e-m-ma-lmfao · 10 months
PLS YOU NEED TO WRITE MORE FICS ABOUT ASTARION the one you did was so good and cute ☹️☹️ i love it
Let Me Clean Your Wounds
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pairing : astarion x (fem) reader
summary : a long week of hard work leaves your party tired and injured. you offer to clean astarions and to your surprise, he accepts.
warnings : talk about blood.
a/n : thank you anon :0 i STILL have not played baldurs gate (so i apologize again for my lack of knowledge).
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It had been an incredibly long week. 
It started by someone in the party pointing out that you had no more money left. So you had to spend your days doing odd jobs for people in the nearby town. 
However, a few of them had failed to mention the fact that their job requests could end up harming you in more ways than one. An easy job, like gathering fruit for an old lady who can’t venture out that far anymore, suddenly turned into fighting a hag in the woods for trespassing on her property. 
The compensation received was hardly enough for the injuries you and your party would gather on your bodies throughout the day. 
As powerful as your group was, being caught off guard by some giant creature in the woods left you at a disadvantage. And when calmly mentioned to the people of the village, suggesting that their pay be higher for sending you to do such strenuous tasks so they wouldn’t be attacked themselves, they threw their arms up to you. 
Calling you greedy and saying you were trying to steal their gold. Of course that didn’t sit well with the nearby guards, and while jumping to conclusions without any investigation, you were thrown in a cell. Not all your party, just you, as the leader. 
You weren’t released until a member of your party persuaded them, using the gold you had just earned from the townspeople’s ridiculous jobs. 
So you packed up your camp, and ventured out to find another village. One where you hadn’t been put behind bars for scheming and trying to steal gold from the elderly. 
When you found a nice spot, and a town that looked to have more than enough gold to go around, you set up camp in the nearby woods. The townspeople were less than friendly, but at least they were honest about their jobs. 
They made it abundantly clear that they would not be handing out charity and that you had to work for the gold you earned. That turned out to be a challenge after a few jobs had been completed , and it had clicked that your party has been consistently acquiring injuries over the last few days. 
Your party was down in power. You were lacking in energy, and it was showing in the way your attacks would fly but often miss or hit with not much force behind them. 
So after completing one last job, and buying some fresh meat from the town, you decided to rest. Finally caving into the exhaustion, you felt almost weak when Lae’zel complained about stopping. But nobody else seemed to have any complaints. 
Lae’zel was hasty to eat, along with almost everybody else in the party. They got a fire started and the warmth hugged your body, but while scanning over everyone’s face you realized just how rough your condition had become . 
Everyone seemed to be holding up all right, you weren’t too worried, but as you looked in closer you noticed Astarion was seated farther away from the fire picking at his skin. 
Curious, you left the warmth of the fire and wandered over to him. 
“Mind if I sit?” 
“No, well, not much. But I don’t think you’d listen if I said I did.” You shook your head at him before taking a seat beside him. 
His face was pretty bruised up, cuts on his cheek and lip. And his arms were covered with scratches that it was continuing to pick at. 
You took another glance before standing up and walking back over to your own tent to grab some bandages, your flask of water, and a rag of some sort to wipe his wounds. When you came back he stared at you with amusement in his eyes. 
“What exactly are you planning to do with all that, darling?” 
“You're covered in cuts, have to clean them up so they don’t scar your pretty face. Let me clean your wounds?” You tried not to let the pet name have any effect over you, but you were sure your thoughts were showing through your cheeks. His hand moved to touch his cheek, as if he didn’t believe that he truly did have any injuries, wincing as his finger brushed against a larger cut. 
“You’re seriously worried about me when you’re in the same condition? For the love of the gods , you were thrown in a cell this week and you're truly worried about some cuts on my cheeks?”
“May I?” You held the rag up in your hands, pouring some water over it. He nodded, hesitantly of course, but he allowed it anyway. 
Gently, you placed the dampened rag over his cuts, wiping away at the dried blood and layer of dirt covering his pale skin. His brows furrowed, the sight causing you to let out a giggle. Usually, Astarion was very closed off, so being this close to him and him allowing you to help him was sort of new to you. 
“Why are you laughing? I’m in pain and your ..giggling?” He tried to be stern and serious, his usual facade, but a small smile was playing at the corner of his lip.  
“I’m sorry,” You let out another giggle as you swiped away at his skin and his eyebrows furrowed once more, “It’s just cute, I’ve never seen your face scrunch up like that.”
He seemed to pause, his mouth slightly agape as he stared at you. You were being serious. You thought he was cute, when he was covered in blood and dirt. Him showing a little weakness , you thought it was cute? 
“What? I know my face is probably dirty.” You rubbed at your cheek with your free hand, conscious of your appearance as his gaze lingered on your face. He didn’t care though, he was too busy thinking about your words. 
“Cute is an absurd word to use when describing someone like me. I’m too handsome to be described in such ..simple terms.” His smirk returned to his face, your mouth now agape unsure of whether he was serious or not. 
“C’mon now Astarion, I never said you weren’t handsome. I just said you were cute with your face all scrunched up like that.” The rag sat in your lap, his face was clean, his cuts just needed a little cover up. 
“So you do think I’m handsome?” He leaned in closer , his voice captivating. 
“Well I never said that either.” You placed your hand on his chest to distance yourself , ripping off a piece of the bandaging in your hands and manipulating it into place on his cheek. 
He wore a subtle pout on his lips but when you moved in close and kissed his cheek, in a moment of boldness,  it soon fell away. 
Astarion’s hands brushed against your own, taking the damp rag and pouring more water onto the other unused end. 
“My turn, darling.” The rag, making contact with your skin, made goosebumps appear on your skin. It was colder than you expected, and you knew there had to be small cuts littering your face by the way it stung. Your face must have tensed because he took his turn to laugh at you. 
“You know, you are very beautiful, even with your face all scrunched up.” He was mocking you. obviously, but his voice mixed with his compliments made your cheeks flush. 
A final swipe along your cheek and he pulls the rag away, “There. All clean, my dear.” 
His hand reached out to cup your cheek, but before the act became too intimate, he changed his course and ran his hand along the side of your hair to flatten it down. 
“You really are quite pretty .” He knew his words had such a serious effect on you, as you never tried to hide the fact that your feelings for him were far from platonic interest. It was so weird seeing him be so friendly, and flirty in a way that wasn’t meant to manipulate.
“Would you stop? It’s not nice to tease y'know.” 
“And who told you I was teasing, my dear? Was it Lae’zel cause I’ve always thought she might have a thing for me.” He laughed at the end of his sentence, joking. “I would never tease a woman as pretty as you, that would be very cruel of me.” 
“Do you want to join me by the fire?” His gaze shifted to look at the group seated around the fire, he seemed to ponder before looking back at you with furrowed brows. 
“I can smell their horrible odor from here.” You huffed, pushing his shoulder. He looked once more, and seemed to ponder some more but his face was hard enough to read when he wasn’t looking away from you. 
Astarion groaned, ringing out the wet rag still sitting in his hands. “That is not an answer, Astarion. I’m cold, and the fire looks so nice.”
“Fine, if we must, we can go,” You smiled down at him as you stood but it was replaced with a look of shock when he pulled you to sit back down, “On one simple condition.” 
You rolled your eyes, “What could you possibly want from me?” 
He stayed silent for a second, but as he noticed you becoming increasingly impatient he began to speak.
“A kiss. Not a petty one, and not on my cheek. I mean a real one.” You were flush in the face once more. He seemed totally serious, a permanent smirk painted on his face, but his eyes stared into your own without any sign of humor. You honestly thought he might be mocking you. 
“Okay. I can do that. Easy, but only if you’re nice and say please.” 
“Now who’s teasing.” You only stared at him, sternly. If he wanted to act like a child, and demand rewards in order to complete simple tasks, then you could tease him like one. “Fine. Please…pretty please.”
Your eyes widened, you didn’t think you had ever heard him say please to anyone, let alone add in a “pretty”.
 He didn’t move, he was entirely dead set on this. His face was close enough to yours that you didn’t have to shuffle very far. As gently as you could, in case he decided that he was joking and pulled away, you placed your hands on his face.
One hand cupping his cheek, fingertips rubbing at the hairs falling delicately in front of his ears, the other near the bottom of his cheek and holding onto his jaw. Slowly, you pulled him in until your lips met his. You still weren’t entirely convinced that he was serious, but when his fingers entangled in your hair and pulled you in deeper, you had a hunch that he might not be joking. 
He didn’t let you pull away until he was entirely satisfied. Your breath was heavy, and your skin was hotter than before in multiple ways. 
“I haven’t had a meaningful one in a long time, darling. Thank you.”
“Should we go sit by the fire?” You stood up, legs wavering before stiffening, and you offered him out your hand. He took it in his large one, following you to the fire, sitting beside you. There was a heavy silence, causing you to look around and see everybody's eyes already on you. 
“If you guys are gonna keep sucking each other's faces, could you please do it in a tent? You made me lose my appetite.”
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mistywaves98 · 2 months
Maybe he can turn into a human on land? I wouldnt mind hiding him from some hunters just for him to find us in our room/boat later <3
I've so many asks begging for more siren! Scara lmao, but I can't blame any of you, he is perfect 🙏🏻🙏🏻
✧・゚:* ->Siren! Scaramouche x Fem! Reader
✧・゚:* ->¡Warnings!: NSFW, Pet name is used twice ('little captain'), Brief fingering, Sub! Reader, Dom! Character!
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That old hag of a sea witch was pretty sketchy, but at least he can traverse land freely now, is what Scaramouche thought to himself as he cautiously practiced walking for the first time on the shoreline. So this is how humans move about everyday? Scaramouche figured that being able to zip around beneath the waves was much more efficient, but he would have to get used to these legs for a while if he was hoping to meet you again.
Despite having a human lower half, that didn't change the fact he still retained most of his sirenic features. And of course that was bound to be a nuisance. And a nuisance it was as Scaramouche found himself being persued by a group of hunters who only saw him as a walking money bag. He barely managed to get away, ducking into a dark alley way as they ran straight past.
Coincidentally, the building also happened to be the same seaside inn he saw you staying at. Scaramouche glanced up and saw the an open window illuminated by the glow of a lantern that no doubt lead to your room.
The last thing you were expecting as you curled up on your bed, reading a book peacefully, was to see someone climbing through your window with a grin on his face which showcased rows of sharp teeth. It didn't take long for his identity to click in your mind though as your eyes widened, slowly placing down your book as you sat up, "Scaramouche...?"
His smiled seemed to widen at your recognition as he wasted no time in crawling onto your bed, hastily pinning you down with his body. He leaned down, licking the shell of your ear sensually as he whispered,"Yes, my little captain. It's me, surprised? I knew you'd be. I went through quite a bit of trouble to get you, so I don't suppose you'll let me reward myself a bit now, do you?" Scaramouche's eager hands fiddled with the hem of your pants, already hooking his fingers around the waistband to pull them down.
You blushed at his forwardness, still in slight shock that the siren who was supposed to be sea-bound was now pinning you to your bed and begging for your pussy. But you weren't complaining but the urge to tease him for his eagerness was too strong,"Oh— Not even a hello..? You know, it's pretty rude to just climb through one's windows without notice," Scaramouche chuckled at that, bringing up a hand to grab your face, nails digging into the soft skin as he spoke in a tone that contrasted his deathly grip,"Trying to tease me now, are you? It's all fun and games till I'm the one teasing you with the thought of cumming. Is that what you want? For me to edge you till you cry?"
Your answer didn't really matter to him, all his mind was focused on was getting to put his dick in your pussy. Before you could get another word out, he used his nails to slice away your pants and underwear, leaving them in shreds as your folds glistened in all their glory. His pupils narrowed at the sight, red splashing his cheeks as he looked up to meet your embarrassed face,"So you wanted to 'take it slow' while you're practically dripping for my cock. Ironic, isn't it?"
Scaramouche dragged his index along your slit, gathering your slick before bringing it up for you to see. The way he was taunting you about your own arousal made you bite your lip as you shifted uncomfortably, hands fisting the sheets. The siren revelled in your movement, it was like holding the little fish he would catch and eat for dinner, so wriggly and desperate.
Without warning, he pushed two fingers inside you, knuckle deep before pumping them in and out at a steady pace. You inhaled sharply, face heating up,"Scara—!" "Mm.. Yes, my little captain, say my name like that.." His fingers worked their way inside of you, occasionally doing scissor motions to try and loosen you up in preparation for taking his cock. When he decided that he'd done enough prep, he removed his fingers from your gaping hole, watching it clench around nothing as you attempted to protest.
A hand covered your mouth to silence you before you suddenly feel a stinging burn in your lower half as he penetrates you, bottoming out immediately. He groaned as your walls clenched around him, he'd never felt anything like it before. And he wants more, he wants to feel your walls convulse around him forever. Scaramouche holds your hip with one hand, the other moving from your mouth to push down on your chest as he thrusts into you, albeit a bit sloppy at first but eventually picking up a pace, going deep and hard.
Your breath struggles to stay even as you grab his shoulders to stabilize yourself. Each roll of his hips against yours sends you to heaven and back, the room filling with the sounds of your moans and skin on skin. Your orgasm is inevitable, and you let him know through gasps and cries for more,"Ahn...! C-cumming—! Nngh..—!" Scaramouche's grip on your hips tightened as he heard that, fins twitching with anticipation as he muttered huskily,"Do it. I wanna watch you come undone on my cock.."
He didn't need to repeat himself as you felt the knot in your stomach snap, cunt clenching around him one last time before coating the base of his length with a creamy white ring. The look of utter bliss on your face as you came made him come too, pace faltering as he buried his load inside of you. When his thrusts finally came to a stop, he let himself collapse on top of you, nuzzling the crook of your neck as he engulfed you with his arms.
Scaramouche didn't bother to pull out, preferring to just lay there with you as you both panted heavily, basking in the aftermath of your actions. Your body twitched, thighs trembling as you take a few minutes to process what just happened. His seed is still hot inside you, making your lower half feel warm,"That..that was amazing.." You managed to whisper, a low hum coming from him in response.
You felt a combination of his tongue licking and teeth nibbling a fold of skin on your neck, his face flushing as he tasted the salty tinge of your sweat,"Mhm...It's worth taking the risk to see you. I'll be doing that more often from now on.."
"So expect a lot of surprise visits from me. Maybe I'll even bother saying 'hi' this time.."
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edenalieth · 2 months
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Pairing: changbin x afab! reader
Genre:  established relationship, a bit of angst at first, smut (mdni!), he’s in love
Warnings: some swearing, induced self consciousness and depreciation, fingering fem receiving
Summary: Another family dinner, another disrespectful remarks from your aunt. You’re trying your best to ignore them, however you’re getting tired of it and it does lower your self-esteem. Changbin can’t bear seeing you like that and intends to make you feel loved and beautiful.
Words: 1.6K 
A.N: hello hello! im back with a fic which wasn't planned at all, oopsie 😬 i have several ones on my drafts so, be ready! as always, feedback is much appreciated and i apologize for the possible mistakes — cami, 240423
You were done. So freaking done with all this bullshit. You could never spend one family dinner without any remark from your aunt. In her eyes, you were always too lazy, too fat and she kept asking when you and your boyfriend would have kids even though she already knew the answer. All that pressure felt exhausting. You had been holding back for a while and tried to remain respectful, unlike her. However, she was truly pushing your limits. Your hands were shaking with anger as you stared into the bathroom sink, avoiding your reflection in the mirror facing you. Deep breath. Your eyes were tingling as tears were forming and threatening to fall. Suddenly, you heard a knock. 
« What ? » you harshly said. You didn’t want to talk with any family member at the moment. To your surprise, it wasn’t your mom as you expected it to be. 
« It’s me, love. » your boyfriend’s voice was a bit muffled by the closed door. « Can I come in ? » he softly inquired. You sighed and quickly wiped your tears away because you didn’t want him to see you like that. You half-opened the door. « I will be there in a sec, ok ? ». You forced a weak smile but your eyes betrayed your true feelings. Changbin’s soft brown eyes looked at you intensely, with a mix of concern and adoration. His heart ached at the sight of you being hurt, especially by words coming from an old hag with three divorces on her record. Before you could close the door again, he put his foot through the partially opened door. « Please ? » he pleaded, his plump lips forming a pout. How could you resist ? You let him in, going back to the sink and turning the water on. He glanced at you with your back turned to him. Closing the door, he then stepped towards you. You could feel his warm hands delicately running on your stomach as he was back hugging you. His broad chest felt like a cocoon and you directly melt into his embrace, your muscles relaxing a little. He gave a tender peck on your cheek and rubbed his nose against it. « You shouldn’t listen to her, Y/N. » he whispered in your ear. You whined. It was easier said than done. You put your hands on his and caressed them with your fingers. « I know, Binnie… I just wish that, once in her life, she would spend a dinner without unnecessarily spitting her venom to my face. » Your voice was a bit hoarse, sobs painfully tightening your throat. Changbin immediately noticed. "You know what ?" he said, his voice steady and reassuring. "You handled it with grace. You were poised and composed, even when she was being unreasonable. You're stronger than you realize. ». You sniffled, kind of skeptical about that. How he wished you could see yourself through his eyes. Then, you would realize how gorgeous and incredible you are. « Love, I can assure you that you’re perfect the way you are. Her words don’t define you.». He left more kisses on your cheek and jawline. You closed your eyes to the sensation of it and hummed. Only him could make you feel like that. Loved and peaceful. 
However, he didn’t stop there. If praising you didn’t seem to be efficient enough, he would go all the way for you to accept yourself. He wanted to convey how your only existence turned his world upside down, in a good way. How he found you exceptional. Not only was he feeling lucky to have the hottest woman as his but also the smartest and kindest soul of them all. So he kept going, his smooches on your skin getting slippery and feverish. You felt his hands lowering towards your thighs and crotch. « That’s all you have to say ? I will not be satisfied by a simple hum, Y/N. » he warned. His hot breath against your neck and his curly locks brushing against it made you shiver, heat building up in your inside. 
« Changbin, we should n… » you couldn’t finish your sentence, cut off by the look your boyfriend’s reflection was giving you in the mirror. 
