#and 2 is that i need to back up thing phone cause i dont want that to happen again xD
amu-brain-dump · 6 months
Would love to know a bit about your favourite dolls if you'd like to share!
I have a few of them actually but the 1st most favourite will have to be this girly
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She's a Barbie fashionista #85 Glam Boho, with a made to move body that I painted extra freckles on. Named her Onyx, yes that's her name at the top of my blog 😌 she used to be named Faline but that name never stuck as nicely.... It always felt like it was missing something....
She's been sitting in my desk/window sill for over 4 years all throughout my many moves. Her birthday is 19th of June. I made her glasses and a lil phone and tons of clothes, she's my most spoiled doll 😋
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This sweetheart is an Ever After High Madeleine Hatter, named Sue Ellen. I have most of versions of this doll that came out before Mattel decided they didn't like this line anymore and started lowering the quality🙄🙄🙄 basically I have around 8 of them I need to count them actually. But out of all of them she is my first and my favourite 😍 she's so cute with the chubby cheeks and the neutral expression and all the lil hats she has 🎩
I have most of my dolls stored away for space reasons but this one lady and a couple more have been on my desk for a while to peer pressure me into finishing a project for them I started more than a year ago😅 it's not really working very fast but it is working a little....
I also have the whole collection of these lil dolls called Creatable World that are canonically gender neutral but I couldn't find any pictures and they're stored right now. I need to take them out and let them see some sunlight
They all (most of them) have their lil lives and personalities and stories that I'm slowly writing down so I don't forget. They're my lil babies and I love them so much 🥰
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hellisharchive · 4 months
Heyoooo! You probably know me from messaging you but I wanted to ask if you could write a Vox x Fem!reader where reader just takes care of a really wasted but infatuated Vox?
My Queen
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▏C/TW! ▬ 18+, drunk Vox, jealous reader, fluff fluff fluff, bathing
▏C/TW! ▬ Literally wrote this at 2 am and got done at 3 am, so not beta read <3 TYSM for the request! I hope you enjoy it!. AGAIN HOW THE FUCK DID I ACCIDENTLY POST THIS THIS WAS A DRAFT. I dont like how this turned out tbh
You and Vox were close, but you wouldn't dare say that you two were dating. You did have a small crush on him and was scared that confessing would ruin your fiendship. Little did you know he also had a crush on you as well, it was just unfortunate he was letting his business and brand take importance over his personal life. You were an honorary Vee and his best friend. Sure, Velvette and Valentino were his friends too, but you always got jealous as you watched Val and Vox act in such a romantic way with each other all the time. You always suspected that they were a thing, and even if they didn't have a label, you respected it. So, you always kept your feelings hidden deep down
. But you did need a break, it got so tiring having to watch and hear them act all cute and making sexual advances from the time to time. You've been ignoring Vox for at least two weeks, probably not the best choice but your emotions got the better of you. But tonight, you decided to get out of the tower and have some fun. You went to a pretty well known nightclub- not owned by Vox, a rare occurrence- to let off some steam. Your goal was to get laid by the end of the night with a convenientially attractive stranger, but life doesn't always work out as you want.
Yet, when Vel called you as you were about to get on the dancefloor with a hot bull, you dropped everything to take care of the television that was drowning his sorrows in alcohol. According to her, he kept talking about how he wished he could tell you something and how beautiful you were. You mulled over it as you walked back through the tower in your fancy nightclub dress just an hour earlier. While on your way there, you came across Velvette who looked very pissed off and scrolling through phone in the main living area of the personal living quarters. When she saw you, she flipped you off and rolled your eyes.
"Fucking finally! Vox has been throwing a hissy fit waiting for his queen to come and shut him up. Fuck you for taking so long, he's called me twenty fucking times asking where you were bevause he forgot he changed your contact info!" That was all she said before growling and walking away, signalling that you were going to handle this yourself like normal. You never let what Vel says get to you, that's just how she normally is. But he changed your contact info? What to? You've calmed down a drunken Vox many times before, but this time seemed bad.
"Vox?" You knock and call out before opening his door to find a very wasted man laying on his couch, hiccuping and looking incredibly sad. He was slumped over with a wine bottle in his hand, no wine glass, and the red liquid was spilled all over himself. Wine? Really? He got drunk on wine out of his entire collection? He's usually a fun drunk, cracking jokes and overall being the most funny in the room from the out of pocket shit he says. So seeing him so down makes you feel guilty for ignoring him. But as soon as he looked at you, his face lit up and a smile immediately popped up. He dropped the glass and stood up, trying to rush up to you. However, because he was so inebriated, he started to stumble, which caused you to rush up and catch him from his shoulders.
"My Queen! Where did you go? I missed you my sweet!" The comment about Vel calling you his "queen" you just passed off as Vel being Vel, but now he was calling that you too? Maybe playing into this fantasy would be best, drunk people are never rational and don't know what they're even saying.
"Well my king, I had a very important meeting with another kingdom to attend to. But you requested my presence immediately!" You spoke matter-of-fact as you navigated him to the bathroom, it was hard already with him being unable to properly walk, but he also kept staring at you, so he stepped over his own feet countless times.
"Hehehe...I like when you call me that. YOUR king. I'm your king! How lucky am I?" He giggled and that made your heart beat faster. How lucky was he? What was he talking about? Maybe this was just his drunk self talking, you knew he didn't feel that way, he absolutely had a thing for Val, not you. Gulping, you finally manage to drag him to the bathroom where you sat him on the toilet. He would be so sticky with all that wine that soaked through his clothes, so you were going to bathe him. Sure, getting him in and out his going to be a challenge, but you still cared for this man a lot and wanted the best for him.
"I'm getting you your pjs, do not move ok?" You started to leave the bathroom when he whined loudly, making a swipe for your wrist but missed as he looked at you with puppy eyes. Due to his television screen head, his facial expressions can get extremely animated, unlike normal sinners. His eyes basically took up his entire screen, only leaving a little bit of space for a pout. The sight made your heart ache.
"Don't leave again my lovely queen! I need to tell you something!" Sighing, you gave him a soft smile and walked back up to him. Picking up his hand, you put your other hand on top of his and gave him the most softest smile you muster..
"It is bedtime, my king, you must be bathed before heading to our bed. You can tell me once we retire" Our bed. Saying it made your heart do flips.
"Oookkk my beautiful queen! Hehehe you're so pretty..." He had a dopey smile as you walked away, heart hammering so loud it should have been echoing in the room. He thought you were pretty? Fuck- why does he made you feel this way? You knew that look too, it was a look of complete love. He certainly couldn't love you though, that has to be impossible. He was with Val, he had to be. Going on autopilot, you gather up his favorite pyjamas and mentally prepare yourself for going back into the flames. When you get back, he was still sitting on the toilet, giggling and staring ahead as he was talking to himself about how in love with him he was.
He was drunk, he was drunk, he was drunk- why couldn't you even entertain the idea of him returning your feelings? Why was it so hard to accept that fact? Taking a deep breath, you walk into the room and he lights up again.
"My queen! Are thou ready to bathe me? You got my favorite pjs! And you have an amazing ass! There's a reason why I married you!" Freezing once again, you ignoring his comment about your ass in luei of the last thing he said. Married...you? Did Vox think you two married each other? The thought made you shiver and face warm with how amazing that sounded. Being officially tied to him forever, waking up with him together, and getting to love him forever. Standing up after finishing setting the dials to the right temperature, you looked at him and now needed to know more.
"And why else did you marry me my dear?" Battting your eyelashes with the most innocent face you could gather, you started to stip him of his clothes. You've seen him naked a handful of times which always made you incredibly flustered, but undressing him? It made you nervous, especially with how he's acting towards you.
"You're the beeeeest, like, THE best! You're so pretty and gorgeous and have SUCH a hot bod! But you're so so sweet and amazing and help me with everything!" Did he...did he actually love you? Was whatever he was doing with Val was nothing? Shakily manging to get him completely undressed, you stood him up to maneuver him into the large tub. Not trusting yourself to say anything more, you gently lay him down in the perfectly warm water and start lathering him up. You also never bathed him before, so your nerves were going to overdrive. He took your silence and silenced himself too, maybe he somehow knew you were really anxious right now. Taking great care in not getting water on his head, you see as his face turned from a happy one, to a somber one.
The rest of the process of getting him out, drying him off, changing into his pjs, and moving him to his bed was deadly quiet. You felt like you would be breaking some unsaid rule. Tucking him into bed, you left a glass of water and painkillers on his nightstand, turning off the big light and turning on the lamp. Sitting down next to his curled up body, you rubbed his back and felt conflicted. He's drunk as balls. He probably won't remember any of this. Getting up and saying goodnight, he yells for you one last time.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what I did wrong but I'm sorry. Is it Val? We aren't anything serious. I was too scared to tell you because you're so beautiful and I didn't want you to leave me. I love you" Vox looked down at his lap with a sullen expression. Heart hurting for the countless time today, you gave him a kiss on his screen and turned away with a smile
"Tell me when you're sober"
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yeosbbm · 9 months
dont go to bed angry….
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Smut | MDNI
genre/tags: bestfriends to strangers (??) to lovers/college au
pairing: stem major! fem reader x dance major! woo
summary/plot: you and wooyoung have been bffs since you came to seoul for college. you two have been inseparable and are always there for each other. however, when you have a serious upcoming exam where you need woo the most he’s.. strangely been avoiding you ? after a heated argument with him on a flooded night he stays at your dorm till the storm passed over. he finally confesses the cause of his avoidance…in your bed .
warnings/prevs: not proofread semi toxic wooyoung, dirty talk, light choking, biting/marking, dry humping, spooning, fingering (fem received), oral (fem received), unprotected piv (wear condoms bro.), somnophilia, dubcon, possessive wording and actions
a/n: this is my first work ever PLEASEE SPARE ME OK. but yea enjoy ik it’s lengthy you can honestly skip through it if you’re only interested in the smut rather than the mini bit of plot 😭
“woo can you bring my textbooks over to my place I left them at yours 🫠”
Read. Every message for the past month and a half Woo either gave a delayed 1-2 word response or no response at all.
You sigh and sit your phone back down to continue studying and writing down your biochem notes. You have an exam worth 80% of your grade for the semester. Your professor is ruthless and has high expectations for your score. For the past month you’ve only had time to study, eat and shower meaning you’ve had to abandon all task and activities that don’t involve your biochem grade.
Typically when you were overwhelmed or had mountains of work to Wooyoung would be there for you. Since you started school abroad you and woo have been attached to the hip, sometimes getting called thing 1 and thing 2 by school admin and others on campus. Being a dance major he had so much more free time since he was already so talented and got the routines and choreographies down fast.
So whenever you had no time to take care of yourself, Woo was your right hand man to help you out. He’d bring you food, bring your favorite drink in, help with laundry, and remind you to eat and have free time whenever you got too caught up in work. Or he’d simply just be there for you, sitting by you writing or typing away keeping you company and making you laugh.
You reciprocated his kindness by coming to watch and support him during his rehearsals or whenever he presented his choreo to the dance teacher. You’d bring him his favorite treats from the student center and a hot towel or cold drink whenever he was exhausted from practice or rehearsing. Massaging his aching shoulders and calves in the dance room until he felt good as new. In all honestly you always had a crush on Woo I mean cmon ? He’s beautiful, but you’ve always pushed your feelings away to hold onto the friendship.
But lately Wooyoung has been so cold, never texting back and whenever you catch him on campus with San and Seonghwa he’d glance and walk faster. It’s beginning to hurt. You want to give him the benefit of the doubt but it just feels as thought he no longer wants nothing to do with you. He doesn’t even come over, you’ve spent the past month and a half by yourself cooped up in your room writing notes and sleeping alone.
While trying to open the next 76 slide PowerPoint your teacher assigned to you, a small epiphany that perhaps Woo is just as overwhelmed as you are and probably needs a boost comes into your mind. You were sure this was the best way to bring him back into your life. Finally getting up from your study desks you put on some quick slides and grab your tote bag so you can grab some treats for Wooyoung from the campus stores since you knew that around this time he’d be in the dance room.
After finally getting the treats you notice despite it being warm outside there was a light trickle of rain but you paid no mind to it, you walked into the dance room seeing Woo, Hwa and San sat stretching and talking. Wooyoung is relaxed slumped over stretching his legs, laughing and flashing his handsome grin to the others. However when Wooyoung sees you approaching he shoots right up and instead of being joyed to see you he looks irritated and dismissive.
