#I mean unless they're actually harming someone
Ok ok I just had an Absolute Idea
So it's a bad dad Bruce ok
And Jason is dating someone (Bruce thinks they're civilian, if they are or not is up to you)
But like he'd def show up as batman to warn them away from Jason, and he's justifying it as not wanting a civilian to be hurt. But in reality anytime Jason has a meaningful/healthy/even slightly normal relationship (that could lead to him drastically decreasing his rouge activity in the long run!) Bruce interferes and it's actually causing Jason serious hurt. Which increases Jason's emotionally fueled crime sprees. But Bruce sees it as saving someone from a murderous crime lord, and Jason is clearly being worse in frustration over losing someone he can have control over. (Bruce can you not see your own reflection or what bc that's what YOU do, not what Jason's ever done). If Jason knows about this I wonder if he thinks Bruce sees him as Willis. Like his idea of being replaced by a high society version of robin wasn't enough, now Bruce is assuming he's going to abuse his partners because blood doesn't mean anything unless you're street trash.
But this latest partner, when warned, laughed in Batman's face? Clearly they don't understand.... But then they tell batman "if I didn't know I could beat him, I would never have asked him out". And if they secretly aren't a civilian, they are telling the complete truth. But Bruce being Bruce, especially if comics Bruce would try to beat up said partner. To make sure if they were actually capable, which would make them a threat, of course. Bc comics Bruce has in some issues actively done harm to Jason, even orchestrating his certain death if he tries to do anything bat/crime related. But he won't do that to joker???
Anyways I want this paramour to soundly beat batman and handing him off to whoever will actively humiliate him the most while not killing him bc they don't want the rest of the bats after them. But it's like Harley, who Knows, so she unmasks him and does a livestream with Bruce Wayne tied to a chair telling embarrassing stories from college. Harvey dent shows up to help with more stories.
I just want Bruce being fucking owned
Just Bruce being taken out by some random ass character is great!
Bad dad Bruce does seem like the controlling type to micromanage his childrens' relationships (especially if he doesn't trust them). There's levels to this type of emotional abuse, control, and manipulation. In this AU, I hope Harley and Harvey humiliate the shit out of Bruce for that. Fuck him.
I also feel for Jason and wish him all the happiness he can obtain. He deserves a caring, thoughtful, and present partner who cherishes him. Just a supportive person to make him laugh and reassure him.
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solvicrafts · 1 year
Last song: this "Kings of the Past/King of Pride Rock" cover on YouTube [clicky]
Currently watching: I'm not really watching anything at the moment, but I last watched John Oliver's Last Week Tonight episode on jury duty (partly because I wanted to prove a point to a particularly stubborn person in my life about how jury duty is a good concept but poor execution results in furthering of systemic racism by effectively shutting out a huge percentage of people who are already disadvantaged and-)
Currently reading: I have a very bad habit of opening one book, reading it, getting like 17% of the way through and then remembering something cool that happened in another book and wanting to pick THAT ONE up. Soooo... I'm currently reading:
Annihilation (WotSQ) by Philip Athans
Servant of the Shard (Sellswords/LoD) by R.A. Salvatore
Brothers Majere (Dragonlance) by Kevin Stein
...and I also keep going back and forth between an already large and ever-growing collection of books on Ancient Greece & Hellenic Polytheism.
Current obsession: Drow. Definitely drow. I *could* hyper-fixate a lot less, but I'm intentionally allowing my brain to go fucking hog wild here because I'm genuinely at my most productive when I let myself just get 587% immersed in something I love, and I let people beat me down for it way too much as I was growing up.
I... don't have a lot of followers and don't know who hasn't done this yet? So whoever feels like doing it, I guess. :P
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medicinemane · 10 months
I think there's a lot of people who equate aversion of disgust on their part to meaning something is morally wrong, and it's so blatantly not how the world works
Colonoscopy bags and feeding tubes make me uncomfortable (tubes going into the skin make me uncomfortable, honestly even IVs make me kind of uncomfortable), but that doesn't make them immoral. It's obviously just up to me to be polite and deal with my own shit in my own head rather than being rude for no reason... which is exactly what I do
I'm not gonna be weird towards someone who needs that stuff, and honestly if I weren't saying this here to make a point you'd probably never know I felt that way cause it's just my job to suck it up and move on cause it's not actually a big deal
Yet so often people basically use their gut feelings of something being yucky as the beginning, middle, and end of their argument for why it's wrong and should exist
Sorry, come back with an actual argument
Be an adult, grow up, and come back when you have actual proof of harm or else shut the hell up (and honestly if it's about how someone else is living their own life, I kind of don't care what proof you think you have, still shut the hell up)
#you know; like one example I very much can give about this is the way people will be like 'being fat is unhealthy' and it's like cool...#but also shut the fuck up; just fucking let people live their lives#like even if you're right; you're still being a huge asshole to that random person for no damn reason; shut your stupid mouth#frankly it's like... lets say someone pours bleach on their eggs every day#after I've made sure they understand how wildly fucking dangerous that is; if they're like 'I know; but I like it'#...you know... what else can I do?#yeah they're probably gonna end up real fucked up or dead; but if they're an adult living their own life...#you know... how do I get to enforce how they live it?#unless they have dementia or something; unless I have reason to believe they are incapable of understanding...#I mean... people are allowed to make harmful bad decisions#so long as they're not bleaching anyone else's eggs... I kinda gotta just piss off no matter how I feel about it#and this is an extreme hyperbolic situation I've picked just to show where the line is drawn#that even in extreme cases of undeniable harm... do I really get to stick my nose in?#the shit people are actually sticking their noses into other people's business over are way more minor shit#where even more it's like how bout you fuck off and let that person do what they want with their life#I don't have to approve; frankly I don't even need an opinion#unless they're hurting someone by being like a tiktok prankster... not my business
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catcatb0y · 1 year
The good thing about bpd vents is that they're very well tagged. If I blocked one or more of the tags, I've taken out half of the posts ('actually bpd' and 'bpd vent' do a lot of the carrying)
The annoying thing about self harm/cutting/ed posts is that half of them are framed like "I'm nothing without my cuts ❤️❤️" and the tags a!! h@v3 s0me w3ird inc0ns!stent L33T sp34k bs thrown together or lit//tle marks in the mi//ddle of their tags, because they feel the need to censor fucking trigger tags.
They are TRIGGER TAGS. They are TRIGGER WARNINGS!! You guys CALL THEM SUCH when you POST them!! I've had 'pro ed' and 'self harm' blocked for a while because Tumblr tried to reccomend blogs like that a while back (and the trend of depression posts then reccomending pro ed and pro self harm posts... is nasty btw).
Personally, I've grown out of that phase of my life. I remember being in middle school and cutting and feeling like my only personality trait was my mental illness and that I needed to mold that into something quirky and likable or I wouldn't have any friends, but it is nothing but a self fulfilling cycle.