« You’re finally looking up. » he breathed, visibly pleased by your astonished face which was betraying your aroused state. The brown haired boy was still staring at you, lips glued to your skin, unbuttoning your pants. « Binnie… they’re going to wonder wh… ». You felt his middle finger brushing against your clothed core. « To wonder about what ? » he teasingly mewled. You bit on your lower lip. « About what is taking us so long. » you faintly exhaled, holding back a moan as his fingers were slowly working on your sensitive spot. He pressed himself closer to you, until you were almost crushed between him and the bathroom counter. The furniture was applying pressure on your lower abdomen, increasing all the sensations. « Oh, don’t worry. I will be quick but you have to play fairly. » he raised a brow, an amused expression adorning his face. You nodded, unconsciously moving your hips back and forth to get some friction on his hand. « Great. All you have to do is to say those three words: I am great. »
Gosh, he was driving you crazy. You were craving to feel his fingers down on you, rid of any bothering fabric. « It’s ridiculous. Come on, Changbin can’t you just… » 
As if he had heard your thoughts, he sled his hands into your panties. His digits were welcomed by the warm wetness of your juices. Shit. Maybe the game will be slightly difficult for him too. However, he was a born competitor and wouldn’t admit defeat. His finger was circling your clit, variating pressure on it, going up and down to lubricate your slit. You clenched your fists and watched him pleasuring you. This was probably the hottest view you had ever seen. Any trace of tease had left his face now. He was towering you from behind, his free hand delicately bending you over. « I want to hear it. » he groaned. His eyes weren’t as soft and rounded as earlier and you could tell they were glaring at your soul. Fine. You would comply to his game and its stupid rule. « I am great » you weakly yelped.
Changbin’s heart race was increasing dangerously. How could you look so cunty and adorable at the same time ? And you weren’t even cumming yet ! Furrowing his brow, he put your pants down to your ankles. Using both hands, he grasped your butt and lightly spread it to expose your dripping folds. You gasped and tried to get his palm back on your slit. « Fucking beautiful… » he murmured to himself, his growing boner getting cramped into his boxer. He glanced at your reflection, as you waited like a puppy for its treat. « You’re doing great, love. But that’s still not enough. Say that you’re beautiful.» What ? He told you to play fairly just for him to play you like that ? « Shut up. » you growled and he couldn’t hold back a small laughter. 
« Say it. » he dared you, his index playing with your entrance. « I am beauti… Ah! » you loudly moaned as he started to finger you. Changbin hurried to hush you, stuffing two digits into your mouth. You greedily sucked on it, getting totally brain fucked. Seeing you desperately horny turned him on like crazy, his dick lightly twitching in his pants. He wanted to fuck you right here. To feel your warm mouth around his cock, your tits bouncing as he would thrust into you. The idea of it made him drool and work faster on your core. He fingered you with passion, his digits curling into your inside, going back and forth to a high then slow rhythm. You were a panting mess, trying your best to stay as quiet as possible. But the brown haired boy was doing magic on you and you were getting awfully close. « Changbin, I… will not be able… to handle it… any longer. » your legs were wobbly, barely supporting you. 
He smirked. « I know, love. Say it and I will let you cum. » He kissed your cheek and licked your neck, leaving a wet trail on its way. You looked at the brown haired boy. Your man was touching you with no mercy, softly rubbing his crotch on your butt. He looked outrageously handsome and lustful. His eyes glistening with love, his plump lips half opened as he was craving for air. Noticing how you were staring at him, he grabbed your chin with his left hand and made you watch yourself. « Look at you. » he moaned. The view made your inside flutter. You seemed so needy. Darting your ass up to feel him deeper, hands gripping on the counter, eyeing your boyfriend in such a sinful, sinful way. Your walls tightened around Changbin’s fingers and he knew you were seconds away from your climax. Despite this kind of degrading position, you found yourself beautiful and sexy. « I am beautiful. » you whispered, looking at yourself. « You truly are, Y/N » and with a few thrusts, you clenched around his digits, a wave of pleasure and relief hitting you hard. Your legs gave up under you and Changbin had to hug you tightly to prevent you from falling. You chuckled and he joined you. « Let me help you. »
He made you turned around and kneeled down. He had already done so much for you. And here he was, dressing you up and worshipping you as if you were a priceless treasure. When he got up, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. « Thank you. »
« Don’t, babe. I hope that, one day, you will love yourself just as much as I love you. » he replied, brushing his nose against yours. You closed the gap between the both of you. Lips crashing onto his, his tongue seeking for a way to enter your mouth, his firm body pressing onto yours. You were both panting and you could feel his hard on against your belly. « Should we go home ? So, I can help you back » you teased him. He took your hand in his. « Please. »
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
𑊡˚+₊🍼✦ — sentimental sewing + katsuki bakugou.
૮ ͈>◡< ͈ა warnings — fluff, sfw, gn!reader and another domestic katsuki thought for you, he’s good at sewing hehe <3!
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being an only child meant that bakugou picked up a lot of random little habits and hobbies to fill up his time — especially when he felt alone. the kids at school weren’t really his friends, they only liked him for his quirk, that he was strong, talented. in truth, katsuki preferred his loneliness compared to faux company of others.
instead of playing out in the sunshine, katsuki would sit by his mother’s feet when she worked from home— piecing together and designing gowns or three piece suits or ambiguous tricks to be worn by famous pro heroes to galas and charity events— sometimes, just because they wanted something nice to wear. mitsuki was a highly sought after designer and seamstress, and katsuki picked up on a lot of her skills just from watching— observing, strategising.
“do you want to try, katsuki?” the elder bakugou had asked him one evening, her hand in his soft blonde hair as she’d passed him his own set of needles and a patch of spare fabric for him to work on. he was much too young to help her with a commissioned gown. “watch yer ma carefully, okay, my love? then you can try again on your own.”
no one would have ever guessed that katsuki bakugou was good at sewing or stitching.
over the years he would patch up his own hero costume after training or a gnarly run in with villains— katsuki was sentimental, he blew up a lot of his own shit but his hero costume was somewhat important to him. he didn’t want it to be replaced. he’d used those skills to stitch himself up when first aid was too hard to get to on covert missions— nothing but a leather belt between his pointed teeth and a needle sterilised with alcohol. mitsuki’s skills had saved his life a few times, he’d be forever grateful to the hag for all of that.
being able to use a needle and thread meant saving money on gifts— or at least that’s what katsuki called it. he’d spend ages embroidering little handkerchiefs or sewing patches onto items he knew his newer and better friends from UA would cherish. they all knew about the blonde’s secret talent, holding back their squeals as they squished him between them all whenever he mumbled.
“i didn’t make it, s’just a stupid customised gift. now get off’a me b’fore i blow your head off!”
but deep down inside, bakugou was pleased to know he could make something of sentimental value for the people he loved— even if it was small, it was thoughtful. he liked that.
“katsuki,” you warble, eyes brimming with tears when you come to bed one night— weakly holding up a scarf he’d gotten you to soothe the chill after one of your first and earlier dates. “‘m sorry!”
you and bakugou had been together for years, finding yourself falling fast and hard after he wound up in your care at the hospital— on the one time his handy little stitches had gotten a wound infected. “whas the matter with you, sweetheart?” he grunts, taking off his glasses and throwing his night time read aside. “you cryin’?”
“n-no…um, yeah? it’s kinda stupid? i wore the scarf you gave me today and i got caught on a stupid tree branch walking home and—?” you hiccup, seconds away from breaking down as you hold the piece of fabric out to your boyfriend. “there’s a hole in it? i swear i didn’t mean for it to happen— i just tried tugging it free and it ripped and—“ sniffling, a pathetic pout sits on your lips. “you got this for me ‘nd i’ve ruined it, i’m sorry kats.”
sentimental. you’re sentimental over a cheap and shitty scarf that bakugou had gotten you on a whim— so that he had an excuse to spend more time with you after your initial date had ended all those years ago. “give it here, I’ll fix it.” he grunts, hiding the flush on his cheeks before he takes the scarf from you and pokes a finger through the hole. “stop cryin’ and grab the sewing kit ma left in the study.”
nodding your head furiously, you do as you’re told with a watery smile and perch yourself on the edge of the bed next to your brooding boyfriend while he patches up your silly scarf with some old fabric and a few stitches. “i didn’t know you could sew, kats.” you breathe happily, clutching the material to your chest after inspecting the cute little embroidered heart katsuki had done all nicely for you. “it’s perfect, thank you.”
“all i did was patch it up sweetheart,” bakugou coos, leaning over your shoulder to brush a half hearted and sleepy kiss over your cheek. “ma taught me, s’how i fixed myself up all botched ‘n badly ‘n ended up in your emergency room, don’t you remember?” he loves the way you squeeze him closer, having sniffed your scarf and realised that it smells like your favourite thing. your favourite person. him.
you’re sentimental, not just with materialistic things, but with your partner. your lover, everything about him is cherished by you.
“i just thought you’d been an idiot, didn’t know you were this talented katsuki,” you say wistfully, allowing the blonde to pull you back into his arms.
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angels-fantasy · 9 days
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Top Secret Fiction Ch. 5
Secret (almost) Revealed
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Description: After meeting the one and only pro hero Dynamight on a dating app, you two begin to see each other. Because of the dangers that come with his hero work, you both promise to be completely honest with each other from the beginning; though you can't help but keep one big secret from him.
You write fan fiction, mostly about him.
Chapter Details: cheerios is mentioned once again, awkward katsuki. your secret MAY be revealed soon???
Word Count: 1.1k
previous chapter
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"Welcome to my home." You said as you stretched out your arms to showcase your apartment.
Bakugou looked around as he took off his shoes, "'S nice, definitely you."
You smiled and placed your items down onto a small table near the doorway, including the bunny.
As you were about to respond you were cut off by a loud meow. Turning around, you saw Cheerios standing in the hallway.
"Hi baby! Come say hi to our guest." You said as you walked over to pick him up.
You noticed Bakugou squirming slightly as you brought your cat closer to him.
"Are you okay Bakugou? You look uncomfortable." You asked as you held Cheerios in your arms.
He shook his head. "I'm fine. It's just-cat's never like me." He said and looked away.
You pouted at him, "Aw really? I promise Cheerios is a sweet boy, he loves everyone. Maybe if you give him food he'll be more comfortable. He's a foodie so food is the way to his heart."
While holding your cat, who laid still like a potato sack in your arms, you grabbed two treats from a container on your counter and handed them to Bakugou, who was now sitting on the couch.
Sitting down next to him you said "Okay, I'm gonna keep holding him while you give him the first treat."
He nodded and held out a treat for Cheerios, who smelled it and immediately ate it.
"That was good!" You cheered. "Now I'm gonna put him down, and let's see if he walks to you."
"You're gonna put him down?!" Bakugou asked.
"It'll be okay! He's an older cat so he can't run that fast anyways, so don't worry about him getting you." You said and placed Cheerios a few feet away from Bakugou.
Bakugou squinted at the cat and sighed before holding the treat out. Cheerios looked up at the treat while sniffing the air and began walking towards him.
"He's doing it!" You said clapping your hands lightly. "Bring the treat closer to you. Let's see if he'll sit on your lap."
Bakugou groaned and did as you said, and your cat followed the treat.
Once the treat was in his lap, Cheerios hopped up onto the couch and walked into his lap, successfully obtaining his treat.
The cat then decided to loaf right on his lap. Bakugou held his hands away from the cat and said "What the hell is he doing?"
"He's loafing! Lemme take a picture." You said and quickly grabbed your phone to snap a picture.
Bakugou stayed extremely still and just sat awkwardly.
"Let me save you from this kitty cat." You teased and picked the Cheerios up, making him meow in retaliation.
"Yeah I know, hush now." You said and put him down, watching him walk away to your bedroom.
"So, what's up with you and cats?" You asked.
He huffed, "My old hag had a damn cat at one point when I was a kid and I fuckin' hated that thing. It wasn't all sweet like yours, it was mean and ugly too. Little bastard scratched me all the time." He said while crossing his arms and leaning back against the couch.
You laughed at the image you created in your head of a younger Bakugou getting scratched by a scruffy old cat.
"What's so funny huh?"
"Nothing." You giggled, "It's just hard to imaging the big, bad Dynamight getting scratched by a wittle old cat."
"Sorry my experience didn't include a friendly fur ball like yours." He sassed.
"It's never too late to bond with one!" You sassed back. "Oh by the way, do you want anything to drink or eat? Sorry I forgot to ask."
"Nah, I'm good."
"Mkay. I'm gonna go get snacks. Feel free to put something on the TV." You said and handed the remote to him.
He nodded and turned the TV on, browsing through the options you had.
As you were getting a drink, you couldn't help but think about how nervous you were. Not because Bakugou was in your house, but because you kept thinking about how you had literal smut drafts about the man on your couch.
It made your stomach hurt from the guilt, but you just drank your juice and tried not to think about it.
Going back into the living room, you sat down on the couch and saw that he had put on The Notebook.
You gasped, "No way, are you secretly a sucker for love or something?"
He blushed, "No, shut up. It's a good movie. Ain't nothin' to do with romance."
By the end of the movie, you were in tears. So was Bakugou. Even though he tried to hide it, you knew he was crying because of the occasional sniffing.
"This movie is so beautiful." You sniffed, "I love it."
Bakugou nodded, and reached out to wipe a tear off your face.
You smiled and felt your ears turn hot at the contact, "Thanks. I'm always such a crybaby when it comes to romance."
"'S no problem." He said, "There's nothin' wrong with crying, look at Deku."
You snorted, "The crybaby hero? I'm not that bad-" You said but were interrupted by a yawn.
"You tired?"
"Nah." You lied, "Let's watch another movie. You like Hercules?" You asked while sitting up and grabbing the remote.
Bakugou saw through your lie but agreed to watching the movie anyways. You managed to stay awake for the first half of the movie, but by the end you were asleep on his shoulder.
He sat stiffly as you breathed lightly in your sleep and the credits rolled. He backed away carefully and maneuvered your head to lean back against the couch. Turning off your TV, he then picked you up in his arms and walked down the hallway, peeking into every room until he found your bedroom.
Once he did, he laid you down carefully and covered you with a blanket. Noticing you left some items at the foot of your bed, he thought it'd be a good idea to move them elsewhere so they wouldn't fall off.
Grabbing the books and notebooks, he didn't pay them any attention until his own name caught his eye.
On one of the notebooks, it read:
new fic idea
bakugou x reader
maybe enemies to lovers??
There were other miscellaneous notes scattered across the page, but he didn't care about those.
He looked at you, then just placed the items back where they originally were. He figured those notes were a personal thing, but he didn't fully understand them yet.
He walked out of your apartment, shooting you a text informing you that you had fallen asleep, so he sought himself out.
As he drove home, he kept those notes in his head so he could look up information about it. He already had a few things in mind, but he wanted to be sure.
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authors note
I AM HEREEE with a new chapter :p do u get the reference? lol
i'm currently in my math class as i'm posting this 🙂 anyways, sorry for such a late update. the end of the school year has me busy, but i graduate in 3 days and start college in a week!
love ya :)
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 days
Vin Jin x Reader: Cheonliang Jacket v2
G/N but F leaning. Let's pretend Vin has a spare and you are given a present.
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It smells musty. Faintly of mothballs. Like it has been shoved into a forgotten corner of the closet somewhere.
How it looks though, is a different thing entirely.
Pristine. Perfect.
You hold up the jacket. Study the stripes along the shoulder and arms. Peeks of red in the design. Cheonliang written boldly down the right side and on the back.
Hugging the jacket protectively to your body and peering at Vin with puppy eyes, you ask, "Really?"
He averts your gaze, ignores the heat rising from his collar and gives you a nonchalant shrug.
Mary sighs, considers slapping him upside the head. Settles on a side eye instead and responds for him with a nod.
"Oh my god!"
"Vin insisted." The man in question pretends he's not a part of this conversation. That Mary, that bitch, isn't airing all his cringiness for you to hear.
"Yeah he knew he had a spare jacket somewhere and was digging around for it for ages." The attempt to ignore the conversation isn't working. Beneath those glasses, Vin is glaring daggers at her.
"Aww Vin..."
"He threatened to take mine off me if I didn't help."
You opt to bury your face in the jacket to hide your blush, touched by how sweet this gesture is. Beneath the mustiness, you think you catch faint whiffs of Vin's scent, woody and dark and spicy.
"Tore his room apart for days looking for it. It's adorable how much he loves you-"
He gives her a rough shove, cutting her off. "Shut it, hag!"
WHACK! The long awaited and very well deserved smack arrives, hitting Vin in the back of the head.
He tries to grab Mary into a headlock, but she pips him to the post and he is the one trapped and floundering. It devolves into a mess of squabbles and pinches (courtesy of Mary) and squeals (courtesy of Vin). Bickering and swearing, insults and slander. The usual.
You ignore them, too captivated with your honorary jacket. Decide there's no time like the present and shrug it on, checking the size and fit.
It's oversized. The length easily reaches your thighs and sleeves cover your hands. It's cosy, comfortable. Like having Vin wrapped around you all the time.
"It looks good on you!" Mary grins, untangling herself from Vin.
Vin coughs out an agreement. It really does. Seeing you in his clothes always does funny things to him. What's more, the idea of this being a couple outfit makes him feel all mushy inside.
...Assuming Mary not also going to third wheel and wear hers at the same time, completely ruining the vibe and his plans. He gives Mary another dirty look at this.
"Thank you guys!"
"Don't thank her, it's my spare jacket."
"Well I appreciate Mary anyway for helping and smacking you-" Mary gives you a smirk and a salute, "-And thank you for the jacket."
You reach up on your toes, and press a kiss to Vin's cheek.
He pretends it's embarrassing, you slobbering all over him in public, that he only allows it because you like it. 
Without you asking, he leans down for you anyway. Angles his head so you miss his cheek, and graze his lips instead.
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Your ex in my body or me in their body
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If anyone though that ‘would you love me If I was a worm’ was hard get prepared for ‘if I was in your ex's body and your ex was in my body who would you date' there is no good answer and the best response is to dematerialize
Thinks you in ex's body is the right answer
Already knows about the trend and the joke but he wants to tease you a bit “ I mean… it's hard, their personality was really funny and their body was sooo nice but I think your personality their body” after seeing you so mad and almost tearing up he hugs your shoulders and kisses your forehead “ I'm joking, I'm joking~ I prefer you as you are”
He smiles warmly at you holding your face lovingly “ You in my ex's body! After all I fell in love with your feelings”
Your soft eyes land on his, before grabbing his wrists “Oh? So you think they were hotter, huh?”
His face losses color.
He smiles widely, so sure about his answer after his chat with kuki and his granny, obvs the feeling right? And so he replies comfortably.
Poor soul unaware of his fate.
God has forsaken me again
“Huh?” His previously closed eyes open wide, even if you were repeating the question he wasn't listening. He understood the first time, he is just having a meeting with the tips and rules his sisters ordered him.
