#I tested negative today which is great
scruffydogposting · 2 years
Covid and mental health dump in the tags//
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sigmastolen · 2 years
ugh i have been sneezing all day (i think, optimistically, that it is a separate issue from whatever shredded my throat-- it started when the street sweeper went by my window this morning, which has happened before) and now my nose has become a faucet :((((
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drchucktingle · 22 days
wanted to post today about recent health journey of chuck. ALL STARTED at texas show when i began to feel tightness in throat. i have learned this is called GLOBUS which is a tingler character name if ive ever heard one. got through appearance and had blast but felt terrible
plane journey home was even worse. first thought i strained my voice, then tested for covid (negative) and then figured it was just some kind of virus. had running nose and hoarse and extreme pain behind face and MOST of all this golf ball throat
figured i would get better as viruses tend to go but I DID NOT. after a few weeks went to way of urgent care and they took one look and said you have EXTREME FORM OF ACID REFLUX called laryngopharyngeal reflux (also great tingler character name)
basically this is when your stomach acid comes all the way back up into your throat and erodes it. they immediately put me on medications name of pepcid plus tums plus gaviscon and on and on. was inhaling a dang pharmacy every morning
problem is, NO CHANGE. in fact it started getting worse. in addition to previous symptoms i now couldnt keep any food down. upset stomach all the time. could barely sleep. plus it is scary to have a sickness that gets WORSE over time like this
more doctor talks. i up doses of medication to combat sickness but does not seem to work. one night wake up and think 'dang i need to go to er my stomach is going to just melt or something' (keep in mind because i cant keep food down i am always hungry too).
i go to hospital and they say 'WHOA we need to intervene right now we are doing some tests and putting you on SERIOUS LIFE CHANGING MEDICINE. but here is catch to do the tests we need you to stop all your medication for 48 hours and it will be HECK but you gotta do it bud'
so i stop all medication in preparation for new SICK LIFE and suddenly… i start feeling better. not just a little but after weeks of this awful way i wake up in ONE DAY and feel fully cured. now heres twist: at the same time this was happening I started taking allergy medicine
you may already know where i am going with so i will just hit you with it. my INITIAL SICKNESS was just extreme seasonal allergies that required nothing more than claritin and flonase. however i was misdiagnosed with ACID REFLUX and medication was making my stomach a wasteland
the second i stopped taking acid reflux meds and started on allergy trot i was better almost instantly. today i feel HECKIN GREAT. (SIDE NOTE: after 4 years of chronic pain i am so thankful to not have some OTHER long term health trot to deal with. DANG)
so what is lesson here? first of all please do not think this is in ANY WAY anti-doctor rant or anti-medicine. my doctors were trying their best and made a mistake, they are just people. ALSO while acid reflux medicine made me sick, allergy meds made me better. i am SO fortunate
but what is REALLY fortunate is that chuck is covered under SWEET BARBARAS HEALTH CARE (she gets very good coverage under the frozen lake). most artist buckaroos, even WILDLY successful ones, do not have health care which is huge issue that should be talked on more.
point is EVERYONE should have healthcare. this whole adventure was bad, but it also only cost me 50 dollars. hundreds of thousands of other buckaroos would have to deal with this PLUS it would completely upend their life to cover medical expenses because of a SIMPLE MISTAKE
so that is my story, usually there is more of a lesson to these rants but this one is really just ‘dang what a trip.’ so grateful for my health and my way and the fact i can get simple allergy medicine over the counter. most of all THANKFUL FOR MY BODY it is such a treat to exist
thank you for reading and remember to advocate for yourself and your feelings both BODY and MIND at the doctor. listen to your trot and do not forget that LOVING YOURSELF AND THE SYSTEMS OF YOUR BODY proves love just as much as loving others. trot on buckaroos
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watermelonlovershigh · 11 months
Day on the Yacht Turns Baby Making on the Yacht
AN: i've had this idea ever since these photos came out and knew i had to write it. and lots of you guys did too because you ate up this concept. so here yall go. hope you enjoy.
This story contains: mentions of sea sickness, trying for a baby, having sex on a yacht, slight choking (kinda), slight biting (during the sex)
{ husband!harry - softrry - current harry era }
word count: 1,962
When you're fertility tracker goes off on the yacht to let you know that now is a good time to try for a baby, you make the excuse you feel seasick and have Harry come to the bathroom with you where he fucks you good against the counter top.
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You and Harry decided one way to celebrate Love On Tour ending was to rent a yacht for the day and take it on the water with a couple of his friends and family. The day you chose to sail on the waters was beautiful. The sky was nice and blue and the Italian heat was hot but not too hot. The sight of your gorgeous husband was also making the view ten times better, but that's just your opinion.
Everyone on the yacht was having a great time. Some were laying out to tan. Others were sitting around with wine coolers, chatting to one another. Harry, being the man who brought everyone together today, was going around and trying to spread his attention.
First having a laugh with his long time Italian friends who are actually a gay married couple which you both attended their wedding three years ago. Then sitting beside his sister Gemma and her long time boyfriend, Michal. Of course Harry pays attention to you as well, asking if you're alright and bringing you another drink when you mention being parched.
About two hours into your yacht ride your phone buzzes in your hands. You didn't really have cell service in the ocean so you thought that was weird. But when you checked to see who texted you, you realized it wasn't a text. It was a notification from your fertility tracking app that tells you when you're most fertile and need to try for a baby.
See, for a few months now you and Harry have been trying to get pregnant. You knew his tour was ending in July and thought it would be the perfect time for you to settle down for a while and have a baby.
At first you just had sex willy nilly to get pregnant, but after several negative pregnancy tests, decided to download an app to help tell you when you're most fertile. Though not every time you have sex is with the sole mission of a baby. Sometimes you just have sex for simply the intimacy aspect.
Fuck, you internally curse. How the hell are you gonna fuck your husband while you're on a yacht surrounded by his friends and family. Thinking for a minute you come up with a plan. You can fake being seasick so he has an excuse to go down to the bathrooms with you and do some quick baby making without anyone batting an eye.
Knowing it's now or never, you fake grown and cry out, "Harry..."
He looks over at you from where he's sitting beside his sister and asks, "Yeah, love? What's the matter?"
Not exactly wanting the whole boat to know you're seasick, you wave him over to you. Harry gets up imidiantly and stalks over towards where you're sat on the side edge of the yacht. When he's close enough, you whine, "Just feeling a bit seasick. Can you take me to the toilets on the bottom level, please?"
"Yeah, of course, baby." Harry is quick to agree. The genuine worry on his face makes you feel bad for lying. But you know you won't feel bad in a few minutes when his cock is deep inside of you.
He takes ahold of your hand and very quickly steps over to Gemma to inform someone, "Hey, Y/N is feelin' a bit ill. M'gonna take her to the toilets. Hopefully we won't be gone long."
Gemma frowns and replies sweetly, "Awe, that's fine. Hope you feel better soon, Y/N." You mouth a "thank you" and tug Harry's arm in the direction of the stairs that lead to the bottom floor of the yacht.
While on your journey to the bathroom, Harry kindly asks, "When did you start to feel sick? You could have told me sooner and I would have seen if I could've borrowed a motion sickness pill off someone for you." How did you get so lucky to have married such a pure and sweet man.
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Before you answer, you barge in the one toilet bathroom and Harry is fully ready to hold your hair back while you vomit. But instead, is taken back when you turn around and kiss his lips hard with need. "Baby....... what, thought you were gonna be sick?" he mutters confusedly against your mouth.
You pull away, breathing heavy and respond, "I lied. I needed an excuse to have you come down here with me and fuck me. Got the notification on my fertility app saying my fertile window is open and now is the best time to try and conceive. I need you to fuck me and come inside me. Right now."
Harry tosses his head back and says, "Fuck!" rather loudly. Though he is a bit uneasy about potentially getting caught having sex on this yacht, he could never pass up the opportunity to fuck his sexy wife and give her a baby. "Well, okay then. Do you need, like, warming up first or..." He's fully ready to eat you out or finger you for a minute to get you fully aroused if you needed that.
Harry's too kind sometimes. Always thinking of your wellbeing and needs. You laugh and grab his hand to lower it to the front of your swimsuit. "No, babe. Seeing you in these tight, green swim trunks has had me wet for hours, see." His fingers come in contact with your clothed wet pussy and that has him hardening right up.
"Alright, turn around and lean over the sink f'me." Harry instructs and you do as told. This yacht's bathroom is rather small but you'll make it work. You've had sex in much smaller spaces before but those are stories for another time. Harry drops to his knees and as he goes to slide your bikini bottoms down your legs, he kisses over your ass cheeks and the back of your thighs.
"Harry, we don't have time for that, just put a baby in me. Hurry." you grumble. You're far too impatient for him to tease you right now. You just need him to fuck you.
As he stands back up and drops his green swim trunks to his ankles, Harry retorts, "Alright, stop being bratty. I'll give you what you want. Know I always do, m'love." He takes ahold of his now very hard cock and gives it a few strokes to make sure its fully erect for you. When it is, he helps spread your legs how he thinks would work best for this position and leans over your back, carefully nudging his dick in your soaked hole with the guidance of his right hand.
"Ohh, Harry!" you can't help but moan while he's pushing all the way in and that causes him to slap his left hand over your mouth to silence you.
"Love," he says from behind you're body, "gotta stay quiet. Can't risk anyone hearing us." You nod your head in understanding and bite your lip to silence yourself when you feel him bottom out. Then without warning, Harry pulls his hips back, leaving just the tip inside your cunt, before slamming forward.
The hand Harry had over your mouth has moved down to your neck. Not with the intentions to necessarily choke you, though he is applying slight pressure, but more so to help you stay upright and look at yourself in the mirror. The scene of Harry fucking you from behind has got you even more turned on than before. The way his tan skin is glistening with sweat. The way his curly hair has fallen over his forehead. The way Harry is looking right into your eyes from over your shoulders in the mirror. It's all so intense.
After a couple of minutes, Harry can feel the knot in his stomach tighten and he knows he's about to come. Your tight pussy just feels so good hugging his cock. Wanting to see if you were up there with him, he questions in heavy pants, "Are you close? M'bout to come. Just feels so - fuckin' - good, Y/N!"
You nod and squeak out, "Yeah, I'm close too, H." Knowing you may need a little bit of extra help, he takes his right hand that he had stationed on your hip for stability and reaches in front of you until he finds your clit. When he does, he begins rubbing the nerve in tight circles and that's exactly what pushes you over the edge. That and his cock rubbing against your g-spot from this angle. You nearly fall forward because as you come your legs give out and if Harry wasn't pressed up behind you, you're sure you would have collapsed onto the boats floor.
"Ah, God!!!" you gasp while waves of pleasure roll through your body. Your orgasm triggers Harry's and he shoots his load as deep as he can inside of you. His hips falter their movements and he has to bite down on your shoulder to quiet himself from the moans he's dying to let out.
Slowly, everything comes to a stop and you're both left sweaty and panting for air in this small yacht bathroom. Harry carefully removes his hand from your throat and you slowly start to lean forward over the counter top again. The movement causes you to accidently pulse around his softening cock and he curses in slight pain. "Fuckin' hell."
"Sorry, sorry." you repeat out of breath and Harry shushes you by gently responding, "It's alright. Gonna pull out now and then I'll help you up on the counter so my cum doesn't drip on the floor." You nod and Harry carefully pulls his dick out your pussy and turns you around to lift you up on the small countertop beside the sink.
Now face to face, Harry can't help but to lean forward and plant a kiss to your lips. The kiss stays soft and airy. But knowing people above is bound to become concerned with how long you've been down here, you whisper, "Love you. Thank you for coming down here with me and I hope we made a little baby. Can't wait for our family to grow."
Harry nearly cries and gets hard again at the same time with all this baby talk. "Y/N, no need to thank me. Love you so much and would do anything to give us a baby. Even if that means break away from my friends and family to fuck my wife in a yacht's bathroom in the Italian ocean."
Harry helped you get cleaned up and properly dressed again as well as redress himself. Then you both walk hand in hand back up to the top deck again where everyone looks at you with concern. Gemma's the first to come up to you and asks, "Feeling better, love? You can have a sickness pill if you need one? I always bring extra."
Feeling bad for everyone's genuine concern on your sea sickness but also happy you weren't actually sea sick, you decline, "Oh, no thank you. I'm feeling much better now. Your brother is a great doctor."
Everyone continues to have a great time. Laughing and enjoying the summer sun. Until Brad, Harry's friend and personal trainer comes up behind you and gasps, "Y/N, why is there a bite mark on your shoulder? Are you alright?" Your eyes go wide and Harry who heard the entire interaction goes pale in front of you. To the point he looks as though he may actually get sea sick.
"Um, um.." you stutter. Well fuck, how do you explain they're your husbands teeth marks from where he bit your shoulder to conceal his moans while coming inside of you to give you a baby.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe14  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
 // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithharry // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  //@mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghost // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @justlemmeholdyou // @stylesmygucci // @hsonlyangelxo // @luvonstyles // @howdey
My Masterlist Masterpost
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blue-jisungs · 8 months
complete opposite
author's note. here it goes,, finally finished it after having it rot in my drafts for a month grrrrr … also, this one is for the biggest joshu stans i know, @fairyhaos and @slytherinshua <3
summary. you get scared of how joshua will react to bad news, joshua gets scared of how you’re acting… turns out is all a complete opposite of the other one was thinking
genre. fluff but also kinda angst? hurt to comfort me thinks
word count. 2269 hehe
warnings. swearing, mention of throwing up, feeling sick, having intimate relations with joshua but nothing explicit!! reader is overthinking a lot :(
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heart thumping in your chest, you stared at your friend in disbelief. rina squeezed your hand and tucked a hair that has fallen on your face.
“i’ll drive you home, okay?” she hummed and stood up, placing a peck on your forehead “stay here”
you nodded weakily, your stomach going crazy. you watched her silhouette disappear and massaged your temples.
when you woke up today, joshua was already gone. he texted you good morning and informed that he’ll probably come home late at night. but then you felt unwell. ignoring it, you decided to eat breakfast and go to work.
which was a mistake. you barely arrived and already run to the toilet, returning your stomach’s contents. rina was already here so she helped you, handing you some water and meds. just when you thought you’re fine, mid-convo with a customer you turned pale again and your stomach was making turns and somersaults.
you bet it was the fish you ate yesterday. you were out with joshu to some kind of a fancy restaurant. lately you’ve been craving fish so you decided, why not. well apparently it wasn’t a great idea.
“okay, let’s go. just please try not to vomit all over my car” rina giggled and helped you stand up. you felt weak, beads of sweat forming on your forehead. rina bit her lip and led you to her car. “i need to pick up one thing on the way but maybe try taking a nap? should i call your boyfriend?”
“no, no. he’s really busy today” you sighed, secretly wishing he’d be there for you.
in no time you were home, rina walking you to the door. suddenly she handed you a few boxes of… pregnancy tests.
“what…” you laughed, looking at her shocked.
“you… look, i need to go back to work but my sister was pregnant a while ago. and her symptoms were similar. and your period is running late, isn’t it? you still haven’t eaten the chocolate from the cabinet at work” rina said softly, looking at your widened eyes “just… make sure. and call me, okay? if you feel worse or better, doesn’t matter. i’ll pick up whenever i can”
“i… you’re being a bit dramatic with the tests. but thank you. i owe you” you smiled. she nodded and gave you a quick hug before rushing back to work.
you entered your and joshua’s apartment, heart wild in your chest. sure, your period was late. but… no, that’s not right.
feeling a unpleasant sensation bubbling up in your throat once again, head spinning, you ran to the bathroom. throwing the boxes on the counter you accidentally knocked some things over. you knelt down and for another time this day, threw up.
taking deep breaths you weakly grabbed the pink box. scanning the stupid imagine of a stupid woman with a stupid baby bump you decided to try. what’s the worse thing that could happen anyways. you’re not pregnant, it’s just the fish. you and joshua always use protection and you’re always safe. right?
you paced around the bathroom, nervously putting away stuff in different places while waiting for the outcome. it’s not it. can’t be. logically – can’t be. physically–
you peeked at the stick.
two lines.
your heart thumped in your chest, ready to rip out from your rib cage and go for a walk. or jog.
