#I randomly dreamt of him a while ago?
autogeneity · 2 months
anyway I unexpectedly bumped into a fucking guy from uni whom I have always been extremely fond of but never really engaged as much as I would have liked. and totally lost contact with after graduating. I am kind of fucking elated rn !!!!
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thesturniolos · 6 months
warning signs
part 2
catch part 1 here!
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tags: @sturniolosluvv @sturnsblunt @chrisdevora @sosmatt @kirby0strombolli @stvrni0lo@vqnillasturns @slut4chris @recklesssturniolo @chrisolivia4l @silverlakee @freshlovehacker @chrisenthusiast @chrisluvbot @bluesturniolo333@rac00ns-are-c00l4 @mattscokewhore @iheartchrissturniolo @zooweemamas @sturniolotripletsarehot @mcttsturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @sturnsworld @qwertytit @putyoursemenonme @realuvrrr @klarasmith @plasticferal l @sturnvilmed @delusionalsturniologirl @thy-mission @strniohoeee @sturnsclutter @chrissturn @chrissturniolossidehoe
his hand lay clenched around the door knob and he stands still, deadly still.
“what are you doing here?” i look at nate to see if he had any clue what was going on because he gave me no warning he was about to turn up at my doorstep with no notice.
“well i just thought” he stops himself and looks about.
is that it? he just thought. he thought what? he thought he wanted to come back home and confess his love again? he wanted to apologise for all the nights i slept on a tear soaked pillow? or was he apologising for just leaving randomly?
“i thought maybe you’d wanna see me” i laugh at this. i laugh at this stupid comment and how naive this boy is for just thinking i’d wanna see him.
hell i’d get on my hands and knees to see him, i’d give up everything to see him. but this? this is not what i imagined.
he stands there and he’s so different. the differences make me think of the time and the change and how long it’s been. his hair’s grown and he’s even taller now. he’s wearing all of his merch and as my eyes drag down to his wrist, i notice the bareness and the exposure of his skin.
just on his left wrist there used to be a bracelet that belonged just to us, a token of the promise we made to one another all those years ago. my hand falls down to my own hand and glides up slightly to touch the loose piece of thread that has frayed against my skin.
i never dared to take it off, ever. i couldn’t ever break that promise but i guess that didn’t matter.
“you thought i’d want to see you. chris, you thought i wanted to see you?” he scratches the back of his neck and takes a few steps into my room.
“well, yeah. it’s been a while.”
“it’s been months. it’s not been a while. it’s been what’s felt like years with barely any words from you. did you know texting me goodnight isn’t exactly a conversation? and did you know the last time you did say that it was nearly a month ago?”
“i’m so-“
“no, chris. you don’t get to just say sorry and leave here feeling like you’re on top of the world. you’ve left me with nobody, literally nobody but nate for months and you have the nerve to turn up to my house with no warning, out of nowhere, to tell me that you’re sorry? well do you know what chris? i’m sorry. i’m sorry i clearly wasn’t good enough for you. enough for you to even talk to me for the past couple months, enough to stay here in boston and actually experience the future you claimed to have dreamt of with me. clearly you’ve got bigger priorities and i just wanna remind you, before this, before all of this, i was your number one. me. and i was there for you through thick and thin and i supported everything you did. and the stupidest thing is i haven’t even stopped either. i’m still cheering you on and defending you, us, when you stopped caring all those months ago.”
he stands there shocked by my words and shaking his head, all for what? he knew what he’d done. there had to be a little bit in the back of his mind that realised he’d forgotten me.
“and before you drag me for not supporting your career and all that shit, just remember i was the one who encouraged you to start that and i always always made sure you knew how proud i was of you and your brothers. i’ll never be able to forget the day i witnessed you guys hit a million, i was so happy for you guys and i’m still happy for you all now. but i’m disappointed that in amongst all of that you forgot the people that matter the most. those fans weren’t there when you were getting bullied at school for doing what you loved, i was. i made sure they backed away from you, i put a bubble around you to protect you from criticism that i knew would knock you down and i never ever wanted to see that.”
i’m off the bed now and i’m near tears. it’s raw emotion displayed through words that have been pent up since the second he left, before that even.
it’s sadness, it’s mourning the loss of the person he used to be, it’s disappointment and it’s the pain of the old memories. its betrayal on the highest level and it’s cut me like spear through the heart. it’s slowly been splitting but him being here and staring at me with water building in his eyes is like a final dagger into the pumping muscle and i can slowly feel the blood draining out of me.
“i’m gonna just head out. call me later, okay?” i nod at nate and he awkwardly moves past chris and closes the door, leaving the two of us and the silence surrounding the room.
“i don’t know what to say.” he comes closer to me and hesitated before hovering near my bed.
“i didn’t realise you thought i forgot you like that. i-uh.”
“you didn’t realise? chris, are you insane? you didn’t realise-“
“i sleep with a picture of you by the side of my bed every night.” he looks up from his lap and into my eyes. “it’s the only thing that makes me feel comforted. my pillow even has a dent from where i hold it at night wishing it was you.”
the needle and thread pierce through my heart and carefully sow upwards as i watch chris slowly open up to me.
i haven’t heard his voice for months, the gravel at the back of his throat ironically still sounding like birdsong to me.
“i used to rub my thumb across our bracelet to feel like you were there with me but the thread wore away and um, it broke.” his voice breaks a bit and he puts his head down.
i feel the need to sit down, like a magnetic force pulling me against the bed desperately trying to comfort him. so i do. i sit down and next to him and this is the closest we’ve been for six months.
“the more i found myself texting you, the bigger the hole in my heart grew and so i thought, stupidly, that by letting our conversations get smaller and smaller you wouldn’t need me as much and me being away wouldn’t hurt so bad because i knew how much pain i was in being away from you so i assumed you were feeling the same.”
he continued “i couldn’t bring myself to break up with you, i made a promise. i didn’t want to break up with you, i just thought it would be better for you to be happy rather than endlessly waiting for me.”
“i would wait forever for you, chris. all i wanted was for you to care or to text me, anything. of course, i want you here with me but i want to be with you and happy even if it means doing it through a screen.”
“i’m so sorry. i never meant to hurt you, i was trying to protect you and i was doing what i thought would make you happy. it was killing me you not being there with me. i didn’t want to just turn up here randomly but saying this in text, it just doesn’t show how much i care about what i’m telling you.” he looks at me with tear stained cheeks and my hand goes up to wipe them away. as our skin touches, i feel the heat slowly come back to my face and i smile at his reaction.
he grabs ahold of my hand and pulls it down till his hand is interlinked with mine. he sighs and quickly engulfs me in a heart-warming hug. it’s a hug that reminds me of old times, the best times, and it’s filled with love and sorrow at the same time.
it’s an apology for the break of our hearts and for the time we’ve lost.
“i’m not going anywhere and if i do, you’re coming with me.”
i smile as i lean my head against his and pull my hand to his hair to swirl it round my fingers, an old comforting habit i used to have.
he slowly pulls away from me and shuts his eyes and sighs contently, we felt normal again. well, as normal as we could be.
i press my lips to his and i feel him kiss back, we don’t part for a minute or two and we’re slightly breathless by the time we pull away.
we sit in silence for a while and i grab his hands to pull him off my bed.
“well i guess we need to make you a new bracelet then since you really liked your last one.” i giggle and he smiles.
“maybe make a few just as a precaution”
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kenandeliza · 5 months
A Marvel Family Fantasy AU
A few days ago, I randomly dreamt of Drawing Billy and Tawny in a fantasy setting.
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Billy was this kid wizard and Tawny was his companion (or an animal to ride on like a horse)
Then it got me thinking, maybe in this setting, Mary could be someone of high status in this fantasy setting (since she's in a rich family in the golden age comics)
I'm inclined to think Freddy would be a captain of a ship for irony-sake but I have a feeling pirates and fantasy settings don't match well?
It's just funny for me to think of him with a peg leg xD
After further discussion with @the-brash-spud :
Warning: Too many text :>
These are the ideas we have so far (if there are quotation marks, those ideas belonged to @the-brash-spud ):
Maybe Billy and Mary were prince and princess separated by birth, (i'm not sure if its a kidnapping or the baby got lost on his own) but the wizard founded billy and trained him.
At the ripe age of (insert young age below a teenager's), The wizard decided to grant him the power of shazam to turn him into the world's mightiest Wizard!
Captain Marvel!
Wizard dies and then Billy and Tawny have adventures together, maybe helping people along the way (maybe somehow found out that Mary is his sister :p idk)
“ I think you could go angst if you made the wizard get brutally hurt in a battle to protect Billy and the rock of eternity so in a last ditch effort he transports the rock to its own pocket of existence and then giving Billy powers of shazam because its as ready as he'll be able to make the kid :) and it's his last effort for Billy to be protected even if he has to do so himself because he has failed :)) made Billy cry as Wizard turns into dust in Billy’s hands :)))”
Uncle marvel can be a con-man/thief who took pity on Billy or realiz, teaching Billy that the world isn't always honest and he's like, "Billy, don't always give money to the poor on the streets, sometimes they faked their illness to be lazy”
" Billy: "The man in the shadowy corner needs my help."
Uncle: "No, the hell he doesn't!”"
How Billy Met Freddy
Billy probably met Freddy in a bar fight. How did the kid get into a bar?
Billy looked at the man exiting the pub with a bottle.
Billy: Ohh! So this is where you get refreshments here! I wonder If they have enough Milk for Tawny..
Pub sign written NO KIDS ALLOWED!"
*Billy can only read magic scrolls and not regular alphabet*
Cue him meeting Freddy (who's armwrestling with one of the people there)
(Insert Bar fight for some reason because The child decided to drink a white cocktail thinking it was milk and the fact that Billy is a Kid)
“Freddie is definitely that kid having his ass thrown out of the bar/pub/inn”
I'd like to think he and his brother are a team, prolly sailed a ship together.
“Yes, they target slave ships. Unless you wanna go different routes. Then, he is focused on certain nations' flags that have a whole lot of red in them
Also, he goes to the bars just to start bar fights over drunks being mean/nasty to the landlady. The landlady doesn't appreciate it bc now she has a broken table and four broken chairs”
Freddy faces the Captain Nazi equivalent of a pirate [Captain Arian? Like Aryan?] XD, Freddy lost his leg the same way, from his encounter with Captain Arian.
Kit (probably a necromancer or a ghost who's cursed to be bound in the ship Freddy's in, making Freddy more attached to the ship) can still summon crewmembers.
Maybe they both meet mary during the birthday ceremony parade
Maybe Mary snuck off from her family (disguise herself as a regular girl, i know, generic plot) and then meet Billy accidentally
Billy: It's my birthday today!
Mary: What a coincidence! It's mine too!
The-brash-spud: “Billy, in his innocence, thinks ,"There must be something to us sharing birthdays!" While Freddy calls him stupid, Billy tries to get a look at the princes and then cue the lung-fu panda rocket incident, but maybe something else more fitting with Freddy being pulled along”
On an unrelated note, i think Billy knew about Freddy's peg legafter either a pirate slashed it clean and Freddy just used it to bonk his head.
Billy is still screaming from the shock and immediately casted healing spells (i'd like to think everything about billy is lightning based- so yes getting struck by lightning is a healing spell for him :D) Freddy got shocked lmao
And what about boarding Tawny on the ship?
Freddy: "I'm not letting a tiger into my ship."
Kit who absolutely adores animals: "YES"
Kit:" Does he love belly rubs??"
Billy:" yes but you have to ask him politely for his permission-”
Freddy rolled his eyes, realizing he has to clean cat fur everyday off from the furnitures.
How did Mary, a royalty tag along with a kid wizard and a pirate?
“Yeah, I guess forced separation would work better. Hell, go with a scenario that will allow them to have Mary with the parents' blessings as long as she's kept safe (she isn't, but that's because she is the danger herself)”
Mary and Billy: "Yay adventure"
Freddy: "Oh great, now I have to take care of two kids and a tiger in my ship!?"
*Freddy looking at Kit and the kids + a tiger playing together, kit seems happy*
Freddy: "...i guess it's alright..”
How Freddy and Mary found out about the wizard?
“Hmmmm, maybe Billy takes them to the rock because they were in a pickle, and unforeseen effects happen?
They got surrounded maybe?
Also I can see the aftermath
"You were raised by THE Wizard!? THE Wizard?! A Wizard of legends so often told he is recognisable even if his name was lost?!"
"Oh, his name is Shazam-" *BANG*”
Hopefully i could draw these AU ideas, I don't plan on making this into a story, i just like the concept that my dream gave my a few days ago and I’m just expanding it. Sorry for too many text xD
I don't mind if you want to add something to this silly lil AU, It's just a fun thing for me to do :p
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shadowofroses · 1 month
College student isekai part. Reader is doing a essay on Douma
Demon Slayer
Pairing None
Warnings: Dreaming, Falling from a cloud, Pteradactl, Douma of course knows English
Summery: Reader is writing an essay on Douma for a College course, however, falls asleep. They dream about The Flame Hashira, and somehow ends up falling into the Demon Slayer World and found by Douma and tries to wake themselves up. Reader is dressed in Star Pajama bottoms and a Pokemon T-shirt. I think I posted this before??? I don't recall
You rewatched a video on youtube in regards of the Life of Douma, and got to work. Following the video up with Akaza’s Epic version of his theme song on repeat. It was your current song fixation, and you had a hard time varying from it this week.
It wasn’t long that you continued with the essay. It was five pages and it was only based on Douma’s childhood so far. 
