#I'm lucky that my best friend considers me as important as her husband
Due to that post I made re: why it's hard for aros/aces to imagine a future for themselves because society tells you a romantic partner will always take priority, a lot of people (aros/aces and allos alike) are sharing stories about how they have been discarded by their close friends and it's breaking my heart. But allos and aspecs coming in and sharing how they have the same amount of love for their partners and their best friends/siblings is healing it.
Still, there are people in the tags saying that aros/aces can "never offer their partners the kind of intimacy they need" and so they shouldn't be "surprised" when they feel closer to partners than their friends. You guys are missing the point.
The point is that we should NOT be ranking our relationships. People aren't there to be ranked on a scale of "This person is my number one and this person comes after that." The point is that you need multiple people in your life. One person cannot - and should not - be responsible for giving you everything you need. Different people will give you different things that you need in life and you should value all of them.
The idea that a romantic partner will give you every single thing you need in life is a toxic idea in itself and puts undue pressure on said partner and the relationship as a whole. A best friend won't give you everything either. You NEED multiple people in your life and they will all give you a part of what you need, but there is no one perfect person out there who perfectly gives you exactly what you want. We need multiple people and they should all be valued by you. Love is not limited.
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AITA for causing my friend to be married off without her consent?
I know that seems very bad, and I DO think it's very very bad, but my friend herself didn't blame me explicitly and thinks none of what happened is my fault, but i still feel guilty about it so I'm leaving the judgement to the Tumblr court. I apologize for the length of this post.
We (27F) have been best friends since we were 6. I'm from the middle east while she is African, this part is very important. She lived here since she was born, however she moved back to her country after graduation, but now lives in the UK with her husband so we've been online friends ever since her graduation.
Anyway, this is something that happened when we were in middle school. We were both 13, my friend confided in me that she has a crush on a certain boy who was also African. She clearly told me not to tell anyone about this, but I went ahead and told her African friends right in front of her. That in itself was very AH of me, I broke her trust and revealed her secret, and I didn't even apologize later.
In our culture a crush is just something to giggle and laugh about, which is why I didn't consider what I did was a big deal and I had a poor judgment not taking in consideration that her culture might perceive things differently.
Anyway, her friends spread the word, and it reached her family. They accused her of being in relationship with him (she wasn't) which is very scandalous in both of our cultures. She was proven innocent and I thought that was the end of it.
However, in high school when we were 17, she had a thing for a different boy, who had the same name as the boy she previously had a crush on, this was hardly a coincidence since Muhammad is a common name. She talked with him and exchanged gifts and that was about it. She set clear boundaries that they can't do anything until marriage, however that all happened behind her parents' back and when she got found, they assumed it was the same boy and that she had been meeting up with him since middle school, so it was hard to believe that they didn't do anything at all. They locked her up at home, took her phone and beat her. She somehow was able to contact a mutual friend, who in return contacted me to help because we were neighbors and could go to my friend's house anytime I wanted. The message I received from our mutual friend wasn't clear, I had no idea what was happening, I was just told to go and stay with her, they assumed her parents wouldn't dare to hit her in front of me and that's why I was needed. Anyway I went and sat with her, they called her to the kitchen so she could get snacks and tea for me, but when she went they closed the door and started beating her up again because they figured she asked for me to come. I was shaking the whole time having no idea what to do, I considered telling my mom but I decided against it because she was a good friend with my friend's mother so she wouldn't believe it, or she'd believe my friend is a bad girl and I wouldn't be allowed to hang out with her anymore.
Thanfully they stopped beating her up after a couple of days, and things went wack to normal.
Later when she was 20, a rich man proposed to her, who was a family friend. He was a total psycho, he stalked her to college, waiting for her outside and did many other creepy things. She told her family, but they didn't believe her. They thought she was making it up because she didn't want to marry him, but they told her she had no choice because she had a bad reputation and no man would want to be with her, and that she was lucky a rich man would want to be with her. They even turned away other suitors because they assumed they'd change their mind if they knew about her past. She has 5 sisters and none of them received the same treatment. She's the only one who was forced to get married because of her reputation.
She accepted her fate and married him. She asked me to attent the wedding, I had no idea if she wanted me for emotional support, or that she just her best friend to be with her in her wedding, but either way I couldn't attend because she was in a whole different continent and I wasn't independent yet to travel on my own, and my family members were busy and couldn't travel with me. My friend was adamant about having me there, she even tried to arrange for her wedding to be held in my country, but her request was denied since most of her relatives wouldn't be able to attend. The only thing I could do to make up for this was to draw myself attending her wedding and hugging her in her wedding dress after she sent her wedding pics.
I kept in contact with her asking how she's doing, how her husband treats her etc, but she told me he was fine, that he seemed like a completely different person and that he loves her for real, and she's happy. It's not as bad as she thought it would be. It was hard to believe considering his previous actions, but what mattered most that my friend was happy.
She moved to the UK with her husband and we lost contact for a while, but when we finally talked she was always busy and could barely talk a lot. Many things were happening in her life and I only knew the gist of it because she didn't always have time to sit down and facetime me. But currently her husband is not so good. I don't know enough details to know if he's abusive or just AH, but he also cheats on her. She is planning a divorce when the time is right, and is glad she's independent enough that her family can't have a say in the matter anymore, but it will be tough on her specially since she has two children so far, and will probably have more before she could arrange for a divorce. I support her with whatever decision she'd makes, but I can't help but think none of this would have happened if I just kept my mouth shut at 13. To this day, I still wonder why she didn't stop talking to me when I did that. I don't think I deserve her friendship, yet to this day, she's alway telling me I'm the most wonderful person she met and that she's very grateful to have me in her life. Throughout the events of this story, she has always vented to me as if wasn't my fault. And all I could do was nodding along. Couldn't even help her or fix the situation, or even say something supportive, but she's grateful to me regardless. Recently she opened up to me at how she can't make friends anymore because she had terrible experiences since her college days, that her so called friends end up hurting her in the worst possible way and she feels none of the friends she will ever make would treat her well like I do. I didn't ask about what she went through (but I plan to once she has time) because I was so stunned that she thinks the way I treat her is any good. I replied by saying that I'm not perfect either, and that I have hurt her so much in the past. She was confused, and asked me to give her an example. I brought up the fact I divulged her secret at 13 but I was surprised she said she didn't remember that but it was probaly a harmless joke and I should stop worrying over something dumb I said as a dumb teenager because for sure I wouldn't act the same way now.
I didn't discuss this further to avoid bringing back terrible memories for her, but I'm shocked how she doesn't remember it considering everything that happened to her because of it. In fact, I started wondering if she even remembers the things that happened to her because of what I did, because if she forgot those too, it could be her brain blocking traumatic memories.
So Tumblr, AITA or am I just over thinking?
What are these acronyms?
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oceangirl24 · 4 months
What's in a name?
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I'm not sure I've ever publicly shared how/why Audrey was named Audrey. Years ago, in an author's note on FFN, I shared why her mother was named Elizabeth Julia Andrews nee Wells.
"Audrey's mother's name, place of birth, and birthday (October 1) are in honor of my favorite actress, Julie Andrews. Dame Julie's birthname was Julia Elizabeth Wells (Audrey's mum is Elizabeth Julia Wells). Her (Julie Andrews) parents divorced when she was young and she took her stepfather's last name, Andrews. Her pen name is Julie Edwards (Her husband is director Blake Edwards)."
In the Return, Jon and Audrey's oldest daughter is named for her grandmother, bringing the name back to Julia Elizabeth.
As for Audrey, she was also a tribute to Julie Andrews and another actress during the same time who left an indelible mark on Hollywood- Audrey Hepburn.
How is naming Audrey after Audrey Hepburn a tribute to Julie Andrews? Julie Andrews originated the role of Eliza Dolittle in the Broadway version of "My Fair Lady" (1956). Audrey Hepburn took over the role for the film version (1964). This was a bit controversial at the time as Andrews was considered the perfect Eliza and Hepburn's singing voice had to be dubbed. However, Julie had no screen experience and Audrey was an established star. It all worked out in the end as "Mary Poppins" followed closely by "The Sound of Music" established Julie's on-screen presence and stardom for all time.
The meaning of the name Audrey also suits my girl to a T:
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As for Audrey Hepburn, she is an incredibly interesting person separate from her acting career.
Favorite quotes from Audrey Hepburn that Audrey Andrews has posted on her walls somewhere:
"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."
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"I decided, very early on, just to accept life unconditionally; I never expected it to do anything special for me, yet I seemed to accomplish far more than I had ever hoped. Most of the time it just happened to me without my ever seeking it."
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"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."
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"True friends are families which you can select."
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"There are more important things than outward appearance. No amount of makeup can cover an ugly personality."
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"Living is like tearing through a museum. Not until later do you really start absorbing what you saw, thinking about it, looking it up in a book, and remembering because you can't take it in all at once."
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"If my world were to cave in tomorrow, I would look back on all the pleasures, excitements and worthwhilenesses I have been lucky enough to have had. Not the sadness, not my miscarriages or my father leaving home, but the joy of everything else. It will have been enough."
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“They say love is the best investment; the more you give, the more you get in return.”
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 11 months
Thanks for the reblog!
I'm so glad you have created a safe space for aroace people! We really need more of those.
I do not have a support group or anything because I do not know anyone who is aroace. But my friends are great and even though they don't understand, they're supportive enough and I couldn't ask for better people in my life.
Anyway, this blog is awesome because I'm always looking for a way to vent. I blabber to my friends all the time even if they're not listening, but I'm seizing this opportunity lol. So here I go (and this goes without saying, but I'm sorry because this is gonna be kinda long probably)...
So I'm a female Indian and I'm Muslim which basically means arranged marriages are a thing and that getting married in your early 20s is also a thing. So if you're a girl, most times the moment you turn 18 or maybe even before that, your family will start looking for a suitable groom for you. Some families value education and so they let the girls study and at least complete their degree. And if you're lucky, the family you're married into also values education and financial independence and will let you continue your studies or work. But not everyone is that lucky. Sometimes even if your in-laws are supportive, your husband might not be, and will stop you from studying or doing something you love.
The maximum age you can be unmarried as an Indian Muslim woman is around 25. And getting till 25 unmarried is very rare. So unmarried women above the age of 25 are even rarer. All the Muslim spinsters are either widows or divorced. Getting married is not a choice here, it's a part of life.
Most people know of the LGBTQ community here. India is not in any way progressive when it comes to the community, since it's only recently being gay stopped being a crime here. Culture and tradition is considered very important and most beliefs are rooted in religion, whatever the religion may be. So homophobia and transphobia is rampant. But the general population is aware of the existence of gay and trans people. Very few of them might now about the existence of aromanticism and asexuality. The idea of wanting to be single and/or celibate is foreign to them. And my family belongs to that group of people (that took a turn eh?)
My family is what I would like to call a semi conservative family. They are religious enough to push us to learn the holy book and pray regularly and follow religious teachings but not that much that they force us to do things that are not compulsory or whatever. They value education and freedom of choice and are not stuck in the past (which unfortunately cannot be said about most Indian families).
My mother actually got married when she was 24 and after completing her degree, which is surprising to me because that can be seen as progressive as it was rare at the time.
So yeah, I'm lucky to be part of a family like this. They're understanding, more than I think they are, but obviously I'm scared because I do not know how much that understanding extends.
I am 22 right now and mentally ill. I have been from the age of 14 or so. I haven't been diagnosed properly but I started therapy last year and my current therapist called my condition high-functioning depression which basically means that I function well enough in society but am depressed. It's apparently something most celebrities have.
My journey with mental illness is a long and exhausting one and it's still not going steady, but what I would like to mention is that what prompted me to take the big step that is therapy after many years was an event...the wedding engagement of my best friend.
My best friend and I have been friends from kindergarten. We were neighbours and classmates and our families are also very close. The news of her engagement shocked me (maybe not as much it shocked her though. It was a very sudden engagement. But she's happy and in love now and I'm happy for her.) and it made warning bells go off in my head. I suddenly felt like I was running out of time. And since I'm scared of getting married and obviously haven't come out to my parents or told them or even ever implied that I wasn't into the idea of marriage, that fear of getting married in the near future pushed me into getting therapy. It was an on and off thing for a while. Me and my first therapist did get somewhere and I'd made some progress before I was back in square one. But I have many underlying and standing issues that I never really got a chance to talk to her about marriage or any of that stuff. I have a new therapist now and I haven't talked to her about it either, I've only mentioned not wanting to get married in passing. I think it's because I know nothing I say will change the fact that I haven't told my parents and thus my future will not change or become closer to the one I have envisioned.
I am now doing a post graduate degree and I will complete it next year, after I turn 23. I don't think my family has actively started looking for proposals but they are open to accepting good ones. I have no hand in this, not right now at least. After my graduation, I will. I will be expected to look pretty and pose and look through proposals and all that shit. It sounds like torture. I've heard enough stories to know it's not a fun process.
I really want to tell my parents because if it means I have to live the rest of my life miserable, then at least I'd have spoken my truth, but I keep waiting for the right time but I've realised there is no right time, there is only a wrong time and that is when they start actively looking for a poor chap who'll want to marry me. I'm just so scared because I'm pretty sure I know what they'll say. They'll either say something along the lines of "you're just lazy and/or unprepared and/or scared" and "that is not even an option. It is compulsory (not true btw)/encouraged in Islam to get married. You will lose your ways and go astray and get into haram (Islamically) unlawful romantic/sexual relationships". Worst case scenario is that I stand my ground and refuse to get married and they'll lock me up or send me off to a mental hospital or just disown me or something. Best case scenario is they agree to not marry me off but insist I become an Islamic nun or something (which I'm not completely against. But I'm not deeply religious enough to devote my whole life to being an Islamic teacher or missionary or whatever. I will and want to do it along with whatever job I get).
Of course, there is a chance it'll not go anything like this and go in a completely different direction I didn't even think of but i seriously doubt it. You see, even if my parents are supportive of my decision to not get married, pressure from the rest of the family and societal pressure will be really strong, that even if they hold on for a while, they'll break eventually.
Now say it will go my way and I get to be a happy (or trying to be happy) spinster, then I will become the talk of the town and considered an outcast. It will not be easy attending gatherings and my family will get the brunt of it, especially my parents. Gossip is after all very destructive.
I could cut off my family after becoming financially independent but I have never even considered that an option. I love my family and I owe them a lot and I would and could never cut them off from my life (assuming that it even is possible. It's not very easy to do that here.)
So I'm stuck and this has been a burden that I've been carrying around for a while now. I knew I didn't want anything to do with romantic relationships from when I was 14 or something but then after I realised I had really low self esteem, I realised that might be why I wasn't interested in being in a romantic relationship but I have thought long and hard about it and I have come to the conclusion (one of many) that it's just something that I do not want for myself.
It had always been at the back of my mind though but this has become a more immediate worry as I'm running out of time, and so I panic every now and then when my thoughts wander and I think about the future. It's getting exhausting being so unsure of something like marriage when I'm also worried about finding a stable career and just surviving because even that is a huge question mark for me when I think about the future.
And that's that. Sorry for any typos/grammar errors! (I'm too lazy to proof read this 😅, not that that proofreading would help 😛)
I should probably go to sleep now. If you read all of that, thank you so much. It really means a lot.
Hey there! I’m glad you found a good place to vent and I hope you find happiness and love (platonic) where ever you go in life!
I honestly don’t really know what to say but I’m here for you! You sound like an incredible person and I know you’ll do well in life <3
Stay amazing and stay safe, remember no matter what happens we are all here for you and you are always valid!! <33
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nikkeisimmer · 2 years
OC Tag Interview - River (nee McIrish) Chikamori
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1. What is your name?
River Chikamori. I was born a McIrish.
2. Do you know why you were named that?
It's a nature name, I'm not sure why my late mom picked it out for me, but I like it. And now I wouldn't be able to answer by any other name anyways.
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3. Single or taken?
Like my husband said, "Taken...very happily taken... Thank you very much."
4. Stop being a Mary Sue!
If I was a Mary Sue, I'm probably doing a pretty bad job of it right now.
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5. What’s your eye color?
Green...my husband says that he loves staring into them. I don't mind in the slightest.
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6. How about hair color?
Red. Not going to say otherwise.
7. Have you got any family members?
Asian families are big families and well, for the longest time, it was just me, my mom, Molly and Sandi, well, Sandi's all grown up and fled the nest and Molly, well unfortunately her and Uncle Satoshi are now gone. It's really sad to realize that everyone is getting older and some of them that we grew up with aren't around anymore. Hopefully Ojiisan Yasunobu and Obaasan Susan are around for a long time yet. But...(a bit emotional) I still do miss my Mom...a lot.
