#I feel like I might off went too off topic at some points but this is just my final thoughts on it but....
20001541 · 2 months
I'm interested to know your opinion about this https://www.tumblr.com/sad-outsider/745487303531692032/while-everyone-is-wondering-how-two-babies-could?source=share
it is an interesting question, how did AFO become such a skilled manipulator if he grew up feral on the streets? here's my thoughts:
so I don't think from the beginning AFO was all that interested in other humans. we're told that those who didn't give him anything he viewed with distrust and disdain, and the two times we see him coming across some people as a child it's just him killing them. maybe he watched them warily when they passed by, but ultimately he didn't engage with any of them to talk directly (as far as we know). BUT it's been pointed out by others that they had a radio with them as is shown with the circle below
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well it does looks like a radio to me and it would make sense that was one of their connections to the outside world (though they wouldn't understand a lot of what was being talked about) and to me it makes sense if a radio was later how afo found out about what the glowing baby was up to. so he was at the very least a little interested in hearing what the others were doing, perhaps to analyze any potential threats and maybe he was a tiny bit curious deep down about the society that rejects them, but evidently AFO wasn't interested in trying to make direct contact with them or try to involve himself in their society and none of them bothered with him either.
that is until he read that one comic book. see the thing afo admired about the villain was how people feared and revered him and so he decided he wanted that for himself. after a lifetime of being ignored by people who passed by him on the street he wanted to become something they feared so they'll follow him and never have their eyes off him. and in order to become that he needed power. he already has an extremely powerful quirk, but he needs to obtain loyal followers to help him enact his will of becoming the ultimate evil who rules over everything. I'm sure AFO realized that in order to make his dream become a reality he was going to need to use other people and I think that's when he decided to begin studying the way other humans act to get a better sense in how to get them to do what he wants.
and I would say he did this by studying various media he came across at first. whether it's looking through books or magazines (remember twins were barely learning how to read when they were small and by the time afo declares his dream they look more like teenagers so I think afo was able to read better by this time), and later maybe he found tvs where he can watch shows that were airing and see the news. so through that he studied the culture, what is deemed acceptable and unacceptable, how to present himself in a way to get others to respect him. overall he would be far more interested in the world that he had no interest in before as he sees there are things he could take for himself there and get people to give him things. I also think after he's done going through media he would've stalked some people to see how they live and act, there are some things you can't learn through media so afo would want to learn more through observing those he comes across.
I like to headcanon that he would see one person passing him by on the street then stalk them for the whole day until they fell asleep. then the next day he would choose a different person who passes by him and stalks them for the rest of the day and does that until he feels like he's learned enough. then later on he would engage in small talk with people he sees to get a better feel of interacting with others and see what they respond well to and what they don't. the more he learns about the nature of people the more he learns how to use their emotions against them and predict their reactions to certain actions.
side note I would also like to point out that afo presents himself more masculine and wears business professional attire all the time. this is important to note because afo grew up without gender socialization, which tells me he saw how business men are typically seen by society as people to be respected and hardworking. so he chooses presents himself as someone who gives off the vibe that he's someone powerful and should be taken seriously by wearing the suit and tie. trying to manipulate people isn't just something you do with words, but also with the way you present yourself to others. you want to carefully craft an image of yourself that makes others view you as what you want them to view you as so you can gain their trust easier which is what I think afo did there.
I think once he feels confident enough though he would begin practicing his manipulation skills on others.
now look here:
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afo intervenes with these group of people fighting in the streets and brings peace. I feel like he would do this often, bring order among the chaos he comes across and presents a choice. "if you feel powerless and scared then join me and I'll give you everything you want and more, or don't and remain as you are. all I really want to do is help you out :)"and many did choose to join! look at all those people around afo, those are probably all the people who chose to follow him.
I think afo would've seen how badly metas were treated by society and saw how desperate people were for order and someone to turn to. people can be manipulated more easily if they're scared and looking for anyone to help them, and afo would've seen this as a great way to begin building his empire by preying on the desperate. he crafted this image of himself that not only embodies power but also generosity. he took quirks away from the unworthy and gave them to those who wanted power. makes people think things like look how good he is to those who please him! he presented himself as a savior to the people, and manipulated them by taking advantage of their own vulnerability.
all he really had to do was lend a sympathetic ear and show them hey I was an outcast like you to appear relatable and demonstrate the power he had to those are were scared and felt like they couldn't protect themselves. they saw him as a personal savior who seemed to genuinely care about their plights. of course afo doesn't care about the plights of his fellow meta humans, he just wants to use them for his own purposes then tosses them out once he's done (as yoichi points out). but he seemed so genuine in his words that many fell for it which allowed him to manipulate them further. and so many became so entranced by him that they began to attack his enemies in his name without him ordering them to do so.
of course I don't think afo was always a successful manipulator in the beginning, maybe there was a social custom he overlooked and it made him look bad in someones eyes. maybe he said the wrong thing and it made someone distrust him more. there would be a lot of trial and error on his part when trying to learn to manipulate, but as he interacts with people more and learns from his past mistakes he would get much better until he becomes the excellent manipulator he is today.
and to me afo would have multiple personas he puts on when interacting with different people. two people could meet him but comes out with very different impressions about who he is as a person. he hides his true nature (which is said to feel unsettling to be around) so they would trust him more. I think he would enjoy this game really, stringing people along and making them feel he cares so they can give him what he wants. as I said before no one gave him anything as a child so he feels he has to take it for himself, and manipulation would be one of those tools he uses to get what he wants so he would take time to develop that skill through the things I've said before.
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howtofightwrite · 4 months
For a character that virtually can’t die and regenerates in order to keep living, how do you make action interesting? Emphasize they still feel pain, why they’re doing it?
I'm actually going to step back a bit from this question first, and complement it. This is a very honest question, and something most writers who include violence in their work, should really think about. Even if you don't think you have characters like this, you do.
Now, I'm going to dunk on Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw for a moment. Ages ago (I think it was in one of his Resistance reviews), Yahtzee described, “threatening to blow up the world,” as the laziest form of raising the stakes. Because, “hey, I live on a world.” He's mostly correct. Threatening your protagonist's life is even lazier. In the vast majority of cases, your audience knows you won't go through with it. That you won't kill off your protagonists.
With that in mind, when you decide your protagonist is completely immortal, that changes less about how you write them than you might expect. The biggest difference is simply that they're directly aware of their plot armor, rather than them engaging in faux indecision based on their perceived mortality. Again, this is something that every writer who uses violence should think about, at least a bit. It is natural for a character to fear for their life, and have reservations about risking their life, but making the part where your character's lives are on the line isn't automatically suspenseful. In a lot of cases (consciously or not), your audience will call your bluff, when you threaten to kill off a major character.
If you think back to major character deaths where something drops them without warning, part of what makes those scenes work is the lack of (apparent) setup. The writer didn't spend pages teasing you with the idea, they just went for the throat and ended that character on the spot. This is more respectful of your audience, because you're not telling them, “well, I might kill this character, or I might not.”
To be clear, I'm not saying that there's no place for teasing your audience with a character's impending demise, just pointing out that in a lot of cases, this won't generate the kind of suspense you'd hope for.
So, to get back on topic, how do you make it interesting? Remember that while this character can't die, the same is not true for the characters around them. Depending on the tone you're going for, you could create an absolutely brutal crucible effect, where everyone around your immortal gets burned off, sooner or later. Whether that's literal, or figurative, is up to you. Even if your character can't die, watching people they care about suffer and die is going to have an effect on them.
You probably don't need to draw special attention to the physical pain they experience, but you do want to be aware of it. Especially in the context of how pain affects the victim's behavior. Beyond that, there is probably an element of pain being far more annoying to the immortal than it would be to a normal person. They know it's not telling them anything meaningful, but it is distracting.
Long-term, both of these can easily result in personality shifts. And, legitimately, this is a scenario where a character may be immortal, but they would still experience significant changes over time, and with the growing emotional pain, could have very adverse effects on your personality. This does have some very real, “live long enough to see yourself become the villain,” potential. How many friends can you lose before you stop caring? How many funerals can you attend before you start taking the phrase, “you're either part of the solution or part of the problem,” a little too far? How many times can you pick yourself up off the pavement a blood-covered alleyway, surrounded by corpses, before you start to forget what made you human in the first place?
And, that's not the only option. The simplest answer for maintaining tension when one of your characters is immortal is keeping your eye on what they're trying to accomplish. Keep track of their objectives, because I guarantee they can fail those. Even just keeping their own nature concealed from the mortal world is probably fairly important, because of the idea that men in hazmat suits will drag them away to some research lab and poke them until they figure out how to replicate their immortality, is a classic (and potentially plausible) threat. (Bonus points, if you're wanting to loop in something like the medieval inquisitions, or some other secret societies that could pose this kind of a threat.)
So, what do you do? To dig out an old cliché threat, “there are fates worse than death,” and it's probably worth exploring them. This also opens up new possibilities for threats. Finally, it's worth remembering that immortality does not guarantee success. If your character is hoping for that, it might be time to give them a very harsh lesson.
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maple-the-awesome · 5 months
He Becomes a Dad! || Part 1/2
Pairing: Time, Four, Legend, Hyrule x Reader
Overview: Congratulations, you're new parents 🎉 Some of the Links are prepared. Others...might need a moment to gather themselves. But rest assured! At the end of the day, they're all going to get a handle on this whole dad thing. I'm a sucker for family tropes and there simply aren't enough out there for the Chain to quench my thirst, so here it is, I'm adding my contribution👍 Btw, there will be only two parts for this prompt since Wind will be excluded for obvious reasons. Baby making isn't a platonic activity🤷‍♀️
Zelda Masterlist 🩵Fandom Masterlist
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You only brought the topic of children up to your husband once. It was at some point during the early half of your marriage and after a particularly lengthy day of enduring Malon’s well-meant pestering. Time, beside being caught slightly off guard, delivered a straightforward answer:
“It wouldn’t feel right bringing kids into this world, especially when I would hardly be home to help you rear them.”
Now, you can’t lie and say you weren’t at all disappointed by this answer, although you wouldn’t say you had the rug completely pulled from beneath you. You understood the true implications behind Time’s statement right away. It’s the same reason he took so long to let himself marry you. It’s not you nor a disgust towards children, but rather an unspoken fear of building a life where he’s too happy - one that could be ripped away from him at a moment’s notice as has seemed to be the case for his younger years.
Although his worries are needless, you never pushed against his boundaries because you could at least see the sense in his argument. Sure, the idea of having children did always appeal to you deep down, however between Time’s constant traveling and your hard work helping at Lon Lon Ranch, it would be difficult to squeeze a family into the schedule. There was no sense in forcing him into a commitment he wasn’t ready for nor one you weren’t in a  position to properly foster.
Twelve years of blissful marriage passed before your plans changed. The blame lies with those other heroes, too. One would think traveling alongside a group of unruly young boys would’ve made someone more certain of their decision to never again subject themselves to such a headache, yet it apparently had the opposite effect on your dear husband.
Discovering first hand how much pride he could feel towards a descendant was life-altering, to put it light. Twilight was living proof that somewhere along the line, Time does something right. Whatever kids he might have will grow up to have children of their own and so on…Not to mention Twilight isn’t a terrible outcome by any means. To raise someone with the possibility of them turning out like him and to do so with you of all people? Well, needless to say, it was settled rather quickly after that: Time wanted kids.
Call it baby-fever if you will, but he was suddenly rather eager about the concept he had once avoided like the plague. He brought it up through not-so-subtly hints at first, then when you outright asked him if he was being serious, he went on a slightly nervous spew about your home being too quiet and how he could officially retire from traveling to be home more and it’s really a shame that you have an extra bedroom just sitting around - You just had to kiss him to shut him up which eventually led to…other things. Let’s just say you both got started right away.
It took you twelve years to realize you did indeed want kids yet less than a year to actually be holding them for the first time. It turns out even the universe was impatiently waiting for you both to come to your senses, so once you finally had, it decided to award you with not one, but two beautiful girls whom you affectionately named Saria after Time’s old friend and Mallory, a mix between melody and Malon, their ever-so-excited godmother.  
It’s safe to say that the twins are pretty spoiled. Malon has been over almost everyday, bringing you plenty of baked goods as a bribe to let her spend more time with her favorite goddaughters and you have practically every baby related item that you could need, courtesy of the Queen of Hyrule herself, but of course, it’s their parents who love them the most.
Never in his wildest dreams did Time think it would be possible to feel so at peace with the life he’s built. For so many years, he feared true happiness was impossible - that every turn would result in the same cruel fate he had been subjected to during most of his existence - and yet for the last couple of nights, he’s held it in his arms. He’s watched the moon rise outside his window while playing soft lullabies on his ocarina, you cuddled by his side with your daughters shared between you both. You wear a small smile even in sleep and he swears the girls match it, too; he definitely does himself…This is a priceless treasure he’ll give his life to protect.
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Four and you had already been married for a few years by the time you found out you’re pregnant. It’s not to say you were actively planning for it, although you also weren’t actively trying not to either. 
It had been agreed upon early in your relationship that kids would be nice should they come your way, therefore you were both equally excited that your wishes were finally being granted, so much so that the nursery was finished within the first month (courtesy of your handy husband). It’s painted in beautiful pastels that are easy on the eyes and decorated with many toys Four had hand-carved himself; a useful craft he’s now very appreciative towards Sky for teaching him.
Seeing as this was already a somewhat anticipated next step in your lives, Four’s pretty relaxed throughout the process despite its many challenges. For starters, pregnancy itself unfortunately isn't as much of a 'blessing' for you as some have made it sound. You’re rather sick from beginning to end. If it isn't your inability to keep food down (especially in the early stages) or your fluctuating blood pressure, then it’s the aching you constantly feel thanks to both your very heavy bump and extremely active baby who just loves to make sure you never forgot about their existence by kicking you as hard as possible day and night. 
Worry not. Four has made your struggles more bearable by being a darling husband through and through. He’s by your side during each doctor’s visit, does his own personal research on all things baby-related, and helps with every chore he can to give you at least some rest even if just for a quick nap, however most spectacularly, he does all of this without ever being too overbearing. 
Although certainly concerned for your health, Four can recognize your strength any day of the week, especially when you've been rolling with the punches like a warrior queen during such a draining pregnancy. Anxious, sure, but not afraid. Why would he be? He’s confident that you’re both prepared to face anything together! …That is, until you actually went into labor…
Yeah, remember that previously mentioned, relaxed and darling husband? Forget about him. Your water broke and so did Four's calm demeanor, but can he really be blamed? You went into labor early - and not just by a couple of days either. Oh no, we're talking a couple of weeks early. 
Regardless of his newfound fear, Four does his utmost best to still present himself as calm and collected in front of you, not wanting to freak you out any more than you’re already freaking out yourself. He first helped you lay down with plenty of pillows and cushions before running to get help. After that, he doesn’t leave your side, encouraging you throughout the process with a smile on his face, however don’t be fooled: the second you turn your head to the midwife’s voice or close your eyes to scream, your poor husband’s face reflects his inner thoughts as the situation fully begins to sink in. 'Scared shitless' - that's a good word to describe it; eyes wide in terror with a mouth that’s hung agape and slightly twisted in pain as your nails clawed into his hand.
As said, he never leaves your side - not even for a millisecond. You don’t have to worry about him being the type of guy to get grossed out by natural fluids or complain about your expressions of pain; none of that is remotely a concern of his. He’s just grateful to see you okay and even more so to hear his baby crying as they should.
A girl; small like her daddy, but healthy all things considered. Four couldn't wait to hold her, knowing damn well he was going to cry the second her soft skin touched his, but he isn’t ashamed of it in the slightest. Who wouldn’t cry holding something so precious?
Then you scream again. He thinks something must be wrong until the midwife announces that it isn’t over - that there are more squeezed in there waiting.
At the end of the day, you're just relieved to finally breathe easy without going through agonizing pain while Four, on the other hand, is left in shock staring at not one, not two, but three little babies, all healthy girls who wiggle and whimper in their parents' arms, but oh well. The nursery may have to be expanded, although there's plenty of love to go around. At least he can thank Hylia that it wasn’t quads (he's had enough of those).
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Legend and you have been in a relationship for several years, although you had mutually agreed earlier on that neither of you were big fans of the whole 'marriage' thing. What difference would a ceremony and piece of paper make, anyway? You already act as any officially married couple would. You live together, go on dates, occasionally argue, and even share a bed which is exactly what resulted in a recent, unplanned detour in your lives: a baby.
When you first told Legend the news, he panicked, asking himself all those stupid questions like ‘what now’ and ‘how could this have happened’ even though he knew damn well how. Then he left. Giving some half-assed excuse about needing fresh air, he turned his back to you despite your pleas and didn’t return for hours. 
Now, rest assured, he did immediately regret having that reaction and apologized for it as soon as he came home. He didn’t mean to scare you with the thought of abandonment, but as he would quietly confess during his apology, the thought of being a parent had just been too overwhelming in the moment. Neither of you had ever talked about having kids, and while he could at least have some peace of mind knowing you’ll obviously be a great mom, he fears that the same won’t be applied to him.
You have always been the light in a dim room, as Legend would put it. You’re fun, sweet, and amazing with kids. Any child of yours, planned or not, will love you with all of their heart exactly as he does. Meanwhile he’s stubborn, cranky, and the last kid to cross his path literally started sobbing. Maybe it had to do with him being covered in monster blood after just having crawled out of a dungeon but he’s pretty sure he traumatized a kid nonetheless…The thought of being just as bad around any kid you share together scares the crap out of him.
Deep, deep down, Legend’s actually somewhat excited to be a father. Although he’s too stubborn to admit it to anyone other than you, he’ll sometimes daydream about how nice it would be to tell a little replica of you both about all his adventures or to teach them how to use some of the items he’s collected over the years like his trusty boomerang. Seeing the excitement in their eyes would definitely be worth listening to you scold him afterwards. If that’s all there was to being a father, Legend wouldn’t have a single concern, yet it’s his insecurities that always have a habit of souring things. Would his kid actually find his stories cool or would they just be tempted to throw the boomerang right at his head?
You’ve done your best to reassure him, often falling back on the argument that the baby will be a part of him. Like father, like son, right? Legend was almost ready to believe you, too, especially upon laying eyes on his child for the first time. As you passed the tiny bundle over to him, he thought that maybe being a dad wasn’t going to be that scary after all, and it might not be so bad to even have more someday either…However, his worries were quick to return when the baby started screaming two seconds after being set into his arms…
Baby screams if he holds him. Baby whimpers if he looks at him for too long. Sometimes, Legend swears the thing starts crying simply by hearing his voice in another room. It doesn’t happen with anyone else, though. The baby just adores you as predicted, but what Legend can’t stand is the fact that the baby seems to like Ravio, of all annoyances, over his own dad.
He’s forced to watch as the little brat happily lets Ravio cradle him, the sight filling him with bitter jealousy and sorrow. You’re convinced that he’s just overthinking everything - that he should give himself time to adjust to his new position as a father instead of holding himself to unrealistic standards, but how long is he exactly supposed to wait until it clicks? It’s been a whole month already and he still feels as confused as day one! Will he ever get the hang of this whole dad-thing or is he a lost cause…?
If there’s any comfort Legend can have, it’s that even Ravio doesn’t know what to do with the baby once he starts crying, so at least he’s not alone in that aspect. The only problem is you’re busy making lunch and stubbornly refuse to pause your efforts. Instead, you shove a bottle over to Legend, insisting that he be the one to feed his son since it should be a ‘good bonding exercise’ for them. You won’t take ‘no’ for an answer and judging on your glare when he tries to protest, you probably wouldn’t be happy if he tries passing the task onto Ravio either.
Thus, Legend is left to awkwardly sit down and take the baby into his arms. He already knows it’s obvious he has no idea what he’s doing, Ravio doesn’t have to point it out, but luckily after some swift around, he manages to hold his son more securely against his chest before shoving the bottle in his face. The baby continues to fuss while turning his head away from the bottle, and Legend’s almost tempted to call for you in defeat until at last, the room falls silent.
Looking down, he watches in quiet awe as his son accepts his meal eagerly. His little hands quickly rise up, gripping onto Legend’s which holds the bottle in place. They’re so tiny; barely able to wrap around a single finger - Oh, and his eyes as well! They’re wide as he stares up at his dad with unbroken eye contact. It’s like a wordless conversation - one more valuable than any he’s heard before.
You return, offering to take your son now that your work is done, but Legend is quick to shake his head. Why don’t you take a well-deserved break while he handles this little troublemaker? It would be a shame to bother him when he looks so comfortable in daddy’s arms.
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You've been dating Hyrule for longer than either of you can really remember, however you aren’t in any big rush to get married, figuring that it would make no real difference in your commitment to each other. You love Hyrule and he loves you. What more is there to say? For a while there, you were both perfectly satisfied with simply taking things slow and letting fate decide your course, although more recently you’ve had to switch up that method to something more stable for the baby. Yes, a baby.
You wouldn’t necessarily call it a surprise, but you also can’t truthfully say it was planned either. You had agreed that kids might be nice if the goddesses ever blessed you with any in the future, however you weren’t exactly trying for them…You just weren’t being very careful…
Hyrule must admit he was rather nervous at the start. The only prior experience he really had around kids was with Wind, but there’s a pretty big difference between a young teen and newborn. Pair that with his not so ‘kid-friendly’ world and there’s plenty to worry over. Anything could happen, but Hyrule’s determined to be the best dad and partner he can.
First thing was first, of course: you needed a place to stay. Traveling is fun and you both enjoy being on the move, but that’s no life for a baby. Hyrule and you had actually already considered the idea of settling down someplace before, so you didn’t think of it as a massive loss to take off your adventure boots for a while. If anything, it was a welcomed change once you remembered how lovely it is to be able to kick your feet up for a rest or be surrounded by warmth during a terrible rainstorm.
Again, Hyrule takes his job as your partner very seriously which wasn’t ever a surprise to you. He found a small house for you both to rent in one of the safer villages around; a perfect place for raising a child. While he might not have a talent for decorating or making a place feel ‘homey’, he does thrive when it comes to making sure you’re comfortable, his spare rupees definitely going to fluffy wool blankets and a rickety rocking chair that he saw at a market.
Early on in the pregnancy, you noticed that your boyfriend also began showing a new found determination for cooking which did scare you a bit at first - Okay, so maybe a lot. Hyrule began taking cooking lessons from some kind elderly ladies in town who must have an endless pool of patience because while you can’t say every dish is a masterpiece (or even editable for that matter), you are happy to say Hyrule can now make things like toast and tomato soup successfully. It’s progress.
