like.. what if somehting horrible happens and I DONT have a house#in a few months? or what if something bad happens to me. or to the person coming over? I can't ever DEFINITELY say with 100% certainty#that one could ACTUALLY come to my house in a few months. anything could change. So I have to allot for that in my phrasing. hbjjkn#There are a lot of situations where you're expected to just Assume Things but for some reason that bothers me. My brain literally does not#even Assume the most basic things.. like how do *I* know that just because it's someones birthday that they want to be wished a happy#birthday? what if they dont? everyone is different and has different preferences. I should check with them first. or wait until they public#ly announce that theyre accepting birthday wishes. I have to allot for all 5034859069 rare possibilities at any given time and never take#anything for certain. etc. ghjbjhbh.... ANYWAY.. I have been feeling a bit sick lately as usual.. but still slowly making progress on some#things. Moslty I need to edit costume photos. make sculptures. and work on the game. Going back reading some of the old writing from like#2018 and suprisingly I don't have to change that much of it? In fact I like it mostly. so that's good. I would be very interested if I were#playing the game myself. Though that doesnt mean much since my tastes are so niche lol..#Still really want to clear some of my million tumblr drafts as well... alas and aughh and ooughh and so on and so forth. Between all of my#evil appointments other such things...why cant I have one billion dollar to retire into relaxed hermit artist life of no stressors.. bleas
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that-sarcastic-writer · 10 months
A Love Game
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DI!Single!Dad!Leon S. Kennedy X F!Teacher!Reader
Summary: You hear a glimpse of Leon's relationship with his daughter. And later he makes you a proposal you just can't refuse
Warnings: mild sexual content, still minors dni, brief phone sex, allusions to sex, Leon has a mouth on his as always, bit of soft!dom leon, mostly Leon being a soft dad on this one, foul language (as always), no use of y/n
WC: 3k
A/N: so I'm totally in love with this dynamic! And yalls support was insane. I literally wrote two separate drafts of a continuation of these two and whichever I finished first was gonna be posted, so the light smut one won bc I'm tired atm and didn't feel like sitting in front of my computer for 6 hours🙃 so this short part will have a second part to it with full spicy time. And another standalone part with these two (coffee and other things) having some more spicy time is also in the works, so stay tuned. Besitos <3
Universe Masterlist
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Leon blinked slowly, his eyes now starting to grow sore from staring at the bright computer screen for so long. But he just hadn't had time to finish this stupid report. Sure, he has had two whole days to get it done, but with a tiny human clinging to his arm every waking minute, it was a bit more complicated than he thought. But he couldn't possibly ignore his little girl when he barely had the time to be with her without having to worry about stopping some mad scientist with too much time in their hands. He didn't mind though. His little girl was more important than anything else. 
Still, he took advantage of the little window of time he had now. He had given Isabella dinner a little over an hour ago. Then left her in the dining room to finish her homework. She had always been a smart girl, responsible with her homework, she never fussed when he asked her to do it, so it didn't worry him in the slightest to leave her to do her own thing. She tended to get distracted when he was around anyway. 
Though, maybe an hour had gone by when he heard tiny feet pad bare through the wood floors and he saw a mess of chocolate brown strands sticking from its bun peek above his computer screen. He slowly lowered the screen until it was almost shut and he was met with a pair of sapphire eyes that were a replica of his own. He raised an eyebrow at her. 
"Daddy." She took a step closer to him, her eyes big like she wanted to ask him something. 
Leon sat up fully, setting his laptop aside and nodded at her, giving her his full attention now. "What's up bee?" 
"Can I.. uhm.. I can play with your switch now?" She asked, dark lashes batting as she fiddled with her hands. As if she had to give him puppy dog eyes for him to say yes. He kept his face serious though. 
"You wanna play on my switch?" She nodded. He ran his fingers over his light stubble as if he was thinking real hard, he pursed his lips in thought. "I dunno hun, did you finish your homework?" 
"How did you know I had homework?" She asked with an adorable frown on her face, it took Leon all of his willpower not to break then. 
"Well I do now." He slipped a smile and she pouted. He couldn't help but chuckle at his little girl. He took her in his arms and sat her on his lap. "Well I knew before. Wanna know how?" 
Her head perked up. "How?" 
Leon leaned into her ear with a smile, "'Cause dads know everything about their little girls." He pressed a kiss to the side of her hair and set her back on her feet. "But yeah, Miss Pretty Teacher told me." 
"That's cheating!" She whipped her head around with a gasp and glared at him. He again couldn't hide his laugh. 
"Yeah alright, you caught me," he raised his hands up at her in surrender. "You can play on the switch for a bit. Do you remember how to turn it on?" 
Izzy proudly nodded and skipped over to the large TV hooked up to the living room. The TV had been on, nothing playing, but just on, since Leon had intended to play some white noise in the background but never actually loaded up anything. He switched to the right input as he watched Izzy turn on the Switch. It took her a second to remember how, but she was happily skipping back to the couch with the controllers as the loading screen came up before Leon could get up to help. He shook his head to himself, but he puffed out a breath when Izzy jumped on his lap, rather hard, the little girl giggling when he groaned. 
"Jesus Christ, when did you get so big?" He chuckled, fixing her on his lap so she wouldn't fall and watched as she scrolled through the games until she found Mario Kart. 
"I turned seven in October, remember?" She piped up, genuinely reminding him of such an important date, as if he would ever forget. He nodded. 
"I know, Izzy. I took you to Dave and Busters with Amara, remember?" 
"Oh. Yeah, you're right. That was fun. We should go again sometime! Please daddy?" She turned her head to look at him with this smile on her face and her big blue eyes. 
God, what did he ever do to deserve this kid? 
He pressed his lips to her forehead and nodded. 
"'Course. I'll talk to Amara's mom, okay?" 
He watched as Izzy excitedly nodded and cheered happily before she got lost in the game in front of her. He didn't mind her having screen time. It wasn't like she had an iPad glued to her face twenty-four-seven. He let her play once or twice a week, and maybe a third if he was feeling like playing with her. And she was more than happy to spend that time with her dad. 
Tonight he wasn't really feeling playing, so he watched her do her best. To her, she was the biggest winner there ever was, throwing turtle shells and bombs at practically nothing and hitting the wall with every curve, but she had fun with it, so he let her be, cheering her on whenever she finished a race, even if it was in ninth or eighth place. 
Maybe thirty minutes had passed when he felt his phone buzz beside him. He took his eyes away from the colorful screen to look at his phone. It lit up with a text, and his smile grew wide at the name. 
My pretty teacher. 
He grabbed his phone and quickly opened the conversation. You had been texting back and forth all day, for days now, after what he considered a perfect first date, but he just hadn't gotten around to match your schedule to plan another date. So you had resorted to texting and maybe calling once here and there. But God, he was really missing you right about now.
My pretty teacher: sorry, I went to dinner with my mom and sister. And I just got home. Hru? 
He bit his lip as he attempted to type into his phone one handed. 
Me: It's fine. I'm ok. With izzy. 
My pretty teacher: awww🥰 
Me: Can you call? I'm texting with one hand at the moment. 
You saw the message, and he could see the three text bubbles appear and disappear. Until they didn't come back. He mentally grimaced at himself, maybe the idea of talking to him while Isabella was there made you uncomfortable? Shit. He hadn't thought about that. Christ, he hadn't dated in so long he had forgotten that being a single dad wasn't exactly the biggest turn on. No matter how much one liked kids. 
His anxiety riddled brain stopped racing when he saw your contact name pop up on his screen as his phone started ringing. He grinned to himself. He glanced at Izzy— her full attention was still on her game, he shrugged and answered the call. He set his phone down, still having one ear bud in from when he was working on his laptop. 
"Hey Miss." He spoke first, his heart racing in his chest a bit. 
"Hi Leon." He could hear the smile in your voice. That shy smile he thought was the prettiest thing. 
"You busy?" He asked, still a bit worried he was interrupting you in the middle of something. Though the indistinct sound of TV playing in the background let him know that maybe you weren't that busy. 
"Not really. I got home a little bit ago so I was just about to run myself a bath." You answered, walking back and forth between your bedroom and the bathroom connected to it. "You?"
Leon tried his hardest not to think about your words too much. Not right now. 
"Nah. Just watching Izzy play on my switch. She's kicking ass in Mario Kart." He heard you blurt out a giggle, which made him chuckle, but what made him actually laugh was Izzy shooting him a frown over her shoulder. 
"Daddy, that's a no-no word." 
Leon snapped his head down at Izzy and he frowned, not sure if he heard her correctly, "What's that bee?" 
"I said that's a bad word."
"What is?" 
Leon almost snorted at the way she said the word. With a frown and her lips pursed. He didn't care if she said bad words or not. He sure as hell said them all the time, but he encouraged her not to repeat what he said, in front of other people, at least. He narrowed his eyes at her. 
"So don't say it. I'm an adult. I can say them." When she kept looking at him, he placed a hand on top of her head and —gently— turned her head back towards the TV screen, despite her protest. "Keep playing your game, Isabella. Or you can't sit on my lap anymore." 
All Leon could hear was you attempting to muffle your laughter, but he could hear your giggles loud and clear. He only rolled his eyes, but he had a tiny smile of his own. 
"C'mon don't laugh, being a parent is hard. Are you the one teaching her this no-no bull— B.S?" He caught himself, closing his eyes when you laughed even more, now not even bothering to hide it. 
"I have to! I have a swear jar, I'm sorry. I gotta set an example." 
He actually laughed at this, remembering the mouth you had on you when he had you on his bed. 
"Yeah, well, you weren't so pure and innocent when you were screaming—" He caught himself again, his own eyes widening when he remembered Isabella was right there and he sighed out softly. "Give me an hour and I'll give you the answer you deserve, Miss." 
You stayed quiet for a second, not because he offended you, but because you needed a second to breathe and control the heat that flashed between your legs at his insinuation. You exhaled deeply before responding. 
"You're what again? Playing Switch with Izzy? 
Leon hummed in response. "She is. She's sitting on my lap so I'm being forced to watch." 
"I'm not forcing you!"
"On your game, Isabella. Stop listening to my conversation." 
"Does she have her own Switch or something?" You asked, now sitting on the edge of your bathtub as hot water poured from the faucet. 
"No. It's my Switch. But I leave it in the living room so she can play sometimes." He answered you with a shrug you obviously couldn't see. 
You chuckled softly, "How old are you again?" 
"Thirty-eight, but that's besides the point. I barely have time to use the thing. I mostly bought it for Izzy." He wasn't lying— entirely. He sometimes played, late at night by himself when he wanted to drown himself in a bottle of whiskey. He would choose to play a game to blow off steam instead of getting drunk with his little girl sleeping in the next room or passing out drunk at some shitty bar. 
"I'm very convinced by that." You snorted, making him sigh out at you.
"Hmph. Whatever. You wouldn't understand how cathartic throwing green turtle shells at tiny cars can be." 
"Oh I bet." 
"Daddy?" You heard Isabella's voice through the phone and your heart warmed.
Leon looked down at Izzy, "Yeah?" 
"Who are you talking to?" She asked with genuine curiosity, her very glorious race tournament now over and her attention was on him. 
He heard you go silent, most likely having heard the little girl and he sighed out, his eyes landing up on the ceiling for a second as he thought of his answer. 
"Just a friend, bee." He ultimately decided on that answer. It wasn't that he was ashamed of being with you, not at all, but Izzy was still young, and even he knew there had to be a proper introduction of you outside of your teacher role. He actually wanted to do this the right way.
"You fuck my brains out last week and I'm just a friend now?" He heard you comment in his ear and he groaned out. 
"C'mon, that's not fair." He leaned back into the couch, his forearm over his eyes now as he basically had two women all over him, pressing him with way too many questions for his liking. 
"I'm just giving you a hard time, Leon. I get it." There was humor in your voice, lightheartedness and even though he couldn't see you, he had a feeling you had that gentle smile on your lips. That eased the pressure on his chest. 
"Listen sweetheart, it's almost Izzy's bedtime," His eyes were on Izzy now, and with his eyes he was nudging at her to start wrapping up her game. She pouted, but didn't otherwise fuss. "Call you in an hour?" 
You both had this dumb, lovesick smile on your face, if only you could see the other.
"I'll be up."
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The warm water, the foaming body wash and the intoxicating smell of your favorite candle had done wonders to relax you. When you left the bathtub you felt like a whole new person. Though there still this tug of butterflies in your stomach as you anxiously waited for Leon to call you. 
You sat on the edge of the tub, warm and fluffy robe wrapped around your naked body as you mindlessly scrolled through your social media for a little while before you decided to check out for the night. You nearly slipped right off the tile when your phone buzzed and you felt a cold shiver run down your spine. 
"Hey, sorry about, y’know, earlier. Izzy and I are like that." You smiled at the sound of Leon's voice, now a bit hushed but more relaxed and carefree, like he now could say whatever the fuck he wanted. 
"It's okay. It was cute, hearing how you talk to her. You're sweet." You smiled to yourself, and you could hear him breathe out a soft laugh, most likely a bit flustered by your words, but he otherwise didn't show it. "You put her to sleep though?" 
"Yeah, I stayed with her 'til she fell asleep. I'm in my bedroom now, about to take a shower." He said the words slowly, with purpose, like he wanted you to think about it like he had been thinking about you, taking that bath. "So, you take your bath yet?" 
"Yeah, it was nice. I definitely needed it. I could've used some company though." You bit your lip, testing his reaction. There was silence, then he hummed. 
"Yeah? That so?" Now it was your turn to hum in agreement, your legs instinctively closing as you tried to soothe the ache between your thighs. "I'm sure you could've. Would've been nice to have someone hold you, right? Have someone leave kisses on your wet skin, say how good you're doing while getting your pretty pussy fingered?" 
You couldn't hold back the moan that left your throat at his words, and your free hand instantly traveled down, stopping at your belly. 
"Oh, that's a sound I'll never get tired of hearing. Fuck, you're already moaning for me and I'm not even there to give you a reason." He exhaled out a chuckle, his hardening cock starting to press against his sweatpants. 
"Fuck, I really wish you were here." You sighed out, your hand itching closer towards your already wet cunt, but you knew it wasn't your touch you ached for. It was Leon's. 
"Yeah? Why's that?" 
You whined softly, your phone almost slipping off your grip as your head fell to the side. "Leon…" 
"Tell me." 
"Because… I really, really, need you to touch me, hold me, ugh— I just need you to fuck me, Leon." 
Leon clenched his fist as his side, teeth digging into his bottom lip as he listened to your desperate words, and the sound shot straight to his cock. Fuck, he'd be lying if he said he didn't need you, too. 
