#knights of the round table
sickfreaksirkay · 1 day
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look at this illustration of sir tristram on his journey to avalon..... imagine arriving at avalon in this sick ass swan boat i just know all the other dead knights would be soo jealous
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Knight doodles. This is what I gave Kei a proper design for, this silly thing here.
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dullyn · 9 days
I'm trying to make my WIP be for younger teens/pre-teens, and I'm left staring down the number of uh "unsavory" topics addressed in Arthurian legends. Cause like I gotta have Mordred in there because he is an important figure, yet I do not want to tell twelve year olds about how Mordred was conceived through accidental incest between two half-siblings who are also like twenty years apart. So would it be better to have Mordred be just Arthur's nephew, or to be Arthur's bastard son from someone that is not Morgause?
Please do not tell me that I am distorting the myth or ruining the prose or whatever. I love the stories of the knights and Arthur very much and they were a key part of my childhood, albeit I did not realize all the intense things that occured till I was older.
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merilles · 10 days
Galahad? More like GALahad am I right
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howdoidothiss-blog · 14 days
I’m on s3 of watching Merlin for the first time and when I tell y’all I am SO EXCITED to get to the knights of the round table 🤭🤭🤭 I’ve been getting FOMO every time I see them on this app
+Lancelot 🧎🏻‍♀️👹🫶 (slightly fearing for my life? But I need to see him again) +Gwaine is already SO iconic??? and I’ve only known him one episode
I’m giggling rolling around kicking my feet thinking about them
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rainbluealoekitten · 16 days
don't mind me, just busy feeling sick over the fact that the love was what doomed them but we are doomed without the love regardless. and so on
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mortiscausa · 18 days
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Launcelot with this sword shall slay the man that in the world he loved best, that shall be Sir Gawaine.
handing your man the sword he will one day kill you with ~*just arthurian things*~
march to camelot prompt #5: love
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littleguy-pi · 19 days
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the queer musketeers 🙄
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angelynmoon · 29 days
"It was forged in a Dragon's fire." Merlin grinned at Lancelot.
There was alot Lancelot wanted to ask about that, like how Merlin got close enough to a Dragon's fire and lived to tell about it but Merlin was already handing the Dragon's blade to him and taking Lancelot's.
"You're better off using it, Kilgarrah will have to sulk about it." Merlin told him.
Again Lancelot had questions, like the Dragon had a name and it was still alive, but those would have to wait since he had a Warlock to protect.
Lancelot decided he liked the Dragon's blade and he wondered if he could request his own, surely the one in his hand had been meant for someone else, likely Arthur, but it felt right in his hand as Lancelot defended Merlin from the Immortals' swords.
Then they were in the throne room and they should have known it would be guarded.
Lancelot looked at Merlin and nodded, the Dragon's Sword ready as they continued, so focused were they on getting to the Cup that they didn't register the sound of the warning bell ringing as they fought.
Lancelot letting out a gasp as he took a hit to his shoulder, luckly not on his sword arm.
Merlin looked at him but Lancelot shook his head, motioning to the Cup, he'd be okay, the others might not be.
Merlin knocked the Cup from its podium as the doors burst open, the men whose blood now spilled across the throne room floor exploding in bright light as the Cup clattered to the ground.
A shout of rage left Morgause and she threw Merlin at a wall.
Lancelot forced himself up to get between them when Merlin laid on the floor gasping, he hoped nothing was too injured, Lancelot had seen men be thrown like that and never walk again, he couldn't let Morgause hurt Merlin.
"Get out of my way, boy." Morgause snarled.
"No." Lancelot said, ignoring Merlin's quiet gasp of his name.
"I am a High Priestess of the Old Religion." The woman smirked as Arthur and the other Knights entered the room from behind the throne and Morgana entered the same door Morgause had, "What do you hope to do against me?"
"Sir Lancelot, your Oath." Merlin said as he shifted to sit against the wall he'd been thrown into.
Lancelot glanced at him, Merlin was giving him the same look he'd given him when he'd Knighted him, so proud, so loving, even as his arm rested across his chest, he likly had several broken ribs.
"Your Oath." Merlin said again.
Lancelot nodded and turned back to Morgause and Morgana, who now stood next to her sister, hand up preventing Arthur and the others from coming to their aid.
"And I am a Knight of the Old Religion," Lancelot said, taking in the way Morgana frowned and Mogause stiffened, "A Knight is sworn to valor, his heart knows only Virtue, his blade defends the helpless, his might upholds the weak, his word speaks only truth, his wrath undoes the Wicked."
