#so that’s how Rhea was able to raise Zeus in secret?
sarafangirlart · 4 months
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“What are you doing biological bro?”
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The Primordial Gods
Gods that came into being at the beginning of everything. Primordial gods typically answer to no one, and are feared by many.
Hemera Scarlett Johansson
Goddess of the the Day, Hemera was the younger sister of the goddess Nyx, and close friend of Helios, who she worked in tandem with. Hemera’s job was to disperse the night’s mists, and allow the earth to be bathed in light again. While she was, technically ruled by Helios ins the same way that Nyx was ruled by Hala, the two are completely separate entities, and The Sun is not The Day’s source. She was said to have had beautiful wings, similar to that of an angel. She was murdered by Rhea.
Relationships Nyx: Hemera’s older sister. She absolutely worshiped Nyx, and did everything she told her to.  Nyx mourned her death for months before Kronos forced her into manacles.
Nyx Eva Green
Goddess of the night, and one of the only four remaining Primordial Gods. Nyx spawned a brood of dark spirits on her own, including Sleep, Death, Strife, and Pain. She and her husband, the primordial god Erebus, created the Fates. Nyx wore a black veil over her face that was scattered with stars, which shone like a halo around her head. When she removed the veil, night would blanket the world in darkness like a veil. It is said she once had beautiful black wings.
Relationships Erebus: Nyx’s husband, and one of the primordial gods. Erebus fought against the Titans, and was wounded by Kronos. To save him, Nyx banished him to Tartarus, where he would live until the end of time, unable to leave or see his wife again.
Hemera: Nyx’s younger sister. She was known as The Day, and worshiped her older sister. Hemera was murdered by Rhea, which affected all the gods. Nyx forced the world into a week long night that only ended when her son forced her into silver manacles, making her allow the sun to rise.
Helios Pedro Pascal
God of the sun, and a guardian of oaths, and the god of sight, Helios brought the light of the sun into the world to counter the darkness of Nyx and compliment the day, which Hemera brought to Mortals. Helios is crowned with the aureole of the Sun. He was brought into being at the exact same moment as his counterpart, Hala. It is believed that it’s because of this that the two are so close. Helios hid during the war of the Titans, with many of the others. However, he did not hide during Zeus’ war.  Helios is well known and feared by many of the gods, just like the others of his kind. He wears a bracelet of twisted silver and gold on his left wrist. 
Relationships Hala: The moon god, and Helios’ love. As punishment, the two are only allowed to see each other during full moons. Helios adores Hala and would give up anything just to look at him for even a minute.
Kore: A very powerful oracle. Helios feels like they have a strong connection, and likes to see her. He allows her to explore The Library on her own, due to the trust in her that he has.
Apollo: A sun god. Apollo is Helios’ complimentary god, and as an oracle, Apollo is granted access to the library that Helios guards. The two aren’t close friends, but they’re friendly enough, and Helios enjoys seeing him.
Hala Thomas Brodie Sangster
God of the moon, and a guardian of oaths, and the god of sight, Hala brought light into the darkness of the night, a complimentary god to Helios and Nyx. While she overtook her sister and brought night to Mortals, Hala rose and gave them some light to see by, as strong as the Sun, yet also more delicate. He was brought into the world at the exact same moment as Helios, giving the two a strong bond. He is crowned by the aureole of the Moon, and is a mute figure. Hala hid with Helios during the war of the titans, and the two fought side by side to help overthrow the Titans.  He, like his lover, is well known among the gods, though may be more feared, due to his quiet nature. He wears a bracelet that matches Helios’, a punishment from Zeus.
Relationships Helios: Hala’s lover, and daytime counterpart.  He only sees him during the full moon or council meetings, though the two can communicate from a distance telepathically.
Ouranos Sean Bean
Known as The Rainmaker, Ouranos was a minor primordial god. While Nyx gave birth to the king and queen of the titans and the fates, and Helios and Hala created the sun and moon to counter Nyx, Ouranos created the rains. He was also hailed as the Sky god, though he held no dominion over the skies. Ouranos took no part in the wars between the gods and titans, and was hidden away for many years, during which he created the goddess Aphrodite from sea foam. He only returned to the gods, with his new daughter, after Zeus had ascended. Ouranos, who had  presented himself to Zeus as having no god-like abilities, was not bound like the others, and was instead sent away, to roam the Earth.
Relationships Aphrodite: Ouranos’ daughter. He created her from sea foam while he was hidden away during the Titanomachy. Though no one knows when, exactly, she was created, the prevailing theory is that she is, at least, as old as Zeus.  Ouranos left her on Olympus when he was banished to the mortal world.
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The Titans The Deities  that came before the Olympians. The Titans waged war against their own parents, only to have their children do the same.
Kronos Ralph Fiennes
King of the Titans and god of time as an all-devouring force. Kronos ruled the cosmos and killed rid them of the gods before him (with the exception of the four Primordial Gods who were able to hide themselves from him). He was feared by all. Kronos began to slowly lose his mind over time, due to being exposed to a prophecy that claimed his children would rebel against him and dethrone him, much as he had done to his father and the gods before him. Kronos devoured five of his six children before he was forced to release them from within him by his youngest child. Kronos lead the Titans in the ten year warm against the Olympians. He was eventually defeated, and Hades took his Scythe.
Relationships Zeus: Kronos’ youngest son. He did not know about his existence until Zeus had reached adulthood and took the Olympians to war. Zeus lied to his siblings, claiming he had cut Kronos into pieces and scattered them in Tartarus. However, he merely trapped Kronos in one of the many pits of Tartarus, a fact that he has kept secret from his siblings for many eons, as he doesn’t seem to understand how dangerous that really is...
Hades: Kronos’s middle son. Hades despises his father, though he is often reminded that he resembles him the strongest of any of Kronos’ other children. Hades claims ownership over his father’s scythe. He is not aware that his father is imprisoned deep within his own realm.
Rhea: Kronos’ beloved wife and half-sister. He loved Rhea more than anything before he lost his mind, and in his prison in Tartarus, he screams her name and rages that she remains “free” in the heavens.
Rhea Polly Walker
The original goddess of female fertility, motherhood, and generation. Rhea was the half sister and wife of Kronos. She was madly in love with her husband, and worried as she watched him slowly descend into madness. Rhea chose to ignore the prophecy, disappointed when Kronos lost his mind with fear. She fought to protect Hestia and Poseidon before Kronos devoured them, fighting her husband. She hid Hades from him for the first week of his life and Hera for the first four days. They were found by Kronos and devoured together. She didn’t fight him when he came for Demeter, but successfully hid and raised Zeus. Rhea took no part in the war of the Titans, but was still punished for her passivity. Though she lives, she lives in imprisonment.
Relationships Kronos: Rhea’s husband and half brother. Though they loved each other, Rhea could do nothing to help save him from insanity as the years went on and he heard of the prophecy. She mourned him when he was taken from her by her children.
Hesita, Poseidon, & Demeter: Three of Rhea’s children. They have no strong feelings towards her, despite her love for them.
Hades & Hera: Rhea’s two middle children. They were born within three days of each other, and devoured together. Hades harbors a deep resentment towards his mother for having allowed their father to devour him and his siblings, and is very vocal about feeling that she didn’t do enough to protect them, seeing as how she was able to hide Zeus until he was an adult. Hera hates her mother for this, as well as for not having prepared her for the abuse of her husband.
Atlas Gerard Butler
The bearer of the Heavens, Atlas bore the sky aloft. He is one of the strongest of the titans, and lead Kronos’ army in the battle against the Olympians. Atlas, with an unknown woman, had a daughter, a nymph, who eventually bore Hermes. It was not long after his daughter’s birth that he was found by Zeus, who sentenced Atlas for his assistance in the war. Atlas was made to hold the heavens on his shoulders, until the day upon which someone would help ease his burden.  Atlas taught the mortals to navigate by the stars before he was condemned.