“no, it’s not right…”
you spent half of the day testing the other pregnancy tests. because what if it’s just a malfunction? or if one brand has two lines for positive and the other for negative? you had to be sure.
and sure you were when all of them turned out to be positive.
your bathroom looked like war zone, everything turned upside down all over the place.
walking into the kitchen on wobbly legs, your head felt like it was about to explode.
you’re pregnant.
joshua is going to kill you. well, no. not really. but it will kill him.
you never talked about it. sure, he said he wanted to marry you one day but… but he’s an idol. he’s busy. maybe he doesn’t even want kids?
when some rumours floated around about your relationship… it killed him. some carats went crazy, not in a positive way. joshua was really going through it and now… relationship is not as a big of a problem as pregnancy. oh my god, carats are going to kill you. and the baby.
you don’t want to ruin his career. he worked so hard and loved what he did and now… now it’s about to fall apart like a house of cards triggered by a slight gust of wind.
tears dwelled in your eyes, throat tightening. joshua will hate you, that’s for sure. yes, he loved you but a kid… those are different circumstances, choices… way of living.
he will hate you and dump you. that’s for sure.
unless… unless you do it first.
be rational.
he won’t, right?
the room felt like it was about to swallow you. all the pictures with joshua, your joshu. his ebony irises that you loved oh so much stared at you from the pictures. as if judging you.
you had to get out from here.
rushing to the bathroom, you tore all the boxes with the tests and flushed them down the toilet. then you threw all the tests into a plastic bag and then hid them under the sink. joshua never looks there. like that one time when you spent all day looking for something you lost and–
you took the keys and stormed out of your apartment, the need of fresh air almost suffocating you. you’ll be back before he gets home.
joshua pushed the door open, limbs feeling as if ready to fall apart any second. he just dreamed about changing his pyjamas and falling asleep in your arms.
it was late so he figured he won’t announce he’s here, like he always does. leaving his bag by the entrance, joshua stretched lazily.
he entered the bedroom and halted. the bed was empty.
“that’s weird…” he mumbled. maybe you’re in the bathroom? joshua grabbed his pyjama and decided to go check the bathroom.
if he was surprised that you weren’t in the bedroom, the bathroom left him speechless.
not only you weren’t there, like he thought you’d be. the room looked like a tornado passed through it.
everything was scattered around, as if knocked over; all over the place.
“y/n?” joshua called out, dropping the pyjamas. rushing to get his back to grab his phone, his throat went dry. it’s almost midnight and you’re not home. if you were going out with your girl friends, he’d know. he wouldn’t forget. so why you’re not home?
dialling your number, he noticed there’s no texts from you either. which was concerning too… you’d text him if you were going out somewhere. especially at this hour. and considering how cold it was…
the silence in the house was frightening. joshua didn’t like this one bit. suddenly he heard buzzing and his heart came up to his throat. your phone is home.
you left without taking your phone…?
joshua ran his hand through his hair. he has to stay calm.
he gulped and called your best friend from work. it was dumb, especially at this hour. but rina picked up immediately, even though voice w bit raspy and tired.
“hi joshua. is everything alright with y/n? i’ve been worried sick for the whole day–“ her voice was almost desperate for an answer.
“there was something wrong? i just came home and she’s not here… and, and she didn’t take her phone– i don’t know what’s happening” joshua whispered, feeling how his stomach drops.
“okay… okay… let’s stay calm. she… maybe she went to get some groceries?” rina breathed out “fuck, i shouldn’t leave her alone. is my fault… i…”
“hey, no, don’t say that. what even happened?” joshua asked and switched the light on. he’ll wait until you’re back. rina hesitated – if it was what she thinks it is, she doesn’t want to be the one passing the news.
“she felt unwell at work… and i drove her home but i had to go back… i should’ve stayed with her” rina mumbled.
suddenly there was a soft click of the door opening. joshua jolted, eyes turning into that direction.
you appeared in the doorway, your face catching his gaze. you were crying.
“rina, she’s here. don’t need to worry” he spoke softly. joshua noticed how scared you look. scared, tired and… guilty
“oh thank god. warn her that i’ll whoop her ass in work tomorrow” your grind let out a nervous laugh but she certainly sounded relieved “good night”
“good night” joshua whispered and hang up.
the silence was speaking volumes.
you slowly took off your shoes and sighed. opening your mouth to say something and then closing them again.
“if you wanted to go out, you should’ve taken a jacket” he said softly; there was no poisoned sarcasm in his voice, only genuine worry. you nodded weakly and played with your fingers.
“i…” your voice broke, eyes avoiding his.
joshua stood up and started boiling some water to mar you tea. you sat down on the couch, putting your bag close to you; hands gripping your knees.
for a moment it was peaceful, as if the world wasn’t about to fall apart in mere moments. just you, joshua and the sounds of boiling water.
in no time he returned, placing the cup on the table. then he looked at you, anxiety filling his heart.
“did something happen?” joshua asked. for the first time in ages he was unsure what to do. should he hold your hand? you didn’t look like you wanted to but on the other hand…
you shook your head gently, tears gathering at the edge of your waterline. your throat went dry and you felt like you weren’t able to physically speak out.
“i saw the bathroom, it looks like a mess. you scared me” he let out a soft chuckle, scanning your reaction.
your fingers traced shapes absentmindedly on your knee, eyes distant.
“angel?” he asked, concern growing in his voice. only after you took a deep breather and let it out as a shaky sigh, you started. now or never.
“you’ll hate me” you mumbled and were met with a scoff. scared, you looked up at him. joshua was smiling softly, unaware of what he was about to learn.
“y/nnie, i’d never hate you” the smile wrinkles that you loved so much appeared around his eyes. your lip quivered and you looked away
“you will. i’m so… i’m sorry joshua” your voice cracked “i ruined your career”
“what are you talking about, silly?” joshua laughed nervously.
you just shook your head, tears beginning to roll down your cheeks. in a blink of an eye you started harshly sobbing, breathing getting hard to breathe.
joshua rushed and hugged you tightly, petting your hair. even though he hated that such thought crossed his mind, he couldn’t help but wonder what did you mean: did you cheat–
“i’m so fucking sorry” you whined, pulling away from him. then you reached to your bag and turned it upside down, causing its content to fall on the couch.
“what do you…” joshua’s voice died in his throat, your crying only getting more intense when you saw his reaction.
he reached to grab one of the white and pink sticks. two red lines.
then he looked at another one. two red lines.
the other one he grabbed has a blue plus drawn.
rummaging through all of them, mouth agape, he felt as if knocked the air out of his lungs.
no, not because you were pregnant (well, this too). because of your reaction. you thought he’ll hate you? that you ruined his career? that…
“oh y/n” his voice broke, grabbing your face in his hands. your quivering lip and wet eyelashes made his heart clench but it was hard for him to resist a smile “how could i… i’m…”
“i’m sorry! we never really talked about this before and… and i know that we’re not that young but your career is blooming and… and–“ you mumbled, voice becoming whiny and hard to control. why is he smiling, by the way…?
“y/n, please take a breath, okay?” he asked gently, caressing your wet cheeks “i would never have thought that… you’re going to panic thinking about my reaction”
you took a deep breath and blinked slowly. why; why in hell he’s so calm?! isn’t he going to–
“i’m going to be a father” he breathed out, his own eyes tearing up too “and you’ll be the mother, y/n. that’s… that’s something i could never dream of but i also always wanted…”
“w-what?” you asked and he shook his head, grinning with pearly tears blinking at the edge of his waterline.
“i love you so so much. i’m… speechless. and above all, so… so happy” he sniffled.
his reaction was… complete opposite of what you thought it would be. you felt as if a huge stone just dropped from your heart, relief washing over you. suddenly you put your hands on top of his and pulled him into a kiss.
lips connected and tears falling down your cheeks, joshua felt like all of this was unreal. pulling away, he rested his forehead against yours.
“i’ll be a dad” a faint whisper left his mouth as you wiped his cheek with a loving smile.
masterlist <3
taglist. @mirxzii ,, @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @slytherinshua ,, @jiwuu ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @dazzlingligth
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bratzforchris · 2 months
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Summary: Matt has a chronic illness that the nurses at his local clinic are all too familiar with. The new nurse in town hasn't had a chance to meet him yet, but what happens when she does?
Pairing: Matt x nursefem!reader
Warnings: Mentions of needles and blood, chronic illness, use of medical steroids, flirty nurse!reader (this is all fiction!), Matt is 20/reader is 23, Matt has a service dog!!
Word Count: Just over 2k
A/N: This is lowkey inspired by the experience I had a few days ago with a flirty nurse while I was in the ER (I'm still thinking about him--had me giggling n kicking my feet n shit like I was in a rom com [this is definitely a story time]). ANYWAY, Matt has PFAPA (my chronic illness!) here. It's usually a childhood thing, but some rare cases like myself don't grow out of it. You can read more about it here, if you'd like. Enjoy!!
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Matt Sturniolo is all too familiar with his local pediatric emergency room. In fact, he’s been there so many times that the nurses have started to treat him as less of a patient, and more of a friend. “Hey Matt!”, “How’s YouTube going, Matt?”, “I remember you!”,  “I saw you last time!”, and the list went on. Some might ask why he still went there at almost 21, but when you had a chronic illness, it was best to see the people who had been caring for you for years if you could. These nurses had been caring for him at least once a month, ever since he was 12, and were usually quite skilled in how to manage the brunette’s comfort. 
Matt had PFAPA, which left him with high fevers and extremely sore, almost strep like sore throats every month. It was a miserable thing to live, and it really impacted his happiness, especially on days like today when he was having one of the worst flare ups he’d had in a long time and both Nick and Chris were unable to come along with him to the doctor. Luckily for Matt, he had his service dog, Emily, with him, but he still longed for a human companion as well. While some people wondered why he ‘needed’ a service dog, Matt’s disability was invisible. Emily would let him know when his flare ups were starting as well as laying on him to soothe his body aches and chills and helping with his anxiety at doctor visits. 
The nurse tech took him into the back rather quickly, running their usual tests of strep, the flu, and COVID. About 98% of the time, they would all come back negative, but the hospital staff liked to do all they could to make Matt more comfortable. Sure enough, the nurse practitioner stepped in about 30 minutes later, a sad look on her face. 
“How are you feeling, Matt?”
Matt shrugged, grimacing as his throat ached when he swallowed. “‘M not great.” he murmured, petting his pup’s head softly as the anxiety welled in his chest. 
“Well, everything came back negative,” she told, a sad look on her face. “We can test you for mono, though. You have a lot of the symptoms for that. That one is a blood test. We’re also going to give you an IV since you’re dehydrated.”
That sentence alone made him want to cry. Despite the tattoos and piercings he had, Matt hated medical needles. They hurt and they freaked him out. Sensing his anxiety, Emily scooted closer to Matt, whining softly and butting his leg with her head. Matt pet the dog’s head softly, steadying himself to get his breath. “Okay…” he breathed, steadying himself. 
The nurse practitioner patted his leg gently, hurrying out of the room to attend to her other patients. Matt began to panic, his breathing rapidly increasing as tears welled in his eyes. He didn’t want any of this. He just wanted them to tell him what was wrong so he could get some meds, go home, and sleep. Patting the bed he was laying on gently, Emily hopped up, curling into Matt’s side. The pooch rested her head on her owner’s chest, subconsciously working to slow the brunette’s heart rate. 
A few minutes later, another nurse and a lab tech stepped into the small room he was in, holding a tray full of supplies. Matt squeezed his eyes shut tightly at the sight, already dreading the feeling of getting blood drawn. Both healthcare workers were very kind, of course, whispering soft nothings to him as they patted his leg and prepared to draw his blood. They promised him that the procedure would be quick and easy, but those words never mixed well with a chronic illness. 
“Your vein rolled because you’re dehydrated. We’re going to have to draw from your other arm.” the lab tech informed him.
“O…kay.” Matt whispered shakily, trying to get his breath and the feeling in his hand back. 
The brunette knew that it was okay to cry, but that didn’t make it any less embarrassing. He was a grown man, laying here in a kid’s hospital room, trying not to cry while they tried to draw his blood again in his right arm. Unfortunately for Matt, the dehydration he was experiencing from his extremely sore throat caused his vein to roll again.
“Oh sweetheart,” the nurse said sympathetically, patting his leg. “We’re going to give you a minute, okay? Let’s get some water and Gatorade in you before we try again.”
Matt just nodded as he was passed a mini water bottle and a cherry Gatorade. He was hearing their words, but honestly, he didn’t care. All he knew was that he was going to be poked and prodded again, and he didn’t like it. Emily snuggled into his side, whining softly and brushing her sandpaper tongue against her owner’s arm, trying desperately to get Matt to feel better. 
“Alright, honey,” the sweet, older nurse stepped into Matt’s room again, holding a fresh tub of supplies to draw his blood. “Let’s try it in your left hand, okay?”
Because chronic illness never made things easy, the third time was still a failure, leaving Matt with an already bruising hand and tears pricking his eyes. Before he knew it, he was being shoved a packet of goldfish crackers, a popsicle, and more water, being informed that he had to eat before they could try again. The snacks felt like swallowing shrapnel, making the boy cringe every time he had to swallow. 
“Hello, oldest patient of the day!” You cheered, practically walking into Matt’s room on a cloud of glitter. 
Matt jumped in shock, petting his dog’s head to calm his racing heart. “...hi…” he mumbled. 
“They called me in for backup,” You explained, a smile on your face. You absolutely loved nursing, and every day at your job truly felt like a gift. You’d graduated from nursing school last year at the top of your class and had been working in the pediatric emergency room ever since. It wasn’t every day that you had a patient who was 20, but you didn’t mind. “We’re getting this blood draw this time so you can get the fuck out of here,” You slapped a hand over your mouth. “Shit, I’m sorry. I hope you don’t mind if I curse.”
For the first time all day, a small giggled made its way out of Matt’s mouth. “No, I’m okay.”
“I see you have a buddy,” You commented. “That’s nice.”
“She helps my…anxiety.” Matt seemingly chose his words carefully, but they still made you smile. It was clear that the boy had a bond with his pup. 
“I’m gonna look at your tonsils first so we can get you some medicine to help you swallow and then we’ll draw your blood, okay?” You asked, wanting to make sure your patient was comfortable with everything. 
At the mention of a blood draw, Matt’s blue eyes widened with anxiety, his body becoming visibly tense. You had become in tune with this, sliding on a pair of pink latex gloves and patting the soft material of the pajama pants on his knee. 
“Hey, look at me,” You murmured softly, waiting for his response. Once Matt had looked at you, you chugged on. “We’re just chilling, okay? I’m not going to do anything yet.”
Matt nodded, letting out an anxious breath he’d been holding. “Okay.” he whispered. 
You grabbed the flashlight to look in his throat off the wall. “Alright, I’m pretty sure you know the drill,” You chuckled. “Open and say ‘ahhh!’...oh yeah, you’ve got an icky throat. That looks like it hurts. Although…did you have a blue popsicle? You’ve got blue tonsils. It’s rather endearing.”
Matt flushed, his ears going red as he nodded. You smiled softly, throwing away the cap and hanging the flashlight back on the wall. You gave the boy the steroidal liquid the nurse practitioner had drawn up for him to ease the swelling in his throat, a blush creeping onto your face as Matt scrunched his eyes up at the disgusting taste, quite literally making grabby hands for his Gatorade. 
“Fuck, that’s gross.” he whined. 
“At least you got it over with!” You hummed cheerfully, in a small aim to make him feel better. “Unfortunately, it’s time for the bad part, but we can make it a little less shitty if you want? Maybe you could play me some music? Something you like, okay?” 
Matt fiddled with his phone for a moment before landing on Dominic Fike’s latest release. You smiled at the lyrics, releasing this was one of your favorite songs at the moment. You prepped the materials needed to finally get Matt’s blood drawn for the mono test, patting his knee gently in an effort to calm his trembling frame as he rubbed his pup’s head. 