“Hey Woo I got you these cookies and chips idk if-” You’re cut off by Woo’s cold stare. It’s as if you didn’t even know him, or moreso he didn’t know you.
“Not hungry give them to San, your textbooks are in my cubby. ” He says it so quick that it’s obvious he’s trying to shoo you away as soon as possible. You toss the chips to San and shove the rest of the treats back into your bag. You quickly get your textbooks out his cubby and toss them in your bag as well.
“Idk what I did to you Woo but lose my number and continue to leave me alone, I’m done being your friend.”
The sky is officially grey outside and your mood is ruined. You’re shuffling through campus square trying to make it to your dorm. While walking through you see all of your peers and other students with their ‘person’ or friend group. While the one person you turned to the most is giving you the cold shoulder. Tears welled up in your eyes and you take out your phone to see the time and whether only to see a notification. It’s a story post from Woo. You open it to see Woo posed with Hwa and some random girl in his class, the caption made your chest feel heavy.
“My favorite girl here”
That was the final straw. You blocked Wooyoung everywhere. You couldn’t even walk around anymore and sat at a bench to cry your feelings out while nobody was around. So many thoughts circled your mind, but you finally snap out of it once you feel the rain trickle harder and harder on you and the thunder begin to roll.
After running over to your dorm using your arms as a shield from the downpour you finally make your way into your single dorm. Instead of finding solace and peace once you open the door and step in..you find Wooyoung sitting on your couch, obviously waiting for you to come home since who knows when.
“Who let you in.” You sighed trying to hold composure, immediately heading to your kitchen to sit your bag down.
He gets up from the couch using his forearm to block you from walking any further to sternly say, “Why did you block me.”
“You know exactly what you did and that it would hurt my feelings.”
You stare into his eyes, gritting your teeth in frustration of the situation, you take a breath and look away from him to mutter a piece of your mind.
“Why do you even give a fuck about what I do. I’m nobody to you from what I remember.”
Wooyoung rolls his eyes and opens his mouth to give his rebuttal but you immediately cut him off. “No text no calls, I can’t even come see you without being pushed away. You don’t give a shit about me anymore admit it.”
“Look you’re overthinking, it’s been a while but you know that post wasn’t that deep.”
“Not that deep? Fuck you Wooyoung get out.”
You attempt to push him away but he grabs your forearms. You look up to see him with a clenched jaw. He notices the tension within the air and the discomfort in your face and softens his grip, he looks down at the ground as if he’s calculating his next response . He lets go, and rather than grabbing his things and walking out he brings you into a hug.
“I’m sorry. I’ve been distant yes. I know you’re mad but please understand it’s only because I ha-” His words come to a halt once a crash of thunder interrupts him and the flood warning amber alert rung excessively seconds afterwards.
You remove yourself from Woos hold and stare at your phone. After realizing what was happening you then walk over to a window to see the damage the storm had caused. The flood wasn’t complete danger since you’re on a higher floor of the dorms so it luckily won’t affect you as for tonight. But, Wooyoung has no way of getting home since the roads were swamped. There isn’t even a single bus attempting to go through these roads. You sigh and turn with your heel to bring your gaze back to Wooyoung.
“I’ll sleep on the couch it’s no worry..”
You look at him up and down, and it’s up until this moment you realize how much you’ve missed him just by seeing him sitting at your place again.
“We can share a bed. I’m mad but I’m not a monster, just be out by the morning or whenever the flood clears.”
Woo mutters a thank you and you walk into your bathroom to be left alone and wash off the tension from the stand-off you a Woo had.
You showered and changed into some cute pajama shorts and a pullover sweater with your college’s logo on the front. You’re beginning to drift off but hear Woo finally come out the bathroom. His hair was damp from the quick shower he took after yours and he sported a white tee and some grey sweatpants he left here the last time he was over for a movie night. You continue to lie on the bed and pretend to not acknowledge Woo as your best attempt to give him the cold shoulder. After some minutes, your eyes almost rip open when you feel a dip in the mattress due to Woo finally resting on it. He gets on simply resting on his side but slowly makes his way towards you and begins to big spoon you and hold you as close as possible.
You want to kick him from behind and tell him to scoot over, but you haven’t felt this much comfort from Wooyoung in so long. Plus considering you want him gone by maybe tomorrow, you’ll take every bit of affection you can get. After some time and a million raindrops later you drift off to sleep.
You wake up still being somewhat caught in your sleep only able to hear a slight shifting accompanied with the dense rain hitting your rooms window and thunder rolling within the sky. But, once you become more aware of your surroundings, you feel Wooyoung shifting around and rolling his hips into yours from behind.
That’s when you begin to hear the low groans and sighs. It started with him slowly humping into you faintly not making too much contact but now he’s switched into grinding his hips in a more methodical bold fashion. You laid there feeling the print of his cock collide with your now wet cunt. Then he stops.
The sudden stop in movement caught you off guard and brought you back to reality. Did that really happen ? It couldn’t have . He was just moving around to get more cover…or maybe to get more space right ? But you know for a fact you felt his bare hard cock underneath his sweats, pressing into you from behind. And you know for a fact your pussy was clenching and dripping while he was doing so .
You convince yourself you just need more sleep, he was just shifting to get comfortable, or maybe he’s just a boy having a wet dream. You close your eyes, following the pattern of the rain to hum you asleep.
Moments have passed and you wake up again but to an even more obvious disturbance. Wooyoungs head in between your thighs taking careful bites out of them. You had no words and can only gaze at the taboo display.
He kisses and licks the marks he was leaving but once he realizes your breathing changed he looks up and finally makes eye contact with you. However, instead of uttering a humiliated apologizing or explanation he uses his teeth to bring your pj shorts and panties down. When they’re finally low enough for him, he parts your legs as if this interaction was normal and while making dead eye contact with you licks a stripe up your cunt and ends the line with his lips around your clit.
Your mouth goes agape and you let out a shocked but pleasured moan only able to watch.
“I’ve loved you for so long y/n you don’t understand. I can’t lie about my feelings any longer. I just want fill you with my cock, just ruin your pretty pussy” He puts two fingers into your cunt and gets back to working on your clit, making sure to make as much of a mess as possible with his saliva.
He brings his face off, your arousal and his saliva glistening on his pretty lips and chin. He licks the mess off his bottom lip so he can say more.
“I want you y/n. For me alone. I haven’t texted you or called because I couldn’t contain how I felt. I was scared you’d be uncomfortable or brush me off because of your studies.” He takes out his fingers and brings his mouth back on your cunt. Sloppily making out with it and bringing his tongue in and out of your hole. Sometimes bringing his face back up just so he can spit on it and make an even bigger mess.
You didn’t know what to say, consumed by both pleasure and confusion. Pleasure from him finger fucking you with precision and purpose constantly prodding that one spot in your cunt that makes your back arch. The confusion with how he can casually explain himself with his fingers so deep inside you. All you could manage was to moan his name and spread your legs even wider.
At this point, your pajama shorts and panties are gone..probably dangling off the corner edge of your bed or discarded on the floor, only woo knows where he tossed your bra off to while the college sweater you went to sleep with is now rolled up, exposing your breast and torso. Wooyoung finally brings his face away after you cum all over it. As you moaned and whined in ecstasy, he kisses you making you taste yourself on his lips.
He puts himself back into the big spoon position he was in when you both first fell asleep. He kisses and marks you up a bit more in the crook of your neck while lightly toying and mounding your breast in his comforting hands.
He brings his face back up to your ear and carefully whispers..
“Inside…please can I put it inside..let me fuck and cum in you” He rolls his hips lightly into yours for emphases. “I’ll never avoid you again, I’m yours I won’t leave your side again” His hand drops to your clit slowly adding pressure and applying deep circles.
You moan and turn your head away from him, the closeness and intimacy is overwhelming and you’re now caught in a whirlwind of heat filled pleasure . You know you want this bad, but your mind is filled to capacity with so many thoughts. Will this ruin the friendship ? Will things be the same ? How will everyone view you two after this ?
Woo notices your overthinking and brings his free hand higher and begins to softly wrap it around your neck only lightly squeezing forcing you to make eye contact with him.
“ I don’t want you to leave my side either I want you to walk around with a piece of me with you at all times” He plays with your clit faster making you take quicker breaths. “Don’t you want that..always having a piece of me inside you ? Right y/n?” You nod and mindlessly mewl due to being so fucked out from his hands and prior his mouth alone.
“Oh baby I knoww” While cooing to you he plunges his fingers back in as he did in the beginning. A pornographic moan falls from your lips as he deeply fucks and curls his fingers into you.
“Your cock please put it in I can’t take it Woo please !!” You call out with the small bit of voice you had left in you.
Woo lifts your leg up and brings his cock into you. It easily slips in from how worked open you were and you feel him stretch your soft wet walls and his tip kiss your cervix. He starts with hesitant experimental thrust, but as soon as he realizes you’re comfortable and want more he begins pounding.
You can’t help yourself and can only moan and babble . As he bullies his thick cock into you the only thing that falls from your lips is fucked out nonsense and pleas for him to not stop.
He momentarily slows down now and brings his face down so he can bite down on your neck. Once again rolling his hips so sensually, the contrast of the knot slowly building up inside you from his slow yet heavy thrust and the pain and harshness of his bite makes you go dumb.
“You take me so well, look at you..so pretty. Fuuuck I’ve only imagined this with my cock in my hand.”
He lifts your leg higher up. Something about this spooning position makes Wooyoung reach the absolute depth of your throbbing cunt. He roughly rocks his hip into yours, you can hear the wet obscene sound of him driving his cock in and out coinciding with the heavy ran outside.
“I’m about to cum so deep in you..y/n I love you so much , stay with me, I don’t care just stay by me” A choked I love you too was all you could say as you came all over his cock, his release and orgasm following suit. You felt his warm seed paint your insides, it’s complete luck that you’re on the pill. Wooyoung drags his cock out and puts you into an embrace.
He peppers and ghosts kisses over your face while you lay limp in his hands, the rain has finally stopped and filling the room is you and Woos soft breathe. You both drift off all over again.
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eilishsluv · 8 months
could u write a fanfic maybe a angst to fluff? perhaps billie stops giving attention and reader overthinks which leads to angst then fluff. hope ur well:)
sure anon! i hope this is how you wanted<3
billie eilish x fem!reader
summary: billie had stopped giving you the attention she used to which lead to you overthinking & so an argument
warnings: arguing, hickies, kissing & unedited
notes: this was fun to write, enjoy reading:)
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billie was an extremely busy person, she had been ever since she stepped foot into the famous business. but these past few weeks you've been feeling extremely neglected by her, its happened before but never for this long. usually only afew days but its almost been 2 months. this had made your thoughts sprial.
overthinking was a bad habit of yours but how could you not especially right now? her flirty comments with other famous people, fans & just anyone. you loved billie & so did she, but now you definitely doubted it.
you both laid in her bed, your head on her chest & usually she'd avoid her phone, or atleast her hands somewhere on you, but no, not today. billie had both her hands on her phone, with her arms on either side of you, barely brushing against you as she typed.
you were done, the jealousy, overthinking & worry got to you. you managed to move away from billie & off the bed.
"whats wrong baby?" billie questioned watching you look around the room.
you ignored her completely, although hearing her voice & petname hurt your heart terribly. scurrying around her room finding your clothes & some of your belongings, billies brain started to tik realising you were leaving.
"woah woah woah, y/n what are you doing?" billie started to move off the bed to stand with you. this made your blood boil.
"oh so you can flirt with other people, ignore me completely, make me feel like shit but you expect me to stay & deal with all of it?" as you talked your voice got louder & louder, you were pissed.
the distress was visible in her face, you stared at her waiting on a response.
"y/n what are you on about?" billie was on the verge of tears, you on the other hand had hot tears streaming down your cheeks already.
"you think i dont see everything you do billie?! for fucks sake, i mean really? really. every single comment you make on another person breaks me apart cause i went from hearing them every single second to once a week if im fucking lucky!" your voice broke all throughout that sentence but you had to get that out, but you couldnt scream all you wanted to.
billie slowly stepped towards where you were standing. she was insanely intimidating when she wanted to be, all you did was step further back up until you hit the wall.
she stared deep into your eyes, hers showed a sad although dominant expression.
"is that all you think & feel?" billie looked as if she was joking, you didnt care. she asked for it whether or not she was serious.
you scoffed looking down then back up into her eyes.
