#What Sports Help You Grow Taller
thesunisatangerine · 9 months
against all odds (to wait for you is all i can do) – part one
alexia putellas x photojournalist!reader
status: completed
(a/n in the tags) [parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve]
word count: 1.1k
The thing was, you didn’t plan on getting laid tonight. 
After a couple of days trying to settle in at Barcelona and looking for your lost luggage, all you wanted to do was to finally start your vacation. You just wanted to relax and experiencing the night life in Barcelona was definitely a good way to officially kick it off. 
So there you were at the bar of an (apparently) exclusive night club in the city–the location was emailed to you by Derek with a VIP pass and a note that said, ‘have fun ;)’–nursing your second, half-empty glass of mojito, the speakers blasting rhythmic reggaeton music, when a woman slid into the space next to you, cool and confident with the way she leaned on her elbows against the counter as she gave the bartender her order in smooth spanish, “A gin rickey, please.”
The woman looked to be several years older than you–and taller, too, even with your heels on–and maybe it was the alcohol or the proximity but there was no stopping yourself from openly admiring her. Her black, cropped top and her tight, high-rise pants revealed perfectly broad shoulders and toned arms, as well as the taught lines of her stomach. When your eyes travelled back to her face, you found her looking at you with a raised brow and immediately, your cheeks warmed. The fact that you were gawking shamelessly and got caught doing so… just wow.
Words of apology were already on your tongue but the curves of her lips were mesmerising, the elegant slope of her brows distracting, and those eyes… the depth in them threatened to drown you that all coherent thought deserted you. 
“Wow,” you breathed out.
“Excuse me?” Came the bemused question, an instant slap to the face that sobered you up immediately. 
“I’m so–I’m sorry, that’s what I meant to say. I’m–” You palmed a hand over your face as you began but a small chuckle stopped you halfway. You risked a peek through your fingers and saw the woman with her lips to the glass, something akin to a teasing smirk on her face while she remained leaning on the counter by her hip. 
“You’re not from around here, are you?” The woman asked as she took a sip from her drink.
Not really the question you were expecting but you’d rather take a reprieve over a disaster. And at that, you smiled sheepishly at her. “Is it that obvious?”
“Hmm, no, not really. Your slight accent gave you away but your Spanish is impressive.”
“I’m still working on losing it but I’ll take that as a win. I’m assuming you’re from around here?”
“My home town is about an hour away outside of the city but I stay here most of the time for work.”
“That must be nice, being close to home.” Feeling more at ease now, you sipped at your drink. The woman did the same. Then you continued. “So, what do you do?”
For a moment there was nothing but music and chatter as the woman regarded you with an unreadable expression. Her eyes glinted–with what exactly? curiosity?–her head cocked slightly to the side. Then she sipped at her drink again. Did you say something offensive? you wondered.
“I work between the sport stadiums. And you? Where is home and what brings you to Barcelona?” 
It was clear from the vagueness of her answer that the stranger didn’t want to talk about her job and it didn’t help your growing interest for her. You wanted to ask her about further details but the dismissive tone with which she answered made you hold your tongue and her question, anyway, made you pause as you pondered to answer.
As an orphan who lived a few years in the system, the subject of where home was had always been a sore spot for you even if the stranger didn’t mean anything deeper by it. In some sense, your adoptive mom was home but there was always a part of you that longed for… something.  But, of course, you couldn’t bring that up right now especially to someone you just met. So you just told her where you were from, that you were on vacation, and that you work as a photojournalist for a press agency you helped establish. Something in your answer must had piqued the woman’s interest because her brows shot up.
“Which branch do you work in?”
“Spot news. But I’ve been meaning to expand my portfolio and get into another branch. Maybe try sports or portrait?”
The woman hummed in appreciation. “Any sports in particular? Wait, do you even like sports?”
“I honestly know close to nothing so I haven’t made a decision yet, but it will definitely be women’s sports,” you replied. She nodded and sipped at her drink again, never breaking her gaze from yours and you felt your cheeks warm again. Those eyes… they were dangerous; they lit up every nerve in your body and it felt good. You continued. “What about you? Are you much of a sports person?”
And to your total bafflement, the woman beamed at you, radiant and glowing, dimples in her cheeks as mirth shone in her eyes.
“What?” you asked, a bit nervous and at somewhat of a loss. 
The stranger let out a small chuckle, shook her head slightly as she rubbed the bridge of her nose, an attempt to hide her smile. “Nothing, nothing. And yeah, I’m a big sports fan. Then a beat passed before she continued, “you ever thought of covering women’s football? There are plenty of matches happening in the domestic leagues right now.”
“Maybe I will,” you hummed, mulling it over. It sounded good actually. And then you asked, “what else do you suggest for someone to do in Barcelona?”
The woman downed her remaining drink and placed the empty glass on the counter. Before you knew it, you could feel the warmth of her breath against your ear and you shivered when she purred. “Dance, of course.”And then she was holding your hand, pulling you off of the stool you were on, and began dragging you to the direction of the dance floor. 
All at once, warmth encompassed you: the crowd immediately swallowed you both, bodies pressed on you but the heat that emanated from the woman before you was the sole beacon for your attention. She had a loose arm around your waist and as the both of you danced to the music, you took that opportunity to wrap your arms around her neck and pulled her closer. She slowed down and she still had enough height on you that she had to lower her head.
“I never caught your name,” you spoke into her ear. 
“I’m Ale,” she replied. She pulled back to smile down at you. And then, she kissed you. 
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wileys-russo · 8 months
can we maybe get a blurb about bf ale comforting reader after a nightmare? she just screams warmth and calm and i need that in my life
three things II a.putellas
alexia's eyes fluttered open as she felt a sudden eratic movement beside her, the catalan blinking groggily as her sight adjusted to the dimly lit room, able to make our your silhouette sat at the end of the bed, shoulders hunched over as she heard your loud and labored breathing fill the bedroom.
"amor?" she rasped out, sitting up and running a hand through her hair. when you didn't respond the girl frowned, crawling forwards and gently tugging on the back of your top. you jumped about a foot in the air as she did, alexia quickly withdrawing her hand.
"hey. amor what has happened?" your girlfriend asked quietly, accent even thicker in her half asleep state, moving to throw the covers off and slowly standing, coming to squat on the floor between your legs.
her hazel eyes shone with concern as her hands came to rest on your knees, gently rubbing your legs as her heart broke seeing the obvious discomfort and distress in your features.
"it felt so real i-" you mumbled, burying your face in your hands and letting out a small sob you tried to muffle. "oh princessa." alexia whispered realizing you'd clearly had a bad dream of sorts, standing up and pulling your head to rest on her stomach as she gently cradled you.
"you are safe, you are here with me. and i would not ever let anything bad happen to you baby." alexia promised over and over, one hand scratching at your scalp as the other gently rubbed your back, feeling your tears wet her skin, the taller girl only clad in boxers and a plain black sports bra, the night air thick with the heat of a barcelona summer.
"come on princessa." alexia cooed gently after awhile as you started to calm, still clutching tightly onto her as she gently pried away your hands and helped you back into bed with her.
the older girl sat up against the headboard of her bed, sitting you in between her legs resting against her chest as her hands found your shoulders, gently massaging away the growing tension in your upper body.
"three things you can see bonita." alexia whispered, kissing tenderly behind your ear, knowing exactly how to ground you as you nodded, heart still racing a million miles in your chest.
"the desk, your notebook and your medal." you mumbled quietly, trying to even out your breathing, head still reeling and trying to work out if you were still awake or somehow dreaming.
"three things you can feel." alexia mumbled as she kissed your neck softly, hands slipping down to wrap around your stomach protectively, your head slumping tiredly against her shoulder.
"your lips, the bed sheets and your hands." you answered, squeezing your eyes shut as alexia whispered sweet nothings in your ear, the older girl showering you with praise.
"now three things you can smell, you're doing so good hermosa." your girlfriend promised as you finally started to come back down to earth with her. "lavender, nala's bed, you." you breathed out a little shakily, desperately trying to focus on the way alexias short nails scratched your abs, her lips lovingly trailing their own treasure map across your neck.
"and three things you can hear baby." alexia spoke, gently guiding you to lay down with her, strong arms never leaving their rightful place wrappped around your torso. you took a moment to listen, closing your eyes again as alexias lips lingered on your forehead, mumbling tender adorations into your sweat dampened skin.
"the trees moving with the wind, the cars driving outside and..." you struggled to hear anything else, mind becoming fuzzy as alexia wrapped you up tightly in her love.
"hey it's fine amor. you did so good, so so good. my pretty girl, my best girl." alexia praised you, squeezing you tighter as you nodded, starting to feel yourself slip back into what you prayed would be a dreamless slumber.
"go to sleep mi corazón i will be right here beside you, forever and always."
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moonjxsung · 1 year
Not Allowed
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⇢ Pairing: Lee Felix x fem reader
⇢ Summary: You and Felix are childhood friends turned fwb, with no strings attached. Felix leaves to pursue his idol dreams, and you begin your life as a college student. When he comes back to visit your town, he’s drawn to you again- but you’re both leading very different lives.
⇢ Warning: smut lol
⇢ W/c: 15k?
⇢ A/n: inspired by the TV Girl song “not allowed” <3 this has a lot of smut bc the whole song is abt sex so if ur uncomfortable with that, please don’t interact! 
Disclaimer: All characters in this story are 18+. the actions and story represented in this work do not represent Stray Kids in any way; everything described is purely a work of fiction!
“What’s on your nasty old mind?”
Your childhood was by no means perfect. In fact, things seldom worked out in your favor. Born an only child in a middle-class working household, your parents were absent for long periods of time. Mom worked late nights at the hospital in the week, and dad was always away on business trips or out at company meetings. How many of these were actually late-night corporate gatherings and not just another woman he’d sneak off to see, you had no clue. 
School was difficult, although you excelled in your courses, the stress ate away at you and withered you down like a dying flower. Decaying petal by petal, thorn by thorn, you’d find yourself questioning what the purpose of all this was if just to slave away at a desk and make money.
It seemed most everything was at the cost of your time, money, and sanity- except your friendship with Felix. 
Lee Felix- even the name brought back distinct memories. Lazy, carefree afternoons when the two of you would spend hours upon hours scattering the sidewalks with chalk drawings of sea animals and hopscotch squares. Racing each other to the ice cream man’s cart when you’d hear the jingle from a block away. Laughing between singsong acrostic poems over colorful popsicles, the heat melting sticky sweetness onto your fingers, where you’d run them over your tinted red sunburns for some relief. 
Most nights you’d spend at Felix’s house, tucked away in makeshift blanket forts in his bedroom- doing your best to keep hushed while you’d devise plans for tomorrow’s equally carefree July summer day.
Sometimes his sisters would join the two of you, learning all about your games as you’d walk them through the rules and dedicate one of them to the role of referee (per Felix’s sore loser request). But as you grew older, they made their own plans and friends, leaving the two of you to grow up alongside each other. 
Days turned to months, which quickly turned to years that the two of you had been best friends. You observed as Felix grew taller and leaner, his short brown hair framing the introduction of freckles scattered all over his face- cheeks, eyes, and button nose. He couldn’t help but comment when you painted your nails for the first time, remarking he’d forgotten you were a girl sometimes. 
Before you knew it, you and Felix made it to high school, where you each formed your own friend groups. You, a solid group of girls who shared your newfound interest in horror movies and girls nights. And Felix, a group of guys from the soccer team, the sport which he spent most of his teenage years wrapped up in. 
Although you had your own lives, you and Felix remained close. You greeted him with a gentle wave every time you passed each other in the hallways, even if you were with your own groups of friends. Felix admired your newfound love for fashion, often complimenting your outfits when you had a second alone. His favorites usually involved anything olive green- which he made known was the best color on your naturally tanned skin tone. He gave his approval when you got highlights for the first time, experimented with different piercings, and even showed more skin than usual as the spring transitioned to summer. 
You didn’t go unnoticed by the others in your grade- in fact, you became a particularly hot topic when you got your first boyfriend. He was a nerdy little member of the water polo team, with whom you’d spend your days after practice in his car listening to music and sharing stories of his day. It was also then that you shared your first kiss- a short, sloppy encounter in the front of his mom’s green minivan. Nothing that stuck with you in the long run, for the two of you broke up just two weeks later, citing “conflicting schedules”. He was with a new girl a week after that.
Felix was also a popular topic on campus. Girls visited his away soccer games just to watch him play, squealing when he’d score a goal and give them a little wave from down on the field. He had a girlfriend almost every year of his high school career- ranging from the most popular girl in school, to one a year older than him, and even rumors of some from rival schools (none of which were very serious). You often passed him locking lips with a girl when you passed his locker, looking awkward and a bit too happy to be there. It was those times that he had failed to acknowledge you, which you never cared about, considering you indulged in crushes on most of his friends anyway. 
But he still kept you in his thoughts, making small talk when he passed you alone, and even bringing brownies from his mom when she baked a little too much (the famous recipe passed to Felix shortly after). You assured him that things were well, your parents still just as busy, your cat doing just fine, your college applications taking too much time these days. 
He was just as giddy as his younger self, beaming when you shared good news and sending you off with a hug when his girlfriend or soccer buddies would drag him away. You weren’t sure any of them liked you, but they acknowledged you with a small thin-lipped smile every time they came around, which was enough for you. 
Your final year of high school was a turning point for the two of you. You had made it into your first choice of university, a mere two hours from your household, with grades that reflected your hard work. Felix, on the other hand, chose a different career path. 
When he knocked on your door one night, the last person you’d guessed it would be was Felix. You opened the door for him, wrapping your arms around your oversized hoodie that swallowed your frame. 
“Hey!” he said enthusiastically. 
“Felix!” you exclaimed quietly. Nobody was home at this hour, but the way the streetlights lit the dim world beyond your door, it felt odd to talk any louder than this. 
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” he asked politely, to which you furrowed your brows. 
“Yeah, sure... I mean, is it bad? You’re kinda scaring me.”
He chuckled lightly. “It’s nothing bad. I just wanted to give you the news first.”
You squint your eyes, unsure if you should invite him in. It felt odd considering he hadn’t been over in a while, but you didn’t want to make things weird. 
“Yeah- do you want to come inside? Should I sit down for this?”
He chuckled again. “I won’t be long.” 
You stepped aside as he passed through the door, standing with his hands in his pockets as you shut it behind you. 
You led him to the living room, where he sat on the edge of the couch and smiled up at you. You took a seat next to him, facing your body toward him and smiling back. 
“Okay…” you said timidly. 
“Okay,” he began. “You remember when we were little, and I took those dance classes?”
You furrowed your brows at that. “Yeah, the hip hop ones? When you had that little performance?”
“Exactly,” he said. 
“Yeah, I remember. We were so little!”
“We were!” he replied. “Anyway, so I did this tryout at an audition a little while back. It wasn’t really something I told anyone about, you know, in case they rejected me.”
You nodded, waiting for him to continue. 
“And… well… they want me to keep at it.”
You cocked your head slightly, trying to make sense of his vague tone. 
“You mean… you passed the audition?”
A small smile began to form on his lips. 
“Kind of? They want me to keep practicing as a… trainee? And then if I get picked, I could possibly get… signed?” he finished with a questioning tone.
The smile on your face grew as he finished his sentence. 
“They want to sign you?!” you exclaimed, a warm feeling overtaking your chest. 
He laughed. “Not yet, not until I go there and try out officially. But there could be a chance, I guess?”
You jumped up, waving your hands with frantic excitement. “Oh my god, Felix! That’s amazing! You have to do it! When are you- I mean, where are the tryouts? I want to watch as much as I can! How’s that gonna work out with school?”
He sighed. “That was my next point.”
You paused, watching his expression grow worrisome. 
“It’s… in Korea.” 
Felix expected you to cry, to choke up or even to bawl your eyes out. But you didn’t- instead, you gasped with an even bigger smile and gave one solid nod. 
“Go,” you said firmly. “You can’t pass this chance up. There’s always university, and the people here, and life. You may never have this again. Go, and I’ll be rooting for you.”
His smile returned, his eyes narrowing into little crescent moons as he beamed across from you. 
“You think so?” he asked. 
“Oh I know so,” you reply. “Besides, if you get all famous, maybe this stupid town will be known for something other than being a shithole. They’ll say ‘you know that Felix kid’? He’s from there!”
Felix laughed, throwing his head back a little. When the two of you stopped laughing, he looked back at you, appreciation in his expression. 
“You’ve always been here for me. I won’t forget that. Not ever.”
You shook your head, waving a hand. 
“I’m just being a friend, Felix. That’s what we’ve always been to each other.”
He nodded. “Speaking of my best friend, where are you headed after graduation?”
You raised an eyebrow at him, cocking your head in the direction of the acceptance letter on the coffee table. “I don’t think there was ever a version of this universe where I’d be okay with not going.”
Felix’s jaw hung open, head shaking in disbelief. “Well I think this version of the universe knows how lucky they’d be to have you,” he said, extending his arms out for a hug, which you gladly accepted. 
Felix held you against his chest for a minute, rubbing small circles into your back as he remarked how proud he was of you. You parroted the statement, telling him you knew he was going to make it big.
When he pulled away, his eyes darted to your lips for a brief second, and then back up to your eyes. “I can’t tell if that’s the same lip gloss you wore when we were younger.”
You chuckled. “Why would I keep the same tube of lip gloss from a decade ago?”
He smiled, a little embarrassed at his own remark. “I don’t know! You always wore that one. Strawberries? Or something like that.”
“Raspberries,” you said with a smile, and he held his gaze on yours for a second. 
“Raspberry,” he echoed. “She wore raspberry.”
And in the midst of lingering seconds, he gently leaned into you, a strand of black hair falling over one eye. 
“y/n… Can I… Would it be weird if I kissed you?”
You were startled for a second, as the action hadn’t crossed your mind in the time you’d known him.
“I mean, nevermind… sorry, that was weird. I’m just excited and I guess I felt like that would… lock in the moment? God, I’m sorry, that sounds so dumb-”
You chuckled at his nervousness. “Felix, if you wanted to lock in the moment, I’m pretty sure that little tangent did it enough.”
He chuckled too, a little disappointed you didn’t agree.
“Right, that’s probably true. I don’t even know why I asked that. We’re just friends after all, and it’s not like I came here to do that. I literally just got out of my relationship and I promise I’m not hitting on you-”
“Felix,” you interrupted. “I’m happy too. Come here,” you said gently, pulling his face to yours.
He smiled before pressing a tender kiss to your glossed lips, smiling into it and instinctively reaching a hand up to cup your cheek. 
When he pulled away, you laughed and wiped the sweet residue from the corners of his mouth. 
It didn’t feel any different between you two, only your happiness for him was elevated by the emotions running through you following the encounter.
“I’m so, so proud of you,” you told him again. “And I know you’re going to do great things.”
“I’m proud of you,” he echoed. “I don’t leave for a few months, if you want to do something? I mean as friends, obviously…”
You rolled your eyes jokingly. “A celebratory kiss doesn’t change anything between us. Duh, we can do something as friends.”
He laughed lightly. “Cool. I should get going, but we’ll catch up later?”
You nodded, gesturing to the door. “You know the way.”
And with that, he slipped back out into the night, his own house only a few blocks away. 
Graduation came and went, and the two of you seemed to have reconnected again in ways you hadn’t during the entirety of high school. Felix would stop by in the early mornings, sometimes with little desserts he’d baked, and you’d enjoy them in the warm summer heat that enveloped your front porch.
For the first time ever, the two of you connected as blossoming adults. He told you tales of his past lovers- girls you now learned he would usually meet at soccer games away from your campus. He said he only ever really cared for one of them, whom he later broke up with to pursue somebody else he had his eye on. Defeating the purpose of him stating he ever cared for her, in typical Felix fashion.
He recalled the time he got caught cheating on his final math exam in sophomore year, which the teacher excused for how “tired he looked” (his words), and let him off with a gentle warning. He shared that he stayed up late practicing his dance and recording little songs on GarageBand, files which he’d save under recipe names on his computer, in case somebody accidentally came across one. Chocolate Cheesecake was his most recent, one which he’d gone so far as to upload a little thumbnail of the dessert for anonymity. 
You soaked in his tales like you did the sunshine, laughing at his ability to turn the most outlandish scenarios into an adventure. You envied the way he had this long list of stories to pass down before he was even in university. But you shared your own stories back to him, albeit not the most exciting ones. You failed your driver’s test 3 times before finally passing, to which your instructor tentatively warned you to avoid busy streets for a few months.You almost set your house ablaze one night when you slept with a candle lit on your window sill. Nobody was hurt, but your mom scolded you for what felt like a lifetime. Your parents were going through a difficult patch right now, one you could see the possibility of ending in divorce. At this, Felix’s expression turned serious, swallowing at your words and nodding empathetically. 
After exchanging a series of comforting words, he smiled over at you, chuckling at the way you licked your fingers clean of his famous fudge brownies. 
“Is there a lucky guy?” he asked suddenly, wiggling his eyebrows in a curious manner. 
“What?” you replied, trying your best to recall if you’d ever passed his house in the presence of another guy. Nothing came to mind- you hadn’t even pursued another boyfriend since your little water polo romance. 
He chuckled. “Come on, there has to be somebody. I just told you all about the relationship I got out of. Think that’s reason enough to distract me with your version.”
You shook your head, smiling. “Absolutely no one. I don’t think I can do another car seat romance right now.”
He raised his eyebrows in surprise. “A car seat? That’s risque! You weren’t afraid of getting caught?”
You shook your head. “What’s the harm in getting caught kissing? That’s hardly a big deal!”
He furrowed his brows. “Oh sorry, I thought… something else.”
You paused for a brief moment, understanding his implications. “Felix… are you… inquiring about my sex life right now?”
His freckles almost disappeared as his face turned a bright shade of red. He was afraid if you sat any closer, you might feel the heat radiating from the tips of his ears. 
“No! I wasn’t- I just thought,” he stammered. 
You laughed in response. “You could’ve just asked if I was a virgin, you know. That’s not weird.”
His blush grew brighter, if even possible. “Oh god. I didn’t come here to try and get details out of you, I promise. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
You shook your head. “You’re one of my best friends. I would likely tell you if I killed someone, you know.”
He laughed, the flush of his cheeks dying out a little. “Right.” 
After a brief pause, you tilted your head in his direction. “Never.”
He raised his eyebrows a little, trying not to offend you with his reaction. “Never?”
You shook your head no. “Never! It just never happened. Of course if the right guy came along, I wouldn’t be opposed to it. But I’m not going to have sex with just anyone. It’s not that important to me.”
He nodded, taking in your words. There’s a kind of admiration he had for your thought process. And then he began to speak. 
“Me neither.”
You almost jumped up in the swinging bench bench from beside him. “What? No way, I don’t believe you. You’re just saying that to make me feel better!”
He shrugged. “I don’t think I was with anybody long enough to get to that point. Plus, it’s not like I was ever away from my parents or teammates to get up to that kind of stuff.”
You made sense of his words, a silence falling over the two of you. 
“I mean…” he continued. “One of the girls at our second away game of senior year kind of… touched me? In the locker rooms?”
You stifled laughter. “I don’t need to hear the gory details of your almost handjob, Felix.”
He laughed back. “It was over my gym shorts!” 
“Okay, okay! I get the gist!” you retorted, laughing into your hands. 
The two of you fell silent again, the buzz of the cicadas bringing you back to reality for a moment. 
“I should get going,” you tell him. “But thank you for the brownies. You really don’t have to keep bringing them. I’m going out with the girls later so I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“We could,” he said suddenly. 
“What?” you replied, unsure of where his statement fit into your farewell.
“We could. Have… sex?” he clarified. You began to laugh, until you noticed his facial expression had turned serious.
“Felix? What are you proposing right now?”
He shrugged. “I’m not dating anyone. You’re not dating anyone. Neither of us have crossed it off our lists. It’s not like it has to be some big, emotional thing, y’know?”
Your eyebrows furrowed, and then quickly transitioned into a frown. “Are you just trying to get in my pants?”
His face panicked. “No, god no. I’m sorry. I just thought maybe you’d want to. I mean you’re going to college and there will probably be a ton of opportunities for it there. I’ll be living with like 20 guys for a while… I dunno, I just thought… It's stupid. I’m sorry.”
You thought over his words for a while. The thought of it didn’t turn you on- having sex with your childhood best friend. In fact, it was a little gross. But he was right- you hadn’t really checked it off your young adult list. And you wouldn’t see him for months, so any awkward emotions that arose would have months to pass by and dissipate. 
“I’m gonna get going,” he said. “I’m sorry, I feel like I ruined things.”
“Okay,” you said. “Let’s do it.”
His eyes widened. “What?”
“You’re going to propose it and then act like I’m crazy for agreeing?” you replied.
“No, no! I mean- yeah. But only if you want to. Nothing emotional, if you don’t like it we can stop there. But we’ll have the story to tell when we’re both gone.”
“You make it sound like we’re dying, Felix.”
He chuckled. 
