#I’m just very excited because this feels like a step in the right direction and if this goes well my chances of getting into grad school go
I’ve been offered the internship I really wanted <3
I moved to North Dakota kind of on a whim with the dream of being a paleontologist, but this position puts me actually in the paleontology collections (literally my dream job long term) so like. Damn. I guess I’m doing this. I might be able to actually become a paleontologist for real.
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daisynik7 · 7 months
Neighbor Nanami headcanon where he uses his new neighbors mini garden on their balcony as a conversation starter. Man had a crush for his pretty neighbor since she moved in months ago, but his tongue is always tied but one day he notices she is growing cherry tomatoes among all the flowers and herbs and his mouth is faster then his brain
Author's Note: This has been sitting in my inbox for months now, I'm so sorry it took so long for me to reply! I hope you enjoy this little drabble. :) Heart divider credit to @/cafekitsune!
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You sip your coffee on the balcony, relaxing into the patio chair, basking in the morning sunshine. It’s been almost two months now since you moved into this new apartment and it finally feels like home. The first week you arrived, your parents helped you plant a miniature herb garden and you’ve somehow managed to keep it alive since. It’s now sprawling with fresh basil, parsley, and cilantro, all of which you use often to elevate certain recipes. You glance at the pot beside it, inspecting the cherry tomato plant you received as a house-warming gift from a friend. So far, no fruit yet, only leaves, though you’re hopeful you’ll see progress soon. 
Right on cue, you hear the distinct swoosh of a sliding door opening, then see your neighbor step out onto his balcony. You smile at him, waving. “Good morning, Nanami.” 
He turns to face you, giving you a polite nod, a steaming mug of hot tea in his hand. “Good morning.”
Your conversations usually don’t last very long. Sometimes it ends just like this, with the both of you silently enjoying the quiet morning together until either of you decide it’s time to get ready for work. He’s a quiet man, maybe even a little shy at times. Though you find comfort in his presence.
You watch him from the corner of your eye as he takes a sip of his tea, staring out into the horizon. Golden streaks of sunlight shine on him, casting a beautiful glow on his figure. He’s handsome, that’s for sure. You’ve always thought that ever since you met him. 
Feeling chatty today, you stand up, walking to your garden, grazing the delicate basil leaves between your fingers. “Do you cook?”
He’s surprised at your question, hesitating slightly before he answers, “Yes, I do.”
“My garden is overflowing now. Would you like some fresh herbs?”
He walks to the end of the balcony closest to you. “Are you sure?”
You grin at him. “Of course! I don’t know what else to do with all the excess. I’m running out of recipe ideas.”
His mouth opens, but then closes, remaining silent. You’re curious what he wants to say, though you don’t ask, plucking the stems off gently. “I’ll put these in a bag for you.” 
When you return, you notice him staring at the cherry tomato plant, studying it carefully. You hand the herbs to him, hoping he’d ask you about it. Instead, all he says is a quiet, “Thank you,” before bidding you farewell, going inside. 
You sigh, sinking back into your patio chair, wondering what you’re doing wrong. 
When the tomatoes sprout, you can’t contain your excitement, spending the morning marveling at the round green bulbs decorating the vines. Nanami is out with you, remaining silent, though you catch him glancing in your direction a few times. You want so badly to converse with him, but you’re unsure how. He hasn’t mentioned anything about the herbs since you gave it to him over a week ago. Did he use them yet? What did he cook with it?
Finally, on the day your little tomato babies are bright red, Nanami speaks to you. “Cherry tomatoes,” he says, looking at your plant. 
You beam at him. “Aren’t they beautiful?” 
He gazes at you, smiling. “Yes. Beautiful.”
Butterflies flap around in your stomach and suddenly, you’re speechless, unable to think of anything else to say. But you don’t need to, because this time, Nanami does the talking. “I’ve used up all of the herbs you gave me. Thank you again.”
“I’m so glad you found a use for them,” you reply, finding your voice, standing as close to his balcony as possible. “I’m not sure yet what I’ll use these tomatoes for.”
He does the same, and it feels like there’s barely any distance separating you now. “I know a great pasta recipe I can show you. If you’d like.” There’s a hint of blush in his cheeks. Maybe this is what he’s wanted to tell you all along.
You smile wider at him, happy with this progress. “I’d love that.”
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petersasteria · 6 months
You're Losing Me - T.C.
Pairing: Timothée Chalamet x fem!Reader Warning/s: angsty Words: 4,155 Note: I was inspired to write my first ever timmy fic bc of @meetmyothersouls! <3
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Flashing lights of the cameras and photographers calling out your name echoed the red carpet as soon as you stepped out of the limousine. You smiled brightly, excited to be attending your first red carpet event. You’re an actress that was given her big break last year and now you’re at the premier of your first ever movie starring Tom Holland and yourself. It was fun working with Tom Holland and you’ve grown closer as filming progressed. You can finally say that he’s now one of your best friends along with his girlfriend, Zendaya.
The whole time at the movie premier itself was a blur. You treasured your first ever movie, but you were way more excited for the after party. You couldn’t wait to meet new people and make new friends while you party all night.
You quickly got changed after the premiere and went straight to the after party venue. There, you saw him. Timothée Chalamet. You’ve obviously never met him before, but you always wished to be even in the same room as him and there he was, talking to Tom and Zendaya.
Tom glanced your way and motioned you to come over. “There’s Y/N!” Tom smiled.
Timothée looked in your direction and you could’ve melted right then and there. He was so magnetic. You were so drawn to him that everything began to move in slow motion. He gave you a warm smile and when you were finally with the group, he offered his hand for you to shake and simply said, “I’m Timothée. It’s nice to finally meet you!” 
You shook his hand and blushed a little, “I’m Y/N, and it’s nice to meet you too! I’m a huge fan of yours.” 
“Really? Because, I’m a fan of yours too. The way you portray your character is amazing and it feels real, if that makes sense. There’s no doubt that you’re very talented and I’m excited to see more of your work!” Timothée said.
“T, you don’t need to be so formal around her.” Zendaya chuckled. 
“Oh, that’s alright! It’s actually pretty cute.” You giggled. Tom and Zendaya looked at each other with a knowing smile before looking back at both of you.
“Z and I will get drinks for us four. We’ll be back.” Tom said as he winked at you. You found it weird, but you shrugged it off.
“So…” you started. Timothée looked at you and asked, “Are you nervous? I don’t know, I just feel that vibe from you right now.”
“Yeah, I kind of am.” You admitted with a laugh. You sighed in relief after getting that off of your chest. Timothée laughed and said, “What are you nervous about?”
“Honestly? Seeing you made me nervous. You’re just so great and being able to stand next to you is already such an honor. You’re, like, my celebrity crush.” You told him. It surprised you how casual you were in saying all that. He was surprised to know that he was your celebrity crush.
When the after party ended, he followed you back on Instagram and asked for your number. From then on you’ve been texting non-stop. You started becoming friends and Tom was really happy for you. Turns out, he and Zendaya have been wanting to set you up with Timothée for a long time and they seized the opportunity when they found out he was invited to attend the after party.
After a year of being friends, he asked you to be his girlfriend. Of course, you said yes despite hearing many people tell you that he’s sort of a playboy. You didn’t care because the only thing that mattered was you and him. Immediately, headlines about your new relationship began to emerge. He was your first serious boyfriend and in the headlines, you were just another one of his girlfriends. It hurt that people saw you that way, but Timothée reassured you that he loves you and he’s serious about you too.
The first year of your relationship with Timothée was the best. He took you to Paris and gave you a promise ring. “I know it’s not an engagement ring and I know how much you want to get married, but I just want to give you this ring as a promise that I’ll replace it with an engagement ring someday.” He said as he blushed. His nose was pink because of the cold and he slipped the ring on your finger before giving your hand a kiss. You smiled at him and gave him a huge hug. “I can’t wait!” You exclaimed happily. You truly loved him with all your heart. You felt nothing but utter bliss.
Along with the first year of your relationship came some small struggles. Timothée got busier with movie projects left and right and you were struggling a bit in handling your new fame. You were lucky that Timothée was there for you to help you. You attended all of his movie premieres and he attended all of your important events too. Everyone loved both of you and even called you “couple goals”. You were supportive of each other and his fans were thankful for you for posting pictures of him often. Both of your fan bases grew from there. Despite the growing popularity, you and Timothée started a tradition. You and him decided that every Friday night would be your “indoor-catch up-dinner date”. You loved every second of it.
The second year of your relationship your acting started to boom. Soon, your name was as big as Timothée’s. Seeing as your relationship was very public, many directors always cast you and  Timothée alongside each other for a more real chemistry on and off screen. Your Instagram was soon full of behind the scenes photos of you and Timothée. The fans absolutely loved it. This continued on until the fourth year of your relationship. Because of the money you both earned, both of you decided to buy a house together to move into. It was you and him against the world.
Timothée entered one of the rooms and was in awe. It was empty, but the light that shone through the window made the room more beautiful. It wasn’t the master’s bedroom, but it was special. Without thinking, Timothée looked at the realtor and said, “We’ll buy it!” You looked at him like he was crazy, “We didn’t see the other houses yet.”
“I know, but this room right here is too special to pass up. The light in here is just as gorgeous as you and y’know we could make this our game room or a date night room. We could slow dance in here or play cards or work. I’m just so excited to be spending some time with you here.” He said as he lovingly looked at you.
The fifth year of your relationship started being rocky. You never thought anything of it. Timothée did bring up the idea of not accepting projects that have something to do with you and him being together. “Oh, may I ask why?” You asked, wondering why he brought it up. “Y/N, I love you, but I miss being able to work with other people. I hope you don’t take it the wrong way. I loved working with you as a couple for, like, three years. We made over six movies together and I cherish every single one of them. I just want to work with someone now.” He confessed. It hurt hearing him say that, but you knew he was right. Both of you needed to grow as actors and for that to happen, you had to work with different people. You looked at him and gave him a small smile, “Alright. I understand.”
“Thank you.”
Soon, he was casted in a lot of movies with different people and you decided to widen your range. You walked on runways, you starred in commercials, you guested on podcasts, and you starred in music videos. You were always present when Timothée had a premiere, but he started lessening his public appearances with you at your events. Everyone didn’t seem to notice. Maybe because his projects were overshadowing yours or maybe because your important events didn’t seem as important as his. You didn’t mind, though. You just longed for him to be next to you.
In your sixth year, a video of Timothée went viral when an interviewer asked about you and his smile dropped a bit and said, “Y/N’s doing great. I’m happy for all her achievements. As much as I want to talk about her, I’d like to focus on the film please. That’s what we’re all here for, anyway.”
Meanwhile, a video compilation of you talking about Timothée went viral. Many fans noted how different you two are. Many say you didn’t deserve him. Others say that you’re too clingy for Timothée’s liking. You decided to post on your Instagram story, defending Timothée.
You defended him a lot more times after that.
You got nothing in return, though.
You stared at the promise ring on your finger during your seventh year and wondered when Timothée would propose. You were experiencing the seven year itch; it’s your make it or break it year as a couple. Many fans speculated a break up after seeing Timothée do nothing. You still defended him amidst all negativity. You posted him all the time and he only posted you once on your birthday. You were growing tired, but you faced every single day with a smile on your face, hoping to trick yourself into being your usual self.
Timothée started bailing on your Friday night dates, often choosing to party with his friends to celebrate something that didn’t concern you. You still cooked and made the whole place look nice, though. You didn’t know why. Maybe deep down you knew that your relationship is in shambles and that you needed to convince yourself that everything’s fine. You knew many people were questioning Timothée’s love for you and in an effort to save his reputation, you took a picture of all the food you prepared and posted it on Instagram with the caption: tim may be out with his friends now, but he made sure to cook these for me before leaving. thank you, my love.
You didn’t know what hurt you most: the fact that you did that or the fact that Timothée liked the post and commented “no problem. Anything for you. Enjoy.”
You cried yourself to sleep that night. Timothée arrived home when you were silently crying. You felt the bed dip down on his side and he whispered, “Thanks for the food. I’ll eat it tomorrow.”
You made it through another year. It’s your eighth year dating Timothée and he still hasn’t made his promise come true. However, you drowned yourself in your work. So much so, that you were even busier than Timothée now. Headlines were vile, though. Timothée was out of the country filming his new movie and you attended red carpets on your own. Many people compared your relationship with Tom and Zendaya. Many people attacked you for Timothée’s lack of presence.
“Y/N! It’s so great to see you. How do you feel that Timothée is not here with you on your special day? You’ve been nominated as Best Actress in your new film, but Timothée is nowhere to be found.” The interviewer asked.
“He’s out of the country filming for his new movie, actually! I’m extremely happy for him. He’s been truly blessed.” You smiled brightly at the interviewer despite feeling sick to your stomach as you had to put up an act in front of the interviewer.
“Well, I’m sure he would make time for you. Tom Holland always finds a way to support Zendaya on the red carpet all the time. Why can’t Timothée do the same?” 
“Um,” You started. You feel so uncomfortable right now. “I don’t think you should compare my relationship with others because every relationship is different. Timothée supports me too in his own way. He’s a silent cheerleader, always has been and I accept him for it. Thank you.” You said before walking away. You wanted to cry.
After that, Timothée never even called or texted to ask if you were okay and how the event went. You entered the room you and Timothée loved and sat alone in the dark and cried. You were so tired of feeling this way, but you loved him with all your heart.
Your ninth year comes around and you find yourself glaring at Timothée almost always. You were just waiting for him to break up with you already so you could move on with your life. However, Timothée has been spending time with you a lot lately which made it hard for you to get mad at him. Even if what he’s doing is the bare minimum. He’s been taking you out on dates, he was bringing back the Friday night catch-ups, he’s posting you more on social media, and he even took a break from acting just to be with you on set. It gave the fans joy. It gave news outlets something to report about. Most of all, it gave you hope. Maybe the old him is finally back for good.
During your tenth year, a lot of people were confused. Everyone thought you’d be married with children by now. An interview of you and Timothée from ten years ago recently went viral. In the video, the interviewer asked you and Timothée where your relationship stands in ten years. Timothée, in the video, simply answered, “probably still together” with a small chuckle. You, on the other hand, excitedly said, “by then we’d most likely be married for about five years with two or three young children”. The fan who posted the short clip on Twitter captioned it with: it’s been ten years, but nothing happened at all i hope my parents are okay :(( 
Your body language has been on autopilot for a while now. In front of the cameras, you smiled brightly and laughed more, but if you looked closely, your eyes had no life. Your heart grew cold too. You were immune to any shenanigans Timothée has put you through. After years of not being in the same movie together, you and Timothée were casted as the main characters of a film by Greta Gerwig.
In the press conference, one interviewer asked you and Timothée about the video that went viral. “Yeah, we saw the video. I forgot about that to be honest.” Timothée chuckled as he looked at you with a small smile. You never looked back at him, though. You just stared at the interviewer and said, “I forgot about it too, but y’know when you’re working, you always don’t know that a few years have already gone by. One day, you’ll just realize ‘oh wow it’s been a long time!’. So, yeah.”
“Any plans on getting married soon? I mean, I think I speak for everyone when I say that everyone wants to see the Hollywood It Couple to finally tie the knot.” The interviewer added.
“I’m always ready for marriage. I think I’ve always been ready… no matter how tired I was. I think I’m just waiting to be asked.” You chuckled half-heartedly as you put down the mic on your lap and looked at Timothée, who was now looking at the interviewer. You looked at him with hope. You wanted him to defend you just once because you knew you looked like an idiot waiting for him. Thinking about it made you tear up, but you held your composure.
“You know, for me, marriage is just a piece of paper. I feel content with what I have now. Let’s see again in ten years.” Timothée joked, causing everyone to laugh with what he said going over everyone’s head. You nodded to yourself and looked away from him. You gave a big smile as everyone laughed. You were dying and he was laughing. How can he be so dense?
Vogue did a photo shoot with you and Timothée on your anniversary. They interviewed you too about having a long relationship. At that point, you were lying to yourself. Any body language expert would see that your eyes had no spark as it once had when you started dating him.
You were at the point in your relationship that you couldn’t feel him anymore. There’s only so much your heart could take. In your eleventh year, you found yourself sneaking out of your shared room to go to yours and Timothée’s favorite room. You would sit in the dark and cry at ungodly hours. You would sleep there too. Timothée never even looked for you. He just assumed you had work and left early. It happened a lot. Sometimes, when you walked out of the room, you’d smell something good coming from the kitchen. He was cooking breakfast.
“Oh, you’re here! You’re lucky I cooked a lot.” Timothée chuckled and set up a plate for you. He looked at you and it was evident that you’ve been crying. “Are you okay?” He asked.
Hearing that made you cry again. For the first time in a long time, he finally asked you that. Regardless, you nodded through your tears and wiped them away. “I’m alright. I was just reading a script that someone sent me and it just hit hard, I guess.” You answered with a teary-eyed smile before sitting down on your usual seat. You started eating the food he cooked as tears streamed down your face.
Your birthday came around and Zendaya threw you a surprise party at a club that you liked. Timothée wasn’t even there. He was working late on set. He probably forgot about your birthday. You didn’t care anymore. Your relationship is already in shambles anyway whether he knew it or not. When the party ended, it was raining hard outside. When you arrived home, there was no electricity due to the heavy rain. You didn’t go straight to your shared room with Timothée. Instead, you went to your favorite room and there was Timothée in the candle lit room with a small cake on the coffee table. He smiled at you and said, “Happy birthday, Y/N! I’m so sorry. I forgot, but I hope this makes up for it. I know it’s not perfect, but hey, today’s Friday catch-up. What a great way to celebrate your birthday, huh?”
You sat on the bean bag chair, stared at the cake, and looked at him. You were crying again. He frowned and knelt down in front of you, “What’s wrong? Do you not like the cake? We can get a new one tomorrow, I promise-”
“When are you going to stop with these promises, Timmy?” You said, your heart wrenching in pain. It was heavy, what you were feeling. You couldn’t handle it anymore.
“What do you mean? I don’t understand what you’re saying.” He said. He was lost.
“I know you don’t understand. You never did understand anything.” You cried. “It’s time to stop lying to ourselves. We haven’t been okay for so long and I feel sick to my stomach seeing you act as if we’re okay all day, everyday. I’m tired, T. I’m so tired.”
He looked at you; he really looked at you. It was then that he saw the bags under your eyes, the puffiness, the redness, and he saw the pain in your eyes take over the spark of joy. How could he be so blind? You were long gone.
“I’m tired of putting up a happy face in front of everyone. I’m tired of pretending that you’re happy for me. I’m tired of wondering how you can watch me walk the red carpets alone while you’re away in some country filming a movie. I’m tired of comparing and wishing for you to become more available to me. I’ve been supporting you since day one and you couldn’t even do the same for me.” You cried heavily.
“Is that how you really feel? I brag about you all the time to my friends whenever I see you strutting on the runway or walking on the red carpet with your castmates.” He said softly.
“That’s different, T.” You sighed heavily and stood up. “That’s different.”
“I wanted you there with me.” You sniffed.
“I am-”
“No! You’re not! You’re never here for me!” You shouted angrily as hot tears streamed down your face. “You left me to fight my own battles. You left me to fend for myself. You left me to defend you when many people said awful shit about you.”
“Who said I needed defending?” He asked, stubbornly. “No one did.”
“No one asked me to defend you, but I did it because I loved you! Don’t you get it?! I made sure to paint a good picture of you in front of everyone because I loved you!” You cried.
“I’m tired of pretending that I’m okay. I’m tired of hoping that the old Timothée I fell in love with will come back to me. I’m tired of asking myself when we’ll finally get married. I’m tired of defending you. I’m tired of proving to other people that we’re very much in love even though we haven’t had a picture in years.”
Timothée looked at you as tears streamed down his face. He was so blind to it all. He kept quiet as he listened to you.
“Prolonging this relationship is a huge mistake.” You confessed sadly. “I feel so sorry for myself because I look delusional, thinking you’ll back me up for once. Thinking maybe you’ll surprise me on the red carpet, but no. It’s always been your projects over mine.”
“Our friends are married and they have families now and I’m sick and tired of being left behind. I feel like I wasted years of my life just for this relationship to work, hoping every year that maybe things will change. I guess I never learned my lesson. I just wanted you to see me, but you never looked at me at all. I just wished you would look at me with the same passionate look you would give to the crowd. It’s hard to admit that you love them more than you love me.”
“The fucked up part is I can’t seem to hate you because I love you too much to do so. It breaks my own heart to decide not to be with you anymore.” You cried. “All these years waiting for you to just leave me is tiring. I’m leaving instead. My world revolved around you and it’s time that it stops.”
“I gave you a chance multiple times. You never did anything for me. You never said anything. You never lost anything. You never even risked one day of filming just to come see me. Your loyalty lies with your job and if it wasn’t clear to me before, it’s crystal clear for me now. I’m sorry for not being good enough.” You sobbed. You looked down at the promise ring sitting on your ring finger for the past ten years. You looked at him and walked towards him. You took off the ring, grabbed his hand and placed it on his palm. “Give it to the next girl you promise to marry. Just follow through with it this time.”
“Y/N, the only girl I want to marry is you.” Timothée cried. “I was going to propose tonight.”
Both of you sobbed as you looked at each other with very different emotions. You looked at him with tired eyes and in defeat. He looked at you with forlorn and hope; he hoped you would change his mind, but he knew deep down that you were tired of choosing him all the time. He knew you were going to choose yourself now.
“You’re so unfair, T. If you said that years ago, you knew I would’ve said yes even before you knelt down and showed me the ring. An engagement ring isn’t a band-aid for a broken mirror. If I said yes now, we’d still be broken; I’d still be broken while you’ll be out chasing the world as I’d chase after you.”
“I love you, Y/N.” Timothée cried. “I really do. I hope you know that.”
“I love you too and I’m afraid I always will, but I have to go.” You sighed heavily as you wiped your tears with your hands. Timothée pulled you in for a tight hug and you did the same.
News of your break up with Timothée was all over social media. You decided not to say anything. You were too tired of fending for your relationship on behalf of you and Timothée for years. It was his time to return the favor.
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look-at-the-soul · 2 months
Every little thing you do- Part 4
Series master list
Tommy Shelby x reader
Better late than never! I hope you like this! The drama continues for a while, no warning is needed just Lizzie being a (b)witch.
