babyarmybabbles · 30 days
Run ARMY! (1st Game Part) a1 d2
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader won the opportunity to film a spin off of Run BTS! celebrating the boys return from enlistment, called Run ARMY!, over the course of seven days.
Word Count: 954
Notes: This chapter in particular is actually inspired by a SKZ fic on Ao3 but I'm so tired I am not going to go look for it rn. I will probably add it to the inspo list for this chapter when I make an Addition post. Thinking about games and activities for them to do is literally so difficult. Props to the production crew for Run, I could never. Writing large groups is also vv difficult T^T I'm actually pretty content with the writing itself for this chapter. Could use some clarity edits, but everything always can.
Took Inspirations from Run ARMY! series on Tik Tok by _yamanika_ and Guess The Bias! by HelloMyAlien7 on Ao3
Warnings: I don't think there's any?
Masterlist Link <3 | Prev Part Link c: | Next Part Link [Not written D:]
"Before we begin, I would like to apologize to my fellow ARMY" you tell the camera seriously as soon as the PD finishes explaining the rules to you.
You and the boys had been called into the living room of your accommodations after breakfast for the first real game of your trip. It seemed they were mostly theming the games as ones they've done before with the added twist of you. Today’s game? The iconic five sense test.
The group cracks up laughing at your preemptive apology, but you maintain your eye-contact with the camera. "I will be as respectful as physically possible." You promise the dark lens, "Please understand."
You had good reason to preemptively apologize, you thought. ARMY would go feral as soon as this episode aired, you were positive. It wasn't every day one was not only allowed, but encouraged to touch the members of BTS.
That's right, they had rearranged the five sense rest in such a way that it was you against BTS, and the consequence was that you now had to caress each member as little as you could manage and still win the game.
The rules were pretty simple - you'd be blindfolded and the members would take turns approaching you to let you try to identify them by touch. You'd have 50 seconds to guess. If you got a member correct, you'd get a point. If you got it wrong, the boys would get a point.
You think 1 vs 7 is a little unfair, but you suppose that you did represent the millions of ARMYs at home right now. Your team was larger in spirit.
When the members got over their amusement at your impending doom, you took a moment between takes, as the 8 of you settled into position on and around an armchair, to check in that everyone was comfortable. You know you'd filled out an entire questionnaire about what you did and didn't consent to, but that didn't mean you knew that information about the group.
"So, I know I'm OK with this game, but are y'all good?" You question lightly. You're dead serious on the inside, but a little levity went a long way for these sorts of conversations.
It's Jungkook who raises his eyebrow at you. "Yeah, of course." He replies simply, tilting his head at you a bit, as if confused why you'd even ask.
You can't help the half smile that crawls over your face as you explain, "It may be a cultural thing, but I just wanted to make sure you were OK with me touching y'all like that." You pause here, still seeing confusion over most faces, RM and Jin being the only ones to be connecting dots, "Y'know, since we don't really know each other?"
A chorus of enlightenment echoes around the semi-circle of men surrounding you. V in particular seems a bit taken aback, almost like he'd forgotten that you weren't close. Which was silly, because you'd literally met them for the first time yesterday.
j-hope meets your eyes with a kind and encouraging gaze. "We're fine!" He assures you, leveling you with a concerned look of his own, "as long as you are?"
"I assure you, this is a dream come true on my end." You quip, drawing a laugh out of Jimin and a mischievous grin from Jungkook. J-hope just shakes his head at you fondly.
"Seriously though," You continue, "If I'm wandering too far or in directions I shouldn't, just grab my hands to stop me. I'd rather not make anyone uncomfortable." It, in fact, made YOU a lot more comfortable to put the power to stop things in their hands.
You had so much anxiety about respecting their boundaries and it was only day 2. It was tough going from one side of a screen to another.
RM nods agreeably where he's standing and adds, "Sure, and if you get uncomfortable or need a break, just let us know." You sound your agreement to the group's approving nods.
Soon enough Suga was helping you tie a handkerchief over your eyes while you nervously wrung a secondary eye mask between your hands. You'd been handed a cute frog one by a staff member and were quite pleased by its silliness.
You already felt quite vulnerable, blinded as you were. You could feel Suga's fingers deftly tying the handkerchief and resisted a shiver as he gently smooths it and makes you're none of your hair has been caught. You jump a bit when his hand lands on your shoulder.
You feel a split second hesitation before he draws away just to pat you twice in silent signal of the completion of his task and know that he'd noticed. He's kind enough not to mention it, though, and you hope he just puts it down to nerves.
You ARE nervous, of course, of the cameras, and the members, and everything about your situation, basically, but your jumpiness really stems from how unmoored you feel as you slide the face mask on. You're robbed of one of your most relied upon sense and soon to lose a second. You can't help going quiet and still as you listen to the staff and members take their places.
It seems Suga is MCing this episode as he leads the opening and prompts the members to explain what they're up to today. It brings a smile to your face to listen to them banter and you only wish that you could see their accompanying smiles right now.
You assume you've been revealed when Suga calls out to you, so you wave with both hands and try to look more excited than anxious. You're not sure it works.
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winterleonessa · 2 years
run, run ❤‍🔥
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Of course I'll draw him attacking our hearts like this AAA
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mintypsii · 2 months
one piece x steven universe au where instead of being a crystal gem, luffy is sort of a rogue who flies around in a spaceship adventuring through space and making/recruiting friends on different planets and gem colonies, he was inspired by earthlings and now he wants to live freely without the constraints of gem roles and expectations (tagging this with #gem piece)
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mxckiemxn · 13 days
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Pairing: OT7 x f.reader
Genre: Zombie!ApocalypseAU, horror
“You saved my life, the least I could do is save yours.”
For years, conspiracists have done their best to predict the end of the world. However, no one could've guessed that this is how it would happen. There were no signs. No warnings at all. Not a single soul had time to prepare for the beginning of the end.
It seemed like by the snap of a finger, everything that you've ever known was suddenly gone and you weren't sure how much more you could take of it. Waiting it out just wasn't an option and you were right on the edge of giving up. You had given up. That is until you heard him. Another lost soul, just trying to find his way back home. You saved his life, and now he was hell-bent on saving yours.