There aren’t a ton of doctors in your time and none in your village, so you have to take a lot of notes from local women regarding the process. Hearing all their stories and the possible ‘what if’s for what could go wrong made you anxious, especially once you finally go into labor, but it doesn’t faze Hyrule - not on the outside, anyway. He does an excellent job of swallowing his own fears for your peace of mind, talking you through each painful contraction and doing his best to distract you from it all until it comes time to start pushing.
Some people may get squeamish at the thought of childbirth, however Hyrule isn’t one of them. He’s fought through some terrifying dungeons and has bore witness to more than a few gory injuries over the years, so bodily fluids don’t bother him one bit. He’s kneeled down right in front of you without a second’s hesitation, multitasking between mentally reviewing what he’s been told to do and reassuring you even though he’s sure you don’t hear a word of it over your own screams.
One minute Hyrule’s encouraging you to keep pushing, the next he’s holding a small, crying baby in his arms. His movements after that feel almost automatic as he carefully cleans her off and just admires the fact that this baby - this tiny, precious gift of life is his. She’s yours and his and she’s beautiful despite having come into existence within such a broken world filled with more hardships than he could count…
Your tired voice brings him back to reality - asking if the baby you hear crying is okay. You clearly feel the same thing Hyrule does upon seeing your daughter for the first time, the two of you sitting side-by-side as you soak in this wonderful emotion. Hope...That’s what she represents. Hope for a brighter future...
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skelliko · 7 months
☆- Tokyo revengers
-how they'd confess to you (their crush)
๑-featuring: kazutora, chifuyu, Baji
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°- Kazutora hanemiya
• the second his feelings for you grew he'd try and shut them away, almost refusing himself to like someone like that
• as the days, weeks and even months went past and you both talking more his feelings grew too big for his poor heart and would try to escape him
• he'd unintentionally do or say things that might hint his feelings and doesn't even realise it until he's alone and is looking back at the interaction, he would immediately mentally kick himself thinking he did something bad whilst repeatedly calling himself 'stupid'
• at some point he took hold of your hand and inspected your nails without asking you and without thinking, "your hands are soft" he'd softly mentioned
• another time that might have showed his feelings was when he went in to hug you when you both decided to hang out, a hug is normal sure but it was the way he did it, pressed together and his cheek laid down on your head, it wasn't his full intention
• he doesn't want to lose you at all and grows jealous very easily of others who your talking to, if anything even a little protective
• from afar in school if he notices you talking to other guys even if you've clarified their not who you'd go for romantically he'd still keep an eye on you, watching from afar with sharp eyes almost waiting for a moment to leap in
• oh if looks can kill he'd probably have killed every guy you have possibly interacted with without you knowing
• after school he'd walk up to you if you're alone and would ask you about what you were talking about with another guy, what and why?
• 'why him, why not me?' though he never asked you that and never will
• his jealousy would be noticeable sometimes as the time went on and he even knows it but can't hide it and it frustrates him for not being able to
• he'd rant about his feelings and you to Baji and would jump from being angry at himself to being in awe when he mentions you
• his breaking point was when you told kazutora that someone had confessed to you but you turned it down, he'd worry that someday he might be in that same situation as the previous guy, and for that he wouldn't talk to you for a week
• kazutora would believe that you dont deserve someone like him, that you're better off with someone else
• well he tried to ignore you, he didn't talk to you but you came and talked to him and he wasn't gonna be mean and shut you down, how could he? you're almost his everything, shutting you away would mean he's intentionally putting himself in misery
• he'd still beat himself up and self sabotage but one day in lesson while thinking about you and taking secret glances at you, his leg would bounce up and down with nervousness
• he'd see your smile, hear your laugh and voice and with that his mind was made up, he needed to make you his
• on the same day while walking you home he took a deep breath and silently let it go to calm his nerves down
• his confession was a bit impulsive
• "I like you... a lot" he'd blurt it out after a minute of silence between you to, in his mind he decided to go ahead and 'fuck it'
• he tried to look you in the eyes but he couldn't and would look away after a second or two
• his expression was calm but deep down boy was panicking and a total mess, his heart beat increasing and the urge to just hug you right there and then was too much for him, he didn't even know your answer yet
• "let me call you mine, and I, yours"
°- Chifuyu matsuno
• at first he didn't want his feelings to grow any more than they already have due to him having self doubt in himself
• the more time you guys hung out and talked the more he noticed how his feelings grew
• he loves to listen to you rant about certain topics even if he doesn't know what you're talking about, he'd nod along and keep listening just to hear your voice and keep your attention on him and no one else
• he'd share his food with you
• for a few times when he'd read his manga, in his mind briefly he'd think of the two main love interests as him and you, making himself feel giddy and that was when his thoughts to confess developed
• he'd be subtle about it yet pretty obvious at the same time without even noticing it himself
• whenever he'd see you talking to another guy he'd stand off in the distance and keep an eye on the two of you just observing, he'd grow jealous but not to the extent as kazutora- though he did wish he could walk on over there and stand behind you while looking at the guy like your guard dog
• he'd be both nervous and excited in confessing to you (he wussed out 5 times)
• one of the times was when you both decided to hang out and there was comfortable silence while he walked you back home, his mind was racing as this could be a good opportunity but while preparing his words in his mind over and over you both neared your home and he decided to give it up for the day
• another opportunity he turned down was another hang out, but he specifically wanted to hang out so he could confess to you, but every little thing you'd do and say would make his heart skip a beat and fuzz up his brain, he was love struck
• and then every other opportunity was the same and ended the same too, with a love letter.
• he'd carry around a love letter in his bag or pocket in hopes of finding his courage to give it to you, either by placing it in your school locker or on your desk or slipping it underneath your house door and then message you to check your door. however he didn't do neither of them.
• he would make up scenarios in his head on how he would and in all of those scenarios he'd make himself full of courage and you always saying yes to his confession, and that would boost his ego but the second he's back in reality his ego and confidence gets flattened
• he'd try and get advice from his friends but not straight up admit that he has a crush (apart from Baji, he knows) he'd ask his friends 'how would you guys confess to someone?'
• though they would immediately catch on about his 'little' crush after that question, though the answers chifuyu hoped for wasn't what he was looking for since they all started to tease and question him instead
• a crisp and clean white envelope with a neatly written love letter inside
• he was encouraging himself behind a corner in school with the love letter in his hand. he had to rewrite it because it started to get crumpled up for the long period of time it had been in his bag and then transferred in his pockets too much
• he finally decided that he lingered over the thought for too long and today was the day he'll finally confess
• while making his way to your locker to slip the letter through the lined gaps he had accidentally bumped into someone due to him not paying attention to his surroundings but instead focusing on his plan so that he doesn't back out
• seeing you this close in the situation that he's putting himself into wasn't helping at all since he was already a bit of a nervous mess to begin with but the tried so hard to contain his emotions
• he had dropped the letter and his heartbeat increased upon seeing that he had bumped into you (quite cliché I know)
• as he apologized for walking into you, you had picked up the envelope and tried to give it back to chifuyu, though he didn't take it back, he just started at it while being deep in thought
• "I... uhh..." he'd stumble on his word a little bit but soon enough he mentally slapped himself and told him to man the fuck up.
• "keep it, the letter is yours. I wrote it for you and meant to give it to you for a long while, you don't have to read it now and I'd probably prefer you not to"
• he'd nervously laugh a little at the end due to the thought of you reading it in front of him put him a little on edge, though a part of him also kind of wanted you to, just to see your reaction
• either way though, he'll be waiting for your response soon
°- Baji Keisuke
• he's gained a good few confessions in the past but would always turn them down, so when he started talking to you and you seemed to not gain any feelings for him that would make his interest perk up
• his ego was quite big but wouldn't use that to his advantage nor brag about it, he'd just always be expecting something but then get shocked and confused if what usually happens doesn't happen
• and it's not like you guys would talk a lot though, majority of the times it's him who starts a conversation despite sitting next to each other in class
• he'd be aware of his own feelings for you but would just brush it off like a 'whatever' thing and think it'd pass by (that never happened)
• whenever he could when you're up and about the classroom talking to your friends he'd sit back and look at you without noticing he's staring
• he'd only look away if he sees you take a step or shuffle a little causing his heartbeat to increase hoping you didn't catch him
• he's a bit of a tsundere
• he wouldn't want to admit to himself that he likes you but soon enough at night while thinking about you he fully realises the extent to his feelings, "ah shit" he'd whisper to himself
• he'd panic, it was that sort of thing where before you couldn't care less about something but upon noticing the extent of it your whole mindset had changed causing you to shift emotions about it
• he'd be in denial but at the same time also accept it, it wasn't a bad thing for him, he just hated being all sappy and hates that turning feeling in his stomach when thinking about you
• if he can't remember math equations it's cause he's been trying to memorize your schedule, what time you come in school, where you go at breaks, who you talk to, the basics
• but he wouldn't ask you those questions, he's observant half the time and would eavesdrop at any given chance he could get and gain information about you that way
• though that doesn't mean he won't talk to you, as mentioned before he will come to you and talk.
• he'd ask for help with his work and secretly he'd be smug about it cause he got your attention
• he'd warm up to you slowly and tease you a lot at any chance he can get and he enjoys your reactions and loves it even more when you talk back in the same attitude as him showing that you can return the same energy
• he'd randomly message you with a singular letter in the dead of night knowing that your asleep, just so he gets a message from you in the morning even if it's a question mark or the same letter
• example: o
• and then from there he'd make a conversation and shamelessly ask you about the other guy that you talked with at lunch (someone's a little jealous)
• he'd be deep in thought at the thought of being in a possible relationship with you, was it what he wanted? was it something that you wanted?
• he'd think over many different scenarios that could possibly happen, from how'd it be like being in a relationship with you, what he would do, what you would do. and he'd always catch himself smiling at just the thought of you
• it was a bit of an impulsive decision, like kazutora had
• one day he asked you to meet up and you agreed and half way through the hang out he'd spill his guts out
• "I like you, I can't remember the last time I had control over my own mind since you came in"
• he hates the sappy stuff, he mentally cringed after he said that but when it came to you he'd feel all mushy on the inside and felt like he needed to be around you all the time, in a way he couldn't help it all
• he'd be a little nervous at first but after he said the first few words of his confession he grew confident and would carry on with the confidence
• his sharp eyes would soften as he waited for your response, his heartbeat increasing and open for you
 ♡ -----
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myouicieloz · 1 month
Shin Ryujin x reader
Synopsis: you’ve promised to take your best friend to an awaited party, located in a nearby city. Ryujin catches your eye, and you fall right into her web of plans, with the promise of having a good time once and for all.
Warnings: mentions of gangs, guns and drugs. smut. blood. violence. nsfw.
Word count: 13.8k
Notes: i thought abt this after watching ryujin’s solo mv! it was so good <3. this was a fairly new topic for me to write about, so I apologize if it’s poorly written or unrealistic. nevertheless, I had lots of fun writing it ˆˆ. english is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes.
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You don’t mind helping out your parents by working at the family’s Diner: there usually weren’t many customers, and days went by slowly without you being bothered.
“Hey, Y/n. Can I grab another soda?” Your best friend asks, brushing her hands in front of your face to get your attention. Facing you from the other side of the diner’s endless counter, Chaeryeong looks like a hyper child, standing up from her seat to take a look at the soda machine, placed behind your frame.
You roll your eyes at her, simply grabbing the large cup she hands you and filling it up with Coke Zero, this time. “Here.”
“Awn, man, come on!” She protests, grunting. Lets her head fall back. “Coke Zero tastes like shit, Y/n! Give me something tasty, damn.” Chaeryeong turns to the few other customers, gesticulating, “What does a girl have to do to get the good stuff around here? Stop with the misery!”
She has her finger pointed at you, to which you giggle. You’ve known Chaery since your diaper days, with her living in the house in front of yours, and the two of you have been best friends ever since. Her careless, playful nature provides a nice balance to your calm, responsible one. You love her to pieces, which means you are always taking care of the dark-haired girl, in many ways.
“You’ve reached your daily quota of sugar.” You don’t even look at her as you answer, busy giving an elder woman her exchange in cash. “And don’t make those faces. I might as well just give you water, from now on.” Smiling at the customer, you ignore your friend. “Thank you, ma’am! Have a pleasant day.” Chaeryeong gulps, knowing fully well you mean your words.
She keeps her thoughts to herself, mumbling something incoherent while the loud slurps of the iced drink can be heard. Still not paying her much attention, you lean your elbows on the counter marble, sighing tiredly. Even though it was only an hour past noon, you could feel the heaviness in your eyes, the tiredness getting to you. Not having any orders, you allow yourself a few moments of rest, closing your eyes and resting your head on your hands. Just some seconds of peace, you decide.
The bell chime’s noise announces the end of your calm state of mind. In a blink, your sister is placing a medium-sized box on the counter, her usual smile directed at you. You know better than to trust her angelic looks, though — behind her rose gold hair and delicate features, Rosé is nothing but a devious manipulator.
However, she’s still your older sister, and you love her to pieces. It’s the only reason you don’t ignore her, crossing your arms and waiting for her to speak up, instead. She pushes the box towards you, smiling sneakily.
“Good morning, baby sister.” Rosé greets you. As usual, she never goes straight to the point.
You narrow your eyes at her. “It’s past noon, Rosé.”
“Yeah, whatever.” She brushes you off, winking at Chaeryeong to say hello. The girl nearly drowns in her coke, coughing violently.
Chaeryeong has had a massive crush on your sister ever since she was fourteen. Fortunately for you, Rosé has never seen her as anything apart from a little sister too, like yourself. Although the not so subtle rejection has never stopped Chaery from freaking out whenever Rosé addressed or acknowledged her.
“Good morning to you too, Rosie unnie.” She says, after finally gathering her breath. You huff, muttering about how biased she was and being promptly ignored by both girls. The package catches Chaery’s attention, ever so curious, and she pokes it with her bony fingers. “And what’s that about?”
Rosé pulls the package towards you, shrinking her shoulders down a little. For some, she might seem hesitant, but you know her too well to be aware that her movements are anything short of calculated.
“Could you deliver this for me?” She asks —tone dripping with sweetness. It always is, whenever she wants something from you. This is no different. “They asked for the pieces pretty urgently, and I’ll be off to deliver another package in a nearby city in a few minutes.”
Apart from the Diner, your father also owned a mechanical workshop, and would often sell and deliver car pieces to his clients. Rosé, being her outgoing self, dealt with them and the business part of it while you preferred to step aside, helping with the Diner instead. It was only when she had too much work to do that you had to deal with her customers, instead —and those were never pleasant experiences.
Perhaps you were just not cut for the job, or your calm aura was easy to be taken advantage of, but it was a matter of fact: you sucked at negotiating deals and making small talk. It made you uncomfortable and anxious, having to put up a superior act and bargain with assholes until you got enough profit to go home satisfied, so you avoided it vigorously.
Unfortunately, Rosé never hesitated to ask for a hand.
You eye the box suspiciously, trying to figure out the content inside without having to touch it. Even though it seems heavy, you can never truly trust appearances. After all, car pieces are not the only thing they sell at your father’s shop.
“I mean… I could.” You smirk back at Rosé, your identical smiles mirroring one another. “But I don’t want to.”
Before you even register, Rosé smacks you on the head. You’ve never been able to buck from her quick hands anyway.
“Hey!” You massage your scalp, moving your upper body forward to give Chaeryeong a push, too, since the action has her laughing loudly. “Bitch.”
Rosé giggles, too, standing on her tiptoes to give you a kiss on the cheek.
“Pretty please, Y/nnie.” She sighs, joining her hands in a prayer. “I’ll owe you one. I’ll even give you that dress of mine you love, promise.”
Chaeryeong gives you a thumbs up, biased as she’s always been.
“Come on, Y/n, let’s just do it. It’ll be fun! It’s too monotonous to be at the Diner all day, anyway.”
“See?” Rosé gestures to your best friend, pleased to be supported. “Chaery, you’re so sweet.” Your sister pinches her nose, and Chaeryeong’s face turns as red as a strawberry in a matter of seconds. She turns to you once again, then, still faking that hesitation. “Please? It’d be an outstanding deal for us. Lots of profit and all.”
You roll your eyes, still not convinced. Even though Chaery’s eyes are nearly popping off her face with how intensely she’s glaring, you refuse to give in. Rosé was stubborn, but you share the same blood, after all.
“Aren’t any of your friends available? I can’t just close the Diner and go.” Lies. You simply refuse to bulge, to relent to Rosé’s wishes as you always did.
She doesn’t even blink, though, unbothered by your lack of cooperation.
“Lisa, Jisoo, and Jennie are all busy with other work deals too, as well as the boys.” She shrugs, going around the counter to grab a beer for herself. “Trust me, Y/n: if I had anyone to go deliver this, I would… but you know how busy these past weeks have been, and we’re all so overworked. Help me out, please?” She touches the cross hanging on her chest, identical to the one you never took off.
A symbol of your bond.
You sigh, jumping off the balcony and giving in to Rosé’s orders for the nth time. “Fine.” You mumble, grumpy. “Chaeryeong can take care of the place while I go.”
“What the fuck, Y/n!” The girl jumps from her seat, suddenly interested in the conversation as if she hadn’t spent the last five minutes scrolling on her phone, all bored. Suddenly, she’s all ears, eagerly advocating for herself, “I don’t want to do the boring stuff! Let me go with you.”
Before you’re able to tell your friend to get fucked, Rosé stops you with her hands, signaling for someone to come in.
“It’s good for you to not go alone, baby sis. Chaery can make you company.” She nods, grabbing the young girl who came in by the shoulders and positioning her in front of you and Chaeryeong. “This is Rami. She’s Mingyu’s little sister, remember? She said she could handle the diner for a few hours while the two of you are at it. Such a sweetheart, is she not?”
The girl — Rami, nods energetically, looking at your sister with adoration in her glittery eyes. It was no surprise Rosé had brought one of her little fangirls to help, actually. Living in a small city for all your life, everyone knew Rosé. She’s been a notable presence since her teenage years, whether it was attending fancy balls or setting fire to the shops downtown. The blonde girl has been remarkable for as long as you can remember. She’s always been either feared, hated, or loved, but remarkable nonetheless.
Which only proved your theory that you were not going to deliver any car pieces, after all.
You and Chaery exchanged a knowing look, neither caring enough to ask anything about this girl or explain the job she’d have to take at the Diner for free.
“Very well, then.” You sigh, watching Rosé’s excited clapping and giggling. “I’ll grab my car keys.”
Chaeryeong follows you closely, also jumping of joy. You’re well aware she hates being at the Diner, always complaining of boredom, but it isn’t like she has any other friends to go out with. Behind her bubbly, chatty, and energetic personality, she’s is actually very frail and shy, which makes her an easy target for the mean fuckers your age. She struggles, and would much rather just have a single, loyal friend. And you’ve always made sure to protect her fiercely.
“Adventure!! Finally.” The dark-haired girl raises her hands, thanking God you’d go out.
“Don’t get too excited.” You warn her, turning to Rosé. Pointing a finger at the rosy-haired woman, you add. “I hate you.”
She pulls you in for a suffocating hug, used to your harsh behavior. “And I love you so, little sis. Thank you!”
Both Rami and her wave as you and Chaeryeong leave the diner, the package weighing heavily in your hands. You don’t have a big 6th sense, but something does not feel right. Although you ignore it anyway, turning the car on and driving to the address your sister texted you.
“Do we really have to do this?” She whines, closing the passenger’s door rather roughly — to which you grunt, paying her a harsh stare for not being careful with your precious car.
She realized the whole thing would be anything but fun sometime mid the 40-minute journey to the abandoned warehouse you were currently walking into. Besides, once you reminded her that Rosé’s request would put off her wishes of going out and partying for a few hours, that little pout of hers hasn’t left her lips. Now, Chaeryeong is all regretful to have supported the older girl in her wishes.
“Not really.” You pay your friend no mind, walking towards the place that was falling into pieces. Seeing you weren’t backing her up, her pout deepened.
“It’s my birthday.” She argues, kicking rocks along the way.
“I already bought you a cake. And milkshake, and fries.” You roll your eyes, remembering how you’d all chanted your best friend happy birthday at your parents’ Diner, during breakfast. “And a shit ton of booze, throughout all these years of knowing you. You haven’t paid me back once.”
Chaeryeong sighs, hurrying to your side, defeated. You keep walking without waiting for her, making it harder for her to catch up — truly opposites, the two of you.
“Fine. But let’s do this quickly. You promised we’d still go to that party.” She decides, playfully bumping into you. Any other time, her actions would’ve helped you to be at ease, but you’re unable to relax this time. You know this is some serious shit.
“Yeah, let’s do this quick.” You repeat her words, entering the abandoned place at a slow, nearly languid pace.
Let you both be out of here in no time. You wish, once again sensing the bad omens.
The warehouse, although old, mistreated and nearly falling into pieces, is not unsettling to you. It’s merely the place Rosé sometimes treats business, and you’ve accompanied her once or twice, before. The wooden beams are rotten, and the flooring has long disappeared, fading into dust that clings to your combat boots. You’d have to clean them later, and that somehow annoys you more than the situation itself. The place is empty, with walls that were once covered by big, expensive windows, yet all that remains are tainted, broken glasses hanging wherever you could look. Machines are still forgotten in random locations inside the building, a ghost of times when the government tried to rebuild the massive area. None of that was successful, obviously. Now, this ghost of a place belongs to your father, your sister, and the other people who were also part of the darker side of this shitty town.
Only a single table hangs in the open area of the first floor, clearly meant for dealerships and businesses. Upon arriving, you notice 5 — no, nearly 10 people waiting not so patiently. Wearing dark, shabby clothes, none of them seem welcoming, to say the least. Rosé had told you’d be doing business with Wendy, a familiar customer from another small town nearby, in hopes to ease down on your nerves. It worked, in a way: having met with Wendy a few times prior, you weren’t all nervous about the upcoming meeting. She was intimidating and oh, so pretty, but you got along well with the auburn-haired woman and her business partners, from previous experiences such as charity dinners and dealerships alongside your sister’s presence.
The woman that stands in front of you, however, looks nothing like Wendy. You know her, naturally; it was impossible not to. Jinsoul’s troublemaker fame was much different than your sister’s — while Rosé’s actions, even though batshit crazy at times, are dreadfully calculated, Jinsoul’s insanity comes with the sole purpose of enticing chaos. Her unstable nature is much of a pain, you’ve personally experienced so from watching herself prove her influence on a crowd by torturing some poor girl who accidentally spilled champagne in her dress at a ceremony, or setting fire to a man’s car at one of the car rifts you often attend. Out of all the girls from her gang, Jinsoul is the least pleasant one to set off deals with.
