#I like using oils but I'm not very experienced with them
spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
Even more wips! One prompt I loved but couldn't decide on (because there are a lot paintings based on that) was 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci'. I started the oil painting first, which I'll probably finish, but as I did it I thought 'damn, I should have used watercolours' so I did that too.
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
Smut Alphabet ft Baizhu + fem!reader
cw/tags: mentions of various sexual acts, oral sex, praise kink, pet names, sensation play?? marking/biting, TEASING, itty bitty possessive/jealous behavior, I gave Baizhu a bunch of snake traits I'm sorry it's the monsterfucker in me //sighs.
notes: SOMETHING NON-ZHONGLI??? WOWOWOW Yes I simp Baizhu sue me, more will come hopefully. Lord this has been on the works since the other one it took SO LONG I just didn't know what to write vbhsdbjk. Again feel like I'm repeating myself 20 times hhhhhh also this man is v vanilla or at least it started like that but then it got progressively hornier and.... yeaaaahhhhh. Partially dedicated to @floraldresvi bc even tho she doesn't share some of these ideas she gave me quite a few and she is the cutest Baizhu simp so <3 ehe
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Baizhu is quite clingy and loving in the aftermath, sometimes rubbing and massaging special scented oils along your skin while peppering kisses, to relax the muscles and prevent cramps.
Sometimes though, your activities also take quite the toll on him... in such occasions he’s left exhausted, he'll simply pull you into an embrace and stay curled up and close to you as you both come down from the high and relax together.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His hands. How could he practice medicine without them after all? The fact that he can pull such wonderful sounds and reactions out of you with them is just sublime. Even if they're a little bony with slender fingers, there is so much he can do with them.
As for his favorite part of your body: all your soft curves. Thighs, tummy, breasts, hips. Who cares if you got some scars, stretch marks or some "rolls"? it's only natural, you're healthy and your body is beautiful no matter what. He loves running his hands along your hips, rubbing a thumb at your thigh when sitting together, or resting his head in your lap/tummy as you play with his hair.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s very careful and considerate to always use protection, after all it is not only safer but more convenient at that. Either that or just release on his own stomach, then quickly get rid of it. He’s actually not that into it, the whole marking and dripping his seed on you. In fact, he feels it’s kind of degrading or disrespectful to you, convinced you’re too good to be dirtied like that. If you're giving him head and he does come on your face, expect a flurry of embarrassed apologies as he scrambles to clean you off.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes seeing you wear his clothes, seeing you doze off at his bed or just hang round his place. There’s a little feeling of belonging there, a little possessiveness. That you’re really his just as he is yours, that you two are together. It’s rather domestic but it warms his heart. When you rub your eyes first thing in the morning, still naked and sporting yesterday’s marks on your skin, when you step in the kitchen for some morning tea wearing only one of his larger robes… it makes him want to pull you close and never let you go.
He also quite likes to… bite…
But you’ll never hear that from him.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Truth be told... Baizhu has no real experience with this. He's tended to himself and had the occasional wet dreams and fantasies sure, but hands-on action... ehhh. If you're experienced, he'd love to let you take the reins for sure, and if you're both on the same boat, well... he'll gladly walk that path along with you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Baizhu likes propping you over any slightly elevated surface: countertop, desk, table... you name it. That way neither of you exerts themselves or is weighting on the other, and he quite enjoys having you on eye level like this, your silky legs surrounding him, your thighs at just the right height for him to rest his palms on them as you take off his glasses and he leans in for a kiss...
But oh, sometimes he also quite likes having you on top, seated on his lap rocking slowly with his hands on your hips, you own supported around his neck bringing you two impossibly closer, hot breaths and sweet moans mixing together.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s a tease, and often likes to poke fun or fluster you, but it’s all in good faith, last thing he’d want is to actually make you uncomfortable. He’s quite lighthearted, little smiles and breathless chuckles weaved in together with other sounds of pleasure. He means for you both to relax and enjoy the moment.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc.)
If his gorgeous long hair or immaculate looks aren’t a clue already, yes, Baizhu takes very good care of his appearance. More often than not he wants to give off a sense of professionalism and good health, after all, as a doctor he’s got to set the example. His hands are rather soft and skin clean and shaven. Likewise, he simply keeps himself well trimmed down there. And yes, the drapes do match the curtains… (why would anyone ask or doubt that?)
I= Intimacy (How are they during the moment? Are they romantic?)
For him, this step of the relationship is certainly not to be taken lightly. When both of you finally decide to be intimate, he’ll make sure to treat you with the utmost care and love, focus on your movements, your voice, your reactions, kissing you tenderly. He is a passionate man, but that passion comes in slow waves, molten gazes, careful simmering touches. After all there’s no need to rush…
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
Baizhu doesn’t usually… indulge in things like this, already too worried with his mind thinking a million different things, body exhausted, always working, Changsheng always draped over him. The need to get off doesn’t linger and fester in him for too long. It’ll come, he’ll get slightly uncomfortable, then it'll leave. But in the lone relaxing moments he has, soaking in the bathtub, lying awake late at night in bed he can finally relieve some tension, thinking on your warm skin and wet kisses, letting out frail husky gasps and moans. And why should he be embarrassed? After all, it is a normal, natural and healthy thing.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
It’s hard to get him to admit it really, but he undoubtedly has a marking/biting kink. You see, the thing is, not only does he possess viperine eyes but also other certain traits as well: fangs, a forked tongue, an acute sense of smell, poor eyesight, bad regulation of body temperature, you name it! And if there’s something he likes it’s to sink those fangs on your skin like a mating mark. Don’t worry, he won’t actually hurt you of course, it’s just that marking you and leaving his claim feels immensely satisfying. He loves to admire them for days to come.
L= Location (Favorite places to do the do?)
Anywhere you two have a private quiet moment to yourselves, though nothing beats the intimacy of the bedroom. Particularly enjoys taking you apart at the pharmacy’s backroom, and if the situation arises when Changsheng and Qiqi are both busy he’ll pull you into his embrace for quite the ride. Slowly unraveling you on the bed by the candlelight, bending you over or perching you at the table, and even once he simply pressed and caged you against the wall and the rest was history…
M = Motivation (What turns them on? What gets them going?)
Your cute noises and reactions. To have you shivering under his touch, flushed red and whimpering, sporting his marks, telling him how good he’s making you feel, how much you love him. Please be vocal and praise him a little! There’s nothing he won’t do with a little begging from you. And he WILL make you beg, kissing your little clit ever so softly causing your hips to twitch, running his hands lightly over your breasts seeing the goosebumps rise and nipples pebble.
N = No (Anything they wouldn’t do?)
Baizhu doesn’t do well with degradation or harsh treatment, sure a quick desperate fuck here and there is doable, some spanking, but nothing really rough. Hard limits on anything inherently dangerous like knife play or choking, he simply wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt. He’s also really mindful and strict on things like proper preparation, hygiene, protection and aftercare. For as much as he likes to test limits and boundaries, he has the utmost respect and love for your body.
O= Oral (Do they like to give or receive? Are they skilled?)
Baizhu is all about the giving. He enjoys seeing you come apart on his skilled fingers and tongue, the sounds you make, the feeling of your soft thighs clamping on his hold. He takes his time, listening to the softest keens and moans that slip from your lips, taking in the pace of your heartbeat on his tongue to know exactly when to plunge the serpentine appendage inside you like he’s starved.
On the other hand, slick with precum before you even put your mouth to him, he is really sensitive and his pretty flushed cock will twitch wildly in your hand as you stroke him, tracing that small vein, lapping at the engorged head. As much as his head is spinning and low groans fall from his mouth, he’ll try very hard to maintain eye contact and keep track of your ministrations, the way your soft hands move and your lips stretch to accommodate him down to the hilt, cupping your cheek lovingly to wipe away a couple of tears, your eyelashes fluttering to meet his golden eyes.
P= Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Definitely a slow and sensual lover, Baizhu prefers taking you apart bit by bit with loving and deliberate strokes. His life is already quite restless and chaotic, so he wants to make this as sweet and delicate as he can. He takes his time with his hands tracing every mark on your skin, pinching a little at your tummy and thighs, and rubbing gentle circles on your hips.
Q= Quickie (Their opinions on quickies? How often?)
A rare occurrence to say the least, but with his hectic schedule it’s bound to happen once in a while. They’re nice enough, every moment spent with you in his arms is precious, it’s just that he doesn’t like how short they are. A quick fuck in the backroom of the pharmacy between breaks not only has its risks but he actually often ends up feeling more riled up. Returning to his work slightly more distracted and aroused much to Changsheng’s frustration. He’d rather have long drawn-out sessions with you, slowly building up the heat.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?)
For all his vanilla sweet love, if there’s anything he likes in life is trying new things, and that philosophy extends to the bedroom. Without a doubt he would agree to indulge in things that interest either of you, anything to bring you more pleasure after all. Communication is key and who knows, you might discover some new fun ways to enjoy time together. That said there's not much of a risk factor with him, Baizhu always plays pretty safe even when you're doing things in a bit of an impromptu manner.
S= Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
His constitution is frail, that is no secret. Now, he’s genuinely a little self-conscious about it, afraid he’s not properly satisfying you or even upset and insulted if you coddle and fuss over him too much. Sometimes he’s tired, it’s late at night after a long day of seeing patients, he gives you lazy thrusts and quiet touches showing it’ll be a simple night, a settle down for the day. Usually, his body gives out after he comes once or twice, though if you still have one more round in you, well, he’ll gladly give you the reins for the rest of the night.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He definitely enjoys playing with your senses. A blindfold, a bit of bondage, the touch of a feather dragging along your skin, even some ice or hot wax from a scented candle, don’t worry, he’ll be very careful. It’s not so much that he’s kinky per se, he just loves to see you react. Arch your back and cry out. And there are definitely interesting concoctions out there, electro slime can be used to increase sensitivity, and a combination of flaming flower stamen extract with some oil can... well... he’ll let you discover that by yourself.
U= Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
He is a tease through and through, both inside and outside of the bedroom. A silver-tongued devil he knows very well what words to use and when to obtain the reactions and effects he wants. Fond of inside jokes, bringing up things that will make you squeak while other are none the wiser. Whenever he gets a little jealous, you’ll notice he also gets touchier, placing a hand at your shoulder or hip or straight up giving you a peck or blurting some pet name.
You’ve lost count of how many times a night you’ll tell him to stop teasing. He just chuckles and apologizes but after a few minutes he’s back on the game.
V= Volume (Are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk?)
He will praise you and tease you non-stop, spouting compliments and whispering promises into your skin as he worships your body. If you manage to catch him off guard and turn the tables on him, he actually lets out the most wonderful noises. So endearing in their restraint with quiet hisses and whimpers, and so surprising in their rawness with deep groans and occasional growl.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Although he can identify some scents and physiological reactions better than most, Changsheng is the real menace. A few flicks of her tongue and she’ll know for sure if either of you are… ehem… wanting. She’ll tease, she may even be a little passive aggressive but she’s respectful and considerate enough to slither off somewhere and give you both (or just him) some “alone time”. She might not always keep her mouth shut to Gui however.
X= X-ray (What’s going on down there?)
Baizhu’s size is nothing to sneeze at no matter how much he scoffs (blushing a little) and calmly mentions he’s statistically rather average. The thing is this man is a grower. Once hard his cock is rather long but not all slender, with a curve upwards and a few visible veins that are even more sensitive than he already is. You love to see him twitch after every kitten lick, rub or puff of hot air, and the tip takes on that pretty, purplish hue when he's really really needy. Although he makes it out to be not a big deal, he can't help the smugness that fills his head when he lowers you down on him that first time and sees the way you gasp and flinch as you try to adjust.
Y= Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Average, if a little low technically? It’s not so much he craves the sex in itself but rather that intimacy, that connection. For him making love is just as much about the… well, love. He doesn’t just chase pleasure but he loves to see you come apart and have you drag him along. Never once has he thought he'd have such deep, pure love as the kind he has with you, so having you by his side, in his arms, under him, or sleeping peacefully curled up to his chest, completely at ease and comfortable in his presence, is a gift that he never takes for granted.
Z= Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep?)
He’s a little insomniac, pulling few frequent all-nighters to work or rolling over restlessly under the sheets. Sex, however, is one of the few things able to wear him out well enough to fall asleep easily, especially if you’ve gone for a few rounds. Occasionally, he still won’t be able to fall asleep afterwards, but in most cases the warmth of your body will be enough to lull him into an at least somewhat restful state for a few hours.
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mysteryshoptls · 9 months
SR Leona Kingscholar - Apprentice Chef Vignette
"Master Chef"
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Master Chef ― Leona Version ~ Let’s Make Pannacotta 1~
Ghost Chef: Today, we'll have you make a pannacotta. It's a dessert that's made by hardening milk using gelatin.
Ghost Chef: Dessert required more delicate handling than any other aspect of cooking.
Ghost Chef: There are many ways to make mistakes when making it, including baking it too long, measuring out the ingredients wrong, or even mixing up the order of the ingredients added, so don't let your guard down.
Leona: Yaaaawn…
Leona: Huh?
Ghost Chef: Don't yawn at me like that. Were you listening to my explanation?
Leona: Of course I was. I got pretty good hearing. Basically, all I have to do is follow the recipe and everything'll work out fine, right?
Ghost Chef: I-I mean… That may be… Ahem! Then, I shall go through the recipe.
Ghost Chef: Then first, can you go fetch the ingredients for the pannacotta? You'll need milk, fresh cream, sugar―
Leona: Wait. I'm already taking up your precious time having you teach me how to cook this, having you explain every step is much too gracious.
Leona: If you just hand me the recipe in the beginning here, I'm sure I won't have to bother you too heavily, Chef.
Ghost Chef: Eh, the recipe? Normally we don't give it out right away…
Ghost Chef: But if you're thinking of me that much, I suppose I can give you a spare recipe sheet. Thank you for your kind concern!
Leona: Yeah, sure, thank you, too. Okay, then…
Epel: Um, sorry to interrupt. I would like to grab some of my ingredients out of that fridge.
Leona: Ah, good timing, Epel. Grab my ingredients out of there, too.
Epel: Yes, sir.
Leona: I'll read off the ingredients. I need milk, fresh cream, sugar, powdered gelatin, vanilla beans, and fruit for the garnish.
Epel: First, I'll grab the milk and fresh cream… Are you okay with using apples for your fruit?
Leona: You gotta peel and slice apples, so it's a pain. I'd rather just have something that you can just eat right away…
Leona: There's less chance of a mistake if I leave it to the more experienced Epel, right? 'Sides, nowhere does it say that I have to prep my own ingredients.
Ghost Chef: You always have an excuse… This is your assignment, Leona-kun, so you need to work on it yourself and not have others do it!
Ghost Chef: We've had many a student who've tried to cut corners in this course, but this is the first time someone has tried to shove his work onto someone else.
Epel: Ahahah, Leona-san's always like this. I'll leave your milk and fresh cream here.
Ghost Chef: Alright, let's go, we'll start cooking now! AND OF COURSE THAT MEANS YOU, LEONA-KUN! YOU!
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Leona: ―This says to throw the pods in with the milk after shelling out the vanilla beans…
Ghost Chef: That's right. Vanilla beans are wonderful on their own, but if you add their pods, the aroma grows richer.
Leona: Huh, then, I'll just leave these pods out, then. You can use them for another dish.
Ghost Chef: I know you just don't want to have to fish them out of the bowl later. I'm picking up on your mannerisms fairly quickly…
Ghost Chef: Turn the heat off right before the milk starts to boil. Keep an eye on the pot and time it well.
Leona: So, I just have to watch the pot. Easy day.
Ghost Chef: Don't get complacent and mess this part up.
Leona: Mess it up, huh. Must be super sensitive if the temperature of the milk can throw off the whole thing.
Ghost Chef: Just so. When it boils, fat and oil rise to the surface, and it releases a very distinctive smell.
Leona: Hmph. It's like I'm taking a potionology class.
Ghost Chef: By the way… You said that you were just taking this class for the credit, but do you have any interest in cooking at all?
Leona: Sorry, but no. I wouldn't have even taken this class if I hadn't heard that one of my precious juniors would be taking it.
Ghost Chef: What a simple response… Well, I know I would be nothing less than happy if you were to gain a little interest in cooking from this venture.
Leona: I'll do my best so as to not upset your expectations.
Ghost Chef: You say that, but your face is screaming that it'll never happen…
Leona: Well, I never wanted to ever cook anything, so.
Leona: The fact that I've never had an issue up to this point in my life means that cooking isn't a skill I really need at all.
Ghost Chef: Hmmm, so you're definitely the type of student that the Headmage was worried for.
Leona: Crowley, worried? …Riiight, that thing he said about living healthy and independently. It's all much ado about nothing.
Leona: Everyone has things they're good at, and bad at. For each person and each job to be efficiently managed, have someone who wants to do it, or can get it done.
Leona: It would be absolutely terrible if everyone got so good at cooking that you were out of a job.
Ghost Chef: Yes, yes… Regardless, I'll need you to do your given tasks properly during this course. To begin with…
Leona: Chef, thousand apologies for interrupting you, but looks like the milk has been warmed up to the right temp.
Leona: It'd be bad for me to mess up here. Can we get to finishing this now?
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Master Chef ― Leona Version ~ Let’s Make Pannacotta 2~
Ghost Chef: Next, we want to dissolve the gelatin we left soaking in the water.
Leona: Feels like it'd dissolve if we just threw it in the pot like this… What's the point of heating it up separately?
Ghost Chef: The temperature at which the gelatin dissolve is also important to keep an eye on. For this, we'll use a method that's easier for beginners.
Leona: An easier method, hm…
Ghost Chef: Good, good, you're following the recipe well. I'll go and fetch the fruit you'll use to garnish the plate, then.
Leona: …
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Ghost Chef: How is it, has the gelatin completely dissolved into liquid?
Leona: Yeah, see?
Ghost Chef: Alright then, add the melted gelatin into the pot. Once it's all mixed, you'll pour it into the mold and wait for it to solidify.
Leona: Finally, it's almost over. Can't believe it takes this much effort to just make one measly dessert…
Ghost Chef: Okay, while we wait for the pannacotta to solidify, let's make a sauce out of the blueberries.
Leona: A sauce? If we add in too many random things, you won't be able to taste the pannacotta.
Leona: Even the recipe only said, "add enough fruit for garnish."
Leona: I'm just gonna choose some toppings that'll bring out the flavor. So, I'll be skipping out on the sauce.
Ghost Chef: I see, I see… Wait, no! I almost went along with it, but you definitely cannot skip the sauce!
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[Cafeteria – Judging Venue]
Floyd: Where's the pannacotta I ordered? Isn't this takin' too long?
Floyd: How long does it even take to fix up one dessert? This wouldn't happen at the Mostro Lounge.
Leona: I thought I heard something annoying out here… So, Floyd's my judge.
Floyd: Ohhh? If it isn't Sea Lion-senpai. That outfit… No way, you're actually taking the Master Chef course?
Leona: You have eyes, don't you? Don't ask stupid questions.
Floyd: Huuuh, so I'm about to eat something you made? Is it safe? Didja even make anything edible?
Leona: You're the one that's gotta decide whether it's edible or not. Here, the pannacotta you ordered.
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Floyd: Hm? Isn't it a little deformed on the bottom there? …Meh, whatever. I'ma dig in.