"do you seriously think thats all? i mean billie all i fucking want is your attention but you dont even give a single fuck to me anymore. you have done nothing but ignore me for weeks!" screaming that in her face felt therapeutic but also painful.
billie looked speechless, you guys had argued before but never over something like this.
"you think i dont love you?" her sentence hung in the air, your face gave it all away. billie cleared her throat before continuing.
"which other girl is dancing in my house, wearing my clothes, coming with me to events, sleeping in my bed in my arms, cooking me dinner or listening to me make a new album? y/n you are the only girl i want & need, i own up to being distant but i dont want another girl" billies tears started to fall. you wiped them away as she leaned into your touch.
"im sorry baby." you felt like shit for everything you did in the past 10 minutes.
"dont be sorry for my actions & how ive treated you" you both felt bad but only wanted one thing, & that was eachother.
billie leaned down into your neck, leaving kisses & marks. it was one of her ways of saying sorry & that she loves you.
"i love you" you spoke
"i love you mamas" billie answered back.
she was all you wanted & you were all she wanted, she definitely cleaned her act up after that.
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justmeinadaze · 11 months
We're A Family Part 17 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Thank you for your patience with me. I'm still moving a bit slow but I've been living in my comfort fics while writing a new comfort fic so yeah <3
Warnings: Dads Steddie and Mama Fem Reader, SMUT, mostly near the end with a lot of passion between da boys. FLUFF , we have an adorable addition to the Munson-Harrington crew <3 as well as Ro's birthday. ANGST because I'm me, Steve does something stupid with the best intentions, Him and Eddie get into a fight, Eddie's dad makes a cameo, Eddie talks about first moving in with Wayne, Dylan talks about divorce (dont panic! Its fine. We're all fine. Im not that angsty.) and I think that's it.
Word Count: 5369
“Ok, ladies and gentlemen, what are the bets this time around?” The doctor grins as he looks at your little family. 
“We’re at 3 to 2 with girl being in the lead.”, Steve beams.
“I love it. Let’s take a look.”
It had been about four months since you found out you were pregnant again and this time around was rough. The first few months were spent throwing up pretty much everything you ate and your cravings had been stronger than they had been before. You found yourself getting grumpier and more irritable which the boys didn’t seem to mind, doing everything they could to make things easier. 
You got the house by the lake and everyone (especially Wayne) was excited for the move. Aurora’s birthday was coming up soon which, while still happy, always made you and Eddie nervous. That first year his mom showed up at your door and the two birthdays after she called his phone begging him to come speak at his father’s appeal. 
Steve finally told his mom that you were pregnant with his biological child and she was over the moon. He begged her not to tell his dad and so far she seemed to honor his request. 
“Alright, Munson-Harrington gang. Congratulations, it looks like we have a healthy baby boy!”
“Ok, we have to think of a name.”, Eddie mused as he took a bite from the burger on his plate. “What do you think, kid?” Dylan shrugs causing the metalhead to playfully role his eyes. “You’re no help. What about you, my angel?”
“Han.”, Aurora smiles as she chews on her fries.
“I wouldn’t hate that. Harrison Ford in those earlier movies was so sexy.”
Your son makes a face as both men laugh. “You don’t have any special memories with a name? Like I did with Ro?”
Eddie thought for a moment before a smirk crept across his lips. “James.”, he nods, shifting his gaze towards you two. “When my mother left me with Wayne, I was confused. I genuinely thought she would be coming back so I sat on his couch by the door and just waited. Every now and then he would ask if I was ok or if I needed something and I always told him no. Right before dinner that night, he sat at his little table in the trailer with this rickety, old acoustic guitar and started playing Dio’s Rock n’ Roll Children.”, he chuckles. 
Dylan leaned against his side and Eddie lifts his arm to wrap around his shoulders. 
“Now my uncle is a god-awful singer but man could he play. I was so fascinated by how his fingers moved that I got up to sit with him. He smiled, placing a sandwich in front of me and I ate as I watch him. From that moment on, I knew I wanted to play the guitar. It took me a few days to realize Lynn wasn’t back but Wayne was always there with a new song. Anyway…”, he sighs as his voice becomes lighter. “The lead singers name is Ronnie James.”
You and Steve smile at him as you caress his leg under the table with your foot. 
“I like James.”
“Me to.”, the other man agrees. “James Wayne Munson-Harrington.”
 “Oh, Y/N, you guys don’t have to do that.”, Wayne bashfully grins. 
“We know but we’re going to because we want to.” Winking at him, you stick your fork into the cake on the counter. 
“Honey, we have plates.”
“Yes, baby, we do. It’s this thing UNDER the cake.” Steve playfully narrows his eyes in your direction. “Look everyone else said they were full and I’m eating cake for two!”
He holds up his hands defensively as Eddie rounds the corner with Ro who reaches for her grandpa, demanding he hold her. 
“Listen here you. No more birthdays. We’re stopping today at four, understand?”
“No, granpa! I…be…a big girl.”, she declares tossing her hands in the air. 
The phone rings and Steve chuckles as he reaches over to answer it.
“Hello. This is a collect call from Hawkins Penitentiary from inmate: Al Munson. Will you accept the call and charges?”
The man glances at Eddie who now has a big smile on his face as he tickles Aurora who in turn hides in Wayne’s neck hoping her father can’t reach her. After a few seconds, he hangs up.
“Who was it, baby?”, you ask.
“Wrong number.”
Steve’s foot bounces as he waits behind the glass, eyes constantly searching his surroundings. A guard on the other side, opens a door and brings over the prisoner placing him front of the awaiting man. He had never met Eddie’s dad but he had seen a few pictures. The inmate looking at him now was much older and worn by prison life. He did have a lot of his husband’s features especially in the face but his eyes weren’t as soft as Eddies. 
“You’re not my son.”
“No…no I’m not and neither is Eddie.” Allen squinted at his guest in confusion. “Look, I just came down here to tell you and Lynn to leave him alone. Every time we change our number, you guys always find it again and bother him on what is supposed to be a day about his daughter, not you. He spent so much time worried about you both and paying for the sins of everything you guys did to him. It’s time for him to be happy.”
“I see. And what are you going to do if I don’t, Mr. Harrington? Call the cops?”, he snickered. “I have done more than enough time to pay for my own sins. Edward could really help me out here and as my son he should want to.”
“What he wanted was a father and he found that in Wayne when your wife abandoned him. He gave up on you a long time ago.”
“Why are YOU here? Do you speak for him now since you fuck him?” Steve’s eyes narrowed in annoyance at the man’s comment. “Oh yeah. I know about you, him, and that girl…what’s her name. Honestly, I don’t give a shit about any of that. If my son wants to bend over and—”
“Don’t. Don’t fucking finish that sentence, Allen, or I swear God.”, he growled. “Listen, leave him alone and I can help you in here.”
“How can you help me?”
“I have some money set aside. I can give you some to make things a bit easier.”
Eddie’s dad’s jaw clenches as he weighs his options. “$500 a month and we have a deal.”
A few months had passed and your little family had moved into your new home. Right on time to because about a month after James decided he was ready to join the Munson-Harrington clan. 
Aurora was completely fascinated by the new baby. 
“Dada, bra-der tiny.”
“He’s going to be tiny right now, honey. You have to be very careful with him.”
Her eyes widen as she gently pets the top of his head before leaning down to kiss his nose.
One night while he was crying, she watched as Eddie heated up a bottle and rocked him in his arms as he fed him. 
“Daddy, what’s wrong wit James?”
“He’s just hungry, princess. Babies eat EVERYTHING.” He widened his eyes making her laugh. “Do you want to help me?”
She nods, following him to the couch and takes a seat in his lap. Placing her little hand on the bottle, he allows her to hold it up as the baby continues to suck at its contents eagerly. 
Where Ro was a daddy’s girl, James was a mama’s boy. He loved being in your arms the most and the first time he smiled it was because you were kissing his chubby cheeks. 
Dylan, as always, was a wonderful big brother. He helped out where he could and even offered to babysit his siblings every now and then so you and the guys could spend some time alone. 
“Hey mom. I need some money for baseball. They said that we need $100 for boosters and some equipment.”
“Geez, isn’t that what boosters is for? To raise money for you people?” Dylan beams at you as he gives you a hug making you smile. “Steve? Little man needs $100 of baseball.”
“Jesus, why so much?”
You glanced in his direction taken a bit off guard. Usually when it came to the kids, if they needed anything financially, he didn’t think twice. Between the three of you, money wasn’t as tight but with the new baby and house things weren’t as easy as before so you let it go. Dylan answered his question and he dug in his wallet to give his son what he needed.
“Everything alright, babe?”
“Huh? Yeah, you know me. I just want to make sure we have everything, you know?”
Your head tilted to the side as your wife and mother senses started tingling again. He was hiding something but what could it be? If it was something involving a surprise for you or the kids his face and body language would normally radiate excitement. Something was wrong. 
“Hey, Dylan, do you mind keeping an eye on the other weirdos while I talk to Steve for a minute?”
He nods as you grab the man’s hand and tug him out towards the back porch. 
When Eddie got home from work, he found you sitting on the couch gnawing on your thumb as Steve paced in the living room. His eyes found yours as you motioned for him to come sit beside you. 
“Is everything ok? Where are the kids?”
“I asked my sister to watch them so the three of us could talk.” You softly smile as you kiss his cheek. “Steve has something he needs to tell you.”
“Okay? What’s going on, Stevie?”
The way Eddie looked up at him with concerned eyes made him feel so much worse at what he was about to tell him. 
“Um, so, remember how on Aurora’s birthday, you were ecstatic because your mom hadn’t called? Well, uh, your father actually called from prison that day. I answered and hung up on him.”
As the man spoke, you kept your eyes on the metalhead’s face as it slowly fell.
“I-I-I went down there to see him, Ed, and I warned him to leave you alone. He said he needed you and was tired of being in jail, that he and Lynn wouldn’t stop until you showed up at an appeal. So…” Steve’s panicked gaze shifted your way before he looked directly at the man he loved. “For the past few months, I’ve been paying Allen $500 to leave you alone.”
Eddie’s jaw tightened as he tilted his head subtly towards you. 
“Did you know about this?”, he whispered.
“No. I just found out everything today.”
He nodded as he rose to his feet, placing himself in front of Steve. 
“Eddie, I swear, I was trying to make things easier for you. I hated—”
The metalhead’s fist flew knocking the man backwards before climbing on top of him and swinging his arms. 
“Eddie, baby! Stop!” You tried to break them apart but he was too strong. Quickly, prepared for anything, you pushed a few buttons on your phone, sending a text to the one person you knew could get through to him. Three minutes later, Wayne flew in and pried his nephew off the man beneath him. 
“Hey! That is enough! I need you calm down, son.”
“How dare you fucking go behind my back like that, Steven! I told you both NOT to go down there!”
“I was trying to help!”
“By giving him money that can be used for our family, you fucking asshole! You think this is going to stop him?!” He tried to charge at the man again but his uncle held him back. “You have no idea what he’s like. I do!”
“Steve, maybe, you should go for a drive or something. Let him cool down.” He glanced your way and you softly nodded in agreement causing the man to hang his head as he quietly left the house. “Now you look at me, Ed.” Wayne grabbed the metalhead’s face forcing him to focus as he murmured low enough so only he could hear. 
“Eddie, I know you’re angry. I completely understand that but I need you breathe, ok? Your kids may not be here but Y/N is and she’s worried.” His chocolate eyes glanced at your concerned face as you hugged your arms around your body. “There you go. Can you sit on the couch calmly?”
He nods as he moves to take a seat. Without looking your way, his ringed fingers gesture for you to come closer and he pulls you onto his lap, hugging you to his chest. 
“I’m sorry if I scared you.”
“You didn’t. When he told me what he did, I was angry to. Not just because of what he did but because I knew it would hurt you. Eddie, you know how Steve is. He genuinely thought he was protecting you.”
“No. No, Y/N. This is serious. This isn’t like when you went to his mom for money so he could go to school. My father isn’t someone who can be trusted. So many things can go wrong that can get Steve in real trouble. I…”, he shakes his head as he feels his anger rise again. 
“Baby, I’m not excusing what he did but, maybe, if you explain to him more about your father and how this could backfire—”
“Which I could have done if he came to me first.”
“I know, honey. I know.”, you coo as you rub his chest. “Wayne, would you like to stay here? You’re more than welcome. Plus, I’m sure the kids would love to see you when they come back tomorrow.”
Eddie’s uncle did spend the night while Steve ended up sleeping a hotel. He texted you letting you know where he was and that he thought it was best to give his husband some space. 