It was kind of ironic. You'd given up on yourself and then a complete stranger refused to give up on you. But what happens when that one complete stranger turns into seven? What happens when you dedicate your life to making sure that they get their "happy ending"?
We've all hoped that when our time inevitably comes that we'd be able to spend it peacefully with our loved ones. However, that turned out to be a luxury that most could not afford. You thought that maybe you'd all find it within each other...that maybe despite the world burning in flames, you'd all be at peace when it turned to ash.
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jungkookslipring · 5 months
could you do a bts tickle fic x reader? 💜
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Rap Mon? More Like Tickle Mon
summary: When a lee mood gets the best of you, theres on particular tickle monster who will happily fill your needs
pairings: Namjoon x reader with mentions of ot7
genre: fluff, tickle
relationship: platonic
Being in a lee mood was rough, especially if you were alone. But the worst was when it hit you the hardest when you were at your best friends' house. Would they judge you? Of course not! They've poked and squeezed your side on numerous occasions any time you'd be reaching for a cup in the cupboard or stretching, but the idea of having to ask made you flustered. You knew what Namjoon was capable of because you had watched him wreck the other members, especially the younger ones, and you couldn't help but sometimes feel jealous you weren't on the receiving end.
One particular afternoon you were washing dishes because you were bored and decided to help them out. Namjoon came out of the bathroom and saw you scrubbing bowls with citrusy dish soap.
"You don't have to do that," he whined poking your side as he walked by you. You jumped at the feeling and bit back a grin.
"I'm bored and saw the dishes weren't done, its no big deal" you say, already missing the electric feeling on your side.
"If you're bored let's go do something," Namjoon suggested as he poked you a couple times on your side, attempting to get you to stop what you're doing. You couldn't help but smile as you grabbed a small Tupperware container that you're grateful wasn't glass because Namjoon came up behind you and gently squeezed your sides, earning a small squeal from your lips. You threw your hand over your mouth as Namjoon looked at you over your shoulder with a shocked face.
"I didn't realize how ticklish you were," he said cheekily as he squeezed you again. You dropped the tupperware in the sink and did your best to protect your sides.
"Joohoohoohoon," you giggle as he keeps tight grip on your and keeps squeezing your sides. You yelp as he wraps his arms around your middle and drags you to the living room, gently laying you on the floor before straddling you. He started poking your tummy, smiling as the giggles started flowing. You tried your hardest to cover your sides but you were praying he wouldn't actually stop anytime soon.
"Do you want me to keep going?" he asks suddenly. How tf did he know? You don't know how to answer that question, other than to cover up your face. Namjoon couldn't help but coo and pull your hands away from your flushed face.
"It's not weird, I promise y/n," he said sweetly. After a few seconds, you nod hesitantly, giggling louder than before not too long after when his hands find their way to your tummy, scratching and squeezing your flesh as you roll around as much as you can.
"Ihihihit tickles hehehehehe!" you squeal as he alternates between squeezing your side and squeezing your tummy. Namjoon couldn't help but laugh along with you, seeing how happy this was making you. He settled with light tickles on your sides and tummy for a while until he got a hold of both your wrists in one hand and used his free hand to scratch your ribs. You screeched, not realizing how ticklish you were.
"Ohhhhh is this a bad spot?" he teased as he racked his nails up and down your ribs, smiling at the hiccupy laughter coming from you. Your mind was so floaty from the feeling you didn't feel him lift up your already cropped t shirt and blow a raspberry on your ribs.
"AHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NAMJOON WAIHAHAHAHAHA IT TICKLES SO BAHAHAHAHAD" you screamed as he blew raspberry after raspberry on your ribs, sides, and tummy for God knows how many minutes. Once your laughter became wheezy, he slowed down the tickles and came to a complete stop.
"Hopefully I didn't go too far," Namjoon said moving the hair out of your face. You shook your head as giggles kept flowing.
"I'm okahay...I actually..." you paused. You didn't know if you wanted to say what you were thinking.
"You actually what? Remember I won't judge you," he said reassuringly. You swallowed, its now or never.
"I...I can keep going if you want to," you say, getting ready to cover up your face before Namjoon stopped you.
"I am more than happy to keep you laughing as long as you want," he said so simply yet so heartfelt you wanted to cry. He took your wrists back into his hand and started moving them above your head.
"Is this okay?" he asked, waiting for consent so he wouldn't go too far or make you even the slightest bit uncomfortable. You nod and verbally give him the "Okay" before he went to town on your exposed underarms.
"OH MYHAHAHAHAHA GODHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NAMJOONIEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHA THATS SO BAHAHAHAHAD" you scream as you buck your hips at the extremely sensitive feeling on your armpit. He kneaded, scribbled, poked, and drilled his fingers and thumb into the sensitive skin for maybe ten minutes before you finally tapped out.
"OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY JOON IM DYING IM DONE IM DONEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" You screech before you stop squirming completely and just melt into the floor, giving in to the tickles that were zapping through your entire body. Namjoon let go immediately and let you curl up on yourself, rubbing away the ghost tickles.
"Thank...thank you Joonie," you pant, blushing from the heavenly tortue you just went through. He smiled and pulled you onto his lap, hugging you tight.
"My pleasure, and please don't be afraid to ask for these types of things, y/n, we are the last people to judge you," he said giving you a friendly kiss on your cheek. From then on if you were in a lee mood, everyone in the house was more than willing to fill the room with your laughter.
taglist: @felixmainacc @felixburneracc @myforevermelody143 @dunno-wut-to-do @itzsana-kiddingmenow
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firefl1ezz · 22 days
i just. hit s+ rank in splatoon and i never honestly thought this would happen?? am i cool now.. do i get to be a part of the s4? do i get to be watered down to my running joke all the time?
