#also i would type more of my headcanons but we would be here forever
sleepsuns · 10 months
Because uh i'm curious I have few questions
What are your Omori OTPs?
What are your headcanons for each character?
who's your favorite character?
SUNFLOWER!!!! i love sunflower. and heromari. and kimbrey. i loaf them all
sunny - he is autistic, he is selectively mute, he grew out a mullet, he’s 4’11.5 (but tells everyone he’s 5 feet because being under 5 feet is to embarrassing for him) and uhhhh he knows a lot of useless facts. he’s also a menace on twitter
basil - he is also autistic (me projecting my autism onto everyone), he’s tall, and muscular, he once cried to gee by girls generation, his hair is unnaturally soft, he’s a platonic kisser, and he is vegetarian except for bacon when someone else makes it. he’s german/french.
aubrey - she has piercings that she did herself, gets together with basil to dye her hair, really likes marshmallows, likes kpop (secretly), also likes a lot of punk/rock music, and she’s korean/slavic.
kel - he has adhd, he is actually really smart but a lot of people don’t think he is because of his reputation, weirdly insightful and notices a lot of small details that others don’t. really likes chocolate chip muffins. also his hair is curly. he is brazilian/mexican
hero - he is a TWINK. i don’t care what anyone says he is not muscular at all. he is a noodle guy. he has to have the dishes done before he cooks anything. he likes the dad clothes section of target. he likes water with only one ice cube, his hair is also curlier. exclusively wears low rise converse. same ethnicity as kel :D
mari - she is transgender. no it wouldn’t make sense because of when the game takes place but i believe in trans mari. she has ocd, and she is very soft spoken. dresses like a grandma for comfort. she has a HUGE sweet tooth!!!! she also has a round face and always smiles with her teeth
my favorite character is basil!!!! he is so silly, and his character is really relatable to me. also apparently i have a thing for blondes. who would’ve guessed
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hundredandsix · 1 year
loser!ellie headcanons
✩ I haven't been able to get loser!ellie out of my head so...here we go. I love that this is basically the same thing as canon!ellie. Slutty thoughts at the end so mdni (18+) ✩
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✩ I don't think she would be the first to make a move. She would do little, very subtle things like hold the door open for you and then panic because oh no that was too much! You're going to know!
✩ She would think she's being obvious, and she is, but not for the reasons she believes. Let's just say her brushing her hand against yours is not nearly as obvious as the way she follows you around and the way your smile makes her face turn red all the way to her ears.
✩ Speaking of her following your around, she is so unintentionally clingy, even before you get together. You would get up to go to the bathroom and when she realizes where you're going, she tries to play it off like she wasn't about to trail after you. When you bring it up to her, she's genuinely confused because no, she is not following you around on purpose. She would never do that.
✩ It would take her forever to realize you're into her, but when she finally picks up on it, that confirmation gives her confidence. She wouldn't be as afraid to make her feelings more apparent.
✩ Has such terrible rizz that it somehow comes full circle and makes her even more charming.
✩ She LOVES bossy, confident women. Ellie is not afraid to ask for what she wants, and she is definitely not the type of girl that would have you ask the waitress questions for her. But there's something about a woman that could put her in her place that she loves.
✩ At first, Ellie is always rubbing the back of her neck or playing with her fingers when she talks to you. She doesn't want to look like a dork, but she can't help it because you make her so nervous.
✩ She's literally the definition of a golden retriever masc. She's got the beat-up truck (that's actually Joel’s, but you don't have to know that), an outrageous amount of flannels, and carabiners to provide it.
✩ When she gets really excited about something, her brain moves faster than her mouth. She'll fumble her words and stutter. She gets really annoyed when this happens and has to take a deep breath and start over.
✩ She loves to rant about her interests to you. Don't you dare seem like you're not listening because she'll get really quiet and upset.
✩ I could see her having issues with being treated like "the man" in past relationships. It confuses her at first because she wants to protect her partner and care for them, but she also wants to feel that same love and desire toward her. She would be so drawn to you if you don't treat her any differently because of the way she dresses or presents herself. Obviously, she presents as more masculine, but she still wants to be treated like a woman.
✩ She has sooo many playlists. There are some about you of course but she also has some that are so highly specific. When you go on your first date, she has a playlist for picking you up and two different ones for dropping your off, depending on how it went. She definitely has the classic "depressed gay longing" playlist.
✩ She has exactly two pictures on her Instagram. One is her and Joel on his birthday and the other is a selfie she uses as her profile pic for everything.
✩ When you follow her back on Instagram, she loses her shit and starts fantasizing about what it would be like to be with you. She's screenshotting every selfie you put on your story and thinking about them in ways that are not very appropriate.
✩ She's the queen of "this reminded me of you" and will bring you literal rocks because "it looks like the whale from the aquarium we saw last week." Whether it's modern!ellie buying you little trinkets or jackson!ellie bringing you things from her patrols, she loves seeing you in all parts of her life. Even if you're not physically there with her.
�� I love the pages of her journal we get to see in the game because they show us peeks at her internal monologue. They show us she is still very much the eccentric, starry-eyed girl we see in the first game. She's learned to hide it. Maybe to fit in or maybe because she's learned that wearing your heart on your sleeve can hurt. It's literally canon that she writes about her romantic feelings in her journal, so I think she would have little drawings and blurbs about you. She for sure has a stupid grin on her freckled face as she draws the highlights of your eyes and maybe even the dip of your hips. It's the only way she can think of to get you out of her head.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
✩ She's an ass girl. She loves every part of you and will literally kiss your eyelashes if you let her, but she has to physically hold herself back when you bend over.
✩ I can't think of who posted it, but I remember reading something about Ellie fake fucking you when you're bent over and she would totally do that at the absolute worst times. You'd swat her away and look at her with a raised eyebrow, but there's no stopping her because she thinks it's the funniest thing ever.
✩ The first time you kiss is an out-of-body experience for her. She's panicking because she didn't think she'd ever get this far. She wants to touch you but she doesn't know where or what you would like, so her arms are stuck at her sides. She's 🧍until you grab her hands and move them to your waist.
✩ Has a huge obsession with your neck. Loves to leave marks if you'll let her. Will come up behind you and wrap her arms around your waist while leaving wet kisses all down your neck.
✩ I could see her wanting to be both the big and little spoon. It depends on the day and the context. When she's the big spoon she'll jokingly hug you so tight you can barely breathe and wrap all of her limbs around you like she's trying to suffocate you. When she's the little spoon, she likes it when you play with her hair.
✩ Is an absolute slut for you playing with her hair. She's an insomniac and it helps her fall asleep. When you're arm gets tired and you want to stop, she'll whine and pull your hands back to her head.
✩ She would be more comfortable topping and doesn't want to admit that she likes to bottom just as much. She's a service top that would do anything to make you feel good.
✩ Girly is so shy when she bottoms. She'll get all blushy and tries to cover her face with her hands/arms. She loves it, but it feels so foreign to her to have someone's sole focus be on her.
✩ Loves eye contact, especially when your mouth is on her. If you look up at her from between her legs while giving her head, she has trouble thinking straight.
✩ Likes it when you pull her hair during sex and will groan for you to pull harder. Just move her wherever you want her because she thinks it's the hottest thing ever.
✩ I think she'd use a strap if you wanted her to, but it's not her instinct to grab for that. She rather you come apart on her fingers or mouth.
✩ If you wanted to use a strap on her, I think she would let you, but again, it's not something she would ask for. To Ellie, It would be more about pleasing you than her.
✩ Absolutely passes tf out after sex. She always tries to stay awake, but as soon as both of you are cleaned up, she's dozing off and letting out cute little snores.
✩ In summary, Ellie is the switchiest switch to ever exist and I will be taking no criticism on this
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baby enemies to lovers stories? i loveeee them, dont know whats wrong with me bestie
nothing is wrong with you babe, you just have taste!
I'm a sucker for a good enemies to lovers story too so dkjhjshdf I'm so happy for this! Anyway let's begin!
My forever and always favorite enemies to lovers story is "404" by my beloved @freedomfireflies When I say I need 404!harry, I couldn't mean it more! I had a dream about him for real 😭 It's so well written and you can literally feel the tension between the two characters. 404!harry is my baby and I want to put him in my pocket and have him there forever. It's everything you could ask for in a story with that trope. 🙌 😍 (personal fav: a-mazing and jealous - I was on my knees)
Also please do yourself a favor and read @harrys-titties "Harry's a dick and Y/N hates him for it". It's really amazing! The way she built their relationship was precious 🥰 And I loved that Harry's best friend was Sarah, it was a beautiful touch. When you will start reading it, you will find yourself unable to put it down. (um also I have the "y/n and harry hate each other, until they don't" in my "to read list" and I'm sure it will be amazing)
Additionally "grumpy h" by my favorite @cupid-styles is *chef's kiss* seriously. I really liked how their dynamic began to change and they were so soft for each other 😇 so cute 🥰 Oh and I almost forgot it! "You're my last shot" is an enemies to lovers story too and believe me it's so sweet, I loved it. I was reading the blurbs until 3 AM in the morning hehe 😇
Of course it's not a proper rec list for enemies to lovers stories if I don't mention "aster" by @moonchildstyles ! It is really good! Like reallyyy good😍 It's the cutest thing ever hdshgjghshjg Now I'm thinking about it, I will reread it 😍 I was obsessed with this the first time I read it.
