#He goes on to kill Billy’s ex
femmethpipe · 6 months
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ghostfacesvalentine · 29 days
Multimuse x Fem!Reader - Muses as tropes
Pairing: Multimuse x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of killing, nothing explicit but a little nsfw. I don’t know if there’s more.
Type: Blerps
Request: N/A
Word Count: N/A
Prompt: The muses’ as some tropes! Maybe they don’t all fit as accurately but maybe I’ll do another one (?) idk lmk if they work or not.
Notes: I didn’t proofread anything. I don’t know if I’ll keep this up (?)
Jason Voorhees:
Fish out of water- Reader isn’t outdoorsy at all, forced to get a job during summer while college classes are out, they apply to camp crystal lake. The reader has a really hard time fitting in with the rest of the camp counselors, mainly for not knowing the processes of camp or how to handle equipment. One by one counselors go missing, often found in gruesome circumstances. One counselor takes a liking to the reader, when reader doesn’t reciprocate, the hazing gets worse. Eventually the reader meets Jason, learning the history of camp crystal lake, reader sympathizes with him. Jason goes on a rampage when he finds out about the hazing/bullying, until the reader is the only one left.
Michael Myers:
Grump and sunshine- More than likely met at the asylum Michael is incarcerated in. Reader learns about Michael’s past and struggles then decides to be his sunshine. Reader has the mentality of “I could fix him” but often is let down by his gruesome actions. Somehow Micheal is still drawn to the reader and does have a little bit of an obsessive bodyguard mentality. Reader is constantly kissing Michael and being affectionate. She’s the only one to get a non violent reaction from him.
Tiffany Valentine:
Wants different things- Reader wants to pursue Tiffany, but she just wants something casual. Reader spends time trying to impress her and make her realize they are the one. Tiffany could just want to date or go out every other day/the reader is not on her mind/ maybe she goes back and forth with chucky. Reader goes out of way to make Tiffany fall in love with them and stay with them.
Billy Loomis:
Unrequited love- Reader falls in love with Billy, going out of their way to help them and spend time with them but can’t help but be jealous of Sydney for being with Billy. Listens to him about all of his relationship issues, eventually learning of his double life as ghostface. Reader goes out of her way to cover up his crimes and eventually has to make a choice of whether or not to admit her feelings to him after taking the fall for one of his mistakes. Once the reader is detained, they have to hope that Stu or Billy could kill again to get them out of jail.
Stu Macher:
Popular boy x shy girl- Reader doesn’t go to parties much in fear of being made fun of or taken advantage of, until Stu meets them in class. After consistently pestering reader to skip class or hang out after school, reader eventually does so. With time they both become great friends, Stu takes the reader under his wing. He invites her to parties and even with the attention he receives, none of them are her.
Patrick Bateman:
Fake relationship- Patrick uses reader to make his ex fiancé jealous, he helps the reader appear more accomplished, spoils them to look their best. Fake dates turn into real ones, handing the reader gifts becomes surprising the reader with them. Once the readers eyes begin to wander, Patrick’s back is against the wall to admit to the reader that he doesn’t want her to be with anyone else.
Love at first sight- Reader for some reason visits the farm and bubba falls in love with her immediately. He’s dumbfounded and clumsily follows her around the farm. Reader doesn’t understand but over time she gets to know him. Bubba spends his time picking flowers and trying to find a way to make her a mask. He mourns when she’s gone but when she comes back he’s all over her again.
Harley Quinn:
Amnesia- Reader and Harley wake up in a basement, tied together and without any resources. At first they start to bicker, wondering who got the other in this situation. Without any source of light or anyone to hear their cries, they start to get to know each other. After hours, they try to break loose to no avail, forcing them to continue their forced friendship. Eventually Harley forces herself out of the restraints, making the decision to break the reader free even with the danger of being caught. As they try to escape, they begin to retrace their steps and learn what led them to their initial predicament.