#the last part is a joke but i do not see a whole lot of recognition of the s4 being. the s4#like yeah they were cool formidable foes in the s1 era and skull even beat goggles despite his plot armor#but now theyre just#there??#dont get me wrong i love their existence but#it feels like theyve been watered down at least a bit#skull is always just getting lost and army is almost always either the manual guy or the curry guy#thats. thats it thats their bits#skull also has the sweets thing#rider is sometimes a considerable foe too but at the same time the s4 doesnt usually consist of him so im not sure how much to count him#that being said it is a kids manga so i dont really expect it to lean too far into the formidable foes thing#even the xblood werent that scary in the long run and ended up goofy despite being who they were#i also get it in terms of fandom#i understand the appeal of something like aloha being cutesy dumb pink guy (who maaaaaaybe commited some crimes and it shows)#i also definitely understand the appeal of army having a thing for curry as well as the manuals#the manuals can be an endearing thing to write about trust me#but i also wouldnt mind seeing more things that center around the likes of the s4 and the xblood and even the best8 being the absolute best#of the best during their prime#reminder that s+ was the highest rank around when the s4 were introduced. same with the xblood#they were the strongest players and id like to see things that center around that#id like to imagine that moving on to the square and splatsville that the s4 would have had a chance to move uo and get into xbattles#i think of all of them skull and army would have the highest chances of actually making it to xrank and being successful#but honestly if mask and aloha could probably make it pretty well too if they got off their asses#and i think rider would excel as well being rider#he has his own kind of near plot armour i think#so do most of the big teams in my opinion#theyre the sort of doomed by the plot that forces them to battle goggles at some point lmao#maybe i could use this in a fic or au one day#maybe someone already has...#(please send to me if you know of any creators who have played around with these vague ideas of strength i wanna see em)
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totallyradicalmucky · 9 months
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These guys
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arosesstorm · 1 year
Bts as happy endings 
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Happily Ever After -> for when just being happy isn't quite enough - hope
His fingers playing with yours, his head resting in the crock of your neck as the sweetest of songs played at your best fiend's wedding. "Do you wanna dance?" he had asked, in a way it sounded more like a proposal, "I'll dance with you till we're both dust" you had replied, standing to your feet, leading him to the dance floor.
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Happy Ending Override -> a subversion of the Happy Ending where it's undone in the sequel - jungkook
Jungkook was finally home, the fights were over, his scratches were covered. The night Jungkook promised you he was over with that type of life, that you were enough for him, that the adrenaline had started to feel like sickness, it felt like he was lying to you, through gritted teeth.
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Earn Your Happy Ending -> for when the Happy Ending comes after much darkness and angst - yoongi
it had been the craziest ride of your life; a journey in which you had feared way too many times you had lost, but with Yoongi's soft body laying by your side, his fingers in your hair, his eyes pierced to yours, you knew everything that had happened had led you to that moment and you were ready to do it all again.
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Deus ex Machina -> when the Happy Ending is forced upon the story by an outside force that wasn't previously introduced - jin 
the night of your birthday you had wished for the universe to bring you happiness; you couldn't predict the universe had indeed heard you, nor that it did in fact led you to final joy, even if it came in the form of your lost long first love, who you happened to meet as you stumbled out of the bar, a shiny birthday hair-band on your head.
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Esoteric Happy Ending -> when the 'happy' ending doesn't sound like one - rm
you got the promotion, you got the house, you got the dream job; so why was it that when you looked at Namjoon leave your apartment for the last time it didn't feel like you had imagined it would, relief didn't travel through your veins, butterflies didn't jump in your stomach, your heart was not beating fast, in fact it was not beating at all.
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Shock-and-Switch Ending -> when the Sudden Downer Ending is subverted - jimin
Hearing the police on the phone muttering something about a fire, about your apartment, about your husband, it made your heart fall to the ground as you tried to make sense of it all, your legs running desperately towards your building as you saw the crowd. With shaky hands you came forward, your breath stuck in your lungs as you frantically looked around, Jimin's face everything you needed to see. If he was gone, if he was gone... "babe!" someone stepped forward, a ladle in his left hand; Jimin spoke again, "I wanted to make dinner!".
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Surprisingly Happy Ending -> when the characters were expecting something else - taehyung 
Joining his father's company had been a sacrifice taehyung found himself forced to make, getting to know the love of his life was not in the plan. But he fell, good god if he fell, the moment he heard your heels' patter, the second he saw you enter the room, the instant you looked back him right in the eyes, fire burning in them, "I suggest you do not make the mistake of underestimating me, mr. Kim" you had said, and he knew, he just knew.
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© 2023 of Mia (arosesstorm). All Rights Reserved.
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octoooo · 5 months
Got some Bnuyus in Minecraft, one black & one brown, guess what I named them
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They actually have 8 kids but I didn’t take a more recent photo
,,then guess what I did
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Also a lil difference between my two Rabitos
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babyarmybabbles · 30 days
Run ARMY! (Meet Part) a1 d3
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader won the opportunity to film a spin off of Run BTS! celebrating the boys return from enlistment, called Run ARMY!, over the course of seven days.
Word Count: 1,095
Notes: Idk if y'all have noticed but I tend to just write scenes I get inspired for and then fill in the blanks for this one lol. Random bits and bobs until I connect them. This part specifically needs some work on the actions and interactions, I think.
Took Inspirations from Run ARMY! series on Tik Tok by _yamanika_ and Guess The Bias! by HelloMyAlien7 on Ao3
Warnings: Reader is p anxious lol Sort of panic attack? Anxiety attack? idk man. Just anxious Reader.
Masterlist Link <3 | Prev Part Link c: | Next Part Link :D
By the time the SUV is pulling into the underground parking garage you’re meeting the band in you’re sweating buckets. Not literally, thank the stars, but you feel near to it. Hannuel smiles kindly at you from the driver’s seat, obviously able to see your nerves. You’re pretty sure a satellite could see your nerves right now.
“You’ll be fine.” She soothes as the car descends. “The boys are super nice, and they’re excited to meet you. You’ve got nothing to worry about.” You suck in a deep breath in response and let it out. It doesn’t help much.