8. Oh, how about pets?
Not sure right now. Just taking it one day at a time and we'll see what happens. Pets are a major commitment.
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9. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like
Some sims don't get the idea that "No means No..." I'm seriously thinking about getting an unlisted number.
10. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Painting, sculpting...spending time with my hubby.
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11. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? Physically
Been tempted with a couple of paparazzi, but ...no.
12. Ever… killed anyone before?
Not that I recall...
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13. What kind of animal are you?
I really have no idea...but my husband...well...let's just say that I consider him a tiger.
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14. Name your worst weaknesses
My husband's errrr...um...Key Lime Pie...yeah...that's it...
15. Do you look up to anyone at all?
I look up to my Mom, she raised me from the time that I was born, all by herself and she wasn't lucky enough like me to have a husband who is faithful and sticks around to take responsibility for the children he's fathered.
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16. Are you straight, gay or bisexual?
I have a husband so understandably, I'm straight.
17. Do you go to school?
Like my husband, I couldn't wait to get out of school and live my life. We both went to university together and well, we both have arts degrees. It's good enough. Not planning on going back at any point as of yet.
18. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
I'm happily married and have had four wonderfully darling children who are growing up into capable young men and women. I think we've done good.
19. Do you have fangirls/fanboys?
I wouldn't know...really, I don't see myself being that much of a celebrity.
20. What are you most afraid of?
I'm was afraid of not having lived a fulfilling life, but the operative word is was. I've raised four wonderful children, have a darling husband that I love dearly and I think I'm living the best possible life that I could have.
21. What do you usually wear?
I'm usually in jeans and a red Canada 150 t-shirt.
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22. What’s one food that tempts you?
Key Lime Pie (laughs self-consciously)
23. Am I annoying you?
Nope...I rarely find myself getting annoyed.
24. Well, it’s not over!
Keep going...
25. What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)?
I don't find that classifying people as certain economic classes as very constructive. I think we should all work together to bring into fruition a productive society.
26. How many friends do you have?
My circle of friends are the ones that are most important to me: my husband, my kids, I wish that my Mom could be here to see how Haruo's and my kids have grown into such wonderful young adults..
27. What are your thoughts on pie?
Well...unlike my husband who's mind is in the gutter half the time, I have enjoyed buzzberry pie once in a while. It's delicious.
28. Favorite drink?
I'm never awake without my cup of coffee in the morning.
29. What’s your favorite place?
Like my husband, I think we both hang out at Divisadero until they kick us out and lock the doors.
30. Are you interested in anyone?
Oh, maybe a few platonic crushes on a few movie stars, but my husband is really all I need and he's all I've ever wanted.
31. That was a stupid question.
I don't know if I should answer that...
32. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
River: "Lake; but unfortunately somebody who shall remain nameless put sharks and crocodiles in the family pond. The crocs have taken two raccoons and a chipmunk and they're starving." (Haruo looks innocent and whistles a two-note "I didn't do anything" whistle.)
33. What’s your type?
"Strong...handsome, built like a tank..." ~sidelong glance at her husband.
34. Any fetishes?
Hmmm, was this a raw-mag interview by any chance. (smiles winsomely). Mining for the dirty details, huh? Well, let's just say that size is no problem with my husband.
35. Camping or indoors?
I pick camping (except in winter)
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To Hell & Back
Part Four:  “My wings are frayed and what’s left of my halo’s black”
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Summary: Your exit strategy involves your neighbour... Well, it is your neighbour.
Prompt: "I don't want to live on this planet anymore."
Warnings: swearing. (Typos that will be fixed). That's it??
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Series Masterlist
You weren't always this...angry.
You weren't always this spiteful and short tempered, and malicious enough to deliberately poison muffins.
At one point in life, you were everything you'd ever wanted in a friend. Kind and compassionate. Even patience was a virtue you had an abundance of.
Then, one day, some guy from Asgard came with an army of aliens and ripped a hole through your father's finances. Apparently damaging a bunch of buildings, including the one your father worked at, was bad for business and so it closed down.
Just as your mother's job had barely managed to get your family out of the red, her boss gets murdered at some important meeting that blew up – along with some world leaders. In her boss's place, the son took over and ran the company into the ground.
Luckily, your sister had a bakery that made just enough to cover your parents' costs and your summer jobs had saved you enough to get you through college. Then, some other guy came with another alien army, and decided to take half the world with him – or whatever he did
The wrong half of the world, in your opinion. You could have lived without watching your sister's husband run her business into the ground. And life would have been a little easier if you didn't have to stretch yourself thin, to make sure your mother saw the next day.
"Then half the world came back," you continue, eyes focused on the cat. "And some random family showed up in my apartment. I'm pretty sure the husband had a heart attack when he saw me–"
Bucky places another beer in front of you. You hate the taste, but coffee on an empty stomach has never worked well for you.
"–so I moved," you take a final sip of your second beer, before placing it down and reaching for the one he just placed in front of you. "Now, I'm here. Stuck with a nosy neighbour and his cat."
"You can keep her." Bucky sighs, leaning against the wall next to you. Your shoulders brush. "I don't know the first thing about cats."
You frown and look up at him. "Barnes... You are cat. And I already have you, why would I want another one?"
He scoffs, blue eyes meeting yours. "I am not that kind of lady."
"Oh god," you roll your eyes.
"Gotta buy me dinner first, doll–"
"Not a doll."
"Maybe take me dancing," he continues, lips twitching at the sight of your scowl. "If you're lucky, I might invite you in for tea."
You glance at the coffee machine, still boxed, sitting on his counter but don't comment. You know what it means, you know why he bought it, and the thought alone makes you queasy.
So you look back at the cat, curled on your bare lap, and sigh. "Sorry I came in without pants."
You don't say anything else and he chuckles. He found you in nothing but an old shirt and socks that night, so he's not really surprised.
"Sorry I helped you without a shirt." He replies. He would've answered you immediately, the second you said his name, but he had to find pants first.
Silence falls between the both of you, and it takes actual effort for Bucky to look away from you. Tempering down the disappointment that has the audacity to knaw at you, at your stubbornness, you turn back to the screen of his laptop.
He was reviewing CCTV footage of your building's basement garage. Two hours into the viewing and he heard you calling him from the balcony, so he had to pause.
Now, four hours, three beers on your side and a weird trip down memory lane later – you're helping him sift through footage at a faster rate.
"So," you begin, eyes glued to the screen. "I have a question, about that whole serum thing."
"Hmm?" It's the first question you've ever asked about that part of him, that part of his history.
"How does it work when it comes to diseases?"
Blinking, Bucky has to pause the video to look at you. "Diseases?"
You nod. "Like flu, chicken pox, tonsillitis. You know, that stuff."
"I'm confused–"
"Do you not get it or does it run through you like water?"
"Or does your immune system just basically butcher it within the hour?" You blink at him, eyes wide with curiosity. "'Cause like, I had this friend with one helluva immune system. He never got sick, so does it work like that?"
He pauses, lips pursing as he considers you. "Do you wanna know if my blood cells can cure AIDS?"
"If that were the case, you'd be in a CDC off-site lab right now–" you put down the beer you've been cradling. "–so, no. I wanna know what kind of illness can knock a super soldier out long enough for me to use it as an excuse."
He blinks. Once. Twice. "Huh?!"
"Saturday is in a few days."
"What does that have to do with me?" His face scrunches up into the most confused expression you've ever seen.
"As we both know," you narrow your eyes at him. "Ever since you saved my life, like the asshole you are, my parents have taken a liking to you. And since I poisoned their favourite couple last week, I'm in deep shit this week unless I can find a good reason to not show up."
"I'm not gonna apologise for saving you."
You raise an eyebrow. "Of course not. That would mean admitting it was very selfish of you."
This is not how he expected this conversation to go. Or how he wanted it to go. So, he decides to turn back to the screen and continue watching the footage.
You know you struck a nerve, and it would be easier for you to blame it on the beer, but you can't. You want answers, just as much as he does.
You want to know what gave him the right to knock down your door, or the audacity to have his friend fly you to the hospital. He won't straight up tell you, you tried when you woke up in the ICU and found him there, and it pisses you off that he might not ever tell you.
Bucky frowns at the screen. "The camera's get switched off right after I leave–" he glances at you. "Did you bribe security to switch them off?"
"We have security?"
"The guys at the front desk?"
You frown at him. You know those guys, you bring them baked goodies from work three times a week.
"Hang on," you place the cat on the couch next to you, cross your legs and turn to move closer to him. "Let me get this straight."
Your knees gently press into his thigh and he forced to look at you.
"You're telling me that Laurence with sinuses, down in the lobby, and Percy with the three-legged rabbit. Those guys–" of course you'd know that. "–they're security? For this apartment building? We have security?"
"You can't be serious–"
"We have a biometric system at the door and like cameras, and a patrol car that frequents this neighbourhood–" you're pressing a little to hard on your fingers and he's worried you just might snap one off. "–what the hell do we need security guards for?"
You continue rattling off all the safety measures the building has, which means your fingers have to suffer throughout the list, unless he does something about it.
Which he does. Almost as if instinct, his hands are clasping yours before he can make the decision to reach for them. They're warm and cold against yours, but the right kind of warm and cold that makes you frown at them.
His hands swallow yours, which isn't something that surprises you. It's the way you're not pulling away, the way you're not fighting it, the way you can't blame the alcohol because it almost feels...normal.
You haven't felt normal in such a long time.
"You gonna stop tryna break your fingers?" Bucky starts. "Or do I have to stay like this 'til you knock out?"
You blink. "Does a concussion knock you out long enough to warrant an excuse?"
"You're relentless."
"Says the guy watching CCTV footage because of a cat."
"It's... For a good cause."
"Me missing Saturday dinner is a good cause, Barnes."
He sighs. "Doll–"
"–I'll owe you one."
Bucky is about to argue, his mouth was halfway open before your words registered. That's really what happened.
It's not like he was looking for an opening or anything. A way of asking you, that wouldn't resort in an argument or anything.
It's not like those were the words he's been waiting for, for quite some time now.
Not at all.
Of course not.
But, who is he to argue with the mysterious workings of a universe.
The room you're in is dimly lit, the only light originating from the kitchen and the streetlights. But you can still see that dangerous glint in his eyes.
He grins. "Is that right?"
You swear you heard yourself gulp.
"Okay–" you're fidgety and anxious, and can't seem to stand still as the elevator doors close. "–now, let's go through this again. What's our exit strategy?"
Bucky turns to fully face you. He's been trying to keep you calm ever since the parking lot, but even he can admit that he was far too distracted to be helpful.
It wasn't even his fault he was distracted, it was completely yours. When he invited you to Sarah's party , the party celebrating the expansion of the success revamp of the boat business, he had said to dress comfortably.
Not dress like you were put on this Earth to be the end of him.
He was waiting in the parking lot, the same one that had the camera's switched off right after he left, when you came barrelling towards him.
You had narrowly escaped your sister. She was getting off the elevator just as you were nearing it, so you quickly opted for the staircase beside it. You were a flurry of floral black and white and pink in a summer dress, your hair barely in place – you tried using pins and thought about ribbons, but then forgot about them when you couldn't find your other shoe – as you basically pushed him inside the car.
You used the passenger window to try and fix your hair, as best as you could. And he spent the drive trying to reassure you that you looked fine.
You looked more than fine, but he couldn't seem to muster up the words.
"Not a doll." Is your automated response.
"You look fine, " sweet as sugar, is what he wants to say. "And, well, there is no exit strategy."
You gape up at the mammoth of a man in front of you. His words, a ballad of heathens in your book, echoes in your head.
"No exit strategy?" You whine, fisting his shirt as you desperately meet his eyes. "Bucky, no. Please. You can't do this."
The elevator doors open before he can respond to you. Sam is waiting on the other side of the doors, champagne glasses in both hands.
Hands still gripping into Bucky's shirt, hair almost presentable, Bucky's face flushing from hearing you say his name, and your expression portraying pure fluster. You and Bucky both turn to find Sam staring at the scene in front of him.
His eyebrows shoot up, golden brown eyes lighting up at the sight. "Okay. This definitely makes up for you being late."
Bucky blinks, seeming to snap out of his stupor. "Wait, wha–"
"No–" Sam cuts in. "–I know how you 40s guys are about kissin' and telling. I won't pry."
"Hang on, Sam–"
"Bathroom's on the next floor," he has the audacity to grin. "Just be quick about it. The speech's in twenty minutes."
With that, he steps away from the elevator, gives a curt nod and – with a Cheshire grin – walks away.
You slowly peel your hands away from Bucky and take a few steps back.
Bucky clears his throat. "So, about the exit strategy..."
TAGS :D : @sunflowerxbarnes , @ginger-swag-rapunzel , @arctic-duchess , @sltwins , @thewayilookatbacon , @buckyisperfect , @paryl
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demivampirew · 4 years
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Protective-Dad Henry one shot.
Summary: Henry and you had a daughter when you were twenty years old. Now, Amelie is a teenager and has to tell his dad that she’s dating a boy.
Triggers: Talking about sex; young pregnancy (and the struggle of being young parents) - I think those are all the triggers 😁
You can find more of my writings in the Masterlist
Tag list: @lunedelorient @henrythickcavill @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @mary-ann84 @desperate-and-broken @peakygroupie @summersong69 @ivvitm1109 @madbaddic7ed @iloveyouyen @the-soot-sprite @hell1129-blog @whyyoudothistomecavill @thetaoofzoe​ @thereisa8ella​​
- Please, don't make me do this, mom! - Amelie pleaded.
- You want to be treated like an adult, then act like one.- you said with a steady voice.
She looked at you angrily but begging for mercy at the same time but then finally obeyed your order and went into his father's computer room to share the news. As she started to find a way to tell her dad about her new boyfriend, you laid against the door frame to witness the conversation.
- Dad, I ... I... -the teenager began, trying to find the words that seemed to vanished from her head out of fear.
She and her dad were closed and she was the apple of his eyes. From the moment she was born, he went above and beyond to make sure she would have everything she could ever need and want. You two were a great team, making sure she was happy but did not spoil her too much and made her work hard on domestic tasks for her to pay for any unnecessary item she wanted to help her learn about the importance of valuing work.
Having a kid when you were only twenty was a challenge that you hope she would never have to face herself. In your case, you were lucky: you were dating the most wonderful man who saw that pregnancy as a miracle despite the difficulties it may bring with it. He was next to you every second he could and even on those times he had to be in LA as he tried hard to make it in Hollywood -many times he tried to quit and join the Royal Marines so he could support you and the baby, but every time you would encourage him to keep fighting for his dream-job since you were lucky to have a well-paid job as a secretary for your cousin who was a Doctor and thankfully counted with the help of yours and his mom to look after the baby girl while you worked. But, even if you were living apart for months, he would be there one way or another.
The last few years he had been busier travelling around the world, but he remained the same loving father and husband that he had always been.
For someone who would have done anything for his little angel, like renouncing his dream career or even risk his life on the Marines so he could give his family a decent life, it would be hard to digest the fact that she had a boyfriend. He may not be one of those authoritative dads, a controlling father figure, but he was overprotective. He would not shame his daughter for wanting a relationship, but he didn't trust guys. He lived his life in fear of that day in which his princess would found a guy: what if he hurt her when he wasn't around to protect her? What if he wanted her just for sex and broke her heart? Those were some of the worries he has had since she turned fourteen, he knew that this day was likely to happen.
- What's going on, Mel? - he asked worriedly as he stood up from his pc-chair and approached her to cup her face on his hands, inspecting her face to make sure she was ok.
-I... - Amelie took a deep breath and spilt out the words- I have a boyfriend.- she said and closed her eyes of fear - no because she feared he would get violent or anything like that; she didn't want to see the disappointment and pain on his face.
- That can't be possible! No, no, no... you're a little girl! - he exclaimed, frustrated.
- I'm not! I'm fifteen, dad!- she argued.
- Exactly! Fifteen! A baby! - he confirmed.
- I'm only five years younger than you two when you had me.- she replied angrily.
- Darling, I love you, but being a parent at that age wasn't exactly a walk in the park. We struggle a lot to make it work. Do you want to be in our shoes? - he questioned.
- OMG, Dad, stop it!- Mel shouted embarrassed.
- You're the same age that the girl from Taylor Swift's song Fifteen and you know what happened to that girl? She had a boyfriend and he only wanted to have sex with her.- he explained.
At that moment, you chuckled at the fact that he knew so well a Taylor Swift song - probably he got into her music to bond with his daughter who was a big fan of her music. They both looked at you as if they just noticed you there.
