#I could be asleep right now but NoO
starryeyeddreamer21 · 6 months
I'm so fucking stupid
Adam, Bree, and Chase
And then Daniel comes along and it's
This is probably common knowledge but I'm a little dense if you couldn't already tell
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wonbin-truther · 29 days
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jisung cursed under his breath that you decided to move into a building with no elevator. the walk to the 5th floor was usually never a struggle for the fit idol. it only became one when he had his drunk girlfriend on his back, both arms hooked under your knees as you heels hung off the tips of his fingers. your head was buried in his crook of his neck with your eyes closed. he knew u werent asleep by the soft incoherent words you would mumble out from time to time.
before the two of you went out jisung assured you to have as much fun as you wanted to for the both of you since he had a schedule the next morning and couldn't drink. he watched as you downed shot after shot. as you stumbled around, jisung decided it was time to call an uber and head back to your apartment. he finally made it to your door and tried to fish in his back pocket for the key to your apartment you had given him years prior. he lifted you a little higher on his back as he slid the hand with the keys out from under your thighs. he felt you slip down right away and quickly fumbled with the keys, jiggling them inside the lock and turning it. once he heard the click and it slid open, he pushed open the door and put his arm back under your knee.
he walked in, closing the door with his foot and flicking on the light switch with his elbow. he dropped your heels down and kicked his own off before venturing further into your apartment. he went into the bathroom and set you down on toilet bowl lid as he filled the bath up, keeping a hand in to feel the water temperature. he shut it off and turned to you, "ready baby?" you nodded and sat there as he carefully slid your mini skirt off and untied the ties of your top. he fully undressed you and helped you into the bathtub. you sat there with your knees to your chest as he ran the shampoo and conditioner through your hair and washed it out. once he was sure you were clean he helped you stand up, wrapping a towel around your body and leading you into your room by the hand that wasn't holding your towel closed.
you were always very quiet when you were drunk, a total opposite from your usual loud and cheerful persona. jisung loved taking care of you in this state. he thinks it's from years of being called the baby and being looked after but he couldn't be too sure. it could also be the fact he was still so deeply in love with you after almost 5 years of dating.
you sat on the edge of the bed as jisung collected your hairbrush and the blowdryer, settling behind you. he brushed out your hair, apologizing after every tug on a knot, and dried it just enough it would drip down your back and soak the pillows. he rummaged around your closet for a pair of your underwear and one of his oversized tshirts to put you in. he dressed you and left a kiss on the top of your head, "wait here my love." he exited the room and came back with makeup wipes in his hand.
"noo," you whined out as he sat on the bed again, laying your head into his lap. you didn't fight against him though, letting your eyes close as he rubbed the remaining makeup off. "you'll be mad in the morning if i don't baby. i'll be quick."
he sat you up with an 'all done'. jisung thought you were pretty all the time but as he stared at you right now he truly thought you were absolutely gorgeous. his t-shirt hung off your shoulder as your freshly bare face revealed the flush from the alcohol, along with freckles and beauty marks scattered across your skin. he put the wipes on your bedside table, making a mental note to put them away tomorrow morning.
he changed into his own pjs which were kept in one of your drawers for the late nights he spent at your place, which was quite often. he slid into his assigned side of the bed. you were already curled under a mountain of blankets but shifted into his arms when he was fully settled next to you. he made sure to hold you tight, running his long fingers through your hair.
"i love you ji," you mumbled, sleep dropping off your voice.
"i love you so much more baby."
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iinsertblognamee · 9 months
my girlfriend
summary ― sam is ready for the world to know about her girlfriend
pairing ― sam kerr x reader
warning/s ― angst? fluff
based off this and this request
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“Just ten more minutes, please Sammy?” you pouted, your arms tightly around her waist as you tried to pull Sam back into bed. Unfortunately, she had an interview to go to. 
“Y/N, baby, you know I have to leave soon and I haven’t even taken a shower yet”. 
You take a sniff of her, Sam shaking her head as she pretends to push you away. “You smell fine to me” You slid up and kissed her neck, looking up at her with a smile on your lips. “Or maybe you’re right. You should stay here and we could shower together?” 
A hum leaves her lips, her eyes closing as you plant some more kisses on her neck - you can feel her body relaxing into yours. 
“Nope! No. I can’t. I have to get to this interview” She pulled away from you, turning around so she was now facing you, bringing her lips to yours once more. 
“Noo, why?” you whined, your arms crossing over your chest. She pulls herself up once again, grabbing her towel off the bed and making her way towards your bathroom. She had been staying over at yours the past few nights (not that you were complaining). 
“The joys of being an athlete” she answers back, the sound of the shower starting as she comes back out, you look her up and down, your lip going in-between your teeth. She had taken her shirt off, leaving her in shorts and her sports bra. 
“Smokin' body baby,” you remarked, making one last attempt at making her stay. 
“Not going to work” she sings back, closing the door. 
A sigh leaves your lips, as you slump back down onto your bed, rolling over so your face is smashed into your pillow, the smell of Sam filling your nose. Managing to pull the covers over your body, you closed your eyes and let the smell of Sam keep you occupied until she came back. 
Sam comes out of the bathroom twenty minutes later, your even breathing indicates you had fallen asleep during her shower, a smile coming up on her face. She slowly made her way over to your sleeping form, climbing on the bed as she leaned over you. Shaking her wet hair over your face. 
The tiny water droplets were enough to wake you up once again, groaning as you attempted to hide your face under the covers, Sam’s laughter leaving her lips as she watched you struggle - bringing her lips to your forehead as she wiped off the water. 
“Not funny Sammy” you mumbled, looking up at her through the covers as you attempted to give her an annoyed look. You could feel the smile breaking through your ‘anger’, turning your head so your face was covered. 
“Hey, hey. I was just playin' baby” 
Shaking your head, trying to keep your giggles quiet. 
“Sure you were” 
The silence is enough to bring you out from the covers, trying to find what had made Sam so quiet but before you knew it her hands were at your sides, tickling you - a smirk on your face as you beg her to stop. 
She lets you suffer for a few more seconds before she stops tickling your sides, her hands still firmly on you as she kisses you twice on the lips. You tried for a third but she pulled back, removing herself off the bed and towards your cupboard for some clothes. 
“So I was wondering if you would want to go to dinner after I come back? A couple of the girls wanna catch up”
The silence is enough of an answer for Sam, who turns around as she faces your face. You watch the frown paint her face, as you play with the covers in your hands. 
“Just think about it yeah? We going out around six. It’s at the fancy Italian place you like”
“Are the girls definitely going to be there?” 
“Yeah. Obviously” she questioned, her head tilting a little like she was trying to crack through your thoughts. “So?” she added. 
“I don’t know, Sam. It’s a lot like - I don’t know if I want people to know yet, like, officially.” 
Somehow the frown on her face becomes deeper, your heart sinking further. “But the girls already know I’m with someone? I mean I don’t hide the fact I’m with you around anyone.”
“I know Sammy, but that’s. I don’t know. Different? Knowing you have a girlfriend is different to actually knowing who I am” You could see her wanting to fight you on this, the sighs leaving her lips. “Please, Sam.” 
She gives you a small hum, as she brings her head through her shirt, looking in your mirror to take a look at herself. Knew she was just trying to avoid your eyeline, and it was working. 
“So, what am I meant to say when they ask about you? Because they will ask about you today?” 
Finally spinning around to face you, you could see she was pissed off and you couldn’t blame you. You had been reluctant to tell people you were dating Sam - including Sam’s friends and family. And as much as you were doing it to protect yourself, you could see how much it was upsetting your girlfriend. 
“I don’t know” you murmured, hoping Sam heard you so you wouldn’t have to repeat it. You weren’t trying to upset her, but that didn’t seem to matter. 
“Alright,” she answers, taking a look once more in the mirror before grabbing her jacket off the door handle. You almost wait for her to just walk out the door without a goodbye, but Sam turns back to you - a small smile on her face as she indicates her hands towards her outfit.
“How do I look?” 
You knew everything wasn’t magically fixed, but it was enough for a smile matching hers to appear on your lips. 
It makes her smile grow, yours following as she makes her way towards you once more. “Give me a kiss before I leave” You don’t need to be told twice, bringing your lips to hers. One kiss turned into five before she reluctantly pulled away. 
“I do really need to go” she mumbles onto your lips before pulling away and making her way out of your bedroom. 
You don’t catch her smile turning into a frown as you make sure your front door is locked, making her way towards her car. She didn’t understand why you were so adamant that your relationship was kept so secretive. She understood the public aspect, her fans sometimes got crazy but she loved them nonetheless - and most of them were very supportive. But your hesitant nature towards both your friends and family finding out was almost wounding. She wanted to show you off to every single person she knew, wanted to hold you and kiss you and have her friends and family complain about how cute the two of you were together - cause you were. 
Ultimately she respected your decision, although she didn’t push on your past relationships - she understood enough to know it ended on not the best terms. She wouldn’t tell people until you were ready, but she was starting to worry that you wouldn’t ever be ready. 
Placing her sunglasses on, she turned the car on and left your street. 
The interview went great, although Sam never doubted that it wouldn’t. 
The drive back to your place was easy enough, the traffic was light which Sam was grateful for cause her mind was clouded with thoughts. 
Why didn’t you want anyone to know? The two of you had been dating for almost seven months now and no one besides the two of you was aware. Were you ashamed? Sam tried to think back to see if you had ever hinted about your friends and family not being supportive but couldn’t come up with an answer. Maybe dating someone who was in the spotlight at times wasn’t what your family wanted for you? 
The one thought that kept coming back to Sam was maybe it all came down to maybe you just didn’t want anyone to know you were with her, maybe you were embarrassed. And that hurt. 
Sam knew she wasn’t perfect, but she tried. She tried for you because she knew how much she cared for you, and wanted the absolute best for you. 
Your home came into view, and Sam suddenly felt nervous as she parked the car. Rubbing her sweaty palms on her shorts she took a deep breath in. Once she felt she was ready to face the music, she made her way out of the car and towards the front door. 
Two knocks on the door, the sound of your feet making their way towards the door is enough to bring a soft smile to Sam’s face. No matter the doubts you may have in the relationship, Sam knew there was no doubt in her love for you and right now that was enough. 
The door swings open, a slight blush to your cheeks as you blow away some hair that had fallen down onto your face. A grin planted on your face, as you threw your arms around Sam and pulled her into the house. Sam lets you guide her in, a giggle leaving your lips and you force the two of you past the kitchen and right into the lounge room. 
Falling onto the couch with a small ‘humph’ you bring your lips onto Sam’s. 
“Hi,” Sam whispers back onto your lips. Although you were lying on top of Sam, you managed to hold the back of her neck as you pulled yourself closer into the kiss - if that was possible. The small moan that leaves your lips is almost embarrassing, but Sam always had that effect on you. 
