#I've only died to him once and it was because I was dicking around trying to kill him with parrying only as training for timekeeper
cluescorner · 2 years
NEWS UPDATE ON THE DEAD CELLS PLAYTHROUGH (also, a little review for the road so far)
However...it isn’t over. I got a new difficulty level. I need to make sure his body is gone again. I need to make sure he’s dead for real. I no longer need to obsess over whether I am the King’s kid or some shit because he’s dead. Is this what freedom feels like? Is this joy? 
Anyways, 10/10 rogue-like experience, 8/10 game. The gameplay is excellent, in fact it’s my personal favorite of any game I’ve played that isn’t a metroidvania, but imo the ‘environmental lore’ doesn’t really work in a procedurally generated environment where important rooms for the lore sometimes just straight up don’t spawn. And even when they do a player could easily miss them if they’re in a tight spot and just need to leave the level ASAP, which is the spot I’m in every time I enter High Peak Castle. Plus there are barely any ‘characters’ to speak of who aren’t just lore characters or bosses (again, that could change with other difficulty levels), so TBH it’s hard to get attached to the kingdom we’re blitzing our way through. But as far as ‘rogue-likes’ go, I doubt you can get one better than this, especially in the gameplay department. I’m not even GOOD at this game and I adore the gameplay, imagine how good it is for people who AREN’T BAD AT MOST GAMES. Plus, the soundtrack is excellent and the wittiness within what little dialogue/inner monologue we get makes the experience even more fun. This game is already worth the $50-ish (including DLCs) I paid for it, and I’ve only beaten it once. But bear in mind that this game is designed to kick your ass, so if you just want a casual game or a game that you can pick up and beat pretty quickly, this might not be the game for you. It took me about 50 hours to beat it once at the base difficulty, and a solid 20 hours of that was without even beating Timekeeper once. It’s a rogue-like at its core, for better and for worse. In my opinion, the pros far outweigh the cons and I’ll probably continue playing this game for a very long time. 
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smolvenger · 3 months
Dangerous Stubbornness (Caius Martius Coriolanus x fem! Reader Oneshot)
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Summary: Life as wife to Caius Martius Coriolanus has its benefits. You married him for stability, protection, and status- not to mention the delights of his bed. You expect to be no more than his dutiful wife. Yet...it seems perhaps there is something more there then all of that....
From @muddyorbsblr's request of Coriolanus with the trope "he flals first."
Word Count: 2954 (oop, she exploded from a blurb)
Warnings: There is smut, NSFW 18+ please refer to Dick-tionary (rougher sex, dirty talk I stole from Ana Huang's books, doggy style, some light dom/sub, voyeurism), a creepy sexual harasser gets what's coming to him, Caius being a grumpy angy babygirl sharko bite blorbo who actually is soft for his wife and is wrapped around her little finger, Reader uses Caius as scary dog privilege. Attempts at accuracy to Ancient Roman culture and characterization but at the end of the day it's about the wish fulfillment and the vibes. Lots of fluff. Grammar mistakes bc i just want to get. This. Shit. Done after the wild two weeks I've had.
Dick-tionary: Smut starts at "Three little words. That was all he needed." and ends at "You felt his breaths from behind you, his touch gentler against your arm." Use to your discretion.
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
You were never afraid of walking through the streets of Rome because your husband walking behind you would scare all who dared to harass you. You would go about the streets, your veil fluttering on your head, smiling bright in the afternoon sunshine. Caius always had a frown and glare in his eyes that dared any fool to try to cross with you. 
The marriage was purely for status- you were a good woman from a respectable family. Yes, that was probably why it was arranged between your parents! They wanted someone with a good heart and reputation, and Caius only wanted a wife to manage his house and give him children. Why should you say no? Not that you were scared of him at all- for he never once was cruel to you. Perhaps curt and blunt on occasion, proud and stubborn- but he never bullied you. With his famous wealth, you would never go hungry. He’d be away in battles and you would be alone and be free to do as you wished for months on end. If he died in battle, you figured, the more the better! You would have his money and the freedom of a widow with the respect of his name. Besides, you weren’t in love with anyone and never thought any suitors would show interest in you. 
Such was one walk, early in your betrothal. One fellow had not heard the news or knew who you were and came upon you. Trying to touch you, invite you to dinner or the bathhouses. You kept refusing, he kept insisting.
Then, the braggart leaned over and grabbed your arm.
In about ten seconds flat was Caius, unsheathing his sword, upon the braggart, pulling him by the collar. You shoved him off and ran behind him. The man trembled as if Thanatos stood thundering before him.
“I shall be quick in work and send you to your death-do you understand, villain?”
He nodded, shaking. He already seemed to learn his lesson. You edged forward to your dragon of an intended.
“Please- don’t kill him, there are too many people out watching- just scare him!” you whispered to Caius.
Caius shoved him down. The man shook where he stood and you thought you smelled urine leaking from his bladder.
“If you ever as much as speak this lady’s name-I will kill you.” he threatened quietly.
The man, having learned his lesson, mumbled a whimpering “yes, dominae” and fled.
Since your marriage, and with your new status as a general’s wife, such incidents never happened.
As you peered about one stall in the market, admiring the fresh fruits offered, you smiled bright.
“Oh, how lovely these berries look! So ripe and fresh! Wouldn’t you agree, dear husband?” you asked.
Caius remained frowning, though eyed down the berries. The man selling them looked pale and kept eying the sheathed sword on Caius’s hip.
“They’re fine,” he said. His pride kept him from commenting further on a simple farmer’s wares. But you felt his eyes over your smile seeing them.
Caius lent his coin to buy you some. The trembling farmer scooped up some berries, and popped them into a little bag, and handed it to you. You thanked the farmer and paused to admire them.
You smiled at them, as if they were jewels in your hands. Then you tried a little handful, popping them into your mouth.
“Mhm! They’re delicious! Thank you, Caius,” you replied.
You leaned up and gave him a peck on the cheek. He blinked, and his shoulders loosened down from the feeling of your lips. You could have sworn a faint pink was on his cheeks as he continued behind you- not that he dared smile or keep his guard down in public.
You thought it would be another ordinary quiet night. But Caius Martius was many things. Quiet and ordinary were neither of them.
At home, you wanted to rest your feet from all the walking today. Your loom was coming along and weaving it felt relaxing. As you sat, you heard footsteps. Turning around, you saw Caius standing there.
You stood up. “Husband? Is something the matter?”
“...no…” he said.
“Oh…then, what…what brings you here?” you asked.
“I wish only to sit, I have…scrolls to read.”
“This is, er, not the usual room for a man,” you said, taking note of the loom and embroidery, the flowers from the garden.
“I am going to sit and read. In this room,”  he said determinately.
Letting out an exhale, you relented.
“Oh- your mother is always right! Your dangerous stubbornness- oh, you are welcome here, Caius, dull as it must be for you compared to a fight with a Volsce…” you teased.
He made no answer. But you sat and weaved. Watching how the lines all came together and became one for the latest project.
Little did you know that his eyes were more on you than on the flimsy scrolls. Seeing your profile and your eyes over the work then the dusty work.
Though as you ate dinner, His eyes were on you, the neckline of your dress, showing your shoulders.  Your tempa mesa was presented, eaten, and sent away as was the meal. He moved closer, to sit beside you. You felt him move an arm around you. Speaking to you in soft tones.
 As a slave came in to take an empty bowl, you felt him close, he held up a hand. Talking about some silly complaint with the tribunes Brutus and Sicinia. But it was useless- he only wanted to touch your hand, trace it, and bring it to his mouth as his lips ghosted a kiss onto your palm. You took in a sharp breath as he did.
You felt your breaths become shallow and saw his eyes flutter boldly to your chest. He sat beside you, one hand always lying on your thigh.
“What…is this….”
“I only want to enjoy all that is mine- my house, my meal, and my wife.”
With that, he propped you upon his lap as the slave brought more wine. You felt yourself get warm, feeling him on you. Such…intimacy sent your heart aflutter. Though…after plates were cleared before he could tighten his arms to hold you, you slid off. He let you, his blue eyes widening.
“I’m going to get ready for bed,” you announced softly.
His hand was still on your skirt. As you walked away, the fabric pulled and then slid lightly off his fingers. His hand is still in the air as if still touching you.
You sat down before the vanity. Making sure your face was washed, you removed the jewelry you had. Smiling at how lovely they were. Gifts he still found to give you even though the wedding was some time ago. Gifts he still would give you.
The slaves were still around. They kept fanned cool air with peacock feathers. Played soft music on harps and little reeds and made sure there was always water for washing and kept about.
The door opened, and your heart beat hard as he got inside. You continued your nightly routine, removing the ring and necklace as well as the belt before you. Getting ready to change- and yet…here he was. A shadow in the corner. He walked up.
“Husband! My…I’m not in trouble?” you asked, slightly teasing.
The servants all shot a look, he gestured at them to stay. To continue their business.
His arms wrapped around you slowly. Then, he laid his head down, looking at you in the mirror.
“But…I didn’t say I wanted this evening to end…” he breathed, he began to pepper kisses down your neck. His hands running down your arms.
“I said I was going to bed…not to sleep…” you said. Enjoying the teasing and playfulness. How you could still hold this mighty, fearsome warrior like wet clay in your hands.
He whispered into your ear for only you to hear.
“I’m going to burst if I don’t have you now.”
You grinned.
“Then have me,” you replied.
Three little words. That was all he needed.
He tore off your veil to where it flew down, fluttering like feathers. He pulled you in and kissed you. You moaned into it. His hands grew bolder, feeling down your sides. You moaned in response as he slid his tongue inside. You pressed yourself next to him, feeling his desire prod against you.
Then he was on you like an animal starved. At once he began to kiss you, cupping your face, keeping a hand on your back to keep you close. You waved a hand through his short, dark blonde hair. His own were going down to feel all over your skin, though his firey kisses never stopped. The man had a craving for you in the bedroom like no other. Not that you complained about it.
You took his hand and led it to your breast to squeeze.
“Caius…yes…more…” you moaned.
“You want more…” he replied.
“Yes- give it to me…” you asked.
“All of it…”
“And you will take it?”
You looked into his eyes.
“...yes. I want more. Not like on our wedding night. I want it hard. And rough. I can take it. I will take it.”
At once he threw you upon the bed. Lush with blankets and pillows, rich and comfortable. He walked towards you, eyes filled with lust, his steps slow, his head tilted, but not smiling.
“When I take you, I want you to cry out. I want all of Rome, every plebian, every senator, every person, and every animal and god to know you are mine.
He was on you, feeling a hand on your leg and kissing you. You began to grind against him. The servants blushed and looked about, he gestured to them.
“Stay,” he ordered them.
They stayed.
“I don’t want you dignified. No, wife. Show your loyalty-” he moved his hands through your dress.
“Take off your clothes.”
“If you want me naked that badly- take them off yourself,” you dared.
He obliged.
You let a sound as he roughly reached into your dress and shoved down the sleeves. You began to let a sound, a gasp as it broke open. It nearly ripped it. Shaking, you helped remove his own clothes still on him. Amazed at though his chest was filled with those dark, bloodied scars, the muscles still on them. 
He smiled.
“Such a tongue you’ve grown to have on you, delicae,” he said
The music of the slaves continued, as did their fans. Though you could feel their eyes.
 Now you were naked in his room, feeling his hands explore all over you, one squeezing your breast as the other spread around your back, wrapping you in, fingers into your skin as if to mark you.
“Then shouldn’t I be punished?” you asked coyly.
He smirked as looked at you. Then he let the last of his clothes fall. Showing his impressive thighs and impressive cock so hard it dripped against his stomach,
“It was everything in me not to take you at that table…then we’ll make up for it…”
He half threw you to the study part of the room. There sat a desk.
“Lean over that desk.”
You obliged, heart beating hard.
“Spead your legs,” he ordered.
You opened your two shaking legs, your wet sex glistening before him.
“Put your hands on the edge,” he ordered in a rasp.
Two shaking hands of yours gripped the edge. He laid your hips up. Then thrust into you at once. You let out a sound. Then roughly, he began to take you. Pounding in, his large cock straining inside you. You let out a sound.
“Yes- yes keep that- you are- you’re mine, you’re mine now- now-say it-say. it.”
“I’m” you cried between his thrusts. “I’m-I’m-your-yours-you- gods!” 
He pounded into you with a fury. His own groaning increasing. It was so filthy, so depraved, and you loved it. You had to grip the edge tightly as he pounded into you. Grunting like an animal. 
The music from the slaves continued, as did the footsteps from their business. Harps continued on as Caius took you like a whore. You could feel them still watching everything. Wondering if they were frightened, aroused, amazed, disgusted, or all four at once. 
He began to growl to you between pounding you.
“So you-” 
He pulled you up by your shoulder to your ear. His voice right next to it, his cock and his voice overtaking you.
