#I swear I'm an established writer
brokentoys · 1 year
oh yeah i forgot in that one bad day comic (king's retelling of ed's backstory) it was stated he helped j0ker in the killing joke which i'm honestly not sure how to feel about it
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frmisnow · 2 days
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summary. agreeing to finally spend the weekend over at your boyfriends, you find him clingier (& hornier) than ever!
notes. let me tell you i've been STRUGGLING w writers block but i just wanted to give yall smth bc i have like 2 TOUGH weeks of exams coming up :( so i do hope you enjoy, much love!!! ₊˚⊹
warnings/includes. bf bf non idol? jungkook x f! reader, he's clingy & horny so basically the summary!, established relationship (she just doesn't live w him), a drabble, giving head + kitchen sex mentioned
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when you once again agreed to spend the two free days with jungkook, you were as always not prepared for him rotting around you the whole time.
it didn't matter where you were — preparing something for dinner? you bet your ass he was hugging you from behind, evidently slowing down your cooking progress, giggling manically. typing it away on your laptop, trying to get a school paper done? he'll magically show up from behind (you swear you did NOT hear any footsteps), closing the laptop carefully while leaning over the chair to place tiny kisses down your neckline, mumbling something about you not being supposed to work since the weekend was there for him to love you.
and let me tell you: jeon jungkook takes his loving towards you during saturday and sunday (pun intended) VERY seriously. I'm telling you: consider yourself lucky if he even lets you out of bed!
he has to have his hands on you 24/7 and if he doesn't he'll swear he might just die at least that's what he always says.
you have to take 'he loves to love you' pretty literally because when it comes to jungkook and your special little weekends together, he always always puts your pleasure first.
jungkook bets he could eat your pussy for hours at a time and he'll go to many lengths to prove just that, he'll overstimulate you on accident- and then looks up to you with his boba eyes all inoccently like he actually didn't mean it.
i swear he always gets a boner around you! and he'll full on blame you for it! 'it's just cause you look like that!' adorned with that silly pout but be careful with how you respond- he might just fuck you on the kitchen counter... that man has no mercy.
all the way at night on saturday, when he's done with you, tucked you into bed, snuggled up to you all tightly, he'll whisper: "it's so sad that you don't live with me" into the air, every fucking time.
but maybe it was good that only those two days belonged to him since you really didn't knew what kind of animalistic human you'd turn into if you did the things you did together, seven days a week.
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hobvitr · 1 year
Spider Noir x reader pretty please??
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spider noir x reader
genre/warnings: domestic fluff, established relationship, marriage talk, unrevised writing
note: thank you for the request! i was wanting to do something for noir! and I'm here asking to all of you to be your favorite domestic fluff writer because i'm a sucker for that genre. i swear. recommended song: from the start - laufey
sinopses: you two cuddle at home watching some romcom while a storm is pouring outside.
the rain was pouring hard outside your apartment, a big storm roaming the city while you were alone, trying to watch something on tv to distract yourself from the so close thunders. of course peter weren't home yet from the patrolling, your mind full with worry even tho he was spiderman, he isn't immune to catch a cold. as your mind was full with him, you listen to the window opening and closing almost instantaneously.
sure the sound came from the bedroom, you go towards it, seeing peter completely drenched from the rain. "sorry for the mess, darling" his deep voice like a melody to your ears, even though you literally lived on the same house it still made you flustered. "I'll only accept your sorry if you don't catch a cold, handsome" as you adressed him, he took of his mask, hair disheveled and Impossibly fluffy. you could see the slight blush from your praise, he placed his round glasses on the bridge of his nose and took off his coat and throwing it and his suit on the empty laundry basket.
"can you help me get warm then?" he suggested, dressing some cozy clothes. you giggle, the domestic moment making your heart all warm. "only 'cause you asked so nicely". you hug him from behind but he is fast to turn and hug you back. "bed or couch?" he asks, chin pressed on the top of your head "couch".
you bring a blanket but peter was doing most of the job by lying on top of you, head resting on your chest and arms holding your middle. you two spend a brief time watching whatever romcom on tv until you feel him tense above you.
"what's wrong?" you ask, hand caressing his hair, the scene on the screen was a marriage proposal and you almost instantly made the connection. he didn't reply, so you instigate him. "do you want to marry someday?" at this point you didn't give a shit to the romcom, you only had eyes for peter.
"maybe... do you?" he looks up at you, sounding a bit worried. you could swear he right now was the most beautiful view you've ever seen. "maybe..." you said, looking away with a soft smile on your lips.
you feel him shifting and getting closer to your face, showering your jaw and neck with little kisses, making you giggle. "if i get to call you my husband you will do this every day?" you ask half playfully, holding his face with both your hands for him to look at you.
"more than once a day, doll, i swear" he smiles to you, hand brushing a strand of hair out of your face. "fair enough" you nod, pulling foward his face for a kiss on his lips. "I'm looking foward to being proposed" you tease him, and he starts to get up to do exactly it. "no- no peter, not now" you laugh and stop him, making him lay on top of you again.
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cozyquinn · 1 year
Not bad, old man
Hopping on the older!eddie hype here, seeing as its the only thing I've been able to write anything for recently, bloody writer's block. I'm a sucker for age gap fics, so couldn't resist going for the upper end of the age gap here- Eddie is late 40s, reader is written to be 22-24 (these ages are not mentioned in the fic but they are the ones I had in mind when writing)
A/N: I've left reader's description as bare as possible, down to not specifying what clothes are worn by reader to make it as plausible as a self-insert as possible. I hope it doesn't retract any from the fic! Not 100% happy with this one, but hope it suffices!
I have since gone back through and amended parts that perhaps could have been thought through a little better and added bits in to smooth things out a bit!
Also, I do not give permission for my work to be replicated or reposted anywhere.
summary: When Eddie agrees to resume his place in Corroded Coffin for one night as a favour to Gareth, he doesn't expect the Hideout to offer an opportunity to go home with anyone, let alone the pretty girl half his age.
warnings: 18+ smut ahead, minors DNI. Blogs interacting with this work who do not have their age in bio will be blocked.
No established timeframe, NO established relationship, older!Eddie x fem!reader, NO use of Y/N
trigger warnings for: age gap, daddy kink, use of pet names (sweet thing, sweetheart, baby, baby girl), use of 'fetish' or kink related nicknames (Daddy, Sir), p in v intercourse, oral (f receiving, mention of m receiving) spanking with hand, choking aftercare at the end! Please let me know if you find any others, but also note that this list is not exhaustive- please consume content safely and cautiously! If you don't like this kind of content, please just scroll on!
Your sober mind does little to dull out the unpleasantness of the Hideout in all its stale and smoky glory. The unfamiliar surroundings and gawping eyes of older men have you shrinking into the peeling wallpaper.
Only here thanks to the lack of excitement anywhere else mid-week in Hawkins, Indiana, and the promise that the headlining bands didn't always suck, you settle yourself comfortably against the wall.
Swearing to yourself you'd stay sober tonight, you nurse a tepid Coke -if you could call it that- in your hands, the measly dash of ice now fully melted by the heat of your hands and the heavy smoker's breath filling the room; condensation on your glass matching the slow drip of perspiration at the nape of your neck, both cooling your skin some.
A murmured voice announces the headlining band of the night, and you watch as four older men bustle on to the stage; a concoction of greying hair and fading ink that adorns the skin on show.
The band's entrance is blighted somewhat by a commotion amongst the 18-strong crowd; an elderly patron being shooed from the bar for his rather chancey grope at the band's sole groupie's backside.
On the stage, Eddie shakes his head with a smirk, remarking to himself how some things never change. The wrinkles forming around his eyes deepen as he squints into the cheap fluorescent lights blaring down on him.
Breathing in the stale air of his old stomping ground offers him a little confidence, but doesn't mask the time passed since he was last here; reminiscing on days of shooting the shit until early hours and thrashing himself across the stage until his bones ached.
He scans the room finding mostly dull eyes, only partly bothered by the presence of the aged misfits readying their instruments; the overall response not helping to calm his nerves from years of avoiding any kind of stage presence. This appearance was just a favour to Gareth, after all.
That is, until his eyes fall on you tucked quietly to the side of the room. Entirely out of place, but a gracious reprieve from the groaning oldies giving Eddie an age complex in his forties.
He feels a pang, a warmth, radiating from you across the room; he shakes the years from his heavy shoulders, only breaking your eye contact with a confident wink in your direction.
You quirk a smile up at the older metalhead on stage, his eyes glinting back in amusement as his bandmate musters up an anticipatory drumroll behind him; the rumble sent out across the floor lit a flame of energy below your feet, the vibration coaxing boldness through your bones as you sway to the music.
You keep your eyes trained on him throughout the set, darting between the silver strands scattered throughout his brown curls, his strong hands adorned with rings commanding control over the slender neck of his guitar, and the snarling twitches of his lips as he belts out vocals.
In Eddie's mind, the set goes without a hitch- minus the few misplayed notes dotted here and there from a lack of recent practice. 'Not bad for an old timer, huh', he thinks to himself.
He sets down his guitar, letting the guys know he was heading to the bar to wetten his hoarse throat.
Despite his best efforts to resist temptation -to remind himself of his seniority- he finds himself veering towards you where you'd settled on the left side of the bar, taking in your misplaced youthfullness amongst heavy smoke and wrinkled skin.
He approaches you, announcing his presence to your turned back with a kind greeting to the bartender. You turn your head just as his palm gently brushes your shoulder.
"Hey there, sweet thing. Mind if I sit here?" He says, gesturing to the seat to your right.
"Go ahead" you nod, turning to face him as he settles onto the fraying fabric and creaking wood.
"Thanks doll, the name's Eddie"
He reaches for your hand, bringing your knuckles to his chapped lips; a blush rising from your chest as you garble out your own monicker with as much composure as you can muster. A tarnished ring catches your finger as he gently pulls his hand away, electricity seering through your palm in its wake.
"I see you stuck around for the set. What'dya think?" He keeps up the conversation, a warm smile never leaving his face.
"Yeah, I saw you up there. You were pretty good, for an old man" You quirk your shoulders, a sly grin gracing your soft features as you eye him up from your periphery; doing anything to force a calm facade amongst the flurry of entirely inappropriate thoughts breaching your mind as you eye him up close.
"Oh, low blow. You wound me sweetheart" He chuckles with a hand held mockingly to his chest, any suggestion of real hurt in his voice dampened by the deep-set grin adorning his face. He continues before you can respond.
"What's a pretty little thing like you doing here, anyway? Would'na taken this place to be your kind of scene"
You shrug, dipping your head to focus in on your fingers fidgeting against the cup in your hands, doing your best to hide your blush from his attentive eyes.
"I guess I was just looking for something different. I'm sick of all those hyped up bars charging twice the price and offering glorified karaoke as headline bands, you know?" You say, a mischievous glint in your eye as you watch him through your eyelashes.
This earns you a deep chuckle, the gruffness settling heavily on your chest and lighting a warmth under your skin.
"Yeah, I get that" he nods, his eyes squinting in thought for a second.
"Uh, can I get you a drink? Least I could do since you stuck around for the whole set?" Eddie's eyes light up at his own gentle humour, a kind smile settled on his lips to keep you sweet.
Smiling sweetly in thanks for the offer, you reply.
"Oh, I'm not drinking tonight. Not alcohol anyway, just sticking to whatever sugar saturated crap this is supposed to be."
You raise your half-full cup to him with a laugh, trying desperately to ignore the throb settling between your thighs with each look he sends your way.
He laughs deeply, nodding understandingly at your response. He shifts on his seat, his calloused fingers reaching to scratch at the base of his neck.
"I forgot how humid this damn place gets" His voice is hoarse with age and strain but smoothens out with a cough.