The kisses weren’t quick pecks, they were rough, almost greedy. Sam indulged, her hands gripping your hips as the pair of you continued to kiss each other. The dings of your grandmother’s clock break the tension for a second, indicating that it is already 5 p.m. You go back in for more, almost as fast as before but Sam’s reluctance is enough to get you to pull away. 
“Is everything okay?” your eyes watch her face, a small frown appearing on her lips. 
“Can we talk?” 
That’s. That’s not good. Nothing ever good comes from those three words. You are almost determined to make sure whatever conversation Sam is trying to have right now, doesn’t happen. Bringing your lips back to hers. She moves her head away, so your lips fall to the side of her cheek. 
“Y/N. Please”
Planting kisses down her neck, hoping this would work. “Do.” Kiss. “You”. Kiss. “Really”. Kiss. “What”. Kiss. “To”. Kiss. “Do”. Kiss. “That”. Kiss. “Right now”. You pull away, looking up and down her face once more. 
She looked desperate and sad. 
“Okay” You remove yourself from Sam, her legs move to give you enough room to sit back on the couch. Your heart beating faster and faster. “Is everything okay?” 
She opens her mouth, closing it before opening it once again. “It’s just-” her eyes have managed to look everywhere else except your face, your head tilting as you tried to gain her attention. “I just keep thinking about why you don’t want to tell everyone we’re dating. It’s driving me mad because I know how much I want the whole world to know I’m dating you and you seem, well, you seem like never want anyone to know.” 
This. This isn’t where you thought this conversation was going, the shock apparent on your face. 
“I just need to know, it is me? Did I do something wrong? Because I’ve been racking my brain all day trying to come up with reasons as to why you don’t want anyone to know and it all seems to come back to me. So I must be the problem. There must be something wrong with me.” 
It takes you a few seconds to grasp what exactly Sam is telling you. None of it makes sense in your head. 
“What?” falls from your lips as you physically shake your head as if that was going to make all of this make sense to you. You miss Sam’s mouth opening to say something before you cut her off. 
“No. That’s not- No. Jesus Sam. Why would you even think that?” 
Whatever Sam was going to say fell short, her attention finally finding yours. 
“No?” it sounds so small, and you feel your heart break once more. How had it come to this? 
“No! God no baby. None of this is because of you! It’s me. I’m just- I’m anxious because you’re you and I’m me and there’s no reason on earth why you should be dating me. I mean look at you!” 
It takes you a few moments to realise that Sam has pulled you into her embrace, her hands running up and down your back. 
“Baby, there is no one else on this earth that I would want to be with. You’re it for me. I don’t care. And I am so lucky to be able to call you my girlfriend. God, I can’t even begin to explain how much joy and happiness you have brought into my life - and everyone around me can see it. It’s why they are so anxious to meet you, they’ve seen first-hand how much you’ve changed my life - for the better. And I love you so much because of it.” 
Your eyes widen, as you pull away - Sam’s eyebrows frowning. She just said I love you. 
“Yo-you love me” 
Sam felt her heart swell up, a smile replacing the frown. Nodding her head. 
“Of course I love you Y/N, wasn’t trying to hide it” 
You feel the tears well up, bringing your hands up to her face as you pull her in - kissing her on the lips. 
“I love you too, just in case you didn’t realise either”. 
“Thanks” she laughs out, kissing you once more before pulling away. Her hands drop to hold onto yours. 
The silence is comfortable, the two of us just taking in each in. Although we knew we loved each other, the confessions now said out loud are comforting. 
“Can I come tonight?” 
The request shocks Sam, a shy smile playing on your lips, as you play with her fingers. 
“Of course you can come baby, but don’t feel like you have to! I understand that it’s daunting and we can take it slow” 
“I know” you reply, looking back up at your girlfriend. “But, I think I’m ready for the world to know I’m dating Sam bloody Kerr.” 
Turns out you had nothing to be worried about, although the two of you had still kept your relationship away from the public eye, friends and family had been introduced. 
That night out with Sam and her friends had been a blast, you had gotten on with every single one of them and not once did you feel excluded or judged. It did make you feel horrible about being so uptight about meeting them before but Sam wouldn’t let you blame yourself - instead took you out to get some McDonald's sundaes after dinner. 
Having a wider group, besides Sam and yourself know about the two of you definitely came with perks. Including being able to finally see one of Sam’s games live, seated in the ‘friends and family’ section. Sam and the girls on the team made it very clear to you that you were definitely the ‘family’ part of it. 
The atmosphere was incredible, the crowds so supportive and filled with blue. The way it should be. You had managed to steal one of Sam’s jerseys, ‘Kerr’ splashed against your back, although she had left long before so had no idea. 
The game was tense, Arsenal was a great team and you knew how much pressure was placed on both teams to perform. You, as well as the rest of the crowd, cheered when the final minute ended. Chelsea took the win, 3 to 0. 
You watched as both teams shook hands, a hug shared between the Matildas teammates, Sam, Steph and Caitlin. You had been introduced to both ladies a few days beforehand, alongside Mackenzie and Alanna. It was a fun group and you knew that this outcome was going to be hard either way. 
Not quite sure how exactly all of this worked, you watched as friends and family of the team were allowed onto the field to celebrate with the team, you following your way down onto the pitch looking for your girlfriend. It takes a few seconds, no Sam in sight before you’re met with a smiling Guro. 
“She’s doing an interview, I can take you there if you like?” 
You give your thanks as you nod your head. Congratulating her on the win, the two of you talk as you make your way inside to where some pop-up interviews are being taken. You catch Sam off to the left, headphones on as she talks with a lady. 
By the looks of it, the interview was close to ending. You managed to get close enough, to hear the end of the interviewer question. 
“-But for your friends and family watching back home what’s your message for them?” 
Sam answers almost immediately, “Uh yeah. I love you guys. I wish you could be here these are the moments as a player that you play and wish your family was here but they’re probably all home-” you catch eyes with Sam, a smile on your face as you give her a small wave. A smile lit up her face “-My girlfriends here trying to put on a show but yeah let’s go.” 
You feel your heart speed up, shaking your head with a blush appearing on your cheeks. The interview closes up, as Sam thanks her once more before making her way over to you. It takes no less than three seconds before she’s lifted you up off the ground, spinning you around as she brings her lips to yours. 
“I don’t know if your girlfriend would appreciate that,” you remark as she places you down, a smirk appearing on your face as you watch her laugh. Her hands are still on your hips, as she pulls you back into her chest. 
“Blue looks good on you” you hum in response, pulling yourself out of her embrace before turning your back to her. “But does it look as good as your last name on my back?” 
You don’t get a response, as you turn around. Her eyes wide as she watches you. You let out another giggle coming back to her embrace, her mouth closing. 
“When we get home I want you in nothing but this jersey. You’re never taking it off” 
Sam loved making you blush. It was one of her favourite things, the way you get all shy - your cheeks heat up as you try to turn the attention off you. It wasn’t hard to get you to blush, it normally took a comment or a slap to your bum in public (or not) to get it started. 
Although Sam liked making you blush, she loved showing you off even more. Friends, family, strangers, she couldn’t care less. After 3 years together she still showed you off like a new trophy. 
You were currently in the stands with Sam’s family, Sam down on the field with her Matilda teammates as they warmed up for their game against France in the World Cup. You were occupied with Sam’s nephews to notice that Sam had started to make her way towards the stands. 
The sounds of cheers take both yours and the boy's attention off the colouring in and towards the noise to see what was going on. Your eyes lock onto Sam’s, a smile on both your faces as you give a small wave. 
The smile turns into a smirk and before you notice you can make out a whistle before “Ah. Sexy” Sam’s family around you burst into laughter, as you hide your face in your hands. Your cheeks heat up as you feel Maddi pull you into her embrace. 
Removing your hands, taking Sam in once more as you shake your head before mouthing “I love you” 
“I love you more Mrs Kerr”
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shomixremix · 3 months
Hiii! >~< could you make march 8th head canons (what genshin men do on womens day as ur bf!) fluff! sorry English isn’t my first language but I looove your work! This is my first request I’m so nervous ^_^ !! 🌸🌸🌸
If you have time to do this could you add Kaveh, Xiao , Wanderer and Diluc? Thank you in advance <333
International women's day with them ♡︎
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hii anon!! don't be nervous, you can always request anything, lovely ♡︎ thank you sm for your request!!
and english isn't my first language too hehe
also i'm so sorry if this doesn't sound like him, i'm not really used to writing for wanderer😭😭
tags: kaveh, xiao, wanderer, diluc, female!reader, fluff, implied smut (yet nothing described), kissing, international women's day, feministic themes
-> of course, your boyfriend should treat you like a goddess everyday, yet there's that one special day every march where he shows his favorite woman a special kind of treatment.
reqs open ♡︎
-> kaveh
"hi, my love!" your blonde lover chirped as you blinked your eyes open. where were you? what's happening?
"mh.. kaveh?" you ask sleepily, rubbing your eyes while you yawn, still half asleep. you can't even think before a bouquet of sumeru roses is shoved in your face.
"happy 8th of march, baby! flowers for my beautiful flower~" he teased cheesily, and you softly laugh. your arms drape around his neck, bringing him closer.
"you're so corny," you chuckle again, eyelids half-open, "but thank you"
"heh, you still love me" he smiles wide, pressing a warm peck on the tip of your nose. "c'mon now, get up, baby. we're going out today"
your eyes flutter wide open, your mouth a little agape. "out? but, don't you have work? you've spent all week complaining about that client.."
"i can take a day off" he mumbles, kissing you again. "it's been so long since I last took you on a date, anyway. now's the perfect time, hm? so come on, get up! we got a whole day's worth of dates!"
he pulls the covers of your shared bed impatiently, trying to get you to get up as fast as possible. the architect grabs your legs, dragging you out from the soft bed.
"noo, kaveh..", you try to protest, "what kinda guy are you if you don't wanna let me sleep on women's day?!"
"the kinda guy who loves his girlfriend and wants to spend time with her! now, c'mon!"
-> xiao
as an adeptus, xiao has lived long and has seen many things change over the years. one of those things are different holidays and celebrations amongs the mortals.
do not get him wrong - he absolutely agrees that all different genders should have equal rights, why wouldn't they? he's a big supporter, he even participated in marches and fights himself! he just didn't get the whole deal with flowers and chocolates.
weren't those kinds of things reserved for another confusing mortal ritual, called "valentine's day" or something?
however, all that changed once he started dating you. suddenly, he realized that kind of attention was important to you and he wanted to give it to you. he wanted you to feel loved and wanted and seen, no matter how much he didn't understand human customs.
"xiao?" you ask a little stunned as the adeptus appears before you with a Qingxin flower in his hand. "what's.. what's going on?"
