#and how the sweetest revenge is living well
llamasgotoheaven · 2 years
I can’t tell you how legitimately happy I feel when I listen to Karma by Taylor Swift
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goldsbitch · 2 months
can I request a Lando x reader where the reader’s weakness is when people stroke her hair? Her mind goes completely blank and she falls silent immediately when people stroke her hair and Lando uses it at his advantage.
Fluffy pls and ty🫶🏻
omg, i love this prompt so much - thank you and hope you like it!!
This is one is dripping with sweetness a little too much, don't say I did not warn you. No other warning.
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Lando was born a tease, oscillating between clueless and shy, to unapologetic and bordeline dickish. It all depended on the setting, his relationship to the person and how much sleep he got the night before. Sometimes your boyfriend was the sweetest little thing, giggling shyly about everything instead of coming up with an actual response, and the other times he was a walking menace actively seeking every opportunity how to get you into a flustered state.
You and Lando were full on deep in the beginning of your relationship, the sweetest part of the honeymoon phase. To put it bluntly - fucking almost non stop. And the desire was never-ending. Blinding sunshine kissed good morning to every day you two got to wake up next to each other. Problems seem to be non existent. Bliss.
It was the way his hair curled when he got a little bit sweaty, his toned body what you were desperate to explore from every angle and the need to know every little secret trick that worked on him. It became some sort of a game, who would get better at knowing the other. Which one of you found all the buttons to push.
Lando rose up that morning and chose violence. Metaphorical one, of course. Snuggling up to you in order to wake you up as well for some morning work out, as he like to call it. Whispering sweet nothings to your ear and touching you all over your body. But you were just incredibly sore from the past few days, physically unable to keep up.
"Why don't you love me anymore," he pleaded jokingly as you murmured another weak appeal for your sleep.
"Lando, you know I love you more than anything," you replied, still half asleep. But it was hard to distinguish as reality resembled a sweet dream everyday lately.
"I remember when you used to want me, physically," he kept going.
"We literally had sex few hours ago, stop whining," you kissed him between your words. He looked at you with his incredible eyes, little devil dancing in each one of them.
"Exactly, too long ago. Wish I could go back in time when you were not sore and get inside you all over again."
You simply laughed, absolutely smitten with this lovey dovey side of him. His words made you melt like butter sitting under direct sun. You brushed your noses together and then he kissed you.
The best part of romantic relationships is the one that you cannot absolutely share with other people, the almost embarrassing pleas, desire and gross goofiness, simping at each other all the time.
"Fine, if you play by these rules, I'll come back with my own revenge," he said finally as you inevitably had to start getting ready to go to the paddock with him.
Today was the big day. You'd been spotted in public countless of times, the "girlfriend" title officially sitting on your head for weeks now. But this was the first time you were to join him in the paddock as a wag. You were trying to hide your nervousness, but he saw right through you. Before you exited the apartment, he made you stop and took your face in his hands. "I'm happy I get to do this with you. I love parading you around, for everyone to see that we're a team." You smiled, his words hitting like first snowflakes of the year. "Poor Oscar, I can't wait to finally trauma dump the shared misery you bring to our lives," you jokes and locked lips with him once again. "God, it's terrifying how much I like you," you said automatically, without having to think about it.
It actually wasn't as bad as you'd expected. It was definitely weird and strange, but not necessarily bad. Having Lando by your side as you passed the gates definitely helped. The photographers were lined up as people at a shooting range would and it did feel like that at first. But as quickly as you were initially overwhelmed, fatigue took over you and you blocked their ever-presence out. Trying to chat up those Lando introduce you to and memorizing the names. You knew how much some of these people meant to Lando, so you were trying to be at your best behavior. The thought that his friends would hate you in the same way as some of his fans haunted you.
In the middle of all the rush, you parted for a moment. To be honest, little peace of quiet and chill was something you appreciated. But remember, Lando woke up and chose violence this morning. And his plan was quite simple, yet bulletproof.
"Y/N! There you are, my love," you heard from coming from behind you. "I have someone to introduce to you! I'm very much sure you'll appreciate meeting him." As you turned, you saw Daniel Ricciardo walking your way with your Lando. You were a little perplexed as to why Lando was so cheerful about that. You clearly remembered him getting very upset when you admitted to him that at some point in the past, when formula 1 was a world far away from you, that you had a minor crush on Daniel. Which obviously went out of the window once you met Lando. That did not mean that Lando was 100% ok with it.
"Y/N, as I'm sure you know, this is Daniel, hell of a driver and good friend of mine," Lando continued and you knew him well enough to know he had ulterior motives. Not sure what to do, you smiles shyly and shook Daniel's hand.
"Hi, Daniel," you said, eyes flinching between him and Lando. You were full on preparing for anything. Lando's smirk almost had a life of his own at that point.
"Nice to finally meet you, Y/N. I've heard quite a lot things about you!" Daniel opened, life of the party as per usual.
You chuckled. "All good things, I hope!" And with that, Lando stepped behind you and put his arm around you.
"Only the best," he said, leaned closed and inconspicuously started to stroke you hair gently. Oh, he did not just go this low.
It was slow, yet like tidal wave. You stopped breathing for a moment. Your body relaxing, as if you'd just taken the world's best sedatives. The way his hands made you feel was etherial. It was the same sensation the luckier ones experienced when listening to ASMR and the less fortunate ones sometimes called an orgasm. Shivers slowly traveling around your whole body, every part becoming sensitive out of nowhere. You weren't able to look at Daniel, let alone continue speaking. Lando was more than aware of what touching your hair did to you. He'd discovered this trick quite early on. And it was his favorite one.
"So, where are you from?" Daniel attempted at small talk. But how could you possibly give a fuck at that moment. Not that your body would even allowed you to respond. The only thing you were able to take in from the outside world were the soft slow movements Lando's fingers were doing, blocking everything out instanteniously.
Daniel stared at you, waiting. From his perspective, this was a very awkward meeting.
Lando answered for you, with a smirk you did not see, but could feel from the tone of his voice. "You have to excuse her, she is bit shy in front of new people."
You could not give less of a fuck at that moment of what these two were saying. Your lips were starting to shiver from getting so sensitive. You took a short breath and someone who would be standing close and knew you well would know, that what escaped your mouth was not a nervous laugh, but something very close to a moan.
Lando and Daniel were saying words, but none of that was important, while Lando's fingers were working his magic. He would only leave your hair alone once he saw Daniel leaving.
You wanted to be mad at him. But you were still sort of high from all the sensation bomb Lando dropped on you. You slowly turned around to face him, coming down from your own personal nirvana.
You took a deep breath while he watched you without a blink and biting hims smile away.
"You promised," you let out air that got stuck in your lungs somewhere along the way. "You promised you would not do this in public." Your brain was slowly wiring up to normal again.
"I told you I'd punish you for the morning," he said as if it was the most amusing thing ever. "Also, if Daniel is my competition, I'm going to use all the advantage I have."
Lando had a way of looking at you that made you unravel instantaneously and there was no way of stopping it. There was just something about his smile that did it for you. As anyone who is properly in love, you could not imagine somebody being able tor resist that. In your love soaked mind, he was irresistible. To a normal mind, he was probably just a regular guy, but that idea was unfathomable to you.
"I'm pretty sure that after what I just pulled, you will not have to worry about Daniel liking me," you chuckled, having to accept that Lando won this one.
"I would never let my guard down...But yeah, I think this one is pretty safe," he chuckled once more. You kissed his overly proud face and promised to yourself to get back at him later, in the privacy of his bedroom.
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Used (Billy Butcher)
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Description: Billy decides to use Y/N to get what he wants but it backfires when he falls in love with her.
Warning: Smut
Word Count: 4,051k
She sighed, completely nervous as she walked down the aisle to her future husband. The wedding wasn’t crazy big but had all their friends and some family. MM walked her down the aisle since she refused to even speak to her parents since she found out they let Vought inject her with compound V. Her dress was dragging behind her as she looked forward to see Billy. He looked so handsome in his tux and he was staring at her in awe. She looked so beautiful. She got up the stairs and they both faced the priest. Billy thought he couldn’t be anymore lucky than what he was right now. Except this wasn’t supposed to happen. 
Billy wasn’t a soft spoken man by any means. He could get aggressive and bossy especially when it came down to Vought stuff. He wanted one thing and one thing only. Revenge. Justice for his now dead wife, Becca. And the man would do anything to get it. “There’s a new member of the Seven?” Hughie asked his girlfriend Annie. She nodded and showed them. “Woah.” “wow.” was said amongst the boys. Y/S/N or Y/N. She had on a white lingerie type costume with angel wings that weren’t part of her skin. “What’s her power?” “She can fly.” Annie said. Billy stared at the picture of the girl. She was breathtaking.
Her costume made her boobs look bigger, thanks to Vought and she looked so sweet. Except Billy was still on edge about Supes. “She looks like an angel.” MM said. “Yeah, literally.” Hughie finished. Annie smiled at the boys. “Well she is an absolute sweetheart and she is single.” Billy didn’t know why but that caught his attention. She was single and she wasn’t a bitch? That was perfect. He smirked and looked at the others. “Well boys we might have ourselves a winner.” 
Billy hadn’t really planned this out too much but if he could make her fall for him, he could get information. Information on how to destroy Homelander. So here he was at a convention that she was signing stuff at. He was in line and made sure he would be the last so he could actually talk to her. She had the sweetest smile on as she signed pictures and merch. She didn’t seem to be faking the excitement but she was new so she really didn’t know how Vought worked yet.
Once he was up next to talk to her, he finally heard her voice. It sounded angelic and sweet. He didn’t realize how hard it was gonna be. “Hello.” She greeted him. “Hello luv, Billy Butcher.” He introduces himself. “Love the accent. Makes you a lot sexier.” She flirts. He was caught off guard from her comment. He didn’t realize that she would’ve thought anything of him. Which made it so much easier to get her right where he wanted. 
“Billy, fuck.” She moaned as he pounded into her cunt. She was up against a wall and he was holding her as he fucked the living shit out of her. Her tiny body fit perfectly with his, like a puzzle piece. “Holy shit. You’re so sexy.” She moaned out. He could cum from that. She was praising him and saying the hottest shit to him. He groaned in her ear making her pussy flutter around him. “Are you close?” He asked her. She nodded and gasped.
“So fucking close. Gosh you fuck me so well.” She whined. Damn he’s never felt like this before. He was so close to cumming and she was making it worse. He wanted her to cum first. “Open your eyes, luv. I want to see you fall apart.” She opened her eyes and her mouth remained open. He looked at her as her eyes rolled back and she moaned loudly cumming all over his dick. That triggered his release. He placed his face in her neck as he let out a moan and came hard. The hardest he’s ever came in so long. She held him close and calmed down. “This can’t be the last time you’re inside of me.” She said. It wouldn’t be. 
“Holy fuck. Can you believe that prick?” Y/N asked Billy. He chuckled at her anger. “Homelander is a lying selfish asshole.” “What made you realize that?” He asked her amused. She shook her head and sat down next to him. “We just found out that we’ve been injected with Compound V and he has the audacity to be okay with it?” Billy shrugged.
“I mean the fucker has everything, luv. Why wouldn’t he be okay with it?” She looked at him and shook her head. “He’s not human at all. That I know.” “So what do you wanna take him down?” Butcher asked. She laughed but then stopped. “That’s not a bad idea. I know Maeve and Starlight hate him. I could get the help.” And that’s how she ended up meeting The Boys. 