He reached a hand, finding your opening between your legs. The bud inside you, swollen and needy and overcome.  One large finger began to strum it and you let out a whimper feeling it. His large, long fingers could already play it so easily. He let you down, and you were gripping tight to keep from losing it all. You weren’t going to last long at this rate.
“Caius! Caius please-please-Caius-”
It was already crawling up, the desk thudded loudly, perhaps breaking if it weren’t so thick and sturdy. The slaves would know he was yours and you were his. That only he and you could bring each other this.
“Yes- cum, dammit, wife- cum for me, cum- just cum, cum with me-”
“Caius-caius! I- Caius-caiuscaiuscaiuscaius-” you repeated, feeling it break. Your voice gets higher until you let out a noise, as your climax hits you.
Then with a shout from him, the seed shot forth inside you. You moaned as you panted, catching your breath. He steadily pulled out. 
You felt his breaths from behind you, his touch gentler against your arm. One wrapped around you for protection. 
“Get her something to drink now!” he barked at the servants.
They nodded their heads and ran off. Caius with one swoop got you into his arms. You felt your breath light, almost dizzy with joy- he hadn’t done that since your wedding when he brought you to this house. You could still feel his strong arms supporting you so easily. He carried you over to the bed, settling you amongst the blankets. One slave brought a cup of your drink, and you sipped at it with both hands. He made sure a blanket was draped over you for a bit of modesty.
“What kindness…I never would have guessed you would have kindness in you…” you remarked.
“I…want to be honorable…” he said quietly.
He waved a hand, and the flushed slaves left, Granting you privacy at last. You saw Caius look at you, then glance down like a shy maiden.
This wasn’t like him.
“What is it?” you asked.
“What is what?” he asked.
“You and your dangerous stubborness! Well I have some in me too. You have enjoyed me. And you wish to speak of something, I can feel it. You can tell me. Is there something you want of me? A son? I’m sure at this rate, you’ll have one…” you urged, a hand consciously at your belly.
Caius tilted his head again, his hand moving you away from yours. But touching it softly. 
“It…isn’t that. What I have…you must think it isn’t for a man to say aloud,” he said
“But you must say it! Is something wrong? Are you ill? Is your mother ill? What did Menenius try to weasel you to do? Where are they sending you now!? Caius, Why not-”
He quickly got up and cupped your face. He spoke quick, plain, and to the point.
“I love you.”
You paused your breath tight and the room spinning
“You…love me?”
“Why did I ask my mother to arrange us married?”
It struck you.
“I was…am a virtuous daughter of a respectable family-”
He looked into your eyes.
“I’ve loved you the day I met you. I wanted to have you as my wife or no one.  I couldn’t resist you if Diana herself ordered me to.”
Struck silent, you saw his face soften. The orange glow of the candlelight making him that more beautiful. 
“When…when did you know for sure…did Eros really strike the moment you saw me ”
“I…I remember it was- it was the race for the senate. All the crowd gathered to see me speak, to see the consul. I tried to ignore you there, and I could not. I was in denial all that time. But seeing you-when you looked at me, and smiled, I forgot it all. I didn’t want the seat. I wanted you. Honestly, I don’t know when it happened. But it did. And yet- all at once I-I-”
He paused.
“Maybe it was when we were betrothed. Maybe I walked with you to the markets. Or when I saw you there. Maybe it was every dull dinner and banquet I had to attend, that I still went, hoping to see you. To just see you…”
He caught himself.
“But no…I think most of all…it was each time I spoke to you. And you knew of me….and now …”
He touched your hand and you brought it to your lips, kissing it tenderly. You almost saw a tear drop despite the stillness of his face.
“I know what I am. And I thought you should hate me. Beyond whatever duty you may feel to me as your husband-”
“Caius, I don’t hate you. Not at all.”
“Then…could you-”
“I could learn to love you, and choose to love you, Caius.”
You pulled your face to his and kissed him. Then you tucked yourself into him, embracing him as you both lay on the bed. Not just as husband and wife, but as two people deeply in love.
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vee-crytraps · 2 months
Kiss Me More | Ch 1 | {Groan}
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SUMMARY: It’s been twelve long years since you were the sad little girl tugging on the tails of your adoptive father’s coat.
Your brothers take notice. AN: New to posting fics on Tumblr, feel free to read here or over on Ao3 under the username VenusCrytraps. Same bat time, same bat channel.
{Trigger warning/Themes Masterlist}
And yeah, i wanna spend the night with you Yeah, i wanna feel a beating, bleeding heart, don't you? Because i've never really known But i pinky promise you i'm grown And i wanna know what it feels like
You’re deep in your head as you lean forward in your vanity’s mirror, lightly dabbing away the smeared lipstick at the corner of your mouth with your middle finger. You don’t notice the creak of your door as it opens, and the protest of the frame as one of your many adopted siblings leans against it.
You don’t see the range of emotions he cycles through- some visible on his face, and others happening only in his head, behind those stormy green eyes.
“Yeah. I don’t think so.” Jason scoffs to himself after a minute, startling you. The tension drains from your shoulders as you turn around to see him standing there, all geared up in his Red Hood uniform sans the armor and that goofy fucking helmet of his. Your surprise has less to do with the atrophied instincts you’ve barely managed to keep from your two weeks as Robin back in the day, and more to do with the strangeness of Jason serving you his best impression of Dick’s Blue Steel, A.K.A, his ’Concerned Big Brother’ face. Something your oldest brother pulled so often, he could have it patented. It looks totally ridiculous on Jason, a dude you legitimately haven’t seen out of his uniform since he was welcomed back into the family. You think to yourself that he must be doing his rounds, doing his best to repair the dynamics that were lost when he died, and soured when the pit left him more than a little trigger happy.
Still, you remind yourself of Dick’s advice, to reward vulnerability and welcome these moments. Jason was supposedly quite fragile beyond his hulking form.
You sighed. “What can I do for you?”
There was some lingering awkwardness around the fact that he’d briefly dedicated his life to ending your dads, but if Bruce could trust him enough to welcome him anywhere near the Batcave, you supposed you could, too. He was trying his best, after all. You just wish he’d take it elsewhere, for once.
Still, you’ll play along.
“Where the hell are you going?” Dressed like that, was the implication that hung in the air. You’re smart enough to fill in the blank. He’s smart enough to let you.
“Out.” You turn around, unable to help but be a little bit guarded about this particular line of questioning.
God, on all the nights…
Turning your back to him, you casually resume your preening. He doesn’t at all remember you being this stubborn, but he’d died and come back to find you a whole lot older than he remembered.
“Out,” Jason repeated, exhaling heavily as he pushed off the doorframe. Jason was your age, once. He knew all about ‘out’. When he was in your shoes, going to Gotham Academy, making those fancy friends with more money than sense, ‘out’ meant joyriding around, bar hopping with fake ID’s and hooking up with fast, socialite girls wearing skirts not unlike the one you sported as you shifted in your plush vanity seat.
“What’s his name?”
“Are you still here?”
It slips out of you before you can remind yourself of Dick’s instruction to give Jason the room and encouragement he needed to be a part of your life again. As if he were a scared cat, and not a six-foot-something giant with the wrong kind of bodycount.
You try again, but it doesn’t come out any more cordial. “What’s it to you, anyway?”
Jason raises an eyebrow. He wasn’t expecting that. He also wasn’t expecting you to look so…grown up. His gaze flickered over you, over the short skirt and lace trimmed cardigan you were wearing. Over the way you applied that mascara and eyeliner with practiced skill and patience.
You were beautiful. God damn it, Bruce.
Catching his gaze in the mirror, you falter. His unreadable stare pulls the plug on your brat-ittude. A sigh escapes you.
“I’ll be careful, Jay. I promise.” You mumble, capping your eyeliner with finality as you give into this game of house he insisted on playing with you. When your eyes finally flicker up to meet his again, something in them seems…changed. The expression he wears is no longer unreadable. You recognize it, but can’t seem to place it. It’s been a long time since he’s seen you, but it’s been just as long since you were able to get a good look at him, too.
And then it’s there, again. The guilt and shame that coils within you as you notice the way his arms bulge under the brown leather of his jacket, the set of his strong jaw and the pout of his full bottom lip. You want to bash your head against your vanity. Tonight was supposed to be your night to get away from this feeling. To distract yourself with normal boys that weren't off limits. To cure yourself of the way you instantly became distracted whenever your brothers were near.
Adoptive brothers, you remind yourself inwardly. But you know that fact doesn’t make you feel any less fucking gross.
For as much as you appreciated some of the upsides of puberty hitting you like a train, there were some notable downsides, too. Inappropriate attraction to the other gorgeous men that live in this house aside, you’d found yourself concerned with things you had always prided yourself on being above. The way you gravitated towards more flattering clothes and cuter underwear, your proclivity for flavored lipgloss and this…overwhelming desire to feel attractive had you feeling so unlike yourself that it was hard to embrace the change, let alone enjoy it. Sometimes, the process of becoming a woman often felt like you were being beat with a pretty pink nightstick.
It takes you a moment to realize you’ve been quiet for a strange amount of time. And the knowledge that he has too makes you tense in places you didn’t know you could.
“Besides,” You continue, though too much time has passed to really consider it a continuation of your promise. “I’ve got backup.”
Swiveling around in your vanity’s chair, you don a self satisfied smirk as you slip the hem of your skirt up your thigh just a smidge, exposing the knife holstered to your thigh.
Jason’s eyebrows almost hit the ceiling. He wasn’t expecting that of all things. Not the sight of you, gorgeous and young and supposedly retired from this whole vigilante thing having a butterfly knife strapped to your leg. He wasn’t expecting the thrill he was getting just by looking at it, and how much he wanted to see it in use.
What is wrong with me?
He clears his throat to regain his composure.
“Where the hell did you get that?” He asks, his voice rougher than before.
“Where do you think?” You can’t help but laugh, tugging the hem of your skirt back down. Your sharp tongue gets him hot under his collar in a way he is beyond not proud of.
Still, he joins you, letting out a noise that is somewhere between a laugh and a snort. The moment brings about a sense of familiarity, the conversation finding a groove it hasn’t been able to since before he had died.
Clearing his throat again, he has to fight against the heat threatening to rise in his face- unable to do much about the blood rushing south. “Look. I know it’s not my place, just…I’m concerned. About you going outside wearing…” The way he vaguely gestures to your outfit with his hands makes you forget he’s supposed to be some kind of sharpshooter.
“I’m…going on a date.” You finally answer, offering an olive branch. Maybe the truth really will set you free. From this cage of Wayne Manor, from the clear gloss, sensible shoes and frumpy skirts that were good for your optics, whatever the fuck that meant. Jason was in your shoes, once. Under the microscope of society, young and repping the name of an entire family on your back. You hope he can relate, and give you some grace. So you lay it on. Thick.
“Do you like it? It’s pretty much brand new. I never get to wear it, because there is no way dad would ever let me out dressed like this.”
Jason nods slowly.
He likes more than your outfit.
“You’re going on a date.” He turns it over in his mind. It seems his suspicions were correct. “And…Bruce doesn’t even know?”
You can’t help but roll your eyes. “Oh, don’t give me that. As if you told him where you were sneaking off to when you were my age. And don’t you dare say it was different or whatever bullshit you’re about to-“
Jason crosses the room to your still seated form before you can finish, stepping into your personal space and placing a hand under your chin. He lifts it gently, and tries not to absolutely lose it at the way you look up at him from beneath your lashes.
“Where is he taking you?” Jason asks, his voice low and rough.
You do your best to beat back that feeling again. The warmth in your core is persistent, but you’ve had a few years of practice surpassing it. Digging your nails into your palm, you try not to observe how handsome he looks, even now, with that spark of disapproval in his gaze. Focusing hard, you manage not to bite your lip at his tone.
“Drive-in.” The truth slips from you quickly, and quieter than it would have several minutes ago, when you couldn’t smell his cologne. You lean into his touch imperceptibly. “And then there’s a party we might stop by.”
“Drive-in?” Jason repeats, his eyebrows arching. “Like, a literal movie drive-in? Do those places still actually exist?” His fingers tighten, his thumb rubbing against your chin- dangerously close to the fullness of your bottom lip. There’s no way you could miss the way his eyes devour your face. And drop to your lips.
“Uh-huh.” You confirm, dropping your chin ever so little, kissing his thumb. “They’re popular spots. Sitting in your car with your date. Alone, in the dark.”
“God, you’re killing me right now.” His heart pounds as your lips touch his thumb, but makes no move to pull it away. His fingers grip your chin a little tighter. His other hand comes to your neck, the pads of his fingers brushing over it gently. “You’re just begging to be kissed, aren’t you?”
“Yeah,” the word escapes you breathlessly. It’s so fucking embarrassing. You can’t help it. That you care so much about your hair, that your showers are extra long and that you’re so horny all the fucking time now because living in his house is like being in the Olympic village- constantly surrounded by beautifully sculpted people. It was beyond difficult, even if you were now counted among them.