- See? I told you I shouldn't have told him!- the teenager reproached you.
- Did you know about this?! - Henry asked you surprised and disappointed. - Anyway, you're not allowed to keep seeing this boy.-he ordered.
- Go to your room.- you asked gently to the girl who was both angry and sad. She was about to cry, you knew it.
After Amelie stormed out of the room, you approached your husband who was now sitting on the chair, lost in his thoughts. You went from behind and leaned to hug him. He placed his hands over yours but didn't speak as he was still caught on the argument he just had with his little princess.
- Why did she have to grow up so fast? - he wondered sadly.
- I know.- you replied softly close to his ear.- You need to talk to her...you need to stop preventing her from seeing this boy or any other person she might want to date in the future.
He turned around to face you. Your eyes on his and vice-versa. His arms embraced you when you sit on his lap to be closer to him to talk more comfortably.
- Look, I know that you think you're doing the best for her and all you want to do it's protect her, but you're doing the opposite by prohibiting her from having a relationship.- you began to explain as you played with the few curls on his hair.- She's not a kid any more...she might be your little angel and she will continue to be so until your dying day. She'll never cease to be your precious Melie, no matter her age. But now, this is an important time in the life of a woman or any person: she's starting to have feelings, desires, dreams, etc and we need to encourage her to pursue them in a safe environment. If you act the way you just did, that won't stop her from dating, but she'll avoid telling you and you risk losing that close bond you work so hard to have. Besides, if she doesn't trust you to tell you she's dating someone because she knows you'll get mad at her, she probably won't share if something bad happens to her, if she's been hurt in any way, because she might believe you blamed that on her and how do you expect to protect your daughter if she doesn't allow you to know about her intimacy.
- But, that's exactly why I don't want her to date! She's young and boys are creeps and only think of sex. What if someone uses her for that o worse, forced himself on her? - he questioned worriedly. He was almost in tears by the thought of somebody hurting his little girl.
- Give her the benefit of doubt. I was around her age when I had my first boyfriend and yes, he was one of those who only wanted me for sex, but I was smart enough to realize that and I left him before anything happened. A lot of my friends and school-mates went through that, some were smart as I was, other not so much but learned an important lesson and few lucky ladies truly found amazing guys who were in love with them. I found you no long after that and you didn't want me only for that, did you?- you asked even though you already knew the answer.
- Of course not, you were everything to me.- he confirmed.
- Don't you think Amelie is special enough for her to find somebody like you?
- I guess.-he replied sighing, defeated.
- Don't lose the bond you have with her. Let her know that no matter what her dad will always be there for her. That she doesn't have to hide anything from you, that eventually, you will be ok with it and that you only want her to be safe.- you advised him. He nodded and then pressed his forehead against yours as he placed one of his hands on your face.
- You two are my entire world.- he said softly.
- I know, baby. And you are mine too.- you replied with a smile.
Henry kissed you and then he went to talk to his daughter while you headed to the living room to replied some work-mails from on your laptop. Later, your daughter came into the room and hugged you.
-Thanks, mom, you're the best!- she thanked you.
- You're welcome, sweetie.- you answered- You have to understand your dad... he's done the impossible to protect you and now he's scared for you because the world is dangerous for us, women, and he was a teen too; he grew up with other boys of that age who weren't as nice and he fears you might found someone that doesn't have the best intentions with you. He wants you to be safe, that's all.- you informed her and she nodded.
On Sunday, you organized for Tyler, your daughter's boyfriend, to come to have lunch with the family so you could meet him officially.
The boy was polite and well-educated. He had impeccable modals for a fifteen-year-old and seemed smart too.
He seemed to be intimidated by your husband, who purposely acted menacing -which made you rolled your eyes and chuckled.
You had to give credits when it's due: the boy not only survived the day with his girlfriend's dad but he actually managed to get him to like him - all things considered. He was a gamer and into comic books and fantasy books, he found something to bond with your husband
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rwbyremnants · 3 years
NOTE: Working on more fics, I promise! For now I'm gonna try to not sleep on this one so much.
=Chapter 32
Fortunately, they only had to wait inside with Mrs. Nikos for about half an hour. She was quite accommodating and understanding, having heard from her husband how unreasonable Jacques had been when they confronted their daughters together - and hearing first-hand his shouting after them as they walked up the street scant minutes before. Most of the small town knew about the incident by now, and while a man might have sided with Jacques, few women would do the same. She had no problem providing Willow with tea and sympathy, and a handkerchief to bawl into.
The minute Pyrrha walked in the door, she knew something was wrong without even having to ask. But she did.
“What's wrong? What happened?”
Mrs. Nikos attempted to field the question herself, adjusting her spectacles. “The Schnees are having… a disagreement. Would you mind driving them to a motel or wherever they need to go, sweetie?”
“A disagreement?” Her friend swallowed hard. “Oh no… oh no, he got out.”
“He did,” Mrs. Schnee answered for her, looking wearier by the moment. “And as much as I hate the idea of causing a scene, I can't put my daughter in danger. Not knowingly. If he could drug another poor girl once, send her after Weiss with a knife…”
Mrs. Nikos shook her head, red bob bouncing to and fro. Pyrrha definitely favored her father a bit more in terms of features and size, but the hair was unmistakable. “To think he could treat his own family that way! Absolutely disgraceful - and right here in Atlas Heights!”
“I know, Mom,” Pyrrha said calmly, even though Weiss could tell that she was extremely upset beneath the facade. “But he's hurt them more times in the past. I hate to see any family fall apart, but…”
“Mia zoí malákas!” She spat downward three times; Weiss and her mother were a little surprised, but Pyrrha merely nodded solemnly. “Not that I could believe that of my Nick, of course… but one can never be too careful.”
At their continued confusion, Pyrrha explained, “Old superstition - she's warding off the same evil happening to our family.”
“A-ah,” Willow stammered, not having been prepared for what a high society woman such as she would consider to be a display of extremely unladylike behavior. Weiss knew it probably wasn't unladylike in Mrs. Nikos' culture, of course, but her mother was even less worldly.
“Where will you go?" Pyrrha asked. "I mean… I'm sorry, I don't mean to ask too many questions, but…”
Mrs. Schnee waved that away. “It’s alright, dear. I think… well, maybe I'm presuming too much, but Kali once told me to come to her for anything I might need. And we were talking about my marriage, all the financials. So…”
“Oh! Oh, that's fine - I can definitely drive you there. What about your clothes and things? Do you want me to see if Mr. Schnee will let me in to collect-”
“NO!” When everyone else was surprised by Weiss’s outburst, she hurried to follow up with, “Pyrrha, this isn't your job. Besides, I'm worried he would take out his frustrations with us on you.”
Before she could protest, Pyrrha’s mother said, “Listen to her, kóri. Best to only go in there with more than one of you. It's safer. My God, I never thought I would have to say that about someone in this neighborhood…”
They bade Mrs. Nikos goodnight and piled into Pyrrha's car. The minute they had pulled away down the street, Weiss turned to look at the driver.
“Don't go to Kali's house.”
“What?” they both said.
“Not straight there. I don't want Father having you followed and leading him straight to us, or putting you in danger, like your mom said. You’ve already had to protect me once and that’s more than you ever should have.” She thought frantically. “Let's go to the Branwen's. Then Yang and her mother can take us to the Belladonna's. Just an… an extra, um…”
“A precaution,” her mother finished for her, nodding. She had to crane her neck to see her. “My smart daughter. It might not be necessary, but you're right; better safe than sorry.”
Pyrrha reached over and took up Weiss's hand, drawing her gaze as they came to a stop sign and paused there. “But I would gladly protect you again. I know you would do the same for me! But… oh, you're right. We shouldn't invite trouble when it can be avoided.”
So they did exactly as they planned. Weiss could see that her mother was growing more and more uncomfortable as they got deeper into the poorer part of town, but she was trying to pretend otherwise, maintaining light conversation about the weather and asking after Pyrrha's studies. The other two women were much better at small talk than Weiss was.
Her nerves spiked as they got closer to the Branwen house. Yang’s mother was decidedly no fan of hers, but she had been marginally more civil the last couple of times she visited, so maybe there was some hope.
“Both of you wait here,” she commanded them, reaching for the door handle. “This shouldn't take long. Either she'll help us, or she won't. Simple as that.”
“Be careful, sweetie,” her mother bade her as she slipped out of the car and walked up to the house.
Raven answered after the first knock. She rolled her eyes when she saw the young cheerleader on her doorstep, but made no other derisive comment or gesture - only stood back to let her into the house.
“Actually, we can't stay, Mrs. Branwen. I wondered if I could ask you or Yang for a favor?”
Her bottomless eyes narrowed further. “Like what? And who's ‘we’?”
“Well… it's a long story. The short version is, my father is out of jail and we'd like a ride to Kali's house because we don't want him to strangle us in our sleep.”
She had been expecting some kind of snarky comment, or at the very least a demand for further explanation. Instead, Raven nodded for a moment, then held up a finger before retreating into the house. Weiss was just beginning to worry that she had been ignored when the woman returned, jacket on and keys in hand. It wasn't the kind of coat the Dragons normally sported, but one of a red leather with black fur around the collar. Sunglasses were clipped to the breast pocket, almost as an afterthought.
“Mrs. Branwen? What- I mean, um, what about Yang?”
“This is a grown-up problem, girl. The grown-ups should handle it.” She headed straight for her rusty old car, barely pausing to call over her shoulder, “Whoever's coming had better hurry up. I ain't got all day.”
Pyrrha followed them back to Atlas Heights in her vehicle. Even though she privately thought her mother would be just as comfortable staying with her friend as riding with Raven, if not moreso, she came along, anyway. It was a fairly tense trip.
“He knocked you around?” she asked Willow without preamble.
“What? Oh… yes, I'm… I'm afraid so.”
“Both of you? And you just took it?”
“Raven!” Weiss hissed, unable to help herself. The glare of doom she saw in the rearview mirror made her rethink the action, but she stood her ground.
“Don't you sass me, girl. Grown women are talking.”
Before Weiss could reply, her mother held up a hand to signal that she could field the question herself. “It's fine. She's right; I should have done something about this situation long ago. But I… well, I convinced myself that keeping the peace within our family was more important than my own safety. I was wrong.”
“Damn right you were wrong. If my Taiyang had ever so much as tweaked my girl's nose wrong, I would have slit his throat. That goes for most mothers, I'd wager - and if I'm actually a better parent than you are, that's pretty sad.”
Again, Weiss wanted to argue with her, but this time she stopped herself. That was the most solid proof thus far that Raven wasn't quite the negligent parent that she seemed to be. Maybe this wasn't the time to shout her down. Though she certainly resolved to comfort her mother later, and assure her that she didn't think of her as a bad parent.
Not when they had her father to compare her to.
“Must we do this?” Willow asked in a shaking voice as they pulled into her own driveway. “Shouldn't we leave well enough alone for a while?”
Raven spared her a dark little smirk as she turned off the engine. “A highfalutin’ woman like you? Probably wouldn't last two days without her collection of lipsticks and pantyhose. No, we’d better do this now.”
The walk up to the front door seemed to last an eternity. Both Weiss and her mother were trembling, and she could feel her own palms were moist, stomach clenching in anticipation of another fight, or a shouting match… or worse.
It was Whitley who answered the door. He looked shocked enough to see his own family members, and yet more when he noticed the strange woman glaring down at him as if he had been spawned from a swamp.
“Excuse us.” Raven pushed her way past him without even waiting for him to finish a sentence. After only a second or two spent getting her bearings, she headed for the stairs. Weiss and her mother hurried to follow, the flustered boy tagging along at their heels.
“Your room?” When Weiss nodded, she stormed in and looked around. “Suitcase?”
“Up here, in the closet.” She went to get it herself, hoping that if she wasn’t completely useless she might earn some tiny shred of Raven’s respect. The woman started yanking open drawers, shoving her hands into piles of panties. “H-hey! Don’t touch those!”
Her lip curled as she tossed them unceremoniously into her bag. “Please. You have to be this tall to ride this roller coaster.” She held her hand out at the height that just happened to match that of her mother, and she snorted when she noticed. “Huh. Look at that.”
“Excuse me?” Willow breathed.
“Nothin'. Hurry up, Weiss.” Then she steered the older woman out of her room.
It took another few seconds for Weiss to snap out of her dazed state and begin to pack. They wouldn’t have much time; so far, they had been lucky that her father wasn’t around to interrupt their desperate grab for their personal effects. She focused on clothes first, then began to grab for school supplies, makeup, other things that could be easily picked up and moved. Lastly, she made sure to pluck from the bottom of her closet the single slipper that had lost its mate to her love, tucking it in the corner before she shut the case.
“Do you really think you two will get away with this?”
When she glanced up, it was to see her brother looking quite livid, fists clenched at his side. Sighing as she pulled the suitcase down from the bed to rest on the floor, she finally snapped, “Get away with what?”
“Abandoning Father when he needs us most!” he half-shouted, pasty little face livid. “You already got him thrown in prison, and he’s finally shown that he is willing to reason with you and Mother after all of this… and still you throw that back in his face?”
“Reason with- Whitley, he attacked us! There's nothing for us to feel sorry about - we had to protect ourselves!”
“Of course there is! If you hadn't been… well, you know! Hanging around those bad girls! Why would you keep doing that when you could simply do as Father says and… and ensure your future with the company, with this family? You're even crazier than I thought!”
Weiss had been prepared to hate Whitley for siding with their father. To lash out, to try and make him see reason. Instead, the most prominent emotion she felt… was pity.
“Oh, you poor little idiot.”
“I am not poor and I am not an idiot!” he snarled with a stomp of his foot.
“You are. You just don't know it yet.” As she began to haul the suitcase toward her doorway, she grunted, “You're still welcome to come with us instead of staying here with a dangerous lunatic. But I have a feeling you won't.”
Rolling his eyes, he folded his arms over his chest. “Don't be absurd.” When she kept going, he jogged a bit to catch up and asked, “Where will you be staying?”
“The Starlight Motel.” The lie felt disgusting in her mouth, but it was for their own safety. “Don't bother calling; we are staying under assumed names and asking not to be disturbed.”
“You would rather stay in a fleabag motel than with your own family?”
Narrowing her eyes at him, she hissed, “That man is not my family anymore.”
Then she walked into the hallway. Hers and Yang's mothers had yet to return; that was no surprise. Her mother always took forever to pack. It was one of the many and varied topics she and her husband argued about, nearly every time they took a vacation. Before her mother had stopped arguing and started drinking, of course.
“Thinking about raiding our good silver?”
“Shut up, Whitley.”
“This isn't over, you know,” he sighed in a would-be causal voice. The trembling gave away that he was much more frustrated than that, of course. “Father will make you come back. Or at least return these things you're stealing.”
Taken aback, she snapped, “They're my things! My clothes and books! And do you really expect me to believe you think this is Father's pantyhose in my suitcase?”
“Yes. Oh - well, not in that way!” he burst out in annoyance. “I meant that he paid for all these things and you know that!”
Weiss was about to argue about that, take him down a peg, when the older women emerged from the master bedroom. Two bags were packed - Weiss now wished she had done the same, but she had been trying to pack light and take only the bare necessities. Her mother obviously didn't agree with the same definition of “necessities”.
“...quite a shock at first,” Willow was saying as they approached. Were they actually talking? Raven and her mother?! “But, well… I don't have much room to throw stones in my glass house.”
“I keep telling you, that's not what I care about.” But the instant she saw Weiss standing there, she buttoned her lip. “Hmm.”
“Yes?” Weiss gently prompted.
“Nothing. You ready?”
“I am. Is… everything alright?”
Raven spared her mother a glance. They looked a little more at ease around each other now, which she found as confusing as encouraging. “Think so. Let's go before Willow tries to pack a tea set or something.”
As they descended the stairs, Weiss goggling at Yang's mother calling hers by name, the woman in question whispered, “Oh… the tea set…”
They had just put the second bag into Raven's trunk when another car pulled into the driveway. They were blocked in. Even worse was the man getting out of said car.
“Ah,” he said, face aglow with a self-satisfied smirk that Weiss found infuriating. “Already crawling back with your tail between your legs, eh, Willow? I might have known it wouldn't take long.”
“Jacques,” she said in a dignified voice, which did nothing to hide her obvious fear.
“Wait…” His eyes finally took in the way Raven was stashing the last suitcase and slamming the trunk door closed. “Who is this? What are- did you come back to burgle me? Can you really be that pathetic?”
Raising a hand as if already warding off an attack, his wife backed up until the car pressed into her rear. “We came for what is rightfully ours. Please just… don't cause a fuss.”
