#Honestly had a lot of fun with the style experiment bits
mossy-paws · 29 days
Art dump (PHIGHTING)
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Starting strong with this. Thing that a friend requested I saw, do I have regrets? No. Will it forever haunt me because apparently she has a shrine that she will not tell me about? Yes (ROSA I SWEAR TO GOD PLEAAAAaaaaSE WHAT IS THE SHRINE)
ANNND these things! These were style experience at and I honestly had a lot of fun with them LMAO, I was wanting to play with a more anime/manga-esc art style and it was pretty much so win :3
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There’s also sword, this may or may not be a draft for mermaid au sword idk just maybe
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(It was for a Twitter thing by the way! Just a small simple doodle I did for fun)
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st4rtar0t · 3 months
What will your future spouse love about you?
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I'm offering paid readings if you're interested please dm me.
let me know your thoughts in the comments and I hope you enjoy this reading.
hello there! the first thing I want you to know is that your future spouse will love you just the way you are. I mean they'll literally be so in love with you. they'll see perfection in your flaws, I see that you are some who loves learning and your fs will love this, they'll love the way you'll share information about your latest interests. they will love how ambitious you are about the things you love. they'll love the way your sense of responsibility however I also see that they'll want you to chill out sometimes. I see that they'll lobe your voice especially your morning voice and for some of you I also see that you may make cute or strange voices sometimes and they'll love that, they'll love the voices you'll make when you see a cute animal. I sense that you guys have a really expressive face and your future spouse will love that. they'll love how you can spice up any situation, they'll love your fun personality. I also see that you can finally be yourself around them because whenever you tired to be yourself, you felt judged because you guys have a naturally bubbly personality. honestly you guys are cinnamon rolls wrapped up as black pepper. you try to put up a tough front in front of others but on the inside you just want to be held in someone's arms like you're their whole world. rest assured because your wish will be fulfilled because they love you so much.
I hope you are doing well! the message I got while channelling for you was that they love the way you style your hair, I sense that you guys may like to experiment with your hair to find the style that suits you the best. I am also getting the message that they love your moles, you may have a really noticeable mole on your face, arms and neck. I also see that some of you may have really pretty hands and your future spouse will love them. they'll love massaging them too. they'll love how you are always ready to try something new, how you are not afraid of what's about to come and how you are always open to new possibilities. they'll love your adventurous soul. I am also picking up on the message that you guys have really big eyes, you may have soft features that make you look cute. they will love the way you are able to adapt to new situations really easily because I see that you will have to travel a lot with your future spouse, so you'll need to adapt to new places. they will also love your down to earth personality, they'll love how humble you are. they'll love the way you always treat others with kindness. In their eyes you are literally a blessing from god himself. they will love how protective you are of your loved ones because I see that your future spouse may have had a harsh childhood growing up, so your protectiveness makes them feel loved and cherished.
Hello! I sense that your future spouse is someone who has been through a lot of difficult situations and as a coping mechanism they use a cold exterior to save themselves from the outer world and they love the way they can be themselves around you. They love the way you can understand them without even saying anything at all. i also see that they love your independence. They love the way you both know what the other wants without saying anything. They love how unbiased you are, they love the way you can understand a situation from different perspectives. I see that your future spouse feels protected and understood in your presence. This message may be a bit strange but they love your family, they love your culture and the customs you follow, for some of you your future souse may be from different culture. your future spouse will love your straightforwardness, they love the way you always speak your mind. I see that they hate people pleasers because at some point they have been that way. I also see that they love your hospitality, they love how you are always ready to welcome people. I see that they love being babied by you but at the same time they loving they way you love them. to be honest I see that a lot of people have used them for their money, but they never have to worry about you using them for money because they are capable and independent.
I hope you enjoyed this reading!! and please leave suggestions for the readings you will like to see in future.
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art · 7 months
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Creator Spotlight: @66sharkteeth
66 is a comic artist and the creator of City of Blank, a WEBTOON original series. They worked in the game industry at companies such as 2K Games before entering the field of comics. They began their career in comics at Tapas, where they worked as an editor and lead typesetter, before being signed to create their own original series on WEBTOON.
Check out our interview with 66 below!
Have you ever had an art block? If so, how did you overcome it?
The short answer is yeah, I’ve definitely had one. Overall, I feel like doing a lot of style studies during that time and trying to use new brushes helps a lot. In addition, because I’m a comic artist, I feel like writer’s block is in the same field, and with that, I’m really fortunate that I have an editor that I can work with, who helps me a lot there. Whenever I am stuck at a plot point in my comic, I can always go to my editor, who helps me hammer things out.
What medium have you always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
Animation. Of course, everyone loves animation. I went to school for game art and design and even did some animation courses, and I am just not cut out for it. I don’t enjoy the process, and I am not good at it. Animation is beautiful, and I admire people who can do it. I’d love for my work to be animated some day, I’m just not capable of being the one to do it haha.
Warm tones or cool tones?
It really depends on the scene! Especially in my comic, I really go with both of them, just depending on the moment in the comic. There was a major character death, and that scene was almost black and white. But normally, the comic is very vibrant, and people really like it, so when I switch it to a more cold tone, it makes the scene that much more impactful.
What is a recent creative project that you are proud of?
Honestly, my current comic, City of Blank, takes up 100% of my time. But recently, I did a plushie campaign where I worked with Makeship through Webtoon to design the plushies and do a little bit of marketing for them. So that’s fun and different from what I normally do!
When planning a comic or a story, what do you do first, character design or character outline?
Normally, I have a design, and I fall in love with the character design, and then I find a role for them. That’s how a lot of my characters have started. Also, that’s how I’ve been tackling new projects that I want to work on after City of Blank. I just came up with a character, and I’m trying to make a story around them.
What is a convention experience that has stuck with you?
Meeting readers and realizing how much my work means to some of them. Some of them have started their own comics, having been inspired by mine. Learning that I’m part of the reason they started their own comic journey, the same way I looked to other inspiring comic artists to start mine—it means the world that I’m in that position now.
Top tips on setting up an Artist Alley booth?
Let’s see…bright, sparkly colors! I think just trying to make sure that the booth is eye-catching. I ended up making a big shiny banner for New York Comic Con, and I know many people stopped by because it caught their eye and they’re curious about what it is. I know a lot of people are selling merchandise of popular media. Even just a banner of your brand to get them curious about who you are and maybe interested in seeing what you make and taking a business card so they can look you up later. It’s better than someone just buying a pin and forgetting you exist. Lastly, put out a tip jar. You never know just how generous your fans are feeling.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
I’m mostly involved in the webtoon sphere! I am definitely inspired by my fellow Webtoon creators, @lark-wren, who created the series Woven. I love their work and seeing them interact with their readers on Tumblr. Same with fellow Webtoon creators, @miranda-mundt-art and @astrobleme-enterprises, who created Lovebot.
Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing, 66! Be sure to check out their Tumblr blog over at @66sharkteeth and follow their webcomic, City of Blank, over at WEBTOON.
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clerk427 · 5 months
An open love letter to the entire Faith the unholy trinity fandom off sorts. I present to you.....
John in the style of 9 different artist!
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(Keep in mind this is a style study. And although the whole thing was drawn by me, please please PLEASE check out the artists whose style I tried out. Thank you!)
This was SUCH a fun experience! I honestly love our fandom, and I adore how unique everyone's style and perception of John is. Says a lot about society or smth.
And even though I probably didn't do justice to all the art styles, I really hope they are recognizable.
Also, you might've noticed an empty spot in the end. Well, it's for you! Naturally, I wasn't able to include every artist, but I hope you will be interested in taking a spin at this yourself. Thank you and good luck!!!
A closer look, links and notes under the cut
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I adore how soft this version of John looks, he seems so trustworthy and kind, gah. The shading style is surprisingly difficult, but I hope I managed to pull it off:) I also adore Prince's AUs hehehe
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A very unique colouring style!! I've seen a few versions of how this artist draws John, but decided to stop on this one. His face is so adorableeeee. I also LOVE the use of liturgical clothing and themes!!
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Eeeeep I love how they use colours in their works and how well they use composition??? Like omg. Such such pretty works, I hope they create even more art
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I lovvve how game-adjacent this artist's style is. I also love the way they (I'm so sorry, I'm not sure about the pronouns) draw hands and use body language. Also, the father and children AU??? Muah.
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I'm not even pretending I managed to pull this one off, I bit so much more than I could chew. But I couldn't not try, I almost every time I see their use of coloured pencils and watercolours, I just can't. Love love love
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So. As far as I can tell, Zoup doesn't use this style TOO often, but it wasn't leaving my head, I had to try. The artist did so much for the fandom, the Gary ask blog is such a treat. Yum
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Hee hee he's so shapes. The legs. Beautiful. I wasn't sure about the colouring style since I only saw lineart done by this artist, so I decided to use the in-game ones. I hope they do more art, it's so unique and makes me happy!:)
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Wet cat John. Silly. A little pathetic, but in a nice way. I feel like I didn't make the lineart the way he does, it is usually more gentle, but I still hope it will suffice. Also my God he does amazing backgrounds, which I sadly can't portray here. (A personal thank you for giving me the courage for doing self-inserts)
Annnd that's it! I thank you for everything and I hope this whole thing will somehow inspire you. Keep doing art, let the world see your vision! Also go draw a pathetic blue priest /j
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Hey babes!
I've got an idea if you want to write about it.
How about TF141 + los vaqueros + könig meets fem reader's family and her nephew (could be a toddler or pre schooler) grabs her breasts or sucks on them (like babies do).
How do you think they'd react?
I think Ghost would be like "Hands off kid, those are mine." 😁😁😁
Can you write this please. 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Okay it has been a long, long time since I've been around a kiddo that young. So we're gonna do this headcanon style because that is the only way to fit all of those guys in lol
Honestly he remembers when his nephew was that little
The sight of you carrying the little one makes his heart clench and his knees a little weak
But it also makes him a little bit terrified
He grumbles good-naturedly about it but at least half of the grumbling is to hide his feelings
Definitely jokes that he could do that for you too
Probably doesn't bring it up
He does watch you with the kid but he is not all that comfortable around kids
He's had very little experience with mini humans so he keeps a bit of distance
Might grumble about the kid grabbing you but also it's a small child, no harm done
After kiddo is gone back to his parents or to bed or whatever he does check on you to make sure you're fine
Thinks its adorable
Look, tiny human trusts you!
Also tiny human has great taste, which is a joke he makes with a big wink to you, because he loves to make you laugh
But seeing you with the small child definitely makes him think
He's not opposed to kids, hadn't given it too much thought before you
But seeing you with this kid? Seeing you play and have fun and be so patient with the little one?
Now he's having thoughts
Look. This man wants kids. He wants a whole soccer team
So the sight of you with this kid? Ramps up that longing to 11
Watches the entire time you're with the kid, observing how you are
Later murmurs that you'd be a great mom, you're so patient
And he'd be happy to contribute to that venture
The two of you definitely end up tumbling to the nearest private (ish) space to, ahem, discuss the matter 😏
Alejandro and Rodolfo
I'm putting these two together because I think they'd react basically the same way
Neither of them are phased at all
They probably have nieces and nephews of their own
Personally I think Ale is an oldest child and Rudy is a middle child
And even if they don't have nieces and nephews of their own, they've mentally adopted all of Los Vaqueros and their families
They are honorary uncles to SO MANY kids
So the sight of the little one grabbing you? Barely registers with them
Maybe if you'd been discussing kids with one of them, they'd tease you a bit
Or if the kid grabbed too hard and you winced, they'd be right there
Offering to take the kid, give you a break, etc
He blushes. A lot. Red from the tips of his ears all the way down his neck
Tries not to look
Looks anyway
Definitely the one to check in and make sure you're okay, even if he trips over his own tongue
If you need a break from the kid, he's running to grab someone
Does not trust himself to hold such a small child
He's so big and the child is so tiny and he doesn't want to hurt the kid
Eventually he will ask if you want kids, because he's not convinced one way or the other and he hasn't been able to stop wondering since he saw you with the kid
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Truth or Drink-Colby Brock
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A/n: I just thought this would be fun to write because I honestly found the video super entertaining and funny.
