#I’m so goddamn excited about this story you guys now I just have to write it
thirstydiglett · 8 months
I think I’m FINALLY gonna start this street racing AU with Franky as the main character you guys I’m so excited
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tenebraevesper · 1 year
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog (My Thoughts)
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Before I start with anything, I just have to let this out: I ADORE THIS GAME!!! It has no right to be so good and I genuinely want more of these kinds of games where we get to interact with more of the Sonic cast. All of them were written so well, with their own little quirks and the game is just pure fun. Honestly, I could probably go on and on about this, but I’ll just do a quick summary of some of my favorite character interactions before moving on to one character I had been anticipating the most. Spoilers are ahead!
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The player character, whose name is apparently Barry the Quokka, is really fun and I adore his cave-loving and trash-searching quirks. Not to mention the ways of him dealing with “this group’s unhinged way of thinking”, trying to just go along with all the weirdness and fanboying over Sonic.
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I also love his dynamic with Tails, who is the most adorable detective I’ve ever seen. Honestly, this whole thing gave me a lot of Ace Attorney vibes and I’m living for it.
Well, most adorable next to another of my favorite detectives:
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If you never watched Detective Conan, I strongly suggest you do.
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I gotta say, Tails’ reaction to Sonic being “murdered” is kind of raw...
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...and then it crosses the line with Amy being excited that someone “murdered” Sonic.
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Next, another character who really looks good in his outfit - Knuckles! I love that they gave him the cowboy hat, even if it’s not the same as the Sonic OVA (progress guys, progress) and he actually commits to the bit of a sheriff, at least for Amy, only to just drop it when Tails and Barry arrive. Oh, and him and Vector for the high score at the arcade game and Knuckles just punching it in frustration when Vector beat him. Honestly, who wouldn’t do that?
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Following up, Espio and Vector. I loved how committed Espio was to his role as the poet, even if his poetry wasn’t exactly... the best (not to mention his outfit looks so fitting!). He really has this “He’s a bit confused, but he’s got the spirit!” vibe going on. Then there were other bits like the fact that Espio actually speed read through a book just to spoil the ending for Knuckles.
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Then there’s Vector just defending Espio when he gets accused. Let’s be real here, Vector is Espio’s Dad and no one can change my mind.
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Next are Blaze and Rouge, and I found it so hilarious that Rouge managed to rope Blaze, Tails and Barry into her heist of stealing the Fabergé Chao Egg and Blaze just goes along with it because it’s part of her character lore card.
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Not to mention the whole bit with them thinking the egg is a bomb and trying to figure out what to do with it (spoilers!: it’s not a bomb). Superb comedy!
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Next, we move on to Shadow, and I had been really anticipating how he’d be written in this story. My thoughts? Goddamn, this was the kind of character writing I’ve been begging for ages!
In the story, Shadow is quite suspicious due to locking all the doors in the train, with Amy, Tails and Barry interrogating him and Amy believing he “murdered” Sonic. Well, as it turns out, the reason he was locking the doors was because he was trying to keep Amy out of the Lounge Car (while also handing out keys to everyone else). Why?
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He was just trying to use the computer and buy Amy concert tickets of her favorite band, Hot Honey, for her birthday. Like, how adorable is THAT?!
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Shadow then admits that he had trouble with it, printing out the Hot Honey website on accident and that he isn’t the best with computers. He then proceeds to explain:
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So to recap, Shadow really cares about Amy and he put effort into trying to get her a nice birthday present, even if he didn’t succeed. Not only that, but he had also agreed to come to Amy’s birthday party (dressed as a Starbucks Barista; yeah, we all know the joke) and even helped out Knuckles and Vector with the arcade game they had trouble figuring out (also signing his high score with “Ultim”).
Now tell me, with the way he had been written in the Sonic IDW comics...
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...and the whole SEGA mandates thing going on, do you really think Shadow would act like that? Honestly, I don’t think so, which makes me believe that, even if it’s for a spin-off game, maybe they’re finally loosening up on Shadow’s character. Evan Stanley did mention that they want Shadow to be written more closer to his game counterpart and if they’re fine with him being characterized as he is in this spin-off game, then I’m all for it!
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Also, seeing Shadow being flustered over being invited to the concert is frigging adorable... and maybe a reference to the Twitter Takeover? I mean, both are apparently Taylor Swift fans. Oh, and speaking of references:
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I rest my case. I also had to screenshot this because... com’n!
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I said it once and I’m saying it again, Shadow is so cute in this game!
Anyways, Shadow tags along with Tails, Amy and Barry to the Conductor Car, where they solve the mystery, calling everyone to hear what happened, but when they go to get Sonic, they realize that something is wrong.
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When Sonic doesn’t respond, Shadow and Espio are the first to jump in to help him. Once again, this is the kind of writing I really wanted to see when it comes to Shadow’s character. He really cares about his friends.
Speaking of friends...
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Yeah... I wouldn’t want to be Amy’s target when she’s in this kind of mood.
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Speaking of target, it looks like Espio isn’t the only one who’s about to commit “murder”. Yes, spoilers for those who hadn’t played the game, Espio was the one who “murdered” Sonic, albeit by using a blowdart and drugging him. However, there is a twist to this mystery.
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Yeah, as it turns out, not only is the train a Badnik, but everyone is en route to be delivered to Dr. Eggman.
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Honestly, this is getting rather creepy, especially with the train holding everyone hostage like this.
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The train then locks everything up, throwing Sonic and Barry into the Dining Car, with Eggman calling in and explaining this was all part of his plan. He promised that he would reward any Badnik who could deliver him Sonic and his friends, and the train Badnik took it upon itself to fulfill that.
Okay, can we just talk for a moment how Eggman has managed to make a train Badnik without anyone noticing? This is disturbing.
After Eggman turns the call off, Barry starts blaming himself for not telling anyone how he noticed that Sonic was genuinely injured, because if he did, this whole story could’ve been avoided.
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Sonic cheers him up, pointing out how it is easy to question the decisions that got you to the end of a road, but you should let those negative thoughts pass and keep living. Honestly, it’s the kind of advice everyone needs.
He and Barry then blast through each train car, eventually reaching the Badnik and the conductor.
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The train Badnik then reveals how it just wanted to be forever friends with the conductor and was enraged when it realized that the conductor “abandoned” it, so it decided to deliver Sonic and co. to Eggman to get its reward - being forever together with the conductor. 
Damn, this game makes me actually feel bad for a train.
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Sonic has none of it, calling the train selfish for doing this at the expense of everyone, and with the help of his friends, he manages to hit the train, allowing for Espio to grab the Flicky and Amy to smash the train.
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Once things calm down and everyone’s outside the train, Sonic reveals the cake he had bought, with everyone wishing Amy Happy Birthday.
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As for Eggman, he figures out that his plans have been foiled once again, but more importantly - SAGE CAMEO!!! And she and Metal Sonic are wearing “Let’s Go Dad!” T-shirts, that’s so adorable! (I suppose this also means this story takes place after Sonic Frontiers.)
So, yeah, this was The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, and it’s amazing! My only complaint here is that Silver is missing, but otherwise, I love it. Like I said before, we really need more games where we get to interact with Sonic’s friends.
#Sonic Cyber Revolution Analyzer (Masterlist)
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 5 months
here’s to a year of trigun :] just a cute little (1k. oops.) essay reflecting back on how it’s changed my life.
(twitter crosspost LOL)
You know that strange, dissatisfying limbo between hyperfixations? That was me in January. A 2-year long obsession with Genshin Impact was dragging itself to its grave and I was struggling with life. I got diagnosed with a rare chronic pain disorder at around the same time I caught mono and strep simultaneously (that week SUCKED), classes were kicking my ass, and I was experiencing the existential loneliness of adulthood for the first time. 
University student things! 
And to make it all extra unbearable, my writing was empty. Soulless. I’d write something for a zine and go damn—this shit is awful. Not because it was technically flawed or anything, but there was just…nothing there. I would stare at my stats page on Ao3 waiting for comments and then bitterly complain at my friends when no one wanted to read my work. Hell, I don’t think I wanted to read my work. I’m sure you know the feeling. 
And because my writing is how I cope with Everything, being unable to write made the Everything so, so much worse.
Then—and I forget exactly how I heard about it—I learned that Trigun Stampede had just released its fourth episode. I knew of Trigun from a buddy of mine who had been excitement-posting about the reboot months before, but all I knew about the reboot was that Yoshitsugu Matsuoka was voicing the main character. I had a free afternoon—why not give it a try? 
I still have my liveblogging from January. Here was my initial reaction:
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I was having a great fuckin’ time. 
February rolls around and I am immediately, irreversibly, hit with Plantcest brainrot so bad that I discard any pretense of being icked out by brocest ship and I write a 9k long KV thesis called “we’ve got to get back to that stinking garden,” named after a Natalie Diaz poem called “my brother named gethsemane,” which is, truly and genuinely, The Poem on Brothers (Complicated) of all time. That fic is where the visions and prophesies came back, where I started feeling like my writing was impactful again. Like it meant something. It was my first ever foray into in-narrative smut and the first of many, many attempts to capture a future where Vash and Knives love each other even after the end of everything. 
This is really where I found my footing on Twitter and as a short story writer, I think. Where I started really caring about making every word of a narrative pay rent, about conveying and evoking specific, tangible feelings, and exploring genres of media I’d never really been interested in before. Before February, I wrote mostly genfic and T-rated romance. Every so often, I’d dabble in some graphic violence. 
And hey! Now I write hardcore kink and graphic erotica. The gore I used to dabble in is now something I dive into feetfirst and with a rabid desire to make it as sexy as possible. I fetishize the crease of an elbow and the bristly sections of an undercut and I write about brothers having nasty, angry, dubiously consensual sex. I could not possibly tell you how I got here, but shit, man, I don’t regret a damn thing. 
It’s through Trigun that I met some of the most talented, sweetest, most encouraging folk. Plantcest creators, Vashwood creators, people who saw me writing ZazieVash and went hello motherfucker please feed me some more, Romeryl enthusiasts, Kniveswood and Plantwood enjoyers…shit, guys. You’re all so fucking cool.
I got invited to a zine for the first time, I started taking commissions (and holy shit, what the fuck, I still can’t wrap my head around that at all. The fuck you mean, you’ll pay me Real Actual Money for personalized fic? Insane to me. I’m so goddamn grateful.) for the first time, and hell, I published a poetry collection for the first time. Which people downloaded? And tipped me for? What the fuck? I’m still reeling from that. Thank you, by the way. Genuinely. 
What else this year…well. I commissioned art for the first time, I participated in more big bangs and exchanges than ever, I read voraciously and wrote with just as much fervor. I watched ‘98 and I cried and I read half of TriMax and cried some more. I wrote more erotica than I ever have, and I wrote more fic that I’m genuinely, painfully proud of this year than any other year. 
A lot of my writing is about grief and rage, and a lot of it is about trying to be funny in the face of that. A lot of is about learning to live, because that’s what I’m doing right now, despite everything. A lot of it is about trying to be kind. 
But in summary, because this is getting ridiculously long, here’s what I got out of Trigun:
Vash the Stampede refuses to die. I’m trying to emulate that. 
Meryl Stryfe cares about doing the right thing, even if it means she’ll get in the middle of a fight between aliens armed with two bullets in a tiny pistol. 
Wolfwood is carefully, disastrously kind. I want to be like that.
And Knives is nuttier than a Victorian lady in a room painted in arsenic green, but still. I love him anyway. 
And Milly :] no thoughts about Milly. I love Milly because she is also incredibly kind :] 
Trigun has changed my entire goddamn life this year. I think it’s made me a better person. It’s certainly made me a better writer, and it’s connected me to so many lovely and beautiful people. Thank you all for sticking around, and here’s to another year of love, peace, and unhinged porn. I love you all :]
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turtle-bun · 1 year
Actual things said between me and my brothers as TMNT quotes Pt2: TMNT bois see Across the Spiderverse!
Part 1
Rise!Mikey: *excited stimming and screaming* I WANT THIS MOVIE INJECTED INTO MY VEINS! THE ART WAS SO FUCKING COOL!
Rise!Donnie: *excited stimming but in a monotone voice* I apologize for the person I’m going to become now because this sound track is now my entire personality.
12!Mikey: See Across the Spiderverse is so good and is also a huge middle finger to Marvel comics for all the shit they’re putting my boi Spidey through!
12!Leo: Oh yeah, one hundred percent! This movie feels more like how Spiderman is then the actual comics as of late!
12!Mikey: See Marvel! Spiderman can be fucking happy for once!
12!Leo: *chuckling* You got beef with Marvel?
12!Mikey: *riled up* Oh I got so much fucking beef with Marvel! Talking bout how “either Peter Parker’s happy or Spiderman is happy. One always has to be fucked over.” Like get out of here with that bullshit! You saw how happy Peter B. Parker was with Mayday and he’s still Spiderman? FUCK YOU MARVEL IT CAN WORK! PUT ME IN THE GODDAMN WRITTERS ROOM!
12!Leo: *laughing* You think you can write better?
12!Mikey: My 10k word Spiderman fanfic on ao3 with over six thousands kudos begs to differ! SQUARE THE FUCK UP MARVEL!
03!Raph: I am so fucking glad they didn’t have a love triangle in this movie. Honest to god I was like lowkey worried about that.
03!Mikey: Oh yeah, for sure. Thank god Hobie was actually cool.
03!Raph: He was so FUCKING cool! Oh my god! Like I know everyone and their mother was fawning over Miguel but honestly I could give less of a shit about him cuz FUCKING SPIDER PUNK! HOLY SHIT!
03!Mikey: *laughing* Is this a “I don’t know if I wanna date him or be him” kind of situation?
03!Raph: It’s a: “I don’t know if I want to slow dance with him at prom or steal his entire gender” type of situation!
Bay!Mikey: You guys been hearing this bull shit some people are saying about Spiderverse?
Bay!Donnie: *groaning* Don’t fucking remind me. People are stupid and it’s all over my fucking TikTok and Twitter!
Bay!Leo: Which one? The pissy conservatives complaining about “forced diversity” and “woke” culture? The extreme leftists making it about racism when that literally was NOT the point of the fucking movie? Or is it the transphobes bitching at the mere INSINUATION that Gwen Stacy could actually be trans? LIKE AND IF SHE FUCKING IS?! WHAT THEN CUNT?!
Bay!Raph: You know what? Fuck it! Piss them off even more and in the next movie just full on fucking say it! They can’t handle subtlety so might as well throw it in their faces since they’re complaining about it so much!
Bay!Mikey: Shit, I mean Miles is bi in the comics, he can come out as well!
Bay!Donnie: *super serious voice* Hello Miles Morales, who is bisexual and my love interest, I, Gwen Stacey, am a transgender woman!
Bay!Mikey: *T posing* Omg, Gwen Stacey, who is a transgender woman and my love interest, I, Miles Morales, who is bisexual, appreciate your willingness to trust me enough to share these private conversations with me even though you have absolutely no obligation to do so!
Bay!Leo: *absolutely losing his shit* Oh god it’s like it’s being written by a fucking AI!
Bay!Raph: The first 10 minutes of the movie are them fixing up the dimensional bull shit, then the rest of it is group therapy and coming out stories!
87!Leo: *crying, sobbing, screaming*
87!Mikey: How did you NOT know it was a two parter? It said it at the beginning of the movie!
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taegularities · 5 months
let me start by saying I apologize for the novel I’m about to write.
this was. hands down. the best chapter so far. and I am NOT just saying that bc IT finally happened, ok?
like… everything about it was so beautiful and I usually hate pregnancy scares/arcs but it didn’t feel out of place or forced at all and oh my GOD jungkook !!! like I cried literally the whole way through from when she went missing until the end of the chapter. I didn’t think it was possible to physically feel how much two fictional characters loves another but you did it, Rid. you have breathed so much life into them that I felt like it was playing out right in front of me.
and even before the angst when it’s just them appreciating being together after the move, it was so wonderful to read. sometimes stories get boring when the drama ebbs but it isn’t like that with them bc their emotions are just beautiful to see play out.
and then… you sly cutie… he finally fucking SAID it. and it was so worth the wait of course, and it just made me cry so hard bc I think we all need to hear that right? that even if we stay broken forever someone will still love us? and more importantly SHE needed to hear that. and she better say it back after that stunt she pulled 👊🏼
also usually I don’t really think of the real life counterpart when reading fanfics, at least not unless it’s meant to be set in our world. but this chapter was so jungkook, wasn’t it?
like… in the bathroom scene, when he’s asking to be let in and telling her he’s gonna stay I started thinking about how that’s what his lives are for us, ya know? at least I know for me when i’m at my lowest and metaphorically locked in a bathroom I get that notification and it’s exactly like him knocking on my door. and even the ily confession just reminded me so much of things he’s actually said about him wanting us to be happy and that he loves us unconditionally. maybe I just miss the real jungkook too much… either way. you’re characterization is magical and I will probably never move on from him.