“This is absurd!” Weiss almost wanted to laugh at him using the same word choice his son had scant minutes ago. “You really mean to do this! To abandon everything we've built together over some petty squabble! Where will you even stay? With this, this… bitter hag?”
Though Raven’s jaw tightened, she made no other move and offered no word. Weiss had a feeling that was a lot clearer sign of danger than if she had replied.
“At the Starlight Motel,” Weiss repeated loudly, cutting off whatever her mother had been about to say. “And don't bother asking for us; we're using assumed names and… and told them…”
Her voice faded as he turned the withering glare upon her. A few quick steps took him into her personal space, and she felt her flesh crawling in disgust for a man she had once trusted to provide for her, to protect and guide her into adulthood.
“This is all your doing,” he growled into her face, sounding more like a beast than a man. “Poisoning my own wife against me, dividing our home in two. You and those people you fraternize with now, skulking around and doing God knows what! And we both know what you're doing with that Chinese girl!”
She wasn't sure where the moment of boldness came from. Straightening up to her full height, despite it still being half a foot shorter than that of her father, she hissed as sharply as possible, “We do know that, Father. I'm in love with her and there's not a damn thing you can do about it!”
All the color drained from his face as he stared, open mouth, at his youngest daughter. If nothing else, at least she had accomplished shutting the man up for once.
“You…” He ground back to life like a toy having just been wound up again. One of his hands clamped hard on her bicep. “Disgusting… ungrateful… degenerate! Going against God’s laws - the laws of nature! We'll see about that! You're going up to your room, and you're going to stay there until I come up to teach you some-”
His words suddenly cut off. At first, Weiss thought he simply ran out of things to say in his frustration with her. Then he took a step back, and she saw a hand clamped on his shoulder at least as hard as the one on her own bicep.
“Careful, Papa Schnee,” Raven told him in a low, rattling voice. “Don't forget that you aren't alone in your house anymore. People are watching.”
His eyes raised, glancing wildly around the neighborhood. No one was looking out of their windows, or staring from the sidewalk. “Who is ‘people’? You? Please. Some barren old maid who looks like Evil Kineval? I'll thank you to stay out of things that are none of your concern.”
“Look again.”
Even Weiss had to do a double-take to notice what Raven was talking about. Two cars were parked on the other side of the street, their drivers staring intently at the Schnee household. Pyrrha and Kali - her personal knights in shining armor. Though Pyrrha looked a little bit more scared, Kali was filled with grim determination. Even as they stared, the latter's door opened and one of her high heels extended to rest on the pavement, ready to sprint toward the house at a moment's notice.
“You really think I'm scared of a bunch of women?” he scoffed, turning back to look at Weiss as if there had been no interruption. “I've seen the inside of a prison. Nothing you can do can compare with the atrocities I saw there.”
A loud click filled the air between them. When both Weiss and her father looked around, it was to see a prominent bulge in Raven's jacket pocket. Only a truly innocent lamb could mistake it for anything other than…
“A gun?!” she hissed at her. “Again?!”
“Why does everybody act so surprised that I have this and am ready to use it?”
Jacques flicked his beady eyes between the pocket and Raven's passively determined expression. He licked his lips, finally lowering his hand from Weiss's bicep to clench at his side. “It's a bluff. You're bluffing; I've never heard of a woman carrying around a pistol in all my life.”
“Keep threatening my daughter's girlfriend and you'll call my bluff,” she growled in a purely murderous tone, despite the cold smile on her lips. “Nobody gets to do that but me.”
Weiss wanted to sigh but decided she shouldn't.
“Jacques,” Willow set in a firmer tone than Weiss remembered hearing from her. “Please be reasonable. We just want to leave in one piece. Don't be stubborn and get someone hurt. Please?”
To drive home the point, Raven added, “I haven't even decided for sure that I won't shoot you if you do back off. Men like you make me sick. Really not smart to push me right now.”
“I'll have the police haul you in,” he growled angrily, his cheeks beginning to flush with redness due to the sheer levels of anger he was reaching. “You won't get away with threatening me! Do you have any idea who I am? How much power I have in this city?”
“Do you have any idea how little I care? Stop trying to impress me with the size of your piece and go away. I guarantee mine is bigger.”
Never before in her life had Weiss seen her father look so flustered and - to echo Raven's sentiments - impotent before. He glanced toward the front door, where Whitley was watching with an open mouth and an anxious expression, and again at the two women watching from their cars. By now, Kali had exited her vehicle and had one arm resting on the open door. Weiss cautiously retreated to stand next to her mother, silently reaching down to clasp her hand in solidarity. She felt the fingers flex and latch onto her own hard.
“Yes, I see, I see,” he muttered. “Battle of the sexes, is it? Well… we'll see about this. Yes, we will.” Glaring down at Weiss, he hissed in a venomous tone, “You have no idea how much worse I can make your life, ungrateful child.”
“Yes, we do. And we've had enough.” She pointed at the house with a shaking limb and said, “Go, Father. Just go.”
He went. Even though he looked like he had a million more things to shout at them, he seemed to realize that they no longer wanted to listen. His steps toward the front door were sure and swift - Whitley had to jump out of the way to avoid being mowed down in his determination.
Their mother hesitated for a moment, watching Whitley's worried expression. Then she took a step toward the house. “Come with us, son. I don't want to leave you in his care. I really don't! But I won’t force you.”
“Mother…” He sighed, lowering his eyes. Though he looked as if he regretted it, he turned and went back inside the house, pulling the door closed behind him. Weiss had a sneaking suspicion that at least some of what she had said to him sank in, but he wasn't ready to fully believe it yet.
“Glad that's over,” Raven snorted. There was a distant clicking in her pocket again; uncocking her pistol, most likely. “Some men have heads full of sawdust, I swear to-”
The rest of her sentence was cut off by Willow throwing her arms around her, squeezing with all of her might. Weiss took a step backward in shock. The next emotion that flared up in her was pure worry; Raven wasn't exactly a touchy-feely kind of person. How would she react?
“Oh, thank you so much!” Willow breathed urgently against her shoulder. “That was terrifying, and you were so… calm, and made him listen, and you… I've never seen such a strong woman before! Standing up to a man like him!”
The only thing that could have been more surprising would be if Raven embraced her back. Which was exactly what she did - only patting her in the middle of her back with one hand, but it was still more than Weiss expected. She looked mostly wide-eyed and confused. “No big deal.”
“But it is!” She drew back and kissed Raven on either cheek. Privately, Weiss knew that she was just being sociable in the same way she would have with the ladies at the Country Club, but was amused when she realized how it might come across to Raven instead. “How can I ever repay you?”
Sure enough, for just a moment, there was a slight bashfulness in Yang's mother's expression. The shy grin spoke volumes. “Honestly, don't mention it. Ever again.”
“Well, well, you two look cozy.” They had been so wrapped up in the various events that they didn't even hear Kali approach. Her own features were a curious mixture of bemusement and irritation.
“Kali!” Raven gasped - proving that she had completely forgotten she was even there. “This isn't- I mean, I only came to help them get their stuff from the creep in there. That's it, I promise.”
Smirking as she folded her arms over her chest, the Belladonna matriarch needled her, “Never could resist a blonde in distress, could you? But it's all right. You handled that really well and I'm proud of you.”
Her smile was obviously pleased, despite her response being, “Like I care if you're proud or not. But thanks for the backup.”
“Wait,” Willow asked, “you know each other?”
“Boy, does she know me,” Raven half-purred, and Kali rolled her eyes.
“I hate to interrupt this… whatever this is,” Pyrrha announced in a nervous voice, even though none of them had noticed her approach, either, “but I think we should go to Mrs. Belladonna's house before we continue this conversation. I don't like knowing he's in there, watching us like this.”
Their eyes turned as one to the house just in time to see one of the upstairs curtains be wrenched shut. Raven grunted under her breath, “Good idea. Don't want the cops to arrive and find me with this piece in my pocket.”
As they went to their separate cars, Willow asked her, “So you weren't kidding? That's really a gun in your pocket, not just a bluff? I didn't even know women could buy guns!”
“Of course we can. Not that I bought it through strictly legal channels…” She started the car and glanced at the two platinum-haired women in her passenger seats. “You did good. Maybe… I was wrong about you, Little Schnee.”
That was about the most glowing praise Weiss could ever hope to receive from Raven, and she couldn't help the huge grin that broke out across her face. It made the older woman grimace and turn back around.
“How are we going to get out?” Willow asked. “Jacques boxed us in.”
“Did he?”
The next several seconds were like something out of a movie. Raven threw her car into gear, nearly plowed into the fence, then cut the steering wheel hard so she would reverse into the front yard around her father's car. Deep gouges were left into the grass and earth that would take a groundskeeper many hours to fix. As if an intentional finishing touch, she backed over the mailbox before winding up on the road again, shifting into drive and taking off at top speed.
That was fine with Weiss. She hated being boxed in.
“Oh, our mailbox…” After a brief second, Willow turned to nervously say, “But it's fine! I… we can buy another!”
“Who is ‘we’? Thought you were done living with that walking pile of dog shit.”
Simple as that statement was, it shattered the excitement for the two Schnee women and left them with nothing but melancholy and regrets. A chapter in their life had ended forever, leaving only an uncertain future looming on the horizon through the cracked windshield of Raven Branwen’s old rusty Dodge.
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spooniemumoftwo · 4 years
People Therapy
We naturally find ourselves drawn to people with certain personalities. People say opposites attract, and I do think that's true ... my husband and I are opposites in so many ways, but in others we match completely. I am very lucky to be surrounded by an amazing family and some of the most supportive and best friends ever, and wouldn't be without any of them.
Family is Everything
My sister and I grew up watching our Mum live life daily with ME, and witnessed first hand, through a child’s eyes, the impact this incredibly debilitating illness has on the person suffering with it, as well as on their family and friends. We sat with our Mum as she took time off work, we experienced her own frustrations when she was not able to do things she wanted to do, and we also watched her fight and push through flares of her symptoms, putting us first, before her own needs. We witnessed, and now understand more, our Dad's emotions regarding this illness. The frustration, and sadness; the hope that things would improve, and his determination to support his wife and us, his children. I thought I understood to some extent, what Mum was telling us about how she felt, but I didn’t. It’s only now, whilst experiencing the same symptoms and annoyances myself, that I can fully identify with how my Mum has felt for over thirty years. I have come to realise that ME CFS is something you can’t fully understand or describe to someone unless you have the experience of this debilitating illness yourself.
My mum has been unwell with this horrible invisible illness since I was a very small child, and yet my sister and I were always her priority. We knew that, and yet, it still wasn't possible for us not to notice what was happening. We were there when Mum had to take time off work, we watched her carry out jobs and errands despite not feeling well. We were there when she felt better, and we were there through the harder days she experienced.
My Mum and Dad have supported me in a way only a parent can. They've been there through hard times, to listen, advise and support, and through the good times too. They've helped with my children when I've needed support, and they've shown me strategies to use myself on this journey they've travelled before me. I cannot express how grateful I am for their endless love and support.
My sister has been a rock. My confidant, and my friend. She's often been the first person to know when things are hard, and most likely when things are good too. She has been there with me through thick and thin. As the saying goes, my sister and I are definitely 'Sisters by chance, friends by choice!'
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For better, for worse
I've been with my husband for 15 years, married for 10. I'm not sure which one of us deserves the medal more. We have two beautiful children, who keep us busy daily. Life isn't always easy or straight forward, but we are happy!
My husband is journeying along the learning curve of ME CFS with me and I think we are reaching some mutual understanding of what's going on. I have very fond memories of a teacher who often referred (and still refers) to our learning of music in choir as a vertical learning curve, and our ME CFS journey so far definitely feels like that ... no curve, just straight up! We work together as a team to implement strategies and consider changes we could employ to make things easier for us both. His thinking has changed somewhat, as has mine, and I'm forever grateful, despite the usual marital frustrations, for his understanding and ongoing support. He didn't sign up for this when he proposed or said 'I do'!
Ten years ago, our wedding vows contained the traditional 'in sickness and in health, for better, for worse' promises to each other. We didn't make our vows naively of course, but I'm not sure either of us allowed ourselves to envisage chronic illness in our future together. Despite my awareness of my Mum's ongoing ME CFS, I'm certain that my diagnosis of the same condition was a surprise to us both.
Glitter and Dirt
Our two children are a blessing. We have a 7 year old daughter and an almost 5 year old son. Glitter and Dirt, chalk and cheese. They keep us busy beyond belief most days, but their empathy and individual personalities amaze us every day!
We've grown two little mini me's. How crazy is that!
Our son was just 18 months old when I was first unwell and our oldest was three and a half. Life was pretty full on. But, with help from family and friends, and a great deal of stubbornness on my part, we pushed on. I wasn't able to let go and put me first ... I had two little people in tow!
Like my Mum, all those years ago, I know that our little people are, and always will be my priority. The days we've had picnics in bed (sorry Mum, I know you'll hate that!), and story time all day; the days we've watched too many films, and the days we've managed long walks in the sunny countryside, we've made memories and still had fun. These little people keep me going! They exhaust me, I'm not going to lie, but their enthusiasm for life and fun, and their contagious laughter is unending! Five o'clock in the morning may not be the best time for them to showcase their enthusiasm for life, but that's a work in progress. It is extremely hard some days to be a mum and manage my ME CFS, but I can't imagine things being any other way. My children are my world ... I'd do anything for them.
The language of friendship
I am surrounded by a number of really valuable and special friends. People who understand me and what's going on; people who know me better than I know myself, and people who will willingly tell me what I need to hear rather than what I want to hear, to help me see sense and make sensible decisions.
Without my friends, some of whom have physically escorted me to medical appointments to ensure I give all the facts, and to make sure I don't say things are ‘okay’ when they aren't, things could be very different. My husband often persuades me to slow down, with a mere suggestion that if I don't listen, he will message a particular friend who has no issues with telling me off as a last resort, and, sometimes it takes that threat to help me see sense. I don't give in, ever, and my friends who know me well, will know that my stubbornness is a huge wall for me, as well as being a huge frustration for those who care about me and want to help.
Friends really are as important as family. My friends and family are my rock, each and every one of them.
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A common difference
It always amazes me when I speak to people about my ME CFS and they understand. It's a very mixed feeling; relief that someone understands and can empathise, yet concern and a degree of sadness that they do understand. Through talking about my journey so far, with friends and family, I've learned that a number of my friends and extended family members also have diagnoses similar to mine. We share that unknown, that answer, and that common difference.
I have spoken with my Mum on numerous occasions about her experiences of ME CFS in comparison with my own experiences so far. It has been incredibly powerful for me to speak to people who have been or are going through the same learning and realisation as me, some of whom are in a similar time of their lives as me, others who are at a very different stage in both their lives and their journey with ME CFS. Sharing our experiences, talking about how we feel, and writing our thoughts and feelings down have been hugely therapeutic.
It's a blessing some days, to not have to go into detail, or equally to feel the need to respond neutrally with 'okay thanks' when someone asks 'how are you?' To have that shared understanding when the unspoken words are interpreted and recognised, without saying a word, not only saves valuable energy in an interaction, but it also reinforces the value of intuition and a shared experience that may be so hugely different, yet so similar to mine. Everyone's journey is different, yet there will be some aspects that are very similar.
It's not ‘what’, but ‘who’ that is important
My family and friends have been phenomenal throughout all of this, with offers of help with my children, offers of company or just a natter when things have felt tough, and a hug. I never realised before the coronavirus crisis, quite how tactile I was as a person. I've always been a 'hugger' but I never acknowledged quite how much that hug was for me as much as the person I was hugging. Just a simple embrace from family or a friend can make things feel okay some days, and it's something I've really missed over the last few months.
I saw a quote recently, source unknown, which really resonated with me. 'There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family.' People really are therapy, and my family and friends have carried me through the last few years. Knowing I'm not alone; that we as a family are not alone on this journey is a massive blessing. As much as I would never wish ME CFS on anyone, knowing that people understand and care makes things so much easier.
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fyeahcamcountry · 4 years
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Cam: The Otherside - track by track
(Apple Music)
'...“I was a total idealist,” Cam tells Apple Music. The Nashville country singer, who’s also one of the city’s most sought-after songwriters, says the five years she spent writing her sophomore album were some of the hardest of her life. “I had this Disney idea of how the world worked, and at some point that just...broke.” Tracing a string of major life changes—breaking up with her old label, inking a new contract, marrying her husband, and welcoming her first child—The Otherside reflects a dramatic shift in thinking, or her journey through disillusionment into clear-eyed realism. That evolution unlocked a new side to her sound. “My songs have always pulled from my psychology background, but I had this filter on and didn’t even know it,” she says. “Once I took that off, I could be so much more honest. I could see the world, and myself, for exactly what they were.” Read on as Cam tells us the inside story behind each song.
