#I mean this guy just swam around in his little pool all day for two movies
goinggoose · 23 days
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I can't have been the only one who thought this
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Could you do a Steve Harrington HC where the two of you take all the kids to the pool? They could tease you about being mom and dad 🥺
SLAY IM BACK!!! idk for how long tho cause my motivation to write is disappearing and appearing every few days so LETS HOPE ITS BACK FOR A GOOD AMOUNT OF TIME (also this has been in my drafts forever im so sorry it took so long) also this was not proofread just like any of my other shit and its 3:30 am so sorry if the end kinda sucks I TRIED.
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~It was almost the end of summer, and you could tell that the kids were miserable
~Mainly because El and Will had just moved to California and they had no idea when they would see each other again, but also because school was starting soon and they didn’t wanna go back yet
~You were sure that they were at home with the windows open and multiple fans on because it was a little over 90 degrees out, so Steve called Dustin and invited him and the rest over to his house to chill in the pool since his parents were gone for the week
~Before you knew it everyone was at the front door with their towels and swim suits (Everyone meaning Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Max, and Robin)
~As everyone was waiting for the bathroom so they could change, Dustin was bothering Steve because he had no good snacks 
~After a few minutes of Dustin’s nagging, Steve eventually gave in and told everyone that Robin was in charge while the two of you went to the grocery store
~The two of you were walking down the aisles, Steve pushing the cart while you grabbed chips and drinks. You also got things to make sandwiches for everyone when they get hungry and ice cream.
~You guys went to the register, paid, and left, but not before the cashier told you guys how cute the two of you looked together
~Steve trying to hide his beet red face>>>>>>>
~You guys got back to his place and saw that everyone was already in the pool
~“I thought I told you guys to wait for us?!”
~“You guys took too long” Lucas said as he shrugged
~“Where’s Robin? She’s supposed to be watching you guys”
~All of a sudden, Robin popped out of the water, causing Steve to scream
~“God, Robin! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
~“Nice shriek, Harrington. Very manly.” Robin said as she swam backwards towards the deep end where Max was relaxing
~You went inside and started putting the chips in bowls and you put the drinks in a cooler while Steve was getting changed. You were going through your backpack trying to find your swimsuit (shout out to everyone who can’t find shit in their bags because its like a bottomless pit)
~You finally found it and as you did you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist
~“Hey beautiful”
~“Hey handsome” You said as you turned around and wrapped your arms around Steve’s neck. 
~“How did I get so lucky? You’re so amazing”
~“I know I am” You said as you rested your head on his chest. He pulled you closer and gripped you tighter as he rested his chin on your head.
~“And I’m...?”
~“Fishing for compliments” you said, teasing him
~“C’monnn” he whined
~“Fine. You’re amazing too. And very gorgeous. And you’re the perfect boyfriend. Happy?”
~“Very” You could hear his smile
~“Y’know, it’s really sweet of you to do this for the kids. It’s cute that you care about them”
~“Those little shits are nothing but trouble. I only did this cause I knew you felt bad for them.”
~“Yeah, sure. It’s okay to admit it Steve. You care about them. After everything we’ve been through with them, they’re like family. I know you love them.”
~He stayed silent for a second, not wanting to admit it
~“I hate it when you’re right”
~“Well then you must hate me all the time”
~Steve broke away from the hug and lifted your chin so he could kiss you. The two of you stood like that for a few seconds before you heard a soda can pop open next to you. You looked to the side and you saw Dustin standing there watching you guys
~“Dude. How long have you been standing there?”
~“A loooong time. You guys are cute. It’s disgusting”
~“Get out of here before I kick your ass, Henderson”
~“Steve! Don’t be rude” you scolded your boyfriend
~“He completely ruined our moment!”
~“Doesn’t mean you can threaten him with bodily harm!”
~“Uh oh! Mom and Dad are fightinggg!” Dustin yelled as he walked back to his friends in the pool
~“I’m sorry, what? Mom and Dad?” You said as you walked over to them
~“Yeah. Y’know since the two of you are always looking out for us. You’re the mom, Steve’s the dad.” Mike explained
~“Yeah and Robin’s like the cool aunt” Max added
~“Wow, high praise” Robin said as she floated towards Max and fist bumped her
~“That’s insane. We’re not your parents” 
~“Obviously, but whenever we’re out you’re parents of the group. Y’know?” Dustin said, trying to explain
~You just stood there not knowing what to say so you went inside to change
~When you finally got in the pool you were relaxing in the shallow end with Robin and Max while Steve was messing around with the boys.
~After a little while Steve and Lucas called you and Max over and suggested that the 4 of you play chicken fight (that one game where someone is on another persons shoulders and you have to knock down the other team)
~You get out of the pool and force Robin to help you make the sandwiches for everyone
~When everyone’s eating all the kids are like “Thanks mom”
~“I’m gonna push you all in the pool if you keep that shit up.”
~After you’re all done eating you sit there and talk for a bit before getting back in
~Since you were still a little full, you decided to just chill on a pool-floatie and listen to music on your walkman 
~You couldn’t relax though, seeing as the boys were starting to get rough again
~“Lucas! Stop throwing water in Dustin’s eyes!”
~“Mike! Be careful! The floor is wet and I don’t want you slipping!”
~“Max! Stop trying to drown your boyfriend!”
~“Dustin stop laughing at Max trying to drown Lucas!
~“Y/nnnnn! Lucas shot me in the eyes with a water gun!”
~“Lucas! What did I say about getting water in Dustin’s eyes?!
~“Steve! Y/n! Help!”
~You and Steve immediately jumped into the pool and swam over to Dustin who was yelling and when you got over he said he got a cramp and that he was okay now
~“I swear to god, Henderson”
~You were lounging on one of the chairs by the side of the pool, finally getting the peace and quite that you wanted, since the kids had started playing Marco Polo
~You just sat there relaxing when Steve went up to you and tried to snuggle up to you
~“Steve! You’re all wet!” 
~Instead of getting up he re-positions the two of you so that your legs are to his sides and he’s laying in between them against your chest
~“Ugh I swear to god, Harrington, you’re lucky you’re cute”
~He didn’t say anything in response, instead he just dug his head deeper into your chest and started rubbing circles on your thighs
~The two of you just laid there in a comfortable silence... that was until-
~You and Steve immediately jolted up to see what had happened and who had gotten hurt
~You saw Mike on the floor clutching his ankle as Lucas and Dustin scrambled out of the water to run to him
~“What the hell happened?!”
~“I was running to get the water gun so I could shoot Lucas and I slipped and fell. Fuck, it really hurts. I think I broke it”
~“No, you didn’t break it” You said as you examined his ankle. “You probably just sprained it. What’d I tell you about running around the pool, Mike? It’s slippery as fuck! You’re lucky it’s just a sprain”
~You told Steve to run to get the first aid kit in the house, hoping there’d be something to wrap his ankle in. You used to work at the public pool over the summer sometimes so you knew exactly what to do in this situation
~Steve came running back with the first aid kit and you quickly but carefully wrapped Mike’s ankle
~You all decided it’d be best to go inside since the sun was starting to set and they would have to be home soon.
~Once everyone had gone home, you and Steve were laying down in his bed
~“You’re so great with those little shits, y’know? You’re gonna be a great mom to our future kids someday”
~“Our future kids?”
~“I mean, yeah... unless you don’t see us together in the future? Shit, never mind, I shouldn’t have said anything. Just forget it hap-”
~“How many?”
~“Our kids. How many?”
~“Oh, I don’t know. I always dreamed of having a big family. Having 5 or 6 little nuggets kinda running around”
~“6?! God damn, Harrington, my poor vagina”
~He let out a laugh and pulled you closer into his chest
~“I mean it doesn’t have to be 6. I could settle for 3″
~“3′s a good number”
~“3 it is. 2 girls and a boy”
~“We’d be awesome parents someday.”
~“Yeah, someday”
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mannylikessims · 4 months
The True Story of the Villareal Family [2.3]
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The Villareal children were in for a treat they didn’t want.
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They arrived home from school, already feeling collectively below-average. Hugo staggered in like a zombie, having barely slept. Luna kept checking her phone and sulking because a certain someone wasn’t texting her. And Max – actually, Max felt ok. Maybe a little bored.
But none were in the mood for another attempted Family Fun Day, even though their father had spent the entire day preparing for it.
While the children were at school, Jacques Villareal had taken the day off from doing nothing to redo the pool.
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"There, much better."
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“Come, offspring!” He called out to his children, cackling to himself. “I remodeled the pool. Let’s have a Family Fun Day pool party!”
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“You remodeled the pool?” said Hugo. “It doesn’t look any different to me.”
“Well, it is,” said Jacques. “Now get in.”
Meanwhile, Luna was still anxiously checking her phone,
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but there were no new messages. Anguish welled in her chest.
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You ok? she typed woefully. Did I do something wrong? What’s going on? I miss talking to you.
There had been no response all day from her mystery knight about why they never showed up to their rendezvous, but maybe this 127th text in a row would finally do the trick.
She put her phone back and resisted the urge to pull it out immediately again. After all, she didn’t want to come off as desperate.
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“Do we have to go swimming right now, Dad?”
Hugo threw up his hands in exasperation. “I’m so tired. I slept like two hours on a bench outside the Von Haunt Estate because you forgot about me and left me there yesterday.”
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His father rolled his eyes. “Of course I didn’t forget about you, Hugo. I ignored your calls on purpose. Now quit complaining and. Get. In.”
Hugo groaned. Fine. He was too tired to argue. He teetered from exhaustion as he headed towards the diving platform.
Jacques turned around and set up a chair at the edge of the pool. “You kids go first. I’ll join later.”
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The kids changed into their bathing suits and lined up. Hugo was first.
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“You’re doing swell, Hugo,” said Jacques in a rare moment of paternal encouragement. “Luna, you’re next!”
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“Ugh, whatever, Dad.” She didn’t care about anything anymore.
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Little Max was last to cannonball in, and he was the only one who was having fun. Besides Jacques, that is. Jacques was still chuckling to himself, watching his children swim in circles.
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Hugo’s arms started to feel very heavy, as did his eyelids. He relaxed his muscles, his head lolling for a moment, just a moment, and rested his eyes for a moment, just a moment, when
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his eyes suddenly snapped back open.
Whoa! Almost fell asleep there, big guy. It was definitely nap time for him, one way or another.
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Hugo swam to the edge of the pool and grasped the ledge to pull himself out.
“What are you doing?” asked Jacques, shocked.
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“I’m going to bed,” said Hugo. “I’m so tired–"
“No, I mean, how did you get out of the pool?”
“… by pulling myself out over the ledge? Look Dad, I just really wanna sleep–"
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But Hugo didn’t get a chance to finish, because Jacques suddenly broke into a scowl and stood up furiously, slamming his chair into the ground, mumbling under his breath.
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“Guess they don’t make pools like they used to.”
And Jacques stormed off into the house, livid, leaving behind his three bewildered kids.
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Hugo was baffled. What was up with Dad? He had gone real quick from being excited about the pool to having a full-blown conniption.
“Aw, does this mean Family Fun Day is canceled again?” said Max behind him, disappointed.
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anywaymuahahahaha · 9 months
Kirby’s Surprise Sleepover Adventure!
Chapter Five: Seeing Red
。°✩ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊✩₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ✩°。⋆ ⋆。°✩ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊✩₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ✩°。
Magolor and Elfilin headed outside towards the lake behind Kirby’s house. Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee were already there tossing some pool toys into the water. Kirby saw them and waved at them.
“Over here!” He called out enthusiastically.
Elfilin smiled and picked up his pace. Magolor, on the other hand, seemed to slow down to a complete halt. He glanced at the water and shuddered a bit. He shook it off and continued to follow Elfilin.
“Oooh! This is gonna be so much fun! It’s been forever since I last went swimming! What about you, Magolor?” Elfilin said, smiling.
“Well…” Magolor began but stopped when they finally reached Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee. Kirby dashed over to them, clutching a variety of different pool toys.
"This is my favorite swimming spot, and it's right here in my own backyard!" He started. “We could race, relax or play all kinds of games! What should we do?”
While Elfilin appeared thrilled and eager to join in the fun, Magolor appeared somewhat apprehensive and worried. He was twiddling his hands together and looking around uncomfortably. Elfilin noticed his change in mood and grew worried.
“Well, all I want to do is relax!” Bandana Waddle Dee said, tossing a pool floaty into the water.
“Yeah, that sounds, great!” Elfilin twirled about happily, hoping to lift Magolor’s spirit a bit.
"Watch this, Elfilin! Here I go!"
Kirby took off running and jumped high in the air. He performed a stylish flip, then promptly landed in the water, splashing everyone around him. Magolor quickly dimensional vanished to avoid getting wet, while Elfilin and Bandana Waddle Dee got a face full of water. They seemed to quickly laugh it off, but Magolor looked more annoyed than humored. 
Bandana Waddle Dee jumped into a floaty and swam over to Kirby. They playfully splashed each other around, then returned their attention to Magolor and Elfilin.
“Come on, guys! The water is great!” Kirby said sending a splash their way. Elfilin turned to Magolor and smiled, bouncing with glee.
“Are you ready!?” He said bursting with excitement. Magolor leaned forward and caught a glimpse of his reflection in the water. He glanced over at Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee and smiled nervously.
“Eh…You know what?…I think I’ll sit this one out. Go on without me little dude!” Magolor said as he backed away slowly from the water.
"Go…without you?" Elfilin said disappointed.
“Is something wrong?”
“It’s not that! It’s just, well…I only brought this one outfit, you know? I’d hate to get it all wet.” Magolor said nervously clutching his cape.
“Elfilin! Magolor! Are you two coming?” Kirby called out waving his hand at them.
Elfilin kept glancing between Magolor and Kirby, his eyes growing sadder and sadder.
“Hey, it’s alright! Go have fun with Kirby! I’ll just wait right here!” Magolor plopped down near the edge of the pond under a big, leafy tree.
“Hey, what’s the hold up!?” Kirby asked swimming over towards them. Bandana Waddle Dee remained where he was, hopeful that Magolor would indeed not join them.
“It’s fine, really...I’m just….not a fan of swimming…sorry. Besides, I’m pretty exhausted after running errands for you all day. I could use a break. I’ll just hang out here for now. Go have fun!”
“Are you sure?”
“Yep! Super sure.” He said nodding his head.
“Well…alright then, Magolor. I hope you change your mind and join us though! I don’t want you to feel left out of the fun or anything!”
“Kirby, I insist it’s alright! Really. Go splash around with your friends! I don’t mind a bit.”
“Well, we’ll be right over here if you change your mind, Magolor!” Kirby swam back towards Bandana Waddle Dee. Elfilin floated towards the water but stopped one last time.
“Hey, are you sure you’re alright?”
“I’m fine! Really. I mean… No, I’m fine.”
“… Is there something you need to talk about? You can tell me, Magolor!” Elfilin floated closer to him.
Magolor sighed deeply and looked up at Elfilin with sad eyes.
"Well, it's just that…I guess I’m just a little annoyed about how no one seems to respect me around here. I mean, what’s with everyone giving me the third degree all the time? Sure, no one’s perfect, but I’m not such a bad guy, am I?" He stated dramatically, sulking his head down low. 
“What!? No way! You’re not a bad guy at all! You’re awesome!…Super awesome, even!” Elfilin exclaimed.
"I wish more folks around here felt the same way!…You know your friend Bandana Waddle Dee over there?"
Magolor glanced over at him, who was too busy having fun with Kirby to notice he was being talked about.
"He’s always been so cruel to me." Magolor said before turning his back to Elfilin for a brief moment. He appeared to wipe his eyes with his hands. He quickly turned back around, now crying with tears pouring down his face and dripping onto the ground. 
“…He and so many others!… No one wants to give someone like me a chance!” Magolor shook his fists dramatically as he choked on his words. Elfilin frowned sadly as he listened to him lament.
“Even with Kirby’s forgiveness, it just wasn’t enough to regain the trust of everyone. I’m still treated like a complete outcast. No matter what I do, it’s just not enough to be accepted.” Magolor’s usual soft and sweet voice was now somber and low. He sighed and looked over at Kirby, who was blissfully unaware they were still talking to each other, splashing about without a care in the world.
“You and Kirby…you’re the only ones who gave me a chance. The only ones who accepted my friendship. It’s all I ever wanted…”
“Magolor…You know, I’m kind of an outcast too…I know how it feels. But you’re not alone. I’m here for you!” Elfilin smiled and nodded at a Magolor. He then wiped the last of his tears away. He returned a smile to Elfilin.
“Your friendship truly means everything to me, Little Dude. Thank you.”
Elfilin blushed, his eyes wide and sparkling.
“Wow… Do you really mean that!?!…You can always count on me, Magolor! I’m glad to be your friend!!”
Magolor smiled and looked over at Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee who were busy swimming not too far from them.
“Well, I’m sure Kirby is eager for you to join them over there! Go have fun!” Magolor said, nodding his head.
“Well…alright then! See ya in a bit!” Elfilin waved goodbye and then turned towards the pond. He floated over the water to Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee who were relaxing in the cool, clean water.
“Hey, Elfilin!” Kirby said enthusiastically.
“Wow, Kirby! This is such a neat little pond! It’s just like the one back at home where we would go fishing!” Elflin playfully splashed around and swam all through the water. He flew back up and spun around sending a small splash of water around.
“Yeah! We always had a blast fishing together! I’m really glad you’re having so much fun, Elfilin!” Kirby said happily.
“Are you enjoying it here on Pop Star?” Bandana Waddle Dee asked.
“I sure am! It’s so nice here! And so pretty! You sure have a real great home here, Kirby! I can see why Magolor loves it here so much!”
Bandana Waddle Dee scowled at the sound of his name.
“Magolor!? Ugh. I miss the way things were before he showed up…”
Elfilin frowned.
Bandana Waddle Dee really doesn’t like Magolor… I wish there was something I could do…
“Hey! Speaking of Magolor… What were the two of you talking about over there?” Kirby asked.
“Oh!…well…” Elfilin glanced over to Magolor who had his back towards them not paying attention at all.
“Well, I suppose…if you really wanna know…He told me that he feels a little upset that he is still treated like an outcast around Dream Land. He said no one will accept his friendship.”
Bandana Waddle Dee suddenly flailed about and swam away from the two of them in a hurry.
“What’s wrong!?” Kirby asked, shocked at his friends sudden burst of anxiety.
Bandana Waddle Dee-terrified of being caught discussing Magolor behind his back again, nervously glanced over at the wizard, who was still sitting alone with his back turned towards them.
“I…just…I felt something brush my foot!…Sorry about that!” He chuckled nervously.
“Hey, Bandana Waddle Dee! Why don’t you go over and talk to Magolor?” Elfilin said.
“WHAT!? Why would I want to do that!?”
“Well, he seemed especially upset that you refuse to forgive him over what happened when you all first met!”
“ELFILIN!!!- Please…keep…your voice…down..” Bandana Waddle said anxiously flailing about, his voice growing muffled with every word.
“You know, he does look pretty sad sitting all alone over there. Maybe you should go talk to him!” Kirby said.
“What?! Not you too, Kirby!”
“It would probably cheer him up! He’s a nice guy after all! Just go talk to him!”
“Why don’t you go talk to him, Kirby? He likes you…a LOT more than he likes me.”
“That’s not true! Don’t be ridiculous. Magolor likes you, he is just…well, he’s weird.”
“Weird doesn’t even begin to cover it!”
Bandana Waddle Dee sighed and pondered to himself.
Magolor is a complete jerk! He hates me and I hate him! Well…I don’t know. Maybe I don’t hate him… Hate is a strong word. But he is a jerk! That much is true. But…maybe I am being too hard on him…If Kirby can forgive him, so should I, right?… He does look pretty pitiful over there doesn’t he?Maybe I should apologize and we could put an end to this bitter rivalry right here, right now!… Elfilin would be so happy! A fresh start! I just… have to talk to him… That’s all! You can do this, Bandana Waddle Dee!
“Alright then, fine! I’ll go talk to him. But if he doesn’t care about what I have to say, then there’s nothing I can do!”
“I’m sure he’ll appreciate every word! It would mean a lot to him! Thank you, Bandana Waddle Dee!” Elfilin said with a big smile. Kirby nodded in agreement.
Bandana Waddle Dee groaned under his breath, got of the pond and slowly made his way towards Magolor. He approached him with slight hesitation unsure of how to proceed.
“M-Magolor?…” He said softly. Magolor, seemed to be daydreaming and not paying a bit of attention to Bandana Waddle Dee. He took a few steps closer to him and raised his voice slightly.
“Magolor?…” he said taking another step closer to him.
Is he ignoring me?…Grrr. This guy is the worst. Why am I even doing this?
“What…do you want?” Magolor said, just slightly turning his face towards him.
“Oh- I’m sorry..I don’t mean to intrude I just…”
“I am trying to focus and you’re distracting me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I just…wanted to say…” Bandana Waddle Dee kept stumbling over his words, growing more nervous and intimidated by the second.
“Well?” Magolor said, now clearly annoyed.
“Magolor, listen. I just…wanted to say…well…I’m so-”
Magolor rose slowly and turned around to face Bandana Waddle Dee. He cupped his hands together, performing his signature nod.
“Oh, just save it, Bandana Waddle Dee. I know what you’re trying to do.” He said coldly.
“…What!? I’m just-“
“Look…I know you’re here to ‘apologize’, so you can go back over to the Little Dude there and tell him all about how you’ve forgiven me! Is that right?” Magolor remarked, nodding his head quickly.
“No! Wait-I- I mean-“
“You don’t like me, and that’s fine. Truth be told, I don’t like you either. In fact, you really get on my nerves. I wish Kirby could see you for who you truly are. So mean…so cruel. To be honest, you’re just a big bully.” Magolor went on.
Bandana Waddle Dee stood stiff as a board as he took Magolors torrent of words head on. Over in the pond, Kirby and Elfilin could see them from but couldn’t hear anything being said.
“Sorry, but I’m not interested in your forgiveness or your friendship. I have Kirby and now, I have Elfilin, too. Whether you dislike me because of my actions in the past, or you resent me due to my status in Kirby’s life, it doesn’t make a difference to me.”
Bandana Waddle Dee’s face began to turn red. He started trembling from the anger building up inside of him. Magolor's verbal attack was getting too much for him to bear.
“I appreciate it, really. But you can keep your apology. I’m not- …W-What are you doing? Hey!…Get away from me! HEY!!!!”
*** SPLASH!!!! ***
Kirby and Elfilin heard a panicked yelp followed by a loud splash in the water. They looked over to see Bandana Waddle Dee standing at the edge of the pond- alone. He appeared flustered and his face was bright red. Magolor was no where in sight. Elfilin then watched as a slew of bubbles rose to the surface of the pond.
“Bandana Waddle Dee?…What was that!?” Kirby shouted.
Kirby's voice seemed to shake Bandana Waddle Dee out of the rage-induced trance he was in.
He shook his head quickly then looked down into the water with trepidation.
Oh, no…What have I done!?
“Hey! What happened to Magolor?” Elfilin cried out.
Bandana Waddle Dee gulped nervously and tried attempting to speak. His was voice was anxious and shaky.
“He…he…” Bandana Waddle Dee kept choking up as he struggled to get even one word out.
“It…it happened so fast! I- I didn’t mean to do it!” he said, his voice cracking.
“Just tell me what happened, Bandana Waddle Dee!” Kirby asked as Elfilin kept looking for a sign of Magolor.
Before Bandana Waddle Dee could muster up another word, Magolor appeared right behind him instantly. He could feel his presence but was far too frightened to turn around. Magolor was soaking wet, dripping water from his ears all the way down his cape. There was a fierce look of rage in his eyes. Bandana Waddle Dee turned to him slowly, as pale as a ghost.
“Magolor…I…I’m sorry! I didn’t mean too-“
“You…You HOOLIGAN!” Magolor shouted, clenching his fists angrily.
Bandana Waddle Dee began to shake with fear. Before this, Elfilin had never seen Magolor show such anger. It sent chills down his spine.
“Magolor, I- I didn’t mean to do that! I was just- we were talking…and… and I-”
“What is wrong with you? Are you MAD!?” Magolor yelled flailing his hands about.
“Oh, no!” Kirby hastily exited the pond and came rushing towards his two arguing friends.
“Magolor, I…I’m so sorry! Please forgive me! It…It was an accident!” Bandana Waddle Dee said nervously waving his hands at him.
“An accident?! That was no accident! Let me show you what a real accident looks like-“
Kirby rushed over to Magolor and laid a kind hand on his shoulder. The hostile look in his eyes softened immediately and he quickly regained his composure. Kirby looked to Bandana Waddle Dee who was still on the ground cowering in fear. After a moment, Magolor sighed deeply and pulled Kirby’s hand off his shoulder. He then- to everyone’s shock-starting smiling and clapping. Kirby and Elfilin exchanged puzzled looks. Magolor, still dripping, sopping wet, dusted himself off and then smiled to his friends, nodding his head in delight.