Relationships Maia: The daughter of Atlas. Maia is a nymph. She was still very small when Atlas was taken away to carry the sky on his shoulders. She has no strong feelings towards him.
Hermes: Atlas’ grandchild. Hermes has met Atlas, but the two are unaware of their relationship. However, Hermes has always been drawn to Atlas.
Leto Emilia Clarke
The mother of Apollo and Artemis, Leto was one of the few titans who was spared during the war, though it’s believed that it’s only because she was too young to understand, and too beautiful for Zeus to kill. She was a goddess of motherhood and protector of the young. Leto was taken by Zeus after the war, and he got her pregnant, though it is said that Leto had no interest in Zeus, and allowed this only in the hopes that it would save her from being killed like her kin. Leto ran away while she was pregnant, in the hopes of avoiding Hera’s wrath and to protect her children from Zeus. She bore twins, who were taken from her by their father, and Leto was banished to live in the Mortal realm, never allowed to see her children.
Relationships Artemis & Apollo: The divine children of Leto. Apollo never knew his mother, though some believe that Artemis knew her, and helped her birth her twin, Apollo. The two know of her love for them, however, and Apollo has written songs and poems about her.
Zeus: The father of Leto’s children, Zeus spared Leto from death due to her beauty and innocence. Zeus, married already, took Leto for his own, getting her pregnant with the twins. Zeus banished her to the Mortal realm when she tried to hide his children from him.
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The Children of Kronos & Rhea The first Olympians. The children of Kronos and Rhea would be the leaders of the war against the Titans, and would later bring their children into a post-titanomachy world. the youngest were still teenagers when they waged war on their parents.
Hestia Hayley Atwell
The oldest of Kronos & Rhea’s children. Hestia is the goddess of the Hearth and Home, as well as the sacrificial flame. She received a share of each God’s sacrifice from their followers. She was devoured first by her father, and freed last, and is known as both the eldest and youngest of the six Kronides. Hestia was pursued by her brother, Poseidon, who wished to make her his queen. Hestia refused him, and made the decision to remain an eternal virgin. She is a private person, though is always happy to see her family, and never misses a get together. She presides over many of the priestesses, who envoke her name before any other. Hestia rejects Aphrodite’s values, and is her chaste complementary. She cannot be bent or ensnared to Aphrodtie’s will.
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Poseidon Christian Bale
The oldest of Kronos and Rhea’s sons, Poseidon is the god of the Sea, Earthquakes, floods, and drought. Poseidon was always the most laid back of his brothers, though he does take most things serious when needed. Poseidon won dominion over the seas when he and his brothers drew lots for the division of the Cosmos. Poseidon was often found in the Mortal realm after that, lounging on beaches and seducing women and Nymphs. It was during this time that he met and seduced the wife of King Pittheus, who was the mother of his favorite son, Theseus. Poseidon has a second home on one of the many beaches in the Mortal realm, though he refuses to say where in the hopes that no one will bother him there. He never misses an event or a party, though. He has been known to sent floods when in a foul mood.
Relationships Amphitrite: Poseidon’s wife. The two of them were in love for many years, and happy, until Zeus forced them to be married and Amphitrite ran away. Poseidon was lucky to have Delphin convince her to come back to him.
Theseus: one of many of Poseidon’s sons, but the oldest of his “mortal” sons. Poseidon treats him similar to how Zeus treats Hercules. The two are often found together at parties, causing trouble.
Hades Richard Armitage
The third born child of Kronos and Rhea, Hades is  God of the Dead, Wealth, and Hidden Riches. He presides over funeral rites and defended the right of the dead to due burial. He was born 3 days before Hera, and was able to live in the world for a week before his father found them and devoured them. Hades is a very private man, and has created a life for himself in the Mortal realm. He is a skilled business man, and is also known as somewhat of a trickster god. Hades often makes deals to get what he and someone else wants, ensuring that he won’t be screwed over by them. His “tricks” are more trials, meant to test those who deal with him.  Hades is known to be very loyal to those, though he can hold a grudge. He is often a very merciful god when judging souls, unless the soul presented to him has done something incredibly cruel. Ruling over The Underworld, Hades’ domain includes Tartarus & The Elysium fields, though things can also be hidden from him in the two other realms, such as his father, hidden in the depths of Tartarus. He is very serious about his job, and doesn’t let anyone get in his way of doing it.
Relationships Kore: Hades loves Kore to the very center of his being. He vaguely remembers a time when she was very very small, and he would play together in Athena & Artemis’ fields, though he’s not sure why she doesn’t remember. He can feel that there’s more to Kore than Artemis lets on.
Hera: Hades’ closest sister. The two, in their younger days, were hardly ever seen apart, and liked to cause mischief together. They became distant from each other after Zeus accused them of sleeping together and threatened to throw Hades into Tartarus for the rest of eternity.
Minthe: A nymph that Hades began dating. The two are a very toxic relationship. Minthe uses Hades to get whatever she wants. New purses, phones, clothes. Anything. She often uses Hades’ looks against him, reminding him how much he and Kronos look alike, which makes Hades a bit self conscious and more pliable. She’s manipulated him before into thinking the whole family hates him.
Hala: Hades has always looked up to Hala. He likes how quiet he is, and the relationship he has with Helios, and has always hoped to find something like that since he was very young.
Hera Rebecca Ferguson
The second born daughter and one of two middle children of Kronos and Rhea. Hera is the Goddess  of marriage, women, the sky, and the heavens, which earned her the title of Queen of the Heavens. She lived for 4 days before she and Hades were devoured. Hera wed her younger brother, Zeus, at his urging. Hera, though beautiful and powerful, is often made a fool by her husband, causing her to dislike most of his children. She had been abused by him for many centuries, as well as by her youngest son. Hera, however, keeps her head high and behaves as though her world and marriage were nothing less than perfect. She is known, amongst the gods, to typically be a fair woman, though she’ll do anything to get what she wants.
Relationships Zeus: Hera’s husband. She and Zeus, at one point, may have loved each other. At some point, he began sleeping with other women and abusing her, which turned their marriage sour. He rages when she does the same thing to him that he does to her. At one point, Hades hung Hera from the sky with anvils attached to her ankles and gold manacles around her wrists to punish her for the actions of her and Poseidon when they attempted to overthrow him once.
Ares & Hephaestus: The sons of Hera. While she adores Ares, Hera cannot stand Hephasetus. It’s said this is because of his ugliness when he was born. Other say it’s because of the abuse she has suffered at his hands.
Hades: Hera’s favorite of her brothers. The two were very close in their youth, often seen roaming Olympus together. Zeus, at one point, became jealous of their friendship. The two are no longer as close as they once were, though are still friends.
Demeter Lynn Collins
The goddess of grain, agriculture, and bread. She sustained mankind with the Earth’s rich bounty and presides over the foremost of the mystery cults, which promised its initiates the path to a blessed afterlife in Elysium. Demeter had always been hard headed and painfully aggressive, perhaps even more than her brothers. She had no children, but the children of the mortal realm, who she loves as her own. However, when crossed, she has been known to punish them, sending famine and allowing their crops and animals to die for their slights. She has the best garden in the little neighborhood they live in.
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Zeus Hugh Jackman
The youngest of Kronos & Rhea’s children. Zeus is King of the Gods, and God of the sky, weather, law & order, Destiny & fate, and Kingship. He was the only one of his siblings to have lived their whole life outside, having been hidden by his mother from his father. Zeus believes he kickstarted the uprising against the Titans. Despite his brother being more the trickster god, Zeus tricked his brothers when they drew lots for dominions, making sure that he was granted the heavens. He rarely comes to the complex where the family lives, with the exception of when there are family events, such as parties. He is known as a severe womanizer, and is looked down on by most of the female gods, including his own daughters. He is a tyrant and more than once has threatened other gods with harm. Hades and Hera believe that, like their father, he’s losing his mind.
