#and in fact it will probably get exponentially worse
orcboxer · 4 months
Sure there's zombies killing and eating people on the street but those people are not dying from the virus they're dying from comorbidities. For instance, that guy we saw getting eaten on the way into work today clearly died from blood loss, not infection, plus he already had a heart condition. People with preexisting conditions are just going to have to take care of themselves. Say it with me, "They're all already dead to me." See, that feels a lot better now doesn't it?
Good because you still have to go to work. No we're not paying you extra. Yes we're doubling grocery prices. No you don't qualify for disability. Or healthcare. Or a home.
Look, if you get bitten, you can stay home for one day, I guess 😒, but then you need to come in early. We're really short staffed at the moment, despite our company's profits being higher than ever. In fact we may be laying some of you off next month. You don't mind working off the clock right?
Also you look silly with that protective gear. We're gonna harass you for it, not like institutionally but just socially. Who cares if a zombie attacks you? Who cares if we invite them into the building? You don't need to defend yourself, you're just overreacting. If you get bitten just tell everyone the festering bite mark is from a different animal, that's what we all do.
And hey, don't worry so much. It's endemic, which means we don't have to keep track of how many people are dying from it anymore. Just look at those numbers! It's only killed 2,000 people in America this week! That's basically nobody! We're back to normal!
If everything starts tasting like rotting meat for the rest of your life, it's probably something else. If you experience brain fog or you forget things constantly or you're tired all the time after even minor physical activity, it's just because you're lazy. Yes every other virus you ever get will also be increasingly worse but that's just a coincidence. Those viruses just happen to be exponentially worse now.
Plus, those few weeks during the lockdown were terrible for my mental health. I just can't keep living like that, so we have to go back to normal life, which now involves people biting each other and twitching uncontrollably and rotting visibly.
You can't expect the world to wait for you. "Already dead to me," remember?
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chibieggplant · 2 months
Doodles ~ Part 2
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Trafalgar Law soulmate au | Imagine a magical connection between you and your soulmate, where everything you write on your arm appears on your soulmate's arm, too.
Part 2/3 | Part One | Part Three
Law sighed in relief. After all those chaotic shenanigans, he was glad that the day was almost over. He was exhausted as he walked back towards his temporary room aboard the Sunny. He'd spend some time alone and relax before bed; as long as he kept himself occupied he'd be fine...right? Well, that's what Law had hoped. But unfortunately, now he was alone with his thoughts. As he glanced at his arm for what had to have been the 20th time today? No, it had probably been more times than that, he lost count…he couldn't help but continue to think of his soulmate. Or rather lack of. Every time he thought he was making progress, his mind wandered off again. He was trying so hard to avoid thinking about them, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.
Now lying in bed, it was silent and dark. He was tossing and turning. Once again, he couldn't seem to fall asleep. Nothing foreign to Law. Maybe it was because it was too quiet? He missed the droning hum of the Polar Tang. He let out a sigh and desperately attempted to get some sleep. It was too quiet…and still not a single damn doodle from his soulmate...
Every time he shut his eyes, a wave of frustration, loneliness, and sadness came over him. It was such a strange thing to get worked up about, he shouldn't have to care this much. After all, it’s not like he ever wrote back. Still, for some reason, his mind was starting to wander, he could feel all of his pent-up emotions wanting to overflow. Combined with the added stress of the upcoming mission and being away from his crew, was he finally losing his mind?
Law agitated and restless turned on his back and stared into darkness before getting up to walk around the room. He was just too restless and it was starting to drive him crazy. Walking around made things worse. There was this odd feeling in his chest, which only grew exponentially once he became aware of it. It was a deep, dark sense of loneliness. It felt like a heavy weight. The longer Law continued to walk around the worse the feeling grew. Air…he would go outside and get some fresh air to clear his head and hopefully calm his mind.
The cool night breeze instantly hit his face when he stepped outside onto the deck. The air was clear, the night was dim but star-studded. The quiet of the night was soothing. He stood there, looking out, silently admiring the view. It was a perfect, calming night. A contrast to his thoughts that were anything but calm. He glanced at his arm again…nothing. His eyebrows furrowed. “Where are you?”
Maybe he was just a little bit stressed. He shook off that notion, he had been through far more stressful situations. So what if he didn’t hear from his soulmate right now? He wasn’t fit for a soulmate anyway. Law could feel the stress slowly beginning to wane just a little bit. So he had not heard from his soulmate in a few days, so what? He didn’t need their reassurance. He was not weak, he had endured much worse things in his life. He was being irrational and overly emotional. He would get through this. He was confident he was handling all of this much more maturely than he should. So what if his soulmate didn't write to him? So what? He didn't even need their affection.
He let out another breath. So what? He could endure this. He was fine. A few days was nothing. He was being silly. He was strong. So he didn't hear from his soulmate, who cares? It was probably for the best that they didn't write. Law was completely okay. In fact, he was downright happy about the matter! He was fine, better than fine, he was damn near delighted. He did not need his soulmate's validation! He did not need anything. He was self-sufficient.
Law kept standing there, staring out at the ocean, continuing to reassure himself. His mindset was a complete mess, and he was having a hard time figuring out his feelings. He knew he was lying to himself; he knew he was unhappy, deep down. But he didn't want to think about it. So he continued to convince himself that he was content with this. The fact that his soulmate hadn't written back didn't even bother him. He was fine with it, he was more than fine. He did not need them.
The silence of the night continued to press on, the calming air did nothing to stop the thoughts that were eating away at him. Law's eyes narrowed, he was not fine. He was being a fool. The fact that his soulmate hadn't written to him in these last few days did bother him. He was just too stubborn to admit the truth. He wasn't self-sufficient at all. He needed something. He needed...“God dammit just draw a stupid bear or something!” he stared at his arm as if his soulmate could hear his words as if it wasn’t the middle of the night and they weren’t asleep right now.
Law clenched his fist, he was irritated at himself. He was feeling a whole wave of emotions, he almost wanted to punch this railing. Everything was too confusing, his mind was such a jumbled mess. Law was so frustrated. Why was he so bothered by something so silly? Why did he even miss those silly doodles? Why was he so lonely? Why did he feel so damn empty inside?! “Just a stupid squiggle or…anything” he mumbled to himself.
He sighed as he leaned against the railing, it seemed pointless yelling at his arm. It was his damn fault he didn't hear from his soulmate. He didn't reply to them, after all. Was he really surprised? But that didn't make any difference. He was still angry, frustrated, and empty. He just wanted to see something, anything from his soulmate. Any stupid doodle would make him feel better, maybe he would feel less alone. He was acting like a complete idiot, and he knew it.
And then, as if by some miracle, as if his soulmate knew he needed them right now, a little drawing of a star slowly appeared on his arm.
Law stared at the small star on his arm. He wasn't sure, maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him. Was his mind really this far gone? Could he have been so desperate to see this that he just imagined this? He rubbed his eyes and looked again, still the small star was there. Law blinked and looked once more. The star was still there before it slowly disappeared.
Did...did that just happen? Law felt the tension he was feeling in his chest loosen a tiny bit as a wave of relief washed over him. He ran his hand over the spot where the doodle had been a second ago. He was filled with a mixture of relief and hope, though the latter he quickly dismissed as silly. His soulmate had drawn a doodle for him. Maybe it meant they didn't hate him for not writing back. He liked to think that. Law let out a sigh and then gave a small smile as another star appeared on his arm.
Law continued to stare as now a second one was appearing right next to it. Two stars. He felt somewhat happy as he ran his fingers over the doodles. Law smiled again, though it was a bit of a dumb smile. He let out a few laughs, he was letting himself get stupidly happy over some insignificant stars. He felt slightly idiotic, but he couldn't help the warm feeling forming in his chest. And with each additional star that appeared next to the one preceding it, Law felt like a happy fool. He was getting so excited over something this ridiculous. He couldn't help but smile. He was now grinning like an idiot, as the stars kept appearing and disappearing from his arm. Law had no idea why his soulmate was drawing these little stars, but he didn't care. He was just glad they were still there. He'd take this over nothing at all.