Jason doesn’t care that your door is cracked open or if anyone could walk in and see you. He drops one hand off of your chin, and the one tracing your pulse trails back and up into your hair, forgetting himself as he fists the strands and tugs it back.
“God, look at you.”
It’s all he can manage before he’s leaning down, pressing his lips to yours. The discovery of your flavored lipgloss sets off a wave of possessiveness in him when he thinks that some other punk was planning to savor the taste. He wants it to be just for him.
You kiss him back before you can think about it. You’re touch starved and aching, barely thinking straight as he lifts you into his arms with his impossible strength and picks you up as if you weigh less than nothing. Instinctively, your legs wrap around his waist. Breaking the kiss, your hands find his face, thumbs brushing over the scars on his cheek. “Forgot how strong you are, Jay.”
He lays you across the bed with one swift motion and kneels between your legs as his large hands roam your thighs. You know for a fact that your skin is soft and smooth. Your Everything Shower routine was of the gods.
“You’ve grown up, baby bat.”
His dark eyes bore into you, the old nickname rolling off of his tongue with ease. It no longer brings an irritated flush to your face the way it did when you were still playing with dolls. For a moment, he’s reminded of the fact that he was here to try and step into that role again. To be the brother that keeps you from making the sort of dumb mistakes he had been known for at your age, and not to touch you- but you’re so soft and so sweet. There’s no pity in your eyes, or fear of the monster he used to be. He can't decide if he wants to cherish you or ruin you, but he's greedy enough to try and get away with both.
Manicured fingers twitch to the front tie of your lace cardigan. The edge of the ribbon rests between your forefinger and thumb before you slowly pull, releasing the bow. You reveal your bare, ample chest to him as you agree breathlessly. “Yeah,”
Jason bites his lip at the sight of your chest. A deep sense of satisfaction fills him as you reveal yourself to him, and the hand on your thigh rises slowly, stopping at your hip. He lets out a soft groan as he promptly resumes to think with the wrong head.
Catching his gaze, you drag your nails down his chest, fingers stopping at his belt. Tilting your head, you don’t bother to look as you work on undoing the buckle and pull it free from the loops of his pants. “Jay,” You whisper.
“Don’t call me that.” His voice is low, his gaze still boring into yours. “It makes me…feel a certain type of way.” Tilting his head back a little, he lets out another soft grunt when he feels you working open the front of his pants. His eyes fall shut. He seems to be on the verge of something, no doubt attempting to convince himself to stop before the two of you do something you can’t take back.
“What if I want you to feel that way?” You ask, dipping your hand beneath the open waistband of his pants, your soft fingers brushing against his swelling cock.
“Jesus Christ.” Releasing a deep breath, he looks down at you. His hand travels up to your throat, fingers digging into your skin.
“Please.” You finally just beg him, your bare chest heaving as you attempt not to squirm with the anticipation. “Please, Jay. Please.” How long has it been, since you were touched? Yeah, you were gorgeous, and fairly popular at school, but being involved with the precious daughter of the ‘prince of Gotham’ was often too risky for a lot of the guys at school. With you, they couldn't get away with half of the things they could with some of the other girls you know. And then there’s Jason. Someone she’s known for a good chunk of her life. Someone she trusts, someone she’s mourned, and most importantly- someone who is not afraid of Bruce Wayne.
The dying embers of his resolve are snuffed out the minute you shift your hips, that too short skirt riding up and revealing your absolutely soaked panties. And fuck, has he even touched you yet?
“Yeah. Yeah, okay, sweetheart. I got you.” Jason leans over you, one hand supporting himself by your head as the other drags your underwear to the side. Two of his calloused fingers stroke your slippery folds, covering his hand in your warm slick before he fists his thick cock.
He brings the blunt head of him close to you, stroking your clit before it brushes against your core. “Relax for me, sweetheart. You gotta let me in.” He murmurs, kissing the corner of your mouth. “Hold onto me.”
You do. Your fingers dig into his strong shoulders as he finally manages to push into you with a long suffering groan. You’re no virgin, but you’re half his size, and so, he bets, was every other chump you had before him. And from the way your walls quiver and stretch around him? He also bets that list is pretty short.
“ ’S okay, princess,” He breathes, his pupils blown wide. It takes everything in him not to pin you down and absolutely destroy you, but he reminds himself that your desperation does’t equal experience. You can act as fast as you want, you still need time to adjust to him.
“Oooh, fuck.” Jason hisses, his nails digging into the sheets beside you as he somehow manages to bottom out. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” You can feel his shoulders tense under your palms, and your soft hands slip down his biceps until you’re holding his forearms. You’re so tight it’s criminal, and he can’t even focus as he begins to thrust into you.
His name sounds magical coming from your lips, and you look so gorgeous beneath him, your eyes screwed shut in pleasure as he fucks you hard and deep and bare. Your cunt is noisy and desperate, sucking him deep into your impossible warmth, covering every inch of him in your slick. His hand finds your throat again, and he can feel the way you squeeze around him in response. He groans complete delight. “You like that? Huh?”
Something akin to a yes escapes you as he begins to fuck you harder, the wood of the antique bed frame creaking in protest as your distant sort-of-stepbrother practically folds you in half, seemingly unable to get deep enough inside of you. Jason is a complete mess above you as you all but melt into your sheets, fingers tangled in the linens as each deep thrust forces a desperate whine from your parted lips.
“Such a perfect little cunt. So warm and fuckin’ wet-“ His free hand greedily palms at your tits as a string of other obscenities that make your clit throb begin to fall from his lips. He finds a spot deep within you that makes your toes curl and your walls tighten, and he grips your hips for leverage as he abuses it relentlessly. The difference between you is such that he barely has to shift his hand from your thigh to have his thumb roll over your clit shortly after you feel him spit on it, the oddity and the sudden stimulation forcing your back to arch.
There’s a part of him that hasn’t yet forgiven Bruce for leaving him to die, and that part greedily soaks up the sight of you coming undone beneath him, your tits bouncing as your back arches off of your bed. You may be barely an adult, but you’re still Bruce Wayne’s little girl, too precious for combat, but not too precious for Jason to spread you open on your pastel linens, under your daddy’s roof. You cream around his cock as your greedy walls threaten to milk him but he refuses to let up, determined to bully another orgasm out of you before he’s through.
“Tell me you want it,” Of course he knows you do. You’re the one who practically scrambled for his belt the minute he got you onto the bed, but it’s not enough to see it. He wants to hear you say it. To beg for him His voice is hoarse. Desperate. “Tell me you want me.”
“I want you,” You manage, barely able to get the words out. “Want you, I want you-“ His nails bite into your thigh and you can hear the blood rushing to your ears.
“Jason,” You look up at him through your lashes, tears of pleasure collecting in the corners of your pretty eyes. He mumbles your name in return, leaning down to kiss your shoulder.
“Get off in me.”
“Fuck!” His orgasm hits him like a train almost instantly, and he grinds into you needily with a disbelieving groan, filling you up. Your eyes nearly roll back as you come undone around him, and you’re not even though your orgasm before he lets out a barely coherent whine that sounds like it could be ‘good girl’ or ‘dirty fucking tease’. Your mind is spinning too much to make sense of anything and you decide take your pick, leaning back into your nest of plush blankets and pillows.
“Shit,” You breathe, exhausted.
“Yeah.” He agrees.
Jason allows himself to roll off of you, the bed creaking with impact as he collapses beside you with an uneven exhale. You close your eyes and try to catch your breath, hearing the shifting of his tactical pants beside you as he tucks his cock away. He casts a sidelong glance at you, swallowing before he can think of something to say. “That…you were okay with that, right?”
It takes a good moment to register the words, and you blink your eyes open. Turning to your side, you meet his gaze. You’re both sweating, and you feel decidedly un-sexy with his cooling cum leaking out of you. “What…what are you asking me?” You frown.
Jason tilts his head towards you. “It’s just…you know. What I was like before you uh…grew up.” His thoughts trail off, and his face creases with a frown as he tries to get through the next few words. “I just. I want to make sure…” A deep breath. Another heartbeat. “I can be rough, is all.” His expression softens, and guilt begins to seep in. You may live under this roof, but you aren’t like him. Not really. You were the soft one. The normal one. And that makes him feel equal amounts of pride and shame when he thinks about what you two have just done.
“Hey,” You recognize that shame, and you decide to put a stop to it before he overflows with it. “I may not spend my nights being tossed around by thugs anymore, but Gotham is rough. Our life is rough.”
Reaching out, you rest a hand over his heart, feeling the heat of him through his shirt. “But…being here…like this- with you? Being roughed up doesn’t have to suck.” Sitting up, you offer him a smile. “In fact, it felt so good I came twice. So. You know.”
Your answer is honest, and he can’t help but chuckle as he moves to sit up with you. His hand moves to caress the side of your face. You lean into his hand, and his gaze softens.
“You’re so different than you used to be.” His words come out in a whisper, and his thumb traces your jawline. “I want to keep you safe from this. But…I like this side of you. I like what I can bring out of you.”
“It’s been a long time, Jay.” You mumbled, closing your eyes. "A really long time."
You open them when you feel the way his lips brush against your forehead. They linger there for a heartbeat.
The moment is cut shot when you can hear the pneumatic hiss of the downstairs grandfather clock as it swings open, no doubt your adoptive dad home from patrol. “Shit. Dad’s home,” You whisper, and Jason grumbles as he leans against the headboard to catch his breath, watching you sit up. “You sure know how to kill the mood.”
“Dude, I just let you unload in me. I am the mood. So like, zip it.” You huff, fixing your underwear. Jason, despite his casually annoyed exterior, is lighter on his feet than you’ve ever seen him as he moves to get off of your bed. He’s sneaking out of here like his life depends on it, but he has the feeling it actually might.
“See you at breakfast, Jay!” You call a little too loudly, snickering at the way he tenses up in fear. He makes sure to flip you off right before he disappears past the doorframe, and you walk over and shut it.
Looking over to your desk, you see the screen of your phone is lit up, flooded with half an hours worth of texts and missed calls.
Guess you missed your date.
I ain't scared of boys, but boy, you're a man And if anybody could, I'm sure you can For a girl this young, naive, and miserable
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suzukiblu · 4 months
I just wanted to say, yesterday I sat down and binge-read all your Timkon fics, as well as most of the WIPS, and I BADLY want to write some now. I've never really written Tim, tho, since I'm more used to writing Jason. Do you have any tips, or bits of Tim and Kon characterization you consider especially important? (The WIP I've made on my head, if it helps, is (Daemon AU) comics!Tim ends up on Young Justice!Cartoon universe, and he's very, very weirded out by how different Kon is to Conner, and very pissed off that this Conner gets a Daemon while his Kon doesn't have one.)
tbh it kinda depends on where you're trying to go with the fic idea, I'd say? Also why Conner DOES have a daemon and Kon doesn't, probably. Also-also, does Conner even actually have a daemon or is Tim just confused about Wolf or something.
Generally speaking, though, the thesis of Tim is that he is a ride-or-die guy who really fucking COMMITS when he makes a decision. Sure, he'll stalk Batman. Sure, he'll introduce himself to Nightwing and tell him he knows his secret identity. Sure, he'll put on the suit Jason died in to go save Batman and Nightwing from their own stupid selves. Sure, he'll be Batman's emotional support sidekick and lead Young Justice and the Teen Titans and try to clone his dead best friend and run around the planet solo to save Bruce from the timestream. Why not! SOMEBODY'S gotta do it!!
"Somebody's gotta do it" is a lot of Tim's motivation, from what I can tell, haha. He also comparmentalizes really well, is a very talented and skilled detective as his defining Robin skill, uses a bo staff as his signature weapon after convincing Lady Shiva to train him and was the dude who was smart enough to add pants to the Robin suit, and one of his more iconic lines is I think Cassie going, "you lied to Starfire?" and him answering, "I lie to Batman". Which he does. Frequently. Frequently and a LOT-ly. To be fair, Bruce is also a fucking liar, so he deserves it. Tim, however, actually has friends he will ADMIT are his friends without having to be waterboarded into it during an active apocalypse-level crisis.
The boy has no chill. He DISGUISES his lack of chill, but it is fucking nonexistent and the ONLY reason he looks "reasonable" is because his besties are the teen idol superclone with limited life experience and Stephanie "welp my dad's gone supervillain so I'm gonna go kick him in the dick with my intermediate gymnastics" Brown. And then there's Cassie "I'm just gonna ask Zeus for superpowers, natch" Sandsmark.
Also Bart. Also Bart is a thing. Bart is SO MUCH a thing.