You harm, you hurt, you hurt, you harm- and glamorizing the pain that you feel doesn't make it go away and it doesn't make it any better.
The more that you surround yourself with people "like you," the more you weigh on yourself. The more you become that person who's only personality trait is their ability to self harm.
You're right there are a DOZEN people who are going to talk down to you because of your self harm scars, but also... they don't make you quirky or likable. All of your friends are either going to push themselves to the edge or they're going to grow up and leave you behind.
As someone who did struggle with that for YEARS and someone who still struggles with
But it's none of my fucking business if you ruin your life. It's not my business if jobs don't hire you, if your new friends can't stand your constant dragging the mood down, if people stop reaching out or trying to comfort you because you just reject their help so there's no use in trying... It IS my fucking business when your goddamned tags show up on my fucking screen despite me blocking SEVERAL of the tags b3caus3 y0u spe4k l!ke th1s while talking about genuinely harmful and sensitive material.
Tag your shit or I WILL start reporting people instead of blocking.
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is-the-fire-real · 4 months
When I was last on tumblr, it was ten years ago and one of the biggest faux pas you could commit was incorrect tagging.
It was Literally Colonialism to use a tag that was For Certain Oppressed Groups. The actually-autistic tag was created because allistics "took over" the autism tag, and this/other tags became heavily policed by users to make sure they remained a "safe space".
I remember seeing countless posts about how autistics would never be safe if we didn't have a bubble to protect us from interacting with allistics. The same went for tags about transliness and queerness. The going approach used militarized and hyperbolic language to characterize and other folks who weren't in the community: autistics (the group I had the most direct experience with) were attacked by allistic invaders who violated and conquered autistic tagging systems.
The "Literally Colonialism" isn't a joke. I saw plenty of suggestions that to even use a tag which was perceived as being "not yours" was colonization of ideas and thoughts. To be allistic, have an opinion on autism, and tag it as "autism" was held up as being exactly the same as the behavior of empires and nation-states.
Obviously, I don't entirely agree, and don't think this particular hyperbolization is helpful for advocacy or for dialogue. But I do find it interesting how, in the decade since I was last here, it seems to (mostly) still be true that you should only use certain tags if you have a particular identity...
... unless you're not Jewish, in which case feel free to use any and all Judaism-related tags and break the system's meager functionality for Jewish people.
As someone who is using Tumblr to connect to online Judaism, it's daunting to see how many posts under "judaism" are by non-Jews screeching about Israel. Seeing non-Jews openly talk about they tag their posts with gore, rape denial, Holocaust denial, October 7 denial, and other deliberately-triggering material with Jewish-themed tags specifically to make Jewish users of Tumblr feel unsafe. Reading them telling each other about how this is advocacy, this will absolutely win the war for Gazans, and how anybody who blocks them (in order to make sure the tags can actually work as intended) is a genocidal coward. Using that self-same militaristic language to describe their activities, only instead of criticizing, they're bragging.
It's, uh, kind of fucked up.
Imagine going to the actually-autistic tag and finding nothing but a wall of allistics claiming that they've victoriously conquered the tag from those inhuman monsters pretending to have problems when other Real People are the ones who are suffering. I think we would all intuitively understand that this would be Wrong. Even if there was some supposed outward justification for being mad at certain autistics, we would understand that holding all autistics everywhere responsible for it is wrong. That breaking a community's ability to talk to each other is wrong. That trying to trigger people and then telling them to commit suicide is wrong.
And we'd also understand, or come to, that the very action of going "This community I'm not part of doesn't deserve to have this tag, I'mma take it back, or at least ruin it so no one else can have it" is an expression of privilege. It is wrong, and it is immature, and it is cowardice.
These smug, self-involved, active attempts at causing harm make no sense at all if seen as advocacy; they help no one, advance no cause, stop no Zionists (whatever that means) from expressing themselves online.
They only make sense when seen as Jew-hate.
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teaboot · 6 months
What are "transmasc" and "genderqueer"?
I just woke up so bear with me, but like
Western society has invented this idea of "man" and "woman", right? And we SAY it's actually real, and based on tangible things like sex characteristics- primary, like dicks n' hoo-has- and secondary, like tiddies an facial hair an cellulite.
Well, it turns out that those things ain't divided "correctly" into the man and woman categories all the time.
People with dicks sometimes get tiddies, people without dicks sometimes grow beards and chest hair, beauty standards like "woman thin and hairless and short with small nose and tiny feet" and "man tall and muscular with a beard and broad shoulders" aren't appearing in nature the way we say they should.
(These gendered standards also change over time, but that's a different post.)
What's more, some people have multiple primary characteristics, and it's not even super rare! (Again, worth a different post, and not one I'm really in a position to make.)
So, we say that we didn't just "invent" two exclusive boxes to sort a wide variety and spectrum of characteristics into by pure brute force, but evidence says otherwise. So do we change the rules of our society to fit that evidence?
No, we pick something else to support our beliefs.
Learning about genes and DNA and chromosomes came much later in the game, so most people's grasp of it is this: Men have XY chromosomes, women have XX chromosomes, and no matter what your body is shaped like, that determines which box you go in. Whatever you look like should be padded or amputated or shaved away until you fit in your box.
Except.... we now know that people who outwardly appear to be the perfect ideal poster children of "man" and "woman" are living full, natural, healthy and unbothered lives totally unaware that they have the "wrong" chromosomes. No visibly "mixed" characteristics at all. So there goes that idea out the window.
Unless we say that no, our invention which is fact still holds up- there's just a few mutants and freaks and dysfunctional anomalies that just sort of happen sometimes, like factory flaws that wouldn't exist if things were running as they should.
So what do we do with factory flaws? We "fix" them. Or pressure them to fix themselves. Or, if they can "pass" one way or another, shove them into that box and tell them to shut up about it. Don't fit into either? Then pick one, and make yourself fit.
But... then, if we can pick... if hairy women with flat chests and small hips can shave themselves down and throw on some padding and powder her face to be accepted.... why can't anyone else?
Or, if that same "woman" went, fuck it, cut his hair short and embraced all the "man" characteristics, went by different pronouns and stepped into the "man" box... wouldn't that be okay, too?
And, he'll, what if they changed nothing about themselves and decided to opt out? We've proven that these "universal facts" don't *actually* exist and exceptions are everywhere, so fuck it, right? "Man" and "woman" don't really mean anything tangible anyways, so why not do what makes you happy?
And since, again, evidence shows that "man" and "women" aren't perfect binary boxes with perfect binary traits- why bother living up to those traits at all? Why can't someone assigned to the "woman" box live in the "man" box with long hair and heels on? If I makes him happy, what's the harm?
We don't like this, though, because when you build two boxes that contain the whole world, and people start escaping, or slipping out to live in the one they like more, or switching, or building their own, people begin to wonder why they're living in boxes at all. If we even need boxes.
