#Kronos x Rhea
godsofhumanity · 10 months
Rhea, staring at Kronos: Need a man who is battling inner demons. Battling inner demons and losing. It's only hot if he's losing.
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psychofandomlover15 · 6 months
PJO! HEADCANON!! Percy x Luke
Ok so you can use this with both female! And male! Percy.
So you now like in a lot of fics Percy is described with black hair, sea green eyes and tanned skin, right? And that he/she looks a lot like his/her grandmother, Rhea, right?
But, what if Luke looked a lot like Kronos?! Like imagine, they ( this is how I picture Kronos, ok?) Both have blonde hair and tanned skin, the only difference was that Luke had blue eyes and Kronos had golden eyes and of course Luke's scar.
But what if at the Battle of Manhattan they both look exactly like Kronos and Rhea and Percy and Luke are just their love story ( of course a little different tho) retold!?
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0lympian-c0uncil · 1 year
Rhea,*about Kronos*: What's the big deal! I used a condom.
Pheobe: Well your safe sex lecture payed off.
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satoshy12 · 4 months
Meeting the Clocky family
Kronos/Clockwork invited his family to his favorite son's birthday party.
Totally forgetting, he never told them he wasn't insane anymore and was doing much better.
Well, to be fair, Kronos just planned to invite Hestia and forget about the rest. Only she is a good girl, but once he wrote, she wrote back, thinking it was a trick.
So he allowed her to get the rest of them.
Danny: " So this is your family?"
Kronos;" Yeah. You ever read about the Titan of Time?"
Danny: " The one who ate... Oh, you really were crazy!"
Hestia:" It doesn't shock you that he eats us."
Danny:" And? He never tried to eat me."
Clockwork:" You barely have any meat."
Danny:" And a baby God has. "
Clockwork:" Yes. Believe me on that."
The seven children of Kronos and his wife weren't sure what to think.
Danny just blew a raspberry against Clockwork and joined the rest of Ghost for a talk.
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sarafangirlart · 4 months
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“What are you doing biological bro?”
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The only way to make Hades feel guilty about what he did to Hercules is for her to recollect how scared she was her grandchild was lost and she would put the nail in it that it was as bad as when Cronus swallowed both Poeisdon and Hades himself and she never htought she would go through that pain again. And again that stops Hades in his track because again big mama's boy and never wants to see his mother be so sad especially what she did for him and what his father put her through.
Oh, definitely!
Obviously, Rhea was never mentioned or shown in the movie, but I like to think that she too was very concerned for Zeus and Hera and her little grandchild and probably had to comfort Zeus a lot while he was forced to watch his only child grow up on Earth, never truly knowing who his real parents were until he was a teenager. Rhea knew what it was like to have to watch your children grow up from afar since she too had to send her boys away to be raised by nymphs in order to keep Kronos from hurting them or doing something to them (however, that didn’t stop him once the brothers came of age and he decided to start a whole war and swallow his sons).
But yeah, I think the saddest thing is that both in the movie AND the series, nobody ever found out that Hades was the one who turned Hercules into a demigod. Though, it’s understandable as to why, I mean, if anybody ever found out (especially Zeus and Hera) he’d be in for a quite the punishment. Zeus was FURIOUS when he discovered his son was missing and if he found out that his own little brother was the one to blame and was the reason why he was forced to watch his son be raised by mortals, oh man, I don’t even know what he’d do lol. But if his MOTHER found out! Oh man, she’d no doubt tell Zeus and then Hades would be in for it. Of course, his mom would go berserk if she knew, but I don’t think Hades has ever shared the secret of turning Hercules into a demigod with anyone except with his minions (and honestly I’m surprise they haven’t let that secret slip seeing as how they tend to accidentally spill the beans about their boss’ plans quite often in the show lol) and MAYBE Persephone, so I don’t think he’s even told his mother about it and probably never will (fearing what she or Zeus might do if they ever knew the truth).
But omg the shame and guilt Hades would feel if his mother knew or knowing how upset his mother was when it happened would just kill him (no pun intended lol). Like, Hades is a total mama’s boy and would never want to do anything to cause his mother pain or heartache, so it would totally eat him up inside if he knew how upset Rhea was when Hercules went missing. And I totally agree, like not only was she close to losing her own sons, but she had almost lost her grandson too, so it must’ve been tough for her to watch her eldest son go through what she basically and to go through.
I think if Hades did find out his mother was really broken up about Hercules going missing, he probably would’ve done something to save him, like look for his soul (because he was supposed to be dead the entire time until he learned that he was alive when he was 18) and bring him back or something or if he had learned that the plan failed and Hercules was still alive maybe he would’ve stolen Hercules back and turned him back into a god just for his mother’s sake because he would probably do anything to prevent her from heartache.
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gotstabbedbyapen · 21 days
But now we must know, what are your headcanons for the first generation of Gods siblings? Personally? Zeus isn’t allowed to swim with Poseidon cause they always fight and Zeus goes toaster in bathtub mode where he’s the toaster.
I haven't considered Zeus doing the "toaster in bathtub" thing. Thank you Anon, I will put this into my HC list :3333
Now on with the first-generation Olympians (it's gonna be a long ride, so strap on!)
Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon were swallowed when they were young kids/nearing adolescence, not newborn babies. I want Kronos and Rhea's family to have some years happiness together before the prophecy ruin them all.
Out of the Big Six, Demeter and Hades look the most alike to Kronos (unrelated note: Persephone looks the most alike to Kronos out of the 2nd gen)
Demeter is Kronos' favorite child because she shares his power over agriculture. Kronos has even planned her future to be his successor as goddess of the harvest.
Poseidon has the fear of dark, closed places due to his trauma of being locked in Kronos' stomach. During his first centuries ruling the ocean, he cannot stay in his kingdom at night because the realm gets extremely dark and it paranoid him. Poseidon can't go to the deep trenches either.
To cope with his fear, Poseidon's bedroom is filled with bioluminescent algae and jellyfish.
After escaping Kronos' stomach, Hera was sent to take refuge at Oceanus and Tethys' place. Around this time, she became besties with Amphitrite (I see Amphi as a daughter of Nereus but she is close with the other sea deities too)
Thetis and Hera's friendship is underrated. Hera, Thetis, and Amphitrite have occasional girl's nights where they ditch their spouses to spend time together.
As besties Hera and Amphitrite share the same taste in men *looking at Zeus and Poseidon*
Hera and Amphitrite were not happy when Zeus married off Thetis. Oh boy, there were a lot of screaming and fighting for Thetis' behave.
It was very surprising when Thetis later made her husband Peleus immortal (there is a version of that lol)
Zeus and Poseidon created the electric eel and other aquatic animals that produce electricity. The purpose? Ask them.
