#and randomly thought of a situation lol
goldenflurry · 1 year
Pearl had been sitting alone, for what seemed to be a good while, when Doc passed by the shopping district. Doc noticed her sitting on top of Sparkly Trash’s roof, he was headed to see what Scar might have stocked in the redstone shop of his, and then take a glance at iBuy, but something in the way she sat pulled him away from those thoughts completely. He swooped down and sat next to Pearl, who looked distressed about something, enough that it was obviously a problem she was thinking about, and thinking about it hard. Doc had cleared his throat when he realised Pearl didn’t look over as he arrived, she gave him a quiet, but distant, hello. Taking that as a sign to join her side Doc snuggled in on the roof with the local moth alien.
“What’s gotten you looking like some body kicked your puppy?” Doc questioned, hoping that joke wasn’t on the mark or something like that.
Pearl took in a deep breath, “just not feeling it today I guess.” She responded looking out over the district, the melancholy look she had caused Doc to frown lightly.
“Those types of days do happen, maybe you need a break? A lot of things have cause some interesting activity lately,” Doc spoke softly, a small hint of a laugh as he began thinking of the chaos he and his neighbours where in, along with the whole tcg tournament going on, “even a small one is good to have every once and a while.”
“Yeah, I thought about doing that, but I don’t think a break is what I need right now.” Pearl responded looking over to Doc and flashing a weak smile his way, “plus! What’s someone like you doing talking to a silly ol’ cleaning lady like me for? Don’t you have some pesky neighbours to deal with?” She added in, throwing more of a positive tone into her voice this time around.
“Why shouldn’t I stop and make the cleaning lady smile?” Doc chuckled, playfully nudging Pearl with his elbow. “Especially since she’s already helped plenty of people, with her services, I think it’s only fair!” He smiles warmly, “but seriously, if you need to have a talk or something, I can only recommend you so, instead of bubbling it up inside.”
Pearl’s smile changed to one that almost made Doc worry she was about to poor her heart out right there and then, but instead she wiped her eyes and nodded, “you’re right, you’re right, there’s a reason we’re all friends here after all! I guess I still have some getting used to, it’s only my second season here after all!” She laughed, retuning the playful nudge. Her smile this time feeling much more genuine.
“We’re all here for each other, so don’t sweat it!” Doc nodded, standing up and lightly dusting himself from the shop dirt, “us hermits gotta stick together.”
“Yeah, I agree.”
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We should bring back that thing some websites used to do where whenever you made a post you could also list a bunch of random details alongside it, like the mood you’re currently feeling while writing the post, what you’re eating, music you’re currently listening to, what device you’re writing the post on, some random emoji, your personal motto at the moment, etc. It’s like additional character lore 
#I think you can do this with facebook still like you can put a current mood 'feeling XYZ' BUT you have to choose from their list#of premade emotions. You can't just type your own.#and you can't add a bunch of random extra details for no reason#Also DID websites actually do this? I might just be thinking of one or two. specifically I htink on deviant art (which I rarely ever#used except for one small period when I was like 14 yrs old and thought it would be Professional to post art there lol)#when you made a journal post type of thing I think you could put information like this. And I THINK you could maybe do something similar on#the journals on gaiaonline?? maybe also myspace but I remember so little about mysapce or if they even have a journal#type function. I MISS websites randomly having journals as like..a thing#like you had your normal post feed and then also a diary type place. Kind of like how poeple used to use facebook Notes different#from just a normal facebook post.#If I ever actually do anything successful in my life and somehow defeat the mental illness and physical issues and Situational Barriers#and actually accomplish like.. anything enough to be a professional with their own website (like how famous authors will have#their own websites where they post updates that are NOT social media like a facebook but. their own custom website or whatever)#then I'l make sure that in the code it's set up so whenever I make a post I can add these options ghhbjhb#Imagine some official really imporant release of a movie or game or something and then alongside it it's just like#Feeling: Evil 🤭  Eating: Shredded cheddar cheese  Drinking: water out of an old coffee tin#(I had to google some online place to copy and paste emojis ghbhjb i have no idea how they work )#Though also it wouldn't be interesting for me because I have a limited emotional range and also love routine so I'd basically always#feel neutral and just be cycling through the same 5 foods/drinks/music/etc. at all times hjbjjh#I also always wear the same clothes like a cartoon character#BUT it'd be interesting to see about other poeple I guess lol
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pepprs · 2 years
the way i am going to need to be tranquilized and sedated to get through tomorrow. god fucking help me
#purrs#particularly from like 1:30-3:30 specifically. i do not know how i will be able to get work done. i do not know how i am going to be able to#not fucking die. i really feel like i am going to pass out. i can’t do this i really truly genuinely cannot#every time i remember. like just… there are implications of this i have not even THOUGHT OF yet. that haven’t even crossed my MIND that are#still so engrained in my life and way of thinkjng and being. and i don’t know ifim gonna make her uncomfortable or panicked or guilty by#sobbing my eyes out not to mention other people witnessing that but there is NO WAY im gonna be able to not sob hysterically. this is#legitimatelt one of the most painful things that has ever happened to me in my whole life which says something about how much pain i have#experienced as a human being and how ridiculous it is that im freaking out over this LOL. but ummmmmm. this is……. this is so bad. i think#everything after tomorrow will be very hard (because i’ll miss her terribly) but it’ll be okay because it’s like this is the reality and now#we have to just like move forward and yeah im gonna have breakdowns on here abt how i feel like we aren’t properly grieving it or whatever a#and how i want time to like cope with it and not keep movi ng at 38472974mph WHILEALSO trying to not convey panic. but it’s been this#excruciating mindfuck of a situation bc she’s still HERE. STILL USING THE ‘WE’ THE DAY BEFORE SHE LEAVES! LIKE WHAT IS GOING ONBNNN THE COGN#COGNITIVE FUCKING DISSONANCE OF IT ALL!!!!! and like seeing her and having her stuff still around and whatever is um. it’s bad. it’s really#making it hard for me to accept that this is happening. so tomorrow is it then and we will drag ourselves through it and i swear to god i#will be hysterically crying. maybe even as i walk in and see her there knowing it’s the last time. LOL. like how do i not…. omgggggggg 😍😍😍😍😍#this is so so so bad. why is this happening. not only is it embarrassing and humiliating but it’s like girl thisis an office this is work it#it’s really not that big a deal. BUT IT IS. TO US. TO ME. WHY IS SHE DOING THIS? i am about to punch the WALL. but nothing will help or make#it better until time passes or if she randomly decides not to do it. idk .i just can’t believe it. im so angry and sad and hurt and scared.#tomorrow will straight up kill me. it really actually seriously will. i don’t know how im gonna get through it. LOL#delete later
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strangesem · 1 year
hobie brown x shy/quiet!reader headcanons
spider-punk x reader this is not a drill
long as hell I’m so sorry
a/n: reader is mentioned as being a mom friend but imo that can be gender neutral so this can still be read by anyone!! if that makes you uncomfortable though please skip this post :)
I also imagine hobie as being 19-ish so it’s kinda implied reader lives alone but can def be read as younger!!
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most people didn’t notice you at first.
you were quiet; really quiet. you’d mumble your thank you’s, whisper apologies, and generally go out of your way not to interact with people as a whole.
I feel like that gentleness/softness would almost draw hobie to you though?
he’d definitely first meet you as spider-man; saving you from some sort of robber or attacker. and then he’d see you be so shy about thanking him and apologizing as if it was your fault??? he finds it sweet but also kinda concerning for you tbh
and over time he begins to notice you more and more during his patrols; something about you just draws him in.
he definitely likes that you don’t try to tell him or others what to do lol
after talking to you enough as spider-man, and you start to open up, he begins to like you even more
you listen to some of the music he likes? your humour?? not to mention how genuine you are???
(also very useful if you happen to be a “mom friend” type who keeps first aid, candy, etc on you at all times!! he’d definitely appreciate a lollipop to help with the pressure changes while swinging around or a bandage for his cuts)
speaking of which if you ARE the type to have those things on you he may start seeking you out if/when he gets hurt
and after that even when he’s not tbh he’ll just pretend to have a headache and eat some of your candy on your couch lmao-
one time though he comes with wounds a little too serious looking for the standard wet cloth and bandaid treatment you had been used to; and it scares you
you raise your voice a bit louder than he’d ever heard, in a scared tone that was different than your normal anxious voice, and you tell him he should probably definitely go to a hospital
“but I like you so much better” he leans in a little too close, holding on to you a little too tight to keep himself steady, and you suddenly realize the reality of you situation
spider-man is in your living room. he’s bleeding a lot. and you’re the first person he thought to come to; because he likes you? not like that obviously- unless it is like that? NO. people barely even notice you, no one would ever feel like that type of thing for-
“you’re staring” you can feel the shit eating grin on his face; it’s practically burning through his mask
you stutter out an apology and after stammering around for a moment you get him to sit down and do your best to treat his injuries
you can tell the disinfectant stings by the way he flinches whenever you apply it, as well as his teasing that he “thought you were supposed to be nicer than the nurses” but he does his best to sit still and let you dress all of his wounds
you both remain still for a moment, and you think you can feel his eyes on you but you’re too scared to look up. your hands are shaking; they have been this whole time.
“that’s everywhere right? I didn’t miss something?”
he takes off his mask to look you in the eye and tell you he’s okay but you’re just like ????
ANYWAYS you are once again staring bc you now know spider-man’s identity???