[bite, chew, chew…]
Floyd: All's you gotta do to make a pannacotta is mix all the ingredients in and harden it. How can anyone screw it up this badly?
Leona: …
Ghost Chef: Ummm… Well, actually…
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―While cooking
Leona: I was wondering what kinda frustrating fiddlin' I'd have to do here, since there's something about wattage and the number of seconds, or whatever, but…
Leona: There's this handy button labeled "Auto" here.
Leona: That probably means that if I press this, then it'll determine the perfect power and heat time.
[clack! beep! vrrraaaah...]
Leona: …'Kay, good enough.
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Ghost Chef: ―So, when he used the automatic function, it looks like he overcooked the gelatin…
Floyd: You only use auto when you wanna heat up a dish, not get the gelatin dissolved into a perfect consistency.
Leona: Tch… Stop laughing like an idiot. You think it's that funny? Huh?
Floyd: Yuuup, it's way too funny. I thought all you people on land could use a microwave.
Leona: …Ruggie said something like that before, too. Something about "even kids know how to use them," and "it's just common sense."
Leona: Back home and here on campus, we have chefs that present hot meals every day.
Leona: That's the life I've always had. So, you can imagine that I've never had the chance to use a microwave, don't you think?
Floyd: Haha, what, are ya making excuses now? You should just admit when you can't do something like a good boy.
Ghost Chef: Well, Leona-kun was very skillful and quick on his feet.
Ghost Chef: I'm sure he'll take this failure in stride and be able to use the microwave properly next time. Right, Leona-kun?
Leona: Right… Just as you say, chef.
Leona: This is a prime opportunity for me, so I would absolutely appreciate a deeper focus on learning how to use a microwave for the rest of this course.
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Requested by @dida-books.
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dust-and-grave · 2 months
hng, i am so frustrated by this whole watcher tv situation. i've been chewing on it ever since i watched their announcement video yesterday + i've been looking around online at other fan reactions. i'm having a lot of thoughts so i guess i want to throw my two cents in + hope it'll make me feel better to talk about it a little.
i think we all agree that creators should be paid fairly for their work; however, not all work is created equal, right? if i commission an experienced (and thus high-demand) artist to do an oil painting of my cat, they might quote me $500+ to do that + it would be fair. if an artist with substantially less experience (and thus in lower demand) spends 30 seconds on a crayon rendition of my cat, should they also received $500+ for their work? i think most people would agree that would be ridiculous.
in some ways, this is what it feels like the watcher team is doing to us right now, imo. we know that shows like ghost files or puppet history are expensive to make because travel costs (in the case of ghost files) + production costs, but we can see the effort put into the work. we feel that what we give for the show, whether that's turning off ad blocker while watching or buying show merch or supporting via patreon, is going toward making the product that we are asking for. these shows are the oil painting in the metaphor.
i don't agree with how mean + rude some people are being about steven lim rn, but frankly, his shows are the 30 second crayon drawing of the watcher channel. anyone can look at the view count on their channel + see that his shows consistently have performed worse than shane + ryan's shows. additionally, we can see that he blows huge amounts of money on his shows ("$913 seafood tower", "$1027 fried chicken") that may leave a lot of viewers feeling as if they're aren't getting as much bang for their buck.
frankly, i think people are valid for being upset that they're expected to directly foot the bill for steven's "i fly all over the world + eat expensive food while you watch" project. while youtube has a shit ton of problems (like, say, not paying their creators enough), one of the cool things about it is that you can gauge directly the amount of the interest in a project (and how many resources you should dedicate to said project) by how many eyes are on it. unfortunately for him (i guess), steven's shows just don't garner enough attention to justify the expense of making them.
which is why i see this shift to watcher tv as such a problem. this feels very much like using shane + ryan's success on the channel to force fans to fuel steven's pursuit of his glory days on worth it. it feels even more strange when they say that they're making the switch because the company isn't currently sustainable, but steven has just hired his friends from buzzfeed + continues to push his series that just don't seem to be making back the cost of production.
to be totally fair, shane + ryan don't get out of this clean either. some of their shows don't deserve to be behind a paywall either. too many spirits is filmed in ryan's parent's backyard with content submitted by their viewers. are you scared is just ryan reading creepypastas/fan submitted content on a minimal set. survival mode is just them playing games like any other streamer or gaming youtuber does. i love all of these shows, but are they on par with puppet history or ghost files? absolutely not.
this is where i think the disconnect is coming from. they're taking everything including the lower production shows to a streaming service where you have to fund them directly (rather than indirectly through ad revenue). they're forcing funding into steven's projects despite them just not doing well enough to justify the cost. they're coming across as disingenuous with their reasoning because their stated reasons for doing this don't align with their actions rn.
i feel like it would've made so much more sense to crowdfund new seasons of shows (which gives them feedback from the fans about what they want too) or put higher cost shows like ghost files or puppet history on patreon or channel membership. i would gladly fund mystery files, weird wonderful world, ghost files, puppet history, etc. with my own money, but i'm one of the ones who isn't really interested in funding steven's quest to eat all of the gold-plated kobe beef when i'll never be able to afford to eat at a restaurant that even serves it.
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celestialtinkerbell · 2 years
・ 。゚☆° *.Hekate(100)・ 。゚☆° *.
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Hekate, the triple moon goddess. I can't think of a name that's more badass than that 😭. This was a lovely request made by @moonpluto . Hekate is the goddess of magic and mediumship, so my theory is that her asteroid talks about your spiritual gifts. I will be interpreting this through the houses by using tarotstrology, a concept that I got from @taisoleil.
If you'd like to purchase a personal paid reading or reiki service from me, then you can click here to book 🌌.
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First House
Natives with Hekate in their first House could have very strong clairaudient abilities or are just extremely sensitive about they hear. This asteroid indicates a long journey of struggling to accept who they are and being able to see the good within themselves. I feel like these individuals are powerfully gifted with psychic abilities, but don't want them and have tried to walk away from those parts about themselves and their purpose, multiple times. Their purpose could include helping the world in some way but they get overwhelmed by the responsibility and feel singled out on why it has to specifically be them to fulfill this role. They channel stuff with ease but could purposely ignore their intuition, guidance that they literally hear from their guides, or any other outside voices in order to keep their peace. It's like they're scared of their own power.
Second House
Hekate in the second House could indicate a high sensitivity to what you feel, acute clairsentience. It's imperative for these individuals to energetically cleanse themselves often and to seek new atmospheres. They don't do well in old houses (especially haunted ones),  thrifted objects, old habits, or anything old or used stuff in general because they can easily pick up what took place which could either be really good or really bad. Having short-term homes, meeting new people, and trying new things is what makes people with this placement thrive in life. Sacrificing and starting over is something that they probably experienced a lot in this lifetime but eventually accepted and used to their advantage. They could have introverted personalities and are easily drained around crowded people and spots. This could also mean probably preferring to not have a cluttered home and loathe the idea of hoarding anything. They could be pushed to learn different protective methods like cord cutting rituals.
Third House
People with Hekate in their third House could be excellent prophets. They're very skilled at guessing games, finishing other people's sentences, and great at foretelling the future but extremely spot on with predicting someone's downfall. Their vibe kind of reminds of the stereotypes about black cats and Bruno from Encanto. They could be accused of hexing or throwing evil eye at others, or could just be seen as someone who brings bad luck because of how they warn others about something that could happen. These are very misunderstood individuals because their help is seen as someone else's demise when really you people are saving lives. You could often have people apologizing to you later in life because I'm picking up scenarios where you're always the go-to person for advice but people end up getting mad at what you tell them, and if you guys are readers then I can definitely see people accusing you of being a fraud or a liar only to find out that you were right about something all along. The powerful thing about your gift, is your honesty, and that's what scares people. You may have to learn to only warn the people that are mature enough to hear what you have to say.
Fourth House
Natives with the fourth house Hekate placement are talented alchemists and manifestors. I keep picking up the fact that energy can be created but not destroyed. These people are always able to turn destruction and nothingness into something amazing. They're excellent at spell-work (jars, candles, oils, etc) are not the type to follow traditional methods because they're able to succeed regardless of what they do or don't have. They could be heavily into new age spirituality and are always into experimenting with new ways and methods to practice it. I feel like they will, if not already, become widely accepted mentors. They're able to introduce spirituality and the occult in a way that makes people feel welcome, easier to understand, and open to accepting it. Even though they're not traditionalists, they value the importance of still knowing the history and reasoning behind stuff while also still giving it respect. Because of their intellect, they're able to convince or convey their point to those who would typically oppose their beliefs (whether it be traditional spiritualists/occultists, agnostics, or scientists). Do not underestimate these individuals because they know their stuff and will argue you down.
Fifth House
Hekate in the fifth house could indicate helping others heal their childhood trauma. You could possibly trigger deja vu or nostalgia in people, but you're able to sit down with them and help sort out their feelings regarding the past and how to let them go. I feel like this is a combination of clairvoyance and clairsentience because I'm getting that how you connect with people is like astral projecting into their younger years and pinpointing when and what started the problem and knowing exactly how they feel to where you sympathize with them and are able to give them the precise guidance that they need.
Sixth House
The sixth house containing Hekate could indicate being really in tune with your higher self and helping others do the same. This looks like shifting people out of a materialistic mindset. I feel like you're able to persuade people into dropping superficial facades if they have one. You reveal to others what their true selves consists of and are able to help them de-program any values that they've learned that's holding them back. You trigger people to make changes in their lives instead of being stubborn with not growing their self-awareness or how they view themselves. They could have a special connection with animals or this can also be interpreted as being able to "tame the beast" within others.
