#I deserve the brave hat just saying
sunlightmurdock · 3 months
i mean - am i thinking about this dbf!jake making you ride him as you wear his stetson in the middle of the apocalypse, while calling you his good girl?
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maybe i am, maybe im not 🤷‍♀️
*then praise kink ensues*
oof I feel like Jake’s stetson would become the equivalent of Rick’s sheriff had in twd where it just seems to survive absolutely everything lol
and I can just imagine you stealing it playfully from him one day and telling him you deserve it for how brave you’ve been, but from the second it’s planted on your head, Jake’s smirking at you.
“Yeah, I’d say you deserve it too,” He would mumble against your neck, already pulling your hips into his. “But you know the rule, right?”
he’s more than happy to explain the penalty for wearing a cowboy’s hat, and you’re more than happy to comply to the rule. settled away in some dark, safe corner of the camp, your knees against the ground on the either side of his hips, Jake would guide your hips up and down on him.
all the while, he’s whispering in your ear about how proud he is of you and how strong you’ve been — steadying the too-big hat onto your head with each time you bounce on him.
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weird-an · 7 months
It's way after midnight, on fucking Halloween and Jim just wants to go home. He knows that Joyce left pumpkin soup on the stove for him and possibly a few candies, too.
He has to shoo away the kids loitering at the quarry and then Hawkins' fate rests in Callahan's mostly incompetent and careless hands, but Jim doesn't give a fuck. He has seen the worst that Hawkins had to offer and El protected them all from it. What a brave girl - his daughter a voice inside him says, louder than the whisper that he isn't her dad and he never will be, that he doesn't deserve it.
Jim groans when he pulls up to the quarry and sees the car that is parked there. The Camaro's seems to laugh him in the darkness.
Billy Hargrove is a problem. He's collected more speeding tickets than anybody on record, he's picking up fights in the few seedy bars in town and it has all gotten worse since Starcourt. Jim thought nearly dying would get some sense in that kid.
Jim grabs his torchlight and opens the passenger's door.
"Hey Hargrove, trick or- Steve?"
"Fuck!" Steve Harrington turns around, plastic vampire teeth falling out of his mouth. He wraps a black cape around himself to, oh God, protect his modesty.
Jim's cheeks burn. He did expect Billy to be drunk and miserable again.
Billy's face looks about as red as Jim's feels. There is a crooked halo resting on his blond curls and behind him Jim can vaguely spot some white feathers. An angel. Of fucking course.
Jim huffs out a laugh. "Good one - your costume."
This is absurd. But a better scare than monsters, he guesses.
"Thanks…?" Billy mumbles.
"No loitering," Jim says, feeling more secure on known terrain. "You know this, kid."
Billy rolls his eyes. "It's Halloween, no one behaves tonight."
Very angelic, Jim thinks.
"We were just.. on the way to mine. Must have taken the wrong turn," Steve rambles.
"Right," Jim snorts. "Better go home before the sun rises, Dracula."
Steve purses his bottom lip.
"Can I get your hat for next year, Sheriff?" Billy asks.
"Fuck off and go home."
Jim turns around. No point in waiting for these idiots.
When he gets to his car, he hears Steve yell: "He didn't say 'fuck and go home'!"
Jim floors the gas pedal. He needs some candies, because, Jesus, every Halloween in Hawkins is kinda scary.
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Eppur è d'uopo, sforzati! (Buggy the Clown x F!Reader)
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Summary: In which a stork arrives early, Buggy has a rough day, and you get what you deserve. Pairing: Buggy the Clown x F!Reader Rating: Clean. Word Count: ~1.5k. Warnings: Pregnancy, childbirth, exploitation of a Devil Fruit power. A/N: good news is that i'm not ovulating anymore bad news is that i got a mental image in my head that wouldn't go away so i'm subjecting you guys to it too. also, this buggy has more of the anime version in him, so just a heads up!
It was a power move, plain and simple. Boa Hancock, Warlord of the Sea, refusing to negotiate with anyone away from Amazon Lily. And Buggy, having drawn the short straw, gets ordered under threat of revocation of his title to go do it.
So not only does he have to brave Sea Kings in the Calm Belt, he doesn't even get to go ashore when he gets there. No, he has to send the female crew to deal with it.
And, to make matters worse, you insisted upon going with them. You, with swollen ankles and an aching back. You, waddling around and damn near ready to pop. You, eight and half months pregnant with not just any child, but his child.
How could you be so callous and cruel to him like this? Where do you get off on tormenting him with the knowledge that, if something happens, he won’t be able to get to you? It’s pure sadism is what it is, and he’s wearing a rut in the deck trying to get his mind off of it.
A distant scream splits the air.
Your scream.
Nine months. Babies come out at nine months. That's how it's always been, that’s how it always will be.
So then why, oh why, does this little asshole decide to pop out at eight and a half?
A wave of pain wracks you. You double over in your chair.
You suppose you're lucky. You’re in a palace in a private room with a bed, a tub of warm water, anything you could possibly need. The midwife, Cassandra, has gentle hands and comforting words. Dozens of women show up to fuss over you and encourage you, a number of them mothers themselves. Dahlia brings food, Gloriosa sings songs, Marguerite and Sandersonia hold your hands when the contractions get worse.
Even the Pirate Empress herself pays the occasional visit, albeit under the excuse to scold you for making a ridiculous amount of noise. But she always lingers with a curious gaze, and commands that more bedding be brought or that “I must be prepared for when I bear the child of my beloved,” whatever the hell that means.
Too bad they don’t have any morphine.
The only thing stopping Buggy from collapsing into a million parts is that he has completely locked up. He cannot move his head, his fingers, his eyes, everything is frozen stiff.
Fortunately for him, Galdino asks the question for him. “She’s what?” 
“I just told you: in labor.” Alvida is way too calm. She dusts her coat, adjusts her hat, buffs out a scuff on her fingernails. “Her water broke right in the middle of the discussion. Three hours of political maneuvering, wasted.”
“I think we got it sorted, though.” The strongwoman shakes her head. “Poor gal. Of all the dumb luck.”
Another scream rips the air. Everyone flinches.
It cuts through Buggy like a knife through... well, himself. He gets his senses back and only one thing consumes his mind.
He vaults over the side of the ship. Kuja laws be damned, he needs to get to you, even if he has to swim for it. Before you get hurt. Or killed. Or worse.
He only realizes the mistake he’s made when he hits the water.
You blink in disbelief. “It’s what?”
“Upside-down,” Cassandra says. She adjusts her glasses. “If my intuition is correct, it’s coming out rear end first.”
Breech birth. You suppose you shouldn’t be surprised. Your grandmother was a breech, your mother was a breech, your niece was a breech... Breeches all the way down in your family.
And, considering its father, of course the little fucker’s an acrobat.
You groan and fall backwards. Part of you is glad he’s not here. You’d strangle him. The other part wishes he was here. So you could strangle him. And rip his balls off. Hell, you might just do that anyways. DIY orchiectomy.
A contraction wracks you and you yelp.
What do you do with a distraught sailor, when the sun is highest?
Hold him back from swimming to the island. He’ll kick and thrash and escape all three of the strongmen and throw himself overboard and Cabaji will have to jump in and fish him out.
What do you do with a distraught sailor, early in the evening?
Lock him up in a cage with Richie. He’ll cut himself to ribbons and slip through the bars and sneak past everyone on deck and throw himself overboard and Cabaji, having just finally gotten himself into dry clothes, will have to take another dip.
What do you do with a distraught sailor, at the witching hour?
Clamp him to the mast with Seastone handcuffs. He’ll pick up a nail on deck and pick the lock and outrun everyone trying to catch him and throw himself overboard and Cabaji will make Mohji jump in this time because he’s getting really sick of this bullshit.
What do you do with a distraught sailor, early in the morning?
Hack off his hands and arms and noggin, throw the Seastone cuffs on his ankles, tie his torso to the mast, stuff his own bandanna in his mouth, then post up guards.
Even gagged, Buggy’s screams rival yours.
Just when you’re ready to give up the ghost and will yourself into unconscious bliss, you feel it. Something gives. Then something else. With one mighty push, one mighty curse, and one mighty splat, your child is born.
The baby howls like a beast. You suppose you’d be screaming too if you were covered in shit and viscera and had a full head of hair.
You want to hold it. You need to hold it. "Give-- Gimme it," you sputter.
Cassandra, hands it to you. "A boy," she says.
You’re ashamed to be a little disappointed. Based on the talk, you were hoping for a girl. But it all fades as you hold him in your arms and bring him to your chest, overwhelmed by a tide of hormones and emotion.
He’s a little funny-looking, with his pink skin and little stretched face and his legs at weird angles. But he’s here. A baby. Your baby. Buggy’s baby.