And the people who maintain the boxes tell us, it's because the boxes are safe, and the boxes are natural, and the boxes have been here exactly as they are since the beginning of time anyways, and NO, they aren't just terrified of life outside the shelter of the box, you're the weird one.
Meanwhile, if we really looked into it, I imagine we'd find more people who don't fit their box criteria, or don't even like their box, at least as often as we find people who do.
Transgender means "someone who isn't in their assigned box".
Genderqueer means, "someone who isn't in their assigned box", but in a the same broad way that "transgender" is- Maybe a him, maybe a her, maybe both, maybe a they, perhaps a xey, and sometimes some of us move around.
I say I'm genderqueer, 'cause that fits me, but "Transmasc" to me personally means, "I know I'm not a woman, and I'm closer to the "man" box, but I'm happier wandering outside the "man" box than I am stepping fully inside. (Dysphoria is part of that, but again, in my opinion it's not vital to the experience.)
And I'm not one for destroying those two boxes entirely- they bring joy to a lot of people.
Just, you know. Maybe making more, different boxes. And maybe little camps out between them. And not treating people who roam the wilderness instead like rabid animals. Is the thing.
Long answer
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captainx-camino · 21 days
I am once again asking people to shut the fuck up about what people ship.
Yes, even if it makes you 'uncomfy'. Yes, even if you feel it's 'wrong'. Yes, even if you don't understand the appeal. Yes, even if you don't personally see the characters ever liking each other. Yes, even if it's a kink or fetish you don't understand.
Unless an image is of real, human people being harmed or forced into something they did not consent to, or a real, living creature that is not capable of consent, shut your fucking mouth and scroll away.
Yes, even if you think the drawing is 'illegal' (it isn't). Yes, even if you think the person is wrong for drawing it (they're not). Yes, even if you think their 'coping mechanisms are bad' (art therapy is an entirely normal and common practice). Yes, even if it personally triggers you (that is not the responsibility of the artist. It's yours. Block the tags/person.)
Life is full of horrible stuff much more legitimate to getting upset over than a bunch of lines and colors without any actual thoughts or feelings.
Learning to discern fiction from reality is a useful life skill. Start figuring it out now and save yourselves the trouble later on in life.
You are not better than someone else because of the fake morality you harbor over line and color. You're just not. Much like how best selling authors or renowned film makers are not evil for creating media surrounding sensitive topics, your average shipper on Tumblr isn't either.
Your repacked highschool bullying so you can still separate yourselves from the other people in fandom now that it's mainstream and you can't use it as a means of othering anymore is neither cute nor necessary. It doesn't make you a good person to clutch your pearls over a drawing.
If fake people are more important to you than living, breathing artists, it's not the artist's morality you should be questioning. It's yours.
Every time you want to complain or get bent over a fictional ship, take that energy and go donate a dollar to relief for Palestine. At least then your rage farming will make a fucking difference.
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matan4il · 2 months
Update post:
Today, there was an attempted terrorist attack at the Meggido junction in Israel. The hammer-wielding terrorist was thankfully caught before he managed to carry out his planned crime. He's 17 years old, and you can bet the anti-Israel crowd will use his age as "proof" that Israel arrests and jails kids, without mentioning what these minors are being imprisoned for, instead of condemning those who brainwash children into carrying out terrorist attacks. Just one reminder out of many such attacks, in 2018 a 17 years old Palestinian terrorist killed a 45 years old Israeli man, so please no one pretend like minors are harmless, or ignore that when teenagers commit harmful crimes in other countries, they're arrested there, too.
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It was obvious that some people have made up their minds about the incident with the WCK workers even before the investigation started, so I expect its conclusions will get perverted and ignored, too.
That same anti-Israel crowd will also ignore (unless they'll use it as ammunition against the Jewish state, by actually claiming that Israel, a nation still reeling from the genocide of Jews, and the continued killing of its citizens by antisemitic terrorists, is intentionally killing its own, because there's just no cartoon villain crime they don't think they can pin on the Jewish state) the fact that there's another IDF investigation that's been released today, which said Efrat Katz was accidentally killed by a helicopter rocket while trying to stop the Hamas terrorists who were kidnapping her into Gaza. The helicopter pilot didn't realize at the time that there were hostages in the car as well, this was only deduced later, from the testimonies of other people kidnapped by Hamas. In other words, as horrific as this truth is, accidents do happen during war. The worst, most tragic ones, and we can't undo them, no matter how much we want to. But they happen to every army, and are not actual evidence of intentional killings, or intentional war crimes. Just like someone having been killed is in general not enough to prove a murder took place.
This is 68 years old Efrat Katz.
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The WCK incident report is now out, and I am linking the source publication, so that no possible bias can be attributed to re-phrasing by journalists from any side.
As was the initial impression (for those who don't simply want to believe in every evil, dehumanizing lie about Israel), it turned out to be a tragic accident, that entailed many factors, first and foremost misidentification, in part due to Hamas. As I've pointed out more than once, Hamas steals humanitarian aid. Due to this, the WCK operation had hired armed guards to protect it from looting. Tragically, one armed guard was identified without question on one of the WCK's trucks, and was mistaken for a Hamas terrorist, while at least one other armed terrorist was also identified and thought to be in the convoy's private cars. The vehicles did have the WCK sticker on their roofs, but at night, that wasn't visible to the IDF soldiers. Since the whole convoy was misidentified, the drone fired more than once at more than one vehicle, but this is linked to the same single mistaken identification. It means that even though this shouldn't have happened, the soldiers who fired at the convoy really did believe they were targeting terrorists, which is their mission.
The IDF has expressed sorrow over this incident more than once, has taken responsibility, has conducted an investigation, and following its results, two high ranking officers have been removed from their posts, and two more were severely reprimanded, which means this will be in their file forever, and will influence any future decisions made about their service.
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This is 72 years old Nadjda Astreks.
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She lives in the southern town of Ofakim with her husband, Alexnder. In the above photo, she's pointing to the bullet holes in her kitchen, left by the terrorists on Oct 7. The couple don't have a bomb shelter in their own home, so they had to go out to a public one when the rocket attack began at 6:30 in the morning. When they returned, is when the terrorists shooting at the buildings began, and the confused couple didn't know what to think or do at first. They went out, and saw the girl from across the street falling. Alexander approached her, only to see a pool of blood, and realize that she had been shot to death. A soldier who was running in the direction of the terrorists told them to go back to the neighborhood bomb shelter, where they ended up hiding for hours, without food and water, or proper toilettes, without knowing what's going on outside for a big part of that. It was fellow residents from their neighborhood who faced the terrorists and saved the people there, but the first ambulance for the injured was only able to make it there at three in the afternoon. Nadjda said that even much later, she's still having trouble eating, whenever she thinks of everything that happened on the day of the massacre.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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avianyuh · 7 months
Yoon Jeonghan as a boyfriend
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word count; 679
idk if it's because I've been watching a lot of svt content lately
(btw stream god of music)
but Jeonghan has been getting my attention lately so I thought this would be a fun write
first of all he's RUTHLESS
like you're not safe
he'd put you in your place if you said something dumb or tried to leave the house looking all weird
but you know, it's out of love
I think he's also a huge softie, which is shown in his friendships with the members
speaking of the members...