“Let’s go inside. I’m not having my first time on a bench outdoors,” you finished.
He nodded, swallowing a big gulp of air. “Okay. I- do you want to take my hand? Or-”
You shook your head, chuckling at how awkward he managed to be sometimes. “Just go inside, I’ll meet you in my bedroom.”
Your bedroom was messier than you remembered. There were boxes scattered from packing for university. You realized Felix hadn’t seen it in a long time. 
Posters of local bands scattered the walls, your mirrors plastered with collections of stickers. Your bed wasn’t made, the sheets sprawled over the edge and tangled from your morning slumber. 
You were the first to lay down, gesturing for Felix to come over from his awkward stance in the doorway. He obliged, crawling on top of you and hoisting his weight up by a single elbow. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asked nervously. 
You smiled up at him, noting the way his freckles were yet again concealed by the blush across his cheeks. 
“Yeah, you can kiss me.” 
Felix smiled down at you, leaning in and pressing a gentle, yet firm kiss to your lips. His ebony hair tickled your cheek, which you reached up to move out of his face. 
It was romantic and slow, and his hands traveled to the small of your waist, pulling you closer to his lanky frame. 
He kissed you for a good while, and you could tell that although he hadn’t slept with anyone, he’d certainly had his share of kissing girls. His lips were plump and soft, and his eyelashes fluttered with pleasure every time you sighed against his mouth. 
You’d almost forgotten the agreement by the time he slid a hand under your shirt. “Is this okay?” he asked, his voice a little out of breath. 
You nodded quickly in response, helping guide his hand to the curve of your breasts. Felix’s breath hitched in his throat as he examined your curves with the pads of his fingers. He awkwardly ran his index finger over your nipple, sighing in response when you let out a little gasp. His fingers were smooth, and oddly cold. 
“So soft,” he said in a voice just above a whisper. 
With growing eagerness in your core, you pulled back and slid your shirt over your head, glancing over at Felix who couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off your chest. You chuckled softly at his expression, mouth agape and stars in his eyes at the sight in front of him. He sure knew how to give you an ego boost. 
“Your turn,” you said, snapping him back to reality. 
“Yeah,” he replied, pulling the back of his white shirt over his head and tossing it aside, getting lost in the pile of your clothes already on the floor.
You observed his body too, taking in every new freckle you hadn’t seen before. They were scattered along his clavicles, painting his chest with little beige constellations and stopping just before his toned pecs. Where there was an absence of freckles, his muscles accentuated generously, jutting out as if begging to be explored. 
You nodded, as if to say nice body, and a knowing smile grew on his pink lips. “Come here,” he said, pulling you close again and pressing chaste kisses to your neck and collarbones.
You really liked neck kisses, you learned, as he took his time brushing a tongue over patches of skin before peppering them with kisses and nibbling with feeble hunger.
Your hands reached up to tangle themselves in his silky hair, which he moaned gently in between kisses in response to. With your hands busy, he took the opportunity to slide a hand down, down- all the way down to your jeans. 
Pulling away from your neck, he didn’t hesitate to snap open the button of your jeans and free your pelvis of the zipper. He didn’t even ask for permission, knowing by your reaction that the answer was yes, absolutely yes, please don’t stop. 
Your hands left his hair to help slide your jeans off, and he towered over you to mirror the action. In between innocent giggles, he gathered both articles of clothing in his nimble hands, before making a dramatic show of tossing those on the floor, too.
You were down to just your underwear, a feeling which made you nervous as you became aware of how exposed you were. But Felix didn’t leave a single spot untouched, showering your skin with kisses as your hands found their way to his hair again. 
“Can I try something?” Felix asked, pulling away to gauge your reaction through his fluttering lashes. You nodded, observing as he positioned himself between your legs, and reached a single hand to your underwear. 
It was your turn for your breath to hitch, growing goosebumps as he placed a single finger to your still-clothed wetness. You gasped in response, the feeling not far from when you’d squeeze your thighs together to sex scenes from your favorite movies. 
“I don’t really know how to do this,” he admitted to you shyly. “Tell me if it hurts, yeah?”
You brought your arms around his neck, smiling up at him and glancing down at his hands. 
“Just circle my clit. With your finger. Like- yeah. Just like that,” you were interrupted by his successful attempt at following your instructions. 
He smiled at your reaction, adding a finger and rubbing slow, thoughtful circles around your clit. You gasped at the heat growing in your core, happily accepting when he leaned down to kiss you as he continued. You stayed like that for several minutes, sweat pooling between your thighs as beams of sunlight glared through the window behind you. 
Slowly, he hooked both fingers in your underwear, moving them aside to expose you, and placed fingers on your now fully exposed wetness. You gasped louder in response, humming with pleasure and gripping his toned bicep. 
“Wait,” you said. “Let me just take them off.”
“Okay,” he replied in a gentle tone, pulling away a bit to let you slide your underwear off and over the bed. 
Once bare, his fingers found their way back to your clit, now working little hearts into your skin. “Hearts?” you asked through a smile, kissing him harder and noting the lewd sounds of tongues and sweat and wetness that now filled the room. 
He hummed in response, bucking his hips against your thigh, and you suddenly realized how hard he was for you. His bulge tented nicely in his gray boxers, the tip of his cock already flat against a generous spot of precum. 
“Sorry,” he said, scared the accidental motion would make it look like he was moving too fast. 
You grinned, shaking your head and propping yourself up on your elbows to look at him. “Take them off,” you requested plainly. 
He gulped and nodded, admittedly scared of baring himself in front of you. You were already fully naked, and he’d forgotten the fact that he still had one article of clothing left to lose. 
“You okay?” you asked, growing concerned at his silence. He nodded, responding by pulling his boxers down over his cock, which grew slowly against his abdomen.
He was just as you expected, veins bulging at his hardness, following the shape of his curvature to the wetted pink head.
“You’re so pretty,” you said, eyes fixated on his cock. He was flushed a rosy shade of pink as you stared, aching to explore every inch of him. Felix greeted your compliment with a toothy smile.
With a newfound confidence, he leaned back down to kiss you, his bulge sitting patiently at the entrance of your sex.
“Do you have a condom?” you asked, and he responded with a nod.
“I never got rid of this after health class,” Felix said, as he fished a silver packet out of the pocket of his jeans which hung off the bed. 
“You’re such a nerd,” you replied, and he laughed lightly as he tore open the packet with his teeth.
You helped him slide the rubber down his length, careful not to pinch any part of his sensitive skin. His breathing was heavy, and you could tell he didn't have much time before he gave in. 
“Ready?” Felix asked, as he positioned himself in front of you again. 
“Ready,” you replied, and you both kept your eyes locked down below as he gripped his shaft and slid just the tip in. 
“Oh god,” you remarked, surprised at the sensation even though he was barely in. “Does it hurt?” he panicked, and you shook your head. “Just a little. Do more, if you can.”
At this Felix, pulled out slightly, and then bucked his hips forward so that he was just barely halfway in. 
“Fuck-” you heard, and you looked up to his eyelids shut tight and nose scrunched. His hair hung lazily around his face, sweat pooled at the ebony roots. 
“Are you-” you began to ask if he was okay, when he slid out and let out a deep sigh.
“I finished,” he replied. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think it would feel that good.”
You smiled in response, relaxing your hands by your side and sitting up. 
“Don’t apologize, Felix. It’s just your body.”
You took note of the tears welling in his eyes, and your expression shifted to that of concern. “Felix?”
He wiped with the back of his hand, sitting back on your bed like a scolded child. “I didn’t mean to finish so fast. I wanted it to last. I didn’t come here for sex, I promise. I just thought it would be a good idea and now it’s over and I did so badly.”
He hiccuped through tears, and you sat up to wipe them from his eyes. “You didn’t do badly, Felix. You did amazing. That was an amazing first time. Don’t apologize for a natural reaction. We’re not pros at this.”
He nodded slowly, sniffling and looking around for his shirt. “Well I guess I’ll go,” he said rather dryly. 
You knew he was going to beat himself up for this, and you couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.
“Felix, don’t go,” you said. “I’m not letting you leave like this.”
“I already ruined things,” he responded. 
“You didn’t ruin anything,” you said. “Plus, we always have next time?”
You surprised yourself with your own remark, blushing as he locked his eyes on yours again.
“Next time?” he questioned, his voice still frail and quiet.
You nodded. “I mean… if you want to? As friends, of course. I liked it,” you shrugged. 
The last of his tears trickled down his cheeks as a small smile grew back on his face, illuminating the room with comfort once again. 
“Yeah,” he said. “I’d like to do it again.”
You nodded, mirroring his smile. “Then we can do it again. It’s not a big deal, right?” 
He shook his head, wiping tears with the back of his hand. “Just… practice I guess? That’s all it is.”
You nodded. “Just practice. Exactly.”
With bleary eyes, Felix rid himself of the condom and clothed himself again, pulling his shirt over his head and buttoning his jeans back how they were. You laid on your side, still nude in your bed, one hand tucked under your cheek, still entranced by the way the sun kissed Felix’s freckles in the June air. You hummed softly as the birds chirped outside, the sounds starkly contrasting the filthy moans emitting from your room just moments earlier. 
“I’ll see you later?” he said, turning to you, his eyes flickering curiously to your chest and and between your thighs again. You tugged the sheets up to your chin, keeping your gaze on him for a minute.
“Busy later, remember?”
He nodded once. “Right. Are your parents home tonight? Or… what are you doing tomorrow?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his helpless words. “Gosh Felix, you’re needy already. I’ll call you okay? I’m not gonna leave you hanging.”
He smiled in response, cocking his head to one side and taking one last look at you. 
He’d never seen you like this, more skin showing than ever before. The way your mascara pooled around your eyes from shutting your eyes in pleasure. The way the last of the sun rays set little orange patches aglow on your olive skin, highlighting your clavicles like an oil painting. The way your smile said so much yet so little at the same time, as if to tell him you’ll be right here the next time. And the next, and the next- and hopefully several times after that. 
He wanted nothing more than to touch himself and stay in for round two, but he was dying to go home and shower the lingering embarrassment off his body. With nothing else to say, he raised two fingers and gave a little salute, trying to send you off in the most casual manner he could, fearing you might change your mind about there being a next time. 
“Catch ya later,” he said a bit awkwardly, and turned on his heel to stride out of your bedroom. 
You said nothing in response, shutting your eyes and letting the evening drowsiness overtake you. 
“You should hear when you’re not around, when it’s just us horny poets”
It didn’t take long before you and Felix were fucking like rabbits for the remainder of summer. 
Handjobs on your porch when it was too early in the morning to be caught. Blowjobs in the backseat of his car, Felix strategically parking on little off roads where no one could interrupt, while his hands pulled mercilessly at your hair. Kisses all over your neck during movie nights, where you’d fold almost immediately and wind up under him for the remainder of- what was that film again? You’re not sure. You were sure of his nimble fingers, and the way his lips could work up just about anything out of you. 
You’re sure he’d been studying pornography, the way his lips pressed little butterfly kisses all over your aching pussy, coming up to suckle your clit and spread your juices all over your thighs with more hungry kisses and nibbles. 
Felix even felt comfortable enough to present you some of the videos he got off to, shyly angling his phone at you mid-makeout session, inquiring about your interest in sucking off his fingers. You challenged him, making him suck your fingers instead, while you edged him over his sweatpants. Note: he really liked that move. 
The two of you were different tunes working in perfect harmony, your erotic ideas playing off of each other, resulting in some of your most intense memories together.
Not every idea worked out as you’d planned, but the time was never wasted. Nights where you couldn’t finish from penetration alone, he’d spend hours working you up with an old massager, his deep voice whispering sweet nothings into your ear while he fondled your breasts.
His words were so carefully picked, diligently selected from your favorite erotic fiction works you’d send him. “You like that? Is your pussy aching for me? Always so wet when I touch you. Could do this for hours…could hear you moan for hours.”
His breath tickled your neck, the sound of his own labored breathing growing louder and then quieter again as he’d brush his lips over your ear and fill your mind with little moans and filthy thoughts. 
And the nights would always end safely. He’d bring his signature baked goods, massaging you in his lap as he fed you little bites of brownies and cookies and pies. 
His words never stopped at sex, showering you with compliments and sweet nothings even if not to arouse you. “You did so well today. Thanks for letting me try that. I’m sorry if it hurts. Let’s try something more gentle tomorrow, yeah?”
And the weeks you couldn’t have sex, Felix never seemed to mind all too much. Sometimes he’d let you watch him pleasure himself, sometimes he’d brush off the idea all together. The stories you shared, and the laughs you got out of each other, were reason enough to spend just about every passing second together.
Felix pulled out, rolling over on his back again, letting out an exasperated sigh and shutting his eyes. 
“Fuck. That was good. Are you okay?”
He forced an eyelid open, glancing over at your still lying body, too tired to speak but nodding through labored breaths. 
“Yeah,” you managed a minute later.
The two of you remained like that for a few minutes, basking in the silence of the atmosphere around you. The world was quiet without the loud moans and cuss words that erupted when you were normally together.
And then came the sniffles. 
When you began fucking, you quickly understood that you were learning things about Felix that maybe nobody knew before you. Not even Felix himself. Like how he scrunched his nose right before he finished, his open mouth following shortly after. The way he apologized after he let out an accidental slut or whore in the bedroom. They helped him get off on occasion, but he detested the thought of you internalizing the words. Or maybe the way his hands cramped quickly when he fingered you- he wasn’t used to using his hands as much as his legs or upper body. Soccer player problems. 
But the most interesting thing you’d come to discover about Felix was his tendency to cry after sex. 
Mornings, afternoons in his car, quickies in your room, it didn’t matter. 90 percent of the time, he’d cry after finishing, his whole face contorting into that of a guilty boy’s, eyes reddening as they welled with tears and found their home on the sleeves of his sweaters or corners of your sheets. 
The second time it happened, you grew concerned for him, thinking it was something you’d done. You tried to break things off, saying “maybe this isn’t a good idea” and “I don’t want to do this if you’re not emotionally ready for it.”
But that only made him cry harder. Wrapping you in his arms and letting out gentle sobs in your knees. Begging you not to go, that he’d work on himself instead. 
It never stopped, and although Felix tried to vocalize it, you always felt sorry for him.
“Sorry,” he’d explain through sobs. “Just felt so good.”
You never invalidated his feelings, always simply nodding at his words and holding him for as long as he needed to be held. 
The truth is, Felix felt emotions so deeply, deeper than even he himself was capable of handling. The orgasms were an emotional high for him every time, pure bliss exiting his body and filling yours, you returning the favor with your praises for him.
When he came down from his high, it snapped him back to reality to remember that this was all temporary. That he’d be gone soon, that you’d be fucking somebody else in this bed within the next few weeks. That he didn’t buy you flowers, nor did he properly introduce himself to your parents, although you weren’t dating. That you’d be so generous to try just about anything with him, going at it for hours to determine what the two of you liked and didn’t like. That you sacrificed your body for his pleasure on nights you weren’t as horny as he was, and that you never made a fuss when he made a mess of you and your sheets. 
That you held him after sex every time, massaging his hair with a gentle caress, telling him about how “amazing he did”  and that he was “so, so good to you.”
And through tear-stained eyes, he’d do the same for you, thanking you until sleep overtook you both. 
Tonight was no different. 
“Hey, hey,” you said to him soothingly. “Come here.”
He sat up, face in his hands for a moment as he let out quiet sobs and shook his head. “It’s no use. I can’t st-stop c-crying…” choked sobs trailed his voice away from you. 
“Felix, you did so well. You always do. Are you overwhelmed? Talk to me,” you said, sitting up to embrace him.
He turned to hug you back, tears falling on your bare shoulder as you shushed him and pressed little kisses to his forehead.
“I’m… I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” You’d heard it a million times from him, but he always felt the need to justify himself to you. 
“Don’t apologize,” you told him. “Don’t apologize for your body. Do you want to grab something to eat? I know it’s late, but McDonald’s is still open.”
He wiped his tears away for the second time today, nodding as you reached over and handed him his sweatshirt. 
When his tears came to a halt, he smiled at you and leaned in to press a chaste kiss to your temple. “Thanks,” he said quietly. “I know it’s the least sexy thing you can do after an orgasm.”
You smiled back at him, standing up to gather your clothes from where they’d fallen. “Hey, I don’t care if you want to do your taxes after sex. I had fun, you had fun. That’s all that matters.”
Felix always admired your ability to downplay everything. No reaction of his was too much when he was around you. He felt normal, comfortable. Safe. 
“Just gonna grab a new pair of underwear,” you said to him. “I’ll meet you back at the car.”
Felix nodded, scrambling out of the tangled sheets of your bed and grabbing his car keys. 
As he exited your room, you took careful note of your disheveled appearance in the mirror. Bruises, messy hair, puffy lips. Tear-stained shoulders. 
“Okay,” you began. “If you had to pick what you’d want your dorm mates to be like, what would  you say?”
You popped a french fry in your mouth, watching as Felix thought over the question. 
“I’d say…” his Australian accent was thick as he pondered for a moment. “I dunno, maybe outgoing? I guess I’m not the most extroverted so I need some balance.”
You laughed. “Be careful what you wish for. Sometimes outgoing can be a veiled statement for annoying.”
He scrunched his nose at you. “Oh god. More annoying than me? I don’t even know if that’s possible.”
You slapped his arm playfully. “You’re right, I think you already beat them in that department.”
He remarked a sarcastic haha at you, taking a sip of his McFlurry before crossing his legs onto his seat.
“What about you- what do you hope the people at university are like?”
You swallowed, giving a small shrug. “I hope they make me feel comfortable.”
His eyes remained on you for a second, and you continued your response. “I just want to experience everything. I want to go bar-crawling with my friends at 2am. I want to go to parties, and study at the library for finals with a group of people who make it all worth it. I just want that typical experience.”
He nodded, his throat suddenly feeling dry. 
He was reminded again that he wasn’t going to be a part of your university experience. You were going to meet new people, make new friends. Fuck new guys. And he wouldn’t be around to be part of any of it. 
“You know,” Felix began. “I’m rooting for you. Even though I won’t be here to see how it all plays out.”
You pulled your lips into a thin smile, nodding. “I know you are. I don’t doubt that.”
“And,” you continued. “I’m rooting for you. I’ll be tuned in to all the programs they put you on. I’ll shoot you little messages about your silly stage outfits here and there. The whole kpop fan image? That’s going to be me, like, times a million. Maybe I’ll drag around your album everywhere I go.”
He laughed at the idea, tossing his head back. “Hey, don’t speak too soon. If things fall through I’ll be back in less than a month. I don’t even speak Korean. Got a lot of learning to do.”
You waved him off. “You’ll catch on. I know you will.”
He held your gaze for a moment, smiling again before leaning in to kiss you. His lips tasted like oreos, and yours lingered of salty fries.
“2 weeks,” he said when he pulled away. “I can’t believe how fast this summer went by.”
You agreed with a slight tilt of your head.
He glanced out the window briefly. The cicadas had gotten quieter now that August drew to a close. You were at the usual spot you hooked up at, parked in his car across a vista point just off the highway. The view overlooked a canyon of trees, which looked like something out of a horror movie at this hour of the night.
He looked back at you and nodded in the direction of the backseat, a gesture you knew very well. You climbed over the center console, already pulling off your sweatpants and adjusting yourself so your legs were propped open. 
Felix followed after you, slipping off his jeans and pulling you onto his lap. 
Hasty kisses met your lips and neck as he gripped your waist and massaged little circles into the dimples that met your lower back. He let little moans meet your mouth as you palmed his already-hard cock through his boxers, rocking back and forth on his thigh to stimulate yourself first. 
One hand reached up and snaked two fingers into your mouth. “Suck,” he instructed.
You wrapped desperate fingers around his wrist, pressing little kisses to the pads of his fingers before slipping them in and out of your drooly mouth. He didn’t break eye contact as you hollowed your cheeks and stared at him through long lashes, moving slowly and savoring the taste of his soft skin. 
“Good,” he said, and you released him with a gentle pop, a string of saliva connecting him to you still.
He licked a stripe along his fingers too, sharing the flavor of your needy spit, before reaching down and moving your underwear aside. 
You gasped as a finger pressed hastily to your clit, rubbing little hearts as he usually did, which he knew drove you wild. He rubbed back and forth, grazing down your slit and back up again, before finding his way to your entrance.
Felix gently inserted a first, and then a second finger, inside your soaking cunt, using his thumb to graze your clit and make you emit breathy moans from the sensation. 
“Fuck,” you breathed, watching him tilt his head to one side. 
“That feel good? Hmm?” He cooed with a smile, already knowing the answer by your pleasured response.
You nodded, eyebrows arched up in pleasure as he moved faster. Felix nodded with you as you gripped his wrist, digging nail marks into his veiny forearm. 
“Felix, would you fuck me?” you asked him politely, your breathing speeding up. 
“Hmm? I am fucking you, sweetheart.” The pet names, god, the pet names. He knew exactly what they did to you. 
“Want your cock in me,” you specified, gripping his wrist again to slow his pace. He hummed in response, moving a strand of hair out of your face and pressing little kisses to your exposed neck. 
Feeling he’d teased you enough, Felix pulled his boxers down and tossed them aside, gasping as you jerked him twice and thumbed at his tip. 
“Fuck, stop,” he begged you. “I don’t want to finish yet.”
You, nodded removing your panties with ease and waiting patiently as he slid a condom efficiently over his length and positioned himself. Before you could lay back and spread, he gripped your waist again, lifting you onto his lap and rubbing against your soaking slit. 
“Wanna fuck up into you,” he said. “Wrap your arms around me.”
You did as told, grabbing hold of his warm gray hoodie and taking a deep breath as he lowered you on to him. 
Felix let out a hearty moan, soaking in how good it felt. You’d ridden him once before, but this was something else. Needy hands grabbed at each other, making desperate attempts to grope your flesh and bring you closer to him. His hands rested on your lower back and syncopated with your breathing as he lifted you down on to him and bucked his hips up into you. 
You felt every inch of his cock twitching inside of you, about to fill you up before you caressed his jaw and pleaded. “Don’t move,” you instructed. “I just want to feel you for a second.”
Felix did as told, slowing his thrusts down and reciprocating as you leaned down for a sloppy kiss. His cock pulsated against your already throbbing clit, sending shivers down your spine as you kissed him again, and again. Making him feel every ounce of your want for him and only him.
His mouth was wet with drool, giant sultry eyes so full of want and need for your body. When you pulled away, you took in his face for a second. Although it was dark, you could still make out the flush of his cheeks around his freckles. Dark strands of hair hung loosely around his jaw, and the musk of his cologne filled the air as he sweated profusely in the steamy car. 
“Okay,” you said finally. “Cum in me. Please.”
The words were all it took before Felix thrust up into you again, his nose scrunching and mouth agape as he shot thick, white strands of his pleasure into the rubber. 
You let out a breathy sigh as he slid out of you, tying up the condom and tossing it aside.
But you didn’t move from off of him, instead holding him and pressing little kisses to his forehead. Like clockwork, the tears began to flow. You kissed them back up his cheeks, letting the salty taste melt on your already salted tongue.
“It’s okay,” you assured, and he sniffled with innocent puppy-dog eyes that looked up at you. You wrapped a hand around his hair, pulling him closer and ruffling his locks with empathy. “You okay? That was really good.”
He nodded, wiping his tears with sleeves that enveloped his hands like little paws. “Felt really good,” he said, letting out another choked sob. 
“I know,” you replied. “I know it’s a lot. I’ve got you.”
It was usually at this point that Felix’s crying began to lessen, but he started crying even harder at your consolation.
“Felix?” you asked, getting worried with his growing sadness. He nuzzled his face into your neck, letting tears fall to your neck and wet your hoodie. 
“Don’t forget me,” he said suddenly, and you were taken aback by his pleading tone.
You pushed him away, tilting his chin up to meet yours again.
“Felix,” you said. “Nothing could ever make me forget you. You’re my best friend. We’ll see each other again.”
He nodded, but a smile was still absent from his expression. 
You pulled him in for another hug, rubbing circles into his hoodie and shushing him gently. 
“My star,” you cooed tenderly. “Could never forget you.”
Your hands grazed the back of his neck as he held you too, feeling small and vulnerable, but safe. Always safe. 
“You may not like it, but you better learn how, ‘cause it’s your turn now”
Felix left on a Thursday.
It was a dark September morning, the day too early to reveal what the weather would bring. He wore a hoodie and his favorite sweatpants, looking especially boyish with a bulky pair of headphones around his neck, his sleek black hair pushed back with a headband. One of yours- one he’d found in the backseat of his car. 
He packed the remainder of his bags, glancing over at your street in the chill of the September air as his mom loaded the car with his belongings. 
I’ll see her soon, he assured himself. After all, you had promised you wouldn’t forget him. 
The day prior was spent with his family, enjoying one last home-cooked meal with his mom and sisters. They exchanged a few gifts they’d generously picked for him, knowing they’d miss his 19th birthday, just 2 weeks out from his departure date.