Your POV
I was in the living room with the boys cause Colby wanted to do a truth or drink video with Sam. I was mostly just waiting for them to set up the camera, and I was behind the camera since I'm reading the questions. Once The camera was rolling Sam started with...
" All right what's up guys my name is Jean and his name is Olive."
Colby was reaching for the camera and then when moving back he touched my knee. I blushed a little. Then Colby started his actual intro.
" What's up guys Colby Brock here, welcome back to my channel today. I'm gonna get demonetized because we haven't done a truth or drink in a long time."
While they were talking I was just looking at the questions and some of them made me let out a little giggle. Sam looked over before glancing back at Colby. " Can't show any brands here, but we got some brown liquid and we got some clear liquid. Both have 40 percent alcohol."
They looked right at each other before saying " Food coloring"
Colby then started showing off his merch and talking about their live show. " Let's get it." Colby said smiling
I smiled and got comfortable enough to start. " One more thing I forgot to add is I don't know if the young viewers know this out there, first of all viewer discretion is advised if you do not have the age of 21 do not drink. I don't know why I said that so weird." Colby stated
I was just admiring him because he was perfect. And I was just thinking about running my fingers through his hair. " Let's get to the first question, let's get it." Colby said. I sat up and looked at them and asked... " What's the worst doing the dirty experience you've had?"
They both looked shocked, which made me let out a little giggle. " The worst thing you experience while doing the dirty." Colby repeated while looking at Sam. " Well, last week my uh laundry was smelling really bad and so I put it in the washer and cleaned it." Sam explained
I let out a chuckle and shook my head at Sam. Colby stated... " I don't think we're talking about that dirt." " Oh." Sam said, leaning back on the couch. Colby asked " What's the worst sexual experience you've had. You can't say it online, online." I was just watching them to see if one of them would answer. " Are you gonna answer to you?" Colby looked down and said," Um, yeah I'm gonna answer this. Just one time, I had a female use a lot of teeth."
I cringed a little bit just thinking about that. " Minding my own business and a friend of mine barged in the door." Sam said, staring at Colby. Colby got confused..." Not me, why are you looking at me like that?" Sam then told him. " It was you dude."
I was laughing so much. I was scared I was ruining the video, but Colby just smiled. Once I was able to talk I asked Sam. " Do you think you have better style than Colby?"
He was explaining about it when Colby stated..." So you didn't answer the fucking question. That's what I'm getting at." He then let out a chuckle while Sam tried to explain himself. I then asked Colby. " Why do you post with girls on social media and then never tell the fans what's going on?" He had his eyes wide and let out a laugh. " Um, because sometimes I don't know what's going on all right. I'm just posting to post and maybe it turns into something, maybe not."  I couldn't keep a straight face with them trying not to laugh. They both had to take a shot from the lying question.
" Colby, why do you have a pair of handcuffs in your room?"
Sam was enjoying it too much. He turned to me and asked... " Does he ever use those on you Y/n." I just looked at him and got embarrassed which made both the boys laugh. Colby was getting a shot ready while saying. " You know what, I use them for personal fun." Sam looked into the camera and said..." What the fuck does that mean."
Colby was trying to explain. I was shaking my head and Sam said..." Judge says no." Colby looked at me. " What no." Sam just told him to drink while he said..." I've used them for sexual fun."
I put my thumbs up and Colby shouted out a yay.
They both only had to drink one time and I knew I was going to get one of them out with this question. " Name two dirty kinks that you have?" I giggled at their faces.
" Sorry mom." Colby said
Sam stated, " Oh, you're gonna answer." Colby changed his mind and said..." I already said a kink, the handcuffs. So they already know one." They looked at me saying..." Does that count as one." I hummed in response. " Um, um I liked to be dominant. All right there we go."
I just shook my head at them trying not to blush. Colby saw and gave me a small smile. Sam didn't want to say it so he drank a shot.
We were at the last two questions and both of them were super drunk already. " What's your biggest insecurity?" I asked them
Sam asked something which I missed, but it made Colby laugh. " Holy fuck, nobody's seen us like this before." I wanted to say something, but chose not to say it. Colby wanted to get real. He started whispering and then talked normally again.
" So the biggest now, I don't know, I feel like uh, it's more like a beforehand like if I was 20 or something like I feel like It was a lot about looks and now the insecurity lies in how I come across to other people with the way I speak."
When Colby admitted  to feeling dumb I got a little sad. I couldn't even pay attention to them talking anymore, but I was kind of listening, so I knew when I had to say the final question. " Last question everybody!" Colby shouted
" Want to take a shot for this last one." Sam asked
Colby gave the glasses a once over before saying..." Hell no." I smiled while reading the final question. " When was the last time you " did the dirty"?" I then smirked, waiting for them to answer. I know Colby's answer, but I doubt he will answer it. Colby and Sam both took a shot. I laughed and then Sam asked... " Judge Y/n, which one of us is more drunk do you think?"
I pointed to Colby and said..." Without a doubt." Colby was ending his video while I was stretching. They both then went to clean up, but I stopped them. " It's okay, I got it. Why don't you guys drink some water and rest."
Sam smiled and thanked me before heading for his room. Colby stayed a little longer. He looked right at me, he then grabbed my cheeks. "Thank you. We really don't deserve you Y/n/n." I smiled and pulled him into a comforting hug. We both then went our separate ways after we pulled away from the hug.
I really hope this makes sense. This is my second time writing from one of their videos and it's difficult but I'm trying. I think this one turned out a little better. So please enjoy!
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skzooweemama · 8 months
Hello!!! Omg I've recently been obsessing over your posts 😅 I love your writing style!
If you're not too busy, could you do a thing that's like skz's reactions to finding out you're ticklish?
It's totally fine if you don't want to, take care!! 💕
yes ofccccc!! i'm so glad you like my writing!
formal apologies to all my not ticklish stays- just pretend for this one :) <33
two posts in two days? who am i? guess i’m on a writing kick lol- unfortunately i do not think this will continue (but also i don’t want it to be another month before i post again so i’m gonna do my best)
anyway- hope y’all enjoy!! this was super fun to write! still experimenting w formatting too so stay tuned 😵‍💫
Bang Chan:
channie definitely figured it out quick
literally he is always touching you
we've been over this
of course he is a gentleman
his love language may be physical touch, but he had to make sure you're okay w that first!
waits until you begin to initiate affection more often before he gets clingy
but then he's kind of all over you :)
you invited him over to your place one night, and even though he had just been working for hours, he was just too excited to see you
he was super tired though, so you took it upon yourself to set up a cute movie date so the two of you could just chill out and cuddle
at first, channie was just happily cuddled up against your side, an arm lazily slug around you waist while you petted his hair
it was cute and sleepy and perfect
until he just had to go and mess it up
chan's musicality seemed to get the best of him as he began to drum the rhythm to one of their tracks out on your waist
your very ticklish waist
there was a noble and valiant effort to stop yourself from freaking out, but alas
you let out a squeal and suddenly chan perked up, his exhaustion completely gone
safe to say you got pinned to the couch and tickled within an inch of your life
praying for you babe, he is a true monster
Lee Know:
minho wasn't really on the hunt for your tickle spots tbh
honestly, it's not something he thinks about a lot
unless it's happening right in front of him or he's feeling mischievous and he can take it out on someone in his direct vicinity (ex. our maknae on top)
his interest has to be piqued first
that's why when he figured out that you're ticklish, it was literally in the most cliche way possible
that's right- you got stuck in your shirt
it was a cute top that was way too expensive, but you had splurged a bit because you wanted something nice to wear on night outs
unfortunately, it was also incredibly tight and hard to get on and off
especially for your tipsy post-date brain... you were struggling
that's how minho found you, with your top half off, arms trapped in the fabric pulled over your head
he scoffed at you, shaking his head and tutting that you should've asked for help
just like him to be condescending at a time like this smh
but he does help you, grasping at your fabric cage and yanking upwards
and it was so helpful, except for the fact that he just barely brushed your underarms
which made you squeal and pull away from him
which made him curious
minho helped you out of the top completely before he decided to explore what made you squeal like that
after that, though, he tackled you onto the bed and found every single tickle spot you had before he even thought about letting you go
and he's a meanie too... idk if you'll survive :)
changbin has definitely tried to tickle you before
he just never found the spot
yk how sometimes you'll see vids of idols "tickling" their member's forearms or like shoulder?
he did shit like that, fully expecting you to laugh
safe to say you did not
so he had mostly given up, content with the fact that you aren't ticklish
he did start to take you on gym dates
and on one of these gym dates he discovered just how wrong he was
you decided to try to do an unassisted chin up, which you had been building up to by using resistance bands each time you tried
changbin was standing close by for moral support (and also to catch you just in case)
you made sure to remember the proper technique and pulled yourself all the way up, chin just meeting the bar
changbin cheered when you dropped down, grasping your waist and kissing your cheek proudly
you felt so victorious! but when changbin's hand just brushed against the skin of your stomach from beneath your shirt, you froze and let out a squeak of surprise
despite my earlier comments, changbin is no dummy
you can be sure that later that night he decided to see just how sensitive you really were
you'll never have a moment of peace with him now ;))))
hyunjin is a poker
for some reason, those long fingers of his are just drawn to exposed skin
changbin is a frequent target, but tbh all of the members have fallen victim to his shenanigans at some point
and ofc, there's no special treatment, even if you're dating him
you will be poked, and it will tickle
your first mistake was wearing a new shirt that had those slits going diagonally down the front of the top
you hadn't even thought anything of it when you put it on that morning
i mean, it's a shirt and you were under the assumption that your boyfriend wasn't a weirdo
(you were wrong)
that night, hyunjin decided to help you make some dinner
and by "help" i mean he stood behind you with his hands around your waist and his chin on your shoulder while you cooked, talking your ear off about whatever came to his mind
he's annoying
anyway, eventually he got bored
you were too focused on the food! how could you ignore him?!
as he stewed in his boredom, his fingers found their way to the slits in the front of your shirt and brushed up against your warm skin
and then, he delivered one firm poke
right to your bellybutton
immediately, you let out a strained giggle and tried to move away from him, but unfortunately he had you trapped between the kitchen counter and his body
before you could even devise another plan of escape, his hands slipped beneath your shirt and began to wreck your tummy, shirt slits be damned
you nearly died that night, and it was certainly not the last time something like that happened~
jisung was shy
really he was, especially at the beginning of your relationship
it took him a while to even work up the nerve to kiss you after you began dating, and even then he was kind of drunk
but somewhere around the 3 month mark, a switch flipped
he began to touch you more and he was more playful
introverts are funny like that
it stands to reason that he discovered how ticklish you were not long after
i mean, how were you supposed to respond when he asked to give you a foot massage? say no?
you tried that, but he pouted and you caved
you sort of accepted the fact that he'd find out, especially when you got out of the shower to find him on your bed with lotion and foot masks
and he looked so fcking cute too, curse you jisung >:(
safe to say he knew something was up as soon as you sat down to offer him a foot to massage
you were bright red, stuttering, and even sweating a lil bit
and when he started teasing?! telling you how cute you looked?!!?