if you didn't get along with the members then...
bye bitch
I think he'd introduce you to Seungcheol and Joshua first
but for multiple reasons
#1; jeongcheol obvi. they're really close and I think Cheol's approval means a lot to him when it comes to letting someone in
#2; Jeonghan and Shua have known each other for a veryyyyy long time. I think those two were close to each other before anyone else because they had joined the company at the same time
So I think Jeonghan would really appreciate Joshua get to know you
#3; Seungcheol is great with vibe checks lol. Jeonghan probably wants a second opinion
#4;Jeonghan would probably just want you to be closer with Coups and Shua tbh (early on)
but he really wants you to get along with alllll of the members
they mean the world to him and he'd really make the effort to get all of you acquainted and friendly
I'm not saying you have to be besties with the boys (especially cuz there's 12 of them not including han)
but like, if one of the members is at home and doing nothing and you and Jeonghan are going out for the night
Jeonghan would invite his members along unless it was a really special date
it would mean a lot to Jeonghan if you were cool about that kind of stuff because he cares for you but he also really cares for his members
he's kind of a homebody
so you spend a lot of time inside
probably build Lego sets together
and when he goes on tour you take care of his pet rock
yes...that's a real thing he has, his name is Doljjong and he likes warm bathes
no seriously
Jeonghan is probably the best thing in your life if you're dating him
I think he'd be protective over you
He'd also probably enjoy taking care of you
making sure you're eating enough and checking in as frequently as he can if he's away
though he teases you a lot, I think he'd tell you he loves you alllll the time
like; "Jeonghan can you pass the remote" "Sure, I love you" "🤦🏻‍♀️"
you pretend you're sick of it but you love it and he knows that
he's very open with carats so if he really found the love of his life, he'd come clean and just show you off
I don't think he'd get caught I think he'd make you come on one of his lives or he'd mention you or something
but like I said, he's very protective and I think he might refrain from showing you off just in case it puts you in harm's way
he worries a lot about you
but it just shows how considerate he is
should I add some shexyyy shtufff???
okay maybe a little bit
gentle in bed
like the type to brush the hair out of your face
heavy eye contact
I think he'd get shy to be honest
makes sure that NO ONE is around
kisses you everywhere
definitely into praising
he shows it during sex and after
remember how I said he teases you?
I actually don't think he'd tease you during sex
I think he never wants to get his signals crossed
he wants you to know that he loves you
okay end of that
in conclusion; he's a dream man
loves you so so so much
loves being home with you and just being himself around you
he'd also be a great father
like...look at how he interacts with the younger members. he loves them so much and takes such good care of them
definitely think it's a testament to how he'd be as a parent
but even in your relationship, he's very caring with you and just such A BABE
enjoy some pics of Jeonghan❤️
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{A/N; idk maybe I'll make a svt as dad's series lol. okay, anyways, stream svt god of music. vote for super for SOTY cuz it deserves it and send well wishes to Cheol and Mingyu. might do s.coups next cuz I've been missing him lately😢}
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idyllic-affections · 10 months
Hello! I saw your works of what Kaveh and Cyno would be like as parents... That leaves me thinking of Al-haitham as a father. Would him take his child to his grandmother? Would he read them advanced physics books? (⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)
scholarly lineage.
summary. what would alhaitham be like as a father?
trigger & content warnings. brief hypothetical mentions of assault in general, can be interpreted as s/a, but is not explicitly stated to be that way. sensory overload mentions. spoilers for alhaitham's character stories.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. dad!alhaitham & reader. 0.7k words. they/them pronouns for reader. in this fic, alhaitham and the reader are both written as neurodivergent in some way; interpret it however you please!
author's thoughts. OUGDHSJGSJSG wait this is so cute. dad alhaitham..... it is such a cool thought, because with alhaitham, i don't think there's any obvious or "correct" way to write him as a dad. he could be overprotective. he could be very casual, the "cool dad" if you will. also i know i haven't been posting as much recently! it's literally only because i've been hyperfixating on hsr... whoops. /lh
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alhaitham as a father is a very interesting concept to me. now, believe it or not, i feel like he is a less strict father than cyno. he's actually relatively laid-back.
alhaitham is the kind of guy who raises his child to be smart. he raises them to play the game, not to be played by it, you know? therefore, he believes in his child's judgement and their ability to make wise decisions. he feels no need to be protective over them.
(however... that does not mean someone could do something harmful to them and get away with it. if anyone does anything to hurt them? abuses them? verbally, physically, or worse? good lord, he does not take well to that. he is a man with power, and by the gods, he'll use it if he has to in their defense.)
if his child has sensory issues, alhaitham is very attentive to those things and will get them any and all needed accommodations. if they struggle with auditory sensory issues where they get easily overwhelmed? they'll have ear pieces that match his. <3
when people point it out, depending on who they are, they will get one of two responses; either him very blatantly admitting that yes, their headset matches his, or him getting a little embarrassed and claiming it was all he had on hand at the moment. liar. /lh
it's kaveh that gets the latter response, of course.
if they ever happen to get annoyed with their father in their moments of overwhelm, he doesn't take it personally at all. sensory overload will do that to a person. he gets it, tbh.
i think alhaitham would definitely want his kid to attend the akademiya. ideally, haravatat, but he supposes he'd be okay if they enrolled in a different darshan. he'll recover...
UNLESS they enroll in kshahrewar. alhaitham would NEVER recover from a betrayal of that magnitude!! however, his grandmother herself was from kshahrewar, so... well. he'd get over it, he guesses. he'd still prefer if they enrolled in haravatat.
whatever darshan they enroll in honestly doesn't matter, though, because if anyone gives them trouble for any reason? all alhaitham has to do is give the problematic person a single look and suddenly the issue is resolved! apparently people think he's scary. not that he minds. he likes it that way; it keeps trouble away from both him and his child.
of course, he won't intervene unless they specifically seek out his help, because he knows his kid can handle themselves. still, he pulls a few strings behind the scenes every now and then. he doesn't really want to see his kid struggle. he knows they're intelligent, and he also knows he doesn't have to worry about them not wanting to work for themselves. therefore, he sees no reason to let them struggle needlessly.
he'd also understand if they weren't too big a fan of being surrounded by so many people. he isn't fond of it, either, so he'd let them stay in his office whenever needed. he'll even invite them to do their classwork in there rather than anywhere else in the akademiya, simply so that they don't have to be around a bunch of random people they couldn't possibly be less interested in.
alhaitham definitely read his kid very difficult books when they were little, which would totally lead to them being ahead of their peers. that really wouldn't be unexpected, i think. they probably enrolled in the akademiya a little early.
you know that "i know you don't know any astronomical pretentious voluminous colossal words" audio? yeah, that was alhaitham's kid when they were small.
also, yes, alhaitham would absolutely take them to his grandmother!! i think she would see their father in them, just like how she saw alhaitham's parents in him. of course, this is before her death.
i think alhaitham would ultimately be content that his child got to meet the woman who raised him.
to think that she saw himself in them...
it brings him an odd sense of pride and comfort.
and as a little treat:
kaveh is kind of like another dad (or like a wine uncle LMAO) for them. do what you will with this information.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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fictionfixations · 2 months
signature spells and the person
(referencing this list because i cant remember them all)
spoilers for all books. and glorious masquerade
(note that some characters i dont know well at all. which you can kind of tell with me being super unsure. there's this person in the reblogs who elaborated on bits i wasn't quite correct on or didnt have an idea on so go read it!)
signature spells embodying the person sort of? Riddle - collar. restriction. limitations.