I feel like he’s gently hold your face and just give you a quick peck to make sure he wasn’t crossing any boundaries
but if you kiss him back? he’s NEVER stopping
he’ll start randomly crawling through your window with excuses of missing you or wanting to show you something
and soon he’s staying the night at your place or he’s swinging you over to his so you can stay with him
I think dates would definitely be super chill and more like hanging out at each others places than anything else
but if he does a show for his music he’d definitely want you there!!
he’d also probably pick you up and start swinging around the city with no warning just for the way you’ll grab on to him so tightly-
but ofc is you asked him not to he’d stop immediately!
doesn’t get super jealous or anything, he’s a pretty chill guy, but he will get sorta bothered if someone’s aggressively pursuing you even after knowing you two are together
like if someone doesn’t know and flirts with you he’s just like “yeah I’m lucky”
but if someone ever went so far to imply you should be unfaithful and/or should leave him he’d probably tell them to back off and either leave with you or put his arm around your shoulder and glare at them until they leave
either way he’s not starting any fights or anything though; he’s super comfortable in your relationship and hopes you are too
genuinely thinks you’re the most beautiful/handsome person ever like he WILL flex to the other spider-people if relationships come up
he’s really not in to pda though; he’ll put his arm around your shoulders/waist but that’s it. maybe hand holding depending on the situation.
but when you guys are alone he likes physical touch; don’t expect to be on top of each other or anything but having your/his head rested on the others lap or him just resting his hand on your leg is pretty common
he’s also not very big into gifts (he doesn’t buy into the capitalist need for abundance and all that) but he does like giving you jewellery/other wearable items bc he likes to see a reminder of himself/your relationship on you
pls make him a bracelet or something he’ll literally never take it off (also jewellery for any of his piercings is fair game)
he values small intimate things in a relationship; like painting each others nails, listening to each other rant about things you’re passionate about, etc
overall he may not be big and showy but he’s an amazing boyfriend and would love you like a lot
he’d also definitely write songs about/for you bc you’re so important to him and he wants the whole world to know that :((
I haven’t written fanfiction in forever but if anyone has any hobie requests I could write as headcanons I’m open to them!! :)
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sanspuppet · 3 months
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~Public sex with Ateez
short scenario for each member
- the way i wrote the imagines can result quite different but i wrote this through different days so- idk just read it and you’ll understand lol
• this is a work of fiction and obviously i have no idea what are they into so please just take it as fake scenarios
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• Hongjoong
A scenario that has been going through my mind lately is going on a date with him to a fashion show, all dressed elegant and you being so feminine and attractive that he couldn’t wait long before being able to take that dress off of you. When all people are focused on watching the runway that’s about to start he’d squeeze your thighs and call for your attention, he’d whisper to your ear. “Let’s go now, i want you to go to the bathroom. Got that?” you’d blink confusedly. “But Joong, and the show?” “Fuck off, you’re the most beautiful person i could ever see tonight”
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• Seonghwa
Feeling like he’d get needy especially after performing one of those nasty ass choreos they made for their tour. He’d grow more impatient with every song until the last ones where it was quite clear that he was hard. He’d be good at pretending it doesn’t annoys him, but in reality he can’t wait to get rid of it and release all of his “sexiness” using you. You’d be waiting for him in the backstage, giving him a hug right after he comes in. He’d grab your waist and squeeze it tightly and pull you towards his dressing room, while being stuck on a deep kiss.
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• Yunho
I feel like you two would go on a date to night clubs and just vibe together along with the music. He’d find you very pretty with your favorite outfit and nice makeup, not to talk about how cute you looked with your cheeks flushed for the alcohol. He’d trail his own hand down his lap, trying to hide his hard-on. But after all, even if you two would fuck loudly in the bathroom, no one could hear you for the loud music… so why not? He’d simply stand up and take your hand, if you thought you were going to dance, as soon as he leads over the rest room you’d realize what are his real intentions.
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• Yeosang
I don’t know if i should call it actually public sex but i feel he wouldn’t be really into that either way so probably when you do have it, it’s in his car while parked on the side road or in a park. Maybe something before meeting other people and he knows he couldn’t have you properly until you come back home, so a quickie would be nice for him. He’d unconsciously advertise you by being very touchy even if his hands should be on the wheel. Then would park somewhere at anytime and ask you to ride him.
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• San
Probably this man likes very much having you take him randomly over the day, but despite this, i think he’s more into long sessions with multiple rounds. You’d tease each other very commonly but still public sex with him would happen only if the situation degenerates and the need is too hard to handle. Usually would have it in the bathroom of some members’ dorm. I think something light like just sitting on his lap or feeling the warmth of your body would turn him on so… yeah better not tease him much in public if you don’t want to be railed by him and still have to stay quiet to not being caught.
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• Mingi
I don’t know why but something tells me he’s pretty much into quickies and doesn’t give a fuck if there might be public. He likes showing you off and doesn’t bother much about showing he’s attracted to you too. Like i think he would be very flirty with you even in front of other people, teasing so much that at the end, you’re the one begging him to just fuck you in a corner wherever it is. Something about him just makes me think that he’d even ask his bros if he can use their bedroom just to fuck you if you’re at their place. Or even at work, i just think that he’d love to fuck in the practice room idk why.
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• Wooyoung
My thought on him is that he’d like to treat you like a princess and would love to go shopping with you. He would suggest you either cute and sexy outfits, just imagine having him sat on the little chair in the fitting room, watching you changing outfits. You stripping teasingly and smirk at him struggling to contain himself from fucking you right there in the closet. Well what can i say it wouldn’t be the first time it would happen hehe
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• Jongho
Gym sex. Fuckin gym sex with him help. Just imagine planning to work out together but ending up riding him because it’s your leg day while he’s laying on the bench and lifting weights 😮‍💨 Why is this scenario so damn hot to me? Having him under you, all sweaty and you can’t tell if he’s moaning for you or just because his muscles are sore from training. Not to mention that literally anyone could run into you two, fortunately he goes to a gym where it’s likely to be empty most of the time.
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taglist: @bunnyluvr25 @xonga @bro-atz @wisejudgedragonhairdo @therealcuppicake @hongjoongswifefr @sugarnspice630 @stolasisyourparent @kaimisutra @jyunhosbby @pancake-freckle @cherrycel
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silvermarley · 11 months
If you find this request comfortable, could you write Genya, Sanemi, Rengoku, Uzui (separately) with S/O watching a movie and there's a spicy scene? No NSFW but maybe a little suggestive? I want to see blushy boys 😍
Absolutely! :)) hope u like it!
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Watching a movie w/ a spicy scene
Warnings: super suggestive, pretend Uzui doesn’t have wives lmao
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Genya Shinazugawa:
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-You were the one who suggested the movie
-Poor bby had no idea what he was getting into when he agreed to watch it with you
-The movie went smoothly
-Until the scene came up
-At first, Genya’s face was extremely red
-Like he was blushing so hard that steam could come out his ears lol
-But then you glanced at him again to see him shifting around
-He tries to cover his eyes but can’t help the.. thoughts that are now in his mind
-“Y/N.. did you plan t-this..?”
Sanemi Shinazugawa:
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-The movie randomly came on and you two decided to watch it
-The both of you were sitting on the couch, you sitting between his legs with your back on his chest
-The spicy part began
-You felt things from the lewdness of it, and tried to ignore it
-Meanwhile you could feel something on your back
-You looked back to see Sanemi blushing furiously
-Then you realize what you were feeling
-His hands grip tighter on your thighs
-He’s not letting you move btw, not until after the movie 👀
Kyojuro Rengoku:
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-He actually had no idea the movie would have a scene like that
-Tengen suggested it to him
-So you were both watching it and cuddling
-Then it comes up
-His face is a rosy red hue
-“I.. didn’t know it had this in it!” He tries to explain as he fails to cover up his hard-on
-He tried to hold out until after the movie to do anything about his situation
-But he failed and gave in to his desire
Uzui Tengen:
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-His idea
-Honestly he thought he could handle it considering he knew there was that kind of content in it
-But when you two actually got to watching it, his cheeks grew red and all he could think about was you and him, instead of the two on screen
-The thoughts were the only thing on the mind
-He held you against him the rest of the time
-Good luck after the movie ends 🫡
Taglist: @im-togas-knife @kaianawr @x3nako @booplsnoot @wicked-binch @nobody_lv @zonaazworld @Binx12345678910
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impishjesters · 8 months
I’m devouring the nonsexual intimacy with Jax dawg- oml we eatin good
How would Jax be with an s/o who enjoys leaning on him? I adore physical touch but sometimes if I can’t use my arms it feels like I’m trapped, so it’s nice to just glomp people lmao (s/o is ticklish too- Jax would have a field day with that one)
If you need a little more substance, maybe s/o like randomly serenading Jax in private! Like those old 80s jazz love songs (complete with slow dancing)
Thank you and have a wonderful day/night!
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Leaning on one another
warning(s): none unless you count jazz note(s): I joke about it but I actually quite like jazz, maybe not all jazz but it's definitely not the worst type of music. I'm looking at you country music.... A/N: I included a bonus because I thought the idea of cornering this man in his room with jazz music was absolutely hilarious lol
Jax doesn’t have a physical battery per say, but there is definitely a limit to how much he can tolerate at a given time—whether it’s in public or private.
He doesn’t like sitting still for long periods of time and there’s a limit to how vulnerable he’s willing to be at any given time if at all.
So having a s/o that understands this and goes for physical touch like leaning on him or something that’s not inherently seen as romantic and mushy is a win in his book.
Don’t get me wrong, he loves you but it’s a lot and he’s not really used to it. He’s still trying to wrap his head around the fact you two are dating, that you like him.
He’s all for being leaned on or having you loosely hang off him in public, sometimes regardless of what side of him you’re leaning on, he might lean back.
Little shit might only catch himself though if you can’t hold him/he catches you off guard and/or lose your footing, he’ll make the attempt to stick an arm out and catch you—but whether you crash or not depends on your own reflexes. (he doesn’t make the rules, sorry babe)
If you wanna be held but not feel restricted, as long as he’s not doing anything he’ll let you stand in front of him, lean back, and drape his arms over you—totally not to just lean on you and be an absolute menace.
In fact, that’s probably how he found out you were ticklish—and that knowledge is far too much power in his hands.
Sure he can do it whenever he wants, but he tends to save it for other unsuspecting situations—like if the two of you get into a little spat and you’re not speaking to him—two can play that game.
He won’t completely restrict your arms but he’ll throw his arms around you and tickle you, it doesn’t always work to ease whatever the spat was about.
That said Jax doesn’t do it when the situation is serious and calls for an actual discussion, he knows at least that much when it comes to reading the room. (That and you’ve probably gotten onto him about it at least once before…)
He also may or may not have tickled you to get you up, you don’t need to sleep but you can still lie down and whatnot. And if you aren’t budging? Tickle time baby.
Jax isn’t a dancer by any means, so when he opens the door to his room to find you standing there with music that’s—very much not the repetitive cartoony music that usually plays in this hellscape—he’s a little surprised.
The first question out of his mouth is:
“Is that fucking jazz?”
“No, just normal jazz.”
That response gets a good hearty chuckle out of him.
When you try pulling him in for a dance he’s a little nervous though it comes off as looking irritated, he’s uh, never danced to jazz of all things let alone with someone else.
You’re gonna have to take the reigns on this one, regardless of whether you can dance or not, you started this.
Despite the fact it is jazz playing, he enjoys the situation as a whole, your weight leaning on him the subtle holding one another. And the fact it’s in private? He can comfortably(ish) let himself feel a little vulnerable around you with no risk of having an audience.
Regardless of the fact it’s jazz, if you happen to sing along he considers himself impressed and will jokingly (read: obnoxiously) comment how he feels utterly serenaded, completely wooed, absolutely swooning—it goes on until you stop him, please stop him he’ll just keep going.
