#Thank God my boss gave me Tuesday off for yesterday. I need that day to do pretty much everything I missed over the past couple days.
iero · 11 months
Having a post-concert crash right now and I’m trying to will myself to stay awake for the next several hours because I’m terrified I’ll oversleep and miss my train back home in the morning, but I also need to clean up this AirBNB for check out and I can’t will myself to get off this couch to do it... Girl help. 
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meadowmines · 6 months
OC-Tober 31: free space :)
[In which Aoyagi gets his weekly visit from his dirty old uncle]
Aoyagi is shoving a batch of bread in the oven for the dinner shift when he hears the door ding. "Be right with ya," he calls over his shoulder.
"Aw, c'mon," a familiar voice calls back. "What's a guy gotta do to get some pussy around here?"
God. Aoyagi tries not to laugh. He really does. He doesn't try very hard. "You sure you wanna burn yer one allotted pussy joke per visit right in the door?" he yells back as he shuts the oven. "You know where yer seat is, ojisan."
Tuesday evening, after the lunch barista and cooks have gone home and before the dinner crew shows up. Just like clockwork. Aoyagi watches from the kitchen as the old man picks his way through the main room to his favorite comfy chair, careful as always not to plant his cane on any paws or tails. A few of the cats trot over to greet him as soon as he sinks into that chair. The fact that he keeps "accidentally" dropping things they're not supposed to eat probably figures into that. "Where's my favorite girl? Hey, Miyuki-chan! Pspspsps--"
Miyuki is facing away from the door and has not yet noticed her favorite customer, and so she goes on licking herself. "She can't hear ya," Aoyagi reminds him. Seems like they have this conversation every time. There are even signs on the wall--Miyuki's glamour shot captioned I'm Miyuki-chan! I'm not ignoring you, I'm deaf! Thank you for understanding! It never sticks. To be fair, though, Aoyagi has been Miyuki's guardian for three years now and he still catches himself going pspsps at her when he knows damn well she can't hear him. "You want the usual?"
"You know it," the old man says. "Hey. Where's that Siamese-lookin' one?"
"Luna? Uh..." Aoyagi starts lining up ingredients on the counter. Eggs, cheese, ham, sourdough bread. "Check under the tables n' stuff. She's been into feet lately."
"Heh. My kinda gal. Naw, the other one. The boy? Little fat one with the stubby tail?"
"Oh, Mochi! Yeah, he got adopted yesterday."
"No kiddin'? Good for him."
"His replacement oughta be around here somewhere..." Aoyagi sticks his head out of the kitchen and sees a big battle-scarred orange cat with big old tom jowls and a clipped ear and a bad case of resting grump face standing up with his paws on the old man's knee. "Yeah, the tough guy climbin' up on ya."
The old man reaches down to give the tough guy a scritch. The tough guy lets out a gravelly meow. If a cat could smoke a pack a day, that's what it'd sound like. "Thought he looked new. What's yer name, bud?"
"He ain't got one yet. We're callin' him 'Nyan-han' for now." Aoyagi goes back to work. "Hey! Yer gettin' decaf. Last time I gave ya the real shit the boss gave me an earful about yer blood pressure."
Aoyagi swears he can hear the old man roll his eyes as he folds a sheet of egg around a slice of cheese. "That was before the doc straightened my meds n' shit out. It'll be fine this time."
"The boys ain't let me have one minute of fun since '88." Aoyagi does not know exactly what happened in '88. He's heard bits of it, but the old man's always just sort of handwaved it off. He got hurt, from what Aoyagi gathers. Bad. Bad enough that he almost didn't make it, bad enough that he was never the same after. Aoyagi wonders, but can never quite bring himself to ask, exactly what he was like before. Then again, he probably doesn't need to. Sometimes the old man says something, or gets a look in his eye, or moves a certain way, and Aoyagi thinks maybe just for a second he can see the shadow of the hellraiser Homare Nishitani used to be. "And Yu-chan's the worst of 'em. Caffeinate me."
"The boys and the boss are just lookin' out for ya," Aoyagi says, firmly. "And so am I."
"Tch. Ya hearin' this shit, Nyan-han? Awright. C'mon up here." The old man pats his knee and Nyan-han hops up with another hoarse meow. His face is no less grumpy, but he's slow-blinking and making biscuits like his life depends on it. Probably purring his head off, too. "Heh. Grouchy li'l shit, ain't ya?"
"That's just how his face is." Aoyagi stacks the cheesy eggs onto buttered sourdough with a slice of ham and puts the whole thing back on the griddle to toast. "He looks mean as shit but he's a sweetheart."
"Heh." The old man goes on petting Nyan-han as Aoyagi loads up a tray with fresh fruit and a cup of kitty treats and a plate ready for the sandwich. He waits until the old man's full attention is on Nyan-han and quickly pours a cup of decaf. "Kinda reminds me of Majima-kun."
Aoyagi's eye twitches.
"You do too. More n' more every day."
Aoyagi flips the grilled sandwich onto the plate and cuts it in half, then carries the loaded tray out into the main room. He neatly sidesteps a massive tortie that tries to throw her entire body weight into Aoyagi's leg as he passes and sets the tray down on the old man's table. "I'm nothin' like him."
"Huh." Funny. Aoyagi would have expected him to have more to say about that. But he doesn't. Aoyagi just unloads the tray, and he just goes on petting Nyan-han until the tray is empty. And then he reaches into his jacket pocket, draws forth an obscenely thick wad of cash, and slaps it on the table. "Lock up."
"I'm buyin' ya out for the night. That's a thing with restaurants n' shit too, right?" The old man gestures towards the stack of money. Aoyagi guesstimates it would cover dinner, late night, and then some for his whole staff. "Give yer minions the night off. And then fix ya a plate n' sit down." He shrugs. "C'mon. I don't wanna eat alone."
"You're not eatin' alone, ojisan. Ya got ten cats out here with designs on yer ham."
"I want two-legged company that don't treat me like I'm gonna keel over n' die if I drink one cup of decent fuckin' coffee." He snorts out a humorless laugh. "I can't drink anymore. I can't smoke. I can't drive. I can't get it up half the time n' even when I can, I can't do a damn thing with it other than--"
"Awright! Awright! I'll do whatever ya want! Just don't finish that sentence!" He grabs a sign out from under the counter and hangs it in the front door: Closed for private event, will reopen at 11AM tomorrow. aPAWlogies for the inconveNYANce :3
"Attaboy," the old man chortles.
Aoyagi heats up a bacon cheddar scone while he calls his crew and tells them they've got the night off with pay. He cuts up his own little pile of fresh fruit and pours himself some coffee and once again makes his way through the gauntlet of friendly cats with a loaded tray. "I shouldn't be doin' this and you know it," he says as he sits down.
"Yeah, yeah." And right about that time, Miyuki finally turns around and sees her favorite customer. With a joyous earsplitting yell of the sort that only ever comes out of cats that can't hear themselves, she hops down from her perch and trots over to say hello. "Hey! There's my favorite girl. Oops." And he "accidentally" drops a sliver of ham on the floor in front of her.
"Dammit, ojisan." Aoyagi intercepts the ham and wads it up in a napkin before Miyuki can snarf it down.
"Aw, c'mon. Let her live."
"Last thing I need's my number one girl comin' down with the runs in a customer's lap tomorrow. Ya got a cup of kitty treats right there. Give her those."
"Awright, fine." Miyuki hops up into the old man's lap and snuggles up next to Nyan-han. Nyan-han leans over, licks her ear a few times, and goes to sleep. "Ya gave me decaf, ya little shit."
"How the fuck can you tell!?" Aoyagi splutters. "It tastes the same!"
"No it don't." The old man takes another sip and there's that gleam in his eye, the one that hints at the unholy terror he used to be. "Rest of me's goin' to shit but my tastebuds still work. Ya brew yer decaf stronger. Like ya think that's gonna make up for it."
"Tch. Nothin' gets past you, does it?"
"Eh. Not much does." The old man goes on eating his sandwich and feeding treats to the cats. "How long ya been with us now, Amano-kun? 'Bout three years?"
"Somethin' like that," Aoyagi says.
"Ya still that sore at him?"
"What's to be sore about?" Aoyagi takes a big bite of his scone in the hopes that it'll take long enough to chew that the old man will change the subject. He doesn't. "He just tried to kill me, is all. Nothin' to be sore about."
"Any particular reason ya asked Yu-chan to train ya with a blade?"
Shit, how does he... forget it. "Any particular reason ya won't let him look into why Majima called a hit on me?"
"Touché," the old man snorts. "Ya little shit. Like I said. More n' more every day. Get me a cup for the road, would ya? The good shit this time."
"Go to Matsubara on the way home n' leave me out of it."
"I'd drink garbage water straight outta the river before I drink Matsubara's shit. I like your coffee."
Aoyagi sighs. "Flattery will get ya everywhere, old man. Fine. I'll pour ya half a to-go cup but ya gotta tell the boss ya had to torture me for it." Which, given the turn their conversation took tonight, isn't that far from the truth.
"I'll tell him I snuck back n' poured my own while you were in the can."
The old man finishes up his dinner, gently deposits Miyuki and Nyan-han on the floor, and starts to haul himself out of his chair. Aoyagi offers him an arm. He waves it off. He always does. He's always determined to do as much as he can still do by himself, and Aoyagi can't really blame him. So he just pours half a to-go cup of regular coffee and hands it to him. "Torture," he says.
"Yeah, yeah. I ain't rattin' ya out. Hey, I bought ya out for the whole night. Get outta here. Go take a walk. Get you a hooker or a Nintendo or whatever you kids are into these days."
"Fuck's sake, ojisan." Aoyagi shakes his head. "Be careful headin' home."
"Yeah, yeah."
And with that, he's gone and Aoyagi is left alone with ten cats and a lot of thoughts he didn't want tonight.
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You’re not going to work (Bucky x Reader)
Bucky x reader
Word count: 1612
Summary: Bucky comes back from a long mission so excited to see you. Little does he know, you have a full schedule that day. At least, you planned to. No way is he going to wait any longer. 
Warnings: no explicit anything this is mainly just fluff. The ending hints at a few things but really, Bucky just wants cuddles. 
A/N: This is just a fun one I had an idea for. One night right before I fell asleep I was like ‘Bucky would be cute begging for cuddles’ and voila. It’s a bit of a change of pace for me but I hope you enjoy it!
A/N 2 : This is my first time writing something like this so I apologize if it’s not fantastic. 
Tags: @abitgryffindorky @buckys2thicc @buckfics @thatfangirl42 @freigeistundanderes
Bucky nearly collapsed back into his seat on the quinjet after boarding. He might have had the serum, but that didn’t mean he was immune from exhaustion and soreness. He’d be fine by tomorrow but for right now, all he can do is lean back and close his eyes.
He was fine with going on missions. It was a part of the job, and he enjoyed helping people. Beating HYDRA’s ass was also a nice plus. He was also able to plan for it: he knew when a mission would be and approximately how long it would be. He knew what to expect. 
For the most part, mission briefings were pretty accurate. Some are overestimated.
Some are gravely underestimated. 
They expected to be home later the night they left. Bucky scoffed now at the idea of that. They had been fighting for a few days, with roughly a few hours scattered throughout to regroup. He had prepared himself to not see you for 12 hours at most. 
It had been 4 days. He was exhausted, he was sore, but more painful than that, he missed you. 
He wanted nothing more than to come back to the compound, ignore all traffic laws on the way to your shared apartment, and spend the entire day with you in his arms.
He sighed contently. He couldn’t wait. So when he arrived back and saw that you were dressed for work, his heart stuttered. 
He was meant to get back Friday night. It was now Tuesday morning, and you had a day full of meetings. 
You still had your back to him as he entered. When you heard the door close, you turned around, a smile spreading wide on your face.
“You’re back!” you said excitedly, staying in your place. You were so happy to see him, but your smile faltered slightly when you saw how worn out he looked. He smiled back at you, but you could tell the mission had been brutal on him.
Still he walked toward you and moved to hug you and you stepped back. Bucky looked like you had kicked him. 
“Sorry, I just… I have work.” you said, looking down at your white blouse. 
“Too bad,” he said, pulling you in for a hug. 
“Bucky!” you exclaimed, trying to pull back. Bucky wouldn’t budge though, and you were no match for the grip of his bear hug. He held you tightly and closed his eyes, despite your squirming.
“Bucky, please, I have to go. I’m gonna be late.”
“I don’t care. I was 4 days late coming home, you can be a day late to work,” he said.
You laughed a little, trapped in his embrace. It was a nice place to be, but not when you had a meeting starting in 30 minutes. “Bucky, I want nothing more than to stay with you, but it doesn’t work that way.”
“Doesn’t it?” he asked, pulling back to look at you while still holding you tightly. “Call in, tell them you have a personal emergency.”
“And what would that emergency be?”
“You have to take care of your sick boyfriend,” he said innocently.
You bit back a smile and a laugh. “And what’s the diagnosis?”
His eyes darted away for a second before he shook his head slightly. “Irrelevant. All I know is that you’re the cure. There’s no way to tell how sick I’ll get if you leave.”
“Ah, I see,” you said, playing along with it. He was giving you his puppy eyes. The ones you never used to be able to say no to. Damn those eyes - they could kill or get you to fold to anything. You had gotten better at standing your ground though, saying “Well, I am all yours tonight, but right now, I need to go to work,” as you finally wrestled out of his embrace.
You were used to puppy eyes, but that didn’t mean you were used to his kicked-puppy eyes. 
You sighed. 106 year old ex-assassin in full tactical gear, covered in mud and a few scrapes looked like he was about to cry because you wouldn’t call in sick to give him cuddles. It was cute, and you felt bad. But at some point you had to stand your ground.
“Please?” he asked, borderline whining but he didn’t care. All he cared about was keeping you from walking out of the door.
“Bucky I -”
“Fine,” he said, dropping the puppy eyes and walking towards you. You looked at him confused. “Bucky what are you -” you yelped in surprise as he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. “You’ve been kidnapped. Your boss can’t blame you for missing work due to being kidnapped.” 
He brought you into your shared bedroom and sat down, positioning you so you were on his lap, his arms not allowing you to move. You down at him, sighing. “You’re not going to let me go are you?”
He shook his head giving you a slight smirk. “Not a chance doll.”
You looked at him for a few seconds and shook your head smiling a little, biting your lip slightly. He leaned forward and captured your lips in a kiss, you wrapping your arms around your neck.
“I missed you,” you breathed out.
“You have no idea,” he responded before kissing you again.
You pulled back much too soon for Bucky’s liking, and stood, saying “Let me call my boss really quick, okay?”
“Nope,” he responded, pulling you back on his lap. “You’ll call her later and apologize for the delay, and that your boyfriend was violently ill and you called at the first moment you could. But right now, we are going to go shower.”
“You can shower alone, and I’ll go call her”
“No,” he pouted.
“You are an adult Bucky,” you said, laughing slightly at his ridiculousness.
“Exactly, I’m too old to be showering alone.”
“Oh my god,” you said, breaking out in giggles. “Bucky, it’s going to take me 10 seconds. I’ll be in by the time the water’s warmed up and then we can shower together, okay?”
He studied you for a moment. Then he stood up, carrying you bridal style with him back out to the main room where you had left your phone. “Call her,” he said, still holding you.
You bit back a smile at how clingy he was being. You grabbed your phone and dialed your boss’ number holding your breath as it rang. 
“Hi Valerie. I’m sorry for the late notice but my boyfriend is really sick and I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it into work today.”
There was a moment of silence before your boss responded with “He got back this morning didn’t he?”
You closed your eyes for a moment, looking down. You had been worried at work yesterday because he hadn’t gotten back yet. She must have overheard “Yes.”
She sighed but on the other end she was also smiling a little. “Alright. Just be here tomorrow.”
You let out a small breath of relief. “Thank you.”
“Yep. Tell him I hope his separation anxiety improves,” she said, hanging up the phone. You tried your best not to burst out laughing. When Bucky looked at you questioningly, you shook your head. “Work joke,” you said, still trying to hide your smile. 
Bucky nodded, walking back towards the bedroom and into the attached bathroom. He set you down on the counter before turning on the water. He walked back over to you and stood between your legs, wrapping his arms behind your back. You wrapped your arms around his neck in return, and the two of you rested your foreheads against each other. 
It was a nice quiet moment of peace, before you felt the warmth of Bucky’s hands leave their spot on your back, and travel lower to your -
“Bucky,” you laughed a little, “Did you miss me, or my ass?”
“Yes,” he answered quickly. 
You laughed some more and Bucky loved it. God he missed that sound. He laughed a little with you.
“Really, I missed everything about you,” he said, pulling back to look at you. “I love your voice, your laugh, your ass,” he kissed you before adding “the amazing neck massage you’re about to give me.”
You looked up at him. “Oh really, yeah? That’s how this is gonna be?”
Bucky looked down at you innocently. “Mhm”
“I hate giving you massages”
“You love it”
“It hurts my thumbs”
“It helps my neck”
“Your muscles are too hard”
“Your hands are too soft.”
You looked up at him and smiled, laughing a little as you asked “You really want a massage?”
“Yes I very much would like one.” He said nodding enthusiastically and smiling. 
“Ok, fine.” you said, still laughing. “The hot water will help. But we should probably take our clothes off first.”
He stepped back and gave you a smirk. “Don’t have to tell me twice.”
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blackbat05 · 3 years
A rainbow cake and boba
A/N: Gosh this is my last day of having to wake up at 6am and thank god I’m taking some time off next week to complete my assignments. But at least I don’t have to wake up early🤷🏽‍♀️ Anyways this was me writing on public transportation on a brain that was slowly loosing its energy. As usual do like and comment!
Genre: PG-13
Warnings: Fluff, Shangqi being a dork, Katy being the hype man. My lack of brain cells writing this.
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He looks so good with facial hair ^ at least for this gif? Don’t @ me 😩
Posting another Shangqi fic because I said so.
You finally did it. You had saved up money to open up a bookstore and a mini cafe that sold pastries and boba.
You were really nervous but with loyal customers and a good location right smack in the middle of Manhattan, business was steady. That’s all you needed. Besides, you were never one for a typical desk job. You wanted to be your own boss.
After tending to a customer who walked away with three croissants, you decided to read a book from one of your many shelves. Sitting behind the counter, you flipped open the pages, beginning your descent into another reality.
You were sure that you had lost track of time as the bell signaling a new customer rung. Placing your bookmark on the last page that you read, you stood up to greet them, only to find yourself face to face with Shangqi - the newest addition to the Avengers and a girl standing beside him.
‘Hello, how can I help?’ You tried to keep your composure. It must have been stressful for him to be recognized by people everywhere he went. Looking at the fact that he had stepped into your bookstore meant that he was looking for some solace. Most people do.
He stares at you for a while before the girl nudges him, ‘Sorry about that. My friend here had a rough night yesterday,’ she reaches her hand out for you to shake. ‘Name’s Katy!’ 
You took her hand, amused at her bubbly personality. After ordering two milk teas with pearls and a slice of rainbow cake, the two walked around the bookstore as you went to prepare their order. 
‘Dude,’ Katy punches his arm lightly, ‘the hell you doing back there? You looked like an idiot!’ 
Shangqi resists the urge to roll his eyes at Katy for stating the obvious. Ever since he became an Avenger, he found himself making more trips to the Avengers tower right here in New York. And that’s when he saw you. 
It was a hot Tuesday afternoon. Wong was held up in Kamar Taj which meant the meeting was delayed. He decides to explore the area, to see if there was anything remotely good to quench his thirst. Among the fancy restaurants, he sees a bookstore with a neon signboard that was currently switched off. Body moving like clockwork, he makes a beeline towards it.
