#and forgets that while he is HARD to kill he is not IMPOSSIBLE to kill
judasgot-it · 2 days
HELLO‼️‼️ If you’re okay with it could u maybe write Tecchou with an s/o who tends to injure themselves on missions because they feel the need to “protect” him even if he is the strongest hunting dog😭😭 AHAKXBSBSKSSNSNJAJKS I don’t mind it if you write a oneshot or headcanons, i rlly don’t mind anything tbh (or just ignore this in general if you have no motivation/ideas for it)
I would do this because Tecchou is my pookie and I'm stupid as hell. Delusional, even.
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The new chapter was terrible and I hope Tecchou stays alive. MY POOKIE MUST LIVE
Scenario: Getting injured while defending Tecchou (i guess this is angsty sorry its the mood im in)
You had fucked up. Big time.
Being a Hunting Dog meant that you were going to be injured. Also meant that you were going to fight while you were still healing those injuries.
It didn't matter. It never mattered.
This was what the job called for, and you were always going to have to just deal with it. That's what it meant when your body was never truly yours.
But you were stupid, and sometimes you would rather forget this part of yourself.
You weren't the strongest in your group - far from it. Nor were you the smartest.
Maybe the dumbest. Because right now, you were sure you had just killed yourself on the field. A stupid decision, really; it hurts to die. It hurts a lot, and you don't know why you didn't know that.
"I'm sorry." What were you supposed to say? You died. Came back, but you had also died.
And now Tecchou seemed upset at you for it. His golden eyes were making holes through your skull, which was honestly a horrible feeling. He was usually easy to read when you knew his little quirks - the lines of his face, and how his body was almost always relaxed around the team.
Right now it was like he was on high alert. But also angry. His face hadn't changed, and it was making you scared.
"Y/n," He breathed in a breath so large it was as if he was breathing in slow motion. The only time he took his gaze away was to blink, and it was frightening how yellow his eyes really were. "Why did you do that?"
"Do what?"
"I'm not stupid." Tecchou laid his sword out across his lap - hard to tell if he was relaxed or trying to intimidate you. Just his stance, the way he spread his large body out in the hospital bed so naturally had made you feel so small.
"I just don't know what you mean."
"Why did you die?"
"...Because I got stabbed in the neck?"
Tecchou's face looked as if you had farted at a funeral. It was almost an impossible feat to pull the look from the man, so you should really give yourself an award.
Unfortunately, he only gave you a few seconds to enjoy the look, as he wiped it away quickly, instead starting a staring contest with a poster on the wall.
You wanted to say something to make him feel better - you had died, so really, shouldn't you be celebrating the medical miracle? Plus, you did die to save him.
Why would he be upset?
Carefully, you pulled yourself up from your hospital bed, leaning closer to the chestnut-haired man and gave him your best smile. You felt a little gross, and you hoped he wouldn't mind - you hadn't gotten the chance to brush your teeth since your last battle, so you were sure you looked disgusting.
"Are you okay?" You felt almost weak saying that.
Of course he would be okay. He was Tecchou Suehiro, the strongest hunting dog. He was sitting in the chair, untouched, while you were bedridden and covered in new scars.
"I'm," His hand reached for your wrist, thumbing around to feel the bones that hid underneath your skin. His eyes said nothing, only staring at your skin as he prodded around. "You fucking died."
"Died for you."
The concept wasn't hard. It was so easy to say it, but Tecchou only stared at you, as if he had heard it again for the first time.
I would die for you.
Not a new concept for lovers, by any means. Although, maybe it meant a little more when you were both soldiers.
"I can protect you, Y/n."
Tecchou looked up at you, his amber eyes glassy. His hand grabbed your shoulder, a firm grip as he leaned in close enough to breathe in your air. You would have leaned away, but he had eaten something sweeter earlier and it lingered on his breath, making the interrogation bearable.
It was also impossible to look away, given that his face was beautiful underneath even the worst of hospital lighting.
"I want to protect you, Tecchou."
"But you died."
"That's our job."
He sighed, leaning his body against the bed. You were trapped, and there was no way to escape him. Tecchou had practically started to steal your breaths as they came out of your mouth, the conversation continuing as normal.
"I would rather it be me than you."
One of his hands reached up to brush your hair out of your face, taking his time as his fingers reached a knot and gently brushing through it. He took his fingers and played with hair like this, slowly dragging them across your scalp.
"That's depressing. We can't both die."
You tried your best to laugh, despite the stitches along your throat. The best you could do was a smile, which Tecchou returned with mercy.
It wasn't funny, but neither was dying.
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this probably should be longer but like yolo. i could dapple in a pt 2 where it just nsfw or something I've thought about it before ngl
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modern-inheritance · 3 months
Post-lunch post.
Durza in MIC is an overly self assured, monologue loving evil peacock that honestly just likes the sound of his own voice.
Evil peacock.
*slurps post-lunch post coffee*
That is all.
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yueebby · 5 months
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4:36am – gojo satoru
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synopsis. satoru is dying (he has a fever) and he needs his darling wife (you) to nurse him back to health 
contents. fluff, lovesick!gojo, even in sickness gojo can still flirt, he yaps a lot abt marriage and he’s kind of perverted, but he’s just so in love why dont you just give him one chance?
notes. i tried to make this very shoujo-esque. cant have a good shoujo anime without a fever episode!  this has also been sitting in my drafts for a hot minute. enjoy yet another fic of me showering satoru with affection (sigh).
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the cold wooden floors of your dormitory creak underneath your waddling feet. your sleepy haze does not deter you from the strong desire for a cold glass of water.
surprisingly, the usual dark communal kitchen is illuminated by the small lightbulb inside of the fridge. you hear shuffling of some items from the white icebox, removing any ounce of sleepiness from you. it was unusual for anyone to be up at four in the morning.
a tuft of white hair peeks over the refrigerator door, giving the culprit’s identity away.
“satoru? i thought you were still on that mission in sendai?”
the sounds of digging pauses. satoru’s rises to his full height, towering over the rundown refrigerator door. he gives you a crooked smile that you rarely see. it’s dopier than one of his signature cocky smiles.
“missed me? don’t worry, i tried to speed run it since i knew i had such a beautiful woman waiting for me back home.” 
you placed a hand on your hip, scoffing at his pathetic attempts to flatter you. a snarky response was about to fall from your lips, but a series of painful coughs from the lanky male stopped you. 
you recoil back to avoid his germs. “gross. are you sick?”
satoru sniffles, pointing his nose in the air. the same nose that was starting to turn pink from irritation. “i can’t get sick. it’s physically impossible.” 
“don’t be stubborn, satoru. why didn’t you call for help?” 
he huffs, eyes trained to the floor. “it’s too early. shoko’ll kill me for waking her up.”
sometimes you forget that satoru had an image to uphold. he was the great gojo satoru, after all. 
but if you don’t take care of him, then who will? and despite your disdain at the thought of coddling his ego, it was only basic decency to take care of a fellow peer (or that was what you’d like to convince yourself).
silently, you place the back of your hand to his forehead. you’re not surprised by the warm sensation that you feel. 
satoru’s hazy eyes watch as you move your hand from his forehead to his cheek.
you purse your lips in concern. with the way satoru was stubbornly denying that he wasn’t sick, you were nearly certain that he was indeed not fine. without warning, you grab the collar of his white t-shirt and pull him to your room.
“at least take me out to dinner before~”
“shut it.”
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it wasn’t hard to get satoru to settle in your bed. in fact, he seemed giddy at the opportunity. while he was happy cuddling with your rilakkuma plushie, you came to two conclusions: either satoru had a wound from his mission that got infected, or he was simply sick.
knowing his pride, you lean towards the former.
the boy in question winces when you grab his shoulders to inspect the damage done to him. the sounds of furious pats and heavy breathing is the only thing you can hear over your rapidly beating heart as your hands run down his body to check for any injuries. satoru sucks in his breath when your hands cup his cheeks to loll his head to check for any damages done to that pretty face of his. 
his body tensing up doesn’t go unnoticed by you. your imposing hands immediately retract, afraid of inflicting any more damage on him.
“where is the wound?!” your frantic eyes meet his blissed out ones. 
satoru sighs happily, lazily grabbing your hands to bring back onto him,  “there isn’t one, this just feels nice.”
your chest angrily puffs up before you shove him into your soft mattress. he grunts, but you know it didn’t hurt.
“[name]!” he whines, rubbing the arm that cushioned his fall.
you cross your arms angrily, “you scared me!”
gojo mimics your actions, crossing his arms while weakly glaring at you. his efforts to intimidate you prove futile as he shivers uncontrollably, resembling a newborn kitten.
sighing, you delve into your closet, emerging with an oversized black sweatshirt that you toss to him.
he catches it with ease, a chuckle escaping while he inspects the sweater, “i never took you for the type to wear this.”
“....that’s not mine.” you give a nod in the direction of the men’s sweater. the sparkle of amusement vanished from satoru's eyes, coinciding with his jaw dropping.
his grip on the dark sweatshirt tightened while his head darted back and forth from you to the clothing item. “then whose is it?!” 
you think that you’ve broken him when his face scrunches up in disgust. it’s laughable how his mouth had managed to stay wide open the entire time.
“sugu-suguru?!” he splutters. you slowly nod, careful not to make any sudden movements that could provoke him any further. “why– how– explain yourself!”
you cast an uneasy glance at the sweater, finding it challenging to summon any recollections of how you obtained it, especially with satoru's piercing cerulean eyes fixed on you. his scrutinizing stare has the power to reduce you into a puddle.
“well? go on,” he urges you when you stay silent. 
“it’s nothing, really. i believe it was from that mission i had with suguru a while back. somewhere up north. i had packed light and suguru offered me his sweater.” you tap a finger on your chin to recall the memory. “i guess it just slipped my mind to return it.”
“slipped your mind, huh…” satoru sniffles before letting out a sneeze loud enough to wake up japan. you nearly jump out of your skin.
“suguru was just being friendly… and be quiet! yaga will have our heads if he finds you in the girls’ wing!” you warn the weary boy in front of you, prompting him to respond with a dramatic sigh.
“how mean!” he whines before making a pained expression. you quickly rush to his aid. when you make it to his bedside, satoru weakly hands you a clean tissue.
you stare at it blankly.
“be a darling and help me blow my nose?” he gestures for you to hold the tissue up for him. all you can hear are muffled whines when you shove him underneath your plush covers. 
when your flurry of attacks ends, he cautiously lifts his head from beneath the sheets. to his surprise, a steaming bowl of bitter melon miso soup is presented to him. while the broth isn't your personal favorite, shoko appreciates its bold flavor, spurring your decision to prepare it the night prior. despite its bitter components, the concoction had a perfect track record of treating illnesses. you have your brown haired friend to thank.
perhaps it was cruel of you to take enjoyment while he eyes the bowl in horror. you know his sweet palate couldn’t handle it.
he looks up at you with big pleading eyes while shaking his head. you roll your eyes.
“c’mon, it won’t kill you.” the bowl inches closer to him by your doing. “please?”
satoru's pallid complexion contorts into a hesitant frown. "i’ll eat it…” he concedes reluctantly. however, his gaze lingers on the bowl with a mixture of uncertainty and reluctance. you respond with a hopeful smile, but it fades when he adds, "on two conditions."
“this is for your own health, not mine satoru.” you remind him.
“doesn’t it pain you to see me suffer?” he brings up, eyes glittering in the darkness.
you suck in a breath. “...not really.” lie.
“you wound me, love.” he clutches his shirt like he has been critically hit. 
you bite your lip, tired of his theatrics. “what are the two conditions?”
just like that, gojo comes back to life.
“condition number one! you have to feed me.” he points one finger into the air, paired with an innocent smile. “and two: i want you to warm me up like that night in our first year.”
an unflattering appalled expression is cast over your face. no words leave your mouth for a good minute. “y-you’re disgusting. why are you the way you are?”
“love,” he sighs. “anyways, what kind of wife wouldn’t feed her husband while he’s dying?”
“satoru,” you warn. he was starting to babble nonsense again. “if i accept your conditions, will you shut up?” your eyes were starting to feel heavy. it was the middle of the night, after all.
he nods fervently.
carefully with the bowl of soup in hand, you gently squish yourself next to satoru on your full sized bed. the tight fit left you little room to move, forcing the two of you to nestle closely to each other. with a gentle maneuver, you rest your head on his chest. his arm slowly drapes itself protectively over your shoulder.
“your heart is beating awfully fast.” you whisper, tilting your head upward to take a glimpse of satoru’s feverish face. his breath hitches.
he takes a hand and holds your head back onto his chest to prevent your movement.
“shut it. i didn’t think you would actually accept my conditions.” he mumbles.
“don’t get used to it. this is another moment of weakness.”
you stir the spoon in the broth, basking in the silence of the night, save for satoru’s erratic heartbeat.
“this is very intimate isn’t it?” he gushes. “it’s almost like we’re married—”
“keep your side of the deal,” you remind him, lifting a spoonful of broth up to his mouth. satoru looks straight into your eyes as he opens his mouth to receive it.
his adam's apple bobs when he swallows, “i’m going to tell our grandkids that we were written in the stars.”
you shove another spoonful of soup into his mouth.
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extra notes
satoru magically recovered from his fever the next morning.
his second condition (for you to warm him up like that night in your first year) refers to this fic from earlier on in the series.
satoru also made you promise to never accept another hoodie from suguru. if you needed one, satoru was more than willing to give you his! (you halfheartedly agree, only because he was acting all delirious because of his fever).
as of right now, there have only been three occasions where satoru has fallen asleep in your presence. he can testify that those were the best nights of sleep in his life.
shoko went into your room for a spare pair of stockings the next morning only to find you tucked into gojo’s chest. she chases him out of your room all while calling him a pervert . bless her heart.
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sugoi-writes · 2 months
I feel like Alastor would never walk in while you're indecent/in disarray physically... he knows how to knock, afterall... BUT--
I can see Alastor playing things off well enough. He's a gentleman, so he avoids eye contact. You feel his coat drapping over your shoulders as he rambles about something.
An incoming meeting, the next group activity, or simply what he had for breakfast that day. Mundane things that can absolutely wait... but he's such a Chatty Cathy! If Rosie isn't around or too busy, then you simply MUST hear him out about his struggles. Your clothing be damned, it's simply TOO important.
Much like with Charlie, he sits or lays directly across your bed, like a tween girl at a sleep over, his feet kicking in the air. He's relaxed. His eyes are half lidded. Your room may as well be his second bedroom. He doesn't mind making himself at home even while you're frantically trying to cover yourself or throwing things his way.
A classic case of "Hello dear, I was meaning to ask you about-- yes, I'm aware that you're undressed, why are you screaming? *covers you in his jacket* AHEM. Anyway--"
However, if you're closer than friends...
Alastor lets himself in, unprompted. Usually via shadow. Unlike before, eye contact is intentionally made, lest you get the idea his eyes are wondering. And if you relax enough, you may actually catch them doing so. He'd help himself to your closet, picking something out for you to wear.
"Oh Heavens, no, you are not going out like that! Here, why don't you try this instead? Red is positively RADIANT on you!"