When Hebe was training to become the cupbearer of the gods, Zeus watched over her and gave her tips from time to time. He used to be the cupbearer of Kronos, too.
I am seriously contemplating on whether Poseidon have a thing for Odysseus or not. Like in "I want to fuck you up both ways".
Hades doesn't outright ban the others from coming to the Underworld. The reason he doesn't like them visiting often is because some will ask (read: screaming and crying at) him to resurrect their favorite mortals.
Hades adopted Cerberus some times after Typhon (Cerberus' bio father) was defeated and the doggo had nowhere to go. From then on Cerberus was living in luxury in the Underworld with the only job is to guard the door.
Hades has a messed up sense of humor after centuries of dealing with the dead, and Persephone got infected as well. If you ask Hades "Can you give me a hand?" he will give you an actual hand.
Hades x Persephone x Minthe OT3 is real.
Hades isn't some gloomy dark man. Yeah, he wears black a lot but also with gleaming gems and fine jewelries (you know, god of precious minerals and all).
You don't believe me? Here's the testimony:
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(tfw your husband rocks his dress prettier than you :DDD)
The three kings didn't draw lots to determine who will rule which realm. During the Titanomachy, they grew fond over their future kingdom and showed hints of belonging to them.
Poseidon's first hint of becoming King of the Sea is that he makes lots of sea puns. Like, a lot.
They also don't have total rule over their kingdoms. Their authority is above all but still under the Primordials of their respective realms (Zeus is under Nyx, Poseidon under Pontus, Hades under Tartarus). Every time they make major changes in their kingdom, they have to consult the Primordials first.
Demeter isn't officially crowned ruler of the Mortal Realm but they all know she is in charge of the whole place.
Even though the Big Six preside over lots of domains, they don't always tend to each one themselves but have lesser deities like dryads, naiads, nepheles, etc. to assist them while they act like the head directors.
The marriages of the three kings and queens are more about political power than love. It's not that they don't have some feelings for each other though.
When they were young and Zeus is courting Hera, he once put on a peacock tail to woo her.
Demeter is married to Leto and they raised Persephone, Artemis, and Apollo together. I don't take objection.
All of the second-generation Olympians were taken care of by Hestia at least one time.
Do not mistake Hestia's dislike of violence for her incapability of inflicting violence. She can cause more damage than your mental health is prepare for.
Hestia doesn't yell or hit others, but disappointing her is the biggest crime.
Demeter makes the best vegetable dishes, roasts, soups, anything. Kids love veggies because of her. She can make you love broccoli with one meal.
Headacanon but also true myth: Demeter adopted and raised lots of kids on her own. Many of them later became her companions or spread the agricultural knowledge they learned from her to humanity. They all love mama Demeter.
Hera treats her daughters better than her sons, but it's because she is learning from her mistakes in bringing up Ares and Hephaestus. She isn't the best but she is trying everyday.
Zeus doesn't hate Ares, but what he reflects. Ares is a raw reminder of a darker side of Zeus that he'd rather pretend doesn't exist.
I've made this joke before but it's still relevant: The only thing more complicated than advance mathematics is Zeus and Hera's relationship with Ares.
Zeus' favorite children are Athena and Apollo, obviously. His least favorite (as in he doesn't care enough compared to others) are Ares and Persephone.
Iris and Chloris/Flora are not straight because of Hera, but they know they won't have any chances with her.
Zeus' first lover is Aëtos, an earth-born man who was his childhood friend when he lives in Crete.
In the modern world, the lock screen of Hera's phone has the picture of her family being happy together. And her home screen is the pic of Zeus in a Pikachu onesie.
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winns-stuff · 6 months
Based on another comment send, Rachel also used SA as a backstory for Zeus, Rhea and Demeter.
Rhea used sex as a distraction so Kronos wouldn't devour their children. Zeus lied to Demeter in order for her to sleep with him. Zeus slept with Metis when he was a minor.
None of those things are explored to show how damaging SA is, it's just there for jokes(Metis) or cheap shock value (Demeter).
I’m really convinced that Rachel never really cared about the SA plot lines, no one who genuinely cares would take this little consideration with it and still not say anything to her borderline proshipper fans (not all btw just the hera x kronos shippers) if she genuinely cared. I’ve never seen someone make up things and openly brag about things they know they’ve never done. Lore Olympus is just a kink fantasy and that’s all, every deep or meaningful thing that’s been in the comics have all been accidental.
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deathlessathanasia · 4 months
And because the role played by Themis in Zeus' rise to power is often completely ignored, let's review her contributions:
She helped save Zeus from Kronos by taking him from Rhea and bringing him to Crete (X).
She was the one who, in preparation to the Titanomachy, advised Zeus to make his Aigis from the skin of a goat who was invulnerable and whose appearance terrified the Titans (X).
In the Prometheus Bound of Aischylos, Themis is identified with Gaia, joins Zeus against the Titans and prophesies how the war is going to be won) (X).
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godsofhumanity · 14 days
We all know what happen with Cronus and Rhea relationship, how do you think Cronus brothers treat their wives and family?
whenever i received a hc-request related to the titans, i do a little weird dance and scream inside my head because im so excited to talk about them hee hee
ok. i'm just gonna start with Kronos x Rhea to begin with, because it's been a while since i talked the Couple of the Year, and it's just easier for me to get my thoughts going. the rest of the titans follow the [read more] break... i didn't want to clog people's dashes :)
BEFORE everything went bad, BEFORE Kronos was even born (remembering that he is the youngest of the Titans, and was born last), i love the idea that Rhea herself was always a mischief maker and she naturally got along with Iapetus who was the Family Prankster (much to Oceanus' despair T-T).
so when Kronos was born, and it turned out he was even more wily and cunning than Iapetus, i think Rhea and Kronos just had a natural thing going from the start.