You looked up at the clock, it was 3 am. You yawned with exhaustion finally kicking in. Sleep overtook you fast. 
You dreamt that you were in high school all over again. Normally, your dream self would panic thinking you were about to miss a class, or that you were late for transportation. 
Upon seeing a head of Firey blond hair in front of your classroom you blinked realizing you were dreaming. Looking around the classroom you saw a world map, and multitude of historical figures. 
You were dreaming that Rengoku was your history teacher? Fuck if that was the case he would have inspired you to be a historian ages ago. “I’m spending too much time on Demon Slayer music and fanfictions…and that Essay…”
“SPEAKING OF ESSAYS!” Rengoku’s voice boomed out, “There is one due Monday in regards of the ban of Sword carrying, how people got around the law, and Ronin that went against the law!” 
Oh yeah, if this man was your history teacher in High School, you would have been a historian, with the way he excitedly talked about it, you were excited to write it. You however blinked. Wait this is a dream? I can take this into whatever direction I want!
It wasn’t often that you caught yourself Lucid Dreaming. You stood up from your desk, causing Rengoku to call out your name, “What are you doing?”
You paused, unsure of how or if to answer. The two of you were adults, it was a dream, you could make it spicy, but you never had a dream that actually finished that was Spicy in content.  Rengoku called out your name again sounding confused, and you smiled, “weren’t you teaching us the fineness of swordsmanship sir?”
The scene changed and Rengoku blinked at that, now it was just you and him outside of his family home, the both of you in period clothing, and bokkens in your hands. “YES! I was! Now What I want you to do is five hundred sword lunges in perfect form.”
Your face fell as you came to the realization that Rengoku was training you. All his Tsugoku’s ran off with the exception of Kanroji due to rigorous training. You were a downright moron. Then again it was a dream? You weren’t going to feel it in the morning. 
As you continued your lunges, “Rengoku-Sama, have you ever trained while on clouds?”
Rengoku blinked again, as the two of you randomly were in the sky training on clouds. “Nope, but I am now! This is amazing although frightening!” He started to laugh boisterously as you continued with finishing up your lunges. “Alright! Great job! Be Careful with your step! We’re going to work on the first form of Flame Breathing. Rising Scorching Sun!”
You froze in place, Flame Breathing on a cloud? Would that make it evaporate?  “I thought you only taught Tsugokus how to do Flame Breathing, I assumed, this was just training Rengoku-sama…”
Rengoku said your name, “but you are my Tsugoku! Now watchout! RISING SCORCHING SUN!” He pushed you out of the way of an attacking Pterodactyl and sliced its head off. Your fear of the attack evaporating the cloud was valid, as the cloud fell apart and you started to fall back to the earth, with a sickening feeling in your chest and stomach. 
You sat forward scared shitless, feeling like you actually fell. Your head hurt and it was dark around you. You went to grab at your sheets, only to grab grass. You blinked, That’s not right… 
You finally started to take in your surroundings. This was not your bedroom, this was a forest. 'Fuck I’m still dreaming arn’t I? Okay, come on brain, take me to a lake or something so I can go swimming.' 
Nothing happened. You closed your eyes, thinking of your bedroom. Expecting to wake up on your soft bed, plush pillow. Opening your eyes this time finding someone walking towards you. As they came closer, you noticed the blondish white hair, and you couldn’t pin down the colors of the eyes, as there were multiple colors shining. Like a rainbow. You heard something spoken in Japanese, and you started shuffling backwards “Oh no no no no no. I was having a nice dream and now it’s Douma, fuck I need to take a break from anime. Come on, wake up.”
The man paused upon hearing his name and tilted his head. You felt yourself backing up into a tree, and you slapped your face. He said something again, and you just cried out, “I DON’T WANT TO BE EATEN! WAAAAA” 
His smile this time fell, however he tilted his head the other way as if in thought. “English? Are you Foreign?” You froze looking up at him, giving him the clue that he was right. “Curious…You’re scared? Why?” He paused, placing a finger to his chin. “You obviously know me, you said my name…something about a dream and being eaten? Am I correct?”
You nodded, “Ye-yes….” You squeaked out. 
“Oh Dear me, rest assured, I don’t eat people.” He smiled tilting his head as he lied, “What is your name since you know mine.” You muttered your name trying to scoot more into the tree. “That’s a pretty name.” Douma reached out a hand, to help you up. “Come on, no reason to be afraid.”
You gulped, muttering to yourself, “Why couldn’t I have had a nightmare with Akaza or something…”
Douma froze, coming to a realization. “You know Akaza? You’re not dreaming Little Dove. You’re coming with me.” One second you were on the ground, the next you were over his shoulder causing you to yelp. 
“Shit shit shit, WAKE UP!” You screamed at yourself. 
Douma hummed, “Again~ you’re not dreaming. But if you’re going to continue screaming, I’m going to have to knock you out Dove.” 
However you couldn’t comprehend how this wasn’t a dream. How were you not sleeping, why wouldn’t you wake up? Did you lose control of your lucid dreaming?
With your continued panic, you blacked out from a hit to the neck. 
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livingproofoftbd · 10 months
moon 🌙
November 10, 2002 Orlando, Florida, USA 6:35 PM
Clay frowned up at the sky, his chubby little three-year old face making it seem cuter rather than sad. His mother giggled, and he looked at her. 
"Moon," he said, pointing up at the crescent moon hanging in the sky. 
"Yeah," his mother said gently. "That's the moon."
He looked back up at it. "Is it sleeping?"
His mother chuckled. "Maybe," she said. The camera in her hands was pointed at him, recording the whole thing. She had filmed several little moments like these, and had done the same for his 6 year old sister. She'd do the same for his little sibling, who was due within the next few months. 
Clay huffed, gaze still turned up to the sky. "Moon!" he exclaimed, reaching a hand up to his face to scratch his temple. "Wake up!" 
When the moon didn't immediately wake up, he looked up at his mother sadly. She smiled an turned the camera up to show the moon hanging in the sky, past the tops of trees and into the soft blue of the sky. It was a small shape on the screen of the camera, but visible. 
"It didn't wake up," Clay whined. 
"Maybe it's too tired," his mother offered, turning the camera back to him. "Maybe we should let it sleep, okay?"
She turned the camera off and held out a hand. Clay looked back up at the moon, but took her hand and followed her back inside the family home. 
November 10, 2002 London, England, Great Britain 11:35 PM
George was dreaming. It wasn't anything special, just whatever six-year-olds dreamt about. 
Then he wasn't. 
He blinked awake, unsure of why he woke up. His mother had carried him to bed a few hours ago after he had fallen asleep while watching a show with his older brother and sister. He had spent the day exhausted, and he never woke up randomly during sleep; his parents could testify. 
But he had woken up. He had felt the need to do so, but was too tired to wonder why. He sat up in bed, his little sister fast asleep across the room in her own bed. He rubbed his eyes and reached blindly for his nearest stuffed toy; he found a blue dinosaur he had gotten only 10 days ago for his sixth birthday. He clutched it to his chest as he lay back down, closing his eyes to drift back off to sleep. 
"Moon! Wake up!"
exceprt of a oneshot i just wrote on both ao3 and wattpad :]
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iamasimperyk · 2 years
Killer -Vinnie Hacker
Warning: violence, angst, mention of killing, sadistic actions, smut
Summary: Vinnie is a serial killer and Y/N is going to be his next victim, but he kinda falls for her.
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Serial killer Vinnie Hacker was last seen in Austin, Chicago. He slowly dismembers his victims and distributes them in their homes. We advise all men and women between the age of 18-30 to stay home, at least until we have more information about his location. Stay safe." the newscaster announced.
Honestly, I was really scared. I had moved out when I was 18 and had been living alone for a year now.
Vinnie Hacker, also called the Dismemberer, had murdered for the first time two months ago. I hadn't been able to sleep well since then. Every night I dreamt of him climbing through my window and cutting my throat or him standing in my living room waiting to dismember me one by one.
I took a deep breath and changed the channel to get my mind off it as quickly as possible.
Vinnies Pov
When I was younger, I started hurting people, and a few months ago, I killed my girlfriend after she cheated on me. I wouldn't say I killed randomly, but whenever I felt the desire to kill, I looked for someone suitable.
I was walking through a remote village, it was late, and the lights were already out in most houses. I started thinking about my ex and remembered how I had caught my ex-girlfriend fucking my best friend. Anger spread through my body, and I knew I had to kill someone to calm down.
I looked for a house where the lights were still on because I wanted to see the pain and fear in the eyes of the person whose life I was about to take. Over the years, I had learned a lot, and when I saw a cheap small house, I knew immediately that a young person must live in it.
Carefully I climbed onto the balcony and broke the window, hoping that the person had not heard me. I waited a few minutes before climbing through the window.
It was definitely the bedroom of the person I was standing in, and I just couldn't wait to see who was living here, so I opened one of the wardrobes and immediately realised that it must be a girl or a young woman. Perfect.
But I couldn't let myself be distracted and quietly went downstairs, where I saw that the television was on and a girl, sitting on the sofa. After a few quick but silent steps, I stood behind her and held my knife to her throat.
"Hello, beautiful. I think you know who I am, so let's make this all quick, and you do as I say," I grinned, to which she just nodded, "Good girl. Stand up and turn around."
She slowly stood up, the knife still pressed to her throat. It took her a moment, but she finally turned around. I looked into her beautiful, fear-filled eyes, and for a brief moment, I was stunned. I had killed many young women before, but none of them looked so fragile.
Your Pov
He was handsome. His face was all over the news, but he looked even better in real life. None of that mattered, though, as I was going to be dismantled into pieces in five minutes. We looked at each other, and I didn't know why but I just couldn't look away.
The knife pressed harder and harder against my throat, and just when I thought he was going to cut it, he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync, and even though I knew he could kill me any second, I kissed him back. When he stopped after a while, I was sure that my lips were swollen.
"Not bad." He smirked and took the knife from my throat to gently slide it down my face. "Tell me your name, pretty girl?" he asked without emotion.
"Y/N," Was all I could say and deep down, I was cursing myself for liking the kiss.
He let go of me and looked me up and down, "Well, this is how things will be, you won't call the police, and I won't kill you. I don't know why, but I like you, and I think I'll tolerate you can."
Without thinking further, I agreed. It was like he could control me because I suddenly felt attracted to him and was willing to do anything for him.
Vinnie sat down on the couch and looked at me, "You know, no one has given me head in a while."
My eyes widened in disbelief. Did he want me to give him head? Was he serious or just playing with me before he killed me for good?
"Don't look so surprised. You look good, and I'm sure you can use that pretty mouth of yours quite well," he sneered and unzipped his pants.
I didn't want to, but something inside me made me get down on my knees in front of him and slowly take his cock out of his boxers. With my right hand, I slowly started to stroke up and down, whereupon I heard a quiet groan from him.
"Use your mouth." He murmured a little angrily, to which I immediately listened and licked the tip of his dick. After a few more minutes, I put the whole thing in my mouth until it reached my throat.
"That's it, princess," he moaned and threw his head back in pleasure. Before I knew it, he began to fuck my throat. Tears ran down my cheeks, but I didn't want him to stop. After a few final thrusts, he finally came and pulled his cock out.
As some of his cum ran down my chin, he wiped it away with his thumb. "Swallow." He demanded, and I swallowed the rest of his cum that was still in my mouth.
He kissed me on my forehead before pulling his boxers and pants back up. Vinnie lifted me up, placing me on his lap so that I was looking at him.
"You did so well for me, princess." He smiled, "But you look tired. Let's go to sleep."
Confused why he was suddenly so caring, I nodded, and he walked into my bedroom with me in his arms. He carefully laid me down on the bed before taking off his hoodie, lying down next to me and wrapping his arms around me.
"Can I ask you something?" I murmured, to which he replied with a nod ."Why are you killing people?" I asked, looking deep into his eyes.
"It relaxes me. That's the only thing that relaxes me, but now that I have you, that might change," he replied, again with his typical grin, "Now go to sleep. It's late."
I closed my eyes and snuggled up to him. I didn't know why, but I felt safe.
Just as I was about to fall asleep, I noticed Vinnie running one of his hands through my hair, and that was the last thing I felt before I fell into a deep sleep.
Part 2 Part3
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chilwe1l · 2 years
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summary: something happened that’s forcing ben to break up with you. but you know nothing about it and end up with a broken heart.
warnings: breakup, crying
part 2
(english is not my first language)
She knew he was going to end it the second she walked into the livingroom of her and her boyfriends house.
You could see it in his eyes, something was different.
And when he asked her to sit down because he wanted to talk to her, she knew.
She still didn’t know why he broke up with her, even though he tried to explain it to her for the past hour.
She had been sitting on the couch, not daring to look at him, because she knew that if she did her heart would break even more.
What she didn’t know is that his heart shattered into a million pieces the moment he realized he had no other option but to end it, because never in a million years did he want to break up with her voluntarily.
But he couldn’t be with her if the price was her happiness and safety.
He would put her well-being over his without a second doubt.
So that‘s how they got here, sitting on the couch, crying.
They broke each other with the purest intentions.
They didn’t know what love meant until they met each other.
They really did their best.
Until they couldn’t anymore.
‘’Okay.’’, is all she was able to say after he took an whole hour to explain his reasons for the breakup.
‘’What do you want me to do Ben? Beg? I won’t beg for a relationship with someone who doesn’t love me.’’
Her voice was cold and shivers ran down Ben’s spine.