Relationships Hera: Zeus’ wife. The two may have been in love at one point, but over time, Hera has become embittered towards Zeus, and he hasn’t exactly been kind to her. 
Hercules: Zeus’ favorite son. Zeus is always talking about Hercules, and everything he’s done for him, despite not having really even done much to help him over the years. If you asked Zeus, he wouldn’t be able to tell you Hercules’ mother’s name.
Ares: One of Zeus’ sons. He often uses Ares against Hera, claiming that he is not his son, despite the visual similarities. Zeus has never treated Ares as one of his own, unless it was convenient for him.
Hermes & Dionysus: Two more of Zeus’ children. He often ignores Dionysus, who has always been a disappointment to him, despite the young god being loved by many of the other gods. Hermes isn’t quite as disliked as their brother, but they certainly aren’t respected by their father, who often calls them “it”, because he doesn’t know how to refer to them.
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The Nymphs They tend to be flighty, and hardly ever know their children....
Amphitrite Amanda Seyfried
The Goddess-Queen of the sea, she is the oldest of the fifty Nereides, and the personification of the sea. She at first fled the advances of her husband when he sought her hand, and his herself in the ocean, near Atlas, at the far ends of the Earth. She was eventually tracked down, and convinced to marry Poseidon. She possesses all the same powers and abilities as her husband. Like her sister in law, Amphitrite can be jealous to a hellish extent, At one point, she sent a rival for Poseidon’s affections into a monster with six heads. She has child with Poseidon, though they’re not as close as he is with his bastard son. She isn’t quiet about her dislike for her brother-in-law.
Relationships Poseidon: Amphitite’s husband. She loved him for many years and the two often ran off together, much to Zeus’ annoyance. The rumor was that Zeus forced Poseidon to marry her, which caused her to flee. The two are very much in love, and though Poseidon has had his share of affairs, he has tried to be less overt than his brother about them, out of respect for Amphitrite. She really doesn’t care if he sleeps with others, so long as he tells her.
Zeus: She hates him. Absolutely hates him. Just like basically everyone else....
Triton: Aphitrite’s son. He is the god of the Sea, and resides in his parents’ golden palace on the bottom of the sea. He and his parents aren’t incredibly close.
Semele Anna Hustchinson
The mother of Dionysus by Zeus, Zeus found her one day while he was looking on as someone made sacrifice to him. Semele was nearby, and he fell in lust with her. He visited her numerous times after their initial meeting, and eventually she became pregnant. Zeus continued to visit her, until his wife discovered the affair. Semele, feeling dejected, asked Zeus for one last favor before he left her. Zeus took an oath on the River Styx to take their child to Olympus, but after his birth, pushed Semele into the River Styx, which claimed her for the Underworld. She lives, but she lives as a servant to the Underworld and the River.
Relationships Dionysus: Semele’s son. She has met him once, when he visited the Underworld to see Hades. However, he didn’t know she was his mother. She loves him from afar.
Zeus: Semele’s lover. She gave birth to his child, and now lives as a servant to the River Styx because he pushed her in after she she gave birth to their son.
Maia Viva Bianca
The oldest of the seven Nymphs of Pleiades, Maia was a beautiful, young, shy nymph who dwelt alone in a cave after the imprisonment of her father. She was found by Zeus one day when she stepped too far away from the cave. He descended from the heavens and took her against her will. Maia became pregnant with her son, Hermes, and was taken to Olympus, where she shared Zeus’ bed until Hermes was born. Hera sent Maia away, much to Zeus’ anger, and Maia returned to her place in the constellation Pleiades.
Relationships Hermes: Maia’s child. She left them in Olympus, hoping they’d have a better life with their father. The two have spoken, very briefly, and are on good terms, at least. When Hermes flies to make a delivery, he tries to take the time to fly by Pleiades.
Minthe Amy Adams
A nymph from the Underworld. Minthe is a guardian Nymph of the river Lethe. She has lured men to its banks. Some have been lucky enough to escape her clutch, but others have found themselves lost to the River Lethe. Minthe tries to take anyone who could be convenient to her, and has attached herself to Hades like a leech. Minthe is, in essence, a gold digger, like many other nymphs, and wants the prettiest, shiniest things, and knows how to get them.
Relationships Hades: Minthe’s boyfriend and God of the Underworld. Minthe is very manipulative towards Hades, and is taking him for all she can get. Hades will almost always give her what she wants, though if he refuses, she manipulates him until he does, typically telling him that no one else would ever have him, due to how closely he resembles the Titan, Kronos. She isn’t afraid to make Hades think that his whole family hates him, knowing full well how isolated he feels in the beginning.
Kore: Minthe hates Kore. She fucking hates her, and would literally murder her given the chance. The feeling is pretty mutual.
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The Son of Poseidon One of many.
Theseus Travis Fimmel
The oldest of Poseidon’s mortal sons, and a Greek hero. Theseus is blessed by Athena with strategic battle wisdom. He was a friend of Hercules, and fought the Minotaur. Theseus lives somewhere in town, and has a pretty good relationship with his dad. They crash parties together all the time. Theseus still gets himself into trouble while traveling, though. He’s a nice guy, just...kind of a beach party dude. He works at a local country club. Usually, Theseus isn’t welcome at family gatherings, due to his half human status, but Poseidon brings him anyways. It annoys the shit out of Zeus, and he thinks it’s hilarious. Theseus saw the rise and fall of his kingdom when he was a young man, and despite being “mortal”, has lived for many years. He won’t tell anyone how old he is, but everyone is pretty sure he’s around Hercules’ age.
Relationships Antiope: One of Ares’ daughters, and Theseus’ on-again-off-again girlfriend. They met when they were both younger, and Theseus and one of his friends were playing a prank on them. Theseus “kidnapped” Antiope, while his friend went for Hippoltye. Since then, the two have been close friends but tend to be on and off with their dating, due to Antiope’s dad.
Hercules: A friend of Theseus’ from when he was younger. He doesn’t really see Hercules too much anymore, since Zeus doesn’t really allow him in Belus Court without his dad.
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The Sons of Hera Gods who clash and are feared by many. One is much beloved by his mother.
Ares Joe Manganiello
The oldest of Hera’s sons. He is the God of War & Battlelust, courage, and civil order. He is the opposite of the goddess Athena. Though despised by Zeus, Ares was much beloved by his mother, and has been known to step between her and Zeus when the King becomes abusive towards her.  Ares has always been known as a ruthless warrior, willing to do anything to achieve victory. He has been present at every mortal war, and was supposedly seen on the battlefield of many historic military events. He is often antagonistic towards many of the other gods, with the exception of Aphrodite. Ares threatened war for Aphrodite, which Zeus solved by marrying her to Ares’ brother, which embittered the god towards him. Ares is often seen in some sort of Amry uniform, and will appear at the sides of many gods when they become angry or enraged, feelings that he feeds off of. He bares numerous scars from his battles. He is known, like his lover, to be a very jealous man, often acting out on that feeling. He is also quick to anger.
Relationships Aphrodite: Ares’ lover and the wife of his brother. Ares fell madly in love with Aphrodite the second he set eyes upon her, and the two were often together. Aphrodite was the only one who could keep him under control, though she sometimes provoked him before taking him to bed. Though wed to his brother, Aphrodite continues her affair with Ares, who would literally kill someone for her.
Hephaestus: Ares’ younger brother. He absolutely hates him for taking Aphrodite from him. He doesn’t know that Hephaestus beats his wife. If he did, Hephaestus would surely be dead. the brother, once, fought a duel for Aphrodite’s hand. Hephaestus won with the help of Zeus, almost mortally injuring Ares. 
