babyarmybabbles · 2 days
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thanks for this jade, this is kinda legendary
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babyarmybabbles · 12 days
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[168/547] — until we meet again, jungkook ♡  
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babyarmybabbles · 13 days
Run ARMY! (Arrival Part) a3 d2
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader won the opportunity to film a spin off of Run BTS! celebrating the boys return from enlistment, called Run ARMY!, over the course of seven days.
Word Count: 1,862
Notes: I did some major overhauling during the baggage claim part, and decided on a different direction for the travel to the company. This took me hours and somehow I've only added 26 words? lol at least it reads a little better now.
I changed the formatting up quite a bit too. I wanted this to be an Addition instead of an Attempt, but every time I look at it I struggle so hard to move it forward. I'll probably go back to the games next time I work on it.
Took Inspirations from Run ARMY! series on Tik Tok by _yamanika_ and Guess The Bias! by HelloMyAlien7 on Ao3
Warnings: Reader is a bit of an anxious mess
Masterlist Link <3 | Prev Part Link c: | Next Part Link :D
It wasn’t until your plane was landing on South Korean soil that the reality of your situation really started to sink in. Namely, that your situation was reality at all. Really, who could blame you? With the 15 hour flight behind you there were less than 24 hours between you and meeting BTS.
Less than 24 hours between you and filming with BTS.
It still felt like a dream as you disembarked from the plane and started heading to customs. Quite frankly you were still in shock about the whole thing. It felt like everything was progressing way too quickly, even though it had already been nearly two months since your name had initially been drawn from the Weverse raffle.
Honestly, even entering the raffle had been no more than a matter of rote to you. A notification from Weverse had announced a special new season of Run BTS! to celebrate the group's return from enlistment.
The twist that made it special? They were going to pick one lucky Korean-speaking ARMY to film the series with BTS. Of course you'd entered the raffle. Hell, you're sure ARMY that didn't even meet the Korean speaking requirement had entered it.
It's just that you had never expected to win. You'd never even entertained the possibility. It had been just another of those things you did because you'd be wasting your fanclub membership otherwise.
And also because you'd be insane not to.
You'd giggled and done the whole "but what if?" routine with your ARMY friends, of course, but you'd never, ever, in a million years, believed your name would be picked. Never thought that one in ten million chance opportunity would be yours.
You make it through customs relatively unscathed and once more think that time is passing way too fast. You are maybe having the mental breakdown that had been pending since you'd received that fateful email from Hybe. You're not sure if you'd been able to hold it off until now through the sheer power of disbelief or if you'd simply been too busy.
And you really had been busy. Although a lot of the planning, and all of the expenses, for this trip were handled by Hybe you'd still had a pretty short window of time to sort your life out for a 9 day international vacation.
Submitting your PTO request, finishing projects at work, dusting off your rusty Korean skills, making sure your passport was up to date, getting your visa sorted, finding someone to water your plants for you, corresponding with a freaking Hybe representative about details.
It had been a lot. Still was, actually.
You move slowly through Incheon airport toward the baggage claim, taking your time to make sure you read the signs correctly. You always got anxious about getting lost in airports, no matter how many you'd been in. You were always convinced you were heading to the wrong place until you got there.
You’re sort of still sure you’re in the wrong place, actually. Just- in general. Not because of the airport specifically.
Being in Korea, about to be carted off for last-minute paperwork and interviews, with intent to spend a week in the presence of your idols. It was surreal at best, and you couldn’t help but feel that it wasn’t meant for you.
You know you being here was a matter of random chance, but you can’t help but feel unworthy and out of place.
Mostly out of place.
You’d never been the sort to do everything in your power to cross paths with your idols, and yet here you were. In fact, you’d maintained for years now that if you’d ever come across an idol in the wild you’d turn tail and run.
You’re not sure how you’re going to handle being in close quarters with seven of them. You might faint. Actually, scratch that, you can almost guarantee you will.
You scoff at yourself a little bit. Here you are, about to live every AMRY's dream, and you're driving yourself into a panic attack at the baggage claim instead of enjoying it.
Your luggage makes its slow and tottering way around the carousel, and you make no move to reach it any faster. As if you can hold off your anxieties by just not moving.
Your bag doesn’t care for your troubled mind and mercilessly continues on its journey.
You swear that when you’d boarded your flight you’d been appropriately giddy. It's just that you're realizing some things right now.
Like the fact you'll be spending a week in a house with seven strange men. Men you know of but have never met before. Men who are most assuredly stronger and more fit than you in every way. Men you've admired for years now. Men you are 100% sure to embarrass yourself in front of at some point.
You know that once everything is actually happening you’ll be fine. You'll realize that everyone there are just people. That they're not so different from yourself. You'll be far too busy being in the moment to pay attention to your anxiety. Everything will be fine.
Those facts don’t really help you at the moment, though. You’re still breathless with the force of your worries when your luggage finally passes in front of you. You heave it off of the conveyor belt, feeling as if it weighed twice as much as when you’d dropped it off.
You don’t feel ready to face what’s ahead at all. You're not really calm, but you’re not panicking either, stuck in a limbo of excitement, apprehension, and anxiety.
Someone grabs their bag next to you and bumps you in the process, jolting you from your thoughts. The two of you quickly apologize to each other, and you move away from the luggage claim.
You suck in a stuttering breath and let it out smoother than it came in. The easy parts of this trip - the flight and the freaking out - were over. It’s time to find your ride.
You turn on your heel with a bit of determined flair. Dramatic? Maybe. But the animated movement makes you feel better and refocuses your attention to the task at hand. You let that energy carry you as stomp your way toward the loading area.
It doesn’t take you long to settle down and walk like a normal person again, but you cling tightly to the momentary confidence. You'll need it to bullshit your way through the next nine days.
Finding the loading area you’d been told you’d be picked up from doesn’t take long either, and soon you’re paused off to the side to double check your instructions.
Well, you say instructions, it was more just a kind email explaining what to expect when you made it to Korea. Aside from a description of the person picking you up (the same Hybe representative you’d been corresponding with the whole time, thankfully) they’d also informed you that there would be some last-minute paperwork to take care of.
You’d also be meeting the PD in charge of the show before being taken for a few interviews and photos. You’d get your post-travel rest after all of that.
It was a good thing your flight had landed in the early morning, you definitely had a busy day ahead of you.
You alternate between glancing at your email and surveying the crowd for several minutes before you spot her.
She’s clear across the loading area from you, because of course she is, that’s just your luck. The bright red hairband on her head combined with the sign with your name written in bold English in her hands tell you you have the right person, so you begin to make your way over.
She’s intimidatingly pretty, all sharp features and stylishly dressed. You suddenly feel very underdressed and small in your baggy hoodie and paint-stained sweats.