Naturally, Rosé and Jinsoul hate each other with a passion, being two different flames of the same fire.
With all of that knowledge, you fix your posture, observing Chaeryeong do the same with your peripheral vision. Even though you absolutely despise it, you’ve been taught well how to keep a powerful, imposing façade. Standing tall, you tower over Jinsoul and her subordinates.
“I see Rosé sent her little minion, instead of herself. Must be really busy, of course.” Jinsoul doesn’t greet you, as expected. Her tone is dripping with venom as she examines you and your best friend with harsh eyes.
Now that you’re in front of her, you’re no longer hesitant or scared. Instead, you’re bothered, irritated that you have to deal with your sister’s cheap copy instead of Wendy or Joohyun. Taking a step towards the young woman, you curse Rosé under your breath, fully aware the eventful encounter is not a misunderstanding.
“Nice hair. I love the new color.” You say, leaning your head with a knowing look. Jinsoul’s hair falls a little past her shoulders, in a strawberry-blonde tone that is exactly like Rosé’s past one, from a few months prior. “I’ll tell Rosé her oldest, most faithful fan sends her regards.”
Your words seem to stir something inside the leader in front of you. She scoffs, gritting her teeth. “This is too tedious. Give me the shipment we agreed on, I’ve got better things to do anyway.”
Rolling your eyes, you gesture for Chaeryeong to drop the box on the ground. She does as told, the metallic sounds of the guns moving inside. It echoes in the empty place, as the box falls onto the ground.
Jinsoul remains stoic, hands resting neatly inside her pockets, while her guards reach out for the box. Before they can touch it, though, you step on it, preventing anyone from moving.
“Give us the money first, Jinsoul. No funny business.” You stare right into her eyes, remembering the times you’ve caught her fooling around in her deals, leaving other people empty-handed. “Then you can check as much as you want.”
She laughs, knowing you’re no fool. “I see you’ve gotten wiser, Y/n. Well done.”
In a second, she’s handing you another small, compacted package. You take the money with your delicate hands, not in the least made to deal with such dirty stuff. You count it, already feeling the blood in your veins boil. Chaeryeong breaths are heavy beside you as you say. “This is not what we agreed on, Jinsoul. Stop being a whore for once and give me the other half of the fucking money.”
You and Chaery don’t need words to understand each other. She grabs the box back from the ground as soon as she sees you go rigid, holding on to it with the same look of disdain you bear.
“Oh, my dear.” Jinsoul stands close enough to grab a strand of your long fringe, knuckles brushing your jawline with feigned affection. “Your sister should know I am only faithful to the people I treat business with… and I didn’t discuss anything with you, precious.”
Turning your face, you hold Chaeryeong with one arm to prevent her from jumping on Jinsoul and beating her up.
“You bitch!” Your friend screams at her face, her voice muffled by Jinsoul’s hectic laughter as she walks away, back turned to you and Chaery in a clear show of disrespect.
Before you can go to Jinsoul yourself, her guards strike, going straight to the two of you. You manage to buckle and give them a few punches — causing a fair amount of trouble for someone who didn’t practice often at all, honestly. However, you were outnumbered, and soon enough you find yourself on the ground, punched and disheveled.
Coughing violently, you turn to see one of them kicking Chaeryeong in the guts, a few meters from you. The sight of your friend, cheerful and pure Chaery, being hurt enrages you to the core. You spit at their feet to gather all the attention to yourself.
“Don’t touch her, fucker!” You scream, breathless. They pay you no mind, having the time of their lives.
You feel something on your jacket, then. When you look ahead, Jinsoul has poured a thick, horizontal line of a viscous liquid through all of the massive warehouse. Other guards help, with gallons, but you know most of it is her doing — she loves to get her hands dirty in the business. There’s fire in her eyes, and by the time she lifts the lighter dramatically, you’re already well aware.
“Goodbye, dearests! It’s always a pleasure doing business with you.” She chants, before throwing the lighter and walking away, without any rush.
You have to use both hands to stand on your fours, then on your knees. Your jacket is long thrown elsewhere as you grab Chaeryeong by back of her neck, much like a kitten. “Let’s go, and quick. Are you badly hurt?” You murmur, looking for any bad bruises on her porcelain skin. The girl shakes her head, running her hand through her bloody nose. She whimpers, and you know she’s trying her best to be strong in front of you. You give her a hug, as well as a kiss on her dirty cheek, in hopes of bringing her a little comfort. “Good. Now come.”
You hated — no, you despised Rosé for always deceiving you. Only this time, she’d pay.
Leaning on each other, the two of you go back to where you’d parked your car, in a hidden area a few minutes away from the warehouse, just as you’ve been taught to do. You take a deep breath, appreciating the humidity and the nature that ruled the place, a forgotten piece of the city. It had rained while you were inside, and you were glad for that. You loved the smell of rain, especially in nature.
On your way to the car, you spot a water tap nearby. You take Chaeryeong’s arms from your shoulders, then, opening the tap and turning to her. “Clean yourself up.”
“You’re so bossy.” She mumbles, but is quick to do as told, grabbing a hold of the water and splashing it on her face, cleaning up the dust that gathered. Chaeryeong nearly drenches her whole head, too — her pitch-black hair all shiny within minutes as the color slowly returns to her face.
While she takes the dirt off her arms and legs, you look around to check on the fire. It is still lively, a bright beacon as the night falls by, but you know it won’t spread. The place was all rotten by rust, with barely any ceiling left, so the rain would most likely put it off.
Still, Jinsoul’s message was clear, and it stung on your pride.
At least she’s always been like that, never presenting herself differently. Much different from your sister, who tells lies for breakfast.
Your mind is still clouded by troubled thoughts when Chaeryeong lets out a tired laugh, smiling once you kneel to clean up yourself. “They beat up our asses hard out there, you know.”
As much as her statement annoys the shit out of you, you’re grateful to have her cracking jokes again. Your best friend’s delicate features suit the red color on her mouth, a sign she’s well and ready for the next one.
You feel the dust gathering under your fingers and all over your skin. It’s all over you, so intensely your honey hair can be misguided as black, with how much of it is covered by dirt.
“I’ve barely noticed.”
Chaeryeong chokes in her saliva to keep herself from laughing, knowing your patience’s running thin. Even if you have the softest spot for her, she decides not to push it.
“Yes, obviously.” She nods. You think she’s finally going to be quiet, but it’s your best friend you’re talking about. Naturally, she continues. “Let’s go to the party, please?”
You scoff, rolling your eyes as you finish washing up, feeling refreshed and no longer too bothered. “Yes.”
You both arrive where the car is parked before she adds. “And we need fighting lessons once we get back home.”
“It’s true, sorry! It is.” She raises her hands as if to keep herself from being attacked by your rage.
You limit yourself to giving her a harsh stare, and she shivers under it. You can be quite intimidating when you wish to be, especially since you’re not exactly a chatterbox.
Turning the car on, you indulge your friend’s wishes as you drive towards the party she’s been nagging you about for the whole week.
The night’s already taken over the sky once you park on the crowded street, after hours of speeding on the free road. As you hop out of the car, your thoughts go to your sister: you know the meeting with Jinsoul had been arranged all along, with her words about Wendy being merely for you to agree on doing as told. How could she fool you like that? As if you were nothing more than another dischargeable person, like many of her toys.
It’s not the first time Rosé has sent you and Chaeryeong to some skimpy situation, but knowing she was well aware of it being a clear trap all along leaves you absolutely outraged.
Even though she knew of the risks, she still sent you. You would’ve never gone, had you known it was a situation like that, and that’s the reason she didn’t warn you beforehand.
You hated Rosé’s guts.
Chaery rushes to your side once again, side-eyeing you with as little discreetness as possible — unlike yourself, she’s never been good at hiding her expressions. You don’t even attempt to smile, still mad about your earlier encounter and all that went wrong.
Not even your bubbly, cheerful best friend can lift your spirits, at the moment.
“Don’t tell me you’re still pissed, Y/n.” She shakes her arms, sighing. Her tone is serious, and you know she means it. “Come on! Live your life, and stop being so strict all the time. You deserve to have fun.” Chaery grabs you by the shoulders, lifting your chin so you’ll stare at her. “So have fun! I know it fucking sucks, but it’s done! Let’s just enjoy the night and deal with the whole problem tomorrow morning.”
You roll your eyes, knowing she’d never comprehend your feelings. As much as you love how carefree she is, you also know your personalities are too different.
You allow her to interlock your hand with hers, though, as the two of you pass the sea of cars in the direction of the crowded mansion.
“You could use a little fire within yourself too, you know.” You murmur, examining the place with harsh eyes.
The front garden alone is already impressive. Its deep green lawn is impeccable — clearly trimmed and well cared for, aligning with the lavish fountain that stands in the center and all the animals sculpted in the bushes. A cupid stands in the middle of the marble fountain, water flowing smoothly from its carved bow. You recognize the modern styling of the mansion, with plenty of massive windows that cover both floors of the house. With its wooden walls, the place has a rustic yet cozy surface. There is no doubt whoever owns such property has a great sense of style.
Even that front area is crowded, too. People nearly having public sex, others throwing up vigorously while being helped by friends, a few others just passed out on the lawn… although you’re surprised to see many groups simply drinking and chilling, leaning on their cars, too — most likely seeking an escape from the vivid music and the heat wave that must be inside. You already feel the energetic music echoing through the whole atmosphere, the rhythm reverberating through the walls and on the ground. You bite your cheek to suppress a smile, not wanting your friend to notice yet. To you, there was something appealing about attending such crowded spaces. Amidst the sea of people, you were no one: known by no one, cared for by no one. It was strangely comforting, as if a weight was going off your shoulders, and you liked it.
Interrupting your thoughts, Chaeryeong shrugs, “I mean, it’s Rosé we’re talking about. Did you seriously not expect the deal to be suspicious, to say the very least?” She sighs hard, adding. “That lying, dreadful hot bitch. I’d go to as many sneaky warehouses as she commands me to, sorry, Y/n.”
Her tone is truthful enough to have you shaking your shoulders in laughter, squeezing her hand to make her stop walking through people so fast. As a matter of fact, Chaery’s fat crush on your sister isn’t by any means new to you — going on for many years already, but it always surprises you to hear her say stuff like that.
You find it hilarious, actually, that Chaeryeong is, to this day, one of your sister’s fangirls.
“I seriously can’t believe you sometimes.” You say, although youthful spirits have been lifted. Your best friend smiles brightly at you, her button nose scrunching adorably.
“You just love me so much.”
You leave her at that, and stand by the door, making your way to the main, open area — the living room. Chaeryeong is smart and attentive, which also helps to access the whole place rather quickly. Soon enough, both of you have some kind of fancy drink in hands, and you stare at the dark-haired girl rather hesitantly.
Her bright humor and the room’s energy, bustling with excitement are enough to have you feeling much better, even a little happy yourself. Still sensing your hesitation, she brings the cup to your mouth with her small hands, both of you downing your drinks within seconds.
“Okay,” She says, looking around for anything interesting. “Now the real fun begins.”
You laugh, knowing she’s going to find some source of entertainment for the night — whether it is a pretty girl to lose herself in or a newly discovered gossip to watch and comment over like a TV series.
Chaeryeong disappears and comes back with another fancy-looking drink, stumbling and nearly falling in the process, and you quickly grab the one she hands to you, taking a small sip this time. She’s already had a handful of hers and stares at your choice of savoring the liquid with playful eyes.
“What? I would rather not pass out. That’s your role.”
“You never forget, do you? It was once, Y/n. Once. And forever ago, too! I’ve never done that again.” She huffs, bringing her free hand to her chest in a fake display of resentment.
You giggle as you hug her sideways, shutting off the older girl’s whines. She quickly steps aside, though — not wanting people to think she’s not seeking some fun, and you take the opportunity to look around, observing the inside of the mansion properly.
It’s a beautiful house — a mansion, indeed — and the first floor is nothing but lavish. The bar, where you and Chaeryeong stand, is nearly the size of the one at the Diner, filled with expensive drinks and crystal cups as the bartender — not at all like the junk places the two of you usually attend— mixes drinks with experience.
It also pleases you to see how such a person is not afraid of spending money to host a good party, even if the people enjoying it are complete strangers. The lively atmosphere of young people having fun, mixed with the grand decor of the place balanced each other well, giving a lived-in aspect to said gorgeous place.
The open area has plenty of windows, allowing you to watch the gardens and the pool, outside — even though it’s massive, there’s barely any space left in between the waters, making you gulp with disgust. It was hard for you to understand how that many people would muster the courage to get in, with so many germs and fluids certainly dirtying the once crystal-clear waters.
Looking back inside, you’re able to observe the planned furniture, which is clearly well thought out, with the wooden ceiling and the thick, marble columns. There are rugs lacking, you notice, but it is surely so they don’t stain or anything.
You wonder what the place is like during a quiet, common day. One where the only noises come from the birds, chipping and singing while flying through the trees, and the running water that drips on the pool fountain.
Besides that, it is absolutely crowded. Nearly every single space is occupied by either a couple kissing like there’s no tomorrow or people screaming and dancing, yet everyone seems to be having a nice time. The atmosphere makes you smile, surprisingly cozy on this chaotic yet lively night. That’s how you feel, specially after the prior encounters: alive.
You have to make that feeling worth it.
Time goes by fast once you’re trying to have fun.
You quickly learn so, as you drink, smoke, and dance with Chaeryeong. Even with the alcohol leaving you happy, you’re still uneasy. You can’t shake the feeling that you’re being observed, no matter how many times you tell yourself that’s absolutely insane — there are people in every possible corner of the place, and no one’s paying attention to you.
However, Chaery also seems to be opposed to the logical part of your brain.
“I think you should go for it,” Your best friend tells you, after long minutes of heavily flirting with a barbie-like girl from afar.
You’re nearly sure you know that girl, actually. She’s from your hometown, most likely; her heart-shaped mouth and cherubic features are impossible to miss.
There’s nothing more like Chaery than going to a party located 2 hours away just to fuck around with the same people you’ve known since elementary school.
Your best friend turns around, filling up both of your drinks, even though yours is only halfway empty.
You frown. “Go for what?”
It’s Chaeryeong’s turn to be annoyed at you. She throws her free arm on your shoulders, gesturing to the middle of the living room area, where four good-looking girls stand with critical looks, acting like they own the place.
Which, judging by their style and the way they carry themselves, they might as well do.
Chaeryeong points in their direction with her head, never in her life subtle. “The one in the middle has not stopped staring at you ever since we’ve arrived. Ryujin, they say it’s her name.” Your friend’s excited tone grabs your attention, and you finally take a look at the small group she’s so enamored by. “I think you should go get her.”
Your friend has always had a good taste in women, and this time’s no different. They are beautiful, crushingly so, all hanging out by the long couch, circled by many people who seem to fight for an ounce of their attention. They stay disinterested, though, not paying them as much as a quick look.
One has sharp eyes, listening attentively to what a jumpy redhead and a blonde girl have to say as she sips on her Marguerita. At last, you observe the raven-haired girl Chaeryeong mentioned: she stands powerful in the middle, her sharp features giving her an intimidating look. To your surprise, she’s already staring— her dark eyes examining you with such hunger your heart starts beating rapidly as if there were no one else in the room. Electric shocks fly through your body upon her piercing gaze, and you look away immediately.
“She’s creepy.” You take a long gulp of your drink, in hopes of washing away the urge of sneaking her a glance once again.
Chaeryeong rolls her eyes, nudging you. “Just how you like them.” She scoffs, then, when she realizes you won’t answer — not in the mood to indulge her little monologues. “Please, Y/n, for once in your life just—“
You interrupt your friend, taking a step back and giving her a fake smile. “I need to use the bathroom, but I’ll catch up with you soon, Chaery.” Getting away from her as fast as you can in such a crowded space, you’re still able to hear her voice as you ascend the grand staircase, screaming while raising her cup in your direction to prove her point.
“YOU CAN’T ESCAPE ME, Y/N! IF YOU TAKE TOO LONG, I’LL COME AND GET YOU.” You can’t help but laugh, fully knowing she means it.
Even though you escape her lecture — hearing that same discourse at least once a day ever since you can remember, you know Chaeryeong means well. It’s a matter of fact: you’ve always been the responsible one, caring and supervising others, to the point people always referred to you as “lame” or “boring”. Whether it was at the Diner, with your reckless family, or dealing with your friend’s spontaneousness, you’re unable to help it: being careful comes naturally to you, always thinking about countless opportunities for every situation possible.
Before opening many doors — the place was indeed massive, leaving you to wonder how many rooms there are — you finally find a bathroom. Without rushing, you take a deep breath, washing your face in hopes of easing your mind, too.
For the first time in many hours, you have time to truly think about the events of the day. Weariness infiltrates your bones as you grip both sides of the sink, not daring to look at yourself in the mirror. Looking at your face, your features, means staring at your sister, too. At your father, the whole dirty business you do for a living and how you’re also to blame, no matter how much you avoid taking part in it. You belong in this world, there’s no denying it.
Only you so wish you weren’t.
Sitting on the toilet, you hug your knees, waiting for the tears to come. They never do; you only feel an emptiness inside your tainted soul. Somehow, you’ve already gotten used to this entire mess. Crying and pitying yourself won’t change anything.
The door opens, and Ryujin is standing in front of you before you can make yourself look presentable. She’s as intimidating as she was from afar, her thick boots making her look taller.
“Sorry for taking so long, I needed a moment. I’ll go now.” You get up quickly, trying to brush past her as you murmur excuses for keeping the bathroom all to yourself, even though she doesn’t seem to mind.
With a hand brushing your waist, she says, tone low and husked. “It’s ok. I can take you to somewhere quieter if you’d like.” Her posture is relaxed and patient, waiting for you to answer. “Listening to loud music for too long can be a bother.”
You don’t exactly know why you agree; perhaps it’s her voice, soothing and sensual — even though you somehow know her invite is not one seeking sex, or her dark eyes, staring at you like she could undress your soul and be aware of your deepest secrets. Regardless of the motives, you feel drawn to her, almost as if she’d cast a spell on you, luring you in. So you nod, allowing yourself to enter the labyrinth of corridors as Ryujin walks by your side, without rushing. Only when the two of you stop by a black, wooden door, she turns back to you. You step inside, as the world behind you suddenly turns quiet.
You’re fully aware of the risks you’re taking. She’s a stranger, and you know nothing about each other. You should be jumpy, wary in the least.
Instead, for the first time in many years, there’s not a train of thoughts running through your head, thinking about millions of possibilities and outcomes of every little thing you’ve ever witnessed.
As you walk into the middle of the spacious room, you feel nothing but calm.
Ryujin has good taste.
You’re not stupid: you know the bedroom you’re currently in belongs to her. The walls are made of wood, carved in light brown, and most of the furniture is black, a true portrait of how she presents herself — all dark and mysterious. Her bed stands appealing in the middle, the covers undone and inviting, while numerous papers rest neatly on her desk, but it’s the content on the wall that catches your attention. A map of the country, covered with red strings and pins linking numerous places. There are names written, too, as well as keywords and small texts.
“I’m a good listener. If you’d like to, naturally.” She takes a blunt out of her pocket, gesturing to you. “Do you mind?”
“Not at all.” You give her a small smile in acknowledgment. “It’s your room, anyway.”
She laughs. “Smart girl.”
“I’ll pass on your invitation to listen, though.” You continue as you stare at her closely, curious about how she’d react. Her blazer made her shirt ride up, revealing part of her toned abdomen, and you can’t help but ogle, mouth dry at the sight.
God, she’s so hot, sitting casually like that.
“As you wish. No problem.” Ryujin doesn’t seem bothered in the slightest, which provides you with enough confidence to start looking around again.
A black wooden bookshelf catches your attention, standing on the opposite side of the windows and the balcony, and you’re appalled by how vast it is. It nearly occupies the entire wall, with numerous books. It’s the only part of the room that has any color besides black, brown, or white, and the books all seem pretty worn out. You brush your fingers through the shelves, lost in paradise.
“Do you expect us to fuck?” You don’t turn to face her as you ask, without shame. Strangely, you feel like you could tell her whatever you wanted to.
She shrugs, adjusting her pillows so she’d lie comfortably, looking rather small in the massive bed. The words leave her mouth so casually like nothing was ever complicated. “If you'd like to, maybe.” Her eyes travel to your body, and you shiver, once again feeling exposed. “You’re pretty. You have a beautiful body, too. So, sure.”
“Why did you bring me here, then? If not to fuck.” You murmur, eyeing her as your fingers brush a specific book, waiting for her permission.
You take it from its place once she nods, freeing the smoke from her lungs. The Waves, highlighted and annotated.
“You looked as if you had many thoughts going on in your head.” She runs her hand through her shiny, pitch-black hair, casually. “This is my quiet place. I figured you could use a little peace for a while, too.”
She was so right. From the time you entered her room, you felt nothing but peace, as if your emotional turmoil had cooled down for a few moments.
Maybe it was the calming energy Ryujin emanates or the way she looks at you so curiously. Anyway, you decide she’s worth it.
You were not exactly fond of meeting new people, much less welcoming them into your life. You didn’t feel the need to add anyone — you could barely keep up with the amount of drama you had, with not that many people. You have a best friend, a father, a stepmother, grandparents, a sister, and her friends who were your acquaintances. Not a massive crowd, but just enough for you.
However, you feel the need to let this girl in, too.
Jumping on the bed, you don’t stop until you’re near enough to feel the warmth of the blunt Ryujin holds. You lean on your elbows, facing down whilst she’s facing up, hands behind her head to support herself as she stares at the ceiling.
“I’m Y/n, nice to meet you.” You say, determined not to feel threatened by her piercing gaze and those midnight eyes that carry such mystery.
Ryujin laughs, shaking the hand you offer. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/n. I’m Ryujin.”
She stares back, her eyes undressing you as if she’s the keeper of all your secrets. You look away. She laughs again.
Your mind wanders to Chaeryeong’s words, always eager to talk about how you should take more risks and live freely. Perhaps she’s right; you should stop worrying too much and overthinking every single thing.
You snuggle yourself even closer to Ryujin, still deciding. “But are you good?”
She frowns, turning to you. “Probably. But good at what, exactly?”
“In bed, obviously.” You roll your eyes. “Are you a good fuck?”
Being so close to her allows you to see the switch your words provoke. Her eyes darken, and she fixes her posture, no longer carefree and unbothered. No… the girl whose eyes roam over your body is far from inviting or calming. She’s powerful, just as you watched her present herself downstairs, earlier at night. With strong hands, she grabs one of your thighs, bringing you so close you’re able to play with the collar of her silk shirt.