Word count: 2,923
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Lizzie rolled her eyes subtly as Y/N walked past her with a blinder following her steps with a box full of papers. Surprisingly Tommy hired his best friend as his assistant and now everywhere Lizzie looked, she found Y/N.
“Thank you James!” She heard Y/N.
“Any time, just let me know if you need anything.” The blinder tipped his peaky cap towards her and walked away.
Lizzie found Y/N the most irritating person, always smiling, always charming everyone, always so fucking close to Tommy. And now she had to work at the company too?!
“Now that Scott is missing, are you going to start flirting with James too?” Lizzie asked with sarcasm.
Nobody knew where Scott was, he simply faded away one day and Y/N didn’t seem to care.
Y/N wasn’t in the mood to deal with Lizzie’s bullshit that day, she had been giving herself away to work, eager to payoff Tommy’s kindness. But no matter what, Lizzie had been showing a bitchy attitude towards her without a valid reason since the beginning.
“Why? Are you jealous?” Y/N retorted immediately and pretended to focus on the folders with the licenses information, she needed to organize those.
“You think you’re so smart and with that innocent look you can blind men.”
“That’s what you think hmm? Well, even if that was the case… it’s none of your business.”
“And whose next? Tommy?” Lizzie placed her hand on her hip, twisting her lower lip down.
Y/N felt like actually having a little fun. Polly told her Tommy had sex with Lizzie occasionally, not like an official thing, but apparently Lizzie’s feelings got in the way at some point.
“Oh… wait you don’t know the latest gossip darling?” Y/N fixed her eyes on Lizzie’s paled expression. “I’m living in his house… Arrow House, it’s a fucking palace if you ask me.”
Y/N’s statement was a direct punch into Lizzie’s gut, anger and discomfort was so evident in her expression.
“Are you Tommy’s new whore?” Lizzie asked loudly not realizing that Tommy was behind her.
“Elizabeth Stark!” His voice resonated around, making Lizzie jump.
His jaw clenched and he threw his secretary a death stare that could turn her into stone. Y/N knew of his bad temper and his violent reactions -never towards her of course-, but deep down she felt bad for Lizzie.
Pacing between them, Tommy took a few more steps until he stood next to Y/N.
“I want everyone around.” He rubbed the cigarette over his lips, but refrained from lightning it because he remembered it made Y/N sick. “RIGHT NOW!”
As he saw other secretaries and blinders gathered around, as well as his family, he took a deep breath.
“I haven’t got the chance to properly introduce Y/N… she’s my assistant now.” He explained with a serious tone. “But if anyone…” Tommy then fixed his eyes on Lizzie, “dares to say anything bad to her, point a fucking finger, question her integrity or whatever the fuck you do. In that very moment, you’re fired. And I’m no joking.”
The people gave him a few nods and nervous stares.
“Are we clear?” He shouted then, to make his point valid.
A chorus of yes was heard around as people started to move.
“This is a warning.” He explained to Lizzie directly. “Next time you cross the line, and you’re out.”
Lizzie stood there petrified, not knowing what to say or do.
Then, when he turned around to face Y/N, his expression went completely soft again. The difference was evident.
“Y/N your grandma is waiting in my car, I’m taking you two somewhere.” He explained holding out her coat.
“Oh!” She rushed excited, leaving Lizzie fuming.
“Jealousy will take you nowhere.” Polly pointed at Lizzie, lighting a cigarette.
“I’m just so done with her, I can’t stand her!” She exploded clenching her jaw.
Polly studied her, then leaning against the desk, she finally asked; “what’s your problem? Y/N hasn’t done anything to you.”
Lizzie rolled her eyes and scoffed in discomfort. Y/N was always in the middle, always got Tommy’s attention, she made him smile, he looked after her all the fucking time!
Shaking the ash from her cigarette, Lizzie picked some folders from her desk.
“I don’t like her, alright?”
“You’re jealous.” It wasn’t a question.
Lizzie took a few seconds to answer the Shelby matriarch.
“I keep him satisfied… isn’t that enough?”
For an instant, Polly felt pity for Lizzie. “Believe it or not… that’s not all that Thomas is looking for.”
The green-eyed woman stared at her confused. So Polly continued.
“He had always dreamed big, he always wanted what he didn’t have growing up… he wants his own family, wants to make things right.” She explained.
“So there’s something going on between them?” Lizzie asked, the air escaping her body.
Polly stopped walking and slowly turned around to look at the secretary. “What? Of course not, they’re like brother and sister.”
Lizzie blinked a few times, confused. “I don’t understand.”
With a sigh, Polly told her it wasn’t her place to say anything and left. Y/N would decide if she wanted to share the news of her pregnancy and with whom she chose to do it.
“What did you tell Mum?” Y/N asked in the vehicle after greeting her grandmother with a tight and comforting hug.
She winked at her granddaughter from the front seat. “That I was going to the market.”
Tommy grinned listening to their talk, a moment later they arrived to the Garrison and he guided them to the private booth, so they would be able to talk freely.
“Harry would you prepare the kettle? Y/N and her grandma will need some tea.”
“Right away Mr. Shelby.”
Y/N’s grandma looked around, she had never been in a place like this, where men went to have a drink.
“You look pale my darling,” she stated giving her granddaughter’s hand a squeeze. “Is she eating well Mr. Shelby?”
“Oh, yes… you know, she’s a bit stubborn at times.” He chuckled. “You’re more than welcome in my house you know that, right?”
Y/N’s grandma touched his arm in gratitude. “God will pay you back in blessings.”
“Yes, Tommy won’t let me lift a finger, he got maids, someone that cooks and a driver. Can you believe that grandma?”
Her grandma looked at him in shock. It sounded like Tommy belonged to an upper status now.
“If you want to see Y/N, just ask any of my men to take you.”
Y/N looked at him with her eyes full of gratitude.
“Grandma…” Y/N stared at the cup of tea Harry brought, then she gave Tommy a quick glance.
“I’ll be checking the numbers of the pub. Alright?” Tommy offered to give them space.
“Thank you.” She saw him disappear, the noise from the pub filled momentarily the room.
“How are you feeling my dear?” Y/N’s grandma asked, worry installed in her eyes.
“As good as I can be,” she looked down, “the Shelby family had been looking after me and the doctor says everything is fine with the baby.”
“Oh that’s wonderful news.” The elderly woman celebrated. “But the sadness is still there, in your eyes.”
“I’m trying to be strong, but I can’t help but think I shouldn’t have been so naive, I thought Scott loved me.”
“I’m not going to lie to you dear, I always thought you’d end up falling in love with someone else.” The hint of a smile decorated her lips.
Y/N frowned.
“What do you mean?”
Her grandma shuddered. “Someone better, with a bright future.” She explained but kept the rest of her thoughts to herself. When she turned around, Y/N saw Tommy pouring some beer through the small window.
“But now it’s too late to think of that, I’ve to focus on this baby first.” Y/N murmured absently.
Y/N could feel the weight of the world on her shoulders. Part of her wanted to be optimistic and the other part needed to be realistic. Things would be different now.
“Can you ask Tommy if he knows a good lawyer?” Her grandma’s words caught her attention, but before she could ask if everything was alright, she spoke again. “I’m going to change my house under your name, but I don’t want anyone to learn this.”
The gesture touched every fiber of Y/N’s body and her eyes watered immediately.
“Oh grandma…”
“No, don’t thank me.” She warned. “When the time is right, you’ll need something to be yours.”
Dabbing the corner of her eyes with a napkin, Y/N stood up to give her grandmother a hug. “I don’t want you to worry anymore.” She added.
Y/N allowed her grandma to comfort her, feeling her heart full at the moment. And then she started sharing how good she felt now working at the Shelby business. Before they realized, time had passed and they thought it’d be better to take her grandma back home before it got dark.
“I’ll get Tommy.” Y/N informed standing up.
“Wait… I got something else for you.” Y/N’s grandma stated solemnly, producing a cloth from her handbag.
When Y/N opened it, she shook her head. “I can’t take it, it’s your money.”
“My darling… you will need it for the baby.”
“Don’t worry about it, thankfully I’ve the salary the Shelby family is paying me.”
Her grandmother shook her head profusely. “Either way, keep it in case you need it.”
“Thank you gran… it means the world to me.” Y/N stood to round the table and give her grandmother a tight hug. “You’re not mad?”
The elderly woman frowned and asked what she meant.
“Well you know… that I didn’t save myself until marriage?” She asked ashamed of her actions.
“Sweetheart, I’ve seen worse. It’s not my place to judge you.” Her grandmother caressed the side of her face. “What is it darling?” Worry was evident in her gaze.
Y/N was t able to hold it together any longer, tears started rolling down her cheeks.
“I feel like I failed my parents, you… I-I’m sorry.”
Y/N’s grandma wiped the tears away.
“Stop thinking that. A baby is always a blessing.”
“But grandma what will I do?”
“Whatever you need to do for this baby, it’s something you’ll only discover once the baby is born, a strength unknown will keep you above the water.” She stated wisely.
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A few days later a sudden sound startled Y/N. When she looked up, she found Polly staring down at her.
“What are you bloody doing down there?”
“I’m organizing the races licenses.” She replied from the floor, papers scattered all around her.
“And the desk isn’t big enough?” Polly arched her eyebrows. “Don’t answer that.” She added after taking a look at the folders.
Lizzie took a turn but stopped abruptly when she found Polly talking with Y/N.
“Uhmm Tommy left these papers, said it was important for you to sign them.”
“Oh I forgot!” While she was signing the papers, she had some news to share. “Make sure to finish this, because you and I are going shopping this afternoon.”
“Polly you know I can’t, I’m trying to save money.” Y/N blushed in embarrassment.
“Don’t be ridiculous, I’m not saying you’ll be spending money.” When she saw the face Y/N made, she interrupted her raising a hand. “I don’t wanna hear it.”
And with that, she clicked her heels to go into her office in the opposite hall.
Y/N stared at her, Polly was glamorous, she oozed personality and had a charming character. A light blood as Esme called her.
Lizzie looked at Y/N up and down, there was no way she could afford the clothes she was wearing. Taking a sip of her tea, she thought of what to say. She needed to be careful because Tommy had already give her a warning, but she couldn’t miss an opportunity to annoy her, poor little helpless Y/N… but Lizzie also knew she wasn’t going to run to him and tell him every time they talked.
“So you’re living with Tommy huh? That’s new… do the maids have to call you Mrs. Shelby?” Dabbing the lipstick she just applied, she gave her another look. “He can be generous when he wants, but seriously I don’t understand what kind of relationship you have if you’re living together but you aren’t a couple?” She spat bitterly.
“No offense Lizzie, but honestly? You’re the last woman I’d go after for an advice.” Y/N felt a bit tired, some nights it was impossible to sleep, worry and uncertainty was keeping her up.
“Well, you’re missing out then… because between us? You’ll never guess who’s taking me for a date.”
Y/N wanted to laugh at her words. A man dating Lizzie Stark. But a voice deep inside her made her shut up, because well… she was pregnant without being married. So she decided to play her game.
“Really? Enlighten me.”
Lizzie raised an eyebrow and gave Y/N a wicked smile.
“You know what? I don’t want you to ruin this for me.” She shook her head.
Y/N frowned, why would she ruin her date? She didn’t even care. Lizzie playing the mysterious woman was the most boring thing in the world and if she thought that would make her ask anything else or beg her to say her new lover’s name, Lizzie didn’t knew her at all. Y/N had enough at the moment to stick her nose in someone else’s business.
Lizzie rolled her eyes when Y/N didn’t commented anything further and walked with the folders to the safe.
She wanted to rub in her face that she was dating Angel Changretta. Whatever dating means, they were having wild sex, and Angel had said a few times that he didn’t care about her past. He took her out in his car and drove her back home, not like Tommy he only took her against the desk and didn’t even dare to take her clothes off, he just used her and lately he didn’t even looked at her.
Angel was her ticket to a better life.
Y/N locked the safe and returning to her desk, she found Tommy leaning against the window.
“What are you doing here?”
Y/N gave him a confused look. “I work here?”
That earned a laugh from Tommy. “Thought you we’re heading out, shopping.”
“Yes but later, once I finish my shift.”
Pointing at the hall, he let her walk first. “I need to ask you for a favor.”
That caught her attention and she looked at him intensely. “Anything.”
“Do you remember all those times we talked back then about how we dreamed of doing something together to turn everything around?”
Y/N nodded. “Because life was never fair.”
“How we were always missing opportunities because everything was so damn hard?” Tommy continued, his mind going back in time to a day when they didn’t allowed them in school because his old uniform had a hole in one of the knees and Y/N’s mother couldn’t afford the new books, so they skipped classes and went to the river to swim.
“You always said if it was up to you, you’d do everything completely different.” Y/N remembered all too well.
“I’m planning to open an institution for the kids in need.”
Her eyes sparkled with admiration. Tommy’s generosity didn’t know limits and it spoke volumes about the real man he was.
“How can I help?” She jumped in right away.
“That attitude will make you conquer anything.” Tommy pointed at his friend with a smile. “Whenever it’s possible I need you to lead this project. It’s ambitious but I’ll give you all the people you will need to materialize it.”
“Yes! Of course!” She oozed the excitement. “Education it’s the key for a better future.”
Tommy pouted, letting her words sink in. “You’ll need to make that the slogan.” He chuckled.
“I can scout the children who lost their fathers by the war, they probably were forced to drop school to start working.”
Tommy relaxed his shoulders, pleased with the way Y/N understood what he wanted.
She then continued, now pacing around.
“And the boys and girls whose fathers work at the factories, long hours they’re probably left at home by themselves… what about a program after school? We could offer them tutoring or different courses like knitting for girls and carpentry for the boys.
“Free tuition and uniforms.” Tommy added.
“We could add a jar by the bets table so people can donate here too.”
“Lizzie had some properties already, I’ll tell her to give you everything, check them out and tell me which one you think would work better.”
“Tommy this will make a huge difference, you can’t even imagine the impact.”
“Excellent, now… leave that.” Tommy tipped his head towards the papers. “Find Polly and go already,” he instructed and then produced something from his pocket.
“Tommy I can’t accept this.” She was shocked by the amount of money he was handling her.
“You can, and you will because it’s a gift for the baby. Now go, because I need to smoke.”
One of the secretaries walked past them, it wasn’t her original plan, but she heard their conversation accidentally.
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Part 5
Tag list: list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @garrison-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @elk96 @blondie-22 @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @lau219 @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @lauren-raines-x @everythingelseisextra @kmc1989 @red-riding-wood @lovemissyhoneybee @theendlessvoidofdarkest @wannabeperfectionists-blog (can’t tag) @yeppaweshallsee (can’t tag) @skydisneylover (can’t tag) @holacia3 @galactict3a @mysticalbouquetwolf-posts @ietss @abaker74 @natalie--rushman @elliaze @justrainandcoffee @teawonderfultea-blog1
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Fall For Me (Poly! Sleep Token x Fem! Reader) - Part VII
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*inhales aggressively* VESSEL CHAPTER!!!!!! FINALLY!!!! Reader has a talk with the boys about what exactly happened with the night's kissing incident, after so much time of him being a bit distant towards reader Vessel decides to let his softer side show, plus more moments with III because I'm in love with him and I can't help myself sorry not sorry hehe I can't wait to know what you all think of this chapter thank you all so much for all the wonderful comments. If you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know!!
WARNINGS: discussion of boundaries, proposals of a polyamorous relationship (I tried my best to make it realistic but I, myself, am not polyamorous), fluffy stuff per usual. NOT PROOFREAD
My Masterlist! ~ AO3 Link!
Part VI - Part VIII
The sight before you almost made you want to laugh. The four grown men that sat in various seats around your living room almost resembled a group of school kids waiting anxiously outside the principal's office. “I’m sorry.” III was the first of them to speak up.
“No, if anything I should be the one apologizing.” II quickly follows, both of them unable to even look in your direction.
“I’m not upset at either of you, I’m just… confused.” You respond softly.
“It started off as simple crushes; me, IV, III, Ves.” You noticed Vessel’s shoulder tense as he was dragged into this conversation as well. “We all think you’re beautiful-”
“And very sweet.” III adds on. You can’t help the subtle smile that finds its way to your lips at their compliments.
“We could tell things had gotten a little more serious between you and III so we all decided to back off. But, I can’t lie to you,” II chuckled, “I’m a very jealous man. So when someone tries to keep me from what I want I don’t typically respond the best.”
“And I don’t feel right asking you to commit solely to me when you clearly have feelings for II, as well.” III adds his piece. You found it odd, there was no anger in his voice at the thought of you with his friend. “I guess what we’re trying to say is, um…” he trails off, looking to II as he searches for the right words to say.
“How would you feel about dating all of us?” Vessel breaks the thick tension with his blunt question. You felt like all of the air had been punched from your lungs, your heart jumping into your throat as your head snapped in his direction.
“Vessel, you can’t phrase it like that!” IV groans from his spot on your couch, dropping his head into his hand.
“What? She's a big girl, you don't need to beat around the bush.”
“Dating… dating all of you?” You finally mutter after a few moments of shocked silence.
“Obviously only if you're comfortable with that.” III stands from his seat, slowly stepping closer to you. “You don't have to say yes to any of this. It doesn't matter if you want to date only me, or if you would be okay dating all of us. Hell, after dropping this on you, there's a chance you might not want to see any of us ever again.” You didn't miss the nervousness that laced its way into his laughter. III was genuinely scared that this was going to fully push you away. “But, it's about what you want, that's the important part.”
“And you're all okay with this?” You would be lying if you tried to say you didn't find the offer very appealing. Every member of the group that sat before you drew you to them in one way or another, they were definitely an attractive bunch to put it lightly; III with his subtle intensity, who was always making you laugh, II who would turn you into a flustered mess with his sweet words, IV who’s easily excitable nature and blind confidence when it came to complimenting you made your heart thrum in your chest, Vessel who lets his hand linger on your waist as he maneuvers around you doing restock days, who holds your gaze for perhaps a little longer than necessary when wishing you goodbye at night. But, could you really handle four relationships? 
“The way we see it, we’d rather share you with others who we know are going to take good care of you than to be forced to hold our tongues about how we feel about you.” II explains.
“I…” you trail off as you look between the four of them. “I need some time to think.” Your voice shook slightly as you spoke.
“Of course.” Vessel responds. Without another word II, III, and IV stood, quietly said their goodbyes to you and left your apartment. Vessel hung back for a moment, waiting for III to fully shut the door behind him before breathing out a sigh. “I'm sorry that all of this happened the way it did. I kept telling them to wait to bring it up.” His gaze drops to you, who was silently fidgeting with your fingers as you leaned against the wall.
“I can always tell them to back off, love.”
“No, you don't have to do that.” You brush him off. “It's nothing to do with any of you, you're all incredible. It's just- it's me, that's what the problem is.” You tried to force a laugh to prove to Vessel that you were fine, his unchanging expression let you know immediately that he saw right through you. “You're all so wonderful, and the fact that you would be willing to make such a huge compromise.” You stare through the slits of his mask, believing you were meeting his eyes. “What if it's not worth it?”
You didn't have time to register what was happening before Vessel was in front of you, pulling you into a warm embrace.
“I know I might not be as… prominent with my acts of affection as the others.” He pulls back slightly, one large hand coming up to cradle the back of your head as your eyes instinctively rise to look at him. “But, considering II put things out in the open, I need you to know that I care for you viscerally.” The soft growl that found its way into his voice made your cheeks grow warm. “I don't want you to feel pressured into anything you don't want, but I need you to understand that there has not been a single moment since I met you that would make me think any of this wasn't worth it.” You blink slowly as a hand comes to rest on the top of your head, comfortingly patting the spot. “Would it be alright if I came and checked in tomorrow?” You nod, reluctantly letting your hands fall away from their position pressed against his chest as he stepped back, his warmth fading away with it.
“Goodnight, Ves.” Your voice cracked slightly as you tried to keep your overwhelming emotions in check.
“Goodnight love, rest well.”
You watched the second hand on the clock tick, bringing you closer to when Vessel would usually make his nightly supply runs. You hadn’t managed to sleep at all the night prior, tossing and turning as you played through every scenario you could think of as you made your decision. At the sight of the familiar pick up truck rumbling into the lot you felt your heart race. “This is it.” You muttered out loud to the empty store. “No going back now.” He poked his head through the door before fully entering.
“You still open?” He offers you a playful smile.
“No, but for you I'll make an exception.” You giggle in response. He slowly steps inside and approaches the counter.
“How’d thinking on things go?” He rests his elbows on the counter, bringing him closer to face level with you.
You set a hand down on the counter, Vessel cautiously reaching out to take it in his own. He hesitates for a moment, his hand drawing back slightly as if he was preparing to pull away. His fingers were rough against the soft skin of your hand when he finally decided to take his, his thumb running languidly across the peaks and valleys of your knuckles as he waited patiently for your response. “I want to take things slow… but the thought of having all of you to myself is a little too good to pass up.” He breathes out a chuckle, flashing you a sharp smirk that makes your breath catch in your throat.
“Is that so?” He mulls over how to respond to your statement for a moment. “How about I make us dinner and we can sit down and talk about how slow you want to take things, just so we can make sure everyone is on the same page.”
“You want to cook me dinner?” You shoot him a playful smile. “Is it going to be edible?” He bellows out a laugh in response.
“You're funny, you know I've been told I'm a wonderful cook.” He points an accusatory finger at you, standing up to collect what ingredients he needed from around the store. “Just you wait and see, this is going to be the best damn meal you've ever eaten.”
The whole thing was a bit strange in the best way. If he hasn't told you so directly you would've sworn that Vessel thought of you as little more than an acquaintance. But now, you were sitting on your kitchen counter, a glass of white wine swirling around in your hand, rolling your eyes playfully at all of Vessel’s terrible jokes as he made the two of you dinner. He asks you where you keep your plates, you easily reach into the cabinet behind you and produce a pair, holding them out to him with a soft smile. He carefully plates the pasta he made, penne with bacon and spinach and some type of cream sauce he had pulled together with odds and ends from your pantry. “It smells incredible.” He saunters in front of you, trapping you on the counter by placing a hand on either side of your waist.