“Hey, can I tell you something?” You whispered shyly, setting him up for the procedure. “You’ve got goldfish in your teeth–it’s really cute.” You giggled, your own cheeks becoming red. 
The brunette whined, breathing deeply as you began to draw his blood. “That’s embarrassing.” he grunted. 
A few deep breaths and small, sad noises later, you had finally gotten the sample needed. “We got it!” You told Matt excitedly, placing a Barney band aid across the site. “All done!”
You bustled around the room, making sure Matt was comfortable, throwing away your supplies, and making notes on your clipboard. You helped the boy drink water and got him (and Emily) a blanket, before taking his samples down to the lab to get checked out. By the time everything was said and done, an hour had passed and Matt was asleep against the small bed when you knocked on his door. 
“Hey sleepyhead,” You giggled, stepping into the room. “Nice nap?” Matt fisted his eyes, nodding as you went over his discharge instructions. You always hated releasing patients with no explanations or answers as to why they felt so bad, but in cases like Matt’s, that wasn’t always possible. Your best bet was to make him as comfortable as possible here. “Do you have any questions?”
The brunette shook his head, finally able to speak now that the steroids were beginning to work their magic on his throat. “No, but thank you. You’ve been the best nurse I’ve had all day…maybe even ever.”
You blushed at the compliment, helping the boy stand since you knew he was already exhausted, dehydrated, and lightheaded from having his blood drawn. “Do you need help getting to your car? I actually just got off.” You murmured shyly, glancing at the clock on the wall. 
Despite Matt’s steadiness on his feet and his grip on Emily’s leash, the blue-eyed boy nodded all the same, a quietly flustered look crossing his face. You smiled yourself, maneuvering Matt out to his car with a firm, yet gentle hand on his lower back. Thankfully, the waiting room had quieted down quite a bit now that it was nearing the evening, so no one questioned or pulled you away from walking Matt out. It was a slow trek with your patient being a bit unsteady on his feet, but you didn’t mind. Matt’s presence made you happy in an odd sort of way; you hated that he wasn’t well and that this would continue to happen for him, but you couldn’t stop your mind from thinking about seeing him again. 
“I um…I hope this isn’t weird, but I would really like to see you again. Maybe another time? When you’re not in pain?” You coughed and chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck. 
He smiled as he slid into the driver’s seat, rubbing his aching head that was seemingly getting better just by being around you. “I’d like that,” he offered. “I’d like that a lot, actually.”
Matt didn’t end up leaving his trip to the hospital with many answers beside the usual ‘It’s your chronic illness’, but what he did end up leaving with was your phone number scribbled onto a pink sticky note that he had been given in the parking lot. 
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tags ♡: @jake-and-johnnies-slut @chrissfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxysc-blog @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @spencereidenthusiast @crazychrisl0v3r @sturnioloxlver @whicked-hazlatwhore @blahbel668 @sturncakez @junnniiieee07 @biggesthat3r @sturniolowhore @patscorner @julesgrl @0strawberrysorbet0 @strombolilovr @matt444nixi @remussbitch @devthepoet1221 @mattyblover07 @loisnotaa @mollyquinnxoxo @graysturns @pepsicolapussy333 @ginswife @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @m00n-0n-paws @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @raysmayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @billsslutt @aemrsy
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roosterforme · 11 months
Always Ever Only You Part 2 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Avoiding your husband wasn't the best way to deal with your problems. Neither was baiting him into having a conversation that you knew was going to annoy him. But you were frustrated with work and your body, and somehow you knew Bradley would never blame you for any of it. 
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst, swearing
Length: 3900 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Gorgeous banner by @mak-32
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You had been trying for weeks to tolerate having Cat in your lab and your workspace. She was a great addition to your team. Quick and smart. Everyone else seemed to think she was wonderful. But you... just didn't.
Or rather, Cat didn't seem to like you. There must have been something about you that just rubbed her the wrong way. Other than a greeting each morning when you saw each other, she tended to steer clear of you, preferring to work near Macy and Sonya. 
You tried not to let it bug you, but it was hard when Jake was constantly stopping in to see you at work. He was an attention grabber. He was obviously handsome. And he was obviously also not your husband. So you started getting a few looks here and there from your coworkers. And you knew it was all because he thought Cat was gorgeous and wouldn't stay out of your lab. 
"What are you doing here?" you asked him one afternoon when he walked in and leaned on the counter next to where you were working on a line of code on your computer. "I just saw you last night at the bar."
"Just saying hi to my favorite engineer," he drawled, eyes resting on Cat where she was working across the room. When she glanced up at Jake, her eyes were softer than they ever were for you. 
You turned on your stool to face him. "Why can't you just be honest with me?" you asked him. "You're transparent to me, Seresin."
He looked down his nose at you and raised one eyebrow. "This is a two way street, Angel. And you've not been honest with me."
You looked at him, brow scrunched up. "What are you talking about?"
He sighed. "You're avoiding your husband. He was looking for you at lunchtime today. I don't want to listen to you whining about how much you miss him next time he's deployed when you're avoiding him now."
Your heart lurched. If Jake noticed how you'd been acting the past few days, then Nat probably did too. And you did not enjoy being on the receiving end of her temper when Bradley got angsty because of you. 
"I'm not," you whispered. But you kind of were. Your period was due tomorrow, and your thoughts were once again consumed with buying a pregnancy test on your way home from work. Which was ridiculous. Because you knew how you were going to react when it was negative. You were going to spiral again. You were going to upset Bradley again. He kept telling you that none of this was your fault, but you just weren't so sure. 
"Do you want to talk about it?" Jake asked you softly, his blue eyes fully focused on you instead of Cat. But you shook your head and looked down at your hands in your lap.
"No. Not right now."
"Hey," he said, and you looked up at him. "Whenever you want some girl talk, I'm your man."
You laughed out loud, drawing the attention of your labmates, including Cat. "Thanks, Jake."
"Now," he drawled, leaning against the counter on one elbow, "can you please put in a good word for me?" He nodded toward Cat, and you just rolled your eyes.
"I would, but I don't even know if she's single. She doesn't like me very much."
Jake's eyes went wide. "Everyone likes you."
You just shook your head and said, "Not her. But I need to work on a bunch of proposals and shit with her this month, so I'm going to try my best to get her to crack."
"When you do, make sure you tell her what a stand up guy your good friend Jake is."
You ended up kicking him out shortly after that. And then you texted Bradley.
I love you, Roo. Movie night later?
Then you took a deep breath and grabbed your computer and made your way over to Cat. "Have a few minutes to look at these proposals or maybe check some of my coding?"
"Sure," she replied, pulling out the stool next to hers with her foot. 
"Thanks," you mumbled, making yourself comfortable. "I just finished reworking this code if you want to take a look."
Cat sighed and pulled your computer a little closer. "I know this is how you do things around here, but there's a more efficient way."
You looked at her out of the corner of your eye. "Oh. Okay... well, maybe you can show me?"
Now she was the one looking at you cautiously. She sighed again and started typing away on your computer silently, just leaving you to watch what she was doing. You had to admit, she did have an efficient way of working. 
"Hey, Baby Girl."
You spun around to find your husband standing behind you. 
"Roo," you sighed, hopping up from your stool and wrapping your arms around him.
"I missed you at lunch. Ended up dumping hot sauce all over my food to drown out my loneliness."
You laughed against his chest. "Sorry."
He kissed the top of your head and told you, "You want a movie night? I'll stop and get some beer on the way home."
But you shook your head and looked up at him. "I actually need some other stuff at the store, so I'll grab the beer."
He nodded and smiled at you. "Sounds perfect."
"Wait, did you come all the way up here instead of just texting me back?"
Bradley leaned down close to your ear. "I would do anything for an excuse to see you."
The warmth of his words washed over your body just as Cat cleared her throat. You turned to look at her with embarrassment all over your face. 
"Uh, Cat, you remember my husband, Bradley?" you asked awkwardly. 
"Yes," she said in a curt voice. "We've met. He's been here several times."
"It's nice to see you again," Bradley replied in his most charming voice, and even Cat wasn't immune to that. She smiled softly at him before turning back to her work. 
"You should go," you told Bradley, running your fingers through his hair and kissing him briefly before pushing him toward the door. "See you at home later."
And then he was gone and you were left with Cat and her attitude about the way you got your work done.
Bradley made it home before you. He took Tramp for a short walk after changing into some gym shorts and an old shirt. The neighbors had their grandchildren over, so Bradley stopped and let them play with Tramp. The kids always went absolutely nuts for him, and honestly, Tramp loved the kids probably more than they loved him. 
"Trying to get you one of your very own," he told his dog as they walked up the driveway past the Bronco. Tramp jumped up and licked Bradley's hand like he understood. Like he was begging for his own kid to play with. "Working on it."
Bradley knew you were busy with work. Your promotion banquet was coming up soon. And he was pretty sure your period was due to arrive any day now. It felt like you and he were playing the waiting game every month. Bradley didn't really mind too much; trying to get you pregnant was perhaps the least stressful part of his daily routine. Fucking you had been bliss since the very first night he spend with you. 
But he could feel the stress in your body every month when you got your period now. When he tried to tell you that sometimes this took time, you didn't want to hear it. And it had only been a few months since you stopped using birth control. But you didn't want to hear that either. 
Bradley took Tramp inside, and then he heard your terrifying little car pull into the driveway. You came inside with some shopping bags and a six pack of your favorite beer. "I picked up dinner," you told him. "I think I have PMS, so I got some sushi."
"Perfect," he replied, noting the way you were biting your lip a little nervously. "Come here." He pulled you into his arms. "You pick the movie."
"Hmmm... 90s throwback night?" you asked, wiggling out of his grasp and starting to undress in the living room.
"My favorite," he murmured, watching your shirt slip down your arms. 
Then you vanished toward the bedroom, calling out, "Be right back."
He sighed and set up the sushi and beers on the coffee table. Then he fed Tramp dinner and waited for you. When you came back out in one of Bradley's oversized shirts and plopped down on the couch, he was right there with you. He barely paid attention to which movie you chose, realizing about fifteen minutes later that he was watching Wild Things. 
When you finished your sushi and took the last sip of your beer, you gently pushed Bradley back along the couch and curled up on his chest. Bradley loved your body weight on top of him like this. He felt warm and secure with your forehead resting on his neck while you watched the movie. But he was watching you and the way you reacted to his fingers gliding along your arm. Your eyelashes brushed along your perfect cheek. 
He was thinking about how good you'd look with a baby bump when you shifted a little bit to look up at him. "You like this movie," you said against his chest, and he laughed. He was barely even watching it. "It's got the threesome scene with Neve Campbell and Denise Richards."
Bradley rolled his eyes. "That's not why I like this movie. I like it because it has a good soundtrack."
"Yeah, okay," you said with a laugh. And he let it go until a minute later when you asked, "Do you honestly expect me to believe that you wouldn't jump at the chance to have a threesome if I brought it up?"
Bradley was speechless. He just looked at you for a beat while you watched the movie.
"That's what I thought," you murmured with another laugh.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" he asked, shifting underneath you. "Are you trying to insinuate that you are not satisfying me? Or that I am not doing a good job of satisfying you? Because either way, I have a problem with this."
He grasped your chin between his fingers until you were looking up at him. "I was just making my point that you'd want to."
"I would not," he said louder. "Would you?"
You shook your head. "Of course not."
He blinked at you a few times. "I think about you and only you all fucking day long. And I'm too jealous and stubborn to share you. So don't ever make a comment like that again, okay? And if I'm not doing a good job, just tell me."
"You are!" you insisted, propping yourself up so that your chest was just grazing his and your lips were inches from his chin. "You make sure I cum before you do like ninety percent of the time, and you have a huge dick!"
"There's a little more to it than that," he growled. "If I'm not making you feel like you're important to me, then what's the point?"
You gasped and kissed his chin. "Roo. I'm sorry I said anything."
Bradley was a little worried about his performance now. Last week on the dining room floor, he wasn't sure if you came or not. His knees started hurting from digging into the hardwood. Maybe his nearly thirty seven years of age were showing. And when he bent you over the piano bench, he had to work very hard to get you off with his fingers before he came.
"Oh my goodness," you said, a little louder now. "You're not even lying, are you? You actually wouldn't want to have a threesome."
"No! We made wedding vows! I'm not about to stick my dick in anyone except you! And I wouldn't even want to!"
Your lips were on his, and your fingers were tangled in his hair. You were straddling his waist and murmuring, "You're so sweet, Roo."
He pulled you tight against him, letting you feel how hard he was for you. "I'm fucking crazy about you, Sweetheart," he swore. "If I'm not satisfying-" 
But your lips were on his again, and you were rubbing yourself against his abs. Bradley grabbed at your hips underneath the oversized shirt. "You are!" you promised. "You're incredible. We're incredible."
"Then why the fuck are you saying that stuff?" he groaned when you started sucking on his neck.
"You're going to give me a complex."
"I'm sorry," you whispered. "I'm just feeling a little insecure today."
"Why?" Bradley asked, easing his hands up along your waist, enjoying the feel of your smooth skin. "Why would you ever have a reason to feel insecure? You're perfect."
You ran your nose along his Adam's apple. "Cat Coleman hates me for some reason. And I'm going to have to work a little bit this weekend, because I'm behind on the proposals. And my period is coming despite my best efforts."
"Stop it," Bradley said, gently squeezing your waist so that you met his eyes. You sat up, straddling his torso. "If Cat Coleman doesn't like you, then she's an idiot. I can help you this weekend. It's supposed to rain. You can read the proposals out loud to me while I feel you popcorn. And if you get your period, then we'll keep trying. Like I said, you're perfect."
You smiled down at him and started to pull his shirt up over his abs. "Okay, Roo."
"We got nothing to worry about," he whispered, tucking his finger inside your underwear, making you gasp as he stroked you. "Unless you start telling me you do want to have a threesome."
"I don't," you promised, kissing his lips. And then you pulled Bradley's shorts and underwear down to his thighs, and your slick pussy met his cock. "This okay?" 
"'Course," he grunted. You slipped him inside, and once he was fully seated, you glanced up and kissed him again. 
Then you carefully pressed your chest to his. "I love you, Roo." Your lips were soft on his scarred neck and cheek as he ran his hands up and down along your back. He was so comfortable like this, with you warming his cock. You softly fluttered around him, soothing him with every little squeeze and movement. You had control over him. You always did, because he'd given it to you. But your fingers in his hair and your soft voice near his ear...you just owned him. 
More than anything, he wanted to make you happy. Take your stress away. And he knew that in the next few days, you'd either be delighted or miserable again, depending on if you got your period. So he wanted to enjoy this moment with you. Let you enjoy yourself with him. 
As soon as you started moving your hips, you were moaning softly. Bradley pressed himself up against you, rubbing his rough hairs along your clit. "Tell me what you want."
You sighed and moved your hips a little faster. "Make it last forever."
Bradley wasn't sure if you were talking about this moment in particular or everything. But he'd make it all last for you. For his wife. You rode him on the couch until you came, chanting his name with his hands all over your breasts. Then he flipped you over onto your back, and you wrapped your legs around his waist while he fucked you nice and slow.
"You didn't cum yet," you gasped a few minutes later when he stroked your clit closer to another orgasm.
"You told me to make it last forever," he whispered, cock deep inside you as he pinched you and listened to you whine for him. 
When he finally ended up in bed with you, he was a sweaty mess, and your pussy was filled with his cum. You were babbling softly as he tucked you in and plugged your phone into the charger. He went back to the living room to turn off the movie that he hadn't even watched and let Tramp out into the backyard. Yeah, he wanted this to last forever, too. Whether it was just the three of you or not. 
The next morning, you were in tears again. When you stopped for beer and sushi on the way home last night, you made a little detour to buy some more pregnancy tests. Negative. They were always negative. Bradley was dicking you down constantly. You'd made him feel so insecure last night, that he held onto you this morning and wouldn't let you get out of bed.
