#Remus Lupin & Marlene McKinnon Friendship
Marauders era characters incorrect quotes: at the potter's house
James: what’s worse than a heartbreak?
Marlene: living with parents who are homophobic
Sirius: living with your parents
Regulus: living
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starchasersversion · 2 months
everyone talking about rare relationship but what about RARE FRIENDSHIPS? here's my favourite ones i have seen
reg and marlene
james and pandora
james and dorcas
sirius and barty
reg and mary
evan and remus
peter and reg
marlene evan and barty
lily and barty
sirius and pandora
and probs others that i have forgotten
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moonagedaydream13 · 3 months
i need friends that i can talk to about the marauders with please!!!
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swag696942069 · 6 months
What if! The Black Brothers and Rosier Twins were friends growing up. Regulus and Pandora have always been close, but Evan and Sirius use to be close, cause they were the older of the siblings (I headcanon Evan to be the older twin, and that their birthday is before Regulus's), and other reasons, but mostly that. What if a few days before Sirius left for Hogwarts, the Rosiers spent the night, and while Reg and Dora were asleep, Sirius made Evan promise to watch over Reggie while he was gone. What if Sirius told Evan that it was his responsibility to watch over Dora and Reg now that he was gone at school, just like how Bellatrix told Andromeda, who told Narcissa, who told Sirius. What if that's why Evan and Reggie, initially, became best friends? They were obviously friends before, but they weren't super close until Sirius left. What if Evan was just as devastated as Reg when Sirius came back for Christmas holiday and realized he had changed? What if that made him resent Sirius a little, what if seeing Regulus be hurt by it as well made him resent him even more? What if, despite Evan resenting Sirius a bit, he still tried to be his friend (cause I believe they were each others first best friend that weren't their siblings)? What if Evan convinced Regulus and Pandora to find Sirius on their first train ride to Hogwarts, because he wanted to sit with him? What if when they found him, he was already sitting with his Gryffindor friends and was mad that they had come to find him so he took them out of the compartment and told them, in French, that they weren't kids anymore and they don't have to follow him everywhere he goes, that he has his own friends now and doesn't need them pestering him, what if that's the first time Evan thought he hated Sirius? But what if, despite hating Sirius, he still followed his orders of taking care of Reg and Dora? What if that's (part of) the reason why he joined the Death Eaters in the first place, so he could take care of Regulus? What if Regulus saw Evan more like a big brother than Sirius after Sirius left him? What if that made Sirius hate Evan? What if they both died hating their first friend?
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"Do you think I am a slut, Remus?"
Mary Macdonald was certainly something. She was not only a very pretty girl but also very confident. From all the girls in Remus's friend group, she was the most intimating of them all. Mary was one of the reasons why Remus asked himself: "Why was I gay again?" Silly little inquiry actually when he remembered he was head over heels for his best friend.
It was why Remus got a little nervous when he found Mary Macdonald crying alone in the Common Room. Honestly, he just wanted to have a quiet smoke.
It was after Mary cried on his shoulder and he comforted her, that Mary came up with that question, leaving Remus speechless.
OK, Mary had acquired a reputation thanks to her history with boys. But she never seemed to care about what they said about her.
"God, just be honest" Mary sniffed and wiped her nose.
Remus believed she looked even more pretty like that. Without makeup and her curls tied in the back. She also looked vulnerable with her watery eyes and red cheeks.
"Yeah, you kind of are" Remus answered carefully "But is not necessarily a bad thing!" he added quickly next.
Mary just blinked at him.
"You do enjoy boys and sex. What seems to be the problem, am I right?"
Mary laughed and Remus didn't know if it was because of what he had said or how nervous he had sounded.
"People seem to believe girls need to be more pure and chaste" Mary tutted "But not so much because otherwise you are a prude. You don't want to know the things they say about Lily instead"
"Fuck them" Remus murmured
"Boys, on the other hand, can fuck whoever they want"
"Unless you are a gay boy" Remus shrugged, making Mary smile. But she looked sad altogether.
