#and 22 as well. but especially 20
grassbreads · 1 year
19, 20 and 22 for the ask thing 👀
(the ask list)
God, these are all really tough. I always struggle talking about/identifying things that I find ~meaningful~ lmao. That said, here's an attempt <3:
19: A song that makes you think about life
Living Room Floor by Sammy Rae
20: A song that has many meanings to you
Dary by Hot Mulligan
22: A song that moves you forward
Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance
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alexiethepan · 1 year
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harmoonix · 2 months
(astrology observations)
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🖼️: Moon in the 8th house has a lot of deep meanings behind it and the sad part is that sometimes it can cause pain/suffering but it comes with its good things as well if you have your moon at 8° or 20° you can feel the same
🖼️:Water Moon + Fire Sun combo in your chart gives a vibe of both short temper + chill temper, is like a mix between a spicy and sour seasonings
🖼️: Ascendant at 4°, 16° 28° degrees have the cutest face expressions (Cancer Energy), like when they smile or make a specific face
🖼️: Ascendant at 10°, 22° degrees can give you a beautiful looking face and in general your body too, so many people out where look stunning with those degrees on the ascendant
🖼️:Those with Jupiter in the sign of Cancer/4th house can feel the most lucky when they think about their family or creating their own families, it gives them an excitement energy
🖼️: Most people will argue about this but Venus in Scorpio is tricky as hell with the relationships because Venus is in detriment, Scorpio Venus may not know how to act when they're in love or in a relationship
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🖼️: Sagittarius Risings will 100% wanna look for someone who is very communicative with them, and someone who can express their feelings in a relationship (Gemini in the 7th house)
🖼️:Moon in Capricorn/Moon in the 10th house natives can be the ones who have a hard time with telling their true feelings, most of them are close people and don't want to get hurt
🖼️: Lilith asteroid (1181) aspecting Mercury gets excited about hearing other people's voice, like some voice can turn them up just by hearing them
🖼️: Saturn in the 10th house feels like a dad who is constantly watching over you, because Saturn feels at home here is a healthy placements for Saturn and let's say Saturn transforms into a dad figure
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🖼️: Chiron in Aries/ at 1°, 13°, 25° degrees can struggle with their anger issues or having a hard time to calm themselves sometimes having a hard time to focus on themselves too and tends to forget about things that make them happy
🖼️: Taurus in the 4th house/Venus in the 4th house > They don't express their sensuality often but when they do people get stunned by it. Most natives with this energy make people to feel safe and at home/peace
🖼️: Most Taurus Risings i know have such cute voices and I think is because they have Gemini and cancer rulling their 2nd and 3rd houses (The combo of air + water makes this energy). Definitely they got the physical touch love sign with their Scorpio in the 7th house
🖼️: When it comes to the past I think South Node in the 9th/12th and 8th house makes the native to wonder a lot of about it or to have a lot of questions towards their past lives
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🖼️: Natives with 5th house empty usually don't want kids, until there is some love asteroid like, for example i have asteroid Aphrodite (1388) in this house but overall my house is empty (no planets just asteroids) and I don't want or wish kids
🖼️: I think Air Risings and Air Moons are the most social people out there because of their open communicative aura/social skills/ they're pretty ambient in their energy as well and they have a good humour tho
🖼️: Sun in the 1st house natives makes the native to be so determined and focused towards their life, they're so ambitious and powerful and their energy overall is just amazing
🖼️: Neptune aspecting Pluto or Uranus makes the native so spiritual, like is amazing they're getting more wise with their age and more mature
🖼️: Neptune in the 12th house has a surreal needy of getting closer with other people's feelings/like they want to know your soul first and before all
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🖼️: Pisces/Cancer and Virgo placements especially Moon are vey underatted when it comes to being clingy and clinginess, they're so clingy but they don't show it at first
🖼️: Virgo Risings have a very dirty way of talking because of their Scorpio in the 3rd house, they're so so so dirty in talking (when angry they may cuss a lot)
🖼️: Taurus Lilith is so so touchy and needy but they dont usually show it...like they will give you some signs or indications but most of these natives are just hidden sensualists
🖼️: Be careful if you have Lilith in Cancer or Lilith in the 4th house or at Cancer Degrees because you can "absorb" in a way the negative things from your mother, and the meaning of this placement is to NOT be like your mother (you know what I mean like in toxic ways or tendencies)
🖼️: You will never know what is going through the mind of the Uranus in the 1st house, they are thinking at multiple things at once and often can get distracted
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🖼️: Groom asteroid in your 9th house can indicate having a foreign spouse (if you are attracted to men) if you are attracted to women check Briede asteroid
Asteroids Codes: 5129, 19029
🖼️: Groom 5129 in the 12th house can indicate soulmates or twin flames, maybe even a karmic partner, someone's who's very passionate and sensitive
🖼️: Mercury aspecting Neptune or Mars (Or having those planets in the same house) makes the native "sharp mind - sharp tongue", they are extremely intelligent but can also fool people
🖼️: Jupiter aspecting Venus (all aspects) are so beautiful, when Jupiter aspects Venus it expands your beauty/charm/love to everyone and puts you in the spotlight
🖼️: Jupiter aspecting the Ascendant are the most underrated when it comes to beauty in Astrology, Jupiter literally is blessing you when is touching the ascendant
🖼️: Scorpio/Aquarius/Pisces/ Risings are having 2 ruler planets that can influence their lives, check your both ruler planets when you have one of these 3 risings. Look for Mars and Pluto for Scorpio/Look for Jupiter and Neptune with Pisces/Look for Saturn and Uranus with Aquarius 💅🏼
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✨ With all the love, bless you all! ✨
✨ From the past, present or future ✨
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mxauthor · 5 months
Not Of The Imagination
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Summary: Spencer claims he has a girlfriend. Derek does not believe him at all.
Word Count: 1,614
Warnings: fluff, a bit OOC Derek
Derek Morgan is a ladies man. He knows how to talk to women, charm them into a flustered mess and get a number from them with ease. His charm is a weapon, something he knows how to use better than his gun. 
Spencer Reid is not a ladies man. He rambles people away and becomes flustered so easily that people think his skin tone is red. 
Derek Morgan is a charmer. Spencer Reid is the charmed. 
Friday afternoon. Everyone was ready to go home and spend the weekend doing whatever they wanted. Weekend plans were the topic of conversation at the moment with the bullpen attendees.
“So pretty boy, where are you doing this weekend?” Morgan asked. A teasing smile playing on his lips. Derek Morgan wasn’t a bully. He was anything but a bully, however, he was a brother. And brothers are known to tease their little siblings to no end. And Spencer was lucky enough to become Derek’s little brother. 
 “There’s this Korean Film festival happening throughout the next week. All foods, music and movies will be played in korean. Which is exciting since my girlfriend had wanted to brush up on her language skills and I thought this would be a great surprise for her.” Spencer missed the look of surprise on his friends faces when the word ‘girlfriend’ had left his mouth. Especially Morgan’s face. 
“Girlfriend?” Emily questioned softly. She was still a bit new to the team, but this was the first time a girlfriend was mentioned, especially attached to Spencer’s name.
“Wait what! Spencer, you have a girlfriend?” Derek questioned in disbelief. It’s not like he didn’t think that Spencer couldn’t get a girlfriend, but it’s still a complete shock that the shy, can’t talk to college kids his age, stuttering mess actually has a girlfriend. 
“Yeah, Her name’s Y/n. We’ve actually been dating for about 3 years now.” The goofy grin that broke out onto Spencer’s face was convincing enough for the women. But apparently not enough for Derek. 
“Really?” Spencer could hear the disbelief in Derek’s voice. He knew that the proclaimed ladies man, didn’t believe that he ‘scored’. But Spencer really didn’t care if he believed him or not. 
He still had you at the end of the day, that’s all that mattered to him. 
“Okay, what’s her last name?” Morgan asked.
“L/n.” Spencer answered without hesitation. He had a feeling that some of the asked questions are going to be the same that his mother asked him when he confessed that he was seeing someone. 
Derek nodded, trying to look convinced. “What’s her-” 
Before he even had the chance to finish his next question Spencer beat him to it. “She’s working as a barista at the moment because she’s going back to school to be a teacher. We met when we were 20 and started dating at 22. She’s kind and patient. She also really loves me and we are talking about moving in together after she graduates with her masters.” 
The small group was stunned at the flood of information. Emily, JJ and Penelope all began gushing about his girlfriend, happy that their resident genius had found someone that is making him happy. 
Derek, happy for his brother, still didn’t believe him. The girl sounded perfect for him, too perfect. Almost like he had conjured her up. 
“Do you have a picture of her?” Penelope was the first to ask. 
“No, sadly. All the pictures we have together are taken on her phone and they don’t transfer well when she sends them to me.” Spencer explained. The women deflated a bit hearing his explanation. 
“How convenient.” Morgan muttered. Penelope was the one who heard him. She snapped her head in his direction, fixing him with a glare. Derek only held his hands up in mock surrender. 
The group slowly began to disperse when paperwork began to pile up on each of their respective desks. The new shift of conversation began to fizzle out. Everyone now began to focus on the important work ahead of them before they could go home at 6. 
Except for Derek Morgan. The new revelation, still fresh in his brain. The Spencer Reid, the boy genius that stutters when given a simple compliment, has a girlfriend.
He has to see it to believe it at that point.
Derek didn’t get his confirmation until 3 months later. When he had almost forgotten that Spencer had claimed he had a girlfriend. 
A beautiful h/c had walked into the bullpen with a visitor badge clipped to her turtleneck sweater. She had a drink carrier in on hand and a plastic bag in the other. 
She stood near the glass doors, clearly looking for someone. A small frown appeared on her lips as the object of her delivery seemed to not be in the room. 
Morgan saw the contemplation on her face whether she was on the right floor or not. She took a step back towards the double glass doors, before Derek got up to give a helping hand. 
He calmly approached the pretty woman before calling out to her, “Excuse me miss, is there something you need help with.” 
The h/c turned at his voice, Derek could see slight recognition within her eyes. A small smile graced her lips before she spoke, “You must be Derek Morgan.” 
The named man furrowed his eyebrows. He had never met this woman before in his life, even if he had Derek would’ve remembered her face. 
The woman saw the confusion on his face as well as the slight guard he put up after she said his name. The h/c’s realization kicked in and her panic set in. “Oh no, I’m not dangerous. My boyfriend had told me a lot about you. Even showed me a photo of you. Well not of you but a group picture and pointed you out. And I’ve always been good at remembering faces. So when I saw you I just knew that you were Derek Morgan. Again I’m not dangerous.” 
Her lengthy explanation reminded him of the resident genius that was approaching the two of them. 
Spencer was very confused when he saw Derek Morgan speaking with his girlfriend of 3 years. He was even more confused when he saw her panicked expression and the slight wave of her hands as she tried to explain something. 
Spencer pulled open the glass doors to the bullpen and turned towards the interesting conversation that was happening. He didn’t get much of it, just the last bit where Y/n said ‘I’m not dangerous’. 
“What’s going on here?” The brunette male asked. He looked between his favorite people waiting for one of them to answer. 
“Oh, hello love. I was just coming over to see if you wanted to have lunch with me. I had a half day at work for class but then my professor canceled class last minute because he wasn’t feeling well.” Y/n had gestured to the food in her arms at the mention of lunch. 
She had swung by their favorite Thai place. Having not been there for a few weeks because of Spencer’s busy schedule and Y/n’s guilt for eating it without him. Spencer smiled widely at the offer of food and his lover for his break. 
“I’d love to honey. We can eat at my desk if you’d like.” Spencer offered. Grabbing the drinks from her to make the load easier to carry. 
Derek watched the exchange between them. Only putting everything together when you call Spencer ‘love’. 
“Holy shit she’s real.” He had meant to say it in his head. But the statement slipped out, causing the two of you to look at him with confusion. 
“You didn’t think she was real?” Spencer asked.
“Well, no. Just that she sounded really perfect for you so I had a hard time believing it at first. But then I met her and she literally reminded me of you.” Derek tried to explain but it didn’t sound all too convincing. 
Spencer and Y/n looked at each other before laughing. Y/n had just met Derek and he thought she was someone that Spencer made up. Their giggles made Derek feel stupid.
And that’s something he doesn’t feel often (not counting the times Spencer made him feel stupid). 
Y/n had calmed down first before holding out her free hand for Derek to shake, “Hi, my name is Y/n L/n. I’m going back to school to be a teacher but currently I’m working as a barista. I’ve been told I’m patient and kind. Spencer and I have been dating since we were 22 but we met when we were 20.” 