“ It's obviously the feelings! It's always the feelings! Show them you don't care about their bodyy” his younger sister chimes inside his head but his elder sister huffs.
“ Yeah, and tell them that your ex is sexier than them, great idea geniuses” she almost growls at them.
“ Oh and what-!” “Oh, shut up!” “Go off and die hag!” “ You little -”
Both of them started fighting and Ajax's eyes darted between them like a pingpong ball.
Seeing him so stress you just drop it “you know… I think I don't really care anymore” even after ajax is still on a trance for a little while.
What ex?
Diluc looks up from the papers scattered around the desk and inquires at you “ my ex? I'm sorry, I never had a significant other before you. Other than maybe eula when we were 4 but it was only for a week…” he starts scratching his chin, thinking if he truly was almost always single.
“ An ex?” He asks as he turns the page “I never felt the need to date anyone. Even if I did I wouldn't even humor your question with an answer, if you are looking for a reason to pick a fight with anyone kaveh left the milk out and now it's spoiled”
Will jump out of the window and seek help
He looks at you for a second, smiling at you tenderly “I will chose you once and once again, gem, did anything happen to make.you feel insecure? Why don't we speak about it over tea?” He ushers you towards his study's door and as soon as he thinks you left to start tea he makes a run for his window, already expecting him to return from the grocery store.
As he yelps for al haitham to help him you have already returned from the kitchen after hearing the ruckus he was making trying to jump out of the tiny window in his study.
Tugging on the leg that still was inside, kaveh screeches in panic and not being ready. Alhaitham seeing the scene just turns 180° and activates the noise canceling function of his earphones.
“ Excuse you?” He looks up from his book, looking as if you just swore at him
“ What would you rather? It isn't all that hard” you plant your hands on the table and face him, almost cornering into answering.
“ I…” he sprints towards the window and hovers on the air with his ability, sprinting towards the academia, hoping to find buer or his married tutor.
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petit-etoile · 8 months
Congrats on 200 followers!!!
I've got a drabble idea
Tav has foiled Ethels plans one too many times So it's only fair she return the favor.
She seems to love giving out apples, it would be a shame if poor Tav we're to eat one unknowingly 🍎
the  folly of  a human heart
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pairing: astarion/tav wordcount: 945 content warnings: none other tags: canon compliant, introspection, character study, hurt/comfort, whump,  gender neutral tav, human!tav archiveofourown: here.
tag list: @azrielshadows1nger, @pandimoostuff, @faevi, @microskies, @foreverthemaraudersera, @queenofthespacesquids, @claryvoyantfray, @6doodlaang14, @anne-isnotokay, @itshimbotime, @yeeteth-the-raven, @sessils, be added to the taglist here
summary: 'I was going to offer Auntie Ethel her freedom,' you say, 'in exchange for a wish.'
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‘I wanted a cure  —  ’
‘You wanted immortality.’
‘I wanted to save  —  ’
‘You wanted forever,’ Auntie Ethel says condescendingly. ‘I’ve given it to you, sweetums. Don’t you like it?’
You don’t like it. Your stomach is cramping so hard you can hardly stand, and every time you try to take a step, nothingness crunches at the base of your skull. Your vision has gone from blurry to nonexistent. You try to follow her cackle. You try to follow her anything, but all you can hear is keening from a wounded animal. You claw at your stomach and stumble forward.
How utterly stupid you’ve been.
Had you asked any of your companions, they would have told you that trusting Auntie Ethel after everything you’ve done to her was insanity. It’s your own fault. You have no one else to blame for how miserable you feel. But she had dangled a carrot in front of you, a wish and a promise, and you had wanted so desperately to reach out your hand and take it to let bygones be bygones. You had been hopeful, stupid, naïve to trust Ethel.
Your knees give out beneath you and you collapse on the floor of the Blushing Mermaid. Ethel regards you coolly even as her features shift back into Captain Grisly’s. She leaves you with nothing. When you wake next, you expect nothing but excruciating pain.
You expect your lungs to be pulled from your chest. You expect insanity, and yet there is nothing but Shadowheart’s frigid hands against your cheeks dragging you back to reality. She healed you. You gaze at her blearily, but she can’t even open her mouth to scold you before Astarion is shoving her out of the way.
‘You,’ he snaps, ‘get out.’’
Shadowheart won’t take it to heart, you hope, but she does scurry out of the inn room before anything else can be said. Your vision is still rough around the edges, but you can see Astarion as clear as day. The sight of him makes you smile stupidly, and even though he’s practically snarling, baring his teeth and grasping your blankets with his hands, you’re not afraid of him. But after remembering how Auntie Ethel betrayed you, your heart sinks into your stomach faster than you can stop it and you sob uncontrollably, pushing the palms of your hands against your eyes roughly.
‘What is wrong?’ he asks, suddenly frantic. He wraps his hands around your wrists. ‘Are you still hurt? Shadowhea  —  ’
‘  —  nothing, nothing,’ you weep. Your head feels too full and your stomach hurts.
‘If that wretched hag still has a hold on you,’ Astarion says fiercely, ‘I’ll rip her throat out with my teeth.’
‘No,’ you say. ‘I don’t think  —  I don’t think that’s it anymore.’
Astarion takes a little time to contemplate what you mean by that, but you like the way he dotes on you rather than the way he scolds you for your mistakes. You stare at him miserably. He frowns back.
‘What were you thinking?’ he asks, looking terribly sad and wrecked. ‘Why did you go alone?’
‘I was going to offer Auntie Ethel her freedom,’ you say, avoiding his eyes so you don’t have to see the curiosity in them, ‘in exchange for a wish. I was going to give her a tadpole disguised as the one from the Emperor in exchange for…a wish scroll.’
Astarion raises his chin as he attempts to process the information. Confusion, pride and then terror flickers across his face as he digests what you said, and then he’s reaching for your hands and holding onto them tightly.
‘But she didn’t want to help me,’ you say. ‘She really, really hates us, Astarion.’
‘What could you have possibly wanted a wish scroll for?’ he asks.
You aren’t sure if he’s serious or if he’s being obtuse on purpose. You peer at him cautiously, watching him as he watches you shuffle up the headboard so you’re sitting up more than you are resting. You have a raging headache and your stomach hasn’t stopped rolling since you woke up, but that won’t stop your endless altruism from puzzling Astarion or you from trying to comfort him.
‘For you,’ you say shyly.
‘Me?’ Astarion scoffs.
‘I was going to wish it away,’ you say. ‘Your vampirism. You’re so beautiful in the sunlight, I wanted to see it  —  ’
You aren’t able to finish your sentence before Astarion is toppling over you. He burrows his face in your hair and cradles the back of your neck to help with the strain. He kisses your forehead next and studies the way your hands shake in your lap.
‘You’re silly, I don’t think you even realize it,’ Astarion says softly. He reaches for your hands and smooths his thumbs over your knucklebones. ‘You’re so fragile, so human and yet…you inelegantly strike at gods and mystical things without fear. I could learn so much from your bravery.’
Astarion does not laugh at you. He does not applaud you for your attempt at deception. He doesn’t even mildly ridicule you for what a ridiculous plan it was. He sits with you until your stomach hurts less and you feel hungrier, and when it’s time for you to eat, Astarion carefully feeds you spoonfuls of Gale’s soup.
‘If I could make a wish,’ he says when you’re warm and cozy, basking in the attention as he smooths your hair away from your face, ‘I’d wish for you to be alive forever. Being a vampire spawn wouldn’t be so bad if I could have a thousand and one days with you.’
You don’t tell him it’s what you dream about.
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starillusion13 · 9 months
Did you have fun?
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Pairing: Hongjoong × f!reader x Seonghwa
Genre: Mafia, Yandere(slight) , SMUT W.C: 3.1k Warnings: killing someone( not imp. he was disturbing me), blood, blindfold, vibrator, possessiveness, handcuffs, blind play(?), orgasm denial, overstimulation, oral(f rec.) [I dont think anything more needed]
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Request from: @disneylover1998
[Reblogs and Reviews are always appreciated. Thank you for reading and have a nice day ahead. Please always take care of yourself everyone.]
I really don’t know what’s going in here.the person just texted me and helped my imaginations go wild and now am here with this fic💀
*under the cue*
“Leave my hand.”
“Girl, let’s have fun. Why are you fighting against me? Just let it be easy and let’s go.”
You tried to pull your hand again but it’s all in vain when his iron grip on your wrist and also, he be pulling you towards the back exit. You are cursing yourself for the infinite time and as why you came to this club today. If you were at home then you might have been chilling and watching some drams on TV while waiting for your busy boys. But no. You have to be a rebellious and go against their rules and thought to sneak out of the house even when you know how much punishment you are going to get for such act. You love those punishments sometimes but never in a while you thought yourself being getting into such problem where you are currently into. If you were not drunk then atleast you would have tried to fight him, you mean a punch or a kick might be but your brain cant handle how to put the pieces together. Dumb you.
He has almost dragged you to the passage for the exit way and you are currently begging mentally for someone familiar to approach and rescue you from the situation, it really doesn’t matter if they inform to your boys afterwards, the main thing is to get away from this shithead who has got balls to touch you or even dared to drag you along with him. Tears flowing down your heavy mascara and eyeliner decorated eyes, it was supposed to highlight the eyes during the whole night not making a mess and make the tears more prominent in black.
“Haven’t you heard what she said, Leave her hand.”
Wait. Why this voice is familiar? I mean….Oh oh He is here. Don’t tell me if I turn around, I have to face a devil right now. You shut your eyes and take a heavy breath and then you noticed how the man holding your hand has stopped and annoyingly turns around. You are also turned around because of his harsh movements but you are not willing to open your eyes to face the reality. I mean you wanted to be saved but not by KIM HONGJOONG!
“Why does it matter to you mister? Go find another chick for the night. This one is for mine.”
And then that maniac laugh. The well damn laugh which he always shows to his enemies before he welcomes them to Hell of a ride and now this man is going to say Hello to the Living Devils.
His gaze travels over your body and his jaw clenched on how revealing your dress is and you are wearing it when they are not around with you and moreover this dirty hag is holding your hand. HOLDING HIS GIRL’S HAND. You know this man is dead for sure but maybe you are equally dead.
“Yeah yeah. These girls are really fun to spend night with and who knows maybe keeping them to myself and then I can bring money through her and-“
You can hear the choking sound which makes your eyes flutter open when you can feel someone snatches you away from the grip but now you are under a familiar hold but honestly this hold is tighter and rough. The man is choking on his own blood as someone has slit his throat and then you can see who is holding you. Well, PARK SEONGHWA with fire in his eyes and a bloody sharp pocket knife in his other hand.
“He was talking too much.”
“Well done.”
Hm. Thanks. You wanted to say this but you just gulp on seeing the same raging eyes of hongjoong like the other. They both are furious and you are well aware of the fact that they don’t appreciate when someone else touch you other than them, they don’t appreciate their gang members also. Hongjoong called his men to clean the mess up and do everything possible to make the people shut up who has witnessed the scene. Now what about you!
“So, my dear Y/N. Can we know why are you here?”
“Hwa….I was…I just wanted to have fun.”
“Fun? Did you have that? Without us?”
No Hongjoong. Please stop asking me like this. With a god damn sinister smile resting on his face and eyes daring your trembling figure to speak more. You can confront seonghwa but not him, you don’t know why but he is always the one who can make anyone speak up the truth or make them agree with him even on a lie.
“Of course you cant have fun without us, sweetheart.”
“I want to go home.”
“So do we.”
Well, a tensed atmosphere inside the whole car ride after Seonghwa literally dragged you outside from the club towards the car. His grip was harsh than that man and a thought came across your mind. Would have been better if that man took you with him? Maybe in the midway he would have become unconscious and you would have been freed. Atleast you wont have to be in the situation s you are currently in. You slapped yourself for this and they glanced at you for your weird behaviour. Not a single one spoke a word to you and you were thankful that you didn’t have to stutter anymore.
You are strong and you can fight for yourself but not when these two men are in their angry mode on. You literally fear them but also deep down like their clenched jaws, raging eyes and heavy breaths when pissed off. You smiled to yourself on this thought but quickly regained your composure. On reaching your house, you quickly got down the car and almost run towards the door. Entering the hall, you can see it empty because during the night, no maids and servants are allowed to the private portions of the mansion unless they are called. You took a turn towards the right for the stairs to quickly run towards the room and lock the door and wait for the next day to face them with a clear head.
“Where do you think you are going?”
My room. The only safe place that seems to protect me from both of you. I don’t want to die right now. Dumb you have to smile at them right now to which they raised their eyebrows.
“I need to take a quick shower as I spilled drink on myself previously.”
Saying this, you excused yourself from their intense gaze and as soon as you are behind the closed doors, you released a deep breath which you didn’t know was holding all these times. Slipping out of your mini body hugging dress, you went into the shower. You can feel the alcohol exhaustion leaving your body a bit and getting relaxed under the cold waters and your lavender shampoo scent. You spent inside the shower longer than usual because you can find yourself drifting into so many thoughts at the moment. Maybe you danced in the club a bit too hard that your body is so much exhausted. Cleaning yourself, you wrapped the towel around you before exiting the bathroom. Oh gosh! Why is it so dark? You are sure you left the lights on before going into the shower. Then maybe power supply cut off or a thief? But the windows are closed and the doors are closed? Thief coming from the door even that in a mafia’s mansion?
How ironic!
Your slow footsteps towards the door come to a halt when you feel arms wrapped around you from behind and you parted your mouth to shout when a palm pressed to your lips to make you shut. Your eyes went wide in horror.
“Do you want to call us baby?”
Damn. What are they doing in your room? Aren’t they supposed to be in their room and busy with their works and all and moreover aren’t they angry with you?
“J-joong?....What are you doing here?”
“Why? Were you planning to go somewhere again?” The voice from your front ask you.
“No no, I thought you were busy or something.”
“Do you want us to be busy so that you can think all the bullshits and then act on your own like always?”
Atleast let me wear some clothes before scolding me. The view is becoming clear when seonghwa turns on the neon lights in the room. Now you can see both of them are in their tees and jeans atleast well covered unlike you who is fully exposed just covered with a towel.
You feel warm sloppy kisses all over your shoulders and neck and Hongjoong is smelling you in between and teasingly grazing his teeth over your soft skin. You moan against his hold and then when you noticed some familiar things kept on the bedside table. They are not thinking to do what you are guessing right?
Your view got blocked when seonghwa comes in front of you and holds your face in his hand, looking dangerously yet has a softness in them, just for you. Your toes curls under his touch and your knees feel weak under his gaze and also when the man behind you is kissing all over your exposed skin like a hungry creature. Seonghwa attach his lips to you, you can smell the alcohol as soon his lips pressed to you and your one hand holding Hongjoong’s hand holding the towel over your belly and the other one holding seonghwa’s hand caressing your cheeks. The kiss is more addictive and you are getting drunk more than a drink could make you feel it. Teeth biting down the lips to explore each other more, licking the teeth with tongue, exploring inside the mouth and your mind going in daze.
Retreating himself from you he went to the bed and roll over his tee exposing his abs which are always showcased for you. Hongjoong stops his abuse on your skin and pull you towards the foot of the bed. Your back of the knees hitting the bed and him standing in front of you, hands holding the secured knot of the towel. His other hand moved towards your chest and pushed you backwards. Your back hits the soft matress and then you can see your towel hanging in his raised hands. Alarmingly, your hands come closer to hide your exposed body but that was not to their liking as Seonghwa’s hands pulled your hands apart and you can feel metals clasped to your wrists and attached them to your head board. Handcuffs?
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing. Just you can see this towel was blocking my view and I don’t like when something becomes a restriction in the path of my desires.”
A warm hand caress your cheeks to get your attention and you can see the devilish smile painted on his face.
“You said you didn’t have fun so we should make it up right?”
“Uh oh that…no no…it’s okay…I did have fun…a little?”
 “A little?”
You pressed your feet on the bed to pressure down to lift up your body but Hongjoong pressed your knees down and settle himself between your legs. He also removes his shirt and then rest his palms over your knees. You can feel the tingling sensation in your lower belly but you know you are getting nothing if you behave like a brat right now as they are already pissed off with your earlier deeds. You can feel another set of hands moving across your chest and flicking the already hard nipples in between making your breath heavy and moan out his name.
“Hm? Do you need something?”
“Yes…I need you…I need both of you.”
“I don’t think so.”
“why? No no. I really need you.”
Seonghwa look towards Hongjoong and they silently communicate in between them and their nod indicates that they agreed on something. On what? Your anticipating eyes following their movements. Seonghwa grabs a cloth and damn that’s a blindfold. Before you can protest to it, he put over your eyes and let you to rely on your other senses from now. A hot breath tingling near your ear and lips gazing hovering it and licking the earlobe.
“Lets begin the fun now.”
You can feel hands lingering over your exposed thigh and your legs are moved more apart to stretch you out, hands gripping your inner knees. You can feel something cold touching your thighs and gliding up to your heat. You squirm under the touch but you are hold still by the strong grip. The cold thing stopped teasingly on your clit and it got pressed down there. A jolt spread across your body when the vibrator starts abusing your clit.
Nobody answered you.
“You need to guess who is this baby?”
Who? Isnt Hongjoong between your legs? You can feel someone teasing your entrance with the fingers, parting your folds and spreading your arousal around it. Another hand massaging the breast and pinching the nipples. You can feel shuffling in between your legs and when you tried to close your legs, it got stopped and stretched out more. You are already squirming under their touches. Mouths taking in the tits and covering it with their saliva and sucking it and biting around it and hands teasing your entrance. You can feel someone peppering kisses all over your inside thighs and sucking them in between and other sucking your chest and throat and jaw and licking them with juicy kisses. When you feel someone just licks a long strip of your arousal, your back arcs and then you can feel the knot building in your stomach which can burst down any moment.
“Who is it baby?”
How am I supposed to know? Both of their voices are coming from the same place and you know they are making you to guess them but how are you supposed to guess when your whole body is shaking for it about to release.
“Are you asking us?”
“no..no…It’s Joong…”
A harsh slap hit your folds which getting you the climax sooner. They can feel your movements and are sure that you are about to cum. The burning sensation indicating that you have answered it wrong.
“Hwa..Its you…”
“Where is the fun here? When its not Joong then its obvious that it will be Hwa unless you are thinking about someone else fucking you.”
“No. No. I’m sorry. Please.”
“Please what?”
“I need to cum. Please please.”
When you were just near to climax, the feelings got ripped away from your whole body as the vibrator stopped and you were forced still against the body so that you cant move anymore.
“No no no why?”
“I was going to-“
“cum? But we don’t want you to cum until you are guessing it right.”