All he wanted to do at that moment was to tell her that he doesn’t want to break up and that he loves her more than anything or anyone else.
But he couldn’t, he made a promise.
He needs to remind himself that he is doing it for Y/n’s safety.
‘’Sometimes it’s hard to turn the page when you know someone won’t be in the next chapter. Your chapter in my book is over, it will forever be one of my favorites but I can’t keep rereading it hoping for a different ending.’’, she says, getting up.
God he is going to miss this, the poetic stuff she randomly says, her ranting about the book she just read, the paint that stains her hands after she painted another picture for them to hang up in their house, her little butterfly earrings he got her for their third anniversary, the way she was with his dog Oscar, how she came to every one of his games in his shirt and especially how she brightens up the mood just by smiling at him.
He is going to miss her so fucking much.
But he loves her too much to put her at any risk.
She gives him a small smile and goes upstairs to pack her things.
It takes everything in her not to break down while stuffing all her clothing in her bags.
Tears are running down her cheeks, her eyes are burning like hell.
She has never been in so much pain before.
The worst kind of pain is getting hurt by the person you explained your pain to.
She knew life was supposed to be hard but it’s not supposed to destroy you.
But she knew at that very moment, that he destroyed her for every other man that would come along in her life.
She will never be able to feel so much love for a person like she felt for Ben.
She takes her bags outside to her small car and tries to stuff as much as possible in the trunk, before throwing the rest on the backseat.
This was possibly the last time she was going to enter this house.
The thought of leaving the perfect life she had behind her wrecked her.
Three hours ago everything was fine and now she was standing in the house she used to live in for the past four years trying to get the key off her keychain.
Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, that’s why it took her three whole minutes to get the key off and place it on the counter.
Ben was standing in front of her, tear stains on his cheeks.
Their eyes met. But she looked away, pretending they had never dreamt of a future together and left the house.
(a/n: i used some of my favorite book quotes in this)
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okay okay so I suddenly had a creative outburst and now I have way too many headcanon requests to send to you but I'll do one after the other, so I'm starting with this because it's wonderful (I'm sorry but you're getting all the romantic requests here, it's your fault for befriending me, I am such a hopeless romantic at heart):
dating sir lancelot! and like specifically sir lancelot after like, the end of season three. because when I was hunting for gifs this morning, I got one of like the scene where he's wearing that red shirt and walking to merlin and then merlin stains arthur's shirt and he's like "I'm sure you'll find a way to get that out" and I CRIED that scene is so beautiful because it could be him, it could be his happiness, that's the life he's always dreamt of and he gets ripped from it in the span of a year and I hATE THAT
These are going to be as much for me as they are for you lol
Dating Lancelot would include...
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First things first: you've never seen anyone as nervous as Lancelot was the day he asked you out. Poor guy was a bright red, stuttering mess. It was kind of adorable.
Actually, Lancelot gets flustered easily in general.
You called him “Lance” once, very affectionately, and when you got no reaction, you turned around to see him bright fucking red. So naturally, you keep calling him by that nickname, do you have any idea how cute he looks?
That red shirt he’s wearing in the gif? It’s yours now. You don’t even steal it, he just lets you borrow it once because you’re cold and then decides it looks much better on you so he tells you to keep it.
He loves it when you play with his hair. It’s the fastest way to get him to fall asleep after a long day (when it’s longer, he’ll shyly ask you to brush it).
Okay, now for some Angsty Times™️: Lancelot has been through some shit. His entire village, including his family, was slaughtered before his eyes when he was just a child. And even though it happened a long time ago, he still has nightmares about it.
He’ll wake up soaked in sweat, gasping for fresh air to try and forget the scent of fire and blood. He always tries his best to be quiet, but you always wake up -almost as if you can feel his distress.
Some nights are better than others. Some nights he manages to shake his nightmare off by simply holding your hand and talking with you. Some nights he won’t talk at all, and he certainly won’t go back to sleep. In case of the latter, he wants you to go back to sleep, but you won’t leave him to deal with this on his own.
Alright, that was Angsty Times™️, please tune in next time for more!
For someone who flusters so easily, Lancelot is a very physically affectionate person. Once he knows you’re fine with it, he’s always touching you in some way: his arm around your shoulders, his hand in yours,… it’s a reassurance, to him, that you’re there.
Gwaine gives both of you the “hurt them and I’ll kill you” speech. While the two of you were standing next to each other. Just randomly came up to you and went “Lancelot, if you ever hurt (Y/N), I will kill you with my bare hands. (Y/N), if you ever hurt Lancelot, I will kill you with my bare hands.” Then he just walked off. You and Lancelot still laugh about it.
Since Lancelot isn’t just a knight, but a Knight of the Round Table, he’s often needed when things go south. They’re Camelot’s first line of defence, a beacon of hope for all those who needed. And while you couldn’t be more proud, you worry -regardless of whether or not you’re a knight yourself.
It happens painfully often that Lancelot returns home injured because he was protecting someone else. Being protective, being a shield for those who don’t have one, is what defines him.
And even though you scold him for not being more careful, you aren’t angry. How could you be, when he’s doing nothing other than being the man you love?
Lancelot is also a sneaky little shit when he wants to be. Expect to be tugged into corridors for a quick or not so quick kiss.
And on that topic, he loves surprising you. Loves sneaking up behind you, just so he can wrap his arms around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder. If it’s been a while since he last saw you, he’ll literally pick you up and spin you around until he gets dizzy and almost crashed you both into a wall.
Okay, that’s about all that comes to mind right now, but I hope you liked them!!
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wingman ~ yungblud
word count: 1476
request?: yes!
“can you do a one shot where colson sets up his little sister (the reader) with dom? like maybe she’s had a crush on him but he was with halsey and never wanted to get between that.”
description: who knew that your best wingman would be your own brother? and his main objective: setting you up with his best friend
pairing: yungblud x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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The minute I walked into Colson’s house I knew something was going to happen. I didn’t know what exactly, but I just had a feeling that there was something going to happen. Call it sibling intuition or whatever.
It wasn’t uncommon for Colson to randomly invite me over to his place. We had always been close, so whenever he had time off he’d ask me to come visit him and Casie. I figured that’s what this invitation was for, but once I walked through the door, I wasn’t so sure.
“Colson?” I called.
Instead of my brother’s voice, a thick British accent responded, “(Y/N)!”
Dom came out from the living room and lifted me into his arms. I laughed through the shock I was feeling. I had no idea that Dom was even in town. I wondered if this was the weird feeling I was having.
“Good to see you, love!” Dom said. “I didn’t know you were coming today.”
“I didn’t know you were in town,” I responded.
“Yeah! I landed today actually. I haven’t been here long.”
“That’s awesome! Hey, let’s continue the catch up in a second. Is Colson here?”
My big brother was in the kitchen making sandwiches for himself and Dom. He looked up and smiled when I walked in. “Hey, you hungry?”
“I’m good, thanks. Did, um, did you invite me over because Dom is in town?”
“What? No, not at all.”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “You’re a terrible liar.”
He chuckled and walked away from me. I followed him out of the kitchen, realizing the conversation would be put on hold for now.
I sat next to Dom in the living room as he and Colson talked for a while. Every now and then he would ask me a question or two to catch up, but I was too awkward to really keep a conversation going.
As cliché as it is to say, I’ve had a crush on Dom for years. Ever since Colson introduced us, I’ve had some small feelings for him. Ironically, Colson was super supportive over these feelings. He always said how Dom was a great guy and that he thought we’d be a perfect match for one another. We did have the same type of energy, I had to agree with Colson there.
The big downside, though? Dom was in a relationship when we first met. With a friend of Colson’s, actually; Ashley, better known as Halsey.
So I just became one of those cliché, unrequited love stories. I tried to go on dates with other people to get rid of those feelings for Dom, but all my efforts proved to be void. There was just no one that made me feel the way that Dom did, which sucked because he wasn’t single.
After a bit of silence following another failed attempted to strike up a conversation, Colson looked at his phone and rose from his seat. “Oh, Emma just texted me asking if I could pick Casie up from school.”
“Oh, can I do it?” I asked, seeing a way to get out of this super awkward situation. “I feel like I haven’t seen Casie in forever.”
“I’d rather do it myself. I’ll bring her right back so she can see both of you.”
He left before I could protest anymore, leaving me alone with Dom. This was no doubt also a part of whatever plan he had in mind.
We were left in silence yet again. I tried to think of something to say to pick up the conversation but found myself at a loss for words. I never was good at talking to Dom when it was just the two of us.
“How long are you gonna be in town for?” I finally asked.
“A few weeks I think. Kells and I are gonna work on some new songs. We have like two or three already written, so we’re considering doing an entire album together, with Travis too.”
“Man, that would be the album of the year if you did. Everything you and Colson have done together has been absolute bangers.”
Dom chuckled. “So I’ve been told. I think he’s my favorite person to collaborate with, too. He just brings out a good side in me when it comes to writing songs.”
“I would’ve thought Ash would be your favorite person to collaborate with.”
I regretted it immediately after the words came out of my mouth, even though they were meant to be light hearted and in a joking manner.
Dom nodded, suddenly not as smiley as he had been before. “She was, but uh...we broke up a while ago so...no more collaborations I think.”
The news shocked me. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard it before now. Why hadn’t Colson told me? Or how hadn’t I seen the news online?
“Shit, I’m sorry,” I said. “I had no idea.”
“It’s alright. We kept the breakup pretty lowkey, actually. We weren’t even really public with our relationship, so we decided to keep the breakup the same way.”
How do I follow up from this? I wondered. Man, I’ve effectively killed this conversation.
“(Y/N), have you ever had a steady partner?” he asked suddenly. Before I could respond he added, “That sounds terrible now that I think about it. I don’t mean to say you bounce from person to person, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with anyone, or heard Colson talking about you dating anyone.”
“That’s because I haven’t really had a serious relationship,” I responded. “I’ve gone on numerous dates, but none of them have really worked out. I just don’t...feel a spark with anyone I’ve been with. I think...I think it’s because I have feelings for someone else.”
I tried not to look at Dom, as if he’d be able to decipher what that meant just by looking into my eyes.
“Why aren’t you with them, then?” he asked. “Don’t tell me whoever this daft bloke is turned you down.”
I chuckled and shook my head. “No, that’s not it. He’s a...friend of Colson’s, actually. He’s been in a relationship for a while and I don’t want to come between that. But it seems like my heart is set on him, so I’m having trouble trying to move on from those feelings.”
“That’s awful,” Dom said. “If this guy ever became single, do you think you’d try to tell him how you felt?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’d like to think I would, but then again he’s one of Colson’s best friends. I’d never want to fuck that over for either of them if the relationship didn’t work out.”
“You’re assuming there’s a high chance of that happening.”
“I’m assuming a firm 50/50 chance, as with all relationships. Besides, what if it doesn’t even reach that stage? What if I tell him and he doesn’t have feelings for me?”
“But what if he does? You’ll never know until you try.”
I looked at Dom and found myself caught in his eyes. He was looking at me so intently I was trying not to shift around in my seat, but I just couldn’t tear my eyes away from his.
“(Y/N)?” he said.
“Yeah Dom?”
His response came in the form of his lips against mine. I was shocked at first, pulling away just out of reflex. His face turned a bright shade of red almost immediately as he moved away from me.
“Sorry, I...I must’ve read the situation wrong. I thought - ”
Before he could finish his sentence, I quickly leaned forward and kissed him again. One of his hands cupped my cheek while were running through his messy mop of hair. I had dreamt of this moment many times, but nothing could’ve prepared me for the electricity I was feeling as I kissed Dom.
We were so lost in the kiss that neither one of us heard the door open, or heard Casie come running into the room. It was her voice exclaiming, “Oh, gross!” that brought the two of us out of our trance.
I quickly pulled away from Dom, sitting on the other side of the couch as I looked up to see Casie and Colson stood in the doorway of the living room. I tried to keep my embarrassment from showing, but the feeling of heat creeping up my neck informed me that that was going to be nearly impossible.
“I was coming to say hi and both of you guys are just sucking face!” Casie said. “That’s so gross!”
She raced up to her bedroom while Colson laughed at her reaction. The two of us waited for him to say something, anything, about what he had just walked into. Instead, he just smiled at us and said, “I guess my plan worked.”
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anashins · 3 years
Why Don't You Stay? || Jaehyun
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“So, that means we have more time than just to talk?”
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After a one night stand, you don’t know who’s lying next to you. Certainly, you haven't expected it to be your long term crush.
Warning: Mentions of smut
Stretching yourself in bed, you slowly fluttered your lids open, immediately having happiness wash over you as you felt the first rays of sunshine warming your cheek. Today was going to be a good day it seemed, and you could relax all morning before you had to go to class by midday.
Seating yourself up, you tilted your head in confusion as you looked at the unfamiliar band posters on the wall in front of you. Had your roommate decided to spice things up or why was the wall not decorated with your own paintings anymore? And since when was the window located on the right side of the room and not on the left?
As you felt goose bumps on your skin, you instantly pulled the blanket closer around your chest. That was until you realized that you were completely naked - and that a male figure was lying right next to you. Suppressing a scream, you threw your hands in front of your mouth to keep yourself from making any noise, and you looked at the guy to your right with much distress.
He was lying on his stomach, his back turned at you, and even though the blanket was covering him up to his hips, you could tell that he was naked just like you. As your heart started to beat faster with each passing moment in which your panic only increased, you tried to remember what the hell had happened the night before.