Law couldn't help but notice that his smile had grown bigger with each doodle that star on his arm. And with every star that appeared, Law's happiness continued to grow. He felt ridiculous, but it was such a simple gesture. The tiny doodles were so unassuming, but they had managed to cheer him up in a way that very few things could.
The cold night breeze caused him to shiver, and he decided it was time to go back inside the ship, hopefully, he could get some sleep now that he felt more at ease. As he left the railing, he couldn't stop looking at his arm. It made him feel less lonely knowing that they were there. Before heading inside his eyes flicked towards the crows nest. He knew you were on watch tonight and a wave of guilt hit him as he remembered his brief conversation with you earlier. Maybe it was the newfound good mood but he felt a need to apologise, you were only trying to be nice to him after all.
As he was climbing the stairs he decided to head to the crows nest instead. Now that he was a bit calmer, he wanted to apologise to you. He was being a dick earlier to you, even if it was unintentional. Before he could reach the crows nest he could see your silhouette looking over the sea. Law was about to open his mouth and announce himself before you spoke first.
“Sanji I told you I can do the night watch on my own just fine” you said without even turning around.
Law froze up for a moment before finding it amusing that you just assumed he was Sanji without even turning around to check who it was. “It’s just me, I was coming over to apologise for being a dick earlier, I know you were only trying to be nice,” he said, as he walked over to you.
You stopped speaking upon noticing Law’s approach. You let out a small laugh, though it seemed more out of surprise than anything else. Your gaze had been stuck on the horizon and your mind was elsewhere seemingly preoccupied with something else. Still, you were at least polite enough to respond even if you didn’t turn to face him. “Oh, you don’t have to apologise but thank you”
Law was amused by your reaction. You were still being friendly towards him, which he was quite happy about despite the awkward moment earlier. He was going to leave his apology at that and leave but decided to check in on you out of curiosity as you seemed to be busy doing something “What are you doing?”
You let out a small sigh in response and pulled your sleeve over your arm as you continued to stare over the horizon. Something was bothering you as the expression on your face was one of slight frustration. At the question you simply muttered, “nothing, don’t worry about it”
Law sighed as well, he could tell there was something wrong. Not just about your response but your overall demeanor, there was a sense of frustration about you. Law also noticed your arm as you pulled your sleeve down. Were you...“Are you drawing? Or writing to your soulmate, perhaps?” Law decided to ask. He was intrigued as he took a step towards you. He could have sworn he saw something written on your arm.
You froze up momentarily and then let out a sigh before turning around to face him. “It’s just a few doodles to pass the time, I don’t know why I’m even drawing them—“ Law’s curiosity peaked even more as he moved even more closer, he didn’t understand why there was so much secrecy behind some simple doodles. You let out another sigh knowing you couldn’t keep it a secret from Law. He’d only keep pestering you about it, so you might as well just explain it to him. Plus it’s not like it was some big secret. You had already previously mentioned to him that your soulmate never wrote back. “I’m... I’m just drawing silly star doodles for my soulmate, not that it matters…”
Law stopped dead in his tracks, what he thought he had heard must have been wrong. There was no way that’s what you had just said, you must’ve misspoken. Law couldn’t move, he felt like all the air was being sucked out of him, and he could barely breathe. “Can you repeat that?” He asked in the most calm and collected tone he could muster right now.
“I sometimes draw stupid doodles in hopes that they might draw one back one day. Not that it matters…I gave up writing messages a long time ago.” you added with a small sigh. Your frustration slowly began to creep back up as you thought about how you never heard back from your soulmate. You were tired of this whole situation, you just wanted to hear from them, even once. Just to know that they even existed.
Law froze up completely, as he started to connect the dots. You were waiting for some sort of follow-up question, but Law was completely dumbstruck. Nothing came to his brain, no words, or even a damn thought. All he could feel was his heart beating in his chest, loud and hard. He struggled to get his next words out. “W-what did you say drawing?” Maybe he was getting ahead of himself. It’s not uncommon for people to doodle things, right?
You tilted your head as you noticed Law freezing up and his struggle to get his words out. “…just some stars?” you asked puzzled, not understanding why Law was making such a big deal over this. But then again, you also wasn’t aware of the full scale of his emotions in this moment. All you knew was that you had mentioned ou were doodling stars and he suddenly started acting like a deer in headlights.
Law could feel his heart pounding violently in his chest, his breathing was uneven. He could feel his entire body was shaking. It all felt so surreal as this realisation sunk in. Was this happening? It felt like the entire world was spinning even though he hadn’t even moved. There was nothing else in his vision besides the two of them. “C-could you draw another one?”
Your eyebrow perked up in confusion by the odd behaviour from Law. Was this some bad joke? Did he think you were drawing something important or something? The way Law continued to stare at you did make it seem as if he was waiting for something. As you thought about this, you thought maybe he was playing a prank or trying to catch you out. Maybe he thought you were hiding something. “Erm sure...I guess?” you mumbled as you went to draw another star.
“C-could you do a bear this time?” Law requested as if he already knew the outcome of this situation. His voice trembling even more so than the mere seconds before. He continued to stare at you as you continued to be confused as to what was happening. He was still frozen in place. Still slightly dazed. The possible realisation was starting to set in but still felt so outlandish.
You let out a slight chuckle in bewilderment at his request. You didn’t mind though, you hadn’t thought of drawing a bear, but it was a simple enough request that you could indulge him in. Without a reply, you began to work on a little bear doodle. A bear was the perfect way to distract you from your frustrated mood as well, something was soothing about drawing cute animals.
Law watched you intensely as you began to draw. As the bear came together it only seemed to push him even further down the path toward a startling realisation. He had seen this bear before. He held his breath as he watched you. His heart beat at an even faster pace, his mouth went dry but he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The bear doodle was taking shape before his very eyes, and he could feel the world slowly spinning even faster.
Without realising it, you had drawn an identical bear to the bear that Law had seen appear on his arm many times before. As you finished putting down the last few little details of the bear’s mouth, you stopped and took a look at it. You were pleased with the results of your brief doodle. “There” you smiled. However, you looked up and saw Law watching you. He seemed pale and confused. Thinking that you must’ve done something to cause such a dramatic reaction from Law, you moved to see if he was alright. “Hey, are you okay? You look—“ Law cut you off despite struggling to get the words out. He still appeared confused as he tried to explain to you the reason for his reaction. He was trembling more than ever, and he didn’t appear to notice his state as he continued trying to explain.
“T-the bear…” he started as he grabbed your arm. “Th-this stupid bear…you—“ Law looked completely dumbfounded. He struggled to form any coherent thought. He then looked down at his arm despite already knowing what he was going to see. The exact bear doodle from your arm was right there, staring back at him. He looked up to you with even wider eyes, almost as if he was being confronted with the most absurd thing he had ever seen.
Your expression quickly shifted from a mixture of confusion and concern to pure shock and disbelief as you caught on. Your eyes were now just as wide as Law’s as you tried to take in what was happening. The bear doodle was right there. There was no doubt about it. The exact bear doodle was right there on his arm, identical to the one you just drew on your own. Your mouth slowly opened up, as you struggled to form any coherent thought. You simply remained in shock as you continued to look at the bear doodle before it slowly disappeared.
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talaok · 11 months
Hey babe I love your fanfics and I was wondering if you could wright one with pedro x reader where pedro takes reader out on a fancy date and he proposes to her and its just really cute fluffy stuff
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader
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"why can't you just tell me where we're going?"