Zeus: Ares’ father. Zeus despises his son, often questioning his true paternity, claiming that it was impossible that Ares could be his. Ares disapproves of how Zeus treats Hera, and has injured the King of the Gods before to stop him from laying hands on her. Zeus helped Ares’ brother cheat during a duel, wounding the god with lightning before his brother struck him with his smithing hammer. He laments often that he’s sorry the wound caused by them wasn’t fatal. Zeus only seems to treat Ares as his son when it suits him.
Hephaestus Dustin Clare
The second born son of Hera. It is said that he was born of Hera by spite. Hephaestus is the Olympian god of fire, smiths, craftsmen, metalworking, stonemasonry and sculpture. He was born deformed, his leg twisted, and became bitter. He was forced by Zeus to make the golden shackles and anvils that were used to imprison his mother. He makes all the weapons of the gods, from Zeus’ thunderbolts to Hades’ Bident and Helm. He has a rage that is only surpassed by that of his brother, and he often turns it upon his wife, Aphrodite. He is a jealous creature, loved by few and despised by many, due to his actions. 
Relationships Hera: Mother. Hephaestus was loved by her, despite the circumstances of his birth, until he crafted the shackles that hung her from the sky. After she rejcted him, Hepaestus crafted a golden throne for her, which she was unable to rise from unless released by her son. Hera can’t stand to look at him or even hear his name.
Aphrodite: Wife. The two were wed by Zeus, who believed that marrying the two would keep Ares from waging war against the other gods and humanity to take her for his own. Hephaestus often rages at his wife, and has beaten her before, which he believes she deserves for being unfaithful to him.
Ares: Older brother. Ares hates his brother for having taken Aphrodite from him, however the two still continue an affair under the smith’s nose. Ares would kill his brother if he knew that he laid hands on Aphrodite.
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The Children of Zeus They are many. The children of Zeus are not always neglected by their father, but they aren’t exactly the centers of his world.
Athena Gwendoline Christie
The Olympian Goddess of wisdom, good council, war, the defense of towns, and heroic endeavor. She is the eldest of Zeus’ two daughters, and one of the most level headed of the Olympians. Athena has been known to make bad choices (such as changing Medusa into a Gorgon...), she is often kind and supportive. She has been known to be the one who often takes complaints and problems to Zeus, as she has no fear of him. She lives mostly in the complex, though is known to spend quite a lot of time in her & Artemis’ fields, with their archers and her lover.
Relationships Artemis: Athena’s lover. Despite their familial relationship, the two women grew very close in ancient times, and have been lovers for many centuries. Athena loves Artemis, but sometimes tries to be the voice of reason when it comes to her parenting...
Kore: Athena’s niece and “adopted” child. She has always presented as Kore’s other mother, and favors Kore over most others, including her archers. Athena tries, sometimes, to get Artemis to go easier on Kore, though when she doesn’t, Athena will sometimes do the opposite of what Artemis has said, and give Kore what she was asking for.
Artemis Lauren Cohan
The daughter of Leto and Zeus, Atremis is the goddess of hunting, the wilderness, wild animals, childbirth, and protector of girls up to marriage age, the same way her brother is the protector of boys until marriage age. Artemis is well known among the gods, and feared by some of them. She isn’t too overly fond or her family, thinking everyone is rather fucked up in their own ways, and has gone out of her way to keep Kore somewhat sheltered from them as much as she could. She is often called on when Athena and Apollo are being unreasnoable.
Relationships Athena: Artemis’ lover. They’ve been together for eons, and Athena was even there to help raise Kore.
Apollo: Artemis’ twin brother. The two are close, but don’t see each other all the time. Together, they are bringers of sudden death & disease, targeting their respective genders. They would both kill hoards of people for each other.
Kore: Artemis’ daughter with a “mortal” man, Artemis loves her very much, and has tried hard to protect her from the harsh realities of their family and the problems caused by Zeus.
Apollo Clive Standen
The son of Leto and Zeus. Apollo is the God of prophecy, oracles, music, song & poetry, archery, healing, plague & disease, and protection of the young. Apollo is known to be troublesome, and a bit of a party animal. He likes to watch the drama that occurs around his father. In ancient times, he had several lovers, though eventually met and fell in love with Hercules, his father’s favorite son. Apollo is often easy going and will go easy on everyone, his anger is usually hidden and he tends to come off more petty or passive aggressive. He is often called on to appeal to his twin sister when she is disagreeable.
Relationships Hercules: Apollo’s favorite and truest lover. He adores Hercules, and is known to be very faithful to him. Since the two became a couple, Eros has stopped fucking with Apollo, having a strange respect for Hercules.
Artemis: Apollo’s twin. He loves her more than anything, and would kill everyone if she was threatened. Together, they are brings of sudden disease and death.
Kore: Apollo’s niece. He adores Kore, and will sometimes sneak her little things here and there. He likes to think he’s the cool uncle, always willing to give Kore things she shouldn’t have. He’s been known to offer her wine before.
Dionysus & Hermes: Two of Apollo’s closest friends. Dy, Hermes, and Apollo often drink together in Dy’s vineyard. Hermes and Apollo will race often and Dy and Apollo are known to gossip together.
Eros: Eros and Apollo have a complicated relationship. Eros, jealous of Apollo’s lovers, has cursed Apollo more than once to pursue disastrous love, though it never lasts long. The two don’t exactly hate each other, but are known to butt heads.
Hercules Kellan Lutz
The favorite son of Zeus, Hercules is an immortal hero and was known far and wide for his divine strength. He was well loved by his mother and father, who even gave him his own home in Belus Court. Hercules is one of few bastards of the Gods that is allowed in Belus, under Zeus’ orders. He doesn’t really care too much about anyone but Apollo among the gods. There’s a small joke around Olympus that if you need something moved, you can easily call Hercules to carry it for you. He could probably carry all of Olympus on his back without breaking a sweat.
Relationships Apollo: Hercules’ boyfriend. They’ve been together for a long time, and Apollo doesn’t care about most of the gods except him and Zeus, really.
Zeus: Hercules’ father. He yearns for his approval, and looks up to him. While he is Zeus’ favorite, his father still, from time to time, passes judgement upon him and the things he does.
Dionysus Tom Payne
God of wine, vegetation, pleasure, polyamory, festivity, madness, & wild frenzy. Dionysus is one of the sons of Zeus, though his father often ignores him, just like he does Hermes, in favor of Hercules. Dionysus resides in a beautiful garden, the location of which is unknown, filled with satyrs, centaurs, maenads, and nymphs. He is often the host of orgies and parties, and is known to have several people in his bed. Dionyus is a friendly god, though he’s known to bring mortals to his realm, where they seldom return.  He hardly ever takes things seriously, but is still happy to come to council meetings. His realm is known for the creation of the Ambrosia of the Gods, though it’s forbidden for anyone, even him, to touch the Ambrosia, unless it’s a celebration day. Dionysus’ followers are often called “The Cult of Dionysus”, and he is known to provide them with wine, women, and wonderful vices. 
Relationships Hermes: Dionysus’ best friend. The two are the same age, and have grown together over the years. 
Hermes Erika Linder
God of travelers, hospitality, roads, trade, thievery, cunning, heralds, diplomacy, language, astronomy, and astrology. They are know as the messenger and herald of the gods, and is very protective over mortal herald and messengers. They are employed by Hades, as well, as a conductor of souls to the afterlife. Hermes often guides the souls of the dead to the ferry in the underworld. They are one of few gods who are able to move freely between the kingdoms of life, death, and the heavens. Hermes, like Dionysus, is incredibly friendly and is always ready for a good party. They are much more mischievous than their brother, however, and are known to play tricks and steal important items from other gods, hiding them until they get bored.
Relationships Dionysus: Hermes’ best friend. They’re the same age, due to their father being an insane manwhore.