Felix cried at the gesture, the idea of a birthday spent alone suddenly filling him with dread. 
And after double counting his bags, his family was off to sleep. “Don’t use your phone,” his mother had remarked several times. “We need to be at the airport very early tomorrow.”
And when he was sure she was asleep, little snores confirming his theory, Felix climbed out of his window and disappeared into the dimly lit streets, mentally apologizing to his mom for disobeying every one of her orders.
The air was more unforgiving than when he’d escaped in the summer months, painting little goosebumps on his bare arms and showing his breath back to him when he exhaled. 
Still, he ran. He ran and ran, and he didn’t waste a second booking it to your place.
Your window was left ajar as it usually was, you sitting up in bed with a book. When the crunch of leaves drew your attention to the paned glass, you knew exactly who it was. 
Felix usually did his best to lead into your sessions as a gentleman would, inquiring about your day and sharing little bits of his. But his heartbeat quickened with every passing second, knowing this was it. This was the last time he’d have you for who knew how long, and his body ached for yours already.
You wasted no time helping him climb inside, already attaching your lips to his, as he guided you back into your bed. 
He pulled his t-shirt over his head, slipping off your nightgown too, pressing hungry kisses to your thighs and moaning against your soft skin. 
He wanted to say something, he wanted so badly to tell you how sorry he was for brushing past your day, that he did in fact care, but that he needed all of you first. He wanted to apologize for all the times he ignored you in the hallways back at school, mentally punishing himself for not being a more prominent part of your teenage years sooner. He wanted to tell you that Oreo McFlurries all tasted like you now, and they always would. For as long as he remembered you.
Your hands in his hair brought him back to the moment, and he wasted no time attaching his drooly tongue to your clit, moving back and forth like a starving animal eating for the first time in days. 
His licks turned into saliva-filled kisses, wrapping his lips around your clit and making loud sucking noises as he pulled back and left no inch of your folds untasted. Between his licking and ravenous kisses, you felt your body tense as you reached your high. It must’ve been a new record, you thought to yourself, as your legs trembled and you leaked cum all over his pretty face. 
Your orgasm was intoxicating, but your need for him kept you aching, and you knew you had a lot more left in you still.
Felix’s mouth met yours again, letting you taste yourself on his wet lips. He smiled in between kisses, trailing kisses down to your breasts and suckling each nipple with soft hums. 
“Gonna make you feel so good tonight,” he said for the first time tonight, in between breathless kisses. “Just lay back. You don’t have to lift a finger.”
You shivered at his words, an agreement you normally didn’t do when you linked. You always returned the favor in one way or another, but tonight, he wanted to prove himself to you. 
As he pressed kisses down your torso, he complimented you between gasps for air, making you giggle as you looked down at him. “So… beautiful…” he’d say. “So soft… love how you’re always ready for me…”
His mouth found his way to your clit again, and you didn’t care that you were already overstimulated from your first orgasm. He kissed you all over, paying careful attention to your swollen clit, moaning as you stifled screams and gasps. 
Felix tasted you for what felt like hours. You’d finished all over him a total of three times already, and well into the fourth, you pulled him up by his hair. “Need you,” you said, your insides aching to clench around him just once. 
He didn’t waste any time demanding you specify your words, knowing exactly what you wanted from him. His boxers were stained with dark gray spots of wetness, and you realized he must’ve been aching for you too. The thought of his straining bulge made you even wetter for him, if that was even possible.
Hoisting your legs up around his waist, Felix wrapped himself up and thrusted into you with more force than you’d felt from him before. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes, your nails scratching red marks all over his forearms.
“Does it hurt?” he asked, pausing for a moment. You shook your head no, moving a strand of hair out of his face. 
With that, he thrust into you again, and again, loud moans and whimpers escaping his lips like you’d never heard before. As he watched your fucked-out expression, he snaked a hand around your throat, lining your eyesight up with his. 
“Look at me,” he demanded. You kept your gaze on him, pondering how this was the same person who so delicately kissed you and held your hand when you weren’t underneath him like this. 
“You gonna miss me?” he asked between rhythmic thrusts. You nodded. 
“You gonna think of me when you touch yourself?” he asked, and your heartbeat quickened at his tone. 
“Yes,” you replied, barely above a whisper.
“You gonna tell me when you’re all wet and needy for me? You gonna touch yourself and think of how I fucked you?”
Your heartbeat kept quickening, his words both dizzying and unexpected.
“Felix…” you said, but your voice trailed off as he quickened his pace again.
“Say it again,” he ordered.
“Louder. Want the neighbors to hear how good I fuck you.”
“Felix!” You said louder as he moved even faster, your nails clawing into his back as your own voice filled your ears. 
When you opened your eyes, his nose was scrunched in pleasure, followed by his plump lips parted, which chased his high. He moaned for what seemed like several minutes, thrusting himself empty, and slowing inside of you, making sure you were completely overstimulated before pulling out. 
You sat up quickly, knowing he was going to cry himself silly tonight. As you pressed your hands to his cheeks, already rubbing your thumbs at his lashes, he nuzzled into you and pulled you closer. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, voice shaky with overwhelming sadness already. 
But this time, you felt yourself start to cry, too. Your eyes welled with tears at the sight of him, holding you like a small child clutches a teddy bear, crying into your knees and letting little sobs escape his parted lips. When he heard your sniffles, he looked up at you, pouting through tears at the sight. It was his turn to pull you close, placing a gentle hand to the back of your head and holding you close to his chest, afraid he might break you if he didn’t maintain his fragile embrace.
He didn’t ask why you cried. He just stayed like that, holding you close to him, listening to your quiet sobs like music and grazing his hands over the skin he’d previously bruised and made a mess of. 
Felix hadn’t meant to lose track of time this badly, and you knew he was supposed to leave for the airport in just an hour. 
“Felix,” you said to him. “I didn’t mean to keep you up this late…”
He shook his head firmly, wiping his cheeks with the corner of your sheets. 
“I can sleep on the plane,” he responded. His eyes were puffy and red, and you thumbed over his eyelids in attempts to soothe the irritated skin.
You pulled away, sliding out of your bed and pulling on your nightgown. “Have a little surprise for you,” you said, hoping to get at least a smile out of him before he left tonight. 
It worked, his lips pulled into a curious grin as he slipped a shirt on himself, too.
“What is it?,” Felix remarked. 
You didn’t respond, instead digging through your drawers and pulling out a small tube. 
You tossed it over to him, his skilled fingers catching it quickly and observing it under the moonlight peering through the window.
“Your chapstick!” he said with a smile. “Raspberry.”
You smiled back at him and shrugged.  “Little taste of home.”
He twisted the tube between his slender fingers for a bit, uncapping it and bringing it up to his swollen lips. 
You watched as he glided the cherry color across his smile, running over the tint with his tongue and smacking his lips together lightly. 
“Tastes like you,” he remarked. 
You shrugged again with a smile. “We match now.”
You urged Felix to go home and get at least an hour of sleep, but he refused defiantly, asking to be held in your blankets until he had to leave. 
So you did. And for the last time he was able to, Felix asked about your day. He kept his eyes on you the whole time, careful not to blink excessively in case he missed the way your face lit up at the mention of your future college life. He took note of the way your chest rose and fell with slow breaths, clearly tired but not enough to leave his side. 
You told him all about what you still had to pack before leaving for university. About the book you started this morning, the second one in a trilogy. You recounted your favorite songs, suggesting a few to him, which he added to a playlist for his flight. 
The two of you reminisced the summer days, which had slipped by you in the blink of an eye, taking all your carefree thoughts with them. You voiced your favorite moments in his car- both sexual escapades and late-night McDonald’s runs, and he shared his own discoveries and favorite moments back to you. 
He said he hoped your next lover would appreciate the smell of your raspberry lips as much as he did. And you silently wished he’d find someone who held him after intense sessions the way you learned he needed.
But before you knew it, the clock read 4:48am. 
You knew Felix’s mom would be waking him any moment now, and he needed to be back in his own bed fast. 
“Go,” you said, as he propped himself up and scanned over your alarm clock once again. “You’ll get in trouble.”
You followed as he slid out from your warm comforter, fixing up his hair and towering over you. 
With a straight, yet heavy expression, he looked down and tilted your chin up with one finger, placing a gentle kiss to your lips and pulling away after a few seconds.
“It was fun,” you said, and he smiled in response, though saying nothing back. 
You followed him back to the window, where he hoisted himself over the ledge and back into the cool September air.
Turning on his heel, Felix brought two fingers up to his forehead, giving you a little salute and a smile. 
“Catch ya later,” he said, and disappeared again into the morning fog. 
You hoped so. You really, really hoped so. 
“I’m starting to suspect you don’t intend to do anything you say at all.”
The months that followed were tainted heavily by Felix’s absence. The lulling clouds and light drizzles that spanned far into November reminded you that the seasons did in fact change, whether you wanted them to or not. 
Your college dorm was small and cramped, and the smooth white walls felt like that of a prison most days. But your roommate was nice, and the two of you hit it off fast. Late nights were spent snacking in the dining hall, where the two of you would gossip about the boys you shared classes with, making lewd remarks that remained a fun game between the two of you. 
You spent most of your days in the library, a favorite spot of yours on the 8th floor that overlooked the busy streets and provided ample content to people-watch. 
And you never heard from Felix. 
You didn’t reach out, knowing he was busier than ever, his phone usage probably monitored heavily by the executives there. And such was life- the summer interactions like the games you now played with your new college roommate; between the two of you, and not meant to be an object of permanence by any means. 
But some days, you took it harder than others. 
Some days you were angry with yourself for sacrificing so much, barely recognizing the curves and birthmarks that painted your nude frame, upset that anyone had ever touched them. 
Other days, you stifled toothy smiles in the palms of your hands, when you remembered the activities both of you got up to that summer. Some of the most incredulous, dirty-minded positions came flooding back to your memory, and no one around you would ever suspect such a pristine girl to have tried the things she did. 
You did touch yourself to the memories of them, hoping your roommate wouldn’t hear the little gasps you let out with your hands between your thighs at such an ungodly hour. But as time passed on, the memories were less vivid, melting colors and tastes into obscurity, until you couldn’t get off to them anymore. 
And then one day in your second year, Mark entered your life.
At first, you were convinced there had to be a catch, when he approached you in the library to borrow a pencil, slipping his phone number to you in exchange. 
His dusty blue hair and stylish outfit had caught your eye in passing once, but you’d never considered the possibility of him noticing you. 
Yet that he did, sealing his action with a closed-mouth smile, gesturing to your phone and miming a texting gesture at you. “Yo, like, you should text me or something. I always see you around here.”
You couldn’t help but laugh lightly, fascinated with the casual way he talked. 
“I don’t even know your name,” you remarked jokingly. 
“Oh my bad,” he said, reaching a hand out to you. “I’m Mark. My friends usually call me Mark.”
You laughed again, meeting his hand halfway with yours and shaking once. “Y/n.”
“Dang, that’s a cool name,” he said. “It totally suits you.”
You cocked your head slightly, his words igniting a spark in you. “I’d hope so,” you replied. “Had it for 20 years.”
“Oh cool, you’re like a year younger than me,” he replied. “Second year?” 
You nodded, taking in his features for a second. His warm smile and doe eyes were inviting, yet the way his chiseled jawline framed strands of sapphire hair was hot. 
You stayed quiet for a second, before he broke the silence. “Listen, I gotta head to my evening class. But would you wanna like, grab a coffee or something? Or like, maybe get dinner? It’s a 3-hour lecture so I’ll be out kinda late but I’m probably gonna grab some takeout-”
His rambling was endearing. You cut him off with an eager nod, swinging your bag over your shoulder. “I’ll like, totally text you. Yo.” you said. 
With an amused smile, you looked back once as you made your way to the elevator and disappeared between the twin doors. He kept his gaze on you from across the room, sticking his hands into the pockets of his baggy jeans and smiling back.
The amusing encounter was the start of a whole new chapter for you.
“How quickly they turn sour, so be careful who you screw.”
College came and went quicker than you imagined it would. What took years of mental preparation seemed to fly by, the end of every semester always catching you by surprise. 
You and Mark stuck together through the end of your college career. While he graduated a year earlier than you, he still visited every week of your last year, bringing you iced coffee and showering you with kisses as you studied in your same spot at the library. His friends also took a liking to you, and you were happier than you’d ever been before when you were around him. 
Mark graduated with a degree in biology, getting a prestigious post-college internship at a research institution almost immediately after graduating. You completed your courses in business, excelling in all of them, grateful you had so many friends and a loving boyfriend for a support system. 
And then you graduated, walking the stage in a dark blue dress (per Mark’s request), basking in the cheers of Mark and his friends, who made obnoxious neon signs and bought you the biggest gift basket you’d ever seen. 
You began your work at a small ad agency, spending hours producing digital ads and writing pieces, coming home to your little shared apartment with Mark. It was a dingy box on the South Side, but with a little decorating, the two of you fell in love with the way it brought you closer together. 
You enjoyed the months you couldn’t afford a mattress yet, keeping each other warm on the carpeted floor and using spare jackets as blankets. You bargained for furniture at secondhand shops, scoring the jackpot when you picked up the velvet couch of your dreams, one which you’d quickly come to spend most of your time on. The little kitchen table that only seated two, which proved a problem when you had friends over. But one that the two of you enjoyed home-cooked meals and greasy takeout on together, every night that you possibly could. 
Mark was gentle with you. He was funny, outgoing, and smarter than anyone you’d ever known. You wondered sometimes what you did to deserve him. The two of you grew up together, much like you and Felix once did. 
After graduation, Mark dyed his hair black for the first time in years, which you simply couldn’t get enough of. You lost weight after college, transitioning your closet from comfortable hoodies and sweatpants to dresses and blouses. The two of you coordinated outfits on errand days, which his friends never ceased teasing you for. 
And you were happy. Truly and honestly happy.
One rainy Wednesday night, Mark took you out, deeming it a celebratory event following your raise at work. 
“Here’s to… money,” Mark said with a smile, bringing his glass up to yours with a little clink.
You weren’t hard to please, requesting the celebratory meal be at your favorite ramen shop a couple blocks away. Mark insisted on something fancier, but let you pick your first choice in the end. He never pressured you, one of the many things you loved about him. 
In between slurping noodles and telling tales of work, you were interrupted by music playing on the television high on the wall, drowning out Mark’s story with loud rap. 
“Jeez,” you remarked. “Can’t they lower that? That’s so annoying.”
Mark adjusted his body toward the tv, bobbing his head at the thumping beat. “I dunno, I kinda like it.”
You scoffed. “This garbage? You’re crazy.”
He kept his eyes glued to the tv, eyebrows furrowed in a teasing manner as he continued to bob his head along and ad-lib the loud singing.
“Maniac... Maniac,” he hummed along, laughing at the screen and craning his head to keep watching. 
You watched too, eyes glued to the colorful outfits and coordinated dancing. Your eyes scanned over the lyrics on the screen, realizing at this point that the song wasn’t in English. 
if you think I’m just pure and innocent, you’re wrong, 
when a favor continues, people think it’s their right, toxic, 
this is what drives me crazy, warning
As a deep voice filled the room, your eyes remained glued to the figure in a green coat and purple beanie, heart stopping briefly in your chest while your mind raced a million miles per minute. 
The familiarity of every feature grazed your conscience with a rude awakening. 
You watched as the screen panned to someone with red hair, and another with purple hair. It was a few seconds before you spotted him again, a longer shot of him looking up at impressive skyscrapers. But it confirmed your theory. 
It was Felix. 
Mark’s singing began to annoy you now, the whole restaurant flooding with the same catchy chorus, most eaters now also craning their necks to watch the colorful group dance in sync. 
“Could you stop?” you said suddenly, and Mark turned to you with a confused expression. 
“Stop what?” he asked, questioning your sudden change of tone. 
You didn’t answer, prodding at the noodles left in your bowl with chopsticks. The song overhead finished, transitioning to a slower song sung by a Korean woman this time.
“Y/n?” Mark asked again, waving a hand in front of you as your brows furrowed relentlessly at the dinner in front of you. 
“Nothing,” you replied. “I was talking to my chopsticks. Sorry.”
Mark nodded, glancing back up at the screen and evidently thinking nothing of it. “She’s good,” he said. “Do you think she’s actually playing the piano?”
You didn’t answer, your brain and heart still racing with emotions that made you want to scream from atop a skyscraper. Any appetite you previously had for celebration dissipated quickly. 
Their group wasn’t bad. Not by any means. 
You did your research carefully, strategically logging out of your shared Youtube account with Mark to binge their music videos and interviews. 
Felix seemed to have gone through a million different hair colors already. Black, green, silver, red, pink, even a long blonde wig which you liked more than you cared to admit. 
You watched his interviews, picking him out from the group of 8 every time, keeping your focus on his mannerisms and crafted responses to superficial questions. 
You quickly came to realize not much had changed about him. They dubbed him brownie boy- a name which you chuckled at in a melancholy tone, remembering the taste of them all too well. He loved dancing. He smiled after almost everything he said. His freckles were still his most prominent feature. 
He even spoke of his hometown, telling an interviewer how much he’d hoped to visit again someday. Something you scoffed at, knowing all too well he must be too caught up in the glitz and glamor to give two shits about all of this. 
It became an addiction for a few weeks, picking apart anything he said and interpreting where he’d been, what he’d seen out there. Who he might have fucked after you. 
But the clips pointed you nowhere, filling your mind with useless knowledge about his various taekwondo medals and first impressions of his members. 
And just like it entered, your new fixation exited your routine suddenly. 
You tossed your phone on your bed one night, letting out an exasperated sigh after closing three tabs of useless articles and finding nothing in them. 
“You good?” Mark asked. 
You pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration. “Just stressed.”
He turned to face you, placing his phone down by his pillow as well.
“Is it that new thing at work?”
You rested your cheek on your hand, turning to face him too, noting the genuine look of care in his widened eyes. 
“Yeah,” you replied. “Something like that.”
He held his gaze on yours for a minute, his eyes stretching into a smile as he let out a little laugh. 
“Well you know I’m always here for you. Do you want to, like, talk about it or something?”
You smiled back at him, shaking your head in response. 
There was no feasible explanation as to why you were bothered by the whole thing. The whole affair was nearly 5 years old now- you were a completely different person at that time. Maybe it was the idea of giving your body to someone who was so unchanged by it, he’d moved on to a whole new life without so much as a phone call. You loved Mark. You wouldn’t trade the relationship between you two for anything- or rather, anyone. But the pent up anger from being a side piece to someone who only pretended to care about you to get in your pants was hard to ignore. 
“Y/n?” Mark interrupted, and your gaze snapped back to his, humming in question.
“I asked if you were in the mood tonight.” He repeated shyly.
“Oh, uh. Yeah! Sure.” You tried to slide your shorts off awkwardly, the knot on your waistband getting stuck as you rushed to fulfill his ask. 
“Stupid pants,” you said, fumbling clumsily with them and quickly getting angry.
He raised an eyebrow. “It’s okay, we don’t have to do anything tonight. I’m kinda beat anyway.”
You fiddled with the knot some more, keeping your gaze away from his now, hoping he wouldn’t notice any change in your demeanor. 
“No no, it’s cool,” you replied dryly. “Seriously, I want to.”
Mark reached over, pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead and retying the string on your pajama shorts. 
“I’m not doing anything when you’re all distracted. It’s not right. Go to sleep. Tomorrow we’ll go somewhere for breakfast, yeah?”
With one hand gently grazing over your stomach, he reached over your small frame, turning out the lamp and pulling you closer as darkness washed over the room. A small sliver of moonlight through the window shone over your face, and you hoped Mark wouldn’t notice the single tear running down your cheek. 
“Do the wires in your mind get sewn together, rubbed and severed by the heat?”
The whole thing was stupid. You knew that, and you couldn’t keep doing this to Mark. 
He’d been there for you since the start of your life without Felix, and you never had to doubt the love he had for you. Mark was a permanent fixture in your otherwise monotonous life and the only interesting thing about it, at that. 
Maybe this was the universe’s way of reminding you to be grateful for what was here.
And that you were. You made it up to Mark several times since that week, surprising him with new lingerie sets when you could, and cooking a week’s worth of his favorite meals. 
“It’s not even my birthday…” he’d always remark through hungry kisses, barely having time to set aside his briefcase before you dropped to your knees and finished him off right there in the hallway. 
And things seemed to go back to normal. 
Or at least you thought. 
The business campaign you were working on was stressful- that, you hadn’t lied to Mark about. 
Late nights turned into early mornings in front of your laptop, typing away at spreadsheets and pulling together presentation decks for your boss.  
Mark typically knew when to leave you alone, only interrupting to bring you hot coffee and little snacks late into the night, until he’d fall asleep in the bedroom and wait for you to join. Sometimes, your work consumed your ability to sleep. 
Tonight, after dinner, Mark tended to his usual routine of brewing you a cup of coffee, knowing it was going to be another late night for you. 
Just a few more days of this, you promised him.
He wasn’t mad at your dedication to your work, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss cuddling in bed together. 
“Shit,” you heard him say loudly. “We’re out of creamer.”
You glanced up over your laptop. 
“Darn. I’ll just have it plain.”
He bent down to the first level of the fridge, peering around like a bottle might suddenly appear. 
“Nah, I’ll go buy some. I’ll just be a few,” he said, closing the door and adjusting the knit black beanie on his head.
You looked up at him again, feeling a sense of guilt as he scanned the granite counter for his car keys.
“No no, you stay,” you said to him, lowering your laptop screen but not closing it fully. “I’ll go. I need a break anyway.”
He cocked his head a little. “I don’t even think the grocery store is open this late. Let me go to the convenience store and get one of those small cartons.”
You shook your head again, standing up and reaching for the keys that had been in your eyesight the whole time. 
“I’ll go to the one further away. No biggie.”
Mark smirked a little as you pulled on your sneakers. “You’re getting in the way of my plan to secretly buy those cookies I like.”
You let out a gentle laugh, pressing a kiss to his cheek and slinging your purse over your shoulder. 
“Was already on my shopping list, silly.”
“Love you!” He shouted behind you, laughing as you jokingly waved him off and made your way to your car.
Your favorite convenience store was a few minutes away, by your parents’ house. They didn’t have an extensive selection of groceries, but they did have vanilla coffee creamer, and Mark’s favorite cookies. And that was enough to keep you coming back. 
It was the same convenience store you’d practically grown up at, piling rice balls and mochi donuts on the counter after every drunken night out. 
So much that the staff knew you by name, often “forgetting” to scan an item or two and keeping it a secret from the store manager. 
The little bell chime indicated your entrance, and right away you were met with enthusiastic greetings from the employees. 
“Y/n!” the regular employee exclaimed, ushering you to the newly placed display of rice balls. 
You chuckled in response. “Just here for creamer, actually! But that is very tempting.”
You made your way around the display to the fridge, grabbing two bottles and hastily finding your place in line.
Only two people stood in front of you, and you scrolled through social media on your phone as they rang up their items and trickled out of the store. 
At your turn, you placed both bottles on the counter, suddenly remembering Mark’s cookies you’d forgotten. “Sorry, let me grab one more thing!”
You sauntered two aisles down to the cookies while the cashier scanned, and then stopped when you noticed one box left on the shelf. One that was already being carefully examined by another shopper. 
Feeling a sense of discouragement, you pretended to look over the other options, knowing very well Mark didn’t like just any option. He was always very passionate in his request for jam-filled shortbreads. 
The shopper stood tall, back faced to you, as they scanned the nutrition labels and shifted the box around in their grip. 
Just decide, you urged them mentally. 
“Excuse me, are there any more of those?” You spoke suddenly, surprising yourself with your rather sharp tone. 
He turned on his heel, a serious expression on his face as his eyes met with the rushed voice. 
And you knew immediately. 
Despite the black beanie pulled snugly over his locks, oversized hoodie that swallowed his figure, and a thin black mask covering his nose and mouth, you knew in his eyes. 
Almond brown eyes filled with warmth and intensity, offset by the familiar beige galaxies that scattered across his eyelids, the rest concealed by his dark mask. What a shame it was, to cover something so beautiful. 
You could tell he knew, too, his gaze fixated on yours for a minute, saying nothing as he maintained his tenacious grip on the cardboard box. Your thoughts ran at a record pace, swirling around your head like harsh waves in a tsunami, searching for something- anything to cling on to. 
Say nothing, you told yourself. Leave. 
And before he could get a word out, you dropped your gaze to the tiled floor below him. “Nevermind. You can keep them.”
The convenience store spun all around you, much like the storm brewing in your head, as you practically sprinted back to the counter and slapped a twenty in front of the employee, who’d already bagged your coffee creamers. 
“Keep the change,” you said to him, before snatching the bag off the counter and making a beeline for your car. 
Your hands shook as you put the key in the ignition, seeing him exit the store out of your peripheral vision. Like a lost animal searching for safety, his head scanned over the cars in the parking lot, stopping in dismay as he recognized you again, this time through your foggy car window. 