So yeah, Tim is a full-stop no-holds-barred insane person, he's just also a better liar than any of his friends. Like so, so much better. AT LEAST THEY HAVE SUPERPOWERS, TIM. AT LEAST THEY'VE GOT THAT. He figured out Bruce's secret identity at NINE 'cuz he went to the circus as a toddler and Dick Grayson's flips were just that sick, and then just didn't tell anybody for FOUR FUCKING YEARS. Four fucking YEARS!! ACTUAL FUCKING YEARS. He just didn't think it was relevant, I guess?!!? So instead he just stalked them with his camera and took cool pics. So many pics. So, so many pics. And he skateboards.
Also he and Kon fucking could NOT stand each other at first because Kon was used to being a solo act and didn't want to answer to anyone else and Tim lacked the ability to convince him to listen to him and they just had VERY different personalities and priorities, and also for a little while in there Match was fucking shit up by pretending to BE Kon, and frankly it's a fucking miracle Tim and Kon didn't kill each other before they ever got to be Titans together, the way they totally failed to get along for the first YJ run.
Seriously, I think they actually had a literal fucking fistfight on Apokolips once, I think that ACTUALLY happened. In the middle of a literal WAR that happened. Tim. Tim, you KNOW better, buddy.
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shayyprasad · 5 months
waiting | peter parker
summary: you're trying to be paitent with him, the war with thanos can't possibly have been easy to deal with, much less the trauma. you've given peter all you have, but it's gotten too much.
angst? mentions of past ed, mentions of purging, mentions of sex (like one), cursing a bit, mean petey, panic attck kinda
after the war with thanos, peter had grown distant. and you didn't blame him, you figured that he was giving himself a break, he was taking time to heal. and you understood that, peter was grieving. 
you always tried to be there for him, but he made it hard sometimes. 
never did you hold it against him.
peter had lost his mentor, his teammates, and beyond that- his family. you didn't expect him to move on, it was a lot at once, even more so with the blip. he was still adjusting (you were too, but this was different).
he spent nights on the couch, outside who-knows-where, and sometimes... sometimes he would drink. you took note of the fact he tried not to do it around you. 
but some nights he would come home late, stenched in the strong odor of beer and sweat. peter would be drunk and snappy, and yes, at times it scared you. 
not that you'd ever tell peter that. 
but his "grieving" grew unhealthy, and who were you to let that slide? he wouldn't eat or drink properly, god knows about his hygene, and he wasn't getting enough sleep. so you made him cooperate, which did result in many arguements, but it did work for the most part. but your relationship, you felt, wouldn't ever be the same.
date nights? what were those?
kissing? nope.
sex? no. never. (not that it was a big deal for you, you could care less about that.)
no hand-holding. 
and no cuddles. cuddles. none of those. 
peter snapped at you often. he struggled to contain his temper, and easily grew annoyed. it was like even the smallest remark could lead to something big.
"peter, you have to eat. you didn't have breakfast."
"you didn't either."
"that's different. i haven't been skipping my meals."
"why? you've been throwing up instead?"
he watched as your face twisted into disbelief and pain. but you pushed it away, dead-set on getting peter to eat.
"this isn't healthy, love."
"neither is you getting on the scale a hundred times a day."
you had been checking your weight more frequently again, part of the reason being the fact that you were scared peter didn't love you anymore because you were getting fat. but it wasn't unhealthy. 
you recognized the problem. you told your therapist, stopping it from becoming something bad. 
but peter wouldn't know that. he wouldn't know anything.
"please don't go there," you whispered quietly, "i just want you to be happy, okay? and healthy." that must've been where he felt like the conversation had ended, so he left. you didn't know what to do anymore. so you cried. because that felt like the only thing you could do right.
(first person)
"i just don't know what to do-"
"you know you have, like, an actual therapist for this, right?" mj asked, raising an eyebrow. 
"well, yeah, but she doesn't know peter like you do."
she sighed, locking eyes with me, "y/n, peter's being a dick, and i don't know when he'll see that you aren't somebody for him to take his anger out onto. you shouldn't be taken for granted."
"mj, it's not like that. he's just-"
"what? grieving? is that what you've been telling yourself? babes, this isn't even that anymore. it's unhealthy. not just for him, but for you. yeah, he lost people. i did, too. my mom died, y/n, she died. and i wasn't in that hospital with her while she was on her deathbed. why? because of the fucking blip. but i've moved on. everyone has, because where will moping around like an alcohol addict get you?
"know what? i'll answer that for you. nowhere. it'll get you nowhere. i get it, you want to be there for him-"
"no! you don't get it! i love him! i-i need... i need to be there for him," my sentence broke into quiet sobs, and mj pulled my close to her, rubbing my back. 
"i know, i know," she cooed. soon enough, my crying ceased, and i pulled away with red eyes. 
"what do i do, then? just leave him? he doesn't have anyone."
"talk to him. maybe he'll change."
"and if he doesn't?"
mj gave me a look, because i already knew the answer. yes, in a way she was right. it was an unhealthy, toxic relationship. peter was pulling me down, and he was breaking off a piece of my heart every passing day. 
thinking about not being with him, left me with a dull ache, but at the same time, it was a crushing sensation, one that broke me down completely. i couldn't imagine a life without him. 
he was my life. he... is my life? was it too late to be speaking in the present tense? 
maybe mj was right. maybe i needed to talk to him. 
but i was scared. i was really, really scared. what if...? what if it ended horribly? and i never saw him again?
what if i left him, and no one was there for peter... and he'd- he'd die? because he wasn't sleeping right? or eating enough? or staying hydrated? 
what if he needed someone to help patch him up? but no one was there? would he simply bleed out? 
my heart sped faster at the thought, and my breath came out ragged. 
"woah, hey, breathe."
i pushed away any and all thoughts of him, focusing on inhaling and exhaling, trying to get my heartbeat to normal. 
(peter's pov)
"peter!" y/n chirped, a grin on her face. i sighed, already feeling a migraine come on. i didn't want to talk. i wanted to sleep, or... i don't know. just not talk. 
"you know that book i've been reading? it's really good, by the way, i think you'd really like it. there's this boy who reminds me of you," she wiggled her eyebrows, "he's like, super scared of spiders. which is ironic."
i tried to tune her out, but her voice was loud. really loud. my head was blaring, and i kind of wanted to puke. 
stop talking. please.
"-coming here! they've got a convention and everything? can you believe it? and, get this, i got us both freaking tickets! we can, like, have a date or something. it's from 2:00-6:00, so we can get food at this fancy new diner that just opened up-"
has y/n always been this annoying? there's no way. if i'd known before, i doubt i would've started this. 
i gritted my teeth, ready to pull all of my hair out. how much would it take for her to fuck off?
"oh my god," i muttered, completely done and exasperated. "do you ever consider carrying around a plant for all the oxygen you waste everyday?"
i watched her smile drop instantly, satisfied. for once, it felt good to hurt someone. i was so goddamn tired of always helping everyone. this was barely a tenth of how i felt. she blinked rapidly, and i went back to the web shooter. 
damn thing just wouldn't-
"can we talk?" i inhaled sharply.
"what, y/n? what? what could you possibly have to say that you haven't already said yet?"
"i-i, um, i-"
"is that all you know how to say?"
"no, i'm sorry. no, wait, no i'm not. you're the one being a dick. which is precisely why i wanted to talk."
"jeez. what do you want me to say?"
"you don't have to say anything. not yet. can you- can you just listen?"
i didn't answer, going back to tinkering. if this would make her feel better, then whatever.
"i just... i feel like we aren't the same. you aren't, at least. and maybe i've changed too, i don't know. i can't really dicate that for myself, that wouldn't be fair," she laughed, and i could practically feel her nervousness. y/n's heartbeat was loud, too, so loud that it felt like it was banging the in the back of my head. i could smell the sweat on her hands, too.
 what did she possibly have to say that was freaking her out like this?
"i love you, peter. i haven't stopped."
"i'm trying to say that i want things to go back to normal. i don't know if that's even possible, but i know we can try. because i'm willing to make things work, and give you another chance."
i spun around, narrowing my eyes at her. ""i'm sorry, 'another chance'?"
"um... yeah?" y/n said, and i could tell she was getting less confident.
"why the absolute, and i cannot stress this enough, the fuck would i need another chance?"
"do you hear yourself? the way you're speaking to me? how- how did we go from that... to this? my gosh, you used to be the sweetest boy ever. you apologized for things that weren't even your fault, and you said 'thank you' for things you didn't need to say to. what happened to that?"
"spider-man happened. and why are you making me sound like the bad guy? i save lives because i can, out of my free will."
"i miss you," she whispered. "i miss my peter. this isn't- you aren't-"
"aren't what? go on. because i-"
"shut up. shut the fuck up and let me talk. for once in your life, listen," i snapped my mouth shut, waiting, and shocked.
"a memory. a faded picture. a failed potential. because that's all we are now, right? why fight for something i know will go nowhere? why fight for someone who can't fight for me back? you know what i've realized? 
"i've realized there is so much more to the world than this, than you. i realized how much love i could give to the world and how stupid i was for only giving that love to you when you didn't even deserve it.
"this is what i feared the most. this moment right here. the transition between having something and having nothing but regret. and it's happening right now, right in front of my eyes, and there's nothing i can even do about it. 
but, peter, this is for me. this is so i can grow and let go. because now i know that you won't change. if this is the way that it's going to go now, i want no part of it." 
she was crying now, and i scoffed. "what the hell are you even saying? what do you mean?"
"what i mean is, i'm going to stop watering a dead flower, expecting it to grow again. it's over. this is over."
i didn't know what to say, so i gaped at her. what did she mean "over"? y/n wasn't going to just leave, i knew she didn't have that in her. 
"so that's it? because once i get out of that door, what we once had will perish. i'm afraid i'm not ready for that yet. maybe i never will be."
"fine, then. leave. you'll be back anyways," i shrugged, and she sighed, shaking her head. 
so i let her. i let her leave. 
and then i waited for her to come back. 
i waited a long time. 
i still am. 
that's when i realized how she felt. 
she'd been waiting, too. 
the only difference was that we'd switched roles.
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enstarriedownbad · 1 year
Niki Shiina x F!reader
‼️Minors DNI
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Genre: smut
Tags: Dom!Niki, established relationship, rough, breast kink
Plot: After you two have lunch in his apartment, Niki still feels "hungry". Being the only one here, it seems you'll have to help him fulfill his needs.
Words: 1,713
DAY 3 OF Enstars x Reader NSFW month - Niki Shiina
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By clicking on "show more", you acknowledge that you are 18+ and consent to read this fiction.
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"Y/N... I'm still hungry...~", Niki whines after you two just finished eating.
"Ah, then do you want to go grab something in town?" you ask your boyfriend.
"Nuh.. I'll have already died from hunger by then!" he replies.
"... Maybe we still have some leftovers from yesterday in the fridge", you tell him as you get up from your chair.
You walk toward the refrigerator and open it.
It looks quite empty. After all, Niki used a lot of ingredients to prepare today's meal.
You turn around only to be met with Niki's deep blue eyes looking at you.
"Sorry, there isn't anything in the fridge," you tell him.
"Is that so..?", he replies in a neutral tone.
Niki gets closer to you, invading your personal space.
With no other choice, you back up, only to realize that you are now pressed against the fridge.
"Hum. Do you want me to cook something for you this time?" you ask him. "Maybe I can make you a --"
He puts his arms above your head, trapping you.
There is no running away from him now.
"You know, you have a nice smell Y/N~," your man says while looking at you with a mix of lust and starvation.
"I think I've found the freshest ingredient~", he adds.
With no the time to process what's happening, Niki suddenly picks you up in his arms.
"Niki?" you ask him.
He smirks at you.
Without replying, your boyfriend walks toward his bedroom while carrying you in his arms.
After entering the room, he closes the door with his back.
"I wouldn't want my food to run away~", he says.
He throws you on top of his bed.
"What's going on-?" you ask confused, yet open to whatever he's gonna ask you next.
"Y/N... You're really tempting me right now," he replies while getting on top of you.
"Your man is so hungry... Would you mind helping me..?" he says while bitting his lips.
His tone and lustful gaze answered all of your questions. Niki wasn't just hungry for food, he was starving for you.
Of course, you wanted to "help" him.
"Fine. I'll let you have it. You can't control your hunger after all~," you answer playfully.
Without a second to waste, the man starts scanning you up and down while licking his lips.
"My my... How should I plan this🎵 ?" he thinks out loud.
After only two seconds, Niki's big hands find their way onto your nude skin, as he's removing your clothes.
Once he gets them out of the way, you find your boyfriend staring at your bra.
To get back at him for earlier, you take your sweet time taking it off.
But Niki doesn't complain at all. He looks like he's trying not to devour you.
As you slowly reveal your bare boobs to him, you finally notice his boner.
Of course that the sight of you being completely naked except for your panties would arouse him even more. It is as if you were his vulnerable prey.
"I'm gonna help you remove your clothes as well~", you tell him while kneeling.
It looks like he planned something else.
To your surprise, Niki hastily removes his pants and boxers himself, before you even got the time to touch him.
