#I also have a headache making it hella worse
kakyogay · 6 months
What if you wanted to enjyo a nice long break but god said woe perdiod be upon ye
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ryuichirou · 6 months
Ace and Deuce special! Kind of… I guess lol Since our last post was about them. But there’re also some about AzuIde!
Anonymous asked:
Context of the latest post? :)
I think it’s pretty self-explanatory, Anon~ But I’ll let the second Anon answer your question:
Anonymous asked:
Hey Ace finally got laid!
The entire twst cast does the “omedetou” clap 😔👏👏👏 Congratulations, Ace!
Anonymous asked:
Not their faults that they share the same room, Riddle. XD Also, poor other two roommates. (Freshmen rooms have 4 roommates, 2nd year have two roommates, and 3rd year have their own rooms. Only Dorm leaders have their own rooms)
No-no, it’s entirely their fault, why would they even do something like this?! (Cue angry virgin noise)
And yeah, I honestly don’t know how their roommates survive this, but who knows, maybe they are out for some reason and ADeuce decided that they won’t get another chance like that and got a little bit too excited~
Anonymous asked:
Do you have any ace thoughts?? I have these like "twst character phases" where one character becomes my chew toy for a week and then gets discarded and ace is my latest victim 🤭🤭
I've kinda been thinking about pining!adeuce except deuce keeps fucking other people to cope and ace is insanely jealous and keeps avoiding him. Maybe he sleeps with one of their classmates (Jamil or epel maybe?? I like jamiace a lot) as a sort of "revenge"?? Which probably works after ace purposely doesn't hide the marks left from his "wicked plan" LMAO
Aftermath is they either fuck and become occasional fuck buddies making their pining worse or they avoid each other and make things worse (either way everyone is getting a headache from these two)
Ace is a nice chew toy, Anon, good choice! We have a similar situation, even though there are characters that are always our faves, right now we’re going through the first book again, so we’ve been kind of rediscovering Ace and Deuce lol
Ace and Jamil are a fun combo (poor Jamil just has to suffer because of his basketball club boys lol), but I honestly don’t know if Jamil would be up for something like that. Maybe he has his reasons though, it all depends on a scenario I guess.
Deuce feeling jealous despite knowing darn well that Ace is purposefully trying to make him jealous… god, how complicated things could be between them lol
I do like the idea of ADeuce being fuck buddies and not dating each other despite the fact that they’re super obviously are into each other and want to be together though; there are some nice doujins about Ace going through a crisis because he definitely wants to keep sleeping with Deuce, but just can’t help but cling to the “we’re just friends” thing, hurting Deuce very deeply. Wow this sounds more tragic that I thought lol but it doesn’t has to be: these idiots are hilarious, and watching them trying to figure shit out, fight, make out and fight again, and then have sex and stop talking to each other and then fight again is peak comedy. And also super headache inducing LOL
Anonymous asked:
Okay someone has to say it, next to Jack Deuce looks like a fucking stick. To be fair, you could be the buffest guy around and look like a stick next to Jack, he’s just THAT beefy
Yeah, Jack is hella big, so he has this aura that makes everyone shrink when they’re near him lol But I’m also prone to exaggerations when it comes to size difference. I love it too much
Anonymous asked:
i was the beach anon..also the dead dove anon from awhile ago, i’d love to discuss the beach scene potential in dms of that’d be ok
Oh hi Anon! :)
Sure, but only if you’re okay with me super slow (I mean it) with my replies. I absolutely hate making people wait and giving lackluster replies, but I also don’t have a lot of time and energy apart from drawing, which makes me a terrible person for chatting…
Anonymous asked:
Hello hi hello I am one simple man who enjoys AzuIdi very much- may your brain always be full of ideas and your hands be capable of completing all your missions
Thank you so much, Anon, it means a lot <3 God how much I want to complete all my missions. There must be more Azul/Idia in the world, and I’m happy to know that there are people who are excited to see them.
Anonymous asked:
So I was looking into your Azuide marriage AU and I find it very interesting so I was wondering if say Idia cheated on Azul for some mysterious unknown reason...what would Azul do??
Ohh thank you for your interest, Anon! I’m glad you like it :)
It honestly depends on the circumstances, but it would still be bad. Azul’s first instinct would be to learn anything he could about that person and how they know Idia. He would talk to Idia about it himself, but even if Idia just tells him everything as it is, Azul needs his own independent research to check if Idia is lying to him or not. Yes he is THAT petty lol
Azul is very bad at forgiving people, and cheating on him is one of the biggest betrayals a person could present him with. Of course, their marriage isn’t a romantic one, but it doesn’t change Azul’s feelings, and he’d be very hurt.
You’ve seen the “bad ending” scenario and probably have read my replies about it; although it’s kind of vague, but this is the reaction I’m picturing, to be honest. Maybe not as drastic, but he’ll also stop giving Idia any kind of privacy: either Jade or Floyd is going to be around him at all times, looking at his monitors, watching what he’s doing, who he’s talking to. Just to make sure that he isn’t doing anything stupid~
Oh, and Azul’s also going to scare that other person away or even ruin their life. Easily.
But there are also some exceptions that would make Azul begrudgingly look the other way. If Idia was to have an affair with Lilia or Ortho, Azul is going to just swallow his pride and try to act calm. But he’d still be super hurt and probably punish Idia in some other way.
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iamthecomet · 9 months
(Finally replying, heh)
I honestly really hope that the meds will work too. I‘ll keep on taking the same ones I take now and take the other ones in addition, but they actually benefit? each other (as in, both probably will work better when taken together)
I‘ll most likely start tomorrow, but it will take 4-6 weeks for them to actually make something change. And also my symptoms of like dizziness and headaches will likely get worse at the beginning (this will get better over time tho)
They can also make you feel more suicidal in the beginning (which is because they make you more aware, including more aware of problems) but that also gets better after those 4-6 weeks when the actual effects set in (the new one is a kind of antidepressant)
So like, I’m pretty nervous about that
Yeah, going outside is pretty good but also hella hard to do. Sometimes my friends manage to drag me along, which I very much appreciate (they also need to go slower when we go somewhere by bike because of me, but they do that without ever complaining, for which I’m very thankful).
And you‘re so right. In the past, I’ve sometimes not treated them very kindly because of my insecurities and how I’m scared of being a burden, which is also why I isolate myself a lot, but whenever I feel a little less bad they always welcome me with open arms (they‘re also the reason I can watch movies/series, because 2 of them are so aware of my phobias that they will make me feel safe whenever something triggering happens. It’s literally so damn good, because when I’m watching with them, I can actually enjoy watching without being constantly scared that something triggering could possibly happen)
Also seriously, the way one of them immediately offers her hand for me to squeeze while simultaneously covering my eyes is just the sweetest thing ever
But like, there are other good news I think!
I‘ve been thinking about using a cane for at least months now. I sometimes feel very dizzy, to the point of pre-syncope (even though I never actually fainted before) and especially in the past few days, I feel even more unstable when walking than I usually do. I‘m very scared to go outside, especially on my own and just really don‘t feel safe. And especially during disability pride month, people where explaining what mobility aids can be helpful for what, and dizziness was often mentioned for canes.
And I honestly really think that it would help me a lot, and give me a sense of standing/walking more safely.
I always wanted to wait because I was/am scared that I’m just telling myself all that because I want a cane to get attention.
But my dear ex roommate (and one of the sweetest people alive) actually was like “well if you‘d benefit from it, who cares even if would be partly for attention? What about attention is so bad?“
And I think that they are very right. (They also added that canes do look cool as hell and they are also very right about that. I cannot wait to put stickers all over mine if I actually get one)
So on the next appointment I’ll have with my doctor, I’ll ask her if I can get a prescription for a cane.
Oh god, this got long again. Sorry about that
At least it included a lot of (pretty) positive things I think
At least for me, engaging a lot in fandom content helped me with my post-Ritual depression (as far as it was related to that cause I got regular depression going on as well xD)
But it seems like you‘ve been doing that /pos
~ @owlishanon
Finally digging this out of my drafts SORRY! ♥ I'm so glad things have been looking up! I hope that your meds aren't too hard on you during the adjustment period, and that your side effects are minimal. I'm glad you're friends have been so supportive, and are so good to you. I've probably already said it, but real friends are going to be there for you no matter what--they love all of you (even the not as fun parts) and I'm glad you have some like that. I'm with your ex-roomate on the cane stuff. If it's going to help you, you should do it. Who cares what other people think. If it makes you feel safer, more stable, you shouldn't hesitate to get one. I hope that your conversation with your Dr. about it goes well and you can get one and that it helps! Lots of love to you, I hope things are still going well!
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lovelywingsart · 2 years
Eye trauma tw
So I was recently looking up orbital exenteration surgeries and it made me curious…In what way did Emilia’s eye heal?
Is it just a hole with skin grown around the inside of the cavity or is the hole filled with pinkish flesh? Like what would it look like when speaking to her?
I was seeing very drastically different types of results from the healing process on real people. Some fully grew skin around the inside of the new cavity where others it seemed to stay more the more delicate tissues of the inner face.
Sorry if this is weird to ask
Not weird at all! (Actually, thank you- I do need something to help keep my mind busy. 💙)
Her eye healed with the hole and tissue inside the socket, I believe is the proper explanation... It's probably not, so I'll just talk for a moment!
So, if you were to be looking at her while speaking, you would see the cavity hole with dark pinkish red flesh on the inside. It's literally just a hole in the side of her face- the roundness is, to put it simply, the edge of the socket from her skull, which is also why the hole is bigger than her remaining eye. However. It isn't as deep as it looks, but the darker flesh gives it a very deep look. The hole itself is a tad smaller than the space needed to fit the eyeball. 👍 Also, the inside isn't as 'smoothly' healed as an actual orbital surgery, considering she ripped the eye out instead of it being neatly surgically removed.
Its INCREDIBLY sensitive, as mass scar tissue is, and considering it's essentially an open hole in her face, it can get incredibly uncomfortable very quickly if she isn't careful. If she isn't down in the factory, she has to wear an eyepatch or suffer the threat of pain and/or a severe migraine from the temperature difference if its too cold (one of many reasons she prefers the heat), or a small headache at minimum in general. She also has a special patch that is designed to 'adhere' to the skin around the hole for , say, showering or going in the rain, or anything that could get in there and cause discomfort (the edges are made of a rubbery material that is specifically designed to be near seamless against her face- Karl took GREAT care in making it). Granted, she CAN go in water without it- its completely healed over, it won't hurt anything. It'll just be hella uncomfortable and she REALLY doesn't feel like sticking a towel or something in there to pat-dry. 🙃
She WOULD have the healing with the eyelid tissue thickening to cover it a bit as you see with some individuals, but almost the entirety of that flesh was burned off in the accident save for a few measly layers of skin that scarred over.
All that being said, it would probably be a bit unsettling to look her directly in the face while talking to her, which is yet another reason why she wears the patch in public. She only doesn't around Karl because he's seen worse.
Jokingly speaking, you could actually stick your finger in there to touch the tissue and it wouldn't hurt her, it would just be mildly uncomfortable. However, I wouldn't recommend it, as she will promptly break your hand and probably rip it off by the wrist. 😊
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silentmoths · 2 years
hello! hope you're having a good day so far - been brainrotting over zhongli recently so what about a touch starved masc reader and zhongli reassures him that it's okay to be vulnerable at times and let himself feel lovedddd? alter some bits of this prompt if you wanna! as long as it's hella fluffy too 👍
I am always hungry for touch-starved saddies. I usually write femme readers so I hope my take on a proper masc reader is ok!!
theres a lil bit of sads but hopefully this fills ur Zhongli Fluff quota a little, friend~
There was an itch in your skin, not the usual kind either, not a bug bite or an allergen, just...an itch that couldn't be scratched by conventional means.
Zhongli had noticed it immediately.
"You seem awfully tense today, has your work been rougher than usual?"
His sudden, smooth, reassuring voice snaps you from your miserable-looking reflection in your tea, shit, you'd not meant to space out like that...
"O-oh yeah! sorry, just...sore muscles, little bit of a headache, you know how it is." you deflect, but the carefully raised eyebrow lets you know that he didn't buy it for a single moment, shit.
"Perhaps I can be of some assistance?" He's on his feet before you have the chance to refuse, shifting around the table to kneel behind you.
"It's alright Li' Really- ngh!" The moment his slim, yet surprisingly strong fingers press into the taught muscles of your shoulders, you flinch, damn, you knew you were tense but not THAT tense. Zhongli clicks his tongue quietly, shifting until comfortably seated behind you as he slowly works the tight knots from your muscles. In a way, you're glad he's behind you, it made it easier to hide your face from the consultant.
How he was always so comfortable with these kinds of things, you'd never know. From the moment you'd met Zhongli, he'd carried himself differently from other men in your life, growing up with nothing but rough and tumble brothers, you'd learnt quickly that to be taken seriously you needed to be equally as tough, even if you didn't particularly feel it.
But Zhongli? He carried himself with elegance and grace, thing's you'd grown up being told were too feminine, yet it just..worked for him. He was also a surprising master of comfort, working as a consultant for a funeral parlour, you supposed he had to be, dealing with death and the distraught it can bring to families, he always seemed to know what to say.