Thanatos Michael Fassbender
Also known as Mors, Thanatos is the embodiment of non-violent death. His touch is gentle, almost like the touch of sleep. He has two sisters, who have domain over violent death, and a twin brother who’s domain is sleep (Hypnos). Thanatos is a quiet figure, and speaks very little, though he certainly speaks more than Hala. Thanatos roams the Earth, though he can be easily found in the Underworld, where he fell in love. It is said that, at one point, he had beautiful black wings like a raven, though he no longer does. Thanatos’ main job is to fetch the souls of mortals and bring them to the docks of the Underworld, though he is sometimes helped by Hermes.  He is said to be a fearsome sight, something which is easily dispelled by anyone who knows him.
Relationships Harmonia: One of the daughters of Ares & Aphrodite, Thanatos met her completely by coincidence. Thanatos feels different with her, and he thinks it could be love, though he’s wary, hoping that he isn’t being fooled by her brother.
Hades & Hecate: Thanatos’ closest friends. The three have always gotten on well since their creation. Thanatos and Hecate were both welcomed by Hades into the Underworld with open arms when Zeus turned them away. 
Hecate Sophie Turner
The goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy. Despite how sweet Hecate is, she is feared by some of the gods, due to her close connection with the dead, making her friendship with Hades and Thanatos very natural. She is a titan child, though no one knows the fate of her parents. She is known to find lost souls in the depths of the Underworld, guiding them through the darkness with bright torches. She has animal familiars who often search ahead of her in the underworld, a beautiful black dog named Hekabe, and a polecat named Galinthias. Hecate, teasingly, will ready tarot for the Gods. She likes to predict Zeus’ death the most.
Relationships Hades & Thanatos: Two other Underworld figures, and Hecate’s best friends. Hades was only a teenager when he took control of his domain, but still welcomed Hecate and Thanatos into his realm. The three spent plenty of time, sitting together. Hecate taught Hades to read Tarot, though he’s horrible at it, and can’t predict anything specific.
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The Children of Ares & Aphrodite The beautiful children of Love and Rage.
Eros David Gandy
A mischievous god of love and constant companion of his mother, Aphrodite. He is a beautiful god, who doesn’t hesitate to mess with the others. Eros is known to change his appearance, based upon the beauty standards of the time. He is fiercly loyal to his mother, and has a strange disdain for his father. He lights the flame of love or lust in the hearts of men and gods. He has, once or twice before, fooled with the hearts of gods. He has had one of his arrows go awry before, causing chaos. He doesn’t tend to care much to deal with the chaos he creates, and allows things to fade away naturally, unless forced by his mother to fix it.
Relationships Psyche: A beautiful mortal woman. She was said to be more beautiful than Aphrodite, which angered Eros’ mother. Eros was sent to shoot her with an arrow and force her to fall in love with a monster, instead falling in love with her himself. He disguised himself as a monster and married her himself. Unfortunately, she was never allowed to see him. She stole a look at him, and he was forced to leave her. Eros constantly pines for Psyche.
Phobos & Deimos Greyston Holt & Ruby Rose
Deimos is the embodiment of terror and dread, and her brother, Phobos, is the embodiment of flight and rout. They accompany their father into battle, spreading fear in his wake. However, as they are the children of Aphrodite, they also, jointly, represent the fear of loss. The two are inseparable. Phobos, though the seems to be the more fearsome of the two, is known to be more gentle than his sibling, who presents a much more aggressive attitude. Phobos is known to be calculating and clever, known the escape routes, while Deimos is known to be clever and fearsome, easily able to instill the fear of her father in people. Their relationship is...strange.
Relationships Harmonia: Phobos & Deimos’ youngest sibling. They are very protective of her, as she is the exact opposite of her. Harmonia is never affected by them, and likes to spend as much time with them as their father will allow.
Harmonia Katherine MacNamara
The young goddess of Harmony and concord. She is a daughter of Aphrodite and Ares’ children, and as the product of their love, presides over marital harmony. She is known to soothe strife and discord, and presides over the harmonious actions of soldiers during war. She was born after Aphrodite was forced to go back to Hephaestus. Harmonia is very sheltered by her father, who has tried to protect her from the wrath of his brother. At one point, Harmonia was in love with a mortal man. He was killed by a gift from Hephaestus. Harmonia barely remembers.
Relationships Thanatos: Harmonia met Thanatos on accident one day when Harmonia snuck away to the Underworld with Hermes, curious about what was there. Harmonia fears what could happen to him if she was open with her feelings.
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The Norse A god in a strange place at the right time.
Freyr Nikolaj Coster Waldau
The Norse god of fertility, the rain & sunlight, life, and Summer. He belongs to the Vanir tribe of Norse deities, though he is also hailed as one of the Aesir. He is one of the most widely and passionately celebrated of the Norse gods. He is well mannered and loves mortals. Freyr is often gifted with sacrifice to bless weddings and births. He met the Greek god Artemis at some point, and the two conceived a child, despite him having very very hazy memories of the event, hinting that he may have been under some sort of glamour. Freyr, in recent years, has disappeared from Asgard, as he has been in the mortal realm, serving as an art teacher in a high school under the name of Cassius.
Relationships Kore: Freyr’s daughter. He doesn’t know she is his, but he is a teacher at her school, and admires her greatly as his student. In Freyr’s mind, Kore is the perfect mortal.
Freyja: Freyr’s twin sister. Freyja is the Norse goddess of love, fertility, beauty, and fine things. The two are very close, and were very rarely seen apart before he left for the mortal realm. Freyja often visits him, trying to convince him to let go of his silly obsession with the mortals and come back to Asgard.
Freyja Katheryn Winnick
A member of the Vanior trive of deities, she, like her brother, is an honorary member of the Aesir. She is a goddess of love, fertility, beauty, and fine material possessions. She is often looked at like a party girl, almost. Unlike her brother, who specializes in earth magic, Freyja is a practitioner of seidr, a magic tied more to the fates of mortals. She was the first to bring this magic to the Norse gods, and even taught a select few mortals, similar to how the Greeks taught their oracles. She is known to manipulate the desires, health, and prosperity of others, and she’s not afraid to use this against other gods. She, unlike her brother, really doesn’t care too much about mortals.
Relationships Freyr: Freyja’s twin brother. They’re very close, and were rarely separated before Freyr left to explore the mortal realm. She often visits, trying to convince him to give up his obsession with the mortal realm and come home.
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The Fates A group of three weaving goddesses, created by the union of Nyx and her husband, Erebus.
Clotho, The Maiden Spinner  Kaya Scoldario
The youngest of The Fates, Clotho spins the threads of life and makes major decisions, such as when a person is born. She is often seen as being in control of a person’s life. Her ability enables her not only to choose who is born, but to also decide when gods or mortals are to be saved or put to death. She is often called a daughter of necessity, as she must always continue to exist in some form or another. She carries a spindle or a ball of thread wherever she goes, in some form. Clotho is one of the Virgin Goddesses, and sports a white left eye (which she can hide, if she so chooses).
Relationships Lachesis: Her older sister. Though their bond is not maternal, it is often viewed as so by those outside of their close circle. Lachesis adores her sister.
Lachesis, The Mother Alloter Lucy Lawless
The middle of the fates, Lachesis measures the thread that Clotho spins, and determines how much life mortals will get. She is also a decider of destiny, and will often form small knots in Clotho’s threads, dictating important events and when they will occur, though she is unsure of which knot is was specific event. She is known as a director of fate, and is, possibly, the most out spoken of the fates. She has been known to raise conflict with the gods, such as Zeus, when they try to interfere., and likes to tease the mortals the most, often meddling in their lives, driving them towards destiny. She sports a white right eye. Lachesis often carries a rod to twirl the thread around.
Relationships Clotho: Her younger sister. Their bond, though non-maternal, is often viewed as if it was by those outside their close circle. Lachesis loves Clotho, despite how sheltered Atropos keeps the youngest.