As he opens the door, the bell rings softly, alerting you of his presence. You peeped out from the corner of the bookshelf. Hair disheveled and glasses at the edge of your nose, you greeted him happily.
‘Welcome! Gosh I just opened the shop,’ you rambled on, ‘I didn’t think there’ll be customers coming in so soon!’ Running your hands through your hair, you gave him a big smile, ‘Look around! Call me if you need help!’ Sun shining into the windows of your shop, it looked like you had a halo around your head - an angel.
Was it the heat? Yeah, it had to be the heat that short circuited his brain. Shangqi momentarily forgets to respond, settling with a small nod instead. He walks around the store before settling on an iced tea.
He would hover around your store whenever he was in New York for Avengers business. Every day was a different sight, entertaining his afternoons. Once he saw you dancing to the music playing in your store as you were cleaning up the cutlery. Hips swaying, you were completely oblivious to the avenger watching you.
How he wished to have more conversations with you. One that wasn’t just, ‘How’s your day?’ and talking about menial stuff. He wanted to know more about you - how did you open a cozy bookstore in bustling New York City? What music were you dancing to that day? Did you have a -
Katy shakes him out of the never ending loop of questions. ‘Come on dude if you don’t ask her, someone else will! She seems pretty genuine if you ask me.’ Being best friends with Shangqi for nearly half her life, she had seen girls who threw themselves into him for his looks and athleticism. But they never really liked him. Yeap, go figure - it was only to boost their popularity at high school and in university.
‘Wha- how did you-’
‘I saw this hot Latin guy flirting with her yesterday when I went to get Boba,’
‘They have Boba now?’
‘Yeah they always did bro, damn good if you ask me, especially the pearls - OK THAT’S THE NOT POINT HERE.’ Katy wags her finger at Shangqi. ‘If you don’t grow some balls, you can say bye bye to dream girl.’
Shangqi didn’t know whether to be offended or laugh at Katy’s plain honesty. She was right, she was always right.
So that’s how he found himself here. Katy had tagged along for moral support. Needless to say, he was failing miserably. He fought a mythical creature that nearly destroyed his entire planet! So why can’t he talk to a girl?
‘So, what Avenging business brings you here?’
‘Huh? Oh, getting up to speed on protocol and everything… now that Iron Man and Captain Rogers are gone, it’s time for us to take over.’
You nod, passing him his milk tea first. You left Katy’s at the side of the counter, figuring that she was exploring the mystery section. ‘Well, I couldn’t believe it, an Avenger visiting my humble abode,’ you joked trying to ease your nerves.
You had only heard about him on the news, to be more specific - bus boy. You secretly kept the fact that you watched his videos more than you could count. His movements were so effortless yet aggressive, you were captivated by how he had smoothly taken down all the attackers by himself.
And now? You were floored at how incredibly good looking he was. Yes, you had saw him the previous time when he came and almost barged in onto you dancing away to Hotel California. But you were so shy back then you didn’t keep eye contact with him for more than thirty seconds. You could never have a long conversation with anyone for more than that apart from your best friend.
‘I’m honored to visit your humble abode,’ you look at him, a feeling of delight creeping up your chest. Honestly, it took you a lot of confidence to start the conversation with the Avenger. Hell, you felt your mouth clamped shut when that tourist from Brazil was trying to chat you up when all you wanted to do was to make him his coffee so that he could leave you be.
Then, an awkward silence comes, with only the jazz music filling the empty conversation.
‘Hey you want to ask her out next year or what?’ Katy’s loud voice booms from behind one of the shelves. It took all of his energy not to yell every single curse word he knew at Katy.
Be a gentleman, be a gentleman.
You let out an airy laugh before composing yourself. Shangqi could only grin - it worked when he was trying to get himself out of sticky situations like this one. So it would right?
‘It’s ok,’ you smiled at him unabashedly, confidence suddenly increasing. ‘You know I was thinking the same thing actually. If you’re free in the evening… I mean there’s a noodle place a few blocks down - but only if you’re ok - like not busy saving the world.’ You refrained from snorting at your lame joke.
‘Sure!’ He tries his best to stay calm, to not freak you out with his over enthusiasm. Truth to be told, he was over the moon.
‘Alright! So when’s the date,’ Katy makes a timely entrance, chewing on the last bit of pearls. At this point in time, Shangqi pleads with her silently.
‘Tonight,’ you scribbled a few numbers on a piece of paper before passing it to him. ‘Here’s my number. Call me when you’re done.’
Katy notices how he takes extra care in folding the paper before slipping it into the pocket of his jacket. The two of you stand there quietly, not knowing how to proceed. It was time for Katy’s divine intervention.
‘ALRIGHT!’ She pulls her friend by the collar, ‘Time to go or else Wong’s gonna whoop our ass! He’ll see you later right in front of you store! I’ll make sure of it!’
Having front row seats to watch an Avenger being dragged out was amusing. You turned your attention back to the two empty cups, noticing a piece of tissue paper folded into a rose with the rainbow cake on a paper plate left untouched. On the plate had the words:
I promise I’ll get you nicer flowers. For now have this cake instead!
By the time you looked out of the window, they were already gone.
Shangqi’s unorthodox way of asking you out was endearing to say the least. Who knew that opening the bookstore of your dreams, boba tea and a rainbow cake would snag you one of the finest men that New York City had to offer?
A/N: That’s it! Gosh, was trying to do fluffy as usual but I don’t know if my two remaining brain cells did that. HAHAHA.
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thecrowslullaby · 2 years
Okay so I thought I could pick one but I couldn't
So you can pick whichever you want
(I'm asking for platonic content cause I've been craving some familial angst)
27 Gen->Virgil and Janus
40 & 41 angst-> Creativitwins
27 angst-> Roman and anyone
Thanks for the ask!!!!! Stuff has been wild over here so, while i have half of the story written I only now have gotten around to proofreading it ^^' (not that it does much since I still can't spell very well).
Hope you'll like it :D!
Pairing: none
Warnings: foul language, shouting, some crying, mention of emotionally abusive parents
Summary: Remus and Roman come to a disagreement. Roman finds comfort in an unlikely person.
Word count: 1327 (these chapters are getting longer! YAY!)
Tuesday 7:15
Roman woke up to light shining from behind the curtain. hitting him square in the face. Great. The day was already off to a great start.
He reached for his phone to check if Patton was awake. He knew Janus would throw a fit if he left without his bodyguard and he didn’t need his assistant to be breathing down his neck today out of all days. There was a reason he gave the man the day off, after all. The longer Jan remained oblivious to his plan, the better for Roman.
The redhead almost dropped his precious device as his notifications buzzed off. He caught it right before it hit the floor. Unlocking the screen he smiled to himself, seeing his brother already typing the next message. Maybe the day won’t be so bad after all.
Remus was ecstatic when he learned Roman would come to Australia, already planning to meet up with Roman in secret. Not that they needed to be too sneaky. It’s not like Janus or Patton would mind having his brother around.
Evil Twin
I’m alive
Feeling too tired to respond, Roman pressed the call button. Remus picked up immediately.
"Hey Pissy!" Roman could practically feel the taunting grin on Remus. Somehow each time they talked his twin found a worse nickname for him.
“How’s counseling for summer-camp going for you?”
“Roman, it's winter in Australia.”
“But… it’s June.”
“I see spending time with Janus hadn’t made you any wiser.” Remus snickered. “Clearly I inherited all the smarts.”
“At least you got double the sanity.”
“I’m not so sure about that lately.”
"Trying to make my ears bleed, apparently."
"Pog. Anyway, When are you coming to visit?”
“That… might be a bit of a problem.”
“What? Why?”
“Well, you know how our parents are-”
“What did they do to you?” Remus was seething on the other end.
“Nothing!” Roman protested. “Nothing I didn’t agree too!”
“Oh, because you sooooo love their ideas.” Roman could practically hear the eyeroll.
“You’re starting to sound like Janus!”
“Like that’s a bad-FUCK OFF STEPHANIE, THIS IS IMPORTANT- like that’s a bad thing!”
“I don’t need two people bossing me around Remus!”
“Great! Now go and tell that to our parents!”
“It’s not that easy Remus!”
“It literally is that easy Roman!” There it was again, that annoying pitch in Remus' voice, like he would do better in Roman’s situation.
“They would kick me out of their lives if they knew Remus.” It’s not like they haven’t done that to a child before.
“Like that’s such a bad thing!”
“Well maybe I don’t want to end like you.” He whispered the last part but if the silence ringing in Roman’s ear was anything to go by Remus definitely heard it.
“I see.”
God why did he say that?
Stupid, stupid, stupid-
“Save it-.” He sounded bitter, like he was biting down tears. “I get it ok? Having a cushy life is far more important to you than living by your own ideas!”
“Remus I-”
“You know-.” He could feel a sob, shaky and desperate. “I actually thought you wanted to hang out with me-”
“I do Remus, I-”
“NO YOU DON’T” Remus screamed “You didn’t back then and you sure as hell don’t now!” His voice was shaky and Roman wanted to scream back, say something, explain himself but he couldn’t force himself to make a sound. “I actually thought, I actually thought you’d back me up back then! But you didn’t do it when we were sixteen and it sure as hell doesn’t look like you changed your mind for the past 5 years!”
“Remus I-”
His speech was cut short when Remus hit the disconnecting button. Roman tried calling him, multiple times, messaging, pleading, but all he got in return was getting ignored on every platform he tried.
He flung his phone across the room, the device hitting his suitcase and plopping safely to the floor. Roman grabbed the nearest pillow, screaming into it until he felt his throat burn.
Great, first his parents sent him here and he had to ruin this one thing he was genuinely looking forward to on this trip.
Why did he have to be such a fucking coward?
He wasn’t sure spent, bawling his eyes into the pillow, wallowing in self misery, until he cried himself to sleep again.
A banging knock to his dorr woke him away.
“Roman?” Great, Janus.
“Go away.” He mumbled into the pillow, his throat burning.
“Roman get your ass up and open, I’m worried sick.”
He didn’t want to. He didn’t want to see anyone, let alone Janus, who always seemed to weigh him down with those judging glances. Why was he here anyway? Where was Patton?
He could already feel his eyes stinging again.
He would murder for one of Pattons hugs right now.
Something thumbed softly against the wooden door.
“Roman, please-” there was a sudden shift in his voice, he sounded almost-sincere.”-Patton’s sick, you’re ignoring my every call, and while I hate believing rumors I just heard some horrendous news and I really need to talk to you so I can clear things up.”
Roman signed, pulling himself up and dragging his feet to the door.
He wondered briefly if Janus heard him, and was waiting patiently, or if he simply left without a warning. It’s not like he would be the first.
Groggily he opened the door, glancing down to find Janus still standing there, without a trace of annoyance on his face. Small miracles, eh?
“You look awful.” Janus said, except it didn’t sound anything like he’s usual biting self, almost caring. He wasn’t sure why the snake lost it’s venom but he wasn’t going to complain. “May I come in?”
Roman nodded, stepping aside to let the small man step in. Janus closed the door before turning towards the redhead.
“Do you need a hug?” From Patton or Remus preferably, both whom could squeze the air out of Roman and make him feel safe. But without either or them around he would have to settle for the tiny man.
He nodded groggily and the blond wrapped his short thin arms around his torso. Roman laid his head on top of the shortest man, allowing himself a moment to breathe. Janus still hadn’t let go, instead he started rubbing small circles on Roman’s back. And as odd as it was, the performer found the gesture oddly comforting.
“You’re not secretly-”His voice felt awfully raspy, he wondered how long it would take before he could sing again. A day? Two? ”You’re not secretly Patton disguised as Jan?” He felt himself relax slightly as the blond actually chuckled at his joke. Patton was a good head taller than Roman and almost as broad as Janus was tall.
“No, it’s still me, your awful assistant.”
“That’s nice too.”
“I need to talk to you about Vivien.”
“Oh.” Roman swallowed hard. “Did Patton-”
“Patton knew?!” There was a flash of anger before the man closed his eyes. He could see Janus trying to even his breath, before speaking up again. “Did you plan to tell me?”
“I guess. Maybe?... Maybe not?”
Janus took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry.” Roman blurted out.
“For what?”
“Roman, it’s your life.”
“Doesn’t feel like it.”
“Well.” Janus said, pulling apart and actually smiling at him. “Then I think it’s time we finally do something about it!”
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poedameronloverx · 3 years
Close To Home
Life In Lockdown Masterlist
Pairing - Poe Dameron x F! Solo Reader
Warnings - Massive amounts of Covid talk in this chapter as it starts to effect our lovely little squad, so if that upsets you please don’t read, I don’t want anyone to be triggered or upset by this content <3
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Month 2 – April 2020
As the weeks went on, you found yourself getting more and more used to remote working. Your boss had made a lunch time finish on a Friday a weekly thing and you were grateful for it. Poe was getting every Friday off, and Rose got to finish at 3pm on a Friday. You and Poe were working round each other better, you’d gotten used to his singing and he got used to you getting up to wander round the room and stretch every hour or so. The novelty of having people around all day had worn off for BeeBee, he would choose to spend an entire day with either Poe or you and lie by your feet for the day. Rose’s idea of doing something each evening had stuck and you had set up a weekly plan of things to do. Movie nights became a Friday night tradition. Rose had ordered relaxation colouring books for each of you and that became your Monday night routine. There was a YouTube marathon on Tuesdays, you’d all found a series to binge together on Wednesdays and you played board games on Thursdays. Poe was teaching you to cook, you could make basic things but he was much better than you were and you’d asked him to help you learn. Rose loved teasing your about how cute you both looked and how domestic it was. Things were still strange but everyone was getting used to it.
Rose and Finn occasionally took walks after work, just the two of them. Poe had just arrived back home with BeeBee. He wandered into the living room and found you sitting on the sofa crying your eyes out. He was by your side in an instant, pulling you into his arms and rubbing your back.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“My dad” you sobbed “He has the virus; he’s in the hospital on a ventilator”
“Oh sweetheart, I’m so sorry!” he pulled you tighter “He’ll be fine, I’ve never met a man as strong and stubborn as Han Solo!”
“Mum said he’s really ill, she’s not even allowed to go and see him”
“It’s not fair”
“I just want to go and see mum and hug her”
“I know sweetheart, I know”
Poe held you until you eventually cried yourself to sleep. He pulled you onto him, and grabbed the blanket from the back of the sofa and draped it over you. BeeBee jumped up onto the sofa and lay by your legs. Your body heat and the heat from the blanket lulled Poe to sleep. When Finn and Rose came back a little while later they eyed you suspiciously. The sound of Rose’s keys against the coffee table woke Poe.
“This looks romantic” Finn said
“Far from, I’ve just held her whilst she cried herself to sleep” Poe replied, glaring at his friend
“What’s wrong?” Rose asked
“Han’s got the virus; he’s in hospital on a ventilator”
“Oh my god, when did that happen, is he alright?”
“I don’t really know” Poe shrugged “She was really upset, I only got the basic information from her”
“I’ll phone Leia” Rose replied “To get more information but also to check on her”
Finn nodded “That's a good idea”
“I should text Ben.” Poe said “Then we need to work out what to do here. I don't want to put her to bed before dinner, I know she’s exhausted herself crying but she needs food in her system, as much as she probably won’t want it”
“We can make a start on dinner, wake her when it’s ready and make sure she eats at least a little then she can get some sleep” Finn said
Poe managed to lift you off him enough to move, he laid your head on a pillow and made sure the blanket still covered you. BeeBee got up and moved along the couch so he could snuggle against your stomach. Poe headed to the kitchen and made a start on dinner with Finn’s help. Rose sat on the bottom stair and called Leia. She was on the phone for 10 minutes before joining the guys in the kitchen.
“What did she say?” Finn asked
“He had a few symptoms so they called the doctor yesterday and he was told to go in and get checked out, they didn't want to worry Y/N and Ben so they just kept it between them at that point, the hospital got him tested and obviously he had it so they said he would get kept in overnight but he started to struggle to breathe so they put him on the machine. They don’t know when or if he’ll come back around”
“Oh god” Finn replied
“We just have to take care of her” Rose said “We know how close she is to her parents and not being able to be with them is going to be so hard for her”
“She has us” Poe replied “And we’ll be here for her day and night, no matter what time”
“Absolutely” Rose nodded “I’ll wake her for dinner”
The next week was difficult, you’d asked for some time away from work as you knew you would never be able to concentrate whilst your thoughts were all about your father. He hadn’t been getting better but he also hadn’t gotten any worse, which the doctors said was a really good thing. Poe and Rose had both taken a few days off to make sure someone was with you and helping keep your mind off things. You and Poe were on a walk with BeeBee one afternoon when your phone rang.
“It’s mum” you said to Poe before answering the phone. He gently took hold of your arm and led you over to a wall where you could sit. He could only hear your side of the conversation but the fact you hadn’t burst into tears yet made him feel more positive. “I’ll speak to you later mum, love you. Bye”
“How’s things?”
“Dad came off the ventilator this morning” you replied, happy tears appearing in your eyes “He’s breathing on his own and the doctors are really happy with his progress”
“That’s great news sweetheart. And it’ll be a load off your mind knowing he’s doing okay”
“Yeah, it really is” you replied “Thank you, you’ve helped keep me going this last week or so. I really appreciate it”
“I’m here for you anytime sweetheart” Poe replied
“I appreciate it more than you'll ever know. It's been so scary seeing all the stuff on the news, I guess I just didn't think it would end up so close to home”
Poe held his arms open and you fell into his hug gratefully. Poe gave the best hugs in the entire world. He hugged tightly and it made anyone he hugged feel secure and content.
Easter was very much a non event, the weather wasn't great so you were inside all day. Poe cooked a nice meal for everyone and you sat and watched a lot of TV whilst eating all of the Easter snacks you'd ordered in with the food shop. You were all happy to have a few days off work, Finn had a few weeks off whilst the schools were closed for the spring break. A few days after Easter, your father was released from the hospital. He still wasn't 100% back to his normal self but he was really glad to be back in his own home. You face-timed with him and your mother every day, just to check up on how they were both doing. You knew it wasn't easy on Leia either. She had to take care of Han plus do everything herself at home, whilst trying to work. Finn decided to take up gardening whilst he had free time, he ordered loads of plants and gardening tools online and got to work as soon as they arrived. Your garden had never really been full of plants because you and Rose were always too busy and neither of you were that into gardening. Finn cut down all the bushes, planted loads of flowers and painted the fences. The small fence that separated the patio from the grass was painted a sky blue and all of the surrounding fences were white. Poe helped Finn with the painting, whilst you and Rose cleaned up all the garden furniture. Once you were done, it looked like a whole new garden.
As the month went on, things with everyone's work got quieter. You were no longer working full days, Monday to Wednesday you only worked from 11am until 3pm, Thursday you worked 9am-12pm and Friday was a day off. Rose only had to work Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Poe no longer had to do any work. He was luckily still getting paid but his work just didn't have anything else they could do remotely. They told him to keep checking his work emails just incase anything did come in. It took a while to adjust to all of the free time. Working from home had been strange anyway but only working for part of the time made it even weirder. Finn was still working his normal hours after the school break. Friday became a cooking day. Poe continued to teach you how to make meals, and sometimes the pair of you would bake.
Rose liked to come on walks with BeeBee when she had the spare time, the park was everyone's favourite place to go. It became a lifeline to everyone. The stay at home order still said you were only able to go out once a day for some exercise. You all began to look forward to walk time so you could get to your park. You could walk all the way round it twice before BeeBee got bored. You would always stop at the kiosk and get a coffee or an ice cream, whilst the dog ran after his ball.