I feel like I actually have so much more to say but my brain isn’t spitting it out… i’m sure i’ll be back.
also, not to brag(?) but these last few chapters of them being official have really reminded me of my boyfriend and I and I think that’s why i’ve loved them even more than the past chapters. it just makes my heart really warm.
anyway…. you’re a goddamn genius and I love you (that’s a reference now 😂)
the best chapter so far?? ALYSSA 😭 also not using the ily as a reference im gonna sue you fkjshjkfaasf
ahhh i know, a lot of people do not dig pregnancy scares and i totally understand, but i'm still so happy you guys gave it a chance and enjoyed it. honestly, kook's reaction to it was my main concern and point, and i was low(highkey lol) excited to finally get to it bc he's just so… ugh. a dream. i cried a lot, as well </3 i'm so emotional bc everyone's been saying they could feel the love through that scene alone and it makes me sooooo ahhhh 😭
and the fluff 🥺🦋 ngl, i was extremely scared that cmi might get boring or less interesting now that the angst is over, but… it's really so encouraging to know that you still love it so much. and also to know that the wait for THAT THING was worth it!! i agonised over that scene bc i needed that big moment to be super special eeee 😭 he'll be here, no matter how broken she is, and… vice versa :( she better say it back fr lmaooo!!
that chapter was so jungkook? this is the biggest fucking compliment ever 😭 i always try sooo hard to capture their personalities well (especially with cmi11.5!!), so this makes my heart flutter :( <3 reassuring her and loving her is definitely a jk thing to do. he has so much affection in his heart for the people around him sigh.
omg you already said so much, but if you wanna come back for more,,, gladly hehe 🥺 you and your boyfriend sound so so sweet together!! happy you could see glimpses of yourselves in this one. here's to so much more.. thank you again, love <3333
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
sunshine on a cloudy day - chapter 9
summary: you and frankie take a big step, and truly, anything can happen.
warnings: nothing explicit, a few allusions to sexual acts, a lot of fluff, frankie has feelings, mentions of pregnancy (see below pls)
a/n: okay I thought long and hard about this chapter. I’ve had this story plotted out since the beginning, and since Frankie flat out mentions in the movie ”I’ve got the new baby now” it didn’t make much sense to me from a literary/fic-writing point of view not to include it. that being said, everything that’s been happening in the states with the overturning of roe vs. wade is despicable in every sense of the word. but, coupled with Pedro’s outright support of the uterus-having folk, I think I did it justice. okaythanksbye
another note - I’m doing things a bit differently now! I’m only working on one series at a time (with oneshots mixed in of course lmfao) so sunshine will have more chapters up most likely this week! 💕
| series masterlist | main masterlist | ao3 |
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Yet again, life becomes its own brand of normal. For a while.
Benny is back in your life full-force, an almost permanent fixture on your couch. Friday night game night resumes, combinations of the boys and their ladies making appearances when they can. Everything is right in the world once more, and when your house is filled with the guys’ hooting and hollering at the TV all night, your fridge full of beer and your kitchen full of pizza or wings or whatever everyone had agreed on that night, you’ve never felt more at ease.
Ben stays over most Friday nights, hollering his goodnights after he’s helped you or Frankie clean up after the game and you’re wandering off to bed. It’s nice, at first, having your best friend in the house. But it makes your late night activities a little more…quiet.
After a few months, Benny finally finds a girl that seems to capture attention entirely, and before you know it, your couch is empty after everyone leaves on Friday nights, leaving you and Frankie alone in the house. Which means you can be as loud as you want.
“I love Ben, believe me,” he grumbles to you one night, after everyone has departed, slinking up behind you in the bathroom and snaking his arms around your waist, one hand diving beneath your skirt, “but I love hearing the noises you make more.”
You smirk at him in the mirror, leaning your head back on his shoulder, sighing and letting your eyes flutter shut when he kisses your neck. “You telling me you don’t like putting your hand over my mouth just a little?” You cant your hip back against him and he hisses. “Cuz I think you do, Fish.”
“Only sometimes,” he admits, teeth sinking in to your skin, “but goddamn, querida, you make the sweetest noises I’ve ever heard.
Needless to say neither of you keep your mouths shut that night.
You’re putting away laundry, the most exciting of Sunday evening tasks, and Frankie is intent on staying close to you. First, he took a shower, then he was reading a book sprawled on the mattress, then he’d paced the room for twenty minutes like a nervous child until you’d raised a brow and asked him what the fuck was going on.
It had taken him another ten minutes to get the words out, but when he did…
He asked you to move in with him.
You’d dropped the shirt in your hand, eyes going wide and he’d stepped towards you instantly, wrapping his hands around your elbow. “You don’t have to say anything right now, querida, but just think about it, hmm?”
“I am thinking about it, Fish,” you’d said, unable to stop the corner of your mouth from quirking into a grin. “I have been thinking about it.”
Frankie’s never given you such a beautiful smile.
“Go sit down,” you’d laughed, pushing at his shoulder, squealing when he leaned in and pressed a ticklish kiss to your cheek. “I have laundry to put away.”
The pile of laundry is a good split between your clothes and his, and you start digging through the fabric, looking for: “My black pencil skirt, the one with the little slit? Have you seen it, Fish?”
He’s still got that same beautiful grin on his face, having retreated to his side of the bed. “I know exactly where it is, sunshine.” He flops forward on the bed, propped up on his elbows, grinning.
You keep digging, raising a brow at him. “Well, are you gonna tell me, or…?”
“It’s at my place, on your side of my closet,” he answers, pushing his chin into his hand. “You have a side of my closet, querida, and a drawer in my dresser and a shelf in my bathroom. Move in with me, please.”
There are butterflies in your stomach, and you reach out to knock his hat from his head. He just grins, keeps talking.
“I’m just saying, mariposa, it makes sense. You spend most of your time there anyway, it’s closer to work for you, and I have more space than you do.”
“I have the beach in my backyard, Francisco,” you counter. You’re beaming, at this point, half heartedly folding his t-shirts as he watches. He wants you to move in with him. He loves you that much that he wants to share his space, his life, with you more than he already does.
“Okay, fine,” he shrugs, reaching out with the hand not holding his chin to pull on your shorts until you step closer to him. He looks up at you, chocolatey eyes brighter and shinier than you’ve ever seen them, filled with excitement. “Then we find someplace else. Somewhere we both like. Bigger space, on the water, closer to the guys maybe. Whatever you want, cariño.”
You come to stand in front of him, abandoning the laundry completely, taking his face in your hands. His own curl around your thighs, palms skimming up the backs slowly. “Whatever I want, huh?”
Frankie nods in your grip. “Whatever you want, baby, I promise, as long as it’s me and you.”
Tears spark in your eyes at the words, and you lean down to kiss him softly, a giddy giggle escaping your throat as you do. Frankie grins against your lips, scrambling up onto his knees before he’s pulling you towards him so you both topple onto the bed, the laundry cushioning the blow. “Fish!”
“C’mon, sunshine, say yes.”
You’re both giggling now, Frankie’s arms around your waist, holding you atop him. You plant your hands on either side of his head. “Yes, Frankie. I’ll move in with you.”
Three months later, you’re moving into your own place. Together.
It’s good timing, in truth; your lease would have renewed two months after Frankie asked you to move in, and since Frankie’s landlord is a family friend, it was easy to get out of his rental with a bit of notice. There’s been a lot of culling of belongings, a good chunk of your closet donated to charity, and a heated discussion on who had the best couch before you’d decided to keep both. 
Moving day is easy; most of the guys have big pick-up trucks with lots of space, Frankie included, so it’s more of a weekend than a day, the trips alternated between Frankie’s place and yours, but by Sunday evening, every box and piece of furniture is in your new home, the guys had all said their goodnights after the beer and burger spread you’d prepared in thanks, and it’s just you and Frankie, in your new place. Your home.
Your home, which has three bedrooms.
It had been the selling point for Frankie, apparently. The master was bigger than both of your previous rooms, the closet a large walk-in space that had your jaw on the floor. He had plans to turn one of the other bedrooms into an office for you, somewhere to keep all your teaching things in one place. And for the last one?
Frankie’s response, with a shit-eating grin on his face when you asked: “Who knows? Anything could happen.”
Standing in the bathroom the morning of the house-warming-slash-welcome-home-Santi barbecue you’d been planning with Emily, anything did happen.
You stand in the bathroom for a long time, hands hooked onto the counter, the six sticks you’ve peed on this morning all staring back at you.
Well, fuck.
Your head is a mess. You’ve never had the most regular cycle, sure, and you had chalked up missing a period to the stress of packing and moving, the additional hassle of the end of the school year adding to it as well. You were on birth control, but with the one you were talking, it wasn’t completely out of the ordinary to miss one. 
But then one turned into two, and two turned into three, and you had barely noticed with everything going on.
You’ve been in the new house for almost two weeks now, most of your things unpacked and a few trips to Costco and Walmart filling your cupboards with cleaning supplies and essentials. Out of habit, you’d grabbed tampons and pads, but stopped short, right there in the aisle.
When was the last time you’d used them?
You tried to count back in your head, pulled up the calendar on your phone to try and remember, but came up blank. Stress seeped into your stomach instantly, and you veered down the next aisle, silently grateful that Frankie had stayed home for that trip.
It was a miracle you’d been able to hide the boxes from him, distracting him with some new craft beer you found at the liquor store and instructing him to hang up little sticky hooks near the front door for your keys and his hats.
That was last night, and then this morning, the day you’re meant to host all of your closest friends — and your mother — you’d woken up with a roiling stomach. Frankie had already disappeared from bed, intent to get the backyard set up early so he could start prepping to barbecue, which gave you a bit of privacy to take the tests.
And every single one was positive.
You’re a mix of happy and scared and stressed and bewildered. This is a thing? Are you even qualified for this? Does Frankie want this? You love him, there’s no question of that, and having his babies is pretty high on your to-do list, but it’s not even a real conversation you’ve had yet. Does he want to be married first? He’s not exactly old-fashioned, but maybe that’s important to him. You’ve been together more than a year now, just moved into a place you share. He’s doing well at work, so are you; you’re both doing well with your therapy appointments, too. Things are good.
You remember the look in his eye when you’d come to look at the house the first time, the something extra glinting in his gaze when he said. “Anything could happen.”
Blinking hard, you hear the back door open, Frankie calling your name, and hastily sweep all the tests into one of the still mostly-empty drawers, hip-checking it shut and heading out into the bedroom. You busy yourself in the closet, pretending to decide on what to wear today when he jogs into the room, hat in place, sunglasses pushed up his nose.
You’re still in your pyjamas — panties and one of Frankie’s old t-shirts — and he comes up behind you in the closet, arms finding their rightful place around your waist. “Morning, sunshine,” he grins, kissing the shell of your ear. “Please tell me this is what you’re wearing.”
You scoff a laugh, sifting through the shirts hanging in front of you and reaching for a pair of jean shorts. “Did you forget my mother is coming today?”
Frankie stops short, straightening against you, and reaches for one of your t-shirts, black cotton with a little fish embroidered on it. “This one.” He kisses the side of your head. “Any idea where my tool kit is? One of the chairs is kinda busted and I wanna fix it before people start to show up.”
You sink into his embrace for a moment. Do you tell him? How do you do this? You want to tell him, but there’s already so much going on today. And besides, aren’t you supposed to do something fun? Buy him a t-shirt or a mug or actually have a doctor confirm it before you tell him? Your head is swimming.
“Mija?” Frankie calls, kissing your ear again, and you flinch a little, blinking hard. “Toolkit?”
“Sorry, Fish,” you say, shaking your head slightly. “I think it ended up in the shed out back.”
“I’ll check,” he replies, kissing you once more, this time on your neck. “You okay, baby? You seem a little faraway.”
“Huh?” you ask, mind already wandering once more. “Yeah, no, I’m fine, just thinking. Lots to do.”
Frankie just chuckles, leaning around you so he can kiss your mouth, and then he’s gone.
How the fuck are you going to tell him?
The barbecue goes off without a hitch, mostly.
Everyone shows up in the afternoon, as planned. There’s a potluck of food, everything spread out on tables in your backyard. There’s coolers full of beer and your mother provides multiple containers of homemade lemonade that has everyone losing their marbles and complimenting her until she’s red in the face. It’s nice, to see her out, to see your found family interacting with what’s left of the one you were born into. Plus, she remembers Benny and Will from when you were young, so there’s lots to talk about.
There’s a whole lot of chatter when Santiago finally shows up, Tom and Molly having picked him up from the airport just that morning. The guys are all overjoyed to have their final member back home, and the group of them all crowd around each other, beers in hand, catching up on what they’ve missed since Pope left — which was shortly after your fight with Benny.
Your mother wanders over to you when the boys break off to chat, Molly and Emily sharing a drink on the patio. “You all right, sweetheart?” she asks, reaching up to touch the back of her hand to your forehead. “You look a bit pale.”
“M’fine, Mama,” you tell her, sipping your lemonade and forcing a smile. “Just a little tired. Been a lot, with the move and all. But it’s good. You like the house?”
“I do,” she smiles, touching your cheek before rubbing your shoulder. “It’s perfect for you two.”
You open your mouth to say something — what, you’re not sure. Do you tell her first? God, why isn’t there a handbook for this shit? But before you can, you see Benny break off from the group, a pissed-off expression on his face, swigging his beer as he stalks towards the house. “I’ll be right back, Mama,” you tell her, and she just nods as you chase after Benny, who’s bee-lining to the back door. “Ben!”
You follow him inside and into the kitchen, closing the screen door behind you as he slams his beer on the counter, followed by his fist. “Fuck!”
“Easy!” you shout, reaching out and catching his hand before he can bring it down again. “I like my countertops the way they are, what the fuck is going on?”
Benny just stares at you for a moment, eyes watery and shiny, and you’re confused as anything. “Fuckin’ Pope’s got some bullshit job. Asking us all to go to South America for six fucking months — six months! — and then calls me a fucking coward for not wanting to go.”
Your heart stutters in your chest. “Six months?” If Pope was telling all of them, that includes Frankie, and six months from now…
“You’re not a coward, Ben,” you say, shoving your thoughts aside, trying to be as soothing as possible, “and Pope knows that. You know how he is, he’s just trying to get under your skin, trying to get you to agree.”
“And it drives me fucking insane!” he shouts, palm slamming onto the counter, making his beer bottle rattle. “They all treat me like a fucking baby, but I’ve seen just as much as shit as they have!”
“I know that,” you tell him, catching his wrist, “and you know that. Please leave my countertop out of it.”
The joke seems to get through to him, because he laughs, slapping his other hand over his face as a grin breaks across his face. “God, I’m sorry, sunshine.”
“Don’t be sorry,” you laugh, keeping your fingers curled around his wrist, “just don’t break my countertop.”
You both dissolve into laughter after that, Benny pulling you into a big hug. “I am sorry, though. I didn’t mean to snap like that.”
“It’s okay,” you whisper back, hugging him tightly. Suddenly, there are tears in your eyes, crawling up the back of your throat. You pull your head off his shoulder. “Fish, what did he…what did he say?”
“Dunno,” Ben says, shaking his head. “I didn’t stick around long enough to hear. But he didn’t look happy about it, I can tell you that much.”
You just nod, turning your head, looking out the kitchen window. You have a grassy backyard now, one that gives way to sand and then heads towards the beach. On the water, just like you wanted, just like Frankie promised. And there, standing in the surf, hands jammed in his pockets, is the man himself.
“Is everything all right, sunshine?” Ben asks, hands moving softly to your shoulders. “You look like you’re about to burst into tears.”
“M’fine,” you reply quickly, shaking your head, giving him the same forced smile you’d given Mama. “I just…I gotta go talk to Frankie.”
“Okay,” Ben replies, his voice wary. “If you say so.”
Before you can change your mind or say another word or spill your guts to Ben, you quickstep out the back door and head straight for the beach. The waves roar as you get closer, the sound covering your approach, because as you close in on Frankie, reaching out a hand and curling your fingers around his bicep, he flinches, turning towards you, the shock on his face melting into something else when he sees it’s you.
He pulls his hand from his pocket, loops his arm around your shoulder and pulls you into his side. “Hi, mariposa.”
“You look awfully thoughtful out here by yourself,” you say, your voice just above the sound of the ocean before you. You wrap both arms around his middle, locking your fingers together over his hip. “Everything okay?”
Frankie turns his head, presses his mouth to your hair. “Ben didn’t tell you?” He kisses your head. “I saw you run after him when he stormed off.”
“He told me,” you say, scrunching your toes in the sand as the waves lap up towards your ankles, covering your feet in bubbly water. “Six months down South.” When he doesn’t reply right away, you continue: “That’s a long time, Frankie.”
He nods against your head, making a little humming noise. “It’s a lot of money, querida,” he tells you, and slowly, his hand moves up and down your arm to your shoulder, finger pressing in slightly, toying with the sleeve of your t-shirt. “It could be good for us.”
Your heart sinks into your wet toes. He’s actually considering it. You can hear it in his voice, there’s a chance he might do this. And just like that, it all comes surging out of you.
“You can’t go, Fish,” you say, and you can hear the panic in your voice. Frankie nearly jumps, arm loosening around you so he can turn you towards him, reaching for you. His hands lift to your face, and you can feel hot tears rushing down your cheeks as you keep talking. “You can’t. I’m gonna need you six months from now, even more than I need you right now.”
His eyes are wide with confusion, brow furrowing as he wipes the tears from your face. “Cariño, what’s going on? What’s wrong?”
“You can’t go, Frankie, please.”
“Six months from now, what do you mean? Are you sick?” You can see the fear creep in now, his breath hitching a little. “What’s happening? Baby, tell me, please.”
“I’m pregnant,” you say, the words falling out of you as another wave crashes against the sand. “Frankie, I’m pregnant.”
He just stares at you a long moment, mouth dropped open in surprise, hands still on your face. You can feel his fingers twitching against your cheeks, and you find yourself holding your breath. You can’t tell if he’s about to smile or frown, but then…
“We’re gonna have a baby?” he asks, and damn it all, if his whole face doesn’t just light up the like the Fourth of July. “You’re pregnant?” 
“You’re happy about this?” you ask, and his jaw drops further.
“Happy? Querida, I’m ecstatic!” He drops his arms around your waist, lifting you up out of the sand and against him, spinning in a circle before he sets you back on his feet and gives you a soft kiss. But then he stops, pulling back. “Wait. Are you…do you want this?” He puts one hand beneath your chin, knuckles under your jaw so you look up at him. “This is your call, baby, you know that, right? I’m happy, but only if you’re happy. Only if this is what you want. If you don’t, then I’ll do whatever I have to, drive to fucking Canada if we need to—”
You cut him off with a kiss, your heart swelling at his words. “I want this, Frankie. I want this with you.”
frankie morales tags: @steadyasthe-flowers @iamskyereads @ancientbeing10 @woomen23 @plutoneu @pedropascalsx @allfoolsinluv @williamjzanders @winchestershiresauce @lunarpenumbra @bluestuesday @i-simp-much @itspdameronthings @trickstersp8 @kirsteng42 @lovesbiggerthanpride @beskarprincessjenny @loonymagizoologist @trinkets01 @mashomasho @greeneyedblondie44 @tanzthompson @fiscinthirst @mswarriorbabe80 @vickytogisa @dead-pool-simp @ruhro7 @thevoiceinyourheadx @littlemisspascal @mrssarahpaulsooonn @allthe-ships @fictionismyreality @mrsparknuts
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mass-convergence · 4 months
A collarary to the advice of "they'll read it if they want to and they won't if they don't" is - they need to find it. People not reading your work is not a mark against its' quality, it's simply evidence that people haven't found it. As a published author myself I get it, it sucks when noone reads your work. It feels that you have put something out into the world and that it is being ignored. But it is not being actively ignored, it is not being judged as poor quality. It simply hasn't been found. Courage and patience. Don't be scared to send links to reviewers or people in other circles.