The two youngest kids were excited to see their grandpa when they got home but Dylan sensed something was wrong especially when he walked in and noticed his dad wasn’t there. 
“Is it because I asked for money?”
“No, baby. No.”, you whispered as you kissed his forehead. “He’ll be home later.”
Your answer didn’t seem to sooth him as he sat next to Wayne and watched him try to make James smile. 
“Sir, you have the fattest little belly I have ever seen. I could just…”, he made munching noises in his stomach making the baby giggle as he scrunched his head into his shoulders. 
“Beep beep.”, Aurora parroted as the front door opened and Steve cautiously entered the home. “Dada!” She ran to his arms and he scooped her up giving her a big hug. “Dada, you have an ouch.” When she pointed to the light swelling where Eddie had hit him, he flinched slightly. 
“Yeah, dada is dumb.”
“No.”, she giggled before pointing at Wayne. “Granpa is here. He…he’s making…bra-der happy.”
Dylan’s eyes scanned Steve carefully as he sat across from him in one of the chairs. “You alright, dad?”
“I’m fine, dude. I just missed you guys.”, he smiles. 
You come around the corner and playfully swat at Ro’s curls before tickling her neck with your finger. “You. Scoot so I can say hi to dada.”
“Mama! Stop.”, she laughs as she slides down and sticks her tongue out at you. “You’re mean!”
You laugh along with her as you climb onto Steve’s lap and wrap your arms around his neck. 
“Are you okay?”
“No. I hurt someone I love. He should have hit me harder.”
“Baby…”, you sigh as you press your forehead to his cheek. “We’re going to talk again later after the kids go to bed especially since he’s had time to calm down and process everything.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys. I know I should have—” You fingers cut him off as you place them on his lips. 
“We have eyes on us. Later, ok?”
Steve’s own orbs scan the room finding Dylan watching you both as well as Aurora before she smiles and waves in your direction.
One benefit of having three parents in the house is everyone can focus on one of the kids at any given time. After coming in to check on Ro and kiss her, Eddie stayed behind to tuck her in. As you passed Dylan on the couch downstairs, you poked your head into James’s room to find Steve with a sleeping infant in his arms.
“Alright, my love.”, you exhaled as you dramatically plopped your body down next to your son. “Time for you to go upstairs and get ready for bed.” Silently, he turns off the tv and begins to stand but you tug on the back of his shirt, bringing him down into your arms. “I know you and I know your big, beautiful brain. You’re a worrier like me. You didn’t do anything wrong, ok? You know we don’t mind giving you money for something you enjoy.”
“Everything got weird after I asked.”
“And that has nothing to do with you. Believe it or not, adults have issues sometimes that don’t involve their kids.” Dylan chuckled at your sarcasm as you kissed his cheek.
“I just don’t want to be the reason you guys get divorced or something.” 
As he began to stand, you quickly yank him back again. “Baby, they aren’t Charlie. Just because Steve wasn’t here this morning doesn’t mean that we’re going to break up. The three of us have been together too long and been through too much. And…”, you sigh hating the thoughts that fill your mind as you continue. “Playing the devil’s advocate here, if for some reason we ever did break up, I assure you no matter what, that reason would never be because of you guys or anything you did.”
Dylan smiles as he hugs you before getting to his feet and pulling you up with him. As Eddie comes down the stairs, he meets him half and tugs him into a hug.
“I love you, kid.”
“I love you to.” 
The moment he hears his footsteps bang up to his room, Steve appears and softly smiles in your direction. 
“Counseling degree at work again?”
“No, that would be my mom degree. I saw it on his face when you came home. Even though he knows you guys aren’t like Charlie, I think there’s still a part of him that feels like he could lose you at if one thing goes wrong.”
“I know the feeling.”, Eddie mumbles as he shuffles his feet. “Sometimes I was afraid Wayne would give up on me to. Obviously, that never happened.”
Your hand gently rubs his back and you gesture with your head for you three to head for the bedroom. 
The silence was deafening as you sat on the bed near the headboard as Eddie placed himself on the edge with his chin near his chest. Steve pulled one of the chairs from the living room so he could sit in front of you both, fidgeting with his fingers as he waited for someone to speak. 
“Did he ask you for money or did you offer?”, the metalhead asked. 
“I offered. He came up with the amount.”
“Steven, what do you know about prison? In general, I mean.”
“Did you know that things are snuck in all the time? Drugs, weapons, food, etc.” Steve shook his head. “Did you know he can use your money to get shit like that or give to other inmates to do that? Did you know that people could find out where he’s getting so much money from and send people to harass you for the same treatment?”
When the man shook his head again, his eyes downcast towards the floor in shame. 
“Do you know how I know that? The first time my father went in Wayne tried to help him by sending him $100 a month. A couple months later he asked for more and my uncle told him no. The next day someone broke into his trailer and stole half his shit. We learned later Allen owed some people inside money and when they found out he would be getting out soon they wanted it all upfront. When Wayne told him no, my dad told them where he had been getting the cash from so they sent people to get the rest however they could. Thankfully, he was at work that night.”
“Eddie, I…”
“You’d think prison would reform him but it doesn’t. That’s why he’s there, Steve. He does the same shit in there that he did when he was out. He cons people or steals from them and every time he always loses.”, he sighs angerly. “And that’s just one of the many reasons I’m pissed. We just had a fucking baby, Steven! $500 barely covers half of what he needs, plus Aurora and Dylan’s essentials. That’s for the kids. The three of us need things to including this house!”
You scoot closer and wrap your arms around him as you lean against his shoulder. You had never seen him like this. When he had gotten angry with his mom at Ro’s first birthday that was one thing. Right now, this was fury out of fear for you five and something that could have been avoided if—
“But I think what pisses me off the most is you didn’t fucking talk to me. I have always been up front with you when it came to your parents and especially your dad. Your dad isn’t like mine Steve. He could get someone fucking killed and I’ll be damned if it’s someone in my family. I don’t just ignore him and Lynn for me. I do it to protect you guys. It’s a simple thing and you made it way more complicated.”
A tear escaped down Steve’s cheek that he quickly wiped away as he sat up straighter and cleared his throat.
“I’m, um…I’m sorry, Eddie. You’re right. I should have talked to you, both of you. No matter what my intentions were. I—”
“Don’t do that.”, you cut him off. “Don’t do that authoritative, businessman style voice and dialogue you do because you think it’s what people want to hear.” His eyes roll as his leans forward and his leg bounces. “Be honest, Steve. Be yourself.”
“When he called you were making Aurora laugh, Ed, while Wayne was holding her. Y/N, you were eating cake out of the pan with a fork because you were pregnant and you and Dylan were leaning against each other smiling…it was perfect. A perfect fucking day without Charlie causing problems or Lynn calling to trigger his pain. My dad wasn’t appearing out of nowhere to fuck shit up or you mom to remind you that you’re still the town whore!” Steve’s beautiful brown irises looked at anything but you two as he tried to control his emotions. 
“For this one moment, everything was exactly as it should be. Then your dad called, Eddie, reminding me something was always waiting…looming in the background to fuck everything up. So, yeah, I went down there to protect us; to protect you. Motherfucker is lucky there was glass between us.”, he growled. “With Lynn and Allen, I don’t know how you turned out so fucking amazing. I can understand why you would want them out of your life for good.” Steve shrugs as he leans back again. “Since I couldn’t hit him and I couldn’t convince him, I did the only other thing I could think of.”
“Well thank God you didn’t become a businessman like your dad wanted or he would have lost a ton of money.” Their eyes meet for the first time since they entered the room as they both let a breathy chuckle. “Steve, when will you realize that you don’t have to protect us and be the hero alone?”
The baby monitor starts to light up and you hastily get up before they can to check on James. 
“I’m sorry I hit you.”
Steve got up from his chair to sit beside Eddie and wrapped his arms around him like you had. 
“It’s okay. I’m sorry I lied to you. I’m so fucking sorry, babe.”
The metalhead sighs using his fingers to lift his chin and bring his lips to his. 
“Even though I’m mad at you, I still love you. I hope you know that.”
The boy nods as he kisses his lips again before trailing them down his cheek to his shoulder. 
Allen glances at the three Munson-Harrington adults, sitting on the other side of the glass before really taking in his son in front of him.
Eddie knew he’d have to go down to the prison to fix what Steve had done but you were surprised when he asked you two to join him. On the drive there, he inhaled one cigarette after the other until you reached over and stole his pack so he wouldn’t overdo it. While you waited, his eyes darted around as he occasionally babbled to block out his internal panic. 
“It’s been a while since I’ve been here. The last time was when I was 10, I think. My mom brought me and I remember them arguing about him being stuck in here. She said she couldn’t handle me alone.”, he shakily laughed. “Actually, it was more ‘what am I supposed to do with him.’”
“Eddie…”  Turning his head, you kiss his lips as you caress his cheek with your thumb. “Everything is going to be ok. We’re right here with you.”
He nodded before gazing at Steve who was glaring into the void as Eddie reached to hold his hand before leaning to whisper in his ear. “Come back to me, sweetheart. I need you.”
“Well shit.”, Allen sarcastically smiled. “To what do I owe the pleasure? Your boyfriend and I already came up with an arrangement so you didn’t need to come down here.”
“Husband. Not boyfriend. Always glad to know you’re just happy to see me, Allen.”
“Allen? Really? You call Wayne daddy now?”
“More or less for the last about 18 years.” They glare at each other before Eddie snickers. “You’re not even going to pretend to be nice to win me over, are you? I have no idea why you or Lynn would ask me to lie for you if you can’t even say something civil like ‘Hey Ed. Nice to see you.’”
You intertwine your fingers with his as your heart breaks. This was probably just a taste of what little Edward Munson experienced and it killed you. 
“Look, we weren’t planning on staying for long. I just wanted to tell you the money Steve has been sending stops now and if you tell anyone that my family gave you that, I swear to God, I will make it my personal mission to make your life a living hell in here. You think things are bad now…”
You’d be lying if you didn’t say his dominance turned you on. There was nothing sexier to you than seeing them both be protective over you and the kids. Usually, it was Steve acting as protector and when he did it with Mr. Osbourne it drove you crazy. Hearing Eddie do it now was not only making you proud of him but excited to jump him later. 
“Fine but in return I want you to go the appeal for me.”
“No, that won’t be happening either and let me tell you why. If you keep calling me, sending letters, or any other bullshit like that, I will come to your appeal but it won’t be on your behalf. I’ll remind the judge that you’re a scam artist and a fucking car thief but I’ll also enlighten them on what a great father you were to me between the black eyes and verbal assaults.”
Eddie leans closer to the glass as his eyes burn into the man on the other side. 
“I am not a kid anymore. You two think you can still bully me but you’re wrong. You both need me way more than I need you.”
With that, he rises from the chair to leave before pausing and gesturing towards his father to wait with his index finger. Abruptly, he grabs Steve’s collar and tugs his lips to his for a passionate kiss. When he finally lets him go, the other man smirks, drunk off Eddie’s taste alone as the metalhead flips off his dad and turns to leave him behind. 
About a mile down the road from the prison, Eddie swerved his van into an empty area, hurling off his seatbelt and shoving Steve into the back where you had been sitting. You stayed out of the way, allowing the metalhead to take control. There was a sense of urgency in their kisses, both needing each other in that moment. Eddie needed to convey to him that he could take care of him to and Steve showing him that he could willing give up that urge to control for his husband to take be there for him.  
As they shoved down their pants, you slid your fingers down your own, rubbing your clit as you watched Eddie spit in his hand and stroke his cock before breaching Steve’s entrance. 
“Fuck, yes. I love you so much, baby. Let-Let me take care of you.”
All Steve could do was nod as he wrapped his arms around him and clung to him as Eddie pumped into him harder. His ring lined hand reached out into the air and it took you a moment to realize he was trying to find you. As you leaned into his touch he yanked the back of your neck, bringing your lips to his.
When he dipped his fingers into your jeans and between your legs, he couldn’t help but smile against your lips. 
“You’re so wet, princess. You like watching us together?”
Your own palm held the back of his from the outside of your pants as you rested your forehead on his. 
“I like watching you—mmm—take care of us. I love you, Eddie. I’m so proud of you.”
He heavily sighed as he thrust into you both faster. Hearing Steve loudly grunt, you two watch him as his face scrunches and he releases his spend near the bottom of his tummy. Eddie grins as you push against his hand, guiding his pace until he feels you shutter and cum on his fingers.  As you collapse next to Steve, he leans over the boy’s face as he chases his high. 
