#I am really bad at dialouge ok
catlover4536 · 1 year
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@themissbanshee Your fem!wally design is so precious to me-
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anemonet · 5 months
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oh my god thats so sweet of you!!!! thank you :DD also super sorry for deleting your ask btw
To get down to business well uh iterators huh, so I can tell you have read some of my ramblings before (very fun) and I will say in general I stand by those ideas - model differences and stuff - with some smaller changes here and there, for instance I made pebbles antennas stupidly long cause I think it looks funny - plus tons of tiny refinements, but generally I dont have too much to add unless theres something specific your wondering about - so I wont focus to much on that. Instead I'm gonna chat a bit about the other stuff you mentioned (NSH and wire headwear) ^-^ so heres the guys! (I'm gonna expand a bit on their design designs)
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Ok so you have actully managed to point out something I really hoped no one would notice, which is that I never draw No Significant Harrasment (NSH) - who I hope you meant when you asked about sig, if not then dont look at me - and that is because I despise him with my whole heart. Or well, his design, the character is fine but I cannot draw this guy, I hate his colour scheme and his stupid little cape and why is his head symbols green on green - who allowed this - and in general we are not friends, which is a pity because I have alot of headcanons about him. But as you can see above I have semi settled on a design for him (note the semi, I am not super happy about it) and I do have some toughts and explanations.
So first of, I put NSH as being from the same model generation as suns - so predecessing moon and pebs by a bit - with older designs that have a larger focus on "religious stuff" combined with the anchients overall bonkers fashion sense - more is more - if you wanna read more about that its in this post about suns.
- I would also, this is a side note btw, like to mention I think having them being older models gives room to have some key differences between the oldies (NSH and suns) and the youngsters-ish (moon and pebs) in that one, they have older machinery and also early machinery which means both rougher quality and more wear and tear - which I like to think give them both the idea of slugcats as messangers earlier than most, as they knew their easily damaged functions (broadcast masts for example) would not last forever, which gives them a reason to want to solve it (by breeding scugs I guess) and added onto that I - and this is pure headcanon and speculation - like to imagine a lot of the "taboos" that pebbles and moon have - or well that I speculate they have, the no killing yourself or harming citizens taboo is confirmed canon, but I dont think its farfetched to asume they have other restrictions programmed - something that would most likely be added in later modles, but would be absent in the earlier ones like suns and NSH (not the earliest models but early) which theoreticly would give them a bit more leeway and "creative freedom", which ok why am I talking about this back to why NSH looks like that. -
Back to that, so suns and NSH will share design similarities: lack of face (to represent a lack of ego), lots of robes and layers, which leads us into the slightly more relevant sidenote of iterator clotheing:
So fashion comes and goes in cycles, your mom rebeled against her grandmothers clothing choises and is horrified when that fashion comes back via her daughter who think it looks cool again (20 year old rule or whatever) and that also applies to iterator design (look at that old suns ask for more info on this). So while I have talked about general trends a little, now I wanna talk about waistlines - in robes, because I have wanted an exscuse to talk about it, I be brief promise!
: so like you probably havent noticed all my iterators have different waistlines, or at least the ones from different generations - ignore moon, I'm a no robe for moon beliver, I like to draw joints and wires to much to give her robes - and I will sadly report I have not looked to closely at actual anchient fashion for the choises I made, but well cant have everything. So the most notable is probably pebbles, where I, ok Imostly fell for temptation of a modern highwaist cut, which while moslty being about my own tatse, also is an atempt to convey some form of "modernity" because while its a bright orange robe on a robot, it has a similar cut to highwaisted jeans. Which gives the silhoute from a couple years ago with a big bulky upper body and stick legs. But pebbles isnt intresting in that way, no its because every other design is a resistence against that.
And this again leads into the cycles of fashion. Because we know iterators were built under many cycles - however long those are - so we can asume it will be kinda like how fashion has changed from the 11th centrury to now. Which gives to reason that iterators have been dressed differently too. This added with that - from what I understood - different iterator cities (colonies) had different cultures (boradcast, red, in sky islands) all this then makes me kinda figure that the iterators should have different robes. Yes that was a long winded way to say that characters look different.
So back to waistlines and how their all anti pebbles robes - the most notable difference is of course suns, who has no waistline. They are not only without to create a bigger difference between them and pebbles, but to also lean a bit on - and this might not be the same for every culture - but on the general idea that older clothes were more "modest" or in this case, there are more layers and any hints of there being a body under there is desperatly covered. and that "modern clothes" have less layers and have show more skin - not that pebble is showing skin, but hes wearing one robe instead of seven. So with that the idea that suns is older is conveyed a little bit at least, and the same then applies to NSH. NSH while also having lots of layers, is different from suns by having an empire waistline, mostly because I think their cute and need them to look different, but also to give a hint that they have different city fashion cultures and also because when I see empire waists i think old paintins and old paintings=old.
-also while I'm on the subject of cultural differences between iterator facilities. Can we talk about how we only really get to see anchient society as its presented in moon and pebbles (shared?) facility. So really its very possible the whole aestetic is complelty different like five local groups away. Food for thought. -
So faceless and robe-rich is a similarity between suns and NSH, and I could mention many more, but I'm gonna restrain myself and only talk about headphones. As you can tell I - and most fanartist here - like to draw their antennas differently for all of them! which is also canon, but I also ignored canon so were gonna talk about it. Mostly the antennas give room for some fun mini details, like how moons look like wings or fins while suns are just sunbeams.
Anyhow so most people make NSH bald, me included, mostly because the super cool official art of him gives him no antennas (sad). I asume that means he works via bluetooth.
(I was about to start speculating about their headphones but that got to boring even for me so sorry if your super intrested in why iterators probably have headphones)
But I had a ulterior motive with bringing up the headphones - and not only to be able to point out moons antenna, which I delight in drawing - but also so that I can transition into the second part of this way to long response! itertors hairdos... wire-dos? basicly this \/
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(im reusing my wip because these are a pain to draw so we use what we have - I coloured them in a bit for better oversight.)
(also I was gonna start talking about if iterators would actully do personalisations like this - as we can argue about if they concepulize themself as their puppets and see a meaning to decorating them - I would argue yes but also its complicated- and also explain how iterators have different prefernces, which I realised most people probably already asume so I didnt need to explain that - anyhow so that got to long so I'm not gonna get into it. Instead were gonna go into this section with the assumptions that they do fun things with their wires. and also that the wires connect to their nape and backhead instead of their back or spine.)
So to me th biggest thing to remember when we talk about potetial wire headwear is that:
- iterators live 24/7 without gravity and because of that cannot be bothered by to heavy headwear, therefore theres rooms for them and anchients (and me) to get funky with it without having to concider gravity.
-anchients wore absurdly many decorations - and while giving iterators flashy decorations does take away from my earlier statement that they were based on more humble monk stuff, we are going to asume they used the fancy headwear for cermonies and festivals (which we also know anchients did) and that it was used for showcasing and fun. If some iterators preffered to keep them afterwards is another query.
So with that in mind lets break these headwear thingies down!! :D
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so as you can (hopefully) tell there three components in the headwear. The headphones that are different depending on iterator and are not removable (or as unremovable a computer part can be). Then theres the actual headpieces that keeps the wires togheter. These can be switched out and changed depending on whats preffered - also I drew them in gold but any material works, if were being closer to canon they would probably be made of some purposed organism and maybe be neon pink - theres also pearls dangling from them because its a perfect opertunity. Third theres probably the part I think is the most fun which is the actual wires. They obviously go through the headpieces and then are set free via wiretassles (that also comes in different forms) and after that is where my own speculations about wires comes in. Which is really simple in that iterators can most probably move the wires at will - they can control their arm thing, pearls and other objects in their chambers, reasonably they can move the wires - and I think its fun if different iterators move them differently. Like suns keeps them straight and neat, or pebbles moves them in syncronized formations or moon who just lets them hang, so many oppertunities ok ( you can see the general idea in the drawing). The wires then connect to their movement arms and connect to the mainframe.
And thats kinda about it? I dont have like anything super intresting to say about just the hairdos other than that I think its very fun and also that everyone is sleeping on wire customizations I am obbsessed with the idea send help.
Ok I think I'm done chatting!! Hope your still here and that this wasnt insufferable to read. Uh, thanks for the ask :D
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(NSH for your enjoyment)
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squid-ink-symphony · 1 year
im really liking story mode and splatoon 2 in general so far, and i just got to the 4th area, so here are some random thoughts i have on it in no particular order.
I rlly like that Marie is basically the only other character here. I may be biased cuz she's my second fav character (shiver is number one ofc) but i just rlly like her commentary. But not have Callie here to also say random stuff is kinda sad..... Like at first i was like yessss lets go only Marie(no offense, i love callie). But i miss her :(
I may be one of the few sheldon enjoyers as someone who actually likes reading all his dialogue, so i appreciate him also being here.
THIS IS HARD. I know i suck at video games... but some of these levels just feel so LONG. And making me fight enemy octolings with a charger is evil. Anyway yeah i need some easier levels spread out between these like splat 3 had. Cuz this is..... not good. I have to keep taking breaks cuz the long levels do be mentally taxing. Like hello this is funny squid game i cant be bad at smth intended for kids. I havent straight up failed a level yet but ive come close.
Hello?????? The ruins of ark whatever its called salmon run map is so cool????? Why dont we have this in splat 3 yet. Its so fun.
speaking of salmon run, not being able to throw eggs or have the movement of splat 3 is so cursed. like, what do u mean thats not a thing????
Yeah the not being able to do the lil charge thing up wallls is so unsatistfying.....
I had to play as a guy cuz i wanted my splat 3 hair. (the ponytail) which i dont usually care about in games, but the girl inklings have cuter voices.... Oh well i am a dude now lol. Luckily gender is a game to me so i dont actually care other than the voice difference
Pearl and Marina my beloveds.... HOW COME WE DONT DONT GET STAGE SPECIFIC DIALOUGE IN SPLAT 3????? not only do deep cut not get many chances to speak in story mode they also have repetitive news segments...... so sad.. its ok i still love them. But yeah i love these funny creechurs. why are they like that. they say so many insane things. pearl and marina are so funky :D
Forcing me to use the hero charger for certain levels is so evil and messed up. I only like dualies, rollers, and sometimes brella. They cant do this to me.. I cannot aim....
As with splat 3 i am enamored with the backgrounds in the story mode levels themselves. i love just wasting like 5 mins just staring at them. I want to make literally any of them my desktop background but idk how to get a good pic of them.... man especially the upside down city looking one in 3. its so pretty and just UGH ITS SO GOOOD/
I am so poor..... what do u mean clothes cost money/?? i have to play the game??? all i want is to dress up my funny lil squid... i need a splatoon spinoff that is just a casual game thats like a dress up/room decoration game. maybe w like a cooking minigame too. thats ideal. like animal crossing or smth but squids. Shooting ppl is stressful.... (dont ask me why i play splatoon if i dont like combat cuz its scary. i couldnt tell u)
WHY ARE ALL THE INK COLORS IN THIS GAME SO MUCH PRETTIER THAN THE SPLAT 3 ONES???? ITS NOT FAIR. Some of these blue's are so pretty... i want...
none of the multiplayer maps have rlly stuck out to me in any way. Like they all just kinda feel the same lol. I think like maybe one or two i thought were cool? but idk the names. i def like the aesthetic of a lot of them.