“Okay, calm down…” you whispered to yourself.
You had never been the type for one night stands at all, only having had one boyfriend in high school so far. You had always dreamt of finding the man of your dreams in college, and by the second year now, you had nearly lost hope as you had been pining after one specific guy only all this time.
Jung Jaehyun, the sporty student every girl was head over heels for.
But being a lone wolf, he had never struck up a conversation with one let alone let someone hit on him. So you hadn’t even brought your hopes up in the first place, but had never let go of his sight as well, watching him whenever possible during basketball matches in college.
How come, a girl so head over heels for a guy she could never have, had landed in bed with another one so randomly?!
“Have you lost your mind?” you cursed yourself. “Have you turned so desperate already?!”
When your roommate had talked you into accompanying her to the next bar, you hadn’t expected her to be the target of a group of frat boys, leaving you all to yourself at the bar for the rest of the night. You had been mad as hell, and you were sure you remembered it right that you had left the bar right after, but looking at your bed neighbor, it apparently hadn’t been like that. Slowly and without making a sound, you turned to the edge of the bed and placed your feet on the floor to leave before the guy would wake up.
Then, you noticed a polaroid on the ground that seemed very familiar to you. Picking it up while still seated onto the mattress, you looked at it and realized the photo showing your art project that had won the first prize during the college’s recent annual exhibition - a painting of the night sky.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
You flinched and didn’t dare to look behind you as you realized that your one night stand had apparently woken up as well, the mattress behind you giving in as he leaned in to you. You didn’t want to face him yet, but his voice sounded so familiar, and it immediately brought you back the night before right after your roommate had left you.
You remembered leaving the bar rather drunk and having seated yourself on the campus’ front yard, angry at your friend for dumping you and angry at the world for not having played out your life like you had imagined, especially in the field of love. There had been a guy approaching you and you clicked well, which had probably resulted in you two landing in bed together.
“It’s my work,” you answered dryly in hitches.
“I know. That’s why I photographed it.”
No, this couldn’t be. You knew this voice, even though he had never directed it to you.
As you abruptly turned around, you looked into the face of Jaehyun - the guy you had always admired from afar but had never brought up enough courage to ever talk to him.
He was grinning brightly, having his upper body supported by his left arm propped against the mattress. His dark hair was a mess, and you had certainly never seen him that revealed before, which was probably why you were flushed red right now.
If this was a dream, then this was the right time to wake up as the memories came back moment by moment.
It had started with a nonchalant talk after he had shown you the picture you were now holding in your hands. Your tipsy attitude had quickly led your lips to boldly press against his after not even one minute of talking, yet he hadn’t pushed you away. As his dorm was closer to the campus, you had crossed the yard hand in hand, accompanied by light-hearted giggles, until you were in his room.
From then on, everything was a blur, but you still felt his sweaty skin on yours as he moved on top of you. You could also still feel his tight grip on your breasts as you bounced up and down on him, your loose hair grazing his chest, and his fingers playing with the strands in the aftermath as you felt his heartbeat against your palm after he had pulled you into an embrace and drifting off to sleep together.
You stared at him in disbelief, the color on your cheeks probably rosier than before. “I-”
“Remember now?” he teased.
“I don’t understand,” you admitted. “This picture…”
“When I saw it at the exhibition… I was so drawn to it that I desperately had to get to know the person behind it. But I’m not the best with words, so all this time, I wasn’t sure how to properly approach you.”
You couldn’t believe it. The Jung Jaehyun who girls could never approach, actually had the hots for you because he admired your art?
“What is it that you admire about this picture so much?” you asked him.
“Do you still have time?” he questioned back with a grin.
With a chuckle, you answered, “ I don’t have classes in the morning.”
“So, that means we have more time than just to talk?”
You didn’t miss the innuendo in his voice, and nodded willingly, but shyly.
“Why don’t you stay?” He reached out his hand and brushed over your cheek.
It sounded absolutely promising and you had no intention to leave this joining as a one night stand, one bland name among many others. You wanted to be more for him if you got the chance. You wanted to look behind the guy everyone saw and get to know the person that was interested in the same things as you, that you shared a mutual understanding with.
So you placed the polaroid on the nightstand and crawled back to the middle of the bed where he lifted up the blanket to let you hide under it. Settling yourself on top of him, he embraced you with warm arms as you placed your legs on either side of his thighs, feeling his hard-on pulse against your groin.
“The first time I noticed you as the artist was at the basketball match two months ago… And what I thought back then was how beautiful you were. Just as beautiful as your art. Even more, if possible.”
You wanted to hear more of these stories as you slowly sank onto his length, the bed starting to quietly creak under you as you repeated the actions from last night, but this time, fully conscious, your eyes never leaving his that looked back at you with a gaze filled with admiration.
And something gave you the feeling that this was the exact same gaze that he had been wearing the night before as well.
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ackermanslov4r · 3 years
A fic where reader is erwin's sister and before he dies he tells levi to take care of her and levi protects her but he also falls in love (btw this is the first ask I've sent to anyone in this fandom_ I'm a member here) but I also fell in love your writing 💕🌹
thank you 🥺!! ily I tried my best I hope you will like it! i loved writing this so so much ,i hope i made justice to your idea
“please levi,take care of her “
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Erwin let Levi with two missions : killing zeke,and protecting his sister.
He failed the first one,or at least,didn’t fulfill it yet. Which let him with the second one,protecting y/n smith ,taking care of her. While this mission seemed more easy than killing a titan,Levi will have gracefully chose to fight a beast titan everyday to escape it,at least at first.
He wished to avoid y/n after her brother’s death,her face and personality being too similar to his,and this only reminding him of his loss. But,as the days passed, as he saw y/n fall apart,the weight of her sadness slowly breaking her, Erwin’s words were the only thing Levi was able to think about.
« Please Levi...You know her,or at least you’re the one who knows her better. You saw how every death affects her. How is it going to be if she lose her own brother ? Please Levi,take care of her. »
And,since then,because of his respect for Erwin,Levi became the secret gardien angel of y/n Smith.
It wasn't an easy task. He had to be careful and stay discret about it,knowing damn well that if y/n learnt about her brother's last request,she'll ask Levi to leave her alone and tell him that "she didn't need him". Which was pretty false since she had the habit to get in trouble almost everyday,always bumping into the wrong person,causing her to be the subject of their anger.
She also inherited of her brother's enemies. Since they couldn't get revenge on Erwin anymore,many of them thought that,if they couldn't kill the brother,they'll have the sister. But when any of them tried to touch even a bit of her hair,they had Levi Ackerman on their back in the space of a second,and died on the next.
Levi was more exhausted than he used to be at the end of his days. He was maybe protecting her too much,always being near her and intervening whenever he felt like she might get hurt,physically or emotionally. But he couldn't stop himself,his protective Ackerman instinct taking the lead of his thoughts.
The most challenging part of his mission was to protect y/n from herself. Making sure no one hurt her or that she wasn't include in a risky mission was easy for him,but taking care of her was something else. He never did that to anyone,except maybe to his old best friend Isabel,but this experience happened too long ago for him to still know how to act around someone who's sad.
At first,his behavior was pretty awkard,his acts sometimes causing more damage to y/n's mood. He felt useless ,not knowing what to do ,only being able to bring her a cup of tea. He couldn't comfort her with words,he knew that he wasn't good with these and he'll probably end up saying something harsh that will hurt her. Levi Ackerman could exterminate at least fifty titans without being exhausted,but he was left without weapons and solution to face the problem that was y/n .
But after a while,and some talks with Hange,he finally managed to bring some comfort to his dead friend's sister. He would randomly spend time with her,remaining silent or talking about a book he read,trying to keep her mind away from her memories. He gave her more works,knowing that it'll distract her. He brought her cups of tea on the daily,sometimes drinking his with her,and he slowly,with a lot of times,started to enjoy her company more than the one of anyone.It was strange to think that this girl he was so annoyed to spend time with at first slowly became the one he was looking after when he came into a room.
He stopped looking after and taking care of y/n because of his promise to Erwin,and started to do it because he wanted to.He didn't know if his feelings toward her where the one of a brother,friend or more,and he didn't want to think about it,the last possibility being too scary for him. He haven't even told her yet about her brother's last words,the fear of her turning her back on him and taking her distance stopping him from even thinking about it . He didn't know when she started to,but it seemed that y/n had the ability to turn Levi Ackerman into a weak man .
However,as time passed,their relation growing stronger and closer,y/n started to ask more questions about how her brother's last moments went. Levi always tried to avoid the talk,changing the subject,not answering or simply leaving the room . Y/n first thought that it was a too painful memory for the captain,but she soon realized that it was maybe something else. Levi didn't seem sad when she was asking him her questions,he seemed more...awkward,scared,stressed,ashamed and a bunch of other feelings she couldn't put a name on . So,after some thinking,she decided to confront him,her need of answer growing too strong for her to be able to wait until he decide to tell her what she deserved to hear,it probably being the last thing she needed to end her mourning.
She organized everything,wanting to be sure that he won't be able to avoid her request once again,and,one day,when he came to take some tea,she locked the door and confronted the black haired man.
"Levi.I'm going to ask you this question one last time,and i except an answer.What ...How...What did Erwin said before dying ?"
He remained silent,his eyes staring at his tea. He tried to act like he didn't heard,but the sudden clench of his jaw was denying it.
"I need to know Levi,please.I know that it'll help me"
"And what are you going to do if i don't answer ? "he suddenly asked,still not looking at you
The question took you by surprise and you thought for a few seconds before answering.
"I...I'll probably take my distance. I don't want to,but i don't see why...why you won't tell me. Maybe it's selfish of me,but Erwin his my brother,i deserve to know."
Levi eyes met yours,and you swore you could see fear in them. He didn't want to let you know because he was afraid you might think he spent all this time with you because of Erwin,and not because he truly cared about you,but if you ended up leaving if he remained silent,he might as well tell you the truth. With a sight,he put his tea cup on the table,and proceed to tell you everything. You remained silent,eyes opened in shock,tears filling them. You didn't say anything until he got to the promise part,to the moment he agreed to protect you. Your face turned blank and it felt like your heart was being beat up.
"Wait...So all these years...All these moments together...All this time,when I thought you were being caring because you had some sort of sympathy for me,it was because of Erwin ?"
It shouldn't have hurt like that,but you almost felt betrayed. Thinking your brother last thoughts were about you being safe and protected warmed your heart,but thinking that Levi hadn't been sincere this all time,only staying with you because of his honor,was the mort hurtful thinking no one ever did to you.
"No ! "he shooted,his voice being so loud that everyone probably heard him. He seemed hopeless,his whole body tensed by the fear of losing you. It's only in this moment,when you were ready to turn you back on him,that Levi realized the intensity of his feelings for you. It wasn't the love a brother give to his sister,or the love you give to a friend. It was the type of love you only gave to one person,the type he never wanted to feel but managed to without noticing it.
« I...Yes,at first ,yes I was doing it because of Erwin. But not any more. It’s been years since I stopped. »
You didn’t seem to believe him,the tears your were trying to hold ruining on your cheek whiteout you noticing. He hated it,he hated being the reason you cried,but he couldn’t think of a way to make you stop and believe him. Or,more exactly,he knew one and didn’t want to put it in action.
« Why didn’t you tell me sooner then? If you really had stopped doing it for my brother,why didn’t you tell me everything ? »
« Because ...Because ... » he was stuttering on words,your presence and his stress making him lose control. He was playing with his hands,his breath locked into his throat,and it was the first time that Levi Ackerman looked this vulnerable.It made you reconsider your anger,and a strange idea appeared in your head. What if ...No it couldn’t be.
« Because ? » you asked,your voice so low he wouldn’t have heard it if his intention wasn’t concentred on you.
« Because I...I started to...To ...I.. »
His eyes were begging you to understand,but your own mind was too confused by all the things he could mean,and you wanted,you needed to hear what he meant. The realization that he’d had to say it ,to put words into this thing he tried to avoid for so long ,hit him,and,in a low voice,he said very quickly :
« Because I fell in love with you. »
Your eyes opened in shock and you were left breathless. Your heart was pounding into your chest. So,you hadn’t dreamt all these years ? You were right about the way you thought he felt about you?
« It’s okay if you don’t feel it back. It’s okay . I’ll...I’ll leave you alone. Goodbye ,y/n. »
His eyes were shut to the floor,and with the saddest expression you ever saw him with,he went to the door ,ready to leave. When he started to open it,it was like you finally took control of your body again,and you grabbed his arm,making him look at you with surprise.
« I love you too Levi. »
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faeedreams · 2 years
Help with spirit attachment
So, I have a big spiritual problem at the moment. Something went through my protections and latched itself onto me.
This entity had been around for a little while, but I had thought nothing of it. I ignored it, which has been a mistake.
It started with one night, when I felt something disturb me in my sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night with a strange, unfamiliar sensation in my entire body, a combination of prickles and numbness, as if I had been mildly electroshocked, and with my name being whispered into my head.
A few days later, I woke up again at 4:44 in the morning with a strange menstruation pain, that I had never had before. The pain in my belly was combined with a feeling similar to that prickling sensation that I had before in my body. After I went back to sleep, I dreamt that something was possessing me and I was shouting at it to go away. The next morning, my boyfriend told me he also had a nightmare of me falling to the ground and not moving anymore.
Again, I ignored these, didn't take them seriously , as I'd had many nightmares before and had also been bothered by entities at times.