“This is his dream” Poe chuckled as he watched Rose throwing the ball “He's getting to spend time with people he loves, he's getting much longer walks than normal and he gets to run after his ball a lot”
You smiled “Animals must be loving this lockdown thing, they get to spend so much time with their humans and don't have to stay home alone all day”
“Bee is loving living with you and Rose. He's always really happy when you guys come to visit us so all of us living together is great for him”
“I'm actually really enjoying it too, I had my reservations at first. Especially when Rose just mentioned Finn moving in. I didn't want to be the third wheel in my own home. And even when she said you were coming too, I wasn't sure we'd all manage to work around each other but thankfully we have and I couldn't be happier to be spending this lockdown with you guys. Especially with how much you helped me when my dad was ill”
“I'm glad we're all together too. It's made things feel so much better knowing that anytime I have a bad day I get to spend it with my best friends. Living with Finn is great but sometimes when him and Rose are all loved up it gets a bit annoying. I mean not that I'm not happy for them because I absolutely am, they're a great couple but yeah”
“No, I totally get that. Being the 3rd wheel isn't easy” you nodded “They're adorable, but sometimes it sucks to be left out so I'm glad we have each other during this lockdown”
“Me too, I think you're the only one that gets what it's like to be 3rd wheel to them” Poe chuckled
The final few days of the month were difficult, Rose fell ill with suspected Covid. She had all of the symptoms but she didn't feel overly ill. Finn moved into the spare room with Poe, he didn't want to get ill whilst he was still so busy with work. You looked after Rose, bringing her food and plenty of fluids to keep her going. You were glad that she didn't have a really bad case of it, but you worried for the rest of you.
So here’s the next part. I hope if you read this far that you enjoyed it and you’re still enjoying the series. Your comments would mean the world to me <3 Have a lovely weekend!
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youreacowgirllikeme · 3 years
Friday: Sparks
note: wrapping it up today with part five of ‘A week with Chris’. This was so much fun, thanks to everyone who followed along :) enjoy the fluff
(you can find the other parts here)
words: 1.6 k (this is definitely not drabble-sized anymore but I couldn’t help myself)
warnings: swearing
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(Thursday, 7:11 pm)
Hey there, here are the pictures I took today, I figured you’d want them. CC
(attached: 23 images)
(Thursday, 7:13)
I almost forgot, meet me at 47-01 111th Street (that’s in Queens) tomorrow at 11 am. CC
(Thursday, 7:38)
By the way, I had a wonderful time today. Have a good night, Y/N. Chris
On the subway ride to Queens, you re-read the messages Chris had sent you last night. The fact that he wrote you another one just to tell you that he enjoyed spending time with you made you immensely happy, and you could see the reflection of your silly grin in the subway window.
You were nervous about today, even more so than the times before. You felt like something had shifted between the two of you in the park yesterday, and you weren’t sure in which direction you were moving with Chris. There was an undeniable spark between the two of you, but he was still very much your boss.
The speaker announced the arrival at your destination, and with a sight, you got up from your seat. You would just roll with it, you thought, and deal with things as they developed.
Like the days before, Chris was already there and waiting for you.
“Morning.” You greeted him. “No coffee today?”
“It’s already 11, I assumed by now you’d be awake enough to tackle today without caffeine.” He replied with a smirk.
“That totally depends on your plans. Spill, what are we doing today?”
“This is my favorite place in the whole city.” Chris said. “The New York City Science Hall, it’s something like an interactive museum, they have exhibitions rooms and a cinema, it’s great.”
“Sounds fun, I’m in.”
“Chris, why are there so many children in here?”
You looked around the entrance hall of the museum with a puzzled look on your face, surrounded by what looked like an entire elementary school, all babbling and laughing. They were creating such an immense amount of background noise that you had to raise your voice to talk to Chris.
“Oh, a lot of the stuff here is intended for children, to teach them about science.” He replied with a grin “But it’s fun for everyone. Lighten up a bit, Y/N.”
“But why exactly is this your favorite spot in town?” you asked, eying the noisy kids around you warily.
Chris face got serious.
“My father used to take me here when I was a child. I grew up in the neighborhood down the street, and some of my best memories are from here, especially with him.”
You felt a pang of guilt in your chest at hearing how quiet Chris voice had become.
Of course you were aware about his father and how much he meant to him, and now you felt like a fool for talking about the place with that kind of disregard. Pulling yourself together, you gave Chris your most convincing smile and linked his arm with yours.
“Let’s make some new memories then. Come on, old man, I want to learn something.”
“Ouch, god damnit.” you cursed, holding your hand in pain. You were trying to light a fire the stone-age way in one of the interactive exhibit rooms, and a spark had burnt your finger.
“Excuse me, ma’am, could you watch your language, there are children present.” one of the guards called your way, and you got beet red when a lot of small heads turned to you.
Chris snickered beside you. “Yes, Y/N, watch your mouth around the kids.” He whispered.
“Shut up, Cuomo. There shouldn’t even be kids here, this is super dangerous. Also I wouldn’t joke if I were you. You look ridiculous.” He really did, his massive frame was crouched in front of small the fireplace, looking even larger between all the children, and there were smashes of ash all over his shirt.
“You’re only jealous that my fire is already burning.” He grinned. You only flipped him the bird in return.
Despite your earlier skepticism, you were having a great time. After several futile attempts of lighting a fire, you dragged Chris to see movie about space in the museums 3D cinema. You sat close enough for your knees to touch occasionally, and at some point, you were deliberately brushing your leg against his, smiling to yourself when he didn’t move away.
At first, you had been embarrassed about revealing your childish, overly excited side to Chris, but he showed zero judgement, acting silly and goofing around with you in a way you never thought was possible for such a serious person. The hours flew by while you were doing every activity the museum had to offer, and it was already late afternoon by the time you made your way towards the exit.
“Look, Chris, they have a photo booth.”
“Dear God, not again.” Chris groaned beside you, but you had already grabbed his sleeve and dragged him towards the box, basically pushing him inside.
“This won’t work.” You complained. “Its way to narrow in here, and you are too big.”
“Easy.” Chris grinned, sitting down on the small bench and pulled you to sit on his knee. Your mind was going into overdrive at being so close to him, and when he said “Smile!” and the flash announced the first picture being taken, you were still looking slightly bewildered.
“Quick, pose!” Chris whispered, and you just stuck out your tongue at the camera.
Suddenly, a huge arm got wrapped around you, pulling you close to the body beside you. You and Chris were basically cheek to cheek now, and you could feel your face burning up.
A sudden surge of boldness went through you, and you turned your head, pressing your lips to Chris cheek just as the last picture was taken.
Instantly, you became embarrassed, why had you done this? You bolted out of the booth, muttering “I need to use the toilet, be right back.”
In the restroom, you splashed cold water on your face until the flush disappeared, then braced yourself to face Chris again. He was standing next to the booth, holding the pictures you had just taken.
“We look cute.” He grinned, and you felt incredibly relieved about the lack of awkwardness. Appaerently, he didn’t mind the peck on the cheek.
“We really do.” You replied, and your heart sped up as he gave you a brilliant smile.
“So, to round up your perfect Cuomo week, I have another surprise planed. My car is just around the corner, let’s go.”
Chris drove you back to Manhattan and parked his car in the garage of a huge apartment building on the Upper West Side. Your mind was reeling, was he taking you to his place?
You were too nervous to ask, riding the elevator with Chris in silence. You went all the way up, almost to the top floor.
“This one’s mine.” Chris announced as you stopped in front of a door at the end of the hallway.
You entered the apartment, and your jaw almost hit the floor.
“This is where you live?”
It was gorgeous, a huge, open space, illuminated by the golden light of the setting sun. The floorlenght windows offered an amazing view of the Manhattan skyline.
“Wow, I’m definitely jealous.” You joked, still a bit overwhelmed by the place.
“Uhm, if you’d like to, the terrace is a pretty good place to watch the sunset.” Chris said, rubbing his neck almost as if he was nervous.
“I love sunsets.” You said, following Chris to the glass door that led to the outdoor space. He was right, the view was amazing, beams of orange light reflected by the countless glass facades around you.
Chris cleared his throat next to you, and you teared your eyes away from the sky to look at him.
“This week has been great, Y/N, I’m really glad you agreed to doing all this stuff with me, and I really hope you enjoyed it as much as I did .” His voice was oddly emotional, his eyes never leaving yours.
“I had the best time, Chris, and I can’t thank you enough for all the effort and time you put into everything. I loved every moment.” you replied, returning his look with a soft smile.
Slowly, his hand reached out, brushing against your arm before cupping your cheek. You held your breath, unable to move a muscle, your heart beating incredibly fast.
Like in slow motion, he lowered his head, his face coming closer and closer until his lips finally settled onto yours. It was a feather light touch, almost shy in a way you hadn’t expected from your usually brusque boss.
You returned the kiss, softly moving your lips against his, you hand reaching out to intertwine your fingers with his.
“This was so fucking cheesy.” You whispered after breaking the kiss, trying to calm your racing pulse a bit.
“Yeah, but it worked, didn’t it?” Chris replied with a small chuckle.
“I wanted to do this since Tuesday.” He continued, voice more serious now.
“That’s funny, me too.” you responded, still sounding slightly breathy. Your heart was almost jumping out of your chest, was this really happening?
“We should do it again then.” Chris murmured, leaning down to capture your lips once more.
The sun had disappeared behind the horizon, the chilly air making you shiver.
“You’re cold.” Chris noted, wrapping his arm around you. “Let’s get you inside. I’m making dinner.”
You snuggled up to him, thinking that maybe you should write a thank-you note to the CNN bosses for giving you the week off.
The end (I think)
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 37 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Things looked up for Violet as she finally settled into the new normal of working in design.
This Chapter: One of New York’s most illustrious editors-in-chief turns 40--in style.
It had been an absolute hell week, Courtney being run ragged all day, everyday. She’d missed more meals than not, barely slept, had gotten used to only using the bathroom when Fame was occupied.
It was really the first time that she and Miss Fame had to interact directly for more than a few words, and if Courtney thought she was high-maintenance before, she had no idea how weird it would get.
On Tuesday, Courtney had been torn a new one for ringing the doorbell when she had dropped off a package at Fame’s house, Fame looking at her like she was absolute vermin.
How was Courtney supposed to have known that it was a deathsin not to just let herself into her boss’ house, Fame explaining to her like she was a retarded toddler that she valued her family life and private time too much to be interrupted, not at all catching the irony of the fact that she was imposing on Courtney’s private time by forcing her to come to her house at 10 pm.
And now, a casual text from Adore that she’d be there around 7:30 reminded her about Bianca’s party and she was absolutely panicking. She had less than an hour to make herself presentable with literally nothing to wear.
She’d meant to ask Ivy about a dress, days ago, and then again yesterday when she was arranging the delivery of Miss Fame’s present to the Marie Claire offices, but it had slipped her mind amongst all the other things she had to remember.  
She jumped up and raced into Raja’s suite, a cramp in her side, relieved to find the redhead still at her desk.
“Courtney? Are you okay?” Ivy rose from her seat, a concerned look on her face, ever the empath.
“I just...I forgot…” Courtney tried to catch her breath.
“Okay, take a breath. Whatever it is, it’s fixable. I promise.”
Courtney gulped. “I forgot that I’m supposed to go to this party tonight at the Guggenheim and it’s super fancy and my ride will be here in 40 minutes and I don’t have anything to wear and I don’t even know what the dress code means and I was just wondering if I could borrow something and I promise I’ll have it cleaned and returned by Monday but-”
“Courtney, breathe. Okay?” Ivy took her hand, inhaling deeply and then blowing out dramatically.
Had this job really killed so many of her brain cells that she needed assistance breathing now? Regardless, Courtney followed Ivy’s lead, taking a few deep breaths to slow her racing heart.
“Now,” Ivy began. “What does the dress code say?”
“Creative black tie?”
“Ah. Okay. Follow me.”
Courtney nearly cried with gratitude as Ivy led her into the wardrobe closet.
“Luckily, you’re a sample size, so this shouldn’t be too much of a challenge,” Ivy said. “It’s Bianca Del Rio’s party, right?”
“Yeah,” Courtney said, watching her paw expertly through the racks.
“Are you going for anything in particular?”
“I guess I wanna look…” Courtney racked her brain, unsure of what to say, when the word, “older” slipped from her lips.
Ivy paused, clearly not expecting that answer, and gave Courtney a curious look before nodding.
“I can work with that. Now, Bianca likes bold colors and dramatic silhouettes with clean lines, so I think something like this…” Ivy pulled a stunning, beaded blue cocktail dress out off the rack. “This will look good on you.”
Ivy was truly a gift from god. Not only did they find a dress that fit perfectly (they settled on a short, fire-engine red silk number with a plunging neckline), along with shoes, accessories, and a glamorous faux-fur wrap, but she even stayed to help Courtney with her hair and makeup, giving her a chic updo and dramatic winged liner.
“Ivy, honestly, if you ever need anything. Someone to cover your desk...a kidney...whatever...you know who to ask.”
“Good to know.” Ivy laughed, checking her makeup one more time, adding a little more glimmering highlighter to her cheekbones, and then proclaiming, “Alright, I think you’re done.”
“Thank you so much,” Courtney said again, pulling out her phone. She hadn’t heard from Adore in awhile, and wondered if she was stuck in traffic or something. She seriously hoped that she hadn’t rushed like crazy, inconveniencing Ivy and nearly giving herself an ulcer worrying, just to sit around waiting for an hour.
ADORE: Soon, I think. I’m on my way to Pearl’s, then we’ll pick you up. Do you want a gyro?
ADORE: Oh yeah. Gross. I’ll text you when we’re close.
“Bianca! Darling!” Fame reached out her arms to pull Bianca in for a tight embrace.  “Happy Birthday!”
She and Patrick had just arrived at the stunning event space a few minutes earlier, and were immediately whisked off to a VIP area with a private bar, where Raja and Raven were already relaxing on sofas, Sutan and Violet standing at the bar chatting with Detox and Jujubee.
It was perfect, removed enough from the chaos of the dance floor, but with a perfect view over the railing. And the speed with which Bianca had arrived to greet her told her that she’s given special instructions for the staff to alert her to Fame’s presence--exactly the kind of preferential treatment that Fame expected.
“Thanks, blondie,” Bianca grinned, “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” Fame smiled widely, fluttering her lashes. “So do you. I love this dress!”
“Yeah, your tits look great!” Raja chimed in.
Bianca was wearing a sinfully tight black bandage dress, the neckline showing off her breasts and glowing skin, the hem just above her knees, her legs one of Bianca’s best assets.
“You can barely see that you’re turning 40.” Fame grinned, which earned her a pinch from Bianca, the other still keeping her in her arms.
“Please,” Fame squeezed Bianca’s forearm, “So, tell me the truth, do you like the ring?”
Bianca held up her hand, where it glittered on her index finger.
Yesterday, Fame had had Bianca’s birthday present delivered to her office at the exact time of her birth, 3:57 pm. Fame knew Bianca liked her statement pieces, so she had custom ordered a cocktail ring, but not just any cocktail ring. Instead of the usual single band, a stone in the middle, Fame had gone for a three part twist in gold, sparkling garnets adorning it.
“It’s perfect, I love it,” Bianca said.
“Wonderful!” Fame clasped her hands together. “You’re impossible to shop for.”
“No I’m not! I love stuff,” Bianca countered. “Plus, you know...I’ll never say no to a present that’s unavailable in stores…”
She grinned wickedly, dimples deep, hand drifting down to Fame’s ass. Fame swatted it away with a scolding look.
“Really, Bianca.”
“What, it’s my birthday!” Bianca said. “You gotta give me something.”
“Fine, a tiny something,” Fame laughed, leaning in and giving her a sweet kiss on the lips, then following up with a light smack to her cheek.
“That’s not where I like being spanked,” Bianca said.
“Oh my god, you’re impossible!” Fame exclaimed, breaking away and stepping over to the bar while Bianca laughed gleefully behind her. “Now come on, tell me about your presents.”
“And a drink for the lady.” Sutan smiled as he handed Violet a glass, his date taking it with a sweet smile and a thank you, Sutan putting his arm back around her waist as they walked around.
He had picked Violet up at her apartment, his heart almost skipping a beat as she had pushed the double doors open and walked down the steps, her dress of the night absolutely stunning, the back open and taunting with it’s promise of bare impossibly soft skin.
“So,” Sutan rubbed his thumb up and down, gently caressing Violet’s back, “are you having fun?”
Sutan was happy that she was there, enjoyed spending time with her, but as he got to know her more and more, he slowly realized how little she actually enjoyed big crowds.
“Okay.” Sutan bit his lip, hiding a smile at Violet’s quick but short reply.
Alaska giggled delightedly, letting Jinkx twirl her on the dance floor. If you’d told Alaska a few years ago that she’d have a friend who she could have this much fun with sober, she’d have laughed in your face. But, even though Jinkx didn’t mind it, Alaska really didn’t enjoy drinking around her. So when they were together, Alaska felt like it was the least she could do to hold off on the booze. What she did enjoy was being with her, sober or not, looking into her sparkling brown eyes as they tripped all over their feet.
“For a Broadway star, you’re really uncoordinated,” Alaska laughed, and Jinkx pretended to be offended, then giggled.
“It’s hard to be mad when you call me a Broadway star.”
“Well, you are!” Alaska said, wrapping her arms around Jinkx’s neck and gazing at her happily. She loved these moments, just the two of them having the time of their lives, dancing and laughing and ignoring every other person in the room. They always had fun, but tonight, Jinkx seemed to have an extra bounce in her step, radiating a kind of joy, and it made Alaska feel so grateful to be around her.
“Thanks Lasky...you’re the best.”
They whirled and stumbled around the dance floor some more, until they were both breathless and needed a break.
“What are we feeling like tonight? Ginger ale? Cranberry and soda?” Alaska asked.
“You choose,” Jinkx said, clinging to her arm.
Alaska ordered a couple of drinks for them and then turned back to Jinkx, who was looking at her with the cutest little dreamy half-smile. She couldn’t help the tingling rush that went down her spine as she lowered her eyes and asked, “So...what’s going on with you tonight?”
“What do you mean?” Jinkx asked, eyes widening innocently.
“I mean...you’re just very...I don’t know...” A smile tugged at Alaska’s lips. “...twinkly tonight.”
“Well...I wasn’t gonna say anything because...it’s kind of silly, but,” she lowered her voice, eyes shining. “I ran into her again. Ivy.”
Alaska felt her whole chest deflate, forcing a smile as Jinkx continued.
“At Zabar’s! It’s like the universe is just conspiring to help us get together, you know?” Jinkx giggled happily.
A lump rose in Alaska’s throat and she nodded, using all her willpower to keep the smile painted across her face. “Oh, wow. That’s...that’s cool. Did you talk?”
“Yes. You’d be so proud of me, I even got her number!”
“Wow. Awesome!” Alaska felt like she was going to throw up, shifting her gaze to the bartender, grateful for the distraction as he slid two ginger ales across the bar. She couldn’t help wishing that half the glass was Jack Daniels. She handed one of them to Jinkx and took her own. It tasted just dust.
“Yeah, but she was still a bit formal, you know? I think I need to see her in a more relaxed setting. Do you think she likes opera? Maybe I can ask her to Madame Butterfly?” Jinkx chattered, away, oblivious to Alaska’s shift in mood.
“You really think the Met is a relaxed setting?”
Jinkx threw back her head and laughed, squeezing Alaska’s arm. “Omigod, you’re right. I’m such a dingbat. What would I do without you, Lasky?”
“I don’t know…” Alaska stirred her drink.
“What do you think she likes?”