“Wait, so you hired these guys to help?” Y/N asked her boyfriend. “Yep they can help ya.” He said. The boys were confused on why Butcher was talking about them like that. Did Y/N not know? “Do you guys even have powers?” She asked them. They shook their heads and she sighed. “So how are you gonna help?” She asked them. “We’ve dealt with a lot of things like this.” Frenchie told her. Hughie looked at Butcher and realized that he was using Y/N to get to Homelander. He felt sick and wanted nothing more than to yell at the man. Y/N wasn’t a bad supe like Butcher thinks. But Hughie seemed to be the only one to catch on to Butcher’s plan. “Okay if you say so.” Y/N said, looking at the boys. “Perfect.” Butcher smirked. 
“So, you and Butcher huh?” Annie teased Y/N as they walked into the Vought towers. “Shhh I don’t know if it’s super serious yet.” She tells Annie. “Y/N, it’s been months almost a year. Do you love him?” Y/N looked at Annie and smiled. “Of course I do.” “See you need to tell him.” Maybe Annie was right. She should tell Butcher that she loves him. But when would be the right time?
His hips pounded against hers as she was laid on the Seven’s table in the conference room. How did they manage to have sex in here? They were on a mission to grab a file but got distracted. It was very dangerous to be having sex here, but that is what turned them on. “Billy.” She moaned a little too loud, forgetting that they were fucking in the seven’s conference room. His hand covered her mouth, mumbling her moans. “As sexy as those noises are, you need to be quiet.” He groaned.
She nodded but couldn’t help herself. Each snap of his hips felt better and better. Her hands gripped the table, turning her knuckles white. Billy’s other hand went in between them to rub her clit. Her moaning was still loud even with his hand covering her mouth. “You close, luv? We need to hurry.” He said and pounded faster. She arched her back as she felt her high approaching. Her sweet moans turned to whines and whimpers.
He felt himself getting close too, causing him to let out groans of his own. She gasped his name as she came undone. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head, seeing this made Billy cum with a moan of her name. His hips worked them through their high. She sat up and cupped his face. “Billy, I love you.” She whispered. He froze in place and stared at her. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He was using her and she fell in love with him. That wasn’t even the worst part. He loved her too. “I love you too.” He said and he kissed her. Guilt rose in his chest as he realized that they were in too deep. 
A year later, their wedding happened and Hughie kept a huge secret that to this day fills him with guilt. Though, he saw Billy falling in love with Y/N, that wasn’t the plan. Billy was using and lying to his now wife. She didn’t even know about Becca or Ryan. She didn’t know who the real Billy was. His backstory, none of it. MM and Frenchie felt guilt as well. They were so confused about why they had to lie to her in the beginning until one drunk night: 
The Boys were laughing and drinking, actually having fun for once. There wasn’t any stress about Vought or Compound V, just getting drunk. “That Y/N girl seems really cool, man.” MM told Butcher, pouring himself another glass. “Eh, She’s okay, Just another seed to be planted.” The boys looked at him, confused. “Wait, you’re using her?” Frenchie asked him. “Yeah, I am. Sure she’s a pretty thing and a good fuck. But she’s a supe and she’s just like the rest of em.” “Nah man, I don’t think Y/N is. She hates Homelander.” MM said. Billy shrugged. “She’s just another vought test subject. Once I have what I need she’ll be gone.” Frenchie and MM looked at each other. This was low, even for Billy. Y/N wasn’t a bad person nor did she deserve this. 
Which is why MM and Frenchie’s smiles didn’t reach that far up as the two got married. Hughie didn't either but he thought he was the only one that knew. Annie was oblivious to everything and Hughie didn’t have the heart to tell her. Y/N looked happy, she was happy and in love. What she doesn’t know, can’t hurt her. Billy felt happy again, after so long. He had a beautiful wife and a great team. He wasn’t worried about anything right now. He pushed everything to the back of his mind, even the fact that he used her in the beginning. 
“Just to think you were just some sexy guy in line at my meet and greet.” She said and looked over at him. He chuckled, “Just to think that we fucked an hour after meeting.” She laughed and shrugged. “Couldn’t help myself, I knew at that very moment that you were the one I wanted.” She tells him. His face softens at her words. “I knew too.” He said but that was a lie though. He didn’t know until months later. 
Months later and everything was going great. Billy and Y/N got their own place away from The Boys. They loved them but it was nice to have privacy. Y/N wanted out of The Seven and planned to talk to them but figured that wouldn’t work. Billy told her it would be best to take her file and disappear. She was on edge about it at first, not thinking it was a good idea. She didn’t want them knowing that she was married or where she was. Billy was lucky that it was her idea for them not to know she was married. He didn’t have to stress about her finding anything out. She walked into Vought Towers in her costume so nobody would suspect anything.
She didn’t have her ring on, she never did when she was here. She got in the elevator and hit the floor that she needed to go on. She has never snuck into where the files were placed. The only Seven member aloud to look at the files were Homelander. Her nerves were high as she walked out of the elevator and to the door. The door was locked as she suspected it would be. But thanks to Frenchie she knew how to undo locks. She looked around to make sure she was alone. Once the cost was clear she unlocked the door and snuck in. Stan Edgar’s office that he thankfully was not at today.
She looked around for a moment and sighed. His office seemed normal. She saw the filing cabinet and went to it. She carefully opened it and started looking for hers. She found it after a minute and grabbed it. She read it and chuckled. They had a lot of info on her, just not the important stuff. She was about to close the cabinet when someone opened the door. She gasped and looked at whoever came in. “Y/N?” The person asked.
She turned around and saw Homelander. “Hey!” She said with a fake smile. “What are you doing in here?” He asked. She really didn’t know how to lie her way out of it. She wasn’t planning for this to happen. “I uh just wanted to see my file.” She said. “Your file?” She held it up in her hands. “Yeah, after I found out about Compound V I stopped talking to my parents but wanted to get in contact with them to get the rest of my shit because I just bought a house.” Nice save. “Gotcha. You got a new place?” He asked. She nodded. “Yep, in the city.” Homelander seemed to be buying everything she was saying. 
She quickly got out of there with a breath of relief. She almost got caught but she felt proud that she saved herself. Homelander on the other hand was very curious about where she lived. He never figured out where she did before so he took the opportunity to follow her. She got home and unaware that she was being followed and set the file down on the table. Billy was out with The Boys so she had the place to herself.
He came home a few hours later. “Got the file.” She said pointing it out. He grabbed it and looked through it. It was creepy how much stuff they knew about her. “Good. Now ya can finally leave.” He said to her. She nodded and took the file. She shook her head. “I almost got caught though, saved my ass.” She said. “Who caught ya?” “Homelander. He uh came into the room after I had gotten it but I told him the best lie I've ever told.” She said. “What was the lie?” “That I needed to get in contact with my parents for my shit because I moved.” “And he bought that?” “Seemed to.” She shrugged. Homelander bought it up until he hovered about her house with his number one enemy. He couldn’t believe that Y/N had betrayed him. Especially with Billy. 
Y/N had to go into Vought’s tower one more time to pack up her shit. She would have yesterday but she didn’t want Homelander seeing after catching her with her file. As she was packing she heard a knock at the door. She went and opened it and there stood Homelander. “Can I help you?” She asked. He smiled and pushed her aside, walking in her office. “Uh excuse me? I didn’t invite you in.” She said. He chuckled and turned around to face her. “Why did you lie to me yesterday?” He asked. She looked confused, “What do you mean?” “You lied to me about why you had your file.” He said. Oh shit. “No, I didn’t.”
“Yes you did and you are working with Billy Butcher.” He yelled. “Who?” She asked. Though she was confused on how Homelander knew him. “Oh don’t play stupid. I saw that you two live together.” He growled. Her eyes widened. “You followed me?” She asked him. “Yes I did because you’re a lying little bitch.” He said and walked closer to her. She backed up against the door. “How do you know Billy?” She asked. He looked at her confused. “What the fuck do you mean?” “How do you know him?” He chuckled. “You know damn well how I know him.” She shook head and looked up at him. “No. I don’t .” She said. By her heartbeat he could tell she wasn’t lying. “You are working for him and you don’t know?”
“I’m not working for him.” She said. “But you live with him.” “He’s my husband.” She whispered. Homelander’s face dropped. “You’re married to him?” She nodded. “And you don’t know how we know each other?” He asked. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about.” She said. He pulled her arm causing her to screech in pain. He pulled her to Stan’s office and took her inside. “Why are we here?” She asked. “Go in the filing cabinet.” He told her, motioning towards it. She looked at him confused. “Go look under B.” He told her. She walked over to cabinet and opened it. She looked at the letter B and all the files under it. She saw one that had the name “Butcher.” on it, well two. She pulled them both out.
She looked at the one with the woman on it first and saw that she was married to Billy. Y/N gasped and almost dropped the files. She read through the file and saw that the woman was dead but had a son named Ryan. She looked at Billy’s and wanted to cry. He had been keeping this from her. “Ryan is my son, not Billy’s.” Homelander said. Tears streaming down her face. “He was married?” She asked. “Y/N, he thought for the longest time that I killed Becca and he’s been after me ever since.” She sobbed. “So how did she die?” Y/N asked, turning towards him.
“Ryan, our son, accidentally killed her and my girlfriend at the time.” Y/N looked broken and shocked. “So he’s been trying to kill you for that?” She asked. Homelander nodded. “I take it since you didn’t know any of this, he’s probably using you to get to me.” He tells her. The files drop from her hands and she breaks down. “He was wanted, along with 4 others that he works with.” Hughie, Frenchie, MM and Kumiko. 
She got home, late that night. She ignored Billy’s calls and had to be anywhere but there. She sighed as she opened the door to the house and closed it. “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been trying to call ya all day.” Billy exclaimed. She looked at him and it took everything in her body not to break. He noticed that her eyes were empty. “Are ya okay?” He asked and went to touch her but she pulled away. “You wanna tell who Becca is?” She asked. His face dropped. “Or the fact that you and Homelander go way back?”
“Or the fact that you’ve been using me for information on Homelander?” She screamed. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. “Huh, Billy? You wanna explain?” “H-how do you know any of that?” He asked. She scoffed in disbelief. “That shouldn’t be the concern here but since it is to you I saw the files. Yours and Beccas.” She yelled. “You’ve been using me, you don’t love me.” She whispered, tears streaming down her face. “That’s not true.” He said. “Which part? The part that you were using me or the part that you don’t love?” She yelled.
“I do love ya.” She shook her head. “No.” She sobbed. “You don’t. You wouldn’t have lied to me.” She was right. He knew that but what could he say to make any of this better. “Look I know I should have told you about my wife and that I knew Homelander but if we could just sit down and talk about this that would be great.” “You wanna sit down and talk? What excuse do you have?” She yelled. “I don’t have any excuses. But I wanna tell you everything. Just let me give you that.” She didn’t move from her spot. “Tell me right now.”
“Homelander raped my wife. I had thought for the longest time she was dead and he had killed her. She was alive and had a kid. The kid wasn’t mine, it was that cunt Homelander’s. I’ve known before I met you that he was a piece of shit. So when I saw you, yes I thought you would be great use for information on him.” She scoffed. “But then I actually got to know ya and I fell in love with ya.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry about Becca, Billy but you shouldn’t have used me or lied to me.” She said. “I know.”
“I actually loved you from the beginning and to figure out that this was all a lie from the enemy himself.” “It’s not all a lie. I do love ya.” He walked closer to her. She stepped back. “No.” she mumbled. She slid off the ring. “We were never on the same page. You never cared about me. This ring means nothing, it never did.” She said and threw it at him. “Y/N-” “Don’t.” She held up her hand. “Please just stop. I’m tired and i’m over this.” She sighed and walked out of the house, leaving him in tears. 