"You are just a pretty girl who gains the attention of boys. That doesn't make you a slut or a bad person. I mean it is normal to want you and you have the right to be confident about how pretty you are"
It took so much effort to say these words out loud. Mary's eyes stared intensely. No shame there. The whole time Remus felt his face was burning. And he felt like a total twat.
It was even more embarrassing when Mary leaned closer to give him a chaste kiss on his lips. And it was even more embarrassing when Remus opened his lips for her, making the kiss even better.
It was completely different to what he used to do with boys. Even more different than when he kissed Emmeline back when he didn't know if he was gay. Bloody hell, he was gay!
But this felt different somehow. He felt comfortable. He wanted this. But at the same time the want he had for Mary was more sweet. This wasn't hot or sexy. It was like hugging a mate. More intimate, though not to the point of being romantic.
And it wasn't awkward when they broke apart. Remus knew Mary was still the best friend she had been seconds ago.
"Oh God, I am really a slut, aren't I?" Mary laughed. Remus followed her lead.
"I just kissed you and you are gay" Mary added with embarrassment "Cause you are gay, right?"
Remus nodded "I am gay" he said mostly to convince himself.
Mary raised her eyebrow as of to say: You don't sound sure.
So Remus answered:
"I am sure... Yeah... Of course I am"
Mary giggled in response. She really did have a power. That was why she was so attractive. That was why Peter had her on his list for pinning after. And shit! Peter was going to kill him if he found out about this kiss.
"Are you going to light that up?" Mary asked pointing to Remus's cigarette behind his ear.
"Do you smoke?"
"Nop" Mary snapped "Absolutely hate the smell. But I kind of need it now"
"Right..." So Remus put it on his mouth, found the lighter on his pocket and lit the fag for Mary.
As it was expected, she coughed the first time.
"Bloody horrid thing!!" Mary protested while Remus smiled. Then Mary kept smoking more.
Just like that, they ended up sharing the cigarette. First in complete silence. Then Mary had to talk because she wasn't herself being quiet.
"Can I ask you something, Remus?"
"Do you fancy Sirius Black?"
Remus couldn't be more obvious because he choked and it was his turn to cough.
"I'll take that as a yes" Mary grinned as she took a drag. She had acquired a funny way to hold the fag between her fingers.
"What makes you say that?" Remus asked trying not to sound panicked.
"I notice things" Mary smiled "That's why you didn't want a boyfriend, yeah?"
Mary and the girls had tried all term to set Remus up with someone. And of course Remus had said no. He had been pinning for his best friend.
Remus nodded in response. Then he let out a sigh before taking a drag himself.
"Bloody hell, you are like properly in love with him, aren't you?"
Remus blushed unconsciously.
"Holy shit!!" Mary squealed, covering her mouth "For real?"
"It doesn't matter" Remus closed his eyes in frustration "He doesn't feel the same"
"Have you told him?"
Yes. In fact he had. After months of snogging casually he had dared. But Sirius had said it all had been a mistake. They weren't in speaking terms now. Remus was furious and hurt.
"Yeah and he doesn't feel the same"
Mary touched his chin simpathetically. Remus gave her a small smile not to seem pathetic.
"And it wouldn't work just snogging another hot bloke to forget about him?"
Remus snorted "I think I need time to start doing that"
"OK" Mary winked "Let me know if you want me to find you someone nice"
"I'll think about it" Remus answered "What about you? Do you fancy Adam?"
It had been recently that Marlene had found her best friend kissing her older brother Adam in a party. The two girls had been fighting ever since. But Remus didn't know the details. There was drama within the Marauders as well. Remus was angry at Sirius for playing with him. And James was angry at both for lying to him. And Peter didn't know which side to take.
Mary openly laughed.
"Of course not!" she exclaimed "It was just a silly little crush" she shook her head "And obviously it wasn't reciprocated"
Remus thought about the time over the summer when he found Adam with his tongue down some bloke's throat. But it wasn't his business to tell.