"Goddamn baby," He grunted softly, his hand now brushing the front of his sweats, where his cock strained against the material, and he tried to muffle the sound between his teeth, but you heard it anyway. "You have no fucking idea how much I've been wanting to ruin that pussy of yours again. It's actually driving me crazy." 
You shuddered, the ache between your legs starting to become unbearable. "I really want to see you too, baby." 
Leon closed his eyes, biting his lip raw as he thought fuck it. He could explain in the morning. 
"Fuck it, just fuck it. Wanna take the drive here? I swear I'll give you exactly what you need and it'll be so worth it." 
You'd like to think you were a rational person, you always thought things through twice, three times if necessary. You didn't take risks, much less acted in a way that could be considered immoral, but for Leon? Fuck, for that man you would become the biggest whore in this world if it meant he would take you just one more time. 
"Be there in thirty." 
Fuck it. 
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Sneak peek of A Love Game Part II, coming soon
His lips were hard on your own, messy on your jaw, like he didn't know which part he wanted to kiss more. Your fingers were entangled in his perfectly soft honey brown strands, already melting under his touch. His hand came up under your jaw to grip your face in place, long fingers sprawled out over your neck. He pulled you back by your face and his eyes were hard on you, with this mixture of authority and utter need to fuck you. He could be both. 
"This is how this is gonna be. I'm going to throw you on that bed and fuck you the way you deserve. But I better not hear a single fucking sound leave those pretty lips of yours. Not tonight. Got it?"
Stay tuned for upcoming parts lovelies. Besitos<3
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7ndipity · 4 months
“Are You Confident?”
fwb!Jungkook x Plus Size Reader
Summary: The one where you get fed up with Jungkook’s teasing and decide to take him up on his offer.
Word Count: just under 1.7k
Warnings: +18 mdni, smut. oral(m. receiving), swearing, Jk starts out fuckboy-ish but turns subby, slight dom reader, reader’s referred to as Noona, not proofread
A/N: This idea has been sitting in my drafts since early December, but I finally managed to finish part one! This is sort of a prequel to this drabble, so if you can read it too if you liked this one. I’ll also be posting part two and a masterlist(hopefully)later this week, so lmk what you think!
If you had to choose a favorite place in the whole world, you would choose Jungkook’s apartment without a thought. Not your own apartment, not you favorite shop, not even the dream vacation you’d been planning and saving up for forever, just being tucked into the corner of Jungkook’s couch, Bam curled up next to you, his massive head resting in your lap, subtly begging for pets as you vented to his owner about your most recent dating fiasco.
The guy one of your friends had set you up with had seemed nice enough at first, but as dinner progressed, things had progressively gone downhill.
“Did he least pay for dinner?” Jungkook asked, sprawled on the opposite end of the couch.
“I’d assume so, I walked out before the bill even came.” You replied, taking a long drink from your glass.
“Why do you even bother with dating anyway? You said before you hated it.” He asked.
“I’ve told you, I’m… lonely.” You said pointedly, avoiding his eyes.
He squinted at you, understanding suddenly flashing across his face.
“Ah, so you just need to get laid?” He asked, sitting back with a smirk as your face flushed with color. “Why didn’t you just say so? I could help you with that.”
“Ugh, shut up.” You groaned, getting up and heading to the kitchen.
“I’m serious.” He said, following you. “It’s better than fucking some random asshole.”
This type of conversation was a recurring thing in your friendship. Jungkook loved to tease you, and with a relationship that had grown as close as yours had, he had plenty of opportunities.
Your friends often joked that the two of you should just date already with the way you acted with each other, often toeing the line between what was typically considered okay for ‘just friends’. You’d slept in the same bed more times than you could count(a fact that had made Taehyung nearly choke on his drink when he’d found out), you’d even kissed at his friend's New Years Eve party after a few too many drinks and a similar conversation to the one you were currently having, lamenting about not having someone to kiss at midnight.
You didn’t know what had possessed you to do it, all you could remember was hearing the countdown and leaning in, connecting your lips with his for the briefest moment, only for him to quickly chase after yours when you had started to pull away.
Neither of you had brought it up afterwards, but the memory of it was permanently seared into your mind; the feel of his lips moving against yours, the way his hands had gently gripped your waist-
You shook your head, redirecting your attention back to the current moment, trying to ignore Jungkook as he leaned against the counter next to you.
“Look, if you don’t want to, that’s totally fine, I’m just offering a possible solution to your problem,” He said, shrugging as he grinned at you. “You know, if you’re really desperate.”
You scoffed. “You’re one to talk. When's the last time you even went on a date again?”
Your words had the desired effect on him, turning his expression sour.
“That’s different, I’ve been… busy.” He said grudgingly.
“Uh-huh, sure.” You grinned triumphantly.
“I mean it though,” He said. “If that’s really all you’re after, I’d be glad to help.”
You blinked at him in disbelief. “Seriously?”
“Yeah,” He shrugged. “I mean, like you said, it’s not like I've got anything going either. It doesn’t have to be a big deal, just two friends helping each other out.”
“That is, if you think you can handle me.” He added with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes, letting out an irritated laugh. “Please, I could handle you.”
“Are you confident?” He asked, quirking a brow at you.
“Yes.” You answered immediately, catching both him and yourself off guard as you stared him down.
Your words weren’t entirely true, you weren’t all that confident when it came to things like this, but Jungkook had a way of triggering your stubborn streak, whether it was with that cocky smile he always threw your way or the domineering tone he like to tease you with, something about him made you suddenly brave and willing to challenge anything he said.
Normally, that was part of what made your friendship fun, the two of you constantly bickering and at odds with each other, but this was much different than arguing over where to get dinner or what to watch on tv.
You were chest to chest now, able to feel his heart pounding surprisingly fast as he stared down at you.
“Prove it.” He said, his tone having lost its teasing edge as his gaze flickered between your eyes and your mouth.
That was all it took to make you break.
You closed the gap between the two of you, pushing him back against the wall as your lips clashed.
This wasn’t at all like the first time you’d kissed, there was no hesitancy or tender playfulness, it was hot and rushed and needy, full of tongue and teeth.
You were aware of a voice in the back of your head frantically screaming at you, something about how this was terrible idea and could ruin things between you and Jungkook completely, but you really couldn’t bring yourself to care as his warm hands found your waist, pulling you flush against him as his tongue fought with yours for dominance. He tasted sharp and sweet like the wine you had brought, his skin hot under your fingertips as your hands slipped from his shoulders to tangle in his hair, tugging lightly at the strands and earning a low grunt from him.
His grip on your hips tightened before sliding down to grope your ass, grinding you against the growing bulge in his pants.
A surprised squeak left you, making him chuckle against your lips as you mentally cursed yourself. You were not about to let him have the upper hand, not this quickly.
You slipped a hand down between you to palm him over his pants, squeezing just enough to cause what sounded very much like a moan to you to release from his throat, though you knew he’d tried to deny it.
Just as suddenly as you’d begun, you pulled away, making his eyes snap open in confusion.
“What are you-?” He panted, stopping in shock as you dropped to your knees in front of him.
“I’m helping you out.” You said simply, undoing his belt as you looked up at him with doe eyes. “Is that okay?”
He nodded, breathing unsteadily.
“I need words, Sweetie.” You said, making him flush at the petname as you fiddled with his zipper. “I can’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me.”
“I want it,” He quickly blurted, giving up control with surprising ease as he stared down at you, eyes black with need. “I-I want your mouth, please.”
“Good boy.” You tugged his jeans down, revealing the prominent tent in his boxers, a small wet patch on the material showing just how eager he was.
“These are cute.” You commented, toying with the waistband before letting it snap back against his skin, making him jump slightly. “Purple looks good on you.”
“Noona, please.” He whined in frustration, his head falling back against the wall as his hips twitched forward involuntarily.
“Fine, since you’re asking so politely.” You pulled his boxers down, letting his cock spring free, hanging heavy in front of your face.
He was slightly bigger than you expected, the tip flushed deep red and leaking precum as you took him in your hand, making him shudder.
“Mm, should’ve known, even your cock’s pretty.” You mused, leaning in to give it a cursory lick, sucking the tip into your mouth for a moment before pulling back, leaving a few kisses along the underside of his length as you glanced up at him to gauge his reaction.
He was staring down at you slack-jawed, his breaths coming out in uneven pants as you pumped him with your hand.
He already looked slightly fucked out and you’d barely done anything to him yet, giving you a massive surge of confidence as you held eye contact with him, gathering as much spit as you could in your mouth before letting it dribble down over his twitching length.
“Fuck.” He muttered under his breath, squiming slightly.
Still holding his gaze, you took him fully into your mouth, sinking down as far as you could go.
“Fuck!” He gasped, his head falling back against the wall with a thump as you pulled back, swirling your tongue around him teasingly before sinking down again, letting him hit the back of your throat and holding him there for a moment before pulling off.
You quickly found your rhythm, bobbing your head up and down on him and using your hands on what wouldn’t fit in your mouth.
He let out a low whine, fists clenched so tight against his thighs his knuckles had gone white.
Noticing this, you used your free hand to guide his to your head, letting him tangle his fingers in your hair and giving him something to ground himself with.
All too soon, you felt him beginning to tense, his grip on your head tightening as his thighs started to shake.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna cum.” He whimpered. “Where do you want me to-?”
You only answer to him taking him and deeper and swallowing around him, making him cry out as his hip bucked forward, fucking your face as he chased his release.
“Shit, Y/n, I-” His words were choked off with a groan as he came, cumming down your throat in hot spurts.
He slumped back against the wall, breathing hard as you slowly pulled off of him, making a point to meet his eyes again as you swallowed.
“Shit, Y/n,” He said weakly as you stood back up. “That was-”
You cut him off with another kiss, feeling him twitch against your leg as he tasted himself on your tongue.
“I’m not done with you yet.”
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @dfqcsqueen @ldysmfrst
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starwurldd · 22 days
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★. masterlist ᡣ𐭩
☆. headcannons for miguel ! coming soon…
★. currently listening to… ON DAT BXTCH - LUMI ATHENA
☆. this fic contains… intentional lowercase. everyone is 18+ ! miguel o’hara x reader. fem bodied reader. blackcoded but anyone can read it. chubby!reader. spiderwoman!reader. reader wears a pink spider suit. miguel calls you spiderbarbie as a insult because of your suit. miguel o’hara. miguel has a nose piercing. also has salt/pepper brown hair because he be stressin’. miguel speaks spanish. masterbation (fem.) kissing. pet names. hair pulling. throat fucking. heavy dirty talk. not proofread so mistakes are def present .
★. summary… you’ve always had a persistent oral fixation. since you were small you always had your mouth on something, but miguel wants to help fix that nasty habit once and for all. (I’m terrible at descriptions.)
☆. word count aprox… 2k.
★. notes… hi! I’m kinda back into the writing scene? I originally posted this on a03 but decided to also move it here for some reason, just with a couple of tweaks. Hopefully during the summer I can write more and produce some more fics/head cannons or whatever. Main goal rn is to clean out my drafts to declutter. Until then, see ya later ! <3
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one of the many, many strange things about miguel o’hara was his attention to detail. his keen observation and good memory grants him the ability to notice even the smallest, minute changes. doesn’t matter if something is slightly moved from its original spot or if old paint starts to lose its tint, it never escapes his vigilant, hawk-like eyes, not even you. to him, your sucker seemed like an inseparable part of you, which he was absolutely right about. ever since you were little you’ve always had a knack for putting things in your mouth—chewing pen caps, biting water bottle tops. your bad habit offered a bit of comfort, especially during anxiety inducing moments. gum became a temporary solution, always at hand to help your needs, but over time gum became boring so you moved on to the next big thing: candy. a sweet, textured solution of various sizes that seemed to be helpful. though, out of the millions and millions of options, only suckers stuck: a pink lemonade flavor. the taste left a soft tingle in your mouth which you couldn’t get enough of. you weren’t exactly new to the world of suckers but this one you really liked a lot. like a lot, a lot. the first time you let the ball of sugar rest on your tongue you bought almost $133 worth of suckers off amazon and almost finished them in the same week. between battling villains to regular day job hours, you always had one in your mouth. the feeling of something so heavy and so sweet resting on your tongue just felt so good.
your obsession soon extended to the spider society, stashing suckers in your spidey belt or around the base. there was even a time miguel found some taped under his control pad, which he was obviously not happy about. when you arrived at headquarters your mask was pulled over your nose to expose your mouth at work. signature lollipop hidden between your soft, glossed lips. the candy’s hue stained them a charming baby pink, a shade that complimented you cutely. as you traversed the corridors you greeted a couple of members you happened to pass by—some familiar faces. others new arrivals. flashing them with your gorgeous smile and a wave you continued your way towards the meeting room, you knew gwen, peter b, jessica, patrick, and of course miguel were all gonna be discussing something important. the moment you enter you catch miguel’s gaze immediately. a viscous glare that shows his impatience clearly. "well look who finally decided to show! oh don’t mind us, spiderbarbie," he says, voice oozing with mockery, "we were just y’know, waiting here for you so you can grace us with your presence!" a mean smile sits crookedly on his handsome face. afterwards he formally greets you with a venom laced "you’re late." before rubbing his temples with the pads of his fingers. still standing in the doorway you mock his expression. “i’m not late, you’re just early.” your remark causes some of your coworkers to snicker.
of course, miguel doesn’t like your snarky tone. with a scoff of irritation he rolls his scarlet eyes with a disapproving smack escaping, a sound that’s unique to him. “if you’re just gonna show up late, why do you even—you know what? whatever. it doesn’t matter just get in your seat.” he just bears his vampire-like teeth in hope of being more authoritative but it never works, especially not with you. you move away from the closing doors to your assigned spot at the meeting table. miguel says nothing, his towering presence does all the talking for him. tough, broad shoulders squared in a stance that radiated his disappointment, strong arms crossed firmly over his chest, fingers gripping the fabric of his suit as if channeling his discontent into a physical grip. as the others dived into details of the mission, you found yourself becoming more and more bored with the conversation. It wasn’t long before your focus turned to something else, something more fun. subconsciously, your hand reached for your sucker, the vibrant swirl of sweetness was your favorite diversion. the plump rim of your mouth wrapped sensuously around the candy again.