“Uh, I’m really not sure,” Alaska said. And it was true. She knew that Ivy was sweet, and professional, and did her job with a kind of calm efficiency. But she didn’t know her very well on a personal level, their professional paths rarely crossing directly.
“Hmm, maybe you can ask around? If that wouldn’t be too weird?” Jinkx looked so hopeful and earnest that Alaska couldn’t help but smile for real in spite of herself, immediately agreeing to help her on this quest to capture Ivy’s heart.
“Of course. I’ll ask around.”
Jinkx sighed happily, leaning on Alaska’s shoulder, eyes falling closed for a moment. “You really are my favorite person, Lask.”
“Back atcha, Jinxky.”
Adore walked into Bianca’s party, feeling like a million bucks. Everyone that was anyone and even some who were nothing were there, and Adore knew she looked better than all of them with her purple hair, her pouty red lips, her short black leather dress, fishnets, and best of all… Pearl, the sexiest fucking goddess she’d ever seen in her life at her side.
She hung on Pearl’s arm, enjoying the jealous looks she got; knowing that everyone at the party wanted to be in her place. She even got a nasty look from some models, who were clearly all in love with her girl, but Adore didn’t care.
Pearl was here with her and only her. Pearl glanced at her every few seconds with a smug grin on her face, like the cat that just ate the canary. Well, if the canary was Adore’s pussy. Which would mean the cat was… Well whatever, Adore wasn’t an English scholar. She was in love.
The only thing that sucked was that Courtney looked so fucking miserable. They’d been a little late picking her up, due to getting, well, sidetracked for a while at Pearl’s, and then stopping for food. She thought that Courtney would be a bit more understanding, but she’d barely spoken two words in the car, even Pearl picking up on her obvious anger.
And now, even though she was at the coolest party in Manhattan, she didn’t look happy at all. Adore caught her eye, offering a hopeful smile, but received only a resigned nod in return. She reached out to touch her hand.
“Have I told you how gorgeous you look?” Adore asked, hoping that a compliment and a charming grin would be enough to lighten her mood.
“You think?” Courtney asked, adjusting one of her straps nervously. “I don’t look out of place?”
“Bitch, you put all these other girls to shame,” Adore promised, and was rewarded, finally, with a pleased smile from Courtney.
Adore looked over at the group of giggling socialites who were approaching them, only slightly annoyed when they swept her girlfriend up. She pouted as Pearl dropped her hand, but smiled again when she doubled back to whisper into her ear, “I’m gonna try and squeeze some gossip out of these hoes, and then I’ll catch up with you later.”
“Okay, but don’t be too long!” Adore pulled her in, branding her cheek with a dark red kiss before taking Courtney’s arm and sauntering away, pleased with herself. She scanned the party, looking for her sister and finally spotting her holding court near the bar. She cupped her hands over her mouth to shout through the crowd. “Bianca! Happy birthday, you ancient whore!”
Bianca turned towards her sister’s voice, barking out, “You’re late!”
“Whaddaya mean, we’re right on time for a grand entrance!” Adore countered, laughing.
“Well-” Bianca stopped, completely losing her train of thought when her eyes landed on Courtney. She was wearing a short red dress, the first time Bianca has seen her in a color other than pastels, and she looked absolutely fucking stunning--legs a mile long, one blonde curl falling into her eyes. Damn.
“You look cute, B. Very boobalicious,” Adore said, giving her a hug. “Not bad for an old lady.”
“Yeah, thank you,” Bianca said, eyes still locked on Courtney. “Hi, Courtney.”
“Hi. Happy birthday,” Courtney said, giving her a sweet smile. “Sorry we’re late.”
“Oh, that’s alright,” Bianca told her. “But here, uh...this’ll help you catch up.”
She took a couple of the signature drinks from a passing tray and handed them over. Adore immediately began to suck hers down, but Courtney hesitated.
“Um, what’s in this?”
“Courtney’s afraid of tequila. It makes her messy, right bae?” Adore bumped her hip.
“Something like that.”
“It’s called a Madras. Vodka, orange juice and cranberry. No tequila, but it will fuck you up. Be warned,” Bianca said with a wink.
“Well...cheers,” Courtney said, giving an adorable little laugh.
“Cheers.” Bianca took a sip of her own drink, then leaned in closer. “You look amazing, by the way.”
“Yeah?” Courtney’s eyes shone, her fingers twirling that stray lock of hair.
“Yeah.” Bianca tried unsuccessfully to wipe the stupid grin off her face, and instead broke the tension with, “I’m shocked that someone who’s friends with my sister has such good taste.”
“Hey!” Adore exclaimed.
“Don’t be too impressed. It’s a loaner,” Courtney replied drily, causing Bianca to throw back her head and laugh.
“Fair enough.” She downed the rest of her drink, waving off a couple of acquaintances who were trying to get her attention.
“Be right back,” Adore said, scampering away towards Pearl, of course jumping the second the blonde so much as crooked a little finger.
Courtney reached out for her, but she was already gone. She sighed slightly, looking a little bit dejected, and Bianca cleared her throat.
“So listen, I heard through the grapevine that you’re looking for a way to avoid your, uh, Galactica employers while you’re here?”
Courtney looked up, startled. She seemed shocked that Bianca was still talking to her, and she stammered uncomfortably. “Oh. Yeah, no, I just-”
“Listen, it’s understandable, you wanna have a good time. Can’t do that while your boss is breathing down your neck, right?” Bianca flashed her dimples.
“Well...yeah,” Courtney admitted, laughing a little.
Bianca stepped closer, slipping an arm around her shoulders and lowering her voice conspiratorially. “Fame and Raja are well contained, don’t worry. I made a VIP section since those two need a velvet rope to feel like they’re having a good time.”
Courtney giggled. “Like a rich person playpen?”
“It’s a prison of their own making,” Bianca affirmed,  giving her a wink. “Trust me, they’re looking down on everyone the way they prefer, and they ain’t leaving.”
“Well...thank you.” Courtney bit her lip. It was hard to tell in this light, but it looked like a slight blush had crept into her cheeks, and Bianca found herself even more enamored.
A second later, she felt someone tap on her arm: one of the Marie-Claire board members, who she sadly couldn’t ignore.
“Sorry, I have go...do hostess shit,” Bianca said, regret flooding her chest, and Courtney nodded.
“Of course.”
She turned towards the middle-aged man and his young wife, saying her cursory hellos and giving air kisses, making small talk with them both. As soon as she could manage, though, she spared a glance back at Courtney.
The plan, from the moment Adore told her that Courtney was coming, had been to seduce this smoking hot friend of her sister’s. And she figured that the “rough break-up” that Adore’d reported would make it a sure thing. An easy and fun little fling--a birthday present to herself.
But now, something about the wistful, faraway expression on her delicate face as she smoothed down her skirt made her look vulnerable, in a way that gave Bianca pause. As stunning as she was--and fuck, she was an absolute knock-out--it didn’t make Bianca want to seduce her. Instead, it made her want to protect her. Ugh, why did her fucking conscience have rear its ugly head tonight, on her birthday of all nights?
“Thank you so much. Be sure to check out the raw bar!” she said, finally escaping and ready to head back to Courtney--but Adore beat her to it.
She watched as her sister came bounding up, Pearl in tow, and grabbed Courtney’s hands to pull her onto the dance floor.
Well, good. She should have a good time. Lord knows, anyone who worked for Fame deserved to blow off some steam. Bianca snatched another drink from a passing tray, trying to redirect her attention to the Welsh model who’d been giving her bedroom eyes all night.
Violet was having a surprisingly good time, taking small sips of her champagne. She had hurried home from work, almost ready when Sutan had texted that he was downstairs, the smile on Sutan’s face when he had seen her dress almost, almost, almost worth it’s price tag.
She had never been to an event of this size without having to worry if catering ran out of ice, or if she’d need to get taxis for whoever got way too drunk. It was nice to just stand by Sutan’s side, nice to be allowed to just be, without having to entertain or constantly think about everything that could go wrong.
“Ah, yes, of course.” Sutan smiled, his thumb rubbing up and down the small of Violet’s back. He was talking to one of the models from Elite, Violet vaguely recognizing her from some of the headshots she had presented to Fame for the fall collection. “I’ll be sure to tell Marcel about that.”
“Excuse me,” Violet turned, her eyes falling on a man with a camera, the card around his neck instantly telling her that he was from OK! magazine. “I was wondering if I could take a few pictures?”
“Oh,” Violet didn’t know what to do, her stomach instantly tightening.
“Sure,” Sutan grinned, turning towards the camera. “Right girls?”
“I-” Violet didn’t want to be in the picture, didn’t want someone she didn’t know documenting where she was, didn’t want to risk it ending up online. “I don’t-”
“Oh of course,” Sutan took her glass, handing it off to someone. “There we go.”
“Come here,” Sutan put an arm around the model, posing both of them.
“Please-” Violet could feel Sutan’s hand on her hip, holding her tight, keeping her trapped, her throat closing up.
“Should we smile?”
“No,” The photographer looked out from behind his camera, “just be natural.”
Violet pushed away, forcing Sutan to let her go as the camera went off. She didn’t hear Sutan say her name, a quick flicker of a question on his face, didn’t see him smile apologetically to the photographer and pose with the model, didn’t notice any of it as she made her way outside, escaping the only thing she could think of.
Juju strolled through the crowd with Raven. She appreciated the whole VIP setup as much as anyone, but this was a massive party, and they’d decided to come spend a little time where the action was, maybe dance a bit -at least as much as her poor pregnant body would allow. They were stopped by a group of models, Raven proudly showing off her engagement ring and letting the other girls fawn all over her.
Juju put up with the schmoozing for a couple of minutes--after all, those girls were potential clients, until she spotted Bianca nearby and politely excused herself from the group, knowing that Raven would be perfectly content with her little fan club.
Bianca was chatting up some sweet young thing (typical), and Juju couldn’t resist messing with her a little. She wrapped her arms around Bianca’s waist from behind, asking in a low, husky voice, “Tell me I’m your favorite, Daddy.”
It was a joke between the two of them, something that had started years ago when Juju and Detox were first dating. They’d shown up at brunch one morning in the middle of a heated argument about whether it was appropriate for her to call him “Daddy” during sex--ironically, only a few months before she got preganant with their first child. It wasn’t a kink thing, exactly, it was just that she thought it was funny, and especially so when she saw his freaked out reaction. The group agreed that right or wrong, if it bothered him then she probably shouldn’t say it. But Bianca, ever the good sport, had pulled the smaller woman into her lap and declared that if she really needed to call someone Daddy, she was ‘willing to take one for the team.’
Juju accompanied her breathy greeting by biting gently on Bianca’s ear, adding, “Pwease?”
Bianca burst out laughing, pulling her close and introducing her to a very confused looking girl. “Tayce, you must know my friend Juju Sanderson. The brilliant hairstylist who owns Jujubee’s downtown?”
“Oh, yeah! It’s an honor!” Tayce said, her brown eyes lighting up as a dazzling smile spread across her face. “I’ve been trying to get an appointment with you, but you’re booked up for months!”
Juju had to bite back her laugh when she heard Tayce speak--Bianca always was a sucker for an accent.
“Well, play your luck with Daddy here, and you might jump the queue,” Juju said with a wink.
“Among other benefits,” Bianca cackled. “You know you’re the only one who I’d let get away with that Daddy shit, right?”
“Yes, thank you. You’re a lot more fun than my husband.”
“In so many ways,” Bianca said, turning to Tayce and giving her a playful smirk.
Violet took a deep breath, letting it out through her teeth as she could finally feel her heart slow down, though the knot in her stomach wasn’t going away.
She knew she couldn’t help it, but it was impossible not to feel an inkling of shame travel up her spine, the feeling that she was being ridiculous impossible to push down.
Sutan hadn’t meant anything by it, taking photos a part of his life, being in the public eye something that simply came natural for him.
Violet took a last breath, pushing away from the wall she had been leaning against to go back to the party, hoping that Sutan hadn’t noticed how strange she was acting.
It wasn’t that Violet liked acting this way, that she wanted to feel the panic rising in her body whenever she saw a camera in a stranger's hand, but she couldn’t help it.
She was an adult now, she had her own life, her own money and even her own job and her own apartment, but it was hard not to hide, impossible not to react to the instinctive fear that welled up in her at the risk of being found.
Violet walked back inside, the noise and the amount of people feeling so much more overwhelming when she wasn’t at Sutan’s side. She made her way through the crowd, easily spotting both Fame and Pearl, avoiding both of them.
She was starting to think Sutan had left, Raja nowhere to be found either, when she saw him sitting at a table, surrounded by models. He was laughing loudly, his arm around one of the girls, several of the models’ phones taking pictures of everything that was happening.
Violet’s stomach did a flip, the panic from earlier rushing through her body. She couldn’t go over there, couldn’t be a part of that part of Sutan’s world, so instead, Violet did what she always did.
Turned around, and walked away.
[Raja?] Sutan put a hand on Raja’s hip, turning her around. Sutan had been sitting with a group of models, doing shots and having fun right up until one of them had touched his legs under the table, and he had abandoned ship instantly.
[Have you seen Violet?]
He hadn’t seen her in over an hour, and while Sutan was more than sure that Violet could take care of herself, he had started to worry.
[Sutan!] Raja grinned, stepping into his space, looping her arms around his neck. [Hello brother dear.]
[Hello.] Sutan smiled, once again reminded of how much he truly loved Raja. She was tipsy, her eyes swimming slightly, which was probably why she hadn’t responded to his question. [Have you seen Violet?]
[Violet?] Raja tilted her head, her hand fiddling with the hairs at the nape of his neck. [No?]
[Shit.] Sutan bit his lip, his hands resting on Raja’s hips.
[Maybe she just left?] Raja smiled, running her fingers through his hair. [There’s no need to worry.]
[She can handle herself.]
[Mmmh.] Sutan knew that Raja was probably right, but it still felt weird that VIolet hadn’t said goodbye, and if he was honest, he was disappointed that they wouldn’t be going home together at the end of the night. [I’ll send her a text.]
Sutan was just about to reach into his pocket, was just about to get his phone out, when he saw a photographer to his left, just outside the VIP section. The paparazzi always loved to get photos of him and Raja together, and while he was sure Raja hadn’t noticed, he made sure to twist her slightly to the left, getting her good side as he smiled at the camera.
“Every guy here is drooling over you, bae,” Adore giggled, spinning Courtney on the dance floor before accepting another drink from Pearl.
“Not just the guys,” Pearl added with a wink.
Courtney laughed. In spite of her hesitation in tagging along, she’d been having a pretty good time. The attention was fun, of course, but Courtney’d barely noticed the alleged guys drooling over her. She couldn’t help thinking about the way she’d felt when Bianca put that arm around her, the way her brown eyes had sparkled in the dim light. The way goosebumps prickled her skin as Bianca’s fingers grazed her shoulder.
Her gaze kept being pulled in Bianca’s direction. Eyes drifting over her enticing curves in that tight dress. And occasionally, to her absolute thrill, Bianca would be looking back at her. Every time their eyes met, her stomach flipped around like crazy.
It was silly, she knew that. She knew that Bianca was only being nice to her because she was Adore’s friend. A nice kid. That it didn’t mean anything deep. This was, after all, a woman who dated supermodels and Oscar winners. Like the gorgeous girl by her side most of the evening, who had a face that Courtney instantly recognized from last month’s British Vogue cover.
The reality of the situation didn’t stop her from pretending, even just to herself, even just for the night, that maybe there was something there, that warranted all these confusing feelings swirling around inside her like a tornado.
And later, when they were saying goodbye, she allowed herself to enjoy the way Bianca’s palm pressed to the small of her back. She even let her lips linger for a few moments on Bianca’s warm cheek, kissing her goodnight.
SUTAN: Did you leave?
SUTAN: The party is still going.
SUTAN: Did you get home safe?
SUTAN: I can’t find you.
SUTAN: Violet??
VIOLET: I’m fine.
7 notes · View notes
iggy-of-fans · 5 years
Of Being a Ladybug part 2
So, Paris is about 6 hours ahead of Metropolis . So if Marinette sent the message at say… 8 pm, and Jagged got it at 9 because he was at dinner, then getting lawyers straightened out and all that ...say Marinette starts school at 10 am, then it would be approximately 4am in Metropolis. It would be a 7 hour flight, meaning she'd leave at noon on Monday, and arrive at 2am on Tuesday. 
The cons of being a reporter. 
Lois was as excited as she was exhausted. Paris! She'd always wanted to go to Paris. As her taxi drove her past the Louvre and she could see the Eiffel tower in the distance, she couldn't help but remember the call she received yesterday. 
"I know it's early, Lois, but I have a job for you in Paris" Bruce said from the other line. 
"I'm listening." 
"The satellites from the Tower have been picking up irregularities. Burning buildings, the Eiffel Tower toppled or completely missing, then the next pass everything is normal. Hal even claims he saw a giant baby on cams once. I've gone over all the pictures of the last year, a couple of weeks ago there… I can't explain it. I'll send you the images and we'll try to find a believable cover story for going in the middle of the school year like this"
"I understand, thank you Bruce. I'll book the earliest flight I can." Burning buildings? The Eiffel tower toppled? Nothing had been said in the news. If something on a grand scale like that were happening, they would already know. 
"Thank you, Lois. I will of course pay for your accommodations while there," Bruce offered. A consolation for sending her around the globe for film effects. 
She barely got a "thank you" out, before he hung up. She flopped back onto the bed, Clark raising an eyebrow at her. Of course he'd heard both sides of the conversation, so he obviously had his own opinion to share. 
"Well? What do you think?" she asked him. If Clark gave it some weight, she might take it more seriously. 
"A video was sent by the Mayor of Paris about a year ago, asking for help because his city was being overrun by stone monsters and their only hope lay with a couple of kids. I watched it and it looked like some cheap special effects and deleted it like the other publicity stunts people pull. Diana was the one to notice the inconsistencies with the Eiffel tower, and she swears she saw a couple kids flying on rooftops. It's why Bruce started investigating. But he has no reason to be in Paris at all, since Wayne Enterprises doesn't have an hq there, and he wants to save that excuse for if there IS any trouble. Anyways, try to enjoy your little vacation while you're there" Clark smiled. 
"... Does Bruce know the mayor called for Justice League intervention?" Lois asked slowly. This… Was… Not… happening. 
"No? I mean, just some publicity stunts, Lois. We get 20 of them a day" Clark dismissed. Lois was beyond words so she got up and started packing, and turned on her civilian phone to call for a flight. Before she could get dialing she got a call incoming. 
"Penny? Is everything okay? WHAT? YES! Of course I do! That's huge! Yes, let me just call my boss…. Oh? Oh wow! Thank you! Yes, I'll see you tonight… Or I guess tomorrow for you…yes. I understand. Thank you" Lois couldn't believe her luck. She grabbed her JL phone and called Bruce. 
"Bruce! I've got a cover! I've been asked by an old college friend to interview her client and a few others on Parisian TV. Yes, totally legit, she just called me… Penny Rolling. Yes, yes Bruce! I will keep my eyes open. Did you know the Mayor tried to call for JL intervention a year ago? No? Clark told me there was a video but thought it was a publicity stunt. Maybe try to find it and give me a heads up… okay… Thank you Bruce. That'll be perfect! I'll get to the bottom of this… Okay, thank you."
Finally done with the update she rushed to call the airline. 
" NOON?!"
Before she could take in the breathtaking view any longer, the cab stopped. Lois paid the fare and stepped out and looked up. It was a beautiful hotel, owned by Mayor Bourgeois. The cabbie was loading her bags onto a trolley with a Bellhop waiting stoically by the doors. Just as Lois went to inquire about Penny, the door opened and out she came. 
"You cut your hair!" Lois exclaimed, giving her friend a hug and a LA Bise. 