I wanna just try all the weapons and specials but noooooo i gotta level up. just gimme everything ok
i also wanna explore the stages but as far as i know there isnt recon. I was just gonna do a private battle but turns out u cant do those w one person. And i was so excited cuz there were splatfest stages availbe too...... so sad i just wanna check out the maps but idk how to/if i can do that.....
the amount of times ive fallen off the map in the main level select area of story mode is more than i can count. its not even funny at this point
I also just cannot find some of the scrolls/sardines in some levels despite playing them mulitiple times. Not to just expose myself as incompetent over and over today, but i am 100% gonna need to look up a guide cuz i do not have the patience for this.
Also the rhythm game is surprisingly one of my fav things so far??? Like i am having the most fun ever with this thing. I want it in splat 3 so bad w all the new songs. Its actually just so fun. Like idk maybe better than story mode somehow. Maybe i just have my priorities wrong tho lol
Anyway yeah tats all i have 2 say for now... I think. idk im having fun w the game so yeah
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graceful-not · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your followers.
Ok so!;
- Im pretty(...?) (everytime I take off my mask my friends are always like: ":0!!!!! Wow ur so pretty" and Im like: "aw thanks haha u said that last time ur so nice 😭") but that BEING SAID..... I also have no frame of reference because apparently everyone else can just. Tell when someone's cute or handsome or attractive and Like. Yeah. People are pretty but uh. I don't. Get it. When you gush over specific ones. Like yeah that's a Guy. He's not wearing cool clothes so I don't...? Yeah ok he's got cheekbones. So do you. Uh. ._.
However I do think my sona looks cool and that's all that matters
- I'm smart!!!! NO, Im not talking about knowledge wise, though I do have a lot of random facts stored away in here, I'm saying I'm pretty intuitive!!! Like Uh. I can figure shit out. Y'know. I'm more people-smart than plain old analytics smart, and I'm notoriously bad at math or anything resembling math (formulas. AUGH.) And I'm. Bad at telling time, BUT..... I have a really strong passion for learning and am good at memorizing small facts.
- IMPROVVVVVV I'm very good at improv and persuading/lying to people haha. I have this thing that I slip into sometimes that I call "lawyer voice" where I. Just. Talk like Lawyers in misappropriated TV series'...like with big words and the same inflection for every sentence and like. "On the other hand," "So you can tell why," "And that brings me to my next point," "Similarly,".... You get the gist. I think it's sorta a defense mechanism because it helps. People not misunderstand what I'm saying... Either that or they just don't understand Period, but it's a win over being misunderstood, which I think is my brains worst fear. ALSO I JUST LOVE IMPROV LIKE roleplaying......... hHFBDDBGDVDVDVD💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💖💖💖💖✨✨✨✨
- im good at reading people I think. Like I've been jokingly accused of mind reading over text multiple times when I was able to put what they were feeling into words when they couldn't figure it out. Also people confide in me a LOT, and I love giving advice and being a shoulder to lean on so!!! It's great!!! Supporting people and being supported.... Gmf fnv. Gmf......💖💖💖💖💖💖
- UHHHHHH IM REALLY GOOD AT WRITING AND Ione of my biggest strengths in writing is my ability to write characters and DIALOUGE!!!!!!
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baekhvuns · 1 year
ok so hear me out...
This week has been...ASTOUNDING!
First of all we had exo's cb which i was surprised to see because ok i was hoping for it but not that damn early 😭😭😭BUT my ears have been blessed. What am i saying? Does exo ever disappoint? NOO or maybe it's just that i don't like crticizing bcz if i am in love with a grp i would go down the gates of hell.
i watched MORE MOVIES!! YAY!! starting the week off with devdas, bro....i wont say i loved it or hated it. I was somewhere in the middle but it's srk so what cn i say?? THE COSTUMESS?? THE SET DESIGNS?? THE JEWELLERY?? omggg and the actresses?? Dude i have never seen an indian actress who isn't close to being a literal goddess, I think i do know about the first love interest. She's..OH YES SHE WAS IN PINK PANTHER! i just remembered it- and the songs and dialouges "LOVE IS THE SHADOW OF THE SOUL!!" 😭 indian movies are like musicals.
but some scenes were abrupt i mean how does tht candle not extuingishhh?? tht was kind of physics defying but hey they're trying to show the power of love. AND ONE MORE THING THE WAY THE FIRST LOVE INTEREST REMEMBERS THE AMT OF DAYS THEY'VE BEEN APART- PEAK OBSESSESION. However, ik this movie will hold a place in my heart. Srk was so emo in this-
then i watched shershah...it was based on a true story?....i cried, i wailed, i sobbed, my heart hurt, my chest ached and...it helped me see the movie from a broader perspective and not just the life of the mc. Like for soldiers, this is how their life is yk? and their families...as much as they're proud its equally heart-wrenching for them. AND THE MAIN LEADS GOT MARRIED?? at least we got them as a couple, hope they stay happy forever in along healthy relationship.
i also watched bajirao mastani and....what was tht movies?? OH aligarh one? so many different genres combined in a week. It was a rollercoaster for my emotions AND ATEEZ DIDNT MAKE IT ANY BETTER?? SEONGHWA RAPPER??? MINGI COWBOY??? SAN UNDERGROUND FIGHTER??? OH LORD-
the song has it's perks ok? it's not bad and its addicitve but at first i did think the ending was a bit messy, even the intro like i didnt even know when the song started, hwa gv me an attack BUT it was experimental ig idk? i hope we have another mv for either outlaw or this world bcz i cant live with the fact tht SUCH AMAZING SONGS WERE LEFT AND K-HOT CHILLI PEPPER GOT A MV??
the mv was dynamic tho. In concl. i liked it , didn't love it. It was def, not vocal heavy but more focused on the hiphop and rap element which is fine but...oh to hv the old ateez back. I would ascend if they released something like utopia or aurora again.
but yesss this has been my week in the entertainment section of life.(❁´◡`❁) and waiting for your works miss baeksyyy. Really dont be nervous. Idc if you take even 2 or more years to release it as long ik you're here and cmon i mean it's BAEKHVUNS WORKS ILL READ IT GODDAMIT EVEN IF U THINK ITS NOT GOOD BCZ U WROTE IT OFC U WOULD THINK ITS NOT GOOD but...its. going. to. be. my. holy. grail.
no bc that exo pre release had my ears thanking me to listen to it 😭😭 cannot wait for the comeback bc u know they will always deliver amazing albums !!!! no bc i would 100% go to hell for exo & shinee
AAAAAA U DID !!!!! AND DEVDAS??? 😩😩😩😩 he served such a disney prince vibe in it AND THE ACTRESSES ????? LORD HAVE MERCY THEY REALLY ATE GODDESSES A MISS UNIVERSE (yES THE PINK PANTHER LADY she’s so god damn stunning omg i cry every time i see her,, miss femme fatale) AND A DANCE LEGEND?? omg the dresses, the jewelry the emotion !!! they really are like musicals this one esp bc it was homage to shakespearean play!! i also do not know if u noticed this but
yeah shershaah, i also cried sobbed screamed and then doubled bc it was a true story 😭😭😭😭😭 the last scene where the music drops and the flashbacks happen and it’s his final rites and the actress runs in—
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YESS THEY GOT MARRIED RECENTLY !!!!! and they did a version of a song from that movie but made it happier! ur right, in war no one wins,,, what got me was the soldier who hadn’t held his daughter since she was born and he was so excited to- and 😭😭 he 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
that bajirao mastani movie (the lead actors are actually married too fbwndhwj they met on a previous film by the same director who’s also the director of devdas) YEAAAAAAH cheating trope but so poetically done >>> YEAH AND ALIGARH BEING BASED ON A TRUE STORY SCREAMED CRIED HOW ARE PPL SO VILE
ATEEZ. MINGI RAPPER, SEONGHWA RAPPER??? SAN???? HONGJOONGS COCKY ASS ???? 😩😩 the song does have its perks,,,, when hongjoong says slow it down make it bouncy- that part especially! i think the only song i rly liked the was the world and outlaw,,, it also felt like the last albums’s dupe im sorry 😭😭😭 i just really wish ateez do r&b’s, pop’s edm’s, dance music… my wish is to have them get someone who chooses sm artists bsides like imagine ateez w songs like exo’s oasis,, rv’s i just, shinee’s body rhythm, or taemin’s heaven! or even nct’s magic carpet ride???? 😭😭😭 RIGHT I WOULD ACTUALLY BUY 15 ALBUMS IF THEY BRING SONGS LIKE TREASURE WHERE THEY HAD THEIR VOCALS AND ONE DREAM AND UTOPIA OUT LIKE THAT WAS THE PINNACLE OF ATZ 🤚🏻🤚🏻
the vocal yeaaaahh,,, it’s the reason i loved the exo song bc when i heard the vocals w nothing of auto tune or any sound editing,,, wow that was a breath of fresh air for me personally,,, raw vocals and a dream is what i wish kpop groups do like amaze us with your vocals GIVE US A MID SONG ACAPELLA??? oUu exo pls come back fast they need to show how it’s done
i hope ur week has been fun!!!! im so very nervous to post it like i have the teaser ready w all the tag list done and i just don’t have the courage anymore 😭😭😭 bUT I WILL POST IT this coming week somehow I AM HERE MY BRAIN WONT STOP WORKING UNTIL I LET ALL MY FICS OUT SO U DONT HAVE TO WORRY ABT THAT PART but thank u so much for sticking around really you’re so kind for those words <3333 thank u thank u so much 😭😭
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader (college Bucky AU) 
Word Count: 1,634
Summary: You and Bucky are kind of friends and it takes a shitty night and some soul searching on your part to make a big realization...
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ and the Surprise Drabble Challenge: Romcoms! This is such a fun idea and took me almost all week to figure out and decide on but I went with Clueless as my inspiration because it is definintely one of my favorites. So I used some dialouge straight out of the movie- so thank you to the writers, credit goes to them- and I kept the 90′s vibe but also updated a thing or two- hopefully it makes sense and works. Also, you can just imagine Bucky and the reader know each other in the same way Cher and Josh do in the movie- or whatever you want to think up- doesn’t really matter for this. And the reader is 18 and Bucky is maybe 19-20. Hope you enjoy and thank you all for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤
Warnings: Lots of teasing and banter, sassy talk, flirting, soft touches, lingering glances and a good kiss (and some bad and awesome 90s references) LOL :)
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As you walk down the sidewalk and search your bag for your phone you keep your eyes peeled on your dark surroundings, not wanting to draw attention but also not wanting to be taken by surprise. When your hand finally closes around your phone, you let out a breath and quickly dial the last person in the world you want to ask for help.
“Hello.” You pause at his slightly annoyed tone, pinching the bridge of your nose and smiling even though he can’t see it. “Hi Bucky. I was at a party and Brock offered to drive me home but then got too handsy and I told him no and he kicked me out of the car and left me out here all alone.” You can hear his breath hitch and the shuffling of sheets, “wait a second, hold on. Brock got handsy?! Are you ok? Where are you?”
“Downtown Brooklyn.” You suck your teeth and wait for him to unleash his frustration. “You owe me, you know that. Just find someplace to sit tight and be safe, I’ll be there as fast as I can.” With that he hangs up and you walk to the nearest gas station, standing outside the small mini mart next to the ice freezer. The fluorescent lights flicker every so often, creating an eerie atmosphere you can’t wait to get out of.
Bucky texts asking for your exact location and soon after you see his headlights pull into the station and he parks, rounding the car and rushing over to you. “Are you ok?” he asks, brushing his hand down the side of your face. “I’m fine, thank you for getting me. Can we go now?” He nods, looking you over once more before taking your hand and dragging you to the car.