"Good because loving someone actually sucks" Remus said it just to make Mary laugh.
But she was thoughtful.
"I've never been in love" Mary said "I mean I know the concept from films and books. And I think it is absolutely cute. Like I love to see James and Lily so happy for example" Mary smiled, making Remus do the same "But when I think myself in that situation, it just seems ridiculous. I don't think love is for me. Sometimes all I want is to snog around"
Remus chuckled at the last part.
"Fucking hell! I don't really care about Adam!" Mary groaned "All I want now is to get Marlene back" Mary sighed "Love is what I feel for her, Remus. My Marly..." her eyes filled with tears "And my Lils... And you boys" she touched his cheek "My wonderful friends. I mean friendship.... It is love, right?"
Remus thought about what he felt for The Marauders. How at this point he would die for them. How it didn't matter what he felt for Sirius, he was willing to give it up so the integrity of the Marauders didn't crumble. How he felt joy and peace when they were all together and he missed them when they were not around. He thought about Lily and her sweet smile. Their complicity together and their chemistry from day one. And he thought about Marlene and how chaotic she was but how much Remus liked her for that. And now how close and comfortable he felt with Mary.
"Yeah it is a beautiful kind of love" Remus answered.
Mary gave him a smile and she placed her head on his shoulder. Remus hugged her tightly.
"Don't worry, Mary" he told her before kissing her head "We are going to fix everything with our friends and get them back"
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made-by-moon · 6 months
Marauders playing Monopoly:
Lily would bring monopoly to Hogwarts
Everyone was confused because of it but excited
Except Remus (he knows what is about to be unleashed)
Sirius and James would agrue cause they want the same counter
They resolved the conflict by wrestling (James won)
Remus would be the banker cause he doesn't trust others with it
Sirius would buy every single possession he landed on without second thoughts
James would hate it cause he would land on them just after Sirous bought them
Lily would lose her mind trying to trade with Sirius
"You don't even NEED this card! Just give it to me!!"
Marlene would hide money in her sleeves/pockets
And every time everyone thought she was bankrupt, she would take out ANOTHER STASH OF MONEY
Dorcas and Mary would partner up to collectively destroy Sirius, Lily and Marlene
With all that, no one really paid attention to Peter
He slowly built his empire in the pink section
He already had 4 houses on each possesion and they had to pay him a FORTUNE for each
He won in the end
Remus and Lily were extremely impressed
Inspired by the game I played yesterday with my friend and her siblings. Yes, it was monopoly. Yes, I absolutely DESTROYED THEM.
Also, I haven't seen this done with marauders, so ye. It needed to be done.
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Sirius would love watching Muggle teleshoppings on TV. He would be especially addicted to all the jewelry, but Remus would block all the phone numbers to those TV channels so Sirius couldn't buy anything.
Marlene watched it too and Dorcas didn't block the phone numbers yet so Sirius ordered an engagement ring for Remus through Marlene.
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jehcee · 8 months
James: boy friendships are the best.
Marlene: nope, it's not a good bond unless you get your periods around the same time.
Lily: You guys can get high together but NEVER get low on hormones together.
James: ... right
Regulus: what about trans rights bitches?
Remus: ...
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vomits0cutely · 1 month
Effie: *telling stories of baby James, baby Marlene and baby Peter, and their childhoods to their friends*
Effie: “mamí my phone is gonna die, the card isn’t working” and I’d ask everytime “are you with anybody?”
Effie: cause I always— moms wanna know — is my son alone or does he have a friend that he’s at least with? And it was always:
Effie: “yeah, Marls and Pete”. So there was always this Marls and Pete who was always with him. And I thought “thank goodness for Marlene and Peter”.
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solthewizard · 8 months
when any mario game starts marlene and james start wars over who gets to play yoshi
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I’ve been needing inspiration recently! any ideas for new fics on marauders, harry potter, or six of crows are appreciated! i can consider requests as well, so ask away!