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Friends who Smash Together Stay Together
Pairing: Suguru x female!Reader
Warning: NSFW, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, oral (m receiving), little bit of anal fingering
Word count: 2.6k
You couldn't sleep. The throb between your thighs just wouldn't stop despite cumming 3 times already.
You sighed in frustration and rolled over, grabbing your phone and opening your messaging app.
You up?
You hope he's awake, you were fucking insatiable and none of these stupid toys were doing anything for you.
Not even a minute later you get a response.
Yeah what's up?
I’m horny plz send help.
LOL I was worried something happened. You really just sent me a you up text bc you're horny 😂
Yeah and? Are you gonna come help or not 😤
I'll be there in 10
You sigh, throwing your phone to the side and draping your arm across your eyes. The pounding between your legs only grew stronger knowing Suguru was on his way. He always left you satisfied, knowing exactly what you liked.
Some people thought your relationship was a bit strange. You guys were best friends, but you also more than occasionally fucked when the mood struck. You had both been in relationships before and hooked up with other people plenty of times. Hell, you helped each other make your tinder profiles. Sex was just something you guys did. It didn't make the friendship awkward and nobody was catching feelings. You guys had this friends with benefits situation going for a while.
It started at the beginning of college when you both had just broken up with your high school sweethearts. You were consoling each other, lamenting in your shared heartbreak, when Suguru suggested the best way to get over someone was to fuck someone else. You both started making tinder profiles, helping each other to pick out the best pictures. The next night was a huge party for the new freshman, and you both decided to go with the aim of getting laid.
Cut to the party and nobody was catching either of your guy’s eyes. It was hard to find someone new when you both still felt the pangs of your previous relationship. That was when you suggested having sex with each other, to break the ice. Suguru’s eyes went wide at your suggestion, but he agreed. It wouldn't turn into anything, you both said beforehand. And next thing you knew you were making out with your best friend in a spare bedroom. He kissed you in a way your ex never did, slipping his tongue into your mouth and playing with yours so expertly, deftly fingering you while rubbing your clit until you came on his fingers, and then rolling a condom over his impressive length before sliding into you and having you shatter around him, hands fisting his long hair as your back arched off the bed.
You both laid there afterwards, trying to gauge if it was awkward now. Suguru spoke up first.
“Well shit. Now I'm too tired to fuck anyone else.”
You started laughing because you felt the same way.
“I was thinking the same thing. Wanna leave and go get something to eat? I'm hungry now.”
“Yeah I'm starving. I don't know why you're hungry though you just laid there.” He teased.
You scoffed, “You took the lead what was I supposed to do?! I also don't know what you like and missionary is a safe position.”
“Hm. Fair. You can't go wrong though. Cowgirl, missionary, doggy, reverse. It's all good.”
“Hmph. Maybe for you. I didn't like cowgirl with my ex. It didn't do anything for me.”
“Yeah I mean he probably just laid there, right? A real man knows to rub her clit, play with her tits, spank her, praise her.” He was gesturing with his hands over his lap to demonstrate each one.
You felt your pussy throb again at the thought. Your ex really didn't do any of that. Your train of thought was cut off by your stomach growling, causing you both to laugh.
“All right come on let's eat."
After that night, you two would randomly hook up at parties if you didn't find anyone you liked. Things obviously stopped if either of you were in relationships, but so far none of them worked out.
Soon, the random party hook ups turned into just random hook ups when either of you were horny but didn't feel like experimenting with someone on tinder.
Such was one of those nights. It was 3am and nothing you did to get yourself off left you satisfied. It was too much work to try and find someone on tinder, and nights like these you needed someone who knew what you liked.
It wasn't long before your doorbell rang and you got up to answer it, wearing nothing but an oversized shirt.
“Your knight in shining latex has arrived.” Suguru teased when you opened the door.
You rolled your eyes and moved to let him in, closing and locking the door behind him.
“Room. Now.” Was all you said.
“Ooh someone's impatient. I don't even get a hello.”
But he made his way to your room where he was greeted by your numerous sex toys splayed out around your bed.
“Ah, I see. One of those nights.” As he turned around, you kissed him. Hard. Pushing him back onto the bed and climbing over him. You moaned into him as his hands ran down to your ass and his tongue poked into your mouth.
You broke the kiss to start undoing his pants and he got to work pulling his shirt off.
He was already hard as his dick sprung out of his boxers, hitting his stomach. Your mouth salivated. He had a beautiful cock. So girthy and long and veiny. You immediately took it into your mouth, swallowing his whole length until your lips touched his pubes.
“Oh fuck.” He groaned, running his hands through your hair.
You bobbed your head on him, cunt clenching and unclenching around nothing. Fuck you needed him in you.
After a few more sucks you detached your mouth from him and stood up, taking off your shirt.
“I have condoms in my pant pocket.” He said.
But you were already tearing open a wrapper, having grabbed one from your nightstand before he showed up.
He breathed out as you rolled it over his length and climbed on top of him.
“Hm? I thought you didn't like cowgirl” he raised a brow.
“Don't care. Just need you.”
His surprised face soon turned into one of pleasure as you easily sank down onto him, moaning at how he filled you in a way your toys couldn't.
You took a second to relish in the fullness before you started moving, bouncing up and down on his cock.
“Oh fuck this is hot.” Suguru groaned, hands squeezing your ass and feeling the reverb every time you came down.
He watched as your tits bounced, desperate to put one in his mouth but not wanting to disrupt your flow, especially as you moaned loudly, switching from bouncing to grinding on him. The way your body moved was mesmerizing, face scrunched up in pleasure as he watched a ring of white coat the base of his dick.
It felt so good, but you needed a little more. As if reading your mind, one of Suguru's hands moved to play with your clit, rubbing it in circles with his thumb just how you liked it.
“Oh fuck, Suguru, that's it. Yes keep doing that fuck.” you whined.
You could feel your legs burning from the exertion and your rhythm started stuttering.
“Come on, you can do it. Keep going. Just like that. You're doing so fucking good.” Suguru said, slapping your ass at the end.
His praise spurred you on and you continued riding him with renewed vigor, climbing towards you orgasm as that familiar feeling started swelling in you.
“Oh fuck Suguru I'm close.” You moaned.
His thumb continued rubbing your clit. He could feel his own orgasm approaching. You looked so good bouncing on his cock and you moaned so loudly with nothing to muffle you. It was pure bliss.
After a few more bounces, you came, your hips bucking over him, grinding on his pelvis in time with each wave that washed over you.
You were moaning so loud but you couldn't help it. The pleasure extending to every nerve as you creamed on his dick, pussy milking him while he tried to help you ride out your orgasm.
You panted as you slowly came down from it, stabilizing yourself by laying your hands on his chest.
Your legs were sore and sweat ran between your breasts. What a workout.
As you caught your breath, you felt Suguru start to flex his hips into you, causing you to sigh at the little tinges of pleasure it was causing.
“Did you not finish?” You asked.
“Not yet. I held back.”
“So I could do this.”
Next thing you know he's sitting up and taking a nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting at it. He moved to the other one, licking at the sweat between them before he repeated his actions.
You could feel him still hard in you, but your legs were so sore and stiff, you weren't sure you could keep going, and you said as much.
“That's okay. You don't need to do anything.”
And Suguru tipped you both back, keeping your nipple in his mouth as he bent his legs and started fucking up into you.
You moaned, he was hitting a different spot than earlier and it felt so good. The extra stimulation of having his lips around your nipples added to the pleasure.
“Fuck. Do you think you can cum like this again?” Suguru asked.
“Yeah I think so, oh god.” You groaned in response, hand moving down to play with your clit again.
Suguru continued sucking on your nipples, trying his best to keep his orgasm at bay to give you another one, but the sound of your moans and skin slapping was making it exceedingly difficult.
“Fuck.” He groaned. He couldn't last much longer. He decided to see if a bit more stimulation would help you and he stuck his middle finger in his mouth, trying to get it as wet as possible.
You looked down at him, “what are you doing?”
“Can I stick my finger in your ass? It might help you finish.”
You could feel yourself teetering on the precipice of cumming, so you agreed. You usually liked anal play and this seemed like it would be a good position for it.
Before long you felt his hand reaching around your ass, poking at your entrance before sliding in barely an inch.
You moaned loudly. It was just what you needed, the added pleasure pushed you over the edge and you were once again clenching and spasming around your best friend's cock, almost screaming into his chest as he fucked you through it.
“Fuck I'm cumming. Fuck fuck.” Suguru moaned as his hips stuttered and slammed into you a few more times before stilling.
He sighed as he gently took his finger out of you and let his ass rest on the bed.
You both took a couple minutes to catch your breath and come down from your orgasms.
God, you had never enjoyed being on top this much. It usually wasn't this good.
Either way, Suguru was able to satiate the desire that your toys couldn't even put a dent in. You rolled off of him and you both groaned, him at his oversensitive, soft dick falling out of you and you at the soreness in your legs.
You were the first to speak up, “I'm starving.”
Suguru laughed, “Same.”
You looked over at him and he looked at you.
“You barely did anything! I was the one doing all the work up there.” You complained.
“Tch I was putting in a good effort there at the end. I even gave you another orgasm.”
“Hmph” you crossed your arms.
He rolled his eyes before getting up and taking the condom off to throw it in the trash.
“You good now?” He asked, looking at your fucked out form.
You laughed, “yeah that was much needed thank you.”
“Anytime.” He winked and you rolled your eyes, smiling.
“Do you mind if I crash here? It's kinda late and I don't feel like going home.”
“Oh yeah sure. I can get the couch setup for you.”
“Cool. I'm also gonna raid your fridge real quick.”
He made his way to your kitchen, washing his hands at the sink. But it wasn't long before he was complaining that you didn't have any food.
“We can order delivery from that 24hr diner.” You suggested.
He groaned, “yeah all right let's do that.”
You typed in your order and then handed your phone to him. As he figured out what he wanted you setup your switch.
“Whatcha doin?” He asked, walking over to give you your phone back. The order said it would be delivered in about 45 minutes.
“I figured we could pass the time with a little bit of super smash bros while we wait for our food.” You give a mischievous grin.
He returns it, “I'm always game to kick your ass.”
“We'll see about that!”
You stayed up all night playing smash bros. It wasn't until the sky started to lighten and the birds began chirping that you even realized how much time had passed, empty food containers scattered on the table.
“Shit. We have class in 2 hours.” Suguru said.
“Well we can't end on a tie. One more then we call it.”
He grinned, “let's go.”