Y/n then spared a glance at Spencer before asking, “Same intro you gave him right?” 
Spencer nodded with a smile before kissing the crown of her head, “Yep same one you gave to my mom.” 
Derek looked between the young couple content on the evidence presented to him. Derek took Y/n’s hand and shook it giving a greeting of his own, “It’s nice to meet you Y/n. I’m Derek Morgan and I’ve become Spencer’s big brother. So don’t you go breaking his heart.” 
The toothy smile was answer enough, but Y/n couldn’t resist her response, “Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
Spencer had excused the two of them to go eat lunch at his desk. Spencer was happy that his lives were starting to blend together.
He’s especially glad that his favorite people were able to meet each other once and for all. Even though one of them thought the other was a figment of his imagination.
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lynxastrology · 7 months
Intimidating placements ⛓️💥
Disclaimer: These observations are based on my personal interpretations <3
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Mars dominance: These people might face alot of challenges in life but their resilience and their willpower is what makes them powerful. They have a fiery energy to them and are very energetic people. These people never quit when they are faced with a challenge and are very independent. This placement gives off major WARRIOR vibes. The only problem about this placement is controlling anger which might take time but once they master how to channel their anger, These people are immensely powerful and strong both mentally and even physically. Can bless someone with great mental strength.
Aries ascendant/ aries dominance: These people are naturally very assertive. When they set a particular goal, they make sure that they finish it ASAP. These people have low level of patience which can cause some problems in their life but the drive towards their goals is nearly unstoppable. Their confidence and assertiveness is intimidating.
Capricorn mars/MC/rising: These people have absolutely zero tolerance for bullshit. They’re not bossy, they are the boss. Since they are heavily ruled by saturn, they have this air of authority around them and saturn also indicates karma so if anyone messes with them, karma will hit those people 10 times harder. People naturally see them as someone who is the BOSS and they might look kinda stoic and strict. They have patience but once they lose it, then can be very intimidating and merciless. BOSS BITCH energy FS
8°,20°: Personal planets (venus, MARS, rising) can bless someone with lots of sex appeal (esp if this degree is on the mars/venus). Their aura is just powerful even if they think they are not, people naturally see them as someone who is powerful, resilient and sexually attractive. 8° on the mars can make the mars sign a lil scorpionic 🦂.
Lilith square ascendant: This is a very intense placement in a birth chart. They evoke strong reactions from people and might have been a victim of bullying during the early years. These people usually get hate for no reason especially from women and its cuz of pure jealousy. One of the most sexiest and intimidating placements to have in a birth chart. Especially women with this placement intimidate alot of men but men also find them to be sexually attractive and seductive. People with this placement get alot of jealousy and hate which can shatter their confidence. Working on themselves and bringing back that confidence will make them very sexy, intimidating and powerful. They might have very intense facial features which look raw and sometimes even scary.
Pluto-sun aspects: These people radiate power and charisma (esp the easy aspects). Sun is all about identity, ego and pluto is about power and transformation. This aspect can make someone very resilient and they can handle pressure quite smartly. I have sun sextile pluto and i can handle pressure pretty well. These people are naturally persuasive and this placement is also kinda scorpionic 🦂❤️‍🔥.
Asteriod aura(1488) conjunct mars/MC in aries/scorpio/capricorn: Their aura might be very commanding and authoritative. These people might also viewed as a sex symbol and someone who is intimidating. They might also have a prominent sex appeal which can be viewed as seductive and dangerous (in a sensual way).
10°,8°,22° on the ascendant: Having these degrees on the ascendant means that your first impression to people would be strong and intense. 8° degress on the ascendant can give dark and sharp features to the native. Meanwhile, 10°, 22° (esp 10°) can bless someone with sharp and angular features. People who have this degree on the ascendant literally look like models and they look very seductive as well. These people can capture people’s attention and make heads turn fr 💋.
1st house ruler in the 10th house: These people usually are very charismatic and have a big presence to the people around them. They command respect and they naturally get that respect. This placement can be a fame indicator. Everyone knows their name and who they are because they attract popularity so effortlessly. Their career is the most important aspect in their life and they can also be authoritative. These people can also be excellent CEOs, entrepreneurs because they have an energy that intimidates people in a way that everyone respects them. Another BOSS BITCH placement ✨.
saturn-asc hard aspects: People with this aspect have the ✨best✨ bone structure. This placement is kinda similar to capricorn mars. These people have very defined facial features and their face naturally looks kinda stoic. I have this placement and everyone tells me that i have a stoic/ rbf. They have an aura about them that is authoritative and disciplined and these people also have good sex appeal as well. These people usually age like fine wine.
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shiny-jr · 3 months
Hi! I noticed that your requests were open and I love the way you write Malleus so I was hoping you would do yandere malleus x reader. where the reader knows twisted wonderland is a game (but not imposter au pls) and after they got isekia'd are trying to stop the overblots from happening and malleus is just terrified for them. Idk just an idea I've had for awhile but never found a fanfic like lol. Obviously it's totally fine if you don't want to do it or if I accidentally broke a rule. Anyway remember to drink some water and take a break if needed! Have a amazing rest of your day/night!!
Warning: Yandere (not really, not at all). Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Malleus Draconia.
Summary: MC sees affection meters and it's not good.
Note: These are mainly thoughts and random words my mind spewed out.  
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How did one claim victory at a game? Well, it entirely depended on the game, the mechanics and the options. It should've been impossible to lose a mobile game that was primarily composed of the gacha mechanism and visual novels.
When you suddenly found yourself in the series of twisted villains in a prestigious school of magic, you found that it was much more complex than it appeared on screen. Especially when only you could see these small bars occasionally floating above people's heads. Bars which you recognized as affection meters, nearly all of them stagnant at a dull gray 0% when you first arrived. This was the hurdle blocking your way to an easy victory. Because how else were you to escape the game, other than complete it?
Situations became messier, when you didn't have a dialogue options between two mere choices. Add making good impressions and keeping a character's favor, to the list of quests alongside avoiding death by inky overblotted characters. By some miracle, you had increased the affection of the characters you met and interacted with to a healthy 5% or 10%, sometimes more. At any cost you wished to avoid getting in the negatives, because you did not want to find out what would happen then.
Sometimes, the numbers would drop dangerously close to zero, mainly when an overblot was occuring. Never had you realized how the visual novel failed spectacularly at portraying the utter horror of the overblotted in all their wicked glory. The black inky darkness leaking from them like tears or blood with those crazed unhinged looks in their eyes–– was the stuff of pure nightmares.
And yet the one whose overblot you had been dreading the most, the dorm leader of Diasomnia, was surprisingly docile as you dealt with others. However, you knew even when conversing with him, that you would one day witness him overblot and look like some ethereal but deadly fallen angel. So mentally you prepared yourself, while taking on the task of keeping up appearances.
Malleus' affection meter, was a good 20% and a friendly pink shade, quite the accomplishment you were proud of, considering the majority of the cast wasn't even at 15%. The Draconia heir was certainly someone you never wanted to see reach below zero, so you did your absolute best to appeal to him, even if he was quite intimidating at first with the way he stoically watched you complain about the least of your worries, homework and classes.
By the time you spoke to him about your troubles with the Ramshackle dorm and Azul, during what you knew was the Octavinelle arc, the prince's affection had sprouted to a 22%. When you went into more detail of the potential loss you could face, it went to 23%.
The next time you saw him, you were weary and antsy since witnessing Azul's break-down. If the blot of his tears had the magic to gather, it would've been enough to drown, you were sure of it. Even by that maniac look in his eyes, you're sure he would've purposely drowned you if he got close enough.
Throughout that charlatan's chapter, his affection meter had slowly been rising, dropping during the overblot like the tides only to rise once again by the end to a good 45%. This was good!
But no matter how much you may have pondered, strategized, or try to predict each next action, you could've never guessed that the next time you saw Malleus after Azul's overblot, his expression taut with concern, his affection meter had made a jump to 55% and turned red. This entire time you had been avoiding the negatives, but you never once worried of the dangers and implications a red affection meter above 50% would mean for you. Or heaven forbid, anything close to 100%.
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back2bluesidex · 6 months
J-Hope Fic Recommendations (18+)
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If you are already following me for quite some time then you should know that I am a massive masochist and I like to torture myself by reading and writing angsty stories. So, most of the stories that I recommended are angsty as well (might as well have sad endings). So please carefully read the warnings before proceeding. Have a happy reading.
And please don't expect much from me. There are several other rec lists far better than mine. The only motive I had behind creating this list to promote some of the stories, which I think are very underrated. especially angsty ones. These stories are beautifully written so.. I just wanted to let the authors know how phenomenal of a job they have done (As a writer myself I know how much this actually means). Thanks to these amazing writers and I am grateful that they decided to share their work here with us.
[Minors please stay away from my blog!]
Key: F - Fluff, A- Angst, S- Smut, Y- Yandere, *- Personal Favorite
1. Ash from his fire by @filmcrystal - A, implied S, cheating au
It will break your heart so please proceed with caution.
2. Forbidden Fruit by @deepdarkdelights - A, Y
This one deals with several triggering topics. Hence, read the warnings carefully. But I can say that you will love this twisted mafia Hoseok way too much!
3. Shadows by @borathae - A, exes au
One of the most underrated stories I have ever read! Yeah, it is very angsty and Hoseok is so cruel but... we all are masochist here. lmao!
4. Heaven sent by @aquagustd - A, F, S, f2l au
Sexy soccer player Hoseok is just another name for perfection.
5. Bound by @explicit-tae - S, kinda f2l
Talk abut BDSM! GOOOD Sweet Lord!!!
6. Jigsaw by @sunshinejunghoseokie - A *
I remembered crying after reading this one. So damn underrated that it physically hurts me!!
7. Delta Disorder by @bangtanintotheroom Y, S, Supernatural au
I don't usually read supernatural stuff but this demon Hoseok is way too sexy to skip!
8. Systems of Touch by @yeoldontknow - S, F, tiny A, S2l au
Beautifully written! The author used 100% of their capabilities to write this one. Perfectly drawn Professor Hoseok with a very attractive character of reader. Certainly a treat to read.
9. 2:00 AM by @likeastarstar - A, fuckbuddy Hoseok
Part of a series but can be read as a standalone. and Hoseok is a dick in this.
10. Love Quarrels by @mirahuyooo - A, F, mafia au
A cold yet soft mafia husband Hoseok chases behind his angry wife... could there be anything better than that?
11. The Hook Up ft. JK by @minisugakoobies - S
A little bit of a triangle.. but not love? if that makes sense.
12. Entelechy by @drmflm - suggestive (I believe)
Can't call this one angst and neither is this about Hoseok (he is there, don't worry). This one is more about the reader and her growth and it's beautiful.
13. Orgasms on the verge of a nervous breakdown by @sluttyandere - S, Y *
This is very dark and quite triggering, so please don't read unless you can handle those stuff.
14. For the night by @aseaofyoongi - A, S
I cried. that's all.
15. We Shouldn't by @beahae - S **
Hands down to one of my most favourite Hoseok smuts ever!!! This one has a Jimin follow-up so make sure to read that too.
16. Real or not real by @nmjoo-n - A, S, F **
Again one of the most exquisite Hoseok fics I have ever read!
17. Checkmate by @sunshinejoon - A, S
This was supposed to have a sequel but it is perfect regardless.
18. Do I wanna know - @yoongiphoria - A, f2? ****
Now, MJ knows how much I love this one. I often read this story and I never ever get bored of it! I love this to the core and you should too!
19. Scrap - @silv3rswirls - A, Y, S
Dark and sexy. Read the warnings carefully please.
20. It's a Promise by @sahmfanficbts - S, A, Arranged marriage au
Just read it.
21. Three by @hamsterclaw - S
22. Wonderwall by @kiara-ish - A with an open ending
Might not be for the faint hearted.
23. Infatuated by @bangtanfancamp - F
If you like high school love au then this one is for you.
24. Constellations of You by @persphonesorchid - S, F, established relationship au
This is so domestic that my heart almost exploded while reading!!
25. Burning flames or paradise by @/yoongiphoria - A, tiny f ****
MJ does magic.... that's all I can say.
26. Alone again by @archivedkookie - A, F
I loooove these kinds of stories. Just the right amount of despair with the right amount of hope... beautiful.
27. Feeling Good by @bonvoyagenoona - A, S
Everything I write about this will fall short.. so I will just shut up and let you enjoy the goodness.