"There is something else bothering you." Goddamn it, you'd been so caught up in your own mind again that you'd nearly forgotten he was behind you, warm hands working dilligently across your shoulders and back... why did this feeling suddenly make you want to cry?
"It's nothing to worry about..." Zhongli's hands still on the crux of your shoulders, of course he didn't buy that deflection either, it was worse than the first one.
You yelp as you're suddenly pulled back by your shoulders, head landing in Zhongli's lap as he gazes down at you and- fuck you feel like crying more, especially when those same warm, now un-gloved hands rest on your cheeks.
"You're shaking..." The consultant breathes "Clearly something is making you upset... whatever it is, I'm listening."
Your teeth clench as you swallow the lump in your throat, just...being here like this, having his hands stroking your cheeks and laying in his lap, that itch... it was alot less.
and then you break.
"I just...I'm tired... Tired of being mister big macho tough all the time..." you sigh, leaning into one of his palms "Everyone just...expects me to be alright, but what if I'm not alright? then everyone just expects me to...walk it off."
Zhongli makes a considering hum of a noise, head tilting to the side as he regards you.
And then theres a pair of lips pressing to your forehead.
Immediately your eyes finally water and spill over, there was nothing cosmic or empowering about the way he'd just kissed you but, like always, Zhongli seemed to know exactly what you needed, your own hands coming up to press over his, as if you'd die if he pulled his hands away.
"It's alright." Zhongli soothes, lips only a breath from your forehead still, his bangs tickling at your cheeks "You do not have to pretend with me, you know?"
God, yes, you knew, but it was...
"It's hard..." you mumble, he hums again and presses another kiss to your forehead.
"Small steps then. I am a pateint man. Just tell me what you need."
God there were so many things you could possibly need right now, but as for now, in this exact moment? You slowly roll over, Zhongli shifting easily, and as soon as he realises what exactly you're doing, he goes easily, laying back and wrapping one arm around your middle while the other comes up to card fingers through your hair as you bury your head into the crook of his neck.
"I just...I need this right now...s-sorry." you mumble, hands slowly clenching and unclenching into his coat.
"Never apologise for needing contact." He responds, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "For this is something I am more than happy to give."
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jellyfish-and-deer · 2 years
Hannigram Au Idea
Okay, so, Will doesn't pass his psychological evaluation test for the FBI, and is like, drinking away his sorrows in a bar, when this red-haired, mouthy woman with foxy eyes introduces herself as Freddie and they start talking and Will’s complaining about his failed test and just shit faced drunk, right. And Freddie ends up learning about his 'gift' and leaves a card with her name and number offering him a job.
Cause in this au I want them to be friends and Freddie and Will are a terrifying team, plus I feel like Freddie would make an amazing employer compared to Jack. So, yeah...
Anyways, Will wakes up the next morning with a killer headache and finds the card offering him a job and figures, eh, why not? He's kinda in debt cause of school and the loan for his house, originally he thought he had a JOB but now he's kinda fucked and being a reporter should be easy.
So Will Graham becomes the boogeyman of reporters. He's like Hella good at finding evidence and he's Jack's worse nightmare because Will's good at solving cases but he doesn't just do murders and when Miriam Lass goes missing Will nearly ruins Jack's whole freaking career.
And he gets help for his encephalitis cause Freddie notices that shit from the start. She's like, I know Graham's kinda crazy and that's not it! And so he gets help and all while he's becoming a famous reporter, unaware of his admirer.
And so Hannibal comes in.
Unlike Freddie's more crass and conspiracy theory-like blogs/posts that are often rude, Will types everything like it's cold hard fact and every theory he comes up with that seems like a whimsical leap based off of nothing more than a preference for liking white wine over red or the way someone ties their shoes are always followed up by raw evidence with zero tampering.
Hannibal just sees Will as a useful tool for gathering unbiased information until he's consulting (because even without Will, Hanni would've found an in with the Ripper investigations) on one of his own tableau's when he spots Will purely on accident in the crowd.
In this AU, I'ma say Will only has Winston, okay? Okay! For simplicity's sake! (Though I could also see Will walking all seven of his dogs past the crime scene)
And Will's got this distinctly unimpressed look on his face, which Hannibal notices is actually quite lovely, and is staring at the agents in almost parental disappointment. And so Hannibal, because so rarely do things catch his interest, goes to talk to the mysterious Adonis when the very recognizable Freddy Lounds swoops in and the pair walk off.
Now, Will's never put his picture anywhere on the website. But he's only human so naturally his profile is of a very distinctive brindle mutt, which is how Hannibal, who is quite smart and much more observant than I give him credit for, puts a name to the mysterious writer who he often uses to keep updated in all the latest gossip and keep tabs on all the other lower killers that might grace Jack's table.
Now they don't officially meet, but Hannibal keeps seeing Will around the city and at various other events. And he's also started to notice a distinct lack of work on or about the Ripper from Will's page.
So things are going great! And then for one reason or another, it was probably Beverly, let's be honest, Hannibal gets caught. And it's like this giant scandal and every reporter wants to get a chance to talk to Hannibal the Cannibal (so named by Freddie), but Hannibal refuses all of them and stated that only the reporters at Tattle Crime can interview him.
So naturally Freddie is all for it and Will drags his feet before agreeing, but only as long as he doesn't have to see Hannibal himself. Which doesn't bother Freddie, but oh boy does Hannibal find it rude.
So using his little cannibal powers, Hannibal eventually learns Will is in a loving relationship with a kid and everything, soon to get married. And he's petty, and like, you know what? NO! That's my sassy little reporter who kept teasing me all over MY city to the point of distraction, causing me to get CAUGHT!
So yeah, he gets in contact with the DRAGON!!!! Dun, dun duhhhh! And it basically follows the bit in season 3 where Hannibal sends Francis Dolarhyde after Will and Molly and Walter (plus Winston).
So then Will storms into the BSHCI and is all threatening Hannibal through his glass cage and demanding to know why the fuck he sent a serial killer after him because he doesn't even KNOW Hannibal, and there's a storm raging outside and suddenly the power goes out with a flash'a lightning.
Oh no, all the doors open up and the patients start rioting in other blocks of the hospital and Will's like oh fuck. So then there's like this chase scene, sexual tension is HIGH, and finally Hannibal catches up with Will, who no hesitation punches him in the face.
They tussle, finally Hannibal knocks Will out and Chiyoh, who ruined the back up generator, is waiting outside in a getaway car. And she like, raises an eyebrow at the Scruffy unconscious man but otherwise doesn't say anything.
And bam, idk. I got about this far and wasn't sure where to go. I'm thinkin' kidnapping to Europe, lots of fighting, bit'a angst, lots and lots of sexual tension and then eventual Murder Husbands.
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MC having the monster of all periods and all the boys or in the middle of it. And when I say the monster of all I mean it. Everything is happening. Clots, bloating, zits/pimples, PAIN, nausea, heat, anger, emotions going crazy, fatigue, headaches, back pain, insomnia, BLOOD, anxiety, aggression, food cravings, irritability, muscle pains and all the other gross and painful shit we have to deal with every month. How do they survive/react
This personally hits home for me 😔.
Before I was on my birth control, I had periods 24/7, all year. I know it's gross, but at my worst I went through 7 of those overnight pads in an hour. I had to go to the hospital for it (And then proceeded to get called a drama queen by a doctor). My cramps were horrible, and man, I still have bad periods but not nearly as bad as that. This is going to be a bit "gross" (Because despite how comfortable we can be discussing them, and how natural the process is, you can still be a bit grossed out by it. I mean blood by itself isn't bad, but sometimes it's like you give birth to placenta and that's pretty gross) but it's also hella fluffy.
Very unbothered by periods. Out of any natural body process, it's probably the one that bothers him the least.
He pretty much treats it the same as any other basic need. Every bathroom has toiletries that he's got placed in some neat little box and their medications in any available cabinet.
But that's pretty much all he thought was needed.
When he realizes just how bad your periods are, he's a little under prepared. The household isn't exactly equipped to handle this situation, so he, and a few of his brothers (particularly Asmodeus and Mammon), scramble to gather whatever items might be needed from the various corners of the house.
Lucifer grabs you towels for your bed, in case you're the type to bleed through during the night. He finds you a heating pad, rub-on muscle relief creams, and a multitude of pain meds that exceed the typical Midol relief.
He can get a little peeved about your attitude, but knows that you can't really help it. So he'll grin and bare it, and accepts the fact that you're going to be a bit different until this is done.
He's not extremely well-versed in the topic of menstruation.
However, I think this is one of those topics that despite not understanding, he automatically is incredibly accommodating.
There's lots of cuddles, lots of playing with your hair, and a lot of nonsensicle rambling that is mostly comforting (but sometimes headache inducing).
He is a little weird about bleeding through though. Not in a bad "You're disgusting" way, but more of a "I'm extremely confused as to what I'm supposed to do in this situation" way.
Thankfully he becomes pretty quick at just wrapping his jacket around you in public if you do start to leak.
He does think a cold wet rag is the secret to everything lmao.
At least it takes away from the hot flashes!
He might be a little embarrassed when there are obvious signs of a period (like blood or toiletries), but otherwise he handles it normally.
Levi doesn't point out your acne. He doesn't mention when you leak onto his sheets during the night. He won't call you out for being a bit more aggressive then usual (or even crying, because sometimes that's just all you can do).
All he does is just be a silent support. It's a nice break from the others tbh.
Like when you're in the bathroom, turn between feeling like you're going to throw up because your contraction-like cramps are wrecking havoc on your entire body, he'll be beside you. Stroking your back, holding up your hair incase you do vomit, and running around for whatever you need.
Definitely the type who, when you ask him to pick up pad/tampons, grabs every size and brand, puts them in the cart as discreetly as possible, then rushes home in a frenzy.
Satan is just as irritable during your period as you are lmao.
He's absolutely understanding, sure, but I think he feeds off of anger. So the minute you start getting pissy, he does too.
It's like a sympathy period thing, but uh, more linked to his sin then anything else.
Everyone is absolutely tired of you two squabbling by the end of your cycle.
Someone probably tries to lock one of you away tbh. You two are just extremely annoying.
It's even worse that after every fight you guys just cuddle. Like nothing ever happened. And everyone else is just kinda left there tense as hell because you two were arguing over fucking fruit for no reason.
He's kinda like a big sister in this situation.
Asmodeus will give you acne treatments, run baths for you (always makes sure you don't worry about cleaning out the tub!), and gives you massages that sometimes get a bit spicy (But he always makes sure you're okay to handle it).
Yeah, I'll say it, Asmodeus isn't scared of period sex.
This is like the one time of the month he actually breaks his "strict" diet and junks out with you.
Cue lots of food photos! And a few that he sneaks of you for his personal folder. Expect to see your rather bloated self as a part of his aesthetically set up phone background. He thinks it's cute!!
A lot of body worship and praise is going down. Between him and Beel it's enough to make your head spin.
This is like prime Beel time.
Cuddles, food, and massages are his speciality.
(Also not opposed to period sex but tbh he's like, extremely concerned about your well being the entire time.)
He's like, always kneading your muscles and thighs. Whenever you get self-conscious about your pre-period or period body, he'll always be ready to lay down a thick layer of praises that seem almost too good to be true.
Always let's you finish the snacks ❤
He gets you heat and cold packs. Well, tries. Somewhere along the line he gets distracted and tends to come back with cold peas instead of a ice pack. Works the same way, just, uh, food driven.
Beel is extremely calm during this whole thing. He rarely ever gets offended by your emotions or aggression either. Probably just pats your head and walks away when you're getting a bit too much for him to handle.
He is like, the biggest fucking asshole, but like in the funniest way.
Genieunly doesn't care about toiletries or whatever, but he's so blunt about it
(What size pussy kinda guy)
Oh you leaked and bled onto his sheets? Go back bed. Throw a towel over it. He'll sleep on that side if you want.
Absolutely no help to your insomnia btw, unless he's like blessed with magic sleeping powers, you're going to need to stay up with someone else.
Honestly though... he's not the best with handling periods but I think he's extremely casual about it. He doesn't look down on you, or your cycle, an does whatever you ask.
Extremely passive lmao.
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hnderyx · 3 years
wayv’s reaction to their s/o taking care of them when they’re sick
love your blog :))
WayV’s Reaction to Their S/O Taking Care of Them When They’re Sick!
Hehe, thank you <3 I’m sorry about it not being too active recently, but I’m trying to pick it up again.
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He gives me such a warm vibe
We all know that Kun is one of the members of NCT that care for the rest of boys.
A member of the Mom Squad™, if you will.
So when he falls ill and is unable to take care of himself due to a high fever and dizziness, he almost insists that he tries so he doesn't become a burden to you.
"You don't need to care for me, you know, y/n. I can do it myself..."
"Kun, you can't even stand for a minute without becoming dizzy. Just relax and stay in bed... Let someone take care of you for once."
He's the type that even on a sick day, he feels useless unless he's doing something.
Or feels as if he NEEDS to be doing something.
You'll have to reassure him that he can spend the day in bed.
His heart goes soft when you bring him food and drinks you've prepared yourself.