Also "Ballerina Y/N and Ballerina Harry" by @jawllines ! Oh my God, it's so good! Actually I can't express how good it is, words aren't enough! I just love it. I started rereading it actually the other day and I couldn't stop myself. I have a soft spot for it 😇 Their chemistry is everything! 😍 The characters are amazing and Y/N is a queen! Also Ballerina!Harry is exactly my type so 😇
@be-with-me-so-happily has a great enemies to lovers story too! "Not what we bargained for" is freaking good 😍 Had a great time reading it!
Oh and of course "Harry is Y/N's producer & she doesn't like him" and "Y/N & Harry kind of hate each other but have to walk together in their friends' wedding party" by @0nlythrowharrybeaux ! Her stories are so addictive 😍 Her writting has an incredible flow 😍
One last thing: it's not actually a story but @justlemmeadoreyou ' headcanons are crazy and I guarantee you that the mean!friends with benefits!harry headcanons are so f*cking hot 😱check them out 😍 (also she's making a series based on them, part 1 is out and I'm telling you it's so good! Cant' wait for the next part! - it may be a friends with benefits trope but they started as enemies, they didn't like each other much so yeah that's why I put it here)
I'm 100% sure I'm forgetting many other stories I would love to include in this but I can't think of anything else right now sorry 😭 If something else comes up to my mind, I will add it ❤️ Enjoy ❤️
P.S always grateful to the authors 😊
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
I'm in LOVE with your platonic spiderman across the spiderverse headcanons. Can you write something for if an anomaly hurt the reader? Like if they was trying to help the spiders but they got hurt? Angst with comfort?
Be Careful (Yandere Spiderverse x reader).
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This is super cute. I tried to include more characters in this one so please tell me what you think.
"Shit, shit, shit! Your dad's gonna kill me." Its good Mayday wasn't with Peter today, because he was panicking. You watched calmly as he rushed around you, his pink robe flying every which direction.
"Peter I'm fine." You attempt to reassure him, rolling his eye as he inspects your leg, which had pretty nasty cut. Nothing worth panicking over though. Peter groans, huffing at your statement.
"You weren't supposed to be here, though." He furiously types into his watch, a portal appearing in front of you two. Peter was right, you weren't supposed to go on missions. But he saw how sad you've been lately due to the isolation your father put you through. The mission wasn't anything big, he could easily protect you and brighten your mood. But you just had to get hurt.
"Don't tell you dad." Peter whispers to you as you enter HQ.
"Don't tell me what." Of course, the one-time Miguel left his office. Peter jumps at the sound of his voice, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and giving him an awkward smile, which contrasted Miguel's stern look. You look down at the ground, quilt covering your face as you prop your injured leg behind you to hide it from him.
"Oh! Miguel, good to see you." Peter's voice wavers, rubbing the back of his neck. "Me and (Y/N) here are just...getting lunch. Yeah...lunch."
"It's nine in the morning." Miguel mentions.
"I meant breakfast." Miguel shakes his head while pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance, looking at you.
"(Y/N), go to your room." You gawk, brows furrowing, before stomping away in frustration. Miguel moves his gaze towards Peter, his eyes filled with rage. He steps towards Peter, close enough to fill the fear emanating off of him.
"If you ever take my kid on a mission again, you'll never see the light of day." Miguel speaks through gritted teeth. Peter doesn't respond, simply nodding, his chest heaving up and down as Miguel walked away.
"You need to be more careful." Miguel's demeanor is much different than earlier. He's calm, fatherly as he carefully cleans your wound.
"I know. I was just...lonely." Miguel's eyes soften at your words. "I just wanted to get out of HQ for like, a few hours." Every day of your life, you were alone. It was nice to see Miles or Qwen every once in a while, but you never got to see anything other than the Spider society. You only got to see the other dimensions through your computer screen, and so slowly you started to crave the outside world.
"But so much could happen in a few hours." Miguel rebuttals, wrapping your leg up. "What if Peter wasn't there? What if your watch broke? What if..." You knew where he was coming from, why he was so concerned for your safety. He's already lost one kid; he couldn't lose another.
You nod, getting him to stop his ranting. Slowly, you hug him, his arms quickly wrapping around you, a hand coming up to pat your head. "I know." You whisper the words becoming wavy, tears nearly leaving your eyes.
"I'm sorry that I made you feel alone." Miguel spoke. "Maybe we could spend some more time together?" He smiles, looking down at you. You nod absent mindedly, yawning. Miguel guides you down to your bed, draping a blanket over you. His mind calms seeing you so peaceful, but it's not a feeling that would last forever, he knew that.
He's going to have a talk with Peter.
A/n: Not super angsty but I hope you enjoyed it. Also, sorry if this is too short.
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mybelovedwoo · 7 months
Yeosang as boyfriend plsss
hey, thank you so much for your request <3 i hope you'll like it!!
kang yeosang as your boyfriend - headcanon
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headcanon, romance, fluff, smut
gn!reader x bf!atz
wc. ~0.7k
an: i'm just so soft for this man TTTT
you can request headcanons if you want to!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
-literally the sweetest, most gentle boyfriend ever, takes your relationship really seriously but is also just such a goofball, your best friend
-would laugh with him 24/7, so many jokes and fun with him, makes you laugh so hard that your stomach would hurt
-we all know he can't ask for kisses or hugs, so you have to initiate them all the time, but it's his favorite thing
-he likes back hugs, but he's more on the receiving side, just loves it when you cling to him, he just wants to stay like that forever if he could
-he loves it when you compliment his muscles, he feels so proud and would always shows them off for you, it motivates him to work out even more
-would immediately notice when something changes on you, like your hair or you bought some new clothes, "wow, y/n, you look really great" 
-you are the type of couple that relies on each other all the time, when you go somewhere together there's not a second you leave the other alone 
-he would do the most random things, like propose to you (as a joke) with a gummy ring or "take you out on the fanciest a date" where you all dress up, but it's actually on your balcony with takeouts and wine
-he always says what's in his mind, so you never have to wonder what's in his head, communication is really key in your relationship, but sometimes you wish he wouldn't say everything out loud
-although it can be difficult to express his emotions through words, so instead he would show them through actions, his love language is definitely acts of service
-he gives you everything you desire, more than you need actually, treats you like a princess really, gives little gifts, tries to cook for you (but fails every time), gives you massage 
-literally no jealousy or possessiveness in your relationship (at least what you know about), he trusts you with all his heart and he expects the same from you
-he wants to spend every spare time with you, he can't be far away from you for too long
-he'll literally do anything just to get your affection (but ask for it TT), he likes to entertain you, that's why he often brings you with him to the gym, he doesn't want you to get bored of him
-calls you cute nicknames, like sweetie, cutie or bub, also your contact name is bub, it's the most used one of all of them
-kisses with him are just so soft, he caresses your hair or cheeks and you would melt into his touch
-would run to you, asking for rescue when his members are teasing him, you are his safe place and knows you would help him out
-once he accidentally used your shampoo instead of his, now it has become a habit of his and only uses your products
-dating yeosang would mean arguing with woosan 24/7 about whose yeosang really is
nsfw +18!!!
-he is a switch, depending on the mood and the day he has, but literally always the sweetest when it comes to such a vulnerable state
-he doesn't really care about the pleasure part, but the emotions that comes with it, he likes to be close to you and the excitement that comes within
-it is kinda part of your routine now, maybe not every day but really often ends the day naked,  in each other's arms
-that's why the morning often starts with an intimate shower together
-yess, he is the vanilla type of guy, with traditional positions, where you can just hug each other real close
-something that would be a no no is anything really wild and out of his comfort zone, he is more like the traditional type of guy as i said, and seeing you in pain or hurt is also a big turn off
-lots of kisses and little "i love you" during sex
-not very vocal other than that, just lots of breath and groan
-could be very shy about it, so probably wouldn't do it when his members are around, or at least would be very careful and very quiet
-cockwarming is a must for him once in a while, he likes to be connected with you and being warmed by the love of his life
-he collapses after, he would be very worn out, but still makes sure to hold you close to him, he falls asleep almost immediately 
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karasuno-writings · 2 months
WARNINGS → ALCOHOL MENTIONS, DRUNK PEOPLE, TIMESKIP HAIKYUU CHARACTERS DRINKING. It is nothing too wild but if the subject of alcohol makes you uncomfortable then this might not be for you! 
So a friend and I were talking about how much and what type of alcoholic drinks the Haikyuu characters would like (time-skip ofc) ! And we came to the conclusion that Kuroo does not drink often so he is a light drinker and WILL get riled up easily, SO, here we have a drunk-lovestruck Kuroo. 