“Well, it looks like I may have lost my temper there. My deepest apologies.”
He turned to Bandana Waddle Dee and clapped his hands happily once again.
“Oooh, that was a good one, Bandana Waddle Dee! You really got me!” He said still clapping.
Elfilin was a little perplexed by Magolor's rapid mood shift. He continued to stare in bewilderment.
Magolor then helped Bandana Waddle Dee in getting up and even brushed some dirt off of him. Kirby rushed to his side to lend a hand.
“Are you okay?” Kirby asked him.
“Yeah, Kirby, I’m fine. Thanks…”
Kirby exchanged glances with the two of them.
“Bandana Waddle Dee… You didn’t push him, did you?”
Bandana Waddle Dee let out a sad sigh and looked down in shame. Magolor, still completely drenched in pond water laid a firm hand on his shoulder and laughed.
“Oh, Kirby! We were just goofing off! You know, having some fun!” Magolor said, playfully jabbing Bandana Waddle Dee on the side a few times.
“Hmmm. I don’t know if I believe you. It sure didn’t look like goofing off to me.” Kirby said sternly.
Elfilin still felt a little shaken up over witnessing Magolor’s outburst. It was rather shocking considering that Magolor had been nothing but friendly and kind to him. He began to feel slightly worried. It was hard watching two of his good friends argue and not get along.
What if the things everyone said about Magolor being a bad guy are true?
“No, Kirby. It’s fine. Really…” Bandana Waddle Dee remarked as he shot a dirty look towards Magolor.
“See, Kirby? It’s fine! Nothing to worry about at all!” Magolor wrapped his wet hand around Bandana Waddle Dee and pulled him in closer.
“What was that splash, then? You’re all wet, I thought you didn’t want to swim?”
Bandana Waddle Dee pinched his brow and glared at the ground, his eyes scrunched shut.
“Kirby…I pushed him-“
“-Pushed me to let go and have fun! Kirby, you really do have great taste in friends! Bandana Waddle Dee here sure has a way with words!” Magolor said while giving him a rather aggressive pat on the back. Kirby remained doubtful.
“Magolor, are you telling the truth?” Kirby asked.
“Of course I am! Remember Kirby, I don’t lie anymore!”
Elfilin pondered Magolor’s statement.
He’s said that a few times now… ‘I don’t lie anymore…’ He must really have a bad history of telling lies… He lied to that shopkeeper… He lied to Meta Knight… You don’t think he’d… He isn’t… No! He would never lie to me! Friends don’t do that to their friends! Right?…
Kirby turned back to Bandana Waddle Dee.
“Is that really what happened? I know you’ll tell me the truth!”
Magolor appeared slightly offended by Kirby's statement, but maintained his cool nonetheless.
Bandana Waddle Dee could have taken this opportunity to finally tell Kirby and Elfilin about Magolor's rude and hateful remarks, but he chose to play along with Magolor's ruse. After all, it's only for the weekend. It's the least he can do for Elfilin.
“…He’s telling the truth, Kirby. Besides…I was only…kidding.” Bandana Waddle Dee said glaring at Magolor, slightly grinning.
Kirby smiled bounced around happily.
“Alright then! If everything is all right here then, come on let’s go!” Kirby anxiously ran back to the pond but stopped when he realized no one was following him.
“Are you guys coming!?”
Elfilin watched Bandana Waddle Dee and Magolor who were now caught up in an intense stare down.
“Are- are you coming?…” he said softly hoping to break the tension.
A smile creeped up on Magolor’s face and he began to laugh a little.
“Actually, Little Dude. I have an idea! Hang tight.”
Magolor floated up and turned towards Kirby. He cupped his hands together and nodded his head with a smile.
“Hey, Kirby! I think we’ve all had enough swimming for one day, wouldn’t you agree? I have a really good idea for a fun, new game all 4 of us could all play together!”
“Oh, really? What kind of game!?” Kirby said, his eyes shining brightly.
“I’ll tell you all about it once we go back inside! Trust me, it’s going to be a LOT of fun!” Magolor twirled with delight.
“Oh, wow! A fun, new game!?! That sounds exciting! I’ll hurry up and clean this mess up so we can head back inside!”
Kirby ran back and gathered up the pool toys. Elfilin followed him to help. Bandana Waddle Dee turned around to see Magolor now standing close behind him.
“Magolor!” He shrieked in surprise, still not quite used to Magolor’s casual use of his Dimensional Vanish.
Magolor held his hands together and nodded his head at him.
“Well, it looks as though you’re not nearly as spineless as I thought you were. Good for you!”
Magolor wringed out the excess water from his cape then splashed it in Bandana Waddle Dees face.
"However…" Magolor's tone of voice changed dramatically, becoming more serious and cryptic.
“Just know I’ll be planning my revenge for this.”
“R-revenge!?” Bandana Waddle Dee gasped.
“Of course! You didn’t think I’d just let you get away with pulling a stunt like that on me? Heeheehee… And here I thought you were smarter than that.”
“But- I said I was sorry!”
“You humiliated me in front of my good friends. Not to mention I’m freezing and soaking wet because of you. I could have drowned you know!”
Magolor tightened his grip on his cape, squeezing out more excess water.
“Yep! I’ll definitely get you back for this one.”
Magolor walked past Bandana Waddle Dee towards Kirby’s house covering his face as he tried to muffle his laughter.
“…and when you least expect it too! Hehehe! See you around…friend.”
Magolor winked at him, then floated off into Kirby's house, leaving Bandana Waddle Dee transfixed in fear.
Oh man… Why me!?
He plopped to the ground in anguish with nothing to do but wait for Kirby and Elfilin who were busy fishing out the pool toys from the pond.
Kirby seemed eager to move on, moving quickly and using his mighty inhale to suck up all the toys from the water quickly. They managed to get everything into a pile. Elfilin picked up as many as he could carry.
“Hey Kirby…Can I ask you something.. Something about Magolor?”
“Sure Elfilin, what is it?”
Elfilin pondered for a moment then shook his head, unable to find the right words.
“Actually, I think I’ll just ask him myself. Sorry…” he said softly.
“You know, Magolor really seems to like you a whole lot!” Kirby said.
“Really!?” Elfilin exclaimed, his hands flapping with joy.
“I can tell he really appreciates your kindness. You know, he doesn’t really have a lot of friends.”
“Why is that, Kirby? He’s so nice and really friendly. Why does everyone treat him the way they do?”
“I’ve known him for a while now, and he can be a really great friend when he wants to be! It’s just…well…”
“… Well?…”
“He was a lot different when we first met. You never got to see the side of him that we all saw.”
Kirby’s voice grew soft and solemn.
“I know he’s sorry for what he did. In fact, he really has changed! He’s not lying about that. He still did some pretty horrible things though. But I forgive him. I want to help him be better but he falls into his old habits a lot. He really does mean well, he just… Has a funny way of showing it I guess.”
“Well Kirby, I think it’s really cool that you can forgive him for betraying you the way he did.”
Kirby stared at Elfilin, his eyes wide with shock.
“Wait a minute, how do you know about that!?”
“Uhhh, what? No! I mean-”
“Hey, Kirby! Need any help?” Bandana Waddle Dee said running over to them.
“Oh, thanks Bandana Waddle Dee!” Kirby said smiling. Elfilin sighed in relief, hoping Kirby would forget what they were discussing.
The 3 friends gathered up the pool toys and retreated for Kirby’s home. They left the toys out in the sun to dry off and headed inside. Magolor already there was waiting for them. He nodded happily upon seeing them walk inside.
The three friends gathered the pool toys and headed back to Kirby's house. They quickly went in after setting the toys out in a sunny spot to dry. Inside, Magolor was already waiting for them. When he saw them enter, he happily nodded.
“It’s about time! I’ve been waiting!” Magolor was pacing about the room eagerly. Bandana Waddle Dee rolled his eyes and slouched on the couch, exhausted.
“Well, Magolor, what’s this exciting game you have planned!?” Kirby exclaimed, his eyes shining brightly as ever.
“Oh, it’s one of my all time favorites! You’re gonna love it!” Magolor clapped his hands with excitement. He smiled and nodded as Kirby and Elfilin sat down next to Bandana Waddle Dee.
“Prepare for some real fun. Are you ready?” Magolor exclaimed.
“The name of the game is….
Truth or dare!!!”
[previous chapter]
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[next chapter] (COMING SOON)
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veawrites · 2 years
WARNINGS?!?: p in v sex, unprotected sex, dom!steve, overstimulation, fingering!
Description: you accidentally tease Steve all day and you didn’t even realize
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You were laying out on a lawn chair outside of Steve’s house while he was in the pool. You were watching Steve swim around as he kept begging you to just dip in even for a second “cmon y/n just for a second it’s boring alone” he begs and you put your book down onto the ground beside you “fine” you say standing up and removing your shorts and walking towards the ladder. Steve swam over to you as you sat at the edge putting your feet in the water. He grabbed your hips pulling you in as you swim away from him sending a wave of water you made with a swift motion of your hand in the water his way. “Your gonna pay for that y/n” he said running the water out of his eyes “I’m sure” You say swimming away
About an hour later you and Steve got out of the pool to dry off. Steve walked over to you tapping a towel around you and leaning down to kiss you. “You know I wouldn’t have to dry off if you wouldn’t have asked me to get in with you, now I’m all wet” you say rapping then towel around you and leaning down to get your book. “Oh so I make you wet then?” He asks with a smirk on his face “Steve shut up” You say walking away from him into his house through that patio door. He followed close behind as you walked into the living room picking up a copy of footloose turning around a showing it to Steve “movie night?” You ask “yeah let’s change and we can” he responds as you put the movie by the television and follow him upstairs. When you reached his room you guys walked in and he handed you one of his t-shirts “Steve turn around” you say and he just looks at you “it’s not like I haven’t seen you shirtless before y/n” he says pulling his shirt over his head so you turn around slipping his shirt on “still” you say turning back around only wearing panties and his t-shirt that swallowed you. “Alright movie time” he hugged opening the door and walking down the stairs and you followed “I’ll make popcorn if you put the film in” you say walked over to the kitchen opening the cabinets and grabbing the box of popcorn “alright” he says “oh and don’t forget the salt this time” you roll your eyes “I won’t” you say waiting for the pop corn to come out.
An hour into the movie Steve was behind you and you guys were cuddling you were half asleep and he was watching footloose with his hand wrapped around your waist. He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear and kissed your cheek then wrapped his arm around your waist again. You subconsciously moved your back further into him and scooted back with a small groan, your back was now pressed up firmly against his crotch. He could feel a tent frowning between the two of you. “Y/n” he said shaking you and you opened your eyes turning to him “yeah Steve?” You said half asleep and you felt something uncomfortable pressed against your thigh now that you had moved “oh, I’m so sorry” you said “no it’s fine you didn’t mean to” he said
“I can’t help” you say turning to him and he sits up putting you on top of him lining up your core and his erection he grounded you against him holding his hands on your hips “oh god Steve mmm fuck” you breath out putting your hands on his shoulders continuing to Grind yourself against his hard cock he grabbed your hair pulling at it lightly “let me fuck you” he says and you get off of him and flips you over getting on top of you pulling off your panties first “fuck your so wet” he says moving his fingers through your folds “mm Steve just fuck me” you say grinding against his fingers. He pulled his cock out of his boxers and begin to tease the clit moving the head on your folds “mmm Steve fuck” you moan as he pushes into you “shhh stay quiet for me” he says finally moving in and out of you slowly
“Mmm Steve as much as I love you be gentle to a little faster” and he followed your command speeding up “that better princess” he grunts out grabbing your hands and holding them above your head and used the other one to play with your boob “mmm Steve” you say “I’m gonna” you moan “me too” he grunts slowing down and you moan out “god” you say “awee look at that I’m dripping out of you” he says getting between your legs sticking his tongue inside your entrance “mmm Steve” you say as your hips buck up “your so fucking hot” he says and the vibrations of his voice making you moan out “squirt in my mouth” he says Edging you on “god Steve I’m gonna” and you finally release letting out a moan “good girl” he says taking his tongue and licks around his lips “you taste good” he says laying beside you “Steve I need to go to the bathroom” you say trying to get up but failing “here I’ll take you” he says smirking
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allyricas · 1 year
first kisses pt. 2
Later that night once Eddie had left and taken the kids home, the three of them decided to go swimming again. It had taken a really long time for Steve and Nancy to be able to swim after Barb and the the incident in Lover's Lake, but they didn't want the Upside Down to take anything else from them. Swimming was fun and relaxing and it was a warm summer night.
The girls were staying over for a sleepover since Steve's parents were off on another business trip. They were all moderately drunk, the second bottle of red wine gone and the third being opened by Steve clumsily. He was so happy for his two best friends and proud of them too. Coming out was scary especially were they lived. People were close-minded and homophobic.
Steve knew he found both men and women attractive. He just dated girls because it was easier. It certainly didn't stop him from noticing a certain metal head that had started hanging after what happened over Spring Break. Eddie had nearly died before Steve could get him back into the real world and to the hospital. All the flirting the two had done over those few days played like a loop in Steve's brain. He was scared he wouldn't get the chance to even find out if it meant something more.
But Eddie survived and a few months later, he and Max were out of the hospital. It was a miracle. but Steve thought they deserved this win. And so Eddie became apart of the party. He fit in effortlessly and Steve loved to be around him. It wasn't like with Nancy and Robin, though. They were his girls. His best friends. He could be himself fully around them. They helped him embrace the softer side of himself. Never judging when he wanted them to do his makeup or braid his hair. Never commenting when he'd remark that an actor was attractive or call him out for checking out Eddie.
Steve let himself sink to the bottom of the pool and he tried to find the words he wanted to say to the girls. He could do this. They were brave enough to do it and he found strength in their courage. He swam back to the surface.
"We thought you drowned for a second there. You okay Dingus?" Robin asked him, eyes concerned.
"I was thinking. No drowning." He replied.
"Something on your mind, darling?" Nancy asked him. Eddie rolled his eyes at the word darling but smiled.
"Nancy, you liked me before. You dated Jonathan. Can I ask, well- did you not realize you liked girls or did you like us too. Was it real?"
"Oh Steve, I did like you and I liked Jonathan. It was real, I promise. I didn't realize I liked girls too until Robin. And it's different, definitely. Um, it feels a bit more natural somehow. Like, I was meant to be with a girl and didn't realize it. I think I thought I was supposed to find a guy and fall in love, so I tried to and I did care about you and Jon, but not the same way. I don't know if I'm explaining this well. I'm sorry darling."
"No, I understand I think. How did you know you liked girls? How did you get brave enough to say it out loud. You and Rob...you are both so brave." Steve ran his hands through his hair and tried taking a deep breath.
"Oh Steve, are you asking us because you think you might like guys too?" Robin asked him carefully, her voice gentle and soft.
"I know I do. I have always noticed guys and girls, I just didn't want to deal with it for a long time. There was never a specific guy that made me want to before."
"Ah, Eddie."
"What? How do you know that?"
"Steven, you are not subtle. I know you. And the two of you are constantly gazing at each other."
"You have an Eddie smile. You only smile that way at him." Nancy adds, smiling widely at him.
"The other day I caught you staring at his ass for a solid minute." Robin replies.
"Oh, my, God. Kill me. Okay, so I'm a little gay then."
"Bisexual. Means being attracted to two or more genders." Robin tells him.
"Bisexual." Steve says, testing out the word. He shouts, "I'm Steve Harrington and I'm bisexual. I wanna kiss a boy. I wanna kiss Eddie Munson."
"Well, hello there big boy. I'm very proud of you for coming out. You wanna kiss me, huh?" Eddie Munson asks with the biggest grin Steve's ever seen on his face.
Nancy and Robin look at each other and start to uncontrollably giggle while they swim to the other side of the pool.
"Fuck me." Steve replies.
"Oh, Stevie- You will have to woo me first. I am not that easy." Eddie walks closer to the pool. "I forgot my wallet here. I think it's in the house. I knocked for a while, but no one answered. So here I am. What a fortuitous circumstance I've found myself in."
"Oh, I'll walk you inside then." Steve looks over at Nancy and Robin who are still giving them some privacy. Nancy has Robin crowded up against the wall of the pool, her face buried into her neck. He can tell they are about to make out and he smiles. He's so happy for them.
Steve climbs out of the pool and quickly dries off before walking Eddie into the house. The A/C is blasting inside and Steve feels himself start to shiver. He's looking everywhere but at Eddie. "So where do you think you left it?"
He looks up and Eddie is standing right in front of him. He can count his eyelashes. See right into the brown eyes that have been on his mind nonstop for months. Eddie is unnervingly attractive. God, he's literally fucking beautiful.
"You're shivering, Steve. Come here." Eddie pulls Steve into his arms and Steve slides his arms around Eddie's waist on the inside of his jacket. He smells like pot and some sort of spicy cologne and Eddie. Steve breathes him in and finds he doesn't want to ever move again. He'd be happy to stay in Eddie's arms forever.
He's fucked.
"You still wanna kiss me?" Eddie asks, his lips grazing Steve's.
"God, yes. Please."
Eddie finally kisses him. His lips are soft but strong against Steve's and it's so much more than Steve was imagining. Better.
He didn't believe people who spoke of fireworks and sparks, but he fully understands now.
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rafescoke · 3 years
Brother’s Best Friend ; Rafe Cameron
Request: heyy I’ve recently found your account and I just felt in love with the way you write and with your works so I was wondering if you could write a fic where the reader is Kelce’s sister, she’s sitting alone at home and suddenly she hears a doorbell ringing, she comes to open the door and that’s Rafe and she says something like “Kelce’s not home” or smth like that and Rafe answers “I actually came to see you” or smth like that. It can be smut or fluff or whatever I don’t really care. Sorry if this is chaotic but I just want the reader to be black and I have bad ideas lmao 😭 sending love ❤️❤️
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: Fooling around with your best friend's sister is not a good sign, especially when it involves something more than skinny dipping and drinking alcohol together.
Warnings: Slight smut, mentions of drinking, slight angst, teasing Rafe Cameron
A/N: I'm so close to 700 followers wtf y'all are truly amazing ily! I'm finishing all requests in my inbox for the new few days; thank you to those who put their trust in me to write their ideas <33
(Y/N) could never deny the attraction she felt towards a certain brunette boy with that charming smile.
The feeling evolved for the first time when he came over to her house to see Kelce. He was so polite to her; giving her a turn on passing the ball and scolding Kelce and Topper for not wanting to give her a chance at playing basketball in the swimming pool.
But she was only 8 back then, and she regarded the feeling as nothing more than a silly crush.
Rafe Cameron changed when he entered high school. (Y/N) couldn't explain what was wrong, but he was not her Rafe anymore. He didn't hold the door for her, scold Kelce for making fun of her or do anything that used to make her heart soar.
Her thoughts were disrupted when a fresh blue towel hit her squarely on the face, causing her to yelp in shock.
"Do you wanna come down to the lake with us?"
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, pulling the towel to her side, and closed her magazine with a snap. Her eyes fell back to the three guys, lingering on the tallest one a little bit too long.
She cleared her throat, "No, I'm tired."
Kelce shrugged, walking towards the entrance of their home from the swimming pool. He didn't feel like having (Y/N) around anyways, because that would mean he would have to protect her from his friends.
Kelce loved his friends, of course, but he also knew the other side of them that uses girls like Kleenex tissue only to throw them away again.
"On a second thought-" (Y/N) said, stopping the three boys from entering the big house. "I think I'll go."
"You sure?" Kelce asked. God. Now he would have to play the big-brother stimulator for the whole night.
The night sky was dark, and the only light came from the moonlight up above and sometimes from the flashlight of each other's phone. Boozes laid messily on the wooden deck and their clothes were discarded all over the place.
Not one person was sober, and they were all laughing to a joke by Topper.
"Okay, okay, last one-" Topper said excitedly. He shivered, and (Y/N) thought about it as a response towards the cold lake water or the excited nerves of sharing another stupid joke. "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"Easy. To get to the other side," Rafe answered proudly. A beer drop slid down from his lips to his chin, and (Y/N) felt a strong desire to lick it.
"Okay, fine, I don't know."
Topper smiled widely, and (Y/N) could see this joke coming from a few miles away. "To get to the loser's house. Knock knock."
Rafe pulled a face, his eyebrows raised. "Who's there?"
"The chicken."
Kelce and Topper's laugh filled the silence around them, and (Y/N) found herself slightly smiling at the joke. Rafe groaned, finally understanding the joke and being angry at himself for willingly taking the bait.
"Okay, okay. The joke's over."
Kelce laughed again before taking a full swig of another beer bottle. He stared at the sky, and let out a loud huff.
"Wish we can go up there."
"Me too, man," Topper agreed. He joined Kelce by staring up at the dark sky, both clearly high out of their minds.
"Do you want to?"
(Y/N) looked to her side, not noticing Rafe who had moved from his previous position near Topper to beside her. She quirked her head to one side, her face questioning.
"Go up to the sky," he explained. He watched as she looked up to the sky, her mouth slightly parting. Her chest heaved peacefully, and her wet body donning the lilac bikini never looked so beautiful and perfect.
"Nah. I'm too scared."
"Even when I'll go with you?" he smiled. (Y/N) rolled her eyes, though her heart was soaring brightly; she would never feel scared anymore if he were to be around her all the time.
"Yeah. Even when you’ll go with me. Besides, it's not possible."
"Let people enjoy things," he said, and he was so close to her now because she could smell the coffee mint from his breath. Her heart was beating wildly, though this would be the ten-thousandth time he did this to her.
It never failed to leave her completely breathless.
"You're drooling," he whispered, and used his thumb to wipe her wet lips from the beer. Her breath hitched, and she couldn't utter any words back. She was too mesmerised with the whole situation.
His fingers stopped at her chin, looking into her eyes, and he was petrified too. He leaned in, but before anything could happen, (Y/N) moved away. He cleared his throat, and swam back to the deck.
‘I’m drunk’ was repeated by him all the way to the the place he threw his clothes off, shaking his head at the thought that he was so close to kissing her. He looked back to her direction in the lake, still staring at him. He focused back on the ties of his shorts, and made his way back to the Kelce’s house.
He ignored his best friends calls.
. . .
(Y/N) never really liked school, but she loved the after-activity that she got herself in.
Like cheerleading.
She used to think of the sport as something quirky, but in truth, once she was accepted into the school’s cheerleading team, she had never been more into a sport than before.
She walked down the field to the other side of the track where the other girls were waiting for her. Her training skirt flew slightly from the wind, and she was trying to hold them down all while carrying the water bottle and a duffle bag.
She exchanged a few greetings with her other friends, putting down her duffle bag and her water bottle. The sun was scorching hot, and all she felt like was eating ice cream inside of their boat whilst streaming down the lake, but the last time she had ditched cheer practice, it hadn’t ended well.
“Uh-oh,” someone exclaimed behind her. “Big bro is coming.”
(Y/N) looked up to the field, and sure enough Kelce was running towards her in his jersey. (Y/N) sighed, not knowing what she did now that could earn her a lecture from Kelce.
“Hey, I’m bringing a girl home after practice,” he said. “Would you mind getting a ride with someone else?”
She groaned, “Fuck, Kelce, no. You can tell your new scandal to fuck off because I am not getting an Uber to walk back to home.”
“Look, please? You can ask your friends to give you a ride, right? It’s important,” he begged. His eyes were scanning her friends now, obviously trying to find someone who could help his sister, and when he found one, his smile quirked upwards. “Yo, Sarah! Can you drive (Y/N) home after practice?”
Sarah walked towards them, her blonde hair up in a ponytail. She slung her arms around (Y/N)’s shoulders, noting the exasperated expression on her face, and gave Kelce a glare.
“You should let her drive a car if you’re going to bring a girl home after school,” she said. Kelce groaned, knowing the amount of shit he will be getting from the people around him, but he was truly trying to make it right for this new girl.
“Look, I’ll buy y’all anything for a week. Food? Sure. Clothes? Sure.”
Sarah clapped her hands, seemingly excited, and forced (Y/N) to say yes. She wouldn’t mind driving (Y/N) home, because she wanted to catch up with her about some gossip too.
“Fine. But I’m driving my own car tomorrow.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” was all he said before he jogged down to the soccer team.
That evening was hell to (Y/N). She couldn’t get the formation right, the sun was getting hotter and hotter, her hair was sticking out weirdly, and worst of all, she couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday’s event.
He was so, so close to her.
“(Y/N), come on! What’s gotten into you? The top part, again!” The coach yelled, slapping her hands against her lap. There were sweat forming on her forehead, and she was obviously hot and bothered from this whole situation.