He stands, shrugging off his thinning red flannel to reveal a plethora of faded ink dotted down his arms. Your eyes settle on the slightly blownout bats rounding his forearm; wondering what else could be hiding beneath the black shirt left hugging his torso.
Your heart thumps a little harder as your eyes scan out wider, along his broad shoulders and down towards his covered navel. The heavy breath leaving your lips thickens the air around you, winding around your throat in a way you imagine Eddie's rough hand would.
You're cruelly brought out of your thoughts by the sound of Eddie's voice above you.
"Hey darlin', you got a lil bit'a drool right-" he pauses, bringing his forefinger to the corner of his upturned mouth and brushing the greying fuzz above his lip.
You bring your hand up to your face with speed, frantically wiping and prodding at your lips; your mind burning with embarassment, your cunt betraying you with a clench.
He leans down, the scratch of salt and pepper scruff along his jawline tickling your cheek as his supple lips tease the shell of your ear. A gentle whisper sending a flush from your cheeks to your gently throbbing cunt.
"I'm just teasing ya, sweetheart" He takes a small breath before continuing.
"But don't think I haven't seen you eyeing me up. Didn't your daddy ever tell you it was rude to stare?"
His words punch a gasp from your chest, and his sly grin darkens the red tinge adorning your cheeks.
With eyes wide and pupils blown, you lean back. Your mouth agape, lips lightly trembling, as you search your clouded brain desperately for a response.
Eddie beats you to it, his right hand now gently approaching your cheek, his forefinger outstretched to brush a strand of your hair behind your ear; the clench of your thighs doesn't go unnoticed.
A quiet whimper leaves your lips as he brings you closer, his rough palm now caressing your neck. His thumb gently rubs along the vein pulsing through your skin, applying enough pressure to have your eyes fluttering closed and your hands reaching up to his tousled curls for purchase.
Without a second thought, your lips are on his. Chapped against smooth, you taste a hint of settled smoke and mint. You deepen the kiss, wanting to taste more of him. His rough tongue fights with yours, experience overpowering desperation.
His hands map out the path of your body, cupping and pinching in all the right places before they settle on your ass. Experienced fingers pressing into your flesh with a delicious sting, soothed by the lick of cool metal. His lips leave yours as he trails kisses along your chin, suckling a sweet red bud into your skin where your neck meets your jaw.
His mind fights an internal battle. He knows better, you've got to be at least half his age, but the aching pulse from his cock wins over.
"How about I show you what this old man can do, huh?" He growls into your ear, pulling you up onto your tiptoes as he nuzzles his strong nose into your throat.
You squeak out a "yes", the word drawling into a squeal when his teeth nip at your soft skin.
"Was hopin' you'd say that"
With that, he's leading you towards the door, leaving behind any semblance of your control and the now-flat cola you placed clumsily onto the bar.
Your feet stumble slightly underneath you as you try to keep up. The thrash of your thighs against each other with each small misstep eliciting a feeble whine from your lips.
Disregarding the call from Gareth across the room, Eddie thrusts you both out into the crisp air; gently draping the thin material of his flannel over your shoulders as he leads you to his van parked in the lot just a few feet from the door.
Throwing himself into the drivers seat with an urgency he thought he lost in his thirties, Eddie starts the engine and whips the van out of the lot quicker than your hazy mind can keep up with.
Your pulse races to the thrum of the engine, Eddie's hand squeezing your supple thigh leaves you twitching and aching for more; thanking all that's holy for the short distance between the Hideout and Eddie's trailer when he parks up.
He helps you out of his van, his arm flexing around your waist as he half-carries you to the threshold of his front door; swinging it open gently with the rattle of rusting keys.
"Sorry sweetheart. It ain't much, but it's mine" he murmurs, lightly gesturing to the small space of his living room.
You shake your head, a whispered reassurance of his home's perfection slipping through the crack of your swollen lips, you grasp his forearms with desperation, hoping he'll feel the throb of your hole through your hands.
Eddie seems to get the message, pointing in the direction of his room, sealing his promise of joining you in a moment with a kiss.
You rush to his room, peeling your outer layers of clothing from your body, fondling your breasts and teasing the slope of your hips as you go. Unclasping your bra, you toy with the straps in a teasing game, edging yourself with fingertip caresses against your skin.
A hungry grunt behind you grabs your attention, halting your sweet touches. You turn, gently circling your shoulders to tease away the straps sitting pretty on your clavicle.
You spread your arms out infront of you, sending your bra tumbling to the floor; a gentle request for closeness, your skin screaming to be touched.
Standing in just his underwear, Eddie's eyes trace your figure from top to bottom, his chapped lips being soothed with the brush of his tongue across them; you parallel his softness with a harsh bite to your bottom lip as your eyes follow the path of his tattoos to the bulge tenting his boxers.
The only reminder of his age sits at the edge of his eyes, the lines there softening his rugged look. He gives you little time to admire his mature but toned body as, with a feralness you've never before experienced, Eddie has you pinned to the bed.
His hips hold yours to the mattress, the giration of his pelvis offering sweet, agonising relief to your swollen clit through the layers of fabric.
He pulls away, planting hot kisses down your body with a desperation unmatched, the tickle of coarse stubble against your skin soothed by the drag of his warm tongue.
As he reaches the peak of your mound, your jittering hands inch down to circle your thumbs across his cheeks. His deep brown eyes settle on you, committing your vulnerable beauty to memory.
Your fingers loop through his hair, his silver curls adorning your digits like delicate rings as you rut your hips towards him. A sweet whine is all it takes to beckon the touch of his thick fingers through the cotton modesty of your panties.
You writhe and whine, begging for more; the blush of your cunt calling to his cock like a siren's song to a sailor. A slow stream of arousal fills your panties, hollowing the material to show the empty clench of your heat.
"Please Daddy"
It's barely a whisper but Eddie hears it, clear as a bell. His eyes widen for a moment, mirroring your disbelief at the words uttered from your mouth, before he's smirking into your clammy skin.
"What was that baby? Want to repeat that for me?"
You whine, shaking your head as your desperation fights shame. You squeeze your eyes shut and plead, "please Daddy, need you"
He smirks to himself. Whispering so low you'll never hear, "Daddy kink, huh. Should've guessed that one".
Raising his voice enough to flood your senses, his words ring out.
"Sweet little girl wants more, huh?" The smirk evident in his words.
He settles a rugged finger under your chin to coax your gaze back up to his, holding you there whilst you squirm; tears brimming your stinging eyelids.
"No need to cry sweetheart, Daddy's got you" he promises with a gentle tug and pull at the waistband of your panties until they hang idly from your ankle.
He wastes no time in blessing your bundle of nerves with his experienced tongue, branding the Munson name into your skin amongst calculated figure-of-eights.
You sob sweet nothings into the heavy air as his fingers breach the cusp of your entrance. His free hand takes purchase of your chin, curling you in on yourself to watch as the tattoos decorating his knuckles disappear into your heat with a squelch.
The cold sear of his rings against your sore folds has you hissing under your breath; each plunge of his fingers offering a new sweet wetness over the shimmering metal.
You beg to repay the favour, offering him your desperate mouth, as a blinding pressure builds in your core. He reassures you "next time baby", as you soak his fingers, extinguishing the flame of the inked candle on his middle finger with your wet.
Leaving you no time to regain your breath, his mouth is on your lips, your cheeks, your throat. Plump lips caressing your skin as the throbbing head of his cock kisses your entrance.
You whine as he enters you, the stretch unholy as you adjust to his size. His heavy balls rest against your pert arse and his hazy smile tells you he's exactly where he wants to be.
"That's it baby girl. Feels good, huh? Old man still got it?"
He taunts you with your earlier jabs. The curve of his cock relentlessly prodding at your aching walls, sweetening the sting of his jeering.
Flashes of white appear in your vision with each harsh thrust of his hips and snarl from his chest, and you grind your hips further down on to his pulsing cock.
You nod frantically to answer his question, your hands caressing his still-soft skin before puncturing your nails through the swell of his shoulders.
His desperation starts to show, his calloused hands slipping beneath your backside to hold your hips at an angle. His tip kisses your cervix, punching harsh moans from your chest as his thrusts start to falter.
"Gonna cum, sweetheart. Tell me where you want it"
Your head lolls back as you whimper a pathetic "inside me Daddy, please", your own words driving you over the edge to your honey-sweet climax as you quiver beneath him.
His cock throbs inside you, each flex against your walls sending aftershocks through your spent body. His forehead rests against your breasts, both of you rapidly chasing steady breath. As you calm down, he gently removes himself from you, rubbing soothing circles into your hips to lessen the sting.
"I'll be right back babygirl", he whispers into your cheek with a kiss, leaving the room momentarily to grab a damp cloth to clean you up.
You turn to him once the rise and fall of your chest has steadied, your bleary eyes finding adoration staring back. He smiles widely at you as he pulls you in close to his side, but you're the first to speak.
"You okay?", you ask quietly with a smile, not wanting to disturb the moment.
"More than okay. How you holdin' up, sweetheart?"
You only nod in response, your gentle eyes reassuring him that you were doing just fine.
His smile widens, a mischievous glint taking form as your eyes flutter closed.
He chuckles to himself, the vibration of his chest caressing your cheek as his gruff voice fills the air again.
"Not bad for an old man, huh?"
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"Get my cake, and eat it, too."
✨️It's a requested Dazai smut✨️
✧—Incl. Dazai smut, Dazai �� F!reader, kitchen sex, dirty talk, fingering, not established relationship, ADA Dazai,uses of the word "mama", "Mommy", and "Daddy".
ღ—Note from the author. Yeah, I'm ᴬⁿⁿⁱᵉ the anime smut writer. First time writing for Dazai, so I hope u like this, ya little weirdos and weebs.
You and Dazai have known each other for a long time. Before the Port Mafia, worked with each other in the middle of it, and now are partners in the Armed Detective Agency.
It sounds like you'd be best friends, right? Well, yeah, pretty much. But it's hard to be friends with Dazai. He's always clinging to your waist, hugging you always flirting, staying at your house, sitting on your lap at work. He's a man-child, really.
Today is no different.
"Why don't we sneak away to your apartment, mamas?" He whispers into your ear, hugging you from behind. The other detectives don't even bat an eye anymore from how commonly this happens.
"Y'know, why the fuck not. I have nothing to do today anyway." You say with a shrug.
And that's where you two are, upstairs and in the kitchen of your apartment. You facing the refrigerator and him leaning against the counter behind you.
"You hungry—"
He immediately cuts you off when you ask, staring at the small gap between your thighs with eyes half-lidded. You look over your shoulder to see him now sitting on the counter, still staring.
"Jeez, okay... You wanna eat som—"
He fully cuts you off this time, hopping off the counter and softly touching your hips, touch feather light as he glides his fingers down your waist and to your thighs, gently squeezing the inner part of them.
"You think I could eat some of you? I'm really hungry for some reason..." He whispers into your ear, leaving gentle bites and licks along your neck.
"You promised this wouldn't happen, Osamu..." You say with a sigh but lean into his touch nonetheless. He smirks into your skin when you call him his first name, hands gently pulling your shorts and panties down at the same time.
"Come on, mama... You look too pretty not to eat... Just, let me have a snack?" He giggles, finger softly tracing your clit while the other one moves up and back to your waist.
"O-Osamu... You—" A soft moan cuts you off when he slides one finger into your tight little hole, digits pressing against the perfect spots to make you whimper.
"O-Osamu~ Fuck... Faster, p-please..." You whine, and you have him pressing his hard-on against your ass. "Yes, ma'am. "
He starts to go a bit faster, adding another finger while he lets go of your hip and starts to take off his pants, kissing your neck while you shiver and moan.