She drove to where The Boys were staying, not wanting to be around Billy. She opened the door and they all turned their heads. She noticed a very handsome guy that they were talking to. “Hey is Billy with ya?” Frenchie asked. Y/N shook her head. “No, he’s not.” “Are you okay?” Hughie asked her. She shook her head and tried to hold back the tears. “No, I’m not.” Hughie ran over to her. “What’s wrong?” She sighed and looked at him. “He used me to get information on Homelander and he lied to me. But I’m sure you already knew that.” She said, glaring at him. His jaw dropped. “Y/N, I wanted to tell you so many times but you guys looked happy.” She held up her hand.
“Just stop. I don’t need this right now.” She walked around him and grabbed the bottle of vodka that was on the table. They all gave her pity looks. “You guys don’t owe me like he does but it would have been nice to know that he was a shitty guy.” She said and walked into one of the rooms. She sighed and sat down. She looked around and noticed that she was in Billy’s old room. She sighed and took the vodka and drank from it. She heard footsteps and she looked up. The guy that she saw earlier. “Who are you?” She asked. “Ben.” She nodded.
He sat on the bed next to her. He chuckled as she drank straight from the bottle. “Something funny, Ben?” She asked. “No it’s just you’re too pretty to be heartbroken over a guy like Butcher.” She laughed, a genuine laugh. “Let me guess you guys go way back too?” She asked. “Just a week.” He told her. She nodded. “Well if it only took you a week to figure out he sucks, why'd it take me 2 years?” He chuckled at her questions. “Looks like you love him.” She shook her head. “Yeah, pathetic right? He lied to me about every little fucking thing and used me for information on Homelander.”
“Sounds like a dick.” They both laugh. “I’m sorry, I’m trama dumping on you.” “Nonsense.” He shook his head. She laid on the bed with a sigh. He followed her. “I’m surprised he’s not here, looking for me.” She said. “He’s an idiot.” “Yeah but so am i.” Ben turned his head towards her. “Pretty hot for an idiot then.” She turned to look at him. “Are you hitting on me?” She asked. “Yeah. I’d be an idiot not to.” He said. She chuckled and turned her whole body towards him.
“You don’t even know me.” She said. “Yeah but you seem like you need to be taken care of and not by some jackass.” “How do I know you’re not a jackass?” She asked. “You don’t but I can assure you that I’m not gonna lie to you about my past life or using you. I’m just trying to fuck you.” She stared at him and her eyes kept going from his eyes to his lips. He noticed her doing this and cupped her face. He turned his body towards her and moved closer. She didn’t move away, she didn’t want to. She let him lean in and kiss her. There wasn’t fireworks, sparks or butterflies but damn it felt good. “Y/N?” She pulled away from the kiss and gasped.
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wingedhallows · 4 months
murder on our minds; wolfstar
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pairing: wolfstar x reader | 0.8k wordsplot: someone hurt one of your boyfriends and you're determined to get revenge for him but what are two boyfriends good for other than doing the dirty deeds for you? prompt: "no one hurts you and lives, baby." authors note: i have a thing for agressive female characters
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The halls were empty, the other students had already made their way to their common rooms. You, of course just had to spend your afternoon in Minnie’s detention for beating up Mulciber three days ago.
He had talked ill of Remus and Sirius, they had tried to talk you out of it, of course. But, in all honesty, no one got away when spewing shit about your boyfriends.
You pushed past the Fat Lady with a small smile, she knew you. You’d been with the two since fourth year and in their common room almost every day. The only snake allowed in, she had said.
The room was dimly lit and quiet. All you could hear were some muffled voices and some sniffling.
Had Lily rejected James once again? You thought with a small smirk on your face as you pushed your hand through your hair.
“What’s going on-” You chuckled before your face fell, eyebrows furrowed. There sat James, Lily, Peter and Sirius huddled around a bleeding Remus. Your heart jumped, pulse speeding up.
“Y/N, love.” Sirius spoke as he caught sight of you.
Lily lifted herself from the floor and tried to stop you, to not get a good look, knowing how angry and violent you can be. You pushed past her and quickly embraced your bleeding boyfriend's face in your hands.
His nose sat crooked and bloody in the middle of his face, his eyebrow scraped and his chin also bloody and already bruising.
“Love.” Remus tried, the blood running again as he lifted the towel off his nose. You thumb stroked his cheek as your lips tightened in a frown. “It’s not so bad-”Who?” Your voice escaped you almost in a whisper.
“Y/N.” James tried, a hand on your shoulder, you shrugged him off though.
“Look, you just came back from detention, it doesn’t hurt so much, really.” He tried, his face twisted in a painful scowl.
“That’s not what I asked, is it?” You lifted his face and gave him a determined look, eyes dark.
“No one hurts you and lives, baby.” 
You said, calmly, too calmly for their liking.
Lily sighed and James threw Sirius a look. 
She’s gonna murder someone, mate. 
His eyes seemed to say. Peter raised from his chair and took a step closer to you. “Who?” You asked again, Remus tried to avoid your eyes. “Snape.” Peter spoke. “Peter!” “Fuck.!” 
“Alright.” You said before turning around, determined to hurt Snivellus just the same as he had Remus.
“You should’ve kept your mouth shut!” Sirius yelled as he came after you.
“You’re a total tosspot, Peter.” Lily said and you were out of earshot.
“Baby!” Sirius tried, but you were so fast. With fast steps he caught up, chest rising in exhaustion. Your eyes briefly found his and with balled fists you stopped.
“Baby, come on.” His hands found your arms and you avoided his gaze, you’d falter. He’ll try to talk you out of it, to not have you beat the absolute shit out of Severus Snape.
“He’s not worth it.” He tried, eyes knitted together as his hands found your hips. He had a grip on you now, how would you get away? How would you get away from the sweetest, most beautiful man on this planet to avenge your other utterly beautiful boyfriend? 
Cauldron, you’re in deep. You thought.
“He hurt Remus, Sirius.” Your hands tried to push away but he held on good, almost too good. “I know and I want nothing more for you than to punch him in the nose as well but you just got out of detention. You ain’t got many more chances, love.”
Your hand found his neck and you batted your lashes, you had to get revenge one way or another. “I got another one.” You whispered before your mouth connected with his, tongue fighting for dominance as his hands sneaked around your neck as well.
He moaned, his hips bucked into yours, desperate for pleasure, for you. 
“Baby..” he whispered, tongue on your neck. “You do it then.” You tried, he stilled. His wide eyes found yours, hand still stuck around your neck. Your eyes darkened, your lips just above his.
“Punch him good, just once.” His eyebrows furrowed and his hand slipped from your neck. “For Remus.” You whispered, suddenly the corridor seemed colder, more public than it did a second ago, when you two were making out like high schoolers.
His glazed, hazy eyes found yours, the arrousal present in the way he looked at you.
“Alright.” He agreed, his chest heaving out of breath.
“Oh, how much I love you, Sirius Black.” Your palm wandered down his chest all the way to his clothed erection. A breathless moan shot into your neck as a grin formed on your flushed face.
“Such a good boy.” A breathless laugh fell from his plum lips and you had to chuckle yourself.
“You pretty pretty Minx.” He spoke just to steal another deep kiss from you. You placed a hand on shoulder and pushed him forward. Your palm connected with his ass.
“Then go on, show me how good you can be.” He barked a laugh and took your hand in his.
“I'll be the goodest.” He smiled at you and you did the same.
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yourmommygay · 11 months
Revenge is the sweetest.
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Warnings: swearing, smut, degrading, praise.
Pairings: colby brock x OC, nate Hardy x OC and a made up sister of Mr brock.
"Come one Natalie we are gonna be late for the pizza night" my roommate yelled from the living room, don't get me wrong living with lily is amazing especially since our brothers are best friends but lily has guys over nearly ever night we are at home.
"I'm coming!" I shout as I put on the last few touches in my makeup just a simple look was what I was going for.
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(Makeup hair and outfit)
I walked into the living room and saw lily shut off her phone extremely quick, "got a new boy toy?" I ask her jokingly. "Yeah but um can I ask you something before we leave?" Lily asks me, I nodded and she looked me dead in the eyes. "Would you be mad if I slept with nate?" She asked me biting on her lower lip.
I laughed thinking she was joking but I could tell she wasn't by the way she was biting her lips, "your joking right? You wouldn't sleep with my brother when you said brother we strictly off limits." I said looking at her desperately begging for her to laugh and tell me she was in fact joking.
But that wasn't what happened. "I'm so sorry I was drunk and I didn't know what was happening I was supposed to tell you before tonight, nates already asked colby. He asked him almost 2 months ago" she replied nervously, hold on 2 months ago?. "Lily don't tell me you sleep with nate 2 fucking months ago!?" I shouted getting angry. "Well since that night it's kind of become more, me and nate are together." She said looking ashamed.
I couldn't look at her anymore so I grabbed my phone and my keys and walked out, "Natalie!" I heard lily shout but I just kept walking till I got to my car, "Hey siri, call colby" I said putting my phone in the rack. Lily and nate thinks it's ok to sleep with each other behind my back I guess I'll just have to do the same.
"Hey you on the way?" Colby asks me after picking up the phone, "nate and lily had sex and now they are dating" I said, "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS, NATE? YOU THINK ITS OK TO FUCK MY LITTLE SISTER?!" I heard colby shout, "colby, how about we some fun in return?" I asked him making my voice more seductive.
All I heard was "fuck yes come and get here right now" then the call ended as I was driving to Sam and colbys house I saw my brother standing by the bus stop about to go home. I stuck my middle finger up and shouted, "lily's home alone if you want to go fuck her again" as I drove past I pulled into sam and colby driveway seeing sam walk out the door with his coat on and holding a bag. I assume he was staying at bryce's hours as they were going out drinking tonight.
I parked my car and walked in. "COLBY!" I shouted not knowing where about he was. "IN THE KITCHEN" I heard him yell back, I walked into the kitchen and saw him drinking white claw by the island so I went and hopped up on the island, "can I have some?" I asked pointing to the can. He nodded and came closer, instead of giving me the car he took a sip and pulled me into a kiss, letting the liquid slip into my mouth and run down my chin.
He pulled away and smirked at me, I smiled and pulled him back into me placing my lips back with his, he grabbed my thighs and pulled me closer, making me moan in the process. He pulled away and grabbed my hand leading me to his bedroom, we got in his room and he kissed me again slowly walking me back towards his bed, slowly laying me down too.
I pulled him onto me and he started to kiss my neck sucking and nibbling on some parts leaving obvious marks in his way, he pulled my shirt up over my head and threw it behind him somewhere, continuing his attack on my skin moving down from my next to my collar bones and then my boobs and then my cleavage, I sat up slightly and undid my bra pulling it off to free myself and to give myself to him.
He carried on going lower till he got to my stomach, "fuck baby, I would totally want a taste but right now I just need to be inside you" he said pulling my pants, fishnets and underwear off all at the same time, "so fuck me then colby, show me what your capable of" I moaned out watching him release his member from the confides of his jeans and boxers, he was longer then I thought with a beautiful natural curve and a bright pink tip that was leaking precum.
He payed down on top of me again and looked me in the eye "do you want me to go slow or just give it to you" he asked me waiting for my response. "Colby, the more aggressive you are with me the better" I replied as he pushed in making us both moan and groan at the beautiful stretch and tightness, "fuck your so tight" colby said before slowly pulling out and pushing back in building a pace and rhythm.
"Fuck colby just like that" I moaned trying to grab onto his hair. He grabbed both of my hands in one of his and pinned them above my head, "fuck, should've done this ages ago. You feel so ahh good on my dick" he grunted to me, I moaned in response. "Oh you like praise huh?" He asked I nodded and he pulling out flipping us so I was on top, "get yourself off on my cock like the good little slut you are" he said leaning back smirking.