“I’m more nervous about ARMY not liking me than BTS not liking me.” You admit, consciously switching to twisting your rings around so you don't pick at your nails in your anxiety. Having bloody fingers while meeting your favorite band would not be a good look. “Also they intimidate me.” You add quietly.
You hear Hannuel stifle a snicker and your head shoots up to glare at her in affront. She’s supposed to support you, not laugh at you! She must see your mulish stare in the rear-view, because she quickly defends herself.
“Sorry, sorry! I’m not laughing at you, I promise. It’s just that they’re so silly sometimes, it’s hard to find them intimidating after having known them.” You easily concede the point to her. You'd seen enough behind the scenes content to get that impression. It’s a bit soothing to hear from an actual staff member though. “They’re the sweetest, really,” Hannuel continues, “You’ve genuinely got nothing to worry about. They’ll take care of you.”
You groan and let your head thump against the seat. “That’s part of the problem!” You complain, “It’s my first time on this side of a camera, it’s my first time meeting BTS, it’s my first time being in Korea, It’s just a lot! What if ARMY sees me fumbling and the boys helping me and decide they hate me? I can’t be hated by ARMY! I’d die!” You dramatically slump sideways, coincidentally timed with a turn that scootches you that much farther over. Score one for dramatics.
Hannuel laughs gently at you, and you continue somewhat more seriously from your slumped position. “I mean, ARMY is basically my home. I don’t know what I’d do if they hated me.” You murmur into the leather cushion.
Hannuel hums musingly at you and the two of you lapse into silence for a moment.
“Well,” She starts, “First of all, you probably already know that you can never please everyone.” You nod miserably, aware that she could no longer see you. Both your therapist and your friends had told you as much many times. She continues, “But ARMY loves to see the boys interact with other ARMY. It’s another way they get to know them and feel connected. If you ask me, you’ll have more people projecting onto you than judging you. Not that they won’t judge, but” She shrugs, “People always do.”
You slowly sit up and shoot an admiring look at the woman. “Woah,” you mumble, “How are you so wise?”
Hannuel barks out a surprised laugh. “Life experience, mostly.” She replies amusedly.
You settle back into your seat and finally notice that Hannuel had stopped the car before what you assume to be the final turn before the boys would be in view. You feel a rush of gratefulness for her. You hadn’t known her very long, but Hannuel had already been an incredible help and a very soothing presence to you. You should buy her something nice before you leave if you get the chance. See if you can send a gift basket through Hybe for her if you don't.
She starts the car rolling forward again as you reappear in the rear-view mirror, fully over your momentary theatrics. You take another deep breath and let it out again. It helps more this time.
“It’s not like my socials are public or anything either," You soothe yourself aloud, "And my friends already know me, they’re just excited. Everyone else is secondary.”
“Exactly” Hannuel affirms. You jump just a bit and then try to pretend you hadn’t forgotten she could hear you. Luckily, she’s too busy driving the car to notice. “Like I said, you’ll be just fine.”
Unfortunately for Hannuel’s encouraging words, you’d finally rolled close enough for you to spot seven men standing near 3 other SUVs just ahead and you were suddenly incapable of hearing anything anymore.
Static fills your brain as you study them. You register the casual clothes, watch them nudge each other excitedly as they notice your vehicle, even note the camera crew nearby, but not a single thought makes it past the haze of panic. Distantly, you wonder if this is what an adrenaline rush feels like. You suddenly can’t remember.
Your heartbeat thuds in your ears as the car comes to a gentle stop.
You absently bring one hand up to the pulse point under your jaw to measure your pulse and raise the other to your chest to make sure you’re still breathing. Hannuel is repeating instructions for your benefit in the front seat, but you simply cannot engage your brain enough to listen. All too soon she's exiting the car. You manage to tear your hands away from their comforting positions as she comes around and opens your door for you.
Hannuel helps you down as you duck out of the car and gives you a brief sympathetic smile as she takes your trembling hand.
Excited exclamations meet your arrival and you hastily paste confidence over your every mannerism as you lift both hands to wave back with equal excitement. Hannuel is the only one close enough to be able to see your hands continuing to shake, or note the fact that you stop breathing as you approach BTS.
You hope your smile isn't too tight and that you look appropriately excited. Hopefully whatever the cameras are seeing right now can be explained by excitement and reasonable nerves. You'll take your near panic-attack to the nearest private space, thanks.
"Hello! Oh my goodness, hi!" You release your held breath as you great them, first shaking RM's hand as they return your greeting before stepping back and bowing as best you can as you introduce yourself.
This prompts a round of mostly redundant introductions from the members, starting with RM and then continuing down the line until they'd all politely introduced themselves.
You can't quite stop yourself from running your hands through your hair as you take them in.