"D-d— FUCK— D-Dazai~♡…! Please..."
"Please what?" He asks, finally getting his pants and boxers off. He softly takes out his finger which you complain about, but you quickly stop when he replaces it with his cock.
"GAH- D-D-DADDY, FUCK~!!!" You scream out a moan, eyes rolling back into your head as you grab the kitchen island for support.
"Hmm~ Mommy, you're taking m-me so well..." He grunts into the back of your neck, sliding his hands up your shirt and holding your waist tightly.
You arch your back even more and he swears under his breath, sweat forming and sticking his hair to his forehead. He roughly slaps your ass to see the flesh move beneath him, and you scream out another breathy moan of pleasure.
"D-daddy... T-too GOOD— Please~♡ More..." Tears start to roll down your cheek from sheer pleasure, legs shaking as a bit of drool slips from your mouth.
"More, huh, pretty mama..." He grunts, rolling his hips faster and faster with each passing second. He lets out a small moan before he gives up on fighting it back and screams out just as loud as you.
"Dazai~…! I-I'm c-c—" You stutter out, but it was too late. A load of his and your cum shoots out, his long and hot ropes filling you to the brim while yours coats his dick in a shiny, milky substance.
"Awe... You could've had that in your mouth, mommy..." He whines, pouting like the man-child he is.
"Yeah? Well, you didn't fucking eat me. Just shoved your dick inside me."
"You're complaining?"
"Then I guess I'll just have to honor my word and eat out out."
"Wai—" "Too late."
(... Rampo heard everything from downstairs, rip.)
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megamindsecretlair · 2 months
*Heed warnings*
Pairing: Jatemme Manning x Bratty!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. PWP, Filth, cursing, PIV, size kink, mentions of violence, gun use, drug use, brat reader. Reader does get turned on by violence, if this disturbs you click away. All consensual. Established relationship. Heavy use of n-word.
Summary: You are tired of being Jatemme's arm candy. Forever guarded and without 100% of his attention. As the race for Alderman heats up, you're at a fundraising event when you grow bored and decide to test Jatemme's devotion.
Word Count: 3,494k
A/N: I was a little unhinged writing this, so it was written in a bit of a daze. Please let me know what ya'll think about this one. I can't find the ask where people expressed interest so don't be mad at me if I didn't tag you! I'm sorry! I'm also not married to the moodboard, so it might change. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @planetblaque @blowmymbackout @browngirldominion @sageispunk @harmshake @amethyst09 @ciaqui @we-outsiiiide @iv0rysoap @thecookiebratz @blackerthings
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You were bored. Just because you told your man to leave you alone, didn’t mean you actually wanted him to do it. Why couldn’t niggas ever listen? What’s so hard to understand? “Leave you alone” obviously meant to give you attention?
You were at a fancy event for Jatemme’s brother, Jamal, who was running for Alderman. Snooze fest. Jatemme promised that you weren’t going to be here long. That you’d only have to sit like a doll for an hour tops, before he took you shopping and out to eat.
One hour turned to three and you were still sitting at Jamal’s table, surrounded by Jatemme’s crew while Jamal and Jatemme did business. You scanned the room for your man but didn’t find him. 
You did see Jamal who was hard to miss. He was the type to walk into the room like he owned it and as if everyone owed him money for it. Jatemme was quieter, but deadlier. He instantly drew you in with his sleepy eyes, soft umber skin, and intense presence. His darkness called to something within you and never let go. 
The relationship wasn’t without its up and downs. You liked to keep him on his toes. Get him to have a little fun. He always followed in Jamal’s shadow when it was Jatemme that did most of the work. Most of the planning. Most of the ideas. 
You sighed, loudly once more, and turned briefly to your table to sip your nasty ass champagne. Fucking politicians. Pretending like they weren’t all into something dirty, getting over on the little guy. Namely Black folk. 
Jatemme’s crew gave you funny looks. They knew better than to touch you or stare too hard. But you often caught them looking at your body and your too short dresses. They also hated your attitude. Jatemme made you swear to stop messing with them. It was hard to find good help when you were constantly flirting with them and he was constantly killing them over it.
Maybe that was Jatemme’s problem. Now that Jamal was running for Alderman, there was a public scrutiny on the family business. Jatemme doesn’t have free rein to do as he pleased now. Go wherever he wanted. Do whatever he wanted. 
You sighed once more and checked your phone. You texted your best friends in your group chat, that you were bored and in desperate need of fun.  Misty immediately texted you back and told you to meet them at a club not too far from there. That was exactly what you needed. 
You looked over at the crew of four burly men and stood up. One of the them, Martin, stood up as well prepared to follow you. “No need, Marty, I’m just going to the little girl’s room,” you said and smiled sweetly. 
Martin gave you a blank stare. He adjusted the suit jacket over his thick arms and put his hands in his pockets. “You know the rules,” he said. 
You kept your sweet smile, knowing that your lips were glossed just so to catch the light overhead. That your champagne colored dress hugged your figure just right. The night was young and you were wasting it by being arm candy. 
“You gonna follow me into the bathroom and hold my purse too? I don’t think Jay would like that,” you sang. 
Martin looked towards the other men who looked everywhere but at him. They did not want that particular smoke. Decisions, decisions. Martin cleared his throat. “Come right back,” he said. 
You smiled. “Of course. You all act like I’m not an angel,” you said. The men wisely didn’t comment. You turned and sashayed out of the room, already done with the entire night. You didn’t see your man and you didn’t care at the moment. 
You waited until you left the hotel ballroom before pulling out your phone. You ordered an Uber on your way out to the front. People from the reception had spilled out into the hallway, discussing things that they didn’t want others overhearing, even by accident. 
You passed by stick figure women in dark red, blue, or black dresses, pointy shoes, and stiff upper lips. You passed by men in their penguin suits, pretending to give a shit. The total wealth combined in the room could help everyone in the Ward but they held onto it like gremlins. 
It made you sick.
You went outside, shivering slightly from the bite of cold. When your Uber arrived, you didn’t even look back towards the hotel. It was almost criminal how easy it was to slip your chains. Further proof that this shit was getting stale and you might be headed towards another break from Jatemme. Let him sit and stew over what he would miss before he came crawling back with gifts, kisses, and that big dick of his. 
You grinned as you texted Misty that you were on your way. She texted back with plenty of emojis, some of them skulls, because she already knew that Jatemme was going to blow his lid. Let him.
It didn’t take long to reach the rougher areas of Chicago. Almost literally down the street from the glitterati, the houses weren’t as nice. The grass not so green. Fences and bars on the windows. Corner boys selling dope in baggy jeans and oversized T-shirts. 
The club was set back from the street to allow for a little more parking. You got out and Misty met you outside. She hugged you with many squeals and jumping up and down. “Slipped the doom patrol?” She asked. 
Misty was gorgeous, with deep, dark skin and microbraids twisted into two buns atop her head. She was a thick, curvy girl who was always quick with a laugh. She immediately ushered you inside. You turned off your phone. Make Jay sweat a little bit. 
You spent the entire night dancing with your girls and getting drunk on your favorite drink. All of the songs were hitting, back to back. A mix of 2000s and 2010s music. The good shit that demanded you dance right this instant. 
Plenty of dusty ass niggas tried to pull you into a dance and you pushed them all away. It cost to put hands on you. It cost to be in your presence. Ain’t nobody getting shit for free. 
By the time the club called for last drinks, you were tapped out. You were not wearing the proper shoes for dancing in the club. You were shocked that you lasted as long as you did. And yeah, you missed your man. You were a little drink, a lot horny, and you just wanted to be fucked at this point and put to sleep. 
You walked out, hanging onto your friends. One of them, Kiki, was the lightweight. She was dragged between two friends while she muttered something. You giggled and walked with them to their car. 
Rounding the corner, there were a group of guys passing a joint between them. They wolf-whistled as you passed by. One of them sure was fine. Tall, bald, with a thick luscious beard that covered the lower half of his face. You wondered what he’d look like with your juices dripping from it. 
You didn’t condone cheating. But if you were on a break…
You smiled at him as you passed, tossing your hair over your shoulders. “Gahh damn, lil mama, where you headed?” He asked.
You giggled and kept walking with your girls. It was nice to be wanted. You turned your phone on while your friends tried to get Kiki into the car and not entertaining the men by the building. 
As it turned on, messages flew in with loud dings and flashes across your screen. You had…quite a lot of missed calls from Jatemme. Angry texts too. You appreciated that he never called you out of your name when he was angry, but he had plenty of other colorful ways to show his displeasure. Like calling you by your real name. Ew. 
He was good and pissed that you left. That your phone was off. He promised hell, fire, and damnation when he finally caught up to you. You pictured him driving around fuming. His sleepy eyes narrowed even further. The cute way his nostrils would flare and the vein that pulsed in his neck. 
You were getting wet just thinking about it. The sex would be immaculate tonight. You sighed dreamily as you went through his unhinged text messages. 
“Bitch! Help? Hello?” Misty called out. You giggled and moved towards the car, pushing at Kiki’s big ass head to get into the car. Misty slammed the door in her face and sighed as if she’d been wrestling a bear. 
She faced you with a small grin before her eyes darted behind you. The sexy bald headed man approached you, licking his lips and looking you up and down. He held out his hand when he was near enough. 
“I had to come introduce myself,” he said.
“I appreciate that. But I’m too high-maintenance for you, boo,” you said. You flirted with the idea of being responsible for another man’s death, but he was too cute to sacrifice for your own dastardly enjoyment. There were so few, gorgeous Black men these days. The 90s had all the fine men. They were long gone now. God just wasn’t building them like that no more. 
“I like a little high-maintenance,” he said. 
You laughed. Said no man ever. “I’m the type to empty accounts,” you said and smiled. 
“I got several. Pick one,” he said. He looked you in the eye as he said it and made you reevaluate him as a whole. He was dressed nice in dark plaid slacks, black polo, with a big watch on his wrist. Nothing too flashy, but enough that it convinced you he wasn’t another broke nigga. 
You were considering his offer, wondering how you could prove that he was for real and not just trying to get into your panties. Squealing tires tore your gaze away from the man as you saw Jatemme’s truck flip a bitch into oncoming traffic and speed into the parking lot. 
“Shit. You better run before my man catch you talking to me,” you said, though he probably already saw you. 
“I ain’t scared,” the man said. Bless his little heart. 
“Nigga, I’m trynna protect you. Leave, now,” you said, shooing him away from you and your girls. Maybe you could convince Jatemme that the man was trying to flirt with Misty. You turned behind you, but Misty held her hands up.
“I ain’t trynna die for your Black ass,” she said. 
“Bitch!” You screamed, but you couldn’t stay serious for long. You grinned and shook your head. Before the truck had a chance to come to a full stop, Jatemme and crew hopped out, grabbing guns from their waistbands. 
“They got guns!” Someone called out. The parking lot emptied with a speed only achieved in the hood. Too many people who knew the consequences of a stray bullet and weren’t trying to lose their lives over it. Some brave souls remained, peeking behind cars and around the building into the additional parking in the alleyway.
You couldn’t help it. Your thighs tingled. Your heart skipped a beat seeing Jatemme climb out of the driver’s seat with that slow, menacing gait of his. His eyes were glued on you as he walked towards you.
The cutie remained, like he would really stand in front of a bullet for you. You couldn’t give him any more warnings. You couldn’t save him from his own stupidity. Jatemme stopped a few feet in front of you.
His face was deceptively calm. He crossed his arms in front of him, Glock on display. His crew formed a formidable wall behind him. Martin sported a darkening bruise on his cheek and you only felt slightly bad for getting him into trouble. At least he was still alive. That was something. 