“And here you were questioning my culinary skills.” He feigns a hurt tone before a soft chuckle rumbles from his chest. “Come on beautiful, let's go eat.” He pulls away from you, your body trailing after his warmth. You pad your way into the living room, Vessel close behind as he carries your plate for you. You sat close together on the couch, angling yourself to better face him. “So, define slow.” He jumps in immediately.
“Let me at least get a couple bites in.” Vessel can't help but smile at your teasing tone. “I just… I don’t know. This is all so different I don't think I can really tell you what going slow even means.”
“Well, I can assure you that all of us care a lot about how you feel during all of this.”
“And I know that.”
“I think you're worried about more than just taking things slow, love. What's on your mind?” The softness to his tone immediately lulled your anxious mind into a sense of safety.
“I'm worried about things developing quicker in certain relationships than others, I just don't want that to cause any of you to fight.” You absentmindedly twisted your fork around in your fingers, studying it as you tried to put into words what was racing through your mind.
“That might happen, but if it does it's alright. Unfortunately that's just something we have to deal with.” He chuckles. “There's no doubt in my mind that you would be more comfortable moving a bit quicker with III than you would with me, he started flirting with you from the start. We all know that you're in various stages of getting to know us, we're more than willing to give you time to figure all of that out.” Hearing him being so reassuring made the heaviness weighing in your chest lighten considerably. “Is there anything else I can do to ease that pretty little head of yours?” You slowly shake your head no before pausing. You looked at the man before you, swallowing thickly as you mulled over an idea. Vessel was an enigma to you even after months of knowing him. He was aloof, quiet, but the few rare instances he let part of his personality break through you could tell just how wonderful he could really be.
“Dance with me?” The question hung in the air for a moment before Vessel wordlessly rose to his feet.
“I will warn you, I'm not much of a dancer.” He chuckles, outstretching his hand for you to take. His palm was warm against your fingertips; the smudged edges of his paint were a stark contrast to the pale skin underneath.
“What a shame, neither am I.” You giggle in response before he pulls you to your feet. He looks around the room, making a small sound of affirmation to himself before pushing your coffee table out of the way to open up the space. You walked over to a bookshelf in the corner of the room, clicking on your radio and letting the soft tune crackle to life. Vessel stood in the center of the room, hands shoved into his pockets as he waited for your return, a soft smile settling onto his lips.
“You look really beautiful today.” He says softly, one strong arm reaching out for you and wrapping around your waist when you were within reach. Your fingers intertwine with his, Vessel watching carefully as each delicate digit slotted between his own. Your cheeks grow warm as you timidly accept the compliment. You had never been this close to Vessel before, feeling the way his muscles tensed and shifted under the hand that rested on his shoulder sent a shiver down your spine. You were unable to tear your eyes away from him, the intricate detailing along the edge of his mask highlighting how wide and bright his smile was as he gazed down at your flustered form. The music you had turned on was non existent at this point, the only thing mattering at this point in time was Vessel finally allowing you the briefest glimpse inside his walls. You managed to trip over your own feet, yelping slightly as you stumbled into him. “Easy now, I got you.” He chuckles, helping to steady you on your feet. “If you're going to faint at least wait until I kiss you for the first time.” He jokes
“Already thinking about kissing me, huh?” You smile coyly
“It'd be hard not to with a pretty face like that.” You let out a flustered laugh, your eyes dropping to the floor. You jumped when there was a sudden knock on the door. You reluctantly pull out of Vessel’s grasp, his fingers trailing across your waist as he tries to remain connected to you until the last possible moment. You slowly open the door, not knowing who to expect on the other side so late. You froze when your eyes landed on III, who was nervously swaying his heels on the creaky wooden landing outside. The moment he realized you had answered he immediately began to ramble.
“I'm sorry, I know you said you needed time to think and I absolutely respect that. I just, I know we kissed, and if you decide you don't want to go through with this I don't want it to make things weird-”
“III.” His mouth snaps shut as you softly say his name. You look back into your living room, Vessel’s head rested in his hand, he seemed mildly annoyed to be interrupted. Not knowing how to respond, you simply pushed the door wide open, III’s attention immediately drawn to Vessel. “We were actually just talking about that.” His eyes widen slightly, his gaze switching between you and his friend.
“Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt-”
“I was just leaving, actually.” Your brows furrowed in confusion. You turn to face him as he walks up to you. He cradles your face in his hand, “tonight was wonderful, I hope we get to do this again soon.” He swipes his thumb across your cheek, leaving a thin black streak in its wake. “Goodnight, love.”
“Goodnight, Ves.” You respond breathlessly. You turn to face III, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth before reaching out and taking his hand, tugging him inside your apartment. His eyes stay locked on you as he follows you through the door, shutting it quietly behind him. “I really enjoyed, um… kissing you last night was really nice.” You let out a flustered laugh. “I don’t want you to worry that you made things weird.”
He chuckles, “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it.” He stuffs his hand in his pockets, shifting his weight awkwardly. “I hope that talk you guys were having was a good one.”
“I think you’ll be very satisfied with the outcome.” You giggle. He gazes at you curiously, the usual playful sparkle back in his eyes when he realized he hadn’t scared you off.
“Is that so?” He saunters closer to you, his towering height and intense gaze threatening to make your knees buckle. “You let me know if any of this is moving too fast, okay?” He says sweetly, gently cupping your jaw.
“Okay.” You smile up at him. He trails his thumb over your bottom lip, his bright blue eyes darting around your features as he drank in the sight of you.
“You are simply gorgeous, love.” He whispers after a moment of silence.
“You flatter me too much.” Both hands slide around your waist, gently pulling you flush against him.
“I'm only telling my girl the truth.” He smiles. Your eyes flash up to meet his, the declaration of being his girl making your heart flutter in your chest. “Well, it seems like we have the night to ourselves. What would you like to do?” Wordlessly you take one of the hands that had settled against the curve of your hip, guiding him towards your couch. You threw on a movie, something mindless that you didn't need to pay attention to. Tonight was about spending time with III. No distractions, no hidden feelings, just you and someone who made you feel like a girl experiencing her first crush all over again. III takes you in his arms, laying back and pulling you on top of him in the process. One arm resting comfortably behind his head, the other slung over your waist as the two of you cuddled in a comfortable silence. “You know, I was really worried all of this would make you never speak to me again.” He speaks up after a while through a quiet chuckle.
“I was definitely a bit nervous about the idea, still kind of am if I'm being honest.” You laugh softly, absentmindedly tracing shapes against the soft material of his sweatshirt on his chest. “But, none of you have given me any reason not to trust you, so despite being nervous I feel like this is the right choice.”
“How you feel about this is very important to me, okay? If there's ever anything I can do for you love, just let me know.” He rubs his hand soothingly up and down your back, keeping you pressed close to him almost as if he was scared if he let you go you'd disappear. The two of you stayed up talking late into the night; you learned that III is more of a cat person than a dog person, his favorite color is red, and he would willingly disappear into the woods without a trace if it meant never folding laundry again. “It's such a dumb concept, I'm going to put the damn clothes on anyways. Why do they have to be folded and put away?” You hid your face against his shoulder, trying to hide the fact you had tears forming in your eyes from laughing so hard. You look up at him with a bright smile, the tangent dying in his throat as his eyes meet yours. He slowly sits himself up on his elbows, your body responding as it gradually slid into his lap. One of his hands pressed into the small of your back, keeping you held as close to him as possible, the other moving to cup your cheek.
“I haven't been able to stop thinking about kissing you since last night.” You admit in a tone barely above a whisper.
“Trust me, I wasn't doing much better.” He chuckles, his gaze briefly flashing down to your lips. “Everything about you… everything about you is just so perfect, and for the life of me I can't figure out why you give me the time of day.”
“Because you make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world.” Your voice shook as you spoke, you could hear your heartbeat thundering in your ears and you were nearly positive that III could hear it too.
“Because you are the only girl in the world for me.” He admits without a second thought. “I haven't been able to get last night out of my head. Of course I want to kiss you again, but this time I want to kiss you and mean it.” Trembling fingers rose to the edge of his mask, glancing up at him through your lashes asking for silent permission to raise his mask enough to kiss him. He nods, studying your nervous expression as you gently took the edge of the fabric and raised it to just below his nose. Your breath was snatched from your lungs as III crushed his lips against yours, your mind immediately swimming in the overwhelming sensation that was him. His lips subtly sweet as he eased your mouth open, his tongue carefully caressing yours, making sure to take things at a bear agonizing pace in order for you to be able to back away at any time. Your hands slid up his torso, III shivered under your delicate touch. You felt lightheaded as the kiss took over your senses; the euphoric feeling of his warm lips against yours, the deep, earthy smell of his cologne, his massive hand kneading at the softness of your hip. You both pulled away equally breathless, your hands coming up to his mask in order to readjust it into place before he had a chance to.
“I think you definitely meant it this time.” You giggle, your forehead falling to rest against his.
“There's going to be plenty more where that came from.” He winks playfully at you.
III decided to leave you for the night when you could barely keep your head up anymore. He scoops you up in his arms. You grumble in annoyance despite the fact you immediately begin to nuzzle your face against his chest. “Where are we going?” You ask through a yawn.
“I’m taking you to bed sweetheart, you need to rest.” He chuckles.
“-’m not tired.” You try to protest, your actions only make him laugh again before he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“Says the woman who can’t keep her eyes open.” You could hear his smile in his voice.
“I don’t want you to leave.” You admit softly.
“I know love, but you have a store to run, I’m afraid I’ve kept you up more than I already meant to.” He carefully maneuvers himself so he’s holding you in one arm, pulling back your blankets with his now free hand. He lays you gently into bed, his knuckles trailing across your cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” His head dips down, allowing you to share one more chaste kiss before he left you to fall into a dreamless sleep.
Tag List: @spookyghostjelly @herripinkle @xdarkcreaturex @crexpy34 @thepoisonedchalice @saturnhas82moons @wingsofeternitysstuff @creamwhxre @itsyagirl-snowflake @themultiverseofmars @bookishpenguino @m0cha-bunny @madsthenightowl @dangerkittenclaws @rainy-darling @shad0wcast @amara-among-the-stars @v3nu5 @dontpercieve-me-pls @ripleyswife @thepityscene @lipstick-and-lycanthropes @vmpireskiss @savaneafricaine @sanekiii @ajordan2020 @diditgirl13 @sodomizerrrrr @mishaglass @thisbicc @chewbrry @backwards-readings @popppylove @lovelyan @asianchic-44 @littlemiss-sakura @sleepy-time-dreamy @deltottoro @miss-multi45 @bloodyquillink-blog @moni-cah @feralfuckingcat @itslolitasworld @mysteriesof1995
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
this was very clearly his side job.
club bouncer!sukuna is well aware he didn’t have to commit fully to it, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the pompous power that the job brought him.
club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t believe he has favourites. every club had their fair share of sleazy gropers and pumping loud music. but he definitely looked forward to working at a certain club in particular — spice’s munchkins.
staffed majority of woman (bar the owner, kiyotaka ijichi himself) who were few of the most likeable people he knew, club bouncer!sukuna felt a tendency to look out for them more than he did the customers. because he’s not gonna lie, they were all stunnas in their own right. glamorous — with hairstyles that suited their features and outfits that accentuated their curvaceous bodies. it was sadly often that people would try to treat them like pushovers or start unnecessary trouble, but club bouncer!sukuna made it his mission to protect them. especially you.
“you good?!” you shout over the music towards club bouncer!sukuna as you clean up your work station.
the bar area isn’t too busy concerning the ‘entry before 12am = free drinks’ is over and most people are on the dance floor, and so club bouncer!sukuna takes the chance to lean onto the bar counter, his eyes freely dancing over the top half of your figure.
“a martini pornstar if you dont mind.”
with a roll of your eyes, you scoff in his direction albeit your smile is light.
“boy, you know i’m not allowed to pull those typa favours. Iji’s already warned me twice.”
“yeah, but i’m your favourite. you’ll let me slide, wont you?”
the two of you hold each other’s eye contact for a brief second. you’re sure you encounter something deeper, something more carnal than just a casual stare, but you easily relent and look away first.
“fine! but at least pay for one through the employee discount. i’m really not tryna lose my job.”
club bouncer!sukuna has his eyes linger on you a bit longer before he agrees with a grunt.
you quickly set the card machine up so that he can pay for his drink but then you move to the otherside of the bar to start making his drink.
however, halfway through you accidentally dropped the lick of dark red de kuyper onto your shirt, the sticky substance automatically seeping through. with a curse under your breath, you suddenly rush towards the toilets behind the bar.
seeing you randomly boister off, club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t think about why — he automatically follows you through behind the bar area, thinking something was dearly wrong.
“everything okay?!” club bouncer!sukuna’s voice is gravel as he speaks upon pushing the door open, but he doesn’t expect to see you with your shirt mildly wet with the buttons popped and your bra on display. instantly he backs up.
“oh, shit. my bad.” he gruffly mumbles but you stop him before he’s able to leave.
“no, it’s fine. you’re fine.”
you move around the man to pull him back into the staff bathroom before shutting the door behind him and for a second, club bouncer!sukuna feels his dick jump in excitement.
“fuck…” he breathes once you let go of him. you back up so that you can stand against the sink with your spine against the cold porcelain.
“what?” your lips look like glass beneath the toilet’s neon lights and club bouncer!sukuna is just dying for a taste.
“i know you feel that.”
“feel what?” you ask up at him with wide inquisitive eyes.
club bouncer!sukuna’s hands start to flex by his side as he feels his inner demons become stirred. he can hear his walkie talkie click for his presence but he dutifully ignores it because surely there was something deeper to your actions yet all you do is act clueless.
taking a step closer in your direction, club bouncer!sukuna bares his teeth as his lips curl upwards. yet his large hands quickly find solace atop your waist.
“don’t make me sound it out, woman. this. this thing between us.”
“what, you think i got the hots for you?” you say, despite you allowing club bouncer!sukuna‘s hands to knead your skin whilst you lay your hands over his chest.
“i know you do.” he snides, but then he’s pressing his tenting crotch against your thigh. “luckily, i feel the same way.”
club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t mind that you offer to suck him off because he’s singing low moans into the echoing bathroom once you do, his hands on your cheeks as he pretty much fucks your face.
but then he remembers that hes determined to treat you and so he finds obligation in eating you out against the wall as you stretch one of your legs wide open. messy juice stains his mouth but now its your turn to tug at club bouncer!sukuna‘s hair as you caused you to writhe and buck your hips into his mouth.
but because he’s a menace, club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t let you dip after he’s made you cum twice. no, club bouncer!sukuna is fucking your sweet cunt whilst cursing every profanity he knows because you’re exactly what he needs and wants to willingly. and his walkie talkie is now requesting the both of you, unsure of where you were.
club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t usually stay close to quick fucks — hasnt really got the heart to face them — but it’s something about you that makes him do something stupid, something so intimate.
whilst he���s zipping his trousers up and youre drying her blouse in the hand druer, club bouncer!sukuna groans.
“uhh…fuck. i dunno, man but…” club bouncer!sukuna kisses his teeth before nodding his head towards the door. “there’s a 24 hour food stop just up this street. you wanna grab somethin’ with me after our shifts?”
your eyes widen for a second but not for long. giggling with the man, you sweetly nod.
“sure. thought you’d never ask.” you say with a sigh of relief.
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raribella · 2 years
dream a little dream of me | e.m
summary: Robin and Nancy realise that you are suddenly avoiding sitting at the D&D table where you usually sat, and someone else gets to hear about your very steamy reason behind it.
pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
genre: suggestive goofy fluff
involves: reader being a pining MESS, a wet dream and some descriptions of it, suggestive ending, some teasing coming from Eddie.
word count: 2k
note: my first Eddie Munson fic is finally out! I wrote this between yesterday morning and today, and, I clearly did get carried away, as I said before I didn't intend for this to be longer than 800 words. I tried to finish and post this as fast as I could because your excitement got me excited! And I got honestly pretty proud of it, so please do tell me what you think. Mwah! 🫶🏼
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You inhaled sharply, holding your breath a little as you entered the cafeteria. Scanning the place with your eyes, you found the usual, daily 40-minute chaos every student was allowed to – each social group was at their usual sits, some also divided from freshmen to seniors. And while you let a long huff of air out through your mouth, your eyes met with his figure, putting his tray dramatically on the Hellfire table – your usual table –. You felt like holding air onto your lungs all over again, or at least running to the closest bathroom, if not away from school itself. You desperately wanted to call in sick and run away from Eddie Munson, that was your provisional solution.
It felt all so real, the way you felt under him as he slowly and lovingly ran his hands through your soft, warm skin. The tips of his fingers were slightly calloused from all the guitar playing and they provoked goosebumps as he layed his beautiful hands on your belly. His perfectly plump lips added soft little moist spots in between your breasts as he layered kisses in there. His hair was tickling your neck and your legs were starting to tangle in each other.
Your eyes were tightly closed, and as you forced them open in an attempt to come back to your reality while starting to walk back around the tables with your own tray in your hands, you caught a glimpse of Robin and Nancy talking at a separate, small table. You were quite literally just about to walk past them in the direction of Hellfire, but in an outburst and with your heart racing, you walked a few steps back and threw yourself on a bench, sitting beside Robin. "Hi! hey, you guys I haven't seen you here! how's everything going?” Your voice sounded higher than normal, squeaky even, and you didn’t give your girlfriends any time to answer. “Nancy, you got your cover published, right? I’m so, so happy for you! How are you feeling?" though trying to feign any normality, you babbled all too quickly, both girls looking stunned at your sudden entrance, Robin frowned her eyebrows and glanced at Nancy, who was already looking at her with her own eyebrows arched and wide eyes. You noticed while your friends were having a tiny little debate through stares, and Nancy turned back at you. "y/n, why..." she pressed her lips together in a friendly smile "why are you sitting here? as in why aren't you at the hellfire table? I really don’t mean to be rude but… We don’t normally talk at lunch."
You almost winced. Fuck! You just can't be near those boys right now, you couldn't look at Eddie while he acted discourses, entertaining and basically ruling everyone at that table, not after last night. See, you screwed yourself when, in those typical situations, you dreamt about your friend who was starting to look a tiny bit cuter in your eyes. Except it wasn't simply any dream. You had a wet dream with your best friend who was starting to look cute in your eyes.
Damn it. His breath felt hot in your collarbones while your own was starting to sound gasped, both getting heavier by the second, the air getting thicker as you crossed that fine line between friendship and something else, as Eddie kissed that fine line away and you held back moans to hide how good it felt to finally do it.
Robin noticed a pang of guilt in your eyes as you turned back from a quick – but not so discreet – stare at your geeky friend group. "listen, I just- today. I just can't! I just can't look at Eddie!" you whispered the last part, still emphasizing it. Nancy turned her head slightly to the side as Robin couldn’t help her brain to process things way too quickly for her own good, she snapped “did you guys have a fight?!” 
“No!” You nearly screamed right back at her, starting to feel overwhelmed. It’s not that you didn’t trust your friends enough to tell them about this, though since she got with Jonathan Nancy tuned down on the boy-talk significantly, and Robin was more used to just pining, claiming it was simply safer for her that way. Y/n, though, was really just feeling so guilty and at the same time so scared she was suddenly starting to see her friend that way.
Seeing him. The sight of him hovering on top of her, all of his tattoos on display just for her to see and touch. His back muscles flexing as he lowered for each kiss or each thrust. The view of his arms and broad shoulders as he ducked down, engulfed in you and the passionate moment. The little times you would allow yourself to open your eyes just a bit and you were met with his. The way he smiled at you in the middle of the sheets. It was all so real you could spend hours redrawing the beautiful sight of Eddie Munson, your best friend, and dungeon master, on the bed with you, in your dream.
You let out a sigh, losing count of how many times you have done it since you woke up that morning. “Look, girls, I…,” you were met with the curious and supportive gaze of Nancy and Robin, who were silently ushering you to say whatever was bothering you about Eddie. “I had a dream last night and it just crosses a lot of boundaries and I just can’t face him right now, really”
As you explained yourself, trying your absolute best to make your friends understand what you were talking about without explicitly saying it, Eddie was not so subtly staring at your current table for a while now. He had noticed a few minutes prior when Robin spoke a little too loud that you were talking — probably gossiping — about him, the boy was notably worried because for starters you hadn’t sat amongst them that day, which already wasn’t usual at all, plus he was really excited about how he had unraveled the next events from his campaign, and he wanted to talk about it. Jeff noticed the frustrated frown on Eddie’s face and followed his gaze until his eyes reached your back as well. He nudged Dustin, both starting to convince Eddie to just go ahead and ask you if anything was wrong, not before smirking to themselves.
Eddie indeed had walked away from his table and was getting near you, Robin and Nancy’s faces were melting from interest to a slight panic, eyes widening again. But, too invested in venting about the problem at hand, you hadn’t noticed that, nor the reason behind it, not before it was too late. “Who can’t you face right now?” You heard his voice coming from behind you, widening your own eyes this time around.
Gosh, his voice. Hearing his voice for the first time after dreaming about it being so raspy and loud while muttering sweet nothings in her ear was hard. Your mind had no trouble taking you back to the vivid moans you heard in your dream – you were the cause of said moans –, while hearing him singing sometimes with Corroded Coffin, or even quietly in his room, his voice would already provoke palpitations in your heart nonetheless, but never in such scenarios, never so intimate, never so dirty.
You jumped from your sit, looking startled in the direction of the object of your probation for the day. Damn it, he was glowing, You were at a loss of words, gulping as an answer to his question, you knew damn well that you would only stutter if you so much as tried to come up with anything slightly convincing. “As a matter of fact, she was talking about you!” - Nancy stated calmly as if she knew just what she was doing Robin’s eyes went wide but soon she smirked in understanding. You were, apparently, betrayed by your own friends, gawking at them for a few seconds before turning back at Eddie. 
“Yeah she dreamt of you, actually,” it was Robin’s time to speak, making you run both hands through your face as Eddie wondered, “A dream?”. You pieced two and two together thankfully fast, but although you understood where the girls were coming from, this was not the right time or situation to indulge in confessing any bubbling feelings, so you went with the option Robin gave you earlier.