As he said the last line Lancelot swung the Dragon's Blade at Morgause while she incanted a spell that hit the Shield Merlin had cast over him.
The Blade hit Morgause in the stomach.
And she laughed, "No mortal blade can kill me!" She shouted.
Lancelot tore the Blade out of her, watched her stumble back.
"Then you should know that this Sword was forged in a Dragon's fire." Lancelot said as he watched her fall.
"NOO!" Morgana screamed as she grabbed at Morgause, her cry echoing against the walls, shaking them, making dust spill down.
"Merlin!" Lancelot cried as he turned to gather him up, the man still sitting on the ground.
"Lancelot." Merlin whispered, "We can't leave Morgana, we can't."
"Percival." Lancelot turned to the large man who had fallen into step next to him, "Grab Morgana."
Thankfully the man did not question him as he grabbed the woman and threw her over his shoulder.
Merlin pressed a hand on her ankle and she screamed as her magic was locked away, though the damage had been done and the Castle still shook.
Lancelot felt the moment Merlin passed out and swung him fully into his arms, Gwaine taking his sword so he could hold Merlin better against him as they ran.
Once in the Courtyard Gwen and Gauis both ran to them as the Castle continued to shake.
"What happened?" Gauis asked as he motioned Lancelot to lay Merlin out.
"Morgause threw him into a wall, it must have hurt him badly because he did not stand back up." Lancelot explained.
"Let me go, you peasent." Morgana shouted as she fought Percival's hold.
"Why did you bring her?" Elyan asked, glaring at the woman.
"Lancelot told me to grab her." Percival shrugged, making Morgana yell more at being jostled.
"Morgana." Arthur said quietly.
Morgana glared at him, "Don't think being my brother will save you."
"I miss you." Arthur said softly, "You used to be my best friend, the person I could confide in, where did that woman go?"
"She never existed." Morgana snarled, "She was lied to and hunted and betrayed."
"Arthur." Merlin said sluggishly as he woke, "The bracelet, I think Morgause enchanted it to manipulate Morgana."
"When did you discover this?" Gauis asked as he forced Merlin to stay laying down.
"When she first stared wearing it, Gwen said she wasn't acting the same, she was restless and quicker to anger, so I researched it and had Lancelot look in to personality enchantments in other kingdoms, sometimes they are used to make opinionated women dolcile." Merlin explained.
"You think Morgause enchanted it to make Morgana angry." Lancelot concluded.
"Yes. The Morgana we knew would never turn on the lower people." Merlin said softly.
Arthur and Gwen looked hopeful.
"Fine." Gwaine said and stormed over to wrestle the bracelet off of Morgana's wrist.
She fought him until the metal was no longer against her skin and then she went still.
Percival pulled her off his shoulder to set her on her feet and followed her down as she crumpled.
"What have I done, Arthur, Arthur, I'm so sorry." Morgana said as she began to sob, "I killed so many people, I tried to kill Uthur!"
"Well, a lot of people have tried to kill Uthur." Merlin joked.
"Merlin!" Gaius scolded, even as he let Lancelot help him sit up so he could wrap his ribs.
"I'm still angry at you!" Morgana shouted at him, being held back from throwing herself at him.
"Yeah, that's fair." Merlin agreed as he put a hand over Lancelot's where he'd grabbed the Dragon's Blade.
Morgana stilled, "'That's fair'?"
"I poisoned you, admittedly it was to break the curse on Camelot that Morgause used you to anchor, but still, I hurt you and it's okay to be mad at me." Merlin told her.
"Oh." Morgana exclaomed softly, "She wouldn't have done that if she really loved me, would she?"
"No, Morgana, she wouldn't have." Gwen said softly as she sat next to her friend.
"I hurt you too." Morgana said, "I'm so sorry, I tried to kill you because I was jealous."
Gwen paused, not sure what to say.
"I'm going to teach you everything you need to know to be a good Queen, and maybe you can forgive me?" Morgana asked, hopefully.
Gwen smiled and pulled her into a hug, "You're going to be my sister when I marry Arthur, I suppose I have to."
They both started to laugh quietly.
Arthur cleared his throat, "Unfortunatly, Morgana did use Magic and Magic is against the Law in Camelot."
"Arthur!" Gwen cried as she clung to Morgana.
"Lancelot." Merlin said, making Lancelot sigh as he stood between Arthur and Morgana, Sword in hand.