He then firmly presses you lying on the mattress, gets on top of you, grabs your boobs in both hands, squishes them together, and places his cock in between them.
He starts moving his hips hastily, making his dick rub against your soft skin.
With his strong hands, Niki gropes onto your bare chest while slamming his cock between your tits.
As he's feeling your chest, his fingers also happen to pinch on your nipples.
"This feels nice~", Niki moans.
You can feel your body getting hotter, be it because of the friction from his dick rubbing against you, or because the look on Niki's face is making you want even more of him.
"AaAh~", he moans while still being rough with his hands.
He gradually sets the pace to a faster one and hardens his grip on your chest and nipples.
Every time he moves his dick up and down, you can feel his fingers pressing even more into your hard nipples.
"I'm gonna ah~... cum...!" he moans loudly.
He gives in one last thrust before cumming all over your chest.
Your man spurts so much that a few drops end up on your face.
Looking down on the mess he left on your boobs, you notice that his length is still very much erect.
"Aw, what am I doing playing my food~?", Niki says in a sad voice while laying his gaze on your body.
As you are still laying down, with your chest covered with his cum, Niki backs up a bit and stops once he gets to your pussy.
He stares at it like an animal in heat as he's removing his shirt. Without detaching his gaze from your cunt, he redoes his ponytail.
"I can't wait to try this new taste~", he says, waiting for your permission.
You give him a nod.
Niki spreads your legs open.
"Thank you for the meal~!"
Your man begins eating your pussy.
He rolls his tongue over your sex, licking all of your love juices like his life depends on it.
He sucks onto your clit and twirls his tongue around your entrance.
"Ah- Niki~"
This situation of you two lovers pretending (?) that you are his food is turning you on so much.
The sight you have before you is just immaculate. Niki's strong muscles, his warm skin tone, his long hair in a ponytail, him being between your legs while he's in the lead, ...
You can feel your climax coming, and Niki can too, but that doesn't stop him from eating you out like a beast.
It is actually the opposite.
He's now beating his meat with his left hand, and his right one is now groping your breast.
His saliva mixing with your fluids is giving you butterflies. And now he's also touching your breast.
"N-Niki, I'm c-close.." you moan.
You cross your legs behind his neck, about to cum.
Niki faps faster and massages your chest harder while still devouring your pussy.
You reached your limits.
"Niki I'm cumming~!", you let out while cumming on his face.
"Mhh~..!", he moans while jerking off in his hand.
Still in ecstasy, your boyfriend doesn't waste a drop and licks off everything you offer him.
After cooling down for a minute, Niki finally moves away from your crotch.
"You tasted so good", he says while bitting his lips.
"Hum~, can I taste another part of you as well?~", he asks while still being erect.
"Sure~..", you reply.
Niki sits on the bed and hints you to sit on his lap.
You oblige.
As your thighs are on top of his, you can feel his cock pressing against your stomach.
You elevate yourself to insert his dick, only to be stopped.
"I'll do it~", your boyfriend tells you, wanting to keep the lead.
He then grabs your waist and leads your bottom parts toward his tip.
"Are you ready Y/N? I'm not gonna be gentle~", he asks.
"I'm ready," you reply.
Niki then presses your hips down, sliding his cock inside of you.
"Ah~", you moan.
As soon as his length penetrates you, Niki starts thrusting hard.
Despite you being on top in this position, Niki is definitely the one in control.
His arms are now firmly wrapped around your waist. He's not letting you go before he finishes.
"Haah~", he quietly lets out.
Every time he moves his hips, you can feel your walls clenching around his cock.
His hard dick going back and forth inside of you, at an impressive speed, is making so much wet noises.
Niki continues thrusting inside of you while pressing your hips down.
Your lover/predator (?) suddenly starts sucking on your breast, without slowing down his pace.
"Mhh Y/N~ You taste so sweet here, too~", he rejoices while licking your nipples.
"Aah Niki!.." you moan.
Your man definitely knows what he's doing when he's stimulating you in two spots at once like this.
His tongue feels so good, twirling around your nipple and sucking it until milk comes out of it.
As for his dick, he's only been hitting your most sensitive spots so far.
The position might be helping him reach your deepest ones, but he's contributing a lot with his deep thrusts.
You wrap your arms around his neck, making you two even closer.
Niki appreciates your move, he starts pounding your pussy even faster.
That's not the only thing that's rougher.
He also sucks harder on your boobs, drinking even more of your milk.
"Aa Niki I'm close", you moan of pleasure.
Niki slams his cock against your cervix.
"Ahh Y/N~... I'm cumming..!"
"Ni...ki, inside~"
Niki presses your hips down even harder against his thighs, nuzzles his head between your breasts, and fills you inside with his warm semen.
Your lover shoots even more inside your womb while you're still in a state of ecstasy.
Your walls are clenching around his cock, not wanting to let it go.
Both of your orgasms never seem to end. It just feels so good to have his dick inside of you.
After you finally go come back to your senses, you realize that Niki has been looking at you with puppy eyes.
"Ah Y/N... I wasn't too rough, was I?" he asks all sorry while you are still sitting on his lap.
"No, I mean, I liked it", you reply.
"I should really try to control myself more next time though... But it's just that you are so appetizing~", he says.
"By the way, your milk is definitely the tastiest drink I've ever had~! Could I get some more?~", he adds while smiling.
Your face becomes red of embarrassment. Niki really "tasted you" huh?
You feel his dick hardening inside your cunt.
"Wait! You're still in for more?!", you ask him.
"Mh~ I was satisfied but seeing you riding my dick with your breast laid out right before my eyes is turning me on~"
Looks like Niki isn't done tasting you...
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yeeeeee why are my smut fics getting longer and longer lmao.
Anyways have a great day
So this was for DAY 3 of this Enstars smut challenge! I'll try to do Mama next but I hope I won't be ooc 👤
August edit: still didn't do a Mama fic
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rubydubydoo122 · 2 months
Jason gets de-aged because I've seen fics of Tim or Dick being de-aged, and Bruce losing his memory, but no one has realized the potential for angst if you de-age Jason.
Bruce couldn’t do this. Sure he fights criminals on a daily basis, he’s fought aliens, hell, he’s been to space, for crying out loud. But he could not look at his dead- undead son. He could barely look at Jason as a 21 year old, much less looking how he had weeks before he died. 
“Bruce, I know this is hard, but–”
“No, Dick, you don’t, because you were off planet to even know what was happening.” It was a low blow. Bruce knew that. He knew he was burning bridges, but he wanted to be alone. He didn’t want his kids to see him break down. He could fix those bridges later. 
For a moment, Bruce could see the fiery 20 year old Dick desperately trying to be let loose, but then Dick glanced at his siblings, “Why don’t you guys go upstairs, while Bruce and I talk things through.” Dick wasn’t asking though, and they knew.
So the four of them headed up the stairs, leaving Bruce with Dick and Alfred.
“Are you going to slap me halfway across the cave again? Are you going to take away my keys again? We’ve been down this road before, Bruce. It wasn’t fun for either of us.” Dick leaned against the table and crossed his arms, “The only reason I’m not screaming at you right now is because I know that I have to be here for those kids. Cass, Tim, Steph, Duke, Damian . They need me here, but Jason? Jason doesn’t need me , he needs you . He wants you.”
Bruce thought about all the things that had driven a wall between him and his second son. “No he–”
Dick groaned, “B, when he saw me come out of the Batmobile instead of you, I could see his expression crumble.”
“When he realized you were in the cave, he was so eager to see you, Master Bruce. He was hurt when you barely acknowledged him.” Alfred placed a hand on Bruce’s shoulder, “The boy upstairs is not the broody Red Hood nor the Robin who died in that warehouse yet. He’s the child you brought into this manor to make sure he was loved. The boy, who despite all the darkness around him, still managed to shine brighter than the sun. We’re not saying this situation will be easy, Lad, but you have to try. For Jason.”
“I don't know if I can .”
“Jesus Christ. I forgot you don’t speak Emotions . Fine. I’ll give you a language you understand.” Dick went over to the computer and opened a new Mission planner “Mission: Fun Sized Jason. Rule number 1, Don’t make him upset. Rule number 2, don’t brood more than usual. Rule number 3, Don’t let Jason know something’s up between your relationship with him because that will probably break Rule number 1. Mission Objective, keep Jason happy until we can get him back to full size. Alfred is allowed to add rules and Objectives. Understood?”
And suddenly, Bruce had a little empathy for Damian’s Robin under Dick’s Batman. “Got it.” Bruce gave his oldest son a slight smile. “Honestly, this might be my hardest mission yet.”
Dick and Alfred shared a look, “You’ll do fine, Master Bruce.”
“I’m gonna check up on everyone, I can come back down once I’m done, if you want.”
“I’ll be fine, Chum, I’m just going to call Zatanna and finish putting a bit of info in.”
Dick nodded, “Alright.” He made his way to the stairs, “Goodnight Alfred, Goodnight Bruce, tell Z I said hi.”
Dick’s first destination was the kitchen. It was usually the first place Cass and Steph went after patrol. Because Steph grabs a midnight waffle for her ride home. 
Though when he got to the kitchen, it was just Cass sitting on  the counter with a mug of tea in her hands. She tilted her head, the question of are you ok clear as day. 
If Dick tried to lie, Cass would just see through him. He sat down next to her, “Everything went well with Bruce, it’s just that…”
“It’s strange, conflicting. Seeing Jason.”
“He is a cute child.” Cass rested her head on Dicks shoulder. And Dick rested his hand on hers. “Tiny.”
“Yeah,” Dick chuckled, “Like no one would’ve expected Jason to be as tall as Bruce.”
They sat together in silence until Duke came into the kitchen, and Dick patted the space next to him as an invitation. 
“I’ve been thinking, if you, or Bruce, or even Alred, need me to keep Jason company while you take a moment to work through… memories, I’d be happy to do it. I don’t have any history with him, we’re close enough to the same age.”
Dick patted Duke’s shoulder, “You’re a good brother. Just don’t let Bruce throw him on you too much because I’m trying to get him to try .”
“Maybe it’ll be easier for Bruce after he gets over the initial shock. Even Damian was shocked. He didn't even try to stab Jason. He was wearing Jason’s jacket.”
Right! Damian! And it was strange. He was having a very different reaction than Dick had expected. Dick had to talk to him, but first “Did you get a picture?”
A grin spread across Duke’s face. “I already sent it in the groupchat.”
Dick hopped off the counter, “Lovely. I’m gonna go check on him. And then I’ll check on Jason.”
“Anything you need us to do?”
“Um.. yes, there is one thing.” Dick paused for effect, “Go to bed.”
Damian was leaning on Titus in the corner of his room, with Alfred the cat in his lap. It was a strange revelation that his Akhi was his wayward brother all along. Yet, it also made perfect sense. They both were in the League, and Todd had said something about mother taking him in.  He just did not expect Todd to be Akhi . He didn’t even think that Akhi was still alive. One day Damian had been drawing next to him and the next he was gone. Akhi had two modes; Stay still, or protect. He would immediately fight whoever Damian was supposed to spar and pull him out of reach of any attackers. Akhi would hold Damian while mother was busy, or sit next to him, or follow him if Damian started to wander too far. Yet he rarely ever spoke. Maybe that’s why he never drew the connection between Todd and Akhi. Because even though Todd could be silent if he wanted to, he spouted out the signature Robin quips like second nature. Or yelled at father, taking shot after shot, barely giving father a chance to speak. And above all else, behind Todd’s eyes you could see the calculations, you could see him taking in his surroundings or contemplating risks he was willing to take in the moment, you could see him playing out plans in his head to see every possible outcome. Whereas Akhi had alway had a far off look. Like his mind was never really there. 
There was a knock at the open door, Dick leaning on the door frame, “Are you ok, Damian?”
“Tt.” He started drawing swirls into Alfreds fur, and then smoothed them out.
Dick moved to sit next to Damian. They sat in silence, though it felt like Damian could hear Dick staring with concern.
Damian spared a glance at Dick, “Todd spent time in the League. At Nanda Parbat. Under my mother’s care. With me.” Alfred’s fur was suddenly a lot more interesting than it had been minutes ago, “I didn’t even know it was him, not until a couple of hours ago. I’m the son of the greatest detective, and I didn’t even realize that my Akhi was my brother.” It was making him feel young, seeing Todd like this again, “I thought they killed him, but I- I guess they put him in the Lazerus pit after that, and then he couldn’t come back, because he had to come here, but I wish mother had– Todd, He protected me, Baba . It was only for a little while, but he protected me. He showed me kindness.” Damian met Dick’s eyes which were slightly glossy.
“Well, that does sound like Jason. He’s always had a soft spot for kids.” Dick let out a wet laugh, “He was like… your Guardian Angel.”
“That was horrible Richard. Not funny at all.” Yet Damian could feel a soft smile pulling at his lips, “But yes. He was.” 
“It’s his Bruncle instincts.”