"because that's how surprises work"
You huffed, "I know, but how am I supposed to know how to dress? I don't want to be overdressed, or even worse...underdressed"
He smiled at you with that frustratingly adorable smile of his.
"Whatever you put on you'll be stunning sweetheart"
"that's not the point baby"
"ok then, how about you wear that red dress you bought last week?"
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued "That's a nice dress"
Nice dress equals nice place
"it is" he nodded
"So..." you started, a sly smile pulling at your lips "If it's..."
"I'm not telling you" he stopped you as quickly as he heard that mischievous tone lurking in your words "Now get dressed, we don't want to be late"
"fine" you grumbled, walking back into the bathroom "but if we get there and I'm not dressed appropriately you'll pay for it, sir"
__ __ __
"Are you ok?"
The poor steering wheel was gonna break any moment now from how hard he had been gripping it.
He glanced at you as if you had startled him.
"Y-yea why?"
"I don't know you've just been really quiet"
"Sorry" he cleared his throat, "I'm just... I'm a little distracted"
"what is it?"
"Nothing sweetheart," he offered you an unconvincing smile as his right hand found your thigh "Just work"
You placed your own hand on top of his, trying to read his expression.
"You sure?"
"I'm sure baby, don't worry"
__ __ __
You tried to bite down your excitement and astonishment all at once as Pedro helped you to your seat.
"wow," you murmured as he sat down in front of you "How did you even get a reservation here?"
"I called in a few favors"
You chuckled "Oh I'm sorry Mr. Bigshot"
You glanced around the large classy room, the walls were filled with tints of gold and red both matching to perfection the milk-white underneath.
The tables all had a single black rose as a centerpiece, and right next to it, a long white candle that gave each table an intimate feel.
All around you were the richest of L.A, you recognized about half of them.
If a bomb dropped on here The Us's GDP would probably drop exponentially.
"so what's the occasion?" you asked "I'm fairly sure it isn't our anniversary"
He hadn't stopped fixing his shirt since you entered, you noticed.
"I just wanted to spend a nice night with you"
"Well thank you" you smiled "I really appreciate it"
__ __ __
The food was good, not that you were any sort of expert, but god if it wasn't just exquisite.
Pedro had insisted that you did not mind the nightmare-inducing prizes, and with a little bit of convincing you ended up full to the brim with Michelin star dishes and with a dessert still on its way.
You had a fantastic evening, finally getting a little time to yourselves to just talk about whatever came to mind.
But still, the whole time you couldn't help but notice that... something was off in him, something behind his eyes wasn't right.
maybe he really is just stressed about work
"I'm so full" you laughed "If I had pants on I would have unbuttoned them by now"
"We'll make tea back home"
"God you know me so well" you smiled "Thank you for this, really, I loved it," you said, placing your hand on his on the table "And you" you added "I love you"
He turned his hand to hold yours
"I love you too" he murmured, before quickly clearing his throat "In fact Y/n..." his eyes traveled up to find yours, and something in them was different, a spark lighted them now.
He slowly retracted his hand from yours and reached into his pocket, before-
Oh my god
Before got up from his seat to get- to get on one knee.
"Oh my god" 
You could already feel the tears threatening your eyes
"Oh my god baby- what are you-" You couldn't help the giddy laugh fleeing your lips " Are you- because if you are you don't even have to ask you know the answer is ye-"
"stop" he chuckled "I- I kind of have a whole speech prepared"
"r-right" you realized, still grinning like an idiot "I'm sorry, I just- go on"
"thank you" he smiled, balancing himself on his knee 
No matter how many people were in the restaurant, how many people had turned to stare at you... it was only you and him now, you and him and both your racing hearts.
"Y/n, from the moment I met you, I started thinking of how I was going to do this. Now I know you might not believe me, but it's true. The second I first talked to you, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I always wondered how I managed to get so lucky, how I managed to find someone so amazing, so kind, so smart, so... beautiful, and most of all, I found myself wondering how- out of all the people you could have chosen, you chose me. But recently... recently I finally came to a conclusion, and that conclusion... is a miracle. Y/n, you're my miracle, you're an angel, you are... Y/n you are the love of my life. You have blessed me with the four happiest years of my life, and as selfish as this may be, I want to ask you here today, if you would do me the honor of making the rest of my life just as happy. And I promise, that if you do, I'll spend it doing everything I can to make it just as happy for you"
You were sobbing, there was no sugarcoating it. Full-on sobbing.
"So" he paused to finally open that black velvet box he had been holding for what felt like an eternity "Y/n Y/l/n, would you make me the luckiest man on earth, and be my wife?"
Even with the tears staining your sight and your brain buzzing with excitement, you waited no time to answer
"yes!" you half screamed half laughed "God- yes Pedro! Of course, I'll marry you. I- " you were shaking as you stood up once he did "Yes" you mumbled again"Yes- I want to marry you" 
"You do?" he asked, holding your face with his hands
"Of course I do, what kind of question is that?" you laughed
"Then give me your hand" 
You held your breath as he slipped the ring on your finger, and only once you looked back at each other, could you start taking in oxygen again.
"I-" he smiled, not knowing what to say "You're the love of my life baby" he kissed you "I can't wait to grow old with you"
"stop it!" you slapped his chest playfully
"wha-why?" he laughed 
"I need to stop crying, I can't do that when you keep saying stuff like that"
"I'm sorry, what do you need me to do?" he stroked your cheek, wiping some tears away.
"I don't know- just-" You melted into his touch, drowning in his eyes just as he drowned in yours "god I love you so much"
"I love you more" he smiled, leaning his forehead on yours 
"Forever" he promised
"forever," you promised back
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soleilceirinen · 7 months
When the darkness comes (Thomas Shelby x Shadowhunter!Reader) - Part 1
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Summary: you are a shadowhunter investigating the sudden rise of yin fen in the Downworld, the trail leads you to Small Heath and a blue eyed gangster.
A/N: I'm obsessed with Cillian Murphy, it's a fact. I also have an obsession with Shadowhunters (the books, especially The Infernal Devices). I had this idea in my head for a while so I said, why not? I don't think it's necessary to have read the books to understand the fic, although it probably helps. Also, it may not be accurate with the timeline of the series but honestly, I don't care.
(I just wanted to share my obsession, I think when Cillian was young he looked like Will Herondale in The Infernal Devices and now that he's older he looks like Will in The Last Hours. He is described with high cheekbones, full lips, blue eyes, dark hair... in my mind Cillian is Will).
English is not my first language, sorry if there are mistakes!
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During the past few months, the use of a drug called yin fen had grown exponentially among the inhabitants of the Downworld. The head of the London Institute trusted you enough to put you in charge of the investigation into who was bringing it to England, and worse yet, who was exporting it to America. You were committed to finding out, no matter what it would cost.
Those most affected by its consumption were werewolves, which was expected and somehow broke your heart since you were quite fond of the species. But that was not the end of it, at some point mundanes had discovered the silver drug and had begun to consume it uncontrollably. It could never end well, as a nephilim you had to put an end to it.
After spending the last two weeks busy with the investigation of the shipments, you had finally found a trail that led you to a place called Small Heath.
You had heard many names, the most repeated ones had been the Shelby family and the Peaky Blinders. Above all of them, the most frequent was Thomas Shelby. The people you talked to for information seemed to be afraid to even say his name out loud, some of them refused to answer your questions but others went so far as to describe him as the devil himself. 
That made you worry. What if that man was a demon? It was a possibility, in that case you should notify the Enclave immediately but first, you needed to be completely sure of it.
It had been raining all day so when the afternoon came, you realised that it was not going to stop anytime soon. You stretched your back and got up from the small table where you had been sitting for hours now. It was cluttered with documents and information about The Shelby Company Limited and its members. You took a quick look at the one-bedroom apartment you had rented, it was a mess. Shrugging, you approached the armchair where you had left your shadowhunter gear in the morning and started getting ready to go outside. Maybe in the Garrison you could find more clues.