“Why do you ask, Y/n?” Ryunjin’s hands brush your neck in a careful motion, tucking your hair away so she’s able to run her nose through your skin. One look at her, and you know she enjoys toying with you like that too much.
As she must do with anyone, you suppose.
“Well…” You look down, although still leaning at her touch. “‘Cause I want you to fuck me, of course. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be asking.”
She doesn’t mind your impatient tone but doesn’t touch you either, even after your words. If anything, she just keeps staring at your body, as if imagining all the things she’d do.
“And how would I do that, exactly?” You roll your eyes, ready to give her a defiant answer when she grabs you by the chin, ever so gently. “Make sure to be clear with your words, my angel.”
And it’s that tone once again — so low-pitched and raspy, that makes you gulp, barely breathing under the enchanting, mysterious girl’s touches. Besides being in control at all times: when you’ve decided to accompany Ryujin to her bedroom, when initiating this battle of desire… you finally come to realize how different it is, this once. This time, Ryujin’s question presents itself as a warning, its meaning loud and clear even though it was unsaid. If you agreed to this, she would be the one in control. She’d take as much as she pleased, however, you wished her to do.
Something that is so appealing to you. Not because you feel the need to let go; no, you’ve done much of that throughout all of your life — being your family’s pawn, toy, and little doll to show off to other powerful families, making a profit over the image of perfection.
No, Ryujin’s offer is appealing simply because you’re curious to see what she’d do to you. You feel drawn to her, with a sudden urge to be under her touch, to have her inside of you.
You want her to do the most unspeakable, filthy things to your body, bringing you enough pleasure to fuck you dumb, until all of your worries are washed away and long gone.
Her. You want her.
So you stand on your knees, taking your time with unclasping your bra and throwing your shirt off the ground, long hair flowing gracefully as you move, cascading down your hips. It’s only once you’re done that you speak, long after letting her watch as you make a show out of the small act.
“I want you to pleasure me.” You say, with a voice just as lustrous as hers. “I’m sure you’ve been spoiled enough in sex. Prove it to me, then. And if you’re good enough, maybe I’ll satisfy you, too.”
She smiles, exposing her canine teeth as she watches you crawl to her. Within seconds, you’re between her legs, her mouth hot and wet on your clavicle — then wasting no time to go to your breasts, as she kisses and sucks on your skin. Making sure to bruise, to mark her presence. Territorial.
“Your wish is my command, angel of mine.” She murmurs, breath warm on your skin.
Ryujin’s taste is bitter, much like poison. Still, her lips are addicting, and it’s easy to lose yourself in between the sultry kisses you share. Your skin, your insides — you’re on fire, so turned on it burns.
Her hands, skilled and lithe, wander through your body, squeezing and groping as she pleases. Such a tease, she is. You can easily tell how delighted she is to be able to take her time, caressing the insides of your thighs as you huff, impatient. She’s so close, yet so far from where you need her. Your cunt aches, sticky and needy for something, anything.
Yearning for release after such a stressful day, you feel your body trembling with anticipation. Soon enough, you’re under her, both of your clothes long thrown on the ground. It’s hard not to blush with how she’s looking at your naked body, licking her lips as she spits, a long trail of saliva going from her fingers to your wet cunt.
You need more of her. Desperately.
Tugging her hair, you let out a loud whine. “You’re so mean, Ryujin.”
“I am.” Her answer comes immediately, as she lowers her body until her mouth is close to your pussy. She brushes the hair away from her face, eyes still heavily focused on your dripping cunt. Ryujin cups your ass, one of your legs resting on her shoulder as she brings your sex as close to her face as possible. Her eyes are starstruck, long-lost in your body as she parts your folds before giving your cunt a messy, wet kiss.
Her actions are more than enough to turn you into a withering mess: her mouth is everywhere, working her way inside of your walls with such vigor you feel so full, your troubled thoughts long forgotten. She works wonders, her tongue teasing your entrance and alternating between lapping on your clit, circling your hardened bud as you moan, squirming almost desperately. You’ve never been this sensible, yet Ryujin reverberates all of her actions through your body harder than usual — even the mere brush of her fingers has her holding your thighs firmly, to keep you from moving so much and closing your legs away.
Incoherent words leave your mouth so fast that you’d be ashamed if you were able to think about anything. Your long nails scratch her bare back in random patterns, leaving her skin so red you close your hands in a sudden wave of consciousness, shy as you bring them to your chest.
She stops too, ignoring your whines as she looks up to you with a serious face, her mouth swollen and glistening with your juices. “If you stop, I’ll stop.” She grabs your hands, placing them on her once again. It’s so sweet, somehow delicate how she handles you, much different from the way she acts with anyone else. “Don’t hold yourself back.”
You nod, gulping. She has two of her fingers aligned with your slit, spreading your juices through your pussy with that little smug smile of hers before easing them inside. They slide in easily, the gushing sounds filling the room along with your voice. “Ryujin… oh f-fuck!”
“Touch your nipples.” Ryujin commands, mouth closing against your clit once again. She licks and applies a weak suction, not yet enough to overstimulate you. You’re long gone, though, incapable of forming any thoughts on your pretty head, let alone following any commands. She knows it, which is the reason her hands grope your tits with strength, massaging. “You’re sensitive, angel. Touch them for me, will you?”
It seems to work, this time. You mumble a response to her patient tone, hands going straight to your nipples as you cup your breasts. They weren’t exactly big, but certainly not small either. If you squeezed them tightly — as you were currently, doing, you could fit them in your hands. Biting your lip, you flick your thumbs through the hardened buds, circling your areolas as your fingers twist and pinch your nipples.
The action sends a shock of electricity through your body, and you throw your head back in pleasure.
“Good girl, Y/n. God, your tits are so pretty. You look so pretty like this, doing so good for me.” You barely register her words, although it doesn’t seem necessary; if anything, Ryujin seems to be speaking to herself. She lifts her head, fingers thrusting in even deeper as she judges the bruises on your hips with hard eyes. Her voice is different, too, serious as she adds, “Must’ve been a tough day, hm? You’re all bruised, my love. And I haven’t given you any of these.”
“Something like that, I guess.” You murmur, closing your eyes to focus on how good she is making you feel.
She kisses each one of your bruises with delicacy, looking somehow annoyed. Her brows are furrowed, and her lips are pouty, making it easy to tell she’s lost in thought. Because of her reaction, you lift her chin, cocking your head to the sides as you try to figure her out. It seems to wake her up from her trance, instead. Ryujin takes your fingers and sucks, staring at you while her tongue wets your index and thumb just as she was doing to your pussy, moments prior.
This girl’s going to be the death of you.
Her attention returns to your cunt, swollen and red, as she fastens the thrusts on your slit. It hits deep, each movement bringing you closer to the orgasm you ache for. A third finger is added, then, and you feel yourself close to the edge. Ryujin must’ve felt your muscles clenching, too, since she’s quick to give your clit one last, deep suck.
It feels like there’s no air left in the room. The pleasure that was building up in your lower abdomen explodes, with violent waves of pleasure erupting and giving you the best sensation you’ve ever felt. It’s ecstatic, as if thousands of fireworks live in every little space of your body. You feel spectacular, but more than that, you feel alive. With a high cry, you cum, Ryujin’s fingers still working their way inside, helping you ride out from your orgasm. She’s careful to not touch your clit, just staring at your fucked out face as your chest moves rapidly, trying to even your breathing.
After a few minutes, you squirm, expecting her to distance herself and stop touching your cunt.
It’s not what happens, though — in a blink, she’s all over you, working her way up your body with wet kisses until your lips meet once again in a messy kiss.
“You’re relaxed now, right?” She says, sucking on your lower lip. “And you were so perfect, angel. It’s my turn. Can you give me one more? Do you think you can do it for me?”
Suddenly, you’re all hot again, as her fingers thrust into you deeper and deeper. You’re dizzy, more than happy to drink on her and let her drive you into pleasure as she says so.
“R-ryujin…” You chant her name, clinging to the girl.
It doesn’t take you long to cum, this time. The orgasm that drags through your body is strong but slow, leaving you full in more ways than you’ll ever be able to describe.
“So good.” She says, hands tight on your waist and caressing your abdomen, with no rush at all. “You’re doing so good, Y/n.”
Your cunt feels empty without her fingers inside, pussy swollen and pleased. Even though she’s right by your side, you miss her, reaching out for her touches. She’s more than eager to comply, holding you close as she kisses the top of your head, brushing the long strands of hair away from your face.
The two of you stay like that, wrapped up in a warm bubble that has you completely in peace. Your muscles relax, and you feel the tiredness in your bones, pleading for sleep. It’s easy to get lost in Ryujin’s arms, forgetting your duties and obligations until your mind is filled with her.
Just as quickly, you’re thrown back into reality by the doorknob — it’s forced from the outside, although the door doesn’t move, thankfully locked. It’s most likely someone drunk, searching for a place to have fun with someone, but the action is enough for you to remember the reason you’ve attended such a party: an energetic girl with dark hair and the worst sense of humor you’ve ever seen, who was probably worried sick about you and cursing your entire existence.
With that in mind, you get up, grabbing your dispersed clothes on the floor and putting them on. Ryujin’s stare is attentive, following your every move. She’s still comfortable in her bed, not bothering to cover herself as she reaches out for the blunt on her nightstand.
“You can stay, if you’d like.” Her voice has a special effect on you. It makes your body relax instantly, and you breathe in. “Enjoy the quietude. There’s no need to run away.”
“I’m not running away.” You frown, somehow bothered that she thinks so. Grunting, you clarify, “I’d like to… hum, continue this. But my friend’s been waiting for long now. She must be going crazy, thinking I’ve been kidnapped or something. I have to take care of her.”
“Why so?” There it is. That smirk, the air of superiority that adds to Ryujin’s strong façade. It’s almost as if she’s mocking you, playing with her words. “Is she a child? Or just so stupid she can’t take care of herself…”
Your face reddens, and you finish tying your shoes just as quickly as you turn to her, both hands gripping her bed frame so you’re able to jerk your body forward. “Chaeryeong’s not stupid. Watch your fucking mouth.”
People could say anything they wanted about you. In fact, they already did — ever since you were little and your mother had left, people judged and made assumptions about your life. It was impossible not to be a target, with a family like yours, handling the business that you do. It did hurt, at the beginning, but you’ve eventually figured it out: people talked about everyone, and you weren’t special. They were so miserable and uninteresting that they’d criticize every single little thing, no matter how invisible you tried to be. It’s just how they were.
However, any words directed at your best friend are enough for you to get into messy fights. No one was allowed to talk shit about her. Not cheerful, bright Chaeryeong, who had the biggest, cutest smile and the purest intentions in her heart. You’d never allow it.
Seeing how serious you were, Ryujin’s smile dropped. She tapped her blunt in the ashtray, careful to not let the dust spill. “You’re right, she’s not. I apologize.” Although she doesn’t look sorry at all. It’s as if everything is a big joke to her; which, with such a lavish house, you know it most likely is.
Rich people are always assholes.
Humming, you roll your eyes as you try to fix your hair, failing terribly. It’s still as wild as ever, stubbornly fighting your fingers when you run your hands through its entire length, in attempts of detangling something. The subject’s been brushed off when she speaks again, breaking the silence without any awkwardness. “Yeji is keeping an eye on her, anyway. So you don’t need to fry your neurons and die of preoccupation.”
It’s awkward — you’re awkward, meanwhile, the girl looks completely at ease as she takes another hold of smoke into her lungs, naked in all her glory. God, she’s so hot; her muscles are defined, and she’s simply beautiful, like a fallen angel. It takes all of you to not fall down on your knees immediately, begging to eat her out and make her scream in pleasure like she’s done to you. But you’re also tired, and you really need to let your friend know you’re alive and well. There’s nothing more that you hate than being a bother, so you can’t let her alone, wondering if you’ve forgotten about her presence.
“You really are good.” You stare at your hands, letting out a faint giggle. It’s amazing how suddenly shy you are, given how you were begging just minutes prior. “A good fuck, I mean. You are.” In a blink, you’re by the door, gripping the doorknob with an unnecessary amount of strength. “I hope to return the favor, someday.”
“Someday.” She says, tone enigmatic as ever. You’ve noticed she’s annoyingly good at hiding her expressions, always with a bored look on her face. “See you, Y/n.”
You don’t say anything else as you leave the room, losing yourself in the labyrinth of corridors without looking back.
Turns out Chaeryeong is still at the same place she was when you left, thankfully. She jumps into your arms as soon as she sees you, sighing in relief. “I’m going to kill you! Where have you been? I looked everywhere!”
You hold her firmly by the waist, her voice a few quarters higher than usual. Chaery might not be tall, but in this drunken state, she’s heavy, nearly dragging both of you to the ground. She laughs uncontrollably, happy to have you by her side once again.
“The bathroom line was too long.” You lie, taking the drink from her hands as you take a sip. It’s strong, provoking a nauseous sensation that you ignore as you swallow it down.
The lie comes naturally, not because you feel like you have to hide what happened from your best friend, but simply because you find yourself too tired to explain. She’s going to make you repeat yourself as soon as she sobers up again, anyway.
She knows it, though. “Liar! You were doing something.” The girl narrows her eyes, a confused expression on her face as she brushes the hair away from your neck. “Where’d you get a new necklac— Y/n! You dirty whore!”
You can’t help but laugh as she examines the hickeys Ryujin left on your skin, mouth opened in a big “O” — slightly pushing her off you. Chaeryeong stumbles, hitting the wall with her shoulders as she tries to gather her balance.
“I’ll tell you about it later, okay? M’ too tired right now.” You promise, not giving her drink back once she reaches out for it.
Chaeryeong doesn’t seem to mind, jumping up and down in excitement. She grabs you by the shoulders, shaking your body with a smile that nearly covers her entire face. “My girl’s getting some game, wow! I’m so happy for you, Y/n! You have no idea. Do you know how many times I wished you got someone? I seriously thought you were going to turn into a nun or something.”
“Hey!” You protest, “I’m not a prude! The last time I had kissed someone was like, last month or something.”
Chaery stops jumping, thankfully. She pays no mind to your grumbling, twirling, and moving along with the blasting music’s rhythm. “Sure, sure. Whatever you say.”
You eye her with narrowed eyes, but she stops all of her movements before you can give her a sneaky response. Her face pales, and she gulps deeply.
“Are you okay, Chaery?” No response. Chaeryeong’s eyes are fixated on the wall behind you, the colorful lights and blasting music from the living room surely doing nothing but overwhelming her even more.
“Yeah.” She looks up, sighing. “Just felt this sudden urge to t—“ The way she covers her mouth is enough of a sign, for you. Acting quickly, you pull her to the gardens, as Chaeryeong tries her best to not jerk her body forward. It’s immediate: she throws up as soon as she finds a bush to lean on, the effects of the alcohol, adrenaline, and visual stimulation from the party getting to her organism.
“I guess you kept your drinking game high while I was busy?” You ask, trying to lighten the mood. It works, you can tell Chaery’s laughing by the way her small shoulders move. She gives you a thumbs up, too, her face still shoved in between the leaves. “Okay. Are you good to be by yourself for a few moments? I’ll get you some water, then I’ll be right back.”
“Sure.” Your friend manages to say, lying down on the grass. Her hair is all messy, and her face remains pale. “I’m fine now, though. 100%.”

“I’m still getting you the water.” You get up from where you were kneeling, too, rushing towards the kitchen entry with hurried steps.
You’re not too worried, though. This wasn’t exactly an unusual situation — sometimes Chaeryeong would drink too much, too fast… sometimes you would. It was a pain in the ass, naturally, and you’d always wake up deeply hungover the next day, but it wasn’t something to be deeply preoccupied with.
Humming to yourself, you open the fridge, in hopes of finding a bottle of fresh water. It was better than going to the bar set in the lively living room and asking for one, anyway. You barely notice a girl standing next to you, handing exactly what you’re looking for. She’s one of Ryujin’s friends, you reckon — her sunset, pin-straight hair compliments her features effortlessly, as her hypnotizing eyes stare at you attentively.
You know a judgmental look when you see one. This one’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
“For your pretty friend.” She says, waiting patiently for you to take the bottle from her hands. You do, still silent, yet your lack of enthusiasm doesn’t scare her away. She keeps babbling, not minding you at all. “I hope she feels better.”
It’s as though she knows something you don’t, and the hidden mockery in the air leaves you uneasy.
“Thanks…” You murmur, playing with the bottle in your hands. Before you brush past her to return to your friend, she adds.
“—Yeji. That’s my name.” Yeji tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, waving you goodbye with feigned innocency. “Bye, Y/n. Make sure Chaeryeong arrives home safely.”
Chaery’s had an eye on her earlier, nearly fucking her from afar while you were in your own world, lost in thoughts. They probably had some fun before you came back to your friend, that’s all.
At least, that’s what you tell yourself as you lean next to Chaeryeong again, trying to ease the knot in your stomach as you give her the plastic bottle.
“Here, don’t drink it all at once.” You say, chuckling as the girl nearly drowns herself in the water, desperate to get rid of the bitter taste in her mouth. “It’s been a long day, Chaeryeong. Let’s go home.”
She gladly takes the hand you offer, groaning as she shakes the remains of grass from her pants. “I had fun, though. Today was a fun day, Y/n. Did you have fun too?”
There’s mischief all over her face, making it impossible for you to feel down. It’s her gift, being able to lift your spirits with her lame jokes and energetic nature.
“Of course, Chaery. I always have fun when I’m with you.” You nod.
Your words please her, and she leans her head against your shoulder as you make your way to the car, side by side.
It’s late, and you’re tired. You’d handle it all in the morning.
Despite the weariness that penetrates thick in your bones, you’re punctual as always, doodling in your journal by the counter as the sun fights its way up against the messy fog of the morning. It’s a routine you’ve been doing ever since you were a teenager: going out, partying, and going to so many places until dawn, while still showing up to work at the Diner in the following morning.
You’d get some rest, eventually. For now, the four hours of sleep you had were enough to keep you up, somehow Besides, Saturday mornings are always some of the slowest days at the place, with hardly anyone coming for breakfast. People liked to sleep in, trying to gather all the hours they’ve lost from having to wake up early for work, you guess — which is why the place is empty, no customers to be seen.
There’s a hard slam on the corner, and you lift your eyes to follow the sound. You’re greeted by Rosé: her baby-pink hair is even messier than usual, and her leather jacket seems to be the only thing protecting her from the chilly weather. It does little to ease her, though — Your sister’s shorts expose her legs, dirty and scratched. At least her crop top is thick, the black clothing making her seem even more intimidating. And she smells of smoke, instead of her usual cologne.
“You look like shit.” You’re the first to break the silence, as your eyes return to your sketch. It’s not an easy thing to do, but you try your best to act indifferent to your sister’s piercing stare. “I’m taking you haven’t had any sleep at all.”
She’s fuming, you know that. Somehow, Rosé’s cold attitude is much worse than her red fire. Her quietness scares you, as it should. It’s never a good sign.
“Have you ever been anything other than useless, all your life?” She spits, and her words hurt, no matter how long you’ve mentally prepared yourself to have that talk, ever since you left the warehouse. “I asked you to do one thing, Y/n. One fucking thing, and you managed to fuck it all up! God, you’re such a failure.”
Your mouth is dry, all of your courage going down the drain as you stare at the woman in front of you. Suddenly, you’re a little kid again, playing your part as Rosé’s little doll so you’d receive a smile, a praise, anything from her. You’d do anything to get her to acknowledge you, having to fight for her attention like everyone else.
But not anymore.
She hits the counter again, visibly enraged. You shove your finger at her chest, fighting back before she destroys you with her words — like she’s so good at.
“And you’re a fucking liar! Fuck you, Rosé. You fucking lied to me, saying we’d meet Wendy because you knew damn well I’d say no to dealing with Jinsoul. And you know what? I was fucking right!” Saying the words out loud is enough to give you courage. When you speak again, your tone is low, sharp like she’d taught you. “We could’ve gotten seriously hurt out there, Rosé. And you were fully aware of that when you sent us into that fucking trap! You’re in no position to demand anything.”
Rosé runs her hands through her hair, and you can tell she’s exhausted, too. She’s always hidden things from you, so it’s impossible to know what’s going on in her life. Although you can’t bring yourself to care, anymore.
“We need that money, Y/n!” She shouts, exasperated. If her stare could burn, you’d be long dead. “How do you think things work, huh? Who do you think is paying for that fancy college of yours — our house, the food we eat every day? It’s me! I provide for us, with that dirty money you hate so much. So wake up! Fucking idiot. Stop being such a burden and help, for once.”
You know it’s true. Even though your father is supposedly the one in charge, Rosé is the true leader. Needless to say, you’re grateful for all of those things.
Which doesn’t make Rosé any less of an asshole.
“You’re a shit sister.” You lean on the chair, your icy tone placing a blunt contrast to her fiery screams. “And an absolutely horrible person. I despise you.”
A flash of hurt passes through Rosé’s arms, so fast you wonder if you’ve imagined it. But as fast as it happens, it’s over with. Instantly, her defenses are up again, and your sister looks down on you, rolling her eyes as she crosses her arms in the middle of her chest.
“You’re tiring me.” She huffs, her tone making it clear she is done with the conversation. Rosé leans on the counter and shoves your shoulders on a punch before storming away, slamming the entry door loudly. “I’m going out, to clean the mess you’ve made. Like always.”
Tears start to cloud your vision as you watch her hop on her car, the roaming of the engines making her feelings clear enough for anyone to understand. She’s an asshole, you know it; but it’s hard to not be upset by her lack of care towards you. You long for her approval and affection, getting anything other than that is enough to leave you deeply hurt.
It’s frustrating, to feel like that over such a shitty situation. You don’t even know if the tears you shed come from sadness or from anger, as you brush them away from your face.
A lithe figure hits the window to grab your attention, and you’re deeply surprised to see Ryujin barging in, walking towards you in confident steps. She chooses the table closest to you, resting her arms over the chairs next to hers.
“Good morning, Y/n.” She says, completely comfortable.
“Morning.” You can’t help but frown, confused. At least her presence offers enough of a distraction from your actual problems. “What are you doing here, Ryujin?”
Ryujin smiles, her eyes small and dazed, so pretty it should be a crime. The rays of weak sunlight brighten her face, making her seem almost innocent. Much different from the night prior. “I heard this place had great food, so I came to check. I woke up pretty hungry, you know.”
“Sure.” You hum, eyeing her suspiciously.