Alastor would tut and force you to do little poses and spins, shifting you through multiple outfits until he's satisfied. But, of course, if you put your foot down, he won't stop you. That just means that tearing it OFF of you will be much more satisfying.
Alastor will, more than likely, forget why he entered in the first place. Or, better yet, he may not even have a reason to! He just wants to be near you, or he wants to kill time before he has to be productive. You are his one and only source of rest and relaxation. You help his brain disconnect with the world, and help him let his hair down (metaphorically).
Though Rosie and others are more than capable of helping him pass the time, he'd like to spend it with you, especially if your own time is limited. And, if you have no where to be... he may just find a way for you to keep your clothes off a little longer.
Don't mind him if there's a lingering touch here, or if your laces are tied a little too loose... he can't help himself. He'd much rather see you with nothing at all. For your sake, you better hope he isn't feeling too frisky... Because once something comes off by his hands... it make be hard or straight up impossible to be worn again.
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freelancearsonist · 3 months
Parts and Labor
➔ Eddie Munson x fem!Reader - 5k
➔ Eddie’s van is practically falling apart, but he doesn’t have the heart to replace it. Luckily for him, you’re willing to put in the effort to fix it—as long as he helps.
➔ Rated MA for unprotected p in v sex (don’t do this irl pls), oral (f receiving), heavy petting, creampie, fingering, cumplay, Eddie has scars and lies about where he got them, reader has female anatomy and uses fem pronouns, reader is a mechanic [please let me know if i missed anything at all :)]
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Eddie slams down the hood of his van, kicks the front tire as hard as he can, then winces–both at the sudden pain in his foot and at the overreaction.
“Come on baby, please,” he pleads futilely to the unresponsive engine. “I’ll give you anything, just start.”
The engine, apparently, won’t be seduced.
Eddie digs through the pocket of his low-slung jeans, finds a dime somewhere in the pile of gum wrappers and old receipts, and runs to stick the coin into the nearest payphone booth.
The garage answers on the last ring, and Eddie doesn’t even have to identify himself. They’re almost as familiar with his junker van as he is himself. They’ve wrung more money out of him for repairs than the damned thing is worth, and Eddie knows it. He knows the vehicle is on its deathbed–repeatedly resuscitated at this point–and that he should just replace it. But he can’t. Beyond fear of hurting its feelings, he’s become attached to it. He’s made memories in that stupid van. To him, replacing his ride would be like wading a huge portion of his life up and throwing it in the trash. He just won’t do it.
The garage is merciful enough to give him a ride there along with towing his poor, lifeless van. He’s not eager to spend a day in the waiting room sipping lukewarm black coffee, but he needs to be there for her. His lady is dying–waiting for news from her doctors is the least he can do.
He forgets all about his lady when you walk through the door.
You’re the Porche 944 of women. He’s never seen anything or anyone quite as breathtaking as you–with the small grease smudge on your cheek, your hair pulled back so sloppily that half of it is already fallen down, and your denim overalls unclipped on one side to show off the faded Iron Maiden t-shirt you wear underneath. You’re wiping your hands on a grease rag as you approach him and Eddie just stands in dumbfounded silence. Who are you and where have you been his entire life?
“Munson,” you greet with a slight smile. 
He almost chokes. You know his name? He knows he’s never seen you before in his life–you’re the kind of girl he could never forget. Especially with how much time he’s had to spend here.
“Having trouble getting her to start?” you continue without missing a beat. Eddie doesn’t miss the way you refer to his van, and it makes him impossibly more hooked. “Seems to be a bad ignition coil. Easy enough to fix, except your crankshaft is rusted to shit and I’m honestly surprised the whole engine hasn’t fallen apart when you hit a bump or something. Seriously, it’s dangerous to drive at this point.”
Eddie hears you, but he doesn’t comprehend a single word you’re saying. He’s hyper-fixated on the way your lips form around your words, on how you’re speaking mechanics and you actually understand what you’re saying. He’s never met anyone like you.
“But you can fix her, right?”
You smile, and he feels his heart skip a beat. “Honestly? My professional advice is to just sell it for scrap and buy a new car.”
It’s like a smack to the face. He has to blink the shock out of his eyes while you stand there so simply, like you didn’t just tell him to kill his darling.
”What’s your unprofessional advice?”
You bite your lip, busy your hands with a grease cloth. “I could fix it. But it’ll take some time, and it’ll be expensive as hell. It would honestly be cheaper to buy new.”
”I’ll pay for the fix,” he says firmly before he can consider what he’s really agreeing to. “I can’t just replace her.”
Your smile is softer when you look back up at him. “I really admire that.”
Those words shouldn’t have as much of an effect on him as they do.
”I can do the job, but not here. There’s no way my boss would let me take up a lift for as long as I need to actually do a good job, and I don’t believe in doing mediocre work. But I’ve got enough equipment at my place if you trust me?”
You’re not only saving his lady, you’re promising not to screw him like so many people have before. He’s thinking about proposing, but he keeps his cool long enough to say, “yeah. Yeah, I trust you.”
”How much do you know about cars?”
He notices a strand of hair that’s fallen down into your face, and it takes all his restraint to keep himself from pushing it behind your ear for you.
”I know enough,” he says with a modest shrug.
Your eyes shine with something that he can’t identify as you gaze up at him. “Well, if you wanna help me, I’ll only charge you for parts.”
Eddie doesn’t even need to consider. A chance to spend more time with you, and a discount on repairs? “Yeah. Yeah, that sounds great.”
The first night he comes over, it’s the sticky hot of a midsummer Indiana evening. He’s in low-slung faded jeans and a baggy white tank top that shows more of his chest than should be legal. There’s so much lightly tanned skin on display that you can’t decide where to focus—much less consider the engine you’re supposed to be working on. You can’t help asking about each little spot of ink you see on his skin, curious to learn even the smallest nuisances of his personality.
He’s the most interesting person you’ve met in this podunk town since your move to Hawkins from Indianapolis. He’s goofy and aloof, charming yet awkward. He’s so gentle and sweet you can practically smell the saccharine of his words as he speaks. He’s an animated speaker—so passionate about everything he does that he puts his whole body into it. There’s a refreshing energy to him that recharges your social battery as he goes, rather than draining it like everyone else does.
By the second night of working on Eddie’s van with him, you’re close enough to call him a friend. You know what seems like every small detail about him—his favorite color, the story behind the small scar on his left knee.
By the third night, you’re fighting every instinct in your brain to keep from throwing him inside said van and having your way with him.
Especially when you deliver to him a cold glass of iced tea and he drinks it in the sluttiest possible way he can—big gulps that send the condensation on the outside of the glass spilling down his chin to leave little paths of wetness down his neck and chest. It’s like full-on torture.
On the fourth night, you’ve had the engine block completely disassembled and ready for the new crankshaft for a couple days. It’s hard for Eddie to see his baby gutted and torn apart this way, but he knows you’ve got the most capable hands of any mechanic he’s ever known. There’s a delicacy and attention to detail in your craft that he’s never seen before, and he’s enraptured with watching you work. He’s even more enraptured by the sticky glistening of your skin in the red-orange light of sunset every night.
There’s really no reason for him to keep meeting you every single evening—all you’re doing at this point is busywork cleaning various parts because the real work can’t be done until the new parts arrive. Both of you know it, too—but neither of you will admit it. You’ve both come to look forward to these few hours together, comfortable even though you’re both sweaty, sticky, and greasy. Suspending them at this point would be a crime.
There’s just the faintest peek of reddish light left over the horizon when the conversation lulls, but Eddie’s not ready to go quite yet. “You hear Megadeth’s touring in Indy this fall?”
”No shit?”
”No shit. Tickets are probably going fast.”
”We should get some,” you say with a cautious glance over at him. This is it—this is as grand of an invitation as you can work up the courage to make. If he can’t take the bait here, you’ll be forever casting lingering glances and praying he’ll make a more substantial move than just eyeing you up and down like you’re the finest, purest water in a parched desert.
Eddie’s heart rate skyrockets even as he’s willing himself not to read too far into your words. ”Yeah? You’d… wanna go with me?”
”Might be nice. To hang out and do something other than pretend to work on your car.”
”All you had to do was ask, sweetheart,” he says with a look that’s far too smug for his own good on his face. 
Even though it’s a little ridiculous, his cockiness flusters you. ”Wasn’t sure you’d want to.”
”How could I not? I’ve got the girl of my dreams five feet away from me, I’d be crazy to not want to spend every second I can get with her.”
”Oh, is there someone else here?” You try to giggle and make it sound like a lighthearted joke, but it comes out far more flustered than you mean for it to.
”No. Just you.” It’s only three words, yet you’ve never heard anything more fraught with tension in your life. It’s in his dark eyes, in the set of his jaw, in the way his hands clench into fists at his side to keep from reaching for you.
All your eyes can manage to do is trace up the prominent veins in his forearms from his white-knuckled fists. If you meet his eyes, you know your resolve will disappear faster than a delicate snowflake on warm skin.
But he takes a step closer to you, and it’s too late before you can even consider stopping yourself.
His dark eyes are swirling with lust. There’s no mistaking it, no other label for it. It looks animalistic, almost dangerous. He looks like he wants to devour you whole, and you want nothing more than to find out if he will.
”You, umm… need a refill?” You gesture with your eyes to the now empty glass in his hand, then nod toward the house. It’s all the invitation he needs.
The second the door clicks shut behind you, Eddie’s hands are on you. They start on your waist, effectively pinning you against the closed door and using you as an anchor to press himself as close to you as he can.
It’s eager and rushed, even a little sloppy. He kisses wet, he kisses deep. It’s like he’s trying to suck the air straight from your lungs, and you let him. Nothing has ever felt so good before.
“Christ,” he mumbles as his hot lips work their way down your neck. “Been wanting to do this for days.”
There’s a slight tremble in your hands as your fingers work their way into his curls, already nearly overwhelmed with the sensation of his mouth on your overheated skin. “Why didn’t you?”
”Didn’t wanna scare you off,” he confesses. It’s so endearing it pulls a moan from your lips.
“There’s not a lot you could do to scare me off, Eddie.” You mean it; you try to prove it by tugging him closer and slotting him between your legs. You can feel his pent up desire, hard and thick, as it presses against your core through his jeans. The feeling alone makes you ache with desire. It’s like a wave sweeps through you, cascading from head to toe and making everything in its wake prickle with unbearable want. You are molten flame, and he is the only thing that can douse your heat.
No one’s ever had such an astronomical effect on you from doing so little.
Eddie isn’t faring much better. He walks in a fog, blinded by clouding desire—especially so when your leg hitches up and around his hip to tug him harder against you. It’s like his cruise control is set, speed regulating with every incline or downward tilt—adjusting every little movement and touch to draw more breathless moans and whimpers from your parted lips.
A slight tug to his hair snaps him back into his own body, drawing a sudden clarity on the situation. He’s no longer an outsider looking in, as if an astral projection watching and criticizing his every move. Eddie is fully present and hyper-focused on one thing: making sure no other person can ever properly satisfy you again.
”You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs over and over into your skin as he traces kisses over your exposed neck and shoulders. His fingers hook into the strap of your tank top and slide it out of place, making way for a series of open-mouthed kisses as he ensures that not an inch of your skin is neglected.
You keen at his praise and reward him with a gentle tug to his messy curls. “So are you.”
He prickles with affection at your compliment, his cheeks warming in a way that feels completely foreign to him. No one’s ever called him beautiful before—he’s really never thought it could even be applicable to him—but he feels like he could get used to it.
He asks so nicely to take your top off and you give him permission without hesitation. You can see the flash of want in his eyes as he takes in your mostly naked torso, gaze skirting around the boundary of your bra as if he’s too shy to ask again for permission to remove a garment.
You decide to put on a little show as you give him what he wants; you unhook your bra and slide the straps down your arms so achingly slowly he thinks he might combust. And then finally, gloriously, you let the fabric fall to the floor and Eddie gets his first look at your bare chest.
He gapes, open-mouthed, for longer than is frankly comfortable—to the point you’re almost about to cover yourself up again.
And then he says, “Permission to do something highly inappropriate and maybe even a little degrading?”
”Uhh… sure?”
In a flash he’s buried face first in your sternum, hands coming to cup your breasts and dramatically smother himself in your cleavage. He lets out a pleasured groan as you giggle, deft fingers lightly tugging and pinching the sensitive peaks of your nipples. He prickles with pride at the breathy gasp you emit when his mouth starts working—he turns his head to suck one hard mound between his lips and keeps up the pressure with his fingers on the other.
”Sh-shit…” you sigh and slump into his attention, arms hanging like limp ribbons by your sides. “Eddie…”
”Love the way you say my name,” he practically purrs. “So fucking pretty.”
He switches sides now, firmly dragging the flat of his tongue over your nipple before sealing his lips around it and sucking. The pure pressure of it makes you cry out, fingers tugging harshly at his curls.
”Jesus, that feels amazing,” you whine. It’s so good, but it’s not nearly enough at the same time. And it’s like he can sense it—like he’s got some kind of a psychic connection with your body. He adapts immediately to what you need, dropping to his knees to unbutton your jean shorts and deftly slip them down and off your legs. He smooths his palms against your bare thighs and lets you feel the cold kiss of his metal rings against the burning flesh there, all the while looking up at you with dark eyes that you can’t quite identify. There’s lust, sure, but something else in those chocolate orbs. Something akin to adoration—like he’s on his knees preparing to worship you.
”Can I?” Those long, thick fingers hook into the waistband of your underwear and you’re nodding before he’s even finished asking.
You wish you could put the sound he lets out once he finally has you bare on vinyl to repeat over and over again. It’s somewhere between a growl and a whimper, completely heady with desire and want; need, even. The fact that he needs you like this is so overwhelming and flattering that you can barely process it. You don’t have time to, because in a moment his lips are wrapping themselves around your clit and sucking. He goes straight past gentle and into pure pressure just like he did with your nipples; as above, so below. And it’s bliss—thigh-quaking, breath-hitching, earth-shattering bliss.
All you can manage to do is scrabble for purchase against the wall his hands have you pinned to. You have to sound absolutely pathetic, but you can’t be bothered to care because you’re precariously close to coming and it’s only been a matter of minutes.
He moans, like he’s tasting the finest, most expensive and decadent cuisine he’s ever had. The sound vibrates against your pussy and travels up your spine all the way to your brain—it nests there and makes it’s home, drives you into a fuzzy state of ecstasy. And all the while that luxurious tongue is hard at work, alternating between lapping thirstily at your entrance and fluttering against your clit in a way that causes every muscle in your abdomen to contract.
Nothing should be able to feel this good—it’s so desperately close to overwhelming. Simultaneously, you would rather die than lose this feeling is it crescendos to a fever pitch.
”Let go,” he murmurs against you, and you know he’s not talking about your grip on his hair. “It’s okay. I gotcha, let go f’me.”
You’ve never fancied yourself to be the obedient type per se, but apparently your body is feeling particularly traitorous today. It takes all of three more seconds before you’re doing exactly what he said—legs trembling with the burden of your weight as you crash and burn on his tongue. You whine and beg and plead, all of it meaningless babble as he works you over and through your pleasure with that wonderful, amazing, perfect mouth of his.