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missbangtangirl · 9 months
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Absolutely love Yiling Wei Sect AUs where the rest of the cultivation world think of the Yiling Patriarch as this obscenely powerful and terrifying figure surrounded by his loyal fierce corpses and scary ass disciples only for the reality of life on the Burial Mounds to just be
*Bullies Wei Wuxian* *Bullies Wei Wuxian* *Bullies Wei Wuxian* *Bullies Wei Wuxian* *Bullies W--*
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saevus-brutalis · 1 year
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freak Alpha (Avatar AU)
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#nobody asked everyone needed#oc: vincent elijah vahn#avatar AU#oKAY sooooooo AU where Vince is for forcibly sent on Pandora#and it is THE Vince:tm: coz the timeline *kinda* matches my cyberpunk timeline with the Pandora being discovered between 2050 and 2077#sure age would be altered a bit and shit unless he'd be over 100 when he first got there#but hes THE traumatized ex-military Vince roped back into army :]#and he's given an Avatar based on his DNA and something else coz whitecoats like to experiment right :]]#so his Avatar is a bit mutated - has more melanin/black pigment in his body and is bigger than average na'vi#and it grows patches of dark fur in certain places (like a lion almost idk idk)#labcoats making a fucking experimental HYBRID#the scarily fit merc x big alien = ultimate soldier am i right :]#its safe to say he goes feral and is extremally aggressive#he hates whats going on with the natives so he kills his entire unit and runs off#either takes his body somehow or his body isnt even there to begin with idk but they dont simply unplug him like Sully in the first movie#maybe coz its experimental it would kill off the Avatar hybrid if its cut off its human host and they spend ass ton of money on it already#and aint done studying it#but but no important rn he befriends one of those big black scawwy doggos#Thanators right#he starts living in the forest like a feral little guy; aside from being a freakish hybrid he basically looks and behaves like a native#hides from natives and lives a secluded life :]#thank you for coming to my ted talk#saevus brutalis art#saevus brutalis#saevus-brutalis art#original character#oc#na'vi oc#na'vi#avatar oc
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vomitpukey · 1 month
Ok but honestly I hard-core headcannon hudson fnaf as an age regressor he uses that to cope with his trauma and it helps him a lot and I may or may not have an au I'm cooking up involving Springtrap becoming his caregiver👉👈
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mxckiemxn · 10 days
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Chapter 1-The Beginning of the End
Warnings: swearing, depression, attempted suicide, mentions of death, blood, gore, mentions of weapons (knives/guns), anxiety, horror themes, food/water insecurity, zombie shit
Word Count: 4,291
Authors note: this is the first fic I’ve worked on since coming back to writing hehe. Pls let me know what yall think and feel free to reblog if you like it as it helps me a lot!~Mackie 💜
There was a sort of lingering darkness within you ever since the news broke out. Most would say that it was normal to feel hopeless in a situation like this, but it wasn’t just hopelessness that you were feeling. It was more so a lack of motivation to keep fighting. You were already struggling before and this just seemed like the icing on the cake for you. The final confirmation that you’d been searching for that maybe, just maybe, this world wasn’t worth living in.
Your thoughts continuously wandered and no matter how many times you tried to reason, you always found yourself thinking about what you were doing when the news broke out.
You’d been standing in the kitchen, making your dinner while the news played in the background. It wasn’t like you were really paying attention to what the anchor was saying, it just kind of worked as a background noise.
Once you were done cooking and fixing yourself a plate, you went to your living room to find some random movie on Netflix to watch as you ate. You were just about to change the channel when the woman on the screen said something that stopped you dead in your tracks. It was then that you were suddenly interested in the news.
“Scientists have confirmed that the dead are coming back to life. The cause is unknown, but they are urging everyone to stay inside and lock your doors. Do not make any unnecessary trips or attempt to travel.” She stated in a shaky tone.
“What the fuck?” You said to yourself as you sat your food down and began cycling through channels.
Every station seemed to be repeating the exact same message. The usual programs had been stalled. This was a public service announcement, and not one of those dumb little weather warnings that everyone ignores. No, this was legit. You continued clicking through before settling on one that seemed to be giving new information.
“Scientists are warning that these beings are extremely dangerous and have exhibited extreme levels of aggressive behavior. It is important to avoid any contact with them at all costs to prevent further infections. If you or someone you know has been bitten or scratched by these beings at all, please isolate yourself. Due to increased traffic, emergency services are limited.—“
You leaned forward as the man on the screen paused and held his earpiece. His face dropped and his eyes grew wide as he began looking around desperately, as if he was searching for confirmation. He turned his attention back to the screen and gulped deeply as he began speaking again.
“We have just been given new information. Emergency services are no longer available at this time. Please be advised that if you or anyone you know has been bitten or scratched, they need to be euthanized. Attack the brain, it’s the only way to stop them. We are alone. God help us all.” He said through a trembling voice as tears began to fall from his eyes.
Just as you were waiting for more information, the program shut off. The only sound playing is static and there are no anchors speaking. The only thing visible is a blue screen with the words “PLEASE STANDBY” in the middle.
What the fuck is happening? You thought as you returned to clicking through channels, each of them saying the exact same thing. You quickly stood up and walked through your apartment, verifying that every door and window was locked and that all of the curtains and blinds were closed. Once you finished your walk-through, you returned to the living room to grab your phone and call your parents.
It barely got through the first ring before your mother picked up, sounding completely frantic over the phone.
“Y/N! Oh my god, honey! Are you ok?” She spoke, sounding as if she was crying.
You weren’t sure if the same thing was happening back home when you decided to call, but your mother’s reaction confirmed that this was a worldwide phenomenon. Your parents lived in the United States, but you had moved to Seoul two years ago for college. You only ever went home for holidays, and it’d been months since you last saw them.
“Mom, I’m fine. What’s happening?”
“We don’t know. We were driving home from the store and got stuck in traffic. We didn’t think anything of it but then we heard screaming. There was a woman walking down the street and she was covered in blood. Some people got out of their cars to check on her and— “she spoke through tears before pausing. You could hear your father in the background trying to comfort her.
“And what, mom? What happened?” You urged, feeling the anxiety raising as you listened to the cries on the other end of the phone.
“She attacked him, Y/N. She knocked him down and she looked like she was eating him.” She finished.
You felt your legs give out on you. Luckily, you landed on your couch. You stared at the tv, still stuck on that blue screen. You tried to make sense of it all, but to no avail. You stayed on the phone with your parents for a bit longer. Going through each of the warnings that was on the news and creating a checklist of dos and don’ts with each other. You made a schedule to check in with each other every night, making sure everyone was still ok.
Now here you were three weeks later. Lying on your bed, thinking about how quickly everything had changed. You tried to be as conservative as you could be with your supplies, but they could only last you for so long and now you were nearing the end. You barely had food or water at this point, and it wasn’t like you could just go to the store for more. If you did, you’d risk facing those things. You haven’t heard from your parents in a week, unsure if they’re even alive at this point. Hell, you’re unsure if anyone you know is alive at this point.
For days you heard screaming from all around you, and like a snap of a finger, it all stopped. The world around you went quiet, and you felt as if you couldn’t take it anymore. If everyone around you is dead, then what’s the point in being alive?
That’s why you found yourself in the position that you’re now in. Staring at the ceiling with a small handgun lying on your chest. You’d asked yourself what the best way would be to do it. You knew that you needed to destroy your brain if you didn’t want to risk becoming one of those things, but what if you missed? You blinked slowly as you tried to think it through, snapping out of it as you heard what sounded like yelling.