"We'll be late for work," you whispered, knowing you'd have to get Bradley out of the house so you could take one of the tests before you left, too. 
"I love you too much to get up."
"If you get up now, I'll make you an omelette." 
You laughed when Bradley jumped out of bed, and even after you made breakfast and sent him on his way, you had time to take the pregnancy test before you left too.
Crying in your car on your way to work had become this kind of sick routine. But at least you had fifteen minutes to get it out of your system before you parked. Then you had another ten minutes to make your face look neutral again before you made it to your lab with your computer. 
You barely said a word to anyone until it was time for lunch. Part of you wanted to pull the same stunt you'd been pulling for weeks and tell Bradley you were too busy to eat in the cafeteria with him. But Jake was right. When Bradley was deployed again, you'd be nonstop wishing he was here with you. So you locked your computer and followed everyone else out.
"Hey, Cat?" you called out before you could stop yourself. She turned her dark, appraising eyes on you, and you sucked in a deep breath as you caught up with her. You knew Jake wanted to get to know her, and you knew that would be made much easier for him if in fact you got to know her first.
"Just wanted to see if you wanted to eat lunch with me. I'll probably sit with my husband and some of our friends, if you-"
"I'm going to eat with Sonya. But thank you." Her face was still expressionless as she cut you off. But you didn't want to be deterred so easily.
"Okay," you said with a forced smile. "Well, we're going to hang out at the Hard Deck later, maybe shoot some pool or play darts. If you want to-"
"I'll think about it, thanks."
And then she was strolling down the hallway away from you. And the tears were filling your eyes all over again. You turned toward your office and pulled your phone out of your pocket. 
I'm going to eat in my office.
As soon as you unlocked the door, Bradley had written back.
Bradley Rooster Bradshaw <3 <3 <3: I'll bring some sandwiches up and join you. 
You managed to calm yourself down, taking deep breath after deep breath while you organized your file cabinet. But when Bradley knocked on the open door and you looked up to see his smile, you burst into tears. 
"Sweetheart." He kicked the door closed and tossed the sandwiches onto your desk. "Come here." He sat down in your chair and patted his thigh, and you sank down to meet his big body while you sobbed. He held you and let you cry as you curled your legs up under yourself and burrowed against him. 
You wiped the tears away but kept your eyes closed as you said, "I took a pregnancy test after you left the house this morning. Of course it was negative. I don't know why I keep getting my hopes up."
You could feel his lips and mustache in your hair as he kissed you. His voice was gentle as he said, "You need to stop doing that alone, okay? We can do it together if you miss your period. I don't want you to keep hiding what's going on from me."
You looked up at him with tear streaked cheeks. "You know you're going to get deployed again soon, right?" you asked as you hiccupped. "And then we're going to lose out on months of trying. I feel like if this doesn't happen soon, it's never going to, Bradley."
The irritation you knew must have been all over your face didn't seem to penetrate him at all. You'd been subconsciously baiting him last night while you watched the movie. Hoping for him to validate all of your inadequacies. Your mind thriving on the idea that even your husband thought you weren't good enough for him after all. 
But all he ever did was love you and encourage you. And right now, you couldn't stand that, either. Because when he said, "We have time, and we have each other," you started sobbing again in earnest.
He held you for so long, you were certain he would get in trouble with Maverick for taking an unnecessarily long lunch. "You didn't eat your sandwich," you whispered as he rubbed your back.
"I'll eat it when I walk back over," he promised. "Which I'm not going to do until you promise me you'll stop shutting me out."
You nodded at him and whispered, "I'll do better, Roo." Then you handed him one of the sandwiches and scrambled off of his lap. "You need to go before you get in trouble."
He leaned down to kiss you. "Nah, Mav's a softie for you. If I tell him I needed to spend some time with you, he's not going to care too much, Baby Girl."
"Okay," you sniffed, looking at the other sandwich. But you'd lost your appetite now. Which was fine. You were beginning to think that the weight you gained and never lost from the wedding and honeymoon could be adding to your fertility issues. You scheduled a physical with your doctor for just after your promotion banquet. Skipping a meal here and there was honestly probably a good idea. 
"I'll see you at home? Hard Deck after dinner?" Bradley asked, running his fingers along your cheek. You brought your attention back to him and nodded. 
"See you at home."
But later that night, while you were at the bar with your friends, you couldn't stop thinking about the negative test. You couldn't stop thinking about your fertility. You couldn't stop thinking about how hungry you were. 
And then you saw Cat sitting at the bar with Macy. When you caught her eye, there was barely a flash of recognition, even though you had invited her to hang out in this very establishment barely eight hours ago. 
You tried to block it all out as your stomach ached from period cramps. But after another hour, you were tugging on Bradley's hand and whispering, "Let's go home?"
He eyed you cautiously as he finished the last of his beer. "Whatever you want, Sweetheart."
Home. That's what you wanted.
Well, they can try again next month. But I'm worried about her. Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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gotham-daydreams · 8 months
How would the yan batfam celebrate reader's birthday after they got them back?
Well, it can go a few ways, but I'll try to keep it short and simple for now!
First, the family will 100% fight over if they should throw a party now or actually wait until your birthday, because they definitely don't want to try and make up for all the one's they've missed, along with some other occasions that they absolutely want to celebrate with you.
It's a real mess, but what could one really expect from such a dysfunctional family? Though no matter what they settle on, it really depends on how long you've been with them.
If you've just 'gotten back' then it's probably something small, as they don't want to overwhelm you and want this to be another piece that eases you into your new way or life. Yet it definitely seems like some didn't get the memo as you are overflowed with gifts. You don't understand how they picked half of this stuff out, let alone why they bought it for you, but that's probably because they're guilt got to them and suddenly they had five times the amount of gifts they were originally going to get you. If the amount of gifts in the room pisses you off or you generally have a negative reaction to it, no one will let you go into the hall for a good portion of that day.
Besides that, you get some breakfast in bed, and maybe even lunch too if you didn't like the gifts- but expect a family dinner at the end of the day. They'll find ways to spend time with you, and most of the activities are either games that require multiple people, or the others will just... watch. Which may not have been so bad if you were in this particular situation.
Overall, while it is a little toned down they do still find ways to 'sneak' themselves into your birthday, and try to have fun all throughout the day. Though if you want to keep things more lowkey, then that's fine! But you'll still have to deal with them hanging around. You won't get a single moment to yourself.
If you've been 'staying' for a while, then they go all out and have the biggest celebration they can without any outside eyes peeking in. It may not be necessarily loud or anything but it's... a lot.
The moment you wake up (to which, you're most likely woken up by someone), your dragged out of bed and just about everyone is up and about like it's Christmas (and maybe it is, but I digress). Every meal of the day feels like some kind of feast, and they aren't trying to even hide the amount of gifts they've gotten you, which somehow all pertain to your interests one way or another. If anyone gets the same thing then you get to see a bit of a fight- so at least there's that, but unfortunately it's unlikely to last very long as everyone wants today to be a good day for you (and a great day for them).
Every activity/game is a family activity or deals with multiple players. They all take turns if there isn't enough for all of them to play with you all at once, but they work around it one way or another. If you want things to tone down, then you're either stuck watching a movie with everyone, or in a cuddle pile with most of the Batkids. If you couldn't get rid of them before- you absolutely cannot now. They make it near impossible to do so.
If you'd like to keep up your tradition with Alfred and bake with him, then you're more than welcome to!
If you 'just arrived' then you may be able to bake with Alfred in peace, minus the new observers that are a little too keen on watching you, and all too eager to taste test what you and Alfred end up making.
If you've been there for a while, then the family will try to turn the tradition from just you and Alfred, to you and the whole family. Even if it means turning the whole things into a game of some kind, or using other methods to get you to bake with them, they'll find a way to change it eventually... unless Alfred gets in the way of things. Though sometimes he may get sick and can't help you with the rest of the Batfam :[[
All in all, it's a mess! Who could've guessed? Ah, but really, it goes just about as well as you'd think. Very overwhelming and them justing to shove and further include themselves into your life by using your birthday to enhance that force. If you've just arrived, the force is lighter, and if not? It's heavier. Much, much heaver.
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drdemonprince · 3 months
Is "safe sex" even real? Never done it so idk but you mentioned risk profiles once. I feel like demographically I've got a higher risk profile and the anxiety about that really prevents me from going and trying anything. Do you think that's overly anxious in a negative way?
"safe sex" is a really misleading and binary term. There is never any guarantee of safety in anything we do. Every choice we make comes with risks. Hell, choosing not to connect with other people sexually (if you have any desire to) does ITSELF come with its own risks and costs over time.
The chase after perfect, guranteed safety will only lead to us feeling powerless and afraid, because it is an impossibility. All that we can do is inform ourselves of the risks, mitigate the risks we are the most concerned about and that affect others, and then knowingly accept what risks we still face as the cost of leading a full, enjoyable life.
When we inform ourselves about risk mitigation, we learn there are certain steps that we should probably take to protect ourselves and others if we are engaging in behavior that carries risk. If you're having sex with a complete stranger, it's probably smart to use a condom. If you have sex regularly you might want an HPV vaccine or to be on PreP to prevent HIV transmission. When you meet up with people you should get tested for COVID. You should get vaccinated against COVID. If you want to get suspended in rope from the ceiling don't use a hardware store $3 carabeener, get the good shit from the rock-climbing supply store. Things like that.
But even if you use a condom, you might get herpes or HPV or crabs or a yeast infection. Even if you never have sex, you might already have herpes or HPV or crabs or a yeast infection. I've had several of those things, including some of the "scarier" sounding ones, and they're really not that big a deal. They're just a thing that happens in life. Most people have them. You pop a Valtrex when you have symptoms, you shove a suppostiory up your vulva when it itches, you sleep without underwear on, you communicate with partners, you move on with your life.
Sure, I do what I can to avoid the risks I am most concerned about. I take PreP right now because not getting HIV would be preferable to me. But I could still live if I got it. I am informed about the realities of living with HIV today, which makes that fear more manageable. It is easier for me to make carefully considered and yet realistic decisions surrounding my risk profile because I can confront the realities that scare me and learn more about them.
The body is not separable form its environment. We are connected to our surroundings and the people around us, and our bodies get sick, catch viruses, grow old, get messy, and die inevitably and return to the earth. With our one life, we each have to choose what is most important to us and what potential costs we can stand. But with each year that passes, a cost to our bodies is already incurred, and there's nothing we can do to prevent aging and death from coming our way.
So what would you like to do while you are around? Would you like to have sex with condoms? Go on PreP? Get the HPV vaccine? Take random loads in a glory hole? Make out and dry hump with a cutie at a party and catch her cold sore? Cross the street in the dark after looking both ways? Go out dancing so late that your sleep is disrupted for the whole week? Get your heart broken? Have a great all-consuming love? Have children? Endure a torn labia while giving birth? Try psychedelics? Go on a swinger's cruise? Get a UTI from spermicide? Roleplay online instead of meeting in person? Fuck people with a strap-on?
The choice is yours. And no choice you make will be perfect or come without risk. No life is safe. Accepting loss is one of the necessary tasks of leading a life. But you can educate yourself, reflect on what you most want out of life and what you fear, and then take steps to demystefy your worst fears and mitigate the risks that loom largest to you and the people you care about.
Whatever you decide, I hope you have some fun.
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TWST As Lines I've Written/Said
Content Warning: Shitpost, suggestiveness(idk?) & swearing
Author's Note: These are either things I've said, or things that I've written down but haven't used... yet, might use them in the future, might not. Feel free to guess which is which.
Let the shenanigans begin!
Yuu, upon entering TWST
Yuu: “I’m motivated by spite and getting the fuck out of this damned place!” 
Crowley: “This damned place just so happens to be my school!” 
Yuu: “Yeah? Well, guess what Mr. Mystery Man, I fucking hate it here!” 
Crowley: “Rude.”
Typical Ace Behaviour
Yuu: “Behave, my friends are coming over.” 
Ace: “Weird. I didn’t know you were capable of having those.” 
Yuu: “You know what? You can go out and wait on the fire escape until they leave if you want to act like that.”
Capitalism Isn't Attractive
Deuce: “Do not fall for the pretty man with the fancy clothes!” 
Yuu: “Why not? He’s hot as fuck.” 
Deuce: “... He’s a capitalist.” 
Pissy Kitty
Leona: “Great, you again.” 
Yuu: “I’m thrilled to see you too, asshole.”
Floyd, just Floyd
Floyd: “Why not?” 
Yuu: “Unlike you, I don’t want to die!” 
Floyd: “Boo, you’re lame.”
Yuu Needs a Raise
Yuu: “My therapist will be thrilled to hear about this revelation.” 
Everyone: “What’s a therapist?”
Why Are You Like This?
Vil: “You are a blithering buffoon.” 
Yuu: “Takes one to know one.” 
Vil: “...Listen here you little piece of -”
Cryptid Hours
Yuu: *walks into room to find Idia sitting in the dark, facing the corner* “Did the voices win today?”
Idia: “Undecided.”
Yuu: “Okay then, let me know if that changes. Since I would like a headstart before you go all *insert demon noises* on me.”
After Any Overblot
Yuu: "I feel like a baked potato." *passes out*
The Adventures of Malleus
Malleus: “Tell me, Child of Man; do humans typically court through the acquiring and displaying of fish?”
Yuu: “Why?”
Malleus: *has been secretly using your phone for research and found himself on Tinder* “Just curious is all.”
Yuu: “... No, it’s not typical.”
Malleus: “Alright then, noted.”
Dear Professor Vargas, I regret to inform you that your attempts to woo a potential mate through your acquiring of fish may not be successful. And does the "DILF" shorts mean, "Darling, I Love Fish?" ... Asking for a friend. Sincerely, Malleus Draconia
Octopus Eyesight
Yuu: “Do you have astigmatism?”
Azul: “Do I have what?”
Yuu: “Astigmatism, like when you look at lights at night do you see lines? Since you have weird ass pupils.”
Azul: “...wait, that isn’t normal?”
Should I Be Nervous?
Yuu: “Have you ever been overcome with the lust for broccoli?”
Trey: ". . ."
Yuu: *squints, thinking* “Break glass in case of sudden lust for broccoli...”
Trey: "Should I leave?"
A Question to Ponder
Yuu: “Why do fictional men slap so hard? Like damn.”
Riddle: “Because they are not real and do not come with any of the negative consequences that often come with real men, also you can better idealize them… And anime, ‘Makes you go brrrrr,’ as you put it.”
College Life
Rollo: “I am running off 3 hours of sleep and a single croissant, do not test me.”
Baby Talk
Rook: “Ah, bonjour chatton!" *proceeds to babytalk to the cat in French*
Yuu's Type
Yuu: “I have 4 types; wet cat, malewife, girlboss, and whore." tag yourself
Crewel: "... You need to focus on your grades, not on some mutts."
What Do You Have?
Jamil: "What's that?"
Kalim: *hiding a cat that he stole from outside* "Uhhh, my love for you?"
Jamil: *annoyed* "Put it back outside, Kalim."
Kalim: *puts the cat in his face* "BUT LOOK AT THEM!! THEY BABEY!!!!"
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kurogane2512 · 8 months
Head empty just Langley who's obsessed with chiefs cock like.....it's kinda scary
They've been together for a while, but chiefs noticed that after he and Langley had their first time in her office that faithful night shift, Langley couldn't seem to get her boyfriends well endowed member out of her head....or keep it out of her an example could be right now with you the cheif in Langleys office, door locked and both your pants and hers discarded as you sit in her office chair and she bounces on your cock like a professional and moaning like a whore of how good it feels inside her or how it always hits her cervix just right to make her toes curl
And, of course, this type of behavior isn't exclusive to just work. Even on dates, Langley will cling to you and rub herself against you, her aching cunt drenching her panties as she whimpers for you to drag her to a secluded bathroom or alley...hell even the back seat of her limo and fuck her stupid
Could you make a short fic with this
I'm trying to spread the sub path to nowhere propaganda😈......will you help me?
