#Sirius and James are soulmates in all universes
Prongsfoot headcanons?
​I am going to be so disappointing! 
Also, why answer in two sentences when I can answer WITH AN ESSAY?! Headlines provided to at least make some sense of my ramblings!
Canon [books]
Sirius and James are SUPER close; they are being described as inseparable. Sirius is never shown to have any interest in girls despite it being very clear that he's spoilt for choices. 
All we learn about his life post-Hogwarts pre-Potters' deaths are that he was James' best man, James' son's godfather, that he was in the Order with James (and his other friends), that James wanted him to be secret keeper and that James trusted Sirius to use Peter as secret keeper (and even just writing that breaks my heart). Upon finding out James is dead, Sirius' first reaction is to try to take care of James' son, and the second is to go after the man that betrayed James (and Lily, Harry and Sirius).
He spent 12 years in Azkaban, blaming himself and escapes once he's worried for James' son's safety. The rest of his life is dedicated pretty much to keep James' son as safe as possible, and he dies protecting James' son. I will note though that he speaks more about Lily than say Remus speaks about Lily, and there's that letter in DH. It's fair to call it canon that the two of them cared about each other.
You know this... I just feel like it needs saying over and over because there's so much love there without any interpretation! <3
My headcanon has never been particularly creative. I've just always imagined that Sirius was in love with James (James was aware), and while James couldn't return those feelings, James obviously loved Sirius to pieces. Just as James accepted Sirius' feelings, Sirius accepted James'. I believe that if Sirius and Lily hadn't gotten along, James would never have married Lily, but I also believe Sirius mourned Lily too and cared about her deeply, obviously driven by how happy she made James.
Anyways, that's why I suck at writing ACTUAL Prongsfoot (apparently I can't write things that break my own headcanon except to write stricter canon stuff), but I love reading about it and seeing fan art because I just want my boys to have a good time.
Some Headcanons/moments
I've heard people say Sirius couldn't cast a Patronus because of Azkaban. My headcanon is that it was because he lost James - the light of his life.
Ignoring (1) I believe that if Sirius had been able to cast a Patronus after 1981, it would have been a stag and I even have a one-shot about that called: I can't love you back to life but I can live your love (even though the one-shot is a bit less headcanon in that Sirius describes James as a brother)
James and Sirius went to the 1974 Quidditch World Cup together with James' family. When Sirius opened his letter from Harry in the summer of 1994, which obviously did have some concerning news about Harry's scar hurting, he couldn't help but smile nonetheless at the hurriedly scribbled addition that Ron's family was taking Harry to see the World Cup.
Speaking of letters, Sirius re-read and re-read and re-read (...) Harry's letter where Harry provided a 'blow-by-blow account of exactly how he had swerved, circled and dodged the Horntail', all the while thinking back to the many occasions James would sit in the common room providing similar accounts of his own flying (which he didn't need to, Sirius had it all memorised already).
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wasteddmoondust · 6 months
the universe || sirius black
pairing: sirius black x reader 1.2k words, soulmate au, angst (i tried, really), happy ending, some language from this request! :) a/n: AHH i hope you really like this, i haven't written this much before but i think it was a good challenge!
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Sirius feels like he shouldn't have looked. But he stares at the four little paw prints tattooed on your left shoulder blade, identical to the one he has.
But that was the thing with soulmates, wasn't it? One can never control how it happens, they just do. It was already written. He was meant to see this, and he's meant to do something about it.
There's a sinking feeling in his chest. He's not sure if he wants to do something about it.
Sirius doesn't believe in soulmates. At least that's what he wants himself to think.
It's too much commitment, he usually says to himself. Why can't I choose who I want to be with?
I've been following rules my whole life. What does the universe know about me and who I'm meant to be with? For the rest of my life? Who would want to be with me that long?
I'm not a good enough person, let alone for Y/N.
Who would even want to love someone like me?
That's usually where the thinking stops.
So he decides for himself. Going out to parties to pick and choose which girls to make out with. No strings attached, just his physical desires to be satisfied.
He knows it's massed up, even more so when you're at said parties, keeping a lookout for someone with your matching tattoo. And so Sirius keeps his shoulder covered. You don't know he's your soulmate, and a part of his never wants you to.
Unfortunately, you're good friends, and he doesn't want you getting hurt over the fact he doesn't want a soulmate.
By the time he's done sticking his tongue down another girl's throat, he usually hears that you've decided to call it an early night.
It all comes crashing down one New Year's Day.
It's the adrenaline of counting down in the very crowded room, and the feeling of someone grabbing him to be their New Year's kiss. Everyone welcomes the start of a new era with a cheer.
The party goes well into the night before Sirius decides to finally crash in his room. He immediately falls asleep as his head hits the pillow.
He wakes up with the usual hangover headache, but nothing a bowl of ice water can't fix. A quick shower and a carton of juice later, he checks his phone for his missed notifications.
Moony: wake up, get to the hospital now. Moony: Sirius where are you??? Moony: we're outside room 402 when you get here. Prongs: Y/N's sick again, we're heading home Prongs: she won't stop throwing up idk what to do Prongs: we're going to the emergency room Prongs: call me when you see this Lilypad: James and i are going to the hospital with Y/N, call us when you see this Lilypad: Sirius if you do not wake the fuck up right now i will actually come for your throat.
Sirius doesn't think he's gotten ready so quickly in his life. To be fair, he was still in his pyjamas, just adding his leather jacket and running out of the door with his keys, wallet and phone in hand.
When he arrives, he sees his three friends outside of the room you're in.
"What happened?" he asks, panting from all the running.
"They don't for sure know yet," Remus says, arms crossed and leaning against the wall.
Lily is sitting on the chair, her hair is tied messily in a ponytail. "They think it's soul-repelling."
Sirius furrows his brows, "What does that mean?"
"My parents talked about it once," James says from his seat next to Lily. "They used to talk about stories of people who constantly reject the soul bond they had with their soulmate, which would cause the other person to be very sick. Or in worse cases, die."
Lily visibly hates the way James says it, and he knows it. He tries to comfort her by holding her hand, their matching flower tattoos on their hands side-by-side.
"...But she doesn't know her soulmate yet?" Sirius asks carefully, trying to sound normal.
James shrugs. "She may not, but they say the way her body is reacting means her soulmates knows it's her."
Sirius feels his breath knock out, his heart pounding, realising what he's done. He's been rejecting their bond the entire time. All the while he thought he was doing himself a favour, he made her suffer for his selfish needs.
The ache in his heart is undeniable. He grabs the fabric that covers his heart and feels his breath get heavier.
"Sirius?" Remus calls, noticing his actions.
"It's- it's my fault..." Sirius feels tears start to prick at his eyes.
"It was me," he starts to remove his jacket and shirt, showing the tattoo on his shoulder for the first time. "It's me-" his voice cracks. He turns to the door, "I need to get in there."
"Woah wait- Sirius!"
But he bursts through the door to the ward. He runs in and the first thing he notices is you staring at him, paler than he's ever seen you before. You have eyebags and you're heaving, as if you'd just thrown up before he came in.
The nurse next to you speaks up, "Sir, you can't be in here yet-"
"I'm sorry!" he yells, grabbing your hand and bending over the bed. He buries his face in your chest.
"Sirius?" you whisper, confused, but you finally see the print on his shoulder. "Oh."
"I've known for the longest time and that was so selfish of me. And it's still so selfish of me to want you still," tears are fully flowing down his cheeks now. "I've realised I cannot lose you. But would you allow me to be selfish one more time and ask for you to forgive me?"
If anything, you're too stunned to speak. One minute you were throwing your guts up and suddenly your best friend is crying in front of you and he's also your soulmate.
But at the same time, you start to feel your body be at ease. The nausea is already starting to subside. His warm hand in your cold one feels nice. Like two puzzle pieces finding each other.
You cough, feeling your throat finally clear. You look down, and SIrius is still crying, his question still hangs in the air. He waits for your answer.
"I hope you know you have a lot of making up to do after this," you say softly, smiling.
He heaves the biggest sigh of relief. He leans towards your hands and kisses them. "Of course, anything for you. Oh thank god."
You chuckle. "I'm so glad it's you, actually. I had a feeling."
He looks up at you, "Really? How'd you know?"
You shrug. "Just a feeling I guess. Probably a soulmate thing."
He smiles, the universe has his back, he thinks. "Can I kiss you?" He asks.
"Sirius I just threw up, I'm not letting you taste whatever is in my mouth right now," you say. "But the rest of my face is available."
He opts to kiss your cheek instead. And something in him clicks. It feels normal, it feels right.
Yeah, the universe definitely knew what they were doing.
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outromoony · 20 days
Love confession
@wolfstarmicrofic | Soulmate AU | Word Count: 683
"Do you believe in soulmates?" The moment those words escaped Sirius's lips, he knew he must have said something wrong. Remus was looking at him with an expression of surprise, his eyes wider than usual. He tried to take back his words. "I mean... of course soulmates exist. Look at James and Lily. They are soulmates, without a doubt."
"Why question the existence of soulmates when you've already found yours?" Remus finally spoke, clearly swallowing the emotions that had gripped him just moments before.
"It's just... I don't know. Aren't soulmates supposed to be reciprocal? If someone matches your soul, aren't you supposed to match theirs as well?"
"You don't think you match Mary's soul?" Remus was looking at him with something like a mix of confusion and pity. "And... no. Soulmates are not always reciprocal. Souls aren't perfect, just like their owners. Nothing in the world is perfect—not magic, not humans, not wizards, and certainly not souls."
"I found my soulmate, but they haven't found me."
"What are you talking about? You've had your tattoo since first year. And then dated the one who caused it years later. You broke up with her, yeah, so what? That doesn't mean she isn't the one for you. Just like soulmates, time isn't perfect either. You will find the right time, Sirius; you always do."
Why was Remus always so good with words? It only made him feel even guiltier when he spoke again.
"Mary... she isn't my soulmate."
"What?" Remus's eyes widened, as if he were just looking at him properly for the very first time. "What do you mean?"
"Mary isn't my soulmate; she isn't my permanent tattoo."
"I-" Remus had to shake the surprise out of his face. "But why would you lie about something like that?"
"Maybe because I barely knew you lot at that time?" Sirius laughed with obvious sarcasm. "I just saw the first pretty girl and said it was her. But it wasn't; I never even spoke to her once all first year."
"Then your tattoo..." Remus began, but Sirius cut him off.
"I didn't lie about that. I did get my tattoo at eleven."
"Then why lie about who it was?" Remus was waiting for an answer, and Sirius wanted to give it to him, he always had. But fuck, it was so hard, to look at him in those gorgeous brown eyes and say the words he should have said a long time ago.
So he didn't; instead, he just lifted the sleeve of his shirt until the black ink was exposed.
Sirius could still remember it as if it were yesterday—the first time he met Remus Lupin. The quiet boy had been annoyed with him and James for causing a rampage on the train. He never said anything, but he would shoot them annoyed glances from behind the book he was reading every five minutes.
When all of them were sorted into Gryffindor, Remus was the last one to join them at the table. There was something about him, from the very first moment, that made Sirius want to be close to him forever. He recalled shoving James out of the chair next to him, making it the only available seat so Remus would have to sit beside him.
The first time Remus ever spoke to him was when he realized where and with whom he had ended up. He sat next to Sirius, avoiding eye contact at first. But then he smirked—a malicious, playful smirk that left Sirius feeling breathless and weak. Then he spoke.
"Ah, the universe has a sense of humor, I see."
Those were the exact same words that were now tattooed on his skin. The same words that had been there since the moment Remus met his gaze for the very first time. Sirius looked up to see Remus's reaction after seeing the tattoo. It was one of shock and disbelief, but as he recovered, Remus rolled up his own sleeve as well, revealing a fresh tattoo still red around the edges:
Do you believe in soulmates?
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jilyawards · 10 days
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The Jily Fandom Rec List 2024 is a compilation of Jily stories our readers want to keep an eye on for this year's awards.
All The Lonely People (Where Do They All Come From?) (WIP, 4.9k as of 31 May 2024) by @nodirectionhome-ao3. Rated M.