“How am I supposed to guess when you literally fuck me the same way and you both are…rough.”
They remove your blindfold and you your eyes squint from the releasing of the tight blinding fold and you see Seonghwa smirking down at you from between your legs and Hongjoong standing beside your head with blindfold in his hand which he soon throws it on the floor.
You don’t know what they are doing but you are excited to know their next moves. The vibrator turns on again and you close your eyes in the sensation as your body is reacting fast to get to the climax. Hongjoong leans down to kiss you and damn his kiss is rough and like a beast he is devouring on you, hands abusing your swollen breasts. You feel a slap on your thigh and then you can see the dark expression on the other man because of the lack of attention. Your eyes following how he bends down, his iron grip still on your thighs, leaving behind the marks. His muscles flexing while devouring your heat. The two men eating you out, one above and one down there. If they continue like this, they might suck out your life at this point. You are squirming under their hold. The familiar knot building up again and this time you are desperate for your release, your head thrown backward, body arching, giving more access to Hongjoong to leave his markings. Seonghwa still abusing your clit with his tongue and one added finger hitting your G-spot and you know you will fall apart soon. Whwn you tried to close your eyes, Hongjoong gripped your jaw and harshly made you face him.
“Eyes on him baby.”
Your moans getting lost in Hongjoong’s mouth and you cant think of anything else other than the desperation to release. You are just about to hit the high when again everything stops.
Every lingering touch, abusing, sucking and the damn vibrator was turned off. Tears roll down your eyes and you cry out, whimpering and trying to close your legs in the exhaustion of getting ripped away of the heat.
“Are you really asking this?” Seonghwa asks you as if he doesn’t know how irritated you are right now. Well he is lowkey liking the fact somehow.
“Okay Seonghwa lets see if she can hold her cum until we say her to let go. If she goes along with us then we can think to let her come. Yeah?”
“I think that’s something fun.”
Seonghwa’s hands start rubbing your heat with the vibrator setting in a low level and you can feel yourself overstimulated and these slow movements are making you more frustrated. You are trying to focus on the movements in your heat and giving deaf ear to everything in your surroundings.
“Eyes on me or I am going to stop here.”
You somewhat managed to make an eye contact with him but its getting too much and tears falling down your cheeks.
“Too much Hwa…please…its too much…”
“Should I stop? I think you had too much fun.”
“NO!” “Hwa. She is saying no, then what about now?”
“Did you have fun?” well this damn question.
“No no no no.”
“Hold it in or you are not going to cum.”
That’s how you know, its going to be a long night until they are satisfied with their punishment but that’s fine. You are again going to sneak out if these are going to be the punishment nights for you disobeying them.
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @eriny123
[perma taglist! open: dm/reply/send ask to be in it]
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dogstarmoonheart · 10 months
Im pissed here ⬇️ This is a rant made mid-rage
written after an encounter with one of those bloggers who hate everything that isn’t canon and dislikes Wolfstar and throws up from the thought of Jegulus (?).
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First of all, there are a lot of tropes I don't really like and that I don't take part of. I, for one, like my Lupin awkward and scrawny, not like a cool casanova. I struggle to see the beauty of making Regulus all soft and dovy, as his personality from the start has been based on the fact that he's cold, hurt and uptight. I have never read Y/N as I feel conflicted with the arrangement. WITH THAT SAID, I feel no bloody need to point out, complain or talk poorly about those who do enjoy these things.
I'm a big jily fan. I was 13 (isch??) when I entered the fandom and back then “jegulus” wasn’t a thing. (I've grown to enjoy the "jegulus ship" though, and some of my favorite fics are jegulus-centered.)
I get people being like:
“huh jegulus? how would that even???”
and I also get people who hold onto jily like a life jacket.
BUT for the love of the gods, that doesn't mean people need to be such c*nts.
“This fandom has gotten out of hand”
“I don’t like it when people make ships that aren’t canon” (????? why are you here then?????)
and also people who are so butt-hurt bc. of adaptions and interpretations, like??? what do you think a fandom does???
“That character would never act like that” DO YOU FUCKING KNOW THEM PERSONALLY??
“that’s not realistic at all” your mom’s not realistic at all.
“rosekiller is so offensive” YOU ARE OFFENSIVE
you’re literally 40 go AWAY.
If you want it to be 100% accurate to the books, read. the. fucking. books??????
I’m not speaking for those who change a character to unrecognition, but I stumble upon people who are still mad about Wolfstar??? And it pisses me off dawg. It pisses me off.
Don’t attack people who enjoy non-canon queerness or a cool Remus Lupin or (gods forbid) a kind ratboy (you know he’s my everything)
Kindly piss off Karen (of course not if ur lovely, and happen to be named Karen, you stay right where you are <3)
Sorry, I had to get that out of mi system. Just think it’s bollocks that people can’t just sit back and shut up.
FYI: This house (blog) is safe to all and I hope ye kno’ that nasty hags are just hiding their weird ass values behind the statement “it’s not canon”. They themselves are mucky. They are a bad joke with a borin' punchline ;)
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I wanted to share this cuz even if it might not make complete sense (as I wrote it in fury at 3 am) it’s a good enough reminder that yeh should stay gay, stay loud, and keep making old angry people mad. Ship weird shit and idk..make James an emo just to piss somebody off, who gives a shit.
kisses my sweets
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blondie20000 · 9 months
I See Red - Mason Mount x Reader
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Mason Mount is officially a Manchester United player.
It felt weird to say that on your lips. You knew Mason when he was a blue a Chelsea blue the star-boy of his boyhood club but now times have changed and Mason is ready to move on to the next stage of his life.
No matter what club he played for you will always support him and his career because you love him and where he goes you go as well.
Mason invited you to the photo shoot wanting you to see him wear the Manchester United shirt for the first ever time. You were excited but also nervous. He is not a blue anymore he is now a red and you hoped this move will go well for him. After everything that happened at Chelsea Mason needed this fresh start he needed his confidence back.
You crossed your fingers behind your back as you waited for your boyfriend to get ready.
Several moments later Mason steps out of the changing room.
When your eyes go on him you gasp.
He stood wearing the infamous United shirt. The club's logo shone on his chest, his muscles stretched under the fabric. Your eyes lingered on his white shorts where you see the outline of his crotch
Oh wow.
You snap out of your trance and look up at your boyfriend. Mason smiled nervously.
"Do you like it?" He asked.
You eye him up and down. Then you nod.
"Red suits you." You smile at him. "I love it."
A blush crept up along his cheeks.
"Thanks." He said sounding shy.
Your heart went out to him. Mason puts on a brave face in public but behind the smile he is nervous and terrified. This move is the biggest moment of his life he is leaving his boyhood club to be here.
Sensing his sudden doubt you hold on to his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.
"You are going to be fine." You assure him. "The fans will love you."
"Its not just the fans I'm worried about."
"Well we already know Ten Hag loves you." You nodded. "The players love you. You sir are going to be the perfect Red Devil."
He raises an eyebrow at that.
"A Red Devil?"
"A very hot one indeed." You replied with a grin as your finger trace the logo.
He grins back.
He then leans forward and brushes his lips against yours. You respond and kiss him back. You wrap your arms around him and pull him in. He moans as you push your tongue inside his mouth and roll it along with his.
Your hands move to his shirt and you start to raise it over his head.
"Y/N." He mumbled. He brings his hand up and stops the kiss. "Y/N." He repeated with a shake of his head. "We can't."
You pull away and look up at him.
"Why not?"
"Because..." He gestures around the room. "I need to be ready for the photo shoot."
"You still have ten minutes we can be quick."
Mason looked unsure.
"Uh I don't know."
"Is the Devil encouraging me to resist my temptations?"
He can't help but laugh at that.
"Guess that does make me a bad Devil."
"Oh a bad one alright."
You press your body against his. You brush your leg against his crotch. Mason groans and closes his eyes tight. You smirk as you felt him harden against you.
"You still can't control yourself around me." You again smirk. "You can't go out with that we'll need to take care of it."
You kiss his cheek followed by another kiss to the neck. He shakes his head.
"Are you sure you are not secretly the Devil?" He said with an amused smile.
You gaze up at him. Your eyes are dark with lust.
"I can be anything you want babe."
Just then you gently push Mason on to the bench. You open your legs and slowly lower yourself on to his thigh. You felt his muscles go tight as you sit down on his thigh. For some reason that reaction from him has already turned you on.
You sigh and wrap your arms around his neck. You get yourself into a comfortable position.
His white shorts rubbed against the fabric of your trousers. Part of you wanted to strip off and get inside him right now but you knew that there was a risk somebody could walk in on them. Best to be dressed just in case.
Also they only had ten minutes.
Got to make it quick!
Mason looks at you with worry in his eyes.
"What if we get caught?"
You silenced him with a kiss on the lips.
"Live now worry about the consequences later." You mumbled into the kiss.
Before Mason could answer you start to move against him.
At first you started of slow then once you found your rhythm you started to pick up the pace. You push yourself on to his black stripes and gasp as you brush against the fabric where his cock is.
All the worries Mason had a minute ago immediately vanished when he saw his girlfriend panting above him. You moaned his name and threw your head back as you rubbed all the sensitive areas. Those noises caused Mason to hold on to your waist tight. He could feel the blood rushing from the rest of his body to his groin. He cried out as you increased the pace.
"Aw baby!" He groans into your chest. "Fuck!"
You go faster. You push into him harder. You enjoy the sweet sounds that come spilling from his lips.
You ground into his thigh. You grip his shirt with your hands. The blue you are so used to seeing is now red. Red. All you see is red.
Red flooded your vision as you started to reach your climax. Mason sensed you were close. He grabs on to your arm.
"Y/N. Not here not now."
"I have to Mase." You replied your voice breathless.
"These shorts are clean." He hissed.
"They won't be once I'm done with them." You growled.
You look at your boyfriend's face. His hair has fallen over his face. His forehead shines with sweat. You can tell by his clenched jaw that he is close too. Knowing he is going to cum in his new kit made you turn feral.
You increase your hold on him and continue to shout his name out loud. You knew when you are like this it was only going to be a matter of time before Mason finally gives in.
Seconds later you bite your lip to stop yourself from screaming as you finally let it all out.
Seeing you fall apart made Mason let go shortly after. He is panting as you slowly slide of him. He tried to say your name but it came out as a whimper. He then looks down at his shorts.
"Crap." He muttered his cheeks turning red with embarrassment.
You smile and kiss him.
"At least we took care of him." You smirked as you gestured to his shorts.
"Yeah and made a mess because of it." He sighed. "I need to go out there they are waiting for me."
Mason runs a hand down his face and shakes his head. You give him a reassuring smile.
"Don't worry I'll take care of it."
Once you cleaned yourself up you went outside. Minutes later you returned with a brand new kit in your hands.
Mason frowns at you.
You smiled sweetly.
"Said you had an accident." His eyes grew wide at that. "Water you spilled water on yourself."
"Oh." He relaxed at that.
"Did you really think I said..." You stopped and laughed. "Oh Mase." You sit down next to him. "You do make me laugh."
He cracked a small smile. Soon he joined in and laughed with you.
"I better get changed." He says.
You nod.
"Do we get to keep the kit afterwards?" You ask.
"Yeah why?"
"Well..." Your eyes go on his new kit. "I think those ones won't be staying clean for long."
You smirk and your eyes dazzle with mischief.
He gives you a knowing grin.
"For now." He replied. "Contain yourself darling."
You cross your legs over and give him an innocent look.
"I mean it." He warned but there is a playful smile on his lips.
As he goes to leave you say.
"You really are a bad Devil."
He looks over his shoulder and smirks at you.
"I know."
The End
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ouchthathurts · 3 months
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐬) ⋮ Work-Husband! Nanami Kento x Idol! Fem! Reader
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ⋮ 6.4k 
𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ⋮ You’re a team leader of an awful office, and thanks to your boss, you’re now stuck with a man whose exhibits everything you want to be in this office. You hope he’ll be your ally in all of this mess.
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬 ⋮ Cross-Posted to AO3 | Slow Burn | Slow Build | I Wrote This While Listening To Laufey’s Music | Soft Nanami | Nanami is such a sweet heart | Bewitched By Laufey cause 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ⋮ I love this man
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Nanami Kento
You’ve thought of Nanami for a very long time, honestly, there was something so graceful about the way he handed all conflicts, defended those with such language that left higher ups perplexed, and even inspired those to do their best regardless of his unchanging tone. You find this type of lens to view such a magnificent man that you find yourself often becoming absorbed in all things he does as you find yourself fascinated in his ways.
“Nanami Kento, one of my hardest workers being able work with you! You should be very grateful; he has experience that spans across the many departments!” Both hands on your shoulders like a bicycle as you looked up at the blond with a look of straight-faced man who had been overworked by this company, you were jealous by how he was allowed to look that tired, but you had people in the office comment about the dark circles under your eyes.
You had always hated that about the workplace, the treatment that you had been put through, your boss’s hands on your shoulders made this even more apparent as you tried to handle the disgust you felt as you looked over at the blond.
You watched as Nanami stuck out his hand to you, “I’ll be very grateful to work with you, I’m sure you have experience beyond me.” Nanami said your name with a coolness, you admired his work and ease with situations, “Oh please don’t be so humble! She was just a secretary before I so graciously made her a team worker!” Two pats on your left shoulder almost made your stomach shoot out your throat and onto the blond before you.
Nonetheless, you persevered, “Likewise, Nanami.” You shook his hand with a closed eye smile to not display the glare you wanted to give to everyone in the room.
 You had no real problems with Nanami, until you realized how everyone would favor him compared to you. You told everyone to get to work and while they dragged their feet, once Nanami came in and said something they were doing backflips to their work to impress the man on the same level as you.  
That’s what Nanami told you. 
A humble man indeed, he had more of an effortless way of doing things and with how he did it there was more of a reaction from the members left you standing almost like a doll next to him as if you were nothing but decorative furniture to highlight Nanami’s traits.
As of right now, you were just a nagging old hag that had to make sure your team knew what they were doing.  “...So demanding!” They complained to Nanami, the whispers weren’t so hushed as the childish way they called out to the man was as if they were children not being given the silver platter. It disgusted you, these people who believed they deserved the high-class treatment while you were one who stayed up long nights to help finish projects they decided to procrastinate and then have them take the work you did and slap their names on them without a care in the world.
Your small smile stayed etched in your face, sewn lips that stayed in a curve holding nothing, but the look in your eyes that always had a fog from being lost in what would take place after work. It was what your boss had suggested. “Oh, Nanami, I don’t know how you handle working ‘em!” One of the men complained to him, you remembered every assignment you had completed for him after he sobbed, and snot rocketed your clothes begging for you to help him. 
You only scoffed at his talk about you, you rushed quickly to clock your hours, never working late as you had matters beyond all their comprehension. You never wanted to stay once you heard them talking about you, it felt like you staying to hear it all would make you look like you were some masochist or some welcome mat that waited for the dirt in your mouth happily. You’d never willingly stayed when they talked bad about you to Nanami, you assumed he’d join them anyways in the hate bandwagon. 
While they stayed to get beers, do karaoke, and talk bad about coworkers they would then treat as if they were born from the same womb with a hateful glare under sickly sweet smiles. You were quick to rush out the building, making your way down the street with your heels clacking against the concrete with a brightness in your eyes that competed with the streetlights around your work. You rushed as fast as you could, dropping your train card as you were as eager to leave work as a newly adopted puppy. 
It wouldn’t take you long, with the way you rushed you were surprised if it took you longer than 30 minutes. You found yourself alone on the street only to turn the corner and a long line of people waiting patiently to get inside the underground building. It had a large garage door with a painted girl with bright pink curls, white frilly outfit with a large mic in her hand as she winked to those in line. 
You quickly made your way through the back, definitely late but not in a way where the audience was beginning to lose their marbles over the timing of such an event. You we quick to make your way through and found yourself putting on the makeup that had awaited you. 
“Where have you been!?” Your co-worker shouted, sitting right next to you in the second vanity mirror as he placed the bright pink wig in his head that had two large heart shaped buns with hair draping from them. You spoke softly, a smile that felt perfect on you as you appealed to him, “I was caught up with work, they hired some new guy in the department and now I’m stuck with someone who does my job “better” because he’s more “easygoing”-He doesn’t even talk that much, he just hums and nods and doesn't have anything to offer!”
You ranted to your coworker, Nakanishi Mizuki, who had been working as underground idol way before you had even though they had just turned 19. Mizuki was blessed with smooth dark skin with and two-toned heart shaped lips that made him the most vibrant to the cast as the bright make up your managers had you wear were ones that highlighted his features and brought more attention to him. 
You admired Mizuki as he showed you the ropes and you bought him food whenever you could when college began to get too stressful for him. All Mizuki could do was laugh at your attitude towards your new coworker whilst you waited for the glue on your false lashes to become tacky, the false lashes curled into one another to form hears above your irises, bright red hearts around your eyes that faded into white in the center of them. You were then given contacts that shaped your pupils into hearts. 
“He can’t be that bad, he doesn’t even talk that much?” You scoffed, “Yet he can handle my whole team in seconds whilst I have to help them meet deadlines!” You shouted as you curled the wig now placed on your head, “I feel like an unappreciated mother to my own coworkers.” You hissed; Mizuki only giggled at your words as they applied the gloss on his lips with a soft giggle leaving him. 
“Well, I think we better hurry, Tami is most likely waiting on us.” You sighed but nodded, after applying all your heart themed accessories such as large earrings, bracelets, and a choker. 
You looked at yourself through the large vanity mirror, a dark red headband that was littered with fake chocolate strawberries, red roses, and candied hearts that cover your ears. Your top was a bright crimson corset that ended an inch above your bellybutton, it had the design similar to a large red heart shaped box of chocolates, it had a nice pink lace accent that follow from the ended of your corset to where the top ended at the top of your chest with the center of the corset having cute chocolate design. 
The corset is connected by a bright red ribbon tied into a bow around your neck with a golden heart dangling from the center. You had a bright crimson tiered sleeves, not connected to the corset as they hung off your shoulders and were only on your upper forearm. The skirt you wore was a tulip one, same color as your corset, with a shiny skirt under it that popped out from the opening of the tulip skirt, this under skirt was same color as the nice pink lace design. 
There were some cute chocolate designs on the skirt as well, only they were lightly glittered outlines. You wore chunky crimson heels that have a shiny red ribbon connecting to it, it crosses around your calf and reaches your mid-thigh, so it disappears under the skirt. These heels raise you a couple of inches, it varies on the person in the group it all depends on your placing in the group.