You had a glamour on, which meant that you were invisible to the mundane eye. You had also marked yourself with a rune of stealth, so you moved in complete silence. Walking around the interior of the pub and carefully observing the customers, you sighed tiredly. There was nothing suspicious.
You left the pub and took shelter from the rain at the entrance. When you first heard about the Garrison, you hoped it would be some kind of Downworlder lair but you only found a bunch of drunk mundanes. Not even one werewolf or a fairy barmaid. 
Two young men came out of the pub too and stood next to you while smoking and talking in a low voice, neither of them noticed your presence. 
"You should try it," one of them said. The other shook his head, letting out a puff of smoke. "Why not, Isaiah? It's better than Tokyo..."
The tallest one, Isaiah, threw his cigarette on the ground and adjusted his cap. "I don’t know, Finn. I've heard things, none of them good." 
“Nonsense,” scoffed the first one. 
Finn's name was familiar to you, if you remembered correctly, he was one of the members of the Shelby family. Although the possibility of him not being the same one was there, their conversation had caught your attention. They could be talking about any other drug but something deep inside told you that you were in the right place. 
As far as you knew, the effect of yin fen in humans was similar to that of cocaine, it was a strong stimulant. You examined the boys, looking for any sign that could tell you that they were addicted to the drug but they looked good with their tailored suits and freshly cut hair. In general, they seemed healthy.
It was very noticeable when someone was a yin fen addict. The drug used to drain the person’s colour, leaving a silver coloration in their skin, hair and eyes, as its name indicated: silver powder.
"They're coming," Finn said, pointing down the street with his lit cigarette. 
Looking in said direction, you saw a group of men dressed just like the two boys, with nice tailored suits and caps, approaching the Garrison. As they came closer, you moved to the side to let them pass. Despite being invisible due to the glamour, you were still very tangible. They passed by, ignoring you as you were expecting. One of them, a tall man with a moustache, hugged Finn enthusiastically, laughing and gesturing for them to enter the pub.
You watched as they got in, unaware of the pair of blue eyes that were staring at your figure. The man didn’t even blink when you looked back at him. 
He was pale and had dark circles under his eyes as if he had not slept in days, almost like a vampire. He could have been one except for the fact that he was holding an almost finished cigarette in his hand, and it was well known that vampires avoided fire as much as possible since they could burn like paper. With each drag he took on the cigarette, the tip of it lit up like a small orange eye in the rain. 
His blue eyes roamed your body up and down, he then raised an eyebrow at your appearance. You were dressed all in black like most shadowhunters did, with your hair tied in a braid and the tip of two seraph blades protruding over your shoulders. You carried more weapons, but these were not visible to the man. 
He could see you.
It made your heart pound in your chest with anticipation. You stared back at him in silence, hesitating about whether you should talk to him or get ready to fight him.
You could not do one thing or the other, because at that moment, the man with the moustache came out of the pub and put his arm over the man who was staring at you. “Tommy! Come in, we’re waiting for you. What are you doing here in this rain? You’re soaked…”
Tommy as in...Thomas Shelby? 
Tommy nodded towards you. The other man looked at your direction, it caused you the same feeling as always when someone looked at you while wearing a glamour, as if instead of seeing you, he saw through you.
"What is it, brother?" he wondered, winking his eyes in a vain attempt to see something.
Tommy looked from you to the other man with a confused expression. You remained silent. He dropped the rest of his cigarette to a puddle and ran a hand over his face, shaking his head. After one last glance in your direction, he turned and lightly pushed his brother towards the pub. 
"I think I'm seeing spirits like Polly, Arthur," he muttered in a hoarse voice while they walked away.
The last thing you heard before they disappeared behind the doors of the Garrison was Arthur's muffled laughter.
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iridescentholly · 1 month
X spells in magic the gathering are where the fact it was designed by a maths guy really pops. Majority of the maths in magic is "can I pay cost" or "is damage dealt enough to kill a creature/player", so playing around with that number being variable rather than fixed makes some sense, and maths has X as a default variable, so you get fireball
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right there in the first set - variable cost for variable damage, 1:1. This spell is great for ending games, which makes up for it's poor rate for the time (see lightning bolt, where you pay 1 mana for 3 damage)
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So now you can use X for the cost to give a linear scaling effect, such as additional counters on creatures
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Where we get really mathsy next is the relatively few examples of effectively "do something X times, X times" for example:
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These two cards are roughly equivalent in what they do to the previous two - but appear to scale at a much worse rate, having to pay two or three times the cost for each time you do "X" but the trick here is these aren't actually scaling linearly, they're scaling quadratically, making them much more effective than they seem.
Anyway all this to say that sometimes evaluating how good a magic card can require understanding quadratic scaling!*
*but almost never will because these effects are almost certainly intentionally costed too highly and attached to traditionally uncompetitive effects, likely so that players don't actually have to think about quadratic scaling. This is probably for the best. Also there's one card that scales exponentially (2 to the power of X) rather than quadratically (X to the power of 2). It's literally called exponential growth.
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raygirlramblings · 7 months
oh look it’s another Captain Laserhawk discussion, who’d have thunk it.
This time I want to go into detail about something which has been bugging me for a while and which I’ve yet to get a decent explanation for. The eternal question of WHO WAS PHONE?
More specifically, who was it who messaged Rayman to direct him to seek out Bullfrog at the courthouse?
Spoilers and discussion under the cut:
So, the general consensus amongst fans and viewers falls into 2 camps of who the mysterious voice was. People seem to think it was either the board of Directors who control Rayman and Eden (who we will call The Templars here just because it fits in universe), and the other half say it was The Warden aka Sarah Fisher acting on her own volition without the knowledge of her fellow Templars. People base this seemingly on the fact the call seemed to come from the Directors based on the image we see on Rayman’s screen matching those from his precious conversations.
Personally, I think neither of these options make any sense.
Firstly the Templars. Their plan seems to be (from the view of people who assume the message is from them) is that it’s a trap to lure Rayman to Red so they can capture him. This is RIDICULOUS and such a convoluted and messy plan. If the Templars wanted to capture Rayman they didn’t need to lure him out of his apartment with some vague message. He was alone and vulnerable in his apartment wasting away on booze and cocaine. And you know FOR SURE Eden has cameras trained on their mascot boy at all times of the day. The idea they would need some ridiculous trap to capture him is ludicrous.
Moreover I don’t believe the Templars even knew where Rayman was going when he went to see Bullfrog. When Red arrives he says ‘I've been looking everywhere for you’. Why would he say this if luring Rayman to Bullfrog was the Templar’s plan? If it was their plan why wasn’t Red in the room with Bullfrog to capture Rayman immediately? They didn’t need to leave him to have some long, mind opening convo with Bullfrog; if anything that made things exponentially worse for them as it was the straw that broke Rayman enough to become Ramon and kill them all (which again, the Templars are SURPRISED BY).
So no, I don’t believe the ‘seek the frog’ message came from the Templars.
But what about Sarah Fisher?
Again we have to think what her motivation is for pointing Rayman in the direction of Bullfrog. What does she have to gain from doing this? Sarah wanted access to the Wasteland VR setup, and if Eden launches its attack on the Wasteland it could destroy that. She wanted to get to Marcus Holloway and seize control of the system.
Rayman does not factor into her plan in any way. Neither did Bullfrog. She had Laserhawk and that was part of her key to get to Holloway. Everyone else was expendable.
‘But maybe she wanted Rayman to take out the rest of the Templars!’
How would she be able to predict that?! She would have had to know EXACTLY what Bullfrog was going to say to Rayman, how it would affect Ray’s psyche, assume Red would blow his mission to capture Rayman, and assume Rayman had access to enough firepower and skill to get to the Templars and kill them. THERE WAS LITERALLY NO WAY SHE COULD PREDICT ANY OF THAT.