You don’t even process you’re collapsing, but thankfully Eddie does and catches you with ease. There’s a cocky chuckle in his throat as he lays you down on the floor, and you would smack him for it if he hadn’t earned it. Instead, you grab him by the collar of his shirt a little rougher than mean to and drag him to your mouth, relishing in the high-pitched whine he admits at your light manhandling.
You moan at the taste of yourself on his lips, and Eddie can’t help grinding himself hard against your thigh in an attempt to relieve the pressure of his untouched arousal. This kiss is nasty—wet, gnashing, desperate. There’s no control to it on either end.
”That good, huh?” He mutters into your mouth. His voice is barely more than a whisper—you can’t expect much more when you’re kissing him the way you are, grinding your thigh against his aching cock all the while. And even still, despite his obvious desperation, he manages to be cocky about how hard he made you come.
If you weren’t head over heels for this man before, you certainly are now.
You start tugging at his belt and he chuckles, only growing more sure of himself by the second.
”Wait, baby, lemme take you to bed,” he huffs over the feeling of your hand finally sliding into his jeans where he needs you most.
It makes you gasp when you finally have him in the palm of your hand. As big as he felt through his jeans, nothing could’ve prepared you for this. He’s heavy, achingly thick, and you can feel the way he positively throbs in your grip.
And just as you’re about to agree and show him to your bedroom, you shake your head firmly; because as uncomfortable as this floor is going to feel and as much as your back is going to hate you for it later, you need him now. There’s no time for relocating; if he doesn’t give it to you right now, here in the middle of your living room floor, you think you might perish.
”Right here?” He hums as if he’s not affected at all while he slots himself between your legs. “On the floor? Can’t even wait thirty seconds to let me have you the right way? Dirty girl.”
It’s such a shift in dynamic; not an unwelcome one at all, certainly. But he’s been so shy and timid up until this point—always following your lead, blushing when his hand brushes against yours. You wonder if he’s like this with everyone—if he feels some pressure to perform an act or role, to hide his true personality. 
The thought makes your chest ache a little bit, but you don’t have time to dwell on it because he’s breaking you in half. He’s so slow about it, too; barely pressing his tip into you, giving you time to adjust to every millimeter he gives you. Even still it punches the breath out of your lungs and makes your eyelids flutter at the intrusion.
”Shit.” It’s not spoken so much as whined, and suddenly you’re starkly aware of just how much you’re affecting him. You bite your lip to steady yourself so you can look up at him, and the sight alone is almost enough to unravel you. Unruly curls spill down over his shoulder and dangle in the air over you. His mouth hangs open—fast, shallow breaths make his bottom lip quiver. His pupils are so blown with desire you can barely see the warm chocolatey color of his irises.
You’re suddenly aware that in your desperation, you forgot a very important step. He’s still fully clothed—your legs rub against his t-shirt as his hands hook under your knees to spread you wider for him. You almost feel bad about it; in your haze of arousal his attention to your body has brought on, you’ve forgotten to be attentive to his. It pulls a whine from your lips as your hands unconsciously come to tug at the fabric.
He chuckles but acquiesces—not before you see a flicker of hesitation pass over his face.
It takes a moment to process what you’re looking at as he tugs his shirt over his head and tosses it to the side… and then your jaw drops. ”Shit, Eddie!”
He’s quick to quiet your exclamation with a heated kiss, unintentionally shoving himself that little bit deeper into your cunt. It distracts you, but only for a moment. Then you’re pushing yourself up onto your elbows, trying to wrap your mind around the myriad of deep, whitish-pink scars that litter his torso.
“Eddie, what—“
“Car accident,” he lies before he can think better of it. It’s a story he’s told so many times that he’s almost starting to believe it himself. “Couple years back.”
“Jesus,” you whisper as your fingers trace over the poorly healed lines.
“I know. They’re not pretty.”
That one sentence tells you everything you need to know. “It’s not that,” he assure him. “Just… a miracle you survived something that bad.”
“Yeah,” he hums. “I got lucky.”
He’s deflating a little bit, and the last thing you want him to do is lose that confidence he’s been exuding. You wrap your arms around your neck and pulls him flush against you, feeling every warm inch of his torso against yours as your tongue tangles with his.
“You’re beautiful,” you tell him again. And you mean it.
He draws a gasp from your lips when he presses even closer, every inch of his body covering yours and his length shoved all the way into your needy cunt. It’s almost too much for him—the combination of your tight, wet heat around him; the adoration in your eyes as you look up at him like he’s some kind of god; your hands pulling him closer like you might evaporate if you can’t feel every inch of his body at all times. It’s a heady feeling he’s never experienced before, being wanted this badly. It nearly unravels him—especially when you start bucking your hips up to him in search of the friction you so desperately need.
He sees your need, and it pulls him back into his dutiful role. “I’ve got you, baby.”
He starts with deep, slow thrusts that nearly make you drool—you feel the drag of every single inch against your walls, every vein and ridge and contour. It’s like you’re memorizing the shape of him from the inside out.
One ringed hand slides down your hip and along the length of your thigh to hook beneath your knee, hitching your leg up as high as he comfortably can to spread you wide open for the taking.
You get barely a moment's notice as he draws himself almost all the way out. And then he slams himself back into place—deep, hard, unrelenting. He revels in the sound it draws from you, something between a cry and a plea for more; he silently vows to himself that those little pleasures sounds are going to be all you’re capable of making by the time he’s done with you.
It’s borderline violent, the way he fucks you. His thrusts are relentless and expert in a way you didn’t expect him to be. His lips hardly leave your skin, muffling his moans into hickies and bruises on your neck and chest. His hands grip hard to your body, marks blossoming beneath his fingertips.
You’ve never fallen apart so easily.
“That’s it,” he purrs into your ear as he feels your walls fluttering around him. “Don’t hold back, lemme have it. Please, baby.”
And really, it would be rude to deny him after he’s asked so nicely.
Your orgasm comes like shattered glass. The sound is the first thing you process—your moans drowning out his steady grunts. And then it’s sharp. It drives its shards into your and makes you flinch away from the sensation, so pleasurable it’s almost painful.
You’ve never come just from being fucked before. Sweet, wonderful Eddie carries on working towards his own release like he doesn’t deserve a goddamned award.
“Can I…”
But you’re already nodding, wrapping your legs around his waist and coaxing him deeper—urging him to make a home in the deepest part of you.
He’s not a man who needs to be told twice. He rocks his hips as deep as he can and then presses even closer, the head of him bruising your cervix as he falls apart. And maybe it shouldn’t feel as good as it does, the sensation of him painting your walls with rope after rope or warm, sticky release; but you’re not in the mind to psychoanalyze yourself right now. Instead you do your best to help him through it, lightly ghosting the tips of your fingers in soothing patterns on his back as he pants and shudders.
“Yeah,” you giggle.
It takes him a few minutes to summon the courage he needs to pull his softening length from your warmth, and he bites down on his lip nearly hard enough to draw blood when he sees the absolute mess that slides down the curve of your ass.
”Jesus H. Christ,” he murmurs. His fingers come to swipe up some of the combined cum before he can stop himself, pushing it back into where he’d spilled it to begin with and relishing in the moan you afford him at the feeling of his thick fingers pressing into your over-sensitive entrance.
He’s so thoroughly enraptured with the sight before him. Your cunt squeezing so tightly around his fingers, cum dripping, desperate to reject due to the overstimulation. And yet you take it without flinching, chest heaving, head falling back against the hardwood floor.
He swipes his thumb over your clit so lightly and yet it still makes you squeeze like a vice around him, and so he does it again. He curls his fingers in search of that spot that made you fall apart so prettily on his cock, and once he finds it he doesn’t relent. That, combined with the light pressure on your clit, is more than enough.
Your thighs tremble, caught indecisively between spreading further open for him and clamping shut on his cum-slicked hand. He watches in awe as your lips part in a silent scream, ass arching up off the floor; and then, as you come down, you have to push him away because it’s finally too much.
”Fuck,” you whimper—he coos so reassuringly as he leans down to gently kiss your lips, errant curls brushing and tickling against your cheeks.
”I know, baby,” he whispers. “God, you’re incredible. Did so good f’me.”
You have to stay still for a moment—let his sweet, gentle kisses bring you back down from the clouds. And then you’re aware of the ache in your back and the absolute puddle forming under your ass, and you push yourself up with a weak groan.
”M’sorry,” he winces in sympathy. “Bed next time, I promise.”
And really, the promise of there being a next time shouldn’t make your heart skip a beat the way it does.
You’re worried things’ll be awkward now, but that’s the furthest thing from the truth. Working with him now is so much more effortless. The tension isn’t as palpable—it’s a fluid thing that you move through confidently now that your feelings and his are known. He isn’t afraid to watch you anymore, awe and adoration in his eyes as you show him how to reassemble the engine block. He observes your skilled fingers at work, and he’s not afraid to tell you how fucking sexy it is to him. He’s not afraid to rest a hand on the small of your back as he stands beside you, even occasionally getting brave enough to let it slip down and cup your ass. He’s not afraid to be his goofy, adorable, manic self—it’s the best metamorphosis you’ve ever seen.
You finish working on his van finally, and he almost tears up at how well she runs now—although he definitely doesn’t let you see that.
And as worried as you were that finishing this job would feel like the end of whatever this is with Eddie, it doesn’t. You feel secure, somehow, that he’ll keep coming back—for more than just parts and labor.
➔ A/N: thank you as always to @shakespeareanwannabe for putting up with my incessant questions and beta requests 🥹 ily lots
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sleepingcup · 1 year
Their Reaction to your lifeless eyes - [Genshin Edition]
Characters: Albedo, Wanderer/Scaramouche, Childe, Aether, Lumine, Ei
Genre: Platonic, Fluff, A little bit of angst, Before confession
Backstory: You never had a nice life time, everything that you encounter makes you feel depressed and everyone loves to stay away from you. They called you a monster and your parents kicked you away, the best you can do was to survive as usual. But you never thought you encounter someone who was worried about you.
He would find you facinating at first, but the minute he saw your lifeless eyes. People are telling him to avoid you of all places cause you actually look scary.
But that alone barely phases him, so he decided to walk up to you for a conversation. The more he stays with you the more his desires to destroy the world increases.
Let’s not forget that he would try everything he can to see your life full eyes and yet it failed so many times.
It saddens for him to know that it would be almost impossible but he decided to live with it and just accept who you are.
But he would be more interested about you even further since he is experiencing about how you were able to live your life.
His heart beat is something that he noticed yet he would be flustered when he realize that he had feelings for you.
Something about you makes him want to protect you even if you can protect yourself. And yet he tries not to hurt you, even tho you are pretty much numb to the mental pain. But he will be there for you even if you didn’t even ask for it.
Wanderer / Scaramouche
He is not phased for a second but he know that you had more pain that is equal to him. You would find yourself hanging out with him from time to time even if it barely made any progress.
It sure does take most of his time, but he wants to make sure that nothing bad happened to you behind his back. It was like securing his other small yet vulnerable self when he saw you, the wounds takes a very long time to heal but it won’t stop him from taking care of you.
Plus he did bring you to live at his place while Nahida checks up on you to know what exactly happened to you.
Dear Archons have mercy when he learned about your past, he will have murderous thoughts about killing them and Nahida has to beg you to stop from from trying to kill them.
But get used to his bashful face a joking threats cause he will find himself falling for you even if he tries not to, but seeing you smile for just once, something like that makes him feel accomplished that it almost drove him to tears.
Childe / Tartaglia
He would have THE audacity to talk to you right away. But the second he saw your eyes he immediately knew that you are depressed, so he decided to ask you out just for funsies, but he knows that something was never right.
He would take the time to analyze you and talk to you more often, and yet he was able to gather more evidence in secret once he learned about you the second he forced you to sleep in a hotel.
The next day your ex-family and ex-friends was in public shaming which makes you question his stupidity till someone mange to arrest the person for further forced questioning which you are wondering why did he go through all the lengths to do that.
You can bet that he is planning to use you, but Childe knows that you deserve something more than just suffering, so he made sure that his agents keep you protected in secret while he does his work.
But hopefully he would be able to see you smile, after all he made plans for you and him in secret.
Sadly he was shocked the minute he saw your lifeless eyes, he felt pity and solemn knowing that you went through something that he should not know. But he will check on you from time to time just to see how you are doing. So you can actually say that you two got along well even if its not simple.
He shines too bright that it is hard for you to look at him in the eye.
Knowing Aether’s sadness knowing that he can’t bring himself to cry, you made sure that he cries in your arms while Paimon is not around. You pampered him for comfort but it does make him feel better to the point that he insisted tha the would bring you with him on his journey. And made a promise that he will try everything he can to make you smile, laugh, and feel joy.
And yet he find himself blushing over the words to say not knowing that you smile at him.
She would be surprised however…. she knows that you don’t deserve that suffering. You may find Lumine hanging out with you knowing that you deserve more comfort, but it won’t stop her from finding out who did this to you.
But once she do, she made sure that you are having the best part of your life while she finds those people and beats them up secretly even if you had a feeling she would do that, you had to bring her away from tainting her reputation by force.
You seem to be a lost kitten that got adopted by Lumine who seems to be over protective the longer you two hang out more, but when you smile even once when she was making jokes about hilichurls. Lumine almost fainted out of pure shock but it was replaces by herself squeezing you to her.
Her ears are really red knowing that you look too precious and adorable to be hurt.
Ei / Raiden Shogun
The minute she saw you, she was speechless. She saws another part of herself into you, and yet she went out of her way to chose you of all places before asking the detectives what exactly happens to you of all places. She wants you to get rid of that solemn face of yours even if those attempts are mostly a failure.
But it won’t stop her from casting judgement to the ones who hurt you, heck even kill them publicly or shaming them in public. Many people do fear her menacing aura but but find many ways to cheer you up, even Yae Miko teases her for trying to make you smile even if that alone is impossible.
Cut to Yae Miko making novels of a Goddess trying to make a lifeless person happy fan novel for the Yae Publishing House.
That aside Ei was trying to understand how emotions work and knowing that it is okay to be vulnerable for a while. It makes he want to hug you knowing that she did cause him? and the other people of Inazuma to suffer greatly, she hopes to redeem herself over this by making you smile even if it seems impossible.
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okaylikesmomo · 1 year
Chapter 4: Sauna
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When you woke up, Chaewon was still deep asleep. You wanted to think she was exhausted after that session, but it was more than likely that she was just tired from all the hard work the group has been putting in recently. After all, they had just one day off before the comeback tomorrow.
This was a huge deal for them as it was their first comeback as a group. You wanted to make sure you were there to support your girlfriend to the best of your ability. Quietly, you got out of the bed, slipped on some casual clothes, and made your way down to the lobby to pick up your mail. After arriving in the mail room, you met your neighbor and nodded respectfully as you walked by.
“Heard quite a bit of noise last night, is everything alright?” your neighbor asked over his shoulder.
“Oh, yeah we were just playing some games and ended up getting very into it,” you answer while turning around.
“Right, games.”