28. Distracted by @dilfhoseokie - S
29. Drink Champaign in my airplane by @/bangtanintotheroom - F, S, F2l
Perfectly embodies a rich hot CEO friend Hoseok... a fun read.
30. Keynote by @missgeniality - S **********
MY MOST FAVORITE HOSEOK ONESHOT TO EXIST IN THE PLANET. yeah.. (this has a follow-up but I like this one better)
The thing is that I don't usually read series. I just don't have that patience. So this list is pretty small and forgive me for that.
1. Transference by @dark-muse-iris - A, S, F, S2l *********************
I wasn't the same after reading this. I can't talk about this trantric therapist Hoseok, 'cause I will never shut up if I start.
2. Kanalia by @xjoonchildx - A, S, f (?) *********************
Honestly, who isn't a sucker for Lord Jung? You must be sick if you are not. (On a side note.. Kanalia is keeping me alive from jumping off trains on tough days)
3. Guarded by @/xjoonchildx - A, S, F, S2l
Mafia Hoseok with dogtags. I think that's enough of an introduction.
If you want to read the Hoseok stories I write, you can checkout my Masterlist.
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astrow1zar6 · 5 months
Astro notes- 22
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Having a Neptune in the 1st house can feel like your living in a dream. It’s harder for you to not get taken up by your imagination. This placement is known for dreaming with their eyes open. A lot struggle from Maladaptive Daydreaming. Meditation/ Breath work can help with grounding these people.
Aries placements (especially the moon & rising) have amazing eyebrows. They’re all so perfect arched and full. They’re eyebrows can sometimes make them look intimidating as well.
Libra in your big three usually have buck teeth or they just have really big teeth in the front.
People with Pluto risings cannot stand fake energy. Being around too many fake people can literally make them go insane & snap on everyone. These people normally March at the beat of their own drum which causes many people to flock to them for advice.
Aquarius moons emotions can come out really robotically. Like you don’t know if they really care when you vent to them. They act very nonchalantly and bored when people open up emotionally to them. I started crying in front of my aqua moon friend once and she just stared at me & patted me on the back😭😂 she tried tho. Also I notice aqua moons have a weird thing with physical affection. They are the times to give like 2 seconds hugs or just not like to be touched much in general.
Sagittarius suns have a habit of embarrassing themselves to make others laugh. They really have no shame. They will say and no the most outlandish shit just to get a giggle out of someone. They can sometimes embarrass others tho if they do too much. They can be really extra.
People with Gemini & Sagittarius in their big three we’re probably class clowns
Leo suns never wanted the same things as anyone when they were little. They always wanted something that made them stand out from the crowd. (Ex: everyone had pink tiaras for my cousins birthday and my Leo cousin threw a fit because she wanted purple instead so she didn’t look like everyone else) 😂
Aquarius suns are chameleons in social settings. They can fit into any group & usually have a big people pleaser personality. Not in a weak way however but they just understand what people like & how to engage certain people properly.
Capricorn stelliums can end up being rich or famous. These people are really hustlers. I’ve seen these people start businesses in their 20s with this it worked 3 jobs to get the life they need. One thing these people know how to do is work.
Cancer and Libra suns tend to loose themselves in partnerships the most. I’ve seen these people make their partners their world while they completely neglect other areas of their life. They are both really blinded by love.
Uk an Aries sun women likes you when they start teasing/bullying you. (Playfully!) arguing is foreplay to them bizarrely lol.
If Jupiter is prominently yet negatively aspected in the chart it can show narcissistic or sociopathic tendencies.
Virgo moons tend to like very fresh light scents. Like fresh linen, laundry smells, light floral scents. Nothing to heavy.
Taurus placements look best with minimal to no makeup & Libra placements normally look incredible with a full face of makeup or just glamour looks. It’s really interesting how the two sides of Venus play out. Taurus gives more of an earthy goddess vibe & Libra gives me a more chic fashionista insta model/influencer vibe. Both value beauty & aesthetics but in opposite ways.
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A character reference based on all four Steps of Our Life! It's only "sort of" a height reference as well since obviously they're not 100% accurate (the devs don't have specific heights for everyone to my knowledge).
I did dig into the code to try and get characters at their "normal" heights but there are other matters at play too (example: Nicolas is obviously "taller" than he should be because he needs to be pushed upwards to be visible enough above the game's text box; likewise with other very short characters).
Still, this should serve as either a nice reference guide for every character or a "height reference" in the sense of getting an idea of which characters are shorter/taller than others.
I'm also going to detail some extra notes below the break, including posts from GB Patch's Tumblr that reference any defined heights (with Cove being the obvious one) or general height things, as well as some more stuff about the MC's height in comparison to the three love interests depending on what you pick.
Cove's height is listed on GB Patch's FAQ as 4' 1" in Step 1 (also stated as "mostly average, perhaps a bit on the short side"), 5' 4" in Step 2 (in-game this is defined as "very tall" on the MC's potential height spectrum, as that is the only option considered on par with Cove's height), 6' 0" in Step 3, and 6' 4" in Step 4. A fun fact is that Cove's final height was originally 6' 3" (191cm) instead.
Derek in Step 2 is under five feet tall (this post also lists Cove as "around 5 and a half feet tall" which you could take as either close enough to 5' 4" as stated above or a potential original height he had that got changed). In-game, he's "short" but not "very short", as having your MC be "very short" will prompt narration telling you that you're shorter than Derek, whereas "short" only has you relate to him in smolness generally.
Step 4 Derek is "mostly average." He wouldn't be considered tall nor would he be considered short. His youngest brother Nicolas will "probably end up as a similar height to him" once he's more grown up.
Step 4 Baxter is "taller than average, but not especially tall."
I've been informed that, on the Our Life Patreon Discord, Step 4 Derek's height is listed as 5' 9" (175cm) whereas Step 4 Baxter's is listed as 5' 11" (180cm), so those are their defined heights. Before that, both of their heights had jumped around somewhat. A post from 2019 said that Derek was 5' 11", but a post from June 2021 said that Baxter was 5' 11" and Derek was 5' 9" (so consistent with the Discord). Then there's also another post from July 2021 (you'll have to scroll down for this one) that listed Baxter at around 5' 10" while Derek was 5' 8"/5' 9". If you're insane enough to try and use the character reference too, then Baxter would actually be around 6'1" at minimum since he's taller than Step 3 Cove (though you could also make the same argument that this means the mom trio of Pamela, Noelani, and Kyra must be decently tall as well since they're so close to Cove on the character reference).
I don't have any experience with GB Patch's other game, XOXO Droplets, so I don't know what ages the characters are in it, but since both Shiloh and Jeremy are characters seen visibly in Our Life, I thought I'd also mention that they're listed as 5' 10" and 5' 5" (or 5' 5 1/2") respectively in XOXO Droplets. Jeremy also apparently grows to 5' 8" in his 20s and he's 22 in the Our Life Cove Wedding DLC (I don't think this is spoken of in the game specifically but he's labeled as 22 in the code).
As for the MC and how their height plays into things, "tall" and "very tall" as well as "short" and "very short" tend to be considered the same for the most part in the game's code. It's not that there isn't a difference at all (I would say it's still notable), it's just that sometimes the game may be more vague about height differences. My post about Errands references this where you don't need more athletic points due to being "very short" instead of "short" to give Cove a piggyback ride.
A guesstimate I'd make is that about 5% of the time, the game will take note of whether you're "very tall" instead of "tall" or "very short" instead of "short." Otherwise, you're either "generally tall," "average," or "generally short." There are also other instances (usually with Cove) where the game might just check if you're either generally tall (around Cove's height) or not generally tall (i.e: definitely shorter than him).
This is actually relevant to the heights because, following all above information, one would assume that Step 4 Derek is average, Step 4 Baxter is tall, and Step 4 Cove is very tall going off the MC's potential "height spectrum" of very short, short, average, tall, and very tall, but it's not entirely the case.
A "tall" MC (generally tall) will look "down" at Step 4 Baxter just as he will look "up" at them or they'll look directly at each other if the MC is "average," same as Step 3 Baxter, but--
when the game has any instance of differentiating between "tall" and "very tall" (they never do this for Step 3 Baxter so the base assumption would have to be that he's just average height), things change.
During Baxter's apology in the wedding of his Step 4, Baxter dips his chin to look at the MC if they're "short"/"very short," levels his chin to look at the MC if they're "average"/"tall," and then lifts his chin to look at the MC if they're "very tall." A generally tall MC still has to lean down to kiss him if they choose to do so though.
Also, during the intimacy scene with Baxter (either in his office or his living room), if the MC is "very short," "short," or "average," it states that Baxter is taller than them. If they're "very tall," then Baxter is shorter than them, but a "tall" MC is "almost the exact same height" as him.
This is all a really long-winded way of saying that GB Patch referring to Step 4 Baxter being "taller than average but not especially tall" might mean that he's some infuriating middle ground between average and tall where he's not quite one but not quite the other either (which honestly is very Baxter of him so I can't even be mad).
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ellieluvr420 · 4 months
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𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
Ways you can help Palestine
Trusted organisations you can donate to
TLOU (TLOU2 especially) is rooted in Zionism and Neil Druckmann is a Zionist. Please don't buy the games or watch the show unless pirating. Separate the characters from the content and its creators!
Please make sure that as well as spreading information and awareness online you are also doing it in real life! Never stop the conversation with the people around you because often its the people you know in real life (especially of older generations) that need the education. If you can go to protests, please do but be careful and take the necessary measures to protect yourself and others around you.
daily click
This account and the fics I write are an escape and a release for me but my account stands with palestine as it always will so any discourse (by discourse, I mean debate not communication as information-sharing is of course welcome) around the topic will not be tolerated because there shouldn't be any discourse, you either support genocide or you don't and anyone that does support the Israeli genocide of Palestinians or any for that matter is not welcome on my account. This is a safe space for my beautiful followers and any decent person is welcome but let's keep things kind please bby's.
We Meet Again, Darling
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SYNOPSIS: Abby Anderson is a skilled detective that's never let a criminal escape her grasp, until you. You've infiltrated every part of her life and she still can't get you. As she grows more and more intrigued by you she finds herself descending further into darkness until there's no way back. She takes your hand and follows you as if your presence is the only thing giving her life knowing that you are the most dangerous thing for her. Her life will never be hers again and she will stop at nothing to keep following you down your path of corruption.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Friends? Never
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SYNOPSIS: You and Ellie had been bitter enemies for years now but before that you were best friends. You had always planned to be roommates one day but when that becomes a reality the situation isn't exactly how you both imagined it.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Eye for an Eye
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SYNOPSIS: Your body yearned for the touch of your girlfriend, the warm embrace that calmed your mind but you couldn't give in, the anger you harboured for her at disappearing with her group for three months without any warning, explanation or even a mention of when she would be back stopped you in your tracks any time you got close to giving in. You loved Abby so much but looking at her made you sick, you couldn't push the feelings down no matter how much you craved for things to go back to what they once were. You hadn't planned this but the anguish in those green eyes mirrored yours and sucked you in before you could think twice about the repercussions of your actions. You made your bed when you made the deal with the auburn-haired stranger, eventually you'd have to lie in it.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Change They had her, the love of your life, they had her and they were going to die for it.
Guardian Angel A guardian angel getting wrapped up with the human she was supposed to be protecting, a double-edged sword bound to hurt. The memory of you, your calming presence in a time where everything was hanging in the balance haunted her. All she craved was to see you again. She was addicted, obsessed. She needed you in every way but you only appeared in her mind, you were never part of reality. You were her saviour, the blood running through her veins, all she wanted was you, that was all she would ever want.
You're mine It was silent, neither of you moved or spoke, your eyes were fixed on each other, neither of you daring to look away. Your eyes were glassy and bloodshot and hers were cold and dark, your nose was sore and running as you sniffled holding the tears in your eyes that were begging to be let free. You didn't understand how a girl that shows you as much love as she does could hurt you so bad.
Wife Abby
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paluding · 6 months
Owned Restaurant Profit Increase
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Two versions to download:
-Double profit: SFS / GD
-Triple profit: SFS / GD
Choose only one version!
We all know how hard it is to maintain a restaurant business in The Sims 2, right? You barely make any money and, if you have some employees to get paid hourly, there's a good chance you'll even end up losing money. Well, once again I've been digging through the files for a while until I've found something to fix this issue. I have to say, this is not the ideal solution at all, but it still makes the business actually profitable, so I thought it might be worth sharing anyways. This tiny mod edits just one single BCON value, and it's super easy to tune to your liking! A lot of technical details, a tutorial on how to tune it, and a big testing research under the cut (bear with me please, I promise it's worth reading).