I moaned and started bouncing, he leaned up and grabbed my boobs squeezing and rolling my buds around with his fingers, I moaned and sped up "fuck I'm close" colby moaned. Moving his hand down to rub my clit to get me to finish, I kept going ignoring the pain in my hips ans thighs and I pushed myself over the cliff coming with a scream of colby's name and that lead for him to cum too. I pulled off of him and layer down beside him, as I went to sit up to get dressed thinking this was it he stopped me with a hand on my arm.
"Stay" he said as he yawned I smiled and layed down again, he pulled me into him laying my head on his chest and pulling a leg over his hips. "I love you natalie" he said looking me straight in the eye. He loves me? "You don't mean that" I said hiding my head, "yes I do Natalie, I have loved you for months." Colby replied, "will you be my girlfriend please? We can keep it a secret for as long as you like" he said looking at me, I only nodded and smiled he kissed me then smiled at me "let's keep this from my brother for a while" I said biting my bottom lip. "Too late" colby said I was confused till I saw nate was on colbys phone this entire conversation, "look Natalie I love you, your my sister and I love colby I know he will treat you right" nate said. "Did you guys make up?" I asked they both nodded and I said "ok good but um we are gonna go cause we need to get dressed" I grabbed colbys phone and shut it off.
I turned to colby and kissed him again "round 2 boyfriend?" I asked, "round 2 girlfriend" he replied with a laugh and rolled us over so he was on top, let's just say the rest of the night was amazing.
Hope this was oki it's the first smut I've wrote in nearly 2 years I hope you liked it let me know what other ideas you would like me to do.
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minhyeong · 8 months
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warning: a little dark? mentions of murder...
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[ mark ] 
a cult leader who dreams of starting a revolution
was a former mental health counselor who got his licensed revoked due to unethical practices, but he knows how to read people well due to his background
feeds people water laced with hallucinogens under the guise of the water being blessed so they have an impaired ability to think and behave erratically around others
isolates people from their friends and family so he's the only one they can rely on
uses fear-based manipulation to create panic and control large groups of people at once
claims the world will end in 30 days with only a small number of people being able to survive this event
incites his followers to carry out mass murders by making them think they have to collect as many souls as possible in order to be part of the group that can survive the end of the world
[ renjun ] 
a siren who lives among the mermaids and mermen in order to more efficiently prey on unsuspecting people
others consider him mysterious and elusive as he often self-isolates and rarely says more than three sentences around others, but no one suspects him due to his beauty
tucks his sharp teeth under his lips in order to not give away his identity and get banished
has been forced to kill a few mermaids who accidentally found out about his identity and attempted to reveal his secret
has an alluring voice that others find difficult to resist as it seems to alter their minds
sings and lounges around on beaches and rocks to lure people near him before he leads them to a secluded area and drowns them to death at the bottom of the ocean
also finds joy in leading ships and boats into rocks so everyone onboard would crash and perish
digs through the bodies and takes any belongings that he finds interesting as keepsakes
[ jeno ] 
a fallen angel expelled due to his wrath, pride, and unwillingness to follow the rules of heaven
has an obsession with annihilation and a strong impulse to destroy that caused him to constantly get in trouble among all the angels who had pure intentions
ultimately wasn't able to resist the urges to sin and participated in a rebellion
helps build the kingdom in hell with other fallen angels after being outcasted and ultimately becomes one of the rulers
gets filled with an even greater craving for corruption of mankind and makes it his goal to elicit the darkest desires in humans
tempts people to engage in morally wrong activities and instills horrible values into the youth so they also won't be able to enter heaven
surprisingly treats the souls in hell really well instead of torturing them and convinces everyone to join him in another attempt to overthrow heaven
[ haechan ] 
a romance con artist who expertly plays with lonely people’s desperations to manipulate them
was born into an upper middle class family that fell apart due to a business scam, and he became an orphan who had to fend for himself starting at a young age
is absolutely unapologetic and justifies his actions because he believes he has been a victim of society so he considers his crimes revenge
frequents upscale clubs and resorts and spends a long time observing every person before deeming them an appropriate target
does extensive research on the backgrounds of potential targets in order to identify their areas of weakness
promises them a future and loyalty with the sweetest smile while convincing them to borrow large sums of money and transfer them to him
completely disappears from the surface of the earth once he takes everything from them; once left someone waiting for him at the wedding altar after he got them to empty out their bank accounts
[ jaemin ] 
a correctional nurse who believes he is getting rid of all evil in the world by eliminating those who have offended
his modus operandi is injecting lethal substances into the bodies of sick inmates after he renders them unconscious
gloats as he watches their bodies twitch in agony
travels between jails, prisons, and juvenile detention centers and leaves a series of deaths behind him but doesn't get caught for a long time because he stages them to look like sudden cardiac death
does really convincing acting when he tells other staff about the person passing away and even sheds some tears
generally targets inmates who have shown no remorse for their crimes but will target those who don't admit to their crimes either
ends up killing some innocent people who were wrongfully convicted as a result but he doesn't recognize this because he thinks every inmate deserves their sentence
[ chenle ] 
a notorious bandit who travels around the world committing burglary and has his face plastered all over wanted posters
part of a larger group of social outlaws who are tired of seeing the rich have too much power, so their principle is to rob the rich only
sells whatever they steal and anonymously donates a portion of the earnings to organizations that help underserved communities
really into challenges and taking risks so he has even attempted burglaries while there were people in the house just for the thrill
doesn't even try to hide his identity when he commits crimes and even looks directly at security cameras with an arrogant smirk
likes to leave taunting notes at every local precinct after he commits a crime
his partners in crime have asked him to tone it down too many times and believe his confidence will be his downfall, but he still evades the police every single time
[ jisung ] 
a parasitic flower that sustains his life by feeding off people's energy
starts off as a small, nearly indistinguishable bud and blooms only during certain months of the year to lure people to pick him and bring him home
emits an addictive, pungent aroma that quickly invades people's senses and causes bouts of euphoria
latches onto whoever picks him and absorbs all their energy insidiously until they become weak, fall ill, and eventually pass away
repeats the cycle and gains a human form when he becomes powerful enough
eventually opens his own flower shop and only sells parasitic flowers that are grown by him
detectives ruled all deaths as natural until they eventually noticed that all victims have the same flowers at home that would not wilt despite not receiving any care
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lovesongbracket · 1 year
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
Your Song
Written By: Elton John & Bernie Taupin
Artist: Elton John
Released: 1970
Cover included: Ewan McGregor for Moulin Rouge!, 2001
The song was composed and performed by Elton John but the lyrics were written by Bernie Taupin. It originally appeared in his self titled and second album. Elton John hadn’t come out of the closet yet, but Bernie Taupin knew, which is part of the reason why the lyrics avoid using gendered pronouns. In a 2013 interview with Rolling Stone, Elton John said: “What can I say, it’s a perfect song. It gets better every time I sing it. I remember writing it at my parents' apartment in North London, and Bernie giving me the lyrics, sitting down at the piano and looking at it and going, ‘Oh, my God, this is such a great lyric, I can’t fuck this one up.’ It came out in about 20 minutes, and when I was done, I called him in and we both knew. I was 22, and he was 19, and it gave us so much confidence. ‘Empty Sky’ was lovely, but it was very naive. We went on to do more esoteric stuff like ‘Take Me to the Pilot,’ of course, but musically, this was a big step forward. And the older I get, the more I sing these lyrics, and the more they resonate with me.”
[Verse 1] It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside I'm not one of those who can easily hide I don't have much money, but boy if I did I'd buy a big house where we both could live [Verse 2] If I was a sculptor, heh, but then again, no Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do My gift is my song and this one's for you [Chorus] And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple but now that it's done I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind That I put down in words How wonderful life is while you're in the world [Verse 3] I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss Well, a few of the verses, well, they've got me quite cross But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song It's for people like you that keep it turned on [Verse 4] So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do You see, I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue Anyway, the thing is, what I really mean Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen [Chorus] And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple but now that it's done I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind That I put down in words How wonderful life is while you're in the world [Outro] I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind That I put down in words How wonderful life is while you're in the world
Demolition Lovers
Written By: Matt Pelissier, Mikey Way, Ray Toro & Gerard Way
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Released: 2002
The Demolition Lovers are the couple seen on the cover for MCR’s next album, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. This song, along with much of the album, is a prequel to the story of Three Cheers… in which a man makes a deal with the devil to get his dead lover back by killing 1,000 evil men and giving the devil their souls in exchange for her. This song is most likely where the lover dies. The two “Demolition Lovers” are featured on the cover of the album.
[Verse 1] Hand in mine, into your icy blues And then I'd say to you, "We could take to the highway With this trunk of ammunition, too" I'd end my days with you, in a hail of bullets [Chorus] I'm trying, I'm trying To let you know just how much you mean to me And after all the things We put each other through and [Verse 2] I would drive on to the end with you A liquor store or two keeps the gas tank full And I feel like there's nothing left to do But prove myself to you, and we'll keep it running [Chorus] But this time, I mean it I'll let you know just how much you mean to me As snow falls on desert sky Until the end of everything I'm trying, I'm trying To let you know how much you mean As days fade and nights grow And we grow cold [Post-Chorus] Until the end, until this pool of blood Until this, I mean this, I mean this, until the end of [Chorus] I'm trying, I'm trying To let you know how much you mean As days fade and nights grow And we grow cold But this time, we'll show them We'll show them all how much we mean As snow falls on desert sky Until the end of every… [Interlude] All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this [Guitar Solo] [Bridge] As lead rains will pass on through Our phantoms forever, forever Like scarecrows that fuel this flame We're burning forever and ever Know how much I want to show you You're the only one Like a bed of roses There's a dozen reasons in this gun [Outro] And as we're falling down, and in this pool of blood And as we're touching hands, and as we're falling down And in this pool of blood, and as we're falling down I'll see your eyes, and in this pool of blood I'll meet your eyes, I mean this forever!
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winterchimez · 2 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny. ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
hi anon-ie!! yayyyy ok this is so fun imma just *rubs hands* cook up some scenarios 😋 (tagging the ones i talk to on a daily basis!! 💗)
@sungbeam acedemic rivals - theres something about you just being rivals with changmin and it gets on your nerve whenever he outperforms you but then all that bickering slowly turn into romance and thats something i will be watching from afar with my popcorn.
@from-izzy strangers to lovers - you and hyunjae (as much as i wanna mention the other guy but i won't bcs im trying to be nice 🥰) would meet as strangers on your first day of uni orientation, seemingly also ends up as deskmate in class and boom hes the goofy funny guy, always trying to get you involve in activities when you're just shy and reluctant and then the both of you start falling for each other
@daisyvisions best friends to lovers - we all know how much you love this, esp with hyunjae when yall be doing things that are pretty much obvious that's more than just friends 😏 so by the time yall end up together its more of a meh we've already done this before but then it gets awkward cs you're both now labelled as bf/gf
@aimeecarreros / @momhwa-agenda enemies to lovers - bcs of what you told me yesterday....but juyeon who's always teasing and bullying you...but then it's bcs he actually likes you sm but bcs of his ego he refuses to believe nor accept reality...but then it eventually hits him and hes confronted by you with a revenge dress and he goes oh. 😌
@snowflakewhispers mutual pining - realistically you and jacob would be having feelings for each other but then you both have your doubts (even though you don't look like it when you have beef with me everyday 🙄 HOWEVER it'll be cute but then the rest of us at the side will be all frustrated (aka me, daisy, elena) be like HE ALSO LIKES YOU BACK WTF but you're just "IDK MAN I DONT THINK HE WOULD"
@kimsohn unrequited love (but with a happy ending) - sunwoo's been head over heels over you since day one but you're always just ignoring his advnaces be like "this dude is hella weird", this goes on until one day you eventually see the other side of him, he makes you blush and he gets a high and giddy be like "okay confirmed maya likes me now i've won in life"
@justalildumpling rich kid au - ok i know it sounds cliché but hear me out!! na jaemin aka the rich boy from uni and he gets all the girls and naturally you fall for him too cs hell hes a fine-looking man but then maybe one day you are forced to live with him and thats when you see his true colours which makes you go ew, but then bcs of your personality you'll be like "i will change this man" (which you do) and he realises that you're not like the other girls out there
@ethereal-engene coffeshop au - you just give me calm sunshine vibes so!! you and woozi in the coffee shop, woozi as the barista (WHEW WITH A WHITE SHIRT- 😮‍💨) either you both work tgt as coworkers and eventually become a couple, or you would often visit the store not just for the good coffee but also for the good looking barista 👀
@drunkdrazed childhood friends to lovers - you're literally the sweetest human being so it would only be appropriate for this trope!! either with ten / jacob, you would fit so well 🥺 love the way how yall know literally anything abt each other and when yall reach uni / work and thats when you both realised that you're falling for one another instead 🫶
@h0mebody-heaven soulmate au - you're so funny and another ball of energy!! i can't imagine a better soulmate for hendery than you! lmao i can imagine all the chaos, the jokes that you both are gonna pull, probably asks you to film plenty of questionable tiktoks but then you oblige bcs YOLO 🤭
@strayed-quokka established relationship - do i need to say more, husband sangyeon and you're the housewife. you can replay that scenario in your mind.