Deuce - not taking hits lying down. striking back. (a reckless idiot like that)
Cater - hm.. putting on an act for everyone? people pleaser? so its like. all of those little 'acts' and 'personas' he puts on are sort of 'him' in a sense. but its also not him at the same time. (like how the clones arent actually him because they're just a creation of his magic. but they are him in a way, too right?)
trey - sneaky sneaky guy who notices a lot more than you'd think. presents himself as one way but he's complicated
Leona - sand. like all his hard work turning to sand, or basically nothing.
Jack - wolves work in packs, right? he wants to work in a pack. (even though he says he doesn't). they're strong, but they do better together. ..probably. idk.
Ruggie - treating all people 'equally' (in the sense that he'd mess with them all. unless they were a serious trouble to deal with) also sucks up to people........ (and probably laughing at them behind their back for being such a 'fool' haha get it. because fool's parade..--) maybe? Idk.
Azul - exchanging his old self for an asshole basically (because he must've been a nicer guy as a bby. but then ppl were mean to him and now he's very bitter.)
Jade - acting like the more calmer and reasonable of the twins, even though he can be just like floyd, if a bit more dangerous considering he can get under your skin, get you trust him, that he just wants to 'help you'. and you tell him all your secrets. and then it 'shocks your heart' when he reveals his true colors. (like bruh. his halloween groovification message was literally, "Oooh, I love it when you flee in terror. It makes me want to chase you!")
Floyd - i don't know. uhhh. in his lab coat(?) vignette there's this moment where a guy bumps into him, is like 'hEY WHO DO YOU--' and then realizes its floyd and backs off. basically the guy who intimidates them to make them weaker, ig? terrorizing them. 'binding the heart' in fear. i mean he'll still hurt them ofc, but the point is is that he's the scary one, jade's the 'calm' one, thats his image to people. i dont know him nearly well enough to really get it.
Kalim - wishing for everyone to be happy. to dance and sing and forget about all the troubles. throwing parties and feasts to cheer them up (and granting them relief when needed). although it doesn't always end well and his attempts can end up 'useless', like how oasis maker is 'useless' when people already have easy access to water. but at other points desperately needed.
Jamil - turning him into the 'master' and the other the 'servant'
Vil - planting 'curses' in plain sight. masking it. disguising it. acting. like putting on makeup to change something. maybe. possibly. (this is weak) maybe a false reassurance. a mask.
Epel - accepting who he is (that he's short and seen as 'cute'. and so using it to his advantage.) like, seeming 'soft and dainty' but actually a guy who can beat someone up. like, 'you'll just go to sleep..' (and then the crimson part of slumber with a negative meaning. the poison apple. something that looks innocent but is actually harmful.) and then you never wake up again because you were TRICKED HAHAHA /hj
Rook - will literally do anything for what his fixations are. in which his fixations are 'beauty', which is a very vague category and include literally everything. also very very creepy and stalker-ish in the process.
Idia - honestly idfk. uh. 'responsibility'. burdens. control. it literally just represents a part of his job? idfk. its such a big part of him (also his family had the same UM so like..) that its just. who he is.
Malleus - there was this quote he said about how 'when you nap, even 500 years could pass without you noticing'. so it could be something like how time moves by so fast like that
guh.. it was "Give in to slumber, and a thousand years will pass in the blink of an eye."
Silver - I don't know him that well... i mean like there's references to him having parallels with like. i think.. aurora?? the girl who maleficent cursed. i think. dreams and wishes. i don't know i havent even seen him use it yet LMFAO (ive only finished part 2 of book 7..) maybe like. things not seeming real..? idk man. a desire to see people, to stay by their side, but can't, so instead it'll be in a dream. so either it isn't real, a mere fantasy, or, shrug. like. yknow the remember me song in coco? it's like 'and everytime you hear a guitar you'll remember and think about me' (i cant remember the exact lyrics)
Sebek - admires malleus. a lot. malleus has control over lightning or something. so sebek in turn becomes that 'lightning' that he can control, as his guard and stuff like that. 'i will be his sword', maybe.
lilia - he reflects a lot about the past imo. overly aware of things and the passing of time. at least in my opinion. how things can pass by so easily. so he takes little bits and pieces to cherish for the rest of his life, and to think back on. a trip back down memory lane, as they say.
Rollo - literally gets set on fire like his brother..?? that thing forever haunting him that its such a big part of him at this point (hating magic and hating what happened.) and him hating himself making himself see him as part of the reason why his brother died, and therefore making him literally the thing that killed him sort of?
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slushyseals · 1 year
All videos showing people removing barnacles from sea turtles are not rescue videos, they're animal abuse- even if the video is "real".
Please report these videos as abuse and stop letting these people profit off rescue videos
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There are many videos where the "rescuer" is actually the one who attached the barnacles in the first place (some you can even see the hot glue underneath as they pull off the pieces). Unless you see the animal in a rescue center with a vet tech treating it, that animal is being abused. How so?
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The reason those growths are there is likely something far more dangerous that needs to be addressed. Healthy turtles do not get this level of growth on their shells. So if you see something like this, it’s a sign that this turtle is unwell and has been sick for a while. Scraping off the growths doesn’t solve the underlying issue. Also, doing so without any tools or pain medication can be extremely painful and stressful for the turtle. Often with this level of growth, barnacles will have borrowed through the turtle’s shell into live tissue. And just ripping them off like this without the expertise of a medical professional can do more harm than good. Not to mention that it is WAY stressful and not what the turtle needs most. Imagine if you had a the stomach flu or food poisoning and someone decided to “help” you by first detangling your hair, popping pimples, and exfoliating you when what you really need is fluids and someone to handle you very gently. It’s focusing on the wrong problem first and can worsen the underlying condition.