You start to sob.
Buggy is once again frozen stiff. He wants nothing more than to help you back aboard, hold your hand as you step over the railing, and escort you to his cabin. It would be the absolute least he could do.
But no. He’s stuck up here on the quarterdeck, doing even less than that. He watches as you make your way up the stairs, clutching a bundle wrapped in a floral-patterned blanket. Dark circles ring your eyes and your gait is stiff and exhausted.
Say something. Anything. “You look like hell,” he says. Goddammit.
Fortunately for him, you huff in amusement. “I’ve certainly been through hell.” You stand closer and angle the bundle towards him. “Wanna see what I found there?”
His hand hovers over the corner of the blanket. What if it’s dead? What if it’s got a dog’s face? What if its hair is red? What if it’s got its father’s--?
“Just look, Buggy,” you scold.
He swallows. He pulls back the corner.
Nestled in the blankets, blinking in the light, is a miniature you. A head full of thick dark hair, already starting to curl at the ends. Dark eyes, peering at him the same way you do. And, right in the middle of its chubby little face, your delicately curved nose.
Heat fills his belly with smoke. He recognizes this emotion. It’s the same one as when he sees someone waving around a treasure map. When he spies a chest overflowing with gold. When he first laid eyes on you.
He can hardly hear his own voice. “She’s gorgeous.”
“He,” you say. Buggy looks at you. You smile. “He’s a boy.”
A boy. A boy. His boy. Your boy. He has a son. You gave him a son.
The smoke catches fire and sets his whole body alight. He snatches the baby -- his son! -- from your arms and holds him -- his son! -- up high, presenting him -- his son! -- to the assembled crew like a boxer holding up a champion belt.
He shouts, bellows, screams for the whole world to hear: “I have a son!”
A cacophony of cheers goes up from every man and woman on the deck and, for a few moments, everything is right in the world. Mohji throws his arms around Cabaji. The strongwoman picks up Galdino and spins him around. Alvida smiles as she leans against her mace. Richie roars. Even the Kuja who escorted you back whoop.
Wait a damn minute. You did all the work. You made his son. You pushed him out. All he did was be in the right place at the right time with a bad pullout game.
He places the baby back in your arms and sweeps you into his own, separating his trunk from his legs to raise you up even higher. He wants to shout something eloquent, an ode to your strength and beauty, a paean to your power, a declaration that you are the greatest treasure he’s ever stolen.
But all that comes out, through snot and tears that he didn’t even realize were flowing, is a garbled, blubbered, “I love this woman!”
The cheers only grow, joined by your clattery laughter.
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To the "Curious Courtship" Masterpost | To the Mastahpost | Tip Jar
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thefirsthogokage · 11 months
SAG-AFTRA and WGA on the Line!
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[Image ID: A tweet from J.W. Hendricks (@JW_hendricks) from July 14th that reads:
Let's fucking go. #SAGstrike #WGAStrong
Under that is a black and white image of a person in a hat, sunglasses, and a Writers Guild of America shirt holding a sign that says "Now We Have SAG HO HO HO"
/End ID]
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[Image ID: A tweet from Brig Muñoz-Liebowitz (@brigliebs) from July 14th that reads:
Seriously excited to see our picket line chants performed by talented professionals who know how to project from the diaphragm. #wgastrong #SAGAFTRAstrong /End ID]
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[Image ID: A tweet from Dan Hernandez (@/cubanmissileDH) from July 13th, 2023 that reads:
People think writers and actors are soft. And we ARE attention-seeking validation magnets. But pursuing a career in the arts is also brave, foolhardy, and kinda batshit. We have all withstood incredible pain to get here, and we can take much more. #SAGAFTRA #WGA #Solidarity
/End ID]
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[Image ID: A tweet from form L&O SVU writer Robert Brooks Cohen (@RobertBCohen) that reads:
The much-anticipated WGA/SAG-AFTRA crossover has begun. ✊✊ #WGAStrong #SAGAFTRAstrong #DUNDUN
With a picture of him holding a sign that says in full:
In the studio entertainment system, viewers are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the Writers Guild of America, who create entire worlds, and the Screen Actors Guild who bring them to life. These are their stories. DUN DUN. /End ID]
Granted, there's also everyone in production, the set designers, the costume designers, the hair and make up people, lighting, sound engineers, etc. But I get his point. Anywho, the image of him in full:
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I'll try to ID this one:
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(link to first post)
[Image ID: Three tweets from three different WGA members from July 14th, 2023 that read:
Travis Helwig (@travishelwig):
Actors are tall
Mike Royce (@/mikeroyce):
a guy whipped his shirt off at like 9:01 this morning, we're in a different reality now
Jackie (Decembly) Penn (a strike captain) (@JackiePenn18):
We had like 5 actors do that this morning. We were not ready for it 😂.
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[Image ID: Tweet from Justine Bateman (@justinebatemanl from July 14th, 2023 that reads:
This is what you get when you give over 100k actors a call time.
@sagaftra @WGAEast @WGAWest #ShowingUp
With a picture of many, many people striking.
/end ID]
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[Image ID: a tweet from Will Landman (@WillTheLandMan) from July 14th, 2023 that reads:
Week 11, Day 74. The troops have arrived & gotdam did they arrive! Lovely to see so many familiar faces, all United fighting for a fair deal. The energy was off the roof at WB. I can imagine it was the same at every lot. We will win. #SAGAFTRAstrike #WGAStrike #DoTheWriteThing
After that are four pictures for their day striking.
Also, I just want to say for historical record: today was WGA Strike Captains Day, though idk if that was just at the WB lot or not.
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[Image ID: a tweet from actor Christopher Gorham (@ChrisGorham) from July 14th, 2023 that reads:
Day 1. Again. I was there for the beginning of the @wgawest strike so you know we were going to be there for @sagaftra . Enough people at Disney today to wrap around the entire studio’s 1 mile perimeter. Here’s to the unrealistic militant minority! #sagaftrastrong #wgastrong
The post contains four photos from his time striking. /end ID]
Bonus: WGA West showing up for Teamsters on the Amazon Picket line:
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[Image ID: a tweet from Liz Alper (@LizApls) on July 14th that reads:
When @Teamsters call, @WGAWest responds.
We joined Teamsters on their picket line at the @/amazon warehouse in Santa Clarita. Amazon drivers deserve fair compensation and safe work conditions (and AC). We'll see you next time, Teamsters. Don't order from Amazon.
Four pictures are included in the tweet from the day showing multiple people holding WGAW signs. /End ID]
Honestly, all this solidarity during all the strikes this summer is bringing a tear to my eye. I love seeing everyone standing up for each other and fighting together. Union Solidarity.is.stronger.than ever, and it's beautiful to see.
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The Scarlet Witch (CH 1)
Mattheo Riddle X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 958
Warnings: Mild language, violence, graphic content, blood, angst, fluff, smut…
Prompt: Y/n Maximoff, a witch who can perform wandless magic transfers to Hogwarts. She makes friends and foes, all the while love seems to be in the air even though she wasn’t expecting it. There is highs and lows in this love story, with unexpected twists and turns and maybe even heartbreak.
Faceclaim: Wanda Maximoff/Elizabeth Olsen/Scarlet Witch
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3rd POV
The Great Hall was loud with chatter as the students laughed and ate food, some hurrying to hide food in their pockets. The teachers are amongst themselves, chatting quietly while keeping a watchful eye over the students.
The chatter slowly died out as students noticed the Sorting Hat was out. Professor Dumbledore stands, the room completely silencing.
"We have a student transferring here and I expect you all to help her settle in. Y/N Maximoff, please come on in." He announces.
The doors open and the students watch the girl with red hair and blue-green eyes, walk towards Professor Dumbledore. She silently takes a seat as Professor McGonagall grabs the Sorting Hat.
"Oh my! What a cunning one you are with witty remarks and a glass heart! Your ambition is unlike the others I've sorted. Mmm...so driven and so focused. Not to mention independent. What a ruthless girl you are to the ones who pose as an enemy! I wouldn't want to get on your bad side! Haha! So charming and bold, one with beauty and power! You are brave and strong for the battles you've witnessed, young girl...ooo! And you can perform wandless magic!" The Sorting Hat says
The students among the Great Hall collectively gasp, but Y/N's face remained passive as she stared ahead blankly, impatiently waiting for the hat to sort her into her house.
"Well?" Professor McGonagall questions.
"Slytherin!" The Sorting Hat shouts.
Y/N stands as the Slytherin table cheers and claps. She begins her way over to the table, sitting at one of the empty ones at the end. She stared at the table, her stomach far from hungry. 