Rhea, to me, is super intelligent and witty. so is Kronos. so i like the idea that, in their youth, they were quite the prankster duo. Kronos would play pranks on Rhea, and Rhea would one-up him, and then Oceanus would get mad at them both.
i don't see Kronos and Rhea as being "overly romantic". Kronos doesn't call Rhea by any gushy nicknames or anything; i think they both would hate that. they'd much rather poke fun at each other and tease each other.
i think Rhea has a quick temper, and i love the idea of Kronos intentionally getting on her nerves because he thinks its cute when she gets annoyed lmfao
as a husband, i think it's far more bittersweet to imagine that Kronos was a great husband pre-insanity. he was the saviour of the Titans; the only one gutsy enough to commit patricide and save his siblings from an eternity of terror and fear, never knowing when Ouranos would one day snap and decide to shove them ALL in Tartarus.
but he wasn't only a warrior. he loved Rhea. her death is what i have previously hc'd to be the awakening point of Kronos' powers; his need to save her allows him to travel back in time and fix his mistakes. so yeah he certainly treated her well.
faultwise, i think Kronos' worst trait is that he always has this super strong, fearless exterior. so when Ouranos tells Kronos that his children will rise up and overthrow him and enslave all his siblings, Kronos DOESN'T TELL Rhea this. he doesn't want to look weak in front of her. and i think he still has this idea that he needs to protect her.
i think it's important to remember that at this time, there were NO OTHER GODS. Nyx's children were alive, but not involved in the affairs of the titans. this was the first time in history a "takeover" had occurred. no one really knew what to do. Kronos didn't know what to do. all he knew was that he was the leader, and he had to protect his siblings at all costs.
i hc that Kronos and Rhea have always wanted children; i mean, the Earth was sort of just made up of 12 Titans, 3 Hecatoncheires, 3 Cyclops, 4 absent primordials, and 1 psycho pseudo-primordial with anger management problems. so i think there was definitely a need for the Titans to have their own families to populate the place.
but when Kronos and Rhea settle down as King and Queen, and Rhea starts talking about families, Kronos just indulges her without ever acknowledging his own fears. perhaps this is partly because he doesn't want to burden her, but i also think Kronos was just naturally paranoid and feared that if he spoke his worst fears aloud, they'd come true. so he'd keep them buried until it was too late and oops, he's swallowed his kids.
i think it's a real testament to Rhea that she forgives him after losing Hestia. well, maybe not forgives him, but she moves past it. i think it shows how much trust and love she had for him.. to stick around after all of that. she truly adored him. of course, we all know how that story ends with them.. so i'll stop there. but yeah, i think pre-insanity, Kronos was a good husband and Rhea was an excellent wife. and their downfall was Kronos' inability to express every part of himself to his wife, fears included.
THE most unproblematic couple of all time.
Oceanus treats Tethys like,, well, a goddess.
Oceanus is the firstborn Titan. he was the guy who raised all his 11 little brothers and sisters. he fed them, clothed them, taught them, played with him, disciplined them. he was the guy who was there for the first time they cried, the first time they laughed, the first time they fought, the first time they lost. needless to say, that kinda makes a guy.... patient, kind, respectful, thoughtful.
i'm a younger sibling myself, and i know that many older siblings work their butts off to take care of their little siblings... and that can be a pain. but i love the idea that Oceanus enjoyed every second of it. it was the most IMPORTANT duty Gaia ever gave him; to look after them.
11 siblings is a lot. so i think that Oceanus never really ever had any time for himself... but when Tethys comes along, i love the idea that she is sort of the only one of her siblings who actually realises fully how much work Oceanus does for them. and she does everything she can to make his burden lighter.
Oceanus normally has a hard exterior, but i hc that with Tethys, he fully relaxes. the full range of his emotions, he shows to Tethys, who is his confidant, his other half.
i think their communication skills are soo good. that's why they last for eternity without any real fights.
obviously, after having 11 siblings, that Oceanus would have his own children, no one could doubt. he was so good at it. and of course, he does... he has like 1000s of kids hee hee.
Oceanus knows every single one of his children's names, he could recognise them by their laugh alone... i think these are the things that make him the complete opposite of Ouranos and that's SO important for his character.
fault-wise, i think maybe Oceanus' only weakness is that he's a bit over-protective. for Hera, for example, i've always liked the idea that Oceanus hates Zeus; this all makes sense, of course, when you consider Zeus' history, and also that Zeus killed Oceanus' daughter Metis. so i get it. but i also think he's like that for all of his kids... heavily scrutinising their partners etc. (see Iapetus x Asia below!) but yeah. even this "weakness" is up for debate. but i personally think Oceanus may be justified in this.
i always hc'd Coeus as very shy and timid. he is the most intelligent of all the Titans,,, but he cannot hold a conversation to save his life.
i think Coeus was usually the victim of Iapetus and Kronos' jokes in their youth, even though he's the 2nd oldest, because he just naturally is a very passive and soft god with an aversion to fighting.
Phoebe is a lot like him, i suppose, because she's also a bit shy. but i do like the idea that Phoebe has a little more gutsiness than him when she is really pushed. she can fight, when provoked.
because of this, i truly think Phoebe is the pillar in their relationship. any doubts that Coeus has, i think he would bring it to Phoebe.
i think he would tell her almost anything... and he is inspired by her strength during the Titanomachy to also take up arms against Kronos when he goes mad.
Coeus' kids are Asteria, Leto, and Lelantos. Asteria and Leto are both quite headstrong goddesses... i think Leto, especially, is quite boisterous, which is fascinating considering Phoebe and Coeus' mild natures. but i think their children are reflections of their hidden strengths.
Coeus is a good father, i think. Phoebe is a good mother. i think all of this is attested by the kind and elegant nature of Asteria, Leto's righteousness, and Lelantos' innocence.
also, a bit unrelated i guess, but Phoebe is the kinda gal to call her husband by gooey petnames HAHA and Coeus is too shy to ever say he likes it when she does that, but he does. and she knows it. it came to her in a prophecy ;)
winners of the Most Enigmatic and Mysterious Couple of the Year.
Crius and Eurybia are a lot of fun to make up stuff about because there's literally no lore for either one.
Crius, to me, is quiet. but it's not because he's shy. he's just reserved. he doesn't like talking if there's no reason to talk.
yes. he hates small talk.
Eurybia, however, is the opposite! i think she talks LOADS. she loves talking. or singing. she loves asking all sorts of useless and dumb questions, especially to Crius because she knows it irritates him... she loves messing with him.
for example, Crius, as the god of the stars and constellations, is always star gazing and recording the movement of the planets, etc. and even though Eurybia knows exactly how it works (Crius has explained it to her many times, it's one of the few things he actually likes actively talking about), she'll still point at the constellation of the Ram and say, "that's the donkey one, right?" and Crius will try not to scream.
i can't remember if i wrote about how they met, but basically, i think Kronos divided the land into North, East, South and West: Coeus in the North, Iapetus in the East, Crius in the South, and Hyperion in the West. and while wandering about across his land in the South, Crius randomly came across Eurybia while she was by one of the rivers that flow through his land, and she was just so fascinating to him, and he was just so interesting to her, they just naturally clicked.
because Crius is such a reserved guy, i honestly think, Crius isn't all that forthcoming about everything. this is because Crius only says things that he deems "need to be said".
so, as Kronos' 2nd right-hand man (after Iapetus, obvs), i think Crius is privileged with a lot of information. and he doesn't share a lot of it with Eurybia, only the things that are relevant to her.
for example, Crius wouldn't tell Eurybia that Kronos locked up the Hecatoncheires (a pivotal event marking the growing paranoia of Kronos) because it doesn't have anything to do with Eurybia, but Crius does tell her of his suspicions that there is a resistance growing against Kronos, and that he feels their son Pallas is part of it (which is true) because Pallas is their son and this involves Eurybia.