He smiled and patted your shoulder before turning around and walking away. You went to the mailboxes and checked inside while smiling to yourself. Nothing interesting, just some envelopes that were probably bills and a couple of flyers. You picked up the mail and made your way back to your apartment.
After returning to your apartment, you opened the door and dropped off the mail on your table. As you took your shoes off, you heard a noise coming from inside. You found Chaewon on her hands and knees, scrubbing the floor.
“What in the world are you doing?”
“Cleaning the mess.”
Crouching down next to her, you grab the sponge out of her hand.
“Sweetheart, why?”
“I can clean,” she responds with her adorably tiny voice while looking down at the floor.
“I know you can, but you don’t need to clean my apartment,” you reply. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, everything is fine,” she answers with a sigh while sitting cross-legged on the floor with her back against your couch.
After plopping down on the floor next to her, you wrap an arm around her shoulder.
“What’s worrying my baby girl?”
“Our comeback… what if it doesn’t go well?”
You pull her closer.
The confusion on her face was palpable, “what do you mean it’s impossible?” she demanded.
“I mean exactly that, it’s impossible.”
If looks could kill right now…
“Stop making a joke about it, I’m being serious,” she snaps. “Do you know how much pressure I have? I mean, all of us do, but me especially. Don’t you understand? What if-” she inhales sharply while closing her eyes.
Her excessive rambling clearly showed how flustered she was getting. Somehow she managed to display ten different emotions all at the same time, and you couldn’t help but find it somewhat adorable.
“I don’t think so.”
“Stop that, I’m serious,” she scowls, opening her eyes just enough to glare at you.
She looked like she was actually about to hit you.
“You look so cute when you’re angry,” you comment while poking her cheek.
“I’m not angry, I’m…” she begins before pausing and sighing heavily. “I don’t even know anymore.”
After a short laugh, you found yourself leaning over and pressing your lips to her soft cheek.
“I won’t pretend to have all the answers, but I know you are going to have a great comeback,” you whisper against her face. “But today, we are going to have so much fun in the pool while you forget about everything for just a little bit.”
Tilting her head slightly, she smiles weakly at you.
“Seriously though, I can’t shake the idea that it might flop.”
While pulling her into a tight hug, you nuzzle your cheek against hers.
“Well, if it flops and you get fired, you can come live with me and clean up my floors as much as you want,” you reply with a hint of mockery. “As long as the mess is made by us having sex.”
Her giggles combined with the tight squeeze of her hug told you that you must have at least said something right.
“You’re late!” Yunjin shouts from across the pool.
“Sorry, sorry!” Chaewon pants as the two of you scurry over to where the rest of the group was standing.
“Hey slow down! It would be a terrible time to sprain an ankle,” Sakura scolds the two of you.
“Sorry!” Chaewon apologizes again while hugging Sakura. “You guys shoulda started without us!”
“How would we all jump into the pool at the same time if we started without you?” Yunjin teases. “Now come on, let’s do this.”
The five girls line up at the edge of the pool, holding hands, when Chaewon looks over her shoulder at you. “What are you waiting for?”
“Oh, I figured this was a group thing,” you reply.
“Aish, stop being like that,” Eunchae shouts. “Get in here!”
The five of them start shouting at you until you walk up and grab Chaewon’s hand. Together, the six of you jump into the pool while screaming. There is a mess of limbs under the water, and you have no idea what is going on. Eventually, you surface and you find yourself in Kazuha’s embrace.
“Oh, why are you hugging me?” she asks innocently while shaking her head, spraying the water off her hair all over.
“I’m not!” you counter. “You’re the one holding me!”
Sakura starts giggling while watching the two of you, meanwhile the other three girls start splashing each other with water.
“How often do you girls do this?” you ask while wiping the water out of your eyes.
“Not as often as we’d like, but every now and then they book the whole pool for us,” Sakura explains. “Benefits of being in one of the biggest companies I guess.”
Her outfit was stunning. She wore a tiny black top with a black zip-up jacket over it. Your gaze naturally found itself peeking at the slight cleavage she was displaying, immersed in her unintentional provocation.
Water splashes on the side of your face and you are quickly brought back to reality as Chaewon floats by on a little pink flamingo.
“Zuha! Join me!”
“Ne!” she shouts back while leaving you behind and paddling over to Chaewon.
Chaewon’s tight blue outfit left almost nothing to the imagination. The thin bodysuit accentuated her beautiful curves, making her cute butt especially prominent. The tiniest bit of her midriff was peeking out as her body bent sideways, making room for Kazuha on the flamingo.
While floating over in the pool, your mind thought of all the things you wanted to do with her. Wrapping your hands around her thin waist, her impeccably peach-like ass sticking out into your hips. That beautiful lower back of hers, and her remarkable ability to arch her back when she was about to cum.
“What are you thinking about?” Sakura asks as the tip of your head bumps into her soft chest.
Water fills your mouth as you flip around in a panic, trying to make sense of where you are in the pool.
“Sorry!” you cough as you finally find yourself upright.
“You alright?” she asks while flashing you a toothy smile, still leaning against the side of the pool with her arms up. “Why is your face so red?”
“Is it?” you ask while feeling your cheek. “Probably just because of all the water I swallowed.”
She giggles faintly.
“Hey, about the other night,” she continues softly. “I don’t- I just- I-”
“It’s alright Sakura,” you interject while leaning your back against the side of the pool next to her. “Nothing happened.”
With pursed lips, she turns to you. “I know nothing happened, but…”
Chaewon and Kazuha’s screams interrupt the conversation as their flamingo flips and the two of them fall into the water, making both you and Sakura turn in unison.
“You alright dummy?!” you shout towards them.
Chaewon stood in the middle of the pool like a statue with her eyes shut as her wet bangs pressed against her forehead. Kazuha was laughing wholeheartedly while chasing after the fleeing flamingo. Eventually, Chaewon slowly walked over to you and Sakura while wiping her eyes.
“I didn’t want my hair to get wet,” she whines while snuggling into your open arms.
“Maybe you should have thought about that before jumping into a pool.”
Sakura starts giggling again while letting her feet float up to the surface.
“He has a point, you know.”
“Don’t take his side!” Chaewon pouts. “I blame the flamingo.”
“Yeah! Silly flamingo!” you joke while Sakura’s laughs continue to fill your ears. With Chaewon in your arms, you couldn’t help but slide your hands around her body. Your fingers find refuge on her ass, gently pressing into it.
“Slide!” Yunjin shouts from across the pool while she follows Eunchae out of the water.
“Me too!” Kazuha shouts back while lifting herself out of the pool, forgetting entirely about the flamingo.
She wore black pants with a long-sleeved white and black top. As she was getting out of the pool, her wet pants were glued to her skin, showing off the shape of her ass perfectly. Your eyes, however, fixated on the tiny bit of her muscular lower back that peeked out as she lifted herself up.
“You’re lucky Chaewon’s not the jealous type,” Sakura comments.
“Oh believe me, this would never work out if I was,” Chaewon adds. “The amount of time I’ve caught him checking out Zuha…”
“Hey, it’s not my fault!” you protest. “I mean, come on, have you seen her body?”
Chaewon smiles at you and pecks you on the cheek before turning around and leaning her back against your chest.
“I’m not upset,” she giggles. “Of course I’ve seen her body. In fact, I’ve seen all of it.”
Sakura smirks while watching Kazuha climb the ladder to the slide. Your mind is reminded of Chaewon’s comment about how all idols fool around, and you can’t help but think about how Sakura and Kazuha are roommates.
“Do you want to see Zuha naked?” Chaewon asks you candidly before floating towards Sakura.
Sakura turns back towards you with her eyebrows raised. “Careful, that question sounds like a trap,” she laughs.
“It’s not a trap,” Chaewon interjects, making her voice scarily sweet.
“Of course not sweetie,” you hesitate. “You’re the only one I want to see naked.”
Chaewon rolls her eyes and splashes water at you before leaning against the side of the pool next to Sakura. “Liar,” she scoffs
“Why’d you even ask if we both know the answer?” you ask while splashing her back.
“Because I want to make you a deal,” Chaewon says while wiping the collateral damage off Sakura’s face. “You and Kkura swap beds tonight.”
“Oh? Sounds like your real intention is to get into Sakura’s pants,” you comment, noticing Sakura’s face turning bright red. “Well you have my blessing, but I think it’s up to Sakura.”
“Chaewon, um, when was the last time…?”
“The night before our debut,” Chaewon answers tenderly while wrapping her arms around Sakura’s body. “It seems fitting to spend the night before our first comeback together as well, no?”
It was uncharacteristic of Sakura to get this flustered over something like this, but the girl was a bit of a mess right now. After a few seconds of thought, Sakura nods her head to Chaewon who presses her face against her chest.
“Just to confirm, this means I get Kazuha tonight, right?”
“Only if she wants you,” Chaewon teases while splashing you with water again.
After exhausting themselves in the pool, everyone got out and spent some time replenishing. Whether it was sipping on fruity drinks out of various tropical fruits, or sunbathing on the rainbow-colored lawn chairs, relaxation was the only thing that mattered. You decided, after some heavy implications from Chaewon, to spend some time in the sauna.
The scorching heat relaxed your skin as you took a seat, awaiting Chaewon’s arrival. This particular sauna felt warmer than normal, and you felt a thin layer of sweat build up on your skin almost immediately. Leaning your head back, you slowly let your eyes close, letting the warmth drop you into a state of bliss. Without warning, you were taken out of your euphoric trance as you heard the door open.
“Took you long enough,” you mumbled as you opened your eyes. “Oh! Sorry, I thought you were Chaewon,” you quickly corrected yourself. “Come, have a seat.”
Kazuha smiles brightly at you before turning around and locking the door.
“Why did you lock-” you began before quickly bringing your hand up and covering your eyes. “Kazuha… your towel.”
“What’s wrong?” Kazuha asks casually while stepping over her towel and sitting next to you. “I hope you don’t mind, I just want to feel the heat on my skin.”
“Oh a-alright,” you stutter while trying to avert your gaze from her nude body. “I can come back later-”
“Wow, you’re sweating,” Kazuha notes, ignoring you. She starts slowly rubbing her hand across your chest, feeling your sweat-stained skin. “I’m jealous, for some reason I don’t sweat in saunas.”
“I see,” you reply, accidentally catching a quick glimpse of her nude chest.
“No really, look,” she says while grabbing your hand and making you grope her abs. “See? Nothing.”
“Huh, you’re actually not sweating,” you reply while taking another quick peek at her body. “Maybe it just takes you a bit longer.”
“It’s my whole body,” she continues while pushing your hand down towards her lower half. She rubs your hand dangerously close to her lady parts before making you feel her soft thighs. “No matter how long I spend, I don’t know why I don’t sweat.”
“I… don’t know either.”
“Can you help me?”
It was becoming impossible to completely avoid looking at her, but it became truly impossible now as she straddled you and took a seat on your lap.
“Do you mind holding me for a bit? Just to see if it’ll make me sweat.”
You were at a loss for words, and all you could do was sit there while she pressed her soft, but cute, tits into your face. At first you tried to look to the side, but you felt her fingers running through your hair and she pressed your head right up against her body. Her soft skin, layered with her firm muscles, felt incredible.
“This feels one-sided. Please wrap your arms around me, I promise I won’t bite,” she whines playfully. “Unless you want that,” she adds quietly with a whisper.
She had absolutely no shame, and it just clicked in your head that Chaewon wasn’t coming. You brought your hands up to her back and began exploring, feeling every inch of her muscular and toned back. She worked out a lot, and it showed. Still, however, her skin remained unbelievably soft.
“Are you sweating yet?” you asked into her chest while her soft tits muffled your voice.
“I can’t tell,” she moaned softly. “Do I taste sweaty?”
So that’s the game she wanted to play. You allowed yourself to completely succumb to her philanderous advances. Your tongue began to explore her breasts before you filled your mouth with one of her taut nipples, sucking on it like an orange slice.
“Oooo, do you like the taste,” she moaned teasingly. “Also, why are you poking me?”
In response, your hands slid down her back and gave her small butt a playful slap. The light spank made her giggle softly before grabbing your head with both hands, holding it steady. She began to twist her upper body left and right, shaking her little tits across your mouth. You lapped them up, licking as much of her body that she exposed to your tongue, while your hands began to feel her magnificent ass.
Her butt was soft and firm at the same time, an incomprehensible paradox filling your hands. Squeezing and kneading her skin, you got lost in her body. That sexy body that she loved to tease you with all the time. That titillating body you found on your mind more often than not. Your fingers slowly made their way from her ass towards her most intimate bits.
“Zuha! We’re about to go!” came an incomprehensible voice from outside.
“Coming!” Kazuha shouts back while quickly hopping off your lap.
She took two long strides before bending over extremely slowly and reaching for her previously discarded towel. She was blatantly showing off her ass, and your gaze was shamelessly locked onto the beautiful peach. With a quick peek over her shoulder and a giggle, she crouched down, making her toned ass spread just enough to give you a view of her puckered asshole.
It looked delicious; Your mouth literally began to salivate while watching her. After picking up the towel, she wrapped it around her body before turning around.
“You’re excited again!” she comments causally while pointing at your crotch with a huge smile on her face.
“Yeah of course… wait what do you mean again?”
“Earlier in the pool when you wouldn’t stop hugging me, I could feel you poking me.”
“What are you… I wasn’t…”
Before you could even make sense of your thoughts, she opened the door and walked out. You shortly followed while trying to subtly cover yourself with your hands.
“How’d it go?”
“Holy shit,” you gasp with a little jump. “Don’t scare me like that.”
“Why are you so on edge,” Chaewon giggles, walking up from behind you while interlocking your arm with hers. “Did Zuha get you all excited?”
“Did you tell her to do that?”
“Do what?”
“Don’t play dumb.”
A sly smile forms on Chaewon’s lips.
“All I did was talk to her about going on a date with you.”
“How does that lead to her stripping down and giving me a lap dance?”
“She stripped?” Chaewon gasps. “I’m jealous.”
“So you didn’t tell her to do it?”
“Not exactly,” she begins. “We were talking about a date, and she felt worried that you wouldn’t be interested.”
“Not interested?” you ask while stopping in your tracks. “How could she possibly think that? Especially with how much she teases me.”
Chaewon waits a second before walking with you again, making sure that the rest of the group is definitely out of earshot.
“Don’t forget what I told you, Zuha has never been with a guy before.”
“I know, but she seems so confident in herself, especially in her body.”
“Because she works her ass off for that body,” Chaewon continues. “But how can she be confident in something she’s never done?”
It made sense. You remembered Chaewon’s first time versus where she was now, it was like night and day.
“Why are you two always so slow!” Yunjin shouts from across the parking lot.
“Sorry!” Chaewon shouts back while the two of you jog to catch up to the group.
“Eunchae has a bit of a surprise meeting with Music Bank, and Yunjin wants to go to the company to record,” Sakura explains after the two of you catch up. “I’m going to take Kazuha out for lunch, we’ll all meet up again later tonight if that works.”
“I think we can find a way to kill some time,” Chaewon responds while looking at you.
Raw, unadulterated, fucking.