She could hear the whispers about her and feel the eyes on her. It was a myth of those who could perform wandless magic. Or so everyone thought, but here stood Y/N.
She eagerly awaited to be dismissed, and she nervously played with her fingers. She tried her hardest to tune out all the whispers and she tried to ignore the stares. It was all so overwhelming though.
She looks up when a girl plops down across from her. She had long brown hair and pretty green eyes.
"I'm Pansy. Pansy Parkinson." She says, holding her hand out.
I take it, shaking it as a group of boys sit around us. She gives me a kind smile.
"Y/N Maximoff." I say quietly.
"I'm Draco Malfoy." He says, throwing an arm over Pansy's shoulder.
They were a cute couple. That's for sure.
"I'm Blaise Zabini." He says.
"I'm Lorenzo Berkshire, love." He says, taking my hand and leaving a kiss on it.
When he looked away, I grimaced and wiped away the spot at my hand. He isn't as cute as he thinks he is. I look over and see the last one who seemed rather quiet. He was analyzing me. He had curly-ish brown hair and deep brown eyes.
Draco nudges him and he slowly looks over at Draco. I tense when something hits the back of my head. I turn around and it was Harry Potter. He laughs and I clench my jaw, letting my eyes go red. He quiets, looking fearful and I use my magic to lift the scone and throw it at his face hard. His glasses break and I roll my eyes, turning around.
I blink and let my eyes go back to the normal blue-green shade they always are. I ignore the impressed looks from my table.
"Honestly, he deserved that and more." Draco says, shrugging carelessly and I smile slightly.
"The dork beside Draco is Mattheo Riddle. He's a little quiet at first with new people. Just give him time." Pansy says.
"Alright." I say.
"Aren't you going to eat, love?" Lorenzo asks, brushing my hair over my shoulder.
I smack his hand away from me as the other guys laugh at his shocked face.
"No and stop calling me love. Your not as cute as you think you are." I snap and his jaw drops.
"That's the first." Mattheo mumbles.
"The first what? The first time a girl has slapped him or the first time a girl has turned down his advances and mediocre face?" I ask, quirking a brow at Mattheo.
Mattheo's lips slowly turn up into a grin as he studies me and Lorenzo pouts next to me.
"Both." Mattheo says before turning to his food.
"Way to bruise my ego." Lorenzo mutters.
"We can be friends, that's it. But don't expect anything more or you'll regret it. You aren't my type." I say.
"What's your type?" He asks.
"Not you." I say and he sighs as the guys laugh.
"Seriously, I get it. But, what's your type? I can set you up." He says.
Thankfully it was time to head to our dorms, so I stood and followed Pansy and the rest of the Slytherins towards the Slytherin dormitory's.
"Come on Y/N." Lorenzo whines.
"Your annoying me." I say.
"And?" He asks.
"It's something you don't want to do." I say.
He grins and I glare at him. I should have hit him. Pansy pulls me off in the direction that all the girls were heading.
“This will be our dormitory.” She says as she opens a door.
It was a big dormitory with two Queen sized beds on either side with matching green bedding. There was two wardrobes, a bathroom and several empty bookcases.
“This is my bed. Although, I will admit I’m not in here often. I’m typically at my boyfriends dorm.” She explains and I nod, taking the bed close to the window.
Oh what a year this will be.
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caufield193 · 1 month
Just being honest here but I am trying so hard to not hate Judith… not because I hate her but because of all these yt feminist who only started liking her because RJ exist. It’s hilarious how they use her to hide their racism. Idk if it’s just me, but anytime someone says anything untrue but harmful about Rj, no one bats an eyelash… there are literal hashtags of people bullying the real kid but that’s okay. His Instagram is filled with folks calling him the N word.Yet the moment someone says something true about judith, who is FICTIONAL!!! NOT A REAL HUMAN BEING.( her not being ricks, and being the product of Shane ) man they get soooo upset… and we all know why!
Rick wanted RJ… this isn’t the same for Judith, but he learned to love her.
RJ is ricks legacy, and Judith is not. Yt feminist are accustomed to seeing themselves as wanted, as desired, and when a melanated little boy was desired and planned for, and not the child of a love affair between a white Baby mama and her baby daddy… their true colors show. Historically and stereotypically, a baby mama was a black woman begging to be free… except Michonne is so loved, and chosen, and declared to be the love of ricks life. So often, a black woman has a baby with no support, a baby by a different man, yet Rick truly wanted and planned for his little namesake. Michonne was content, Rick is the one who Wanted RJ. So when you have a flipped narrative where Lori, a white woman is the baby mama to Shane, bringing a white child to Rick that by yt feminist standards, Rick should want her and not have mixed feelings like we saw him have in the beginning, considering he couldn’t even look at Judith when she was first born. (considering that a normal human would have a hard time accepting a child that will forever remind you of how shitty your wife and best friend were) usually it would be a black child in Judith’s shoes, but it’s not. Rick has two kids, and the black one was wanted, planned for in a two parent and healthy home that wasn’t toxic, unlike Judith, who comes from a background usually associated with blackness
They use exscuses like, “ he’s not badass he doesn’t do anything like Carl .” But let’s be honest. RJ is 7… we’ve never seen Carl that young.. yet we’ve seen Judith at Carls age, and yet she hasn’t done anything remotely cool like Carl. So if anyone’s got plot armor it’s her… or they’ll say, RJ had awkward lines, when his made the most sense as he always considered his father the brave man. That is the only thing he knew him as.
Listen, I love how Michonne loves Judith because she truly adopted her, not because she had to but because she wanted to…. But I am so happy that Rick, a white man who married a black woman wants his biracial son, cared about his personality, and not just whether he was alive or not, because it really is making these dude bros upset… and yt feminist
It’s the fact that you can make fun of any child on the show, but god forbid you make fun of Judith or say something that’s the true, it’s the end of the world… a hit dog gonna holler
Have you ever noticed.. it’s okay to say RJ doesn’t deserve the hat… despite him being a grimes. It’s okay to say “RJ live execution.” It’s okay to say that RJ is lame and weak, despite him being 7. But if you point out that Rick has a hard time accepting Judith in the beginning, if you point out that he dreams of Carl and Michonne to stay alive at the CRM, but dreaming of Judith never even crossed him mind… if you point out that everytime Rick asked about Judith it was only to ensure that she was alive… which is on brand considering he told Michonne, “ I had to accept that… so I could keep her alive.” Not so he could love her or bond with her… if you point out all these little nuggets that shows that Rick, a fictional man, struggled to accept a fictional child that will forever carry the DNA of Shane and Lori… suddenly every yt feminist within two mile radius becomes triggered.. I’m just sick of it. Truly I hope there is a S2, where RJ is older and more marketed… purely just to piss certain people off.
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lessiasya · 8 months
Please, forgive me, my love.
What is real? Where is this thin line between reality and dreams? Phil isn't sure anymore. Nights were horrifying and the idea of sleeping gave him goosebumps.
It feels like, he never left the birdhouse. He still feels the cold, stuffiness and loneliness… It wasn't a dream, it can't be a dream. How did he fell asleep for a whole week, when he couldn't sleep after Chayanne's and Tallulah's disappearens? They are on his mind every second. Are they safe? Are they scared? Are they in danger? He can't look at empty beds, so he moves into Chayanne's room. It's big and bright, it's home. Sleeping bag is his bed or at least was his bed. Because every time he closes his eyes, he sees wooden house among dark forest, black concrete instead of windows, birds with same fate as him and his kids' things… His eyes starts watering and he can't hold himself.
He is The Angel of Death or at least he was. Now he feels empty inside, if someone put small bird in a box and threw it out in the sea. Black clipped wings feel like a useless weight on his back. Why does he needs them?
Metal door creaks, and tall figure appeared in the doorframe. "Mi amor… I thought you were asleep" Missa is soft, he always were, but now he cheerish Phil like he is the most precious treasure. Or if Phil was a crystal vase, hat will break in a light breeze. But why though? What did Phil do to deserve it? He failed their family, Phil let this happen. He wasn't carefull enough. He was a mess. "I told you. It wasn't your fault." Missa's hands are cold, but so soft on Phil's face. Long fingers brush tears from his cheeks. "And what happend to you, wasn't your fault either. We will figure these out" Phil didn't say a word, but Missa understands it in another way. He know how his husband clapes his wings closer to his back, when he stressed. Missa knows that hair very important to his husband and they're messy, it means that something is wrong. Even the fact that Phil was awfully quite this whole time.
Avian feels himself being pulled into a gentle hugs while long fingers untangle the knots in his hair. It's nice, it is comfort, it is home. Home where he feels safe, where he feels real. Missa is his beacon of reality. Phil knows that the islanders needs someone who will stay strong, knows that it needs to be him. He want to help everyone, but just for the second…. He wants to be selfish, he wants to cuddle with Missa where he doesn't needs to be strong or brave. He just wants to be loved and feel that someone cares for him.