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If you see an animal "rescue" video, always think- how did they find this animal? (Is it likely they just found an animal- or did they put an animal in danger to play hero for clout and ad profits? How did this animal get into this terrible situation in the first place? (The number of giant snakes found wrapped around a dog is pretty unbelievable- usually it's a person abusing two animals they own.) How is this person running into so many animals in dangerous situations? (Especially when you look at their other videos and they reuse the same animals to "save".) I am outside daily and I don't come across anywhere near as many animals needing help like these content farm channels.
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Even when videos are real, if they are not a trained rescue worker they are often doing more harm than good! The people kidnapping tortoises and "saving" them by throwing them out into lakes and rivers might have just killed that animal. Many tortoises are land animals and aren't built for swimming like sea turtles, they can easily drown! A surprising number of people don't understand seals need to rest on shore, and end up killing babies and harassing adults by chasing them into the water. Baby seals can't swim for long distances, and chasing them into the water means their mom won't be able to find the baby after she's done hunting fish- the baby will slowly starve to death if actual rescue workers do not intervene!
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Heck, some people have found perfectly healthy and happy baby seals waiting for their moms on the beach, but because the person doesn't understand that the mom isn't there 100% of the time think the baby has been abandoned; a man kidnapped a pup when the rescue wouldn't send someone out to get the animal which not only hurt that pup whom he caused to be an orphan, but now that pup is taking up resources that could have been given to babies that actually needed it. Rescues don't have infinite resources and I don't want to put to words what can happen when they reach maximum capacity. (The guy was also very lucky he didn't get bit- seal bite infections are much worse than regular bites!) So many others people mistreat because they don't know better, like the baby seal that had people dumping water and ice on it like it was Free Willy. Or trying to feed them sandwiches. Both of these actions make life worse for the animal.
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That video of a dog as a service animal rehabilitating a baby seal? That was made by a couple idiots who likely scared the mother off and caused the baby to starve to death just so they could make their intentionally misinformative video knowing full well they were lieing! Dogs should be leashed and kept far away from any seal as they are a reason many seals are horrifically mauled to death each year! Videos like this are absolutely vile as they misinform the public who own dogs and may see a seal on the beach and think, "Oh! My dog is a good boy and can go play with the water puppy! They enjoy that!" Please do not do this! Seals shouldn't be encouraged to associate with or like dogs, that puts puts in danger not only of cross contamination with things that can make them very sick, but you don't know the temperament of any and every dog that seal will see in its lifetime. All it takes is one- and there are plenty of dogs who act fine around human children and vicious around a random seal they find. The babies don't even have a chance against a full grown dog! Their ONLY chance is that situation never happens; keep your dog leashed, because it will see that seal and shoot off before you can stop it. As well behaved as your dog is on the best day, it has free will and at the end of the day is a dog and will be an animal.
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Let's face it, most of us don't know the proper care of any and every wild animal we could run into and can only guess when faced with a genuinely unexpected situation. Any legitimate rescue video should start with the person contacting the local rescue to ask the experienced and knowledgeable staff what should be done if they themselves are not a trained rescuer. Often times the animal is perfectly fine, humans just see something they don't expect and misread what's going on causing a situation that didn't previously exist. Other times if there is an issue, the rescue will instruct the person what to do- which may be to keep an eye on the animal until trained rescuers can arrive. And lastly, please be aware of fake animal rescue channels and report any videos you see and inform others about this so these channels stop being praised and profiting from animal abuse.
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ckret2 · 6 months
Does bill have "a type"? Since you said he only dates every millennium, what kinds of stuff would catch this lunatic's eye? What would motivate him?
You're getting a read more because I listed every single blessed thing I could think of. The tl;dr:
artists (who depict him)
hot eyeballs (subjective)
no head
bright natural coloration
emotional doormats
party animals
nerds, provided they're also attractive other ways
things that can injure him
getting gifts
someone who expresses interest first but lets him take the lead
really tacky expensive displays of wasting wealth
someone he thinks is similar enough to "understand" him
This is the first point because it's the answer he'd give: if you ASK him, he'll say he's "a complete sucker for those deep, brooding artist types." He'll say this like it's his biggest weakness. He says it like it's a charming little character flaw. This is the narrative he tells himself. What he ACTUALLY means is if you hit on him, and if you have created art of him (visual art, sculpture, music, poetry), the odds that he'll return the interest go up by 1000%. He is incredibly vain, he loves art of himself, and "willing to give Bill art of himself" is an insanely attractive trait.
Some species have sexy eyeballs. Other species don't. It just so happens that Earth, as a whole, has evolved an array of eyeballs that are by and large pretty sexy when compared to the multiversal baseline. Those little, like, thready filament things in the irises? Mesmerizing. Visible veins?? Drive him crazy. Bloodshot eyes? Gonna be haunting his fantasies for weeks. Top tier is those frog eyes with multiple colors or crazy crackly-looking patterns.
He's not a fan of heads. Like, when a species puts a face on a little bobbly looking thing separated from the rest of the body, rather than right on the torso where it belongs? Looks weird. It's not a dealbreaker but he's definitely more attracted to species that put their faces where they belong. Similarly, a mouth without an eye in it looks weird.
Big fan of bright colors. You know what's attractive? Looking like Lisa Frank colored you. Wearing bright colors isn't as good as being bright colors, but he still finds wearing bright colors to be an attractive trait.
If you combine the last three points, I think that I accidentally made Bill's ideal lover a poison dart frog.
Usually at some point pretty early in the dating process he's gonna say something like "Just so you know—really, I'm not as bad as all the rumors and gossip and ancient legends and globally-broadcasted warning PSAs make me sound. But: I am totally crazy. You wanna stick with me, you've gotta be cool with crazy." What he's looking for is someone who says "oh I am SO cool with crazy, I am the MOST cool with crazy, crazy is GREAT." When he says this, he's not saying "I'm actually mentally ill and need someone who's supportive and understanding." He's also not saying "I'm a wild crazy fun party guy and I want a partner who can keep up with that lifestyle." What he's saying is "I am an inconsistent and inconsiderate asshole who will show no regard for you, and in a year when you're complaining about the selfish harmful things I'm doing, I'll get to roll my eye and go 'I THOUGHT you SAID you were COOL with crazy. Are you NOT cool with crazy??' And then I'll complain about you to my friends." So: he'll focus on naive emotional doormats he can push around. He'll probably draw back from someone who stands up to him, unless he got seriously interested in them before they grew a spine.
But that said, he is also more likely to show interest in people who can keep up with his lifestyle. He parties with apocalypse machines. If he sees an alien at a party where three absolutely wasted demigods started mixing sink chemicals and accidentally set off a big bang that took out half the neighborhood, and the next weekend he sees that alien at another party? That means they party hard, they don't scare easy, they don't die easy, and they avoided the cops. That's somebody he wants to spend time with. If they're not lover material, they might be Henchmaniac material. Similar opinions on substance use and mass destruction a plus.