Atropos, The Inflexible Crone Dianna Rigg
The oldest of the three fates, Atropos is also known as Morta. She is inevitable. Atropos chooses the mechanism and ends the lives of mortals by cutting their threads. She is the most feared of the fates, as she remains silent until the absolute end. She is known as the crone, and has a fierce hatred for Zeus, due to his constantly attempts to defy her.  Atropos visits Olympus alone often, and will sit in silence, watching the events that are occurring with her two white eyes. Atropos carries a pair of shears with her, which are her symbol.
Relationships Clotho: The youngest of the fates. Atropos is very protective of the young fate, and keeps her rather sheltered, though she tries to educate her on what she needs to know. Atropos does not allow her to live in complete naivety, however, as she believes that destiny can turn out poorly if one isn’t properly educated.
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The Hybrid Primordial The only one of her kind, and the most powerful of all.
Kore Nina Dobrev
A beautiful young woman, Kore was believed to be mortal, or a very minor god, as she hadn’t displayed many abilities before her 18th birthday. Kore’s memory was very carefully cultivated, to protect her, as her mother feared that she may be terribly powerful, and could become dangerous. She does remember bits and pieces of things, here and there, but has trouble putting it all together. She began to display powers over nature, and eventually came into her powers as the true ruler of Olympus. It is said that Kore will lead Olympus into a new age, free of fear and of Zeus. Kore is a sweet girl and everyone adores her, even Zeus. No one really trusts him to be alone with her, however. She is a highschool student for now, but is destined for greater things in this world. Were she to become Hades’ queen, she would take on the responsibility of helping him judge souls. As ruler of Olympus, she would take on the powers and duties of Zeus, and then some.
Relationships Hades: The god of the Underworld, Hades easily fell in love with Kore, head over heels for her. She thinks maybe she’d seen him when she was younger. 
Artemis & Athena: Kore’s mothers. Athena has been around since before she was born. She loves them, but they tend to be a little overprotective of her. Artemis isn’t exactly happy about Kore’s relationship with Hades.
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The Daughters of Ares
Hippoltye Odette Annable
The oldest of Ares’ two daughters. Hippoltye attended a local college, and was well liked and known. Hippoltye was a great academic, and the captain of her school’s Fencing and Volleyball teams. She had a belt that her father had gifted her that signified her authority and leadership, as he was very proud of her accomplishments. Hippoltye was out with her younger sister and Theseus before she disappeared. Hippoltye went off with some guy she had been showing interest in, and never came home. Hades has confirmed that she isn’t dead, but she certainly doesn’t want to be found, wherever she is. Theseus was worried at first that she had been abducted. Antiope is pretty sure that the reason Hippoltye left was all the pressure that was put on her, being the daughter of a god. She hasn’t tried to contact anyone but Antiope.
Antiope Adelaide Kane
A highschool student. Antiope is the youngest of Ares’ two mortal daughters, and is well liked by him. He tends to be a little protective over her, much like he is with Harmonia, though his reasons are vastly different. Antiope is part of the lacrosse team, and has been trying to convince her school to let her join the football team, though she considers cheerleading a possible backup, if they’ll have her. She was very badly affected by her sister leaving them. Antiope tries to usually stay upbeat around her dad and her siblings. Hippoltye calls her once a week, but she never answers.
Relationships Theseus: Antiope’s on-again-off-again boyfriend. They met when they were both younger and he and his friends played a prank on her and her sister. She really has only shown him how she really feels about her sister abandoning her.
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The Muses Deities who bring inspiration to the world. They can often be flighty, much like nymphs.
Calliope Evan Rachel-Wood
The eldest of the muses, Calliope is often called the Superior Muse. She was known to accompany kings and princes in order to impose justice and serenity. She is the protector of Heroic poems and rhetoric art. Calliope inspired Homer to write Iliad and Odyssey. She, like her sisters, is also a music goddess, as well as being the goddess of eloquence. She isn’t as flighty as her youngest sisters, but is known to run off from time to time, touching the hearts of many mortals to inspire them. Calliope has a son, who’s father is unknown, and was forced to leave him behind by Zeus.
Relationships Orpheus: Calliope’s son. She had to leave Orpheus behind after his birth, though she checks on him from time to time. She has never had the chance to meet her son, but she still adores him from afar. Orpheus is possibly the son of a king, or the son of Zeus.
Clio Gal Gadot
The muse of history, Clio is often also known as the muse of heroes and heroic acts, and is often present to inspire heroes to their destiny. She is known to have made friends with and inspired Theseus in ancient times. She discovered the guitar and history, which is why history, at one point, was referred to as “kleos”. She is a little hot headed and likes to go on her own adventures when not inspiring heroes to their destinies.
Euterpe Mads Paige
The muse of music and lyrical poetry. Euterpe is the most promiscuous of her sisters. One man said that he recalled the muse whispering in his ear, draped over him, seductive words falling from her lips that he was inclined to write down.  Euterpe gets along best with Dionysus and Eros, and is often found hanging around with them in Dion’s garden. She discovered numerous musical instruments and dialects.
Melpomene &  Thalia Amy Lee & Emma Dupont
Melpomene is the muse of tragedy, while Thalia is muse of comedy. They are two halves of the same, and cannot exist without each other. Melpomene protects rhetoric speech and Melos. Thalia discovered comedy, geometry, architectural science, and agriculture. She protects Symposiums. Thalia is the more bright and chipper between her and her sister, often related to a pixie, though she has spells where she can come off as melancholic. Melpomene, however, is different from expected, often smiling and outgoing, despite her artistic sphere. 
Polymnia Jessica De Gouw
The muse of religious Hymns. She is the protector of divine hymns and mimic art. It is said that Polymnia invented geometry and grammar, and is typically depicted holding a lyre. Polymnia is a pious young woman, and will often come across to mortals as a religious person. She is modest and most well associated with the goddess hestia, though people often mistakenly associate her with Apollo, due to her lyre. She is sometimes singular minded, but a little less flighty than her sisters.
Erato Saiorise Ronan
The muse of love & love poetry. She is often present during the planning of weddings, creating a warm and loving atmosphere when needed. Similar to Eros, she is known to have a bow and quiver of arrows, though her’s don’t have the same effects as Eros’. Erato is a hopeless romantic, and will often be found roaming about, mooning over the last person she inspired. It does tend to annoy the other muses, but Calliope thinks it’s sweet.
Ourania Florence Pough
Muse of astronomy. Ourania is the protector of celestial objects and stars. She invented astronomy, and takes great pride in the constellations that she creates. Ourania is said to have galaxies in her eyes. Ourania typically inspires more scientific endeavors, and was absolutely enraptured with man’s journey into space. She gets very excited about everything to do with the stars, and can be found doodling new constellations. She can be somewhat absentminded, but knows how to focus when the situation calls for it.
Terpsichore Anya Taylor Joy
The muse of dance, Terpsichore is energetic, yet elegant. She invented many dances, the harp, and education. She was named because she was energetic and funloving. She is very light on her feet, and some have said that she often looks like she’s dancing, rather than walking. Terpsichore often provides entertainment for the gods when she’s not inspiring people, and is never seen without a smile on her face, unless she’s very focused on her footwork.
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The Unlucky
Orpheus Jackson Rathbone
A handsome young musician. Orpheus is the son of a muse, and was abandoned by her when he was still an infant. Orpheus was raised with a love of music, and is very talented in both music and poetry, earning him the favor of Apollo. it is said that his talents can charm all living things and even stone itself. He often loses himself in his music, trying to express things with it that he struggles to express with his words.
Relationships Eurydice: Orpheus’ wife. She is a very talented dancer, and the light of Orpheus’ life. He was stricken with grief when she was taken to the Underworld, and has been trying to figure out how to bring her back.
Hermes: A good friend, Orpheus was given to Hermes as a baby for them to raise. Hermes treated Orpheus as their younger brother for many years, and the two are still close to this day.