But sport was sport. The coach wasn’t going to let today’s training to waste, and she intended for the new number to work.
(Y/N) muttered a soft ‘sorry’ before going back to her position, her heart still thumping at the thought. The cheer started, and her mouth was saying the words, but her brain was somewhere else.
The two guys by her side picked her up by her calf, and she felt the wind gushing out from beside her ears. She was high up in the sky now, throwing one arm upwards and balancing herself on one leg, and it was finally time now, to twirl into the two boys’ arms, but she wasn’t ready. Her mouth didn’t utter any words from the cheer, too focused on the step, and before she could jump back into their arms, she felt herself slipping.
“(Y/N)!” The coach yelled, running towards her by the track. Sarah and the other teammates were surrounding her now, watching as she groaned on the ground painfully, holding onto her arms.
“Okay, I take that as the end of today’s training,” the coach said, sighing. “(Y/N), are you okay? Can you walk?”
(Y/N) held her thumbs up, because she had worse injury than this before. Hell, the boxing fight she used to have with Kelce in their childhood was more painful. She sat up from the track, feeling the heat of the ground burning on her bottoms, and stretched her fingers. The pain coursed through her veins at the feeling, but kinda liked it.
“Come on, let’s get you home,” Sarah said, helping her up. She groaned when she finally stood on her two feet, feeling so painful all she wanted to do was lay back on the track, but she knew she had to go home.
She allowed Sarah helping her limp towards a black Mercedes, her eyes closed the whole time.
Okay, scratch the fight with Kelce. This one was more painful than ever.
“Can I stay at your house?” She blurted when Sarah drove out of the school gate. “I don’t feel like listening to my mom’s lecture about my leg.”
Sarah glanced at her from the rearview mirror, watching as she spread her leg out the whole backseat. The ice bag someone had gotten her was pressed against her calf, and she was sweating from the heat and trying to contain the pain.
“Yes, of course, that would be better,” Sarah said. She had other plans that evening, but helping (Y/N) overstepped all of them.
“So what’s up with you and John B?”
Sarah turned to look at her fully on her face, furrowing her eyebrows. “What do you know about John B?”
(Y/N) laughed, “The light’s green.” Just on cue, the car behind them horned at Sarah, and she quickly pushed on the pedal.
“How do you know about John B?” Sarah asked, biting her lips. If (Y/N) could find out, she couldn’t imagine what would Rafe do if he finds out.
“God, don’t be worried. I’m not going to tell anyone about this, okay? Just relax. I think it’s cute.”
Sarah’s worried expression softened, “You think so?”
“Yeah. At least you got to be with whoever you want. Some people can’t have that.”
Like her. Kelce would kill her and dump her body in the ocean for the sharks if he ever finds out how much she likes Rafe.
“You’ll find the one soon. How about that guy in your maths class?” The car turned to the right, nearing the destination.
“No. I’m not looking for anyone.”
There’s only one, but Sarah won’t like the answer.
The time was 8.23p.m. now, and (Y/N) had been in Sarah’s room for a total of 3 hours. After catching up on new gossips, watched a movie, did her English essay, she felt extremely dehydrated.
Sarah was sleeping peacefully beside her, being so tired after the practice and school, and (Y/N) didn’t feel like waking her up. She have been to The Camerons household, but that was only for Sarah’s birthday party a few years back.
She sighed, getting up from the bed to find the kitchen. The house was like a maze, and she wished they had some kind of a map to browse through.
Alas, she found the kitchen, her muscles screaming from all the wrong turns she took before. She knew where the plastic cups and plates were situated, having to help Sarah get them during her birthday party, so she didn’t have any trouble getting some.
She drank the cold water quickly, feeling the liquid sloshing down her throat. The feeling was so, so good that she wished she could go through it again.
“I do not know where your sister is, Kelce,” a voice sighed not far from the kitchen. “I told you you shouldn’t bring that girl home and just drive (Y/N) home yourself.”
The voice, unmistakably Rafe, was getting nearer and nearer. (Y/N)’s eyes widened, trying to find an empty space to hide in, but there were none. She panicked, still looking for a way out that she didn’t notice the tall figure behind her.
“Oh. Found you.”
His hair was dishevelled and wet, his chest heaving and he was shirtless.
What a nice way to bump onto each other.
“Take a picture,” he started, shutting his phone off and placing them in his shorts. “It’ll last longer that way.”
Now we’re talking about the new Rafe.
(Y/N) scoffed, pushing him away and making a disgusted face at his sweat sticking on her arms. “I’m here for Sarah.”
“Why? Did she die or something?”
God. He really is insufferable.
She made to push him away to return to Sarah’s room, only for him to grab her by her waist.
“Move.” Her tone was stern, but her stomach was flipping wildly. She tried to not look so bothered, but failed miserably.
Rafe seemed to notice her behaviour because he didn’t let go of her. “Come on, where’s the fun in that?”
She was on the same level as his neck now, and he could still smell his expensive cologne even after he swam in the swimming pool. She sighed, placing her hands against his chest.
Rafe laughed, putting his hands up in defeat, and went to grab the same glass she was drinking from. He refilled the glass and downed the content, and (Y/N) had to look away from the innocent move.
Maybe he was just saving water by not using a different cup.
“Do you need help to return to Sarah’s room or something?”
“No, I’m fine,” she refused, and made sure he could see her fake annoyed expression before she returned to the hall she came from. But there were 2 halls now, and she completely forgot which one she had been before.
“Really?” Rafe stood beside her, and she looked up to his amused face. “Because you’re in the wrong hall. It’s the other exit of the kitchen, darling.”
. . .
Why couldn’t she not see his face every single day?
It was truly troubling her, to see that boy everyday, because she couldn’t think properly every time.
The lights from the stadium blared widely, and the deafening screaming coming from both teams’ supporters rang throughout the whole field. (Y/N) was sure the whole island could hear them too.
Two things happened earlier than evening. Number one, her skirt wasn’t completely dried after being sent off to the laundry for a week, and her hair wasn’t just cooperating.
So here she was; in a shorter uniform skirt, her hair hung up into a ponytail with lots of hairspray. She wished for nothing but to be all cuddled up with her blanket in her room.
“You’re okay?” Sarah asked. She fixed (Y/N)’s lips gently, getting the lipstick and lipliner even, and gave her a kiss on the cheeks. “Don’t worry about the skirt. It looks normal.”
For a little girl.
(Y/N) sighed and involuntarily pulled down the hem of her skirt. Ten minutes from the game now, and she was nervous she would flash everyone on the school compound.
In the locker room, Rafe was sitting right next to Kelce as his best friend prayed for a win tonight. He was never that religious, and he didn’t feel the need to mutter a prayer to anyone. But tonight, he listened intently to whatever Kelce was saying because he needed to win this cup more than anything in the world.
“You’re okay?” The coach asked, patting him on the shoulder.
“Yeah. Just nervous.”
“Don’t be, you’re the Star Player. Right?”
The Star Player.
Rafe gave him a smile, and went back to his praying.
When he first entered the field to meet the rival team, his eyes couldn’t help but scanned the bleachers to find his dad. Ward wasn’t there, but Rose and Wheezie were cheering for him.
Of course.
He sighed, and went straight to the middle of the field. It’s funny how everyone was there to support him, Rafe, the Star Player, the jock, the whatever else people were saying about him.
He just wanted Ward to see him.
“Come on, man, it’s fine,” Topper said, patting his back. “He’ll come later.”
Even his friends could see how miserable he was feeling.
The first match of the game went smoothly; he scored a try goal, everyone was cheering loudly, but it was just then that one of the opponents came knocking Rafe by his side.
Rafe fell to the ground with a loud thud, earning so many gasps from the stand.
“What the fuck?!” Topper pushed whoever responsible for his fall, and the sound of a whistle rang throughout the air. “He pushed him for nothing! You saw it, fuck!”
Rafe groaned on the ground, clutching onto his arms, and he tried to spread his fingers, but couldn’t. His other teammates were surrounding him now, trying to get a good look of him, all while Topper and Kelce and another friend of his went off to the referee.
Rafe put his other hand up, trying to sit up. “I’m fine, I’m fine! Move!”
The other members scattered away, sighing in relief when Rafe came back to his legs. The referee, still getting yelled at by Topper, shook his head at something he said, and before anyone could process what happened, Topper tackled the opponent who had pushed Rafe down to the ground.
Kelce pulled Topper away after a few long seconds, telling him to stop. But one thing about Topper is that he just won’t stop.
“Stupid fuck!” He yelled, throwing another punch.
“Topper, stop, they’re going to throw you off the field!” Kelce yelled. Finally, he separated them away after the opponent’s friend pulled his injured friend away.
The referee, expectedly, pulled a red card to Topper, earning a groan coming from their coach and the stand. Rafe cursed, knowing that Topper’s one of their strongest member. He watched as Topper tried to argue with the referee, but it was no use.
“It’s okay,” Kelce said, patting his back as he made his way back to the bench. “Relax, bro, okay?” Topper calmed down after the coach said something to him, but Rafe could clearly see the distress written on his face.
“You’re okay?” Kelce asked, pointing to his arms.
Rafe could move his muscles now though he could feel the sharp pain from doing so. But he was too content on winning this game.
(Y/N) watched as the second match unfold, her teeth biting into her lips in fear. She didn’t feel like having the next week full of gloomy students and disappointed teachers, so she wanted the cup as much as everyone else.
Rafe was fast, throwing the ball smoothly back and forth with Kelce and his other friends, but it was apparent that the Star Player wasn’t feeling like himself.
It might be the arm, or the fact that Ward Cameron was too busy with his work to see his son playing.
37 minutes had passed, and the other team was leading. They only had 3 minutes left, and with the team being so drained out and their captain with a broken arm, it was clear who was winning.
The whistle blared through the field again, noting the end of the match. As the other team supporters cheered happily the other side of the stands muttered silently to each other about the game.
(Y/N) watched as Rafe yelled something at his teammates angrily before storming off to the locker room. He winced in pain, holding his arm for support, and ignored every calls from his friends as he made his way to the empty room.
Looking around quickly, she muttered a ‘be right back’ to Sarah, and quickly followed Rafe into the locker room. She wanted to see if he was okay, and if he needed help with his arm.
In truth, she just wanted to be there for him.
“Hey,” she slowly said, and Rafe’s head perked up to see her before he looked down to the ground again.
“What do you want?”
She felt a struck of pain across her heart at his tone, but decided against it. “Are you okay?”
“Fine. You’re not supposed to be here.”
“I was just trying to see if you need anything,” she said, and when his eyes finally looked up to her again, she unconsciously pulled her skirt down again.
“Yeah? I don’t need anything. Go!”
“Wow, you’re a dick,” she scoffed, and before Rafe could mutter anything back, she exited the locker room and straight to the cheer team. She felt a mixture of anger and embarrassment all at once, because God, Rafe Cameron did not just yell at her for trying to be nice.
She should’ve known better than to be ‘nice’ to him. He wasn’t the same 8 year old she met 10 years ago.
. . .
A week had passed from the game, and everything went back to normal.
Except for one person.
Rafe didn’t come to school the next Monday, not that (Y/N) wanted to see him after getting yelled at, but she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.
He didn’t just broke his arm; his father also chose not to attend his game.
It was finally Friday, and (Y/N) was too happy to stay home and continue watching Love Island. Life is better when you are focused on someone else’s relationship other than yours.
She was rolling in her bed, casually smiling at the cheesy joke made by one of the contestant, and before she could hear the reply towards the joke, the doorbell blared throughout the house.
(Y/N) groaned, thinking how Kelce must’ve forgotten his keys again, and waited a few more minutes so that he would just leave her alone and go to that stupid prick, Rafe Cameron’s house.
But the doorbell rang again, and she had no choice but to open the door. She was all alone in the big house, having both her parents still working and her maids having the day off.
But when she opened the door, the boy standing before her was the last person she wanted to see.
“Hi,” Rafe said.
“Kelce’s not here,” she mumbled, and pushed the door close. Rafe’s quickly put his hands to block the door from closing, and (Y/N) pulled away after deciding not to crush his other only working hands.
“What?” She asked, in the same tone that he had given her in the locker room. She felt good when his eyebrows were raised.
“I’m here for you.”
“Why? Did I die or something?” Bingo.
“God, you’re impossible,” Rafe sighed. “Can I talk to you? Just us two?”
(Y/N) sighed, wanting to get this done, and opened the door wider to grant him into her home. (Y/N) closed the door and pressed her back against it, crossing her arms.
“Okay. Talk.”
“Look, I’m sorry, okay?” He said. “I was just so angry with everything. I was pushed and Topper received a red card because of me—”
“You didn’t do anything, Rafe.”
“Yeah, but he was just trying to protect me. And, and I was just so mad at myself because I couldn’t play properly like I usually play. I’m so sorry for yelling at you. I didn’t mean it.”
(Y/N) sighed, “It’s okay. I’m over it.”
“Really?” He stepped closer, and this time, (Y/N) allowed him. “Thank you so much!”
He pulled her into a crushing hug, and before she could put her mind into it, he lifted her up and spin her around.
“Okay, okay, now you’re just pushing it,” she groaned, hitting him on his chest. “Put me down, Rafe, I swear to god.”
Rafe put her down, his face shining happily. They were close again, like that time in the lake, and (Y/N) didn’t feel like pushing him away again.
Because maybe, that 8 year old him was somewhere in there.
“Uh—” he looked away, scratching the back of his head. “Do you wanna. . . watch Netflix?”
(Y/N) cleared her throat, “I was watching Love Island. Wanna watch with me?”
Rafe nodded, anything to get closer with this girl, and followed her upstairs to her room. The first time he entered her room was 9 years ago, and it was only because Topper and Kelce had pranked him into thinking that her room was the gaming room.
“What are you doing?” The girl before him yelled, and before he could explain how he was lied to, she threw a pink hairbrush at him. He groaned from the pain, rubbing his head.
“I’m sorry, I thought this was the gaming room!”
“Out!” She yelled, and he quickly obliged.
Her room was still pink, but it was now filled with so many books, clothes and makeups instead of the dollhouse and toys he saw a few years ago.
“Is this the pink hairbrush you threw at me?” He laughed, holding the pink tool. (Y/N) snatched the hairbrush, embarrassed, and quickly stuffed them into the drawers.
He placed himself beside her on her bed, watching her as she resumed the video. He focused on the show, trying to find at least something interesting from the show, but there was nothing.
2 episodes later, he was too into the show that he pressed on the stop button before they could continue on the next episode.
“I wish they would just communicate,” he said. “Like the whole show’s pointless. They didn’t try to talk to each other about their problems.”
“Yeah, that’s what makes the show interesting, Rafe,” she said as if that was a fact, “And besides, if they communicate, everyone will win the show.”
“Then that’s just good. A win-win situation.”
“You don’t get it,” she groaned, looking into his face. “There’s no use in fighting with you about this.”
She pressed on the resume button again, and instantly, Rafe pressed on the stop button.
“Rafe, I will—”
“You still haven’t apologised for throwing the hairbrush at me.”
She widened her eyes, “That was 9 years ago.”
“Fine,” she placed her laptop aside, and turned to fully look him in the face. “Sorry.”
“Not sincere enough.”
She groaned, “Rafe, I am terribly sorry for throwing my pink hairbrush at you. I am so sorry that it hit your face and be the reason why you’re still holding vengeance at someone.”
“I’m not talking about that kind of sorry.”
“Fuck, you’re annoying,” she said. “I’m not going to bow down to you or anything.”
“Just a kiss.”
She looked at him back, her heart stopping at his words. “No.”
“Why? Because you’re Rafe?”
“Rafe? Okay, fine. I’m not Rafe. I’m Rafael.”
“Okay, it’s still a no. You’re Kelce’s best friend.”
“Didn’t you kiss Topper last year?”
“That was a dare—” she sighed. “And it didn’t mean anything.”
“Exactly. This won’t mean anything. This is just a sorry.”
It would mean everything to her to place her lips against his.
“This is sexual harassment.”
“Not if you want it too,” he said, and leaned closer to her. “And you do want it, right? I can see it in your eyes.”
She didn’t know why God would put her and Rafe in this damn position over and over again, because it wasn’t helping her to get over him.
She looked down to his lips, and how it was so inviting, and she wanted more than anything to kiss him, to finally give herself to him, but she was afraid.
“Shut up,” he cut her off, and pressed himself against her. Their kiss was slow and passionate, none like neither (Y/N) or Rafe had experienced before. Her hands found themselves wrapping around Rafe’s neck, pulling him closer.
He pulled away, grinning. “I thought you didn’t want this.”
“Shut up.” She rolled her eyes, and pulled him in for another kiss again.
He pushed her down onto the bed gently, still kissing her, and his hands were roaming down her body. She was so, so perfect and every time he saw her, he would have to look away to stop the unwanted thoughts forming in his head.
During the game last Friday, he had to pinch himself from staring at her legs in that goddamn skirt for too long.
“Fuck, you’re perfect,” he whispered, and she hummed in response before pushing him over so she could take control. She sat on top of him, grinning widely. She was in heaven; seeing him all worked up under her with his chest heaving.
“You would be surprised at the amount of times I imagined myself on top of you like this,” she said, placing her hands flat on top of his chest.
Rafe grinned back, trying to contain his feelings. “Yeah? Wanna show what else you’ve been imagining?”
She leaned closer, making sure to brush her bottom against him and hearing his soft groans. She placed a soft kiss against his cheek, and whispered into his ear.
“Would rather have you show what you’ve been dreaming of me.”
Rafe licked his lips, loving this side of her, and he wanted more than anything to make her his. She looked so innocent sitting there on top of him, smiling and biting her lips.
Before he could touch her in ways he never did to a girl before, a voice rang from outside the room.
“(Y/N)? Have you seen Rafe? I saw his car outside,” the voice said. After a few seconds of silence, he sighed. “You’re okay? I’m coming in, okay?”
“No, no, wait!” (Y/N) shouted, scrambling from her position on top of Rafe as he quickly pulled her up, but it was too late.
Kelce saw them in the midst of trying to get away, with his sister’s leg on one side of his best friend and his best friend’s hands still around his sister’s waist.
“What. The. Fuck.”
@okayshoto @joselyn001 @onceuponateenagetrash @dyingsleeping @iwannabeapogue @meaganjm @rafesobxs @flossy2929 @unfortunatekiwitrash @scottybitch @asimpwriter @amaya124 @tommy-tommo @thatshithurted8 @fallincindy @marvelwhor3 @rafeswh0ree @kookap @supernaturallydc-blog @blank-velvet @alaniskauany @kiiim8 @witchywrter @kaitlyn2907 @heyimflo @overcookedpastasause @tsukkiswifeey @spidey-d00d @anonymousobxfan @gotmeinloveagain @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @lexi-writes @classydragonthingknight @belongtoyou-u @badbussylol @savannah-elliott @angelreyesgirl100 @haterpenny @beehappyyy @alwaysclassyeagle @maybankslut @kayleea122 @clearbolts @lovelyxtom @christianaevans @jemimah-b99 @opierdalacz @dangerdolns @wildflowerliv @classygirlything21 @pogueslandia 
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littlefreya · 3 years
Vanilla Milkshake
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Summer: Henry and a long time friend hangout at their usual spot when things turn chaotic because of an innocent misunderstanding...
Prompted by:  
 Oooh Freyaaaa I just *need* some scene featuring Henry and ofc drinking milkshake. 
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Unamed OFC (no description of ethnicity or body type).
Word count: 1.7K
Warnings: RPF, major fluff, friends to lovers, sexual innuendo, mild seduction, sex talk, an unwanted boner, Henry being a boomer, Henry having a meltdown. 
*No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it, ideas or parts it and claiming it as your own.*
A/N: So, first thing first, thanks @agniavateira for quickly beta’ing my work! And of course thanks @the-soot-sprite for bouncing ideas with me and being an emotional support. Decided to go with friends for lovers because I live for that stuff. Also, I am aware that “Milkshake” can be interpreted in several ways but for the sake of the story I went with that particular reference. Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics
Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed.  🖤
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Title: Vanilla Milkshake
“I swear, this diner looks like Barbie had an orgasm all over the place.” A whimsical grin sliced between Henry’s marble cheeks. Eyeing the pastel-esque surroundings, he huffed scornfully and adjusted the cap over his nest of unruly curls. 
“Remind me again why we always meet here, young lady?”
Staring at the beastly man who barely managed to squeeze into the plastic-pink faux leather booth, she couldn’t help but chuckle. Henry carried himself with something that was both eloquent yet unmistakably feral, reminding her of a burly forest creature. Sturdy tree trunks stood for limbs, torso, and shoulders—the widths of icy mountains and a blanket of thick fur coated the entirety of his body, deeming him a dangerous bear. 
No wonder he preferred himself clean-shaven. The sharpened edge of a razor kept him a cut away from becoming ‘Henry the Barbarian’. 
Seeing him surrounded by pastel and sparkly fairy dust brought far more joy than she could ever imagine. The utter look of contempt gleamed on the surface of his shifty eyes. 
Oh, by God, how much he hated glitter!
“And what would you know about Barbie’s orgasms?” she teased with a crooked eyebrow and a comical suspicious glare. 
Readjusting his cap over the messy mane of chocolate curls, Henry offered a terrible wink and shrugged, “a gentleman never tells.”
Her fingers rapped on her thigh while she contemplated whether to allow this naughty joke slide, but then the urge to provoke him was far too great. After briefly chewing on the inside of her cheek, she broke into a wicked grin.
“Is that… like a role play you have with the missus? She’s Barbie, and you’re G.I.Joe? Because I kinda don’t want to hear about it, but then I kinda do.”
Henry’s smile gradually faded along with the playful glee in his eyes, his melancholic gaze dropping to the sparkly table. He slumped into a heavy sigh, “If by missus, you mean ‘Miss Hand’, then no… not really.”
Dumbfounded, she frowned at Henry with confusion when then it struck her; a sense of incredible embarrassment drained the blood from her head to her gut.
“Yep.” Henry blurted and grabbed the menu, pretending to be incredibly interested in the kids’ meal options. 
Just in time to rescue them from a prolonged awkward silence, the waitress arrived with their order, serving Henry a hot cup of double espresso while she received a tall glass of a luscious vanilla milkshake. 
“Enjoy your drinks, guys!” the waitress smiled sweetly and kept her eyes glued to Henry as she walked away. But the gloss of the waitress’ flirtatious excitement was lost on him; drenched with greed, Henry’s blue sapphires were fixated on the generous scoops of ice cream and the dark chocolate swirls that decorated his companion’s dessert. 
“Henry, my eyes are up here!” she provoked and grabbed the straw between two fingers while throwing an amused glance at his simple cup of coffee. Henry followed her gaze and scoffed before raising the cup to his mouth and blowing to cool his drink.
The way his lips pursed together and his finger stroked the ceramic surface did not escape her observation. A sudden tingle swam down the length of her spine once it resonated in her mind that kind, charming, and beastly Henry was now single. Here they were, long time buddies, but now sitting together felt less comfortable than before. Her limbs felt like pins and needles while staring directly at his eyes was as risky as staring at the sun.  
“Cheers,” Henry mumbled and took a sip from his cup. 
Almost jolting in her seat, she stiffened and then grabbed her straw.
Giggles came from the other side of the diner. Among the retro gumball machines and rounded plastic bar stools, the waitress and a colleague leaned against the counter and stared at Henry, who turned his head for a brief moment and tipped his head.
Their giggles turned even louder.
She frowned. 
“So, have you been single for a while?” she heard herself asking with a rather urgent tone. Right away, a look of contrition crept on her face as she regretted her verbal onslaught and lack of sensitivity. 
Henry directed his gaze back to her and watched as she slowly sipped from the milkshake and then suckled the cream off her mouth. 
Absentmindedly, he licked his lips. “Since May. How about you, weren’t you with…?”
“No, ended, dodged a bullet.” she spat and pumped the straw up and down the thick beverage. “My milkshake brings all the boys… except it doesn't.” she sighed.
Henry frowned and shook his head with confusion. “What? You never told me you make your own milkshake. How come I never had some?” 
Her face abruptly froze, her eyes rounded with surprise before she snorted so loudly the waitresses stopped their whispering.
“Umm… Hen?” she called out, trying to hold herself from bursting into chuckles as her friend accidentally asked for a very sexual favour, “you honestly don’t know what ‘milkshake’ is slang for...?”
“Omg, you’re such a boomer.” 
“No, I was born in ‘83! I’m a millennial. But please, indulge me.” he begged and crossed his arms together.
Clearing her throat loudly, she did her best to fight the wicked grin that stretched on her already painful cheeks and wrapped her fist around the straw. “So you know... how… certain male bodily fluids are sometimes white and creamy...? And when you perform a certain motion it’s like you’re shaking it…?”