for Eurybia's part, i think she has never cared much for "titan business". Eurybia, being the daughter of Gaia and Pontus, is NOT a titan. so i hc that she isn't really concerned at all about Crius' secrecy. she is aware of it, but she is 100% confident in his love for her (which is true, he does love her) and trusts him implicitly. and if she had reason to suspect that Crius was not being true to himself, only then would she confront him.
now to the children: Pallas, Astraeus, and Perses. Pallas and Perses are a lot like Crius, and Astraeus is a lot like Eurybia. Crius and Eurybia love all their children... BUT. Crius is very... stoic. i don't think he has ever actually told his children (or Eurybia for that matter) that he loves them, they all simply know it by way of his actions.
as a father, i think Crius pushes his children all the time to be the best they can be. for him, Ouranos' terror was not all that long ago. he doesn't want them to be weak and defenseless. he needs to know that they can save themselves. he also expects that they will follow Kronos as he does, because Kronos saved them all, and Crius is loyal to him.
so i think, when the war finally comes about, and Crius is fighting against Pallas and Astraeus, and not alongside them, it's a terrible betrayal for Crius. and i think he rejects them as his sons then. so not the greatest father of all time.
now Perses does fight with Crius, and he is loyal to Kronos. and i think Crius is forever wondering how things could have gone so wrong when clearly one of his sons is still loyal.
when Kronos is freed from Tartarus and becomes King of Elysium under Zeus' orders, his siblings go with him. and though things will never be the same, and Crius will never see his children again. i like the idea that in his heart, he feels pride for Pallas and Astraeus fighting for what they believed, and he forgives them.
for Eurybia, i think she has always loved and adored her husband and her children. and lets them know that every step of the way. i love the idea of her fighting alongside Crius, less because she cares about Kronos and more because she supports her husband (and also, i needed at least 1 goddess being punished in Tartarus.. there were too many men T-T). BUT. even though she has to fight her own sons, it's not a betrayal to her. she is SO proud that they stuck to their guns. that they wouldn't sacrifice their morals and beliefs just to avoid confrontation with their parents.
Eurybia fights against Pallas and Astraeus with a smile on her face, and she throws everything she has at them because, when they face her in battle, they are gods in their own right, and they are her equals. she's equally proud of Perses for staying true to what he believes in; to her, this is the most important thing in the world, to be true to yourself.
post-war, Pallas' daughter is named Bia, and i love the idea that he named her for his mother, so he definitely admired his mum and her strength. curiously, Bia ends up being a very loyal supporter of Zeus during a time that the 2nd gen. titans fall OUT with Zeus due to Prometheus being punished, so Crius' family is full of gods who put their family ties on the line to do what they think is right. which i kinda like! ((Pallas and Prometheus are the best of friends. practically brothers.))
so yeah, i think Eurybia's a different sort of mum, but i personally think she's one of the best :)
hmmm.. what to say about these two. honestly i think they're a pretty normal couple.
Theia's a goddess who loves jewels and sparkly things and i can see Hyperion always showering her with gifts. that's their love language.
they don't really have too much trouble. Hyperion isn't one of Kronos' most loyal supporters... i think if Hyperion was privy to what he had done to Rhea, Hyperion would have immediately been on Team Zeus.
in their regular life, i think both Hyperion and Theia are very good to each other. they're open with each other, and they have a lot of trust.
their children are Selene, Eos, and Helios. i think that, from all the 2nd gen. titans, these three are the most "spoiled". i truly think Hyperion is an adoring and doting father.
side-track for one sec: if you're familiar with the myth where Medea kills her own children to get revenge on Jason for marrying Creusa behind her back, you know how taboo filicide is, and YET, Helios saves his babygirl granddaughter and gives her a chariot ride away from the scene. truly Helios loved all his children and lineage. i think he HAS to get this from Hyperion, who in turn had to get it from the only father he knows: Oceanus.
also, with the way Eos casually takes the mortal prince Tithonus and others against their wills because she's in love with them.. there is a myth where she only does this because Aphrodite cursed her because of some other disagreement to have insatiable sexual desire, but even in light of this, she's definitely a girl who's used to getting what she wants.
BUT IN SAYING ALL OF THAT, i think Hyperion and Theia are good, kind people. if Hyperion and Theia learned to be good parents from Oceanus, then they had to learn his kindness too. and i do think that Selene, Eos, and Helios share this trait with them too.
in Medea's myth, i think Helios KNOWS that Medea was pushed into that horrible tragedy; she was cursed with a love spell that made her commit both patricide and fratricide for Jason, whom she never would have helped without it. and after all that, he still ditched her. so yes, i think Helios having sympathy for his granddaughter was justified.
FURTHERMORE, in Persephone's abduction myth, Hekate takes Demeter to Helios to learn where Persephone is and he tells her.. similarly, Helios tells Hephaestus about Aphrodite's affair with Ares... these are things that Helios doesn't truly have to do, but i picture him doing it with such kindness and gentleness.. i think he's a caring guy.
with Eos, i think after she gives Tithonus immortality, even though he starts to age, she still STAYS with him, and takes care of him even after her fascination with him has died... i think that is a lot more than most other gods do after playing around with their favourite mortal.
Selene is relatively problem-free (? dont quote me on that pls idk what exactly is going on with Endymion's myth HAHA) which i feel can only serve to support the idea that Hyperion's kids are PRETTY good.
so yeah. all in all. pretty good family. Hyperion (and Theia)'s biggest weakness, i think, is that they were so caught up in their own bliss, they didn't see any of the signs that could've suggested the impending doom of Kronos lurking on the horizon.
winners of the Most Unexpected Couple of the Year.
ok so. Asia is an Oceanid. and as i already wrote before, Oceanus is fiercely protective of his children. and Iapetus... well, Iapetus is Iapetus.
i think Iapetus was a bit of a late-bloomer when it came to love. i think he was the last one of the elder Titans to marry because for the most part, he was just interested in joking around and having fun.
but after everyone starts to get married and have families, and Kronos becomes King so he doesn't have any time for trivial pranks, i think it starts to settle in with Iapetus that he needs to get along with his life.
i have a hc that Oceanus would, pre-Kronos-insanity-era, regularly hold these dinners for his siblings so that everyone would still come together with their newly established families to share meals together like they used to. and of course, that meant that all of Oceanus' children would be there too.