"You, my beautiful ginger, are late! Had you arrived a few hours earlier you would have had quite the show!" Penny said with a smile. She'd always been jealous of Lois's hair. 
"It's Paris, Penny. How exciting could it possibly be?" Lois asked jokingly, wondering just what her visit here would truly reveal. 
I was going to end it here, but I believe I owe you all an action scene 😉 
Ladybug flew over buildings in the direction of the explosions. She really wished she'd had a chance to see the classroom before leaving to see if she would have to once again go up against Alya. Or Lila. 
Maybe if she was lucky it would be another unfortunate soul altogether. One she hopefully didn't know personally. Because it was starting to really take a toll on Ladybug, every time she came face to face with a friend or loved one. 
Before she was ready she was at the scene. And she was shocked. The Akuma of the day was a barely visible outline of a woman. She had a flowy garment on and only became visible when she touched a person. The person would immediately admit to bad deeds, anything from finishing the ice cream container to more horrible crimes. 
Ladybug watched as a couple hid behind a vehicle to escape the fate, only for the akuma to lift and throw the car, one handed, into another vehicle, creating another explosion. The akuma drifted ghost like towards the couple and became fully corporeal as she touched them, first the man ("I tapped your phone! I hated how much time you spent always going out!" he blurted out) then the woman ("I  can't stand being with you!" she screamed back). Ladybug swallowed. This was not good. A non corporeal being with the strength of ten men and the ability to… Spill secrets? Ladybug wasn't sure, but didn't want to get too close before she had the full story. She went to grab her yo-yo to call Chat, only for him to pop up, baton swinging. 
"What have we here? Another scary movie victim?" Chat asked, drawing all eyes to them. Ladybug wanted to scream. Or toss him off the building. Once! Just. ONCE! 
"I… am Guilty Conscience. That voice that should tell you not to do bad… It Is too quiet in most people's heads. So therefore I shall make you scream your misdeeds to the world. No longer shall there be hiding behind white lies for innocence" the ghost whispered, yet to Ladybug she may as well have screamed. 
"Che, you're out of your league! I have a picture perfect record!" Chat smirked, ever brash and fearless. Without a second thought, he jumped off the building towards the ghostly form. And just as Ladybug predicted, went right through her. She did not become solid upon contact with a human unless she so chose to. Great… 
"Chat! Fall back, we need a plan!" Ladybug called, stepping back from the roof and readying her yo-yo. 
"Just lucky charm her and we can go out for coffee!" Chat yelled back, swinging his baton uselessly through GC. Ladybug shook her head. She was almost 90% sure they'd need more backup. 
"Lucky Charm!" she cried, throwing her yo-yo high. Down fell a teapot. Back up it is, she sighed. 
"Chat! Fall back, I'm going for backup!" she called out again. 
"Awe, but M'lady, I thought I was the only one you needed in your life!" she was sure he thought he sounded charming. She cringed. 
"Not now Chat. I'll be back in a while, keep her from following me but keep your distance. No need to waste your energy for now." 
Had she looked down, or paid more attention to her surroundings, she may have seen Lila hiding in an alley not far from the akuma. She may have noticed her trying to follow her. She may even have taken another route to get where she was going. Later she would regret not being more vigilant. 
To be Continued...
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lattaeyongs-main · 5 years
Always Running
Summary: You made him forget about the spider seal etched on his chest. In which he feels like he has normal friends, a normal family, and a normal life, but his spider mask starts to fall.
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Pairing: Mark x reader
Genre: fluff+ angst, spiderman au, high school au
Word count: 4.7k
Warnings: alcohol consumption, dangerous situations
a/n: inspired by the spiderman movies (obviously). requested a while ago, but I finally got to it! Let me know what you thought in the comments in the notes or in an ask!
Mark Lee liked a lot of things about you, he realized while he sat in your shared science class this morning. He liked the way your notes were clean and organized with different colors decorating the page compared to the monochromatic mess that were his own. He liked the way your voice that was clean and melodic at debate competitions before it would be his turn to argue. And he liked how you had a silent beauty to you that could make the heavens above jealous. Maybe it could be because of your window seat in the rising morning light that made you look ethereal.  
You and Mark attended a well off high school with the children of doctors and lawyers who expected only the best. That didn’t mean that these children didn’t live and experience like other high schoolers, often times amplifying it with their privilege. But everyone were still cookie-cutter students when they entered the school’s campus. The area seemed well off and average from the outside, but that didn’t mean that crime didn’t exist. Evil and bad were everywhere, Mark learned. And he had the chance to help people who needed it.
Today, it was one of those mornings where the teacher wasn’t in the room before the first bell rang. He noticed how everyone else in the class chattered with friends or quickly tried to complete last night’s assignment. You still weren’t in the room yet, and Mark could feel his eyes wandering to your spot near the window.
“Are you even listening to me?” Donghyuck exclaimed. He was seated in front of Mark, tapping on the desk expectantly.
“It’s the same stuff. Just break up with Sooyoung already.” Mark could feel his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
“I’ll do that once you ask out Y/N. It’s starting to get creepy how much you stare at her. And even when I was in debate club-”
“Okay I get it. I’m just analyzing the situation before I do any of that.”
Donghyuck let out a faint “hmph” before saying, “Y/N, six’ clock,”
Mark moved his head ever so slightly when he saw you with your cup of coffee, your backpack strapped across your shoulder while you made your way to your desk. You took a quick sip before placing your backpack in the space next to you and collecting your books.
“Now’s your chance. Sooyoung told me that Yeri is sick, so she’s probably not going to talk to anyone this morning.”
Mark sighed. He was going to have to do it sometime to avoid Donghyuck and Renjun’s constant teasing. He finally took a deep breath and pushed back his chair.
“Remember, It can’t be that bad if Y/N is the way you describe.” Mark squinted at him disdainfully before Donghyuck said again, “You’ll thank me later.”
You were reviewing your notes while sipping on your coffee when Mark slid in the seat next to you. You looked up, noticing Mark’s nervousness.
“I just wanted to say,” Mark stopped mid-sentence and you nodded for him to continue.
“that I thought your notes were really nice and that you’re really pretty.” Mark took a deep breath.
“Aww, that’s really nice of you. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten complements like those-” You stopped when you heard you phone ring. Once you saw the caller ID, you said, “I really have to take this.” Your bag and books were still in your spot when you left the classroom, phone pressed against your ear.
Mark went back to his seat behind Donghyuck, and he said, “I’m guessing that it didn’t go that well.”
“It wasn’t a yes or a no. I didn’t have the chance to ask her before her phone rang.” Mark still felt his heart sink for some reason.
“That’s still better than being rejected.” Donghyuck shrugged his shoulders. It didn’t help.
A few days later while Mark was at his locker, you approached him on the other side of the hall, your coffee almost finished. He saw you in the corner of his eye but went back to packing his books in his bag in an attempt at nonchalance.
“I felt a little bad after I blew you off like that last week, and you're really nice in debate club. It was my boss by the way.” Mark nodded, feeling slight relief while his cheeks slightly reddened. “So I was wondering if you wanted to study together.” You were straight to the point.
Mark spluttered a little bit before saying, “Sure, of course. Where do you want to meet?”
“How about the library after school? Today’s Monday. We can start on Thursday.”
“Sounds good to me,” he responded quickly, hoisting his backpack onto his shoulders.
“Good. You better not flake on me like you do with the debate team.” You say in joking humor Mark only nervously laughed. “I’ll see you around then.” Mark waved at you, a large grin forming on his face.
Mark could feel his arms and legs ache when he climbed into the window of his bedroom. His vision still felt spotty even after it had been twenty minutes since the robbers threw a homemade bomb at him. He luckily escaped, only leaving with a few scratches and bruises that he could hide easily. It was around ten at night while he waited for the police to come by and put them in jail, and now he jogged home, his spider suit packed tightly in his backpack. The jog wasn't long, so he didn't need to board a bus to get back home before his aunt got suspicious. The TV was silent, so that meant that his aunt was probably asleep. He tiptoed, remembering the creaky wood near the left corner of his bedroom. He took off his mask and took a deep breath- it could get stuffy in there at times. He jumped when he heard something fall, the creaky wooden floor amplifying his anxiety. From the shadows, Donghyuck picked it up and put it back on the nightstand,
“Donghyuck, what are you doing here?” Donghyuck’s mouth was wide open.
“You’re-you’re Spiderman?” Mark was silent while Donghyuck still pointed. It was a few minutes before anyone said anything. “Oh my God, that’s so cool! What does this do?” he moved to press a button on Mark’s wrist. Mark moved away, crossing his arms delicately.
“Don’t touch anything! But what are you doing here?” Mark felt himself whisper yell.
“We were supposed to hang out. Your aunt said that you were staying after school and were coming in a little bit.” Mark put a hand to his temple. He completely forgot.
“You can’t tell anyone.”
“I know. I’ve read enough comic books to know what happens.”
“This is serious. You can’t blab it out like you did-”
“That was seventh grade! We’re almost done with high school, and you’re still holding that over my head-”
“Alright, alright. Just please don’t tell anyone.” Mark’s eyes were pleading.
“Fine,” Donghyuck said while he took a deep breath. “But you have to show me your cool stuff later.”
"Okay, what do the buttons on your boots do? And how do you channel the shooting power of your suit? And-and-"
"Okay, Donghyuck, that's enough. It’s only been two days. We're in school. We can talk about this later."
"Come on! I’m just so excited, that’s all. You have to spill the beans!" Donghyuck whined. They were making their way to the lunch line, grabbing a tray while the lunch ladies handed them food.
When they finally left and moved to their spot, Mark reiterated, "I'll tell you later. We're in school. Someone could hear us."
"Whatever. You’re going to crack sometime," Donghyuck said, taking a large bite into his sandwich. Mark picked at his food. He sat with Renjun and Jeno, some of his other members of the debate club. After Donghyuck quit near the middle of sophomore year, he befriended them, Renjun being new and Jeno being as sociable as he was, now being very close friends with them. He almost felt a pang in his stomach because close friends were supposed to tell each other everything. That’s what Jeno told him one night at the end of sophomore year right after he built his suit.  
"Earth to Mark!" Donghyuck waved his hand in front of him, and he looked up. "Are you thinking about Y/N again?"
"No." His voice was confident when he started the first syllable, but he later trailed off when all three boys gave him the same look.
"You have to stop being so obvious with her, it's getting kind of disgusting," Renjun said, scrunching his nose while shoving some food into his mouth.
"You're being overdramatic, Renjun," Jeno said. "I think it's kind of cute. Look, Y/N’s with her friends,” His gaze pointed to three tables away where you sat with Yeri, the president of the debate team. You conversed with her, and from the look of it, you were enjoying the conversation, your eyes turning into an adorable squint when another girl and boy joined you, their names having left Mark’s memory. 
Renjun munched on potato chips before wiping his hands on his pants. “By the way Mark, where were you yesterday? We practiced against the college team and Yukhei looked pretty upset that we were missing a person.”
"Speak of the devil,” Donghyuck muttered. Yukhei, eleven o'clock."
Before he could think of that dreaded name, he heard his voice first.
"Another family affair, right?" Wong Yukhei said. His backpack was slung across his shoulder while he sauntered towards Mark's table. He gulped. Yukhei had been tormenting him since the beginning of time- or just when he moved in with his aunt years past. He always found a way to torment him, and it didn't help that he was promoted to vice president last year. His shirt was crisp while his slacks were neatly pressed. As the vice president of the debate club, he always needed to look his best and keep everyone in line. Unfortunately, he did the second part too well.
"Sorry. I promise that I'll be there next Tuesday." This line was rehearsed, something that took him ages to say without cowering under Yukhei's tall frame.
"I would boot you out of the debate club if I could, but it seems like you're in cahoots with Yeri. And we had a competition-”
“Practice.” Renjun interrupted. He went back to eating food when Yukhei gave him a look.
“You weren't there. You have to remember that this is a commitment, right? Or are you too busy ogling Y/N?” Yukhei’s voice was menacing, and he gulped. Mark felt his cheeks flush.
“You never know what he could be doing,” Donghyuck butted. Mark shook his head. When Donghyuck intervened, things didn’t go well.
“Oh, really like what?” His shadow encompassed him. 
“You know, a lot of clubs have their meets on Tuesday like lacrosse or astronomy or swimming-”
“That would have been a good excuse if the swimming season didn’t end two months ago.” He scoffed. He came closer and closer until Donghyuck blurted.
"Mark knows spiderman!" Mark turned over and stepped on his toe. He let out a yelp before Yukhei smirked.
"Dude, what's the matter with you!" Again with the whisper yelling. Donghyuck raised his shoulders.
"Really, Mark knows spiderman?” His eyebrows were quirked, as if feeding off of the victory that he said it loud enough for you to hear. A few others tuned in, staring at Mark.
“Really Mark, you know spiderman?” Your voice was in awe while your friends whispered among each other.
“Yeah, yeah I do,” Mark stumbled.
“If Mark knows spiderman, then why doesn't he come to my winter party." Yukhei's smirk could be the equivalent of the grinch.
“I mean, that party is a month from now-”
“Is that a problem, Mark?” Yukhei’s arms were crossed over his chest, his foot tapping impatiently.
“No, no, it isn’t.”
“Good. Cause I thought that spiderman would be a busy guy with a schedule, so I wanted to make sure that he could come.”
"Oh, he'll be there." Donghyuck said.
"I can’t believe I said that! I could kill you right now!" Mark said when he and Donghyuck were at his house after school.
"It just- it kind of slipped out, I’m so sorry Mark." Donghyuck’s head hung low.
"I can't follow through with this. I'll just not show up and deal with him when I have to go to school the following Monday."
“No, you can’t do that!  You’re going to forfeit your reputation!”
“I’m going to be found out-”
“Well, you’re going to have to change your mind.” 
Thursday came, and Mark practically counted the minutes until school let out before he rushed into the school library. He double and triple checked that he had everything he needed to study, zipping and unzipping his backpack in the quietness of the library, earning dirty looks from the librarians.
You came in five minutes later throwing an empty can of club soda before seating yourself at the same table as Mark. He sheepishly greeted you, and you smiled. He didn't remember if he ever told you that he liked your smile.
"Okay before we start studying, we should do some practice problems from the previous chapter," you say, opening the textbook. Mark did the same, and the room was coated in silence except for the rustle of notes and pages from other students sitting at tables and computers working on assignments.
In the background, Mark heard the small portable TV that the librarian had.
"Two nights ago, spiderman came in and saved the day once again! Today, we’re sharing the report again, showing never before seen footage of spiderman up close, caught by the Lemon Bakery in their security cameras at around nine. He caught the criminals in the middle of their act and miraculously survived a small bomb that they set out for him. Luckily, they are in prison awaiting their hearing and sentence. Here we show you the footage that was caught."
“I still can’t believe that you know spiderman. And he’s going to come right?” You set your pencil down, taking a sip from a water bottle while you looked at him curiously.
“I don’t know. I didn’t get to ask him yet since this is a month in advance.”
"I understand. He must be busy, fighting crime. You know,” you say, your eyes glowing. “Spiderman is really brave.”  
"He really is." Mark felt the butterflies in his stomach rise at the indirect comment.
"I kinda start to wonder what really keeps him going. This is dangerous business, and he’s always putting himself in danger for everyone else."
"It could be the people that surround him that he wants to protect." You looked at him, your eyebrows quirked. "I mean, that's probably just an assumption," Mark said quickly.
"If that's the reason, then it's noble one, and I can’t wait to see him. Unless my boss makes me work overtime." You slightly chuckled, flashing Mark a small smile that made the butterflies in his stomach rustle uncontrollably the same way you rustled through the pages in your textbook. "So do you want to go over those practice questions?"
"Sure." Mark looked down at his paper and opened to the same page as you, a small smile forming on his face. His mind was running in circles for a full minute before you continued studying.
“I knew you were going to change your mind,” Donghyuck says at the local burger place at the mall. It was near the clothing store where you worked, Mark learning that after he waited for your ride to show up when you finished studying together. You said that you liked his company and that you should do this more often, making Wednesday and Thursday after school at the library one of the most appealing time of the week. And he hated it when his watch beeped at the end of your second time studying together, and he had to run off, saying that he was going to the bathroom. The words were on his mouth “You know just some crime fighting”, but he never said it out loud. For once he felt normal- you made him feel normal, like a high school student with normal friends, normal family, and a normal life.
“Don’t swim in your victory too much.”
“I can’t believe that I’m actually doing this.” Mark said, moving his hand away from the wheel and to his temple. “It’s a bad idea. Do you really think that Yukhei is that dumb?”
“I mean-”
“Okay don’t answer that one. But do you think this plan is actually going to work?”
“It’s simple. Just show up, change into your spidersuit, say hi, Yukhei will be shocked and stop bugging you, and boom,” Donghuck said, “You got Yukhei off your back for the rest of high school. Not to mention Y/N-”
“Is she even going to believe that?”
“I had another plan-”
“Donghyuck, I already told you,” Mark said, exasperation in his voice. “You can’t dress up as me.”
“Why not?” He whined. “You promised to show me your cool stuff.” The car was silent until Mark made it to a red light.
“The suit rejects anyone that isn’t me. If you wore it, it would make an even bigger scene, and Yukhei will be on me for the rest of my life. Not that this alternative plan will get him off of me either.” Mark slowly turned his head to Donghyuck, his eyes angrily squinting. He heard his phone ding in the cup holder and reached out to grab it.  
“Hey!” Donghyuck snapped his fingers. “Eyes on the road. I don’t look like I want to die tonight.”
“At least read it out to me.”
“It’s from Y/N. When did you get her number-”
“Not important. Now what does it say?”
“On my way. On the elevator.”
“So she’s coming.” Mark felt a fresh pang on anxiety grip his stomach.
“It’s not like we can turn back. We’re already here.”
As much as he hated to admit it, Yukhei’s house was actually very nice with towering ceilings and a pool house in the back, closed off for the winter season. Yukhei was known to throw loud parties that seemed like they were asking for visits from the cops when his parents weren’t home, a contrast to his vice president image. Mark wished for a long time that he would get caught in his act for once, but never would he have thought that he would find himself in the line of cars that decorated his driveway.
Donghyuck hopped out of the car and said, “You have the suit, right?”
Mark opened the trunk to reveal his backpack. “But I didn’t bring my crime watch.”
“Relax, it’s one night, nothing is going to happen.” Donghyuck put his hand on Mark’s shoulder and shook him slightly. He strapped his bag on his back and took a deep breath while making his way to the front door. It slightly creaked when he pushed it open, and Mark found himself get hit by the bass the minute he stepped in. Mark was lead by Donghyuck to a table littered by red cups, his head scanning the room for you. It reeked strongly of alcohol, and Mark jumped when he felt his foot squelched against the soaked carpet.
“Donghyuck?” Mark felt Donghyuck brush against him.
“Jaemin! What are you doing here? I thought you were at a taekwondo competition or something? Jaemin was one of Donghyuck’s friends that he knew in passing, having quit debate team before Donghyuck really introduced them. 
“It got cancelled.” Mark could barely hear his voice over the throbbing noise. “I heard about the spiderman thing. Do you really know spiderman?” Jaemin asked, taking a gulp from his cup.
“How do you-” Mark didn’t finish his sentence. It wasn’t supposed to be this big.
“Yukhei posted it on his social media. But really, spiderman?” Jaemin’s eyes were round with awe.
“Yeah, I do.” The words felt odd on Mark’s tongue.
“My younger brother is a huge fan, so I would hate it if he was disappointed. Hey, Jisung!” Jaemin yelled through the music. A taller boy with chestnut hair and a childish face came through the crowd, leaving behind another boy he was talking to.