Redwood Tree
“I grew up in the Bay Area with a redwood tree in my backyard, and I did a lot of thinking up there. I wasn’t raised in a specific religion, but the most magical, awe-inspiring experience I can think of is being in the redwoods, feeling so small. It’s like a cathedral in that it reminds you of your place in everything. Fallen redwoods have rings that represent the thousands of years that they lived, and you’re like, ‘Oh, we’re just flies buzzing around.’ We wake up one day shocked to realize our parents are suddenly old. Like, when did my dad's beard get so white? I had watched the movie Arrival around the time we wrote this song, and I loved the idea of time not being linear. The soundtrack has these voices that go ‘Da, da, da, da,’ and we nod to that in the production. I hope time isn't linear. I hope I get more time with my parents.”
The Otherside
“Tim, or Avicii, came to Nashville a few years ago to write for one of his albums, and we were in the studio with Hillary Lindsey and Tyler Johnson. He started playing this piano melody over and over and over again, and I don't smoke cigarettes but when Hillary took a cigarette break, I was like, ‘I'm going, too.’ It was just so intense. He was really stuck on this thing. While we're out on the back porch, she and I came up with an idea for the chorus, and he loved it. But he fiddled with it for hours. He was thinking about cadence, about how we speak, about code-mapping it onto a melody, and about the actual phonetics. Tim never wound up releasing that song, so I was like, ‘Ooh, maybe that means I can.’ Even though it’s such a heavy thing not having him around for the final edits, I did feel this great responsibility to work my ass off to get it right. Because I knew that’s what he would have done.”
“On the other side of the spectrum, this is one of those songs that just magically fell into place. I went up to New York for a few sessions with Jack Antonoff at Electric Lady Studios, and it was so fun. Creatives tend to beat themselves up a lot, but Jack and I sat there jangling around on this 12-string guitar and writing a song that had this nostalgic Simon & Garfunkel ‘Cecilia’ vibe. It’s about how there are people in your life that outlast everything else—technology, fashion trends, swings in politics, whatever. Nothing's a constant in life, but a few people are. It was inspired by this moment when my husband and I were in Argentina and he found a pack of Lucky Strike cigarettes. He doesn't smoke anymore, but he goes, ‘I’ve got to smoke these because they don't make ‘em like this anymore.’ And then he looks at me and goes, ‘That's a country lyric.’”
Forgetting You
“I was writing with Lori McKenna, Tyler Johnson, and Mitch Rowland, and we’re all pals from working on various projects together. Still, I always get nervous when I go write with Lori, even though she's so humble and chill, because I’m like, ‘Don't embarrass yourself in front of the poet of our generation!’ Which is to say, I knew I needed to bring in something cool. I had this line, ‘I'm getting older/But you never change.’ The song is about holding on to the concept of someone from the past, and measuring everyone up to them even though it’s no longer real. That's why you keep moving forward but they never seem to age.”
Like a Movie
“Before we were married and had a kid, I’d come home from tour and my husband and I would have this tiny bit of quality time together. And the truth is, we’d usually get high and go to Walmart. One day, we were unloading all our groceries and I was like, ‘How did you know it was me? How did you know not to settle for someone earlier or wait for someone else?’ And he just smiled and said, ‘Because when I met you, it was like a movie.’ Now, I can remember when we met. I was a mess. It did not look like a movie. But it was so, so sweet. I wrote with the love junkies—Lori McKenna, Liz Rose, and Hillary Lindsey—and the strings are David Campbell, who’s actually Beck’s dad. Jeff Bhasker wanted a ’50s movie soundtrack vibe with strings that swelled like an orchestra, and David immediately got it. Apple Music did a teaser video for the album, and if you watch it, there should be video footage from that string session.”
“I usually write all my own music, but this is the first of a couple songs on this album that I didn’t. I guess I feel like it's cheating. I'm supposed to be digging all this personal stuff up and figuring myself out, so taking someone else’s song feels like a shortcut. But I trust Harry [Styles]’s writing. I feel like he tries so hard to be himself in his music, and he doesn't take it lightly. That pursuit resonates with me. The demo had Lori McKenna singing with Harry on background vocals and his whistle, which is still in the track. It was amazing to hear a song that someone else wrote that clicked so much with me personally. It’s about feeling like you’ve outgrown where you're from, and you don't really want to admit that. It’s kind of an uncomfortable thing to say, but I love when things are uncomfortable. That means it’s important.”
Till There's Nothing Left
“This song has steamy sexual energy... Like, ‘I'm giving you my whole heart but also my body and a quickie in the back seat.’ While we were recording my vocals, I was trying to sit back and make it cool and sexy, and I realized I was blushing. I was blushing because society tells us that sexuality is a private thing. If you want to be respected as a woman, if you want to be considered intelligent, you can’t be sexual. But then I was reminded of my grandmother who was raised Baptist on a farm in Saskatchewan. She's the one who gave me the sex talk, unbeknownst to my mother. She said, ‘Sex is like a milkshake. Once you have it, you're always going to want it.’ She was comfortable with her sexuality without it being the main thing about her. So I thought, ‘If a woman born in the 1930s on a farm in Canada can own it, I can own it.”
What Goodbye Means
“A friend of mine was going through a divorce. It was pretty ugly, but he was being so kind. I asked him, ‘How are you being so nice right now? I don't get it.’ And he said, ‘Because she might change her mind.’ I still get goosebumps thinking about it. We've all been there, not quite ready to accept the reality of something, and that's okay. You've got to take it at the rate you can take it. This song has such a classic melody. It’s warm. For some reason it feels like a summer evening in New Mexico to me.”
“This song is a response to Dolly Parton’s ‘Jolene,’ and man, it really seems to resonate with people. Crowds sing it back to me in this emotional, over-the-top, theatrical way. I suppose most people have had infidelity affect their life one way or another, but it’s hard to watch people you care about go through it. There's so much shame around it that you don't get to talk about what you need or how to heal. And you almost never get to hear the other party’s side. So ‘Diane’ is my moment to role-play, I guess. I'm the other woman and I slept with your husband and I didn't know he was married, but you’ve got to know the truth. Parton's lyrics to the other woman include the word ‘please,’ and that just killed me. She's so humble and human, asking someone to please not take the love of her life away. Immediately, I was like, ‘That's the narrative. That's what is so often left unsaid.’”
Happier for You
“This is the other song that I didn't write, and it’s from Sam Smith and Tyler [Johnson]. Sam and I have a great relationship because I helped write the song ‘Palace’ for their album and then they brought me out on tour. We have a lot of trust. When Lindsay [Marias, Cam’s manager] and I first heard this demo and Sam came in singing, our jaws dropped. The emotion was so raw and honest and real. I love the juxtaposition of saying something very loud and publicly—to the point where it almost feels proud—but actually it’s something that makes you want to curl up in a ball.”
Girl Like Me
“This is the author's note at the end of the book. Natalie Hemby had come over and started playing a verse on the piano, and I was like, ‘Oh god, that is so sad.’ And she's like, ‘It's your story. This is your comeback story.’ It’s funny how sometimes you can’t recognize your own self. Writing this song was uncomfortable but in the best way, trying to pull lyrics out in the chorus (‘They’re going to give up on you/You're going to give up on them’). You can’t just become jaded. You have to push through. It’s a gift to be able to see life for what it is, and to see yourself for who you are. I think anyone who has been through that phase of disillusionment will think, ‘Oh, yeah, tough. But this side is better.’”
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flameontheotherside · 4 years
Interview with Autumn Wells
Today I reached out to Autumn for a little interview about her experience with her TF in spirit, Jimi Hendrix. 
Me: Thanks for agreeing to this interview. For my readers, I thought it would be nice for them to get to know you a little bit especially if you are planning to contribute by submitting your input here on this very blog. I think we all appreciate you sharing your story and that it’s exciting to meet yet another “spiritual widow”.  You would be the 4th one I’ve met with a TF inspirit who was a musician! 
This experience can be difficult but of course has its rewards as we learn and grow from this. It’s great and comforting to know you’re not alone. This was something Erik stressed to me all last month while I wasn’t feeling my best. So I really don’t feel you reaching out when you did was in any way a coincidence. There’s no doubt also that Jimi Hendrix is a legend who inspired many and had an amazing talent. 
Autumn: Thank you so much for interviewing me. I really appreciate it. I'm glad you enjoy the blog! It's funny, but when many people describe how it is to hear Jimi Hendrix play for the first time, they're blown away, too! :)
Me: Where are you from? Are you American?
Autumn: I come from the USA, and I'm a young African-American woman in my twenties. I like to create art, stories, and other artistic projects. Jimi is African-American, too. We both come from mixed backgrounds, with Native American and European ancestors in our backgrounds, too, but our African roots are the strongest.
Me: Are you spiritual or religious?
Autumn: I consider myself more spiritual rather than religious. I do learn a lot of wisdom from different religions, but I don't follow any one religion in particular. I believe in God, through Jesus Christ, but I'm open to shamanic wisdom and many other cultures as well.
Me: I think most of us have a level of intuitiveness. Do you have intuitive or psychic gifts?
Autumn: Yes, I have intuitive and psychic gifts. I've always sensed people's emotions ever since I was little, and the psychic gifts grew stronger as I grew older. They became stronger because of my experience with Jimi's spirit, too. I can type down Jimi's thoughts when he wants to talk and share something with the world. I can also communicate with deceased relatives and other loved ones. Sometimes I sense the emotions of people who are alive on the earth, too. I've had moments where I can psychically detect knowledge about people without really knowing them.
Me: What is Jimi like?
Autumn: Jimi is a sweetheart, really. His personality is the same as it was when he was on the earth. Although he was really flashy on the stage, off the stage he was quiet and so shy. That surprised me in the beginning, because I didn't realize how quiet he was as a person, but the way he is to me is the way he was to many people on the earth - gentle, shy, and loving. He is very intelligent, and he still thinks and dreams in visions, as he did on the earth. He can be romantic, but most of all, he's unconditionally loving.
Me: How do you both communicate?
Autumn: I communicate with Jimi through telepathy, and I often see him with my eyes, too. He can affect my physical reality at times, but not always. For instance, he may draw me to him without me doing anything to move closer to him.
Me: How would you describe your relationship? For instance Erik can be in spirit guide mode which is serious and sometimes we can be friends and more.
Autumn: Yes, Jimi is like a spirit guide, and recently, well... he asked me to be his wife. I was so shocked! :) I didn't expect him to do that. In the past, we've spent many different periods where we were sometimes friends, and other times he was more like a guardian angel. There were also times when we developed a romantic relationship, and we would feel like husband and wife, but Jimi also sometimes would withdraw from my life if he felt I needed to have new experiences on the earth. So for us, we've experienced many different kinds of love on our journey, but right now, he asked me to marry him, and I said yes, after nearly fainting, haha.
Me: How does Jimi appear to you?
Autumn: Jimi looks the way he did on the earth, and he usually looks very young. He has beautiful brown eyes and a kind smile, and he's about 5.11. He wears colorful clothes and sometimes brings his guitar with him. He still loves to play in the afterlife. Here's a picture of Jimi, I think there's no copyright on it:
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Me: Telling someone about this can be hard. Did you have problems explaining to anyone close to you?
Autumn: I did try to tell my mother about Jimi and the experiences I had with him, but it didn't really turn out well. At first, she seemed to believe me, and she even said I was lucky. But then she started to doubt me because she didn't see Jimi the way I did, so she thought maybe I was making it all up because I was just a teenager. My Dad figured it was just my subconscious mind, although it was harder and harder for me to believe it was my subconscious when I started seeing Jimi while I was awake. My mom and dad's disbelief did make this journey very challenging because I had no one I could really turn to. I was not on the internet at the time, so I couldn't reach out to anyone who had a similar experience. The best I could do was keep it to myself, but I trusted in Jimi, and I read all I could about Native American spirituality, and how the Native Americans believed they had guiding spirits to help them in life. That helped me out a bit.
Ironically, though, during the accident incident where I had the near-death vision, my Dad was actually present when he saw me speaking to Jimi in the state I was in. I saw Jimi, and felt him so strongly, even though I was malnourished and in very bad shape. I had no clue I was about to go, because I didn't realize how sick I was, but I knew Jimi, so when I saw him, I had this blissful smile on my face and felt I was in heaven. I saw another deceased relative, too, who had just passed away. When my Dad asked me, "Are you in heaven?" I turned to him and said with tears of joy, "I love you so much, Jimi!" My Dad was shocked, and he said, "Now I know you're in heaven," because he always believed Jimi went to heaven after he passed away at 27 (in 1970). But I think even witnessing that moment I had with Jimi might have been too much for my Dad to comprehend.
Me: What can you tell us about your past lives? 
Autumn: Anyway, about past lives, that's an interesting question, because recently I asked Jimi if we shared any lifetimes together. He told me he didn't want to overwhelm me with too much information, but he did say that we shared a past life in England in the 19th century. He said we had several other lifetimes together, too, but he wanted to start with one at the time. It's really intriguing because I didn't know much at all about England in the 19th century, and Jimi told me about a very detailed experience about his life as a music teacher back then. It turns out that everything he told me, when I searched for the historical context, matches up with that time. I'll write about it on my blog eventually, but yes, this is the first past life we are working on. I don't exactly know how many past lives we've had, but I'm sure Jimi will share more when the time is right. (Jimi loved England in his last lifetime, too; that's where he felt really at home.)
I was a skeptic about reincarnation for the longest, but the evidence has led me to believe it's a reality. There is so much pointing to the fact that we've come to this earth before, and I've had that feeling myself.
Me: We have a twin flame (or spirit spouse) who isn’t living. Most of us have never gotten to meet or be with our counterparts while they were alive. So, it can be difficult. What is the hardest thing about having this experience?
Autumn: I'd say the hardest thing about having this experience, as beautiful as it is, is that most of the loved ones and people around me don't really understand it. I tried to open up about it in the past, but it didn't go over well, so I just keep it to myself. I hope that one day, I can integrate this experience into my life more fully, but right now, I just keep most of the details to myself in my everyday life, and try to find a balance.
Another hard thing in the beginning was dealing with the fact that Jimi died young, and tragically. That really hurt my heart, especially as a child. I just couldn't believe it. I kept asking my Dad, "Why? Why?" because I just couldn't understand why Jimi had to pass on when he was only 27. It took me a long time to accept that he was in the afterlife, but it really helped me when he came to me and told me he was at peace, and he came to me because he loved me, not because he felt haunted.
Me: What are some important things you’ve learned being Jimi’s TF?
Autumn: There are many important things I've learned from this experience, though, and the main thing is learning to trust in God, myself, and Jimi. I've had trust issues throughout my life, to the point where I didn't know if I could even trust Jimi or not, but he helped me to love myself, and love him, too. He showed me unconditional love which really helped to heal my heart, and he was there to guide me through some really difficult times in my life. He also brought me closer to God, who I love, too.
Me: How often do you communicate with each other?
Autumn: Jimi and I talk quite a bit, depending on the flow of my life. Sometimes I spend a lot of time studying, so we don't talk as much (I really need to set aside more talking time!) but I can always feel him near me. Early on, we spoke nearly all the time, and I'd write down a lot of our conversations. That helped me connect a lot of dots later on.
Me: What are some funny or good moments you’ve had?
Autumn: I think there were a few funny moments between us sometimes, but mostly Jimi's pretty serious. But he's serious in a light way, if you know what I mean. He's often smiling and telling me stories about his life on the earth, and he helps children a lot in the afterlife.
Me: Like physical twins (I have a twin brother btw), twin flames or twin souls aren’t always alike. In what ways are you alike? Different?
Autumn: I agree that twin souls don't have to be exactly alike. With Jimi and me, we do happen to be amazingly similar, although we have some differences. We both look similar, especially in the eyes, although we don't look exactly the same. We share a deep interest in spirituality, God, and the afterlife, and neither of us believe in organized religion. We love music and the creative arts, although I tend to get more addicted to writing, and Jimi's addiction was music.
We both experienced ESP and psychic phenomena during our lives on the earth; Jimi said in the 1960's that he saw the spirit of Handel while he was living in the composer's home (you can look it up on the internet if you like, it's really interesting!) He also believed his mother, who passed on at a young age, was watching over him in spirit.