and i like the idea that Iapetus, ever eager for an audience to entertain, would always come up with some trick or the other to make Oceanus' children laugh. and now that Oceanus didn't really have to keep an eye over Iapetus anymore, he could afford to smile at his tricks too :)
now. i have said a few times that the gods don't age the way humans do. it's not linear. gods mature according to the needs of the time. so even though Iapetus is, technically, a lot older than Oceanus' children, he doesn't appear like it because.. as i said.. Iapetus himself wasn't really ready to settle into life and be an adult.
anyhow. Asia is one of Oceanus' sweetest daughters. her humour threshold is so LOW. she will laugh at even the worst of jokes... and Iapetus is a GOLDMINE for bad jokes. so i think, Iapetus was always guaranteed a smile and enthusiasm when he saw her.
i think Oceanus was very annoyed by this... he didn't really want one of his daughters to be hanging around with a god whom he personally knew was a bit of a no-gooder. so i think Oceanus really put Iapetus through the ringer to show that, if he was serious about Asia, he could be a good husband and treat her properly.
and through that process, i think Iapetus did mature out, and show that behind the jokes, he truly was kind and loyal, and as the Ruler of the East, he could provide a good home for Asia. and so it was!
now Iapetus definitely loved Asia. all the titans loved their wives to begin with. BUT, Iapetus' problem was Kronos.
being the right-hand man of a psycho tends to rub off on you.
i think that Kronos' paranoia seeped into Iapetus' mind too. and as Kronos began to put distance between himself and Rhea, so did Iapetus with Asia. suddenly, Iapetus didn't feel like he needed to tell his wife everything... keeping Kronos' secrets was more important to Iapetus than being truthful to his wife.
to be honest, i don't imagine Asia being particularly smart, or fierce or courageous. not every god needs to be a superhero. that's not to say she was dumb or anything, but no one was calling Asia to weigh in on war councils or anything like that. and i think, as time goes on, this becomes very apparent to Iapetus. and he thinks that makes her weak. and as her husband, it's his responsibility to shield her from the things that he think could break her.
now in this regard, i do think Asia would have been absolutely heart-broken to know the kinds of gods Iapetus and Kronos had become, and post-war, Asia still is never fully aware of the extent of Iapetus' crimes because Prometheus and Anchiale make sure their mother will only remember her husband for the good things... leading up to and during the war, Iapetus is a MASTER of illusion and deceit.. and by Gaia he can play the role of a good husband amazingly well. so Asia i think, was totally blind to the truth.
Asia and Iapetus' children are: Prometheus, Atlas, Anchiale, Menoetius, and Epimetheus. Iapetus would never SAY he had favourites, but i do think Prometheus was his golden child. he was smart, witty, cunning, mischievous, and with a natural talent for illusions and magic, the same as Iapetus. so i think he had a lot of pride for Prometheus, and so many huge expectations that Prometheus would be some sort of powerful commander in Kronos' army.
when it became apparent that Kronos and Rhea were not having much luck in producing heirs (though the exact reasons were yet unknown), i think Iapetus might've considered that Prometheus could be the heir that Kronos needed... he would have been a perfect candidate. and Kronos himself had a super great relationship with Prometheus as a child. Prometheus didn't call Kronos "King" or "my Lord" like most of his cousins did, he called him "Uncle" because that's what he was.
AND YET. Prometheus also had all of Asia's kindness. mixed with Iapetus' bravery... he could never be the god that Iapetus wanted him to be.
in the Titanomachy, i think Prometheus is the one to fight Iapetus and it is... like the world falls apart. i think Iapetus is so furious that his son could betray him, i think he disowns him in his heart for sure. but Prometheus doesn't. he loves his father like he loves his uncle, and he knows that their current corrupted state is not a reflection of the gods they truly are.
as for the other kids: Atlas is Iapetus' 2nd most cunning child, and i think he's almost like Prometheus EXCEPT that Atlas is cowardly. even as a child. and i think Iapetus always tries to push Atlas to overcome this: it's important because if any one of the elder Titans had shown cowardice, they would have failed in their fight against Ouranos. so Iapetus truly despises cowardly people. Atlas ends up giving himself up and helping Zeus at the 11th hour to save his hide, and i think that's another disappointment for Iapetus.
Menoetius is headstrong, but he's not too witty, so i think he could've been closer to Asia than Iapetus... nevertheless, he supports his father to the end because all of Iapetus' children are aware of how much he values loyalty. and though Menoetius couldn't do the tricks Prometheus and Atlas could, he showed Iapetus his worth by standing with Kronos till the end. he's actually the only one of Iapetus' 5 children to show such undying loyalty, the same as Iapetus has for Kronos. so Iapetus appreciates that.
Anchiale and Epimetheus are more soft in nature. Anchiale is smart but she doesn't care too much for trickery, and i think she doesn't like confrontation and violence, the same as her mother. i give her this attribute to explain why the Lore doesn't give Anchiale much of a role. but where Iapetus doesn't share much with his wife Asia because he thinks her weak, Prometheus does share with his sister Anchiale all his thoughts and his desire to fight against Kronos, and though she's unwilling to pick up a sword herself, she stays with her mother and little brother Epimetheus and protects them from home, and she covers for Prometheus: which i think is an alternative form of bravery, but bravery nonetheless. and if Iapetus wasn't such an idiot, he would've been proud of that.
Epimetheus i think was a child when Iapetus went to Tartarus. his only memories of Iapetus is being a good dad; a dad who tells him jokes, and scary stories, and who could make a coin appear from his ear. i don't think Prometheus and Anchiale ever try to spoil these memories for him. it's good for Epimetheus to remember Iapetus for who he was and not who he ended up as.
anyhow. all in all, Iapetus was probably the 2nd worst husband after Kronos... this is to be expected given their proximity.... but uh yeah.
i hope this all made sense lol feel free to send an ask if u want a clarification on anything ^-^ i have terminal brainrot about the titans and can speak forever and ever about them.
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nepobabyeurydice · 8 months
hands full of fire
“They love you.” Calypso said with utter certainty. “Like Penelope loved Odysseus, like Rhea loved Kronos, like Apollo loved Cassandra. They will love you with the bitter certainty that it will always begin and end with you three.”
Leo burns himself into the tips of Piper and Jason’s heart, and they can’t quite find it in them to place ice on the wound.
on Ao3
He looked perfect.
Not an inch was out of place from the last time Jason had seen him and all he wanted to do was cry until his throat bleed.
He couldn’t. Jason couldn’t, or he’d fall into despair and never rise up again.
“Surprised to see me?” the dream said and Jason choked back a sob.
Fuck, he had really good memory, he thought dazedly. His hands were shaking, he wasn’t sure how his hands could shake in a dream, but they were.
“What’s wrong?” the dream asked, his lips pulling into a frown and his brow furrowing just right that it didn’t trigger a single sense of wrongness from Jason.
This time Jason can’t choke back the sob. It leaves his throat, broken and ugly and pent-up. He hasn’t cried since that day. Hadn’t been able to let himself to breakdown while there was so much to fix between the camps and the gods.