You slowly got out of bed and walked over to your window, peaking through the curtains. That’s when you saw a man running clumsily down the road, a group of those creatures chasing him. He seemed as if he could get away. That’s if he’d stop turning around to look at them. Your breath caught in your lungs as you watched one of the things grab him by his shirt, knocking him to the ground and landing on top of him.
You battled with your thoughts as you watched the man frantically hold back the creature. You want to help him but what if he’s dangerous? What if he brings more of those things with him? You were taken from your thoughts as you watched the other creatures get closer to him.
“Fuck it.” You said to yourself, quickly opening the window and firing a shot at the creature on top of him, hitting it right in the head. The man froze for a moment before turning his attention to the sound of the shot, his eyes finally meeting yours.
“Up here, quickly!” You yelled as he scrambled to get up and began sprinting towards your building. You rushed out of the front door to meet him, firing more shots at the creatures following behind him as he beelined into your apartment. You quickly followed, slamming the door behind you and locking it.
You rested your head against the wood as you tried to control your breathing. It wasn’t until you heard the man speak that you truly processed what had just happened.
“Oh fuck!” He panted. You slowly turned to face him. He was laying on the floor, clutching at his stomach as he attempted to catch his breath.
“Who are you?” You asked sternly, causing the man to sit up to face you. Your eyes scanned over his body, searching for any sign that he’d been injured by the creatures. You met his eyes once again when you realized that he wasn’t covered in blood at all, just dirt.
“My name is Hoseok. What’s your name?” He asked as he stood up. He was tall and slender. His hair was a mess and he looked like he hadn’t slept in days. It was in that moment when you realized that you probably didn’t look much better.
“My name is Y/N.” You said hesitantly.
“Well, Y/N. I cannot thank you enough for saving me. Those things, they’d been chasing me for a while. I thought I was a goner.” He said through a forced laugh.
“What were you doing out there?”
“I was trying to find my friends; we went out to look for supplies, but we got split up after a group of zombies started chasing us.” He said as he began looking around your apartment.
“Zombies?” You questioned. Sure, it was obvious that the zombie apocalypse was happening, but you hadn’t brought it upon yourself to actually refer to them as zombies. The thought of it all made you feel as if you were living in some sort of bad horror movie.
“Yeah, I mean, what else would you call those things?”
“I don’t know, I just never considered calling them that.” You shrugged.
You two fell into an awkward silence, unsure of what to do now that you were both stuck in a room with a complete stranger. You looked down at your hands and realized that you’d still been holding onto the gun.
“Would you like water or something?” You offered in an attempt to break the tension.
“Yeah, that’d be nice.” He smiled brightly, seeming relieved that you'd asked him first.
“I don’t have much left, but I’ll spare what I can. You can sit down if you’d like.” You told him, motioning towards the couch.
You began searching through your cabinets for something to give Hoseok before settling on a protein bar. You filled a cup with water and grabbed the bar before meeting him on the couch. You sat the items on the coffee table in front of you and slid them over to him.
“Thank you so much.” He said with a small bow before chugging the water.
“So, you said that you were out with your friends. How many are there?” You couldn’t help the curiosity. You had convinced yourself that you were the only one left alive in your city and the fact that there are others out there makes you question your previous beliefs.
“We’re a group of seven. We’ve been staying in an older house we found. It seemed like it was empty, so we just assumed that the owners must’ve been away when all of this happened.” He shrugged.
You fell silent once again, unsure on how to respond. This is the first time you’ve spoken to another person since your last phone call with your parents. It didn’t seem like that long, but you couldn’t stop the feeling of loneliness. Any other time, you would’ve been fine with a lack of human interaction but something about the world seemingly ending made those connections feel so much more meaningful and you missed it.
“Hey, why don’t you come with me? We can go back to the house. I’m sure that the boys have made it there already.” He said as he leaned down to meet your gaze.
You couldn’t stop the tears from forming as you saw the gentle look in his eyes. You quickly embraced him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He seemed taken aback at first but soon enough returned the favor, allowing his hands to rest on your back.
“Thank you, Hoseok.” You whispered, still holding on to him.
“You saved my life, the least I could do is save yours.” He said softly. It was almost as if he knew.
You pulled away slowly, letting out a pitiful laugh as you began wiping your tears with your sleeve.
“I guess I should probably pack. When do you want to leave?”
“As soon as possible, I don’t want the boys to worry too much.” He said, causing you to nod before standing up to go gather your things.
You made your way to your room and grabbed a backpack before throwing a few items of clothing in it along with some other essentials, including your phone. You decided to change your clothes as well. Settling on a pair of jeans, a tank top, a hoodie, and some boots. Once you were changed, you tied your hair up into a ponytail and made your way back to the living room.
“I’m ready, Hoseok.” You said, grabbing his attention.
“Alright, let’s go. Also, you can call me Hobi.” He smiled as he began making his way to the door.
“I brought this. I wasn’t sure if you preferred a knife or a gun.” You said, holding your hand out to show him the pocketknife you were holding.
“Eh, I’ll let you keep the gun. You seem to know how to handle it.” He said as he grabbed the knife, causing you to nod. “Ok, we’ll need to move as quickly and quietly as possible. The house isn’t too far away.” He stated before peeking through the door.
The trip to the house that Hobi and his friends were staying at went surprisingly smoothly compared to the predicament he was facing when you first saw him. You struggled a bit with the way the city now looked. The streets were full of abandoned cars, some of them covered in blood. Various windows were shattered, and doors of surrounding buildings were all open with red trails leading inside. You gagged a bit at the smell. Whenever you watched crime shows, you always heard people talk about how the smell of a rotting corpse was somewhat indescribable, but also unlike anything else, and they were right. You abstained from looking at any of the bodies surrounding you. The fear of potentially recognizing one of them was enough to make you vomit, but you did your best to push it down.
When Hobi told you that the house wasn’t too far away, you didn’t take into account that you two would be walking and doing your best not to alert anything around you. You assumed it’d take 10 minutes at the most, but an hour later you finally made it.