Sincerely - thank you.
Long, somewhat disorganized, ramble
It is frustrating, and part of this is my (admittedly ADHD related, though trying to blame it solely on that isn’t really getting the full picture) need for instant gratification and complete lack of patience in anything. And the general insecurity that if it doesn’t get some kind of recognition, positive or otherwise, that I’m just showing my whole ass to the world and people are being too polite to mention it. I also have issues with emotional regulation so it literally feels like someone’s squeezing my heart whenever I get into this state.
And I’ll be honest: I’m frustrated with people who have said they’ll read it or check it out and then never do. And I don’t feel like keeping on poking them and asking them if they are. Because I’ve gotten the “I’m sorry I’ve just been so busy” explanation about a hundred times now (only slightly exaggerating).
And I don’t want to call them liars because I’m an adult with a day job and a mountain of responsibilities that I’m only somewhat keeping up with. There’s plenty of stuff I want to watch or consume that I don’t have mental bandwidth to handle. I’ve read the first paragraph of Gideon the Ninth and I want to read more I just haven’t gotten a chance. Which also is lending to mental health issues but we do not have the time to unpack that rn.
This is something I’m passionate about and pouring my heart into and not even getting the bare minimum of support from people who purportedly said they’re interested is not really a fun spot to be in. (And I know one or two of my friends have been reading and I love you guys). My mom said she was gonna read it which is slightly terrifying because she’s not into queer fantasy but she’s also like unabashedly supportive and has been trying to get me to publish my writing and sell my art for goddamn ages. I’m not on the level of Tolkien or Pratchett or Gaiman (Martin you stay the fuck out of this) and I’m not trying to be them either. But I think I’m like decent.
And I guess I took some of the advice when I was writing fanfic that “well people who aren’t interested won’t read it so don’t worry about posting cringe” and extrapolated it to original fic. Which isn’t a 1:1 - people legitimately do not give a shit about other’s OCs unless they’re given a reason to care.
Side note: Partially the reason that while I could advertise this (and probably should) as a story lead by queer protags, two of whom are POCs, that doesn’t really tell you anything about them. Aside from representation. Admittedly: I’m not too great at self promo because I feel like I’m hyping me and my story telling ability way too much. Which is a self fulfilling prophecy when I inevitably don’t get any bites.
It’s a rough situation all around and frankly demotivating. Part of the reason I just didn’t post on Thursday because I was just so damn tired of posting and having to deal with the pain over and over again. I have a huge buffer of words and chapters and I’m frankly having a hard time deciding if I should keep posting them. I mean my last chapter didn’t get any notes except for the one reblog … which was my own fucking reblog onto this blog.
And I think I’ve come a long way from like not disparaging my own shit. I love my writing. I love my art. I just hate sharing it and not getting the same level of excitement I feel to tell a story I want to tell.
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sinsandsweetness · 5 months
So…. Slight update on the boyfriend.
he’s now Lieutenant Dan, not Hershel Greene anymore. At least he’s finally out of the goddamn hospital. if you don’t get the reference, in Forrest Gump, he has a lieutenant that gets his legs amputated. And his story arc is just so heartbreaking but in the end it’s so beautiful. Gary Sinise’s life was changed by playing that role. Seriously.
anyway, so now I’m kind of processing it. I was already kind of expecting it but it’s different once you are informed.
and now I’m just like… thinking back to how Merle had to cut off his own freaking hand, and how Hershel and then Aaron dealt with their own experiences. Thankfully it’s not zombies here but still.
I wonder if there’s any one shots or stories that deal with that. I guess I should write something but it would be interesting to see something where Rick, Daryl, Merle, or Negan, or even Shane, has to deal with cutting off their own foot, due to a zombie bite or something, and they eventually meet reader, or they’re with her at the time, and they’re worried she won’t accept him because they’re “no longer whole” or something. Heaven forbid someone with a disability has a sex life. I know, it’s not something everyone thinks about until it happens to them. Or a character they love, at least.
thankfully, fandom and fanfiction are a way I can help myself deal with this journey. Boyfriend really does like the screenshots of the good stuff I send him, lol. Yours are a favorite and he enjoys getting them after his physical therapy, which apparently is a bitch and he hates it….
“You’ll have to try harder than that to get rid of me, you know” you told your boyfriend, who was frowning up at you from his bed, bandages wrapping his stump, all the way up to the knee which was hidden under blankets as if he was trying to hide it.
which he was.
“I can’t do this no more.”
“I’ll do it all, and kick your ass too.” You tell him bluntly as you rip off the blankets. “Now, up, do you want me to hold your dick while you pee too?” he scowled at you, but the line in between his eyes had disappeared, and the darkness in his eyes had lightened slightly. He silently pushed himself up off of the bed and turned himself so he was sitting on the edge of the bed, his bare foot resting on the ground.
“I won’t bite, the last guy that bit you paid for it dearly.” You say with a smile as he grunted. You eyed him with excitement, maybe you’d reward him really nicely when he was back in bed, making the effort more pleasant…..
Oh gosh. That will be quite the adjustment I’m sure. I’m glad he’s alright, but definitely sorry that he’s going through another amputation. I hope that his recovery is quick and as easy as it can be. It’s a good thing that he has you as a loving support system💗
And that’s the beauty of fiction/fandom. It’s the best escape for so many people.
I can say I’d love if you wrote something like this. I know in the comics, Rick loses his arm so that’s immediately where my mind goes (because I can’t not think about Rick) but I love how twd normalizes disabilities with all the amputations, Merle, Hershel, Aaron, Lydia, and other disabilities like Connie. It makes the show that much more realistic and relatable. I love it.
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carduelism · 2 years
A collection of my thoughts after/during each chapter of The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt:
5/7/2022 - 14/8/2022
(Will contain spoilers, obviously)
Chapter One: Boy with a Skull
Jesus, I can already tell this is going to be a rough read for me. The start, the first line I believe, where he mentions his mother has set up my expectations for this book to revolve a lot around mother-hood and a relationship between a son and his mother.
WHILE I WAS STILL in Amsterdam, I dreamed about my mother for the first time in years.
As someone who has very strong ties to his mother and actively depends on her for advice and help I already know that this story is going to end up being super personal for me. (As well as the whole deadbeat father issue, though for me I’m still a little more attached to mine).
Theodore Decker, who I have nicknamed Little Guy for some odd reason, so far has been incredibly written and I am very excited for his character to be explored more in the rest of the novel. He so far he is definitely fighting for the stop spot of my top teen protagonist. He is a teen, flawed, anxious but also incredibly bright and not annoying or to standoff-ish (I find those traits very common when writing teens and it is so annoying lmao). Very very excited for more of Little Guy.
Also I love his mother, Ms Decker is what I will call her because I’m to lazy to recall a first name, even though I have knowledge that she dies I can’t help but appreciate her love and fascination for art. I aspire to be as knowledgable as her when it comes to discussing art pieces.
Chapter 2: The Anatomy Lesson
Ouch. This chapter really fuckin’ hurts, more than the last.
WHEN I WAS LITTLE, four or five, my greatest fear was that some day my mother might not come home from work.
The first line, once again, is all ready relatable which helped me immediately infer that this chapter would end up impacting me a significant amount.
Little Guy, Theo, helping the old man even when he himself was injured was absolutely beautiful. As I’ve stated before, I’m so glad that he isn’t just a bitchy little teenager and that he is actually shown to be decently selfless when it comes to the wellbeing of others.
Back on track to me being all angsty and sad about his mother though. Theo had so much goddamn hope that his mother survived the bombing of the museum, he had so much hope that he didn’t even stop to question if his mother was truly alive, he just ran home knowing that she would be there. The whole time he was waiting in the apartment waiting for his mother to come home it took everything in me not to cry though I have to admit I whimpered “No, Little Guy :(“ at some point which was cat judged me for.
I have not watched the film yet but I’m so excited to see the cinematography of this entire chapter (more specifically the scene where he gets the call about his mother’s status) because I just know that I’m going to get stabbed and bleed out in tears.
Chapter 3: Park Avenue
I haven’t finished the chapter yet but I’d just like to talk about how much I love Andy as a friend towards Little Guy. Like, I want him to be my friends because he sounds like a genuinely fun guy to be around.
Also like damn, the author definetly wasn’t afraid of saying ‘faggot’ lol. Not even 100 pages through yet but that already pulled out a full on slur lmao. I do doubt that it would be used again though, mainly because I really really hope that I don’t have to read about Theo getting bullied in depth.
…boys who tripped us and shoved us and slammed locker doors on our hands, who tore up our homework and spat in our milk, who called us maggot and faggot and dickhead …
I’m loving Andy but I want Boris now! I’ve heard about him and he needs to hurry up and be mentioned in the book, like come on man! I want to read about you being helplessly in love with Theo! (Boris and Theo’s whole thing has been the only thing spoiled to me so far, luckily.)
Back on Andy because something about him just completely messed up my reading schedule and I just have to speak up abt it.
the sleek little phone with an anime still of Virtual Girl Aki (naked, in porny thigh-high boots) on the lock screen.
Sir, Andy, my guy, we need to sit down and have a talk because I knew you would have a lock screen like that but I still prayed that he wouldn’t. The fact that it’s just straight up admitted makes me though more and as well as the fact that it just comes out of no where 💀 It was so serious—the possibility of Little Guy meeting some sort of family friend of his—but then this fucker pulls out his anime girl lock screen.
(Just read spoilers about him dying, sorry for bullying the dead boy lmao)
Chapter 4: Morphine Lollipop
I am up to just a bit into VI and of course I love Pips, I’m glad that she is okay and survived by a miracle but I’m all on board with her aunt taking her to Texas. Like yes queen, seperate the straights because Theo, Little Guy, this is not you. You just don’t know it yet.
Also also time for me to be more angtsy about my new found affinity with Little Guy’s daddy issues.
“Who knows? He ditched us.”
“Good riddance?”
“Well—” I shrugged—“I don’t know. Sometimes he was okay. […] There was a lot of yelling and stuff. It was mostly him doing it. But—” uncomfortably aware that I’d said more than I meant to—“it was mainly him making a bunch of noise. Like—oh, I don’t know, like when he had to stay with me, when she had to work? He was always in a really bad mood. I
This is the exact way that I think of my own father, make that of what you will, and I really despise how accurate and painful it is. What makes it so painful is that he wasn’t an ‘okay’ dad, he was a shitty dad and thats pretty evident. But since Theo was facing this abuse, a like me, he downplays it and just says he’s ‘okay’. HE’S NOT AN OKAY DAD LITTLE GUY! Now watch my continue to call my dad okay.
Just started XVII, by that I mean I’m like three paragraphs into it, and my god, HIS FATHER??
I stood frozen in the doorway. The voice was unmistakable: my father.
Mate I was just shit talking him and now he has appeared in the book, I goddamn jinxed it. If he dare puts up and act in front of the Barbours, acting all cute and stuff as if he’s a good dad, then I’m going to die right here right now. I really really hope he doesn’t get custody of Little Guy, like Hobie should be his new father please, not him. Praying to god that his father wont put a single hand of my boy, Theo.
Yeah, just finished the chapter, finished 1/5 parts of the book, and holy shit my boy is moving :(
Farewell to Andy, Kitsey, all the other Barbours, and maybe farewell Hobie. Idk the last line of the chapter was funky:
He pushed open the door, and I walked out of the house—for the last time, as I thought. But though I had no idea I’d ever be seeing him again, about this I was wrong.
Like, Theo! That’s really damn ominous my boy 😭 Why do you have to go see Hobie again and why are you so creepy about it. Do you need him to restore you a coffin because you murdered someone in the future? Theo????
I’m very excited for Theo to finally move and go to a new school because I really need some Boris right now and I’m tired of reading the book without him. Boris this part please.
Chapter 5: Badr al-Dine
Woo! They’re finally heading to Nevada which means more story and please please please means that Boris will introduce himself.
When Little Guy was thinking to himself about how he will miss Goldie and the other doorman but he doesn’t ever verbalise the thought because ‘it would come out gay’. Come on man, your internalised homophobia is showing as well as the toxic masculinity you probably gained from your father 😭😭
“I—” I was going to miss them, but it seemed gay to come out and say so.
Also like just as I began to think that damn, with a turn of events Theo’s dad isn’t an ass anymore and no longer an alcoholic, his dad had a change of heart and began to be an ass again. I had hope for you, Mr. Decker!
So… Little Guy is not very innocent and little anymore. He sure loves doing his drugs and drinking beer with Boris. He sure loves Boris. Little Guy has grown out of his nickname in only a few months, guess I have to start just calling him Theo again.
Chapter 6: Wind, Sand and Stars
The chapters are beginning to get ridiculously long so I think I’m only half way through this one but so much shit has happened lmao.
So Boris has a girlfriend, Kotku, who is eighteen, right? And then Theo comments how she is three years older than them so that makes Boris fifteen? Listen, I would maybe be okay if Boris was sixteen, it’s not ethical in any way but it is at least legal. Once again though Boris isn’t the person to go to if you need something done legally.
I love Boris but my god, if he was really and I would either be terrified of him (fifteen year olds are scary, okay?) or I would go out of my way to shit talk him everyday. Mate is a druggie so early into his life so I can tell it ain’t gonna get any better for him, poor bud. Actually nvm. Not poor bud, just remembered he said a racial slur twice. Was it in character? Yeah, I suppose, since he picks ups on english that strangers use, but was it necessary to include? No. Love ya’ Boris but you need to fix your vocabulary.
Alot of things happened when I stopped updating but let me scream about it in order:
Theo admitted that he and Boris have fucked. He was so defensive about it as well, not word for word but basically what he was saying; “I’m not gay, I swear, I’m just jealous about Kotku. No! Not because me and Boris have fucked before, I can’t even remember that! [insert a rough description about how it happened and describing an 0rg@$sm]”. This boy…
And yet (this was the murky part, this was what bothered me) there had also been other, way more confusing and fucked-up nights, grappling around half-dressed, weak light sliding in from the bathroom and everything haloed and unstable without my glasses: hands on each other, rough and fast, kicked- over beers foaming on the carpet—fun and not that big of a deal when it was actually happening, more than worth it for the sharp gasp when my eyes rolled back and I forgot about everything;
My guy… my boy… this is the gayest shit ever. I tried explain this to my mother as well (because when ever I mention a gay relationship in my book she is always convinced I’m just over-exaggerating and making everything gay lol) and it was awkward because I was like “um yeah so ma’ I think they are gay because they um-“ and then I just handed her the book and it was so funny because she was laughing at the fact that I can not say the word ‘sex’ in front of her without being embarrassed (something my father practiced with me lol, I can’t talk about anything sexual aloud anymore).
Jesus. I got a bit off-topic and personal but I’m back.
But next event in the story:
“Potter—” he followed after me.
“There is something important I have to tell you.”
“Boris,” I said, turning, “what the mother fuck. What is it?” I said, as we stood and stared at each other. “If you have something to say, go on and say it.”
“Am afraid it will make you mad.”
“What is it? What have you done?”
Boris was silent, gnawing the side of his thumb.
“Well, what?”
He looked away. “You need to stay,” he said vaguely. “You’re making a mistake.”
When I was reading this I was gripping on the page (I’m actually reading a digital version so I was not quote gripping on the ‘page’, it was actually my bed sheet but that sounds like it belong in some smutty work) and freaking out. It didn’t hit and I didn’t even ask myself if this was about him being love with Theo and I just assumed it was about either more death, more debt or drugs. Glad it wasn’t lmao
Chapter 7: The Shop-Behind-the-Shop
Mediocre chapter lmao. This chapter was one of my fastest read throughs and nothing of severe note happened. Sure, Theo got temporarily adopted by Hobie and he might’ve had at least one actual conversation with Pippa (icky, get away from the woman Theo, I know what you are) but honestly nothing I was screaming about.
Chapter 8: The Shop-Behind-the-Shop, continued
Still mediocre and boring lol. Theo got into his weird school thing, good for him but jesus he got my anxiety going from the stress of waiting for an acceptance letter. He also found a hiding place for The Goldfinch but just gonna be honest here, shitty spot, like I wouldn’t trust that it hadn’t been stolen if it wasn’t constantly in my view.
Also like oh my god! His apartment is destroyed and he’s so fucking sad about ittt. Theo it’s gonna be okay :( I’m sure someone has your mother’s stuff. Having to hold back tears right now because my boyfriend keeps looking at me weirdly, he mustn’t see me cry over a fictional character (again)
Chapter 9: Everything of Possibility
This chapter already has me in shock; an eight year time skip? Really? Smh. We missed all the fun stuff like his first legal drink since his time with Boris (I’m sure Hobie wouldn’t have allowed him to drink while he was staying with his) and I suppose his time at school, like isn’t this dark academia? WHERE IS THE ACADEMIA
Wait but Platt is back and… both Andy and Mr. Barbour are dead?? Miss Donna skipped a lot of the fun stuff in this time skip, like Theo is learning his old best friend died a few months after his death. Theo is learning this way too late and I imagine he probably feels super guilty for not checking in on the Barbours when he first entered this city
Chapter 10: The Idiot
Donna Tartt went straight into this chapter and was like “yep, Kitsey and Theo are dating now and they have always been in love.” Like ma’am where are you getting this from. Kitsey and Theo being in love since childhood is even more of a stretch than Boris and Theo being in love since childhood.
Also Theo is being watch by people I’m going to assume are people Reeve had hired (Reeve’s men, probs gonna call em’ that) and this book is starting to get scary. Like what is Reeve gonna do to get The Goldfinch from Theo if not some form of abuse, manipulation or torture. A simple conversation with Theo no matter what will never end with him handing the painting over. Honestly even if Reeve threatened to kill his fiancé, my man honestly wouldn’t care much lmao.
