#James potter and Sirius Black
Sirius: Just please, James. Do not hit on my brother when you meet him.
James, confused: Alright, Pads. Why would I?
Sirius: No offense, mate, but you have a type.
James, still confused. A type?
Regulus, rolling his eyes: Fuck off, Potter.
James, with heart eyes: Marry me.
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moonytoastx · 4 days
James: "You call it a near death experience."
Sirius: "We call it a vibe check from God."
Regulus: *eye twitches*
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made-by-moon · 6 days
*on a rainy day in Hogsmeade, Sirius and Remus walk into Three Broomsticks Inn holding hands*
Sirius: Guys, I am so wet it's unbelievable.
Peter: *chokes on a cookie*
James: You're WHAT?!
Remus: He forgot his umbrella.
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marauderenergy · 1 year
[In the Forbidden Forest]
Sirius: this is the place I visit whenever I’m feeling lonely.
James: really?
Sirius: no, I have no idea where the fuck we are
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robarazzii · 10 months
the way james and sirius would’ve loved the 2010s like tell me they wouldn’t have ran around dabbing and they would definitely have been famous on vine, like the marauders would have started some kind of magcon group im sure of it and they’d have made challenge videos and done cringey pics at meet and greets 😭😭
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cazzythefrogking · 9 months
marauders incorrect quotes pt 172
McGonagall: I hope you have an explanation for this. Sirius: We have three, actually! James: Pick your favorite.
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shivstar · 9 months
I have a guilty pleasure of reading Jegulus fics. Despite I shouldn't because of reasons-
#1 They are repetitive in their characterization. James is never shown as canon James that is cruel, arrogant and intelligent. Regulus is changed to diluted version of Sirius but with some self preservation because the dude went to Slytherin.
#2 I am majorly into Prongsfoot (obviously into romantic James and sirius for all those requiring clarification). So I feel like I am cheating on my babies for reading this fic where james is with sirius's brother.
# I hate wolfstar and Lupin with a passion. And if you had read a Jegulus fic, you will know that that pairing doesn't comes without wolfstar. Like ever. Ever. So, even though I have to suffer through this painful thing, I read it.
Because of the drama available there. Obviously. You get fluff. You get black brothers, you get strong women characters, you get different tropes and what's ifs, you get an ending where first war has better result as compared to canon.
But I hate it too because -
#1 James will never even look towards Regulus when he has the better black brother sirius right in front of him 24*7
#2 Sirius will never give a damm about remus when James is right in front of him for 24*7
#3 These fics forget that besides from the Wizarding war being about blood purity, it was also about dark wizards fighting for their rights. And Regulus black was a dark wizard. So okay maybe he does not want to be killing people for their status but if he also didn't want to be a dark wizard then you are making him sound like a very disfigured imitation of sirius but only more coward version who is a spineless, worthless follower.
I mean let the dude be a person who does not give a damm about whether other people are killed for their blood as long as he and his people are safe. Let him practice dark magic because he is a proud dark wizard unlike sirius who is a closeted dark wizard and has to hide his affinity to that part of magic just to fit with his friends.
#4 Every single Jegulus fic shows walburga and orion as physically and emotionally abusive parents. When I think it was never the case. I believe that with war on the horizon and with strong personalities, sirius and walburga clashed all the time because of their belief system. Walburga distanced herself when she felt that sirius was lost case and started focusing on Regulus who up until the point was not paid much attention.
Regulus was too happy to make his parents pay him attention, became even more malleable to their belief system in search of that affection while sirius thought that nothing he could do would be any better than Regulus so why try. He was jealous of his own brother. Like any normal child he resented his brother for getting his parents love. It was crystal clear in ootp if people dared to pay attention. {No but we were all busy paying attention to that brotherly hug in poa to have any brain cell remaining to pay attention to other books. Lol}
Why the reasons for sirius running away need to be exaggerated. Look around yourself. Have seen some parent child relationship in which there is no abuse involved, but still miscommunication, expectation, circumstances and belief were the reason of their estrangement.