oh no, you were done for
he couldn't even start massaging, you collapsed in giggles as soon as his fingers grazed the bottoms of your feet with lotion
your silly boyfriend started laughing at you, and the next thing you knew, your feet were headlocked beneath his arm and he was going to town on them
you screamed and thrashed, and eventually pulled a foot away and gave him a good kick
bad idea, because now he's gonna get revenge by finding out what other spots make you scream <3
felix was totally curious
like you knew he was ticklish (you reminded him of that fact frequently), so shouldn't he know if you were too?
he thought he should
his investigation began one evening when he came over for a sleepover
you, ofc, were expecting nothing but cuddles and romantic cutesy stuff
after your last week of midterms at university, it felt more necessary than ever
felix, on the other hand, was nothing if not conniving
it wasn't his fault that you just looked so cute in your pjs
perfect to test his theories on as well
you had dragged him to the bathroom so you could do skincare together, and then made him sit through a face mask, and then you two finally went to bed
but felix still had to wait for the perfect moment
and he wasn't gonna stop you when your lips found their way to his, small kisses blossoming into a lazy make-out session
emphasis on "lazy" because honestly you could hardly keep your eyes open by the time he pulled away
he giggled and brushed your hair from your eyes, thumb tracing your kiss-swollen lips as he whispered about how pretty you were
you flushed, scolding him about being a tease before you reached to turn off your bedside table lamp
felix suddenly remembered his mission
and his time had arrived
you just barely clicked the light off before felix stuck his fingers right into your armpit, massaging deep circles into your flesh
you positively squealed, unable to stop yourself from falling into witch-like cackles
felix's investigation was a success, and you can bet he'd use these findings again and again
seungmin tickles you to get what he wants
or at least, he does after he finds out about your weakness
and it doesn't take long really
technically, the two of you weren't even official yet when he makes the discovery
the night before, one thing kind of led to another during an after-party, and the next thing you knew, you woke up in the same bed
wearing very little
seungmin was the first to wake up in the morning with a raging headache
no lie, he felt like he had been run over by 20 tour buses
somehow, when he saw you, cuddled into his chest snoozing peacefully, he felt less gross
it was probably because he was in love with you, but he wasn't really ready to admit that to himself yet
and he did really have to pee, and he could not do that with you koalabeared onto him
no time to think about emotions or anything
at first, he tried to shake you awake, which proved to be futile
next, he tried prying your arms off from around his waist, but your grip was like iron
finallly, he tried poking and prodding you because he didn't have any other ideas
almost immediately you began to squirm away, trying to fight off the tickles in your sleepy state
eventually (partly because you were too cute gently giggling and partly because now he really needed to pee) he finally dug into your sides and really gave you a good wake up call
you woke up laughing loudly from the tickles, and when your vision cleared, you saw a blushing seungmin making his way to the bathroom
Jeongin tickles you when you annoy him
which you do a lot
it's like you were built to push all of his buttons istg
the first time he ever found out you were ticklish, you were making fun of him
it was a personal favorite pastime of yours
(definitely not because you thought jeongin was hot when he was frustrated, no ofc not)
today had just not been a good day for him in the slightest
his voice was a bit hoarse so he couldn’t record, he kept missing steps in their dance practice, and to top it all off he was breaking out from the stress of a new comeback
so really, why were you adding gas to that fire?
usually you only bugged him because you wanted to get his mind off of whatever was bothering him
your teasing was light hearted, and you never had bad intentions
but when you wouldn’t stop asking for kisses, started whining at him after he said he didn’t wanna give you kisses, and then sat yourself right on top of him and refused to move… that’s when he got fed up
and yet you kept it up
jeongin decided he needed to do something drastic
and of course he’d never hurt you and he wasn’t truly mad, but he did need to teach you a lesson
so… he set his hands on your hips, looking up at you from where you were seated on his lap, facing him
and he asked if you would move
when you said “no” once again, he squeezed your hips like his life depended on it
you shrieked and fell to the side, trying to squirm away from his evil hands as they tickled you mercilessly
as jeongin pinned you down and made you laugh until you couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t help but think about how you deserved this
whatever, it was fun so you just decided to be even more annoying in the future :)
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sakuraryomen01 · 1 year
Fucked Down Below.. /Sukuna Ryomen x Fem!reader/
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warnings: sukuna x female reader . smut/nsfw . dubcon so possible [rape] warning . sex on the throne, doggy style . nipple suckling, biting, and pulling . honestly, mostly a self indulge drabble . hair pulling (slight) . groping, man handling themes . slight!sadistic sukuna . stuck in sukuna's domain . some anal fingering![reader receiving] .fighting so: blood, some gore, and cursed tropes?? . featuring: yuji itadori and megumi fushiguro!
reader: female reader! (also some mentioning of yuji and y/n's relationship)
plot: gojo calls you and the troublesome duo out for a mission. one of sukuna's cursed fingers were located in a mall somewhere in a deserted ghost town a little ways away from the red light district.
words: 5.83k
a/n: this ended up as a story rather than a drabble, as i first planned, but i also thought that i might try and post something while you are all waiting for chapter 6 of Valentino! this was really fun to write and i hope to get more cheesy and goofy stuff like this out more! ^^
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You had been called for a mission about an hour ago once you and your friends got into the car, being driven towards the Red Light district only to drive by the bright lights and civilians that populated the area at night.
It was one of the harshest times for you, Yuji, and Megumi.
Gojo, despite his fun-loving and almost annoying sweetness, was cracking down on missions and getting the three of you stronger than ever. He did like to live a little carefree, but the missions he was being saddled with were worse than ever, and it felt like the stress of it all was washing off on you.
Understandably, Gojo sent your band of cursed attention seeking friends off to a mission in some abandoned mall a little ways away from the district. It was reported to have multiple accidents including suicide attempts, murders, and multiple cursed wombs being born from all the negative energy.
"How many are reported being seen by sorcerers?" Megmui asked, looking from his spot in the middle of you and Yuji towards the driver of the black Honda, Kiyotaka Ijichi.
"Well, some reported up to ten low leveled spirits," Ijichi went on to say, explaining how the levels of the building provide stronger spirits and curses that you and the others would have to fight as you went along.
"The finger Gojo sent you to find must be in the lower levels of the buildings basement, where more stronger curses wait for you. There have also been multiple sightings of this one curse in particular that makes sorcerers, or young men and women from the locals, faint for long periods of time and experience random dreams or feelings during them."
"Sounds like a game," Yuji commented, making you sigh and roll your eyes while a smile plastered on your face. Both of you didn't hear the last bit of information like Megumi did, but focused on the mission none the same. "Like how levels in a video game have stronger enemies the higher, or lower the sections are!"
"I don't think that's how it's supposed to be, Itadori." Megumi cut in, pulling his phone from his pocket and started to look through things that don't concern you or Yuji. "If it helps you to think of it that way though, it doesn't bother me."
What kind of effect does the spirit have on people our age?
Yuji made a makeshift offended pout and then looked out the window to spot the abandoned warehouses and small homes behind the district. He let out a small coo in awe, seeing the broken down buildings and pressing a hand to the cold window of the car, like he was a child going to Disneyworld in America.
That spun your mind into the whole concept of funland parks and such before Ijichi pulled into the old parking lot of the 6 story tall mall.
"This is it!" He announced, though the normal jittery nervousness laced his words before he got out to cast the magical barrier to keep out locals and other curses from what dwelled inside the mall and the cursed dead inside.
You and the others got out of the Honda as well and started to make your way towards the mall while Ijichi stood by the side of the car. He watched as you all got closer and closer to the entrance, a light sweat starting to coat his brow as he set the barrier.
"Emerge from darkness, blacker still purify that which is impure."
A dark patch of cursed energy formed at the top of the mall, cascading around the building and a 10 foot radius around it and you all inside the building. The veil between you, Ijichi, and his car were slowly becoming harder and harder to see as the barrier solidified.
"I'll never get used to that," Yuji mumbled from beside you, making you smirk and punch his arm lightly.
"Are you getting chicken now, Itadori?" You teased, following Megumi as Yuji pouted and walked by your side. "I'll bet you tonight's dinner everything will be fine!"
"Y/n, you're so rude! Of course I'm not chicken!"
Megumi walked past the old, and broken metal detectors that sat at the entrance of the area and walked towards the stairs going towards the basement of the building.
"So, all in agreement of just going to where the finger is?" You chirped, raising your hair sheepishly in the form of a lighthearted joke to ease the tension that slowly started to grow.
"Agreed." The boys said, Megumi's mind elsewhere as he thought about the trouble they'll have to face. As you continued to walk around the mall, looking for curses to exercise, nothing showed up.
Not a single cursed being, scent, or even a trace of negative feelings stirred as you and the duo made your way around the building. The feelings of unease coursing through all of you as the echoing sounds of your shoes hit the floor. It made your stomachs churn as your nerves began to get even more upset.
"This is starting to get me nervous," Megumi mumbled to himself, his emerald eyes scanning all the rooms your group came across. "Nothing's come out to attack us, it's making me wonder if the reports were counterfeit."
"Counterfeit reports for cursed spirits?" You wondered, tilting your head to the side and making you speed up a little to catch up to his long strides. "Is that a thing? Has it happened before?"
"It's never happened while I've been a sorcerer," The raven haired male shook his head, looking down at you while turning a corner back to the main area of the mall.
The main area had a large fountain built in the middle, the functions of the water and such that made the fountain a fountain that appeared to have stopped working months, even years ago. It was covered in some vines and other assorted growth that also seemed to be blocking the water from shooting out of the spouts.
"Hm, if that's a possibility, could this be a trap?" Yuji asked, walking on the left side of his friend while you guys walked past the fountain and towards the stairs to the basement once again.
"Maybe, but I doubt Gojo-sensei would make us come here for something meaningless and could get us into danger."
Actually, he totally would. Your group let out a collective groan, pushing open the old door at the top of the stairs before making your way down the dark staircase.
"Anyone got a light for this shit?" You whined, patting your pockets down as you coughed at the dust lingering in the air. "I can't see anything!"
"Here, use my phone," Megumi said, pulling his device from his back pocket and turning on the flash, handing it to you as Yuji chuckled behind him.
You turned your eyes up towards the pastel haired boy, frowning with annoyance. "What are you laughing at?"
"N-Nothing, I promise!" Yuji teased, nodding towards your dusty clothing. "Just wondering if you're allergic to dust or something. Thought it'd be kinda cute, ya'know?"
Your cheeks tinted a light pink as your stomach bubble with embarrassment, thought you let out a cool sigh and smirked.
"Ah yes, it's quite cute when a girl sneezes from dust or pollen."
Yuji chuckled again as your feet touched the bottom of the stairs. The floor creaks loud and echoes throughout the empty space, making a shiver go up your already spooked spine. Megumi tries to settle the worry by summoning his divine dogs, sending them around to look for any scents or traces of cursed energy. Though, they reported nothing, just like upstairs.
"This is starting to look more and more like a set up," You conclude, moving the flash from the staircase to around the dark area. Yuji and Megumi walking at your sides forward into the dusty abode.
"Dude, there's so much junk down here," Yuji mutters to himself, kicking at an old clown figure that was supposedly for a child's play area or something. "And these old things are giving me the creeps."
"Eyes that are dead inside."
"Like Fushiguro."
The small insult made Megumi turn his attention towards you and Yuji who already had your hands up for forgiveness. "I'll punch you both if you don't take this more seriously."