"Thank you so much for taking the time for this, y/n... It means a lot."
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I think that Ten would kind of just relish in the fact that you're taking care of him.
He's so thankful that you are, honestly.
He's pretty confident that if you weren't taking care of him, he'd be a malnourished husk with a flu in bed.
"What would I do without you, y/n?"
"Well... I assume right now you'd be a dehydrated mess and feeling worse because of it."
When you bring him food or your special lemon tea with honey he finds it so comforting.
He may complain about the symptoms more than just trying to rest.
All in all, you're both relieved when he starts to feel better.
"I love you... Thank you for taking care of me. You really made me feel like a prince... A hella sick one but a prince nonetheless."
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This gif makes me giggle. He's so cute.
I think Sicheng would want to be a bit more independent when sick.
I can't see him as the type that would want people to do things for him unless it's really necessary.
So when he's really down with the flu and the poor boy doesn't even have the muscle strength to get up and get himself a glass of water, it really impacts him.
"Thanks for taking the time to care for me, sweetheart... I know it's a lot of work and I should really be taking care of myse-"
"Sicheng, I have no complaints about caring for you. You're sick and I'm your other half so of course I'll take care of you."
He may feel guilty about being unable to do anything, so he'll need reassurance like Kun that's it's alright for him to relax and just have someone else worry about him for a little bit.
"When you get sick, I'll take care of you just as well as you took care of me."
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Lucas would really depend on you when he's sick
I mean, you'd be his safe place, right?
So when he's in bed, tissues tossed everywhere as he whines because of the lack of nose breathing he's doing
You bring him a lot of comfort as you lay next to him
"I can't breathe through my nose, y/n... I don't want to become a mouth breather.."
"Do you want me to get out the Navage so you can clear your sinuses, then?"
"No. I don't want my brain tickled. I'll just live with mouth breathing for now..."
He never forgets to tell you how much it means to him that you take care of him.
And if you get sick from caring for him, he'll take care of you in return.
"Just hopefully the cold doesn't cycle between us..."
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Xiaojun hits me as the type of guy that would try to brush off feeling unwell until the last moment.
For example, trying to power through the day with a terrible headache until he finally realizes that the headache has won the fight.
So when he's coughing terribly and has a stuffy nose, you have to convince him to stay home.
"y/n, I told you I'm fine," he croaks out before coughing.
"Look at you. You can't even speak a sentence, Dejun. Just stay home for today... Let me take care of you."
After you brew him some tea with honey and make some warm soup for him, he finally starts to admit he's feeling a bit under the weather.
"Maybe you were right... Thanks for making me stay home. I don't think I could've made it through the day."
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When sick, Hendery is kind of like an obedient child
He'll do anything you say just to make himself feel better
I mean, who even likes being sick?
Tell him that he needs to have his soup and immediately go have a nap for his body to try and work out the cold
Man will immediately do that
"I just want to feel better, y/n..."
He's clingy too, he just wants to lay down with you and have you gently stroke his hair
Will update you on any symptoms as soon as possible
May also be the type to Google his symptoms and thinks he's going to die from a small chest cold
"It says here that I have tuberculosis! The symptoms match up"
"Hendery, if you had tuberculosis, your doctor would've sent you immediately to the hospital when you saw him on Monday."
"That's true..."
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Yangyang, along with Ten, would relish in having you take care of him
I mean, we all know how he tries tot get the rest of the members of WayV to bring him stuff all the time
He'd probably spend his sick day in front of his computer
"Yangyang, why don't you rest? You can't game all day..."
"Why not, y/n? What's the difference between being in bed and sitting at my desk?"
He'll try to show you that he's feeling better than he actually is
And by that I mean, he just wants you to think that he's not weak and that a cold can't bring him down
For example, if he gets a migraine, he'll try to pass it off as just a small headache and he'll be "fine"
Until it gets unbearable
It gets so bad, poor guy can't even read without having white splotches all over his vision
Finally, then he'd admit that he really needs to lay down and have a nap/rest
"You were right, y/n... If I just listened to you, I wouldn't be here suffering from a migraine..."
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tangle up the true and the fable
A/N: empires!scott and empires!jimmy have hella enemies to lovers vibes. so take enemies to hey-wait-were-we-lovers-in-a-past-life to friends. also joel and lizzie make a cameo appearance. title is from Rose by The Oh Hellos! (also reblogs > likes)
Warnings: arguing, death mention, flirting, cave-ins, cave spiders, injury, vague description of cave spider venom effects, nonchalant talk of the minecraft respawn mechanic, near death experiences, explosions, talk of past/alternate lives, angst with a happy ending, hopeful ending
Summary: Jimmy doesn't understand why the ruler of Rivendell doesn't seem to like him. He supposes that going on a mining trip in Scott's mountains without asking permission doesn't exactly help matters much though. But when the two of them end up trapped in the caves, will they be able to set aside their differences to survive?
Jimmy should really start thinking before he did things. Like stealing- ahem. Borrowing some cake ingredients from Sausage, which in turn caused him to steal Jimmy's prized music disc. Or whatever was the deal with the Rivendell ruler, Scott. Jimmy wasn't sure what exactly he did to get on the elf's bad side, but Scott didn't seem to like him very much. Well... at least sometimes he seemed to hate Jimmy. Sometimes it seemed like... something else. Jimmy couldn't quite place it- maybe he did want to be best friends after all? But whatever the case, things were always a little tense between the rulers of the Cod Empire and Rivendell. And it seemed today was no exception.
He was in dire need of more materials, and the swamp wasn't very rich in caves. And Jimmy had already explored most of the caves in his empire. So while he couldn't entirely rationalize why, he decided to go on a trip to the mountains to gather materials. It was a stupid idea, going near the empire of someone who possibly hated him, but part of him hoped that he would see Scott. Maybe he could work out some sort of alliance instead of their squabbling and occasional attempts to kill each other. Besides, he wasn't going to the actual mountain Scott lived on, just the ones near his mountain. Surely that’d be far enough to not anger him, but close enough to suggest an amicable atmosphere? Right?
Wrong. Very, very wrong. Jimmy had barely gotten deep in a cave in the mountains when Scott appeared, like he had some sort of “Jimmy-being-an-idiot” sixth sense. The elf admittedly was an imposing sight- enchanted diamond armor, an enchanted diamond axe strapped to his back, arms crossed over his chest, a golden circlet with antlers branching up from it, and blue eyes glinting with irritation. Those eyes seemed to see right through Jimmy, scrutinizing and seeing him for who he truly was. Not the Codfather, a strong leader- but a swamp boy whose sweet intentions got him into trouble more often than not.
“What are you doing here?” Scott asked, voice cold and unimpressed. Jimmy frowned at the elf’s tone.
“Mining,” Jimmy said simply, crossing his arms right back at Scott. He rolled his eyes in response.
“Obviously, but why are you doing so in my empire?” Scott asked pointedly.
“I’m not mining in your mountain though!” Jimmy protested, a little confused at Scott’s irritation. Scott let out a sound that was halfway between a sigh and a groan, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose as if he had a headache coming on.
“Jimmy. All the mountains around here are mine,” Scott said bluntly, dropping his hand to glare at Jimmy. Well now he felt a little sheepish. But still, he didn’t understand why Scott had to get all irritated about it, maybe they could work something out. Jimmy took on an easygoing smile, causing Scott to knit his brows in confusion.
“I know I shouldn’t have been here, and I didn’t realize this mountain was part of your empire. If you want the materials I gathered, I’m more than willing to-”
“Oh, sorry about that, buddy! Tell you what, I’ll give you-”
“I’m not your buddy,” Scott said, cutting Jimmy off and causing his easy smile to melt away near instantly. Jimmy sighed.
“I don’t want anything from you, I just want you to leave,” Scott said, interrupting Jimmy again, and honestly it was getting pretty hard for Jimmy to continue being amicable if Scott was going to be like this for the whole conversation.
“Fine! I was only trying to come to a peaceful resolution here, no need to be a jerk like always,” Jimmy huffed, slinging his pickaxe over his shoulder and starting to head out of the cave. Scott made an irritated sound, quickly following after him.
“Oh, I’m sorry for being mean when you’re the one who showed up in my empire unannounced and unwanted!” Scott fumed, hands gesturing wildly as he kept up with Jimmy’s brisk pace.
“Like I said, didn’t realize this was part of your empire. And I’m leaving now, so you can stop following me,” Jimmy huffed. Scott stopped to stare at him incredulously, and Jimmy paused as well to raise an eyebrow at him.
“This cave only has one exit, you idiot. We both have to go this way,” Scott pointed out with a scoff. Jimmy made a frustrated sound, and was about to make a retort- but heard a hiss and saw a green shape ambling towards them from an unlit portion of the cave. Jimmy didn’t have time to draw his sword, and Scott was too busy glaring at Jimmy to notice the creeper heading towards them. So in a split-second decision, Jimmy tackled Scott to the ground right before the creeper exploded and caused a chunk of the cave to crumble down right where the two of them had been standing. Debris showered over the two of them, and Jimmy instinctively shielded Scott from it, even though he had been shouting at the elf mere moments prior. The dust settled, and it was then he realized how close he and Scott were, their noses practically touching.
“You alright?” Jimmy asked, surprising himself with how soft and concerned his voice came out. Scott looked at him with wide eyes and an almost flustered expression, until he schooled it down into smooth indifference.
“You’re supposed to take me to dinner before you pin me like that,” Scott teased with a smirk. Jimmy rolled his eyes, getting up off of Scott before offering a hand to help him up.
“I think you’re supposed to thank me for saving your life,” Jimmy shot back. Scott scowled at him, ignoring the offered hand and getting to his feet on his own, brushing the dirt off of his clothes.
“Thank you for what? Tackling me and giving me a near concussion? Or the fact that we’re now both stuck here?” Scott asked, gesturing at the cave-in. Following the direction of Scott’s hand, Jimmy looked to the cave opening. Or rather, the lack of a cave opening. The creeper explosion must have hit some loose gravel in the ceiling, because the weak rock had given way to a whole mess of stone to fall and block off their only exit.
“Maybe we could dig through it?” Jimmy wondered. Scott rolled his eyes.
“With your luck, that would only make it worse. Besides I didn’t bring a pickaxe, and I don’t think you could dig that out by yourself. We’re just gonna have to turn around and hope there’s another way out,” Scott said, turning and heading deeper in the cave. Jimmy scrambled after him in protest.
“Or we could stay here and call for help! I’m sure one of my allies would be willing to help me, or maybe you’ve got a closer ally who’d be willing to dig us out-”
“No. We’re better off trying to find our own way out. Besides, I don’t have allies- having alliances means having enemies too, and I’d much rather stay above the conflict if you don’t mind,” Scott said, stubbornly continuing forward. Jimmy groaned, reluctantly following after Scott.
“Fine, have it your way. But you let me know when you change your mind,” Jimmy said, not having the energy to argue with Scott’s weird animosity towards alliances. So instead, he followed his not-really-enemy but not-really-friend either deeper into the darkness, torchlight their only savior.
Going deeper into the cave was not providing them with a way out. They did, however, come across a mineshaft- which was a small but still not great shimmering light of hope. It was possible the mineshaft could be connected to another cave that could lead them out, so braving the mineshaft it was. Besides, there could be good loot to be had- even if Scott claimed most of it since it was, technically, part of his empire. And that was fine with Jimmy, he was trying to offer what he had found to Scott earlier anway. However, there was one problem with mineshafts, and that was the tendency of cave spiders making their nests in them. And it figures with Jimmy’s rotten luck that they would come across one of those nests. And even worse, Jimmy managed to get a hand caught in one of the webs at the edge of it.
“Stop struggling, you’re just gonna alert them that we’re here!” Scott hissed, trying to cut away at the cobwebs ensnaring Jimmy’s hand.
“If you cut at it any slower, they’re just gonna see us anyway!” Jimmy whisper-shouted back, but kept his hand still as Scott asked anyhow. But of course, as if things couldn’t get any worse, one of the cave spiders had noticed them. It jumped at Jimmy, but Scott moved in front of him just in time to intercept it instead, and struggled only for a moment before he managed to kill it. Scott was hunched over for a moment, trying to catch his breath- and despite his warnings not to, Jimmy yanked his hand free from the cobwebs to rush to his side, seeing the glittering red eyes in the distance. He opened his mouth to ask if Scott was alright, but he abruptly stood upright and pushed Jimmy towards a corridor of the mineshaft that was not infested with cave spiders.
“Go, we gotta get out of here!” he cried, running and pulling Jimmy along with him. Jimmy didn’t argue, keeping pace with Scott and cutting down a few cave spiders that got too close. They ran and turned down corridor after corridor, until they were sure that the spiders had lost interest. They stopped for a moment to catch their breath, and Jimmy eyed Scott with concern. He was holding his shoulder and looked rather pale- well, paler than usual.
“Scott?” Jimmy asked, voice gentle. Scott squeezed his eyes shut, like Jimmy had spoken too loudly, and took a beat longer to respond than Jimmy would have liked.