Henry blinked and became silent. An unbidden rush of blood pooled at his groin as he watched her thumb graze over the tip of the straw and her fist pumping it into the smooth liquid in a slow, gentle motion. Wickedness glazed her eyes, but he tried to dismiss it as nothing but their usual playful banter; yet his adam’s apple bobbed up and down while his shoulder tensed at the oddly arousing sight of her performing a sinful act on a milkshake. 
There was an unmistakable stir in his cock and for once, he was thankful for narrow spaces as it hid his predicament.
Leaning forward, she opened her mouth and swirled her tongue around the straw. She went deliberately slow, making him watch while she playfully licked and suckled the tip until finally wrapping her lips around it and taking a generous sip.
Henry gawked utterly smitten, unaware that his jaw was nearly at the floor.
And to make things worse, she moaned—not too loud—but definitely enough to make his shaft harden more.
She wasn’t sure what stirred this whimsical boost of confidence, only that seeing the large, handsome man pale at her provocations made her feel like the most powerful woman on earth. She also gathered she’d regret it forever and a day once they’ll part ways, but it was too late for that now.
Gingerly she pulled back, though not before allowing a single drop of cream to trickle down the corner of her lips.
“Oops,” she smirked casually, wiping the cream with her fingertip and sucking it clean. 
“Please stop…” 
It was then when she noticed that Henry’s playful mien was all but gone. Far from amused, he glowered with a clenched jaw. “If you’re going to keep doing that, I’ll have to leave,” he stated matter-of-factly. 
A rush of panic made her freeze in her spot, the same needles that pricked her skin were now setting jolts of electric bursts. “I’m so sorry, I crossed the line,” she said and covered her mouth with shame, “did I offend you? Do you want me to leave?”
“What? No, no, not at all.” Henry’s voice softened right away, and he reached a hand in the air, as if trying to stop her from leaving. The last thing he wanted now is for her to think he is angry with her. If anything, he wished they could spend more time together, not because of his obvious arousal, but because for the first time in a long while, he was having fun.
Still, she looked at him so utterly distraught.  
Henry scanned the diner as if trying to make sure no one was staring or taking any photo and then shifted in his seat uncomfortably. His eyes altered between his spread thighs and her several times, trying to signal toward his… trouble.
“Oh...” she gaped. 
An odd sense of pride began to permeate her chest, battling over the burning embarrassment that flamed up her neck and cheeks. At this point, she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to feel, only that it was definitely the most awkward hangout they had to date. 
Problem was, she never knew when to shut up. 
“Is little Henry hungry?”
Hearing those words, his brows dropped to an irritated sulk. “There is nothing little about it.”
“Ha! Prove it!”
It was as if the entire diner and perhaps the world fell into silence. Had the clatter of the dishes being washed in the back kitchen not rung their ears, she would have thought she grew suddenly deaf. 
“I didn’t mean it… sorry, I’ll stop,” she mumbled slowly and pressed her fingers to her mouth while shaking her head at her stupid behaviour. That was it, this was to be the last afternoon she would ever hang out with Henry and right now, she couldn’t even bring herself to look at him.
Henry chewed onto the inside of his cheeks, trying to stop the words that came faster than his thoughts.
“You didn’t?... Because I’ll definitely be up for proving...”
She blinked at his words and tilted her head, hoping that he won’t notice the wild tremors that shook her limbs, “What was that?” 
“I... yes? No?...I… fuck!” 
Henry lowered his head and slapped his palms across his face, rubbing back and forth with an utter meltdown while mumbling, “Forgive me,” a couple of times. He couldn’t care less of what the waitresses or whoever was watching would think of him; all he cared about was to make her feel comfortable around him again and maybe… even make her like him?
Soft and warm her voice called to him, slowly pulling him from his anguish like a sailor being rescued from a sunken ship. His blue sapphires shone, an ocean of confusion and anxiety still pooling within while he peered back at her face that was now smiling at him a mixture of comfort and exhilaration. 
“Would you like some of my milkshake?”
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Part of Mercy’s 1k Celebration: A collection of Spencer Reid x Reader requests to celebrate 1,000 followers.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Summary: Reader decides to cause a little trouble on vacation.
Category: SMUT (18+)
Warnings: Language, sex (dom!Spencer, hair pulling, spanking, female masturbation, rough sex, light choking, oral sex- male receiving, crying during sex, degradation, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, cum play / if I missed anything, please let me know!)
Word Count: 6.6k
Full Requests: 
+ “...this is for dom spencer/post prison spencer!! okay so you guys are all out with the team on like a team vacation type thing! you decide to wear the cutest and smallest black bikini and tease spencer the whole day. and i mean tease him!! after you guys all separate off for the night he punishes you! spanks you and fucks you until you’re a whimpering mess! maybe you even fall into sub space and his aftercare is 10/10 amazing!!” — @slutforthegubes​ 
 + “A one-shot for reader being bratty for being clingy in front of the team, so then he punishes her by spanking, edging ect?” — @smexyreid​ 
NOTE: I actually had a fluff planned for today, but I’ve been feeling rather ~spicy~ lately, so I hope this is alright 😉😂
Normally you didn't like to get into trouble on vacations. And really, who did? Vacations were meant to be relaxing, a way to kick back, relax, and take a break from the monotony of day-to-day life. Not to mention you and the team were far over-due for one of those breaks.
So naturally, your instincts would tell you to do just that: relax. Right?
You couldn't help it. As of late, your sex life was getting... interesting, to say the least. And now more than ever you were always in the mood for trouble; Whether it meant purposely bending over in the office (right in front of your boyfriend, where everyone else was in the room and he couldn't do anything about it) or touching yourself without permission, also sometimes right in front of him.
Bottom line: right now you were looking for trouble. And you knew exactly where to find it.
Trouble, in this case, took the form of a skimpy black bikini you'd spotted while shopping for the trip. it was barely a bathing suit at all, held together by thin strings that you knew would fall apart with just a mere little tug. And if that wasn't enough to entice you, it had little lace detailing that you knew would drive him insane.
Your body practically burned with desire as it sat in a bag in the backseat of your rental car, Spencer's hand on your thigh burning equally as hot.
"You feel really warm," he noted, giving your leg a comforting squeeze. "Are you okay? If you're not feeling well we can stay behind..."
"No, I'm fine," you answered truthfully with a smile. "I'm just really excited to take some time off. Lord knows we need it."
"Yeah, I know... I just wish we weren't going somewhere so... water-y..."
You laughed, placing your hand on top of his and giving it the same reassuring squeeze he'd given you. "It'll be fun. Trust me, you'll have a great time."
He didn't sound so sure about that, but he didn't know the plan you had cooked up. He was going to have fun on this trip whether he thought so or not.
The resort was beautiful. Hell, beautiful was nowhere near the right word for it. It was everything you'd always dreamed about, just like those fancy commercials that showed people in big pools, surrounded by palm trees and workers with white polo shirts who brought you whatever you wanted.
And the hotel rooms you stayed in? They were immaculate. It may have seemed like you were exaggerating, but honestly, you felt like a princess. The bed was just about the most comfortable thing you'd ever had the pleasure of laying on, the view was incredible, sweeping over the resort with a beautiful sunrise every morning, and the complimentary robes and towels were heavenly.
You never wanted to leave.
"Remind me to give Rossi a big hug the next time I see him," you sighed as you rolled over in bed and snuggled into Spencer's side.
He laughed softly into your hair and pulled you closer. "I know it's only been a day, but I could stay here forever. In this bed, with you..."
You smiled, feeling your heart warm at his words. "Me, too... But if you think you're gonna get out of today by being charming, then you're sorely mistaken."
Yesterday, the day you all arrived, you made a plan with Spencer: that first day would be spent settling in and having dinner with the team, going out for drinks and relaxing. And then the next day (today), you were all going to spend the day outside, enjoying the sun and enjoying each others' company. He wasn't too fond of the idea spending all day outside in the heat, but you were sure that by the end of the night he would have found it very rewarding.
Because today was the day you were initiating your plan. Since you would be in public (and you knew your boyfriend wasn't a fan of being too publicly affectionate), you were going to tease him as much as you could. You knew it would kill him, not being able to touch you in front of everyone, and you also knew it would make him mad. Most likely, he would warn you to drop it, and you would feign innocence, continuing on your merry way and proceed with the plan. And if you knew him as well as you thought, chances are he would tolerate you all day, barely putting up with your antics until you were alone for the night.
And then? Then you were hoping he would punish the hell out of you. Because honestly, nothing got your blood pumping faster than when he called you names... When he spanked you, or choked you, or refused to let you come. Or even when he did the opposite and made you orgasm so many times you cried from the overstimulation.
But you knew that whatever punishment he decided this time, it was going to be absolutely delicious.
Just the thought of it made you clench your thighs together, and Spencer seemed to notice; He brought one of his hands down to rest between them, feeling the dampness that was forming through the fabric of your underwear.
"Someone's excited this morning," he mused, pressing a kiss to your forehead as his middle finger pushed the fabric aside and gently glided through your pussy.
You sucked in a breath, nuzzling into his neck and failing to hide a smile. "Well, since we're gonna be out and about all day, don't you think we should do something about that?"
Spencer laughed again, this time slipping his finger all the way inside you, causing you to gasp out.
"That sounds like a fantastic idea, princess."
To say you were anxious would have been an understatement.
Because of the material of your cover-up dress, no one could see what you had on underneath unless you took it off. In reality it was more like a summer dress, landing just above the knee in a pretty black floral pattern. Your hair was up in a clip for easy taking-down, and cheap dollar-store sunglasses sat firmly on the bridge of your nose.
And just the knowledge of what was hiding beneath your seemingly innocent get-up had your stomach twisted in knots. Even as Spencer swung your hand in his as the two of you made your way to the lounge area, you pictured that same hand fisting the sheets as his wrapped around your throat while he fucked you absolutely senseless.
You hadn't even realized you were squeezing his hand so tight until he wiggled his fingers and gently nudged you with his shoulder. "You've been... squirmy and tense lately, are you sure you're alright?"
Your hand loosened its grip on his, and then you brought them up to kiss the back of his hand. "I'm fine, just excited to be in the sun all day, that's all."
There was some degree of truth to your words, but he didn't have to know that.
So, to convince him you really were fine, you practically jumped once you reached the gateway to the pool and lounge area, spotting all your friends as they waved you over. Spencer laughed as you parted from him and started walking a little faster.
"Someone's eager," Rossi mused from his chair, a glass of lemonade in his hand.
As Spencer approached behind you, Luke snickered. "Not eager enough, apparently. They're late. What were you lovebirds up to, eh?"
"Alvez, if you have to ask, you probably couldn't handle the answer," Tara said with a snicker of her own.
Funny thing was, she was absolutely right. And it made your stomach twist into even bigger knots just thinking about what happened just an hour before you left the room.
Thankfully the mood was kind enough to shift, courtesy of JJ removing her sheer cover-up and taking her sunglasses off with them. "Anyone up for a light morning swim before more people show up?"
You weren't sure whether or not it was a good idea... Did you want to start your teasing so early on that by the end of the day it was going to be an even bigger struggle to keep your hands off of Spencer, silently begging him to whisk you away and have his way with you? But what if he held out and decided to cut the day off early? If that was the case, he'd most likely drag out your punishment for hours, and is that something you wanted?
Your mind swam in a current of filthy images and possible scenarios, all of which were too damn good to pass up.
So, you counted yourself in and handed Spencer your bag, to which he gladly took and then planted a kiss on your forehead.
You waited until he was settled down, sitting at the table with Rossi—who also decided to hang back—to start removing your accessories.
The first to go was the sunglasses, easy and still unsuspicious. You were going to remove the hairclip first, but then an idea came to mind, so you easily slid out of the cover-up and let it fall to the ground.
Spencer's jaw dropped open at about the same speed, though he quickly closed it to seemingly remain unbothered. The smallest of smirks played across your lips as you bent down to pick the garment up. And you took your sweet time, purposely struggling to get it between your fingers. At one point, you had it halfway up before you 'accidentally' dropped it again, mumbling a curse under your breath.
But eventually you gave up the charade, successfully grabbing the dress and holding it out to Spencer. "Would you put this in my bag for me, babe?"
"Uh huh," he muttered, his hands practically shaking when he took it from you.
To add sugar to the pot, you took a step towards him and kissed him chastely on the mouth, just before taking the clip from your hair and shaking it out like in the movies. Truthfully you weren't sure if it was as sexy as they always made it seem, but judging by your boyfriend's inability to look at you, you figured it did the trick.
You turned and made your way to the pool then, leaving him behind with a little extra spring in your step.
Your swim extended until lunch time at around noon, where everyone gathered at their table. There were about thirty of these tables all around the pool, each attaching a tall umbrella to keep from the sun.
Though Spencer had seemed rattled and more shocked than anything at your outfit reveal before, now he just seemed calm. Oddly calm.
As you opened a beer, you looked over at him. "You okay, baby?"
"Yep. I'm all good."
He clearly wasn't. His hand twitched under the table, and it made your stomach flutter with butterflies as you wondered what he was thinking. Was he thinking about fucking you out here in front of everyone? Was he imagining and concocting ways to make sure you knew how much of an affect you had on him later? The thought of all of it excited you to the point of squirminess again.
It was safe to say that Spencer noticed. His hand reached out and brushed your knee about ten minutes into lunch, and it sent a jolt of electricity through you. He was never this way in public, but now he was full-on gripping your knee under the table and slowly sliding it up and up and up...
"Excuse me? Do you guys have an extra chair we could use by chance?" A voice sounded from the other side of you, and you jumped as Spencer quickly removed his hand from you.
But then you got another idea.
"Oh, here, you can use mine," you told the voice, which belonged to a middle-aged woman in a blue one-piece and a sun hat.
"Are you sure? I don't want to be any trouble..."
You stood up and smiled at her, handing over your chair as you insisted. "It's not a problem. Really."
"Thank you," she returned with a smile. "Have a great day."
"You, too!" you called as she walked off with the chair. You turned to Spencer with a smile. "You don't mind if I sit on your lap, right?"
He didn't answer, only shifted in the chair, and that gave you all the permission you needed. So you promptly sat down between his legs, and you snuggled as close to him as you could, making sure to wiggle a little more than needed without being too obvious as your friends continued chatting. Spencer's left hand gripped your hip so tightly you thought he was going to leave bruises.
That excited you more than it probably should have.
So to test your luck, you placed your hand over the top of his and drew little patterns into the back of his hand. Your other hand worked at occasionally grabbing fries to eat.
What you didn't expect was for Spencer to ask for one. Really, you didn't think much of it, though those butterflies returned in your lower belly when he ate the fry right out of your hand, bringing his face to rest right above your shoulder. Before he pulled away, he whispered just inconspicuously enough to avoid raising any red flags.
"Watch yourself, princess..."
He hissed out the nickname so harshly it made you shudder, and your thighs clenched under the table as he leaned back again.
Just in time for someone to talk.
"Why, you two are awfully clingy today." It was Penelope, giggling through a bright pink bendy straw.
You decided to play off of that, smiling and leaning back to press yourself fully against him. "This is our first vacation together, I guess I'm just excited," you said sweetly.
Spencer lightly kissed your cheek, but his hand squeezed your bare hip again. A warning not to push it.
"You know, Will and I haven't had a vacation in a while. It's kind of a bummer he had to work, otherwise we could've taken the kids." JJ pouted playfully before taking a fry.
"We'll definitely have to plan for another one of these in the future," Penelope offered happily.
You wiggled your hips just the tiniest bit as your head dropped onto Spencer's shoulder. "I agree."
His fingers were gripping your hip with brutal force now, and to cover a yelp, you faked a cough. He eased his grip, settling on splaying his entire hand flat across it instead. Its warmth mixed with the knowledge of how big it was made you all warm inside. And, God, if you didn't want to fake being sick so you could drag him up to the hotel room right then...
But you held on, ready for phase two of your plan.
While swimming before, You decided with Luke, Penelope, Tara, Matt, and Emily that a game of water-volleyball was in your future. JJ offered to call points while the rest of you, in teams, played against each other. Despite their efforts to get Rossi and Spencer to join, they both declined, but in a way you were thankful.
Being in action might just be the thing you needed to finally push him over the edge.
So soon after lunch, you all moved over to the open water-volleyball pool. JJ, Spencer, and Rossi all sat at the edge on lounge chairs to watch while you divided into two teams, Penelope, Luke, and Emily on one side, you, Tara, and Matt on the other.
Truth be told, during the game you almost completely forgot about the other little game that you were playing with Spencer—the one only you two knew about. You were quite content and happy having fun with your friends for so long that it was a distant memory.
But at one point, Matt lifted you out of the water to hit the ball, his hands firmly gripping your waist to help you do it. And you didn't think anything of it until you realized your second, and probably your most fatal, mistake.
You'd successfully spiked the ball and scored the winning point, to which your team loudly cheered. And when Matt brought you back down into the water, you flung your arms around his neck in a hug. He lifted you out of the water again as he hugged you, and over his shoulder, you spotted Spencer.
He was furious.
No one would have been able to tell, of course, but you knew. You'd seen that look before, when you were teasing him badly enough that it warranted a pretty severe punishment.
You may have won the volleyball game, but in the process you inadvertently won another game, one that excited you far more and presented you with the grand prize of one very long night.
Spencer was quiet with you the rest of the day. After the game, you all decided to just lay out in the sun for a few hours. Occasionally, you would sneak a glance at your boyfriend to find him in that oddly calm state again, the one that borderline scared and excited you at the same time, and for a moment you wondered if maybe you'd gone too far, even if you hadn't intentionally meant to make him jealous.
But if something was truly wrong, he would have told you. You both knew the lines between playful and serious, and this odd calm that Spencer was exuding was most definitely playful.
He only further proved that to be true when you got up to the bar to get a margarita, and you felt a presence behind you.
His hands splayed over your hips and slid forward to your stomach, pulling you back to him. The hardness you felt pressing into the thin material of your bikini made you tremble.
"I want you to finish your drink, and then I want you to meet me in our room. Take your time, princess. I'll be waiting."
Before you could even answer, he was gone, his hand lingering on your body for a moment before he let himself fully walk away. And as you slowly sipped on your drink, chatting a bit with Penelope when she came over, your skin still burned hot from his touch.
You took a deep breath before stepping ino the room. Your hands were shaking with excitement and your stomach churned at the sight of him.
He was perched on the bed, freshly showered, wearing nothing but a towel hung low on his hips while he read a book. His hair was wet, towel dried and hanging in soft curls in front of his eyes.
Spencer always took your breath away, but this?
You were in deep shit.
He didn't even look up from his book. He continued flipping the page and gently nodded towards the bathroom door. "Go get a shower ready. I'll be in in a minute."
Your first instinct was to obey. But then again, trouble was what you wanted in the first place, so trouble was what you were going to deliver.
"Because you're covered in chlorine from the pool, and you have to shower." He still didn't look up at you. And that just wouldn't do.
"I'm sure you're right, babe, but I just don't feel like it. And you can't make me."
His eyes flitted up to meet you, just for a brief second before he sighed and shut the book. "Y/N..."
"You've been a tease all day, do you really want to make it harder for yourself?" This time he was looking up at you fully, meeting you with a bored expression that was just so fucking hot. You couldn't resist.
"I don't know," you teased, crossing your arms. "Do I?"
"Trust me, princess, you don't..."
You giggled at the nickname and started walking towards him, kicking off your flip flops and uncrossing your arms in the process. "Hmm... I think I do."
"Take another step, see what happens," he offered plainly.
Just for the hell of it, you stopped and then took one giant step forward, bringing you to the edge of the bed where he was sitting. You smiled down at him and felt your insides heat up as he brought his hand out, roughly pulling at the thin fabric of your bikini. He pulled you right on top of him, just for you to be rolled over and pinned on your stomach.
His hands pinned your hands behind your back as he pushed his body into yours, making you whimper out excitedly.
"So be it. Don't make a sound unless I tell you to. Understand?" The sternness in his voice sent another chill through you as you nodded. But then one of his hands came up and tugged on your hair, pulling your neck back. "Answer me."
"I understand," you said, though not without making it sound like you were bored.
That only seemed to make him more mad, which of course was a win for you. He tugged your hair harder, causing you to yelp out with a masochistic laugh.
"Something funny?" he inquired evenly.
"You're cute when you're mad," you offered with a shit-eating grin, wiggling your ass against him.
This time, instead of pulling your head back, he shoved it down into the mattress, his hand shifting to hook his middle finger around your cheek and into your mouth. "You're cute when you shut up and obey me... But I have a feeling you're not going to be very good for me tonight, are you princess?"
You only hummed around his finger in response, clenching your pussy around nothing as your body suddenly went wild with a wave of pleasure at his words.
"That's what I thought... Let's see how well you take your spankings, maybe then I'll go easy on you later."
He wasted no time then, yanking your swim bottoms down and running his hand over the curve of your ass.
"Let's see... One—" SMACK. "—for making a show of wearing this slutty little bikini."
To keep it interesting, you wiggled your ass for more, and he returned the favor by spanking you even harder than the last time. "Two, for giving away your chair just to sit in my lap." Very quickly after, he administered another one, following with, "Three, for teasing me at lunch in front of our friends."
"But I d—"
SMACK. "Four, for interrupting me," he said quietly. And with the way his hand was rubbing over your stinging skin, he was no doubt admiring his work so far. He even hummed, lifting his hand occasionally, leading you to think he was going to spank you again— Only for him to settle on rubbing over your ass again.
He was drawing this out. Taking his time. Seeing how antsy you would get.
Needless to say, it was working.
Your hands, which were still pinned behind your back by Spencer's other hand, started to flex, and you whimpered out in want.
"What's the matter, princess?" he cooed.
"I... I want you," is all you could think to say. Because you really did.
"Bad girls don't get what they want. Especially brats. So tell me, do you think I'm going to give you what you want?"
You were supposed to answer him, but in the name of trouble, you remained silent.
He waited for an answer that never came. And when he was tired of waiting, realizing what you were doing, Spencer spanked you again. "Five, for not answering me."
Before you could do or say anything, he landed another slap to your ass. "And six, for having Matt's hands all over you."
You couldn't help it. You laughed. "Oh, that got to you, huh? His hands were nice and big. Reminded me of y—ah!"
He spanked you again, hard. Tears stung behind your eyes and you smiled through them.
"Seven," he growled. "For being a fucking brat."
You took a few deep breaths before speaking again. "Aw, are you jealous? You really think I would—fuck!"
Another spank. "Eight. Don't you dare get it to ten." It was obvious that he was challenging you. Either that, or you were just looking for trouble so badly that you were willing to hear his words as a challenge. But regardless, you challenged him back with one simple, breathy word.
SMACK. "Nine. You must really be looking for trouble, huh?"
You laughed, wiggling your ass one more time. "You don't even know the half of it."
Spencer spanked you one last time, harder than all the rest of them, and you actually yelped out, squeezing your eyes shut.
"Ten. Now get in the shower, or I'll make it double."
You thought about it, but a shower actually sounded really good, and it would give you a chance to breathe before he utterly wrecked you in a little while.
"Okay," you offered, slumping against the bed loosely to show him your surrender. He gently let go of you then, rubbing over your ass a few times before pulling away from you and helping you stand.
"You want me to put something on that now or later?" he asked gently, brushing the hair from your face.
"Later," you returned with a wink and a smile.
He huffed a laugh before gently smacking your ass one more time and sending you off in the shower.
As excited as you were for the rest of the evening, you were tempted to take as long in the shower as you wanted, just to see what Spencer would do. But you decided to just take a shower normally, rinsing out your hair just as you always did. You quickly washed up your body, wincing a bit at the sting of your ass under the soap and warm water.
And then you started thinking about how exhilarated you felt as he punished you. Each sharp, warm smack of his hand on your skin made you feel utterly electric and wet. It was a wonder you weren't actually dripping down your leg and onto the bed at how badly you wanted him.
The thought sent your hand down to said wetness. You really shouldn't have been touching yourself, but you were practically burning for him, melting at the amount of teasing you'd done today and the anticipation that came with every move. Your hand was relentless, looking for its own trouble as you moaned out as quietly as you could. The water was still cascading down your back as you rubbed tight, fast circles on your clit, hoping to get fast relief.
And then a knock came at the door.
"I want you out here in five minutes!"
Sure enough, Spencer's voice was enough to finally push you off the edge, wave after wave of pleasure coursing through you. But as soon as it subsided, you turned the water off and got out to dry yourself off.
Hopefully he wouldn't ever find out what you've done. But the devious side of you really wanted to know what he'd do if he did.
With that thought flooding your brain, you quickly finished drying off and walked out into the bedroom to find Spencer waiting on the bed again. His towel was still wrapped around his waist, and it gave you an idea.
You winked and dropped your own towel, revealing yourself fully to him.
"Did I ask you to drop the towel?" he chastised.