#5 That point where you are reading form Regulus's pov and he has these abandonment issues because of sirius leaving him alone and not taking him away too and you feel for the guy because he is laying his heart out for his audience to see how much he suffered. He blames sirius and James. I feel that bullshit. First of all I think that Regulus was supper happy that he got to be having the sole attention of his parents. Again my version of his parents were not abusive people just two people who didnt know a thing about parenting. The guy was Slytherin, he liked winning. But he was also hurt by his parents still not being as concerned about him like they are of sirius, even when he is disowned. He hated his brother for having that concern in his parents' mind even now. He wanted to be better. He wanted to make them forget that sirius ever existed. He overcompensates by joining DE, he was not forced. He wanted to be make them pleasantly surprised when walburga never wanted that of her sons. She just wanted them to be bigots like her.
She absolutely despised the idea of her youngest bowing to someone. When Blacks are supposed to be the topmost. Practical royalty.
Regulus when he found out that his parents are in fact not happy with his decision, felt betrayed first and then lost. When he got the actual reality of death eating business, it was too late and he felt that he had no one in his corner. His only friends were all DE and quite happy in it. His parents were silently disappointed.
So when he found out about horcrux. He thought that he can make it upto his parents. But also he did not want to seek their help in his embarrassment. So he seeked to do it by himself and met his tragic end. Also I head canon that he could have fought to survive but his will to survive was lost because he felt adrift with no one to confide the complexities of his life, he felt alone. And he accepted death quite quickly with a relief because he was lonely in the world full of opinionated people.
So the bottom line is that I read Jegulus and then I hate myself for reading it. Because it is bullshit. But it has drama. And fanfics are their to entertain us even if it makes me pull my hair out and gauge own eyes.
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msdeadlymouse · 1 year
transfem sirius black headcanons
transfem sirius who never came out, just started wearing skirts and dresses and little she/they pronoun pins on her leather jacket
transfem sirius who shrugs and winks when asked if their a girl or a boy
transfem sirius who got kicked out of grimmauld place one summer when they decided they weren’t going to pretend to be someone they werent
euphemia potter who was the first to offer sirius a place in their home since she’d always wanted a daughter
transfem sirius who didn’t know that boys weren’t able to walk up the stairs to the girls’ dorms since they’d never had a problem
transfem sirius who’s mastered the perfect messy eyeliner and does it for marlene and emmeline all the time
transfem sirius who jumped on the “downtown girl” aesthetic faster than you can blink
sirius who always took hits for regulus when they could and tried their best to keep him out of trouble when they were kids
regulus who’d do anything for his sister even though she annoys the fuck out of him
james who’d purposely gotten detention when slughorn had given sirius detention for wearing the “wrong” uniform to keep her company
nervous girl dad fleamont potter when marlene sirius and lily started living at the potter manor during the holidays
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solis-angelus · 3 months
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Your honour, they would die for each other.
(And not necessarily in a brotherly way.)
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James Potter and Sirius Black everyone
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An anonymous request
"People like Reg a lot more now that you two are shagging."
The comment had been said so casually by Barty a few days ago, and yet it hadn't left James's brain since.
In the logical part of his brain, he knew it wasn't a thing. Regulus wouldn't just date him for his reputation.....
And James had always had the reputation of being so confident, so together, so self-assured, that asking felt like...weakness. Like admitting there might be some reason Regulus shouldn't like him.
So he kept quiet.
But of course, he wasn't really known for being quiet, either, so it only took Regulus a few days to recognize something was wrong.
"Potter," he sighed softly as they sat squished together in a single chair in the library. "You aren't giving me a headache. Why? Did Sirius tell you his Transfiguration is better again, because you know that's a load of shit."