Hell, she got LUCKY that Dolph had a change of heart and attempted to return to the city to save Bullfrog, and in turn he ran into the army heading to the Wasteland and wrecked them all in spite of her attempts to sabotage his robot parts. If he had stayed in the VR beach paradise or had died being crushed by Red in his mech the army would have swarmed the facility and EVERYONE WOULD HAVE PROBABLY DIED.
Sarah’s plan is purely based on luck and the fact that Marcus showed mercy to her. The idea she was a puppet master for a completely random set of events surrounding her goal is ridiculous. Sure it worked out perfectly for her in the end as the only surviving Templar but I still refuse to believe she planned for that. Her ultimate end goal was the VR facility, not power over the Templars. Once she had the VR facility she would have found a way to take out her fellow Templars without Ramon's help.
So if it wasn’t Sarah Fisher or the Templars then WHO WAS PHONE?
Thankfully we have some suggestions which actually make sense in the grander scheme of the world, but they do rely on a little theory crafting which sets up for S2.
For me there are 3 possible people who could have been on that call posing as the Templars.
1 - Marcus Holloway
2 - Sam Fisher
3 - Alex Taylor
Marcus Holloway is an easy one. As a master Hacker who has been breaking into Eden’s systems for decades I can imagine he has some methods of getting into the systems and pretending to be whoever he wants to be. The only reason he didn't do it sooner is that Rayman was constantly protected by Eden so any attempts to get to him would have been pointless. But after his TV freakout and being replaced it's a perfect time for Marcus to get to him and try and undermine the Templar's control.
'Oh but how would Marcus know about any of what happened with Rayman if the Templars just replaced him?'.
How would Marcus know about anything that happened with Dolph, Alex, Sarah, the Ghosts or anything else the happened in Eden if he wasn't there? He's a master Hacker, we can assume he has ways.
But why? I'm assuming primarily because using Eden's own propaganda pawn to undermine them is wildly poetic to Marcus. Maybe there is some empathy for Rayman here but much like Sarah he had no idea to what lengths Rayman/Ramon's mental breakdown would go. It worked out for him in the end though with the Templars being massacred.
Sam Fisher relies a little more on speculation. In the post credits scene of the final episode we see Dolph chatting to Sam in a digital void. There is some suggestion that the world we are seeing is not real. A Matrix world with reset abilities. This would explain a lot of things which could easily have been deaths turning out to be fine (Red being a clear example, also Dolph being shot at point blank range by Alex and surviving).
If Sam does have some kind of 'overseer' position this gives him access to far more information than anyone else. He could foresee the only way out for Bullfrog being at Rayman/Ramon's hands as Dolph was too far away and everyone else was dead. A little bit of manipulation of Rayman's fragile psyche in this matrix world would be easy for someone with a birds eye view that Sam could have.
As is the idea that Alex Taylor is responsible...seeing as he's dead. But before he died he took over most of Pagan Min's men and their connections. Either he set up the plan to be enacted in the event of his death or he has some similar kind of setup Sam has. After all, Alex's opening of the dimension X portal allowing the Rabbids in is what lead to Rayman's freak out at Red on TV, leading to his replacement. Alex seems to have some grander picture in mind for Eden before his death, and as violent and ridiculous as it is it does tie into his desire for chaos. The shaking up of the entire Eden system seems to reach beyond just screwing with the populace. Much like Marcus, the concept of using Rayman against the Templars would be part of the complete chaos Alex is looking for. With the Templars dead there is a power vacuum.
I know this one is a bit of a stretch but to be brutally honest I'll accept Alex toying with things from beyond the grave before I accept that the Templars sent Rayman to Bullfrog in an attempt to contain him XD
So yeah, those are my ridiculously long thoughts regarding the WHO WAS PHONE mystery. You are welcome to wildly disagree with me or point out my lack of logic as you see fit XD Also point out if I missed some important plotpoint :3
Heck there's an argument to be made that the message came from someone we've not met yet, or another member of the Templars working alone, but we have nothing to confirm this yet. Hopefully if we get a season 2 all will be revealed!
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f0point5 · 3 months
whenever i hear about ocon's parents selling their house and living in a caravan (iirc) i just feel so bad for him. it really reminds me of all those traumatised child actors whose parents quit their job because the child can now be the breadwinner. obvs it's two complete opposite sides of the spectrum but both are such unfair sitautions to be put in as a child! esteban needing to succeed because otherwise his family would be broke forever?? (also i know that these decisions are often mentioned in a heart warming "oh look at how much my parents sacrificed for my dream" -way, but i find it so hard to look at it from a positive light. i'm sure they did it all out of love but i just can't imagine putting your child in such a tough position and putting that much pressure on them. i guess i just lack that top performance athlete mentality lol.) not to mention that most of these racing children hardly have a plan b career plan since they usually drop out of school. so now you have a kid who single handedly has to save the family from financial ruin AND has no safety net or plan b whatsoever. that's just insane and it's no wonder esteban is like that. he really has the ultimate rags to riches back story but his history gave him such a massive chip on his shoulder that he's just become unlikeable, which sucks!!! wish someone would grab his shoulders and shake him around a little and say: estieee!! youve made it!! stop driving like losing would full on kill you and just focus on getting the best out of the car and be the best you can be!! you'd think that someone with his backstory would be the last person who'd need to be humbled, but fucking hell he acts so smug and can be so delusional it's exhausting.
anyyyyways, apologies for dropping a full essay in your askbox, i don't even care about esteban lmao. it's just that whenever i do happen to think about him i just get so frustrated 🤷🏼‍♀️😬
have a lovely evening!! 💞
I remember reading that once when I didn’t know too much about him and thinking, okay that’s a bit extreme. And then I thought about how much pressure that must have put on him. Pressure to succeed, but also just pressure in terms of that being not an ideal quality of life for a teenage boy. His parents made his life exponentially harder in every single way to support his hobby in the hopes that he could turn it into a career to support them. And then I thought about the fact that if he hadn’t been that 0.00001% that makes it, how much harder his life would have got, and how much guilt he would have lived with. They set him up to live with constant insecurity and instability, and to shoulder the burden of making that all worth it for them. Who does that to their child? I don’t care how talented you think they are, betting you’re financial security on that is imbecile behaviour. Even Esteban said if he were in his parents’ position he wouldn’t do it. Poor guy knows what it does to child.
It’s exactly like moving your kids to LA to be the breadwinner, except it’s worse because the amount of kids able to support a family on acting work is probably 10,000 times the the amount of drivers making enough money to support a family from driving alone. Statistically, there was a 0% chance that that gamble would pay off for them but they did it anyway. That’s worse odds than a slot machine. And they bet the house their son was living in?! Ew. Just ew.
And yeah, people say “look what my parents sacrificed for my dream” with affection when that dream has come true. But what would have happened if he hadn’t made it. “Look what my parents destroyed because they bet my future and theirs on my childhood hobby”. What in the damn hell. These stories are not in any way endearing to me - they’re just examples of narcissistic and irresponsible parenting.
And now I’ve just seen clips of a podcast he did talking about his childhood and I was almost tearing up for him. How he and his dad used to take tyres from the other kids’ karts out of the bins and reuse them because he didn’t have enough sets over a weekend, and how he didn’t go to birthday parties or on holiday because it was all focused on his racing. That’s a CHILD. And he was talking about how he and his dad would see Max and Jos and how everyone was intimidated by them but he and his dad weren’t…because they had literally bet their shirts on his career and couldn’t afford to be scared. That. Is. A. Child. What if he woke up one day and didn’t want to do it anymore? What if he wanted a life beyond what his parents chose for him by putting their lives on the line? Would he have been allowed to? I mean. No bloody words.
Again, anyone who says Jos is a problem father better be coming for the Ocons (and Anthony Hamilton).