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He does not drink too often but once he starts drinking he just keeps the inertia without even noticing it (drinks start passing way too easily) 
He feels responsible for those around him EVEN when he is drunk, so he will try to drunkenly take care of people
Since we know he is a nerd that cares about his health I feel like he does not love soda so he’d rather have his drinks with sparkling water, lots of ice and lemon or he opts for a beer instead 
He gets super sweet when drunk, and while usually smug he somehow gets more easily flustered 
He blushes a lot when drunk, it's super easy to make him flush
In Kenma’s living room the movie that ran in the background seemed to serve as white noise to Yaku, Kuroo and Kenma, who were reminiscing on the old days while each tended to their own business. 
“I cannot believe you have not asked Y/N out yet” Yaku exclaimed with a slight chuckle “It has been, what? Two years since that New Year’s party”
Kuroo grunted, burying his head on his hands “I knoooow, but it feels like we have known each other since forever, I do not want to make things uncomfortable all of a sudden”
Without looking up from his phone Kenma rolled his eyes before raising his eyebrows, “You know they most definitely feel the same as you…right?” 
“Yes…but also no; not for sure! I can’t make such a rash dentition based only on suppositions” Kuroo answered, while Kenma shrugged. 
“Anyways, we have not done anything all together since then! Why don’t we plan a get-together! Whatdya think Kenma '' Yaku elbowed him, while looking at the spacious living room and garden, managing to get his attention. 
Kenma only chuckled and shook his head, “Yeah Kuroo, your place seems just right for such an occasion”
Squinting his eyes playfully at his childhood friend the wild haired boy could only nod “Fine fine, we can do it at my place; but you gotta come help me set things up”
“Deal” Kenma answered with a smug smile  
After a long day of work you are finally home, after taking off your shoes and practically throwing away your bag, you find yourself slouching on the living room couch, finally able to check out the messages that you had not been able to answer before. You scroll absentmindedly through the several work group-chats that you could never bother yourself to answer, until a name catches your eye. 
Tetsu: “Please do tell me if you are free that day then! It will be fun!”
Your heart skipped a bit, it had been almost a month since you last saw your old friend at a cafe, meeting up regularly seemed to be harder these days, still, you always managed to keep up. A smile and a slight flush plastered across your face, wondering whatever could he mean by that last message. Waiting no further, you open the conversation: 
Tetsu: “Hiya Y/N! It’s been a while huh? How fast time flies by”
Tetsu: “Anyways, Yaku and I were talking about highschool and decided it would be fun to see everyone once more!” 
Tetsu: “Since Knema absolutely refused to lend his house for a hangout I decided to let everyone crash at my place for the evening!”
Tetsu: “We agreed on Friday night! Everyone is cited at 8:00 pm but you can come have lunch before everyone gets here ;)”
Tetsu: “Kenma might get here for lunch too hehe”
Tetsu: “Please do tell me if you are free that day then! It will be fun!”
You shook your head endearingly. While not what you expected, seeing your old friends from the Nekoma did sound like a fun plan, and you did happen to be free this Friday. 
Y/N: “Hiya Tetsu!”
Y/N: “I DO happen to be free this Friday! So count me in :D”
Y/N: “I’ll bring some drinks too!”
You immediately noticed his status changing to “online”, a small smile across your face; of course he would still be up this late. 
Tetsu: “Eyyyy I’ll look forward to it”
Tetsu: “See you soon then! Take care!”
Standing up, you stretch your arms from side to side, and blinking slowly you walk to your room. Turning the lights off you look at the messages once more before falling asleep
Kuroo paced back and forth between the kitchen and the living room, eyes focused on the floor while his hands were crossed over his chest. Kenma could only follow him with his eyes while tapping his foot, a soft almost-smile on his lips, he would be concerned if he didn’t know his friend any better. 
Kuroo huffed and sat down next to Kenma. As if in cue you opened the door; making him stand up immediately to walk up to you. “I’m back!” you smiled, holding up bags filled with snacks, beer and some liquor as if showing them off. 
“You really should have let me come with you” Kuroo smiled, taking the bags off your hands. You shook your head, helping him place the items on the counter “What if something came up? Or someone arrived early? It’s fine, relax! Have a beer!” You handed a cold can to him, turning then to Kenma, “Want one Kenma?” He shook his head, reaching over for an apple-flavored hard-seltzer “Thanks Y/N” You shrugged and grabbed a drink for yourself, holding it up for a toast. 
Kuroo stared at the can on his hand, then raised an eyebrow at you, “We starting this early? Tsk, how unhealthy Y/N” he chuckled before opening his can and accepting your toast. Kuroo gulped on the drink almost as if second hand, while not a heavy drinker, the bitter taste had grown on him after several after-work meetups with his coworkers, and he figured there was nothing better to freshen up on that hot evening than a cold can of beer.
A little while after your friends started arriving at the house, having not only invited the old Nekoma team and some classmates, but also old friends such as those from the Karasuno and Fukurodani, Kuroo lost sight of both Kenma and you. 
Bokuto, on the other hand, seemed adamant to make him drink as much as humanly possible, by handing him several drinks that he swore he had just concocted himsel for the two of them, giving him no time to process before the glass was up to his lips and…was that vodka or rum? And why was it going down his throat with such ease now?
“How do you like that one huh?” Bokuto smiled before giving the glass a big chugg, wiping the remaining drink off his lips with his hand. Kuroo chuckled in response, patting his friend in the back “Easy now…Though I do like them a little more bitter” 
Bokuto squinted his eyes at him before frowning “Can’t you say you liked it for once? Fine, next one will be it!” and without a second to spare he left off for the kitchen once more. 
Kuroo was starting to feel a bit more relaxed, albeit light-headed, he blinked slowly trying to find you, he had not seen you since Hinata, Yaichi and Yamaguchi had swooped you to talk to them. Walking around he high-fived Kai and suddenly he heard you laugh somewhere outside on the garden. As soon as he stepped out he could see you sitting on the grass, amid a group of people, all sitting on a circle around a bunch of cards. 
Snorting, you grabbed the next card, a queen of hearts, slamming it on top of Hinata’s game. “Gotcha! Drink up!”. Right as you smiled triumphantly, the orange-haired boy smirked and with a jump he slammed his remaining cards, a pair of aces. “NUh-uh! I win! You drink”
Grunting, you grab your can and chug half of it with a slight wince; as soon as you put it down, wiping your mouth with your sleeve, you see Kuroo standing on the doorframe, looking straight at you. “Fine! But I cannot drink nother alone…Tetshuurou! Help me out willya!” The way you slightly slurred your words made him smile, knowing that you’ve already had your few share of drinks. 
“Are you trying to get me drunk knucklehead?” He chuckled walking up to you, holding his hand out to help you stand. You gladly accepted it, laughing and pulling him down to join your game.  “EY!” He exclaimed as he fell next to you, face flushing thanks to the sudden closeness and the boost of the alcohol, I-uhh…okay fine fine!” He raised up both hands in defeat, laughing, and helped you finish the contents of your drink. He elbowed you playfully, “If you feel dizzy or nauseous tell me, I do not want you feeling like shit in the morning” You raised your eyebrows, and nodded before smiling at him, “Will doooo!” 
As you kept on playing, and losing, and making him drink half of your punishments, he noticed your laugh became more boisterous, smiling at the way you talked, the way you smiled and got angry when you lost. He blinked slowly, his eyes lagging slightly as he turned to look into the house, surely Yaku would make sure no one did something stupid right? He could definitely relax, not that he had a choice now that the room around him seemed to float. 
Suddenly you stood up and he noticed you motioning him to follow, making him spring up a little too fast and a little too suddenly, loosing his balance slightly, making you hold him closer to stop him from tumbling back down. His heart started beating faster cause, have you always smelled this good? But also, wasn't he supposed to be the one taking care of you?
“Are you feeling alrght Tetsu?” you tilted your head, closing your eyes slowly, wondering whether you had divided evenly the last few drinks. 
“Whatdya mean! I’m…jus-t fine” He answered, feeling the heat rise up to his face. 
“Let's get you some fresh air” As you felt him tumble a little you grabbed his arm in order to guide him into the front door of the house, where there seemed to be less bustling, eyes wide open he let you drag him away before he could process what was happening. 
You sat him down on the steps, “Don’t move from here”, you left for a few moments before coming back with a glass of water and a bowl filled with snacks “Here you go”, you set down next to him. 
“Thanks” He shot you a sincere smile, softening his gaze as he noticed you smiling back before grabbing some of the snacks you had just brought. His shoulders dropped, fuck alcohol and the things it did to his head, cause how could he resist any longer? “Yo-ou look gorg-geous…and I jus-st donnot know howto tell you whatya mean to me” 
You turned to face him, eyes wide-open, “I swear if you are saying this only cause you’re drunk I-”
“Ipromiseitisnotlikethat” Before you could continue Kuroo interjected, grabbing both your hands on his,  “I know thi-is not ideal…I ju-ust…shit…I cannot think straight anymore” he shook his head before letting it drop backwards 
You chuckled, rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb, face flushed “YOu really mean it then?”