Your head remained straight, forced tunnel vision on the giant soda advert plastered on the window of the store in front of you. 
And without so much as a glance in his direction, you made your way out of the lot and back toward your apartment. 
Hours spent replaying the interaction in your head quickly turned to days, and Mark could tell once again that something wasn’t right. You felt yourself sink back into that place of uncertainty and unresolved doubts. 
On top of that, your daily routine was beginning to drive you crazy. Wake up, work, come home, work. 
Sleep. Repeat. 
It also didn’t help that things between you and Mark had fallen tense in the past few weeks. 
Nights you worked late, he often did too, staying at the lab for a few hours extra and coming home more tired than ever. You tried to initiate intimacy with him, but it seemed he was the one declining lately. 
During your few minutes together before work, you broke the groggy silence to speak. 
“I need to go to my parents’ for a few days.”
He furrowed his eyebrows at you, cocking his head while chewing his toast. “Your parents’ place? Like, across town? Why?”
You shrugged, swirling a spoon around in your bowl of cereal. 
“I need some time. And space.”
He swallowed his bite of toast dramatically. “Are you- I mean, are we okay?”
You reassured him with a small smile. “Yeah, we’re okay. It’s just the stress of work and life. Want to make sure I get time to say hi to mom and dad, you know?”
Mark nodded. “Yeah, for sure. When are you planning on going?”
You got up from your seat at the table, bringing your bowl to the sink and giving it a light rinse. “Tonight. I’m just gonna pack a bag and go straight there after work. I already let my boss know I’ll be out for a couple days.”
Mark nodded again. “Okay, well say hi to them for me. I’ll hold down the fort over here.”
You walked over to him, pressing a little kiss to his temple, and grabbed your laptop.
“We’re okay,” you repeated. “And I love you.”
He didn’t respond, looking down  at his food as he pondered your words.
You left for work earlier than usual, stuffing a duffel bag of clothes in your trunk and letting your parents know you’d be there later. The work day went by slowly, projects and emails confirming that you did indeed need a few days away from all this. By the time the end of the day finally rolled around, you wasted no time booking it to your car and changing out your heels for a pair of sneakers. 
Your childhood home was on the other side of town, but the rush hour of traffic on a Friday evening doubled the time it took for you to get there. When you did, mom was already out for her night shift, and dad wasn’t even home for the week. 
Maybe coming here for the purpose of saying hi to mom and dad was a bit of a lie. But you had been honest to Mark about needing time and space. And several days off. Days you hoped to spend curled up in your childhood bed catching up on sleep. 
Your room was largely unchanged. There were still little holes scattered on the walls from where your posters were hung with thumbtacks, but the walls remained void of any new decor. The carpet was the same too, down to the prominent coffee stain you’d gotten on it nearly a decade ago. Your window still gave a clear view of the streets beyond yours, framed artistically by overgrown vines in the front yard.  
With a deep sigh, you leaned against the frame of the sill, soaking in the familiarity of it all. It was just like you remembered, and a part of you almost hoped you’d see something different. Maybe even someone. 
There was no doubt that the room brought memories of Felix flooding right back. You still remembered the way he’d knock on your window, always giving three straight thumps so you’d know it was him. A habit you found funny, remembering that he’d warn you not to open the window for any less than 3 knocks- because “2 knocks could be a serial killer’s greeting. And one knock could be a bear.”
These walls had heard some of the most obscene confessions, seen some of the most indecorous outfits you’d wear for him and only him. And yet, you found solace in knowing that they also housed some of the most intimate crying sessions, giddy laughter, and a blossoming relationship that would follow you so many years later. 
You stepped away from the window, finally making way to your bed and lying down with an exasperated sigh. Maybe a part of you hoped Felix was still in town. Maybe a part of you even came here on the off-chance he would come visit. 
Thoughts you shoved to the back of your mind, not having the emotional capacity to deal with the idea that you longed to experience it all over again. 
Mornings in your parents’ house were nothing like the way they were at Felix’s. Mom was always asleep for the day, having come home early in the morning from her shift. Dad usually wasn’t home. 
Such was the way things were when you awoke the next morning, birds chirping outside your window to indicate the start of a new, sunny day. You rolled over in your tangled sheets, squinting heavy eyes at your alarm clock and catching a glimpse of the time.
You’d surprised yourself with how tired you were, stretching your limbs lazily and staring at the blank ceiling above you. When you finally sat up in bed, the smell of breakfast hit your nose instantly. 
The house filled with scents of grilled meat and freshly brewed coffee, and you could make out the faint noises of the toaster popping and oil sizzling. 
Mom must have prepared breakfast for your return today. You wasted no time putting on your house slippers and bolting out the door to greet her, already appreciative of her kind gesture. When you turned the corner into the kitchen, a foreign sight caught you off guard. 
Your mom stood in front of the stove, scrambling eggs around in a frying pan as you’d predicted. 
And sat at the dinner table, stuffing forkfuls of Canadian bacon and sips of hot coffee in his mouth, was Felix. 
You audibly gasped, and Felix looked up from his plate to acknowledge you. 
He wore a plain white t-shirt, his straight hair hung loosely around his face with no particular placement, yet still somehow perfectly styled. 
A pair of silver earrings dangled by his neck as he looked up at you, mouth full of food. In an instant, he pushed his chair out from behind him and stood up, saying nothing as he continued to chew. Without the ability to talk, he gave you a small wave, which you ignored. 
You were suddenly self-conscious of your own appearance, looking far too casual in a tank top and shorts, house slippers loudly announcing you’d only just woken up. Your hair was still in yesterday’s work bun almost falling out of the flimsy hair tie, and the lack of makeup was more than hard on the eyes. 
Before he could finish chewing to get a sentence out, you shouted out to your mom, who still hadn’t noticed your arrival. “Taking a really important work call in the other room, could you keep it down please?”
She shouted back over the loud sounds of oil sizzling. 
“Sure thing, but look who’s here! Ah, it’s burning! Hold on,” And she turned her attention back to the stove. 
You looked over at Felix again, who’d finished chewing at this point, still standing awkwardly in front of his plate and fiddling his hands together like a lost child. 
“Oh… it’s nice to meet you.” You said, with a little bow, turning around quickly and disappearing back into your room. 
You refused to entertain this. You weren’t going to give him what he wanted, to pretend he was interested in your life just to get in your pants one more time. You’d humiliated yourself enough the first time. 
Back in your room, you locked the door with force and shoved your desk chair under the knob, triple-checking to ensure it couldn’t be opened. You shut the blinds and hopped back into your bed, wrapping the comforter around you and trying your best to steady your breathing. But it was no use; the tears began anyway. 
You can’t remember how long you cried- it must have been hours before you drifted off to sleep again. When you woke up for the second time that day, it was well past 5 in the afternoon. 
Your skin was sticky with sweat and your hair was begging to be let out of its knotted mess. When you rolled out of bed, a pounding headache made itself present. Crying and sleeping for hours were always a lethal combination. 
After a long shower and some time to think it over, you felt small and stupid again. Were you doing the right thing? What was the point of coming here if not for closure? Why were you even here? 
A fleeting voice told you to ditch the whole trip and go back to the apartment. Back to your safe space with Mark, where the two of you could marathon dumb movies and make love on the couch like you always did. 
But you quickly dismissed the thought, reminding yourself that you weren’t going to let some dumb fling drive you away from a much-needed vacation at your parents’ place. When you confirmed that the coast was clear, you made your way back out to the kitchen, where your mom sat at the dinner table with a book. 
“Hi honey,” she said. “We waited for you, figured you got caught up in that work call of yours.” A slight raise of her eyebrow indicated she knew. 
You sighed, sitting on the chair across from her. 
“Want to tell me what happened?” She asked. 
You shook your head. “Things are just difficult right now. I don’t want to get caught up in… things that I shouldn’t.”
She nodded, setting her book down. “He left you a little gift in the corridor.”
Then she got up from her seat and hoisted her purse over her shoulder. “Leaving for the evening- make sure you lock all the windows before you sleep.”
When she was out of sight, you made your way to the corridor, finding a little white box on the console table by the entrance. It was wrapped neatly with a blue ribbon, in typical Felix fashion. You pulled one end, watching the tie come undone, and carefully lifted one end to reveal the contents inside. 
The scent hit you before the sight, and you knew instantly. His signature baked goods. 
You were up much earlier the next morning. The fresh summer air beckoned you to go outside, which you did, completing an almost 3-mile jog. Post-exercise, you ate a full breakfast, and then called Mark, his phone going straight to voicemail. 
It wasn’t typical of Mark to sleep in, but you knew he was busy at the lab late these days, so you opted for a quick text instead. 
Late night again? Call me when you can. Love you :)
There was something so freeing about having no plans, no to-do list, and better yet, no monotonous routine like you had most days.It was like you could do anything you wanted while you were here- which you did. You watched old reruns of cartoons, flipped through ancient yearbooks kept in boxes out in the storage shed, and even repaired some of the flawed spots on your walls with a can of white paint you found. You also finished piles of chores around the house for your parents, going so far as to fold and hang all their laundry for them. By the time you’d put away the last of the socks, it was well past 5 in the afternoon. 
The loud sound of the doorbell startled you from inside your parents’ shared closet. Had they been expecting any packages? The gardener, perhaps? You cautiously made your way to the front door, smoothing down your blouse and adjusting your shorts that had ridden up while you worked. You unlatched the door and opened it, feeling a drop in your chest as you locked eyes with the figure. 
“Hi,” he said, keeping his gaze locked on yours. 
You cleared your throat. “Hi…Can I…help you?”
His lips parted slightly, closing again as his expression changed to that of dejection. 
“Um… I just came to drop this off.” 
You looked at his hands; which clutched a little white envelope. 
“Okay,” you replied, reaching out to take it from him. He pulled his hands back a little so that the envelope was just out of reach. 
You looked up at him again with a questioning look. 
“Did I… I mean, how are you?” He asked awkwardly. 
“Me?” You said in reply, feeling annoyed at his persistence for an interaction. “Is this a new mailman greeting? I’m good. Can I get my mail now?”
Your heart dropped as soon as you finished speaking. It was a despicable bit you kept up, enough to hurt even yourself. 
His lips pulled together in a thin line, raising his eyebrows and looking down at his feet. 
“Ouch. Yeah, here you go.” He handed you the envelope, turning around and marching off without a word. 
You watched his head hang as he took confident strides away from you, getting farther out of reach with each passing second. 
“Wait,” you called after him, a moot point as he only kept walking. 
As soon as he was out of sight, you slammed the front door, eyes welling up with tears as you slid down the door and dropped to the floor. Why had you said something so stupid? You imagined yourself in his shoes briefly, shaking your head at the thought of him reducing your existence to that of a delivery person.
It was the third time this week you’d fucked up a chance at making amends with Felix. And by far the worst one- there was no way he’d be back any time soon. Or ever again, for that matter. 
You wiped tears with the back of your hand, suddenly remembering the letter he came here to drop off. After a few deep breaths, you examined it in your shaky hands, thumbing over the ink on the back that spelled your name. His handwriting looked the same as it did so many years ago- so neat and carefully placed. You tore it open timidly, pulling out a little yellow card. 
It’s been a while
I hope you still like brownies!
I’m going to the new coffee shop across the street tomorrow if you’d like to join
PS- I’m sorry for dropping by unannounced!
You read the letter once, then twice, then six more times before you could even comprehend what it was. 
Despite your ingenuous behavior all week, he was still willing to try and fix things with you. That was, up until a few minutes ago. The invitation still sat in your hand, but it would be a miracle if he agreed to go anywhere near you after the stunt you pulled. 
You tossed the letter aside, burying a tear-stained face in your hands as you began to cry again at the thought that you’d likely never see him again. 
He’d slipped through your fingers yet again, only this time, it was entirely your fault. 
“You’re wasting your time with lame excuses and lies”
Why were you even trying? In what universe would Felix agree to see you again after the stunt you pulled? 
It didn’t matter. Chalk it up to pure delusion and naivety, but you were up bright and early, all dressed up and ready to meet for coffee with him. If he didn’t show, you’d surely owe him an apology, which your ego silently prayed you wouldn’t have to track him down to deliver. And if he did, things would be unbearably awkward. You’d lose either way- but that’s not to say he hadn’t already had his share of loss dealing with your abhorrent attitude. 
You were grateful you packed some of your nicer clothes while you stayed at your parents’. You’d settled on a feminine white peasant top, a pair of fitted slacks, and spent the morning curling your hair to convince him you weren’t always an unpresentable slob despite the way you’d appeared all week. 
When you arrived, the shop was teeming with young couples and coffee connoisseurs. The lively atmosphere combined with gloomy warm lighting made for a romantic date location- forcing you to remind yourself that this was not in fact a date. You verily assumed it to be a working session- one where you two would sort out the awkward encounters and establish boundaries again. Followed by some brief small talk and a proper send-off so that you could finally shut him out of your mind for good. 
A short staircase led you to the upper level, where most of the tables were neatly decorated with glass vases of daisies that thrived in the sun beams illuminated along the rows of windows. You clutched your bag, looking around nervously and trying your best to steady the rapid thump of your heartbeat in your throat. Couples. Couples. A family. A pair of sisters. 
And on the last table, Felix. 
He looked mature in a sleek white turtleneck and dangly silver earrings, his ashy locks tucked neatly behind both ears. As you approached the table, he looked up for a brief second, shifting his eyes away once again as you pulled out the chair across from him and took a seat. 
You waited for him to say something, which he didn’t. 
Conversely, your pride didn’t allow you to speak first. 
“You’re blonde,” you said suddenly, your voice coming out much shakier than you had anticipated. 
He focused on you again, expression unchanged. 
“So you do remember me.”
Link to part 2 here
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misseviehyde · 7 months
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Lauren found the latex gloves in her dead step-mom's 'bitch box' - that secret box of slutty sex toys that her cruel, spoiled, step-mom had kept in her bedroom.
They were long black opera gloves - shiny and black, each one long enough to reach to her upper arms. There was something 'compelling' about them and she found herself stroking them and shivering at how good they felt.
Of course; she was supposed to be clearing Monica's things out of the house not playing with gloves. Her sisters Sarah and Rose were busy helping too but her Dad was too upset to assist.
Lauren wasn't upset though. She wasn't glad that Monica had died in a car accident, but she wasn't sad either. That cruel and heartless bitch had gotten what she deserved.
Curious - Lauren took her hand and slid it inside a glove. Pushing it inside she shivered at the delicious feel of the latex engulging her hand. The glove was skin tight and as she pushed her hand into the fingers and worked them in, she enjoyed the sensation of the rubber material against her skin.
The glove extended down her arm. She noted the fingers were slightly tapered, then remembered Monica had always sported long sexy nails. These must be a custom job.
Stroking her face feverishly with her latex hand, Lauren groaned. Why did it feel so fucking good?
Picking up the other glove she eagerly pulled it onto her other arm. After a few minutes adjustment - she was now latex clad and she loved how wicked and hot the gloves made her look.
What was wrong with her? This wasn't how she usually behaved!
Suddenly she heard a voice behind her and turned to see her older sister Rose. She was in her early thirties, bossing it over the two much younger women. Rose always thought she knew best and wasn't shy of telling her sisters about their inadequacies.
"Lauren. What the hell do you think you are doing? Take off those ridiculous gloves. Were those... Monica's?"
Striding across the room with an imperious expression - Rose towered over her shorter sister and folded her arms under her bigger breasts. "I thought today of all days we might be able to rely on you to be helpful. Take those off at once."
Lauren felt an unusual sensation of defiance swell inside her. Wearing the gloves was making her feel different. She felt far more confident than usual. But more than that... there was a strange... hunger. The gloves on her arms seemed to tingle and as she looked at her older sister Lauren felt the hunger grow.
So bossy... so busty... so confident.
Before she knew what she was doing Lauren was reaching out and gripping Rose's head in her latex hands. "Kneel," she commanded.
To her amazement Rose obeyed and her hands now on either side of her sisters head - Lauren began to feed.
She didn't know how she did it - but the gloves power was now instinctive. She could feel the traits and attributes she hungered for in her sister and all she needed was skin contact to drain them.
"Yesssssss yesssssss give it all to me you bitch."
"N...nooooo," gasped Rose. "Lau.. Lauren what are you doing to me?" But Lauren wasn't listening anymore.
Lauren moaned like a slut as she drained her sister and sated her hunger. She breathed in and groaned feeling a delicious energy sucking up through the gloves and filling her up. She sucked and she sucked, draining the attributes she hungered for.
Confidence filled Lauren. A bossy powerful confidence that only comes with age and maturity. Lauren began to grow taller, her sisters height diminishing as Lauren's latex fingers twisted into her hair and her eyes rolled up into her head.
Being drained felt wonderful too. At first Rose had panicked, but now as her sister slurped out her personality and physical attributes a wonderful calm filled her.
Lauren's mouth was open, her head thrown back. Her nipples were hard and her pussy dripping as she felt bones crack and pop. She was getting older and sexier as she drained Rose's age and confidence. She now looked like a woman in her thirties or early forties with an assured cock to her hip and a self possessed confidence that shone through.
"Ohhh yes. I feel so fucking strong and powerful. Now... give me those fucking tits," hissed Lauren with demonic glee as her hands tightened around her sisters head.
Moaning in orgasmic bliss, Lauren drained her sisters tits. They deflated even as her own magnificent rack expanded outwards, causing her clothing to rip and tear.
Her sisters age, confidence and tits drained - Lauren felt the hunger recede and she let go of her now flat chested younger looking sister.
Rose was now a boyish looking girl and also a nervous anxious wreck. She bit her hair and looked up at her sister in worship. Being drained seemed to leave the other person completely in thrall. Lauren liked it.
"My body needs a new outfit," growled Lauren inspecting her ripped clothing in annoyance. "Something to make me look like a Goddess." Striding to the Bitch-Box she smirked as she pulled out a latex corset and boots to match her new gloves.
Unconcerned, she stripped naked and then squeezed into the outift. Admiring herself in the mirror she clopped effortlessly over to Rose and stroked her face. "Now I look like a true Goddess."
In fact now she looked just like an evil dominatrix. In fact she looked rather like Monica used to look.
She was considering draining Rose again when suddenly Sarah, the other sister, walked in and her mouth dropped open as she saw her transformed sisters.
Sarah was the brightest of the sisters. She was super smart, with an Oxford degree. She had also inherited their mothers silky raven hair. Both Lauren and Rose had mousy brown hair and Lauren had always been jealous of her sisters hair.
She felt the hunger begin to rise.
Sarah backed away as her sister approached with a clop of heels.
"I don't know what the fuck is happening here, but keep away."
Lauren just smiled a hungry look in her eyes. "Rose... hold her."
Backing away had put Lauren near Rose. Suddenly the other woman leapt up and pinned Sarah's arms behind her back. Before she could break free, latex hands were on either side of her head and she heard a voice she could no longer resist tell her to kneel.
"Fuckkkk yes. I want your brains. I want to be so fucking smart no one can stop me. Give me ALL of your knowledge."
Lauren was practically cumming as Sarah began to drool. Sarah's eyes rolled back into her head as her evil sister drained her smarts. Drooling and giggling her IQ reverted to that of a dumb bimbo as Lauren smiled a wicked grin of victory.
"My mind is expanding... mmmmh oh yes, I feel so much smarter and capable now. "
"Like you're like sooooo clever," giggled Sarah now a happy idiot as her sister removed her hands from her second thralls head. She gazed adoringly up.
Long black raven hair now fell around the Goddesses perfect face. She finally had all the attributes she wanted from her sisters.
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"Come then girls," smiled Lauren after finishing admiring herself. "There's nothing else left at this house for me to take. Let's head out into the world and find more people for me to drain."
Walking off with a clop of heels, her obedient thralls in toe - Goddess Lauren set off.
She was the bitch now and she loved it.
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hrtsdevils · 7 months
anyway don’t be a stranger. | fall to me au
summary reader, despite not being close to quinn, gets emotional over him leaving and reminisces on their memories.
pairing hughes family friend!reader x quinn hughes
wc 1.1k
a/n they’re so sweetie pie i love them!!!! also pls suggest nicknames for reader :)
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Quinn and you were never as close as you were with Luke and Jack. There were a few reasons, one of them being he was a couple years older than you. He was also always more close with your brother, Caden, then he was with you since they were much closer in age, and both boys who loved hockey. You still loved him, though. He was like your older brother, much like Luke was your baby brother. He was a role model for you growing up, someone to look up to as he moved throughout life— albeit at a distance from you.
He gave you shots of advice while growing up, from helping you with your shot in soccer to random information that might be helpful to you one day.
“Here, sissy. Let Jack be the goalie and try shooting from your left side instead.” He suggested to you, one free afternoon when you guys were twelve and fourteen. For the most part Jack and Quinn had abandoned soccer as their main focus was hockey, but you still loved it. At the time, you’d been struggling with your shot. You were a right wing striker, so Quinn asking you to switch sides was a weird concept to you.
You messed with your pre-wrap and jogged over to the other of Quinn, “Like here?” You questioned.
“Yeah, you got it.” He started to run up the field and he passed the ball your way. You traveled up the field before shooting it in the top right corner of the net. It was the best goal you’d made all day.
You grinned and ran to hug Quinn, “I finally did it, Quinnie!” He hugged you back, before releasing you a few seconds later.
“I knew you could, it was just a matter of where you’d do it the best.” He smiled back and you three continued working on your shot throughout the afternoon.
It wasn’t necessarily a core memory, but whenever you thought of your success in the sport throughout high school, you’d attribute it to that. You might’ve spent your whole soccer career shooting on your weak side if not for Quinn.
You didn’t talk to Quinn much while you were all in high school, as he spent a lot of time away, much like Jack. It wasn’t because you had a bad relationship, it’s just that you had little to nothing in common and you were both busy. The summer of 2018, Quinn was gone a lot more due to his upcoming draft. You never expected him to invite you to Dallas, as he had his whole family and friends to invite, but you were next in line after his brothers and family.
“This is so exciting.” You said to Luke and Jack after touching down in Dallas, whilst heading to the American Airlines Center. Your brother chose not to play hockey farther than high school, so you hadn’t ever attended something like this.
Luke was as giddy as you, hoping that he would one day be getting drafted. “I know, right?!” He nudged you with his shoulder. He was taller than you now.
You giggled as he looked around at the Dallas Stars’ arena. “Mom’s from Dallas.” He hummed, as you nodded. Jim, Ellen, and Quinn were walking a few feet ahead of the three of you. “What if Quinn gets drafted to the stars?” Luke wondered.
Jack rolled his eyes, “Dallas doesn’t have a high pick; Quinn’s definitely going to be up towards the top.”
“Well, yeah.” Luke stammered, “I was just saying it would be funny.”
“You guys are silly.” You smiled as you took your seats. It wasn’t long before Quinn got picked once the draft started. He was seventh overall by Vancouver, an exciting feat for all of you to experience. The emotions rolled over everyone, like waves crashing onto the shore. There was a mix of excitement and happiness, and a tinge of sadness that Quinn would be so far away.
You squeezed him tight as he hugged you after his brothers, “You did it, Quinnie!” You cheered quietly. You were happy for him— extremely happy. As he marched down, you swore Jack and Luke were the loudest people in the room. They were beyond ecstatic for their brother’s accomplishment. He was the first to fly the coop to experience the professionals. You knew for certain that the two of them would follow in his footsteps. After all, Jack was eligible for next year’s draft and he was already doing pretty well for himself.
As the night carried on, Quinn and his brothers sat talking excitedly about what was to come. You were paying attention to the rest of the draft, but listening to their conversation when you felt like it. Their excitement carried over into the next few days, back up to the Michigan lakehouse, and right up to Quinn’s departure for the Canucks development camp.
Jim, Ellen, and the three of you dropped him off outside of the United Airlines gate but stayed for a moment to say your goodbyes. He would be back in a few weeks, and then decide whether to sign with Vancouver or play another year with the University of Michigan, but it was a sad moment nonetheless. All the boys had been farther away for one hockey event or another, but this might be permanent.
You were the last to hug him after his parents and brothers, and you managed to keep the tears out of your eyes. You were never as close with Quinn, but he still meant a lot to you. He could sense your sadness and pulled away from the hug, “It’s only a few weeks, sis.” He chuckled.
“It could be longer.” You retorted, a soft smile gracing your features. “I just hate to see you go.”
“I know, me too.”
It was silent for a second. Jack, Luke, Ellen, and Jim were talking off to the side and it was just you two having your moment. Quinn sighed before pulling you back into a hug, “Love you, sissy.”
“Love you too, Quinnie.” You pulled away this time, “Don’t be a stranger, okay?”
“Never happening.” He smiled. Everybody else came over to bid him one more goodbye, before he walked into the airport. Everybody was happy, but the mood was somber. You secretly hoped he would come back and play another year with UMich before leaving officially.
Imagine your excitement when he broke the news that he would be doing precisely that.