We both have the tendency to be nervous perfectionists with our creative arts. I used to feel kind of bad about driving the people crazy around me with my "everything must be perfect" tendencies, until I found Jimi was the same way. :)
We have a ton more things in common, but we also have a few differences. I'm deeper into writing, while Jimi is more into music. But a lot of our differences are more like different sides of the same coin. For instance, we both grew up in blended families, but the blended family for Jimi came later in his life, when his father remarried, whereas I grew up in a blended family (although I didn't always spend time with my older half-siblings).
Considering that Jimi and I never met on the earth, and he lived and passed on before I was born, it's amazing how our lives and personalities parallel each other. Many of the parallels I didn't even know about until I got older and could get on the internet to research.
Me: How do you think you’d be together if he were alive or reincarnated now as your significant other?
Autumn: I think my life would be different in some ways if Jimi were incarnated as someone else. I used to wish I'd meet a guy like Jimi one day, but I knew it was hopeless because no one else is Jimi, unless he came to the earth again, of course. I do think it's good that Jimi is in spirit, though, because the way my family life is, we probably wouldn't spend much time together if he were incarnate. I don't get into the outside world that much.
If Jimi were incarnated with me, I do think it might work out, but he would have to be free from many of the things which led to him passing away so young. Drugs, for instance, were a problem Jimi dealt with, as well as ruthless people in the music business who took advantage of him. I do believe that in spirit, he has much less to worry about, and that has really helped both of us. So although it would be wonderful to have Jimi physically here with me, I also know that it's best that we connected in this way, because he's in the peace and love of the afterlife. I also think that having Jimi as a spirit guide and partner is wonderful because he can be with me wherever I go in the world, and we don't have physical distance separating us. Sometimes I do long to be where he is, though, in the afterlife. One day, I'll be with him for all time, God willing.
Well, that's it for now! Thanks for asking the really good questions.
Me: Thank you for answering and thank you especially for reaching out and sharing us your story! 
If you guys who are following me or stumbling on this, want to know more about Autumn Wells and her amazing story about being Jimi Hendrix’s twin soul, you can find her blog at:
She will also be guest posting here as well so watch out for her content. You can see all her submissions with the tag: #Autumn Wells <--Click that link for the goods!
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btsareyandere · 5 years
Yandere Jin 
'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!' You repeat to yourself, your bare feet slapping against the oak flooring of the hallway you race along.
The bathroom door swings open and lands against the wall with a thud.
Rushing to the sink you begin washing the soles of your feet knowing you don't have time for a shower. The spit in your mouth is becoming thick and hard to swallow as time ticks by and your anxiety worsens, 'God, he's going to kill me.' You half cry whilst you scrub at all the dirt you can see. The mess seems to be getting bigger the more you clean yourself, brown water is settling on the white countertop, tufts of grass are littering the tiles and a quick glance in the mirror brings the state of your hair to your attention.
"Y/N! Come here please". The voice of your husband carrying up the stairs stills your body. For a second you wonder if hiding is the best option, maybe if you keep them waiting long enough he'll be forced to deal with you later.
'No' you whisper because of course, Jin would never back down and even if, by some miracle he did, the price you'd pay later would be more than you could afford.
Having made a decision, you try to dry yourself with toilet roll, something you can flush and hide the evidence of, before combing your fingers through your hair and walking to the stairs.
"Y/n!" He shouts louder this time. "I'm waiting, you know I don't wait". The length of your stride widens to get you there faster and when you do, Jin and two important looking men were stood looking at you.
When jin sees the state of you, barefoot, muddy and inappropriately clothed in a thin summer dress, his eyes narrow and darken.
Your mind thinks back to his comment when he kissed your head this morning when he left for work..'two of my best acquaintances are coming round tonight. Be sure to look presentable and clean, they have standards y/n and I won't have you show me up. I know how well behaved and beautiful you are, let's let them see it too'. Yeah, you went and fucked up.
In your defence, the grass cutters came in the late afternoon to begin mowing the acres of land that Jin's mansion backs onto and through pure boredom and loneliness, you snuck out to talk with them. Talking turned to laughing, laughing turned into you making them drinks and eventually with you playing like a child in the cut grass.
Jin never said you couldn't go out today.
Jin's fingers snapping together made you focus on him once again, his hand was pointed at the bottom step angrily. "Come here, right now!"
Meekly, you tiptoe down to stand in front of him, being one step up made you eye level with him.
"Tell me why you look like you do".
He demands.
Before you even open your mouth, you can feel the words getting stuck in your throat, fighting for space when so many of them are trying to jump out and argue your innocence.
You gulp quickly as you glance at the men behind him, they look just as ashamed as Jin does. "I um, I was reading a magazine and they...erm, it's a new fashion, like a style. It was...you know my favourite actress, yeah so she..on the catwalk, in um Hollywood maybe. Um...yeah..." your shoulders drop at the realisation that you've just fucked up, even more, you've never been a good liar but this was embarrassing even for you.
"Y/n" he growled, fists tightening at his side "don't you dare lie to me. I swear, it will be the last lie you come up with".
Your eyes start to burn as salty tears build up, ready to fall at any moment. "I'm sorry. Jin I'm sorry, I can go change". The power behind jins silent stare is unimaginable and has you punishing yourself before he can even touch you. Your nails dig painfully into your palms as you bang them against your outer thighs. Since being with jin, you have developed certain habits that he hates and tries to condition out of you. He's managed to get them down to almost nothing but even this tiny outlet of built-up stress and fear still annoys him. "Stop hitting yourself, that's my job" he swats at your arm to stop you.
"Please jin, I'll change super quick" you beg.
"There isn't time. This.." he pauses his sentence to pull at your flowy white dress, causing you to stumble into him. "This isn't something that can be fixed quickly. Did I or did I not, tell you I was expecting company and you weren't under any circumstances to show me up?" You don't get a chance to reply before he shouts once again "I did y/n! I gave you clear instructions and you chose to disobey me and now you've shown this side of yourself to two complete strangers." Spit is hitting you in the face as he yells but you don't dare to look away or wipe it.
With a trembling chin and eyes big enough to hold an ocean of tears, you beg him to forgive you. "I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry. I lost track of time, please don't hurt me Jin". The men behind him had moved to flank him and watch as jin tears strips off of you in front of them.
"Hurt you? You think I'm going to hurt you? Is that the kind of man I am now? Someone who beats his wife." Well from your experience, yes, yes he is the type of man he just angrily described.
To avoid getting yourself into further trouble, you simply shake your head and grip his shirt to make yourself seem as pathetic as possible and hopefully gain some sympathy.
He sighs and grips one of your wrists painfully tight, turning both of you round to face his friends. "Gentlemen, as you have probably guessed, this is my wife. I can assure you she usually acts better than this, her training has been...extensive shall we say". They all laugh in understanding and look down at you like a child that's made a comical mistake.
"Don't worry too much Jin. Sometimes my wife is the same, bless them, they try but often forget simple rules." The taller man says.
"Yeah, it's the same with mine. You should consider yourself lucky, little lady. Not all men are as understanding as your husband." He reaches out and ruffles your hair to which you feel Jin react and squeeze your wrist tighter. He never did like it when people touched you.
"Hurry and apologise" jin spits at you.
"I'm sorry. It won't happen again." You said more to jin than to them but they all accepted it.
"Come on then, let's go to the living room and I'll have the maids bring us something to drink". Jin gestured for the men to head towards the room on the far left and followed them, dragging you along without letting you know if you're welcome or not.
Once he has watched his friends seat themselves, jin takes up position in his own armchair, releasing your wrist and allowing the blood to start flowing to your hand again.
He straightens his suit out before once again clicking his fingers, "stand here. Right here" you shuffle closer and closer to the side of his seat before he motions for you to stop, "you're too filthy for my furniture, you'll stand in silence. Do you understand?"
You nod your head like last time but this time it's not enough. He reaches back and slaps behind your knees firmly, causing you to release a gasp. "Answer me when I'm talking to you".
"Y-yes jin, I understand you." You whisper.
"She's cute" one of them praises.
"Yeah, she tries." Jin sluggishly replies.
The evening drags on and they make it through several bottles of wine..each. Jin, however, sticks to his usual two glasses and watches amused as his friend's tongues get looser and looser. "...And so the other day I bought her some new underwear and told her she can only wear those around the house" they all three burst into hysterics but to you, it wasn't funny. It hurt you to know that more women were living like you and with men that seemed even worse than jin. Maybe jin was better than them.
Several more degrading and sexist comments had you lose control over yourself and you tut quietly as you roll your eyes simply for your own benefit.
"Excuse you," jin says without looking at you.
You bite down on your lip and pretend he wasn't talking to you, something that didn't last long when his hand grips the back of your hair and pulls you down to his eye level, over the arm of the chair.
"Do you not think you're in enough trouble as it is?"
You use one hand to hold yourself up while the other one hovers by your head, wanting to force him to let you go but too afraid to do it.
"I-i" you begin when he cuts you off.
"I-i" he mocks. "You're a stuttering mess y/n. Just don't say anything unless I tell you to. How can you be so dumb all the time?" Thick tears are now dropping from your eyes to his shirt and he notices. He pushes you down to the floor at his feet and holds you there, "Everything you do makes a mess. The floor is the only place you won't ruin anything." His temper was flaring and despite their level of drunkenness, his friends were feeling it's their time to leave.
"Well, it looks like you have some things to work out jin. We'll be going now". They both stand to say their final goodbyes when Jin finally looks away from you. "I'm sorry you had to see this." He says as he points at you.
His friend smiles knowingly and attempts to reassure him. "Honesty it's okay. I find they get a bit more disobedient when they're on their period. It's not their fault really I suppose".
Jin looks at you again "are you bleeding?" You feel your cheeks burn impossibly hot as they continue to dehumanised and belittle you.
All you can do is shake your head and silently plead for Jin to take you from this situation.
"Hmp," He says almost as if he were perplexed about the reasoning behind your bad behaviour.
You glance up at the men with jins hand still in your hair.
The other one gazes down at you with a lustful smile "You're a very lucky man Jin." You watch as his tongue slips across his chapped lips and it repulses you. You cower backwards slightly, resting between jins legs. When he notices your behaviour Jin smiles inwardly, he knows that no matter how he treats you, you're bound to him forever.
"I know." Jin snaps at his friend. "Y/n, go upstairs and wait on all fours for me. There's no way you're getting away with this kind of behaviour. I'll have the maid run you a hot bath after, you won't be sitting down for a while. Go now!"
You quickly spring to your still slightly muddy feet and race to your room to fulfil his demands and this time you won't be late.
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@jinnenchimchim @v-2bucky @aria101404
Not proofread.
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lizzybeth1986 · 6 years
Quick Thoughts on TRR Book 3 Chapter 20
• Note: Screenshots for Hana are from @kennaxval , HIMEME YouTube Channel for Drake and Vika Avey YouTube Channel for Maxwell. Alright. Looks like this book will take another two chapters, fam!
• I feel like one will be for the final showdown between Liam and Anton, and the eventual aftermath, and the last one will be an epilogue of sorts, where the MC either has her coronation or is honoured in a special ceremony for her bravery. But I could be wrong, so don't take me altogether on my word.
• Wanna know how to be friendzoned by your spouse at your own wedding reception? Be Hana.
• I'm serious. Even if she's fucking married to you she's still expected to play the part of Professional Best Friend™. She acts more the bridesmaid than the actual bride.
• Title: A Warm Reception. Well that reception is about to get scalding hot by the end of this chapter!
• The chapter begins with a lovely sweet scene with your husband/wife (it's so nice to finally say it!!) and what they're looking forward to at the reception. In the options you get to hint at the main course you picked (if you paid the diamonds) or the cake (if you paid the diamonds) + the toast (for which you will now pay diamonds).
• We meet Ana de Luca at the boutique and she shows us a dress that...still looks like it would be more suitable for a wedding instead.
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Okay maybe a little risque for a wedding...but still. I guess I'm more used to the bride changing into a different colour for the reception (for us Malayali Christians, we usually change into saris of whatever colour - but mostly red - after the wedding and the mass is over).
Well of course I'm choosing this. The other option is the dreaded LBD (alright not that dreaded. It's a lot better than Bluebelle, after all).
• Madeleine is extra snippy and snarky compared to her usual, and is determined to change her job description from Press Sec to Professional ClamJammer/Cockblocker™.
• Look, you lucky sods who did the fling option. My MC has had no sex since Valtoria and SHE. IS. THIRSTY.
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• So we enter the hall, congratulated and complimented like any regular wedded couple, our friends surrounding us with joy and promises of a good time. Court members like Kiara and Penelope confess to crying over your vows (I'm guessing this crops up only if you chose the vow diamond option in Chapter 18).
• Boy they really are laying it in thick with Liam's heartbreak if he's not marrying you aren't they. Like they HAVE to drill it in you that THIS MAN STILL LOVES YOU AND IS IN PAIIIIIN before this entire betrayal fiasco occurs. They're like a few lines short of literally writing it on the poor man's forehead.
• In each playthrough, once you're done getting felicitations from everyone, you then get to meet the rest of the groom/bride's families.
In Liam's playthrough Regina and Leo tell Liam how proud they are of him, and Leo is impressed at his wedding taking place in Bossina Cathedral (hinting at the fact that if you married him in RoE, he was one of the few royals who did not get married there). In Drake's playthrough, the MC meets Bianca, and we find out more about both her and Jackson (Jackson wasn't a big fan of big events with lots of people, and Bianca can't wrap her head around the gazillion spoons and their purpose on the dinner table. Don't let your future son-in-law Bertrand catch you saying that, Bianca!). In Hana's playthrough, Xinghai and Lorelai sound nostalgic, and Lorelai tells Hana that she wishes Hana had let her braid her hair. Hana tenses up at the comment, but given the speech Lorelai gives later on, it seems more like a sentimental moment she wanted to share with Hana before the wedding. In Maxwell's playthrough, the family members are Bertrand, Savannah and Bartie, and Savannah uses her time with the newlyweds to...make pointed remarks about "how hard it is to take the leap" and give Bertrand shade for taking their relationship further yet. Um. Okay Savannah.
• We then move on to the main course. Now if you didn't buy the group scene at the festival in Castelserraillian, you do have a main course - they just don't specify what it is. If you do, however, the main course you chose will unlock a scene with the LI that recommended it. The chicken tagine unlocks some playful dialogue between Liam and Leo about how much Liam disliked this dish and how much his tastes have changed since then. The ash-e reshteh unlocks a cute scene between Hana and her parents about their experience in Iran during the Persian New Year, including a sweet story about how Lorelei had lost her bag and ended up walking around in a t-shirt instead. The feijoada stew doesn't give us any extra stories, but it does unlock a funny scene where Bertrand looks suspiciously at the stew ("It smells like...Drake". Bertrand Bertrand Bertrand. If only you knew how much grovelling you'd have to do in front of Drake later), Drake encourages him to try it, and Bertrand is bowled over by the taste. I guess that's to be expected, considering Drake only specified that he liked the taste of the stew rather than assign any personal connection to it. Overall...nice touch having the food item connected to the LI that suggested it to you, and it makes me a little sadder about the fact that they didn't assign one to Maxwell at all.
• The LI you married gives their speech for free, each in their own unique style, each giving us an insight into their individual stories:
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In their individual ways, each LI stresses on how their love story wasn't expected to work out, but did despite all the odds. Both Maxwell and Drake are self-deprecating: one speaks of how he - even now - cannot imagine that this beautiful feisty woman would choose a 'cynical bastard' like him, while the other highlights how fairytale-like her journey was expected to be and how he was the court jester who shouldn't have been getting the girl, but did. (Lol I also noticed that the married Drake now calls his spouse "Walker" 😄 Edit: Looks like this is by option. @i-dream-so-i-write tells me that in the carriage scene post the wedding, you get to choose what he should call you, which I missed. Nice touch!). Hana speaks of how her feelings towards the MC gradually developed over time, becoming stronger and more difficult to ignore even though she knew they were both supposed to be here on the same purpose (ie. vying for Liam's hand). Liam's highlights his constant fears that their relationship would be brought to an abrupt end several times, but above all, he speaks of her as Cordonia's Queen, reminds his subjects that she has proved her worth as a leader time and again. This is important, because it's a reminder that Liam will always belong to two: to his country, and to the woman who marries him.
• You then get a diamond option to hear the toasts of all your friends (the remaining LIs + Olivia) + a family member of that particular LI. In each playthrough, there are discrepancies: ones that seemed odd and confusing to me at first but that clearly show a pattern. Each LI will have just one fellow LI who will speak about them as well, rather than just the MC, and a family member who will reflect on that person's growth. Out of all of them, Olivia addresses only one directly with substantial attention to the LI: and that is Liam (she has a line directed to Drake that is doubtless funny but actually doesn't add anything and could have been done without really). Each one ends with a final toast from Bertrand. So here's what the breakdown of the toasts in each playthrough:
Liam: Toasts given by Drake, Olivia, Maxwell, Hana and Bertrand. Family member: Leo.