He turns up the music and you make a face, earning a snicker from him. “What? You have a problem with oldies music?” Rolling your eyes, you sass back, “no Bucky, but I don’t know why you insist on making yourself seem like more of a bonehead than you already are.” He makes the music louder, completely ignoring your comment and singing along.
When you get home, you’re hungry and tired, quickly changing into less binding clothes and sitting next to Bucky on the couch. Taking some popcorn from the bowl you pop it in your mouth before snatching the remote from Bucky’s hand and changing the channel. “Hey, I was watching that.” You finish chewing and start brushing your hair, raising a brow his way, “I didn’t want to watch it. Don’t you watch anything other than the news?”
Bucky scoffs, looking to the TV then back to you. “I most certainly do, I just like to know what���s going on in the world, unlike you I don’t spend hours watching Parks and Rec.” Brushing your hair over your face you stick out your tongue, flipping your hair over and pinning it back. He throws a piece of popcorn at you, laughing when it sticks in your hair. You retaliate by taking your scrunchie and flinging it at his head, hitting him right in the ear.
“Look, I’m just curious. How many hours a day do you spend grooming yourself? He picks up the scrunchie and takes his short hair between his fingers, trying and failing miserably at putting it on. You lean over and brush your fingers through his hair not noticing how his eyes trail down your body and he takes a quiet inhale while you secure the scrunchie. “There you go,” you giggle. He pats the top of his head and shrugs, turning back to the TV.
The next day you find yourself feeling a bit down. Last night’s events catch up with you and you know the reason you had agreed to go home with Brock was out of loneliness. Brock’s advances were unwelcome, and he is the last person you want to date but as you think about at your friends, their happy relationships flourishing, you realize you want a boyfriend of your own. You couldn’t figure it out, what were you doing wrong? Were you just totally clueless?
Even after arriving home and trying to relax your mind was still occupied with thoughts from earlier and you barely heard Bucky when he walked outside to the pool. “Hey there, whatcha doin’?” You looked up, pulling your sunglass down your nose, “what the hell is on your face?” Bucky rubs his jaw and shuffles his feet. “I’m growing a goatee.” You stand and pinch his chin between your fingers, “Oh that’s good. You don’t want to be the last one at the coffee house without chin pubes.”
Walking away you feel him following you, rolling your eyes and letting the door shut in his face. “You know, you could try saying something nice for a change.” You whirl around, suddenly feeling shaky, “oh, so now I’m this awful person who isn’t nice! Can’t you take a joke?” He brushes past you and storms to the fridge, yelling, “you’re such a brat” before slamming it shut and walking out.
You’re left standing in the kitchen with an overwhelming sense of ickiness. Deciding a walk might do you some good you head outside and start down the street, no particular destination in mind. Even after you end up on 5th avenue and do some shopping you can’t shake the bad feeling. “Why should I care what Bucky thinks?” You say it out loud to no one while standing on a busy street corner, working over your thoughts.
“He listens to oldies music and he’s a hideous dancer, couldn’t take him anywhere. Wait a second. What am I stressing about? This is like, Bucky.” You’re so lost in your internal struggle that you don’t even realize you’ve walked into the street, a strong arm pulling you back at just the last moment, saving you from being run over by a cab. “Hey, watch where ya going girlie.” You suck in a breath and back up, stuttering “thank you,” as the man walks away shaking his head.
Once your breathing finally evens out the light goes on, “oh my god. I love Bucky. I majorly, totally, butt crazy in love with Bucky.” For the first time all day your head feels clear and you make your way back home. Seeing that you’re alone for the moment you head upstairs and change, hoping to have some peace for the rest of the evening so you can work through this newfound revelation.
Unfortunately, when you go to the kitchen for a snack Bucky appears to be in the same spot you left him earlier. “Hey,” you say quietly, shuffling around and opening all the cabinets. Now you don’t know how to act around him. Normally you would strut around him in your cutest outfits and send yourself flowers and chocolate, but you can’t do that stuff with Bucky. “What’s with you? You seem quiet.” Bucky’s question lays hanging in the thick air between you, your eyes wide as you search for an acceptable response.
He walks by, poking your as side as he passes and goes to sit on the couch. You bravely sit next to him, wringing your hands together and trying to think of what to say. He nudges your foot with his and you break into a smile, nudging his back until it becomes a game of footsie. He pulls the hair tie from the bottom of one of your braids, wrapping it around his thumb, “you look like pippy long stockings.”  
You turn to him and flick the brim of his hat, “and you look like Forest Gump.” His lips turn up slightly and he takes off his hat, running his hand over his hair. Without realizing it you start to take out your braids and comb your fingers through your hair to tousle it. Bucky’s gaze settles on your movements and he licks his lips, opening his mouth to say something but your phone rings.
You look at it but don’t pick up and he raises his brows, “not gonna answer? What if you miss out on something?” Giving his shoulder a shove, you let out a squeak when he grabs your wrist and pulls you closer. “I can’t believe you didn’t answer it. You must really like spending time with me. What brought on the change?” With his face only inches from yours it’s hard to concentrate but you manage to find your voice, “I always like hanging out with you.”
He shifts position so his hand cradles the back of your neck, “oh yea? And why is that?” Shrugging you say, “you’re funny…sometimes. And you have rescued me more than once…andddd…” He leans in a little closer, his breath fanning your cheek, “that’s it?” Your eyes drop to his lips, “well no, but what about you?”
His thumb gently caresses your jaw, “what about me what?” Your hand lands on his chest, fingers curling into this shirt, “why do you like hanging out with me?” His head tilts ever so slightly and his lashes lower when his nose brushes yours, “I never said I like hanging out with you.” Your hand tightens around his shirt and your lips touch in a barely there kiss, his words whispered in the small space left between, “I love hanging out with you.”
Heat rises from your stomach to your chest when Bucky’s lips press firmly to yours, the soft and warm touch making your heart skip a beat. By the time you realize it your hands are already in his hair and your legs are straddling his lap. Bucky deepens the kiss, stealing your breath, the smell of him hypnotic and the taste of him nearly silencing all other thoughts.
@aesthetical-bucky​ @auro-ora​ @bugsbucky​ @buckys-henley​ @book-dragon-13​ @buckys-broody-muffin​ @buckys-minty-breath​ @breezy1415​ @buckstaybucky​ @buckosawrus​ @chuuulip​ @eurynome827​ @hiddles-rose​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @hawksmagnolia​ @ikaris-whore​ @itsunclebucky​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewels2876​ @loricameback​ @lorilane33​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @lokilvrr​ @mushyjellybeans​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @tuiccim​ @the-wayward-robot​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @yansi1923​
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bokoutoe-retired · 4 years
— dialouge prompt list
send in any number with any character! and if you come up with something not on the list feel free to send in a request with it anyways, i’d be happy to write it :) also you’ll notice there’s a lot more fluff than angst prompts because i’m a big baby smh
fluff/funny prompts
1. i’ll feel much better if you let me walk you home.
2. i wanted to say i love you for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.
3. apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.
4. “i really want to kiss you right now” ”do it then”
5. “are you flirting with me? “you finally noticed?”
6. i’ve been falling in love with you since the first day we met
7. sorry… your hair was in your face… thought I should move it so I could see you better.
8. how much did you drink?
9. aw, you’re so cute.
10. what did you do?
11. that is the opposite of what i told you to do.
12. well, it’s the thought that counts.
13. okay, where are all my hoodies?
14. oh, you’ve started stealing my socks now?
15. yeah, okay, but i’m cooler.
16. you owe me a kiss.
17. yeah, well, if you weren’t so drunk maybe i would.
18. that’s not even fair.
19. have i ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?
20. ew, that is so sappy, i might vomit.
21. you’re not very intimidating.
22. i love you.
23. well the probability of that is 0, but you go ahead.
24. that was, by far, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.
25. why don’t you take a picture? it’ll last longer.
26. well, i am pretty irresistible.
27. detention? again?
28. wait! Please don’t pull away... not yet.
29. get that thing away from me!
30. you’re lucky i love you.
31. are you flirting with me?
32. hug me and maybe i’ll change my mind.
33. stop, it tickles!
34. did you just throw a spoon at me?
35. i think i might love you.
36. can i hold your hand?
37. have you seen my-…nevermind, it looks better on you anyways.
38. i’d never let anything happen to you.
39. you want to play with my hair?
40. i wanna marry you so bad
41. just kiss me already
42. cuddles and movies?
43. i love you to the moon and back
44. you’re stealing the blankets
45. you look so beautiful
46. home is wherever you are
47. stop stealing my clothes!
48. just let me kiss you, damnit!
49. are those flowers for me?
50. if you get hurt i’ll kill you
51. i’ll always be here for you, ok?
52. ou’re always welcome to hug me
53. i’d rather jump out the window, thanks.
54. stop petting me, i'm not a cat.
55. do that again, you DIE.
56. put your clothes back on!
57. come here, it's alright
58. please don't cry
59. you always smell nice
60. i just wanna be in your arms
61. kiss me goodbye?
62. you saved me
63. it's ok, i've got you
64. call me when you get there
65. you're the one who married me!
66. you don't have to apologise around me
67. i have no idea what you're talking about
68. “you're such a silly goose” “silly goose?”
69. i wish you could see yourself through my eyes
70. why do you have to look at me like that? It’s making me weak, please stop.
71. i’ve realised that you keep interrupting my daily and, holy shit, do ilove it.
72. is this the moment that we kiss?
73. look at me. i love you.
74. what took you so long? i missed you…
75. i know you’re working, but can i come over because i miss seeing your face?
76. i think I’m in love with you and i don’t know what to do.
77. i know you don’t like labels, so will you be my married-person-thing?
78. are you going to kiss or keep staring?
79. please just look at me while i confess, after that you can look anywhere you like, i swear.
80. don’t hesitate, just kiss me.
81. everytime I look at you, i think i fall a little more in love.
82. you’re more than you think of yourself. you’re everything to me.
83. you’re the best thing that has, and ever will, happen to me.
84. you keep saying that we’re friends but you look at me for a moment too long for that to be true.
85. not only am i deeply in love with you, you’re my best friend.
86. the things I would do just to see your face right now.
87. can you stay the night?
88. call me everyday, I just need to know you’re okay.
89. i know you think we aren’t right for each other, but we’ve run into each other too many times for you to tell me that this isn’t fate.
90. you keep that photo of us in your wallet?
91. don’t pretend that you don’t feel the same way.
92. i never thought we’d end up together, but here you are confessing everything to me.
angst prompts
93. people like me aren’t supposed to have someone like you
94. don’t leave me like that again, you scared me.
95. please come home, this doesn’t feel right.
96. don’t touch me, you lost that privilege when you let her/him into our bed.
97. you just keep acting like everything’s fine! It’s not fine!
98. i don’t have the energy to yell at you, you’re not worth it anyway.
99. you broke me! you ruined everything we had and- for what?
100. i wish you’d just leave me alone.
101. you really were the worst thing to ever happen to me
102. don’t look at me like you’re sorry. you’re not sorry.
103. i can’t believe i was ever stupid enough to think i knew you.
104. yell at me, scream until your throat hurts!
105. you lied! you lied again and i fell for it!
106. it was an accident!
107. did you think i was going to hit you?
108. anything- anything- but this!
109. the worst part was that I saw it coming, i knew you’d hurt me, hurt us, but i still kept you around.
110. just pretend we’re okay, just for tonight.