“You must be Mark. I wanted to say that I love spiderman and all the good he does for this city. So I just had to tell Chenle. You don’t think he would mind if we could get a picture with him, right?”
“No, no,” Mark said, his voice surprisingly high-pitched. “I don’t think that he would mind it at all.” Mark turned his head to Donghyuck, but he only held a thumbs up.
“Good, I brought my good camera with me. See you guys later!” Jaemin stayed, taking another sip from his cup before squeezing Jisung��s cheek affectionately. The younger boy groaned while Jaemin chuckled, waving him and his friend Chenle off. Jaemin chatted with them for a while, taking sips from his seemingly endless beer cup while he listened. It took only fifteen minutes for his words to mesh together incoherently. 
“I’m going to deal with him. I forgot that he drinks like a fish at these things.” Donghyuck put one of Jaemin’s arms around his shoulders and hoisted him to a standing height, earning a groan from him.
“So you’re really just going to leave me alone at this thing? I can’t do this by myself!”
“Well, I just thought that you would want to get changed or see if Y/N is here while I take care of him. I mean, Jaemin is a good friend, but once he has a couple of drinks in him, there’s really no going back.” Mark surveyed the room, looking for a path to a less busy area. “Well, I guess that it’s my time to go. Wish me luck,” Donghyuck took a large swig of some champagne in his red cup before making his way around the house- more specifically to a bathroom. Mark waved at him before making his way around people ambling in the house.
He felt an arm lean on his shoulder.
“So, where’s spiderman?” Yukhei’s breath reeked of alcohol. Mark tried his best for his voice to not sound shaky.
“Oh, he might be a little late. He might be here right now though. I’ll check.” Mark scurried away from Yukhei, finding doors and opening them one by one. Once he found an empty room, he locked the door and changed. Behind him, the TV lulled in the background, playing the news channel.
“Well, breaking news. It seems like the elevator on the ninth floor of the fifth avenue mall connecting Quick burgers and The Clothing Hut has been stuck for what has been thirty-five minutes according to the fifth avenue mall engineering team. According to bystanders there is a teenager working at The Clothing Hut that is in there and the state police have been working to get her out. Closer inspection found that the railings aren’t strong enough to support the elevator for much longer, and this mall will be closed for more inspection afterwards-”
His heart dropped. Not you, please not you, he begged. But it was the only thing that made sense.  
His car would take too long and so would a bus since they would go through regular traffic rules. But the only way he could get to the other side of the city to fifth avenue on time was to use his webs. He swung from house after house, building after building until he found himself in the inner city. He dashed through the sidewalks and roads, earning looks and pictures from the civilians walking at around ten thirty at night. It was like whenever he blinked, he could see you biting your nails- a nervous tick he noticed while you studied together-while waiting hopelessly in the elevator, and that alone was the thing that pushed Mark to run faster, swing higher, and jump longer.
The fifth avenue mall had many floors, and the parking lot was filled with firefighters and police officers trying to push away the crowd while others secured the perimeter with security tape. People were being led by other officials out of the building while others yelled “Quarantine!” He only managed to stare for a minute because of the newswoman’s words. Not much longer. He flung his arm to attach the web on the side of the building when he heard someone with a megaphone.
“Spiderman, we assure you that we have the situation under control. It is too dangerous for the inexperienced to work on the elevator, and we already have trained professionals working on getting the teenager-” Mark didn’t listen. Whatever words that he heard were tuned out of his brain. He felt his foot falter and gasped, only to make the mistake of looking down while putting his foot back into a brick crevice. He gulped.
“We need backup. Send the swat team after the teenager and get the rest of the civilians out of the second through eighth stories. Top to bottom.” Mark looked over his shoulder to see firefighters lead people from different stories through working elevators and to the front entrance. 
Mark saw the iconic sign of The Clothing Hut at the ninth floor. He pushed himself through a window to notice that the floor was empty. He ran towards the elevator doors and shoved his fingers into the gap between the doors. He didn’t realize he was bleeding until a few stray drops of blood fell on the floor, and he held his hand, pacing near the elevator. He heard a helicopter behind him, and in a dazed panic, ripped a tile off the floor. He pushed it between the doors and it opened, banging against the sides. Mark couldn’t help but feel his heart beat in his head when he looked at the black abyss below. His feet wanted him to turn back, but his mind still kept him on the edge. He was lost in his own thoughts until he heard metal groan against metal. Your scream only sent needles in his heart.
Mark looked below to see the ceiling of the elevator torn off to reveal your face, pale as a sheet while you tried to take deep breaths. Mark cleared his throat, deepening his voice.
“Hold still. Don’t make any big move-” The rails groaned again. Your muscles were tense. 
He moved downward, wrapping his spider webs around the elevator door while his other hand shot around the elevator box. He tightened the ends together and tried to move up. His squeezed his eyes shut while he moved upward, but another creak resulted. Mark was dragged down another five feet when you gasped. He felt his breath leave his throat. He tried again, but it was too heavy for him. He instead found his back skidding against the vertical hallway, foot by foot. His blood ran cold when he heard a snap.
“No!” He bellowed while you screamed. He shot his spiderwebs, and you caught it, the elevator making a loud bang when it hit the floor. Your mouth was agape. Mark descended once again each step making him more nervous while your body shook like a leaf. Mark took shallow breaths, each breath signalling him to extend his web and move another foot downward. Breathe, extend, move. A pattern. He was knocked out of his pattern when his web caught something. 
“Spiderman! Look out!” He heard a pop from his other hand, falling. Mark could feel his ears bleed at the way the elevator door rubbed against the door frame. Mark felt his arm thud on the floor, while your hands covered your face.
He was alive. You were alive.
“His spider webs broke the fall, and Spiderman was able to save the day once again!” A reporter said while other people were swarming him outside. He answered a few questions, and law enforcement eventually made people leave in order to quarantine the place.
You approached him from behind, your hand playing with the rings on your other fingers.
“I just wanted to say thank you for saving me. I remember this one thing my friend said that you do this for the people around you. That’s really noble.”
“Thank you,” Mark didn’t say anything else. He didn’t know what to say. So in any spiderman fashion, he did what he always did after a job was done. 
He ran.
But he didn’t notice you follow him.
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itsbuckysworld · 5 years
Pairing: bucky x reader Category: fluff! part two to yesterday’s post. Warnings: none really. hope this fixes your hearts after yesterday’s angst. Word Count: 2K Guest Appearance: Wanda, mentions of Steef.
Summary: Bucky has a flower shop. Y/N has become a regular customer. Can they become more?
Day 14: when they met again , for my Spring Short Story Writing Event || part two to: day 13 ‘bloom’
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It was a sunny Tuesday, two weeks and a day since Bucky last saw Y/N. He’d been counting, hoping she would show up last Monday but of course that was wishful thinking, and the wound was too fresh for him to let go that easily.
He arranged the flowers out front, watered the ones in the back, greeted customer after customer like nothing had happened, in those moments it was easy to not focus on the bad, revisit the awful rejection, yet every time it was only him and one or both of his employees, he’d find himself sulking, walking down the aisles of flowers trying to busy himself with something other than Y/N which was all that was left to do whenever he found free time. It proved to not be effective, every flower reminded him of her, and how could they not, he’d told her about almost every one and now he was stuck selling flowers that had double meanings.
So he’d decided to start something else. He spent most of his free time in the back, tending the garden, hands deep in dirt, his jeans had dark mud spots on the knees and his hair was constantly up in a small bun, to keep away from his eyes.
Hard manual labour, to keep him from thinking of his hurt feelings.
He was knelt behind the counter, arranging pots and buckets and bags of dirt when there was a ding. Wanda would certainly take it, so he didn’t bother to look up. And then “Hi” he heard, the timid voice too damn familiar, ringing around the room along with the clang of metal buckets hitting the floor as he dropped them in surprise when he turned his face, looking up to see who was so close. Bucky’s legs didn’t seem to work as he staggered to get up, shock evident on his face.
Y/N was there. Was he dreaming? He quickly asked himself in his head, and realised he wasn’t. She was really there, playing with her thumbs, awkwardly shifting from side to side.
“H-hi, uh how can I–” he clears his throat and shakes his head – “how can we help you Y- miss”
It was hard to act nonchalant, to act like his heart wasn’t racing, to act like his hands weren’t shaking in this gloves. She swallowed thickly, the silence heavy between them.
“I’m looking for some flowers” Y/N’s voice was so small, hurt, shy. Amazing how things go from 100 to nothing so fast. Bucky can’t help the flashbacks that he’s been trying to keep at bay. So much for drowning himself in work to not think about her. She’s right there. She’s right fucking there after he thought he’d never see her again. And maybe he should be mad, or sad, he doesn’t know, but he shouldn’t be happy, the butterflies taking flight again at the sight of her after she had ran at his declaration. Maybe mad wasn’t the word, after all he can’t be mad she doesn’t like him like that, everyone’s entitled to their own feelings, he can’t be angry at her that she rejected him, it was a yes or no question and he got a no. If anything he was mad at himself for ruining it all.
It was this reasoning that made him clear his throat one more time, looking down at his shoes and the mess of dirt now on the ground, and point her down the hallway to his right. “Uh, my coworker, Wanda should be able to help you in whatever you need” at the sound of her name Wanda turned around, and with a soft smile she walked up to Y/N, offering her assistance.
Bucky regretted it the second Y/N’s face fell and walked away after Wanda. Maybe that was too harsh, but if he was to move on and things could go back to somewhat normal, he would need the distance. The distance he’s been hating so much until she walked into his store.
He kept to himself, knelt by the dirt and leaves, silently looking every now and then to see Wanda and Y/N chatting, searching for the right arrangement. He couldn’t help but wonder what the occasion was, and why would she come to his shop for it after everything that happened. If the flowers were for her or for someone else. What if she had someone else all this time? She never mentioned it, but then again he never asked. It crossed his mind after he had asked her out that maybe he overstepped some line – that much was obvious now after seeing how she basically bolted – but he didn’t know which line, and hadn’t thought to wonder until then. Whatever he could come up with now, he knew it was his brain racking for excuses.
It didn’t matter why, all that mattered was that it was over before it began.
His train of thought was interrupted when the doorbell chimed again, signalling someone had left or arrived. Peeking over the counter he spotted her frame disappearing, walking down the sidewalk and away from the shop, a heavy sigh left Bucky’s lips and he facepalmed. That was so stupid, he could have had a last chance to spend some time with her and he absolutely blew it.
“Boss” he heard Wanda say over him, and as he glanced up, she handed him a bouquet. Lilac and white hyacinths. With his breath caught in his throat, he stood up, unable to stop staring at the arrangement Wanda placed in his hands. Hyacinths are known to be the I’m sorry flower. The amount of times he’s made similar arrangements for stupid men looking to ask their wives to forgive them too many to count, and now they were in his hands, white envelope with his name tied up to one of the stems. Wanda left him alone, understanding everything from just a simple chat with Y/N.
Trembling fingers reached for the note, tearing the top and reaching for the folded piece of paper with the same tenderness he treats his best flowers.
Dear Bucky.
It’s probably taken me too long to admit to myself what really happened a few weeks ago, and I completely understand if these words are too late.
The truth is I’m scared. It’s been so long since I’ve felt vulnerable, allowed anyone in. I started to gift myself flowers because I had decided to close off to the idea of someone gifting them to me, because I had decided to give up on love, and I guess when the chance arrived I got scared and I ran, and I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to realise that was so wrong, realise it felt wrong to reject you because I wanted to say yes.
God, this is probably too late but I’ve gotten this far. I’m praying you’ll forgive me and I know i’ve ruined it all, but I want to try again, whatever you’re comfortable with.
・‥…━━━━━━━ o ━━━━━━━…‥・
The note took him out of commission for the rest of the day. Whenever a customer walked in he was in another world, excusing himself for asking them to repeat what they said over and over. Clumsy, letting pots fall and planting things in the wrong spots, unable to remember in which aisle did he put the baby’s breath again? And was that delivery for today? He’s thankful for Wanda for staying past her shift until Scott, his other employee arrived, and even more after that, assigning Bucky to the storage where he could take all the time in the world and not mess up any orders.
He laid in bed wide awake that night, wondering what it all meant, what did he want. Turning his face to look at the flowers he’d taken home with him, his chest felt tight, like his heart was too big and his lungs too small to take in any air and his gut too filled to the brim with dancing little bugs. Steve, who lived across the hall from him, had asked him what was up with him when he got home, but all he did was shake his head and lock himself in his apartment. He needed to think, but after spending so many hours in silence, repeating the events of the day, he realised there was nothing to think about.
Whatever he was comfortable with was her. He still wanted to take her out, he didn’t need days to think about it. He didn’t need to ponder what his next move would be now, nothing had changed.
・‥…━━━━━━━ o ━━━━━━━…‥・
It was a bright and early Wednesday morning. Just a few minutes after Bucky had opened the store when he spotted the familiar shape walking up and down the sidewalk outside, looking at the flowers. He peeked his head out the door, Y/N and him locking eyes. She looked ashamed, as if she had been caught doing something bad, but the slight sideways grin Bucky gave her eased some of her nerves, as she walked into the store.
“What can I do for you today?” she gave him her peculiar shrug, immediately flooding him with flashbacks.
“I don’t know…” her voice cracked a little “your choice?” the question was loaded with double meaning. It was his choice whatever they would continue to be. He made a gesture with his hand, asking her to follow him. If there was one thing he thought long and hard last night, was what he was going to tell her next time he saw her. He grabbed two beautiful yellow daffodils.
“You know…” his speech started, with a clear of his throat and a quick scratch at the back of his neck. “Flower meanings don’t really mean anything” she looked up at him expectantly “You see, daffodils can mean a new beginning, but they can also mean anything if you’re there to say it. They can be a good luck flower, they can say ‘I wish you the best’ or…” Bucky pauses, turning to look at her, his blue eyes unable to keep his from hers. “They can mean I understand. I really do. They can mean I also have had tough luck with love but you make me want to try again. They can mean I know you’ve been hurt, but I’d love to prove to you I will not hurt you.”
The sincerity in his eyes almost brought tears to hers and her teeth found her bottom lip as Bucky inched closer.
They stand there in silence for a second before she reaches over and grabs a tulip.
“I heard tulips mean a declaration of love… but they can also say God I’m so glad I’m not late, I was so afraid I had messed it up” the breaths they had both been holding release in a fit of nervous laughter that fills every corner of the store.
“Wow that’s… that’s a complex meaning” her fist is pushing at his shoulder at his mocking tone, and then her cheeks feel warm when he pushes her hair out of her face, and places the daffodil behind her ear. “There. Perfect”
She’s letting out a shaky breath, taking a brave step closer to almost press her chest to his, voices merely a hush.
“Go out with me?” he says.
“No fair, I was about to ask that” she smiles coyly, biting her lip in a mirrored image of his own expression, and his cheeks are red, he can tell, and she looks gorgeous with a flushed face, but he knows he resembles a tomato when he blushes. Steve always mocked him for it when they were kids. And then her expression turns a little dark, “Please don’t break my heart” her beg is quiet, afraid, but her eyes are searching his and she can only find honesty
His fingers caress her chin delicately, as he does when he tends his flowers, and he’s promising her he’ll treat her the same. With care and affection and devotion. He promises he’s going to try his best to make her happy with just one longing look “Ok” he whispers back, and if he thought flower petals were the softest thing he’s ever touched, that was before he felt her lips pressed lightly to his. Like clouds, sweet and plump and so soft they are barely a graze. The tips of her fingers run along his long strands of hair as he melts into her touch and she gives in, adoring the warmth of his hand on her neck and the relieved sigh that escapes him.
Bucky’s trying his hardest to contain the biggest smile he’s ever felt threatening to escape, but with her up so close it’s almost impossible. She’s his favorite flower.
feedback is greatly appreciated and encouraged! Again thanks to @delicatelyherdreams for helping me figure out a way to give them a happy ending. you rock, you genius. 
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
Bedfellows ch 2
The following is a non profit fan based story,  Overwatch belongs to Blizzard Entertainment .
 please support the official release.
 I gain no profit from this nor do I own anything other then OCs  and whatever sprouts from my imagination. Thanks for reading! 
That morning Vex was awoken the to sound of someone banging on her door, She looked around groggily Genji was gone she did have to checked the feeds on her computer to know so was the car he must went back to base. She cleared her sore throat as her body woke up "Just a sec." She called out was feeling not as shitty then she was yesterday.
the joints in her legs popped in protest as Vex got up from her futon and went to her frontdoor only to find it locked...Vex cocked a brow she was seriously impressed, Genji didn't even trip the alarm! She's gotta ask the cyborg how he does that! she unfastened the locks and found a police officer standing there. "Yes?" the brunette said eyeing the cop nervously wondering why they were here for?
"Ma'am are you the owner the residence?"
"Yes, what's this about?"
"Well, Maybe you can answer that, considering there are three injured men that claimed a "demon" attacked them on your property."
"....I'm sorry?"
Vex said bemused as she looked at the cop like he just said the sky had turn green and grass was blue, pretty much said that she had no idea what he was talking about! she went on to explain that she was sick last night and still was today, and there was no way she would attack anyone for no reason... then she went cold and a curdling feeling settled in her stomach when she recalled when Genji had disappeared and the screaming... Could he have? The cop seem notice her inner turmoil. but before he could interrogate her farther his omnic partner came from Vex's backyard.
"Ey, Roy think I found the Demon." they said sarcastically the human cop or Roy and Vex look at each other as they followed after it, What the silver eyed girl saw in that backyard could only be described as a war zone it was a literal bloody mess and more confusing to the short woman was the alarming amount of power tools scattered around the yard.
"Those aren't mine..." She said warily as the omnic held up an rusted old TV antenna with a black shredded tarp stuck to it, then pointed at a dead raccoon. "I think our 'Victims" were actually the bad guys, they must've tried to break in." they pointed at the broken fence and the scratches on Vex's back door. "Then this fell off the roof startling the men who startled family of raccoons, which caused all this..."
The bot explained then found a switch blade in the grass which also, matched the injuries on the men, the human cop seem skeptical until Vex spoke up "Out of curiosity, was one of these men obese with greasy blond hair, wearing a sweat stained blue tracksuit, and smelled like stale beer and rotten milk?" The brunette asked with a sniffle the cops didn't even need to answer; the look of disdain on the human officer's face pretty said enough.
"That sicko has been stalking and sexually harassing me since I first moved here!" she huffed obviously disgusted and borderline freaking out that Derek had tried to break into her home; planning to to do god knows to her! she remembered the way the way he looked at the night before and felt bile rise from her throat. Vex went pale broke out into a cold sweat her body felt like it was on fire all of the sudden, before either cop asked if she was okay she threw up into her miserable excuse of vegetable garden, the omnic officer tossed the antenna aside and started rubbing the sick girl's back. "He tried approaching me last night.." the sick girl croaked. "My friend scared him off, I thought that was the end of it.." she wince feeling a headache coming on, the officers could tell this woman was in no way a threat a breeze could knock her over right now.
The cops then asked Vex if she wanted to press charges but, not wanting to draw any more attention to herself refused, Besides just by looking at the carnage in her backyard told her Genji did enough damage to teach that drunken pervert not to bother her again, The cops finally left letting Vex go back to bed. she spent most of the day taking cough medicine, sleeping and watching internet videos...and worrying how Genji was coping without her, hopefully they had mission to keep him occupied so he didn't have to be alone.
At the OW base
Unbeknownst the silver eyed brunette; Genji had stolen one of her hoodies and was using it like a pillow case, it helped that it smelled like his friend, but it wasn't the same. Over the past two months he'd grown accustomed to the feel of warmth and the security of a second heartbeat next to him, Genji sighed he felt lonely without hearing the breathing soft and little mumbles Vex made when she was in a deep sleep.