as minutes stretched into an eternity of plans and contingencies, miguel's authoritative voice droned on. anomalies here, some dimension rifts there with the occasional bickering with lyla about the shared info. you, however, were busy letting your mind wonder, sucking and savoring that not so subtle, lemonade escape. miguel catches the shift in your attention. slowly but surely frustration began to etch its way across his features once again. it was that stupid, rose colored candy twirling in your mouth. while lyla was keeping the others engaged miguel crumpled a old sticky note behind his back and with a swift, precise motion, he balled up a piece of paper in his hand tightly. the tension between you two momentarily thickened as he aimed and then, without a second thought, he flicked his wrist, sending the paper flying across the room. the paper sailed through the air, landing with a soft thud on the side of your thigh. your eyes followed the trajectory back to its source, meeting miguel's intense gaze, his eyes speaking volumes as they bore into yours, he quietly formed the words “pay attention.” but instead of complying, you stuck your middle finger up at him before casually shifting your attention to the projections, a sly smile spreads on your lips. soon the sucker became more like a prop. a deliberate instrument of play. you trace the outline of your lips in a teasing manner, your slow, deliberate movements contrasting with the urgency of the discussions.
throughout the whole meeting miguel tried his best to focus on the conversation but of course he found himself entranced by the dance of candy and saliva. his eyes couldn't help but follow the slick trail the drool left in its wake, tracing its glistening path over your luscious lips. It was an act that blurred the line between innocent indulgence and tantalizing seduction. you shoot a side glance at him, loving the way his nose scrunched up at you and that gorgeous vein on his forehead getting more and more taut. miguel clenches his jaw, trying to maintain his composure in the face of your teasing. as you finally withdrew the sucker from your mouth, his hand instinctively rose to rub his forehead, a feeble attempt to hide the blush creeping up his cheeks. the telltale signs of his embarrassment were evident in the deepening hue of his ears, glowing a dark shade of red. as the meeting pressed on, miguel's patience wore thin. clearing his throat, he shifted his gaze away momentarily to the rest of the group. lyla gives one more rundown on the situation at hand before miguel creates pairs to help with the investigation. peter and gwen had been paired off to place more anomaly trackers. jessica was tasked with helping close up rifts between universes. however, when she suggested a partnership with you, miguel's voice cut through like a whip-crack. "i got her." he asserted, his tone firm, leaving no room for negotiation. "patrick can go with you. barbie—" his gaze shifted to you, “you’re with me.” with the decision settled, a swirling portal manifested, miguel took the lead, beckoning you to follow. you were in a futuristic city, similar to miguel’s but this one felt more ghostly. it was quiet, tranquil. rain lashed down in sheets, the droplets hitting the ground with a force that sent up sprays of water. soft lightning forked across the dark, brooding sky, illuminating the scene in stark, brief flashes. the only thing that protected you from the onslaught of water was a rust torn metal sheet hanging about you attached to a brick wall, a dry halo surrounds you that ends at the tip of the roof. the moment the portal closed behind you the proximity changed the tone between you two. miguel turned to you, his eyes no longer weighed down by sternness, but instead ablaze with a different intensity. eyes fixed on the sucker, now sticking to the side of your mouth, he speaks up.
"I see you have a bad habit," he taunts. "and I need to fix it."
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miguel tucks some of his silver colored strands behind his ear and wrinkles his pierced nose. “you’re so fucking annoying,” he growls, “you and that stupid sucker.” that's when miguel takes his time, eyeing you as he torturously drags his clawed hand against his stomach, the holographic layer slowly rippling apart. the disturbed film revealed parts of his muscular thighs and already semi hard cock, bulging and twitching. he was huge, veins strewn about like vines, if dick analysis was a club somewhere you would be the ceo of it. using a wave of his hand, miguel was able to remove his hologram suit completely, “i don't like you. you never listened to me, did whatever you wanted…” your legs clenched tighter together where you sat, “but I liked it. still do.” you softly moan to yourself when his hard cock hits his stomach. you needed to lick him up real soon, it’s almost inhuman the way he looks down at you. “keep looking at me like that, amor,” he huffs, “keep those pretty eyes on me.” he guides your face a bit closer to him. you place your hands on the cold, concrete floor for a bit of stability, still sitting on balls of your feet . miguel grabs the base of his cock and rubs the tip on your lips. spreading a mixture of precum and drool across them. “ngh—just fucking—” miguel stretches his arms out as a force of habit, holding each side of your head so he can work his pretty cock in nice and easy. “don’t move your head, please, just stay here,” you can see his earlier irritation start to crumble, turning him into a desperate mess. you keep eye contact with him, placing a couple of kisses on the head before wrapping your lips around the tip with a smile. he was fixing to say something (probably something that helped him fake some control) until you take him further down your mouth.
his thighs twitch as he lightly moves his hips, trying so hard to meet your lips, and when you let him a gasp flees from his agape mouth as you gag and suck. releasing him with a wet pop and maintaining eye contact you ask, “so you like me?” you watch him look around for a couple of seconds before he closes his eyes with a sigh and whispers a soft “yes, yes I like you.” you could barely hear him over the rain but his confession made butterflies dance around in your tummy. with a devilish smirk you slick your puffy lips along the sides of his cock, darting your tongue out and moaning deeply. you remove both hands off the ground to wrap one around the base and the other on his balls. you place on your lips to start sucking on the tip as you work both hands simultaneously. saliva building, bubbles forming the quicker you bob your head and stroke his dick. you heard him huff out soft whispers of ‘si si si, buena chica’ before you switch gears. you release his cock with a loud pop before going lower. the hand that was once massaging his balls was used to support you. you nudge his balls with your tongue before sucking one of them into your mouth, keeping your rhythm stroking mostly the tip, a low growl escapes his pretty lips. “no pares por favor no pares! dios mío, te amo.” from the way he’s howling you know that's his most sensitive area, his breathing is frantic, a waterfall of drool drips down his jaw and some droplets land on you nose.
you spread your fingers languidly, sticky with his precum and your spit, you can feel the blood pulsing in his cock, rotating your hand and sucking the heavy sack as the whimpers that vibrate in your throat travel to him. “dios mío, lo estás haciendo muy bien, amor,” he babbles, “sigue así, sí, sí, sí just like that.” miguel’s eyes are scrolling back. if the universe didn’t know any better you could say that he was possessed. the sound he makes is so needy that it makes your clit throb even harder, you slip a finger inside your spider suit, going lower and lower until you reach the elastic of your laced panties, slipping inside. Using some of your arousal you rub tiny, tight circles on your clit to help the ache go down and your legs begin to shake. you have to clutch onto miguel’s thigh so you don’t lose your sense of reality.
when it becomes too much and your clit gets super sensitive, you know you’re close, ending the fun too soon, and so you stop. You let him go, you take a step back to lock at your work. miguel was a mess, hair wildly laying on his head, face decorated with drool and sweat, his eyes are all on you. you could have sworn you saw some hearts beating in his irises. “what- why’d you stop?” you give him your most innocent look. “wanna play with you some more,” you whisper. you go to wipe your jaw with your forearm but he stops you, a firm grip on your wrist. “don't fuckin’ tease me, mocosa or i swear-” but before he could finish you giggle, purposely pissing him off further. the vein on his forehead goes taut again. “f-fuck!” he curses angrily, groaning with pain and pleasure stirring inside. his dick jumping for attention. you pout, voice oozing with mockery, “you want it?” reclaiming your position previously with your hand wrapped around his cock again, tightly gripping the base, miguel’s jaw clenches, sharp nails balling into fists as he tears into the wall behind him. “please, fuck just please- please let me have it. I need it. I need you, fuck, just-” he rambles, pratically growling. without another word you decide to ease the teasing and suck him off as you rub your clit again. you moan out with each rotation, alternating from circular motions to flicking motions. you’re trembling again. your breathing is sporadic, heart is pounding in your chest, you’re close. “f-fuck, { ur name }. g’na cum. voy a correrme en tu maldita garganta, fuck!” he grips the wall even tighter, the bricks slowly turning to powder from the sheer force. he could feel the hitching in your breath, “ joder si, cum with me, cum with me yeah? please cum with me.” and you do. your orgasm almost knocks the wind out of you, and the cherry on top was when miguel released a deep, guttural moan as he came down your throat. after you fully come, you remove your slick webbed fingers from the front of your panties, wiping them on your thigh, before you slide down to your knees. miguel, tired and slumped against the wall, reached out, his hands gentle as he cupped your cheeks. his touch was gentle, caring. "lo hiciste muy bien, amor" he murmured, voice soft, his words a caress against your ears. "you did so, so well for me, moscota." miguel, who’s usually stern and serious, found himself softening in your presence, a strange yet relaxing thing to witness. a small, appreciative smile tugged at the corners of your lips. his exhaustion momentarily forgotten, he leaned down, his lips first brushing against your nose in a sweet, lingering kiss before finding their way to your pretty mouth. It was a soft, tender moment."¿Quieres agarrar algunas empanadas?" he asked, his voice warm and inviting, suggesting a moment of shared comfort in a simple meal. When your head cocked adorably to the side he rephrased his sentence, “wanna get food? know this good spot back home.” before you could respond, jess interrupted, her heavy sigh drawing both of your attention "you forgot to turn off the voice receiver," she said, her tone a mix of annoyance and amusement.
how in the hell were you gonna explain what just happened?
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© SATOTOKii 2022 — All rights reserved. do not modify, copy or claim my work without permission. oh ! and don’t you dare copy my layout, i will get someone to eat ur house ‹𝟹
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venus-haze · 1 year
Rip 'Em to Shreds (Mickey Altieri x Reader)
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Summary: Mickey’s your boyfriend, and he’s not cheating on you. At least, you don't think so, until your roommate plants the seeds of doubt in your head. While sneakily trying to find out the truth for yourself, being in the wrong place at the wrong time lands you as suspect number one in the Ghostface killings at Windsor College.
Note: Gender neutral (mildly fem-coded) reader, but no other descriptions are used. I think Mickey was a fun Ghostface, and I’m a sucker for Timothy Olyphant, so this is the result. I rewatched Scream 2 recently but obviously took creative liberties with some things. Do not interact if you’re under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Descriptions of violence, paranoia, and emotional manipulation. Do not interact if you're under 18.
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You stared at the blinking cursor on the library computer screen, silently cursing yourself for letting procrastination get the better of you. As much as you loved going to Windsor College, you were beginning to suspect that declaring a Literature major would be your downfall, especially the paper you were supposed to be working on. You already knew what you were going to write about, having notes and a weird-looking outline ready to go. It had just been a matter of sitting down and actually writing the paper that was due the following week.
It didn’t help that Mickey and his friends were exceptionally good at dragging you into more ways to procrastinate a paper that could easily segue into a grad school application. Perhaps the importance of the paper impacted your attitude toward it, not wanting to face the behemoth that would determine your academic future. 
Just as you were halfway through a sentence on the second page of your paper, everything went dark.
“Mickey, c’mon,” you whined.
“Give me some credit, you’ve been hard to track down,” he said, moving his hands from over your eyes.
He pulled up a seat next to you, leaning on the stack of books piled next to the computer. 
“What’re you writing about?”
“Sexuality in 19th century gothic literature—dark corridors, bodice ripping, ghosts, rape, incest, vampires, mad women, all that fun stuff.”
He grinned, tugging on the hem of your shirt. “You had me at bodice ripping.”
“Later, lover boy,” you smiled. “I have to finish this draft before the library closes.”
He tapped on the computer screen. “Dining hall closes in about an hour. Don’t skip dinner for this paper.”
“I hate not having a kitchen,” you lamented. “It makes no sense the dining hall closes at eight when night classes go until nine and the library’s open until ten.”
He gave your shoulder a comforting squeeze. “Next year we’ll get an apartment, then you can cook at two in the morning all you want.”
You couldn’t help the adoring smile that spread across your lips. “You wanna move in together?” 
“Yeah, don’t you?”
“Of course I do.”
“Good,” he said, his smile matching yours. “Come over whenever you finish that. The roomie went home for the weekend so–”
“So I should plan to be there all weekend?”
“It’s like you can read my mind.”
You laughed. “Shut up before I change mine, jerk.”
“Look, I’ll be late getting in, I have to work on that short film for class, but I’ll leave the door unlocked for you.”
“Okay, see you later. Love you.”
“Love you too,” he said, giving you a kiss before getting up from the chair. “Don’t skip dinner.”
It wasn’t until you were six pages into your paper and your stomach rumbled that you remembered to glance at the clock in the corner of the computer. A quarter to nine. Damn. You took a chance on one of the vending machines in the library, getting a chocolate bar and a bag of chips to tide you over until you could eat a real meal. 
You made incredible progress on your paper, though. The promise of spending the weekend with your boyfriend was a good motivator to at least bullshit your way through the first draft. It was only a draft, after all, it didn’t need to be perfect. At least, that’s what you told yourself.
By the time you reached the end of page seven and had typed up your bibliography, you felt like your vision was blurring as you tried to proofread what you’d written. Rubbing your eyes, you hoped to shake off some of the screen exhaustion to at least catch any glaring typos. Finally, at about half past nine, you’d printed your paper and had packed up, heading back to your dorm to get what you needed for the weekend.
Usually when you walked around campus at night, there weren’t many people out and about. Windsor College was a sleepy liberal arts school for the most part, which you appreciated. The groups of people ambling around finally clicked when you noticed Greek letters on various t-shirts. You hadn’t been all that interested in getting involved in Greek life, turning down an offer from some of Mickey’s friends to join them at the Delta Lambda Zeta party that night. 
You weren’t surprised, however, to return to your dorm and find your roommate Kim lounging on a beanbag chair, her eyes glued to the small TV on top of her dresser.
“Hey,” she said, barely glancing at you as you walked in.
“Did you go to class today?” you asked as you set your backpack down, unzipping it so you could shove your pajamas and a change of clothes inside.
Kim finally answered when you walked past the TV to get to something in your dresser. “What? Yeah, I went to one this afternoon. I slept through the morning one.”
“Seriously? I woke you up for that before I left.”
“I fell back asleep,” she shrugged. “You going to Mickey’s?”
“Yeah. I’ll be back Sunday night, or Monday morning,” you said.
“Are you seriously bringing your books with you while you’re sucking and fucking at your boyfriend’s for the weekend?”
“First of all, gross. Second, he’s filming tonight. Might as well be productive while I wait.”
“Isn’t this like the fifth time in the past two weeks he’s been ‘filming’? Interesting how that’s happening while all the sororities are having their bullshit pledge mixers.”
“I know the air quotes around filming. I don’t wanna hear it.”
“I’m just saying!”
“Kim, he just asked me to move in together next year. I don’t think he’s cheating.”
“Maybe he’s just deflecting to keep you off the scent.”
“Of what? He’s been working on a short film that has a lot of night scenes. He even asked me to be in it, and I said no. You watch way too much daytime TV instead of actually going to class.”
She rolled her eyes. “Don’t come crying to me when you catch him six inches deep in an Omega Beta Zeta or whatever.”
You shook your head while shoving the last of your toiletries into your backpack. “Whatever. Bye.”