“I’ll have some waffles, pancakes, and coffee. Black, and with no sugar, please.” She says, after looking at the menu. You nod, making your way to the kitchen as quickly as possible, in hopes of escaping her intense stares.
It’s unsettling, how you’re able to feel her gaze burning holes on your back. The sensation takes you back to the night prior, a tingling sensation looking for a place in your core. You push it away, opening the double doors of the cooking area.
“Yoona unnie?” You look for the woman, watching her put her phone down to pay you attention. Smiling, you hand her a small note. “We have a customer.”
“Oh, so early! No one comes on Saturdays.” She mumbles, peeking out behind you to spot Ryujin, who stares at the road in boredom. “I’ll prepare it quickly. Meanwhile, you can go entertain her.”
You laugh at Yoona’s suggestion, shaking your head. “I’d rather wait here, with you.”
Yoona’s face turns serious, as she points at you. “No one is allowed in the kitchen while I cook. Goodbye, Y/n.” You grumble, having no choice but to go back to Ryujin while the woman pushes you out the doors.
Having coffee without any sugar is a trait reserved for psychopaths, which you think suits Ryujin well. You pour her drink in your favorite mug, before returning to her table.
“I thought you also cooked.” The raven-haired girl stands when you approach, promptly pulling the chair in front of herself.
She gestures for you to sit, and you frown, ready to argue that you are still working. The knowing look she gives you is enough to make you sit down, obedient.
“I can’t cook to save my life.” You explain, giggling to cover the shame of having to admit such a fact. “Yoona does it effortlessly, though. Her pastries are the best.”
Ryujin nods, scrunching her nose as she looks around. “And where’s your friend, may I ask?” Her smirk turns playful, pointy canines exposed at you. “Are you not taking care of her right now?”
“She’s not a child, right? She can take care of herself.” Although you play along in her game — repeating what she’d told you the day prior, you’re also quick to add. “Besides, she’s sleeping right now. Chaery always sleeps until late after a party.”
“Lucky her.” Ryujin whistles, and you agree. You wish you could sleep like your best friend, too. Not only did Chaeryeong often sleep until late at noon, but she’s also the heaviest sleeper you’ve ever met, unlike yourself. You envy her ability to sleep through literally anything possible.
Yoona calls for you to get Ryujin’s order, which you quickly do. The dishes look impeccable once you place them on the table. Yoona never misses.
It wasn’t rare to have customers who came by themselves, with the desire to have a moment of peace and enjoy their meals. With that in mind, you motion to leave, leaving Ryujin alone to do just that. She surprises you by grabbing your hand, ever so gently.
“This one’s for you, actually.” She pushes the pancake plate in your direction, hand still holding on to yours. Her fingers trace gentle circles in your palm. “Would mind joining me? I hate to eat alone.”
Leaving you without words is, apparently, one of Ryujin’s many talents. Once again, you feel drawn to her, incapable of saying no. It’s something in her eyes, you suppose; the way she stares at you, attentive, from the moment you first met each other. She acknowledges every little detail about you, and most importantly, she listens. You didn’t know someone could understand you entirely like that — it’s both thrilling and scary, to know you’re so aligned.
“I don’t really have a choice, do I?” You murmur, and she shakes her head, in a clear sign that you don’t.
The two of you eat, soon engaged in lively conversation. It’s a pleasant surprise, to know Ryujin is much more than a pretty, intimidating face: she’s smart, funny, and very attentive. You both enjoy the same books, and she’s respectful and mindful when sharing her perspective about topics you disagree on. Time flies, and you find yourself comfortable in her presence.
Getting you to talk about yourself is difficult — even Chaeryeong has to ask repeatedly to get information from you. You just can’t help it: being raised to be a discreet, private person has created the habit of bottling up your emotions, and hiding things until you couldn’t handle them anymore.
However, the words flow freely with Ryujin. You want to share about your life, your hobbies, the people you love… it’s just somewhat easy when it comes to her.
And she doesn’t seem bothered in the slightest. Far from that, Ryujin drinks from you: acknowledging every little detail about yourself, enchanted and marveled.
You barely notice how quickly you’ve eaten breakfast, not even a small bite left. Ryujin is surprised, too, to not have noticed either. You’ve distracted her and knocked down her defenses without even meaning to do so.
“Okay, so I might’ve come here with a purpose…” She says, and you shake your head. Of course, she did. “In my defense, I found this on my bedside table, a little after you left, and it looked pretty fancy to just keep to myself.”
In her hands, there’s a cross necklace, shining in bright silver. Your fingers go to your neck unconsciously, in hopes of touching the one you kept with yourself at all times — only to hold on to the air, instead. You grasp, bile bundling up in your stomach at the thought of the hours you’ve spent without your precious necklace.
As soon as you reach out for it, Ryujin holds the jewelry away from your hands.
“May I?” She unclasps the lock, gesturing to where it should be rested.
You nod, eager to have your necklace back. Holding your hair away from your face, you turn around, waiting for her. Her breath is hot on the back of your neck, and for a moment, you think she might kiss you. Instead, she takes a step back, a proud look on her face as she runs her thumb against the bruises on your collarbone. “There. All done, angel.”
“Thank you.” The words that leave your mouth are sincere, and you can’t muster how grateful you truly are. “I… Thank you, really. This is so important to me. How can I repay you?”
No matter how much you might hate Rosé at the current moment, that necklace means everything to you. It reminds you of a time when things were less complicated. When you were too young to understand what was truly going on in your life, lost in the innocence of childhood.
“Don’t worry about it.” Ryujin brushes it off, getting up quickly. She drops some money on the table, definitely much more than what she’s ordered. “We’ll see each other soon. Bye, Y/n. You look beautiful, by the way.”
Just as fast as she appeared, Ryujin’s gone. Leaving you to wonder what’s underneath all that mysterious façade, you go back to your chores, unable to brush the raven-haired girl off from your thoughts.
Rosé’s been having one hell of a week. Weeks, or even a month.
As if dealing with her family’s business wasn’t enough, with people constantly waiting for an opportunity to betray her and plan their downfall, this new gang that’s been stealing all her clients and supplies has been pissing her off in ways she didn’t deem possible. And now, she has your stupid feelings to worry about. God, you’re so damn sensitive it drives her crazy.
“Rosie?” Lisa’s voice reminds the woman she’s in the middle of a meeting — one she called herself. “What’s going on? You’ve been distracted ever since you walked through the door.”
“Yeah. This fucking sucks, but don’t fret too much. It’s not like we’ve not dealt with situations like those before. Those bitches will get what they deserve.” Jisoo says, in an attempt to soothe Rosé’s nerves. Her tone is excited — perhaps too much.
She’s always been a little masochist.
They’re right, which only makes Rosé more frustrated. She should be planning her revenge, not pouting over a stupid fight.
“I know, it’s just—“ She sighs. “Never mind. Let’s get this over with.”
They all nod, chatting vividly, but Rosé’s phone lights up before she’s able to join the conversation. There’s a message from an unknown number, which is unusual.
The content of it is what unsettles her the most. Her mouth dries and the air runs from her lungs as she stares at the image sent — A picture of you, boobs covered by someone’s arms and bare waist filled with bruises.
The message under it says Thank you for the guns and the snack. I’ll make sure to come back for more, later.
It doesn’t have a slight indication of who sent it, but Rosé doesn’t need a confirmation. She knows exactly who did.
“Jennie!” She screams, even though the girl is not far away from herself, sitting by the long table in the dining room. “Grab the stuff immediately. We’ll do this in my house, instead.” And so she turns, barging orders as she goes.
No one’s going to use her little sister as bait and live.
This newcomer might’ve had a few strikes of beginner's luck, but Rosé’s patience had run thin. She wouldn’t tolerate any insolences anymore, no.
She’ll have Ryujin’s head.
152 notes · View notes
luffyvace · 1 month
Undertaker wants to Court you! ~(Headcanons)~
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Can’t wait for the public school arc who’s with me?!
this dude is so silly 🗿 enjoy some hcs of this ridiculous little man
Undertaker is funny. He uses that to his advantage when courting. Well, it actually depends on what type of humor you have- most of his are usually those jokes that are kinda funny but at the same time your like ‘That’s outta pocket! 🤦‍♀️😑😂’ yk?
he always wants to hear jokes. He asks you randomly and no matter what type he laughs at them. Rude humor? Hilarious! Dad jokes? That one really tickled his fancy! 😂 why did the chicken cross the road?? To get to the other side? 🤣🤣💥
now usually I feel he has a specific sense of humor but with you everything’s just kinda funny. It’s that moment when your with someone who you can laugh at the most unfunniest stuff ever and still be cackling at it anyway 😭💕
he’s always telling them as well. Might I say, at the worst times 😏 you just watched someone run over a stray animal? Oh he’s got a joke for that hear him out- LIKE BRO 😭⁉️
Let’s also talk about hiiiis…! weird side! (I’m saying ‘side’ like he’s isn’t always weird..) This is pretty much him just being a creep? Ish? Like that scene where he was in the barrel licking salt…🤨 or how he’s always in coffins (which tbh seems more normal for a grim reaper but still..) either way this dudes’ real weird and he doesn’t tone it down, even around you despite the fact that it may or may not (you decide) push you away
He’s a very mysterious dude, so how ever you met him I guarantee it was eerie and somewhat strange. Therefore you were likely intrigued by him, so when you went on your first date it was, well, very interesting! There’s so many layers to unravel with this guy! Ngl even now you’ve only semi unraveled this incomprehensible man but at the least you do learn more as you get to know him :P
his past is….complicated is an understatement- gimme a new word.
literally no one but him knows his full past all the way up to this very day. Looks like no one has stuck around long enough! Since you will I guess you’ll be the first to figure it out! ;)
now I’ll say this, he won’t sit down and just tell you everything, no. That won’t be any fun! 😄 you’ll have to have the intelligent to sit down and decode it piece by piece with the tidbits of information he gives you randomly. Yes! It’s going to be comical seeing you try and put this whole thing-a-ba-jig together! (^_−)−☆ 🤣
his nonjudgmental yet opinionated personality is scary if you don’t like folk who come off too strong. Or if your sensitive- 😄 he’s a ‘tell-it-like-it-is-and-I-don’t-give-a-ship’ type of guy. Buuuut! If your similar to him in that sense you’ll probably understand him a lot more. Him being nonjudgemental is perfect for peeps of all types so that’s a plus!! 💗
ranting about his fascination with humans during your dates comes with the package! ☝️He just does, it’s always one of his topics, and ngl it’s nothing boring either, he’s got quite a few stories to tell with even more jokes in between, which is sure to make for a lovely date <3 plus at some point all species in black butler experienced being a human, and idk about y’all but the study of human nature, psychology and how the brain works is a very interesting thing for me! I’d definitely be able to keep a conversation like that up for some time, me personally.
He puts up a front of a funny weird guy when there’s more to him if you read between the lines. Which, don’t get me wrong that certainly is a part of the real him, he just makes sure to highlight it so you don’t look at the rest 😃👌
he’s a real creepy fellow..even towards you 😭 (on purpose) and whether he’s trying to court you or not there’s no escaping it- if it starts to push you away he’ll find a way to incorporate laughter into it to make it more appealing, but no, he won’t change his ways 😭
(yes it’s canon 😞)
you force him to wash his hair 😘💋 pls he needs it. or at least do it with him so it’s more fun. It’ll probably be easier to convince him that way
Time to talk about his work as a grim reaper!!! :3 (retired anyway) if you are reaper you get to follow each other around doing tasks! human? You both go your separate ways to work, whatever that may be. A demon? The same as a human really! Just this time you might have a contract with somebody. Buttttt!! A perk of all three is getting to work in the funeral parlor with him ;3 it’s a good disguise if your a demon/reaper and also some good quality time for you and your reaper 😘 (i mean, I hope you don’t mind morbid stuff cuz he’s a mortician after all 😅)
his little Russian roulette with the phantomhives 🕺 (LOL) no seriously I have no clue what type of relationship he has with them besides the fact that he serves them for the price of top notch laughter 🧑‍🍳💋 but you might! I’d say he’s more willing to let you in then anyone if he’s trying to court you! That obviously means he wants to trust you with his heart! So yeah! You likely know a thing or two—more about Ciel than Vincent but any info will do at this point 😭 it’s a start right? 🤷‍♀️
whenever Ciel comes over you get to witness him or Sebastian try to make undertaker laugh, it’s not like they can kick you out, you work there! Perks 😏 You can pretty much tell the one time Ciel made him laugh himself it was just a whole bunch of tomfoolery 😂 (why did it take so long⁉️😭) Sebastian is also able to make undertaker laugh really hard immediately so I wonder what he does 🤪 guess you’ll get to see! 😋
undertaker opening up to you is a process that requires patience. And don’t be pushy!! I mean this for your sake, by the way. You’ll drive yourself crazy since you’ll never get an answer that’s not riddles or straight up jokes. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
yeah overall his way of courting is really strange but when it comes to making things official he’s poetically blunt. The type of blunt where you have to process for a second like ‘wait what does that mean- oh. OH-’
Anyway I’m gonna talk about the actual dates now cuz I’ve pretty much just been mentioning the madness that comes with it this entire time :3 and yes as I said that’s a way of courting to him. He’s weird and blunt but doesn’t wanna do things the traditional way. So getting you involved in his antics is his way of saying ‘hey i like ya and I want ya to stick around’. And jokes. HAHAHAH 😂
dates with undertaker normally consists of tea, jokes, human psychology and gossip 🗿 ever since I saw ciel in wonderland I couldn’t get over the fact that undertaker was at a tea party and now I headcanons him to like tea LOLOLOL! I mean I know that’s how the plot goes in the actual slice movie and he was just playing the role of the character but, think about it—don’t it kinda fit???? Like?? Okok Hear me out hear me out- imagine sipping on some tea with Undertaker and gossiping on the latest drama from the underworld, ‘I heard a rare case is happening where blah blah blah *giggle* *giggle* chatter chatter..’ ETC! like idk how to explain it but do you see the vision???
I can also see him doing that dramatic anime thing where they sip they’re drink majestically then say something intelligent sounding (☝️🤓) (about psychology, for him) as the wind blows 😂😂 YK? LOLL even worse if your in a outside background and his eyes shows (cuz the character who never shows they’re eyes always show them when they get serious 🤣)
i love how shameless this guy is
why don’t we know this guys’ real name⁉️ Can’t even give him a nickname because ‘undertaker’ isn’t nickname material!! What am I supposed to call him???? Taker’ ⁉️😭🗿
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
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You were once his colorful spark of adventurous dreams while he was stuck in a monotone nightmare of what had been chosen for him. And now, years after he'd escaped and quietly disappeared, he's back- and you're nothing but strangers.
Tags/Warnings: non-idol AU, Angst, Friends to strangers to lovers, smut, I know you've all been waiting for what mom might make out of the groceries aka topless calvin Klein kook, mentions of death, mentions of questionable past time activities (smoking, drinking, drugs but no consumption of such, sex, gambling), more TBA
Length: ???
-> this is going to be a One-shot. Additional content can be added if requested.
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"Where's puffball?" Jungkook asks, carefully walking into your apartment, visibly tense as he follows you slowly, rather taking a look around.
"Where he always sleeps." You simply say, and Jungkook needs to think for a second, before his face turns towards the corner near your entrance door, where a small coffee table stands instead of the tiny red dog bed he was expecting-
A picture of the tiny off-white poodle mix on top of it, his baby blue collar in front with a candle unlit.
"Oh.." jungkook can't find the words, his throat suddenly clogging up. Everyone always said how ugly that dog was, and yeah, objectively he was- with the overbite and tongue hanging out, he truly wouldn't have ever won a beauty contest. But you loved the little guy- and Jungkook loved him too, despite his constant yapping.
"Died of kidney failure last year December." You shrug as you search through a bookshelf, opening a folder with documents. "Wasn't surprising."
"I'm.." he starts, before he bites his lip, scratches the back of his neck. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" You chuckle, trying to just brush it off. Truth be told it still hurts to talk about it- but you don't want him to know that. "You didn't kill the guy." You joke, taking out some paperwork as you sit down on the couch.
"No, It's not that-" he says, eyes focused on the grey-ish pull out couch in front of him.
The same you both made love on, years ago, the same he held you on through the entire night before you went for a round two in the morning, the same he decided that he needs change on.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there. To.. comfort you." He offers.
Again, only a shrug of your shoulders. You don't acknowledge him at all, it feels like.
And he can't even blame you.
"Here- that should be all the papers for the car." You instead change the topic, holding out the documents- which he takes, though he sits down next to you as well, with a respectful distance. It feels off, awkward, like punishment for his cowardly behavior years prior.
It's like you switched sides- your tattoos covered up by simple black leggings, blank white top covering your upper half. The only hint of color is in the split ends of your hair- though even that's faded to the point of almost being unrecognizable.
And now he's the rebel of the two of you, going against the norms with his tattoos and piercings and hair and everything- something he'd always admired you for, back then.
But the world had finally broken you down it looks like- society having forced you into submission after all, despite your back then huge ambitions.
"Are you sure I can just.. have it?" He asks again, just to make sure you really don't want the car any longer- and you nod.
"I had a seizure three months back, so I'm not allowed to drive anyway." You say nonchalantly, leaning back against the couch, arms and legs crossed to almost fend him off it seems like. "Not that I'd want to ever again." You confess.
"..down the old EDM club." He suddenly says, looking at you. "Near the main road. That was you?" He asks, and you nod, though your furrowed brows and challenging eyes show clearly that you're asking for why he knows about it. "I.. kept up with the news and.." he sighs, running his fingers through his hair, the other hand careful not to clutch the papers too hard. "I wanted to know you're alright."
"Cool." You simply say, nothing else.
He looks at you, waiting for something more you might day- but you don't. You just look at him with a strange mixture of emotions he can't really distinguish. It's all washed together into one muddy mess- and he knows it's his fault that you're so on guard.
He's a stranger to you now, after all.
"Car was never fixed up, by the way." You say, moving to get up. "So you've got some work to do or money to spend." You say, and Jungkook gets up as well, walking after you towards the door that you open for him.
He slips back into his Chelsea boots, before he looks back at you, mouth opening before you can even deny him. "I know you're pissed at me." He says. "And you got every right to."
"Great we talked about that- now leave." You say, pointing out the door.
"I'm not gonna say this to get my dick wet." He tells you with a serious face, as you stare him down, daring him foe his next words. "But I need you to know that you.. what happened between us, that was fucking special." He says. "So much so that I knew I had to change in order to.. become someone." He says.
"Someone what?" You ask, crossing your arms defensively- because his words are getting to you.
"Just someone." He explains. "I wasn't anyone at all back then. Just.. a puppet who did what I for told. I had no personality. No ambitions, nothing- I only had you." He words out, and your gaze softens. "And I couldn't stay with you because.. I would've probably hurt you at some point."
"You still did." You say, and he nods, tongue playing with his piercing.
"I did." He agrees. "But not as bad as I would've if I'd stayed." He tries to justify. "I- listen, can't we.. start over?" He wonders, looking at you with hopeful eyes. "We're basically strangers by now anyway, aren't we?"
You are.
The jungkook in front of you is nothing like the blank canvas he used to be. He's vibrant despite the lack of color he's actually wearing, full of emotions, opinions and views. This jungkook is filled to the brim with things-
While you've become empty instead now, taking his place.
"I don't think I'm the person you remember." You deny. "We don't fit- in fact, we never did." You shake your head.
"Five years might change a lot-" he says, round black orbs watching you intently. "-but the won't change what's in here." He says, offers, hopes, inked finger gently pointing to where your heart sits underneath the shirt and your skin and bones.
And much to your demise, he seems to be right.
Because you're sure he can probably feel it beating faster from this faint touch alone.
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the-dawn-star · 1 month
Hi, can you please write a scenario where a teen reader escaped from yandere platonic Mikaelsons family after discovering they are vampires that kills people accidentally? Thanks a lot.
A/N: I changed the idea a bit, hope you don't mind. Thanks for the request! Now, to bit more depressing topics: I have been feeling awful lately and I'm sorry that the update pace has been a lot slower. Let's hope I can fix that at some point.
+500ish words.
TW/CW: Reader throws up, Kol kills people.
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This couldn’t be real! This isn’t real, it’s all just a really bad realistic dream!  
You had walked to the house after a day of school. Your day had actually been pretty good, and your last class had been canceled. You had been excited to get home, to relax, but your plan didn’t go as well as you had thought.  
You had walked in to see blood, so much blood.  
And the bodies, all the bodies on the floor in pools of blood.  
And Kol..., someone that you had trusted for so long. Kol who had another dead corpse on his shoulder.  
And Rebekah sitting in an old armchair without a care in the world. Like this was normal.  
You were close to throwing up and you covered your mouth with your hand, scared of making a sound and having the siblings hear your presence.  
You could barely hear their bickering. It felt like their voices came from far away. The blood, the bodies, all of it was too overwhelming.  
You pressed your back against the wall, frozen in your place. You couldn’t stop yourself from throwing up all the day’s food to the floor.  
No sounds could reach you, no you must have been heard.  
“Oh, angel, what are you doing here? I thought you had another class! Are you okay? Are you feeling sick? Have you eaten anything spoiled or something?”  
Rebekah’s questions might have been comforting if not for the fact that there was a pile of bodies in the other room.  
Tears pricked in your eyes, and you pulled as far away from Rebekah’s touch as possible. It was too much... 
The rest of the afternoon went in a haze. You yelled and screamed and fought, terrified of the siblings.  
But at the end you lost the fight, tired while Kol held you in his arms you fell asleep exhausted.  
Waking up back in your bed was like heaven came true from a nightmarish day. It all had been just a dream... 
You took a deep breath only to be brought back to reality by the fact that your eyes were itchy and your throat dry. The moment of happiness was crushed in a second.  
You jumped off of your bed and ran to the door. It was locked from the outside... 
You wanted to scream, to curse the whole family and their stupid corpse pile.  
But before you could start any of it the door unlocked, and Elijah came in.  
“Elijah, what the hell is going on?” You asked, backing all the way to the bed.  
“My siblings aren’t very well versed in hiding their nature, I must apologize for what you saw.” 
The warm Elijah was nowhere in sight, the Elijah who had practically worked as a father figure for you.  
“Elijah please, I don’t understand what’s going on,” Your words sounded more like a plea, but you couldn’t help it.  
Elijah walked closer to me giving my forehead a gentle kiss.  
“Do not worry, in a few days the vervain is out of your system, and everything will go back to normal...”