Then the evening came in which it went into my head. I was leaving offerings for my guides at my altar, when I felt my head suddenly and intensely burning, like it had been set on fire, along with dizziness. I realized then that something went into me through my crown chakra.
I yelled angry at it to go away, yelled and yelled. The huge pressure in my skull stayed along with a sensation of anxiety and adrenaline in my entire body. The next day, I felt a bit better. It seemed like it went away for a while. I consulted my pendulum, and it showed me that it went away, which was false; the entity was most probably lying through it or it did go away just for a little while.
On the third day, after a small ritual outside, I felt it in my head again. The pressure and the burning sensation, mostly on the top and the back of my skull. And it stayed like this since then. I knew it was paranormal, but I went to doctor just to be sure. They couldn't find anything, which confirmed my terrible hunch.
It has become only worse and worse. I have done a banishing, a cleansing, I have put up protections, but nothing worked. After the banishing, it only seemed like it went away for a while again, before it returned in full force, as if angry that I had dried to banish it. Two nights ago, before going to bed, I felt its presence behind my head. During sleep, along with the numbness and pain in my head and neck, I started feeling the prickles again, in different parts of my body, randomly, as if something was touching me at different times, or as if bugs were crawling in different spots. Sometimes in my head and neck, other times in my face, arms, legs, belly, or pelvis even. I had nightmare after nightmare and heard sounds in my ears, when waking up. I felt its presence all over me. I went to my altar, shouted at him, cleansed myself with sage smoke. Nothing. I couldn't sleep more than 4 hours. I was done.
The next day (yesterday) I did a second banishing and a cleansing. It doesn't seem to work much. I feel it touching me in different spots at times. The head numbness and pain are still there, but a bit less. It's still latched onto the back of my head/neck, as I feel it crawling under my skin sometimes. The worst are the physical sensations. I can't sleep normally because of them. I can't function normally because of them. The pressure of this entity seems to be now in both my head and chest, and my heart is sometimes beating too hard, as if the entity is gripping my body tightly.
Today I will try another cleansing bath with the new moon, but I know he won't go away that easily. I have contacted two shamans and waiting for their response, because this is a spirit attachment that I can't get rid of by myself.
The thing is - it has succeeded in making me doubt my spiritual practice and myself. I will definitely put this on break and even probably stop, after I get rid of this entity.
It pains me to do so though. This has been part of me for a while now and still is, deep down. I know something like this shouldn't stop me from being who I am, but maybe I should take it more slowly. Learn everything better. Start from the beginning again. I'm not sure though.
My advice is - learn how to detect spiritual hauntings in time, so you'd know when to banish them and cleanse them away. Learn all the basics of your spitritual and energetic practice very well, before attempting greater things. Of course, these can alway happen, even if you have protections (like it did to me), but it's always for the best to be aware of the risks that come with this practice and assume responsibility.
Now I have this problem and I will probably have to work hard to get rid of it. I feel it making me weak, but I know it's important not to let it affect me too much. It's important to keep living my life and not fight this entity every living moment, because that's what it wants. It wants my struggle and my energy, it's feeding off of it.
If you have any advice or experience on this, please leave a comment or send me a message. I would gladly receive any help that I can get.
Thank you.
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hongnanglen-arina · 3 years
Forget me not | Hong Joshua
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Genre: Angst
Pairing: Joshua x fem reader
Warnings: sick!reader, dementia
Words: 3k
A/N: Hey there! So here it is, my first angsty fic on here. I’m currently going through this myself but writing it down helped me cope with it a bit. Of course having to deal with this syndrome/disease is anything but romantic or nice but i tried to make it less bad if you know what i mean... anyways, i really hope you don’t have to deal with this in rl. Please be healthy!! Love you ♡
Tagged: @love-dreams​ @seokcalibur​ 
⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅
The first time Joshua knew that something was off was at your birthday party 5 years ago. When you talked too fast, often times you mixed up the names especially the similar ones. You nearly forgot the cake in the oven. Luckily your cousin noticed it. During the party, he thought you were just too excited or too stressed because you wanted it to be perfect. You’ve always been like this.
But when you were alone in the kitchen after everyone had left, you asked him about the special occasion of the party. You couldn’t remember it was your birthday.
He had laughed and thought it was a joke. But it wasn’t. 
The questions increased, more and more random reactions happened until he couldn’t leave you alone anymore. 
Once he was at a market with you. It was a lovely saturday afternoon. You two enjoyed those short getaways a lot. You would randomly choose a place up to 3 hours away from your home and would drive there, spent the day or even the whole weekend there and would go back happily as if you had a little vacation. That day you had decided to split up so he could secretly get the little bouquet of roses for you before joining you at the grocery store to help with the bags. The bouquet was placed securely on the backseat of your car when he stepped into the grocery store, looking for you. The store wasn’t too big so he was sure that it wouldn’t take long to find you. No sign of you at the fruit corner, the pastries, alcohol nor the snacks corner. He just couldn’t find you. He even asked the workers to call your name through the speakers because he started to get worried. 5 minutes passed. 10. 15. Still no sign. He didn’t want to bother the busy workers a second time so he made his way back to your rented apartment for the weekend. Maybe you wanted to start preparing dinner because you’ve been always like this. You never wanted to get help if it wasn’t really necessary. This was one of the reasons you two would get into an argument but those never lasted for long. 
When Joshua got into the car and drove down the street in the direction of your apartment, he saw you sitting at the bus stop, crying. He immediately stopped the car and ran to you, he thought his heart had stopped beating the second he saw in what kind of state you were.
“Y/n, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He tried his best to speak in a calming tone but it was very difficult. Joshua didn’t know what was wrong. What happened. What he missed out on. He was mad at himself that he left you alone, no matter what the reason for your tears was.
Your eyes lightened up a bit when you recognized him beside you on the bench, looking down at his hands which were holding yours, thumbs rubbing soothingly over your cold skin.
“I’m such a bad mother! I forgot to prepare dinner for our kids! I have to go back and cook. They must be hungry and waiting!”
It wasn’t what Joshua was expecting to hear. 
Especially because your two children were already living in other cities for work and university. He didn’t understand right away. Again, he thought you made a joke but when his eyes met your glossy ones and he tried to find the right words.
“Love, they aren’t with us anymore. You don’t have to prepare dinner for them.”
This was the wrong choice of words. You started to cry uncontrollably, worse than before. Because you thought they had passed away.
Later on he learned that he had to “play along”. That this would resolve almost every situation with people who were suffering with this syndrome.
The other time you just wanted to throw away the trash. It was just right outside the apartment complex so he thought it would be okay. The big bins were just beside the entrance, in a separate place only residents could enter since the gatekeeper was always around. You didn’t have to go that far, it was still the same building. But what was a task for 10 minutes maximum under normal circumstances became a horrible memory for Joshua and probably you too. 
Because you got lost somewhere between leaving and closing the apartment door and the moment Joshua found you. In the hospital.
Until now, he didn’t know what exactly happened on that day. But you got hit by a car when you crossed the street at a red light he was told. Even after asking the gatekeeper, he couldn’t help you because after seeing you, he got a call and didn’t pay attention where you were going after exchanging greetings.
Joshua’s fingers slightly touched your knee, the scars from the accident still evident. He was mad at himself. He thought moving to this place would help you recover and made you happier. In some aspects it did. Living on the 23rd floor with a breathtaking view over the Hangang river and all the nice lights once it got dark outside was something you two had always dreamt of. Being able to take a walk at the park next to the building and having some slice of nature around was exactly what you two wanted in this huge city. Always joked about growing old and admiring the view together. 
He never thought it would become like this.
He didn’t know why God had chosen you.
He used to believe that everything happened for a reason. That you would only get good things if you do good.
He was raised to believe in God. 
But after everything, it was difficult.
He even caught himself hating God for making you suffer like this.
He just couldn’t help it.
“It’s cold.” Your words pulled Joshua back to reality and he quickly got up to get your favorite blanket. The fuzzy fabric that you fell in love with when you were at an amusement park together a month before you got married. You always took great care to everything and everyone around you so it was no surprise to him that the blanket still looked exactly like it did when he won it for you. Although it hasn’t gotten the same care anymore after you weren’t able to do chores by yourself again. Joshua asked you what your secret was in maintaining it but as much as he tried, he just wasn’t as talented as you. 
He wrapped you in your blanket and made sure that you felt warm and cozy before walking over to the open kitchen area to prepare tea. Your favorite organic herbal infusion. 
While he was waiting for the water to boil, is eyes traveled to the side and to the wall which was decorated by different photos. Every single one holding a deep meaning.
A selfie taken on a ferries wheel. The moment he confessed his feelings for you. He planned everything to the smallest detail and wanted it to be romantic. Throughout the evening you asked him several times why he was carrying a bigger backpack. The reason was a bouquet of red roses. That day he wasn’t fully himself because he was too nervous but it still worked out. He succeeded. Joshua smiled at the memory.
Beside that was a photo from your wedding. The beautiful dress that you wore was something he had never seen. He was speechless and had to swallow down the tears. He couldn’t believe that he was the lucky guy marrying this ethereal woman in front of him. In this photo your eyes were a little puffy and nose slightly red because you couldn’t help but to cry through half of the ceremony. He could still hear your whines when his best friend asked for a photo. The smile remained on Joshua’s lips while remembering the moment.
Then photos of your children. The first born, then your second 3 years later. Time really passed by too fast because now they weren’t living with you anymore. In fact, your first born would become a father himself in a couple of months. 
Joshua looked over to you, the smile changing to a painful expression. He wasn’t sure if you would understand who it is when your son would come over with his baby. 
Once the tea was ready, he put everything on a small tray with some fruits and walked back to you.
You were still at your favorite spot. At the table in the dining room which was right in front of a huge window, allowing you to have a beautiful view on the Hangang river and the Paldang bridge. Joshua would catch you smile from time to time, sometimes even getting an answer from you why you were smiling. When there wasn't a smile on your lips, your eyes would be watery as if you had remembered something sad. Every time he would ask you and often times he would be surprised what the cause was. The fact he would randomly learn new things about your past even after knowing you for over 40 years now was surprising to him. But the doctor once told him that those things could also be dreams or wishes that you would mix up with reality. Sadly it was common.
He helped you with the tea, blew over it and held the cup while you took a sip. Every time you would thank him but without saying his name. It was painful but he tried to hold his smile.
“They look like the flowers we have in our garden. They are so beautiful. My mother loves them. Me too.”
Joshua turned around to a painting on the wall. A painting of small flowers, little blue petals with white and yellow centers. Forget-me-nots. 
You painted it after getting the diagnosis. At that time, it wasn’t this severe. You were still able to do everything by yourself although you stopped from time to time because you weren’t able to remember what you wanted or why you were doing something. But the both of you were scared of the future.
It wouldn’t just go away after some time like a flu. There was nothing you could do, no antidote. Just medication which would temporarily improve the symptoms, distracting you from the real process. You knew that one day it would become so bad that you may hurt him.
The reason you painted the flowers was because you wanted to break up with him. You wanted a divorce. Not because you stopped loving him, it was because you loved him. You hated to ask for help. You hated to bother people, especially him. People who meant the world to you. You wanted him to live his life without you as a burden because dementia meant you would need help until the very end.
You wanted to give him the painting as a gift, like a symbol of your time together. That you were thankful for everything and hoped he would keep all the good memories in his heart. You didn’t want him to hate you and you really hoped he would understand. If not now, then later. The divorce would give him the freedom he deserved. He shouldn’t see you miserably and take care of you when you can’t recognize him anymore.
That was the biggest fight you two had. 
Joshua was more than hurt of the decision you had made alone. But he wasn’t the only one in pain and he saw it in the way you were shaking as you tried to explain everything. He knew that something was wrong with you some weeks prior to your fight where the bomb dropped. You didn’t eat normally, you denied his ideas for a night out, you didn’t smile as much as you used to. You just avoided his love and wanted to be alone more and more.
In the end he convinced you to stay. Joshua told you that he swore to care for you until his last breath. To be there for you in good but also in bad times. He would be understanding if the syndrome would mess with your brain or body again. It was his purpose to be there for you. He loved you. Just as much as you needed him, he needed you as well. Even if that meant to be in the situation he was in right now.
"You really sing so beautifully. You should become a singer!"
That's what you would say every day after he played the guitar or sang his favorite song for you. And his reply would be the same as well, every day.
"Believe me or not but I was a famous singer once.”
And you would always giggle and think that he made a joke. But it wasn’t.
Joshua was 2 years older than you but then again, healthy. Unlike you who was suffering from dementia. 
He knew you didn't do it on purpose but it always hurt him so much, he had no word to describe the pain. Knowing you weren't able to remember all the happy moments you two went through made his heart ache. No matter how often he told you about your adventures, your experiences and life lessons, you would forget about it right after. But he still did it again and again. At least he had a lot to tell you about and somehow it was a way of not forgetting it himself. Some kind of therapy for himself. But often times he struggled because he couldn't remember it clearly and it was always a lonely feeling as you couldn't help or correct him.
Joshua checked the secure on the wheels of your wheelchair, making sure it wouldn’t move. He slowly got up to his feet to turn on the heater on the other side of the room. It was getting cold inside and the tea was gone already.
When he first heard about dementia, he thought it was losing memory only. But as he educated himself more and more, he learned that it could also mean the loss of mobility and the loss of speech. 
Luckily the latter hasn’t happened yet and he prayed it would stay that way. 
That was one of the reasons he believed in God again.
He felt selfish but he had nowhere to go. No place to let everything out.