James Potter is a Ministry agent. Lily Evans is a disrupter. But Lily is gone...a figment of the past... Or so James thinks.
Risky Behaviour (completed, 1k) by @jamesunderwater. Rated M.
Lily is determined not to get distracted during rounds again. Written for @jilymicrofics Mystery Microfic May Prompt 27: Risk
Sweet Seventeen (completed, <1k) by @jamesunderwater. Rated G.
James is dating an older woman. She loves snow. He loves... well, it's too soon to say it.
here lies (completed, 4.4k) by @gigglesandfreckles-hp. Rated T.
“Were we expecting you?” He looks slightly horrified, as if he’s forgotten an important appointment, and turns to his wife for help. “I’m sorry if— “No, dear.” Euphemia shakes her head, moving toward him and running a smoothing hand through his mop of messy, white hair. “Lily here was just depositing our highly inebriated son.” “Oh, that’s rather charitable of her.” [or: James can't hold his drink, or his affections]
the same rule applies to goodness and grief (completed, 3.6k) by @gigglesandfreckles-hp. Rated T.
“I need your assurance that if this all goes tits up and you end up dead, you’re not gonna haunt me for stealing your family.” “I’m starting to question whether your concern for my safety is genuine.” “Just can’t help it, Prongs. World's cutest baby. You and stupid Evans. Beautiful people. I hate you both.” “Good night, Sirius,” says Lily, shaking her head in laughter. [or: James is starting to worry Lily so she calls in reinforcements]
maybe it was egos swinging (maybe it was her) (completed, 11.1k) by @apalapucian. Rated T.
james starts rolling his shoulders, wincing. "jesus, evans." "back at ya," says lily, testing her wrists. "ever heard of taking it easy?" "with you? never." "can’t believe you’d use confringo on me." "knew you'd block it," he says. "can’t believe you’d use depulso." she shrugs, grinning. "knew you'd block it." (or: seventh-year, auror-aspirant, academic rivals, head boy and head girl james and lily.)
Hitchhikers May Be Escaping Inmates (WIP, 24.3k as of 31 May 2024) by @themaraudershavethephonebox. Rated T.
At eighteen, Lily Evans learned she had a soulmate. June seventh she woke up with scrawled text over her ribcage that could not come off in the shower no matter how hard she scrubbed, or with the wipes her mother used to get pen ink out of her father’s clothes, nor the acetone her sister used to remove her nail varnish. Lily Evans still believed in love, in magic. That she could fly. But the universe would not be calling the shots when it came to it fuck you very much.
Love for the Summer (WIP, 51.9k as of 31 May 2024) by @missgryffin. Rated E.
It's the summer after sixth year, Lily Evans is realizing she fancies James Potter, and James has Sirius Black's motorbike to thank for getting Lily out of the friend zone.
The Loyal Companion: A Tale of Bad Dates and Good Whiskey (WIP, 10.7k as of 31 May 2024) by @sophie-hatter-jenkins. Rated M.
Lily Evans endures a series of disastrous first dates at her new favourite bar, The Loyal Companion. Still, at least the whiskey is good. And the bartender is cute. Not her type though. Nope, definitely not.
Just the Two of Us (completed, 10.2k) by @arianatwycross. Rated T.
Head Students James and Lily face a perilous twist when a malicious potion surfaces in hate mail directed at Lily. Dumbledore orders a week-long quarantine in the Head Students' suite. With unspoken crushes lingering, the duo navigates close quarters, leading to unexpected revelations, lingering looks and forehead kisses.
silence and patience, pining in anticipation (completed, 1.2k) by @kay-elle-cee. Rated T.
Lily’s been hung up on James for years; a tipsy conversation might be the push she needs to do something about it.
A Heart of Coal (completed, 8.6k) by @wearingaberetinparis. Rated T.
They say fortune favours the bold, yet Lily Evans was given her death sentence at seventeen. As soon as midnight strikes on the eve of her eighteenth birthday, her heart will turn to coal. Gryffindor knight James Potter, however, is the last to accept such a fate. For while Lily Evans’ curse foretells her death, his foreshadows a life without his unrequited true love at his side. Written for the March Jily Challenge. Prompt: A curse will strike on A's birthday and that can only be undone by a dragon’s fire, true love's kiss or a fairy's tears. None of those three even exist, or do they?
meet you there (completed, 7.8k) by flagpoles. Rated M.
Lily Evans to James Potter: why is this bar called the horse and carriage btw James Potter: romantic gesture from binns for his ex wife James Potter: it was their nicknames for each other. wish i was joking Lily Evans: fuck me i would also divorce a guy who nicknamed me carriage James Potter: believe it or not she was horse Lily Evans: well christ // they work in a bar and things are going completely fine, actually
Check out the previous months' recs too: January, February, March || April
Happy reading!
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starchaserdreams · 7 months
My fics on AO3
Alright, so I deleted my AO3 account a few months ago (thinking I was done with this) and orphaned all of my works. Well, now I deeply regret that. But I have collected as many of them as I could find here for anyone who's interested.
Temptation Eyes (Now Complete!) - My Jegulus Regency AU. Completed, being posted one chapter twice a week. James enters the London season hoping to find a wife. What he finds instead is Regulus Black, and he never looks back. But as implied by the era, it won't be easy for them. Background wolfstar, shown as a different approach to a queer relationship in the regency era.
Get Regulus Out - 82k, Rated M, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Working Through Trauma, No War/Riddle AU, background Wolfstar, background Marylily. James tries to convince Regulus to leave Grimmauld Place as Sirius once did, and save himself from his parents.
How to Spot Signs of Jealousy - 4k, fake/pretend relationship, mutual pining, miscommunication. After Regulus gets fed up with people asking him out because of his family name, he and Barty agree to fake date. For some reason, James Potter seems livid...and Regulus can only guess that it's because he's homophobic. That's got to be it, right?
But Where's Regulus - 1k. James on laughing gas after getting his wisdom teeth taken out and talking about how much he likes Regulus
Waking Up Slowly - 2k. James wakes up in bed with Regulus in the Gryffindor dorm, something Sirius might not take kindly to.
I've Read Your Book - 1k. Two one shots based on the same premise: Writer!James didn't even know Regulus knew about his book, let alone had read it, but Regulus comes up to him and says "I've read your book" aka the most exciting words of all time to start a conversation for a writer.
Little Ball of Fire - 1k. Regulus gets into an argument with Snape. Regulus begins threatening him, so James picks Regulus up and carries/drags him out of the room before anyone gets hurt.
What's in a Name - 5k, Soulmates AU, secret crush. In a world where soulmates exist and can identify each other by the feeling they get when they say each other's names, it's pretty easy to identify who your soulmate is. But for Sirius and James who only call each other by their nicknames, it takes a while to finally know.
The Bachelorette - 15k, mutual pining, Bachelorette AU. Sirius and James are both cast as contestants on the Bachelorette. Although their stated goal was to woo Lily and capture her heart, they don’t quite manage it. They fall for each other instead.
A Real Marriage Under Wizarding Law - 6k, mutual pining, fake/pretend relationship, drunken shenanigans. Sirius and James get a quickie drunken marriage in Knockturn Alley. When they wake up in the morning, they decide not to get it annulled so that they can save Sirius from an arranged marriage.
The Only Transfer Students to Ever Come to Hogwarts - 9k, arranged marriage, hijinx, angst with a happy ending. Sirius is upset to learn that not only does he have to transfer to a new school, but his parents have set up an arranged marriage for him. James assures him that's impossible, but Sirius knows his parents don't make empty threats. (Written for Prongsfoot Bingo)
The Smell of Water - 4k, Amortentia, idiots in love. Sirius and James argue about what they're smelling without realizing that there's Amortentia in the room. When Sirius realizes, he becomes a whole mess about it. (Written for Prongsfoot Bingo)
Wolfstar Microfics Theme: Love - 8k, a collection of 22 microfics themed around love
6x James Found Out, and 1x Harry Did - 10k. Six ways James could have learned about Sirius and Remus' secret relationship, and one way Harry could have learned about it. *This is specifically ATYD fanfiction, and it's set in that universe.
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lu-vin-it · 7 months
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Summary: You’ve never cared much for James Potter, but the universe knows best, right?
Pairings: James Potter x Reader, Cindy Hawthorn (oc) x Marlene Mcinnon
Pronouns used: None mentioned
Word Count: 2,403
Warnings: R and R’s friends are kinda mean to James at first.
A/N: Thank you to @lemkay-luminary for proofreading! Ily!!!
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They say you don’t actually live until you meet your soulmate, that the day you finally touch them for the first time the world stops and you magically start living. They say that before you’re on autopilot. You weren’t sure how much you believed that. You hadn’t met your soulmate yet, but you thought you lived a pretty full life.
You had a close group of friends— Cindy Hawthorn from Slytherin, Zachary Jones from Hufflepuff, and Michael Perez from Slytherin— you were in Ravenclaw just like your Mother, you were a prefect,you got mostly perfect grades. So how could you have not lived?
James was the opposite. He did every crazy thing he could think of to prove himself wrong, he wanted to believe his life was perfect as is, but it never worked. He knew he wasn’t living without his soulmate, he could feel it.
He had Sirius, Remus,Peter, Lily, Dorcas, Marlene, and Mary. He had a great set of parents, plenty of money, made fine grades and he was head boy. He had what seemed to be the perfect life, but he knew it was far from.
As a prefect, one of your duties this year was to help plan the winter ball. You were ecstatic, the winter ball was one of your favorite things ever.
You sat with Mike as usual at the prefect meeting. Mrs. Mcgonagall sat with James Potter and Lily Evans on either side of her, head boy and head girl. You hadn’t really ever talked to either one of them, the only class you had with them was astronomy and most slept during astronomy.
Though, you had an opinion on James Potter, who didn’t? Most people loved him, somehow finding him charming. You personally saw him as a childish boy disguised as a man.
You and the other Ravenclaw prefect, Eric Jonesy, were in charge of food. That was your favorite job since you got to taste everything the elves made to make sure it was good, and it always was. When you heard your name called, you gave Jonesy a polite smile, and he did the same.
“Well, I’d better go talk to Eugenia, how we’re to find music I’ve got no clue.” Mike says to you, standing up as the meeting ends.
“That’s fine, I’ve got to talk to Jonesy about snacks anyways. See you at breakfast?” He nods and salutes you as he walks away. You grab your bag and approach Jonesy. “Hey, do you have an idea on when we should talk about the snacks?”
“Oh hi L/N! Erm.. Are you going to the quidditch game on Saturday?” You scrunch up your face and shake your head. “Perfect me neither, would you like to meet up at twelve in the common room then?”
“That works for me. See you then.” You smile and wave before walking off. When you exit the meeting room, a boy runs into you, knocking you to the floor. You look up to see Sirius Black on the floor in front of you.
“I’m sorry!” You narrow your eyes at him.
“It’s past curfew, Black, what are you doing here?” I stand up and he follows soon after.
“Waiting for James.” You roll your eyes.
“Five points from Gryffindor. He’s inside.”
He grins. “Thank you!” He goes to hug you and you place your hand on his chest.
“Don’t push it.” With that, you walk off.
The next morning, you and Mike meet up with Zach, Cindy, and Cindy’s girlfriend, Marlene, in the great hall.
“Morning all!” You say, sliding onto the bench.
“Morning.” They chorus.
“How’d the prefect meeting go? Heard you took some points from us.” Marlene asks, taking a bite of her grits.
“It went well, I’m in charge of the food for the ball!” You smile proudly. “And yes, Sirius Black seemed to think that waiting outside a room full of prefects after curfew was a good idea.”
She rolls her eyes.“Course he did.” She turns to her girlfriend and smiles. “We’re going to the ball together right?” Cindy nods.
“I thought that was implied.” She says with a small laugh. Zach fake gags from beside her.
“I miss my best friend.” He says dramatically.
“I’m right here dumbass.” Cindy snorts, moving her blonde hair behind her shoulders.
“No you’re not. You’re on Marlene island. And you didn’t even get a ticket back.” She deadpans.