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agoodroughandtumble · 2 months
None of Those Girls Are Me Part 2 - Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Status: Incomplete Summary: Reader is completely oblivious to Zoro’s feelings Warnings: 18+, Language, might be smut or implied smut in further chapters 
You had remained next to him for the rest of the night – completely unaware as to how grateful he was that you had given up on your random flirtations. Unsurprisingly, the more you drank the more animated you became – increasingly excited about every topic of conversation, laughing without a care in the world and so, so oblivious to the way Zoro was looking at you. He was grateful for that too. He could let himself indulge, just a little, safe in the knowledge that any lingering looks that could give him away were far from your radar.
The bar lights reflected in your eyes, emphasising their own brightness lit up by your smile. Zoro couldn’t help but think that the stars themselves were dancing in those eyes, and only for him. This delusion was only exacerbated by the way your thighs were touching his and the ease at which you invaded his personal space, as if you already knew he had made room for you behind his walls months ago.
He was too busy allowing himself to relax against your hand on his forearm that your question threw him completely off guard.
“So what sort of girls do you like?” You were looking at him expectantly, as if he was supposed to respond with anything other than “You, obviously”.
He shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “I told you I’m not really into the one night stand thing.”
You rolled your eyes exaggeratedly. “I know. I’m not talking about that. I’m talking in general. Oh!” You wiggled your fingers, trying to think, “Who was that girl? Urgh,” fingers increased speed as you wracked your brain. “Toshiko? The marine, with the swords. You liked her.”
Zoro’s eyes studied your carefully. “Tashigi. She’s a pain in the arse.”
You smiled wryly at him. “Uh huh.”
He wasn’t quite sure where you were going with this, but was definitely sure he wasn’t going to like it. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Zoro watched as you chewed your lips, trying really, really hard not to think what those lips tasted like. Probably alcohol at this point, his probably did too. Which was more than find since he could blame said alcohol for his inability to stop staring.
“Well,” you shuffled almost impossibly closer, “Just in my experience if someone gets under your skin that much there’s a reason why.”
He let out an amused sigh and tried to force the upturned corner of his mouth back to neutrality. The irony of you saying that to him was surely the universe’s biggest “fuck you” yet.
You had noticed the change in his expression. “I knew it!”
Oh fuck. He prepared himself for the onslaught of questions, the feigned disbelief because obviously you had to be aware, and, lastly, he prepared himself for the “gentle” let down that while you liked him, it wasn’t in that way but you still wanted to be friends – for the sake of the crew, and all. He hadn’t prepared himself for the triumphant way you clapped your hands together, eyes lighting up almost too brightly.
“You do like her!”
The fuck.
He took a sip of his drink. A rather long sip. More of a downing if anything. Thankfully the bar was so busy that whenever one of you went to get a round you came back with multiples to save the constant queueing. So he kept drinking. It was almost as if his brain had short circuited. If he said he didn’t, you would just tease him about denying his feelings. But he couldn’t say he did because obviously that was a lie. You were clearly expecting some sort of reaction, and him just downing drinks wasn’t exactly giving off the impression that he Did Not Care. So, in a last act of desperation he did something completely out of character that he was surely going to regret, but he’d found himself digging such a hole the only way out was to blow the whole terrain up. He set his drink down and turned to face you, trying to show some semblance of indifference. “Say if I did like anyone, how do I…” he sighed. This was the worst idea but the only one that wasn’t screaming from the rooftops. “Do that.”
The smile on your face was almost maniacal. He would find it adorable if it didn’t instil him with fear. You were clearly not going to let this go. “Are you asking me for dating advice?” You laughed and his heart twinged. “The great Pirate Hunter Zoro is afraid of telling a girl he likes her?”
Obviously yes. But you didn’t have to spell it out. You could have afforded him that dignity at least. But his mouth spoke before his brain engaged and said the worst possible thing. “No, just tell me what girls like. What you would like.”
You smirked and picked up your drink offering a toast. “Oh, I’m going to get you so many girls.”
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imaginemalereader · 6 months
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Requested by @haocovr: Imagine being a doctor at Chicago Med and in love with Ethan Choi
"Good morning Dr. Choi." You greeted as you walked into Med. Ethan was already moving around quickly and reading over a chart in his hand.
"Morning Dr.[Y/N]." He smiled at you quickly before ducking into Trauma 2 to check on his patient.
You smiled back, even though he wasn't looking. It was such a small thing but his greeting was the best part of your morning.
Maggie approached you, a knowing smile and no chart to be seen.
"What are you looking at me like that for?" You asked, even though with Maggie you knew there was no point in trying to deny what she was seeing. She saw everything and that included seeing right through your innocent façade.
"You know exactly why." She said. "You've got to make your move. Go for it, be assertive."
"Maggie," you sighed, "he probably doesn't even-"
"Feel the same?" She interrupted. "You both have comedically bad timing. Every time one of you does something cute, the other blushes but you look away so you just don't see it. He likes you. He's probably afraid to admit it, but he does. So, talk to him. Tell him how you feel."
You looked at her. She was so confident in her assessment and you trusted her judgement on about a million other things, but you struggled to believe her here. Ethan? Liked you too? It just seemed so unlikely.
You went through the day, having only brief interactions with Ethan but each time you swore Maggie lingered around just to see if you would commit. Of course, when discussing patient care, especially in front of a patient, there weren't many opportunities for the topic to come up.
Finally, your day was wrapping up and wouldn't you know it, so was Ethan's. You were on your way to grab your things when Maggie caught your eye and gave you a look and a pushing hand motion followed by a heart. You weren't sure whether to roll your eyes or blush.
Ethan was gathering his things as well when you walked in.
"Long day?" He asked.
"I've certainly had longer. How about you?"
"Not bad, all things considered." He paused. "What are you doing tonight, got any plans?"
"Nothing yet. Why do you ask?" You asked. Ethan always seemed so confident and you really hoped he would make the first move. Maggie's pep talk had helped but you were still uncertain.
Was that a blush on Ethan's face? No, surely you were just imagining it. Ethan didn't blush. Sometimes he would smile and look away but he wasn't the blushing kind. Not that you'd watched his reactions that closely before.
"Curiosity." He finally answered simply.
"Ah." You said, disappointed but trying to hide it. You took your coat and wallet from their places and got ready to leave quietly. You considered walking out the door without saying anything else but Maggie's voice in your head told you not to.
"Do you want to go to Molly's?" You suggested, turning from the door to look at Ethan. He looked surprised at first but then smiled.
"I would like that a lot."
So, the two of you headed to the bar, greeting the firefighters as you sat at a table to give yourselves some more space to talk.
And talk you did. It was a little awkward at first, Ethan was not naturally much of a small talker and you didn't want to dive in too heavy right from the start. But from a bit of work chat, you got to spin off onto some tangents and exchange stories that had you sitting on the edge of your seat to almost doubling over laughing.
After a couple beers, Ethan finally asked you the question you'd been worried about.
"So, what made you invite me to Molly's tonight?" He asked. He certainly hadn't minded the invitation at all and he loved talking to you, but it had been a bit of a surprise.
You hesitated, unsure of how much of your feelings you wanted to lead with.
"Maggie suggested I ask actually. She thought it might be good for us to hang out."
Ethan raised an eyebrow and tried to suppress a smile.
"Funny. She told me a similar thing today."
"Oh did she?" You asked, now raising your own eyebrow. She had played you both like a fiddle. "What exactly did she tell you?"
Ethan studied you for a moment. His face was handsome you thought as he focused on your eyes.
"She told me that I needed to stop missing my moment and take the dive."
"Maggie used the phrase 'take the dive?' Huh." You mused before processing the more important part of what Ethan had been saying. "What moment was she worried about?"
You wanted to believe it would be a romantic moment and everything was leading you there. Your stomach was in your throat and you knew it would just plummet if he said it was purely platonic.
"Apparently I haven't been as subtle about how I feel as I thought. She said you weren't subtle either, I was just not looking hard enough."
How he felt. You felt a warmth in your chest as you could relax now.
"Maggie was rather confident you liked me. And she read me like a book too."
Ethan laughed and he was able to relax again.
"So, you have feelings for me too?" He confirmed.
"I like you, I really do."
You both smiled. How could you not?
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feelbokkie · 1 year
📱Texting BFF!SKZ “What are we?” (Part 2) (Hyung Line + Hyunjin)📱
☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
genre: heavy angst, hurt/comfort, some fluff
pov: 1st & 2nd person
description: After receiving mixed signals from bff!skz you tried to figure out what the hell you are. After that blew up, they have to figure their shit out (Half smau, half written) (screenshots for recapping) (unedited)
pairing: hyung line bff!skz & reader
warnings: swearing, friendship break up, mentions of violence, mention of sex (Chan), mention of food (Minho & Changbin), mention of not eating (Hyunjin)
word count: listed below
screenshot count: 4
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
Part 1
Part 2 (Maknae Line)
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방 찬 (Bang Chan) (1,251 words)
Part 3
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The last place you wanted to be right now was a party where you knew you would run into Chan. But you promised Jisung that you would come for his birthday party and you knew you wouldn't hear the end of it if you ditched.
So far, you were doing well avoiding him, or maybe he was avoiding you. You had seen and run to all of the other boys and you know how codependent they all are. Besides, Jisung lives with Chan, you can only imagine the punishment Ji would unleash if he missed the party.
You made sure to find Jisung early on when the party started. You even took a picture with him so he would have no excuse to say that you didn't go. Your plan was to go, make your rounds, and then head straight home all while avoiding Chan.
You were almost free until you literally bumped into Chan, slightly spilling his drink on the floor.
"Oh shit, sorry--Y/N? I-I didn't think you'd come." He says sheepishly.
"Yeah, well Sungie asked me to come and it is his birthday." You say quietly.
"Well, that's good. You're friends with him too, so you should come if you want." He scratches the back of his head.
"I was just leaving though. I wasn't planning on staying long." You nod towards the door. Your goal was to avoid Chan and since you ran into him, might as well go home.
"Ah, okay then. I'll see you later then." He awkwardly waves at you and disappears back into the part.
"Noona, are you leaving?" Jisung comes up behind our and wraps his arm around your shoulder.
"Yeah I was about to, actually." You feel a hand land on your head.
"No, don't, you're going to miss my birthday." Felix whines from your otherside. They're both clearly drunk or at least tipsy.
"Your birthday is tomorrow, Lix. I can stop by your dorm and bring your gift. Yours too, Ji."
"You have to stay! Changbin hyung helped up perfectly time the happy birthday song so my name is said at 11:59 and Lix's at 12:00. It's going to be magical." He nearly drags you to the ground while whining.
"Okay, I'll stay for the song, but then I really have to go." You sigh, you really couldn't let the boys down.
It was at a party like this last week where you and Chan had both become only slightly intoxicated and hooked up in the bathroom. You had a crush on Chan, almost everyone except him knew. It might even be love at this point. You thought that he would eventually share his feelings with you and the rest would be history. But after the party, he pretended like nothing happened. Any time you tried to bring it up, he would avoid the topic all together. You knew sleeping with him wouldn't make you a couple, but you thought it would at least bring you closer.
Getting hot from all the body head in the room, you gently push Hyunjin's legs off your lap and pat Seungmin's head before heading out to the balcony for some air. The cool air hits your skin instantly, calming you down. Since you ran into him earlier, you haven't seen Chan at all. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought he went home.
You find a seat and stare out at the lights from the various buildings twinkling like stars. It's peaceful. The most peace you felt in a week actually. Your peacefulness is interrupted by a couple stumbling out onto the balcony.
His arms are wrapped around a girl you only vaguely recognize. They're laughing about something, probably nothing. You watch as Chan leads her to the railing and leans her against it and kisses her passionately. You stand up fast, knocking back the chair you were sitting on, and head straight for the door. The sudden noise from the chair catches Chan's attention. He pulls away from for the girl and his eyes widen when he sees you. He quickly whispers something to her and she leave. Chan realizes that you're about to leave and blocks the only exit.
“Step aside right now before I lose my shit.” You were angry and hurt. The last thing you wanted to do right now is talk to Chan.
"We need to talk." He says quickly.
"No we don't" You spit, trying to walk around him to no avail.
"It was a mistake." He says it so fast you almost didn't understand him at first.
"Excuse me?"
"Sleeping with you was a mistake." He say slowly this time. His eyes are sad, regretful even as he watches the realization hits your face.
"B-but when I asked you what we were were you said that it wasn't up to just you. Which implies that you--" You're no longer mad, you're confused. You're not sure why he would say that or why he would choose to do so now.
"No it doesn't. It just meant that you can't expect me to define what we are." Emotions were fighting for dominance in your head and anger is slowly winning.
"We've been flirting for months. You slept with me--"
"And that was a mistake, I'm sorry."
"Stop saying that!" You shout, finally having enough. Anger has fully taken over.
"Y/N, let's talk about this somewhere else." He reaches for your hand and you pull away like he'll burn you.
"Do not fucking touch me right now."
"What do you mean, sleeping with me was a mistake?" You don't actually want to know what he meant, but for your own sanity, you need to know.
"Let's not talk about that right now." He tries to backtrack, realizing how how quickly this can go south, if it hasn't already.
"No, we need to talk about this right now."
"...I like someone else." He sighs.
"What does that have to do with--Oh my God," Your breath catches in your throat.
"Y/N, wait--"
"Oh my God! That girl you were making out with--You thought I was her. You slept with me thinking I was her." Tears that you weren't even aware were forming in your eyes start pouting out.
"Y/N, it was an accident I swear. Maybe some part of me wanted to sleep with you but that's a line I should have never crossed. It was an accident, you know I would never--"
"Never sleep with me in a million years, yeah I get it. I'm so glad you had this mind blowing epiphany during your post nut clarity."
"I didn't say that. If you would fucking let me talk you would know I wasn't going to say that." He has a hint of anger in his voice. He does not get to be mad. You two stand there quietly, not sure where to go next. In the distance, you could hear everyone inside singing happy birthday.
"You do realize that we can't even go back to being friends after this, right? Like, there is no way in hell anything is going to be the same."
"I know, that's why I didn't want to talk about this. I need you in my life."
"Just not romantically."
"Y/N, I'm sorry..." He looks defeated.
"Fuck you, Chan. I can't believe I was actually in love with you." You spit before shoving past him and running out of the party.
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이 민 호 (Lee Min-Ho) (656 words)
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You told him to forget you said anything and he did. Almost immediately, everything returned to normal and it irritated you. How could he be so okay after you basically told him that you want to be in a relationship with him? You all but confessed and the only reason it got to that point is because you had been receiving what you thought were signals from him. And the only reason you thought he was sending signals was because of a conversation you had with Chan where he thought you and Minho were dating.
After that, you started looking at your friendship with Minho differently. You're not sure how you didn't pick up on it on your own at first. The way he would always share his puddings with you. And if there was only one left, he'd give you the first and last bite. He was always touchy with you and said your name softly with that soft voice that he typically only uses with Chan or staff members. When you two ate together, he would make sure to serve you first and give you the best bits of food. He'd let you sleep on him with no complaint and would often called you pet names rather than your own name. You'd think you two were dating too if you were Chan.
None of that stopped after your conversation yesterday. You two are currently in your kitchen cooking dinner together. He comes over at least once a week if possible and you make something together. Like normal, you joke like nothing happened. He constantly feeds you bites of the food you're cooking, a piece of tomato or a freshly cooked piece of meat. And while you two were having a good time, it hurt somehow. You were perfectly fine with the way things were, but he if wasn't sure what you were you felt like he would eventually get bored and leave.
"You seasoned this really well, jagi," Minho says while you two eat dinner. You can't help but wince at the use of the nickname he normally referred to you as.
"Thanks, I read something the other day about using garlic salt instead so I tried it out." You say quietly.
The table falls silent again, the only sounds are your utensils hitting your pates. If this is how it's going to feel interacting with Minho from now on, you're not sure you can keep putting yourself through this tourture.
"I'm sure, by the way." He says suddenly.
"Sure about what?" You take a bit of food, not thinking much about what he said.
"The question you asked me yesterday." Your blood runs cold.
"Oh?" You hum, mouth full of food. Your anxiety is kicking in from the anticipation. Why is he drawing it out?
"Yeah, we're a couple. Boyfriend and girlfriend." He says simply, not even looking at you.
Your breath gets caught in your throat. Some of the food in your mouth to go down your throat, making you choke. Great, your best friend just that you're a couple and you were going to die either from your own stupidity or embarrassment. Whichever comes first.
Minho calmly stand up and walks over to your side of the table. He starts smacking your back, trying to help dislodge whatever is in your throat. Once you stop coughing he rubs your back before placing a kiss on your cheek. You nearly choke again, but he doesn't seem to notice as he heads back to your seat.
"I've been wanting to do that for a while." He he says softly.
"What? Save my life from rice?" You retort, embarrassed. Your face is red but that could also be from you choking.
"Kiss you." This man.
"Hey Minho, my heart can't take this. Please refrain from flirting with me until I'm done eating."
"Nope. I will flirt openly and honestly now. This is your fault."
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서 창 빈 (Seo Chang-Bin) (656 words)
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"What are you doing here?" You ask when you got home to find Changbin in your apartment, holding flowers.
After your conversation this morning with Changbin, you decided that you needed a walk to clear your mind. You had put your phone on do not disturb and put your music as loud as your eardrums would allow and zoned out while walking. Completely dangerous, yes, but necessary. You zoned out so much that you didn't realize you were gone for 2 hours.
"I needed to see you." He says simply, like it was all he needed to say.
"That key is for emergencies." You walk past him and head straight for the kitchen, searching for water and something to eat after your walk.
"This is an emergency." He places the flowers, red roses, on the counter in front of you.
"Stupidity isn't an emergency." You say cooly before taking a sip of water.
"I deserve that. I'm sorry,"
"Apology denied. Get out." You're annoyed, rightfully so. Changbin had given you such a frustrating answer earlier when you tried to understand your relationship and here he was trying to act like he's your boyfriend again.
"Y/N, please, let me explain at least." He pleads.
You go back in the fridge and grab supplies to make a sandwich. When you turn around, Changbin is on his knees. You nearly drop the food in your hands out of shock.
"What are you doing? Get up." You panic.
"Hear me out first!" He whines.
"Fine," You sigh, putting the ingredients for your sandwich down and slowly start making yourself lunch.
"I've thought of you as my girlfriend for a while now."
"What?" You pause, genuinely pause, at his words.
"In my eyes you're already my girlfriend." He says it like it should be understable.
"You never asked me out officially. And we don't even kiss or anything even remotely coupley like that. The most we've done is cuddled and held hands."
"For me, simply being around you is enough." He says softly.
"That's cute, but still doesn't explain anything. What did you mean by us being Y/N and Changbin? Whatever the hell that means." You go back to quietly making your food.
"Like I said, it means whatever you want it to mean." He says matter-of-factly.
"What does that--"
"I think of us as a couple."
"Oh... Oh! Now I get it, but still, why not just ask me out like normal?"
"I didn't want anything about how we function to change but I also want us to be together. This is the compromise I thought for myself."
"Alright, stand up now. I'm serious." You finish making your sandwich and wipe your hands on your pants. You walk over to Changbin and help him stand up. He mostly gets himself up, but he takes your hand so you feel like you're helping. You put your hands on either side of his face and pull him in, pressing your lips together. After a few seconds, you slowly pull away from Changbin's soft lips.
"Did the world end?" You ask, not removing your hands from his face.
"N-no." He stutters. You managed to startle Seo Changbin.
"See? Nothing changed. And it's natural that things would change if we started dating. We would be how we are now, plus more."
"What do you mean if?"
"You haven't asked me out so I'm still just your best friend."
"Ask and maybe I'll say yes." You tease. In fact, you were ecstatic that Changbin had feelings for you too. It's on brand that he wouldn't know how to function and was thus worried about the relationship.
"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend!" He asks softly, placing his hands on my cheeks.
"I guess." You shrug.
"You guess?"
"I'm joking, Bin. The answer is obviously yes. And see, we haven't been struck by lightning." You chuckle, pulling him in for another kiss.
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황 현 진 (Hwang Hyun-Jin) (825 words)
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You hadn't left your home for nearly a week after texting Hyunjin. Everything overwhelmed you. You had what you thought was an unspoken relationship with him. Both of you knew and understood that you were definitely more than friends. Friends wouldn't dare cross the boundaries that you two did.
He initiated it, your relationship, when he randomly kissed you one day while you were hanging out. He almost regretted it until you kissed him back. And since then, both of you knew that you were no longer just friends. You two were exclusive and did things that couples typically did. It had even gotten to the point where you two had said "I love you," to each other. So when you were over at his dorm the other day and overheard him talking to Seungmin, it destroyed you when he heard him say that you were just friends.
Tired of feeling sorry for yourself, you took a shower and went back to the dorm.
"Ah, Y/N! I haven't seen you in a while." Jisung gives you a hug and lets you into the dorm.
"Sorry, Sungie. I was busy. Is Hyun home?" You asked as you took off your shoes and slipping on the sandals that Hyunjin bought for you at one point. They were a couple pair.
"He's asleep I think." He calls as he walks back to the couch where he was watching tv. You nod towards him and head straight to Hyunjin's room.
You knock before opening the door, a habit of your when it came to Hyunjin. When you open the door you find Hyunjin curled up in his bed. It annoyed you to find him peacefully sleeping while you've been tossing and turning for almost a week.
"Wake up!" You kick the bed repeatedly until Hyunjin stirs away.
"Wha...? Y/N? What are you doing here?" His eyes aren't fully open yet. He squeezes them tighter when you turn on the light.
"We need to talk." You go back to standing by his bed and cross your arms.
"I was asleep." He whines, pulling his covers over his face.
"It's noon."
"I stayed up late painting." You climb on the bed and try to wrestle the blanket off of him. He's surprisingly strong, even when tired.
"That's on you. We need to talk." You finally manage to get the blanket from him. His eyes are fully open now and he pouting. Cute.
"I don't want to."
"I don't care. I need to know why you told Seungmin that were just friends. It's literally killing me." You hardly ate while you locked yourself away at home. The idea of eating made you feel nauseous and you only ended up eating when you started to feel nauseous from lack of food.
"Because we are." His face is serious. He sits up and gently pushes you off of him.
"Nothing about us screams 'just friends' anymore. We haven't been 'just friends' for almost a year now." You sit up and scoot to the edge of the bed.
"I know,"
"Then why?"
"Because, in a way, that's all we are. And maybe it would be better if it stayed that way." He says calmly, head down looking at his hands.
"What?" Your heart drops to your stomach and you feel like you forgot how to breath.
"I'm sorry,"
"What the fuck are you talking about? What do you mean you it would have been better if we stayed just friends? Hyunjin--"
"I thought I was ready for this but I wasn't and I'm sorry for leading you on."