"for you", he simply regards, giving you the beautiful flower, "i wish you a very joyous women's freedom day"
"aww, xiao, thank you, you shouldn't have!" you press a soft kiss on his cheek, and you could practically feel him blush.
"i simply wanted to express my gratitude and sympathy for you" he slowly continues, clearing his throat.
"this day is a celebration of the female gender, is it not? it's only right i celebrate the most important important woman in my life"
you simply melt at his words, throwing your arms around him in a warm hug. he was the most important man in your life, too.
-> wanderer
"here" he muttered, hiding his face away from you as he shoved some hand-picked flowers in your face.
"what's.. this? are you okay, hon?"
he blushed furiously as the petname rolls of your tounge, getting more and more embaressed by the second. he so badly wanted to yell at you not to call him that, yet he swallowed his words for the ocassion.
"i'm fine" he coldly said, his gaze still away from you.
"and those are flowers. flowers, for you."
"for me?" you repeat back in shock, unsure how to react to your boyfriend's sudden display of affection. he never before did something like this, so your confusion was more than understandable.
"for women's day" his usually cold voice had a slightly embaressed tone in it, which cought you off guard. "and you are a woman, so it was only logical. if you don't want them-"
"no, no!" you protest immediately, taking the flowers from his hand eagerly.
"i love them! they are so beautiful! thank you.."
you softly kiss his cheek, making him blush. he says nothing, yet he silently tangles his fingers with yours, holding your hand as the two of you stroll away.
-> diluc
"diluc? love, aren't you going to angel's share? what are you still doing home?"
you softly ask your fiancé as you decend down the stairs of the dawn winery. you're still in your nightgown, hair a little dishvelled, eyes still a little puffy. he smiles at the image of his beautiful future wife, in disbelief that he was the one to put that shiny ring on your finger.
"no, not today, my dear. i took today off to spend time with you. it is a special ocassion, after all"
"oh? a special ocasion? what are we celebrating?"
he smiles softly, looking at you with pure adoration: "it's women's day, darling. it's only right to spend my day with a woman important to me. and who could be more important than my future wife?"
your eyes lit up in excitement as you make your way down, taking his hand he held out for you. "really? we get the whole day for ourselves?"
"mhm", he hummed in agreement, grabbing you closer.
"well, i have presents first, but yeah. i thought we could go for a walk along the starfell lake... if you're not up for that, you know i don't mind staying home all day"
"presents? you really shouldn't have, diluc.." you softly chuckle in awe as you look around the large living room, noticing the many flowers and a few boxes of what looks like jewelery and sweets.
"what can i say? i love spoiling my future wife"
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novistarplanet · 10 months
I have another ask… if that’s alright
I need some JJK period comfort.
Possibly with: Nanami, Gojo, Yuji, Megumi, Inumaki Toge
Sorry these took so long but noo your fine i needed some more ideas to write anyways !
ill add tags later
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Period comfort with the jjk boys!
As another cramp bursts through your body you cant help but to cry more into you side. As you shrivel your body deeper into a fetus position. 
Not only the pain was too much a to bare physical it was mentally too much. You and nanami have been trying for a while to conceive.
A coming of days ago you received a positive home testing answering y’all’s prayers until now your period came. You knew nanami would be upset even if he didn’t show it.
You were crying so much you didn’t even realize your husband sitting next to you on the bed soothing your back.
You couldn’t help but to mumble apologies but he stops you in your tracks and kisses your forehead.
“With child or not i am blessed to still have you”
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You boyfriend can be a goofy-ball most of the time…ALL THE TIME but this time your just not in the mood.
It was dark in your dorm a track of ocean waves play as you try to focus on studying and ignore the constant bangs against your stomach.
But suddenly your boyfriend busts in turning on the lights annoying you. You honestly couldn’t care least that Geto could eat 4 biscuits without water. As he ket talking and talking about nonsense you snapped at him.
you didn’t mean it no but sometimes you just want him to shut up. You knew he took the hint at the way his face fell and his talking came to a pause a moment of silence came and he left the room.
You honestly felt like an asshole. A asshole with stomach pain you notice the door slowly opening again with the figure of Gojo popping up.
“i know that your probably in a lot of pain right now and i got this for you” he reveals his hands showing an heating pad.
You too spent the next couple of hours ranting about who can eat the most biscuits
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Out of all the boys you knew Yuji was just the sweetest out there. Reminding you to eat when you been studying to much to tucking you into bed when you fell asleep in the car
This time was no different you two were out on a date when your period came. You didn’t expect it to come so soon but nevertheless you went to the bathroom and took care of it but what you didn’t really didn’t expect was the pain to come so quickly.
Yuji knew something was up the way your face twisted in pain each minute or so. You couldn’t even make it through your broccoli without having a death grip on your fork.
a series of questions came from yuji came from him each time he notices your face switching you brushed him off with each question. But after you dropped your fork you told him about your period.
after that he paid for the remaining balance for the food and too you too home. You spend the rest of the night wrapped in his arms with an heating pad on your belly.
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You and your boyfriend Megumi have been dating for a couple of months either of you spent the night over each other houses or done anything sexual.
To be fair he didn’t know anything about the female anatomy until now. You too were on face-time like always you just doing goofy things while Megumi just watch you and laugh it off.
He notice how your laughs came to a stop and how you were quick to turn your camera off and moaning loudly. Soon the call came to a end. He thought that he should just give you your privacy. but then again?? could he really?
in next 20 minutes he came with your favorite snacks to check up on you while you explain to him about periods and your body. The night ended with you too watching Love is blind.
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kaulitzhotel · 11 months
could i req tom x yn
so basically reader is apart of tokio hotel and they all go on a road trip somewhere, anyways tom and yn are sat together at the very back of the car and she falls asleep in his arms (if that makes sense) and tom js decides to fall asleep holding yn and the rest of the band takes pictures and doesn’t stop teasing them once they wake up and get there. sorry if it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense!!
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Synopsis: You and the band go on a road trip to San Francisco and all of you are exhausted from getting up so early. You and Tom sit in the back and fall asleep in each other arms. The other members take advantage... (2008 or 2013 your choice!)
Content: Fluff
Notes: Here you go!
°  . ● . ★ ° . *   ° *  .  :  :●.   *° :●.   * °
Tired of this road trip
“Noo!” I groaned as I lay in bed not wanting to get up. “We have to be there by 10, so let's go.” Tom pulled me off the bed by the leg.
“Please just a few more minutes.” I try gripping our bed.
“What is going on here?” Bill walked into the room. Tom and I froze in place and Bill had a puzzled face, “I'm not going to assume but we have to leave now. We can't be late!”
Bill left the room and Tom picked me up. “I'm tired.” I whined.
“We can sleep in the bus but we have to get ready first.”
After getting ready
I got on the bus and sloped down on the seat. This was going to be a long road trip. Tom came over looking fine as ever. “Hey, hot stuff,” I mumbled.
He winked at me and sat right next to me.
“You ready to see the fans?”
“Always.” I said.
The engine of the bus started and we were on our way to San Francisco. I leaned on Tom's shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me. I wrap mine tight around his torso. I took in his perfume it was light enough to not make my head hurt. I look up to peek at his face and his eyes were closed. I smile at his relaxed face and leaned against him with my head on his chest. I drifted off to my happy place.
3rd point of view
Georg crept up in the back and saw both of you guys snuggled up.
“Guys, check this out.” He called out to the other members.
Gustav laughed as soon as he saw you guys. Bill took out his phone and started taking selfies. They all started taking pictures and videos up close to your faces. They even did a little blog about you guys. There were some funny comments here and there and it was the perfect time to take advantage since you both are never close around them. They quietly left and went to go laugh about in the front.
When you made it to the destination - Your point of view
I woke up when I felt the bus not move on the bumpy ground. I was laid down completely on the seat but Tom was gone. I got over to the front to see where everyone had gone. Bill and Georg we're standing at the doorway outside the bus. Gustav stared at me and then at Tom. Tom's face was somewhat pink and he didn't look at me.
“Enjoyed your nap?” Bill asked me.
���What's going on.” I ignored Bill's question.
“What do you mean? We love our love birds being so cute!” Georg handed me his phone.
I blinked a few times and it was me and Tom in the video. Georg took his phone back before I could do anything.
“Delete that right now.” I stare at them wanting to rip their heads off.
“Never. Let's make a run for it.” Gustav said and they all started running away.
I look over to Tom, “You ready?”
“Hell yeah.”
And we went after them as they were laughing their asses off.
°  . ● . ★ ° . *   ° *  .  :  :●.   *° :●.   * °
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kokomyass · 5 months
Megumi Fushiguro ☆ Nightmares
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Megumi x Fem!Reader
Genre: ☁️
Word count: 711
Trigger warnings⚠️: none
synopsis: in which, nightmares plague your life, so Megumi comes to the rescue!!
a/n: short one !!! enjoy 😚
Second person POV
You were a first year jujutsu sorcerer, and life, sadly, was not treating you as well as you hoped it would.
You had nightmares. Freakish nightmares that meant you refused to sleep for several days, and when you did, it would just be another traumatic experience hindering you from doing well as a student.
However, you were incredibly good as disguising it. You suspected the only person who definitely knew was Gojo-sensei....but of course, he never mentioned it around the others but never pressed you too much.
Little did you know that your childhood crush Megumi could tell there was definitely something wrong no matter how much you may disguise, even if the other students fail to notice.
It was just after a mission with Megumi, and  you were reporting to Gojo.
"So! My favourite two defeated the grade 1 curse, huh? Well done!" Gojo, pat you both on the back as you smiled softly.
That mission had taken all the power you had left from sleeping 3 days ago, and you were struggling to stay upright and conscious.
"...thanks, well if we are done here, I've got to go ask Nobara something, so catch ya later!" You waved goodbye as you wobbled over to your room, contrary to what you told the sensei and your crush.
Before you wondered off too long, you heard Megumi say, "Y/N, are you okay? Do you need to talk?" Megumi sounded genuinely concerned something that made your stomach do somersaults.
"Oh noo I am fine! I'm just a bit tired, is all." you said, smiling weakly before hurrying off to your bed to sleep.
"Hey Megumi... something isn't right with Y/N. I know you have noticed....please help me find out what's wrong with her." Gojo said with a serious tone, a tone Gojo rarely ever spoke with.
"Finally something we can agree on..." Megumi grumbled whilst walking away to find Y/N, despite the sinking feeling in his stomach.
"Hey!! Nobara, Yuji!! Where is Y/N?" Megumi said, feeling slightly out of breath after running around the campus looking for this girl.
Nobara smirked, "Wouldn't you like to know? Loverboy~" Her and Yuji giggled whilst Megumi rolled his eyes, ignoring his ears turning a bright pink.
"Not now guys...it is important. Please just tell me."
"Well I'm only guessing but Y/N is probably in her room doing whatever." Yuji shrugged
"Okay thanks." Before anymore was said Megumi ran of with Nobara shouting after him. "Make sure ya kiss!!"