You start picking your way through the crowd, filled with anxiety. It sort of feels like you’re attempting to approach a celebrity as you dodge and weave through other travelers and their luggage to the best of your ability. Good practice for later, you suppose.
You come to a stop in front of her and find yourself lost for words. She’s very pretty, and you’ve just remembered that you find pretty people incredibly intimidating.
You fall hard on your manners about it and timidly call for her attention before introducing yourself and asking if she was who you were supposed to be looking for.
She smiles gently at you and her entire face softens with the expression. You’re suddenly a lot less nervous. Her smile makes her look kind and approachable and you’re immediately put at ease.
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Cheong Haneul, and I'll be your liaison with Hybe for the duration of your stay." She finishes off her introduction with a neat bow, which you clumsily copy.
"Thank you for taking care of me." You reply awkwardly, wanting to be polite. Hopefully she’ll forgive your lack of social graces. Hurriedly, you push the conversation onward. "Uhm, sorry to be asking questions already, but what do you mean by liaison?"
Haneul waves a hand in dismissal of your apology and explains, "It just means I'll be in charge of you. Make sure you get to where you need to be, you have all the information you need, that sort of thing. Answering your questions is definitely part of that."
Her charming little grin endears her to you further and stalls your nerves. You give a small smile back and soon enough the two of you are making your way to a black SUV parked nearby.
There’s a man in business attire waiting by the driver’s side door as you approach. Haneul introduces him briefly and you give him a nervous smile and profuse thanks as he helps load your suitcase and carry-on bag into the trunk. Your bulky backpack finds it’s way into the backseat with you as Haneul motions you ahead of her, following shortly after.
You can’t help but notice she’s about 20 time more graceful than you as she climbs into the vehicle. You resolve to take notes.
Surely getting a good grade in entering vehicles is normal to want and possible to achieve. Surely.
Soon enough all bags and passengers are safely loaded, and the SUV lurches into motion as you begin to leave behind the airport at last.
Hannuel spends the 30 minute drive to the Hybe building explaining various things to you. How the pre-interview will work, what to expect from the shooting, why you were meeting with the PD before hand, all sorts of little things you hadn’t even thought to ask about.
Your head is spinning with the onslaught of information by the time the vehicle pulls to a stop inside the underground parking garage. You can’t even bring to bear the nerves you’d been grappling with as you try to process Hanuel’s impromptu lecture.
The other woman must notice your dazed expression, because she kindly reminds you that she’ll be around for any questions. She then mercilessly ushers you out of the SUV, tutting about tight schedules.
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babyarmybabbles · 16 days
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my life's harder without you. cr. jung-koook, 0613data
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babyarmybabbles · 24 days
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Sunny weather ☀️
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babyarmybabbles · 24 days
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— he's not a dentist but I'd let him give me a filling
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babyarmybabbles · 24 days
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— he must be sunshine and rain, because he makes me hot and wet 😏
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babyarmybabbles · 26 days
That's it for this blog's construction, folks!
Done posting what I have for now. I can't promise updates soon or anything, but they will be here when they happen lol. I hope everyone enjoys seeing my process as much as I enjoy doing it. Doing this has fried my brain. p sure I spent like 9 hours doing it on this blog and the SKZ one lmao.
I'm off to bed! Goodnight, have a fabulous existence, and I'll see you soon! :D
0 notes
babyarmybabbles · 26 days
Y'all would tell me if I made any horrible terrible mistakes with the links or tags, right? ... right?
0 notes
babyarmybabbles · 26 days
Run ARMY! (1st Game Part) a1 d2
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader won the opportunity to film a spin off of Run BTS! celebrating the boys return from enlistment, called Run ARMY!, over the course of seven days.
Word Count: 954
Notes: This chapter in particular is actually inspired by a SKZ fic on Ao3 but I'm so tired I am not going to go look for it rn. I will probably add it to the inspo list for this chapter when I make an Addition post. Thinking about games and activities for them to do is literally so difficult. Props to the production crew for Run, I could never. Writing large groups is also vv difficult T^T I'm actually pretty content with the writing itself for this chapter. Could use some clarity edits, but everything always can.
Took Inspirations from Run ARMY! series on Tik Tok by _yamanika_ and Guess The Bias! by HelloMyAlien7 on Ao3
Warnings: I don't think there's any?
Masterlist Link <3 | Prev Part Link c: | Next Part Link [Not written D:]
"Before we begin, I would like to apologize to my fellow ARMY" you tell the camera seriously as soon as the PD finishes explaining the rules to you.
You and the boys had been called into the living room of your accommodations after breakfast for the first real game of your trip. It seemed they were mostly theming the games as ones they've done before with the added twist of you. Today’s game? The iconic five sense test.
The group cracks up laughing at your preemptive apology, but you maintain your eye-contact with the camera. "I will be as respectful as physically possible." You promise the dark lens, "Please understand."
You had good reason to preemptively apologize, you thought. ARMY would go feral as soon as this episode aired, you were positive. It wasn't every day one was not only allowed, but encouraged to touch the members of BTS.
That's right, they had rearranged the five sense rest in such a way that it was you against BTS, and the consequence was that you now had to caress each member as little as you could manage and still win the game.
The rules were pretty simple - you'd be blindfolded and the members would take turns approaching you to let you try to identify them by touch. You'd have 50 seconds to guess. If you got a member correct, you'd get a point. If you got it wrong, the boys would get a point.
You think 1 vs 7 is a little unfair, but you suppose that you did represent the millions of ARMYs at home right now. Your team was larger in spirit.
When the members got over their amusement at your impending doom, you took a moment between takes, as the 8 of you settled into position on and around an armchair, to check in that everyone was comfortable. You know you'd filled out an entire questionnaire about what you did and didn't consent to, but that didn't mean you knew that information about the group.
"So, I know I'm OK with this game, but are y'all good?" You question lightly. You're dead serious on the inside, but a little levity went a long way for these sorts of conversations.
It's Jungkook who raises his eyebrow at you. "Yeah, of course." He replies simply, tilting his head at you a bit, as if confused why you'd even ask.
You can't help the half smile that crawls over your face as you explain, "It may be a cultural thing, but I just wanted to make sure you were OK with me touching y'all like that." You pause here, still seeing confusion over most faces, RM and Jin being the only ones to be connecting dots, "Y'know, since we don't really know each other?"
A chorus of enlightenment echoes around the semi-circle of men surrounding you. V in particular seems a bit taken aback, almost like he'd forgotten that you weren't close. Which was silly, because you'd literally met them for the first time yesterday.
j-hope meets your eyes with a kind and encouraging gaze. "We're fine!" He assures you, leveling you with a concerned look of his own, "as long as you are?"