Damian frowned, “Bruncle?”
Dick grinned “Brother-uncle. Since you see me as your Baba .”
he groaned and shoved Dick out of his pet cuddling area, “Nope. That’s it. You do not get any more speaking privileges for the rest of the day.” though he could feel a warmth spreading across his chest. 
“Come on-”
“Nope. Bye! Bye!”
“Goodnight, Baba .”
And Damian could see Dick completely melt, “Goodnight, Bibic.”
The first thing Jason did after he stormed upstairs was grab his journal from the hidden drawer in his dresser. Screw Bruce, he was going to figure out what happened to him. 
The only problem was the dates only went to April 25, 2018. He didn’t even finish the notebook. The entries didn’t seem like something was wrong–
Sheila Haywood .
There was a gun pointed at his back as betrayal and shock sunk into his stomach. “I lied.”
A blonde woman turned away from him while lighting a cigarette.
He read through the page. Sheila Haywood was…his mom? But what about his Mami? The one who raised him? Does that make her his step-mom? 
Jason scrambled back to the drawer to take out a pen and flipped to the next page. He was going to figure this out. 
First off, Bruce was a lot colder. Like close to Kelvin cold. 
Second, all the scars. There’s a certain amount of scars that made sense for whole vigilante gig, but the amount he had was closer to the amount torture victims had. 
Third, If Ms. Haywood was his mom, is Jason in her custody now? Well, he’s 20, so probably not currently, but did he have to leave Bruce? Is that why his room is pretty much the same? 
Fourth, Why was he at the League of Assassins? If he asked Damian would he give him a straight answer?
He heard footsteps coming down the hall, and almost immediately jumped up. And then relaxed when he realized they were Dicks, and they were stopping at the room before his.
He crept closer to the wall to try to catch the words.
“...But I- I guess they put him in the Lazarus Pit…”
Guess he had his answer to number four. Though why would he need one? Did it have to do with number two? Maybe number two should be number one, but he’d already written in pen. 
That also probably answered why his eyes were more green than blue. And the white streak. It did feel a bit too emo for him.
He heard a laugh come from the other side of the wall and felt a twinge of jealousy flare in the pit of his stomach. Sure, he and Dick had their good moments, but it wasn’t usually that easy. There was still tension that loomed over any attempts of brotherly bonding. Sometimes Jason wishes Bruce actually introduced him to Dick before he took up the mantle of Robin, because maybe then they’d be closer brothers.
“Goodnight, Baba.” And just like that a wave of guilt washed over him because he had thoroughly misinterpreted their relationship. Jason honestly thought Damian was Bruce’s. They had very similar facial structures. 
And then there was a knock at the door, before it slowly opened, “Hey, Jason–”
“I didn’t realize you were Damian’s dad.”
Dick just gaped like a fish, “I– what?”
“I was under the impression Bruce was the kid’s dad, baba.” Jason swatted Dick with the back of his hand.
“Oh.” Dick laughed, “No. He’s Bruce’s. He’s also twelve.”
“So?” Jason shrugged, “You’re like, 30. It’s possible. And why else would he call you Baba?”
“Stop calling me old! I’m 27! Also, your math makes that barely legal.”
“‘Barely legal’ does not stop Talia Al-Ghul.”  Jason frowned. He thinks he was 18 when that happened. “Hold up, I’m not 18 yet.”
Dick was suddenly standing ramrod straight, “Excuse me, what?” 
That was his scary voice. Abort, abort, abort , “Why was I in the Lazarus Pit?”
“How much of our conversation did you catch?”
“I zoned out after Lazarus.”
Dick crossed his arms and huffed, “No, we’re going back to Talia–”
“Is Bruce depressed because he lost custody of me to Sheila Haywood?”
And that seemed to send a slap across Dick’s face, “How do you know about Sheila Haywood?”
Jason crossed his arms “I’m a detective, Dick.”
Except so was Dick, and he immediately spotted the journal on Jason’s bed. “It was in your journal?”
Jason nodded.
“What’s the last date in there?” Dick sat down on the edge of the bed.
Jason went to go sit next to him. “April 25, 2018”
Dick nodded, his normally clear blue eyes looked stormy.
“Something bad happened, didn’t it?” 
Dick looked like he was contemplating something, and then turned to face Jason, “I’m only going to tell you this because I know if your older version was here he would tell you.” Dick took a deep breath, “You would say, “I ain’t tellin’ you shit, you don’t need to know.” You would do that while leaning against a wall or something.”
Jason blinked at Dick, because that buildup was rude. “I wouldn’t say that! Also, it’s me . I would tell a younger version of me every moment of my life. I’m pretty sure an older version of myself would too.”
“Look, Jason, I was in space at the time. I don’t know all of the details, and Bruce never felt like filling me in on it.”
“What about the report?”
“Ok, yeah, I’ve seen it, but you know the reports are nothing like actually being there, or hearing the story. And it’s never something you or Bruce want to talk about. You’ll probably get the memory back once you’re back to full size.”
Jason huffed and pulled himself into his sheets. “You’re no longer my favorite sibling. You are dead last. Getting my hopes up that you would give me an answer. That was just cruel.”At least he knew there were reports on the bar computer about what happened. He could sneak down there and figure this out himself. 
“Eh, fifth place is not that bad.” Dick stood up, “or are we counting Stephanie?”
“Doesn’t matter. You’re still in last.” Jason turned over to face Dick as he was leaving, “Though, I do accept bribes.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Goodnight, Little Wing.”
“‘Night, Dickiebird.”
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mid-nightowl · 7 months
for the ask game: dickjay in reincarnated character + immortal au pls!!
hi waffle!! you literally gave me an au i've never thought about writing in my entire life lmaoooo
so *cracks knuckles* let's get into itttttttt
Dick is the immortal of the two. But like, not in a very voluntary way? For this AU, I would imagine Dick is the original Talon for the Court in the 1600s. Obviously his body would deteriorate over time or just be too butchered in fights to be salvageable, so they stick him on ice and switch his “mind and soul” over to another (a blood relative and maybe later on clones when the technology is established, but he always refers to himself as Dick or Talon). We’ll say the Court can do this via magical god shenanigans. Jason is the reincarnation. So, every third generation the Gunn family somehow gives birth to a boy (aka Jason) but otherwise only have girls. (Short note: we’re going to make Catherine the Gunn relative instead of Willis for this AU). 
Jason and Dick grew up together, either same age or close in age. Played together as kids, caused trouble together as teenagers, and fell in love as young adults. And then Dick disappears, forcibly becoming the court’s Talon because it’s his “familial duty.” Jason tears Gotham apart looking for his lost love, uncovering corruption and capturing criminals in the process of digging up evidence of the Court, and he becomes somewhat of a folk hero as time passes. 
Unfortunately, the Court knows Dick is too attached to Jason and Jason’s on a mission, he won’t stop until he finds Dick and stops them. Not sure how we’d get to the next point but basically, Dick is forced to kill Jason for the Court and Jason vows on his dying breath he’ll free Dick from them because Dick was the only one who cared about Jason, who loved Jason despite his flaws and his bad blood. I imagine the Court had captured Jason and brought him to their secret lair or wherever they keep their god, and because Jason made that vow with his last breath, his blood and Dick's tears staining the stone entombing a god, an entity of magic and promises, it gave Jason (and Dick's unspoken hope) his wish. But with a twist. 
Henceforth, every three generations the Gunn family has a son. A son who is almost always baptized as Jason. The Court tries often to kill him as a child, especially once they realize Jason as an adult always digs his claws into the Court and tries to drag them into the light. What the Court doesn’t realize, is that Jason only reincarnates if Dick, if Talon, kills him. This could go either way: only Jason knows Dick has to kill him to be reincarnated and try again, and has to orchestrate his plans and strategies around either winning or having Dick kill him OR only Dick knows and he has to make sure the Court sends him to kill Jason, knowing Jason will only come back if Dick’s the one who does the deed, Dick who can never truly help the man he loves free him from the Court. 
The Court often gets what they want over the centuries, however, and Jason dies before he can truly stop them or save Dick. Over and over again, throughout the centuries and the bodies, Dick kills Jason and Jason comes back to save him. I think eventually it would end when Jason is adopted by Bruce Wayne aka Batman and together (maybe alongside Commish and a Batgirl), Jason is finally able to stop the Court and save Dick. And Jason and Dick can finally live, love, and grow old together :) 
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fluffyhare · 2 months
Hey friend!
Maybe this has been asked before, but was Avery inspired by anyone? ( ·ิϖ·ิ)
I don't think anyone has ever asked me this on this blog! Honestly, I've tried many times to nail down exactly what inspired Avery, but... I never can, not completely.
This is going to get long, I'm sorry.
I turned 30 last year. It wasn't in a "midlife crisis" or depressive kind of way, but I started thinking a lot about how I wanted the rest of my life to go, and what I wanted out of life that I'd never had a chance to have. I decided that there were two things I really yearned to do -- make art, and make friends. I figured a good place to start dipping my toes in would be Tumblr, since I'd used it in the past and I knew there would be a lot of art here to inspire me. And I was inspired... massively. Especially after I started actually drawing, myself. I started getting more ideas at once than I'd ever had in my life, and it triggered a bout of insomnia I am still dealing with now, almost six months later.
The first time I can remember thinking about Avery was during one such sleepless night, desperately trying to coax myself to sleep. Laying in the dark, I'd close my eyes and imagine leaving my body, floating above my apartment complex. I'd wander around like a ghost, exploring places I'd seen, but which are normally inaccessible... private roads, fenced estates, etc. I'd imagine sitting on the edge of a skyscraper, watching the city move beneath me, imagining what people were doing, why they were up so late, etc.
I imagined this many nights... It became a pet fantasy. When I was a kid, I read a book called Billy the Bird by Dick King-Smith, maybe that's where I got the idea... I don't know. Along with the insomnia were vicious bouts of nostalgia, too, so... It's possible.
But, anyway... I'd get lonely.
I wanted someone to talk to, so I imagined someone sitting with me. Someone who could only come out at night, for fear of being seen. Someone for whom sitting on the edge of a skyscraper was no concern, and who could catch me if I fell. I imagined he was soft, gentle... a good listener, maybe even a bit shy. I imagined he was an intellectual, capable of being quite serious, but never dour. He was quick with a smile, and it was easy to make him laugh.
In some respects, I suppose, he was inspired by a friend of mine, who died many years ago. In most ways, he wasn't like Avery at all -- he was extremely blue-collar, the exact opposite of an intellectual, and very outgoing. He was not refined in any way, and could even be quite reckless, at times. But, he had a unique, gentle, innocent sort of kindness that I've found to be exceedingly rare. To know him was to love him, really; he was a hard worker and a fierce friend, someone who wanted nothing more than to love and be loved. My relationship with him and the way his passing affected me touches everything I make and everything I do, intentional or not.
When I was building Avery's character, I was very fascinated by object heads at the time (particularly Prince Robot from Saga), and I was also seeing a lot art for "doctor/scientist" type characters. Despite never playing the game, I liked TF2 fanart, especially of Medic. I thought about other characters I'd fixated on, too, and what exactly I liked about them... Milo Thatch from Atlantis, Data from Star Trek, John from Homestuck, Sans from Undertale, Stanley and the Narrator from The Stanley Parable, Pokemon professors both Oak and Elm, Nightcrawler from X-Men, Wilson from House, Dr. Bashir from DS9... The list goes on, really.
I know this is kind of a non-answer, and I'm sorry about that. It isn't really a clear answer for me, either. All I can really say for sure is this: Avery is the embodiment of everyone and everything I've ever loved, as well as the reflection of my own self-love. Relatively speaking, we just met, but I feel like he's been here the whole time. I've made so many wonderful friends because of him, too! Can't say what the exact moment was, only that now that he's here, I can't imagine life without him. 💙
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hazbincalifornia · 1 year
I like the thought of Verosika/Barbie where they meet in rehab and they're both just... assholes. Trying to detox sucks. Barbie reminds Verosika too much of Blitzo, and Verosika is just a rich, privileged, self-obsessed dick to Barbie. At first, they prickle at each other.
Barbie chased fame and it tore her to shreds, lost her her brother and her dignity as she fell into addiction while clawing to keep on top even as she sank under. Verosika has everything she wants, is looked up to, has a Crystal from Ozzie himself.
On Verosika's side, Barbie is a bitter, washed-up too-crass imp that spits swears like they're air, always sneaking in hits from somewhere and draped over the back of the center's couch like she's a cat on a windowsill, burnt by the world and hissing if anyone gets too close.
There are flashes of the entertainer she used to be buried underneath, though- she whips out jokes easily as breathing when there's the chance. She's whip-smart and agile as anything when soberish, seen on ledges more than the floor. When she gets attention, she positively glows.
Barbie wants the high of fame back, the chance to be something, be someone, and Verosika walks around with an air of being someone better than anyone else, and Barbie believes it. She blew her shot, and she blames the world the way her brother blames himself.