An apt description of what you were doing to the petite Korean girl bent over the edge of her bed. Your hips took no breaks, repeatedly smashing against the cute ass that she had been showing off all day in the pool. With your grip on her waist tightening, pushing down into her lower back, you could finally relish in your fantasy from earlier.
“Ahhh,” Chaewon moans. “Show me what you’re going to do to Zuha tonight.”
“Kazuha is going to be begging for this,” you grunt aggressively. “I’ll make sure she never forgets.”
“Stop fucking talking about Zuha while you’re balls deep in my pussy.”
“You brought her up first,” you gasped in frustration while taking a quick breather.
“Shut up and fuck me, before they come back.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to go get ice cream?”
A smirk formed on your lips when you saw the glare she shot at you over her shoulder. Before she could really get angry, you pressed her body as hard into the bed as possible and began really giving it to her. Her shrieks of pleasure were the perfect encouragement as they masked the sound of skin on skin. Luckily, the rest of the members were out getting frozen treats, which left you and her with the freedom to be as loud as you wished.
Fucking Chaewon from behind always pushed you to the edge pretty quickly, and you started thinking about where to dump your seed. An idea hit you, but first there was something else you couldn’t stop thinking about. You stopped pumping, leaving your cock fully embedded in her pussy, and you bent over her body.
Before she could voice her frustration, you ran your tongue up her back slowly, collecting her salty sweat in your mouth. After you made it as far up her back as your mouth could reach, you pressed your lips against her warm, flushed skin and planted a kiss directly against the nerves in her spine.
Chaewon’s whole body shivered, sending the vibration through your shaft. With your stomach flat against her back, you reached your hand down between her legs where it connected with her hand. You grabbed her slim fingers and used them like a toy, pleasuring her clit as you resumed your hip thrusting.
The rough, harsh plowing was replaced by a much softer, more methodical thrusting. You tried to match the movement of her hand with your thrusting as if you were the puppetmaster of her pleasure. After a few more pumps into her backside, Chaewon’s hand slipped out from under her and onto the bed limply as she lost the capacity to control her body.
With her laying down on your hand, you could also barely move your fingers at this point. You brought your legs together slightly, pushing hers inwards to make her grip on your hand as tight as possible. There was a full movement restriction on your hand now, and all it could do was soak up all of Chaewon’s juices as you pumped her over and over again.
“Oh baby I’m close!” she cried in pure delectation. “Bit more!”
Her words were redundant, you could tell just by how her pussy was contracting on your cock that she was about to explode. It only took a couple more wet thrusts before the jets were released. Despite your hand acting like a plug, her juices sprayed all over the bed, your fingers, and your thighs.
Chaewon’s pussy wouldn’t stop convulsing. Wave after wave of contractions traveled down your shaft like action potentials going through an axon. The rhythmic pulse of her body was making it near impossible to hold back. You ripped your hand out from under her body, releasing a fresh wave of her cum all over the bedsheets.
“Chaewon,” you gasp while swiftly withdrawing your cock before you came inside her.
Disregarding the slight swaying of her sensitive body, she held still like the perfect canvas for you while you vigorously stroked yourself to completion behind her. The rush took over your body, and it was physically impossible to control yourself anymore. Your orgasm was near and inevitable at this point.
Panting heavily, you leaned forward and grabbed one of Chaewon’s ass cheeks with your free hand. You spread her just enough to give you a clear view of her dripping pussy and her tight asshole. The sensation in your cock as you rode the precipice of your orgasm was driving you insane. While in this euphoric state, you tried your absolute best to aim at her asshole.
The streak of white ejaculate painting Chaewon’s back, however, was a clear indication of how poor your aim was. You immediately attempted to aim lower, resulting in the second streak not making it quite as far up her back and landing on her ass.
“Fuck,” you moan while the rest of your load lands on target, coating the gap between Chaewon’s ass cheeks.
A pool of your fresh seed was building up on her ass. The white goo slowly began sliding down, like raindrops moving down a car window while driving on the freeway. The visuals of your fresh, white cum between Chaewon’s ass cheeks was picture-perfect. With the hand on her ass, you gently played with her, watching as the cum was making little bridges between each of her cheeks when they would separate.
“I’m fucking exhausted,” you pant while falling onto your side next to Chaewon on the bed.
Her adorable smile made you feel like the luckiest person in the world right now. Still bent over and on her elbows, she leaned over to gently press her lips against yours. She kissed you a few times, softly, while your hand spontaneously reached up towards her ass.
“Mmmph,” she moaned softly into your mouth as you grabbed one of her cheeks and pulled her over so that she was laying on top of you. She stared deeply and lovingly into your eyes, her face mere inches away from yours.
“Have you ever thought about this one?” you asked gently while your fingers slid down between her cheeks, spreading your seed in a circle around her other hole. “I know I have.”
“Doesn’t it hurt, though?” she asks while biting her lip nervously.
“It can, but it can also feel good,” you answer while sliding your fingers down lower and mixing your cum with her own wetness. “It’s just an idea, I don’t want you to feel any sort of pressure.”
After a second of thought, her expression turns into one of determination.
“One finger.”
“Are you-”
She cuts you off by leaning down and briefly kissing you again.
“One finger.”
Seeing her look of determination told you that she was not only serious, but she was also ready. You slid your finger up, collecting as much of the cum between her cheeks as you could on your middle finger, until you found her asshole.
Carefully, you pressed softly against the hole, trying to get a sense of how tight she was. She had her eyes shut at this point, and the arms on either side of your head propping her up were both flexed and shaking slightly.
“Try to relax your body,” you whisper. “It’ll be easier that way.”
She inhales deeply through her nose, her eyes still shut, before slowly exhaling. Her minty breath hits your face, and you see her upper body relax ever so slightly. Her expression calms down, and with her eyes still shut she gives you a single nod of her head.
That relaxed expression was immediately erased as your finger forced past the initial tenseness of her asshole. She was wincing, but she didn’t object. You pressed forward a bit more, pausing again when her mouth shot open.
“Should I stop?”
With her eyes still shut tight and her mouth open, she shook her head faintly. Even though she was saying keep going, the tight squeeze of her ass was screaming for you to stop. You brought your free hand up between her legs and slowly rubbed her clit in an attempt to elevate her experience.
It must have worked, because you felt her asshole ease up marginally. Her eyes were still shut tight, but her mouth was closed and she was breathing into your face through clenched teeth. Unknown to her, you were smiling proudly at her determination as you started pushing your finger deeper into her body.
Deeper and deeper your finger went until it was past the halfway mark, her tightness threatening to cut off the blood flow entirely. Without warning, her eyes shot open and she squealed before her arms gave way. She fell onto your chest, gasping against your skin while her asshole pulsed like a strobe light
“Take it out or keep going?”
She took a moment of contemplation before she spoke up, “keep going, slowly.” Her voice was muffled, but certain, as she couldn’t lift her face off your chest.
After craning your neck to kiss the top of her head briefly, you began to move your finger back and forth inside her with the utmost care. You made sure to never go too deep or too fast, and you matched your other hand’s movements to create the perfect sensation for her.
It took some time for her body to really get into it, but you made sure to stay diligent. One finger was being squeezed like a lemon, while the other hand was being soaked by her pussy juices that were steadily flowing down. Your hands were working in tandem to try and make this avant-garde act as pleasurable as possible.
Eventually, you could feel her face pressing harder down into your chest. Her butt lifted up into the air slightly due to the arch of her back, that characteristic arch you knew all too well; She was finally starting to enjoy it.
“Don’t stop,” she moaned as her pussy dripped all over your lower body. “Whatever you do, don’t fucking stop.”
That was far from your plan.
The sound of pure wetness began to fill the air. Your fingers were going to prune up at this rate, but it didn’t matter. Only Chaewon’s tight little asshole mattered. The finger pushing through her tightness was becoming more audacious the closer she got to her orgasm, it went deeper and deeper with each thrust.
Chaewon’s whimpers aligned perfectly with the tight squeeze of her asshole. It was squeezing harder and harder, making it almost impossible to keep thrusting your finger. Despite the difficulty, you powered through, at least until the point when Chaewon’s pussy began to sprinkle.
The droplets flying out of her pussy began to coat your thighs, flying right past the fingers rubbing her clit. She was as physically close to cumming as possible without getting there. In one swift motion, you pulled your finger out of her asshole entirely, eliciting a sharp gasp from her.
Before her mind could comprehend what just happened, you jammed the finger back into her asshole deeper than ever before. Her lips released a high-pitched squeal before her other lips gushed all over your legs. Thighs, knees, shins, every bit of your legs became a towel for Chaewon’s jetting pussy.
“Fuck!” she cried as her body squirmed uncontrollably. She was trembling while her asshole was squeezing in rhythmic pulses, the mind-numbing orgasm had her speechless, unable to even make a noise, unable to do anything other than enjoy the sensation.
After she eventually calmed down, which took much longer than her orgasms usually take, you began to slowly pull your finger out of her asshole, gently rubbing the sore entrance. With your other hand, you slowly started to play with her clit again.
“Please,” she moaned while grabbing your wrists. “No more.”
“You sure you don’t want to go again?”
A puff of air escaped her nose, she didn’t have the energy to even muster a proper laugh.
“I’m sure,” she sighed softly. “By the way, that really fucking hurt.”
“But it also felt fucking amazing.”
“I’m getting mixed signals.”
Her whole body was still quivering while her chest moved up and down with each deep breath. With one hand you gently rubbed her back, and with the other hand you softly massaged her ass. There was no rush, you were completely happy having Chaewon’s body laying on top of yours; It was one of the most cathartic positions imaginable. Eventually, she lifted herself up and kissed you forcefully on your lips.
“By the way, don’t you dare actually treat Zuha this roughly,” she says sternly. “And do not put anything in her ass.”
“I promise I’ll be gentle,” you chuckle while brushing her hair. “However, you should definitely put something in Sakura’s ass.”
Chaewon’s lips began to pout and she looked a touch disappointed in herself.
“I’m sorry it’s taking me so long,” she says quietly. “I really want to try, I’m just afraid it’ll hurt…”
“Hey, stop that,” you say while pulling her back down on top of you and embracing her tightly. “You’re absolutely perfect already. I don’t want you to think even for a second that I’m disappointed in you.”
“You know, I forget how sweet you can be,” she mumbles. “Is it too late to keep you to myself tonight?”
“Yeah, after the game you played in the sauna earlier there is no way I’m abandoning Kazuha.”
“I hate you sometimes,” she chuckles while getting off you and collecting her scattered clothes.
Bit of a longer gap between this one and the last one I know, thank you for being patient! I must say, having people asking about when I'm going to be releasing more is quite heartwarming. I should be back on a somewhat normal schedule again, I just got back home after a short trip to see Twice a couple of times!
Hopefully you guys notice some improvements in my writing going forward, I've been really putting in some effort in the technical aspect of things. Special thanks to those who have been helping out.
Next on the schedule is a lot of Twice story content (this one is not going anywhere, I'll still be working on it). I'll explain a bit more once we get there, but I've started working on Book 3 of the PM series. No, Book 2 is not finished, I still have probably 15 or so chapters already planned for it, but like I said I'll explain more once we get there.
As always, I'd LOVE to hear feedback and thoughts. Any comments/DMs/whatever, it's all appreciated. I love hearing theories people have about where the story is going, I love hearing what people enjoy, and honestly I even appreciate hearing what people do not enjoy as it can be helpful for me as a writer.
Thank you everyone <3
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casurlaub · 1 month
Can we please agree that liking a character doesn't mean you have to explain away their every bad call? And that disliking a character doesn't mean you have to overlook their good qualities to have them fit your narrative? No one is just this or that. It's always a range.
The lack of nuance in parts of this fandom annoys me so much. And let's please drop the double standards - finding excuses for every 'bad' thing character A does while demonizing character B.
Dumbledore is no super villain. Yes, he put defeating Voldemort over Harry's (emotional) needs. He isn't some supportive father figure, but he's not responsible for the war nor everyone's decision to join in. 'He raised an army of children' - um no? Because if so, he, the greatest wizard of the age, did a shitty job. In both wizarding wars it was just one group of friends joining the Order, not a huge number of former students. So either super-smart Dumbledore seriously sucked at recruiting, or maybe he didn't try all that hard?
James wasn't some prime example of social justice warrior from the very beginning. Yes, he had - to some extent - a set moral code, he hated the Dark Arts, and he certainly never used dark curses on others. But he found it entertaining to hex students at random. He was a classic bully; he did it because he could and because he found it funny. He enjoyed it. But that doesn't mean he had no good traits - he cared for his friends, befriended Remus (practically an outcast), and later he changed. I can't get over the people who find excuses for Snape's bullying of his students, of literal children when he's an adult, but seem to think James was the worst person to ever exist.
Sirius has a ton of good qualities; I could write an essay about it. But guess what, that doesn't make the prank thing okay (no matter if Remus cared about it). The same goes for the Snape bullying and his condescending (cruel) behavior towards Peter. And his treatment of Kreacher, who was oppressed, not the oppressor. And why do we applaud him for 'forgiving' Remus in PoA for not trying to get him out of Azkaban? What's there to applaud? He was in Azkaban because he thought Remus was the spy, did we forget that? How do we expect Remus to suss out that Sirius thought himself clever enough to outsmart not only Voldemort but also Dumbledore? Sirius isn't on some moral high ground here. He wasn't in Azkaban because of Remus but because of his own arrogance and lapse of judgement.
Remus isn't some impersonated moral code. He isn't 'the sensible one' by default. He makes a ton of shitty, truly awful decisions (roaming Hogsmeade while a werewolf, not telling Dumbledore about the secret passages or Sirius's animagus form in PoA even after Sirius, the alleged mass murderer with an agenda of killing Harry, broke into Harry's dorm, abandoning Tonks...). But he isn't some master manipulator with a hidden agenda either. He was driven by his self-loathing first and foremost. And when did it become worse to be a bystander than to participate in the actual bullying? (I'm not saying it's okay, but how can we find excuses for James and Sirius, but Remus is super evil for doing... nothing? When it's stated that Snape was following him and trying to uncover his secret to get him expelled? Shocking he didn't feel all that sympathetic.) Of course he is passive-aggressive, of course he was selfish/cowardish, I don't know, but he isn't evil? He's usually kind (ffs, he even felt pity for Greyback), and his issues are in the end all rooted in his endless self-loathing. That doesn't excuse it. It doesn't. But it doesn't mean he's acting like he does because he's an inherently bad person. This idea of inherently 'bad' or 'good' people is naive and harmful anyhow. Besides - I feel some standards imposed on him are impossible to meet, when the same people are quick to explain away James's/Sirius's/Snape's flaws. Remus is suffering from massive childhood trauma that he's forced to relive every month, he's stigmatized for it by society his whole life, but he himself is supposed to just 'let it go'? Without therapy or anything? Right...
And even Lily isn't a saint. She's fighting back a smile when James is bullying her (supposedly) best friend?