“Fuck, yes I-do! For a-while now” He grunted, before tilting his head raising his eyebrows and pouting slightly at you “Wouldya be convinced…if I saa-id it again tmorrow?” 
“I feel the same you know…still, that would be nice” You smiled, resting your head on his shoulder, handing him more water 
“Itsa promise then” He smiled, feeling some of the tension falling off his shoulders, because he knew he had meant every word of it, and knowing you might feel the same made his heart pound on his chest, sure that tomorrow he would trully show you what you really meant to him.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 months
Can I request Glitchy red being followed around by a Child NPC with Ice types who he defeated..and at that moment they gained sentience/snapped outta the NPC behavior and now..travels and follows him around bc they’re like “WOAHHH YOUR SO COOL!! :00 :3” and like chats up a storm and and see him as they’re idol and as a big brother figure and wants to be friends with him headcanons? He isn’t lonely anymore! :3
Awe yeah wholesome times <3
"I guess that's one way to break the ice!"
Although it may have been humorous to the player, Glitchy Red wasn't laughing at your post-battle line at all.
Nor did he feel any sort of victory in defeating you, one of the only NPCs with a functional Pokémon battle.
You did have some high-leveled ice types for such a young trainer class, but that just reminded him of how broken this game is...and how you really weren't any different from the others.
You were merely puppeteered by scripted dialogue, standing in the same place forever as you handed him his prize: a thousand pokedollars.
Yet he didn't wanna take them. He had millions in his inventory already, but it was all useless to him.
So he tries returning them to you, insisting that you deserved it more.
But you don't even react, instead repeating that same phrase over and over again.
"Take the damn money, kid. You need it more than me."
"I guess that's one way to break the ice!"
"I swear if you say that one more time..."
"I guess that's one way to-!"
"Shut up." In a small fit of frustration, Glitchy Red takes your hand and puts the money into your palm himself, fingers curling around it as he stares intensely at you with glowing eyes.
Yet his anger quickly subsides..and he wonders why tf he thought anything would be different with you.
He's just so lonely here and wishes somebody would wake up.
But after seeing you glitch, he steps back and thinks you're gonna disappear into oblivion thanks to him.
He turns away, not wanting to see it.
However he barely takes a few steps forward before he feels something grab the back of your shirt.
And it's...your hand????
"Red, it's you!! The champion!! Oh my gosh...what happened to this place? Why is everything so weird?"
He's stunned into complete silence, taking a moment to process the fact that someone must've heard him.....because you broke free of your programming!
He doesn't know how you did it or how he could've done it, but he's shocked as he watches you heal your Pokémon, bringing out the Cloyster, Dewgong, and Lapras he just defeated.
"Everyone! This is Red, and he's the coolest!! Can you believe we had a chance to fight him???" You whisper excitedly to your team, completely aware of the tall menacing glitchy man standing next to you.
Ever since then, you've been following him around the map, but mostly in Glitch City where you saw the same anomalies as him.
Yet you weren't have a total freakout or a crisis over it like he did....as you're too busy chatting about everything you admired about him.
And even though you have sentience now, you still retained your habit of using ice-related puns
He's certain you're mistaking his achievements for the actual Red's...or the version of himself in Gold that got casted as a "final boss" NPC.
However, you didn't seem aware of that. So who was he to crush your dreams?
Especially the dreams of the only other character in this cursed world that liked him and could talk to him?
Besides, being deemed a failure by his creators and basically left to rot took a toll on him....he never thought himself worthy of praise or positive attention.
Not even the words from NPCs helped, because he knew they were all scripted lines written into the game. They were empty.
But he believes yours 100% because you're alive and truly do mean them.
You wonder why he looked so angry all the time...and when he finally tells you the reason, he's afraid you're gonna run off scared.
Yet you hug him and promise to never leave his side.
That also makes him absolutely TERRIFIED of you possibly despawning/getting corrupted from touching him...
But nothing bad happens at all.
He may have shed a few tears after hugging you back, only to hide his face with his hat after letting you go....completely denying the fact he was crying.
Although he doesn't show it, he's genuinely happy not to be alone anymore and finds living here a little more bearable.
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minty-mumbles · 10 months
Linked Universe Survey 2023
The long awaited results of the survey. Sorry it took me forever, making graphs is hard.
There were 452 responses to the survey as a whole, which is almost double what we got last year, so thank you to everyone who participated!
If you want to see the raw data, you can find that here. I had thoughts about the data, but compiling that into another post would be too much of a hassle. Feel free to send me asks about it though!
The rest of the post will be under a read more as it it large
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Other: Demigirl (4), Transmasc (3), Grey genderfluid, Unlabeled, Demiboy, Demiagender
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Other: Omnisexual (4), Poly (2), Trixic, Abroromantic or Bellusromantic, Demisexual
General Questions
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Other: Quotev, Discord, their own google docs
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Other: Discord, Variations of "I haven't posted yet, but I pan to" and "I haven't posted my fics in ages",
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Other: Wattpad, Deviantart, Discord
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Other: Crochet dolls, Custom dolls, Roleplay blogs (2), Fan translations, Headcanons (2), Piano music
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The purple section in the “Warriors vs Warrior” chart is supposed to read “Warrior.” I made a typo.
Favorites and Least Favorites
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Selected Free Response Answers
im sorry warriors i just can't play your game (it is very very hard. i am stuck very early on in the game)
I love cats meow meow meow
was extremely tempted to put twilight for least favorite. unfortunately he is my favorite to write from the perspective of (he has taken over most of my wips. help) and that probably counts for something. WILD on the other hand. hooo boy how the hell do i characterize this gargoyle. why is he Like That. least favorite it is
very good fandom to be in :) everybody is very nice
It's a straight up crime that Wars lost the aesthetics poll so quickly. He has such a peak Link design with the best colors. Ugh I'm getting wistful.
I will fight Hylia herself and the next person who implies Twi can't handle spice. If we're going to lean into him being southern/Midwestern, which is an alright stero type for our rancher, please keep in mind the culture you're basing him off. The south and midwest can handle their spice, I assure you. Have you ever had authentic Louisiana gumbo? It will melt you tongue off. Or some good old fashion spicy fried chicken? I promise the real stuff has quite a kick. (In all seriousness, though. It's more important that you're having fun. And even I can admit the idea of Twi being an Ordonian who can't handle his spice is more than a little funny.)
I am an OoT Link edgelord and have been since early 2017. So, in September of that year, when an artist by the name of jojo56830 puts out a lineup of nine different Links and the Hero of Time is there – the oldest, no eye, Hero’s Shade armor? I saw that one sketch and just thought “oh this is gonna be bad.” Yeah of course he has the coolest design. By the way, it’s only a matter of time until Fierce Deity shows up in the comic and I have reason to believe it could be this current Dawn arc. Dawn … Dawn of a New Day … and who brought about the Dawn of a New Day? Fierce Deity. Twilight is recovering but still injured and what will happen if he falls again? Fierce Deity is coming and we need to be prepared. In this essay I will—
Remember that time when someone put the whole script of the bee movie in here? I’m not that dedicated, and I don’t have that time, but let us remember and hope someone else does it again this time. Cause someone is bound too. We’re all crazy enough to do it. Alright, love you and stay hydrated pls!
Hi! I joined this fandom really recent but i’ve always seen LU stuff on pinterest and elsewhere. Only recently have i actually took the time to understand the fandom and get back into LOZ stuff and i adore the characters and story! The more and more fanart, fanfics, and comics i see about the different Links the more i love them all. It’s such a pain to pick just one i like or one i don’t like because they’re all so unique. I love this fandom and hope to get more involved!! Have a wonderful rest of your day :]
Epona is an underrated queen
your mom
I really don't get why Zelda is called Artemis. Athena makes more sense???? It perplexes me
Anyone seeing this should check out Breanna’s E!Wild AU
Something something queer every Link into oblivion!
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Oh look more headcanons
Who'd have guessed
Not me for sure
Okay sorry I'll shut up.
I'm highly music-driven and have been for many many years of my life.
And I'm presently unreasonably obsessed with The Fratellis after suddenly remembering they exist after like fifteen years of not hearing a single one of their songs. Don't ask me, it just happened a couple months ago and I decided not to question it.
So this is really stupidly niche of me, but these are their songs/lyrics that I associate with the Best Boys™, in a Character X Reader sense. The songs that are typically playing halfway on repeat when I'm writing any of them lately.
The song-links go to Spotify. It's not necessary to listen to them, the lyrics here are the main catalyst, but if you want to listen I'm not going to complain.
no but please I hope you like the music that I like I have no one to talk to about it and as a half-assed musician it's literally killing me and
Living in the Dark
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I was nothing less than torn, crying out to be reborn
Come back, baby, you could make me happy,
Maybe you could prove me wrong
You're the only one who could ever save me,
Maybe you could prove me wrong
I've been living in the dark down here too long
The song itself is far more upbeat than I'd generally associate with Zoro, but the lyrics speak to me on his behalf. The upbeat tempo is the equivalent of what you do to his heart when you're near him; it's strange and unfamiliar, but it's nice. He's iffy about being close with anyone, and he won't admit it out loud but he wants to be.