You bit your lip and giggled nervously. “Hi, baby,” you said. 
“Did he touch you?” Jatemme asked. His voice. God, you could listen to that voice recite the dictionary and you’d listen to every word. 
You shifted your footing. “Nope. Never seen this man before,” you said.
“Aye, if you’re in trouble…” The man said. Martin, being the closest, lifted his gun into the man’s face. The gun was pressed to his temple and the man audibly gulped. 
“Did he touch you?” Jatemme asked once more.
You looked him in the eye. “No.” 
“Get the fuck out of here,” Jatemme said to the man. The man looked at you, but you knew better than to acknowledge his presence. You heard his friends calling for him, telling him not to be a hero, not to lose his life over some bitch. 
The man backed away, keeping his eye on Martin and the shiny gun in his face. Jatemme jerked his head and you sighed, following behind him. If he was going to take you away, he was beyond angry. Maybe you actually worried him this time. That wasn’t your intention. You wanted to scare him a little, not worry him. 
You waved goodbye to your friends. They shot you alarmed glances, but you told them that Jatemme never raised a hand to you. Never. He liked getting his revenge in other ways.
He opened the door for you and you climbed into the front seat. He got into the driver’s seat, peeling away from the club so fast, he probably sprayed everyone with rocks and gravel. He didn’t speak. He drove through the quiet streets, heading back towards the hotel you escaped from.
Jatemme held up a hand like he didn’t want to hear it. You bit your lip. You really stepped in it now. Was it bad that you were turned on? Punishment shouldn’t be this exciting and yet, your mind raced through what he had planned. How he was going to show that he cared for you. 
He pulled to the front of the hotel and tossed the valet his keys. The gun was tucked away into his jeans. Fancy events didn’t mean he had to be the one who dressed up. He did have a clean, sky blue shirt buttoned to the very top. He opened the door and let you out. 
He didn’t speak while he pushed you inside, the event well and truly over by now. He didn’t speak as you rode the elevator in crushing silence and velvet flooring muffling your heels. He didn’t speak as he got out onto the twelfth floor, leading you to a suite you didn’t know he got for the night. 
Once inside, you gasped. There was a bottle of wine chilling in a bucket. Low lighting made the room glow like looking through a piece of glass at twilight. “You did all this for me?” You asked.
“If you would have behaved yourself,” he said.
The suite was big enough to have a full living room with couches and armchairs, shiny mahogany coffee table, and a wide screen TV. Behind a set of double doors, there was a bed already turned down, waiting for you to climb in. 
You pouted. Your man was so sweet sometimes, it made your heart ache. He didn’t always show this softer side. The side that liked snuggling up to trashy movies late at night, snacking in bed, and enjoying each other’s company. 
“Do you have any idea how worried I was?” He asked. His voice was barely above a whisper. Enough to get his point across. You truly had worried him. 
You turned to him with an apology on your lips but he was already invading your space. He grabbed your face and pulled you into a rough kiss, slanting his lips across yours as if he meant to stake a claim. Prove a point. You belonged to him. There was no way of getting out of it. No way of running. 
You gripped onto him tightly. “I hate when you worry me like that,” he said. 
“You promised,” you whined. 
His lips returned to kissing you, looking for the zipper on your side to unzip you from the dress. When he couldn’t find it, he began to rip it with his bare hands. “Hey!”
“I’ll buy you more,” he said. His lips returned to kissing you. More like possessing you. He kissed you like he wanted to meld your bodies together to keep you by his side. This was what you needed. What you had been craving all night. 
Your bra and panties went next, baring you completely to him. He wasn’t in it to admire your body right now though. You knew him. He had been worrying about you all night and needed to see you. Feel you. Make sure that you really were in front of him and not a figment of his imagination. 
He turned you around and slapped your ass. You screamed out, jumping away from the sharp sting. He pushed you towards the deep gray couch and bent you over the back of it. It dug into your tummy but you were too turned on to notice the pain. 
He unzipped his zipper and freed himself with a low groan, spreading your ass cheeks and rubbing his dick through your wet folds. Your hands feebly gripped onto the couch cushings, fingers digging into the linen. 
Once his tip was good and wet, he stuffed you and you cried out from the burn of his girthy dick pushing into you. Your eyes crossed. He felt too good to contain to a single moan. You yelled out without abandon, not caring who heard you. If the neighbors complained, Jatemme would handle that too. 
His strokes were bruising, punishing, near cruel as he slammed into you over and over. “You and this fucking attitude gon’ kill me,” he groaned. His fingers grabbed hold of your hips and slammed you back onto his dick. Like his strokes weren’t enough. Like you weren’t moving fast enough for him.
“Oh baby, oh fuck–I’m sorry!” You cried out.
“No, you not,” he said. No, you were not. You’d do everything all over again if he meant that his attention was back on you. That his hands were back on you. That his dick was inside you, spearing you, driving you to new pleasures each and every time. 
Your feet were scrambling for purchase. He didn’t care. He fucked you like you were no more than a toy to stick his dick in. One hand reached behind you to push against his chest. His shirt slipped between you so he lifted it and brought his flesh flush with yours. Then, he grabbed your outstretched hand and pulled it behind you, resting on your back while he used the new position as a new anchor. His strokes grew deeper, more desperate. 
“I catch you talking to another nigga and I’ma kill him,” Jatemme whispered harshly.
“Yes, baby,” you moaned. You’d seen him kill niggas for far less. For daring to turn their neck in your direction. He once told you that if he could blind the male population of Chicago, he would. 
“Oh fuck!” You screamed out, crying through your punishing orgasm. 
Jatemme grunted in satisfaction. “That’s your first one for the night. I hope you’re keeping count,” he said. 
“Baby, wait…” You grunted between his deep thrusts. 
“Like you made me wait tonight?” He asked. He yanked on your hair, forcing you to look back at him. You stared into his eyes while he filled you up with his cum. He came with a low, grumbling moan that shook your inner walls. 
Your mouth dropped open as his dick pulsed and twitched. Your legs were jelly, kept standing by pure force by him. His will to keep you spread open for him ensured that you were a vessel for his dick. His own personal fucktoy. 
He made you cum two more times while your neck was craned, looking back into his soulful eyes. You ran out of curse words to shout to the heavens. Your eyes ached from the way they rolled. Your essence mixed with his spend dripped down your legs in a slow river that tickled your legs.  
He finally slipped out, giving you a bit of a break. You huffed, legs shaking, arms weak. He picked you up and carried you to the bed, spreading your legs open once more. He fisted his dick, jerking the length of it while he looked at your destroyed pussy leaking with his cum.
“Hope you didn’t plan on sleeping tonight,” he said with a small grin. 
You panted with a nervous giggle. He proved throughout the rest of the night just how much he missed you and made you promise not to do it again. Well, at least not anytime soon.
The end.
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There will be more! The Secret Jatemme Files
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cosmerelists · 16 days
If Stormlight Characters Read The Stormlight Archive
As requested by @imtheseventh :)
Let's say Stormlight Characters got their hands on The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson--you know, the book written about all of their lives. What would they think of Sanderson's depiction of them?
1. Navani
Navani: Say, Dalinar... Navani: Why is Evi's name replaced by Shshsh in all of your POV chapters? Dalinar: ... Dalinar: Ah, so here's the thing...
2. Adolin
Adolin: Shallan, wait! Adolin: This is feeling like a flashback chapter about your life. Adolin: Don't read it to me. It feels weird to find out this way. Adolin: I'd rather wait until you're ready to tell me. Shallan: Ah, so you want to stop listening whenever my past comes up? Shallan: That's exactly what I used to do! High five! Adolin: I don't Adolin: I don't know that this is a high-five moment.
3. Shallan
Shallan: L-Listen, Jasnah... Shallan: I SWEAR I was neither thinking about nor looking at your boobs quite as much as the book makes it sound.. Shallan: I think this Sanderson guy was just projecting! Jasnah: I believe you, Shallan. Shallan: Y-You do? Jasnah: I have to assume he wanted to establish my beauty but felt that it would be less salacious to have it filtered through another woman's perspective. Shallan: Y-Yeah, that makes sense... Jasnah: After all, if you loved my boobs that much, I don't know why you sat there and doodled Captain Kaladin instead of them... Shallan: WHELP TIME TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT
4. Syl
Syl: ... Kaladin: Hey, are you okay? You seem...down. Kaladin: And are you wearing trousers?? Syl: Was...was there something wrong in how I dressed? Kaladin: No? What do you mean? Syl: Like, was it immature? Kaladin: No? Syl: Then why does this Brandon guy call my dress "girlish" like 19 billion times?!? Hoid: Oh, don't worry about that! Writers get weirdly fixated on words! At least you weren't always doing things maladroitly, ha! Syl: ...What? Hoid: Whoops wrong series!
5. Gaz
Gaz: Look...I know I wasn't the Almighty's most perfect guy, but.. Gaz: Could he maybe have written me as slightly LESS of the embodiment of a sniveling cremling?? Gaz: Like, give a guy a break! Vathah: What, too much realism for a fantasy? Gaz: You shut up!
6. Sadeas
Sadeas: I was so upset...so flabbergasted...when Dalinar outmaneuvered me in that disadvantaged duel... Sadeas: But it was all just LUCK?! Sadeas: He didn't maneuver for SHIT! Sadeas: He just happened to have EVERY SINGLE PERSON WITH SUPERPOWERS on his side and they were ALL stupid enough to get INVOLVED Sadeas: It's so much worse now!!! Ialai: At least their dark-eyed captain ruined it at the end. Sadeas: Ugh, yeah, thank the stars for THAT.
7. Kaladin
Kaladin: I actually hate this. Lyn: Why? Kaladin: Hearing about all my friends dying...again...having my actions framed as some type of "heroism"... Kaladin: T-That guy writes me like I'm the hero! Lyn: ...I am fairly certain that you are. Kaladin: Ughhhh...
8. Lirin & Hesina
The Way of Kings sits before them Hesina: ... Lirin: ... Hesina: ... Lirin: ... Hesina: Do you want to go & cry forever over our boys? Lirin: Yes please.
9. Moash
Moash: Wow. Moash: After hearing all about King Elhokar from the perspective of the people who actually like him... Moash: I gotta say... Moash: I was totally right! Moash: That guy is SUCH an asshole!
10. Dalinar
Dalinar: ... Dalinar: ... Dalinar: ... Dalinar: I just can't believe that he STOLE Nohadon’s TITLE.
11. (!) Bonus Vin
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zirobitches · 6 months
One Piece Domestic Fluff
I'll crawl home to her - Sir Crocodile x GN!Reader
Note: Not related to soulmate AU i just love croc
Summary: Devil fruit users are weakened by seawater, and I'm convinced some of them really hate all water as a result. Anyways reader comes back from a trip to find their partner Croc greasy af.
Tags: domestic fluff, takes place during cross guild era, slight angst? just taking care of ur mans, just domestic things. also implied/mentioned nudity bc yall take a bath together, also Buggy mention (i kind of insult him but i swear i love him i just dont find clowns hot)
Words: 3100+
AN: I'm usually an angst/slow-burn writer but I needed some fluff. this has not been beta-ed and i'm posting as soon as i get done writing. it is currently 2am. lmk if there's big errors. thanks ily bye
There was a knock at your cabin door.
“Come in,” you call across the room. The door swings open and one of the crew of your ship peeks his head in.
“The island is finally in sight, we should be arriving by 5.” He reports.
“Thank you, go ahead and make sure the rest of the crew makes preparations.” He nods in reply and the door shuts behind him. You sigh, and lean back in your chair, staring at the ceiling.