Eurydice Willa Holland
A young nymph. Eurydice is rumored to be the daughter of Apollo, though he denies this, and a good majority of the gods chalk it up to nothing more than rumor. She is, however, homeless, and has traveled the world in the hopes of finding her place. She is friendly, though weary of most people, having been mistreated before. Eurydice is known for her dancing and her attitude of getting what she needs to survive, no matter how she gets it...
Relationships Orpheus: Eurydice’s husband. Orpheus, though loving and caring, often gets lost in his music. Eurydice loves this about him. Orpheus would do anything for his wife, and has been plotting to retrieve her from The Underworld, though he’s weary of being tricked by Hades.
Hades: Eurydice belongs to Hades. The story varies between Hades bought Eurydice when she was desperate for food and shelter, and owns her soul, and that Eurydice was poisoned by a man who was trying to claim her for himself, and now resides in Hades’ realm, waiting for her husband to come save her. Either way, it’s said that the two had a very brief romantic relationship when she first arrived in the Underworld. According to them both, it’s a lie.
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rheaeaseandflow · 7 years
The Births of Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus || Updated Headcanon
(This is the second part of my headcanons about the history of Rhea and Cronus’ children, mainly about what drove Cronus to swallow his own children and Rhea’s experiences of being pregnant with each children as well as their births. For the first post which details Rhea and Cronus actually raising Hestia and how Cronus’ paranoia took over, click here!)
First off...the question someone may be thinking: why stay married and keep having sex with the man who ate your previous children? A couple of reasons...
1. She still had to act like she wasn’t a threat to him so she had to constantly be around him and not actually leave him.
2. A part of her still loved him and hoped that her future pregnancies could stir his fatherly affections up again like when they only had Hestia.
3. She also had her obligation in being Queen of Heaven and she wouldn’t dare leave Cronus to rule on his own especially when his actions and ways of thinking are questionable now.
4. Another part of her was scared what Cronus would do if she left him. She considered “sleeping with the enemy” a safer option for her than being labeled a deserter queen or mutineer.
5. She also stuck around for her children in a way. Even though they were physically apart, Cronus housed them inside and being in his presence felt like being around her children. While Cronus slept, she often stayed up whispering as if she was talking to her children, hoping that they could somehow hear their mother and not feel alone and know they were loved by their mother who always thought about them. Talking to her children brought her some relief even though it still pained her that she couldn’t see her children.
Hera’s birth was something Rhea planned purposely. After giving birth to Demeter, she stopped using any methods of birth control she used in the past. While conceiving Hestia was a happy surprise and conceiving Demeter was planned, Rhea prepared her body to be as fertile as possible and Hera ended up being conceived on Rhea and Cronus’ wedding anniversary of all days. Hera was conceived a little less than a month after Demeter’s birth.
Estimating her next child would indeed be a girl (she gave birth to two daughters at this point), she hoped that the probability of Hera being a girl could possibly save her from being Cronus’ next victim. She tried to convince Cronus that this new baby girl would be no threat to him and that they could start over again a family; however, her efforts were rejected by her husband
This next part is taken from an old headcanon of mine about Hera’s name:
“Hera is an anagram for Rhea so basically Rhea named her last daughter after herself. It was more of a joke between Cronus and Rhea in the beginning of their marriage that if they ever had children (they might have been drunk during this), one of their offspring would be named after either the titan king or queen. The two of them then concluded that it would be Rhea when they played around with the idea and thought of the name Hera after shuffling around the letters in the titaness’s name. With Cronus’ name on the other hand, it’s not as easy to come up with a decent name from his.”
“This idea of naming a daughter after the titaness wasn’t taken seriously until Rhea was pregnant with her last daughter. Sensing that this would be the last of her daughters, Rhea bestowed Hera with her name before Cronus took their newborn daughter away from her. It was the only gift she could give Hera besides life after her daughter’s birth”. Bestowing Hera her mother’s name in a way also predestined her for a life like Rhea’s: marrying her younger brother which made her Queen of Heaven and having similar domains and symbols (and the same number of children if you go with the myths that state Hera had six children).
Hera, her youngest daughter, would be the first baby she would give birth to and not hold or look at after their birth. She could only dream of what her daughter looked like.
When pregnant with Hades, she hid the fact that she was pregnant as long as she possibly could before it would be physically obvious. While Rhea told Cronus right away what the sexes were of their previous children, she hid the fact that the baby was a boy from Cronus the day she discovered the baby’s sex. It was his future sons that Cronus was most concerned about since it was told that a son would overthrow him which deemed them even more at risk than their daughters.
With Hades in her womb, she treated him like a secret, but it wasn’t because she dreaded being pregnant. He would be her first-born son, something that should be celebrated; however, she couldn’t be as happy as she wanted to be, especially losing every child she gave birth to. The birth of their first son would have brought Cronus an heir except in his eyes now blind by paranoia, this would be his usurper.
Due to her keeping her son a secret knowing the possibility of him being taken from her, she bestowed him a nickname one. A bittersweet one that stood for the fact that she couldn’t see him while she was pregnant with him but also for the possible future that he would be invisible to her, never to be seen once Cronus stole him from her. She became to refer to him as “my little unseen one” before she thought of a real name for him. She stressed over picking out a worthy name for her son; being her first son, she wanted only the best for him. She went back and forth between Hades and Aidoneus. Rhea loved both of the names, thinking Hades could be his first name and Aidoneus as his second.
When Hades was ready to be born, Rhea didn’t inform Cronus she was going through labor. She said she would be away, visiting their sisters when in fact; it was only a lie to cover for her. Joined by one of the nymphs who worked on Mount Othrys to help her give birth, she almost had a chance to hold and look upon her son. Yet the prolonged absence of his wife concerned Cronus and he ultimately found her and their son, taking young Hades from the hands of the nursing nymph and swallowed him whole.
This would be the final time Rhea wouldn’t stand losing any more children to Cronus.
Poseidon was the first child she finally devised a plan to save from Cronus. She would use a fake decoy baby for Cronus to swallow after she gave birth to her next baby and send them to her brother and sister, Oceanus and Tethys, to keep safe and raise before he could help his mother rescue the rest of his siblings from Cronus. But how to deceive Cronus in believing the decoy was a real baby? Cronus was known to be wily and cunning so she would have to outsmart her husband.
Trying to figure out how to implement her plan without any issues ultimately stressed the pregnant titaness to a degree where it affected her pregnancy. The stress induced Rhea going into labor months before she had estimated and Rhea again had to wait for Cronus to be distracted long enough for him not to notice Rhea’s absence. She waited until he was in deep sleep before she could give birth; the labor pains would not allow her to go far so she settled to give birth in one of the various bathing rooms on Mount Othrys. This would also be the first time she would give birth without any help; however, she really didn’t need it in the first place.
Poseidon was conceived on a beach with the waves crashing against his parents’ bodies and he was born in water, forever cementing his connection with water. Even though she was exhausted and tired from giving birth to Poseidon, she had enough energy to be able to hold him, practically in tears that she could finally hold one of her babies in her arms and see their face instead of imagining how they would look like. Sadly to his premature birth, he was born smaller than all of his previous siblings. He would need extra care due to his fragile state, making it even more important to get him to Oceanus and Tethys as soon as possible. Yet due to Rhea’s energy level was still low so she planned on waiting a little while longer before she headed to her siblings’ so that she could give Poseidon to them.
Surely enough, Cronus was awoken by the cries of baby Poseidon, and while Rhea tried to push Cronus away from her and Poseidon, he was stronger than Rhea. Rhea lost another baby which only fueled her rage more. The next time, her plan would not fail and her next child would overthrow his father and free her other children.
