#Writer Brain
Me when I plan out a story and want to tell everyone
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lavend3r-stardust · 5 months
I wanna watch the moon with them, lay on the ground and link our hands so we can trace each others scars and blemishes and birthmarks, trail kisses down stretch marks and run our hands across our ribs to feel our hearts racing beneath them. I wanna see the stars reflected in their eyes and wonder what it'd be like to be lost in them forever, like seeing the sky stretch infinitely above, or how the ocean sinks to the bottom of the earth, endless and mystifying, almost beckoning you to come closer. . . All that beauty contained in their faces, and i'd never want to come back from there 💫
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author-a-holmes · 7 months
Writer Brain
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Source: I can't find a source for this image. If anyone knows the creator feel free to tag me and I'll edit this post.
I have a love-hate relationship with my writer brain. Most of the time I love it.
I love how it gives me so many ideas that I am SURE I'm never going to have enough time left in my life to write them. I love that I have so many possabilities for future projects and characters. I love how I can slide right into a character's mindset, and figure out how they're thinking, feeling, reacting to the situations I put them in.
There's a lot of things I love about my writer brain, but then sometimes it'll do this thing.
And while, in hindsight, I always love this thing.
When I realise it's done this thing, I want to shake my writer brain like a ragdoll while screaming HOW?! WHY?!
And the thing is where I'll be writing something. And I usually hate the scene I'm writing. Or I find it frustrating. Or boring. and it usually gets to a point where I'm considering scrapping half a chapter, or a full chapter, because it's just characters talking. About "nothing". It's fluff and filler, and I don't need it, and then...
Then I'll walk away, take a break. This evening I went to cook my dinner. And while doing that, my writer brain will go...
Writer Brain: Hey. Hey. You know that filler conversation you're thinking about deleting? Me: Yeah, what about it? They're just talking about worldbuilding. And while I like it, it's not needed. Writer Brain: ... What... What if it is? Me: Is what? Writer Brain: Needed. Me: Why would the readers need to know about this? Writer Brain: Well. If they don't know this, then that thing you want to have happen at the climax will need a huge paragraph of info dumping to explain why it's possible. Me: ... Writer Brain: I mean. You could do that. Don't let me stop you. Me: Shut up. Writer Brain: It's just you actively try to avoid info dumping, so I figured you might want to know— Me: You couldn't have made this clear four days ago before I'd torn myself up over writing this?! Writer Brain: .... *shrugs* Me: *Facepalms while sobbing in frustration*
So. Yeah. Love-Hate relationship with the writer brain. And I'll still have to highlight this section in edits to make sure there ISN'T any waffling slipped in there, but... I guess my subconcious knows what I'm doing, even if I don't...
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plotbunniesattack · 1 month
My Destiel Brain Rot
Love & Stage Crew 25/33 Chapters Completed Since 8/16/19 - HS Friends to Lovers AU, Endverse!Castiel / Stagehand!Dean
SPN X Stand By Me 6/10 Chapters Completed Since 6/18/21 - Film/ Book Adaptation, Kid Fic, Eventual Destiel
Dad's on a Hunting Trip and He Hasn't Been Home in a Few Days… 5/22 Chapters Completed Since Since 9/3/22 - Part 1 of The Road Too Far Series, Season 1 CODA.
Lazurus Rising Rebooted (Part 1-3 ) - Post Hell AU, Openly Bi Dean/ Castiel, Season 4-5 Canon Divergent
Not Okay - Film/ Comic Adaptation / Season 6 Canon Divergence, HS
Dean’s Ultimate Traxx 2000 - HS Friends to Lovers AU, Alcoholic!Dean / Cas
These Days - HS Friends to Lovers AU, Disordered Eating!Cas / Football Player Dean
Heavy (From the Hurt)/ Comfortably Numb - HS Modern, Friends to Lovers AU, Depressed!Cas / Teen Dean
Part Two of Portrait / Untitled - Modern, Friends to Lovers AU Endverse!Cas/ Recovery Dean
Another Word For Failure - Adaptation, Teacher AU, Alcoholic!Dean
Part Two of Starlight / Untitled - Established Relationship, Endverse!Cas, Dadstiel
SPN X Little Monsters - Film Adaptation, Kid Fic, Creature Fic AU - Modern with Magic
Some One Else’s Atrocias Story - Post Canon Fix it Fic
Heartlines- Post Canon Fix it Fic
SUPTOBER 2023 (Outlines I Still Think About)
FULL SPREAD/ Gap Year - Pre S6 Fix it Fic (Set Oct 2010)
BLACK CAT - Kid Fic, Creature Fic AU - Modern with Magic
SATANIC PANIC - S7 Case Fic/ Bridgewater Podcast Crossover, Jeremy Bradshaw & Dean
EPIC -  Film Adaptation, Epileptic!Cas/ Grieving Dean
FLIRT - Pre-Canon Season 2, Castiel Backstory, Canon Compliant
FEVER - Canon Divergent S10, Soulmate AU, Demon!Dean/ Castiel
Love + Summer Stock - Sequel to Love + Stage Crew
Closer to Free - Adaptation, Modern, Friends to Lovers AU
Impractically Winchester - Adaptation, Modern, Enemies to Lovers, Soulmate AU
Untitled Post Canon Claire Novak - Fixit Fic, Canon Compliant, Hunter!Claire
MOC as Mental Illness - MOC!Dean Season 9-10 rewrite, Depressed!Dean Season 7-9 rewrite
SPN GENERATIONS - Fix It Fic, Hunter!Ben Braedon, Soulmate Dean/ Castiel
Part Two of LIMINAL / What Comes After - Fix It Fic, Season One Retold AU
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ohtobemare · 10 months
can confirm buying a gorgeous notebook and writing in Sharpie marker sparks the ~creative~ flame
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writingawaymysorrows · 10 months
So earlier I was looking at writing advice and programs for outlines and stuff and then this bitch just started saying shit that's in my book as an example?? Like she just started explaining my plot to me Why is nothing I write original omg
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girlfromthecrypt · 10 months
You know you need a change of scenery when you put on the "Underground"-theme from The Labyrinth for going in the basement.