So the way an unmodded game moves money in a restaurant business goes like this: the moment your waiter puts the dish on the customer table, you get a small percentage of the price of the food deducted. Then, once the customer finishes eating, they pay you the full price of that food (based on how expensive or cheap you set your business). Simple enough, right? Ideally, the best solution would be increasing the price of the food, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't find those values anywhere. So what's left on the equation? Yup, that small percentage you get deducted first. I was lucky enough to find that one, so changing it to a negative value means you actually get extra paid first. And that money comes from nowhere, the customer doesn't pay extra, they only pay the price of the actual food. That works for me!
As a quick example, in a new business with 0 stars, if you keep the default price on average, you always gain 28 simoleons for serving a bowl of Mac N Cheese. However, you also get deducted 4 simoleons first, so it's actually 24 simoleons per customer. That's just sad. The Double version of my mod makes it so you get 22 simoleons first, and then the customer pays those 28 simoleons. That's a total of 50 simoleons per customer. More than double the profit, not bad! The Triple version gives you a total of 71, pretty self explanatory. The numbers don’t match exactly with double or triple profits, but I didn’t want to spend that much time finding the exact value to make it exactly double or triple, you know, especially considering there might be other factors that affect your business income. I’m not that good at maths to be honest... orz
So how do you tune this? All you need is SimPe. Open the package, click on the BCON file and edit line number 14, on the Dec box. The default Maxis value was 20. I changed it to -100 to get roughly double the profit, and -200 to get triple profit. If you want to increase the profit even more, make sure you keep it negative when changing the value! Then just click Commit and Save. Done!
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One extra note before I continue. The extra money you get with the mod does count for the balance you see on the UI menu for the business on the top right. So if you like to keep track of your income, the mod will take effect on those bars. However, it won’t count for things like the First Simoleon prize thingy. So for now I’m not really sure if this extra money would count for other things such as Lifetime Wants related to gaining money. I haven’t tested it that much.
Okay, now you know almost everything you need to know about this mod. If you want to read some ramblings on how I tested this, keep reading. Otherwise, you’re good to go!
So, let’s talk testing, because that’s something I actually enjoy doing. I built a simple restaurant lot, with about 5 tables available. The conditions were:
-3 Sims from my household to work as host, waiter and chef. No external employees, so I don’t need to keep track of extra salaries to pay.
-Schedule is roughly 15:00 - 22:00.
-New business level 0. Prices were kept at the default average.
-I didn’t use the Basic Sell interaction. If the customer didn’t want to eat at my restaurant, then so be it.
-The chef had 10 points of cooking skill, so I could add any food to the menu. However, I only chose one food to cook to keep the profit numbers as consistent as possible.
For the first case, I chose cooking only Mac N Cheese, a very cheap food that makes almost no money at all. It doesn’t require any cooking skill points. Mac N Cheese gives you 28 simoleons when the Sim pays. -In an unmodded game, you also lose 4 simoleons, so it’s 24 simoleons per customer. After running the business for the set schedule, I got 240 simoleons of profit. Pretty disappointing! If I had employees to pay, I would only have a few simoleons to spare, if any at all. -With my Double version of the mod, you get an extra 22 simoleons, making a total of 50 simoleons per customer. After running the business with the mod in, I got 400 simoleons. Not much, but hey, it’s something.
For the second case, I chose Filet Mignon. This food is pretty fancy, and it requires max cooking skill. Filet Mignon gives you 83 simoleons when the Sim pays. I also noticed the customers take way less time to eat it compared to the Mac N Cheese, so that’s an extra bonus to make the business run faster. -In an unmodded game, you also lose 13, so it’s 70 simoleons per customer. After running the business, I got 630 simoleons of profit. Not bad, but considering you need to max out the cooking skill, it’s almost insulting spending so many hours just to get that… -With my Double version of the mod, you get an extra 65 simoleons, making a total of 148 (!) simoleons per customer. After running the business with the mod in, I got 1036 simoleons. Okay, nooow we’re talking! That's the fancy restaurant status I like to see.
You might be wondering why these numbers are so inconsistent. Well, sometimes my lovely waiter decided to drop the tray on the customers, poor guy. That added to the randomness of how customers decide to enter the restaurant or not, and if the game sits more than one customer on the table or just one of them, if someone gets stuck for a while losing time… all of that can end up making the results a bit inconsistent. That being said, I had better luck when I was running the business without the mod in, yet I still got quite a lot more money with the mod in. I didn’t keep track of the numbers for the Triple version, but as you can probably guess, that one would be even more profitable.
One last case I wanted to test and compare: a completely different type of business, a games and entertainment one using the Bandatron ticket machine. In that scenario, I got 21 simoleons per customer, each hour. So after that schedule of 15:00 - 22:00, I got a total of 789 simoleons! All my sim did during those hours was bartending. That shows how easy it is to run a business with a ticket machine, and the biggest advantage is that you don’t have to pay employees if you don’t need them, and you don’t need any skills at all. Just plop down that machine, put some objects, relax and let the money flow by itself.
So yeah, in conclusion, Eaxis really messed up programming the restaurant businesses, there’s no doubt about it. Hopefully my mod helps balance things out. And if you think it's still too low on the incomes department, you can always tune it to your liking! As far as I know, this should not conflict with anything, but if you run into any issues, let me know and I’ll try my best to fix it asap.
Special thanks to EddySims for their fantastic HQ Icon Pack I used to make the preview pic! <3
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riedswifts · 1 year
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WARNINGS : infidelity, age-gap ( 22 y-o reader ), unprotected P in V sex, mutual pinning, breeding kink, riding, truck sex, forced orgasm, fingering, dub-con, Joel’s a bit of a perv but not to much. Not much dirty talk in this one. Pet names ( sweetheart, etc. ) Shy reader (barley talks in this)
SUMMARY : leaving for college seemed fun but falling into the wrong friend group never crossed your mind, so when you’re left stranded at a club there’s really only one person you’re able to call, especially when your parents are out of town,
୭𓄹⩩ ♡̷͎ ˖𓍯ζ
YOU TRIED TO IGNORE THE SIGNALS BUT THIS ONE WAS PROBABLY ONE YOU COULDN’T. They had left you stranded in the club to go home with different guys they met but hey that was them, always leaving you out. You felt chills run in your legs all the way to the back of your neck as you stepped out of the bar, it was full of sweaty horny dry humping bodies and you weren’t in the mood to have fun. Especially after you got ditched. But you didn’t need those girls, you were pretty sure one of the dads was sleeping with the dean of the school but you wouldn’t bother to tell her, you didn’t know if they’d talk to you when you went back but you could care less right now. You just wanted to go home.
You were near your hometown because college wasn’t that far but still a decent trip, but the one weekend you were closer to home your parents had left. Well your dad and his terrible wife, she was a whole different story but the reason your dad and Joel had became friends was because their wives were best friends. Both terrible wives, but you couldn’t judge because you didn’t have that much knowledge in the relationship department. It was a choice though, you couldn’t be bothered that much, especially when your type was more the teacher than the students.
You only had one choice at this point and you stood in the middle of the dark street with echoes of music as a passing car arrived here and there. There was a looming thought in your head but you shut your eyes and pressed the caller ID. It wasn’t that you hated him, or didn’t like him. That was the issue- you liked him way too much. He was married and you babysat Sarah for gods sake.
You put the phone to your ear sitting on a lone bench as the streets were barley lit but people were inside the clubs at the small bars. You glanced at the spot you and your “friends” had parked and the car was gone making you sigh as you tried to keep your body heat in the small thin dress you had on. You had began to rethink every choice you made as you refused to let your eyes water over something so stupid. The phone ran a few times and you thought you were shut out of luck.
୭𓄹⩩ ♡̷͎ ˖𓍯ζ
The headlights had you squinting as you had almost drifted off on the bench, the music was still blaring down the street from the club you exited and you picked up your small clutch that had your phone and pepper spray in it and walked over to the truck that stopped a few feet in front of you. When you stood up to walk over to the car Joel got a good look at, a really good look actually. He didn’t understand how someone he used to watch had this type of effect on him 20 years later, he unlocked the door as you reached it and sent him a thankful smile but he could see right through it.
“Hey Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” He asked as you finally got situated in the large comfortable truck seat. As soon as you closed the door you sighed leaning back into the leather thankful it’s was cool in the truck. You glanced over at him but like always you could never look him in the eye, not matter what, it was like if you did he’d see that you still had that same crush on him that you had long ago.
“My friends.” You mumbled. The word came out like a jeer and he shifted gears on the truck before starting to drive. He wasn’t driving fast or eager to get home, it was more like a drive to allow conversation to drag on. “They ditched me, left me at the club.” You added a bit quieter, when you said it aloud it sounded childish to be so mad about it and you didn’t wanna be judged. Especially by Joel. If you needed validation the only one you’d allow was his.
“ ‘m sorry sweetheart, they don’t know what they’re missin’ out on.” His eyes fluttered to your body nearly short stopping when he noticed the cold air had caused your nipples to poke at the fabric leaving a pretty clear indentation. You seemed to have no idea as you stared at the trees that lined the dark nearly pitch black road.
After a moment of silence you looked over at him while he drove, his arms pushing against the tight sleeves of the shirt he wore. “Thanks for picking me up, sorry if I woke you.” You always apologized even if it wasn’t your fault- you just couldn’t help it. Joel looked over at you waving you off. “ it’s no problem I wasn’t sleepin’ anyway.”
You smiled sheepishly as he continued. “How’s college besides all those girls? Tell me sweetheart you like those college boys?” You were taken off guard at the question, flustered as he smirked so subtly you couldn’t even tell. He wasn’t wrong though, you didn’t know why you simply just couldn’t find yourself being truly attracted to the guys. Scratch that- you knew why you hated college boys, but that didn’t mean all of them were that way. The ones that were nice, seemed to nice, and others thought it was funny to slip a white pill into girls drinks.
All you could give him was a shrug to afraid to open your mouth, he seemed to wreck all your outer walls you built up for college, and for the real world. He seemed to make every word in your brain disappear and he could have you dumb just looking at you. “C’mon tell me the truth.” Even if it was a tease you sucked your lips between your teeth before eventually giving in you’d at least try to not be awkward.
“Not really my type.” You wondered if that seemed to forward, you didn’t want it to seem like you were hinting but when he turned to look at you, your cheeks felt hot. “No- I mean, I don’t like them. I didn’t mean that as like-“ He actually laughed at your stumble over the way you worded it and his hand fell to your leg. “I’m just messin’ with you sweetheart. Your dads out of town and I’m sure Melissa wouldn’t mind.” Melissa was his wife, the horrid one that seemed to get along with your step mother.
You cringed lightly and scooted in your seat but his hand just tightened on your leg. He didn’t seem to be bothered by it so why were you? “Oh- I don’t know. I really don’t wanna be a bother.” Lie. If you spent the night there you were sure to just get roped back into a crush that had you eating ice cream in front of the TV crying when he told your dad he was marrying Melissa.
“Nonsense, it’ll be fine.” He said taking a turn down the road that went through the backroads to the neighborhood. You didn’t know if he knew you knew it was the longer way but either way you didn’t mind. Your clutch tumbled off the seat onto the floor and the contents fell out, reaching over you hadn’t realized your dress scooted up as you reached over and down to gather it. Joel saw the small black thing you were wearing under the dress and you sat up quickly pulling your dress down looking over at Joel’s face.
Something had changed in the air a while ago but, now it was obvious. “Sorry I-“ You shook your head as Joel’s foot eased off the gas slowing down but still gliding down the road. “You don’t have to cover up f’me sweetheart. Nothin’ I haven’t seen before.” He let it slip and he didn’t even care, you weren’t clued into the fact that he could see your bedroom window from his living room window. He’d stay up late just to watch you change, watching the way you inched out of your pants. Unaware your blinds were open.
You froze turning to him forgetting about everything on the floor as your face looked like a confused dear. Doe eyes all confused as his voice came out darker than you expected, opening your mouth a small breath escaped. “Mr. Miller?” You asked as his eyes stayed zeroed in on your face. “Joel, sweetheart, Joel.”
“Joel.” Maybe it was the small amount of alcohol you had, or the pent up everything but you shifted in your seat legs subtly pinching together. “What- did you mean by that?” You almost sounded scared but it made Joel grin, the car pulled over to the side of the road and the headlights dimmed almost making everything pitch black. You knew the effect he had on you but lord you never expected things to take this turn.