He's been alone for years, for damned near all of his life, and you're like the light at the end of that tunnel. He might try to push you away or be aloof and impersonal at first because the thought of being vulnerable frightens him a little, but he wants to be proven wrong. He wants to let you in, and he's willing to try.
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I get the strangest sense we were lovers past-tense
Like a dog in heat I just can't be indiscreet
And when I see you there, I whisper my prayer, so sweet
I'm getting shakey on my feet, I'm incomplete
And if you just can't do me right
Then, honey, please, do me wrong
I'll be your one man band, I'll be at your command
Just say the word and I'll be your Renaissance man
This entire damned song is the anthem of Sanji. It's like a 1950's bop, the type of song that you can't help but smile at. It's sweet and cute and pining, just like our favorite chef. He's just utterly obsessed and hoplessly devoted to you and every single thing you do. He can't keep his eyes or his mind off of you at any given time.
Just the sight of you entering the room takes his breath away, puts stars in his eyes. He would do or give absolutely anything to have you and to keep you forever, and he's going to make sure you know it.
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Babydoll, do you believe they'll catch you when you fall?
And when morning comes, the sun is gonna shine
Don't forget, your minor keys your half-lit cigarette
'Cause when morning comes, I know that you'll be mine
So let me in
I'm ready to beg and to sing for my sins
Not leave it to chance and sweet coincidence
I don't know. The soft yet slightly playful tone of the song in general just screams Shanks to me for no reason I can completely put in words. This particular portion of the lyrics is what I associate most with him.
He knows he wants you, and he wants to make sure you know it. Not to beat around the bush about it, but not pressure you either. Just make sure you know how much he cares about you and be as gentle and sweet as possible to prove it...and he knows it's going to work, and that you're already his whether you know it or not. But jfc also imagine that goddamned voice of his calling you babydoll please excuse me I need to go touch grass now
Medusa In Chains
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I'm not your miracle man, I'm not your spirit guide
Before this whole thing began I had some sense of pride
Just one more night with your lips, your company is hard to eclipse
Weak-kneed, yes indeed, guardanteed, make my heart bleed
Give me a reason to breathe, don't let my sun go down
I'll make you stand and recieve, I'll be your sacred ground
Be my Medusa in chains, petrified
Only your beauty remains
The entire song. The ENTIRE SONG screams Mihawk to me. Slow-burn and seductive from start to finish. I get the same exact chills from this song that I get when he delivers that "Magnificent" line.
Lyrically relevant too. Falling for you in spite of his pride (and he has a LOT of pride to get past). You're like nothing he has ever experienced and he's utterly and hopelessly addicted to you. As much as he wants to fight it, he can't. In the same breath that he's trying to push you away and retain some grip on himself he's also pulling you back for more. He hardly even knows who he is anymore when you're near.
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callsign-rogueone · 3 months
braids - b.s.
Brennan Sorrengail x reader (duchess!) ✉️: Duchess has her hair in traditional braids right? Do u think Bren would learn how to braid her hair? And do it on days that she's tired or exhausted. Or maybe he would help her get the braids out of her hair at night. words: ~1k 🏷: no book spoilers, no triggers. just my response to the above and my thoughts about Bren, Duchess, and her hair. I promise there’s sweet headcanons under all my rambling about how I picture her braids. and I tried to make this as inclusive as possible and discuss multiple hair types, but I’m not very knowledgeable about that so I apologize if something is wrong!
The short answer: yes, absolutely. Brennan is a caretaker and protector first and foremost. It’s why he became a mender; he’s the eldest of the family, takes responsibility for younger siblings, and he’s just that kind of guy. He’d take incredibly good care of you as his partner, and that extends to every aspect of your life, especially your daily routines and self care.
The (very) long answer: I’ve purposely left descriptions of her hair as “intricate traditional braids” both as a nod to the Tyrrish knots that Xaden has Violet learn in the books, and for inclusivity, because I think that description can apply to anyone. The exact styles, the care required, and the length of time that she would wear them (doing them up on a daily basis, or leaving them in for weeks/months) depends on her hair type, so I’ve been leaving it up for interpretation because I want to cater to everyone. But I think that regardless, Bren would absolutely be willing and eager to learn how to help you with it.
I’ve never watched Game of Thrones, but I’ve seen pictures and clips of Daenerys, and she was a major inspiration for Duchess -- powerful woman of noble status who commands (or in Duchess’s case, speaks for) a riot of dragons, shows femininity through her dress and hair, but isn’t afraid to fuck someone up if they wrong her or her family.
So I’d imagine something like her character wears, but a bit more practical for fighting and training (maybe ending in one braid going down her back instead of having a half-up, half-down thing). Some examples I found on pinterest:
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Another thing I’ve been imagining is several tiny silver charms / clips woven into the braids, decorated with runes (this will come into play later on in their story 👀) like these.
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Now for the headcanons:
As we saw in allies, Bren recognized the braids as something of traditional importance, and it was one of the things that drew him to her. He loves and admires her dedication to her culture, and he also thinks they're absolutely gorgeous -- the girl looked him in the eye and said his name and he folded. Man was smitten from day one. 
He loves seeing you with them or without them: the first time he saw you with your hair down, completely out of the braids and messy, loose, it changed his brain chemistry forever (it didn’t help that you were half-dressed at the time, as well, but I digress)
I didn’t want to get too into deep this, because I do have a scene like this sketched out already, but I’m a weak weak woman so I’ll give it to you anyway:
One of the first few times y’all ~spent the night~, he was entranced watching you fix up your hair in the morning, at the ease and speed with which you redid the sections that had come undone / smoothed everything out, put the clips back in, and got it ready for the day.
He would have offered to help if he wasn’t so shy about it (still in disbelief that this actually happened, and she’s still here), and if you didn’t seem so capable yourself; after all, you’ve been doing this on your own for years now.
Braiding behind your own head takes some considerable upper body strength, so if your back or arms are injured, he won’t hesitate to help out, because he knows it’s important to you and he wants to help, wants to be close to you, and even after he mended you, he still doesn’t want you straining yourself.
You’re a little skeptical at first, but you quickly realize he knows what he’s doing. Think about it: this man is the older brother of two sisters, with parents who worked long hours at high-stress jobs. He absolutely knows how to properly detangle and brush (starting at the ends, being gentle with it) and can do basic braids, etc. 
He’ll stand behind you and help you take them down, incredibly careful not to pull too hard. When they’re all out, he’ll work his fingertips into your scalp ever so gently, noting the way you sigh in relief. Gives the back of your neck some attention, too. Those hands… sorry, where were we?
He’ll also help you do them up again -- they may not be as fancy or as pristine as if you did it yourself, but they’re pretty good. He’s bashful about it as you look over your shoulder in the mirror to examine his work, but he practically glows when you thank him and tell him he did well. 
He keeps a few of your hair bands in the pockets of his flight jacket in case one breaks. Not embarrassed to wear one around his wrist, either -- his hair isn’t long enough to use it himself, so it’s a clear sign that he’s holding it for someone else, that he’s spoken for.
I talked about this the other week in some Garrick headcanons I did, but I’m gonna say it again: hair washing. 
It would take a while for y'all to get to a point where you can shower together because you're both shy nervous bbs for a while, who can’t hold hands without bursting into flames (no pun intended) but like, after you're married, for sure. 
He really gets in there, gets all the dirt and blood out, washes the day off and leaves you nice and clean and relaxed. He does not miss a single spot. Helps you condition, rinse, and dry it after, too. Full service, complete with forehead kisses.
Another thought that I won’t get too far into, and am leaving as a strict hypothetical: IF you were to have a daughter, and IF she wanted to wear her hair like her mama does, Brennan would 100% be on the job. The Duke Consort of Lindell and the Colonel of the Tyrrish army has years of experience brushing and braiding and detangling, and he takes incredibly good care of his girls. They’re gonna be looking fresh at all times.
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kaulitzhotel · 11 months
hii! Can you do a like hc for a reader with attachments issues thanks
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Synopsis: Headcanon of Tokio Hotel with reader who has attachment issues. (2009-2012)
Content: Fluff.
Notes: Here it is! Also, know that there are different types of attachment issues in relationships so that's why each one is dissimilar.
You are anxious all the time.
Uncomfortable being super close. Bill might not be used to love for you.
But he hates it when you push him away. He keeps trying to be close because he knows you want it but can't admit it.
Wants you to be truthful to him. “Tell me, what's wrong?” “I'll do anything, just talk to me.”
It would cause some problems in the relationships and make you guys avoid each other.
Tries his best to keep both of you happy when that happens. He can't ignore you forever. “Hey, you want to eat out tonight?” or “I'm going to the studio, come spend some time with me.”
When you guys do spend time with each other it reminds both of you of how strong the love is.