"I assure you, this is a dream come true on my end." You quip, drawing a laugh out of Jimin and a mischievous grin from Jungkook. J-hope just shakes his head at you fondly.
"Seriously though," You continue, "If I'm wandering too far or in directions I shouldn't, just grab my hands to stop me. I'd rather not make anyone uncomfortable." It, in fact, made YOU a lot more comfortable to put the power to stop things in their hands.
You had so much anxiety about respecting their boundaries and it was only day 2. It was tough going from one side of a screen to another.
RM nods agreeably where he's standing and adds, "Sure, and if you get uncomfortable or need a break, just let us know." You sound your agreement to the group's approving nods.
Soon enough Suga was helping you tie a handkerchief over your eyes while you nervously wrung a secondary eye mask between your hands. You'd been handed a cute frog one by a staff member and were quite pleased by its silliness.
You already felt quite vulnerable, blinded as you were. You could feel Suga's fingers deftly tying the handkerchief and resisted a shiver as he gently smooths it and makes you're none of your hair has been caught. You jump a bit when his hand lands on your shoulder.
You feel a split second hesitation before he draws away just to pat you twice in silent signal of the completion of his task and know that he'd noticed. He's kind enough not to mention it, though, and you hope he just puts it down to nerves.
You ARE nervous, of course, of the cameras, and the members, and everything about your situation, basically, but your jumpiness really stems from how unmoored you feel as you slide the face mask on. You're robbed of one of your most relied upon sense and soon to lose a second. You can't help going quiet and still as you listen to the staff and members take their places.
It seems Suga is MCing this episode as he leads the opening and prompts the members to explain what they're up to today. It brings a smile to your face to listen to them banter and you only wish that you could see their accompanying smiles right now.
You assume you've been revealed when Suga calls out to you, so you wave with both hands and try to look more excited than anxious. You're not sure it works.
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babyarmybabbles · 26 days
Run ARMY! (Cooking Part) a2 d3
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader won the opportunity to film a spin off of Run BTS! celebrating the boys return from enlistment, called Run ARMY!, over the course of seven days.
Word Count: 733
Notes: This part takes place way later, towards the end. I wanted Reader to have a nice candid moment with ARMY, bc I love this fandom a lot, y'know? It needs a lot of revision so that it's less rambly and dense, but I'd like to keep the honest and frank atmosphere I've got going on here. It'll probably change a lot by the time I actually get to this part of the fic, but I'll keep something like it in the final product, I'm sure.
Took Inspirations from Run ARMY! series on Tik Tok by _yamanika_ and Guess The Bias! by HelloMyAlien7 on Ao3
Warnings: I don't think there's any?
Masterlist Link <3 | Prev Part Link c: | Next Part Link :D
You crouch down to come face to lens with the camera in the hallway and wave tiredly.
“Hello~” you drawl out in a whisper, giving a small smile, “The boys have treated me to so many yummy Korean foods, so, because this is our last morning before we travel back to Seoul, I am up stupid early,” You pause to pull out your phone to show the glaring 5:15am, as if the pre-dawn lighting wasn’t already evidence enough. “So I make them my family’s traditional pre-travel breakfast feast!” You give a near-silent cheer and jazz hands to the camera before heaving yourself to your feet and ambling your way over to the kitchen.
As you set about gathering up your ingredients and finding your required utensils, you make sure to look around and spot all of the kitchen cameras. You hadn’t really had much purpose in here before, and when you had there were usually camera directors about to be mindful of instead of the mounted cameras you were taking advantage of now.
One of the cameras happens to be angled toward an ideal space to do most of your prep work (probably on purpose) so you point to it and make your way over.
“I don’t like cooking alone.” you tell it in a low, conspiratorial tone. “So you’re gonna be my buddy and listen to me babble.”
That being said you really only whistle lightly to yourself as you finish collecting the ingredients and lay out the stuff for your first dish - a simple fruit salad. When you begin slicing up the first apple, you finally start speaking to the camera as promised.
“Now, I know I’m not one of the members, but I hope ARMY will be fine with whatever this segment looks like anyways,” You start softly, “BTS may be my ult bias group, but ARMY is my ult bias fandom, you know? It might be weird to say as ARMY myself, but I’ve never seen another fandom quite like it.” You take a breath and pause your chopping, flexing your wrists and popping your knuckles while you contemplate.
“ARMY was welcoming from the start, for me.” You continue, “Heck, someone gave me a link for a BTS101 guide at some point! That was actually super helpful, It made catching up with content and understanding memes a lot easier.” you smile at the memory, grateful still to the person who’d given it to you. “It’s a very warm and close community, and very open and accessible to new people. That’s pretty rare, in my experience.”
You switch tracks now, beginning to explain what you’re making even though you’re already halfway done. No one claimed you were a pro at this entertainment stuff. “I’m making a fruit salad right now. It’s easiest to start with because after I put the lemon juice on, i can just put in in the fridge and get it out of the way.” You inform the camera. “My Ma says it’s the most important part of this spread because it lets us pretend any of it is healthy.” You laugh softly at yourself as you dice up your chosen fruits.
You’d been kind of surprised you’d been able to find everything you wanted, given that you weren’t entirely sure which fruits were available in South Korea. There had definitely been a few you’d never seen before when you’d gone shopping, and you were curious to try, but you were going for traditional today so you’d just have to hope you could find them again at an Asian market at home.
You fall into a bit of a daze as you wash fruits, chop them up, and dump them in a bowl on repeat. The silence you fall into is broken only by the occasional whistled tune or soft hum from you. You’re broken from your trance when it’s at long last time to sprinkle in the lemon juice and sugar and stir it all up. You speak to the camera again as you give your arm a workout trying to mix everything.
“If I really wanted to make this how my grandma does, I’d add this mix of cream cheese and whipped topping that she uses. It’s really yummy, but I think it’s a bit too much like desert for today.” You cover the bowl when you’re done and place it in the fridge.
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babyarmybabbles · 27 days
Run ARMY! (Meet Part) a1 d3
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader won the opportunity to film a spin off of Run BTS! celebrating the boys return from enlistment, called Run ARMY!, over the course of seven days.
Word Count: 1,095
Notes: Idk if y'all have noticed but I tend to just write scenes I get inspired for and then fill in the blanks for this one lol. Random bits and bobs until I connect them. This part specifically needs some work on the actions and interactions, I think.
Took Inspirations from Run ARMY! series on Tik Tok by _yamanika_ and Guess The Bias! by HelloMyAlien7 on Ao3
Warnings: Reader is p anxious lol Sort of panic attack? Anxiety attack? idk man. Just anxious Reader.