Miyuki wears the same outfit as you, however, she only has the tiered sleeve on his right arm while the other is wrapped in ribbons. It’s the exact same make up and style as his is much brighter to compliment his skin tone. Miyuki was fiddling with his skirt, fixing up the three petticoats that was red, pink, and white layered on each other and complained of their heaviness only for Tami to interrupt him.  
“You guys should’ve been here 20 minutes ago! Stop gossiping like schoolgirls and get in your places!” Tami shouted at the two of you whilst you and Miyuki looked back at the large vanity mirror, Konishi Tamiko was one of the heads as she danced on stage with you and Miyuki, however, she was more in the background since she spent her time managing finances, getting the word out about performances, and working hard with your other manager. 
Tamiko has the most youthful appearance as she is the youngest member. Tamiko is the shortest, she has a tanned complexion due to her gyaru sense of style her hair is often braided and kept under a wig cap or in a bonnet. Taiko loves to wear brightly colored wigs, terrified of bleaching and damaging her hair, she wears these bright colored wigs in all different variations that she keeps in her wig closet. 
Tamiko’s wigs change every time they go to do a theme with your group, the managers don’t mind, and fans adore this type of adoration for her appearance. Tamiko wears the same outfit as you, however, she only has the tiered sleeve on her left arm while the other is wrapped in ribbons. 
You and Miyuki take photos quickly of yourselves in the mirror before posting yourselves to your idol account, a cute caption with kaomojis and hearts litter the text with the image covered in pink hearts. You put @kisskissasako, Miyuki’s stage name, and quickly upload it before making your way towards the stage.
The three of you listened to the crowd chant your names, finding your hands moving in a rhythm to show a wave of hands leading towards Miyuki’s head rolling out from your side and slowly showing themselves to the audience with a hot pink spotlight landing on him.
The crowd cheered, they whistled and shouted as Tamiko slowly made her way from behind you with her left arm crossing her other forearm and slowly dragging down to reveal her outfit to the audience as she spined gracefully. With one more spin, your back still towards the audience as you then extended your leg back to them before dragging your other leg into a spin whilst your back had arched. Your eyes closed with a warm smile on your face before face landed on the audience only for you to put the back of your wrists onto your forehead and gasp dramatically before letting your hand fall from your forehead to the audience, Miyuki and Tamiko followed putting both their hands towards the audience then bringing them to you as you heard them all shout your stage name.
You almost felt your heart explode once the lights hit you and the music started, you, Miyuki, and Tamiko took your place with one leg out you three slowly dragged your hands up your legs before spreading your arms out and bringing them to your body to wrap around your body as you spun your hips down whilst Miyuki and Tamiko spun them up, doing the same thing in reverse before you grabbed the mic from Miyuki hat was behind his back.
It was tired with a red silk ribbon; your lips were soft and glossed under the bright lights of the blackness of the performance area. Your leg bounced, as you connected the mic with the stand decorated with red, gold, and white ribbons. The words slipped from your lips, a roar from the audience as Miyuki and Tamiko had their mics attached to the sides of their faces in order to continue dancing for the audience.
You brought your index, middle, and ring finger into your palm, extending your thumb and pinky out as you brought it to your cheek and sung the chorus with Miyuki and Tamiko joining in as they bounced up and down rolled their hands from their body to the audience as if calling them over.
The beat had begun to kick in and this feeling was more than just euphoric, the sounds of your crowd shouting your name as if you were someone so important to them than what it truly had to be. Your hips rolled against as the chorus’s beat had begun to slow down, you repeated the words with your fingers still in a hand shape as you called out to the audience with your final chorus causing the audience to shout alongside you. 
The lights flew around as you sung different songs didn’t matter as it all blurred together throughout the night, you blew kisses to your audience, shouted alongside them, and cheered for your fellow performers as their solos came and you joined in with all the joy you felt. This night was more than just this one, many nights before, four times a week, and all it took was for you to fully be happy with allowing yourself to feel the moment as sing along towards an audience that treated you like the sun.
After performances were simple, say hello, sign things, take pictures, and listen to your fans tell you how much they loved you. Your heart felt the warmest after shows, once the afterglow of a show had subsided you were now being told by those who loved you and appreciated you that you were someone that mattered to them and they couldn’t wait to see you again. 
You soon got changed and went home, making sure to be escorted just in case of situations of deranged and delusional fans who demanded more of you and your coworkers, you took this time to take Miyuki home since you both took the same train, only getting off a stop earlier than him. As you bid farewell you looked at your phone that vibrated, likes and comments that came rushing in after the show that praised you and Miyuki that you hoped he’d see when he got home. 
You found yourself immediately passing out, waking up the next morning to say job you had been dreading for the longest. You had slowly made your way over towards your job, taking your time since you had awoken earlier than you predicted and now here you were, looking over work that was done without your help. 
The incompetence of your coworkers was astounding as this work was good, but they had never put in that effort before and made you do it by guilting you. You found yourself disgusted by their sudden work ethic, specifically of how much of your coworkers clanged to Nanami whenever they finished their work and hoped he’d critique them only for him to tell him it wasn’t time yet.
You were unfortunately stuck inside, unable to clock out for lunch until you finished your list of critiques and edits for them to make.
“Oh, would you please look at this Nanami?” They cried, the blond man remained stoic, “I apologize, but you need to go check in with other members before–” They cut him off, telling him they only wanted to hear him and not some nagging hag. “She doesn’t need an echo Nanami!” The man chortled. You had heard from your cubicle; it was almost as if forces were testing you today as you knew if you left with the unsubmitted item you wouldn’t hear the end of it from your boss. 
“You shouldn’t refer to her as that, in fact, she’s displayed something that a lot of you are failing to do as a team and that’s help one another out instead of trying to dump the work on others instead of having three of your team members check before I or your other team leader see it.” Your ears perked up at such wording, you listened earnestly to how Nanami talked of you.
“Nanami, come on, don’t be like her.” One of the men spoke up, two of your other workers agreed, “As I’ve said before, I do not want to hear you all speak of your team leader like this.” Nanami’s voice sounded of frustration, maybe no one heard his tone, but you did, his hardened walls were cracking and with the fixing of his tie and the clearing of his voice you found yourself a bit lost in what to feel.
“Woah, Nanami, what’s the matter?” A woman cooed, only for him to brush her off, “Oh come on, there’s no way you’re going to defend her like this when she’s never even gotten to know you or anyone else here. What bond could you possibly have for her when she won’t even talk to you like a friend? Just a coworker?” A woman complained alongside the other woman.
“Because that’s not her job.” Nanami chastised them, “She doesn’t have to be your friend, or know you personally, her job isn’t to be your friend. The whole point of her job is to get told what to inform you, check your work when having gone through three or more members of your work, then submit and display that work towards the higher ups. There is no cold tone, in fact, you all speak ill will when she has never done a thing besides not go out for drinks with you all after work.” 
The workplace was silence, while some members had already left to lunch your group was trying to invite Nanami without with them after getting their papers checked. You noticed how your group were a bit lost for words, Nanami’s sober persona had now become one that displayed a compassionate side towards those in the office that had gained you an ally in a place where you found yourself hating working for such a place.
You watched as your coworkers dispersed, forming the same groups they had before Nanami showed up thus abandoning the man and casting him aside with you. You found yourself a bit warmer inside, the pale white and gray bleakness of your cubicle showing the bits of color through photos you decided to let your eyes linger at for a few moments before finding yourself getting up and looking over to Nanami who's his expression had reverted back to his serene one as he slowly brought his eyes over to you.
It was a knowing exchange of understanding and thoughtful eyes that spoke essays as you found a soft smiling slowly growing on your lips, you know most likely he was keeping up for appearance as he is a team leader, in spite of all of the other workers though, he defended you when he could’ve easily joined in with them.
You thought for a moment about what to say, you looked down at the toes of your heels before looking back at Nanami, “Would you like to accompany me for lunch, Nanami?” You bubbled. Nanami’s eyes widened a bit, only if you truly paid attention to the way his face looked, you could notice the crow's feet in the corners to deepen a bit upon joining this team. 
Then you two were off, you both went to a bakery where you two were seldom on talking. You two enjoyed your meal together, amongst those chatting around you and the bustle of people on the street. You both looked at one another as you both thought about what to say to one another.  You looked around nervously at your food before noticing the time, you still had 20 minutes of and yet had not said a single word besides talking about what you two ordered.
Whilst you fiddled with your thumbs underneath the table while Nanami had found himself a bit lost in what to say as well, spending time with coworkers was a rare sighting unless it was one specifically told of a boss that his presence would be one that would impact his workplace environment. 
Nanami admired that about you, how you left when you were supposed to, how no matter how much you heard you kept coming in and doing your work diligently, and how much you did for others once he was told how some staff would guilt you into doing their work for them. Nanami collected this information in order to make the perfect announcement of how he felt about his coworkers and their carelessness for you.
Nanami hadn’t known you were there; he was so scared of you popping up he feared that maybe you found him to little to late for not defending you sooner. Your invitation for lunch shocked him and thus he found himself incapable of making basic conversation without saying the wrong thing. 
“What made you want to work here, Nanami?” You spoke effortlessly, one that Nanami could spot from miles away with how you held yourself in a high regard regardless of how people spoke of you. “Past issues. I was a failure where I was before and thus, I needed to do something I knew I could never fail.” You raised a brow at such an answer, as blunt as Nanami is, you find yourself still lost by such. 
“You most likely weren’t a failure, Nanami, don’t be too hard on yourself.” You comforted the man; you spoke calmly to him a smile on your face that gave off none of the energy from when you two first met over two years ago. A cold and detached smile that felt mandatory and stapled by in by the touch of the shared boss between the two of you, nonetheless, there was something in this smile gave a warmness in his heart. 
“You’re too good at all you do, Nanami.” You praise earnestly, “I’m bad at speaking, I do apologize for being so quiet around you.” You hush him, “Please, Nanami, there’s need to apologize for such a thing!” Nanami’s eyes perked up at such, “I was a bit careless in what I did before, I feel the same way in this conversation.” You found yourself looking at Nanami with the softest eyes, there was this beauty between the two of you that was embedded under the dirt with water to soak and the sun to beam on it with care.
“Don’t run away from me now, Nanami. You can tell me whatever as long as you’re comfortable with it, of course.” There’s a silence that falls between the both of you and now you wonder if you overstepped a boundary, thankfully you didn’t, as Nanami quickly speaks up about the situation beforehand.
“My previous work was draining, I needed to give it up everything for them and once I gave up on a friend, I knew I needed to leave that line of work.” You nodded at this, while you found yourself unable to say anything you still tried to profess your feelings about the situation to him. “I mean, you may have failed once but the pros may outweigh the cons... Just because you failed once doesn’t mean you can’t help people from making those same mistakes you did.” 
Lost in your eyes, your caring gaze, and the way your fingers found the straw of your drink and began to swirl it around. Nanami found himself listening to your words with something in his eyes that began to soften them with a cruelty of reality as you looked towards to the clock and told Nanami that you both needed to head back to the office.
You paid the bill of meal whilst Nanami stood outside, making your way out the two of you began to make your way back over to your office, “I wanted to thank you, Nanami.” You expressed a tender tone with the man as you spoke. “Thank you for defending me today, let me know if you’d like to spend time again.” You say as you make your way out of the elevator and towards your cubicle.
In an instant, you and Nanami began to spend time together. Meeting up at the train station at the morning to go to work with one another, spend lunch together, and Nanami would walk you to your home in the late nights after working those long nights with him. 
When you entered his life, your infectious tone and compassionate nature began to dismantle the carefully constructed walls guarding his heart. Nanami had never been so bewitched by someone like this, once before there was one, whose brightness was one that made him want to do more in life and pushed him to go be a salaryman after their departure. 
Your connection deepened, Nanami found himself experiencing emotions that had long been dormant, stirred by your genuine care and understanding. Nanami speaking of the one he lost, it took him a long time to open up to you of his fears of uselessness and with your constant affirmations that held him tightly in a warm embrace. There was something Nanami could not shake as the months had begun to past.
You guys had done almost everything, such as getting each other Christmas presents, spending birthdays together, going to do after work shenanigans like getting drunk and doing karaoke. Things Nanami had only ever done as one he had done with no choice unless he wanted his bosses to hate him.
You embodied resilience and authenticity contrasted the bleak and draining corporate world. Your zest for life and unwavering commitment to her values resonated deeply with Nanami, causing him to question the path he had chosen. Your inspirational worlds that called to his past being one that didn’t have to be a burden to him but could push him to do more in the future if he so chose.
“What would happen if I left the office?” 
Suddenly, thoughts of returning to Nanami’s true passion in his previous work started to emerge, fueled by the desire to break free from the confines of a soulless job that stifled his want for appreciation and impact those who wanted to do more for those around him who didn't have the capabilities he had as a Jujutsu Sorcerer.
Yet, you didn’t know he was a Jujutsu Sorcerer. 
“I’d support you through it all, I trust what we have will last even if you’re on to bigger and better things.”
Your words were chosen so bewitchingly, he yearned to be on the level of your phrasing and tone. Nanami had thought for a moment, what would you do while he was gone? His job would take up so much time. How could you ever see him? What if one day he was gone forever, and it would seem to you that his new life became more important to him than you were? It was new year's, you two had been close friends for a year and some change now, soon reaching your late 20s that made Nanami stop and think about what he was doing as a salaryman. You two had spent this one together, like you did last year, sitting there on your balcony looking over the city with champagne glasses brought to you by Nanami who you thanked cheerfully. 
As your relationship flourished with Nanami, he couldn't ignore the harsh reality of your situation – trapped in a job that undervalued your worth and failed to recognize your potential. Witnessing you endure the daily grind of a workplace that treated you as expendable ignited a fire within Nanami. 
There was something in your eyes, it glowed under the darkness of the night they couldn’t compare to the city lights near the apartment, that glow he never wanted to lose as he made a firm decision to not only be your pillar of support but also your advocate for change, determined to liberate you from the chains of the workplace.
The countdown had begun, you and him counting down together as you found your arm around his waist and his around yours. You brought each other close, leaning your head on his shoulder as heard the other members of your apartment count together. A strike of midnight that cause screams and shouts from the streets and homes with fireworks shooting around the two of you. 
At a crucial moment, Nanami found himself standing at a crossroads, torn between the familiarity of his corporate world and the beckoning call of a life filled with purpose as a Jujutsu Sorcerer. With you by his side, he realized that true happiness did not lie in the pursuit of material success, but rather in the freedom to follow one's heart. 
It took a while for things to calm down before you and Nanami made your way insides, your laugh lighting up the world and Nanami losing himself as he asks you question. “What do you do on the nights when we don’t spend time together?” The world froze around you both, you hadn’t told him you ere underground Idol, with how things were looking however, you were about to be on a stage that wasn’t underneath a building.
It was nothing big, a venue to host 16000~, that would be above ground this time. You looked up at Nanami, unable to find the words, yet you knew with all this time. You knew you had to tell him though, you cleared your throat and poured another glass. 
“Nanami, I’m an idol.” 
The words slipped from your throat with a smoothness you wouldn’t have had without the alcohol, you smiled at him and couldn’t help it as you looked to him with the brightest of eyes. “I’ve been an idol since I started working at the god-forsaken office.” You sighed passionately, “If I could do it full time I would.”
Nanami was lost for words, he had no idea you did such work and even more he admired you for such, doing a job that required such rigorous work for practice, voice lessons, and so on. Nanami had no idea he could feel more for you in this moment than he had before in the year and months of knowing you.
“Why don’t you do it full time?” You propped your head up with your chin in your palm, “I’m sorry?” You raised a brow at such, “Why don’t you be a full time, Idol?” You thought for a moment, “Is it because of money?” You didn’t let Nanami finish, be grateful you did as Nanami would’ve stayed in the soul sucking job to provide you the life you wanted. “No, Nanami, I love being an Idol. I really do. I love all the people who support me, cheer my name, and make me feel seen in ways life has never.”
A soft crack in Nanami’s heart as he heard of the love you deserve more than all in the world, admiration for you that skyrocketed as he yearned more for you. “I don’t do it full time because I just don’t…” You thought, “I don't…” Why didn’t you do it full time? If you left your job, you would have more time to do more gigs and do more work, however…
“I don’t want to leave you, Nanami…”
The blond’s ears perked up at such wording, you looked into his eyes with a softness that left you feeling crumbled like a wall torn to pieces by a large wave, you couldn’t put your finger on this new desire that had begun to eat you and now you looked towards Nanami with a gaze that bolstered the feelings that had begun to bubble inside around you.
“ I don’t want to leave you either… ”
The warmness of your home, the dim lighting, the faint sounds of few straggling fireworks being lit for the amusement of those around you, and the way you were here with Nanami’s presence. There was something so loving about this moment you felt your heart ready to explode from the beauty of this moment.
Nanami finding himself also lost in what to feel, the way his heart had pounded made him anxious your silence was because you wanted to hear him struggle to hold himself together around you. A yearning in the half-lidded eyes of both you as you both found yourself coming closer and closer to one another.
“It requires me to travel everywhere, I’d be in so many places performing and I don’t know if your job would allow you to be with me everywhere…” You bit your tongue, you wanted him to be there with you and yet, this moment felt as if you were losing yourself in what could be as Nanami felt himself falling apart with the way you began to bewitch him with every word that fell from your lips that were of so soft…
You watched as Nanami’s hands came out to you, larger and hardened from the years of work, they held your hands and cradled you with his thumbs rubbing against the softness of your knuckles that had begun to eat with a loving feeling. You found yourself looking up into his eyes, had you ever been able to see how close he was to you that his cool and minty breath had hit your lips.
“I’ll find a way to travel, my old job made me go everywhere, I’ll go to places with you to watch you perform and I’ll cheer you on the way you’ve done for me.” Nanami’s words cradle you, you feel his hands slowly slide up your arms towards your elbows and slowly cup your lower back, your breath hitches at such a sudden touch as your lips slowly part almost sending Nanami off the rails.
“Is this, okay?” Nanami questions, a softness to his voice that you had never heard come from him before, he must feel what you do and in a swift moment you feel this desire for more of it. “Of course it is…” Your arms snaking around his neck as you brought his lips towards yours with your eyes closing as Nanami brought himself more into the kiss.