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Seventh House
The spiritual gifts of people with the 7h hekate placement, involve mending others trust issues and willingness to be open to love and to receive help. You guys could have healing hands because I'm getting that y'all could really excel in being reiki practitioners. You're able to soothe others with your physical touch (people could love your hugs). You could attract partners that are closed off or have something about themselves that make you want to help them, but this could end up with you possibly living vicariously through them by wanting to fix everything that they're going through.
Eighth House
Natives with Hekate in their eighth house have powerful emotions. When people do you wrong, you want them to burn. I feel like you guys are able to curse others by what you're feeling, or it's kind of like, the pain that's inflicted on you gets returned to the sender, but worse. When people betray you, it's like they're digging their own graves because the karma that they get manifests as mayhem in their lives. This could also indicate being more on the shadow worker side, healing others with darkness, instead of light.
Ninth House
Natives with Hekate in their Ninth house could be great at telepathy, but most importantly, communicating with the other side as well as receiving messages from the spiritual realm. Your most dominant Clair is clear knowing. Individuals with this placement could have pivotal roles in channeling messages for the collective, but could have difficulty with channeling for themselves. It seems as if they're too knowledgeable with everything to the point where their spiritual team blocks them on purpose from knowing too much about their own future.
Tenth House
People with Hekate in the Tenth house could have a strong purpose with healing, mediumship, and divination. (Literally all three) These people are seen as supernatural with their gifts and could literally have a famous or at least very well known reputation for their abilities. These individuals may have started from nothing and experienced a lot of losses and betrayal in order to build their way to the top and share their wisdom with others. They could have had to pull themselves out of darkness and anguish about their existence in order to become a light for others to show the way, meaning that they started off as shadow workers before the become light workers.
Eleventh House
This is interesting. I'm getting that Hekate in the 11th house could indicate living a long life because your gifts get better with time. You guys could also look very youthful as you age. I'm picking up this scenario where you guys will be known as the medicine person in your community. Someone that's well known, loved, and sought out for your metaphysical and holistic methods. You guys are gifted with utilizing different herbs and other natural ingredients to help cure sicknesses. There's also something about your smile that positively changes something within other people. People could see you as an earth angel, which makes sense with your talents regarding natural remedies.
Twelfth House
People with Hekate in their Twelfth house could indicate having access to rare and ancient knowledge about spirituality and the occult, you guys may even have this knowledge passed down in your family. You guys could seem "two-faced", you keep your interest and knowledge about this field to yourself and you're very discreet about your practices. Your dreams may also play a huge part in how you pick up information that most people don't know about or try to keep hidden.
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bomberqueen17 · 4 months
noodle bowl recipe/technique
When I'm not at the farm it's always a struggle to eat as many vegetables as my body wants me to eat. Like it's just confusing to go out and buy vegetables when you're really used to just kind of going to the walk-in cooler and being like "ok what have we got too much left over of, time to Eat That", and I need to overcome this by having a recipe in mind beforehand but one I can adapt if they don't have the thing I'm thinking of at the store. So I'm trying to collect not recipes so much as techniques, because I have this problem where it's hard for me to follow a recipe because I accidentally skip reading the middle of it. Ha.
(I saw a good post about how "measure that shit with your heart" is misleading and like, mood. I am a very experienced cook but I have attention problems and can't follow a recipe if I'm tired or distracted or in pain. So I'm trying to link to real everything is measured for you recipes where I can, so if you haven't made this before and don't know what it should look like, you've got a tested version with proper amounts to start with. Just like I do! And then once I have the technique down, and the relative amounts, I'm sharing my method, which is less so on the measuring and more on my mother's technique, which is "you put in enough and then cook it until it is done", which when I was new was so frustrating, but now that I am old, I know it is 100% based on practice. And that's all, there's no mystery, it's just "I've made it before and I know how it should look so you just make it look like that." Now that I can't reliably read a whole recipe and not miss a big whack of the middle of it, I rely so much on having practiced and generally knowing what things look like when they're "right". But it's not magic and I'm not measuring with my heart I'm measuring with my practiced eye and hand.)
Anyway. Rice bowls or noodle bowls are a fantastic way to just throw a bunch of vegetables into a nice yummy sauce over a good comforting starch and have that be a meal. I tend to do a noodle bowl, and then any left over ingredients get incorporated into a fried rice scramble thing later, so you can keep that in mind if you want to try this.
I found this recipe for butternut squash mushroom noodle bowls. And I tried it as written, and it wasn't bad, but for me, roasting everything in the oven was very hard to time and didn't turn out fantastically well. YMMV, but I have more experience sauteeing things. (My first attempt I also used bok choy instead of spinach so I roasted it separately on another sheet pan according to a technique I've done before for roasted bok choy; this approach would probably work just fine if you were paying more attention than I was; my main issue was that noodle bowl recipe linked above gives far too little time for the butternut squash to roast so mine was unpleasantly crunchy. It's wrong, give it longer, and so I found it best to just not try to squeeze anything else onto the sheet with it as that recipe directs.)
So I changed it up for a second try.
First thing I did was peel the butternut squash with a vegetable peeler (I find it easiest to do this if I kinda cut it in half crosswise first), then scoop out and set aside the squash guts, then cube the thing up and roast it on a sheet pan, drizzled with peanut oil and salt and set at 400.
That's gonna take like 45 minutes or so, so I set most of my timing around that. Check the directions on your noodles or whatever, figure out what order you've got to do those in. (Soba are best for the protein, but I had rice noodles and they needed a pre-soak and it messed up my timing, which is why I'm making this note here.)
dice an onion. preheat skillet, add oil, begin to sautee onions.
rinse and prepare bok choi or other green of choice.
when the squash is part of the way cooked (like 25 minutes or so, give it a stir and check it to see if it's softening at all), take the seeds you set aside. separate them from the guts (I squeeze them with my fingers out of the assorted gut-fibers, works pretty well), spread in single layer on small baking sheet. turn oven down to 350. drizzle seeds with sesame oil and a tiny bit of salt. put them in the oven for like ten to fifteen minutes. (Turning the heat down is my attempt to have them not pop and fly all over the oven. IDK if it'll work. Be prepared to wipe seeds out of your oven tomorrow morning. They're not messy at least they just fly everywhere.)
Now throw your mushrooms and some diced garlic into your onions and saute. Add the bok choi or spinach or kale or whatever as you're stirring. Cook it all down.
Now make your sauce-- I did not measure anything this go-round, I just grated a bunch of ginger (I keep my ginger root in the fridge and it's easy to microplane off whatever you need) into a wee prep bowl, then added soy sauce, some honey, a couple spoonfuls of water from the boiling noodles to melt the honey and clean the spoon, and then a spoonful or two of chili crisp ("happy lady sauce" [lao gan ma]) because i don't stock sriracha currently.
When your noodles are ready, turn the oven off. Drain the noodles and divide them into your serving bowls, top with squash, add sauteed veg, squash seeds, the sauce. top with sesame seeds.
This was awesome, and I have leftover cooked squash cubes I'm gonna put into another recipe later cuz if you're gonna roast a butternut you might as well roast a pretty big one. I particularly like using the squash seeds because they're so tasty and crunchy and deserve to be eaten rather than thrown out.
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not-terezi-pyrope · 3 months
It doesn't excuse the misinformation and reactionary sentiments that get thrown around, but something I reality check myself on occasionally is that the sharp divide, especially on capabilities/usefulness, between a lot of computing/ML people and the general public in how they view modern AI post its popular emergence into culture really is due to where those two crowds are coming from.
If you've been into AI, machine learning on really anything to do with computing/automation at all, you've seen how useless pretty much all automation/machine data comprehension used to be outside of a very narrow context. You've programmed algorithms to try and simulate aspects of human speech, to query databases, to try and classify different data sets. From that context, you look at something like ChatGPT and rightfully recognize it as a paradigm changing near miracle, because your baseline was so low.
Meanwhile, you have your laypeople who have only interacted with humans and fictional portrayals of AI systems that act like humans, so when presented with something and told that it's an AI that's more realistic than ever, I guess that's the assumption. It always frustrated me to see these long essays talking like they've just "discovered" that a new model is unreliable or can't robustly understand a given task, or that it's just emulating a behaviour instead of really "experiencing" the internals of it. I was always like, why would you ever assume it can do that? Nothing before has ever been able to come close, why would you expect perfection immediately? But I need to remind myself that most people have had this drop into their lives out of the blue and really have almost no realistic grounding.
I do need people to recognize that this is a consequence of their own lack of knowledge and information than to talk like people in tech have actively "deceived" them. When you drill down into stuff like the "it's not really AI" conversation, it's always just "I had assumptions and this didn't live up to them", but people are always so aggressive about it, like they've been deliberately taken for a ride. I need people to have a little humility here and recognize that what actually happened is that they didn't know as much as they thought they did.
Of course in the current climate that would require acknowledging that the entire AI field isn't composed of simpering Elon Musk-worshipping "techbro" idiots selling snake oil, against whom anyone else is immediately morally, and therefore apparently intellectually, superior to. So I'm not holding my breath too hard.
(Obligatory fuck Elon Musk in case anyone gets the wrong idea, I am also using "Elon Musk fan" as derogatory. Not because his companies have never done anything technically interesting but because the man himself is doing more harm to the world and the reputation of the fields he sticks his dick in than practically anyone alive right now)
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banavalope · 10 months
Hello, I'm a Homestuck and Good Omens fan and just saw your post about coffee. I came to the Homestuck fandom way late, though, and don't know what the coffee theory was. I was wondering if you'd be willing to share that story from the trenches if it's not too traumatic :)
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I'll preface by saying, this all happened near about the time I began to step away from Homestuck, as this was late 2011 to early 2012. My recollection could very well be missing some juicier deets, because I always managed to avoid the worst of it. In all I had a pretty benign time floating about the Homestuck fandom, I'll say that. My knowledge is as a fly's.