Masterlist Link <3 | Prev Part Link c: | Next Part Link :D
By the time the SUV is pulling into the underground parking garage you’re meeting the band in you’re sweating buckets. Not literally, thank the stars, but you feel near to it. Hannuel smiles kindly at you from the driver’s seat, obviously able to see your nerves. You’re pretty sure a satellite could see your nerves right now.
“You’ll be fine.” She soothes as the car descends. “The boys are super nice, and they’re excited to meet you. You’ve got nothing to worry about.” You suck in a deep breath in response and let it out. It doesn’t help much.
“I’m more nervous about ARMY not liking me than BTS not liking me.” You admit, consciously switching to twisting your rings around so you don't pick at your nails in your anxiety. Having bloody fingers while meeting your favorite band would not be a good look. “Also they intimidate me.” You add quietly.
You hear Hannuel stifle a snicker and your head shoots up to glare at her in affront. She’s supposed to support you, not laugh at you! She must see your mulish stare in the rear-view, because she quickly defends herself.
“Sorry, sorry! I’m not laughing at you, I promise. It’s just that they’re so silly sometimes, it’s hard to find them intimidating after having known them.” You easily concede the point to her. You'd seen enough behind the scenes content to get that impression. It’s a bit soothing to hear from an actual staff member though. “They’re the sweetest, really,” Hannuel continues, “You’ve genuinely got nothing to worry about. They’ll take care of you.”
You groan and let your head thump against the seat. “That’s part of the problem!” You complain, “It’s my first time on this side of a camera, it’s my first time meeting BTS, it’s my first time being in Korea, It’s just a lot! What if ARMY sees me fumbling and the boys helping me and decide they hate me? I can’t be hated by ARMY! I’d die!” You dramatically slump sideways, coincidentally timed with a turn that scootches you that much farther over. Score one for dramatics.
Hannuel laughs gently at you, and you continue somewhat more seriously from your slumped position. “I mean, ARMY is basically my home. I don’t know what I’d do if they hated me.” You murmur into the leather cushion.
Hannuel hums musingly at you and the two of you lapse into silence for a moment.
“Well,” She starts, “First of all, you probably already know that you can never please everyone.” You nod miserably, aware that she could no longer see you. Both your therapist and your friends had told you as much many times. She continues, “But ARMY loves to see the boys interact with other ARMY. It’s another way they get to know them and feel connected. If you ask me, you’ll have more people projecting onto you than judging you. Not that they won’t judge, but” She shrugs, “People always do.”
You slowly sit up and shoot an admiring look at the woman. “Woah,” you mumble, “How are you so wise?”
Hannuel barks out a surprised laugh. “Life experience, mostly.” She replies amusedly.
You settle back into your seat and finally notice that Hannuel had stopped the car before what you assume to be the final turn before the boys would be in view. You feel a rush of gratefulness for her. You hadn’t known her very long, but Hannuel had already been an incredible help and a very soothing presence to you. You should buy her something nice before you leave if you get the chance. See if you can send a gift basket through Hybe for her if you don't.
She starts the car rolling forward again as you reappear in the rear-view mirror, fully over your momentary theatrics. You take another deep breath and let it out again. It helps more this time.
“It’s not like my socials are public or anything either," You soothe yourself aloud, "And my friends already know me, they’re just excited. Everyone else is secondary.”
“Exactly” Hannuel affirms. You jump just a bit and then try to pretend you hadn’t forgotten she could hear you. Luckily, she’s too busy driving the car to notice. “Like I said, you’ll be just fine.”
Unfortunately for Hannuel’s encouraging words, you’d finally rolled close enough for you to spot seven men standing near 3 other SUVs just ahead and you were suddenly incapable of hearing anything anymore.
Static fills your brain as you study them. You register the casual clothes, watch them nudge each other excitedly as they notice your vehicle, even note the camera crew nearby, but not a single thought makes it past the haze of panic. Distantly, you wonder if this is what an adrenaline rush feels like. You suddenly can’t remember.
Your heartbeat thuds in your ears as the car comes to a gentle stop.
You absently bring one hand up to the pulse point under your jaw to measure your pulse and raise the other to your chest to make sure you’re still breathing. Hannuel is repeating instructions for your benefit in the front seat, but you simply cannot engage your brain enough to listen. All too soon she's exiting the car. You manage to tear your hands away from their comforting positions as she comes around and opens your door for you.
Hannuel helps you down as you duck out of the car and gives you a brief sympathetic smile as she takes your trembling hand.
Excited exclamations meet your arrival and you hastily paste confidence over your every mannerism as you lift both hands to wave back with equal excitement. Hannuel is the only one close enough to be able to see your hands continuing to shake, or note the fact that you stop breathing as you approach BTS.
You hope your smile isn't too tight and that you look appropriately excited. Hopefully whatever the cameras are seeing right now can be explained by excitement and reasonable nerves. You'll take your near panic-attack to the nearest private space, thanks.
"Hello! Oh my goodness, hi!" You release your held breath as you great them, first shaking RM's hand as they return your greeting before stepping back and bowing as best you can as you introduce yourself.
This prompts a round of mostly redundant introductions from the members, starting with RM and then continuing down the line until they'd all politely introduced themselves.
You can't quite stop yourself from running your hands through your hair as you take them in.
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babyarmybabbles · 27 days
Run ARMY! (Arrival Part) a2 d2
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader won the opportunity to film a spin off of Run BTS! celebrating the boys return from enlistment, called Run ARMY!, over the course of seven days.
Word Count: 1,836
Notes: This fic fights me so much, it's so difficult to write, but I love the idea so much, so I'm stubbornly refusing to quit lmao. I'll figure it out eventually. For now, enjoy this fragment. Could probably use some formatting and clarity edits.
Took Inspirations from Run ARMY! series on Tik Tok by _yamanika_ and Guess The Bias! by HelloMyAlien7 on Ao3
Warnings: Reader is a bit of an anxious mess
Masterlist Link <3 | Prev Part Link c: | Next Part Link :D
It wasn’t until your plane was landing on South Korean soil that the reality of your situation really started to sink in. Namely, that your situation was reality at all. Really, who could blame you? With the 15 hour flight behind you there were less than 24 hours between you and meeting BTS.
Less than 24 hours between you and filming with BTS.
It still felt like a dream as you disembarked from the plane and started heading to customs. Quite frankly you were still in shock about the whole thing. It felt like everything was progressing way too quickly, even though it had already been nearly two months since your name had initially been drawn from the Weverse raffle.
Honestly, even entering the raffle had been no more than a matter of rote to you. A notification from Weverse had announced a new special season of Run BTS! to celebrate the group's return from enlistment. The twist that made it special? They were going to pick one lucky Korean-speaking ARMY to film the series with BTS. Of course you'd entered the raffle. Hell, you're sure ARMY that didn't even meet the Korean speaking requirement had entered it.