The last round went into sudden death, and Suguru ended up getting a hit in first, claiming victory.
You threw down the controller on your couch, “goddamn it!!!” You yelled while Suguru laughed. “I want a rematch that doesn't count!”
Suguru continued laughing but grabbed your discarded controller, holding it out of reach when you tried getting it back.
“Absolutely not, we need to sleep. Maybe I'll let you challenge the champion again another time.” He teased.
You stopped trying to take back your controller and rolled your eyes, he was always so cocky but despite the feigned annoyance you found it endearing.
“Fine, I'm only agreeing because it is late, er early, and we have class. I'll grab your blankets.”
A few moments later you came out to a clean table and Suguru reconnecting your controllers to the charger.
“Here ya go.” You said, tossing him the blankets and pillow.
He caught them easily, “Cool, thanks.”
“Mhmm. Night.” You gave a wave of your hand as you turned to retreat to your room.
“G’night.” He responded, getting cozy on the couch.
You closed your door and flopped down onto your bed, you were only gonna get an hour of sleep. This was gonna be more like a nap than anything else. You also didn't even feel that tired. If anything, you were riled up from your loss.
You sighed and grabbed your phone, seeing a text message.
You still up?
You laughed and got up to open your door, seeing Suguru grinning at you.
“Wanna skip class and just keep playing?”
“Fuck yes. You're going down this time.” you grinned back, walking out of your room.
“Pfft yeah we'll see about that.”
Suguru tossed you the controller you were using earlier, turning on your switch.
“Loser buys breakfast.” you said.
He laughs, “You're on.”
You both end up falling asleep before a winner could be decided, curled up on the couch together as the sun came up.
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hp-hcs · 7 months
yanxidarlings here~ literally screamed when i saw you followed me because your writings were the direct inspiration for my latest post ���� but im curious to see your take on yandere! poly! mattheo and theodore with m! reader or just more poly headcanons because i am never. going. to. get. enough. of. them
requests open, please dear god
Yk, reader is (lovingly) so fucking oblivious
Like, his friends will be like “hey you’re getting pretty close with like, the two most obsessive and violent guys at this school aha”
And reader will be like “lol they’re so silly goofy aren’t they 😌”
Inspired purely by your “you know people think we're gay and dating, right?” “aren't we?” I present:
“you know people think we’re gay and dating, right?” “aren’t we?” — yandere! mattheo riddle x oblivious! male! reader x yandere! theodore nott
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completely unedited cause i gotta sprint to my lecture broski
TWs: possessive/obsessive behavior, brief mentions of violence, one instance of slut-shaming (?)
Honestly, you thought nothing of it when you were informed that due to “space issues” you were being moved to room with The Theos™. You just shrugged and followed the very anxious house-elf who had informed you of the switch to your new room.
Your trunk and belongings were there already, waiting to be set up and organized. Mattheo and Theo were hovering in the doorway looking a bit too pleased with the situation for comfort.
You just quietly said “hi” and moved past them, dumping your school bag on your new bed and flopping down next to it.
Theo and Mattheo practically trip over themselves rushing to “befriend” you. (Their words, not mine)
You all share a dorm, so it wasn’t long before they realized the other was obsessed with you.
Then, it’s all out war.
I’m talking mysterious falls down the moving stairs, getting locked out of the dorm all night, randomly being chased by bludgers—even when they aren’t playing.
Random fistfights between them whenever they see each other in the halls.
That all goes out the window, though, when reader is asked out.
Reader comes back to his dorm after a long day and finds The Theos sitting side-by-side on the edge of the his bed.
“When were you going to tell us that you became the class whore?” Mattheo drawled, his lips thinning in disapproval and disgust.
“W-what?” You ask, completely taken aback.
“We heard that little Y/N L/N’s got himself a date to the Yule Ball,” Theodore adds. “Who is it? That Parkinson girl? The Diggory boy?”
“Wh- no. I said no anyways.”
The boys scrutinize you, exuding an air of judgement.
Finally, Theodore pipes up. “Good boy.”
“Aww, what’s this? Look, Riddle. Y/N’s blushing,” Theodore teases.
They make a quick mental note of that 📝
Anyways, they eventually find out who asked you out. They call a ceasefire on their own personal war, and team up to beat the shit out of the poor guy/girl.
After that, babycakes, if they didn’t already know before, everyone at Hogwarts now knows that you are TAKEN. (Even though you don’t.)
They tolerate each other, but just barely. They can really only stand each other when you three all curl up in one of your beds or on the common room couch.
Then, they’re the clingiest mfs you’ve ever met.
They have absolutely no sense of a personal space bubble. One of them is always touching you in some way, whether it be holding your hand, resting a hand on your hip or shoulder, putting their hand on your lower back…
Theodore charmed your chair in History of Magic to be impossible to move, so you can’t scoot away from him.
If you’re relaxing on the couch in the common room, Mattheo will move to sit right next to you (like r i g h t next to you) and put your legs in his lap. He tried once before to get you to just sit in his lap, but you told him no (like an idiot) and avoided him for the rest of the day. That is, until you woke up to him in your bed next to you.
Homeboy was not happy about that.
He is manipulative as fuck and will gaslight you to no end. He uses his shitty childhood and bad father to get you to pity him.
(It works.)
It’s obviously disconcerting for you when your boyos go from ‘actively out for each other’s blood’ to ‘eh, you’re fine, i guess’
You guys were watching a movie in your dorm one night, all piled onto your bed, and they accidentally fell asleep there. They woke to you already gone for breakfast and them with their arms around each other.
“If you ever bring this up again, I’ll kill you.”
“Oh, believe me, they’d never find your body.”
They become way more open about their attraction to you, everything from kissing your cheek, to making you wear their clothes (esp their jerseys with their last name on them), to asking you your ring size.
I completely agree with your headcanon of Mattheo neck kisses 😩🤌
Eventually though, because you are an oblivious gay disaster, you’re just chilling on the couch and you’re like “Hey guys, you know everyone thinks we’re gay right? And like, all dating each other?”
“What, like we aren’t?”
y/n: 😳🤨☺️🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
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wolfiesmoon · 4 months
Countless nights
Malleus x gn!reader
i felt like writing something super cute and lovey dovey and basic after listening to can't help falling in love by elvis presley so here we are lol😌🩷
this is nothing revolutionary that hasn't been done before just so much fluff you'll throw up a furball (made of fictional fluff) by the end
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There are many a night which he spends thinking of you.
Lilia had told him about it, a long long time ago. How your chest would tighten, how your face would become warm, how your heart would flutter when gazing at the person you're in love with. But he never imagined that it could feel this amazing, this freeing, this beautiful.
There are many moments he thinks of on these nights...
You run up behind him, yelling the silly little nickname he's grown to love hearing fall from your lips.
He turns around, grinning at the sound of your voice. Truly, you are a sight for sore eyes. Your little furry companion is with you, too, dozing off in your arms.
"It's so nice to see you in the hallways for once." you realise that you mostly see him in front of your dorm when he randomly shows up. Because of that, you kinda forgot that he's also a student at the school and takes classes as well.
"Likewise. It's always a pleasure to see you." He didn't say anything presumptious, so why are you making that excited face all of a sudden? Now he feels giddy.
A silence falls between you.
"Ahaha... Um... I actually have no idea what to talk about... I kinda just ran to you after seeing you..." you admitted awkwardly.
That is... very comforting to hear. All you need is the sight of him to want to be by his side. The warm feeling spreading across his body is very welcome.
He wants to hear you say that sentence over and over, but greed is not a good quality to bear, so he'll settle with hearing it only once.
"Then I suppose you wouldn't mind listening to me talk? Do you happen to be partial to gargoyles?" He takes the opportunity to talk about the passion no one seems to share with him. He's fully expecting you to say no and change the topic, and he wouldn't blame you at all in some regard. He's well aware most humans don't take interest in something as specific as gargoyles.
"I never really thought much about them before. But sure, tell me about it." you actually look really interested, waiting for him to start.
He smiles.
Oh, he just can't help falling in love with you.
"Did you hear about that new ice cream place that opened in town recently?"
When you asked him if he could spare 2 hours of his day just for the two of you yesterday, he was certainly not expecting you to open with this.
"Lilia told me you like ice cream, and I was pretty curious about the taste myself." you wonder to yourself if there's any funny flavours you wouldn't find in the human world. If so, you're definitely trying them out.
"So, uhhh... wanna go try it with me?"
You don't even realise how happy you've just made him. He has to hold back the wide smile that threatens to spread across his face.
"Hahaha, you're so strange... Though I certainly wouldn't mind." You seriously just want to... hang out with him? What a pleasant surprise, indeed. It makes his heart beat with excitement.
"Let's go!" you start running down the hill to get to town, excited to share ice cream with him.
"Aw man, it's almost impossible to choose." you're contemplating between three different flavours at the moment.
"Shall I choose for you, then?" Malleus suggests. He already picked the flavour he wants and is waiting for you to make your choice. Not that he's annoyed by that. The longer you take, the more minutes he can spend by your side. How greedy of him.
"Go ahead." you sigh defeatedly. You're truly thankful he can put an end to the awkward situation of you just staring between 3 different flavours for like, 2 whole minutes now. You're creating a line behind you, no doubt.
"You should get the strawberry flavour." Malleus recalled a story of Lilia's in which he told him that strawberries are a symbol of love in a country he visited. He feels a bit cheeky, sneaking a subtle hint in like this.
"Uh, sure! I'll have one scoop of strawberry!" you raised an eyebrow slightly at his satisfied smile. Why is he smiling now, of all times?
If he's happy, you're happy, you suppose.
The two of you decided to walk around town while eating the ice cream. It was a nice change of scenery.
You were telling Malleus about a funny potionology mishap you had with Grim and Ace today when someone bumped into you, making you lose grip of the ice cream.
It fell splat on the ground, making it no longer edible.
"Oh come on..." you looked down at the wasted ice cream sadly. It was really good, too.
"I can return it to its original form, do not worry." Malleus suggested, already about to do it when you gently grabbed his wrist. His eyes widened slightly and a strange tightness enveloped his chest.
"No need. Just hanging out with you is enough. Enjoy the ice cream for the both of us." you're really fine with just watching him. He seems very happy when eating ice cream, which you can't get enough of.
"...If you wish." he felt his whole being warming up at your sweet words.
Oh, he just can't help falling in love with you.
"Child of man. What is the meaning of this?" his expression darkens when he sees your fingers wrapped in bandages.
"Of wha- Oh, you mean my bandages? It's, uhhh, a bit embarrasing. And also a suprise." you hid your hands behind your back, not wanting him to worry about them too much.