“You like to be watched don’t you? Hm? Leavin’ the blinds open, hopin’ someone would look.” The deep tone of his voice seemed to make the dark have a new chill. The chill traveling all over your body, deep down had you done it on purpose? “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” It was small and almost a whisper, but it was raspy and you had no idea when your mouth went dry. Joel seemed to be leaning forward and your breathing was picking up. Chest heaving up and down as his large hand cradled the back of your head pulling you closer and before you even really could comprehend this was happening you felt his lips on yours.
You thought for a second you were hallucinating and someone did slip something into your drink but when he pulled away for a mere second noses almost touching you reached forward deciding to take the chance and he almost smiled into your mouth as your lips meshed. His tasted of mint, like he had been preparing for bed.
To him, god, your lips were softer than he could’ve imagined. They tasted like fruity alcohol but he didn’t care, secretly even if he knew this was way beyond the line of taboo he couldn’t help himself. You were just so perfect to him, all the time, all thoughts of anything else went away. His tongue slid at your bottom lips and you allowed it, you let the feeling consume you. You’d worry about the questions and the problems later.
You pulled back for air and he wasted no time in helping you over the center console, the seat was large but his built frame left small room for your thighs to straddle him before your lips were back on his. His hand tangled in your hair before he pulled it back causing your head to tilt up, breathing erratically as he kissed down your neck. You could feel the tight denim pushing against you, you couldn’t help the small rock of your hips that caused him to let out a small groan and kissed you on the lips harder this time.
His large hands snaked up your thighs sliding your dress up with it as his thumb ran over the thin lace covering your clit. The connection made you jerk a bit and he teased you, he was enjoying every moment of it. Just rubbing his thumb skimming over it until he heard the sweet whimper passing through your lips. “What’s wrong hm?” He asked watching struggle to form the words.
“Please- mh.” Your words slurred together as he pressed hard on your clit, the throbbing only seemed to intensify. “Joel.” The way you whined his name almost in a whisper, how could he deny you of what you both wanted. “Don’t need these anymore.” He mumbled as he pulled at the small silver ring that connected the thong on each side. It broke apart snapping quite easily and it dropped around your thigh sliding as far as it could go.
“Don’t know how long I’ve been waitin’ for this sweetheart.” Joel said equally as dark as his eyes watched yours darken in something he hasn’t seen before. But he liked it. He liked the thought of ruining you, fucking you till your eyes watered and the only thing you could remember was his name. You wanted to talk, and he could see you wanted too but he found pleasure in the way your mouth opened to form words but you seemed to fall short each time he touched you.
He leaned back in his seat a bit and adjusted his legs. “Turn around.” You were a bit confused, the lust clouding your mind but you complied like the good girl you always were. Leaning against his chest as you shifted in his lap with his erection digging into your ass. Your dress was mid-way up your torso as he hooked his legs between yours before spreading your legs wide open.
The cold air in the truck caused you to shiver, your hand reaching behind you to hold onto his neck. He grabbed your hand kissing it as he placed it on his neck. One hand reached around your body and went straight to your clit rubbing small circles loving the way you seemed to squirm.
His palm slid down rubbing harshly as a moan let itself out and he slid two fingers down your slick folds. He did it two more times before sliding one finger in, groaning at the way your walls held onto his finger. God, you were tight, but he adored it. Slipping his finger out and bag in he felt your nails dig into the base of his neck. “ S’tight, just gonna stretch you out for me.”
His words had you whimpering his name and you felt a burning stretch. You weren’t a virgin but it had been a while, the stretch seemed to burn for a minute before you attempted to look down seeing him two fingers deep inside you. Thumb rubbing your clit adding to the impending pleasure. His free hand came up and pushed the hair that had fallen in your face back. “See baby look at how good you take my fingers. Imagine how good you’ll take me.” You felt tight pressure in your lower gut and your hips subconsciously moved with his hand.
“I’m- Joel-“ He watched you writhe as he picked up his pace and felt the faint sting of your nails scratching his neck slightly. Your head dropped to his shoulder as his hand moved to the top of your dress pulling it down allowing your breasts to fall free from the tight cloth. Facing the cold air they immediately hardened and his hand punched and rubbed over your nipple as you felt the coil tighten to its last point. Turning to him, he was watching your face contort into pleasure before he seemed to pick up a higher pace wanting to see the pleasure in your face as you came on his fingers.
Your eyes pinched shut as his lips clashed into yours, tongue and teeth full of lust as you came and your moans drowned out by his mouth. You wanted so badly to close your legs but he kept them pried apart. He let go of your lips lighting biting your lower one as you whimpered at the way he purposely rubbed over your clit.
He had turned you around almost effortlessly and your legs were almost weak at how quickly he undid his belt with a single hand. His cock was thick and leaking precum, in as much agony as the man. He was big, and you were sure it was gonna hurt. You weren’t sure if it was gonna fit, and your face must’ve betrayed your inner dialogue as he chuckled. Free hand coming up to brush your cheek. “ S’gonna fit, we’ll make sure of it.”
Your phone buzzed excessively but it was drowned out by the noise of small whispering between the both of you. You thought if you spoke out loud maybe you’d snap out of whatever dream you’d been having- the very explicit and detailed dream.
A car drove by, headlights illuminating its path and your head instinctively hid in Joel’s shoulder. Even though the windows were fogged you were nervous. And that was what seemed to make you come to your senses as you pushed away from his shoulder, chest heaving as you looked at the side of Joel’s face, what if someone saw? What if someone told…everyone? Was this even okay? He didn’t seem to be paying attention to you, but you didn’t notice through your slight panic of overthinking.
“Joel-mgh!” You have no idea what sound came out of your mouth as without warning he thrusted up filling you to a hilt. Your hand shot out grabbing for anything but it slid down the window and you grabbed for his shoulder. Glancing down, you were fully seated on his cock and when he placed his hand on your stomach that’s when you noticed the bulge.
Your eyes slipped shut and you released a shuttering breath at the feeling, but looking at Joel he almost looked in pain but to him you were- oh- so tight. If you didn’t start moving he’d come quicker than he wanted too, and when you adjusted in your seat his hand tightened on your waist. “Gotta move baby or’m not gonna last.” He rasped as you tested it, pushing up until he was almost all the way out and then dropping yourself back down.
You’ve had sex, but every guy you had sex with with wanted to be on top of you, so being on top was new to you. And you liked it, Joel still had control but being on top while he watched you have you a new feeling - so you did it again and picked up your pace. The feeling of him pressing the bulge had you reeling and he started meeting your movements. The sweet sounds of your moans filled the truck and his ears, mixed with his low groans. The lewd noise of him moving up into you added to the erotic scene inside the truck.
The singular hand stayed on your stomach and the other that was on your thighs slid between your legs rubbing your swollen clit as you watched himself slip in and out of you. You felt his hand leave your stomach and come up behind your neck pulling your head down causing your forehead to lean just below his shoulder. “Look at that, your sweet cunt takes me so well sweetheart.” You whimpered at his voice by your ear.
That tingly feeling started as it intensified when you rocked your hips in a different angle. You picked up confidence in the way his eyes pinched and his head dropped back against the headrest. Beads of sweat trickled down the side of your head and stray hairs stuck to your forehead, he felt your walls tighten around him and he kept giving a little thrust upwards every-time you came back down.
Picking your head up one arm was over his shoulder holding onto the hairs on the back of his head as you pressed your lips against his. A mutual mixture of desire as you felt your abdomen tense and that coil from earlier was back but tightening harder. You pulled back for air as his lips attached themselves to your neck biting down enough to make a whimper come out louder than intended.
His cock was thick and each time he decided to thrust up particularly hard it had a deep spot inside of you that made you black out temporarily, and this time it caused you to explode. Your orgasm hit you hard, lips parting but no sound coming out and body slumping forward, the feeling didn’t wanna leave as he moved his hands to your ass lifting you up and down at a slower pace riding your orgasm out. Your breathing was erratic and somehow your hair managed to frizz as you kissed the side of his mouth before hitting his lips again.
“Thats it such a Good Girl.” The praise came after you pulled away, your head on his shoulder facing his neck as he held you up before he lifted his hips thrusting upwards. One of his hand held you as he kept his rhythm and the other grabbed your chin pulling your face to his. “Look at me.” Your eyes landed on his and he forcefully smashed his lips into your for a quick second before he watched your face contort in blissful pain as you became overstimulated.
You could tell he was close and you glanced down at the lewd connection of your body parts. “Don’t pull out.” It was a shy mumbled but he heard and he smirked at you. “Want me to cum inside your tight cunt? Hm? Whadd’ya think, leakin’ with my cum walkin around with it. Get you all round with my baby, what would your dad think?” The troubling thought as wrong as it was caused you to clench around him and he groaned but a chuckle broke through it.
He hadn’t intended on pulling out anyway, but to hear it leave your lips it spurred him on more and before you knew it- you felt warm inside as he breathed heavily leaning back against his seat still all the way inside of you. Drops of cum leaked out onto your thighs as your head went back to resting against his shoulder.
It was a comforting moment of silence as you both caught your breath before he helped you lean up and he slipped right out, two fingers slid through your folds and collected stray drops of cum pushing them back in and you sucked in a harsh breath, he leaned forward kissing your chest before pulling your dress back up and allowing it to fall back over your most intimate parts, parts he now seen up close and parts he worshiped, parts you wouldn’t mind having touched over and over by him.
He gently helped you back into your seat kissing your forehead as you crossed your legs, when he looked at you the faint blush returned to your cheeks and you couldn’t help the small chuckle that came out your mouth and he smiled at the simple sound leaving your mouth. He grabbed your hand tightly and brought it to the center console still holding it and rested it there as he put the car back in gear and started driving down the road.
The questions you thought about could wait, your mind was still a bit hazy.
You’d just worry about everything by tomorrow.
୭𓄹⩩ ♡̷͎ ˖𓍯ζ
no longer a series ♡̷͎
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shanastoryteller · 8 months
Happy Halloween!!! More Lady Mo? I love your writings!!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Lan Zhan doesn’t want their baby.
Not their baby, he forces himself to think through the blood pounding in his ears. This body doesn’t belong to him. He’s just borrowing it, and the child he’s carrying no more belongs to him than the body he’s wearing. It’s Lan Zhan’s baby. And he doesn’t want it.
For the first time, he’s grateful that Mo Xuanyu didn’t stick around. It’s breaking his heart, and the baby isn’t even his. This would have killed her.
Or maybe it wouldn’t have. She didn’t want to be a bride, maybe she didn’t want to be a mother either, and she and Lan Zhan would have just been in perfect agreement about any child they would have created, and what had to be done about it.
I’m sorry.
I never intended –
This is for the best.
He can complete the mission that Mo Xuanyu died to give him. He doesn’t have to try and stretch it out or leave Lan Zhan behind to raise a child alone. What a mess that would have been, for him to have the kid and leave it behind with a father that didn’t want him. He wouldn’t wish that on any child, especially his ow – especially any child he helped create. It would have just been another terrible, bitter legacy of his to leave behind, an unloved child and a disinterested father.
This is better. This is a good thing.
“Oh, Meimei.”
Wei Wuxian blinks and sees Jiang Yanli kneeling in front of him, rubbing her sleeve over his cheeks for some reason. They come away damp and it takes him raising a hand to his own face to realize he’s crying.
Stupid. There’s nothing to cry over. This is the best thing that could have happened. A baby makes things complicated. Now they can be simple.
“We’ll take care of you,” Jiang Yanli says, pulling him into her arms, and he lets her, because he’s weak and she’s his sister and he feels that familiar roll of nausea even though there’s nothing in his stomach to upset it. “Don’t worry. We’ll take care of everything. You won’t have to – you know, you barely got a chance to see Jin Tower the first time, you should stay past the cultivation conference. Or, hm, I know there’s, well there’s also Lotus Pier. You’ve never been have you? A-Cheng could escort you there and you could see the ponds. We can think of a reason. A-Yao will help.”
Most of what she’s saying doesn’t make any sense, but it’s so comforting to be held by her that he just goes with it. He looks over her shoulder, expecting to see Jiang Cheng awkwardly hovering in the doorway, but it’s empty.
It’s. Empty.
“Where’s Jiang Cheng?” he rasps, even though he thinks he already knows.
She stiffens, her voice taking on a tone that reminds him of Madame Yu. “He went to talk to Lan Wangji. He’ll be back.”