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Contrary to popular belief, The Marauders are Marlene’s boys, not Lily’s
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fensherohair · 5 months
The Marauders & The Metamorphic Witch (Part 10)
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Words: 2.4K Warning: None Pronouns Used: She/Her
Gryffindor Tower was filled with tension. Anyone who entered the tower upon returning from Christmas break could feel the thick, heavy atmosphere almost instantly. The break had done little in the way of helping the Smith Twins; if anything, it felt as if their relationship had somehow broken down even more. (Y/N) had been thrilled when Lily and Marlene had returned with stories of their Christmas and New Year celebrations. She'd been the same with Remus, Peter, and James when they, too, stumbled through the portrait hole. Unusually (Y/N) had greeted all of them with a friendly hug, most if not all noticed how exhausted the metamorphic witch appeared. 
"Let her sleep," called Sirius upon noticing Peter creeping closer to (Y/N), napping on the sofa closest to the fire, the book she had previously been reading resting against her chest, with her cauldron and potion ingredients abandoned just in front of the sofa. For once, the metamorphic girl was peaceful, having spent the last two weeks being a mediator between the warring muggle-born sisters. "The last two weeks have taken its toll," he added, moving with James and Remus to an area near the fire. James and Peter took up the comfy armchairs with Sirus and Remus sitting on the floor in front of (Y/N) as if guarding her and keeping watch of her potion equipment. 
"That rough?" asked James, recalling reading the letters Sirius sent over the two weeks, just as he remembered Sirius' worry for (Y/N); all the drama warring between the two sisters had taken its toll. James had written back almost immediately, advising Sirius to remove (Y/N) from the situation, giving the idea to share the otherwise empty boys' dorm with her. 
"To be honest, it wasn't that bad when they were apart or around the professors," replied Sirius, recalling (Y/N)'s elder brother helping by taking Isolde out for a while; sometimes, they wandered the castle and went on discovery tours together. Other times, they'd go to the library or Hogsmeed. Just things they could do together. Every time, Hunter, without fail, would thank Sirius for looking out for (Y/N). "It's when they're together when things get explosive. It got to the point where they couldn't stand being alone together; Allegra is jealous that Isolde has everything she wants: friends, a boyfriend, popularity, and a good school life. A couple of days after Christmas, things blew up between them; the argument got so bad, old Slughorn had to come to break things up." 
"Ah, so that's what Lil and Mar are doing," commented Remus; he refused to think what the girl's dorm looked like after that explosive fight; after all, Allegra wasn't above taking or destroying things that didn't belong to her. Nor was she one who took responsibility for her actions; instead, she'd make excuses to try and wrangle her way out of the trouble she found herself in. "I'm glad we get the simple task of making sure this one sleeps," added the intelligent teen, looking over his shoulder before turning to remove the book (Y/N) had been reading, at least before it slipped from her loosening grip. 
"Animagus," spoke Sirius, upon noticing the chapter (Y/N) was reading before she'd finally answered the sweet call of sleep. "She's been doing a lot of research to help us out," he added, picking up some of the potion ingredients to inspect them. A smirk soon appeared upon noticing the small scribbles of notes under the cauldron. 
"Here comes trouble," squeaked Peter upon hearing Allegra yelling at some poor soul who'd likely gotten in her way, no doubt an unsuspecting first year. Mere seconds after the words left his lips, the muggle-born in question appeared from the spiral staircase, anger written across her reddened features, her lips pressed into a tight line, and her eyes blazing with fury as she stomped past, pushing other students out her way. 
"I'M GOING TO TELL MCGONAGALL. AT LEAST THAT WAY I'LL HAVE THE DORM TO MYSELF!" screamed Allegra, as she made a b-line for the portrait hole. Her screeching forced many close to her to cover their ears, whereas others turned to see what the chaos was about this time. Standing on the balcony above the spiral staircase were Marlene, Lily, and Isolde. The other Smith twin shook her head as if she had long since stopped caring for the constant drama and empty threats. Marlene soon left her spot and walked down the stairs to join the Marauders at the bottom and comfort a confused (Y/N) who'd been woken by the screaming. 