“Here it is.” Hobi stated as he led you inside, locking the door behind him.
The house was large and oddly clean. You understood now what he meant when he said that he and his friends had assumed that the owners were gone when all hell broke loose. You were taken from your thoughts when you heard footsteps trailing quickly down the hallway.
“Hobi?” A voice called out, causing you to turn your attention towards the sound.
There, another man stood with five others following behind him. He looked somewhat distressed, but there was also a sense of relief when he realized his friend was ok.
“Holy fuck, we thought you were dead.” He said as he pulled Hobi into a hug. The others began greeting him and doing the same.
“I’m ok. Actually, I probably would’ve been dead if it wasn’t for my friend here.” Hobi turned to face you, causing the others to look in your direction.
“Who is this?” One man spoke. His hair was dark and tied back into a half-up ponytail. He was muscular, with a sleeve of tattoos covering one of his arms.
“This is Y/N. She saved my life. I wouldn’t have made it back without her.” He said as he grabbed your hand, gently pulling you forward to face everyone.
“Hi.” You said shyly as you gave a small wave.
“Hi, Y/N. I’m Namjoon.” Another man spoke, offering a gentle smile as he sensed your nervousness. “This is Jin, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook.” He continued, pointing to each of the men.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N!” Jimin said brightly causing you to smile.
“It’s nice to meet you all.”
“There’s two of us in each room. Yoongi is by himself so you two can share a room.” Hobi said, causing you to look up at him worriedly.
Yoongi didn’t seem mean per se, just not very happy with your unexpected company. Everyone else greeted you with warm smiles, attempting to be as welcoming as possible, but Yoongi eyed you up and down in a suspicious manner.
“Don’t worry, there’s two twin beds in there so you won’t have to sleep with him.” Hobi said through a laugh.
“Yoongi Hyung, could you show Y/N where your room is?” Namjoon said, turning to face Yoongi.
He didn’t say anything, just began making his way up the stairs as if he assumed you’d be following, which you did. As he walked into the bedroom, you stood in the doorway awkwardly.
“This one’s mine. You can take the other.” He spoke lowly. This was the first time you heard his voice. Slightly taken aback by how deep it was. He turned to face you after you didn’t respond. A look of annoyance on his face.
“I can see if Hobi is willing to switch rooms if you’re uncomfortable.” He spoke.
“No, I’m fine with the arrangements. I don’t want to inconvenience anyone.” You said as you set your bag down on the bed.
“You already have.” He muttered as he walked out. You were sure that he didn’t intend for you to hear it, but it still lingered in your mind regardless.
The night was a bit awkward. For the most part, everyone did their best to make you feel comfortable. They insisted that you join them for dinner, despite you saying that you weren’t that hungry, and you’d be fine. They even offered you some of the filtered water designated for hygienic purposes. You were grateful to finally not be alone, but you couldn’t shake Yoongi’s words out of your mind. Sure, they were definitely doing better than you’d been when it came to supplies, but their conditions weren’t ideal either. They remained hospitable, nonetheless.
The night rolled around quickly, and soon enough everyone began to make their way to their designated rooms. Yoongi laid in his bed silently, as he read his book. You wanted to speak to him, anything to break the awkwardness that engulfed the room, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to do so. Turning to face the wall opposite of Yoongi’s bed, you drifted off to sleep, deciding that you’d give him as much space as possible.
You woke up to the sun shining through the sheer curtains. Rubbing your eyes and letting out a deep yawn, you sat up and looked around the room. Yoongi’s bed was empty, sheets folded neatly with the book he read the previous night laying on top of his pillow.
You decided to change your clothes back to the ones you wore yesterday, minus the hoodie and went to go freshen up a bit before heading downstairs.
You stopped at the end as you heard what sounded like Yoongi speaking. You weren’t really one to eavesdrop but considering the fact that you were now sleeping under the same roof as a group of men you just met, you couldn’t help but listen.
“Namjoon, please! We’re already struggling enough as it is. What are we supposed to do when there’s nothing left?” Yoongi spoke. Although he seemed upset, his voice remained soft.
“We’re not throwing her out, Yoongi. I understand your concerns. I have them too, but it’d be wrong to just leave her to fend for herself.” Namjoon refuted.
“Oh, come on! She seems to have been doing fine for herself before.” Yoongi stated with a hint of sourness in his tone.
“Will both of you just shut up?” A voice that you knew belonged to Hobi objected. “Look, I know that we’re struggling, but she was too. That didn’t stop her from taking me in and offering me what little she had left. We are not going to kick her out. Besides, I made her a promise.” He continued.
A promise? You thought. Sure, everything from the night prior was a bit fuzzy but you didn’t recall him openly committing a promise to you. Perhaps it was one that he kept to himself. An unspoken promise that he made without your knowledge.
“What do you mean you made her a promise?” Another deep voice spoke, seeming as if it belonged to Taehyung.
It was then that you began wondering if they were having some conference in regards of what to do with you. Did the rest of the boys feel the same as Yoongi? They were all so kind to you that the question of whether or not they minded you being around hadn't even crossed your mind.
“She saved my life, and I promised that I would save hers.” Hobi said through a stern tone. He was so sweet to you and hearing how serious he was about this had taken you a bit by surprise.
Their voices began fading in and out as they appeared to be speaking over each other, and you seemingly had no clue whether to walk away or to stay where you were. You jumped a bit as you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N-ah, good morning!” You were greeted by Jimin who was sporting a bright smile. You cringed lightly at the knowledge that your cover may now be blown.
“Hi, Jimin.” You said softly.
“C'mon, let’s go get some breakfast.” He said in a cheery tone as he threw his arm over your shoulder and led you into the dining room where the previous debate was going on.
As you two walked in, you felt your face heat up. The four men were completely silent, all staring directly at you. It was obvious in that moment, that they knew you had been listening to their conversation. Your eyes naturally shifted towards the direction of Yoongi. He sat at the dining table across from Taehyung, eyes wide as he met your own.