"Nope," you replied, placing your hands on your hips.
"Then why did you do it?"
You decided to take the mocking route, drawling out an overexaggerated, "Because I'm a dirty little whore, and I need you to put your big cock inside me."
"Are you done?"
He looked bored again, and it made you want him even more. So you said, "No. Once your cock is in me, I wa—"
"Were you touching yourself in the shower?"
Holy fuck.
Spencer stood up and glided over to you until he was towering over you, clearly unbelieving of your blatant lie. "No?"
"No," you repeated, the tiniest of smirks forming on your lips.
Without warning, his hand was between your legs, and a gasp left you as he found your clit, rubbing it almost exactly the same way you'd been earlier. You couldn't help the strangled moan that left your mouth, and he smirked knowingly.
"Yep. Those are definitely the sounds I heard."
And then he removed his hand, making you whine at the loss of contact. "I'm sorry," you whispered, hoping he'd return, if only to punish you for what you did by overstimulating you.
He seemed to have another idea, though.
"You're sorry?"
"Mhm," you whimpered, reaching out to grab his hand. "I'm so sorry."
When you had hold of his hand, he took control, gripping your wrist and pushing it away, and then he grabbed your shoulder. "Then why don't you get on your knees—" he pushed on your shoulder and you obliged happily, "—and show me how sorry you are..."
Your pussy throbbed around nothing as you looked up at him, eagerly waiting for his towel to drop. But he didn't move, and it was clear that he was waiting on you to do it.
So you yanked the towel down and marveled at how hard and ready he was. Your head seemed to move of its own accord, like it was magnetically drawn to his dick, and you weren't complaining. And then your tongue flattened and licked a broad stripe underneath him, before you quickly made work of taking him completely into your mouth.
It didn't take long to start a nice rhythm bobbing up and down, occasionally looking up to see him. Again, he looked bored, and though that would have spurred you on before, now you were desperate to please. So you worked your mouth faster, slacking your jaw and taking him in deeper, using your hands to keep yourself steady by gripping the back of his thighs. You moaned and gagged around him, yet kept your pace up regardless.
"Come on, princess, you can do better than that," he teased, fisting your hair and holding you down on his cock. "Apologize like you mean it."
He released your hair then, and you pulled back to take a breath of air before spitting obscenely on his dick and quickly stroking him with your hand. "I'm sorry, baby, I'm so so sorry," you whined, right before taking his balls in your mouth. You kept at that for a few moments before going to take him in your mouth again.
This time you were meaningful in every single movement, taking him in slow and deep. Each time he hit the back of your throat you held yourself there and choked around him as long as you could, tears falling from your eyes. And then you'd pull away slowly, swirling your tongue around his tip before repeating.
Eventually though, he pulled you away completely and studied you as you sat there, knelt on the floor in front of him with red eyes, and tears and spit completely coating your face. Your lips were glistening and puffy as you panted, whispering soft apologies.
"What a good girl," Spencer mused, brushing hair from your eyes and wiping tears from your cheeks. "I accept your apology. Come here."
His gentle voice all but pulled you to him as you stood on shaky knees. He hadn't even really done anything to you yet, and you were already a mess. That fact made you smile.
You wiped most of the mess from your face and nodded. "So, what's my reward?"
Spencer huffed a laugh. "For being a brat? Nothing."
"Aw, but I thought I earned your forgiveness..." You pouted playfully, and he pulled you closer by the waist.
"Yeah, well you're being cocky, so I take it back."
Before you could say anything, he kissed you, bringing both of his hands up to cradle the sides of your head. You all but melted into him and let him lead you to the bed, where you were turned around and bent over again.
He used his leg to spread yours apart, right before bringing a hand to the nape of your neck. As he grabbed a fistful of your hair and gently tugged your head back, his other hand fell between your legs and gently parted you.
"You ready, princess?"
"Uh huh," you whined back, right as he pushed forward and glided his cock through your pussy. He waited, making you anticipate that sweet moment when he'd finally enter you, and you could tell he was enjoying every second. You wiggled against him, and he yanked your hair.
"Ah-ah, be patient... Be patient..."
He continued just sliding himself through your opening until you weren't expecting it. And then he slammed into you, eliciting a loud moan from the back of your throat.
"Sh, shh," Spencer expressed, releasing your hair and sliding his hand to cover your mouth. "Everyone's going to hear you, princess, you need to keep quiet. Can you do that for me?"
"Mhm," you mumbled against his hand, letting out a strangled sigh when he placed it on your shoulder instead. He kept up a nice, hard pace pounding into you, each slap of his hips against your burning ass just the right amount of pain to be pleasant. And you were thankful for the bed underneath you, because if you didn't have it, you'd surely have buckled under the weight of your knees already.
Feeling how limp you were in his grasp, Spencer used both his hands to wrap around the front of your throat, keeping you upright as your hands pressed into the mattress.
"Tell me, princess, do you think you deserve to come so soon?"
You were so caught up in how hard and deep he was fucking you that you were pretty sure it wouldn't matter what you told him— you were going to orgasm regardless, because there was no way you could even fathom trying to hold it in. Whether or not Spencer would show you any mercy at that point was a mystery.
You were just going to have to find out.
"I—I... Ohhhh..."
You heard him laugh lowly, and it made you clench around him. "Oh, it hasn't even been five minutes, and I've already fucked you so dumb you can't even speak? Huh?"
You whined in response, letting your head fall to the side as you tried to look at him. And you barely caught a glimpse of his hair as he continued speaking. "Aw... My poor little princess... That's what you get, isn't it? When you act like a dirty little whore..."
He was recalling what you'd teased earlier, and it brought you closer to the edge more than you liked to admit.
"Uh... huh," you whined out, dangerously close to coming undone.
"Alright then, princess. Come for me, show me what you got."
Unsurprisingly, it didn't take very long for that to happen. You let out a string of whimpers and cries as he fucked you through your orgasm, his hands slightly tightening around your throat as well. Every sensation was blinding and intense, just like you knew it'd be, even if it was only your second orgasm of the night.
And you had a decent suspicion that it wasn't going to be your last.
Even after you were done, Spencer kept at it, relentlessly fucking you into the mattress until your legs were surely numb. Your knees were still sore from being on the floor before, and likewise, your ass was still burning. Not to mention the overstimulation you were experiencing as one of his hands moved down to rub at your clit.
Eventually though, he stopped, and you weren't sure why. But then he flipped you around, laying you on the edge of the bed and leaning over you, his hands brushing more of the tears from your cheeks.
"I wanna see your pretty little eyes when I come, okay? You think you can keep 'em open for me, princess?"
"Mhm," you whined out as he pushed into you again.
He settled on a slow pace that built and built until he was fucking you fast and hard and incredibly deep. His entire body leaned into yours as he snapped his hips forward over and over again, brutal in their goal to completion. You kept whining out, feeling another orgasm coming quickly as you let yourself succumb to him.
"That's it, princess, you're taking it so well. We're almost done..." He whispered comforts into your temple, moments before you reached your peak once more. You shook violently underneath him, which was all he needed to finish himself.
He pulled back and looked into your eyes, filled with tears at the overstimulation, as he snapped his hips forward once, twice, and then three times before letting go. He held himself inside of you, moaning out while looking into your eyes. The feel of his cock throbbing and spilling over inside of you was just about the most comforting thing in the world right then, accompanied by soft brushes of his fingers through your hair and even softer declarations of love.
Long after he stayed inside of you, catching his breath, Spencer pulled out and examined you, the way your body glistened perfectly with the right amount of sweat. Your chest heaved, each dip and curve and peak of your breasts slowly rising and falling as you trembled. He slid down your body, until finally his eyes caught sight of your pussy, glistening and dripping with his cum. It absolutely wrecked him in the best way possible, so much so that he couldn't help himself.
He brought his hand to your opening, gently scooping up his cum and gathering it onto the pads of his fingers. You moaned out as he did it, and he knew then exactly what he wanted.
"Open up, princess," he pried softly, bringing his fingers to your mouth. You gladly did what you were told and sighed out as he glided them over your tongue, practically spoon-feeding you his cum. He pumped his fingers in and out of your mouth slowly, feeling every vibration on your tongue from the sounds you made. And then he did it again, bringing his fingers back to your pussy to gather more of his mess.
He did this until it was pretty much all gone, and truthfully, you would have let it go on forever. The intimacy of it all, the soft and sensual way in which he explored and watched you, and the love you felt for each other all wrapped up in a shiny, red bow was the perfect end to a perfect day.
You would have fallen asleep, but Spencer was gently nudging your arm. "Hey, you," he said gently, pressing a kiss to your temple. "I think it's time to run us a bath, don't you think?"
"Sure," you agreed quietly with a smile. "And then we can sleep, right?"
"I think the team might get mad at us for ditching dinner, but I'm willing to risk that."
With a laugh, you reached over and kissed him. "Good. I love you, Spencer."
"I love you, too, princess."
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 14) - Keep Close
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Summary: The Ackles have the Padalecki’s over for dinner and let it slip that they’re engaged. Things seem to be going well but the anniversary of the accident is coming up and the reader comes up with the Ackles taking their first vacation together as a means of distracting Jensen as well reconnecting with Ray...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 4,800ish
Warnings: language, mention of sex, mention of a dead parent/spouse, anxiety
A/N: Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
“I’m stuffed,” said Jensen that night, the kids running around playing soccer in the yard after dinner. 
“I need that chicken recipe,” said Jared.
“I’ll write it down for you guys,” you said, sitting back in your chair. “You can do it with breast too if you like that better.”
“I want exactly this like, everyday from now on,” said Jared. Gen rolled her eyes and Jensen pulled out his phone. “Want me to take a pic?”
“I don’t need your freakishly long arms just yet,” chuckled Jensen. He turned around and took one of the four of you at the table before handing off his phone. “Mind getting one of us?”
“Your mom harassing you for engagement photos already?” asked Gen.
“By the time we were leaving they were both asking for photos and being obnoxious. Better than they were though,” said Jensen, smiling beside you. Jared took a few more and handed the phone back. 
“I still can’t believe your parents would act like that,” said Gen. “I mean obviously I’m super happy it got fixed but that’s so unlike them.”
“They made a mistake is all,” you said with a smile. “I don’t know about you guys but I’m going to finish this beer in the pool.”
“I think I’ll join you,” said Jared. He stood up and had a look on his face you caught too late. Before you knew it he had you picked up and was jogging over to the deep end and jumping in with you.
“Jared!” you said when you popped up. He giggled and swam off to the shallow end. “After I helped pick up the plates ya big lug.”
“We got it,” said Jensen, carrying over two beer cans and handing them to you. “We’ll join you guys in a few.”
About ten minutes later Jensen was leaning against the side of the pool in his bright red swim trunks, handing you the other half of his cookie cake piece.
“So any big plans for the wedding?” asked Jared, sat on the pool steps with Gen.
“I have a thought,” you said, turning to Jensen. “I haven’t discussed it with Jensen yet.”
“Vegas. Shotgun wedding,” he laughed. You shook your head and he grinned. “You’re thinking the farm, aren’t you.”
“What do you think? It could be outdoor or indoor, whatever it needs to be depending on the weather.”
“I’d love that,” he said, giving you a squeeze. “That’d be perfect for us.”
“You own a farm?” asked Jared. 
“Yeah, ten minutes from the brewery.”
“Dudes. You can open bar with your own beer. Oh and dibs on being a groomsmen.”
“Like that wasn’t gonna happen,” said Jensen.
“I don’t know on that,” you said. Jared’s face fell and you shook your head. “Sorry. I didn’t mean that you wouldn’t be one. Of course you would. I just don’t have a lot of close girlfriends. I think it’d be weird if Jensen had a ton and…”
“I don’t think it’s weird,” said Gen. “We didn’t have an even number at our wedding.”
“We got time to figure that stuff out,” said Jensen, holding your waist. You finished the last bite of cookie and hummed. 
“So you two having a kid?” asked Jared. Gen whacked his chest and he shrugged.
“Jesus, Jare. Don’t ask that.”
“They’re our best friends and godparents to our children...although I guess Y/N didn’t know that she inherited that until now but come on, I know you’re wondering too.”
“Shut up,” said Gen, crossing her arms. “Obviously if they decide, they’ll tell us when it happens.”
“Yeah, I think there’ll be at least one,” you laughed. Gen lit up and turned to Jared.
“Last time they said they were having a baby guess what we did? I can’t handle no more babies,” said Jared.
“Can you even get that thing up anymore?” teased Jensen, sipping on his beer.
“You’re one to talk, old man.”
“That shit still works just fine.”
“Just fine?” shot back Jared.
“Oh my God. You’re both good at sex. Y/N be grateful you’ve missed this same conversation over and over for the past sixteen odd years,” said Gen. 
“I’m still taller,” said Jared with a smirk.
“I can last longer,” said Jensen with one of his own. They narrowed their eyes at one another and Jared stood up.
“Go wrestle on the grass,” groaned Gen. They both huffed and got out of the pool before starting to playfully wrestle. “See, what you may not realize yet is you have another child right there.”
“Yeah but he’s hot,” you said, Gen laughing while you sat beside her. “Do you guys really talk about sex with each other?”
“Yes and no. The boys are you know, boys. They’d combust if they didn’t tease each other. I wouldn’t say there’s like, intimate details or anything ever shared. They’re both pretty private about that sort of thing. Dee and I would talk but more so say we had fun the night before. Shit we probably talked about sex toys more than anything.”
You stopped mid sip of your beer and she laughed.
“When your guy is thousands of miles away for that long out of the year, you gotta get off on your own. You get pretty good at phone sex too. You’re lucky. Jensen won’t be staying away so long ever again he said.”
“No, no. But uh...before Jensen I’d had the same boyfriend forever and he was as vanilla as could be. We didn’t do that stuff really together.”
“I can text you some links to stuff. It’s not like you have to go in some scary store or anything. It’s discrete and I think a small vibe would be great to start with. You can use it during sex or foreplay or whatever. Just you know, have fun.”
“Jensen and I kinda got busted by the cops a week or so back for...activities in the backseat,” you said. She started to laugh and you groaned. “Thankfully it was his friend that caught us so he let us off the hook but...it was kinda fun.”
“Good,” she said, sighing as Jensen pinned Jared down. “Hey so yeah about that wedding thing. Jared had two more groomsmen than I had girls. It doesn’t have to be matchy, matchy, you know?”
“I know. I don’t know if…” you trailed off. “I lost my friend group when I broke it off with my last boyfriend. We’d been together for over ten years and I kept turning down his proposals and they didn’t like that. I have some nanny friends but not a lot and no one I’m really close to. I don’t know if I’d even get more than five people to come for me. Everyone else is his family and friends and I didn’t think about that until just now. I mean what would they think, seeing that? I don’t know if I even want anyone there now.”
“I think what they’d see is someone they care about marrying someone he loves. Just because we’re Jensen’s friends doesn’t mean we’re not your friends too. I know we’re still getting to know each other but we’ll be as close as those two eventually. Ruthie was texting me and we’re having a girls night the next convention in Dallas. You literally have a built in crew ready to go from the show, the girls and the guys. You are so coming with me to the next night I have with my local girlfriends and you got our family. You even got Dee’s parents. You have more than you know, sweetie.”
“I never had a best friend growing up except for my mom. Until Jensen,” you said. “I’ve never really been good at the friend thing.”
“Were you bullied in school?” she asked quietly.
“Don’t tell anyone besides Jared but my dad wasn’t a good person. He hurt me and so I was afraid of getting in trouble so I didn’t talk to other kids all that much until I got old enough to understand what he was doing was wrong and that’s how I ended up being adopted.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Can’t do anything about it now. But I can have it not control my life too. I’ve been pretty good since I was nine in that department. My mom dying sucked and things have been up and down but I like where I am now. This is easily the happiest I’ve ever been in my life.”
“Jens’s not perfect.”
“I know. But he’s good enough. He gave me a certain confidence to live my life, like really live it.”
“He’s alright,” she smiled. “You know I have an idea about this bridesmaids thing you might like.”
“Oh I would for sure but I meant more so I know two little girls that wouldn’t mind. Maybe there’s a boy too,” she said.
“I’m gonna need you to be my wedding planner at this rate,” you said.
“Job accepted,” she said. “I say we go farmhouse modern style.”
“Gen. I got engaged like two weeks ago. We have time,” you said. “We don’t even have a date.”
“At the very least can we go dress shopping?” she asked.
“I’m going to regret this,” you sighed as Jensen stepped back in the water.
“Get yourself a stronger man, Padalecki. That one is weak,” he said. Jared followed him right after and went to tackle him when Gen caught his arm.
“Boys, not in the water,” she said.
“Chicken?” asked Jensen.
“Losers pick up the tab for when we go out this weekend for dinner. Deal?” asked Jared.
“Well in that case, you’re on.”
Two Weeks Later
“Jensen,” you said, carding your fingers through his hair while he absentmindedly burnt some eggs. “You okay babe?”
“Yeah. We ought to pack up the kids, get on the road soon if we’re gonna hit the beach.”
“I’m gonna drive, okay?” you asked. He nodded and you got out the eggs again, making up a new batch. “Do you want to talk to Ray?”
“Why?” he asked quietly, leaning back against the counter.
“Anniversaries of traumatic events can be triggering,” you said. “My mom died two days ago. Well, you know what I mean.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” he asked.
“Because it doesn’t trigger me anymore. But it did and this is the first time...the first one is the roughest.”
“Yeah,” he said. “I ought to talk to him.”
“Eat your breakfast. I’ll give him a call and get the kids ready while you guys talk, okay?” you said.
“Thank you,” he said. You kissed his cheek and hugged him before you went upstairs for your phone. It rang a few times but Ray finally answered, noise in the background.
“Y/N. Everything alright?” he asked.
“Hey. Yeah. We’re...we’re pretty good. Today’s the first anniversary of Jensen’s-”
“Ah. I understand.”
“Listen, I know it’s a Sunday and you don’t work the weekends but would you mind talking to him for a few minutes? We’re going down to Galveston for the week in a bit but he’s off this morning.”
“I’d talk to him even if he wasn’t your fiance but especially because of that. You know we’re actually down here ourselves for a few days. Just got down yesterday. If you guys are around...maybe we could get together for that swim.”
“I’d like that. You okay?” you asked.
“I always get a little down on the day but Sarah understands. You understand.”
“Yeah. I’m gonna put Jensen on and um, maybe we can meet at Arillo’s for dinner?”
“We got a reservation there ourselves tonight. How many in your crew? Five? I’ll call and ask for an update.”
“Yeah there’s five of us. Um, Ray?”
“I’m sorry for being so horrible as a teenager after mom. You loved her as much as I did.”
“Thank you but you don’t have to apologize for that. You got too much pain in your life. I’m glad you found the good stuff too.”
“Are Geroge and Taylor there?” you asked.
“Yeah kids are here. Taylor’s got some internship but she does it online half the day and George is some research assistant thing for one of his professors but same kinda deal. We leave them to work in the morning while Sarah and I have some fun. Want me to let them know you’re coming?”
“Probably a good idea. Not sure how they’ll react,” you said, Jensen poking his head into the bedroom. “Here’s Jensen.”
“Okay, sweetie. We’ll see you guys soon.”
You handed the phone to Jensen and finished up packing while he sat on the bed. You tried to leave him be but couldn’t help listening in.
“Yeah I’m anxious...I don’t want her to drive down today...you know why...I guess...probably...I don’t want to be freaking out for three hours in the car...because it’s today...I know...I know...so I have to suck it up...I don’t want to have a panic attack in the car with the kids...no I haven’t...I’m scared I will though...yeah...I understand...dude that sounds so stupid...that’s not medically anything...no I don’t have my doctorate...I don’t wanna ask her...I said I don’t want to, not that I wouldn’t...I know...I will...maybe I’ll try that too...yeah, Y/N said the first year is the roughest too...I’ll let her be in charge until we get down to the beach today. I think I’ll feel better after the car...yeah I kinda figured out what she was doing planning a trip on today of all days...I need it...really? Yeah, I’m looking forward to meeting up down there too...thanks Ray.”
You finished with your suitcase and had his open for him when he walked into the closet. He swallowed and handed your phone back.
“All good?” you asked.
“Ray thought it might be a good idea if I had something of yours with me on the way down, to keep on me since I’m...anxious this morning about being in a car.”
“Something of mine…” you said, looking at your side of the closet. “Why don’t you pack up and I’ll get you something before the road, okay?”
He nodded and twenty minutes and about three bathroom trips later the SUV was packed up. You hopped behind the wheel, Jensen tapping the arm rest from the passenger seat. 
“Here,” you said, reaching into your pocket, pulling out a bracelet. It was fabric, the kind made from craft string, white, rusty orange and a light tan color mixed together. 
“I’ve never seen this,” he said as he held it between his fingers.
“I got it on vacation with mom and Ray. Last one we went on,” you said, tying it around his wrist. “You have it.”
He stared at you as you turned the engine on, watching you backout. 
“This is too important for me to take,” he said quietly.
“It’s fabric. I want you to have it, okay?” you said, pulling onto the street and closing the gate. He nodded and you turned the radio on low. “Coffee run?”
“Yeah. Coffee sounds good right about now.”
You were only about fifteen or so minutes away from the beach house you’d rented. The kids were either taking naps in the backseats or watching a movie on the ipad. You risked a glance at Jensen, his fingers absently toying with the bracelet while he looked out the window, the radio on low. 
“How you doing big guy?” you asked as you pulled off to the exit ramp. 
“Pretty good now,” he said softly. 
“Mind navigating for me?” you asked. He hummed and picked up your phone from where it sat in the console the past few hours. About twenty minutes or so you were stretching outside of the car, Jensen opening the front door of the house with the code you’d been given. The kids climbed out and were good about each taking their own backpacks while you and Jensen gathered up the rest. 
“Come here,” he said, leaving the bags by his feet and kissing you against the side of the car. You grinned and he picked you up in a big squeezing hug. “I love you.”
“I know,” you said. He set you down and kissed you again. “You seem like yourself again.”
“I needed that push, get over that fear. But now, I can enjoy my day with my girl and my kiddos and apparently we are having dinner with Ray and his family tonight?” he asked.
“If that’s alright,” you said.
“One hundred percent,” he said, Arrow jumping up and down nearby. “Honey, go use the bathroom in the house if you have to go.”
“No I’m excited!” she said. “Can we go play on the beach? Pretty please?”
“Hm, give daddy fifteen minutes and then we can go?” he asked. She turned to you and grinned.
“We’ll go really soon sweetie. I promise.”
“Hey guys,” said Jensen an hour later, the five of you down on the beach and mostly watching them build a sandcastle together. “Y/N and I want to tell you something.”
“Is it that you guys are getting married?” asked JJ, patting some sand with her shovel. You glanced at Jensen and he shrugged. “You were talking to Aunt Gen and Uncle Jared about it last night, right?”
“Well, yes we were,” said Jensen. “I suppose we were a little louder than we thought. But yes, Y/N and I have decided to get married. We’re not sure when exactly but in the next year I can say.”
“So we have a mom again?” asked Arrow, fixing her corner of the castle that kept caving in.
“Well you guys are kinda lucky. You’ll get two moms,” he said. “How’s that sound?”
“We missed mom’s day,” she said with a sigh. “Right?”
“We’ll catch it next year, promise,” said Jensen. “Do you guys have any questions or anything you want to say?”
“Do we call you mom now?” asked JJ. 
“You guys call me whatever you want,” you said.
“Can we call you mom?” she asked. You nodded and she went back to playing in the sand. 
“Anything else guys?” asked Jensen.
“Can I get a giraffe?” asked Zeppelin while he figured out how much water to add to the sand to get it to stick together.
“No sweetie. They wouldn’t fit at our house,” said Jensen. 
“Darn it,” he said.
“I can tell you’re all so invested in this topic,” chuckled Jensen.
“Oh! Can my flower girl dress be purple?” asked JJ. 
“Your dress can be whatever color you want it to be,” you said.
“Awesome,” she said. “Or black and purple. With lightning stripes.”
“Ah, I knew the classic rock would finally pay off,” said Jensen.
“Maybe Daddy’s suit can be black and white stripes, like a tiger,” you said.
“Like a White Snake music video more like it,” he laughed. “We’ll figure all that stuff out. We wanted to make sure you guys knew was all and if you have any questions or were nervous or anything you know you can ask either one of us.”
“Mom makes you happy again. Of course you gotta marry her!” said Arrow. “Oh and get her a pony. Girls like that.”
“Would you care for a pony, sweetheart?” asked Jensen as he shook his head. 
“Are we talking mustang kind of pony?” you asked.
“That’s my girl,” he said, wrapping an arm over your shoulders, kissing your cheek. “Let dad get a picture of you guys. We’re on vacation after all.”