111. so none of it was real? you didn’t mean any of it?
112. you’re the last person i want to talk to right now.
113. have you ever thought that maybe you’re the problem?
114. all these people keep leaving and you keep acting surprised.
115. i wish a lot of things, but most of all, i wish you didn’t hate me.
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sarah-writes-marvel · 3 years
Interogation: Avengers x Fem!Reader
S.S: This one is a little cringe worthy, its got a lot of Pintrest writing dialouge in it so just caution of that! But hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Knife, Blood (kinda), cringe.....
Word Count: 1,624
I settled onto the couch, in my plush baby blue PJ pants and an oversized sweater, and my wet hair still dripping onto my shoulder. The team had just returned from a rather difficult mission and everyone was exhausted. Slowly one by one, each Avengers walked into the room, decked out in their own pajamas, and freshly showered.
“What are we watching?” Tony inquired as he took a seat in his chair.
“Something funny. I need a laugh.” Clint insisted.
Nat took the remote from my hands, most likely growing impatient with my slow picking and ran through the movies, clicking on one of the funnier ones that we had all seen once or twice.
“I hate to interrupt.” Fury’s voice traveled through the living room, eliciting groans from everyone. “Don’t worry I just need Agent L/n.” 
“For what?” I question, from my slumped state on the couch.
“An interrogation.” 
“You can’t get someone else to do it?” I asked peering over the back of the couch to see him dressed in his usual trench coat.
“Already had our best people try.” He admitted. I toss the blanket that I had snuggled under off onto Bucky who sat next to me.
“Alright, let me go change,” I grumbled.
“Wait, if your best guys have already tried, why send in Y/n/n? No offense, but isn’t she a little inexperienced in that category.” Nat questioned.
“Gee, thanks. I’m not just a good shot Nat. I’ve got tricks.” I smirked before walking back to my room to change from my cozy jammies. I could hear the questions through the hall and Fury staying silent, causing irritation amongst the group.
I was quick to change into black high waisted jeans, a light blue shirt tucked into the waistband, and shrugged on my leather jacket and pulled on my heeled black combat boots, slipping a small pocket knife between my ankle and leather. Adding mascara and running my hands through my wet hair I decided I was good to go.
I was never one to look or be menacing. I was the sweetheart of the group, I wore bright colors, found the silver lining of everything. I did my best not to focus on all the bad around me, which was maybe power in itself considering what I’ve experienced. 
“Alright, let’s get this over with.” I groaned walking into the living room. 
“Wow. You should wear black more often. You look good.” Sam commented.
“Thanks but it’s not really my style. Unless it’s needed.” I informed. “Y’all coming or something.” 
The group was standing next to Fury, each had their arms crossed or their hand placed on their hips.
“Yes. We want to make sure you’ll be ok.” Steve stated.
“I just want to watch. It’ll be entertaining.” Tony chuckled, I assumed because he believed that I’d walk out of the room defeated.
“Alright, but no intervening with my interrogation.” I laid the ground rule. Each nodded, some after a little bit of hesitation but agreed nonetheless. “Good.”
We stood on the one-sided mirror, looking into the culprit. A hydra operative, who looked disgruntled, to say the least. Fury handed me the file with a grimace.
“Do you worst. Anything to get him to spill.” He instructed. I nodded in understanding before entering the room.
“Hello.” I greeted, looking through the file. “What’s your name?”
“Why don’t you just read it from the file?” his thick german accent spit.
“Because I dont like conducting interviews like that. I like to see other perspectives first.” I informed, with a small smile.
“Atticus Kahl.”
“I’m Y/n L/n. You can call my Y/n if you would like, or agent if that suits you.” I say as I take a seat across from the man. “I assume you probably know why I’m here talking to you.”
“I will never tell Hydra’s secrets. My loyalty lies with them.” he sneers.
“Alright, we’ll just see about that,” I say with a sickeningly sweet voice. “So I see here that you were a top officer. That must’ve been a lovely privilege.”
“Yes, it was.”
“I’ll bet your wife was proud, to know that you had a commanding officer position amongst Hydra.”
“I don’t have a wife.” he sounded hurt, which he should be.
“Oh, oh I missed that here. It says you volunteered her for experimentation.” I looked at the file. “Oh my, and she died under the needle. I’m sure that was awful.”
“Yes. It was a tragedy, she would’ve been a wonderful asset.” He reminisces.
“I’m sure. Women tend to be very strong-willed. Perfect for the army, things like that. You never questioned your loyalty after they had essentially killed your wife?”
“They didn’t kill her, she was too weak. A woman on her own is weak, I was helping her become more.” 
“So are you insinuating that I am weak?” I question his misogynistic view.
“Unless you have a serum running through your bloodstream, yes.” his dark green eyes pierced mine.
“I love it when people underestimate me. It makes my job so much more fun.” I smiled. “Let’s continue. So you sacrificed your wife for experimentation, meaning Hydra is continuously trying to find the right serum.”
His eyes shifted away, giving away the obvious answer.
“Alright. So you want to let me in on that. I mean you were captain. I’m sure you got to see every failed attempt correct.”
“Like I’ve said before. I won’t betray Hydra. They will come for me.”
“Ya, and when they find you I’ll bet you that they kill you on the spot. Im sure they’d take me instead.” I laugh.
“What makes you believe that your life is worth more than mine?” He questioned leaning towards me.
“What makes you believe that your life is worth anything at all?” I reciprocated his actions. “You’re a pawn for Hydra. They gave you the responsibility of captain, expecting you not to fail and get captured. But here you are, sitting in front of me, spilling Hydra secrets chained to a table.”
He jerked towards me, expecting me to flinch at his immediate action but instead I smirked at him.
“That’s so cute. You think your scary, cause you work for Hydra. But sir, I’ve seen scary… and you ain’t got his smile. Now tell me more about the experiments and Hydra. I love learning.” I insisted.
“Go to hell.” he seethed.
“Sorry, I can’t. Satan still has a restraining order against me.” I retorted propping my feet onto the table. “You’re losing my interest and that’s very dangerous so I suggest you spill the Hydra secrets before I take drastic measures.”
We sat in silence for a solid five minutes before I took the knife from my boot, slamming into the table.
“Since it seems that you people respond best to displays of violence, the next time I set that knife down it’ll be through your hand,” I said pointedly.
“Awfully confident arent you?” he chuckled.
“Yes, my momma raised me to be confident. She taught me which dinner fork would be the most effective for killing a person. It was quite enlightening.” I threatened.
“You’re a psychopath.” 
“I prefer creative,” I said as I flipped the knife and stabbed it through his hand. His ear-piercing scream rang out. “Now talk. And think before you speak,” I hissed “the last person who lied to me got more than a stab to the hand. And I’m sure you’ll want your tongue so you can negotiate your life with your commander.”
The man paled and his terrified features caused a rush of adrenaline through my system. He immediately nodded his head, fear coursing through his veins.
“Good, let’s start from the beginning.”
A confession, diabolical plan (if you could call it that), and 30 minutes later I walked out of the interrogation room, facing the in awe Avengers.
“Here you go. Hope it’ll be enough. Just because he was a captain doesn’t mean he was let in on every secret.” I told Fury, handing him the file and the notes I had made.
“I realize that. It’ll be a start. Thank you. You all can return to your relaxation.”
“Dang I forgot my knife.” I groaned, staring into the room seeing my knife still stuck in the operative’s hand. “Oh well. Alright, movie time?” I asked turning back to the Avengers.
“Who the hell was that in there?” Nat questioned, in awe of my immediate change of personality.
“Uh, me. I dont understand what your asking.” I looked at her curiously.
“That is seemingly impossible. You are the definition of joy.” Thor added. I scoffed.
“Seriously, that person in there was terrifying,” Bucky stated. “It wasn’t you.”
“If you all could even begin to comprehend where I’ve come from, you’d be terrified of me. So it was me, just a side that I dont show often.” I admitted. “Now, you guys can bombard me with questions another time but I’m really not in the mood for anything but pj’s and a movie.”
“Ya, I dont want to get on your bad side after seeing that,” Tony confessed. “Let’s go watch the movie and get some sleep. God knows we could use it.”
With that, the team walked back to the compounded conversation about anything but the interrogation and mission were being discussed.
“I’m sorry but it boggles my mind that you switched your personality so quick. Who taught you that?” Clint asked, breaking the streak.
“Clint,” I said in a warning tone. “Not now.” And with that the rest of the walk was quiet, minus the hurried and slightly annoyed click of my heels in the hallway.
Thanks!! Hope it wasnt too cringe worthy!!
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campcampfanfan · 3 years
Ranking every CC episode (except the specials)
You read the title! Every episode except the specials will be ranked here and now, by your truly. TW for swearing. Also, spoilers, obviously. Remeber these are all my opinions, and enjoy!
Episodes I don’t like too much/ Don’t watch:
54:The Candy Kingpin
I know, I know, probably an unpopular take. I don’t really like Dolph, and think the series could have done without his whole… thing. I like him as a character, sorta, but I also don’t really like him. I honestly forgot this episode even existed until I looked it up, and the only thing I remember was Gwen and David’s conversation. The whole story was… eh? Whatever, it was still fine-ish in the long run.
53: Reigny Day
Enough said. Everyone’s lowkey kind of a jerk in this episode, except for Neil and Max for like two seconds.Also, Dolph jokes. Don’t like it.
52:Cameron Campbell the Campbell Camper
This one was pretty meh. I, once again, didn’t remember it existed until I looked it up. It wasn’t Cam’s best episode (I’ll get to that later), and it was kinda bland. Bland doesn’t mean bad though, but it just wasn’t the best. Only thing I remember was the wholesome Dadvid moment and Max saying a funny line. Enough said about that.
51: Anti Social Network
Now, I wasn’t too sure where to put this, because this was in theory a good episode. I just don’t like it. I’m not sure why, but Max being a tiny perv is very funny to me, because that is exactly what a ten year old is like. I just didn’t really find it interesting or catching my attention, but it wasn’t a bad episode.
50: The Order of the Sparrow
I get why you like this, I totally get it. It’s funny and lots of Dadvid, plus Gwen singing for the first time. Honestly, Gwen singing and David’s mental breakdown is what got this higher than Anti Social Network, but it’s still racist. I get it, it’s comedy, but it’s still really… interesting. I know the CC people are trying their best, and it’s a delicate balance, but I still skip over the first few minutes.
49: Jeremy Fartz
We love a hilarious mess up, Max cursing, and David making fun of someone, but it’s also a really awkward episode? Like, it makes for a really good backstory for Jeremy and joining the Woodscouts, but it’s such an odd episode. Not bad, just odd. Whatever, I still like it. Sorta….
48: Fashion Victims
Oh boy, Russian Waifu comes back. I love Ainsley, she’s my precious baby and Max’s purified Doppelganger, and I love her so much. But Sasha’s not my favorite character in the show, and she got especially mean in this episode. I love the whole Vera thing, but really dislike this one. I watch it once in a while, but not too often. Also, we love positivity from Tabii and Erin.
47:Time Crapsules
We love Gwen blushing, improvement from Max, and making fun of baseball. But this episode really hit me with second hand embarrassment for both Gwen and Max. You know when you can’t sit through an episode without getting second hand embarrassment? Yup, that’s this one. I wanted the guy coming through the door to be David and I’m salty, ok? This is my list, and we stan Gwenvid on this account.