“You’re both so—f-fuck—fucking pretty when you cum.”
Watching with half lidded eyes, you softly smile as Steve reaches up to caress his face, listening as he whispers sweetly to him. 
“I love you to, honey. So fucking much. Cum, Eddie, please. We want to see it. I want to feel you fill me up. You…you deserve to…fuck…” He struggled to get the last few words out as the metalhead pumped into him so hard you imagined the van was shaking from the outside. They both grunted at the feeling as the boy came inside of him and like you collapsed on his other side.
The three of you panted as you starred at the ceiling. 
“I am sorry I put you in this position, Munson.”
“I mean… I put you in this position but you know me…I’m open to any and all positions as long as it feels good for everyone.”
They smile when you giggle as Steve shakes his head playfully. “You’re so stupid.”
“You don’t have to keep apologizing. I forgive you, Harrington.” He leans up on his elbow to kiss him before dramatically leaning across him to do the same with you. “Alright, you two recharge and I’ll drive us home.”
@dad-steddie @manda-panda-monium @alligator-person
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @strangerfreak
@decadentwombatmiracle @katie-tibo @marsupiooo
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@kik51199 @strngrlytn @idkidknemore @damon-loves-pie
@k-k0129 @micheledawn1975 @eddie86baby
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @3rriberri
@sashaphantomhive @chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes
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communist-hatsunemiku · 8 months
Ok since I have a bit more substantial following. I'm going to detail my surefire method for shoplifting from walmart. I've been doing this for a couple years now, without any repercussions, with my method you can do the same. Read this whole guide, and feel free to ask me questions if need be.
So step one: do your shopping as normal, except grab a few 92 cent packages of tuna(anything small, flat and cheap will work). The amount you grab depends on how many things you're going to steal.
While shopping, place the item to be stolen on top of the tuna in your cart. it's very important that you know where the barcodes are located on both items, as this will come into play in a big way. What's also important is that the item is big enough to completely hide the tuna package under it. Otherwise this method can be risky.
Step two: once you are done with your shopping, head to self check out. Keep an eye on the walmart employee who is manning that station, you want to choose a self checkout that is as far away from them as possible (in my experience these people aren't paying THAT much attention and if they are, they dont care. Look for the younger employee, the ones on their phones, they are your best friend). You want your back facing these people as well.
Step three: Time to ring things up.
Something that is crucial is that you are not stealing literally everything.
Some of your items are going to be paid for normally, and ideally it's some high dollar items you have hid the tuna under. You're going to scan the tuna barcode but make it seem like you are scanning the other item's barcode. This is why you need to hide the tuna underneath the item, be careful not to scan the actual item's barcode because you might end up actually buying it lmao.
Proceed to scan your items, I always do the tuna items first, just to get them out of the way and bagged. I then scan the rest of my items normally, proceed to pay and then leave walmart. Those little scanners at the door only work for things with security devices on them, so dont worry about that. once you are in the parking lot you are home free baby! You just saved a fuckton of money and gave a big fuck you to walmart, good job!
Now, I make it seem very simple, and it is easy once you get the hang of it.
But there a few caveats that are very important.
1. You want everything in a bag, because the employee manning the doors are tasked with checking the receipt if you have something that is not bagged. They are lookingfor the unbagged item on the receipt, and if you have a lot of stuff and only some of them aren't paid for, then usually this isn't an issue. They'll see your huge ass tub of kitty litter on there, and ignore the rest. Still, being stopped by any employee is unwanted.
2. Some self checkout kiosks monitor the weight of items you scan and then place in self checkout, the bagging area is a scale. HOWEVER, in recent years, walmart has forgone that method of limiting shoplifting, I think because it would cause more trouble than it's worth. You need to go to your walmart and test this, which is easy to do.
Above all, it's important to act natural, and it's important to practice. Try it with just one item, you will not get in trouble for having a single item not rung up, if caught.
This post has gotten a bit longer than expected, so if you have questions let me know. HAPPY SHOPLIFTING FUCK WALMART TO THE DEPTHS OF HELL
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dreamersville · 1 year
Hand Holding w/Izuku & Bakugou
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an? i loveeeeee loveee loveeee small things like hand holding and walking arm arm and huggs and just physical touch in genereal just make me sooo 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. *sighs* back to reality. um i realy dont know where i was going with these fr but 900 words later and here we are, i do hope y’all enjoy💜. request are open.
pairings? izuku x reader, bakugou x reader
tw? none
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Izuku - imagine 3rd year izuku all beefed p from the previous 2 years of training, he grew more into his quirk and in turn growing more into his body, kinda lost the baby face but them eyes man whewww chilee
Anywaysssss, you and him are dating without the title if that makes sense, it's not that yall dont want the title it just that's all sorted never put a label on it, its during you're Modern hero Art class that you all have a break because midnight was needed elsewhere for moment, naturally you found a pair of red sneakers making there to you as you lay with your head on your desk, you sit up expecting izuku to take his usually place on top of your desk but instead he just stands to the side, shifting from feet to feet. Like he was nervous or sum, you were about to crack a joke until izuku made a fleet attempt to grab the hand you were previously laying on, now idk what he thought he was finna accomplish butttttt yea. Cute attempt tho, you clutch your stomach from laughing so hard as izuku stands there and buries his face in his hand trying to hide his reddening face from you, but you catch on while you were recovering from that intense laughing fit, “you wanted to do something izu zu” you asj trying to pry his hands from his face, now while you and izuku are closer than you are will your other class mater yall try not to go to hard with the PDA and holding hands??? Seems like a lot of PDA  … to say that I don't usually do these types of things, but I mean there's nothing wrong with a little change. Instead of trying to decipher izuku mumbling, you simply take the hand that you have already freed from his face and intertwine your fingers together. Somehow this increases izuku mumbling so you sigh as you make him sit on your desk and you sit back in your seat stroking his hand that you're not holding with you to let him calm down from his rant.
Bakugou- yall dont understand how much i eat this trope up ( he insecure about his hand cause they sweat) bandwagon so bad   its really ridiculous, but i needed a break from it,  so here we areeeee, katsuki who kinda calmed down ??? like yeah all you mfs still extras and what not but obviously y'all should know by now so it's not point in reiterating it again. Anyways, you and bakugou are helping baku squad study before these finals come around, which eventually turned into you guys just lazing around talking and watching tv. Strange things is playing in the background, while denki and sero are arguing about which song would be able to get them from the upside faster mina is humming a song as placing bows and barretts in kiri’s hair you look to your left and see bakugou and jirou talking further down the coach from you , so you lay back with one ar, stitching over your head while your other arm is being draped over your eyes and you relax back into the couch. It seems like you took a little nap as when you wake up, mostly everything and everybody is being cleared from the common room. Do you move, sit up and stretch and feel your hand being restricted? No that's not the right word, you shift your gaze to where your hand is and see why you couldn't move your hand, bakugou, bakugou katsuki was holding your hand in his lap while he was laying next to you phone on his chest as an almight video counties to play, to say that you are shocked truly feels like a understatement for the amount of feelings you are feeling right now, why would he want to be holding your hand, in his sleep nonetheless, yeah he yells at you less and lets you in his dorm sometimes but that's just to yk study and stuff, not that you ever get any studying down because you are always trying to glance at bakugou to already see he's looking at you and yea maybe you and him both know yall dont need to go out and get the groceries together despite it not being yall week just so y'all could laugh and talk and you could convince to sneak a few extra snacks in and sure you might have caught his looking at you sometimes… okay. Maybe you have a crush and maybe your crush likes you back, but this is too much to deal with after you woke up from a nap that you weren't even trying to take, through the mist of all your thinking bakugou woke up from his nap ??? If you could even call it that fr, anyways he’s been up long enough to see that you saw him holding your hand and he heard you muttering about crushes and what not so he thought he'd just yk confess, so he does all while he is still holding your hand.
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ech0schamber · 1 year
Hey hey hey could you write the s/o in coma scenario but with akutagawa?
sure thing!
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☆you had been working on a mission that mori has sent you on. little did you know, mori knew you were going to get hurt, he doesn't exactly care if an underling get hurts
☆you were sent alone, of course, and it ended with you getting too close to an explosion (as that seems to be a reoccurring theme in bsd)
☆you got lucky as the area you were in wasn't too far from emergency services and they immediately jumped into action, so you got to the hospital before you could bleed to death
☆i would like to think that this mf never answers his phone if he doesn't recognize the number, so it was either gin, chuuya, or the bastard of a boss that told him the news
☆he managed to keep his composure in front of them?? expect if it was gin that told him, then his panic attack would be very obvious
☆he wanted to rush to the hospital, but oh look at that. he's a public criminal... he can't go anywhere near the hospital
☆so he asked gin to go in his place, of course he would only trust his little sister with that. she gets the information she needs from the doctors, but she doesn't visit you for too long. surprise surprise, she cared about you too. like a lot, so it hurt to not only see her brother in such a state of panic, but it hurt to see just how injured you got
☆that's how it went every single day. akutagawa would ask gin to go pay you a visit, hoping that you would be awake
☆during this time, he started taking care of himself less. typically that wouldn't mean much, but you had actually convinced him to start taking care of himself more. now that you weren't around to make sure he was doing that, he fell back into his old habits of just not taking care of himself
☆gin and chuuya tried their hardest to make sure that he was at least eating 2 meals a day. gin would quite literally drag her brother and basically throw him in the shower once a week
☆this poor baby had finally found a reason to take care of himself, to start seeing the good in some people, to stop putting himself in as dangerous situations as before, and now it's been ripped away from him
☆hell, dazai probably even noticed that akutagawa wasn't fighting atsushi for his approval as much
☆and queue a lot of peoples confusion when he suddenly started attacking atsushi again dont let atsushi find out why, he may accidentally use it against him during an agrument
☆it was gin who got the call that you had finally woken up after being in a coma for a year. of course, aku still couldn't visit you, so she went in the check on you... basically see if you can handle if aku decides to break into the fucking hospital to see you
☆thankfully he doesn't. but he really wants to, but he knows that you wouldn't be too pleased with him if he did that, so he exploded something to get that urge away.
☆he is probably going to get more violent in this time, he has no way of contacting you (cause they don't allow phones in the hospital) and has to depend on someone else to know if you stay awake
☆and finally, after (insert set amount time here, i have no idea how long hospitals keep you after you wake up from a coma) you were finally released. while you were mainly stuck to a wheelchair because your muscles are too weak to carry your weight, you made sure that you could at least stand with only one crutch so you would hug your boy
☆you and gin decided to make it a surprise for aku. and man, did it work. if it wasn't for the fact that you were leaning on one crutch, and the wheelchair behind you, he would have thrown himself at you
☆instead, he 'calmly' walks over to you, lays his head on your shoulder, and just starts crying. gin was nice enough to give you two some privacy, please hold this boy to the best of your abilities. he has missed you so much
☆now, if he's under the impression that you went willingly, expect him to lecture you. he listens to you though, so simply tell him that mori made you go and gave you no warnings
☆it's not like you have to worry about the people that attacked you though, they died in an... accident about two days after you were sent to the hospital :]
☆surprisingly, he is willing to help you with physical therapy! but you are going to have to explain why you are having to do each exercise. it's not that he doesn't trust the doctors, instead he is curious about how these will help you. it's a learning process for the both of you, how cute!
☆possessive. anyone even looks at you wrong now and he threatens to kill them. he will go against moris orders if it means that you are no longer going on any mission he deems dangerous.
☆i feel like he'd also freak out anytime you got hurt. if it was a small papercut, he wouldn't freak out, but you fell because you're leg gave out on you??? roshomon is now carrying you for the rest of the day.
i can't think of anything else :] maybe i need to rewatch the show to get a better grasp of some of the characters... oh well
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mrs-monaghan · 8 months
Oh that jimin birthday is gonna cause chaos. Cause jungkook will definitely go live after his recording or after the award or something (he might not go live as well) and if he comments something about jimin's birthday and him wishing jm on phone etc etc it's gonna be chaos.
And in all that if taehyung visits jungkook then armys gonna make jimin's birthday about tk
I wanna focus on that last part. I am gonna be that guy fr fr. Look, I will be the first person to tell you Taekook hanging out is okay. It dont matter bla bla bla. But on this day it matters a whole fucking lot. JK's thing is on Jimin's birthday. If V shows up the fandom, this fandom, that loves to celebrate all members bonds except Jikook, the fandom that's full of tkkrs, that fandom, is gonna make Jimin's birthday about Taekook
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So for all that's good, I need V to not show up. RM has been keeping to himself in chapter 2 but he needs to take one for the team just this one time 😂😂 People would loooooove to ruin Jimin's birthday. We can't have that.