“I’m fine,” Scott said, not very convincingly at all. Jimmy frowned, stepping forward and reaching for the hand Scott had clasped tightly over his own shoulder. Jimmy instantly knew something was wrong when Scott didn’t push him away and let him remove his hand. Scott’s hand came away slick with blood, and Jimmy hissed in sympathy at the sickly green state of the wound. Cave spider bite, right in the gap of Scott’s armor. And it seemed the venom was working pretty fast through his system. Suddenly, as if taking his hand off of his shoulder had sapped all his energy, Scott’s knees gave out and he collapsed into Jimmy. With a startled gasp, Jimmy managed to catch Scott, wrapping his free arm around his waist and trying to keep him somewhat upright. His hand still clutched Scott’s, and his hand had shifted to clutch Jimmy’s back just as tightly. His head drooped down to rest on Jimmy’s shoulder, the antlers of his circlet poking him slightly, and a cold spike of fear shot through Jimmy at how feverish Scott’s forehead felt against his neck. Scott had only just been bitten. If he was in such bad shape already… Jimmy didn’t want to think about it.
“You’re hot,” Jimmy blurted, a little horrified. Scott let out a borderline delirious chuckle.
“Took you long enough to notice,” Scott teased, voice weak with pain. Jimmy let out a startled laugh.
“Scott, quit flirting for one minute, you’re dying,” Jimmy reprimanded, a little shocked at how wobbly his own voice sounded.
“I’ll just respawn, it’s not the end of the world. Nice to know you care though,” Scott said tiredly, although Jimmy could hear the slight smile in his voice. Jimmy froze a bit at his words. Yeah… that was right, Scott would just respawn. He’d lose his stuff and his enchantment levels, but he’d wake up in bed, right as rain. So why was Jimmy so worried for a moment? Why did Scott dying in his arms suddenly feel like the end of the world? And most baffling of all, why did the thought of losing someone who was at most an acquaintance rattle him so much? Yet here he was, clinging to Scott like he would disappear forever.
“I… of course I care! You’re the one who’s pushing me away, not the other way around,” Jimmy said, deciding not to address the fact that he had somehow forgotten about respawning being a thing. Scott laughed humorlessly, and him not having any sort of witty response was extremely telling of how worse off Scott was doing. He had been leaning into Jimmy more and more throughout the weak banter, and Jimmy finally knelt down and shifted Scott to be comfortably resting in his lap, his head still leaning on his shoulder, but turned so that Jimmy could see him.
“Your face makes for a pretty last thing to see before I die,” Scott said softly, and Jimmy blinked in surprise, unsure of how to take that.
“Didn’t realize a side effect of cave spider venom was delirium,” Jimmy settled on, causing Scott to let out a pained wheeze of a laugh.
“Think the side effect is actually brutal honesty,” Scott said, sounding a little wistful. Okay, well Jimmy really didn’t know how to respond to that. Scott, dying in his arms and looking at him all soft and adoring like Jimmy was a- a lover or something. So maybe it was that gentle look in Scott’s eyes even as he was dying, or Jimmy not wanting to deal with the blood of a fellow ruler on his hands, or just not wanting to watch someone die in general that caused him to shift and reach for something in his bag he had found in their journey through the mineshaft. He held out a golden apple to Scott, who looked at it with confusion.
“Nabbed it from a chest when you weren’t looking. I know you’ll just respawn, but cave spider venom is a pretty terrible way to go,” Jimmy said, smiling softly. Scott just blinked, not moving to take the apple.
“Shut up and take the apple, Scott,” Jimmy insisted, for once cutting Scott off instead of the other way around. Scott sighed, and with a shaking hand, he grabbed the apple and took a bite. Almost immediately, color came back to Scott’s face and the green started to recede from the shoulder wound. A few more bites, and the bleeding stopped, the wound started closing up, and Scott was no longer leaning on Jimmy so heavily. He did, however, seem perfectly content to stay in Jimmy’s arms. Jimmy couldn’t really find it in himself to detach himself from Scott either.
“Thanks,” Scott said softly, like he was afraid to say it, after he had finished the apple. Jimmy chuckled.
“I should be thanking you, you’re the one who threw yourself between me and that cave spider,” Jimmy said, immensely glad that he remembered finding the golden apple before it was too late. Otherwise Scott, who usually didn’t seem to like him, would have died because of Jimmy.
“You saved me from the creeper earlier, I was just repaying the favor. Of course now I owe you again, because you healed me,” Scott said with a mock irritated tone, grinning all the while. Jimmy unceremoniously dumped him on the cave floor for that, ignoring his startled shout of protest to instead stand up.
“Well, maybe you could repay me by finally letting me contact one of my allies to help us,” Jimmy replied with a grin of his own. Scott pouted a little, still grumpy about being forcibly moved off of Jimmy’s lap.
“That was rude, I’m still recovering! Jerk,” Scott huffed, but there was no true anger in his tone. Jimmy shook his head fondly, offering a hand to Scott. He took it, and only stumbled a little bit as he got back to his feet. Fortunately Jimmy was there to steady him, ignoring the “I-told-you-so” look Scott gave him.
“You’ll live, thanks to me. Now can I message for help so that we can get out of here?” Jimmy asked. Scott let out a dramatic sigh.
“I guess so. Give them the coordinates for the cave entrance, we can head back in that direction and meet them halfway,” Scott said. Jimmy nodded, getting out his communicator to send a message to Joel.
“Yeah, I don’t wanna stay in this mineshaft any longer than we have to,” Jimmy said as he typed. Scott hovered over his shoulder, correcting Jimmy on the coordinate numbers before he sent the message off to Joel. Luckily, Joel wasn’t busy and responded fairly quickly, saying that he was on his way.
“Ready to get out of here?” Scott asked, once Jimmy had read Joel’s message to him.
“Absolutely,” Jimmy said, pocketing his communicator and walking side by side with Scott.
They reached the cave-in before Joel had arrived, but they didn’t have to wait too long before they heard Joel calling out for them. It seemed Lizzie had come along as well, as Jimmy could hear her voice along with Joel’s. He was a little surprised to hear her, as Jimmy wasn’t officially allied with Lizzie, but he supposed it made sense. Lizzie was married to Joel, and Lizzie’s empire was connected to Jimmy’s by water.
“We’re here!” Jimmy called back.
“Oh good, you didn’t kill each other,” Joel called back, a smile in his voice. Jimmy rolled his eyes, even if Joel couldn’t see him.
“I’ll have you know I saved Scott twice in these caves,” Jimmy shot back with a grin. Scott groaned in annoyance.
“You’re gonna hold this over my head, aren’t you,” Scott grumbled.
“Only a little bit,” Jimmy replied, relieved when Scott wasn’t actually all that annoyed, due to the chuckle he got in response.
“Stand back boys, I’ve got TNT!” Lizzie exclaimed, breaking the moment of banter. Scott and Jimmy exchanged wide-eyed glances, scrambling away from the rubble.
“Uh… you do know that explosions are what got us into this mess in the first place, right?” Scott asked nervously.
“It’ll be faster than trying to dig you out,” Joel replied, before the click of a flint and steel was heard.
“Does it alarm you at all that they have TNT already?” Scott whispered.
“They’re my allies. Or at least Joel is. Not sure why Lizzie came along, actually,” Jimmy replied with a shrug. Before Scott could reply, the TNT went off, destroying the rubble and revealing Joel and Lizzie on the other side.
“When I heard Joel was off to rescue the sweet swamp boy, I had to come along!” Lizzie said with a grin, poking her head through the hole in the rubble. Jimmy’s face flushed in embarrassment at the nickname, while Scott was poorly hiding his laugh behind a cough.
“She was with me when I got your message, I figured the extra help couldn’t hurt,” Joel explained.
“Well thank you, both of you. We really appreciate it,” Jimmy said, climbing out of the hole in the rubble with Lizzie’s help.
“You’re welcome! Although it sounds like you had the rescuing Scott part handled,” she teased with a wink.
“Hey! The only reason he saved me the second time was because I got bit by a cave spider that was coming for him. So I did some saving too,” Scott protested as he followed Jimmy out. Joel looked to Scott with concern.
“Do you need any health potions? I brought some just in case,” Joel offered, starting to dig through his pack.
“Nah, Jimmy gave me a golden apple that he stole from me,” Scott said, nudging Jimmy playfully. Jimmy laughed, pushing at him back.
“I didn’t steal it, I just took it from a minecart chest before you noticed it,” Jimmy retorted.
“A minecart chest that was in my empire,” Scott shot back with a grin. Jimmy was going to snap back, but Lizzie came to stand in between them.
“How about we leave before any more near death situations happen,” she suggested. Both Jimmy and Scott smiled sheepishly, before following Lizzie and Joel out of the cave.
The four of them had made it back to Scott’s home, with plenty of daylight to spare for the long journey Jimmy, Lizzie, and Joel had ahead of them to their own empires. Jimmy had told Joel and Lizzie to go on, saying that he would catch up with them in a bit. He wanted to talk to Scott first. About what, he wasn’t entirely certain, but he felt like he couldn’t just up and leave right away without saying something, not after everything that had happened. But for the moment, the two of them were stood in the entryway of Scott’s house a little awkwardly. Scott’s home was bigger than the last time Jimmy had seen it, but part of him was touched to see that he still had the pufferfish- rather the pufferish- mounted above his door. Jimmy wasn’t exactly sure why he had given Scott a misspelled token of peace, but it had just felt… right.
“So… have you changed your mind on alliances at all?” Jimmy asked, settling on teasing Scott a bit instead of tackling any sort of emotional conversation right away. Scott let out a mildly bitter laugh.
“I… will admit that there are advantages to having alliances. And you, Lizzie, and Joel seem alright. I just… well, if I’m being totally honest, I’m not really opposed to alliances… it’s just- it’s like there’s this part of me, maybe something from a past life, that knows that getting tangled up in alliances can lead to war and loss,” Scott said, heartbreak lacing his words. Jimmy frowned in sympathy. He didn’t know what Scott had been through before starting an empire, but it sounded like it was nothing fun. He put a comforting hand on Scott’s shoulder- and was instantly greeted with a flurry of images both familiar and unfamiliar. A flower forest. Homes carved into hills. Decaying skin and burnt banners. Flowers nestled in teal hair. Being helpless to watch as a loved one- a husband?- was shot down. Darkness, then light again. Then a feeling of home, and a joyful reunion.
Jimmy jerked back from Scott like had been burned. The real world filtered back into view with Scott wide-eyed and surprised as Jimmy was. What- what was that? They felt like memories, or maybe a dream. And the person with teal hair, the husband?! That was undeniably Scott, just far less regal and with rounded ears, not pointed ones. Jimmy wasn’t sure what that was, but suddenly the fear of losing Scott in the mineshaft made a startling amount of sense.
“Did you… see that?” Jimmy asked. Maybe he was hallucinating, did he get bit by a cave spider too? Maybe this was all some weird fever dream.
“I- yeah. I was kind of kidding about the past life thing… but was that even us? Or just… I dunno, a version of us from an alternate reality?” Scott pondered, looking like his brain was going a mile a minute. Jimmy found himself looking at the pufferish of peace. Was that something significant in that… other life? Or was that truly something of his own volition?
“Must be some sort of alternate reality, I think we were married,” Jimmy said with a laugh. Scott laughed as well, shaking his head.
“Yeah, can you imagine? Why would I marry some swamp boy?” Scott teased.
“And why would I marry a stuffy elf ruler?” Jimmy teased right back. The two of them laughed, but there was regret and maybe a smidge of longing tinged in both of their voices.
“I think I could at least stand being allied with some swamp boy,” Scott said softly, after a moment of silence. Jimmy smiled.
“Allies it is then,” Jimmy said, holding out his hand. Scott gingerly took it, and when there weren't any flashes of alternate or past lives, he shook it firmly.
“Allies,” Scott said, squeezing Jimmy’s hand before letting go. Jimmy bid him goodbye, exiting his home to meet up with Lizzie and Joel. And maybe, just maybe, Jimmy allowed himself to treasure the little flutter his heart made when Scott had squeezed his hand. He was sure his past- or alternate, who knows- self would appreciate it.
MCYT Tag List (ask to be added/removed!): @corazon10000 @damiensaidno @franticfandomfanatic @hetapeep41 @space-ace123
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calpicowater · 2 years
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Week 6.5/52: February 7th - February 13th 2022 | Betty & Wing Housewarming 🏡
Reunited with these gay kids 蜡笔小新 squad after a month. Also, I haven’t gone out in a month. First time putting makeup on in sooooo long omg. Forgot that I can look like this... Went to visit BT/WS new house for the first time (it’s so pretty omg........ their interior design is chef’s kiss). We ate so much hot pot today. Had four different soup bases (mala spicy, tomato, mushroom, and clear broth) with so much meat, oil sticks, vegetables, cow stomach, potato clear noodles, bean curd puffs and etc etc etc....... Actually I almost died because I have a bad habit of drinking spicy hot pot broth but this one today had SO much oil I legit wasn’t able to breathe for a solid 2 minutes. I barely drank any wtf....... I couldn’t talk or breathe because the oil completely blocked my airways. I thought I was going to die at my friends’ home....... 😭😭😭 legit so scary but I’m alive (thank goodness). Don’t think I’ve come so close to death before minus the time in grade 3 when I choked on sour candy (gdi I need to stop eating lol). Anyways I ate so much LMAO. Betty kept feeding us so much 9 lol that rose plum one is so yum??? She also made a DIY 米酒 and it tasted like ice cream fr. After eating, they taught me how to play Mahjong LOL I’ve finally learned....... and then we went to eat hot pot round two... and then we played Mahjong again 😭😭😭 and then slapjack LOL. Just chaotic kids.