Megumi knocked quietly on your door. No response. "Y/N it is me, Megumi" No response. Megumi started panicking. This wasn't like you. You always replied to him.
Suddenly he heard sobbing and heavy breathing. He didn't think twice before breaking open the door.
He saw you sat down against the floor of your bed sobbing your eyes out having a panic attack.
"Y/N!!!" you looked up as Megumi suddenly sat by you and wrapped his arms around you. You rested you head on his chest as you felt safe in Megumi's sweet touch.
After you calmed down, Megumi asked what was wrong.
"...I have nightmares, Megumi. They are so bad I can never get sleep. I've always had them but since the start of school....I don't know...they have become unbearable. I can't do it anymore." you felt Megumi tighten his arms around you as you looked up at him.
"Y/N, I like you. I will always be here for you no matter what nightmare you have, I will be there to rock you until you have the peace you deserve, because I like you....and for the record I noticed something was wrong...but could tell you were trying to hide it so didn't question it."
You couldn't say anything as you hugged Megumi tightly and he pressed a soft kiss on your head.
"I like you too Megumi!! Thank you so much, I don't know what I would do without you, probably get no sleep" you both chuckled as you fell asleep in each other's embrace.
A lil extra, as usual:
"Bet you guys 1000¥ he's asleep with her." Gojo said to the two other first years.
"Bet." they said in sync, as Gojo opened the door quietly only to be greeted with such a cute scene of you and Megumi fast asleep like babies heads rested atop one another.
"AYEEEE PAY UP!!" Gojo shouted in glee as you and Megumi awoke kicking everyone out feeling flustered.
"Why did we bet when we literally ship them Nobara..."
a/n: slightly longer than I thought but hope you enjoyed!! love ya'll!! 💜💜💜🔮🔮🔮
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wolferals · 6 months
Henry Cavill x reader
Warnings: drinking, cursing, sexual innuendos
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„Hey are we still waiting or are you ready to order?" The young waitress asked me for the third time in about an hour. I looked up at her and cleared my throat. „Yeah no... I'll just. Pay for the wine." I point at the still half full bottle of red wine I'd preordered for my date that was supposed to show up an hour ago.
She sent me a pityful look and spoke:"I'll be right back with your bill."
I forced myself to a smile and put my head in my hands.
He really stood me up. After all of the texting for weeks and the hour long phone calls...
I took a deep breath to prevent myself from starting to cry. Then i decided to just get my shit together and i sat up straight, took another few sips of my wine and eventually shot the rest of it down.
As the waitress came back with the bill, i simply handed her a bill far more than the actual bill and said „keep the change".
She smiled softly and carefully laid her hand on my shoulder. „I'm sorry girl, you really don't deserve this. You look amazing."
I smiled at her sweet comment and nodded back at her.
„Have a good night." I spoke as I grabbed my purse and stood up.
She smiled back and replied:"He's a dick."
I only nodded before I walked out of the restaurant.
Ashamed, sad, angry, drunk.
It was only about 8:30 now but due to the time of year, it was pitch black out and it was freezing.
My long coat was trying to keep me warm.
I continued walking for only a few steps before I heard a male voice yell behind me. I ignored it until i felt it coming closer until someone carefully touched my shoulder.
„Ugh what?" I turned around, screaming at the person. I was simply fed up by the world that second.
„Whoa sorry!"
He was handsome. Far too handsome. Tall, bright blue eyes, dark hair (i could tell from his dark beard and the few curls that were showing underneath his beanie).
„I'm sorry but you dropped this."
He held out a card.
My card.
My credit card.
„It must have fallen out of your wallet when you paid inside." He pointed at the restaurant behind us.
„Sorry, i wasn't watching you. I just saw how upset you looked and you did in fact drop this."
I smiled softly and took back my credit card. His British accent was charming.
„Thank you." I tried to sound nice after all that just happened to me that night.
He smiled at me before extending his hand to me. „I'm Henry."
I hesitated to shake his hand at first but eventually grabbed it.
He smiled again. „I don't know what happened to you but if it cheers you up, my night was absolute shit too."
I couldn't help but chuckle. „Does help a little." I admitted, grinning.
„Good" he smiled. „You okay though?" He seemed to genuinely care.
I took a deep breath and looked around for a second. „Honestly? No. Got fucking stood up by a guy who I thought was genuine. But noo men fucking suck!"
He could hear my frustration.
„Im really sorry... You clearly don't deserve that. Fuck him, he must be super insecure."
Henry spoke and smiled a little bit.
„Your turn now. Why was your night shit?"
I asked curiously.
He laughed shortly.
„Got cheated on, found her in our bed in MY house with a guy I'd never seen in my life."
My jaw dropped. „Holy shit." He nodded.
„Now my night seems like a joke. Im so sorry that happened to you! In YOUR house though?"
He nodded again and then let out a chuckle.
„So yeah my plan for tonight was to get wasted and probably fall asleep on the pavement."
I laughed with him.
„Probably a bit cold in December."
He laughed loudly. His teeth and his smile were gorgeous.
We stood in silence for a few seconds before I spoke up:"Fuck it. Im drunk already. Henry? Do you wanna get drunk and hook up? I know this is super straight forward and I swear to god I've never done this in my entire life but I'm fucking upset and you're feeling just as miserable and i think ur hot and i don't even care if this story was fake or not to pick up women or to get their sympathy but it worked okay? I'm hooked because I think you're hot and we both could need it."
I stopped for a second because I saw the shocked expression on his face.
„If not, please forget it ever said that, forget about meeting me and I'll walk away and we'll pretend we've never talked and i'll go home and go to bed, you can go to some scrawny bar and get drunk and fall asleep on the sidewalk even though it's fucking freezing and you might die but thats on you and not my problem because i don't know you and i'll never see you again, especially if you're dead then, then i won't see you anymore anyways..."
I finally stopped talking after realizing how ridiculous I'd just sounded.
He simply stared at me.
„I'm sorry I-."
He interrupted me. „Y/n?"
He looked me dead in the eye.
„Yes. Fuck yes."
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dmysterioblog · 2 months
Charlotte flair x fem reader
Charlotte being really possessive of reader but reader doesn’t mind/doesn’t notice because she’s really clingy to Charlotte
And Charlotte will like physically hurt someone if they get to touchy with reader and tells reader she’s protecting her and stuff like that
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Paring: Charlotte Flair x Fem!reader
Summary: You and Charlotte went I the gym. A guy thought it was a good idea to mess with you and Charlotte took care of it.
Warnings; a bit of fluff, violence, harassment.
Word Count: 600
A/n: This request has been in my inbox for god knows how long 😅
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*beep beep beep*
You groaned hearing Charlotte’s alarm going off. You turned away from it and covered your ears, trying to fall back asleep.
“Come on, sweetheart, you have to get up.” Charlotte said while getting up.
“Noo,” you whined.
“You said you would hit the gym with me, now get up.” She ripped the blanket off of you. You groaned once again and slowly opened your eyes and got up.
“I’m never agreeing to this again,” you pouted.
“You’re such a whiny baby but I love you.” She walked over to you and gave you a quick peck before heading towards the bathroom, “Maybe you should join me in the shower, you know, to save water.” You instantly got up and walked in right after her, making her chuckle.
You arrived at the gym after having some breakfast. You and Charlotte placed your things in the locker room before going out. She decided to warm up with some leg stretches and you did the same. Soon after you separated. She went to do some shoulder presses while you decided to do some light bar squats. You started to do your first set when all of the sudden a man came behind you.
“You need some help with that, darling?” He smirked while trying to put his hands on your waist.
“Um, no thank you,” you pushed him off, trying to be as polite as possible.
“Oh c’mon. You seem like you need it.”
“I don’t-”
“Is there a problem?” Charlotte’s voice was heard from behind the man and he turned to face her.
“Who are you?”
“I’m her wife and it seems that you are bothering her when she doesn’t want to be bothered. Now if I were you, I would walk away.” He scoffed before walking off to the men’s locker room. Charlotte quickly turned to you with a look of concern.
“Are you okay, sweetheart? Did he hurt you?” She cupped your face.
“No, no. He tried to grab my waist trying to “help” me, but I pushed him off.” She sighed in relief while you kissed her palm.
“Alright, I’m gonna go to the restroom real quick, okay?”
“Okay!” You bend down to grab the bar and resumed your workout while Charlotte walked off. She looked back at you to make sure you weren’t looking while she took an empty metal bar that was left behind. Once she saw you were distracted, she walked inside the men’s locker room and locked the door behind her. She continued her way inside and lucky for her, it was only the man and herself in the room.
He was taking his shirt off when all of the sudden he was being choked with a metal bar. The man struggled and gasped for air as Charlotte held the bar firmly against his throat. She dragged his body in front of a mirror so he could see her face.
“Listen carefully,” she said with venom in her voice, “If you dare to show your face around here to harass women ever again…I will end your life. Do I make myself clear?”
“Y- yes-” he gasped out, struggling against her grip.
“Good.” She finally let go and watched his body fall on the floor, gasping for air. She simply turned around and left the locker room like nothing happened. She walked back to where you and hugged you from behind, leaving a couple kisses on your neck.
“No one will ever hurt you,” Charlotte whispered in your ear.
“As long as I have you with me.” You giggled obliviously before pecking her lips.
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luvmmarner · 1 year
1. “noo! Kiss me!”
2. “Cuddle me already damit!”
3. “You got something on your face silly”
4. “Speak to me in (language)”
5. “Can we watch a movie and cuddle.”
6. “Then I’ll sleep on the couch with you!”
7. “Wait for me!”
8. “Give me a piggyback ride!”
9. “I love you more!”
10. “Look at the North Star sailors used to look at that. It helped guide them home. That’s what I see when I look at you. You're my home.”
11. “You mean everything to me”
12. “I’m really craving fast food. Can you please get me some.”
13. “Your so cute do you know that?”
14. “You didn’t have to get me this!”
15. “Oh god… did I say that out loud”
16. “I want you everyday, when I wake up and when I fall asleep.”
17. “Your embarrassing me!”
18. “Tuck me in”
19. “I’m sad”
20. “Just hold me please.”
21. “I’m pregnant…”
22. “You have so many freckles! It’s adorable”
23. “Are you mad?”
24. “Let’s match clothes!”
25. “Wait… you mean it! We are actually going to (location)!”
26. “I don’t know how to skate.”
27. “Your such an idiot, but you’re my idiot so I guess it’s okay!”
28. “WHAT!? I want to go to target!”
29. “Don’t tease me.”
30. “Ok I was sick and then you mentioned shopping so now I’m feeling so much better”
31. “Could you do the dishes I have a bad stomach ache”
32. “Aww babe! You didn’t have to do that”
33. “You don’t need to take care of me, I feel bad.”