"Please, forgive me, my love." Phil mumbles, before fall asleep. But now, he feels safe, he feels at home…
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Warm Fairytale (Rook Hunt)
What a day to forget an umbrella!
NOTE: I only write for female reader but everyone is welcome to read it!
Guess who had to save clothes from the rain?
— (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
Rook smells the rain before the clouds even form properly. He can tell it'll be a strong one, and the thunder that follows the thought proves him right.
What a day to forget his umbrella!
He still smiles, though, because he knows that even if he arrives home soaked from head to toe, the warmth of his family and the fireplace will prevent him from getting anything more serious than a case of the sniffles. Still, it would probably be better to avoid getting too wet, so he does his best to place his coat on top of his head, having foregone the hat today as a funny prank from the universe itself, as he walks faster and faster until he breaks into a sprint.
He's lucky they live close to the bus station.
Rook's smile only grows as the rain gets heavier by the minute, uncaring of the odd looks he gets when giggles inevitably rush past his lips. He can't help it, not when this reminds him so much of the day he proposed to his beloved.
He can remember clearly the sensation of holding a softer hand in his, the coldness of the ring on his palm and her sweet squeals as they jumped over puddles on his ears.
Soon his house—their house, that they bought and reformed together, comes to view.
Rook stops at the front yard gate, his heartbeat somehow louder than the rain.
In front of him, a fairytale writes itself.
His wife and his daughter giggle and squeal as they try desperately to get all the clothes hanging on the clotheslines inside the quaint but spacious home. At the door, their youngest holds a basket where the clothes are being deposited once safely away from the rain. His daughter's blonde hair in pigtails, her little pink sundress with orange lions bravely trying to protect her from the cold water. His wife, beautiful beautiful love of all his lives, in her favorite cleaning outfit, the apron she had bought him—and swore she didn't steal for herself—fluttering with the wind.
If Rook was a painter, he'd spend a hundred years just to make sure he captured this moment the way it deserves.
“Rook!” he doesn't actually hear her say it, the rain and his heart far too loud, but with the way her face lights up, there's no doubt of what leaves his wife's lips.
Impatient, he simply jumps over the low gate, running to them. His laughter joins the symphony of the sky as he picks up their daughter and the clothes she's trying to save. Taking his lover's hand in his own, he starts running.
The coldness of her ring against his palm.
The warmth of their child against his chest.
The youngest is waiting with the basket and towels.
Rook gets a proper scolding for leaving without a hat or an umbrella.
The shower is warm, the pajamas are warm, the food is warm, the family is warm.
Their fairytale writes itself.
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allieisnothere · 5 months
Watching the Percy Jackson show as an adult who started reading the series when they were 12 is such a crazy experience. The show is doing such a good job at bringing what we loved about the series to screen and you can tell it was made with so much love and care. Below are just a few thoughts I had while watching the first 4 episodes.
Love the casting and having everyone played by actors who are actually the age the characters are! They are doing such a fantastic job and really capture the energy of everyone.
Walker as Percy is such good casting! He has all of Percy’s sass and heart.
Also can so see the Ryan Reynolds influence. Like watching him on screen is like watching mini Ryan Reynolds’s - which also gives Percy energy.
I know they are played by actors the age of the character but oh my gosh Annabeth is so little!! Like she’s gone through so much and I just want to wrap her in a hug and give her the unconditional love she deserves! (But I know she would stab me if I did that and rightfully so). But AAAHHH - just every time she on screen I’m just like it’s a baby ☺️
The bully that Percy “pushed” into the fountain is exactly how I pictured Clarisse when reading the books.
Speaking of Clarisse, love her portrayal and I can't wait for that redemption arc!
Ok so no one is saying it but I am brave enough too. Sally Jackson?? HOT 🥵
Also not to be gay but Ms Dot’s monster form? Also hot
I keep forgetting there are people who haven’t read the book and their reaction to Luke is giving me whiplash.
Montauk 🥹
“You drool in your sleep” 🥹
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Regency Style Jily Microfic
Prompt: Pity Word Count: 907 “Miss Evans,” he breathed, holding his hat in his hands, his chest heaving from exertion after braving the journey from Peverell Palace to Gryffindor House. His manner was uneasy, his eyes darting all over her face as if he were looking for signs of her own unrest. “I’ve just heard the news, I –” he opened and closed his mouth, as if not knowing what to say. “You have?” she asked him. “And here I thought I might be able to surprise you for once, Mr Potter. Alas, again you are my superior in every way possible –” her cheeks glowed despite the gloomy April air that had caused goosebumps to rise on her arms a moment before he had arrived. She hoped one look in her direction did not rouse his suspicions. She had guarded her secret – the depth of her feelings for him – so carefully in the past months, she did not wish to fail in this final moment. He took her gloved hand in his then, holding it to his heart, startling her and causing her eyes to widen significantly. Her heart beat wildly inside her chest. “Miss Evans, I must say –” the expression on his face was pained, “– while I’m sure it will seem impossible now, time will heal all wounds and –” he swallowed, “– I hope that perhaps in time, your heart will learn to love once more, that it might carry the affection it has known again –” She frowned slightly, his words a riddle to her. “He truly is an abominable scoundrel, but – rest assured – he will soon be gone and –”
“Mr Potter,” she started, understanding dawning all of a sudden, “I’m not –” her heart fluttered at the warmth he showed her, at the regard he took to what he had assumed to be the truth of her innermost feelings, “ – you are very kind, but you are also mistaken, I have no regrets and wish the happy couple nothing but the very best –” He took a small step towards her, squeezed her hand that was so warmly placed in his own. “You are too good,” he almost whispered. “Miss Evans, he did not deserve you –” She was certain she blushed now. “I do not deserve your pity –” “Pity?” he sounded alarmed. “I have nothing but the deepest and warmest compassion for your situation for I am so well-acquainted myself with a love unrequited –” “Is it?” He stilled almost, wetted his lips with the tip of his tongue and this emboldened her. “Unrequited, I mean. How can you be sure that the lady you hold in such high esteem may not love you as you do her –” He dropped her hand, turned away slightly. “I have long lost all hope –” “Then I must pity you, Mr Potter –” He started to pace, hands curled around the brim of his hat. “I’m not here to talk about my own misfortune, I am here to tell you that Mr Diggory has been a most foul creature indeed, engaging your attentions so –” Her eyebrows rose, the question on her lips before she could stop to think about it. “Do you envy him?” “In every respect when it comes to you!” Time seemed to have stopped at his declaration and so had her heart. She watched him as he came to the realisation of what he had just revealed. He turned to her, spluttered out an apology, fully and completely horrified to note the impropriety of his conduct. “Miss Evans, I do so sincerely apologise, I had not meant to startle you so –” She was the one to move towards him this time, her fingers resting gently on his elbow as she said: “You did not, Mr Potter,” her voice was barely more than a whisper as he looked down on her, seemingly entranced by her very presence. “It appears that I am right to pity you for it seems that you have far too long been misguided –” “Do not remind me,” he spoke with anguish, “of the folly of my hoping you might ever return my feelings –” She stopped him by raising herself on her tiptoes and placing her lips – ever so softly, ever so hesitantly, ever so anxiously – against his, her heartbeat louder than it had ever been as it pounded through her veins. She let herself fall back, avoided his gaze for sheer nerves. “I have never loved Mr Diggory,” she confessed. “It’s you who has been on my mind for the longest of time, even if I didn’t know it at first or recognise its meaning for what it was –”   His hand now curled around her cheek and he brought her eyes up to his, noted the brilliance of the smile that played at his lips. “Could you be –?” he asked. “Are you certain –?” She very nearly scoffed, but didn’t want him to question the feelings that she harboured for him so dearly yet again. “Pity me, Mr Potter, for I am fully at your mercy.”
His kiss was all she had ever needed and more than she could have ever imagined herself wanting.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
Hi!!! Congrats on 1k! I just wanna say that your writing is so nice! You twst fics are also one of the reasons why I got persuaded into actually playing the game 😆
Can I request for Azul + waltz? I was thinking of requesting for Lucifer but... I've always asked for Luci when requesting. So I decided to give him a rest and request for my favorite twst character. I also chose waltz because I've been obsessed with Queen Charlotte lately. Especially its orchestral cover of Halo and Nobody Gets Me.