Yes I said it. I do not want V to show up for JK. I did. I said it. Not on October 13. I have said it and will not be taking it back.
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chenyann · 2 years
Sleeping on The First years♡
Ace trappola,Deuce spade,Jack howl,Epel felmier and Sebek zigvolt
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This is coming out later than I expected 😭 the epel fic will be done tomorrow tho and I've been working on a masterlist and a intro page so I've been working hard💪 and I was halfway done with this and it deleted all my progress so yeah♡~yako
Tw:sebek Fluff/crack
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He was just talking about how much he hates riddle then boom weight on his shoulder!
Lowkey just got scared 
He thought it was riddle lol
He was surprised and a little offended when you fell asleep in the middle of his rant
He grabbed a nearby pen 
Yep you know where this is going y/nnie
BUT!?BUT!!!He doesn't do it?
Why you may ask well that's because 1.your his crush 2.he doesn't want to have all his fingers broken(‐^▽^‐)
But…ngl….you look kinda cute
100% strokes your head
Plays on his phone while you sleep
He almost woke you up cause he got jumpscared from a video Carter sent him.
Tells you to go back to sleep
You did cause school just ain't it 😒
Would kill anyone who makes too much noise near you🧡🧡
"Here Ace I can take them to a bedroom"
"No! it's okay I'll keep them here"
"Just cause you like them don't mean-"
"I don't like them! They are just keeping my shoulder warm"
He will take it to his grave that the ONLY reason he kept you there was too keep him warm 
Takes a picture of you 
Maybe took a few more🤫
He would threaten to use it as black mail
Don't believe him he's a liar
Wouldn't want anyone else to see your sleeping face 
Brags to the other first years
Acts like a lil snot when you wake up
"Just couldn't resist me huh prefect?"
"Wait I didn't mean it y/n!!! DONT IGNORE ME!?!??!
I wholeheartedly believe mama Spade would call him her little cuddle bug and nothing you say of do will change that  y/nnie♡
He was just doing his thing laying on his back
You come swooping down laying on his chest
Was flustered 
He was about to sit up and ask you if youre okay
But he felt that you got lighter
Did you fall alseep???
Wait…are you breathing!?!??!..!.
Omg did you faint!??!?!. CALL HELP!??!?!?
Wait….oh. you are breathing,I can hear your light snoring!
Would want to move you cause he thinks you are not comfortable enough.💚💚
He just decided that he won't risk waking you up again 
He stayed there….doing nothing 
This reminds him when he slept with his mom when he was little
Plays with your hair like how  his mom use to do to him🥰🥰
And hummed like she did to him
Would throw something at someone if they were too loud near you
Almost threw you
He actually got too wound up and kinda woke you up
Apologized and held you close
He ended up falling asleep too due to having nothing to do
Other than play with your hair, he didn't want to wake you up cause he tugged your hair by mistake 
Carter took photos of yall
He held you closer as yall slept🧡🧡
Two cuddle bugs♡♡
"Prefect are you getting enough sleep? You fell asleep on me yesterday."
"No need to apologize,I didn't mind I was just worried that's all"
He was reading his book when you asked to lay on his lap
He didn't expect you to fall asleep 
Worried about you not getting enough sleep.
It's quiet in his room and it's warm, it's the perfect spot to rest!
Idk guys his tail is kinda fast rn🤨🤨
would softly take your head and replace his lap as a pillow.
Yeah nice try Simp this is my world and you ain't gonna sleep on his thunder thighs that easily!😈
You after faking your sleep to lay on his meaty thighs only for it to be replaced with a pillow:(╥_╥)
He didn't want to wake you up okay🥲🥲
Looks at you and smiles 
He would pat your head too🧡
You remind him of his younger siblings when they would sleep 
He ended up waking then up by mistake tho
Continues to read his book 
Would check on you after every page🧡🧡🧡
You did end up falling asleep tho🥱
Would also cover you with a blanket😫😫 God I want a man like that plz
He would not leave you alone ♡
He would growl at anyone being too loud
He would also turn on a fan for you
It gets hot there sometimes 
He would be honored that you felt comfortable to sleep by him<33
He would also ask someone he trusts to get a water bottle
So when you wake up you can have something to drink
"Prefect are you getting enough sleep?"
"No…I was just asking cause it's distracting"
He would probably think about this for the next week
Randomly asks if your tired 
Your honor I wanna sleep on his man titties😔
Country boy I love you~~😝😛
He was just hating on vil and you were playing with his hair
He felt pressure on his back but didn't question it 
Until you stopped talking and moving that is
Thought you passed out
Him rn:(•⌓• )
He was so scared 😭😭 
He looked at the mirror vil gave him and saw you were asleep 
How tf you fall asleep like that y/n??
You were leaning against his back asleep
He didn't want to move tho
He fr thought it would improve his muscles 💀💀
He just sat there for like 10 minutes
 He then got on his phone 
Probably took a picture 
Did you always smell this nice??
Why tf you smelling them epel??
Lowkey probably thought you look hot💀💀 even with the drool
After a while he would lean back and you would fall on the bed
Yes you woke up 
He told you to sleep on the bed
You did 
Would fist fight anyone who is too loud💙💙
Would also use you as an excuse to get away from vil 
"Epel you have to come by my room so I can redo your eyeshadow"
"The prefect is asleep in my room and I want to be there when they wake up"
"Don't want them to be scared or confused"
"fine when they wake up ill have Rook come get you"
Covo with him and vil⬆️
Would mumble little nothings with sitting beside you<33
Calls you his little cotton swab 💀💀
Would also comb his hand through your hair like his granny would do💙💙
1000% A Confidence boost
If he touched you tho that's another story 
You would roll away💀💀💀
"Prefect, can you stay for a while longer?"
"Cause vil wants to do my makeup when you wake up so just stay in here for a bit longer''
…..what? You can't tell me you fell asleep in a 8 meter radius near him???
Even if you tried you would know what would happen
So what's the point???
Fine😒 I'll do it 
but yall are about to be blocked again/j
What??? He looks over and sees you snoring away!?!?
He was talking about his waka Sama and you fall ASLEEP!?!?
Great another silver…
about to wake yo ass up
But….you look nice like this…
Diasomnia is impressed to say the least
Would go and walk away but the moment he moves you cling on even more
Your ass was like "get over here👹"
Now that's how you ending up laying in his lap 
Smells like mold
Would just sit there doing nothing
Stiff 🤭🤭
Texts Lila
"The human is sleeping on me and I want them off me, how do I get them off?" 
"Aww send pics😻😻!"
That's the conversation they had
Would loosened up a bit💚💚
Reads a book out loud to you as you sleep💚💚
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Baby gazing
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Comments Welcome and reblogs welcome to not repost translate or publish anywhere 18+ just in case as always nothing but fluff chris being a dad if thts a warning
Part 2 here
I woke up suddenly. Not to a baby crying or a shrieking but rather me reaching out and finding a cold spot a very cold spot
"Chris?" I said softly maybe he was in the bathroom or I don't know. I sat up. Still confused. The ensuite was open slightly the light was on
"Chris?" I said into the opening I heard nothing opened the door fully and walked in. It was empty. So I turned the light off and closes the door. He would've heard me if he was in the walk in but if he was there instead of bed I'd murder him. Why I dont know. I blame hormones.
"Chris?" I hiss out the door. I didnt hear anything. And Sodger wasn't here because of the baby. The baby. Of course but the bed was very cold. I quietly walk to where the Nursery is, not too far from our room and the door is open and hes just standing there staring.
I wish I had my phone to take a few pictures. My phone. Ugh what am I in a bad horror movie I should always take my phone.
I walk up to him taking his hand
"Chris, honey what are you doing?"
"Watching her."
"She sleeping."
"I know she's so beautiful look at her so peaceful."
"She is isn’t she. And her hair. I think she has the cutest curls." I really wanted to play with them but now was not the time. If she woke up she'd want cuddles and to eat and my body heat or Chris for the rest of the night and mamas gotta sleep so does dada but his brain isn't receiving memos correctly
" I went to get water and I wanted to check on her."
"You got water from the bathroom."
He had turned and looked at me
"You left the light on. Not exactly the on the way back from the bathroom."
"I took a detor"
"I can tell," I wisper, "pretty far detour considering it's not in our room. Babe you have camera and monitors. Shes fine. Look I love her just like you but we need rest hon. Hes pouting and it's the cutest thing ever but its not making me change my mind and what let him stand here hours on end. Nope.
I get Chris to come back to bed and lay across his torso like dead weight because I know what will happen the ninute I fall a sleep and he chuckles.
"Is it so bad to want to watch my baby girl." He plays with my hair.
"I guess not but what if she does something so unbelievably cute or starts to climb and your miss it cause your tired?" I pout
"Or even more, trying to watch two of them you have less than nine months to figure it out." I smirk turning on my side
"You heard me," I smirk. I play Chris like a fiddle. Hopefully he'll get some sleep, after all we're watching our friends baby for the weekend. But I have a feeling Chris won't figure it out for a bit. Hehehe
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@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja @coltrainbat
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safety-pin-punk · 1 year
Punk 101: Recording Music
To answer the question: ‘How do you record music off of a streaming service’ (for legal reasons I wont say which one I recorded off of)
Warning: it can get a bit complicated and is illegal
More Important Warning: at the end of this post there is a video with flashing lights
Also a point to make: you shouldnt do this especially for smaller bands. They make money off of streaming. They need money to survive. Support small bands
Step 1. Put the playlist together
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This can be on Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music, etc. You just have to be able to access it on your phone or tablet (something that takes an aux cord)
Step 2. Turn the sound to Analog
This is accomplished by running it through an aux cord. If you have a newer iphone or simply a device that has no aux output, you need to get an adapter. But the music HAS to be transferred out of a digital format otherwise you wont be able to record through any encryption (Im not a computer person please dont ask me to explain streaming encryptions)
Step 3. Turn it back into digital
Heres the thing, you can’t really record analog (well not without a HUGE quality loss in sound). This is the part where I warned it can get complicated. I’m going to show the ‘advanced’ way. But you could probably also just find a way to plug the aux into a computer as an input too.
Personally, *if* I were to record music (which I totally dont do cause its illegal) I’d run my music through two different boards
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The one on the left is an old as fuck board that has amazing sound, the one on the right is a Denon, which we currently use for DJ gigs. The aux is the input into the old one, which in turn is the input into the new one.
Side note: I’d only add the old board into the mix if I can’t get the aux input loud enough on the Denon to match any pre-recorded music. That’s important for a DJ. The old board would let me give it an extra boost.
Step 4. Sound match (kind of optional, but recommended)
If you want your music to be the same volume as all the other music you have, you have to sound match with a song you already have. I like this song:
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You need to record about 20 second demos and compare them with the original song while messing around with the settings until it sounds good without damaging the equipment. As you can see it might take a few tries to get the sound to match. But once it does, you dont have to change the settings for any other song you record.
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If you are using a board to record or boost your audio, these are lights that you want to pay attention to. You never want to ‘peak’ your boards. Its not good for them and will shorten their life span.
Step 4. Record
Newer boards often have recording functions (like the Denon). If you are on a computer, use whatever recording application you have available. Save each track. (Maybe listen to the first few to make sure you arent cutting off the very beginning or end of a song). Keep track of which song was recorded in what order if you cant name them right away.
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Save the songs onto a usb or on your computer. From their you can rename the files
Step 5. Do with it as you please
Want to turn it into a cd?
Punk 101 Master List
My entire set up for recording: FLASH WARNING
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antiwhores · 2 years
I really loved ur short story ‘Bakugou’s game’ I would love to see a part 2 of it. Maybe a few months later or something reader is trying to get over bakugou and is really cold to him when he tries to fix their relationship and he sees her at a party with a date and he gets super jealous and possessive after seeing them together. Which leads to make up sex and hopefully reader giving bakugou a chance to make it up to her. Or be totally angsty and make reader pull a uno reverse of him.
Bakugou’s Game: Part 2.
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Requested by: @jasmixs @ooftrain-12 @tsukikoxo @coffeeginie
Part one: https://antiwhores.tumblr.com/post/693877274172440576/bakugous-game
Sorry this shit took so long frfr. Ive been SO busy lately to the point its actually insane. Havent had time to even write a sliver of this. Yall probably lost interest but ill post it anyone out of respect for the og request
Warnings: Jealousy, minor violence (reader slaps bakugou again LOL L bozo), rough sex, creampie, happy ending and shit, make up sex, NOT EDITED - BARE WITH ME HERE.