It had been almost three months since you had last seen Crocodile. You two have had longer separations, courtesy of Strawhat and the Marines, but that did not make it easier. You weren’t supposed to go this long originally, but certain encounters with some old Whitebeard crew on your end had incurred some delays. That was then followed by the official disbandment of the Seven Warlords, and Crocodile had to extend your reunion date to take advantage of the situation.
Now that the Cross Guild has been established, and no one was chasing you or Crocodile, you could finally find each other again.
Stepping onto land had never felt so good. Everyone that you passed or tried to speak to you was blurred due to your tunnel vision. You scanned the small crowd that had come to the dock to greet you, looking for the familiar tall figure.
Instead, you are stopped by a clown.
“Y/N, right?” You froze at the brightly colored monstrosity in front of you. He seemed familiar for some reason.
“Sir Croc sent me to get you, he and Mihawk had some business to wrap up before you arrived.” The clown continued to talk to you, but you were distracted by his large red nose. You recognized him from the posters - he was Buggy the Clown, the pirate who originally began Buggy’s Delivery Service, now known as Cross Guild. But you were just wondering why the red nose looked so realistic. Surely it’s not real?
“Y/N? I’ll show you to his room, it’s where he told me to bring you.” The nose was real, but you now had more important things to think about.
“His room should be fine, thank you.” You finally replied, making eye contact. Just to be met with freaky pale blue eyes. This man did not win the genetics lottery.
Buggy continued to ramble as he showed you around. Your mind however was not retaining any of it. After three months of not seeing Crocodile, the person you held most dear in the world, you were itching to see him again, and being closer to your goal did not put you at ease. Instead, you were even more anxious. Even this slight delay due to Mihawk had you peeved.
Finally, you arrived at a large gilded door. It was very Crocodile - a  golden gilded frame for a large black door, granted all doors had to be large to allow someone like Croc through. You reached for the matching golden handle on the door and walked into his - no, your room.
Buggy wished you well and ran off before you could say goodbye. You didn’t listen to him much, but it was easy to tell that he was terrified of Crocodile.
You chuckled and closed the door behind you. A quick sweep of the room told you you had beaten Crocodile to the room. You sighed and tossed a backpack you had brought on a nearby couch.
The room was massive - it was easily the size of a small apartment. The first half of the room was a lounge; a large fireplace to your right with the couch and coffee table in front of it, and a Crocodile-sized armchair in the corner. To your left was a desk, already drowned in papers - why being a pirate created so much paperwork, you would never know. The second half was the bedroom. At the center of the back wall was a massive 4 post-bed - absurdly large, even for Crocodile. Both of you could lay in bed at the same time and never accidentally touch. But the fancy, if not gaudy decor that covered the entire room was not surprising to you.
Sir Crocodile had always been partial to the baroque style.
You made your way to the bed and climbed onto it. You may have to ask for some steps to be installed if you are supposed to sleep here every night. You sunk into the bed and let out a long sigh. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be much longer till he arrived.
Then, as if summoned by your thoughts, the door opened again and Crocodile stepped in. You immediately sat up on the bed and looked at him.
The purple vest wasn’t your favorite look on Crocodile, but right now just having him in sight brought a grin to your face.
As soon as he saw you he vanished into sand and then reappeared on the bed in front of you. You inadvertently sucked in a breath - you were used to seeing him use his devil fruit powers, but having him so near - his face now less than a foot away from yours - well, you weren’t prepared for it.
“Hello my love,” Croc’s voice swept over you, the deep rasp of it driving straight into your chest.
Before you could get a reply out he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. You melted into him, all the tension of your separation vanishing with his presence. He was kneeling in front of you on the bed, and his hand came up to the back of your head to gently press you against his lips, his weight now resting on his hook to your right.
You pressed forward, your hands finding support on his chest - warm and solid, he was finally there with you - and hand one traveled up to cup his face. He hummed against you, then finally pulled back. The kiss could not have been that long but you were still at a loss for breath, but smiled at him.
A soft smile appeared across his face as well, his massive hands still cupping your face.
“Gods I missed you,” You finally responded and he chuckled. As you two just looked at each other you noticed a strand of hair fall in front of his face, his normally slicked-back style beginning to fall apart.
You moved your hand from his jaw and began to sweep the hair back into place, but then paused your hand atop his head. Your fingers briefly carded through his hair, and then you grabbed a portion between your fingers.
“Croc, darling, when was the last time you washed your hair?” Now that you looked at him, Crocodile did not look. Well. His deep-set eyes now seemed darker due to the bags underneath, his face paler than you were familiar with, and his hair….
At first glance, you thought it was a healthy shine that covered it, but now realize it was oil. His hair had clearly not been washed in days, maybe even weeks from the look of it, and stayed slicked back on his head from the build-up. The last time you had seen him in a similar state was shortly after he escaped from Impel Down.
Crocodile heaved a sigh, his eyes closing and shoulders slumped. He mumbled something towards the bed, but with his deep voice and his face not facing yours, you didn’t quite catch it.
“Sorry, could you repeat that?” You tried to use a gentle tone with him - you were now concerned for him, confused as to how he got in this state.
“I haven’t been comfortable enough to bathe, not since the Warlords were dissolved,” Crocodile spoke up, but still not making eye contact.
You felt yourself slightly lean back in surprise. It made sense you suppose - not only were devil fruit users slightly weakened by any body of water, sea water or not, but Crocodile’s powers were rendered completely useless when he got wet. If he had been chased by Marines for the past few weeks and then untrusting of his new business partners, he was going to avoid putting himself at risk of being vulnerable.
You briefly considered having Daz acting as guard at the door when Croc was bathing, but not only would that indicate he was at his weakest, but it was sure to somehow make him embarrassed. For a man with such a large ego, he really could not handle any bruises to his pride.
Instead of prying into his discomfort, you brought your hand under his chin and lifted his face to look at him.
“I need to bathe as well after all the bullshit that’s happened. Would you care to accompany me?” Your offer of an act of intimacy like this was sure to distract from whatever negative feelings he may have.
Sure enough, a smirk spread across his face, his eyes already seeming to undress you before you two had even made a move towards the bathroom.
You move your hand from his chin to his face, covering his eyes. “Cut that out, I’m too tired for anything like that.” It was true; whatever adrenaline had kept you going during your time apart was now gone, swept away and replaced by exhaustion. You wanted nothing more than to get clean and crawl into bed with this man and sleep for the next 16 hours.
Crocodile merely laughed at your indignation and brought his arms underneath your hips. He easily lifted you into his grasp and carried you off the bed and into the bathroom.
You had noticed the door to the left when you walked in but hadn’t made it that far. While it may have been fair to assume it was large, you were still taken aback by the size.
It was practically a small spa. The shower could easily have both of you in there and even more, people if the occasion required it. But what stole the show was the bath.
It was less like a bath and more like a large hot tub. Or a private hot spring. It was already filled with water and steam rolled off the top.
“I had someone prepare the bath for us.” You looked up at Crocodile, finally dragging your eyes away from the bathroom. “I figured you wouldn’t be pleased by the state I was in and I thought you would enjoy relaxing in a bath.” He was looking down at you, his signature shit-eating smirk sitting on his face.
You just sighed in response and leaned into his embrace, resting your head below his chin.
“It’s perfect, thank you.” You closed your eyes as you felt him press a soft kiss on your head.
He eventually let you go and you both undressed, piling all your clothes together. You stepped into the water first, standing on a wide step as you looked at Croc. Several steps went down into the bath, which was really just a small hot pool you decided. It allowed you and Crocodile to be submerged at your preferred depth in the water, a convenience you were grateful for.
Crocodile was a vision. Still as well built as the first time you meant, now slightly softened by age and covered with more scars. You tried your best to keep your eyesight above the waist but couldn’t help some appreciative glances at what was below.
Crocodile also stared back at you, his eyes devouring the sight of you naked in the bath before him. Any apprehension he may have had vanished when you reached out to him, beckoning him to the water. He walked down the steps and went past you, deeper into the water, till he was only a foot taller than you rather than his usual height difference.
You now felt too drained for words, the warm water relaxing you into a state of drowsiness. You gestured towards Crocodile to sit down on one of the higher steps. He gave you a questioning look but listened to your commands. He was used to the occasions you decided to go nonverbal.
After he sat down in the water you noticed it - there was a detachable shower head that was attached to the edge so you could wash your hair in the pool. That would make this process much easier.
Grabbing the shower head you found the knob at the base and turned on the water. The sound of running water made Crocodile turn his head and look at what you were up to. You just smiled back at him and gestured for him to lean his head back so you could rinse. He dutifully closed his eyes and leaned back as you rinsed the water through his hair.
After you had prepared his head you then went back to the edge of the pool and looked at some soaps that had been provided. They were thankfully labeled in little dishes - a bar of shampoo, a bar of conditioner, and body wash. You grabbed the bar of shampoo and thoroughly lathered it in your hands.
You then walked back to the large man who sat there and began to work the shampoo into his hair. As your nails gently dragged against his scalp, Crocodile leaned back towards your touch, a deep sigh escaping him as he fully relaxed into you.
Your heart ached at his softness. When was the last time he let himself relax? The last time you were together? If so, you couldn’t imagine how amazing it may feel for him to finally be at ease after months of staying on guard.
Before you let yourself get emotional by this, you focus back on the task at hand. You were now determined to get this man as relaxed as possible. You had loved Crocodile for a long time and took pleasure in doing mundane daily things such as this with him. The fact that he seemed to not only enjoy it but often only did these mundane tasks with you, made them into something special.
Lather, rinse. Lather, rinse. Condition and while you let it sit in his hair you began to wash your own.
Eventually, you both emerged from the now almost cool pool, completely clean and perfectly exhausted.
Robes had been prepared along with everything else, and after you dried off you slipped yours on. It was normal person-sized, definitely not something you could mistake for Croc’s robe that was so long it would have engulfed you.
Before you could begin to walk, Crocodile leaned down and picked you up again in a bridal carry.
You made a small noise in surprise but then leaned into his chest, the robe soft and warm against your cheek.
Crocodile carried you back into the bedroom and carefully placed you into the bed. You pulled back the blankets and arranged the pillows as your partner went around and sat on the edge of the bed and lit his final cigar of the day. As he puffed the cigar he went about dismantling his hook.
Crocodile was quite adept with his chosen prosthetic, you never feared he would accidentally hurt you with it, but at night was a different story. It had taken a while to convince him you would both be better off if he didn’t wear it at night and he had relented. Now it was a nightly ritual for him to take it off before going to sleep.
You leaned back into the bed and turned to face Crocodile. Your partner was occupied reading some documents he must have grabbed from his desk at some point - being able to turn into sand had its perks - but turned to meet your gaze.
The cigar was quickly put out and discarded to the nightstand on his side of the bed. He then leaned and turned off the last lamp and the entire room went dark. Your eyes quickly adjusted to the moonlight coming from the windows of the room and you could just barely make out Crocodile.
He finally leaned back into the bed and then you felt more than saw as he reached out and pulled you to him, the large bed not large enough to keep you away from your love.
Crocodile was always so warm. For someone with his namesake, you had assumed that he would be cold-blooded, but for you, he burned. His hand, wide and warm and no longer covered in rings, made its way to your face.
Leaning across the pillows, Crocodile kissed you again. Your hands reached out to pull him closer, and soon both of you had your arms and legs wrapped tight around each other. Part of you wished neither of you would ever have to let go, that maybe you could just drown in him, be buried alive in the sand and smoke.
You separated the kiss to breathe again and tucked your head into the curve of his neck.
“I can’t do that again. Being away from you for so long was horrible.” You finally spoke up, your voice hoarse with exhaustion and emotion.
Crocodile’s grip around you only tightened, his face leaning down to bury it in your hair. He took a deep breath and exhaled before responding.