It gave the black haired cyborg assurance that he had someone there cling to when the dread of deafening solitude was too much to handle, But alas he can't control how the human body works. so, he'd have to make due until Vex was better... Needless to say, Genji did not have a good night, he'd sleep for a few minutes than wake up, rinse and repeat.
The next week he was standoffish and cranky, everyone could sense it and avoided the cyborg more so then usual, except for that annoying group of his 'admirers' they tried pushing themselves on him and offering to keep him warmer better then Vex could, He'd turn them off by having Mcree read off a list of ridiculous demands he and Vex had written. 
It was around 10 am on Tuesday when Genji was the middle of training when he heard commander Reyes walk into the training room with a familiar short figure wandering behind him talking to the intimidating commander. "So, I have to saturate the soil twice a day?" She asked Reyes nodded taking a sip of his coffee, The short woman paused and thought this over " Huh,That's why my tomatoes haven't been coming in." the brunette muttered before locking eyes with a certain cyborg.
Vex, her sudden presence nearly caused Genji to take a couple bullets to the face! they were rubber bullets. but still... Ouch! He manage to snap back into focus to deflect the rest with his sword before, dashing forward flipping over obstacles and pining his opponent down, He then sheathed his weapon and bowed to a very unimpressed Mcree, much to Vex's astonishment the brunette has meditated and done yoga with her edgy sleep buddy, but Vex has never actually seen Genji train before.
She stared at the scene both impressed and incredulously as Mcree teased and accused the ninja about showing off in front of his girlfriend" the cyborg ignored him and approached the short brunette, he silently rested his palm against her forehead feeling her temperature his bionics let out steam the intense glare in his eyes softened a little "You look better..."  he said somewhat briskly very aware that Reyes and Jesse were watching, "I feel better..." Vex said curtly as her lips formed a thin line she seemed angry.
Genji felt his artificial stomach sink wondering if he had done something to upset her? He turned to commander Reyes who just gave him a little nod as he chatted with Jesse over his strategies, at that the ninja grabbed Vex's arm and escorted her out of the training room. While Mcree shook his head at the twosome in disbelief. "I just don't get em' Boss, how does Shimada sleep next to that almost every night and not tap it?" The cowboy bellowed envy lacing his tone "I know he has the equipment for it!" *And it's bigger than mine...* 
He hissed throwing his hands in the air in exasperation Commander Reyes shook his head at the younger man's antics. "Jesse, men can be friends with women without adding benefits to the mix." the Latin man said matter-o-factly just as Mcree pointed a finger at the commander's face and yelled "Blasphemy" in a demonic voice before Reyes threatened to break his hand if he ever pointed at him again! then ordered the cowboy to drop and give him twenty!
Genji had led Vex to small secluded part of the base where they could talk in private. Before the cyborg could even get a word out the brunette blurted out "You got the cops called on me!" he gawked at her bemused before recalling the incident in the backyard. "oh..S-sorry." he stammered out the words felt foreign to him it had been a while since the cyborg had to apologize to someone. Then he asked what happened Vex pretty gave him the sum up, cops showed up took her out back showed her the war zone that was her backyard." 
The Omnic deputy theorized Derek and his buddies were hopped up on alcohol and drugs, got spooked by an old TV antenna falling off her roof which woke up a family of raccoons; chaos broke out and they put themselves in the hospital. She asked if it was Derek and had panic attack and threw up then, then the human cop explained how the perv kept making passes and jeering at female hospital staff and tried to grope a female officer who was sent to take their statement, so he wasn't going to be a problem for a while.
Genji grimaced behind his mask he wanted to ask why didn't she pressed charges or ask for protection, then he recalled why they called her neighborhood the Gallows; It was run by the Scarecrow Kings a gang with old saying 'Get caught squealing and you get hanged' It didn't even have to involve the the gang in anyway; they heard you went to the police for some reason or another? suddenly accidents happen and outsiders were no exception. 
Vex knew this, and the last thing she wanted to do was piss off the SCK. They've been a thorn in Over/Blackwatch's side for while now too...There have actually been rumors of mole working in BW feeding info to the gang, But so far any leads of said mole have come up empty...
"Have there been any other problems?" 
"Aside from your creepy fan club giving me the stink eye?"
"..." he gave her stern look clearly not in tolerating mood today, the brunette resisted the urge to roll her eyes.
Vex huffed Genji seemed to relax before gesturing for the silver eyed woman to follow him, she complied the cyborg led her to an elevator causing the woman to cock a brow. "So, where are you taking me exactly?" She asked warily as she stepped inside the elevator with Genji who shifted awkwardly on his feet as it started up. "Dr. Ziegler has asking about you, won't stop badgering me bring you around." He huffed Vex didn't missed how tired he sounded or the bags under his eyes. Maybe after meeting miss Ziegler she'll see if Genji is up for a power nap?
Needless to say the duo certainly turned a lot a heads anyone who was wandering or just in the hallway stopped what they were doing and stared a the abnormal twosome, Blackwatch's homicidal 'Tin-man' toddling around with the rumored silver-eyed janitor! now that was something to gawked at! some started whispering amongst themselves, It took one icy red glare shot by said cyborg caused their unwanted audience to disperse and go back to what they were doing.
When they reached the med-bay Angela was just finishing up a setting up a large machine Vex assumed was used to examine Genji her assumptions were proven correct as a holographic model and graph of said cyborg started up in a T-pose while the blonde doctor was busy. looking down at a chart unaware of the tag-along the ninja had brought in with him. "Alright Genji everything's set up you can ju-" her blue eyes finally looked up from the chart and locked on to a person who certainly wasn't Genji, it took a moment for Angela to realize who she was staring at before noticing her original patient, the blond just pointed at Vex then at Genji as if having mental conversation with the ninja who face-palmed and sighed loudly. "Yes." Confirming that he had brought the friend he had told her about.
"Oh, It's so nice to finally meet you..." 
"Vex...you have silver eyes."
"So I've been told..."
After a few minutes of watching Angela hook Genji up to the machine waiting for it to finish scanning him, Vex started having an inkling that this wasn't just a courtesy call, and may have been a double check-up set by a certain ninja, considering Dr. Ziegler would try to subtly ask how she was feeling, shining a small light in her eyes, after few of this Vex gave the the OK for the medic to just do check to cause this was just embarrassing them both. "So, those are your natural eyes?" Angel still hung up on the short brunettes eye color. "Yeah, mutation I inherited from...[sigh] my father." she hissed out the word venomously, malice for the man wasn't lost on Genji and Angela. 
The doctor cleared her throat pick up a small syringe"I'm going to draw a blood sample if that alright?" Vex shrugged pulling her sleeve up. "I don't mind, but you may need a tougher needle then that." the blond looked confused but shrugged and used the one in her hand, brought it up to Vex's arm and it wouldn't go in, Angela pressed down a bit and the needle seem to go in this time; she pulled the piston back, but nothing came out...the blond's brow furrowed and she pulled the syringe away and blanched the needle was bent! as Vex let out a sigh.
"Told ya, you'd need a tougher needle." When she said this Genji's heart-rate spike up wondering what was going on? as Angela was blocking his view she moved giving him a view of the bent needle as the blond grabbed another larger syringe, this time it did it's job Angela drew a blood sample and brought up another machined she explain it was used to make sure there were no diseases or problems with Vex's blood. it should be done analyzing in a couple minutes, then turned her attention back to Genji the sync-unit had finished the body scan. 
"Okay, Genji everything thing seems to be functioning alright, you limbs are responding and your reaction time is getting quicker ...by the way your heart spiked a moment, were you worried about Vex just now?" the cyborg glared at her then averted eyes to the wall, Angela snicker he must've forgot he was still hooked up to the scanner because his temperature spiked too.
As she was unhooking Genji from his restraints and the Sync-unitm Vex's blood work came back, Angela nearly fainted when she saw the results that was impossible! according to these Vex's health states were abnormal, almost enhanced was like Morrison and Reyes, but then she checked again realized this wasn't science, there was no trace of surgical implants or biochemical-reinforcements. Her near superhuman abilities were all natural born traits. 
She briefly glanced Vex out of the corner of her, the silver eyed girl smirked and winked at the flabbergasted doctor, Before Genji's voice brought her back to earth "Is there something wrong?" Genji asked gruffly his red eyes were looking up at Vex's lab work bemused then at Angela.
the medic composed herself quickly then finished un hooking the cyborg. "Nothing in fact she's in perfect health!" She chirped leaving the ninja skeptical, until Vex interjected. "It's fine Gen, if I was sick it'd be hard to miss trust me." she hopped off the examination table, As the ninja still gave Angela a suspicious glance before leaving with Vex, Angela calmly reminded him of his next check-up and wave them off and as soon as the door shut the medic's smile dropped as she calmly turned her comm on and called. "Commander Morrison, is there something you'd like to tell me?" she inquired sternly.
Vex was mopping the floors she hummed a tune, knowing exactly what Angela was doing right now, calling Morrison demanding an explanation why someone with Vex's abilities was working as janitor of all things?! It sucked she wanted to out right tell somebody why she was really working for Blackwatch, but if she wanted to catch who's leaking info the Scarcrows she gonna have to be as cunning as them, She'll admit it was impressive how the mole was able get in so easily, she or he must've hacked or used enhancement to boost their stats a tad enough to give them leverage in the recruitment program...
Vex was brought out of her thoughts by someone dumping their soda and yogurt on her nice clean floor! She looked up and saw Blondie and her gaggle of turkey necks giggling at her. "Whoops better clean that up toilet-scrubber." the Cheeto sneered before walking off laughing along with her group, Vex let out a frustrated grumble she could not wait for this job to be over! Just so she can punch that bitch in her fake plastic fucking nose.   
The brunette sighed and got to clean the mess up when she noticed something unusual, the door to the tactical server room was open! Vex swallowed as she quietly pushed her cart and mop to the side, started walking towards the open door as she got closer she reached for one of her throwing knives, only someone to call out to her, She saw Jesse walking up to her causing the short woman to backtrack. "Oh, uh.. Jesse what do you need?" the cowboy scratched the back of his head kind of uncomfortable.
"I heard Shimada took you to see Mercy, I thought you was still sick or something?" now any normal girl would giggle knowing a cute guy like Jesse was worried about them, unfortunately he's really not her type. "Genji was just being concerned, wanted to make sure I wasn't coming in cos' I was bored." she explained to Mcree who seemed genuinely surprised that Shimada actually showed an emotion other than anger. "So, what are you doing now?" the cowboy asked the silver eyed woman gave him a blank stare and slowly looked down. 
He followed her and blanched seeing muddy foot prints trailing behind him along with the soda/yogurt puddle she still had yet to clean...Mcree swallowed and look back at Vex to see her smiling very sweetly and she said. "Trying to control my bloodlust.~"  She beamed causing Mcree to shudder as he muttered an apology and scurried away. 
Vex's smile was gone as soon as Mcree left she looked back to the TS room to see it now closed, the silver eyed woman cussed under her breath, She missed them! Vex took a deep breath and returned to her original task and got to mopping the hall....Again.              
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squishymochisoo · 6 years
four encounters || soulmate! han jisung
genre : soulmate! han jisung, humor, fluff, no angst i promise 
pairing : han jisung x reader
words : 1.9 k
sypnosis : what if you were supposed to meet your soulmate at a fixed time and fixed place? what happens if certain decisions made changes the future? what if time keeps repeating itself till you meet your soulmate? how will you and jisung meet?
 everybody wanted to meet their soulmate. some hope that they would meet their soulmate is passing. while some hope that their best friend might be their soulmate. others hope that maybe their soulmate might be their knight in shining armour.
if somebody asked you how you met your soulmate. your answer would have been the most common, cliché and just plain boring; on the street just outside starbucks. but the actual story of how you first met jisung was way more complicated than that.
sure, you wished somehow that the both of you had a nicer story to tell; a more interesting first encounter. but being with jisung was far more interesting than that one tuesday afternoon.
“did you call for me darling?” jisung entered the office.
“jisung shut up and stop being insufferable” you laughed. he gave you a mischievous smirk and winked.
“i want a cup of tea please. chan what do you want?” you gestured your hand to jisung’s boss.
“one coffee, black, will do” chan laughed.
“i’m not even chan’s assistant! get changbin to do it!” jisung huffed and stomped his feet.
“jisung, y/n is a guest, is that the right behaviour now?” chan asked mockingly. you smirked. jisung rolled his eyes and pouted.
“leave that door open!” jisung exclaimed as he left chan’s office.
“it’s makes me nervous having the two of you in chan’s office, with the door closed!” you chuckled and shooed him off.
six months ago
 “okay, thank you mr bang. i will email you regarding my team’s presentation once we have the plans and sketch on the office plan done!” you smiled at your client. organising the sketches and ideas chan wanted implemented in their new office.
“oh! before i forget this is the new office’s floor plan y/n.” you grabbed the folder from chan.
“also stop calling me mr bang, it’s disturbing.” chan visibly shivered.
“but you’re my client” you raised your eyebrow at him.
“i’ve also been your best friend for six years, so shut up” chan laughed. you stuck your tongue out.
“go away mr bang- ceo of a big ass company; districtnine- don’t you have office business to get to?” you pouted.
“i still don’t understand why you’re so salty. you left the company to start your own” chan shrugged.
“but your company is cooler!” you stomped your foot on the floor childishly. chan snorted.
“i’ll buy you dinner soon! but now i got to go!” chan hugged you and kissed your cheeks before speed walking out of the starbucks. you laughed.
you glanced at your open laptop. sure, chan was your best friend. but picking up this project came with more stress than usual. districtnine was a big company, if you fucked up their office, the place where all 500 employees work, then you’ve fucked your own company up. chan would never put in a bad word but bad word travels fast right?
and well chan didn’t have specific requests surrounding what he wanted in the new office. he just said he wanted it open, modern and free. with a nap room.
but modernized designs meant so many things. like the colour concept; a bright concept to influence the staff to feel happier when working or a softer colour to help calm the staff down when work gets too stressful.
you wrecked your brain for ideas and inspirations that might come up. after staying for about half an hour you decided to head out. you needed to buy some groceries before going back home.
you were walking to the starbucks door with the folder of the districtnine’s floor plans and paperwork in your hand. as you pushed the door open, you stepped back.
“oh shit, almost forgot my phone.” you whispered as you lightly slapped yourself, going back to the table to retrieve your phone.
little did you know you, you just missed an encounter with your soulmate. the light browned hair boy continued walking past the starbucks as the door swung back slowly when you retrieved your phone.
 unknown to you that this was definitely not the last chance to meet your soulmate.
 the next day when you woke up, instantly rushed to work. you were late for work, not that it mattered a lot since you were the boss. but it felt wrong for a boss to arrive late.
“seungmin!” you called as you walked into your office. you heard footsteps behind you as you took your laptop out of your bag.
“morning!” seungmin chirped
“how are you so happy in the morning?” you questioned.
“well i’m meeting hyunjin today!” you ‘ahh’ed and nodded.
“what’s my schedule today?”
“no meetings except the meeting with chan later at 3.” you raised your eyebrows in confusion.
“chan? but i met him yesterday.”
“no, the meeting was scheduled for today. plus, you attended the meeting with the marketing firm and visited the other clients yesterday.” you scratched your head.
“no i definitely did meet up with chan!”
“are you sure you didn’t dream about him? do you miss him that much?” seungmin smirked and teased.
“how many time do i have to tell you i don’t like chan!” you exclaimed. seungmin laughed at left your office, leaving you alone to wondering what in the world was going on.
you glanced at the calendar, october 17th. but yesterday was october 17th. you double checked on your phone, it’s october 17th.
did i dream the whole meeting?
 “y/n, i think for the new office i want a –“
“simple, modernized and open concept?” you interrupted chan.
“e- what? how did you know?” chan sat up straighter looking at you confused. your eyes widened.
“oh- er- i was just guessing?” you shrugged.
“aww- y/n! you are my best friend!” chan smirked and opened his arms to gesture for a hug.
“i’ll buy you dinner soon! but now i got to go!” chan said the exact same thing as he said in the dream you had. you typed on your laptop the ideas you had in your dream.
 how is it that the conversation you had with chan was the exact conversation that happened in your dream?
you gasped
am- am i magic? is this the awakening of my powers?
you paused for a while digesting what you thought.
gosh- this isn’t a stan lee comic- what in god’s name am i talking about.
 you packed your laptop and paper work, this time not forgetting to leave behind your phone.
 maybe i have visions for the future
your eyes widened
 you turned and fixed your eyes on the pet shop that you passed by.
 never mind superpowers, dogs are wayyy cuter
your legs instantly bringing you towards the pet shop. and for the second time missed an encounter with the light brown-haired boy who was walking in the opposite direction.
this time you were sure something was wrong.
 “hello god! did you forget to rotate the earth so it can be 18 october?” you exasperated. you were in your apartment. you had the same less confusing talk with seungmin, you met up with chan.
but why is it still the 18th? were you supposed to live through the 17th million of times? you scratched your head.
little did you know, somewhere 30 minutes away from your apartment, the light brown-haired boy sat at his office desk.
jisung sighed and slammed his head on the table.
“why is it still 17th of october?” he whispered to himself confused as to why it’s been the same date for the past three days.
 “ji? what are you still doing at the office? it’s late.” jisung lifted up his head instantly and stared at the owner of the voice.
“there’s a lot of work that needs to be done. why are you here?” jisung questioned.
“well, i’m finalizing some of the new office details and i just came back from a meeting with y/n” chan stated. jisung nodded.
“listen, don’t stay too late at work- get some rest or go out or whatever you kids do these days.”
“you’re not the one to talk. all you do is work- what about woojin?” jisung teased. chan rolled his eyes.
“you know what you need, you need a relationship and i know who” chan pointed at jisung and smirked.
as chan went into his office, jisung sighed and slammed his head against his desk once more.
 “ughhh” how was it still the 17th?
“what is it this time y/n?” seungmin uttered. you looked at him.
“you’ve been moaning and groaning for the past hour- and not the sexual kind. more like the -the dying kind.” seungmin muttered looking annoyed with you. you pouted.
“nothing’s wrong” you groaned grouchily.
“sure- whatever it is- can you not be so negative, it’s affecting jeongin.” seungmin pointed to jeongin through your glass door, who was slouching and staring mindlessly at nothing.
i relate
“sorry mr i-get-to-see-the-love-of-my-live-later-after-work” you snickered.
“let’s not make fun of my love life and talk about your non-existent one- wait how did you know i was seeing hyunjin?” seungmin furrowed his brows at you. your eyes widened.
oh fuck he didn’t told me this information three days ago.
“oh i could guess from your smile” you chuckled awkwardly.
“oh well then- that’s just creepy but okay” seungmin snorted and left.
“how about i go for a pastel coloured office?” chan asked.
“it’s an office for adults not a kindergarten.” you chuckled.
“how about a open, modernized and simple office?” you asked, totally not copying the exact thing chan said three days ago.
“that’s genius! no wonder you’re the best in the business!” chan applauded you.
“it’s exactly i wanted!” you laughed as chan praised you.
 this time you left after typing your ideas in your laptop, typing the same thing as you’ve done for the past three days. you drag yourself out of the starbucks, grudgingly wanting to start another day again.
“oh- sorry!” you startled yourself as someone bumped into you, dropping the folder chan passed to you during the meeting.
“it’s fine” you smiled as the man picked up your folder, glancing at it.
“oh you work for districtnine? “ he asked curiously.
“oh no- i’m just designing their new office.” you blushed as his soft smile captivated you.