When he prayed to God again, he felt bad and pathetic at first but it gave him the strength he needed.
He prayed that you wouldn’t be in too much pain.
He mentioned his gratitude for still being with you.
He was thankful for the chance to be a good husband to you.
Absentmindedly, his fingers found his cross necklace. You weren’t in a good state and of course everything could be better without dementia but being there for each other must be the life lesson here. Even without a marriage, being with the person you love and supporting each other was one of the most important things in life. He didn’t know how it would be, if the tables were switched between the two of you. Maybe that was why Joshua understood your idea of the divorce although he decided against it. If he would have to choose again, his decision would be the same. 
He didn’t want a life without you.
After turning on the heater, he joined you again.
He was watching you smile with tears in your eyes.
He asked you what was wrong but you didn't react, instead your gaze was fixated on something outside the window. He wanted to help. He wanted to turn back time but he couldn't. His wish was impossible to become true. 
Joshua reached forward, grabbing two clementines from the tray he had brought earlier and started peeling them for you. You two used to do it for the other when everything was still okay. Before the drastic change had started. Now you've never done it for him again but it would never stop him from doing it for you.
Carefully taking your hand and placing the peeled fruits in it, you made a surprised noise, giving him a soft smile.
"How do you know I like them? Say, what's your name?"
He tried to smile back. The same question he would hear every day.
Leaning forward, he gently rubbed your arm through the blanket. "My name is Joshua." ...and I'm your husband, he added in his thoughts.
You pulled out your arm from under the blanket and carefully touched his hair, letting the fingertips graze his cheeks until he grabbed your hand and kept your hand like this, leaning in your palm and closing his eyes for a second before placing your hand back down in your lap. You still wore his bracelet. The one he made for you with pastel colored beads. 
Every day you would ask where you got it from but Joshua made sure to tell you about it every time he heard this question. At least you two would always have topics to talk about, he always told himself.
“You are so kind to me.” 
Your soft voice made him look up to you and then he saw it in your eyes. He saw that deep down you haven't completely forgotten about him and that was all he needed. That was what kept him going, day after day. You were and will always be the love of his life after all.
And that would never change. Never.
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mlwritersguild · 3 years
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One Flew Over the Peacocks Nest by @maggies-scribblings​
Letter from Emilie Agreste to Chat Noir
Event Prompt: Choose one character for you POV to write letters to a randomly selected second character to be the recipient.
M. Chat Noir,
I write to you not as a fan, much less an enemy, but as a mother. I have tried to contact everyone else who might have been of help, but no one has responded. You are my last hope. 
I am counting on you to help me. You have shown you are a kind-hearted boy, even through all this mess. 
My son will not speak to me or open any letters or e-mails I send him. I need to tell him my version of what happened. He needs to know it was all for love.  
As you know only too well, I have been awakened from my coma during the events of the Battle of Paris, three months ago. Since then, I have been involuntarily detained in this psychiatric hospital, by order of the judge. 
I need to make it absolutely clear that I did not in any way participate in, or even know about, my husband’s doings. I hope this message can make you believe me. Not for me — or my husband — but for my son.
I feel that I need to give you some background about me, since I’m sure the tabloids and magazines have already put too many lies out there. 
My family history is no secret — Amelia Graham, my mother, is a peripheral member of the English Royal Family, and my father was media owner Emile de Vanily. They were the sweethearts of the press in the 1970s. My sister and I were born after years of our parents’ (very public) battle with infertility, but the stress from the constant treatments and, later, two very energetic little girls, took a toll on them, and they ended up divorcing when we were six years old. 
Growing up, our family was constantly hounded by tabloid journalists and paparazzi, so we moved to a quiet countryside manor to attend a small private school. Our lives were as sheltered from the real world as Mother could manage. 
Between the two of us, I was always the rebel one, if you may call it that. I ventured out of the school yard with some other girls to buy smokes and gossip magazines. I dreamt of being a model and an actress, going to Hollywood and marrying some major movie star in a dream wedding. My mother and sister tried to smother those ambitions, but as soon as I turned 18 and received my part of the family fortune, I was off to London to start modelling. My father’s name opened many doors in London, and I got contracted by a major agency within weeks. I took the next step and enrolled in the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art to learn acting, while taking modelling jobs to pay for my expenses. 
I was 19 years old when I met Gabriel Agreste at the London Fashion Week. At 32, he was still a struggling designer, trying to make a name for himself in the business. He was tall, handsome, and dynamic, and his designs touched something deep within my heart that I still can’t describe. We fell in love the very day I modelled for him, and were married within a few months, much to the displeasure of my family in England. 
You have to understand, Chat Noir, that my husband wasn’t always the severe, reclusive, and paranoid man that you came to know. He was always proud, so he refused any financial help from me — his ascension to the fashion A-list was on his own merits and talent. 
The first years of our marriage were blissfully happy. Agreste was slowly growing into a major name in the industry, with some help from our friend Audrey Bourgeois, who took Gabriel under her wing by featuring him in the independent magazine she ran. When she was picked to be the editor of Mode she continued to support him, and when she took over Style Queen in New York, the brand went global.  
With the business booming and the company growing, Gabriel hired Nathalie, a CFO and a CEO, so that he could delegate the business dealings. He wanted to have more free time so that we could start to expand our family. 
I ventured into acting only once, but the film was misunderstood and a flop. The director was so angry he recalled all the copies and burned them on his terrace. I was devastated. At 25, I was getting “too old” to model or find other occupations, and fell into a deep depression.
But I digress. Coming back to the reason I am writing. My son.
After ten years of marriage, we hadn’t succeeded in conceiving a child. I’ll spare you the details, but my family history and Gabriel’s age did not help. 
Back home in England, my sister had married Ferris MacKay, an old friend from a wealthy family (keeping her maiden name). Coincidentally, they were also trying and failing to have a baby.
The top fertility clinic in Europe at the time was in London. Naturally, Gabriel and I moved there for some months as we started our treatments, not knowing my sister was a patient too. We eventually bumped into each other and reconnected. When we got pregnant with just a few weeks’ difference, we were all ecstatic. 
The boys were born, beautiful, healthy and so similar they could be mistaken for twins. Their personalities, though, were opposites from the start: my Adrien was a sweet, calm and happy baby, while his cousin Félix was fussy and whiny.
We resumed our life in Paris, only for Gabriel to find out his CEO and CFO had been embezzling millions by contracting sweatshops to produce prêt-à-porter collections. Nathalie was the one who uncovered the scheme, and worked closely with Gabriel to prevent any damages to the brand’s reputation.  
That’s when my husband began to change. He didn’t trust anyone but Nathalie, and micromanaged everything that happened in the company and the house. He was overworked, nervous and neglectful of me and Adrien.   
History was repeating itself. Just like my parents, we were slowly drifting apart. My depression came back with a vengeance. I was constantly ill, too, but kept doting on Adrien, loving him as much as I could. 
When Adrien was five, another major scandal broke: our fertility doctor was arrested for using his genetic material to conceive patients’ babies. Gabriel was enraged. He ranted on about the possibility that Adrien was not his son. That he didn’t look like him. That his personality was too different from his. That I loved Adrien more than I loved him. 
This had a huge impact on our fragile relationship. Suspicions were easily cleared with a DNA test, but his paranoia was here to stay. He controlled my every move, wouldn’t let Adrien go to school, and only let him play with some friends’ children. 
In my fragile state, I complied, afraid to make him angrier. I loved him as much as ever, and when it was just the two of us, everything was almost perfect. 
I smiled and took care of my husband and our son. If I behaved, there wouldn’t be any fights. I got medicated and felt a little better, but Adrien was still my only refuge from all the negativity.
A couple of years later, Gabriel and I went to a couple’s therapist who was very helpful. Among other things, she advised us to find a mutual hobby. There was something we’d both loved for a long time, but never had the chance to pursue: Tibetan folk tales. I loved the lore, Gabriel found inspiration in the illustrations that accompanied them. 
Saturday mornings became our alone time, scouring flea markets for old books and artefacts. Both of us could speak, read and write Mandarin, and every new discovery was exciting and fun! Then it was a small leap before we learned how to decipher the ancient ideograms, and we started to see veiled references to magical jewels and legendary heroes in historical writings. Even my coughing and illnesses were gone. In the back of my mind, I wondered if I could use magic to make all our troubles go away.
One of our major finds was a newspaper clipping from 1844, describing how a whole temple of an ancient order of monks had been burned down inexplicably, with no victims found. The article was illustrated with an engraving of the order symbol, one we had spotted in other writings, always associated with the magical jewels. 
I became obsessed. The clues were evident, and I wanted to follow them. With some more research, I managed to get an approximate location of the temple. Gabriel was hesitant to leave his business and our boy, but I insisted we go investigate. My rationale was that even if we didn’t find any magical jewels, the time alone could help us rediscover our happiness. 
And so we went. We left our beautiful boy, who was now eight years old, in Nathalie’s trusted hands. 
The first few weeks in Lhasa were fantastic! We hired a bilingual guide, a historian and an archaeologist, and started to plan our investigation. In one of his solo outings to the shady parts of the city, Gabriel found us another ally, who called himself Cash. I disliked him immediately — he was greedy and sleazy, but I put up with his presence, as he knew his way around the black market. 
Our little team began to roam the villages around the mountain where the ancient temple once stood, but people would not talk about anything related to it. Everyone had taken a vow of silence, willingly or not. 
Cash was the one who found the first real piece of evidence: the ancient Miraculous Book of Secrets, or Grimoire if you prefer. The fortune we paid for it was worth every cent: it was the first time we saw actual drawings and writings about the magical jewels and superheroes of old, confirming our suspicions! Together with our specialists, we went to work on it immediately, and soon deciphered a part of the code. You know, of course, how the jewels and power-ups work, so I won’t go into more details. 
Gabriel and I decided to visit the temple ruins as tourists, to see what we could find. It was so remote that there weren’t any roads leading up to it. It was late spring, so the excessive winter snow had already caused avalanches, leaving only permafrost. It should take us only a day or two to reach the temple. We left our team in the closest village inn and departed, just the two of us. 
It was a hard ascent, but we had trained for it. Not enough, unfortunately: before the end of the first day, I slipped on something even slicker than ice, and sprained my ankle. This was bad. Very bad. 
Even then, my curiosity took the best of me and I dug into the snow to find what had made me slip. There they were, glimmering in the sun: the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous! It was like the seasonal movements of the snow had miraculously brought them right into our hands.
We removed our gloves to pick them up, and immediately two tiny creatures appeared: Duusu and Nooroo. Again, you don’t need me to explain what Kwamis are. They introduced themselves and told us how to transform and use their powers. 
Nooroo tried to warn us that the Peacock Miraculous was damaged, while Duusu dismissed him, whooping and spinning around me, urging me to transform. 
We weren’t planning on using the powers at all, believe me. However, my ankle kept swelling and hurt terribly; also, we were on such a steep, unsafe slope that there was no way we could spend the night there and survive.
I put on the Peacock brooch, and Gabriel, the Butterfly. We thought that if we could just fly back to the inn everything would be okay. 
The transformation was amazing at first, but something about it just felt wrong. My body was rejuvenated and stronger than ever, all the pain was gone. Meanwhile, my mind was racing, spinning and confused, my own thoughts and feelings mingled with others, I supposed from previous holders and Duusu himself. I could hardly focus on my movements. 
We made it back to the village inn, detransforming before we entered. Immediately my body collapsed, my head dizzy and my legs failing me. Gabriel picked me up and took me to our room. Our team was concerned, but believed the “just fell and sprained my ankle” story. 
During the night, I was even more disoriented mentally, and all the while my ankle swelled and got darker. I got feverish and delirious, and I’m told I was babbling about past adventures and speaking in other languages, laughing maniacally before bursting into helpless sobs. 
The village was so small they didn’t have a doctor, so a healer came to my help. He told our guide that we shouldn’t have messed with ancient forces and must quit whatever we were pursuing and go home. 
Gabriel spared no expense in flying us back to Lhasa in a rescue helicopter. I spent a few days in the hospital, and although my ankle began to heal, they couldn’t find anything wrong with my brain. I went through extensive tests, but everything looked normal. My cough came back, and my lungs burned. My delirious rantings continued even as I was awake, spikes of fever and hypothermia alternating alarmingly. 
The doctors advised against me travelling in such a condition, but Gabriel insisted we come home, where he could get the best doctors, state-of-the-art exams and treatments. 
I survived the journey, but my mental state was much worse. At least I could stand and walk after a few weeks. I was so happy to see our Adrien, he had grown so much in the few months we were gone…
Therapy and medication helped with my disposition, but I wasn’t the same Émilie any more. I began to crave the sheer power I had felt when I first transformed, so I started wearing it as a brooch, much to Gabriel’s annoyance. I promised him I would never transform again. I lied. 
Within a few years, I got used to the voices in my head and was able to live my life almost as before. Occasionally, when Gabriel was out travelling or working late, I sneaked out to transform and run across the rooftops. I willed my suit to be all black so that I wouldn’t be spotted. It was the first time I tasted true freedom.
I got greedy for it. I began to transform every night when everyone was asleep. Sometimes I didn’t even go out: I just walked around the mansion, listening to the stories my predecessors had to tell.   
Unfortunately, the longer I used the Miraculous, the worse my dizzy spells and coughing fits got, so it was back to the hospital for me. 
This time the doctors actually found a brain tumour. They had to operate soon, or it would get much worse and eventually kill me. 