"Sir Lancelot." Arthur frowned.
"I can't let you harm her, Sire, it goes against my Oath, she's," Lancelot looked down at her and her fearfilled, teary eyes, before turning back to Arthur, "She's helpless, Sire."
"She's a Witch." Arthur argued.
"I bound her Magic, Arthur, she'll only Dream until I realease her." Merlin said as he stood up, ignoring Gauis' protests, coming to stand with Lancelot.
"Lancelot, you are a Knight of Camelot, stand aside."
"Yes, but I am a Knight of the Old Religion first, I swore an Oath to defend the helpless." Lancelot told him.
"You said something like that to Morgause." Gwaine said thoughtfully, "she seemed unnerved by it."
"Because the Old Code is binding, to go against it is to forfit your life." Gaius explained as he stood to go tend to Uthur, who stared at nothing "When the kings of old realised that many Noble Houses could not survive taking such an Oath they got rid of it's use."
Arthur looked at Lancelot and his position in front of Merlin and Morgana and at Gwen's pleading eyes.
"Fine, but she goes nowhere without an escort, if she does she'll be locked in the dungeons for a week." Arthur said, frustrated.
"What about her Magic and the Law?" Leon asked, having been silent until now.
"Oh, fine, I guess I'm lifting the Magic Ban as well, it wouldn't do to spare only the Royal family, I'm not a hypocrate." Arthur cried out.
"Well, there's one thing in your favor then." Morgana teased.
Arthur pointed a finger at her, "Do not make me regret this, Morgana."
"I won't." Morgana promised as she clung to Gwen.
"As for you Merlin, when were you going to tell me you had Magic?!" Arthur shouted.
"To be fair, I've never told anyone." Merlin said.
"Don't make me put you in the stocks." Arthur threatened.
"Don't make me set my Dragon on you." Merlin countered making everyone turn to look at him.
"I'm sorry, your Dragon?" Gwaine asked.
Merlin paused, "So, um, I may or may not be the Last Dragonlord since my Father Died and I inhereted his powers."
Merlin shrugged and winced as his hand came up to cradle his chest.
"We're going to have a long talk later." Arthur sighed, "For now, let's salvage what we can and make a camp. Merlin, you and Gwen babysit Morgana, Percival, you Babysit Merlin and Gwen."
"Yes, Sire." Percival nodded.
"Everyone else, split up, see what you can find, and be careful." Arthur told them, pleased when they split into pairs without him needing to tell them to.
Gwen stood to help Merlin sit down and pulled him close to her and Morgana.
"So, tell us all about how Sir Lancelot took your virginity, was he sweet and gentle or does that hide a more rougeish nature?" Gwen asked.
"Gwen!" Morgana cried, offended.
Merlin almost sighed in relief at getting out of answering.
"You know you're supposed to start by asking what the first kiss was like." Morgana said and turned to look at Merlin expectantly.
"Well..." Merlin began, knowing there was no escape as even Percival was looking at him curiously.
Eventually they would fall asleep, after giggling over the men they loved or in Morgana's case the knight she was never allowed to pursue, perhaps, in time she might be able to win his heart as he'd always held hers but for now they slept and in the morning a new beginning would rise with the sun.
A/n: is this an excuse for Morgana to not be evil? You betcha. Is it also me wondering why Merlin didn't give the Dragon Sword to Lancelot, you know the skilled swordsman, and fixing it? Yep. Yeah I know it was probably Kilgarrah making hin promise but he can just be a sulky Dargon about it. Also Merlin does get Lancelot his own Dragon Blade for the Anniversery of his First Knighthood. The other's whine about it so Merlin teases them by getting them daggers and calls the baby swords since they're being babies about it. They get anniversery Swords too but baby swords first.
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Me: *enjoying any kind of Arthurian content*
Me: ugh this isn’t exactly like BBC Merlin but I guess I’ll take it
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sickfreaksirkay · 9 days
modern au where king arthur calls the knights of the round table chat and they stage a munity against him
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parzival-12 · 1 month
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"Arthur himself was the comeliest king that ever held court."
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straziart · 1 month
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"I am Sir Lancelot of the Lake, from across the sea. I am the best knight in the whole of Christiandom."
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myths0f01d · 1 month
Gwaine/Gawain idc how you spell it but anyways he is SO Flynn Rider.
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I mean COME ON people. They're identical
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glitchedcosmos · 2 months
Drawing one knight of the rounds table got me itching to draw more of them.
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