One more reason to live with Mickey the following school year, no more dealing with ridiculous roommates. Kim wasn’t that bad in comparison to the horror stories you’d heard about other people’s roommates, but she always had a knack for making an ass of herself. 
As you walked across campus to Mickey’s dorm, you tried to shake Kim’s implications from your mind. Mickey wasn’t cheating on you. You trusted him, and the two of you had so many mutual friends all over campus that if he were, someone would have told you by now. Despite your attempts to reassure yourself, you found your mind racing, and you became the type of partner you swore you’d never become.
If you happened to divert your walk to his dorm to go past where he was supposedly filming, he couldn’t blame you for the coincidence. The clear, beautiful night was perfect for frat parties and leisurely walks in the moonlight. You passed by a few of your friends from your major, stopping to talk with them for a little bit before continuing on your way.
It seemed like in the fifteen minutes or so you’d spent walking around, you saw less and less people. Mickey said he’d been filming near the sorority houses, but you didn’t see him around. Your heart sank to your stomach. Could Kim have been right? No. You wouldn’t jump to that conclusion so quickly. Instead, you kept walking, hoping to find him a little farther up.
In the distance, you could see a girl standing on the front porch of one of the sorority houses, phone in her hand as she looked around frantically. Weird. She retreated inside, and against your better judgment, you decided to get a closer look of what was going on.
You noticed a gleam of silver out of the corner of your eye and stopped in your tracks upon seeing a black-robed figure with a stark white ghost mask that stood out in the darkness, stalking up the brick pathway across the grassy quad. Whoever was beneath the costume didn’t notice you, and you wanted to keep it that way, hiding behind a nearby tree as you watched him approach the Omega Beta Zeta house. 
Clamping your clammy hand over your mouth, you tried to make as little noise as possible so as to not catch Ghostface’s attention. A cold chill raced across your skin. Someone was about to die. There wasn’t enough time to run to a phone and call the police or campus security. It’d take at least ten minutes for either to arrive, and then, it’d be too late. For a moment, you considered running after him, but quickly realized that without a weapon, it wouldn’t do any good. 
You watched helplessly as the masked killer slipped into the open door of the sorority house. Just a few moments later, the door shut as a girl left for you assumed one of the parties that night, but it wasn't the same girl you'd just seen outside. Unsure of what to do, you waited, but it didn't take long for a faint yell to tear through the silence of the night.
Fear froze your limbs, keeping you in place as you heard the terrified screams coming from inside the house. Your heart racing, you swore you were going to pass out until you saw the balcony doors swing open, a girl tumbling onto it, followed closely behind by Ghostface. As soon as the knife pierced her, your body finally went into panic mode, and you started running. 
More screaming and a loud crash came from behind you. Looking back, you saw the splintered balcony and a body splayed on the ground below. Ghostface slipped out from the front door, and seemed to be heading in the same direction you were sprinting off too. Oh shit, had he seen you? Was he following you? 
Tears clouded your vision as you ran, and your shoe caught on a loose brick in the walkway, sending you to the ground. The contents of your backpack crashed and rattled against each other on the impact, and you groaned at your skinned wrists. Still, you pushed yourself off the ground with determination, not bothering to look behind you and see if Ghostface had noticed your fall or was now tailing you.
Slamming the door to Mickey’s room shut, you threw your backpack aside and immediately climbed into his bed, pulling the covers over your head, as if that would shield you from Ghostface. What the fuck was taking Mickey so long? Your breath caught in your throat. He probably had no idea Ghostface was running wild across campus. Burying your face in his pillow, you screamed into it, releasing the pent up anxiety and frustration over not being able to do anything about the situation.
You weren’t sure when you’d fallen asleep, but the sun had already risen when you were woken up by the phone. Shoving the covers off of you, you hastily picked up, almost expecting to hear Ghostface’s unsettling voice on the other end of the line.
Relief swept over you when you heard Mickey’s voice instead of the one you were dreading. “Hey baby, it’s me—“
“Where are you? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m at the police station. Everything’s—well, everything’s not fine. I am, though. I’ll explain later. Have you been in my room all night?”
You hesitated before answering with a weak, “Yeah.”
The other end of the line was silent for a moment. “Alright, I’m leaving now. I should be there in like, 15 minutes.”
“Okay, see you soon. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
The other end of the line went dead. You looked at your discarded backpack on the floor, and decided to at least freshen up and change out of yesterday’s clothes before Mickey returned. Each article of clothing that fell to the floor felt like evidence piling up. You hadn’t technically done anything wrong, but the previous night's events, your complacency, made your limbs feel abnormally heavy as you changed into fresh clothes. Before you knew it, you were face to face with your boyfriend, who looked almost shocked when he saw you.
“What happened to you? Your wrists–” He gently tilted your head up, inspecting your chin. “You’re all scraped up.”
“I tripped and fell,” you said.
“You’re sure that’s all that happened?”
“Yeah, why?”
“You know Cici Cooper, from my film studies class?”
You nodded. You knew Cici. You also knew she was an Omega Beta Zeta. 
“Some Ghostface wannabe stabbed her and pushed her off the balcony of the Omega Beta Zeta house, and then showed up at the Delta Lambda Zeta party.”
“Cici’s dead?”
You sat on the edge of his bed, your head in your hands as you let out a pained whine.
“Baby, what’s going on?” he asked, putting his arm around you as he sat by your side.
“I saw him.”
“Saw who?”
“I saw Ghostface. I saw him run into the Omega Beta Zeta house, but when I heard screaming I–I got so scared I just came back here. That’s when I fell.”
“Y/N, why didn’t you call the police?”
“I was terrified, Mickey! I wasn’t thinking straight and I—if I call now they’re gonna think I had something to do with it. Isn’t that what Randy says? Everyone’s a suspect! Oh my god, they’ll think it was me.”
“No one will think that.”
His paltry reassurance was no match for your word vomit, because before you could help it, you blurted out, “Are you cheating on me?”
“What? No! Why would you even think that?”
“Why did the police question you if you were shooting your movie?”
He sighed. “Derek was running late to the Delta party. He asked me to stop in and check on Sidney. I was at the party for maybe ten minutes before the police found Cici’s body. After Ghostface showed up, they questioned everyone who even looked at the place that night.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry. Kim—“
“Is about to be on academic probation because she watches soap operas instead of going to class.”
“Yeah. Maybe I should go ahead and call the police, let them know what I saw.”
“No, like you said before, with the timing and everyone being on edge, I don’t think it’d be a great look right now.”
“So what do I do?”
“Let’s just keep this between us, okay? No more secrets unless it’s with each other.”
“Okay,” you agreed. 
He took your hand, turning it over to look at the damage to it. “Jesus, are you sure you’re alright?”
“I should probably go to the student health center, huh?”
“I’ll walk you.”
“You probably haven’t slept. I’ll be fine.”
“Just let me do this. I don’t want you to be alone right now.”
You smiled, giving him a kiss that he quickly escalated, laying you back on his bed. Making out with Mickey was nice, it was normal. For a few minutes, you let yourself forget about Ghostface as you parted your lips for him, letting him slip his tongue inside your mouth. When his hands gripped your wrists to pin you to the bed, however, you hissed in pain, and he quickly released them.
“Sorry, sorry. I forgot,” he whispered, pressing apologetic kisses to your lips. “We should get going.”
Reluctantly, you agreed, remembering that his roommate wouldn’t be back any time soon, and you had the rest of the weekend to yourselves after you went to the health center, and got something to eat, too, since you were thinking about it.
Mickey kept his arm securely around you as the two of you made your way across campus. You spotted Sidney, Randy, and Hallie speaking among themselves at one of the tables outside, and Mickey made a bit of a detour to go talk to them. You couldn’t exactly read their expressions when they saw you until Randy spoke up.
“You sure missed a lot last night. Convenient,” he said, not bothering to hide his accusatory tone.
“Cut it out. I already told you guys they were working on a paper,” Mickey said, holding you closer to his side. “You can check the computer logs in the library.”
“Wh-What happened to your arms?” Sidney asked, her eyes fixed on your scraped wrists. For a split second, you thought it was out of concern, but then quickly realized the suspicion in her voice.
“Look, I’m really sorry about what happened, but I don’t know anything,” you said. “After I finished my paper, I went back to my dorm and then I tripped and fell on the way to Mickey’s. There were plenty of people who saw me last night.”
Hallie gave you a tense smile. “It’s okay, Y/N.”
“Yeah, I’m taking them to the student health center so nothing gets infected. We’ll see you guys later,” Mickey said.
The varying looks of distrust on the group's faces made you want to cry. As you and Mickey resumed your walk to the dining hall, your brain worked overtime to come up with worst case scenarios, as if somehow the Ghostface killings could be pinned onto you, even the ones in town despite you being with your friends during that whole incident.
“They all think it’s me.”
Mickey’s silence was more than enough of an answer to make you panic.
Stopping in your tracks, you grabbed his arm. “You don’t think it’s me, do you?” 
“I know it’s not you,” he said, his voice soft and reassuring. “They’re just on edge after what happened last night, especially after Derek went back into the Delta Lambda Zeta house after Sidney saw Ghostface—“
“Oh my god, is he okay?”
Mickey shrugged. “He got cut, but not fatally. Not the best look on his part.”
“What? No way, Derek would never—Seriously?”
“C’mon, Y/N, why would he go back in there?”
“So what, since he happened to get cut and I happened to trip, now they’re all thinking Derek and I have been secretly scheming to chop everyone up? Where is he? Maybe I can talk to him and—“
“Why don’t we just get to the health center before you run across campus to find the other top suspect in this whole thing.”
“Don’t say that. Please don’t say that.”
He nodded. “I’ll drop it. I’m sorry, baby.”
The rest of the walk to the student health center was silent, though Mickey kept his arm wrapped around you. 
“If you don’t have anyone else, you know you have me,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“I know,” you said, though you didn’t exactly believe yourself.
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I've got all the writing structure/craft books, watched tons of advice videos and have been checking out novels to learn by example. But just because I can write doesn't mean I can write a book. This is hard. At what point should any writer consider taking writing courses or hiring a book coach?
When to Consider a Course or Book Coach
Reading books, reading craft books, and watching advice videos isn't enough to teach you how to write a book. You also have to practice...
Imagine if you'd never sewn anything before, had never pieced together and hand sewn or machine sewn anything in your life. You could spend years reading books about sewing and garment construction and could watch hours upon hours of sewing videos on the internet, but that doesn't mean the first time you sit down to actually sew a garment, you're going to end up with a garment worthy of a ritzy department store...
Writing books IS hard, even if you've written a lot of them. I've written a dozen books (though they're not all published), and I still don't find writing a book to be a piece of cake. Part of that is just because different books present different challenges--and where you are in life can also play a big role--but the point is, no amount of learning or practice is going to make it easy.
There's an unfortunate myth among aspiring authors that being an author looks like this: spending some time learning to write, writing your book, and voila! You have a book to publish! The truth is very few authors publish the first book they ever wrote, and if they did, they probably have mountains of short stories and/or fan-fiction or other writing behind them. Most writers write two or three books before their skills are honed enough to write a publishable book. Which doesn't mean you can't write a publishable book on your first try, it just doesn't happen a lot.
So... writing courses... there's not a lot you're going to learn in a writing course that you haven't probably learned from reading, reading a lot of craft books, and watching a lot of advice videos. Certainly, anything you would learn in a writing course you can learn online for free. The main benefit of a writing course is the interaction with others, but even that is really dependent upon the teacher and your classmates. You really have to go into it with a thick skin, knowing that the opinions of your teacher and classmates are not the end all be all.
Writing coaches can be great but they're expensive, and you get more out of the experience if you go into it with a complete or near complete WIP that you want to query or publish, but can't quite get where you want it to be.
So, having said all of that, before pursuing either a writing course or coach, I would recommend trying to finish one or two WIPs to at least first draft stage, but preferably second draft stage, and see how you feel. They don't have to be good. In fact, if you haven't completed a WIP before, they're not going to be your best work (because that comes much later), but remember that part of the writing process is taking the "rough draft" and improving it, and revision is where you really start learning things.
Ultimately, though, follow your gut and follow the path that feels right to you. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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happilychaengs · 1 year
how twice would break your heart
a/n: i'm kind of going through it rn and this was just sitting in my drafts. this might be my last post for a while. i know it's quite short and there should be more but i don't think i'm in the right headspace to finish this nor do i have the heart to so i'll just publish it instead. and if some seem similar to one other, i'm sorry. i'll add pictures maybe later
- "we should break up."
- cuts it off clean
- whatever she's feeling: trapped, unhappy, unsatisfied, scared, whatever it is -- she will not hesitate to tell you
- but it's the way the words fly out of her mouth that it's almost as if she didn't care about you
- your relationship at that very moment felt like it was a facade.
- but it's only because it's the way she wants to portray herself that way in front of you
- if only she'd let you really knew how much it hurt her to break things off with you
- it's the way the world would shift without you in it
- it's the way the stars wouldn't mean the same without you by her side
- if you knew how she truly felt, you'd fight harder for her to stay and she knows she would too
- "i'm sorry."
- it's honest. it's cold. and it hurts.
- there's no other way she can really tell you. it's who she was. she couldn't ease the pain with sugar coated words or actions. she wouldn't.
- but it's the way tears stream down her face that shatters your heart, even more so than her words do.
- you don't know why she does it. you don't know why she's breaking your heart. she doesn't tell you.
- all that's left is in it's wake is nothing but a stream of repeated apologies from her, begging, regret, and doors slammed in front of each other's faces.
- "i don't... know how to tell you this."
- it's always been difficult for momo to express her feelings but this time, it's really never been harder.
- she almost choked on her own words as she sees your face and your eyes, full of uncertainty.
- the moment the words escape from her lips, she already knew how much it would hurt.
- there you stood in front of her: fists clenched, cheeks flushed in red, your eyes pooling with tears
- her hand instinctively goes to wipe them away, but she catches herself. she can't anymore. she shouldn't.
- you see the way conflict internalizes in herself, your heart already knowing it's not hers anymore.
- she refuses to have your heart anymore and that's what hurts the both of you the most.
- "it's not you, it's me."
- sana's words are cold and calculated. almost planned in a way.
- there's no rhyme or reason as to why she did it. it makes you doubt whether what you two has was real but she remains stone-faced, quietly asking you to leave.
- it's the way she tells you it. the cold heartedness.
- there's words that are said that can never be taken back. doors that shut tight.
- but it's the cries that she can hear outside her house now, that does it in for her.
- emotions begin to clog up her throat as she truly breaks down, nothing but regret filling her body.
- "i think... we were the right people but not at the right time."