“Why do you all look like you’ve seen a ghost?” Jimin jokingly asked, completely unaware of the building tension in the room.
“No reason at all. How’d you sleep, Y/N?” Hobi asked sweetly as he made his way over to you, resting his hands on your shoulders as if he was trying to create a barrier between you and the other three he was speaking with.
You looked up at him, the anxiety building in your chest. His eyes weren’t as bright as they’d previously been, yet he still looked at you as softly as he had before. His expression was one of compassion as if, without words, he was telling you not to worry about a thing. Feeling yourself relax a bit in his hold, you offered a weak smile before speaking.
“I slept fine, Hobi.”
Almost like clockwork, Jin and Jungkook made their way into the kitchen as well. Also seeming completely oblivious to the tension in the room.
“I’m starving!” Jungkook groaned as he made his way to the dining table.
“Me too, let’s eat.” Namjoon said with a clap.
During breakfast, everyone fell into their own conversations. No one dared to speak about what happened earlier. You sat in the middle, between Hobi and Jimin, who were laughing about old memories they had before the world went to shit. Across from you sat Yoongi, who remained silent with his head down as he picked at the scraps of food on his plate.
After everyone finished eating and cleaned up, Namjoon called for a “family meeting”. Much to your surprise, you were invited to join. Sat on the table were various pieces of paper, and a calendar that you could only assume belonged to the previous owners based on the markings that were on it.
“We need to discuss this week’s schedule. Obviously, our last supply run went to shit. So I’m thinking that we may need to make an extra trip to make up for it—“ Namjoon began. “Also, now that there’s eight of us, we should decide who is responsible for what this week.” He said as he slid a sheet to the middle of table labeled “Chores”.
Everyone began discussing who would be responsible for what this week, but you weren’t quite sure where you would fit in. For the most part whenever someone would ask what you wanted to be a part of, you sided with accompanying Hobi with whatever he was doing as it felt like the safe thing to do. Luckily for you, most of the chores were done in pairs so it worked out. Everyone agreed that it’d be best to send four people to do supply runs rather than the whole group, although no one could decide on how the groups would be split.
“I just don’t think it’d be fair to send someone out twice this week.” Jungkook stated.
“What if we just draw names or something?” Jin suggested. You listened as everyone began bickering about the arrangements, but it was hard to keep up as everyone spoke over each other. It wasn’t until Yoongi started speaking that everyone piped down.
“Why don’t we all go out instead of making two trips this week? We can do a group of four and three and one of us can stay back. Each group will head in a separate direction, and we’ll meet back up here.” He suggested.
You turned your attention back to Namjoon who seemed to be considering the idea. “That could work.” He said as he began drawing out a map. He wrote down various street names, including the street that you all were staying on before making circles around each one.
“Ok so this is where we are, and this is where we ran into trouble on our last run-“he began as he pointed to each location. “I’m thinking that the group of four can travel a bit further down and the group of three will go to the shopping center on the other side. That way, we’ll only be a couple blocks away from each other.” He explained and everyone agreed.
“Now we just need to figure out who is in each group.” Jin added.
“How about Jungkook, Hobi, Jin, and Taehyung as group one. Then me, Yoongi, and Namjoon as group two. And Y/N can stay here and keep a lookout.” Jimin suggested.
They all seemed to be satisfied with the plan, but you couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty. Maybe it was because of Yoongi’s comments or maybe it was just because you didn’t want to be alone again. Either way, something in you caused your mouth to work faster than your brain did.
“I can go!” You quickly said, causing everyone to face you. You looked around, your eyes catching Yoongi’s wide ones. He looked shocked and a tad confused as his mouth hung open slightly.
“Y/N you don’t need to do that, it’s dangerous. You can hang out here and keep an eye out for us.” Hobi said as he placed his hand on top of yours, once again sharing unspoken words with a look that said, please don’t.
“No, it’s ok. I want to. It’s the least I could do and besides, I need to contribute something. I can take Namjoon’s place in group two, and he can help us unpack when we get back.” You said, avoiding eye contact with Hobi.
“If you really want to go, then it’s fine with me. Jin and I will get everything ready tonight so you guys can leave tomorrow morning.” Namjoon said.
After the “family meeting” had concluded, you made your way back upstairs to yours and Yoongi’s room. Emptying out your backpack for Namjoon to prep and placing your gun into the bedside table.
“Y/N?” You turned as you heard Yoongi’s voice. He was standing in the doorway watching you.
“Hey, I was just about to take my bag downstairs.” You said as you attempted to walk past him, coming to a halt as his arm blocked your exit.
“You don’t have to go tomorrow. It’s ok if you’d rather stay here.”
“I want to go, Yoongi.” You stayed dryly.
“Look, if it’s about what I said. I didn’t mean— “
“This has nothing to do with what you said. I’m going because I want to, not because of you. And don’t say that you didn’t mean anything by it, because you did and that’s fine. I get that it’s an inconvenience to have me here, but I’m going to help out if I can.” You stated, cutting him off.
“I didn’t mean it that way.” He said, slightly above a whisper as he looked down at his feet.
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter anyways.” You said as you pushed your way through.
The rest of the day was full of preparation. Namjoon made everyone their own map with directions of each of the stores, along with a guide to get back to the house. You also discussed a backup plan in case anyone got lost or separated. As night rolled back around, everyone’s routine seemed to be somewhat the same with each pair dispersing to their rooms.
Yoongi managed to beat you to your room once again. Although this time, he wasn’t completely immersed within his book. He sat up as you walked in, and you could feel his eyes following you. However, you chose to ignore him this time as you crawled into bed and faced the wall. Perhaps he’s getting a taste of his own medicine.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 months
What if I made an AU of the Sewerhell stuff that just has everything? Like horses, dinosaurs, more birds, fucking I dunno cows or something and a dragon? Like Roxy just goes into storage one day and every new room is a different type of animal. It's like a fucking petting zoo down there.
Just for the absurdity. I keep thinking 'what if I add more lil guys' as if I don't already have enough so I'm thinking this would get it out if my system lmao
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