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Bakugou was misreable without you, the break up eats him away until he forced himself to go out to speak to you.
Bakugou never understood the idea of someone being so sorrowful about a break up that they forget their pride and beg for the person back. That is, until now. He’s starting to understand why people take break ups so badly. Cause he’s taking it badly.
Everyday is a new thing to notice. Everyday is a new thing he didn’t even know he was used to after dating you so long gone.
When he came home to his apartment you weren’t there to welcome him. When he walked past the bathroom you wernt there to sing horrible on purpose in the shower to annoy him. When he ate at the table you wernt there to tell him about your day in an exaggerated tone. When he sat down on the bed without changing you wernt there to yell at him for his outside clothes touching the clean mattress. When he spiced his food to hot you wernt there to dramatically cough and pretend to fall over. When he woke up in the middle of the night you weren’t there to tell him to “close them damn eyes again”.
Everything was different. He hasn’t moved a single bit of his furniture yet the house changed drastically.
He started to lack on his chores, throwing himself into his hero work. He exhausted his body to the point of throwing up. That and the combination of the lack of sleep and the lack of rest.
He had nightmares of how he acted. It would usually play out with you doing what he did to you. It was insufferable. Every single thing in his dream was something that he’s done before.
He looked down at his phone with his newly founder insomniac eyes.
Doll, Im so sorry. It will NEVER happen again. Im a fucking idiot and I’d do anything to make it up to you. Please just respond back.
Read 34 days ago
Y/n, I see you reading my texts. Just please let me apologize.
Read 33 days ago
Do you still want that car? I know you told me to not buy it but I’ll order it without a second thought if you talk to me. Please.
Read 32 days ago
Okay, Im sorry about the car thing. That was weird. I don’t think you’re a prize to be won with money. I just want you back.
Seen 31 days ago
Stopping by your house today, I need to see you.
Seen 29 days ago
Im sorry. I can’t loose you y/n. I cant.
Seen 27 days ago
My mom is so mad at me. I dont blame her, loosing you is like loosing half of my heart.
Seen 25 days ago
Its been so long since I’ve lived without you I dont know how to do its
Seen 23 days ago
Please love me again.
Seen 22 days ago
I know you see these. Do you enjoy seeing me like this?
Seen 19 days ago
I love you.
Seen 16 days ago
No other person will ever count to me. That stupid bitch at the bar is nothing compared to you. None of them are.
Seen 15 days ago
I left a letter under your mattress. Please read it.
Seen 12 days ago
Coming to your house tomorrow, I really need to see you. I’ll do anything.
Seen 9 days ago
The notes still here, you really break my heart. You know that?
Seen 8 days ago.
I still love you.
Seen 5 days ago
Ill fucking never look at another girl again. Swear.
Seen 4 days ago
I love you even more today
Seen 2 days ago
Whenever you’re ready.
Sent just now.
It was true, you read every single text. You read them almost 10 times over. You weren’t ready to respond.
At first, Bakugou’s texts confused you. This was against his pride. He would never suck up to you like this. So you laid it down to drunk, sad, sleepy, and/or desperate texts. It wasn’t his character so naturally you went looking for answers.
The last month has been terrible for you too. You were staying at your bestfriends house, who was GLAD to have you.
You avoided everything that mentioned him. News, certain social media platforms, public areas, etc. if it wasnt for your friend, you wouldve never gone out.
After that last text he stopped reaching out for the coming months. Things were peaceful, you were okay.
You hadn’t gone back to any club/parties since the incident. But your friend, being a party person, forced you out to a nearby club. They also made you agree to going with this guy, whatever his name was, to have a little blind date. Your friend figured it’d been a couple months and you needed to touch some bitches. You were against it, still getting over Bakugou, but they used the favor you owed them to seal the deal.
So now you found yourself at the club, chatting with a guy at one of the booths. He was actually tolerable, not your type romantically, but someone you’d be friends with. You supposed that the first step to a relationship was being friends so you continued to persue.
He was rather handsome too, not godly handsome like your ex- you needed to stop doing that. Comparing everyone to Bakugou is whats gonna make you single for life. Bakugou was not an easy man to pass.
You laughed at his joke as he continued to tell it. “Yeah man, she was crazy! She ended up calling my mom and telling her that I had set the house on fire! My mom was worried to death! Then she hit me after she found out the house was okay like I told her!”
You shook your head, “Exes man, I swear!” He leaned down towards you, “You got any exes that make you want to start a war?” You immediately nodded, “My last ex was a handful.” “Did he tell your mom you set the house on fire too?” You laughed, “Nahh, thatd be so much easier to manage. My ex, well, he-“
Prying red eyes watched you from the corner of the room. Bakugou didn’t even wanna come to this club tonight. He was, like you, forced to come out of pity of his friends. To think he could’ve missed the chance to see you and this guy flirting and laughing together.
It could be a close friend, maybe a relative, he didnt know. He wasnt close enough to make oht a single word. There was some part of him that aas glad for that nad another part that was incredibly annoyed.
No matter who it was, Bakugou’s hands started to smoke up. His teeth gritted hard against eachother. While he was moaping and suffering you were over here on what looks like a date?
It took everything in him to not just stomp over there and drag you away from the piece of shit. He was glad he hadn’t enough alcohol in him to follow those urges… to a degree.
So he waited. He waited for an opportunity. And he sure as hell got one.
“Oh!” You gasp at the ringing of your phone. You tilt the screen towards you before looking back up at your date with apologetic eyes. “Sorry, I absolutely need to take this!” He laugh, “its okay!” His back cracks when he lifts his arms to stretch. “I needa go to the restroom anyway!”
You smiled that smile that he loved. The smile that should only be directed at him. Not at some random guy you just met.
He stalked carefully behind the guy until he was walking into the back hallway with him. The guy barely had a chance to comprehend a single thought before he was slammed up against the wall with his shirt fisted by the blonde.
The man looked startled and freightened. Who wouldnt be? Bakugou’s stare was one to rival Medusa’s. He felt frozen by the pure hatred glazed over.
“What the hell are you doing with y/n.” The sentence came out between his teeth. The man put his hands up defensively, “Aye man, we’re just on a blind date!”
Bakugou’s palms sparkled threateningly, “Im gonna give yoh one chance,” He leaned down to be exactly in the guys face, “Fuck. Off.”
That was all the guy needed before he was out of the door and on his way home. An immediate wave of relief washed over him at the thought of the date finally ending. The positive emotions quickly disappeared at the sound of a famiiar voice, his favorite voice. “Seriously?”
He snapped his head over to look at you. You were even more heavenly up close, just as he remmebered but better. Your arms were folded and you looked at him with such disapproval that he wanted to immediately crawl to his knees and apologize.
“We’re not even fucking dating anymore. You just chased off my date.” He winced, “Fuck.” You scoffed at his curse to whomever. “I should be saying that not you. Leave me alone, asshat.”
Before he could stop himself he had grabbed your arm and pulled you into the closest vacant guest room. He pinned you against the doorway. You were wide eyed and your mouth slightly open. It had happened in an instant, so fast your brain was still trying to comprehend him grabbing your wrist.
Bakugou bit his lip so hard you thought it would bleed. He didn’t know were to start. This day had been rehearsed in his mind over and over again. Yet the words, the speeches, and the numerous i love you’s were gone.
“Im sorry.” Was all he could get out. Your eyebrows furrowed when he mumbled the words. He snaked his hand around your waist as he whispered in your ear. “Im sorry. Im sorry, swear on it y/n. Talk to me again. I miss you. I’m sorry.”
His head dove into your neck, kissing and sucking on every sensitive spot he gained access too. You didnt even have time to gasp before his thigh pried both your legs open. He grinded the muscle against you.
It took everything in your being to not just give in and let him pleasure you. The resolve in your head, the one that told you that him acting like this is conmmunication is what ended the relationship in the first place, slapped the hell out of you though.
His face broke as you roughly pushed him away. He whimpered while trying to trail his hands on his belt to unbuckle it.
The skin of your palm met his face quickly. He completely stopped this time. The sound of the slap reverbing in his head along with the sting. Not just the sting of the slap, but the sting of knowing he fucked up again.
“Have you learnt anything?!” You yelled, tears brimming in your eyes. “This is the reason we broke up! You can’t resolve everything with sex!” You jammed your finger into his chest, “Start thinking with your head instead of your dick! After all this time, I thought you changed. Im so ignorant.”
You turned to leave out the door. Bakugou saw everything flash before his eyes. He saw the relationship you and him had before. He saw the relationship you could have now. And he saw the relationship that fucked up and now has fucked up his life.
“I dont know HOW!” He didn’t mean to yell, really. But something just snapped in him. You stopped to listen so he continued. “I’ve spent the last several weeks missing you. I never even realized how much I fucking… damn it!”
The knot in his throat was getting tighter. You hadn’t turned around yet. “But I just dont know how…” His voice broke halfway through the sentence. He wrapped his arms around you. You felt no lustful intent, only the desire to hold his #1. “I only know how to show my love through fucking. I can be more open! I just dont know how!”
He started to shake, squeezing you even tighter. After a long while, you finally spoke.
“Then I’ll teach you how.” He looks up in bewilderment, is this you forgiving him? In one swift movement you pushed yourself towards him. You grabbed his worried face, tilting him up to look you in the eyes. He was panicked, a panick you’ve only seen a few times since knowing him. “But for now, tell me how you feel in the ways you understand.”
He seemed confused when your hands encircled around his belt and snagged it off. “What? Wait-“ you cut him off with a hefty palm on his clothed cock. His breath caught into his throat. He barely chocked back the moan that you attempted to tear from him as you dove your hands under his pants. He was puzzled, yet his arousal and the feels of your hands encircle around his throbbing cock hypnotized him.
Instinctively, he reached between your legs to rub you in return. He whined when your hand gently pulled his away. “I’m okay, you just focus.”
Easy for you to say, he thought, or atleast tried to. It wasn’t easy to focus on the situation when you began to pull his cock out and rub it against your entrance. It felt too good. It had been too long. Too long having to rub himself out to a picture of you. The real deal felt euphoric.
His hips bucked into yours, starting at a brutal pace. He picked up your legs to give himself more range. The sounds of skin on skin were loud, not as loud as the combined sound of the moans and groans you both chocked out, but loud.
He tilted his head back, his whole chest was flushed a deep red. He cursed into your neck where he had begun to lick and suck. “Damn it, I-I missed you.” Your whole body tensed when he angled himself to hit that spot deep inside of you. It was your turn to curse.
“I just- these past couple of weeks- nghhh… ive been- I cant live without you alright!” His thrusts picked up, “I regret everything I have ever done to make you upset- hhhnnm…”
Tears well up in your eyes when you start to reach your orgasm. You weren’t gonna last long either. Like him, the sensation was a lot after being away from eachother so long. He had forgotten his strength as he thrusted into you so hard you wouldn’t doubt if angry bruises were already forming.
“Katsuki… I love you,” You whined desperately. He started to unwind, tensing and untenseing, when you came around his cock while moans spilled through your mouth. It almost hurt how stong the orgasm was. Almost.
He bite into his lips so hard it began to draw blood. “Fuck, I love you too y/n! So fucking much!” With that he exploded inside you. His hot seed painted your walls without missing a single spot.
He slowly lifts you down to your feet, only to stabalize you when your knees buckle. He wrapped his arms around you, “I fucking missed you.” You breathed in deeply when he kissed at your temple, “I missed you too Katsuki.”
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docwritesshit · 1 year
One Small Change
Blurb: After years of forgetting, you finally bit the bullet and got new glasses, which your SO took notice of very quickly
Authors note: Tooootally not based on me getting new glasses after 5 years, what are you talking about?
ALSO: I am taking requests, just send them in and I'll see what I can do. I reserve the right to refuse any and ignore you if I dont
Pairing: Redson x Reader
You weren’t surprised to find yourself hauled out of bed by Mei, you were confused about the trip to the optometrist though.
“You have tortured yourself for far too long, get yourself examined and I’m paying for your new glasses!”
You tried to fight, honestly! You had promised that you would get yourself an appointment, but she had pointed out that you have had the same pair of glasses and prescription for 3 years now, and she caught you squinting way too many times to realize that your prescription wasn’t working.