Also Theo is currently look into a bar and I got spoilers that he and Boris meet in one so when ever a bar is mentioned from now on I just freak out and start to scream whenever one is mentioned. I’m a little fangirly (gender neutral) over them boys. He’s going in one now eeeeeekkkkk
Sorry. That was unprofessional, let me get serious again because who is this Myriam lady and why is even Boris scared of her. Also not this man biting his lip and seeming flustered around Theo, what a gay man he is.
Boris, Boris was scared to come back to Theo because he thought he would be mad. He thought Theo would be mad because he thought that he already knew that the painting was gone and that Boris stole it. Boris is an overthinker and it fucking hurts so much. I LOVE YOU BORIS AND THEO WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER TOO ITS OKAY BB BOY
Also the fact that Boris has stopped Theo from killing himself multiple times is fucking murdering me. He doesn’t want to loose him but Theo can’t see that and feels as if he is alone. Fuck me mannnn this book is so sad now. Boris asking Theo about what that cut was on his face and you cant tell me that Boris wasn’t praying that Theo didn’t cut himself on purpose. For sakes of more angst this chapter, I need Theo to try to kill himself again but then Boris saving him for one last time.
Bro, why did Kitsey think it was a good idea to cheat on her boyfriend WITH HIS BULLY. What were your thoughts my dear Kitsey, WHAT WERE YOU THINKINGGGG. My girlie is in a silly goofy mood and the ice is getting thinner. If Theo had a menty b over this then booooo Kitsey, you suckkkk, you suck Tom Cable’s dickkkkkk
So he confronted her after Boris told him to do so (very submissive of him /j) and my god… the result to me is quite amusing. The fact that Kitsey thought it was okay to continue to see Tom up until her and Theo’s marriage is absurd. Listen, I know some shit is going down that I don’t think I’ve quite gotten to but I need to punch Tom because it’s all 100% his fault but Kitsey my girlllll you should’ve told Theo about this shit before it blew up.
During the confrontation may I just say, Theo was micromanaging the way he spoke, reacted, and expressed his emotions and yeah, me too bud. Hyperfixate on trying to keep calm when you were obviously not.
ALSO PIPPA IS BACK!!!! MY BABY GIRL!!! The way that Theo always describes her hair is quite hilarious though. Donna, you can’t keep describing her hair because you are eventually going to run out if words. Idc if Theo is obsessed with her hair, the descriptors are starting to get tiring. (Also he commented on how she had bitten down her nails or something and related it to how Boris did the same. Stop comparing your lovers to your boyf riend challenge!!!)
Um Theo just recalled him at 16 dating a 27 year old. Theo… are you good? You seem totally desensitised to this shit because of Boris and Kotku but DATING SOMEONE ALMOST 12 YEARS OLDER THAN YOU IS NOT GOOD! Theo baby boy you need to go to a therapist for more things than just the bombing, you were fucking groomed!
He’s currently at his engagement party (ik, why is it still happeninggg my guy she cheated on you) and some rando creepy dude is here but so is BORIS! Boris is fun and good and eeeeeeekkkkk I love him.
Chapter 11: The Gentleman’s Canal
I keep forgetting this is here and I keep ranting on discord instead of here so let me just catch you up on my thoughts on this chapter rq
I’m up to a section in The Idiot where Pippa and Theo are on a date and it’s so interesting… Pippa is another survivor of the bombing that almost killed both her and Theo and I feel like that love is so special to both of them but Theo is translating the nostalgia of their connection as something romantic when it truly isnt. Theo has this thing, I’ve noticed, where he thrives for nostalgia. Reason why he started dating his fiancé? She was his bestfriends sister during childhood. The reason he continues to do drugs even after Boris influenced him to do so? Sure, probably addiction but also the addiction to nostalgia. The reason he is in love with Pippa? Nostalgia. She reminds him of the last moments of his life when everything was truly in order
In addition to this, they play Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex during this scene in the movie which at first I thought was very odd (homophobic? Erasing his relation with a man and in turn making him crush on a girl?) but it definitely is used in a platonic way or at most from Theo’s perspective (where he displays his obsession with nostalgia as romance). *’sharing secrets with each other since we were kids’* very nostalgia based romance of you Theo
Chapter 12: The Rendezvous Point
So basically, Boris who was always characterised as the one of the ONLY characters to not simply give Theo and then push him away but instead gave him actual affection pulled a homophobia AND GAVE HIM DRUGS AND PUSHED HIM AWAY AHHHHH🔫🔫🔫 Theo is all sad about that (he was kinda happy abt the drugs but he’s an addict leave him alone)
And then shit got really bad right
Theo was aimlessly flicking through the television channels and he ended up watch a film his FATHER acted in and that triggered him to think about HOW MUCH HE IS LIKE HIS DAD and I’m literally going to die because me too Theo Decker!! Daddy issue mf bitch
Anyway I think he is gonna try to kill himself now so thats fun!
…I only said he was trying to kill himself as a joke but I think its serious now guys
I want to die,
RIP comfort chara 🤭🤭
Hahah heheh so cute Donna Tartt dont make him do this please
Act of rebellion. Life: vacant, vain, intolerable. What loyalty did I owe it? None whatsoever. Why not beat Fate to the punch? Throw the book on the fire and be done with it? There was no end in sight to the present horror, plenty of external, empirical horror to line up with my own endogenous
He’s talking about how his body feels like a marionette to his own actions and I literally cant rn
*insert picture of marionette from fnaf bc im to lazy to find one rn*
So he survived and he just compared Boris to his father…
Something in me had gone dead at the sight of him, almost like with my dad when I was a kid,
Ten pages left 🤠 I am so fucking sad holy shit please dont finish I dont want this to end when this ends I am going to scream and I cant do that its 12:03 at night c’mon
3 pages…
Whoah im emotional and still reading but Screensaver by Wilbur Soot just started playing and my god I am litearlly dead. I have not heard this song in ages and it’s reminding me of the start of my MCYT phase but Im reading about the end of something im crying stfu Wimblur Shit
2 pages…
1 page…
I cant read it, at least right now. It’s like the square of chocolate, yk, I want to eat it but then it would be gone and I cant enjoy it after that. I dont want this to finish but here I go.
I have started the final page
Closed the book.
It’s done Im so fucking upset 😭😭🤮
Anyway lets ignore that fact that I will never be able to experience this for the first time again and focus on what Mr Decker said
And—I would argue as well—all love. Or, perhaps more accurately, this middle zone illustrates the fundamental discrepancy of love. Viewed close: a freckled hand against a black coat, an origami frog tipped over on its side.
A freckled hand—Pippa’s presumably—against a black coat—Boris?—an origami frog tipped over on its side—Pippa.
No but I cant wtf is this ending Theo this isn’t good enough baby boy.
I am sad but guess no more saving this post to my drafts anymore. The Goldfinch is done.
20 notes · View notes
Multiple story time:
Listening to your music made me super duper sad when I was sick cuz I couldn’t breathe and probably because I couldn’t sing along. I can mimic your voice probably the best out of any mimic singing I do. It’s just THAT WAY. I don’t know why, sometimes it’s kinda creepy. I’m not about to sing along in like…. Opera style. Unless you had some opera type music of course lol. Lyyyyyke, I wouldn’t sing like Frank Sinatra if I was singing along to a Britney Spears song ya kno. Hmm… that actually sounds like a super fuckn awesome combo though. 🧐 hm…
I was actually getting REALLY fuckin pissed after my natural, bored, monotone, robotic-sounding speaking voice came back. Yes I am aware that when I am bored, it is annoyingly obvious. Haha. BUT still, !GONE! was my loud and beloved shrill-squeak “Gibby voice”. The Gibby voice is just an adjustment of my ‘Courtney is really excited’ voice. Going further back, as I’ve said before (because I definitely repeat myself on here for the purpose of releasing repetitive, maddening energies)…the Gibby voice is originally a toned down derivative of *THE* Penny voice. However, not NEARLY as loud. Penny was VERY loud. Penny was definitely my loudest character voice EVER…and that’s pretty fuckin loud, man. I gta show you Penny. I can’t believe I haven’t taken a photo of her and shown you yet. Wow. My entire family, especially my aunt Nancy and my mom, STILL fkn talk about Penny and how gdamn loud she was. When I was a kid, doing my pretend Penny talking, they would say things like “Penny is quite loud for this time of night. I think Penny needs to go to bed.” Hahaha. I just drooled cranberry juice laughing. I got cranberry juice on my favorite white comforter!!! Nooo!!! Fuck, hold on a sec…
Okay I’m back. They also STILL use a bunch of funny quotes from things that I or Penny said in all seriousness, when I was just a kid. I’ll have to ask them which ones they remember and write them down. There are many..& they are more adult-sounding than something that came from the mouth of a five year old. I’ve always been crazy. Who cares.
They also still laugh about the time at Watercountry, when I started with some huge, fat-muscled, bald, biker dude w a Hell’s Angels tattoo. Started w him at the lazy river, over an inner tube that I was reaching for first. That dirty, dirty , kid piss-filled place. Ugh. Anyway, I mean, this guy SAW that I almost had it. Plus, I was super young and wanted to be with my cousin, not ALONE sitting in a huge fuckin tube that I could barely move in, in order to catch up w her. Like wtf dude. So I got pissed when he just grabbed it and didn’t give it to me. I even remember that this guy was fuckin by himself. Like ..DA FUK?! So I grabbed the tube out of his hands and gave him a “really dude?” kind of child mean mug. My mom said that he looked at her and my aunt like “Yo, your fucking kid has some nerve to do that to ME.” So they look at each other n then looked at him like “🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t know man, I didn’t do it…I didn’t birth her.” haha.
“I didn’t birth her, I just bought her.” Bahahaha. 😏 N I was candidly, off and relaxing in MYYY goddamn inner tube.
Rewind for a second, I hate the spelling of the word squeak too.. remember my minor bitch fit over the word “tweak” not having two Es? Same animal here. Even Jillian Jigz HATED tweak not having two es and she’s a grammar tyrant. She even spelled it with two Es. Mostly because that word for us meant something on a whole other level, kind of making it a whole different word. I suck at spelling sometimes. Most words I have misspelled were either done on purpose… or I was braindead at the moment. My entire self likes to fly around in the atmosphere by myself sometimes. Oh yeah, or if I’m using speak type, it likes to use the wrong word entirely. The new download for my shit iPhone, my spell check and my speaky typey was absolutely at a disconnect with life…& my soul. It’s getting much better now. Definitely learning my way of talking muuuuuch better. If my speak type was a real human, it would have already hung itself from a rafter.
Speaking of my flying around in the atmosphere and day dreaming. Once at the end of the year, one of my teachers told us all to stand at the blackboard (yes it was actually still a blackboard) …actually it was a super vintage green board. Yup, chalk. I don’t know why it was green but that specific section of the school was complete with fantastically-rusted 60s hardware and appliances. So, standing in front of our decked out 60’s style accommodated classroom, this teacher went and sat at every person’s desk, mocking aka doing his best impression of each person in the class. IAs soon as I knew what his plan was I was thinking… oh no….😬. But when he got to me, he just sat there and stared out the window. I would always just sit there and stare out the window at the two huge maple trees that blew so pretty pretty in the wind. The school was on top of a huge hill, so they were always dancing. Wachusett was HUGE and now, it’s even bigger. Sometimes you couldn’t even get to class in time because five minutes wasn’t long enough to beat the traffic to your next class. This fucking math teacher that used to drool and spit and have fun with the sides of her mouth had menopause and would open the windows in winter. She was such a bitch about it and said if we didn’t bring a jacket then tough cookies we wouldn’t be able to go get it. Nobody was able to go get their jacket in between classes, it was impossible. She probably knew this and did it on purpose and said that on purpose because she was a fucking client I’ve been looking for her online for years to send her awful messages and I can’t find her ass. I’m not even joking. I already sent one of my math teachers messages about how much he’s basically a piece of shit. Everyone hated her. She drooled on one of my homework pieces one time and I circled it and I wrote Mrs. Tolis drooled on this” and purposely passed it in. This is the same teacher that grabbed Julian‘s homework off of my desk that I was making for her and crumbled it up and threw it in the trash because on the back of it I was drawing a picture of her being rabbit and drooling like a dog. I don’t know if she saw it or not but I hope she did. Before she could walk away I grabbed it back and then the whole classroom gasped and then she grabbed it back from me. It’s like bitch that’s someone’s homework.. TF?! She almost got fired one year cuz, funny enough Meredith, the nose flarer’s sister told us she taught the wrong material for a complete semester. Good times. They ripped outcthe best parts of the school and made it ugly and boring. There was this huge glass staircase at the front of the school. A shit load of people fell down that thing many times but who cares it was so cool. Now it’s gone the year after we graduated in 2003 they ripped out everything and redid the parts they ripped out. Now it looks stupid. my other favorite part of the school was the incredibly creepy gymnasium in the back. There were two gymnasiums in the front and then one down a really narrow creepy hallway which had other hallways that led to it that were never lit. The downstairs bathroom was creepy too.. because you had to use another long narrow creepy hallway that was never lit to get to it. Then there was a few really weird classrooms down in the basement where that lone bathroom was, that had tables and desks and chairs all toppled all over each other in it and they didn’t use either of them. They could’ve totally used that for so much stuff but for some odd reason they didn’t use it. I bet somebody got killed in there or something and they didn’t want to use it. So they kept throwing old broken shit on top of the last old broken shit that they threw in there. It looks like a wood bonfire except it was old metal chairs and desks. Shit’s probably haunted or something. Lol. It looked like a perfect place for a haunted, abandoned school horror movie or somethin. It was awesome. They bulldozed ALL of that away. That’s some despicable bs I tell you. We were the last year students to use it which was weird.
Even in middle school we had this really old hallway for the seventh and eighth grade wing. We were the last grade to use that old shit too, so they let us draw pictures and write all over it. Of course a ton of people just wrote a bunch of shit about other people and people got in trouble. My friend Joe had the most pink slips out of anybody in our grade & probably out of any grade that has ever been there. It was over 40 I think it was like 45 or something actually I’m gonna ask him because it might’ve even been in the 50s. At one point in time he didn’t give a shit and he purposely kept trying to get pink slips to see how many he could get by the end of 8th grade, the last year we were there. Eighth grade isn’t always the last year out of school. West Boylston school had the middle school wings connected to the high school wings..because it was so small. They never gave homework and it was the easiest shit ever it was like retard school. Anyway I love to change subjects it’s fine. Anyway, A lot of his pink slips were for really stupid shit. Like, talking. “Oh no! He spoke again! Send him down to the principal!”
There was this one time in 8th grade Spanish class when I said something funny outloud, I don’t remember what I said but he could not stop laughing and had to go in the hallway. Every time he came back in after he was done laughing, I would look at him and he would just start laughing n had to go back in the hallway. Fuckin Joe, good times man, gooooood, good fuckin times.
Speaking of that specific Spanish class…the teacher, Mrs. Scarcella, would always say “AAAAHORA!” aka “Noooow…” At LEAST ten times before moving on to the next subject during EVERY freaking class. She’d flare out her nostrils and would say it the exact same way every damn time, unnecessarily. So the one time when she actually had us do something remotely interesting for a project grade, Jigz & I got a bunch of the girls we could tolerate, together to do this Spanish skit. We had to make a fake weather report or some shit and do the whole thing in Spanish (obviously) and every person had to do something different, but it all had to be weather reports. Fuckin stupid idea, there’s only one weather report during the news. 🤷🏻‍♀️ We all thought it was stupid so we basically just used the skit for the purpose of mocking our obnoxious and bitchy teacher. So before everyone’s skit we all said “AAAAHORA!” . I already felt disgusting about how I looked at the time so I refused to flare my nostrils like the teacher. I’m laughing this is funny, but this girl Meredith flared her nostrils like I’ve never seen before in my life and I’m still fuckn happy about it.
Fuck I just erased a whole paragraph. Anyway…For my skit I chose to mock that new twister movie at the time. So I was on crutches and pretended I got hit by the cow that was flying through the air.. I was sitting in Jill’s basement on a very old push-up type of work out table. I don’t know what it’s fucking called but you know those tables that people lay down on and push the weights up and then it comes down on those little forks or whatever. I was sitting on one of those things with crutches and laughing my ass off because Jill was being insane behind the camera. It was all so frickin insane that I literally fucking pissed my pants cuz I was laughing that hard. I legit pissed myself at the end of my skit so I was hobbling out of the scene when I was done…to get away, because I basically pissed myself on camera. Oh my god.  my cousin used to make me laugh so hard when I was a kid I always had to bring changes of underwear when I went over her house because it was just insane. But as I got older that happened much less, mostly because life sucked way more as it usually does when we get older. But yeah that time I absolutely pissed myself laughing and I couldn’t believe it which made me laugh even harder. So, we kept it…we kept it in the skit… because I didn’t wanna do it again. So there is a VHS tape somewhere where I am legit pissing my pants and fake hobbling away on crutches, while barely being able to breathe. Good times.
No, not done. Jillian chose rain. So I had a hose and I was trying to spray it up, putting my thumb over the hole to make it spray outwards, but it ended up spraying her directly in the face. She used liquid eyeliner at the time, so she had blackness just dripping everywhere down her face. The whole scene was of her outside in her driveway screaming “Está lloviendo!” over and over again. She couldn’t breathe either, due to me spraying her directly in the face. It was far away enough where it didn’t hurt her, but it was completely right in her face. We also kept that take, we didn’t redo that either.