"Alright, alright!"
Megumi continues his little search, telling you and Yuji to spread out and look for something to conduct some light. You found a few lamps and such from sales, but they either had no bulbs or the plug-ins were broken. Bent or torn off in the more simple cases.
"I found some small holdable lamps," Yuji announced, lifting the kind of lamp you'd take out for camping. Though, they were more kiddy themed, and they were quite small. "They'll be useful, right?"
"I suppose," Megumi said, grabbing one of the lamps and managing to power it on, holding his hand out for his phone.
You passed him his phone and turned on your own lamp, looking around the room before pointing at another set of stairs that led downward. Deeper into the ground and into the basement of whatever creepy place this old mall was.
"Alright, let's get going," Yuji nodded once his lamp was on, following you and Megumi down another flight of stairs before there was a deep rumble throughout the room.
You, Megumi, and Yuji stood still. The sound of something moving around below makes all of your hearts stop. You look towards the boys, seeing Yuji's face go from a cheerful smile to a pale straight faced look of fear. Megumi's was like before, although the bombing of his Adam's apple told you he was uneasy about the situation.
"Sh-Should we keep going?" You asked hesitantly, pressing your lips together as a cold sweat started.
"..Do we have to?" Yuji whimpered quietly, looking between you and Megumi. "I mean, I don't want to see the face of what just shook a big ass building, do you?"
You wholeheartedly agreed, but the look Megumi was giving you told you to keep moving. Letting out a shaking groan, you continued your path towards the stairs and started going down them. The rumbling and the constant shaking of the area made your heart leap into your throat, your lungs felt like they were shrinking with how little you were able to breath.
"Oh my- blech!" Yuji grimaced, holding his nose and drawing you and Megumi's attention, pinching his nose. "Don't y'all smell that? It's horrible!"
You take a sniff and immediately regret it, you could smell it too. A sweet, but almost disgusting tang to it. It hit you suddenly and made you clasp a hand to your mouth and nose, looking back towards the exit of the stairs. "Ughh.. That's terrible. It smells like barfed up candy."
"Don't make a mental image of it, Y/n!" Megumi huffed, continuing to walk towards the exit until he was able to poke his head out to see where the scent was coming from.
Though, what you expected was a trash heap that some hobo may have left, that's not what you got. In fact, what you got was a strange lump that sat in the back ends of the room. The room itself was the same as the basement area above, just darker and more air tight.
What is that? You thought, looking towards the lump in the back, seeing some slight movement but no cursed energy.
"Oi, don't get too close," Megumi warned, tugging at your shoulder a little to stop you in your tracks. "I can't see it that well. I'll let my dogs deal with it, okay?"
You gave a nod, but began to inspect the area around you. Seeing nothing but some broken down attractions from sales like in the upper floor, some actually broken and missing pieces. In the background, you could hear Megumi's dogs bark, and a sudden surge of cursed energy and power was released.
It knocked you to your feet, making you gasp and cough while Yuji and Megumi let out a yell. You looked behind you to see that the lump in the corner had stood up and took shape of a cursed being.
It had long, dark purple tentacles and its main body resembled that of a worm, or maggot. Its flesh appeared to glisten under the lamps light, and you assumed it'd be hard to actually punch or kick.
"Y/n, are you okay?" Yuji asked, running to your side to help you up, kneeling as his eyes continued to be glued on the monster. "Hurry, we gotta get out of here!"
The divine dog's barking and growling echoed throughout your head, making you whimper but stand nonetheless. Leaning your weight into Yuji, you looked back to see Megumi running after the curse that was trying to escape through a large crack in the wall behind it.
The cursed energy that hit you was continuously flowing from it, wave after wave, making your head hurt and your body ache. Yuji tugged on your arm, trying to follow Megumi to no avail.
"C'mon, get on my back, Y/n," Yuji cooed, kneeling and looking back at you as if to comfort. "We gotta follow them and keep Megumi safe."
"Th-The finger.. I think it--" You started, your voice weak, but you were interrupted by a high pitched screech from the cursed spirit.
There was a small struggle, and then the sound of rocks and the mall's floor break from above sounded. Once you climbed onto Yuji's back in a hurry, Yuji stood and ran back towards the stairs. Running as fast as he could, managing to get back up into the main mall area once again and spotting Megumi halfway across in a department store.
"Fushiguro!" Yuji yelled, seeing Megumi stumbling out of the store, an obvious cut or two visible on his arm and cheek. Yuji placed you near the fountain and turned his attention to the curse.
"That thing, it looks like the amount of cursed energy that it emits makes people faint! Maybe that's why some locals were reported to fall asleep or faint on the scene?!"
Running towards it as cursed energy began to flow to his hands, creating extra power and force before he jumped and punched the slimy surface of the creature. You heard him yelp at the texture and jump back before the curse swung a tendral towards him and hit him in the side. Knocking the air from his lungs and shooting him into a store farther from you and Megumi.
"Itadori!" You yelled, eyes wide as your mind began to focus once again. Whatever that hit you earlier was starting to fade, but there was a light, numb throb in your core.
What hit me?
You stood from your spot at the fountain and ran to Megumi, checking his injuries to make sure he was alright. "I'm fine. I'll send Neu after Yuji to check on him as well."
You nodded and looked over at the curse, seeing it rearing up for another attack, you grabbed Megumi by the collar and pulling him out of the way. Though, you weren't safe. The curse foresaw your next move and reacted quickly, grabbing you by the waist and lifting you into the air.
Before Megumi was lifted off the ground too, you released your hold on his uniform and forced cursed energy throughout your waist and feet. Trying to free yourself before the curse crushed you in its grasp, feeling its grip on you tighten as slime started to ooze from the ends. You gagged at the sickeningly sweet smell it produced, making your head weak and your body following suit.
What's going on!? The curses' energy, it's.. knocking me out?
You let out a small squeak before the room went dark and your vision blurred. The last sound you heard was Megumi yelling, and a large crack sound erupted from where Yuji was. That throbbing feeling you felt in your core earlier continued to get stronger and stronger as your mind went blank and laughter filled your head.
Before you knew it, you were asleep.
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"How's it feel napping in my domain, punk?"
Jolting awake, your core continued to throb as your eyes opened. Weak, tired, and sore, you blinked a few times to try and steady yourself for what was to come.
"Wh-Wha..?" You mumble, coughing and sitting up as the room around you starts to focus and level out. "Where.. am I?"
Seeing a pool of water beneath you, an ominous red glow throughout the area, and the sense of something stronger than you lapped into your headspace. Once you snapped to attention, your eyes swerved over to Sukuna at the top of a mountain of bones he called his throne. You gasp, standing quickly, but the numb pulse in your temple made you kneel, groaning and mumbling curses under your breath.
"So, was the nap enjoyable?" The cursed king chuckled from his spot above you, his eyes sparkling with interest at your current mood. He had watched you pathetically get caught by such an inferior being, be forced down after a stronger surge of cursed energy, and how you were forced to faint.
Now, Sukuna didn't like the idea of saving someone that wasn't Fushiguro Megumi, but he made a small exception for you. He quite liked watching you squirm when times got tough, and liked watching you fight when you could.
And that brat practically begged him to not let you die. Stupid.
"I saw that you and the others were having a bit of trouble," Sukuna teased, pressing his cheek against his fist, smiling wickedly as your eyes flared up at him. "Awe, too soon?"
"Shut up," You mumbled, managing to stand on your feet. "You don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh I do, in fact. I watched from inside this brat. You got hit by something, too, didn't you?"
At the mere mention of it, your core began to throb even more. Making your legs buckle, your breath becoming heavy and lean forward. Holding onto your knees for support, you held your stomach, as if the weird sensations would just stop the touch. Sukuna let out a cackle, shifting from his spot on the throne to in front of you, looking down at you like the pathetic, and tired sorcerer you were.
Seriously, what have the clans come to to make such a weak girl work her ass off?
"Come, I could help you," He said, coolly, reaching his hand forward and placing it atop your head. Petting you gently with a smile etched on his features once again. "Y'know what it's causing, right? Or are you stupid too?"
You wanted to punch him, to beat him and let your frustration out, but your insides burned with want. What caused it? That weird smelling curse?
"L-Let me go back," You tried, looking up at the cursed king with a frown on your face. "I need to help Itadori and Fushiguro!"
Sukuna's tongue clicked, his hand leaving its place on your head as his fingers traced your jawline. "Don't you get it? They're probably fine, knowing what that Itadori kid can do without me."
Your brows twitched, making your grunt at the curse's touch. What was his deal? He didn't like you, Megumi, or Yuji. Why help you?
The air in Sukuna's domain made almost no difference for you, it was like your lungs just couldn't function correctly. Did your body get crushed, is that it?
But this throbbing inside you wasn't pain, it was something else..
"Connect the dots already, darling," Sukuna chuckled, his movements quick as he grasped your throat in his hand. Squeezing until you squeaked and grabbed at his wrist, lifting you up til your toes could barely touch the ground.
"You feel that burning in your stomach, right? That throb in your core? It's the effects of a love's curse, something twisted and unrequited."
Sukuna let out a chuckle, pulling you closer while you struggled, glaring at him. "Much like your love for this boy, right?"
A burn in your cheeks formed, your cheeks tinting a light pink, but you tried to deny it. Shaking your head without much success, making the cursed king bellow out a monstrous laugh. Your heart felt like it had dropped, seeing Sukuna's eyes flare with a new passion inside them, trailing over your squirming body until they landed on your crotch.
"It's easy to fix, darling," Sukuna smirked, his eyes flickering back up to connect with yours. "Just be good, and I'll make you feel so much better."
In a flash, Sukuna was sitting on his throne once again with you on top of him. Straddling his lap like you owned it, his hand that was grasping your throat loosened its grip as the other traced a line up your thigh and rested on your hip. The smile on Sukuna's face told you he was pleased to have you seated there, feeling your body growing warmer and warmer.
Watching you struggle as the curse's effect continued to take hold of you, meanwhile your body was laying down in the mall. Your friends desperately tried to protect it as the curse continued to destroy and dismantle the mall.
"Why's she asleep, Fushiguro?!" Yuji questioned, dodging one of the curse's attacks and picking up your limp body from its place near the curse. "What's wrong with her?!"
"Yuji, you need to focus!" Megumi yelled back, sending Neu after the curse's face, the large bird sending shocks of electricity through the curse and clawing at it. "If we don't get out of here soon, the whole building will collapse on us!"
The rumbling inside the building and the cracks on the wall signifying Megumi's hunch was correct. But you didn't hear or see any of this, you didn't hear the worry in Yuji's tone or the seriousness of Megumi's orders. Not even the curse's screeches or Megumi's shikigami barking and growls.
All you could see or feel was Sukuna, his hands currently tracing up and down your heated body. Touching wherever he wished and wanted to. He watched as your body began to grow weak from the cursed energy, managing to get you leaning all your weight onto him and panting heavily.
"Doesn't this make it better?" He asked, teasing as his fingers slipped under your uniform jacket and shirt, feeling your hot skin under his cool fingers. "Hm? All I can hear is your breathing, Y/n. Answer me."
"..Y-Yes," You managed, your legs trembling under Sukuna's hands. Your body was so weak and sore, your body too was continuing to throb and your core's pulsing had gotten worse.
Anything was helping you relieve it, even if it was the King of Curses himself. This made the spirit smile, delving deeper into your clothing, undoing your jacket and even daring to press a few soft kisses on your temple and jaw. Suckling and creating love marks in places he could reach, lifting your shirt too and feeling out the lace of your bra.