The last thing I remember is signing the consent for the procedure and my husband whispering, ‘I love you. I promise I will save you, no matter what.’
Fast-forward to when you and Ladybug found me in the mansion basement, I know she brought me back, though I can’t tell how. I think I remember seeing a red kwami pop out of my forehead? I am forever grateful to her and to you for saving me. 
I hear Nathalie has been dealing with some side effects from using the Peacock several times, too. She was always stronger than me, and my debilitated mental state must have left me more sensitive to Duusu’s illness. I now know that the Peacock is repaired, but the thoughts and memories implanted in my brain will not go away. 
That’s why they’re keeping me here, isn’t it? 
But I’m okay. I’m fine. As you can read, I’m coherent and healthy. I just… lose it from time to time. Just a little. I regret that the first time my son saw me after all these years was during one of those… relapses. He must have thought I was crazy. I know I attacked him, but only because I was surprised, he was so grown up! I wanted my baby back, not a whole grown man! We suffered so much to have him and to keep our family united through all of this. Gabriel worked so hard to reunite us. He went so far for me! For us. 
The pained, horrified look my son gave me is something I will never forget. I know I said nasty things to him. That he should have helped his father, he should have offered to be the sacrifice for us to be together again. After all, we still have leftover embryos cryogenically preserved. He could have been reborn. Or I could… I could make a brand new Adrien if you could lend me the Peacock Miraculous, just for a little bit. 
But please don’t show this part of the e-mail to him. He wouldn’t understand. 
So, I beg of you, talk to my son. Convince him to see me. Tell him it was all for our family’s sake. For his parents’ happiness. 
Oh no, my internet time is almost over. If they find me writing this, they will tie me to the bed again. 
Goodbye, Chat Noir. I hope you can help me. 
Émilie Graham de Vanily Agreste
Notes: Thanks to everyone at the @mlwritersguild for coming up with such an interesting challenge (and for being patient with my delay!) 
Also, thank you to my early beta, @cassandrasfisher, for the encouragement when I was ready to quit.
Lastly, I want to thank my final betas, @valiantlyjollynightmare and @apopcornkernel who helped me fine-tune my story!
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cherryeol04 · 4 years
Late Night (M)
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Pairings: Jisung x Reader Genre: Smut, humor, romance? Word Count: 3k Author’s Note: I feel like the ending was rushed a bit and not my best. But I wrote this instead of sleeping, so I hope you enjoy another Jisung from yours truly! 💖💖
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The dream you had left you hot and bothered in a way that you hadn’t felt for quite some time. That was the sad reality you faced when dating an idol. Going weeks, if not months, without being near each other and the only thing to placate you were sleep deprived nightly messages that half the time didn’t make any sense and rushed good morning texts that usually didn’t make it to you until well in the afternoon. It was a struggle and in times like this, it really showed. It was still relatively early in the morning, you were sure and a quick glance at the clock told you it was only 4am.
Very fucking early in the morning. Way too early to even be horny, but you couldn't deny the fact that you were with the way your pussy throbbed between your legs and a carnal urge was trying to take over your body. The dream had been so explicit and had seemed so real that when you woke up, a wave of sadness washed over you. Just moments ago you had your boyfriend's cock in your hand, his breathy moans filling the room as you worked your tongue over the smooth, mushroom head. The taste that filled your mouth as precum leaked freely into it was so familiar and warm that there was no way you could have been dreaming. But you were and you absolutely hated both your brain and body.
With a groan, you rolled onto your side, hand reaching out to grab at your cellphone - wincing when the light of the screen hurt your pupils. It took a moment to adjust to the light, but eventually you did as you unlocked the phone and went straight to your messages. There were about 45 unread, most coming from the group chat you had with the boys. Normally it was filled with random dad jokes from Changbin, or cute cat videos and ASMR videos from Minho and Jeongin. You skipped it for now. Your mind was set on messaging your boyfriend, though you were almost 100% sure that he wouldn't be able to do anything. You knew Stray Kids was busy preparing for a comeback which meant long hours of practice in every department, meetings upon meetings and countless photoshoots and video shoots for trailers and music videos.
It was very hectic and you had to commend them for their dedication to the job. Their passion for music and being an idol clearly showed in times like these. But as a consequence it left you boyfriendless for months, with only your hand and your toys to take care of you. And while your favorite clit stimulator always got the job done, there was only so much you could take before you really started to crave the real thing. And it seemed like you were finally at your breaking point.
Are you awake?
No. Who in their right mind would be awake at this hour?
Come over~
It's 4am! I got practice at 6!
Then why are you still awake???
So when and why did you want me to be there?
Now, and because I miss you
I miss you too but that's not a very good reason for me to get a ride across town at 4am.
I'm horny and dreamt of you
Oh? Do tell~
Not until you come over
😩 I'll see what I can do
Don't forget your key~
You had to admit, it was rather easy to convince Jisung to come over. Though there wasn't really a guarantee that would come over. It wasn't like he actually drove and could just hop in a car and make his way to your place. He would either have to wake a manager and ask for a ride, or somehow find some sort of public transportation. And walking was certainly out of the picture because it would be way after 6 am before he could even make halfway to your house. A part of you felt sorry for even suggesting he come over, but another part of you hoped he was able to find a ride and get over as quickly as possible.
The dream was still fresh in your mind, plaguing your thoughts as you tried to focus on anything but the idea of Jisung coming over. But it was there, standing proud and erect in the forefront of your brain and you were becoming increasingly aware of just how much you desperately missed his cock. Well, you missed Jisung too, but you were particularly fond of the appendage that hung between his legs. But honestly, who could blame you? He wasn't small, but he wasn't overly big either. If you had to put a word to it, he was about average size, but his cock was absolutely perfect. The skin was tan, much like the rest of Jisung's body which you absolutely adored, the head usually a pale pink unless he was really hot and bothered. Then it became ruddy and looked so divine and juicy enough to eat.
You groaned as your mind wandered further, lost in the memories of the weight of Jisung's cock in your mouth, as it always filled it out nicely. You could feel yourself drooling at the thought, frowning slightly. Get a hold of yourself. There was no point in fantasizing about it yet. A quick touch to your phone screen showed no new messages from Jisung and after double checking your chat with him, there wasn't anything indicating he wasn't coming. There was still hope.
With hopes of distracting your dreadfully dirty mind, you grabbed the TV remote and after fiddling with it for a bit, you turned YouTube back on and just randomly hit one of the videos in your recommended list. It was some movie review channel that was reviewing one of your favorite film series Hellraiser. It was good enough and within mere seconds of the video playing, you were drawn in and actually managed to forget about both Jisung and the dream. For the better part of twenty minutes, you were so engrossed in the video, snickering at the little quipes the reviewer gave here and there while discussing the movie that you didn't hear the door of your apartment being unlocked, or the soft footsteps growing closer to your bedroom door.
So blind were you to the outside world, that it wasn't until you felt cold fingers grazing over your shoulder that you became aware of the presence in your room. Startled, you jerked up, eyes landing on Jisung as he stood there with an almost sheepish expression if it weren't overshadowed but the dark circles under his eyes and you could clearly see just how exhausted he was. A pang of guilt bubbled up in your stomach and you really regretted inviting him over. You regretted all the dirty thoughts you had about what you would do to him if he did show up. At that very moment, you wanted nothing more than to lay him down on your bed and make him go to sleep. Would that leave you incredibly unsatisfied and most likely angry in the morning? Yes, but it would be worth it to make sure Jisung was getting sleep, even if only for a couple hours before he had to be up again.
"You came."
"I did." He flashed you a gummy smile that warmed your heart and you opened your arms towards him. With a soft sigh, he climbed into the bed and practically fell into them, head nuzzling against your chest as you both settled down. Running your fingers through his hair, you hummed softly while placing a gentle kiss to the top of head. "So, gonna tell me your dream?" he muttered and you couldn't help but giggle.
"I suppose so. You did come all the way over to see me~" you cooed teasingly. He snorted and lifted his head, eyes staring up at you curiously and you had to stop yourself from pinching his cheeks because he was just too damn cute. "I had a dream that I could make you cum in 3 seconds."
"Pfft, I wish. The amount of orgasms I could have during the day." he laughed and you rolled your eyes at him.
"I'm serious. All I had to do was get on my knees and you were instantly hard and two licks to your cock and you were cumming." You shifted under him, arms tightening around him with undisclosed desire and you buried your face into his shoulder. God you wanted him so much, that even just telling him the bare basics of the dream had you horny all over again.
"It would take more than two licks, kitten." he practically purred into your ear and you couldn't stop the whimper that left your lips. "But you are right, I would be so hard if you dropped to your knees in front of me." Daring to look at him, you pulled back. What greeted you was such an erotic sight. Even in the dim light of the room, you could see just how blown his pupils were, eyes staring so intensely at you that you physically shivered from the lust flashing through them. "Is that why you called me here? So you could blow me?" he asked, head tilting to the side.
"Uh...yeah?" You didn't sound too sure, but really that had been your intention - to get your hands back on Jisung's cock and be reminded of just how good he tasted. "Please?" You tacked on at the end, just for good measures. He smiled, swooping down into what was anything but a kiss. Your lips barely touched and it left you yearning for me. God damn it. He was such a tease. Pulling away, Jisung flopped over on to his back, arms moving to rest behind his head.
"Well then, have at it." The nonchalance of the situation only fueled your arousal and you were scrambling onto your hands and knees before you knew it. Moving between his legs, you reached up with one hand and palmed over him. His cock twitched slightly at the touch and you could feel it filling out the longer you stroked him. It was hot, you couldn't lie, watching the way it bobbed and lifted, tenting the sweatpants he was wearing. Leaning in, you mouthed at his dick, tongue running roughly against the pilled fabric. Soft groans filled the air and you glanced up, eyes locking with Jisung's hooded ones watching you. His lips were slightly parted and wet, another groan leaving them as your fingers toyed with the head of his cock. With a light touch, you pressed against the slit, grinning as precum soaked through, wetting your finger. Teasing just a bit more, you gathered more of the liquid before sitting up and bringing your finger to your mouth. 
You made a show of it, parting your lips and letting your tongue swipe against your fingertip, moaning lewdly while wrapping your lips around your finger and giving it a few sucks. There wasn’t much of a taste, but that really didn’t matter. You were doing this more for Jisung than for yourself and judging from the way he shifted on the bed, fists clenched tightly in the sheets, it was doing a great job riling him up. “Taste good, kitten?” You pulled your finger out with a pop, licking your lips as a feline-like grin spread across your face.
“Delicious.” Humming softly to yourself, you scooted closer to his body, fingers grasping his waistband and giving a light tug. “Your kitten’s hungry.” you pouted at him, laughter leaving him as he lifted his hips up enough for you to slide his pants and boxers down in one go. 
“Well we can’t have that, now can we?” he mused, raising himself up on his elbows. You gave a hum of acknowledgment, though your attention was currently taken by the beautiful cock that laid so proudly against his abdomen, head already a ruddy shade with a pearl of precum beaded at the top. Reaching down, Jisung wrapped his hand around his cock and gave it a few pumps, soft grunts leaving his parted lips. His thumb swiped over the tip, gathering what precum was there and held it out towards you. “Come on baby. Come and eat.” 
Tossing his pants over the side of the bed, you leaned over him and took the offered thumb into your mouth, tongue swiping against the slightly salty skin - licking it nice and clean. Sucking on it, you smirked at the small ‘fuck’ Jisung uttered before pulling off the finger. Shifting closer, you pressed your lips against his in a deep and heated kiss that lasted for only a few short seconds - a calculated move you made just to tease him for the barely there kiss he had given you earlier. Jisung whined, trying to chase after your lips as you moved away and you pressed your hand against his chest, pushing him back down onto the bed. Throwing one of your legs over his, you settled yourself over him, lowering down and running your tongue from the base to the tip.
“Oh fuck.” The moan he released went straight through you, your pussy throbbing more at the sound and the taste on your tongue. You were tempted to lower your hips down and rub against his leg, but you held back. While you wanted to get off, right now it was about him and fulfilling your dream in some capacity. You repeated the action a few times, stopping just short of the slit and watched with lidded eyes as more precum oozed out and slowly rolled down the side of his cock. “Babe, thought you were hungry?” It was a mixture of a whine and question, and did nothing except make Jisung sound absolutely wrecked and you hadn’t even done anything. Giggling to yourself, you gripped the base of his dick as you enveloped the head with your mouth.
You sank down slowly, tongue working flicking against any part of the velvety flesh that was filling your mouth. You took your time, stopping when you reached your limit and letting him just rest there, hot and heavy against your tongue. God, you had missed this so much, just being so intimate with Jisung. Fingers carded through your hair, tangling in the strands as Jisung breathed heavily, body tense and vibrating slightly with the way he was trying to stop the tremors coursing through him. “Y/n, fuck. Stop teasing and suck my dick.” You didn’t think it was possible, but Jisung sounded even more wrecked than he had before. Humming lightly around him, pulling a sharp hiss from him, you slowly began bobbing your head. Pulling up, you gave two hungry sucks against the head before sinking back down, tongue pressing and rubbing against the vein on the underside of his cock. It was easy to start a rhythm, spurred on by Jisung’s moans. The faster you moved and the harder you sucked, the louder he got and the wetter you became.