If you want the short version: once upon a time, the Homestuck fandom was so stupid it had discourse over the way coffee was drawn in a single panel, because the stylistic choice used to show the way cheap potted coffee has that oil slick sheen on the top Really got the gamerz thinking Gamzee was putting troll blood in the coffee.
The long version is this: this Act was annoying. All the Acts had been annoying, there'd been rather more than six of them so far. The fandom's toxicity was at its most potent, and the main fandom exodus hadn't happened yet. But the stylistic choice brewing on page 4702 of A6I2 suggested a discourse was on the horizon, and it was the size of planet fucking Jupiter.
To understand the affairs of 2011/12 Homestucks, a few things are important to mention: first, nobody enjoyed Act 6. Ask anyone from the tumblr era First Wave, we all agreed that Cascade would have been a better place to start wrapping up the comic as a whole. When Act 6 opened introducing the alpha kids, a whole new plot derivative, and we all realized we'd have to go through the same slog again, that the story wasn't over, the collective exhaustion was palpable. SWATHS left unhappy; worse yet (for some), the alpha kids brought us away from the game of SBURB and the over-aching plot, to instead place our focus on their interpersonal relationships. It was a bad time to take your audience away from a well crafted climax.
Reading it now as a completed work makes this not so bad, because the book is wrote. You can consume it as a finished piece and clearly interpret a through line for yourself, start to finish. Skip it even, if you want. When you've no idea at what time the next update will come, while all the pieces remain necessary to tell the story, any pacing is bad pacing.
Second, while Homestucks are known for many things - all of them cringe - the one that goes overlooked most, in spite of the ripple effect we still feel from it today in every corner, is the sheer amount of over analyzing done to the story itself. Every panel, every inch of every pixel, was a part of a puzzle we all collectively made up. Theorizing was an integral part to the Update Culture era of Homestuck's fandom, that we Figure Out the Story, you had to be the one who predicted what came next. Impressive how none of us came up with some kind of fandom Nobel Peace Prize, for how much we lauded it as a lifetime achievement.
I'll give you, Homestuck does have a very rich narrative. Much of it, I'll favor, is even intentional. It made worldbuilding choices captivating enough to get people painting themselves grey, for fun, so surely it had a few right ideas in some places. And there's nothing wrong about analyzing your media, picking apart its references to tie together a background story, even if it's just one you make up based on how you experienced reading it. That's kind of the whole point of consuming art. It's to be discussed, share your personal conclusions on. Theory is the breath of creativity.
It's the whole part about wanting to be right, where Homestucks as a collective force wanted to start eating each other alive on the spot. We were fucking OBNOXIOUS with theory posting. I'll be honest with you, I really ate that kind of thing up, and even I was getting annoyed. People were beginning to stretch, likely to cope with becoming bored.
Finally, the sober Gamzee controversy. This came about a while before coffeegate, but the effect the inciting update had on Homestucks is comparable to a haunting. It was fucking chernobyl, and a bad day to be a nuclear scientist because now it was your problem. Vriska fans - equally insufferable, as we all were by some respect[1] - and Gamzee fans fought with each other VEHEMENTLY, just to see whos gang was better. Keep that in the background of your mind as the theme music to what's playing. Everyone was anxiously wondering what had happened to Gamzee, because for the last several some-odd panels, we'd lost the boy. He was full of murderous intent, we were down to precious few characters on the meteor left, and we'd lost the boy.
So here we are. It's 2011. We're standing now at the end of the world, we've lost the boy for several panels, and finally the plot is trying to move along. We're all tired, and irritated, and divorced, doing this song and dance one more time but god willing the LAST TIME, when a joke about the look of shitty potted coffee gets made.
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And some harbinger of the fucking apocalypse takes to tumblr dot com, drafting up a post about how Gamzee - living in the meteor walls - is putting troll blood into the coffee. Because, otherwise, how is Kanaya as a rainbow drinker doing so fine? Dave called the taste metallic, like blood. Something something long forgotten theories about trolls blood here something something. People would chime in to say "that's just how coffee looks", somehow it dissolved into actual discourse of people violently discussing back and forth how it could ONLY BE BLOOD, because coffee drawn in a prior panel UPDATES AGO didn't have the film on top, only now AFTER SOBER GAMZEE. Etcetera. It was just the worst case of reading too hard into something that you done ever did see.
Shortly following this, many people who were already growing exhausted with Homestuck's narrative direction at this point decided to take this coffee theory as their sign the flood was coming and to board the ark or learn how to swim. Anyone who learned to swim subsequently left during the exodus of 2015.
Again, my memory is pretty hazy. Thanks to Requiem Cafe, surprisingly difficult to google these days. Certainly another old still following me will have something more to add that I'm forgetting, as your handy dandy unreliable narrator.
[1] Said the Eridan fan.
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w00dw1tchold · 1 year
Simple Fuck Around and Find Out Oil
*This is a recipe I created myself with very little research. I plan on developing it more as time goes on but it's brand new for me. I'm not experienced in oils and would love feedback and to hear how others go about making intention oils.
Nettle Leaves
Olive oil
A jar you can seal
A marker
How to:
Cleanse the items you're using and yourself first. Then start by focusing your energy so you can direct in into the herbs with your set intention. Pour the oil in and make sure to leave some room at the top. You don't want to fill it up to the brim.
Now we're going to tell the herbs what we want them to do. I charged the rosemary with protection and added that first. Next, I charged the nettle with protection and warding and added it in. I made sure to put emphasis on the nettles stinging qualities, specifically asking it to "sting" those who meant me harm. Rosemary is both purifying and protective, which will give the oil a back off vibe.
I did have some trouble focusing my energy tonight, which is why I spoke to the herbs as I added them in and made sure to talk myself through grounding. It's important that you trust yourself here.
I put the bottle on my windowsill after drawing a pentagram on the lid. (Use whatever protection symbol or sigil you'd like.) Make sure to shake it well on a regular basis. I plan on leaving it out for a full month to let the oil experience the whole moon cycle. I recommend instilling your intention again when you go to shake it. Doing this every day will give it a good kick, but there's no need to stress about it. Tend to it when you can.
After the oil is done "cooking" you can use it in any protection charms or spells you'd like to have a "fuck around and find out" quality. Enjoy!
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iwanthermidnightz · 1 year
As usual, I’m gonna share the parts of this article that resonate with me (pretty much all of it). Several points were made. And the unapologetic queer visibility makes me so proud. Please give it a read 🥲
LD: I also do want to say, even though there is a bunch of awesome overlap with the trans community and the drag community, transness and drag are separate things — but that's the reason why we did it [in Tennessee], is because those things are being conflated here.
It's crazy that we were on tour for all of Pride Month and being pretty f*cking gay, and talking about gay rights on stage. You’d think that the circles that we run in would be like, yeah, cool, but I feel like there is still… Prejudice towards gay people comes from all sides, including gay people.
I have, you know, rolled my eyes at certain aspects of Pride, just the corporate aspect of things. We were hanging out with a friend who was like, yeah, the gas station has a pride flag, but I'm still getting looked at funny in the streets; what is Pride actually doing?
JB: Shell Oil Company is like, happy pride! Like, okay.
LD: It's weird, the more comfortable I am, the more opposition I feel from other people who are discontent with how I qualify as a gay person. I'm like, Do you need a sex tape?
PB: As someone who doesn't qualify as gay, I can't participate in this conversation. I haven't sent in enough chips to corporate. [laughs]
I speak for all of us [when I say] I feel like our communities are so supportive, like f*cking rainbows and buttercups all the time. We're really good at making friends and we have so much support around each of us, and so much privilege, and each live in an accepting place and choose accepting people to be around. But when I or Lucy get hate for not turning in our like, gay paperwork, all I'm thinking is about the way that I would have felt at f*cking age 11 being like, Oh, I'm not allowed to do that. This famous person is being humiliated for expressing themselves, and so I should not, I especially should not express myself.
JB: I don't get as much hate because people are like, there goes a lesbian. You know what I mean? [All laugh.]
LD: It’s really binary.
JB: I've spent a lot of my life being a masc dressing queer person, or just not engaging with gender play at all. It’s like, queer people saying that you have to acquiesce to one of three queer archetypes, or one of a handful of queer archetypes in order to be represented.
LD: That's why our shows are so special to me is that they are very gay. People are throwing flags at us, young people are making out in front of us, it is a space that is precious to me and would have changed my life if I could have been a part of it when I was younger. I'm extremely proud, and I just implicitly love everybody at our shows at a base level. I think we all do. The reason we're doing it is because we care abstractly about all these strangers and want for them what we could have had. Also we're coming from a position where we're talking to a bunch of young people, we do get to put messages worth hearing out there, I think that's not lost on us.
PB: I am mostly proud of the way that I watch the discourse [play out], and I'm proud of the conclusions that these children are coming to. Everybody is sticking up for us and each other and there's just a couple weirdos that are very loud. I think our community is being protected by the people in it. And it is such a safe space show, and I'm so fucking proud. Even the amount of femme people in the audience, screaming at the top of their lungs and having to take up a high octave... It’s a different rock show than I've ever experienced. It’s amazing to me.
JB: The microphone I have with y'all, the reach is wider, it just factually is, and I think a lot about responsibility to hear [others’ opinions…] To be the subject of discourse at all is to live a question into the world, so I will allow myself to do that. I will allow a little bit of my identity — which as a queer person, I've been at once defensive of and fiercely protective of and encouraged to erase completely — I'm like, okay, so I have to exist with this identity subsumed into the culture, into the topic of someone's conjecture. Because it's going to be one case study. That's the whole idea of visibility, visibility doesn't have to be perfect representation.
I was thinking about this too, something that bugged me was that meme that was the talent and popularity graph and it was popularity way above talent, and they were like, “This is boygenius.” You're missing the damn point. [If only the most talented people got to speak,] Steve Vai would be speaking for all f*cking musicians because he's best at guitar. That's not what I want.