Zeus would be the final child she bore sired by Cronus. This time she would put into the plan she devised to save Poseidon after discussing with her parents, Gaia and Ouranos, to better perfect her original plan. They ultimately came up with the idea to borrow Apate’s girdle of deceit to make Cronus believe that the decoy baby (that would be a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes) was indeed baby Zeus. When she was ready to give birth, she waited again for Cronus to be asleep before heading to Lyetos, Crete where her parents advised her to go when she was going into labor.
While Rhea was relieved to know that her son would be saved from Cronus in the care of Gaia and other nymphs, she was still saddened for she had to be separated from her final child in order to continue up the act that Zeus was swallowed by Cronus and wasn’t protected from her father. Rhea was hesitant to give her son to her mother but she bestowed him one last kiss before she gave him to Gaia. Apate arrived at the cave soon after to lend her girdle to Rhea to trick Cronus. Outside of the cave, Rhea found a stone and wrapped it in the swaddling clothes Zeus wore shortly after his birth that were given to Rhea to be used before his clothes were changed by Gaia. 
With the powerful girdle bound to Rhea’s body, Cronus took the stone baby from her arms and consumed them, thinking it was their newborn baby. She had finally outwitted the wily King and she could only wait for the day she could be reunited with her lost children at the hands of Zeus once he was old enough to face Cronus and defeat him with the rest of his siblings. 
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rheaeaseandflow · 7 years
Headcanon || Updated timeline on when Cronus swallowed Hestia (and Demeter)
As I was discussing various headcanons with @seaprofound, one of the things we talked about was what made Cronus finally crack into swallowing his children and how Hestia played a critical part in raising her younger siblings in the void sans Zeus. Thinking about this presented the question, if Hestia was to be known as the nurturing one who looked after her young siblings, shouldn’t she have some type of experience and be somewhat older than them? Babies can’t take care of other babies given their dependence on being tended to by someone capable of understanding their needs and be able to fulfill them.  
So I decided to change my headcanon that Hestia was swallowed by Cronus around the age of six on the day Demeter was born. Cronus would also swallow Demeter the same day, leading to him devouring each future baby directly after their birth. Except the real Zeus of course. 
At this stage of Hestia’s life, she would have the ability to take care of her younger siblings through what she learned around being Rhea and her other family members. She would have already know how to walk, talk (not perfectly but enough to be understood), and be able to tend to others. Granted she’s not the most well-versed in childcare at this point but she is a fast learner and adaptive to her environment and who is around. Despite being an only child for about six years, Rhea and Cronus would have Hestia around her many cousins so she could have interactions with others around her age.   
Rhea and Cronus waited about five decades into their marriage before having children in order to focus on building their empire and adjusting to their new lives as King and Queen of Heaven. Cronus prolonged any notion that his children would overthrow him when Rhea was pregnant with their first child, Hestia and so far after she was born. It was to be a son to overthrow him so for the time being, his daughter offered no threat to his power.
The three of them were a functional family; both Cronus and Rhea doted and adored Hestia. She was very much a little princess that everyone loved. They prolonged conceiving another child so that they could spend as much time focusing on Hestia alone during her earlier stages of her childhood. It wouldn’t be until Hestia turned five did Rhea want another child and Cronus complied with his wife’s request. At that point, he didn’t view his young daughter as a potential threat to him so he welcomed another child. The titans did plan on having a big family after all.
Cronus’ paranoia takes over
The day that Cronus finally realized that any offspring, son or daughter, would be a risk was when Hestia’s power of producing and harnessing fire was made aware to him. Her gift with fire was summoned rather prematurely, unable to fully understand her powers. It was an accident, Hestia claimed, when she set a part of her room on fire and this would be a sign to Cronus that sparked his paranoia and suspicion of his offspring. She was no longer safe to keep around.
Her accidental fire could be used against him and what else could she do? Would she develop this power to be more aggressive in the future? It appeared Hestia loved her father but would she turn on him to usurp him with the help of her little sister on the way? And what power would his other daughter possess that Rhea was currently carrying? Any offspring of his would forever be considered a threat to his position. His daughters could aid in any plots to overthrow him if lead by any of his future sons.  
Cronus would wait until Demeter was born to then dispose of the newborn and Hestia, killing two birds with one stone by trapping them inside him. He couldn’t kill his children but at least they would in a place that wouldn’t allow them access into the outside world and more importantly, wouldn’t be able to overthrow him like the prophecy told by his parents. It would be a son that would overthrow him but Cronus was too paranoid to think his daughters would not aid in his usurping.
Forward to Demeter’s Birth
Having actually raised Hestia in her infant to post-toddler years would make losing Hestia even more difficult for Rhea because she had that time with her and didn’t believe she was going to lose Hestia. Rhea would have gave birth to Demeter the same day that Cronus swallowed Hestia.  Rhea, tired and weakened from childbirth with her newborn daughter, Demeter, would be her distraction so that Cronus would dispose of his eldest daughter. If Rhea asked about where Hestia was, Cronus would answer that she was with Tethys and Oceanus so that Rhea and Cronus could spend time alone with the newest addition to their family.
Cronus feigned happiness around Rhea for the arrival of Demeter, knowing that he wouldn’t be truly happy and secure until Demeter joined her older sister in darkness. Rhea, on the other hand, would have no clue to her husband’s plan until later that night. The titan king waited until Rhea was asleep to devour baby Demeter, and sure enough, Rhea was awoken by the loud crying made by her daughter as Cronus was swallowing her. The titaness entered Demeter’s room to see the bed her baby had barely slept in was empty as Cronus stood by it like a monster in the night, holding a blanket that Demeter was wrapped in. He was guilty of committing not one but two crimes against their offspring.
The disappearance of both their daughters would not be a mystery for long for Cronus revealed to his wife that he had hide them away, never to be seen again. Swallowing his daughters to be imprisoned in a place far from reality was an act to insure that their kingdom would be safe and not taken over by treasonous mutineers who would destroy the progress King Cronus and Queen Rhea made during their reign of “The Golden Age” and disrupt the peace. Cronus’ crime, as he claimed, was for the good of the kingdom they ruled. 
Rhea ran to Cronus, getting physical by hitting him in anger. She was disgusted and enraged that her husband would commit such a horrid betrayal. Cronus was worse than Ouranos, their own father who despised his offspring, in her eyes. Her husband defeated their father to protect their family and now here he was, tossing his children into a realm of darkness as a precaution to avoid the prophecy of his fall. He had once cherished Hestia and was elated about the forthcoming arrival of Demeter and other children they would produce in the future. How could he so easily throw their children away…considering them enemies to the crown?
Cronus prompted her to stop the assault for their daughters were housed inside of him and if any harm came to him, their children would be in danger of being harmed as well. Rhea wasn’t sure if she could believe that, but she knew if it was true, she couldn’t risk the lives of her children. She couldn’t live with herself if she caused them any more pain than what they currently faced being alone in a strange place. Rhea begged Cronus to let her join her daughters so that she could be with them and raise them but he refused. In his mind, she could try to rescue them from their imprisonment and he would be facing his downfall again. His rejection left her heartbroken but she had no idea what to do. If Cronus was capable of disposing their children like they were nothing to him, what would he do to Rhea if she had planned to save them behind his back?
Rhea’s scheming to rescue her daughters had to be crafty and secretive, something Cronus would not expect. But for now, she had to act like the Queen she was. Unbroken, stoic, and strong despite being depressed and disgusted with Cronus inside. She had to act normal to avoid suspicion from Cronus for his paranoia had consumed him. She no longer recognized her husband. She was a childless mother and would be again and again. Haunted by the crying of Demeter and the look of confusion and betrayal she knew Hestia would display before Cronus had swallowed her whole. Rhea would also be haunted by the loss of Hera, Hades, and Poseidon and it wouldn’t be until she gave birth to Zeus did she have some hope and a plan to get her family back.
(Side note: I will end this headcanon here. I will make a future headcanon about the other babies and such. This headcanon become super long and I wanted to put more in it but again, it’s so long.)
(edit: here is part two)
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