Snape is no tragic hero whose every wrong is justified because he turned around and sacrificed himself. Of course, he was brave. Of course, he had a shitty childhood. That doesn't give him a free pass. He was up to his eyes in the Dark Arts when he arrived at Hogwarts already, he invented curses like Sectumsempra while at Hogwarts, he sold the 'love of his life' to Voldemort. And even after he 'changed' and overcame his fascist views, he bullied children he was supposed to take care of - as a grown man. Not only Harry, but also Neville, Hermione, Ron, who knows how many others. So, yeah, cool, he protected their lives 'when it counted' - 'when it counted'??? You don't belittle your students, you don't insult them, you don't threaten to poison their pets no matter what happened to you when you were a kid. You're an adult, take responsibility. Easy as that. What happened to you may be an explanation, but not an excuse. And do we really think he didn't strike back at James and Sirius? That it was just James and Sirius and him taking it lying down without doing anything himself? I don't.
It's entirely natural to relate more to one character than another and to feel more sympathetic towards them. But let's move away from this 'all or nothing' way of thinking.
To me, they're all beautiful because they're flawed. It makes them real. I don't want them to be stripped of their flaws, not even my favorite characters.
Don't take Sirius's darkness away, don't turn Remus into the ever gentle voice of reason or the super selfish master manipulator (same goes for Dumbledore) and ffs don't excuse Snape's fascist views and bullying of children.
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jazeswhbhaven · 2 months
Maybe I want Him to Bite...(Lucifer Selfie Card Prologue React II) *Spoilers*
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BEFORE YOU PROCEED, make sure you caught the first part ->
If you already checked that out then you're good to go~
We're back with part 2 everyone!!! Let's gooooo
So we left off on Gamigin being excited about Phenomenon, and even stated that Jjok was getting ready for his arrival too
But a little before that I wanted to point out that Buer was so happy that Lucifer likes his tea where he was saying to himself that he has to remember the recipe so he can make it the same way next time.
I love this because I'm sure Lucifer likes to see his nobles happily doing something for him, it kinda reminds him a bit of his brothers in heaven though a painful memory....(SAD I AM SAD)
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BUT LOOK!!! Seeing his face plus the blossoming trees warms my spirit he is truly a wholesome chubby little thing and I want the best for him
So Gamigin is rambling this entire time to the 3 nobles and he's like LUCIFER SHOULD ENTER :D And all of them are like "yeah sure he would win" because they're slightly annoyed with Gamigin being so energetic lol
I love that this is gag of their relationship. Gamigin is the annoying little brother that won't stfu and seems to run on 24/7 sugar highs
At the same time Gamigin asks Lucifer if he wants to enter, and for a few slides of the story it's literally Lucifer fucking sipping and drinking his tea in silence which killed me
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because that's all he's doing is drinking his fucking tea like what a damn mood
All he did was do that and no one complained about his lack of enthusiasm and honestly? Same. Just let me have my damn tea.
He then just says one word. "Why" and everyone is creaming themselves.
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I mean? I get it. Lucifer probably doesn't speak much at all, a true man of silence. And I thought Satan was a person of few words.
Gamigin though explains to Luci he feels he should enter and flaunt how beautiful he is to Hell. To which Marbas is like basically calling him annoying for being so loud lol
And even though he's being scolded by all three of them, he's not even phased and keeps doing what he's doing lol
He brings up that Luci needs to meet Ra-On, and Morax agrees that since Luci thinks they're the key to ending the war, it would need to happen sooner than later.
Marbas though brings up that MC is always seemingly afraid of Luci so he's not sure if it's a good idea. Buer though counters that it's Gaimigin's theory that overtime meeting someone over and over changes things.
So it appears all of them are on different wavelengths based on what they think is comfortable for Lucifer.
But I mean...can't ya simply.... a s k?
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So here's where we get some backstory on how the nobles are more perceptive of Lucifer's feelings and habits based on his actions. Even though it's been a good minute since he switched teams, old habits die hard.
In Luci's case...it's pretty much impossible to get rid of. He's still stuck in those angel ways of his and honestly I love him more for that. He's spent what? Eons being an angel? You can't just forget that within just a couple centuries. He'd probably still be the same way even the next 500 years lol
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So Luci's forever beef with Solomon runs deep alllll the way to MC
(sorry lol but damn, that means if you're self-inserting and a Luci stan...he doesn't like you because of ya punk ass grandaddy ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ)
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Morax is a cheerleader and I love that about him. He just wants the best for everyone. I want to give him head smooches.
Buer does ask though what this all has to do with MC in the first place, and Gamigin explains that showing Lucifer's beauty to them would be best and would possibly tempt them and successfully bridge the gap between the two AND give Luci a chance to win the contest at the same time.
While they're all talking amongst themselves and listening to Gami's reasoning, Luci starts to reminisce...
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He even says "The voices are here again" meaning he's truly trying to block out his brother's voice...his main ride-or-die sibling Michael. And that's just...so angsty. But his nobles remind him of these moments and he just silently fights through the memories.
I want to hug him if allowed.
So when he gets out of his daze, he agrees that he should participate if Gamigin says so. (lol that's his fave "brother" now)
Gami is happy, but Morax brings up an important element.
You gotta be beautiful AND most obscene. Like levels of heathen shit. Real hot girl shit.
And poor Gamigin is like "Mess Lucifer up? WHY (。•́︿•̀。)"
And the other three healers are just like "Oh sweet summer child..."
Because you know, Gami is a dragon lol he knows nothing about this they probably didn't do anything like this back in his homeworld
So the three start going over what everyone's level of obscene is. Starting with this wild ass thing
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I'm right there with you Gami.
Now...not to yuck anyone's yum...but come the fuck on vomit??? I'm shivering just thinking about being NEAR vomit lol
did someone in avisos do that...i feel that's an avisos thing
Also Gamigin points out how does Buer's eyes glint while they're shut and I'm wondering the same damn thing like how does that even look. Buer you are an enigma.
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MARBAS???? YOU TOO??? But tbh...I believe he's originally from Abaddon so that wouldn't be farfetched...
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Just a regular ol' day where you're coworker is like "So btw I have some freak ass nasty sex so good I thought I'd need a exorcism" or something like that lmaoooo
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g a w d I wanna swallow his dick so badly why is he out here being so shameless? The best? Ooooo I'll show my appreciation for saying it was the best he's had.
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I've been sleeping on him apparently because not him saying it was the best. Phew.
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Nah Marbas, why you change the subject after saying you don't remember how you got this info from Sitri? Lmao omg
But yeah, the most obscene sex is from our little MC (which...I mean I feel there are some biases...B U T lol I'd like to think they'd say me too if it were I being bragged about)
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Poor Gami is still hung up on the vomit scenario and I'm laughing about that. He just like me foreal.
He does suggest though that they just ask MC to come and "mess up Lucifer"
While Buer and Morax agree with Gami, Marbas scolds him again out of habit instead of praising him 💀
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Meanwhile Lucifer is trying to gather himself and be prepared for MC to show up. Which is also a mood because it's like "Damn I really gotta be social today?"
Lucifer is also me when I just wanna sit here and be a recluse lmao.
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So we're back from the flashback, and in Luci's private room which looks pretty swank. I'm pretty sure that's a wet bar in the background or a potion bar or something of the sort. (does he even play chess? lmao)
Gamigin asks MC to help Luci win the contest and well, they find him difficult to understand and get along with. That it was hard to look him in the eyes even with the 3 second rule and the devil who most understands that is....
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Our boi Beelzebooo <3 (hey bae it's a cameo)
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So he explains why it's really hard to be comfortable around Lucifer and it's due to his overpowering angelic aura despite becoming a devil and it bothers him quite a lot.
MC even asks him to confirm and he kinda stares at MC and ruffles their hair.
which means yes he's bothered he's just not gonna admit it.
And with that MC is like ALRIGHT LETS DO IT I SAID I WOULD...and...
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.......why are they clumsy like my ass? LMAO
Whelp...let's go on over to part 3 and see what became of MC~
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pascaloverx · 7 days
Summary: You and Edward Cullen used to have a romantic relationship. But fate seemed not to believe in the possibility of a vampire and a potential she-wolf being together. Years after your separation, you return to Forks. Edward is committed to Bella Swan, and Jacob Black has his own pack. What happens when, upon your return, you begin to transform into a she-wolf and both Edward and Jacob seem eager to revisit the past with you?
Author's Note: The characters in this fanfic do not belong to me but to Stephenie Meyer and the Twilight universe. The story blends events that happened in the Twilight saga movies with invented ones. Enjoy reading. This story will contain inappropriate language, a possible love triangle, scenes of violence, and romance.
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The same nightmare every night, recurring in your mind as if it were an impossible memory to forget. A large part of the Quileute tribe killed by the hands of the one you will someday love. Not that your love story with Edward Cullen was worth anything. After all, he is a vampire. You are a descendant of a lineage of shapeshifters who transform into wolves. What could go right in this story? You've been driving for about two hours to reach Forks. It's been a month since you started having nightmares involving the tribe to which you belong and your ex-boyfriend. So, you decided to return to Forks to see your friends and those who are like family to you and, if possible, stay as far away as possible from Edward Cullen.
"If you had picked up your phone, Sam, you'd know I'm almost there. But since you didn't, just know I'm entering Forks now. I'll head to La Push as soon as possible." You say, leaving a message on Sam's voicemail. He knew you'd be arriving soon but didn't know exactly when. In fact, it was his idea for you to return to Forks. As your nightmares have become more frequent, you're so sleepy that you can barely tell how you're still managing to drive.
And then, like flashbacks in your mind, your moments with Edward and the pack you were part of come to the surface. You remember how you met Edward amidst a fight between the Quileutes and the Cullen vampires. One of them had accidentally crossed the border that separated the vampires from the wolves. It was chaos. Your father, who was alive at the time, was very angry and considered killing a Cullen to show that invading Quileute territory was a bad idea. Luckily, Jacob's father was more sensible. Edward read your mind for the first time that day. He knew you were curious about what the Cullens were doing crossing the border that separated the two enemies. So later, at the border, he found you and explained. Jasper had been hunting an unknown vampire who had hurt Alice and ended up crossing over. That was the first time you wondered if a vampire was okay, and when Edward noticed your slight concern for Jasper, he believed you were different. Amidst your moment of recollection, you lose concentration. But you only realize this when your car hits someone hard. You're dazed by the impact, but as soon as you look ahead, you feel a certain relief. Edward is right in front of you, staring at you with a curious look as if he doesn't quite understand that it's really you.
"What are you doing, Cullen?" you ask in an enraged tone. Of course you're angry. He's a vampire, unscathed after the collision with your car, while your car and you have suffered some impact. I mean, you can feel blood trickling near your right eye, but the damage to your car is definitely more significant.
"It's going to sound strange. Alice had a vision that saw me doing this as soon as you arrived here. I'm not saying I did it on purpose. In fact, I am hunting. But you really are here." Edward speaks as if he still doesn't quite understand that you're actually in front of him. You take a deep breath, trying to resist the urge to kill him for what happened to your car. In reality, you're unsure whether you should get out of the car or not. You're bleeding, and that could be a challenge for Edward.
"I'm not going to attack you, don't worry. I thought you knew I would never do something like that to you. I mean…" Edward says, and you automatically get out of the car, walking toward him. Something about the proximity between you leaves both of you speechless. You always hated when Cullen listened to your thoughts, and he knows that. The courtesy of having your private thoughts respected seemed to be valid only during your relationship.
"You mean you wouldn't attack anyone unless it was absolutely necessary. I know, I know you, Edward. What surprises me is the fact that you don't seem to know me. You know I hate when you… never mind. Maybe you only respected me while we were together. Now we're strangers to each other." You say, realizing how different he seems, even though he hasn't aged a day since the last time you saw him.
"I'm still the same, Y/N. The same guy you walked away from years ago." Edward speaks softly but with a certain sadness in his words. You look at him, unsure of how to respond. Yes, you ended your brief relationship out of fear of what your father would do to him if he found out.
"Look, I didn't intend to bring the past back. I think it's better if you go your way and I go mine." You say, turning to leave and drive your somewhat damaged car. But Edward appears in front of you before you can open the door.
"Carlisle can take care of that for you. I know he'd be glad to see you again." Edward says, stepping a little closer to you. You stare at him, this time not understanding what he wants. It's obvious he's talking about the injury on your head, but you don't understand why he seems so reluctant to distance himself.
"And I should go to your father figure and ask him to help me based on what? The fact that you and I were together years ago? The fact that my tribe has no idea what happened between us? Maybe I should go ask him how he feels about seeing you about to marry a human. What do you think, Edward?" Your tone is absurdly ironic but realistic. Just the fact that you're here now with Edward could jeopardize everything. If Sam or Jacob see you here with him talking about your past relationship, it could cause a mess. Not to mention that Cullen is now committed.
"I caused this in you. Maybe you should go to Carlisle for the same reason anyone in this town would. You've had an accident, Y/N, you need to take care of this." Edward says, gently touching the area where you got hurt. You let out a soft groan of pain and then pull away.
"How do you suggest I deal with the complications that going to Carlisle would bring me?" You ask, almost grumbling. Edward smiles slightly, as if he even misses these conversations you used to have when you were together.
"Do you remember the farthest spot from here where we used to meet when we were dating? Meet Carlisle there when you can. Unfortunately, Jacob is already on his way here, and I think it's better if I'm not here when he arrives." Edward speaks, and before you can say anything in response, he's already gone.
"Your cowardice is remarkable!" You shout, hoping he hears you. As you turn around, Black is behind you. He's clearly sweaty, must have come running in his human form.
"What happened to you, Y/N?" Jacob Black asks, quickly approaching you. He must be worried because you're injured and apparently talking to yourself in the middle of the road.
"I had an accident. I hit an animal, actually. It was quite a mess. How did you know I was here?" You ask curiously as Jacob gets closer to you, analyzing and sniffing you. You wonder if you smell bad, but then remember that Edward was here just a little while ago.
"Since when did you learn to lie to me? I thought we were honest with each other." Jacob says, looking into your eyes, and you feel guilty for lying to him.
"You want to have a relationship argument here? Then it was better not to have come at all. If you could excuse me." You say, walking past Jacob and heading towards your car, but he gently grabs your hand before you can open the car door.
"I missed you," Jacob says as he gently strokes your hand. You look at him and then walk towards him, embracing him.
"I missed you too, more than you can imagine. How about you drive what's left of my car to La Push, so we can have a better conversation?" You say, hugging him tighter, as if you didn't want to let go. It's strange, but seeing him safe made you feel better. After dreaming so many times about Jacob's death, it's good to see him like this.
"I'll drive your old tin can here. You can sit comfortably in the passenger seat. And don't worry, I'm sure there will be some bandages for you there." He says, kissing your cheek and opening the passenger door for you. You get into the car and watch him enter the car and take the wheel. He starts driving, and you slowly begin to close your eyes, hoping that now that you're in Forks, your nightmares won't come true.
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heartfullofleeches · 9 months
I need to see Selene having a sweet morning w her neighbor(wife) so bad. She's so cute?? I just wanna see her be happy and making breakfast for/with them while the vibes are good and sleepy. Let this woman get to sleep in and cuddle her lovely neighbor after brutally murdering her husband just the other night
Selene always wanted of a spring wedding.