46:Campfire Tales
Dolph’s story was boring, Space Kid was great, We love ghost parents. We l o v e Slenderman! AU David in this household, and I want to see more of them. Oh yeah, outfits were great. Max is a baby in this episode, and I love his fear because it makes you see that he really is a little boy with feelings. I also laugh at everyone’s faces after Space Kid’s story.
Ok Episodes/ Ones I do like:
45:Preston Goodplay’s Goodplay
Oooooo, this is a tough one. I love Preston as a character, because I too am a theatre kid who dislikes most people and wants to be famous for her storytelling. I can relate. I love how David talks to him, and how Preston comes to his realization that he doesn’t need to please everyone. Also, canon French Speaking! David is canon. Amazing. He’s still Candian! Anyway, Clown College was odd, but whatever, I can roll with it.
44: The Quarter Moon Convergence
We totally saw Zemug and no one said anything. No one! Why was no one talking about this! We saw the elder god! Anyways, I love Harrison and Quartermaster working together. It’s funny, it’s clever, and I want to see more of it. I do not like the subplot with the other characters, and it really took me out of the main story. Other than that, pretty interesting idea, and I love my pure magic boy!
43:Who Peed in the Lake
Ew. That’s all I need to say about it. It’s extremely funny, I like the motives, and I love detective Max. However, Nikki and the final answer are disgusting in this episode. It gross, it’s gross, it’s gross, but it’s so funny. I know I have the humor of an eight year old, I don’t care.
42:New Adventure
I love how this episode was played out. Funny, clever, and overall pretty ok. Plus, guess who shows up? Dirty Kevin, my friends! Best trash boy :)
Overall pretty good! Not too many complaints, but not too many great things either.
41:The Fun Raiser
Hmmm… This was an… interesting episode. David and Gwen scheming is my new religion, and they are both idiots. Who the hell thought this plan was a good idea? David? I mean, he’s a little bit dipsy, but has SOME common sense. Gwen? Maybe, but you know, she’s logical. You know what? I’m being too picky. I love my dumbasses, they are the best. Also, Gwen sitting on David is everything I love in my life and everything I need. Harrison makes a very good point, Nikki probably found Jasper’s skull, and Max is my scheming child. Whatever, eh episode, love the plot, but I have cringed at it.
40: Foreign Exchange Students
Like I’ve said before, this episode is out of place. It’s not bad, it’s just… blandish. I know, I know, Russian Waifu was in it, but this episode was only ok. I love Vera and Brian, and the ending is super funny, but other than that, eh episode.
39:Attack of the Nurfs
I honest to gods forgot this episode existed. I ended up rewatching it, and had a few good laughs. Gwen in this episode, for the little time she appears, is so funny. David’s sparkle eyes always make me laugh, and Max ends up making me laugh most of all. Nurf takes “talking to yourself” to a whole new level, and I relate my man. Get that therapy!
38:Camp Cool Kidz
This episode is eh....? I love my tiny rebellious children, but I really hate Ered in this episode. It just feels… so unlike her. I get it, it’s the start of her ark, but really and truly I disliked her character in this episode. On the other hand, Nikki is me trying to flirt with other women. She’s my little baby Pansexual, and I love her to death. Honestly, I really enjoy Nikki episodes, so yeah. Also, the literal moment I began to love Gwen with the “Stab her bitch!” line.
37:Quest to Sleepy Peak Peak
Honestly, I almost never watch this episode, but I still really like it. Nerris’s lines, the battle between two magic folk, the one liners, the ending, oh it was really good. However, some of the parts were boring, it’s not the best, but it’s still pretty good. Whatever, I like Nerrison and magic, so boom.
36:Escape from Camp Campbell
Honestly, what a classic. First episode, Gwen being overall great, “No Running”, Max being a  tiny Satan, Nikki and Neil being amazing. But, once again, it’s the first episode, which means some things aren’t the best. But! I do enjoy this one, and watch it sometimes.
35:Mind Freakers
Eh… It’s pretty ok. We love Harrison and Neil being jerks to each other, and we love Max having an identity crisis, but all I could really think through this was “Poor Max” and “This is a really stupid and petty fight”. It really is petty, which isn’t bad, but I feel like ti was an odd episode. Not bad, I thoroughly enjoy it, I just couldn’t swallow normal for a few days….
One I really like/ Second highest ranking:
34:Romeo and Juliet 2: Love Resurrected
Bon Bon~! Yay! We love David for having a Tinder, for Max’s amazing performance, and the drama! That being said, it’s overall a pretty good episode! Not the best, but pretty good!
Welp, I feel like you all know what I’m getting at. The jokes are well landed, Muack appears for the first time ( and steals the show, and that’s the tea), and my girl Nikki is so precious. Quartermaster is weird as hell, and speaking of which…
32: Quartermaster Appreciation Day
I know, it’s gross, it’s weird, I hate the relationship almost as much as I can, but this episode is so freaking funny. So many of the jokes are well timed, some classic lines come from this episode, and Quartermaster being his weird self is a major playing factor.
31: Space Camp was a hoax
More Gwen and David being two idiots sharing one brain cell? Hell yes, lay it on me. Space Kid is so funny, and his inner dialouge is fantastic. Also, Nikki cursing is incredible, even if it isn’t really on screen. Gwen’s line “Is this what success feels like?” is a major mood, and I just generally think it’s a good episode.
30: Ered gets her cool back
We love Nerris and Ered’s relationship in this household, ok? Older sporty sister spends time with dorky younger sister who has more common sense? Bigger sister gets better at being with other people and learns a lot form the experience? Nikki”s outfit? All major amazing things I love in this episode. But, the plot was a little eh, and I got second hand embarrassment.
29:Jasper dies at the end
All I have to say is H O O E Y
28:Cameron Campbell can’t handle the truth serum
Dolph’s autstic? Oh, ok, that’s pretty cool! We love representation. Anyways, this was an odd episode. Not good, not bad, just… odd. The therapy and plant jokes made my dad have to come in and check on me because I was laughing so loud, and most of the other jokes hit well. But it was… eh plot wise. It was pretty good joke wise though!
27:Journey to Spooky Island
Jasper, Quartermaster’s ahem… thing, and Max screaming were the best things in this episode. This episode is pretty great if I do say so myself, but this is ranked lower because I did not need to imagine Quartermaster like that. Excuse while I go burn out my eyeballs.
26: Camporee
Fuck Pikeman. All my homies hate Pikeman. No seriously, he is my least favorite character on the show. His sexism and gross advances really get to me, and the way he treats Gwen is disgusting. Now I have that out of the way, I actually enjoyed this episode, except for Pikeman. Hot take, I know. I’ve seen the Pikeman X Reader stuff on Wattpad. Whatever, back to the topic. Episode was good overall, especially the lesson. Each person’s talents were fantastic, and the ending itself was great. 
25:Camp Corp
We stan business Gwen and her telling Nancy to shut up.I love the plot, forcing three people who usually don’t work together to solve a common problem. I love that, and it does make for an interesting story. However, there are some flaws to the episode, but it’s overall pretty fantastic!
24:Follow the Leader
Are you kidding me? This was a great idea. Funny, creative, inventive, and overall pretty good. Playing with how each character leads was a great idea, and very inventive to give them all a common goal. Why it’s so low is personal pettiness. Pikeman, and Jasper was probably on the island when it blew up.
23:Squirrel Camp
Why is this so high up? *Looks at notes* Oh yeah, it’s so stupid I actually like it. No, but for real though, I know people don’t like this one as much as I do, but I think it’s pretty funny. Sure, dumb idea and kind of mediocore, but to me it’s so fun and entertaining. I’m sorry if you don’t agree, but you can make your own list if you’d like. It’s such a weird plot it’s entertaining. You get me?
22:Panicked Room
I just really like this episode, no rhyme or reason. It’s really funny and romantic, and the interactions were so good. David and Gwen through this episode were amazing for the mere seconds they were on screen, but it was overall pretty good!
21: City Survival
I couldn’t remember much of what happened in this so I ended up rewatching it. We love Dirty Kevin, David’s reaction to the city, and David being a homeless twink. Gwen also has the fancy outfit in this episode, and I am all for that.
20: Cookin Cookies
Three girls accidentally start a meth lab and go all breaking bad? Hell yes.It’s funny, the completion of everyone getting father figures, and it’s an overall good idea. It’s creative, good, it’s amazing. I really wanted to know what the main three were doing though, I’m actually kinda curious. Anyways, good story, and very enjoyable.
19:Keep the change
I found this episode very entertaining! Dadvid, Campbell getting better, funny moments, and a good plot! It’s really a great episode, and establishes what the season will be about. In fact, I believe I have themes for all the seasons:
Season 1:Beginnings
Season 2: Family
Season 3:Friends
Season 4: Change
18:Parent’s Day
Ok, Ok, know, Dadvid, but really I feel like this episode is a tiny bit overhyped. I love the Dadvid, Candy and Carl (Except I really don’t ship Neil/Nikki anymore), and how Max’s … situation is handled. Yes, I am on the side of thinking Max’s parents are abusive or at least ignorant. They just don’t care, and that’s where Max’s attitude comes from. It was well handled, and I very much like this episode.
17:Dial M for Jasper
I love Jasper with all of my heart, and watching his backstory was both heartbreaking and amazing. It wasn’t what I was expecting, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Watching it made me hate Campbell more than I did, and I expect the episode where David finds out about Jasper would be heartbreaking. David most likely screams and curses at Campbell, and takes off. I’m hoping Gwen runs after him, but that’s wishful thinking.\
16:David gets hard
The ending is amazing, I love learning about Nurf’s trauma, and watching Gwen,Max, and David scheming is incredible. It was interesting to see Nurf's side of the story, and it was pretty good. Enough said.
15:Cult Camp
Yes, it is high. The song is amazing, the plot is amazing, and Daniel’s stupidity is amazing. He is a very good villain, and it works with the comedy of the show. If everyone wants, I will write an essay on Daniel and what he means to the show. Anyways, good episode, funny and inventive.
14:Bounjour Bonqueesha
Oh, what to say about this episode! I love Bon Bon, but her breaking up with David an hour before their date? Not so cool. Whatever. Watching Gwen comfort David made my day, my week, my month. It was amazing. The “I’m a girl” line was extremely funny, because me too Nikki. Me too. Anyways, loved it!
13:The Lake Lilac Summer Social
Oh, what an episode! Gwenvid, Makki (I sorta ship it? Eh?), love triangles, Gwen going ship crazy (me too, man, me too), and David being level headed for once. Uh, so glad this episode exists. Only bad part, Pikeman and Jeremy. That’s literally it.
12:Operation: Charlie Tango Foxtrot
The ending was gross, but whatever. No judgement. Funny episode, and I love how the experimented with the points of view. Petrol’s side was a nice gag and it was overall a good episode! No complaints other than the weird ending.
11:After hours
Honestly, this is a tie with the next one. It is a great look at what happens after all the kids go to bed, what Gwen and David have to deal with, and what goes on outside the camp. The Gwenvid is strong with this episode! It’s really funny and creative. Also, ChibiKawaiiCat97 is absolutely a real username out there, I’m sure it is. Gwen deserves all the good things.
My Favs!
10:Scout’s Dishonor
Neeancy, my child! Yeah! Also, Neil cursing out of nowhere? Amazing. It’s so high up because it actually was the first episode I saw a clip off! It’s what got me into Camp Camp overall, but it’s not listed up there because I do like others better.
9:The Forest
I know, not number one. It’s an amazing episode, with a great plot and a good lesson, but I physically cannot watch it without sniffling. Yes, I know, I’m pathetic for crying at this, but I really see the pain. You can feel the fear in his voice, and it always makes me so sad. Whatever, I still love this episode.