You guys joke around and even if you are feeling nervous he calms you down by hugging.
You guys have intense sex. Just saying. If you don't want to be close and be avoidant there's going to be a time of mourning for each other.
You constantly worry about where Bill is, what he is doing and have the urge to text him by the second. But since he knows you well he leaves you breakfast or any meal with a note, { I'm out getting groceries, text me if you need anything. I love you. }
He might be hot-headed but will stay around since you are worth everything.
He quite doesn't understand why you freak out about the relationship and tries to have a conversation about it.
He wants you to understand that he has a busy life with his music career but it doesn't change the love he has for you.
You argue about the fact he is always on his phone calling someone and never at home whether it's day or night.
There's some tension but he promises you that he will make time for you. “I'm sorry ill be here more or take you with me okay?”
You still feel insecure about the relationship so you let it be. Sometimes you will admit your insecurity to him.
He's surprised when you tell him but brush it off, “Why would you be insecure of yourself? You're fucking fine and with a big heart.” And don't mind him when he stares at your chest while saying that.
You would hit him on the head, “This is why! I'm just something you want to play when you get home.”
Know that he has a heart too so he isn't taking this insensitive. “That's not true, if I didn't care we would not be having this conversation. I wouldn't even bother.”
You ignore him and go to the room wanting nothing to do with him. You can't help but push him away.
He comes into the room jumps on the bed pulling you close to him. “You mean the world to me.” He knows you need him so he gives the reassurance. Everything will be fine after that.
You crave a lot of intimacy and cling to him for comfort.
He doesn't mind and he values you all the time making you feel special.
He also makes sure that the relationship will be healthy so some boundaries are being made. Because it would benefit both of you to have some personal time.
Maybe sometimes you get a bit selfish but he lets you be so it doesn't cause a fight.
However, you push him away when you guys take a break thinking that he doesn't love you anymore.
But he doesn't feel that way and thinks the love is still there and lets it be known to you.
“Please don't ignore me.” “Nothing is ever going to change my love for you.” “You already know how much I love you.”
You can never ask for more since he already completes that for you.
Spoils you a lot with physical touch. He finds it cute when you ask for it.
He's understanding how to work things but he gets quiet when you argue with him. There are tons of risks.
You have a fear of intimacy and it worries him a bit. He probably isn't used to affection but will love to do it with you.
He starts slowly by hugging you a little bit to warm you up.
You tend to not look for any comfort from him but overthink what might happen if you were clingy.
But it's obvious in his eyes so he won't give up. He keeps trying till you give in to his arms, “It's okay to relax for a bit.” “I won't go anywhere.”
You might be uncomfortable being this close but he knows how to make it just right. Gustav never fails.
Sure, there might be some mistakes in the relationship because of the attachment issues but there was always a way to keep things alive and be there mentally.
He's just the sweetest. He likes to respect but also invades it when he's bored, “Do you want to go get ice cream?” “Let's go somewhere.”
That's what brightens up everything by the silly ness.
He will get real close and say, “I'm hungry.”
You guys have the best laughs.
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
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humangerbil · 1 year
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On the tddkbb server we were discussing what the foods were at this dinner and I might have gone and gotten invested in figuring them all out.
Lots of images, with more below, to flip back and forth between as needed. Clean image, followed by numbered images. Numbers are per dish, which sometimes there are multiple of the same one.
Shumai - I would guess the pork variety since that is the kind that I always see with the pea on top. I wasn’t actually sure about this one until I looked at the manga panel and saw that the little cylinders are more wrinkly than in the anime, like they should be.
Mapo Tofu - Bakugo yells about this dish.
Hambagu or hamburger steak - This one I’m about 95% sure about. It’s got the salad and tomatoes there and I really can’t think of anything else it would be but I might be wrong. 
Leeks - This is a best guess. It could also be a cucumber dish or something else. But the way it is alone and the pieces are long makes me think leeks are most likely. Other ideas welcome.
Cabbage Rolls
Gyoza - This one I wasn’t sure about until the anime gave up the close up of Midoriya eating one, see below.
Tamagoyaki - I wasn’t sure about this one from the table spread shots but the fourth image and the manga panel shows the spirals very clearly giving it away. There does appear to be a minor animation error on the fourth image where the plate changes to white from black but mistakes happen.
Tatsutaage - I would have guessed karaage from the images alone since they are very similar dishes but Midoriya actually states the name of this dish when he is praising it.
Negiyaki or Okonomiyaki or other Okonomiya-related dish - This one I’m just guessing. In the first and second image it is shown cut up, in the close up shot it looks too flat and thin to be any of these but I can’t think of anything else it might be. As can be seen in the 9?s on the manga panels could be the same dish but neither really looks like anything specific. I think 9? blue is the same dish but they did change things between the manga and the anime so it’s really just a best guess. If anyone has any other ideas what this dish might be please tell me.
Salad - Nothing exciting here just a simple salad with some cherry tomatoes
Soup, probably Miso - Miso soup would be the standard and it’s the right color for it but there are other options it could be since it is never said to be any specific type.
Rice - These are also their serving bowls, the take food from the spread and add it to their rice bowl.
Dipping Sauce - I haven’t been able to divine what kind of sauce. I’m leaning towards tartar sauce since that would go with the tatsutaage and the color sorta matches. It might also be shabu shabu but that wouldn't be chunky looking like this is. I would have assumed green onion sauce but it’s the wrong color for that and much too chunky looking. These could also be dishes for eating things without rice and they have some mapo tofu in them. If anyone has any other ideas of what it might be please let me know.
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It's very clearly gyoza from this image.
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And lastly, I give you my final point of this post.
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Dabi hates fish. Fuyumi made this huge spread of dishes and didn't make one fish dish. Not a single one.
I'm gonna forever headcanon that Fuyumi doesn't cook fish because Touya hated it.
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garcargofarfar · 4 months
May I pretty please request some fluffy headcanons for Laurance x Garrorth x reader?
Also, may I pretty please be ⭐ anon?
Omg my first request on this blog! Thank you Anon <3 (I honestly thought the Aphmau community was dead) AND YES OMG I LOVE GARRANCE. I wasn't sure if you wanted this as in separately fighting for your love type or a threesome type. ALSO I wasn't sure if you wanted this set in PDH or MyStreet(or mcd but I haven't watched mcd) so..
Here have them all⭐️
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Laurance x Garroth x Reader HEADCANONS
Laurance x Reader, Garroth x Reader, Garrance
Era of Pdh and MyStreet
- × - × - × - × - × - × - × -
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Garroth and Laurance, like with Canon Aph, will both end up falling for you
The two of them would fight for your attention, remaining a friendly competition, but never letting that get in the way of their friendship
Garroth would be the more responsible and caring one
Laurance would be the more popular and carefree one
The two would secretly come to a mutual agreement to share you until you decide who to get with
Meanwhile, they'd both go behind each other's backs and try to spend the most time with you
You have separate classes with them both, respectively, yet also, occasionally have a class with both of them together
Garroth isn't the type for too over-the-top pet names, he'd go for something simple like love, sweetheart, babe, etc.
Laurance doesn't care as much and does whatever he feels like
Both boys will screw over one another and give them false information, thinking you had no clue
Meanwhile, you were aware of everything listed above but just never admit it
Remember what I said earlier about Garroth being the responsible one? Yeah, not anymore.
Garroth will eventually turn out to be the outgoing and goofy bundle of joy, but he knows when to be serious and when not to
Laurance is.. well, Laurance. He hasn't changed much since high school, but a tad bit more serious than he used to be to balance out Garroth's crazy mind
Both the boys would come over to find you occasionally at your house and refuse to leave, always finding excuses to be by your side
Eventually, they'll give in and work together, trying to get your attention together
Seeing as they live together, they hold meetings to plot out the perfect moments
L : "Oh, what a coincidence! Zane says he'd be home late."
G : "Would you mind if we stayed longer? To watch another movie?"
You : "We just watched all eight of the Harry Potter movies! Eight!"
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The two starts off surprised, learning that you're up to try a threesome
At first, it's hard to share you
Eventually, the two boys will learn to be gay asses and they'd purposely show each other more affection than to you to piss you off
You get pissed off
It takes them forever to get your attention and forgiveness, but knowing them, they'd pull this off again in less than two weeks time
The boys are mature, they'll finally learn to share.
Until, of course, they start getting jealous of each other. Again.
Garroth is usually on your left and Laurance on your right
It doesn't mean anything, but it's become habit
Actually, a lot of things have become habit
Like watching movies with the two on the weekends, having one boy's head on your lap as your head lays on the others shoulders, arms wrapped around you
And then, comes Sprinkles.
Laurance uses Sprinkles as bait and gaslighting
You use Sprinkles as emotional support while the two fight over Garroth's love for Sprinkles
You : *petting Sprinkles in your room* "Why are they like this."
Sprinkles : meow.
You : "I don't know what I see in those two idiots either."