Five Hours Later
“Jensen,” you said, changing into a light summer top and a pair of denim shorts after your shower. He was standing by his suitcase undressed, trailing his finger over his scar. “Honey?”
“A year ago was the worst day of my life and today was a really great one. I get to meet Ray more and even Sarah and the kids who all sound great and...I’m really happy I’m still here to see all this.”
“Me too,” you said, wrapping your arms around him. “Wear your red underwear.”
“Is that a request?”
“I like how you look when you take it off,” you said, gently smacking his ass as you went to go fix your hair.
“I am so grateful I found you,” he said to himself. You smiled and brushed your teeth quickly before checking yourself over and taking a selfie. You sat up on the counter and opened instagram, still silently grateful you’d always had it on private. There was nothing bad on it but Jensen and Jared had tagged you before and all of the comments always seemed to be negative.
“How do I look?” asked Jensen, walking in wearing a short sleeve navy button down and his red underwear.
“So sexy,” you giggled, Jensen digging through his other bag and finding his khaki shorts. 
“Can I get away with sneakers and a backwards baseball cap at this restaurant?” he asked.
“Totally. We always eat outside. It’s near the pier,” you said, putting up your post.
“Taking more pictures I can show off of you again?” he asked, grabbing your brush and getting some control of his damp hair back.
“Nobody even sees my instagram hardly,” you said.
“You know the internet knows we’re dating, right.”
“I’m pretty sure your fans still aren’t okay with that fact, even if they know.”
“Oh you’re mistaking the nutjobs for actual fans. The real ones, those guys are cool and nice. I actually got a lot of care packages and things from them last year. Still do. They really are good people. Those other ones that leave nasty comments? Fuck them. That shit don’t bother me anymore.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying family and friends know. Can I show off the woman I love to the world?” You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him in front of you, his head cocking. 
“Yeah,” you said. “Better late than never.”
“Okay,” he said. “For now though, I’m looking forward to this dinner.”
“I hope it goes well. It’s George and Taylor I’m more worried about. They were kids when I decided to stop coming around. I only knew them maybe two years, if even that. I know they were upset.”
“Give them some credit. Ray raised them too after all.”
“I’m all set!” said Zeppelin, walking into the bathroom with his paw patrol shirt and nothing else on.
“At least I was gonna wear underwear,” chuckled Jensen. “Little dude. Get some undies on and shorts in the next two minutes or else…” he trailed off as he came in and hugged Jensen’s leg. 
“I love you, daddy,” he said.
“I love you.”
“Can we get a giraffe now?” he asked. Jensen rolled his eyes and you released him.
“Let’s go finish getting you dressed, buddy.”
“So you guys were Sarah’s fosters?” asked Jensen towards the end of dinner, all three kids passed out asleep in the stroller or on the bench besides you while you picked at your shared dessert. Neither George or Taylor had said much aside from introducing themselves. 
“Guys,” said Ray, nudging Taylor. “I’m sorry for our children’s rudeness. I was afraid of this.”
“Shut up,” they both said, Sarah sighing.
“The kids were both big fans of Supernatural. They grew up watching it with me. It was something we bonded over at first in fact,” she said. 
“Oh,” said Jensen, a smirk forming on his face. “Sam or Dean girls? George come on buddy, it’s okay.”
“This isn’t happening,” said Taylor, her eyes squeezed shut.
“So you guys don’t want to hear about the movie, gotcha,” he said, both of them snapping their heads up.
“He really is a dork,” you said. 
“Movie?” asked George.
“Someday. You can count on it,” said Jensen. “Maybe I’ll go easy on you guys and ask what mom was?”
“You boys are a little young for my tastes but honestly the guy who played John was very attractive,” she said.
“Even I’d hit that,” said Ray, Sarah laughing to herself.
“You can see Ray wins his ladies over with his charm,” you said, glancing at Taylor and George. “Like you guys could literally ask anything you ever wanted about the show and get an unfiltered answer if you want.”
“Did you really keep the car?” asked George. Jensen nodded and held up his finger.
“When we’re back in town, you guys come over and you can take a spin in it,” he said.
“Okay, he’s cool with me,” said George. You cocked your head and he smiled. “That was the car from the show I always told you about.”
“Oh. I thought you were talking about batman or something,” you said, pursing your lips. “Sorry I wasn’t…”
“You always sucked at pretending to be happy,” said Taylor. You looked down and nodded. “We get it. You had to do your own thing.”
“Don’t hate me for leaving?”
“Maybe when we were little,” she said. “But we’re older and we get that you probably felt like a fifth wheel.”
“Yeah. A lot really,” you said. “It worked out though.”
“She’s a Dean girl by the way,” said Ray, cracking up as Taylor whacked his arm.
“Dad! Oh my God no I’m not! I like Sam!” she said.
“Want to talk to him?” grinned Jensen. Her face went red and you heard a quiet chuckle at the table. “You’re right, we’ll save that for in person.”
“You basically are marrying Dean Winchester without like, the trauma,” she said. Jensen tensed up but kept a smile on his face. You knew Ray caught it when he gave him a simple nod.
“Trauma’s not inherently bad,” said Ray. “Everyone at this table has gone through some.”
“I know, dad,” she said quietly. She looked at George and he nodded. “Our parents were in a house fire. So were we. I was five and Georgie was four.”
“She carried him out and went next door for help,” you said.
“I was in a car accident last year,” said Jensen. You turned your head. It wasn’t public knowledge that he was in the car. He’d flat out told you that aside from family and a few friends, no one besides you knew. “I almost died. My wife did but for other reasons. You can still have trauma and a really good life.”
“Very good point, Jensen,” said Ray. “You two rugrats wouldn’t be around if mom and I had moped around in our misery forever.”
“Was he always such a sap?” asked George.
“From the day I met him,” you said, Jensen grabbing your hand under the table. “Would you mind watching the kids for a second?”
“Not at all,” he said. You excused yourself and brought Jensen along with you, walking out to the beach area, the breeze cool but light.
“You alright?”
“Yeah. I can talk about it now. I went from having the worst year of my life to one of the best. Nothing bad’s gonna happen for saying what really happened. I want to let all that shit go and have the rest of that really good life I was talking about.”
“For someone who keeps a lot inside I sure have noticed a difference in you the past few weeks.”
“To quote both of the loves of my life, I gotta let that shit out more regularly,” he said. You smiled and wrapped your arms over his shoulders, giving him a kiss. 
“You know that’s what we call growth, babe.”
“I very easily could have gone the opposite way this year.”
“But you didn’t, cause you tried even though it sucks sometimes. I love you but I extra love happy you and you’re definitely a happier guy now than when I met you.”
“So are you, honey,” he said. “Must make a pretty good team or something.”
“Oh yeah, maybe that’s it.”
“We should honestly get like, married or something, you know?” he teased.
“First I have to know though, are you willing to do cookie cake for a wedding cake?”
“I’m willing to make that sacrifice,” he said. “The real questions is, are you willing to deal with the eventual dad bod that will happen as a result?”
“I love this bod, but I don’t love you for this bod,” you said. 
“Thank you for today,” he said softly. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you said. He grinned and kissed your cheek, hugging you tightly. “What are best friends for?”
“Hell yeah they are Ackles.”
A/N: Read Part 15 here!
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Hiiii! Can I please request a female reader spending the day at the pool with boyfriend Bang Chan and the rest of Stray Kids? The reader isn't a good swimmer and doesn't like the deep end of the pool. Super fluffy please!
Yes of course! I hope this is what you had in mind!
Facing Your Worries At The Pool | Christopher Bang
{Stray Kids Masterlist}
Members: Bang Chan (ft. rest of Stray Kids)
Genre: fluff
Summary: Chan, you and the rest of Stray Kids spend the day at the local pool, but Chan doesn’t know of your fear of deep water.
Word Count: 1.4k
*reader is female
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Ever since a couple of days ago when Chan told you about the day at the pool he was planning with the rest of the boys, you had been slightly anxious about the whole ordeal.
The issue was, you weren’t the greatest swimmer. Ever since when you were a little girl when you almost drowned in a rip at the beach and a lifeguard had to come help you, you’ve had a fear of swimming in oceans or pools that you can’t stand up in.
You were thinking of bringing it up with Chan, but he had been so excited about spending the day with you and the boys at the local pool that you felt bad, because you didn’t want to ruin it for him.
So you decided to keep quiet about it. You were sure it would be fine, as long as you stay in the shallow areas.
When it came to the day, you, Chan and the rest of the boys all piled into two cars and made your way to the pool. Everyone was so excited to spend the time away from stressful schedules and have some enjoyment in the refreshing water.
You however, grew more nervous as Chan drove closer to the venue. You began to realize although you and Chan had been together for a while, he’s never seen you swim at all. On the few occasions when you two would go to the beach together, you would always use the excuse that you didn’t feel like swimming or that you had period cramps, so Chan never really questioned it.
When you got to the venue, everyone climbed out the car and grabbed their towels before making their way inside. Chan walked beside you and held your hand tightly.
“Are you excited? We’ve never gone to a pool together before,” Chan asked while rubbing your lower back comfortingly.
“Yeah, I am!” you lied.
The indoor pool was huge. It stretched across the entire bottom floor, although it wasn’t too busy so it was the perfect day to spend a few hours there.
You sat down on the chairs near the edge of the pool and watched as everyone else took off their normal clothes to get in the water.
Felix was first in, trying to do a majestic dive but failing miserably and landing with a smack as his belly hit the water harshly. Everyone else laughed at him hysterically when he stuck his head above the water again grimacing in pain.
That didn’t last long as Minho decided to pick up Han by his legs and walk towards the edge of the pool. Han freaked out and began trying to wiggle out of Minho’s grip while yelling at him. Minho fell sideways into the water bringing Han with him, almost falling on top of Felix.
You began to feel more relieved. At least you could have fun watching the boys being idiots instead of swimming.
When everyone else was in besides you and Chan, leaned his head on your shoulder and asked you why you weren’t going in.
“Um, I’m going to wait for a bit before jumping in. I ate some food before coming here so I want to make sure it settles before swimming so I don’t feel sick.”
Chan smiled and kissed your cheek sweetly. “Okay, just call me if you need. I’m going to go in with the kids for a bit.”
You sat by yourself on the chair for a while. You looked up and down the pool to see what side looked the shallowest so you could stay there when you got in. The boys were swimming in an area that was just in the middle. But knowing Chan, he would stick around you anyway.
You stood up and walked to the change room to put your swimmers on. When you came back, you shuffled back to where everyone else was swimming. Chan saw you standing near the edge of the water and came over while smiling.
“Hey baby! Are you coming in?” he asks looking up at you happily.
“Yeah, but I might get in over there,” you point to the more shallow area.
Chan looked over and frowned, but didn’t question why. “Do you want me to come with you?” he asked.
“No, it’s fine Channie.”
You made your way to the shallow end and sat on the edge with your feet in the water. It wasn’t too far away from everyone else, but you still felt separate.
You felt kind of guilty. You’ve tried hard to be a stronger swimmer but for some reason you can never get the hang of it. It was annoying when it came between events that should be fun like this. You wish you could just get over it and swim with Chan and the rest of the boys with no problem.
You got into the water and swam around for a bit, enjoying the cold temperature on your skin. It was relaxing.
You suddenly felt someone wrap their arms around you from behind and placed their chin on your shoulder. Obviously you knew immediately who it was.
“Do you want to come over with the guys and me? I don’t want you to be lonely,” Chan pouts.
You thought about it for a second. I mean, you would be with Chan and it’s not too deep where they were so you thought it would be fine.
“Okay, I’ll come over,” you answer, grabbing his arm lightly so he can pull you over with him.
When you got closer, you noticed that the boys weren’t in the same area as before. They had moved down to the deeper part of the pool, that was too deep for anyone to be able to stand in. So naturally, you begin to panic a little.
“Wait, Chan,” you hesitated. Chan stopped and turned around to you. “Yeah?”
You lowered your head a little, not looking Chan in the eye. ‘This is embarrassing,’ you think to yourself.
“Sorry Chan, I- I don’t really want to go over there,” you murmured.
Chan glanced at you puzzled. He put a finger under your chin and lifted your head so you looked at him. “Hey, look at me baby. Why don’t you want to go over?” he asked in a soft voice.
You went quiet for a short second, obviously being a bit embarrassed. Before you could answer, Chan took the words right out of your mouth.
“You can’t swim well, can you?” he asked and you nodded slowly.
Chan smiled and pulled you against him. “Oh my god baby! I thought something was wrong! You could have just told me that,” he says laughing. He wasn’t laughing at the fact you can’t swim, he was laughing more at the fact that you thought it was a big deal.
“Sorry babe, I just thought it would be annoying for you,” you said snuggling into his bare chest.
“You could never annoy me. Let’s go! You can jump on my back and I’ll swim around with you on me so you aren’t worried,” he says, pulling away. He gives you a quick peck on your lips then turns around waiting for you to climb onto his back.
You smiled, glad that Chan didn’t make a big deal out of your fear.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and grabbed onto his shoulders and he began to walk towards the boys in the deeper end.
As time ticked on, you became less afraid while being on Chan’s back. It made you feel a lot more secure. After a while, you asked Chan if he could let you off.
He let go of your thighs and spun around to hold your hands. “Are you okay?” he asked. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you said. You felt better being with Chan, because you knew that if you did start to struggle with keeping afloat, you could always clutch onto him like a koala.
“Do you want me to show you a few things to help you swim?” Chan said while looking at you hopefully.
You agreed and Chan showed you a few methods like treading water and lying on your back to keep above the water. You managed to get the hang of them after a while with Chan’s help. He enjoyed teaching you how to swim better, because he felt like he was helping you face your fear.
“Thanks so much, Chan,” you said after getting out of the water with everyone else. “Anything for you baby. But tell me next time something like this happens! I felt awful leaving you by yourself,” he scolded you like a mother.
You laughed it off and gave him a big hug. “Okay, I promise.”
Authors Note: Sorry for the wait with this one! I hope you enjoyed it anonymous!
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selinakidreams · 3 years
pairing: merman! dabi x gn reader
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warnings: nameless character deaths, a singular mention of nausea + throwing up, unfortunately a lot of blood mentions, near death experiences, SHARK! THERES A SHARK IN THE WATER ! (I SWEAR this is supposed to be pretty but the warnings make it seem otherwise) slight soulmate au?, dabi had a SINGULAR moment of softness.
a/n: guys I don’t even know what this is and it’s unedited,, but welcome to my contribution to mermay ! I had two scenes plain as day STUCK in my head and I just needed to get them out,,, honestly this was just supposed to be a short lil thing but I’m invested,, so here this is
ps, though this may not be edited... I would like to thank all my monster fucking moots who helped me to piece together the perfect mer version of dabi— I love you guys so so so much.
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looking out into the darkness of the night, unable to locate the horizon from your position at the edge of the ship- you lift your gaze to the sky with a small sigh.
an unimaginable amount of stars litter the atmosphere, the clear view above could never be tiresome.
the city was no place for you; too crowded, full of men who were trying to court you for your fathers money and your beauty, not enough adventure. the ocean offered a type of freedom land could never- granted, the ship wasn’t much different from the bustling towns in the sense that all the soldiers would eye you like you’re a slab of meat.
the only difference given at sea is that you’re able to put those undesirable fuckers in their place. given your ranking, your power obsessed father wasn’t completely useless.
escaping to the empty deck had been your big feat today; everyone below was gulping down wine by the barrel when you managed to slip out. it was much colder out here, the chill of the salty wind was refreshing, sobering you up quite a bit- but still mentally fuzzy enough to tempt yourself into discarding edict and loosening up your tighter garments.
your drunken attention span shifted from fiddling with your bow in the back to the inky deep water...
what was that?
ripples were quietly dancing on the surface, the warm light reflections coming from the ship’s sconces moved along with them.
it had been really fast, so fast that you were almost left to wonder if you had actually imagined the most vibrant blue eyes you had ever seen... bobbing in the ocean.
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two days. it had been two days since you had first “spotted” them and absolutely nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. the sailors still went about uglily gawking at you, your captain of a father was still behind the wheel, barking orders at everyone, while you went about your business. Sighing, the image of the eyes still fresh in your mind, you prepared to be lowered into the shallower sea.
upon hearing that there was a small island not too far from your current coordinates, you commanded a stop be made, needing to take some time away from the close knit quarters you constantly share with those horrific pigs. thankfully, no arguments surfaced and you headed straight for the dinghy. it had been surprisingly easy.
the trip wasn’t too long; you patiently waited for the tip of the boat to breach the soft sand, excited for what awaited you. it was such a lovely sunny day, big puffy white clouds dotted the expansive blue sky while the palm trees at the base of the beach greeted you with a steady sway.
once your boots sunk into the wet sand, you turned to the two other men who had escorted you and informed them that you were not to be followed- but to wait right there- which in retrospect, was not a good idea. that was too much trust and responsibility that was placed in their incapable hands.
you wasted no time trudging through the lush greenery to get to the other side of the island, wanting to be as far away from the crew members as possible. 
it couldn’t have taken you more than two hours for you to reach an elaborate array of tide pools sporadically placed on a flat uneven rocky surface, some being lapped over by waves while others sat calmly- living in their own little world.
you had to look in each and every one of them.
wide eyes and mouth open, looking at all the lives in the crystal clear pools was an absolute marvel. some only held a few small sea anemones of different colors while others not only held the soft flowery plant but also housed fighting crabs of all sizes, large chunky starfish, and even a fish or two!
you took careful steps towards the end of the rocks, towards the ones where the waves were constantly restocking the pools with new life, your heart flipping in your chest at the colors of the crashing waves.
peering down into one of the deeper ones, you found it hard to take your sights away from the glistening sun streaks that cut through the water; a small gateway to the open ocean was at the bottom of this pool. it’s like you were hypnotized. making yourself comfortable, you laid yourself down next to the glistening water and began to break the calm surface with your finger tips, eyes trained on the tiny ripples.
“they left you, you know.”
you felt so at ease with the sound of the waves crashing around you, you almost didn’t hear it. it wasn’t until the nagging feeling that you weren’t alone hugged you in all the wrong places, that you looked up... only to be met with nothing.
scrunching your brow, the tranquility you were feeling before suddenly slipping through your fingers. you sat up, but not before you held a lingering glance at the glowing water once more. that’s an image that will stay in your mind; you almost wish you had your sketch book.
your mind went blank when you saw something block the light as it swam by... something big. the next few minutes happened in a blur. after scrambling up to get away from the pool, a huge body washed up on a nearby rock plateau and by no means was it graceful. your heart dropped to your stomach as you watched the lifeless body get smacked with harsh waves.
he was wearing your ship’s uniform, now drenched in blood.
nothing came up when you fell on your knees and lurched over, your eyes squeezing shut- the gruesome image of the crew member engrained in your mind.
“they got what they deserved.”
this time when you whipped your head up to follow the velvet voice, you fell into an almost trance. those breathtaking turquoise eyes you had seen a few days ago were now staring right at you, not too far away.
you couldn’t help the gasp that you inhaled as you fell back. looking at him in his entirety- you must have been hallucinating. growing up hearing the tales of deep sea monsters and nasty magical land creatures could never have prepared you for what laid in front of you.
it was such a drastic change; going from looking at something so appalling to something so... flawless... it was indescribable.
on display, your eyes followed the curled figure- wet white hair flopped against a pale forehead, the tips of his pointed finned-ears peaking out from the wet hair. there were deep dark purple markings starting underneath his eyes, slightly mimicking bags that then restarted at the bottom half of his face- all the way down his neck, ending at just the top of his chest. the markings then continued down his arms, right up to his knuckles contrasting the pale thin slightly webbed fingers that merged to sharp claws, gleaming in the sun. his toned chest eased into a pearly type of color around his hips before submerging into a black ragged tail- but it did the strangest thing. when the sun reflected off of it, a blue so royal- that you’ve only seen it on the most expensive of garments- came to life. the dorsal fin looked just as rugged as the tail did, but his odyssey fluke was splayed out so beautifully, you didn’t give it a second thought.
it wasn’t until you took a second glance that you noticed there was a red tint to his claws that you put into context what was said earlier.
“did you- di- you killed that man?”
his voice came out as smooth as silk, “I did.”
how could you be so dense? this was a creature that came from the sea- a ruthless underwater world. he was a predator. but wait-
“you can speak- you s-said.. did you kill them for me? are you going to-?”
“I killed those men because of all humans, the ones who betray others for their own greed serve no purpose.”
he didn’t tell you more than necessary in his opinion, but he was smart enough and old enough to know that you’re still going to ask more.
it seemed you were sitting on quite the pile of questions but he wasn’t going to be the one to break the silence. it was clear that you were mulling over what should be said first.
“was it you I saw at sea the other night?”
out of all the things you could ask, that was the only thing your mind had on repeat- the only thought present.
“and if it was?”
after receiving two similar vague reactions, something in you was screaming for something to happen. the interaction seemed to be going nowhere and here you were, in front of a creature that you’ve heard so much about but never actually met- a drastic change in interaction was calling, and who were you to ignore it?
in hindsight, it was a terrible idea.
one minute you were on land, next you were shedding your heavy, restrictive clothing- the mer watching with a slight smirk and a heavy gaze- then seconds later, were in the violent push and pull of the ocean. luckily you were far enough to be out of the rocky reach, but the current was too strong. you were being swayed back and forth with too much force.
if it had been your first time in the ocean, you would have been a goner- you would have washed right into the sharp jagged edges; a terribly painful way to go. but thankfully, flowing with the ocean had been your specialty since you were young. incredibly masculine and dirty, but you simply couldn’t stay away. the watery depths have lured you in and there was no escaping the spell it had casted on you all those years ago.
maybe that’s why you dove in. or maybe you wanted to see what the mer would do. whatever the case, there you were in the lull of the tide and running out of air. breaching the surface was your main goal, urging your arms and legs to snap out of the shock of the cold water.
eyes on the bubbles traveling upwards, you finally get your arms to push through the current almost missing the dark shadow swimming closer and closer to you, getting larger and larger.
a quick sideways glance in the clear water showed something large with many many rows of teeth out on display, heading toward you and gaining momentum.
a shark.
a... shark.
of all the ways you possibly thought you could go... this was not one of them. it’s almost ironic- the one way you thought you wouldn’t go would end up getting you.
breaking the surface, you gulp your last breath of air- painfully waiting for the horrifying moment when powerful jaws clamp around your body... but it never came. all you felt was a strong current zip past your feet, slightly pulling you along with it.
you’re heart was pounding; adrenaline coursing through your veins, breathing choppy as you whip your head in every which way to see what was going on in the water beneath you. then you saw it.
just then, the gory image of the crewmate’s body flashed into your mind. there had been another sailor... the mermaid didn’t pull up two bodies- he wasn’t the only predator in the water.
before you could evaluate further, you were pulled by the ankle under the water and into a place where the blood hadn’t seeped yet.
not enough air was sucked in before you submerged, so you frantically searched for ways you could reach the surface again- not even thinking about the now-absent steady grip that dragged you under.
then you felt it. pointed claws lightly tracing up your sides before his handsome face was leveled with yours. if seeing him on land wasn’t good enough, seeing him in his element was nearly heart stopping.
but your lungs were going to collapse before your heart could-
or so you thought.
he flattened his palm around your waist, cupping it gently before he inched his face toward yours, lips slightly ghosting yours, as if asking for permission.
with his toned body pressed against yours, it was hard to think straight, but the most prominent siren going off in your mind was the fact that you were loosing oxygen, and quickly. you found yourself panicking in his grip. was this really the time?
his lips were on yours in less than a second, your struggling becoming more and more apparent- but it was when he got your mouth to open that you realized what he was doing.
A mermaid’s kiss gives you the eternal breath; the ability to breathe under water.
pulling away, he watched as your eyes went wide, the small smirk you’d seen before had appeared once more.
the sensation was otherworldly; though there was a heavy pressure in your chest as the water was filtering in and out of your system, you were breathing underwater.
slowed down by the new density, you lifted your head to look up at the mer- no doubt the most excited and bewildered expression on your face, just to realize the size difference. he was huge- how had you not noticed this on land?
the more human half of his body had to be around the six foot range, his muscular tail roughly adding another ten. the massive figure floating around you was... beautiful.
he had the softest gaze when looking down at you, it nearly shocked you more that the new incredible ability had. he didn’t seem like the type to be full of expressions; it was such a warm and familiar look, something that you hadn’t seen in a long time- and one you typically didn’t see on a stranger’s face, much less a merman you had only just met.
opening your mouth to say something-if you could, that is- his expression changed in a blink, fear now contorted his features.
everything was so fast with him; his arm wrapped around your waist in mere seconds before speedily guiding you through a passage of underwater tunnels that lead to somewhere you assumed to be in the middle of the island- a lush green grotto.
once you resurfaced, you inhaled a breath you didn’t realize you needed; the new air burned your lungs- you almost didn’t want to breathe.