“Oh, Jay.” the dream said achingly. “Jay, Jay, Jay. I’m so sorry, cariño.”
Even the accent, gods, Jason hated his mind.
“Leo,” he named the dream and hated himself a little. His friend was dead, this dream couldn’t, wouldn’t replace him.
No matter how much Jason wanted him to.
The dream, Leo, placed his hands on Jason’s shoulders, steadying him like back on the first time they tried out the Argo II. They were warm, and he could feel that warmth through his shirt.
Leo’s warmth would dig into his bones if he were real. Jason closed his eyes and tried not to look at the near-perfect imitation his mind had conjured up. 
“Jason,” Leo said, his hand reaching up to cup Jason’s jaw. A finger brushed over the little scar on Jason’s lip and Jason let out a sob.
He hated his mind, he hated his dreams and most of all he hated himself for letting Leo die.
“I’m sorry.” Jason warbled out. His glasses fogged up so much that Leo actually looked like a ghostly blur. “Gods, Leo, I’m so sorry. I’m so-”
Another hand. Warm and firm on Jason’s other cheek, he leaned into it.
Tears still trailed down his face, blurring his vision enough that Jason can convince himself this place isn’t a dream. That he’s here with Leo in Bunker 9 and in the distance Piper is speaking with Annabeth and that all feels right for once in this ugly world that they live in.
“I’m alive.” Leo said and the shape of his words sounded so beautiful. “I promise you, Jason, I’m alive.”
“If only,” Jason said, “that could be true. But this is a dream and I cannot love you.”
The words felt like ash on his mouth, but his centurion had taught him when he was young how to banish dreams that were not his own.
“Jay,” the dream said desperately. The warmth was leeching from its skin returning to where ever dreams went. “Jay, please.”
Jason squared his jaw, his glasses in fog in the dream, and he felt drained, broken and exhausted.
“You’re dead, and I couldn’t save you.” he uttered and the heartbroken expression on the dream’s face made his own heart shatter too.
“He woke up in a freezing room, asleep in front of the Hippie Zeus statue. Jason was half-sure the dream had been a hallucination, half-sure it had been enemy action.
Leo was dead, dead and gone and even Nico and Hazel couldn’t say where he was in the Underworld as if Gaea had decimated his spirit so utterly that he couldn’t even reside in Elysium like he deserved.
“I’m sorry, Leo.” Jason told the empty room. Thunder crashed through the windows, growing louder in pitch as though sensing Jason’s emotions. “I’m so sorry.”
It’s a beautiful dream, Piper thought. The sky is blue, the beach is beautiful and in. in the distance she can hear her dad laughing with Hedge and baby Chuck cooing as Mellie floated high above.
It’s a beautiful dream, if only the ghost wasn’t invading it. The sight of it made Piper feel sick and too small as she looked upon its visage. Her memory was limited to words that caught her attention most of the time, but her mind had recreated Leo perfectly.
Perfectly enough she knew this was fake.
Is it selfish, Piper wondered as the dream looked at her, to want him to be here?
Jason wasn’t here, but Piper knew why, she’d never seen him and her dad interact in a safe environment that Piper associated so much with safety. Jason would’ve been drowned within the hour if that was the case.
“Pipes,” Dream Leo said. He walked towards her dressed in the same clothes as after Khione. “Piper, I’m here.”
“You’re dead.” Piper choked out. “And I couldn’t stop you.”
He reached out, hands reaching towards her face and she couldn’t bring herself to bat him away. Dream Leo smiled, his hands were warm on Piper’s face, and his brown eyes crinkled in just the right place.  All Piper wanted to do was weep.
“The rumors,” Dream Leo quipped, pressing his forehead against Piper’s own, finger catching on one of her braids. “Have been greatly exaggerated.”
Piper closed her eyes and tears spilled out of them. She could taste the salty wetness of it on her lips and she wanted to scream. How could her dream feel so much like reality? She sniffed and cried harder when the familiar smell of motor oil and incense.
“I miss you.” Piper said. “I wish you were here.”
“I am here, Beauty Queen.” Dream Leo replied. “Well, I’ll be there soon, it’s been a struggle to make our way back.”
Piper licked her lips and squeezed onto Dream Leo’s hands. She grabbed the back of Leo’s neck and pulled him into a tight hug.
“Be safe,” Piper said, still certain this was a dream but how could she let Leo go without asking him to be safe. She pulled back and pressed a kiss on his forehead.
“You know me, Pipes,” Leo smiled. He spread his arms out and took a step away. “I’m always careful.”
Piper’s lips twitched. “Liar.” she said and Leo and the dream faded like sand caught up in the wind.
Piper woke up to the concerned face of Lacy hovering above her.
“You were crying in your sleep again.” she said.
“I had a beautiful dream,” Piper replied. “And I was so happy I cried.”
Lacy shifted onto Piper’s bed and gripped her hand. The Aphrodite Cabin was still and silent. Moonlight came in through the pink tulle curtains, making the cabin look cold and dead compared to the morning. 
“Was it about mom?” Lacy asked and Piper is struck by how little her siblings know about her mom.
“Yeah,” Piper lied. “It was about mom.”
Leo woke up crying in Calypso’s arms. She had one hand around him, securing him in place, and the other gripping the strap they had attached to Festus. Leo was half-sure it was for the heat he radiated, half-sure Calypso just wanted to make sure her escape was real. 
“They don’t believe it’s me.” he told her.
Calypso pursed her lips and pulled the strap attached to Festus slightly to the left just in time to avoid a storm of venti. “It’s not unexpected, Leonidas. The way you were brought back was banned by the Cupbearer for a reason. It splintered your soul in three and what will happen after only the Morai know.”
Leo closed his eyes. They ached and burned as he did so and he can feel the tears slipping from his cheeks. “Hazel and Frank should’ve told them. About what I did.”
“I think,” Calypso said, “they did not wish to place your friends in blind hopes. Much like you did not wish to place me in them.”
“You deserved to leave that island.” Leo said fervently. It wasn’t just that Calypso reminded him of his favorite cousin or that she just emanated the same aching sadness that Leo also had. It was the fact that Percy Jackson had made the gods promise something, and they hadn’t fulfilled them. It was always up to them to pick up the slack and Leo could tell there would be so much slack picking. 
“You are kind, Leonidas. You are kind and so breathtakingly cruel on occasion. But, we will get you home where we can all fix this.” Calypso sighed. “I think I will search for my sisters on Mount Tam or see if Leto will accept taking me on. I’d like to avoid binding myself to the Olympians as much as possible.”
Leo nodded and straightened up. He squinted down at the sea and nearly wept again when he saw the familiar sight of the Italian coast.