@sanaxo-o arranged marriage - chanhee the rich son of dior's ceo ✨ but imagined getting pampered by him??? what a life it'll be 😮‍💨
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dmwrites · 5 months
2023 fic roundup! Thanks for reading my stuff this year!
Below is all of the fic links, summaries, and any additional notes (in chronological order) from yours truly:)
NPC Bdubs: an in-game explanation to why Bdubs didn’t upload his Limited Life pov- Cleo notices that Bdubs is acting a little weird, almost like some kind of non-playable character.
The Coral Kids’ Keeper: Martyn and Scott live out on a island on the sea on the Limited Life server, and a sea creature that calls himself xbcrafted take interest in them. He protects them. He is here to protect them, right? (Dm note: oh my goddd I love this one still I love the horror at the end [I may just be biased to xb tbh lol])
Impulse’s post-death affirmation: Impulse got second place in Limited Life, and Skizz is so proud of him.
Clock Full of Love: Impulse gave Bdubs a clock in the beginning of Limited Life. At the end, Cleo adds her own touch to it.
Grian and Scar’s punishment: It all started when Grian and Scar touched his (Doc’s) redstone (tunnel bore). Their punishment? Zombiecleo scolding them.
Talks of Adoration on the Tower of Team TIES: Etho and Impulse have more in common then they think, and reflect on it all one sleepless night in the Team TIES base
Big and Handsome God Has A Big Sad: the empires s2 server can’t be empty, right? Sure, Joel hasn’t seen anyone in forever, but people still love him, surely, right? They wouldn’t all leave him. They wouldn’t. Right? (Dm note: this idea wasn’t executed as well as I would have liked, but I really like the crumbling reality vibes of this one)
Cuddling with the Homies: Grian, Impulse, Scar, and Skizz playing Sons of the Forest. They get one tiny-ass tent to all sleep in. It’s if the “only one bed” trope was four dudes being idiots in the woods in a tent.
I know how to keep you warm;)): the new life smp folks wonder if Chillager Martyn will freeze up if he gets flustered. Scott is up to the task. It’s all silly.
Copper Pearlo takes on The Button (2): Grian and Mumbo stumble upon copper golem Pearl
One Year Later: Double Life ended one year ago (when I posted this fic lol). Impulse makes Bdubs another clock
The CuteGuy Who Stepped Up: Scar needs a CuteGuy sidekick, and Grian does not want to be a sidekick in the slightest. Enter Joe Hills from Nashville, Tennessee. (Dm note: the CuteGuy main character was decided by a poll. This is also my second most-liked fic of 2023)
The Slime Code: Gem is a slime in New Life! She calls Jevin on Hermitcraft to ask about any slime rules she now needs to follow
A Dream of Pink: Joel has a dream of showing a pretty girl with pink hair (who roasts him) his hardcore world builds. She seems familiar…
3rd Life x NightVale: the radio transcript when Cecil Palmer from the town of NightVale interviews a strange man with a red sweater and split knuckles and keeps talking about something that happened in a desert. (Dm note: love this one, definitely caters to a very specific audience, but this one shows up in my notifs almost every day. I think I did a good job at the ad breaks and such.)
Sacrificial Impulse: Grian, Scar, and Skizz died while hunting ghosts with Impulse. Impulse wants to bring them back, no matter the cost. Also, EvilNotion is the ghost hunters’ boss.
xB’s Revenge- a Blood on the Clocktower story: based on the first session of hermitcraft’s BOTC, Iskall accuses xbcrafted of being the demon, and xB becomes the first innocent to die. But xB sticks around after death, and wants the sweetest revenge on Iskall. (Dm note: this one is long as hell but man the concept was so good. Drowned!xb is so good.)
Bdoubledown? How Cute: a brief conversation between Impulse and Skizz about Impulse’s brand new soulmate in Double Life
GIGS gets another G: Gem is jealous that Grian, Impulse, Scar, and Skizz are hunting ghosts, and wants to join in. Pearl, local odd woman, has a way. Possession is fun among friends! (Dm note: this is the most liked fic of this year, which is definitely not what I expected lol)
The Dungeon Is Hungry: Hypno thinks all the superstitions around the Decked Out 2 dungeon are stupid. That is until everything goes sideways and Cub is covered in sculk and pointing a sword at him down in level 4.
The Impossible Task: Martyn gets a very simple, two-word task in Secret Life: find RenTheDog. But Ren isn’t here… right? (Dm note: when I thought of this idea I literally said “ouch!” in my head lol)
GIGGS Hunts a Ghost!: the GIGGS crew gets called on by Zedaph to find and capture evidence of a ghost he claims he has seen haunting hermitcraft. (Dm note: the b-plot grian and zed rivalry is so funny to me idk why I decided they hate each other lolll)
A Moment of Peace: Martyn and Cleo are estranged soulmates in Double Life, and they take a moment to drink some tea and talk about what soulmate they’d like to have if they had a choice.
It Feels Different Now (and that’s a good thing): Pearl has to hurt people on the Secret Life server as part of her task, but she takes no joy in it now. She harkens back to what has changed between Double Life and now.
Jimmy’s Grave: Cleo made Jimmy a grave before he died in Secret Life. He did end up dying that very day, and a mourner comes by his grave when it’s all said and done.
Red: Pearl’s favorite color is red. She is made to be a red name, even when she’s not.
Becoming the Villain of the Server: (secret life) Scar digs up Jimmy’s grave to take his spine, to sell it to Joel, pretending that it’s Lizzie’s. Hey, what else is a man to do? (Dm note: this one fucks so hard, i love how fucked up the idea of it is, what Scar would have to do to make it happen. Eating this.)
From One Lonely Winner to Another: Scar wins Secret Life. Sunflowers grow from his skin to be with him as he goes to succeed the final task. (Dm note: another one I love, I just love the aesthetic of it all.)
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fategoflatass · 7 months
My Fall 2023 Watchlist & Opinions
Welcome to the comeback of my reviews that no one expected! But hey, I think this would be a nice practice for me to develop my writing skills and my critical thinking (?).
Take in consideration this post will be long because #unemployed, so everything will be under the cut.
Ready or not (I sure am not), here I go!
Atarashii Joushi wa Dotennen
Comedy, Slice of Life // ☆☆☆¾
After an atrocious experience with an abusive boss, Momose decides to switch workplaces. Used to such a toxic environment, he never expected his new superior to be so goofy!
The most wholesome show you'll find this season, and one of the most I've seen in general!
The work environment is pretty much paradise, each and every character being the living representation of the sweetest and most tender cotton candy you'll be able to find.
While the comedy mostly relies on Shirosaki's sillyness, it never gets old. Alongside the laughs, you'll find yourself aww-ing to many, many scenes.
Also, the series is conscious of the way people takes it (no, this is not a BL) and dedicates some scenes to it by giving different double meaning scenarios (they're all wholesome, no need to worry about that). Just a heads up, in case you're not into this kind of thing.
Want to know more? There's a canonical bisexual character in it! And here I was thinking that we didn't exist for Japan.
Totally recommend for those gloomy days, or even when you just need to shut off your brain.
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi // ☆☆☆☆
No summary due to spoilers.
I don't think there's much I can say about this one? I mean, unless I want to spoil someone, and I'm not a spoiler kind of person so...
For those curious about my experience, I'm enjoying myself very much! I decided to give it a try since my best friend loves it, and I liked it so much I quickly got up to date with it.
Now, do I understand every single thing they talk about? Hell nah, do you know how many times I failed chemistry and physics?!
But besides that, this show is a pretty wild and fun ride. And not only the previous parts, but also this one! Again, don't feel like making spoilers but the quality hasn't lacked not even a little bit. The characters are still as charismatic and funny as they've always been, and the plot keeps getting more and more interesting as it progresses.
Only thing I can say without explicitly spoiling anything: one of these days, Gen will end up messing with the wrong people. Can't tell you what tells me that, but he's messy enough for me to be unable to think otherwise.
Hametsu no Oukoku
Action, Drama, Fantasy // ☆☆
Once benerated due to their wisdom, witches are now being hunted down by humans who accuse them of impeding the progress of civilization. Adonis, a human raised by a witch, swears revenge against those who took his mentor from him.
CW: instances of extreme violence, forced non-sexual public partial nudity
Yes, I watched this one. Yes, it's an edgy one. No, it's not fun.
As someone who's always down to anything that has to do with fantasy, magic and supernatural beings, as well as being able to enjoy the trashiest things in life, I had some hope in the plot. Not in the way that it might be actually good, but in the way that it could be so bad I could get some laughs out of it. Sadly, this series takes itself quite seriously.
Which wouldn't be a problem if it weren't because it isn't even that good. The characters are plain, the episodes feel longer than they should, and there are times where you can see it go all over the top.
A pet peeve I have is when certain abilities/powers have ridiculous names, and this show does that to a tee by giving them some of the dumbest/edgiest (not exclusionary) names I've seen in a while.
"Do they even have to do with what each witch's magic is supposed to be?" I ask to the void in utter confusion.
"Absolutely not, but doesn't it sound rad?!" an easily impressed twelve-year-old exclaims from the grades.
Anyway, wouldn't recommend this show to anyone unless you're looking for an edgy power fantasy where characters die in gruesome ways not even five minutes after being introduced, magic type and all.
Also, can someone explain to me what does it mean to have "Natural Law" magic?
Hikikomari Kyuuketsuki no Monmon
Action, Comedy, Fantasy // ☆☆¼
After three years of becoming a total shut-in, Komari wakes up to find out she's the newest Commander in the Mulnite Imperial Army! Although she's descendant of a pretty powerful vampire family, she's rather inept when it comes to magic, even finding blood disgusting. Will her, alonside her maid, be able to make her path to success, or is failure awaiting for her around the corner?
Damn, this one took its sweet time to take off, only to crash and burn because the method was so cliché and overused.
The first three to four episodes are boring and not interesting at all, characters are bland as a wet piece of cardboard and the comedy excels at falling flat.
(Mild spoilers ahead, because I couldn't care less about this one)
And now you mean to tell me your seemlingly powerless main character is actually OP, only that under hypnosis? I didn't need to be a hound to be able to smell that crap from miles away, now did I?
But let's leave that aside to talk about Vil, A.K.A Male Gaze 101. I understand why she's attached to the protagonist, don't get me wrong, but did she need to sexually harass the protagonist or...? Also, how could I forget about the time where she almost forced Komari to pee herself in front of her!