"Please do. I'm sure McGonagall will be interested to hear what you've been up to over the holidays," groggily voiced (Y/N) as she rubbed her eyes and tried to blink away her tiredness. Slowly, she shifted, sitting up and looking around for the book she'd previously been reading. Smiling in thanks when Remus handed it back to her. 
"I haven't done anything," replied Allegra confidently, although much quieter than before and with a shakey voice, as if the thoughts she tried to avoid and bury were gaining fearsome power. "Isolde is responsible for everything. Plus, what would you know, you avoided both of us most of the time," rudely remarked the muggle-born witch, a smug grin appearing as if she believed she'd won. 
"What happens when a Metamorphagi loses control of their ability?" questioned James, finding himself curious. There was little information about the Metamorphagus's abilities due to how rare they were. What little information there was mainly consisted of theories and speculation. All that was truly known was the ability appeared at random, it wasn't genetic or confined to one particular line. The only other thing known was that those gifted with abilities were known to have a curious nature, being mischievous and clumsy. 
"No one knows, mate," replied Remus, suggesting he'd done his own research at some point. "If our sweet (Y/N) is anything to go by, then it won't be good. Especially with her talent and knowledge of spells and potions," he added, throwing a grin (Y/N)'s way as if to offer her some comfort now it was dawning on her who had disturbed her sleep again. 
"That silencing spell is looking really good roundabout now," replied Isolde from the balcony, a cold expression painted on her features as she all but glared at her twin sister. Although she hadn't told anyone what had caused the breakdown over the Christmas break, she was at least glad (Y/N) hadn't been in the room at the time. "Sorry you were woken up (Y/N)," spoke the younger Smith twin, with sincerity flooding her voice, as her eyes landed on one of the girls she'd consider a part of her found family. 
"Where are you going, Wolffe?" asked James upon noticing (Y/N) shuffling across the sofa to move. Pulling herself free from the plush cushions, she reached to tidy up her potion equipment and notes. 
"My bolt hole, if I don't get away from all this, I'm gonna snap," commented (Y/N), walking towards the portrait hole and all but ignoring the disgusted look Allegra threw in her direction upon realizing she was one (Y/N) was trying to get away from. "You're free to join me, Potter, same with the rest of you," she added before climbing out the door with the clanging sound following her. Marlene soon ran to follow, curious to know more about the hiding place and wanting to catch up with her best friend. 
"Wolffe has a secret hiding place and didn't tell us?" spoke James, surprise lacing his voice and an act of hurt painting his features, although a playful grin soon took over. "Sirius ... what don't we know?" he questioned while gluing his attention on the pure-blood wizard across from him. Sirius merely grinned innocently before standing to his feet and grabbing the vials (Y/N) had left behind. 
"She found it during Christmas break, said the room just appeared out of nowhere," spoke Sirius, recalling (Y/N) all but dragging him to the fifth floor to show him the room that had randomly appeared when she was pacing the hall, trying to think of a way to stop the ongoing war between the Smith sisters. "She found it by accident while hiding from everything," he added, recalling the nights both had spent there, even recalling how the contents of the room changed several times. Several times, it appeared as another quieter dorm, complete with Gryffindor banners, beds, and a small seated area with a cozy fireplace. 
"Sirius" called Isolde from the balcony, sorrow written across her features as she began to realize just how much the tension and constant arguing had affected others around her and Allegra. "Tell (Y/N) I'm sorry, please. I didn't realize how much of a nightmare the Christmas break had become," she added with sadness before walking to the stairs with Lily. The redhead girl had noticed Allegra all but beaming with pride about causing another to suffer as if the entire thing was part of a large plot she was working on. 