Okay so while I can't see many of the PtN women subbing, I can definitely see them getting needy and frustrated that they want a good railing from their s/o— AND LANGLEY— she needs that a lot but she's too disciplined to straight up turn into a slut BUT BUT— OKAY LEMME JUST WRITE IT
Game: Path to Nowhere
Characters: Langley x gn!reader (has a cock)
Type: Smut (footjob, dry humping, creampies, basically lots of filthy sex)
Dating your boss had both pros and cons; at first, you thought it would be a bad thing and affect your reputation in the agency negatively but you and Langley had managed to remain quite discreet and carried on your roles as always. Langley didn't show favoritism to you- at least not in public. But there were sides to her that only you knew when you were together in private.
One of which was how needy and downright thirsty she was....
Your first time with her was relatively normal, you tested the waters together and concluded you were a great fit. What you didn't expect was the aftermath, the days after that you spent together changed drastically. Like today, when you two had come out for a private dinner at one of the most luxurious restaurants in Eastside.
"Stay still, rookie, if you don't want to be caught~" Langley whispered in your ear before swiftly shifting in front of you, her back facing you as you stood in a crowded elevator heading up to the restaurant. You were pressed against the glass wall at the extreme back with Langley in front of you and resting her body against you as well.
It was a bad situation, a wrong time for you to be aroused. But Langley had other plans. She shielded your figure from the rest and leaned on her cane slightly to tilt her body making her ass rub against your crotch, you shuddered and tried to move away but there was no space at all- not to mention that Langley wouldn't let you even if you tried.
She looked at you over her shoulder and smirked before beginning to rub against you, feeling your shaft become hard and press between her thighs. You quickly grabbed her waist and tried to stop her movements but that only made it easier for her, you hissed and tried to step back but she came even closer and trapped you in the confined space.
You had no choice now. You held her hips tighter and grinded back into her, rubbing over her slit through her dress. The fabric of your pants rubbed over your tip and you sought it further, unknowingly humping between her thighs. You were still nervous of the place and tried to keep your voice down as much as possible, while Langley was thoroughly enjoying it all the while keeping herself calm and collected.
Then all of a sudden, all friction was lost as the elevator reached its destination and everyone moved out. Langley grabbed your hand and started walking out in her usual elegant manner, while you desperately tried to hide your hard-on from the people around. You hated whenever she did this, toying with you for her own fun and never relieving you. Even now she left you hanging and didn't give you your release.
You somehow suppressed your urges and sat on your booked table facing each other as the waiter's started serving wine to both of you along with appetizers. It was a lavish place with few tables situated in a big hall, and Langley had booked the most private table for you both. Well, there was clearly a reason for that which you found out soon enough.
"What's wrong, rookie? Not liking the taste?~" Langley asked with a smirk, feigning ignorance at your deliberate state.
"It seems a bit overpriced...."
"Haha~ Get used to it, rookie. This is just a private dinner between us but I have to attend many public gatherings like this as well. If you want to make a good impression as my partner then you better learn some etiquettes~"
You nodded and picked up the cutlery to cut a piece into the meat and begin eating when a surprising sensation was placed on your crotch. You looked down and saw Langley's foot on your crotch, then met her smirking face with a nervous look. You swallowed thickly and continued eating while maintaining your composure but your boss clearly had no intention to let you.
You felt her foot start rubbing across your clothed length before clenching it between her toes and grinding more. You trembled in your place and attempted to move away but she suddenly pressed down on your length and you almost jumped up in your seat, making the silverware clank from your action. Langley's grin widened but she removed her foot now and let you eat dinner in peace, until she dragged you to the bathroom later....
"Get moving, rookie, we are still left with desserts~"
Langley bent over the sink and you wasted no time to flip up her dress then unzip your pants to take out your throbbing cock and align with her folds. You pumped your cock a few times then sheathed inside her in one go, burying it to the hilt in her hot walls and Langley let out a low moan at the penetration. She had made you so impatient the whole night, but you knew she did it intentionally because she loved how rough you'd become when held back.
You pressed her back and pushed her further down then pounded into her with no mercy, thrusting in and out in a quick pace and making her moan loudly. You squeezed her hips and pulled her into you making her grind back as you drilled into her, your thrusts harmonized with each other as she felt your cock continuously hit her cervix.
Messy and loud moans echoed in the bathroom, you grabbed her leg and pulled it over your shoulder to sheath deeper and continue thrusting. You gritted your teeth and shifted closer to pound more, her body feeling weak from your hard and rough movements. She looked in the mirror to gaze at your intense face, feeling more pleasure seeing how aroused and focused you were.
"R-Rookie.... come on.... is that all you got? Mhm~"
You hissed then turned her over to lay her on her back and wrapped her legs around your waist before making her lean against the counter as you drilled deeper and faster. She wrapped her arms around your head and grasped your hair before shooting her head back in ecstasy, your lips planted kisses on her exposed neck and bit down to make your marks. Her walls tightened on your shaft and you both came together in no time, your seed filling her up to the brim.
You breathed out together for some time but were pounding into her yet again. Clearly, you were going to have your fill of dessert right here
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tzyuki · 2 years
— (09.20.22) SMILE
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IN WHICH ?! — Riki hates almost everything about Y/n, especially her positive attitude and happy smile. It irked him to see how happy the girl could be in the worst situation possible. All he wants to see is the girl cry— cry tears of sadness and not joy— see her smile turn into a frown. He doesn’t know why, he just wants too.
genre… angst, fluff, one sided e2l, highschool au
pairing… riki x f!reader
warnings… swearing, riki is a jerk boo!! riki is also a negative nancy, not proofread, let me know if i missed anything!
release date… 09.20.22
word count… 6.5k
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Y/n was the definition of “a smile could light your day up” Everyone knew how kind and helpful she was, she always had a bright smile on her face ready to start the day. Nishimura Riki on the other hand did not like her smile. It wasn’t like she had ugly teeth, he just hated seeing the girl be all happy at seven in the morning. She was far too energetic for him, Riki wasn’t like that at all. He’s smiled before obviously— it’s rare but it happens.
He sort of envy’s how positive Y/n can be, Riki always expected the worst so he wouldn’t be disappointed in the future. He hates hearing Y/n say, “Don’t worry! I’m sure you can do great on the next test!” to a student who was hopelessly bad at the subject.
He wants to see Y/n cry one day— cry tears of sadness. It’s an asshole thought, he admits. He’s just curious what a girl with a perfect smile would look like with a frown and wet tears streaming down her face, would it be just as perfect?
What's even worse is that Y/n is so set on becoming friends with Riki, she even gives him little motivational notes and he hates it. He doesn’t need motivation. Riki gets good grades, he doesn’t see the point in needing motivation.
Y/n’s only giving him notes cause the guy always looks like he’s miserable and needs a motivational speech to get through in life. She means no harm. 
Riki scoffed as he saw a note be placed on his desk from the corner of his eye. “How many times do I have to tell you, I don’t need these.” He picks it up and crumbles it in his hand, placing it back into Y/n’s. “You look like you need it, there’s no harm in giving someone a little motivation.” Y/n smiled, flashing her dimples. 
“Well, I don’t need it.” He went back to his paper. Y/n was watching him over his shoulder. “You can go now.” Riki turned his head and looked at the girl. “Can you actually help me with today's homework? I still need help picking up this type of lesson. We can work in the library after school!?” Y/n suggested.
“You’re smart, aren’t you? Learn it yourself.” Riki closed his binder. Standing up, his chair hitting Y/n slightly making her step back. “Mrs. Kim isn’t teaching the lesson again, I know you took notes. You always do, and I was too busy helping the key club. Mrs. Kim said to ask someone for notes.” Y/n looked at him with puppy eyes.
“Don’t do that— stop that. Ask someone else.” He said, making his way to the door of the classroom, Y/n following behind. “But everyone else takes notes differently! I don’t like how they do it, our notes are similar as always.” 
“Stop following me, I don’t want my friends to think there’s some kid following me around like a lost dog.”
“Not my fault you’re a giant.” Y/n muttered, a small hint of frustration on her face. “I’ll give you something in return? Do you want money?”
“Money and you to leave me alone.” Riki suddenly turned around at the mention of money, making the girl bump into his chest gently. “Deal, how much?” Y/n asked.
“FIFTY?!” Y/n gasped. “For a bunch of notes?” Y/n sighed. “Fine, I’ll pay you fifty and I’ll stop giving you motivational notes and I’ll leave you alone. I promise.”
“Meet me in the library after school, in the back. I don’t wanna be seen with you.” Riki nodded his head. “That’s rude. I’ve been nothing but nice to you.” Y/n’s arms crossed. “So what?” Riki chuckled, walking away to his next class.
Y/n sat patiently waiting for the boy to arrive. It’s been ten minutes already, she was getting tired. She had once again helped the Key club and also helped some kids with their homework last period so she was tired.
Y/n rested her head on her binder, falling fast asleep within the next five minutes. 
She had woken up to a book being slammed on the table. “Wake up.” Riki said as he sat across from the girl. “You said you wanted my notes and you’re here sleeping.”
“What time is it?” Y/n mumbled, checking her phone. “I’ve been waiting for thirty minutes.” Y/n looked at the boy. “I got caught up in something.” He lied, he didn't, he just purposely caused a ruckus in his last period so he could be late meeting up with Y/n.
“Well, here’s my notes. Copy them down and then you can give me money and you’ll stop giving me those motivational notes.” Riki slid his notes to Y/n. “Thank you.” Y/n nodded her head, starting to write down her own sheet of notes.
“Don’t thank me, I’m just—.” Riki paused, seeing his friends laugh at him through the window. “Doing it for the money.” He grabbed a blank piece of paper and crumbled it. “Hurry up, will you?” He threw it at her.
“What was that for…” Y/n looked up at him. “Why’re you always acting like such an asshole?” Y/n scoffed. “Why are you always acting like such a suck up?” Riki scowled. “You’re always kissing everyone's ass. “Oh I can help you!” “Do you need help!?” like shut up already.” Y/n’s face looked pale. She was speechless. He had just proved her point, Nishimura Riki was and is an asshole. 
“Not my fault you’re a giant.” Y/n muttered, a small hint of frustration on her face. “I’ll give you something in return? Do you want money?”
“Money and you to leave me alone.” Riki suddenly turned around at the mention of money, making the girl bump into his chest gently. “Deal, how much?” Y/n asked.
“FIFTY?!” Y/n gasped. “For a bunch of notes?” Y/n sighed. “Fine, I’ll pay you fifty and I’ll stop giving you motivational notes and I’ll leave you alone. I promise.”
“Meet me in the library after school, in the back. I don’t wanna be seen with you.” Riki nodded his head. “That’s rude. I’ve been nothing but nice to you.” Y/n’s arms crossed. “So what?” Riki chuckled, walking away to his next class.
Y/n sat patiently waiting for the boy to arrive. It’s been ten minutes already, she was getting tired. She had once again helped the Key club and also helped some kids with their homework last period so she was tired.
Y/n rested her head on her binder, falling fast asleep within the next five minutes. 
She had woken up to a book being slammed on the table. “Wake up.” Riki said as he sat across from the girl. “You said you wanted my notes and you’re here sleeping.”
“What time is it?” Y/n mumbled, checking her phone. “I’ve been waiting for thirty minutes.” Y/n looked at the boy. “I got caught up in something.” He lied, he didn't, he just purposely caused a ruckus in his last period so he could be late meeting up with Y/n.
“Well, here’s my notes. Copy them down and then you can give me money and you’ll stop giving me those motivational notes.” Riki slid his notes to Y/n. “Thank you.” Y/n nodded her head, starting to write down her own sheet of notes.
“Don’t thank me, I’m just—.” Riki paused, seeing his friends laugh at him through the window. “Doing it for the money.” He grabbed a blank piece of paper and crumbled it. “Hurry up, will you?” He threw it at her.
“What was that for…” Y/n looked up at him. “Why’re you always acting like such an asshole?” Y/n scoffed. “Why are you always acting like such a suck up?” Riki scowled. “You’re always kissing everyone's ass. “Oh I can help you!” “Do you need help!?” like shut up already.” Y/n’s face looked pale. She was speechless. He had just proved her point, Nishimura Riki was and is an asshole. 
“Here,” Y/n slapped a fifty dollar bill on the table. “Take your money.” She quickly grabbed her things and left the library. Riki’s friends laughed at the way their youngest had made a scene, it was so painfully obvious to them that he was just saying whatever was on his mind without thinking.
Riki’s friends weren’t assholes. They definitely had a bad rep, they were nice but no one knew that. No one dared to try and get close to them. People often mistook their laughter for something mean. In reality, they were laughing at how tough Riki tried to act.
They always thought Riki was just talking nonsense when he would mention Y/n. They thought he was crazy for hating a girl simply because of her smile. But they never said much about it, they barely knew the girl so they didn’t have an opinion on it.
Riki eyed Y/n from across the room. Riki sat in the back of the classroom during English and Y/n sat in the front. She usually did in all her classes. He was watching the way she helped her seatmate, helping them understand the assignment more.
He sometimes wished she could see how everyone took advantage of her. Her kindness was like a stepping stone to everyone, helping them pass a class without actually doing work. Y/n was a people pleaser, if they’d ask her to do most of the work for a project she’d do so. She didn’t like having enemies or getting into arguments.
“Riki,” His seatmate called him. He turned his head to him. “Your paper is down here, not up there.” His seatmate chuckled, waving his paper in front of him. “I know.” Riki’s eyebrow furrowed and snatched his paperback.
The bell rang. “If you didn’t finish your paper it’s due Monday morning for homework.” Mrs. Shin said. “Good luck on that basketball game, have fun!” She said to the basketball team walking out of her class.
The basketball team was filled with some jerks. Riki being one of them— but he’s still better than his teammates. They were— kinda a bad influence on him, he started to get that rude attitude from the captain.
The captain, Minjun had some sort of— issue with Riki’s friends, they always gave each other dirty looks in the hallways. Minjun didn’t consider Riki a friend, he just saw him as a good basketball player. That resulted in Riki always being left out, the two butt heads from time to time. Other than that they just ignored each other until a game.
But of course Minjun tried to get into Riki’s head. When he was invited to hang out Minjun and his friends, they would talk about people like they were below them. They would ask Riki what he thought about some kids at school. Riki— a freshman at the time wanting to be liked by them, so he just agreed.
Every Time he’s with Minjun and his friends he’d put up an act. The act soon became real, he started to be so bitter to people he didn’t know and he really didn’t care.
Nishimura Riki was not like how he was two years ago. He was a kind and sweet boy, who often teased people. Everyone liked his funny harmless jokes. Nowadays he barely makes jokes, and if he did they weren’t harmless at all, they were bluntly rude and all he did was say “It’s just a joke” to hide the fact that it wasn’t. 
Y/n was interested in Riki. She wondered why he was so different from before. She wanted to see how sweet he could be again. 
Even though Y/n had been leaving Riki alone he just couldn’t escape her. Even when they didn’t have a class together she’d show up, either with some papers from other teachers or handing in early homework— or even to just say hi! He just couldn’t get away from her.
But he knew he couldn’t lash out on her because she kept her promise. She had stopped giving him notes and left him alone. Y/n was a woman of her word.
And he certainly wasn’t surprised to have bumped into her while walking the hallways. But he was shocked with her suddenly tripping in front of him, dropping her belongings. The basketball team nearby was laughing, one of them had purposely tripped her.
“Sorry.” Y/n muttered, Riki stared at the girl for a little. Watching her pick her books up. “You’re good.” Riki said as he bent down to help her. “Your knee,” He pointed to her bloody knee. “It’s fine, it’ll just leave a bruise.” Y/n stood up, limping while doing so. “Thank you.” Y/n nodded her head, about to walk away.
“Here.” Riki pulled a bandage out of his bag, “My little sister falls all the time.” 
“Thank you.” Y/n smiled and walked away.
“Riki.” Minjun called him over. “What are you doing?” He asked, tone of voice sounding confused and angry. “Just helping her, she fell and was bleeding. Nothing wrong with that.” He scoffed. “Yeah well she’s a loser, the only help she needs is a sense of surroundings. If she saw Jaesungs foot she wouldn’t have fallen.” 