It's just that you had never expected to win. You'd never even entertained the possibility. It had been just another of those things you did because you'd be wasting your fanclub membership otherwise. And also because you'd be insane not to. You'd giggled and done the whole "but what if?" routine with your ARMY friends, of course, but you'd never, ever, in a million years, believed your name would be picked. Never thought that one in ten million chance opportunity would be yours.
You make it through customs relatively unscathed and once more think that time is passing way too fast. You are maybe having the mental breakdown that had been pending since you'd received that fateful email from Hybe. You're not sure if you'd been able to hold it off until now through the sheer power of disbelief or if you'd simply been too busy.
Although a lot of the planning, and all of the expenses, for this trip were handled by Hybe you'd still had a pretty short window of time to sort your life out for a 9 day international vacation. Submitting your PTO request, finishing projects at work, dusting off your rusty Korean skills, making sure your passport was up to date, getting your visa sorted, finding someone to water your plants for you, corresponding with a freaking Hybe representative about details.
It had been a lot. Still was, actually. You move slowly through Incheon airport toward the baggage claim, taking your time to make sure you read the signs correctly. You always got anxious about getting lost in airports, no matter how many you'd been in. You were always convinced you were heading to the wrong place until you got there.
You’re sort of still sure you’re in the wrong place, actually. Just - in general. Not because of the airport specifically. Being in Korea, about to be carted off for last-minute paperwork and interviews, with intent to spend several days in the presence of your idols. You know you being here was a matter of random chance, but you can’t help but feel unworthy and out of place.
Mostly out of place. You’d never been the sort to do everything in your power to cross paths with your idols, and yet here you were. In fact, you’d maintained for years now that if you’d ever come across an idol in the wild you’d turn tail and run. You’re not sure how you’re going to handle being in close quarters with seven of them. You might faint. Actually, scratch that, you can almost guarantee you will.
You scoff at yourself a little bit. Here you are, about to live every AMRY's dream, and you're driving yourself into a panic attack at the baggage claim instead of enjoying it. Your luggage makes its slow and tottering way around the carousel, and you make no move to reach it any faster. Reality continues to make its presence known as your bag comes closer. By now, your fear has almost entirely overridden any excitement you're supposed to feel.
You swear that when you’d boarded your flight you’d been appropriately giddy. It's just that you're realizing some things right now. Like the fact you'll be spending a week in a house with seven strange men. Men you know of but have never met before. Men who are most assuredly stronger and more fit than you in every way. Men you've admired for years now. Men you are 100% sure to embarrass yourself in front of at some point.
Really, that's just a fact. It's a fact that feels scary right now, what with your anxiety overtaking your brain, but a fact nonetheless. You were a bit of an embarrassing person, and usually you'd embrace that, but right now it feels like a death knell.
You know that once the thing is actually happening and you don't have all this apprehension hanging over you anymore, you’ll be fine. You'll realize that everyone there are just people. That they're not so far off from yourself. You'll be far too busy being in the moment to cater to your anxiety. Everything will be fine.
If the voice in your head soothing you right now sounds more like your therapist than yourself, well, that’s for you to know. You’d internalize those kinder thoughts eventually. Your therapist said you would, anyways.
Your luggage is in front of you before you’re really ready. You're not really calm, but you’re not panicking either. You figure that’s as good as you’re gonna get, pull your big kid pants up over your anxieties and insecurities, and heave your luggage off of the conveyor belt. You suck in a stuttering breath and let it out smoother than it came in. The easy parts of this trip - the flight and the freaking out - were over. It’s time to find your ride.
You turn on your heel with a bit of determined flair. Dramatic? Maybe. But the animated movement makes you feel better and refocuses your attention to the task at hand. You let that energy carry you as stomp your way toward the loading area.
It doesn’t take you long to settle down and walk like a normal person again, but you cling tightly to the momentary confidence. You'll need it to bullshit your way through the next nine days. Finding the loading area you’d been told you’d be picked up from doesn’t take long either, and soon you’re paused off to the side to double check your instructions.
Well, you say instructions, it was more just a kind email explaining what to expect when you made it to Korea. Aside from a description of the person picking you up (the same Hybe representative you’d been corresponding with the whole time, thankfully) they’d also informed you that there would be some last-minute paperwork and that you’d be meeting the PD in charge of the show before being taken for a few interviews and photos. You’d get your post-travel rest after all of that.
It takes you several minutes of frantic double-triple-quadruple checking of your email and carefully surveying the crowd of travelers before you manage to spot who you’re looking for. She’s clear across the loading area from you, because of course she is, that’s just your luck, and the bright red hairband on her head combined with the sign with your name written in bold English in her hands tell you you have the right person.
She’s intimidatingly pretty and combined with the sharp way she’s dressed, black blazer and slacks and all, kinda makes you feel very under dressed and small in your baggy hoodie and paint-stained sweats. It’s a volatile combination of anxiety and relief that fills you as you start picking your way through the crowd. You dodge and weave through other travelers and their luggage to the best of your ability, but there are only so many toes you can dodge with your own suitcase being merrily unwieldy beside you.
You come to a stop in front of her entirely too quickly and your brain stalls as you desperately try to remember how to behave like a normal, rational, human being in front of a very attractive person. You somewhat hysterically think It’s good practice for when you meet BTS tomorrow. You fall hard on your manners about it and timidly call for her attention before introducing yourself and asking if she was who you were supposed to be looking for.
She smiles gently at you and suddenly you're a lot less nervous. Her smile makes her look kind and approachable and you’re immediately put at ease.
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Cheong Haneul, and I'll be your liaison with Hybe for the duration of your stay." She finishes off her introduction with a neat bow, which you clumsily copy.
"Thank you for taking care of me." You reply awkwardly, wanting to be polite. Hopefully she’ll forgive your lack of social graces. Hurriedly, you push the conversation onward. "Uhm, sorry to be asking questions already, but what do you mean by liaison?"
Haneul waves a hand in dismissal of your apology and explains, "It just means I'll be in charge of you. Make sure you get to where you need to be, you have all the information you need, that sort of thing. Answering your questions is definitely part of that." Her charming little grin endears her to you further and stalls your nerves. You give a small smile back and soon enough the two of you are making your way to a black SUV parked nearby.
There’s a man in business attire waiting by the driver’s side door as you approach. Haneul introduces him briefly and you give him a nervous smile and profuse thanks as he helps load your suitcase and carry-on bag into the trunk. Your bulky backpack finds it’s way into the backseat with you as Haneul motions you ahead of her, following shortly after.