34. “I care about you more than I care about myself.”
35. “Can I put makeup on you!”
36. “You look handsome.”
37. “But… I like laying on your chest.”
38. “Hah! You can’t catch me!”
39. “Don’t cry angel!”
40. “It’s thundering outside. I’m scared. Can I sleep with you tonight!”
41. “I made you lunch.”
42. “Of course I’ll be there. I’m always your number 1 fan”
43. “You know I love you right?”
44. “You can’t just send inappropriate pictures! When I’m at work like that!”
45. “S..stop! I’m not ticklis- ok ok I am!”
46. “I’m baking not cooking! It’s two different meanings!”
47. “Can you get me tampons/pads?”
48. “Ugh! I admit it. I like you.”
49. “I don’t like surprises! Just tell meee!”
50. “I love going to the movie theatre!”
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foreverisntenough · 2 months
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Summary: While you daydreamed about his face an ocean apart, he had no idea what yours was about to do to him. With a twist of fate and the heat of summer, a new relationship would completely ransack his heart - Everyday heavy with the thought of one another, neither of you were going to let the unexpected love of your life go. You were going to be his, you were his, and you were going to stay his.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestion, smut (unprotected sex,) mentions of pregnancy, love bombing, occasionally sad, kind of angsty, alcohol consumption - not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: I hope you like it! There will definitely be more parts (don’t know how many just yet though.)
Chapter 23 - ‘You’re Mine’
Jude sat up on a lounger and looked around inquisitively to see what everyone else was up to on the beach a little while after you had left. Most boys were asleep in the sun, the remaining playing a game of cards, Lauren reading a book.
“Laur…” Jude said a normal volume feigning a casualty he didn’t feel. She hummed, picking her head up to look in his direction.
“Can you come here?” Jude asked with a soft smile
“What could you possibly need?” Lauren said with a giggle standing up, leaving her book behind. Jude felt his cheeks get warm seeing her walk towards him, her skin shiny from the heat, her body looking drool worthy.
“C’mere.” He motioned her over. She stood next to his chair looking down at his sly smile. “Can you put suncream on my back, please?” He asked for the unnecessary.
“Yeah, sure. You’re laying on your back but sure.” She giggled more sitting with her legs open dangling off the chair behind Jude. He handed her the bottle and she started working it into his warm skin. She was trying to remain calm when he hummed at the sensation of her pinching in between his shoulder and neck with her hands. “All good?” She asked.
“Little more, angel.” He cooed loving having her hands on him.
“Noo, no, no. You’re fine.” Lauren though couldn’t help but giggle at the pet name. Jude leaned back pressing her into the back of the chair, his back onto her chest. “Excuse mee?”
“Just hang here with me. Chill out for a little.” He mused, closing his eyes getting comfortable.
“Your back is pressed to my tits now why did we even put on the lotion?” She smiled looking at him. She didn’t care but it was funny to call him out.
“Needed to get you over somehow, didn’t I?” He laughed pulling her legs from the side to wrap around his waist and rest in his lap
“Yeah, yeah, sure whatever.” Lauren laughed with him sliding her hands around him purring at the feeling of his abs under her touch.
Back at the house you and Trent had had some let’s just say loud ‘fun’ while no one was home but once you were done with alll that, you found yourself in the pool in between his legs. Trent sat on the edge with his feet in the water, your chin resting on his thigh.
“T…” you cooed looking up at him only able to see your reflection in his sunglasses.
“What’s up, pretty girl?” He asked, his hand coming to pinch at your cheek.
“We’re actually okay, right? Last night was a lot.” You sheepishly said, monitoring your own body language still in the reflection.
“Yeah, baby, we are. I know it was a lot but I love you no matter what. I just was so upset someone spoke about you like that. I couldn’t handle hearing that. It hurt me in all honesty.” He said with full transparency.
“I’m sorry” you muffled out feeling terrible.
“You didn’t do anything” he sighed with a soft sympathetic smile. “If we’re talking about this… I wasn’t just upset, I was jealous to be fair, baby. I hated that the prick ever got to touch you, be with you, and there was nothing I could do about it. It just set something off in me.”
“I never want to make you upset, T. It’s okay you were jealous but you really shouldn’t have been. I told you before it was just a bad time in my life I want to forget about. There’s no one that could ever come close to what we have. I’m sad you ever had to encounter him to hear about it, not exactly proud moments for me.”
“I’m still a little mad for you… He’s a dick. I know now, well I knew before but I just needed a reminder that what we have is better than that. That you aren’t going to go back to him.” Trent said, picking his head up to look over you at the horizon, feeling vulnerable expressing this. “I’m sorry you have to handle all the gossip that comes out about me too but you know none of it is true. I would never hurt you.”
“I know that.” You smiled softly. “I’d never go back to him, baby but I also am certainly never ever leaving you to begin with.” You said sealed with a kiss to his thigh.
“Honestly if you want I’ll post about you right now, throw it on my story, my feed, set up an interview when I get back gushing about how stupidly in love with you I am, if that’ll make you feel better.” He looked down at you and picked your chin up to tilt your head up to look up at him. “I’ll do anything, I don’t care, whatever you’d want, I just was trying to protect you and our relationship. I never meant for you to feel like I was hiding you or to offend you. Wanted the most beautiful girl in the world to myself, that’s all.” He squished your cheeks
“No, no. Don’t do that.” You closed your eyes softly smiling at his offer. “You were right. We’re okay for now, I think. I like having you having me just for yourself too. Having our own world. Hmm?” You looked up at him through your eye lashes. Remembering that the world not knowing your name meant you were able to go about life fairly normally all whilst having the best boyfriend in the world.
“Yeah, baby. Whatever you want you just tell me. Just want to see this smile.” He smiled back at you.
“I love you.” You cooed with a little pout happy you had the conversation.
“I love you more, pretty girl.” He said so sweetly but you cheekily pulled his arm dragging him into the pool with you. “The worst! You are the worst!” He yelled, faking annoyance after coming up from water, quickly grabbing you by the waist, swinging you around in the water. He had you tight to his chest, pressing wet kisses all over you. You both laughed happily in love acting like little kids now after squashing any remaining worries he had about Chase and you had about your secrecy.
After playing in the water like you were 10 years old, you laid on an outdoor bed by the pool, cuddled up to Trent. You drew on his skin with your nails as you spoke quietly about little things. Giggling here and there just content in each other's embrace.
“His friend wanted a picture, which was class, did I tell you that?” Trent talked a little more about last night.
“Stop…” you giggled, pressing your forehead to his chest before picking it up to look at the smug smile on his face. “That’s so embarrassing.” He joined you laughing as he stroked up your spine slowly with his big hands.
“I told him…no your mate’s being a cunt to my girlfriend, Jude didn’t even acknowledge the poor lad.” He said complacently.
“Oh no..” you laughed feeling a little sorry but ultimately glad. The sun was starting to go down, the sky turning to an orangey pink blur, when you heard the ruckus of the group coming up the stairs back from the beach. Marcel carried Lauren on his back like the princess playing the field she was. Some of the boys running to jump directly in the pool chaotically, Toby and Jude trailing the group, moving slow.
“Gonna eat here tonight, we’re all staying like this too.” George gestured to his swimsuit pulling on the material. You smiled at George’s ever calm demeanor and dad-like tendencies. You sat up right, Trent followed and wrapped his arms around your waist placing his head on your shoulder before quickly pecking your cheek.
“What we looking at?” He whispered. You smiled at his cute gesture and question.
“Lauren… she came up with Marce and now they’re sitting over there.” You whispered back.
“Are we spying?” Trent asked eager like a little kid squeezing your waist a little tighter. You giggled.
“No, just trying to see if I can assess what’s going on so when I ask her about it later I can call her out on her bs.” You kept giggling.
“Gotcha.” He pressed another kiss to your cheek. A little later, you all sat at a big table overlooking the water as a chef cooked dinner. Everyone was still in their bathing suits as the sun set in Greece. The golden sun sunk into the horizon while you and your best friend laughed with beautiful English boys. It was all a dream. Trent kept his hand wrapped around your waist rubbing his hand on your warm skin. You were telling a little story just to him when he kissed you sweetly mid sentence. He tasted like wine and summer. It had your heart fluttering. He was perfect. The night winded down and you and Trent left everyone who opted to play some game you weren’t interested in. You retreated to your room cuddling outside in the private space close next to a fire. You felt your eyes starting to get heavy when Trent started kissing at your neck. You giggled, waking up more at the sensations now running through you. You ended up in your bed, naked, tangled up with him, warm, happy, and very very tired and very very in love.
The next morning you woke up to Lauren jumping onto your big bed next to you as you laid on top of Trent.
“Get up! We’re going on a boat todayyyy!” She sang giddily. The boys had planned a day out on a yacht so it was going to be a pretty good one. She was excited and so were you. You just had to find the will to leave the bed with your perfect naked man in it. “Get up! Get up! Get up!” She yelled, bouncing up and down.
“Oh my dayyyysss, Lauren! Shut up!” Trent groaned, holding you tighter to his chest. You opened your eyes and turned your head to see her with a big smile next to you sitting crossed legged. You couldn’t help but smile back.
“Good morning!” You rolled your eyes at her eagerness, lack of care, and proximity this close to you and your naked boyfriend.
“Have a fun night?” She cheekily asked before she slapped your ass cover by the blankets.
“Aye!” Trent yelled looking at her annoyed. “That’s mine.” He joked, managing to hold a serious look on his face. His hands came from underneath the blankets and rubbed your ass over the covers smugly.
“Learn to share… She was mine first.” Lauren joked leaning back against the headboard now making herself comfortable in your bed with you and Trent still under the covers. Marcel and George walked into the room hearing the noise.
“Wow, two best friends. That’s class, mate.” Marcel made fun of Trent in bed with you and Lauren before plopping himself on a couch in the room.
“Everyone needs to shut up today, honestly.” Trent moaned, annoyed at his brother’s remark.
“With this group that’s unlikely.” George laughed when suddenly Jude appeared in the doorway.
“Good morning, lads, Lauren, and the one and only Mrs. TAA.” He cooed, walking towards Marcel to find himself a seat. Jobe followed in behind him going straight to the window, inspecting what the view from your room was like.
“Oh good… Jobe’s here now too.” You shook your head on Trent’s chest. “Does no one care that we’re still in bed naked?” You said expressing your surprise but you were met with a harmony of ‘nos.’
“Y/N, in the most respectful way, everyone in the room has probably seen you naked.” George joked, laughing, soon joined by everyone else in the room. Trent didn’t laugh exactly but he gave a sly smile. Your jaw slacked, offended.
“That’s probably a fact. Me and T are obvious, Marce hmm..” Lauren thought for a moment trying to go through who was in the room and how they would’ve seen you naked.
“Why are you obvious?” Trent asked, confused why Lauren would’ve seen you naked. Not having any sisters he just didn’t understand.