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rinbowaman · 9 months
ok but imagine demon! heeseung and angel! beomgyu, but heeseung is actually very kind (when he's not inside you 😀) and beomgyu is actually far from innocent
mind goes brrr
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Warnings: Demon HS, angel Beomgyu, smut, unprotected smut, oral sex (male receiving), near death experience, Beomgyu is a perv, and HS is both....a softy....and hard dom! total switch.
@0x1dazed - enjoy 😉
"Shoot! I'm going to be late."
Waiting for the signal to change, you await while watching the cluster of vehicles drive pass. The light flashes, signaling that you now have the right of way to walk through the crosswalk. Halfway through, you heard the screams of screeching tires as the smell of burnt rubber suddenly fills the air; your life flashes before your eyes when a red sports car slides in your direction. Having lost control over the vehicle, a female driver with a male passenger by her side, threw their phones up in the air as they tried to react in time to avoid the collision, which would no doubt result in your death. The price to pay for their careless mistake and lack of attention to the road.
Or it would have been, had you been left to brace and take on the impact of the steel frame, the red hood, and the shattered glass. Yet all was well when you found yourself suddenly out of place. Looking around at your surroundings, the area was different. Where were the bustling streets? The neon street signs? The overbearing crowd of people, and the traveling vehicles? Where was the industrial infrastructure? The steel frames of the buildings, and the modern architecture?
Rubbing your temples, your eyes winced shut as you count to ten in your head, only to become reacquainted with the satin grayed room. The silk tapestries reflected a darker mauve hue, while the embroidered thread on the wallpaper was as silver as the metal itself. There were no windows, and no doors that you could see, which compelled you to grow anxious. How are you going to leave? Where do you begin to figure out where exactly you are?
The last image that flashed through your mind was the red coupe flinging its way over to you, with the driver frantically screaming and waving her hands around, looking just as fearful as you. Could it be possible that you......
"You didn't die."
A male voice stuns you out of your thought process and triggers you to turn towards him.
"I-I'm sorry?"
Flashing a dashing smile, he walks over and stands beside you, facing the large oil painting hanging on the wall. "I said, you didn't die." he reiterates softly, glancing a quick side eye before turning back and continues to study the large art piece.
"W....who are you?....Do you know where we are?"
"Yeah, you're in Oecus Altair."
Confused, you shifted your eyes before you stuttered and bid for him to elaborate. "The what?"
"It means The Hall of the Flying Eagle. This is where the old Gods used to collect themselves and hold their councils."
Turning your attention to the painting, you catch yourself following his lead as you take time to admire the fine details of the portrayal of what seemed to be the Gods of Olympus, paying respects to one particular figure that was well known throughout mythology, Zeus.
By the raging strike of lightning balled in his grasp, you figured it had to be the King of Gods himself, raising a fist of glory or victory it seemed like, while his brethren, sisters, and all the demigods encircled his magnificent form and awe towards his awesome power.
"....How did I get here?" You asked the young man, unsure who he was or where he came from, yet you figured he had the answers that could aid your release from this unknown place, and help you return to the city.
"He brought you here....I was told to watch after you until he returns."
"My brother."
Startling you, a deeper voice emerges from afar, chiming in the conversation. "Yes, that is correct. Younger brother, but not by much."
Presenting himself, the slightly taller male stands before you and flashes a deviously handsome smile. He was dressed fashionably Victorian and reminded you of a prince as he donned a coat of beige, embroidered in gold threaded accents, and a pair of black trousers with knee high boots to match. The frills of the satin white shirt under his royal cloth delicately peeks out from his sleeves, and above the top button on his chest. He  issues a bow, excelling in perfect form and poise, before re-engaging eye contact. 
“Oh, here we go….” the other brother huffs out as he rolls his eyes. “Could you stop with that?” 
The brazen elder walks to his younger brother’s side and rests a bent elbow on his shoulder. “I’m Beomgyu, and this is Heeseung. Now that we’ve introduced ourselves, can you take your dress off? I wanna see what it looks like under there….let me find out.” he issues as he bites his lip. 
Reaching up from behind, the younger of the two, Heeseung, smacks his palm atop Beomgyu’s head and peels him back, flinging him behind towards the wall. “Don’t mind him, he’s a bit of a pervert I’m afraid. Good fellow….just too sordid.”
“Like it’s my fault!” Coming back up to his spot, Beomgyu takes his stance next to Heeseung, policing himself up as he straightens his attire from the toss. He was quite the opposite from his sibling, wearing all black with a dark green coat that also resembled a Victorian flare. He was definitely much more outspoken and haughty, yet something about his personality was seemingly adorable. With Heeseung, he was dashing and smooth in the deliverance of chivalry and his vocabulary. Both men were strange and unlike anyone you’ve ever met before. 
“I’m sorry….I don't mean to be rude but…can you both tell me how I may leave? I have to get back.” Nervously chuckling, you crossed your arms and began to shut yourself away as you bid them to honor your request. 
“Well, there are two ways you can leave here…” Heeseung calmly states as he shifts his gaze over to the side. “One way is to just leave through that door right there…” Pointing beyond where you stood, you turned and found a door lodged into the wall. It was peculiar since just a moment ago, the door wasn’t there. Turning back around, you look at Heeseung with a questioning gaze. “Was…..did you put that there?” you softly asked as you delicately pointed to the door behind you. 
“I didn’t.” He smiles softly as he gently shakes his head. “The door just wasn’t visible until now.” 
Shrugging your shoulders, you asked him to elaborate the other option. “What is the other way of getting out of here?” 
“Well….before we get to that, let me explain what happens if you choose to go through the door…” Heeseung calmly spoke out as he took you by the hand. HIs skin was so smooth and he smelled of lavender, guiding you over to a gray loveseat, made of velvet, he sat you beside him as he cups your hand with both of his, warming them. “Cold?” 
You nodded hesitantly, watch as he softly breathes out and warms the back of your palm. It was only one exhale, and targeted directly to your hand, yet the moment it hit your skin, your entire body felt warm and soothing, almost as if you were sitting by a fire. 
“That’s –...how did you do that?” you inquire as you admire your hand and look around you. Smirking, he rests his elbow on his lap and strokes his chin as he takes in your features. “We’ll get to that here in a minute.” he softly speaks, reaching up with his free hand he gently tucks the strands of your hair behind your ear. 
“Going through the door will take you back to the place from where you came, the problem is-”
“The problem IS that you’ll be taken right back to the very spot where we plucked you out of. In your case, you’d go right back in front of that colliding vehicle and probably die.” Beomgyu boldly confirms as he makes his way over to the loveseat, and rests his boot on the arm closest to you. Leaning his forearms on his thigh, he relaxes in a slightly hunched form while staring deeply into the slight bit of cleavage that is exposed from your subtle neckline. 
Rolling his eyes, Heeseung shook his head faintly as he rubbed his temples. “....you idiot…” 
“What? It's the truth!”
“You don’t have to be so…nevermind.” Heeseung gives up and continues to explain the alternative option of gaining back your freedom, one without you dying. “The other way to leave here, is to please the descendants of the Gods.”
Confused, you looked up, shifting your sights between the two men. “Please?....In what manner?” 
“Like, sexual intercourse is a good one.” Ever as unfiltering, Beomgyu scoff’s out his defining example, causing Heeseung to snap his fingers towards him, gesturing for the young man to quiet himself.
“I’m sorry about him…” Heeseung states as he glares over to his elder brother.
"As ill mannered that came out to be, he isn't’ wrong. That is one way. It’s the most assuring way for you to get back safely. ” Heeseung delicately states as he takes your hand once more, rubbing the back of your palm with his thumb. 
“What?! I can’t do that! I don’t…what is this? Who are you? What does this…please tell me this is all a dream.” You rock your head back and forth as you rub your head. 
“But it’s not! Come on girl, it’s not like you’re a virgin, we know everything about you. We get it, you’re not a whore and you consider yourself a “respectable” woman, but give it up if you want to live.” 
“Shut up.” 
Comforting you with his embrace, Heeseung hugs you softly as he narrows his gaze over to his brother. 
Descendants of Gods? What or where exactly are you? How could such a place be real where such a demand exist and becomes a mandatory option for a woman to free herself from this….this….
“Come on! It’s not like you’re in prison. What do you say?” Beomgyu bids, tilting his head and yearning for you to answer. 
“O-okay…..fine. Who..who are the descendents?” 
Both men share a gaze and blink before looking back at you. “Uh….it’s us….” Beomgyu states offensively. “We’re the descendents. The last ones in fact.” 
Wide eyed and shocked, you bury your face into both your palms. “.....This can’t be happening….” you mumbled into both hands. 
“Well sis, it is. So what’s it going to be? The door, or us?” 
You shoot out a faint glare at the young man and express with a slight bit of attitude as you come to a breaking point of the man’s vulgar behavior. “Obviously...I don't have much of a choice…at least you’re not leaving me any. But could you be just a little more compassionate? It’s not like I do this sort of thing on the regular.”  
Pulling you back into his chest, Heeseung swoops his hand over your neck and gently strokes your shoulder as he tenderly caresses you. “Don’t mind him. We know you’re not that type of woman, and we wish there was another way but we don’t make the rules. This is something that was established well before our time.”
Sighing, you grew curious and asked about their lineage. “So….who are you two? Where do you both come from?”
“We’re sons of the Archangel Michael, you heard of him yeah? He was also a descendent of the old Gods, and we both are his only heirs.” Beomgyu explains as he stretches his arms, cracking his neck, a pair of lush, silver and white-feathered wings extend from his back and graciously decorates his frame. 
“...I didn’t know angels were so…petulant.” you spoke in humor as you admired the shine of the transparent features, they were beautiful and magnificent.
“Well we are.” Beomgyu responds back in slight annoyance, placing his hands on his hips as he rolls his eyes faintly. “I’m the angel, whereas Heeseung here is-”
Cutting his older brother off, Heeseung’s wings shoot out from his back, gently draping over his shoulders. They were matte black, nearly dark purple and hued out a velvet texture, reflecting a sinful glow that twinkled with each feathered strand. 
“A-are you…?” Too caught up with the beauty of his Godly appearance, your question remained incomplete. Nodding, he smiles softly as he strokes his chin. “Yes beautiful…I’m the son of the Archangel Michael, and my mother was a demoness. Although, out of the two, her bloodline runs strong…it’s like that with all Hellish creatures, so I take after her quite a bit.” 
“And that’s why he resides in the scorching regions of Hell and rules over it.” Beomgyu teases in a cocky manner. 
This was so strange. The two men appeared to be the exact opposite of one another, not only that, but out of the two, Heeseung seemed far more fitting as an angel, whereas Beomgyu gave off the essence of a perverse demon, yet that wasn’t the case. Looking at them, not all was what it seemed. 
With a deep breath, you closed your eyes and sighed out once more. “Okay…so what do I do? So I can leave here in one piece.” 
“Do you know how to use that pretty mouth of yours?” Beomgyu winks out, clearly excited and eager to get things started. 
“Will you stop?” Heeseung glares once more towards his sibling. 
“Come on Heeseung. It’s not like we’re forcing her. Look, why don’t I go first, and then you can take her after?” 
Heeseung shakes his head out of bitter annoyance, before turning back to you. “Will that work for you?” 
Nodding in the affirmative, you looked over to Beomgyu, who raises his brows in excitement upon making eye contact. “..uh…yeah…i guess.” you answered, not entirely sure how you were going to be able to perform. This entire ordeal was making you more and more uncofmortable. 
“Don’t worry. Despite how he may come off, he really doesn’t know how to handle a woman. You’ll be able to hold the reins with this one.” Heeseung smirks out, teasingly winking. 
“Hey!” Beomgyu shouts out from the side. But leaves the conversation where it stands as Heeseung stands, helping you up and gently hands you off to the elder sibling. 
“Be nice to her, Beomgyu.” 
“Oh how rich! Coming from you.” Beomgyu scuffs out in response. 
Shooting his hand around your waist, Beomgyu immediately kisses you deeply as he holds you by your chin. His movements were sudden and a bit rough, you tried to match his stamina but it had been a while since you had done this. Not to mention, you never once experienced intimacy at random, only sharing it with a man you once loved, but offended by your gift when he abandoned your love for a woman who was far less reserved than you. Breaking your heart into two, you mourned and had ever since, made yourself unavailable to all prospects, solely focusing on your career. 
“Kiss me back.” Breaking the kiss for just a moment, Beomgyu gasps out his words before reconnecting the kiss while his hands swarm over your waist and lower back, pulling you closer. His wings softly flutter and suspend up in the air as he shifts both your bodies to a missionary position, with you on top. Laying his head on both his hands, he relaxes as he admires your suddenly nude body. 
“W-where are my clothes??” you gasped out, quickly covering your breasts as you wrap your arms around your chest, looking around and seeing that you were now in a different room, one surrounded by walls that were shrouded in satin curtains. The bed you both laid on was framed with both, a head and footboard that displayed large brass arches. 
“You’re in MY room.” Flexing his arms as he takes the bend in his elbows to a perfect angle as he readjust his head in his palms, he gently breathes out, enjoying the sensation of the cool air hitting his nudeness, while simultaneously feeling the warmth of your skin. 
Gulping, you felt far too nervous and shy as you realized that he was entirely nude underneath you. Flexing his member, it stiffens and taps against your rear end.
“Come oooooon…..would you live a little?” he teases, grinning wide while eyeing your body. “Come here,” he whispers. Grabbing hold of your arms, he gently brings you to lean forward, and kisses you. 
Feeling his member stiffen, it didn’t feel as obscene as before due to the gentleness of his touch. His arms cradled you and his kiss was passionate and tender. Breaking the kiss, he speaks in a near whispering tone, one that was far different from the usual boldness it carried. 
“So....You never answered my question. Do you know how to use that pretty mouth of yours?” he asks, waving a soft smile. He had become different, still sordid but so much more angelic and tender. 
“I…um….if you’re referring to what I think you are….I’ve never done it before.” 
“I know.” he chuckles. “He never showed you…or rather, he never stuck around long enough to experience it with you.” 
Hearing his words cut you deep. He obviously was referring to your first love, the man whom you would have given up anything and everything, yet stranded you broken hearted for another woman. One with superficial assets and a large dowry. 
Shifting your gaze down, trying to avoid crying in front of him, you gulped and fought back the tears that began to sting your eyes. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” He softly remarks. “The man was undeserving of you, don’t let him be your downfall. Besides…I can show you. I don’t mind being your first.” Flashing a toothy grin, he cradles your head with his hands as he fingers his limbs through your hair. 
Kissing you once more, he slowly drags you lower by the hip, shifting you towards his cock. “Grab it.” he whispers out. 
Taking it in your hand, you merge lower until his impressive length rested against your chest, right in between your breasts. 
“Kiss it.” he gently tells you, still laying his head on his palms. Doing as he bids, you kiss the tip, it seemed appropriate considering it appeared swollen. Once you had pressed your lips against his skin, it felt right…so right. Instinctively, your mind and body knew what to do, and you continued to place your soft kisses, surrounding the head, lowering it down the midriff of his shaft, and finishing off by placing them on the base of his groin. 
“Thaaaaat’s it princess. Now put it in your mouth, start off with the tip of it.” he slightly chokes out, enveloped by the wonderful sensation he was feeling as you swallow the head of his member, and began sucking on it. Your tongue rolling all over its surface and the grooves of its form, you started to fit more of him in.
“Wow…you’re a natural. Don’t need me to tell you what to do now, huh?” 
Subtly shaking your head, you continue without pause. Your body just knew how to take over, and you did. You did exactly what your heart and soul told you to do, and he loved every single moment of it. Stroking in his member repeatedly, you take in saliva that droop out of the crevices of your mouth as you stretch as wide as you could to fit his girth. The scene became messy, though in the most sensual and beautiful way possible. Slurping, you pick up the pace and combine the efforts of your hand as you swirled your palm in half rotation near the base, while your mouth took on the rest. 
“Ah…good….good girl…fuck…just like that.” tilting his head back, his mouth remains wide open as he gasps out his groans. The more evident it became that he was enjoying it, the more it motivated you to continue and do more. Popping out the tip from the corner of your mouth, you lightly tap the tip of his bulge against your tongue, moaning as you stuffed him back inside and twirled your tongue along the grooves of veins and muscle that decorated it. 
“Oh shit…” he gasped out, quickly shifting his hands and establishing a grip on the sides of your head as he pinned you down, forcing you to take all of him in. Your gag reflex becomes triggered, yet you hold yourself well by steadying yourself as you taste the saltiness of his essence coating the muscles of your throat. His cock twitches against your tongue, and slowly, he lifts your face up and away, allowing you to relax your jaw. Fully exiting your mouth, he chuckles out and re-establishes his comfy position. 
“You did well. It’s too bad old boy left when he did, he’s missing out.” 
A small smile forms on your face as you hover over his body and crawl towards his face. Kissing him, you were slowly reaching down for it, preparing to take him in once more, when his hand gently grabbed onto yours.
“As much as I want to…angels are not allowed.” with a disappointing look on his face, he gives off a half smirk as he shifts his gaze onto the ground. “It’s a rule…only archangels, one like my father, have the freedom to do so. It’s a status that I have yet to gain, but will someday.” shifting his gaze back up to meet your eyes, he shoots his hands around your waist. “When I do…might come and find you again.” He states before kissing you once more, when suddenly you felt the room spinning and a moment of pure darkness shrouds you. The instant the air clears, you find yourself in another room, one that was much different from Beomgyu’s personal palace. The walls were draped with black satin, matching the black silk of the bedding, which was all framed by brass ornaments that displayed symbolic Gothic theme’s. 
“Did you have fun with Beomgyu?” his voice shoots from behind as he walks up, admiring your nude body as you attempt to cover yourself with the sheets. 
“Um…yeah…learned a thing or two…” you jest as you look up at him. Shocked, you slightly gasped out as you saw a change in Heeseungs demeanor, his face was much more stern. His eyes were fierce, and darkened with a sense of dominance and lust like you have never seen before. Biting down on his lip, he flares off a look of hunger and desire, it was far too intense. You couldn’t help but think that the white and gold coat of his suddenly looked far too light for his countenance. 
Sitting next to you, he raises a hand and gently tucks your hair behind your ear once more. “Scared?” he asks. 
Trying to steady your breath, your chest heaves deeply as you glance over from the side and look at him. His smirk was devious and rather eerie, but still dashing. Softly chuckling, he leans in and aims for your neck. With long strokes of his tongue, and the latching of his lips, he soothes your neck line with the tenderness of his mouth. Your breathing calms down, until he starts to grab on to your waist, pulling you in against him as he kept on with feasting on your throat. 
“H-Heeseung….” you whimpered out. 
“Shhh…enjoy it.” with one final kiss on your smooth skin, he darkly whispers. “I know I will.” 
Your body is suddenly suspended and laid back on the bedding as his weight lays atop you the missionary position. Just like his elder brother, his clothes vanish in a blink of an eye, and you feel the coolness of his skin as he drapes over your body. His wings remain extended out, and flaps vigorously as he traps you in his arms. He was demanding and strong, yet with the way he slightly dipped his hips low and waved them against your groin, you found yourself to be less scared and more focused on his touch. Whimpering out his name, he hushes you tenderly. 
“Shh…pretty girl…I’ll make you feel like a queen.” Kissing you, he gently bites down on your lip. “We’re going to fuck just like demons do.” With one last kiss, he props himself on his knees, and swings your leg over, forcing you to lay on your side. He grabs onto your rear cheek, and slowly, he inserts himself. “It’s been a while, but I promise you I aint rusty.” he teases, pushing the tip of his throbbing cock in. You quickly deduced that despite being the younger of the two, and a demon, Heeseung’s size was supreme. Beomgyu’s length and girth was absolutely nothing to scoff at, in fact, he was perfect. But with Heeseung, you now know that there was going to be pain with pleasure as you felt the tear of your stretch while enveloping his length. Jutting in, he continues to push through the friction of your entry as he finally mashes the base of his groin and testicles against your folds. 
“Oh wow…you feel really nice.” he gasps out, eyeballing you as he raises his eyebrows in surprise. “All the way in princess…you ready?” he cocks out as he bites down the corner of his lip. You weren’t sure if he was genuinely asking, or if he really did care, nonetheless, you hesitantly nod and felt the shoretend sense of relief as he starts to slide out, only to ram himself back in with a vengeance. 
Thrusting violently, he goes in hard and deep, not at all starting off with a slow or gentle pace. Bucking his hips with high energy, he slaps into your rear cheek as he throbs and twitches his cock inside, making sure you get the full effect. 
“Ah! Please! N-not….not too rough! Ugh! You’re breaking me!” 
“Aww…too much baby?” he teases. Leaning in, burying his member deep inside, he shoots out a ball of spit on your cheek, only to lick it back up before whispering in your ear. “You like it…don’t you?” the tone in his voice was dark…too dark. 
“You miss being fucked…dont you? Come on baby, say it. I know you’re dark and nasty….” 
Feeling how deep his cock was reaching, he rotates his hips as he drills himself deeper. Too deep. 
“How badly do you wanna get fucked baby?”
Gaining enough stamina to issue a voice, you caved in. He was right, just because you weren’t spreading yourself thin among the male populace, it didn’t mean that when alone, and at night, your thoughts grew wild and you yearned for someone like him to plunge into you. He was ruthless, dementing, and brutal with his performance….and it was exactly what you needed. 
“Yes what?” He smirks as he bids you to elaborate.
“Yes….please…please fuck me…oh God….fuck me hard.”
Leaning all of his weight on top, he cradles his arms at the sides of your head and kisses you. The kiss was the only tender nature of his performance, everything else was grim and cruel. “Come here baby, let me give you just what you need.” he whispers out, firmly grabbing hold of your neck and starts back up in thrusting. Each time he thrusted his cock back in, you nearly saw stars. He was going in so hard, so fast, and was animalistic. Digging his fingernails in, he leaves his mark along your neckline while he harshly sucks your breasts. He fucked you, for who knows how long, all you knew and cared about was that he kept going. 
Flipping you over, he raises your hips and smacks your derriere, before placing a dozen kisses on each cheek. “Tell me how badly you want it.” Admitting another slap, he watches your rear end jiggle as your body shakes from the rigorous effects of his harshness. 
“Ugh! I want it…I want it so bad…please…please…do everything to me.” 
Slapping his hand on the back of your neck, he latches a new hold on you as his free hand grips your waist, keeping you still as he slides right back in. Watching your rear end pop against his groin from the hard smacks, he fucks…and fucks….and fucks. He pumps his cock deep, and flexes it while it rests inside. He expands your walls and tears you open more and more, until finally…
“Fuck!!” slapping his hands on your waist, he leans forward and rests his forehead against your back, his mouth gasps open as his lips gently brush against your skin. Pushing out the last drop of his seed, he slowly exits from your cavity, yet remains holding you still to admire the pure white thickness that oozes out of your slit. 
“Beautiful.” he softly remarks. Dropping his weight back down on you, he spoons you from behind and nibbles on your ear. Catching your breath, you commit a half turn to face him. “So….is that it? Will I be able to go home now?”
Keeping his eyes closed, he keeps himself in the state of relaxation as he hugs you. “Mmhmm…soon.” 
Shifting your gaze down, you felt the need to get up and move, yet there was a sliver of your heart that didn’t want this moment to end. Not with Heeseung, or Beomgyu. Resting your head against your elbow, you let out a bittersweet sigh. 
Reaching around, gently tapping the tip of your nose, Heeseung rests the tip of his finger against your lips before mumbling into the smooth silky strands of your hair. 
“If you’re not against the idea…and are over the fool that deserted you….maybe I’ll come visit you….tell you more bedtime stories.” 
You laughed a little, before he continued. “Maybe I’ll show you some magic tricks…and teach you some things that Beomgyu can’t.” 
Sensing the looseness of his demonic presence, you felt that he was coming back to that gentle and kind being that he was when he introduced himself. “We’ll see…maybe…” you softly respond back with, flaring your own teasing sense into your words.
Chuckling, he slowly wraps his arm around your waistline.
“Or maybe…” Licking the helix of your ear, he whispers as he reaffirms his grasp around your neck.
“I just won't let you go home tonight…” 
Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️ 
☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/reinbow
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all you had to do was stay, pham hanni
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things never have a way with working out for you. but when pham hanni comes into your life, just this one time, you hope that life will side with you.
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"i don't care about you. no one does. no one ever did."
"i'm sorry. i’m so sorry.”
"hi, are you y/n?"
red rimmed eyes met hanni's sparkling honey eyes, drooping and sunken. it was clear that the girl in front of her hadn't gotten any good sleep, hair mussed and sagging eye bags underneath her eyes. it was a complete 180 of how hanni looked, tidy and clean. though she looked like this, there was a speck of hope behind gloomy, hazy eyes.