He remembers Jiang Cheng’s reaction when he thought that Lan Zhan had hurt him, and now here he is, crying, and even though it’s stupid, he’s, well, it’s easy to see how Jiang Cheng could look at him and think him hurt, even though it’s not his baby and it’s for the best. But he doesn’t know that.
“Shit,” he curses, pushing himself away and stumbling to his feet. “Oh, no, he’ll kill him.”
He’s spared against Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng has his core in his chest. Maybe he can’t actually kill him, but blood will be spilled, and both of them are stubborn enough to keep at it until someone does die. Fuck.
Jiang Yanli shrugs, then winces, like she knows that wasn’t the appropriate response. In other circumstances, that would be enough to goad him to laughter, but now he just rushes for the door.
“Meimei!” she calls out, but Wei Wuxian ignores her.
He doesn’t get far, running into Jin Guangyao almost as soon as he steps into the hallway. His eyes flicker to Jiang Yanli behind him, his frown deepens, and then he looks Wei Wuxian up and down once, then does it again, except this time he stops at his stomach. “Ah.”
How does he do that? He’s so lucky they didn’t know each other during the war and that he didn’t know his sister at all, otherwise he would have been made the first time the two of them had a conversation. “Where’d they go?”
“Perhaps it’s best if we leave them to it,” he suggests.
Wei Wuxian stares. “Have you lost it? Jiang Cheng is pissed and he’s going to take that anger out on Wangji. How many more whip scars do you want him to have?”
Jin Guangyao presses his lips together. “He is A-Huan’s brother. In different circumstances, that would entitle him to my protection. But you’re my sister.”
The warmth rushes through him and causes his eyes to sting. It’s all borrowed, all a lie, because he’s not Mo Xuanyu, but his stupid heart is really doing a terrible job of remember that right now. “A-Yao, please.”
He sighs. “All right. Follow me.”
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jiminjamms · 8 months
sex therapy :: 21. daddy toji
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chapter tags/warnings: **can be read as a stand-alone!** daddy toji, in every sense of the word. toji also calls himself daddy. unprotected sex. creampies. megumi is down the hall! masturbation. exhibitionism. toji likes that it’s his cousin’s wife that he’s fucking. infidelity/adultery. possessiveness. sexual frustration. degradation. praising. pet names (‘princess’ and ‘sweetheart’). manipulative undertones. family drama. strong language.
word count: 3.6k
notes: tattooed dr. fushiguro can only be a gentleman for so long when it's his little cousin's wifey around. likes, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated. xoxo
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fic masterlist | 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
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“Why don’t you give daddy a show?”
Nothing could make you feel more exposed than this very moment on Toji Fushiguro’s bathroom counter—your bosom heaving from irregular breaths, your arms holding up your body, and your legs spreading across the granite surface so that you could offer up a good view. So that you could put your naked self on display. 
Just for him. Just for your sex therapist.
Just for Dr. Fushiguro.
You gulped while pressing your back against the cold ceramic walls, hoping for some relief from your impending humiliation. “E-Excuse me?” 
“C’mon, sweetheart,” Toji crooned, and the pet name had your heart skipping a beat. Lazily, he dragged a lone finger from your stomach to your center, prodding right at your soaking entrance despite your efforts to shrink away. “Don’t be shy. I’m just your therapist. Let me see what you’ve learned.” 
With much endearment, he watched you writhe. Being in the spotlight scared you, but he knew you would hate to disappoint. 
At the very least, you should demonstrate some appreciation. 
“Like what?” you asked, voice barely above a squeak.
“Well,” and amusement riddled his grin, “show daddy what he had taught you, baby.”
And goodness did all this daddy talk really turn you on. Toji could see how your figure tensed at the words, how you clenched around nothing from sheer need. (Did you think he would not notice?)
“Please,” you sighed, poorly hiding how your breath hitched. “Please don’t call yourself that.”
“Call myself what?”
Obviously a rhetorical question, yet Toji loved the bafflement on your ditzy face nevertheless.
“You know…‘daddy,’” you murmured, uncomfortable to the point you were staring at the floor as you spoke. “Because as someone who loves my dad, and hearing this from someone who actually is a dad, I find the name…disturbing.”
Disturbing but also hot, and Toji could tell. 
“Don’t lie, princess. You like when I call myself that,” he chuckled. Pinching at your waist, he chortled in that same giddy manner whenever he felt particularly amused. “So, who’s going to be daddy’s obedient little girl?”
He noticed that you were doing that thing again whenever you were a little nervous: pursing your lips into a quivering pout and twisting at the meaningless rings on your fourth digit. Too loyal for your own good. Maybe that was what Naoya really loved about you, enough to keep you as his cute little trophy wife. 
Swallowing loudly, in the end, you responded, “Me.”
Using one uneven breath to center yourself, your hands steadily grazed over your hips and your thighs before your dear fingers rested above your clit. Nothing could beat the embarrassment from how you flinched at your own contact. 
Here went nothing. 
Timidly, you drew your middlemost fingers through your folds and circled the digits around your entrance. The opening was warm, sensitive, and utterly soaked. The slick that had slipped past those puffy lips allowed you to push one, and then two fingers inside as your back arched gently at the stimulation. 
A dull pleasure started to thrum in your body especially as you brought your ample juices back in using slow, deliberate motions.
To much frustration, your dainty digits couldn’t quite stroke that special spot within you with much expertise. Why wasn’t Toji helping? You wanted him to help. But, if you didn’t think too hard, you could lose yourself in the sensuality of your ministrations and imagine Toji’s fingers curling inside you instead. His fingers were larger and thicker and longer, after all. 
While Toji’s true emotions had always been as mystifying as the man himself, never had that troubled you more than now. Those steely green eyes had been staring at you for what felt like hours now. 
Did he like what he saw? Did he want more?
The people pleaser within you was just looking for a reaction—any reaction—to validate the hard and honest work you were putting in. 
“Good kitty,” he complimented suddenly, as though he had been reading you like an open book all along. He did not realize since when, but he had begun stroking his cock through his pants. 
How could he not? You had been listening so well, and his free hand reached down to rub tight circles at your puffy clit. 
“Toji!” you shrieked immediately, body caving in. 
“Keep going, sweetheart,” he commanded, dipping his index and middle fingers in as well, his thumb still drawing tight movements at your precious button.
His fingers slid against yours, aided by the thick coat of arousal that lubricated the movements, and his dick twitched from excitement, a situation exacerbated when he relished in the way you angled your hips to accommodate all four fingers plunging into your sopping cunt.
“Don’t stop working on yourself.” 
“I won’t,” you struggled to whimper. 
“This is nice, isn’t it? When someone else is touching you, too.” His statement was softened by the same tone he liked to use when playing that ‘friendly neighborhood sex therapist’ role. “Your fingers are delicate, but they can’t reach all the places mine can, can they?” 
“No, they can’t,” you breathed out in helpless agreement, shaking pathetically at the combined ministrations. “Everything feels better when you are the one finger fucking me.”
Toji hummed deeply in satisfaction. “I know, princess.” 
He lowered his head to press his lips into your jaw, but the subtle softness in his searing kisses convinced you to tilt your head gently and bring your unoccupied hand up to run up his hard triceps and dig into the jet-black ink peeking from his sleeves. 
In response, Toji sank his teeth into your skin every so often, eliciting your squeals. 
Painful. Yes, this was painful.
But more than painful, the gush that flooded your veins was fucking phenomenal.
“What’s wrong?” Toji asked innocently, biting harder as your nails pressed visible crescent marks into his tattoos. “I only want to taste you,” and he soothed the sore spots by licking the assaulted areas, just to repeat the process on another target.
Pussy feeling empty but needy, you shifted on the countertop in order to grind desperately against your therapist’s clothed crotch.
“Please,” you mewled, now begging for Toji’s attention rather than cowering away. “Please fuck me.”
Just an hour ago, you were bawling about your loser husband. Naoya Zenin this. Naoya Zenin that. Well, duh. Of course, his baby cousin was an asshole partner. 
Now, here you were, pleading for Toji Fushiguro’s cock?
Toji rewarded your change of heart with a deep kiss pressed on your lips, a gesture that you passionately reciprocated. Even as he devoured your mouth like a starved man, your tongue fought like a maniac into his mouth, satisfied sighs slipping from your lips to his. 
Only when there was an unexpected slam coming from Megumi’s door did you two pull away, faces only centimeters apart and connected by an almost translucent string of saliva. 
Toji panted, watching your chest rise and fall from similarly irregular breathing. 
If nothing else stopped him, he would be falling onto his knees right now from how dazed you appeared: face flushed, lips parted, and lids heavy. 
But both he and you had one concern in mind right now. 
Given the sound earlier, Toji awaited footsteps from the younger Fushiguro. 
Was he grabbing a midnight snack from the kitchen downstairs? Was he planning to pace the halls to alleviate stress?
Or worse yet, was he heading to the bathroom?
If his son really did walk into this scene, discovering what his father was doing to his sweet and pretty guest several doors away, Toji would be speechless because the idea was purely mortifying. 
Also a little sexy.
But anyway.
“I’m sure he just closed and locked his door for the evening,” Toji deduced when the boy’s footsteps never came. 
Immediately, your shoulders slumped with ensuing relief.  
“Thank goodness,” you sighed, still tense and high-strung. “We don’t want Megumi to hear us,” you pointed out, completely oblivious to how loud you had been when merely kissing. “Let’s wait for him to sleep first. I don’t want us to get caught.” 
The way you cared this much was adorable. 
“Why would we have to wait, though?” Toji pointed out, and his tongue swiped over his scar. “I can be quiet. But the real question is: can you be quiet?” 
At first, you were stunned and silent.
But after a long while, you gulped and your neck bobbed noticeably. "Yeah. I…can be quiet, too.” 
“Good girl," and at that, Toji flashed a quick and lascivious grin. “Then, why don’t we test that out?”
Not waiting for your reply, he grabbed the collar of his white shirt and dragged the top off his shoulders.
His movements were slow, just so he could catch your marveling reaction as he revealed his bare torso, but the fabric had been too fitting and tight for his body anyway. 
As soon as he pulled his shirt over his head and off his body, your eyes locked on his body to admire his brawny and toned physique. But more stunningly was how Toji Fushiguro was a mural of tattoos, intricate artworks that had been carefully selected and embedded into his torso—stylized letters, entwined violets, and hyper-realistic scenery. What demanded the most attention, though, was a prominent phoenix that covered his right chest, emerging victorious from a plume of smoke and ashes, its feathers spanning into his shoulder and back. 
Easily, you were enchanted. You didn't have a chance to view his tattoos before. But Toji himself had always been enchanting.
“Come closer,” the man commanded, tone low and gravelly. He dragged his waistband down until his hardened dick sprang free with great force. His cock was swollen and red and violently angry, precum beading at the tip after he had long neglected himself from his release. "I’ve missed you."
You shifted forward on the countertop.
“Then do anything to me.”
Just to test you, he experimented a little, pinching your nipples with the knuckles of his fingers and smiling like a mad dog when you squeaked. "Anything?" 
"Yes," you breathed out, nodding and back arching into his touch. 
Obviously, you were too lost in arousal to comprehend the power placed into your tattooed therapist's hands, and Toji silently wished that Naoya Zenin could hear his wife begging for someone else like this. 
He patted your cheek and cooed. 
So silly, so cock drunk, so desperate.
That was what you were, and he wasn’t even inside you yet. 
You reached between your legs to grab at his dick, lining the tip up to your entrance as Toji groaned from the contact.
"How are you so wet for me?” he hissed, gritting his teeth hard. 
“Please, please, come on—” After a long bout of negligence, you had become incredibly whiny and desperate, seeking attention and affection like never before. “I’m too turned on. Just…please ruin me.”
Toji had been close to bursting already, but an intense flash stifled him when your words registered as music to his ears, his large hands helping you swipe his dick between your folds slowly. Teasing them both.
He had been well lubricated from the precum that slipped from the head, his massive cock so hard from the anticipation that awaited such that he could feel electricity buzzing at his fingertips. All because he couldn't handle himself when you begged for him like this. Yet, Toji resolved to fuck you with everything he had—for as long as he could, anyway—and slipped himself gradually into your warm and moist heat. 
All that filled the room were shudders.
Toji’s eyes darkened as he pressed through the tight resistance, your muscles squeezing around his length. He had to will every fiber within him to not lose himself. He was this close to falling apart, unraveling. Because holy shit, were you fucking tight. 