"H-how long have you felt like this?" You knew better than to ask that, but you need to know.
"June," He still can't bring himself to look at you.
"It's April. Hyunjin, it's been nearly a year and you just let me believe that we had something."
"I know, I'm sorry. I thought I would feel different if I just stayed with you. I don't want to lose you." He finally looks up at you, tears pouring down his face.
"And yet you told Seungmin that we were just friends." You scoff.
"I couldn't lie anymore."
"You were fine lying to me for a year."
You two are quiet. You're processing all the information you just received. You were madly in love with your best friend and he didn't feel the same. And rather than tell you, he tried to force himself to love you. Every kiss, late night, 'I love you,' means nothing to him. Every 'I love you,'...
"So, when I said I love you..." You don't even want to finish that thought. If you do, you will cry and the last thing you want is to cry in front of Hyunjin.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N."
"I can't do this." Tired of fighting, you leave without looking back, losing both your best friend and the love of your life in the process.
Buy me a coffee?
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leannswritings · 5 months
“See you Later”
Warnings : Smut
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Summary: After being trapped @ the greenhouse apartments, you find yourself reuniting with your boyfriend at the stadium
Pairing: Chanyoung x Fem!reader (?)
It’s been a while since you’ve last seen Chan-young, the sweet man you’ve grown to love over the past few years. Your boyfriend was known for being kind-hearted, so in this situation, you could only wonder if he was still alive, plenty of things flooded your brain as you were trapped at the green home apartments, and a simple sleepover turned into your worst nightmare.
“See you later” stuck to your mind like glue, traveling to the shelter gave you hope that his words would come true, and maybe you were overthinking and overwhelmed by the situation.
You find yourself traveling to the shelter alone after getting separated from the others during the mayhem in the passageway. The shelter seemed to be safe as it was cut off from the rest of the world, but your safety wasn’t what mattered anymore.
Days went past of you being in the shelter alone, giving you time to overhear the many things people talked about, many conversations with Chan as the topic. You once got so pissed at a girl named Ye-seul for how she talked about him that you may have hit her once..or a couple of times?
With him being such a huge topic, where is he at this point in time? I mean he’s got to be here? What other reason would he be brought up, I don’t think baseball is a huge topic right about now? The more you sit in the general area and question yourself it’s like you drew a circle and chanted his name by how quickly he’d had appeared. With many people gathered you thought you were maybe staring or thinking too hard, but no. You realized he was there, the real him.
His soft look that reminded you of stars, his shocked yet glad look. After most people dispersed from the general area, he walked over to you as if it’s been centuries since he’s last seen you, wrapping his arms around you and giving the tightest hug you've ever gotten, with all the overwhelming feelings In the last few weeks, you couldn’t help but tell him how much you’ve missed him.
Finally, you got to hear his voice.
“I told you, see you later”
Though it sounded sarcastic you knew he seriously meant it. Chan-young always took things to heart, even the littlest. Saying see you later is such a normal thing to say especially since we never knew this was going to happen, you were never superstitious but you couldn’t have been happier that he didn’t say bye instead.
You’ve never felt so fragile.
As days pass you begin to act like the couple you always were, with overwhelming upsetting feelings decreasing, you feel lust and other feelings growing. Hell, you thought you were going crazy, what type of person thinks about taking some guy in their uniform during an apocalypse? Or like sneaking into his room at night? Even at one point thinking how good he’d look as a dad. I mean you have to be some type of insane right?
“Hey? Are you ok? You keep staring off”
Chan-young of course notices you staring off into nothingness and not talking much while walking down the halls
“Is there anything you want to talk to me about? Is something bothering you?”
Usually, you could talk to him about all of your problems but right now? What else are you gonna say? “Lemme hit?” “I want you?” “Bend me over?” I mean how could you ask right now? Of course without realizing the more you thought on how to ask, one of your thoughts came out without realizing.
“I need you.”
He stops walking, which causes you to pay attention to your surroundings, realizing what you had said, you look around and thankfully no one is in the hall with you two.
Hell. I mean you already said it. So you might as well get your thoughts out at this point, while no one was around at least.
“I need you, physically, I know this isn’t the right time but I mean hell, how could my thoughts not wander when I’m around you.”
You glance back over at Chan as he has this somewhat surprised look on his face, you can tell he is thinking hard as his face is turning more red by the second.
By this point, you were about to say hell with it and pretend you never said anything but before you could even think of saying never mind or walking away you found yourself against a wall and Chan’s lips crashing into yours, soon breaking away.
“Glad to know I’m not the only one thinking this”
Just as y’all were about to continue this session you could hear footsteps coming down the hall.
“Let's go, I don’t want anyone else to see what’s about to happen”
He grabs your hand and leads you down the hall, but all you can think about is him saying “What’s about to happen” I mean hell, how could not think about it, different scenarios played in your head as you walked which only got you even more excited.
Before you knew it you were in his room already on the bed, you couldn’t have been more excited in this moment. Chan-young’s face looked very different from what you were used to, his look being a nervous yet lustful look as he stood at the edge of the bed as if he couldn’t process what was happening was real, but hell you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Are you just gonna stand there and look pretty?”
You say quietly before grabbing his shirt pulling him into a kiss causing his body to lean forward and having both of his hands placed next to you on the bed. At one point you couldn’t hold back, both of you fought for dominance during this session, you licked the bottom of his lip asking for permission which he quickly gave you. His hand finally moves to your waist and then to your back so he can softly lay you onto your back while his free hand goes to your face. He uses his thumb to rub the side of your face as if he's in the middle of giving you comfort. Hell, guess even in this moment he can still be a sweetheart.
“You’re so gorgeous..”
He said after he pulled away from the sloppy make-out session. Looking at him he had this pleading face that you couldn’t seem to get enough of seeing how your body reacted, at this point you were ready to just overtake him. You slightly push against his chest signaling him to move from above you, of course, you weren't telling him to get off for Any pure reason or to call quits. You then stood up in front of him before putting your hands on his shoulders and guiding him to sit on the bed that you were previously on.
“Chan..let me lead, is that fine with you?”
Looking up at you with those same pleading eyes he nodded, that was all you needed before you found yourself placing your hand on his shoulder and lips on his neck, you were no different from a vampire at this point, trying to quickly unbutton his shirt with your free hand, in which he helped with. You could hear soft sounds coming from him, which only drove you to go further down, kissing his chest to his stomach, getting closer to his belt, you almost laughed to yourself when you saw how excited he was, you looked up to see him turning away due to embarrassment.
“Look at me, telling me what you want, if you don’t want to, I can stop here”
“No.., Please don’t stop.”
He looked down at you making direct eye contact, he looked as if he Almost teared up at the thought of you leaving him with no relief. Looking like that was enough for you. You unbuckled his belt before pulling down both layers that stood in your way, revealing him and all his glory, you’ve never been more pleased by just a sight. Using your spit and precum as lube, you wrapped your hand around him, giving him a few pumps before kissing and licking his tip which immediately got him to grip your hair. You try your hardest to take all of him in your mouth using your hand for what you can’t take, after getting used to him in your mouth you picked up your pace. Maybe it was the situation that made him so sensitive and needy as you’ve never seen him like this, he did not once push your head down, but gripping your hair with everything he had, he may have been fighting demons not to push you further, even in this situation he wants to make sure you comfortable.
“Can’t...I can’t anymore..”
With those words, you knew he was getting close which you couldn’t allow, not yet anyways. You took your mouth off of him, leaving him in a pleading state.
“My Love, Please..please don’t leave me like this..”
Such a pleading tone should be a sin for anyone but you to hear, you wanted to hear more, so you quickly remove your clothing with swiftness, seeing your body was like seeing the universe to Chan, it’s as if all his prayers and wishes at a fountain has been granted. You go to straddle him, placing your knees beside his sides, you slowly try to place yourself onto him, as he tries to help guide you by holding onto your hips.
“You’re a big boy now huh? Trying to not make me do all the work”
You say before plopping yourself fully onto him, causing him to let out a moan, his head falling onto your shoulders. You sat there for a little to get used to his length and shape, honestly, it didn’t take that long to get used to. The mix of wetness and how perfectly he fit inside you, your walls gripping onto him as if your life depended on it. One of Chan-young’s hands that he had placed at your hips had moved to your back so he could hold you closer during this moment, you thought it was cute, but that quickly left as that hand soon went back to your hips then to your clit rubbing it, his rough hands causing friction causes you to squirm, at this point you were sure he was more than ready for your moving, in which you took the hint to and started to go up and down. His grip on your hips, his cries and pleas, and the look in his eyes couldn’t have made you feel any more pleased.
“You’re so beautiful...Ma”
You felt yourself tighten around him because of his compliments, feeling a knot in your stomach, you knew you were close to your climax, due to his mumbling becoming more inconsistent and incoherent, hearing mixes of pet names like “princess” and “my love”, You try to Quicken your pace, but you find yourself getting tired from doing most of the work. He hasn’t taken his eyes off of you even for a minute since you started, so he quickly noticed this and decided to use this as a moment to take some control, before you could even notice you were tossed further up the bed on your back, pissed that you lost that close feeling and most importantly him being inside of you.
“I'm sorry..,”
He found himself hovering over you, grabbing under your legs and moving them to wrap around his waist. His hand goes back to your Waist, while his left-hand goes to your face. Looking into your eyes even when In an attempt to take the lead he still looks helpless, looking for permission. His look couldn’t have seemed any more satisfying to you, at this point you couldn’t take it, it wasn’t just a want from him to be inside of you again it was a need. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you, whimpering in his ear.
“You’re ok…you got it”
He didn’t know what was more attractive, the reassuring look on your face, how he could tell you were trying to hide your neediness, or you being verbal. He pushed himself into you, giving you this sense of euphoria. Something about this was different than when you straddled him, hell it was as if that was just a preview to this. At first, he went at a slow pace to make sure everything was okay with you, though you could tell he was on the verge of doing what he wanted. At that moment you moaned out his name begging him to pick up his pace, for someone who was calm and collected that all shattered when you saw how he looked above you. He immediately gave you compliance, he fastened his pace, thrusting in and out of you roughly.
His eyes still full of lustful helplessness, scanned up and down your body. Comments on how beautiful you looked, how grateful he is, and his pet names like Love and Princess continued coming out of his mouth. The knot in your stomach became more apparent, you could feel yourself getting closer. You couldn’t even be vocal by this point, you felt as if he fucked your brains out. All you could do was hit, grip, and scratch at his shoulders while moaning and mumbling.
“Close..I’m close..”
Chan-young finally said it took everything for him to say those words. You nodded in agreement, you noticed something way too late, but you couldn't care less as your reply went along the messy lines of.
“Inside..please just..”
You cut yourself off as you finally hit your climax, your back arching, hell your eyes almost rolled completely to the back of your head. He yet again picked up his pace after seeing this, hitting your sweet spot as you ride out your orgasm. He then shortly after followed you, covering your insides with the warmth of his cum. You both stayed in that spot for a few minutes trying to grasp back onto reality. He finally pulled out, leaving you lying there he went to grab something to clean you up somewhat.
“ I’m seriously grateful for you, I don’t know what I would do without you. You’re the only thing on my mind even in this hell, you make this world, my world so much better.”
He continued as he cleaned you. He was always one for comfort and sweetness, but this time it hit differently because of how the world is, every day is a struggle, yet both of you are worried about each other more than anything. While he got dressed, you sat there under the cover, holding it over your body, god if only you could see how messy you looked. The aftermath is a sight, and your crying a little due to overwhelming senses after he cleaned you up didn’t make it any better, so tear marks could be seen on your face.
Chan-young stood on the other side of the room to button up his shirt, and lawd he looked saur good, even from behind. All things were going well until you saw the door open.
“You’re on for watch - “
One of the other soldiers stood in the doorway staring at the current situation, you could only guess he had to be in a higher rank than Chan, but then you realized the ACTUAL situation that he walked into.
“Oh, uh. Yeah you’re on watch”
The soldier stared at Chan before closing the door. You two stare at each other for a hot minute. How are y’all supposed to process or explain that, at least he didn’t walk in earlier.
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(I'm going insane, trust)
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banquetwriter · 6 days
this might be too angsty 😭
but can you do one where the reader has chronic anxiety and is literally house bound most of the time because of how bad it gets and johnnie just helps them through it
୨୧ brittle breathes ୨୧
pairing: Johnnie Guilbert ♡︎ Reader
warnings: ୭̥⋆*。 panic attacks, extreme anxiety 
summary: ʚ reader’s chronic anxiety binds them to their house but Johnnie is able to save them ɞ
Words: 1452
An: sorry it's taking me so long to write i can't help it lol 
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Every day has felt the same to you. You wake up and immediately doom scroll on your phone. Your brain is hyper-fixating on every bad comment you receive. You eventually get off Twitter and turn on YouTube. The torment doesn't end there.
You turn on someone who has consistent uploads, better looking than you, and overall is just better at your job. You feel so sick. Constantly nausea, your hands and feet are freezing, and your brain seems like you mushed it into pieces. 
It had been weeks since you had last uploaded on your channel. It wasn't so bad at first. You felt less anxious at home so you just stayed in more. Unfortunately, it has its talons in you. You could never leave the house anymore.
You were sitting on the couch in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. You hadn't gotten ready in weeks either, posting the occasional post on your Instagram story of something random. 
It wasn't like your fans hadn't noticed, hell everyone in your life had noticed. Your boyfriend Johnnie had asked what was going on with you lately, and he saw it. Of course, he saw it. The light in your eyes slowly dimmed. 
The way you wouldn't do anything anymore. Your interest didn't excite you anymore, you never ate anymore, and the most worrying thing was you'd stopped hanging out with him. 
He knew how hard anxiety could be on a person and how he wanted to help but he also knew how fragile people can be in this head space.
You had dried tears staining your cheeks as you scrolled through Twitter. You were looking at any tweet with your name involved in it. You were just a sad little lump on the couch. It was pathetic really. 
Your heart jumped as a notification went through that Johnnie started a live stream on Twitch. You had forgotten he was going to stream tonight. You clicked on it saying hi in chat. 
“Ahh fuck my settings are all messed up hold on guys,” Johnnie mumbled moving closer to his screen and clicking around. You giggle watching his fans say hi to you in chat. “Alright sorry guys,” he says, sitting up and looking at the chat. 
“Wait, is y/n in chat? A bunch of people are saying hi,” he says looking at the chat zoom bye. You smile to yourself already feeling calmer just by listening to his voice. “Yes, I am ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” you type in the chat. You watch him read the chat and smile to himself. 
He hides his blush by putting his hand over his mouth. The whole interaction made you giggle. He was the only thing that ever made you feel good anymore. You knew that wasn't healthy but you couldn't help it. You texted a black heart emoji to Johnnie.
You sat and watched the stream for a bit longer at some point while Johnnie stopped for a second to respond to your text. ‘Love you nerd’ he said with a heart emoji as well. He smiled down at his phone before realizing he was still streaming and had to keep them entertained. 
He came to a slow point in his stream so he looked over at his chat. “Why isn't y/n posting?” he asked, reading a fan’s words. Your heart skipped a beat. “Um, they are just having a hard time right now. They will be back soon though don't worry,” he answers, it was a true statement.
It just stung that your fans were reaching out to him about you. Johnnie would never make you feel guilty about this of course he understood, it's just you felt like such a burden on him because of this. 
You snapped back into reality, Johnnie had continued his stream and the chat slowly moved on from the topic. You had to do something about this. It was consuming your life.
You swiped away from Twitch and pulled up your messages with Johnnie. ‘Can you come over after the stream?’ you asked. If you were going to get out of this you were going to need help to do it. You had the stream pulled back up again. 
Johnnie was looking down at your phone. ‘I will get an Uber right now.’ was a text Johnnie sent you. You sat up reading the message on the top of your screen. “Hey guys I'm actually going to have to end stream early,” he said looking up from his phone.
You watched the chat as they started to freak out at the sudden end. Well, this wasn't how you wanted things to go. “Everything is ok. I just realized I have something to do.” he murmurs closing all the tabs on his computer going to full screen.
You turn the stream off, your heart pounding. Guilt flooding your veins. You stood up only worsening your dizzy state. You fumbled into the kitchen grabbing a glass of water. You failed, however.
You never made it to the sink. Your brain is racing and your mind is melting. A panic attack flows over your bones and into your soul. Your phone is lost somewhere you don't remember. 
Your breath in rapid paces as you can't make anything out. The lack of oxygen fuels your state. Tears start to pool out of your eyes, you start to sob. The crying mixed with the rapid breath causes you to lose all the air you had.
You can't breathe anymore. Any semblance of being able to return to normal is gone. You fall onto your hands and knees scratching at your throat in immense panic. You try to scream or kick or anything that can save you. 
You don't even hear when Johnnie uses the key you gave him to enter your home. Finding you thrashing on your kitchen floor, tears falling from your eyes. “Y/n?” he yells dropping to the floor with you. 
“What's wrong?” he yells trying to see your face. He manages to grab the side of your face and hold it up. “Can't… breathe,” you mumble, your face starting to lose color. 
“You're ok,” he says looking at you. He isn't able to say it with much conviction. His words betrayed his face as it flooded with worry. You try and fail to return your breathing to normal. Johnnie sees you struggle. 
“Try and follow mine,” he says, unsure of how to help you. You nod your head trying to listen to his breathing. It wasn't any use if you couldn't hear him properly. You hold your hand on his chest, you can feel his exhale and inhale. You could feel his lungs fill with air. 
You tried your best to mimic him. Closing your eyes eventually works. Eventually, you feel your worry melt away, like snow when the weather warms up. It leaves and melts from your body.
Your body relaxes and the tension falls. Johnnie watches as you slowly return back to normal. He brings his hand up to your face and holds you close. You lean into his touch. Your body is slouching.
He wraps his arms around you, holding your body up. “Johnnie?” you ask quietly. The tiredness ebs its way into your body. “Yeah? I'm here. I'm here.” he says slowly. “I need your help. Or someone's I'm not sure. I don't think I can trust anyone else with this.” you whispered to him.
“What's wrong? What can I do?” he asks, moving the hair that fell into your face away. “I have been rotted away by anxiety. I can't leave my house, I can't eat, I cannot do anything anymore. I haven't posted in god knows how long.” you cry standing up and away from him.
He sits up to watch you pace through your apartment. “I can't eat or sleep or talk to anyone without my entire world collapsing. Which isn't helping, it's just making me more anxious.” you cry, pulling at the sides of your face in frustration. 
“What can I do? How can I help you?” he asks while walking up to you. You stop your pacing, before abruptly pulling him into a hug. “I need to start seeing a therapist or something else, I need you to help me,” you whispered into his ear. 
He pulls away, only a little, to see your face. “We can do that for you. I'm sure it's going to get better if you start slowly, ok?” he whispers back. You smile at him sweetly. 
It was going to be hard but little by little you were going to take your life back. You were going to be able to do it with Johnnie. 
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leviathanspain · 11 months
i just saw your guidelines , thank you!! sorry it flew right over my head, i appreciate you for directing me to the page when you responded :D
i have two ideas but you may choose which one interests you the most!! thank you again so much, i love your writing <3
would like a kylo ren x reader please, pronouns can be whatever you'd like but i prefer she/her. the point of view is up to you! i prefer second but i think you prefer third and/or first and i don't mind either or!
the first idea is kylo and y/n have been together for two years but it was kept within the first order and not public because kylo knew people (like the resistance) might use it against him. maybe during a fight between the first order and the resistance on a planet, y/n would get kidnapped by the resistance. this was finn's idea because he knows kylo has a significant other. what the resistance does with y/n is up to you, whether it be to lead kylo into some sort of trap, or to get information out of her, a mix of both... it's all up to you! finn knows that she's his only weakness. eventually kylo will save her. bonus points if she's in rough shape and in bad physical condition. kylo gets really upset because he thinks he’s doing a bad job keeping her safe and that he failed to protect her. angsty , self-loathing kylo but y/n trying to make him feel better.
the other idea has a bit of angst aspects as well but less action. it’s been about half a year or maybe even a year of kylo and y/n dating. everyone knows of his anger issues and tantrums. not even stormtroopers will want to be within 10 feet of him when he’s having an “episode”. the only person who would go up to him is y/n. one time kylo was so upset that he didn’t think before acting. when y/n went to calm him down he hurt her. nothing too physically harming , it hurt more emotionally than it did physically. maybe he yelled at her a lot and said things he didn’t mean , he could do anything. then she gets super upset and runs off to their shared quarters. he ends up finding her crying.
he’s never seen her cry or show weakness before.
you can pick one of the two!! thank you so much again and please , if these topics aren’t interesting , please tell me <3
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kylo ren x reader
synopsis: in your captivity, all you can think about is him, in love and in hate
a/n: anything in italics is a past memory, and i just combined the two into one, so i hope you like it!!
you had wondered when you’d be interrogated. it was inevitable, you had been through enough war and fighting to know that whenever someone was kidnapped and held captive, they would be interrogated.
you had done it before, multiple times.
you couldn’t say that you hated it. the only dark part of your morality let you love what you’ve done. of course, having the pleased eye of kylo ren staring at you was also the encouragement you needed whenever you felt doubts.
the door had opened unexpectedly, you could hear the woosh, and immediately you closed your eyes in anger, “what is it?” you heard the footsteps of heavy boots, most likely a trooper or a knight.
you turned around and saw the opposing figure of one of the knights of ren. you raised your eyebrow and the knight cleared their throat, “master ren has been acting strange,” again they cleared their throat, anxiety waved off of them, “he’s been..” they trailed off and you inhaled slightly.
the knight exhaled, their shoulders dropping with relief at your reaction. this was nothing new. kylo had his fits of rage or tantrums where he was practically inconsolable.
after working with him so closely and developing more than just a friendship, you were well versed in the game of calming down kylo.
you waved the knight away, “i will be right there.” the knight nodded, gave a respectful bow and walked off.
there was a loud slam against your cell that awoke you. the pathetic excuse for a blanket fell of your shoulders as you sat up, wiping your eyes as you heard the cell door creak open, “let’s go.” a hand came up to your arms and pulled you up onto your feet. you would protest, but you stayed silent, keeping a calm face. but the man’s fingers dug into your arm, making it hard for you not to cry out.
you were hauled out of the cell and practically dragged to another room, nearly as small as the cell, you were pushed inside, made to sit at one of the only two chairs in the room.
you looked around, there was no sign of the rest of the resistance members. perhaps they were hiding their prisoners away from the others, obviously on purpo-
“you can stop trying to figure out where everyone else is.” he was tall, a younger looking man, his face whispered familiarity.
he pulled the chair out opposite of yours and sat down carefully, his eyes grazing over your face. you looked at him, not willing to break eye contact.
he smiled hard, almost menacingly, “isn’t this odd? we’ve met, many times before..i know you, but you don’t know me..” he trailed off, “y/n.”
your name peeked your attention. hardly anyone outside of the order knew your first name. only kylo, a few officers, and the knights knew your true name. but you were always referred to as iza’re, or iza’re ren.
you narrowed your eyes at the man, “get to the point. what do you want from the first order?” you were getting bored, and if this is how it’s going to be, you needed to cut it short.