"I can feel your pussy heating up through your clothes," Sukuna teased, watching you squirm and close your eyes as another wave of blush covered your cheeks. "I'm gonna play with it, alright? I'd rather go straight for it, but healing your body would be rather tedious, wouldn't it?"
You flinch as Sukuna's hand trail back down your stomach and to your heat, slipping his hand into your pants and rubbing little circles around the throbbing nub. Whimpering, Sukuna continued to rub and rub, feeling your pussy begin to drench and soak your panties. He pushed them to the side, hearing your little gasp as he traced the outline of your pussy. A smirk playing his lips as he pushed at the entrance of your tight hole with a finger, kissing your neck until your hips started to buck into his palm.
"Hm? Want me to push it inside?" He asked, knowing how he was making your body react. Feeling your cunt pulse against him while you continued to grind your clit into his hand.
"P-Please," You mumbled, quiet, but loud enough for him to hear. "It hurts.. Make it stop."
"Well, since you asked so nicely for me."
Pushing his finger in, Sukuna let out a groan. Feeling your walls pulsing around his digit as he slowly moved it in and out. Continuing to grind his palm into your clit, chuckling to himself as you started to mewl for more.
"Shh, darling," Sukuna pressed his lips to yours, trying to silence you but eat up your moans at the same time. "I have to be gentle, so relax and tak emy fingers."
He enjoyed watching you squirm in his lap, thrusting your hips against him. You were practically drooling down there, coating his wrist and fingers in your slick, dripping from his hand to his pants. Staining them as a small patch started to darken the fabric with your juices, a snicker coming from Sukuna.
"Look at that," He teased, sucking on your neck and leaving a bite, making you moan as he continued to invade your insides with his fingers. "Your pussy's clenching on my fingers, darling. Does it feel that good that you can't let them go?"
Your whines and mewls were response enough, squeezing him down to his knuckles, drooling all over them and coating his pants more. With a huff, Sukuna reached down and palmed himself through the clothing, squeezing and rubbing until he was firm and practically stretching the fabric. Reluctantly, you released Sukuna's fingers only to feel his tip tapping against your clit.
"I don't usually warn a person when I'm going to enter," Sukuna commented, making you blush as he continued to rub his aching tip against your pulsing opening. "That makes you special."
In an instant, Sukuna was plunging you down. Bouncing you in his lap as he forced you to take his cock, your pussy creaming and making a ring around his base. Your wanton moans make Sukuna's dick twitch and throb, wanting to go farther inside you and knock you up. Maybe he should make you carry his heirs?
"Keep fucking yourself on me," Sukuan ordered, yanking off your shirt and bra. The sounds of your clothes being torn to pieces makes you shudder, your nipples becoming erect at the direct contact of the cool air.
Instantly, Sukuna attached his lips to your nipple. Rolling his tongue and pinching it between his teeth, while his hand placed itself on your hip and created a mouth. Biting and suckling on your skin as you continued to rock in his lap. You felt more than normal pleasure or euphoria, it was something that your belly wanted. It wanted to release over and over, to feel orgasm after orgasm from Sukuna's cock. It was something that you never dreamt of in your wildest or lewdest of dreams.
"S-Sukuna!" You whimpered, squeezing the thickness of his shaft, dripping around it while you continued to cry over it. It left a burning sensation whenever it knocked against your G-spot. "It's too much, slow down!"
Sukuna laughed at this, thrusting his hips up to match your rhythm, grunting and panting underneath you as he taunted you.
"Ah, now you ask me to slow down? Please, darling, I know you can take more than a few thrusts! Now be a good little sorcerer and take my cum deep inside that tight hole!"
After a few more thrusts and groans from Sukuna, his hips stopped as his load was released. Pumping it inside you a few times as your orgasm hit you too, squeezing and holding onto Sukuna like your life depended on it.
"Don't crumble too soon, Y/n," Sukuna muttered into your ear, holding onto your back while he calmed his breathing. "I've got so much more in store for this cute pussy."
You whimpered in response, still feeling the afterglow of your orgasm. Eyes closed but shooting open once you felt water against your knees and hands. You looked around for a moment until you heard Sukuna letting out a breath.
"Mm, seeing your ass like this is truly debaucherous," He smirked, grabbing your hips and grinding his cock between your bare asscheeks. "Gods, I would've killed for a pussy this amazing years ago."
Before you could respond, or even take in how Sukuna got you down from his throne, he was pushing his dick back inside you. Grabbing ahold of your hips and pounding into you like he wanted more than just your hole. And boy did he.
He wanted to carve up your oozing insides and make them remember his shape and size. The weight of his cock, the feeling of his cum shooting ropes inside of you. He could fix anything that he had broken later, despite how annoying that'd be, but for now he wanted to make you go home wanting more of it. Sukuna wanted you to lay awake at night wondering how good his cock would feel in other places.
With that last thought, Sukuna's eyes looked down at your ass again. Watching it bounce against his pelvic bone in a harsh rhythm, feeling the plush softness it had even as it slapped against him.
"Fuck, you feel so warm down here," Sukuna cooed, lifting a hand to slap you. Watching the red mark on your asscheek form and hearing your yelps and moans, spreading your ass on his cock and groaning quietly.
"Look at that, even your asshole is twitching for attention!"
He traced his thumbpad over the quivering little entrance, feeling your pussy constrict around him until it was almost painful. Though he didn't mind. Squeeze as much as you want, hell, rip his cock off so he can grow a newer and bigger one.
He didn't care, nor did he mind. He wanted more and more of this sinful pleasure, to pleasure you until you broke from it.
"Scream on my dick, Y/n!" Sukuna cackled again, pushing his thumb into your ass and watching you arch your back and cry out. "Go on! Who's making you feel like this? Who's making you sob over some cock?"
"Y-You are!" You moaned, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you began to drool. It was too good inside you, Sukuna was making your body feel too much at once!
Sukuna let out a groan as he continued to abuse your asshole and pussy at the same time, reach a hand around you and cupping your clit in his hand. Forming another mouth and starting to suck on it, swirling his tongue around and around it as your cunt started choking on Sukuna's dick. You tried to hold on to that last thread of sanity you had left from this, to take control over your body and to try and stop the orgasm from coming.
But you just couldn't. There was too much pleasure forcing you to take in that climax and crumble under Sukuna's touch. And he lover every second of it.
He loved watching you break, snap, and everything in between. The desire that bubbled in his belly for more made him cum. Wanting to cum inside you again and again, to cream your little belly and leave it swollen with his sperm. Absolutely nothing could compare to the gluttony and lust that Sukuna was indulging in right now.
Just outside of your consciousness, Yuji and Megumi had managed to defeat the cursed spirit. Although they were happy they did, they still had to find that finger.
"I'm so tired," Yuji complained, trudging behind his classmate with you in tow on his back. "And Y/n still isn't awake.. Do you think she's okay?"
"She probably is," Megumi responded, making his way down the stairs as the cursed energy continued to grow. "This large amount of cursed energy must've knocked her out first, and whatever that cursed monster did to her made it worse. We'll have Shoko check her out, so don't worry about it too much, okay?"
With a sigh, Yuji agreed and continued ascending the staircase. However he was feeling, he just wished he could have protected you better or made sure you were okay before going off to fight that hell spawn.
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"I-I can't.. I can't anymore.." You whimpered underneath Sukuna, feeling his hips rutting into you at a quick pace.
He had long lost his kimono and pants, holding you against one of the bones that caged him under a blank and dark sky. Thrusts are sharp and almost painful against your cervix, making your sob more every time he hit you deep inside. It felt almost as if Sukuna's intention to 'help' was no longer in his deck of cards. At this point, he was fucking you for himself, letting the years of sexual pleasure and desire corse through him and into you.
Oh, your poor little belly..
"Aaagh!!" Sukuna finally let out, stopping his sloppy movements enough just to pump another round of pent up lust inside your aching pussy. "Fuckk.. That hit the fucking spot, huh?"
You nod, cheek stained with tears. "F-Felt too good.."
Sukuna smirked at your destroyed body, seeing the multiple marks and bites, and the slaps and nibbles he left. You looked absolutely ruined and Sukuna loved creating such a masterpiece.
After repairing anything he may have wounded, he gave you a pat on your head and kissed your cheek. "Now that you're alright, do you wish to return to your friends?"
You nodded once again, clutching onto your tattered clothing and trying to cover yourself. How lewd you felt, after what you were just through. It all hit you once you were able to breathe again. And your lungs started to fill, your brain began to unfuzz and clicked all the memories into place.
You were definitely better, but with a shit ton of additional memories to boot. "Yes."
Sukuna chuckled, sighing and taking a few steps away from you. Soon the room with him and his domain started to disappear, and the light from the medical wing of Jujutsu Tech started to fill in.
"Hm.." You mumbled, blinking awake once again. "Sukuna?"
You heard a sigh of relief and looked over to see Shoko, Megumi, Yuji, and Gojo-sensei. Your head was aching, and your body felt funny, but after a while you assumed what you went through was a dream. BUt the ache in your belly and the flushed expressions you make around Yuji suggest otherwise.
No matter what you do, or where you are, your body always remembered the day that the King of Curses took you 'round his domain for almost a day trying to 'help' you wake up.
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a/n: this was so fun to write and i loved creating a fun dynamic between y/n, yuji and megumi! they were all so cute and funny, despite being in such a spooky situation! also, i didn't think this was going to end up so long but i hope you liked it! i didn't get the chance to proof read since i wanted it out by today! gonna get Valentino out soon, hope you enjoyed! ^^
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crackslashers101 · 1 year
compared to what youve written about this could be a tame ask, but mayhaps pegging with slashers of your choosing?? love your blog btw :] <3
Pegging HCs (Slasher x AFAB Reader) 18+
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TRIGGER WARNING(S): Scat, Necrophilia, a bit of Dub-Con
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for the kind words! Asks like these motivate us to keep writing, so we appreciate it. We had fun writing this so we hope you enjoy! <3. 
Also Sorry for the long wait! We’re back 😏 - 💙 & 💚
Michael Myers:
Michael Myers is not easily persuadable and will not simply submit to you.
He will expect an exchange or a return if you are going to ask to peg him.
If you get to fuck him in the ass then he is going to fuck you while you’re leaned against a corpse with him behind you.
It’s an equal exchange in his eyes.
He doesn’t care much for prepping because he’d want to get it over with so he could play out his fantasies when it’s all over.
Michael would let out a huff or a grunt often when your strap hits his prostate right. (He would never admit to moaning because of you)
His breathing would start to get heavy when he’s close to cumming.
He’d take the strap like a champ honestly.
If you have the Shape of Haddonfield in such a position, you’re gonna make it worth your while.
Fuck him in doggy style and put him in a mating press.
Do your worst and take in every change and scrunched up expression as you have him so vulnerably.
When his breathing is back to normal, he doesn’t waste time grabbing your naked body and hauling you out the door to look for a sad soul that happened to be out this late in the night.
Hope you like the smell of a rotting corpse :)
Jason Voorhees:
When you first bring up the subject of pegging, he’d be a bit confused on it and then concerned once it’s explained to him.
He’d be very reluctant to give in to your desires, but he would do it to please you because he loves you.
Jason would need all of the reassurances and prepping to feel safe with going any further.
A lot of lube and fingering to relax him.
You are expected to eat his ass out because it’ll both relax and turn him on. (You may taste a hint of shit)
He never expected to know how wide his ass hole could expand by just silicone alone.
You’d fuck him so good he’d literally shit himself on your strap-on dick.
Diarrhea liquid spouts out when he cums and you continue to pummel your strap in him while he’s shitting himself with tears in his eyes.