8:Into Town
I mean, I have no rhyme or reason, I just love this one. I can’t even think of a flaw for this one! It’s kind of an amazing thing! A lovely episode with good visuals and amazing dialogue!
7:The Butter Fingered Effect
An amazing episode about change. I love Neil cracking, Ered becoming a nerd, Nikki becoming a scientist, and the counselor outfit swap. I appreciate Gwen wearing David’s clothes, because that’s amazing. I like the theme of change that fits with Season 4. Good episode with almost no flaws!
6:Eggs Benefits
I love Max and Nikki interacting, trying to take care of the egg and Nikki basically having a panic attack. I just love Nikki episodes in general, ok? Don’t judge. Whatever. Preston and Nurf, were um, problematic, to say the least. Whatever, the ending was funny, and this episode is dear to my heart.
5.Camp Loser says what?
Wow… Gwen in a wood scout uniform is actually really pretty! Entire episode was pretty much a fanfiction come to life, and we love the team for that. Uh, I yearn for more fanfic like episodes. God, if you have followed me for long enough, you’d know I would love for the fans ideas to become canon.Anyway, good plot, glad Daniel came back in this way and Pan and/or Bi David is canon
4:Nikki’s Last Day on Earth
I wasn’t expecting that! Honestly, I didn’t see the twist and thought it was a good idea! Funny, creative, and shows off Max’s jerkiness. We love Max development and amazing plots. We also love a Mother and Daughter relationship between Gwen and Nikki. More of that please1
3:Gwen gets a job
This is so damn creative, I love this episode so much. Gwenvid fuel, Max being a terrible person, Gwen breaking down and David comforting her. I bet Gwen never heard a speech that encouraging in her life…
2:Party Pooper 
I know you thought this was going to be number one! Haha, tricked you! But really, this is an amazing episode. The way Gwen bonds with her father, the beautiful scene at the end, the background, everything. I love a good “Gwen is underappreciated” episode, and that’s why this gets second. Almost no flaws! Which leads to number one….
1:Something Fishy!
What an amazing episode! I have never seen “Shape of Water”, but this one is just incredible. Gwen is an underappreciated overworked mess, and she finds what seems likes the perfect option. But turns out it isn’t what it seems, and it’s amazing. Also, this episode has so much Gwenvid fuel, it’s amazing. The art is amazing, Gwen’s dress is amazing, it’s all perfect. No flaws here for me!
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count-woe-laf · 4 years
I want the truth
Prompt 33 - "I want the truth." - Roceit - @thefingergunsgirl
(Sorry I made it platonic roceit, but I didn't make it angsty so you don't have to pick your broken heart off the ground.)
I was planning angst but then it turned soft and then I edited it and completely changed it again.There might be a part where their conversation changes suddenly, I’ve never written this much dialouge, sorry. Also this this is the longest thing I’ve posted, 1 279 words.
Fifty shades of grey is mentioned because I was trying to be funny, I’m not funny.
June 1st, 2019.
It had been almost a month since the wedding. In that time Roman had talked to each side, he'd rewatched and theorized over the videos, Roman searched for the truth. He did it because he needed to know if he was good, if Thomas was a good person. He learned that good and bad barely meant anything, but that didn't mean he was bad. Roman just didn't want to make the wrong decision again. He was scared about this interaction, but he needed to talk to one last side.
Roman took a deep breath to steel himself, and sunk down into Janus' room.
Replacing the TV was an expensive old-fashioned radio, to his right hung thick black velvet curtains, a few posters and a lamp resided where the stairs were supposed to be, and there, next to the nonexistent stairs, stood Janus.
He looked like he was expecting Roman, and of course he was, he was Deceit, he seemed to know everything that was happening. Although, for knowing he was coming, Janus looked suprisingly awkward. His abandoned gloves could be to blame, Roman recently had learned about his attachment to them.
"Roman, to what do I owe you the pleasure?" Janus smiled, it was small and apologetic and a smile. It was interesting to see such a smile on someone like Janus, Roman instantly wanted to run away. He forced himself to remember that every side was changing and evolving, a hero would have a civil conversation with him.
His previous talks with Virgil had helped him realize that good people can make bad choices without them being bad, and another conversation with Remus taught him that there were no heroes or villains in real life. Roman hoped he was a hero nonetheless.
The silence after Janus spoke continued to stretch out, willing to be broken. "I'm trying to learn stuff from every side, talk to them,” Roman took a deep breath. “You're the only one left to talk to."
Janus adjusted his hat. "Ah, talking, I'm horrible at that."
"These past weeks have made it clear that I am too." Janus snorted. "I just- I want to know the truth. Your opinions on everything too. I know we've all been thinking about… everything that has happened."
Janus shifted, "The truth? I don't think there's one definite truth here, Roman. I do know I was wrong to manipulate you. I suppose it was my way to change Thomas' mind without having to deal with you all. Sometimes I forget that us sides are an aspect of him and he relies on you, I have to convince all of you too. I still haven't learned how exactly to work with everyone," he gave a small laugh. "I do know I need to be more clear with you, and the others. You gave up a lot going to the wedding just under the name of being good, and truly, I respect that.
"I know I haven't had the pleasure to get to know you closely, Roman, but I know that you, and Thomas, need to come to terms with the fact that the world is made up of varying shades of gray."
"I'm not going to read Fifty Shades of Grey, if that's what you're asking of me" They both laughed softly, awkwardly. "I've talked to the other sides a lot recently, and they all have helped me understand some things better. It's surprising, but Remus has some pretty good morals and opinions."
"He does, you just have to ignore the other… comments." Roman nodded in agreement. "I'm glad you're not still setting yourself to the 'hero' standard." Roman pointedly looked down. "Seriously?"
"I'm a prince, I have to! I help people, I have to be good and make the right decisions."
"Sometimes there isn't a right or wrong decision. Going to the callback and lying about where we were wouldn't necessarily be good, but it also wouldn't be bad. At times you just need to pick what's best for you.
"I know you don't do that, you forget about yourself, sometimes. You care so deeply about everyone that you ignore yourself just to give them more room. You're so terrified of being wrong, of being bad, that you don't realize how impossible that standard is to reach."
There was so much truth in what Janus was saying, Roman wanted so badly to believe it. "I just want to be good," Roman said, finally. "I want to be a hero, they're loved and never wrong. Heros care about the people, not him- themself." He hoped that Janus wouldn't notice Roman speaking about himself rather than a general hero, but he was Deceit, of course he heard it.
"But real-world heros care about themselves too." Roman let out a small hum. "Thomas trusts you to make a decision to the best of your abilities, Roman. Trust him too, it's a good choice to trust you."
"No, he-"
"Trust him. You give him his love of acting and his creativity. You are his hero."
Roman bit his lip, suddenly looking scared. ".... Really?"
"Yes, even though there's no heroes or villains, you'll always be Thomas' hero, ask him yourself. And I know choices aren't going to get easier for us or Thomas, but we can all do it, together." Roman nodded, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "And by 'all of us' I mean all of us. Thomas needs us all to guide him."
"I know, and I'm coming to terms with that. All this change is just- it's so much."
"Growing up and learning is hard, but I think we'll be alright." Janus smiled. Maybe he was right.
"Thank you. I probably should apologize, I shouldn't have made fun of your name, Janus. I know that was a very vulnerable moment for you. I really need to learn to stop lashing out when I feel threatened. I hope you can forgive me, and from here on out, somehow we can try to learn to work together?"
"I would like that, Roman. I know we all just do what we think is best for Thomas. I accept your apology and hopefully you can accept mine. I don't think you're evil and neither is Remus."
Roman nodded, "I know, he just… gets on my nerves at times. I accept your apology, that whole video was a little bit of a trainwreck." Janus hummed in agreement. "I have had lots of free time to talk to everyone and may I ask… What in hell happened between you and Virgil?"
Janus laughed and pulled on his gloves. "That's a story for another time. By which I mean never." Roman rolled his eyes, they sat in their tentative silence for a second, hoping not to ruin everything again.
"I suppose I should go," Roman said finally. "We're filming another video, I… I hope to see you there."
For the embodiment of Deception, he did a bad job at hiding his surprise at the invitation. "I suppose I could show up and cause harmless trouble. Until then, have a good night, Roman."
“You as well, Janus.” And with that Roman slowly sunk out.
The conversation didn't go as bad as Roman expected. It was almost a nice interaction. Roman didn’t know when things would be ok, he just wished it would be soon. None of Thomas' sides truly knew what challenges would make themselves apparent in the future. But they would all keep going, together. They would try to work together, try to understand each other, and try to help each other in the ways they could. Trying was enough for now.
They'll be alright.
Anyways, I tried, I failed, you should go to sleep. Send me a prompt and I’ll write something short-ish and sanders side out of it eventually (you can pick a ship or characters if you like but I might change it). (I have a few in my inbox, sorry if it takes forever.)
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s0lar-nexus · 3 years
tw: mention of trauma caused by childhood event ok so recently i was binge watching arc v with a friend and there is this 1 scene i forgot about in the first episode that just pisses my the fuck off. it got me and my friend into a long conversation so i am goint to talk about it. so the scene takes place during the duel on episode 1. it cuts over to yuya's friends and his mom and this piece of dialouge takes place: "During these tree years, Yuya was hiding behind the mask of a clown. Before he could get laughed at for having a cowardly father, he laughed at himself first.but who he really wants to be is yusho sakaki." so basically he started acting in a more like a clown to cope with his dad leaving and the bulling, BUT with the way its worded it sounds a lot better than it actually is. like just something he says to boost his confidence rather than something to deal with a traumatic expirence. it just bothers me so much because it is brought up, treated like its not even something to consider and never brought up again. and it's so weird to me that things abondonment almost dont bother him?? the worst it gets is refusing to believe that sora is a bad guy but he didnt even get slightly upset at the knowledge that his father CHOSE to leave him? and then went and left behind other people to. you can argue that maybe he wouldnt react because he wants to believe that everything is good, and that is ok but i still think its odd the nothing at least built up until that point? its like just considering the thought isnt something that happens. whenever there is a moment he would be upset it is either him not actually upset for personal reasons or its zarc taking over. tldr: yuya canonically has trauma but the show just act like its no big deal and it pisses me off
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tiny-m0th · 3 years
ohohoh!!! 📌, ✨, 🎶 (rly excited about this one..) !! 💕 too if that's not too many!!!
📌- How did you find your hyperfixation?
OK SO. I actually found out abt Wandersong because a rlly good friend of mine reblogged this comic and i thought it was such a charming way to start a game (and a clever subversion of the hero trope) that i just. Rlly wanted to see the game, if only to see how the story played around that opening !! Then the same friend offered to stream it for me and i ended up Rlly loving the game 🥺🥺🥺
✨- What draws you towards your hyperfixation? What is interesting about it?
HONESTLY.... just kiwi and miriam alone made me rlly love the game 🥺 i rlly loved watching their friendship develop over the game ;; but also. the story was rlly rlly interesting and the graphics + music + art style rlly added to the game,,, 🥺 all around i just loved the game a lot skJSJDJD
🎶- If your hyperfixation has songs/an ost, what is your favorite song from it?
I know i already answered this, but i'm gonna answer this with some songs not in the other image since. honestly i rlly love the entire soundtrack.