“T…” you laughed “not like in an intimate way.”
“Definitely not intimate despite her pleas.” You and Lauren both laughed a little more. You rolled your eyes at her lie, the boys in the room eyes going wide. You looked at Trent’s more confused face and shook your head no at him confirming that you never wanted and never did. “Relax, everyone. We lived together, god. We never hooked up.”
“I understand that. I lived with her when she first came to England. You and Trent weren’t exactly shy.” Marcel looked at you smugly answering Lauren’s open ended question.
“Yeah, same situation. You guys just didn’t care… It's all good though. Sorry mate.” George echoed looking at you first then to Trent, apologizing.
“Little more digital for me. Y/N, c’mon. You can’t be sending nudes hourly when we’re on international duty and not expect me to see at least one.” Jude laughed over exaggerating the times that Trent had been away with the England team with him. You tapped at Trent’s chest as if he had blatantly shared the photos with Jude, he didn’t.
“Now I feel left out.” Jobe piped up still looking out the water.
“Absolutely not going to happen, bro.” Trent quickly cut off Jobe, clarifying to him that he wasn’t ever going to get that opportunity.
“Okay, great. Now, please get out…” you moaned embarrassed at the entire conversation, dropping your head into Trent’s chest. His hand stroking your back consoling you.
You found yourself with your head on Trent’s chest again later in the day but now under the hot Grecian sun on a yacht in a little Loves and Friends bikini laughing.
“Be my friend!!” You whined, placing kisses all over Trent’s chest. After he definitely did but you felt like he hadn’t paid any attention to you yet.
“I’m your best fucking friend. What are you on about?” Trent laughed, cocking his head to the side to see more of your face. You worked your kisses up to his neck. He hummed at the feeling. “C’mere, baby” he cooed, pulling you up to kiss his lips. For the moment you forgot you were on the deck of a yacht with your closest friends next to you. You found yourself gasping between each kiss grinding your body down on his now hard cock beneath you.
“Fuck, I love you, baby.” You whispered in his ear as his hands explored your body. His touch was tantalizing. “I don’t think this is what best friends do.” You giggled
“No… it’s what I do with you though. You’re still my best friend, aren’t you?” He whispered cheekily. “You feel so fucking good, I can feel how wet you are, baby. Come with me inside, yeah?” He continued, squeezing your ass. He sat up a little and suddenly you were straddling him. Before you could answer he stood up and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
“Uh huh, please T.” You giggled as he walked you inside the boat.
“Sure, yep we’re not here or anything.” Marcel yelled for you to hear joking to the group.
“You’re a good kisser” you giggled pulling away from a messy make out. You were sat on top of a dresser im some room on the boat. Trent stood between your legs as he started to untied your bathing suit.
“Oh yeah? You never told me that before.” He smiled smugly, taking off your top first then moving to your bottoms..
“I definitely have…” You smiled while helping remove his swimsuit. “Your lips are perfect too.” You cooed as you traced the outline of his lips with your finger. He bit at you, taking your pointer finger in his mouth.
“Kept it a little secret that you like my lips, huh? That you think I’m a good kisser?” He cooed as his perfect lips moved down your neck. “So where do you like my lips, baby, tell me.” He trailed over your collar bone, down to your tits. “What about here?” You hummed in pleasure when he kissed over your nipples. You whimpered as he sucked on the left one, brushing his warm tongue left and right before tugging on it with his teeth, his hand coming to play with the right and then switching his lips attention to it. The level of arousement in you was getting higher and higher and the familiar knot forming at the pit of your stomach was starting to form. His hands drifted down to your pussy. His fingers worked away between your legs. “Fuck, you’re so wet baby “ Trent groaned. “Always are for me? Hm?” Trent groaned a little more as his fingers felt your slick. Your wetness was evident to his touch and he couldn’t help but be satisfied with it. Trent gave a quick stroke to your clit before taking his hand away to bring his fingers to his mouth. “Fuck baby, I need you now. You taste so fucking good for me” he worked kisses back up before pulling away and stared at you pressing his nose to your cheek before moving his lips to yours. The kiss was hot and heavy, his tongue immediately invading your mouth and toying with yours. He let his hand drift back down and slid one finger directly inside you eliciting a gasp from you. His sudden moments made the base of your spine tingle, but when his thumb began to draw precise circles on your clit, your body shook slightly as a deep moan got lost in his mouth. When he dipped another finger into your wet heat, he pulled another deep moan from you and in an attempt to push you closer to the edge, he curled his fingers even further against that one spot and pressed his thumb into your clit harder. “Gonna be my good girl? Want you to cum on my fingers, baby ”
“Please keep going, T. I’m so close, I’m-fuck.” With a few more curses and his name continuously falling from your lips, as you came around his fingers. White hot liquid shot through your veins, your slick dripped down his hand. He pulled his fingers out slowly covered in your juices, he stuck them in your mouth and you greedily sucked his fingers licking around them like you would his cock while he began pumping his growing hard on with his hand. In swift movements, he was aligning his cock with your entrance. “T, please I need you…” you whined
“You want me, baby?” You could only nod overtaken by lust. He slid inside you slowly filling you up. He dropped his forehead to your chest, trying to avoid cumming on the spot “Squeezing me so tight, baby. Feels so good.” You whimpered, squeezing tightly around his cock. Your high was approaching quickly; he always knows how to hit that perfect spot.
“Fuck, Fff-fuck! You’re so ah! So good.” You said moaning. It wasn’t long until you were nearly there, and the moment Trent attached his thumb back to your clit and began rubbing it in quick circles, you fell apart almost immediately, curse words and his name falling from your lips repeatedly. “T, baby.” You could only manage another whine, too focused on the slow drag of his cock, you could feel every hard vein and ridge of it slowly fucking into you.
“Are you mine, beautiful? Tell me… fuck! You’re mmine.” Trent punctuated his words with hard thrusts. You moaned nodding.
“I’m always yours T. I’m… fuck! I’m yours.” You managed to mutter out as he fuck you again. His pace was relentless and unforgiving as he moved, driving his cock in and out of you, consistently hitting a spot only he knew so deep inside you.
“Fuck, fuck, oh fuck.”l I’m gonna finish, baby. Want me to cum inside you?” he cursed and you moaned a yes. His fingers dug into your skin and his head fell back, as he pushed his hips up one last time before he spilled into your tight heat. Trent rolled his head back in pleasure as you gently moved your hips against his to help him ride out his high.
“Baby…” you barely could get out… “fuck, baby, I love you so much.”
“I love you forever, beautiful.” He said between heavy breaths. “You’re mine. Fuck, that felt so good. Always so fucking good f’me.” You nuzzled your head to his chest loving being close to his warm skin. He pressed a sweet kiss to your head before you heard someone approaching.
“Trenski, I know you can’t last this long so we’re eating lunch now. Whenever you two are done, alright?” Jude knocked on the door to the room you were in. Everyone was sat on the upper deck starting lunch when you two finally fell out of the room giggling, grabbing at each other, still kissing. Trent pinched your ass cheek.
“T!” You squealed and began to run away from him. You ran to the stairs that lead to the upper deck and grabbed the railings. Trent was quick though and caught your ankle as ypu stepped up.
“Nah uh, c‘mere pretty girl.” He said pulling you down towards him but you wiggled away again and ran up the stairs. He chased you and continued to grab at you. His hands on you made you giddy and warm. You made it up the stairs and only about a step onto the top deck before he caught you again. He picked you up like a rag doll and swung you around. You and Trent laughed . You couldn’t stop. You always felt so carefree with him it was hard to remember you were with a big group sometimes.
“Stop! Stop! Stop! Baby!” You giggled squirming in his arms having trouble catching your breath when he finally put you down and you made your way to the table.
You sat down for lunch and ate a wonderful watermelon feta salad happily looking out into the ocean water. The sun's rays cast over the deck onto the table. Everyone was having the best time listening to music while drinking sgroppino cocktails made by a very funny bartender. The vodka, lemon, and Prosecco drinks went straight to everyone’s heads in the heat. You were all in a great mood because of it when lunch finished. Lauren stood up and looked directly at you. Her cheeky smile had your heart racing.
“What? You’re making me nervous…” you quipped with a sly smile, anxious of what she was going to say.
“Just c’mon! Pictures, we need pictures!” Lauren said, pulling on your arm dragging you to the bow of the boat. You were relieved it wasn’t something more scandalous. “I need a good instagram pleassse.” You got one of the nice women working aboard to take pictures of you two despite almost every boy offering to take them. You took a bunch of photos with Lauren in your bikinis giggling. You wanted to recreate a cute idea you saw on Pinterest. Fueled by ssgroppino and the need for a good Instagram you and Lauren huged with your tops off. It was meant to be adorable and not overtly sexual but the boys watching you at the other end of the boat felt completely opposite.
“It’s like they’re taunting me…” Toby groaned trying to overt his eyes.
“They are doing it on purpose, bro.” Jude answered Toby’s complaint laughing with a big smile, his sunglasses off held in his hand as he watched Lauren intently.
“Of course they know.” Marcel said, shaking his head. “It’s great that Y/N is like a sister to me.” Rolling his eyes trying not to look at you with your top off.
“Lovely that, Marce” Trent responded sarcastically. He was on his phone and hadn’t paid any mind to what you and Lauren were doing.
“Bro… yeah, that’s brutal.” George started chuckling at Marcel's comment. “Lauren knows exactly what she’s doing. Y/N, I may give the benefit of the doubt to.” He continued talking while staring.
“Absolutely not, you guys think she’s more naive than she is. She plays all of you… you especially.” Marcel spoke pointing to Trent. “She’s like my best friend…”
“Aww, that’s actually well nice.” Jude butt in.
“Nah, shut up. I’m just saying I know that she’s well aware.” Marcel continued. Trent squinted his eyes, lowering his sunglasses, to look at what all of the boys were talking about. He smiled quickly seeing you so happy.
“I’m gonna going over…” Trent said, getting out of his chair, standing up.
“Nah, you can’t go over there, mate!” Jude complained at Trent’s movements. He just gave Jude a confused look in return.
“That’s like turning the TV off while we’re still watching it, lad.” Toby said with a concerned look on his face not wanting Lauren’s photo shoot to stop.
“Yeah, except, half the TV is mine, innit? I’m just taking half.” Trent gave a smug smile back to the boys before he kept walking towards you.
“Booo, fuck off!” Jude jeered, laughing.
“We were watching that!” George joked like you were something on the TV. Trent walked over but you were too engaged in your current moment to even notice he had shown up.
“This is mine” he grunted, picking you up from behind, peeling you off Lauren abruptly. His arms crossed directly over your boobs.
“Erm… excuse me I was trying to take a picture!” You feigned annoyance not particularly mad to have his strong arms around your frame again.