You can’t help but notice she’s about 20 time more graceful than you as she climbs into the vehicle. You resolve to take notes. Surely getting a good grade in entering vehicles is normal to want and possible to achieve. Surely. Soon enough all bags and passengers are safely loaded, and the SUV lurches into motion as you begin to leave behind the airport at last.
Hanuel turns to face you as you get going properly, and begins to speak.
“So, first things first, sorry to sweep you up as soon as you’ve landed, but we’ve got a couple of house-keeping things to get through before you meet the group tomorrow.” She takes a moment to pull a manila folder from the seat pocket in front of her, opening it to reveal a few packets of what looks like questionnaires.
"The PD
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babyarmybabbles · 27 days
Run ARMY! (Teaser Part) a2 d1
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader won the opportunity to film a spin off of Run BTS! celebrating the boys return from enlistment, called Run ARMY!, over the course of seven days.
Word Count: 446
Notes: Writing from a video POV and a second person POV at the same time was a super unique and fun challenge lol. Might bring back this sort of format later in the fic too. It'd be really fun, I think. Maybe add a comment section for reactions? That'd be cool.
Took Inspirations from Run ARMY! series on Tik Tok by _yamanika_ and Guess The Bias! by HelloMyAlien7 on Ao3
Warnings: None that I know of?
Masterlist Link <3 | Next Part Link :D
The video opens on you sitting in a chair in the middle of a plain white room, your face blurred for now. Subtitles appear next to you, asking you a question.
You’re about to spend Seven days filming with BTS, how are you feeling?
“I’m super nervous, honestly!” You laugh, voice just a bit distorted. “I’ve never filmed anything before, and meeting BTS on top of that? It’s all very scary.”
The footage cuts to show the BTS members lined up in an underground parking garage, fidgeting and chatting excitedly next to a group of 3 SUVs. Another cut shows a 4th SUV arriving. The vehicle comes to a stop just a bit away from the other SUVs and the door slides open. The video cuts back to the white room before whoever’s inside can be seen.
Have you ever seen them live before?
“I’ve never had the chance, no. Getting tickets is a competitive sport I’m not equipped for.”
What are you most looking forward to this week?
“Is it bad if I don’t say meeting the members?” You ask sheepishly, hand coming up to rub your neck, “I’m most looking forward to the time off work, I think. It’s been a long while since I’ve had a vacation, and even longer since I’ve goofed off with a group. I’m extremely excited to meet them, don’t get me wrong, but I’m even more excited to play games and be silly with them.”
A series of clips takes over the screen, showing you and the members playing games and being loud, your face still blurred. [Fill in with scenes as you write them]
Is there anything you’d like to say to the rest of ARMY?
“First, I’m so grateful for this amazing opportunity, this is way beyond my wildest dreams, honestly. I never thought I would be able to attend a concert, never mind meet them!” You lean back and make a large gesture with your hands, trying to express how crazy you found the whole thing. “Being here, I feel like a representative of ARMY as a whole, so I’ll shoulder the love of ARMY and convey it to the members as best I can.” You nod decisively as you speak and shoot a quick finger heart at the camera, “I’ll do my best!”
The video ends with the intro to Run BTS!, showing quick shots of all the members. Once all the members are shown there’s a final slide showing your silhouette littered with question marks and labeling you ARMY. The final title card, rather than showing the normal “Run BTS!” graphic, shows “Run ARMY!” laid over your silhouette instead of the BTS logo.
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babyarmybabbles · 27 days
Barista Soulmate (Dream Part) a1 d1
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader owns a café in Seoul, known for being private, discreet, and delicious among those in the entertainment industry. The owner happens to be the final piece of the well-known 7-member soulmate cluster and global superstars BTS. Not that anyone knows that.
Word Count: 1,034
Notes: This is really just one really long stream of consciousness as I tried to flesh out some ideas. Way too much exposition, not enough BTS lol. It doesn't capture the vibe I want at all, a bit to factual. I'll have to tap into my education in poetry for this when I come back to it lol. I think a lot of the exposition here will be saved for when BTS and Reader actually start talking lol
Warnings: None that I know of?
Masterlist Link <3 | Prev Part Link c: | Next Part Link [not written </3]
You open your eyes to a meadow. Today, the weather is beatific, the soft rustling of the breeze caressing the grass peaceful and calming. The shade of the single massive oak tree shields you from the sun overhead and keeps you comfortable. Warm, but not hot. Cool, but not cold. You look out and can see for forever, if not for the fuzzy edges of your vision and the gentle fog obscuring the ground.
A soft snore comes from your lap and you look down, already smiling indulgently. You’re met with the head of a man, fast asleep and not to wake any time soon. Around you are six other, similarly slumbering, men in various stages of sprawled out and cuddled up on the large picnic blanket.
You don’t remember when you started having this dream. It must of been somewhen during high school, but you never could remember the timing. The meadow hadn’t been a meadow back then, just an endless expanse of foggy white and a ground made of clouds.
The grass still felt like clouds when you laid on it, you knew. It always would, you hoped.
The development of this place had been as gradual as your own growth. The grass had been first, the first time the fog had receded enough to see more than your own hands in front of your face. It must have been around the time you’d discovered your love of baking.
You’d felt so alone and lost back then. Scared of the future, of change and of time. It’d been your grandfather who’d pulled out the dusty cookbook of the grandmother you’d never known and taught you how to create magic with just her ghost by his side. You could never truly express how much you loved him for that.
Baking had saved you, given you love and direction and purpose. The day you’d realized you’d bake for eternity if given the chance, you’d gained ground, literally, in your dream.
It probably meant something you should speak to a therapist about, but this place was yours, and you would never share it. Another snore sounds out, this time from somewhere at your hip.
Well, you correct, you’d share it with your boys. No one else though.
To this day you had no idea who or what these seven men were meant to be, but they were yours. That’s all that really mattered to you here, in this simple space.
You’d found them not terribly long after you’d gained your ground. You’d been walking around, examining the tiny wildflowers that had begun popping up, on a day that the fog had cleared much more than it usually would.
They’d been sprawled all around, none closer than a few feet from the others. You’d found yourself unable to move them, and unwilling to leave them, alone and vulnerable. You’d sat yourself right there in the middle of them all, determined to keep watch over them.
You weren’t sure what you were protecting them from, but you’d been unmovable in your conviction that you would. That was the day your oak tree had begun to grow, long before you had ever dreamed of any sort of sky.
The first time it had rained in your dream had been a terrible affair. Your oak tree had still been just a sapling, offering you no shade from the harsh, ripping wind or the freezing rain. You’d started that dream sobbing into your knees. About what, you couldn’t remember now, but it had felt like the world was ending at the time.
After a moment you’d remembered about the seven men around you and realized that if you felt so horrible in the rain, then they must have too.