“I have forgotten what it was like to live before knowing you.” His voice shook through you, the vibrations of it coming from his chest. “I’ve found out I am no longer capable of finding joy without you.”
You felt like you might cry - from happiness or sadness, you were unsure. Instead, you blinked back the tears and backed from his chest to look at him again.
Crocodile had never looked so tired before. He looked at you with such longing, maybe even grief in his gaze, that you knew without a doubt that he spoke the truth. He didn’t look like he would cry, and you have never seen him shed a single tear. But this was probably the closest you have gotten to him doing so.
“So I guess we'll just have to stay together from now on, hm?” You murmured to him, your hands coming up to brush some stray hairs from his face.
Crocodile just smiled at you and agreed. “I do hope you realize I wouldn’t let you leave me even if you wanted to.” He spoke so softly that it sounded sweet rather than obsessive. But you were so obsessed with him in return you didn’t even care.
“Sounds perfect to me.” You whispered as you leaned in to kiss him again.
Eventually, the two of you began to drift off, finally safe and sound in each other. As you fell asleep that night, surrounded by Crocodile’s warm embrace, you had never felt so loved.
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rhaenin-time · 4 months
There are too many people who, upon encountering a woman character with too many specific traits and flaws established, lose the ability to identify with them and turn to secondary, less active, less developed characters that they can more easily project into.
As in, they'll reframe the whole story in their head and insist the true protagonist is a secondary or tertiary character. That the original protagonist is a 'Mary Sue' not worth regard. And it's weird because so often women characters are also criticized and labelled as Mary Sue's for the opposite reason as well.
I do not mean said secondary/tertiary character is bad or uninteresting. I simply mean it's inaccurate to frame them as the protagonist, and I do often see said characters proclaimed to have traits they don't possess (often traits taken from the protagonist).
It's a phenomenon not restricted to women, but I have noticed it's more common with women. For some reason they rarely do this to the men of the story. And I feel like there's some internalized misogyny in there.
I see it on both the audience end and occasionally even the writer's end. *cough* The Vampire Diaries *cough*. For now, I'll call it the Trapped in a Island with Josh Hutcherson phenomenon where Jenny Nicholson points out that the author wrote a self-insert, got jealous of the self-insert when she took on too much of a life of her own, and proceeded to write a new self-insert to push the old one aside.
Some examples:
Rhaenyra → Alicent, Helaena, and occasionally Baela & Rhaena (might also be some ageism in there too)
Arya & Dany → Sansa, the Dead Ladies Club, Brienne on occasion
Elena Gilbert (TVD) → Caroline Forbes
Those are the most blatant examples, but I swear this phenomenon is EVERYWHERE.
Anyways, I'm looking for more specific examples so I can better look into it. If you can think of another one, do me a favour and drop it below!
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alohajun · 1 year
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mingyu x fem!reader | wc : 0.5k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, established relationship, fluffity fluff, swearing, playful teasing | loki’s lines : atp i don’t have an excuse maybe i am a seventeen writer at heart
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silence. absolute pure silence.
it was pin-drop silent as mingyu walked into your shared apartment, brows furrowed in worry at the lack of noise.
you said you were home, but why is it so silent? were you sick? were you okay?
all sorts of worrisome questions ran through your boyfriend's head as he took off his shoes, wondering what had happened.
and that was when he heard it.
“oh my fucking goodness, what the actual fucking fuckity fuck of a thirst trap is this?!” you screamed, staring at the video you had just received on your phone.
mingyu's soul left his body upon hearing your scream, quickly rushing to your room to see what was the issue.
“you are telling me that is kim mingyu?!” the male paused in his tracks, standing near the doorway as he listened to you talk to someone over the phone. “dude, you are joking.”
jinny laughed, finding her best friend's reaction hilarious. “i'm being for real. his fancam has been trending everywhere,” she commented.
mingyu raised his brow in confusion, wondering why his girlfriend and her best friend were talking about a fancam of his.
stay with me 어느 순간에도.
kim mingyu smiled upon hearing his voice, realising which fancam you were screaming about. it was a clip from their “be the sun” tour in jakarta.
the rain really took the cake, he thought to himself.
“how many more times are you gonna watch it?” jinny questioned, hearing the same lyric around ten times in the past minute.
“as long as it takes me to believe this is mingyu,” you muttered in awe, hitting replay once again.
“y/n, that really is mingyu!”
“you are telling me i'm dating him?! i'm dating the rain-soaked deep-voiced thirst-trapping guy in this video?! that's my mingyu?!”
mingyu peeked into your room, grinning ear to ear. “yep, the one and only, truly yours,” he announced, bowing mockingly.
a quiet gasp left your lips, the disbelief only doubling when your best friend hung up, leaving you to fend your actions alone.
“exactly, how much did you hear?”
mingyu chuckled. “as much as i needed to hear,” he replied, smile widening when your cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
“ah,” you whined. “forget about it. you heard nothing!”
“don't do that, babe.” mingyu joined you on the bed, easily pulling you into his embrace. “it makes me happy when you say things like that.”
you raised your brows, looking skeptically. “me fangirling over your fancam is not cringy at all to you?” you inquired.
your boyfriend rolled his eyes playfully. “i fanboy over you every day, my love. do you find that cringy?” he stated, as if it was the obvious.
“no, of course not! it’s your way of showing your love and i love that.” kim mingyu raised a brow knowingly, smiling adoringly when you realized your own words. “oh … i see.”
“i love you, y/n … especially when you are fangirling over an actual fucking fuckity fuck of a thirst trap of mine.”
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honeybubblebeeeeee · 5 months
TW: established relationship, toxic relationship, Eren has a temper. angsty
inspired by a scene from the movie 'Priscilla'
(also send requests! i appreciate them they help smmmm with writers block <3)
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Eren has a bit of a temper, he is always under constant stress with everything he is trying to do and accomplish. He sometimes has a habit of snapping on people around him, including you. Most cases it's hard to tell if he means it or not. He swears he doesn't mean it.
Eren was in his office in the home you shared. The one he asked you to move into so you would be closer to him, so he could keep you safe.
You were cleaning out his bags from his last couple month trip. He didn't tell you were he went, he couldn't. You understood in a way, if you didn't know you truly couldn't answer when asked and therefore would be safe.
You pulled out a jacket, and shook it to straighten it. A piece of paper fell from the pocket, floating to the ground. Your eyes trained on the folded paper. Slowly you bent down and hesitantly took the paper and dropped the jacket.
The smell of a woman's perfume wafted towards you as you unfolded it. A woman's neat writing marred the page.
Thank you for everything Ren. Meeting you is the best thing to happen to me. ~Mae <3
The note seemed like it could be innocent but the hearts and lipstick marks that covered the paper made your blood run cold as your body shook.
Slowly you stood and walked quickly towards his office, you ignored the closed doors that usually meant to leave him be and stormed up to him. As the doors opened he looked up from where he sat with his feet resting on the desk. Slowly he straightened, giving you a dirty look.
"Sorry I'm gonna have to call you back. Something's come up." Eren hung up the phone and looked up as you held up the note. "Now don't go imagining things."
You scoffed. "Like what? Mae? Ren?"
He sighed annoyed and pushed away from his desk, walking past you. "Look, I don't wanna hear it right now." He continued out of the office. "Well is there something you're hiding?!" Your voice broke as you followed him down the hall towards the bedroom you shared.
"I don't have a goddamn thing to hide! You're always being too goddamn aggressive and demanding!" He stopped in the middle of the room. "You know what? Maybe you should go back home for a little while."
Tears brimmed as he glared and you and walked into your closet. Panic settled into your chest. "What?! NO! I'm not going! I won't!"
He ripped down a suitcase from the top shelf. "Well I think you should! You know what I'll help you start packing!" Eren blew through the closet, ripping hangers of clothes off the rack and throwing them in your general direction as he screamed. "AY! Someone get Y/N a chaperone and get her out as soon as possible! She's going back home for a while!" Eren continued his terror through your closet. "HURRY UP!" He continued throwing items towards you.
You could do nothing but watch in horror as his temper took him over. Tears fell and slowly you sunk to the ground, picking up a few items as sobs started to loudly wrack your body. You could barely think as you kneeled on the floor, eyes blind with tears, trying to hastily fold the items. Sobs interrupted you from continuing as you closed your eyes and just let the cries come.
You hadn't even realized Eren had stopped. He kneeled down beside you and placed a hand on your arm. You sniffled, looking up towards him with tear stained eyes.
"I-I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean it. Are you okay?" A sob escaped you and he slowly stood, softly pulling you along with him. "Come on, come on baby, come here." He sat you on the bed, softly gripping your chin and turning your head towards him. You chest stuttered as you tried to hold back a sob, tears still fell rapidly as you looked at him.
"It's okay, I'm sorry. You need me." A soft smile crossed his face as he pulled you in. One arm wrapped around his neck and the other around your torso. He laid his head on your shoulder, kissing the bare skin that was visible.
You're body relaxed into a weird state of calm even though your mind reeled as the event but what could you say? He swears he didn't mean it.
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20thcentwriter · 2 months
Get him back [Michael Gavey x OC]
Chapter One- When Edith Met Michael
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Word count- 1.2k
Cw- swearing
Vaguely proofread
A/n hello everyone, welcome to chapter one of my series. I don't consider myself a great writer but I hope you enjoy this series I have planned. I kinda have no clue what I'm doing really and any tips and tricks would be very helpful. All I know is that I'm excited to discover the relationship between Edith and Michael.
Also apologies for this chapter being kind of short. I just wanted to establish the breakup between Felix and Edith and have her meet Michael. It will get more interesting
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“You’re breaking up with me?!?” Edith can’t believe what she’s hearing
… Well maybe she can a little bit but it doesn’t mean she thought this would really happen.
“Umm…Ed… yeah. You know we’re both going to uni in two weeks.”
“Felix Catton don’t you fucking bullshit me. you and I are both going to Oxford.”
”Okay umm…” Felix brings his hand to rub his chin. “ it’s just that this whole past year I’ve been so great and understanding about your boundaries regarding sex but I thought by now we’d have already done it though. I don't think it’s going to work.”
Through breathy laughter Edith can’t help containing her anger “Wait- So what you’re telling me is that you are done with me because I'm not ready to have sex and you’re horny ?!?!”
“That's pretty much the case, yeah.”
”You know what Felix Catton, I can't believe I thought you would ever be understanding.” Edith starts, heels turning to walk away so he couldn’t see the tears whining to spill. “You fucking suck and fuck you!!!!”
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“What a fucking asshole,” Edith mutters under her breath peering out the window of her room. She shakes her head looking at a completely okay looking Felix Catton chatting and laughing with other popular rich kids who some Edith use to call “friends” .
The term “friends” would frankly be a loose term for Edith because they were more of people she hung out with because she was dating Felix, they weren’t true friends. she’s never exactly had a true friend.
Eddie knows he doesn’t deserve anymore of her feelings towards him but it’s hard. All she wants to do is scream and cry, telling Felix that he’s so pathetic.
Edith knows she can’t, all those other girls would come right after her, saying she’s jealous and desperate. how could he just break her heart and be completely okay? He’s most likely even moved on already.
Taking her eyes off from her ex, Edith flops onto her bed with a groan. All she wishes to do for the rest of the day is sit on her bed and read her book, draw in her sketchbook and maybe play her guitar. She’s aware though that she has to go to the dining hall tonight. Edith hasn’t been able to eat all day as she’s been moving in.
The idea of having to potentially sit near a perfectly fine Felix makes her want to gouge her eyes.
It's also her luck though that she’ll be stuck with some maths loser who forces you to answer sums, showing off how smart they are. If she were to compare the two she would take the maths loser but still not ideal.