“As I said this morning, you need to learn to share, T!” Lauren yelled, laughing at him carrying you away. Trent sat down on the yacht’s railing with you in between his legs. He pressed wet kisses on your neck, his arms covering you. Lauren got her phone back from the woman. She took candid photos of you laughing at Trent’s kisses before Marcel yelled out causing the three of you to turn your heads.
“Maybe put a top on! Mum may want to see literally one photo from this holiday you’re not naked in!” His comment was annoying but also a pretty fair point. You bent down and grabbed your top.
“Can you tie this, baby?” You asked Trent. He obliged and tied your bikini gently back on. You took more photos like that just now your tits were covered. You sat on Trent’s lap, his arms around your waist, his head on your shoulder with the Grecian coastline in the background. Trent stood up behind you and you turned to face him.
“Can I have a kiss please?” You pouted, lacing your fingers with his.
“I thought best friends don’t do that…” he teased before placing a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. His hands let go over yours and came around your body, grabbing your ass. He caressed over your exposed skin before he stepped forward more and picked you up like that. He raised you slightly above him. You looked down at him pushing your lips against his. Your bodies pressed together.
“Aww guys.” Lauren cooed pouting. “It’s actually really nice, I’m not even annoyed, this is cute.”
“Alright, alright, enough.” Trent put you down on the deck. “Love you, baby” he whispered just for you to hear.
“Laur, do you want any more?” You asked, still staring at Trent, but asking her regarding photos, in case she wanted any more. She said yes so you stayed and Trent retreated back to the boys. You and Lauren had made quick friends with the woman who had kindly taken the photos earlier so she came out with a few shots and another cocktail. When you found your way to the back of the boat with the boys, you and Lauren were a little tipsy. Hopeful to walk away with the Euros tournament trophy, Jude had planned for the boat to be stocked with champagne. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case but he wasn't going to let it go to waste so he was indulging. You walked back with Lauren and wrapped your arms around his waist seeing him holding a bottle you really liked..
“Judddeyyy” you cooed, singing as he held the bottle up further away from you, out of reach. You gave him a pout.
“Nah, that works on that man, that man only, not me.” He laughed pointing at Trent unimpressed with your look.
“C’mon share with me!” You pleated pouting more, grabbing for the bottle now.
“There's literally only a sip left… what you want my spit?” He teased holding it higher away from you laughing. You hummed with a big smile. “You’re disgusting, no.” You and Jude finally landed on just opening another bottle to share together proceeding to get more and more drunk laughing and dancing. Trent laid back down on a chair and just watched on as you two made fools of yourself happily. What you all had no idea of was that a lovely group of paparazzi were capturing every interaction Trent and Jude had that day.
‘Celebrating The Loss? Trent Alexander-Arnold and Jude Bellingham are spotted on a Yacht in Greece with brothers, girls, and champagne.’
‘Trent Alexander-Arnold cozies up to his mystery American girlfriend on a yacht.’
‘Good Teammate? Trent Alexander-Arnold looks on as Jude Bellingham gets handsy with the Right Back's presumed girlfriend.’
‘Boats, Bellingham Boys, and Babes; Jude Bellingham blows off steam after Euros loss on a yacht with younger brother, Jobe and women!’
Under the influence of how much fun you were having you were blissfully unaware of the media coverage about to arise but for now you were buzzed and back laying on top of the love of your life and also the most gorgeous boy in the world warmed by the sun and the alcohol and your night was just getting started…
Thank you for continuing reading! Little shorter today. Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter / series … 🤍
Next part - Chapter 24 xx
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aokoaoi · 1 year
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▎chapter two : welcome home.
▎content warning : gore/blood, rotting, violence, typical resident evil behavior.
▎character pairing : leon kennedy x fem!reader.
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"HOW LONG ARE YOU gonna be gone for?" Your closest college friend, a girl who happens to crash at your apartment for a few weeks rent free, frowned at you like some hurt puppy. She was lazily sprawled on your bed, watching as you packed up necessary things for your visit in raccoon city. All you really needed to pack was clothes.
You sighed loudly, exhausted after dumping all the clothes that existed inside your closet- outside of the said closet. Placing your hands on your hips, you deadpanned at her as she continued to sulk. "I don't know how long I'll be gone but I planned on staying for a week."
"Noo! A week?!"
"Jane, I haven't seen my family for three years."
Practically feeling her cheeriness visibly deflate at that. Jane knew you had a point, and she understood why you'd be gone for a while, but surely being on the verge of tears watching your best friend pack to go back to her home place is also reasonably understandable, right?
Breathing out through your nose, you sat next to her now slumped, seated form. You placed a piece of clothing on your lap, wrinkling it in the process. Jane found the feeling of your cold hands on her exposed shoulder, a gesture you do when you're comforting.
"Come on, don't get all mushy on me. I'm not gone for that long, and I'll be back before you know it." While you particularly didn't really understand why she's so upset that you're leaving for a week, you didn't want to see her cry.
Was it her abandonment issues? Hm, maybe.
Jane pouts childishly again, now heating up put of embarrassment. "Now my mascaras all ruined." She huffed, her fingertips slightly stained in black inkish liquid from her tears when she brought her hand up to wipe her cheek.
"You barely even cried." You commented.
"I tend to like wearing these types of mascaras to add dramatic effect." Jane shrugged mischievously, a grin overtaking her soft features.
"Oh so everyday you just suddenly start shedding tears out of nowhere?" She snickered at your comment, shaking her head in amusement. You matched her grin, standing back up to start packing again.
"Hey, do you think I can come visit your family with you?" She suddenly brought up, taking you off guard. You paused for a moment, letting the words sink in and processing what to say.
"..maybe next year."
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The drive is mostly silent. Mostly. All you could hear was the static from the radio, the muffling noise outside that your tires were creating, and the raindrops softly padding against the glass windows of your car. It was pitch black darkness outside, and all you could see was the road ahead of you as your headlights was on. Occasionally turning on the windshield wipers here and there.
Your elbow was propped up on the door beside you, resting there as your hand stabilized your head. In a minute now you could possibly get a headache from how your knuckles was digging into the side of your head. It was uncomfortable, but it surprisingly kept you awake.
Your brother called before you left your apartment, and by that I mean before you stepped out of the door. He called to say he'd arrive tomorrow, and he wanted you to tell your parents instead so he won't have to. You were upset at that, but there was nothing you could do about that.
After a few minutes, you caught up to a gas truck. It was slowed down, and you could only assume that the driver is half asleep and half awake right now. Not wanting to waste time trailing behind it, you steered the wheel on overtook the truck. You looked back at the rear view mirror, watching as the trucks light began to slowly disappear.
You huffed out of your nose, pursing your lips together as you heard your stomach growl. And it growled again.
Glancing at the baked delicacy on the passenger seat next to you, you opened the box with one hand, fishing out a glazed donut that Jane baked for you before you left. You could smell the taste of cinnamon rolls, but she said that's her gift to your mom and dad. But more to your mom.
After a mile and a suffocating silence, you encountered lights up ahead, and as you squinted slightly you could see that it was a gas station. A gas station occupied with two cars, a motorcycle, and seemingly drunken people surrounding two individuals.
Two individuals holding guns.
Something bubbled in your stomach, and you didn't like it one bit. You shouldn't have ate that donut. You swerved into the gas station, the sound if tires screeching and lights flashing at the unknown man and woman catching both their attentions. You bumped into three or four of the weirdly rotting bodies, your eyes widening at the sight of small droplets of blood getting on your windshield.
There was yelling from your side, and you could see two of the unknown people shooting at whatever the fuck you just crashed on until they finally decided to get in your car. There was loud thudding on the passengers seat, and you turned to look at it.
The look of face rotting, was on the other side of that glass window. It's skin around its mouth ripping off that you could see the gums of its bloody mouth and teeth. It's neck was torn apart, and it's workers uniform was now trashed and dirty. As soon as you could hear the door loudly close shut, you sped out of that gas station immediately.
Both their heavy breathing filled the car, making you look back to where they're seated, concerned. "You guys alright? What the hell was that- that thing." The question came out worridly and mortified at the same time.
"I don't know. Hopefully they'll have some answers at the police station." The man responds to you, catching the girl's attention.
"Wait, you're a cop?"
He curtly nods, "Yeah. Leon Kennedy, you are?"
"Claire- Claire Redfield."
Upon her response, was silence. You glanced back, seeing how they were now looking at you, waiting for your response. "Oh- you were also talking to me?" You deadpanned at yourself, watching as an amused smile take on their face.
You introduced yourself, firstname and lastname.
Claire hummed at your response, "That lastname, hm, I could vividly remember my brother mentioning that name." She muttered, but was it didn't go unheard by the other two in the car.
"Your brother?" You beat the dirty blond male to it, making him purse his lips but still look at the girl beside him for an answer. "Yep. I'm looking for him. he's a cop, too." She answers you, making you nod.
The man who you now know as Leon looked at you, "Do you live around here?" He questioned, and you nodded again.
"Mhm. I'm visiting to see my family."
"Well, it's a good thing we found eachother." Leon perked up again, "I don't know what to expect anymore." You were confused at his words, but you couldn't bring yourself to question it. Besides, you were too tired to be paying attention to anything other than the road right now.
You passed by a billboard; welcome to raccoon city, home of umbrella.
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shadowcatzone · 1 year
-you get drunk, aren't yet together with venti-
You went to the angels share to get rid of some stress, maybe drink a little. Not to get drunk! But you were upset. And after eventually emptying 2 bottles on your own, diluc hands you a glass of water, "you drank way too much." So you pouted, but you took the glass anyways. After a sip you decided that actually, water is icky, so you set the glass on the table you're sitting at. Standing right next to you, Venti (the bard, you feel you should clarify to yourself,) just started another song. A Serenade? A ballad? ...you couldn't tell.
He must've been part of the reason you got two bottles... actually, there are five now. You can only assume he emptied at least two of them himself. You hand him a bottle when he rests his hands from playing. Then he continues. You tend to also take a sip of the bottle before setting it down. It's somewhat bitter, but the idea of your lips tasting where his have been seconds ago makes it oh, so, sweet. He's singing again. You can't even comprehend his string of words, but the taverngoers are cheering, as always. Maybe you're more then a little drunk. They cheer in between his singing, he smiles. Well, laughs. And sings. You still can't comprehend "what the beautiful bard brings" (he smiled at you, did you say that out loud?).
You go for the bottle, but remember he's still playing. So you watch him, leaning over the back of the chair you're sitting on. Looking at his face, following closely how his lips move, his beautiful, kissable lips, which have ingrained themselves into your mind on account of how many times you've hung onto them. You're certain they taste like the sweetest wine, something so truly divine you can't quite put your mind around it. You have no idea why you get up, but starting to kiss him in the middle of his song was, in hindsight, a plain bad idea. He puts his lyre away, you feel like the world fell silent... actually, the tavern went surprisingly quiet- that's when he hooks his arm around your waist and gently eases you out of the kiss. "I think you drank a little too much," you don't comprehend. Instead you just look up at him. "Ehe, master diluc, you wouldn't borrow me that room above the tavern?"