Anyways, thank you so much in advance! 😊😚
thank you sm?? AND OMG??? REALLY??? THATS SO FLATTERING YOU HAVE NO IDEA............cant believe i dragged someone else into this disney villain angst pit im so glad you decided to join us <3
you have wonderful taste! azul is lovely and im so glad you like him <3 truly he deserves all the love in the world hes so squishy (he owns my heart omg)
i gave both of those covers a listen and youre so right?? ESPECIALLY NOBODY GETS ME THAT ONE WAS SO......GAH!!!!
reader leads azul in the waltz because i said so C:<
AZUL ASHENGROTTO + WALTZ (1k event details)
Azul nearly jumps out of his skin when the door to the Mostro Lounge slams shut behind him unexpectedly. Two slippery shadows giggle in tandem, and Azul barely has the time to comprehend that the Leech Brothers have done this before they’ve slipped away.
There’s a soft tune playing from further into the lounge, and Azul feels apprehension crawl up his back.
What were they planning…?
Azul creeps into the room as if something will bite him, eyes flickering between the dim lights and all the tables pushed against the walls and you in the center of it all—
“Azul,” you coo, stepping forward, “I’m glad you could make it.”
You’re wearing formal wear composed of purples and whites and grays and oh, oh, you’re wearing one of those golden shell necklaces and it matches the one on his hat—
“May I have this dance?” you ask, bowing low and holding your hand out to him.
It’s a waltz that’s playing in the background, he realizes, and his cheeks flush pinker. He takes your hand shyly, and you spring upwards and pull him into you. He gasps softly as your hand finds its way to the back of his shoulder, pressing so gently that it makes him shudder. He shakily places a hand on your shoulder and gives the hand you're still holding a brave squeeze. The smile on your face says it all—you’re taking so much delight in embarrassing him and he thinks he might explode if you try anything else.
“You’re beautiful.” you whisper, and that might as well be the nail in Azul’s coffin because he ducks his head and tries to hide the way his lips wobble from both joy and sorrow.
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ladybellissima · 7 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 24
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Looking out onto the horizon before him, Katakuri took a deep breath. To suffer a defeat wasn't easy to handle and to deal with the consequences either. Nevertheless he felt relieved. It had to happen someday. He fell on his back and after his body was met with the cold rough ground, he also realized that things would never be like before.
Everyone would see him different from now on.
He knew that his facade would break one day. To be perfect 24 hours a day wasn't easy and to be honest quite annoying. He just wanted to be accepted, not for doing what everybody expected from him. He wanted to be accepted for doing the things his way. The straw hat had really an impact on his mind. To find someone equal to fight wasn't everyday and let him think back of how much he had changed. Or better how much the others had changed him. To not disappoint everyone and always be the best, was soon blocking his feelings and wishes, which he had for his life.
And out of nowhere she came into his life.
A girl so sweet and beautiful, he never dreamed of to get. And still she was there, without any effort. Coming to his side and taking his heart in an instant.
(Y/N) was the first person, who accepted his family with all their odds and difficulties. Even if they treated her bad, she still worked hard and kept her smile.
He loved her. He loved her deeply.
But was he enough?
She deserved so much. Not this cruelty of his mother, not the coldness he showed her back then. Not this fearful life she had to face now. It pained him. How could he ever make it up to her properly?
Realizing that he wasted too much time outside, he started to head back. Looking for his wife, Cracker came to his side with a bleeding nose and grumbled annoyed after Katakuri gave him a strange look.
" Don't give me that look..God that hurts..", Cracker cursed.
"Brulee brought (Y/N) back home. We didn't know if you go on a rampage or something. I have to say that act was quite impressive Big brother. I know how brave you are, but standing against Mama… Wow.", he added and gave his brother a smile.
"Don't ever get the idea to try that too. Things will get rough from now on. We have to face it without any complain. It was our fault after all to be too weak.", he spoke coldly. Nodding quickly Cracker left his side to treat his wounds.
Deep in thought Katakuri also started to walk away. But not into the direction of his home. There was something on his mind since a very long time now and he couldn't run away any longer.
(Y/N) on the other side was worried. She knew how loyal he was towards his mother. How he always obeyes and fulfilled every wish she had. To disappoint her that much was really hard for him. Looking down into her hands, (Y/N) thought about leaving tomorrow for her duty. It broke her heart to can't stay by his side. She feared that she wasn't able to see him for who knows how long. On top it would get rather difficult to bake all these desserts at chef level. Sighing she let herself fall onto a chair next to the entrance. It was useless to be afraid or to freak out. She had to endure it. As a member of the Charlotte pirates she had to take the punishment as well. The only thing she could do now was wait. Wait for her beloved.
It was already nighttime as a dark figure entered the mansion. Slowly he stepped inside and tried to be as silent as possible. His eyes widened the moment his look fell onto a familiar figure on one of the chairs. Approaching his beautiful wife, he watched the sleeping beauty with a smile.
"Why I am not surprised…", he whispered and took her into his arms, while heading to their bedroom. Snuggling closer into his chest, (Y/N) 's eyes fluttered open and surprised she felt herself to be laid down onto the soft mattress.
"Katakuri…", she whispered and touched his cheek carefully. He gave her a lovingly smile and pressed his cheek against her soft skin. He regretted to be out for that long. Every minute was precious till tomorrow.
"I am okay don't worry (Y/N)..i am used to Mama's anger… ", he spoke calmly and for a moment they just looked into each other's eyes. He wanted to say it. Wanted to show her how much she meant for him.
"I am sorry that I was late… But I thought about something.. More I got you something, which will explain what's on my mind. ", he started and stepped back to look for it in his pocket. Stunned (Y/N) watched his doings confused and gasped after seeing a small crimson red box in his hand. Every woman would know in an instant what it could be. Sitting beside her, he took one of her hands and placed it onto her soft skin. Slowly her look wandered from the present to his lovingly gaze, if she was asking for permission. Giving her a short nod, (Y/N) opened the box and found a black steel ring inside with a white piece of paper. Tears pickled at the corner of her eyes while he took the ring.
"I know how worried you are. But believe me, I am more worried about you, that you have to stay at whole cake to work. It makes me go crazy to deal with the fact that you are not under my protection and by my side. For me it would be okay to endure the consequences. It was my lack of strength after all..But it couldn't be helped and I am terribly sorry to not be able to stop what is about to happen..", he started and pointed to the white paper in the box.
" This paper is my vivre card. So you will always know that I am fine. It will hopefully guide you through times where you feel lonely like I would be the whole time. And this… ", he spoke seriously and took her hand to put the ring onto her finger, which let her tears fall.
" I can't accept that you were called a toy. You are my wife. The woman I want to have by my side forever. Our wedding wasn't the best one… Forgive me.. But this ring will show everyone now who you are and what you mean to me. I often run away from my feelings. It was hard for me to understand that you really want me. After you saw me, my real me… I was so grateful that you didn't run away, that you like me the way I am. I couldn't believe it. In my eyes you deserve so much more. But if you accept me… I will do anything to make you happy.
Because… I love you (Y/N)"
The final words left his mouth and let him shiver of fear. It took him much effort to say it. To show his true feelings and thoughts, he kept hidden for a long time.
Sobbing she hugged him tightly and didn't want to let go. She never believed that he was expressing his feelings in such a beautiful way.
" Katakuri… I love you. I love you so much. ", she whispered and took his scarf away to finally press her lips on his. Their shared kiss quickly turned into a heated one. He couldn't hold back anymore. She was making him crazy in every way. Her sweet touch, this sweet scent, he could drown into it and even forget his precious doughnuts. Pressing her back onto the mattress he hovered over her delicate body and intensified the kiss by biting her lip. Gasping he discovered her moaning mouth with his tongue, while she brushed her fingers through his soft short hair. She want him. She want him now. Her body worked on its own. Slowly she pulled onto his leather jacket to expose his muscular chest. Quickly he threw it away to get back to exploring her amazing body. Like an inner instinct he touched down her thies to lift her dress and put her legs around his hips. His fingers glided along her skin and grabbed her soft butt, which let her moan lustfully.
"Do this again and I lose it completely…", he hungrily kissed down her neck and his hands worked their way up to her bra.
Every spot he touched was perfect. Flawless and beautiful. Suddenly (Y/N) stopped his hands, which let him look at her irritated. A sudden wave of uneasiness overcame him to maybe overdid it, but surprised he watched her pulling her dress over her head to throw it across the room.
