#this was at the SSC/ACX meetup
autogeneity · 2 months
anyway I unexpectedly bumped into a fucking guy from uni whom I have always been extremely fond of but never really engaged as much as I would have liked. and totally lost contact with after graduating. I am kind of fucking elated rn !!!!
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caesarsaladinn · 1 year
I still get a kick out of the state of the rat-adj/SSC community, at least as I've experienced it on here and at my one meetup.
which is to say, pretty much everyone thinks ACX isn't all that good, and maybe it never was, and who has time for Bayesian reasoning these days--
--but the people who like to hang around the types of people who read SSC/ACX, now that's a good crowd!
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regina-bithyniae · 2 years
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At the ACX meetup I went to a few months ago, of the two people I talked with one was a "post-rat" transwoman who is a software engineer interested in some weird magicy stuff. I pissed her off by saying "gonna be lots of those here" when she said her job, intending to mean "tech people love SSC" not "tech people are dime-a-dozen scumbags" which I think she read it as.
When she started talking about the magic I was initially inclined to make a joke about it, but remembered how it went the last time I made a joke, and just kinda NPC stared and said "oh ok"
I left early.
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