Beneath him, you suppressed a whimper. 
“Damn,” you sputtered, abandoning any remaining hesitation and clenching around him. Compared to his pathetic cousin, your therapist was not small by any means. "You feel so good inside of me, Toji."
Ah, hell.
He needed to get you to relax. He could barely move and, if your walls squeezed him any harder, he might just be hurled over the edge and cum all over your thighs, staining your freshly showered body. 
“Oh,” he managed to hum in contentment, closing his eyes momentarily so that he could shut down all other senses except for one. His arms wobbled a little, his hands digging hard into your sides as his hips moved slowly—very, very slowly—out before going back in again. 
At the languid thrusts, your head fell back and your hips lifted upon instinct, one hand pressed against the counter for stability as the other skimmed over his tattoos. He's so hot. You're so hot. He makes you feel so hot.
Toji growled again when your fingers brushed against the inked phoenix's wings, gliding over his pectoral muscle. He loved being touched like this and only wanted you to examine him more, rewarding you with movements wholly deep and stimulating.
As moans flowed freely from your mouth, Toji would tell you to shut up. After all, Megumi dwelled only a few doors away and must not be forgotten. But how could Toji bring himself to hush the sweet sounds that you sang?
“Yes, just like that,” you whined at some point, fingers clawing into his chest. “Fuck. Fuck, Toji.”
He raised a disapproving brow. “Just Toji?”
“Fuck, daddy.”
And Toji lost his fucking mind.
Since when did you talk like this? Pretty princess with a potty mouth. Who would’ve thought? It was sexy. So goddamn sexy. 
"You’re incredible,” he found himself saying. 
Toji had never been harder than he was at this moment, his cock like a fucking titanium rod as his listless movements degraded into an onslaught, throbbing and twitching as he replayed your dirty words in his head. 
He felt extraordinarily horny, aroused, and invigorated. 
Meanwhile, you looked like a fucking fairy—his fucking fairy, to be clear: features glowing golden under the ambient lights, pupils dilated and blown out wide, skin glistening from both water and sweat. 
Long ago, Toji figured that you had given up in your attempts to get away from him, the sole struggle from your body being how your walls involuntarily twitched and tensed amidst the storm of pleasure and pain he had brewing within your core. 
If only Toji had more hands. That way, he could simultaneously pull at your hair, wrap his fingers around your neck, and swat at your bouncing tits.
In a moment like this, he hated having to choose and grabbed your legs in the end, moving them from the counter to his shoulders. Toji could now go even deeper, and boy, did this new angle  have you seeing stars. 
“Oh, goodness,” you blubbered, coughing and drooling and panting. “Oh, that feels so good.”
“I know,” Toji said arrogantly.
Lucky for you, he was a mature man who could hold his load. Other boys didn’t know shit. If they were in his current position, they would have busted their nuts long ago, too impulsive and easily excited to exert much self-control. 
Toji, on the other hand, knew how to dig his fat cock into your cervix over and over, brushing that one special spot within you along the way. To make you scream. To keep you addicted. To take his cousin’s wife at his mercy.
The room filled with sounds that resulted from skin contacting skin—squelches and wet smacks—and you were left loud and messy, feeling so good that you could not think straight. 
“Shit, you’re so good to me. Can’t get enough of this pussy,” he grunted, hand pulling back before connecting with the meat of your ass with one loud  slap. 
You cried out, fighting back tears that welled from the pain. “That… hurts!”
“But my kitten loves being roughened up, no?” he taunted, licking at his scar again as he observed you: love bites littered over your neck, nipples perked into pebbles, skin marked and slightly bruised.
“I,” several huffs in between, “I can’t take this for much longer. I’m so close. I think I’m going to—”
“Only if you tell me who owns you.”
His words made you whine, and the therapist took great pleasure in the way you contorted. The demand had taken you by surprise because Toji had never denied you the right to your pleasure before. In fact, he had always been the type to coax you to cum, telling you to cream all over him instead.
Tonight, however, he wanted to set things straight. For a while, he had been thinking that he ought to buy you a collar just so you would remember who you actually belonged to—who really taught you what sex feels like—and heat tore through his skin again from the fantasy. 
Admittedly, Toji was a tad bit possessive. 
But he needed to drill into your head that you were not Sukuna’s or Choso’s or Geto’s. 
And most certainly, not  Naoya Zenin’s. 
“Well?” He was fully aware of what was happening and taking true delight in your futile struggle, knowing exactly what you needed but wanting you to obey him first. Snaking an arm around your body, he pressed his lips to the shell of your ear and purred, “Who knows how to fuck you right?”
“Toji Fushiguro does,” you chanted, lacing your fingers with his, your body in sheer pain from need. “Guys my age could never.”
Which was exactly what he wanted to hear.
“Then cum for me, baby.”
So, you did.
His permission sent you vaulting over the edge, your whole body spasming as your orgasm ripped through.
Your lips parted. Your cheeks hollowed. Your arms wavered.
Despite everything, you continued begging for his cock harder, faster, just like that. At some point, the hand once tangled with your therapist’s now slotted into your mouth to muffle any exclamations of pleasure as the waves continued to ripple fiercely through your body. Throwing your head back against the wall, you could dully feel your teeth puncture the skin between your thumb and pointer finger. Yet, that didn’t bother you, didn’t even hurt, and only served to add to your masochistic satisfaction as your cunt fluttered and clenched around him. 
“What a good girl.”
Toji was remorseless as he continued his abuse, the tendons of his hands and arms flexing from the effort needed to keep your lower body still, the tattoos on his wrists appearing pitch black under the glimmer of your juices. The wetness that spilled from you was so abundant, dripping down onto the floor. With any luck, once this was all over, you would have left a mess such that Toji would be forced to assign Megumi to bathroom cleaning duty in the morning.
"I'm gonna cum inside you, baby," was what he managed to say just as his gut suddenly tensed. He couldn't even control it. Without further warning, thick ropes of semen shot from him and into your womb. He grunted loudly, lurid fantasies dissipating as his mind went blank from his climax, his own groan hardly recognizable from how guttural his voice had become.
“Give me all your cum, daddy,” you wailed as you came again, pussy tightening impossibly on his cock and practically massaging every single drop out of him.
Toji was not done, he didn’t want to be done. 
Despite his blurred vision and terse jaw, Toji wanted to give you every ounce that he was worth. He gritted his teeth as he fucked up into you, pace irregular and sloppy. He made sure to push every possible milliliter of his seed deep into your stomach, the rest of his load spilling against his balls. 
His cock was far too sensitive and overstimulated, but he felt  so goddamn good that he wanted to keep going and going until he was completely spent with nothing more to give.
“Fuck,” he choked, on the brink of tears. 
Toji had to take a moment to recover fully, keeping his eyes closed while his chest heaved from the sheer exertion of his orgasm. His breathing was deep, wet, and haggard, and he was blistering hot even without clothes on. His slicked-back hair was soaked with sweat and hung limply in front of his flushed face. As he slumped over, he sensed a new pain in his shoulder, and he guessed that he must have strained something without noticing. Cum inevitably dribbled from your hole as he pulled out, splattering on the floor and mixing with your juices earlier.
He strode toward the bathroom closet, grabbing additional towels.
After wrapping them around you and himself, Toji brought you close to his frame and directed you into his bedroom diagonally across the hall. The rest of the night was quiet, especially since you both were consumed by exhaustion and post-coital haze. You rolled onto his canopied bed without sound, Toji lying next to you and pulling you snugly against his chest. After ensuring that you were okay, he kissed the sweet temple by your forehead and the bruises on your collar, smiling softly when you hummed in response. 
He could hardly recall the last time he had felt so warm and so content, wanting nothing more than to cling onto this moment for as long as he could. In the back of his head, his conscience scolded him harshly. He still owed you plenty of explanations. For how he had been hiding his family, his relationships, and his original motive in using you to help him get back at his enemies. 
Yet, as he pushed aside these intrusive thoughts and murmured to you ‘Goodnight,’ one thing became clear:
Toji Fushiguro was far too selfish to let you go.
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last chapter || next chapter
end notes: This is my first time writing smut that comprehensively includes Toji’s POV. While we have always gotten Y/N's POV in sex, I wanted to include Toji's perspective so that we could get into his psyche a little since he's battling his own demons as well.
taglist: @dissociatingdiva @httpsplanetmarsdotcom @nemoyr @huangfairy @shadowarchon @203steph @agentdedf1sh @cloudybabes @hinativity @lynn-writes-things @illicitwriter @7oji @kikuchimi @piqer @nobody289x @chaoticjojofan @musicisme333 @vvestwoodrose @kumocchin @s-guru @mwahilovemylife @hey-gurls69 @cloudsinthecosmos @moon-mumu-moon @kazscara @obitohno @skilerfrostfairy @funicidals @nico707 @proteovaldez @tsukiyohanayome @marimoares @qirbys @blackdragoncigarette @puffaloxx @shoisae @sakanoshitaa @arizzu @kissditrio @tokyometronetwork @downtown-roponggi @the-cosmos-network
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elysiansparadise · 1 year
Degrees Observations IX
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🟤People with Saturn in the 00° are independent from an early age. They like to be taken seriously and in turn they take seriously everything that is significant to them. They can enjoy their solitude a lot and feel that they work better on their own. People may find them admirable and somewhat intimidating, even somewhat unapproachable, but the reality is that they are cordial but reserved. They don't reveal much about themselves, much less what they feel, but it's easier for them to talk about what they think. They are irritated by people who are unproductive, incompetent, or who slow down their work or that of others. They feel the need to be productive and achieve great things in life, they may fear failure or make public/resounding mistakes. 
🟤Those with Jupiter in the 01°, 10°, 13°, 22°, 25° may feel they have more luck doing things on their own or working alone. Many of them may find it difficult to work in a team and instead may find more success if they develop their independence. It is likely that from a young age they have experienced this feeling of preferring to do things on their own, being the product of a childhood in which they had to take care of many things. When they develop their projects autonomously and without paying much attention to the pessimism or negative criticism of the rest, they can be very lucky.
🟤When Mars or Venus are at 02°, 14° or 26° the native's movements are seen as sensual and alluring, as well as graceful and assertive. People may find the way you sit, walk, or speak in public attractive. These people can have a very attractive style and pay a lot of attention to details of their body such as their skin, their scent and their hairstyle, which makes them irresistible to other people.
🟤Having Moon in the 08°, 10°, 20° or 22° makes the native feel things more intensely, especially sadness, anger or emotions that bring more emotional charge. When they're in a tense mood it can be extreme on many levels. Many of them have a complex emotional world but have the ability and tendency to always project themselves as chill and in control, even if they are collapsing inside. It is likely that since they were young they have had to deal with problems and emotions that are too intense and have somehow learned to develop this mask of serenity in the face of any storm.
🟤Having Venus in water degrees (04°, 08°, 12°, 16°, 20°, 24°, 28°) makes the person's features mesmerizing. Their eyes project mystery, they seem to try to read your soul, they look at you in a sublime, attentive way and you are paralyzed by that warm but mystical glow. Your gaze lowers to their lips, which tempt yours to leave a kiss on them, they look beautiful and plump, curiously they also seem seductive to you. Their face is the perfect combination of softness and sexyness, it is a dangerous sweetness that once you decide to look at, it can’t escape your mind.
🟤Those with Saturn in 06°, 18° can be seen as very perfectionist by many, especially by themselves. They may be annoyed by disorganized, chaotic or noisy environments, bad spelling, or they may be very picky about food. They have difficulty looking favorably on what they do and may have a very critical eye on their own work. Despite the fact that many describe themselves as perfectionists, those I have met with this placement are usually people who can find the work of others beautiful because they know that it takes work to make them.
🟤When someone has Venus in the 07°, 12°, 19° or 24° they can be delighted and attracted when they feel they can relax with that person. They like the idea of ​​someone teaching them to slow down and give and treat themselves more gently. They are attracted to those kinds of relationships in which the couple is willing to be a team with them, where the other does not carry so many burdens and rather support each other unconditionally.
🟤Those with Moon in the 00° are very emotional people who easily feel the emotions of others, tend to do a lot of introspection regarding their own emotional world. Many of them absorb the emotions of the people around them and can be influenced by the moods of the people around them. They are bothered by violence, shouting and everything that implies uncomfortable sensations, since they are sensitive to their environment. They can vividly remember the past, and may have melancholic tendencies. They enjoy spending time in what they consider home, although this does not make them lovers of routine, they are attracted to what is familiar and what gives them comfortable sensations. They may prefer to watch movies they have seen before and tend to order the drinks or food they always order. They like the idea of ​​people being comfortable with them.