Now, aka AAHORA! The most glorious part of the entire skit…the metronome. Jill had this antique metronome on top of her antique piano, that we set to a very slow tempo to put in a scene between every person’s skit. But it wasn’t just the metronome-meeheeeeee-we all were standing in a line, in the back of her living room table, while the metronome was in the forefront, slowly ticking away, as our heads and our pigtails bounced slowly from side to side matching the metronome lever. We did that EVERY time, in between every person’s skit. I believe there were seven of us. Jillian, myself, Melissa(cunt) Michelle (got pregnant at 15, has five kids and still is w the same guy. Fuckin BRAvO to her man. She gets some serious Courtney brownie points), Christina (cried at the roller rink because she couldn’t skate and we didn’t skate with her. But to be fair it was physically impossible for us to skate that slow)……and last but surely not least, wonderful Meredith, the professional nose flarer. So when we passed in the VHS tape, with the written version of it, we got it back with the grade and a comment which said “Very awkward.” We also watched ALL skits during class one day. We had a bunch of nutjobs in that class. I remember some kid Cody I was crushing on, in his skit he was pretending to be Yoda and had a big sweatshirt over his knees and was like walking around on his knees at Andrew (hotdogcunt’s) house. Nope, not done….The most awkward skit of all, wasn’t meant to be awkward. It was some really bizarre skit made by this other Andrew kid, just wrestling other boys in our grade and had the most obvious boner happening throughout the entire skit. The sweatpants he was always free-balled in made it ten times more obvious. I remember everyone was laughing at all the ridiculous skits until we got to his. Then, fuckin dead silence and looks around the room like…what-the-fuck Andrew#2?! Everybody was looking at everybody else however none of us could look him in the fucking face.  some of us couldn’t look at him ever again, like myself for one. It’s like… “hmm, hey Andrew #2, Did you forget to uhmm.. proof-watch this shit before passing it in?” He was always a weird kid though. Not the fun or funny type of weird either. Just the corny yet pretentious loser type of weird. I will throw him a bone though (no pun intended) and will say, maybe he had a crush on the teacher and knew about it the whole time. Passing it in not knowing the whole class would ALSO be watching it. Really though, I have no idea, maybe he thought the teacher would be impressed with his boner and his wrestling skills. 🤷🏻‍♀️
0 notes
kybabi · 3 years
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telling their s/o that they talk too much
w/ oikawa, atsumu, and sakusa!
(a/n: thank you guys for requesting !!! i really liked this prompt so i decided to write for it :))
there is a little bit of blood in sakusa’s part, but not too much!!
all settings are placed in the timeskip! as always, thank you for your support😽💞)
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you’d always known you could get a little talkative with those you were comfortable with
every time you got passionate about something, words just spewed out of your mouth
thankfully, your boyfriend was quite talkative too
you loved to listen to him talk about volleyball and the team and you loved to talk to him about the things you loved
you never figured that your habits had bothered him
but when he snapped at you about it one day, you figured you’d misread him
tooru sighs. honestly, he just wants to go to bed.
the day has been quite long. he overworked his muscles, which are now aching quite painfully, and he’s been exhausted all day.
but you’re still going on about something that he really doesn’t care about, and he doesn’t have the energy to pretend he does.
“they had these really adorable decorations at the store, and i was thinking about buying a couple for our apartment! but then i looked at the price tag, and i decided it was way too pricey anyway,” you ramble, hands flailing around as you talk. oikawa sighs.
“why are you telling me this again?”
you laugh. “well, i’m not done telling you the story! anyways, i walked around the entire store...”
you continue along with your anecdote, and tooru can feel himself getting more irritated with every word.
at a certain point, you realize he’s not paying attention, and sigh. you nudge at him.
“couldn’t you pay attention for one second? i’m trying to tell you—”
“maybe if you didn’t just talk all the goddamn time i’d actually want to hear what you had to say, y/n. i genuinely don’t care whether or not you bought those stupid things from the store, alright?” he mutters before getting up and retreating into the bedroom, slamming it shut.
you deflate, all of the excitement from earlier dissipating. you hadn’t meant to talk so much, but you really wanted to tell him about your day. you thought he’d want to hear about it.
you wait until he’s asleep before you cautiously slip into bed beside him, turning on your side and away from him.
the next day is much better for tooru. it’s a good day for the team; everything seems to be going well. he makes excellent sets and the team appears to be pleased with him. he feels elated.
he comes home, happy to see you after a long day of hard work. he finds you in the kitchen and wraps his arms around your waist, gripping you tightly.
“missed you,” he breathes against you. you smile at him, and he sits down on the stool across from the island.
“man, today was amazing!” he starts, looking back on the day fondly. he rambles about how great his sets felt and how the team just seemed to be on their game and how everything just felt right, and you nod along as he talks.
“what about your day?” he prompts, looking up at you eagerly. you open your mouth to speak, but close it. you shrug instead.
“the same as always, i guess.”
there’s an awkward silence as he waits for you to continue, but the words never come.
“really? that’s hard to believe,” he chuckles, hoping you’ll elaborate, but you kind of just laugh awkwardly, and he can tell that you’ve tensed up.
dinner is no better. it’s awfully quiet, and he’s never seen you like this before. he even throws out those stupid puns you hate, knowing you always laugh at them anyway, but you just look down at your plate and push your food around.
when you slip into bed wordlessly, turning the lamp off, he gets antsy and turns it back on.
“what’s up with you? you’ve barely said a word since i got home.”
you look away.
“that’s what you wanted, isn’t it?” you ask, voice small.
he pauses. “what?”
you stare up at him, and there’s hurt swimming in your eyes that wasn’t there before.
“i just— i didn’t wanna annoy you again. i know you don’t like it when i talk so much.”
his heart begins to sink when he remembers how he completely turned you down yesterday.
he’s always loved how passionate you get when you talk about the things you love and everything that happens in your life. he didn’t mean to make you insecure about that; it’s one of his favorite things about you.
“that’s not true,” he whispers, sitting beside you and pulling you flush against him. “i love it when you get excited about things and wanna tell me about them. i shouldn’t have said the things i told you yesterday,” he mumbles regretfully.
you look up at him, hesitant. “i don’t want to make you mad again.”
he presses a kiss to your temple, dismissing you. “that wasn’t your fault, okay?” you nod, and lean into him.
“now, how about you tell me about your day?”
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you’d always been pretty talkative when it came to the things you loved
you loved to go on and on about your favorite tv shows and your hobbies
thankfully, atsumu himself was generally outgoing
he was able to keep up with you in that aspect
even so, even he could only take so much
atsumu buries his face in his arms. he really just wants to sleep. but at the present moment, you’re still talking about that weird show you like.
“i was really disappointed in this episode. i mean, seriously? the characters were so well-written until they completely ruined them,” you huff, annoyed. 
atsumu nods along, just wanting to turn over and go to sleep. he starts to zone out, thinking of tomorrow’s plans. 
“i really hope the next episode is better. people are saying the manga is a lot better than the show, but i haven’t quite gotten to it yet,” you mumble thoughtfully. he groans, irritated. you look over at him curiously.
he grunts, not saying anything.
“well, like i was saying, the next episode apparently comes out tomorrow! i was thinking we could watch it together after you got home from-”
“could you just be quiet for two seconds? all of your rambling is getting on my nerves,” he mutters, scrubbing a hand over his face and closing his eyes. at his words, you stop, words forgotten.
“right. sorry.”
you turn the lamp off and slip under the covers, thoughts still buzzing in your head.
the next day, atsumu comes home from practice, exhilarated and exhausted from the work, but happy. today felt pretty great, and he can’t wait to end it with you.
he calls your name when he opens the door, letting you know of his arrival. your response never comes, and he walks through the hallway to see you sitting at the table, headphones in.
you finally notice him at some point and look up, smiling sweetly. he’s about to ask you a question, but your attention is back on your screen, so he stays quiet.
he must say, it’s a little strange. you’re usually already jumping into a tangent about some random thing or asking him how his day was. the silence is a little unnerving.
he sits down with his dinner, hoping that if you see him sitting there, you’ll want to engage in a discussion with him, but you clearly have no interest in doing so. he sighs sadly and continues to eat in silence.
you finally put your headphones down and turn off your phone, and atsumu perks up.
“so, whatcha watching?” he asks eagerly. you stare at him blankly.
“oh, it’s nothing. just the new episode,” you mumble. he pauses.
“i thought we were gonna watch it together?” he answers, and the two of you stare at each other awkwardly.
“oh. i assumed you didn’t want to...” you trail off, looking away. atsumu shifts uncomfortably.
“well, how was it?” he attempt to direct the conversation elsewhere, and you shrug.
“it was okay, i guess.”
he waits for you to continue, but you just sit there, and the atmosphere is tense.
the two of you sit in silence for a while, and it’s uncomfortable.
“oh,” he laughs awkwardly. “that good, huh?” he says, but it falls flat. you just nod and look down at your plate. he winces at your coldness, but before he can say anything, you’re standing up and taking your dish to the sink. you rinse it and then leave, retreating into the bedroom and closing the door behind you.
he sighs, confused. he misses your obnoxious laughter and your endless anecdotes, and he doesn’t understand why you’re acting this way.
he opens the door to see you reading in bed, and he pads over to sit next to you. he lays his head on your shoulder and nuzzles at you.
“what’s wrong?” he mumbles, rubbing a hand over your thigh.
“nothing,” you reply, eyes still glued to your pages.
“seriously, what’s up?”
“i’m fine, tsumu.”
he takes the book out of your hands and forces you to look at him.
“you know you can talk to me, right?” he offers softly, and you scoff.
“really? because the last time i tried, you just told me to shut up. excuse me for trying to be considerate,” you retort, hurt.
his eyes widen and he sits up to look at you. you won’t make eye contact, so he puts a hand on your cheek and tilts it towards him.
“i’m sorry, baby,” he whispers, and you look at him reluctantly. “i miss the old you. i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”
you sigh, shrugging. “it’s okay. i just take things really personally and i didn’t want to be called annoying again.”
he comes closer and nuzzles your nose affectionately. “you’re not annoying, okay? i love you.”
you laugh, tilting your head up to kiss him. he pulls back.
“wanna watch the new episode with me?”
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in terms of being talkative, you were definitely way more talkative than sakusa
he was reserved and didn’t have much to say, but you loved to talk about the things you were passionate about
kiyoomi didn’t mind having a s/o like that; even though he himself wasn’t exactly outgoing, he enjoyed your company
but sometimes he got overwhelmed with you, and this was simply one of those times
“man, today was the worst!” you exclaim, dumping the potatoes into the pot. you turn the stove on and sigh.
“my manager was pissed all day and then got mad at me for leaving, and on time too! i had to stay and close because no one was able to cover the last shift and i had to do all of the organizing,” you complain, stirring the pot.
kiyoomi sighs. his head is hurting from today’s practice, and your loudness is only making it worse.
“not to mention, no one even bothered to clean up after themselves. which is fucking stupid, because i had to clean up after them. they’re like children sometimes!” you yell, hands thrown in the air. kiyoomi buries his face in his hands, agitated.
“and while i was cleaning, i ended the up dropping the knife on— kiyoomi?”
his head is on his forearms, and he appears to not have heard a single thing you said. you scoff, annoyed, and attempt to shake him out of whatever faze he’s in.
“babe, can’t you just listen for—”
“my god, do you ever just shut up? all you do is talk,” he spits, irritated, and puts his head back down.
stunned, you stand back, not knowing how to react.
you pad back over to the place where you stood, tending to the food on the stove.
sakusa doesn’t have practice the next day. his head is feeling much better than it did yesterday, and the pounding is gone.
he spends the day doing some exercise and doing some cooking while he waits for you to return home from work.
at hearing the door open, he perks up, and sticks his head out of the kitchen, watching you. he greets you, and you smile softly at him.
when you walk into the kitchen, he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you in. you tense up for a second, and his eyebrows furrow in confusion. but you relax, and so does he.
“how was work?” he asks, and you pull away, moving to sit on the couch.
“good,” you respond, eyes on your laptop.
he pauses. you’re uncharacteristically silent, and it’s making him uncomfortable.
“that’s... good. do anything exciting today?” he asks, expectant. you shrug.
“not really.”
he shifts on his feet, feeling a little awkward.
“well, i’m making your favorite,” he offers, a little smile playing on his lips. “thought you could use it.”
you do look up at him at that, but all you do is nod stiffly and return to your work. he shrugs it off.
but dinner is awkward too. it usually takes you half an hour just to finish a portion of your food, the time spent with your mouth running on about some random thing, but you don’t talk at all. you get up and leave before he can even say anything, and his chest aches. he’s not sure why you’re being so distant.
sighing, he settles into bed, waiting for you to finish showering. but all of a sudden, he hears a whimper and a hiss, and he goes to see what’s wrong.
you’re sitting on the edge of the tub, clutching your ankle. there’s a deep cut just below the bone, and kiyoomi’s eyes widen in alarm. he rushes over and takes your leg into his hands, inspecting the cut.
“what happened?” he asks sternly, and you sigh.
“it’s nothing. had an accident yesterday, and the cut reopened,” you mumble, cringing at the pain.
“why didn’t you tell me?” he scolds, the coldness of his tone masking the worry under it. you laugh dryly.
“you need to tell me about these things, okay? i don’t understand why you—”
“i tried to tell you, kiyoomi!” you yell, frustrated. “i tried to tell you, and you told me to shut up.”
he freezes, eyes wide, before softening guiltily.
“i didn’t mean—”
“yeah, whatever. just, get out? i need to shower,” you wave him away, dismissal obvious in your tone. you pause when he starts taking off his shirt. “what are you—”
“isn’t it obvious? i’m coming with you.”
you scoff. “you don’t need to—”
he cuts you off by pressing a finger to your lips, and puts his forehead on yours.
“i’m sorry for the way i treated you yesterday. it was unfair to you,” he apologizes softly, and you nod. “i want you to tell me about these things, okay? even if they’re about you being a complete and total klutz.”
you pull back and smack him in the chest, and he laughs.
“shut up.”
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obey-me-rot · 3 years
You're Mine
A/N: I guess as a writing blog I should be doing some writing right? Honestly this has just been the biggest headcanon I've had in a while since I started playing Obey Me of the brothers just...like Devildom culture must be so different! And then the whole pact thing with human masters must be so different as well! I just view them as big animals just wanting to get your attention u wu. Warnings: Jealous boys, public shows of dominance and a lot of biting.
It's almost painful being in the Devildom sometimes.
A cultural exchange program amped up to 100 %.
As much as you loved the brothers, you also were meeting some pretty cool demons in RAD. Surely you were the human student everyone was so excited to meet, but none of them really talked to you, you know? But there were some that were brave enough to overlook your pact marks and dive into a conversation.
Even some were bold enough to talk to you out of school!
Making so many friends was so exciting, especially since you still thought of yourself as new! Wait till the brothers see how many new demons you have met!
Problem is you forgot how weird demon culture is, especially when it has to do with a demon and their master.
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Lucifer blinks as he notices the demon approaching the two of you, pausing your daily walk with him as confusion turns to familiarity and you run up to greet your friend.
The first thing he notices is how they are a low ranking demon, so there’s no need to be hyper aware of any sort of threat. In this instance he doesn’t need to look to make sure his pact mark is visible to the demon.
His mark was embedded right in your iris, so anyone could see whose protection you were under.
He smiles politely as you turn around to introduce them, the demon waving at him shyly as if remembering that, yes, this human made a pact with Lucifer and therefore should not be messed with in any way. Yet there was no sort of violent tendencies coming from this demon, which put him at somewhat of an ease.
That is, until the demon takes a hold of your hand.
It’s a simple touch, one that a human would mistaken for a sign of friendship and camaraderie. The demon was speaking excitedly about a new flower they had seen over at the Botanical gardens and how much they wanted to show it off to you.They tighten their hold and Lucifer has to dig his fingernails into his palm from ripping their hand off.
You had no idea what it meant and the action would most likely scare you.
And Lucifer wanted you to trust him as much as possible.
“Would it be okay if Lucifer comes along?”
“...y--yeah! I don’t mind!”
Hesitation mixed with fake happiness, this demon really thought that he would get some time alone with you, didn’t they? They probably planned this whole thing out and whatever excitement they were showing you was just a front to hide their true intentions. Besides, look how they are hanging off of you, they want to make a pact with you so badly it’s almost disgusting.
Might as well get rid of the pest now.
“Come on MC, I want to show you the huge petals--!”
You and the demon look back to see Lucifer biting down on one of your fingers, your ring finger to be exact, while making eye contact with the pest. His teeth are not necessarily breaking skin but the pain of the bite made all your attention go back on him, turning around to tug your finger away and cradle it close. “Lucifer what the hell!”
He smiles and tells you not to worry about it, your retort falling on deaf ears as Lucifer’s eyes fall on the demon one more time. Their eyes are wide and they have immediately taken two steps back, their back as straight as a needle as Lucifer sends them one last look that lets them know of his intentions.
Leave now or I will gut you in front of my human.
You turn to apologize to your friend for putting them in such a weird situation but the demon is already long gone, no sign of them ever being in your presence as you look around aimlessly.
“They left...” you frown and look at Lucifer, “Next time at least warn me.”
“If I did then you would have probably forbidden me from doing so.”
The Avatar of Pride smiles as he takes your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours as you kept talking about how you would apologize the next day. But Lucifer wasn’t listening, he just kept staring at you as you talked, happy that his master wasn’t particularly mad.
That demon would have to learn to get his own, this human was already his.
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He had finally gotten you all to himself.
Mammon had a photoshoot today, making you tag along so he could finally show off his modeling skills. And it would help him out as well. The product they were trying to sell did not appeal to him one bit and he just really needed you as inspiration.
And inspiration did you give.
“Oh gorgeous Mammon gorgeous! Lean back and close your eyes.”
The cameraman was giving him compliment after compliment, excellent after excellent, it was as if all eyes were on him at that exact moment. He smiled as he thought about how you must be looking at him. His shirt was open, letting the cloth hang off the side of the couch as the camera focused primarily on the low riding jeans that showed off the boxers he was promoting.
“Perfect! Perfect!! Now turn around and stare into the camera!”
His eyes opened and his head turned expertly, Mammon smiling as he tried to make eye contact with you--
Only to see that you were gone.
Camera flashes stop as he bolts up, turning to look for you before his eyes focused on your form.
There you were...talking with someone else.
He doesn’t stare at the cameraman, only gets up and stalks towards you and the demon currently holding up the lights. Both of you turn to face him, a voice speaking loudly about a five minute break as Mammon stands behind you and hugs you from behind, placing his chin right on your shoulder as he looks at the interloper.
“Are you taking a break?”
Mammon smiles as he buries his face in your shoulder, hugging you tight as the demon tells him he did a wonderful job. Without raising his head, Mammon speaks up.
“MC, who is this?”
“Oh right! Haven’t introduced you. He is a friend from RAD! We sit together in Pactology 101.”
“Well we used to sit together...”
“We talked way too much in class, didn’t we?”