- × - × - × - × - × - × - × -
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noisyquokka · 7 months
I know this is a very vague request and im really sorry in advance 😭… do you think you could write some headcanons/reactions for wayv? I noticed that most nct content is for dream, sometimes 127, and rarely my wayv boys and i LOVE them 😮‍💨, i dont really have a concept in mind i would prefer if it was made with a female reader in mind but gender neutral works just as well, and idk maybe a little bit suggestive if youre in the mood for it?? Idk anyways thanks for listening and im sorry im not giving you much to work with :)
+ OMG OK I JUST SENT IN A VAGUE REQUEST FOR WAYV BUT I THOUGHT OF SOMETHING NOW, idk if you’ll see this but do you think you could do wayvs reaction to a female reader whos more dominant, not necessarily in the bedroom sense (although that too) but just someone who looks more feminine but automatically takes on more masculine gender roles in a relationship like being big spoon, or bringing home the bag, or being the one to take care of things and fix things? Again i don’t necessarily mean in a sexual way just more in a general relationship because i know you said you werent confident/comfortable writing nsfw stuff, but if you wanted to take a more suggestive route too i wouldnt be mad, youre the writer here, im just here to support 💗, thank you again!
A/N - Not me having a whole-ass brain fart on gender roles as I wrote this🤪but ohhhohoo I love this idea!!! I'm sorry it took forever :( also some of these are longer than others, I apologize. But I still hope you enjoy 💛 Thank you for the request, Love!
WARNINGS - F!reader, suggestive if you squint from the other side of the galaxy??
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you had told him that you were quite independent from the beginning of your relationship
perhaps you hadn't been persuasive enough, or it didn't register in Kun's head...
because when he comes home from tour, he doesn't expect to find you in the kitchen, cursing under your breath with your head ducked beneath the sink
it appears you're too busy groveling at the plumbing to notice his presence, the clanking of metal on metal hitting his ears
"What... are you doing?" is followed by a thud! and another hushed curse as you emerge from the cabinet, rubbing at the crown of your head with a grimace
you're met with warm hands and a concerned gaze as you straighten up, adjustable wrench in your grip
"The shut-off valve for the cold water failed," you wipe the sweat from your brow, eyeing the small space you have to work with under the sink, "so I went and picked up replacements for both."
and Kun's just standing there like 'woah, babe, go off'
but also a little worried
cue the "shouldn't we call a plumber", and the "are you sure's"
it's not that he believes you're incapable, far from it!
he's just got no clue about the tricks of that trade lmao
asks if you need help
will literally sit by and watch like a curious Retriever whether you need extra hands or not (without being in the way, of course)
he has no idea where your confidence comes from when it comes to these types of things, but it's kinda... 😏
you finish the job in two hours, checking for any leaks after you turn the water back on and let the water flow through the pipes to clear the air in the lines
after this, he quickly adapts to you taking lead around the house with similar things
he's so used to being the leader/taking lead on so many things that it's so refreshing for him.
you're just the type to say "Hey, I've got it!" with no expectations
he's gonna find his ways of thanking you for the things you do btw
cooking you dinner, cleaning the entire house, buying you something you've been eyeing for forever.
also lives and breaths you cuddling him
back hugs, waking up to you pulling him back into your arms before you're both falling asleep again
this man is so content being little spoon if it means you're right there
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totally into it!
I'd bet that this man goes full doting boyfriend
probably the most curious out of all the guys
would be super invested if you were an HVAC technician or something just because of how physically demanding the job is
asks you if he could tag along to work one day like an excited child
to which you tell him that it's not as exciting for him to watch considering most of the job is you crawling into tight spaces
like you'd literally be in some dusty attic, sweltering as you work
it happens anyways, because you find that your HVAC unit is outdated, so naturally, you choose to update it yourself
cue a sneaky head peeking around the corner every chance he gets because, contrary to what you had said, Ten is very entertained
the man has the biggest heart eyes for you through the entire process - which is roughly 6 hours
"your attention to detail is beyond admirable!"
"I'd say it's necessary when I'm working with electrical, Babe."
wants to learn how to do whatever it is you're working on
doesn't matter what it is you're doing
soaks up whatever you teach him
mans is a whole sponge istg
at the same time he's absolutely gonna tell you to keep being the boss-ass bitch that you are
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supportive but a lil insecure :(
like he loves you loads, supports you 100% in all that you do
but sometimes it'll make him feel like he's not doing enough in terms of your relationship
I don't see the insecurity coming from your confidence of taking on a more masculine role, but more out of worrying that his time is so limited with you and around the house so when he is home, he feels like it's not enough
feels like he shouldn't tell you at first
like it sounds a little like an excuse to be an ass
but eventually thinks it's the best thing for your relationship
y'all take communication so seriously so why start holding back over something like this
you're quick to reassure him that he does more than enough
like sir, sit down and kick your feet up, you literally do so much for me, I will write you a whole list rn
it works to a certain extent, so you offer him some options "to make up for it" cough I'll leave this up to interpretation💀
fair to say that all is better with a little communication
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I say this solely for his safety and benefit
do not, under any circumstances, let this man know you can do some of the things that you're capable of!!
boy is too petty and competitive to have this knowledge
I feel like he'd be the type to see you so confidently take care of yard work and the next week turns into a competition of who can complete said tasks better
he wouldn't do it to make you feel less than, or to put you in your place (as if you wouldn't set his ass straight)
he's just a little dramatic
a lil competitive
he loses almost every time 😔
either makes excuses for it ("I didn't know there were levels to the lawn mower", "the handle on my rake was broken") or stays quiet
will be whiny for a few days afterwards
you have no issue giving him something to whine about-
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full cheerleader mode!!
he literally grew up with three sisters, ain't no way he's gonna be against a strong and independent woman doing her thing
is the best assistant when you need an extra set of hands
literally the kid that holds dad's flashlight while dad fixes the car except you don't have to remind him to hold it steady
he's on top of it, baby 😎
mans takes this as seriously as performing open-heart surgery
I'm talking brows set in concentration and hands as steady as my granny threading a needle (that woman was so talented)
tools are in your hand before you've even finished telling him what you need
bro is just that good
loves helping you to the point that when you don't need his help, he's just a pouty boy in the corner
like Kun and Ten, he'll just watch and cheer you on in those instances
he is the ultimate ally
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I could see him drawn toward a woman who takes initiative in a relationship
probably finds it attractive as hell
at the same time, I could see him not caring much about traditional gender roles
sees it as a social construct that is meant to be broken
he digs how dynamic you can be in any situation, definitely!
that said, he is the reason you fix so many things 🧍🏻‍♀️
listen, him being your boyfriend does not guarantee your safety from The Menace™
feels bad about it sometimes
but like... you never complain
YangYang swears he's a magnet for finding patient people that can tolerate his antics
which is exactly why he's wrapped around your finger
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jester-lover · 1 year
Hobie with a Desi! S/O
cw/ fem! Reader, horrible attempt at writing British people, including multiple desi cultures bc my girlies need all the representation we can get (it’s slim pickings out here) all fluff, some cultural struggles, but everything is resolved, mentions of insecurities
(LONG POST- headcanons and a drabble)
I'm goth and I had a literary awakening when Hobie showed up
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There are literally only two ways I see the two of you meeting
The first involves you being a friend/relative of Pavitir’s, who is exceptionally happy his two homies are getting along
In this situation, Hobie would know a little more about you from the get go, and you most likely would know about him (Pav thinks he’s so cool, he’ll talk about his friends to anyone who’ll listen)
Another; in my opinion, funnier, way for the two of you to meet is him accidentally crashing a desi wedding when he’s on Spidey business
You would be mildly peeved with him for disturbing the wedding, but his spunk and generally opinionated personality make you fall for him
Either way, congratulations! You have the world’s loveliest punk boyfriend
As a boyfriend, Hobie loves helping out in any activity you need help with
He’s the type of boy who tries his absolute hardest to be there for any event that is important to you
No matter if its a massive grad party or a late night pizza run, Hobie is there and having the time of his life
Now, moving onto the cultural aspect, Hobie adores learning about other cultures
Your family is weary of him at first, because of the way he dresses primarily
He manages to find a place in their hearts after they see the way he treats you (with respect and dignity!!!!)
Also the fact that he eats whatever your mom makes, entire plate, man will lick it clean
(I mean, have you seen how much British people love takeaway?)
“Is your mum home yet?” “She’s making something good I bet, she always is.”
He can HANDLE spice, and he’s good with kids (his interaction with Mayday proved that to me)
Your parents may end up, in a shocking event, liking him!
Hobie is your biggest hype man whenever you wear cultural clothes, especially if they’re a little on the edgy side, dark colors and all that
Lehengas, shalwar kameez, sarees, etc, he loves them all
“You're dressed up, aren’t you?”