“you don’t know who i am?” the man looked surprised to see you so nonchalant. as if your true name was supposed to be the key to everything.
you shrugged again, leaning your elbows on the table, you got close to his face, “you say that like i’m supposed to care. i won’t repeat myself again,” you hissed, “what do you want from the first order?”
“get out. all of you!” kylo ren’s anger exhibited itself in his voice, a large hand outstretched itself towards the door, the metal door heaved open with the force and the rest of the troopers filed out, quickly as can be.
fn-2187 stared at kylo ren. even under his mask, he could just imagine his expression. fn-2187 knew that the moment you had walked in, that this wasn’t going to end well.
he followed the rest of the troopers out to the hallway. there was a large window that allowed people to see in, and fn-2187 had walked slow so that he could end up in front of the window.
“you need to calm down.” you had been talking to kylo through the force the entire way here. he was being stubborn, unresponsive to your usual tactics, you realized that maybe this wouldn’t be like other times.
“kylo.” you called his name, his back was turned to you and you were dying in the silence.
“why can’t you ever just stay out of it?” kylo turned around on his heel, the dark fabric of his cape followed him, and he began to stalk towards you, “hmm? why do you always think that you can save the day? you’re pathetic. a pathetic excuse for a force user, a pathetic excuse for a soldier of the first order..” he listed off all your weaknesses in a cruel list, “i cant stand to look at you. you make me fucking sick.” he had stopped you cold against the wall. even just arms length away from you, you could feel the rage, feel the truth to his feelings radiate off of him.
you wanted to cry. right then and there, you wanted to ball yourself up and sob on the floor.
but you scrunched your face slightly, as if not to lose the nerve, “find me when you’re done being an asshole.” you didn’t even look at him as you stalked past him, glancing at the open window towards the troopers, who were all facing away from the window.
except for one.
“what do you mean you ‘think’? we’ve been holding her for days and you’ve been in there for hours, and that’s what you’ve come up with?” poe had been overseeing the interrogation, and it was clear that it was going nowhere.
“threatening to blow up starkiller base would get us somewhere if we actually could.” poe rubbed his face, the feeling of a headache was coming on.
“why can’t we?” finn stared at poe, and poe laughed, realizing that finn was being serious.
“are you sure it’s her? it couldn’t be someone else? another trooper, perhaps?” poe looked at finn, who sighed, “she’s the only one i’ve ever seen that close to ren. it’s gotta be her.”
kylo hadn’t thought to apologize. but you had been ignoring him for days, even going as far as having stormtroopers deliver messages.
he had had enough when he had tried to talk to you through the force, and felt nothing in response.
“are you done?” the sound of the metal door opening had you turning your neck to see kylo ren, helmet off, hair dishelved, stalking in.
he set his helmet down on your dining table and kicked his shoes off, “i asked you something.” he stared down at you, his eyes searching you for something back.
“really?” you come in here after the way you talked to me a few days ago and expect us to be fine?” you looked up from your data log and stood up, “you yelled at me, tore me apart, called me pathetic many times over-“
“i’m sorry.” kylo interrupted you, and his face softened. this was utterly unlike him.
“what?” your own voice sounded distant and you blinked. a hand flew to your chest to feel the beating heart inside, “did you just-“
“yes. i am sorry.” kylo walked over to you, and watched as your face broke, tears spilling as you walked into his arms.
silence and the sounds of your sniffles filled the room. all that you ever wanted from him was an apology, and he had finally done it.
“i swear to you,” kylo broke the silence, the quiet was drowned out by his husky voice, “that i will never do that to you again.”
“and you caught them..?” poe’s eyebrows knitted together with confusion. his pilot uniform jacket hung on the chair beside him, as he paced the room, “let’s rewind,”
finn nodded, and poe sighed, “you were sent down to give her a message,”
“it had something to do with the knights.” finn had tried to remember what exactly the message was about but it had been nearly two years since then.
“and instead kylo ren answered the door?” poe repeated the events and finn nodded. “are you sure it wasn’t his quarters and you’re just an idiot?”
finn’s expression fell and he rolled his eyes, “stormtroopers are supposed to know. it was her quarters, her name was in a blazing plaque outside the door.”
a knock at the door had interrupted you. kylo had stripped off his clothes, leaving only the thick black sweatpants on, but even then, they hung dangerously low on him.
you, on the other hand, barely had anything on.
“fuck.” you cursed, and stuffed whatever shirt you could find off the floor. just by the scent of it, you knew it was kylo’s, but you still shrugged it on. you got off the bed, trying to find some shoes but kylo grabbed your arm, “i’ll get it.”
he was already getting up, and even with your protests, it was too late.
“master ren!” the robotic voice of a trooper met your ears and you cringed. troopers talked, and this was definitely something to talk about. there was an exchange of words between the trooper and kylo, until finally, “you are dismissed, fn-2187.”
“that’s kind of hot, no?” poe had been staring a little too long at the wall, clearly imagining what finn had described.
finn’s face turned into a picture of disgust, “there is something wrong with you.”
“iza’re to starkiller base. iza’re to base, does anyone copy?” you were falling, and fast.
the resistance had been chasing you for almost an hour. you had tried to lose them in some astroid graveyard but they were on your ass, until they shot your ship.
“fuck! someone! iza’re to base!” your hands clutched at the controls as you felt your chest rise and fall with fear.
kylo was right. you should have never gone off alone.
“kylo! im just off the astroid chunks by naboo.” just as you had finished telling your location, the ships power shut off, and you felt yourself blackout as the ship began to fall harder.
kylo had them playback your voice. over and over again.
the fear in your voice had been seared into his mind for days. he had tried to reach you over the force but was met with nothing. the usual thrum of your power would at least let him know you were alive. but he felt sick when he felt nothing.
“and no one heard this until when?” kylo looked around at the table filled with officers and military personnel. they all had this look of stupidity on their faces that made kylo want to knock them all out cold.
“this morning-“ a staff spoke up, “we believe she was taken by the resistance.”
kylo’s hands smashed against the table, “this morning?! find her!” he yelled at the officers. he raised his hands and suddenly they were all clutching at their throats, “find her now or i will murder every single one of you until someone does.”
“she’s loyal.” rey had observed, watching you through the glass, she wondered if you could see them all, gawking at you.
“of course she is. she’s sleeping with the supreme leader of the first order.” poe commented, rolling his eyes slightly, “i say we just lie.”
finn turned towards poe, “didn’t you just say that we shouldn’t lie? you got all mad-“
poe shrugged, “i was a different person then. say that ren is dead, and the first order is ashes-“
“oh like she’ll believe that-“ finn replied sarcastically. he had his hands on his hips and stared at you.
you were looking off into the distance, totally unaware of them on the other side staring at you.
“she’ll know. you said she’s a force user, correct?” rey peered at you and finn nodded, “yes. why?”
“she’ll know we’re lying. she probably also knows that we can see her,” you turned suddenly, meeting their eyes, “-right through this glass..” rey trailed off, and poe whistled lowly.
“wow. this is embarrassing…” poe laughed nervously. finn laughed, patting his friends shoulder as he walked off.
kylo was close. he hadn’t realized until now that it was the distance muffling your power. he could feel you, a quiet thrum in his head, he knew you were close.
“kill anything and everyone. i don’t care- just get her out alive.” his instructions were incredibly clear to the knights and troopers. he wanted you more than he wanted the resistance gone.
“so..” he had been trying to get you to talk for almost thirty minutes now. unlike his friend, this one seemed to be a little dull. “what’s between you and ren?”
you raised your head, and narrowed your gaze, “you mean my superior, the supreme leader kylo ren?” you were so serious that poe had to think about it before nodding weakly.
“nothing. bring me the trooper. fn-2187, is it? at least he knew what kind of questions to ask..” you waved a hand, dismissively towards the man and turned away, hoping he would leave.
“oh my god.” poe let the words escape as he shut the door behind him, “i don’t know what he sees in her-“ he looked at finn, “she’s asking for you. like specifically for you.” he raised his eyebrows at finn, who laughed in shock.
rey looked at the men, “don’t tell me you’re going to go in there.” she held up a hand to finn and he shrugged, “what else should we do?”
rey sighed, “give her up? she’s clearly nobody to ren, maybe finn was wrong.”
kylo ren had blown up half of the resistance base. he had felt nothing as he did so, and nothing more as he stepped off his ship, and hauled ass to wherever the hell you were.
he tried to use his own force powers to try and locate you, cutting down anyone that tried to fight him.
but it was worth nothing. nothing drove kylo ren more than you, and he would find you even if it killed him.
the argument between poe and finn had barely lasted before the emergency alarm had gone off. shouts echoed down the hall and they all began to run.
troopers were all over the place, blasters were shooting at everyone and they knew this was kylo.
“maybe finn was right..” rey looked at the men with a sheepish smile, and finn rolled his eyes, “get down!” he shouted at rey, who just barely ducked the blast that was shot towards her.
“if it’s him then shouldn’t someone go fend him off?” finn stared at poe and rey, as if waiting for one of them to volunteer.
poe shrugged, “i don’t think she’s worth it. barely talked.” finn didn’t even bother arguing when rey began to agree.
you could hear the sounds of a fight through the door. you couldn’t see through the glass window, but you could just imagine it.
the door opened and you half expected to see one of the two guys who had been interrogating you. but instead there he was.
wearing his usual all black, kylo cut down the room and immediately opened his arms, pulling you into them. “y/n..oh y/n.” there was a sigh of relief as you wrapped your arms around him.
you were crying.
this entire time you had forced yourself not to cry, not to show emotion. perhaps you had saved it for this moment. “kylo.” his name rolled off your tongue, “im sorry.”
kylo shook his head, “don’t. it’s all my fault. i should’ve just gone out there with you.” he scolded himself, shaking his head as he thought back to what he could’ve done.
“no. don’t. you always do that, you take responsibility for a decision i made.” you hugged him even tighter, “don’t. okay. just don’t.”
kylo didn’t even protest, he just held you all the more tighter in his arms.
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hiraethwa · 5 months
one summer day
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02 fly high. where you have yet to realize what ushijima will mean to you.
<< 01 clear skies. | >> 03 shining light.
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader a/n: double post this week, I'm feeling like i need some motivation to keep going. i wrote this a while ago, and am super excited with how this part ends, but i still feel like the flow isn’t the best here… word count: 1.4k warnings: some angst if you squint terms: furoshiki -- cloth that is used to wrap bento
june, first year
“curry rice!” you grin at the ash blonde haired boy, plopping a neatly wrapped bento on his desk as you slide into the seat in front of him. ever since your brother introduced you to him, he has become a constant in your everyday school life to the point that the two of you are almost inseparable. 
“are you coming over after practice again? we have that japanese homework that i need your help with” you shrug off your jacket, sweat sticking to your skin from the walk to school. summer is coming on quickly now, coaxing the spring blossoms that you loved so much away. 
semi hums in agreement as he unties the furoshiki and opens the bento excitedly. “it smells amazing, y/n! i am hungry thinking about it now even though i had breakfast.” he pouts at you. 
you laugh wholeheartedly, feeling something like satisfaction. it is one thing to have your family compliment your cooking, another to hear such sincere praises from your friends. you think this might just be it. high school might be better than you thought after all. after all the disappointments and heartbreaks from junior high and even before that. 
“thanks, eita. now keep it before you make the whole class hungry.” you poke fun at him as you pull out another set of wrapped bento, this one in plain cat print. it was the plainest, non-feminine-screaming furoshiki you could find after the one with crashing waves that you wrapped semi’s bento in. 
you didn’t normally bring bentos to school since both your parents are always busy with work. even this furoshiki is a recent addition after you graduated from junior high, when you started packing some meals for yourself. 
“so, you remember how ushijima-san helped me with my wound a few days ago?” you sound hesitant even to yourself. inside, you wanted to kick yourself for following through with this now that you are actually in the process of it, but it is too late. so you might as well get it over with. “i made an extra portion for him to thank him for his help… could you pass it to him at practice?”
“ehhh, why does he get one too? i have known you for two months now and it’s only my first time receiving a bento from you.”
you roll your eyes at the boy. “if you help me, i will make you a strawberry shortcake.” bribing him is easy when you knew he enjoyed the cake you shared last week. you breathe a sigh of relief when he does not pursue the topic any further. 
semi is quite the competitive persona, so it did not surprise you when that was the tangent he went off in, instead of the typical, do you like him? that other people would assume. this is good for you. you do not want him to misunderstand your intentions, and it’s not like you harbor those feelings for ushijima. you just strongly dislike the feeling of being in anyone’s debt. 
“how is practice for interhigh matches going anyway?” you smile at your newfound friend who you got along with as naturally as breathing. 
yes, high school will be different. i will see it so. 
it is pouring outside later that afternoon regardless of how clear the skies were when you walked to school in the morning. the sound of volleyball practice fades into the background as you pull out a blank music sheet and start scribbling the tune that has been rattling around your head today. 
today, when you climbed the stairs to the gymnasium and watched the practice match your school is playing against the college team that came in, you had expected to experiment with the melody when you get home later. you note that the usual starting lineup were on court, with the exception of one of the wingspikers being subbed out for ushijima. even though he is just a new first year. perhaps this is the lineup that the coach has in mind for the interhigh tournament, you had thought. 
and even though you have seen countless of your brother’s matches over the years, this one felt different. the spiking form of the player as he begins his approach, swinging both arms backwards before leaving the ground, feet kicked out behind him, and making contact with the ball with his left hand, sending it back into the opponent’s courtside, felt different. 
it had felt like you were given wings to soar high above the clouds when all life did was cover up the blue skies that you loved so much. it had felt like coming up for a full breath of fresh air after being dunked in water. it had felt like you were alive again, for once in a very long time. 
and the melody that you had been crafting takes on a life of its own, taking its first flight from your hands and rise high up into the sky. twisting, turning. triumphant. the notes flow onto the sheet as your hand struggles to keep up with your mind. 
before you know it, you hear semi calling your name from the court. eh, the match is over? you glance at your watch, showing two hours after when you arrived at the court. “yes! be right there!” you yell back, swinging your belongings onto your shoulder and making your way downstairs. 
music sheet in hand, mind far ahead of yourself, wanting to play it on your violin already, you venture to find your friend. semi is standing at the bottom of the stairs, arms crossed while waiting for you. “were you paying any attention to the game, y/n?”
“what– take a look at this first,” you shove the paper in his hands, excitedly waiting for his response. one could say one of the reasons you two got along so well is your love for music. 
he takes his sweet time reading your rough draft and giving you a “hmph” before returning it to you. “fine, i forgive you for missing my set. this is an acceptable excuse, i suppose. it is no small feat to overcome a creative block.”  
semi shoots you a mischievous smile before slinging his arm over your shoulders and messing your hair up with his other hand. “SEMI”
“well done! but no next time though” “no promises”
another voice cuts through the air, stopping both of you from making a bigger scene. you had resorted to trying to make his hair stick up vertically as revenge. 
“miyamura-san…” ushjima holds out the cat clothed bento to you, slightly amused by you and semi. “thanks for the curry rice, it was delicious.” 
“waa, a compliment from ushijima-san, your cooking must have been amazing, miyamura-san,” a red-haired boy pokes his head out from behind ushijima, whom you would later learn is none other than tendo satori, a troublesome boy who always seemed to be able to see through you. 
you beam at his compliment, “heh, thanks guys.” swinging your bag to the front, you shuffle the things around in your bag to make space for the box. he had neatly tied the furoshiki around the box, which caught you by surprise, as semi had returned his to you in a clumsily packed fashion. you surmise that the rising ace in front of you is an athlete who probably likes to keep his life neat and in order, he seems like the type. 
“so what are you up to later, semi-semi?” 
“ah, i am going to y/n’s to study”
“can i come with? i have nothing else to do.”
“no! if you’re so free you can practice more volleyball.” 
semi banters with the red-haired boy, which sounds like a regular occasion to you. you chuckle to yourself, picturing ushijima, the stoic spiker, playing the referee between the two boys. now that would be entertaining to watch. 
your eyes meet ushijima’s, to which he raises his eyebrow at you as if he’s saying what’s so funny? you shrug, feigning innocence before turning away from him. 
neither of you realized it at the time, but ushijima gave you wings to fly, even before you really knew each other. 
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ahlyasimps · 1 year
Scaredy Slytherin [S.S.]
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x Reader (tried to make it GN)
Summary: Sebastian may have chickened out on asking you to the dance but you were determined to dance with him anyways. Shout out to Ominis for being a good wingman.
A/N: Well aware there is no Yule Ball but why have big, fancy castle and NOT host a ball. It’s just a waste.
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When you found yourself daydreaming about his curly brown hair messily combed through to give him that boyish charm and his adorable smile, you knew it was over. Rowena, you really had it bad for Sebastian Sallow of all people. Samantha loved to tease you about your little crush on the trouble making Slytherin student but you always waved her off as being delusional. Now as you found yourself unable to concentrate in potions class because of a certain boy sitting just ahead of you, you think she might have been right.
It all started when you found yourself struggling a bit in potions. No matter what you did you always made a mess of your cauldron so you begrudgingly approached Sebastian who by some miracle was top of that class. What started as simple tutoring (he charged a steep price though) quickly became hushed laughter in the quiet library as talking with Sebastian put you at ease. It went from barely knowing the other existed (well, you knew who he was, he was infamous after all) to inside jokes and hanging out sometimes in the great hall. You've even friends with the prickly Ominis Gaunt. It was easy to crush on Sebastian Sallow, he had a way of charming you.
With the Yule Ball just announced mere hours prior, all everyone was talking about was who they wanted to ask out. You knew you weren't going to ask out Sebastian, knowing he only ever viewed you as a study buddy/friend so when Samantha and a few others asked if you'd all like to go together as a group, you agreed.
As you were leaving potions class, you heard Sebastian shout your name urgently. "Oh, hey Sebastian! Did you need something? Forget your books again?" You laughed teasingly.
"It was one time! I think you and Ominis are spending too much time together, now you're both ganging up on me," he said sighing dramatically.
"Speaking of Ominis, where is he anyways? Thought you two were always attached at the hip?
"Ah, just over there" Sebastian replied pointing near the door of the potions classroom where Ominis was stood. "But ah, I wanted to asked you something." He said rubbing the back of his neck.
With the timing and his apparent nervousness, was Sebastian Sallow going to ask you out? You hoped it would be so. There was a lengthy pause before he continued speaking.
"You're friends with that Poppy girl right? Is she going with anyone? Ominis wanted to ask her to the ball." Sebastian hurriedly went on to say.
"Oh, sorry then. I think she was asked by Prewit already." You muttered out dejectedly. Well, since you have him maybe you could ask. Try to play it off as two friends hanging out at the ball. "Oh! By the way Sebastian..." You started saying before he cut you off.
"Sorry! Think Ominis is calling me, he can't bear to part with me for long you see." He quickly said before racing off. Were his ears red you thought watching him run back to Ominis. He was acting rather nervous for someone who was asking a question on another's behalf. As you left, you could have sworn you heard Ominis berating Sebastian, about what you couldn’t be sure. You didn't think much of it though, saddened that you lost your chance.
Even though you could very well ask him other times, the two of you were friends after all and hung out regularly for the tutoring sessions, he always seemed to dodge the topic of the ball. You knew he never asked anyone so you didn’t bother bringing up the topic, content to go seek him out the day of.
As the day of the Yule Ball approached, you couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. You had never been one to attend such grand events, but the prospect of seeing Sebastian in a dress robes had your heart racing.
As you made your way down to the Great Hall, you couldn't help but feel self-conscious. You had spent hours getting ready, trying to make sure your hair and outfit were perfect, but you still felt nervous.
When you entered the Great Hall, you immediately scanned the crowd for Sebastian. You found him standing near the refreshments table, chatting with a group of his Slytherin friends. He looked handsome as ever, his hair neatly combed back and his dark robes fitting him perfectly.
"The instant they walk in, they're already distracted by Sallow" Samantha said teasingly. "Oh just go over there instead of making moony eyes at him." Amit replied laughing at your expression.
And so with the encouragement of your friends (and perhaps a bit of firewhiskey)  you mustered up all your courage to approach him. But stopped when Ominis called out to you. 
“[Y/N]? Is that you?” he asked, “Oh good, Sebastian has been a real idiot about this whole ball. He meant to ask you out but kept using me as a scapegoat. Honestly, I’ve been tempted to hex him.” “He meant to ask me out?” “Well of course, you’re the only person he ever talks about. It’s rather frustrating how much he acts like a kicked puppy whenever you leave.” So, Sebastian liked you all this time? You started tuning out whatever Ominis was saying next, too thrilled at this new development and the newfound confidence it gave you. “Ominis, thank you. I could kiss you right now.” “I pray you don’t” He quickly shot back looking disgusted at the thought before you bid him goodbye to go confront the scaredy Slytherin. You completely missed the little smirk the boy had on his face as he heard you run off. Where would Sebastian be without him, he thought.
"Hey, Sebastian," you said, trying to sound casual.
Sebastian turned to you, his eyes widening in surprise. "[Y/N]? You look amazing," he said, a hint of a smile on his lips.
You felt your heart skip a beat. "Thanks," you replied, feeling a bit tongue-tied.
"Would you like to dance?" Sebastian asked, holding out his hand.
Your heart leapt at the invitation. "I would love to," you replied, taking his hand.
As you both made you way to the dance floor, you felt a rush of emotions you had never felt before. You couldn't believe you were dancing with Sebastian, and the way he held you close made you feel like you were the only person in the room.
As the two of you swayed to the music, you couldn't help but feel like this was where you were meant to be - in Sebastian's arms.
As the night went on, you both danced together and talked about everything and nothing. And when the night finally came to an end, Sebastian walked you back to your common room, holding your hand the entire way.
As you said your goodbyes, Sebastian leaned in and kissed you on the cheek. "Thanks for an amazing night," he said, a smile on his lips.
You felt your heart swell with happiness as you watched him walk away, already looking forward to tomorrow.
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