"Tell me." he looked quite scary in this moment, almost like he was ready to kill. Is he really that worried over it? It kinda makes you feel giddy.
"It'll ruin the surprise, I'm just saying." you shifted your weight from one foot to the other. His terrifying gaze didn't falter however, so you gave up.
"Roses are really important symbols in Briar valley, so I've heard. So I kinda wanted to give you a hand-picked rose boquet for your birthday tommorow, but I was dumb and didn't use gloves to de-thorn the roses. So that's why my hands look like this." you still felt a little bad ruining the surprise, but giving Malleus peace of mind is much more important.
"Oh... So it was that, I see." Malleus still witheld a somewhat cold, scary expression. He can't stand to see you hurt, in any way. And knowing it was all for him makes him feel even worse.
Still... you wanted to make him happy so much that you willingly hurt yourself to see it happen. Warmth rushes to his face at the thought of you handing the boquet to him. That's quite a common way of confessing love among humans, is it not?
He can't wait for his birthday all of a sudden.
On these nights, he just can't help falling in love with you.
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sl0t4matt · 18 days
m. guiu bfb! head canons 18+
bfb= best friends brother also listened to this on repeat while writing lol
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best friends brother
bfb! marc, that you had a crush on since middle school. embarrassing? you know.
bfb! marc, who’s his and his sisters fights you were watching. not sure what to do, you just waited until they were finished screaming at each other. he even looked good angry with the way his jaw was clenching. annoying, really.
bfb! marc, that randomly comes into his sisters room whenever you’re there, annoying her.
bfb! marc, that chews louder on purpose just to annoy the both of you. seriously, ew!
bfb! marc, that you thought you never even had a chance with. him only ever seeing you as his sisters weird best friend.
bfb! marc, that got even handsomer this summer. that asshole.
bfb! marc, who you sometimes thought was going to make a move. or maybe it was all in your head.
bfb! marc, that started to notice how much your body has changed when he saw you at the beach this summer. maybe he was a bit of a freak for watching you lay there, tanning yourself but fuck. how could he not look at you, with the way your nipples were peeking through that bikini of yours, that shows you off in every right places. fuck when did you get tits and when did his sisters best friend get so hot?
bfb! marc, that comes into his sisters room, acting like he needs something, only to get to see you. you hold eye contact for a few seconds, until martina scolds him out again.
bfb! marc, that only gets along with his sister when their parents are out of town and they throw a party. it��s a win- win situation. he’s getting an opportunity to get laid and you and martina have a reason to get drunk. (also the getting laid part).
bfb! marc, that secretly told every guy in town not to start anything with you. seriously, how immature?!
bfb! marc, that you got caught making out with by his sister on their party. yikes!
bfb! marc, that got yelled at by his sister, her not even being slightly mad at you, since she thought it was her fuck boy of a brother trying to get on her nerves again. she assumed it was one sided and that you would never like an annoying and stupid guy like him. but that’s exactly your type.
bfb! marc, that tries to talk to you after that kiss, but you kept on ignoring him, not wanting to jeopardise you and martinas relationship.
bfb! marc, that finally got you to talk to him which lead you to the backseat of his car. poor martina..
bfb! marc, that you agreed with that your relationship with him stays on the hook up basis.
bfb! marc, that is down badd for you, begging for you to go down on him. in his words your head ‘game’ being unreal. 😭
bfb! marc, that gets off on your snaps.
bfb! marc, that even though your relationship status being purely ‘hooking up’, doesn’t want you to be with any other guy.
bfb! marc, that invites you over to his house whenever his sister isn’t there. like right now. “so, what do you wanna do?” he asks. you roll your eyes. “i don’t know, play with barbie dolls?” you reply, laughing. “yeah, whatever.” he scoffs, his head disappearing in the covers, as he goes down on you. he starts by leaving wet kisses over your stomach, travelling them down until he meets your needy cunt. you bite your lip, reaching out to his hair, gripping it. his hand slides up your body, going under your top to grip your tit. you pull the covers slightly down, catching him smirking. “you wanna see what i’m doing to you like little slut, don’t you?” he chuckles, lowly. “shut up.” you mutter, placing his head back to where you need him the most. “marc have you taken my-.” fuck. martina. “shit. fuck. get out!” marc jumps, getting off of you. the door slams shut, leaving you and marc looking at the door, still in shock. you get up, leaving marc’s room to get into martina’s. you sigh, knocking on her door before getting in. you sit down beside her on the bed, your hand meeting your head. “i’m so sorry. fuck, i don’t know what i was thinking.” you sigh, shaking your head. you turn around to face her. “i swear i was gonna end it.” “we’re you really? do you like him?!” she whisper yells. “i-. i don’t know.” you avoid her eyes. looking into them while you weren’t being true to her was never your specialty. “you do!” she shakes her head, huffing. “i did since middle school, martina-.” you try explaining before she cuts you off. “he’s going to break your heart.” she says before getting up, leaving you in the room alone.
bfb! marc, that finally caught you after all the time you’ve been ignoring his texts. “please, let’s talk through we can-.” you cut him off. “we can what marc? hook up again? god are you seriously that dumb?!” he sighs. “you know how weird it’s been between us her after it happened? i had to regain her trust after eighteen years of friendship. i’m not gonna ruin that just because i like you.” you say in one breathe. “you like me?” he furrows, looking down on you. “shit, i shouldn’t have said that.” you sigh, shaking your head. “you like me?” he asks, repeating himself. “it doesn’t matter now.. but yes, i do.” you look up at him. “i like you too.” he mutters. “marc we can’t.” you whisper. he takes your hands in his, reassuring you. “she’s gonna have to live with it. not everything is about her, she has to see that.” he scoffs. “don’t say that.” you tell him, rolling your eyes. he shrugs.
bfb! marc, who’s sister you told about him also liking you. she wasn’t so happy to hear about it at first but ‘had to live with it’ just like marc said.
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koolades-world · 1 month
i saw the cat and corvid mc ones and i wanna see dog-like mc so bad, like one whos very loyal, loves cuddling with loved ones, if they had a tail and one of the gang came home itd be faster than a helicopter i think, if they see anyone with food theyd just come up to them with their puppy dog eyes, they just lounge around in random spots nearby the characters or even lays their head/body on them. sometimes theyll be playing with something and be possessive over it and a "Whats that in your mouth" situation comes in and they run away taking random stuff they found lying around the HoL, maybe theyre also rly playful and love playfighting and stuff like tug of war
thats just a few things that come off the top of my head lol how the mc is like is up to you, sorry if theres too much or doesnt make sense! xoxo
haha hi!!! yes of course!
this is such a fun idea. i may or may not have based this reader off my goofy goober of a dog. she's so sweet but sometimes i wonder if theres even a single thought in that head of hers haha
enjoy <3
Dog-like Mc
getting lock out of his bedroom always proceeds as such: being sad that you're locked out, sitting sadly in front of the door and scratching at it, lucifer feeling bad and eventually letting you in so you can sit on his bed and ruin the freshly made sheets lol
rinse and repeat the cycle nightly
the puppy dog eyes work very well on him
since he handles his brothers so often, he's good at getting you to listen when you're off in lala land or something along those lines
he himself is kinda dog like, so the two of you get along pretty well
both of you would follow the other to the worlds end <33
you probably steal his sunglasses from time to time and he has to hunt you down to get them back, just because when he said “drop it” you accepted that as a challenge lol
the only difference in the two of you, however, is that you’re much more open with how you feel and will not hesitate to admit that you love him even if it flustered him haha
he's a little wary of having you in his room
he has lots of valuables that he treasures and while he's a little afraid you'll steal and or mess something up, he genuinely cares about you and is willing to get past that
however he did need a day away from you after you drooled on his Ruri pillow haha
after he got to know you better, he really appreciated always having an outgoing buddy to go out in public with someone that wasn't one of his brothers
sitting with him while he reads!! randomly laying your head in his lap <3
you always check out what's in his mug while he reads despite the fact that it never changes (it's always tea) but maybe one day it'll be something delicious, like chips haha
he's wary of taking you into a cat cafe, but surprisingly, all the cats love you!
now he's questioning if he's really a cat, or if he's a dog person lol
you let him do any kind of skincare and treatments he wants on you
and he thinks it's great! until he sees you at the end of the day and it kinda looks like you swam in a mud puddle
he's not going to be the one to subject you to a bath so he always shoos you off and tells you to go clean up before you can get something else done (my dog hates water lol)
if he's ever missing one of his rather tasty smelling skincare products or a brush, or something like that, he just opens a bag of chips and summons you + beel (see below lol)
please the amount of food you're getting from him
those puppy dog eyes work so well and he can't help but give in every single time
both of you come running every time someone opens a chip bag even if it's on the other side of the house haha. if the others have issues finding you, that's how they do it quick and easy
every meal of yours is eaten together, of course
the realest cat and dog dynamic ever!
please there's no way you're not jumping on his bed just for fun while he's sleeping in it. he's convinced it's to annoy him but it's just you being incredible oblivious and wanting to have fun
you guys are best friends. i don't make the rules haha
when you do want to nap with him, however, it's the best nap you've ever had and is probably a very cute pic
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wonwoonlight · 1 year
chocolate rum cookies | jeon wonwoo
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➝ Wonwoo x Reader
➝ nonidol!au // friends with benefits to ?? // fluff // ...slice of life? // angst if u squint
➝ word count: 3.5k~
➝warning: no smut scenes but there are mentions of sex and implications of it so minor dni!! mentions of alcohol, food, curses. very self indulgent bc i write this for my birthday hehe. this wonwoo made an appearance <3
➝A/N: hi. so this wasn't exactly... planned. i was just randomly sitting down with my google doc open and suddenly i finished writing... this in one day. gotta say that, when you do write for yourself, it is much easier to write and it's been quite some time since i'm actually happy with what i put out. but also just to put it out there, this fic is actually finished somewhere before february ended but i decided to post it for my birthday because i did start writing it with the thoughts 'i miss wonwoo' and 'i kinda wanna post smth on my bday' so. enjoy. i'm happy to say i'm content with how this one turns to be. here's to turning 25 lol
You hear the door open, signalling Wonwoo’s arrival, and when you feel his presence nearby, you don’t even look up from your phone when you say, “No.”
Wonwoo smiles in amusement, irking an eyebrow as he settles next to you. “I haven’t said anything though?”
“You’re gonna ask me out again.” You roll your eyes, already used to his antics. You don’t even pretend to care about his mock heartache anymore when he clutches his chest.
You’re not sure what Jeon Wonwoo has in his mind, but he’s been asking you out on dates everytime he sees you since last month. Problem is, you see him a lot. A little hard not to with the friends with benefits situation that has been going on between you and him for the last six months.