Another one of my favorite tracks was Farewell bc it's miriam's theme but slowed down i think? and it sounds rlly solemn and upsetting bc ur parting with ur friend who's been you all this way ,, but it also has like,,, some hints of the instruments/musical themes of the next chapter (i know very little abt music so i don't know what they'd actually be called sjJSJDJFJ) in it and i thought that was really neat :)
I also loved the track This is Really It for some similar reasons sjJSJDDJ its miriam's theme again but you can hear hints of the . instruments/musical themes (??) that are used for Star Storm + Nightmare King. Somewhat relating to that,, I rlly loved how each chapter was a bit different music wise... I just love the soundtrack a lot <3
💕- Tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them.
tbh... i have a lot of favorite characters from this game snjAJSJDJ but... i'll just go with kiwi for this 🥺 i rlly loved how... optimistic and kind kiwi was throughout the game... they had a lot of reasons not to be (the world ending for example) but they chose to be kind anyways and there's something rlly admirable abt that + the dialouge between kiwi and audrey as they're exiting the caves where they say that the bugs would've been worth saving by virtue of Just Existing, even if they didn't end up helping them 🥺🥺🥺... not to mention i am a sucker for the color green <3 i can't go into detail but let's just say i have a rlly bad habit of my favorite characters being green JWBSJDJFJF OH ALSO. the fact that they're canonically nb + go by any pronouns? so cool. love that for them 🥺
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 38
Last time: Ed was super composed when talking to his crush, Granny Armstrong was here and gone before I knew it, and Selim stayed out past his bedtime. Onwards!
Riza gets back to her apartment, so shaken up over the Pride reveal that she starts at seeing eyes in the shadows, when it’s just her dog (does it have a name?). Yeesh, she has had a day, hasn’t she? The phone ringing suddenly doesn’t help her nerves, nor does Roy being cheesy and trying to pass off his mountain of flowers to her. Ocne he hears her little huff of stress he does a complete 180 and asks what’s wrong, but since we can’t know if Pride is listening she claims that she’s fine. Roy’s left standing in the phonebooth, glaring down at the silent headset in his hand. Huh, didn’t realize that Sideburns was still having to tag along with Kimblee, thought he’d stay at Briggs. Anyways, Kimblee and the Blondes have wound up at an abandoned mining town. Time to make like a cliched horror movie and split up! Two of Kimblee’s mooks are assigned to follow the Elrics. Episode 38 - “Conflict at Baschool” Now how to ditch the Mooks and the dozen other soldiers with them?
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Eh. If it works, it works. They run off from the common soldiers but the Mooks are hot on their heels. Wait never mind they’re chasing them into the building too, they turn the wait what? Where did they… oh yeah, Ed’s an Earthbender. Ha! Nice job pulling up a wall that muffles Al’s heavy footsteps! Uuuunfortunately, while they’re on their own to search Baschool now, in the words of Ed “this place is too damn big”. How on earth are they supposed to find Scar and May in all of this? [Ed]: “If would make things a hell of a lot easier if Scar and that girl just came to us…” [May]: “Alphonse!” Well that was easy. Aw, she still has her huge crush on Al, he’s not helping with his talk about how they were trying to find her and he really needed to see her. Yup, she (and Shao May) are so deep in Crush Mode she can’t even hear him ask for Alkahestry lessons. Ed snaps her out of it by demanding lessons, she tries to let him down gently- wait, “let me out"? Uh oh. [Angry!May]: “Excuse me?! Who is this woman, Al? How could you do this to me?” Aw, sorry May. Don’t worry, you’ll find a guy some day. Hey, Marcoh! Hey… Yoki? Wait, has Ed actually ever met Yoki before now? Yoki sure seems to think they did… Ok, apparently this was a manga story, we’re getting a silent movie but the dialouge is in Japanese so I’ve got no idea what anyone’s saying. Apparently Yoki used to be mayor of a mining town, then Ed came in with a bunch of gold bars and… bought the title to the town? Now hold up, am I understanding that Ed Transmuted a bunch of coal to gold in order to trick Yoki into giving up the title, and then passing it on to the miners who then kicked Yoki out of town? How? Is there such a thing as temporary Transmutation? I thought the effects were always permanent? So after he got kicked out, Yoki went on to try and restore his fortunes through various trades (he failed in each one), “investing his savings” (the casino took the shirt off his back), and straight up trying to steal (from two GIANT women who could honestly give The Mighty Armstrong a run for his money in the muscles department, yikes), which led to him running into a young girl at a piano who… wait… OH MY LETO DID YOU REALLY TRY TO STEAL FROM THE ARMSTRONG MANOR?! HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!
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After he somehow survived an Armstrong-propelled piano to the face, he ended up in the Ishvalan compound, where he would do the second-stupidest thing in his life trying to take Scar for a bounty, and he’s finally ended up here. So we’ve got a room where Yoki is ranting about his “epic vengeance”, Winry and Al are trying to calm down a heartbroken May, Ed’s still pushing for Alkahestry lessons, and Marcoh is probably wondering if he wasn’t better off with the Goths. So where’s Scar? Kimblee’s getting the news that Winry’s escaped her own minders, Sideburns volunteers to go look for her and takes command of two troops, brushing off Kimblee’s words. The Crimson Alchemist is left standing there, scowling after a proper leader. Eh, you got some good Manipulator points from last episode, but you’ve still got to make up for your pitiful train battle. Scar’s going through some cans and bottles for food when two of Kimblee’s Mooks show up and demand his surrender. What, you punks think you can take on The Killer of Alchemists? Oh! Apparently they’re chimeras, part boar and part toad respectively. Time to kick some monster butt, Scar! Mid-ep pictures of Yoki and the Chimeras (Zampano and Jerso). Yeah, I’m just gonna call you Boar and Toad. The Blondes and the Brunettes are sitting in a circle now, Ed explaining that he found out what Philosopher’s Stones are made of, and their new angle of researching Alkahestry. And what do you know, Marcoh’s got a book by someone who worked to combine the Transmutation disciplines. Ed’s not too happy to hear that they need Scar to break the code (what, you guys didn’t work on that between the cabin and this mining town?). Ah well, where is the Ishvalan, anyway? *boom* There he is! Ed and Al order the others to stay put and head his way. Toad is surprisingly fast for his bulk, dodging Scar’s HoDs and kicks while Boar launches spikes from his back. Also, Toad can spit goop. One drawback to Scar’s style, it’s entirely melee. The chimeras plan to just stick to ranged attacks to wear him down. Scar tries to run off to the side, but a spike cuts his arm and goop glues his hand to the ground. Oh no, if only there was someone on the way who could save him…
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Da dada dah! Ed and Al are here to save the day! Al picks up on them being Kimblee’s goons from Central. Now, how to- “AAAAH! TALKING MONSTERS!” Hahahaha! Oh, that is priceless! Pretend to freak out over the inhuman beasts in the room that are “pretending to be your friends”, so you’ve got an excuse if they report back to Central. Toad tries to slime them but notes that Ed is faster than Scar… and grinning like a loon? Oh yeah, this is his first time fighting with his new automail, it’s lighter than the old set so he moves faster! Hits lighter though, Toad’s back up and spitting actual spit. Thanks for telling us what it is, now Ed can break it down to water and freeze your back! And throw his brother into the Toad? Oh, ouch! Metal Armor + Frozen Flesh = Bad Times. Whoop, Boar’s back up, yelling that he and Ed are on the same side. Oh yeah? Prove it! If you’re human then transform back and ahahaha! [Ed]: “Thanks for the opportunity, sucker!” Alright, one Chimera down, knock out the Toad and LETO! What the hell Al, did you just snap his neck?! Jeebus! Scar’s freed himself from the goop, good. Now we can all head back to the others and what. Ed, no. You were literally just told that you need him to decipher the journal and you’re both working against Central now, just tell him what you’ve learned and WHY. NO. YOU DO NOT NEED TO FIGHT. STOP IT. You want him to pay for what he’s done? Then get his help deciphering the journal, fix your bodies, then you can have a great big revenge brawl. Ok fine, whatever. Ed and Al charge him, you might wanna look out for the HoD or protect your arm… oh yeah, the new arm is an alloy, not steel. Just like when Ed tried disarming Buccy, Scar’s failure just means Ed’s close enough to kick him. But like his file says, when Scar’s in trouble he tends to wreck the ground, he bursts through the rubble to strike Ed- [Winry]: “Don’t hurt them!” Winry?! Ok while I appreciate the character development and the chance to confront your parents’ killer, did you leave the Brunettes? Scar’s distracted by her arrival, giving Ed and Al the chance to knock him down and secure his arm. Before she can talk to Scar though, Sideburns shows up. Hopefully Kimblee’s not too close behind. Sideburns orders “the ungodly experiments by our superiors” tied to a column (so they’re still alive?), approaches Scar wait what no don’t shoot him! We need him to break the code! Ed, Al, stop him! Winry? Hoo boy. Winry’s confronting Scar. [Winry]: “Why? Why did you kill my mother and father?” [Scar]: “...there’s nothing I can say that won’t sound like an excuse. And nothing can change the fact that I am responsible for their deaths. Wait, boom?! What? No! Ok ok, calm down, maybe this is another Ross Deception. Trick Kimblee into thinking that Scar is dead? Sparks and a flame show Buccy underground, still with the Tunnel Rescue Team and saying… uh oh. They’re over the 24 hours, and Armstrong the Great said they’d cover the entrance with concrete after that. Come on, don’t leave these guys stuck! They aren’t Alchemists, they’ll have to go back through the Pride-infested tunnel and find another way out! Well, Buccy tries knocking on the door anyways. Silence. Crap. Alright, back down- hey, it opened! It’s Tank Grandpa! Did you really defy Armstrong The Great’s orders? Nice knowing you, buddy. What do you mean, it hasn’t been 24 hours? I doubt that Buccy went on that mission with an improperly timed watch… unless he was given one, to ensure he got back on time? [Tank Grandpa]: *points to shattered pocketwatch* “It’s a nice watch, isn’t it? General Armstrong gave it to me whenever you guys left.” HA! Best General in the show by far. Sorry Grumman, you’ll have to settle for second. Armstrong the Great is hanging out on top of the fort when Buccy gives his report on two survivors. Apparently she’s outside to look at the mountains, admiring the simplicity of their black and white in the winter. Buccy must be feeling really damn confident right now because he argues that it’s not true, if she just looks up she can see the blue sky. [Buccy]: “There’s nothing that’s entirely black and white.” *MASSIVE SHIT-EATING GRIN* “And thanks for showing your soldiers a little mercy! It means a lot, sir.” [Armstrong the Great]: *smiles* “That’s nice, but I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
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New Ship confirmed! Incoming convoy! Are Kimblee and the others coming back? Did they forget to pack lunch? Oh crap. Central’s already sent some forces to find out what happened to Raven. Explosions! Back in Baschool, Kimblee’s finally shown up to the building where everyone was fighting, sees Ed rush out through the smoke. [Ed]: “You bastard! This is all your fault Kimblee, you were supposed to be watching Winry!” Wait what? NO. Argh that’s Winry being carried by Scar no no how did he escape did May break him out why can none of these idiots just talk to each other?! Argh! Wait, hold on. There’s a bandage on his cut arm… Ha! Elaborate Ross Deception, go!