“Are you serious right now? I’m going to act just like this when you meet your soulmate and want to spend every second with her.” Zach grimaces. Mike wraps his arm around you.
“At least I have my stand-in soulmate still.” You smile and shake your head. Mike has been calling you that since you were 11 and witnessed two soulmates meeting for the first time.
“Agreed.” Zach opens his mouth to retort but is interrupted by four boys approaching you all. It’s James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. You sit up straighter. “Can we help you boys?”
“Heard you took points from Gryffindor last night. I asked Sirius to wait there for me so I’d like them back, thank you.” James replies.
“Does Mcgonagall know you, the head boy, are letting fellow classmates— not to mention your best friend— get away with being out past curfew?” No response. “You’re lucky I only took five. I could’ve taken ten. Fifteen even. And, Black, you’re lucky I didn’t give you detention.”
“Oh. Yeah thanks for that.”
“I would’ve revoked it anyways.” James murmurs.
“Dumbledore must have been feeling funny when he appointed you head boy.” You shake your head and start eating breakfast.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you’ve done nothing to actually deserve the honor of head boy. You’ve had more write ups than I can count on my fingers. Everyone else is just too blind to see.” Mike replies for you. “I mean, come on now, you barely even passed potions last year.”
“It’s a hard subject!” Mike rolls his eyes. “What have you all got against me anyways? Are you jealous?”
Zach turns around. “Potter, what could we possibly be jealous of? You didn’t even win the quidditch cup last year.”
“That’s because your beaters hit a bludger at him!” Sirius replied.
“Maybe that’s because that’s what they’re supposed to do?”
“If you all have some sort of problem with James, just say it.”
“I have a problem with James.” Zach and Cindy chime.
“I have a problem with James. Wow, that was actually really clarifying, thank you Sirius.” Mike says with a shit eating grin.
“I have no issue with James. I’ve got issues with rule breaking.”
“You must be fun at parties.” James says with a snort.
“I am actually.. when I’m not on duty. That’s the difference between you and me, I know when things have gone too far.”
“What are you talking about? I know when things are too far!”
“Really? Like in fifth year when you publicly humiliated Snape? That wasn’t too far?”
“I was fifteen!”
“So was Snape! You never even apologized.”
“What, so you don’t like me because of something I did two years ago?”
“Yes.. and the fact that you don’t seem a bit sorry for it, or any other prank you have ever pulled on anyone. James, don’t take it personally, I’m sure you just forgot or didn’t realize. At least I hope so.” You stand up, grabbing your things. “I’m off to class. Have a wonderful day.” You turn to your friends. “Whose common room are we meeting in later?”
“Yours!” Zach yells. He always preferred the Ravenclaw common room to his own. Especially since it’s a tower and, in his words, ‘The perfect landing pad’. He would open a window from the outside on his broom, and fly in.
“Alright. See you all then.” With that, you walk off.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly, your classes are great, seeing your friends is great, and you only had one more class. Astronomy. You were able to sneak in a small nap before heading up to the tower.
You don’t bother standing with anyone else, you’re far too tired to socialize. However, when James Potter walks in and sees you, he immediately goes to stand beside you.
“Evening, L/N!”
You deadpan. “It’s midnight.”
“How was your day?”
You glare at him.
No response.
“Fair. I’m quite tired myself. Head boy duties, you wouldn’t get it.”
“Shut up, please, for the love of Merlin, shut up.” You beg, stepping away from him.
“Wait—“ James reaches out and grabs your hand. Before you can realize it, everyone suddenly stops, it’s like you're frozen in James’ grip.
“What the hell?” You whisper, looking around at your frozen classmates. You glance at your wrist and finally realize that James is touching you. For the first time.
“You’re my soulmate.” He says, with the biggest grin you’ve ever seen in your life. You stare at him astonished.
“What the hell?” You repeat. You pull your wrist out of his grip and everyone starts moving again. “We will talk about this later.” You walk off, leaving the tower, completely disregarding the professor yelling at you.
Your first thought is to go get Mike, but you knew he was asleep, he was always in bed at 8 PM on days he didn’t have Astronomy. So instead you just went to your room, and slept.
The next morning, you’re woken by someone pounding on your door. You groggily get up and answer, no one should be there this early on a Saturday.
“What?” It’s Mike, grinning at you knowingly.
“James Potter is your soulmate?”
You groan. “How did you find out? It happened at 12 last night, do you have a mic on me or something?” You shake your head and let him in, closing the door behind him and then collapsing on your bed.
“I know everything. How are you feeling about it?”
“Out of all the people in the world, it had to be him? He’s so.. childish.”
“And you’re pretty uptight.”You look at him in shock. “It’s the truth! You are! I say it out of love, you know that. Opposites do attract, maybe you and Potter will be really good together.”
“How did he react?”
“He was pretty happy. I just brushed him off like he was nothing. Merlin.. what kind of soulmate am I?” You rub your face. “I have to go talk to him huh?”
“Yeah.” He pauses. “I know I’ve never liked him, but I think you guys will be great together. You have to be. Look at this as a good thing, will you?”
“I’ll try.”
“Okay, now get out of bed, and go talk to your soulmate. I’ve got to high five the entire student body.”
You laugh. “Use hand sanitizer.” He nods before leaving. You sigh, looking up at the ceiling wondering if James would even want to talk to you after last night.
After getting up and dressed, you go to the Gryffindor common room, asking the Fat Lady for him. You waited for five minutes, until the portrait opened and Remus Lupin walked out. He gave you a polite smile.
“Is James in there?”
“Er.. yeah. I should warn you, Sirius set up a prank in the common room. There’s a trip-wire at the end of the tunnel, don’t touch it and you’ll be fine.” You nod.
“You’re welcome.. And, for the record, James is happy it’s you.” He leans into the portrait and whispers the password, letting you in when it opens. You walk down the tunnel, hesitating, you are able to spot the trip wire and step over it.
It’s easy to find his dorm, “HEADBOY” is carved right above the door. You knock as soon as you get there so that you don’t overthink it and leave.
“One moment!” James calls out. You find yourself smiling at the sound of his voice. You can hear shuffling on the other side of the door before it finally opens and James meets your eyes. “Y/N!”
“Hi James. Can I come in?” He quickly nods and moves out of your way. His dorm is big, there’s a full sized bed, a couch, a few bookshelves, a desk, and two wardrobes. “You have a nice dorm..”
“Thank you! Perks of being Headboy I suppose.” You sit down on the couch and he quickly sits beside you.
“I apologize for running off last night.”
“It’s okay, I understand.”
“I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t know why I did that. I’m sorry.”
“Y/N, it’s okay. I understand that you were shocked.” You shake your head.
“More than shocked. We’re complete opposites, James. I was scared, I am scared.”
“Of what?”
“Of us hating each other!”
“Why would we hate each other?” You sigh.
“Because! You’re so.. loose. You’re brave. You’re the most Gryffindor-y person I’ve ever met. And I am not that. I am quiet, I’d do anything to stay out of trouble, I hate being in trouble. Meanwhile trouble seems to follow you wherever you go!” James just stares at you. “I don’t know how you could ever possibly be happy with someone like me.” You admit quietly.
“How could I not be?” He immediately replies. “You’re like sunshine. I’ve never seen you do anything other than laugh. You’re responsible, and I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I could probably do with being a little moreresponsible myself. If anything, you’re perfect for me. I’m perfect for you. We balance each other out. You have half of my soul, don’t ignore that, please.” You stare at him for a second, trying to form a response. Instead you just grab his face and kiss him.
When you pull away from the kiss, James smiles at you.
“Don’t.” You say, glaring at him.
“What? I didn’t even say anything.”
“You were thinking.”
“I do that a lot.”
“Poor brain.”
“You like me.”
“You kissed me!”
“Shut up!”
“You fancy me!” You hit his shoulder playfully as you start to smile too.
“You kissed me back, you must fancy me too.”
“You caught me.” He leans in and kisses you again.
As you sat there with James, you realized that even though the relationship would definitely have its issues it was worth it.
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Taglist— @artvoyager
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brandileigh2003 · 11 months
Fic recs: (this is not exhaustive and I know I'm missing some that I loved)
All are wolfstar (mix of jily and jegulus) Complete unless marked. Check tags, some are dark or sad.
*My obsession: Crimson rivers by bizarrestars aka zeppazariel - angsty hunger games au. Some of the best remus and Sirius characterizations. Wolfstar is top notch. The friendships and black brother dynamics are all 💯
-The Standard Book Of Spells Series by imparfait connected fics and 1 shots, still wip: wolfstar is so in love, I want to melt multiple pov. no voldy.
-Would That I by third_crow (wip currently updating) soulmates, canon divergent, no voldy, autistic remus
-what a wonder (what a waste) by peachyybabe all the emotions. Mcd. Divergent.
-Honey If I'm Not by BrigidFaye: divergent post war where remus left, jily lived, and wolfstar only reconnects years later by chance. (Also has a Sirius pov)
-snakes and lions by her_smile_forges_galaxies (read tags though! Slytherin remus, platonic soulmate remus & regulus turns death eaters, angst with happy ending)
-like real people do by third_crow (disability coffee shop)
-Tender is the touch (of someone that you love too much) by purplefiction- multiple pov journey of remus waiting for heart transplant, written from someone who's been in position. Sirius is such a strong and sweet caretaker and remus is a fighter. (It also has James and Sirius as hockey players)
–wolf's heart by mizdiz- heartbreaking. Meet in bookshop, Remus has heart problems, they fall in love, Remus tries to push him away to save pain of watching him die but Sirius won't let him.
– best friends brother bizarrestars/zeppazariel: has it all, jegulus as well, moonwater friendship, black brother dynamics
-wading in waist-high water by colgatebluemintygel- bake off fic where sirius is host and Remus is a disaster
-the sea is a good place to think of the future by peachyybabe first in series is happy/open ending. Love them reconnecting and how disability is written. Check tags. 2nd in series has mcd. But it's oh so good, broke my heart.
– text talk by merliwhirls: great banter and flirting firming a solid connection through text before they meet in person.
-lessen my load by moonymoment (university, so sweet together)
-pb to my j by aqua_myosotis (texting fic, so cute together)
-my only sunshine by loua29xx- remus is sick and asks Sirius to help him die
-Berlin Angel by de_sire: Remus helps him really begin to live, asks the deep questions help him discover who he is. Sirius helps remus open up as well, sees his layers, thinks remus is Sirius' own sun
-Second Generation by MsAlexWP older wolfstar, single parents, getting back together. The sequel is so perfect too! It's a Nice Day for a Wolfstar Wedding
-An infinite ocean by orphan_account (raising teddy au, he has cf)
Other magical:
--Evolution is spelt with an R by de_sire: Remus never went to Hogwarts, saves Sirius and Sirius gets involved with pack by being healer
–After the fire by Coriaria lie low at lupin's, a dark look at remus' past (check tags)
–that’s the art of getting by by sarewolf Remus raises Harry then Sirius lays low with them
exes, horcruxes, and other reasons to panic by lynxindisguise: divergent from 1st war, picks up 7 yrs later
-canon so far **shifting Lines by dovahtobi (wip currently updating)
-wip or maybe abandoned but good: Of Leaves and Stars (modern magical texting, trans remus and genderfluid sirius)
as well as Of Initials and Postscripts (Hogwarts era, remus is homeschooled and sirius is his penpal) both by irrationalmoony & LadyAmina
-Saccharine by moonymoment (au) Sirius is a ghost in remus' apartment
-just lovers by bizarrestars/Zeppazariel divergent fic, fake dating (wolfstar isn't main but they're heavily featured)
Authors in general
third_crow disability rep!