I mean, yeah I feel dumb for romanticizing chores, but the basement IS dark and kinda huge---
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thatwriterlifetho · 1 year
A writer’s brain when it’s time to sleep . . .
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It’s 3am. At this point, the last time I slept well was when I was sick… with a fever.
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lavendulachronicler · 6 months
Me: Rewatching Helluva Boss for ideas for a fic
My brain, less than three minutes in: Do a crossover and have Syrup hire the IMPs for a thing
Me: Can you calm down for ten seconds?
My brain: He hires them to pick up a bunch of explosive stashes he had hidden when he was alive.
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sarcastic-salem · 1 year
So……I stopped writing fanfiction because writing fanfiction on Tumblr is a biggest dick contest where you’re just competing for likes, and a simple “I really liked this. Thanks for sharing!” feels like the biggest prize in the world. Cause unless you get a reblog — there’s like a 97% chance you won’t unless you already have a following — and your fic goes viral, that’s probably the only comment you’re gonna get.
And people expect you to have scheduled updates. Rather than, you know, just letting you take your time to work out the plot and write it out and make revisions — yeah, that’s a thing; its also called editing — for however long you need. So that you can it make as well written and grammatically correct as possible. If you don’t post the next chapter within like 24-48 hours, you’re done. No one cares — even if they’re on the taglist.
Thank you, streaming services👍🏻
And because people go batshit crazy if you even think about writing a MLM romance if the characters aren’t cannonically queer. Unless they’re homophobes who fetishize queer men — if you don’t know why that’s homophobic that’s even worse fyi. Like you either get death threats or ignored completely. And depending on your day, being ignored can sometimes feel even worse because, hey, we all need validation sometimes, right?
Not just writers or artists or whoever — EVERYONE. Why else do you post pictures on FB or share your every thought on social media, hmm?
I stopped writing fanfiction and now I feel like I can’t write anything. Because this platform has completely destroyed my confidence and self-esteem. And my writing was the only thing I ever had any confidence in.
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lavend3r-stardust · 2 months
What if you came home to me and stayed in my arms a little longer? What if you kissed my collarbone and ran your hands along my back? What if you hugged me harder before you had to leave again? What if I brushed the hair out of your face and dried the tears in the corners of your eyes, helped you wash your tired frame and carry your weary soul to bed? Would you watch me cook for you? Would you stand behind me and hold my hips as we swayed back and forth in the dim light of the kitchen? What if you refused to leave my lap and curl into my body so you could better hear my heart beat? What if I murmured "i love you" in your ear over and over again as you clung to me so you'd finally begin to understand a fraction of my love for you. What if I let you back in and opened my door again knowing everything you'd done before. Would you ever know how much I loved you?
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eemoo1o-animoo · 1 year
I'd forgotten about Ciel always wanting to kill Sebastian! (I.e., throwing darts at him). Writer brain awakening — is this to "test" Sebastian, to keep him sharp and astute, to show him that he isn't so malleable and susceptible to being toyed with, or is it to demonstrate the hatred for Sebastian as a demon? Both? How interesting.
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two-girls-who-read · 2 years
Hello all!
I’m Asralie/Azzie (please feel free to call me either!), I write, read, eat, sleep, and rewatch shows I’ve already watched 7 times (*cough*Gilmore Girls*cough*)
If you are a writer please talk to me! I’m lonely out here on the outskirts of #writeblr soooo yeah!
Also I have another blog @asralieswritingcorner connected to this one for writing soooo yesh!
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mieteve-minijoma · 2 years
Take Me Back (To The Night We Met) - Coming Soon!