Even right now, you’re in his place. You’ve been here since almost half an hour ago, entertaining yourself as you wait for Wonwoo to get home because he’s out when you called, and when he said you’re allowed to use the access he’s given you some time ago, you decided to barge into his place like it’s your own.
You’re practically here more often than in your own dorm, anyway.
It almost feels like a second home to you.
But you don’t want to think too much about it. Not about the fact that you have access to Wonwoo’s place. Not about the fact that you’re basically exclusive. Not about the fact that you talk to him practically everyday.
“You don’t even pretend to consider it anymore.” He sighs, and you hate that you can’t tell if he’s joking or not. You’ve been telling him to cut it out, but it surely doesn’t look like he has any plans of listening to you. “Here, I got this for you.”
Now that catches your attention, and you actually jump a little on the sofa before you take the small package, take Wonwoo’s face in your arms, and kiss him square in the lips as a thank you.
“You won’t go on a date with me but will kiss me over some cookies. Nice,” he grumbles, though the grin blooming into his face when you pull away betrays him.
Clutching the cookie into your chest like it’s the most precious thing in the world, you regard him with stars in your eyes. “Where did you even find this? I’ve been looking for this forever and I couldn’t find it! I don’t even know the name of the shop that sells this?”
“I’m just capable like that.” He shrugs like it’s nothing, telling you he was out with a friend and the packaging looked familiar so he got it just in case. You’ve been telling him about that craving of yours, a chocolate rum cookie that some random classmate offered some time ago–one that is so good but you don’t know the brand, only remember the flavour and the packaging.
And you can’t even ask that classmate again because she was an exchange student that you’ve only spoken for a total of two times in your life, and she has returned to her country.
You don't even know her name.
“You have to tell me where you got this.” The packaging just has to be so empty; a very simple but elegant design that doesn’t state the shop’s name whatsoever.
“Mmm. Perhaps if you say yes I’ll bring you there.”
“Hard pass then.” He chuckles and messes your hair. “Eat. I’ll buy you some more if you’re a good girl.”
The innuendo is not purposeful on his part, and it’s two seconds later that he realizes what he’s just said and he cringes so hard that you laugh, because as much as it’s physical between the two of you, Wonwoo absolutely abhors that particular… moniker. It’s always been an on-going joke between you two, and you laugh some more when his frown deepens, launching yourself into his lap and peppering kisses on his jaw.
“You want me to be one?”
“Shut up.” He grunts, though his arms wrap around your waist anyway and he bends his neck to give you more access.
“I can be if you want to, you know?” You whisper against his ear, not missing the way his hold tightens around you. You’re suddenly very aware of the fact that the only thing separating you and him is the clothes you’re wearing.
“Shut up.” He repeats and kisses you some more. When it gets almost hard to breath, he doesn’t forget to get the cookie out of your grasp and carefully places it on the coffee table before hauling you up and carrying you into his room, your squeal and laughter echoes throughout his empty apartment.
You don’t get to eat your chocolate rum cookie until later that evening, already showered and dressed in Wonwoo’s oversized hoodie as you cuddle into his chest with a movie playing in front of you.
You don’t know what’s taking Wonwoo so long, but he’s already fifteen minutes late without any text messages so you decide you’ll just get some drink first and let loose. He’s probably going to be pissed because he’s never liked it when you go to a bar by yourself (something about men looking at what’s his, whatever that means) but whatever, it’s his fault for being late and you’re currently not relaxed enough to wait for him by yourself in a place full of people. 
The whiskey burns your throat in a pleasant way, though now that you think about it, you shouldn’t have drunk everything in one go when you still have moments to spare as you wait for Wonwoo. But, then again, you can always just order more.
You’ve never been to this bar before, but after hearing how good the vibe is from a friend, you decided to go to check it out. Clubs have never really been your style–people are way too drunk and the music is too loud.
Your friend is absolutely correct when she said you would fit right with this particular bar; there are just enough people for it to be crowded but not really crowded that you get dizzy. Plus, the music is up to your taste and you find yourself nodding to whatever’s playing in the background as you scan through the sea of people while you lean on the wooden bar.
You were just about to order again when someone joins you by the bar, a tall, handsome man that doesn’t look sleazy at first glance. And he’s offering to buy you a drink. You subtly try to check him out; this guy is definitely taller and bigger than Wonwoo, though he doesn’t look harmful and he doesn’t look like he’s hunting for prey. His smile when he offers to pay for your drink looks… honest, if anything. The guy doesn’t even look flirty. Perhaps he thinks you’re interesting and are in need of some company.
The side of your lips lift in an amused smile, Wonwoo will be pissed as fuck if he finds out, but do you care? No you don’t. You’re not going to turn down free drinks from a handsome stranger that doesn’t look dangerous.
“So how come you’re by yourself?” He bends to your height, not too close that it makes you uncomfortable, and just enough for you to hear him over the music. “I’m Mingyu, by the way.”
Hmm. Handsome and with manners.
“Why do you want to know?” You answer with a teasing smile, sipping on your cocktail. Mingyu laughs when you say you’re not telling him his name, if only because he hasn’t earned it yet, and you’re pleasantly surprised when he says it’s understandable and he’s glad you know how to play your cards. “What about you, why are you by yourself?”
“Eh. I just feel like drinking tonight and you seem to be someone who doesn’t mind talking to strangers.”
“Ouch. Is that how I look like? Easy?” You pretend to be offended, and it’s almost cute how Mingyu laughs yet again and rephrases his words. If this was you six months ago, you’d definitely flirt with him and eat up everything that comes out of his mouth, perhaps you’d even end up going back with him. The guy is handsome and you can actually hold conversations with him, which is already a very big difference compared to a lot of guys that have tried talking you up in places like this.
But alas. Your eyes twinkle as you catch the figure of the man who’s the exact reason why you’re not flirting with Mingyu making his way towards you, why you don’t feel the excitement that used to rush through your blood at times like this, and why ‘handsome’ is the only thing you think of Mingyu even though he seems much more than that.
You don’t care enough to think about Mingyu in different aspects.
The way Wonwoo immediately grabs your waist is almost funny, and you have to actually bite your lip and clutch the cocktail glass between your fingers to stop yourself from grinning. “I’ve been looking for you.”
“Your boyfriend?” Mingyu asks goodnaturedly–almost concerned, even–making sure he’s not some random guy who’s grabbing you without consent. 
“Yes.” Wonwoo almost growls, and you have to plant your palm on his chest to calm him down, telling him Mingyu is harmless even though your ears are heating up from his word. You’d need to get back to that boyfriend thing later.
Mingyu sends you a look, and you’re absolutely, thoroughly would’ve swooned if you’re… uh… single (you are) and you’re not seeing… anyone (huh?). But you send him a smile, an actual smile this time, and you nod before you tell him it’s nice meeting him.
Wonwoo refuses to look at the interaction, but you can tell that he’s more relaxed than he was seconds ago and his grip on your waist is now replaced with his thumb caressing you through the material of your dress.
Would it hurt to push his button one more time?
“Hey.” You call to Mingyu once again when he’s about to leave, making both guys turn to you in confusion–Wonwoo more so in betrayal–and when you tell him you’d love to see him again someday and finally tell him your name with a wink, Mingyu gets exactly what you’re playing at. Another laugh bubbles out of his throat and he returns the gesture with a ‘have fun!’ before making his way out of your sight.
“What the fuck was that?”
It’s not often that Wonwoo curses, and you know you’ve pushed just enough of his buttons for him to react this way. If anything, though, adoration fills your chest and you have to physically hold yourself back from squeezing his cheeks.
“What? You were late and he accompanied me. Nice guy, right?” You try to play innocent, placing your glass on the bar and turning in his arm to face him. He looks especially nice today, with his hair styled a little and a denim jacket that you haven’t seen him worn before. You can feel your heartbeat picking up the longer you stare at him, and you don’t register what’s coming out of his mouth because you’re lost in your head.
Your eyes fall to his lips, and it’s when he clicks his tongue that you finally look back at him, eyes meeting his in mock innocence.
“You’re not listening to me, are you?”
You shake your head to confirm his suspicion. The guy can't even get mad at you even if he wants to.
“So.” Wonwoo raises his eyebrow in question, urging you to continue. “Boyfriend, huh?”
Wonwoo opens his mouth to say something, but you don’t give him room to talk more because you already dive into his lips, your palms on his shoulders and his arms wrap around you once again–probably muscle memory at this point. There’s no rush in this kiss though, you really just feel like kissing him and you do exactly that. Wonwoo doesn’t seem to mind either, because his lips chase yours when you’re about to pull away.
“Won I–”
“I need to–”
“Need to–”
“To what?” He finally pulls away, annoyed that you keep on trying to pull away. Even in the dim lighting of the bar, you can tell that he’s a little flushed too and there’s something about it that makes your heartbeat speed up once again. Were you two just… kissing in a public space for no reason at all?
“Need to breathe, baby.” You finish your sentence, suddenly shy now that you’re looking at each other. You dive into his neck before he catches your embarrassment though, and he simply chuckles before he takes a sip of your drink, whatever annoyance in his chest from looking at you and Mingyu, whoever that guy is, disappears just like that.
God, it’s not funny how whipped he is for you.
“What are you doing tomorrow?”
“Let’s go on a date.”
“Not a chance.” You beam, though you reject him with a kiss on his cheek and you tell him to finish your drink because you don’t feel like being here anymore. You won’t let him ponder too long on your rejection though, your fingers caressing his neck and your lips finding his ear. “Actually, let’s go back to your place. I don’t have anything to do tomorrow.”
Wonwoo shudders a little at that, still not used to the way you’d get vocal about what you want when you’re tipsy. That’s your code of saying you want to have rough sex all night–or however he would have you, really.
So Wonwoo finishes your drink in one go and grabs your hand to pull you out of the bar, missing the way you exchange grins with Mingyu as you accidentally catch his eyes before you exit the place.
“You know you’ll spend less money if you just tell me where to buy these cookies?” You pout, still trying to get it out of him.
He doesn’t relent though, simply shrugs and places your hot chocolate on the table. “I don’t mind buying you things.”
“But whyyyy.” You whine, crossing your legs to face him on the sofa.
“I told you I’d bring you there if you go on a date with me.”
You stare at him, mind wandering to how easy it is for him to say this over and over again. You still don’t know why he’s suddenly so adamant about that, and while you actually do feel butterflies in your whole body everytime he does it, sometimes you wonder if he’s just messing with you.
Does he really mean it?