One day, she realizes nobody visits Verosika either. She only leaves when she's hired for a gig, which is still better than what Barbie gets, but she doesn't talk about missing anyone like some of the others do. (Many don't, it can be a weakness to tear at, but there are tells.)
(She was hired 'to lead their team' for Spring Broken, remember- those aren't her friends, her group. She might have known them, but they're not 'hers'. She's seemingly usually a solo act.)
Then, Barbie notices the tattoo. They'd never been in quite the right angle or this close before, and she knows exactly what that means. She doesn't know how to feel, but goes up to Verosika and says 'So, my dipshit brother broke your heart, huh?'
Verosika starts, staring down at her until Barbie hops up on the table and takes a swig of water like she wishes it was something harder. "Blitzo. He's my brother. He fucked off years ago. I'd apologize but I don't know what he did or if you deserved it."
There's a lot in those words, and Verosika's lips tighten. "He fucked off with my wallet and car, drained the cards on horse-riding lessons." Barbie wheezes with laughter at that, and it sounds so much like Blitzo that Verosika can't tell if she wants to smack her or kiss her.
"You know, all this time I've been picturing what I'd do once I got out of here, and taking you down a peg for being such a stuck-up bitch was on that list, but it sounds like he already did it for me." She has a lopsided grin, so very punchable.
Then it softens a little, and the growl in Verosika's throat dies. "Musta really fucked you up, huh? Everybody knows I haven't got jack or shit left at this point, but you had to like him enough to get his stupid name plastered right on your arm before he ripped you off."
Verosika considers for a moment, before giving a slight nod. "Yeah. He was an asshole. I thought we had something, but..." "He runs when things get hard. Fucking pussy." Barbie examines her claws, born with black polish. "Guess if he already fucked you up I don't have to."
"Oh, you're a doll," Verosika said sarcastically. "Because I have so much to fear from a washup nobody ever gave more than a half-hour's worth of a shit about." Barbie's fingers curl into a fist. She glares, and what Verosika sees in her eyes isn't as satisfying as she expected.
After that, it comes in bits and pieces. Slowly, Barbie sees that Verosika is still shuffled around like a talented pet and shoved back in order to keep her just sober enough to be useful. Slowly, Verosika sees Barbie as someone else who was hurt but never gets a second chance.
(The first time they kiss, it tastes of booze smuggled in through Verosika's chest and Barbie's boot, a little sweaty but a solace from the world that saw them both as tools, one still useful and one tossed away to rust.)
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frownyalfred · 8 months
regarding a coral room et al: ive never seen BvS so please know this is a genuine question and not some idiot going hrMmMmm yOu ForgOt SomEOne-
where's dick? does he just not exist in this universe? i see b doing his whole miserable mama with-a-lost-puppy schtick and i keep thinking, bro didn't you have two of those? whered the first one go? you could call him over for a cuddle sesh, or at least tell him he's got siblings on the way, you're gonna get so shouted at. honestly
for the record i am neutral about whether dick does exist in this fic setting or not, just wanted to make sure i had the story straight
thank you for writing such a good piece, i'm really looking forward to seeing how it turns out!!
Hi anon!
The answer is a little complicated, and I apologize in advance if I've explained it poorly. Essentially, there's an in-universe reason and an external reason.
In-universe: Dick will appear later in this fic, but he won't be as close to Bruce as Jason was. There's a very good reason for this, and it hopefully explains why Bruce doesn't think about him often.
External: I, the silly fanfiction author, watched BVS and thought the Robin who died in the movie had to be Jason Todd. After I'd written a coral room, Zach Snyder then clarified that the Robin who died in the movie was actually Dick Grayson, not Jason Todd.
So I was writing under the impression that BVS' Robin was, and would only ever be, Jason. Now that I'm writing the sequel to a coral room, I've realized I would like to bring Dick in as a character, but I was trying to find a way to do so without making the last fic seem strange, since he is not mentioned in it even once.
My solution is (SPOILERS for future chapters of a sky of honey) to make Dick Bruce's first Robin, but for them to never grow close as pack members due to Bruce's suppression and dislike of Alphas. When Dick presents as alpha and clearly wants to win Bruce's approval as his packmate, Bruce responds poorly and Dick takes that as a signal of Bruce's dislike for him, as opposed to some poorly-concealed internalized omegaphobia. Their professional relationship, short as it was, crumbles apart, and Dick flees to Bludhaven to start his own pack and be an alpha on his own.
Hence, Bruce doesn't think of Dick as his pup, and rarely thinks about their time together at all since it's so painful. And Jason's loss absolutely swallowed Dick's memory up, because Jason was his pup -- was Bruce's gradual thawing toward his designation, where Dick was around while he was abusing suppressants and pheromones.
I hope this made sense! This was the best way I could come up with to balance the points you and others have brought up. I imagine when Dick finds out exactly how Bruce has moved on, and struggled with his own identity, there will be lots of shouting. But also a truly beautiful resolution for such a painful experience for both of them.
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ohh tell me about the Titans AU where Grayson has to fight Rachel's demonic presence???? INTRIGUE
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OOOOOOKAY I hope you knew you were about to unleash a dragon when you typed this out because I have A LOT TO SAY AND GIFS TO BACK IT UP
Some of it you probably already know because I can't seem to shut up about this particular episode and I know I've made a post about this a while back but TO RECAP: (Beware of spoilers)
Episode 4x10. Two episodes earlier it has been revealed that Rachel and the season's big bad Sebastian (who also happens to be her half brother) share a physical connection - when one gets hurt, the other gets hurt the same way. To quote Dick: "he cut you with a knife and he bled the same way". Dick and Kory make a decision to bench Rachel to protect her, which she isn't too happy about. So Dick makes a call to a friend from London who knows a little something about magic stuff (the person is never named but DC fans might connect the description to John Constantine) and brings Rachel a possible solution to the connection thing - black magic ritual that is supposed to give the "inner evil" a physical form so it can be killed. They meet with a witch who guides them through the ritual, explains that once the evil takes form, Rachel will be left defenseless because the monster will be draining her energy until Dick kills it. If he fails, she dies. The witch also gives Dick a blade - or rather just a hilt of it and explains that the blade will be formed by magic from his love for Rachel.
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The evil takes the form of a monster, which is basically a zombie version of Sebastian and it looks like this:
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And Dick spends the rest of the episode chasing it around trying to kill it because he's struggling with getting the blade to work (my man was overthinking it too much instead of letting his feelings guide him but he's a rookie when it comes to magic so I forgive him) and only managed to do it when the monster took Rachel as his direct target
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Dick kills the monster, Rachel gets back her life force, the connection is broken. Ritual complete.
What I want to do is make it more angsty. Because sure, running around fighting a zombie was a fun idea for the episode but it wasn't the best. I can agree it works with the logistics of Rachel and Sebastian's connection - the part of Sebastian in her that's creating it will take his physical form - but I love the idea of it becoming more personal to both Dick and Rachel, therefore harder.
You've seen season 1 so you know that in the beginning Rachel had this demonic reflection who always taunted her and tried to make her do bad things, a darkness that took over sometimes.
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As Rachel's powers evolved through the show, that part of her disappeared and I want to bring it back. I want the inner evil to take her form during the ritual. I want to put that magic blade in Dick's hand and have him realize that the monster he has to slay to save his little girl is his little girl herself, her own darkness she had to fight her entire life until he taught her how to accept it.
There will obviously be no fight. Because Dick won't be able to fight her. Not when she's standing in front of him with this baby face, striped shirt and blue highlights in her dark hair, the little kid he met in Detroit. He'll be standing there, frozen, while Demon!Rachel does what she does best - taunting, teasing, spitting venom and digging into his head, throwing all his greatest hits right into his face, all the while real Rachel is laying there on the floor, her life force fading away.
And I am ripping my hair out just thinking about it
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mimiri22-6 · 2 years
I just had a slightly terrifying very angsty thought;
What if Bruce was killed in public while in Brucie persona
Like, I Know that's just impossible, but Somehow someone crashes a gala or assassinates him during a public outing or like during a speech right after a big battle has already happened and he's Tired. The last one seems like it has a Chance of happening.
Gotham Loves their prince in his tower. Their Brucie Boy. The citizens would be distraught. The Waynes, back together, but at what cost? He's with his parents, but now all his children are orphans, again. If he was killed in a large crowd, there's a mob after who pulled the trigger. If none of the kids are around, some stay by his side to try and help, but ultimately...
His family would be-gosh-broken(? I haven't read any stories where he dies so I'm not actually sure how the family reacts in cannon), definitely angry and loosing sleep looking for the killer, Jason definitely has his guns ready and loaded for the bastard's skull. Damien. Damien hasn't lost family like this, let alone his Father. Who seems so impossible to kill, but dying. Dying like his grandparents did, too. Just-so many parallels with baby Bruce and Damien in this situation, maybe he was even there, also tired from fighting the good fight, but...Alfred is-Alfred has lost 2 house masters, all these kids have died at least once, but not Bruce. This time it's his-Master Bruce can't tell him to stay in the mansion. He's taking a shotgun and going with Jason. None of the kids have seen Al like this. Unbound by Bruce's house rules, Bruce wasn't keeping Alfred safe, he was keeping the world safe from Alfred. I'm not well versed in Cass, Steph, Tim, and *reads smudged ink*sunray boy w actual powers, but at the least Cass is Pissed, someone that understood her needs and took care of her and taught her, gone. And it was Bruce. Whoever did this, is never seeing the light of day again. And Dick...the first rob, Nightwing, the oldest, the one that's seen the most of it only outshown by Al. He......
And the villains of Gotham? Mmmmhm. Some are just like every other Gothamite and wouldn't Dream of laying a hand on Brucie Baby(what kind of scum goes after Brucie Wayne?! LET ME OUT-I'LL FIND THEM MYSELF-), some know his identity as Batman and with them, some even respect him considering they get their ass kicked. And of course the ones that don't care about another billionaire dying. Actually, I have the villains more thought out than like anything else (I like bad guys, sue me)
Mr Freeze-Bruce helped take care of his wife. He's not ok with this death and...maybe he can experiment on bringing the 'ice lad back to life
Bane-uhhh I'm not sure on this. He knows his identity, he has some respect for him?? (I'm gonna admit it's been a while since I've rotated Bane in my mind) Maybe not, he broke his back pretty good once and the whole I was born in the shadows you merely adopted it? Is that just a movie thing? More shadows for Bane?? More lonely in the shadows??
(wow I instantly lost steam when I started this villain section -n-)
Harvey-Now this is the one I've thought the most on(because Angst). Harvey Dent is Horrified and Angry. That was Bruce Wayne! That was His Friend! That was BRUCIE WAYNE! He's breaking out and flipping a coin to either go to a funeral or finding the bastard that did it. Maybe Both.
Joker-oh joker. Oh John Doe-eyed-for-your-nemisis clown prince. Sometimes he knows his favorite person under the mask and sometimes he doesn't. It really depends on his mood. If he doesn't know he doesn't care. Brucie Boy's number 1, would he ever target the other prince?(has he?)would he care if someone else did? Don'know. Maybe he figures it out through the absence of Bats in the weeks following and he goes to the bitch that ended his fun. Maybe he does know and is already on their doorstep, gas and c4 ready. Really? Idk. It's Joker, Have Fun With It
Anyway, where's the fic?(and if someone makes it or finds it can I pleaseeee be @ 🙏)
Omg this was supposed to be short, but I went back and added more ADD rambling to it. This took too long to write😴
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all-le-smut · 11 months
Aeneas seems such a good character to put in the imagination. Just imagine the power.
Summary: Roman and Remus both separately like to fuck Virgil, but one day, when they're both in the mood and fighting over him, they accidentally fuse into a single creativity one again
TW's: Fusion, NSFW, slight pain play, praise, degradation
"It's my turn!"
"Ooo, someone's jealous of the bigger dick~"
"Guys, this is not something worth fighting over."
Virgil immediately regretted saying that when Roman and Remus both whipped their heads around angrily. The heat from their fight was coming at Virgil now, and at the same time, they yelled:
"Of course you're worth fighting over!"
Virgil facepalmed and just sat down, deciding to let the two of them hash it out.
Roman turned back to Remus. "You've had his ass for the past three days, and I've been very patient with you."
Remus laughed. "I think you're just upset that he prefers me," he teased.
"He does not prefer you!" Roman shouted. "The whole reason we have this arrangement is because he couldn't choose between us."
"Well, yea, because he loves you, but loves my dick," Remus chuckled.
"Oh my god, just share him, that's that only solution we have besides become one fucking person!" Roman yelled, waving his arms in the air.
For a moment, everything went still. Remus and Roman stared into each other's eyes, as if a lightbulb had sparked between them. Virgil looked back and forth between the two of them anxiously.
"Guys?" Virgil whispered. "What's going on?"