“If Jaesungs foot wasn’t there she wouldn’t have fallen.” Riki’s face slightly scrunched, tired of his captain's bullshit. “Y/n hasn’t done anything to you, just leave her alone.” 
“Why do you care so much? Do you like her or something?” The whole team chuckled. “No, I don’t. It’s not hard to be nice to someone.” Riki scowled. “You’re one to talk, weren’t you shit talking about her the other day?” Minjun raised his eyebrow.
“There’s a difference! I wasn’t physically hurting her.” Riki really couldn’t defend himself in a situation like this, he may have not physically hurt her but definitely hurt her verbally. 
“And we weren’t either, no one saw anything.” Minjun grinned.
Y/n was walking up behind Riki, wanting to say thank you again for the other day. “Riki,” She tapped his shoulder, standing on her tippitoes since the boy was taller than her. He turned around, “Yes?” He asked.
“I just wanted to say thank you again! For the bandaid, it was nice of you.” She smiled cheekily, “No problem, blood…creeps me out. Was just helping myself as well.” He excused. 
“H-Hey! I know I said I’d leave you alone but do you mind helping me with something? I don’t know who else to ask…” Y/n looked at the floor, scared to meet his eyes. “What is it?” Riki asked.
“Someone threw my sweater on the basketball hoop in the gym, I don’t know how to get it back— and it’s cold outside!”
Riki sighed. “Fine, I’ll help you. Let’s go.” Riki and Y/n started walking to the gym. It was the end of the day and everyone had already exited the school. “You should really stop letting people take advantage of you.” 
“What do you mean?” Y/n looked at the boy with a confused face. “I mean— you’re too nice to people who don’t deserve it. One day someones gonna fuck you over, play a prank on you ‘cause of how gullible you are.” Riki explained. “I-I just like helping people.”
“That’s cool…I guess. But still, people only use you for answers. If I was you I wouldn’t have let that slide.”
Y/n shrugged her shoulders. “Is it bad that I’m too nice?” She asked. “…I don’t think so. I think it gets a tad annoying but other than that no.”
“You’re confusing.” Y/n chuckled. “One day you hate me and the other you don’t.”
Riki didn’t hate Y/n. He told himself he did everytime he thought about her but it wasn’t true at all. He was just jealous of how positive she could be. Jealous of how happy she could be without worrying it’d be stripped away from her the next day.
Riki just missed his family, he misses hanging out with them everyday. He’d be all happy with his friends then suddenly remember how he would do the same things at home with his parents. His parents were always so busy, they never had time to hangout as a whole anymore.
He’d usually spend his days home taking care of his little sister, Aki. His older sister was off at college so it was just him and Aki everyday.
“Here it is.” Y/n pointed to her sweater hanging onto the hoop. “Someone threw it up there.”
Riki sighed. “I think I know who it was.” He walked up to the hoop and jumped, grabbing onto the sweater, pulling it down. “Thank you!” Y/n exclaimed, he handed her her sweater. 
“I hope I didn’t waste your time.” Y/n frowned slightly, “It’s fine, I gotta go now. I need to pick up my sister from school.” He nodded his head.
“Y/n, could you help me with my homework? Or could I just give it to you?” Misuk, a girl from the art club asked, handing Y/n her paper. “Oh—uh, do you not understand it or…?” Y/n sheepishly chuckled. “I’m just way too busy with this project I’m working on! I don’t have enough time!”
“And what makes you think Y/n has time?” Riki interrupted their conversation. “Oh— Do you have time, Y/n? I’m sorry I didn’t ask.” 
“I don’t—.”
“Y/n has to help me babysit my sister, so she can’t do your homework for you. Do it yourself or find someone else.” Riki took the paper from Y/n’s hands and gave it back to Misuk, pushing her back a little.
Misuk scoffed, “You don’t have to be so rude.” She crossed her arms, walking away.
“What was that?” Y/n asked, turning her attention to Riki. “Just saving you.”
“Saving me from what?”
“Aish— you’re too naive, Misuk didn’t have a project to do, she finished it last week. She just didn’t know the answers so she tried tricking you into doing her homework.”
“Now, let’s go.” Riki said as he grabbed Y/n’s bag on the desk and handed her it. “Where are we going?” Y/n followed Riki behind. “My house, I actually need someone to babysit my sister— and you’re the only one I trust, I can trust you, right?” He raised his eyebrow.
“Y-yes you can, and why do you need me to watch your sister? Are you busy?” Y/n stuttered, flustered at the thought of Riki trusting her. “Be-Because I said so! Yes, because I said so!” Riki stuttered as well, he didn’t have a clear reason for why he said that. He can babysit his little sister without help.
“How old is your little sister?” 
“She’s 6, I walk her to school in the morning while my parents are getting ready for work, so we have to go pick her up.” He said as the two walked out of the school gates. “Okay! I can’t wait to meet her.” Y/n smiled. Riki almost forgot how much he hated that damn smile.
How much he hated her dimples, her rosy cheeks, her long hair, her eye smile, her ability to light a room up. He hated it as much as he hated that gyaru peace pose.
He cringed whenever she got overly excited from something so little, how on earth could something like getting a second milk carton make her so happy?
“Who’s this?” Aki asked, “I’m Y/n.” She smiled and nodded her head. “Are you Riki’s friend?” Aki crossed her arms, Y/n was about to answer but Riki interrupted. “She’s a classmate.”
“You’re pretty!” 
“Thank you, you are too.” Y/n smiled at the sudden compliment. “No I’m not! A guy in my class said I was ugly!”
“Well, boys are gross. Don’t listen to him.” Y/n held her hand out for Aki to grab it, “Are you hungry?” She asked, and Aki nodded her head. “Riki always makes me food when we get home.”
“What does he make?”
“Only cereal and grilled cheese, that’s all he can make.” Aki sulked, “H-Hey! I can make other things, I just choose not to.” 
Riki was quiet on the walk to his house, Y/n and Aki’s. conversations filling his eardrums with noise.
Y/n ‘babysitting’ Aki became something normal, Riki tried telling Aki that Y/n didn’t need to pick her up from school as well but she insisted on doing so. The three would hang out at their house— well more like Y/n and Aki. Riki still kept his tough guy act up. Especially at school, around Aki he was more reserved and soft. At school half of the time he treated Y/n like trash and the other half he was nicer to her.
He hates to admit that he wanted to not hide small smiles and laughs every time he listened to Y/n talk to Aki. He hates to admit how much he admired the girl caring for Aki like she was her own sister.
And he hated to admit how he got that feeling whenever Y/n looked at him with that pure curiosity look in her eyes. Y/n had the desire to know everything, she asked so many questions— ones he had no clear answer to.
Why was Riki so rude to her? Why was Riki so nice to her when he wanted to be? Why had Riki held this act up for so long? Why is Riki still trying to get validation from Minjun despite hating him?
He hated how much of the little things she’d notice and remember, whilst Y/n loved it. Riki would remember the way she would draw a smiley face at the end of every note she wrote. The way she would cover her spoon with her sleeves to eat the freezing cold ice cream. The way she would wear her lucky necklace on special occasions or days. The way she liked to be hugged before saying goodbye.
He remembered it all. He wished he couldn’t. He wished he never felt like this. Like Y/n’s smile could light his day up, ‘cause it did, and he hated it.
Y/n told almost everyone close to her about Riki, about how he remembered the little things or how he made her heart beat like crazy. She didn’t want a lecture from her aunt so she tried not to tell her about how he usually treated her at school— but outside of school is what mattered to her! Y/n could tell Riki was just acting! She figured it out after seeing the difference between the way he’d talk to the basketball team and then his friends.
All that mattered to Y/n was the way he made her feel. He made her special even by just remembering the little things. Her standards are quite low— she believes everyone deserves second chances. She only pays attention to the positive side to everything, to most people Riki’s negative side stood out, to Y/n his soft side did.
“Riki! Wanna eat lunch together?” Y/n asked as she approached the boy who was standing with his friends. “Riki, who’s this?” Lee Heeseung, a senior at Hybe asked. “Uh— this is Y/n,”
“Y/n, this is Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, and Jungwon.” Riki introduced his friends to Y/n. “Hi! L/n Y/n! I’ve never seen you guys around before!” She shook each of their hands. “Are you Riki’s girlfriend?” Sunoo asked. “No, I don’t even think he considers us friends.” Y/n joked.
“You’re funny,” Heeseung said. “How come you’ve never told us about her.” Heeseung turned his head towards Riki. “Thought you wouldn’t care, you guys have better things to worry about. Like— Jungwon-Hyungs class president duties.” 
“Well we do! Let’s have lunch together, happy to get to know you more, Y/n.” Sunoo smiled at Y/n. The group of friends and Y/n walking to an empty table, the table they usually sat at.
“I think I’ve seen you around, Y/n. You’re in the Key club, right? I sometimes read at the park and see you guys cleaning it up.” Sunoo said, taking a sip of his milk.
“Yeah! It’s really fun, helping the world makes me happy.”
“How do you even get along with Riki? He’s such a negative nancy.” Jungwon sarcastically rolled his eyes and looked at Riki, who glared at him. “I know he is! I’m starting to worry— why hasn’t my positive energy rub off onto him!” 
“Cause’ he’s stubborn,” Jay commented, “So what if I am.” Riki chimed in, annoyed with the sudden slander he’s getting. “I just don’t wanna get too hopeful and then be disappointed when it doesn’t go my way. Things will go downhill for you soon, Y/n.” He looked Y/n straight in the eyes. “Sooner or later.”
“Do-Don’t say that.” Y/n’s smile faltered.
“Aki.” Y/n smiled and bent down to match the girl's height. “How was your day? Are you hungry?” Y/n asked. Her and Riki had just picked Aki up from school and walked back to his house. “Can you make me a bowl of fruits, Unnie?“ Aki asked, holding Y/n’s hands.
Y/n loved kids, she found them adorable. She doesn’t understand how people could hate such a baby face. 
Y/n was like a blessing to the world. She was kind, helpful, good with kids, cared about earth, had cute dimples and on top of it a cute smile.
“Of course, do you want any type of fruit?” Aki nodded at her. Riki watched from the front door, watched the way Y/n spoke so sweetly to his baby sister.
He’s starting to regret the way he acts towards her.
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“Riki, what’s up with you and that Y/n girl? Are you together or what?” Minjun asked him. Riki and him standing at the door of the boys locker room. “Nothing's up, why do you ask?” Riki crossed his arms, confused with the sudden question.
“Cause’ you too are getting close, don’t you think she’s annoying? and don’t get me started on that damn smile.” Minjun laughed. “I wonder how her cheeks haven't fallen off with all her giggling and smiling.”
“I guess so, it’s annoying sometimes. It’s like she can’t live without me, always following me.” Riki chuckled. “And right! Her smile just irritates me. How can one be so happy? I hate it. I wanna see her cry to be honest.”
The first thing Riki hears is Minjun’s laughs and the second is the sound of something dropping and footsteps running away. He turned his back to see a binder on the floor, curious so he walked over to it. 
L/n Y/n :) . Written on the side.
Riki’s eyes widened slightly and he looked around the corner to see Y/n slam her locker shut and run down the stairs.
“Y/n! Wait— hear me out!” He ran and caught up to the girl. “Hear you out for what!” Y/n said, tears streaming down her face now. “You already said what you truly think of me.” She wiped her right cheek.
“I’m crying. Are you happy? Are you amused? Are you finally gonna stop being so negative and gloomy! Is this what you wanted?” Y/n shouted, letting it all out.
“Thats-Thats not what I wanted! I didn’t mean it!” 
“I hate you, Nishimura Riki.” Those were words Riki never expected to leave Y/n’s mouth. It was like a stab to his heart, he didn’t know it’d hurt this much hearing that. Oh how he wished he could see Y/n’s smile right now, he regrets saying he wanted to see Y/n cry. It’s a sight he doesn’t like.
“Hate is a strong word, Y/n. Don’t just throw it around.” He tried to stay calm. “Oh— but you can! I used to believe everyone deserves a second chance, even you. Hell— I gave you more than two chances! I never hated you before, but now I do.” Y/n smiled slightly. Riki knows he wished to see Y/n smile right now— but this one was different. It wasn’t genuine, pure happiness but it was anger.
“You were right. I shouldn’t be too hopeful, 'cause I had really hoped you would like me like I like you.” Y/n said the last word before walking away.
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Riki doesn’t blame Y/n for avoiding him. Of course it bothered him— It was a constant reminder of how he’d been a jerk, and Aki missed her as well so that didn’t help. She would ask about Y/n everyday and he had to come up with so many excuses like— Y/n is busy, Y/n needs to do homework, Y/n’s got extra assignments.
Whenever he would try and get her attention she’d ignore him. He even wrote little notes to her! Motivational notes….he could tell she wasn’t herself. Even if she smiled at everyone and still helped everyone her smile wasn’t genuine. She would rip the notes when she’d see them on her desk, rip them before even reading them!
Riki’s been trying to figure out ways to get her attention, he was starting to believe she actually hated him!
And maybe she did. She hated the way he tried to save himself by saying he didn’t mean it. She hated the way he was telling her someone was gonna fuck her over one day and it ended up being him. How he told her people were taking advantage of her kindness, despite being nice to her whilst secretly wanting to see her cry for no given reason.
But most importantly, she hated the way he lied to her. 
Even Riki’s friends tried to get her attention but she ignored them as well, wanting to do nothing with whoever and whatever was involved with Riki.
She stopped buying the ice cream they’d eat together. She stopped wearing that sweater he had helped her get back. She stopped wearing that one necklace she wore to Riki’s game.
Almost everything around her reminded her of him. They weren’t even talking officially, she should’ve known falling for him was a bad idea from the start. 
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Y/n was different. Everyone noticed it over the few months, the way her smile wasn’t as bright, the way her cheeks weren’t as rosy, the way she stopped talking to everyone.
No one paid much attention to it, they expected it to happen sooner or later. Riki paid attention to it of course. He paid attention to her all the time, even if the two had distanced from one another. Riki stopped trying and just accepted the fact that he screwed up.
On the bright side, Riki’s been thinking less negatively. He only reminisces on the happy things in his life, life’s too short to be thinking about sad stuff. He just wishes he’d realize this when he still had Y/n by his side.
“C’mon, Riki.” Heeseung patted his friend's shoulder. “Just talk to her—.”
“Oh— cause that’s easy! She’s basically me five months ago. And you know how I was.” Riki interrupted him. “Like you said— life’s too short, give it another shot. And thousands of others— if you really like her, you wouldn’t have given up.”
“I hate when you give correct advice.” Riki glared at his Hyung. “Whatever, I’ll talk to her.” Riki crossed his arms and stared at his food tray. “What are you staring at…” He looked up to see Heeseung staring at him in confusion. “Oh— you mean now?” 
“Yes, I mean now!” Heeseung laughed, kicking Riki’s feet and using his head to point in Y/n’s direction, signaling him to stand up. He stood up and rolled his eyes before making his way to the table Y/n was sitting at. 
“Hi,” He sat across from her. “Y/n, how are you?” He asked. Y/n’s attention on a book, “What do you want, Nishimura.” 
“No first name basis?” Riki tried to joke, Y/n’s eyes looked up from the book. “Do you think you really deserve it?” Riki didn’t respond, Y/n scoffing and moving her attention back to her book.
“Listen— I really am sorry.”
“It’s been five months, I really don’t care anymore.” Y/n sighed, flipping a page in her book. “So why not bother to call me Riki? You clearly care if you’re holding a grudge for this long.” Riki was starting to get annoyed with the girl.
“I mean who wouldn’t, it seemed like you cared for me when in reality all you wanted was to see me at my worst. And you did, so you can leave me alone now.”
“But I don’t want to! You don’t get it, I do care for you. All that stuff I said wasn’t true— maybe it was before— but I was just saying it because Minjun was talking to me.”
“Then you’re a coward.” Y/n shut her book and walked away.