Completely done with reality, Edith grabs her ipod, headphones and sketchbook off her nightstand and drowns out the world with music and drawing until she has to leave her room.
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This is just great. I don't have to sit next to Felix but I also can’t find a seat in the first place. Edith can’t help but comment in her head, walking the dining hall in hopes of a spot to sit.
In a way she did luck out but she doesn’t know where to sit. That thankfully for Edith isn’t long lasting as she finds an open seat next to a boy with dirty blonde hair and glasses. Not thinking to whom she might have to converse with, she quickly walks over and sits down desperate to begin eating.
As she's eating, Edith can't help but feel uneasy and like someone to the right is staring into her soul through her ear. She looks up to the right and piercing blue eyes fill her vision. she whispers an awkward hi and smiles at the very strange boy and he in return moves his eyes down to her messenger bag.
Edith’s bag is decorated with little doodles that draws on it when she’s bored. The boy quickly turns his head away from muttering something under his breath that Edith didn’t pick up on but knew couldn’t have been nice.
What an ass.
The feeling of uneasy and bitterness doesn’t die the more she sits next to this guy. It was also not exactly possible to find a new seat either as the only other open seat was across from him and somehow for Edith that would be even worse. She feels bad for whoever would be sitting across from him
Like the universe reading her mind, another boy around her age with dark brown hair and glasses, who after struggling to find a place in the dining, eventually seats himself, somewhat reluctantly. right across from the strange boy.
The two boys stare at each other in silence for a few minutes, the brown-haired boy also clearly uneasy like Edith. it was the other boy who reach his hand out though to the brunet to introduce himself and Edith finally learned this strange boy’s name
”Hi I’m Michael Gavey”
The other boy accepts Michaels outreached hand and Edith learns his name is Oliver Quick. The boy begins to converse with one another. The last thing she got by fully eavesdropping was Michael asking Oliver if he was also a Norman no-mate too.
Not really interested, Edith turns her attention back to her half empty plate. the quicker she finishes the faster she can leave and not have to be in the presence of this Michael Gavey.
Even with half eavesdropping and half ignoring the two. Edith slightly laughs to herself as Michael tells Oliver even though he doesn’t like math, he is some math genius and to ask him a sum. Oliver clearly uncomfortable and telling Michael he’s fine and that he doesn’t need to ask him a sum
Edith though couldn’t expect was was to come out of a now agitated Michael.
Jesus fucking christ Edith curses to herself while the whole dining hall quiets at the sudden intrusion of loudness. Among the same surprise, She is also intrigued and she smirks knowing something that would give her a little happiness asking Michael.
Before Oliver could clear the embarrassment he's feeling at Michael's sudden outburst, Edith interrupts. “What's 34+35?”
The attention of the boys are turned on to Edith as she smiles as Michael answers but then realizing what sum she asked, face turns to annoyance at the question, clearly knowing she is taking the mick out of him.
“Haha, very funny….” Michael’s voice trails waiting for a name
“Edith Pemberton and you said to ask a sum”
“Well Edith Pemberton i don't think I was talking to you Ms.” I'm wasting my money on an vapid arts degree”
“How fuck do you know what I'm learning.”
“Lucky guess based on how you're dressing and your… interestingly designed… bag.”
The gull this guy has to judge after literally yelling at someone to ask him a sum.
“Well Mr “I think math and science is better than the arts” you're wasting your money on a subject you don't really like so guess who's money is really wasted”
“Well at least I'll be making money post grad How about You? Oh wait Probably not.”
“Wow Michael Gavey you deserve a Nobel prize for solving the meaning of life!! Making money!!” sarcasm spilling from Edith’s mouth, not wanting to let this guy win.
Due to the bickering fight Edith and Michael were having, either of them failed to realized Oliver used it as a way to escape the situation
“God you're such a cunt Edith Pemberton.”
“Takes one to know one bitch.” a smirk reappearing on her face as she picks up her now almost empty plate and bag to leave a now bewildered Michael Gavey.
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Taglist- @fan-goddess @iamavailablesstuff @callsignwidow
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gingerjunhan · 5 months
Hello! First of all Merry Christmas, I hope that next year will be a good year for you and nothing bad will happen.
Can I please request ot6 reaction to having their first sleepover at your place and sharing bed with you for the first time? I'm craving some giggly cute fluff 🥹
Also can I be your 🌱 anon?
☆彡 hiii 🌱anon!! So sorry this took a while, writers block hit me pretty hard :( so if there’s something you aren’t happy with please let me know! Thank you so much for the well wishes, and I hope your year had a wonderful start! 🩷🩷
word count: 1480 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: written during very bad writers block, reader has a “girls night” w/ Gunil, sex joke (not about reader!) w/ Gunil, swearing, eating, bad family dynamics? (mentioned), Jooyeon’s is a lil angsty?, not really proofread (shocker!), lmk if I missed something!
goo gunil
You had asked Gunil to spend the night at your house one Friday night once you were both done at work for the day. You joked that it could be a stereotypical “girls night,” including face masks, cheesy movies, gossip about your coworkers (probably more your coworkers than his)- the whole nine yards. You seemed excited, so he said yes. It was a great time, filling him in on all the workroom gossip and having him eat it up.
“I’m telling you, Gunil,” you told him over a plate of takeout, “I wouldn’t be shocked if she was sleeping with our boss.”
“No way,” he gasps. “That bitch!”
It was the perfect, relaxing and fun night you both needed. When it finally came time for the both of you to go to bed, that’s when Gunil started to panic. You were in your bedroom, changing into pajamas, and Gunil was mentally giving himself a pep-talk in the bathroom. It won’t be that awkward! It’ll be fine! You guys have cuddled in bed together before, so this is no different! It’s okay!
Gunil shook off (more like, repressed) the last of his nerves and made his way back to your bedroom. You were climbing into bed as he walked through the door, and once you threw your arms open for him, Gunil felt his nerves melt away for good. He quickly made his way over to your bed, bringing you into his embrace as well, getting ready to have a well earned night of rest.
kim jungsu
After a bad storm blew in while Jungsu was over at your place for the day, you insisted that he spend the night. He tried to put up a fight, saying that it wouldn’t be necessary, but you insisted.
“It’s not safe for you to go out in that storm. You’re staying here and that’s final.”
It wasn’t like you were unprepared for his stay- you had stolen enough of his clothes that supply him with at least three other outfits, and your bed was plenty big enough to sleep the both of you. Again, he tried to put up a fight, insisting that he would sleep on the couch. You basically laughed in his face when you refused. You were honestly glad the storm came through when it did. You’ve been wanting to ask Jungsu to spend the night for a while, but wasn’t sure if he would want to do it. The storm gave you an excuse.
Jungsu felt the same way, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Since dating you, Jungsu always made sure to have some sort of plushie or pillow to hold on to, always wishing you were next to him instead. So, when the two of you finally decided to turn in for the night, you welcomed each other with open arms. It was a little strange at first since neither of you wanted to make the other uncomfortable- but soon enough you both fell into a very comfortable sleep.
kwak jiseok
When you had invited Jiseok over to spend the night, he was practically vibrating with excitement. Jiseok would spend every minute of every day with you if he could- and now he can!! He was going to come over for dinner, stay the night, and then you guys were going to go out for a cute little breakfast date in the morning.
When you both made your way to bed, Jiseok was the first to be ready. When you returned to your room, Jiseok faced you with a teasing smirk.
“Who’s this little guy?”
A well-loved plushie was now being held by its scruff in Jiseok’s hand as he let out a chuckle. He found the fact that it was a little yellow duck to be very endearing. You felt yourself blush.
“Don’t hold him like that!” You quickly grabbed the plushie from Jiseok, “You’ll hurt him.” With a frown, you took the plushie into your arms and crawled into bed, Jiseok following closely behind you. He found your need to parent your plushie to be cute, and he let you know by giving you an apology for a kiss on the cheek.
When the two of you finally got settled, Jiseok made sure to hold you close to him- even if there was a plushie squished in between you.
oh seungmin
Showing up at each other's homes unannounced wasn’t uncommon between you and Seungmin. However, tonight was a little different.
It was around 10:00 when you heard a knock at your door, and when you found Seungmin on the other side, you gave him a confused look.
“You’re here late.”
“We unexpectedly got the day off and… I missed you,” he admitted into the cold air outside your door. “May I come in?”
You welcomed Seungmin into your home with open arms- quite literally. Seungmin had been working a lot recently, so you hadn’t seen him in a while. You threw your arms around him in a tight embrace, and that’s when you noticed his backpack.
You chuckled, “What’s with the bag?”
“Since it’s already late I figured I’d be here a while, so I brought some stuff in case. Is that okay?”
Your eyes lit up and you practically dragged Seungmin back into your bedroom, tossing him down on the mattress and jumping on top of him. He let out a laugh as you both got comfortable. He knew that you had been missing him, so he figured a nice, long, extended cuddle session was exactly what you both needed right now. Although, there was no use in Seungmin bringing his things. You almost didn’t let him out of your grasp when he said he was going to change into pajamas.
han hyeongjun
Hyeongjun had been waiting anxiously for this day to arrive. He was finally going to be spending the night at your place, and he was nervous to say the least.
The evening started off simple. You had made a small dinner together and watched it over a new show you both had planned on starting. It was all going well until Hyeongjun saw you starting to yawn.
“Sleepy?” He gently ran a hand up and down your back. You nodded.
“I think I’m gonna go to bed soon,” you admitted.
At this, Hyeongjun’s cheeks went pink, and he hoped you didn’t notice. After a short while, you went back to your room to start your nighttime routine, telling him that he could come join you if he wanted. He nodded his head and swallowed hard.
He walked into your room as you picked out your pajamas, and he was quick to stop you.
“Hey! Is that my shirt?” He quickly came over to you and examined your choice of sleep shirt, causing you to laugh. “I’ve been looking for this!”
After some light teasing and nagging, Hyeongjun finally let you go change. Once you returned, the heat quickly returned to Hyeongjun’s cheeks. He excused himself to go change before you could see it.
Once he came back and found his way into your embrace under the covers, you laughed lightly to yourself.
“What?” He asked.
“Nothing,” you pinched the hem of his shirt between your fingers. “I’m just thinking about how I should steal this one too.”
lee jooyeon
After a bad family get together, Jooyeon could sense the way your attitude had shifted. You seemed to be dragging your feet through your day to day routine. Jooyeon knew that you had never really gotten along with some of your family members, so he chose not to pry. Instead, he decided to do whatever it took to make you feel better.
The weekend had finally arrived, and Jooyeon made his way over to your apartment. He brought what he referred to as “his bag of tricks” with him. He brought snacks, games, extra clothes for him to wear and for you to steal, sweet drinks, you name it. Jooyeon was determined to get your typical smile back on your face- even if it was just for a little while.
The night started with games, and then somehow quickly turned into karaoke. You had found yourselves with your fake microphones in hand, rapidly approaching a noise complaint from your neighbors.
“C’mon, (Y/N)! Pick our next song!”
The singing and dancing worked you well into the night, and had done a good job at tiring you out. One by one, you excused yourselves to go get ready for bed.
Jooyeon now had you flush to his chest with a hand in your hair. He hoped you couldn’t hear how his heart was racing. He was planning on blaming it on some leftover adrenaline. Jooyeon was telling you a story, but he quickly realized that you weren’t listening anymore. He looked down at your sleeping frame, seeing the smile on your face, and returning it with one of his own.