- hopeful yet laced with dread
- jihyo was a passion driven women and it was the height of her career.
- you should've expected it, really. the way she sat you down, hands kept to herself.
- it's the absence of her touch that really that does it for you. normally it's quite the opposite, the two of you never really getting enough of each other.
- you want what's best for her. really, you do. but that doesn't mean you could just let her go.
- jihyo questions her decision nonstop in the face of your tears, but the words were already said. the tears have already been shed.
- when she's finally and truly alone, the apartment you two once shared is void of noise.
- and she's just not sure anymore if this would be worth it without you.
- "you deserve better."
- it's quiet and tired
- the thought of talking with you has obviously been relenting at mina for a long time.
- you're so surprised she actually believes you two should break up because you know that she's the one for you.
- but she doesn't.
- even through all your tears, you can see how it haunts her.
- being with you because she's always believing that there may be someone new, someone better for you.
- and that's what hurts you the most as she walks out the door, leaving you alone for the last time.
- "we need to talk."
- it's pulled back, all the emotions barely there
- she has never felt happier but she knows she's never been the best for you
- she can barely express how she loves you let alone say it
- and she knows you'll find someone who can
- it'll just take time
- time better off spent without her
- even if she knows it might be the wrong way to do it, proven by your tears as she walked out on you, it's the only way she knows how to do it
- and that's why she can't let you stay in her heart any longer
- "we both deserve to be happy."
- it's plain and simple. but it's what she truly believes.
- she's the happiest when she's with you. she's at her best.
- but she knows you aren't. it's dismal without her for such long periods of time and she knows it's hard on you.
- she loves you too much to be the one holding you down and she refuses to have it any other way.
- with a heavy heart, she walks out on you with tears in her eyes even through all your cries. even through all your pleads for her to stay.
- she's so so sorry but she truly believes you'll find someone better.
- she's just not sure if she could do the same.
"i think we're better off alone."
- struggles to truly get it across.
- it's so overwhelmingly difficult for her to tell you because she loves you.
- so much more than you'll ever know.
- she doesn't want to leave you but she feels like she needs to.
- it's the fear of uncertainty that gets to her.
- it's the constant worry of you wanting to leave her that she makes the stupid decision of doing it first.
- it's the way tears dribble down your face as you watch her leave that makes everything come crashing down
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callmelinamfsnow · 2 years
“How Old Are You?”
Ch. 2: Four Days Later Ch. 3: The Beginning of The Date
Warnings: Spoilers for TUA S3
Five Hargreeves x Reader
Word Count: 1,243 (give or take)
a/n: This is a rough draft of a fic I thought of the other day. I wanted to post it and get some hype for when I fully finish it. Also the ending of S3 was bullshit.
Five looked up from his coffee to the girl who had just slid her upper body to rest onto the counter, hair falling as she looked up at him. “Hello” was all Five said but straightened his composure and gave her a smile.
The universe has just been reset. His problems had been solved. He wasn’t about to start off one of his first interactions by being an asshole.
“How old are you?” She asked, squinting her eyes at him a bit as if she could figure it out if she scanned his face more.
Here we go.
“Why do you care?” He replied after a sigh.
“Kind of need to know your age before I can tell you” she continued, sitting up a bit. “Are you at least over 18?”
He paused for a second and thought, while taking her appearance in. She was wearing a simple ripped black jeans, white tank top, and jeans jacket but he was intrigued.
He’d noticed his body had seemed to start aging a bit more over the past three weeks. One of the only positive things to keep him going. It seemed he was at about 18 and he wasn’t about to claim to be younger.
“Yes. I am”
“Great.” She smiled and pushed some of her hair behind her ear. “Well now I won’t be embarrassed that I tried to flirt with an underaged kid”
He perked up at that.
“Go on” he smiled and turned himself in the stool to face her. A small smile trying to spill out as he took another sip of coffee. “Not sure what more I have to say. I notice you in your cute suit when you came in and thought you were interesting, but couldn’t figure out if you were of age.” She explained after giving a shrug. Then leaned in closer to him and continued in a low voice, “my friend bet me $10 and the bill if you were older so I’m feeling pretty lucky”
He chuckled at that which caused her to smile a bit. “Well congratulations” he smiled and patted her hand, leaving his nearby when he placed it back on the counter. He was enjoying his first somewhat romantic interaction with a real woman in a while, and he wasn’t going to let her think otherwise. “Does your friend know about your flirtatious plans with me?” Five asked, quickly noticing the simple hoops and necklace she wore.
“Well me saying you seemed cute was what struck up the conversation, and while they did tease me about doing it they aren’t fully aware of it, no” she answered, keeping eye contact that made something in the pit of his stomach churn. She was very attractive, and admittedly looked nothing like Dolores which was new. “Is that because you were afraid of the possibility you’d be flirting with a high schooler?” Five asked as he finished his coffee. She laughed at that and shook her head a bit before replying, “Yes. Would not like to have that moment drawn out anymore that needed to”
“(Y/N) we need to go soon. Who’s paying?” Someone called over from a table causing the woman infront of Five to look over. He couldn’t help but look her over a bit better before he looked at the table. “You are” she smiled back, watching the friend roll their eyes and groan in defeat as the waitress approached with the bill. “Well, looks like I’m going to have to be going soon” she said as she turned to Five, “are you seeing anyone?”
“Not at all” he smiled
“Mind if I give you my number?”
“I’d love nothing more”
“Great” she bit her lip and grabbed a piece of paper and pen from her pocket. Five watched her write her number and what looked like a small note on it, chuckling when he leaned over to get a look and she moved her body to cover it up.
“Is that going to be it for you?” The waitress asked, pointing to Fives coffee. “Oh, uh, yes thank you” he nodded and pushed it closer to her. It then hit Five that he had no way of paying for it, and the waitress seemed to know it as she walked off eyeing him.
“What’s wrong?” (Y/N) asked, folding up the paper. “Just realized I have no money to pay for this” he sighed quietly, watching out for an employee. “How much is your tab?” “Just this coffee. Probably five dollars with a little tip. Maybe I can find some…” he mumbled the end to himself as he looked around. The sound of (Y/N) rummaging through her pockets followed by her smacking something onto the counter rang through his ears, the latter startling him a bit. “Here. On me” she smiled and slid a $5 bill to him. “You just helped me win a free meal and $10 so I guess it’s the least I could do” she teased at the end, rolling her eyes playfully.
“Thank you (Y/N)” Five hummed, his eyes focusing on her smile for a second until he noticed her bite her lip. He felt another churn in his stomach and met her eyes again, receiving a cocked eyebrow from her. “I’ll pay you back” he added and before she could say it was fine he continued “on our first date”. He let out a cocky smile when she notice her blush lightly and bite her lip again as a small smile spilled from them. “Well alright then…” she trailed off, suddenly realizing she hadn’t gotten his name yet and Five froze for a second. This was a new universe apparently and he could start over. Maybe a new name that drew less questions, but he hadn’t exactly had time to think of a new one.
“I’m Five” he said holding his hand out for her to shake. Her eyebrows creased in confusion and her head tilted to the side a bit as her hand went to shake his. “That’s a cool and different name” she nodded, going silent when Five took her hand and kissed her knuckles gently. “Well aren’t you cute” she hummed teasingly causing Five to chuckle. “Why thank you, you’re quite beautiful yourself” he offered back and gently let her hand go.
“(Y/N)! We got to go” her friend called from the table again. “Okay I’m coming” she said slightly annoyed as she glanced back at them. “Guess I should let you go before your friends get upset with you” Five took the piece of paper and put it in his pocket for when he’s be able to get a phone to call her with. “Yeah” (Y/N) sighed, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. Five took the $5 bill and slid it to her waitress, mumbling a “keep the change”. “Well good bye (Y/N).” He smiled, taking her hand and kissing it again. “Bye Five. Looking forward to hearing from you” she smiled.
Giving each other a quick nod she turned and walked back to her friends. Five watching her the whole time, catching her every time she would glance over. Then right before the group exited she gave him a wave which he returned and then watched her disappear into the night.
Fuck he needed to get a phone, and fast.
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w0nnielov3 · 2 years
enha maknae line - calling them another members name
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layla’s note
here’s the maknae line ,, I had it in drafts and forgot to post it right after the hyung one :0 (i got carried away with Niki heh-)
warning!!: lowercase indeed ,, grammar errors :)
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Will ask you to repeat yourself ,, sunoo is not one to be phased by your little pranks but calling him someone else’s name …especially his members' name was beyond him. “I take a lot of disrespect to your little mix up.” Will definitely ignore you for the rest of the day because he is extremely offended by your actions. Dramatic? Yes. After some time he will be sitting on the couch watching videos before he hears you walking in his direction will get up and make you do a 180 because he doesn’t want you to be in his quote-on-quote “personal bubble” till he’s forgiven you. Once he’s done being petty he will skip his way to your shared bedroom and jump on top of your laying body. “Okay I’ve decided that I’ll forgive you if you give me a bunch of cuddles and kisses …and never call me by heeseung-hyungs name again or I will not speak to you for a month.” He smiles at you before wrapping his arms around your body and clinging onto you like a koala. The moral of the story is …don’t mess with sunoo.
Jungwon will not hesitate to send you a judgmental stare ,, can’t tell if it was an accident or you did it on purpose to get a reaction out of him. Although Jungwon may be a jealous person things like this wouldn’t get any sort of reaction from him since he genuinely will believe it was a mistake ,, and he does think you're a little slow so he really would believe it. You're both in one of bighits dance rooms ,, the other members decided they wanted to go get food but your boyfriend chose not to and instead he wanted to stay with you and spend quality time despite your protest he denied your offer telling him to go eat as well instead he stood his guard and plopped right next to you ,, he laid his head on ur lap letting you play with his hair. “Jak- Jungwon can you get me water please?” Even though it was very subtle jungown caught it very quickly looking at you through the mirror where he examined your face ,, he noticed you looking everywhere but towards him ,, “why don’t you ask Jake for a water bottle.” Although he said it dryly he was joking as he quickly got up to get you your water bottle. Laughing at your puzzled look through the mirror ,, he went back into your embrace and kissed ur hand before looking up at you “lemme introduce myself since you clearly forgot who I am …I’m your amazing boyfriend.”
you can get two reactions out of niki; petty or clingy. you're at the library with niki as you both need to study for an upcoming test you need to take next week ,, niki was on the other side of the stall looking for math books while you stood in the area of science books. finally finding the book you wanted you decided to head to niki. and then an amazing idea popped into your head ,, niki lovessss to pull pranks on you so what better way than to prank him right now by calling him his members name. "Jay i found the book we were looking for!!" you whispered yelled as you finally made your way to his right side examing the bookshelf in front of him. "jay-hyung is here?" is all he asked as he grabbed one of the books from the shelf ,, "no what are you talking about?" you threw a question right back as you bit back a grin from appearing on your face. "then why would you call out his name?" he took another book from the shelf and then turned his full attention onto you. watching as you shrugged he eyed you suspiciously ,, he grabbed your hand and dragged you to the table where both your laptops sat open waiting on your arrival to finish up whatever it was you were working on. once you guys sit down and have set your book down he will hold onto your hand and not let go. "niki we have to write down these study guides you can hold my hand later." turning his head towards you ,, you could see niki's offended look plastered on his face as he shook his head. letting go of your hand niki put all his attention on his study guide and didn't even spare you a glance after that. after a few you noticed niki was done as his laptop was now closed and he was drinking water while reading a book. "niki can you help me with this?" again not sparing you a glance he shook his head "go ask jay-hyung for help I'm sure he would love to help you." you couldn't help but laugh at his little pout "don't be silly niki." but he still refused to look at you ,, if you admit that it was a joke he will not speak to you for a while ,, will bro-zone you till he finally forgives you ...and only forgives you because none of his hyungs want to cuddle with him ...loser-
© w0nnielov3
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Look, I've seen people saying that Dick is the one with ADHD, and as someone with moderate ADHD I need to tell y'all, you're focusing on the wrong sibling. Ya wanna know which sibling would really have ADHD?
Like I get that Dick is a hyper acrobat (oh my god, not to go off on a side tangent but did they make Dick and acrobat cause it has the word bat in it?), but kids tend to be hyper and I think any kid who could do acrobats would do it constantly just cause it's fun
But like Tim shows major signs, like
- the whole joke with Tim is literally that he hyperfixates to an unhealthy degree on cases, like that is literally an ADHD tendency, sitting at a computer for 15 hours without taking breaks to sleep or eat or go to the bathroom or shower is literally one of the most ADHD things you can do and is literally one of the things that makes ADHD a disorder (cause it ruins normal functioning and it makes life worse)
- I could not imagine a better way for an ADHD character to be introduced than the way Tim is, unique from any other Batkid mind you (I'll put a picture of tags I just wrote for another post that is currently sitting in my drafts [don't mind the rainbow I just found out Tumblr can add filters to photos and I think this makes it easier to read]:)
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- the whole coffee thing; for undiagnosed people with ADHD, coffee is good cause the caffeine calms us down (even my therapist has told me this) so the 'Tim drinks 15 cups of coffee' fanon out there is literally something that would align with him having undiagnosed ADHD
- Tim likes solving puzzles/cases but hates school so much he would drop out? ADHD. Tim is considered a great detective? People with ADHD tend to be seen as making connections quicker (which in places like school can cause us to either 1) only make surface level connections and not fully understand 2) make us finish quicker and thus get bored or have extra time to "disturb the class" 3) get frustrated really easily when things don't come to us right away) and like most kids with ADHD in their later years either have gifted kid burnout syndrome or Not Living Up to their Full Potential™ because teachers and parents "know they're smart, if only they would apply themselves in school, then they would succeed"
- Tim feels he imposed on Batman cause he was the only one who wasn't 'chosen' to be Robin so he works twice as hard? Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria is a common symptom of ADHD and so we not only are usually self deprecating like Tim, but we also will have lower self esteem like Tim and we will work twice as hard in certain situations we care about to justify why we should be there
and if you want I can keep going on but I'll stop here cause it is already starting to get really long, but just like... no one talks about how Tim is the perfect person to have ADHD and I'm gonna need y'all to start talking about it (and I'm not saying Dick doesn't have ADHD, I'm just saying I never see people talk about Tim in relation to ADHD and I feel like it just fits him perfectly)
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buckybraneslover111 · 2 years
Stranger Couple - B.B.
a/n: i've has this sitting in my drafts for days and i have finally edited it and i think its good to post lol enjoy and please leave me your feedback.
warnings: drinking(21+), mommy kink, daddy kink, breeding kink, lots of dirty talk, spanking, hair pulling, sir kink, choking, multiple orgasms(male&fem), praising kink, slapping, spitting, squirting, slight fluff at the end if you like squinted
words: 5,400 (sorry its alot but its good)
| imagines masterlist |
You used your straw to mixed around your drink as you sat at the bar. There were so many guys who would ask to sit next to you but you would deny them, say your saving the seat for someone. You sipped on your drink then felt a presence on the side of you in his chair. "Is this seat taken?" You looked over at him shaking your head as he sat in the chair and he ordered his drink, whiskey on the rocks. You watched his jaw clench, his hair brushed back as if he had been running his hands through his hair. He sat back in his chair as you turned your gaze away from him and back to your drink. He looked at you, finally noticing you. He looked at your body wrapped in your , your hair curled down your back, your soft legs crossed, your black heels to match. He bit his lip at your appearance. You looked breathtaking. You sipped your drink ignoring his eyes burning into your back. "So, do you come here often?" You turned your head towards him and smiled shaking your head no. "First time." He smirked at you, "It's a pretty nice place, good people." You nodded and went back to your drink. He leaned in and put his hand on your thigh, whispering in your ear, "You look so fucking sexy in this dress baby, i wanna take you right here." You smirked and looked at him, "Gonna break that easily?" this was a game you two loved to play. You would go to the bar, order a drink, he would meet you, flirt with you, then you would go back home and he would fuck you senseless, sometimes you didn't make it because he just wanted you that badly. This was one of the things that you loved about your relationship with him and how you would spice up your sex life. Pretending to be complete strangers and he would fuck you good. He smirked, "Not a chance." he sat back in his seat and looked at you, "What's your name?" You looked back at him, "Ruby." He nodded smirking, "Ben."