It’s like nails on a chalkboard when he laughs, Mammon feeling glad that he was closer to you so he could hear the sound of your laughter instead of the ugly screeching of the intruder taking up your attention. Did this guy think he was stupid? That he couldn’t notice all the goddamn pheromones he was releasing? Mammon shakes his head back and forth, breathing in your scent heavily as he tries to leave his own behind.
This guy was embarrassing himself with how badly he wanted to form a pact with you.
“Oh oh, remember when the teacher caught us texting in class?”
“I think he might want to just put us back together cause we are still causing trouble!”
The Avatar of Greed frowns, did you not hear him?
“Well the teacher knows we are a good match, doesn’t he?”
“A match made in hell, I would say.”
Why was this guy still talking? Why were you still listening to him?
“Hey after this...would you want to go get some coffee, MC? If you’re not busy.”
“Nah, I only have this toda---FUCK!”
A pair of teeth tug at your earlobe, Mammon growling in your ear as he makes eye contact with the annoyance in front of him. He should be counting his lucky stars that you were still in the room, if Mammon found him anywhere else this demon would be nothing more than a meal for his familiars.
“MC, you have to stare at me or else I’m going to take longer.”
You rub at your ear as Mammon lets go of you, breaking eye contact with the other demon as he gives you his signature pout. He didn’t want you to see him be all scary, Mammon wanted you to see him like the number one demon he always tried to be for you.
“And you had to bite me because of that!?”
“Because you weren’t paying attention! You have to keep your eyes on me or else I’m not going to sell this stupid product. In fact--”
He drags you back to the couch, yelling at the cameraman that he would be posing with you so he could actually get through this photoshoot instead of doing a solo shoot. The man sighs but calls makeup to get you ready, Mammon smiling as he sits down right next to you.
The farther you were from that guy the better, all of his master’s attention needed to be on him after all.
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Of course something like this would happen. Bad luck seemed to follow Leviathan wherever he went.
"Did you see the finale of it live?"
"I did!!! My movie theatre put it on the big screen and everything!"
Levi was glad that you were a nerd just like him. It was refreshing and probably one of the biggest reasons he had decided to make a pact with you.
Well, he had tried to kill you first and then make a pact with you but it was still a special story! Who would have thought that he would land himself a human master with his own interests!
Though he guessed that was a bad thing now.
He couldn't keep his thoughts in check as the clerk of the comic store kept talking to you, Levi annoyed that he couldn't keep up with the conversation you two had. It was about some comic cinematic universe that had been adapted in the human world and he honestly didn’t want to put anymore thought into it because of how close the clerk was getting.
Dammit he should have bought the new manga volume in Akuzon...but you had been so cute irl asking him to get the manga in this comic store you found,and if his master was begging him so cutely then what else could he do?
“I actually got the limited edition of this one movie--”
Nobody cared.
“It was up for a lot in Akuzon but I’m glad I got my hands on it--”
Stop talking!
“And I have a pretty cool viewing set up in the back--!”
Stop talking, stop talking, stop talking, stop talking to MC!
Levi frowns as you gush about the movie some more, glaring down at you for letting your attention stray from him. But why should he be surprised, of course your attention would stray. Him being the yucky otaku that he is, of course you would go with the demon who took his interest and actually turned it into a profit--
No! It wasn’t your fault! It wasn’t even his fault! It was this demon’s fault!
Thinking they looked so cool with their most basic of interests. If Levi could expose them for the fraud that they were, MC would be able to see the absolute fool that this demon was making themselves out to be. Smiling a lot more, inching closer as they talked, even offering to take you to the back of the store--!
People may say what they want about Levi but at least he wasn’t this desperate to get on the good side of a human...at least the first time he met you.
His eyes fall on the back of your neck, hair conveniently placed out of the way as he remembered something Lucifer had discussed with him and Mammon after they had made their pact.
You will not think rationally when you are with them, make sure to monitor your actions so you don’t embarrass yourself.
That’s what he said but…
Surely Levi wasn’t going to embarrass himself more than this demon already has.
“This is the one with the symbiote creature, right? And you got the bonus deleted scenes! Honestly I would be so down with watching it right--EEP!”
Levi made sure to let his tongue lick the back of your neck first before biting down, wanting to make the bite as painless as possible. Although he guessed that not making you feel pain was out of the question as he felt you tense up, his tongue swiping against your nape one last time as he pulled back and tugged on the back of your shirt.
“MC let’s go. They don’t have it.”
You turn to look at Levi, hand on the back of your neck as you tell him that he could have gotten your attention in any other way, but he knew for a fact that he had made his point across with the demon in front of him.
Summoning Lotan in his own home was one thing, summoning Lotan in a store would probably cost a lot…
Even if he knew brothers wouldn’t blame him with how nauseatingly this demon was trying to approach their master.
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“MC, here.”
Satan breaks his pencil, but it seems the two other people don’t seem to notice.
“And it's the first edition too, but I took it out just for you.”
You smile and mention about how you didn’t need anything fancy for the assignment, just a simple book that talked about Devildom history. Which Satan agreed, this bug was acting like he owned the entire Royal Library. A pass to get a first edition title wasn’t that rare of a fucking find--if he wanted, Satan could call up any of his connections and get about 16 copies of different first edition titles that spoke not just about the Devildom history but about whatever the hell topic he could get his hands on.
This guy wasn’t that special yet he was acting like he had just given you the world on a silver platter.
The demon sat down at the table you and Satan were studying at, looking at you the entire time he explained how to open the book and how to make sure it stays in its pristine condition.
Which made Satan break another pencil.
From what you had mentioned, this guy was just someone you knew from RAD. You labeled him as the ‘smartest person in the class’. Which was a bit of an insult on his part but he guessed that as long as he wasn’t the one in your class it didn’t count as an insult towards his person.
He, of course, being the smartest demon you know.
But Satan didn’t have to be the smartest demon in RAD to know what this nuisance was doing.
If he were to read you any book on Devildom demonology, certain demons needed a human master. This insect in front of you would count as one of them. Lower demons usually tend to be without guidance and need a soul to feed from. In comes a human master, being able to fulfill that need with a pure soul of their own. The demon feeds and in return, develops a sort of ‘affection’ towards their master since they are now the hand that feeds them.
The same couldn’t be applied to Satan or his brothers, however. As the seven demon lords, they are able to gain the sustenance they need from the feed of other lower demons under the sin they were made in.
They are free to form pacts, but it’s not like they need it.
A good metaphor would be that they are essentially ‘picking off the plate’ of the lower demons, making the lower demons only cause minimal casualties up in the human world as they feed and keeping the seven lords from going feral with hunger.
Of course, things were different now. Satan had you now, a human all of his own.
Essentially, someone was trying to ‘take a bite’ of his favourite food, and Satan hated sharing.
Friends be damned, politeness be damned, he needed to show this demon his place.
“Isn’t it fascinating? The cover was made with a demon’s skin.”
“Yes. I believe it was from recently dead demon’s during the first Celestial War. Do you want to feel?”
You nod, curious about the black and shiny cover as the demon holds out his hand for you to take--
Only for you to yelp as Satan takes it first, dragging your hand back so it would be close to his lips as the Avatar of Wrath’s teeth bite at the skin near your wrist. You hiss in pain at the sudden sharpness, quickly pulling your hand back and staring at your demon as he gives the annoyance one last pointed stare.
“That is how demons started their pacts before we arrived in the Devildom, wasn’t it?”
The demon nodded slowly, his eyes darting to the mark on your wrist and then back at Satan. He opened his mouth to try and speak up but seemed to decide better against it, giving you one last smile as he stood up. “...I’ll...I’ll go get you the second volume. That one might include more accurate and updated information on pact markings.”
Satan smiles and nods as he scoots his chair close to you, looking back at you tracing the mark on your wrist with a frown before putting all your attention back on him.
“Did demons really used to form pact marks like this?”
The Avatar of Wrath shrugs.
“I was only guessing, he was the one who left thinking it was the truth. Here, let’s go look for a book on our own.”
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Asmo would like to think that he had perfected the fake smile to the point he could keep it up for an indeterminate amount of time.
“MC! Try this!”
Yet the corners of his mouth twitched as he watched one of your friends, who happened to be a store clerk at Majolish, open the door to your dressing room to hand you another outfit they had picked out. And it wasn’t a bad outfit--!
Just...did they have to keep opening the door every single time?
Granted, he shouldn’t be in your dressing room in the first place but he insisted he would stay since you were only trying some shirts on! It wasn’t like he was seeing anything inappropriate and your pants were staying on the entire time.
This sight was okay for him because he was your demon and you were his master.
So it wasn’t right that some random nobody kept coming in to hand you shirts that they thought looked cute on you! That’s what you had Asmo for!
Yet here he was, secluded to sit down on the little chairs that someone would usually toss the unwanted clothes they wouldn’t buy. Which was already doing horrible things for his self-esteem.
“I learned a couple of things by working here. See? The color really matches your hair.”
The Avatar of Lust scoffs when he hears that. What exactly did the demon learn? How to match colors? Oh look, someone learned the basics of the color wheel, someone give them a medal.
“And since you are wearing something long at the bottom, it’s only fair that you go with something short on top.”
This demon is going to win an award for making basic observations, Asmo could already see it. What a future they had ahead of them.
“These colors are summery too so...it goes great with the weather!”
Oh he wants to gag, Asmo’s heard enough.
“You don’t think it’s too revealing? I do like the color though…”
Before the demon can answer, Asmo grabs your shoulders and pulls you back to him with a smile as he makes you look in the mirror.
“I think it’s revealing enough for the summer look you are going for...except can you maybe get it in a light pastel? Any color would do it just needs to be a pastel color if we want it to go with the light color of your bottoms.”
The demon deflates at the sudden lack of contact with you but nods as they step out, waving goodbye and stating once again how ‘gorgeous’ you looked. Which Asmo guessed was the only compliment they had in their arsenal.
Gorgeous didn’t even begin to describe you.
“I did like this color, Asmo. Does it not look good?”
“No it looks perfect on you! But--”
He tugs on the floral print top and smiles as he wraps his arms around your shoulders.
“Floral prints are extremely last season and I want you to be on a more neutral type of clothing. Just simple colors. This way we can add some jewelry--some of my own creation of course.”
Asmo smiles when you giggle, fixing your top and looking at yourself in the mirror a couple more times as you mumble to yourself about how Devildom summers seem rather temperate compared to the ones you were used to and how you wouldn’t need anything sleeveless.
Damn the Devildom summers, if they could even be called that at all.
His ears twitch as he hears the pest start to make their way back, Asmo’s smile dropping slowly as he looks down at your neck. This was the spot they kept staring at, wasn’t it? Shame it wasn’t decorated--
But he could fix that~ “I found some other colors that would go well with you MC, do you want to--”
Asmo’s teeth are right on your neck, turning to look back at the clerk with a smile and a little wave as he hums at the way you clench and unclench your fingers while looking at him through the mirror, wanting to ask just why he was doing this but the pain keeping you quiet. It was cute how much you were hurting but how you were doing absolutely nothing to stop him. This could technically mean that you approved of what he was doing, correct?
He lets go as the clerk immediately closes the door, you calling out for your friend but Asmo brings you back and makes you look at the mirror one more time.
“There we go. That’s a pretty mark, right MC? An Asmodeus Limited Edition item, just for you~”
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If this kept happening, Beel was going to eat this demon.
“You need to try some Devildom food, MC! I promise it's good!”
Beel stomach growls again as you laugh, ignoring the parfait in front of you. He gives you a tap on the shoulder and your attention is right back to him. “Oh sorry, Beel. Here!” You scoop up the delicious frozen treat and feed it to him, Beel smiling as he takes another two bites of his hamburger and watches you and your friend talk. He actually had no idea that you had any friends in RAD and was happy to see that at least some demons were treating you nicely, compared to theo ones who had teased you when you first arrived.
Well he said teased, more like threatened to eat you.
He figured you would make friends fast though, you were nice and all the demons here were already attracted to human souls so it was bound to happen that one of them would have the courage to talk to you.
Yet this one seemed rather...eager.
“How about this. Hell’s Kitchen serves good food but I know this awesome corner in the wall place we can get some grilled bat sandwiches. Guts and everything.”
His stomach growls again, he knew of the place this demon was talking about and would most likely want to take you there himself if you ever asked.
Beel takes another two bites before waiting for you to feed him the parfait.
He frowns and stares at you again, the demon keeping your attention all to himself as you spoke about how you didn’t necessarily want to eat anything with guts in it. His eyes went to the parfait, watching some of the perfectly placed scoops slowly melt and droop down on the plate.
MC, pay attention to him!
This was his time with you! He didn’t mind if someone else stepped in and he was glad you were making friends but this demon was interrupting his mealtime!
He ate his burger, you fed him ice-cream, this is how it had always worked!
People could say what they wanted but Beel was a creature of habit, and he was in the habit of having you feed him.
Not just that, he was in the habit of having your attention all on him when it was his time to hang out with you.
Wasn’t this demon just being a bother? Didn’t you also want them gone?
They kept talking about all the stuff that clearly grossed you out, seemingly delighted with your reactions as they kept trying to egg you on to say yes to an outing. If it wasn’t for the fact that you were smiling the entire time, Beel would have already made the move to unhinging his jaw and--
“I promise I’ll treat you to the best ghost pepper pizza you’ve ever had. You’re free after this, right?”
Beel’s stomach growls, whether in hunger or anger Beel wouldn’t be able to say. All he knows is that this demon is bad news for both him and you.
So what would be the quickest way to make him back off?
“I’m not but I can take a raincheck--!”
You drop the spoon you were holding as Beel bites your cheek, throwing the demon one quick glimpse before letting out a few sounds that seemed to make up your name. The demon stares at you and Beel as the Avatar of Gluttony pulls away from you, licking his lips as you slowly put a hand on your cheek and turn to look at him.
“The parfait is gonna melt. I want another bite.”
Eyes turn to the demon once again, Beel frowning as he takes a hold of your hand underneath the table.
“Please leave. If MC is going to eat Devildom food then they’ll eat it with me. The only thing you are going to do is gross them out.”
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“So what did you want to talk about?”
Belphie frowned as your fingers gently played with his hair. That is not what he had asked for when he asked to lay on your lap. Belphegor wanted the usual way you would comb through his hair, both of you gently whispering to each other as the planetarium ambience lulled him to sleep.
“Well...uhm...I wanted to ask something important.”
And who the hell was this person? He peeked up to look at you smiling at the screen, frowning that you still didn’t seem to notice you were doing a shit job at giving him the attention he needed. Whoever this was had been on the line with you for a good solid ten minutes, talking about useless subjects such as their day and what they had for lunch. If anything, Belphegor had no idea how this thing was taking your attention. You were doing most of the talking anyway, they should just hang up and leave you alone to pay attention to your demon.
“We’ve known each other for a while.”
Belphegor most likely knew MC for longer...maybe.
“And honestly I haven’t met a human like you before. You just...I just expected humans to be something and you aren’t that so it threw me off.”
The Avatar of Sloth yawns as he buries his head in your lap, smiling at the darkness he found in the small crook of your thighs. He yawns again and closes his eyes to try and fall asleep but the grating voice of the demon on the phone was sending nothing but warning signals to his brain.
“So I wanted to ask something I didn’t think I would ask a human before.”
He really wanted to yell ‘get to the point’ or ‘hang up the phone’ but he knew that you would most likely shush him and tell him to be patient, which would then result in you gently pushing him away so you could talk somewhere more private. And he wasn’t ready to lose his favourite pillow just yet.
So he continued listening, tracing random shapes on your thighs as he felt his eyelids start to droop.
“I know you have seven pacts already…”
Damn straight.
“But would an eight be too much for you?”
That wakes Belphegor right up, eyes wide open and head turned to face up at you to see your reaction. Of course you would be surprised, this demon really had the guts to ask the current master of the Seven deadliest demons in the Devildom for a pact?
You better be grateful that Belphegor found comfort in your lap and would prefer to stay here, rather than go break the neck of the demon insolent enough to try to take his master away.
So go ahead, reject him.
“A pact? With me?”
What were you doing?
Don’t give him such a hopeful answer! Belphegor had to share you with six other demons constantly and those demons were his siblings! He was okay sharing with Beel but he drew the line at anyone else! Adding an eighth demon to that would be like asking for a bloodbath, a bloodbath with only one target.
Belphegor frowned as the demon started talking again, stuttering and jumping over his words like he was a dog who asked to eat their masters table. Which essentially he was, not like there was room for him anyway.
“I know I’m not like those brothers--”
Damn straight.
“But making a pact with you would make me really happy...is what I am trying to say.”
He wants to gag.
A part of him couldn’t blame the demon, you were perhaps the best master a demon could ask for, but you were already t a k e n.
And you were to blame too, you know?
You weren’t rejecting him like you should. The face you were making was far too surprised and flattered at the proposition given to you. Were you that greedy? Had Mammon rubbed off on you? You had seven of the most powerful demons under your command, what more could you possibly want?
As a master, you were doing a bad job at rejecting this insect and an even more horrible job at not paying attention to the actual demon you were tied to.
He turns his head back to the darkness of your thighs, feeling you shift as you also struggle to find an answer. This was becoming too much, if Belphegor didn’t act fast you were most likely going to say yes, just because you didn’t know any better!
Fuck it, you could try to push him off but Belphegor would hold on tightly, he had to save you from your mistake.
“Uhm. Well that is honestly really flattering. And eight pacts wouldn’t be so bad--”
You slap a hand over your mouth, your teeth biting into your tongue as you look down at the demon nipping at the inside of your thigh. Belphie looks up innocently, batting his eyelashes at you as he bites down a little harder--
Fingers hurry to end the call as Belphegor quickly lets go, smiling as you gape down at him.
“I was in the middle of a call!”
“I know.”
“Then what was that about!?”
The Avatar of Sloth shrugs as he closes his eyes.
“You weren’t paying attention to me. It made me mad.”
You sigh and lean back, Belphegor waiting for a few moments before smiling as he feels your fingers combing through his hair.
“Next time,just talk to me, Belphegor.”
He would have answered, but that would make him promise something he most likely was not going to do.