Leo's speech is primarily about bringing us back to the roots of the TRR story (his abdication and the aftermath of it all is how this story begins, after all), and reminding us of how it all began. He acknowledges the toll his decision must have taken on Liam, but also makes it clear that the MC has helped Liam find the balance between his duties and his needs that he so clearly needed.
The LI who focuses on Liam is Drake. This is but natural, given their deep bond and personal history. He speaks of Liam's "heart of gold" that matches the literal gold he's got around, and considers him his brother.
Maxwell and Hana focus on the MC, and only cursorily mention Liam (Maxwell does cute finger guns though lol).
Olivia's toast is special to the MC because it's where she makes clear her respect for her, and confesses that though she hated her in the beginning it turned into respect. Liam is perhaps the only LI Olivia properly acknowledges:
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In the rest of the playthroughs, Olivia may end up being Liam's eventual Queen, but in this one - she is affirming that whether he belongs to her or not, he remains her inspiration and she will always care for him. Kinda like a fitting goodbye to that dream I guess? Comparatively, she ignores the other LIs, except for Drake whom she baits and then declines to make a toast for.
Bertrand speaks of his personal journey with the MC, but does not make more than a cursory mention of Liam and the fact that the MC is now Queen.
Drake: Toasts given by Liam, Hana, Maxwell, Olivia and Bertrand. Family member: Savannah.
Savannah's toast is more centered around the MC than it is Drake, and possibly gives the MC more credit than is wise. Like yes, if the MC chooses she can convince Drake to actually reach out and talk to his sister, but she wasn't the one who - in Savannah's words - "found" Savannah. That was all on Drake. Drake was the one who found the address. He was the one who took initiative to check it out and see who stayed there. All the MC does is maybe give him the required push to stay, and even that is optional. In any case...when Savannah does talk about Drake it is to reaffirm his deep denial that there was anything between them up until he was able to get engaged to the MC.
The LI who focuses on Drake is Liam. He speaks of their long-standing friendship, how Drake deserves happiness, and hints at how much he has sacrificed for Cordonia without taking anything in return.
Again, Maxwell and Hana do not mention Drake except in passing, and their toasts are mostly dedicated to their friendship with the MC.
Olivia's toast is basically added here just because Olivia-roasting-Drake is popular, and I think it falls a little flat really.
Bertrand, being Drake's future brother-in-law, speaks briefly of his affection for the Walker family and therefore affirms his respect for Drake based on what he has heard of him from Savannah.
Hana: Toasts by Maxwell, Liam, Drake, Olivia and Bertrand. Family member: Lorelai.
Lorelai's toast ties in with what she tells Hana at the beginning of the reception. She brings up the way she used to braid Hana's hair as a reference point to her childhood, speaking at length of how close they were even if the relationship was a strained one. She speaks of how afraid she was of losing Hana, and how she is now coming to terms with the fact that by setting her free she is actually becoming closer to Hana than she ever imagined. Which is nice...but as with most things Hana related...it's a whitewashed pretty picture that really doesn't delve properly into this relationship as it has been depicted before.
The LI that focuses on Hana is Maxwell. It's clear that there is a tiny element of hero-worship there ("when I grow up I want to be like Hana Lee"). He acknowledges her particular manner of caring for people, her amazing dance skills and her kindness. It's quite sweet, even though frustrating because I've seen more of the LIs laud Hana's perfections in lieu of proper characterization. But that aside. It's sweet.
In this case, it is Liam and Drake who do not focus on Hana, instead stopping at their toast to the MC. Olivia does not directly address Hana either.
Bertrand, as with Liam's playthrough, doesn't have much to say about Hana the way he does about Drake and (understandably) Maxwell.
Maxwell: Maxwell's has only four options - the remaining LIs and Olivia. This is because Bertrand, Maxwell's brother and only surviving family, is also the MC's sponsor and speaks in that capacity as well. In the case of Maxwell's playthrough, he represents both the bride and the groom.
Bertrand's toast here is pretty much an extension of his toast in the other playthroughs, with him exploring his history with his brother. He recognizes Maxwell's gifts, acknowledges the childlike quality that is a part of him, confesses there is so much about Maxwell that he doesn't and may never really understand, and apologizes for making him feel like he deserves less than to know his brother is proud of him. It reflects on the journey the Beaumont brothers have taken, and how he finally realizes Maxwell's worth.
The LI that focuses on Maxwell is Hana. Like Maxwell she speaks of his excellent dancing skills, but then again she also speaks of his zest for life, his sense of humour, his playful spirit.
Liam and Drake focus on the MC instead of Maxwell, which feels a bit odd since they've known him for long enough as well, but I can appreciate that Liam and Drake are closer to each other than to anyone else in the group, and so are Hana and Maxwell.
Again, Olivia does not say anything about Maxwell either.
It looks like they decided to center the toasts around the MC for the most part, with a few insights on the LI from those closest to them. They spread that out by including a family member and an LI close to to them, and additionally in Liam's case, Olivia.
• Seeing Hakim try to say "WOO" and then ask if he's doing it right if you ask everyone to say make some noise, has to be the cutest thing about this chapter xD
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Yes Esther. He picked the song. From the HSS soundtrack.
• Each LI then speaks about/alludes to their previous dances with you. Liam recalls the first dance at the Masquerade, Hana alludes to the many dances they have done over the course of the story (mostly because dancing with her is optional), Drake speaks about wanting to get things right especially on their special day and Maxwell speaks about having the right mood and music depending on the situation. Quite sweet.
• Once the wedding dance is done, the LIs dance in a group together. Liam twirls Hana, Hana performs ballet, Maxwell challenges Drake to do spin kicks, Drake does some killer spin kicks, crediting self-defense with teaching him those moves. Penelope (and Kiara, very cautiously once she realizes Maxwell is volunteering to coach because she clearly wants all her bones intact by the end of the night) is so impressed she asks to be coached. Maxwell does the coaching.
• Olivia is not here, and Maxwell assumes she's gone to check out the hors d'ouvres. Hmm. Hmm.
• Cake cutting time! Now technically, if you didn't buy this option, it still happens - you just don't get to see what they're cutting. Choosing your cake allows you to see it and (more importantly in my opinion) gives you some lovely food descriptions. You also get gag options for cake cutting and for either feeding the cake to your spouse or smearing it all over their faces.
• If you're getting married to Liam and bought the gastrodiplomacy scene in Castelserraillian, you get an extra chocolate souffle. I wasn't sure they would remember this one post hiatus, but looks like they did. Now if only they'd remember Hana was an actual character deserving of a good arc with that much accuracy...
• If you bought the cake scene, you also get to surprise your spouse with an extra dessert. Liam is willing to share his baklava with you after being outed by his brother as being a Joey (I DON'T SHARE FOOD), Hana loves the hot chocolate and wants to refine her recipe based on it, Maxwell calls it the "second best cake" he's had (the first being their wedding cake). Drake's is the s'mores, but the playthrough I saw shows him enjoying the Cordonian Ruby pie (which honestly looks more like its been filled with berries than apples) and speaking of how nice it is to have one down-to-earth dessert. I'm guessing he must have either a similar reaction to the s'mores, or there's some reminiscing of the time he prepared it for her back in Book 2.
• The scene now shifts to BertVannah, who are having an argument. Savannah looks pissed off about Bertrand not calling and informing her about the attack in the boutique (gee, I wonder how that conversation would've gone. "Hey honey. At the brink of death here. Toodles!"). But her real ire is because she wants to take things to the next level but is getting mixed signals from Bertrand. She tells him she will probably be joining her mother in Texas instead. The timing of all this is supposed to be terrible, because Bertrand was planning to propose. With that ruby ring from LoveHacks.
• What ensues is a diamond scene to help Bertrand give Savannah her fairytale proposal, one last exercise in teaching Bertrand words and this couple to hold hands. Whether you choose it or not, Bertrand proposes, Savannah says yes and we find out her middle name is Jane.
• The diamond scene itself is quite sweet. It begins with Bertrand buttering up to Drake to get his approval, the highlight of which is him imitating a chicken to prove to Drake that he would do anything for Savannah. It then moves ahead to the Cordonian barbershop quartet (Liam, Drake, Maxwell, Bertrand) agreeing to get together after their last appearance in Book 2 to help him with the proposal, which will be sung to Savannah during the bridal bouquet toss.
• Somehow, no matter what, the TRR writing team have to remind us that they don't consider Hana a bride at her own wedding:
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They somehow forget that Hana is a bride in this part of the Hana playthrough, have her round up the bridesmaids when that should be done by someone else (Madeleine or Kiara or literally any other woman), and make her stand in her fucking wedding gown in the line with the other bridesmaids. It's bad enough that she remains the "professional best friend" even after you're engaged, has to wear black at her own bachelorette and a glitch in the game during the ceremony directly affects her fans more than anyone else. Like if I were Hana I would circle the photo album of this day and mark it WORST WEDDING EVER. Yes. In red 😠
The MC is really out there treating her bride like a wedding planner on their wedding day. So much for making this wedding Hana's dream wedding, MC. Such love much wow.
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• Proposal done, it's now time to give the LIs their gifts. Very nice, very emotional, they all love what you got them and they're all adorable.
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You get the usual with the remaining LIs, and some extra kissing with your spouses. Overall, quite nice.
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That's a lie Hana and you know it.
• So Olivia is completely MIA post the toast, Gladys is walking around looking poker faced, Bastien is taking Mara's place while (I'm guessing) she recovers...and Madeleine is still being a colossal cockblocker/clam jam.
• You get a few last minute conversations with Kiara and Penelope, including a default acknowledgement of how much Kiara sacrificed to be here and how tough it was for her (nice try, PB, but I'm not forgiving you for Lythikos).
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We get a lovely call-back to the first chapter of Book 1, by having Not Henney be part of our wedding.
• Regina then comes up to talk to you, admitting that she was wrong in thinking that the MC would be "dangerous for Cordonia", and is now happy you're here.
• Gladys then comes and asks us to accompany her because someone is "impatient" to be with us.
• Uh huh, uh huh, I thought. Time for a diamond sex scene?
• But nope. It's free. (Waiiiiitaminute. Something is not quite right about this. We can't be boinking with our fiancé/es for free. What's going on!)
• ...oh. OH.
• Shame on you Gladys!
• When I asked you to call me Lamb Shawarma I didn't mean for you to turn me into one!
General Thoughts:
• If you're marrying Hana, Drake or Maxwell, they are lured into the maze first, and used as bait to catch hold of the MC. If you're marrying Liam, however, you're the bait.
• Prior to this, Olivia is missing as well, possibly for Anton to establish his "rightful" claim over his wife (good luck with that, buddy. I'd love for this to end with one of her knives on your throat) in the next chapter.
• Which is probably why Liam having feelings for the MC keeps coming up so much in the final few chapters. It propells him into anger either way, and seeing Olivia in a danger as well allows Liam to finally wake up to his possible feelings for her in the other playthroughs (I hope?)
• I think there will be a duel. I think it will be a parallel to the Costume Gala duel between Drake and Neville, except here the stakes are much much higher. Which is why Neville is shown in the chapter, after a long time of not being shown at all even though it's clear he's still part of the tour. He's probably there as a way to foreshadow what is to come. Also, it works as a bit of an inverse.
In the Costume Gala duel, Drake was clearly the underdog, and Neville clearly the noble who needed to be taught a lesson. Drake has spoken about agreeing to the duel to prove that as a commoner he has his worth and dignity, and it doesn't need to be trampled on.
In this duel, Anton appears to be the underdog fighting valiantly against the king of a "tyrannical" dynasty, and this is a rhetoric that at least some people take seriously, as we saw in the riot in Chapter 17, and in a little of what Gladys says before the betrayal.
But here...the tables are turned. Anton is the power-hungry candidate for the throne who is willing to destroy the livelihood of Cordonia's farmers and throw the economy of the country into shambles (ironically, since his father was part of the Sons of Earth), to get access to the throne. Liam has been established over and over as someone who genuinely cares for his people and wants them to prosper with him, not have himself prosper at their expense. So in this case, the non-noble here is established as the one who would be absolutely wrong for the country, and Liam as the monarch Cordonia needs and deserves.
• I wonder how much of this chapter will the actual duel take. I'm guessing half of it, with the LI, Liam, Olivia and the MC then going through the aftermath, and then eventually moving into the Coronation/honouring ceremony of the finale in another chapter.
• There will (hopefully) be some focus on Liam's emotional state? That man has been through way too much shit minus any space to actually talk about what he's been through. It's high time he gets his space to really open up about his trauma and actually get to heal, because this book has been keeping his state of mind in limbo for way longer than it should. It's been poorly worked on and poorly built, his overall crisis arc, but I'm hoping this coming chapter will make up for that.
• I deserve TWO sex scenes for the kind of crap I have to put up with at my own fucking wedding. An attack the day before! An attack before I dress! An attack at my reception! What BRIDE goes through this shit!
I'd better get great lingerie and explosive sex for the kind of stress getting married in Cordonia takes out of me.
• So technically Gladys is supposed to be our surprise element this chapter, and I guess it makes sense, since she is a recently introduced character and you can push her forward as shady without making it very obvious because she only enters the story when the book is close to being done.
• One thing I did find interesting is that if you choose to thank her while she leads you to the hedge maze, she looks sad and speaks of how "the nobles are usually too busy thinking of themselves on a night like tonight", leading the MC to feel sorry she's had such a bad experience. Which kinda gives us a hint why she might be in cahoots with Anton in the first place. Anton is not a nobleman (though he is married into a noble family), and seems to be preying on commoner emotions to get support for overthrowing Liam's government. I'm sorry Gladys, but I think you've been fooled.
• That's it for this chapter, guys. On to Chapter 21!
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austenpoppy · 6 years
When fanfiction begins to be worrying
Warning : Ron-lovers, if you read this it is at your own peril. I am already suffering from long-lasting damage. Vivi, don't read. Really. Don't. Trust me.
We won't even talk about incest and other criminal and sickening fanfictions, which are mostly rejected by the fandom with the utmost disgust - fortunately.
No, no, what I'm going to talk about is admired by a - sadly - large part of the fandom. I was just looking for a cool fanfiction about Ron during my break when I found this, on the first page : "101 ways to kill Ron Weasley."
I know, I shouldn't have clicked on the link, but I couldn't help myself. I had to know.
This is the Author's note :
"This story is inspired by Crys' 1001 Deaths of Lord Voldemort on
For many of us, we hate one character in canon more than any other. No, not Lord Voldemort. I am, of course, talking about Ron Weasley.
Ron is lazy, stupid, annoying, and, in my opinion, mentally retarded.
Now, many in the fanfiction community hate Ginny much more than Ron; however, I find that to be more based upon their experiences with fanfiction than Ginny's actual roll in canon. Let's all be honest, outside of CoS and a cameo in OoTP, Ginny has very few lines and almost no involvement in the plot while Ron plays the role of a giant douchebag throughout the books.
This story, which I hope people will enjoy, is my way of killing off the dumbass in as many colorful ways as possible.
In case you can't tell, expect major Ron!Bashing."
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I should have stopped as soon as I read this. I didn't, pushed by a morbid curiosity : I wanted to know how far people were ready to go. Useless to say that I bitterly regret it.
First, notice here that Voldemort and Ron are the only characters that I know of who have entire fanfics dedicated to kill them.
Voldemort and Ron are put on the same level. A teenager, the best friend of the hero and a hero himself, is compared to a psychopath and a murderer.
Moreover, I have to underline that the author judges Ron as "mentally retarded". I find it worrying. Just because a teenager have not the same grades as the best student in his year, just because he does not display the same way of thinking as his clever best friend does not mean he is stupid. Far from that.
That is a judgement on intelligence that I think is horrible. You have to know that intelligence, despite what tests such as IQ's claim, can not be really measured. It depends on so many factors. The results of IQ tests depend themselves on so many factors.
Furthermore, having real problems to understand things should be seen as a disability, a handicap and not an insult. It is a very difficult situation to deal with.
Also notice that the intellect is one the major criteria differencing the characters for those people. Intellect is practically above everything else.
I read the fanfiction, constituted of two chapters and multiple drabbles.
First reaction :
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First one : Ron dies from eating too much. He chokes on his food.