Peachyybabe he is great at portraying disability
Littleoldrachel disability and trans rep
Check out my fandom wifey lucigoo
Some of my fandom friends moon_stars, raggedypond, beautywolfstar, and speckinthevoid
Other things I've re-read
-Did You Miss Me? By Fantismal, Krethes long text fic, angst and humor. Check tags
-An Interesting Grasp by TheBiButterfly: remus with tourettes, artist sirius, moonflower friendship, au
-Six Feet Apart by Belle_Lestrange101: pandemic fic, remus is high risk
-Living Like We're Renegades by orphan_account deaf/hoh remus and genderfluid cheerleader remus
--Forever Is a State of Mind by orphan_account (raising teddy, deaf remus)
-taste of honey by biremus: British bake off fic, each other's competition but ofc fall in love
-Let Them Eat Cake by OpeningMyEyes: another baking fic
-This Is the Way the World Ends by YouBlitheringIdiot: sad but beautiful MCD
--A Brief History of Dragons by eyra: nuerodivergent remus
-Choosing You by Cruisinwritealong: one shot, they're cute
-Heat and balance by eyra: beautifully depicted disability/illness fics, au
-from white-hot anticipation to cold-blooded fear and back again by drowsyanddazed: ravenclaw remus unimpressed by prank idea and they get close
-this is erosion by cruelrage: modern magical, texting at Hogwarts, remus homeschooled
-Engaged for 43 years by halfravenhalfclaw: sirius proposes at first sight at 11, follows til the afterlife (divergent)
-Befriending A Ravenclaw by kreestar: slow burn with pining. Remus is ravenclaw prefect
-ten reasons (to go to michigan) by greyeyedmonster18: falling in love au author remus, artist sirius raising Harry with regulus angst+ slow burn
-We’ll Make It Out Alive by wolfstar_addict417: texting fic with angst/fluff and disabled remus (au)
-summer you let your hair grow out: Sirius goes to remus instead of James'
-Boys Will Be Bugs by the_Infamous_Jack: Hogwarts era with trans remus
-sweater weather by lumosinlove: hockey fic they're so cute
-Highland Fling by picascribit: summer disability strangers to lovers (au)
-Dear Your Holiness by MollyMaryMarie check tags but some of the quotes still stick with me.
- Heavy In Your Arms by MollyMaryMarie: slytherin Sirius as padfoot finds injured ravenclaw remus and takes care of him
-everything's connected by mizdiz- magical realism, boarding school. Witty banter, alternating sarcastic and socially withdrawn/awkward remus and larger than life Sirius.
-we can be heroes series by YouBlitheringIdiot school years through the war. Divergent ending
-As It Was by peachyybabe mix of fluff, angst and hurt/comfort
-Of Memories and Milk Thievery by moonymoment older wolfstar, raising teddy, get back together
-Let's Play Pretend by MsAlexWP fake dating, single parents, remus and teddy are wonderful disasters
-The Horcrux Hunt by Keysie 1st war divergent main focus remus and Regulus friendship and working together. Funny and angsty.
- it's a new dawn by ilbaritz: Remus never went to Hogwarts and met everyone after school. Trans remus
-Tertiary Colors by krabapple mpreg 1st war divergent, potters live
**I've made a themed list of trans remus fics too if you want to check out
**I made a part 2 bc this was getting long if you're interested, one shot version
Jegulus recs
**Ofc feel free to check out mine:
Silence Between Us by brandileigh2003 a soft wolfstar falling in love, features Sirius dealing with anxiety, and remus who is deaf and has an adorable service dog.
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ladylokilaufeyson5 · 1 year
Fantasy - soulmate AU (either the red string of fate or those scenarios of colour is dull until they meet them or something) with either regulus black or bill weasley <3 (CONGRATULATIONS ON 1K!! super proud of you 💗) -🕷️
A/N: tysm!!<3 also you share my birthday for this one <3
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader (romantic), Sirius Black x Reader (platonic), Sirius Black x Remus Lupin (established relationship)
Warnings: hmmmm... perhaps some brother angst but really i think that's all
Words: 1.6k+
In a world where soulmates existed, finding love could be very difficult. The universe usually made sure that soulmates could find each other within their lifetime, but unfortunately that wasn’t always the case. It was one out of ten million that a person wouldn’t meet their soulmate. Dating wasn’t really a thing, as most people just wanted to wait until they found their other half.
It usually happened at seventeen, when the red string of fate appeared. On a person’s seventeenth birthday, the red string of fate would tie them to the one the universe deemed their other half, but the string only became visible when both soulmates turned seventeen.
Unfortunately, it seemed that you were the older one, because it had been months since your birthday, and the string of fate had yet to appear. 
You sat in front of the fire in the Gryffindor common room, watching as the flames danced together in the fireplace, the embers crackling as they consumed the logs, slowly turning it to charcoal.
What if you didn’t have a soulmate? There was no reason to think that at seventeen, but of course you had your doubts. It was just anxieties, and apparently it was very common.
A voice pulled you out of your thoughts, and you looked up to see Sirius Black standing beside your chair. Sirius was a year older than you and you had met when he stopped a bunch of older Slytherins from trying to stick your toes to the ceiling. After that, the two of you just clicked and fell into an easy friendship.
“How’s it going?” he asked, plopping himself down onto the couch next to you.
You shrugged and continued staring at the fire, feeling a wave of jealousy wash over you. Sirius had already found his soulmate – one of his best mates, Remus. And they were honestly perfect for each other. Before Remus’s seventeenth birthday, Sirius was a player. People just couldn’t seem to resist his charms and looks, but as soon as the red string appeared, he dropped everyone for Remus. You just wished that it would work out for you, too.
“Still no soulmate?” Sirius inquired.
You narrowed your eyes and turned to him, and a grin spread over his face.
“Aw, c’mon, N/n,” he chuckled. “You’ll just be dating a younger man. Or woman.”
You sighed loudly and dropped your head onto the arm of your chair dramatically, and Sirius laughed again before running a hand over your hair comfortingly.
“I bet you’ll find your soulmate soon,” he assured. “Just watch as the string appears tomorrow.”
You smiled slightly at his attempts to comfort you, before calling in an early night.
The next morning, something was different. You couldn’t exactly place what it was, until you got out of bed and spotted the red string attached to your body.
“Oh my god!” you yelled, before rushing out of your dorm and into the seventh-year boys ones.
The four marauders were still asleep as you banged in through the door, although James awoke quickly at the sound.
“Wazzgoinon?” he exclaimed, almost falling out of his bed.
“Sirius!” you chanted. “Sirius, Sirius, Sirius!”
You ripped the curtains of his bed open to see him fast asleep on Remus’s chest.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Remus!” you apologised. “I didn’t mean to wake you!”
Remus gave you a small smile. “It’s okay. Why d’you wanna wake him up?”
Excitement buzzed through you as your gaze followed the red string that led out the door. “My string appeared!”
“WHAT?!” Sirius opened his eyes and jumped up out of bed, his hands on your shoulders and shaking you back and forth. “YOU FOUND THEM?!”
“I haven’t found them yet!” you corrected, starting to feel dizzy at how hard Sirius was shaking you. “I was just about to, but I wanted to tell you first!”
“Alright, then, let’s go!” Sirius exclaimed, grabbing your hand and starting to pull you out of the dorm. You happily followed, ready to go, when there was a small cough from behind you.
“Maybe you should get out of your pyjamas and into regular clothes first,” Remus suggested.
You looked down at your pyjamas and mumbled, “oh, right.”
You quickly ran to your dorm, hearing Sirius bark, be quick! From behind you. But when you reached your dorm and started going to your dresser, panic seized you. What should you wear? What if your soulmate didn’t like whatever you were wearing? 
They’re my soulmate, you scolded yourself. They won’t care what I’m wearing.
After quickly getting changed and brushing your hair and teeth, you bounded down the stairs and to the common room, where Sirius was waiting for you, the rest of the marauders in tow.
“Took you long enough,” Sirius complained.
You rolled your eyes at him, making sure he saw it.
“So, where to first?” James asked.
“The Great Hall would be our best bet, I think,” Remus concluded. “They’ll be going to get breakfast.”
“You are so right, Moony,” Sirius agreed. “I knew there was a reason we were soulmates.”
Remus scowled at him but you all quickly made your way down to the Great Hall. Your string turned a corner opposite to the Great Hall, but James assured you that they were probably just getting ready.
As you sat at the Gryffindor table, you stared after your string, which led out of the doors and down the corridor beyond. You were bouncing in your seat with excitement, unable to stay still. The string continued to stretch out of the hall all the way through breakfast, and once it was over, your soulmate still hadn’t arrived.
“Maybe they’re just eating breakfast in their dorm, with their friends,” Peter offered kindly. “I mean, if your string appeared today, it’s probably their birthday.”
“Yeah, maybe,” you mumbled as you stood up.
Sirius wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “The quest isn’t over yet, Y/n,” he reminded you. “Come on. Let’s follow that string!”
Remus’s eyebrows furrowed as you two began to walk away, and he called, “Hey, Pads, isn’t it your–”
“Not now, Moonykins!” Sirius interrupted. “We have a soulmate to find!”
Remus let out an exasperated sigh, but left the two of you to your antics. You pulled Sirius down corridor after corridor and hallway after hallway, flying down staircases and past windows as you followed the string of fate to your other half. 
Sirius stopped running and slowed down, causing you to halt beside him. His eyes were dark and his mouth was a tight line, and it suddenly dawned on you that you had gone deeper and deeper into the castle, and you were a corner away from the Slytherin dorms. Once again, panic seized you. You weren’t particularly fond of Slytherins – ever since you’d become friends with the marauders, they’d enjoyed targeting you.
You looked at Sirius worriedly, and he must have seen the fear in your eyes, because he gently placed a hand on your shoulder.
“They’re your soulmate, Y/n,” he said cautiously. “I – if it’s anything like what Remus and I have, then they’ll be right for you. Trust me.”
His words brought a small smile to your face, but it faded when a group of sixth-year Slytherins rounded the corner, half of them talking excitedly. You were about to turn away and ignore them, when you realised that your string… your string was connected to one of them.
You looked at the chest of your soulmate, where your string was anchored, and raised your eyes to theirs, only to be met with piercing blue-grey ones. The red string of fate disappeared – you had found your soulmate.
“You,” Regulus Black breathed.
“Her?” one of his friends – Barty Crouch – exclaimed.
“I think she’s pretty,” Pandora Lestrange commented.
You barely took their words in, staring at Regulus Black – staring at your soulmate. Regulus Black was your soulmate.
The words died in your throat as Regulus took a step forwards, but he was blocked by Sirius.
“Nuh-uh,” Sirius objected. “No way! Not… not you!”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Regulus demanded, glaring at his brother.
His brother. Holy shit. Your soulmate was your best friend’s brother.
Sirius opened his mouth to retort, but you cut through. “You’re my soulmate?”
It was a question and a statement, but there was no denying it. The string had faded when your eyes met. The universe had pushed you together.
Regulus nodded, and his friends looked at each other, as if silently communicating what they should do. Should they leave you alone, or did he need back up? It was the same reason you believed Sirius was staying – as well as the fact that your soulmate was his brother.
“No. You two can’t – you can’t be…”
“I thought you just told me that my soulmate would be right for me,” you interrupted Sirius.
He scowled at you. “That’s before I knew your soulmate was my brother, of all people.”
“Oh, get over it,” Dorcas Meadowes, a seventh-year Slytherin you hadn’t noticed, scoffed. “The universe decided they should be soulmates, so they are.”
Dorcas was Marlene’s girlfriend and soulmate. A Gryffindor-Slytherin pairing that hadn’t had any problems whatsoever. 
Sirius grumbled for a moment before pointing a finger at Regulus. “Hurt her, and I’ll turn your ears into mushrooms and your toes into spider legs.” He then turned to you and added, “The same goes for you.”
Regulus looked at his brother with a mixture of surprise and annoyance on his face, before his friends made up some excuses to leave the two of you alone. Once their footsteps had faded, Sirius pointed at his eyes and then the two of you before stalking off. You looked at Regulus shyly, and he looked at you with his head slightly cocked as he looked you up and down.
You cleared your throat nervously. “Um… happy birthday?”
A small laugh came out of Regulus, and he smiled at you.
“Want to spend it with me?”
You smiled brightly. “I’d love to.”