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fruitcoops · 2 years
Hey Eve, I just tested positive fir Covid through my school's testing program and I was supposed to fly home on Sunday for winter break but now I'm stuck in quarantine. When you have time to breathe, could you write some hurt-comfort? Maybe between siblings? I'm really missing my older sister right now. ALSO, you're amazing. Have a good day.
Oh anon that's terrible! Big hugs coming your way, and I hope you can still have a decent holiday without going home <3 This ask was combined with prompts for Regulus sneaking out with Leo (mentioned here) and Regulus messing up, then worrying Sirius won't love him anymore. Oh, and AJ? You're killing it right now, and it sucks that program couldn't see it <3 SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW alcohol and drunkenness (from bad drinking etiquette), young adults being young adults, throwing up, past pressuring someone into drinking, and mentioned sex (teasing and non explicit)
“This is so stupid,” Leo said gleefully as they stepped into the bar. The bouncer didn’t card them—the place certainly wasn’t nice enough for the owners to really give a shit, and it was close enough to the college that carding would lose them about half their patrons.
A slow smile built in Regulus’ chest before spreading over his face. “It’s so stupid,” he agreed, practically buzzing out of his skin already. He usually hated crowded places and loud noises, but the bar was pulsing with activity and the kind of freedom that came with getting absolutely blasted, the kind he had watched his teammates partake in and then wake up the next morning groggy and sticky.
Regulus didn’t want to get so drunk he started bashing on other guys’ girlfriends or picking on rookies. But once, just once in his goddamn sheltered life he wanted to get tipsy with his best friend before he left his adolescence. Just once.
“I didn’t even think you were gonna be able to sneak out,” Leo called over the noise of the crowd around his crooked grin, making a path toward the bar with his big-ass shoulders. “Cap’s got ears like a German Shepherd.”
Regulus shook his head and winced as they passed a bit too close to one of the speakers. “Nah, he and Loops were out cold.”
Leo squinted and leaned down. “What?”
“They were dead to the fuckin’ world!”
“They were fuckin’?”
“No!” Regulus laughed. “Asleep! I could hear him snoring all the way downstairs! Ew, don’t put those thoughts in my head!”
“I’m just saying—”
Leo grinned as Regulus gave him a hard shove toward the bar, narrowly dodging a tipsy young woman in a sparkly tube top as she slipped past him with a tray of drinks for her table. The excitement of the bar was getting less tolerable by the minute, if he was being honest with himself; it had been overwhelming in the best way at first, a blast of freedom straight to the face, but it was starting to grate on his senses.
He finally managed to break through the crowd and stumble to Leo’s side, where he was immediately handed a bottle of beer. “I don’t really drink, but this one’s good!” Leo explained with an earnest smile. “C’mon, let’s get a seat away from the speakers!”
I don’t either, Regulus almost said. Not much more than a beer or two at team gatherings so he didn’t get called a pussy. Definitely not more than his first night out, when some of the older guys cornered him for shots and then he slept for twelve hours straight before throwing his guts up and going right back to bed.
But it was Leo, and Regulus was dying to just get out after nineteen fucking years and see things before rolling up to college with zero experience. All the stories he’d heard had told him college was where everyone drank. If so many people talked about it, it couldn’t be wrong, right?
The first beer was good.
The second was better.
Some nice lady with bigger eyelashes than he’d ever seen bought him something pretty and blue with an ‘aren’t you just the sweetest thing, pumpkin, I hope you two have a good time!’ and a tap to his nose before vanishing back into the crowd. Regulus didn’t know how to feel about the pet name, though it felt nice to be paid attention to.
Things started getting fuzzy halfway through his…fourth? Fourth drink. He slowly registered Leo putting another glass of water in front of him and the unhappy grumbles of his stomach. His ears were ringing. He knew how ‘tipsy’ was supposed to feel, and that was not it.
“Reg, listen to me.” Fingers snapped in front of his face and he jumped, meeting Leo’s eyes. “We’re going home, okay?”
Regulus frowned. “But I’m having fun.”
“Yeah, no, we’re done.” More concern fell over his freckled face. “You drank that blue thing hella fast while I was gone.”
Gone. That’s right, Leo had popped off to the bathroom after his second beer and a second glass of water. “It tasted good,” Regulus mumbled, rolling the cool glass between his fingertips. The music was making his ears hurt really bad. “Hey, Leo?”
“…I want to go home.”
They waded back toward the door together, keeping their hands clasped tight without a care for whatever some stranger would think. Getting through the mass of people was hard enough when he was sober—drunk, it was almost impossible.
The night air hit him like the most beautiful brick to the face. Regulus took a deep breath, felt a sudden wash of cold sweat, then banged his shoulder on the wall and felt his stomach flip. “Jesus, Reg,” he heard Leo mutter as a broad hand steadied his back with each heave. “Have you—oh my god, have you ever had alcohol before?”
Regulus nodded. “Beer. Team drink-ups.” He paused to catch his breath. “Shots, once, and it fucking sucked.”
“I’m so sorry.” Leo sounded close to tears suddenly, and Regulus blindly reached back to pat him on the arm before doubling over again. “Shit, this was supposed to be fun, I’m so—I’m so sorry.”
“Not your f—” Regulus regretted not drinking more water before. Or eating something; someone had said that was supposed to help. Or even looking at alcohol. “Fault. Don’t need your help. I can take care of—merde—myself.”
The hand on his back eased some of its pressure and he heard voices behind him before Leo returned, shakier than before. “So the bouncer guy said the cabs that run in this area at night are kinda hard to get ahold of—”
Leo fell silent. “Yeah?”
“Leo, we need to call—”
“Absolutely not. I love you Reg, but I don’t want to get skinned alive.”
“I’ll take the fall for it,” Regulus mumbled, squeezing his hand even as his heart raced. “It’s fine. I’m the one that found this place, I’m the one that snuck out, I’m the one who’s drunk off his ass because some stupid blue thing tasted good. D’accord?”
“Reg, I don’t think you understand how hard he’ll kill me. My fucking ghost will be feeling it.”
Regulus shook his head and leaned back against the grimy wall, grimacing at the neon lights across the street. He already felt like death. There was nothing happy or buzzy about it. “It’s okay, we promised not to get mad if we called each other for some—hic—something like this. Safer than walking or waiting for a ride from a stranger.”
He was fiercely grateful that they had caught a cab there in the first place—there would be no sneaking temptation to risk driving to avoid getting in trouble. A point just behind his forehead throbbed as he heard Leo groan, then shuffle his phone out of his pocket.
A few beats of quiet passed. “Hey, Cap,” Leo began in a voice dripping with guilt. “Are you busy right now?”
The car was deathly quiet. Regulus tucked his hands under his thighs and tried not to hurl. Leo sat in the backseat like the world’s largest kicked puppy. Sirius remained silent and impassive in the driver’s seat.
“You feeling okay, Knutty?” he asked as they turned another corner and Regulus clenched his teeth.
“Peachy keen,” Leo said miserably.
“Please keep driving,” he mumbled.
“I’m not mad—”
“You’re disappointed,” Regulus finished for him with a bitter tang to his mouth.
Sirius glanced over at him. “No, actually. I’m not mad, period. I’m really glad you called. Was this a bit stupid? Yeah. Did I do literally the same thing at your age? Yeah.”
“Shut up, you’re 25,” Regulus snapped back. He didn’t know why he was so angry all of a sudden, or why his stomach was trembling uncontrollably. He was sick and tired and the bar had been a horror show on his senses. He was—
Embarrassed. Mortified, even. Worse than the time he walked out of his bedroom and ran face-first into Sirius as he got out of the shower after a morning skate. Everything was cloudy and itchy, and he wasn’t even drunk enough to be able to ignore it like he did The Shot Night.
Sirius pulled up to the curb of Leo’s apartment building and unlocked the doors, looking back through the rearview mirror. “Walk safe. Have water before going to bed.”
“Thanks,” Leo mumbled as he oozed out of the car and slunk up the sidewalk, typing in the building code before he vanished into the main building. Sirius waited at the curb until the last sign of him disappeared.
And then there were two, Regulus thought, leaning his temple on the cool window. The car rumbled in a familiar comfort beneath him as they pulled back out onto Main Street. “I fucked up.”
He ground the words between his back teeth before letting them out on a slow exhale. “I’m sorry.”
“For getting drunk?” Sirius said quizzically.
“For sneaking out. And getting drunk. And waking you up to come get me like a fucking kindergartener.”
Sirius drummed his fingers on the wheel. “First of all, if that’s your definition of ‘sneaking out’ then we need to have a talk about putting your keys somewhere they don’t echo off the stairs and not using the front door. Second, I was already awake.”
Regulus blinked at him. “Why didn’t you stop me from leaving?”
“Do I look like your babysitter?” Sirius snorted. “I heard Leo, figured you two were hanging out.”
“Why were you awake at—” Regulus squinted at the fuzzy numbers of the dashboard display. “—1:30 am?”
Sirius stopped at the light and turned to him in something like disbelief. “Reg. It’s a Friday night and I heard my baby brother leave the house that I live in with my boyfriend to go hang out with his best friend for an indefinite period of time. Use your head.”
Regulus blinked at him. “Can you repeat that a little slower?”
“I was getting some.”
“Oh, shit, okay, well.” Regulus curled his knees up tighter to his chest as his stomach started lurching again. “Good for you. Apology rescinded.”
“I’m really not mad.”
He huffed. “Yeah, I know.”
There was a nudge to his elbow and he peeked over one hunched shoulder. This light is the longest thing on Earth. “I’m not mad,” Sirius repeated. “I was worried, but I’m not angry with you.”
Regulus’ first instinct was to snark back, just to be a cranky little shit like usual.
He blinked again and winced as the motion made his head throb. He was tired. He felt so beyond guilty and embarrassed. He was sick and upset and still a little scared from ending up in an area he didn’t know, drunk off his ass with his best friend when neither of them were in a place to make good decisions. For the first time since he left his parents’ house, he felt entirely out of control. “I’m really sorry,” he mumbled again as the burn of tears pricked the backs of his eyes.
The light changed, but Sirius reached out to pat his knee while he drove. “It’s okay, Reg, deep breaths—”
“I didn’t mean to cause everyone all these problems—”
“You didn’t cause—”
“I just wanted to have fun—”
“Hey, shhh—”
“If you want to just drop me off at Knutty’s, I’ll come back over to yours tomorrow or Sunday or whenever and we don’t even have to talk about it—”
“Stop.” It took Regulus a moment to realize the car had come to a halt. He blearily looked out the window; they were parked on the curb, near some residential area Regulus didn’t recognize. Next to him, Sirius looked more than a little distressed.
Regulus swallowed around the lump in his throat. “Are you sure you’re not mad?”
“You’re not going anywhere unless you want to,” Sirius said in a firm voice, bypassing his question entirely. “I’m not ever going to make you leave my house. Ever. That’s your home, too. Am I worried that you didn’t keep track of your drinks, or have water, or eat before you went? Obviously. That was dumb. Don’t do it again. But I’m not mad at you and this doesn’t make me love you any less.”
“I feel like I’m going to throw up.”
His feeling was (unfortunately) correct, though there wasn’t much left to lose. Sirius rubbed his back and kept one hand on his arm to hold him upright, talking to him quietly even though Regulus wouldn’t be able to repeat a single thing he said.
“This is a nightmare,” he all but sobbed about three minutes in. “I don’t want to go to college anymore.”
The hand on his back stuttered. “What?”
“I don’t want to do this all the time.” He was well aware he was babbling, thank you very much, but between the dry heaves and the rebellion of every cell in his body Regulus couldn’t bring himself to care. “I never want to touch alcohol again and I don’t want to go to college because if I don’t drink I’m gonna be friendless and lonely all over again so I should go back to hockey because it’s the only thing I’ll ever be good at.”
A long stretch of silence passed as he coughed one more time and accepted the waterbottle pressed into his hand. “I think we skipped a few chapters,” Sirius said haltingly as he rinsed his mouth out. “Do you feel any better?”
Regulus sniffled, then rested his feverish forehead on Sirius’ arm and let him take his weight. “I want to go home.”
He felt Sirius’ heavy breath before he was being guided back to the passenger seat on jelly legs. “Hockey is not the only thing you’re good at, and college is not just about drinking.”
“How d’you know?”
“Because I talk to people who actually went to college instead of people whose parents went on fucked-up rants about the evils of higher education compared to sports scholarships.”
Sirius glanced at him in his periphery. “You’re a good person, Reg. You’ll make friends whether you drink or not. You’re an adult, so it’s your choice.”
“I really thought you were going to be angry,” he whispered.
“I am so, so happy right now.” Regulus turned to him with a mix of indignance and confusion, earning himself a laugh. “Non, I just mean I’m glad you called me. This could have gone a lot worse if you two tried to sneak around some more and got yourselves into trouble. I hope you don’t have to do it again, but I’m happy you did.”
Regulus narrowed his eyes, then relaxed with a sigh. “I have no idea why you’re so chill about this. I got drunk because of stupid mistakes and pulled you away from getting some on your night off.”
“The some was already got when you called, if that makes you feel better.”
“Oh, gross,” Regulus groaned, whacking him on the shoulder as Sirius snickered. “But really. Leo thought you were going to skin him.”
“Why? You fucked up all by yourself. Seems to me like he did pretty well, actually.”
“You must’ve struck the fear of god into him with the whole older brother vibe.”
“Huh. C’est bizarre.” They drove in silence for a few more blocks before Sirius looked over with half a smile. “I’m glad you have him, and I’m glad he has you.”
“Ouais. You’ve both been around too few people your own age. It’s not as fun being surrounded by older brothers all the time. Healthy development, and all that.”
“Somebody’s been watching documentaries again.”
“Somebody is trying to make sure they don’t make a terrible parent to their younger adult sibling so that the aforementioned sibling actually comes to visit for the holidays.” Sirius parked the car and made it all the way around to Regulus’ door before Regulus even got his seatbelt undone.
“Is it normal to want to sleep for eighty years?” he asked, allowing Sirius to take some of his weight as they walked up the path.
“When you’re this drunk, yes. I’ll leave the Advil out for you. You’re not going to bed until you’ve had some water, though.”
“Hangovers are worse when you’re dehydrated.”
“To be honest, I already feel hungover.”
Sirius let out a short, barking laugh and Regulus winced. “Desolée, I just think tomorrow morning is going to be a wonderful learning experience for you.”
Tired footsteps trudged down the stairs while Regulus sat on the kitchen counter and accepted the full water glass; Remus appeared in the doorway a moment later, wearing one of Sirius’ shirts and squinting in the kitchen light. “What are you—” He stopped when he saw Regulus and raised his eyebrows with a smile twitching at his lips. “Do you have alcohol poisoning?”
“Good, then I can laugh,” he said, the tiredness leaving his face in an instant. “You look like hell warmed over. Jeez. Did Leo do this?”
“Did it to myself.”
“Wow,” Remus said, turning to Sirius, who was poorly hiding his laughter behind a water glass of his own. “Alright, well, glad you got home safe. Did you at least have fun?”
Regulus tipped his head back and forth in an ‘eh’ motion and immediately regretted it. “Not really.”
Remus looked between them for a few more seconds in obvious amusement before kissing Sirius’ cheek and ruffling Regulus’ hair. “I think I’m gonna go back to bed now. Have fun, you two. Reg, remember to shower.”
“For sobriety?”
“No, because you don’t want your sheets to smell like sweat when you wake up feeling terrible.”
Sirius hummed. “I forgot about that one. Especially cause you have a high metabolism.”
I’m still too drunk for this. “Why does that matter?”
“Reg, I love you, but you smell like a walking mini bar right now. High metabolism means faster processing means you reek.”
“Okay, okay,” he grumbled, easing himself back down to the floor to finish off his water. The pleasant darkness of the rest of the house compared to the kitchen was a balm on his eyes as he wandered toward the staircase. “Bonne nuit.”
“Bonne nuit.”
Regulus paused at the top of the stairs. “Thanks again for coming to get me. That was…cool.”
Sirius’ smile was soft as he tilted his head. “Any time. Sweet dreams, Reg.”
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lune-hime · 3 years
I just love your writing and have been reading a lot of your stuff these past few days. I really enjoyed how you wrote Logan Howletts character, you did an amazing job. I think of those two stories you wrote as connected, and seeing that your requests are open, could you write possibly how they meet or moments in their relationship? Whatever comes to mind.
Hope your well and enjoy writing this if you decide to take it. ❤️
It makes me so incredibly happy that you have been loving my stories and my portrayal of Logan :’). Logan and reader’s first meeting had been previously requested so I went with a few moments in their relationship. Thank you for being patient with me in posting this, I hope you enjoy and that you are doing well <3. 
A Second-First Meeting
“You’re Logan.” Storm let out a melodic chuckle, her realization breaking the silence within the jet.
“Uh...yeah.” He said with a quirked brow. The ivory haired woman’s jaw went slack and another giddy laugh erupted from her. Logan's eyes darted from the oddly acting woman to Rogue who only shrugged, looking just as confused as he was.
“Logan from Canada.” She stated in semi-awe, looking him up and down as if comparing him to information she already had. It made Logan feel like he was missing something.
“He looks dirtier than she described.” Scott let out a snarky huff from the pilot’s seat.
“Okay, what is this?” Logan rose his voice to just below a growl, irritation evident in his tone. Storm put her hands up in harmless defense.
“You met Y/N in the summer. Saved her from becoming a prune all alone in the woods, remember?” Storm said and beamed brightly. Logan’s eyes widened as the memory came flooding back. The bears, the beautiful girl, the thunderous storm and her lightening energy.
“You know Y/N?” He said in disbelief.
“Know her? She’s my best friend.” Storm giggled. “She told us all about you; how she fended off that bear but didn’t have to fend you off when you guys huddled up in your car.”
Storm winked at him as he narrowed his eyes at her teasing. Rogue let out a little giggle of her own at Logan’s speechlessness.
“We’re landing.” Scott announced as everyone began feeling their smooth decrease in altitude.
“All jokes aside, thanks for looking out for her.” Storm added with a kind smile before she swiveled in her copilot’s seat to help Scott with their descent.