Second one : In first year, wanting to prove a point to Hermione, Ron willingly mispronunces a spell and conjures a buffalo which crushes him
Third one : In Deathly Hallows, Ron takes the locket with him when he leaves. Harry and Hermione try to stop him and splinch him (he is split in two), but they don't recover the Horcrux. Last sentence : "Even in death, Ron Weasley found a way to be a pain in the ass."
Fourth one : Ron, charged by Harry to give Hedwig her treats, eats them in front of her. Hedwig, with the help of thousands other owls, avenges herself by attacking and killing Ron. Reminding of "The birds" by Hitchcock.
Fifth one : Ron, jealous, accuses Hermione of loving Harry and calls her "a Mudblood". She kills him. Harry and her hide Ron's body before they have sex. Petty remark about the length of Harry and Ron's manhoods. Note of the "author" explaining that it was a summary of another fic.
Sixth one : the Trio enters Bellatrix's vault. Ron is immediately fascinated by the amount of money and begins to steal it despite his friends' warnings. He burts into flames and jinxes his friends. Particularly petty sentence : "He never knew, or cared, that his greed had doomed them as well."
Seventh one : Ron speaks proudly about the unbreakable vow he made when he was five. Hermione asks him what it was about, he says he had sworn he would never say he wasn't a jobbernowl, he dies. Worst thing : use of a real passage of the book.
Eighth one : Ron dies on the chess set. His sacrifice is presented as stupid because it 'had to be another way.'
Nine : Harry uses Sectumsempra on Ron while he is sleeping. Ron dies. Harry transforms his corpse into a sock and burns it.
Last one : after Ron is made prefect, Hermione refuses to have him as a partner, jinxes him and kills him "for the greater good." Particularly nasty sentences : "Harry looked at the badge and fought the urge to go downstairs and ask McGonagall and Dumbledore if they were high when they selected the male Gryffindor prefect this year." / "'Sure', Ron said, completely shocked. 'I was positive you would get it, Harry.' 'You and the rest of the world,' Harry thought darkly." / "I can already see Ron not taking his duties seriously and flaunting the privileges that prefects normally deserve."
I won't comment all of them, but I really want to say something about some of them.
The first one uses a trope overused in Ron-bashing fanfiction : the fact that Ron eats a lot and sometimes speaks with his mouth full. Obviously, the author has forgotten what it is to be a teenager, and especially a thin teenager. Their metabolism needs food, and loads of food, because they are growing up and thin people tend to burn off energy more rapidly.
The fourth makes me sick. (Not that they don't all make me want to throw up.) First since it uses the overused trope I have already mentioned. Moreover for Ron would definitely do what Harry asks him to do, and for Ron is definitely not cruel. And thirdly because... THE BIRDS ! Does it ring a bell, a physical assault on Ron with birds ?
The fifth one. There is absolutely no universe where Ron, I'm-going-to-kill-Malefoy-with-my-bare-hands!Ron, would call Hermione a Mudblood. No. Way.
The sixth. Just because Ron said once something like "It would be nice to have galleons for a change", once "I hate being poor" (ONCE !!!), "Lucky you" (referring to Harry not noticing the difference on his amount of gold when the fake money disappeared), "Where's mine ?" (asking Bill where his money was because Bill has just given Harry a purse full of gold), that's it, Ron is greedy. Just because he doesn't want to be in need. Although he never complained that much.
These people hating Ron for he does not like to be poor are just self-righteous and have very probably never lived in the same situation. They have never been homeless, have received all the gifts for Christmas they wanted, have lived in a warm and comfortable house. It's easy to think about morals when your stomach is full, your health is perfect and well taken care of, and your basical material needs are fulfilled.
I remember a story my dance teacher told me : there was a poor woman in Africa who had lost a husband, a son and a leg in a war and still considered herself luckier than a French homeless person because she had a roof above her head.
I'm not saying that losting a loved one is less terrible. Nothing is more terrible.
Just that hating a fourteen-years old boy who never received another Christmas gift than a maroon jumper he hates but still puts on without really complaining because his mother made it, because he would like to have clothes that fit him or galleons he could spend to offer things to his friends is stupid. Really. And shows a lack of empathy.
Moreover, it's not as if Ron was not generous. All he has he shares it. His galleons, he mostly spends it on gifts for his friends. He gave his Christmas gifts to an house-elf. Ron has a really big, big heart and nothing is more important to him than his friends and family.
Eight. Just. How dares he / she ? That's what I hate with this fandom. Everything is twisted to correspond to the views of people.
Last. The prefect badge. My god the prefect badge. Maybe the most disgusting one, because Harry and Hermione are depicted as thinking the worst of him and somehow echo the 'No one in their right mind would make Ron a prefect'. The fact that Ron is often belittled by the fans who don't think he deserved the badge is reminiscent of the fact that Ron didn't either. Ron didn't think he deserved it. That makes me soooo angry.
Pansy Parkinson deserved her badge, but Ron ? Nooooo of course.
The question of worthiness in Ron-bashing is central. People operate a grading : some characters are better than others. The worst is to think that they do it in real life.
I am really naive. I thought that most readers would be inflamed by such display of stupidity. How wrong I was ! This story had 242 reviews, whose only 12 were critical. On the twelve crital ones, 4 were saying that Ron was just an ordinary teenager with no talent, but that it was a shame to dislike him for that.
The rest ?... At this point I don't know if I want to cry or burst into flames out of rage.
I have warned you before. I warn you again. Be aware of the violence of what will follow.
In order to get a good nights sleep, I need to read about Ron dying in horrendous and funny ways, due to his folly and vices."
At this point it looks like a caricature, doesn't it ? We can notice, however, that people vent out their frustrations and violence on fictional characters. It's up to you if it is good or not. I think it is sick to post it on the Internet, on a personal level.
"A note to a couple of Ron fanboys that posted. First, don' t like? Don' t read. You can tell it is a bashing story from the summary. Second; each person can interpret the canon events the way he wants. Personally, i see it like this: Ron betrayed and abandoned his supposed best friend when he needed help the most. Twice. And he never even apologised properly! It is not our best moments and actions that show us who we really are, but our worst ones. Because, usually, that is when one lets his true self show. Ron is not a bad person, but he is an idiot in canon."
It actually reflects a way of thinking. Ron is defined by the moment he felt betrayed and argued against his best friend - and he tried to apologize, though didn't make Harry apologize for hitting him - and the moment he left under mental torture - the first one who tells me Ron isn't strong-willed will have to run really fast from my anger, because Ron resisted possession and once rebelled against a thought mass murederer on a broken leg and they know nothing about torture -. For this kind of people, you can't have flaws. You can't be faulty. You have to be perfect. You can't ever be forgiven. This is unhealthy.
"*Insane laugh* I love this story! I've always hated Ron. *Sigh* If only he died in cannon, then my life would be complete!"
Once again I am amazed by the VIOLENCE of such a statement.
"I just love the first one where Ron dies while stuffing his face. I have often thought that he had either Bulima or a tapeworm. I have actually seen someone eat like him. It turned out that this person was Bulimic. How else does someone stuff himself and remain skinny?"
It displays a total lack of understanding of what eating disorders really are. Those are disorders which are really extremely difficult to deal with on a daily basis. They are mistaken here with bad eating manners.
"Are you in middle schoolers? Because that's how they teach you how to write in middle school. Also, Ron IS stupid. His grades show that. And Hermione is always caring and helping Harry, even when Ron is off sulking, jealous of Harry. And who cares if Ron came back after leaving? He still left! And getting his ass off of bed is not an excuse for Ron. He only goes along with Harry because he needs to! To keep being Harry's friend, that is. You're actually as mentally deficient as Ron is, and I hope you learn some proper fucking grammar."
Once again intelligence is confused with good grades. That's how you end up with teachers telling students who don't have good grades that they are too stupid to do anything of their life. Ron is here considered as an opportunist. As if he had chosen to be friends with Harry for fame -internal scream. As if being friends with Harry was easy. As if he had not commited his life to help his friends. Notice that once again someone is judges according to his so-called bad actions (to me, Ron leaving is not a mistake Ron did, as I said multiple times already).
"Oi weasel!, for the first and final time, there will never be an Hermione and you, so stop dreaming about her; she's way, out of your league, otherwise l will make you into an weasel patty..."
Love is seen as a question of worthiness.
"Can the Basilisk eat him? please please let the Basilisk eat him"
Once again the violence strucks me.
"ugh i hate him 2 he always runs away or gets jelous. The one thing he did was play stupid chess. Like geez. I love the owl 1".
Chess is considered stupid. CHESS IS CONSIDERED STUPID, BUT WRITING AN ENTIRE FANFIC TO KILL A FICTIONAL CHARACTER IS NOT. Those people are sickeningly judgemental and self-righteous.
"Thank you, I really needed a good laugh and nothing is more funny than Ron dying in horrific, nasty ways."
*throws up*
"Hilarious. Keep updating. I can't stand Ron. The flaws of Snape, Albus, Remus, Sirius and the rest makes them interesting characters. The flaws of Ron make him a putz."
Notice that Ron is the one character that apparently can't be forgiven for his flaws. Ever.
"Lol, Keep killing Ron, it's enjoyable. It's a good stress reliever to read these. :)
See ! Ron is nothing more than a punching ball to those people. I'm scared, really. Their immaturity is worrying.
"I agree with you about Ron he really is a good for nothing person in canon."
*sees red* That's what I'm fighting against in real life. People telling teenagers (and here one of the most admirable fictional teenagers I've ever seen) with a crippling lack of self-esteem that they are worthless. DON'T LISTEN TO THEM !
"this is so funny. i love the owl treats one. my favourite so far. anyone who dares say this is rubbish will face my anger, dont worry. just because it wont happen in canon dosent mean its not good."
Well, sorry to break it to you, but this is rubbish.
"Harry could have been the next Voldermort or Dumbledore if Ron hadn't infected him wi"
Ron and his friendship with Harry are seen as DISEASES.
"Weasley must die! Weasley must die!"
"I actually don't mind Ginny as a character, but Ron has always severely irritated me. The ending to Deathly Hallows was disappointing - how could JKR stick Hermione with a git like that? Ron's been nothing but awful to her since day one, and let's not even get started on how he's treated Harry...
Not really such a "loyal" sidekick, is he? When it all comes down to it, he's a selfish prat, thinking of nobody but himself. The PoA incident with Crookshanks, then GoF when he accused Harry of putting his name into the Goblet - there's been numerous occaisions in which that red haired git has allowed his jealously to get the better of him and abandoned his friends all because of his own petty insecurities.
Halfway through Deathly Hallows, I was ready to strangle him. I know the locket probably brought most of it on - but I don't see that as an excuse for him to throw a childish temper tantrum and blow up about Harry not knowing what he's doing. Okay, so you miss mummy's cooking, and living your life as a lazy sloth..
No reason to take it out on your two best friends. At least your parents are still alive, you ignorant MORON. I was rather pleased when Harry told him off, though. :)
All in all; Ron has always been an annoying, pain in the butt character to me. Utterly useless, really.
I can't wait to see what other creative ways you come up with to kill him.
*adds story to favorites*
Weasley is NOT my king."
So many things wrong.
Ron has been nothing other than awful to Hermione ? What about 'You're the most wonderful person I've ever met ?' 'She's been perfect, as usual.' ? What about getting detention several times (and one washing bedpans) for defending her ?
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spooniemumoftwo · 3 years
Parenting through Lockdown and Covid-19 with ME CFS
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Parenting is the best, and most rewarding thing I've ever done, and yet at times, its equally the hardest job in the world. Adding ME CFS into the mix complicates things further at times, but we work through it, and become stronger as a family unit. However, also adding a global pandemic into the mix...now, that is a different story!
What a year 2020 has been!
The last nearly twelve months have been full of confusion, anxiety and a different everyday living for most people. Imagine all that change, emotional and physical stress, and required resilience on top of a pre-existing chronic illness. 
Up until nine months ago, things were fairly normal, or as normal as they have been since my ME CFS diagnosis. My ME symptoms were being managed and I was maintaining a slower but relatively steady pace of life. As many others, I was worried about the possibility of catching the Covid-19 virus, and the potential impact of that on myself, my family and obviously my current health. There was the added concern that many others shared, about lockdown, working from home and home schooling! What a minefield!
One of my children has ADHD and anxiety, and had already demonstrated that she was worried about what was happening. The day schools closed was rough! We all cried that day, a lot! Whilst dealing with my own anxieties about the short term plans, myself and my husband found ourselves managing our children’s anxieties as well. Trying to reassure them that they WOULD be going back to school, that working from home COULD be fun, and that things WOULD go back to normal at some point, whilst not knowing or believing when, or even if, this would all happen. 
We started our new routine on the Monday. Home schooling with an attempt at a timetable to meet everyone’s needs, and working from home for 30 hours a week around home schooling. I’m not sure there were enough hours in the day or the week but we managed it, just! The main focus had to be helping our children regulate their emotions; allowing them time to be confused, time to be sad, and time to grieve for their ‘normal’ that had been turned upside down. In my role as Mum, I unintentionally neglected to consider and allow time for me to regulate my own emotions.
Then, at the start of April, I had a positive Covid test!
I was extremely lucky; I had extremely mild symptoms and remained reasonably well other than severe flu-like symptoms. As I know many others are experiencing, the after effects however, have been long lasting to say the least.
Since I tested positive for Covid, my energy levels have reduced significantly. There have been days when I simply do not have the energy to sit up for long at all. I've worked in bed, fully propped up by cushions; I've slept in the day and worked in the evenings when I've felt better, and there have been days where I have been able to work at my desk at home.
I've also found my mobility has decreased since I had Covid, and that I now stumble and lose my footing frequently. My daughter celebrated her birthday in the summer, and like most other children who had birthdays during the lockdowns, was insistent that she wanted to see her friends. To comply with the current guidelines and restrictions at the time, and in order to give her a brief 'escape' from the stress of lockdown restrictions, we arranged a walk in a local forest and arranged for a small number of her friends to be there also with their families so she could say 'hello' from a distance. During this walk, a mere 1 mile at most, I stumbled a significant number of times, and my husband noticed. He was visibly spooked and didn't leave my side for the remainder of the walk. I think this was the point where he became aware of the additional difficulties I was experiencing. My husband approaches life in a very matter of fact and optimistic manner, and often lives by a 'worry about things when they happen' mentality, however, having witnessed my apparent difficulties, his understanding of my ME CFS changed that day! From then on, we have worked together to monitor my difficulties, and to seek support for my ongoing concerning mobility.
During this year, our children have needed variety as well as things to look forward to, more so during lockdowns and times when there have been restrictions on who we could see. Not seeing our family has been a huge disappointment for us, as I'm sure it has for many, and we've tried to come up with new ways to facilitate this contact. Walks with a scarf to maintain 2 metre distances, zoom calls for bingo games and Uno, drive by's to briefly see people in the flesh whilst delivering something, and sending letters and cards. It's been hard! Watching my children struggle with these restrictions has been heart -wrenching. We've had to be resourceful! There have been days when the last thing I've felt able to do is be resourceful or creative; there have been days when I've had to put plans in place days previously, and there have been days where I've had to cancel plans made just to prioritise some rest and recuperation for myself.
My priority throughout this last year, as always, has been my children, and we've made so many lovely memories we will treasure forever. We have been so lucky to have time together that we wouldn't have had if schools hadn't closed. Despite the many positives, it has been the hardest thing I've ever done, and it has been so hard knowing that some days, I just couldn't do the things I felt I needed to do to make them happy.
When reflecting on this last year, a global pandemic has taught me many things:
That my children don't need to do exciting things to be happy, they need time with their family.
That being kind to myself and allowing myself time to rest is essential to allow me to be the Mum I want to be
That my children need rest also, and that we don't have to be out and about at all times
That family and friends are everything. The support we've had from family and friends continues to be the most valuable thing ever. Just to know someone is there for us and cares is huge.
That fresh air with my husband and my children is a therapy in it's own place. Being able to leave the house is a luxury we take for granted and often don't make use of enough, until that freedom is taken away. Two weeks isolation was hard...the same four walls all day every day.
I am a hugger - I always knew I was a tactile person, but it's only since that freedom has been temporarily (I hope!) taken away that I realise how important a hug is for me. Giving hugs is one thing, and I love that I can embrace my children and my husband when they need or want it, as well as when I want or need a hug. However, there are times when I need to be hugged, to be told things are okay and to be reassured.
Parenting through a pandemic was never something I envisaged, however it was something we've had to adapt to quickly. I think everyone, not just parents, have felt out of their depths at times during the last year, and yet, here we are at the start of 2021, a new year, ready to embrace what this year has in store.
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