“just keep breathing. it will get easier over time.”
he almost sounded... bored? a complete one 180 to what you had just witnessed in the water.
the mer guided you up to the pool’s edge, lifting you with ease until you sat with only your legs dangling in the water.
outwardly, it stayed quiet for a while. there wasn’t much noise around besides the occasional bird call and the delicate sound of waded water.
your breathing had slightly evened out but you weren’t too confident in your voice, so keeping your mouth shut seemed like the best option.
what now?
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tag list: @zhongh-li
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autumnsunshine10 · 3 years
Two Amandas, One T.J., and Me
We lived in the same neighborhood that summer, all around the same age though they were slightly older--heading into seventh grade while I would be entering sixth. Amanda K. had light brown long hair sun-streaked blonde in places, a smattering of freckles, and glasses over hazel eyes. Amanda J. was taller, more reserved and broody, with dark brown hair brushing her shoulders and an olive skin tone. Her dark eyes squinted when she smiled, like mine did. I had that in common with her and had hair and eye color more similar to Amanda K.'s. Not sure what else we three had in common other than proximity of residence and having younger brothers who were friends too.
Besides their names and being sisters to brothers close in age, they had one other thing in common between the two of them (and boy did it come in between): a boy, the titular T.J.
T.J. had recently moved from Massachusetts, maybe that was his appeal. Lanky and awkward with a Beavis and Butthead type laugh (and humor), he often spent time at my house, playing video games with my little brother. My siblings and I would make digs about his New England accent while he poked fun at our drawls. More than once he got a throw pillow angrily aimed at him, he had that kind of effect. At our house, he could only be taken in small doses, my mom even making up reasons why he had to leave once the T.J. tolerance had run out...and it was never long. Not helped by the fact that he would try to flirt with every female in sight. Like the two Amandas. Only their tolerance for T.J. was much higher.
Amanda K. one day saw me outside and rode her metallic purple bike up, wearing a secretive grin and announcing, "I like someone."
Exasperation took the grin from her face. "Aren't you going to ask who?"
"Okay, who?"
"T.J." The grin was back for some reason.
I felt like I had to pick my jaw up off the ground. "T.J.?! Are we talking about the same T.J.?"
"T.J. _____"
I stared blankly, never having heard his last name.
"You know, the one who lives 3 doors down, that T.J.!"
"Okay but...why?!"
"Because he likes me, he acts like it all the time and even said so yesterday...likes me like a boyfriend! I want to hang out again but I think he's with Amanda J. Do you think he likes her?! I think she might like him. Do you think?"
"Ummm I--"
"Wait, do you like him?!"
"No way ewww!"
"Why not?!"
"Because...he's T.J.!"
"You don't think he's cute?"
"Not even a little bit."
The conversation went along in the same vein for not much longer before Amanda K. got bored and, casting one last glare at T.J.'s house, took off to write her feelings in her diary.
Days later Amanda J. showed up at my door looking to talk to me. She asked if I had heard from Amanda K. who was avoiding her for some reason.
"Oh boy, she is going too far," I groaned with an eyeroll.
"What do you mean? Do you know what's wrong?"
I relayed some of our T.J. conversation. Amanda J. bit out, "Yeah I like T.J. and he likes me. We're gonna keep hanging out and she'll have to just get over it. She doesn't own him, he can do what he wants and like who he wants. She thinks he should pick her because she's pretty and her dad is in that country band with a video on TV, but this time she won't get her way!"
I couldn't believe my ears, that both Amandas were losing it...and over T.J. of all things. I would have laughed at the absurdity but knew it wouldn't go over well...tough crowd.
Then came their individual tactics to make T.J. choose. He said he wasn't a one girl guy and milked the triangle for all it was worth. It culminated at a performance for our girl group of some generic forgettable name. We formed it earlier that summer--wannabe Spice Girls, with the call to be the female Backstreet Boys. Two songs were all we ever had--one inspired heavily by "I Want It That Way" ("Woke up this morning just to hear you say, I want it that way..."); and the requisite girl power anthem I penned, rhyming "girls" with "pearls" while trying to prove our superiority to boys.
Our neighborhood friends had been invited to watch us mumble-sing and move in a way akin to dancing while dressed up in outfits we thought looked pop star cool...mine more resembled a librarian on laundry day. T.J. of course was there, no doubt invited by both Amandas; certainly not by me.
We gave it our best(ish), me flanked by the at-odds Amandas trying to outperform one another while also acting like the other was not there. T.J.'s attention was their main goal. But T.J. wandered off to the video games shortly after we began. Most of the others had too actually; our audience didn't appreciate our attempts at artistry. Can't say I blame them.
Amandas shot eye daggers at each other over my head as I plopped down halfway through the BSB rip-off song I had been the only one singing for a while.
"This is your fault, Amanda, T.J. got tired of your big mouth and seeing you hog the stage!" Our stage was more of a coffee table.
"Nuh uh, the Amanda he is sick of is you! I heard you kissed him in the pool the other day but then he swam away laughing," cold laughter followed.
"Who told you?! He kissed me then laughed because he splashed water. Funny how he kissed me again after we left! But your spy missed that!"
"You. Kissed. T.J.?!" I shrieked.
Neither of them paid me any notice, too intent on fighting over T.J. some more before each harumphed off to their respective homes. The theme carried through the rest of that summer, T.J.  bouncing back and forth without a care to be seen. And beyond that? Would you believe T.J. eventually grew on me and I realized his charms, being the one to end up with him when it was all said and done? Nah that's not what went down, though if this were an entirely fictionalized account it probably would be the so-called surprise ending.
What actually happened was how these things typically play out. The summer of T.J. tug-of-war ended when Amanda J. moved away, then Amanda K. wondered what she ever saw in him, helped along by school starting back up and her crushing on some boy in her class. I moved not long after that and sometimes stayed in touch with the Amandas until the middle of high school. I occasionally saw T.J. around my high school but we never spoke again. Last I heard, Amanda J. moved to New York. Have no idea where Amanda K. and T.J. ended up. For all I know, they found each other again as adults and he felt he couldn't live without an Amanda in his life any more, that Amanda K. was the Amanda for him, and they eloped right away.
I guess that scenario would be the storybook ending...or beginning of a horror story. Take your pick.
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fleetingpieces · 3 years
My One in a Million CH 6
Here we go! Thanks for the patience and support everyone❤️
Thank you to my amazing betas @knittingdreams and @inloveoknutzy I love you both so much❤️
And thank you so much lovely @heyitssmiller for your amazing vet knowledge and kind help, I hope what I wrote makes sense!😅
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added! <3 )
@justdyingontheinside @donttouchmycarrots @heyoitslysso @whataboutmyfries @sunflowerfox87 @hereforwolfstarr @potterlocked24-7 @cheekeebabe
CW: dog getting sick
Here’s the Masterlist, and the story in Ao3 if you prefer to read there :)
Chapter 6 - Water tides
Remus let the water wrap around him lazily as he swam down the middle of Gryffindor Tower’s indoor pool at a serene pace. He was glad to have the place all to himself that late afternoon, as he was exhausted after a pretty intense workout.
His day had been fully booked; he’d been out since morning, only stopping home long enough to grab his gym bag and head to the building’s top floor. He was trying to clear his head and organize his thoughts, but just like in the past three days, his mind drifted to the gift that was still sitting face-down in his guestroom, waiting for him to figure out what the hell to do with it.
As he reached the other end of the pool, he stood there with his hands caressing the surface of the water, feeling the slight resistance it made against his palms.
Sirius had seemed so genuinely sorry and like he was really putting in the effort, and Remus didn’t know what to make of it. It was still hard to believe how fast things had changed; this was the man that had been driving him crazy for weeks... but he was also the one that was making Remus open up about his past, even if it was just a little bit. Even Cocoa liked him. It’d been really hard for Remus not to turn into a fucking pile of goo when he saw them together, and fuck if Sirius’ starstruck face didn’t do things to him. People were usually afraid of Cocoa, but Sirius had opened his arms to him straight away.
What an adorable bastard.
Remus groaned and dived underwater. He stayed in place, floating with his eyes closed. Doing this always gave him a sense of peace that very few other things could. With the exception of yoga, maybe.
It was terribly ironic how sometimes he felt like he couldn’t bring air into his lungs when he remembered that time, but being underwater felt so soothing, even if he was obviously not breathing. There was something about the stillness of it and how weightless it made him feel, as if nothing could bring him down; and having his eyes closed, he could imagine having infinite space all around him, like maybe he’d blink and he’d be floating with the stars.
A splash of bubbles that could only mean another person had jumped into the pool reached his ears.
Remus held on for a few seconds more before he stood up, breaking the surface as he passed a hand through his face and hair to get the water out of his eyes.
The whispered word echoed in the big room, though Remus was probably not supposed to hear it. He froze with a hand still in his curls and turned towards the voice.
“Sorry, I thought it was empty,” Sirius said from a few feet away. He lifted a muscular arm to rub at the back of his head and frowned with a small smile. “Just how long can you hold your breath?”
Remus just stared at him. At the way the droplets of water dripped from his dark locks and ran down his chest and the planes of his stomach. He swallowed, lifting his gaze before it could travel down further and focused on the piercing grey eyes that were already staring back at him. It felt as though Sirius could see into his soul, and it shocked Remus to realise that the thought wasn’t as scary as it should be.
Remus wasn’t sure how long they stood there, it could have been a second or maybe hours, but the smile slowly faded from Sirius’ face.
“I can go?” he asked unsurely.
“No!” Remus said hastily, before clearing his throat. “No, it’s fine.”
“Ok...” Sirius seemed surprised. They stared at each other a few moments more, Remus wracking his brain for something to say but coming up short. Sirius shifted on his feet. “Well, I don’t want to get in your way, so…”
He started turning around to go to the other side of the pool. Remus took a deep breath.
Stopping mid-movement, Sirius turned around, arching a perfect eyebrow.
“I…” Remus started, but closed his mouth. Sirius’ eyes softened, and Remus started again, more firmly. “I never thanked you.”
That made Sirius frown. “Why would you need to thank me?”
“For the painting,” Remus said simply, though he figured it should be obvious. He couldn’t help but add with a small crooked smile, “and for the cookies too. Even though they were awful.”
Sirius barked a laugh, covering his face with a hand, and Remus found himself wishing he didn’t. He wanted to see the way his eyes crinkled. “Yeah, well. I should have asked first before I did anything, sorry I assumed-”
“No,” Remus interrupted, shaking his head. “No, you had no way of knowing.” He stopped to take another deep breath. “I'm sorry, I overreacted.”
Sirius raised both eyebrows at that, he clearly hadn't expected an apology. He regarded Remus steadily before he shrugged. “It's important to you. I think it's perfectly reasonable to react the way you did.”
Such a simple phrase, and yet something tugged fiercely in Remus’ chest. He tried to ignore it and sank until the water covered up to his shoulders. There was something about this man that made raw emotions come to the surface, and he tried his best to control them.
“Still, you were only trying to do something nice. So thank you.”
Sirius nodded as he stared at him, a small smile on his face again.
“Maybe we can start over?” He swam closer and Remus resisted the urge to sink lower. Instead, he got up when the other man extended a hand towards him. "Hi. I'm Sirius Black, and I live in apartment 12. Nice to meet you," he grinned.
The resolution on Sirius' face made Remus smile too, before he glanced down at the outstretched hand and reached to shake it. Despite the coldness of the water, Sirius’ palm was so warm that Remus felt it in his core, and he looked back up quickly to find Sirius giving him an odd look.
“Remus Lupin. I’m in apartment 10, right next to yours. Funny that we didn’t bump into each other sooner,” he said playfully, earning himself another wholehearted laugh from the other man, his chest rising and falling with it.
“Ouais, funny that,” he said with a twinkle in his eye. He let go of Remus’ hand and promptly plunged underwater, emerging only one second later while shaking his hair like a dog and sending a wall of droplets in Remus’ face. 
“You mutt,” said Remus as he raised an arm to cover himself, making Sirius smile widely. 
God, does he ever stop grinning? 
“So, what brought you to Gryffindor?”
The casual way he asked it made Remus relax some more. He sagged back down and moved from the shallow part of the pool, treading water as he thought of everything that had led him here.
“It’s kind of a long story, but the main reason is that I wanted to expand my brand, and I thought living in a bigger city would be better for that purpose.”
Sirius nodded as though he knew exactly what Remus was talking about. “Yeah, that makes sense. Where did you live before?”
A wistful smile tugged at Remus’ mouth, and he noticed Sirius tilting his head in curiosity. “In the countryside, just outside of Gryffindor. I was born there and lived in that town my whole life until I decided to move here.”
“Do you miss it?” Sirius asked softly.
The water lapping around them was the only sound in the air as Remus looked down at his hands, weaving them just beneath the surface.
“Yeah...I miss my mum and Leo mostly. I know it’s not too far, but it’s not easy to see them either. I guess it’s hard for me not seeing them everyday.” Remus didn’t add that it made him feel lonely, or like he was back in room 308, but Sirius seemed to sense that it was making him feel sad, cause he didn’t ask more about that and moved to another question.
“What’s your hometown like?”
Remus smiled thankfully at him. “It’s really small, nothing compared to this,” he made a sweeping gesture with his arm. “But it’s beautiful. There’s this beach that Leo and I used to go to all the time when we were kids, and later on we would always find the time to go there on small camping trips, just the two of us in bedrolls, sleeping under the stars. It became a tradition. And then, there’s a forest on the other side, with these huge trees that go on for miles, and there’s a-” Remus stopped himself when he realised he’d been going on and on without a pause, blushing a bit. He looked at Sirius sheepishly. “Sorry, I got a bit carried away.”
But Sirius was just looking at him with a dopey smile. “That’s ok. I like listening to you speak.”
Remus didn’t know what to do with that, so he cleared his throat. “What about you?”
“Hm?” Sirius asked distractedly.
“Did you always live here?”
That seemed to snap him out of whatever he’d been lost in. He ran a hand through his hair, which stayed pushed back, sleeked by the water. Remus liked it. He could see more of his face like this.
“Uh, no. I grew up in Slytherin, actually. But I went to boarding school when I got older, so I spent a lot of my teenage years there. It’s where I met James and most of the guys.”
There it was again, that fond smile, and Remus found himself asking, wanting to know more, “what was it like, going to a boarding school?”
Sirius laughed at that, and walked to lean his back against the side of the pool, his forearms resting over the edge. He tilted his head back, staring up at the ceiling with a faraway look. “Oh, it was great. Not so much at the beginning though. I lived a pretty sheltered life up to that point, so you can imagine I was a bit of a snobbish dick.”
“A bit?” Remus raised a teasing eyebrow, making Sirius laugh again and focus his gaze on him.
“Trust me, whatever you think of me now, I was ten times worse.”
“I don’t really think you’re like that,” Remus replied, and was surprised to realise he meant it. Sirius’ smile faltered, and he opened his mouth to say something, but Remus beat him to it quickly, “so what made you change?”
There were a few seconds in which Sirius just stared at him with an unreadable expression. “James,” he said plainly in the end.
“James,” Sirius agreed. “Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if we hadn’t met. He made me see I was behaving like an idiot, and everything I was missing out on.” He turned his head and gave Remus a sad smile before he continued, “I didn’t have any real friends before James.”
There was a deep pain rooted there that Remus couldn’t completely grasp, but he felt that it wasn’t his place to ask. “So you guys were friends from the start?”
“Pretty much,” he said, and then a laugh escaped him. “I tried to shove him aside at first, but he clung to me like a koala. I don’t even know why he wanted to be friends with me then.”
Remus thought about the way Sirius’ face lit up when he was close to James or when he talked about him. It was obvious to anyone that they were close, and how much it meant to Sirius.
“Well, I’m glad you found him.”
“Yeah,” Sirius said softly, “me too.”
“So how did you end up in Gryffindor?”
Sirius chuckled, “that would be James’ fault again. He grew up here, and I used to spend months at his house during the summer hols. It’s where I went when I finally ran from home; his parents took me in.”
He’d spoken casually, like it was the most normal thing in the world, but still Remus felt his heart stutter. “You...you ran away?”
Sirius’ eyes widened a bit, clearly he hadn’t realised how much he’d said. He glanced at Remus a bit wearily, who hastened to add, “I’m sorry, you don’t have to talk about it.”
Some of the tightness seemed to leave Sirius’ shoulders as he exhaled sharply. “No, it’s ok. I...fuck. My family and I had different views about...things. They own this big company and run in some upper circles of society that I never had any interest in.”
It was Remus’ turn to have his eyes widen like ping pong balls as the realisation hit him like a bag of wet sand. “Wait...you’re that Black? From Black Enterprises?”
The tension in Sirius’ jaw was so sudden and intense, Remus regretted his words instantly.
“No. I mean, yes. I should be. But I left that behind years ago.”
There was a crease between his brows, and Remus’ hand started stretching towards it to smooth it, but he caught himself in time and pretended to scratch at his cheek instead.
“Ah, sorry, my bad. I thought for a second that you were. But you must be the Sirius Black from Gryffindor, huh? I’ve heard great things about him,” Remus said in a light tone. At first, Sirius frowned at him as if he’d gone crazy and Remus shifted awkwardly. But slowly, it started melting away until he started laughing at Remus’ antics, one hand clutching his stomach.
“God, you’re so weird.” There was that sweet smile again, directed fully at him, and Remus’ heart stuttered for an entirely different reason.
After that, Remus lost track of time as they talked and splashed about. He felt surprisingly light. Laughter was not in short amounts, an easy banter settling between them, and sometimes he’d catch Black staring at him with an indecipherable smile on his face. It felt like they’d been friends for years and not just a few hours, which was something Remus’ brain couldn’t completely wrap around.
Their topics went from the most trivial things to some that bordered in way-too-intimate for how long they’d known each other, but it didn’t feel weird or forced.
Remus mentioned how much he enjoyed a cup of tea in the afternoon. Sirius told him that he’d started smoking at 16, and had quit three times so far but started again when he felt overwhelmed. Remus talked a bit about his mum and how hard she worked to bring money in, and how Remus had to practically beg her to let him help once his business had taken off. Sirius confessed to being afraid of spiders to which Remus couldn’t keep in a laugh.
“Really? Spiders?”
“Oh, shut up, you,” Sirius had said with no real venom as he splashed him with water, making Remus laugh harder. Remus didn’t miss how Sirius' eyes hadn’t left his face when he’d looked back up at him.
They had started drifting closer to each other, and right then Sirius was swimming backwards around Remus as he told a story about a school prank. Remus was turning around slowly on his feet to keep him in sight, entirely too conscious of the way that the movement with each backstroke made Sirius’ back look even bigger. And how the waves Sirius was making kept lapping at Remus’ lower belly.
What the fuck am I thinking?
He shook his head just in time to catch Sirius’ next question.
“Did you always know you wanted to teach yoga?”
“Oh. Well, not really. I always thought I wanted to be a writer,” Remus chuckled. “But then after...Um, a couple years ago I decided to start a healthier lifestyle, and discovered I really liked it.” He gave a small shrug. “I decided to focus on that, and I don’t regret my decision.”
Sirius hummed as he kept swimming with his eyes closed. Feeling a bit weird just staring at him, Remus pushed his legs up and started floating on his back, focusing on the ceiling instead.
“So, what do you do for a living?” he asked.
He heard more than saw Sirius stop and stand up at once.
“I um...I work as a freelancer from home.”
“That’s nice. What kind of jobs do you do?”
“Oh, all sorts of things. Y’know, I never learned to float like that,” he said in a rush, which struck Remus as a bit weird. He let his feet angle down and touch the floor, and he pulled himself upright to eye Sirius curiously. He was fidgeting, but smiled at Remus hopefully, so Remus smiled too.
“Would you like me to teach you?”
Sirius’ face lit up. “Would you?”
“If you want,” Remus shrugged.
Sirius nodded enthusiastically and took a couple steps closer.
“Ok, try to align yourself with the water, and I’ll help by holding you until you can adjust your body on your own. It’s easier to float if you take a deep breath and hold it, so let’s start with that.”
“Ok, I can do that.”
“You need to be perfectly relaxed, ok? Save that puppy energy for something else.”
“D’accord, d’accord,” Sirius rolled his eyes. Remus tried to ignore how nicely the words rolled out of his tongue.
He watched as Sirius breathed in and pulled himself into a horizontal position. He held it for barely one second before he started sinking, so Remus took a deep breath too and moved over to place one hand in the middle of his back, and the other under his head.
It was all Remus could think as the dark strands of hair fell between his fingers.
“Tip your head back and lift your chin. There should be no tension on your neck.” Remus’ voice was mellow, automatically slipping into the tone he used for his classes. “Put your arms just like this.” He removed his hand from Sirius’ head and used it to bring the arm closest to him slightly up, Sirius’ fingers brushing against Remus’ thigh, and then placed it back in the inky hair.
“My hips keep going down,” Sirius chuckled, making the water ripple in small waves. His eyes were closed, his chin tilted up just like Remus had told him to, exposing the long lines of his neck. Remus looked away, trying to keep a blush at bay.
“Ok, I’m going to move my hand to support you better, is that ok?”
A breathy “oui” was all he got for an answer.
Remus’ hand trailed down, his fingers brushing against Sirius’ spine until he could place it more firmly against the small of his back. He could’ve sworn he felt Sirius shiver, but that could be because of the water.
Looking down at Sirius’ toes, he told him to try and relax more. His eyes went up his legs as he gave small advices on how he should place his body, passing by the blue swim trunks that clung to his thighs, then kept going up his hip bones, toned stomach and chest, telling him to try and push up. He glanced up at that long, elegant neck, until he finally stopped when he found silver eyes staring intently at him.
In that moment, with those eyes locked with his and feeling overly conscious of the skin he was touching, Remus felt a bolt go through his fingers and removed his hands instantly as if he’d been burned, and Sirius flailed his arms and sank.
He stood up spluttering, water dripping everywhere.
“Remus what the fuck-” he started complaining, but stopped short when he realised just how close they were standing.
Remus felt his breath hitch in his throat as he was engulfed in the grey once more. Wet hair fell over his eyes, and this close, he could make out all the shades, every spot in those irises. He felt like he was staring at a tempest sea, the calmness around them making him feel like he was in the eye of the hurricane, and he was about to be swept up in the storm.
Sirius’ breath fanned against Remus’ face, slipping between his parted lips. His eyes darted down to stare at Sirius’ mouth, those pink lips that looked so incredibly soft that Remus wanted to reach up and touch them with his fingers. The tip of his tongue moved to wet his lips, and when he glanced up again he caught Sirius following the movement. The other man inched his face closer, torturously slow, until Remus tilted his head up slightly.
Everything around them seemed to be suspended in time, waiting, waiting… And then that same memory was flashing through his mind and Remus pulled away.
“Remus?” Sirius asked, confused, and Remus’ heart gave another painful tug.
“I...I...” Remus backed against the wall so much he wished he could just become one with it. Sirius took a step back and watched him with worried eyes.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean...Are you ok?”
“I just- I...I gotta go.”
Not waiting for any answer, Remus turned around and lifted himself out of the water, and basically bolted back to the changing rooms.
He didn’t even stop to take a shower, just changed his clothes as fast as he could, grateful that Sirius didn’t come looking for him.
Once inside his flat, he unceremoniously dropped his bag and keys on the floor, and let his head fall back against the door.
What the fuck was that?
It was so not like him to do something like this. He knew better than to get tangled in... in whatever happened at the pool was. Focus on your career, that was the goal. No time to meet anyone just to get into a relationship, get attached, and then be left broken.
But Sirius just...it felt so natural to be around him. Remus was still surprised at how comfortable he felt around the other man, given the way they’d started things off. If the image he’d had of Sirius was so far off the mark, then maybe Sirius was not like-
He was done with relationships and that was that.
“Ugh, fuck,” Remus groaned, then finally glanced around his flat. “Cocoa?” he called, surprised that he hadn’t been tackled in a bear hug yet. “Cocoa, c’mon boy. Let’s go for a walk. Fuck knows I certainly need some fresh air.”
It was dark outside already, but Remus’ heart was still beating wildly, and he didn’t think he could stand to just stay inside. He needed to calm down and get his mind off dark hair, stormy eyes and wet lips.
When he still got no response, Remus frowned. It was very unlike Cocoa not to rush to greet him or come to him when called. Even if he’d been sleeping, he’d always wake up to the sound of Remus coming back home.
Remus stepped into the living room, walking around the couch to where Cocoa usually laid in his dog bed. And there he was, with his head between his paws, looking up at Remus with big, yellow eyes. He whined when Remus got close.