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lexington43-blog · 6 years
This is for Kath's 3k challenge
This is for one of the best writers out there and here I am with my terrible writing so here goes something.Thank you so much for letting me be a part of it.I had the dialouge  prompt of "you desrve better ever, it doesn't have to be me but you deserve better"
It was about 3 am on a school night the night before the last day of school to be exact.You were up late studying term and reading the materials for your last finale the next day.Although you had lived in New York for the last eight and a half months there were some night that you felt a bit of jet lag somehow weird which made you stay up at late hours of the night,sometimes to study or for the little tap.It was around strange hours of the night that you would get noise coming from your window either pebbles being thrown,knocks or just whispers of your name but every time you knew what it was.It had started ever since you occupied that room in your fathers apartment when you moved in and it happened a couple times a week but recently it had started to become an everyday occurence.You where often scared that your father or lace your father's dog would hear the noise from your room but due to you fathers late shift as part of the NYPD he would either be out working or out like a rock and lacey was use to the city noises so it really didn't alarm her.
    Tonight was different you were deep into your flash cards that the knock on your window alarmed you and that hadn't happened to you since the first time you had heard the knock.You walked over and pulling the widow up to reveal a Peter looking down with his hoodie covering his face standing on the fireescape.You remembered the first time you approached him and took an interest,it was in chemistry class when you noticed him for the first time maybe it was the huge purple circle thing around his eye or something else but it caught your eye.you passed a note to him asking if he was ok which he replied to yeah,being curious and persistent you choose him as your partner for the activity that day and by the end of the class you had given him your address if he ever needed someone to help with his wounds.It wasn't till a couple days later that he tapped at your window with a small cut  and ever since you were the one to put him back together.As time went by you learned a bit more about him and more about your feeling but you tried for it not to get in the way,reminding yourself to try and keep it as professional as possible. You already knew why he was here although you hoped maybe he was coming by with food or to say hi maybe even to study but you knew that that wasn't it especially by his presence at the window. Without being told he walked in and sat at your vanity while you pulled the first aid kit from your night stand.The kit use to live in the bathroom but after a couple times of him coming around I had moved to its new location of your night stand.He pulled his hoodie of his head and his beaten up face was revealed to you,scratches,cuts, a busted lip and possible a broken nose along with some bruises.you started to clean up his bruises and cuts and he moved a bit from the pressure that you were applying although you were as gentle as possible
“y/n,you know your really good at this you'll make a great nurse one day”
“Peter you need to stop getting into to so many fights so often wait… are you part of some gang or something peter?”
“No just a skinny little defenseless boy that doesn't know how to walk,they should really stop putting up so many street signs and lights”
“Sure...Just watch where you're going from now on,I don't want to have to scrape you of the ground one of these days … think about your aunt”
“ I do think of her that what i do what I do to protect her and others”
“Do what walk into signs-air quotes around signs-you can tell me if someones after you or your aunt,you know my dad's a police officer I,we can help”
“I'll try to be more careful,and no it's not that it something else,but i promise I’m not in danger”
“You can trust me,what really did happen”
“ i was walking home when i noticed this couple getting robbed and i stepped in Its nothing serious”you could tell he was lying
“Then why don't you just go home”
“You know i can't go home looking like this,she's only seen me like this but a lot less worse and she said that if she ever saw me like this she would take me down to the police station and find who did this and then she would kill the other person and me if it ever happened again”
“I don't think she meant it literally,but why don't you explain to hear if your in any trouble”
“First of all cause im not and also because she can get really worried,but i don't blame her,one time when i was seven I fell of my bike and barley scraped my knee and she blamed herself for taking the training wheels of my bike too soon and almost took me to the ER”
“She really does love you Parker”
“Yeah and I love her shes like my mom,sometime i feel like she derserves a better kid one that doesn't come home looking like this so often"
“Don't say that your just dumb at times”
“Well i'm glad you only live two blocks away so that you can fix me up and show me how to use that concealer stuff to hide some of my night wonders from aunt may”
“I Am glad to help”you said with a bit of sadness
“Is everything ok”
“I have some news good and bad”
“What is it”
“I'm moving back to france with my mother,I got this really good internship at a really good hospital and I leave in a week”
“Wow that's great”
“I'm gonna miss you kid” tears started to form” as he reached into his hoodie pocket and felt the broken couple of flowers he had picked up on his way before he went to fight.
He leaned in to hug you and after the hug after you pulled away he leaned in as if almost for a kiss but something made you pull back a bit and so did he
“Im sorry im stupid,im sorry you don't deserve this you deserve so much better even if its not me”
“No your a great guy its just i don't know how i feel about this and i don't want to test the waters with my departure coming soon”
“Right so Um i should go home now”he said pointing towards the window feeling a bit awkward about what had happened
“Um yeah.yeah,see you around hopefully”you said wiping tears
He walked out the window and waited outside your building until the lights were turned off and then climbed up to your window again as he remembered the first time he saw you.It was around the time you had moved in he usually went up to the fire escape outside the room that you now occupied.He had noticed that the room had been empty for a bit and was his usual spot to clean up before he went home to not make any noise and wake up his aunt.He was just sitting there with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and cotton ball cleaning himself up when the lights inside turned on and he panicked a bit when loud screams were heard from inside as he quickly grabbed his stuff but he wasn't fast enough as you had opened the window and he had seen you face but you couldn't see his as it was hidden in his hoodie and his mask was only lifted just above his nose.he  jumped of the fire escape,leaving the peroxide behind running down the block as he hear a man's voice yell “you better not come back unless you wanna get hurt ,Im a police officer” and that was his first memory of you.
He took out a piece of paper which was actually the receipt of the peroxide and cotton balls on which he wrote,good luck in france,I hope you find someone whos better than I was you deserve better than someone whos always bruised you truly do. signed your friendly neighborhood spiderman
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messedupessy · 6 years
Hey hey soulmate! Congrats on all your followers! ♡ You deserve all of them and so many more! For the ask, how about 1C, me and Stretch? Self-ships are okay, right? If not and you'd rather do skeleton-on-skeleton action, honeymustard is a-okay, too. x]
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“hey get that shitty ass brand cig away from ma jacket bean pole, it gonna stench it up fuckin’ awful”
Sadly so was selfship against the rules, though I almost went with it anyway because I srs love your selfship soulmate and need to draw it sometime, but then I came up with Red complaining about Stretch making Red’s jacket smell bad because Stretch smokes those really shitty brand cigarettes which Red hates and he only smokes expensive cigars, and then Stretch would say something funny in turn but sadly my mind went blank xD
This turned out ok, the anatomy went a bit to shit, and I am unhappy with Stretch’s face or mostly just his smile, I think I draw it too wide and big nowadays so it turns out looking weird, gotta try to draw it smaller next time, and the way Stretch’s eyes turned out is bothering me too, it looks weird, funny tho this is like almost the exact same pose I drew for that scene from SSLL back in October where I also was unhappy with the eyes and stuff pfftt, and I ended up colouring this a bit more than I had planned because I could, mostly because I wanted to colour Red’s sweat as he is not sweating because he is uncomfortable or anything he is just sweating constantly for a reason I will tell ya all about sometime, or maybe I already have I don’t remember, and then I was like why not colour like the eye and like the bags under their eyes and shit too, so I did, turned out pretty well, still happy with this pic overall tho
Also you can finally see Red missing a part of his right ring finger, kinda at least
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ddontyyoukknow · 3 years
my head feels light and shaky. ive been overloaded with negativity today i think. it has been a clear downwars spiral all year in many ways. i must remmebr that strength and clarity is found in the darkest moments. i will be free from my dad soon. i am so proud of how far ive made it with my mental health. im truly a warrior. but its just one of those restless nights,,, i had a similar one about a month ago. unable to sleep, had to do a recording on my ohone to let it all out. then talk to teddy on the phone. which meant waking up at 3 bc of the 6 hr time differnce. the main fear being the disc. as i havent broken away from the trauma yet. it comes up so clearly. part of my day to day workis identifying it instead of beliving it, know that pther people are going through things as well, im not the only one being punished- for lack of a better term. tonight, as much as i try and realize that im ok and that i am real just stressed i strated feeling a new kind of weird as i tried to fall asleep- just very dizzy as i try to sleep and restless, unable to shut my brain poff. as i try to sleep ill either feel i cant breath or think im about to fall or my head will feel so off balanced it feels like it is pyhsically moving and due to talks of astral projecting in my youth, im not intersted and decide not to take any chances. its just been a bunch of bangs oyu know? im im trying to be strong but its time to awknowledge all ive been throgh, as im coming up a new type of numb. - growing up with an emotional abusive parent, developing a dissociative disorder that reached its peak at 18 and has been haunting me ever since, leaving me so disoriented at time i woudl truly think i was dead, and what i would feel at that time was beyond fear but it would just make perfect sense. it all made sense for years. until this year when ive decided that i would like to join reality again and am trying to drill into my head that it was all stress and druga dn alchohol use and that it makes sense. that i am healthy for the most part just a traumatized and will get better. i will be 100% confident in my existence one day. my grandfather dying, immigrant dad getting stopped by the police and tight scheduals that merited little sleep, bad eating habits, negative internal dialouge didnt help my cause at all recently. and so im coming up form that now. then the pandemic started and i couldnt belive it, this caused checks to be delayed (more than they already were) which was just an immense cause of stress for everyone . then my mom thought she had cancer- im telling you its been a fucking series of misfortunate events- and had me drive her from hosptial to hospital (to translate/ drive) trying figure out this weird chest pain she was having and her anxiety of dying from this imaginary cancer colminated in her waking up one morning and giving me a ring and telling me i could have it and all her jewlary if "something happend" - she ended up having gallbladder stones, had surgey and is currently recovering amazingly!- during the approx. month of me running around from hosptial to hospital trying to get her better i developed an alarming chest pain followed by a chest pressure. the only reason i know its not only stress induced is becuase of a weird fucking goose cough ive had since december that pairs nicely with the chest pains. i tried to go to the doctor for it a month ago since it was giivn g me immense anxiety but they didnt want to make an appt for me bc the symptoms were too close to covid. i decided to drop it since i couldnt really afford it anyway. - my guesses are the origin for the cough are mainly due to developed infection or asthma due to the remodeling job i work at where im alwyas exposed to fumes and dust- would make snese since i started wokring there in decmeber. i recently got approved for an artist relife grant that will give me enough for my doctor/ therapist so im eternally grateful for that. my little sister watched me going through a dissociative episode, and about a month later told me she was very sad and thinking about dying but- cont 1/2021- I told her not to worry about it that shed be ok. it really did pain me to hear my problems effecting her. but its important to help her as much as possible because although she won't be emotionally abused as my bother and I, she is still genetically predisposed. our paternal grandmother has had panic and anxiety attacks all throughout her life, our uncle had huge anxiety and depression problems in his youth that had him landing at the hospital and had him having exorcisms and almost had him admitted to a mental hospital and our own mother has also expressed experiencing anxiety and depression. me, her sister. being the one who honestly probably is the most informed on the subject as I only had the internet for company for so long. but her own sister, dissociative disorder- dp- panic attacks, dissociative episodes, sensitive to drugs and alcohol, generalized anxiety. not wanting to die,, thinking im DEAD for like 3 years. ive been through the ringer. I more than anyone want to heal and be lucid and be back in my body completely. I more than anyone want to protect her. if she has a sensitive and creative mind as I suspect she does she is already even more likely to develop some sort of anxiety. she's my baby, she's my daughter. very few people I see with such blissful love as I do for her. she is 9. I have plenty of him to prepare to protect her and give her as many tools as I w=can so she can protect herself for when her brain shifts into adolescence. I gave her a mindfulness games book and told her she can read and do one whenever she is feeling sad, because thankfully thats the worst feeling she describes as feeling and probably feels as she's still so young. 
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