There was something about this kiss that brought you to your knees, and Nanami breaking his neck to have more of you gave you more than you ever wanted in a relationship as he coddled you. There was something Nanami gave you, something working in that office and as an Idol. The appreciation from someone so close to you, for someone to get to know you and bring you into an embrace where all that mattered was the comfort you got as he held you tight to himself in order for you to not to fall while twisting his body to just feel your lips against his. There was something about this chaste kiss that enveloped you into this something that could you swallow you whole, and that was the way Nanami pulled away and asked you, “I want a life with you, away from this job…” 
A pause as he took a breath, losing track of time with you was one of the many things that worked as curse against the man who wanted you so dear, “Would you run away with me?” Your lashes fluttered open, looking into Nanami’s eyes that were pained with an expression of rejection as if it wasn’t you then no one else would ever compare to you and be who you were to him in the ways he had you now. 
Your hands pulled from his forearms and two his collared shirt, “I’d love nothing more.” You pulled in him, your noses rubbing against each other as you kissed him as if you’d die without it. Nanami brought you closer as you both kissed into the night, the world being nothing but just a force that gratefully brought you two together, forever.
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©ouchthathurts please don't translate, claim as yours, redistribute and/or plagiarize in any way. likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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mybutcheredtongue · 2 months
I'll Love You 'til the Grass Around My Gravestone is Deceased
post azkaban sirius black x fem!reader
CHAPTER TWENTY (see full series list here)
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On the 22nd of November you sit on the floor of your office late at night, watching the flames of your fireplace crackle and pop. Beside you, sits Harry, eyes focused on the fire as well. Sirius had asked him to wait in front of the fire in your office at one o'clock and for you to be there too. You can't say your heart isn't beating faster than the steady tick of the clock on the wall, worried and giddy at the same time.
"I'm sorry about this whole situation, Harry," you say with a sigh, reaching out to stroke Dubh's fur idly as she clambers into your lap. "I know this isn't what you want. I tried everything to get them to change the rules but nothing worked."
"Thanks," he says blankly, like he's used to being disappointed.
"And that article in the paper — "
"I didn't say anything of that. It's a lie," Harry responds quickly.
You nod. "I'm well aware. Rita Skeeter is...difficult." As soon as the words have left your mouth, you grimace, shaking your head. "Actually, she doesn't deserve that nicety. She's a bitch, Harry. A nasty old hag that has nothing better to do with her life than spread rumours and sensationalise everything in sight."
Harry seems slightly taken aback by your words but nods in fierce agreement nonetheless.
"My best advice to you, Harry, is to run for the hills every time you see her — or just wave me over if I'm near. I am well accustomed to small talk with people like her — the trick is to just get them talking about themselves."
He nods. "I don't plan on going anywhere near her ever again."
"Smart decision," you say, sighing. "And look — I know I'm not supposed to get involved but if you need any help whatsoever, just ask. There's plenty of useful spells I can teach you and tips I can give — anything at all."
Just then, the flames move in a peculiar fashion and Sirius' head appears in the fire. Both you and Harry let out a small gasp, and when you look at Harry, his face has broken into the biggest smile you've seen him wear in weeks.
"Sirius!" Harry exclaims immediately.
He looks different from the last time you seen him. His face had looked gaunt and sunken, but now he looks far healthier and his hair, which was long, matted and greasy, is now clean and neat. You're glad to see that though he's trimmed it a tad, he's kept the beard. He looks younger.
"Hello, Harry," he says, before he turns to you, smiling, "and hello to you too, love."
You bring your hand up and give him a tiny little wave, unable to stop the giddy smile taking over your face at the sight of him.
"How're you doing?" Harry asks.
"Never mind me, how are you?" Sirius asks firmly, returning his attention to his godson.
"I'm — " Harry stops himself suddenly, holding himself back. Just when you're about to check if he's alright, he spills. He tells the two of you everything: about how no one believes that he hasn't entered himself into the tournament, how Rita Skeeter had lied about him in the Daily Prophet, how he can't walk down a corridor without getting sneered at, and about the toll it's all taken on his friendship with Ron.
You feel your heart ache for him. He deserves absolutely none of this and you wish you could do more to help.
"Hagrid's just shown me what's coming in the first task, and it's dragons — I'm a goner," he finishes desperately.
Sirius is looking at Harry with deep concern as he says, "Dragons we can deal with, Harry, but we'll get to that in a minute — I haven't got long here...I've broken into a wizarding house to use the fire, but they could be back at any time. There are things I need to warn you about."
"Just break into Moony's house next time," you say simply, shrugging. "Sounds much easier to me."
Sirius gives you a look that suggests he already thought of that, but obviously decided not to as he was already coming north to see you two. You smile cheekily at him and he shakes his head, refocusing his attention on Harry.
"What do you need to warn me about?" Harry asks.
"Karkaroff," Sirius says. "Harry, he was a Death Eater. You know what Death Eaters are, don't you?"
"He's a Death Eater?" You're shocked. Just this morning you picked his fork off the ground for him at breakfast!
"He was caught, he was in Azkaban with me, but he got released. I'd bet that's why Dumbledore wanted an Auror at Hogwarts this year — to keep an eye on him. Moody caught Karkaroff. Put him into Azkaban in the first place."
There already is an Auror at Hogwarts, you think. Or did Dumbly-dorr just forget about me?
"Karkaroff got released?" Harry says slowly. "Why did they release him?"
"He did a deal with the Ministry of Magic," Sirius replies bitterly. "He said he'd seen the error of his ways, and then named names...he put a load of other people into Azkaban in his place...he's not very popular there, I can tell you. And since he got out, from what I can tell, he's been teaching the Dark Arts to every student who passes through that school of his. So watch out for the Durmstrang champion as well."
How do you not remember any of this? Surely you'd have seen this all mentioned in the papers around that time?
"Okay..." Harry says. "But...are you saying that Karkaroff put my name in the goblet? Because if he did, he's a really good actor. He seemed furious about it. He wanted to stop me from competing."
"We know he's a good actor," says Sirius, "because he convinced the Ministry of Magic to set him free, didn't he? Now, I've been keeping an eye on the Daily Prophet, Harry — "
"You and the rest of the world," he says bitterly.
"— and reading between the lines of that Skeeter woman's article last month, Moody was attacked the night before he started at Hogwarts. Yes, I know she says it was another false alarm," Sirius says hastily, seeing Harry about to speak, "but I don't think so somehow. I think someone tried to stop him from getting to Hogwarts. I think someone knew their job would be a lot more difficult with him around. And no one's going to look into it too closely; Mad-Eye's heard intruders a bit too often. But that doesn't mean he still can't spot the real thing. Moody was the best Auror the Ministry ever had."
"So...what are you saying? Karkaroff's trying to kill me? But — why?"
Sirius hesitates.
"I've been hearing some very strange things," he says apprehensively. "The Death Eaters seem to be a bit more active than usual lately. They showed themselves at the Quidditch World Cup, didn't they? Someone cast the Dark Mark...and then — did you hear about that Ministry witch who's gone missing?"
"Bertha Jorkins?" You say. You recall reading that article about her disappearance not too long ago.
"Exactly...she disappeared to Albania, and that's definitely where Voldemort was rumoured to be last...and she would have known the Triwizard Tournament was coming up, wouldn't she?"
"Yeah, but...it's not very likely she'd have walked straight into Voldemort, is it?" says Harry.
"I wouldn't be too sure about that," Sirius says grimly, glancing at you. "Do you remember her at school?"
You nod your head. "She was at Hogwarts when we were, a few years above us," you explain to Harry. "As thick as a board, she was. Very nosey, too. Awful combination."
"Makes her easy to lure into a trap," Sirius finishes.
"So...so Voldemort could have found out about the tournament?" says Harry. "Is that what you mean? You think Karkaroff might be here on his orders?"
"I don’t know," Sirius says with a shake of his head, "I just don’t know...Karkaroff doesn’t strike me as the type who’d go back to Voldemort unless he knew Voldemort was powerful enough to protect him. But whoever put your name in that goblet did it for a reason, and I can’t help thinking the tournament would be a very good way to attack you and make it look like an accident."
"Looks like a really good plan from where I’m standing." Harry grins bleakly. "They'll just have to stand back and let the dragons do their stuff."
"You'll be fine," you reassure firmly, though you're not sure if it's for Harry's sake or your own. "I'll be there, all the rest of the teachers will be there, and there'll be that group of dragon keepers there too."
"Look, about these dragons," Sirius says, speaking quickly now, glancing around him furtively, "There's a way, Harry. Don't be tempted to try and simple Stunning Spell — dragons are too strong and powerfully magical to be knocked out by a single stunner, you need about half a dozen wizards at a time to overcome a dragon — "
"Yeah, I know, I just saw," Harry says.
"But you can do it alone," Sirius tells him, looking him straight in the eye. "There is a way, a simple spell's all you need — "
At once, all three of you go dead silent and whip your heads to the closed door.
"Go, Sirius, quickly!" You hiss at him urgently.
You scramble to your feet, grabbing Harry's invisibilty cloak off the desk and launching it at him.
Harry frantically pulls the cloak over his head and ducks behind your desk as you make you way over to the door, glancing back at the fireplace to see that Sirius' head has disappeared and the flames have returned to normal. You feel a small pang in your heart.
Who could possibly be knocking at your door at one o'clock in the morning? Surely everyone is asleep by now?
You pull the door open and are met with nothing but the quiet, dark corridor.
"Must've been Peeves," you mutter angrily, moving to close the door. Of course that poltergeist would find a way to cut your time with Sirius short.
"Oh, no, mistress, it is Bitsy!"
You look down in search of the voice and sure enough, at the foot of your door, is Bitsy, grinning up widely at you with her ginormous eyes reflecting the flickering light of the candles on the wall. You notice that she's holding a tray of scones in her tiny hands.
"Bitsy?" You say in shock and confusion. "What are you doing here? Is everything alright?"
"Bitsy was cleaning this corridor, mistress, and heard talking coming from mistress's office! And Bitsy thinks 'why is mistress up so late talking?' Perhaps she has a guest and is very hungry! Mistress was not at breakfast this morning, and I isn't seeing mistress in the kitchens either!"
While part of you feels angry and cheated that she's just interrupted your seldom chance to talk to your husband, you can't be mad at Bitsy and her big kind heart.
You chuckle softly. "Oh, Bitsy. You are far too kind to me. You're right, I didn't attend breakfast this morning nor did I go to the kitchens in the afternoon — I had breakfast with a friend of mine in Hogsmeade today. I should have told you."
Bitsy beams at you and holds the tray out for you to take. "Bitsy is glad to know you did not go hungry this morning. For you, mistress!"
You accept the tray with a smile. "Thank you, Bitsy. You are very kind — let me go fetch something to give you as a thank you."
"Oh, no, mistress! I cannot accept anything from you, I is just doing my duty!"
You leave her momentarily, placing the tray of scones down, grabbing a box off your desk and returning to hand it to her. "Film, for your camera, Bitsy. So you can take more pictures. "
You don't miss the gleeful smile that spreads over Bitsy's face as she looks at the box in wonder. "Mistress, I must not — "
"I insist, Bitsy. Actually — I order you to accept the film. I know how much you love your camera," you tell her, pushing it into her hands.
"Thank you, mistress," she says gratefully, bowing to you. "I must return to my work now, unless mistress requires Bitsy for anything?"
You shake your head, smiling. "No, but thank you, Bitsy. I think it's time for mistress to get some rest."
Bitsy leaves, clutching the film tightly in her hands and bowing out of your view before Disapparating. You close the door behind you, letting out a sigh as Harry stands up slowly, pulling the cloak off.
"I'm sorry about that, Harry," you say. "I really wish we could have more time with Sirius."
"Yeah, me too. Was that a house elf?"
You nod, chuckling. "Sure was. That's Bitsy. You see, I stay up much later than everyone else — I'm usually up in the tower because of course, the best time to view the stars is at night, so I sleep in the next day and miss breakfast a lot of the time. And when I do, I can go down to the kitchens and Bitsy and all the other house elves will give me something to eat — have done since I was in school myself when I did the exact same thing. Bitsy is my saviour, honestly. She's an absolute gem."
"You're able to get into the Hogwarts kitchens?" Harry says curiously.
"Yep. There's a painting of a bowl of fruit down by the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room — just tickle the pear and the door'll open right up for you."
You know that as a teacher you probably shouldn't be telling him this, but you don't really care. You went there countless times as a student so why shouldn't he?
Harry nods thoughtfully before asking, "That spell Sirius mentioned, that could defeat a dragon...have you any idea what it is?"
You bite your lip, drumming your fingers against your hip as you search your brain for anything like that. "I don't, Harry, I'm sorry. Perhaps you could try confundus, and confuse it? I can't say I'm too familiar with dragons...now, you should go to bed, Harry. A good night's sleep for the next few days is what you need before the first task. And in the meantime, I'll have a look and see if I can figure something out for you."
"Thanks, but I doubt I'll find it easy to sleep," Harry remarks, throwing the cloak back over his head.
"Well, if you do find that you can't sleep, come up the Tower," you tell him with a smile, pulling the door open for his invisible figure. "I find stargazing is the best way to relieve stress and solve problems."
You feel like you're about to get sick. You stare at the Hungarian Horntail, huge and terrifying as she crouches protectively over her eggs, huffing great hot breaths out of her large nostrils. And there, standing across from this fearsome beast as though rooted to the spot, is Harry. The crowd roars around you but you can barely hear them as your stomach knots and twists and flips with sickening worry.
"Accio Firebolt!" Harry yells, raising his wand.
You wait. The crowd waits. Harry waits.
And then you see it. Harry's broomstick, his Firebolt, hurtles towards him and stops in mid-air beside him, waiting for him to mount it. You vaguely register Ludo Bagman roaring something over the crowd in response to this, but you're too focused on praying to whatever great deities you can to protect your godson. You're just so relieved that he managed to figure something out — and something so clever, too! Why hadn't you thought of a Summoning Spell? It's so simple. Sirius will be so proud of Harry when he finds out.
Harry rises into the air, the wind rushing through his hair, surveying the dragon not far below him. A sort of resolve seems to come over him and then he dives, forcing you to bring your hands up to cover your eyes in fear.
"Oh, I can't watch," you breathe. Beside you, Minerva gives you an understanding look as she watches on. You hear the rush of fire, the crowd cheering and screaming, and then —
"Great Scott, he can fly!" Bagman roars. "Are you watching this, Mr Krum?"
You open your eyes just in time to see Harry plummet to the ground once more, just missing the burst of flames that flies from the Horntail's open maw — but not quick enough to completely avoid the whip of her tail and to your horror, one of the long spikes grazes Harry's shoulder, ripping his robes.
"Harry!" You shriek, practically about to chew your finger off with the alarming rate you're biting the tips of your nails as you reluctantly watch on, wishing for it to be over.
He begins to fly this way, then that, not near enough to make the dragon breathe fire at him to stave him off, but still posing a sufficient enough threat to make her keep her eyes focused on him, tracking his every move.
The dragon's head sways with his movements, her eyes unwavering as she followed him, gruesome fangs bared. You can feel your heart palpitating in your chest. Harry rises even higher, the Horntail's head rising with him, her neck now stretched out to its fullest extent.
You jump as the Horntail lets out a deafening roar, her tail thrashing threateningly as she blows another burst of fire at him, which he thankfully dodges.
She opens her mouth and then she finally rears, spreading her great, black, leathery wings at last and Harry seizes the opportunity to dive at an incredible speed. You can barely keep your eyes on him with the rate he's whistling through the air, hurtling towards the nest of eggs.
"Come on, come on, come on..." you chant, hands tapping frantically at the tops of your thighs as you sit on the edge of your seat, watching impatiently.
Harry takes his hands off his broom, seizes the golden egg, and with another huge burst of speed, he's off and soaring out over the stands. He tucks the egg safely under his uninjured arm, and looks out over the stands.
You can't help but jump out your seat, cheering yourself hoarse as you voice your praise and feel relief wash over your body like a tsunami. The noise around you is monumental, drumming in your ears like a jackhammer.
"Look at that!" Bagman yells. "Will you look at that! Our youngest champion is the quickest to get his egg! Well, this is going to shorten the odds on Mr Potter!"
The dragon keepers rush forward to subdue the Horntail and you hurry out of your seat, practically sprinting to the entrance of the enclosure. Minerva is hot on your heels and Moody and Hagrid have already beaten you, waiting with wide smiles for Harry to land.
"That was excellent, Potter!" Minerva cries as the boy hops off his broomstick. She points a shaky hand to his shoulder. "You'll need to see Madam Pomfrey before the judges give out your score...Over there, she's had to mop up Diggory already..."
"Harry, you were brilliant!" You exclaim excitedly, eagerly pulling him in for a hug and beaming at him. Normally, you'd worry about other students thinking you have a favourite — which you do, of course you do — but today you couldn't care less, you're so overwhelmed with relief and swelling with pride for your godson. "Absolutely brilliant, Harry! Just — fantastic, honestly, I can't believe it, I was so worried — I'm so proud — "
"Thanks," Harry says, unable to keep the large smile on his face down, his face red.
"Thanks, Hagrid," Harry says loudly, so that Hagrid doesn't blather on about how he had shown Harry the dragons beforehand. You give a light chuckle.
"Yeh' did it, Harry!" says Hagrid hoarsely. "Yeh did it! An' agains' the Horntail an' all, an' yeh know Charlie said that was the wors' — "
Even Moody looks very pleased, the slightest of smiles tugging at his cracked lips. "Nice and easy does the trick, Potter."
"Right then, Potter, the first aid tent, please..." Minerva says, gesturing to the tent with her hand.
He leaves, giving you all a grin before heading into the tent and you just smile proudly after him, rolling on the balls of your feet.
"Oh, he was just excellent, wasn't he?" Minerva says to you, smiling. "The best out of the all the champions, by far!"
You nod enthusiastically. "Easily! Oh, Merlin, I am just so glad he came out alright, I thought I was going to chew my own hand off with worry..."
"He was migh'y," Hagrid says loudly, a sob racking his body as he reaches into his pocket to pull out a large handkerchief, bigger than your face, and blows into it. "Jus' migh'y."
"Oh, Hagrid," you say softly, reaching up to place a comforting hand on his back, smiling sympathetically.
Across the enclosure, the five judges are sitting at the end in raised seats draped in gold. The first judge, Madame Maxime, raises her wand in the air and what looks like a long silver ribbon shoots out of the end of it — forming the shape of a large figure eight.
"Not bad," you remark, clapping along with the crowd. "Must've been the injury that lost him marks..."
Crouch comes next, shooting a number nine into the air.
"Excellent!" Minerva exclaims.
Next, Dumbledore puts up a nine and the crowd yells louder than ever.
Ludo Bagman — ten.
You turn to Minerva in disbelief, matching looks of shock with each other before you eagerly applaud.
Now, Karkaroff raises his wand. He pauses for a moment, and then a number shoots out of his wand — four.