But if he does, wouldn’t he eventually be done with you because you keep on rejecting him?
But if you say yes and he’s actually just joking–what does that make you?
What if you try it out and it… messes things up?
You’re happy with whatever you have with him now, and you trust each other enough to know you are exclusive. Is there really any need to put a label between you two?
“Hey, you okay?” He asks, snapping you out of your daze.
“Huh. Yeah, sorry. You were saying?”
You see the way Wonwoo presses his lips together and you can tell the gears are turning in his head. But he beats you to it before you can ask, and your heart breaks a little at how soft he sounds.
“Am I making you uncomfortable?”
“What? No!” You sit straight, taken aback from the sudden turn of the conversation. “What makes you say that?”
Wonwoo sighs and repeats his words. But he faces you this time and, for the first time since he asked you the question he’s been asking you the past few months, it’s obvious how unsure he is, as if he’s suddenly questioning himself on what he’s been doing.
“Am I making you uncomfortable by asking you out on a date?”
“Oh… Wonwoo…” You take his hand, your desire to comfort him bigger than anything. You don’t like seeing him like this, and as much as your own thoughts have been haunting you, you suppose you do need to talk about it one way or another. “No, you’re not. But… Can I ask you something?”
He doesn’t answer, but you take the way he squeezes your hand as a ‘yes’.
He doesn’t seem to get your question, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “What do you mean why?”
“Why do you suddenly want to date me?”
It’s almost comical the way he blinks slowly, then repeatedly, like he doesn’t get why you’d ask that. He thinks carefully before he says his next words though, and he mentally winces at what he’s about to say but there’s really no other way to say it.
“We’ve been… sleeping together for, like, six months.” He starts, and his face contorts like the words personally offend him. But the more you listen to him talk about all the things you’ve been doing the past few months, how you’re basically a couple without the title, the more you feel both warm and afraid about however this talk is going to end.
You don’t realize you’ve been holding his hand tighter, but he doesn’t say anything and you realize how protective you actually feel of Wonwoo because it doesn’t sit well with you that he seems to consider himself so small.
“It’s not… sudden. I’ve just finally gathered enough courage to ask you.”
“I’m afraid.” You throw it out there the moment you open your mouth, not sure how to tell him except to just go straight to the point.
“Of what?”
“Falling in love.” You cast your eyes down to where your hand and his are joined. “Of being attached to you.”
For a moment, the air around you seems to tense ten-fold that you’re sure you can cut through it with a knife. But when Wonwoo doesn’t say anything, you brace yourself for more honesty and continue.
“I’m… already attached to you more than I thought I could be with anyone. And it scares me sometimes. What if you leave me? I think I’d be able to cope better if you decide to end things with our current… relationship than an actual one. It scares me.”
You feel his hand letting go of yours, and you panic that he’s finally had enough, but he cups your face in his palms to calm you down, and as much as you’re anxious, you can feel yourself calming under his gaze.
“If you want me to be honest, I think I already like you more than whatever you probably feel for me.” He smiles so softly you almost cry. And when you’re about to refute his words, he gently places his finger on your lips to keep you silent. “And no, that’s not something I want to debate with you. I’m fine with liking you more. I want to like you more than you like me. Will you let me do that?”
You open your mouth to say something–anything, but nothing comes out except for your tears so you simply nod and fall into his embrace. Your tears dry up almost immediately after that, but you sniffle a little as his words echo in your mind. Wonwoo probably doesn’t know what he’s talking about, because you’ve liked him for as long as you can remember. Probably not long after you started your deal with him.
He doesn’t know how you melt every time he takes care of you. How you’d try to stay awake longer after he falls asleep after another night of passionate sex, his arm over your body and your back against his chest, just so you can pretend it’s real between you two. How you’d remind yourself that it’s not real when you wake up in his place even though you’d still drag yourself out to make breakfast for him, willing your heart to calm down when he wakes up moments later, hugging you from behind even though you tell him to move away.
You probably already love him more than he can imagine.
“What are you doing tomorrow?” You ask once you’ve calmed down, getting out of his embrace to look into his eyes.
“Nothing. Why?” He tilts his head, a little confused at the sudden change of topic.
“Let’s go on a date?” You ask shyly, though your eyes immediately cast downwards again once you realized you can’t handle looking him in the eye as you ask him this. But that’s why you missed the way his face blooms into a grin, missed the way his eyes suddenly twinkle brighter than every single star in the universe combined. “I think you promised to tell me where you buy those cookies if I go on a date with you.”
He laughs at that and throws his arms around you, so tight that it hurts a little. But you don’t say anything, happy that you’re here in his arms and a little giddy now that everything’s out of your chest.
Wonwoo pulls away and cups your face once again, then searches for something in your face before he closes his eyes and gives you the softest kiss you’ve ever experienced in your life. A promise. One that says he’s not going to leave and he’s going to try his best to remove every single doubt you have in your mind.
©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved. I don't allow any translations or reposting of my works.
A/N 2: and for my birthday wish, hopefully i'll get to see you even once in this lifetime.
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goldenmetstli · 5 months
What would Seto Kaiba be like if he were in love?
NOTES: I wrote this with a Reader Insert in mind, but to be honest you can also read it just as a general headcanon! Reader Insert is gender neutral.
I tried my best to write him as close to canon as I could because I think it's pretty interesting to explore how a man like Seto Kaiba feels romantic love (´。• ◡ •。`) ♡
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★ He doesn't register his feelings and would never cross his mind that he likes someone. He is a little obsessed with them, that's all. And even then, he sees it as "being focused"
★ He doesn't know how to have healthy and normal relationships, not only romantic ones but friendships too.
★ He would never fall in love at first sight, it takes a loooooong time for him to even trust a person enough to consider them worthy of their time. He is the kind of person who sees everyone as a means to an end.
★ Seto has an obsessive, competitive, and antisocial personality, so in his mind, he associates liking someone with wanting to prove that he is better than them.
★ Every time Seto sees you he feels a mixture of excitement and smugness. He knows he would say the perfect thing that might disarm you and make you feel like an idiot but is always a little bit delightful if you have a comeback.
★ As his feelings grow, he notices that he NEEDS to see you. The fun thing about Seto is that he always has the perfect excuse to convince himself that there's a bigger reason why he randomly appears at a place that you frequent or why he knows a lot about you.
★ I don't consider him yandere because he doesn't have bad intentions, he is just navigating his emotions in his own way (he leans more into the tsundere territory). But as I said: he does get a little obsessed with you.
★ Would he ever acknowledge his infatuation? Well, after many situations and even comments from Mokuba pointing out his odd behavior (and that is saying a lot), in a moment of solitude where is just him and his thoughts, he might question for a moment if what he is feeling is attraction.
★ He then would laugh at how ridiculous that sounds and that would be the end of it lol It needs to pass more time for Seto to actually confront himself with his feelings.
★ Seto has been single his whole life, and even if his emotions have always been pretty intense (when he is angry he gets furious, when he is frustrated he gets desperate, etc) he doesn't register feeling romantic love for anyone, so this is new territory.
★ This man goes through all 5 stages of grief just by accepting his feelings for you and desperately tries to find a logical reason as to why he feels this way. Is uncomfortable, and awkward, and at times he gets angry at you.
★ It depends on the situation, on who you are, and what is happening around him to say if he would ever make a move.
★ But if he doesn't then he can live without you, he deals great with loneliness but that doesn't mean Seto would stop trying to see you on any occasion. He would just get better at controlling his feelings.
★ But what if his feelings grow to be LOVE? Then we are in trouble.
★ Another 5 stages of grief lmao poor guy HATES not being in control, and emotions are confusing, weird, and annoying. Why does he, of all people, have to deal with this? He hates you. But also don't. He hates your face, but he likes to see it, he despises your voice but he gets weird tingles when you talk to him. He admires your resilience but also wants to throw you from a cliff.
★ It depends if you are another duelist, an employee, or a normal person with a profession as to how he would act but I can see him being more aggressive towards you.
★ If you two are DUELISTS then he would get even more competitive and intense during your duels.
★ If you are an EMPLOYEE, Seto will raise your position to one where he needs to supervise you and create a lot of challenges for you to overcome (is his way to revenge for what you are making him feel).
★ If you are a NORMAL PERSON with a profession, he would make excuses to make your company work for him and feel near you. This is his way of making him feel like he is in control of his emotions and the situation...
★ Well! That's all for now! ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕 This is getting really long, so I might write in the future a second part as to how Seto would act as a boyfriend
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astermath · 1 year
pierced ☽༓・
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pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: they say nipple piercings taste like house keys. and there’s no place like home baby. aka ethan finds out you have nipple piercings and naturally, he’s intrigued. 
tags: established relationship, use of female anatomy, no actual sex lol just foreplay, barely proofread, minors dni!!!
word count: 1.3K
notes: always thought nipple piercings were hot tbh but I’m too scared to get them :////// this is my way of coping :///// also again I’m telling y’all i see ethan as a tits man 100% no way around it!!!! 
let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for further ethan landry related content!
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You and Ethan had been dating for a few weeks now.
Ethan loved you very much, and there was no way you couldn’t tell. The brunette was practically glued to you, even before you two became a couple. Always had an arm around you, your fingers intertwined when you held hands, having you on his lap whenever he could...
Needless to say, there was no lack of affection in your relationship. But yet, you two hadn’t really done anything sexual yet. Besides a stray hickey or a squeeze of your ass during a heated make-out session, the two of you had been relatively conservative in your touches. Ethan was a virgin, something he’d blurted out randomly to the group before, and the thought of it made you want to take your time with him.
So at times, when all you wanted to do was rip off your clothes and take him, you restrained yourself. Because you liked him. A lot. You wanted things to be different.
He spent a lot of time in your dorm too. Not having a roommate made having some privacy a lot nicer, and he gladly accepted your invitations to stay over every time. 
It had been pretty warm, most of the windows being open as you situated yourself in your small kitchen, pouring you and your boyfriend a drink. Despite it being relatively dark outside already, the heat persisted, and so you decided to wear something other than a baggy shirt for once.
You could hear the lock of your door click open, and you smiled to yourself. Ethan had a spare key to your place, originally just for emergencies, although you’d argue seeing each other was an emergency at any given moment. 
He called out your name, kicking off his shoes and dropping his bag next to them.
“I’m in the kitchen baby!” You opened the fridge, looking through the contents to see what you could make for dinner later. A pair of familiar arms snaked around your waist, a soft hum leaving his hips before he pressed his lips to your neck. “Missed me?” You turned your head to face him.
“Always,” He leaned in, kissing you softly, “it’s so hot outside...”