🟤Those who have Venus in the 02°, 04°, 14°, 16°, 26°, 28° become very touchy when they are with their partners. Their love language can be a mixture of physical touch and quality time, since feeling close to their partner is crucial for them, both physically and emotionally.
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🟤Rising in the 10° or 22° they develop from a very young age the idea that they want to be respected or admired. It is likely that when they were young they had a hard time recognizing their value as people, their abilities or simply feeling comfortable with themselves, so they choose to start loving and respecting themselves. Precocious maturity is very likely, in addition to the fact that they may have had to see or realize the harshness of reality, about their family or even about things that they considered part of their values ​​that shook their inner world.
🟤Those with Neptune in 04°, 16° or 28° feel that they must detach themselves from their feelings and emotional responses. It is very likely that they are very disconnected with sincere displays of affection from people, they may have grown up in an environment where they were not provided with much on an emotional level, where they could not feel close to other people and that their ties could not last or that they did not they could find support in them.
🟤Another thing about them is that they usually have problems with the sensation of sleeping alone. Many of them may have the need to sleep hugging a pillow or really soft blankets. Most with Neptune in this degree tend to sleep on their side and have very irregular periods of sleep, having nights in which they either sleep a lot or sleep little.
🟤Those with Saturn in the 03°, 15°, 27° may have a tendency to expect the worst in situations. They are very rational and sometimes skeptical people. They always seek to communicate clearly and concisely and can sometimes be too frank. They have difficulty doing more than one thing at a time and tend to doubt their intelligence a lot, when the reality is that they have a lot of knowledge about different subjects.
🟤03°, 15° or 27° in the cusp of the 12th house often have difficulty speaking in public and may be seen as very quiet or reserved. They are people with great creative potential and talent for writing. They may have periods of anxiety or nervousness and have a need to be in constant movement, bite their nails or have a nervous tic. Intrusive thoughts are very likely with this overlay and the feeling of not being able to shut up your mind can increase as the night arrives.
🟤Saturn in 16°, 20°, 24°, 28° have a huge tendency to repress their intense or deep emotions through work. It can be literally working on work or academic issues, or it can also refer to doing things that they consider productive or necessary to do at that moment. Many times they do this to avoid sinking into an emotional loop that begins with having had a bad day and ends in the abysses of their past to which it is not very pleasant to return.
🟤Those with 10° or 22° on the cusp of the 12th house have a tendency to depression and struggle with these kinds of very low moods, despite that, that will always be a side of themselves that they keep hidden and not dare to show anyone. They may have trouble falling asleep due to stress and have a greater tendency to remember things they regret right before bed. They fear not being enough and they fear not being able to use their potential to the full, sometimes they feel that they are not capable.
🟤Chiron in 09°, 11°, 21° or 23° often feel that they are judged by the way they see things, the way they think or the way they express themselves. They can feel left out by people many times and it is very likely that some want to make them feel silly or ridiculous for the way they think. Ironically, what others judge and point out can be seen as very charismatic in the eyes of other people, since it makes them stand out as original and spontaneous people.
🟤Having an Earth Venus in 07°, 19° can make a person very attractive. Their figure is sublimely sculpted, their features well defined and they have an elegant quality in their beauty, from their mannerisms, style or, if they like it, their way of makeup can be, although light, very favorable on them.
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httpisaoki · 2 months
i. lazy morning + kiss countdown
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sypnosis: It was the week before your girlfriend's birthday but while her schedule was jam-packed and stressful, unbeknownst to her--- you prepared the best surprise you've ever planned for her.
alternative: phase one of y/n's plan to annoy her birthday girl!!
warnings: fluff, established relationship, jimin is sleepy, jimin is wife material (as always), she's so gf material :((, kisses, pure flufffff, cooking for the birthday girl!!
-> part one of the birthday series!! if watched the jimin birthday cooking video you'll get the soup reference lmao. wc is 1.8k!!
series masterlist. next.
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ever before you and jimin started dating, you always managed to surprise her with weird things on holidays, most especially on her birthday.
on her 20th birthday, you surprised her with 20 cakes for her, all with her favorite dinosaur on them. on her 22nd birthday, you surprised her to a trip to jeju, another dinosaur-themed birthday was checked on that day.
and finally, on her last birthday, you surprised her backstage during her concert holding multiple banners with her name plastered on everyone in different patterns and holding up the 5 layered cake in your hands– least to say, you absolutely loved celebrating her birthday with her. i mean who wouldn't want to just spoil a girlfriend like her, right?
but now, it was 10 days before jimin's birthday and you showed her no sign of celebrating at all this year, but that was your plan. 
you had gave her subtle hints, gifting her the things she thought were pretty, just spoiling her with anything she asked for or wanted, but you planned a set of surprises for that day, and it was by far the best surprise you planned.
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the night before her birthday, phase one had began. You had set up your alarm for 12:00, the second it was april 11th, you would wake her up and try to annoy her for at least 10 minutes. It was mean, yes, but it would be worth it to annoy her on her day just to see the look of surprise on her face once jimin realized your plans.
Jimin had texted you, saying that she would be late. You chuckled at the sight of the text, you guessed right. And your plan was slowly falling into place. So you did the next step, sleep and wake up to your alarm right after the clock hit 12.
your alarm woke you up, shifting your body to face your girlfriend, staring at her facial features like she was a piece of art (i mean she is). you grow fond of how peaceful she looks while she slept, always so gorgeous even when sleeping.
you grinned as it was already time for your plan. You sit up, pecking her lips, stirring her awake. 
she groans, "baby?" you hummed, "23 left." you teased, wanting to see a reaction from her. she furrowed her eyebrows, her eyes slowly opening as she realizes. horror in her face as she did.
you chuckled, pecking her cheek, whispering "22 more. you better wake up, yu jimin."
she grumbled, "please," she said in a soft tone, hiding her face away again, trying to go back to sleep. she rolled over away from you, but you pulled her back. 
she tried to cover her face with the blanket to hide away from you, but you kept pulling it away, grinning and chuckling while doing so.
you placed one more peck on her cheek, telling her in a teasing tone, "21 more.."
you pat her head, "yah, happy birthday, jagi.." you smiled at her. 
she scoffed at you, a smirk growing on her face, "shut up," she said, now rolling over to face you again. before she rolled back over, she grabbed your arm, pulling you to her, and grabbing you close. 
but she didn't let go, still holding you tightly in her grasp. it was so warm and cozy, you didn't dare to move at all.
"you better go back to sleep.." she muttered, before she slowly drifted off to sleep again, still clinging onto your arm tightly.
You laughed, "alright fine. it's midnight anyway. sleep well, baby" you cooed, watching her slowly fall asleep as you waited for the night to pass by. 
as the hours passed, you couldn't help but feel a bit impatient. not only was that because you wanted to see the look on her face once you surprised her, but also the fact that you've been planning this for so long and didn't want to risk her finding out accidentally.
you felt her grip on your arm slowly started to loosen, her hand finally released it. her breathing seemed a bit more steady as she was finally into deep sleep.
You were amused that it was so easy to plan your surprise, ‘how could she not realize?’ You chuckled, thinking to yourself before falling asleep.
hours later, the sun slowly shone into the room, making your girlfriend stir as she slowly woke up. a yawn escaped her lips as she slowly opened her eyes and stretched, and she glanced towards the clock, and she glanced at her phone on the nightstand next to you.
"morning..." she mumbled, stretching and rubbing her eyes.
"mhm... good morning," you replied softly back to her, wrapping your arm around her to pull her to you as you cuddled her close. she mumbled, a yawn escaping her lips once more followed by a tired groan and a small huff.
she then nuzzled into you, making herself comfortable as she cuddled into your grasp. it was so warm, soft, and cozy, that you didn't want to let go, just wanting to continue holding her in your arms.
"happy birthday, baby," you whispered, pulling her even closer as your arms wrap around her.
"m-mmm..." she mumbled sleepily, slowly shifting her head to face you, her expression being tired still. she groans, "you better let me sleep..." she muttered, turning around to face away from you, before slowly shifting in your arms as she tried to get comfy again. she slowly cuddled into your side as she nuzzled her head up to your neck, nuzzling you gently for a moment.
"alright," you pat her head again, slowly standing up, "rest more, alright? don't go out until you've risen from a coma," you joked, pecking her lips before turning to leave the room.
 "20 more!" you yell out, closing the door before she could protest.
she grumbled, sighing as she heard the door shut, now alone with her thoughts and her phone beside her. 
she yawned again, groaning quietly as she slowly sat up on the bed. she shifted herself around, making herself comfortable and slowly started to scroll through her phone, not doing much, just trying to occupy herself or waste the time.
"I wonder what she's doing," she mumbles, and eventually the smell of her favorite dishes catches her attention.
the scent of food wafts over her nose, catching her attention easily. she slowly sits up, a small smile growing on her lips as her stomach growls, and her eyes glaze over. 
she stands up from the bed, adjusting her position as she walks over to find the source. she walked out of the room, the smell getting brighter as she got closer.
she soon found herself in the kitchen, the dishes she could smell were exactly what she thought they were, her favorites.
her eyes beamed with delight as she saw your back, her stomach rumbling at the thought of the smell alone.
she took her steps quietly, sneaking over to the kitchen as she watched you from behind. the smell was so strong it made her mouth water.
she couldn't help herself, standing on her toes, watching you cook silently from behind. suddenly, her arms wrapped around your waist from behind, and she nuzzled into your back, "mmm..." 
she was silent for a moment, before she whispered, "what are you cooking?"
You hummed, "sea mustard soup." you replied, grabbing a spoon, scooping up some soup, and gesturing it for her to taste. "here." you carefully hold up the spoon close to her face.
she grabbed the spoon, taking the spoonful of soup from your fingers. she looked at the soup, smelling the familiar scent, before finally taking a bite. her eyes glaze over, her mouth watering as she did. 
she took a moment before replying, "mmm... it's so... good..." a smile grew on her face as she ate a few more spoonfuls, eating some of the vegetables before looking up at you.
"eat now. the soup's almost done. I won't be able to be with you while on your schedule but enjoy your day, alright birthday girl?" you teased, pointing towards the dishes already set on the table.
a smile grew on her face, now taking some of the dishes and starting to eat. there were fried veggies, rice, soup, and some meat, and everything looked and tasted delicious. 
she hummed quietly as she ate silently, before stopping to look at you, her lips curling upwards in a playful pout. 
"why can't you join me?" she asked, her tone being a mixture of a playful whine and a teasing tone at you as well.
she then continued eating, but her eyes lingered on you, watching you as you finished up the last bit of preparations. she then glanced towards the table and her phone beside it, noticing her schedule. 
she hummed, eating some vegetables before looking back at you. "could you sit with me?" she begged, tilting her head before she looked down at the ground, a blush growing on her cheeks due to her begging.
you walked over to the table, her favorite birthday tradition in your hands. her face brightened as she noticed the sea mustard soup was ready.
"I need to go to work after, baby," you give her an apologetic smile, knowing she didn't like it when you didn't eat together.
she sighed, a small pout growing on her cheeks, "alright... but promise me we'll eat tonight together too?" she asked, her eyes begging you for a little bit of compassion. 
her lips then turned into a smirk, "pleaseee?" she begged quietly, looking at you with her cute, big, brown eyes, the same eyes she used to convince you to do stuff for her.
you smiled, "well, of course, I already told manager unnie after your schedule that we'd go out after." you take a seat across from her, chuckling at her pout.
she sighed in relief, a small smile growing on her lips as she sat back down before leaning back in her chair. she nodded, "alright... i'll be looking forward to that, jagi," she hummed, picking at her food again before she continued eating silently, now wanting to enjoy the rest of the peaceful time she had before she prepared herself for the day ahead.
she slowly ate the rest of her meal, now finishing up her plate before her phone was once again calling out her attention. her eyes glazed over, seeing that it was 10:30am on the schedule.
she sighed, before slowly standing up from her chair, glancing at you as she did. "gotta prepare for my schedule today, can't be late," she muttered quietly, before leaning over the table, giving you a quick peck and a tight hug.
"see you in the evening," she mumbled, her tone being softer, more affectionate, and more gentle compared to this morning's earlier interaction. she gave one last smile before she gently untangled herself from the hug, now beginning her morning routine. she walked out of the kitchen, making her way to the bathroom, but not without taking a single glance back at you one last time.
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