"What?"You yell indignantly, blinking several times to make sure your eyes aren't tricking you. "A four?"
"How shameful, he gave his own student a ten!" Minerva remarks angrily.
Several members of the crowd seem to agree with you, bellowing angrily and booing at Karkaroff's biased marking.
Suddenly, Sirius' words ring in your head.
He's a Death Eater.
You feel your spine chill as you look across the enclosure at Karkaroff's steely expression, steadfast in his decision to reward Harry four marks.
"A toast!" Dumbledore announces, raising his glass. "To the completion of the first task of the Triwizard Tournament!"
You grin, raising your glass in tandem. "Cheers!" You clink it against Minerva's, then with Professor Sprout's on your other side.
All the staff have gathered in that small room right of the Great Hall for a little staff-only party, the fire blazing in its place and radiating a pleasant warmth around the room. The house elves have prepared a small spread of finger foods for the lot of you — and you've gone straight for the cupcakes, decorated humorously with little edible dragons. They're delicious — you make a mental note to voice your thanks to Bitsy the next time you see her.
Despite the happiness that's settled in you since Harry's successful task, when your eyes land on Karkaroff, sitting on the opposite side of the room to you, talking with Snape, unease gnaws at your gut.
You're sitting in a room with a Death Eater.
You've been in this situation countless times, of course, back when you were an Auror. But then, you knew what was going on. You knew what you were in for. Here, you don't. At parent-teacher meetings, you don't doubt you've been in the company of some Death Eaters, or former Death Eaters, rather. Some of your Slytherins' parents certainly seem to have a fondness for opaque, long-sleeved shirts...
You can't help but remember that night at the Quidditch World Cup, and your brain starts to picture one of those cruel Death Eaters pulling off his mask and revealing Karkaroff's sharp face.
You grip your champagne glass tightly, downing the contents and taking a deep breath. You should go mingle, the time for investigating Karkaroff can come tomorrow.
It's this little staff party that you finally get acquainted with Madame Maxime properly, trying your hand at your conversational-level French. She seems very impressed at this, delighted that you know at least a little bit of her own language — she says something about the 'arrogance of native English speakers', which you don't disagree with.
"Oh, and look at zis pretty diamond on your finger!" Madame Maxime exclaims suddenly, catching sight of your engagement ring, sitting pretty above your wedding band on your left ring finger. She takes your hand in her much larger one so she can inspect it closer. "You are married?"
You look at the sparkling ring, glinting in the candlelight, smiling softly. "Yes, I am."
"'Ow sweet," she remarks, dropping your hand gently. "I was married once."
You raise your eyebrows imploringly and she leans closer, waving her large hand theatrically as she says, "But 'e was a bastard."
She laughs fiendishly, and you just sort of watch, unsure whether you should laugh or not.
"You can laugh!" she assures when she sees your unsure expression. "Good riddance, is what I say. 'E thought 'e could keep ze company of some girl while I was at working at Beauxbatons — so I said to 'im, 'fuck you and ze 'ore you rode in on!'"
You nearly choke on your champagne, shocked at what you've heard come out of Madame Maxime's mouth. She grins proudly, showing rows of pearly white teeth. She seems to be finding your shock very amusing as she laughs again.
"His loss," you tell her, chuckling.
"Absolument." She shrugs nonchalantly, as though it was nothing to her but a stone in the bottom of her shoe. "Et toi? 'Ere is your 'usband?"
You don't answer her for a moment, sucking on your teeth. "Well, I don't know, actually."
"'Ow do you not know?"
"Because he's just escaped from prison," you answer simply. You don't know what makes you tell her that. It would have been so easy to lie, but you don't. Perhaps it's the two too many glasses of champagne you've had, or perhaps it's the way Madame Maxime doesn't seem to care about anything, really, other than Fleur Delacour and the tournament.
Her mouth drops for a second, before she laughs. "Ah, well, c'est la vie. Marriage is never easy."
You chuckle softly, shaking your head. It feels weirdly relieving to you that she couldn't care less about your personal life. You find a new respect for the woman in front of you. "Certainly not."
→ all kinds of interaction appreciated ♡
Hugs and bisous for my incredible taglist loves:
@wholelottalove05 @izuoyarmin @hyperspeedo @carpe000diem @jennifer0305 @idkman5335
52 notes · View notes
ephedrathirsts · 1 year
Teach me
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Synopsis: Your best friend asks you to take his virginity. As the both of you spend more time getting intimate with each other, you are forced to acknowledge your feelings for one another.
Contains: idiots in love trope, friends to lovers trope, lovers in denial, one-bed trope, crack and sarcasm, mutual pining, smut, fingering (reader receiving), dry-humping, fluff, afab reader, eventual angst, anger issues, allusions to surgery
Pairing: Hunter Sylvester! x afab! reader
Word count: 4900
Parts: I, II
You woke up feeling Hunter's breath tickling the back of your neck, his hand still resting firmly on top of you. You turned around to look at him as he was asleep. He looked very peaceful- a huge contrast with his usual state of being. His eyebrows were scrunched up and his mouth was slightly open. He looked cute just lying there. He pulled you closer and nuzzled into you.
  "I could feel you staring at me even in my sleep." He yawned and swallowed.
 You were caught, embarrassment flooding your head. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." You whispered apologetically.
 "It's ok, you can make it up to me by staying like this for a little bit." You flushed. He wanted to hold you close. You were baffled but also incredibly joyful about it.
 "I can do that." You assured
  He made a clicking noise with his tongue and pecked your cheek. You were melting. The last thing you had ever imagined is Hunter being so soft and loving. I guess it is true what people say- harsh exterior, mushy interior. His hair was getting all messy as he adjusted to lay on your chest and put his arms on your sides.
 This whole course or whatever he called it was working all too well with you realizing that you might in fact have feelings for this weirdo. You couldn't keep lying to yourself anymore. Your heart was getting warmer for him by the second and the lovey-dovey act made it all the worse. You needed to snap out of it. Detach before it got fatal.
 "I think I need to go home."
 "We haven't even had breakfast yet. There is Captain Crunch in the kitchen, especially for you." He smiled
 "Oh, fuck you, asshole." You jabbed him lightly in the ribs and giggled.
 "Ouch, that hurt a lot. Don't you want to kiss it better?" He pouted, pleading to you with his eyes.
 You lowered your head to level with his ribs and kissed them over his T-shirt. Then you quickly got out of bed and got your clothes from his desk. "Ok, I gotta run now. Hope you feel better." You nudged yourself to get dressed as fast as possible and head out of the door but before you knew it he was out of bed and hugging you.
 "I'm not going to be keeping you. Just wanted to say bye." He declared as he put one loose strand of hair behind your ear.
 Your heart was in your throat. Or somewhere else entirely, you weren't sure. But all you knew was that you couldn't speak. You couldn't say anything. You tried to calm down your breathing discreetly, bit down on your tongue, and coughed up a quiet "goodbye". You let go of him and rushed out the door.
 His face dropped once you had gone. He knew he had fucked up. Maybe you wouldn't want to even see him again. He probably freaked you out with how needy he was acting but he couldn’t control it. His plan wasn’t going so great after all.
 "Fuck!" He hissed as he punched the kitchen island. "Shit, that actually did hurt. Fuck!" He snickered again, holding his fist close to his face so he could inspect it.
 "Don't break any of my furniture, kid!" His dad came into the room. "You had a rough night? Wanna talk about it..." For a moment Hunter considered it and then..
 "... I mean I get it; they always look prettier at night and in the morning... Uh... Real hags, am I right?" He tried to sound as if he empathized with his son.
 "You are talking about my best friend!" Hunter snapped.
 "Oh, she spent the night. She is a good kid. But what I said still applies. Everyone looks better at night and when you wake up you realize you made a mistake..."
 "Yeah, I get that," Hunter mumbled to himself with a pained expression. "I'm alright, I'm just gonna go down to my room."
 "Ok, kiddo. I'm gonna make bacon later, you can help yourself to a serving.." Hunter had already left.
  In the meantime, you were sprinting home, galloping even, floating through the air. But why? You felt so nice with him. There was no actual reason for you to go. You couldn't take it. All this uncertainty. All of these intrusive thoughts clouding your judgment. You couldn’t like your friend. Especially not now. Not after what you agreed to do. It is only bound to become worse for you while in the back of his mind there was probably a mental list of all of the girls he was going to bed or whatever.
You had to put your feelings aside. Your friend needed you and you promised to help. And to start making things right you needed to apologize. "I'm sorry I ran off in such a hurry. I remembered I had to look after my uncle's dog. I had a really good time last night! Next time you can pick the show :)"  
  You texted, wanting to make sure you didn't offend him in any way with your behavior, sprinkling in a little white lie to seem as not so big of an asshole.
 Hunter's phone buzzed. He saw he got a text from you. He wasn't prepared for whatever you had sent but curiosity urged him to open the message. "It's no problem. Next time we are doing it at yours and ur ordering."  He replied, a smile appearing on his face.
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  Hunter came over to your house the next weekend. He made a mental note: no funny business, no overdoing it, no scaring you off. He wanted to do anything and everything with you. Go all the way, but you didn't need to know it or sense it. He shouldn't have made it obvious. "Ok, here goes nothing." He whispered to himself.
 You opened the door after hearing him knock, shivers and cold sweats running down your body. You could do this. It was just a normal hang-out with your friend. Nothing more. The two of you hadn't spent one on one time for a whole week. That's probably why you were feeling so anxious. "Hello there.." you said awkwardly."Come on in. I've ordered Chinese food and I have snacks."
 "Cool.." he smiled politely, shoving his hands into his pockets.
  "What do you want to watch.."
 "Look I'm sorry. I can't just not say anything. I know I weirded you out last time and I didn't mean to. We can stop with the lessons. I can learn the old-fashioned way." He cleared his throat
 "Hunter, you can't possibly weird me out, we've known each other for so long that there Is nothing you could do to achieve that..." You stated well-intentioned, completely lying through your teeth. "I said I was going to help you and from the beginning, you told me how you wanted it to be. You don't want it to seem fabricated, you want it to be natural, and if that's how you are around people you like then whoever gets on your rooster will be incredibly lucky." You smiled at him invitingly
 "Thank you.." he still felt a bit shy and out of place but he appreciated your words. "So we are continuing this experiment?" He asked, waiting for a confirmation.
 "As long as you want to, yes."
 "Great, that's great, yeah. It is totally going to help in the future... you know... when I like someone.."
  "Yeah, I do know." You mumbled disappointedly.
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  The both of you were seated on the sofa in the living room, barely speaking to each other, not because you were so engulfed in the incredible storytelling of "Extreme Cheapskates" but because the both of you were too afraid to disturb the peace, to ruin everything. There was an uncomfortable amount of distance between you and both of you secretly wanted to break it, but you were set on restraining yourselves. Wishing that the other would be the one to make the first move or to speak up.
 "I'm gonna go get the popcorn out of the microwave. Be right back"
 "Ok, don't take too much time or you might miss the juicy part."
 "Sure, as if there is a juicy part." You welled sarcastically from the kitchen, reaching into the microwave, distractedly feeling for the hot bag of popcorn, palms first. You yelped in pain.
 "Fuck, ouch" you hissed. Hunter jumped out of his seat and hurried over to you. He looked at you with worry as you ran your hand under the kitchen sink, cold water splashing over your skin.
 "I'm ok, don't worry. Just slightly burned myself, a common mistake. Just me being clumsy." You joked but you could still see him coming closer to you to inspect your hand, drying it off with a towel and holding it caringly.
  "Do you have Band-Aids or a plaster?" He asked
  "Don't be silly, this is nothing. It's not even an actual burn. It just stung a little bit. That's all." You said reassuringly, becoming increasingly aware of his proximity. You could smell his cologne, see every little scratch on his face. As he was holding your gaze, he brought your hand to his mouth and started planting little kisses over it. You gulped. You couldn't take it. His eyes boring into yours. Into your soul even.
  He opened his mouth to speak a soft "Is that better?" but you hungrily hushed him with your lips, gripping tightly onto the fabric of his jacket.
 He kissed you back, hands on your waist, pulling you close, sensing the scent of your shampoo. He wanted you and maybe you wanted him too.
  Not letting go of each other, you led him back into the living room and pushed him down onto the sofa. You were on top of him, looking down with a sheepish smile. He reached up and cupped your face, kissing you way more confidently this time, his tongue meeting yours and playing with it. He put his hands on the small of your back, pushing you down to close the gap between you. As you broke away, he started looking at you all starstruck.
 "Do you want to go up to my room?" You asked in a hushed voice. That's all he ever wanted for as long as he could remember, but now when the possibility was so close he panicked. He wasn't ready to have you this close not knowing whether it was going to last.
 "Yeah, I do," he said as he gently kissed your neck. "But I can't…I can't do it tonight…I'm sorry." He broke away from your skin
 "Oh?" Flush set over your face. "I didn't mean... I get it if you're not ready, I just wanted more privacy... Not sure when my parents are gonna come bursting through the door. I can't have them seeing me on top of you like this."
 Fuck, that's how it sounded. I mean maybe you wanted it. You did want to actually. But you were going to let it play out slow and steady. You didn't mean to rush things.
 "Oh, ok then.. let’s go.." Hunter chuckled embarrassedly.
 "I mean, I thought you were staying over. Like when I stayed over last time. I'm sorry I made things awkward. I didn't mean to kill the mood." You fidgeted with your fingers.
  "It's ok, you didn't." He laughed softly and pecked your lips.
  Both of you went up the stairs and straight to your room. You were getting progressively hornier. Inexplicably so, right? You hushed the lighting a bit and played music from one of his playlists so he feels more at home. Then you held his hand and whispered: "Do you want to come to bed with me?"
  "Yes, positively so." He answered excitedly.
 He was such a kid. You loved him for it. Uh.. the l-word. Nope, too early for that. Time to push the thought down and not examine it ever again.
 He laid on top of you this time, stroking your hair and slowly kissing down your neck, being careful not to leave any marks. He looked down at you adoringly and played with the hem of your shirt.
  "You can take it off if you want to." You told him almost inaudibly
 A rush coursed through his body, he put his arms on your stomach and slowly started to peel it off of you when a voice echoed through the house. "Honey, we are home." Shit, cockblocks. The nation's favorites. "Come down for a moment, you need to put away all these plates if you are going to bed. You can't just leave a mess like that." Your mom shouted.
  "Coming" you answered with annoyance. "I'm sorry.." you started massaging your temples angrily
 "It's ok, I'll come down with you. It's my mess too." He grinned lovingly and you gave him an appreciative kiss in response. "Thanks"
After you were done washing the dishes and organizing them back into their respective places, the two of you went up to your room again. "I'm sorry for the interruption." You looked at him apologetically
 "It's ok, we can pick up where we left off some other time right?" He asked all hopeful and giddy.
 "Yes, of course." You went to the bathroom and undressed. Putting on one of your favorite slip dress. Maybe you weren't going to have sex tonight but you could still give him a view. Hunter peeled off his T-shirt and jeans and tucked himself in bed, sniffing your pillows before you came back in.
  "I'm sorry. It is so warm. I'm going to boil if I wear the T-shirt..." He spat out distractedly as he saw you come closer to him.
 "That's ok. I want you to be comfortable." You were holding his gaze and you could see his eyes all too obviously roaming your body. Your hair was down, the skirt of the gown ending only a couple of inches after your thighs. One of the straps had slid down your shoulders and the material of the dress was leaving pretty little to the imagination.
 Without a beat, he grabbed you by the hips and positioned you on top of him, your skirt riding up and revealing more of your skin to him. Both of your straps were slightly off your shoulders now and your breath had hitched in your throat. "Hunter.."
  "…You said you weren't ready.." you uttered as his lips came down to your neck, not so tentatively this time, not caring at all whether he left a mark. You gasped loudly at this action.
 "I can still make you feel good, right?" He said in a hushed husky tone. "What else are a guitarist’s fingers good for? Just don't make too much noise. I don't want your parents banning me from your house." He smirked and flipped you over getting on top of you. You had never wanted him more. You bit your bottom lip. You were getting so wet just by listening to him talk.
  He continued kissing and sucking on your neck and slowly touching up your thighs, scratching them, making you hiss. "May I?" He said pleading.
 "Ye-yes... Please do.."
 He was getting so fucking hard seeing you like this. But he wanted to prove himself to you. Show you how much he values your pleasure over his. He started massaging your clit, warranting a gasp or two from you. As he found the right tempo, he could see you fully letting go, gripping tightly onto his biceps. Scratching him as you did, which he loved.
 When he was sure you were wet enough, he inserted one of his fingers into you, hitting you just in the right spot. Your legs were shaking. You were nothing but a sweating, cursing mess under his touch."Fuck, Hunter, don't stop!"
  "Not planning to."He dipped his head to suck on the upper part of your breasts and added in another finger. Pumping in and out at a steady pace he started moving faster into you, making you moan. Damn all of his experience plucking strings. It felt waay too good.
 He thrusted into you faster, knowing all too well you weren't going to last much longer. He bore into your eyes. He could see you were close, you just needed a little encouragement and encouraging he was:  -"It's ok, you can let go. Come all over my fingers. I'll lick them clean later."
 That was all you needed to hear. You gripped him harder, pushing yourself up to crash into him, and bit down on his shoulder as you finished all over his hand. He continued fingering you until you came down from your high.
 He removed his fingers from you and inserted them into his mouth, savoring every little drop of you. "You taste fucking amazing." He exclaimed as he bent down to kiss your lips. Your cheeks were red and there was no hiding it.
  You held up a glass of water to him. You were mesmerized as if you were seeing him with new eyes. This was Hunter, your presumed ‘just friend’. The one who had just made you come and put you on cloud nine. After he gulped down his water he asked with a concerned expression: "Did I do well?"
 You wrapped your arms around him and kissed him gently. “Yes, you did fantastically." You smiled into his lips and he smiled too.
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   The metal aficionado was extremely geeked. Reviewing his notes every day and replaying the time you had spent together in his head constantly. He was trying to be slick, but he wasn't sure how long it would take before he crumbled.
 He had fooled you. Unbeknownst to you, he had no intention of even entertaining the idea of getting with his so-called ‘groupies’. He wanted you to be his teacher because was only interested in pleasing one person- you. Studying what you desire and what puts you off.
  It probably sounded a bit scheming but he couldn't just go up to you to confess that he liked you, you know, as a normal fucking human being would. He didn't even want to fully admit it to himself. Emotions were tricky for him and so were for you. The situation wouldn't have gone anywhere if he were to breach the gap with you not returning his feelings. No, he needed a plan to make you want him too and he was willing to do anything to achieve it. That's why when you finally followed up on your next lesson, he was ecstatic.