Went back to work on the Sunday and got hella hostility from a student’s dad who started disrespecting and belittling me and overall talking shit about me in front of me for a solid 10+ minutes. He kept arguing with me over a company policy that I had absolute no control over and continued to throw tantrums until I couldn’t handle it anymore lol. I have been going through too much shit ngl I legit just ran out of my room mid-convo to get my supervisor and when I was trying to tell him what the fuck was happening I just started crying..... Bruh. It was so embarrassing for me.............. The student’s mom was being nice the entire time and ended up apologizing to me personally after everything. Which I don’t think she needed to do that at all. I just feel bad that she married... that. She’s so nice but why the fuck is he so mean. She even said herself that he was being a dick lmao exact words. Entitled people are everywhere and most of the time I can deal with worse shit (and I have many times!!!!). But I really was not having it this day. Fuck. Even when I left the dad kept talking shit about me to my supervisor, saying that he doesn’t like my vibes etc. lol. You assholes just hate my vibes because I don’t kiss up to you because you’re an asshole and you should d word???? ha. The worst part is that I did not tell anyone about what happened but the word got out so fast (headache) that the entire department knew in a matter of hours (I got so many DMs right after my shift asking me if I am ok/what happened fml it’s quite embarrassing). I can’t........ I know that I am a sad little child in my personal life but I really do not have to be sad photographer at work too. I try so hard to just be chill and calm... and I am at most times. Personal life is just interfering with other aspects of life. Need control. But I am just trying to make money... why are people so mean.... I’m so done. How to erase my existence... Aiya. Rest of work day was honestly good... students were all nice and my coworkers were helping me a lot. My supervisor even split a Japanese cheesecake with me during break to cheer me up from hostile man lol. Life is life but I keep thinking back at the whole situation and I wish I could have reacted better/controlled my emotions better. I don’t want to cry again. I don’t need people like this to get to me again. 
Please tell me life will get better. I fuck up a lot but I’m an okay person...
#365#52#hot pot#mahjong#蜡笔小新#my outfit matching with the soju bottle lmaoooo#project 365#project 52#365 project#no outfit photo today IM..... so sad#it's always nice to see my friends but i think i'm just going thru too much in life rn i wasn't able to enjoy it as much as i normally do#i still appreciate them though lol when wing ran across kitchen to get me water when i was choking on hot pot oil lmfaooooo#hope we can hang again soonzies! <3#i'm always their 5th wheel they just like 'wyd' and i'm just like 干饭啊#meanwhile they just fascinated over something lke 9 but i'm like . just eating.... LOL#i legit laughed so hard today during games DHJFS i dont even rmbr why but my tummy hurt#im prob not making sense . my brain has been so blurry all night ffs#just happy to have plans once in awhile..... hope life can be more eventful soon :-(#we were playing slapjack and then one of them said 'i hope everyone cut their nails i dont think it should be a problem for ppl like us'#uDJKHDJKSHFKJSFHFS#i can'T#i kept losing during slackjack & spoons and then kept getting flicked on the forehead#ACTUALLY PAINFUL#uncalled for!!!!!#taylor rly went 👌💣#IT WAS SO PAINFUL EVERY SINGLE TIME CRIES#there's just so much drama involved in my work life rn........... i'm scared fr#i rly hope this doesn't reflect badly on me lol...... this grown ass man with a 23 year old kid was legit BULLYING ME in front of everyone#in front of his kids and his wife and also the fucking high school student helper volunteer kid#it was so fucking humiliating why the fuck does he think that doing shit like that is ok.. why are ppl so ENTITLED im angry!!!!!
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enby-crisis · 4 years
Coffee For Your Head
Summary: You are friends with Vanya and are on your way to practice with her but she was called in for a “family meeting”. You met Five and he asks you on a date.
Word Count: 1309
Warnings: None
Requested: Yes!!
A/n: Sorry this is hella late. I had a really hard time thinking of a title... Hope you like it though!!!
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You walked into the little donut shop on your way to meet your best friend Vanya. She loved this place as a kid and you wanted to see her get that happy nostalgic smile when she thinks of all the nights she spent here as a kid. They were some of her better memories. You never met any of her family but she told you that they were a rowdy bunch. And you believed her.
You sat at the counter with a copy of Les Fleurs du mal. Poetry. It was something that you could pick up and read when you needed to pass the time and as you waited for your very simple order of two glazed donuts, a coffee, and a black tea, it kept your mind from drifting. For some reason there was this dark haired kid at the other end of the counter staring at you, breaking your focus.
"French poetry?" The boy finally asked. "Is it in the original language or are you one of those girls who likes to look foreign and smart? Because you don't look like one of those girls trying to be smart. You look like you are smart."
You sigh though your nose and sit straighter on your stool. "I learned French before I learned English so if you are smart you'd assume it's in French." You go to pick up the book again.
"That only answered one of my questions sweetheart." He smirks and you almost hit him.
"Listen I don't know who you think you are or why my intelligence is any of your business but I'd appreciate if you just let me get my order and leave before you embarrass yourself or worse me." You sass as a response.
"Oh? Feisty are we?" He says, leaning over the spot between the two of you. He's studying you. You know this. So you study him. "What instrument?" He asks, pointing at the small case behind you.
This completely catches you off guard but you try your best to recover quickly. "What?"
"What instrument do you play?" He repeats. "Violin correct? My sister plays."
"Actually cello but my friend talked me into trying the violin. Speaking of her, I should go." You say side-eyeing the bag the lady sets in front of you.
"Wait!" The boy jumps up and grabs your hand, you pull your hand from him and pick up the violin case.
You look at him expectantly.
"Go on a date with me." He half-plead.
"No. I-I can't. I'd like to but I'm already late. Maybe another time." You smile.
As quickly as you can manage you rush out of the shop and finish your journey to your friends apartment. You walk up the stairs to the second floor and knock twice. That's all it took for Vanya to appear and let you in.
"Hey I'm sorry about this but I have to go to the academy today. We'll have to save your violin lesson for another day." Vanya blurts.
"Vanya it's okay!" You chirped, "How about we eat first then head over? I could drive?"
"You sure? My family might have questions you don't want to answer." She rubs her sleeves together. Her cardigan was a size too big. It was probably one of yours.
"Yes, Vanya, you could use some back up with them. I'm perfect for that!" You beam.
"What are you going to do? Turn invisible?" She laughs as she pulls out her donut.
"Well," You smile, "I can also read minds, I could throw something at them if they're mean to you." You float your cup towards you as a demonstration.
"Remind me again how you got here?" She grumbled.
"You mean being 19 and having powers like you?" Vanya nods, though a mouthful of her breakfast. "All I remember is a white room. There was this other girl but I guess they liked her more. Instead of killing me when I was seven they gave me to an adoption agency in 2008. That's really all I remember." You glance at Vanya as she thinks.
"I should've told you this sooner but your a year and a half younger then one of my brothers." She smiles mischievously.
"I though you hated all of your brothers?" You question.
"Yeah, I do, but this one is not half bad. Little snarky but I know you and I know him and you could put him in his place!" Vanya cheers as she stands to get ready.
"Vanya I tell you this every time. I don't date people." You say, leaning on the door frame.
"Well you're in luck (Y/n)! Neither does he!!" She teased.
"Vanya you're my best friend and you know I'd do anything for you but I am not going out with your brother." You say, grabbing your keys and heading out the door with Vanya on your heals.
"We'll see." She giggles to herself.
At the grand entrance of the Academy, you stood taking the expensive antique furniture thinking of how Vanya turned out the way she did.
"Who invited the bomb?" Her bulkier brother questioned.
"I did." Her sister says. "Vanya!" She hugs Vanya and you stand awkwardly behind her, waiting to be introduced.
"Oh! Right... Allison this is my friend, (Y/n). We were in the middle of a practice when you called." Vanya explains.
"Well it is very nice to meet you (Y/n). I'm Allison. The rude one is Luther. The high one in my skirt is Klaus. Diego is in all black and..." She trails off in though.
"And I am Five." The boy from the donut shop smirks when you turn to face him. You assumed you masked your shock poorly.
"You. The boy from..." You point.
"Yeah it's so nice to see you again too Sweetheart." He uncrossed his arms and walked to the living room.
You followed behind Vanya and Allison.
You sat in between Vanya and Klaus, half listening to the "family meeting." It was a lot of Five talking and the rest giving input. Something about alternate timelines. It wasn't until Diego spoke that you sat up and paid more attention.
"Well Vanya brought her into this!" He provoked, "She doesn't even have powers!"
You look at Vanya, who just looks away as she rubs her neck. "Actually..." She trails off.
"Actually what?" Luther jumps in.
You stood up "Actually!" You pull a book off a shelf from across the room, startling everyone.
Five smirks as he nods at you, the rest are to embarrassed that you stood up to them.
"I can also read minds so if you could stop thinking of me as a burden I'd greatly appreciate it." You reveled.
"Okay so she's in!"Five concludes and with that the meeting disbands.
You find yourself looking at family portraits and notice that Vanya isn't in any of them.
"So French poetry?" A voice startles you and you turn invisible before you can stop it.
"Invisibility?" Five crosses his arms again.
"Sorry. I-you scared me. That one is a bit more of a reflex. And my head hurts from mind reading for the past two hours." You admit.
"How about we explore your powers a bit more over some coffee? For your headache?" Five offers.
You smile and look over his shoulder to see Vanya lurking in a corner, watching you interact with him.
"Um," You think, making eye contact with Vanya, who gives you a thumbs up. "Sure if it'll get you to stop staring at me." You whisper.
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pixie-cocaine · 4 years
ATEEZ Reaction To: Their sick S.O. throwing up
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Hello sunshine, I love your Ateez writings so much! Can I request an Ateez reaction to you waking up in the middle of the night being sick and you throw up?
Ohhh this is a good one, your mind. This is a non-gender specific one, so there’s there’s that, as well :)
Songs Listened To: My bird’s chirping
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Hongjoong ♡:
• Snoozin woozin when he felt the bed shake as you struggled to throw the covers off of you
• In his post-sleep haze, he’d still be very concerned as to why you were so frantic
• “What’s wrong?”
• You wouldn’t be able to answer though, because, well, just as you hopped out of the bed and began to run to the open door...
• Blurghwaggbleghughagh 🤮
• Immediately rushed up to go steady you because gorl- you were HEAVING
• Holding onto that wall for dear life, eyes tearing up and everything. Yikies, here’s a glass of water or sum
• Tried scrubbing the vomit off your shirt, also went to fetch a wet rag and water
• “Fuck..,” You’d still be queasy, unconciously holding your stomach and staring down at the multi-colored puddle of your mushy dinner, trying not to look at Joong out of an odd sense of embarrasment, “I’m sorry… it got everywhere…”
• “Hey, hey, no一it’s not your fault at all, honey,” He’d frown and guide you back to bed
• Helped you change into different jammies and cleaned up with you, as well as got you a bucket
• Wouldn’t stop cuddling you and asking if you still felt gross ;(
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Seonghwa ♡:
• You’d already felt your gut stirring when you went to bed, but you weren’t expecting to wake up in a cold sweat and experience the disgusting nausea that was happening in the same bed as Hwa
• You let out a pained whimper, head aching like it was being pounded on, and attempted to sit up
• You suceeded, but not without waking up Seonghwa
• He made a noise that you couldn’t quite register in the pain you were in, cuz damn you were trying your hardest to not pass out from the horrible headache-bordering-on-migraine
• “Mm… Baby…? Are you ok?”
• “I-… Ow..,” Was all you could get out. Your voice wavered, cracking, and the copious amounts of saliva that began to coat your mouth was a clear sign your stomach was readying to empty its contents, not to mention the lurching of your intestines
• The best word to describe it would be ‘agonizing’
• One second you were trying to slide the covers off you, the next, you were leant forward and throwing up all over the comforters and mattress
• It was literally horrible, dawg. Your throat felt like it was forcing itself open, and the yellow chunder that expelled from your mouth burned the inside lining of your trachea. You wanted to game end, maaan 😔🤙
• But it all turned out ok, because Hwa was there to help :))
• Acted fast after he got over his initial shock; bundled up the blankets and ushered you off the bed, gently pushing you towards the bathroom with a kiss to your forehead so you could go take a shower, and cleaned up the bed hella quick
• When you came back, he’d gave you a bunch of kitheth all over your face except your lips and slipped a hand under your shirt to gently rub/pat your tummy while you relaxed into his chest cuz he knew you still felt groggy (I’m gonna start crying, bro..)
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Yunho ♡:
• Freaked the fuck out when you stumbled out of the bed and into the bathroom
• Though, since that bitch was sleep, it looked kinda like 😵 
• “____..?”