“Hey, kid, is Y/N here?” Logan asked the child in front of him. He found himself on the precipice of a new life it seems, but more literally on the precipice of the lounge area in Xavier's Mansion. He was exhausted after an abrupt and confusing flight from his little slice of Alberta to New York. His head was spinning from all of the information about Mutant Brotherhoods and Striker that was just laid upon him. And now the remembrance of the girl caught in the rain who had once told him she lived at this very school.  
“Ms. Y/N? Yeah she lives here.�� The child said nonchalantly. Each time he blinked, a new channel would appear on the almost theatre sized TV. “She sometimes teaches my kinetics training.”
Logan let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. Relief washed over him that he would have at least one familiar face here.
“Where can I find her?” He asked the boy who still hadn’t taken his gaze away from the television. He briefly paused on the Disney channel before continuing his search.
“Why would I know? I’ve been watching TV all morning.” The kid huffed as if it was the most obvious fact in the world. Logan grumbled and sauntered out of the room and back into the many mahogany halls of the massive building.
As he neared the large eastern courtyard, he caught a glimpse of just the woman he was looking for. Through the immaculately planted dormant shrubs he observed you standing next to an ornate fountain chatting with a girl who looked to be around middle school age. He felt that same energizing hum in his chest as he did a few months ago when he took in your appearance. The way you smiled so sweetly at the student, the way your hair was gently pulled from your face by the brisk winter wind, in how your legs bobbed back and forth in place as they fended off the early afternoon chill. He waited for you to finish your conversation with the child before he made his presence known.
“Y/N?” He called tentatively as he eased his way between the garden boughs. You looked up towards the direction of your summon. When you saw who it was, your eyes sparkled with excitement.
“Logan!” You chirped and jogged over to him. “How was the flight?”
“You knew I was coming?” He asked, surprised at the lack of surprise in your reaction.
“I did.” You answered with a guilty smile. “I’m a part of the team now too so I was there when Charles made the call to find you.”
Logan’s mind tried to connect the dots between the sweet yet snappy, soaked girl he met before to the cleaned up, self assured one standing before him. He pictured you using your abilities to fight opponents rather than bears and guessed you would be goddamned good at it with sparks like yours.
“I’m really glad he did…” You trailed off with the beginnings of a goofy grin. “That he found you and brought you here of course, not that you’re being targeted by the Brotherhood-”
“It’s good to see you again.” He confessed, his honeyed voice coating your rambling and effectively adding to the chilly redness of your cheeks.
“You too.” You replied softly, trying not to ogle at his casual attire of heather gray sweatshirt and joggers.
“I think you owe me, though. I gave you a free ride back then.” He declared with a smirk.
“Fine, do you need a ride to the nearest tractor supply for a new wardrobe?” You quipped back. Logan let his half smile bloom into a full crescent moon.
“Sure, if I can take you out for a drink after.” He proposed with a look that made you feel like the New England snow had suddenly melted around you and you were now in a humid jungle.
“Well, I did have another date tonight…” You began, looking up at the taller man through your lashes. If you hadn’t already been looking at him, you wouldn’t have noticed the minute clench of his jaw.
“Buuuut, I don’t think he would be able to handle being accidentally zapped as well as you would.” You continued playfully. Your suitor paled in any comparison to the old acquaintance that had just arrived at your doorstep. The amusement in your eyes was contagious, spreading to Logan’s forested green orbs and down to his boyish grin.
“I’ll take that as a yes, then.”
You hummed in utter bliss. The warmth of the campfire kissed your bare legs as your tired eyes gazed upon the moon basked lake in front of you. You nuzzled deeper into the crook of Logan’s neck as the crickets and the treefrogs serenaded you with a private summer evening concert.
Logan’s hand lazily ran the expanse of your hip and thigh from your position curled across him in the camping chair. He was about to close his eyes in complete relaxation when a boisterous banging erupted from one of the cabins in your section of the campground. The clanging was followed by a teenage chorus of muffled curses and cackles. The two of you had volunteered to be counselors of sorts on this weeklong camping trip Charles held for his beloved students each summer.  Logan groaned at the disturbance, slightly annoyed with your rowdy group of students.
“They’re just having fun. As long as no one comes out on fire or with a leg missing it's fine.” You spoke up, tone laced with amusement. “Admit you love them-and spending quality time with them out here.” 
You felt Logan huff against you at your wholesome accusation. 
“I love being out here in the woods, with you.” 
Logan’s answer wasn’t to your satisfaction. You zapped him gently with a single crackle of your energy just beneath the rib cage.  When he jolted from the surprise attack, you folded yourself to him so that you were now straddling his lap. 
“Sure. Not like I saw you earlier spending an hour teaching Rogue how to fish properly after she got her line all strung up in the nearest tree. Or how you, willingly I might add, played hide and seek with the younger ones when you were supposed to be taking a break. Or when-” 
You rambled off his sweet acts in adoration until he leaned up to press his lips to yours. You sunk into his embrace and sighed at the euphoric feeling. 
“Alright, alright. You’ve proved your point.” He grumbled half heartedly. In the fading natural light, you could see the lazy smile that adorned his face had become dusted with your lip gloss. You returned his response with a triumphant grin as he gingerly grasped the back of your head and pulled you to him once more. His heated palms sailed over your curves like a forest fire as your kisses deepened. You let out a small moan when he discretely bucked his hips into yours. 
Or, what the two of you had thought was discrete. 
“Gross. I’m just trying to get to the bathroom.” Bobby complained with a grimace as he walked by the two of you towards the community restrooms. You let out a chuckle as Logan brought his fist up to Bobby’s line of vision, a single adamantium claw extending to flip the younger man off against the firelight. 
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fraiserabbit · 2 years
I was wondering if you had any designs for the fireman? Or any headcanons on how they act?
(if Fireman exist in this AU? I'm 95% sure you hinted towards them before?)
A lot of people are fascinated by the Magic, and to be working so close to it excites them. They’re free to drive anyone’s engine with them, but they usually stick with their main Driver.
There's no special magic putting them in the rail industry, unlike Drivers. As such, there's no magic to protect them from serious injury because they're just squishy regular people. So becoming a fireman entails that you know the risks that may come with it.
You can imagine how much Drivers blame themselves for the injuries (or deaths) of their firemen when an accident happens, since most of them grow to be really close with them. A little survivor’s guilt here, a few Drivers feeling like the new fireman is replacing their old friend there...the usual angst.
🔥🧍‍♂️ designs/hcs for the 6 major guys below :]
Thomas’ fireman - Jim
About Thomas’ age, but not as youthful in mindset; acts more like his tired guardian who can’t quite keep up with his Driver’s antics
Can never expect what Thomas will do next, despite working with him for so long
Calls the engine “old girl”, though Thomas insists she’s the opposite--then he’ll start being a smartass and throw some Train Facts at him (Thomas never seems to learn though, and keeps challenging his fireman)
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Edward’s fireman - Sidney
A little older than Edward and has a loud wheezy laugh Edward loves
Doesn’t let his age hold him back, reassuring Edward when he was bullied for this (look, in my first story!)
Frequent dad jokes being exchanged on boring journeys, praises Edward’s jokes (Edward thinks he doesn’t know they’re taken from Charlie, but like c’mon the old man is sharper than that)
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Henry’s fireman - Ted
Just a year older than Henry, but likes asking to be carried around because goddamn that man is strong (Henry happily obliges)
Received a broken leg from the Kipper accident, but remains lighthearted about it and reassures Henry when he starts feeling bad
Gardening is a hobby of his, so sometimes before work he’ll pick out the best looking flower to put in the engine cab before Henry arrives
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Gordon’s fireman - Kevin
Younger than Gordon, actually his second fireman after the first moved away with his family (Gordon still keeps in touch), enthusiastic about his job
In a way he reminds Gordon of his younger siblings, making Gordon feel protective and responsible over him (this time he’ll not be a bad older brother ever again)
Sometimes he’ll purposefully mispronounce words to see how far he can push Gordon’s limits, knowing Gordon won’t dare hurt his crew
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James’ fireman - Larry
Older than James, provides emotional guidance when he needs it
One of the three people that knows about James’ scars--they’ve bonded quite a bit after James’ accident since he received a few minor injuries himself, now they’re like two peas in a pod
Can be seen hanging out with Thomas’ fireman often, and honestly maybe they had a short fling at some point idk man but James likes to tease him about it
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Percy’s fireman - Robert
A couple years younger than Percy, yet he acts (and looks) like a gruff old man; pessimistic, but he genuinely does love his Driver and they have a fantastic friendship
“Percy, I’m trying to focus and you’re yappin’ in my ear about a cow we passed five minutes ago.” “Oh. Should I stop?” “No.”
You’ll see them writing something on pieces of paper and tuck it into each other’s uniform pockets at the start of the day, then read it aloud to each other at the end of the day :]
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loostssoul · 3 years
if you kissed me - Rodrick Heffley | 1.9k
Yeah yeah i know i haven't written since a million years ago. and yeah yeah i know this is my first real fanfiction i posted on tumblr. fair warning, i'm not the best writer, i honestly just do this for fun and i'm totally up to criticism because i do want to make my writing better. if this is literally inaccurate, im sorry its been like 5 years since i've read the books. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fluff-fest that I created in the span of a few hours.
paring: rodrick x reader genre: fluff. lots of fluff
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Credits to the maker of the picture! 15 Days till the Contest | 9:42 PM, Saturday
Plick, plick, plick
My speakers were blasting so loud I almost didn’t hear the sound of pebbles hitting my window.
Plick, plick, plick
I rubbed my eyes and slammed my laptop shut, walking toward my bedroom window. Peering down, I saw a figure a few yards down from my second-story bedroom, looking back up at me. Dark brown, messy hair that stuck up around his face. A red and black flannel, black ripped jeans, and, (of course) a tee-shirt with “Loded Diper” clumsily written on it. A grin spread on his face as he saw my face come into his view, causing me to blush. Rodrick Heffley, Crossland High bad boy, and my boyfriend.
I unlocked the latch to my window and stuck my head out, taking in the cool air and letting the neighbors enjoy the music I was playing (they never did). I looked down.
“Y/N!” He whisper-yelled
“Evening, Heffley.”
“I need to tell you something!”
“What’s so important that you have to scratch my window instead of using the power of modern technology to call me?”
His mouth opened to give me a response, but nothing came out. I smirked, “Come on up.”
I opened the window wider as he climbed the trellis that lined the back of my house. I backed up to my door and locked it. Precautions, my parents liked Rodrick but they definitely wouldn’t approve of him in my room at night. I looked back and I saw him, every feature of him illuminated by the light of my room. His cheeky smile and chocolate brown eyes. He slowly closed the window and walked toward me, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. I still got butterflies whenever he touched me.
“Hey, Spiderman. What did ya climb in here to tell me?” I asked
“I got Loded Diper into a contest.”
My eyes widened, Loded Diper, my boyfriend’s rock band, wasn’t exactly known for being the best. It was mostly known for his mom’s insane dance moves during the Plainview Talent Show. But of course, i'll never say that in front of his face.
“You did?! That’s awesome Rodrick!”
“Yeah! It's a battle of the bands contest, we’re going against two other bands. I really think this is gonna be our big break!” His eyes sparkled in excitement.
His happiness was contagious, he was like a goddamn puppy. I pulled him into my arms. “I’m proud of you Rod.” I muttered and smiled into his collarbone. I felt him inhale the scent of my hair and twirl my locks around his fingers.
“Hey,” he said, breaking the hug. “I’m having practice tomorrow with the band, you wanna come?”
“Sure. I go to every practice anyway, why miss out on this one?” I shrugged.
He chuckled and looked at me. Really looked at me. That’s one of the reasons why I fell for him. It never seemed like it, but he paid attention. We’ve only been dating for 4 months, but he knew me like no one else did, and I knew that in the way he looked at me. I felt his hand cup my face, his thumb rubbing my cheek in small circles. I looked up at him, noticing how tall he was, how close he was. Was I the one who leaned in? Was he the one who leaned in? Did we just do it subconsciously? Did he want this? Was he ready? Was I ready?
The ringing of Rodrick’s phone filled the room. The daze we were trapped in was gone and we separated, our faces red. Rodrick picked up the phone, it was his mom.
“Yeah, mom? Mom...I’m in the middle of something. I’ll do laundry later, ok? Now? C’mon… Alright, fine. Bye.” He hung up. “Sorry, I gotta blast.”
“It’s fine, I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked him as he started toward my window.
He looked back at me and planted a kiss on my forehead, the farthest we’ve ever gone with physical touch as a couple.
14 Days till the Contest | 1:22 PM, Saturday afternoon
“Should we take it from the top?”
Practice wasn’t going so well. I could feel the nervousness, the tension. Drums were slightly off beat, the guitarist’s fingers would fly to the wrong places on the fretboard, lyrics would go all over the place. The contest was two weeks away, and Loded Diper was already feeling the anxiousness. I sat on the floor of the garage, on top of a picnic blanket I found. To Rodrick’s dismay, his mom forced him to let Greg watch band practice, as a form of “brother-to-brother bonding time.” Greg sat next to me, mockingly covering his ears.
“Oh thank god, it's done.” Greg said with an immense amount of sarcasm and uncovering his ears.
Rodrick threw a crumpled-up piece of paper at his head, “Shut up.”
“Both of you, be nice.” I laughed. “I think you guys should take a break for a while, maybe shake off the nerves.”
“Good idea Y/N, 20 minute break everyone!” The lead singer said. Everyone spread out, grabbing a piece of pizza ordered earlier and laying down. Greg ran out of the garage, yelling, “I’m free!”
Rodrick stood up and began gulping down a bottle of water. He wore a black tanktop and black ripped jeans, sweat dripping down his forehead. I ran up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso. He turned and faced me, running his hands through my hair, lost in thought.
“You ok, Rod?” I asked him.
He sighed, “nerves”
I leaned my head on his chest, “You’re gonna do great, you’ve done so many gigs in the past. Think of this as one of those!”
He smiled at me, “You know what would make me feel a lot less nervous?”
“Oh god. What?”
A really common thing Rodrick did was try to bargain a kiss on the lips from me. It's been an ongoing joke, a meaningless bit he did all the time. I’ll do my homework if you kissed me on the lips. I’ll smile in the picture if you kissed me on the lips. It still hasn’t worked.
“I might be less nervous if you kissed me on the lips.” He whispered to me.
I rolled my eyes, “If that’s what it takes then I think you’ll lose the competition.”
He let go of me and laughed, my favorite laugh. “Worth a try.” He shrugged, going off to join his bandmates and the pizza. But as I watched him smile and laugh with his friends, I lost myself. I thought about the previous night. The way we fit into each other, the closeness, the fact that was so close that I could see my reflection in his eyes.
Maybe I should just say yes.
The Day of the Contest
For the past 2 weeks, Rodrick has given me the “kiss-bargain” joke 9 times. Every time, I deflected it with sarcastic remarks, and every time I regretted not agreeing.
I sat on the front steps of my porch, waiting for Rodrick to pick me up. I regretted the jean shorts and plain black tee-shirt I had on, as a cold breeze brushed my skin. I pulled my black leather jacket on, which I painted “Loded Diper” on the back in white paint. Then, I heard it. The echo of heavy metal turned to full blast, and… the faint sound of something big getting knocked over. Oh god, they’re here. The white van with “Loded Diper” written in huge words screeched to a halt in front of my house.
The window rolled down, revealing my boyfriend and his excited grin. “Get in.”
30 minutes till Loded Diper preforms
It felt surreal to be backstage, and really exciting. Energy was flowing through the room, as all the other bands talked and played. The rest of the band members seemed excited, full of adrenaline. Except for Rodrick, he’s been nervous ever since soundcheck. His leg was bouncing,he twirled his drumsticks around, drumming them on random objects, and his eyes stared into nothing.
“Rodrick, you want me to do your eyeliner?”
“Huh?” He didn’t take his eyes away from the ground, his voice seemed far away.
I lifted a liquid eyeliner pen I had in my pocket, “Eyeliner. I just did mine, we can match!”
He lifted his head and noticed me. I had my eyeliner smudged, just like he always does during a gig. He grinned, “Yeah. Yeah sure.”
I’ve done his eyeliner many times in the past, and I loved doing it because I had to be as close to him as possible. So I hopped onto his lap, pressing myself close to him, trying to comfort him with my warmth.
“Close your eyes.” I ordered.
As I applied his eyeliner, I could feel his heartbeat against my chest. It was heavy, and fast. I’m pretty sure I would still hear it if I wasn’t as close to him as I was, even though the loud music blasting through the theatre.
He opened his eyes, and butterflies flooded my stomach. We were close. Very close. Should I do it? Should I lean in?
Rodrick probably sensed my flustered-ness. He smirked, “Cat got your tongue?”
I rolled my eyes, blushing hard. “Shut up.” I said, playfully punching him.
“5 Minutes until Loded Diper performs!” A man exclaimed to us.
Rodrick was as nervous as ever. We’ve been standing on the left wing of the stage, watching the other bands play. It felt like a bunch of Loded Diper copy-pastes. A bunch of high schoolers, weird names, very aggressive playing. But they were still pretty good. Rodrick was biting the nails of one of his hands and tapping his other hand on the wall behind him. I looked up at him and held his hand, stopping it from fidgeting. He smiled nervously.
Now or never Y/N…
“Hey, you said that if I kiss you, you won’t be as nervous. Right?”
He looked at me, wide eyed. He seemed to be trying to compute what I said.
I stood on tiptoe and put his face in my hands. It was that night all over again. Every detail of his face, of him was in full view. His eyes, his eyeliner, his scent, his lips. I leaned in.
His lips were soft against mine, but they were tense, flustered. I was terrified, It was the wrong place, the wrong time. Until I felt one hand in my hair, another on my waist, pulling me closer.
How long was the kiss? A few seconds? It felt like minutes, hours. Sparked ignited. Butterflies flew in my stomach. His scent was the only thing I smelled, his warmth was the only thing I felt. The music faded away. Everything faded away. It was just him and I. Until we broke apart, taking in deep breaths of each other. We wanted more, but Loded Diper was playing in a few seconds.
“Hey, Rodrick.”
“If you win I’ll kiss you again”
We both knew I would kiss him regardless.
I didn't edit this because editing is for wimps (just kidding be responsible and edit your work)
please like and reblog because it gives me serotonin and i need that
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