Bro, if I were to know this was an omorashi hentai wannabe I wouldn't have given it a chance.
Anyways, if you're into any of the things I've mentioned previously, then enjoy yourself. This anime's definitely not for me.
Action, Drama, Psychological, Supernatural // ☆½
A group of high schoolers see themselves forced to fight each other to death for the coveted title of God. Who will emerge victorious and claim their godly throne?
You have no right to ask that in the summary when you spoil the results in the first minutes of the first episode.
Let's be honest, if anyone is talking about this series is because Yoko Taro's name served as free promo. But did you know he's credited, not for the story, but for the concept of it? Big yikes, huh?
If you are a three-episode-rule kind of person, I assure you won't be needing that for this anime. One episode is enough torture, trust me.
The first minute is there to make sure you understand this story is different, is mature. There are no friendships, no love interests, only tons of suffering and betrayals. You know, what people back in 2011 probably went for when Mirai Nikki first aired.
Characters are not only boring as hell, but their designs are nothing to die for, heavely based on their assigned colors because you'll be forgetting their names the minute after they get introduced.
Fun fact: If you pay enough attention, you'll be able to see their phone cases' designs. Not only they look ugly, but they also spoil their so secretive abilities!
Speaking of character design, did you know the one in charge of it didn't even bother to create background character's templates? They all look like gray extraterrestrial things trying to pass as human beings, their never changing facial expressions being the cherry on top. This might be one edgy way of showing they don't matter to the main story, but it just feels super lazy. Also, this... artistic choice is just another spoiler, since everyone who has some sort of relevance has an established design. But oh well.
Fun fact: Every single one of these NPCs are gray, expect for a couple of them in episode six who are red and blue. One of them is the bad guy, can you guess who?
In summary, this show is utter trash. Wouldn't recommend unless you're as messed up as I am and like to watch crappy productions.
Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri
Drama, Mystery // ☆☆☆¾
When police office Totomaru is assigned to a serial killer case, he turns to Kamonohashi Ron for help—a once considered genius who, after a fatal mistake, got himself expelled from the top detective training academy and was forbidden to become one.
This is your classic detective show with the more normal character having to learn how to deal with the more eccentric one who's always really good at deducing. And I love it.
Yeah, it might be a copycat of other series with the same dynamics (like many other mystery anime), but they're all still dear to my heart. I just love them, man!
Every case they've introduced until now have been interesting and fun. It's been entertainting trying to think by myself what happened, who might be the culprit, how did they do it and why. As always, it's especially cool when you get close enough or, even better, when you were in the right. Serotonin kicks like those are always appreciated.
The dynamic between the protagonists is also really fun, Ron's shenanigans never getting old. Totomaru might not be having the time of his life, but I sure am!
If you're a fan of these kind of shows, then I totally recommend! If you're tired of the same scheme over and over again, maybe not so much. Would be nice if you'd give it a try, though!
Kanojo mo Kanojo Season 2
Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Slice of Life // ☆☆☆¼
After their hot springs trip, Naoya continues his relationships with both Saki and Nagisa. Alongside Milika and Shino, they embark on a summer vacation full of romance with a fireworks festival, camping, and Okinawa. Chaos ensured.
There are not many series that touch upon polyamory which saddens me to a fault. The closest to this concept would be harem series, but a polyamorous relationship should never be a competition to see which whom does your "shared partner" choose to spend the rest of their life with.
While KanoKano isn't the best representation of this type of relationships (Saki often feeling like she's competing against Nagisa), it's not a bad series? Or, at least, not that bad. Rather decent, actually.
It's not boring, although it isn't the most entertaining series either. If I had to decide between KanoKano and any other series that touches upon polyamory (even if they do it with the tip of a stick, miles apart of the concept), I would probably go for Hamefura's canonical (albeit not in the way I would like it to be) Katarina fan club.
I just feel something's... wrong, you know. I get Naoya loves them both and that, in theory, both of them understand that, but I can't help feeling uncomfortable when Saki mentions this supposed competition the girls have (and the way they treat polyamory as "two timing" when that would imply it wasn't consensual?).
Besides that, it's a decent series to watch whenever you're bored. Not a masterpiece, but is not like it's trying to be one.
UPDATE: Rating has been lowered to ☆ as of 11/10/23. Visit the reblog section for more.
Kimi no Koto ga Dai Dai Dai Dai Daisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo
Comedy, Romance // ☆☆☆☆
Rentarou has been rejected a total of 100 times throught his entire life. Is when he visits a shrine and prays for better luck when he meets the God of Love. He reveals to Rentarou that he'll get to date 100 women in the foreseeable future. The catch is, once he meets them they must happily love each other. Otherwise, they'll die. What will be of Rentarou and his 100 girlfriends during high school?
He has arrived. The man, the legend. The harem protagonist of all harem protagonists.
Rentarou Aijou has arrived, and he's here to make you and your wife part of his loveable and excessively numerous family.
As I mentioned when talking about KanoKano, I've been looking for series that touch upon polyamory. And if you're like me, then you've just hit the jackpot!
While I'm conscious 100Kano is a parody of harem series and was never meant to be taken seriously, the way none of these girls are competing for the protagonist's exclusive love is refreshing. They're actually a pretty big family, always supportive of each other and down to give each other a hand or two (or twenty, if needed). They'll do anything they can to make their boyfriend the happiest man alive, and so will he with them.
There're no favoritisms whatsoever. Such concept as "the first one to arrive gets to win" does not exist in his agenda. In Rentarou (and every single one of his girlfriends)'s mind, everyone wins because everyone is his favorite.
An excellent series to watch by yourself or with your pals in case you're looking for something silly and easy to digest.
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
Drama, Mystery // ☆☆☆☆¼
CW: infant death, classism, self-harm, kidnapping
Maomao lived a peaceful life with her apothecary father. Until one day, she’s sold as a lowly servant to the emperor’s palace. When rumours about imperial heirs falling ill surfaces, she puts her knowledge in medicinal herbs and poison to good use and finds a cure. It's then when she catches the eye of Jinshi, a handsome palace official who promotes her. The series follows Maomao as she solves numerous mysteries.
I can't explain just how excited I was for this one. As I said before, I love mysteries, but I also really like historical series. So when you mix both genres, you get characters who try to solve various cases with only the means they had yesterday.
Besides the art being drop dead gorgeous (alongside every single lady who makes an appearance in the story), the story is engaging and so much fun. The episodes are already a bit shorter than usual (albeit not for much, it's just me being petty), but the way everything develops makes it feel like they last no more than five minutes.
And Maomao—God Maomao! She's one of the best female main characters I've seen as of recently. She's not lacking personality—she actually has way too much, and I love that. She's so clever and capable at what she does, I bet it'd be so much fun to just stare at her as she picks different herbs or just stays still for hours, trapped in her thoughts.
I'm a sucker for good relationship dynamics and the one between Maomao and Jinshi is just *chef's kiss* exquisit. The way he's constantly trying to seduce her and she just stares at him in apathy or disgust (bonus for when she brushes off the places where he'd placed his hand on) are golden. I also love how what started as teasing and doubt about the other's true intentions morphs into genuine interest and maybe, just maybe, a tiny itty crush.
A pretty strong contestant for anime of the year, in my opinion.
Megumi no Daigo: Kyuukoku no Orange
Action, Drama // ☆☆☆½
The series follows three young firefighters who share the same goal—becoming members of the special rescue corps known as "Orange". We'll follow them from their early training days to the day they face the crisis that'll push Japan at the brink of collapsing.
I don't know about you, but I've never seen a series focused on firefighters. Yes, I know about Promare and Fire Force, but those aren't "real" firefighters, if you know what I mean.
Where's their daily life at the station, their training—just everything that comes with being one of them? I don't want flashy fight scenes against angsty twinks, I want to see people getting rescued from collapsed buildings and cats getting saved from trees.
Along with interesting characters and tense situations, all these making it difficult for you to not empatize with, Megumi no Daigo is here to bring us a peek on how the real deal is—with both the good, the bad and the ugly.
This anime is confirmed to be the prequel to a movie released in the 90's, so there's even more content in case you're interested!
Migi to Dali
Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Slice of Life // ☆☆☆
Twin brothers Migi and Dali pretend to be the Sonoyama's adoptive son, Hitori, in order to find out the truth behind their mother's death.
CW: (prepare your bingo cards) *inhales* forced non-sexual infantilization, forced partial nudity, forced non-sexual pet play, bullying, implied murder, classism, forced eating, non-sexual groping, surveillance, invasion of privacy, kidnapping and imprisonment. ~95% of these happen to a minor, so yeah.
While the main focus of the first two episodes was the comedy (it's still present in the rest of the series, just not as much), I didn't find it especially hilarious? It does give off Sakamoto vibes at times, but it never makes me laugh as much as the author's previous work did.
The mystery is still there, thought, and that's what keeps me coming back. The suspense surronding the twins' mother's passing is engaging, you genuinely want to find out what happened there and how the place where they've moved and its habitants are involved in the case.
Now, as I mentioned before this anime is disturbing and thus can be highly triggering for some. So please beware before giving it a chance.
Drama, Sports // ☆☆☆¾
Kouya is a professional photographer who, due to past circumstances, gave up his passion for taking pictures of people. But his fate changes the day he meets Komaki Motors, a family-run shop that regularly competes in F4 along with their only racer, Haruka.
CW: implied death (car accident)
Sports anime of the season, let's go! This time, about car racing. Never watched an anime like this one before, although I know Initial D is out there. I just haven't watched it... yet.
To be honest, I didn't expect to connect with the characters to this level. I got hooked to the story from day one and has been like that ever since.
The story is fun, the races will have you at the edge of your seat while cheering for your favorite team.
Because yes, I think the rival team can also be cheered on! Maybe their main face might not be the bestest guy, but Toshiki does deserve everything in this world and so much more.
And when it comes to the drama, it never comes out as over the top. Every single reason for them thinking, responding or acting the way they do makes total sense given their past ciscumstances.
Speaking of the characters, everyone here has enough personality to be separated from the rest: Haruka's overachieving and at times harsh demeanor makes a good contrast with Koutaro's more calm and playful behavior. And while Satsuki's charismatic, conceited and women-loving persona might be a pain for many, Toshiki serves as a good companion with his serious and ambitions being. And I could mention the adults, but I think you catch my vibe.
I so recommend this one!
Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou desu Season 2
Fantasy, Romance, Slice of Life // ☆☆☆½
We follow Sei, an office worker in her twenties who was suddenly summoned to another world as a "Saint". Taking advantage of her natural love of plants, she started working at a medicinal plant research institute. We also get to meet Albert Hawke, with whom she's more than friends but less than lovers.
Season two arrived and I have yet to rewatch the first one, although I think it might be a little too late for that.
Don't go into it expecting a wonderful series because it is not (or, at least, it isn't for me). It's a pretty neat feel good series, but definitely nothing out of the ordinary. Just nice people living their lives.
Sei and Albert's relationship is as wholesome as always, I appreciate them taking their time and not rushing into making things official. It feels, I don't know... adult.
There's literally not much I can say about this one other than I would recommend for those who are looking for a nice and relaxing shoujo.
Shangri-La Frontier
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi // ☆☆☆¾
Rakuro is a "crap-game hunter"—a strong aficionado to clearing buggy and just straight up bad titles that aren't even compatible with the now more frequently used VR technology. The game he's chosen to tackle next is the widely aclaimed "Shangri-La Frontier" that counts with thirty million players and counting. Little did he know this decision would change his fate alongside with many other players he meets along the way!
I can barely count the times I had this much fun while watching a series, and I can count even less the occasions where a gaming-inspired anime made me feel this great!