• Followed you haphazardly out of pure worry, and was like “Oh! 😧” when he saw you bent over the toilet and just adujadhbauidbuaqbduw into it
• The sounds also made him feel worse
• Nasty as hell, why do you sound like you’re throwing buckets of water into a kitty pool and burp right before it splashes
• Anyways
• It was hell for you :)
• While the ceramic of the toilet’s sides as well as the cold tile floor helped cool your feverish body and hands down, the smell of the water made your nausea worse. You could feel the sweat gather at your forehead as you banged your hand down on the lid out of strain and need to get bearings, gorl, you looked a literal mess
• You’re lucky Yunho doesn’t judge since he’s sweetness :D)
• Was genuinely really concerned; eyebrows knit in regard and a hand rubbing your back with each retch you made
• “It’s ok.. It’s ok,” He’d repeat, not really knowing any other way to comfort you
• When you were done, he’d kiss your temple and help wash your mouth out, praising you for getting to the bathroom in time and being so strong
• Scared puppy eyes the entire time [insert a crowd of awes]
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Yeosang ♡:
• Had no idea what was going on when he opened his eyes upon the sound of your staggering footsteps in the hallway
• Then he heard you vomiting
• Was like ‘word? I know they did not just...’ and got up to peek his head out from the doorway
• Saw you bent over, only a couple feet from the bathroom, and holding onto the wall for dear life as you spewed ALL OVER the floor
• Couldn’t help but make a ‘😬’ face
• Like, you’re his baby, dawg
• He doesn’t wanna see you like that 😔
• Nervously laughed before moving over to step around the puddle, coming back with cleaning supplies, a cold rag, and a bucket
• “And here I was, telling you that you had a stomach bug and should get a bucket just in case”
• “I don’t need your bullshit right now, Yeosang,” You flipped him the bird but still smiled at his teasing, then cleaned up the mess with him 
• He’d tucked you into bed and put the rag on your forehead (kithed your eyelid for good luck UwU), and was about to roll over and go back to sleep when he realized the face you were making
• You looked kinda sad bro :(
• “What’s wrong?”
• “I feel kinda guilty. You were right, I should’ve gotten a bucket so I didn’t have our hallway all nast-”
• “I was just kidding, baby,” He grinned and put an arm above your head as he turned on his side to face you, caressing your cheek, “It wasn’t your fault. Plus, it was a... bonding moment?”
• “You literally got puke on your big toe, Yeosang-”
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San ♡:
• When he felt the bed dip as you stood up from it, he cracked an eye open at first, but then he heard you gag and the sound of you spilling your fucking stomach out
• Shot up from his original position with wide eyes
• Now he was fully awake lol
• “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me..,” You said to yourself, wiping your mouth with the back of your sleeve and looking back at San with an expression that apologized before he could ask if you threw up
• “Did you...?”
• “Yeah.. Just go back to sleep, I’ll clean it up,” You didn’t give him time to reply before you already left the room to go get napkins and a cleaning agent
• In the end, he still helped with wiping it up :)
• Gave you some pepto bismol before you both laid down
• “Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling bad... I could’ve gotten you medicine..”
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Mingi ♡:
• Panicky ;(
• He was wondering where you were when he woke up because he was thirsty
• So on his way to the kitchen, he got his answer
• Bitch- you’re so loud and for what lmao
• I get it, I get it. You’re going through a horrible experience by literally regorging both stomach acid and everything you’ve eaten the day before, but like, why do you sound like you’re dying
• Shit, maybe you are, nvm
• Pushed the already ajar bathroom door open the rest of the way and got an unwanted eyefull of you hurling into the toilet bowl
• Bb was so worried about youuuu *sobs*
• Didn’t know what to do with himself for a sec, so he kinda just bounced in place and messed with his fingernails until he finally realised that it’d be helpful if he got you some medicine
• “I got you something for your stomach,” He stood beside you by the sink counter, where you were rinsing your mouth out, and held out the round pink tablets for you to sit on the surface of your tongue and wash down with some water
• “Thanks, babe,” You mustered a weak smile, ruffling his hair in adoration for the boy
• “Oh, you look like a zombie, ____!” 
• A crybaby
• Literally flung himself onto you and squeezed you half to death, nuzzling his cheek against your own and ready to cry for you when you put a hand on his chest and let out an exhausted groan
• “You’re gonna make me throw up again, Mingi...”
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Wooyoung ♡:
• Omgomgomg it’s my favorite gang member 😍 
• Disqusted
• Was woken up by you shaking his shoulder
• “Huh...?”
• Sat up from his side, then saw the huge puddle of puke in the center of the covers
• Was like “Dawg.... I loved this comforter 😞,” and took a moment of silence to weep on the inside
• Then he clowned you about it :D
• “Ewww, dude!” He whined, pushing your arm slightly and looked towards you, a shit-eating grin on his face as he waited for your reaction
• “I can’t help it, asshole!” 
• You were ready to rip his head off lol
• The auDACity of this wench 🙄💅🏽
• Teased you, yet still helped clean everything up
• Two-faced ass
• Be’d make fun of the situation a lil bit, but he understands :)
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Jongho ♡:
• Ah, he looks so soft in this gif UwU
• No judging from bb
• He understands you’re not feeling good, and that’s ok ;(
• So when he opens his eyes at the sound of you know, BLAKBURGHWHAGABLEGH 🤮, he’s already figured that you got sick
• You’re next to the bedroom door, holding onto the wall for leverage and clutching at your stomach, still shaking from the sudden action
• “Uh-oh, did you throw up?” He mumbles as he slides off the bed and makes his ways towards you, rubbing his eyes
• “Yeah...”
• “Go sit near the toilet for a bit just in case more comes, I can clean this up”
• You sigh and frown, appreciating the offer but not wanting your boyfriend to fix a mess that you made. Especially a gross one.
• “Jongho, you don’t have to...”
• He presses a kiss to your forehead and doesn’t answer, instead, placing his hands on your hips as he pushes you out the door and to the bathroom before heading to the kitchen
• “You don’t need to worry about me, just make sure you’re ok”
• The absolute sweetest ;((
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The Flare
this is just a list of causes, symptoms and effects on people of the flare, either as fun facts or if you have a flare-infected character in your fanfic!
(note: the majority of this information comes from the tmr wiki or the kill order, so you could just check that instead, but i’m doing this anyway!)
- the flare is sometimes known amongst scientists as ‘virus VC321xb47′ (although that’s really drawn out, so no wonder it was nicknamed)
- it is a man-made virus released by a group known as the Post-Flares Coalition, who made it to reduce overpopulation
- the PFC thought the virus would humanely kill its victims, however it mutated out of control to cause a full on pandemic (not unlike the one now), with millions of people going mad and dying due to it
- those infected with the flare are colloquially known as cranks, and every remaining city in the world has a special holding place for cranks that are known as ‘crank palaces’
Related Important People
- Chancellor John Michael: former chancellor of both the PFC and WICKED. it was with his approval that the flare was released. he was not immune, and he makes a brief appearance in the fever code to thomas, teresa, minho and alby, where he begs them to find a cure. he is shot by randall spilker
- Katie McVoy: former member of the PFC and the founding member of WICKED. she was the one who invented/found the flare in the first place. she told john michael that it would be a brilliant idea to release it, but later committed suicide as a result of guilt and infection
- Randall Spilker: former member of PFC and a member of WICKED. he protested against the release of the flare, saying it was madness. he has multiple appearances in the fever code, all of which involve harming the gladers, but he eventually contracts the flare and gets killed by thomas
- there are others but these are the main three
- when it was first spread, it caused a lot of painful headaches and a lot of painful deaths
- then it mutated, and the symptoms became much more severe
- early stages: sudden mood swings, paranoia, poor balance, irrational anger, slight aggression, and headaches that get worse as time passes
- usually, these symptoms last around two to four months, but if the infected is constantly stressed it works faster
- later stages: as the virus infects the cerebral cortex of the brain (the part responsible for thought, perception, memory, advanced motor function and language), the infected will experience dementia, temporary memory loss, and symptoms much like alzheimers.
- since the brain is decaying, it also causes the infected to experience psychotic mental disorders, as well as hallucinations, homicidal rage and cannibalistic tendencies
- here’s a photo of a poster that james dasher made (it explains it better than me)
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- any infected individual who has gotten to the point of complete loss of sanity is referred to as being past the ‘Gone’. those past this stage often have brutal and horrifying injuries, as a result of fighting with other cranks or self-mutilation
- the most common form of transmission is through direct contact with someone infected, if they have been bitten/scratched
- however, towards the end of the series, it mentions it becoming airborne
- the Bliss: this is a drug created to sedate a person’s senses and neural activity, which in turn slows down the virus. however, it’s extremely expensive and only delays the inevitable, so it’s not a cure. it makes the taker seem hella relaxed, so it’s fairly easy to tell if someone’s taken it
- a widespread cure is not known or being given out, but it was revealed in the last book that thomas’ blood contains antibodies that destroy the flare virus completely
Related Organisations
- Post-Flares Coalition: an organisation originally formed to find solutions to the problems caused by the sun flares scorching the earth. they spread the flare virus as a method of population control. however, once it mutated, many of its members went to WICKED to find a cure
- WICKED (or WCKD): it stands for World In Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department. it’s an organisation originally formed to find a cure for the flare. to do so, they tested Immunes and non-Immunes as control subjects and put them through many trials, like the Maze and the Scorch. they were investigating the killzone (a nickname the cerebral cortex got after the virus started infecting people)
- FIRE: it stands for Flare Information Recovery Endeavor. it’s an organisation formed to figure out the full effects of the sun flares. since they only tried to identify the cause and the effects, it later led to the formation of the PFC, who tried to fix the problems.
- PCC: it stands for the Population Control Committee. this isn’t so much an organisation as it is a sub-section of the PFC. it’s a project that katie mcvoy was a part of, and it first introduced the flare virus
- if you’ve read this far, i hope this has been useful! :D
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goldentsum · 4 years
━ socs and greasers
CHARACTERS: kuroo tetsurou and oikawa tooru
GENRE: fluff, a little angst
AUTHOR’S NOTE: oikawa’s a bit longer! i got too excited while writing this cus i rewatched ‘the outsiders’ soooo yeah,, here~
━ kuroo ♡
ahem i mean yeah kuroo tetsurou is most definitely a greaser
Kuroo always scares those socs half to death with his tall height and intimidating aura but tbh he’s a softie
Though he won’t lie that the leather and denim aesthetic was kinda his style and scaring socs was too amusing for him
He most def has a busted second-handed car that he bought with his own money cus his parents doesn’t give a shit to even give him money
He lives with himself now as he run away from the dysfunctional family he had because he’s gonna go crazy if he hears another full blown fight his parents always has
I headcanon his s/o to be a soc and his childhood friend along with kenma, whos a greaser omg
You’re the daughter of a huge businessman who always leaves you on your own most of the time
you became friends with kuroo and kenma when yall met in the vacant lot with the two sporting bruises which made your motherly instincts go haywire even at a young age
Before you and kuroo became a thing, he was just admiring you from a far cus you’re a soc and he’s a dirty greaser but you always remind him that you really don’t really care about that
though kuroo doesn’t really wanna mix you up with his problems,, afraid that someone might hurt you,, soft boy :((
You were just too good to him that it hurts... you always make sure he has enough food in his house, always patching him up after a brawl, always making sure he’s okay, and just always there for him...
with you being like that,, kuroo can’t help but fall...
After accepting the fact that you were no longer the sister he always thought he’d have and that he started to see you more as a woman,, he started being softer, noticing certain quirks and features he didn’t see before,, while being a bit awkward because he doesn’t know how to act really
Kenma always catch kuroo staring at you which he always call him out about
“you’re staring awfully obvious there”
“shut up, kenma... i wasn’t starin”
he totally was pft
And it might not look like it but kuroo is really good at school! he has the best grades in his class and he’s hella cocky about it, rubbing it on the poor socs’ faces in his class
He even tutors you cus you were flanking chem :DDD fUN
Kuroo loves spending time with you! even if it’s just some tutor session but it always ends up with you pouting because you can’t understand it and him getting a headache at the amount of times he repeated it already
One night, he was out riding in his car, pouty that he didn’t see you for about a week now
Then he saw you getting ganged up by 3 taller socs at the street and he was LIVID god help those socs
He just stopped his car and run up to them, punching them without any warning,,, His tall and muscular stature helping him,, he won at the end but they got a number on him ngl which you were angry about
“Why would you do something as stupid as this, Tetsu?!”
“It ain’t stupid, doll... just wanna make sure you’re alright”
“You’re so stupid.... but.. thank you, tetsu...”
god he loves the way you say his name like that
“Well, i can’t have my girl get disrespected by those shitty--”
“your girl?” 