Jisung attempted to lift his legs and plant his feet on the mattress, but was stopped when his shin came in contact with your wet panties. Moaning around him, you rocked your hips down against him, whimpers filling the air as you grinded against him. His cock twitched and throbbed in your mouth, your eyes lifting to watch his face. Jisung had his head thrown back, eyes closed as he got lost in the feeling of your hot mouth around him. Every now and again his hips would twitch and try to lift, but he seemed to restrain himself which you were thankful for. You really weren’t in the mood to choke tonight.
Pulling off until just the head was between your lips, you hollowed your cheeks and sucked  while your hand stroked the rest of his cock. “Shit.” he hissed, back arching off the bed. “Fuck I’m gonna cum.” You moaned around him, hand picking up speed as excitement bubbled up inside you. Your free hand came down, fingers stroking over his balls and it was like you pulled the trigger. Jisung tugged harshly at your hair and you popped off quickly, lips parts as you pressed the head against your tongue. Jisung pulsed and throbbed in your grip as he came, long sticky strings of white coating the inside of your mouth and as you swallowed, you were surprised to find that it didn’t taste like the normally bitter cum you were used to. You made a mental note to thank whichever member you had to for helping to change Jisung’s diet for the better. 
You suckled lightly on the tip, milking the rest of the cum out of his body and when he whimpered at the overstimulation, you finally released him from your grip. Sitting up, you licked your lips clean, smiling down at Jisung’s panting form. “Mmm, thank you for the delicious meal.”
“Pleasures….all mine.” he nearly gasped out, letting out a stuttering sigh as he tried to control his breathing. “Fuck that was amazing, as always.” Weakly, he lifted his arms towards you and you crawled up his body and into his embrace. Snuggling against him, you pressed a gentle kiss to his neck, a content sigh leaving you as you let yourself settle down, arousal slowly fading. Jisung attempted to pay you back, his hands wandering lower, but you stopped him and at his confused look, you simply shook your head.
“Not tonight.”
“Seriously? I get a blowjob and you get nothing?” he asked, confused.
“Um, I got to give a blowjob? It’s all I wanted honestly.” You confessed with a shrug. “Next time though.” You left the sentence open, letting Jisung’s mind supply images of what you could do next time and while laying in the comforting silence of the room, halfway to dream land, you swore you heard Jisung mutter something about trying anal. But that was a conversation for another time.
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Tags: @jisungsjheekies​ @starryseung​ @luminouskalopsia​ @runningonkpop​ @clandestine-lixie​ @straysrachaa​ @sauceracha​ @mrbangchannie​ (Tag info here! Come Join!)
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enigmaphenomenon · 4 years
Cloud and Tifa - The Buildup pt. 1
Part 1 of the remake released finally and it covers Midgar. Let’s take a look at the scenes between Cloud and Tifa, and the scenes to come later in future installments. Let’s get started. Been a while since I last wrote an essay, it’s time. 
The first time she’s mentioned:
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Those of us who know the story, we know who Tifa is and what her connection with Cloud is. But, without knowing the story this question sets up other questions. “Who is Tifa?” “What is her relationship with Cloud?” “There must be something if Jessie, who is flirting hard with Cloud, is asking so she can understand if she’s flirting with a taken man or not.”  Tifa is mentioned as early as chapter 1, both her importance to Cloud and the core mystery of Cloud’s identity are foreshadowed and setup.  Jessie’s question makes Cloud search his memories, are he and Tifa close? This is where we get more information.  We see through Cloud’s eyes as we get our first look at Nibelheim, and our first look at Tifa, as Anxious Heart plays in the background. 
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Cloud looks up at the water tower and lingers on it as he’s walking. We know the iconic water tower and what it means, but this shot is setting up the importance of this water tower. Even more foreshadowing about Tifa and Cloud’s bond. 
As cool as this flashback is, it didn’t really answer the question. We see Tifa attempting to reach out to Cloud, but he seemingly ignores her. We never see what happens next as the flashback ends.
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We don’t get our answer in the flashback, nor do we get our answer from Cloud. We know Cloud and Tifa knew each other as kids as well as in adulthood. We know that Jessie is curious about their relationship but other than that we didn’t get an answer. Only a question was posed. A question that will continue to be answered in small pieces before it is fully revealed.  At this moment, Tifa, her relationship to Cloud, and their promise at the water tower are all foreshadowed.  The second time she’s mentioned:
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First we have Jessie asking Cloud if he’s close with Tifa, and now we have Barret giving us another piece of the puzzle. We know that Cloud and Tifa share history, but Barret is the leader of an anti-Shinra group and doesn’t trust Cloud at all. However, with this line by Barret we learn that he trusts Tifa and gave Cloud a chance based on Tifa’s words.  Tifa is the one who got Cloud the job, and spoke so highly of him that Barret begrudgingly hires a “Shinra dog.” it demonstrates that Tifa’s trust in Cloud is the deciding factor in Cloud’s role for Avalanche. The three members warm up to him quickly, leaving only Barret who continues to distrust him yet reluctantly works with. This would show that all the members, for the most part, trust Tifa’s opinion. It is Tifa’s trust in Cloud that influences the Avalanche members.  Another piece to the puzzle:
We already saw the water tower in an earlier flashback when Jessie asks him about Tifa. It served a purpose besides setting up the promise scene. As Cloud makes his way back to Sector 7 he has another flashback. The water tower appears once again as Cloud stands in the midst of flames. 
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As the scene plays out, we see the water tower completely engulfed in flames before revealing the iconic shot of Sephiroth. 
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We’ll dive into what this scene symbolizes and foreshadows in more depth in later parts of this essay. For now, it is another reference to his bond with Tifa that we don’t know the significance to just yet.  All it tells us is Cloud and Tifa’s hometown went up in flames, and that the water tower holds more significance than being a mere landmark.  The reunion flower: 
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And here is our first real answer on what Tifa is to Cloud. When Cloud meets Aerith, a flower peddler peddling her wares, and she offers him a flower. Now, in OG the flower cost 1 gil and you had the choice to buy it or decline it. Your choice did actually impact the game in a small way as if you declined the flower you would walk away with no flower.  In the remake, however, even if you decline the flower it will still end up in Cloud’s possession. The flower no longer costs 1 gil it is completely free. The game does not let you walk away with no flower.  We are given some added information about the yellow lily. In FF7��s universe this flower means “reunion” and Aerith adds on a romantic connotation stating lovers would give them when they were reunited. There is a second romantic connotation here, as if you decline the flower, Aerith will state it will make Cloud’s “girlfriend” happy. Upon hearing this, he asks her “how much?”  Now who could this girl who Cloud holds romantic feelings for? Who was he thinking about when Aerith mentioned a girlfriend? With the flower in his suspender he reunites with Barret and the others where we get our third Tifa mention. 
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Cloud is initially confused when Barret says he’ll see Cloud soon at 7th Heaven, taking the time to mention Tifa once again and stating it is where she works. Barret also urges Cloud not to keep Tifa waiting.  It is chapter 3, and Tifa has been foreshadowed since chapter 1, and now we’ll finally get to see her.  In OG, if Cloud bought the flower an additional choice was unlocked. Once he makes it to 7th Heaven, Tifa notices the flower and the player is given the option to give it to Tifa or to Marlene. In the remake this is removed. The story removes the option to walk away without a flower, and removes the option of who to give it to.  Again, who has been foreshadowed as having a bond with Cloud where a super flirty girl is interested in what exactly is going on between the two, who had such faith in Cloud it got him hired by someone extremely paranoid and hateful of Shinra, the girl he thought of when “a gift for [his] girlfriend” came up, the girl who receives the flower that lovers would give when reunited? 
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5 years:
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Through this interaction, we get out next clue. What’s been 5 years? Obviously, fans of the original already know, but let’s pretend like we don’t.  It’s been 5 years. We have a timeline now, and Chapter 3 keeps on providing us with more information.  After delivering the water filter to Marle, who is their landlady, Tifa tells Cloud that Marle helped her back in the day. Tifa reveals she’s been in Midgar for about 5 years. 
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The puzzle pieces are forming together yet they are not completing the picture yet. After doing a few jobs for connections, Tifa brings up their home village. 
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This makes it seem that 5 years ago, Cloud left the village as did Tifa. We heard Sephiroth say “Your hometown that burns so bright” but we don’t have a timeline on that in this part of the story.  We can assume Tifa left her village 5 years ago shortly after Cloud left. We know that Cloud returned to his home to witness it burning, and we know Tifa was confused when Cloud said it’s been 5 years, and we know Tifa has been living in Midgar for about 5 years. The picture is coming together but it’s still not clear. Cloud is reluctant to talk about it, but in a later scene we get more information.  Alone At Last:  And now we get Cloud’s answer. He finally talks about what happened when he left their village. 
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We get some backstory on how they were on the news everyday when Cloud and Tifa were kids, and that back then everyone wanted to be a Soldier. This was when the war with Wutai was going on, and Sephiroth was hailed as a great war hero, it was also around this time that Elmyra lost her husband and met Ifalna and Aerith.  When Cloud first heard of Sephiroth, he would’ve been 9 years old or so. He talks about when he left the village the war was over and they didn’t needs heroes, and his job was just working for Shinra, nothing glorious like he had dreamt of. 
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The conversation goes quiet as Cloud reflects on his time with Shinra, prompting Tifa to change the subject. Before she does however, we get an awkward silence hanging in the air as the camera shows the rug they are standing at. @silver-wield​ pointed out this is a flower design, and could be the reunion flower. 
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This is apt as it’s shown right before Tifa brings up their reunion in Midgar. 
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Here’s what we know so far, Cloud left the village to join Soldier, it has been 5 years since he last saw Tifa, and he learned recently Tifa has been living in Midgar for about 5 years.  She remarks on the odds of them going their separate ways what seems like 5 years ago and randomly bumping into each other in a city as massive as Midgar.  The Promise:  Finally, finally, FINALLY we get to the promise scene and I can talk about the significance of the water tower as more than just a landmark!  When we first see the water tower in Chapter 1 is when we first see Tifa, we see the water tower again in Chapter 2 being engulfed in flames, and now in Chapter 4 we get another flashback that shows the significance of the water tower and how it’s linked to Tifa in Cloud’s memories. 
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It was at this water tower that Cloud told Tifa about wanting to join Soldier, that he will be the best of the best, just like Sephiroth.  This is also where Cloud and Tifa make their promise, and the soundtrack that plays here is called “A Tower, A Promise.” 
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This memory was sparked when he was with Avalanche and was triggered by a rather random thing. A fan. Tifa was not mentioned, nor part of this mission, and yet a spinning fan is what brought memories of Tifa to the forefront. Seriously. A random fan triggered a memory of Tifa. 
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The first time he had a flashback of Tifa it was prompted by Jessie asking what their relationship was. Tifa was directly mentioned. However, as the game goes on the memories Cloud has of Tifa are randomly triggered as his true self tries to resurface.  After Cloud remembers the promise he made to her, he remembers what she said back at the bar and the emotional turmoil she’s in. 
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Cloud’s face says it all right here. He feels like he came close to failing her. This is the moment more of his true self is brought forward by his memories of Tifa. It was after this scene we see him truly get closer to Wedge, Jessie and Biggs and finally includes himself with them, even smiling and laughing with the group.  Now prior to this scene, we met Marle in Chapter 3 who had a lot to say to Cloud regarding Tifa. 
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Marle’s words actively foreshadow a scene that takes place after Cloud remembers the promise. At the moment Marle grills Cloud, he hasn’t remembered the promise and when Marle asks him if he’s actually thinking about Tifa and her feelings, his face says it all. Cloud goes to answer, but is at a loss for words...He looks mad and when he goes to presumably tell Marle off, he stops and his face changes to one of guilt and puzzlement. 
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Is he being a real friend to her? Is he really listening to her and thinking about her feelings? Or is he just going through the motions and pretending? Playing out a false persona...perhaps? Not acting like his real self maybe...? After the mission with Jessie is done and Cloud retires to his room, we get to see what Marle’s words foreshadowed and the change in Cloud’s demeanor after he remembered the promise. 
“She needs a friend--a real friend.” 
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“So when she talks, are you really listening?” 
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In Chapter 1, Cloud insists him assisting Avalanche is a one-time gig, and once he gets his money he’s out of there. He refuses to acknowledge he’s part of the group as he tells Barret he’s not one of them and he’s simply a sword-for-hire.
When Chapter 4 rolls around Barret kicks Cloud out of 7th Heaven, throwing his words back in his face about it being a one-time thing, and Cloud himself stating that those shady guys looking for Barret isn’t his business and has nothing to do with him. Cloud had only one reason to stay in Midgar: Tifa. Prior to him remembering their promise, he had no reason, but Marle’s words and his memory of the water tower form his reason for staying. After all, he said he’d be there for Tifa and he decides to stay of his own volition--honoring the promise of his own free will and remembering it on his own. 
We also see another flashback in Chapter 6 showing a distraught Tifa crying over her father’s body before taking Masamune and walking into the reactor. 
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This memory will be triggered again by Tifa repeating what she said all those years ago, with Cloud thinking that he had failed his promise to her. 
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This alludes to the promise he made to Tifa, and how he believes he failed her in Nibelheim. There is also another allusion to Nibelheim in Chapter 1. Reactor 5 has the same layout as Reactor 1, and while at Reactor 1 in the first chapter Cloud not only has a memory of Tifa and the water tower, but he also hallucinates a black feather as he sets the bomb. 
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We finally see the significance of the water tower shown/foreshadowed in Chapter 1, but the full significance will not be revealed until the later parts of the Remake. The water tower - continued in part 2
Part 2 coming soon
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