I've found myself dumbfounded so many times at just how detailed Shangri-La Frontier is. It's obvious there was research behind it, the author's a straight up legend for dedicating so much time and passion to something others would've easily disregarded as another basic, boring ass medieval-inspired MMORPG.
The level of character customization (you can even modify their origins like ‼), the many monsters you find along the way, and tons of easter eggs that players have yet to find in their entirety! It's my first time saying this when it comes to gaming-centered anime, but holy hell I wished this game existed IRL!
And honestly, I identify with Rakuro a bit too much when it comes to enjoying crap. In his case, are bad games. In mine, bad anime. I would love to have a chat with him and share our experiences and disgraces that come with this harsh hobby.
Action, Drama // ☆☆☆½
When we needed them the most, they appeared! As we were on the brink of World War Three, individuals with superpowers appeared all around the planet with the only mission to mantain peace. They would eventually become symbols of their nations, their presence being enough to lower the crime rates. Teru, most known as Shy, is Japan's heroine. When a mysterious and menacing association called Amalareiks surfaces, Shy must join forces with her fellow superheroes to stop their plans, all while dealing with her shyness and, overall, her teenage life.
CW: violence, death, self hatred, intrusive thoughts
Would it be cool to call it the more mature version of Boku no Hero Academia?
I had the manga for this series on my pending list for a while and when I saw an anime adaptation was coming out, not gonna lie, I got quite excited.
Now, I have to admit it's not one of my favorite series this season. It might be the pacing that sometimes gives me the feeling the episodes are, although just a little bit, longer than they actually are.
I love the concept and how it's executed, I really like the characters and the setting in which they're established. The drama they all have feels realistic and you can easily empathise with them. In my case, Teru's constant conflict with herself hit a little bit too close to home.
I would recommend it to those who're looking for a more mature series while also wanting to watch shounen-esque scenarios.
Sousou no Frieren
Adventure, Drama, Fantasy // ☆☆☆☆½
The adventure's over. The Demon King has successfully been defeated and thus Frieren and her fellow adventurers make their way back home. Now a highly regarded mage, she goes back to her slow-paced life only to realize years later, while attending Himmel's funeral, how short human's life expectancy is when compared with her own near inmortality. Frieren then makes the decision to begin a new adventure in the search of new absurd spells and friends alongside whom she expects to understand what life means to them and just how impactful can be what she perceives as nothing more than an instant.
CW: death, grief, mild violence
Oh Lord, this one's painful. I've no idea how they managed to do it, but they got me attached to the hero's party so quickly and so deeply this crap had already scarred me on episode one.
This story's gorgeous, I don't think I have to explain myself on that. Besides the more than stunning art, animation and music that acompannies us during the entirety of Frieren's self-discovery adventure, the slow pace and quiet moments are quite the delight.
The characters we meet along the way are also fantastic, written with such love, thought and care behind you'll fall for them in no time.
I truly don't want to talk much about it since I think this is an experience that one must live for themselves, but trust me when I tell you this is something you'll never forget.
Action, Comedy, Slice of Life, Supernatural // ☆☆☆☆
The same as season one, only that now the family's heading on a cruise ship expedition!
I don't think there's much I can say about this one? The second season's been giving the same vibes I got from the first one, so a wholesome, found family-centered comedic slice of life about three persons who don't know each other at all and do their best so that situation never changes.
Anya keeps on being the chaotic menace she has been from day one, Yor is still one of the best mothers ever alongside a woman I would never dare look for a fight against, and Loid keeps on repeating his more than iconic mantra as he unsuspectingly falls asleep while dreaming about certain woman surrounded by a zillion flowers.
But, you know, anything for the mission.
When it comes to the upcoming arc, I'm excited for seeing Yor at work! Been dying to get anything like this, and I'm so glad my prayers have been heard.
Undead Unluck
Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Supernatural // ☆☆☆¾
All Fuuko wants is a passionate romance like the one in her favorite shoujo manga. Sadly, her Unluck ability deems this dream impossible. But that anguish will have to wait because Andy, someone with the Undead ability, takes her as his test subject to see if, thanks to her misfortune, he can finally rest in peace. It seems peace has never been an option, though, because certain secret organization has begun chasing after them.
CW: not-quite-concenting groping
If I took my sweet time to start watching this series was mainly because, for some hell of a reason, it gave me big Mashle vibes. Don't ask, I just thought the comedy would be similar. And since my humble opinion on Harry Potter 2.0 is that it has its humour stuck up its ass, you might understand I gave an olympic jump over Undead Unluck.
But then I decided to give it a chance and man, Mashle would never!
Not the funniest series I've watched, but I appreciate the multiple laughs it gave me.
Now, what I do not appreciate are the various groping scenes. If Fuuko were to consent all of those, then cool. Who am I to judge whatever two consenting adults (Fuuko's 20+, right?) do with their lives and bodies? The thing is, not every groping is consented by her, especially at the beggining. So yeah, beware of that.
Putting that aside, the characters are pretty cool and so much fun to see fighting or just interacting with each other. The ability system the series has is rather interesting, would love to learn more about it.
Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou
Comedy, Fantasy, Romance // ☆☆☆½
We've heard this story before: girl reincarnates into her favorite otome game and, since she knows her way down every route, she gets to win over her favorite bachelor. Only that, this time, it might not be as predictable. After all, who knows what's truly inside Rae Taylor's mind? Claire François for sure doesn't, especially now that she's going after her—the game's villainess!
CW: discussions of homophobia, classism, rae can be creepy at times
In the words of @arataka-reigen, “This anime is like if Maria from Hamefura was the one who got isekai'd and then fell in love with OG Katarina”. Couldn't say it better, pal.
While this series is not one of my favorites this season, the characters not going right down my alley and the pacing not being the best, I truly appreciate the cafeteria scene. I've never seen such a discussion over diverse sexualities adn homophobia in an anime before, and I can only clap to that.
And not only that, but it seems like it's going down a rather... interesting path. I mean, the whole classism that's present during the series, the "commoner" students' complains, the game's title being "Revolution"... I smell something nice.
Yuzuki-san Chi no Yon Kyoudai
Comedy, Drama, Slice of life // ☆☆☆¾
From the day the Yuzuki brothers lost both their parents, Hayato never stopped taking care of his little siblings, making sure all their needs are met and nothing's lacking. They share tears, laughter, and a specially unbreakeable bond.
I've no idea what might be the reason, but all these stories about family (whether related by blood or not being quite irrelevant) alongside the others where they include and/or center around pets are my weakness.
The four brothers feel like actual humans beings, their dramatic and joyful moments in life will definitely take you for a ride althought, admitely, it might not be the most intense one.
Hayato would do literally anything for his family and, honestly, same. Both Mikoto, Minato, and Gakuto are downright adorable and would love to pinch every single one of those cheeks like there's no tomorrow.
If a cutsie family-center slice of life it's what you're looking for, look no further. But if what you want is a drama in general, then I would recommend Frieren first.
If you reached the end, thank you so much for reading! I literally stayed up til 2 AM to finish writing this (and I didn't even include the titles I dropped), so yeah. Highly appreciate!
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itspkuwu · 4 months
EDT3 Headcanons because this throuple needs to be popular
Confession: Eddy and Double D always knew when they started to develop feelings for each other, but something else inside them made them feel like it was wrong to leave Ed out. Then one day Ed randomly went up to them and said “I love you guys!!” and kissed them on their cheeks completely out of the blue. Leaving Eddy and Double D flustered. Later Double D asked Ed if he knew what he was saying. Ed replied with “You guys sometimes feel like more than friends ☺️“ Double D was pretty accepting but didn’t really confess yet. While Eddy was in totally denial like “Uh… is this legal…?” Soon Double D taught the two what a throuple was after gaining more confidence. He and Ed were more than happy to be committed this way, while Eddy was a little shy about it. As he was pulled into a group hug he was all like “… heh heh… yeah… this is awesome… 🥴” Not much changed in there relationship after they realized it was just that, a relationship. Other than a lot less violence and fighting. And definitely a bunch of cutesy cuddles and kisses when they feel like it. Otherwise they still talk to each other and treat each other the same as if it were just a really close friendship. Ed: Has always been gay. Because “yucky mushy girl germs” Shows the most PDA Has the rarest blushes Genuinely wanted to win that date with Eddy in “May I Have This Ed?” Wants Sarah to be the flower girl Lends either of them his jacket sometimes when it’s cold Always the big spoon. Always. “Come here my little chickens~ 😁” “Don’t forget your Ed! 😆” (of course they don’t, Ed’s just excited to be included) “Awww shucks.. 🥴” Double D: Bi A little less “romantic” PDA Blushes the most Likes dog piles because he wanted to be close to his bois :3 Gets really shy and giggly when the word “wedding” is brought up Buys the most gifts. Flowers, cards, things like that Absolute cuddle bug “Well, aren’t you two just the sweetest~? ☺️“ “Oh dear…! *adorable giggles* 😁” “Thank you, darlings.” 😊” Eddy: Also bi Least amount of PDA, he gets a lil embarrassed Only blushes from time to time Kinda sorta never regretted being a sap all those times Often wonders how marriage would even work Always dresses to impress Takes a tiny bit of playful begging from the other two for some snuggles “H-hey…! Quit it guys…! 😅” “Yeah, I guess I am pretty cute 😌” “Does this face look kissable~? 😏” Sarah doesn’t really know what to think, but she’s never hateful Jimmy thinks it’s adorable Nazz is extremely supportive Kevin teases them to heck and back, but it’s in good fun Rolf is pretty excited about it sometimes Jonny doesn’t care, he still wants revenge GOD PLEASE. I LIVE FOR THROUPLE EDS. MORE FANART AND STUFF PLS.
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kazamasthings · 1 year
tekken characters and short relationship headcanons
characters: christie monteiro, jun kazama, sergei dragunov and jin kazama
christie monteiro
our beloved christie is a very cheerful and positive person! she is always seen fighting for other people and never for revenge or to just harm someone for no reason, it makes me think that she she would be a lover who would always put her lover's needs above her own. christie genuinely cares about you. she always tries to cheer you up if your down but if you just want a hug its ok her hugs are the best in the world. as a brazilian, christie will obviously take you to brazil. she's always like "honey, you're gonna love it when you try coxinha with guarana for the first time". if you watch the world cup together and you don't support brazil she will be upset (until the match ends)
jun kazama
this woman deserves all the best in the world. she is a sweetheart! jun is such a loving woman with such a big heart, but at the same time she is also very strong and mature. a relationship with her will always be covered in love and understanding. jun is always there for you, she can tell what youre feeling just by looking at each other and then she'll give you the best advice and then the sweetest kiss ever. I also see jun as someone who likes to present you with self-made gifts, like lovely, smelling letters... she definitely wants to adopt a pet with you!
sergei dragunov
ok if you think he is a man who is merciless to his enemies who serves his country above all else and takes pride in it...you are totally right! but who says even the cold sergei can't fall in love? he has a strong personality but inside he is kind to you! if you like to cook and welcome him with your favorite dish after a long period of work, you will melt his heart. sergei is someone serious And he wouldn't enter a relationship without being sure he wanted to be with you for the rest of his life. his favorite cuddling time is when he's with you on a cold winter day, he makes you hot drinks and snuggles up to watch a good musical. he really appreciates music and enjoys singing to you. he also writes poems while he is away from you and gives you when you meet again. you have a box of his poems.
jin kazama im sorry but im a jin, hwoarang and steve fox enthusiast so i always want to write about one of them or all of them hahaha
this poor babe has serious trust issues so if he got into a relationship with you it's because he completely trusts you. don't break his trust! during part of his life he can live well and happily with his mother, he learned to love, so some part of him still wants to love and romance. jin is destroyed inside because he was betrayed by people who should love him, so he is insecure about showing his feelings, in fact he doesnt even know how. he carries a heavy burden, but you've always been so good to him... even if he has the blood of a demon, you still love him and tell him, that's why he looks at you with so much love. he is filled with hope when he thinks of you. jin kazama's thoughts while looking at you: i need to end this hatred to make a better world for everyone, but especially for you.