"Don't worry, Issy. I'll let her know. You keep working on that spell," encouraged Sirius before leaving the common room, being followed by James and Peter; Remus was just ahead, having run to catch up with the pair of girls. "So what's a transfiguration potion?" asked Sirius upon reading over the scribbled notes (Y/N) had made; still, he could recall trying to decipher previous notes she'd scribbled on other pieces of parchment. 
"Turns the drinker into a predetermined animal or object. Not sure which yet," replied (Y/N), as she turned onto the grand staircase; once again, the stairs were moving around as if to make the task of getting to a specific location more difficult than it had to be. "See you guys there," she added before climbing onto the banister and allowing herself to fall from the other side. 
"I hate it when you do that," called Marlene as she reached the banister, only to see a raven perched on the banister just below, gawking as if to respond to her comment. 
"At least she's not a dragon," replied Remus, his imagination conjuring up the chaos that would ensue if (Y/N) did decide to become a dragon. Even more so after the havoc in the common room upon successfully producing the Patronus charm. 
"So are we cluing Mar into our little plan?" asked James, as he threw an arm around Marlene's shoulders and walked with her up the changing staircases, being sure to dodge the steps with the boogy traps and security measures to catch intruders unawares. 
"Which plan?" asked Sirius, seeing Marlene throw a curious glance in his direction. "The map one or the one that breaks most school rules and is potentially life-threatening?" he asked, moving some of his fluffy hair from his eyes before tripping up one of the stairs. He quickly righted himself before continuing on as if nothing happened. 
"(Y/N) clumsiness rubbing off on you?" asked Peter, although his question was more of a statement. 
"Nah, I just wanted to give the step a hug; it looked a little lonely up here on its own," commented Sirius before running off to chase the raven (Y/N) had transformed into. 
"I'm both curious about your plans and terrified by them," voiced Marlene, resigning herself to the fact her best friend was likely already aware of both plans and somehow involved in them. 
"The map one is harmless, just to settle our curiosity of how big the school and Hogsmeade actually are. Believe it or not, Snape gave us the idea," called Remus, attempting to settle Marlene's growing nerves. "The other one is what we needed (Y/N)'s help with. The potion is a git to brew, and we thought it would be better to have someone trusted around in case anything went wrong. (Y/N)'s abilities are the closest to what we're trying to achieve," he explained, trying to put the blonde at ease while also emphasizing their attempts to be safe while not alerting the professors they were doing something they probably shouldn't. 
"You're trying to become Animagi?" asked Marlene, displaying her knowledge and her observatory skills; a small grin appeared across her lips mere seconds later when James and Peter shared a concerned look, and Remus looked unsure. Sirius merely called down from his position to ask how she'd worked it out. "The only ability similar to that of a metamorphmagi that can be learned is that of the animagus. The ability to turn one's self into a specific animal at will. Normally, whatever animal you are at heart," she explained, although she did not say how she knew the information in question. 
"Guess we weren't as sneaky as we thought," replied Remus, acting as if he too was a part of the plan to become an animagi, if only to cover the real reason for his disappearances every month or at least keep it hidden from Marlene for a little bit longer. Although James, Peter, and Sirius had been accepting, as had (Y/N), he was still sure others wouldn't be. He was a werewolf, after all, something many considered to be a dangerous and inhumane creature and a being almost all the wizarding world looked down upon. 
"Hey, I only know about it because I stumbled across it while looking for information about Metamorphmagus abilities," quickly replied Marlene, stating she'd come across the information by accident but remembered it. She'd be lying if she said she hadn't thought about trying it, if only so she could share something unique with (Y/N). "I thought about trying it, but still not sure about the risks involved," she admitted, looking up in time to see (Y/N)'s confusion and Sirius' intrigue. 
"Woah, who turned you to the dark side?" called (Y/N) with a cheeky grin and a small chuckle. 