“Maybe New Rome will suit you. It’s close to Mount Tam or so Jason says.”
Calypso hummed. “And you, Leonidas? Where will you go?”
Leo tried for a smile, remembered she couldn’t see him and let it drop. “I’ll follow Jason and Piper, if they’ll have me after what I’ve done.”
“They love you.” Calypso said with utter certainty. “Like Penelope loved Odysseus, like Rhea loved Kronos, like Apollo loved Cassandra. They will love you with the bitter certainty that it will always begin and end with you three. Bask in that, Leo, there’s nothing more beautiful, and I’ve witnessed some of the most beautiful romances from Hephaestus TV.”
Leo sniffled and wiped his nose. I’m coming back, Leo thought. I’m coming back, and then you’ll be able to love me in the flesh. I’ll be careful because you asked me to. I swear on my mother’s grave, I’m coming back to you both.
“Hasta el final.” Leo muttered, the words feeling like a comfort on his mouth. “Y hacia delante.”
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0lympian-c0uncil · 2 years
Rhea: You are the most repulsive person I have ever met.
Kronos: I am most likely to eat my children when they are born because father said they might overthrow me someday.
*literally two months later at their wedding*
Kronos,*with wedding bells sounding and people cheering: ... Where the fuck am I????
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I beg of you I need more Eldritch horror x Hades it’s stuck in my head. Pleased I bev of you
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Damn y'all be fans of the eldritch simping huh. WELL ON WE ROLL THEN;
Hades x Eldritch!Reader, Part Two:
You can't be there all the time, he understands, it's not like he's swimming in free time himself.
You're part of such a vastness that this dinky little solar system is only smidgen of your realm. Sometimes when he's talking to you he can tell that, while you're listening and responding perfectly, you attention is focused on something literal lightyears away.
It takes some frank communication to get the point across that he's Not A Fan of being ignored (and genuinely was kind of hurt at first, he thought you were getting bored of him and was trying so hard to bridge the sudden distance) but it wasn't until you offered to show him what you were looking at that he realised you weren't ignoring him at all.
"You, uh, wanna take me somewhere?" Hades was, admittedly, thrown entirely off his game by the affermative hum through his bones as he ignored the latest round of paperwork.
All your meet ups and encounters had been soley either on Earth or telepathic, with Hades more than happy to astral project while his body was safe in the Underworld.
Gods don't need air or gravity, but a certain amount of atmospheric pressure and warmth is certainly appreciated. You laugh gently in his mind and sooth down the edges of his flame, promising to provide that much and more. If he was willing of course.
It's with only slight apprehension that he shrugs and quips a yes.
He'll later describe the feeling of being pulled through the fabric of space as if being inside a bubble made of concrete silence that travelled at four times the speed of sound. It is with frankly heroic effort that he does not loose his lunch even as you pet and hold him in one great betentacled arm - your own body being the concrete shield from the radiation and debris of the universe.
He's not much one for sentimentality but seeing Earth and everything he has ever known zoom out to a dust mote in the darkness put him about a bit. He's unusually quiet during the journey despite gradually losing his death grip on your arm.
You don't think of time in terms of hours or minutes and Hades has no fucking clue how far Earth has gone around the sun before you 'stop' and gently rumble for him to open his eyes.
When Hades was a baby, Rhea used to sneak out with him, hold him up and point out the stars. Even when heavily pregnant with Poseidon, they would be hiding out there away from Kronos, quiet and wondrous for hours at a time. Hades can barely remember the feeling of being safe and warm under a jewelled sky.
It's absolutely blown away by the majesty of what you've brought him to.
The nebula swirls around you both like an ocean fused with a sunset, in every colour imaginable. He gawps at the sheer breadth of the clouds in every direction, so much larger even than you, a black mass against the glory of the stellar nursery.
You gently nudge him out of your grip. He yelps and scrambles before realising he's floating, then chuckles incredulously as he spins in place, wreathed in smoke and his own fire.
You giggle and poke him so he spins faster. He laughs and tries to slap you back with a "Hey! No fair sweetums!"
You guide his gaze over to an area chock full of glowing light. It's clouds are blazing electric blue, and the newborn stars within are twinkling as they stabilize. You wrap him up again as you purr that he reminds you of them and there's no force in this universe that can stop the blush that rises in him from that statement.
It feels like you spend forever there amongst the light of newborn space, gently cruising amongst the mass. Hades feels the stress of existence slip further and further back towards Earth, a peace unlike anything since he was a child taking over.
Soon, you promise, you'll take him to see a supernova. A stars death is just a spectacular as it's birth, after all.
He snuggles down harder and struggles not to fall asleep, your subsonic voice rattling through him in a way that others would call him crazy for finding comforting. The freezing cold of space feels like a balm on his constantly overheated skin. The pressure of your touch under his hands like silky steel.
Absolutely. He's definitely doing this again. Thanks Babe, he needed this.
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caffeinated-croissant · 2 months
Jercy AU in which Jason looks like Kronos, a Percy - Rhea.
So this is a really interesting idea here and i love it!!
(Unrelated, but at first glance, i miss read this and thought of an old favorite fic called Confused By Time by Dragonswoe on AO3 (its percy x kronos))
For this au my brain immediately goes to heavy animosity between Jason and Percy
But first there are a few changes that legally must be set up
1) kronos does not use Luke as a host to rise, Luke is more like a pet or a general for the demigod portion of the army.
Something like that just as long as they are physically separate entities.
2) during the titan war, chb and cj have to meet and work together before tlo (this'll be for the war effort or something)
3) i feel like the titan war would be way expanded in the long run with older characters.
4) Jason is respected, feared, and generally disliked. But the people at Camp Jupiter generally trust him and follow his command.
5) Rhea would likely be on the titan's side for the extra punch i want
But anyway
Percy meets Jason the same time Annabeth and Reyna meet
Each camp sent their big powerhouse (percy & jason) + the person they trust most to lead them (annabeth & reyna)
It goes about how you'd expect.
No one likes each other.
Jason and Reyna are fine since they've built that trust, Annabeth and Percy are the same way, but any other combination is just bad.
Objectively, they all know they have to get along for the sake of everyone's survival. But dont count on them being civil in private
Essentially they are all forced to fake friendship up until its literally just the 4 of them
Annabeth and reyna realize they've actually become friends over time first.
Percy and Jason are both distraught at this news.
They still high key hate each other
Circumstances force these two into close proximity. They fight. They calm down. They still can't leave. Someone breaks the exhausted silence.
Idk how they get out, but that is the start of them realizing the other person isnt horrible.
Bla bla bla, something something
percy and jason get closer. Romantic feelings develop
Percy realizes his feeling at the curse of Achilles but he 100% thinks he's gonna die by the end of the war.