"Lose it Katakuri… Give me all you've got.",she slung her arms around his neck and kissed him roughly. Something inside of him snapped and quickly he pulled onto her bra to expose her breasts. Flustered she pressed her body against his to hide, but he wasn't accepting her move. He wanted to see. Wanted to discover every inch of her. Pressing her down again, he kissed down her neck and started to suck on her nipple. Moaning out loud, (Y/N) pressed her head into the pillow of the intense feeling he gave her. Never did she feel such a wave of heat. It ingulfed her completely and let her shiver of excitement. Feeling him kissing down her stomach, she felt suddenly vulnerable and shy. (Y/N) wanted to give her body to him, but on the other side she felt scared of exposing her private parts. His lips brushed against her sensitive area through her panties and let her head threw back in exctasy. He didn't give her any time to rest. He was too hungry, too desperate. Taking the unnecessary fabric away, she gasped of the sudden emptiness down under. His breath tickled her skin and let her shudder. And before she was able to comprehend the situation and was about to press her legs together of embarrassment, he licked her wet covern in a slow and lustful way.
"Kat… Katakuri….", she whispered shocked of the new experience, which pushed her over the edge. He smiled amused of her beautiful noises. Noises only he was allowed to hear.
"I won't stop sweetheart. I am not satisfied yet…", he spoke seductively and brushed with his fingers at her entrance. She was feeling hot. So unbelievable hot and needy, she was about to explode. The inner lust took over and more and more she longed for him to take her. Getting up to her eye level again, he looked deep into her eyes, while slowly entering a finger into her. Again he let her gasp, again she had to hold onto him for support, because his actions made her go crazy. With pleading eyes, she looked up to him and he understood right away. With a slow pace, he pushed one finger, then two fingers, into her faster and faster.
"Katakuri I can't take it anymore…", she whispered while drowning in his touch.
"Then let it out… Let me hear your sweet screams..", he hushed against her lips and could feel his fingers get sucked depper into her. Digging her fingers into his back she cried out his name while feeling her climax. Her body was trembling, shaken of excitement. Taking his face in her hands she breathed heavily and kissed his lips passionately. Gliding her hands down his muscular chest she grabbed the belt of his pants to get him undressed. Her careful touch let him growl in delight. Helping her, he stood up for a moment to get naked himself. The moment he exposed his hardened length, let her get wet even more. Slowly he approached her like a prey and hovered over her sensitive form. Capturing her lips in a short kiss, they looked into each other's eyes, while their bodies slowly got one. (Y/N) felt so unbelievable happy, but at the same time fear washed over her. He was gentle and careful. Katakuri gave her all the time she needed and felt a wave of pleasure by every move she made. (Y/N) bite her lips of the sudden pain, but it was also relieving to finally be this close. Feeling the heat inside of her raise, she hid her face into his neck and hugged him close. Slowly Katakuri moved his hips, which let her moan and suck on his skin. God it felt amazing. Her body underneath him, her lips on his skin and her helpless attempt to hold onto him to control the pleasure. It drove him crazy. The room was filled with their heavy breaths, moans and slapping sounds of their bodies together. Over and over again, he pushed himself into her to feel it. This unbelievable feeling of lust. Closer and faster. With every minute their moves got wilder. Rougher to intensified the feeling. There it was. The next climax and looking into his half lided eyes, which were lustfully focused on hers, she could see that he was on the edge too. God he was such a strong man. Every touch on his muscular body and his big hands grabbing her, it gave her goosebumps.
"(Y/N)…" his voice heavy and deep. Kissing him passionately she felt him push deep inside of her. Gasping she closed her eyes and moaned out his name. It felt like an explosion. A wave of pleasure with an immense power overcame them. Frozen in place only their heavy breaths were heard. Katakuri rested his forehead against hers and couldn't but only smile. His heart fluttered and slowly he took her hand to intertwined their fingers.
"I love you… I love you so much..", he whispered and made her smile.
"I love you too…", she spoke lovingly. Hugging her close, he grabbed the blanket to cover their naked bodies. The warmth he gave her let her eyelids grow heavy and soon she was falling asleep in his strong embrace. Brushing through her hair gently he smiled.
" Whatever the future would bring… As long as we are together nothing will go wrong… I will always protect you… My precious love of my life… "
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winkle-pickers · 2 months
Discount Mountie for the character bingo! And I mean the OG Abercrombie one, not the butt chin replacement 🙏
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I'm not even going to say his name. He doesn't deserve one. Also I genuinely can't remember it because I've been calling him Discount Abercrombie Mountie for so long to distinguish him from Forgettable Butt Chin Mountie. (What fucking factory do they make these guys in?!?!)
Like OKAY I get they were going for a slap-slap-kiss dynamic between Elizabeth and Discount, but it's just. It's not cute. Elizabeth is an accomplished, kind, brave woman who sticks around in a town full of people who are rude af and does her best to make a difference. Discount Abercrombie lurks around with a pouty look on his face because he apparently has More Important Mountie Things to Do than, idk, his actual job. Notorious for arriving at conflict situations an hour late, looking so awkward on a horse I was genuinely spending a lot of screentime wondering if he was going to fall and die (he does but not until Season 5, wow talk about blue balling me), and tipping his stupid hat in the stupidest way known to man. That hat should be CONFISCATED.
My mom doesn't like it when she texts me to talk about the latest episode and I have only mean things to say about Discount Abercrombie and/or his successor Forgettable Butt Chin. Both of them are very popular with moms. So I bite my tongue, and only here can I unleash my rage <3 <3
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commander-krios · 1 year
Happy Mass Effect Holiday Cheer @pastelroyce! What a surprise, I'm your gifter again. <3 I hope you like this little sequel to your N7 fic.
Title: A Tiny Bit of Chaos
Since retiring from the Alliance nearly 4 years earlier, Steve had taken a new course of action in his life. He had roots, a home, a future. He had someone to love.
He had Kaidan.
And in this new peaceful life, a tiny bit of chaos went a long way.
Words: 2364
Rating: T
Relationship: Steve Cortez/Kaidan Alenko
Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, Post-War, Post-Canon, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Steve Cortez was a man of action in the truest sense. As a fighter pilot, he had to be ready to perform some insane and gravity defying maneuvers to hit his target. As a shuttle pilot on the Normandy, he had to brave some of the worst battles to transport the soldiers who relied on him, to help protect the civilians who needed him. He always took his job seriously. If he didn’t, people got hurt… or worse.
But since retiring from the Alliance nearly 4 years earlier, Steve had taken a new course of action in his life. He had roots, a home, a future. He had someone to love.
Humming along with the old song playing on the radio, the brush in his hand moved gently over the horse’s hair, the routine mundane yet comfortable. It was a far cry from fighting a war on a frigate, but the peace was well deserved. He had enough war to last the rest of his life.
There weren’t many chores during the winter months, with the orchard hibernating, but the ones they still had kept the blood pumping. Despite retirement, there were no lazy days for Steve Cortez. He much preferred it that way.
The barn door creaked behind him, and Steve paused in his brushing, listening for the familiar crunch of boots in snow. Like clockwork, Kaidan entered the barn, covered from head to toe in the usual winter gear, stomping snow and ice from his boots. The sun had barely crested the horizon, leaving the sky a kaleidoscope of purple, pink, and orange in the distance. It left Kaidan in dark shadows, but Steve easily sought out the eyes he’d fallen in love with.
Kaidan smiled the moment their eyes met, the curls that he never managed to tame peeking out from beneath his knitted hat. The Reaper war had been tough on them both, leaving them more wrinkled and grey than before, with scars that covered their body.
And scars that didn’t.
But they were healing. Part of that was because of the orchard. The rest was because of Kaidan.
“Dogs taken care of?” Steve could guess which chore he’d done by the amount of dirt on his jeans and coat. The dogs were not gentle when breakfast came.
“Why am I the one who feeds the dogs when you’re the one who wanted them in the first place?” Kaidan asked, grinning at him in the way that always took Steve’s breath away. It didn’t matter how long they’d been together, it always made him fall in love all over again.
“You can’t tell me that you don’t love the excitement.” Setting the grooming brush down on the small wooden table, Steve turned towards him, crossing his arms over his chest. “Those little eyes glancing up at you because they love you-”
“I think you meant to say ‘they love the food in my hands.’”
“You know that’s not true.” Steve responded with affection, moving closer until he could reach out and touch Kaidan. He pulled him into his embrace in one smooth motion, tucking him against his chest. It was as natural as breathing, they fit together just perfectly.
“No, but you know I like to complain. If only to get you to make it up to me.” Kaidan returned, brushing a gentle kiss against his cheek.
“I like the making up part.”
Kaidan chuckled warmly, pulling away to meet his gaze. That’s when he wrinkled his nose. Leaning in again, he sniffed at Steve’s clothing, recoiling at the smell. “You stink like horse.”
“That’s what happens when you spend the morning brushing and feeding them, K.” Steve gently bumped his hip against Kaidan’s, smirking. “Besides, you smell like dogs so you can’t say much.”
Kaidan rolled his eyes, but the smile plastered on his face ruined it. “Thank you, Captain Obvious.”