You were staring at Kuroo with a soft gleam inside your eyes
Kuroo just wanted the ground to swallow him up and die,, why the fuck did he just say that?!--
“That sounds nice... I like it...” You said after seeing kuroo’s internal monologue, giggling softly
Kuroo sighed in huge relief, cupping your cheek with his coarse hand that felt so familiar to you
Touching your forehead with his, “It’s official then. You’re my girl”
“Yeah... but first let’s clean up your beaten up face”
of course... it really won’t be you without you ruining the moment but kuroo won’t have it any other way
━ oikawa ♡
He is fILtHY RiCh! fILTHYYY!!
has a reputation about being a flirt with his pretty face
Oikawa: it’s just a struggle being this pretty~ aND I’M RICH TOO sigh
A well known jock who gets all the girls with his charms and a flirty smile on his face
Oikawa knows how well he got people wrapped around his finger and he feeds off the power he has
Loves shopping and spending money on useless shit he won’t even use,, he’s unafraid to sPEND cus it’s not like it’ll dent his bank account
aND ALSO BECAUSE HE AIN’T WEARING THOSE UGLY KHAKIS! NO WAY IN HELL! he did once though and iwa, makki, and matsun made fun of him
You’re a greaser, a terrifying one at that
Your group was in the movie drivethru with your busted cars and leather and denim clothes
aND Lo and behold he’s also there,, though he’s with a date and Iwa, Matsun, and Makki were tagging along
a brawl start up with your group and some socs AND OIKAWA HAS TO SEE THIS DRAMA
He wanted to look good to his date so he went and tried to be the “hero” and stop the brawl
You got irritated and punched him right on his nose surprising him and knocking him off his feet
Oikawa stared up at you, nose aching and bleeding, wide teary eyes from the pain
And you stared down at him, a deadly glare on your face as you tugged on your leather jacket, scoffing at the soc
Your group quickly left when someone called the cops,, yall ain’t going to prison now,, nope
Oikawa was left there, sitting on the dirty ground with his nose bleeding and welling up eyes,, It took Makki and Matsun to help him up with Iwa staring at him like, are you okay, dude tf?
“I think I’m in love”
Now that was not what they were expecting, they expected something extra but definitely not that kind of extra,,
His date got irritated at that and dumped her drink at his feet, stomping away but Oikawa barely flinch,, too occupied in his thoughts on who you were
He spend an entire week looking for you because he just can’t get you out of his mind,, you were the first girl to ever pull a stunt like that and it was amusing masochistic bastard
When he finally saw you, you were in a diner with your group and his heart got all fluttery and shit and he got scared because tHAT WAS UNUSUAL! WTF WAS THAT FLUTTERY FEELING?!
He mustered up all the courage he had and marched up to the table, looking straight at you,, barely looking at anyone else
You raised a brow at the familiar brunette but you couldn’t really place your finger on where you’ve seen him then it hit you,, yOU HIT HIM LAST WEEK,, STRAIGHT IN HIS NOSE and the redness on his nose was evidence enough
You started to speak cus what if this soc get you arrested like nope you ain’t having that,, “Look dude, I don’t want any trouble--”
“Go on a date with me” 
Your whole table was laughing at you making you fluster up in embarrassment cus wtf is with this weird guy,, you punch him then a week later he shows up claiming he wants to go on a date with you???
oH this was pay back,, okay you got it
Finally, you agreed! Oikawa can’t stop giggling on the way home and got already took out multiple outfits for your date
On the day of your date, he was immaculate with his outfit! He also fixed his already perfect hair and got to the place where you guys will meet up at half an hour early with a bouquet of flowers in hand,, he was that excited!
but 2 hours already passed and you were no where to be seen... D; did you just stood him up? aND WORSE OF ALL IT STARTED RAINING ruining his outfit and hair and making the flowers in his hand all soggy and gross
Oikawa slumped on the the fountain, sAD AS FUCK
while you were snickering in your car driving on the opposite side of town but then a punch of guilt made way to your gut...
what if he waited there?.... and its raining...
goddammit,, and like that your car turned around and drove to the park where you and oikawa planned to meet up.
You stopped the car in front of the fountain and your heart shattered when you saw the familiar sitting figure on the fountain in the pouring rain.
“fucking hell, this idiot”
You stomped your way to him, your leather jacket on your head trying to shield yourself in the harsh rain and stopped in front of the soc
“You’re late...” His croaky voice was really not helping your guilt,, fucking hell...
“tch... Let’s go idiot!” You pulled him up and dragged him in your car
There was tense air inside the car with you grumbling on your seat and Oikawa pouting sadly on his, slumping more
“Look... I’m sorry about this... I’m sure you’re a nice guy,, i think... L-Let’s start over, yeah?”
Oikawa perked up and looked at you at the corner of his eyes,, he hated the fact that he was happy rn... he was supposed to be mad at you,, he waited 3 hours for you and an hour in the rain, hoping you’ll come to him
“Fine... but you owe me one!”
“yeah yeah, idiot soc”
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Without You
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Pairing: Logan x MC (Lexi Cahill)
Word count: 2.5 K words
Warning: Just a little cursing, here and there and Angst
MC is actually not present in this fic, this is Logan's POV, four months after he had to leave LA
Author's note: I decided to take part in @rodappreciationweek so here is my submission :)) 
Thanks to @choicesarehard @brightpinkpeppercorn and @client-327 for hosting this 💙
Thanks to @mvalentine for pre-reading it❤️❤️
Title inspiration: Without You by Avicii (ft. Sandro Cavazza)
Song: Gone by Blake Rose
Forgive me if I make any mistakes.
The rays of the sun spilled through the crack in my curtains, making the white walls a yellow hue. My eyes were bleary and red rimmed. It had just been moments since I woke up and my hangover struck me like a train wreck, a familiar electric pain behind my eyes.
I shouldn't have drank so much.
I moved my head to only see an an empty bed side. Of course she left. Who would want to stick around after a one night stand?
The hazy memories of last night filtered through my head, making me wince. Another night, another rave, another tray of shots and another chick to bang.
You could call it saturday shenanigans but, this was different.
Everything was different since I left her.
All my days just seem to melt away into a haze of alcohol and drugs... Today, tomorrow, yesterday seems to fuse into this neverending torture, an ache which no matter how much I drink or how many girls I fuck, never fucking ceases to hurt. The only thing which can fix this gaping wound in my heart is Lexi.
But she is not here.
And never will be.
So this is how it has been for the past weeks. Me getting inebriated to new extremes just to numb the pain and to temporarily erase the loneliness before I become sober again.
Because when I'm in those intoxicated wastelands, I'm so out of it that I can almost hallucinate her dancing with me. I can almost smell her strawberry shampoo, tickling my nose. I can almost hear her tinkling laugh.
And in my alcohol induced sleep, I dream of her in my arms the both of us fitting together, like two jigsaw puzzles.
I despise being sober. Because when I am In my senses, the entire load of loss weighs down on me, crushing me and suffocating me. The 'could have been's' and the regret are all a heavy burden on my shoulders.
A small part of me is often wishing, praying and hoping that things could just go back to normal but, deep in my gut I know, that nothing is ever going to be the same again.
Nothing is ever going to be the same, now that she was gone...
How much time does it take to get over people?
It may be a day, a week, a month or a year. There is no definitive time span for getting over someone you loved, someone you cherished or someone who was close to your heart.
I think it depends on how much of an impact the said person had on you or how much of a void that person left in you.
I was the wild and carefree guy, with no strings attached and never saw myself being the one to fall in love because... Let's admit it, love is a vulnerability, a weakness which people don't hesitate to exploit.
But fast forward to four months later, I am in the same category as those emotional pussies crying over a breakup.
Being brought up in foster homes made me grow up quickly. Some houses were good and caring whilst some were harsh. And knowing that I am the most cursed person to walk the earth, I was always was stuck with the shitty households.
Don't believe me? I still have those scars from the fights and the beatings.
Growing up in such a hostile environment, taught me that there is no room for weakness or error and that love and feelings are just some fairy tale myth which is made by philosophical fools to give you a sense of hope.
But, hope is a dangerous thing, two side of the same coin. It can make you and break you.
I don't think I would have survived my childhood but... That's when I fell in love with cars.
It holds a special place in my heart.
The way my adrenaline spikes as the pointer on my speedometer achieves unattainable speeds, the way I feel the purr of my engine resound through my entire body and they way it's just me, my car and the open road... Nobody could ever compare to that sensation of freedom.
Well, that was before I met her.
Lexi Cahill.
I admit it started off as a way to recruit her as an informant, a tool to stay out of prison, another heart to break.
But little did I know that life would pull the fucking reverse uno card on me. But, I'm low-key glad it did.
It's been 4 months since that scum bag was thrown into the jail.
Four months since the crew went its separate ways.
Four months since I walked away from her.
I don't want to let you go...
Those words were on a repeat in his head, like a broken tape recorder and her teary eyes and broken expression is forever burnt into his brain. It was so hard to let her go. The one time I found a reason to stay, a reason to fight for, a reason to stop running, life just fucked it all up.
It was a tussle, a war between what my heart wanted and the logical side of me which just left me exhausted.
In conclusion, heartbreak sucks.
I reach for my phone and switch it on to check the time. But my eyes fall on our prom photo which I had made as my wallpaper. It's really stupid how head over heels I'm in love with her.
But it's the truth.
There is a saying that life gives you only one great love and that many people go for years without that.
I was one of the few lucky people to get that at 18.
But life is not sunflowers and unicorns shitting rainbows. It's rough, it's hard with its a mix of ups and downs. But it seems like mine is set to be on the all time low.
Staggering to the bathroom, I heavily leaned against the counter, my muscles flexing as I gripped the edge. My eyes lifted to see my reflection staring back at me.
I look like a hot mess.
This isn't you Logan... My inner conscience said, which eerily sounded like her.
God, I really must be losing it, huh?
Slowly and painfully I started my morning chores, my body on auto pilot. My mind kept on wandering to Lexi. She would be in Langston by now.
Would she be in that off shoulder sweater of hers, her feather tattoo peaking from underneath the sleeve? Would she be highlighting and colour coordinating her notes like she always did?
Would she have made new friends? Or dare I say a new boyfriend?
Logan stop hurting yourself. I said to myself as I visibly cringed at the thought of someone else having their arms around her.
The idea of someone else kissing her soft lips or someone else holding her hands or someone else running his hands along the curvature of her naked back made me equal parts angry and sad.
Angry for you know, obvious reasons but sad for the life I had to leave behind in LA.
God I hate this existential crisis shit... It's to early to question life.
I dragged myself in the direction of the kitchen, the smell of bacon waking me up. I was shirtless and wearing a pair of sweatpants because I was too fucking tired to wear anything else.
"Look who has decided to grace us with their presence."
"Shut up Carl, it's too early for your bullshit." Raven said as she slapped the top of his head.
I shot her a look of gratitude as I sank into my seat and reached for the plate of pancakes.
Carl and Raven were the closest thing to parents for me. Carl was a tough man with huge muscles, around six feet tall but, he was as goofy as a child. Raven was his girlfriend who was hella intimidating. The kohl lined eyes and the floral tattoo on the side of her shaven head made her look fierce. Both of them were in their early thirties and ran the Detroit Central crew.
We three were in a different crew when I was 15 and they really took a liking for me. They taught me everything I know and they are the family that I always came back too.
I dug into my breakfast, eating slowly and savouring the sweetness of the maple syrup.
"Thank god you are atleast eating now." Raven said as she ruffled my hair and turned towards the sink.
I shrugged and Carl picked up the newspaper to read, settling into his seat. Suddenly, the bell rang which had all of our backs becoming as stiff as a rod.
"Were you expecting someone, darlin'?" Raven asked, trying to peak through the windows.
"Don't get up, I'll do it." Carl said as he picked up the gun on the counter and pushed it into the back pocket of his cargo pants.
I was frozen, terrified. I had been very careful in escaping but me being the reckless fool and getting drunk seven ways to Sunday may have tipped them off.
I'm such a colossal dumbass.
I could hear Carl's gruff voice talking but I couldn't peek at the person on the other side of the door. I just sank further into my seat, hoping that it was some lost person and not the FBI.
"Boy this one's for you." He moved aside and the person I least expected to see walked in.
"You look like shit."
"Good morning to you too, asshole." I rolled my eyes.
Colt walked into the kitchen, wearing his trademark leather jackets and dark jeans. His combat boots made a thud sound with each step which made my headache worse.
"Will you be okay, Lo-lo?" Raven asked, her eyes flitting to the jerk standing in her kitchen.
Colt snorted at the nickname but luckily kept his mouth shut.
"Yep Ra. Meet Colt Kaneko. Colt meet Raven and Carl." I spoke at I stood up and put my dirty dishes in the sink.
"Oh you are Kaneko's boy, aren't you?"
"We heard about what went down in LA. Our condolences. He was a great man."
He gave a nod. It was a sore subject for me as well. That night in the alley, I wished I could take it back. I usually am not one to regret what I spew but whatever I said to Kaneko is another burden I'm gonna carry all my life.
"Also heard about your crew busted the Brotherhood? You were the mastermind behind it right?" Carl said as he crossed his arms.
"As much as I would love to take the credit, it was Lexi who came up with the plan." Colt said his eyes darted towards me, gauging my reaction.
"The newbie? Heard she drives like the wind-"
Hearing her name felt like an iron fist clenching my heart. That name will always be the source of my happiness, my cherished memories and my melancholy.
"Colt let's take this to the backyard, shall we?" Logan spoke up, interrupting them.
He walked to the back door and Colt followed him wordlessly. It a sunny day but a cool breeze blew which provided some kind of relief.