"So what are you doing here all alone?" He takes a sip of his drink looking at you.
You roll your eyes, "Can't take a hint can you?" you sip your drink not looking at him.
He smirks, "What? You don't want to talk to me?" you looked at him and hold your hand up showing him your wedding ring on your finger. He nodded and chuckled, "Oh I see. So where is your husband?"
"He would be sitting in that chair but he would rather play with his cars than to take me out for drinks." you smirked a little looking back at your drink. You knew that he get him a little upset and maybe he would be rough with you later.
He frowned a bit, "No I do not."
You smirked looking back at him, "Break character one more time, remember you get nothing." If either one of you broke character more than 3 times in one night, then the other gets up and leaves and you get no sex that night and had to try again the next day. You never break character. You were always on point with everything. It was always Bucky. He would get too turned on, or you would say something that made him made and he would break.
He sighed and drank the rest of his drink putting the cup down on the counter. He looked at you as you stared at him, "I don't do that y/n."
You finished your drink and left cash on the bar top. You grabbed your purse and got off the chair making sure to get off on the side he was on and you smirked at him, "It was nice meeting you Ben, thanks for the company." Bucky groaned as you walked away. He watched you leave and he frowned mentally slapping himself.
The next night, at a different club. You ordered your same drink playing with the straw in your drink. You looked around to see if you could find him, he was running late. Only by 10 minutes, but still you needed release just as badly as him. After 10 more minutes, you heard someone on the side of you, "Is this seat taken?" you looked over and almost choked on your salvia. He looked good, like too good. You shook your head as he sat down next to you. He ordered himself his famous drink and sat back in his chair. You blushed hard looking away from him. 'Oh my god, he looks so good.' you thought to yourself. You moved uncomfortably in your chair as you felt yourself getting wet. He looked over at you smirking, "You alright?" he leaned forward grabbing his drink and taking a sip. You nodded and looked at him.
"Yeah I'm fine."
"You come here often?" he said as he sat back in his chair staring at you, "I'm a regular and I don't think i've ever seen you here before."
You shook your head, no, "No, first time."
"First time for everything." He smirks finishing his drink. "You wanna dance?"
You looked at him, "Sorry, I'm actually waiting for someone." you held your hand up showing your wedding ring.
He smirked, "Oh come on. He isn't here and whats wrong with two strangers dancing in a club. What your husband doesn't know wont hurt him."
You blushed and looked away from him, "Whats your name?"
"Hmm? I'm sorry sweetheart what was that?"
You turned your head to the side and you were met face to face with him, his lips almost touching yours, his breathe lingering on your face, whiskey and cigarettes, his eyes looking into yours. You blushed hard, your mouth opened slightly. You looked down at his lips then back up at his eyes, "Name?" you whispered.
"Nick." he whispered.
He smirked and got off his chair and held out his hand. You got off your chair holding his hand. You followed him to the middle of the dance floor and he spun you around so your back was facing him. He grabbed your waist pulling you back towards him, your ass placed right on his crotch as you felt him get hard. You smirked and started to grind on him along with the music. The song 'Earned it' by the Weekend played, but it was the slowed down version of the song. You moved your hair to one side of your neck as he leaned down, his lips brushing against your neck. He goes up to your ear and whispers, "You are so fucking sexy. I wish I could take you in front of all these people but you would enjoy that too much. All these people would see you beg for my cock," he runs his hand up the back of your thigh and up your dress, "Don't make a sound, don't want to draw attention to us," his fingers brush against your folds and you bit your lip trying not to moan, his finger pushes past your folds as he runs his finger through your wetness, "God you are so fucking wet for me." he teases your entrance then he pulls his hand away from your core bringing his hand up to your mouth sliding his finger in. You sucked on it tasting yourself. "Mmm you taste good dont you?" you nodded pulling his finger out. You pulled your dress down and turned around looking up at him blushing, "Blue."
You walked into your bedroom backwards unbuckling Bucky’s belt as you two were making out. Your legs hit the bed as you laid back down on it. He crawled on top you, your lips never leaving his, never breaking the kiss. He pushes your dress up as you push his boxers and pants down. He pulls away from you taking off his shirt and his pants and boxers the rest of the way. You sit up and take off your dress, you grab his face pulling him in for another kiss. He gets on top of you again pushing you down to the bed. You put your hands in his hair pulling his head back, biting on his lip with your teeth. You suck on his bottom lip as he moans, you let it go as you smirk at his swollen lip. You attack his neck with kisses sucking on his sweet spot. "Mommy, please." he moans as he poked your core with his tip.
"Please what? Tell mommy what you want." you smirked at him as you kissed up his neck and nibbled on his ear.
"Let me fuck you mommy." He bites his lip, "Please." he begs.
You smirked shaking your head no, "Why should i let you?" you turned his head towards you as your lips slightly brush up against his. "Why should i let you fuck me?" you whispered against his lips, you looked up at his eyes. He looked down at you moaning softly, his mouth open a little.
"I deserve it, i do." he whines rubbing his tip against your clit.
"No, you don't deserve it." you smirked as he whined loudly.
"Come on mommy! Please!!" He whines against your lips.
"Mommy!!" he whined loudly.
You smirked, "What's the matter baby?"
"I just wanna fuck you!" his face turns red, "I wanna fuck your pussy, please mommy! I promise i'll be good, I won't cum until you tell me! I'll be a good boy." he had tears in his eyes as he begged you.
"You'll be my good boy? You'll let mommy cum first?" you put your hand on his cheek rubbing his cheek bone.
He nodded, "Yes mommy i promise."
"Okay you can fuck mommy." you bit your lip. He smiled big and slides his cock into you as you both moaned. He started thrusting into you hard grabbing your tit with one hand massaging it.
"Mmm fuck you are so tight!" he leans down sucking on your nipple.
"Yes! Fuck my pussy!" you moan as he thrusts into you harder.
You walked downstairs in just a tshirt that covered you just enough. You walked to the fridge and got a bottle of water and looked in it. The doorbell rang and you shut the door. You walked over to the door opening it and you smirked at him. He was standing there with a jean button down shirt, opened completely exposing his chest, his hair pushed back, a utility belt around his waist, jeans and sneakers. "Hi miss, we got a call about your wi-fi being down." he looked at you smiling.
"Yeah it's like not working." you stepped to the side letting him in. He walked in as you shut the door behind him. "My husband said he would fix it but hasn't gotten the chance too." You walk to the living room swaying your hips as he followed you, knowing he was staring at your ass. You walk over to your tv and bent over opening up the cabinet, completely exposing yourself to him, you weren't wearing any panties so he was looking right at your pussy. He was staring right at it, his cock instantly growing hard. He swallowed hard as you stood up turning around smirking at his uncomfortableness. "It's in that cabinet." You stepped to the side pointing at it. You sat down on the couch behind him. He got down on his knees and looked at the wifi box. He fixed a couple of wires then he was done. He sat back on his knees and looked over at you. You were sitting with your legs spread a little, your pussy slightly exposing to him. He bit his lip as he looked up at your eyes as you were already smirking and staring at him. You spread your legs a little more, "Did you fix it?" he nodded. "How much do i owe you?"
"Just one tight little pussy." He crawls over to you as you spread your legs, putting your feet up on the couch pulling your shirt up so it rests on your lower stomach. You bit your lip as you leaned back on your elbows. He grabs your thighs pulling you to the edge of the couch. He leans in and blows cool hair on your clit. You moaned throwing your head back as he lightly licked your clit.
"Stop teasing please. I want it." you whined pouting. He smirked, loving you begging for him. He leaned in more wrapping his lips around your clit sucking on it hard. You moaned loudly, "Fuck! Fuck! Just like that!" You grab his hair pulling him in closer, as he shook his head, his lips wrapped around your clit moving it from side to side. "Oh fuck yes! Eat that pussy baby!" He spreads your legs wider as he pulls away from your clit. He uses both of his hands and spreads your folds open so your pussy is fully exposed to him. He spits on your clit and watches it slide down your clit to your entrance. He watches as your hole clenches onto nothing. "Please baby! Keep going, don't stop!" you whined. He leans in, keeping your pussy spread open as he licks up from your entrance to your clit. He goes down and slides his tongue into your entrance, putting both of his thumbs on your clit rubbing it slowly as he thrusted his tongue into you. You threw your head back moaning loudly, "Oh my god! Feels so good! So fucking good. I wanna cum!" He pulls his tongue out smirking. He takes two fingers and rubs them up and down your pussy getting them wet with your juices and he slides them into you as you moaning louder. "Yes! Yes" He smirked and bit his lip as he pushed on your lower stomach a little with his other hand as he thrusted his fingers in you as fast as he could, hitting your spot as he did it. "I'm fucking cumming!!" You screamed loudly in pleasure as you gripped the couch arching your back. You started to see stars as you squirted all over his fingers.
"Yes baby! Yes!" He smirked at you and he pulled his fingers out slapping your pussy as few times. You breathed heavily as your pussy was dripping in your cum along with his chest. He stood up on his knees pulling down his pants, his cock sprung out hitting his lower stomach. He got between your legs and grabs his cock sliding it into you pussy.
You moaned loudly looking up at him, "Fuck your cock is so big! But you have to hurry, my husband will be home soon." You smirked at him as he leaned down grabbing your jaw getting close to your face.
"I don't care, I want your husband to walk in with my fucking cock deep in that pussy!" He thrusted into you hard and fast as you moaned loudly.
"Yes! Fuck my pussy baby!" you moaned louder as he thrusted into you harder and harder.
"Yeah? You like that kitten?! You like my cock deep in that pussy?!" He pushes in deeper stretching your pussy out more as you throw your head back moaning.
"Yes!! Fuck that pussy deep!!" You moaned loudly, "I wanna cum! I wanna cum on that cock!"
"Mmm do it baby, i'm gonna cum in that pussy!" He reached down rubbing your clit fast as his thrusts become sloppy, his orgasm approaching soon.
"Mmmf! Fill my pussy up with your cum! Fuck a baby in me daddy!" You grabbed onto his forearm as your pussy clenched around his cock. "I'm cumming! Cum with me daddy!" you moaned loud as he rubbed your clit faster thrusting into you as fast as he could.
"Mmm! Yeah baby, i'm almost there!" Your pussy clenched around his cock again, "Fuck! I'm cumming! You want me to fill your pussy up?!" His cock twitched hard in your pussy.
"Yes! Fill me up with that cum!! Fuck i'm cumming!!" You screamed that last part as you came hard all over his cock. He pushes his cock all the way inside of you as his cum painted your warm walls. He moaned as he came inside of you, feeling your walls, clench and unclench around him. He thrusted into you slowly to help you both ride out your highs, then he stop pulling out of you completely, his cock becoming soft and limp. You laid down on the couch breathing heavily, "That was so good baby." He looked down at your pussy as nothing was spilling out of your pussy.
He smirked, "You holding my cum in there good?"
You nodded biting your lip, "I don't want it to come out."
"Good girl."
You watched him from the pool lounge chair you were laying on. You wore a very revealing black bikini suit. He was cleaning the pool of all the leaves and bugs that got in it. He was your innocent pool boy, just coming over to clean the pool for you. He wore his swim trunks and no shirt. Just how you liked it. You got up from your chair and walked over to the hot tub that was connected to the pool. You started up the jets so the water could get warm. After a few minutes you got into the hot tub and sat back against the wall as you watched him continue to clean the pool. He looked at you from across the pool and smirked, "Beautiful day for a pool day huh, Mrs. Barnes?"
You nodded and blushed, "Everyday is a beautiful for the pool."
"Why is your pool so dirty? I just cleaned it yesterday." he smirked at you.
"I dumped a whole bunch of leaves in it so I could call you to come clean it." you bit your lip as you pushed your sunglasses onto your head, "Why dont you take a break? Come join me in the hot tub."
He smirked at you and shook his head no, "Can't do that Mrs. Barnes, your husband might come home."
"Oh come on, its just two grown adults, sitting in the hot tub together, nothing is going to happen." You smirked at him putting your sunglasses back on. He puts down the net and walks over to the hot tub and he gets in, sitting across from you. He sits back and relaxes against the jets. He closes his eyes and puts his arms on the back of the hot tub.
"Take a picture it lasts longer." He smirked looking at you as you were staring at his spider tattoo. You blushed looking away, you so badly wanted to break character and just beg him to fuck you, but you couldn't. You need to hold out, just a little longer.
"I don't know what you are talking about." you looked away from him.
"Mrs. Barnes you were thinking about dirty things weren't you?" he smirked looking at you. You couldn't take it anymore. You needed him and you needed him now. This was the first time you have ever broken out of character.
You got up and walked over to him straddling his waist grabbing his face. "I need you Buck please, i need you to fuck me."
He smirked at you shaking his head. He pulled you off of him and he got out of the hot tub, "I have to go, you have a good day Mrs. Barnes." He walked back into the house as you whined loudly.
You walked into the house from your lunch with your Sarah. You walked to the living room and looked at Bucky as he was wearing shorts and no shirt. He was cleaning the table and he looked up at you smiling, "Hello Mrs. Barnes you are home early. I'm almost done cleaning." you were caught by surprised and looked at him confused then smiled.