“yeah.” she cleared her throat, wiping her clammy palms dry on her jeans, lips pressed into a thin line. she reached for her glasses that sat close at the edge of the table, clearing her throat for the second time. “you must be hanni?”
hanni nods, eyeing the seat in front of the taller woman who flicks her gaze almost immediately. “yes, please sit.”
as hanni gets situated in her spot, y/n took the brief moment of silence to admire the shorter woman in front of her, sporting an oversized green sweater and baggy jeans.
her raven hair was weaved together to form braids, falling perfectly in place at the junction of her neck and shoulders. a few strands of her bangs were out of place, and y/n’s fingers itched to fix it.
for the third time, y/n clears her throat. hanni has now finished organizing her things on the table. “so you’ve come for biochem, is that right?"
hanni nods, eyes following the fingers that clicked on the keyboard a bit too fast. “any particular topics you’d like to start today?”
hanni’s eyes lit up, this girl in front of her would possibly be the best tutor she’s ever had. not one of her old tutors had bothered to ask her what she wanted to study first. “i have a quiz for krebs cycle coming up in two weeks.”
her tutor’s perfectly sculpted eyebrows furrowed, “what preparations have you done beforehand?”
hanni grimaces as her eyes run over her paper, in those weeks dabbing into krebs cycle, she’s only managed to put together a page and a half of notes. she looked up at her tutor, whose eyes followed hers and dived into her poorly written notes.
she buries an arm in her bag, pulling a spiral notebook out. “here.” eyes scanning the book, hanni raises an eyebrow. “notes that i’ve composed when i was in your shoes.”
“oh.” the tips of hanni’s ears grew bright red in embarrassment, as if someone had flicked them. “thank you.” she says in a hushed whisper.
“you’re welcome. so, shall we start?
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it was around hanni’s fifth tutoring session in the library that she’d acknowledged her growing infatuation on the taller woman, almost combusting when their hands grazed against one another, knees buckling underneath her.
unbeknownst to her, this exact same feeling came to haunt y/n every night in her sleep, tossing and turning in frustration at the thought. she couldn’t bear to have another potential crush, not after the last one, and especially not on the person she had just met five days ago whom she has to help pass her class.
but with the way hanni smiles and the way her eyes twinkle, oh god. she’s knee deep in her feelings.
“wait, y/n?”
“this isn’t really krebs cycle related but, any chance you’d be up for hanging out outside of the library?” hanni nibbled nervously on her bottom lip, eyes downcast and bracing herself for rejection. she wasn’t quite sure where her sudden confidence and boldness came from, mentally cursing herself for being way too forward with it.
y/n’s eyes widened, eyebrows raising. is she pulling my leg? “are you kidding?” no ever one wanted to hang out with her.
hanni’s own eyes widened, quick to tumble words out of her lips. “i-it’s totally fine if you don’t want to hang out with me, i totally get it-”
a jewelry clad hand covering hanni’s own had her clamping her mouth shut, eyes almost bulging out. “that’s not what i meant. of course i’d like to hang out with you, it’s just that… are you sure you’d like to spend your time with me?”
hanni frowned, tearing her eyes away from y/n’s hand that completely swallowed her own, an eye opening gesture showcasing the difference in size. “why not?”
y/n sighs, “haven’t you heard of the things they’ve said about me?”
hanni’s frown deepened, eyes scattering all over y/n’s face. who could say such things? but she has. she certainly has. how her tutor’s apparently the root of the most popular senior’s anger and heartbreak, how she’s nothing but brains and most of all, just a hollow piece of flesh. that she doesn’t have a soul nor conscience.
y/n had never experienced silence so thick you could cut it with glass, her closest to this was when her ex had dumped her, deafening silence crunching underneath her boots.
the tension was starting to become unbearable, wrapping it’s tendrils around y/n’s neck and gripping tightly at a slow pace. she was suffocating. she needed glass.
“i understand if-”
“-i don’t care.” y/n blinks once, twice, thrice. did she hear hanni correctly? she didn’t care? “i don’t care about what they say about you. to put it simply, i don’t give a fuck. yes, we’ve only spent a few moments of our lives together but it was more than enough for me to make the decision that you are the most genuine person i’ve ever met."
y/n’s words died down in her throat, mouth gaping open and close like a fish. she couldn’t utter a single thing and she was sure hanni had no intention of letting her.
“you may think that i’m pulling your leg but please trust me when i say that you are the most caring human i’ve ever met.” you think i didn’t notice your small gestures of kindness?
how you moved my bag to the side so i wouldn’t trip on it and humiliate myself? how you already had my favorite drink waiting on our study table so i don’t have to waste more money? the way you were willing to stay longer than our promised time because i’m so unorganized?
“i noticed.” hanni whispers, gingerly interlacing her hand with y/n’s.
y/n turned her head away from hanni, biting down on her bottom lip as her eyes prickled with tears, fighting to keep her tears at bay.
“the truth is, i never loved you. i was only pretending. you were just an experiment.”
y/n hopes hanni would stay.
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“am i too late?”
“were you too late?”
hanni’s response was terse, a thousand knives slashing deep into the last piece of y/n she’d left over for hanni. the one keeping her grounded. it was instant, death by a thousand cuts. death by four words.
hanni’s back faced y/n, the taller woman unable to see the river of tears rushing down her rosy cheeks. hanni couldn’t trust her voice enough to not break, resorting to hushed whispers. “why were you too late?”
it was clear. it was clear to everyone that hanni had wanted it to work, to work more than anything. to remember the warmth that y/n emitted when she tugged her into a hug because she passed her exam, the hardest exam she’d ever taken that hanni ended up having no sleep for a whole week.
but compare this moment to that exam, it stood no chance with its shaking legs.
“you deserve someone better than me.” y/n had managed to utter, fiddling with the soaked bouquet in her hands. “i’m so sorry.”
a streak of car lights passed them, illuminating the droplets of rain that bounced off y/n’s hair and into her clothes, contrasting that of hanni’s dry clothes. “you’re losing me. don’t let yourself lose me.”
“it’d be better for you, with me gone. this whole time i thought i was helping you but, in reality, i was just holding you back.” through gritted teeth, y/n combats the urge to pull hanni in a hug.
“don’t. don’t say that. don’t let it happen."
but y/n had already made her decision, shifting her weight from one foot to another, gripping the bouquet tighter. “i’m so sorry, i’m such a coward.”
hanni turns in her place, umbrella flicking the rain hurriedly like the tears in y/n’s eyes. “you’re choosing to let me go?”
hanni’s voice cracks in the slightest, taking in the sight of y/n with a sharp inhale. y/n was soaked from head to toe, her cheeks and the tips of her nose reddened, hair gushing a ton of water and her hand trembling like a leaf. y/n stayed silent.
everything was decided at that moment.
“you don’t mean that.” hanni lets out a choked sob slip from her quivering lips, letting go of the umbrella’s handle to grasp at y/n’s cold hands. “you don’t mean that.”
a step towards the edge.
“y/n, do not let me go.”
y/n struggles to pry hanni’s firm grip off her hands, the bouquet combating demons to stay attached together. “you’re better off without me, hanni. we both know that.”
“no, we don’t!” hanni snapped, it wasn’t her to snap. but when it happens, the world crumbles and crashes into whoever it was decided upon. “we can find our way, y/n. we can find the clearing and there, together, we will find our way out.”
but y/n couldn’t see it, all it took was a glance at hanni’s hurt stricken eyes to know that she couldn’t see it too. that the clearing was blurry, that the way out was non-existent.
that happy ending was not in their vocabulary.
“no more lying. please, hanni. we’re lost.”
in any other day, hanni would beg to differ and be stubborn, but by the looks of the situation, standing soaked in the rain on the sidewalk with the person she loved the most, her willpower vanished.
“we would’ve made it.”
“we would’ve.”
y/n was the one that didn’t stay.
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broken records i don't know shit about biochem LMAOOO hope this makes up for my absence🫶
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miekasa · 2 years
Gojo 100% the type who misses having a baby / toddler at home once his son starts growing into a teen and you can't change my mind 😤
Satoru thought he would be okay. Before having kids of his own, he was basically in charge of a bunch of brats, so he figured he’d be most prepared for that step.
Megumi taught him how to appropriately shop for a middle schooler, what was cool and what wasn’t (a lesson Satoru did not take to heart), how to even talk to kid his age—not quite a baby, not quite an adult. He learned how much maintenance it really takes to have a pet—how much more it is to have two—and that for the first few years, at least, those pets are really yours, and not your kids. Megumi, who sometimes Satoru feels raised him and not the other way around, was honestly, probably the best experience a first time parent could ask for, even if the kid was bit sulkier and serious than most.
Yuuji taught him how even the smallest, most niche things can become a hobby of greater interest for a teenager. One second Satoru was funding four different gym memberships, then it was a $2000 computer and Twitch channel, then it was study abroad cooking lessons. Teenagers have a lot of interests, it’s important to let them explore all of them, even if they don’t all become lifelong passions. It’s also important to push them to try things they don’t think they like, whether that’s sports or vegetables—it’s just cauliflower, Yuuji, it won’t kill you.
Yuuta taught him that those puppy love crushes can be, and to the kids, are very real. It’s okay to tease, but if a kid can ask you for advice about love, it means they can see that you’re loved; that maybe, even if it’s in a different way, they love you, too. He also taught Satoru that, yes even though he’s technically encroaching upon adult age, that he’s still very much reliant on the advice and expertise of adults—that no matter how old kids get, they’ll always need you.
(That brought Satoru a lot of comfort, not that he’d admit it to anybody).
And your kid isn’t even a teenager, not even close at barely seven years old, but that’s when Satoru first started learning from Megumi, and it’s starting to hit a little close to home. His little boy isn’t so little anymore and he wants to scream about it. He doesn’t need extra hugs before he’s dropped off at school, he doesn’t need Satoru’s help playing games, he doesn’t even need help with his laundry.
Satoru all but cries to you. “Maybe he got swapped with a clone. I was never that independent that young. He’s supposed to be my mini me. It’s too soon, somebody must have taken our real baby,” Satoru practically has tears in his eyes, clinging to you in fetal position as you attempt to read your book in bed.
You give up, setting your book down to place a hand on your husband’s head. “Will you relax. Isn’t it a good thing?”
“Absolutely not. I miss when he was small.”
“He’s barely a three and half feet tall.”
“Smaller. Next thing you know, he’ll be taller than me. I can’t take that,” Satoru sighs. You know he’s being dramatic, but you get it; they grow up far too quickly. “I want him to be my baby forever.”
“He is your baby. And you still have a whole lot of babies,” you remind him. “Didn’t Yuuji ask you help him with his car stuff the other day? I think you’re still Megumi and Yuuta’s emergency contact.”
“Those are big babies, I want smaller babies,” Satoru frowns, pressing his cheek against your tummy. You chuckle and run your hands through his hair. A few moments of silence pass, and Satoru brings a hand to rub against your stomach, before quietly posing the question that’s been on his mind for far too long, “What if we had another?”
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dawnisatotalqueen · 4 months
title: love grows :: chapter one
characters: haikyuu various x reader
notes: best friend iwa, ex oikawa, new girl y/n?!
summary: after you end up going to karasuno after a messy breakup, you're left by yourself for your first day. much to your luck, you meet a ginger sunshine boy who makes it less scary.
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You were Aoba Johsai bound.
That’s what your best friend and boyfriend– Well, ex boyfriend always said. The moment they were in high school you went to all of their games and were constantly around. Most of the team viewed you as an honorary manager, and you all thought you’d be an actual manager as soon as you got into high school.
And you thought wrong. After your breakup, you figured a change of pace would be good. As much as you loved everyone from Seijoh, it would be weird to be a manager for the team your ex is the captain of.
So, you settled on somewhere else in the Miyagi Prefecture. Karasuno high, home of the crows. Or.. The Flightless Crows from what you heard.
You figured trying for a managing position of the team would be good since you’d still get to watch and be a part of the sport you loved. You wouldn’t consider yourself a volleyball player, but considering your life long best friend was, you had grown a love for the sport.
Plus, it helped that the players were always super hot.
You had realized over the course of middle school that you had a weakness. A weakness for cute boys. And there were a. Lot. Of. Cute. Boys.
You found that the word “Simp” was probably the best term one could use for you, which is exactly what led up to you getting with your ex.
You were walking around at the end of a pretty good first day. You needed to find the gym to ask about being a manager. Before you could do that though…
You felt someone run straight into your back, knocking you onto the ground. “Ouch!” You whined, turning over and looking at your scraped knees. “Watch where you’re runni–” Your breath caught in your throat when you looked up, seeing a ginger boy.
He couldn’t have been much taller than you, and he had these big brown eyes..
He was adorable.
“I’m so sorry!!” The cute stranger quickly stuck his hand out.
“It– it’s fine.” You couldn’t help but go red, taking his hand and getting up.
“I was just trying to find the gym, and–”
“You’re looking for the gym too?” You tilted your head.
“Huh? Oh, yeah!! I’m trying out for the volleyball team.”
You looked him over. Yeah. There was no way he was taller than you. How was he gonna play volleyball? Weren’t those guys usually tall? Oh well, you’ve heard of the Tiny Giant. You grinned.
“Really? Me too!! Well, I guess I’m not trying out to be on the team, but I wanna be manager!!”
“Really?!” The boy gasped. “That’s so awesome!! We could be working together!!”
You bounced right off his energy, smiling brightly. “Right?! That’s so cool– We should walk together.”
“Heck yeah!” You both smiled. Your first friend at Karasuno! At least you could tell Iwaizumi you met someone and he wouldn’t be so worried about you. He didn’t say he was worried, but you knew him well enough to read him like a book.
The both of you went along while you pulled out your phone.
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You let out a small sigh as you shoved your phone in your bag. You lied. You were mostly over it, but just the mention of Oikawa stung. It was a bitter reminder of what could’ve been, and what wasn’t.
You shook those thoughts aside. You couldn’t focus on Oikawa, not when you just made a new friend and when you were about to start managing a whole new team.
You and your new friend walked side by side for a bit before you looked at him. “So, why Karasuno?”
He looked at you before grinning. “This is where the Tiny Giant went!!”
“You look up to him?”
“He’s like, my idol!”
“That’s really cool!!”
“What about you?”
“Like– Why Karasuno?” He tilted his head.
“Oh! Well, uhm, I was going to go to Aoba Johsai, I was actually accepted but my um…” You rubbed the back of your neck. “My ex goes there.. And is on the volleyball team.”
“Aahh..” He hissed. “Rough. Well, hey! Karasuno is totally awesome, and we get to hangout, so, win-win!” He smiled.
He was such a little ball of sunshine. You grinned. “True!”
The both of you walked before arriving in front of the gym. The boy– Wait. You didn’t know his name. Before you could turn and ask him, he opened the door and his face immediately dropped. “..No way.”
You tilted your head before looking over. You spotted a taller boy with black hair and dark blue eyes. You squinted before the realization dawned on you. “Kageyama?”
He looked at the boy next to you first, then you. “Oh. You’re Oikawa’s girlfriend.”
“Ex! Ex girlfriend, but yes.” You huffed, putting your hands on your hips.
“I met you last year.” Kageyama turned his attention to the boy next to you, and the two of them began talking about something you tuned out of. You looked at Kageyama, kind of puzzled. You were sure he would go to Aoba Johsai. Why was he at Karasuno? He was the “King of the Court.”
Before you knew it, there were three new voices behind you and you squeaked a little, jumping.
There was a guy with a buzz cut, a guy with grey hair, and a guy with black hair. They were all tall and hoootttt.
You felt your face heat up as you stepped to the side and they started to talk to Kageyama. The small ginger started to walk around them, seemingly observing them before standing next to you again. “Hey so–” They didn’t hear him, in fact it seemed like they barely noticed him.
“I–” He started before huffing. “HEY!!”
Suddenly, all three boys’ eyes were on him, then you.
The boy with black hair looked at his keyboard. “Says here that the other person trying out.. Is Shoyo Hinata. I’m guessing that’s you?” Hinata. His name was Hinata.
“You were the short jumpy one!!” The boy with the buzz cut exclaimed.
Hinata’s eyes lit up when he realized that they knew who he was. “Oh!! Yeah!!”
“You were crazy, man. Too bad you haven’t had a growth spurt though.” The boy with the buzzcut walked over, comparing his height to Hinata’s.
The boy with the grey hair looked at you with a smile. “And you?”
You looked over, heat creeping up your neck. “Oh! Ah– I’m Y/N L/N. I was actually wanting to ask about being a manager?”
“Guh!” The boy with the buzz cut squawked. “We have a manager, and she’s–”
The boy with the black hair hit him on the shoulder. “What Tanaka means is while we do have a manager, a second one wouldn’t do any harm.”
You grinned. “Awesome!!” This was going great. You made a friend, and successfully joined Karasuno’s volleyball team as a manager. What could go wrong?
Oh a lot went wrong. You barely know how it happened, but all of a sudden Hinata and Kageyama were having a one on one match, and the ball had managed to hit the vice principal in the head. It also hit his toupe right off… And onto the boy whose name you learned was Daichi.
You stood with the other two first years when Daichi walked back in. “You’re lucky, he doesn’t even want us to apologize. But he did swear us to secrecy.”
You blinked at him before looking around at the other four boys. You let out a nervous giggle to yourself. This would be interesting.
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trips and falls flat on my face BABY HOWL SIBLINGS MY BELOVEDDDDSFDD TEEHEHE))
''Hi guys! Do you think I can come with you? I heard from your big bro that you two are very skilled in snow sports. Where I come from there's no snow at all so I'm very unfamiliar with these kinds of winter activities. I would love to see and participate a bit in them if you don't mind!'' (but bear with me, I'll be a disaster.)
(Turns to the little sister.) ''As much as you're adorable now, I'm sure you will grow up to be a beautiful, powerful wolf beastwoman. Maybe even stronger and taller than your big bro, who knows? Teehe.''
NRC Family Day was originally conceived as a blog event to celebrate Mother/Father's Day, which usually takes place in late spring to early summer! But just for this interaction, let's pretend Family Day's in winter ;p
I made Jack's brother kind of a jerk because Jack describes him as someone who always mouths off to him 😅 whereas I wrote his sister as more of a sympathetic girl that's frustrated with her brothers leaving her out because of her youth. Again, tried to work with what little canon we have to write them!
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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In your mad dash to nonchalantly approach the two young Howl siblings, you slipped on the ice that coated the street and fell forward, faceplanting in snow. Concern shouts and frantic footsteps followed, the children approaching.
"Are you okay?" Jack’s sister asked. Her voice was close—she was likely crouched down to check on you.
“Of course they aren’t,” his brother grumbled. He was more distant—standing. “Humans don’t have fur like we do. They’re probably freezing their butt off.”
“No, I’m better than okay! I’m great,” you insisted, lifting your snow-encrusted face from the ground. In spite of the unceremonious fall, your eyes were sparkling, your entire face warm with enthusiasm. "Actually, you think I can come with you guys? I heard from your big bro that you two are very skilled in snow sports. Where I come from there's no snow at all so I'm very unfamiliar with these kinds of winter activities. I would love to see and participate a bit in them if you don't mind--but bear with me, I'll be a disaster."
The Howls exchanged confused looks with one another.
"There's really such a thing as places that never have snow...?" the sister wondered, her nose crinkling. You saw bits of Jack in that expression--the fluff to her brows when they pushed together, resulting in appearing unintentionally fierce. "You're built different."
"Well, they handled a face full of snow just fine, so what the heck--let's let'm join us," the brother sighed. "We could do with the extra manpower."
"Yay!" You cheered, springing to your feet. "What's the game, captain?"
"Snowball fight. You ever heard of it?" Jack’s brother pointed to the imprint you had left on the ground. "Make balls with snow, then chuck it at your enemies. It's as simple as that."
"Enemies? You make it sound like a blood sport," you joked.
"It's serious business!! Only the manliest of men rise victorious,” the wolf boy insisted. “Today’s the day we’re finally gonna beat Jack aniki!!”
"He's being competitive again," Jack's sister said with a roll of her eyes. "He always is!"
"Maybe I wouldn't have to be if you did your part," he grumbled back, bending to pack together some snow.
Her fur bristled with annoyance. She stomped her foot and pouted, crossing her arms. "I've been helping!! But if you run off, how am I supposed to know where you went? You don't even wait for me."
Your ears piqued. “Hey now, it's not cool for your brother to do that to you.”
You knelt to meet the girl at her level, resting a hand upon her head. Her hair was softer than freshly fallen snow, and stuck up from between your fingers. Through damp eyes, she stared up at you curiously.
''As much as you're adorable now, I'm sure you will grow up to be a beautiful, powerful wolf beastwoman! Maybe even stronger and taller than your big bro, who knows?” You grinned impishly, tone warm and reassuring. "Then you can show both of your brothers what for!"
“E-Eh, you think so?” The girl’s face heated, her wolf ears flattening shyly.
“Yeah, for real!” You nudged her on the arm, then offered your hand. “Come on, let’s show your big bros what you’re made of.”
Jack’s sister perked a bit at your offer, slipping her hand into your own. Her tail, too, stood up, wagging happily in spite of her stoicism.
“Th-Thanks,” she started to mutter—then stopped, her muscles stiffening. Her brother, too, had gone quiet and still, a half-formed snowball in his palms.
Every strand of fur and hair on them stood on end, as if frozen in place by the frigid weather. Their ears twitched, sensing something shuffling closer and closer.
Suddenly, the Howl siblings violently tore away. Jack’s sister broke her hold on you as she barreled into a nearby bush, the brother abandoning his snowballs join her.
“G-Guys?! Where are you go…”
Something cold and wet collided with your face. Ice. White. They exploded across your vision, caking your lashes in a healthy layer of snow.
The force of the hit sent you stumbling back, your bottom meeting the frosted road. Pieces of the blue-grey sky above peered through the snow nestled upon your skin.
Your arms blindly extended before you, wildly grasping for the world, for something tangible. You found solace in the snow pooling around you, letting your fingers sink deeply into it.
Footsteps came, heavy like a blizzard but as brisk as a winter chill. Definitely not the same footsteps of the far smaller Howl siblings.
There was a huff, and a puff, and a voice low and gruff hit you. Not breathy from exhaustion, but with concern. You automatically recognized who it was.
"Oi, you good? Didn't mean for that snowball to hit you like that, sorry," Jack apologized--a little blunt, perhaps, but entirely earnest. "I was aiming for my kid sister, and... uh, looks like you got caught in the crossfire."
You spat out a chunk of ice in response.
Through a crack in your mask of snow, you could make out Jack flinching, guilt in his golden eyes. He was usually so tough and standoffish--now he resembled little more than a puppy whimpering after being chided for having an accident on the rug. A rare moment of vulnerability for him.
"Do you need to see Professor Crewel?" Jack asked, kneeling before you. With one hand, he wiped snow off of you, and, little by little, your vision was restored.
“Oh, thanks.” You smiled sweetly at him. “I’ve got a good look at you now.”
Fisting as much snow as you could in both hands, you threw your clumsily crafted snowballs at Jack. He fell back in an effort to avoid them—but he was too close, and caught off guard. His face caught the projectiles, turning the same fuzzy, silvery white as his hair.
Blink, blink.
His golden gaze shone through the snow, staring into the depths of your soul. Wide, and vaguely amused.
"Did you just...?!"
Jack yelped and buckled forward, pelted by a barrage of snowballs from behind. In the confusion, you sprung up, scrambling off the main street and ducking behind a tree trunk. Protected from the incoming fire, you dared to peer back at the chaotic scene.
Jack had gone from wolf to abominable snowman, covered head-to-toe in snow like a new coat of fur. He directed a glare and a growl over his shoulder. The Howl siblings had emerged from their hiding place, excitedly squealing as they high-fived each other.
"Hah! Did you see that? We totally got you!" his brother jeered smugly. "Good going, decoy!"
Jack expertly shook off the cold like a dog drying itself of rainwater. He was left with clumps of wet hair and fur sticking up and out. His grumpy frown was indignant, like that of a pet forcibly bathed--and one that had struggled every step of the way.
You giggled at the thought. When Jack whipped his head in your direction, you were quick to conceal your mouth behind a hand, hoping he hadn't seen.
"That's how it's gonna be, huh... Alright,. I'll take you all on, 3 on 1!" Jack declared with a rebellious grin. "It's time to get serious."
Crouching, he scooped up massive mounds of snow in both arms, roughly shaping them into one massive sphere. Jack easily lifted the giant snowball over his head, casting a foreboding shadow over him--and you and the Howl siblings alike.
"H-Hold on a second," you clumsily stammered, "isn't that going kinda overboard...?!"
"Eeek, run awayyy!" Jack sister squeaked, hurriedly tugging on your arm. (His brother was already making a break for it.)
A visibly sinister glint dancing now danced in Jack's eyes. Something there that wasn't there before. His laughter rumbled softly, warning of a coming storm.
"Ready or not, here comes the big, bad wolf!"
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zaceouiswriting · 4 months
The little brother
Character: Reggie Mantle and Male Reader older brother
Universe: Riverdale
Warnings: Just a little violence
Why did you have to agree to this? Why did you let your parents drag you into something like this? Why couldn't you just stay in Cambridge where your parents couldn't reach you? But no, you had to crawl back as soon as they called. Your father knew full well that you still sought his approval after all these years, and he pulled on your heartstrings until you agreed to return to their home and look after your brother for a few weeks. Because he apparently wasn't doing well at school.