I reached to take out two beers from the cooler and handed him one. Colt raised an eyebrow.
"Beer... At ten in the morning?"
I shrugged as I popped the bottle cap off mine. "It's 5pm somewhere else."
"That's true too. Cheers." We clinked the necks of our bottles and took a sip as we sat down on the patio chairs.
I turned towards him. "So what brings you to Detroit?"
"To see your pretty face?" Colt said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.
I snorted. "Always knew you had a thing for me, pretty boy."
"Always knew that you had an ego the size of Jupiter, dickhead. Some things just don't change."
I sighed. "Can't say the same for me through. Everything is different now."
Surprisingly, Colt didn't mock him. He stared down at the bottle in his hands. "Yeah... I can understand. How are you holding up?" He asked as he turned to face me.
I took a huge gulp of my beer before responding, my eyes staring at the mango tree in my neighbor's back yard.
"Not too good. It's been hard for the last couple of months. Kaneko's death, leaving LA and maintaining a low profile... It's been tough."
Life without Lexi is tough.
"Yeah I can understand. I still imagine pops opening the door to wake me up. And don't get me started on the FBI... bunch of bloodsuckers." He muttered the last part.
I snorted. "I'll drink to that."
"Good thing they are off our backs now." Colt spoke eyeing him from the corner of his eyes.
I scoffed. "Bitch please. They are anything but lazy. They are gonna continue hunting us down till the end of time."
"I meant that we are not the top priorities at the moment. Sure Mona was sent to jail but, a little birdie told me that they are after this 'world class' thief at the moment."
"That's a relief I guess."
"Do you know what this means?" He asked taking another sip of beer.
"It's too early for my brain to function. Come to the point, asshole."
"We are rebuilding the crew, dickhead."
My eyes widened. "No way."
"Yup." He said popping the 'p'. He downed the remainder of his beer before standing up. "I'm done repairing the garage. We have a job in two months and I need a crew for that. I already have Ximena on board and now I'm gonna go over to Toby's."
My mind was swimming. Mercy Park Crew was coming back for good.
I looked up at him, suddenly nervous. "What about Lexi?"
He rolled his eyes. "When I said I'm rebuilding the crew, I also meant recruiting Lexi, dumbass."
Oh god.
She is going to come back.
I was frozen in my place once again. I had often asked myself how I would react if I got the chance to meet her again. I always imagined that I would let out the loudest cheer and dance like a mad man.
But this is reality and my thundering heart was a reminder of that.
"Why are you sitting there with your mouth open like a fish? Go! Get your girl."
And that was it. I rushed to my room, put on some decent clothes and haphazardly stuffed my things into my satchel. Grabbing my keys and yelling a quick good bye to Raven and Carl, I was out and in my 2005 Devore GT.
Reving the engine I took off on the roads of Detroit, heading for the highway.
The window was open and the breeze threaded through my unruly hair, making me feel alive. My hands clutched the wheel and my foot pressed down on the accelerator, speeding through the empty streets.
For the first time, in a very long, the roads which felt like a never ending maze for me, were the very ones which were the path to my freedom.
The path to my happiness.
The path to my Lexi.
I hope you liked it 😊
Logan x mc: @kaavyaethanramsey @openheart @skylarklyon @shadowycreatorpaperopera @pixelberryownsme @magicalshepherdtreeprofessor @anotherbeingsworld​
Permanent Tag list: @trappedinfandoms @oofchoices @agent-breakdance @rookie-ramsey @dailydoseofchoices @colossalpainintheass @siaramsey @raleigheffingcarrera @theeccentricbibliophile @ac27dj @ramseysno1rookie @justanotherrookie @openheart12 @jamespotterthefirst​ @checkurwindow​ @chasingrobbie​ @junggoku​ @bellcat2010​ @choicesstan1​ @mvalentine​ @crazynutella​ @hatescapsicum​ @dr-ramseys-rookie​ @lilypills​ @decadentwinnerjudgedream​ @choicesficwriterscreations​ @nooruleman​ @anonymously-cool​ @sanvivrma​
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darkestfable · 3 years
Safe Haven
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Raetos groaned as he found his way back to the waking world. He knew he was alive by how much his body ached. His head, most of all, felt like someone was hammering multiple nails in place. Only one luminous eye opened, the other still swollen shut under bandages wrapped around his head. His abdomen was also strapped tightly. He could feel the pressure of the wrappings limiting his movement, as to not aggravate what he assumed was broken ribs. The wound on his arm had been well cleaned and bandaged. Someone had been talking very good care of him.
He smiled, not having to wonder who, feeling the body curled up against his own. Tilting his head down, he caught a glimpse of the top of Fable’s head… there was no mistaking those lovely indigo locks. 
“How long have I been out?” He asked.
For just a moment, Fable grumbled and curled more tightly against Raetos. If this was a dream, he didn’t want to wake up. The hellscape that had been The Maw was no longer ringing in his ears, and his lover was by his side again. This had to be a dream. It was never this good.
Or was it?
The blood hunter finally peeled open his eyes, sitting up after a moment to look over the large lightforged next to him. His heart fluttered at the sight of his lover’s smile, and he reached over to lay a gentle hand onto his bandaged chest. This had been no small feat, what Raetos and the others had pulled off.
“Days, love. Take as long as you need, yeah? I ain’t goin’ nowhere,” Fable’s expression softened as he curled his fingers against the bandages on Raetos. Yep, still there. Still real.
The Draenei’s smile only grew wider as he reached up with his good hand to cup the side of his lover’s face. Raetos didn’t understand much of anything about death and spirits. But Fable looked well. Looked healthy. Better than he had in the Maw, for certain. 
“Careful what you say, Babe. I might ask to stay here forever,” he said, flashing his signature grin, “...wherever here is.” 
It suddenly dawned on him that they couldn’t be on Azeroth. They still had to find the soul dagger to get Fable his body back… and they obviously weren’t in the Maw anymore. Last thing he remembered was a very pissed off Avehi.
“Uh… where are we?”
“Oribos. Think that’s what they call it, anyway. Kinda a hub for uh...all sorts ‘a people,” Fable glanced at the door, as if the answer would be there. Truthfully, he’d been more worried about Raetos than asking about the name of the establishment.
He leaned over Raetos carefully to kiss him. Tender, sweet, and like he’d been afraid he’d never see him again. Everything had culminated to this point, and truthfully Fable wasn’t sure what he was doing. Getting out of The Maw had been his first task, but the blood hunter wasn’t sure if he could retrieve the dagger by himself. Wasn’t sure he’d want to do it alone. Doubt weighed heavily on him, tied down by the guilt of what he’d done to get here in the first place.
“Hey, love… You got my body, yeah? I’m gonna have somethin’ t’ go back home t’ when this shit is figured out? ‘n th’ animals are taken care of?” his voice was quiet, almost unsure. Fable loved their little life that they’d built, and still worried that he’d ruined it all.
“Mhm,” the Draenei managed a nod, thumb stroking his lover’s cheek, “The tree elf dude you got to take care of the animals while we were away agreed to stay as long as needed. I think we owe him a really REALLY big tip. Obligation and Responsibility really seems to like him, though, so don’t have to worry about them. Did you know he lived in that big ass tree that the Horde burned down? That’s where he got all the scars. Poor guy… Anyway, I was able to find your body at the dig site after going through your maps and stuff. Brought it to the healer chick that was deployed to Darkshire with me. You’re in a coma-like state back on Azeroth, and she’s keeping you nourished and stable until we manage to destroy that dagger.”
He paused in his rambling for a moment, knowing the next part was a bit touchy.
“Hey… uh… on that subject. Bad memories, I know. But like… anything you can tell me about the lady that stabbed you… physical description or name… if she gave you one…”
Another pause before adding.
“Was she hot? She must be hot.”
“Well, yeah… I mean it ain’t like I got bad taste,” Fable smirked, then paused a moment. “Wait, tree… They’re called Kal’dorei.”
The news of his body being taken care of was something of a relief, though the blood hunter still didn’t like the situation at all. Cebina had royally screwed him, and now he had to go find that dagger too? This was just getting more and more complicated…
“She uh… I’d know her if I saw her, yeah? While you were restin’ tho, I asked ‘round ‘bout the dagger ‘n souls ‘n shit ‘n this creepy lookin’ dude called a Venthyr told me ‘bout this place called Revandreth. Said a lady was there ‘n might have a dagger kinda like it?” Fable scratched at his chin in thought.
“Sounds like our next destination,” Raetos nodded, a cheerful smile on his face, “I know it’s not the best of situations, but we get to explore this whole new place together, and I’m sure we can get supplies so that you can map it all out.”
Obviously it would have been much more ideal to have Fable whole for the adventure, but there was no harm in seeing the bright side of the situation.
“Soon as moving doesn’t hurt anymore…” he winced as he shifted, “So... what’s a Venty. Not another type of elf, is it?—Not that there’s anything wrong with elves! There’s just so many different kinds and I can barely keep up with the ones I know.”
“Venthyr, luv. They’re like uh...anima vampires? Ain’t too clear on ‘em yet but I was watchin’ ‘em wander through Oribos while you were restin’,” Fable pulled out a notebook he’d obviously obtained here in the Shadowlands. A keen eye would notice that its leather bindings were a bit unlike any leather on Azeroth.
The first few pages were sloppy, slightly disproportionate sketches of the various different types of people he’d seen wandering through, along with notes of things he’d either overheard or asked them flat out. The page with the Venthyr man had no notes, however. Clearly, the hunter hadn’t approached him.
“They got fangs ‘n glowin’ eyes kinda, most of ‘em are real skinny. Nice clothes though, ‘n some of ‘em wear thigh high boots. Thinkin’ maybe I should get a pair?” the elf chuckled, leaning to stretch his leg out as far as he could, toes pointed.
“Babe, you would look hella amazing in those boots,” the Lightforged agreed, “Are there any with heels? If so, you should avoid them, because then, your already sexy ass will just look too good for me to resist. Afraid you won’t get anything done in that case.”
 His hand slipped down to give his partner’s behind a little squeeze, before he attempted to sit up. It was a more daunting task than anticipated with his injuries, but he managed. 
“Fashion sense aside, are these Venthyr people safe? The one you drew has like… an evil look to him. Or are they all that withered looking and ugly? Also, what’s anima? And what are the lampshades with legs that you drew in there?”
A smirk spread on his lips at the squeeze, but his attentions to the affections were pulled away when Raetos was trying to sit up. Fable assisted, but his brow furrowed in worry. Had his lover been hurt worse than initially thought? Damn it all, now he was fretting like a mother hen. The lampshades comment pulled the hunter out of his head though, and he just blinked for a moment before tilting the book towards him.
“The lampshades with legs? Oh, those?” Fable pointed at one of the doodles of a Broker. “They call themselves Brokers. They help facilitate trade of goods and services. Information too, ‘m sure. Ain’t got a chance to really chat jus’ yet.”
The concern crept up onto the elf’s face again, and he leaned over to kiss Raetos’ cheek.
“You doin’ okay? If you gotta rest…”
Raetos shook his head.
“Nah, just sore is all. The headache is the worst part, probably. Dude, Avehi hits -hard-! Did you see how pissed she was? Ha! Good times!” 
He smiled brightly to his lover, bringing his hand up to cup the side of his face again.
“Honestly, I’ve rested plenty. I just want to look at you,” he admitted, “I missed you so much, Bae… so don’t mind if all I want to do is cuddle and make out for a while.”
He paused, before adding with a wink.
“Wouldn’t hate a blow job either.”
The elf just smiled. That sappy, sweet, completely enraptured smile as he nuzzled into Raetos’ hand. It had felt like an eternity, fighting for his life. Being reunited had been on his mind the whole time, but even now Fable’s heart ached for the life they’d had before. Though, in the middle of his thoughts, a smirk broke through. That was the Raetos he knew.
“Oh, I’m sure you wouldn’t…” Fable turned his head to place a kiss in the palm of Raetos’ hand. “If it won’t hurt you, I’m gonna swallow you whole…”
“I mean… not like I can move much in these bandages,” he grinned, running his thumb along Fable’s bottom lip, “Doubt I’d be able to find a way to hurt myself.”
He paused as he  thought about that a moment.
“—Okay, so I would -probably-  find a way to hurt myself. But it would be hella worth it, though.”
Fable caught Raetos’ thumb between his lips, cerulean eyes closing as he pressed the barbell through his tongue against the calloused pad. A promise. As his lover spoke, the elf savored the taste of his flesh, finally opening his eyes to look up at him with a smirk. He released the thumb after a moment only to place a kiss into Raetos’ palm.
“Jus’ sit back ‘n enjoy then. You deserve t’ be worshipped,” he mumbled against the blue skin, continuing to kiss down from his hand to his wrist. Of course, he’d wait for permission.
It felt like lifetimes since he’d been away from Raetos, and only minutes that they’d been back together again. Fable felt that familiar skin hunger, but it had only gotten stronger after they were in safety, and he could touch and smell his lover again. The blood hunter had to remember to pace himself; Raetos was still recovering, and they were still in a strange place. But tomorrow could wait. Tonight belonged to them.
(Raetos is @raetos / @kidcatgemini )
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