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shadowbriar · 2 years
Sirius Black - Heart Stamp
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Pairing : (F/M) || Sirius Black x Reader Word Count : 3.7k Warning : Tattoo. Soulmate AU. Notes : A good for nothing like him surely deserve no soulmate, Sirius believes, but when the heart is starved of something, someone, the universe throws him into another round of misery. An OC was mentioned as Remus’ soulmate. Reader is 2 years younger than Sirius. There might be a part II but I don’t want to make promises.
Sirius winces as the needles pierce through his skin, leaving black marks along the thin lines of stencil he’d agreed upon. He’s lost track of how many markings he’d made on his body. Everyone always admired the beauty, they so called so, of tattoos decorating his skin but for him it was nothing more than a veneer concealing his cowardly self. Everytime he looked at himself from the mirror, he could only let out a sigh, holding on to the last bits of time left before she knew the truth.
He cursed on whoever was responsible to pass down the tradition. What kind of sore tosser thought that it would be a great idea for a sixteen years old to know their soulmates? What if they don’t want to have a soulmate? What if they’re damaged beyond repair to ever deserve a soulmate? Wouldn’t that just be cruel to the other party, having to know that they’re bound for life with someone who’s as good for nothing? Someone like him?
He’s tried every spell, potions, whatever rituals there are that he’d read from the restricted section of the library to revoke the linkage, yet when his birthday came it was clear for him that the world hates him out of spite. Her initials were engraved to his forearm, just below the line of his inner elbow. Though he’s tried to cover the mark with some horseshit phrase he stole from one of Remus’ novels, you can still see the lines of her initials peeking through.
Another laugh the universe cruelly dumped on the poor boy.
As much as his little heart rejoiced in happiness, having to know that the girl he’s been so madly in love with for years was destined to be his soulmate, Sirius had to take the sour turn and hide the truth so as not to make people know who the unlucky girl is. Though he’s got no regret on being disowned by his family, he understands the weight he’s carrying isn’t something he should share with anyone. It would simply be unfair of him to throw the dirt and shame at her, so he chose to remain quiet. Even after her persistent questions of who his twin flame is. 
And so Sirius gained a new routine, weekly going to the tattoo parlour to stamp his skin with some doodles and wearing a long sleeved shirt to cover her initials.
When the tattoo artist was done, Sirius stared at the new markings. It was a simple heart shape, one of the simplest tattoos he has on his body. He wanted to have a reminder of today, one day before she would find out about the lies and secrets he’s hidden from her for the past two years. He needed a reminder that later on tonight when all hell broke loose and she’s angry at him for not telling her that she was his twin flame, when all of the mean things she’s spat gradually turn into cries and begs for him to embrace her, Sirius has to keep the promise he’d made to himself— He will not accept her as his soulmate.
“You alright, Pads?” James asks, placing a hand on his best friend's shoulder.
Sirius nods, faking a smile, “Grand.” 
Placing a few galleons to the table, Sirius heads to the door. His three friends sigh, watching the black haired boy acting so nonchalant when it’s apparent that he’s shattering inside.
“Let’s see what we have left on our to-do list,” Sirius said, looking at his palm as if he was holding a note “Get the stuff for her birthday party tonight, checked. Get her presents and her favourite snacks from Honeydukes, checked. Get a new tattoo and cover her initials once more, checked. Prepare a good argument when she finally finds out that I’m her soulmate, not checked but I’m working on it.”
“You’ve prepared an argument?” James asks with raised brows “How exactly would you argue with her? You’re keeping the fact that she’s your soulmate for two whole years, Pads. I don’t think you should be making arguments, you should be writing your will instead.”
Sirius pursed his lips, tapping his chin in a thinking manner, “Good idea, I’ll add that to the list.”
Remus rolled his eyes, “You’re making a fuss out of nothing. Should’ve just come clean with her in the first place.”
“Speaking from experience, aren’t you Moony?” Peter asks, nudging the wolf boy “How is it with Diane? You look like you don’t need much of our help anymore during full moons.”
“She’s brilliant, she understands my conditions and there’s still a lot to unpack but we’re working on it.” Remus says, slightly blushing at the mentioning of her soulmate “I suppose that’s what being a soulmate means. The universe doesn't just give you some random name to be bound for life with, they chose the one person who would understand you and help you through your nightmares. The same way you would help them through theirs.”
“That’s exactly what I’m feeling with Lily.” James chimes in, looking intoxicated with love as he speaks of her “She makes everything better and easier. We have our misunderstandings and fights, sure, but at the end of the day it would only bring us closer.”
“Alright now, enough of the sappy talk.” Sirius sneered “You lot are making it hard for Wormy who’s yet to meet his girl.”
“Oh, I’m content. I don’t mind waiting for a year or two to finally meet her.” Peter answers, trying to avert the spotlight back at him “I may not know what she looks like yet, but I know that I love her already and that’s enough.”
Sirius chews the inside of his cheek. He knows the trick his friends are pulling, to make him yield into this soulmate rubbish and accept it wholeheartedly. Making it seem as if being in love and having a soulmate is the best thing to have happened to their lives. Had the circumstances differ, Sirius would gladly swallow the idea with bliss but he’s not in such a position right now. The whole predicament with his family is taking enough space in his mind and he wouldn’t want to have her reside in such an uncomfortable place.
“Your antics aren’t working, boys.” Sirius says with a mocking face “Besides, it’s what? 8 hours till midnight? Coming clean to her now would only mean spoiling her surprise, I’d rather stall a few more hours before my execution finally comes.”
James shrugs, “If you say so. Your death, not mine.”
Sirius stares at the Room of Requirement’s door. He could hear the music playing from the inside. People were coming in and out, slightly bumping into him who’s standing right in the middle of the corridor. He could feel his heart beating as if it was fighting its way out of his ribcage. His palms were sweaty, worried about the outcome of tonight. He’s given a lot of thought of the words his friends said earlier, about the concept of soulmate and how it’d change their lives drastically. Perhaps the struggle he’s facing right now isn’t as colossal as he thinks it is. Perhaps her love could help him come out of it alive.
And so Sirius whispered to himself, if by the time she knows and she forgives him from keeping it a secret from her, he would give this soulmate crap a chance and would try to work their way up. He would love her proudly and profoundly. He wouldn’t let his house difficulties affect them. He would give a chance for himself to feel the love he so longed to breathe in for years.
Folding the sleeves of his shirt, barely showing the tattoo that’s covering her initials, Sirius takes his steps into the party. People were already crowding the place, familiar faces talking and laughing with each other. On the sofa he could see his pack being comfortable with each other, inviting him to come and have a seat when his eyes met them.
But Sirius only nods, gesturing that he’ll be over in a minute. He’s got something to cross off of his list right now. Something much more urgent than the game of beer pong.
“Sirius!” A lovely voice called, waving at him “You’re here.”
“Of course, I am. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Sirius says with a wide smile, relieved to have finally met her “Happy birthday, Bug.”
“Not yet.” She shakes her head, smiling “You have to wait till the clock strikes at midnight to say that.”
“Well, I like to do things earlier than most.” He argues, giving her a small box “Your first present.”
“First? There’s more?” She asks as she excitedly takes the gift, opening it and revealing a star pendant necklace “Sirius.. It’s beautiful, thank you.”
“Would you like me to put it on you?”
She nods eagerly, “Please do.”
Sirius smiles as he takes the jewelry from her hands. His breathing was caught when she put her hair away, revealing more of her skin. Merlin knows how much will power he’s got to gather to fight the urge to plant a kiss on it, claiming her his. The smell of her perfume is so inviting, becoming his personal force of attraction. The way his fingers brushes to her skin is making the butterflies in his stomach go crazy, combusting as if they were fireworks on New Years eve.
Once the clasp was closed, she turned to face him again. A happy smile was decorating her face, slight blush tainting her cheeks. Her eyes sparkled under the dim light of the room and Sirius swore he’d never seen anyone look more delicate and precious as she is right now.
“You’re staring at me weirdly.” She comments, noticing the lack of blink the older boy was having “Are you alright, Sirius?”
Awkwardly clearing his throat, Sirius nods, “Splendid, really.”
“I think you’re lying but I’ll let it slide this time.”
Sirius smiles. She was acting like a child who’s just gotten themselves a cotton candy at a theme park and it made his chest flutter in bliss. Perhaps this is what his friends were talking about. She makes everything better and easier, indeed.
“Yeah, Sirius?”
“You know that I love you, right?”
The look on her face turns into a soft one, looking slightly downhearted as if she hoped he would mean those words differently, “Of course, Siri.”
“Then promise me this,” Sirius says, this time taking her hands in his and squeezing them gently “Whatever happens tonight, whoever your soulmate would be, promise me that you would still look at me the same way you’re looking at me right now. Look at me with those same eyes that always give me warmth and happiness. Look at me as if I put the Moon and Stars to your sky. Look at me as if I’m someone you love.”
“Sirius, you know I can’t promise you that. People say that once you know your soulmate, you can never look at other people the same way.” She says with an apologetic smile “But for what it’s worth, I hope that my soulmate would be you.”
Sirius nods.
“I mean, I know that’s impossible cause you already know who your soulmate is and it’s obviously not me, that’s why I’m brave enough to admit it.” She rambles, making Sirius to chuckle lightly “But if the Universe could grant me one birthday wish, you know what it’ll be.”
With a forced smile, Sirius brought her hands closer to his chest and kissed them gently. He wishes to live in this moment forever. He wishes to have her this close, close enough to feel his love but far enough to not be chafed from his actions. He wishes to keep her in oblivion and keep loving her in silence, living the rest of his life from fragments of stolen intimacy.
But time is running out. The bomb is about to be explode and all there’s left of him to do now is to sit and wait, crossing fingers that whatever the future would lead them to, his heart and soul wouldn’t crumble completely.
Sirius didn’t realise the blood seeping through his fingernails as he bites them, waiting for her to come out of the room. She’s entered the chamber fifteen minutes before the clock strikes at midnight, wanting to have her own private moment before the initials of her soulmate appear on her skin. The placing of said tattoo is different for everyone, only matching to their soulmate, so she’s asked a couple of her trusted friends, Lily being one of them, to help scan her skin once she officially turns sixteen. Sirius could easily tell her that there’s no need for her girlfriends to help her see where the tattoo would be cause he knows exactly where, but once again he chose to remain silent about it.
Twenty minutes have passed since the day changed and she still hasn’t come out. Sirius was getting more worried of the storm happening on the other side of the door. Is she alright? Is she already having a fit of anger from the realisation? Could she be crying in happiness that her birthday wish is actually granted?
“Lily!” James calls as he notices her girlfriend coming out of the chamber in a hurry “What’s going on in there? Why is she not out yet?”
“Something’s wrong.” Lily says in a hurry as she walks to the drinking table, taking a few bottle of water.
“Wrong? What do you mean wrong?” Sirius asks with alert “Is she alright?”
“Her tattoo, it’s not showing.”
“What?” Remus asks this time “What do you mean it’s not showing? It’s almost 12.30, she should already have her tattoo by now.”
“I know, Remus, but it’s not showing.” Lily answers, sounding as if she couldn’t believe it herself “We’ve checked every inch of her body, there’s no tattoo.”
“Check her left arm, the tattoo should be there.” Sirius says, his tone raising in panic too as he shows the location of her initials “It should be here. My initials should be here.”
Lily raised her brows at his words, turning her eyes to James to ask for explanation but looking at the worry washing over Sirius’ face, she could piece the puzzle together easily.
“Lily, check her arm, please.” Sirius says once more, his tone begging for her to do the favour “My initials should be there.”
“We’ve checked, Sirius, there’s no tattoo.” Lily said once more, looking apologetic this time “But I’ll check her arm again, alright?”
With drinks in her hands, Lily reenters the chamber. The boys now have their eyes glued to the door, dark clouds hovering over their heads. The party is still going in a full blast behind them but the music wasn’t as deafening as the silence around them.
“It’s my fault.” Sirius says with volume barely above a whisper “It must’ve been one of the rituals or spells I did that made her tattoo not show.”
“Don’t blame yourself, Pads. It might just take a longer time for her tattoo to show.” Peter says, trying to enlighten the mood “Her tattoo will show, don’t worry about it.”