“actually- i work there. i assume you just met chan huh? hyung said he had a meeting just now” his eyes staring at you- in a non-creepy but charming way.
“i just did actually” you laughed.
“then you must be y/n?” jisung asked, you nodded.
“i’m jisung” jisung stuck his hand out. you smiled shaking his hand.
 present time
“babe, are you done with work?” jisung whined from your left. you turned staring at him.
“i just have to finish this last part. chan said he wanted to see it tomorrow- just to get the feel of the new office”
“chan, chan, chan! that’s all you talk about these days! what about me!” jisung pouted. you laughed and leaned in as you pecked his lips.
“what are you talking about! you’re the one always talking about chan and changbin!” you snickered and fake pouted. jisung wrapped his arms around you.
“fine,, let’s go out for dinner okay?” you whispered into his arms as you snuggled into his shoulder.
“should i invite chan?” you teased.
“y/n!” you laughed out loud at your boyfriend.
 you were definitely glad you met him
even if it took four encounters
a/n okay finally a jisung! idk why i haven’t written a jisung one yet! esp when i bias him like crazy,, i need to write for three more if i wanna complete the whole stray kids?? hmmm, i might do that!
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
haha here we go again
there's a lot of dumb ranting and 3 days worth of logs and a dream in here so im gonna spare evryone’s dashboard and just put it all under the cut.
tw bad memories, talk of unhealthy relations with food, and dreams about dead animals
I realized I kind of entirely forgot to write about what I did yesterday? I kind of did a lot. I know my mom wanted to work on getting tile laid out in front of her bathroom, so we worked together to scrub the concrete and wipe up all the dirt and dust and whatever was under the carpet and remove some of the nails in the floor and bring up a spiky metal strip between the bathroom door and where the carpet was. The other main thing I remember is deciding to continue work on my dress, sewing up the outer bodice, checking that the bodice and lining would fit together, deciding I’d rather have no different colored front panel, and working on the circle skirt. At first I tried cutting the fabric on my bed, but it wasn’t big enough and too lumpy. I contemplated asking my friends if I could borrow their dining table, but I ended up clearing off my own. After I traced and was in the middle of pinning, I accidentally knocked over a glass bowl that I had set on the chair. My mom heard it from the other room and had me come to her room to tell her what it was. She got angry at me, which I thought was fuckin stupid if it was an accident, but after some reflection while cleaning up the glass pieces, I kind of understood why. Mostly I got a little upset about 2 ceramic pieces I made during school breaking a little from the drop. One was a mushroom house from middle school that always makes me remember feeling like an asshole during peer review when I told my person to smooth their project more because I didn’t know “no improvement needed” was an option until I got back to my desk and saw my person saying it was good in all categories because everyone thought my project was great for some reason. The other was a bunch of flowers on a circle. It was the last project we did before quarantine hit, I think. That one is in less tough shape, just a couple flowers knocked off and a chip on one of them. They can both be glued back together, I guess. Then my mom called me back into her room to listen to her talk about wanting to eat huge amounts of food, because she’s clinically depressed with BPD and PTSD and DID and several other acronyms and her favorite coping mechanism is food, but her doctor put her on a diet so she can get her knees replaced, but recently she’s been getting into a zone where she talks about wanting to eat entire cakes and pizzas and buckets of kfc and a gallon of queso or whatever the fuck and she goes “doesn’t that sound GOOD?” And I have to laugh along and say “haha no that sounds bad actually” and get her a piece of ham or something. And every time she goes on her spiel the only thing I can think of is the greedy from the raggedy Ann and Andy musical. It’s just this horrible undulating orange blob that eats everything in sight and seeing it for the first time just made me think of mom and it made me very uncomfortable, with all the orange goo and hurling noises. Also reminds me of this horrible video game boss fight where it’s the apocalypse and a fat lady on a scooter took over the buffet and eats so much during her boss fight, during the defeat cutscene she projectile vomits everywhere and dies. My brother Greg showed me that thinking it was funny. I hated it, and I still do. He showed me a lot of things he thought were funny as a shitty little kid, and I remember several of them being very upsetting. It’s ok. I don’t want to dwell on it. But after cleaning the glass and talking to mom I brought my fabric to my room and called it a night. Oh wait my dad also helped me with some paperwork my coworker handed me so I could get on the payroll.
Today I woke up differently than I have in a long time. I set an alarm for 10 am so I could be at work by 11, but I woke up at 9 from a heavy sleep with dreams about hanging out with my friend in my room, worrying about my dirty house. I wanted to sleep longer, so I got up at 10 to have breakfast and get ready. I spent my shift changing the price tags all around the store, making everything more expensive. I’m gonna work again on Tuesday where I’ll learn how to use the register. I hope I don’t fuk it up, but I have a couple days to relax until then. Maybe I’ll work on my dress. My friends all want to go to prom together, so my new deadline will be March 2nd or a little before. I still need to buy a ticket, but I don’t have access to the link to buy one :( bleh I’m too tired right now to worry about this shit. I only worked 4 hours again today, but after I got home I felt like I could have worked longer if they gave me something else to do. The only price tags left to change were a bunch of grills and stuff I don’t know about but I don’t know if they had any other work for my to do. But I’m glad I went home tho because I was hungry and my feet hurt from standing lol. I did laundry and made myself dinner and washed my hair and drew a little bit and made the table and tbh the pacing of today has been so weird I don’t remember everything. It’s only 1am but I think I’m just gonna go to bed. my friends started talking about going to prom, and I really want to join them, but I can't figure out where/how to buy a ticket. my brain started being really mean to me, syaing that I was being annoying and pushy and that they didnt want me at prom for some reason, so I low-key almost made myself cry until my friend offered to let me be their platonic date since their partner couldn't go. 
last night I had a dream about a hard video game where when you played it, the black shadow enemies would fight you in real life, and one of them left imprints on my arm in the shape of lego bricks. they could only attack you so long as you played the game, and they tried to capture people and you were supposed to save them. I decided it was my time to play, and I walked into my garage that had turned into a cave with bat-people fused into the wall. I paid them no mind as I rescued a girl who was my irl brother, grabbing her hand and pulling her into another versoin of my garage which was uncorrupted and normal looking. she thanked me, and I said it was no problem. then I tricked her, telling her not to trust so easily, as I became one of the shadow enemies and engulfed her in a black sack, trapping her and leaving the room. I came back a couple minutes later, letting him free (now my brain told me he was my brother) telling him I just wanted to know if I was capable of tricking him, and didnt actually want to kill him or whatever.  another big chunk of my dream was taken up by me, my sister, and my dad visiting a run down petting zoo/gamestop. the petting zoo barn was very dark with low ceilings with lots of rabbits and pigs and hay. one of us accidentally killed either a pig or a tiger right next to the exit door, and I had to slink around the gamester trying to distract the owner and keep him from going in the barn and escaping at the same time. I dont remember how it ended, other than me waking up with a sore throat from breathing so deeply through my nose. I had slept on my stomach wit my pillow in my face so I could hardly breathe, and even after I woke up I felt like I wasnt getting enough air. I HATE that feeling, I always felt like I was suffocating in middle school for some reason. I thinkk somethings wrong with my airway but im not gonna do anything about it. im gonna continue to spend 80% of my day laying down so my resting heart rate and breathing speed is slower than an goddamn sloth. whatever.
right now as im laying in bed typing this I feel utterly unpoductive but I KNOW I did SOME shit today. but yeah mostly I relaxed. I worked on my dress, removing and replacing the blue front panel. I lost my exacto knife somewhere so I went to dollar tree to get a knockoff, along with snacks for mom and my sister. the blades aren't as sharp as exacto, but I still know where the name brands blades are so maybe Ill try and see if they're compatible. when I open the package everything was oily and gross, so I washed everything off with soap and water before I used them to cut the threads of the panel seams. I could have used my seam ripper but I wanted to get a replacement craft knife anyway. its kinda neat that it came with 6 different shaped blades for different crafts :) but uhh I also cut out the other half of the circle skirt of the dress, and I have a bunch of extra fabric left over. probably enough to make a whole other bodess if I wanted too. I used my sewing machine to attach the new front panel, and I was hoping to get more sewing done tonight, but when I asked my sister if it was ok for me to use my sewing machine (it right next to the wall between our rooms so she can hear it from there) she said she was going to bed soon so I just attatched the front panel and called it a night. so that kinda sucked. I still have another day tomorrow before I have to work again, and I can still work on my dress on Tuesday after work. idk why my brain thinks that one 4 hour shift is gonna take up my entire day lmao. I just have to get the whole thing done by may 2nd. GOD that reminds me, im gonna be so busy next month. I have six events back to back happening like every other day, plus work. oof. I'll have to let my boss know, but idk If that's gonna make him mad. I've already got pretty comfortable with the lady in charge of the garden center who’s taken lead position while the manager is on vacation, but I dont think I;ll every understand my boss. he’s a sarcastic busy old man and NOT AT ALL approachable. whatever. really the only other tings I did today were drink a shit ton of water play harvest moon, spend too much time on tiktok, and sraw a couple dum things for my friends’ princess au. I fucking HATE the drawing I did for Anna, so I designed her a secondary outfit more inspired by sky pirate bohemian vibes, since she rules over the floating islands. idk if I'll replace her old outfit with the new one in the lineup or just re-draw her old one with better shapes and composition and match the style better or what. I just need it changed eventually becasuse it looks like ass. tbh now that ve taken a little bit of time away from the princess au, there are a couple designs im not 100% satisfied with. but I know that if I go back and make them more detailed or whatever the’ll be more of a hassle to draw and aslkdfhalksdf I dont know anymore. I'm still tied up about color pallets and trying to give everyone a distinct color, and im a little upset it doesn't quite work, and FUCK dude the edgy one’s lore and character are weird and I kind of want to revise it to make it a little nicer but its not my character and I need to stop shoving my dirty little mitts into everyone’s ocs and AHAGHRGHGARGHHG idk man. her power is necromancy and she has a skeleton army, which I think I kinda cool, but I also think it would be neat if her powers extended beyond just that to communing with the dead, helping them find rest, and THEN maybe it can branch into helping fallen soldiers fight again to help them with unfinished buisness. and then if she goes feral and starts abusing her powers, she ignores all the communication and concent with the dead and instead magically rips them from thr ground to do her bidding and they’re uncontrollable and violent and aimless, just like her mind slipping from the magical blight infecting her. idk man we’re till working on a lot of lore. her concept could be SO COOL with just that little bit of extra thought, but so far it’s just MY POWER IS DEATH IM SO EDGY. ugh I know its fuckin rude to bash your friends oc ideas and I might be too overbearing and controlling of this au but dammit im tired and im mean sometimes and my ego is through the goddamn roof and im so sexy and im always right and my meat is huge. ah shit I rpomised my friend I would help her with character design for the dead king but I was busy when she firat asked me and now im not busy but im not doing it ugh. im just frustrated right now because I spent wayyyy to fuckin long just laying in bed watching tikotks and youtube and playing harvest moon an doing jack shit all day. but hey at least I attempted to get a new social security card again today. and them promptly gave up when they said my adress was invalid. again. I feel like im in an uncomfortable medium between having no plans and worrying about the future and having too many plans all the time oh my god. ive been so focused on getting a job and then having a job and making this dress I completely forgot about college shit. thankfully there's no hard deadlines coming up that I haven't already finished. whatever I dont really want to worry about all this hit right now, im just gonna take it one day at a time. (haha it feels like my angel oc just stepped in. how nice of him :) )
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frogsandfries · 5 years
I just took my first dose of antibiotic about six hours ago
My ears hurt a little, and it still hurts a lot to swallow.
Starting Thursday, I woke up after seven to eight hours of sleep feeling like I hadn't had any. I went to look at that bike that turned out to be on a men's frame, I didn't want something I couldn't ride comfortably, so I'm still looking.
On the bus about nine, I started yawning uncontrollably. I thought the irritation in my tonsils was pretty normal. I crashed at ten, almost as soon as I got in the house. About one, I was up because I hadn't really been able to sleep. Every time I swallowed, there was pressure in my ears. When I got up for water, the house was barely cooler than my room but my teeth were starting to chatter.
I tried to call out of work texting my boss that I have an actual fever, but my boss couldn't come in early. I ended up needing my friend to drive me. I opened and sat there, helped some customers, threw up, helped some more customers. Turned down a piercing and thank god I did.
Finally. Thirty-five minutes late, she got there and I clocked out and trudged off miserably. I slept pretty much the rest if the day. I've never been the type to moan and mope to my boss, but I couldn't believe she expected me to open the next day. Absolutely no way.
I slept fitfully through the rest of the night. Finally, about nine, I caught a Lyft to the ER. It was excruciating to text my sister, but after the nurse room my temp, I thought to text my manager. She had the balls to be mad that I took so long to text her. I tried to explain that I struggled just to get to the ER. I think the nurse said my initial temp was like 105, but it could have been 100.5.
The doctor had me swabbed, recommended dosing myself up with tylenol and ibuprofen and on a round of antibiotics. He even gave me Tuesday off work. I should be back to my normal self tomorrow, honestly.
Turns out, I got strep! And for most adults, strep is worse as an adult. Let me tell you, as a kid, strep was like, oh no I have a sore throat. As an adult--I don't remember the last time I had a fever that I knew I was having a fever.
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So yesterday, after dragging my pathetic ass to the ER, there was nooooooo way I was getting my anti-b's. I couldn't even figure out if they were ready because I couldn't even figure out how to contact a real human at Walgreens. I ended up just going with my friend's mom when she went to do laundry and I just trudged back to tune house, took a pill, took a shower and went back to sleep.
I felt a lot better for a little bit yesterday with my fever reduced, and I feel a lot better with some antibiotics in my system. I'm gonna just keep chilling though. I don't wanna act like I'm Super Woman and make myself sicker.
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kentucky-daisey · 4 years
I am absolutely furious (work rant)
They decided to run summer classes with a revised schedule (online classes, in-person classes with reduced numbers and safety measures) and it was my department’s job to build the classes online. Instead of giving us the usual month, my boss told the higher ups that we could do it in a couple of days. He told us all this last Thursday and was casually like “you guys can get it done by Monday, right?”
My department currently consists of four people:
My boss, who has only been here for four months, was given an extension on his probation because he didn’t pass initially, and he doesn’t know how to do his job. He doesn’t know how our scheduling system works, he doesn’t know any of our policies, and he definitely doesn’t want to learn because when my more experienced coworker started showing me how to build the classes (specifically the stuff my old boss did and my new boss is supposed to be doing), he literally just walked away. And then, while we were just starting into the class building process, he decided to start his weekend early and left.
And then there is my coworker (not the one mentioned above) who has been taking advantage of the whole work from home thing and doesn’t get up until noon, leaving me to pick up the slack. She decided to take a couple of days off this week, leaving me to do both of our jobs. And despite the fact that my boss is supposed to cover for her, which again, he doesn’t know how to do anything, I ending up doing both of their work.
And finally, my other coworker who has been with the company for twenty years and has been more than happy to teach me how to do the stuff our boss is supposed to do because she’s got her own shit to do and I’m the only one willing to do the work our boss is supposed to be doing and keeps dumping on us. She’s also a delightful human being who also hates my boss and has a bet with our accountant as to how long he’ll last before he gets fired.
And, of course, me.
The later coworker and I starting building classes Friday morning and worked straight through the weekend until we finally finished classes Tuesday, spending the last few days making small changes at he request of various departments ahead of the classes being made public today, Friday. And then, it turns out, another staffer who my boss tapped to help us, had been making changes to our classes online ahead of everything going live based off our old Master Schedule which is so out of date and missing so much information that I spent about half of my time this past week desperately emailing other staffers who were supposed to provide me with the information I was missing in the first place.
And then there’s the ongoing issue of our online classes!
We’ve been running nine of them, a sort of pilot project for the summer, using zoom to connect the students and instructors. My slacker coworker and I have been tasked with sending out class information and zoom links through email. Two weeks leading up to the classes starting, we had parents emailing us multiple times a day for information that I didn’t have because no matter how many times I asked my boss when they could pick up their art supplies and when they would get their zoom links, he never gave me a straight answer. I swear to god, if I have to hear him say, “thank you for your thorough email, that’s a great question” on more time, I’m going to scream. When we finally got art kit pick up dates, I made an executive decision (it was two days before the first class) that I was going to email the parents because they clearly hadn’t been contacted. Turns out my boss had told my coworker to do it and she didn’t end up getting up until noon and he didn’t follow up with her. So, he gave me the email for the classes (he wrote it and had me pull all of the email addresses and class info) and lo and behold there was only one link for all nine classes. And two of the classes were taking place at the same time. And when I brought it up: “thank you for your thorough email. what a great observation”. And every week since, the links haven’t worked.
The issue with this? The head of our art department called me at the end of the day yesterday, furious that the links kept failing. So, I wrote a scathing email about how I have no idea who makes the links, but my boss is the one choosing what info we send out and when, and he just passes the emailing off to us to send out.
I deleted it before emailing the head of the art department, instead explaining the situation in a much more work appropriate way. And to say that I’m excited for her to chew him out is an understatement. I love the head of our art department. She’s amazing. Talented, strong, intelligent, and, most important of all, terrifying when you piss her off.
And today, when the summer classes were finally released, with my boss still working from home (because why the hell should he come to work our first week back) and my coworker taking a long weekend, my other coworker and I had to handle everything by ourselves. The emails, the phone calls, the questions, the complaints that our new classes weren’t the same as our old camps and how the fact that we need to stagger class times so as to control the flow of people and allow us the time to clean is a shitty business model.
I have worked twelve days straight. I am exhausted, both emotionally and physically. I am so tired of being paid so little to do so much. I am furious that none of the managers have any foresight and that half of the information was missing, leaving me to chase after people for things I should have been given in the first place. I am beyond insulted that my boss told the higher ups that three people could do a job that usually takes a month, and that’s with all of our part time staff who are no longer working because of Covid cutbacks, without the knowledge to know that that would mean we would have to work straight through the weekend. And then to have my one coworker essentially bail, leaving all of the tasks she was given half done, leaving my other coworker and I to constantly have to go back and check to see if she had actually completed her job. I spent days building a manual for our computer system with step by step instructions and screen shots, only for my boss to ask me how to do things that I learned to do in my first week on the job because he couldn’t be bothered to actually look at the manual he asked me to make. And on top of all that, we’re going to have to do it all over again for Fall, Winter and Spring classes, the programming for which was delayed and no one is able to tell me when registration for those classes will be made public. But it’s going to be last minute and because my one coworker and I hauled ass to complete his impossible task (earning over twenty overtime hours on top of my normal work week), I am terrified that he’s going to make us do it all over again.
I love my job. I love getting to work with children. I love being surrounded by people who care about arts education as much as I do. I love that I’m able to have conversations about education and art with people who are just as experienced as me, if not more, and just as excited about it. I love that I get to share my love of art with kids an instill in them the importance of creativity and self-expression. 
Covid has taken that away from me. My shitty boss has taken that away from me. The higher ups, who have never done my job and have no idea as to how hard it can actually be, have taken that away from me. How dare they give my boss an extension on his probation and leave us to suffer because of his incompetence.
I will be asking for a raise (because I shouldn’t have to do my boss’s job and get paid so little that I can barely afford groceries) or demanding a job in a different department. I have already expressed my desire to move into a community outreach role. I have spent years pulling myself out of a deep, life ruining depression, rebuilding my CV up and working my way back towards the life I had before I had a stress induced break down. I refuse to let my place of work and my incompetent coworkers and boss drag me back down again.
I don’t get angry often, I’m usually fairly understanding, patient, but I had to haul ass for twelve days straight with almost no support from my superiors and I am furious.
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