Beyond being a child of the season, in her eyes it was to be the most romantic - symbolic of the growth between young lovers to lifelong partners. Furthermore, both mother and grandmother had spring weddings - passing their knowledge and the gift of their wedding gown onto the next generation. Its soft emerald hue matched her eyes and the season 0beautifully. She dreamed of walking down the aisle surrounded by love, the cool spring air, and blooming roses.
So why was she here now - cold and without an ounce of love to her name. The artifical bouquet in her hands scratched at the delicate parts of her skin and hair, autumn winds biting her exposed neck and arms. Spring was too much of an inconvenience for her soon to be husband. He hated the outdoors and insects that roamed freely, and so their wedding was set for October in the confines of an old church.
Selene told herself she could be happy. This was meant to be the happiest day of her life and the start of her days as a doting, loving wife, but as she entered the chapel she'd find someone else taking her place. A beautiful soul with a smile that encapsulated everything she loved about spring. Warm and inviting - impossible to forget or ever let go. Dressed in her best, she could never dream be to as angelic as the creature standing up there with her lover. She falls to her knees, begging to be taken instead. To be loved by that angel. To be chains to that demon so he can never hurt them like he's broken her.
She screams. Take me instead. Take me....
"Ms. Selene!"
Her eyes flutter open. No longer is she crying on the church floor. A gentle hand rubbing her back draws her from slumber, and the remaining tears from her eyes. The stiffness in her spine reminds her of the most uncomfortably comfort night she's had on someone else's couch.
"Ms. Selene, are you okay? You were crying in your sleep when I came to check on you."
Color darkens her pale face as she sits up, deepened by the hand that aids her. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I.... I'm normally not one to dream, and I believe that was the first nightmare I've had in... years.. "
"It's alright, Ms. Selene. You've had a rough night."
Recollection of the night prior barrel through her like a speeding train as she looks up at the face of her savior. She bawled her eyes out at your doorstep, pleading to stay just one night and be gone before down. Her husband had allegedly changed the locks before leaving town and it was too late for her to call anyone else. You offered your home and bed to her as any would do, but she settled for the couch not wanting to be more of a burden than she was.
You give her hand an affirming squeeze - unknowingly kickstarting the beat of her heart. "You have nothing to be sorry for, and you can stay here as long as you need. We'll call a locksmith later so you can get some of your belongings."
It's hard to believe someone that was a stranger only a few short months ago had shown her more kindness than her husband had in all of their years together. Your arm returns to her shoulder as more tears leak from her tired eyes, pulling her into embrace that wash decades of self loathing off her mind. All that lingers in its wake is how she'd kill to spend every morning in your arms - just like this. Even she had to relieve the pain of her past everyday, it would all be worth it to have you.
"Thank you, Y/n. I know we don't know each other well, but words can not describe how luck I am to have you. Without you I don't know where I'd be right now.."
"Ah, don't worry about it. I know you'd do the same for me. Are you hungry?"
She places a hand to her stomach, unsure when the last time she'd eaten. "Seems. Maybe i should make something for us. You've done enough for me already."
"Nah, don't think like that, we can do it together. I have some pancake mix and some fruit in the fridg if that sounds good."
Selene smiles. "That sounds wonderful, dear."
"Cool." Sporting a smile of your own, you lead Selene into the kitchen. You grab a cutting board and knife, placing both on the table as you digging around for the produce in your fridge. Cutting the fruit, Selene has never known more bliss from slicing anything than her husband's throat.
This truly was her new happiest day.
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grazieschillivera · 1 year
Broken reputations
Summary: You get caught spying on Tom and his friends and now Tom has to decide what to do with you
Warnings: smut
Authors note: -no idea what the reader all knew about Toms actions at the end- just needed a bit conflict
Word count: ca 2300
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,,Tom let me go or I will make you'' your voice warned him sternly when his grip around your wrists tightened and your back got pressed closer against the giant rock Tom had caged you against with slow steps.
,,Where are your manners Y/N. I just want to talk'' usually Tom was this serious yet charming prefect but now something mad swang within his voice. Just as you had figured. Tom wasn't as perfect as he always acted.
That his friends were disgusting wasn't a secret either, at least for you. When they had found you spying on them near the forbidden forest they had shoved you back in the dark forest and brought you back to Tom. You figured that they weren't as innocent as they had acted over the years but this felt like real danger now. It was different now than meeting them in the school, where you weren't alone against them.
It was almost impossible to breath with the hard grip around your waist when Abraxas had managed to reach for you and shoved you back to their spot. With a smooth motion Tom had put the diadem in his robe pockets, that you had figured he was after. For a moment yours gazes met and Tom raised his eyebrows curiously, like he awaited an explaination.
The entire time you looked daringly at Tom when his friends suggested to have some fun with you and just make you forget about it afterwards. The school would be soon over and Tom and his friends became grosser and grosser, trying lesser to hid their true faces.
,,Remember that one night with Lestrange, when she prete-''
,,You become too enthuastic Malfoy'' Tom's voice cut him off before sending everyone away. Your stomach twisted when Tom let your wand disappear his in robes while he walked towards you.
,,There is nothing to talk about. I still have no fucking clue what you are up to. Its no secret anymore that not the entire school believes your foul charms anyways'' you said when he tried to intimidate you.
,,Lies! Somehow ironc for someone so pretentious as yourself. You have quite the reputation in our group'' said Tom and an arm above your head caged you in more. It almost bothered you that he didn't do more to keep your at your spot.
,,I don't care about my reputation in your pitifull group. You just don't like people who can give them as good as one gets'' you said sternly, umimpressed by his huge frame.
,,I always wondered what this little mind is really up to when its not judging others, seems it likes to mess with others businesses. And yet I had warned you about it'' Tom said hinting at your accidental meeting in the halls when Tom came out of the libary at the night with a small book thightly wrapped around his hand. You gave him an unsure look but didn't say a word when he gestured you to keep still for him. Tom could have obliviate you or just kill you and make it look like an incident but deep down he had found a new amusement in having you watch not so secretly over him. But now your curiousity forced things to adjust to his new plans, he was about to figure out for you.
,,I did tell you to keep away from me. Yet you didn't listen. I bet you aren't so perfect as you act either'' Tom said with a low chuckle.
You gave him an unimpressed look even if your heart beated unsettled in your ears when Toms fingers brushed along your hair searching for your gaze.
,,If you tell me why you didn't I might not oblivate you'' he demanded after a moment of admiring your little frame that stood up so bravly against him.
,,What difference would that make?'' you asked bitterly. Tom had to smile slightly. ,,You wont get a thing out of me'' you addded in defense.
,,I already know what you had found out and I'm impressed not even my minions know so much sometimes'' said Tom. He was so relaxed about it because you didn't knew why he had searched for the diadem.
,,Then oblivate me finally, get this over'' you said frustared.
,,No or at least not yet. You see I can read someone's thoughts, but feelings are always a bit harder to get, especially from you. What you know about my plans doesn't matter so much at this moment. The moment itself is far more interesting – you with your little information about me I can figure your feelings finally out. I want to know what my secrets do to you. Do they make you feel powerful or mighty- thinking you finally can have a stand against me? I bet, our little Y/N always thinks so righteous about herself'' said Tom and his robes brushed against your when he stood even taller infront of you to hint who actually was in charge.
,,Yes that is how I feel'' you simply admitted. ,,Unlike you I favour standing up against the stronger ones'' you said and acted unbothered.
,,So much talking but you don't do a thing. I already have a thesis about you but why not have a look how good you actually can keep up''.
It happened way to fast. Something in Tom snapped and no words seemed to reach him. With one strong push you were completly traped between the rock and Toms body. It almost hurt but your sharp breathing got caught up from Toms lips that crushed out of nowhere down on yours, melting against yours in one strong move, pulling you up to him in his thight embrace around your waist.
Tom always acted so sorted and controlled but the rest of this already broken image vanished just as the rest of his reputations he had put on everyones mind yours included, until now. It almost scared you and your feelings got twisted, unsure how to focus, just as Tom intended to.
Just when you thought you could keep up with Toms kisses his grip around you stoped and within seconds your skirt got just as forcefully pulled up like he handled the rest of you. There was nothing sweet in his urgent movements, like he wanted you to get overwhelmed. He even hummed approvingly against your lips when you couldn't keep your nervous moans back anymore, his fingers run up your now bare thighs. With a playfull squeeze of them he savoured the feeling for a moment before rubbing hard circels on your clit. You had no idea whether you cried out of embarassment or joy, your cheeks turned hot and your mind almost went blank. That was the starting point for Tom, he could have a better look inside you now.
,,Oh yes there is far more. I told you to stay away from me as a nice warning. Yet you didn't listen. So naughty. Seems you aren't so perfect as you act either, maybe you like chasing me '' Tom said with a low chuckle still teasing your sensitive skin, he could hear in your breathing how hot your clit must have arched for him due to it. His lips run along your neck and he took a deep breath in having to admit how good you smelled.
Your mouth felt open, but no words left it just ashamed moans that let more loose the longer Tom teased your body. No feisty remarks anymore nor daring glances, you were fully consumed by new feelings. With a knowing smile Tom eyed you up when he had stoped sucking along your neck and he leaned back to have a better view on you.
,,Am I right? I know I am, I can feel it and read it. But if you want your dirty thoughts to become reality you will have to tell me yourself'' Tom said even though he already planed on taking you against that rock, he still had the option to obliviate you afterwards. In defeatment you nodded and found your voice to say it out loud, although your voice was weak from your shame.
Toms upper body had pressed you against the rock while his hands opened his belt and trousers before he stretched you out fully, your sweet moans and helpless little figure had turned him on enough that he could just push right inside you. You pressed your eyes close too ashamed from the fact that you actually enjoyed this. But before you could at least try to push Tom outside of your mind his free hand griped around your jaw and turned your face to him again, his member stilled inside you waiting for you to look at him again. His tongue made clicking noises in a lecturing manner once his own breath became steadier again.
,,Manners Y/N. You look at me when I fuck you'', and you obliged him. ,,Good girl Y/N. So rightous'' he said mockingly and slapped the side of your bare hip, earning him a whimper.
A shaky moan eventually escaped your throat when Tom picked up the pace and you remembered that you had still held your breath. Your eyes were locked with Toms now, who seemed to mirror your euphory. His eyes were just as wide and dark as yours, and almost in a mocking manner he imitated the long almost scared sounds that grew higher and higher, although he felt the same.
His jaw clenched when he let out a low moan through his teeth. The view intimidated you but it also made your back arch further away from the rock like you wanted to come closer to him, submitting to this feeling, even though it hurt. By now Tom had forced yours legs further apart despite your attempts to stop him and now had them locked around his waist. You could struggle as much as you wanted but Tom just knew you liked it, he could feel it while also reading your dirty mind. There was so sight of your boring so rightious believes left.
The tears that started to fill up your gaze weren't due to the pleasure he gave you but his merciless pace. You tried to find your voice but your moans only turned to cries, signaling Tom your state of mind. Your fingers had reached for his robes and searched for some steadiness on his broad shoulders, which Tom allowed you to.
,,Is that too much? Thats the nicest I can be. Don't be rude now, you asked for this'' Tom said, he didn't pause he just became a bit slower for a moment searching for the right spots inside you to only wiggle against them teasingly, having your body twitch against him. To keep himself under control he bit down at your neck, you were so hot and thight and so good for him, letting you see him everything in your mind. Your legs tried to adjust higher around his hips to give him better access and even though it felt so good you gave him an unsure look, not understanding his words.
,,I don't need mind tricks for that. Its obvious now. You like the danger, you like to be right, I bet you even like me. I must admit until now you were quite good at hiding your feelings, but now I can feel who you truly want and your body shows me who you really are'' Tom said and now truned his pace up again, pushing his himself fully out and inside of you again, bringing you further to the edge. While you couldn't help but cry out from all the feelings Tom almost kept an serious face and observed your face. His free hand let lose of the harsh grip in your hair and traced now around your temples, almost caringly if he wouldn't look so belittling at you.
,,Always acting so though but now you are already begging me for mercy. Let's have another look at that poor weak mind. You might be smart but you're not a little spy, nor do you have what it takes you have a stand against me- you know that. Even better you don't want to. You want to be on my side right? Am I right? Say it Y/N '' Tom said starting to get lost in his own pleasure, fucking you even harder against the rock, forcing you to answer him. The more he read your mind and saw that his win has been safe the whole time the wilder he became.
Again you admited it eventually and he made sure to have you come as hard as possible around him, praising you through it while he chased his own pleasure, fuelled by the pride that rose inside him.
,,Thats it. So good for me Y/N. So good at giving in. Clenching around me so nicely. Should have done this earlier, maybe right beside the libary back then. Such a needy little girl searching for my attention'' he said on his last pushes before you both came.
He just found himself someone very special. Your feelings had let your mind guardless to him and now he had seen everything he needed, you were just as cunning and ambitious as he was and yet so insecure and irresistable.
His usually so perfect hair hang in sweaty stands down his forhead before he pushed them back with his hand, eyeing up the mess he made out of you, still smiling and out of breath.
,,Did you learn your lesson? No more spying on me?'' Tom asked and pressing one more time inside you hiting all the right spots, bending his head down and searching for your gaze again. You nodded eagerly due to the overstimulation.
,,Good, no obliviate then. I will keep it that way between us. Remember no more spying, I will come to you when things are ready. Can't leave the school without my oh so eager little soulmate'' Tom said while pulling his trousers back on, his hand cupped your cheek in an almost sweet way before he just walked away leaving it to you to follow him now or not.
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random-yandere-fandom · 5 months
Hi, this was inspired by the Goddess Elizabeth and TC Meliodas yandere headcanons and I was wondering if I could please request slightly dark headcanons for a Zeldris/Gelda pairing who are yandere for an S/O who is either human or a goddess?
Let's hope I have the motivation to finish writing this
I decided to make the reader a goddess since that would add some more drama. Also I tried to make it darker than my usual writing but don't really know if i succeeded... Also, characters might be Ooc
Yandere Zeldris and Gelda sharing a Goddess S/O
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This is one of the best yandere pairings I can imagine. They harmonize so well and with their shared goal of protecting and owning you, this would be an almost wholesome relationship.
Almost, because the political climate makes it pretty much impossible for it to be a simple and happy romance.
I picture this with Zeldris and Gelda already being together, as otherwise Gelda has zero chance of actually meeting you long enough to grow as fond of you as she does. The two of them already have enough trouble, hiding their relationship and subsequently pretending to be nothing but strangers, even when they are as close as can be.
So Gelda quickly notices when Zeldris has something on his mind, stares off into the distance and doesn't react as quickly as usual. She will narrow her eyes and lean close enough that their noses brush against each other, causing the demon to snap out of his thoughts and grow extremely flustered. He won't be able to hide anymore and will have to confess to having met you on the battlefield and that there is something about you that doesn't quite let him forget about you like he usually does with his enemies.
At first, Gelda doesn't know how to react. Scratch that, she knows exactly that she is pissed off. Though, seeing her lover being more confused on why he can't get you off his mind will slightly placate her, especially since Zeldris will feel guilty and apologize unprompted for even thinking off you. While she will scold him, it will mainly be for not telling her first thing. The vampire is rather wary of you though, perhaps you have a strange power to you or her lover sensed that there is something off about you that could turn out to be dangerous.