He would wrap his arms around your shoulders and urge you on to use his shit as lube and to jerk him off while he slams himself, riding your strap to kingdom come (literally).
Aftercare would definitely involve a lot of cleaning up.
Jason would be exhausted and not want to move, so you’re most likely going to be the one to provide in the end.
If he is feeling cuddly, he may hold you against him with the strap-on still inside of him and he will have a slow make-out session with you.
Jason will definitely want to do this again.
Brahms Heelshire:
He would most likely be the one to introduce the idea of pegging to you after seeing a porno somewhere and deciding to try it in your sexual relationship.
Brahms is a huge sub when you bring out the strap.
He would be kneeling down with his face against it sucking you off without breaking eye contact.
You can have him lie down as you deepthroat him and pull his hair back and forth while you slam yourself against his face. It would make him tear up and cum instantly.
He would suck on your nipples while you’re fucking into his hole with the strap. (Massive mommy issues moment)
You call him a good boy and it’s over because he will fucking lose it.
He’s  screaming “MOMMY” as he cums hard.
Brahms expects you to take care of him after you both had your fun.
He’s very whiny when you try to leave the bed.
He is going to beg you to top him more after this experience.
Thomas Hewitt:
In the beginning, Thomas would immediately be on the offense on the idea of you pegging him.
You would have to ask him constantly in order for him to even start considering pegging as an option (basically guilt tripping)
He would need a lot of prepping in the beginning and you’d have to spend a lot of time and lube gently shoving your fingers in his hole, spreading and widening it with your fingers.
He would only ask for you to put in the tip of the strap since he’s concerned and wishes to get a feel for it.
You lie to him as you whisper sweet nothings into his ear before ramming your whole dick into him repeatedly until he isn’t sure if he’s angry or close to cumming.
Definitely the type to bury his face in the pillow while you plow into his ass.
Lots of growling and gasping on his side.
He’s a bit mad you didn’t tell him you were going into him raw and impatiently, but he can’t deny the growing arousal in the pit of his stomach
You’ll know you hit his prostate when his growling turns into low moans and he is going limp against the sheets.
You would hear him give a high dog whine as he whimpers against you.
Thomas has a praise kink so you should constantly remind him how well he’s doing and he’ll cum much quicker.
Aftercare would come with gentle reassurances from your side and from a half awake Thomas.
Please praise him for taking you so well, it’ll make him feel so soft and loved.
It might be a while before he decides to do this again but, when you get him in a subby mood, he’ll be the one to open his legs to you.
Vincent Sinclair:
Vincent would usually be the one in control during your sexual escapades, but he couldn’t deny that he would dream for you to take care of him.
You would have to be the one to bring up the idea of pegging into your sex life because his ego would be too big to admit that he would love to see you top him.
You both would have multiple conversations on how you’ll get the strap when he thought of an idea that would save you both some money.
He would make a mold of his own dick using wax and body safe materials for your DIY strap.
You couldn’t decide whether that was the most egotistical idea he suggested or the hottest, regardless you agreed.
Even though he always wanted to try pegging, he will expect a lot of prepping because this is new territory for him.
Just fingering him would get him off instantly.
When you bring out the strap he’d be both scared and excited.
You would start at a painfully slow pace just to instantly fuck the lights out of him at a ruthless pace.
He would be your personal fuck doll as you force him into every position you can think of without any resistance from him.
Whether you had him flat against the sheets slamming behind him or forcing him to fuck himself sitting on top of your strap.
Vincent would drool and become listless with loud huffing and gasping coming from him.
You can gently tease him and tell him “You take your dick so well, don’t you?” and he would cum very quickly.
Aftercare would be expected from you because he would be exhausted. You should reassure him of how well he did and clean up for him.
He would ask you to do it again very often.
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lexosaurus · 11 months
Hi uhh i have a question i was scrolling at ao3 and i keep seeing pompous pep fiction a lot but i thought it was illegal because there is at least 20 year age gap im getting confused
AO3 is a creative writing/fanfiction archive that allows anything that's legal under US creative writing law. There are some limitations, like scripting out an episode of DP would not be allowed because that's copyright infringement, and posting something disguised as a fic that's not actually one (say, posting your headcanons list or your grandma's cookie recipe) isn't allowed because that's not a transformative work. But otherwise, people are allowed to post any fictional content that they so wish so long as it's tagged properly.
The tags are an awesome feature of the site and are why many people, myself included, choose to use AO3 as their main fanfiction domain. It allows you to opt in or opt out of any tag that you do or don't want to see. For example, I read/write a ton of gore, so I often filter in tags like "Dissection" (using the sidebar) so I can only see those types of fics. But there are tons of people who get squicked out by gore/dissection, so they might prefer to filter those tags out. Maybe they just wanna read a good smut fic, so they'd filter in that tag, while for me, I'm not so interested in that content, so I almost always filter it out before I browse.
I know this seems a bit long winded of me, but what I'm trying to get at is that because fanfiction is fictional, that means that ships and tags that you or I might argue are morally gray or even morally unethical are totally allowed on the site (aka no real children were harmed in the making of said fic, so not illegal). This includes Pompous Pep, which is Danny/Vlad. And if you don't want to see that, as many people probably don't, then the site makes it extremely easy to filter that stuff out! Woo!
The DP Phandom is a really really old phandom and we've had a history of "true vs anti" ship wars back in the 00's, which while a bit different than the kinds of shipping wars you see in other fandoms today, they still happened and were incredibly destructive within our spaces. People were fighting, there was lots of bullying, angry cliques, and overall moral policing "you can't sit with us" behavior to people who frankly didn't deserve it. There's not a lot of creatives left from that era, and the ones that did come back don't have a lot of positive things to say about it.
So yeah, maybe some people on AO3 write things that might squick you out, but from experience we've found it to be far more beneficial to just do our own things. Write the content you wanna write, read the content you wanna read, interact with the people you wanna interact with, and block/mute/filter out/whatever the rest. It's honestly not worth your mental health or sanity to try to police fics/art in here. We're too old, most of us got jobs, bills to pay, maybe even kids to feed, and it's honestly not worth our time. Besides, it's much more fun to participate in phandom events and nerd out with other creatives about silly AUs and tropes and geek out over art styles and colors than it is to worry about that stuff!
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syrupyyyart · 1 year
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finally, finally finished the ~definitive~ designs for my main Motley girls :’)
Extensive design notes under the cut (mostly for documentation purposes, but also because i like talking about my ocs lol)
In my last post, I introduced the idea of giving each character multiple colors, rather than being one uniform color throughout the design. The idea is that the characters can earn up to 3 new colors as they age+experience new things.
For each color they earn, they’ll wear a new ‘evolved’ version of their previous outfit.
For comparisons sake, here’s the initial pass I took at trying to give my characters more colors:
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(euhg. theyre really really ugly. im honestly embarrassed i ever posted these at all lol)
Fact: it’s actually incredibly difficult to design monochrome outfits for characters without the designs looking extremely unfinished (to me, anyways lol). In an attempt to break up the monotony of the monochrome outfit designs, I found myself over relying on the outline colors to fill in their outfit pieces (cherrys pants, limes turtleneck, etc). This hypothetically works, but it ended up causing a lot of confusion as to how many colors the characters had actually earned, especially when the outline color was vastly different from the intended color. Basically, the tl;dr is that over relying on the outline colors felt like cheating, looked bad, and caused a lot of issues.
All of this explanation is to set up the 2 design rules I gave myself for the New Definitive Designs:
1. Outline colors MUST NOT be over relied on, and should be used as sparingly as possible
2. Nothing is sacred. If it looks bad, throw it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also decided to shift around their body types slightly, since I realized that practically every character had the same build with a different height (with the exception of Banana). Marshmallow is a bit curvier, Watermelon is slightly more muscular, etc. And, while you cant really tell because of their baggy outfits, Lime is much boxier and Blueberry is lankier and has wider shoulders than the others.
Finally, here’s some specific design notes for each character, how they changed, and why:
Cherry Pit - Cherry may not have had the most drastic changes, but hers were definitely the most important. She’s had the same hairstyle ever since the first time I drew her (back in ....... middle school lol), and as attached as I was to it, it caused a LOT of problems. It gave her an ugly silhouette, the sharp edges kind of ruined her circle motif, etc. So it had to change. I decided to give her a fluffier hair style to incorporate more round edges into her design, and I truly cannot tell you how many hairstyles I cycled through before I landed on that one. It was major development hell. But I think the new style is much much cuter! Due to story reasons, I also decided to give her 2 outfit colors instead of just one, and she seriously looks so much better because of it. Big fan of Cherrys new design lol
Blueberry Cobbler - Ohhhh where to start with this one. Blueberrys design has always been a headache to me. I found it difficult to draw consistently, and even when I got it to look how I wanted, it still didn’t look very good. So, my goal for her redesign was to overhaul her design while keeping the general idea behind it; most importantly, she needed to be Fun To Draw. So, I changed the silhouette of her sweatshirt by giving her a more exaggerated hood, replaced her bulky zipper with the hanging ties (idk what theyre called lol), and Changed Her Ugly Ass Tights into baggier pants. I also crimped her hair to make it more angular. In the context of this universe, cold colors have naturally colder body temperatures, so they have to wear insulated clothing to stay chilly; the overall baggier clothes really just fixed all of my issues with her design honestly. Better for her personality type, prettier silhouette, in-universe reasoning, etc. Scrumptious.
Lime Pie - I decided to swap out her cargo pants for a long skirt, and let her hair down. This was mostly because, with the monochrome outfit she needed to wear, the turtleneck+cargo pants combo just wouldnt work without looking Pretty Bad. It also helps her outfit stand out a bit more, as she’s now the only character in the main cast that is wearing a skirt. She’s meant to be an inversion of the “nerdy girl lets her hair down and puts on a dress and Now She Is Popular” trope, so the idea is that when she earns her 2nd color, she will start wearing her hair up again, and the cargo pants can come back. Maybe.
Marshmallow Fluff - I honestly hit the nail on the head with this one in the initial batch of concepts I did, so I didnt change much lol. The biggest change is that I made her hair light again. This was because shes obviously meant to have a cloud motif, but her sister (who I rarely post about lol) has a thundercloud motif-- basically, I’m just saying that the darker hair is gonna go to her sister instead.
Banana Pudding - Again, she looks almost exactly the same. I just changed the red outline of her original dress to be less contrasting, since I got a lot of people asking if she’d earned two colors or not. Hopefully, its more clear now that she’s only earned one.
Watermelon Sorbet - As much as I liked her original design, many many people told me she looked like a ‘cool yoga instructor’ character. Which, while not terrible, wasn't exactly what I was going for; she’s meant to be more of an ‘edm dancer’ kind of character. So, I decided to change out her pants for bigger legwarmers that I’m hoping make her look a bit more hyper active.
Thats all my notes lol. I have no idea if anyone is gonna read this far, but if you do, thanks :’) I fully realize that making so many notes about this looks silly, considering theyre OCs and not like ..... widely known characters. So Im sure a lot of what Ive said just sounds like gibberish. But its fun to ME!!!!!!!!
I’ve got more character designs to post over the next week or so; namely, the 3 Antagonists (Grape Soda, Orange Custard, and Angel Cake) + the parents (which includes 2 characters Ive never shown before, but Im very excited to share lol). Those posts wont be accompanied with longwinded notes like this one is; Im just the most excited about these designs and wanted to talk about them.