After the exam, you persisted in paying at least for the medical part, you and Mei were now in the main room of the building, looking through the frames they had to offer. You found yourself drawn to one specific pair, but paled at the price tag. Mei noticed your look of dismay and shoved the pair onto your face.
“Don’t even think about it! I’m paying.” She announced. You rolled your eyes, but turned towards the mirror.
You scrutinized your reflection, before smiling and looking at your friend who gave you a thumbs up with a grin on their face. You faced the attendant at the counter and placed your new pair of glasses down on the table. She smiled, taking your insurance and prescription, measured your glasses, and informed you that they would arrive in 2 weeks.
In the meantime, you went about your daily life. You went to work, hung out with your friend group, and occasionally texted your significant other who was in the desert regaining her family reputation and status through the construction of their new fortress.
Was getting with a demon with you being a mortal the smartest idea? Maybe not, but it wasn’t exactly your fault either. But that’s another story.
While at your desk at work reading the weather patterns that should be generated in the next few weeks, you got the notification that your prescription was ready. You texted Mei to grab it and drop it off as you had to work on the weather generator a bit because of some safety concerns, and Buddha knows that you would want your vision to be top tier and not get blasted with a tsunami.
You met her by the door, taking the glasses from her and turning to go inside before she caught your arm.
“And a special delivery from a certain red boy~” She handed a brown paper bag to you. You could smell all the spices emitting from it, causing you to chuckle
“Lamb?” You asked. Mei nodded, and handed you your favorite drink as well. You sighed, taking out your phone from your pocket.
You spoil me far too much.
Only the best for my dear, so don’t even dare think you deserve less!
You scoffed, but stuffed your phone back into your pocket in defeat. There was no point in trying to argue when you knew they had the money to spare to get you some nice things, or cook you good food.
You replaced your glasses, placing your old pair in their case, and widened your eyes at the difference it made. You moved on though, shoveling the food down to get back to work, chugging down the drink when the spice built up too much. You quickly moved on to actually working, rolling up your sleeves and reaching over to zyour work table and rolling it closer to the problem place.
You unscrewed the panel, and groaned. This was gonna be a long night.
Two hours later, you staggered up to your apartment, unlocking the door and dragging yourself to the kitchen to get some much needed sweets after that whole ordeal. You dug through your freezer for some ice cream, but froze yourself when you felt a sudden heat wave from what felt right behind you in the living room
“I don’t get why you insist on not bothering me when you get home, nor text me when you get off of work, but I know for a fact that you should have been home two hours ago when I had dragon horse girl drop off the food-“ The heir to the demon bull lineage continued to spew out his frustrations at you working later than normal as he made his way to your bedroom door and knocked.
“Hello? Are you in there?” She stood cross armed, tapping her foot on the ground. You let out a snort, catching the demon off guard. You smiled, walked up to your partner and offered a spoon while gesturing to the two containers on the kitchen counter with your and theirs favorite ice cream flavors.
“I would have sent something, but it slipped my mind because I had a massive problem with the weather generator. The cloud synthesizers were almost used up, and made sparks which ate the wiring-“ You continued on ranting about the long list of problems the generator went through as you grabbed your ice cream and plopped yourself down on the couch with Redson following suit, full attention on you. Well, kinda on you.
“- and don’t even get me started on the sun warmer, I- Reds?” You stopped your rant when you realized Reds regular heat they emit cooed. You looked over to them, noticing the slight tilt of their head, their pursued lips, and the raised eyebrow. You furrowed your brow and waved your hand in front of his face, causing him to blink a few times.
“You there pops ?” You teased. Reds scoffed at the nickname. She regretted drinking wine that night, causing her to slip out how poppies were her favorite flower because of how her mother decorated the house with them on her birthday.
“I’m here, just… did you get new glasses?” He asked. You raised an eyebrow, then remembered the drop off Mei did. You smiled, adjusting them back up your nose bridge.
“Yeah I did! Mei and I picked them out a few weeks ago. Do you like them?” Red continued to stare at your face for a uncomfortable amount of time, before cupping your cheeks and kissing your nose bridge. You froze, processing the sudden affection while Redson smirked.
“You look good, but I would have preferred you to come to me for a new upgrade. I could have fitted you with night vision and infrared, only the highest quality of course!” They declared. You chuckled, reaching up and running your hand through their hair/ ears, trailing your fingers over the ridges of the horns sprouting from their head.
This was your favorite activity to do when you guys were alone, as no matter what, Redson could not hide the blush when you coo over their appearance like this.
“Thank you for the offer, but I like them the way they are.” You determine. Redson chuckled, taking you in their arms and resting their chin on your shoulder. You could hear the faintest whisper of so did he.
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pav-ia · 7 months
I love angst 😊 So if you're comfortable writing this, can I request Pavia with a male S/O with internalised Homophobia?
this one is rushed cuz i wrote it as soon as i woke up
,, stiff ! ”
CW :: ! ! !
angst no comfort, probably no part 2, internalized homophobia(reader), no pronouns except “you”
this guy was gonna be the death of you.
when you first met him, it was his rude and blunt attitude that had made you laugh for the first time around him. he was very attractive, in a normal way — in a way you wish you were. he was attractive, had a grotesque but funny sense of humor, his fascination with wolves was sweet and his smile was stunning.
slowly, after a few weeks of knowing him, the praise he’d throw at you followed by a snarky remark was no longer lighthearted, instead it was frustrating. the way he’d taunt you, leaning in close to your face caused indescribable discomfort and the way his touches seemed to imprint onto your skin, always lingering was distracting.
the way your heart would stutter when he flashes that grin your way, your veins set aflame when he even brushed against you, when you could feel your face heat up when he said anything remotely nice, it was starting to feel suffocating.
you’d spend extra time in the shower scrubbing at those places that he’d touched, in hopes that you would stop feeling so sick from the aching feeling of.. warmth. your skin was warm and hot and it was wrong.
your feelings were wrong.
same sex couples were not a new concept in italy — theyve been recognized for quite some time and you personally had nothing against it, but that just wasnt what you were. you were straight, your parents raised you to be “normal”, you were the definition of ordinary. you didnt have anything against it, you supported those who were proud of their identity and respected them — you arent interested in men however.
you stopped showing up to meet him so often. you would come up with excuses and show up less and less frequently to your usual routine. you hung out in clubs, chatting up with ladies but you felt so empty.
you felt like shit honestly.
there was something wrong with you. what kind of guy wants to kiss his friend? that would ruin everything between you two. that would make things awkward, that would make him hate you.
the phone was ringing yet you didnt have the energy to go pick it up. the telephone rang, too loud to block out, interrupting your attempts at changing the subject in your head to something other than pavia.
it rang for too long.
a whole hour later, it was still ringing. if he wanted to reach you this badly, you decided to give him a chance at least..
your voice was stiff and hoarse. you didn’t bother putting in an effort to sound energetic or lively — there was no point.
“you sound horrible mio amico! do you need somebody to come over and take care of you?” his voice was teasing, but you werent in the mood.
“im fine, pavia.” you sigh.
“i know you arent. ill be over in thirty or so-“
“seriously, im fine, pavia.” he was quiet for a few moments at your sudden hostile tone, before he whistled through the telephone.
“i know you arent, [name]. you dont need to repay me, i just want to make sure youre doing alright.” his tone was still lighthearted. he was still joking at a time like this.
“dont bother. dont come. i dont want to see you.” you spat before you slammed the phone back into its holder.
in hindsight, he didnt really deserve the rough treatment. he cared for you as any friend should, yet you still let him be the vent for your frustrations.
he didnt come over like you told him to.
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winterspiderpurrs · 1 year
Part 1 listed in the link above!
Part 2:
Sighing as Tony hung up the phone in his office. Widow just confirmed that Winter and her were almost here to hand over the information he requested. Though they wanted to question Peter first. Which irritated Tony, but if it will help solve the mystery of who knocked up Peter, he would allow it. Anything to help protect his family.
It's been a few hours since Stephen showed up, the equipment delivered, ultrasound down, images printed. 100% confirmed that his little bambino was pregnant. Atleast Peter was almost done with getting his doctorate and this won't hinder his career. As if Stephen would allow that. If he could start going into labor while operating its sure as he'll that Peter could keep up with his lab work. [As long as extra safety precautions were made cause of the pregnancy]
Walking up the stairs to Peter's old bedroom, he thinks of how this is so similar to how he found out he was going to be a father the first time. At a charity event for the local hospital all those years ago. Ego met ego when he met Stephen. He never met an omega that was so Alpha like. They carried on their tic for tac into a heated night that lasted til morning. It was 4 months later when Stephen showed up at the restaurant where he hosts meetings at times for reality of that night comes rushing back. Tony had already had the business set up for Harley to take over. While he still acts young, Tony knows at some point he would be too old to keep going. He never thought he would have a family of his own. He rushed to make sure that even if Stephen didn't want to raise the baby, he would take care of anything. Moved him in and doing his best to woo the Omega. It was a year after Peter was born that they officially became a bonded pair.
They set it up where Peter's address and "guardianship" would be under his god mothers ' Aunt May' to help alleviate attention that he was Tony Starks omega son. He went to the best private school in Queens, distancing him for the Manhattan area as best as he could. Safety was the biggest priority that Stephen stressed for his pups. Yes, pups. Surprise, surprise, when Peter was 16, Stephen ended up pregnant, again shocking the family. Miss Morgan Strange was born. Peter absolutely dotted on his alpha little sister.
Sighing one more time before opening the door to the bedroom, Tony paused before smiling. At the center of the bed was Peter snuggling up to Stephen on the bed. Stephen gently combing his fingers through his hair. They were whispering to each other, " and if they are fools and don't want anything to do with them. We will always take care of you and the pups. Family is important." Stephen stopped talking, looking over at Tony in the doorway. Tony cleared his throat. " Pete... I'm sorry for... reacting how I did. I was just worried... Widow and Winter are headed over with information for us. They want to talk to you first if you won't mind meeting them down in the study. "
Peter's eyes widen, he has met Natasha, and she was practically an older sister/aunt to him. He has only heard of rumors about Winter.
Stephen and Peter untangle from each other before getting out of bed to head downstairs following behind Tony. Once downstairs, Peter goes into the study while Stephen stays out in the hallway with Tony. Not long after, Natasha shows up with Winter, aka James 'Bucky' Barnes, and shockingly Steve Rogers. Tony frowning. " Winter, I know you know that I tolerate your... choice in mate. But we really dont need goody twoshoes getting involved in this... private matter. " Steve frowns before opening his mouth, but Bucky beats him in addressing Tony." Don't worry, Stark, Steve here has recon in the area... once we confirm a few details, things will get sorted. In the study, Natalia said?" Bucky nods toward the door of the study.
Tony says and waves his hand. " Yeah, yeah. Go easy on him. No unnecessary stress. Nat introduce?" Natasha nods and goes to the study, opening the door and smiles " Oh my little spider, I have some friends here that need to talk with you" she waves Bucky and Steve over and the men enter the room but Natasha does not enter and closes the door. Tony frowns and stares at her. " Why you let Winter bring his Alpha with him? Do you want to stress Peter out more? Also lack luster introductions- he has never met Winter. Only heard of him and not even a warning? And why are you looking at me like that, Stephen?"
Eyebrow raised as Stephen stared at Tony, eyes flickering toward the door and then back at Tony. Blinking Tony looks at the door and then back at Stephen. Stephen tilts his head and looks at the door before back at Tony again. Frowning, he looks at Natasha, who's blocking the door. Then it clicks. Two Alphas. Natasha could have just brought him the names. There's no need to bring Winter over here.
He started to stutter in disbelief before the anger rolled back in. He growled loud and rushed the door. Thankfully, Natasha moved to side, but she had a unbuckled the gun from her holster. " Don't do anything stupid Tony. You have to think of Peter." Blinded be rage at the audacity that these two Alphas picked HIS child to fuck with? Tony rips the door open and off its hinge. " The fuck is the meaning of this!?" But Tony deflates at the scene infront of him.
Inside of the study on the couch was Steve with Peter on his lap, looking at the sonogram photo, a dopey smile on his lips, arm wrapped around him. Bucky was kneeling on the ground in front of the pair, nuzzling up again Peter's stomach, gentle rumbles coming from him with his arms wrapped around them.
Well shit.
So.... it's been a month since I typed up Part 1 and it's not where I want it to be. But kept thinking about it and just had to get it out.
Hopefully you like it @professional-benaddict and @no-name-for-me since yall said ya wouldn't mind a part 2!
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