The way he is is so clearly connected to the fact that he lived his whole life in survival mode. That guy moves through the world like the last meal he had was one he had to fight for in an abandoned warehouse. And fair enough it got him where he needed to go, but once you’ve made it, It’s the most unpalatable energy to be around, and it no longer serves you. And it also makes you look like an ass because how can you be a whole f1 driver and stink of desperation. Logically it’s clear why but it’s still just not a likeable combination. He probably knows that, but doesn’t know any other way to be. That’s why he has such an issue with teammates - he can’t not fight for things because he’s always scared someone is going to take something from him. He’s like a stray dog that you take in and they hide food in their bed because they think you might not ever feed them again.
I really hope he’s getting some therapy because the childhood is trauma-ing out in the open.
I think of everyone on the grid he’s the one I feel most sorry for, because of all the backstories that you hear, he seems the most unhealed.
But the levels of delulu is something else. That f3 season where he beat Max (racing for a top team while Max was in one that I don’t think had even won a race until Max won 10 in one season) really got him thinking they were on a level and he hasn’t let go of it since. He’s like “oh I look at it like I’ve never had the opportunity to go against Max because we’ve always been in different leagues of car”…as if there’s not a REASON. You’re out here like “he’s in a red bull” well why aren’t you? By your own admission you were on the same f3 track…helmut wasn’t looking for you bro.
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Hope you don’t mind my essay back lol. I’m low-key obsessed with him because I find him so annoying but at the same time he’s like literary gold dust. He has such Main Character backstory. It’s just a pity he comes across so unlikeable to me. And the thing is, I genuinely think underneath it all he is a sweet person (delulu still, but sweet), but it just comes secondary to his survival mode personality.
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tgrailwar-zero · 6 months
Look, Rider, I have been listening, I just feel guilty about summoning someone only to drive them out. Yes, we shouldn't have summoned her in the first place, but we did.
Also, I am starting to feel worse every time she acts like a kid if I am honest...
Are we really doing the right thing by killing her? I mean it's probably in part because she looks like a little kid that I am having such trouble. It's hard when it's directly in front of you.
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CONSTANTINE: "…Right. The Beast has bewitched you with it's appearance, and you deign to pity it. I understand. Heroic Spirits cannot be children. Nor is the Whore of Babylon a mere child. That thing does not deserve 'guilt', we must…"
He stopped, before crossing his arms with a sigh.
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CONSTANTINE: "…Nevermind. Continue your talks with the Beast."
A moment of long, dejected silence hung before PRETENDER sidled up to him, watching as the Emperor gave another attempt to tug his blade free from the sheath to run through DRACO, only to be met with the resistance of the Command Spell.
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PRETENDER: "Oho. With that sigh, I'm sure that means you've heard a lot of apologies and not much agreement. Now, I get that we're technically enemies- as you're the Rider of Red..."
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PRETENDER: "...Though you're not much of a 'Rider of Red' anymore, are you? Your allies are now your enemies, and everything you say gets brushed off by your current allies. You want to be a hero, but you're tasked with a different part. I mean, if I were you, I'd be furious. I mean, if my enemy openly wished to behead me, I'd want my Masters to do everything to support me- and yet here they are now, with nothing but excuses..."
CONSTANTINE: "There's no reason to be furious. Besides..."
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PRETENDER: "Ooh. Want to mark that ego blow, or should I? I'm sure you expected your Masters to rally behind you against evil, not saddle you with performance art and baby the demon, right?"
With an airy laugh, PRETENDER leaned in closer.
PRETENDER: "Listen, you seem like a stand-up guy. But that still doesn't change the fact that your Masters are giving more courtesy to a Beast than to you. Maybe they're already enthralled by it. The power, the opportunity… I can understand you're the type to 'turn the other cheek', but sometimes you need to just do the right thing. You know… like slaying a dragon."
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The PRETENDER-Class snapped his fingers, as CONSTANTINE felt a surge of magical energy rush through his body. Compounding his innate magical ability, the resistance to magic blessed upon him increasing exponentially.
He drew his sword. Smoothly, simply, easily. His eyes widened, as he turned back to look at the PRETENDER- who returned the Emperor's surprise with a coy smile and a wink. CONSTANTINE turned to look at the Beast.
Slay a dragon. Like the great Saint Georgios.
He began to walk forward, slowly. The Beast wasn't paying him any mind. Arrogance, made manifest. He felt a myriad of things- guilt, anger, frustration… mostly towards himself. He was given an order, and he was disobeying. Even if it was the right thing, he made an agreement. This was treachery, but…
He began quietly praying to himself.
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CONSTANTINE: "Remit, pardon and forgive, O God, our sins committed voluntarily and involuntarily…"
This was the right thing. He could ask forgiveness later, if needed. He shook his head- why feel shame for enacting justice?
By Saint Mary. Saint Martha. Saint Peter. Saint Paul. Saint Michael, who had boldly fought the Dragon in order to bring peace to the world, as prophesied by Saint John. This Beast must be laid low. Destroyed, completely and utterly.
He continued quietly praying to himself as he marched silently onward.
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CONSTANTINE: "…By word and deed, knowingly and in ignorance, by thought and purpose, by day and night…"
Closer. Closer. Step by step. Moment by moment.
He raised his blade.
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CONSTANTINE: "…forgive all these... for You are gracious and love mankind."
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cafeseoulmate · 1 year
baby bear
established relationship au; Why We (Don’t) Work standalone bonus; wc: 773
If there is one habit that Beomgyu brought from your childhood to adulthood, from your years of strictly platonic friendship to almost a month of officially dating now, it’s the way he would not hesitate to trade you to Satan if it means getting your old teddy bear, Ms. Fluffy.
The little white and red teddy was actually a gift from his mom to you back when your respective parents were still the ones picking out your gifts for your schoolmates and writing the gift tags as if you were the ones who prepared them. You were in kindergarten back then and though you weren’t in the same section, little Beomgyu still insisted to Mrs. Choi that they buy you something, anything to show you that he considered you close enough to buy you a holiday gift.
Mrs. Choi ended up picking out Ms. Fluffy for you when Beomgyu then mentioned how you sometimes complained about having trouble sleeping during class nap times, something you’d scold him for later because you thought that was embarrassing (regardless of how much he reassured you that it isn’t).
Then the name Ms. Fluffy, proudly given by your six-year-old self way back then, is from the fact that her fur is exceptionally soft and her ears stick out from all the times you’ve picked on them nervously. Beomgyu used to teased you for it during sleepovers but you always manage to eavesdrop on him affectionately calling the teddy bear by its name with a higher-pitched voice when he thinks you’re not in the room or not paying attention.
Though it’s a gift from him to you, it does often feel like he just had his mom buy it for you to have an excuse to have a teddy bear. You’re pretty sure if your boyfriend were to choose between saving you and Ms. Fluffy from drowning, he’s probably going after your teddy bear first.
He always moves her little arms and legs to imitate walking and dancing, conjures up a specific high-pitched voice as if to make her talk, hugs her to his chest whenever he’s in your dorm or at your house, and shamelesslt borrows and steals her before you could leave for a trip.
And, naturally, since you started dating officially last Christmas break, Beomgyu’s obsession with Ms. Fluffy has grown exponentially worse.
You don’t know if you’re going to be endeared or annoyed specifically with how he always places the teddy bear either between the two of you or on your laps during movie nights, calling the teddy bear your baby and treating her like she’s actually your child accompanying you on your stay-home dates.
It makes your heart flutter, of course, but when you do actually want to hug Ms. Fluffy, Beomgyu’s somehow always objecting to it.
“She’s my kid originally, why can’t I hug my own kid?” You pout, playing along to Beomgyu’s antics in the hopes that he would give in this time. Tonight, Insidious is streaming on Beomgyu’s laptop because you both thought that your respective cowardice would cancel each other out. “Let me have Ms. Fluffy, Gyu!”