You weren’t always able to see the boys. Often they were obscured by the fog that obscured everything else in your dream. That day, in particular, you could barely see your own hands, let alone the boys scattered around.
Still, you’d stumbled around blindly, finding each one and covering them with soft blankets you didn’t remember having that somehow never got wet from the rain. You set up umbrellas to cover their faces and as much of their bodies as you could, and prayed that they’d be able to weather the storm with you this way.
Then you’d gone back to your post in the center of them all, curled up on the ground, and wept.
Ever since then you’d realized you could care for them, even if they only ever moved by some force you didn’t understand. You’d made sure to visit each one where they lay, soothing worry lines and talking about everything and nothing. Every time it stormed you were there to shelter them as best you could, and every sunny day you made sure nothing disturbed their peace.
Over time your oak tree grew, offering you shelter of your own, and the boys migrated closer and closer together by the day, centering on your long-held post between them. There were thousands of millions of tiny caring gestures between you now, though you doubt these men would ever know.
When they’d gotten close enough for you to touch all of them at once without leaving your spot you’d gained your little picnic blanket, an extra layer of comfort to the soft fuzziness calm days in this place bring.
These days your oak tree was so large that you couldn’t wrap around it even if there were three of you. You’d often end up with one man or another in your lap, snuggled into your hip, or otherwise draped over you. The others were often in different arrangements of snuggling amongst themselves or sprawled out in the sunlight. They remained deep in slumber, not one of them stirring for anything.
You absently pet the hair of the man in your lap and earn yourself a contented sigh. You can’t stop yourself from humming the tune of a lullaby as you rest your head against the trunk of the tree at your back.
You feel yourself being lulled to sleep yourself and smile at the prospect of a new day. Your days always started wonderfully when you had this dream.
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babyarmybabbles · 27 days
Barista Soulmate (Café Part) a1 d3
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader owns a café in Seoul, known for being private, discreet, and delicious among those in the entertainment industry. The owner happens to be the final piece of the well-known 7-member soulmate cluster and global superstars BTS. Not that anyone knows that.
Word Count: 2,010
Notes: I've got a lot of ideas for this fic, and I've already restructured the world building like 80 times. This part does not feature any members of BTS, but it does feature Changbin and Yeonjun :D Yeonjun is important UvU This is probably the only part I have rn that won't be entirely redone lmao. This beast is hard to write bc I have a very specific vibe in mind for it.
Warnings: None that I know of?
Masterlist Link <3 | Next Part Link :D
You hum tunelessly to yourself as you bustle around your silent cafe. The sweet smell of the pastries currently baking in the backroom and the soft light of the pre dawn hours are your only companions as you lightly dance around sweeping the floor and watering the plants that need it. Just like every morning, you entertain yourself with your own music before the playlist that’ll take over your entire day begins to play. You could always change it, but the mix was soothing to you after 3 years.
You’d moved to Seoul for university about 4 years ago, promptly dropped out, and used your life savings to buy your cramped little café. It’d been your dream to expand it, once, but by now everything from the kitchen you could barely move in, to the single cozy bay window seat, to the tight alley that your front door opened to was precious to you. You’d poured your soul into this little place, and moving was unthinkable now.
You could certainly afford to do so at this point though. When you’d first opened you’d had to camp out in your closet-like break room, no other home to speak of. After about a year you’d proven to the locals that you brewed the best coffee in Seoul and baked a mean muffin to boot. You’d gained enough loyal regulars to keep your head afloat and, as word spread and you got busier, enough to afford your own apartment nearby.
Your café stayed right where it was, though. It would stay there for a long time, if you had any say about it. Your cramped little alley and crowded four walls had soaked up all the love and comfort you could bear to exude and at this point you felt as if the building had taken on a soul of its own with everything you’d given for it.
Your customers sure seemed to appreciate it, at least. You’d lost count of how many times your café had been described to you as lovely or cozy or homey. You’d strived to create a safe haven between these four walls, for you and for your customers. A place to put down their busy lives and rest for a spell, and a menu that allowed them to take a piece of warmth and healing with them when they leave.
Just as you finish your sweeping and begin to open your register, a knock sounds on the large bay window by your front door. You look up to see a familiar silhouette dressed head to toe in black, face covered with a black ball cap pulled low and face mask. Once he sees he has your attention he waves cheerfully. You make a face and stick your tongue out at him, going back to opening your register.
You can’t help the smile that breaks across your face when his offended wail manages to make it into the building despite your locked doors. Luckily for him, the register was the last thing you had to do before going back into the kitchen, which could wait the 10 minutes it’d take to greet him.
You finish up and able your way towards the door, café now completely silent as your humming stops. You take your time unlocking your heavy wooden door and swing it open only a crack, just enough to peak your head through.
Sure enough, Changbin’s recognizable girth greets you when the sunlight meets your face. You can’t help the smile that crosses your face when you see him, but you narrow your eyes into a suspicious glare anyways.
“We’re closed.” You deadpan, cackling internally as his face screws up enough at your taunt for you to tell behind his mask.
“I know the owner, she always lets me in,” Is his smug retort and, well, you can’t deny that. He was one of your best customers after all. There’s a shocked choke from behind him, and for the first time you notice the slighter figure hovering somewhat timidly behind Changbin. Immediately you straighten up and lose the mischief to your smile.
“You should have told me you brought me a new customer, Binnie!” You scold him with a laugh, “I’d have prepared a warmer welcome.” You don’t recognize the man he’s brought with him, but you assume he’s another idol. The new faces your Idol regulars bring with them usually are.
Being located on the edge of Nonhyeon-dong bordering Cheongdam-dong means that you see quite a few idols just casually hanging around. After the first had indulged in the caffeinated goodness you specialized in, more and more had trickled in over time. These days it was rare you didn’t see at least one in a day. Even the ones like Changbin, who’s companies were a bit farther away, tended to stop by once a week or so.
You like to think it’s because your coffee is just that godly, but in all honesty it probably had just as much to do with the private location and low foot-traffic.
“You didn’t give me a chance!” Changbin complains, gently sliding past you as you finally open the door, holding it open as both idols make their way inside.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s your fault for always stopping by before we open.” You snipe back, moving behind the counter to start his usual order as he pulls your chairs down from the tables like he works here. His friend hovers somewhat anxiously as he does this, but the action only takes him a moment due to how few tables you have. When he’s done he swings a chair around to take a seat. His friend follows suit and you have to wonder when Changbin will either introduce him or order for him.
Changbin brings a dramatic hand up to his chest to feign hurt as he leans back in his seat. “I’m hurt, really I am! I thought we were friends!” you roll your eyes at him fondly.
“If we were such good friends,” You state him primly, “You’d’ve told me you had a show I’d be able to attend soon.”