“Yeah, I dreamt that we fought! And you were a real di- a real prick to me about it! Okay?” You arched both eyebrows and tilted your head to the side, trying your best to muster any confrontation. You were terrible at it, and the only thing on your mind right now was how the first word that came to your mind to describe Eddie’s “bad” attitude in your dream was “dick”. What the fuck. Shit. You couldn’t be serious. You were starting to sweat. 
“...Wait but are you mad because of a fight with dream me?” Eddie nearly sounded concerned this time around, talking about his dream self as if he was referring to a whole other persona, maybe an evil twin or something like it.
Dream him. His touch, his breath, the sight of him, how he sounded. This was killing you.
You felt a pang of guilt at the way he sounded though, frowning slightly before looking back at Nancy. She wore a friendly scolding expression, lips pressed together. It was unfair to him that since you couldn’t control your silly little brain and its damned dirty thoughts, you’d simply ignore Eddie as a solution. 
As you fell silent for a little long, Eddie touched your arm softly. “can we…?” He nearly whispered softly motioning somewhere else with his head, indicating he wanted to talk to you with a little more privacy. Your friends giggled, you’d remember to  — playfully —  confront them about this later. Later, because right now Eddie was being all worried and soft, and this was killing you.
You left the cafeteria, and Eddie was still with his hand in your arms as he stopped in front of you, his hands made their way down to yours as you rested your back on a wall, gulping again. The hall was really quiet, Eddie started speaking again, looking at you with those soft, big brown eyes. “Are you actually mad at me? Come on, what can I do about it? How can real me compensate you for the way dream me acted, hm? What did I do?” It was funny, though, the way he wasn’t even being ironic about the whole fight dream and how he was willing to make things right. If you weren’t so worried and build up about the whole real situation, you would’ve laughed.
"No, Eddie, you didn’t do anything wrong, I… We didn't fight, we…" Every little stop was a nervous, deep breath. Eddie seemed to be really focused on what you were trying to say and as you fell into silence again, he noticed you trying to wet your dry mouth with your tongue, your gulp, the way you were gripping both his arms, your closed eyes, and eyebrows pressed together. Your generally flustered complexion. Eddie Munson was repeating for the third time, but he could put two and two together, especially when he himself has acted that way about you before, he was just better at hiding it.
“What did we do then, y/n?” His voice was more stern this time, and you looked at him quickly, opening your eyes that started to wide almost involuntarily this time, he was smirking. your mouth fell into a small “o”, and his smile only widened at that. He caught onto you. Shit.
Eddie didn’t contort his face into one of disgust or run away from you as you has imagined earlier today, though, no. He was still there, both of your hands were still with a tight grip on his arms, nearly hiding his bat tattoos, his right hand was still on yours as the left one flew to cup your cheek. The damned bell rang. It felt like you were dreaming and then woke up all over again. Eddie kissed your forehead, “You know… you could stay a little later after we’re finished with Hellfire today, tell me a little about the dream. I can still compensate for dream me, I hope.” And with a wink, he just mixed into the chaotic crowd of students going back into class.
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dodger-chan · 4 months
Based off of this idea, originating with @rogueddie (also on ao3)
Steve was looking at Eddie. He had to. There wasn’t anything else worth looking at in the theater.
That sounded weird.
Steve was looking at Eddie. Because unlike Steve, Eddie was not bored out of his skull by the music, the overacting, the complete absence of story.
That last complaint was unfair. There was a story. Eddie’d summed it up for him on the drive over. Steve just couldn’t follow the story with all the singing being in Italian. Or German. Maybe.
He’d gotten used to hearing a bunch of different languages living with Robin, and being able to tell them apart, but everything sounded different when sung. And everything was sung.
Eddie, who only spoke English and nerd, didn’t seem to have any trouble following the opera. Or if he wasn’t following it, he didn’t care. He was clearly having the time of his life, his joy reflected in the smile on his face and the sparkle in his eyes.
So yeah, Steve was looking at Eddie.
Steve looked away quickly when the music stopped and the lights went up. It would be weird if Eddie caught him staring.
“Is it over?” he asked hopefully. It sure felt like they’d been sitting there for several hours.
“It’s intermission.” Right. Halftime. Or, no, the program said there were two intermissions. So one third of the way. “You’re not enjoying it?”
“It’s not my thing, but it isn’t so bad.” Steve lied. He could get through this. He’d survived worse.
It was a good thing no one had told the Russians about Wagner.
“Want to walk around for a bit? Stretch our legs?”
Walking around made Steve feel like he was doing something. Something other than staring at Eddie. Though with Eddie bouncing on his toes and excited hand gestures as he gushed about what they’d just seen Steve couldn’t keep from staring a little.
“Is this your first opera?” An older woman in evening wear asked Eddie. She was smiling kindly, but Steve knew how fake those kind smiles could be. He took note of the wrinkles around her eyes, the graying roots of her hair, any flaws she might be sensitive to, in case she was about to bring up the worn knee in Eddie’s best jeans.
Not everyone could afford a tux like her escort.
“Second, actually. Steve and I saw Don Giovanni here about four, five months ago.” That had been boring, too. But Eddie had loved it, even though he’d been a little embarrassed at enjoying a snobby, rich person kind of thing. So Steve had bought tickets to another opera as soon as he’d saved up enough for two. “I’ve heard Tristan und Isolde before, but it’s different live.”
“It is, isn’t it?”
And then the two of them started talking way, way above Steve’s head, with musical terms he’d have sworn were made up. Like, harmonic was a music thing, sure, but suspension had to do with cars.
It was so much like when Dustin and Eddie talked about Dungeons and Dragons that Steve had to smile.
“And they’re off.” The woman’s escort was smiling, too. He jerked his head in the direction of the bar. “C’mon. Let’s you and I get drinks while my wife and your boyfriend talk shop.”
Steve took three full steps before the words sank in.
“Shit,” he breathed. That was why he’d spent months setting aside money for opera tickets. And why he’d needed two. And why he’d spent all of act one entertaining himself with Eddie’s facial expressions. He was in love with Eddie.
Steve turned around.
“I’m very sorry,” he interrupted the woman. He was a little sorry; Eddie seemed to be enjoying her conversation. “I need to borrow this guy for ten seconds.”
“What the hell?” Eddie asked as Steve pulled him away from any potential eavesdroppers.
“Do you want this to be a date?”
“Um, what?”
“Tonight. This. A date.” Maybe Steve wasn’t making a lot of sense. He tried again. “That woman you were talking to, her husband called you my boyfriend-”
“Oh, shit, Steve, I’m sorry- '' Eddie started.
“Don’t be. Unless, you don’t want to be. My boyfriend, that is.” Steve looked directly into Eddie’s eyes. “Because I’d really like it if you’d be my boyfriend.”
“I’d like that, too.”
They couldn’t kiss in such a public place. But once they were back in their seats and the lights went down, no one would be able to see if they were holding hands.
Steve was suddenly looking forward to act two.
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peachbottom · 6 months
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Authors Note: Hi sorry I haven’t posted in months, but I have this that has been sitting in my notes for ever so here you go. Please leave feedback sorry if you hate it
Summary: When you unexpectedly get your period in the middle of a special moment, don’t worry Bucky makes its all feel better don’t be embarrassed. <3
Warnings: Potential maybe allusions to smut but no actual smut, non sexual nudity, periods, fluff, bad grammar, not edited
——————————————————————————All day you had been looking forward to going home, taking a shower and spending time with bucky. Your back hurt, you were tired and just overall feeling down. Thankfully it was Friday and all the worries of the week will wash away with the weekend.
Bucky was supposed to get home half an hour after you, he was out with Steve and Sam for the day and you couldn’t wait till he got home. When you walked into your shared apartment you dropped your stuff and went straight to the bathroom. You started a nice hot shower, put on some relaxing music and did all the steps you’re usually too lazy to do in the shower.
You must have been really into it because you didn’t hear the front door open or even the bathroom door. You did hear the shower door open though, to reveal a very pretty, very happy Bucky. He was standing holding his shirt in his hand, buckle undone and barefoot, ready to join you if you’d have him.
“Oh Jesus bucky you scared me”
“It’s hard to hear over the shower and music. Mind if I join you baby?”
“Yeah sure” you say while trying to maintain warmth under the water while the draft of cold air blows in from the open shower door bucky stands at.
He drops his shirt then pulls down his jeans and boxers in one motion. He steps out of them and soon enough he’s right next to you holding you close. He leans down to kiss the spot on your neck that he knows makes you giggle every time. True love is about knowing someone inside and out, and Bucky makes it a point to know you in all the ways.
After a little romantic and steamy shower where you washed each other and got a little excited, you and Bucky decided to move the moment to the bedroom. You wrapped up in a towel and moved to sit on the bed, bucky climbing on top of you with a towel slung low on his hips.
“You are so pretty, baby I can’t believe I get all this” he says as he plants kisses one by one down your body. You just feel an overwhelming need to kiss him, to show your love for him. So you reach down and lace your fingers through his hair and pull lightly on his roots.
He looks up at you, forgetting his prior mission of covering your body in kisses. You stick out your lips in a pouty kissy face so he understands what you want.
“Oh honey you want kisses? I can do that.” He leans down to lay next to you and pulls you on top of him. As he pulls you up to kiss you, you let out a small uncomfortable groan but he doesn’t let it go unnoticed.
“What’s wrong, are you okay?” He’s quick to address the situation and try to find the problem. He holds you gently and looks at you as if he’s waiting for you to tell him the most important thing in the world.
“My stomach just hurts, I’m okay it’s been like this all day. Just shush and kiss me already.” And if James Barnes is good at one thing it’s following directions, so kiss you he does. It’s passionate and slow, sweet but firm. It’s perfect and comfortable and it helps melt away all the bad of the day.
As you continue to kiss him you feel desire burning in your lower body, you feel wetness forming between your legs and you can’t wait for what comes next.
You feel Bucky’s hands wander lower towards your towel. He undoes the knot you have holding it up, letting it come loose around your body and allowing him access to your chest. He presses his hands in between your bodies to gently toy with your nipples and encourage the soft breathy sounds from your mouth.
You slowly grind your hips down into Buckys, feeling his hard length through the towel. He lets out a soft moan when you grind down harder, continuing to play with your breasts he makes a noise to roll you over again.
He slips his left arm around your back holding you close as he drives up with his hips and flips you over so he’s on top. He plants one last kiss on your lips and nips at your lower lip before making his way down your body again.
“Doll I love you so much, you are everything to me.” Bucky had a big smile on his face ready so feast in between your legs like a starved man. As he moved down your body he removes your towel and grabs your thighs to make room for himself between them. As he parts your legs his smile falters.
“Oh, um”
Immediately you spring up from your laying position to see what was wrong. Red, it was all red. The inside of your thighs were covered in blood along with the towel and other things.
“I think you got your period baby, do you want to get back in the shower and we-“
You don’t even listen to what he has to say, you are so mortified you jump up and run off into the bathroom. Nothing he could say or do would make you feel any less embarrassed that his face was inches from your blood covered body.
You lock yourself in the bathroom making sure Bucky wasn’t coming in. That’s when you let out a silent tear, you feel the oncoming tears and try to hold them back. Thinking quickly you turn on the shower to drown out the sobs of embarrassment. You knew something was wrong today but you never even thought to consider this as the reason.
Gently stepping into the shower you wipe your tears and try to tuck away the mortification, it’s not helpful but at least you stop crying. You start to wash the insides of your thighs and your center. Just then you hear a knock on the door, loud but not aggressive.
“Honey, babydoll please let me in. I need to know you’re okay.” Buckys voice is still heard over the sound of the water and through the door.
“I’m fine.” You say back, voice cracking through the tears threatening to spill. If it wasn’t for his super solider hearing he probably wouldn’t have heard you. Then you hear him let out a soft sign and an “okay” before he retreats away from the door.
The fact that he would walk away to fast without trying harder makes you kinda sad. Maybe he doesn’t care that much or maybe you really grossed him out. But another part of you is happy he walked away so you can clean in peace.
Once you finish cleaning yourself you step out of the shower, look for a tampon, thankfully you have some, then wrap yourself up ready to face bucky. You wish you could lock yourself in the bathroom forever but unfortunately you have to face the embarrassment at some point
Opening the door you walk into the bedroom to see candles lit, the tv playing a movie, your heating pad plugged in and some comfortable pajamas folded neatly at the edge of the bed. As you take a second to take it all in a smile comes to your face as you think about bucky doing this for you. Just then bucky comes back from in the kitchen with a hot mug of tea in his hand. He slips right past you into the room to place the mug on your bedside table.
“Bucky” you whisper through a cracking voice as tears threaten to break through again. He’s quietly turns around and walks up to you with outstretched arms. His one arm goes around your lower back and the other cradles your head into his chest.
“It’s all okay, why don’t we get you comfortable and we can watch a movie. No pressure for anything else, okay?”
You nod and look up at bucky, still tears brimming your eyes. He uses both thumbs to swipe gently under your eyes and places a soft kiss to your lips.
He leads you over to the edge of the bed telling you to sit down next to the folded clothes. Gently he reaches out to where you are still holding your towel, “Can I, sweetheart?” You shyly let him remove your towel, still crawling with embarrassment from earlier.
The towel falls around you as you look down at your lap avoiding eye contact. “Baby please look at me, I want to see your pretty face. Come on gorgeous let me see your eyes.” You slowly lift your gaze to meet his eyes, “Thats my girl, good girl baby” he softly strokes your hair from your face while praising you for simply looking at him.
“I know your being really brave and vulnerable with me right now and I know what’s hard for you but your doing so well baby, so good for letting me help you and take care of you.” His words make your heart skip a beat, he makes you feel so seen and understood.
As he reaches for your pajamas he keeps one hand on your thigh, softly stroking the skin. He grabs a pair of comfortable underwear from the top of the stack, letting it unfold before he grips your thigh right above the knee and picks your leg up, sliding his hand down to your calf putting your foot through one hole. He places your leg down and does it again to your other leg, sliding the underwear up your body.
“Lift up for me sweetheart” he speaks softly into your ear as he supports your body and pulls the underwear past your butt. He eases you down to the mattress before grabbing one of his tshirts to pull over your head. You both laugh a little as he pulls your head through the hole and fixes your hair from how messy the shirt made it.
He hooks his arms under yours and lifts you into his chest, moving one arm to support under your butt. He moves the towel off the bed and pulls down the blankets with the other. Crawling into bed with you still wrapped around him, he makes sure you’re nice and comfy before pulling the blankets up around you.
He holds you close and kisses your forehead without saying anything, just watching the movie. “I’m sorry, I should have known better that was really gross and I’m sorry” you say softly, it’s all you could think about you had to say something.
He pulls back looking at you, he seems almost hurt. “Oh baby, no. Don’t ever, ever feel bad about anything like that. It’s natural and your body is healthy and that’s what matters baby. It’s not gross and I’m not upset, I just want to make sure you are okay, okay? It’s all fine, no need to be upset or embarrassed.” You want to cry again and he can see it. “Oh no don’t cry please don’t cry I don’t want you upset.” He kisses your nose and all over your face while running his hand up and down your side squeezing at your hip.
“You’re just so perfect, and i can’t thank you enough for being so kind and gentle with me. I’m so sorry for ruining your night!” You cry into his arms and he holds you like it’s all okay.
“Nothing is ruined it’s all okay, I’m here with the you. Yeah maybe I’m disappointed we aren’t going to have sex but I’m not upset because I know you aren’t comfortable. Do you understand I’m not upset, I’m not angry or grossed out by you. I still think you are gorgeous and amazing even if you are crying all over me.”
You pull away from him a little bit to laugh, you really cried all over him. He rubs your back some more and lets you breathe for a minute. You can’t help but feel bad about ruining the mood, he was ready to go and you just ran away.
“Is it really okay? We can just watch a movie and cuddle and you won’t be mad?” You ask while rubbing away tears.
“Of course baby, let’s watch our movie while I hold you. Do you need anything, pain medicine or something? Oh I got you tea, here you go” He leans over and grabs the tea from the bedside table and helps you sit up, slowly handing you the mug.
“Oh thank you” you carefully take the mug and take a little baby sip, delicious.
Bucky rubs your back and rest his head on your shoulder while adjusting ur heating pad in your lower stomach. He asks calmly if it was in a good spot and then continues to rub up and down your body.
You place your now empty tea cup on the bedside table and then roll into Bucky even more. “Thank you, I feel so much better now” he kisses the top of your head in response.
“Go to sleep honey I’ll be here when you wake up, I love you so much”
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day 18
Staring John Lennon, as that kid I should’ve been nicer to in first grade who always smelled like PB&J and was never to be seen without his pokemon cards
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The dancing is really too cute. They’re just absolutely giddy. Making each other laugh AND an excuse to touch? John and Paul’s heaven. 
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John saying he was too excited after yesterday to go to bed. Like a fucking kid on christmas.
Everybody is serving today. While the candy-land suit is fun, I actually just love that vivid purple so much that I think it’s better without the coat over it. Billy looks extremely suave and classy.  And those red polka-dots on Ringo. Red suits him, and I think with his very frank, masculine aspect, he looks so beautiful and bold in feminine fits. Paul and John are both just wearing what they wore yesterday. Yeah. But John is still a cutie, and Paul, well, you all know.
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The advice chain about finishing a song while you’re working on. Paul → John → George
Paul honestly does a great job being supportive of George and his work. Coming over and grooving with him, then hopping on drums then guitar (right-handed, may I add). Just to give George musical atmosphere to flesh out his song and start thinking of arrangement ideas, I assume. Then letting him bounce ideas around. And the whole time being overly-enthusiastic to build George up. Look how happy George is with the love and attention. 
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John helping move some equipment in. We love a man who sometimes doesn’t think he’s too good for manual labor. 
Yes, clean that homeless man’s palm sweat off your instrument. Probably smart. 
TFW you made Paul McCartney jealous of your musical abilities. 
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John really knew so well when to be his little impish self and when to be hard and intimidating. Exhibit A, going from, “Can we have our microphones, oh, mister, can we please?” to “And get one for Billy too.” In a matter of seconds.
George Martin stepping in when they’re all getting panicky about the sound and they need an authority figure to reassure them in ways that someone like Glyn Johns never could. Just, perfectly cool and collected, puts everything right as they’re all shouting at him like school children who’ve just had a terrible time in PE. 
“Believe me, when I tell you.” “Oh, I do.” Oh, good. He did put it in. That’s nice. Right, and this is the moment Yoko decides to tell John her divorce has come through and pull him in for a big smooch. Honestly, it just shows how threatened she feels by Paul. Nevermind her whole, “good thing Paul isn’t a girl or he would have been a great threat,” quote. Clearly, he just is a threat regardless of sex.
And then John, “I’m freeeee.” At Paul. Honestly, the amount of things they direct specifically and aggressively at each other that should’ve just been general statements if there wasn’t some weird thing between them. It’s really something. Normally, you’d announce something like that to the whole room. But it seems John specifically wants to impress upon Paul that he and Yoko could get married right now if they wanted to. I mean, it’s a little difficult to make the point, because John and Paul almost aways seem to be talking only to each other. But through the whole discussion of Yoko’s divorce, John does not take his eyes off of Paul. 
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Oh my gosh, Ivan Vaughn is here? How many emotional support boyfriends does Paul need to make up for John having Yoko? Glyn, Linda, George Martin, Dennis, Robert Fraser, and now Ivan? Fuck’s sake, Yoko, you’re a powerful woman.   
Paul’s Strawberry Fields piano. Let me be as vulnerable and broken as possible in my singing, since I can’t show you any other way that you’re killing me. Do you remember this song? That you wrote when we were at the height of our partnership only two years ago? How happy we were then? How beautiful the world seemed for that one brief moment? And John can’t look at him, because, yes he fucking remembers and yes he knows he’s hurting Paul. But for whatever reason, (my theory is he wanted something more Paul couldn’t give him. What that was and whether it was ever specifically vocalized I don't have a guess) going back to that time would be more painful to John than this has been.  
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So they’ve been goofing off and Paul gives this little speech to get them back on task. “Alright Chawn Love. I’ve gotta call order, John, now, valuable time, here, son. Cool down, son.” But John’s response, “Don’t let me down, babe” completely switches Paul’s gears. He now thinks it’s important enough to get in this little snatch of a *meaningful* cover, “Take these Chains from my Heart,” reversing the course of productivity he’d got them on and ignoring the fact that they were about to do a take on two-shilling-a-foot tape. My interpretation of this moment is a bit tin-hatish and long, but suffice it to say, John is not happy with the message.
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Everyone convincing Paul to do another take of his song is surprising, considering everything we always hear about how Paul was a tyrant task-master who just forced everyone to keep doing his lame muzak over and over when they all clearly hated it. Mal, “You can always go back to it.” Paul, “Do you want your head kicked in?” John, “We’ll never get a chance to do it again.” Paul, “Okay, honey bunch. Let’s hit it one time, tutti-frutti.” 
Yoko watching Paul check out her boyfriend’s ass. Classic. Also the fact that she literally copied his outfit? I get so much second-hand embarrassment for her, and it’s not when she’s being a weirdo and a statement-maker. It’s the having to physically stick the gum you were offering your boyfriend into this hand because he won’t take his eyes off his boyfriend for two seconds to look at you. 
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Everyone laughing at Perfect Paul being out of tune is so funny to me. Like when the nerd finally gets a question wrong and the whole class is all “ooooohhhh!”
Ringo having a grand old time on the drums. I love that he just knew that’s what he wanted to do from such a young age and he never wanted to do anything else. And why would he? He’s a genius at it.
Paul. “John’s got something at 1:30 and so have I.” Smirk emoji. Side-eye emoji. George is with me. “Yeah we've got something too. I’ll do Ringo at 1:30.” I'm dead.
This moment right here hurts me. Paul’s enjoying a nice cuddle with Ringo until he remembers the camera. You’re not going to get in trouble for having your friend’s arm around your shoulders, Paul. Why are you like this? 
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐃𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐫.𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫?
Part 2: “Chains and Whips Excite Me”
Joel Miller x f! reader NSFW 🔞
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A/N: so originally I was not going to write a part 2 to this little slice of sub! Joel heaven but then the idea struck me today so I was like fuck it! Let’s roll with it. I gotta say, this is beyond filthy. The end has SO much fluff it’s got me giggling and kicking my feet like a little girl. Enjoy! 🫶🏻
~word count: 6.1k~
Summary: Joel really enjoyed the last time you took control so much, that he wants you to do it again. This time, with the proper tools.