“Tell me about it.” You closed the fridge and let go of him, snatching one of the iced drinks you poured off the counter and handing it to him. You then grabbed your own, and held it out to clink gently against his. “Cheers to summer in New York.”
“Cheers.” He smiled, taking a good, long sip as his eyes remained on you.
Or more specifically, your chest.
He’d never noticed before, mostly because you hadn’t really worn tops like this in front of him, but he could definitely tell; the outline of two barbell piercings stood stark against the cloth of your top. It was pretty obvious, and his eyes quickly darted away before you’d make a comment about him staring at your tits again.
“Ethan?” You raised an eyebrow, back leaning against the counter.
“Yeah?” His drink was still at his lips.
“You were staring.” You snort, amused by how clueless he was to where his eyes landed. Seemed like it was too late to pretend he wasn’t looking.
“Oh,” His cheeks tinge pink, “I-I’m sorry, I just--” He was so vulnerable to you when you looked at him like that, so expectant, like you wanted him to admit something.
“It’s okay,” You took another sip, holding eye contact. He swore the look you gave him was making his pants tighter already.
“I didn’t know you... Had those...” He wasn’t sure how to phrase it in a way that didn’t make him seem like a creep.
“What?” You tilted your head slightly. “Tits or nipple piercings?” 
“The second one.” He still isn’t sure if you’re about to cuss him out for being a pervert, or if you’re enjoying this.
“I figured,” You chuckled, and he felt the nerves melt off his body. “Just never came up before I guess.”
The two of you spend the rest of your night on the couch, watching a movie. Despite him insisting you watch it carefully, his own attention was elsewhere. He had to admit he didn’t know how to feel about someone else touching your chest and your nipples before he could, but then again, he did think they looked really hot. Even if he just saw them peek through your top a little.
He’d sneak glances every now and then, and as your attention inevitably shifted from the movie to him, and the two of you stumbled into an impromptu make out session, his hands just itched to touch them.
Your kisses were hot, arms slung over his shoulders as you straddled him. His hands settled nicely onto your sides, but you could tell they were slowly creeping up. You grinned against his lips, hips moving slightly against his growing erection. 
“You know,” you spoke softly, lips brushing over his with your words, “if you’re so interested, I could always just show you.”
“W-What?” He pretends to play dumb, but he knows exactly what you mean. His cock twitches slightly at the thought of your naked tits in front of him, and he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought of touching them before.
You sighed, almost dramatically so, as your hands gripped the hem of your top. You pulled it off in one swift motion, tits bouncing slightly as they were released.
If he wasn’t rock hard already, he absolutely was now.
His mouth was almost watering at the sight of them, swallowing to keep down some of the nervous spit that had gathered in his throat. “Fuck…” He mumbled, before his puppy eyes met yours again. “They’re beautiful… Can I…?” He reached his hand up halfway.
“Of course, they’re healed, you can do whatever to ‘em.” You arched your back a little, further moving your tits into his face.
He seemed hesitant at first, hands coming up to gently cup your soft breasts, humming softly at how perfectly they fit into his hands. They were so soft, and for a moment he couldn’t believe how lucky he was. You were so gorgeous, and you were all his. Only ever his.
His fingers moved over to your nipples, pads running gently over the sensitive buds, eliciting a soft whine from you. The noise only further encouraged him as he continued to play with them. He glanced at you every few seconds, partly to check for any discomfort, but mostly because how pretty you looked, biting your lip to hold back your noises. But he wanted to hear them, he needed to hear them.
So he decided to go a little further, sticking out his tongue, running it achingly slow over your right nipple. The cold metal of the barbell piercing was a strange, but not unwelcome sensation, something he could definitely get used to. The sensation of his warm tongue against your skin, his arms wrapped around your waist as he pulls you closer, hips grinding ever so slightly, it almost makes you dizzy. You never knew he was so eager to touch you, maybe you’d been keeping the poor boy waiting for too long.
He opens his mouth and sucks down, doe eyes peering up at you as his name falls from your lips in a soft moan, sweet as honey. “Ethan...” You whine, hips still moving, chasing friction against his restricted hard-on. 
“Yeah?” His mouth lets go, but his hands stay busy, not giving you a break.
“I-I didn’t know you-- shit-- wanted to touch me this bad baby...”
He grins sheepishly, sitting up a bit more to capture your lips in his. 
“I can show you just how bad I’ve been wanting you...” He mumbles between kisses. “Please?”
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@kometqh @dizscreams @sweet-tea-in-the-summer1989 @aurorawhisperz @777iii @cyueksims @m-ar-i @em-writes-posts @kn1n3
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Hello! I noticed your account has open requests and I've been searching for a while to find some twst writers lol! I really hope you don't mind this request and I like your works :3
A request about Leona and/or Ruggie realizing that this “naive“ m!reader is actually the king of sunset savannah's entertainer/court jester (you know how kings hired court jesters to entertain them in parties or whatever, I haven't done much research). They can insult Falena and the guards wouldn't beat his ass (since it's literally part of his job) PLUS it pays REALLY GOOD. The beastmen just recently found out because of the reader saying a comment about the King, saying something like “His hair reminds me of a tomato.“ “King Tomato Furry (Falena) said that I'll get a raise lol“ just randomly and went back to work.
A lovers Jest
Your brain is so big, anon. So very big, I love this request so much, you don't even know!! In Leonas part the M!reader is mentioned, but in Ruggies it isn't exactly mentioned, since i didn't want to unnecessarily cramp it in, I hope that's okay! Also Leona finds out during a festival, since i thought it would be funny- Also, I'm sorry this took so long, and thank you for the kind words!! Hope you enjoy :) There are way to many "Also's" in this Intro-
Finding out their crush is the Royal Jester
Characters: Leona, Ruggie
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: None that i can think off
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-How did he not know earlier about you being his brothers Jester? well, the man was to busy sleeping to partake in any of the royal festivities 
-How you could be so seemingly naive was a mystery to him, it really stunned him at times, but nonetheless you seemed to grow on him, so, you two started to hang out often
-He liked how, behind the closed doors of his room, you're even willing to joke and make fun of his brother. Falena is usually held in high regards by citizens of Sunset Savanna, not that he really minded. That is definitely why you two started hanging out so much (definitely not because he is slowly developing a crush on you, nuh uh)
-He would tease, how, as the second prince, he could report you to his brother and the guards, because of your jokes, only to get a laugh in response for from you. Truly, how naive could you be to not take threats seriously? let alone make jokes so carelessly about the king?! 
-Well, he was quick to find out, when he eventually was forced to go to a royal event! It's Chekas birthday, and the little man was very insistent about having his beloved uncle there! So, reluctantly, he went, no matter how little he wanted to. He did show up late though
-And when he did arrive, he almost immediately sees you. Well, the prince's birthday was commonly celebrated by the entire kingdom, he supposes it wasn't to weird you're here.. But why is there a crowd around you? and why are you standing so close to his brother?! And then, once he got a bit closer, he could finally hear what you were saying 
-"Why, your majesty, King of tomatoes may just be a better fitting title for you!"
-Oh. Oh no no no no no- he just came to terms with having a crush on you, and now you practically throw yourself into prison?! He knows you're naive, but to openly insult the king?! Even as the second prince he won't be able to save you from prison!
-Leona is panicking to say the least, just as he is about to try and intervene and stop you from being thrown into prison for the rest of your live, he suddenly hears his brother..laugh? The guards stand in their place, a few people in the crowd giggling, as his brother and his sister-in-law are full on laughing.
-He just stands there shocked, till Falena finally notices him. "Leona! how nice of you to finally grace us with your presence! I believe you have yet to meet my Jester?" Jester?! It would explain the situation.. "No, we have met before.." 
-respond to his intense stare with a smile, and suddenly he is looking away and blushing ever so slightly
-Suddenly your 'naivety' makes so much sense. You aren't naive, you just love your work so much, you continue to do it outside of working hours
-The rest of the night he spends silently observing you, while having to deal with chekas antics 
-You best believe, that the next time you two hang out, he'll be confronting you, very much wanting to know why you didn't tell him- You probably thought he already knew, since, y'know, he's part of the royal family and all
-This, along with his crush on you, gave him a great Idea. As a second prince, he isn't required to marry a woman, since he doesn't need an heir.. So not only is he free to marry you, he would get to take his brothers favorite Jester from him. For once, he'd be the one to take something from his brother, instead of the other way around! 
-Of course, that isn't the only reason he wants to marry you, dear reader, this lion is head over heels for you- he's just to stubborn to admit it :)
-You and Ruggie have probably already been close for a while, maybe you even have already gone on a date or two!
-And yet, he has yet to know what you do for work. But he does know that you make A LOT of money! He wouldn't just like you for the money, but if you're the kind of person to use at least a small amount to help those in need like himself by giving to charity, or paying for the meals he takes back home for the kids of the slum during the holidays, then that is a definitely one of the reason he fell for you
-He did notice how openly you insulted the King, and he can't say he minds, that man has so much money, and is supposed to take care of his kingdom, and yet there are still kids growing up the way he did. 
-Nonetheless, he usually stops you when your 'naive' enough to Joke about the King in the open, he doesn't need you going to prison, you pay for so many of his meals! He is genuinely in love with you, but just like Leona, too stubborn to admit it
-Until one day, he once again stops you from Insulting the king in public and you reply with a simple "Why? King Tomato-head even said I'd get a raise for that Joke!"
-"Wait what? What do you mean by that??" - If you translated Ruggies expression into words
-"Oh yeah, I'm the Royal Jester! Did I never tell you that?" No, no you did not- but it does explain a lot to Ruggie, why, no matter how much you joked in the open, the guards never went after you, why you were willing to insult the king at all.. You weren't naive, you were just doing your job!
-...Do you think you could also get him a job as jester? He knows a court usually has more than one Jester, and apparently it pays well!.. But that would mean he would spent his holidays at the castle instead of with his grandma and the slum kids. Yeah, he'll leave the Jesting to you
-But suddenly, instead of stopping you from telling your jokes, he'll help you come up with them! He knows, that the funnier a Jester is, the more they'll get paid, and you best believe he's making sure you bring home that bag!!
-...Also, maybe if you have a holiday off, you'd be willing to come with him to the slums and perform for the kids? He can only imagine how exited they would be to see the performance of an actual jester. 
-If you say yes, he'd literally be willing to marry you on the spot, he's already picking a venue
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Tbh, not that proud of Leonas part, the words didn't wanna word- But I'm still pretty proud of myself nonetheless ngl
Also, two posts in one day, I feel so productive-
I hope you enjoyed! Feedback is welcomed, just be nice :)
Have a lovely day/night!
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