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tenjikubaby · 2 years
many fluffy thoughts about ran haitani for your comfort and mine
girl help, i-i- *vomits ran fluff onto your dash*
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What’s it like having Ran as your partner? Gender-neutral HCs
Ran doesn’t fall so easily but when he does, you’ll have yourself a doting, caring partner who loves to pamper you.
➼ Ran would want you to look your best, and not only so you’d look good standing next to him! (lol) Because he loves you, he’d want you to feel confident in the way you look. He might take you to his regular salon, offer style advice, or even introduce you to a skincare or haircare routine if you don’t already have one. Before you go out into the streets together, he’d tell you how good you look and remind you to keep your chin up. After all, someone like you, who managed to steal his heart, should stand proud. 
➼ I think he’ll be the type to wipe the corner of your mouth if you missed a stain on it, fix your hair if a strand is out of place, smooth down your clothes, fix your collar or tie if it’s askew, etc. (He definitely used to do this to Rindou) 
➼ He thinks about you a lot so that when he finds an outfit from a magazine that would look great on you, or smells a perfume that screams “you” to him, he’d want to show you! All he needs is the slightest sign of approval–-maybe your face brightening up? Perhaps a small smile? Maybe you looked at it for more than ten seconds? Before you know it, he’s already bought it for you.
➼ Shopping with Ran, huh? This gives you the privilege of seeing him try on clothes! He’ll ask you what you think, or to pick out stuff you’d like to see him wearing. Of course, he’d want to buy clothes for you too. If you ever had the experience of your mom making you come back to the fitting room again and again because she found some great clothes for you, here it is again! Except it’s not your mom anymore but your partner. 
➼ If you’re not well-off, Ran would spoil you to death. He’d want you to experience all the luxuries that he and his brother do. You get to have your dates at fancy fine-dining restaurants. You receive only the most expensive chocolates. Your wardrobe is slowly filling up with designer clothing. He would give you the world as long as you stay with him. 
➼ Relaxing with Ran is always a treat. Imagine being pampered by Ran in his room: he is softly humming as he covers your face in an expensive mask. Him brushing or massaging oils into your hair. His touches are so gentle, and it makes you sleepy. All while doing these, a perfectly serene smile is on his face. (He rarely ever gets to do this on Rindou, so he is happy to have you.)
➼ There are days when you both just want to chill on their balcony wearing bathrobes, sipping wine (or any drink of your choice) out of fancy glasses. Your usual topics of conversation are celebrities, fashion, art, and maybe even philosophy! Ran is interested in hearing your opinions on different topics as well as sharing his own. If anyone tries to disturb your time together, they will face Ran’s wrath. His time with you is precious!
➼ Ran would be the #1 reason you’re late to anything because his bed is just so comfy, he’s so comfy, and honestly, how could you leave that pretty sleeping princess behind? If he wakes up to you leaving the bed, he will try to pull you back in. He’ll say “5 more minutes” while wrapping himself tighter around you.
➼ As his partner, you must laugh at his dad jokes. He loves puns, so come up with some of your own, won't you? Aside from dad jokes, his humor can be outdated. He’s the type of person who’d use a 2016 meme in 2020. Sometimes, you or Rindou need to explain certain memes or trends to him. It’s cute. He’s cute.
➼ To Rindou, you are a godsend. With you around, his brother is less of a killjoy (his words). He can party just a bit longer and be as loud with his friends as he wants. If he’s lucky, you manage to get his brother out of the house for maybe a night or two. It’s also fun for him to see his brother go so soft with you. 
➼ Ran is anxious whenever you hang out with people he doesn't know. He would want to meet your friends, and if any of them feel off to him, he would tell you. (His intuition is pretty good, after all). He won't ask you to stop hanging out with them but will remind you to be cautious. It's not out of possessiveness but worry about your safety. Your boyfriend, after all, rules Roppongi. People are always out to exploit his weaknesses.
➼ If you somehow piss him off, you have to wait for him to come to you. If for example, you’re spending the night at their residence, you have to stay on the couch before he allows you back in his room. In the middle of the night, you might feel yourself being gently shaken awake by Ran (it’s a bit scary because his hair-covered face is the first thing you see) who wants to invite you back into his room. You’re forgiven. 
➼ If he’s pissed you off, he’d also stay away for a while. Sooner or later, he’ll take out a cake or tub of ice cream with two spoons and sit with you so you can share it. If he sees you busy working on something, he’ll approach with a mug of a hot drink he prepared for you and a snack before sitting beside you. The apology comes after a long moment of silence, and things are okay again. Humbling himself and saying sorry was hard for him at first, but it got easier because he loves you. 
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prince-liest · 2 months
The specific phrasing of “hurt very pretty” is. I knew before this series I was more into the soft sadism/dom thing but it’s soooo rare to find someone who does the exact flavor I’m into and I think that phrase in my head sooooo often
Ahaha, I'm so glad you're enjoying it! I've always really liked, as you describe it, soft sadism, where it's about the intimacy, the connection, and the sort of delightfully recursive loop you get when the suffering is enjoyed, and the enjoyment of the suffering also contributes to the suffering, whether it be via enthusiasm or humiliation. Funnily enough, despite the kind of stuff that I write, S&M that feels genuinely callous and miserable is fully capable of squicking me if it hits just wrong. I really like writing sadism that feels tender, even when it's violent.
Five more asks under the cut! If you sent something about 666 in the past 24-ish hours, it's probably there!
Your newest channel 666 fic had me so mixed on how to feel "Oh ok they're drunk and Al's on his lap... that wasn't in the tags oh no vox isn't advancing... nevermind he's electrocuting Al, i get it, a little something to get the blood pumping oh no wait he's actually electrocuting him oh good lord he's screaming in pain"
Hahaha, god, tagging this chapter was really a fucking nightmare - if there's anything you think I missed that's important to include, PLEASE let me know, because I tried to cover my bases but I really had to give up after a bit. It's just One Of Those Chapters and the first time I've used the Graphic Violence archive warning for something that was just fully consensual sexy times, haha. I hope it was at least enjoyable overall! Alastor certainly had a good time.
I've binged your 666 series and it irreversibly changed my brain chemistry It's more canon than everything that happened in the show itself to me - @grimfeywizard
Ahhhh, thank you so much! >:D I definitely tried to mimic the style of canon for the characters, especially for the first installments before they kinda went their own way character development wise, haha. I'm glad you like it!! <3
I was at a convention all weekend and when you updated BOTH times I snuck out of my group and into a corner to read them I am completely obsessed with this series 🙏🙏🙏 -@urlocal-cryptid7
Omg, glad to add the cherry on top of your con experience, hahaha. Thank you so much!!
hey there, just wanted to say i’m absolutely enraptured with the 666 series! it’s absolutely amazing and one of my favorite fics out there right now. i’m always looking forward to it and checking for updates, great work!!!!
Ahhhh, thank you for the kind words!! I'm really enjoying writing it in all of its weirdnesses, so it's always so nice to hear that people are enjoying the odd directions it goes!
Another fun radiostatic song: The Masochism Tango by Tom Lehrer - @butwhyaretheycalledstrawberries
This is 100% what I had playing in the car on repeat when I wrote one of the previous installments, hahaha. It's a fantastic radiostatic song, especially with the level of sadomasochism I write into 666.
(Anon who was awaiting the drunk Alastor shenanigans here) Me, pre-installment 8 of 666: Oh My God, it’s happening. Everybody STAY CALM- Me, post-installment 8 of 666: *ugly sobbing* it was everything i could ever hope for, your honor. The Prince(TM) is good and merciful. So yeah, expectations met as always 👍
Omg, ehehehe - drunk Alastor was honestly SO fun to write, because it's just... taking away a lot of his worries and inhibitions, and the behaviors that normally accompany them. I took what Mimzy said about him being a kitten when he's had a few drinks and lets loose and ran with it, and it turned out very enjoyable. I'm glad you also had a good time reading, hahaha!
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Prompt response
So glad you're having fun! 😄 Hmm, what about that quote from Oliver about kissing a male actor as a prompt? "When your eyes are closed, it's the same."
Their first date is painfully awkward.
Their second date is, although he didn't think it possible, worse. 
And okay, maybe he was asking for it…he doesn't actually know what he was thinking, deciding that the best way to counteract the disaster of a first date was to invite a man he'd just met to be his plus one to Maddie's wedding. (He resolutely ignores the little voice in his head–the one that sounds suspiciously like Eddie–telling him he wasn't thinking). The 118 are…a lot. He loves them with all his heart, they are his chosen family, and he wouldn't trade them for anything…but yeah, the entire crew in full party mode would be overwhelming for an established relationship coming up on its ten-year anniversary, let alone a brand new situation with the added weight of it being his first same-sex experience. 
His parents were there for fuck's sake. He and Tommy hadn't even discussed parameters, boundaries, exclusivity, and Buck was introducing him to his parents. And granted, introducing Tommy to Bobby and Athena had felt…more��despite the strides he and his parents have made in repairing their relationship, but still.
Add into all that the absolutely impossible, ridiculous, downright Hollywood movie-style disaster that had been the bachelor party and subsequent search for the missing groom and Buck is honestly surprised that Tommy hadn't run screaming for the hills. He hadn't, though. He hadn't.
And now here they are. Three months in. Going stronger than Buck would have ever dreamed after that first embarrassing dinner date. They see each other at least a few times a week, as their schedules allow. There's a second toothbrush in the holder in Buck's bathroom. Buck's preferred brand of oat milk can be found in Tommy's fridge. Neither of them have cleared out space in drawers or closets yet, but Buck found an LAFD t-shirt with Kinard across the back in his laundry the other day, and he's pretty sure he'll find his favorite hoodie somewhere at Tommy's apartment next time he goes over. 
He's always loved this part of dating someone–the slow slide into sharing space, the little bits of each other that start mixing and melding until it's just them. He's never done it right in the past–not with Abby, not with Taylor, nor any of the other, shorter relationships he's had, he can acknowledge that now…but he's always loved it. He feels like he might be getting it right with Tommy, now. 
Evan Buckley has a boyfriend. A boyfriend that he is pretty damn sure he's falling in love with, even if they aren't quite at the point of saying it, yet. 
It's never been this easy, before. This comfortable. He thinks part of it must be that this is the first time he's dating someone that actually gets his job. Tommy understands the crazy schedules, the stress, the danger he sometimes has to put himself in, understands the drive that Buck has to help people, because that's his life too. Abby was probably the one who came the closest to being able to understand, but even she hadn't been able to fully comprehend that part of Buck's life. 
But he thinks the greater part of what makes this the most comfortable romantic relationship he's ever had is just that it's with Tommy. Tommy, who is patient and gentle when Buck needs it, and firm and demanding when he needs that, and has no problem being the one to hold and comfort him when he needs that, and accepts all that right back from Buck when he needs it. Equal. Buck doesn't think he's ever had a romantic relationship that feels so equal. Even in matters that Tommy definitely has the experience advantage in, where Buck defers to his lead, he always feels like they're going at his pace and comfort level. 
Buck's had partners who enjoyed his body before, of course. Tommy is certainly no exception on that front. He doesn't think he's ever had a partner who so clearly treasures everything that comes with his body, though. Tommy's just as interested in Buck's latest research binge and what he and Chris are doing for Chris's science project as he is in what Buck can do with his tongue besides talk. 
It's…refreshing. A little bit heady, if he's being honest. 
He’s just sliding the pan of chicken parmesan he's been assembling for dinner under the broiler for the mozzarella to get brown and bubbly when his front door opens, and the man who's been occupying his thoughts enters, work bag slung over his shoulder. Buck looks up in time to catch the tail end of the pleased, smitten grin curling his boyfriend's lips as he slides his keys back into his pocket. That’s a new thing, the freshly cut key to Buck's place on Tommy's keyring only a few weeks old. Buck has one to Tommy's apartment on his.