But nothing was as it seemed. When you entered the house you called your childhood home, there was not the little boy who always wanted to be near you, but a moody teenager, almost of age, lying half naked on the couch, showing off his perfectly sculpted upper body.
The moment Reggie saw you, his face contorted with anger.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" he asked with a harsh tone, very different from the loving voice he had used towards you as a child.
Already done with this shit, you drop your bags to the floor still at the front door. Eye rolling, you closed the door behind you and went to your lazily sitting brother.
“Our parents thought it would be good for me to come here and look after you while they are away. They hope I can jog your walnut-sized brain.”
Your brother mocked you dismissively. After which, he stood up from the couch and walked towards you. The two of you were at the same level, staring into each other's eyes. He became noticeably taller, and you couldn't miss how wide he was getting. Football seemed to be good for him. You never liked team sports, mostly because you were a cowardly child who hated exercise.
Reggie suddenly tried to push you, but you stood your ground, your eyes glowing fiery. You, too, have become stronger thanks to the gym.
“Oh, I see. You’re trying to mark your territory like a dog? Or do you want to test who the man in the house is?” you asked him, grinning widely as his face turned into hatred.
You could see the movement of his arms before he even tried to hit you. You duck away with ease, only to give him an uppercut. He flew onto the couch. But somehow, he quickly got back on his feet. In the meantime, you got yourself into position, already prepared for your stubborn brother to jump back to his feet.
“Trust me, baby brother, this won’t be a good idea.”
You tried to get him to stop his stupid behavior you really tried, but he didn't listen. He thoughtlessly tried to attack you again, but you knocked him down even faster than before. You weren't the best boxer, but you learned quickly.
With just two hits, you knocked out Reggie. Looking down at your brother, you could only sigh. Was he always so hateful? Or is he still angry that you up and left when you were sixteen?
Your brother was obviously an early bloomer. He was already goddamn handsome. It took you years to get anywhere close to it. If you were honest, you were pretty jealous of it. You were almost twenty-three, and your little shitter of a brother was barely seventeen, and yet he looked just as good as you. Maybe a few more hits could help?
Before you could demolish his face out of jealous reflex with your fists, you shook yourself out of these thoughts. Instead, you placed one arm under his upper back and one under his legs. With some effort, you lifted your brother into your arms.
“Shit, you’re heavy,” you said through gritted teeth.
Carrying your brother upstairs to his bedroom, you carefully lay him down on his soft bed, breathing a sigh of relief as his weight was lifted from your arms. Even after years of training in the gym, you couldn't have carried him any longer than this.
You gently put the blanket over him and check his pulse to be on the safe side. Feeling like everything was fine, you looked around.
With a growing headache, you knew you couldn't leave his room in this chaos. He was such a clean freak as a kid, but now he's grown into what you were as a teenager: a hurricane.
You took out hidden fast food rappers, something your parents wouldn't allow their star athlete son to eat. Some dishes that could almost walk, and of course clothes. His room smelled like a high school locker room. You didn't mind the smell since gyms don't smell much different, but it unsettled you inside. For just a second, a fleeting moment, you imagined your brother in an inappropriate way that shocked you to your core. You never thought you would think of your brother like this. To be fair, the asshole has grown into one hell of an attractive guy.
After you cleaned his room in record time, you stared at his sleeping silhouette for just a moment. He still looked as sweet as ever. You walked close to him. As you stood in front of him, you gently brushed some strands of hair out of his face and placed a tender kiss on his forehead. A bedtime ritual you had when you were both younger.
“Sleep well, little shit,” you murmured against his head with a big smile, hoping he wouldn't remember anything the next day.
As you moved away from him towards the door, a sudden grab on your arm turned you around, only to be pulled into someone, your brother. In his sleep, he somehow managed to grab you and pull you into him. As you lay on his bed, he immediately laid his head on your chest, wrapped both arms around you and one leg as if you were a big pillow, and just slept.
Initially, you were stunned by the situation but soon found it amusing, to the point where you almost busted out laughing. However, you managed to stop yourself just in time. Instead, you placed your right hand on your brother's head and gently stroked it. You knew Reggie was a deep sleeper, and it was unlikely that he would wake up anytime soon. So, you prepared yourself for a long day ahead of you.
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shijiujun · 8 months
OFFICIAL NOVEL: Kiseki Dear to Me Rundown From Start to End (A PRETTY LONG POST)
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I briefly shared a brief read through of the last two chapters (and also what we can expect will happen in episodes 9-13) for Kiseki Dear to Me yesterday, and now that I have a bit of time, here's a slightly more detailed look through the novel! The drama was adapted from the novel so I think we can more or less expect some of these details in the novel turn up in the drama as well, although I've already seen some differences, mostly due to timing.
Also another thing to note is that the novel's protagonists were clearly Bai Zongyi and Fan Zherui, so the others really don't feature in terms of deepening relationship at all, but disclaimer that I'm still doing a skim through for now, haven't had time to read every word ;-;
Title: Kiseki Dear to Me (same name) Total: 1 Prologue + 10 Chapters + 2 Extras + 1 Special Feature (?) Author: Lin Peiyu, who's behind quite a number of well known TW BLs, including H3T
(1) Prologue
Ai Di curses as he and Bai Zongyi leave the prison, and he makes the mistake of looking back as it's considered a taboo for released prisoners to look back at their place on incarceration (because it means you're gonna go back)
BZY: Well if you obey the law from now on you won't have a chance to come back, and Ai Di goes: Who the hell do you think I am of course I'm going to get into trouble and how can you say that to me, I protected you for a year!!
Chen Yi picks Ai Di up in a sports car and Ai Di scolds Chen Yi because how's he gonna give BZY a ride in a two-seated but Chen Yi doesn't want to bring BZY any more potential negative trouble, and drives off
Ai Di is like why is it so depressing when I should be happy and Chen Yi said: That your damn problem and Ai Di is all: We haven't seen each other for a year and you're still so nasty to me
(2) Chapter 1
Mostly the same as the drama, BZY meets FZR who's injured for the first time, Ai Di goes crazy hitting people when they lose FZR
Chen Yi teases Ai Di saying if he smokes any more he's not going to grow taller to which Ai Di says, "Are you so damn great just because you're 180cm?!"
FZR cooking > All these are the same, the only thing is they packed eps 1-3 all in the first chapter
In the car when FZR is picked up by Ai Di and Chen Yi, they talk a bit about how FZR is someone that Chen Dongyang passed to Chen Yi to protect and that's why he puts so much attention on him, and FZR is like "oh so anyone who matters to Chen Dongyang you'll protect? oh, i forgot, except for Er-Ye (second boss, Zhou Minglei) and ISTG Chen Yi is so damn wild?! He goes, "He's (Zhou Minglei) is still alive, that's as much as I am tolerating him" (because he's jealous he gets to be with Chen Dongyang) > THIS IS WAY MORE OBVIOUS HERE THAN IN THE DRAMA
(3) Chapter 2
Technically when FZR leaves BZY's house and intends not to see him again, they next meet in the school in drama with FZR as a teacher, but in the novel, FZR comes back to the house drunk with BZY cuz he missed BZY unconsciously and also because BZY was working at the place he got drunk at, and also got into a fight at
Ends with scared-of-the-rain scene with FZR comforting BZY
(4) Chapter 3
WHEN THEY WAKE UP IN BED THE NEXT DAY THEY ARE ALREADY GETTING SMEXY WITH EACH OTHER like cuz they're in the same bed from FZR comforting BZY who was scared of the rain the night before, and when they wake up, they couldn't help it and FZR basically pounced on BZY - they don't go all the way tho, strictly hands only until Ai Di calls and interrupts them
Ai Di treats FZR's wounds and we can really see how great friends they are because Ai Di is lived as hell that FZR is hurt and cursing up a storm and FZR is all "if I die, do you wanna bet you'll be the saddest out of everyone?" LMAO
And we get the student framing scene, but FZR is not a teacher AT ALL he's there as BZY's cousin, and he comes to school all decked in like riches and everyone is like OMG IS BZY A RICH BOY
After that we get the same thing i.e. FZR asking BZY if he did well at defending him, the hug and the likes
Difference is BZY gets home that night and gets a fever because he was burnt by the chemicals from the incident in the classroom with the girl who framed him after not handling rejection well
FZR takes care of him really well and they're really attracted to each other and can feel that deep connection and are super drawn to each other idek how to put it
Ai Di ends up at a "part-time job" without telling Chen Yi
(5) Chapter 4
Gangster boss meeting NOT in the bathhouse but in a regular meeting room and everyone is present, and obviously Zhou Minglei is scolding Chen Yi but Chen Dongyang is obviously protective over Chen Yi and excusing his actions (same as drama)
Chen Dongyang tries to convince FZR to go back to his family
FZR goes back to BZY after a while (at least a few days or weeks because everytime they reunite in this chapter and past few chapters, FZR makes a comment about how he's now taller etc.)
BZY confesses, and wishes to grow up faster so he can have FZR
(6) Chapter 5
FZR avoids BZY and asks Chen Yi why they all keep asking him to go back to the Fan family (same as drama), then he runs back to BZY's place because of the rain and BZY is hurt (same as drama too)
And then yes same the drama they sleep together for the first time (and a few times after lol)
(7) Chapter 6
The morning after, unlike the drama, they do get their second morning round in
And then some time after BZY actually gets to orientation at med school, and somehow finds out that FZR might have something to do with the Fan family, and realises he's not FZR's match in terms of status
FZR talks about his past, and then BZY tells him again that he loves him for him, and then FZR says "you're my man" and BZY goes insane obviously
After they confirm their feelings again, FZR decides that he can't keep living the half-gangsta life and decides to leave the gang and head back home
He bids farewell to Chen Yi and Ai Di quite formally like with a cup of tea and they don't say goodbye because from today onwards their paths are different and will never cross again (WTS?!?!! drama much?!)
Chen Yi tries to look for Zhang Teng
(8) Chapter 7
BZY's fam comes to visit, and then they stay over
FZR suggests that BZY moves in with him and same as drama, all the sweet promises and trying to build a future together
While they're rolling in the sheets, FZR threatens BZY and say if he dares to break any promises to him he would kill him LOL
(9) Chapter 8
Chased down by Zhang Teng's men just after they move in together
There's no backstory for Zhang Teng and FZR either, ZY just plain hates Chen Yi and co, and the same thing where he ends up dying too
As FZR is undergoing surgery, BZY asks Chen Yi and Ai Di if they're cops or gangsters and Ai Di is like oh the latter, and then FZR's grandpa, dad, younger brother and mother come
They meet but don't say much to each other and then afterwards BZY is no longer able to see FZR, and FZR's parents sell the house and tell BZY not to cling onto FZR anymore etc., and FZR basically realises what a shitty ass home FZR lived in and why he wanted to run away and join the gang
BZY's dad ends up in the hospital and he's at the hospital when Chen Dongyang finds him and convinces him to take the rap for FZR, and BZY himself realises what grandpa Fan is doing, he wants to break them up
But he agrees anyway because if FZR wakes up and turns himself in it might be a death sentence
Chen Dongyang is super unhappy he had to pass the news to BZY like this under grandpa Fan's requests, who he owes a favour too, and really hates and regrets that he ruined BZY's future, and he scolds Chen Yi and tells him that they would forever owe BZY one till the day they die
Ai Di goes to the hospital, sneaks in and whispers the news to FZR hoping it'd wake him up, so turns out Zhang Teng went after FZR because he realised he was from the Fan family (wtf is the link idk, they don't really say it here) after FZR's third uncle let the news leak to him
He tells him BZY is in jail and what grandpa Fan did to him and FZR finally reacts, but he asks who Ai Di is after he wakes up
(10) Chapter 9
BZY gets out of jail, returns home to his dad and sister, and poor bb is depressed af. They urge him to go back to med school since he doesn't have a record anyway, but he tells them that he hurt his head in jail and has severe short term memory loss, like he can be saying one thing one moment and forgetting it the next and saying it again, he needs his notebook to help him remember
They both know why he went to jail and dad is guilty af and angry af at FZR but BZY told him he doesn't regret doing it for the person he loves
Dad tries to creep up on BZY but BZY reacts very badly, because he had to protect himself in prison from terrible people
And while his brain can't handle med school anymore, BZY takes the money that grandpa Fan and Chen Dongyang promised his four years ago and opens a dessert shop to sell the desserts he promised FZR he would make for him
FZR at this point is getting scolded by his grandpa, and his younger bro, heir to the Fan family, is speaking up for him
Once FZR leaves the room, grandpa Fan tells younger bro to make use of FZR and squeeze him dry because that's all the use he is
But once the younger bro leaves his grandpa, he meets FZR outside and tells him not to give too much of a shit about what grandpa said, and that's when it's revealed that FZR has NOT lost his memories
Younger bro has been hiding it for him all this while and they're working together - FZR wants revenge against third uncle and also his grandpa a little, while younger bro doesn't want to sit at the top of the family but still be subject to grandpa's control
Younger bro was also the one who told him all about BZY and what grandpa did to him the moment he woke up from the accident four years ago, and that's how he managed to pretend to be amnesiac in time
FZR is filled with guilt and self-blame and pain because where BZY is that's his home, but now he's ashamed to see him, but he still can't see him either because he needs to revenge first, makes sure it's safe
A new cafe opens near a university, and BZY makes the best desserts - his sister asks him why he doesn't go find FZR, and he just doesn't dare to anymore because of the way he is now, broken - AND SIMULTANEOUSLY FZR and his younger bro are seated in a car outside the bakery and younger bro is like "miracles don't happen just by you sitting on your ass here" and FZR also doesn't dare to go in and see BZY
He threatens his bro and makes him go in to buy desserts for him, and tears up when he realises all the desserts are familiar to him, that BZY was keeping his promise, but still doesn't go in
BUT SNEAKY LITTLE BRO!!! On the note he gives BZY, he writes a message "FZR didn't lose his memory, if you wanna see him come to xxx place tomorrow"
And BZY is convinced by his dad to take the leap
BZY goes to the address as stated the next day and realises he knocked on younger bro's door, and younger bro is like he's NEXT DOOR thanks
BZY goes in and sees FZR asleep, and a bottle of sedatives next to the bed. He wakes him up, and FZR thinks he's a figment of his imagination in his dreams because FZR, through the four years, has been using sedatives to fall asleep because that's the only place he sees BZY
They sleep together, FZR still thinking it's a dream, and only a bit later when he feels pain he realises that FUCK IT REALLY IS HIM
THEY ARE FINALLY WHOLE!!! THEY open their hearts to each other again and tell each what they're thinking and how scared they are etc., and they've found their way back to each other again
(11) Chapter 10
FZR and BZY are seeing each other again with FZR running between Taipei and Taichung, and then he finally runs into FZR's dad again
He's apologetic and regretful and ashamed, but dad is now understanding and gives his blessings
On the TV, news of Taiwan's imminent gay-marriage bill is on and BZY plans to propose and marry FZR, and FZR promises that in the future, he'll write in his notebook for him, he'll remember and make memories for them both
BED TIME! Happily ever after
(12) Extras + Others
Extra 1 is the scene in the drama where BZY's sister sees them kissing in FZR's living room
Extra 2 is between FZR and his brother, and his younger brother basically tells him that he's always known what FZR's mother was doing but he never cared about it because no matter what she or FZR did, whether he acted stupid or smart or whatever, FZR's brother's status at the heir would never change, and FZR is like wtf bro firstly, that's hurtful, secondly, you're telling me I could have just been less emo all these years, and then FZR's bro drops a bomb that HE IS GAY TOO and he's seeming someone and FZR is like "omg is grandpa Fan going to have a heart attack you've got two gay boys here huh"
Special Feature is just a routine day between dessert maker BZY and busy businessman FZR, a sweet, sweet day <3
Okay I'm honestly not at all surprised at the loopholes in the writing in the novel it's quite characteristic of quite a number of the authors' books LOL and I'm so damn happy the drama decided to take it up a notch and give colour to Ai Di, Chen Yi, Chen Dongyang and Zhou Minglei because DAMN the novel treated them like third-class citizens ok barely like a handful of mentions I'm like WHY DO YALL EVEN EXIST HERE IF NOT TO BE GAY AND BECOME CPs
Sad Zhang Teng too, he was literally just a token villain CAN U IMAGINE
HAPPY WATCHING THE REST OF THE KISEKI DEAR TO ME DRAMA YALLLLLL <3 No need to be scared of extended dual amnesia plot pain UNLESS we get a drama canon deviation
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jakelandryshorts · 1 year
The Wrestler
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(AI art created by Jammer Link)
“Mr-Mr Stafford? I don’t think wrestling is right for me…” Ned stammered as he walked into the wrestling room. The strong smell of musk filled his nose and he found it hard to breathe.
“It’s coach,” Coach Stafford snapped.
“Of course! Sorry! Coach!” Ned quickly corrected himself. He didn’t understand this sports stuff too well. He was just in the library studying for his Intro to Biology 1100. College was so new for him, that he didn’t fully understand what was expected of him but he figured he had to try to say yes a little more than he had when he was in high school. That’s why when Coach Stafford came over and asked him to join the wrestling team, he spoke without thinking. “But I’ve never wrestled before…”
“That’s alright,” Coach Stafford said. “Everyone has to start somewhere. And as long as you listen to me, you’ll do fine.” His brow raised as he looked down at Ned. It was the tone drop that made Ned really shake. “You are going to listen to me, right?”
“Of-Of course! I’ll do whatever you say coach!” Ned said dutifully. As he agreed he couldn’t help but feel as though there was something different about him all of a sudden. He brushed it off.
Coach Stafford’s grim mood quickly changed. “Good. Go put these on.” He handed Ned a pair of tight wrestling shorts.
Ned did as he was told. Any resistance he would have met with, instantly turned into reasons why he should listen. He couldn’t exactly wrestle in his normal clothes. Besides what if they got all sweaty or gross?
“Good,” Coach Stafford said. “And you’re okay with me making you big and strong?”
“Y-yeah,” Ned nodded. He wouldn’t have minded gaining a bit of muscle on his weak frame.
“And you’re okay with me telling you what to do?”
“You are my coach,” Ned answered.
Coach’s smile broadened. “Perfect. That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.”
Ned’s eyes narrowed in confusion. Something about Coach Stafford felt off. It was almost like he looked semitransparent. “Co—” Ned was about to say before a glowing ethereal mist that was heading directly for his open mouth. It entered inside of him.
“Sorry bud. This’ll be a bit uncomfortable,” Coach Stafford said as more of his body grew more transparent.
Ned struggled to say something. Anything at all. Only gagged muffled sounds escaped from his mouth. He tried to grab at the string of mist entering inside of him, but its incorporeal form was impossible to grab onto. His fingers slipped through the glowing green mist. He can feel it going down his throat and clinging to his gullet. A small bulge of a tummy pushes out from his thin body.
“C-coach?” Ned asked the now empty room. His mind was reeling from what just happened. Even stranger was the full feeling in his tummy. He rubbed it gently trying to calm it down. “Coach Staff—” A deep grunt forced its way out of his chest. Ned’s body buckled. Whatever was inside him was starting to move. It was stretching out his insides.
A series of moans and groans filled the room as he rolled around on the wrestling matt. It was the craziest feeling. Every part of his body was pulsing. Ned could almost see his muscles growing. What had been completely weak and undefined was rapidly refining itself. Muscles molded and sculpted itself onto his frame at an alarming rate.
He could see his biceps forming and rounding out. Thick forearms with a dense lattice of veins led to massive hands. His neck widened. The moans and groans only grew deeper. Each time resonating more off the concrete walls.
Ned could feel his bones growing longer. He was getting taller. His shoulders were wider while his waist stayed perfectly trimmed. His silhouette actually looked somewhat intimidating. “F-FUCK!” He cried out as his back arched. The growth of his quads happened to press hard against his dick that was currently raging in his wrestling pants.
His massive hands gently massaged and moved it out of the way. Slowly Ned came back down from his painful state. He rolled around a bit before standing up and looking at his reflection. The one looking back wasn’t what he remembered. The feminine face he had had, had squared itself off into a masculine jaw. His brow had pushed forward a bit and his eyes were almost dark and mysterious. He reached up and ran his hand across the tiny bit of peach fuzz rounding his mouth.
“What the—”
“And I was saying…” Three guys walked into the wrestling arena. They stopped and looked over at Ned. “Oh? Is the fresh meat already here?” The other two laughed. “Let’s get a few things straight. I’m not some pansy ass bitch like Luke was. You’ll listen to me because I’m seniority here. Got it?”
Ned felt his eyes roll. “Maybe if you could actually win a match when we needed it, I’d consider it.” Ned said. But Ned didn’t say it. He could see his mouth moving in the mirror and feel the words vibrating in his throat. And even though it sounded like Ned with a slightly deeper more commanding tone.
The guy looked stunned. Then pissed. “Really bitch?” he stomped forward. “You think just cause you’re new here I’m going to take it easy on you? What’s your name bitch?”
“Ned,” Ned replied. He was screaming in his head, but it came out with a calm and cool confidence. “Why don’t you prove that you’re worth listening to?”
Anger turned into rage. “FINE! One round. Loser has to do whatever the winner says! And don’t think those showy muscles you got are going to do much of anything. You need real talent to do anything against me.”
“Talent?” Ned scoffed.
‘WHAT THE FUCK!?’ Ned was screaming inside his head as his body readied itself to wrestle this other guy. He didn’t understand what was going on or why his body was doing this.
‘Calm down,’ he heard Coach Stafford’s voice in his head. ‘You’re distracting me… It’s annoying. Just calm down and go along with it. I don’t need you fuckin’ this up. Got it?’
Ned went quiet. He didn’t understand it, but if Coach Stafford was still around, that meant at least, in some sort of nebulous way, something made sense.
It was Ned’s body that set itself up in front of the other wrestler. Even though he’d never done anything in his life like this, his body took on perfect form. One of the other guys watching counted down. On one, the other wrestler charged.
“Asshole…” Ned grunted.
The wrestler just smirked. He had grabbed a hold of Ned’s body. But Ned’s leg had made its way behind the wrestler’s body. It swept the wrestler’s leg out and the two fell to the ground Ned quickly recovered and went for the pin. The wrestler struggled as much as he could, but the sheer strength in Ned’s body made that completely useless.
The two lackies reluctantly began to count. They waited as long as they possibly could, but Ned was declared the victor.
“Fucker,” the wrestler growled. “Two out of three.”
“God damn you’re a little bitch. Do you really think that another round is going to turn out differently? Or is it that you just loved feeling my body on top of yours?” Ned smirked. He raised a bicep and flexed it showing off. “I mean I wouldn’t mind getting on top of you again.” The strain in the singlet only grew as more blood pumped into his dick. It looked like a full blackjack club was running down his left leg.
The wrestler flexed. His anger was still raging. “Whatever asshole.”
“Oh! One more thing,” Ned said. “Kiss it.”
“WHAT?!” the wrestler roared.
“Kiss it,” Ned positioned his massive dick forward. “You said I could make you do whatever I wanted. Right? Or are you that much of a loser bitch that you can’t even keep up on that? Or maybe it’s not enough… Do you want to suck me off? Or feel it deep inside your asshole?”
The devilish smirk on Ned’s face only pissed the wrestler off even more. But that was the deal. He dropped to his knees and gave Ned’s massive slong a kiss. “Fuck you…” the wrestler cursed as he went to leave again.
‘Phew…’ Coach Stafford’s voice rang inside of Ned’s head. ‘What an asshole. Am I right?’
‘But what just happened?’ Ned question.
‘Hmm? Oh. I just took over your body. Sorry about that. It’s just Luke graduated and was going to start his new job that I needed someone new to take his place. Hope you don’t mind. After a little while when you start learning how to wrestle, I’ll let the training wheels off. Alright?’
Ned felt as though he had control over his body again. The amount of power that he could feel in his arms felt unbelievable. Even just standing there he felt like he could lift the world. He flexed and watched as different muscles on his body bulged and shifted. ‘Yeah… I don’t mind…’ he smiled.
(more stories over on my wordpress)
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axigailxo · 2 years
in my eyes | jjk
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pairing. jungkook x reader
genre. fluff, established relationship au
w.c. -2k
summary. Jungkook is tired of the way you look at yourself and decides to draw out exactly how he sees you in his eyes, in the end making you second guess your self-image entirely and fall in love with him all over again.
contains. a bittt of angst, jk’s drawing skills, insecure oc, a drunk-in-love/supportive jk (🥺), oc hates her appearance and jk wants to fix that, everyone needs a jk like this in their life 😕
concept was inspired by @bebejungkook's gym bunny :) lovey-dovey/suportive jungkook has me in a chokehold lately…
“Stop staring, Jungkook.”
Throwing his hands up in surrender, he travels his eyes up to yours through the mirror with a smirk growing on his face, his taller figure standing tall and proud behind you.