He's kinda into nerds. Not in and of themselves, but if they already hit other traits he likes, that's a plus. If he has a choice between two identical people and one's dumb as a rock, he prefers the one who knows lots of things and likes to share facts and trivia. Bill goes for long, long stretches without feeling curiosity, and those stretches typically coincide with when he feels most depressed; someone who can drive him to think a little bit is a godsend.
If someone literally worships him, like as a god, he's into that. It's not partner material but he'll put a star next to their name in his booty call list.
Any novel Extreme Sensations, he likes. Particularly pain. Not a lot of stuff can hurt him in his true form. If someone can make him feel pain, that's interesting to him. Not even necessarily in a BDSM way. If holding someone's hand feels like being electrocuted, or they give off a gas that makes everything too loud and makes him see weird colors? That's someone he wants to touch.
I think I've just added another trait to the "poison dart frog" column.
His love language is gifts & favors, both giving and receiving. If somebody gives him a gift, he'll remember them positively. Even if it's a kinda lame gift. It makes him feel liked. Roses & chocolates would work on him.
He's not liable to be the first to express interest, because he finds being rejected utterly devastating. On the other hand, he prefers to take the lead/call the shots in a relationship. So if somebody lets it be known that they're interested in him, but then hangs back to allow him to make the first move? Appealing.
He's a sucker for gold and tacky displays of wealth. Like he's sort of disgusted by wealthy people, but he's very into wealth. If you're rich have fun with it. If you're not ordering a $900 sundae coated with gold leaf just because you can then what's the POINT. Also, Bill is tacky. If some multidimensional billionaire decides to show an interest in him by gifting him an extremely ugly diamond-covered top hat, he'd probably let them do things to him that he wouldn't even confess to his doctor. (He doesn't have a doctor but.) I think what this boils down to is that he's only into rich people who are living like they want to go broke as soon as possible.
He goes through most of his existence feeling like Nobody Understands Him. Part of this is because he's bad at communicating his sincere feelings & emotional needs and even worse at relating to or caring about other people; but part of it is just because there's not a whole lot of people who can directly relate to "my ambition drove me to destroy my entire universe and ever since then I've been grappling with the paralyzing guilt while struggling to find a new universe." So when he DOES meet somebody who he believes can really, truly understand him the way most people can't? He emotionally latches onto them HARD. Not necessarily romantically, but it easily could be. This is last on the list but probably the most important point to getting a genuine emotional connection rather than fleeting physical attraction from him.
Example that hits multiple of the above points: one of his longest & most emotionally meaningful relationships was with a sentient black hole who—quite literally—destroys anyone who gets too close to her, and is constantly wracked with chronic pain due to being a fucking black hole. She did poetry at open mic nights. She'd go up to a mic and say something like "this poem is called The Taste Of Unwillingly Consuming The Solar System You Called Your Home" and then scream into the microphone for five minutes without pause. Bill was like "she's the only one in the multiverse who Gets It." He is a sucker for brooding artists. She let him get away with unspeakable things because he's one of the only entities powerful enough to get physically close to her and survive. Which was incredibly painful, but hey, he was into that too.
Maybe they'd still be together if she looked like a frog.
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slasher-male-wife · 1 year
Slashers with an airhead s/o part two
What inspired me to write this is me finding out almost 17 years into my life that New England is not a state. I've had so many airhead moments lately that I kind of needed to write this.
Includes: Jason Voorhees, The Grabber, Mark Hoffman and Amanda Young
Warnings: Talk of manipulation, mentions of kidnapping, slashers being a little mean at times, readers air headedness is played up a bit
Jason Voorhees
Y/n, he loves you so much, but he's also so worried to leave you alone in case you forget to turn off the oven and burn the cabin down. He knows you're not completely stupid but, you're a little dumb.
He gets frustrated sometimes when he has to explain to you for the third time that day how to hold something the right way while helping him with yard work.
Will have to write you lots of instructions on how to do things so you don't mess it up. He'll be more confident when he leaves you alone if you have a list of things to get done and how to do them.
He's not letting you leave the house alone. He's coming with you while you're going on your walks or doing tasks. He trusts you not to run he just doesn't trust that you won't try to pet a raccoon.
The Grabber
He's been stalking you for a bit before he actually kidnaps you and he's just so surprised at how air headed you are at times. He watched you pour yourself a glass and try to drink butter milk because you thought it was just normal milk but richer.
Actually kidnapping you is surprisingly easy. You ignore your instincts to run away from him and actually try to help him with whatever he's using to lure you in. Then it takes you a good few days to realize he's The Grabber if he doesn't outright tell you.
He knows you're not like super dumb but it's just enough that you won't notice him manipulating you into trusting him. He's a little shocked at how fast you'll warm up to him. Partly because he's the only human contact you've had in weeks, partly because you're just kinda dumb.
He feels like he's doing the right thing in a way by keeping you with him. He thinks that other people would try to hurt you or manipulate you if he wasn't "keeping you safe" even though he's doing the same thing.
Mark Hoffman
He gets annoyed very quickly with how air headed you are. He still loves you don't get me wrong, but after having a 10 minute talk with you about why you can't just adopt a random stray cat you found he needs a drink.
He'll lie to you at times if it's going to keep his identity as a jigsaw apprentice safe. He knows you won't really come up with that on your own unless he actually spells it out for you but he thinks it's just safer to say that he had to work late or something.
He's somewhat relived when he learns that you're not totally dumb. He'll listen to you talk about a topic you know a lot about because it makes him feel better about your intelligence
He'll be a little mean at times if he gets frustrated with you but the most he'll do is say you're pretty dumb or call you an airhead, he'll always apologize after however. But if anyone else is mean to you for being dumb he's not letting that slide.
Amanda Young
She's going to laugh at all of your airhead moments, but not in a mean way, in a 'that's adorable' kind of way. Like if you ask her where your sunglasses are and they're on the top of your head she'll laugh and tell you.
She's also not worried about you finding out that she's working for Jigsaw. She could legit come home covered in someone else's blood with a pig mask in hand and you'll think she was at a costume party.
She's going to keep you far away from Hoffman. She already hates him but she knows that he's going to be a real dick to you. But she'll probably introduce you to John on the condition that you don't get put into a trap because you're a little dumb.
She'll be more understanding than other people I think. You're not a harmful type of dumb you're just more of a "Why can't you just use vegetable oil for your car?" kind of dumb.
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bibibbon · 4 months
Quirks and MHA society
Throughout the manga there is this reoccurring theme of people not being able to use and control their quirks and the quirk system being broken but honestly this plot point never really goes anywhere in my opinion or if it is used it's not used properly and never reaches it's fullest potential.
Like we see people break the law a bunch of times by using their quirks illegally and we see people state that they cannot control their quirks but nothing is done about it. We never see people arrested for quirk use unless said quirk use harms people.