That opinion of hers changes quite quickly though. It is rare that the demon king sends a vampire to the front lines, yet Gelda finds herself in the middle of the battlefield, some lower demons alongside her as they scout the perimeter. Perhaps he has grown suspicious of her and Zeldris and this is a warning, she muses, but she can't think much of that now as she has to focus on being on enemy territory.
It is thanks to her quick senses that she manages to dodge the sudden attack directed at the small group. She barely makes it out of range only to find herself getting dragged behind some trees. Before she can retaliate someone gently shushes her and she catches gaze of her savior. You. You gesture for her to listen and she hears some other goddesses talking about having killed the entire group and it doesn't take a genius to realize you are protecting her. Gelda remains tense until they leave. You explain that she was the only one to survive the initial attack and that you, admittedly, thought this war stupid and didn't want more blood on your hands. Even if you had just been relaxing nearby, you couldn't watch someone being slaughtered like that. What really catches the blonde off guard is that you seem remorseful for the death of the demons accompanying her and somehow... your naive and yet so sweet reactions make her want to tease you.
Once she returns she is quick to discuss that meeting with Zeldris and quickly they realize that they have met the same person. From then on it isn't hard for either of them to admit that they want to get to know you better and they are quick to agree to do this together.
Zeldris will be the one you mainly interact with and mostly on the battlefield, so getting closer to you is imaginably hard. Yet, he somehow manages to get your name and more personal information, which he later eagerly shares with Gelda.
A few months of this and it is decided: the two of them want you with them. Seeing however that they have to operate in secret they come up with various plans that are just as quickly dismissed. Lucky are they when other demons catch you as a war prisoner and even luckier are they when Zeldris manages to get his hands on you.
The demon has a good reputation and it doesn't take much to make it look like you died in captivity, just another death that could have been avoided but wasn't.
In truth, you find yourself bound up in a small cave, Gelda greeting you as you open your eyes with a pounding headache and something so desperately wrong with you as you can't move your body, can't even lift a finger as your vision remains blurry. You barely hear it when the vampire explains the situation to you, that you will slowly regain your bearings and that you don't have to be afraid. You don't hear her expressing her apologies for how rough they had to get to have you or hear Zeldris when he arrives to make sure you are as fine as the situation allows it.
Over the next few days, they will give you time to adjust to your surroundings, feed and take care of you as you slowly regain the control of your body. To your horror, your wings remain limp, the once blinding white feathers now a light grey that lost their shine. Dread fills you as Gelda explains that they didn't want to risk you escaping and Zeldris has the guts to look a bit ashamed for taking their mobility from you.
Don't mistake their light bantering among the two of them and the gentleness they show you, they are not above fully ridding you of your wings or anything else they deem a threat to their ownership of you.
It's been so long since I have been written something a bit longer like this. I'm not totally satisfied with how it turned out, but it feels great all the same.
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uglypastels · 1 year
okay how about something comforting and cutesy like Eddie just absolutely coddling you and babying you since you had a rough day, idk maybe he helps calm you down
i swear i need an eddie right now. especially needed one yesterday. thank you for the request! i did my best (might be a bit rusty since i haven't written properly in a while )
warning: reader is having a hard day. exhaustion. idk. nothing else i think
masterlist. || join the Stranger Things taglist
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Eddie knew something was up the second he stepped past the threshold. He could practically smell it in the air… or maybe the burned bitterness was coming from the kitchen as a dark grey cloud of smoke. Or maybe he figured it out by listening to your curses at the oven and the pitch-black baking dish you threw down at the counter. The metal clanged loudly, causing you both to flinch. 
‘Baby?’ Eddie asked apprehensively, not wanting to startle you. He half succeeded as you turned around harshly but immediately softened your features at the sight of him. ‘Are you alright?’ 
You don’t answer since both of you already know the answer. All you do is take the steps to break the distance between the two of you, lips are dragged down into a horseshoe-shaped frown, and tears threatening to burst at any second. Eddie catches you into a tight embrace, pulling you in. 
‘Hey, shh, it’s ok.’ He had just returned from work and must have been driving with the windows down because his hair smelled of the summer wind. 
‘I just wanted to make you some dinner, but it got burned– I’m so sorry, honey.’ You sniffed out. 
‘Is that all?’ He felt it was quite an extreme reaction for a burned casserole [or whatever the ashes in the dish were supposed to be. Truly impossible to tell by the state it was in.] Then again, he knew how much work you put into your cooking and especially after a long day having something go this wrong could be the last straw, but knowing you, there must have been something before already to put you in this mood. 
‘It’s just been… a lot.’ You didn’t feel like talking about it. Would much rather forget everything that had happened in the past 24 hours. 
‘I understand, baby. Do you wanna sit down for a bit?’ He pulled away slightly to look you in the eyes–which were now red and beginning to puff up. Besides that, he saw how frazzled your hair had gotten throughout the day and how tired you looked. He could only assume he looked about the same, if not worse. 
‘No,’ you wiped at your eyes, ‘I should make us some dinner. There should still be some—’ 
But Eddie was quick to cut you off. ‘Oh, no. You’re not cooking anymore today. C’mon, you need to rest. We can order something.’ He already saw your frown reappear, not happy with that idea. After all, you really wanted to do something nice for Eddie. Though now the surprise aspect of it all was gone anyway, you might as well enjoy a nice takeout. Eddie grabbed your hand, swinging it side to side. ‘What do you feel like? I could personally kill for a pizza right now.’
‘Pizza is fine.’ You nodded, but Eddie wasn’t too sure just yet. 
‘Sure? Or are you just saying that because I suggested it?’ 
‘Can’t it be both?’ You brushed some of his hair out of his face. Even though he had put it in a ponytail, most of the shorter strands framing his face had come loose. Eddie looked at you for a moment before nodding.
‘The usual, then?’
‘Mhm,’ you simply replied. Then Eddie told you to get comfortable on the couch before placing an order. You sat down feeling tired and restless simultaneously; there was so much you needed to get done, but you had no energy for any of it. By the time Eddie returned, your eyelids were already betraying you, becoming heavier and heavier. The shift of weight beside you was just enough to stir you from the nap. 
‘Sorry,’ Eddie whispered. ‘I didn’t want to wake you.’ 
‘I wasn’t asleep.’ You rubbed your eyes, sitting up straight next to Eddie. 
‘Of course not.’ He chuckled and took this opportunity to bring you in for another tight hug. He practically pulled you into his lap, kissing your cheek, mumbling, ‘I missed you today,’ between a kiss here and there. 
‘Missed you too.’ You kissed him back. ‘And I’m really sorry about dinner, again.’
‘I’m banning apologies in this house tonight. You have nothing to be sorry for.’
‘I nearly burned down the kitchen!’
‘That’s an entirely different problem, then. We still get to have dinner, but if you had burned the kitchen down… ‘ he exhaled deeply, and something inside him lit up at the sight of your smile cracking through the hard shell the day had built up around you. For the next half 20 minutes, he kept making dumb jokes to get your smile to grow bit by bit. Most of the time, you would roll your eyes at him or smack him playfully on the arm, but anything was better than tears. 
Then the doorbell rang, and almost automatically, you got up, but only a few inches off the sofa before Eddie grabbed you by the hips.
‘Where do you think you’re going?’ 
‘To get our food?’ You said whilst the doorbell rang again.
‘No, you’re not,’ he pulled you back onto the seat and got up. ‘You’re resting.’
‘But you should be resting too!’ You wanted to shout out, but he had already left the room to open the door for the delivery boy. A minute later, Eddie returned holding several takeout boxes that contained no pizza, but you knew exactly what it was instead. 
‘I thought we decided on pizza?’ You asked, puzzled as he put the food on the coffee table before you. 
‘Yea, but I thought you might like this better.’ Eddie shrugged, beginning to unpack the boxes. ‘Felt like it would do a better job making you feel better than pizza… usually does, at least. But if you’d prefer pizza then I can still quickly call–’ 
‘No, it’s perfect. Thank you.’ You kissed him on the cheek. ‘Thank you for everything.’
the end.
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thank you for reading! please support your (not so) local writers with comments and reblogs <3 it means the world. also, I love to hear what you thought of the fic. asks are always welcome
consider leaving behind an anonymous review :p
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vhagarlovebot · 2 years
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♡. ── gif credit. ; ( aemond targaryen masterlist. )
pairings: prince aemond targaryen x fem!reader.
summary: did aemond targaryen ever love you?
content contains: this is pure angst with no happy ending, if you’re not comfortable with it i suggest you not to read. aemond being a piece of shit.
note: i’m a real whore for angst and i couldn’t leave babygirl aemond out of it. if there are any mistakes i apologize but as some of you may know english is not my first language. hope you enjoy! reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated.
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YOU NEVER THOUGHT aemond targaryen would break your heart, how silly you were.
the moment you felt your heart being crushed was during dinner. you knew something was happening the minute you entered the room and were met with a familiar face. you did not knew her name but have seen her face before. this was a family dinner. a private family dinner, and she was standing next to the prince, a nervous smile on her face.
aemond paid you no mind when you walked past them, just the girl who bowed at you.
jacaerys, your older brother, had grab your arm, leading you to a secluded corner. his eyes were full of worry. “aemond is marrying lady ellyn baratheon.”
your world fell apart in that moment. and if it had not been for your brother’s hold on you, you would have dropped to your knees.
you knew aemond would ask for your hand, you have talked about that just hours before while his head rested on your lap, your fingers caressing his face.
later that night when you went to his chambers to demand an explanation, the doors remained closed. no matter how loud you screamed and cried, he never opened them. not even the day after that, or the next.
and no one knew what was happening. your relationship was never a secret to your family, even though you two tried very hard to hide it from them. so it was a shock when he announced his wish to marry the baratheon girl. his own mother had demanded an explanation for his sudden decision, but aemond never granted her or anyone with one.
the days where you’d walk through the gardens holding his arm, talking about the future and how far would you fly with your dragons if you could, turned into cloudy days spent in your chambers crying. the beautiful moments you two once shared turned into memories impossible to forget.
aemond not once tried to visit or talk to you, even when your absence was evident. the girl he loved so much turned into a mere inconvenience easy to be removed. was that always his plan? were any of the things he said true?
when your mother came to you with the option to go back to dragonstone, you tried to talk with aemond one last time.
you waited for him in the dragonpit for hours, until the night came and he descended from his dragon.
he was really surprised to see you for a moment, before his expression changed to a hard disgusted one. “you should not be here at this hour, princess.” he nodded, not meeting your eyes and simply walking past you.
“did you ever love me?” your voice came more weaker and raspy than you intended.
aemond stopped immediately and your heart, hammering against your chest, held onto a flame of hope.
but the second he turned around, clench jaw and eye devoid of any emotion, you knew it was all over.
“i do not wish for gossip to reach the ears of my wife-to-be and stir up unnecessary trouble.” and just like that the flame of hope died down. “it is improper for a princess to be wandering around this late unescorted.” and just with a nod he ended the conversation.
you were left behind bloodied and bruised, the pieces of your heart at your feet.
hugging yourself you fell to the ground, tears streaming down your face while you tried to comprehend how the man that once killed a man for you, the man that used to profess his undying love for you, is now incapable to look you in the eyes.
the following morning you were found by the dragonkeepers, almost passed out due to the cold, being taken to your chambers immediately.
when you woke up, you wished for it to be a bad dream. but the faces of your family, full of pity and worry, told you otherwise.
that same night you accepted your mother’s suggestion, flying on dragon’s back at sunrise. leaving behind once loving and happy memories, hoping time would make the pain fade away.
you did not heard from aemond targaryen until two years later when a letter came from king’s landing, and all those memories you tried to bury away came flooding back to haunt you.
after you watched the unopened letter burn, you never heard from aemond targaryen again.
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omkookie · 9 months
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You're not getting away! You're his.
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🩷ANON🩷: Lovers to enemies to lovers again - Reader dates the yandere but soon gets tired of their yandere shtick and tries to escape, but nope. you're not getting away
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⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Yandere themes, Toxic relationship, Crazy Liam. 15+ // F!MC.
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You were his lover. His reason to live, his everything. You were the reason he's still alive after he tried to kill himself, But now you're trying to leave him?!
There's only you for him.
You give him life, You make him happy. You showed him what love is...
You're his.
You're his.
You're his.
You can't leave him! He'll get on his knees and beg you to not leave if he has to.
He can't live without you, He prefers you kill him over of leaving him.
Liam clings to you so hard. Your skin crawls as you realize that you really should have just packed your bags and left without saying anything. If only you had done that, then you wouldn't have to deal with the current mess.
"Liam." You say his name sternly, making him flinch at the tone of your voice. "Let me go. I don't want to deal with this anymore."
"I..." Liam mumbles, All while the distressed look on his face becomes even more evident. With each second that passes, it's like his composure crumbles away. He looks like a mess, and you do feel a pang of guilt in your chest for it, However, You quickly remind yourself that you can't be with him anymore and that this shouldn't influence your decision to leave him.
Liam was impossible to deal with. You tried everything to make your relationship work, and halfway in you would have never even thought about leaving him. It took a lot of self reflecting and looking at the bigger picture for you to realize that your relationship was dysfunctional. It started as something sweet, far too sweet, which quickly turned toxic. Liam was overbearing, he acted out on impulse, and somehow his curse had managed to get even worse. Because of his curiosity, he had started doing things to you which you didn't like or approve of. This all led to the downfall of your relationship, and the final straw for you which was today. You're not tired physically, But mentally you're exhausted. You just want to put this all behind you, forget about the crown, and leave Liam in the past.
"Is it... Is it because of another man?" Liam asks frantically, his hands reaching towards you to grab your wrists. He holds your wrists in a bruising grip, and you look at him with a disgusted expression, wondering if he has officially lost his mind.
"No." You say firmly, before snapping at him, "I'm leaving because of YOU, Liam. You've gone crazy over the past year, and I don't want to put up with your lunatic tendencies. Please seek therapy, and get mental help—"
"You...You're leaving me because of another man..."
As expected, He's delusional.
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While you look at him like he's gone mad, Liam feels his heart crumble into millions of pieces. You were actually doing this... You were going to leave him for another man. Is it because he himself wasn't a good enough lover to you? is that why you decided to seek comfort in the arms of another?... He really is pathetic and good for nothing.
But.. he won’t let you leave. He pulls you to him harshly by your wrist, and he then drags you to your shared bedroom… the one you took all of your belongings out of, but would soon put back anyway.
He’s all over you. He’s kissing your neck, he’s grabbing your hips and squeezing your curves. He’s telling you how much he loves you. He’ll show you how much he loves you. Heck, he’ll love you so hard that you’ll forget all about the other man.
He pushes you down onto the bed, and even though you're trying to convince yourself to push him away harder, and tell him to stop, you can't. You let him do it, you hold him close, And your arms wrap around his neck as you shamelessly kiss him back.
If he loves you hard enough then all will be forgiven and forgotten… right?
He'll remind you why you love him.
You're not getting away.
You'll be stuck in this toxic cycle of trying to leave and then staying.... Until death breaks you apart.
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