“I can’t even look at my beautiful girlfriend now?”
His hand goes to wrap around your waist from behind, but you quickly grab his wrist in an effort to stop him.
“It’s different when I’m practically naked.”
“I’ve seen your body so many times before, I know you remember those times…”
You lightly hit his chest at the implication, turning away from the mirror to grab your shirt off the bed and put it back on.
You didn’t expect Jungkook to barge in as you were examining your figure in the standing mirror, but he did and his gaze has been all over you since. You were wearing just panties and a dainty sports bra, your breasts overflowing out of the top, which is hot to Jungkook but tight and ridiculously uncomfy to you. You would size up but then it wouldn’t give you the right support. However, you sadly don’t blame the ridiculous manufacturers any more than you blame yourself.
In a way, you’re somewhat glad Jungkook walked in because if he hadn’t distracted you, the cruel thoughts that were brewing into something a tad more intense would’ve carried on. The more you stared into that mirror, the more that damned self-hatred grew.
You know he loves you and your body, but you still can’t help feeling this way. Especially when he's right there to see for himself, no matter how different his thoughts are compared to your own. You still hate what you see and subconsciously fear that he might too.
“You know I honestly don’t get it.” Jungkook perks up while throwing himself on the bed beside you, the bed shaking at the sudden impact.
“You wouldn’t.”
His aura becomes a little bit more serious at your comment, and he furrows his brow in gesture for you to elaborate.
“It’s just… you don’t look like this,” you motion your hands to your frame, “you're like a literal god… it’s kinda fucked up y’know.”
He can’t help the boom of laughter that he let out upon your statement, his hand landing on his chest in playful offense.
“Fucked up how?! And just so you know, everyone has something they don’t like about themselves, it’s normal… even for 'gods' like me.”
You throw the nearest pillow in reach at his face, causing another one of his mischievous giggles.
In a way, he’s right. In an obvious, literal way he may be somewhat onto something. But when he speaks for the majority, you somehow don’t feel as if you’re eligible to fall into that ‘majority’. Sure, everyone is insecure one way or another, but when you feel as if you simply cannot accept yourself, it’s not the majority that’s on your mind, it’s only you. You and your problems, the problems that feel too big to let go of just because others might feel the same about themselves. To put it simply: your too caught up in this complex and bitter perspective to care about how common and normal it may be.
So, because you don’t completely agree with Jungkook’s encouraging words, you simply skip pass them.
“I don’t mean to like… pester you, by the way. I know you’re fed up with me always talking about it by now.”
He swears he feels a piece of his heart break off when he notices how upset you genuinely are about your appearance and now how you feel guilty for hating it. He’s ran out of words to say, because it’s not a far stretch for him to draw the conclusion that you don’t take much thought into them anyway. He knows you appreciate him, but appreciation and actually accepting his help are two very different things. Two different things that are usually associated with each other, but there’s no association here given you won’t let him help you. Your mind is set and he loves you dearly, but damn you’re stubborn when it comes to this. And it’s killing him not being able to help.
So this is it. He can’t keep seeing you like this. Time to resort to the last option.
“You’re right, I am fed up.”
Your heart sinks at his words, expecting him to say something completely different. Drench you in kisses, tell you not to say things like that. So his agreement startles you in a way. Not that you would have listened. But still, his new, unfamiliar words are enough to shock you.
“I— Oh. Okay, well I’m sorry for that I didn’t-”
You cut yourself off when he gets up from the bed, leaving the room in the in the matter of seconds and leaving you sat there against the headboard, beyond confused.
You attempt to think over the brief conversation you just had, only puzzling yourself further when you don’t see anything too wrong with it. What could you have possibly said that hit a nerve?
You stay frozen, not really capable of doing otherwise, and right when the idea of calling out for him comes to mind- he walks in again. Except this time he has his sketchpad and pencil in hand.
He’s fed up so… he’s going to draw? You can’t tell if you’re confused or fond of how adorable that is.
“What are you doing?” You ask in a small voice, still taken aback by this new behavior of his.
“I’m drawing.”
You resist the urge to say “no…” in an overly exaggerated, sarcastic tone, though you resist. Joking may result in pushing it further. Instead, your head tilts and your eyes squint, not understanding your adorable yet very random boyfriend at all.
“Okay… Um, what are you drawing?”
He tilts the sketch pad down to show you his dumbfounded face.
“You, duh.”
“Jungkook, baby, that’s cute but -“
“But nothing. I’m gonna let you finally see what I see, just trust the process and stay right there.”
You groan at his tactics, genuinely flattered at how much he cares but you know one drawing won’t change years worth of self hate. Again, you appreciate him. So, so much. And you’re happy to see how determined he is when it comes to your self-acceptance, but things like this don’t heal overnight. Jungkook knows that deep down, but it never hurts to just try.
“It's gonna take you so long to finish, plus I'm tired.”
“Then take a nap.”
You throw another pillow at him, biting back a giggle after he glares at you. A bubbly feeling of genuine contentment and relief given he’s not actually mad washes over you. You’re happy that the mood shifted. It’s Jungkook, the light of your life and reason for existence, after all, of course you feel bubbly.
“Don’t you need my eyes to be open?”
He doesn’t look up when he speaks, his full attention on the pencil that’s sketching lightly against the paper.
“Jagi,” he starts in a matter-of-fact tone, “I know your eyes like the back of my hand, probably even better to be honest.”
Your heart can’t help but to feel all mushy like a teenager in love at your boyfriend’s statement, and you put actual effort into not smiling.
“Yeah, yeah,” you attempt to shrug off, eyes falling shut as you get comfortable in your spot, “just hurry up.”
You didn’t intend to actually fall asleep.
But the tranquility of laying besides Jungkook, comfortable silence running throughout the room and being accompanied by the delicate noise of the pencil streaking softly against the paper, as well as Jungkook’s slow, concentrated breathing, it was more than enough to make you to doze off.
Hazy eyes fluttering open, you gulp to cure your dry mouth as you instinctively turn your head to see your boyfriend, only to discover he’s not there. You also take note of the time displayed on the digital clock propped on his nightstand, your brows creasing as you slowly sit up.
It’s three in the morning, and the lights are off, candles blown out, and the door is closed. Jungkook must have turned everything off for the night, and that leads you back to wondering where he could be.
You kick the heavy comforter off your legs, slipping out of bed and reaching over a bit to tug the lamp on.
You glance at the hallway of your master bedroom, assuming to see him in the bathroom but the lights there are off too.
Your voice is hoarse due to the deep, rather good, sleep you just had. So your efforts to call for him was a fail.
However, glancing in the direction of the bathroom, you notice his sketchpad is wide open and strategically propped against your lamp with a ripped out page laying in front of it.
You try your best not to peak at the displayed page before reading the small note that reads ‘love u, hope this makes u love u too. ur pretty cool or whatever so I think ur missing out. -the boyfie’.
The note itself was enough to make your heart turn to mush, so when your eyes met the page of the sketchpad, it just about melted.
On the small page laid a sketch of something capable of capturing your whole heart, engraving itself into it and making you feel as if you are in the clouds. It’s a drawing of you, that part is unmistakable, but something is different about it.
You think it’s… beautiful.
Of course doubts start to rain on your short lasting self-love parade. You can help but wonder is this drawing just an exaggeration? Does he really see you like this in his eyes? Do you really look like this? This is you after all… so why do you like what you see? How are you liking what you see?
“Holy fuck, Jungkook.” Are the words that come out upon a deep exhale, realization hitting you harder than ever before.
You almost want to cry. Not only do you really like this drawing of yourself and for once you see yourself as beautiful, but he drew it. Jungkook, put in effort to draw out exactly what he thinks you look like, all because he wanted you to feel this euphoric, relieving feeling. He didn’t give up on making sure you love his favorite person as much as he loves her. That person being none other than you.
God, you love that man.
Standing up, sketchpad in hand, you make your way to the standing mirror. Your eyes repeatedly go from the paper to the mirror, and your heart feels as if it’s teleported away and is currently surfing on the moon. Odd explanation, but the most accurate analogy. You can’t pinpoint what it is about the drawing. There’s no exaggerations now that you’re comparing it to your real body, but something about the drawing is so exquisite.
It’s like an illusion of some sort. The more you compare your real reflection to the page, the more your real body becomes dead on with the drawing. Like the drawing is unlocking a different perspective and leaving you with no choice but to understand that just like the sketch, you’re beautiful.
A tear wells up into your eye, and you decide that’s your cue to get ahold of yourself and find Jungkook so you can try your best to express even a fraction of the love you have for him.
Opening the door, the scent of… something catches your senses. Looking into the kitchen, your boyfriend’s back is to you as he continues to work in the dim light of the kitchen, stove on as he stirs something in the pan that’s on top of it.
It’s like you love him even more after that whole thing, which you didn’t even know was possible given how in love you were with him prior to. But here you are, almost nervous to speak as you continue to gawk across the room at Jungkook. You settle on clearing your throat to draw his attention. You had a lump in it anyway.
Turning around swiftly, his bunny smile makes an appearance and the corners of your mouth dip down in a fond way. You can’t help yourself when you stride over to him, collapsing yourself into his arms (which you do end up regretting when he stumbles) and trying your best to show him a physical gesture of ‘I love you’.
He picks up quickly, embracing you tight with his arms wrapped around you like he doesn’t plan to ever release. His lips find sanctuary on the top of your head, absentmindedly swaying your bodies side to side as you continue to stand there and just hold each other for a moment.
“I saw the sketch.” Your muffled voice speaks against his bicep that’s currently flexed due to how tight his hold on you is.
He lets out an airy chuckle against the top of your head, some stray hairs of yours fluttering at the abrupt breeze.
“Never would have guessed,” he jokes, “did it work? Do you love you now?”
You can’t help but to laugh at his purity and innocence, tugging away slightly so that he can release his hold and you stare up into his eyes, hands cupping his cheeks.
“Not as much as I love you, but really close.”
His eyes spark with a look of admiration. He knew you were capable of at least trying, so knowing that he took part in that first step of your self-love process, the fact that his drawing is what kickstarted that very process, it warms his heart and he’s glad to be in your life.
“That works for me.”
You rise on the balls of your feet to capture his lips in a hunger-fueled way, passion engraved in your intentions and lacing its way onto his plump and just-as-eager lips.
If he weren’t in the middle of cooking, you would have been more than okay with standing there, kissing him all night. So pulling away, you nod over to the stove that was left unattended to.
He turns around as if you reminded him, quickly turning the nobs off and sighing of relief when he uncovers the lid of the pan to discover he didn’t ruin whatever was inside.
“It’s three in the morning, why are you cooking?”
Your tone was soft, still hazy as you weren’t fully back down from cloud nine yet.
He grabs two plates from the cabinet, falling silent for a good moment or two as he continues his task, finally turning to face you as he answers, this time with two plates of carbonara in his hand.
“I’ve noticed you’ve been sleeping early lately to avoid dinner…”
His tone was too soft and very timid, like he felt bad for calling you out but he knew he couldn’t just not address it. Your eyes flick to the ground.
“Hey, I’m not disappointed or anything. Today can be the start of changing those old habits, okay?”
Again, you find yourself on the verge of tears. Happy tears. The effort he’s putting into maintaining your well-being is so overwhelmingly comforting and you find yourself understanding why it is you fell in love with him in the first place. You can’t picture a life without him.
“I…” As soon as your eyes flick up to meet his, you break. Not too badly, but soft tears do begin to stream rather quickly down your face.
He reaches over to place the plates on the counter in front of the barstool chairs, latching his arms back around you as soon as he gets the chance.
“It’s all a process, and I’ll be here with you every step of it.”
His words are so utterly genuine and you can tell how it’s real and coming straight from his heart. You can tell how much he just wants to be there for you if you’d just let him.
And for the first time, you’re letting him.
“I love you, Jungkook. So fucking much.”
A/N: ahhhh my first fluff one shot!!! I hope it wasn’t underwhelming 😭 I’ve had writers block for a minute but I rly wanted to finally just finish this one up. anyways, stay tuned for more stuff :) i just need to get over this writers block first lol… oh and i have a series on the way??? get ready for dilf/professor jk everyone 🫠
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psi-scribe · 5 months
Ok so after talking with the breeder about some scheduling, I’ve decided to go out there and see the kennel myself and introduce myself to Percival then before taking him home. Right now the breeder is away at a Ravenwing sporting event which is why it’s taking a while to bring the Scout home, which is no problem! I’m looking forward to seeing the kennel and this should help the little guy feel more at ease about his adoption and feel safer on the drive back, which was something I was worrying about, so this really does work out better. So while I sit around waiting, I figured I’d share some information about the Dark Angel breed! They are so interesting and diverse, comes with being such an old breed.
So let’s start with the Legion Breed! The original “Dark Angel” breed is one with a long history, founded by one “Lion El’Jonson” a Welsh gentleman, and he is Welsh, a lot of sources say he’s British, but this is incorrect, he was just educated in England and lived there for a long time but that’s a different topic. He bred the Dark Angels to be hardy, highly intelligent and cover several different kinds of roles. The original breed, which is still around to this day due to diligent and careful breeding, is known for their gleaming black coats in contrast to the “Caliban Green” that the modern Chapter Breed sports (Caliban being chosen in honor of the El’Jonson old castle). Though patterns like “checkerboard” are acceptable according to the pedigree guidelines for both.
Now I mentioned that the breed served in several different ways, and this was managed by organizing the breed into six “wings”, which are classified now as “variations”, or sub-breeds. This is something that was carried on with the Chapter/Successor breeds. This is partly to reflect the original Legion Breed and partly because Dark Angels genetically are so diverse and that effects their behavior, thus requiring different training. You can breed two Ravenwings together but not all the marinelings will turn out to be ravenwings. This genetic diversity has helped to keep the breed so strong for so long.
So, let’s talk about those “Wings”!
Most people who have poked around Dark Angel breed information sites, forums and such are likely familiar with two of them: The Deathwing and Ravenwing. Both are stunning in their own ways, fully grown Deathwing have pale coats dubbed “bone” and grow to be much taller than others of their breeds and variations. These bois were originally used for herding/guarding, especially during wartimes where they excelled (there’s actually a sad story related to that but maybe I’ll share that later). Chapter and Successor breed Ravenwing sometimes get confused for the old Legion Breed because of their black coats. The immediate difference is that ravenwing (regardless of breed) are always leaner and way more active, this is so not a variation for those living in cities, seriously.
There are or were 4 other wings belonging to the old Legion Breed but for various reasons, none of them are still around in great number. These are the: Firewing, Stormwing, Ironwing and Dreadwing.
Firewing were used back when the Legion Breed was really active in early wars, think when knights in armor and horseback were used. The best way to describe the accounts of their behavior is to imagine a highly disciplined Night Lord or Ravenguard but they were also dangerous because they could snap at any moment without warning (unless you’re familiar with the variation). But that’s what they were bred for, assassinations and such. From what pictures I’ve seen around and written descriptions, they commonly had red markings but there’s not much more beyond that.
Stormwing is more frustrating because I have not been able to find good pictures of the variation? No descriptions about what they commonly looked like or what they were bred for either. What I was able to find was that there were never a lot of them in the first place, something about the training and traits needed to be classified as one. The variation was bred for something specific during the “knightly” period but after castle sieges stopped really being a big part of battles, I guess there was no reason to keep the variation going sadly.
Ironwing! These are the heaviest and biggest of the variations, Legion Dark Angel Dreadnoughts were all classified as Ironwings when they were around in mass. You know how big dogs have deep barks? It’s the same with these guys, all their vocalizations are all deep and you feel it in your bones apparently. These guys often wore addition armor as well.
And then finally, there’s the Dreadwing. The first of the variations to be banned and breeding straight up forbidden. They were incredibly dangerous and not many people met the strict minimum required to even apprentice to handle them?? Lion El’Jonson was not messing around when he set up the guidelines for these ones. A lot of the records I managed to find (and read for that matter, old English is hard to read) were uh…gruesome. War-time variations sadly all have that in common.
Though on another interesting note! While the Legion Breed is still around and closely monitored for good breeding, there appears to be records of several “Fallen” Dark Angels around. Fallen is the term for the Legion Dark Angels that choose to abandon their owners for one reason or another/are abandoned and end up going feral. Sometimes they join up in squads but never more than that. A lot of veterans in the Dark Angel husbandry field have tried to trap and rehabilitate these Fallen, sometimes they’re successful too. Those Fallen are then dubbed “Risen” to mark that they were formerly feral and that means their requirements and needs are different. The kennel club I mentioned in another post has set up a program to help with finding and helping any Fallen they get calls about. They’re not all bad marines, they just need a second chance.
So, yeah, that my very rambling history(?) post about the Dark Angel breed!
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weixuldo · 1 year
Will You Stay// ch 2
Bi!Padme x F!Reader
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(a/n: finally updating this one haha, im still deeply in love w padme, but most of the demand is for the ani stories 👀)
your arrival on Coruscant brings new faces, old memories, and familiar danger
Warnings: Cannon typical violence, cursing
Years later, you and Padme became inseparable, you loved her and she loved you.
She grew to be a beautiful woman, her brown hair growing longer and her features sharpening; though, her beauty marks remained.
You were to accompany Padme to a meeting with the Jedi Council on Coruscant. You saw that she was rather excited to be in the governmental capital once more. You loved how passionate she was for democracy and freedom.
On the way, she told you the Jedi who helped her when she was stranded on Tatooine all those years ago would be there. You could tell she was looking forward to meeting him again.
Her memories of the jedi, Qui-Gon and his apprentice Obi-Wan were much more exhilarating than your memories of that time.
During that period, you had been sent to the planet Aalderan as a decoy for the Queen, that was one of the few times you had ever been separated from her. 
The elevator ride up was silent but she made sure to squeeze one of your hands for comfort.
Two men dressed in classic jedi robes came sauntering towards where you and Padme were waiting. One had longer orange-ish hair, a beard, and kind eyes, that must be Obi-wan. The other stood a bit taller and sported a shorter cut with a padawan braid tailing from the back. He looked a little younger than the latter and his eyes were filled with ambition. 
You noticed something you didn’t particularly appreciate about the younger jedi… his wandering gaze as he looked upon Padme.
He appeared enchanted, ravenous, and held a sense of longing, almost as if he was in love. 
As you examined the man further you had to admit, he was handsome.
His shoulders were broad and his jawline sharp. His deep blue eyes, a sea of emotion. You hated to admit it, but he had a beautiful face; the prettiest you had seen on a man.
As much as you hated how he looked at your lover, you hated the look on her face even more. You had seen that face before… the face of a woman who was intrigued.
After introductions you followed behind her into the lounge room, “I have a bad feeling about that one” you whispered into her ear.
You hoped it was just jealousy, but there was something a little off with that jedi.
Soon after the initial formalities, Padme and you finally retired to her suite. You proceeded with the normal duties of a handmaiden; undoing her dress, helping her take off her headdress, wiping the makeup off her face, all the while staying noticeably silent.
Her soft brown locks fell around her beautiful face as you undid her hair.
“Something’s troubling you, what is it my darling?” her sweet voice called as she rested a polished hand against your blushing cheek. 
Her warm brown eyes calms your nerves and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. 
“I’m sorry m’lady, I’m just a little wary of the jedi men… there was something…off about the younger one.” you said, taking her hands in yours.
“Little ani?” she asked before letting out a small giggle. “He is harmless, I assure you he only means the best”. 
Not quite comforting for you…
She sighed as she noticed your rigid form, she placed a gentle hand on the side of your face and pulled you in for a kiss. 
“Y/N… It will be ok” she whispered against your lips. 
Though you may not have been completely at ease, her comforting aura calms your nerves. 
“Ok, Padme” 
Night fell upon the city of Coruscant and the bright neon lights of the bustling city lit up the streets. Outside the windows of the high rise speeders of all colors and sizes zoomed around the designated lanes below. Padme had returned to her room for the night, she had a busy schedule this week after all. 
You were alerted of the guards posted all around the building to hopefully capture the assassin that was rumored to be after Padme. You didn’t have total faith in the guards, but you let them carry on with their jobs. 
You wandered the halls of the penthouse for a final check of your own, before you would retire back to your lady.
You walked past the large room everyone had gathered in earlier that day, the young jedi and his master stood in the middle of the dark room. 
“I don’t like just waiting for something to happen” you heard “ani” say. 
Muffled voices spoke more until you heard the young one’s voice again.
“I don’t think she likes me watching her,” he said, referring to the surveillance cameras in her room.
“Nor do I” you interjected, emerging through the shadows. 
The two men shifted their gaze to you, you were no longer in your usual handmaiden garb, instead you sported a nightgown similar to Padme’s, just less decorative.
You felt the energy in the room shift.
“Excuse the intrusion, but I don’t think we ever officially introduced ourselves, I am Y/N, Senator Amidala’s personal handmaiden” you bowed to the men in front of you.
The younger one stared intently at you, you wondered if he could sense your distaste for him. You met his icy stare before turning to the bearded man. 
“My apologies, madame. I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is my padawan, Anakin Skywalker. We are honored to serve your lady and provide as much security as necessary”
“It is nice to make your acquaintance, I appreciate your dedication to M’lady, but I do agree, I do not think she appreciated fairing under your watchful gaze” you narrowed your eyes at the younger man who was still staring at you.
He blinked a few times before straightening his posture, “Well, It’s not like I really needed to see anything, I can sense everything going on in that room” he said arrogantly with an annoying smile. 
“Are you so sure?” 
“Oh, I am very sure.” Anakin smirked. 
“What is M’lady feeling right now then?” you inquired deviously.
“That is classified information” he responded, looking too proud of himself.
“I can sense something too” you perked up
“And what would that be?”
“Well…I don't exactly have to be a Jedi to sense your strong feelings for her”. 
He jerked his head back and his master looked over at him with wide eyes. You knew Obi-Wan already had an idea, because you overheard their conversation to Jar Jar after the initial meeting today. But neither of them expected to hear you say that out loud.
“I thought part of your code was not to form attachments, seems to me you should work on that instead of trying to sense Padme’s every feeling” you said making your exit to check up on the guards downstairs. 
You knew it was a little too informal to refer to her as “Padme”, that was not a handmaid's place; actually, no one was supposed to know that you and her had such a relationship, it was forbidden.
But your protectiveness over her flared when the padawan began speaking of her as if he knew her like you did.
He really had the audacity to insinuate he could feel her through his “force”, for makers sake, he was a fucking padawan!
You walked off the thoughts as you went downstairs to check on the post in the lobby. Though soon, you heard the sound of a saber igniting. You ran back up to Padme’s room and prayed that the saber was not giving a blow to her. 
You turned the corner to see Anakin on top of her with his saber and Obi-Wan crashing through the window to chase a droid. 
“Padme!” you exclaimed as you hurried to her side. 
Before you reached her you exchanged a dirty look with Anakin, “So much for sensing everything” you spat. And he narrowed his eyes before running out to chase his master and the assassin.
If his “sense” was as strong as he boasted, he would have known there was a droid ready to deliver danger to Padme, before it even touched the window. 
Padme had barely woken and was utterly confused. Her eyes were wide and her heart was racing; everything in your body told you to hold her, but there were too many people around. Instead, you took one of her polished hands and looked into her eyes, “M’Lady”.
“Senator, Are you alright?” someone spoke.
“Yes, I’ll be just fine. I just need to collect my thoughts. May I have a moment alone” she said, trying to get everyone to leave the room.
“I’m afraid we cannot allow you to be alone without protection” 
“Y/N will stay with me, she is my handmaiden after all and each of my maidens are trained in defensive combat” she argued.
The officials in the room decided it best to keep the senator happy, and they all heard the stories of Senator Amidala's faithful handmaidens. Once they showed her to a fresh room and left, you pressed the sliding door closed and met her on the bed. 
“Padme, my love, are you alright?” you held her head to your chest and kissed the top of her head. 
Her heart was beating relatively quickly but it was starting to slow, “Yes, my dear, I am alright. Not like we haven't all had a failed assassination or two” she quipped. 
Even in these times she reminded you how brave she was, she was barely phased at the fact that she could have died. You let out a small laugh before hugging her to your chest.
“I was just so worried… when I saw him on top of you with his lightsaber… I just didn’t know..” 
Her face softened, she knew how protective you were of her, “oh, y/n, It’s alright, I’m alright” she smiled pulling you into a loving kiss. Her beautiful brown locks tickled your cheeks as you smiled into her. 
“Shall we go to sleep? Or would you like to stay up” you asked.
“Let’s rest, we have a big day tomorrow and maker knows they are going to make a big deal of tonight” she sighed, pulling the covers of the new bed back. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Let me enjoy sleeping with you in this beautiful city for one night”  she said, beckoning for you to join her.
And of course, you couldn’t resist your Lady. 
A/N: i wanna thank you guys again for being so patient w me!! life has been craaazy
Taglist: @xxx-pearl @calamitousvader @wtf-andys @raccoonsaregay @jar-of-moondust
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