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Riki didn’t think talking to Y/n would be this hard. All he ever knew about the girl was how happy she was, seeing her— look unhappy was unusual and weird.
He thought talking to Y/n would be easy, she had always been an easy person to talk to. What even hurt him more was how easy it was for Y/n to break apart because of a boy. A lame boy who couldn’t even speak the truth.
He was upset at how much of a jerk he had been. Even more upset that Y/n was exactly like he was five months ago. He wonders how Y/n dealt with him and still held herself up.
Riki liked Y/n, but he couldn’t help but get frustrated whenever he tried talking to her. She would ignore him, be blunt, and not even look at him.
“Y/n, can you just cooperate? It’s just a small project, can’t you just put your grudge aside and help me do this?” Riki tried to get the girl to speak, following her outside to the school parking lot. No answer. “Please— Y/n, don’t you wanna get a good grade? And plus this is a two person project you can’t do it by yourself.”
“Watch me do it by myself.” Y/n turned around and snatched the project paper from his hands. “Look— I’ve tried to keep calm but I can’t! You’re so frustrating!” 
“Yeah well that’s how I felt! It sucks trying to make someone think positively, doesn’t it?”
“It fucks with your head— You don’t know how many times I almost gave up— how many times I wanted to stop talking to you cause’ of how your words hurt—.”
“I didn’t ask you to talk to me! I asked you to leave me alone, and you did. But you always found a way to find me.” Riki cut Y/n off. “But I wanted to. Talking to you makes me happy, despite how hurtful your words were.” She walked away to her car, leaving Riki furious and confused.
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Riki’s head hurt. He didn’t know if it was because of basketball practice or too much thinking. All that ran through his head was Y/n. Y/n Y/n Y/n.
Y/n this Y/n that.
Y/n was happy talking to you. Y/n was hurting. You hurt Y/n.
His parents told him to have no regrets about life growing up. He definitely didn’t listen to them, he regrets almost everything this past year. Regrets talking to Minjun, regrets ignoring Y/n at first, regrets saying those mean words to Y/n.
He also thought about more ways to get Y/n’s old self back. He missed Y/n’s smile, it’s kinda funny to him how he used to hate it. He missed her rosy cheeks and dimples. Her addictive laugh and he—he just missed everything.
“Stop sulking,” Heeseung flopped onto Riki’s bed. “Think about something else.” Heeseung sighed. “How am I supposed to when the universe keeps putting us together! It’s like fate.”
“Since when did you believe in fate?” Jay asked, playing around with Riki’s basketball. “Ever since— actually I don’t know.” Riki mumbled.
“Ever since you and Y/n fought?” Sunoo asked, “It’s been five months, I thought you accepted the fact that she has a grudge? 
“Maybe it’s time to actually let it go? You can’t force someone’s feelings.”
“I know that— maybe I should let it go.” Riki sighed, about to accept defeat but then getting a text message. “It’s Y/n!” He opened the message. “She says to meet at the cafe down the street?”
“That’s great! Go!” Heeseung’s head jolted up, a smile on his face. “At least change first.” Sunoo looked Riki up and down, he was still in his Pajamas. “You’re right, I should wear something nice— but not like I’m trying too hard!”
So he wore a white shirt with a tan sweater vest over it. Cute and casual.
But he felt a little overdressed when he saw Y/n in sweats and a sweatshirt…he worried it looked like he was trying hard.
“Hi.” Y/n said as Riki approached the table she was sitting at. “Hi, you texted me?” He sat down. “Uh—yeah, sorry for how much of an ass I’ve been—I thought maybe a study hangout would help.” Y/n confessed. She admits she's been a complete jerk. Holding a grudge when she could tell how genuinely sorry Riki was.
“Oh—that was unexpected. Don’t be sorry, I was a real jerk. You had every right to be mad at me.” 
“But still—anger got the best of me and I lashed out on you and everyone.” Y/n spit out, something she had been afraid to admit. “I’m really sorry that I only had the courage to say something now. I should’ve given you time to explain yourself—you can do it now! If it’s worth your time.” Y/n mumbled the last part.
“I missed you—I missed this Y/n.”
“I missed you too, I tried convincing myself to let you go. But I couldn’t.” Y/n sighed. “You hurt me, you did. But all that matters now is how much your mindset has changed.”
“I really am sorry, I was such a jerk the last time we talked. Truth is I did want to see you cry, I wanted to see you frown, I hated your smile. But as I got to know you I learned to love it. Your smile and laugh was addictive, I wanted to see your smile everyday and hear your laugh everyday.”
“I only said that shit to Minjun cause I was obsessed with looking cool in front of him—I know I've expressed how much he gets on my nerves but I still thought about how his thoughts towards me mattered at that time.”
Y/n smiled as she listened to Riki explain. Cute. He was rumbling on and on. “Thank you, for explaining, It was the first thing I should’ve asked you five months ago but I didn’t.”
“Better late than ever.”
“Yeah,” The two stared at each other for a while—not in a weird way. Like a trance. “Uh—how have you been!” Y/n sheepishly laughed. 
“I’d be lying if I said good, I–uh just been thinking about you really. Makes me sound obsessed— but am I wrong.” He muttered the last part. “Don’t worry, I have been too. Under all that misery I was thinking about you.” 
“Do you—still have feelings for me? Those kinda feelings?” Riki asked bravely. “I do,” Y/n sighed. “I tried to ignore them all those months but I couldn’t. Seeing you try so hard to get me back made me lose my mind. I was so close to knocking on your door and just begging for you to come back. But I didn’t, I told myself I had much better things to do.” 
“Which I didn’t, all I did was sit and read.”
“But you like reading?” Riki asked in a questioning tone. “I do, but it was boring when you weren’t by my side lurking and hovering over me.”
“I was pretty annoying with that—sorry.” Riki smiled sheepishly. “Don’t be, I enjoyed your company.”
“Can we go back to the way we were? Not exactly— I promise to be way nicer than I was before. I promise to be honest with you.” Riki blurred out. Y/n chuckled and nodded her head. “Why do you think I told you to meet me here?”
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ONE MONTH LATER. Y/n and Riki finally got together, the two were happier than ever. Riki was sweeter than a cheesecake whenever he was with Y/n, around others he was still stubborn but around Y/n he’d do anything for her.
He wonders what he did in his past life to deserve a girl like Y/n. Did he save the world? Did he cure cancer? He doesn’t know but he’s just grateful Y/n had tried her hardest to talk to Riki this year.
The way he looked at Y/n is what many girls wanted. He looked at her with love and care, he admired her from across the room like she was a statue in a museum.
In his eyes Y/n was the most close to perfect girl he’s ever seen, the prettiest eyes, the prettiest eyes, the best personality, and the prettiest smile.
The way her dimples and rosy cheeks were always there for him to look at. 
He loved it just as much as he loved her smile.
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EJ NOTE 💭 ; this took me so long to finish 😭 it’s a little rush but i hoped you guys enjoyed it!
PERMANENT TAGLIST (OPEN) ; @jangwonie @cwsana @2bbang-hoon @shinsou-rii @amara-mars
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
Austin imagine with this two prompts?
“Shh. It’s okay. I’m here” and “You’re going to hurt yourself if you keep doing that.”
Rubble to Rubble
ship: austin butler x reader
prompt: “shh it’s okay. i’m here.”/“you’re going to hurt yourself if you keep doing that.”
summary: starting a family with austin doesn't come as easy you thought it would.
content warning: infertility, pregnancy
a/n: i am absolutely sure this is not what you had in mind for these prompts LOL but i got the idea and it ran away from me so here we are. hope it’s alright!
“Careful sweetie, you’re going to hurt yourself if you keep doing that,” Austin cooed to the bubbly toddler that had just tried to climb on the top of the kitchen table for about the fifth time in 10 minutes.  
Spending the day with Austin’s family had been nice, they all adored you- his three year old niece specifically. 
But watching him with her put a lump in your throat. He was great with kids, you wouldn’t be trying to start a family if you didn’t think that. The starting part just wasn’t going as smoothly as you thought it would. 
Before you could rabbit hole about it for much longer the little girl was barreling towards you with a squeal of “A’ntie Y/N!”, and that did wonders to improve your mood. 
Until the next negative pregnancy test, at least. 
You hadn’t even been planning on telling Austin you thought you might’ve been pregnant, or about the taking test. But in your disappointed haze, you hadn’t buried it as far down in the bathroom trash can as you thought you did. 
“Didn’t tell me you were taking one today,” He said as he walked out of the bathroom after his shower from bed, water stains around the collar of his Henley, hair still wet. 
”Well it was negative, so it’s not like it matters.” You said, trying not to sound as dejected as you felt. You saw Austin’s face drop a little at the revelation, which sent a wave of guilt right to your gut. 
“You wanna talk about it?” He asked softly as he crawled into bed, sitting back against the headboard next to you. When he draped an arm around you you dropped your head onto his shoulder, picking at a thread on your shorts. 
“If this is just something that never happens for us, are you okay with that?”
You felt him take in a breath and held yours, looking at your lap. 
“I don’t want to say yes because I don’t think you’re okay with it, yeah?” He started. 
He wasn’t wrong there. You would have been crushed if he acted like kids were suddenly no biggie after all the time you’d spent trying. You shook your head against his shoulder, breathing out when he combed his fingers through your hair. 
“You can accept something is the way that it is and still wish it was different. But if you want to keep trying, we’ll keep trying and if you want to look into other avenues then we can do that too.”
“I want to keep trying.”
He kissed the side of your head with a quiet “Okay hon,” before leaning over to flick the bedside lamp off, and you shifted down to use his chest as a pillow, the way he held you to him the only thing keeping you in one piece. 
Sleep didn’t come easy that night- not that you’d been expecting it to. 
True to your word, you kept trying. And trying. 
And trying. 
But after four more months of what was feeling more and more like a losing battle, you were falling apart at the seams. 
Austin was working when you took the test, the house empty- or at least you thought it was- when you threw at the wall so hard it broke. Your hands shook as you tugged them through your hair, eyes stinging with tears. 
“Y/N?” You heard, and faltered. Austin wasn’t supposed to be home for a few more hours, and before you could get yourself even halfway pulled together he was standing in the open bathroom doorway. 
Sucking a deep breath in, a sob escaped on the exhale. When you crumpled into Austin your knees went shaky and he got you both to the ground, backs against the wall, as gently as he could. You could feel the shoulder of his shirt growing damp with how much you were crying, and when he started talking his voice sounded watery too. 
“Shh, it’s okay,” He said and you could’ve screamed because he was just trying to help but everything was not okay, in any way shape or form. “I’m here.”
“I don’t think I can keep trying.”
The words tumbled out before you could stop them, and you tensed, but Austin only held you closer, resting his chin on the top of your head. 
You talked about it more seriously in the morning when you could get through a few sentences without crying, and agreed to table the “baby thing” for the time being- and look into other options when you were feeling up to it. Which you weren’t, not really, and didn’t know if you would be for a while. 
A month passed before you even thought about it again and you planned to bring it up at dinner that night. If you made it that far, having woken up feeling more nauseous then you ever had in your life.
It crossed your mind when you were leaving the bathroom for what felt like the 100th time in a few hours and you got as far as opening the cabinet before you paused. If you were wrong again it would reset everything you’d done to move forward and let this dream die. 
But if this time felt different, for some reason that you hoped wasn’t just maladaptive daydreaming. 
You dug through the cabinet to find what you were looking for, holding your breath when you sat back down.
Thirty minutes passed, and you heard a familiar shout of “Baby I’m home!” as the front door opened. 
The temptation to run down the stairs was beaten by the fact that you couldn't unglue your feet from the bathroom floor. Or your eyes from the three positive pregnancy tests on the counter. 
“Hey, oh-”
He’d walked into the bedroom and stopped as soon as he saw where you were, eyebrows raised. You could tell he was trying to gauge your mood, ready to jump into comforting you about another negative result.
“Come here,” You said excitedly and he almost looked nervous as he walked over and you grabbed his arm. His eyes widened when he looked at the counter, looked at you, and then back down in disbelief. 
“I thought the first one was a false positive, so I took another one- then another one after that,” You said, stuttering over your words. 
“You’re pregnant,” He said, looking back up at you with a wide smile. and running a hand through his hair. You nodded, and he looked down at your stomach,  eyes watery. “We’re gonna have a baby- oh my god,
He pulled you into a tight hug then, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, still in disbelief about it all yourself. 
3 years later
You gasped playfully when you heard the door start to jiggle, Cecilia looking up in that direction from where she had been stacking blocks. 
“Who do you think that is?" 
You said it in the same second that Austin was opening the door, the two year old up and running in his direction with a loud squeal. 
He scooped her up the second she was close enough, bouncing her in his arms and kissing all over her face. She giggled, putting a tiny hand on the side of his face. 
“Dad-ee’s home,”
You’d walked over by then, Austin shifting your daughter in his arms to kiss you, smiling as he pulled back, ticking the underside of Cecilia's knee.
“Course I am baby, I’ll always come home to my best girls.”
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glamoureddreamer · 2 months
Undertale Nightmare and Dream
Warnings: None (please let me know if this is wrong)
Considering a part 2 but I’m unsure I hope you enjoy :) have a great day
"Happy birthday Nightmare, I love you." Nightmare smiles pulling his brother closer.
"I love you too Dream, Happy birthday."
Dream watches the stars above them, twinkling far away. Providing a small amount of light. The apple tree covers his view of some of the stars but he didn’t complain.
"You won't leave me right?" Dream asked without warning. He didn't want to tell his brother but he felt as if something bad was going to happen soon. This was their calm before the storm, but he couldn’t explain it.
"Stars Dream, why would you ever think of such a thing.. of course I won't."
"Can you promise me?" Dream asks tears filling his sockets that go unnoticed by Nightmare.
"I promise Dream." Nightmare says looking at the tree stump in his abandoned au.
Today was their birthday and they were spending it away from each other again. Nightmare was sure Dream could feel it, the ache of being away from each other. They were always supposed to stay to guard the tree never being that far apart from each other.
Nightmare felt guilt, which is why he returned for today at least.
Coming to his old AU always brought up other feelings as well, like anger towards their mother, towards the villagers, and towards himself.
He never admitted it to anyone not even his team but he didn’t want to fight his brother anymore, he wanted to wrap his arms around him and apologize for everything he’s done. But admittedly he was afraid of what would happen if he did, would Dream even want to stop fighting? Does Dream hate him like he hates himself?
He brushes his hand against the stump but something startles him, he quickly takes his hand off the tree and turns around quickly. He was shocked to see who stood before him, his defense went down.
“Hello, Brother.” Dream stood a few feet away from him, his positivity wasn’t as strong and he seemed almost sad.
“Hi, Nightmare.” It was quiet between the two and somewhat awkward, it made Nightmare feel even worse. It was all his fault.
“I’ll leave.” Nightmare said after a moment, he turned around and made a portal.
He was about to go through when there was a hand on his shoulder, knowing whose it was he almost cried.
“Wait Nightmare..” Hesitantly he closes the portal and turns towards Dream.
“Yes?” He was always good at hiding his emotions, even as a child.
“Why…” He starts, seemingly testing out the water.
“Why are you here?”
“I always come here.” He quietly admits.
“You do?” Dream asks in a hopeful manner.
“Yes, only on special occasions.”
“Well… you don’t have to leave. If you want I can go.” Dream suggests. Nightmare thinks for a moment, debating his options.
“You can stay. I am going to stay too.” He says before sitting down against the stump much like how they used to.
Dream stood standing for a second before sitting down right next to him. After a few moments of silence, Nightmare heard a sniffle. Dream wasn’t like him, he didn’t know how to hide his emotions.
“Are you alright?” He asks without turning towards him.
“Sorry.” He whimpered.
“Don’t apologize.”
“I just..thought you..hated me, hated mom, our childhood.” Nightmare felt his words pierce his soul and the tears he’d been holding onto spilled.
“..I could never hate you.” He says quietly his voice too was broken.
Dream shifts and Nightmare turns to see only to find Dream sitting on his knees facing him. Dream had golden tears running down his face, despite the corruption Nightmare’s tears were purple.