PB: But again, that is just Twitter. I think we are as beloved as is possible for any public, femme presenting, or queer, in public. I think we just get an amount of hate because we're stepping on guitar guys. It is fucking dumb, and it is just what is happening. Every time I look at a Pitchfork post of us, it's the most incel f*cking shit ever in the comments section.
JB: I was telling Lucy, I feel like if someone made that meme about me, Julien Baker, on a solo headlining tour, I would be up at four in the morning in the back lounge of the bus running scales. With y'all, I'm like, You're missing the point you dumbass. It's like Kathleen Hanna being like, the Sex Pistols are bad at their instruments. Why can I not just have a band that's fun and cool and angry?
LD: I wanna say, we're a little fed up, obviously, with some things, but I agree with you, Phoebe, the biggest sentence I have to say is we're having so much fun. That is the message that I think people are mostly getting, and the one that I want them to get, is that we are happy and having fun, and that is not frivolous at all. Fun is essential.
PB: Everybody knows every word to the entire set. We sell thousands of tickets. It is going as good as humanly possible. It is insane.
LD: And it's because we feel safe and supportive that we can mostly safely and supportively do drag in Tennessee. It's because we have such a solid foundation of joy we can be in defense of other people's joy, in ways that feel really valuable to me personally, and I hope valuable to other people.
JB: The whole reason why I feel comfortable engaging with this at all and it's not an existential crisis for me is because, what you're saying, Lucy: I have a foundation of joy that makes me convicted that this is important, not frivolous, highly worthy, highly valuable. So when I see us as the subject of discourse I'm interacting with it in a different way that I don't think I'd be able to [alone]. I wonder if kids watching that in third person happen will also be resilient to the same kind of things.
PB: You’re allowed to be bad at guitar, anybody reading this.
LD: I’m bad at guitar.
PB: Other shit, you do have to work so hard. And you have to love it. If you love playing guitar and you're bad at guitar, that rocks.
TV: What other moments would you highlight? I feel like there’s been a lot of good ones, like the t-shirt selling out.
PB: Love, love to just have the power to snap my fingers and mobilize people to give their money away to a cause. That is the best part of my job.
JB: It’s participation. It’s visibility. It's you, outward signaling something you believe in as a principle. It's also literally redistributing funds to us to organizers, nonprofits and legislators that are trying to make the world a better place. And we get to be in charge of that, and also give somebody a gift that's like, you're a country queer! We see you.
TV: Did you expect the fans to be so young this tour? I’ve been really impressed!
LD: It's interesting, I think Julien was saying this, being something through which some kids are learning some stuff. I usually am really upset when I'm misunderstood, but I think that part of that happening now is people on their way to understanding something that I think is important and outside of me, that we are just a case study for, and that is just a really sweet and special position to be in.
JB: This really gets to me, I'll see a group of friends all hugging during our set, a collection of songs about grieving and leaning on your friends. I'll be like, What did y'all go through? Something f*cking horrible.
I think about this with the credibility or the legitimacy of music, like with the whole Pitchfork incel guy, it goes back to that. I'm like, dude, I love that a bunch of kids are at our show. I've said it once, I'll say it again: I took a class in young adult literature. And I was like, wow, this is maybe the most important kind of literature. Paradise Lost is for people who think that their brain is big, young adult literature is for f*cking people who don't know what literature is yet — they need a window, they need a door. They need a pass. Phoebe you were saying, like, music that not-adult cis white guys like.
LD: Those guys are showing up too, and good for them. And if they're the ones that are mad about this, maybe they're on their path of understanding something better, too.
JB: I cry at all the kids, man.
PB: Me too.
JB: My mom texted me and was like, I would have died if there was something like y'all when I was a kid — and I don't even think she gets some stuff we're saying.
PB: It's funny to [realize] I would have bleached my hair and wanted to be me.
JB: Dude, it's so f*cking sick. I think about me at 16 — I was trying to be a hardcore guy, I wanted to get tattoos, I wanted to play guitar in a band. And then I just turned out… me. I used to try to make my hair look like k.d. Lang; I wonder if we're a thing people realize they can look like.
LD: Also, I think being affectionate on stage has been really fun and sweet, and it exhibits behavior that I think is healthy and good. That's another element of it that I think is good to show kids, the way that I think drag is actively good for kids to interact with, because it's this fun way to interact with gender and to explain things like that early to children is really awesome. Just being able to gaily and affectionately kiss your bros, that's a principle that I value, that I wish was more valued for kids. Not saying like, kids gotta go all make out!
I'm proud of the space we're taking up. I think we're using it in ways I'll be able to stand behind when I get older.
PB: There's also such a deep, both fetishizing and desexualizing of lesbians, in a way that I think is ridiculous. Obviously MUNA is standing staunchly against that as well, by being a f*cking boyband. It's just fun to be like, it's not that serious — and it also is deeply meaningful.
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kebriones · 5 months
What would you advise a beginner in watercolours?
1. Watch lots of videos of experienced artists using them on YouTube.
2. Get good watercolor paper. This is extremely important. Go to an art store and ask them for as good watercolor paper as you can afford. It doesn't matter how well you can use watercolor, if the paper sucks everything is going to suck.
3. Get good watercolors. They aren't too expensive and they last a very long time.
4. Get a couple of good soft brushes of a few sizes. Watercolor doesn't damage paintbrushes too much like other paints, so you can get a couple brushes that will last you forever. If the brush is good and responsive and holds it's shape it's going to be more easy to control your watercolors.
5. Go slowly and think about everything you're doing. Sometimes I narrate to myself as if I'm giving a demonstration to stay focused on what exactly l I'm doing. There's no erasing or painting over your mistakes on watercolor.
6. Look up common watercolor beginner mistakes to save some time.
7. You cannot paint light in watercolor. This means that you have to be very careful to keep paint away from light areas. You can go darker, you can't go lighter.
8. Don't get disappointed. In my experience it was much easier and quicker to get the hang of than acrylics, don't even get me started on oils. You just have to fail a little at the beginning to understand how the paint behaves.
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sourdoughservitor · 6 months
Yule: The Winter Solstice
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Merry meet and welcome to the first pagan holiday of the Wheel of the Year, and the first installment of my Year of the Wheel series! I will practice witchcraft every day this year, and this blog will serve to document my works as well as share them for others' benefit.
Yule falls on December 21, 2023, where I live. It is the Winter Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere; it marks the shortest day of the year, the day with the most darkness, but of course this also means the following days begin to get longer. Thus, Yule is celebrated as the beginning and end of the Wheel of the Year: it is the signpost by which we track our years.
Yule is an excellent time to celebrate the past and the future. Practitioners will often use this day to focus on cleansing; to re-affirm bonds, vows, pacts, and wards; to set goals, affirmations, and aspirations; as well as to reflect on the past year and what they've learned and experienced, and how they've grown.
During this time, I like to cleanse the negativity of the past year, embrace the positivity, and prepare for the upcoming one.
Yule Witchcraft
I will be doing a variety of works to celebrate Yule. Unfortunately I have nobody to share Yule with in my personal life, so there will be no feast in my home. Instead, I am conducting the following workings to prepare myself for the year ahead:
A Year Ahead spread. The simplest very first thing I like to do to celebrate Yule and the coming year is a Year Ahead spread. As simple as it sounds, you draw one card (tarot, oracle, your choice--I draw tarot) for each month. The image below shows last year's spread, with January at the top and the other months following deosil (clockwise). This year, I'm following full moons instead--I'll make a post hopefully soon into the new year about those too!
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Creating my grimoire. This one is a little extra, I'll admit. But I just wasn't satisfied with any of the notebooks or journals I could buy, at least not for under $40. So I decided to learn bookbinding and make one. I already have many notes in a digital grimoire for redundancy, portability, and searchability, but I find paper infinitely superior when doing spellwork or rituals. I'll gradually fill it out as I go, and maybe post the finished book / some spreads later.
Creating a tulpa and enchanting a ring. I'll probably (read: definitely. I mean look at my URL) do a post on thought forms in the future but for now Google it if you're unfamiliar. I learned something about myself in therapy recently--about a part of myself that manifests as self-hatred, but truly comes from a place of compassion. I will bind it to a ring I wear daily in order to work with it to serve me instead of hinder me.
Observe the 12 Days of Omen. Just a good tradition to observe following Yule. See tomorrow's post for details!
Cleansing my altar, my space, and myself, as well as re-confirming my wards.
Journalling. About the past year, the next, about my craft and myself. As part of this I may do some trancework and meditation, depending on my mood and time; I would also like to test out the oneiromancy oil and tincture I made (post forthcoming?? oof so many I have planned!).
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave a note. My asks are always open, too. Blessed be 🐻💚
see my Year of the Wheel masterpost for more!
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cosmicjoke · 7 months
Hi hi!👋
How long do you think it took Lebi to adapt to life above ground? I am sure that it was much different than when he was in the underground. Like people, the crime rate (although high in the walls it was probably nothing like the underground) and other things. It must have taken him long to trust the survey corps and his comrades too since they did have a rocky start at the beginning.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this!
Hi there,
It's funny you should ask about this, as I'm actually currently writing a story about this very thing, haha, which, if you're interested, you can check out here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32110408/chapters/79550014
But to give you an actual answer, I imagine it probably took a pretty long time and probably was very challenging for him.