 "I'm gonna come by your place later tonight."
  "Cool, text me when ur close." He wanted to sound nonchalant but he was freaking out. Acting like a fangirl watching fancams of one of her favorite kpop idols. He was so giddy and happy that even his father got worried.
"What the fuck is that squeaky noise coming out of your room, kid? Are you ok?"
"I'm doing amazing birth enabler! Also don't just pop in the stairway without announcing yourself. I could be wanting my privacy."
 "When you get yourself a fancy house with a pool, music studio, three bedrooms, three bathrooms, kitchen and living room by cutting and filling up tits is when you will be entitled to your privacy."
"I know you would rather be FEELING up tits instead-but if I were to properly think about doing some of that myself I would still need my fucking space, so leave! Now!"
"I'm paying your therapist way too much!"
"That's all of the precious boob money for you!" Hunter screamed annoyed, trying to sound witty while he heard a different set of footsteps down the stairs.
"I'm sorry, did I come at the wrong time? I texted you ten minutes ago and rang the doorbell but you didn't reply so I let myself in. Oh, and hello mister Sylvester."
"Well hello to you too, looks like some people your age still have manners, Hunter! Always a pleasure to have you home, darling. I wanted to say I'm sorry about your aunt… It's terrible what happened to her. You know you're basically family so if you ever want to have a breast augmentation, I can make you a deal for the implants afterward. With a chest your size, not too big to be a burden to your back but still eye-catching enough you should keep the volume so..."
 "Father, get the fuck out! And stop staring at students’ tits!"
 "Don't get ridiculous Hunter, she is like a daughter to me. I would never.. anyways I think I have some work to do. I'm gonna leave you kids to it." He replied as he not so discreetly winked at Hunter
 "Fuck... Fucking finally. I'm so sorry! He was incredibly fucking insensitive and creepy."
 "He was staring directly at my chest, like eyeing it reeal good."
 "Yeah, he is fucking disgusting. I'm so sorry."
 "It isn't your fault; you don't have to apologize for his behavior. I'm fine."
 "Do you want to come some other time; I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."
 "No, I take all of my ventures very seriously. I told you I was going to be here so here I am."
"Yeah," Hunter said self-consciously, scratching the back of his neck. He noticed how pretty you looked. You always looked pretty, but you had gone out of your way to do so this time. With your hair done, make-up on, a familiar scent of your perfume drifting through the air and the pendent Hunter had gifted you for your birthday hanging around your neck. He was entranced.
 "I don't think we should go all the way tonight. We are still testing things out, being in the beginning stages and all."
 Hunter snapped back awake from his daydream."Mhm" was all he could muster. He wanted to go and grab you, kiss you right this moment but he couldn't just do that after his father's speech. He needed to get the mood going. "Firstly, do you want to listen to some music? You can play whatever you want. Even your shitty the Weeknd knockoffs."
 "Chase Atlantic have some good songs, ok? And it's not so much about quality with them. It's about the vibe of it all. The experience. But that's a great suggestion for the occasion."
 "I don't know, they sound like try-hard vampire wannabes."
 "Yeah, that’s the beauty of it."
 You turned on the speaker and played one of your playlists. For a moment you were somewhere else, mouthing the lyrics, humming to yourself, slowly rocking your hips in tune with the music as Hunter came up behind you and turned your head so you were facing him."Good thing you're also beautiful, otherwise I would never listen to that crap." He muttered in a hushed voice.
  You mustered a barely audible "thank you" and he shushed you with his lips. It was hard to get used to. Him touching you like that, talking to you like he wasn't little old Hunter. The one you grew up with, the one you had known ever since diapers, but right now it was too hard to perceive him that way. You had already gone over the crossing line and there was no going back.
 He held your hand in his and whispered into your mouth: "Do you want to come to bed with me? I promise I won't do anything to scare you off." Batting his eyelashes, trying to look as innocent as possible.
 "Do you even know how to?" You teased, feeling him come up against you again way more assertively this time.
  His hands landed on your hips, yours entangled in his hair. His tongue slithered into your mouth, soft gasps escaping both of you. He was calculated at first, confident but measured until he got progressively hungrier for your kiss. As you started reaching for his back, pushing him closer and closer to you he deepened the kiss and began roaming your body with his hands. Your knees were getting weak just from the slightest touch. He was a virgin but that didn’t mean he wasn’t a hell of a good kisser. You started to lose balance. He prompted you up by sliding his knee between your legs. A dirty trick that was working very well in his favor.
You parted to get some air and he whispered again. "I hope not." You were flushed, all knots in your stomach and trembling pulsing sensation all over your limbs. He had turned you into jello just by kissing you and that did scare you because you didn't expect to feel this good, to want him so much.
 "Lead the way." You your heart was racing.
 Hunter grabbed your hand again and sat on top of his bed. To his surprise, you didn't sit next to him or opposite him. You made yourself comfortable in his lap, lightly grinding down on him. All of his confidence from before flew out the window. You looked at him with lust in your eyes, your lips forming a devilish smile as you scanned his face. He was getting nervous. He wanted to impress you and he loved every second of it but he wasn't expecting you to look at him the same way. He guessed you were committed to your job. He was speechless just looking at you, wanting to remember this forever.
"What are you getting so shy for, didn't you invite me here?" You grinned cockily "It's ok baby boy, I can do some of the work now. You just relax." You whispered into his lips kissing him yourself with none of the measure or sensitivity of some of your previous kisses. You were boiling from the inside. A volcano ready to erupt. You grinded on him wantingly, letting him feel the wetness seeping through your underwear as your skirt had ridden up your thighs, exposing them deliciously. He moaned in response when you pulled on his hair, nibbling and sucking on his lips and finishing him off by biting the lower one.
 You being so desperately horny for him got him so incredibly hard. He was a mess under your touch but he needed you to be one under his as well. He couldn't control it anymore. He held down your inner thighs, squeezing them hard as his fingers dug into your skin. You gasped and moaned. He began sucking on your neck, leaving purple bruises on his path. He licked and kissed your calves and upper breasts as you purred into his ear."Hunter, this feels so damn good."
 Electricity coursed through his body. He needed to have you all to himself like this forever. He gripped your hips hard, moving you on top of him faster and faster. He kissed you just like you had kissed him
before. With his lustful tongue making patterns in your mouth, sucking on your lips, and then biting you playfully. He put more and more speed in, feeling your heat press against his erection so violently. He was going to come; he couldn't contain himself but he needed you to come with him too.
 "God, you make me insane. You are so fucking hot." He hissed while bucking his hips upwards, hitting your core in the most sinful way.
 You could see he was close and you needed something to push both of you off the edge so without even thinking you whimpered into his mouth. "If you get this hard and desperate for me now, I could only imagine what you would do when you're stretching me out with your dick."
 That was the last straw. He couldn't hold on anymore. He came under you, cum bursting all over his boxers and he couldn't be happier about it. Your legs were twitching as you came a second later, a vibration coursing through your body. You closed your eyes for a moment just to open them and to remember -you just made your best friend cream his pants and you wanted to do it again and again.
 But then the sinking feeling came in. He wanted to do this as a form of practice for other girls. He was going to creep up under your skin,  get to your heart, and then use all of the moments you've spent together to please someone else. Like it didn't mean anything. And the worst part was that this was exactly what you agreed to, so why did it make you ache?
  Hunter was blissful. He was much closer to you than he had ever been before and it seemed like you were feeling this newfound closeness too, that you liked It, but this voice in the back of his head came back rushing in: "She is just following up on her promise. If she feels anything towards me right now, it's probably pity."
 You slowly untangled yourself from the metalhead, got up, and straightened up your skirt. "Well, I gotta go now. Good job today, partner.. uh student." You gave him an awkward high-five and bolted out of his room.
 Yeah, it was definitely pity.
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pinkykats-place · 1 month
Tanjiro x Inosuke
AO3 FanFic Recommendations
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None of these stories are mine.
A few contain mature content.
GIFs are not mine.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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You Hold My Feelings In Your Palm by sleuthlaw
Summary: "It may not have been extraordinary, but it was still an eye catching and pretty rock.
“It’s lovely,” Tanjiro said. Inosuke pressed his hand against Tanjiro’s with a grunt, his eyebrows beginning to furrow in frustration. “Wait, it’s for me?”
He was expecting an outburst of an answer. Something along the lines of ‘of course Gonpachiro’ and how great he was for gifting his subordinates with such treasures.
Inosuke didn’t say anything though. He just nodded and kept his hand held out.
— —
Tanjiro's poor pining heart can't take Inosuke's sudden careful and affectionate actions.
One Shot | SFW
To Forehead to Lips by orphan_account
Summary: Tanjiro brushes Inosuke's hair.
One Shot | SFW
Shinkei by orphan_account
Summary: Inosuke is touch starved. So touch starved that even coming in contact with his skin without violence makes him giddy.
He doesn’t know why but it makes him upset when he’s touched by another person especially Tanjirou Kamado. His touch is soft and light and it makes Inosuke almost want to cry.
He doesn’t understand.
Incomplete | 10/? Chapters | SFW
Last Updated 2020
mountain storms by ghosthotel
Summary: Zenitsu had called it a panic attack. The only thing Inosuke drew from that was that something was attacking Tanjiro, and that was absolutely not allowed.
One Shot | SFW
familiar by saturneggos
Summary: Inosuke felt warm when he was with Tanjirou. Like he was the sun, and Inosuke was some sort of plant stretching its leaves towards the sky. He needed him.
He felt guilty that he needed him when it seemed like Tanjirou was whole without him.
One Shot | SFW
you drag me headfirst, fearless by meiishu
Summary: “It’s a celebration, son!” Momosuke says. “It’s tradition to find the person waiting for you, and give them a kiss! The more passionate it is, and the better your bond is with who you return to, the better your catch will be!”
Chiyo gently hits her husband on the chest again, blushing, criticizing him about teasing the kids between her giggles.
“Strength?! Passion?!” Inosuke asks. “How is this strength?! How does this make the fish better?!
Chiyo is laughing. “You don’t have to do it, you can just ignore my husband.”
Inosuke bristles. Tanjirou can almost read it from his body language: well, now I want to.
“How do you pick your victim?!” Inosuke demands to know.
“Victim? No no, you pick the person who was waiting for you to come home.” Momosuke says. “Someone important to you.”
— — —
(or: inosuke learns how to kiss someone...maybe.)
One Shot | SFW
Sun-streaked horizons by fishy_fishyy
Summary: Inosuke’s made a growl of protest, and tried to get up. “I don’t have an infection or a fever, you hag! I’m fine!” Shinobu pressed him back down onto his bed. Inosuke continued to struggle, definitely not liking the sound of staying in bed for days straight.
“Stop it, Inosuke.” Tanjiro said. “You need to rest and get better. The sooner you get better; the sooner you can go on missions again.”
Inosuke hesitated before sinking back down, his face red, and not because of his fever. “Fine. But only because you said so.”
Complete | 3 Chapters | SFW
Safe and Warm by orphan_account
Summary: Inosuke has a rare moment alone with Tanjirou and he finally lets his guard down.
Complete | 3 Chapters | SFW
in which tanjirou insists that he's not jealous and inosuke is oblivious by lostcaptains
Summary: “Ugh don’t start pissin’ me off too Daichi, I’ve had enough alright,” Inosuke groans dramatically. He hands his finished plate to Daichi and lays back on the bed, “Give me the damn medicine so I can go to sleep, I’m tired.”
He didn’t get Daichi’s name wrong.
Tanjirou scoffs loudly and curses himself in embarrassment when he sees everyone in the room look at him curiously. Crap, he meant to keep that to himself.
In which another demon slayer catches feelings for Inosuke and listen Tanjirou is not jealous okay! Really he’s not, no matter what anyone says.
One Shot | SFW
fuwafuwa by Esselle
Summary: Inosuke likes it when people tell him he's great at things, because it's true, and they should all acknowledge how powerful he is.
But whenever Tanjiro does it, it makes him feel… weird.
— — —
ふわふわ (fuwafuwa) can mean several different things:
1. Fluffy; soft.
2. Light and airy.
3. The way Tanjiro makes Inosuke feel.
One Shot | Rated - Teen & Up
Romancing A Feral Boy by Tinisprout
Summary: A dumb feral boy learns what a kiss is.
One Shot | Rated - Teen & Up
If I Did This by angeljays
Summary: Tanjiro always found himself watching and wondering if they could be something more or if Inosuke would ever see him that way. There were so many things he loved about the wild boy, but he would let it all go if it wasn’t what Inosuke wanted.
A trip to an onsen seemed like the perfect opportunity to see if Inosuke felt the same.
One Shot | SFW
Chopsticks by HopeyHope
Summary: Recovering from his injuries in bed, Tanjiro is visited by Inosuke for lunch each day. Tanjiro ends up trying to teach him how to eat in a more civilized manner.
One Shot | SFW
Red by SummerSolstice202
Summary: Once Inosuke realizes his feelings for Tanjirou are more than platonic, he decides the best way to show his affection is to give Tanjirou odds and ends that remind Inosuke of him.
*Part of a series but can be read alone*
One Shot | SFW
The Start of Something New by SummerSolstice202
Summary: “I really am sorry,” Tanjirou says as he pulls away. “I didn’t mean to hit you that hard.”
“S’okay,” Inosuke says, voice barely a whisper. “Didn’t hurt.”
"Hey, are you two together?" Mitsuri asks from behind the pair.
“Hah?” Inosuke points to Tanjirou. “I’m literally standing right next to him! What are you, stupid?”
While Inosuke may understand that the feelings he has for Tanjirou are more than platonic, that doesn't mean he understands romance in the slightest. So, who else to go to other than the love hashira herself?
*Part of a series but can be read alone*
Complete | 4 Chapters | Teen & Up
Series: sof inotan by akowotagawa
3 Works
Natural reactions by CorruptBagel
Summary: (NSFW KnY Week Day 2: Training together)
Tanjiro and Inosuke are sparring and Inosuke gets the upper hand. Tanjiro can't hide his boner and hormonal hijinks ensue.
One Shot | NSFW
you’re the dream i never wanna wake up from by namseoks
Summary: All three of them played a different harmony to the same melody. They were three notes of the perfect chord — a C major triad, the sun, the moon, and all the stars.
In which three boys fall in love.
One Shot | SFW
39 notes · View notes
canirove · 16 hours
Friends, lovers… and an orange | Chapter 17
Previous chapter | Next chapter (coming out on Friday)
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"Oh my god!" Adele screamed before jumping into Mason's arms. 
"Addie, you knew about the party. If you wanted me to hug you, you just had to ask" he smirked.
"Shut up" she replied, hitting him in the chest.
"Happy birthday, Adele. And sorry about scaring you" her dad chuckled.
"Thank you. And don't worry, it's my fault" she said, giving him a hug.
"Happy birthday, old hag!"
"Love you too, Luca" she said, rolling her eyes.
After getting hugs from Mason's parents and Alex, only Elizabeth was left, an awkward silence in the room. 
"Oh, come here" she said, opening her arms and walking to where Adele was standing. "I'm so sorry about earlier."
"It's ok" she said, hugging her back.
"No, it isn't. But I saw those photos and you and Mason together being so cute, that I thought…"
"It's ok, mum."
"Aren't you angry with me, then?" Elizabeth asked, moving to look at her daughter.
"I am not, no. I can't be angry with my best friend on my birthday" she smiled.
"Oi!" someone said behind them.
"Why did that sound like…"
"I thought I was your best friend!" Jourdan said, walking into the living room.
"And I thought I had told you to stay there until we were ready!" Luca replied, rolling his eyes.
"What are you doing here?" Adele asked.
"I am your birthday surprise" she smiled.
"You… what?"
"Him" Jourdan winked before nodding towards Mason.
"Happy birthday, Addie" he said, giving her her favourite smile: the one that was all dimples.
"May I have your attention, please?" Luca said while hitting his glass with his fork and standing up.
"Be careful, those aren't ours" Elizabeth told him.
"Sorry, mum" he smiled. "Anyway, I wanted to do a toast in honour of my dear sister Adele. May we annoy each other for many years. I love you."
"Aww, I love you too" she smiled.
"To Adele!" Luca said.
"To Adele" everyone repeated, raising their glasses.
"I would also like to say something if I'm allowed to" Mason said, looking at Adele.
"Of course" she smiled. 
"Ok, so… umm… I'm a bit nervous" he chuckled as he stood up.
"C'mon, you can do it" Adele said, holding his hand. She knew what he was going to say, they had talked about it on the beach. 
"Ok" he said, taking a deep breath. "Adele and I are together. But like for real now, we aren't faking it. We love each other and we are together as boyfriend and girlfriend. Real boyfriend and girlfriend. Because we are in love and…"
"We get it, Mase" Luca laughed.
"Yes, ok. Well… umm…"
"I think we should do a toast" Jourdan said, also standing up. "To Adele and Mason finally being together."
"I'll drink to that" Luca said. "I was tired of waiting, I thought you were going to make it official the day of the wedding."
"What?" Adele laughed.
"We all knew you were together. Or at least in love. You two were the only ones who couldn't seeing it."
"More like just Adele" Mason chuckled.
"Hey!" she replied, hitting his arm.
"It's the truth and you know it" he smiled.
"Can we toast now?" Jourdan said, still standing.
"Yes, let's toast" Elizabeth said, getting up from her seat. "To Mason and Adele finally being together. May happiness follow them wherever they go."
"Thank you, mum" Adele smiled.
"To Mason and Adele" Toni said, also getting up.
"To Mason and Adele" everyone else repeated before raising their glasses and drinking.
"I think now we deserve a kiss from the couple, don't we?" Luca said with a mischievous smile.
"This is not a wedding banquet, Luca" Adele said.
"Oh, c'mon. Don't be a party pooper. Kiss, kiss, kiss!"
"I hate it when you do that."
"Kiss, kiss, kiss!" he insisted, Jourdan and Alex joining him.
"Ok, fine! But just one" Adele said.
"We'll leave the rest for when we are alone" Mason laughed, putting down his glass before cupping Adele's face and kissing her, everyone cheering. "I love you, Addie" he whispered against her lips.
"I love you too, Mase" she giggled before kissing him again, Luca in the back now complaining about that being two kisses.
But neither Adele or Mason cared. And they didn't care either when they kissed again after she blew out the candles of her cake. Or when they went to the garden and kissed while watching the fireworks Luca and Alex had gotten for her. 
The only thing they cared about was that, like everyone kept telling them, they were finally together. For real.
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