Warnings: smut with no plot, established relationship, sub/switch! Joel!, dom/switch reader, consensual power play, use of a safe word, BDSM, bondage, whip play, collar play, edging, teasing, praise kink, handcuffs, Joel doesn’t like being a sub but he does it for you, till the cuffs snap of course, reader calls Joel a good boy, dominatrix vibe till the cuffs snap, pussy eating, unprotected p in v, (wrap it kids) rough consensual sex, light choking, overstimulation, lots of filth, sex toys, very short game of cat and mouse, consent, heavy after care, Joel feels bad for overstimulating you, all the feels, no angst, just a whole lot of debauchery, fluff at the end with you, Joel and Ellie the next morning (+18), NSFW MINORS DNI!
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“Joel? Baby? Where the actual fuck are you taking me?” Your eyes were blindfolded with a thick piece of fabric but you were acutely aware of your lover's close proximity to you. His hands were at your waist, guiding you protectively to…well, wherever the hell he was taking you.
“Easy now, sugar. We’re almost there.” His lips were at the shell of your ear and his warm Texas drawl sent shivers down your spine.
“This isn’t where you murder me..right?” You nervously giggled.
“What? Ain’t no way—you’re bein’ silly baby. Why on earth would I do somethin’ like that?” He responded incredulously.
“Okay okay. I’m just checking because you brought me god no’s where. Y’know, I think it was just a logical thing for me to ask.”
Joel chuckled deeply, his warmth breath tickling the sensitive skin below your ear. “Yeah well trust me, baby. You’re gonna love where I brought you.” He reassured you.
“Yeah, okay. We’ll see about that Miller.”
Joel had grasped your hips firmly in his calloused hands, yanking you back against his chest before he took one hand and brought it around your face and untied the makeshift blindfold. “Surprise.” He whispered, a grin spreading across his lips.
You blinked a few times as your eyes readjusted to the lighting and after a few seconds you realized he had brought you to an abandoned mall. Your eyes drifted up to the faded moss covered sign that read Spencer's.
“Oh my god, you’re joking right?” You said in disbelief as you turned and looked over your shoulder at your grinning man. “Joel, you know what this place is right?”
“Do I know what this place is? Honey, I’m old but I ain’t that old. I had a girlfriend back in highschool that dragged me to this place before prom night. She wore one of those candy bras and matching thongs. She wanted to put me in a collar and I said absolutely fuckin’ not.” He chuckled as he watched your reaction.
“Are you purposely bringing up your ex-girlfriend from highschool to make me jealous? You remember what happened the last time I got jealous?” You responded with a light giggle.
“Oh baby, do I remember? Fuck yeah I do. Why the hell do ya think I brought ya out here in the first place?” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively in your direction before he gave you a firm nudge forward.
“You sly fucking dog. You want me to tie you up again?” You gave him a playful glare as he nudged you forward into the store that took you right on back to the early 2000’s.
“Yeah baby, I do. Figured it would be way more fun if you had the proper tools y’know?” He followed closely behind, stepping over moth eaten shirts and moldy backpacks. You both seemingly knew that what you were looking for was in the far back of the store.
Your eyes zoned in on the bondage section immediately and Joel fought the urge to roll his eyes when you picked up a pair of pink fluffy handcuffs and twirled them playfully around your finger. “How do you feel about these, big boy?”
“Jesus Christ. Do they really gotta be pink? I swear to god if Tommy—or god forbid Ellie finds ‘em, I might actually have to kill ya after all sweet cheeks.”
“Baby, you can use them on me too y’know? I don’t think we have to worry about your brother or adopted daughter finding our stuff Joel. Relax, honey.” You shot him a playful wink.
Joel grumbled under his breath, saying something unintelligible as he crossed his arms over his chest with a huff.
You had picked up a black riding crop that had a red heart stitched on the faux leather. You couldn’t help but teasingly drag the crop across his chest with a giggle. “What about this baby? You into me whipping you a little?” You looked up at him, lashes fluttering as you lightly tapped the crop against his bulging bicep.
“How can I say no when you’re lookin’ at me with those goddamn eyes?” He uncrossed his arms from his chest, bringing his thumb and forefinger against your smooth chin before he stole a quick kiss.
“Mhm these eyes that make any man go weak in the knees, but especially my man.” You hummed against his lips, kissing him back sweetly before slipping the crop into his hands along with the pink fluffy handcuffs.
“Look, my only request is that you don’t get any nipple clamps…well, unless you wanna use them on you, and please god nothing that would hurt my balls.”
“Oh baby, you’re so cute. You’re not down for a little nipple play?” You were already reaching for a packaged pair of nipple clamps as you fluttered your lashes at him once more.
“Fuckin’ hell. Fine, you little minx.” He grumbled.
You blew your man a kiss before tossing the small packaged nipple clamps into his hands. “So, I know you said that you wouldn’t let your ex girlfriend put you in a collar..but what if it were me asking you? Would your answer be different?”
Joel’s mouth went dry as you innocently were holding a black spiked collar that had a metal heart connecting in the middle. He watched as you twirled the chain between your fingers, swinging it back and forth. “I’m really startin’ to regret tellin’ ya that story.” Even though the thought of you yanking him around like a leashed dog, was undeniably turning him on just a bit.
“Are you sure you’re regretting telling me that story baby?” You softly cooed as you stepped towards him. “Because just close your eyes, just for a moment. Now, I want you to picture me handcuffing you to a chair. I want you picturing me putting this collar on you while I slide up and down your thick cock. You can feel every inch of my pussy on you baby. Can you picture that?” You purred and Joel just about folded right then and there.
“Fuck me darlin.’” He rasped out, his voice sounding slightly strained as the images of you riding him deliciously settled into his brain. Your fingers wrapped around the chain, tugging on it so he’s looking up at you. Calling him a good boy—
“We’ll get to that part baby I promise. Now I think we have just about everything I need..is there anything you’d like to grab?”
Joel was already making a b-line for the lingerie section, of course. He loved seeing you naked but god, to see you wearing one of these little numbers just for him? It would surely be the end of him.
You watched in pure amusement as your man grabbed various different lingerie sets. He looked like a kid in a fucking candy shop with how excited he was.
“You’re not wasting any time. Huh cowboy?” You giggled.
“Absolutely fuckin’ not darlin.’ It ain’t everyday I get to see my girl dressed up in lingerie. Man’s fantasy fuckin’ come true.” He moved to the sex toy section, humming to himself as he grabbed a purple wand that was marked as waterproof along with a few packs of batteries that (hopefully) would still work. “Don’t think this comes into any comparison of what my tongue is capable of, but I think we can have a little fun with this honey. It’s waterproof too.” He shot you a wink.
You rolled your eyes playfully at his comment of a vibrator being no match for his tongue. “Yeah? Well, keep eating pussy like a man starved, and there definitely will be no comparison.”
“Ain’t got no reason to not eat your pussy that way, sweet cheeks.” He chuckled as he grabbed a couple bottles of lube and suction cup dildo.
“What the hell are we gonna need lube for Joel?”
“You never know darlin.’ We might find ourselves needin’ it one of these days. Better to be prepared, right?”
“You’re not sticking it in my ass Miller. There’s no fucking way.” You slid your backpack off your shoulder as you packed it filled with the things from the sex store.
“Who the hell said anythin’ about me stickin’ it in your ass?” He grinned at your immediate reaction.
“Oh bullshit. You’re totally fucking bluffing baby.”
Joel just gave you a little shrug as he zipped up his bag. Before leaving the store, and while he wasn’t paying attention, you grabbed a t-shirt that said “I Love My Lesbian Daughter” and stuffed it in your bag. Ellie was going to fucking love this.
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The ride back to Jackson was filled to the brim with laughter and sexual tension. Dinner in the mess hall was quick and you and Joel were both relieved that Ellie was going over to Dina’s for the evening. Joel still hadn’t caught onto the fact that his kid was dating Dina but Ellie had told you one night but you swore to her that you wouldn’t tell Joel.
Your man was having a quick, head clearing shower while you placed the folded t-shirt on the end of Ellie’s bed with a little note.
You used the spare bathroom to put on one of the many lingerie sets that Joel had picked out for you. This set was pretty, lacy, and would in no doubt drive Joel up a fucking wall once he saw you in it. The top was a laced up bodice, and the cups barely contained your breasts that were nearly spilling over the top of the fabric. You paired it with the black stockings that had delicate lace that sat at the top of your thighs. You attached the two clips to the garter and surely they were not built to withstand much pressure at all. The matching black thong left little to the imagination as the tooth floss thin fabric sat perfectly between your cheeks.
Heels would have been ideal to finish off this look but you stuck with your usual boots knowing that Joel would enjoy seeing you in them.
As soon as you could hear the water shutting off through the pipes, you quickly grabbed your bag and headed downstairs. You flicked all the lights off, just like the last time and you waited patiently for your man as you made yourself comfortable on one of the kitchen chairs. You gingerly crossed one leg over the other as you lightly twirled the pink fuzzy handcuffs around your finger lazily.
You heard his heavy footsteps padding down the hall and the staircase as he called out your name. When your man finally came into view, you were pleased to see that he was wearing just a robe. You were pleased till you realized it was the fucking robe that one of the mess hall ladies gifted to Joel at last years town Christmas party. She had an enormous crush on your man and after a few too many glasses of spiked eggnog, she had no problem flirting up a storm with him.
“Hey baby.” He rasped as his eyes adjusted to the low lighting. He sucked in a harsh breath when he found you sitting, and wearing his personal favorite choice of lingerie that he had grabbed for you.
“You wore that robe on purpose, didn’t you?” You raised an eyebrow as you leaned forward slightly so he could get a good look at your cleavage nearly spilling out to his greedy eyes.
“What? This old thing? Yeah, Susan gifted it to me, remember?” He grinned as he strode around the table towards the empty chair that wasn’t occupied with you.
“As if I needed to remember the way she flirted your fucking ear off. Sit down, Mr. Miller. Don’t make me ask you twice.”
Joel swallowed the thick lump growing in his throat hard as he slowly sank down onto the chair opposite of yours. “My god, you look so fuckin’ gorgeous right now baby. Jesus Christ. I’m so happy you picked out that one it’s my—”
You cut him off sternly. “Did I fucking say you could talk baby? Don’t think so.” You slowly stood up from your chair, walking the short distance till you were standing between his open thighs. You leaned down, grasping his chin between your fingers. “Are you gonna be a good boy for me baby?”
Joel was itching to touch you already. To grab a handful of your ass and yank you forward so he could bury his face between your two luscious, pillowy breasts and lick every inch of skin that he could reach— “yes baby, of course I’ll be a good boy for you. Before we get into this, I think we should uh—come up with a safe word yeah? Cause if you’re gonna be whippin’ me and shit..” he trailed off as he lifted his warm, dark brown eyes up to gaze upon your pretty face.
You just about folded from his look alone as you ever so slightly tighten your fingers grip around his chin. “A safe word? Yeah, of course baby. We can always use a safe word.”
Joel tapped his fingers along the outside of his thighs, already feeling his cock twitch under the robe. It really took nothing for you to turn him on and he fucking loved it. “Alright darlin’ how about—hmm..Beetlejuice?”
You let out a soft giggle at his suggestion for a safe word and the sound alone was sending blood southwards as he took his lip between his teeth, keeping his eyes locked on yours. “Like..Michael Keaton’s Beetlejuice?”
“Yeah, there a problem with that sugar?”
“No no. That’s perfect actually. I had a huge crush on Beetlejuice at one point.” You giggled, dragging your thumb across Joel’s lower lip as he nibbled on your fingertip gently.
“Oh of course you did.” He fought the urge to roll his eyes at your response.
You were grabbing a fistful of his dark, salt and pepper speckled hair as you yanked his head back against the chair. “Just remember to not say his name three times baby or else we’ll be in trouble. I catch you rolling your eyes at me again and you’re going to regret it Joel.”
Joel felt a growl crawling up the deep cavern of his throat as he gritted his teeth tightly, feeling his fists clench at his sides. “Yes ma’am” he rasped out.
“Good boy.” You gave him a quick kiss before you were stepping away from him and walked behind his chair, leaning down so your lips were at the shell of his ear. “Arms behind your back baby. Wrists together for me.”
Joel reluctantly brought his arms around the back of the chair, holding his wrists together. “Guess I’m gonna have to get real creative with snappin’ these off, Huh baby?” He chuckled.
“If you manage to snap these off somehow, you can take me any way you want to baby.” You whispered against his ear as you snapped the pink fuzzy cuffs around his wrists and gave them a good tug to be sure they were secure.
“Oh, I am absolutely fuckin’ snappin’ these off at some point honey. Better have your fun while you still can.” He spoke with amusement laced in his tone..which was short lived when he felt your hands untying the knot that held the robe together and exposing his warm, damp skin to your wandering eyes. From the angle you were at, you could see the head of his cock resting against the base of his stomach, leaking in precum.
“Is this turning you already baby?” You cooed softly, letting your lips kiss down the expanse of his exposed neck, greedily sucking on his skin, licking a hot stripe up to his earlobe before you lightly nibbled on it with your teeth.
Joel let out a low rumbled groan as he tilted his head to the side, granting you easier access. He was so used to being the one to kiss on you but god, your lips felt delicious against his warm skin. “Mhm. My cock is aching for you darlin.’”
You reached behind you, grasping the leather hilt of the riding crop and slowly dragged it across his jaw, down his neck, across his chest as it lightly grazed his nipples. The sensation to him was new, and unfamiliar, but he liked it. So much so that he let a low hiss slip past his lips.
His cock instinctively twitched against his stomach and his muscles clenched as the cool leather descended past his navel. He could feel your grin creeping against his skin as you dragged the leather across his leaking tip. You couldn’t help but giggle as his hips bucked up from the feather light touch.
“You think this is fuckin’ funny darlin?’ Teasin’ me like this with that fuckin’ crop? You little minx I swear to god when I break out of these—” his low growl transfixed into a whimper when you brought the crop down swiftly against his inner thigh, stinging his skin from the sensation. You wasted no time to grab his jaw with your free hand and yank his head up so he was forced to look at you. “You shut the fuck up and be a good boy, baby. You got that?” Your eyes narrowed into his.
Joel let out a shuddered breath when he saw how dark your pupils had grown and he let out a low hiss when you brought the crop down on his inner thigh once more before he swiftly nodded. “Yes, baby. I’m sorry. I promise I’ll be a good boy for you.” He pleaded.
Joel being a sub for you was by far the hottest fucking thing he had ever done. You were obsessed with having him at your mercy. To do with him whatever, and however you pleased. You rewarded him with a chaste kiss, slotting your lips together as you took full dominance. As soon as you felt him trying to take control of the kiss, you slapped his thigh with the crop a little harder this time and the leather just barely grazed his balls. He retreated shortly after.
Your tongues tangled together, teeth clashing as you lightly dragged the whip up and down his thick veiny cock. The sensation wasn’t nearly enough for Joel. It was driving him up a wall already and you could sense his frustration brewing deep in his gut. “Baby..” he mumbled against your lips, letting out what sounded like a groan, mixed in with a whimper. “Please don’t tease me anymore honey. I can’t take it much longer. I’m hurtin’ real fuckin’ bad. I need your touch. Your mouth, your pussy. Fuckin’ anythin’, please darlin.’” Joel Miller was begging you to touch him.
You grinned against his lips, parting from the kiss slightly so you could watch his face, see his brows furrowed and his eyes darken. You just barely kissed him now, tilting your head back slightly when he tried to properly kiss you once more. “Yeah baby? You want my touch that fucking bad? Huh pretty boy?” You cooed, letting your free hand slowly dip down his chest, navel, dragging your fingers along his taut skin that clenched inwards from the contact.
Joel let out a deep growl as he tugged harshly on the handcuffs secured around his wrists. The desire to have some sense of control was driving him mad as he narrowed his eyes at you. “I’m fuckin’ begging you to touch me darlin.’ Please do somethin’ before I lose my goddamn mind over here.”
You slowly wrapped your hand around the base of his cock, giving him a firm tug before you dragged your thumb across his ruddy head, collecting the leaking precum from the tip. You gave his cock a few more firm tugs before you leaned down over his shoulder, and spit over his cock. Your saliva trailed past your soft lips and down his happy trail and cock. You used your saliva as lubricant as you continued to slowly pump your fist around him.
Joel’s eyes rolled to the back of his skull when he watched you filthily spit over his cock. You were something fucking else entirely and his brain was feeling like a goddamn scrambled egg. “Shit. Yeah baby, that’s it. Fuck. Can I get your sweet mouth too? You always suck my cock so well—”
“Who the fuck is running this show huh? You, or me, Miller?” You squeezed his cock slightly, scraping your nails across the veiny skin.
“Jesus fuck—you are baby. It’s your show. Not mine.” He hissed.
“That’s right. It’s my show. Don’t even fucking think about cumming either. You’re not allowed to till I fucking say.”
“Yes, baby.” He nearly whimpered when you dragged your thumb across his sensitive head as he jutted his hips into your hand desperately.
When he could no longer feel your touch around his aching cock, he tugged on the restraints once more as he watched you ever so casually release your grip around him and walk away from his chair.
“Where the fuck are you goin’ now? I swear to god darlin’ if you even think about leavin’ me down here like this I’m gonna make you regret it.” He tugged on the restraints again, trying to get a feel for if these things were cheaply made or not.
You didn’t respond as you bent down. Ass on full display as you reached into your backpack, pulling out the collar and attached chain. You swung the chain around in a tight circle, using your free hand to pull the thin fabric covering your pussy to the side, revealing your slick cunt to him as you faced him.
Joel’s jaw went slack at the sight of you. Your pussy in his direct view, looking soft and wet for him. His mouth watered at the sight and he swore he had drool dribbling down his chin. “Fuck me. You’re so fuckin’ pretty baby. Is your pretty little pussy wet for me? I bet she is. I bet she’s fuckin’ drippin’ right now. Can I have a taste? Please?”
You slowly dragged your panties down over your thighs and ankles, casually tossing the fabric at him with a giggle before you walked over to him. Your boots were heavy along the old hardwood and you slowly stopped between his thighs, unclasping the collar before you fastened it around his neck. You gave the chain attached to the collar a firm tug, yanking his head towards you. “You wanna have a taste of my pussy baby? That’s what you really want? Huh, pretty boy?”
Joel was not expecting his body to be so willingly responsive to the leather fastened around his neck. Nor did he expect the groan to be elicited past his lips when you tugged on the chain. “Please, pretty girl. Let me have a taste of your pussy. Let me bury my head between your thighs and drink you dry.”
You propped your one boot clad foot right between his thighs, feeling his body jolt slightly from how close your boot had gotten to his dick. You grabbed ahold of his shoulder with your free hand as you held yourself as close to his face as you physically could. You yanked on the chain once more, pulling his face to your soaked cunt.
Joel’s eyes flicked up to yours as he nuzzled his face between your thighs, nipping at the soft flesh before he buried his face deep into your cunt. He could already feel his back aching from the angle he was forced into but did he care? Not one fucking bit. His nose was firmly pressed into your pubic bone as he lapped frantically at you. His tongue swirled around your clit while the sharp stubble on his jaw was scraping at your inner thighs. You let out a low moan as you tightened your grip around the chain. “Fuck. That’s it baby. You’re being such a good boy for me right now. Mouth full of my fucking pussy. Eating me like a man starved.”
Your free hand that was gripped around his shoulder found purchase in his hair, tugging at the roots tightly. Your nails lightly scraped his scalp as he wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking harshly on the little bud. The sounds he made were nothing short of obscene and filthy. Joel let out a hum against your pussy, driving his face deeper into your folds as you began to rock your hips into his face.
“You taste so fuckin’ sweet baby. Sweetest taste a man could ever dream of consumin.’ He mumbled, mouth full of your pussy. “She’s so needy for me baby. You gonna cum for me? I know you’re close. C’mon my pretty girl. Cum all over my fuckin’ face.” He growled. Joel desperately wished that his hands weren’t restrained right now just so he could grab your ass and drive your pussy deeper into his eager mouth. Alas, he was still biding his time.
You were falling apart above him. Stuttering over your words as filth spilt from your parted lips. If anyone were to walk in on your debauchery, you both surely would be getting a one way ticket straight to hell. Your hips desperately bucked into his face as you chased your impending orgasm. Your stomach grew taught and tight as you cried out his name. “Yes! Fuck. Don’t stop, Joel! Don’t you dare fucking stop!”
Joel could feel himself becoming a little light headed as he wasn’t taking breaths in between. He could feel stars pricking behind his closed eyes but he didn’t stop till you were spasming above him and cumming along his tongue. He drank up every last drop before your fingers released their tight grip on his hair and he was finally able to take in a lungful of air. His entire face, down to his beard and chin were coated in your slick. His breaths were heavy as your sex stained gaze fell upon his face between your thighs.
“Holy fucking shit Joel. I thought I was about to fucking pass out.” You let your free hand drop down to his jaw, gathering up a bit of slick along his chin before you brought your thumb up to his parted lips. You watched as he wrapped his lips around your thumb nail, nibbling on it with hooded eyes.
“You and me both, baby. I could barely fuckin’ breathe. Started seein’ stars behind my eyes and everythin.’ Your sweet little pussy is just that fuckin’ good.” He spoke breathlessly, revealing a boyish grin that would make a rare appearance every now and then.
“You were such a good boy for me baby. I’m going to reward you, okay?” You slipped your thumb from between his lips and yanked on the chain, bringing his lips up to your mouth where you could taste yourself on them as he deepened the kiss, tangling his tongue around yours before you were firmly pushing him back down into the chair.
Joel felt his throat go dry as you slowly lowered yourself into his lap, planting your feet on either side of his hips and he yanked at the restraints once more. He could tell that the cheap metal was slowly becoming pliable, bendable and it would only be a matter of time before he would be snapping those stupid pink fuzzy cuffs off. “I wish I could touch you so fuckin’ bad right now baby. Just wanna wrap my arms around ya and pound into that sweet little fuckin’ pussy.”
You both let out a low hiss when you had grabbed ahold of the base of his cock, dragging his tip across your slick folds as you rolled your hips against his. “Patience, pretty boy. I know how badly you want to fuck me. I’m aching for your cock Joel. Just want to feel you stretch me open..” you moaned wantonly, yanking on the chain so his face was close to yours. “C’mon and be a good boy. Tell me how bad you want my pussy, Joel. Tell me.”