"It's okay..." you looked at his outfit and giggled, "Wait, pause. Why are you wearing that?"
"Because you told me too." he frowned standing up.
"No I didn't." you giggled.
"Yes you did y/n." he frowned.
"No, I said, you should be the maid and i'll be the housewife." You laughed, "So by me saying that, you decided to put on my maid outfit."
He blushed bright red, getting embarrassed, "Well, thats what I thought you meant."
"No." you giggled, "You look good though." you winked at him.
You walked downstairs and walked to the kitchen and saw Bucky, Steve and Sam all talking. Bucky looked up at you and smiled as you walked over to him. You kissed his cheek then walked to the fridge grabbing a bottle of water. You saw Steve and Sam leave the room and you were about to turn to Bucky when you felt him push you up against the fridge, his cock growing hard against your ass. He leaned down to your ear and you whined, your body pressing against the cold surface of the fridge. "When I get back, I except this whole house to be cleaned, and you better be in uniform when I get back." he grabs your hair pulling it back so your head was resting against his shoulder as you moaned. He slapped your ass hard squeezing it, "Got it?"
You nodded, "Yes sir, I understand."
"Good girl." he pulled away from your and fixed his shirt. You turned around looking at him with your back to the fridge.
"When will you be back?" you bit your lip.
"Not sure yet, like two hours at the most." he shrugged, "I love you i'll see you later." he kisses your cheek and walked out of the kitchen. You bit your lip as you heard the front door shut.
"Fuck." you sighed.
two hours later~
Bucky walked through the door and you gasped when you heard the door shut. You were still cleaning the dishes and you tried to hurry up to finish. "Where's my little kitten?" he smirked as he walked into the kitchen and saw your still washing the dishes. He frowned at you then smirked. You were wearing your sexy maid outfit, with black cat ears on your head, he looked down and saw you were wearing knee high tights with bows on the back of your thighs. You turned off the water and dried your hands turning around looking at him.
"Sir, I-I..." you blushed as he walked towards you pinning you against the counter.
"I thought I asked you to get all of your chores done before I got home." he frowned down at you.
"Sir, you did but..." he cut you off.
"But what? What were you doing that was more important than your job?"
"I-I...sir please." He wrapped his hand around your neck moving your head up so you were looking at him.
"Did you touch yourself without my permission?" he frowned at you.
"N-No I swear." your face turned a bright pink as you squeezed your legs together.
He smirked at you, "Liar…”
"I-I'm not lying.." you whined as he squeezed your throat a little and got close to your face, his lips brushing against yours slightly.
"So if i stick my fingers into your pussy, its not going to be stretched out is it?" he smirked at you as you blushed hard.
"S-Sir please..." you whined softly.
"Ahhh you did touch yourself didn't you?" he smirked at you, "Tsk tsk, bad kitten. You know what happens when you dont listen."
"But sir, it was only because I had to make it fit." you blushed hard getting nervous.
"Make what fit?" he looked at you confused. He pulled his hand off of your throat as you turned around and bent over the sink a little lifting up your skirt. You spread your cheeks as you showed him the 3 inch butt plug that was all the way in your ass. He groaned and ran his hands through his hair, "Fuck, you are killing me baby. Is this the vibrating one?" You nodded biting your lip looking back at him.
"Is that good sir?"
"Fuck baby what are you doing to me?" he leans back against the island counter. You stand up turning around looking at him, he face is a light pink, his hands are shaking as he rests them back on the counter. You look down and see his rock hard cock poking at his sweatpants. You got down on your knees pulling his pants down along with his boxers. His cock springs out and stands up straight, hard as a rock. You grabbed his cock putting one hand on his hip as you sucked on his tip. He threw his head back moaning, "Fuck yes baby, such a good little kitten." you looked up at him innocently as he looked down at you, "Don't look at me like that when you have my cock in your mouth." he moans as you bob your head fast on his cock. He grabs you by the hair and holds you still thrusting his hips against your face. You never broke eye contact with him as tears started to roll down your face as you gagged on his tip. He pulls you off of his cock as he breathes heavily. His tip red and leaking precum, your chin covered in your spit as you stared up at him innocently. He pulls you up by your arm and picks you up sitting you down on the chair. You grabbed both of your legs and leaned back pulling them back to your shoulders holding them there as you fully expose yourself to him. Your pussy dripping in your juices as your ass clenches around the butt plug. He stands up in front of you and rubs his red, swollen tip against your wet dripping slit.
"Mmm daddy please." you moaned as you being sensitive to his touch, biting your lip, "Please give me your cock."
"I feel like if I slide in, i'm going to cum, so just give me a second." he moaned as he rubbed his tip against your clit.
"Just do it please, just cum inside me please. You'll get hard again please! I'll help you! Fuck I want it!" you whined loudly looking up at him, "Please, it will be so hot if you came inside of me and then fucked your cum in me. I wanna be your cum slut daddy."
He groaned feeling himself so close to the edge, he was sweating. He grabbed your throat and slid his cock into you moaning. "Fuck i'm gonna cum, i cant hold it baby." he stroked what wasn't inside of you and he cums inside of you moaning. You moaned feeling him fill you up.
"Mmm fuck daddy." he pulled out of you and you looked down as watched his cum drip out of you. "Shit daddy, I cant let it go to waste." you smirked and slid two fingers into your pussy thrusting your fingers to collect his cum. He stands there and watches you as you pull them out and they are covered in his cum and your juices. You put your hand up to your mouth, he grabs your wrist and he pulls your hand away from you. He grips your chin and forces your mouth open. You stick your tongue out looking up at him as he spits in your mouth, letting it slowly drip from his mouth onto your tongue. He smirks when it lands on your tongue and you slide your two fingers in your mouth that is covered in cum and you suck on them swallowing his cum and spit. You pulled your fingers out and opened your mouth to show him that you swallowed everything.
"Good girl." He strokes his cock until he is rock hard again. He spits on his cock rubbing it all over himself as he rubs his tip on your clit.
"Mmm you gonna fuck me good daddy?" you bit your lip then moaned loudly as he slid his cock into you. You held onto the back of your thighs, still holding your legs up to your shoulders. He pulled out until only the tip was in and he slammed back into you pushing in all the way until he bottomed out. "Oh fuck! Ah! So good! So fucking big!" you moaned loudly as you looked up at him biting your lip. He runs his hand through his hair pushing it out of his face as he looks down at where you are connected and he thrusts into you slowly. He reaches down and pinches your clit with his thumb and pointer finger lightly. You gasped softly and looked down at his hand, "Daddy! What are you doing?" You clenched around his cock and he gasps a little as he started to pick up the pace.
"Mmm your pussy is so pretty baby. Stretching out so good for my cock." he moans staring at your pussy.
"Just fuck me please." you whined and wiggled your hips. He grabs your throat again and squeezes it frowning at you. "Hey! Who's in charge here?"
"You daddy!" you whined loudly.
"Then let me take my time." he frowned.
"B-But you got to cum and I didn't yet." you whined starting to tear up.
"You wanna cum?! Huh?! You wanna cum?!" He started thrusting into you hard and fast as you moaned loudly nodding.
"Yes! Yes I wanna cum daddy!" you moaned louder as he thrusted into you faster. He reached underneath you and turned on the vibrating butt plug as it was right up against your spot in your ass and you moaned louder digging your nails into the back of your thighs. "Shit! Oh fuck! Yes! Yes!"
"You like that baby?! Huh? Tell me how much you love my cock?" he smirked and slapped your cheek grabbing your neck again.
"I love your cock so much! It's so fucking deep daddy!" you arched your back as he thrusted into you harder, rubbing your clit with his thumb. "I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna fucking cum! Rub my clit daddy!"
"Mmm thats it baby, cum on my cock." he smirked as he rubbed your clit faster, moving a little and angled himself to hit your spot as he pounded into you harder, his tip hitting your spot.
You pushed his hand away as you reached down rubbing your clit fast with two of your fingers as your legs started to shake, "I'm gonna squirt! I'm gonna fucking squirt!! Don't stop!" you moaned louder looking down at where you were connected and screamed loudly in pleasure as he pulled out of you smirking as you squirted all over your fingers and his lower stomach, rubbing your clit fast as you squirted. "Yes! Oh fuck yes!!" you stopped and looked down at your mess and he smirked sliding right back into you as you moaned. "Yes daddy! Make me squirt again!"
"Mmm cum with me baby." He thrusted into you hard and fast as you rubbed your clit fast again.
"I love your cock! Oh my god! I fucking love it!" you moaned louder and he started to pound into your spot hard.
"Mmm! Gonna cum with you baby!" his thrusts got sloppier as his cock twitched inside of you.
"Shit! I'm gonna cum!" he pounded into you spot as hard as he could as you rubbed your clit fast. "Im cumming!!" he pushes deep in of you cumming inside of you as your clenched around his cock squirting all over your fingers and his cock. You closed your eyes, getting too much pleasure, slowly going into sub-space. Bucky saw this happening and he rubbed the back of your thighs and waited for you to relax and come back. You finally calmed down and was breathing heavily as you opened your eyes looking at him.
"Did you come back to me?" he smiled.
"Y-Yes. Holy shit that was so good." you said softly nodding.
He kissed your head smiling, "Let's go shower. You did so good today baby."
"Thank you daddy." you giggled biting your lip.
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altsvu · 5 months
three way phone part 1
Tumblr media
pairing: sonny carisi x peter stone x detective!fem!reader
wc: 1.4k
summary: a movie night with the boys is all fine and dandy until things get spicy.
cw: shameless flirting, a little smut
a/n: in honor of this fic officially sitting in my drafts for THREE years (1/3/2021), i’m gonna post it today :) i’m thinking of making this a two part thing, with part two being raunchy asf. this is my first time writing a 3some so enjoy lovelies! 😭🫶🏽
law and order svu masterlist! ✯ taglist!
For a while you had been toying with Peter and Sonny because they both had feelings for you, even thought lately you had been more close with Peter. Two weeks ago, Sonny took you out to his favorite restaurant, and last week, Peter took you to a baseball game. You, Sonny and Peter hung out a lot after work if one of them weren’t spending time with you, and you were hoping for something more with one, or both of them.
“Y/N.” You turned and saw Peter coming over to you. You were the only detective in the precinct, Sonny had left to get ready for movie night. On the other hand you were chilling in the break room getting some paperwork done. That was something you did when you didn’t feel like sitting at your desk.
“Oh hey Peter.” You smiled.
“Hey there beautiful.” He said. He kissed your cheek before he sat down.
“You always find a way to flirt with me.”
“Ever since that baseball game, I’ve had even more feelings for you.”
His hand found a way to your thigh.
“Aww, Peter. Really?”
“Yeah. I can’t stop thinking about you, and I was hoping...”
There was a bit of silence between the two of you.
“That maybe we can spend more time together. Alone.”
“I- How did you know?”
You scooted closer to Peter.
“It’s written all over you.” You whispered.
You and Peter both knew the energy shifted after that. He moved closer and kissed you. You kissed him back and it was one of the best things you ever experienced. His hands went to your ass, gripping it so he could transport you from your chair to his lap. A squeal escaped your lips.
“Damn Peter.”
“Damn, is absolutely correct. What’s on for tonight?”
“I was thinking Gothika or the Invisible Guardian, since you boys don’t want to watch romance movies.”
“I think we know how that would play out. But I would kill for some Naked.”
“Ooh, Naked sounds good. I’ll tell Sonny when he gets there.”
Peter smiled and looked at you.
“Nothing. You just look beautiful sitting on my lap.”
You kissed him then slid the paperwork closer to you so you could finish it. You shifted in his lap so that both of your legs were facing the table and you let him grip you by your waist. Peter watched as you completed your DD5’s. At one point he pushed some of your hair back.
“Peter...” You smiled. “Very tempting of you.”
Your phone went off with a text from Sonny asking you if you were still on for sitting in on the civil court case he’s working with Pippa Cox for with him. You replied with an “Of course! I can’t wait!”
“You planning on being a lawyer?”
“I haven’t thought about it. I’m just really interested in the court system. Plus, if I ever decided to, I have one of many great former and current ADA’s I can go to.”
“Am I on that list?” Peter whispered.
“Top 3.” You whispered back, finishing the last component of the 5. “Okay. I’m done.”
“Good. I can’t wait to see what you wear later. “
“I’m sure you can’t.” You smirked, getting up from his lap. “Accompany me to Liv’s office and my desk?”
“Of course.” Peter got up and grabbed you by the waist as you were fixing up the papers.
“Peter!” You shrieked. He chuckled and pulled you closer to him, then kissing your lips. After your little make out session, you stopped by Liv’s office and placed your forms on her desk along with a small note, then went to your desk to grab your things.
“So... I’ll see you in about an hour or two?” You asked after getting outside.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
A grin formed on your face. “Bye for now, Peter.” You planted a kiss on his cheek and then went on your separate ways.
You had just finished getting dressed and spritzing yourself with a body mist. You wore a pink silk spaghetti strap cropped v neck, a pair of pink and flower patterned tie up sleep shorts, a black silk long robe, and white fuzzy socks. Going to the kitchen to set up snacks, you heard the doorbell rang and when you went to check, it was Sonny.
“Sonny!” You squealed when he kissed your cheek and gave you a tight hug and lifted you off the floor a bit. You closed the door behind him when he put you down.
“You look beautiful for someone who’s hosting movie night.”
“You think I’m overdressed?”
“Of course not, doll.” Sonny stepped closer to you and his hand made its way under your robe. It slowly slipped off and there was a moment of silence between the two of you. Sonny’s hands then went to the sliver of bare skin. “What you’re wearing is just fine.”
“Good.” You whispered. You planted a kiss on his cheek and walked over to the kitchen to prepare the snacks.
You already had the wine out, two bottles of everyone’s favorite cabernet sauvignon to be more specific, and you wanted to prepare a small charcuterie board with several cheeses, meats, grapes, and dark chocolate. You enjoyed doing things like this, it gave you a sort of satisfaction. People always praised you for bringing the best snacks and things of the sort.
Sonny followed behind you and offered to help you set up and make a pretty display. While setting up, the doorbell rang and you went to get it.
“Y/N,” Peter started, looking at you with a smile on his face.
“Hi Peter!” You smiled back. He pulled you into a hug for a little while. “We’re in the kitchen.”
Now finally, the three of you were here and ready to get the party started. You spent some time with them in the kitchen playing around by tossing and playfully feeding each other pieces of cheese, grapes, and chocolate. You were having fun. You liked hanging out with Peter and Sonny, and they liked hanging out with you just the same.
After a little while doing that, the guys helped you finish your display in the living room with the last of snacks, and then it was time to settle down.