"You did," replied Marlene, "You're my best friend; I wanted to look out for you. When I came across the Animagus thing, I thought about it as something we could bond over. At least that way, I could have some understanding about your gifts, and you wouldn't feel so alone," she added, showing her reasonings weren't selfish. Instead, she wanted to understand her best friend and be there when (Y/N) needed someone the most. 
"Now I'm definitely going to do it. Can't have my dragon feeling lonely." declared Sirius as he walked down the fifth-floor corridor where the secret room seemed to appear randomly. 
"Wait, since when was I a dragon?" asked (Y/N), seemingly unbothered by someone claiming her as their own, or at least oblivious to it. 
"Since when was Black so damn open about his crush?" whispered James. 
"Looks like we missed a lot," replied Remus. 
"Oi Sirius, James wants to know when you become open with your crush on Wolffe?" yelled Peter before James could muffle his words with a hand over his mouth and a whisper shouted, shhh! 
(Y/N) and Sirius glanced at each other with mischief before chuckling and continuing to walk down the corridor. (Y/N) seemingly pacing as she waited for everyone else to catch up. 
"They'll work it out eventually," stated (Y/N), just loud enough for those approaching to hear and to spark more intrigue and curiosity. 
Series Masterlist
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maraudersmary · 4 months
dorcas meadowes headcanons <3
it’s about time i did the object of my affections
FIRSTLY i am so undecided on what house they’d be in (i don’t read much hogwarts stuff i prefer aus so it’s not something i really think about tbh) but i like both slytherin and gryffindor dorcas
really close with pandora (ravenclaw together?) it’s a friendship they never excepted and even fought it off at first but pandora was relentless and dorcas is forever grateful for that (think grumpy sunshine friendship)
THE most powerful witch of their age like voldy had to personally kill them?? what more do i have to say
they never died and lives happily with marlene and a kitten
due to this they have an academic rivalry with lily but they actually both love it and it motivates them to try their hardest even when it seems like a struggle. they soon bond over other things like muggle books and music, forming a real friendship
they became enamoured with marlene on the quidditch pitch, and through spending more time with her fell in love with the fire that burned so brightly in her.
became an auror, eventually progressing to being the chief of auror’s (or whatever the title for that is)
in a muggle universe they would have a powerful role in something creative; think top music producer, ceo of a gallery, tattoo artist with their own shop.
hates being called dorky or dorks unless it’s marlene or james for some reason
came out as non-binary at 19
likes to smoke weed but not with other people, a solitary smoker who uses it to reach their most creative self
the exception of this is of course pandora
didn’t want to join the war, but knew their power would be needed, and they couldn’t imagine a world where they let marlene fight and possibly die without doing everything in their power to prevent that
has a slightly strained relationship with mary, they are good friends and hang out all the time as a group, but mary and marlene’s past always sits in the back of dorcas’ mind
ignoring time periods… favourite music is velvet underground and nico, unknown mortal orchestra, LCD soundsystem, and big thief.
loves yorgos lanthimos
sees themself in many fictional characters, including but not limited to; spencer reid, spencer hastings, cristina yang, and emily prentiss.
can be emotionally avoidant, but works hard to be able to be present and honest for marlene.
both nostrils pierced and a vertical labret, likes to wear their hair in braids and matches rings in it with their other piercings (they are a gold person always). wears a LOT of bracelets and necklaces
struggles with their ambition, they see it as a positive force, but also like a burden as they often feel unhappy with their professional life when they’re not rising up the ranks fast enough.
despite this, they feel completely content and at peace with marlene and their little family (the friend group)
has a funny little friendship with remus. they don’t hang out very often just the two of them, but somehow seem to gravitate towards each other in group settings and dorcas innately trusts remus with a lot. their respective friendships with lily help this bond grow
so yeah, she is my girl fr <3
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swag696942069 · 6 months
Evan “Reg was his brother. He loved him like a brother. And when shit went down, he'd go to war like a brother.” Rosier
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bvrtysbvtches · 1 year
pandora was to regulus what lily was to remus
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