Beomgyu, however, stubborn as he is, pouts back even harder while keeping Ms. Fluffy in place between the two of you. “Uh, no, she stays in the middle.” He insists for the second time, patting Ms. Fluffy’s head. “Let her watch the movie in peace, Y/N. What if she wants to actually sit through a horror movie?”
“What if she gets scared like me, though? Look at her, she’ll need hugs too!”
“Then I’ll hug you both like this!” Your boyfriend then circles his arms over you, his hoodie sleeves covering Ms. Fluffy just as the doorbell starts ringing in the movie. “See? I’ll just protect you both!”
You scoff teasingly, though you do already feel your insides melting at the gesture. “I want to hug just Ms. Fluffy, though.”
He glares down at you immediately in response. “I’ll divorce you and take custody of Ms. Fluffy.” He threatens, making you stifle a giggle. “I’m being serious, Y/N!”
Serious Beomgyu, however, is always an adorable sight to see with his pout and his furrowed brows, so much so that you easily break character after this and reach a hand up to pinch his cheeks. “You’re so cute.”
“Hug me back, then! I’m not waiting all day!”
“Fine, fine, you grumpy baby.” You roll your eyes, picking up Ms. Fluffy from between the two of you and directing her arms to Beomgyu’s neck before hugging the two. “Better?”
“Suddenly, I’m not in the mood to watch a movie anymore. Let’s just cuddle, I think Ms. Fluffy would also agree.”
barista’s notes: merry christmas everyone! 💗🎄
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taylortruther · 1 month
It sucks that being in fandom can be one of the most fun things and one of the worst. I've had a couple of things I really love grow exponentially over the last decade and it's been fascinating to see how the fandom has changed (for the worse). Fans suddenly get defensive and attack anything that isn't totally positive. The negativity WITHIN the fandom grows, as fans become more demanding of the thing they like and more critical of it (in a not fun/normal way). The internet I think has magnified this because we can all state whatever we feel at a moments notice to thousands of people.
I'm a die hard swiftie (since 2007 lmao) but I find when albums come out I like to look at the reviews that are mixed. Because I do want to actually hear some thoughtful critique about the albums; but the negative reviews often focus on her as a person and not the art, and the all positive reviews feel hollow sometimes as if they are searching for approval from the fandom (despite the fact that I usually LOVE the albums myself)
Anyway sorry rae you're probably like why are you sending this to me, but that article you posted was very interesting.
i think we're just also in this era of time where, on the internet, people demand moral purity, which is a reaction to political/societal changes around the world. it comes from a place of wanting the world to be better. but it puts us in this really weird place right now, where irl people have a little more grace, but on the internet, we are in witch hunt mode 24/7.
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azsazz · 1 month
Okay so I’m the anon with an unpopular hofas opinion.
What Hunt went through in the dungeons was terrible and the fact that he had to go through it twice was exponentially worse. However when he told Bryce that he didn’t want to do it anymore, respectfully, what did the readers want her to do.
They’re in the middle of the war, both of them are wanted across the entire country they can’t exactly just go home and pretend nothing happened. She was incredibly insensitive but like it’s a little late to say that you want to quit now, they have to finish what they started. She was stressed out about a million other things, it’s understandable that she wasn’t in the best head space to be comforting to him atm. She can’t just pull out and go home it’s too late.
Like I said Ik she’s insensitive but she’s trying to lead a rebellion. Idk I just feel like people are vilifying her so much for that. I don’t think she’s a bad mate. Also people are saying she’s terrible for not communicating when Aelin does the exact same thing. Like idk just give my girl some grace
I think it would've been nice if she showed some grace and could understand where hunt was coming from instead of talking to him like he's the scum beneath her sky-high heels. like yeah, i think they all knew that there wasn't really a choice, but i think hunt deserved a chance to explain his fears to his MATE. lol i'm probably the wrong person to tell this to because i'm a bryce hater since day one but i'm trying For Bryce to start keeping things from others in BOOK 3 is what's getting me. Like yeah, aelin did the same thing, but that's ALWAYS been her personality. Bryce hasn't been like this, she's too much of a snarky loudmouth to have ever kept secrets, so why is it starting in the third book? that's what's confusing me tbh.
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fostersffff · 6 months
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I finished Cobalt Core!
That was delightful! Despite the fact that the game kind of has a number of things going against it, from petty personal gripes like "twee furry characters debuff", to more substantial mechanical ones like "a lack of variety in encounters that gets exponentially worse over the 24 minimum runs you need to play to hit credits", this will probably go down as one of my favorite games of the year.
Once you get into the groove, the average run will take maybe only half and hour, and each character offers enough unique mechanics that you can make your own variety. Alternatively, you can find two characters whose playstyle you really jive with and just have them carry a third character for story progression. Also, while the story isn't much, most of the characters do make enough of an impression that (I felt) the ending comes across as very sweet, rather than hackneyed.
If you have any interest in a roguelite deckbuilder, I'd give it a hearty recommendation. Here's hoping that this was successful enough that the devs either give it some post-launch support, or maybe just start working on a new game altogether.
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Also check out this funny opossum with a gun.
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transsexualhamlet · 5 months
ok first of all has anyone really thought about what original Dazai would think of Beast!Dazai. Although we don't get an in-depth analysis, we can pretty much infer how Beast!Dazai feels about his kinder counterpart- jealous, sure, horribly sad, definitely, but never angry. He knows and he sees that this version of him did everything he could, that this version of him went to live on a more humble but quite obviously happier life despite it. He knows he can never have this and would never have had the strength to do what this version of himself did. But what would Dazai think of him, if they were to somehow meet?
What personally compels me the most about this is that Dazai's initial reaction would probably be very negative.
Because no matter how they came from that same dark place- he has had enough time to cultivate an utter hatred for who he used to be. It would be like seeing your fourteen year old self at their absolute worst, except they have not grown out of anything at all and in fact have purposefully made themself exponentially worse.
Then of course there is a weakness, an understanding that can't be avoided with that- because he knows how hard it was, and perhaps he couldn't have acted any differently. To know that there is a world where he could have saved Oda, that it is being maintained to the utter death of him, he can't dismiss that as unlike himself. He can't eradicate the weakness that would want that. He sees the beauty, the purpose, the desire for Oda to live happily no matter what.
But of course, he knows that it is a world Oda would despise. That this self is one who Oda despises, and if Oda was confronted with it he would not respect Dazai's choice. These are choices which he chose never to make again. If he could go back and resurrect Oda, against his will- would he do such a thing? Maybe then, in that horror, he would have. But to him it is a disgusting thing worthy of nothing but disdain, and exactly something he could do, something he easily could have become given the chance.
He would cycle very quickly through about every possible emotion before landing heavily on blank and vaguely apathetic dismissal. Does he thank him for keeping Oda alive? He can't. Does he tell him he's right to kill himself about it? Probably yeah. Would that possibility still haunt him literally forever? Yeah. Probably.
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warmuse · 9 months
Some Armored Core 6 headcanons
Spoilers head yohoho
After Fire of Ibis Coral became only scarcely available through black market, so the latter issues of gen 4 suffered from worse quality control, to put it straight, sometimes black market sellers would straight out sell fake coral or coral that's been doctored or diluted. Which is why Iguazu got less coral in his head than you, so he suffers from less emotional deadening (in fact his augmentation surgery just mechanically lobotomized the emotional inhibition part of his noggin) but also can't properly hear coral voices either aka Iguana got duped
Coral lifeforms or sentient 'wave mutations' could not only be able to take place because humanity pumped them up from pressurized ground below to the planetary surface where there's less pressure so the environment stimulated its exponential growth, but it was able to be formed that way because of the humanity they were in contact with. The informational conduit energy aggregate wiggly whatever(lol) became self-aware in ways that mimicked the creatures that utilized them, like virus spreading, like a fractal pattern dropping within the informational chaos. If Coral was discovered and exploited by some other species, coral entities would've formed to hold knowledge and personalities according to that civilisation and would have had quirks similar to them.