"Is it even possible?" Roman asked, ignoring Virgil.
Remus let out a hearty laugh. "Let's find out."
Without warning, Remus tackled Roman and they went crashing to the ground together. Virgil stood up from the couch to help them, but he had to turn away when a blinding light exploded from the two. Virgil fell to his knees from the blast and had to cover his face for a few moments. Once the light died down, Virgil cautiously turned around. There, on the floor where there used to be two bodies, there was now one.
The man stood up, muscles visible since his spiky green shirt had no sleeves. A swirling red sash wrapped around his torso and waist and doubled as a belt for his black, ripped jeans. His ass was hugged tightly in a way that made Virgil gulp. He had high heal boots that gave him a few extra inches of height, and his hair was brown with a streak of white. As the man turned to face Virgil, he revealed his well-groomed mustache paired with a goatee. His face was determined and his fists were in balls.
Virgil struggled to catch his breath. "R-Remu-- Roma-- who are you?" He stuttered out.
For a moment, there was silence. The man looked down at his hands as if he wasn't sure himself. Then, he smiled and laughed. His icy stare terrified Virgil and turned him on at the same time.
"My name is Aeneas, and I am Creativity," he announced. "Since you liked your two boyfriends so much, we--... I thought you'd just love all of those qualities in one body."
Without warning, Aeneas began marching towards Virgil. The anxious side couldn't move, and he didn't know if it was because of fear or arousal.
As if he were lighter than air, Aeneas picked Virgil up from the ground and threw him onto the couch. The creative side fell forward, catching himself before he crashed onto Virgil, and spread his boyfriend's legs.
"You can always say no, my darling, this is all about your boundaries," a piece of Roman seemed to shine through for a moment before Remus's sickening smile took over. "But I know you're too much of a slut to do that."
Virgil let out a whimper as Aeneas slowly leaned in to start sucking on his partner's neck. His other hand stroked down Virgil's torso and landed on his clothed erection and began to rub. Virgil was already breathing heavily and trying to stay quiet.
Aeneas chuckled deeply. "What a good little whore you're being for me. Come on, make some noise for me, sweetheart. I want to hear you squeal."
Virgil let out a squeak as Aeneas unbuttoned his pants and slid them off with his underpants in one strong swipe. Aeneas gripped Virgil's hard dick like he was choking the life out of someone, and it made Virgil whine louder than he meant to.
"There it is!" Aeneas smiled. "Good boy," he praised as he started to jerk Virgil off. "You know, I think this is rather nice. Praising you for the dirty fucking twink you are, and you just love it. Do you like it when I call you names and compliment you at the same time? Do you like it when your two lovers are working together like this? Answer me!" Aeneas demanded.
Virgil nodded fervently and let out a pathetic "Mhm," as he got closer to cumming.
"What a good slut you are," Aeneas praised... degraded...? Virgil didn't know, nor did he care. He felt amazing. "I bet you're just a few seconds away from cumming, aren't you? Well, you decide when you cum, but I decide when we're done, got that?"
Virgil's only reply was a high-pitched moan as he let go of all the built-up tension in his cock. He tried to hold back, but this was just too fucking hot. However, just like Aeneas had warned, that wasn't the end. Virgil's stomach was filled with dread and blissful arousal as he realized that was the first of many climaxes that night.
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maleyanderecafe · 2 years
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Please, Let Me Return Home (Webcomic)
Created by: Hwa-yeon-jae
Genre: Isekai
Vacation time is the perfect time for reading isekai stories, so I have another one I found. This one's premise is a bit different since unlike a lot of isekais, the main character actually does want to go home, and to make things harder, she has no idea what story she isekaied into. As of writing this, there are 37 chapters out, and the translations wane from either really good to weirdly awkwardly worded. I actually found this webtoon through this youtube short here.
The story is about Estelle, a knight who died by the hands of her trusted right hand man and reincarnated into the body of an aristocrat girl named Lucifia. Upon reincarnation, she realizes that the side she used to fight on has lost and that she is wed to a man named Zedekiah Heint, an adversary. Her body is now weaker and no longer in the shape that it used to be. She tries to find some of the knights she used to fight along side (by trading places with her maid and buying a knife), but ends up fighting a serial killer that was on the loose in the capital. She's able to defend herself and the killer gets caught. She goes to a ball later with Heint, where rumors of her jumping off of the building get spread around greatly. While she's able to defend off the rumors, she recalls the event of Lucifia jumping off of the building, supposedly to claim her love for the crown prince despite him seeming to not care about her, and as a result she ends up kicking the crown prince in the dick when he tries to go down on her. She realizes that the man who killed her, Khalid is still alive and swears to seek revenge. She eventually gains a memory from her past of how her mother died and how her father almost committed suicide because of it. To prevent rumors from spreading about her attempted suicide, she meets up with a trading deal to set things straight. However, things turn to the worst when the traders attempt to kidnap her, forcing her to run into the forest where a monster resides. Here, Khalid is able to save her, and nearly dies. Estelle nearly leaves him to die, but knows that if he dies here he will be regarded as a hero, so she saves him. Luckily, Heint is able to save both of them and nurse them both back to health (much to Estelle's dismay). Lady Loer (the one Estelle thinks is the one spreading rumors) invites Estelle to a tea party, however, things turn to the worst when Khalid interrupts and talks down about Estelle on the battlefield, specifically about how she was a female knight and couldn't even defend her country. Heint ends up defending her and the teaparty ends. The last couple of chapters talks about Lady Loer and how despite how it seems, she is trying to help Estelle, as she really admired Lucifia and wants to help her.
Surprisingly, this is one of the few isekai I've seen where the MC tries to get back to real life, since most of the time the MCs just accept their fate while being stuck in this world. I actually do like the MC's design before she gets isekaied into Beatrice and I wish that her quirk of making scary faces when she's happy was integrated more into the story (it only shows up once after she's been isekaied, which is a shame because I think it would be a really funny character quirk). She also blushes A LOT for an MC, which I don't particularly understand. I do think it's kind of interesting to have her not know the story she's been isekaied into since she's read so many different romance books only to find out that it's partially from her own story of tragedy. Her character as Beatrice is okay, I guess, she doesn't particularly stand out to me much as an MC.
Ellin is a pretty cute male lead, and he has a sad backstory to boot. I actually really do like his backstory though. It's pretty cute seeing a shaggy child Ellin learn how to trust with a guard who is sort of incompetent. I think that him and Beatrice's relationship is actually pretty cute, though it's too bad it seems that the empress seems to be very possessive and possibly even yandere for Ellin, considering he tells him to throw away earrings that Beatrice got for him. I wonder what the empress's relationship with Daniel is as well, since they both seem to have a similar motivation of keeping the one they love close to their heart.
The yandere in question is Cha Yejun's doppelganger, Daniel. It's a bit hard to tell if he's a yandere since the translations are kind of rough, but from what I can tell, he kills the assassin in an attempt to get rid of both Ellin and protect Beatrice, and even ends up drugging Beatrice out of jealousy and to prevent her from testifying in court. With the way he's aware that he's in a story, it makes me wonder if Daniel is actually Cha Yejun isekaied into the story, and that maybe he had this kind of personality this entire time. We don't know that much about Cha Yejun other than he was a popular student that was close to the MC, though it does seem strange that the two would suddenly be friends since there's not really any explanation to how or why they met. This could also not be the case since we see that when the MC was isekaied, the smoke that she sees in the mirror is identical to the one that Daniel is able to make. It also wouldn't necessarily make sense that Cha Yejun would be Daniel since if the story she's in is actually something she wrote in third grade, then there's no way for him to have read or known about it unless the two knew each other back then (or he had somehow read it). It does bring up questions on how Daniel knows that Ellin is actually an extra (as it were) or if he's just really arrogant and believes that he's the center of attention. I'm not sure why exactly he's interested in Beatrice in the first place- it might have something to do with his lineage and how important the marriage is, but he does seem jealous over her when she hangs out with Ellin.
Anyways, I wish this story had a better translation since it can be a bit annoying reading through it, but I did have a fun time reading the story since it does present some concepts I don't normally see.
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Human Tito x Human Ozzie pt. 8
(Guys, this ain't for kids. This involves a little transphobic, suicidal thoughts, SEX, and sexual abuse)
"Do you still feel like you have to kill yourself? How did you act when you picked up that gun?" Dr. Fine was writing down in her notes, having a session with Tito. "I still kinda feel like picking up that gun again, but I mostly don't actually wanna do it." Dr. Fine had a question in mind for him, "Say, uh, did you know that someone had used that gun in that exact room? They shot themselves in the room you're in. This was 8 years ago when it happened. I saw the body, I don't wanna see yours too." She was acting like if she felt something and gave him support, really only focusing on getting paid. Tito had started crying, "I-It's hard, y'know? Suffering your whole life. Worst of all, it's losing your virginity to your own papá as a kid. My mamá had died because of my papá, he had stabbed her and hid the body. I saw what happened, I wish she was here. I always wanted to be a mariachi, but I grew up to be in this asylum! I grew up to realize that my brain was fucked up! I mean, I had experience sex before, but it was a lot better than being forced to do it. I had kids bully me because of that secret. Now, all my amigos know about it. I had self harmed myself multiple times, it never helped but I still did it." Dr. Fine had felt bad, but not fully. "What do you mean by when you had sex, it was better than being forced?" Tito had looked at her, "I've been forced multiple times to do it as a kid, it felt uncomfortable. Doing it freely made me feel like for once it was finally a choice. If it was a yes or no question. My papá made it seem like it was a forced thing you must do." Dr. Fine was writing down on her paper, "Do you need a tissue? I can see how much you're crying right now." Tito shaked his head "No, señora. I promise, I-I'm fine." Dr. Fine looked at her watch, "Welp, looks like today's session is over for now. Lunch is in 2 minutes, you should probably start heading to the cafeteria. We'll probably talk about your mother, if you want." Tito nods and walks out of the room. Dr. Fine putted up her papers and sighed, "How the fuck did he not get deported?" A few minutes later, the whole gang had sat down together. "So," Jerry had said "I finally planned the day we're gonna escape because we are finally ready!" The whole table gasped and had been felt with excitement, "Really, boss?! Is this true?" Gus had asked, "Yes, indeed, Gus. Yes, indeed. We will finally escape this hellhole!" Ozzie had felt with way more excitement, "Yay! Yay! Haha!" Sara smiled, "Those are beautiful earrings you got, Ozzie!" Tito quickly looked at Ozzie's ears and grabbed him, "Were people being mean to you? Did they put this on you? Are they trying to call you a sissy?" Ozzie looked around and came up with a response, "U-Uh...Ozzie p-put...on by self!" Tito looked a little disgusted by the earrings, a little transphobic-like vibes. "O-Okay...I guess you can have them on for now, amor." An hour later, everybody was doing their usual. Tito secretly went to his room and closed it. He sat on his bed and made sure nobody was walking out in the hallway. He looked down at his pants and unbuckled it. He pulled out his dick and started shaking, "Calm down, you've done this before..." He started rubbing it and soon with the pleasure he had with his kink, he started masturbating it. He tried not to make any moaning sounds and bit his lips, "Ay, chingada madre~..." He started moaning, "Ah~ Fuck, I can't hold it in!~" He shooted out semen from his dick, the sticky cum was in his hands, "Oh, fuck! How can I clean this now? Shit, Dr. Fine could've came in here and saw this!" And then, he had an idea. But instead, somebody special came in, "H-Hi, Tito!" Tito then had a better idea, "Ozzie, can you help me with something real quick?" He bit his lips, becoming even more hornier. "Y-Yes!" Ozzie knew what to say when it came with something to help, but didn't expect this type of helping, "Can you...suck this?" Ozzie realized what it was "Ooh!" He sat down on his knees and slowly put Tito's dick in his mouth.
Ozzie started sucking it harder and harder, licking it with his saliva on it. Tito started moaning a lot louder than the pleasure, "Y-Yes!~ S-Suck that dick, ¡amor!~ Oh, yeah!~ Mmm~" Tito grabbed the back of Ozzie's head to help him continue sucking, "S-Suck it harder for D-Daddy!~" Tito then made Ozzie stop sucking and cummed on Ozzie's face. The semen was sticky and gooey. Ozzie had his tongue out also with semen. "S-Sticky!" Ozzie had said and started laughing. Tito's horniness went away. Ozzie sat on Tito's lap and they both tongue kissed and made out on the bed. His horniness kinda came back a few moments later. Tito buckled his pants and they both got out of them room and kissed in the hallway. "O-Ozzie, you got some of the cum on your cheek!" Ozzie laughed while Tito took it off. "Come on, let's go before anybody finds us! They can't know that we skipped! They already knew, but not fully! Just act like we're lost..."
(Pt. 9 coming soon 😍)
A sneak peak for pt. 9: Tito's gonna find out Ozzie's big secret and his (will soon be her) past.
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