A low growl was elicited from deep within his chest as you rocked your hips into his at a deliciously, agonizing slow pace. “I want your pussy so fuckin’ bad darlin.’ Only ever have wanted your pussy. She’s all fuckin’ mine.”
You slipped the head of his cock past your slick folds as you finally sank down onto him to the hilt. Your warm walls immediately clenched around him as he filled you up to the fucking brim. “All yours, Joel. All fucking yours Mr. Miller.” You moaned as you slowly rose up and down on his cock, rolling your hips as you rode him.
“That’s right baby. You’re all fuckin’ mine and I’m all fuckin’ yours.” He groaned deeply, eyes flirting down to watch the way you would hug his cock each time you rose and fell above him. He loved watching the way he would disappear inside of you and the way your thighs were already quivering. “Taking my cock so well darlin.’ You always grip me so fuckin’ tight. So pretty, so perfect for me.” He bucked his hips up into yours causing your lips to part as you let out an unexpecting gasp from the motion.
“Oh, fuck. Yes baby. You always fill me up so fuckin’ well Joel. I love you, I love your cock. Such a good boy for me.”
Joel thrusted his hips up into yours once more as he tugged on the restraints hard. From the force of his tugging, and harsh thrust of his hips, the cuffs suddenly snapped with a loud pop as they clattered to the ground.
You were already scrambling off of his cock when you heard the cuffs snap and you didn’t even get far from the chair before he was grabbing your wrist and yanking you firmly against his chest. The collar around his neck was unclasped and thrown onto the kitchen table as his hand found purchase around your throat. “Now, now. Where the hell do you think you’re goin’ sweetheart? Not so fuckin’ fast baby. Told you I was gonna break out of those stupid fuckin’ things.” He tsked under his breath as he used his free hand to wrap around your middle and pull you back down into his lap at his mercy.
“How the fuck did you even break out of those huh? They were on fucking tight!” You grumbled.
“Doesn’t fuckin’ matter how I did it. Don’t ask anymore fuckin’ questions. Got it? Be a good fuckin’ girl for me and get back on my cock. You think I was done with ya or somethin?’” He growled against the side of your head, taking in a deep inhale of your natural scent mixed in with vanilla shampoo.
You took your lip between your teeth as you grabbed ahold of his cock once more, sinking down onto him. Your thighs were spread across his lap, feet on either side of his thighs as he held you in place. He filled you up even more if that was even possible. This angle had you feeling like you were being stretched to your limits as he bucked his hips up into you, feeling his balls slapping against your skin.
His arm stayed firmly wrapped around your middle, holding you flush against his chest as he fucked into you at a harsh pace, exerting all his energy into making you scream ontop of him. His hand that was wrapped around your throat, dropped to the kitchen table as he grasped the leather whip and wasted no time to continuously slap it against your swollen, puffy clit.
“You gonna fuckin’ cum all over my cock like a good fuckin’ girl baby?” He grunted against your hair, tapping the whip faster against your clit as he forcefully pulled your hips down on him as he continued to harshly thrust into you.
Your moans were turning into choked sobs as the sensation was becoming too much, too overwhelming and the safe word was on the tip of your tongue but you struggled to get the words out. “Joel—J-J-Joel baby I—can’t”
Joel’s ears had zoned in attentively on your sobs as he tried to decipher if they were sobs of pleasure, or if it had become too much and when you let out a strangled cry, his heart snapped and he immediately stopped, gently slipping you off his cock and tossed the whip aside, cradling you protectively against his chest. “Shh..shh..baby. Hey, breathe baby. You’re okay. You’re okay. I got you honey. Deep breaths for me, okay? I got you. You’re safe.” He whispered.
Your entire body was trembling around him as you continued to sob, clutching yourself around him like a koala.
“My sweet girl..m’so sorry. Why didn’t you use the safe word?” He spoke softly as he kissed the top of your head before gently grasping your face in his warm palms, wiping away your hot tears.
“I—I tried to say it but it was..it was too much.” You whimpered.
“Shh. I know, baby. I got you. M’sorry I didn’t stop sooner. You’re okay now. Safe here in my arms. I got you.” He continued to hold you till your body had seemingly recovered and had gone slack in his grip. He wrapped your legs around his waist gently before he lifted you up and carried you upstairs.
The rest of the evening you spent in the tub with your back resting against Joel’s chest as he took care of you. His movements were gentle, attentive and soft. He hummed against your ear as he gently washed between your thighs. He wrapped you in a fluffy towel, applied lotion to your legs before he dressed you in one of his T-shirts and boxers to sleep in. He carried you to bed, letting you be the little spoon as he held you close to him.
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Sometime in the night, Ellie had come home with Dina to grab her stash of weed. The two girls were mortified to say the least when they found the sex toys scattered along the floor in the entryway. Thank god for the booze in their system as they headed upstairs, hands interlocked and girlish giggles slipping past their lips.
Dina was the first to find the t-shirt and she held it up for Ellie to see as she grabbed her jar of joints. “Hey, El? Which one of your parents got you this shirt, you think?”
Ellie turned her focus on the white tee that her girlfriend was holding up and she couldn’t contain her giggles. “I Love My Lesbian Daughter. Yeah, my mom 100% is the one who got that for me. She’s so fuckin’ rad. My dad would totally never. He doesn’t even have a clue about us babe.”
“I literally want one of these shirts. We’ll have to ask her where she got it.” Dina said with a grin, tossing the shirt to her girlfriend who caught it with ease.
“I have a sneaking suspicion that they were at fucking sex shop or something.”
“Chains and whips must really get your parents going, huh?” Dina teased.
“Oh my god, gross! I do not need those images in my head Di!” Ellie giggled, stuffing the shirt in her bag.
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The next morning at breakfast, Joel was complaining about his back as usual and your thighs were absolutely killing you. Joel hadn’t even noticed the shirt his kid was wearing when she came through the front door with Dina in tow.
“Hey kiddo, how was your night?” Joel asked his daughter as she kissed his cheek and gave him a side hug.
“Pretty good. Although, Dina and I stopped by at like midnight or so and we found yours and moms uh..”
“Oh god.” You and Joel both said out loud at the same time.
“It’s cool you guys! We just thought it was super fucking funny!” Ellie said with a grin as she stuffed her face with fresh pancakes.
Joel scrubbed a hand over his face with a deep sigh before taking a long sip of his coffee. His eyes narrowed in on his kid’s shirt and he nearly choked on his sip of coffee. “Where the hell did you get that?”
“Oh, this? Mom got it for me!” Ellie proudly stated.
Joel looked between his daughter, and you before he smiled over the rim of his mug. “Yeah? Well, I think your mom is gonna have to get your old man one as well.”
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Tag List: @chaotic-mystery @peterhollandkait @userpedros @pedgeitopascal @last-girl @korynnekorynne @yazsos @777-wonders @lovers-liability @loquaciousferret @kirsteng42 @dinsdjrn @myrealmofchaos
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clangenrising · 2 months
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Month 14 - Newleaf
Lake’s paws ached. Her stomach growled and her head pounded dully behind her eyes. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt full. Still, she walked. 
Ever since her mother had disappeared, she’d been wandering. A few cats had shared a bite with her but they didn’t have much to share in the first place. Most of them were too busy training to fight and they didn’t want her around, especially not the special cats - Exalted, she remembered hazily. She’d tried following other kits home but every time she was politely sent away.
Two days ago, she’d seen a couple cats bringing back a pair of juicy looking birds and while they hadn’t shared with her, they had told her that there was plenty of prey over the far road if she could catch it, laughing between themselves. She figured that was as good an idea as any, so she’d headed out for the wild frontier! 
It was farther away than she’d thought it would be, or maybe it was just easier to get lost without roads to follow. She walked and walked and then stopped to sleep then walked some more. She was starting to wonder if there even was anything out here at all. Was she just missing it? 
The sound of running water grabbed her attention and she licked her chapped lips eagerly at the thought. The kit picked up her heavy paws and bounded towards the noise. Coming out of the grass, she suddenly found herself on the edge of a stream of cool, fresh water - fresher than she’d ever seen before at least. 
“Wowzers!” she declared because that seemed fitting. She waded into the stream and crouched down, gulping greedily until her stomach hurt. She thought about falling over and sleeping in the stream but worried she might drown. Instead, she decided to follow the water like it was a road and see where that took her. At the very least it would be fun to splash around. 
The sky was getting dark again but Lake didn’t mind. She tromped noisily against the current of the stream, humming a song as each note came to her mind. The chill of the water kept her awake, which was nice. She wondered if she would see a fish. They lived in water, right? She hoped so. She was starving and the water she drank wasn’t helping. It honestly made her feel grosser. 
Eventually the stream came upon a small hill but, instead of curving or trickling down the slope, it cut through the earth in a big metal tube. “That’s interesting,” Lake thought out loud. It was like a gutter drain but huge, big enough for a cat to walk through! She bounded up to the edge of it and sucked in a huge breath.
“Hellooooo!” she bellowed, giggling at the way it echoed off the tunnel walls. She splashed her paws in the water and listened to the magnified sound with excitement. “Blaaaaaaah! Bluh, bluh, bluh!” She snorted with laughter. This was the best fun she’d had in weeks!
“Hello?” A voice that wasn’t her own echoed back to her. She gasped. Was that possible?
“Hello?” she called back. It was hard to tell in the dark but at the end of the tunnel, she swore she saw something moving. Then a glint of eyes blinked at her, barely reflecting the moonlight in her direction.
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“Wowzers!” she cried, “I didn’t think I’d see anybody! Are you hunting too?”
“Yeah,” the voice said hesitantly. “How old are you?” It sounded like a boy but there were other quieter voices outside the tunnel and they were talking very serious-like. 
“I’m three whole months!” Lake said. The eyes pulled away from the tunnel as the cat whispered with his friends. Lake decided she wanted to say hi up close and personal. She started towards the cat, sloshing through the stream up to her belly. Once the tunnel was all around her, the sound of her paw steps started to hurt her ears and she hurried towards the other end to get away from it. 
She burst out of the other end and thumped into a pair of bony legs, falling back onto her rump with an “oof!” The cat she had run into reached out a paw to steady her. He smelled like grass and dust and his breath smelled like prey blood. It made Lake’s mouth water. 
“Easy, there, kid,” the cat said. It was now that Lake looked up and got her first sight of him. 
“You’re funny looking, mister!” she said. He was a skinny white and blue tabby with big ears, like a little dog, and a very pointy face. 
“I could say the same about you,” he said. 
She laughed. “Am I funny looking?”
“The poor thing looks half starved,” whispered one of the other cats, an equally funny looking girl with brown points on her face and feet. 
“Are you out here all alone?” asked the third cat, a fluffy brown tabby boy who was much more normal looking. 
“Yessir!” said Lake. “I heard there was food here. Do you guys know where the far road is?” The cats all looked at each other for a beat. 
Then the first one spoke up, “Uh, no, but we do know where some food is.”
“Really?!” Lake grinned. “Can I have some?!” Her mouth was starting to fill with saliva. She slurped some of it down to avoid drooling.
“Yeah,” nodded the normal boy. “I’ll even carry you if you want.” 
“Nuh, uh,” Lake shook her head. “I’m a big girl now.” 
“You sure are,” said the funny looking boy. “Barleypaw, will you go grab one of the mice or something?”
“Yeah,” nodded the funny looking girl. She bounded off into the grass and Lake started after her but the funny looking boy put out a paw to stop her. 
“She’s gonna be right back with the food,” he said. “You just sit.” 
“Oh, okay,” shrugged Lake. “My name’s Lake. What’s your names?”
“I’m Floodpaw,” said the funny looking boy. 
“Sparrowpaw,” said the normal looking boy.
“And our sister is Barleypaw,” said Floodpaw. 
“Hey!” Lake gasped. “Did you know all your names rhyme?” Sparrowpaw laughed a little. Floodpaw raised one brow. 
“Yeah…” he said. “Where’s your mom, kid?”
Lake frowned. “Oh, um… I don't know.” 
“Oh,” said Floodpaw.
“That’s alright,” said Sparrowpaw. “Maybe you can come home with us, then.” 
“Yeah?” she brightened. Was she finally gonna be able to find a new place to sleep and a new person to help her get food? 
“Yeah,” said Floodpaw. “Once you’ve eaten we can go there.” 
“I can’t wait!” cried Lake. “You guys are the best!” The brothers exchanged glances again. Lake wasn’t sure what it meant but she saw the sister coming back over the hill and smelled the delicious smell of meat and all other thoughts fled her brain. She scarfed the whole thing down as quickly as she could. She ate it so fast she forgot to check what kind of animal it was. By the time she finished, she realized she felt very sick to her stomach.
“Oh…” she said. “I think I ate too fast…”
“That’s alright,” said Sparrowpaw, “Are you sure you don’t want me to carry you?”
She nodded, cheeks full of breath as she tried to stifle her nausea. 
“Alright, come on then,” Floodpaw said, stretching. “Why don’t we go back to camp? I bet a nice walk will help you feel better.” 
“Okay,” mumbled Lake. She didn’t feel like walking. She felt like falling over and never moving again. She didn’t like saying no to people, though, so she forced herself to take a few steps. 
Floodpaw tilted his funny looking head and said, “I dunno, maybe we should just sit for a while.” Lake sighed a little in relief. “Yeah, why don’t you guys go gather the prey and tell somebody about Lake and I’ll chill here with the kid until she feels like walking.”
“Are you sure?” asked Barleypaw. “We’re awfully close to the border.”
“It’ll be fine,” he said, flopping down in the grass. “Worst comes to worse, I'll grab the kid and go.” 
“Alright…” said Sparrowpaw, looking unconvinced. He and Barleypaw started off into the grass, looking back over their shoulders and whispering to each other. Lake let out a big sigh and eased herself into the grass next to Floodpaw.
“Thanks,” she said, closing her eyes. “I don’t feel very good.” She swallowed, her sides heaving under the distress of her sick tummy. 
“No problem,” smiled Floodpaw. “Barleypaw and Sparrowpaw are always like ‘go, go, go, let’s follow the rules’ or whatever but I get just wanting to lie down.” 
“Yeah,” Lake smiled wide and wiggled into a more comfortable position. “I like laying down!” 
“Me too,” laughed Floodpaw, dropping his head onto the ground too. “So, what are you doing out here, Lake?” 
“Looking for food!” Lake purred. Her stomach gurgled loudly and she giggled a bit. “Thanks for sharing it with me.” 
“Yeah, no problem,” said Floodpaw, one ear flicking away the gnats buzzing by. “But why are you looking for food all the way out here? You’re from the city aren’t you?” 
“Oh, yeah, I am,” Lake nodded, peeking her eyes open at him. “Some cats told me there was food out here. I was really hungry. Plus it sounded fun to try.”
“Don’t other cats bring you food?” he asked, brows furrowed. 
“Nah,” she sighed. “Not since Mother went missing.”
The crease in his funny, pointy face deepened. “Still, there wasn’t anybody else who helped you out?” 
“Um…” Lake frowned too. “No. I’m sorry.” Was she answering wrong? Why was he upset?
“Oh, no, hey,” he said quickly, “It’s okay, I’m not mad, I’m just-” His skinny little tail twitched. “I just think it’s not cool that no one looked out for you.” 
“They’re busy I guess,” Lake shrugged. They were learning to fight or taking care of their own kits. She didn’t blame any of them for not having time for her. 
“Well, here we take care of kittens,” Floodpaw said firmly, “no matter who they are.” Lake smiled and hid her nose in her paws shyly. Floodpaw laughed and stretched his big, long legs out in opposite directions. “Take a little nap, kid. I’ll keep watch.” 
“Okay,” she said and yawned. She hadn’t realized how tired she was until he said something but now, with her belly full, she was eager to get some shut eye. Feeling very round and sluggish, she closed her eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep. 
When Lake woke up it was very, very dark. She yawned and stretched and looked around, realizing that she was in a totally new place. She stiffened in fright. Where was she? The not knowing was scarier than any answer she could come up with. 
She was in a large den made of dirt, it seemed, in a nest of soft green moss and feathers. It smelled faintly of other cats, cats she didn’t know. 
Carefully, she got to her paws and crept towards the scent of night air, poking her head out to see a small grassy dip with a few other burrows tucked under big, grey stones. Three cats were sitting on top of a big, flat stone and talking softly. They didn’t seem dangerous so Lake ventured a bit further out to look around in wonder. 
“Wowzers,” she breathed. Everything here smelled so fresh and green. She’d never experienced anything like it. 
One of the cats, a dark blue bengal girl, perked up at the sound and looked her way. “Oh, hey! She’s awake!” 
“Shh,” hushed a brown spotted tabby girl nervously. 
“Right, sorry,” said the first girl, lowering her volume a bit. “Hey, girlie, how you feelin’?” 
Lake realized she was supposed to answer and said, “I’m good. How did I get here?” 
“They carried you in while you were sleeping,” said the third cat, a paler spotted tabby boy. Lake frowned. She had wanted to walk.
“I bet you’re pretty confused,” said the first girl. “Why don’t you come up here and sit with us? We can answer any questions you have.”
“Um, I’m okay,” said Lake. “Where’s the guy with the funny ears?”
“Huh?” asked the first girl.
The boy brightened in realization. “Oh, you mean Floodpaw.” 
“Yeah!” Lake bounced. That was his name!
“He’s sleeping over there,” he said, pointing to one of the holes in the ground. 
“Okay, thanks!” said Lake. She started towards the hole to go see him. The second girl breathed in sharply through her teeth and the first girl laughed. 
The boy started to say, “Oh, uh, I don’t know if-” but the first girl interrupted him. 
“Shh, let her be. It’ll be funny.” 
Lake didn’t know what they were talking about but she didn’t let it bother her. She made her way into the den. Five cats were sleeping in their nests; two smaller ones were curled up together and Floodpaw and the other cats she had met were sleeping near each other but not so close that they were touching. Lake padded right up to Floodpaw and settled down against his side. He opened his eyes and lifted his head groggily, blinking at her a few times before he managed to speak.
“Hey, kid, what are you doing in here?” he mumbled hoarsely.
“Looking for you,” she whispered. “Why did you carry me? I wanted to walk.” 
“Oh,” he said with a small groan. He swiped his tongue over his whiskers and rubbed an eye with his paw. “It was getting really late and I didn’t want to wake you. Sorry, kid.” 
“Mmm, it’s okay,” she decided, purring. She wiggled down into his nest and closed her eyes again. 
“Oh, uh…” he hesitated for a moment before eventually wrapping his tail around her and laying his head back down to sleep. Lake purred even harder. She’d missed sleeping next to somebody like this. 
She hoped that wherever her mother was, she had found someone new to sleep beside too.
UPDATES: - While on patrol with Barleypaw and Sparrowpaw, Floodpaw finds an abandoned kit named Lake and takes her back to camp.
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wooataes · 9 months
Real Eyes, Fake Lies (Part Seven)
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Pairing: soulmate!Lee Jihoon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.4K
Warnings: angst, Hanahaki AU, crying, swearing. Sexual tension? Mentions of tattoos, piercings in questionable areas, Jihoon getting flustered over (insinuated) dirty thoughts.
Summary: What do you do when you find out the one person that was created by the universe to be yours doesn’t want you back?
A/N: Oh my goodness guys. Thank you all for 1000 followers. You’re all the loveliest and I can’t thank you all enough for enjoying my stories! 🥰 also dedicating this chapter to the love of my life Bada Lee because I’m obsessed with Street Woman Fighter rn can you tell 😂
- Tae 💜✨
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The very next morning, Jihoon stirs from his slumber to find a barrage of texts from Soonyoung, seemingly excited about his best friend joining him on the camping trip. He rolls his eyes with a little smile as he looks over the wall of text detailing when the crew will leave for the trip and what to bring. Jihoon makes a mental note to invest in a small tent for him and Ji-ah to share and some snacks to bring for the bonfire.
With a long yawn, Jihoon rises tiredly as the sunlight creeps in through his window, the time on his phone reading 7:47am. He sighs as he lets himself slip out of his bed and onto the carpeted floor to reach for a pair of shorts and a compression gym shirt. The weather is looking nice enough for a jog, he thinks. After sliding into his sneakers and putting his earphones in, he places his phone into the pockets of his shorts before taking off out the front door and into the direction of the city streets.
After a thirty minute jog, Jihoon finds himself stepping into an intriguing bakery with the intention for a bagel and a bitter black coffee. As he steps into Love Letter Cafe, his eyes widen as he sees none other than his soulmate sitting inside one of the booths on the right hand side of the Cafe surrounded by three others. Jihoon panics for a moment before slipping into an unused booth on the left side of the room, peeking over to see who was seated around you.
His eyes fall on both yours and his housemates, Seokmin and Mingyu with you, Seokmin by your side and Mingyu diagonally across from you. He observes the new edition to your group, his long dark hair tied up in a half up-half down style wearing baggy gray sweatpants and a white tank top, his left arm adorned with tattoos from his shoulder all the way down to his fingertips, a black hooded jacket sitting over his lap as you seemingly laugh at a comment he’s made. You are also in the same outfit as the mystery man, your long hair pulled up into a high ponytail, your oversized jacket falling off your shoulders as you lean forward to take a sip of your hot chocolate in front of you. His cheeks flush pink as he takes in your new style; everytime he has seen you, you’re always in pastel colours, girly skirts and dresses. This new look suits you.
Jihoon feels slightly intimidated by the look of the man you’re facing, but is surprised when the buff man lets out the smallest airy giggle he’s ever heard. Oh dear god, it’s another Mingyu.
“How did he not get fired?” The new boy giggles between sips from his cup, your laugh echoing through the new empty cafe with the others.
“Because Eomoni is a good person, just like her son.” You wink at the boy, laughing as he rolls his eyes.
“You only say that because she was nice enough to hire you.” He huffs, jutting his bottom lip out.
“Yah, Jeon Jungkook!” An older lady over the counter scolds loudly at your table. Your smirk grows. “Don’t speak about my best worker like that!” She is waving her hand dramatically.