Debating if Jason knows about the prophecy.
He probably does.
I legally need a scene where it looks like Percy is about to die. (Im thinking crushed by rubble and trapped (he should also pass out around here))
Jason hopes Percy is still alive and literally tries to dig him out. Annabeth stops him because the structure itself is unstable, and if Percy is still alive they could kill him if further collapse hits his Achilles spot.
Jason leaves to go feral on the battlefield. (This stresses out Annabeth and Reyna further by default)
Reyna takes on leading the battlefield as Annabeth creates a team to get Percy (or his body).
The war ends somewhere after that (im thinking that's like the big final battle grounds)
Not sure if Luke dies by backbitter or if Jason will die by backbitter. (Hero's soul cursed blade shall reap.) It 100% depends on if Luke has a change of heart and uses the last battle for sabotage and as his own personal grave.
Then the war ends kronos is defeated (dont ask me how cause idk), everyone has the party up on olympus
Annabeth and reyna share a kiss like its new years and the ball just dropped (this is not their first kiss but perhaps the first public kiss)
I want jason and Percy to share a kiss, but thats really difficult when theres a chance Jason is dead.
Side note, if jason had died, percy was 100% by his side. Or another outcome would be they both died, and saved their happy ending for elysium.
The named character death count stands between 1 and 3: luke is always gonna die, while jason and percy both have a chance but its slim
Also im thinking about what would happen if jercy got zombified afterwards because of the one big wish. But this is a scenario where only 1 half of Jercy died/survived.
Most of the end id dependant on who lives, who dies, and the surrounding circumstances
I feel like i kinda went off on a tangent and forgot the original ask. My bad
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So one of my Friends had this HC that what if The Big Three actually grew up together with Zeus' Foster Caretakers from the Mythos?
We all know that in Myths, Zeus was the last born to escape and was taken care by the Nymphs, Kouretes, and even breast-feeded by the She-Goat, "Amalthea".
I imagine that an alternate version where the Six Siblings actually grew up together would've been fascinating, especially on how that we would've imagine the moments where The Kids bond with their Step-Parents besides than their Biological Mother.
None of the less, do you have any headcanons you'd like to share about the Golden Age in the Hercules Universe? I'd like to hear your own thoughts/opinions on Zeus' caretakers (especially Amalthea).
Also, would it be heartwarming to imagine that whenever Hades has terrible flashbacks about the Titan War, Persephone would always be there to comfort him about his Troubled Past with his Father?
Oh wow! I actually didn’t know Zeus had foster parents! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m a dummy when it comes to original Greek mythology sometimes lol.
(long rambles ahead lol)
I did find out through the Hades Challenge PC game that Zeus was raised in Crete (it was one of the little trivia questions Hades asks in the game lol), so I guess that makes sense lol!
Honestly, my whole headcanon/theory I guess for the “Golden Age” of Greece is that (of course) Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades were all born from Rhea and Kronos on the island of Crete. Back then, the world was run by the titans, some were good and some were bad. There were some Olympians that existed as well during this era like Demeter, Hermes, Athena, and Ares (and more of course). The three brothers had a pretty decent childhood and got along with each other (for the most part). They had a great relationship with their mother who loved them with all her heart, but their father was mean and cruel to them, so to protect them from their father’s wrath, Rhea sent her sons away to be raised by nymphs. The boys really missed their mother, though, and wished to stay with her forever.
One day, Kronos decided to start a war against the Olympians and the titans after learning about a prophecy that one of his sons would defeat him and the Olympians would rule. Kronos then kidnapped his two youngest sons (Poseidon and Hades) and swallowed them. Zeus and Rhea found out about this and made a plan to rescue Poseidon and Hades. Rhea would then trick Kronos into eating a rock, claiming it was Zeus. Zeus then leaped into action and defeated his father and rescued his little brothers. Kronos ended up coughing up the rock and placed a curse upon it, so if any Olympian ever looked at the rock they would fall into a deep sleep, but the rock was lost and forgotten for ages. Zeus and Poseidon (and possibly Hades, though, I doubt it because Hades seemed to be in good terms with the titans in the movie) worked together to take down the rest of the unruly titans and locked them away under the sea. For his heroic efforts of saving the cosmos, Zeus became a god and the new ruler of the universe. Rhea decided to become a guardian of the universe and watch over it so it wouldn’t end up the way it was when Kronos ruled. Zeus then created Olympus and granted all Olympians a role as a god and gifted his younger brothers their own realms to rule over, Poseidon: the sea and Hades: the underworld. Hades, of course, wasn’t happy about his new role as a god and to make matters worse, Zeus then commanded that their father, Kronos (as well as some other unruly titans), be sentenced to live in the underworld for the rest of eternity as punishment.
Eventually, Prometheus and Epimetheus (good titans) were given the task of creating mortals and animals with the help of Athena (who was given a city-state that became the capital of Greece: Athens, while her brother was granted his own land: Sparta). Mortals didn’t have much down on Earth though, so Prometheus sneaked up to Olympus and stole fire (which was only used by the gods) and gave it to the mortals and well…we all know what happened after that.
But yeah, that’s pretty much my “Golden Era” theory/story for the Hercules universe lol! I’ll give you a few headcanons about the Big Three when they were kids!
Zeus was the most popular of the three and had the most friends.
Zeus was the first one to discover Amalthea and make her their pet goat
Poseidon and Hades looked “normal” as kids, but after they became gods of their domain, their realms started to change their physical appearance over time.
Hades was actually pretty soft as a kid, but his personality toughened up as he got older.
Poseidon’s favorite activity was swimming when he was younger, but Hades wasn’t too fond of it and preferred playing on land.
Oh and yes! Persephone ABSOLUTELY comforts Hades when he has flashbacks about his father. It’s so freaking sweet lol! They usually come in night terrors and he either wakes up in the middle of the night panting and sweating or he’s tossing and turning and making noises in his sleep. Either way, Persephone wakes up with him and comforts him until they fall back asleep. He gets kinda embarrassed about having the nightmares at first because he didn’t want Persephone thinking he was some wimpy, pathetic god that’s afraid of his own father, but Persephone reassured him instantly that he had nothing to be embarrassed about and his feelings were absolutely valid, so from then on he was much more comfortable talking to her about it. Some nights when he struggles to fall back asleep after his night terrors (when Persephone is not around) he’ll drink a cup of hot tea or coffee (caffeinated, of course, because Hades is well known for hating decaf lol) and basically stay up until morning (of course, he’s much more irritable on those days because he didn’t get much sleep). But yeah, he does his best not to think about his dad or talk about him because it brings up bad memories of his childhood and the day he was nearly killed by his own father.
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van-dalism · 2 years
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rhea gives kronos a bomb baby instead of a stone baby (x)
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