Sighing, James shook his head. "No....it's just...do you like me, Reg? Like properly?" He hated himself for asking. But he had to know.
But Regulus's look of revulsion didn't help him feel any better. At least until the younger boy snapped his book shut and looked up at him. "James. I like you so much it's disgusting."
And he couldn't help but grin at that. "I-yeah? Really?"
Regulus rolled his eyes. "How could you think otherwise? I literally am sharing my favorite armchair with you. You should be honored."
But even though he knew Regulus was poking fun, James grinned and said sincerely. "I am."
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moonytoastx · 2 years
If your joke ever gets ignored, just remember that James Potter and Sirius Black would've 100% fallen on the floor laughing.
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made-by-moon · 2 months
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Sirius Black- light blue
James Potter- dark blue
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marauderenergy · 1 year
James: wow, Sirius, you actually made yourself a to-do list!
Sirius: I um… I don’t think you should read-
James: why is Remus on here?
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Prongsfoot headcanons?
​I am going to be so disappointing! 
Also, why answer in two sentences when I can answer WITH AN ESSAY?! Headlines provided to at least make some sense of my ramblings!
Canon [books]
Sirius and James are SUPER close; they are being described as inseparable. Sirius is never shown to have any interest in girls despite it being very clear that he's spoilt for choices. 
All we learn about his life post-Hogwarts pre-Potters' deaths are that he was James' best man, James' son's godfather, that he was in the Order with James (and his other friends), that James wanted him to be secret keeper and that James trusted Sirius to use Peter as secret keeper (and even just writing that breaks my heart). Upon finding out James is dead, Sirius' first reaction is to try to take care of James' son, and the second is to go after the man that betrayed James (and Lily, Harry and Sirius).
He spent 12 years in Azkaban, blaming himself and escapes once he's worried for James' son's safety. The rest of his life is dedicated pretty much to keep James' son as safe as possible, and he dies protecting James' son. I will note though that he speaks more about Lily than say Remus speaks about Lily, and there's that letter in DH. It's fair to call it canon that the two of them cared about each other.
You know this... I just feel like it needs saying over and over because there's so much love there without any interpretation! <3
My headcanon has never been particularly creative. I've just always imagined that Sirius was in love with James (James was aware), and while James couldn't return those feelings, James obviously loved Sirius to pieces. Just as James accepted Sirius' feelings, Sirius accepted James'. I believe that if Sirius and Lily hadn't gotten along, James would never have married Lily, but I also believe Sirius mourned Lily too and cared about her deeply, obviously driven by how happy she made James.
Anyways, that's why I suck at writing ACTUAL Prongsfoot (apparently I can't write things that break my own headcanon except to write stricter canon stuff), but I love reading about it and seeing fan art because I just want my boys to have a good time.
Some Headcanons/moments
I've heard people say Sirius couldn't cast a Patronus because of Azkaban. My headcanon is that it was because he lost James - the light of his life.
Ignoring (1) I believe that if Sirius had been able to cast a Patronus after 1981, it would have been a stag and I even have a one-shot about that called: I can't love you back to life but I can live your love (even though the one-shot is a bit less headcanon in that Sirius describes James as a brother)
James and Sirius went to the 1974 Quidditch World Cup together with James' family. When Sirius opened his letter from Harry in the summer of 1994, which obviously did have some concerning news about Harry's scar hurting, he couldn't help but smile nonetheless at the hurriedly scribbled addition that Ron's family was taking Harry to see the World Cup.
Speaking of letters, Sirius re-read and re-read and re-read (...) Harry's letter where Harry provided a 'blow-by-blow account of exactly how he had swerved, circled and dodged the Horntail', all the while thinking back to the many occasions James would sit in the common room providing similar accounts of his own flying (which he didn't need to, Sirius had it all memorised already).
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robarazzii · 1 year
sirius black 100% had a dyed red hair phase and he’d joke about being james’ dream partner a member of the black family with red hair
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