“Hey boy, there you ar-” Remus stopped himself with the immediate knowledge that something was wrong. Cocoa was trying to get up, but his legs were trembling and he fell over. Remus rushed forward and knelt at his side, noting how fast Cocoa’s heart was beating, and the spasms still going through his body. “What’s going on? Cocoa, what’s wrong?”
Remus was frantically trying to figure out what was happening when his eyes landed on a crumpled piece of paper. He snatched it up and his heart stopped. It was the wrapper for one of his favourite dark chocolates, and there were only a couple of bitten pieces left in it.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, how did you get this? When did you-? Oh my God, when did you eat it?” Remus wracked his brain, trying to remember if the wrapper was there when he’d stop by his flat a few hours earlier, but he had no idea. He remembered thinking Cocoa seemed a bit more energetic than usual, but he hadn’t thought too much of it.
Shaking out of the whirlpool that were his thoughts, Remus carefully picked Cocoa up and rushed to the door.
“Please hang on, boy. Please, please, please hang on.”
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anagentinwriting · 3 years
Lifeline - Part 8
Summary: (First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader
Word Count: 3900+
Warnings: Language, car accident, angst, fluff, threats
Lifeline Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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You were never the person that loved working out. You hated getting up early and going for a run, having believed that’s what most people did to stay in shape. You never really put much thought into it, but after training with Val, you gained a whole new respect for those who trained people for a living. She would take you through the process of warming up and getting your muscles ready, followed by the hard workout and a cool down. Val has really upped your confidence, too, and she isn’t afraid to push you to your limits and show you what you are capable of. 
“Girl, you’re killing it for only coming here for 2 weeks.”
“Thanks, that means a lot.”
“I remember the first week you came, it was rough, but it usually is for everyone.  Now, I think you could kick a few of my client's asses, who have been training with me for longer than you have. You’re a quick learner, and you listen to what I am saying and want to improve your skills.”
“That’s what I am paying you for,” you chuckled, getting a laugh out of Val.
“This is true,” she nodded. “Heard from a little birdie that you got Steve into bed not once but twice. How was he?” she winked, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“What? Who told you that?” 
“The guys were talking about it at work. Steve got all red in the face. It was cute.”
“Well, I hate to disappoint, but it’s not what you think. We were shopping for a bed, he found a good one, I ended up getting that one, and then I set it up at my place, and we tested it out again. There was no fonduing of any sort.”
“Okay, whatever you say.” She rolled her eyes. “But, if you are interested, Steve is a helluva good guy.”
“I know,” you smirked, staring at the ground and biting your lip.
“Now, if that look could talk.” Your eyes flashed to hers, spotting a knowing smirk on her face.
“I’m done talking about this.” You shake your head. “But, I’ll see you in a couple of days or sooner, depending if I want to take on the punching bag again.”
“We are always open,” she chuckled. You zipped up your bag, giving her a small hug before heading out. “Say hi to Steve for me, will you?” 
“You got it,” you shouted, rolling your eyes and walking out of the gym.
“Have you talked to your girl lately?” Bucky asked Steve as they played pool at the station.
“First off, she is not my girl, but we have texted a few times.”
“Thought you would want to be more involved with her since you got her into bed twice last week,” Sam winked.
“Come on, guys, it's not like that.” Steve shook his head, fighting the smile on his face as he leaned against the pool cue.
“You're right, it's more than that,” Bucky smirked, lining up for a shot, but missed the pocket. 
“Says the one dating…”
“A woman,” Bucky finished for Steve, glaring at him.
“Wait, you’ve been dating someone?” Sam asked, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at him. “And this is the first I am hearing of this.”
“It’s only been for a little while.” Bucky shrugged, watching Steve hit his ball into the pocket. “She’s great; super quick-witted, a spitfire, and a badass.” Bucky smiled to himself, making Sam roll his eyes. 
“Happy for you man, I can't wait to meet her.”
“Really?” Bucky seemed taken aback.
“Yeah because then I can ask her why she is with you? Doesn't she know there are more options besides you in this world.”
“Yet, you still don't have a girlfriend with all the single women in LA.”
“I am waiting for the right one.”
“But, she'll never come”
Steve closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath when the station alarm started ringing. Everyone dropped what they were doing, suited up, and got into the truck to head to the scene.
“We have a car accident involving a Honda CRV off Topanga Canyon Boulevard. The call came in via the Hondalink after their car went off the road and slammed through a guard rail. With the heavy rain happening, it’s not surprising,” Carol stated into her headset before giving orders to the team.
On-site, Sam and Val got to work on helping the victim. She was still breathing but was unconscious. Bucky got the jaws of life and was able to get the door open as they pulled the young lady out and onto a stretcher. Val grabbed her purse from the car and followed behind Bucky and Sam as they carried her to the ambulance. 
Danvers stared at the old Chevrolet car, rubbing her lips together, trying to process something.
“You alright, Ace?” Steve asked.
“This isn’t the right vehicle. This isn’t the car that called in.”
“But this vehicle went over the guard rail on the same route as the dispatcher mentioned,” Bucky added, pointing at the car. “What are the odds two cars on the same route experienced the same accident?”
“Not likely, but the call came in via Hondalink from a Honda CRV. This car is too old to be equipped with such a system, and it’s the wrong make and model.” 
“What are you saying?”
“We have to split up and find the other car. I’m going to get in touch with dispatch and see if Hondalink has GPS coordinates for the CRV and get another ambulance here. Thor, go with Sam to the hospital and leave Val here in case we need a paramedic. Now let’s split up and search.”
Steve and Bucky started down the hill, taking each step with caution as the ground continued to get slippery from the pouring rain. Steve stumbled over a tree root but caught himself on a tree. He looked to his right, seeing a flowing river and something that shouldn't be there. 
“Buck-” Steve pointed at the river.
Bucky stopped behind him, looking out to where Steve was pointing. “How did the CRV end up…” Bucky started to say, but Steve was already stumbling down the hill, rushing to the bottom. At the edge of the wide river, Steve noticed how the whole back half of the vehicle was underwater, and if he didn’t look close enough, he would’ve missed it. The hood was visible as if it was caught on something and sitting at a slant, keeping the passenger and driver side windows afloat. 
Steve didn’t waste any time, tossing his jacket and boots alongside the riverbank, jumping in. “STEVE, WAIT,” Bucky called, reaching the bottom, fumbling for his radio. “Ace, we located the CRV in the river. We’re gonna need assistance, but Steve and I are heading out to the vehicle now.”
“We are on our way,” she replied. “Be safe.”
"GODAMMIT, STEVE, WAIT UP," Bucky shouted, noticing Steve halfway to the car already. “You and your damn impulse decisions.”
The current was stronger than Steve was expecting, but he wasn't sure how much longer the car would stay in place. "Hello, is anyone in there," Steve called, swimming up to the vehicle. He quickly assessed the situation and realized the car's front tires were braced against a rock bed. How the vehicle ended up like this; he still wasn’t sure. He looked around at the landscape, noticing a busted guardrail not far from them.
"HELP, WE’RE IN HERE," a male voice screamed.
Steve swam to the driver's side door to see a man with an unconscious teenage girl in the passenger seat, he could only assume she was the man’s daughter. There was still a big enough air pocket that they could breathe, but the water level was rising, and the current would continue to pull the car farther underwater.
"I'm Fireman Steve Rogers from the LAFD, and we’re gonna get you out of here. Are you hurt anywhere?'
"I'm fine, but I don't know about my daughter. Please help her first." 
Steve nodded as he swam over to the passenger side. He reached up to check her pulse and realized it was weak. "She’s breathing, must’ve got knocked out after crashing through the guard rail, right?"
“It all happened so fast. One second I could see the road, but then the next second, it was as if it disappeared, and we were sliding over the cliff and into the river.”
“It's okay, help is here, just stay calm for me,” Steve reassured, looking over the hood of the car to see Bucky approaching and he tilted his head to the driver's seat. 
"Hi, sir, I'm Fireman Bucky Barnes, what’s your name?”
“Adrian, and that’s my daughter Liz.”
“Okay, well, we are going to cut the seat belt from you…”
“What about my daughter?”
“Steve will do the same for her.” Bucky nodded at him. “We are gonna work together and try to get you both out at the same time.”
“Oh okay, but....” Adrian's voice drifted.
“Trust us, okay, I know it’s hard because we just met, but we’ll get you both out.” Bucky nodded his head a bunch, hoping to calm Adrian down. “We're gonna cut these seat belts and pull you both out to safety, okay?”
“Okay,” he said with tears peaking at the corner of her eyes. “Promise me, that you will get my daughter out.” 
“We promise,” Steve replied with a reassuring nod.
“And if I don’t get out of here, tell her and her mother, I loved them both.”
“You can tell them that when we get you both out of here.”
“Okay, okay, okay,” he sighed, squeezing his eyes shut.
Steve looked at Bucky, counting to three, and in unison, cut the seat belts. Steve was able to pull Liz to safety and keep her head above water. The car shifted slightly as Steve glanced to the driver’s seat to see Adrian still inside.
“I guess this is the part where I tell you my leg's pinned, and you tell me that you’re not gonna be able to get me out,” Adrian breathed, shaking his head. 
“Steve, get her to safety, and I’ll figure this out.”
“Don't do anything stupid until I get back,” Steve replied, swimming her to the shore where Val, Carol, and another paramedics team was waiting. 
“Her pulse is weak, but she's breathing. I don’t know if she sustained any other injuries, but she’s been unconscious since they hit the water.”
“Thanks. We got it from here,” the woman whose nameplate read Mantis answered while the big guy beside her nodded at him. They got her onto a stretcher, and Steve looked back out to see the CRV still afloat.
“Steve, you okay with getting back out there to help Barnes, or should I send Val.”
“No, I’m good, I’m good,” he breathed with his hands on his hips. “I got this,” He nodded, diving back into the water and swimming back out to the car. 
The rain started to come down harder, forcing him to squint his eyes, unable to see Bucky by the driver’s side door. He swam a little farther, and all of a sudden, the car was out of his view. “Crap.” Steve swam faster, yelling Bucky’s name, but no one responded. Once he got to the rock bed that held the car in place, he went under, but he couldn’t see anything under the water. He resurfaced for a deeper breath and dived back down. 
Swimming further down, he could see what looked like headlights on a car.  He swam closer to the front end to see Bucky working from inside the car to get Adrian’s leg free. Steve swam towards the driver's side when Adrain pushed himself out the window. He started swimming up, but Steve noticed how he wasn’t moving one of his legs. Bucky swam out the window, shooting Steve a knowing look before resurfacing. Adrian coughed, trying to stay afloat when Bucky grabbed him and started swimming towards shore. 
"You had to do something stupid, didn't you," Steve asked, swimming next to him.
“Can’t let you have all the fun,” he smirked, forcing Steve to shake his head.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
“I’m at Gas and Grub on West Florence Avenue, and a man is robbing the store.”
“Sending a unit to your area now.” You switched over and signaled the closest officer nearby. “I need all available units at Gas and Grub near West Florence Avenue. There is a robbery in progress.” 
“10-4, 1578 in route to Gas and Grub,” an officer replied as you switched back to the caller.
“Units are on their way. Is everything okay? Are you safe?”
“Yes, I am hiding on the end of one of the aisles,” the voice replied. “The man is wearing a mask, holding a gun, and yelling at the cashier.  He’s asking for all the money in the register, some cigarettes, oh a bottle of Jack, too.”
“Okay, just stay where you are until help arrives.”
“I will,” he breathed. “Shit, the cops are coming in now. Damn…they were fast.” The caller hung up, and the line went dead.
“At least this one ended on a happy note...I think,” you sighed, stretching your hands over your head. You didn’t think you would be this sore today after working out, but you were wrong. Every movement you made sent a numb throbbing pain to that area. Val really did a number on you. You took a quick sip of your water and got resituated when another call came in. 
“911, what’s your emergency?” 
“My neighbor is listening to rap music, and I can’t hear myself think. It’s getting really annoying.”
“Have you tried going over and asking them to turn it down?”
“Well, no.”
“Why don’t you try that and then call the non-emergency line next time. No sense in calling 911 if it’s not a life or death situation.”
“Okay, I guess I’ll go talk to them.”
“Good luck,” you sighed, rolling your eyes and hanging up. “Fucking nuisance calls.”
“Hey, YN,” Bruce greeted, coming over to your station.“We have a caller on the line asking for you specifically. Are you available to take it?”
“Yeah, of course, put them through.” He nodded, typing on your computer, and you hit the spacebar. “Hi, this is 911 dispatcher YN, how can I help you today?”
“Hi, YN, it’s Nat.”
“Why are you calling through my 911 line and not my phone?” You nodded to Bruce, silently saying, you got it covered, and he walked away.
“It’s kind of a tricky situation, you see. Um…can you just come to 1917 Grand Boulevard when your shift is done, in like ten minutes? It’s important.”
“Is everything okay?
“Yeah, it’s fine. It’s not an emergency emergency, but more a friend asking a friend for help, and the only number I have memorized these days is 911, hence why I called you.”
“Yeah, I’ll head that way when my shift is done.”
“Thanks, the spare key is under the plant by the front door.”
You pulled up to the address Nat gave you, seeing a two-story modern chic house with black and wooden accents. You walked up to the front door, tilting one of the plants, and grabbed the key attached to the bottom. You opened the front door, and the first thought that came to you was a bachelor pad, but it wasn't sports memorabilia hanging on the walls, no. It was NASA and Star Wars memorabilia. Who the hell was Nat ‘hanging out’ with?
“I’m here, where are you?” You shouted through the empty house.
“Upstairs and the second door on the right,” she called back.
“Who’s house is this? It’s like a major nerd bachelor pad. Does this guy work for NASA or something? I never considered planets to be art, but then again...” your voice drifted off, looking at some more space art on the walls. 
You pushed the second door on the right open, and your eyes widened, seeing what was in front of you. One of Nat’s hands was handcuffed to one of Bucky’s, and it was wrapped around the headboard with no way of getting out. They were both still covering the goods, but Bucky’s shirt was off, and Nat was just in her bra and underwear. 
“So, I’m a nerd fanboy with a terrible taste in art?” Bucky inquired, narrowing his eyes at you.
“Don’t you dare laugh,” Nat said, glaring at you.
Your whole body started to shake, trying to keep from laughing and only nodding your head, but you couldn’t hold it in any longer. You bent over, hands on your knees and started laughing. “I thought… I thought you two hated each other,” you wheezed between breaths, pointing at them.
“Until she realized she wanted my…”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence,” she threatened, covering her hand over his mouth. “And if I remember right, you came onto me.”
He scoffed. “You wish.”
She rolled her eyes. “Can you grab the key from my belt, right there?”
You shake your head, digging around in her police belt. “How long has this been going on?” You asked once you found the key.
“Not long, maybe a month or two,” Nat answered with a half shrug.
“A month, really? So, when you guys were yelling at each other at the bar, you were…”
“Call it foreplay,” Bucky winked, forcing Nat to smirk.
“Does Steve know?”
“Who do you think we tried calling first?” 
“Oh, so I’m second best.”
“We didn’t call Steve, YN. I don’t want his judgy eyes on me for this.”
“Yeah, we didn’t call him,” Bucky confirmed. “But, I texted him.”
“YOU WHAT,” Nat yelled, giving him a hard glare.
“He won’t care. He's my best friend; besides, he’s gotten me out of similar situations before.”
“That’s not helping your case right now,” she sighed, crossing her arm across her chest.
“Hey, Buck, is everything, alright?” Steve asked, walking in as his eyes grew wide. “When did--” he cleared his throat to keep from laughing “--when did this happen?”
“A month or so ago,” Bucky answered. 
“Nat is the woman you have been talking to me about for weeks.” Steve put his hands on his hips, shaking his head.  “Wow, I never would have guessed this.”
“You told him about us?”
“No, I just told him I was seeing this woman and how I might have a thing for her. It’s nothing.” Bucky shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, making Nat smirk at him.
“Alright, so let’s get this awkward situation over with and get you two unlocked then.” You walked over with the key in your hand, but Nat stopped you.
“Oh no! I didn’t say unlock us. I just want them in my reach. We aren't done yet.” Nat winked at Bucky, and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. 
“Okay, I see how it is,” you smirked, setting the key on the table. “You two kids have fun now.” 
“Don’t speak a word of this to anyone, either of you.” Nat pointed at you and Steve with a harsh glare. 
“Scout’s honor,” Steve signaled with a soft laugh.
“No promises,” you smiled with a chuckle before walking out the door with Steve in tow. You closed the door behind you and followed Steve down the stairs.
“I will say, I didn’t think I’d see the day those two got together,” Steve added, shaking his head as he reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Yeah, me either,” you shrugged. “Here I thought,  Nat hated him.”
“Same.” You two walked in silence to the front door. “Doing anything fun tonight?”
“No, I think I had enough excitement for one night,” you chuckled, locking the front door and putting the key back under the plant. “You?”
“Ah, no. Heading home to watch a movie with Cosmo.”
“Ahh cute, how is the doggy doing?”
“He’s getting better, not as skittish anymore, so that’s an improvement.”
“That’s awesome. Well, don’t let me keep you away from your date. Besides, I have a long-needed shower and a Netflix browsing session to get to.”
“Browsing session?”
“You know when you just scroll through everything and can’t find anything to watch, but you find some other things to watch that get added to the list, but nothing like I need to watch this now, kind of movie.”
“Haha, I have those nights sometimes. Happy browsing, YN.”
“Bye, Steve.” you waved, getting into your car. 
After a long day at work and a much-needed shower, you sat down on your couch with a bowl full of popcorn and a glass of wine in hand and turned on Netflix. You clicked through your list a few times when your phone started ringing. Glancing at the screen, you didn’t recognize the number, but it was a California area code, so you figured it was someone from work. “Hello.” 
“Who is this?”
“YN, you know who this is.” Once he said your name, you recognized his voice. You could feel your heart start to race, sending the increasing rhythm to your ears. Your breathing grew heavy and shaky, and it did very little to calm your racing heart. 
“How--” you gulped “--how did you get this number?”
“Does it matter? When are you coming home?”
“I’m not….I’m not coming home.” Your hands started to trumble, feeling tears well up in your eyes.
“YOU DON'T GET TO DECIDE THAT. I DECIDE,” he shouted into your ear, forcing you to squeeze your eyes shut, causing a few tears to slide down your cheeks.  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have shouted. I miss you, and so do all our friends here.” You shake your head, trying to steady your breathing. “They keep asking me where you are, and all I can tell them is that you went on a little vacation with Loki, and then they ask why I didn’t go with you,” he sighed. “You made me feel like an idiot because I wasn’t with you and didn’t know where you were. Do you know what that feels like?” You gulped, trying to find the words to say something, anything, but they never came. “I’m your husband, and I deserve to know when you’re coming back.”
“I told you, I’m not,” your voice cracked. 
“So, that’s how it’s gonna be. I do this for a living, remember YN, what makes you think I don’t already know where you are?” He went silent for a moment, adding to your frightened state. “When I do come for you, you better hope I am in a better fucking mood because, right now, I want to fucking kill you!”
You hung up, throwing your phone on the couch. The hair on your arms stood up, and your hands were shaking. You pulled your knees to your chest, crying. You felt so small and weak. It felt like all the progress you made up until this point didn’t matter because once you heard his voice, you were right back to where you started; stepping on eggshells, watching what you say, trying to be the perfect couple in everyone else’s eyes. 
Someone knocking on the door makes you jump and stare wide-eyed at the door. You sniffled, wiping the tears from your eyes, and slowly stood up. The knocking continued to get louder, sending a dull ringing in your ears. You went to the hall closet to grab the wooden baseball bat and went over to answer the door. This is when you wish the door had a peephole or that there were windows by the door, so you could see who it was, but there was nothing to see who was on the other side. You took a deep breath and opened the door with the bat ready to swing.
AN: Thanks for reading Part 8, and talk about a cliffhanger! Any ideas who may be behind the door? 🤔 And what about that little phone call from her ex right before? Coincidence or am I just messing with you all!? Hahaha! Also, I hope you all are enjoying the Sam and Bucky banter, literally can't wait to get more of it once their show starts! And, finally what did you think about the little predicament Nat was involved in?! 😂😂 Anyways, I hope you all are enjoying it so far, and likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome. Thanks again!
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jjungkookislife · 3 years
"I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice" hmmm with hobi
hoseok x f. reader
tw: light smut, sex in a pool, exhibitionism
Yours and Jungkook’s annual summer bash was something everyone talked about but few were ever invited to. It was a raucous occasion thrown before the fall semester of college, and anybody who didn’t annoy either of you was usually invited.
That had been the previous week and you’d complained about the hangover you had the next day to him and anyone else who would listen, which meant your fuck buddy and brother’s best friend, Hoseok.
You had planned to have the pool to yourself today, made a big deal about telling Jungkook to stay away. But do little brother’s ever listen? No. 
You were irritated to see the rest of your friends show up with Jungkook leading the pack. You had been annoyed, disgruntled when you had to sit up and clutch your untied bikini top to your chest. You had been enjoying getting some sun, almost fast asleep when they had all shown up.
“Can’t you cover up?!” Jungkook hissed at you when he spotted you.
“I told you to stay away,” you huffed, flipping him off as you did your best to tie your top yourself. Yoongi approached you, easily tying it for you.
“Yeah, well it’s hot out,” Jungkook shrugged as he had Namjoon and Jimin set down the cooler while Taehyung went over to the grill. There went your Saturday self-care day.
You did perk up when you spotted Hoseok. He smirked when he saw you, winking at you before heading over to help Taehyung. You hoped Jungkook hadn’t caught sight of the two of you, but thankfully Yoongi had Jungkook picking out a playlist. 
You sighed, well at least you had company now.
Fuck company.
You had been splashed and thrown into the pool twice now, once by your brother and a second time by Seokjin.
“You’re so immature!” you exclaim as you splash them, swimming to the other end of the pool. Seokjin cackles in response before diving into the pool. Everyone is busy doing their own thing, so you have a few minutes to be on your own before someone decides to come over and bug you again.
“For what it’s worth,” Hoseok said as he swam over to you. “I tried to tell him not to invade your space.”
“Thanks,” you grumble, crossing your arms under your chest. Hoseok’s eyes are immediately drawn to it, biting his lip.
“God, I wanna fuck you,” Hoseok says shamelessly.
You splash him, “we can’t.”
Hoseok sighs in defeat, knowing you’re right. However, not even twenty minutes later, more people are showing up to your house and another large bash ensues.
Hoseok remains by your side, ogling your body as you try to stay away from everyone. Your mood has soured incredibly, and Hoseok does his best to get you smiling at the very least. You can’t help but feel jealous when a few people approach him, hoping to steal him away from you. You’re ectremely surprised to see him stick by your side.
“You can go talk to other people,” you remind him, although hoping he will not.
“But I wanna talk to you,” he says with a dazzling smile that takes your breath away.
“Is that so?” You tease with a flirtatious smile that he returns.
“Incredibly so, baby. The only one I want is you.”
“Jungkook would drop you immediately if he heard you,” You remind him, your eyes searching for said brother, thankful he’s occupied at the beer pong table they’ve set up.
“It would be worth it if it meant you were mine,” Hoseok states seriously, his hand cupping your cheek before his lips are on yours. You’re stunned, kissing him back after a moment’s hesitation. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Sure, you’d had a crush on him for years, but you were supposed to keep this causal, no strings attached. Your brother wouldn’t stand for this. He’d been explicitly clear that his friends were off limits, and you had respected him but when they became your friends, and Hoseok became more, what were you supposed to do?
You had tried your best to get over him, even dated other guys but no matter who you dated, kissed, or fucked, Hoseok always seemed to be at the back of your mind.
“Hoseok, we can’t. Jungkook will-” Hoseok hushes you with his lips, tongue meeting yours, swallowing the rest of your protests.
“We’ll tell him,” he assures you as he rests his forehead against yours. “I can’t keep pretending I’m not in love with you. It hurts too much.”
“Why didn’t you say something before?”
“Because I didn’t think you felt the same way. I thought I meant... that I was nothing to you.” He admits, a sullen look on his face.
Your hand cups his cheek, his soft gaze on yours. “You mean so much to me, Hobi. So much.”
Your lips brush his, gently kissing him as your legs wrap around him, no longer caring who sees the two of you in the pool. Everyone around you is either to drunk, high, or both to care about the two of you in a corner.
“I need you,” Hoseok whispers against your skin, his hands grippign your thighs harder. You whimper at the squeeze, kissing him again.
“We’ll get caught.”
“I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one will notice,” he assures you and you agree as he moves your bottoms to the side before he’s pulling down his swim trunks down enough to take his cock out.
“We gotta be quick,” you remind him, looking around to make sure nobody is paying the two of you any attention.
“I know, baby. I’ve got you,” he assures you as he pushes into you, knocking the breath out of your lungs as you pull him closer, his name tumbling from yours lips. “I’ve always got you.”
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