“No one has ever had a late appearing tattoo, Wormtail. It’s either there or not there at all.” Sirius says, rummaging his hand through his hair “I screwed up. I screwed up big time.”
Remus places a hand to his friend’s shoulder, “Calm down, mate. We’ll figure it out together, alright?”
“Yeah, Pads. Sit down and we’ll think about it together.” James says, offering a space next to him by the sofa.
Sirius didn’t say a word, his head hung low trying to hide the tears that were starting to fall. He lets Remus guide him to the sofa and sink himself on it once he’s seated. He buries his face on his palm, sobbing. Just how cruel can the world be to him?
Sirius smiles weakly at her once he enters the chamber. She was sitting at the corner, leaning on the walls with head resting on the footing of a table. Tears were staining her cheeks, ruining her makeup. Sirius hates his mind but he couldn’t stop thinking of how pretty she looks as she cries. Her vulnerability made him love her more. It made him want to pull her into a tight hug, hoping his embrace could glue back the pieces of her broken heart.
Taking a seat next to her, Sirius sighs when he feels her head now resting on his shoulder. She was still shaking from the sobs, sniffling as she tried to control her breathing. He tried to peek on her left arm and through the stolen glances, his nightmare was proven to be true. The tattoo wasn’t there.
“I haven’t a soulmate.” She whispers, her voice cracks in between the words “Whatever did I do to not be deserving of one, Sirius?”
“Don’t say that, Bug.” He replied, fighting the cry that’s about to break through “You haven’t done anything wrong, believe me. You deserve all the love in the world and more.”
“I haven’t a soulmate, Sirius. Why?”
Sirius has to close his eyes and pull her for a hug. Her cries were becoming loud once more, breaking right inside his embrace. He could feel his shirt being wet from her tears. He was crying with her, questioning the fault and sin they’ve committed in their previous lives to have the universe curse them so. Why couldn’t they be as normal as other soulmates? Why do they have to have so much pain to go through? Why does the universe love to toy with them so much?
“I haven’t a soulmate, Sirius.” She says once more, repeating the words as if she’s trying to comprehend it “I don’t understand. Don’t we all have a soulmate?”
“We do, Bug.” Sirius says gently “You have a soulmate, believe me. It’s not that something is wrong with you, nothing is wrong with you, nothing could ever be wrong about you. We’ll figure it out together, I promise.”
“I just don’t understand.”
“I know, Bug, I know.” He says, this time pushing her to sit up and cupping her face “We’ll figure this out, alright? You have my word, I will not rest until you get your answers, okay?”
She nods, surprised to see him crying too.
“You’ll get your tattoo, I promise.” Sirius says once more before placing a kiss to her forehead “Don’t you worry your pretty mind, alright.”
Smiling faintly, she rests her head back to his shoulder. She intertwines her fingers with his, focusing on his body heat to be her sole source of energy and tranquillity. For some reason Sirius was the only person that could calm her. She’s heard the same words and promises from her friends yet it has to be Sirius to be the one to give her a fragment of peace. It has to be his voice to give her a sense of security. It has to be Sirius to rescue her.
“You’ve got a new tattoo.” She says, noticing the heart shaped tattoo on his right wrist “I’ve just noticed that.”
She silently traced the lines. Having countless tattoos on his body, Sirius knew that new tattoos aren’t supposed to be touched but he couldn’t careless. Her gentle caresses are his only grip to sanity. Without them he would lose his mind completely.
“I made that for you.” He says with a tired voice “For your birthday.”
She smiles, looking at his eyes with warmth, “Stop it, you’re making me wish harder that you’re my soulmate.”
The smile on his face dilutes for a moment. Should he tell her the truth now? Would right now be the right time to come clean? It would’ve been nice to place all of his cards on the table and let her be the judge of it. Let her be the one to decide their future, whether to build it brick by brick or turn the other cheek and walk away. But with everything that’s happened tonight, could they survive another fight? Would it not shear their last strands of sanity?
Taking a pen out of his back pocket, he reaches for her left arm. Right where his initials should be, Sirius wrote his name. He wrote his name boldly for everyone to see. Though it’s nothing close to how a real soulmate tattoo would look, the position and the smile plastered on her face was enough for him to know that she’s his.
“That looks like a ghastly soulmate tattoo.”
Sirius rolled his eyes, “You love it still.”
She chuckles at last, giving Sirius enough fuel to do the next bold thing.
He leans in, sealing their lips together gently. It took her a few moments to return the gesture but before Sirius could pull away in shame, she placed her hand on his cheek and pulled him closer. The kiss soon becomes desperate, trying to water the thirst they both have been dying of since forever. 
Sirius lifts her and makes her sit on his lap without breaking the kiss. He needed to feel her as close as possible, extremely in need of her touch, but before they could proceed further, Sirius had to step on the brakes and pull away. He couldn’t go all the way with her tonight. Not when he hasn’t come clean to her.
She was smiling sweetly at him, playing with his hair now, “I’d take that you really meant what you said to me earlier.”
Sirius raises his brows, “What did I say earlier?”
“That you love me.” She says with a grin, yet it disappears as fast as it came “But what about your soulmate?”
“Don’t you worry about that for now.” Sirius says gently, smiling as he places a kiss to her nose “All you have to know is that I love you and I will always do.”
She nods eagerly before pulling him into a tight hug.
Sirius breaths in her scent as if it was his oxygen. He buries her face on the crook of her neck, kissing her exposed skin gently. He wanted to savour this moment as best as he could, stretching and stalling the time as long as he could. He wanted to freeze time, making them live in this very moment forever. Forget about his family problem and her not appearing tattoo.
Because when tomorrow comes, he’s to face his sins and does his walk of shame.
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starrylayle · 11 days
Hello starry ✨
What are some worst fandom takes you have seen?
What kind of fic would you write to "shithead Regulus Black" fest?
Most importantantly, what is going on in the greyhart universe right now???
Hey bat!! Sorry for the late reply I’ve been so busy lately. I'm literally so embarrassed it’s been over a month never gonna ask for asks again byeeee
Anywaysssss, u always ask the me the most self indulgent asks tho so thank u so much 🫡🫡
Worst Fandom Takes I've Seen:
Damn this is difficult. there are so many shit takes floating around hmmmm let's start with the easy ones.
Twinkification of sirius black. ranted about this on my blog already so i'll keep it short. it sucks. also fun fact, i used to be a total marauders fanon fan until the butchering of sirius' character (+ the rise of jegulus). So really, it was just sirius’ character assassination that made question fanon marauders. Remus fanonization hasn’t bothered me till quite recently lol.
That sirius and Remus are soulmates. Like they’re literally my otp,, but they’re not perfect for each other I’m sorry. They’re probably better with other people (Dni remadora stans tho). Buuuut, that’s part of the reason I like them so much!! Because they’re so shit for each other. People who say their soulmates often sugarcoat their relationship and get mad when ‘actual’ wolfstar depict them as ‘toxic’
Regulus was forced into being a death eater by friends and family. Bffr that boy had a Voldemort mood board. His parents were probably more concerned for him lmaoo
‘James Potter is the sun’. Babes that man was an arsehole 💅🏼💅🏼. If he’s the sun then that’s because he thinks so highly of himself not because he’s a sunshine loll
‘All the marauder’s characters must be white becoz poc didn’t exist in the seventies and our saviour jkr said so’ bffr 🙄🙄
‘Remus would bully james and sirius’ or ‘Remus was the smartest’ or ‘Remus was a roadman/skinhead’ or ‘Remus had abs’ or….
‘Blah blah *extreme terf rhetoric* blah blah
What kind of fic I would write for the ‘shit head regulus black fest’
Hmm idk. Can’t imagine writing about reggie. Well if this is specifically about reg being a shithead than maybe I’d write about all the awful things he’d said about sirius before sirius ran away or smth.
Greyhart shenanigans
Oh they’re going great. No lube no protection and all that. Mysteriously tho, every one of lockhart’s book seems to feature a hot buff werewolf character. Fans are starting to ship them and thus the omegaverse in the hp universe was born 😇
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Rewrite The Stars VI
Pairing: James Potter x Hufflepuff!Reader
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The night had ended with the hope that the morning would bring answers and clarity. And maybe some orange juice.
Morning rolled about, the mind still clouded with questions, dread, and pain and a weird sense of melancholy.
The day passed by in a blur. None of them really had any idea what happened the previous day. Not Remus, not James and certainly not Y/N. The only thing worth noticing was Y/N received a letter from her Uncle Newt with a package of freshly made food for Calypso. She had been running out.
Remus didn’t know what to feel. He had liked Y/N and he felt when he was with her. But knowing what he knows now, he realized how it had always felt off. There were a lot of discontinuities. He couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that Y/N wasn’t his soulmate. Granted it was only for a couple of days but it had been the best couple of days. His wrist still buzzed with his soulmate’s thoughts, whoever they might be. But Remus never really looked. He knew it was unfair to whoever was his soulmate but he couldn’t help it.
Naturally, his friends were worried.
Sirius who had been there when it happened had seen how horrified Moony had been. He had tried to help with the good old “plenty of fish in the sea” and the “your soulmate is still out there waiting for you.” He even tried anger. Peter had helped too. He didn’t speak much. He was there. He’d slip some chocolate or maybe some dessert to Moony with a small pat on his back as he laid in his bed. It did make him feel a little bit better.
James however, was drowning in guilt. He knew it wasn’t his fault. None of this was supposed to happen. It was just a giant mistake or maybe a huge misunderstanding. It was always Moony for Y/N. It was never James. James wasn’t even in the ballpark for Y/N. The two have been crushing on each other since third year for god’s sake! Soulmates are supposed to spend forever together smiling, laughing, loving. He could never have that with Y/N.
Sure, she did make him smile when he talked to her through thoughts and even a simple random animal fact from her would be enough to brighten his whole day. But that was before. Before he knew it was Y/N. Moony’s Y/N. He has hated her for so long, how could the universe think that they would be able to spend eternity together without ripping each other to shreds? His soulmate made him happy. Y/N did not. It was all wrong.
Y/N though of every encounter she has had with her soulmate. Every conversation, every dream, every thought, every promise, even every fight. Crazy, she had thought him to be. Remus was never it. Her soulmate was absolutely bonkers. How did she ever think it was Remus? But she wants it to be Remus. No matter how much she revels in the craziness of her soulmate’s love, Remus’s warmth and comfort and soft love was something she had never experienced before. Sirius had tried to talk to her once. Now she had never really held up any conversation with any of The Marauders besides Remus that contained more than two sentences. Unless you count the endless bickering with James.
James. It hurt to think about him. It hurt to think about him as her soulmate. She had spent years trying to put an identity to the inky thoughts on her skin, the various feelings on her wrist and the improbable dreams that had the worst representation of art on her skin ever. She felt happy when she thought it was Remus. She felt destroyed when she found out it was James. She had found him after years of searching and yearning and longing. But now she didn’t want him.
She knew he loved his soulmate very much. The happiest she has seen him was when he was animatedly talking about his soulmate while comforting her in the rain. Her mind keeps wandering back to that incident. A lot happened that day. She got heartbroken. She broke someone else’s heart. She ran out of food for Calypso. She met that strange stag who ran away as he heard James Potter’s name. But out of all the things that happened, her mind always seems to square in on that one moment when he held her tight. That one moment when he was blushing like crazy. That one moment when he was trying to make her laugh. That one moment when he talked about his soulmate and he looked so in love. That one moment when she realized that he was in love with her.
It all played like a loop in her head and honestly, it was giving her a headache.
All of it hurt. The two most conflicting feelings mashed up together. Pain and emptiness. Pain made her feel everything at once. Emptiness was just that. Empty. Numb. Nothing. Dead.
She should’ve known. James was there in the hospital wings too. Remus wouldn’t be thinking about the comfort of the hospital wing and the love in Madam Pomfrey’s care when he was unconscious in the uncomfortable beds in the hospital wing. Remus didn’t take Alchemy. James did and he was brilliant at it, especially the gold spell. She knows how much Remus loves his sleep. He wouldn’t be at the breakfast table if he had been talking to her till three in the morning the previous night. James was still catching up on his sleep then.