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tawneybel · 1 year
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Note: Imgflip hasn't been working for me. Good thing MBV's not too obscure.
Imagine the Miner feeling bad about how you got freaked out by a fresh corpse, so he decides to apologize by helping you wash off the blood.
Why do you seem so reluctant to be escorted to the showers? There’s no one else (living) here. And he’s not taking his miner gear off. Harry doesn’t want you to think he an ulterior motive. Why were you here, anyway?
Revenge was his main objective that night, but he’d been admiring you from afar a little. No valentine for ______ this year. At least, not until later. When the Miner had exacted his revenge, your affection was next. Everything about you was dulcet. Of course you’d make the perfect sweetheart. You were the sweetest thing in Valentine Bluffs.
So it shouldn’t surprise him if someone else had sunk their teeth into you. If they had, you’d been discreet about it. Good girl. If there was even anyone else in the picture.
Harry gazed upon your glum face. His pickaxe was lying maybe ten meters away. His hands (gloved) were upon your cheeks, not your neck. How he longed to caress them and kiss it! You clearly weren’t a target. That was the problem. Not one shot at your heart.
Well, the Miner thought as he removed a glove, revenge could wait.
The reverse V-sign caught you off guard.
No. He moved his hand, the mask’s tube between his middle and index fingers.
“You want to…?”
Your secret admirer used his other hand to indicate it wasn’t just his tongue that wanted to make your acquaintance that evening.
“You want to take a shower first?”
At least he was kind enough to take you away from the hooked bodies. The Miner shook his head.
“You want me to take a shower first?”
Honestly, you looked pretty bathed in blood, but Harry really wanted to see you wet. And he would see you wet, if only you’d let him. Judging by the way your thighs rubbed together, you were getting there.
He tilted his head. Then shrugged before getting on his knees.
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thewritingautisticat · 3 months
Saw the Tags
I need something to read pls
Hahaha you asked for it okay 🤣
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Okay so my favorite little guy is my boi Peg, he's a very smol bean and is around 12 when he first shows up. He was born with some physical disfigurement, particularly some malformation of the face and a hunched back, as well as one leg that wasn't formed properly. That leg eventually gets amputated and he walks with a pegleg (hence the name Peg)
His parents abandoned him when he was an infant due to the disfigurement and he was sold into a Freak Show, where he lived for most of his childhood. It was extremely abusive and left him traumatized and with a lot of scars. Someone eventually helped him escape, and he got taken to a tavern cuz no one really knew what to do with him, so he's spent the last couple years basically working as an errand boy and bartender there. At 10-12 years old. But this is is like mild fantasy/olden days so no one really cares about keeping a child away from alcohol. It's not like a super great environment, but it's way better than the Freak Show and all the thugs and people there kinda just think of him as their little mascot or whatever so it's not too bad.
Anyway Peg is the purest bean, the sweetest little guy, never complains, works hard, is a literal beam of sunshine. Like literally I just wanna cry about him all the time. He's babey. And all he really wants is to be cared about. The tavern people do feel affectionate towards him but are just really rough and not super kind about it. He needs someone to love and take care of him.
Enter Caldren, my other favorite OC (okay I have a lot of favorites but these are pretty much the top two). Caldren. Sigh. I love him. I adore him. He's also incredibly stupid and stubborn. He's here because he's on a Revenge Quest™ to kill the guy who killed his parents (ah yes, cliche backstory my beloved). He's already committed arson and sort of accidentally abandoned his childhood-best-friend-who-has-a-crush-on-him-except-he's-not-aware-because-he's-stupid in his one-track obsession with revenge. He's convinced that once he kills this guy everything will be fine and he can fix all the problems he's already caused, except he just. Keeps. Making. Things. Worse. This boy. He's fifteen and his brain is not fully developed yet, which is the only excuse I have for him sometimes.
Anyway, he shows up at this tavern to try to get some training in how to commit murder, sees this Freak and literal child, and immediately decides that Peg is his brother now. He literally knows him for less than a day and is already pulling knives on people who dare be mean to him. And Caldren has SOOOO many issues, but the one thing he's got is he will literally do anything for the people he loves.
So Peg finally gets all the love and affection he needs and deserves. Caldren is so soft with him and slowly helps him to work through his trauma and fears. Caldren is so funny because he can go from Intense Murder Mode to the sweetest, cuddliest big bro in the blink of an eye. They're the actual epitome of "I'd kill for you" and "Please don't". Caldren is tall and brooding and dark and angsty, and Peg is so smol and sunshiney, and they're just so cute.
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rizelcchi · 1 year
Dialogue Prompts I Think of Before I Sleep
This is a repost from my threads on twitter! I don’t really recheck it because I write these in like... 2 AM. It’s mostly angst, and may includes yandere or dark themes too.
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"I know everything about you, from what you like to eat, your preference in clothes, every person you've talked to, until the fact that you're supposed to be mine. Yet I also know that your heart belongs to someone else."
"I don't want to return to our happiest time. I want to spend each and every memories together with you. From the most painful until the sweetest moments, I want you to be always beside me."
"I love you. I love you. I love you. I keep telling you that, I always showed you that love of mine. Are love supposed to be this painful?"
"I loathe being lonely. I despised loneliness. And I also hated the way every time silence came, my mind wanders towards our memories together in the past."
"Don't leave me too. I can stand being avoided, I don't mind you hated me, I know you want me to disappear. But dear, don't leave me alone in this loneliness. Losing you is even more painful than death itself."
"This heart of mine belongs to you, and it'll always be yours for eternity."
A:"Why are you staring at me?" B:"I'm looking at my favorite thing in the world."
A:"What's this?" B:"Breakfast! I make it for you!" A:"Why is the detergent bottle beside the stove?"
"Every person has many different faces. For me, I have 3, the first is towards strangers, second is for those I'm close with, and the third is just for you."
"What is the use of love language when I'm going to do everything you need and want flawlessly while also accepting everything you're going to do or give to me with my whole heart?"
"I wonder how you'll look like when I die without ever saying "I love you" to you? Aah, it'll be the best revenge ever. I'll be patiently waiting for that day to come."
"Can I believe you'll be waiting for me until I come back?"
A:"people said that after 5 years of marriage it isn't love anymore, it just become a habit of them to be together." B:"Well those people are wrong. I love you. What do you want for dinner?"
"In this life, I'll fulfill all of your wish that I failed to do in my last life. This time, I'll give you the happiness that you deserved."
"It's because you're precious to me that I'm letting you go. Your wish is my commands, and your happiness has always been my happiness."
"We may be killing dragons and in a big journey of saving the world, but to be honest, if I have the chance, I would much preferred to live with you without any problems besides tending our little garden.”
"You called me with a thousand nicknames but never even once you've ever called me by my name."
"We started off as friends, and then we became lovers. The problem is, our feelings never changes, we saw each others merely as a friend, never more, never less. That 'love' everyone dreamed about never existed between us."
"We have everything in this world except time."
"Thank you for teaching me what is the meaning of love to this despised me. I love you."
"I know that you don't care about me, and that you'll never cry because of me. But at the very least, when I die, will you attend my funeral?"
"I don't deserve any happiness. I am a sinner. This hand of mine has taken countless things from others, my own sins are crushing me as we talk. Nevertheless, I'm still breathing, and this life is a punishment for me."
"I hope in the next time when you wake up, you won't be greeted by the sea of blood anymore. I sincerely wish that you'll live in the beautiful scenery, just like the flowers in those paintings."
"I'm sorry. Although you've done everything for me because of your love for me, I could only feel my guilt towards you. The everlasting pain from the one I love will never cease forever."
"There's a lot of mistakes someone could never avoid in their life, but my biggest mistake in this life is placing my trust in you."
"It's my fault… What's the use of this pain from regrets when I can't do anything about it anymore…"
"In spite of everything that had happened, in the end, I still love this world."
"Everything just turn to the same things before you come to my life and yet I wonder why everything feels so different now."
"To others, it may seems like a trivial matter, a simple one, if I must say. But for him, that "good bye" is his greatest nightmare."
"Her life depends on me. I could kill her if I want, anytime. She belongs to me, and I couldn't live without her. And so, I'll allow her to live for eternity to accompany me."
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xdibstinkx · 1 month
Okay so me and my fiancée have had our own Invader Zim AU going for 3 years now, it's a mix of our OCS and canon characters but a lot of their personalities we have changed to make them unique to our universe and our world! We call it the RoseGold universe
My fiancée doesn't have a Tumblr but she's been desperate to post our characters and stories somewheres so we're gonna make her one tonight! For now I'll post some OC intros and some basic lore
Our AU can be NSFW and 18+ sometimes, but I will always give a warning and tag the post properly. The 18+ moments are all mostly lore based
Almighty Tallest Golden
Belonging to my amazing fiancée Holly, she is the Irken ruler in our AU
She is a defective Irken with semi-rare genetics like fluffy antennas and almost blindingly bright yellow eyes
Fashionista! She loves to design her own dresses and clothes
She's soft and gentle, but can be very murderous and revenge hungry. Low-key a dictator but a sweet dictator
During her elite training, she met Miyuki. The two started a secret love affair; they would sneak out of their bases in the middle of the night and go to degenerate space clubs
Miyuki became a Tallest before Golden, she had vowed to Golden that they would be the first gay irkens to rule Irk together and prove that their race doesn't need to be all about destroying planets and training young smeets to be killers
Red and Purple were like um nope lol and had planned for Miyuki's death so they would become Tallest before Golden
In the AU Red and Purple don't die from the Florpus, but end up being demoted and banished from the Irken Armada, so Golden becomes Tallest
Has an appointment therapist, Tenn, who has an unhealthy and unprofessional love for Golden but Golden only sees them as really close work friends
Here's some art I've made of Golden! Also the bottom two are commission pieces by zimdial on Instagram!
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Royal Scientist Roze
Belonging to me, Roze is Golden's lover and the Royal Scientist!
She is also a defective Irken, she has emotional outbursts frequently and has a history of self harm (due to the trauma of being an invader + bad past relationship)
She's quiet and keeps to herself, awkward and bitchy, but behind closed doors she is the sweetest kittem
Very work oriented, takes her job very seriously as it took her forever to work her way up in the hierarchy
Her and Golden first fell in love while waiting on an emergency waiting room on the Armada together. Roze was training to be a scientist and Golden was still in elite training, this was during Golden and Miyukis relationship but they didn't exchange words until years later
Roze previously was engaged to her lab partner, Lilac. Their relationship was sloppy and not healthy, but they had to keep their lives a secret. They ended in flames, and later Roze gets her revenge on Lilac
Wasn't promoted to Royal Scientist until after Golden had come into power. Roze was assigned to give weekly debriefs on research and potential biological and chemical breakthroughs + hazards. They were always messy, Roze became so nervous from Golden's soft yet glaring eyes
Their relationship started one day in Golden's secret greenhouse. She grew all sorts of space flowers from all over the galaxy, and had invited Roze there for a 'research meeting'. Roze felt like she was going to be killed, until Golden leaned all the way down into her and admitted to how much she respects Roze. She asked her out on a date, same time same location in a few days
Because Tenn is an appointment therapist for the Almighty Tallest, she was also appointed to the Royal Scientist. Tenn developed an unhealthy and unprofessional relationship with Roze as well, but Roze didn't reciprocate and never actually liked her.
Some Roze art I've made! I don't draw her a lot, but I should
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Here's just some RozeGold stuff :)
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