Smol!Walter was sent to Jupiter where he grew up and was embroiled in some conflict in Jupiter where Michigan came to save the day (from the lore) and yeah they definitely fucked before like 'that one time I nasty fucked the next available hottie because battlefield adrenaline and when the war ended we annoyed each other so much with our mutual PTSD so we broke up but it was like 30 years ago man we both are way too old to be weird about this we're cool now' thing going on
In privacy Carla will always remind Walter how old she is and how nobody respects the senior citizens anymore. Walter be like 'sis you look 40 at most, I look older than you now and you used to babysit me, what black magic have you commited'
Also Carla isn't supernaturally young by some fantastical means she justs spends tons of RaD money on Space Age Skincare (ok that probably is fantastical)
The Actual Arquebus CEO board members are aware that Snail thinks he is the corp, they all find it extremely funny
621 can speak normally, but has some problem with motor skills, they can walk carefully and slowly but can't run nor walk comfortably for a long time, not because of any pain but because augmentation left their body stiff and with less skeletal muscles 621 has emotions but just has less means of showing them, yet when they managed to drag their body inside the JAILBREAK AC they nearly cheered in joy because it took a lot of time and pain (climbing up on the core without the usual catwalk to the cockpit was PAIN)
Walter are 621 are the only humans in the garage everything else is automated or run by little drones. All these garages are leased by ALLMIND for mercenaries. 621 gets a little cozy room for themselves next to Walter's room
(This may not be just my headcanon since it seems to be a fandom-generated interpretation of the actual story) ALLMIND be a lil dumb. She's not as smart as she thinks she is. If she were actually competent she wouldn't have needed 621 to do EVERYTHING to actually make her plans into fruition. Yeah she knew some things other factions didn't, because she is the merc service AI and had a lot of information gathered from various mercs available, but in no ways she was actually fit to be the whole 'I will rule the universe through coral release and guide the humanity into bettering themselves' thing she plotted like the cartoon villain that she was. She definitely put 621/Ayre to sleep and never intended to wake them up again, her initial plan would've meant 621 would have been sacrificed as the trigger while they're in cold sleep, without their knowledge, but ALLMIND got her ass whooped by the Overseers so hard she was forced to drop them IN Xylem and wake them up in ways that 621 would need to help ALLMIND or else they'd die with Xylem anyway She can't even spell Karasawa, what a dumbass (yeah I don't like ALLMIND at all, if you noticed, lmao)
Rusty is hot ok OK
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loveyourlovelysoul · 2 years
(all that you'll read in this post is from a video of a psychologist: not saying that our problems are only caused by tiredness but maybe taking breaks and taking care of us can help us recuperate a little and get better, even for just a while -which is better than to keep self inflicting pain for free, don't you think?)
Sometimes low energy, bad concentration, mental confusion, despair, negative disruptive hopeless thoughts, feeling sleepy, and lack of self confidence may have the same cause: we're tired, and our brain cannot produce enough substances (hormones in particular) that can help us function well.
Sometimes we may not be totally aware of how much tired we are, but we realize that we're not happy about what we do, how fast/well we connect the dots or how good we communicate. What can cause tiredness? Lack of sleep at night (or experiencing "rigid sleep", the one that doesn't let us relax entirely cause of some muscular rigidity); too much work during the day (physical and/or mental); not taking breaks; eating food not good enough to substain us through the day; preoccupations, worries that are almost like fears for the room they take inside of us.
Adding to these the fact that we (or society) want us to be in a certain way, to reach certain levels or tend to impose on us some high standards, perfectionism and so on, our tiredness can grow exponentially. Remember impositions from the inside, the ones we put on ourselves, can be more damaging than those from others cause we may almost never stop imposing stuff on us: we become our worse enemy, tiring our own self through our constant negative thoughts. What's worse is that we cannot avoid the reaction of a long stressing period on us. Without breaks we can only get to a point in which we cannot afford it anymore.
There are red flags for us to realize all this though: we're much more moody, irritable (effort and fatigue in completing tasks), impatient, have troubles falling alseep, wake up all of a sudden and then feel sleepy through the day, lack of attention, low glicemy, slowered and difficult digestion. When we notice any of these symptoms, we're probably asking too much to ourselves (we're consuming our energy and getting too tired), so we should find out the source of our tiredness (lack of sleep, no breaks, food...), and decide and allow ourselves to correct our condition and regulate the cause of the consume, waiting patiently for it to be balanced again.
Reminder that emotions get modified too when we're tired: we become distant, dissociated from what we live and from others too, in order to recuperate faster (it's is our mind's way to help us to go back to ourselves and recuperate). Little oscillation in our tiredness are okay (for example at night), the problem is indeed when they become too heavy and too much. Remember to take breaks (especially mental ones), eat well and sleep when your body ask you to. And drink your water. Okay?
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devouringfate · 5 months
(1) (2)
Scat Warning!
“I’ll go check in Mashu’s room!” Castoria declared, running off. She was running out of options even faster than she wanted to be bolting through the halls. At this point, she didn’t even care if she incriminates herself by doing this! She had magic! She could probably find a way to avoid detection if anyone even tries to look into things!
If not for the fact another sudden movement might cause her to burst, she would have rushed, but as it was, she walked with false calmness until reaching Mashu’s room, opening the door and walking over to the bathroom to the side. She didn’t even bother with her clothes and just let them vanish through magic before sitting down and letting loose.
The first bit was so pressurized she felt as if it might break through the bottom of the toilet, her legs twitching and body shuddering as she suppressed moans of relief. It quickly turned into a fight for her life though as a sufficient amount of Mashu’s weight had been turned into pure waste, sheer shit, all of which was pushed down the length of her bowels, shifting her centers of weight and balance around.
She knew it wasn’t actually doing so, but as she felt the continued feeling of shit leaving her ass, she felt as if her entire body weight and internal organs might vanish alongside everything else. Worse yet were the small bits that hadn’t properly been broken down, leading to slightly harder parts of the whole process, forcing her to squirm around a bit before the temporary blockage was removed and she could keep going, feeling herself getting emptier and emptier.
Log after log, the sound of water eventually disappeared, replaced with a slightly squishy sound as shit collapsed under and into itself, unable to stay as one continuous exit, yet still refusing to let Castoria’s ass closed as the pile of shit outgrew the level of water, and then caved in under its own weight to provide more, building a mound of scat that slowly tried to reach up to Castoria’s ass.
It was the most relieving torture session that Castoria had ever been put through, one that took her breath away—and then made her wish she didn’t need to breathe as the smell kept building up, forcing her to use a bit of magic to deal with it and not suffocate in any way.
Strength gradually drained out of her body, almost keeping pace with the excrement, until her lower body went numb and only vague feelings informed her that it was still going on. The whole process could not have lasted more than five minutes, yet it felt exponentially longer.
It was then made even longer as she stayed seated on Mashu’s porcelain coffin, unable to move properly for a while longer, nor willing to trust that it was over until she couldn’t feel anything for a sufficiently long time.
With a hand on her stomach, feeling empty as if she truly had shat out an organ or two, Castoria gave a final bit of focus to simply clean her ass, inside and out, with magic. There was no way to reach back without staining her hand. –A slight error in judgement and depth further led her to give herself a borderline enema, clearing up even more things that otherwise might have waited a few hours at the very least.
Leaning forward and getting back on shaky feet, Castoria gave one final glance back at the pile of shit she left behind, almost entirely filling the bowl and threatening to spill out. It would just take one action to flush it all and hide as much evidence as possible, maybe even negate the possibility of Mashu’s return… But she wasn’t that cruel.
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