“why? Why try to hurt me? Kill positivity?” Dream asks his voice breaking more each second. Nightmare swallows the lump in his throat and looks away from Dream.
“The world must be balanced. An equal amount of positivity and negativity, I have to bring about negativity. However, it is never us that attacks first.”
“Ink..” Dream quietly mumbles, and Nightmare nods with a hum.
“So you’ve..been doing your job and we’ve been.. oh, stars.. I’m so sorry..” Dream covers his mouth and his chest shakes as he starts to cry.
Nightmare hesitated but before his body told him he shouldn’t he went for it. Nightmare pulls Dream into a hug.
“Do not be sorry. It is my fault. All of this..is my fault.” Dream wraps his arms around his brother not caring about covering up his sobs anymore.
They both hold each other and cry, finally freeing 500 years worth of pain.
They had a lot of work to do.
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cevansbaby-dove · 1 month
i want to be a mom.
Pairing:Husband!Scott Eastwood X OFC!Lauren Eastwood.
Warnings: talks of infertility and hurt.
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You sat there on the bed staring at the pregnancy text in your hands. "what am I doing wrong?" You said sighing softly.
You and Scott have been married for almost eleven years and have been trying for a baby after just one year of marriage. You have watched Scott be around kids he's kind, loving like a father would be.
But here you were looking at a negative test in your hands. "baby i'm home" You tossed the test into the bathroom trash can and walked downstairs.
"hey honey" You gave him a kiss as he took his jacket off. "how was life on set?" Scott smiles. "good any normal day" he grabs a glass of water and says. "how about you?"
You smiled. "oh it's great just keeping the house cleaned and I had a training at work for the kids class today so I got home late" he nods. "Stressful?"
You nodded. "i'll have summer break soon which I am happy for oh I also stopped by Chris and Ellie's today their kids are growing up so fast"
Scott nods kisses your head. "How are they?"
You two sat on the couch and you smiled. "good, Ellie is planning on coming over in the next few days just to hang out." You and Ellie were best friends for life and have been there for each other through the ups and downs of life. When Ellie sadly lost her unborn son you were there with words of kindness and love.
She and Chris have been married for many years and they have four amazing kids, Ivy, Matthew, Ava and their newest little one Christina.
Scott smiled at you as you talked about how you and Ellie went out for lunch and then hung out at her place. You all lived only ten minutes from each other it's been a dream of yours to live close to each other.
Ellie was always understanding talking about what you were dealing with and that was what you loved about her.
But today was mother's day and you were here childless and if your being honest it hurts to see Ellie with her kids knowing you have none as of right now. You never gave up though.
Scott is changing when he sees the text in the bathroom. "Lauren" he said walking downstairs. "what is this?"
You looked at him. "it's a pregnancy test babe what does it look like?" He sits next to you looking into your eyes. "Honey i'm sorry we will just...-"
"I give up" You said with tears in your eyes. "I'm tired of seeing the same wording on there...I'm tired of not being able to make you a father I'm just...Tired"
Scott places his hand on your leg. "Lauren I'm not giving up we can go see a doctor if you want but please don't give up..promise me you won't give up"
"You sound like Ellie" You laughed. "I promise" Scott kisses your head. "good"
Over the next few days you kept busy with being a teacher assistant at the school in your town.
Then on mother's day you were at home after church.
Ellie knocks on the front door of your house when you get home. You open it. "Hey Ellie"
Ellie smiles. "Hey bff!" She hugs you and you say. "Oh hey bff come in" She walks in and says. "whew i'm beat! Chris has the kids so I thought i'd come over and sit with you...I know today is tough on you"
You sit on the couch. "thanks bff you didn't have too though I'm ok" Ellie looks around. "Scott not home?"
Scott walks in. "Nah he's out mowing the lawn" he chuckled as you gave him a hug. "Sorry your always so busy"
You smile and say. "he made me breakfast today"
"ohhh? I didn't know he could make anything but burnt toast!" Scott laughs. "haha very funny Ellie" Ellie giggles. "sorry I mean it with so much love" he rolls his eyes and you smile. "how are the Evans?"
Ellie sits by you. "oh we are fine, the kids are with Chris so i'm happy to have a break" You nod. "right" Scott says. "Ellie can we talk?" Ellie nods. "Sure" they walk into the kitchen and he tells her about you feeling down so she says. "has she gotten checked out?"
Scott sighs. "you know her Ellie she's tough" Ellie looks into scott's eyes and nods. "I'm sorry Scott I will stay over if you want I can talk to Chris"
"No no it's ok she adores you Ellie she could use her best friend." Ellie nods. "right" She takes his hand. "you ok?" He nods. "yea I'll be fine" She smiles and says. "well I better call Chris and talk to him" Scott nods. "thank you"
Ellie walks out and says. "I need talk to Chris be right back bff" You nod. "okay"
You looked at your phone and see you were due for your period in two weeks. That always made you feel a bit sad. Scott walks out to you and sits by you. "Hey" You looked at him with a small smile. "Hi babe"
"So Ellie is staying over tonight you ok with that?" You chew on your lip thinking. "I see those wheels in your beautiful mind turning...talk to me"
You look at him. "of course it's fine with me I love her" Scott smiles and kisses your head. "good"
Ellie walked into the house. "Ok Chris is ok with me staying the night" You smiled. "great we can stay up all night talking!" You two girls giggled like high school girls.
Ellie and you are in the guest room sitting on the bed. You told her about your dark times and she nods hearing you rant about so much. Ellie was always there for you no matter what and this was just another time with her.
The next morning you woke up looking at your husband who has been so strong for you during all of this and you were so lucky to have him and your best friend in your life. 💙
tags:@cutedisneygrl @angelbabyyy99 @nicoline1998enilocin @hollybee8917 Thanks Holly for the mood board!! it's perfect! @k-slla
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grandeoatmilklatte · 11 months
Even On My Worst Days ☁️
Yet another Weasley Wednesday post! This week's theme was Quidditch. I tried to do something a little different this time, so this one has more angst and fluff, but there's still some smut at the end.
Trigger warning here for anxiety, panic attacks, and negative self talk!
Smut/NSFW 18+! Characters are aged up and in 7th year! Do not read if you are under 18!!
Even On My Worst Days - Garreth Weasley x Gryffindor Female MC
2.2k words
Summary - MC has been having a horrible day that only gets worse with an upcoming Quidditch game. Thankfully, Garreth is around to make her feel better.
“Can this day get any worse!?” MC asked no one in particular as she paced around the Gryffindor common room, earning her odd looks from her house mates. Today was turning out to be a terrible day for her, and she feared it was only going to get worse. 
She had woken up much later than she should have this morning with a splitting headache, after barely having slept the night before. She ended up being late to her first class, feeling quite embarrassed about it. In the chaos of the morning, she had also forgotten she was supposed to help Poppy with some Beasts class work. Her bad luck didn’t stop there, as MC later on failed a test she thought she had prepared well for, and her lunch didn’t settle right in her stomach, forcing her to spend her free period in bed writhing in pain. Worst of all, there was a Quidditch game tonight, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, and she didn’t feel the slightest bit prepared for it. Her anxiety was at an all time high today. 
“You got this, sweetheart! You’re one of the best seekers we’ve had in years!” Garreth had told her as he sat on the edge of her bed earlier, various potions at the ready to help with his girlfriend’s issues. Garreth had a point, MC was good. She didn’t think she was the best, per say, but still pretty damn good. However, the rough day she had experienced so far was doing her confidence no favors. 
And now here she was, having a panic attack in the common room on her way down to the Quidditch pitch. Her headache and stomach ache had subsided thanks to her boyfriend’s potions skills, but Garreth had nothing in his arsenal that could help her with the anxiety she was left with. 
She made her way outside, and took note of the fog that overtook the sky above her. “Great.” She thought to herself. “Another thing to worry about.” She had found Garreth and the rest of the team down by the pitch. He could tell right away that she was off, and wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her into an embrace. “Darling, I know you’ve been having a bad day, but you can do this! Just focus on the game. It’ll be okay!” He planted a soft kiss on her forehead. 
Although she knew he meant well, his words frustrated her. It was so easy for him to say that. He played the Keeper position, which he did excellently, and while his position was still very important on the team, it didn’t hold the same weight hers did. She could make or break the game. And while this fact normally motivated her, it was terrifying her now. All she could do was smile at Garreth, a smile that didn’t reach her eyes, as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him, hoping that the taste of his lips could bring her some kind of good luck. 
The game probably should have been canceled with the fog, as it has only gotten worse as the game progressed. Now, the game had been going on for quite some time, neither seeker having located the coveted Snitch yet, likely due to the limited visibility. MC eyes darted around the air, desperate to find the blasted thing so maybe her anxiety could finally go away. For a moment, it seemed as though her prayers were answered, as she caught a flash of gold in the corner of her eye. She darted for it, the other seeker hot on her tail noticing it too. But her bad luck had not subsided, as she followed the Snitch through a cloud of fog, losing it a second later, the fog too thick to see where it went. She panicked, and once again her eyes darted around trying to find it. She could make out the silhouette of her opponent through the fog, not moving. Suddenly, her opponent sped off, MC speeding off in the same direction. But the other seeker was too fast for MC, catching the Snitch and ending the game.  
MC was devastated. A horrible ending to a horrible day. MC said nothing to anyone as she stormed off to the changing rooms once she was back on the ground. Her teammates were understanding that you can’t win every single game, but the problem was MC. She was already very hard on herself in everything she did, but she was being extra hard on herself now with the stress of the day she had been having. MC locked herself in one of the changing stalls and began to cry, ignoring the concerned questions from her teammates. 
She sat on the floor of the stall, knees to her chest, breathing heavily and slightly rocking back and forth. Her soft cries quickly turned to loud sobs and her shoulders felt heavy. She also felt a crushing pain throughout her whole body, like she was going to shatter into pieces any moment now, and her throat felt like it was closing up, leaving her struggling to breathe. 
MC felt so useless and incompetent. Her teammates and classmates looked up to her, and now she had embarrassed herself in front of not only them, but Garreth as well. She wasn’t a good student, nor a good seeker, and sometimes she worried she wasn’t even a good friend or good girlfriend. She wasn’t good at anything. She didn’t belong anywhere. The fact that anyone put any faith in her was a mistake. She wanted nothing more than to hide in this bathroom forever, never having to face anyone or their expectations for her ever again. 
After what felt like hours, but was only actually about 30 minutes, MC exited the changing stall, eyes puffy and voice hoarse from her sobbing. Her eyes went straight ahead to the pitch. All her other teammates had left, and the pitch was entirely empty, the spectators already having left. The fog had long since cleared up, and it was just starting to get dark. MC sighed and was going to begin a slow trek back to her dorm when a familiar voice stopped her. 
“You okay, love?” Garreth asked softly, standing up from a spot he had been sitting in off to the side of the changing rooms. He didn’t give her a chance to reply, pulling her into a gentle embrace. This gesture made her tears begin to fall again, MC nuzzling into his chest. “I’m a failure. I hate myself. I’m not good at ANYTHING. I don’t deserve to be on this team and I don’t deserve to be at this school. I’m completely worthless!” she choked out between her sobs. 
Garreth let MC out of his embrace in order to put his hands on her shoulders, gently pushing her out so he could look her in the eyes. “No. Please don’t say things like that.” He pulled her back in to plant a soft, gentle kiss on her lips, before pushing her back out again. “I know today was hard. Not everyday is going to be easy, but that doesn’t make you a failure, and it certainly doesn’t make you worthless. You mean the world to me MC.” There was a crack in Garreth’s voice, as if he himself was about to start crying. “It hurts to hear the way you talk about yourself. You’re the most amazing girl I've ever met. You’re always willing to help those around you, you’re kind and caring, you’re smart, you’re the bravest girl I’ve ever met, and as Gryffindors that’s saying something! You’re beautiful…and you’ve got an amazing ass!” He chuckled as he said this, eliciting a small giggle out of her as well. “You’re the best girlfriend a guy can ask for. I…I love you.”He finally looked away from MC when he said this, his eyes darting towards the ground. 
It felt like MC’s heart had stopped. She and Garreth had only been dating for about 6 months now, finally getting the courage to do so at the beginning of their 7th year. They both felt love for each other, but neither one had been brave enough to actually utter those words. MC started to sob once again, but this time her tears were not brought on by her anxiety. “I love you too, Garreth! I’m sorry for being so hard on myself. It’s hard not to be with everything everyone expects from me.”
“It’s okay sweetheart! I understand. But you don’t have to be so hard on yourself. It’s okay to make mistakes and not be perfect. That doesn’t make you worthless or broken.” Garreth gave her a soft smile, and MC smiled back, throwing her arms around Garreth, melting into the warmth of his body. “Come sweetheart, let’s relax for a moment. I know you’ve had a rough day.” While MC still had her arms around Garreth’s neck, Garreth bent down slightly and put his hands under her thighs so that he could pick her up in his arms and carry her. He was easily able to pick her up and carry her the short distance back to the Quidditch field. 
MC assumed it was dinnertime, hence the quiet and lack of students out and about. When they made it onto the field, Garreth placed her down onto the grass, and sat himself down. “The stars look beautiful from here. Come lie with me.” She joined him on the ground, the two of them lying down together. They stared at the stars that peppered the sky, bright and sparkly. Garreth held MC’s hand while they laid there, and they laid there in silence, enjoying the sky and each other’s company. 
Eventually, MC sat up, wanting to take a break from admiring the stars to admire Garreth instead. He was still in his Quidditch uniform, which made him look absolutely delicious. His uniform hugged his muscles so beautifully, and his ginger locks were messy from lying in the grass, a few blades of grass already peppering his hair. His green eyes seemed to sparkle in the moonlight. She began to fantasize about the times she would watch him during practice and gameplay, thinking about how hot and sweaty he would get. She then thought about all the times they shagged afterwards, MC kissing and licking the sweat off Garreth’s neck as he slammed into her, her back up against the wall of the tiny broom storage closet they had a habit of fucking in. Her feelings of anxiety had now changed into feelings of lust. 
Garreth had noticed that MC was sitting up staring at him. “Everything alright, love?” He asked with a smile on his face. MC smiled right back as she straddled him. He responded with a look of confusion, but the confused look only lasted for half a second before it changed into a wicked smile. MC began to undo his pants, not removing them entirely, but pulling them down enough that he sprung free, his length already hard. He had an impressive length, and like the rest of his body, it was covered in freckles. She took him in her hand, giving him a soft squeeze before she began to pump him. The groan he let out was sinful.
It only took a few strokes for wetness to start forming on his tip. MC planted a kiss on the freckle that resided on his tip, before swiping her tongue across his tip and taking him into her mouth. He let out a loud moan as he hit the back of her throat. Her eyes were becoming teary as she willed herself not to gag. The noises coming from Garreth were feral as MC sucked him. “Oh baby, that feels so good! Please don’t stop!” Garreth cried out as MC watched his eyes roll back. MC continued working Garreth, eager to get a release out of him as he moaned his appreciation. His hands flew into her hair as he took control of her movements, gripping her hair to move her head up and down on his length. 
After a few more minutes and a few more groans from Garreth, he reached his climax, releasing his warm liquid into MCs mouth with a growl. She let out a muffled moan as she swallowed him down. “Oh shit darling! That was amazing!” He whimpered. MC released Garreth with a “pop” sound and nuzzled into his chest, listening to Garreth’s breaths as they returned to normal. “Consider that my way of thanking you!” MC said with a wink, seemingly back to normal. 
Once Garreth caught his breath, he sat up, staring at MC with adoration in his eyes. “I love you MC. You are an incredible person, and anytime you feel less than that, know that I’m here for you, and I’ll do everything I can to make you feel better.” He flashed her a bright smile, his words and smile making her heart flutter. “I love you too, Garreth. Thank you for loving me. Even on my worst days.” She closed her eyes and smiled, Garreth smiling back at her.
They continued to lay there well into the night, basking in the afterglow of each other. Her anxiety had finally faded, being replaced with nothing but feelings of pure bliss.
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