It was all right there. The cheesiness, the exaggerated feelings, the mischief, the absurdly far-fetched promises, it could never have been Remus.
She should’ve known.
It was always James. James, with his round glasses. James with his hazel eyes. James, with his unbelievably messy hair (didn’t his father develop sleekeazy’s?). James with his motherly nature when concerned with his friends. James, with his ridiculously clever pranks. James with his exaggerated and loud exclamations of love for Lily Evans at breakfast-
Lily Evans.
The love of his life, as he has said on multiple occasions.
Perfect Lily Evans. Beautiful Lily Evans. Clever Lily Evans. Funny Lily Evans. Lovely Lily Evans. Always-fights-for-justice Lily Evans. Y/N’s friend Lily Evans. James’s love Lily Evans. But really Xander’s soulmate Lily Evans.
Did James know that Lily Evans is Xander’s soulmate Lily Evans?
Y/N would like that orange juice now.
Today was a sad day. At breakfast, James had received mail conveying how his parents had fallen sick. Dragon Pox. Highly lethal, highly communicable. So he was not even allowed to go see them in what may be their last few weeks. He had been a mess since he found out. His friends tried to talk to him, ask him what happened but James refused to speak. He had wandered around school the whole day, skipping all his classes. Silent, stiff, sad. He didn’t talk even when he was in his dorm, dressed for bed, not even when he couldn’t sleep.
He had had a lot of time to think. With everything falling apart around him, things really got put into perspective. He thought about Y/N and that day in the courtyard. The night by the lake. The whole situation regarding Remus and Y/N was so fucked up. He loved his soulmate. And if his soulmate is freaking Y/N L/N, then he loves her too. He loves her even when she loves his best friend. All of this was a lot. Things should clear up in a few days between Remus and Y/N but he was scared of what she was thinking. He could come to love her but she seemed so repelled by the idea of being his soulmate. She seemed scared. He knew he wasn’t exactly her favorite person in the world. But he didn’t want her to be scared. He wanted her to know she was loved. They could work past their petty rivalry, right? They could come to love and understand each other eventually. He wasn’t ready to give up on her and he hated seeing her go through all of it alone. And he needed to let her know that.
When he was sure that the boys had fallen asleep, he slid out of bed, his bare feet touching the cold wood. He took his invisible cloak and went out the Gryffindor common room. It was a bit chilly that night. He thought a hot beverage might help.
He found the kitchen just as he expected to, warm and heavenly. What he didn’t expect was his soulmate stuffing her face with cake with tears in her eyes.
He wanted to go away. Neither of them seemed like they were in the best emotional state to talk. But he couldn’t walk away when he heard her little sniff as she tried to hold in a sob so as to not spew cake out everywhere.
He sighed as he entered her line of sight. Her eyes widened before she started choking. She felt a hand on her back in second calming her coughing.
“You okay, L/N?”
She took a huge gulp of milk before nodding, not meeting his eyes.
James was unsure of what to do. She knew they were soulmates. He knew they were soulmates. They didn’t know the other knew they were soulmates. And they decided that was best.
James fumbled around the cabinets as he made himself a hot chocolate while Y/N debated whether to leave or stay.
James sat down on the small table facing away from the kitchen doors as Y/N decided on the latter. As she reached the door, she heard James.
“Do you have to leave?”
She turned to look at where he was sitting to be met with the sight of his back hunched over his steaming hot mug of chocolate. She looked at the cake that she had decided to take with her and thought about how she wouldn’t be able to finish it all by herself anyway.
Y/N to cautious steps towards the table and sat down opposite to him. She slid the plate of chocolate cake to the space between them as James split his hot chocolate into two cups and slid one over to her.
Y/N cleared her throat in the heavy silence that weighed on them.
“Trouble sleeping?”
“Yeah. You probably don’t want to hear about it. But my soulmate it not talking to me so I need someone to talk to about all this stuff.”
Y/N gulped as she looked around the kitchens.
“Mum and Dad are deadly sick. They somehow contracted Dragon Pox and…I don’t know what to do. They’re not strong enough to pull through and I’m not strong enough to do it without them. Things are already so messed up and I just can’t imagine going through all of it without them.”
Y/N’s eyes found his as they started to water up and her heart broke at the sight of him trying to stop his lips from trembling.
She reached for his hand that was resting on the table and placed hers on top of his. He felt the warmth of the cup she was holding seep into him as he let out a wavering sigh. Her fingers entangled themselves with his and he clutched at them with all his might in an attempt to not break down.
A tear escaped his eyes as she started to draw little circles on the back of his palm with her thumb.
With his other hand, he quickly wiped away the tear and looked up at her with a small smile.
“I’ve always adored their marriage y’know? I’ve always wanted a love like theirs. They must’ve been around our age when they found out that they were soulmates. It was just all lovely after that. I’ve seen the pictures of their school days, their graduation, their wedding and their married life. The day when they had me, they looked so in love. Always yearned for that love and I thought me and my soulmate would be just like them.”
Tears pooled up in Y/N’s eyes again. She wanted to tell him but it would break his heart. He had so many dreams of what his soulmate would be like. Dreams about what their life would be like. She couldn’t bring herself to shatter those dreams by telling him. He deserved to dream those dreams.
He looked at her for a second, waiting for something before letting go of the hand abruptly.
“Oh what are we doing? It’s not like we’re two otters going to sleep holding each other’s hands, now are we? Did you know they do that? My soulmate told me. She just absolutely lovely.”
Y/N looked up at his again, pools of tears clearly visible in both of their eyes.
“No. I didn’t know that-“ she smiled a little trying to hold back her tears, “-but it sound like you really love your soulmate, huh?”
“I do. More than anything in the world.”
Y/N nodded as her eyes went back to the table.
“Y/N, look at me-“Her eyes snapped to his, “-I really do love her. And I always will, no matter what. Even if she’s not who I would have thought she is, even is she won’t talk to me, even if she’s scared, even if nothing seems right, I’ll love her. And I’m not stopping. Ever.”
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Lessons in grieving, by Sirius Black
Sirius said his goodbyes to Lily and James. For the first time in a long time he felt alive, buzzing with excitement, rather than being filled with utter terror. His plan was ingenious! They’d fool Voldemort, and James - James, Lily and Harry would be safe.
As he made to disapparate outside the gate of the Potter’s cottage, he suddenly remembered he was making a big mistake. Peter was the spy. Sirius had to warn James.
Sirius turned back towards the house but the door was already off its hinges. Sprinting as fast as his legs could carry him, Sirius prayed he was not too late. But there, in the hallway, lay a painfully familiar and lifeless body.
The breath caught in his throat as Sirius opened his eyes. He was in his old bedroom, in a house he had thought he’d left behind years ago. And James and Lily were dead.
It was all his fault.
Sirius sat up, feeling clammy, and lowered his face into his shaking palms. He wanted to scream, to tear out his heart, to die, like James had died, doing something useful and not being left behind.
Fuck, James had been gone for years and yet the image of his best friend’s body was as clear to Sirius as if he was still standing in the corridor. As clear as the photograph on his wall. He couldn’t look at teenage James, so much like his son, and so painfully unaware of how far through his life he already was at that point.
Sirius knew he was crying but the tears were not sufficient to expel the longing he felt for James. They could not wash Sirius clean of the sin he committed when he had been stupid enough to propose his plan. Peter as secret keeper. He’d been such a fool.
There was only one thing to do. Luckily, the only person in Grimmauld Place was Moony and well… he was used to Sirius.
Sirius pushed himself off the bed, left the room and walked calmly down the stairs. In front of the heavy curtains he hesitated, but only for a moment.
Sirius was furious and he needed someone to shout at. Someone to shout at him too. Someone to tell him what nobody else had the guts to. Sirius had killed his best friend and his wife. Or as good as. He deserved every harsh word that hag could throw his way.
‘Well, Mother,’ Sirius said as he pulled back the curtains: ‘let’s get started, shall we?’
Random little thing I typed up on my phone just now. I’m sure it’s got plenty of mistakes but I hope you like it :) Happy (?) Friday!
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masivechaos · 11 months
lullaby - send me an au + a character from the list above (rockstar! eddie munson, tasm! remus lupin, rugbyman! james potter, soulmate au...) + a prompt/scenario -> i'll write a short blurb!
soulmate au where any tattoo your soulmate gets appears on your body w/ regulus black. the dark mark…
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ME AND THE DEVIL - regulus black x gn! reader [0.724k] .ೃ࿐
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summary: in a universe where you get any tattoo your soulmate has, the dark mark appears on your arm
warnings: ansgt whoops
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Everybody was waiting for a tattoo to appear on their body, a sign to find who their soulmate was. But you were still at Hogwarts, therefore very few people were old enough to get a tattoo and even fewer got one. Some people were lucky and found themselves with stick’n’poke early, like Remus who got quickly covered with tattoos as Sirius got more and more ever since the fifth year.
You wanted someone in particular to be your soulmate… Regulus. You had to wait one year before being able to get tattooed so you tried not to get too attached. But he was your best friend, and it was difficult to hide things from him. 
But lately, you couldn’t find yourself bothering him with your heartaches when you saw he wasn’t well. He had dark circles under his eyes and seemed more miserable than usual. You tried to talk to him but he just kept on avoiding the subject and you decided to give up, he would talk when he wanted to.
One night, you were lying on your bed, staring at the ceiling as you thought about him, you wished you could do something. But as you tried to find solutions to help him, a shooting pain appeared in your arm. You yelped as you grabbed it, tears forming in your eyes. It kept going on for some long minutes before it slowly started to disappear. Scared to find what was on your arm, you rolled up your sleeve with your eyes shut.
You finally looked down and you let out a loud sob. On your arm was tattooed the Dark Mark. You cried at the former pain and the realisation: your soulmate was a DeathEather and he condemned you to have the same fate.
Your roommates were asking you what was going on but you couldn’t speak, you were far too choked up. You got up and stormed out of the room as you hid your tattoo with your sleeve. There was only one thought in your mind, find him.
You knocked at his door, you were never more grateful rich Slytherins could get single rooms. You knocked again but he didn’t open the door. “Regulus, please…” you sobbed. You let yourself fall against the door to the floor, crying in your hands. You didn’t know how long you stayed there before Regulus entered the corridor, finding you there.
“Y/n? What is going on?” he asked, he sounded himself as if he had cried.
Your eyes widened when you saw him and, without even thinking, you threw yourself in his arms. “I- I got a tattoo… My soulmate… they-” you sobbed in his neck. He opened his door and sat you both on his bed, you could be alone and could talk about anything in the intimacy of his room.
“What is going on?” he asked again.
“My soulmate just got a tattoo and- and…” you couldn’t even finish your sentence and lifted your sleeve as a loud cry left your lips. Regulus’ eyes widened as he saw the Dark Mark.
He got up off the bed as he covered his mouth with his hand “I- I’m sorry… It is all my fault,’ he said as tears rolled down his cheeks.
“What do you mean?” you asked confused.
“I- I,” It was so difficult to say it out loud. How could he tell you that he was the reason of your pain and sorrow. He loved you, he regretted this so much. He thought his feelings could never be reciprocated and thought that he didn’t care if anybody got hurt as long as it wasn’t you. He rolled up his own sleeve, revealing your matching tattoo. “I- I got it tonight.” He was too ashamed to look at you in the eyes.
You stood up “That’s you?” you said in disbelief. “I thought you weren’t going to do it, Regulus!” you were angry now, he had never seen you mad at him like this. “Look at me, Regulus!” you yelled. His eyes met yours, full of tears “You ruined my life! How could you? You said you weren’t going to join him…” Tears ran down your face and as you let a loud cry leave your lips “I don’t want to see you again.” You looked at him one last time before leaving the room “I hate you, Regulus”.