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“So why did you wait so long, huh? That night, when I came and apologized to you for our fight, that was why you were crying, wasn't it?” Betty sucked in a breath and nodded. She felt her heart crack as he yelled, “So why didn’t you tell me right then?! If you really loved me, you would have been honest!”
“GOD DAMMIT, JUG! I WAS SCARED, OKAY?!” she shouted back before collapsing to the floor and bawling, the weight of everything hitting her all at once. 
She hugged her body tightly, desperately trying to keep herself from breaking further as she whimpered, “I didn’t want to lose you too...” 
Jughead felt his fury plummet to the ground with him as he sank to his knees in front of her, gathering her into his arms and allowing her to cry into his neck. She clung to the flannel he wore, whispering words, begging for his forgiveness. He stroked her hair and shushed her, rocking her as she cried.
“Shhh. Betts, don’t cry... I know-- you made a mistake... I know you didn’t want to hurt me... We’ll get through this, I promise. I love you so much... it’ll be okay... we’ll be okay,” he murmured into her hair, soothing her pain despite his own. 
After what seemed like an eternity, her tears finally slowed but her grip on him never loosened. He could hear her breath evening out, small hiccups escaping her as she tried to calm down. She trembled in his arms, his words soothing her tortured soul. 
He still loved her, despite her horrifying mistake, he still loved her...
“I don’t want you to hate me, Juggie... but I wouldn’t blame you if you did...” she murmured honestly. “I hate myself, so it’s okay if you hate me too...”
“Hey, Betty... I could never hate you, ever. Am I angry? Yes, but it’s not even so much about the kiss. Look at me,” he lifted her chin and gazed into her swollen tear-stained eyes, “I understand you weren’t thinking straight, okay? We’d both just been through a shit load of trauma and, as fucked up as it is, I can see how that would cause you to cling onto something familiar. Archie represents something from before our lives turned into a badly written teen drama,” he paused and sighed, pulling her back into his chest. “I’m more upset that you felt the need to hide it from me for so long... I thought we were past keeping secrets, Betts?”
“I wanted to tell you as soon as it happened, Juggie. And I tried a million times, but I was just so afraid of what would happen. I couldn’t bear the thought of you hating me, or thinking that it was in any way your fault, or because I didn’t love you. I was stupid and I messed up...” Betty felt the tears falling again but she didn’t want to stop them. She needed to get it all out, she couldn’t hold onto it anymore.
“I understand that you were scared, Betts. I just wish you had told me sooner. I can’t promise I will be able to get past it quickly - and I’m definitely gonna kick Archie’s ass when I see him again - but I don’t want to lose what we have over a meaningless, trauma-induced kiss. I already told you that once and I still mean that, Betty,” Jughead lifted his hands, cradling her cheeks in his palms before kissing her forehead. “I mean it, I love you and don’t want to lose you. We can work through this, but I just need some time.” 
“I’m so sorry, Juggie. I will do anything to make this up to you, anything,” Betty laid her head on his shoulder and sighed heavily. She was grateful for the chance to make things right and move past this together but she knew it was going to take a lot of work. She was fully prepared for this to be an uphill battle, one that would hopefully make them stronger in the end. 
“Betts, I have to ask...” he murmured, causing her to brace for the worst, “Does Veronica know about this?”
“No,” she breathed a sigh, “I wanted to tell you first. And I’m almost certain that Arch-- I mean, I don’t think he told her either. God--” she choked, “she’s never going to forgive me for this...”
“I’m not gonna lie, Betty, that’s a strong possibility. However, she might not hate you. Either way, she still deserves to know about the kiss. She’s your best friend, she needs to know what happened between you and Archie. Especially if Archie was the one who instigated everything after and wanted to take things further,” Jughead remarked, a small growl escaping his throat when he said his name. 
“Hey, hey, hey... I love you, Juggie. Only you,” Betty whispered and leaned up, kissing him softly to show him that he is the only one she has ever wanted. “It’s only ever going to be you, Jug.”
“I know.”
Chapter One Coming To AO3 Tomorrow!
This story is a complete canon divergent (starting after 4x17) that negates everything we know so far. No crazy superhero powers, obsessed serial killers, rabies fever dreams, or anything of the sort.
Now, I'm warning y'all now: this fic handles some heavy topics that could be triggering to some people and is angsty AF, but I’m hoping that once it’s complete, y’all will love it. (Don't worry, I will throw up a trigger warning at the beginning and will put them in the tags.)
Listen, I seriously poured my heart, soul, and even a butt load of tears into this one guys, so coming soon: My take on how the S5 time-jump should have been…
-Bina 💜
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blackrosesandwhump · 2 years
Ugh. So hard to concentrate when there are so many whumpy stories I could be writing!
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To the two people who left kudos on my only fic and to the one who bookmarked it, I love you. I would give you forhead kisses if I could.
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