It's more practical than anything else right now. Their lives being what they are, there's been more than one occasion where they had plans to meet up only to find the other's shift had run over, and they were left awkwardly hanging out in the lobby of the building. They're not at a point where they're thinking of moving in together or anything…those drawers and closets haven't been cleaned out to make room for a new occupant to start leaving more than a few scraps of themselves behind. But it's not…an insignificant step. 
“Hey babe,” Tommy says, coming up behind him to wind his arms around Buck's waist as he rinses his hands at the sink. He kisses the back of Buck's neck and Buck sighs happily as he leans his weight back against his boyfriend's solid frame. “That smells amazing.”
“Bobby finally gave up his secrets to the perfect marinara,” Buck replies, turning in Tommy's arms so he can kiss him properly. 
There's still a small part of him that always marvels a little at the novelty of having to tip his head up slightly to kiss his partner. That thrills a little at the feeling of being held, enveloped in his partner's arms. He'd made light of it the couple times he's talked to people about the differences in dating Tommy–dating a man–as compared to any of the women he's been with. 
“When your eyes are closed, it's the same,” he'd told Maddie with a wink, drawing a peal of laughter from his sister. 
And that's true. In all the ways that matter, right down at the heart of it, it's all the same. 
Tommy's hands slide up under his t-shirt, stroking the skin over his ribs and the small of his back. He presses Buck back against the counter just a little, nipping playfully at his lower lip before pulling back and smiling at him.
“Well, if it's Bobby's secret sauce, I can't wait to try it. Need me to do anything?” 
“Mm, set the table? And I got a bottle of that red you liked at Bobby and Athena's last week–it needs to breathe for a few minutes.”
“I can't believe I'm dating someone who lets wine breathe,” Tommy chuckles. 
It's something Taylor might have said, back when they were together…but Taylor never would have sounded so fucking pleased about it. Like every little quirk of Buck’s was just part of his charm, something endearing. Like it was a privilege to find it out. 
They sit down to eat–Tommy makes an appreciative noise when he takes a sip of the properly-aired wine, so hah–and the conversation flows. Calls Tommy went on today, Buck's plans to take Jee to the children's museum while Tommy hits the basketball courts with Eddie this weekend, the trip up the coast they're planning for next month…if only the Buck of three months ago could see them now. 
Later, they sprawl out on his bed together, sweaty and sticky in the best way. Tommy's hand cards idly through his hair, tugging on his curls with a contented hum, and Buck stares up at the shadowed ceiling, his body loose and satisfied, his mind quiet and calm. 
He relaxes against his boyfriend, comfortable in his own skin in a way he doesn't think he's ever been in his life. 
He hadn't been lying when he told Maddie it was all the same when he closed his eyes. In all the ways that matter, it is. 
But it's also so, so different. Not because he's dating a man. Because he's dating this man. 
He can't wait to see how different this thing between them will end up being. 
This is fun and these two are adorable...hit up my askbox if you have a prompt, yo.
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pokemenlovingmen · 1 year
Ok you know what I’m requesting this for the both of us SPECIFICALLY so you can write it (cough and so I can read it a bit also oops) but anyway. Can i rq adaman, arven, and maybe n (if you do more than one character per rq) with a gn or masc reader who just got their hair cut and it’s a lot shorter than it used to be? Tee hee. 🐉
Oh my god, thank you for your generosity in this request dragon anon, I am on my hands and knees for this SWEETNESS
Nothing like getting a gender reaffirming haircut. Not to be, like, project-y on main, but I definitely went masc here because…. yknow. I’m me. I also like how the dudes you picked all have long hair and are all guys I’m very much into—
Sorry if the length is a little weird!! I’m still trying to figure out consistency with this stuff but I hope you still like it. I know I want my multi character posts to be shorter, but at the same time I feel bad that it’s not the same amount of content!!
Well anyway, let’s push my rambling aside for the time being, I don’t think I’ll ever feel totally confident in what I’m doing, especially with how crazy busy life has been lately, so let’s forget those worries and just Respectfully Enjoy some men.
Adaman, Arven and N see their boyfriend with a new short haircut!
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💎 — Oh!! You’re so handsome!
💎 — Well, okay, you were always handsome but the hair suits you! He’s just bad with words at the moment.
💎 — It’s honestly doubly exciting for him because he not only gets to see you with short hair, but also the results of all of Arezu’s hard training, and seeing her success here makes this all the sweeter.
💎 — He gets very into ruffling your hair, regardless of if you’re taller than him or not. When it was long, that could easily tangle it, but now that’s not a problem and you’re therefore never safe from getting a noogie eight times a day.
💎 — Even if there’s not much upkeep involved with shorter hair, he’s still volunteering to help with all of it. Need a hand washing it? You got it! Time to brush it through? He’s there!
💎 — He cherishes you so much, of course he treats your hair like it’s sacred. Every part of you is sacred to him and he wants you to know it.
💎 — If your hair is on the thicker side and can retain shape pretty easily, you might find yourself subject to all kinds of little hairstyling experiments. Spit curls, short braids, weird sectioning, Adaman just kind of loses himself in messing around with your hair when you’re in his arms.
💎 — He’ll, of course, love your hair no matter what you do with it. But what makes him love this style the most is how happy it makes you! You seem so much more comfortable and confident like this, and anything that can do that for you is a good thing in his book.
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🥪 — Woah, who’s this handsome guy and what did he do with his boyfriend? He probably gives you a joking wolf whistle the moment he sees you.
🥪 — Which he then classily follows up with “well… now our hair product costs just went down!”
🥪 — But okay, joking aside, he’s so genuinely enamored with you once he’s had his fun. He’s so used to you with long hair, and now that it’s short there’s all these little things about your hair and face he’s noticing for the first time. Wow, even more to love—he’s a lucky guy.
🥪 — What he loves the most, though, is how clearly happy this new haircut makes you. You’re so confident and he loves it! He wants to see you like this all the time.
🥪 — Twice as bad as Adaman with the hair ruffling. Won’t stop until your hair is a complete mess or you start doing it back.
🥪 — Pats your head a lot just to see your hair bounce back up, the shorter hair is so springy without all the length to hold it down!
🥪 — He definitely comments on how obviously happy you are, I don’t think he keeps it to himself how happy he is that you’re happy. Maybe you’ll jokingly offer to get his hair cut, too, which he quickly and firmly denies. Nah, he’s good, actually. That look is for you and you alone to rock.
🥪 — Likes pressing his face into your hair shortly after you get it cut; the freshly cut ends tickle his face and he knows it makes you laugh when he does it.
🥪 — Overall huge fan of the new look. God, he really is just so, so lucky to be with a catch like you.
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💚 — Okay, N is a smart guy, but he really isn’t that well socialized, so odds are when he sees you for the first time, he might not… realize it’s you. He’s just so used to long-haired you, after all.
💚 — But once the initial shock at this big change settles in, he’s fascinated!
💚 — The texture of your freshly cut hair makes his brain itch a bit. He spends several fascinated hours just running his hands through your hair, marveling at how it’s the very same hair he’s touched many times before, but it somehow feels completely different.
💚 — Beyond his own fascination, he sees how happy you are with the new look and that’s all it takes for him to be happy for you!
💚 — N’s never been one for appearances. You could do whatever you want with your hair and, once he takes a moment to realize it’s you under that drastically changed hairstyle, he’d be happy with it as long as you are.
💚 — No matter what changes you make to your hair, he always finds something to compliment about it. Usually texture-related, those are just the sorts of things that maintain his attention.
💚 — The smell of whatever products you use will quickly become his favorite thing. It just reminds him so much of you and being close to you.
💚 — For this haircut and future ones, he always has a Pokemon to playfully compare you to. Oh, your hair is so bouncy now, like an Emolga’s ears. The way you have it gelled so heavily makes him think of a Snivy’s smooth, sleek head. It’s so soft, like a Tranquil’s down feathers! He could go on.
💚 — Whatever you decide to do with your hair, it’ll always be a big thumbs up from him!
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Hola! Could I request the dorm leaders with an s/o that likes to put hair accessories in and style their hair?
Hi! Thank you for the ask!
Dorm leaders with an s/o that likes styling their hair
He's not the one to style himself outside of his usual preppy look, but he's not against you trying new things for him
I feel like his hair will be super smooth, almost silky. He's never really braided his hair before nor put hair clips in them, so he's new to the whole thing
Might tell you he's a bit embarrassed at first, saying it doesn't fit with his usual demeanor but it's a fun way to spend time with you the more he does it. He also happens to sit very still so it's easy for you to style
As long as Cater doesn't take any photos of him in nice hair styles he'll be happy haha
Will tell you he's too lazy to be part of your activity or will say he's not interested, of course this is a lie since his hair already has a lot of styling
I feel like his hair is very soft, mainly because he happens to have access to good products. It's very poofy, but don't tell him that (he thinks it makes him seem weak for some reason)
Can't sit still, will often ask if you are done. He's just emotionally constipated, and it's not that he doesn't like it (he actually likes you touching his hair).
I feel like he'll thank you with a grumble and then trudge along his way as if he's embarrassed. But, you'll find him wearing that hairstyle throughout the entire day or two since he actually liked it!
Doesn't mind you styling his hair but might be new to it since he only makes sure his hair texture looks nice but that's it.
I feel like his hair is usually soft but he uses hair gel which makes it feel hard.
Will sit still pretty well. He might give you recommendations as if he knows what you're doing but feel free to ignore them since you probably know more about hairstyling than he does
Actually liked it when you did something new to his aesthetic! However when the tweels decide to tease him about it he'll shyly undo your hard work :/
Also someone who has a lot of experience with hair accessories and such. He was probably the one that asked if you wanted to style his hair
His hair is a bit more on the bristly side, a bit spiky to the touch but it's sort of like petting a hedgehog?
Can't sit still for the life of him, it's a miracle Jamil does his accessories so well haha. Kalim might offer to do your own hair too
He's super happy about the outcome, even if it might not coordinate with his outfit. Runs around in the style, showing off to everyone how cool you are (super wholesome)
Has a very specific style he likes, and because of that it might be hard to convince him to try something new. He's fine with you styling his hair (is used to styling in general) but he can be a bit judgy
His hair is also super smooth, like a Pantene ad. However, sometimes it can feel hard to the touch because of hairspray or hair gel.
Sits perfectly still, almost like a mannequin. You find it easy to style until he starts making remarks about how it doesn't suit his aesthetic or so :/. Feel free to ignore them
Won't always go out in whatever you decided his look is going to be, but he's happy you had fun. He might offer to do your hair once too, and it means you get to use his expensive products for free
Can you style his hair? It's literally fire?
Since it's unlikely you'll be able to style it without some specific products, expect to just use whatever he has (not a lot). I can't tell you how his hair feels :/
Can sit still but he'll be gaming while you do it. He might be a bit hunched over so you might have to ask him to move his head a bit
Really likes spending time with you in any shape or form, and this felt therapeutic to him. He might want to try styling your hair once but is too shy to ask
Saw couples do it and asked you if you wanted to do his hair. Honestly why not!
His hair's also super smooth, no tangles nothing!
I feel like he'll sit still too. You two end up in deep conversations together mainly because of his nature to ask a lot of questions. It's just a fun way to spend time together (often it lasts for hours haha)
He might want to style your hair once too, perhaps in a style more popular to fae. Also he'll wear whatever you did to his hair around the campus, even if you tried something that doesn't match his scary demeanor haha
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