Levi spent almost his entire life Underground, from birth until he was probably about 25 years old. So the adjustment to the surface would have been really hard, I think, not just culturally, but also environmentally. He would have been used to living in almost total darkness, save for the few areas in the Underground that got actual sunlight. The only other illumination he would have been used to would have had to have been provided by fires and oil lamps, since there was no electricity on Paradis. I don't think people put a lot of thought into how that reality also would have affected the air quality down below, but it's basically a cave system, where they're forced to light fires for light and warmth, and I imagine it must have been pretty sooty and smokey down there a lot of the time. So just the freshness of the air must have been pretty shocking to Levi when he first came above, and obviously, having to adjust to a full blast of actual sunlight. Considering Levi's eyes wouldn't have at all been used to that much brightness, I wouldn't be surprised if he suffered from headaches and just a general sense of disorientation. It probably also impacted his sleeping habits (which are famously terrible anyway. I think I remember it being stated Levi only gets like 2-4 hours of sleep a night). There's also the almost inevitability that he probably ended up getting sun burnt a LOT. Levi I think has to have very pale skin from living in the dark his whole life, and he probably has no ability to really tan because of it. It was probably also incredibly wet and damp Underground most of the time, and no doubt illness was a lot more prevalent and rampant there, spreading much more quickly than above. I imagine it also must have been brutally cold in the winter, with there being no sunlight.
And then there's the culture shock, which I think must have been extreme. We see in "No Regrets" that Levi, Furlan and Isabel get treated pretty badly by the other soldiers when they first join up in the SC, and I think there was almost certainly a pretty large bias from people on the surface toward people from the Underground. We have to remember also that people from the Underground didn't have citizenship. They were less than second-class citizens, then. They were basically considered illegal aliens. If they came to the surface without the proper papers and approval, they would be forcibly put back down there. So I think Levi likely experienced a LOT of prejudice once he did come above. It would have been exacerbated by the fact that he was a known "criminal" from the Underground, and also professional jealousy from the other scouts, who probably frowned upon this young kid who just gets admitted into their ranks without the proper training or having to "earn it". And then to add insult to injury for them, Levi was not only better than they were, he was in a whole other universe in terms of ability. Anyone who's ever experienced work place politics would know that Levi almost certainly had to take a LOT of shit from a LOT of people. It's probably even worse in the military.
And of course there's the fact that living in the Undgeround is infinitely more dangerous than life on the surface, with far higher crime rates and just generally more violent people willing to do things that most people wouldn't even dream of. Living in that kind of environment would have necessitated a certain level of paranoia in Levi that was likely frowned upon and seen as strange (to put it nicely) by most people above. I'm sure a lot of people thought Levi was a total freak. Hell, having daily access to food was probably something new for Levi. Being guaranteed food, being guaranteed meals every day, without having to fight for it, was probably a huge shock to him. Just having that kind of safety net wasn't something he would be used to. He basically went from a scenario in which he had to fight and scrape and struggle just to survive from one day to the next, to suddenly not having to worry about where he was going to be getting his next meal, or if he would be able to find shelter, or worrying about being mugged or assaulted in the street. I imagine Levi probably found it almost impossible to really relax for a long time, probably not believing that he could.
Then there's the fact that Levi no doubt had to adjust to certain social decorum on the surface that simply didn't exist in the Underground, especially since he came from a very impoverished situation. We still see the affects of this in Levi during the main canon story line, with his lack of social skills, his difficulty with expressing himself, with really knowing how to talk to people in a socially acceptable or polite manner. Levi's not very good at social niceties or "schmoozing". I can imagine that, if Erwin or any of the other leadership ever took Levi to social functions or any of those fundraising party's to court the nobles for support, he probably stepped on a lot of toes and pissed a lot of people off with his blunt sincerity.
There were probably all kinds of things that existed above ground that Levi had never seen in his life, too. Like different sorts of animals. He would never have seen mountains, for example, or trees, or even grass. He'd never seen a forest before. He'd probably never seen most kinds of flowers. He wouldn't have ever seen a snow covered landscape, or experienced real snow or rain fall, or seen clouds. He never would have seen lightning or heard thunder up close. He probably never experienced really hard gusts of wind, or felt what it would be like to be in a wind storm. He never would have seen a moving body of water, like a river, or seen a pond or a lake. He never would have seen farmland, or known really what crops were. Obviously, he never would have seen the sky in its actual expanse, only ever small slices of it through holes in the cavern ceiling Underground. There were probably all kind of scents and sounds he'd never experienced. Levi's first, several months above ground must have been major sensory overload for him.
People have to remember, again, Levi was deprived of ALL these things for almost his entire life. When the canon story starts, Levi's only been on the surface for about five years or so. Compare that to 25 years Underground. People don't really think about just how extreme a life of deprivation Levi's lived. How the things all of us take so easily for granted, like fresh air and sunshine and rain and snow and clean water and open fields, etc... were things Levi couldn't have even imagined, because he'd never experienced them even once.
So, yeah, in truth, I think it probably took years for Levi to really adjust, and really, I think he'll probably never fully adjust. There will always be a part of him that continues to be impacted by how he grew up. He'll never 100% fit in to the world above.
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local-pr1nter · 8 months
Mikan Tsumikis Execution: Bye Bye Ouchies!
TW!!! Gorey subject matter, syringes, needles, blood, surgery, and other hospital/medical related themes, and implied past trauma of a character
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Mikan is one of my favorite characters in Danganronpa and has so much potential as a character besides fan-service or a punching bag for other characters.
Her trial and execution did her dirty, and that's not news to anyone here. It stands as one of the most unpopular trials in the franchise, and I have to agree. While I don't wanna get into the writing of the whole trial itself, I'd like to talk about her execution.
As an execution, it's lackluster, strange, and overall just disappointing (which is cruel to say, but Danganronpa is known for its executions) Some aspects of the execution make sense, such as her fear of large objects and her past trauma, but they didn't do anything creative with those concepts (Plus I'm still iffy on them including her trauma at all - it just seems to play into the over sexualization of her character, making many people believe her execution to be one last piece of fan-service before she's out of the game.) They threw a giant arm in there, then launched her into space with it. It just seemed lazy.
If you compare that to the two previous executions, it gets worse.
Teruteru was prepared and cooked alive in a volcano. It wasn't randomly thrown in there just for the sake of it - it made sense for the setting and played into his talent, then the creators turned a famous gag (tar + feathers = chicken) and implemented it into the execution (I presume it's buttermilk + flour + hot oil = fried chicken). It's all connected, it's unique, and it makes sense.
Peko willingly let herself die to the robot warriors thinking she accidentally hurt/killed Fuyuhiko. Once again, it played into her talent and made sense with her character. She was a "puppet", made to protect her young master by any means necessary. That own mentality is essentially what made her hurt/kill him in the end, filling her with despair and guilt before the very end. As a plus! It was the first execution in Danganronpa to show another student involved - Fuyuhiko had the balls to try and save her - to stop her. That made it one of the most devastating executions throughout the franchise, becoming beloved by many fans.
With Mikan...she's in a hospital bed, then thrown into an arm, and launched into space as the said arm is injected with some sort of drug. Fear of large objects? Check. Talent? Check. Played into her character? Not at all. It only came off as one last bit of fan service before she bit the dust, becoming an unforgettable execution when compared to the others in the entire series. But not for the best reasons.
Here's where I throw my ideas out there. First, addressing Mikans character.
She's a nurse and passionate about it. Likes knowing that other people's lives depend on her.
Had to learn to help herself, as no one else would.
Weird obsession with blood/gore/horror/needles/syringes/injections
Timid, paranoid, self-deprecating, meek, and fragile.
Experienced mental and physical abuse from a very young age. Bullied and used by others throughout her life.
Has an obsessive personality.
A klutz.
We could incorporate a variety of these points, but it will be easier if I simply explain my idea for Mikans execution.
Mikan appears in one of the hospital rooms on a cot, apparently waiting for something. The door opens, revealing Monokuma with a large syringe.
Mikan runs past Monokuma in fear, running out of the room and into the hospital. Other Monokumas are working in the hospital, who all eventually join in the chase for Mikan instead of helping her.
It looks like Mikan is about to escape when the door she goes through (the sign above is a poorly made exit sign merely taped on, which would later drop to reveal it as the OR) leads to an operating room. The doors would shut behind her, trapping her. I'm thinking it's one of the operating rooms that has seats so people can observe as the surgery goes on, so the seats would be filled with multiple Monokumas to observe the execution.
Another Monokuma would already be on the operating floor, dressed in scrubs. The Monokumas that were previously chasing her would bust through the doors and force Mikan towards the OR table. That's when it's revealed they intend to do a heart transplant to "save" another Monokuma. Mikan would be forced onto the table and restrained, and then the "operation" would begin.
I can imagine this would warrant a shift in style change, merely showing the silhouettes or shadows of Mikan and the surgeon to imply what's happening. Absurd shadows and body movements would imply the surgeon has not applied any anesthesia and is merely torturing Mikan, presumably cutting and maiming her. The style would shift back to normal to reveal a cartoonish heart being picked up by the surgeon, already previously wounded to match with Mikans bandages.
Then one of two things can happen here- the surgeon can make a big show of tripping and dropping the heart, rendering it useless now that it's been contaminated, then disposes of it. Or the surgeon can place the heart in the wounded Monokuma and stitch it back up, only for it to flatline, rendering it dead.
Both would make Mikans death meaningless (I think it would be pretty fucked up if she was still alive and able to witness either of the previously mentioned outcomes, then shortly flatlining afterwards) and instill that last bit of despair before the execution ends.
Mikan would flatline as well, and then, after another shadow style change that shows the surgeon covering her body, we see her covered up by a cloth. The execution would end with her blood soaking through the cloth. Fade to black, and it goes back to the game.
I can imagine this is probably an extremely gorey and horrific execution, even for DR standards, but I think it would make sense and make for a final goodbye before Mikans out of the game for good.