“That’s Lieutenant to you.” Steve replied, taking a step back to grab his hat and gloves, ready to move on to the next chore. Which included teasing Kaidan some more. “I never made Captain.”
Kaidan snorted, the sound somehow both adorable and chagrined at the same time. “You’ve been hanging out with Joker too much.”
“Of Joker? Good try.” Kaidan grabbed him by the hand, pulling him along as they exited the barn. Once the heavy barn door was shut behind them, he glanced at Steve, raising a curious eyebrow. “Why? Were you trying to make me jealous?”
The air around them was cold, not quite bitter, but it felt nice against Steve’s warm cheeks. A breeze caught one of Kaidan’s unruly curls and it brushed against his forehead. He wanted to reach out and tuck it back under his hat, to touch Kaidan’s soft skin with his fingertips, but the warmth of Kaidan’s fingers wrapped around his was too comfortable. So he didn’t let go.
“Is it working?” He teased, turning towards the house, stepping carefully in the snow. Being on Earth, living his life day to day, was still strange. There was no constant worrying about missions, or drops, or war reports. No Alliance business to attend to. No war. 
It felt especially unfamiliar during days like this, after the night had covered the orchard in a foot of snow. But Steve was content with the life he had built here with Kaidan.
Kaidan chuckled, but said nothing, the crunch of his boots loud against the ice when he followed.
Despite the peaceful scenery, it didn’t take long for mischief to take hold in his mind. It’d been too long since they had a proper day in the snow. No work, just them, enjoying the fresh air and each other. It was the kind of peace that called for a tiny bit of chaos. 
The closer they came to the house, the slower Steve walked until Kaidan passed a little ahead of him, unaware of his impending doom. The snowball hit him in the shoulder, exploding into a shower of white flakes.
When Kaidan spun around, Steve had already ducked behind a tree, laughing wildly. It was a different kind of freedom to laugh with someone you loved. To have no doubts, no worries or fears dangling over his head. It’d been so long since he felt like this.
“You’re going to pay for that.” Kaidan warned. The growl low in his throat did things to Steve that he couldn’t wait to take advantage of.
Steve heard Kaidan moving in the snow, but he stayed put, calculating the odds of finding better cover before Kaidan could claim his revenge. Peeking around the tree, the white expanse of the orchard spread out before him, leaving nothing but wind and silence to greet him.
He should’ve seen it coming when the snowball smacked him right in the chest, leaving his coat covered in powdery snow. A blue biotic field shimmered briefly before it dropped away, leaving nothing in its wake.
“That’s cheating!” Steve called out, unable to stop the laugh that followed directly after. 
Kaidan appeared to his left. He’d been hiding behind an old tractor that hadn’t run since… well, since before the Alenkos had bought the property. It’s rusted exterior stood out against the dull blue paint, faded from age and the elements. Perfect hiding spot, he thought, watching as the man he’d fallen in love with walked closer, smirking proudly.
“Cheating? All is fair in love and war. A war you started.” Kaidan paused, the image of him against the white background burning into Steve’s mind. Whiskey eyes, soft curls that got longer the more time they spent planetside, skin flushed pink from the cold, his salt and pepper beard… all things that had taken time getting used to that he now took for granted.
These were only some of the things he adored about Kaidan Alenko.
First and foremost, there was the kindness Steve glimpsed during their time on the Normandy. The hope Kaidan held out to any who were near him. Hope, not only for the future, but for the very people he passed on a daily basis. Hope they’d get to live their dreams, to reunite with those they loved. In those dark times, Kaidan was hope personified.
For Steve, he still was.
Holding up his hands, Steve took a single step closer, the picture of innocence. It would only work once, if he was lucky, and after that the war wouldn’t end until one of them gave up. As usual, that person would be himself, he knew that. But he also knew that losing always had its perks.
“I surrender.” 
Another step closer and Kaidan hadn’t changed his position. So far so good.
“Really?” Kaidan raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t I believe you?”
He was close enough. Now, he needed to be fast enough.
“That hurts, Kaidan. Trust is the most important thing in a relationship. I would never do anything to break that trust.” 
Before he could take that final step, Kaidan’s body was outlined in blue, his biotics flaring to life and suddenly Steve was doused in a pile of snow. Sputtering, it took him a minute to realize what happened. When he did, he couldn’t stop laughing. Unfair advantage and all, he was glad to see Kaidan getting into the spirit.
Steve dived for the other side of the tractor, barely dodging the next attack. Gathering up a handful of snow, he threw it in the general direction that he last saw Kaidan, taking refuge behind the vehicle. He figured his partner was long gone, but Steve didn’t want to take the risk of getting hit with biotic snowballs again.
No such luck. 
By the time they finished messing around, they’d both be soaked and frozen to the bone.
While he gathered up more snow, trying to arm himself as best as he could, Kaidan flanked him, sneaking around the old tractor without a sound. There were a few reasons why Steve was a pilot and not a soldier on the ground. This was one of them. 
One, two, three snowballs collided with his back in succession. A chunk of one got caught in the collar of his jacket, sliding down to drench his skin. With a yelp, Steve jumped at the icy cold, the heavy flannel shirt he wore beneath his coat sticking to his back.
“Care to keep going or can we go inside and warm up?” Kaidan offered his hand in truce, head tilted toward the house in invitation.
Steve could think of the many ways he’d love to warm up with, and most involved little to no clothing. He couldn’t deny he was tempted, but he had one last trick up his sleeve. Taking Kaidan’s hand, he squeezed it gently, leaning in to brush a kiss over his waiting lips.
Kaidan smiled, relaxed and at ease with a single touch.
Moving closer, Steve snaked his free arm around Kaidan’s waist. He leaned in, lips hovering against his, pausing before they touched. He lingered there briefly, then suddenly shifted his weight sending the two of them tumbling into the snow bank. They landed with a soft thump, a wall of snow rising up on either side of them. If he had to be cold and wet, so did Kaidan.
The resounding ‘oof’ that Kaidan let out as they landed was worth it.
As they laid beside each other, laughing at the absurdity of the entire situation, Kaidan shoved at his shoulder before turning onto his side, meeting Steve’s eyes. Kaidan’s face was red from the cold, the adoring smile softening his face and proving, once again, why Steve Cortez was head over heels in love with this man.
“Got it out of your system? Or do we need to go another round until you eat dirt?”
Steve pressed his hand against Kaidan’s chest, over the spot where his heart was. “I think I’m done, but you also said you’d stop using your biotics. It’s cheating, plain and simple. And it’s no fun when you cheat.”
“No fun for you, but for me?” Kaidan nuzzled against his neck, beard tickling Steve’s skin. “It’s nice to use my biotics, even for silly things. It feels like it’s been so long.”
Steve sighed, melting into his embrace. The biotics were a part of who Kaidan was. And he loved who Kaidan was. “I know. Maybe we can think of other things to do to help you… flex those superpowers.”
Kaidan let out a breathless chuckle at the insinuation. “There’s only one problem.”
“And that is?”
“You still smell like a horse, but this time, it's a wet horse. Which is definitely worse.” Kaidan moved to sit up, but Steve stopped him with a gentle hand to his shoulder. 
When those brown eyes returned to him, Steve smiled, unable to hide the amount of love and devotion he felt. “We could fix both the stink and the cold with a nice, hot shower.”
Kaidan stared at him, studying him with a strange smirk on his face. “So that was your goal this whole time? To get me naked?”
Steve leaned closer once again, only this time his lips found an ear to whisper into. “This surprises you? After three years together, I thought you knew me better than that, Kaidan.”
When Steve moved away, he wasn’t surprised to find Kaidan’s stare molten, but his stomach still danced excitedly at the look. Kaidan brushed a finger across his lips, studying how his mouth opened in response, ready for whatever he intended. “I do. I know you as well as I know myself, Steve.” He closed the distance between them, mouths meeting in a dance of lips and tongues, nothing but heat and whispered promises.
Even with years of practice, Steve Cortez was still learning things about Kaidan. And everything he learned, he loved.
“Race you to the house?” He asked, breath coming in gasps the moment they parted.
Kaidan grinned with playful enthusiasm Steve never tired of seeing. Without warning, he leapt to his feet, running for the farmhouse in the distance. Steve followed, laughter echoing, the warm yellow lights a beacon in the early dawn.