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⋆ ★ regulus black taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @inkluvs @cauliflowertree @madison-rebel @moonlitmeeks @rhydianissuperior  @loveeharrington @meredarling @jackys-stuff-blog @elenatries2write @juneberrie @f4iry-blush  @gilmore-angel @heartfucks @songs4themoon @moondemon123 @mystic-writings @siriusblackstwin @natashxromanovf @unadulterated-syd @garfieldsladybird @starconfettii @percy-the-hufflepuff @fairydxll @spookydarkwitch @duxpuella @innerloverpainter @kieracassette @whennyxfallsinlove @venussflytraps @oncasette @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @widowbf @starlit-epiphany @rosalyn-s @etanordiesbullsh!t @sageskisses444 @luvmarsbars @jsjcue @mellozhi
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regscupid · 10 months
8/28 prompt: injury - EMT regulus, james is concussed (712 words) - @jegulus-microfic
James has done many, many stupid things in his life. When he was twelve, he broke his elbow throwing himself through a window during a very intense game of indoor football. When he was sixteen, he tried to stand up on the back of Sirius’ motorcycle as it was moving– leaving him with road rash and his parents banning both of them from standing within twenty feet of the bike for a month. At nineteen he drunkenly fell off a roof at a party, though the tequila made the stitches fairly painless.
Where he always excelled in school for being naturally book-smart, he could be right stupid about his physical wellbeing. A skateboard he’d never once attempted to ride in his life and a metal railing along a concrete staircase he decided he was skilled enough to ride on later, that fact is only further drilled into his head– along with a deep ache and some ringing.
Sirius frets over James, crying heavily when the ambulance arrives. As soon as it’s stopped moving, he flies up to tell one of the EMTs what happened, while the other EMT dashes forward with a bag in hand before dropping to his knees beside him.
James feels the breath in his chest catch when his eyes meet the most beautiful ones he’s ever seen. Grey and piercing, a bit familiar but captivating in a way he didn’t know possible. Then, he takes in a stuttered gasp when his eyes flicker over the rest of the man and realizes it's not just his eyes, all of him is like that. Severe cheekbones, an angled jawline, sharp, narrow shoulders. His eyes reach their final destination and James wonders if he could soften the hard set of his mouth. He doesn’t know if it’s the head trauma speaking but he decides immediately that he needs to get injured more often if it means this man will come rescue him.
“Can you tell me your full name?”
“James Fleamont Potter,” Even in his current state, he can hear how breathless he sounds.
The beautiful man gets a crease between his eyebrows when he brings out a little flashlight and shines it briefly in both of James’ eyes.
“Alright James, do you know where you are?”
“Uh, the ground,” James knows it’s the wrong answer when he narrows his eyes and opens his pretty mouth to say something so he rushes to correct himself, “The stairs in front of the university library.”
“Alright, good. That’s good.” James practically beams. “What’s today’s date?”
“The twenty-eighth? I think?”
“That’s correct. Are you able to recall what happened here?”
James grimaces, not keen on recounting his stupidity to the man he’d decided might be his soulmate for all he knows. God, he hopes so.
“I was uh, trying to ride down the railing on that skateboard. But I don’t know how to skateboard. So I… fell. Like, halfway down.”
The man rapidly blinks three times in succession. Takes a frankly well-concealed deep breath, and nods his head once. A stretcher shows up beside them and James realizes the other EMT rolled it out and Sirius was standing next to the ambulance on the phone, likely speaking to Euphemia or Remus.
“I see. Well I don’t think it’s anything serious but we’ll have you at the hospital soon where a doctor can get a better idea. Sound good?”
“I’ll go wherever if you’re there.” James says without a moment’s hesitation and almost regrets it until his pale complexion allows an obvious blush to spread across his cheeks and ears.
The other EMT snorts loudly. James doesn’t know what the guy looks like, his eyes don’t leave the man’s face.
“Alright, James, up you go.” The man doesn’t meet his eyes as both EMTs move him to the stretcher. James almost, almost pouts.
“I’ll drive, Reg.” The other EMT slaps Reg on the shoulder, causing his blush to return in full-force.
“Evan I swear to-” He hisses.
James is making the delightful realization that that means he’ll be in the back of the ambulance with him the whole ride, before his train of thought is interrupted by the sudden paling of Reg’s face. He follows his line of sight to an equally pale Sirius.
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ch1llyic3y · 11 months
The soulmates of the marauders is not Wolfstar, Jily , Dorlene, , Emmary (Just naming my fanon ships). It's actually not a romantic soulmate at all. The soulmates of the marauders is James Potter and Sirius Black.
Everyone has their fanons. Everyone has the headcanons. Everyone has preferred relationships. But I have never ever met a marauders fan who does not believe that James Potter was Sirius Black's person. Platonic or not. Yes we love the marauders but the friendship these two have is unlike any other friendship in the marauders era.
Prongsfoot are not lovers but they are in love. They're the best love story in all of the harry potter universe. They didn't die for each other but they died with the same beliefs and for the same person.
And that's another thing. Sirius loved Remus. James loved lily. But only one person did they love like they loved each other and that harry and that's something I will stand by forever.
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lostdrarryfics · 8 months
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THE BIG FIND 2023: Day 2
The Big Find is a 10-day long Drarry fic-finding marathon to celebrate the blog’s anniversary. Below is the Day 2 compilation of lost fics, both old and new, that we’ve been unable to find. Our aim is to get as much attention to these lost fics as possible, to help people finally find their missing fics! Anyone can participate by reblogging, reading through each list, providing additional fic details, and informing us the title, author, or link of a fic, and their respective number in the comment section. Happy finding!
2.1 I’m not confident if it was in portuguese or english. Harry was an auror and Draco was an unspeakable and they were together on a mission were eventually they were captured into a sex traffic scheme. It was HEAVILY angsty and I think they were rescued by Rabastan Lestrange (i’m pretty sure it was him, but I think that it may be Rodolphus instead). It’s been YEARS since Iast read it but it made an impression.
2.2 Fairly sure that the fic was on ao3 and a wip but could be completely off the mark. The only thing I remember is that at Gringotts: the Potters’ will is read and specifically both Lucius Malfoy and Snape’s presence is requested; which is questioned by others present at the time of the reading. The Potters are aware that there is a connection between Harry and Draco - I’m guessing soulmate, mate if creature fic hence the request of Lucius. Possibly anti-Dumbledore but again not positive. fic is not ‘And The Forest Met The Sky’ by Silverhood, The Black Star by Aileen Dickinson, or Lord Thanatos by wonderfulWonderful 505
2.3 veela!Draco fic. Harry is draco’s mate and is extremely unhappy about it. Draco keeps his distance and nearly die because of it (veelas, in this universe, die if they are rejected), and Harry makes a unbreakable vow (i think that it is with narcisa) that he will at least try to be around. They eventually develop a relationship and Harry starts to search a new house for them, but Draco thinks that he is been cheated and die because of the perceived rejection. Harry eventually dies because of the vow he made and they meet again in a kind of heaven, where they also meet Lily, James, Sirius, Severus, Remus and other canon dead characters.
2.4 could have been on Ao3 or Hexfiles. It’s Draco’s birthday. Harry’s pov. Draco is in love with him. They have been friends for some years (and secretly in love, even though it’s only revealed in the end that Harry fell in love too). Draco always dances with everybody at his birthday except Harry. Tonight they dance. At some point Blaise says to Harry something like he should let Draco go so he could be with someone. There are plenty of people interested in Draco. Harry is surprised someone has noticed something is going on between them. Harry is married to Ginny and has kids with her. He can’t leave her. His thing with Draco started many years ago at his birthday party, when they talked about the war in a rose garden. They suddenly kissed. My memory might be failing me here, but I think they started eating lunch together maybe every week. They became friends, but also coudn’t help falling in love. At the time of one Draco’s birthday party (in the past) Ginny was giving birth or just birthed her and Harry’s twins. Harry was at the party without her. The need between him and Draco got too strong and Harry gave him a blowjob in the bathroom. That was the only sexual encounter between them. In the end Harry maybe dashes out of the party and Draco follow and confronts him. Harry admits he didn’t fall in love alone. I’m not sure if it was a wip or oneshot. It was all angst and hurt with strong chemistry and longing.
2.5 Ron is toasting the happy couple, maybe at their engagement party or wedding. He’s giving affectionate anecdotes about Draco’s bad behavior at school. Like, “remember the time he challenged Harry to a duel in the forbidden forest and then didn’t show?” (Not the exact quote.)
2.6 probably (like 90% sure) on ao3, but I read it a long time ago so I can’t remember. The plot was basically Harry forced to be with Draco in marriage or partnership. Initially Draco was very abusive, but slowly warms up to Harry. Harry gets to know the reason behind Draco’s behaviours is Lucius’ child abuse. Draco has secret bondage dungeon. He also has a shrine of Harry. Harry gets pregnant. Lucius is the main villain here. Narcissa & Snape are also here, along with the Weasleys though the later don’t make much of an appearance. Snape is the one who supplied the pregnancy potion to Harry. In one scene Draco admires Ginny’s attitude thinking she would’ve been good for Harry. In another scene, Draco & Harry are having sex, and Draco is clutching Harry by his throat but Harry loving runs his fingers through Draco’s hair. When their child is born Lucius wants to take it away but the healer who helped deliver stands in the way. Earlier in the fic Draco forces Harry to take poly juice so he could fuck a girl. Lucius dies in a fire at the end. The fire is at Malfoy manor. Though I’m not sure, but I think they spent their Christmas at the Weasleys where Draco promises to gift something to Molly. The fic also had an Author’s note on how they’ve forgiven someone for doing something similar in real life, replying to comments on how Draco is abusive to Harry.
2.7 drarry little mermaid AU. It was a dark fic, based on the original little mermaid not the Disney version and it was dark and didn’t have a happy ending. I think Draco was an elf/fae rather than a mermaid
2.8 All I remember is that it was Draco/Astoria, Harry/Ginny. Before it becomes Drarry, it was 50 chapters, and complete, I clearly remember a tag that said everyone gets a happy ending except astoria in all lowercase letters.
2.9 What I remember of the fic is only one scene so bear with me, Draco and Harry are in relationship I think and Draco is also there when order members come to take him from privet drive. And he also attends Bill’s wedding but during the death eaters attack he gets caught and they take him away to the manor, Harry cries alot after that. I this is multi chaptered. In this fic Draco defected I guess and he attends the marriage and disguises like how Harry does, but he is revealed and he is taken to the manor. Harry is devastated and then he keeps seeing him through his connection with voldermort being tortured or something. They are already in relationship at this point. fic is not The Wrong Sort by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
2.10 harry is getting married to Ginny and he’s sorting out all of the things for the wedding and one of them is the cake. Draco works or owns the bakery that Harry is getting the cake from and they both start to talk and get closer. That’s when Harry realises that he’s not ready to marry Ginny because a certain blonde has his heart. I’m sure Harry, when ever he’s in doubt or just bored he apparates to the bakery and dracos always holding the daily prophet to see what the saviour of the wizarding world is up to.
2.11 it was on ao3 and i read it a long time ago (i wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t exist any more) but what i remember from it was pretty intense bdsm experimentation (between harry and draco) and they both started developing feelings but weren’t saying anything and i recall them fkin around in an abandoned class room? one scene i remember vividly is harry getting triggered by something draco says or did but it had something to do with his trauma with the dursleys and he calls out the safe word for the first time (which was snitch).
2.12 I’m looking for this specific drarry texting story I read on YouTube over 3 years ago. I think that it’s no longer on YouTube, but I wanted to know if it was ever posted on any other social media. The story goes like - Ron gives Harry the password to use the prefect bathroom where Harry stumbles upon Draco. Draco ends up doing some spells with the water (like a water snake like thing) and it fascinated Harry but Draco doesn’t really indulge in the conversation. When Harry tries to leave, Draco cages him and they end up having sex.
2.13 fic on ao3 where its set in 8th year and harry and draco are still fucked up meet up to (or just end up) fight(ing) a lot and one time harry takes it a bit too far and punches draco in the stomach, and draco throws up blood? And harry has to call madame pomphrey i believe. I dont think it was a particularly long fic but thats all i can remember.
2.14 harry and draco are twins but (i think) they were separated and then they got together like finding out they are twins and also dating lmao and okay then?? they became like rulers of the wizard world by making treaties and stuff w creatures and all that
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