Jeon Jungkook. Jihoon’s eyes widened. Oh. He knew this kid. He was Mingyu’s best friend from high school. They parted for college after Jungkook left to start a tattoo apprenticeship, but the two boys always stayed in close contact. Mingyu always brought up stories of Jungkook at home, but this was the first time he’s ever seen the boy in person.
“And speak to your mother with respect!” You smack the table playfully, causing Mingyu and Seokmin to erupt with laughter.
“Ahh, this is why you’re my favourite!” Mrs Jeon grins at you, placing a cupcake in front of you as you squeal excitedly.
“Eomoni Jeon’s cupcakes are the best!” You grin happily, taking a bite of the treat while wiggling in your seat.
“Eomma, why don’t I get one?” The boy pouts sweetly, but she just smacks the back of his head lightly. He whines.
“Because you’re not nice to my honorary daughter.” She wags her finger at him before walking back behind the counter, your smirk still evident as you eat the cupcake gleefully.
“This is why you need to be nice to your elders, Jeon.” You winked, letting out a triumphant laugh.
“Watch it, Choi,” he huffs. “Remember who your dance partner is for Soonyoungie-hyung’s practice today.”
“How can I forget?” You clap back, leaning back against the wall. “Mingyu only reminded me thirteen times because of his whining.”
“It’s not fair.” He grumbles, poking at his croissant on the table. “I don’t understand why I had to be cut for Jungkookie to take over my spot.”
“Sweetie, I hate to admit it, but you have two left feet when it comes to partner work.” You smile at Jihoon’s housemate, who only groans.
“It’s not my fault I’m tall and uncoordinated!”
“That’s right.” You soothe him. “But think of it this way, you still get to film the promo video today for Soonie’s dance crew, and you’re still an amazing solo dancer.”
“Do you really think that, Y/Nie?” He pouts, as you laugh and ruffle his hair.
“I do.” You grin softly as he slowly nods.
“And think about it,” Seokmin chimes in. “You’ll be getting paid too!”
Jihoon raises his eyebrow. He knew of Soonyoung’s dance crew. It wasn’t anything special, in Sooyoung's words. It was just him and his good friends who wanted to join and have fun. He knew that Mingyu and Jun would go every second Saturday to go meet him and do some dancing, but he didn’t know you were in the crew too.
“This is true..” Mingyu nods, a little smile growing on his face.
“There’s the Gyu we know and love.” You encourage him, and Jihoon swore if Mingyu had a tail, he’d be wagging it right now. “I don’t understand why Soonie needs me for the video though.” You hum, a frown forming on your lips. “I only do this for fun. The boys group dance in my opinion is a lot better than our one too.”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Seokmin raises his eyebrow.
“Isn’t what obvious?” You blink.
“He wants you to be the main feature of the video to get views.” Jungkook laughs, and your cheeks turn red.
“Don’t be stupid, Jeon!” You swat his hand.
“Oh sure,” he humors you. “He totally didn’t Bada Lee you up and get you looking like a meal to make you stand at the back.”
“Don’t you talk about my wife Bada Lee that way!” You pout, making the other three laugh. “And don’t compare her out-of-this-world looks to plain old me! That’s an insult to my queen.”
“Y/N, you don’t realize how hot you are, do you?” Jungkook leans back in his seat, eyebrow raised.
Who does this kid think he is? Jihoon scoffs. He clearly must have a thing for you. He is unsure if the grumbling in the pit of his stomach is from his hunger or something else brewing. No, Jihoon. Don’t be ridiculous.
“I’m not hot.” You roll your eyes, leaning your head back on the wall. “And you shouldn’t be talking that way.” You scold him again. “You have a soulmate now, and I’m pretty sure Namjoon-Oppa wouldn’t approve.”
“Yah, I may have a soulmate, but I can appreciate an attractive person when I see one.” He defends himself. “Even Mingyu and I had a crush on you in middle school- OW!” He yelps as Jihoon’s housemate smacks him.
“Yeah for about a week!” You frown, shaking your head. “That doesn’t count. You’re only saying that to make me feel better, and I’m flattered. Really I am, but you don’t have to lie.”
“But we’re not…”
The boys pause as they see you shrink in your seat, arms hugging around your knees. They give each other a silent look before nodding in agreement.
“I’m sorry, Bug.” Jungkook pouts as you nod your head slowly.
“Sorry,” you sigh, wincing and shaking your head at the icky feeling in your stomach. “Shouldn’t have snapped.”
Jihoon feels awful. He can feel the self-consciousness oozing through your body mixed with sadness and anxiety.
“Okay, let’s change the subject,” Jungkook offers, nudging you from across the table. “How’s the ink holding up?”
Jihoon’s ears perk up. Ink?
“It’s not too bad,” you hum, pushing your jacket down and sliding the top of your tank top over to the side to reveal a small galaxy of black ink drawn into your collarbone under the fabric. Your soulmate’s cheeks flush as he sees the new tattoo on your skin, teeth sinking into his bottom lip. “A bit itchy now, but that means it’s healing, right?” You tilt your head at the tattooed boy, who only nods in response. He leans forward and runs a finger over the skin before nodding with approval.
“Yeah, it’s looking good.” He beams. “You do realize the secret will be out now once this video comes out.”
“I mean, yeah,” you shrug, letting the tank top fall back into place, a few stray stars peeking out from either side of the fabric. “But Cheol can’t do anything now. It’s literally embedded into my skin.” You laugh softly.
Jihoon never took you to be a rebel like this. He only ever heard stories of you being a well mannered goody two-shoes. Not that there was anything wrong with that, of course.
“I can’t believe you managed to keep this under wraps from him, Bug.” Seokmin speaks to you with concerned eyes.
“I mean I could be doing worse things like doing drugs.” You shrug, taking another sip of your drink. “But I’m getting cute tattoos instead. And I love my brother, but sometimes he’s not very observant over things like that. I have done countless things with you guys that he doesn’t even know about.”
This piques Jihoon’s interest as you nonchalantly sip from your drink, a twinkle of mischief in your eyes.
“Does that mean I can still hold the blackmail of your nipple piercings you got 3 years ago over your head for you to do my bidding?” Jungkook smirks.
Jihoon is about to faint. He blinks the image out of his head multiple times. He needs to get out of here before he hears anything more that he isn’t supposed to hear.
“That was when I was drunk and stupid.” You hum, looking up at Jungkook. “But I mean, you can if you want. But do keep in mind I will let Eomoni know about how on the same day, you also got a piercing on your d-”
You yelp as you feel a swat on your arm by the flustered tattooed man before bursting out into laughter with the others as Jihoon steps out of the Cafe in a rush, cheeks flushed red and stomach growling. He immediately starts to jog again, needing to get his mind off the conversations he overheard in the Cafe.
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It’s well after lunch time when Jihoon hears the front door open to see Mingyu and Junhui enter the living room. Jihoon lifts his head from his spot on the couch and nods his head in greeting to them, Mingyu’s soulmate emerging from the kitchen with a smile.
“Hi darling,” Wonwoo coos as he wraps Mingyu up in a gentle embrace. “How did the shoot go?”
“Tiring.” Junhui groans, falling onto the couch beside Jihoon. He notices that he was wearing the same attire that you and Jungkook were wearing in the cafe this morning.
“Not for me!” Mingyu grins. “But, Y/Nie did want to film a TikTok dance challenge with me so I didn’t feel left out.” He beams proudly now, eyes sparkling.
“Because she is a good person.” Wonwoo hums, nodding his head sagely. “How was she and the rest of the ninety seven crew?”
“They were good!” He smiles. “We had our monthly catch up at Eomoni Jeon’s Cafe and got to see some new designs Kookie was coming up with. I might get a little one to help him out.”
“You two are too alike.” Junhui laughs, leaning his head back over the edge of the couch. “Y/N and Soonyoung were ready to smack them both by the end of the shoot.”
“That’s because Jungkook kept wanting to fiddle with the video camera.” Mingyu whined. “That’s not my fault!”
“Of course it isn’t.” Wonwoo nods sympathetically, kissing his soulmate’s cheek.
Jihoon stays silent on the couch, listening carefully to the conversation going on around him, eyebrows furrowed as he took in the new information being fed to him.
“When is the video planning to come out?” Junhui lifts his head to the tall man, tilting his head.
“Let’s see… We did three choreos, the group dance, Y/N and Jungkook’s duo and Soonyoungie-hyung’s solo, it should take a week or so to edit. So like.. maybe two weeks max?” Mingyu thinks, lips pursed in thought.
Jihoon pauses for a moment as he hears the mention of you. A duet with Jungkook? Interesting. He makes a mental note to keep an eye out to watch the video when it’s released.
“Jihoon-ah,” Wonwoo calls out, causing him to blink back into reality.
“Hmm?” He hums in response.
“Soonyoung gave me a list for us for the trip. Did you want to come to the store with me tomorrow to go get everything so we only have to do one big shopping trip?”
“Yeah, sounds good.” Jihoon nods. “What do we need to get?”
“Just stuff for the tents, really.” Wonwoo thinks. “Some sleeping bags, heat packs, blankets, towels for the beach…”
“Mhm, we’ll get it all sorted.”
Jihoon honestly doesn’t know how he is going to go during the trip. The fact he is bringing his not-soulmate around his actual soulmate for a prolonged amount of time almost feels cruel and borderline sadistic for him to flaunt his girlfriend around you. You have been feeling fine lately. Jihoon doesn’t feel much sad emotions from you lately, and he wonders if his hope is misinterpreted as you being able to hide the pain better.
Later that night, Jihoon finds himself once again absentmindedly scrolling through his instagram app and landing onto your profile. The first post he sees is a new Reel posted an hour ago by you. You caption the video in dedication to Bada Lee, with a short explanation about how you didn’t do the dance justice. He chuckles at the sight of the first comment on said post; your older brother simply asking “WTF IS THAT ON YOUR SHOULDER?!”
In the video, you’re standing beside Mingyu and doing the new trending Smoke dance, your newly discovered tattoo peeking from under your tank top, taunting Jihoon. His eyes are wide as he watches you and Mingyu (mostly you) execute the dance perfectly, impressed with how well you both hit the signature ‘smoke you up’ dance move. At the end of the clip, you both get cut off as Soonyoung struts his way into frame, pretending to blow out the fake smoke coming from your Thumb-Lighter, causing the three of you to erupt in laughter before the screen fades to black. Jihoon’s reflection stares back at him, smiling. Once he realizes, he forces his face to turn back into a scowl. He can’t be smiling about another girl while he still has Ji-ah.
When he views your Story next, his cheeks begin to flush like it has done too many times today. You’ve shared a post from Soonyoung’s crew’s profile, a video filmed from the side of the dance studio of you and Jungkook. You’re both placed in the middle of the room, Vanilla by Kai playing on the speakers. The clip is only for 20 seconds, but Jihoon studies it thoroughly. He watches as your hands reach around from behind Jungkook and skim down his front, followed directly by Jungkook using his right arm to control how your body rolls in time to the beat and his direction. What sticks out the most to your soulmate, though, is the way Jungkook’s arm reaches over you, and in turn your head follows his arm movement, a sly smirk on your face as you turn your whole body to face him and maintain eye contact.
In Jihoon’s opinion, Jungkook looks like he’s about to pounce on you, and you don’t look too far off from returning the sentiment. He feels a pit forming in his stomach once more. His intrusive thoughts are cut short when the chorus of dancers in the room all scream excitedly at the chemistry between you and Mingyu’s best friend, causing the both of you to break character and start laughing. Jungkook puckers his lips playfully, causing you to roll your eyes and push Jungkook towards the cameraman, Mingyu with a smile and a shake of your head.
Jesus Christ, Jihoon. He thinks to himself. You really need to get your shit together. You can’t get jealous over a girl you don’t even want.
This is bullshit. Jihoon doesn’t actually like you. This is some stupid soulmate related shit. He read up about feeling closer connections because of the soulmate bond; that has to be it. His mind is just playing tricks on him.
With a sigh, Jihoon locks his phone screen and places it face down on his bedside table, rolling over and pulling the blankets up to his chin. He squeezes his eyes shut in an attempt to try and get some sleep and get the lingering thoughts about you out of his head.
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“Do you think we should do the presentation as an essay or a slideshow debate style?”
It has been a week since Jihoon has last seen you, and if he’s honest, he’s been avoiding any place where you have been frequenting when he could. So far, he’s denied a morning coffee date with Ji-ah, a gaming night at your place with Soonyoung, and purposely showed up early to Film Studies class to sit at a random desk, leaving you to sit alone at the front. He’s decided enough is enough, he needs to keep this relationship strictly professional if he wants to maintain his relationship with Ji-ah. It’s now Friday afternoon, the only time where Jihoon absolutely has to be in your presence in order to get this project rolling.
“Hmm?” Jihoon blinks, looking up from his laptop, eyebrows raised. “Uhh.. you can pick.”
“Okay.” You hum quietly, looking back at your own laptop, continuing to work in silence.
Jihoon can feel the worry in your stomach, but he ignores it. He can be professional and cordial with you and not get feelings involved. He can’t, he won’t.
“What points have you made so far, so I can add them to my list to rebut?” Another bout of silence runs through both of you, and you notice that either your soulmate didn’t hear you, or is choosing to ignore you. “Jihoon-ssi?���
“Sorry?” He keeps typing, not lifting his head.
“Have I done something wrong?” You ask, closing your computer screen.
“What?” Jihoon stops now, looking up at you. “Why would you think that?”
“Because last week we were actually…” you pause, looking everywhere but at Jihoon. “I don’t know, at least getting along despite everything happening. And now, you’re acting like it’s a chore to be around me.”
Jihoon is floored for a moment. You’re a bit too observant for your own good. He opens his mouth to speak, but you keep going.
“And look, I get it. I’m the last person you would want to be around. I’m already jeopardizing everything you have with your girlfriend and everything else in this stupid situation, but I thought we were okay.” Your knee is shaking under the table, staring at the chipped wood instead of looking up at his face. “I know I’m already insufferable and you would prefer to be anywhere else but here. You know what…” you shake your head now, taking your laptop. “This was a mistake. I shouldn’t have put you in this crappy situation. I shouldn’t have been so stupid to think that we could be civil with each other. I will go see Professor Kim and tell him that we can’t work together and you can find someone else and I’ll just finish this project on my ow-”
Your soulmate cuts off your babbling by grabbing your wrist before you can stand up completely. His grip is firm but gentle as you fall silent, blinking the unshed tears from your eyes as you finally look at him.
This is the first time you have had skin to skin contact with your soulmate since that fateful day in the rain. You involuntarily shiver as you feel a zap run up the back of your spine, and your soulmate shivers in unison.
Jihoon is almost distraught at the sight of your heartbroken face up close. He, again, blames this stupid soulmate bond.
“I’m sorry.” He murmurs, keeping his hold on your wrist. “I am just going through some shit. It’s not you, I promise Y/N.” His gaze is intense as he looks into your eyes, your cheeks flushing. “I’m sorry if it made you think I was mad at you or something, I’m just in my own head right now.”
“I’m sorry,” you frown.
“Why? You didn’t do anything wrong. Just exist.”
“That’s the point.” You whisper now. “I exist. I am a wedge in the way of so many people right now. I know Cheol and Hannie want to plan on getting married soon but I still live in that house. Seokmin and Soonyoung only invite me to things because they feel sorry for me, and I feel bad even being in the same room with you knowing you love someone else.” Jihoon feels another crack hit your heart. “I just exist and am an issue for so many people. I’m more than happy to do this project alone, Jihoon-ssi.” You move to take your wrist out of his grip, but he just holds on tighter.
“I can’t speak for the others, but if I had an issue with you being my partner for this project, I would have gone to Professor Kim myself. I’m fine to do this project with you, Y/N, and I’m sorry if I made you think otherwise. Please, can you sit?”
You pause, watching your soulmate nervously before taking a long breath, slowly nodding and slipping back into your chair.
“I’m sorry for my outburst.” You mumble, rubbing at your eyes. “I get too far into my negative thoughts and…”
“It’s okay, I get it. And again, I can’t speak for the others, but from what I hear from Soonyoung, he and Seokmin are more than happy to have you around, if that makes you feel any better.”
You only nod silently, biting down on your bottom lip.
“Here, these are my notes.” He pushes his computer towards you, raising his eyebrows hopefully.
Jihoon may want to be civil and professional, but he’d be damned if he made a girl cry, no matter who it is.
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“Have we got everything?”
Jihoon grumbles a tired ‘yes’ to Wonwoo, alongside Mingyu, Chan and Ji-ah as they carry their camping packs towards your house around the corner.
It has been two weeks since your supposed outburst in front of Jihoon. Since then, you have been quite reluctant and withdrawn when you have to speak with him, but to him, it’s expected. He chooses to just go with the flow when it comes to you, and let his instincts guide him, which seemingly has been going okay so far.
The sun is barely beginning to rise in the sky, Soonyoung lecturing all attendees for ‘Choi Seungcheol’s Birthday Bash’ to be at your house bright and early at 6:30am to be on the road by 7:00 for the four hour drive.
“The sun is barely up, I don’t know why I have to be.” Jihoon hears a groan from Seokmin as they see a large bus parked on the curb.
“Because you love hyung, and you want to be ready to have a fun trip with the people you love.” A tired, monotone voice coming from Jeonghan responds. There are three sleepy bodies standing outside, putting the camping gear in the luggage compartment underneath the bus. The three said bodies are Seokmin, Jeonghan and a chirpy Soonyoung, who happily waves when he sees his best friend show up.
“You made it!” He cheers happily.
“Mm.” Jihoon mumbles as he places his bags in the luggage area, Ji-ah leaning forward and giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.
“Soonyoung,” she smiles. “Thank you for inviting me along!”
“Oh, it’s nothing!” He waves his hand happily with a smile. “Really, the more the merrier! Go hop on and find a seat, we’re just about to take off.”
Jihoon is the last person of his housemates to step onto the bus as he eyes the seats. As he expected, the usual pairs of soulmates are together. Mingyu is with Wonwoo, just behind a sleepy Seungkwan and Hansol. Ji-ah takes a seat across from Mingyu and Wonwoo, Jihoon slipping in easily beside her. He eyes the next row of seats towards the front of the bus as he sees Chan sitting alone, Seokmin and Soonyoung taking place across from him. His eyes widen as he sees his last roommate, Junhui, step onto the bus with a tall man behind him, cheeks pink as they walk hand in hand. Said tall man adjusts his glasses with his free hand, his long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail.
“Oh, that’s why he hasn’t been home lately.” Wonwoo grins, eyebrows wiggling.
“Minghao is his soulmate?!” Mingyu grins excitedly. “Oh my gosh, wait until Y/N sees.”
At the mention of your name, you step onto the bus with Kkuma in your arms, eyes scanning the seats. Jihoon takes in the floral yellow dress you’re wearing with your hair pulled back into two braids tied with a yellow ribbon, cheeks tinting pink.
When you make eye contact with Mingyu, you mouth ‘MINGHAO?!’ with exaggerated wide eyes, which only garners a giggle and aggressive nod from Mingyu. You shoot him an impressed look which makes him laugh again, before taking a single seat diagonally across from Jihoon and Ji-ah alone, placing Kkuma on the empty seat beside you.
Seokmin and Soonyoung take their seats in front of you, before Jeonghan steps on with the birthday boy in tow.
“Okay everyone, are we ready to go?” Jeonghan calls out, smiling as everyone nods or mumbles a yes. “Then we are right on schedule!”
“Birthday bash!” Soonyoung starts to chant. “Birthday bash! Birthday bash!”
You start to giggle as the others start chanting, Seungcheol shaking his head with a fond grin, taking place in the front passenger seat as Jeonghan takes the driver’s seat.
Dear God, Jihoon thinks as Soonyoung cheers loudly, causing Chan to burst into giggles. This is going to be a long four hours.
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Real Eyes, Fake Lies taglist
@cinnamoroxie @enhacolor @mikachu-chu @jojowantstocry @changbinisms @scarlet789 @i-dont-give-a-fok @im-gemmy @shookyungsoo @ametheyistheart @friendlywraith @kawennote09 @coupddeongie @sunooschubbycheeks @zgzgzh @mar-627 @side-angel @kuleo26 @deltamoon666 @snowgirlfallen @lixiel0ver @phenomenalgirl9 @weebotakuboy @sumzysworld @vixensss @seokmatchu @etaerealboy @milopenne @jinyoungie0922 @chickenscoups @zadkielr @coveyland @sapphirehearthstone @sweetchelly @devinkelsey19
244 notes · View notes
sinfulsalutations · 4 months
Hi Nour! I have a kiss prompt request for you 😇
I think the “surprise kiss just because the other couldn’t stop thinking about it” feels very Wrecker to me… I’d love to see your take on it, if it inspires you!
Thank you 🙏 @wings-and-beskar
⋆ ★ ʜɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇʟʏ! ɪᴍ ꜰɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴀɴꜱᴡᴇʀɪɴɢ ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛꜱ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴏᴛᴛɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴍʏ ɪɴʙᴏx, ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴏᴏᴏᴏ ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ɪꜱ! ɪᴛꜱ ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ꜱʜᴏʀᴛ ʙᴜᴛ ɪᴛꜱ ᴄᴜᴛᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱɪᴍᴘʟᴇ, ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴡʀᴇᴄᴋᴇʀ ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ ᴘʀᴇᴍɪᴇʀᴇ ꜰᴜᴄᴋꜱ ᴜꜱ ᴀʟʟ ᴜᴘ :(
➼ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ ☆ ꜱᴜʀᴘʀɪꜱᴇ ᴋɪꜱꜱ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅɴ’ᴛ ꜱᴛᴏᴘ ᴛʜɪɴᴋɪɴɢ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ɪᴛ
➼ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ ☆ ᴡʀᴇᴄᴋᴇʀx ɢɴ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
➼ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ☆ ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ, ᴀᴡᴋᴡᴀʀᴅɴᴇꜱꜱ, ᴅᴏʀᴋꜱ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ, ᴄʜᴇᴇᴋ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ, ᴡʀᴇᴄᴋᴇʀ ɪꜱ ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴀᴡᴋᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘʀᴏʙᴀʙʟʏ ꜱʜᴏᴜʟᴅ'ᴠᴇ ᴀꜱᴋᴇᴅ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ʙᴜᴛ ʜᴇ ɢᴇᴛꜱ ᴀ ᴘᴀꜱꜱ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ʜᴇ'ꜱ ꜱᴏ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ
➼ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ☆ 683
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You’ve been huddled under the console panel for hours now, grumbling to yourself and craning your back with every new ache that appears every so often. Your eyes are strained and your joints are locked; it's becoming quite clear why Tech had been so hesitant to let you manage the new upgrades; his back is already so fucked up that there’s no more damage that can be done.