He’ll explain it to you in this mysticised ‘stepping on eurocentric beauty standards’ type of way, but you know deep down he just thinks you're super pretty
He’s obsessed with your features, no matter what you look like, he thinks you have the most perfect face in the world
If you ever make Hobie Desi food, he’ll be in love with you forever
He loves pani puri, especially if the pani is a lil spicier
His love language is acts of service, and you making him something to eat is like, you are nourishing him?? With bomb Desi food?? he’s is seeing heaven rn
He most DEF asks Pav (who then asks Gayatri) for advice on how to impress you
This leads to him, hanging onto your windowsill, with a Mendhi tube in his hand, and a calm smile on his face
As Hobie slid off his mask, his gorgeous hair fell to the sides of his sharp face. Placing the spiky mask on your side table, he sauntered towards your bed, abruptly sitting down and motioning for you to follow him. 
You sighed, and smiled as you took your spot in front of him. He was alway so considerate, taking your interests into mind whenever he swung by.
“You know, I’m not a pro at this or anything.”
He grinned, almost wolfishly, and placed the small sharp tipped tube into your lap.
“I could care less, do anything on my hands.”
You gently took one of his hands into both of yours, spreading it out to see the flesh of his palm, his nails were painted red this week, courtesy of you, of course.
His long bony hand flexed as you gently took off each of his silverish rings, one by one. 
You were completely focused on this simple act, treating him with a gentleness only you could offer him, a complete contrast from his usual existence. 
“I don’t have a lot of time today, my cousin’s getting married, we have to go to some pre wedding events.”
Hobie perked up in interest, sliding his free hand to smooth out your gingham sheets.
“And what do you plan to wear?”
His mind flashed through all the traditional clothes he’s seen you in, each more ornate and beautiful than the last.
“The lehenga most likely, the peach-ish one, with the sparkles.”
You undid the little plastic pin at the top of the Mehendi tube, applying a slight pressure and making a small line on his palm to start out with.
Hobie looked at you closely, remembering the last time he saw that specific lehenga.
“That one’s cute.”
You laughed a little, looking down at your messy drawing.
“I was going for a flower but it sorta looks like a palm tree.”
He looked down at his hand, a messy smudgy, and less than finished flower was on his palm.
“Maybe, a couple more petals on the top, yeah?”
You squeezed the Mendhi tube again, carefully drawing three extra petals on the top.
“There! I think that's good.”
Hobie looked down at his palm and kept a laugh back, poorly albeit.
The flower wasn’t necessarily bad, just a little wonky.
“It's absolutely beautiful.”
You smiled.
“Hold your hand still until it dries, then peel off the crumbly bits, okay?”
Hobie mockingly saluted with his other hand, matching your smile.
“Anything you say.”
You giggled, taking his face in your hands gently, careful to avoid snagging one of his piercings.
“What am I ever gonna do without you?”
His expression turned a little soft, keeping his smile steady.
“Let's hope it never has to come to that.”
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doukeshi-kun · 7 months
a promise is a promise
daddy's home 😘
🌃-anon here ^^ hooray!!
okay okay phew it's been so long i forgot how to write anon ask but, a comeback is desperately needed to save the day. I'm here to talk about professor!nikolai agenda. your girl started uni and i need to cope.
while collegestudent!nikolai has been eating my brain like crazy, professor!nikolai is as needed. i might hit you up with college student nikolai someday tho cuz my classmates are all weird and i need that daily dose of delusion that someday, i'll meet a student as awesome and as fun as nikolai is in my head
little disclaimer to anyone reading this: dark content ahead. we dont do any of that irl it's just fiction, so if you're sensitive to prof x student shit keep scrolling. i say reader is 20-ish and papi nikolai is pushing 30 😁
random prof!nikolai headcanons ahead 🗣️
prof kolya is definitely one of the cool teachers on campus yk? the type that's loved by all of the students because of how laid back he is and how much he doesn't give a shit yk??? like "prof we didn't study for the test tomorrow can we postpone it?" "we will. i havent put the text either" 💀 that type you know?
BUT simultaneously, he can also be really strict depending on the context yk? while he's chill, he can't tolerate disrespect like, not at all. he jokes around with his students but with limits and boundaries.
clothes-wise i feel like he dresses super well 🤔 as opposed to headcanons I've seen, i dont think he dresses weird or in an eccentric way like canon nikolai is, he wears casual clothes :3 fashionable? yes. but nothing weird. he's tall, broad with really unique features (i imagine nikolai with one of them typical european noses and plump looking lips. this part is totally up to you tho)
prof kolya was a really unproblematic physics professor (yk in canon he has teleportation abilities so uh) that is until y/n took a course with him,
we're met with two cases: y/n is calm and quiet in class, y/n puts herself out there. now let's be for real, teachers love good students so the higher the grades the better the sex more you'll get attention from him (god imagine nikolai praising you😮‍💨)
now if you're quiet- OMG since he gets along well with students i feel like he'll openly joke around with students except for you (if you're quiet) he'll just talk with you in a low voice (btw i imagine classes like, small classes not amphitheaters or any of that) let me elaborate: you're in class yk he's explaining quantum physics or some shit and occasionally interacting with his students. his gaze falls on you once he's standing right in front of your desk and lets a small question slide like "is it ok?" "do you get it?" or flashing you a small smile or so 🤭 he's not mocking you or anything he's being genuine (for once) bc you're openly his favorite
and by that, and as someone who's a favorite for nearly all my professors so far the privileges i get isnt anything like grades or whatever but more like validation? im a good student i dont need their crusty dusty extra credits. one of the privileges i get is for example, during exams, the prof tells me "so, [name], we're scoring an A+ in this test too?" yk and it's genuine so nikolai i that type too.
(i leave anything sexual or suggestive for you to develop bc im really bad and awkward at that)
conclusion: he shamelessly favorites you in front of other students.
though you two would become a thing faster if reader is on the more loud type in his class: always participating, asking questions, joking around maybe.... i feel like when you have a question thats a little long to explain, he'd ask u to come to his office and what happens there is up to your imagination dear bean
will quickly become your number one emotional support throughout college 🥱 imagine not doing well in the exam and you go to his office to talk to him about it and he comforts you by [redacted]
anyways i could go on and ramble forever. i'd love to hear your dirty thoughts on this nikolai au :3 what i wrote is hella long and messy but we're mere disciples beanie, you're the writer here hehe
as usual, have a good/day night!!
I REALLY LOVE YOU SO MUCH *sloppily kissing slop slop*
first of all, yeeee goodluck with college and don't die bcs i almost did 😎👉 and secondly, no let's NOT get nikolai pushing 30s. HE IS 35 ATLEAST IDC HAHAHA im gonna reply to each one headcanon bcs you deserve it girlie 💋✨
yes! he totally gives me the vibe to be laid-back at his work. he's so gonna do something like that lmao. also, despite his laid-back persona and he's always like “ehh~ just answer this easy ass quiz and i'll take it as your assignment mark”, i do think he does his job greatly. there's a time where he needs to get things done and while it doesn't seem like he's doing shit, he actually GETS. SHIT. DONE. that's why he isn't fucking fired 💀
strict prof. nikolai.... ugh *spreads legs*😝 i agree. he does have limit and i feel like he wouldn't scold people or raise his voice but certainly when he's being colder and quieter, oooh you fucked up big time
i do think he wears classic style to go to classes! i'm thinking... dark academia. and yes, he's tall and broad and so big✨ i feel like it also depends on the subject. if prof nikolai is teaching theatre or drama... those kind of things, he will wear something maximalist, if that makes sense? imagine a mad hatter-themed suit but formal. unfortunately, i can't draw for life.
physics professor hmmmm why don't he come here and expand the space of my quantum pussy😏😏
i can imagine raaaaaaa :barkbarkbark: him praising you in front of the whole class because you got quite high marks for physics ahakss😝
HMMMMMMM SOFTY :feral: i can't fucking breathe😩 yes he'd totally be loud to those who are loud with him but if you're quiet and serene, he'll be soft as fuck rrrrrrrrr imagine him noticing you not understanding something and he takes the initiative to come to your desk, teach you with the softest (yet deep) voice ever. NOT MOCKING ME TOO? woah what a green flag 💚
lmfao i can totally relate with you😭 honestly, validation is too pressuring, stressing and overwhelming for me. i hate when teachers are like “so, elie, you can score A for this right?” bih i just barely got the B-grade fym (burnt-out gifted kid be like;). anyway, i'm half-half on this. but i do think if he makes such comments, and he notices you aren't uncomfortable, he wouldn't go put his way to directly say that. maybe he just makes comment that implies he does have certain expectations on you
(i'll develop the sexual things myself *takes off his pants and develop his wood*)
conclusion: he becomes my favourite subject😝❤️
i'm honestly thinking that he prefers it if you are an active student. idk, for me, nikolai (in general) likes challenges and fun. so if you're actively questioning this or that, he'd take interest in you really quick. also, i will invite myself into his office tyvm
definitely get emotional. lmao imagine ranting about other professors with him and he just supports you
well my dirty thought is that he becomes my private tutor. HA HOW BOUT THAT HUHHH but in all honesty, i love the thought of him riling and teasing you instead of yk, playing favourite and get you alone in his office. he likes edging people and he'd surely likes it if you tease him back too ayy papi😝
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