Diluc throws him the key with slight hesitation. "...if you do anything with her, you'll be banned from the tavern. Along with all your... future generations." The bard gasps "i would never! How could you even think that!" He exclaimed, in feigned hurt. He took you upstairs, to put you into the spare bed they had for emergencies. You tried to hold onto him, to kiss him again, but he was on guard this time, so he managed to dodge you and tuck you into bed. "Noo..." you weakly protested as he stepped away. So he cupped your cheek with his hand. "Aww, don't be sad. I'll go back down for now, and we can talk about what happened in the morning." You whined, "promise?" He giggles. "Yes, i promise." And he went back down as you fall asleep.
The next morning, you wake up to a soft melody. He greets you with a smile. You remember what happened the evening before, so, naturally, beet red, you want to sink into the ground.
[Part 2]
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marilynthornhilllover · 11 months
Kiss me in the dark, I'll kiss back
Melissa schemmenti x fem! Reader
Warning: indecent language, fluff and more fluff😌💕
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As a teacher working at abbot elementary for 2 years, you always hated late night teacher/staff meetings. It's not that it was boring. No way. There was always so pretty cool shit happening at teachers meetings.
All the amazing teenage stuff. You were cool with it especially since your girlfriend melissa schemmenti worked there aswell.
The thing you hated about the meetings were that sometimes the lights would randomly cut off, leaving the entire school in dark. Melissa found it cute how you would hold onto her arm for dear life. Stumbled weirdly in the dark.
It was teachers meeting again and melissa made sure to give you a scare again. This time she purposely turned off the lights to get your reaction. Well she knew if she went and turned them off you and the rest of the teachers will know so she got the cleaner to do it.
As soon as the lights went off you went crazy.
"Shit, fuck, crap, NOO" you cried in a whisper as you ran towards where melissa was standing, even if it was dark you knew where she was. Her perfume is way to strong, it's like a GPS. After all she uses a bottle a day.
"Babe protect me lissa" you said shaking her body back and forth as you squeezed your eyes shut.
Melissa chuckled as she tried steadying your scared body.
" honey deep breaths, ok your gonna be ok I'm right here" she cooed as she pulled you in for a hug. You finally found yourself relaxing. Her perfume intoxicating you, replacing your fears with peace. You took deep breaths as she held you firmly against her chest.
"There we go, good girl, see not so bad" she whispered as she placed a kiss on your cheek.
" That's a wrap people see ya'll next week" ava said as she walked towards the door in the dark, you don't know what kind of super natural powers she had because apparently she could see very well in the dark.
" she's got no heart" you whispered angry. Ava stopped in her tracks and turned around, although you couldn't see her because it was dark, you knew very well the facial expression she had on right now.
" melissa control your puppy because if it wasnt dark I'd-" before she could finish Barba cut her off, everyone one in the room knew what ava was about to say.
" ok, everyone out" Barbara said in her harsh tone, she was like the mother of everyone. Always kept things in order.
You wrapped your arm around Melissa's arm, tugging harshly at her shirt, almost ripping her shirt off her body.
" babe relax" melissa cooed kissing your cheek every step you took.
You stop dead in your tracks making melissa almost fall.
" kiss me" you said plainly with a glint in your eyes, fire in your eyes and a smirk on your face .It was dark but you could tell that melissa also had a smirk painted on her face.
" kiss me I'll kiss back" you said again and in an instant her lips were on yours. It was slow and passionate. You moaned softly into the kiss, giving her tongue perfect entry into your mouth.
Both your tongues fighting for dominance like great men in war. Her lips were soft as marshmallows against yours, ascending you into heaven.
She always took her time with you when it came to kissing.
You both pulled away for air. Melissa placed her hands on your waist, pulling you closer to her.
" I asked the cleaner to turn off the lights so I can see your cute little reaction" she spoke softly squeezing your waist gently.
" you piece of shit" you said as you both began to laugh.
" come on, I'll make it up to you at home, Mia cara" she said softly, her raspy voice in Italian making you melt completely, if it wasnt for her big hands you'd be on the floor.
She guided you out the building safely and took you home. You both made dinner and watched TV shows before falling asleep in eachother's embrace.
As she fell asleep you thought about different ways you could get her back...
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mossysmolboy · 11 months
Horror Movie 
Guzma x little male reader 
Reader pronouns: He/Him 
Word count: 606
Content warning!: Horror movie gross stuff discussed (not described!), and Guzma being called (SFW) daddy as a nickname just once! 
I hid in Guzma's chest, I love horror movies and stuff but I haven't watched this one yet, and it was scary. He smiled and stroked my head, running his fingers through my hair saying, "It's okay baby, it's just a movie" and I nodded, I slowly peaked out from his chest only to have his hand cover my eyes, "this parts a bit gross" he said and by the sound of the movie he was right. 
"Do you want me to turn it off? We can always finish it when you're not so small" he asked and I shook my head, "no, I wanna finish it" I said, pulling away from his chest and pushing his hand down at the wrong time and jumping at what was on the screen and hiding back in his chest shaking a little and whining. "Okay, I'm turning it off," he said and turned the movie off, running his fingers through my hair. 
"You can always tell me to turn off what we're watching hun... Do you want to watch a scary movie you've already seen?" I sniffled a little and nodded quietly saying, "m sorry, I wanted to watch your favourite with you... And I was too scared..." I said looking down a little. He lifted my chin and smiled saying, "It's perfectly okay to be scared, hun. You just gotta tell me, and how about I tell you a secret, hmm?" He suggested and I nodded, "okay" I mumbled. "The first time watching it, I had to pause it and take a break" he said smiling at me. 
"Really?" I asked and he nodded smiling "Really, now how about we watch a scary movie we know we aren't scared of anymore, okay?" He said and I nodded, "okay" I replied, "that's my boy, which one?" I thought for a little and said, "Coralline!" Excited and he nodded getting up. "Okay hun" he replied and I smiled, watching as he set up the movie. "Remember when you made me watch this at night the first time and I was all freaked out?" Guzma reminded and I giggled nodding, "Mhmm!" I hummed, he smiled and shook his head turning the movie on and sitting back next to me. 
I snuggled up in his chest, watching the movie and smiling at Coraline and Wybie taking pictures of the slug. "Baba bug?" I asked and he smiled looking down at me "Yes, baby bug?" He replied and I put my head back on my chest, "just making sure" I said. I could almost hear his eyes rolling "What, making sure I haven't fallen asleep? I should be 'making sure' with you, bug" he said, getting playfully defensive and I giggled, "I love you, Daddy" I said, nuzzling into his chest, "Love you too, baby boy" he replied, holding me closer to him and I smiled. 
Not long after Coraline was pushed into the mirror and met the ghost children I started to feel tired, trying hard to stay awake. Guzma had noticed how I was acting and paused the movie, "Noo!" I whined, rubbing my sleepy eyes, "Want to go to bed, hun?" He asked and I shook my head, "not yet" I huffed and he chuckled a deep chuckle that shook his chest, "too bad, we're going to bed and we can finish Coraline later, hun" he said, picking me up and bringing me to bed, we were already in our jammies and I smiled as he cuddled with me and I got one of my stuffies to also cuddle with as I slowly fell asleep snuggled into his chest. 
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morganski-19 · 1 year
Steddie Week Day 5: Established Relationship
The sun streams through the widow of their bedroom, hitting Steve right in the eyes. He slowly wakes with a long groan, squeezing his eyes shut to avoid the sun. He rolls over, facing the man who lies next to him. All sprawled out on the bed, Eddie lays on his stomach, one arm probably hanging off the side, the other one tugging what are most of their blankets toward him. His face is covered by strands of brown curls, one stuck to the corner of his mouth. 
Steve laughs to himself, the sight of his boyfriend in a deep sleep always amuses him, even though it’s the same every morning. They would fall asleep together, whichever one of them got home the latest would slide into bed and pull the other close so they knew they were home, and then drifted apart in their sleep. Eddie would always end up taking most of the bed, and the blankets because he is always cold, while Steve would be left with only a small sliver on the side. Not that he complained too much, it made it easier for him to get up when he had to, and gave him an excuse to get closer to Eddie when he didn’t. Not that he needed an excuse for that one. 
He pulls the blankets out of Eddie’s grip, sliding himself closer to him, and throwing an arm across Eddie’s back. Eddie stirs, pulling Steve closer and placing his head on Steve’s chest. Steve brushes the hair out of his face, running his hand through it and gently taking apart the small knots. 
“Mornin’,” Eddie mumbles, sleep coating his voice. He slowly blinks his eyes open, immediately shutting them when the sun hits them. “Oh ow. Fucking sun.”
Steve chuckles. “Yeah, the curtain was open.”
“Why didn’t you go shut it then?” Eddie shoves his head between Steve’s side and his arm.
“I could go close it now.” He starts to push Eddie off of him and moves to the edge of the bed to get up. 
“Noo,” Eddie slurs, pulling Steve back to him and hugging him close. 
Steve smiles. “I can’t shut it if you don’t let me go.”
“Then don’t go fucking shut it then.” Eddie shoves his head against Steve’s neck, nosing at his shoulder. 
He leans down and kisses the top of Eddie’s head. Calmness flows through Steve as he feels like he could spend forever in this moment. A low rumble comes from Steve’s stomach, reminding him that he has to get up eventually.
“Jesus, I felt that,” Eddie laughs, propping up to look at Steve. He pushes a strand of hair behind Steve’s ear, leaning down to kiss him, Steve sighing into it. “Hi,” he whispers when he pulls away, pressing their foreheads together. 
“Hi,” Steve returns. “Wanna get off of me so I can go make breakfast?”
Eddie dramatically rolls his eyes. “Fine,” he groans. He rolls off of Steve, burying himself in the blankets again. Steve laughs to himself, finally pulling himself for the bed and making his way to the kitchen. 
He starts a pot of coffee before grabbing the eggs. Cracking them into a pan, he lets them start to sizzle before placing some pieces of bread into the toaster. The door of their bedroom creaks open when the coffee stop dripping, Eddie stumbles into the kitchen. He pours the coffee into two mugs, making Steve’s before he makes his own. 
Placing it on the counter next to Steve, he wraps his arm around his waist, pressing a kiss to Steve’s shoulder. “Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
Steve's heart fills with the most familiar warmth he’s ever had. Because this is his life. Just him and Eddie in their apartment, waking up to the same routine every morning. Their lives filled with people they love, and who love them. It’s all Steve ever wanted, to be happy with someone like this. If all of his days began like this one did, with the same warmth waiting for him, then he couldn’t ask for anything more. 
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