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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dxy-drxxm · 1 year
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Kaedehara Kazuha is what you'd call “bastard”— a cheeky smile, red eyes that light up at the mention of you, and seem to act like a cheeky little shit with others. When it's behind closed doors, however, you can attest that he's quite a lovesick fool— like you. ( gen. neutral reader )
Fluff ; established relationships ; Kazuha is a lovesick bastard (/aff) ; mentions of slight stalking (not from either lmao) ; a tiny moment of angst (Kazuha doesn't take care of himself) ; it's okay lmao it's just a tiny bit of angst
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Kazuha was someone people considered to be... Normal by many. At least, when you look at him, he doesn't seem the incel type to complain about certain matters.
No, far from it, actually.
For those who knew him, they can attest that he's a good kid. He looks young, but in his early twenties, he's build up a name for himself.
Online, he's regarded as a writer- someone that writes his experiences in his space of the Internet, which is mostly about his travels. Albeit it is difficult to attain some sort of following from it, many people had found solace and excitement on his logs and stuck around for more.
So many would ask him questions about his travels, some ranging from how it was like being there, to mentioning if he had saw them in his trips to the cities for his bookings. Even when he didn't say anything other than make vague mentions of seeing them, people made their conclusions and ideas from it.
In a way, he certainly fueled the fire and had people guessing of where he could be— which was quite amusing on its own, if not for the fact no one truly knew how he looked like or what his actual name was.
Outside of his online presence, he worked at a normal job as a web designer, knowing he can't live off of what he wrote alone in the digital space. Tasked to designing websites and the like, he got a good pay out of it for his skills— even if the clients were a little indecisive at times.
But to you?
He's what you'd call a lovable bastard.
“Kazuha, you have a client under a strict deadline. Are you sure you can slack off?"
“Haha, you know I can, maple,” the albino said with a smile, giving you a look that screamed ‘so what?’. “Do you want to deprive me off of your affection this much?”
Case in point: right now.
I'm going to punch this man, you mused, squinting at the red eyed bastard before you. Shame he's too cute... Or that he's my boyfriend to begin with.
You knew Kazuha had been busy for the past few weeks, mostly because of his work as a web designer. He hasn't gotten a lot of time off of it from a nightmare of a client, constantly demanding changes one day to end up getting mad the next when he did what they asked.
It was... Concerning. Extremely so, when many who worked like him had spoke about them and warned him not to. But by the grace of archons, he decided to take it on.
Like a fool.
He's had a bit of a break from the client for the time being after you told him he hasn't been taking better care of himself. You swore that if he doesn't, he's about to land a trip to the hospital with his habits of skipping meals and not taking an actual good night's sleep.
(You caught him several times either taking power naps or drinking enough coffee that he's gone through withdrawals, and you told him off for it.)
It was only now that he decided to finally take a break as he finished up the majority of the design, saying he can always look back on it tomorrow for final touches... Which was the deadline.
You swear this man has no concept of how much time he's got left.
Giving said man a look, you said bluntly, “Well, you said that you'll be taking a break now, but tomorrow is the deadline. You know that client is going to hound at you for missing it.”
His brows furrowed at that.
“Well, I can always say that's the final product. I'd rather not waste any time being with you now that I'm finally done,” he rebutted, making you pause for a moment. Well, he wasn't wrong, that's for certain.
... that client was a monster to work for, after all.
Sighing, you nuzzled closer to him in his embrace, smelling the faint scent of wood. This made the albino chuckle as he sifted through your locks.
“Got nothing to say, love?” he asked by your ear, making you scoff. “Not when you and I know that client is a nutcase.”
This made him laugh— such a voice that rings to your ear like bells.
It made your heart race for a moment.
“Perhaps. But then again, you'd be surprised on why I'm taking a break now after what I've found.”
... wait, what?
You craned your head up at him, brows furrowed in thought. Did he found something damning? If so, why now? He's usually never kept secrets like this- especially if its something so serious.
“What did you find?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
Kazuha's lips curved to a smile.
“Oh, you'll see, darling.”
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It was only when he's sure his lover is slumbering when he got to work.
With his laptop in front of him, he turned his head and focused on what was before him. He's never told anyone what he had found out, as they'd never see him the same way again.
If, well— they knew the client personally, that is.
“To demand me of such work when you've got criminal records like this...”
He shook his head while he wrote a simply announcement on the front page of the blog, his once vibrant eyes narrowed as he stared at the amount of evidence he's got stored. Multiple accounts of stalking on another person— one of his friends, no less— and even blackmail and messages that can be rather concerning.
... it's even worse with what he's demanded, that one. Often demanding more and more of their shameless photos, but to turn it around and use it for more in fear of them getting out in public?
How despicable.
When he was sure he's managed to say his piece there, he's attached as much as he could onto the website. He was a petty man, but he's had a good reason to do so; especially when the client he's working is not someone he wished to be associated with.
Gathering information has never been easier, he mused. It's such a shame he's never a good one to hide his tracks.
When it was all done and attached in places he's sure everyone could see, he saved the website and it's code before messaging the client, letting him know that he was done...
... while neglecting to mention what he's changed, for if he knew, he'd demand some sort of recuperation. Of payment in return for his shame.
If he doesn't pay me back, I suppose that will serve as my insurance.
He did wait for the payment, for he endured 3 weeks with the client's nightmarish demands. And after telling him what he's done and the accumulated payment for the constant major changes, his client refused to pay.
Hah. I should have known.
He scoffed and sent one last message:
[ I understand. However, if you have decided to not pay me back, then do not blame me for what happens next. ]
And before he could say something back to the web designer, he blocked him from his contacts, setting his phone aside. Stretching his arms, he felt his muscles tense as he turned his head.
Kazuha reached over to close the tabs and shut his laptop down, standing up from his chair to walk to the bedroom with his beloved. He needed to unwind, and he's sure tomorrow will be a day of pampering.
Settling under the covers, the albino wrapped his arms around them to pull them closer to him, his head nuzzled to the crook of their neck. Letting out a sigh, his muscles relaxed and he finally felt drowsiness get to him.
... how nice, he thought with a smile. To feel a lover's embrace is rewarding. I love you too much, my dove.
Reaching up to kiss their forehead, his eyes closed as he finally, finally, fell asleep.
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@.enxgmx-wrxtxr | do not republish, repost, or copy my works anywhere | 2023
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
What if,,, What if Sabosanuso,,, What then,,, What if Sanji has two hands, one for Usopp and another for Sabo,,, What if they held hands,,, What if,,,,,, What if Sabo and Usopp get a little too well in Dressrosa while Sanuso is established and both have the biggest crush on each other and then when Sabo meets Sanji he is like "well I GUESS I will just have to fuck both of them now to deal with this crisis"
Koala: You don't have to-
Sabo: I'm going to.
And Sanji also has the biggest crush on Sabo because who wouldn't. So here he comes the most chaotic but gentleman-looking man flirting with both of them and Sanji and Usopp are a whole anxious mess. They throw a party for reasons™ and Sabo approaches them and he is so not subtle it's insane. Unhinged but polite rev. And. And Usopp has to physically drag Sanji to the kitchen to talk in private and they are both going fucking insane with anxiety because "This is Luffy's brother we are talking about!" / "Yes but have you seen his hands!?" / "And his voice but that is not the point!" / "That is exactly the point!" / "Why are Luffy's brothers always so hot?!" / "It's the fucking fruit I swear to-"
They spend like. A long 20 minutes talking there while Sabo waits in front of the door like 👁️👁️ waiting for them to come back. And when they actually do it gets--- It gets very silly very haha very 'I don't want to talk about my thoughts I might faint writing this' type of situation.
Okay, but imagine that after the inevitable threesome that they have, they just keep meeting. Running into each other constantly. And Sanji and Usopp were supposedly in a monogamous relationship. And I say supposedly because it only takes a pretty blond former rich boy turned into a chaotic hot mess to make them change the only rule they had. So now they are like "okay, we can sleep with other people and that people is Sabo and Sabo only because look at him-". So they are not dating Sabo but they can sleep with him even if it's not the three of them.
While all of this happens, by the way, Sabo is having the most wonderful time of his life. Because he doesn't show it to them but he is also a babygirl and when he's alone with Koala he can't stop kicking his feet and screaming into his pillow and going "THEY ARE SO CUTE HOW AM I GOING TO DEAL WITH THIS IF EVERY TIME I GO SEE MY BROTHER I END UP DISTRACTED" / "You end up distracted anyway, who cares? As if you didn't enjoy it" / "I enjoy it very much yeah-"
AND- They catch feelings because of course they do. At some point there is the "Usopp, darling, you have a type" conversation, but he doesn't want to get too deep into, um, the subject (.... Kaya, Sanji, Sabo... Boy... I have some news for you).
I can't stop thinking about them,,,, Usopp being dramatic and telling his stories and Sabo following every detail with extreme care (he is. He is a writer. You guys. I. Can we just talk abt what that implies for Sabosopp???). Sanji cooking and Sabo desperately trying to help but failing miserably and ending up in a corner of the room with Usopp as a "punishment" but actually they're just cuddling watching Sanji cook. There is no "and they were both ***" here anymore because Sabo tops them both, no doubt. Maybe Usopp tops a single time but Sabo won't stop teasing and it's insufferable. And- And they are so cute. The most annoying boyfriends you will ever meet.
The most important thing here is to know that now Luffy is extremely jealous because he fears Sanji might end up cooking more for Sabo despite Sabo literally coming over to see them once a month or every three weeks and Luffy is always there. And he also does not want to lose his precious time talking about beetles or fishing with Usopp because of Sabo. But!!!!! They look really happy so he accepts it. And now Sabo is around more, so that is something nice too.
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coffeebanana · 3 months
WIP Reblog Game
Ooooh this one looks fun. Thanks for the tag @kasienda!
I always feel like I see the same games going around and for the most part I've played them before and I feel like I have nothing new to say, so it's exciting to find something new!
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
everything i know (brings me back to us) - post-s5, post-adrinette break up ladrien fic
This Fire Won't Sleep Through The Night - alyanette princess/knight AU
Entangled - established ladynoir, post-hawkmoth angst, chat's ghosting lb. NSFW
Probably Not The Best Idea - ladrien roommates fic
Say Something - ladrien to prpr hurt/comfort in the aftermath of a sentireveal and gabe-is-hawkmoth reveal
I know I haven't updated Ladrien Roommates in almost a year and Say Something has been nearly as long but aksfbkdsjb I swear they're still on the list. Quite frankly it might take me a while to get back to Say Something though, because I'm just...very stuck. And I keep rethinking the next few chapters.
Also, Happier--my Adrigaminette WIP--gets an honourable mention in the priority list because I SWEAR I'm going to get back to it at some point 😭
Okay I'm super excited about the arc that the next chapter (which with a little luck may be posted today...) is going to set into motion. Especially because I don't think anyone quite knows where precisely I'm going with it...hehehe
Hm. I have one heart-to-heart scene I have planned for a few chapters from now where Ladybug gets to know Alya a little better and maybe starts to fall for her a little...
Looking forward to the next chapter!! Like, all of it! The thing is, I feel like I need a good chunk of time to really FOCUS on writing it. And I'm still navigating balancing writing time with my work schedule.
There's a little arc that will pop up in the chapter after next where Ladybug has trouble sleeping...and naturally there's no better way to fix that than for Adrien to invite her into his bed 👀
There is a conversation between Adrien and Kagami in the next chapter that was one of the reasons the length of this fic got out of hand 😂
Okay, I think I can find 10 new people to tag... @celestialtitania, @ck2k18, @saiikavon, @mostmagical, @monpetitchattriste, @heartfulselkie, @liiinerle, @hueynomure, @rosie-b, and @wehadabondingmoment
[I'm just now noticing--because apparently when i copied the title over i did NOT read it--this says WIP REBLOG game...which maybe means I was supposed to reblog the original post akjfbskjd. but uh. too late now I'm about to post this 😂]
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