If it's illegal to use your quirk then how is it that you have middle schoolers freely using their quirks in school or how normal members of the public use their quirks? Also what does this mean for people born with a heteromorphic quirk? Is part of the reason they're discriminated because they can't turn if their quirks or is it because so heteromorphic quirks make the user look more alien and less human? The government in MHA doesn't seem to be very strict about quirk use laws but states that it is (hori failing in show don't tell again🤷‍♀️)
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What about people whose quirks are dangerous if they don't release it? What do they do? Do they just have to suffer or does the MHA government have a facility where people can safely release their quirk? This doesn't seem likely considering that izuku, ochako, Katsuki and miriko ran into someone who they(miriko and bakugo)deemed a villain for not being able to control his quirk. This case is treated as a one off incident but it really isn't. If one person has a quirk like that then that means so many other civilians do and they could of been pushed into villainy due to it. Hori establishes that the MHA universe lacks establishments that help people discharge/release or deal with their quirk but he never outright does anything with this plot point (it's mainly used to justify characters actions or villainy)
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Horikoshi also introduces the half baked idea that quirks can influence ones personality and desires. This idea is introduced mainly in the MVA arc to ig justify characters (like toga and tomuras) actions and behaviours. I think it could of been a good idea if characters end up acting similarly or develop similar traits that come from their quirk however as I mentioned before the idea is half baked. Toga having an interest/craving in blood because thats how her quirk works makes sense but it's not heavily established. When it comes to toga we get mentions of how broken the quirk counselling system is and how instead of helping her to deal with a quirk that makes her have such a strong fascination and affection to blood it only made her suppress the urges until she went off the rails into full insanity. When it comes to tomura this idea is only used as an excuse (almost) for his actions, his quirk is used to demonise him and make him more of this completely psycho villain who loves to destroy things because that's his nature?!? When it really isn't.
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Quirk counselling is a plot point with so much wasted potential. Like how did quirk counselling work? Was it a legal requirement or was it recommended? Did it actually help some people by helping kids understand their quirks, help them with control, offer any support equipment if needed to deal with the quirk and teach children morals? It seems like people with ordinary common quirks benefit more from the system then people with unique quirks that have unique side effects. We are told that toga's quirk counselling was full of adults not understanding and telling her that she is a weird psycho who is obsessed with blood instead of actually helping her. We see curious herself admit that there are many problems with the quirk counselling system and how it only benefited people with certain types of quirks and how it was basically a place teaching and breeding children to learn "right" and "wrong".
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We see the quirk counselling system fail but it's never addressed. MHA chapter 22 shows how people with powerful or uncontrollable quirks tend to be failed by the system just like how toga and tomuras were. Eri is a special case you can't even know if she is just being trained or if she attends general counselling because in all truth we aren't told. Eri also faces the same problem where she can't have too much build up for her quirk or it will hurt her so shouldn't MHA dive deeper into the idea of quirk counselling and people not being able to control their quirks. Heck you even have all might state that he has noticed a lot of people can't control their quirks which brings the question is quirk counselling only for young people in elementary school and not for older people because people like midoriya who had a quirk in his teenage years was never forced to do any quirk counselling by the government?!?!?!?
Overall, in my opinion quirks in MHA is a wasted potential of a plot point and topic. MHA fails to truly delve and dig deep into topics like how the government fails in providing help with quirk counselling or establishments that help people deal with their quirks, or how less people know how to control their quirks being a result for the quickly failing system or how badly the law is reinforced . These ideas intertwining with quirk inequality and how it affects peoples day to day life could of all been interesting points to explore.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Don't mind me just casually dropping a thought nugget-
Anyway Ussop and Buggy both with MEGA imposter syndrome energy, somehow the cross guild and strawhats cross paths and declare a truce ((maybe it's a simple island, maybe Buggy's just "feeling nice" and so doesn't instigate, who tf knows-))
Anyway, Ussop and Buggy having a brief moment of a heart to heart, maybe Ussop overhears a Cross Guild "argument" ((ie: Croc threatening Buggy)), and he's actually... concerned? About this guy?? I mean yeah Buggy has done some bad shit and all but he helped Luffy with the whole Impel Down Thing. Luffy is a good judge of character, and if it wasn't On Sight this meet up, then obviously Buggy is a halfway decent dude.
So it becomes Pinocchio Jesus trying to subtly give therapy to a feral cat clown man on the outskirts of a party.
And when Buggy inevitably drops a "it's just the way it is, kid, they're stronger than me, I can offer nothing", Ussop has a moment of oh. You're like me, aren't you, Buggy?
((Bonus points, Luffy alternating between inhaling food, playing around and being absolutely GLUED to someone (Zoro, Buggy or Crocodile, in that order of frequency).
Eventually Lu decides to give a Grand Retelling Of Events, and he calls Buggy "one of the harder people I fought" without hesitation bc, to Luffy, he WAS. Buggy was the one who hurt his hat, who gave him a challenge STILL IN THE EAST, and who was tenacious and smart in ways he didn't GET. mihawk and Crocodile both are Doubting until Luffy gets into the Impel Down events and they... are beginning to Wonder. Buggy was underestimated when arrested, on a higher level, but even those levels have good security. And Buggy was out and mid escape when Luffy found him.
How did THAT happen?
And actually... he was starting and running a business in two years - one they integrated into with... very little push back or struggle. Mihawk may not be as business oriented, but both can tell that the math isn't... mathing precisely as expected.
Luffy, so infectious with energy, in that hat, in that shade of red - well. Buggy's been lonely for so long, and he's tired. What's the harm in dropping a few of his many, many guards?
Luffy is over the moon bc as far as he's concerned, the moment Buggy helped him, they became Friends, and when he learned he's an ally or smth of Shanks'? That's it, Buggy, you're being assimilated into the found family. Good luck, pal.
Croc and Hawk meanwhile are the Pikachu meme inside, trying to find the EQUATION to account for?? All??? This????
The rest of the strawhats are either cackling, watching on in amusement or cheering on as Buggy does some simply little card tricks or juggles smth or other. He passed Captain's Vibe Check, Nami's only slightly petty about the money.))
Just. Ussop (and thus Sanji) looking at this exhausted clown man and saying "we're adopting you. Yes, you're older than us. No we don't care. Sign here plz"
Luffy going "we're friends, no need to fight!! ... unless you wanna 👀👀"
Meanwhioe Mihawk and Zoro are making Prolonged Eye Contact ominously between sips of their alcohol of choice.
Just. Buggy being strong armed into Friendship and The Inescapable Ordeal Of Being Loved while his business partners are left to Wonder and Think and be subjected to the biggest, most aggressive sideye either have ever experienced by this gaggle of pirate gremlins who have for some reason decided Buggy is the Coolest and Best Ever, Actually.
This is amazing. I've always said Luffy and Buggy would end up getting along at some point if Luffy knew how much Buggy has gone through, tbh. And Usopp would feel so much pity for him, honestly. They're on the same boat here (shitty self-esteem and imposter syndrome boat). This is great bc I can imagine Crocodile and Mihawk's faces and it's,,, So funny,,
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