Plus, it aligns with some of the previous ideas I mentioned earlier, such as her obsession with blood, gore and needles. While she's the one usually in control of a medical setting, it would be flipped for the execution, forcing her to be the patient, unable to help or save herself due to the Monokumas forcing her through it. She's not in control of any of it, forced to endure it all before she finally bleeds out from her injuries. And the twist of the knife would be making her death meaningless- either from her heart being discarded, or the injured Monokuma dying regardless of the new heart.
Overall, I think this execution would be a better fit for Mikan. It incorporates her talent, relates back to her past, and ultimately full of despair.
The execution would be called: Emergency Operation!
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xxlovelynovaxx · 2 months
It's trans day of visibility and all I can feel is dread.
Because I am intersex nonbinary,
which means the only parts of me that are seen,
are whatever predatory intent can he projected onto me.
I'm both "invisible" (erased) and hypervisible,
which according to anyone who experiences the other
is "privilege" and not yet another form of violence.
Trans people tell me they can "always tell"
that I'm an "afab trying to invade women's spaces"
or "basically a cis man playing at femininity,
trying to invade femme spaces";
there are no spaces for me.
"Make your own and be alone" -
it matters not that I am trans woman and trans man -
the one taints the other and makes me neither;
for all that the two are treated like oil and water,
I am treated like sludge.
"TME doesn't reduce you to your sex" is cried,
while they scrutinize me for signs
of being "male intersex" or "female intersex",
"you probably just have PCOS" -
y'know, the well-accepted intersex variation
that causes hyperandrogeny
to the point of even affecting your genitalia,
and which has recently been discovered to occur
in people without ovaries
(or any of the other sex characteristics
typically associated with presence of ovaries
in dyadic people)?
And all for what?
To tell me I haven't experienced my own experiences,
and am wrong about them,
and that actually they weren't that bad,
because they must be "misdirected" -
because I must be the "wrong sex"
to have experienced them.
Believe trans women,
unless there's literally any reason you can come up with,
that we are predatory liars
invading real women's spaces.
That's fighting transmisogyny, dontcha know?
And always remember that trans men
are hysterical whiny men's rights activists
cuntboys and bitches who wanna be oppressed so badly
who have never experienced misogyny a day in our life
and always pass as soon as we first think about wearing a binder
because there famously aren't surgeries
to get rid of two very obvious things
front and center
that T can't change
Remember it's also fighting transmisogyny
to joke about raping specific people
who explictly haven't consented to it
and then claim
that it's transmisogyny to judge trans women
for a cnc kink.
Don't believe multigender trans women,
masc trans women, butch trans women,
AMAB transmascs and AMAB nonbinary people,
AFAB trans people, trans "transandrophobia truthers",
trans people of color, disabled trans people...
Hm, actually, there's an easier way of saying this.
Believe skinny white gender conforming trans women
with large active follower counts
that act as harassers on call
to enforce the party line
(what happened to acab?)
and no one else.
If you can't enforce acknowledgement of your pain,
you don't get any.
Apparently, it's a limited resource.
And any joy you take -
from being a man,
or a femboy,
or a nonbinary person,
or a woman if you do it the wrong way,
or a trans person in general
is a threat,
and a transmisogynistic one at that.
All while you speak over trans people
of every gender
and especially trans women
telling you "no the fuck it's not, you transphobe".
Oh and degendering is a real problem,
but if you ever call someone a person
because they only have their pronouns in bio
and pronouns≠gender,
remember that it's transphobia to not extrapolate
binary gender from binary pronouns.
Never mind all the nonbinary people you know
who use she/her, he/him, and she/him.
It's not transphobia to assume they're
basically cis women (dangerous),
cis men (dangerous),
trans men (dangerous)
or trans women (dangerous).
Obviously nonbinary identity is disingenous,
and doesn't really exist,
but that's not transmedicalism
because transmedicalism is a Bad Word!
Anyway, always call trans people "women" and "men"
even if you don't know,
because it's (trans)misogyny
to call (trans) women people.
(It's also "general transphobia" to call trans men people,
but also if they're upset about it
it's just fragile toxic masculinity,
and really everyone should be okay being perceived
as feminine and as women,
because why would anyone choose to be a MAN anyway?)
A bunch of radfems
with all the gender essentialism that goes with it,
that simply decided that women were the one with penises,
but that testosterone is still evil,
never mind non-transitioning and post-op trans women.
Insert required disclaimer:
Y'all are doing this, regardless of gender.
If you think calling out how you mistreat:
trans women, trans men, and nonbinary people,
is blaming trans women,
I think maybe you're desperately avoiding the conversation.
Anyway, I don't want to be visible,
on trans day of visibility,
because visibility without acceptance
just begets violence.
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In oiled up twerking contest, Shuichi which girls make the top five for you?
The twerking competition is such a rare event and opportunity that we haven't experienced it happening so far. So, in the oiled-up competition, the hottest five girls in the academy should be at the top...... However, I want to put Kaede on the list; I know I'll always be biased towards everyone since Kaede will always have my heart; either way, back to business. I can only see her willing to twerk if she is affected by the lust virus <Who am I kidding? Everyone in Hopes Peak is suffering its affliction, including me. At least, I'm fully aware of it as a detective. I'm just out here, preventing my urge from turning me into feral; now it's hard not picturing them all oiled up for twerking> anyways, let's get to it:
5:- Celestia Lunenburg: The reason why I think she is going to be one of the top girls at twerking competition. Because she does it for money, and she'll give it her all if that means attracting many customers. Including me, I'll be out here contemplating, would she go so far as to get paid by her customers for a one-on-one twerk dance? I would say yes; she is the type of woman who would charge you extra and want you to be there watching her twerk just for you "In private." And I know for a fact things will get extra spicy with her backside; she will be eager to let you hold her oiled ass as when she's bouncing and grinding against my crotch. And get her ass groped and smacked to make her go faster. And who knows if her customers are entertaining her. She would extend the session for them to watch her bounce and twerk for extra hours. Hopefully not; I would go feral here and there.
#4: Akane Owari. Now, with someone amazingly athletic, I think she would be phenomenal; I can picture her doing it with the least clothes possible. If anything, she will invite you to watch her twerk super closely against your groins; she can throw her massive globes against you. Eliminating the distance between you and her, knowing her skin is all oiled up. She is the type of woman who spice things up and fuck you on her first date. You can leave some shading red mark on her fat rear, and she'll still twerk for you. Know if this ever happened to you. She'll just want to get dicked down hard. She is the type of woman who openly lets everyone fondle her heavy, fun bags; now, imagine how much you put into her in the mood when you get to play with her all day with no strings attached. That makes me want to do it all, playing with her breasts, pounding her if she keeps twerking her tanned, thick skin against me. I know she is asking for this. She is an animal, and so do I when I get feral..; and she got nothing against me using her pussy like a cock warmer for my thick shaft. She hobbyist and a twerker. And if you feed her right. She'll go a few more steps beyond your imagination to take her for yourself.
#3: Maki is one of the exceptional cases; nothing is better than watching your close friends twerking for you all day/night. A perk for being her close friend. She was even practicing all day and night; with her substantial delicious wobbling ass. I can already tell. Maki wondered how to impress Kaito, so she came to me first. Since she is very cautious with her body, suppose her ass was too thick. I wouldn't lie to her; she is freaking hot. She needs to put her heart and soul into shaking her ass.. then I told her to do it for me; she didn't mind twerking against me all day and night if that's what it takes to improve. And she got my pants so stiff with how hard I got, encouraging her to get creative and play against my pole using her solely. She was such a good girl. I even had to spank her ass to increase her rhythm and speed; then, I told her to close her mind and get oiled up. And shake her perfect ass for the show. <I just realized they will get oiled up in the twerking contest. My goodness, these girls will make me R O C K H A R D if these girls are highly oiled up twerking for me as a group.
#2:- Ibuki: I don't know why I have thought of her, but she is better at attracting more customers than Celestia Lunenburg, but the question is if she is willing to wear super short ripped jeans to show off her seat. She is upbeat, loud, and speaks to herself in the third person. She is absolutely a beast in twerking, given she is touring around the world. And twerk for millions of people watching her. She leveled her performance. She would twerk for you so hard, surprisingly harder than Akane, you would hold to her for your dear life. So I say Ibuki can and will be a different beast if she twerks for us solo, and with the loud music bursting your ears, she will twerk a lot faster; with how thick and round her posterior is, she will make you daydream, and lights out if you're feeling too good in her twerking skills. Here's what I learned: the louder the music is, the harder and faster she will go. You can ask her for a private dance. But I assure you that your soul will leave your body, and she won't stop even if you are far gone. Now imagine her fucking you harder while her body is all oiled up? I don't know about you, but Ibuki can spice things up
#1: Kaede: her body jacks all trade; she had one of the fastest oily rears in the competition; each of her heavy rumps can block one seat; I'm not kidding when I said she needed two seats for her ass to sit down. Her voluptuous ass is twice bigger than Celestia and Maki combined; it made me so rock hard I needed an onahole asap to get myself back to normal. Twerking that ass alone, clapped her asscheeks against each other, making shockwave after shockwaves; the sounds were so mesmerizing I couldn't wait to take her backstage. It all feels so... surreal. She teased me for the whole contest, and it worked because my biological urge spiked up so hard; I spent most of the time hammering and fucking Kaede's down south so hard we ended up connecting on a grand piano I was devouring with each kiss; I kept howling, playing with her voluptuous body making her ass ripple with each of my bruting thrusts, I felt I was a tearing a planet when I was invading her; I couldn't I craved her this much after the end of the show. I was so pent-up; I'm glad the show was over. Cause we took a ride on the bus, and as soon as we got back into our dorms, we had the longest breeding sessions. I ended up fucking her and cummimg inside of her. Our skins never left each other. We spent most of the day sleeping in her dorm. I got to do everything I wanted with Kaede and some more. It was wild; I couldn't wait to get for to get up for another round ♡~
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