He perks up at this, eyes sparkling as he forgets his dramatics, “Wait, seriously?” he asks, “Which one? I’ll get you a good ticket!” You scrunch your nose up at him.
“I’m not telling you! I got the ticket I have fair and square, like a proper STAY. You don’t get to take fan status away from me.” His answering groan is music to your ears and you round the counter with his drink in hand to set it in front of him.
“C’mon, I could beg for us to commission you for catering and all!” He whines.
“Even more reason not to tell you,” You tease, “It’s on my birthday, I don’t wanna work on my birthday.”
You ignore his gaping visage, aware that you’d just dropped a bit of a bomb on him, and turn to his forgotten friend.
“Since this lug seems to have forgotten his manners, hi, I’m the owner of this café.” You greet. You introduce yourself briefly and then proceed to ask if he’d like anything to drink. “On Binnie’s tab, of course.” You barely hold back your amusement as that breaks the beefy man from his daze and he starts to protest.
“Ah, I’m Yeonjun,” He returns your introductions, “Uh, an iced americano would be fine, please.” You don’t recognize the name off the top of your head, but if he becomes a regular you’d need to find a way to support his group, so you’d look it up after he left.
You’d done the same with every new group to pass through your doors. The majority didn’t know about this, of course, but as your largest (and largest-tipping) regular customer-base, you’d decided it was the least you could do. A few times the idols had been the only thing between you and sleeping in the break room again, so you felt you owed them what support you could afford to give.
Besides, your new customers very often ended up on your café playlist after a while, so it all worked out.
As you make your way back behind the counter to make Yeonjun’s drink, Changbin jumps up to follow you.
“Wait, wait, wait,” he stammers, “No, we gotta rewind, what do you mean your birthday?” He questions insistently.
“I mean my birthday is the same day as one of your upcoming shows,” you explain slowly, like he’s dumb. He’s not, you know, you’re simply enjoying riling him up far too much. You know exactly why he’s freaking out. After all,
“I’ve known you for a year and a half!” He bursts, “How is this the biggest hint I’ve ever gotten about when your birthday is?!”
“Because you don’t need to know.” You inform him. “You’d try to do something, and I don’t want you to.” He groans again, sinking down to lay his head on the counter.
He removes himself from his sulk just enough to pull out his phone and check his calendar.
“We just announced the tour, but it’s gotta be a Seoul date, right?” He mutters to himself, “We’ve only got four...” He trails off, looking up to glare at you as you work. “I will figure it out!” You smile and reach across the counter to pat his head.
“Good luck with that, bud.” You know damn well that those four shows are two sets of two set decently far apart. The only real hint for your birthday will be that the Café will be closed. Unfortunately for Changbin, he will be performing that day.
Yeonjun apparently has had enough of being sidelined and involves himself in the conversation, “Maybe I should come around and investigate,” he muses, “I could be free.”
You finish up the drink you were working on and ring up both drinks on the register. You push the card reader toward Changbin’s pouting form as you round the counter to hand the americano off to Yeonjun. The slumped idol pulls out his wallet begrudgingly, but does pay. If you know him well at all, he’s even left you a nice tip, despite your constant ribbing.
“As long as you don’t tell Binnie your findings, all is well,” You agree peaceably. Yeonjun snickers as he accepts his drink from you.
“Oh, of course,” he nods sagely, the both of you enjoying Changbin’s long suffering noises behind you. Yeonjun takes advantage of the lull in conversation to take a sip of his americano.
Changbin straightens up and turns to watch Yeonjun with a certain gleam in his eyes as the other idol takes the first sip of his drink. You watch Yeonjun’s eyes widen in surprise as the taste hits his tongue, pausing just to look at his cup with awe.
“I told you,” Changbin pipes up, “Best in Seoul.” he states proudly, as if it’s his café instead of yours. You can’t help your fond smile as you shake your head at him.
Yeonjun looks up at you like you’ve handed him the holy grail. “I’m going to need, like, four gallons of this.” He tells you seriously. You laugh and wave him off, promising him that he’s welcome to come to the café anytime.
You take a glace at the wall clock above the counter and begin ushering the boys to take their leave.
“I’m sure you both have places to be, and I have a café to actually open,” You aim the last part of your statement at Changbin, who only smiles unrepentantly. He’s the only idol who’d ever taken your promise of ‘welcome anytime’ 100% seriously. It’s the reason you’re such close friends now, but it does mean that the man shows up at every odd hour.
Both idols leave with smiles and drinks, and you can’t help but think that if a bit of a detour in your routine is the price for all of your days starting out well, then it wasn’t really much of a price at all.
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babyarmybabbles · 27 days
W.I.P Glossary & Master List
Ok, so, I'm gonna start posting w.i.ps here shortly, but like. As writing process archives? I just think it'll be fun. I'm posting this in advance bc my organization system is a bit weird. BTS fics will be here at @babyarmybabbles and SKZ fics will be @staybabblingbaby. I may make another side blog for other fandoms I write for, but we'll see. All fics are xReader unless otherwise indicated. Stuff and Things under the cut :D
Bear w me bc I don't usually do text posts and have no practice with formatting yet lol
Attempt - A draft with major changes. Wording changes of a paragraph or more (not including completely new material), changes in POV, setting changes, characterization changes, etc, are included in this. Abbreviated as a(#) [e.g. Title a(1) d(4)] Draft - A manuscript that has been edited. Even minor edits like grammar and spelling corrections are a new draft. These are labeled, but only saved as new files in intervals of 5. Abbreviated as d(#) [e.g. Title a(1) d(4)] Addition - A manuscript that has been added to enough to warrant a new post.
My intent is to upload all new Attempts, Drafts in intervals of 5, and Additions in intervals of 1,000 words or more. My hope is something of a progress log? I think it'll be fun, help me keep track of what I've done, and help motivate me.
Master List:
Run Army AU: Current Total Word Count: 5,064
Run ARMY! (Teaser Part) a2 d1 - 446 Words, Posted 5/12/24 Run ARMY! (Arrival Part) a2 d2 - 1,836 Words, Posted 5/12/24 Run ARMY! (Arrival Part) a3 d2 - 1,862 Words, Posted 5/26/24 Run ARMY! (Meet Part) a1 d3 - 1,095 Words, Posted 5/13/24 Run ARMY! (Cooking Part) a2 d3 - 733 Words, Posted 5/13/24 Run ARMY! (1st Game Part) a1 d2 - 954 Words, Posted 5/13/24
Barista Soulmate AU : Current Total Word Count: 3,044
Barista Soulmate (Café Part) a1 d3 - 2,010 Words, Posted 5/12/24 Barista Soulmate(Dream Part)a1 d1 - 1,034 Words, Posted 5/12/24
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