“Are you boys getting bored?” You asked, taking another sip of wine.
After many glasses of wine and a fee snacks remaining, the three of you had finished the first movie, and was on the second movie you chose.
“Oh dear Y/N, very, very bored.” Peter joked. He draped an arm around you and looked at you passionately.
“Boohoo.” You mused. You turned to look at Sonny who was sitting beside you as well. “Sonny?”
Sonny smiled. “Never with you.”
“You’re so cute.” You smiled, planting a small kiss on his nose.
Peter’s hand trailed along the bare parts of your body. “I think… we can have a lot more fun on our own.”
You looked back at Peter, noticing the fierceness in his eyes. You let that same hand caress your cheek. Peter wanted to do his own thing, give you pleasure, and he wasn’t gonna let you go easily. He moved closer to you, his hands moving to your thigh.
However, you weren’t gonna give in. Not that easily. You sat there, letting Peter seduce you until you reached your breaking point. The softest moan escaped your lips. Sonny watched in amazement as Peter continued to seduce you. He turned your head to face him and he leaned in to kiss you. It was soft but also rough. You gave in and kissed him back, pulling him closer to you. You guided his hand to hold your waist. While kissing Peter you searched for Sonny’s hand to touch you as well. You could tell Sonny was hesitant, but when you felt the warmth of his body touch through the thin piece of silk that was the robe, you knew he wanted a piece of you too.
Sonny slipped a part of your robe off and kissed your bare shoulder, then went up to your neck and sucked on the soft skin. You had stopped kissing Peter at this point and he was leaving kisses on your chest. He slipped off the other side of your robe and as of now, the two men left you with bare shoulders.
“Boys. I think we should take this to the bedroom.” You whispered ever so shallowly.
taglist: @storiesofsvu @averyhotchner @ssaic-jareau @detective-giggles @blackbeautifulqueen @lapaquerette @itsjustmyfantasyroom
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rainbowsky · 6 months
Hope you are well 🙂
Assuming you are an adult working in a job, how do you manage multi tasking with regularly maintaining this blog along with job, personal life stuff etc?
I have tried doing many things at once but got tired of it easily 🥲
Hi Anon, I'm doing well, thanks! Hope you are too! 🙂
Hehe, the easy answer to this question is, I don't. I really don't keep up with any of this. I'm just constantly trying to stay afloat.
I have an inbox that is embarrassingly overflowing. Every one of those messages is someone who had a question or something they wanted to discuss, and their message fell into the abyss.
For every 20 asks I get, I might have time to answer one or two that I have the info ready at the top of my head, or that is easy to find the details on. True, some of the unanswered asks are of the sort I wouldn't be likely to respond to anyway (anti messages, repeats of things that I've already responded to, topics I don't want to discuss), but most are not in those categories.
I have a drafts folder that is similarly bursting at the seams, and a long list of posts that I've started and haven't gotten around to finishing. Bigger projects, some of which I have been picking away at for years. Reviews for dramas, films, songs, performances, etc. that haven't yet finished writing about (not to mention the dramas I'm not done watching!). Ask responses that are thousands of words long but not yet wrapped up. A masterlist post that is many months behind updating, and posts that are getting harder and harder to keep track of.
Lately I've been mainly updating with GG and DD's content - all the great photos and videos that only take a few minutes for me to post - and the occasional ask response.
It makes me really sad, to be honest. There's so much more that I want to share that I've been unable to. But I do what I can.
There are a couple of posts in particular that really mean a lot to me, that I've been unable to finish for various reasons - primarily lack of time and emotional/mental energy.
I also have to contend with my ND brain, which requires deep investment to keep a particular post going. I try to answer asks, for example, that I can easily answer in one sitting. If I have to go back to it later, it's often too difficult to find the thread of where I once was, or get back the momentum I had going.
I never give up on finishing something, though. Some things I'll probably never finish, but others I will definitely make a go of. With the holidays here I'm hoping to have more time to focus on my blog. I guess we'll see. 😅
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cacodaemonia · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks so much for the tag, @lyntergalactic! :D I feel like I've done this before, but it must have been a whole ago. It looks fun! (also, I'm pasting just the questions at the bottom of the post if anyone wants to copy those)
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 247, though I'm not really sure what the ratio is for images versus fics... Okay, apparently, 97 of them are tagged with 'fanart' and have fewer than 100 words, so somewhere around 100 image-only works and 147 fics.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 1,141,145; which includes a few collabs and fics for which I just contributed an image.
3. What fandoms do you write for? TCW exclusively 😅 Though I've done a handful of images for other things like Arcane, Dune, Trigun, The Expanse, House of the Dragon...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? A bunch of my works with the most kudos are images, but if we're talking fics, then I think it's just some of my oldest ones...
That’s Not How It Happened (This Is How It Happened) - Fives arc fix-it and my first fic.
Orbital Decay - Codywan that I haven't edited since I posted it, so I can't vouch for the quality.
Modulation - Another one I haven't touched since I posted it, but it's an 'Echo gets rescued much earlier than in canon and he and Fives reunite' fix-it of sorts.
Will You Walk With Me? - Waxer's pov from the start of the war to the (fix-it) end, and it mostly focuses on his and Boil's friendship (Waxer & Boil or Waxer/Boil pre-relationship - take your pick). Even though this certainly isn't the best thing I've written, it's my baby. 🧡
Interference - Umbara fix-it featuring minor canon characters and some necessary OCs in the first chapter, then more major canon characters later.
More stuff below the cut, since this is a long list...
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably You're Just Harder to See Than Most, which ends very sadly on its own, but it's part of a larger fix-it including Modulation above, so Fives and Echo get reunited.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Pfff like basically all of them, idk XD;
8. Do you get hate on fics? No, just on one sketch dump, where someone went through 6 chapters of spicy cloneshippy images and then decided they needed to complain about it being gross and immoral 🤣 It was hysterical kjlksahfg
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Oh yes, I'm a certified smut goblin. Not really sure what the question means by 'what kind,' but I guess 'porn with feelings' is probably the AO3 tag that would most accurately describe all of the smut I've written XD
10. Do you write crossovers? Nope.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! :D
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Hm, I suppose if we're defining that as like, "what ship have you intensely shipped for the longest amount of time," it would be destiel? I was veeeeeery into that ship for many years.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I've had one wip sitting around for over a year, and for a while I was thinking I wasn't going to get back to it ever. But I made a little vibes playlist for it and had some help brainstorming, so I'm hopeful I can start tackling it again after I get some current stuff drafted.
16. What are your writing strengths? Starting something and working on it until it's finished.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I have a lot of trouble generating ideas on my own.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I think it's fine as long as it's either A. very short and clear from context or B. for some reason, the writer is intending to confuse the reader and obfuscate what was said. I know I've said it before, but I'm not gonna scroll to the bottom of a fic every few paragraphs to find the translations for whole phrases or sentences. If the amount of 'other language' starts making the dialogue difficult to follow, I'm just gonna nope out.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Technically, I wrote one thing for Gundam Wing back in like 2000, but I can't even remember what I did with it or what it was about, exactly. Other than that, TCW.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? flsdlfg that's really difficult... idk man, if it's quality we're talking about rather than sentimentality, I'd say it's a toss-up between these three 😅:
My Heart's Red Muscle - Canon-divergent AU where Waxer is a cyborg.
Kinktober 2022 - Character studies/development through smut, where Waxer and Boil find a list of sexy things to try out, so it's kind of meta. It's from my main Open Skies AU, and I'm weirdly proud of this one XD;
We Could Breathe Underwater - Force-sensitive Waxer and Boil AU
Phew! Okay this took me like three sessions to answer, but it was fun :)
No-pressure tags: anyone who sees this and wants to do it, plus @lizardberries @elismor @bilbosmom-belladonna @valkeakuulas @petrifiedforests @marbled-polecat @writegowrite @sophronist @marbled-polecat @ivalane
20 Questions for Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
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canirove · 2 years
The Nanny Diaries | Chapter 1
Summary: Have you ever watched that movie with Scarlett Johansson where she works as a nanny for a very rich family, and Chris Evans is her very hot and cute neighbour? Well, that’s kind of been my life for the past few months. Hot neighbour included.
Author’s note: This story has been on my drafts for ages, and I wasn’t planning on posting it because when I finished it I didn’t like it that much. I even wrote a different version with someone else. But the the other day someone liked the “imagine” that inspired it, and sinde I don’t have anything else finished to post besides “Bluebell”, I said, why not? I’m sure worst things have been posted 😅
I hope you enjoy it, and as always, thank you for reading! 💜
Next chapter
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Have you ever watched that movie with Scarlett Johansson where she works as a nanny for a very rich family, and Chris Evans is her very hot and cute neighbour? Well, that’s kind of been my life for the past few months.
It all started when my friend Alice asked me to drive her to a photoshoot she was working in as a make-up artist. It was at a park, and they allowed people to watch as long as they didn’t bother anyone on set.
I sat on a corner next to where Alice had all her things, and just watched my friend and her colleagues work. But the one who wasn’t in the mood for just sit and watch, was Levi, the model’s three-year-old son. He kept running away from her while Alice was doing her make-up, wanting to be free and explore. And on one of those trips, he found me.
He came running towards me, falling at my feet and starting to cry. His mum was busy shooting and I didn’t want to distract her, so I picked one of Alice’s brushes and used it on his knee as if it was a magic wand.
“See? Completely healed.”
“That isn’t a magic wand” Levi said, pointing at the brush.
“Ok, fine. It is a magic brush.”
“Brushes aren’t magical.”
“This one is” I said, shaking it in front of him.
“What can it do?”
“It can turn people into animals.”
“Really?” Levi asked, his eyes wide.
“Watch this” I said, pointing the brush at myself and starting to meow, making him laugh.
“But you didn’t turn into a real cat!” he said with a big smile.
“Meow?” I said before using the brush again. “Sorry, I forgot to undo the spell.”
He laughed again, and that’s how we spent the rest of the shoot, making the other turn into different animals, other members of the crew also joining our game.
“Thank you so much for keeping him entertained” Levi’s mum said when she had finished shooting.
“Oh, it was nothing” I replied with a smile.
“Mummy, can I take this home with me?” Levi asked, showing her the brush we had been playing with.
“You’ll have to ask her” she said, nodding towards me.
“Take it, Alice won’t mind. And besides” I said, lowering my voice “she doesn’t know how to use it to make magic the way we do.”
A few days later, Alice called me.
“Remember the kid from the other day? Levi?”
“I do. Why?”
“His mum just sent me a dm on Instagram asking for your phone number. She’s wondering if you would like to take care of him while she is at work.”
“She wants me to be his nanny?”
“Something like that. Are you interested? She said she will pay you, money isn’t an issue with her. And since you are currently jobless…”
“Yeah, sure. Why not?”
Flashforward to the present. I’ve been working for the Kloss family for three months now. At first I was just staying with Levi for a few hours here and there while his mum was at work. Then, a couple of days, spending the night at their house because Mrs. Kloss had to shoot in a different city or country, and Mr. Kloss was busy with work. And right now, I’m living with them. With her, her husband, Levi, and their housekeeper, Mrs. McKenzie. And I’m doing it properly, with my own room and everything, one way bigger than the one I had at my old apartment. Though my whole apartment probably fits just on the area designed for the staff.
And I’m not gonna lie… I love living with the Klosses. They are lovely, and so far I haven’t felt mistreated in any shape or form. I have a really good salary, I live in the most expensive and poshest area of the city (which is gorgeous), and if I need a free day that isn’t among the ones we have agreed to, they don’t say no as long as it fits with their schedule.
I’m walking back home on one of those days after a date with a really nice guy, when I spot a group of young men standing at the door of my building, laughing and screaming. Great. Drunk men, just what I need to end my night.
“Excuse me” I say to one of them. “I need to get into the building.”
“What?” the guy says, turning around to look at me.
“I live here. Do you mind moving?”
“Only if you kiss me first” he says with a stupid smile.
“Jack, don’t be a jerk and let her through” one of the other guys says.
“I was going to start the night with a kiss and you just ruined it for me.”
“Did you see her face, bro? She wasn’t going to kiss you. I actually think she was going to kick you and leave with you without offspring.”
“Off… what?”
“Nevermind. Move and let the girl pass.”
“Ok” says the first guy, Jack.
“Sorry about him. Sometimes he can be a bit… you know.”
“It’s ok, don’t worry” I say, properly looking at my savior. And damn, he is gorgeous. I don’t usually use that word with men, but it is the only one that works with him. Those eyes, that smile, that hair… Gorgeous.
“Evening Mr. Chilwell” the doorman says. “I thought you were leaving.”
“I was, but the lady here needed to get home.”
“Oh, miss, I hadn’t seen you. I’m very sorry.”
“Don’t worry Louis” I say with a smile.
“Is there anything else you may need?” he asks.
“No, I’m fine.”
“Good” he says, going back to his usual spot.
“I didn’t know I had a new neighbour. Where do you live?”
“Third floor, with the Kloss family.”
“Oh, you must be Levi’s babysitter.”
“Yep, that’s me.”
“You definitely are an improvement from the one they had before. She was… Well. Hard to look at.”
“But true” he shrugs.
“Still rude.”
“If you say so…”
If I say so? What an idiot.
“I better go, I have to wake up early tomorrow” I say, moving towards the door. “You should go back to your friends, make sure they aren’t bothering more girls.”
“They aren’t bad guys.”
“If you say so…” I say, using his same tone.
“Why are you mad?” he asks, running a hand through his hair and making me feel… things.
“I am not mad” I say, crossing my arms over my chest. “Pissed? Maybe.”
“Because I called a woman ugly?”
“Whatever” he says, rolling his eyes. Those beautiful eyes of his.
“Yes, whatever. Goodnight, Mr. Chilwell” I say, walking into the lobby.
“Wait. Can I at least get a goodbye kiss? For being a gentleman and saving you from Jack.”
“You want what?” I say, not believing what I just heard.
“A kiss” he says with an innocent smile. Innocent. This guy. Ha!
“If you had any chance of getting one, which you didn’t, you completely lost it by behaving like a jerk.”
“Oh, c’mon” he complains.
“Goodnight” I say again, walking away from him.
“You are gonna end up falling for me, you know?” he says behind me. “No one has ever resisted to me. No one.”
“You are so humble, Mr. Chilwell” I snort.
“It’s Ben. My name is Ben. And it is what it is. You will fall for me just like all the others do.”
“In your dreams” I reply, daring to look at him while I wait for the lift.
“Oh, I will definitely see you there tonight…. Neighbour” he says before joining his friends outside and giving me a smile that, again, makes me feel things. And he knows it. He totally knows it.
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