At least Wrecker is keeping you company. Remaining as a warm body across from you tinkering with his own machinery and making conversation. You keep your head just low enough to see his brilliant smile while you work, smiling at how his eyes light up while he animatedly retells missions from before you joined the batch. 
You love moments like these. Everything surrounding you becomes little pieces in the background in the space of the person right in front of you; especially in Wrecker’s case. You’ve always enjoyed the way his eyes light up when he animatedly tells you stories and adventures he and his brothers have gone through, his dashing smile and big arms you just wish you could feel wrapped around you. He’s a charmer, a magnet bringing you into his orbit without even trying. Your conversations come effortlessly, something you’re grateful for with such time to yourself in his company.
All you need at this moment is a break, in all honesty.
Wrecker yawns, spreading his arms wide as he stretches.
“Want to tap out for a little?” You ask even though the question is more for yourself than anyone.
His response is far more enthusiastic than you expect.
You grin and slither out from underneath the console and encourage Wrecker to stand up as well. 
Both of you sigh and stretch your aching muscles. You crane your neck around in one direction, then the other, then sigh blissfully as you feel your shoulders naturally droop down. Wrecker flashes you a smile.
“Yeah,” you nod and grimace as you feel something in your neck pop. “`Seriously don’t understand how Tech can stay there for hours at a time–”
You go silent completely when you feel a pair of soft, yet jagged lips press against your cheek. Your jaw slacks and your eyes widen as you turn your head in his direction. But Wrecker’s mouth is gone as swiftly as it came.
“I’m sorry,” He stammers, eyes flitting anywhere but your face as he wipes sweat forming at the back of his neck. “That was– not okay. I should’ve asked.”
You can’t do anything else but nod. You feel so silly to be this speechless, but you’ve never seen Wrecker so sheepish and insecure. It fills you with a rather guilty rush of excitement.
“It’s okay,” you try to reassure him, stepping forward and pressing your hands to his chest. His gaze is brought back to you instantly. “I didn’t mind.”
Wrecker gawks, eyebrows raised.
“You didn’t?”
“No,” a coy little grin creeps up on you inadvertently. You hope you don’t give him the wrong idea. Based on the way he exhales slowly, he doesn’t.
“I just–” he begins, coughing slightly. “I just kept thinking about doing it, the whole time you were working.”
You tilt your head and bite the inside of your cheek to hide your giddy smile. It doesn’t help he seems so flustered.
“Yeah, really.” The confession is like a smooth sedative easing into your veins. “You’re just, too pretty sometimes.”
At some point, it becomes too tedious to try and contain your smile. 
He perks up, still slightly wracked with nerves.
You take a deep breath, composing yourself before asking timidly,
“Would you do it again?”
His eyebrows raise. You exhale breathily and smile.
“I’m sorry, can you say that again?” He asks, taking a step closer. “Just wanna make sure I heard ya right.”
Your cheeks might start hurting from how wide you’re smiling. You repeat it for him. He smiles dashingly and leans down to better his angle.
“‘Course I could,” he beams, before leaning down and finally seizing your lips.
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ragu list: @pb-jellybeans @corrieguards @badbatchbabe @ladytano420 @jediknightjana @sleepycreativewriter @shinyshayminflower @thebahdbitch @secondaryrealm @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @followthepurrgil @starrylothcat @sev-on-kamino @aconstructofamind @padawancat97 @littlemissmanga @starqueensthings @anxiouspineapple99 @freesia-writes @wings-and-beskar @clio3kantarella @secretthegriffin @523rdrebel @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @clonemedickix @andrakass2 @crosshairlovebot @wizardofrozz @dangraccoon @lickylickylicky @urmomsmattress @jedi-hawkins @who-would-want-a-broken-heart @cw80831 @ladyzirkonia @multi-fan-dom-madness @moonlightwarriorqueen @eyeluvmusic21 @mythical-illustrator @a-single-tulip
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lynzishell · 5 months
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Author’s Note
A few things to understand about Dawn:
She very much lives in the future. It’s what makes her such an optimistic person, and able to shove away the pain of the past. She’s always looking forward. So, when the future is uncertain, she gets a bit frantic.
She would much rather spin out on tangible problems like time and money than face the deeper, more abstract feelings trying to surface. If she’s spinning on the details, then there’s no room for the emotion to come through.
And if she can figure out all those little details and have a plan, then she can go back to living in that future place and keep those nasty emotions buried deep where she believes they belong.
But, as I’m sure we all know, what you don’t face will come back around one way or another.
Phoenix: What are you doing? Dawn: I can’t sleep. Phoenix: What time is it? Dawn: A little after two. Phoenix: Come here, come back to bed. Dawn: I’m too restless.
Phoenix: What’s on your mind? Dawn: Nothing. Everything. Phoenix: Do you wanna talk about it? Dawn: [sighs] I don’t know yet. But since you’re awake, can I ask you something? Phoenix: Of course.
Dawn: What do you want more: to get married or have a baby? Phoenix: What kind of a question is that? Dawn: I just mean, we’re gonna have to prioritize. The fact is, we only have so much money in savings. If we have to go through IVF, then we can’t afford to do that AND have a wedding.
Phoenix: Told you we should’ve eloped. Dawn: I’m serious. Phoenix: I know, I’m sorry. Dawn: So, if we can only do one now, which would you choose? Phoenix: I- I don’t know. I think I’d choose baby, but if it’s important to you to be married first, then— Dawn: No, I don’t care about that. I think I just worry that if we put it off now, then it might never happen. Phoenix: What do you mean?
Dawn: Like, if we go through this process and it’s successful, that’s great, but then we have this baby taking all our time and energy and money and we’re on our own and how do we even save and plan for a wedding while doing all of that? And there’s no guarantee that it will even be successful, so what do we do then? If we put our savings into this and it doesn’t work? Do we save again for a year and be right back where we are now? I hate that it has to be so hard. Maybe it’s better to focus on getting married now because we know in the end that day will be wonderful and happy and then we save and try for a baby after. But we’ve already waited a year to start this process and I don’t know if I want to wait another. I was so happy and excited and now I’m freaking out and I don’t know what the right answer is.
Phoenix: Dawn, sweetie, breathe.
Dawn looks up at him, tears stinging the backs of her eyes threatening to betray her.
Phoenix: Come over here.
Dawn: What? Phoenix: I know it’s not what you want to hear, but there is no right answer. All we can do is take things one step at a time. When is your appointment? Dawn: I don’t know. I was going to call them tomorrow.
Phoenix: Good, go ahead and make the appointment. Let’s see what your doctor says, and then we can decide what direction we want to go. We don’t have to figure it all out now, okay? Dawn: Okay. Phoenix: Is there something else? Dawn: No. I don’t know. I don’t want to talk anymore tonight. Phoenix: Alright. We don’t have to.
Phoenix: It’s all going to work out though, I promise. Dawn: How do you know? Phoenix: Because we’re in it together. Dawn: [grins] Is that the best you’ve got? Phoenix: That’s all I’ve got.
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flowery-mess · 3 months
Swan Lake
Noah x ballerina reader
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I will never forget the way I was feeling at that stage in front of all those people. My parents and siblings in first row, watching me with eyes full of tears and pride. I got the lead role in Swan Lake at the age of 16 which was seen as big accomplishment in ballet world. In that moment I felt happy, proud of myself and stronger than ever. But that didn’t last long.
Just a seconds after the big red curtain was closed and me and other dancers went in the direction of our changing room, I heard my name being called. Screamed, actually.
I turned around to see our trainer speed walking to me. I quickly went over the whole play in my head. What did I do wrong? I couldn’t think of anything, I felt good. She found million reasons to tell me I was a bad choice for playing the lead role, that I’m too fat and I won’t play on the next date.
That was it. That night I told my parents I’m done with ballet and I’m quitting immediately. My mother was ballet dancer too, we talked a lot about how hard it was for me lately, so she agreed with my decision and went to talk to my trainer. I packed my things and never saw that woman again. That felt like a big rock fell off my shoulders. That was 10 years ago.
“What are you thinking about?” Noah asked, his hand gently placed on my thigh as we were driving to my family home for Saturday lunch with my family.
“It’s 10 years anniversary of me ending my ballet career. I was thinking about it a lot recently.”
“Thinking about as?” he waited for my response as he didn’t really understand how I feel about it.
“As I miss it, I guess. I was thinking about talking with my mom about it today. Also I looked up some ballet classes in our area. But I don’t know, it was just a silly idea.” I shrugged it off.
I never really talked with Noah about my ballet career. I told him I did ballet for 14 years and quit for mental health issues. I mean, it’s very much known how the ballet industry works, so he understood. I have very mixed feelings about getting back into it at my age, so I haven’t told anyone yet.
I tried to stay healthy and fit, I sometimes go to open dance classes and sometimes I try some ballet steps. I still got it. I am a lucky one, I still have good stretches and I learn steps quickly. I just got bored of doing it only in our living room.
“Really? That’s not a silly idea, it’s actually a really cool idea. Did you find any good places?” I was surprised with Noah’s excitement. He is very supportive of everything I do, but I guess I expected different reaction.
“I like two ballet studios. They have some good teachers and also open classes, just for hobby attendance. One is on Mondays and the other one is on Thursdays, so I can try both and then see which one I like more.”
“Are you signed up already?”
“No, I am not sure Noah. It brings up lot of bad memories, 10 years ago it got me into a really bad place and I’m scared it’s going to be the same this time.” I felt tears coming as I thought of little 13 years old me crying through the whole night, because I was told I’m fat for ballet. That I’m not good enough. That I’m too tall to be a ballerina. That my skin is too pale. That I got in just because of my mother. That I’m never going to make it.
Those memories make me feel little and so vulnerable.
“I’m sure it will be great honey. If you miss it, then you should try it. But it’s your decision, okay? I don’t want to push you into anything. Take your time to think about it, talk with your mom and you will see what’s her opinion on this, right?” he brought his hand that was holding mine in it to his lips and placed small kisses against my palm.
“Thank you.” I shot him a smile which he gladly returned.
I loved days like today, spending time with my family. All of them love Noah, so after we have lunch, we are usually both separated and have conversation with someone else. Firstly, I talked to my siblings about college and their new internships, while Noah talked with my dad about new music and their upcoming Europe tour. My dad absolutely loves Bad omens and I am sure he is their biggest fan. When my family visits for shows, he never wants to be in the backstage, watching the show from safe space. He always goes in the crowd, which makes my mum crazy scared every single time.
I used this as a chance to talk to mom about the ballet thing that was going around in my head.
“Mom do you mind coming with me outside for a minute?”
“Of course darling.”
We took our coffees with us as we made our way to the garden and sit on the big couch that my parents had there for my whole life. That thing is going to outlive all of us.
“What is it darling?”
“What do you mean?” I tried to hide my worries, but my mom knows me too well.
“I know when my baby is worried about something. What is it? Is it Noah? Are you sad he’s going to leave for tour soon?”
“Oh no, well, yes that too, but it’s not the first time, that will be okay. It’s something I wanted to talk about especially with you.” I played with the cup in my hands and avoided the topic as long as I could.
“Come on hon, spit it out.”
“I was thinking about getting back into ballet.” I said and kept my eyes low, focused on the green grass. I looked up just because my mom wasn’t saying anything. “What? Are you going to say something? I don’t know what this face means.” I was honestly so confused with the way her face was looking at me. Was she happy about? Sad? I couldn’t tell.
“Well, I was expecting this much sooner than now.”
“I always thought you will want to get back to it at some point in your life hon. You loved it. Aside from those ugly things, you loved ballet. I was so angry at that woman who ruined for you.”
“Why did you never say anything?” I was so confused. She was waiting for this for years and never talked about it with me?
“Because it’s your decision, not mine. I didn’t want you to think I was disappointed with you or pushing you back into it. Did you think of where would you start with classes? And would you want to take part in plays again?” She was right. It is just mine decision and with everything she saw me go through I understand she was worried.
“I found two studios near our home that look good. They have weekly open classes that I was thinking about. But I wanted to talk with you first about it.”
Then we fell into long dialogue about everything connected with be going back into ballet. My mom gave me a courage to at least try it. She said my eyes lit up when I talked about the good memories I had from my child age. She also told me that I am more mature than I was back then and even if I don’t think I can handle it, I can. And she was right.
I’m a grown woman now, I can handle myself and protect myself. It’s also just open class for everyone who wants to try ballet, there will be no judgement.
“I’m going to try it.” We left my parents house later than expected, so it was dark outside when we were driving back.
“The open classes? Did you talk with your mom about it?”
“Yes and she said I should give it a chance. So I guess I won’t be home on Monday evening.”
“Can I go watch you?” Noah asked.
“What?” I returned him a question, not knowing what he meant.
“I mean I never saw you do your ballet thing and you will be wearing those ballet outfits and I’m sure that will be hot.” He said as if it was obvious fact that I should’ve known.
“You’re not being serious right now, are you?” I tried to hold my laugh in at his innocent clueless face.
“Well I’m not, but I would really like to see your little ballet outfit for sure.” He turned his face to you so you could see his smirk.
“Sure, watch the road you perv.”
It had already been a month since I started going to open classes in the studio I chose after the first week. I chose the one closer to our home, their dance rooms were bigger and more modern and our teacher was a lovely girl, possibly my age.
And it felt amazing. It felt like I was alive again. Don’t get me wrong I loved my life with Noah, my work and everything, but this felt like the missing piece.
While I was changing into my clothes after today’s class, our teacher Molly came to talk to me.
“Listen Y/N, I know you said you have bad experience and memories with professional ballet, but we have few spots open in our semi professional group and I thought you’d be great candidate. I see you’re learning faster than anyone in your class and I’m scared you would get bored after a while. There will be auditions, but I can get a word in for you and see if you could skip them. Just think about it and let me know as soon as you decide please.”
That night I came running home to share that news with Noah.
“WHERE ARE YOU?” I screamed just seconds after I opened the door.
When I opened the door Noah turned in his chair to face me.
“Did I do something?” he looked scared.
“Why are you screaming and running, I’m scared I did something.” You let out a chuckle at his words.
“No, but I got news. Great news.”
“Let me hear them.”  I walked over to him and sat in his lap.
“I just got offered a place in semi professional group at the studio. Without auditions, Molly wants me there.”
“Honey that’s great news! That’s amazing news!” he stood up with me in his arms and spined us around.
“So you think I should accept that offer?”
“You haven’t already?”
“No, I wanted to think about it.”
“Judging by your reaction, there’s nothing to think about.” He smiled into our kiss.
“I guess I’m back on track then.” I kissed him back.
Long story short, I accepted Molly’s offer and started with my new group. I had classes 4 times a week, which was bit hard to get used to, but after while it was okay.
Noah left for tour, so at least I got something to do with my free time.
Noah leaving was also good for another reason. There is time difference between us, so we usually text each other or have short calls, so my worries are easy to hide.
Last week Molly told us that our group will be playing Swan Lake few months from now on, which brought back some memories. Semi professional groups still play in midsized theatre, I joined them when there wasn’t any, so I expected some play to come soon, but not this one.
I had mixed feelings about it, thinking if I want to play or if I just pass this one. Applications are closing in three days and I still haven’t applied for any role, which was weird for Molly.
She asked me about it after last class, so I told her about my ballet history, how Swan Lake basically ruined it for me. Molly is very positive person, so she told me something that got stuck in my head. She said I could take it as an opportunity and change Swan Lake from something bad to something really good in my life.
Truth is, I am thinking about applying for Odette/Odile, but I haven’t told anyone yet.
“Okay that’s enough love, what is going on?” Noah asked through the phone and I saw his forehead wrinkles were making his worried face. It’s scary how well he knows me, but with tomorrow being the last day for applications I needed to tell him.
“Our group is going to play Swan Lake in a few months and I don’t know if I should apply or not. It’s the play that made me quit.”
“Looks like it’s your second chance to make the best out of it. Listen, you were worried about even getting into ballet again and look at you now! I know you’re worried now, but wouldn’t you regret not even trying it?” I felt like I was on the phone with Molly right now.
“I know, I was thinking about applying for the lead role, I did it back then too. But maybe I should do other role?”
“Oh no love, if anyone is supposed to be the lead role in this play, it’s you.”
“You have to say this, you’re my boyfriend Noah.”
“Well wouldn’t you be the same if I was in your position? That’s what you do for your partner. You know how many songs would be forgotten and never released if you didn’t support me? There is lot of them I thought weren’t good enough, but you made me finish them. I may don’t understand ballet, but I understand you and I know you would regret not applying. So you get your ass up right now and fill what ever you need to fill and send it to Molly or I’m going to do it.”
And he was right, I would regret it. But I still couldn’t believe myself when I saw ‘send’ on my screen after I applied for Odette/Odile.
Molly informed me that me and 5 other girls applied for the same role, so there will be two rounds of auditions, first one starting on Monday, which gives me 6 days to prepare for it. Noah is also coming back home on Monday, so I’m happy I will share the outcome with him. Either we will celebrate or he will make me his comfort food and I’m happy with both options.
I spend the last 6 days going over the choreography for the first round of auditions. Everyday after work I went straight home and practiced. Last night I didn’t get a chance to talk with Noah, because he was already on his way back to the states. I at least talked to my mom this morning.
“Y/N you’re next.” I heard Molly from the ballet room.
“I’m homeee.” I heard Noahs voice that I missed so much. I left the pans on low heat and left kitchen to meet Noah in the living room.
I didn’t waste any time and went straight in for a kiss.
“Missed me much?” he managed to say between our kisses.
“Very much.” I looked at his face, tired face, and held it in my hands “Hi love.”
“Hi.” He leaned his forehead against mine as we enjoyed bit of silence and each other’s presence after month and two weeks apart.
“How was the flight?” I broke the silence, took his hand and led him into our kitchen to finish dinner.
“It was okay. I slept most of the time, but I’m still very tired. And I need a shower.”
“You can go take a shower now, it will take few more minutes until it’s done.” I pointed to the food.
“Okay.” Noah got up, left kiss on my nose and went to get shower. That’s what I thought at least. On his way to our bathroom, he realized I didn’t tell him about the audition.
“Y/N? Wasn’t the audition today?” it was, but I wanted to tell him about the result over dinner.
“It was, but I wanted to tell you later.” I tried to hide the smile on my face.
“You got through to the second audition, didn’t you?” he caught your smile and immediately knew the answer. “I guess we can celebrate right now in the shower huh? Are you going to join me?”
“So girls, I want to thank you for participating in this audition. It was hard to decide, but in the end, we agreed on one name. And it’s you, Y/N. We were amazed by your performance and we feel like your experience with this play could help us to make the best of it. Congratulations!” Molly gave me a hug and whispered in my ear that she knew it was going to be me from the beginning.
Noah and my mom said the same. My mom made sure she put date of the premiere in hers and dad’s calendar so they wouldn’t miss it. Noah also made sure to clear that day months in advance and welcomed me home with a flower and dinner as a celebration.
Breathe in, breathe out. And repeat. I stood in backstage already in my costume. I saw Noah and my parents in the first row as the rest of the room filled with strangers. Strangers that are going to be watching me in a few minutes.
“Are you ready Y/N? How are you feeling?” I felt Molly’s hand on my shoulder.
“I’m nervous, but also excited. I haven’t preformed for over decade, so I hope I don’t panic.”
“You’ll be great. We did lot of work, all of you will do great tonight.”
She then went to talk to other girls and I felt my phone buzz in my hand. It was Noah.
“Don’t be nervous, we’re very excited to see you shine tonight. You’ll kill it babe, I love you.” Oh my sweet Noah. Supportive as always.
I stood still in my pose as the curtain was closing. I let out a big breath I didn’t even realised I was holding in when the curtain was fully closed. I turned around to see my friends and in that moment we realized we just finished our premiere of the Swan Lake. And it was perfect. We did group hug, with Molly joining us. It was completely different than 10 years ago. This night was full of support and love.
I went to change into my normal clothes and then to meet Noah and my parents.
My dad and Noah both had bouquets in their hands and my mom had tears in her eyes. She was also the first one to pull me into a hug.
“I’m so proud of you Y/N, you can’t even imagine. You grew up into a beautiful woman and you just showed me how strong you are.”
“Thank you, mom, I couldn’t have done this without you.”
Then it was my dad who pulled me into strong hug. My dad didn’t show emotions a lot, so I appreciated him coming tonight.
I really wanted to literally jump into Noah’s arms, but I kept calm in front of my parents. They said their goodbyes and left, because they have long road ahead of them.
As soon as they left the parking lot I turned to Noah and attacked him with hugs and kisses.
“Slow down baby, let me congratulate you and give you this beautiful flower.” It really was beautiful bouquet. Noah always got me beautiful flowers.
“How was it? Did you like it?” I was interested in Noah’s opinion, because it was his first ballet play he saw.
“It was beautiful! You were amazing! I know you can stretch your legs right, but I didn’t know you can stretch them like this.” I didn’t know if I should slap his arm for his stupid comment or laugh at him as he was trying to show me what he meant and trying to do the pose he was referring to.
“Okay ballerina I get it!” I laugh and stopped him from what he was doing before he got himself injured.
“Do you want to go out for dinner and drinks? Or go home and order something? You must be hungry.” We intertwined our hands and Noah led me to his car. He was right, I didn’t eat much today, because of the nerves.
“I think I want to go home, order something to eat, have a glass of wine, have hot bubble bath and then my back could use a massage…”
“I will give you massage only if you let me join you in the bath.” Of course he wouldn’t miss that chance.
“Deal. Let’s get home.” Noah started his car and took my hand in his.
“I love you and I’m so proud of you. I’m getting tickets to every show and I’m making the guys come with me.”
“Okay.” I laughed, but I knew he was serious. I’m sure that at the next show I’m going to see the core of BO crew in the front row.
“But I’m serious, I love you.”
“I love you too Noah, thank you for being by my side for all of this.”
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