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strawberryloveyyy · 1 year
Reasons why I think Cowboy Like Me is the Kanej anthem
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warnings: Description of violence
The song is about two con artists falling in love, which is fitting despite Inej and Kaz not being con artists. They’re criminals, they have very similar themes in my opinion (not necessarily con artists and criminals but Kanej.). So the refrain starts of like this:
'I've got some tricks up my sleeve Takes one to know one You're a cowboy like me Never wanted love Just a fancy car Now I'm waiting by the phone Like I'm sitting in an airport bar You had some tricks up your sleeve Takes one to know one'
“I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve” immediately reminded me of Kaz’s talent for sleight of hand tricks, but also his thing of not fully revealing his plans. There’s this thing in the books that I noticed.. the other crows whenever I read their chapters always tended to ask these questions, ‘what is Kaz planning?’ Or ‘What did Kaz plan?’ ‘Where did Kaz go?’
“Takes one to know one” Inej doesn’t necessarily completely understands kaz in the beginning. But she slowly grows to do so. Though I don’t think I can say much about since I haven’t finished reading CK yet. And SoC ended of with Inej not being able to see through kaz or through his armour, so I don’t think I can say much. But I probably will edit this after I finish CK.
“You’re a Cowboy Like Me never wanted love just a fancy car” I think this explains how Inej and Kaz never really meant to fall for each other. It wasn’t something they had planned to do, but did anyway. Both had separate goals. Inej wanted to find her parents, get away from Ketterdam, away from the menagerie. Pay off her indenture, live her life at sea, have her own ship, and hunt slavers. And Kaz wanted to grow in the barrel, to avenge his brother, to make Pekka Rollins pay for what he did to him, he wanted vengeance, money, riches, wealth. They both wanted all of these different things, these things that would make it so that they are separate. But in the process, they crossed paths and ended up wanting each other. And all of these things also apply to this verse.
'You're a bandit like me Eyes full of stars Hustling for the good life Never thought I'd meet you here It could be love We could be the way forward And I know I'll pay for it'
“You’re a bandit like me, eyes full of stars. Hustling for the good life, never thought I’d meet you here.” This line also circles back to the last paragraph’s topic. How both of them had this hope of doing better for themselves, and find this ‘good life’. But unexpectedly found each other.
“It could be love, we could be the way forward, and I know I’ll pay for it” We know how Inej has troubles with touch. From her time in the menagerie, I don’t think I can fully grasp what happened to her. Yet. But I do know that it has had a grave affect on her and who she will come to be. Like for example, her relationship with Kaz. She is pretty hesitant to touch as though she is afraid to relive the past times men had tried to touch her. Yet she tries, slowly. One thing about Inej is that she knows what she can and can’t take. She knows her worth. (In progress of editing)
In SoC it was said that Inej had tried to escape the menagerie, but she failed as she was caught. Tante Helen beat her and locked her in her room for a long amount of time as a consequence.
This line also reminds me of this thing in the book where he says. ‘He needed to tell her . . . what? That she was lovely and brave and better than anything he deserved. That he was twisted, crooked, wrong, but not so broken that he couldn’t pull himself into some semblance of a man for her. That without meaning to, he begin to lean on her, to look for her, to need her near. He needed to thank her for his new hat.’ For starters... he’s trying. Trying to overcome himself, overcome this reputation, this image of a man the barrel created. Dirtyhands. And he’s trying to overcome his trauma. Even if he feels like he’s drowning whenever he comes into contact with skin, with people, with her. (Yes I read this spoiler in a comment section somewhere) Yet at the end of CK he held her hand, he brought down his armour for her. He paid for it. It was love. This is my first way of interpreting it, and the other is...
We all know of this scene in SoC.
In the end of SoC Inej gets kidnapped by Jan Van Eck. And in her absence we see Kaz being more... 'Dirtyhands has come to see the work done.' And that is something we get to see during the first chapter of CK, Wylan’s perspective. Where he gets these flashbacks of Kaz, who was tangling this man by the ankles at a lighthouse. Who had answered all of Kaz’s questions out of fear, fear of falling to his death. Yet despite his pleas, Kaz lets go making him fall to the ground. This shows a bit more unhinged Kaz, it seems like he would do anything to get her back. Though we do know murder isn’t something beyond him.
There's also this scene in the first book, where they were ambushed by Pekka's people. Inej was left alone by herself since she wasn't with the rest of the crows when the decoy ship exploded. And she ended up getting stabbed when she was fighting with one of the men. Oomen. She nearly died in that fight, and if it wasn't for kaz, she probably would have. This is the scene where he said that most annoying line, 'I protect my investments' . Eventually, Kaz had carried Inej back to the schooner. Where we get the well-known scene of Kaz... So basically what happens is that Kaz got angry. Very angry. And got even angrier when Oomen spit on his face, which Kaz wiped with a handkerchief. Remember the handkerchief will you? He told Jesper to hold Oomen, and he then took a knife somewhere in his clothes, and slashed Oomen's eye. He carved out an 'X'... And I then I kid you not. Reached in Oomen's eye socket with his gloved hand and pulled it out, throwing it overboard. And remember the handkerchief? He stuffed that in the eye socket. yeah. shoved it in the eye socket. THen he threw the man off the boat.
And all of that ties back to that line he said in Shadow and Bone's season 2: 'This city's price is blood. And I am happy to pay with yours'
I definitely go a little insane with the three reasons why he's paying for it...
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miraclesabound · 1 year
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Summary: Death comes to collect her evening appointments on August 29th. Also available on AO3.
Pairing: Bill/Frank (The Last of Us)
Note: This idea of Death from “The Sandman” coming to take Bill and Frank “home” occurred to me, and when I mentioned it to @blueeyesatnight, she did the tumblr chat version of flailing her arms in glee/fury and told me I had to do it. If you have complaints, she deserves at least partial blame.
Warnings: Death, suicide, mention of war crimes, spoilers for episode 3 of course.
Tags: @blueeyesatnight, @oonajaeadira, @joelmillerscoffeemug, @flightlessangelwings, @writeforfandoms, @morpheus-helm​
Death will admit, if asked, that she’s slightly surprised to be coming back to Lincoln, Massachusetts after all this time. The last time she was here, there was only one remaining life in the town - the others had either succumbed to the cordyceps outbreak or been murdered by those FEDRA jackboots. (Jackboots, she thinks to herself - what a perfect but horrific word for those thugs.) She’d expected to returned for the last Lincoln citizen quickly, but it’s been twenty years now. She’d figured he must have moved on.
Instead, she’s charmed to see that while the town is quiet, it’s been maintained. There are no streetlights to fight the dark of night, but she can see clearly - someone has continued to pour love into this place.
As she approaches the house where her appointment is, she can feel the presences of two hearts - not just one. This part she’d known about - it’s her first double pick-up in some time.
Bill and Frank are in their bedroom, lying curled in each other’s arms. Their eyes are fluttering shut, but Bill notices the stranger in their room first. “...I dunno who you are, but you’re too late,” he slurs, the drugs already slowing his heart.
“Actually, I pride myself on my punctuality, Bill,” Death says. “Do you know me?”
That wave of recognition that she sees so often appears on Bill’s face. “Oh...I see.” He looks briefly panicked. “Are you here just for me?”
Death shakes her head. “I’m here for you both.”
Bill starts to sit up, and Frank groans at his side: “Babe, don’t let go, you promised...”
“I’m not letting go.” Bill helps Frank sit as well so he can see their guest. “A friend is here.”
Frank has the same epiphany Bill does when he looks in Death’s eyes, but in contrast to Bill, he smiles at her. “Ma’am, it’s good of you to come make a personal visit of it.”
“The pleasure is mine,” Death says. “Your town, your house, all of it - it’s lovely.”
“We did our best with it,” Frank tells her. His expression falls slightly. “I...don’t suppose we could see it one last time?”
“Of course,” Death says. “Follow me.” It doesn’t occur to Bill and Frank until they’re down the stairs that neither of them are having trouble walking.
It’s a beautiful night, and the three of them take their time walking back and forth on Main Street. The guys ask if Joel and Tess are ok, and while they’re saddened by hearing of Tess’s passing, Death tells them the truth - that Tess went bravely, and that Joel isn’t due in her ledger for a good long time.
The boutique door is still open, and while Frank and Bill are happy to stay in their wedding suits, Frank insists that Death try something on for herself. She agrees, knowing that this isn’t a delaying tactic on his or Bill’s part. Several items catch her eye, but the one that truly calls to her is an old black top hat. Frank chuckles when she puts it on - it looks absolutely fetching on top of her curls.
However, the expedition must draw to an end, and it’s actually Bill who suggests that they should be moving along. “I told you I was satisfied,” he says when Frank asks him. “And besides, we’ve left the note for Joel. He’ll know what to do.”
The group walks to the fence, passing through it without having to activate the switch. Bill takes a last look behind him. “It really was something,” he admits. “I hope someone else can make a home out of it.”
“I’ll bet they do,” Death says. “Come here, you two.” Bill and Frank take each other’s hands, and then she wraps them in her mighty wings.
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