Poison Ivy:
Love potion- Ivy experiments with reader by trying her love potion with them. Of course it starts to work and now the reader is disgustingly lovesick and wants nothing but to be loved by Ivy. Ivy loves the attention and dedication but eventually comes to terms with the fact that this could be just the love potion. Ivy has to come up with a cure and after she does and gives it to the reader, the reader still loves Ivy.
Bruce Wayne:
Too dumb to live- Reader always ends up in dangerous situations, even without trying. ‘Batman’ or ‘Bruce Wayne’ always ends up barely rescuing her. She’s oblivious to the coincidences, however Bruce loves to see her from afar. He tries desperately to find a way to get her close to him, maybe by hiring her for Wayne enterprise or frequenting her job. Eventually, the reader puts two and two together and they confront each other about the coincidences. Eventually they start to date and Bruce has to maneuver with being Batman and being the readers body guard, basically.
Billy Hargrove:
Ladykiller in love- Of course Billy has all eyes on him at school, eventually making their way to the reader. At first she’s skeptical but decided to give Billy a chance, which he gladly takes. Billy slowly begins to fall hard for the reader, to a point where he can’t stop thinking about her, often going out of his way to be with the reader. Though the reader is skeptical, they try to avoid Billy and his advances in hopes of not being just another pursuit. With time, Billy has to prove the reader that she’s wrong about him.
Steve Harrington:
Second chance lovers- Almost dated, but whether reader or Steve weren’t ready, one of them got kidnapped by the government or in another relationship etc. Eventually reader and Steve (whoever left) has to entice the other to give them another chance. Really sweet and disgustingly romantic.
Steve Rogers:
One night stand- Reader and Steve hook up one night, afterwards reader avoids Steve at all costs in fear of bringing up that night. Steve goes out of his way to look for the reader, hoping to reconnect. He tries to be subtle about it, ordering coffee at the same shop at the same time she does, stopping by the same bookstore she meets her book club at during the week. Eventually Steve confronts the reader about them avoiding him, which leads them to reconcile and hook up again.
Bucky Barnes:
Disapproving parents- Though Bucky is a charm, your parents disapprove of your relationship, they think he’s far too old for you. Not to mention the kind of work he does makes them worry for your safety. You spend nights sneaking out or having him sneak in, you both can’t stay off of each other, even with the risk of getting caught. He spends his time trying to swoon you, not to mention your parents, but they simply side eye him. You think you have it under control until you don’t, it’s either him or your parents.
Loki Laufeyson:
Captor falls for captive- Throughout his time with the grandmaster, he was under strict supervision, one mistake after the next, he was forced to become one of the grandmasters bounty hunters. He was given the instruction to bring back a handful of women and men to serve in the grandmasters favor. After capturing a handful of prisoners, reader included, he takes a really great liking to the reader, instead deciding to keep her to himself. With riches and gold, he tries to buy her love, but maybe it’ll take more time for her to see the real him.
Cloud Strife:
Bodyguard- Reader meets Cloud in seventh heaven, not knowing the area, she opts to stay close to the bar. After some whispers among the bar, Cloud finds out about the readers lack of knowledge about the dangers of the area. Eventually Cloud decides to strike up a conversation with the reader, asking if he could help her get anywhere. At first the reader opts to get to somewhere safe to sleep, but as they get to know each other more, Cloud lets the reader follow him around. Though he has the second headache of keeping them safe, they take a liking to one another.
Sebastian Michaelis:
Runaway bride- Reader was in an unhappy relationship, or being cheated on, not knowing how to handle the situation in fear of her fiancée retaliating, the reader up and leaves the ongoing wedding before walking down the aisle. While running down the streets in her dress she bumps into Sebastian, who knows of her fiancée. Offering her to help her calm down, he offers her a place to stay until she gets herself together. She eventually becomes essential to the phantomhive household, still hiding behind Sebastian in hopes of never seeing her ex again.
Spencer Reid:
Professor x college student- Reader pursued Dr. Reid’s class in hopes of learning more about criminal psychology. After appearing in class every week without an absence, the reader tries to get close to the professor in an innocent manner, simply wanting to learn more and with hopes of making his job easier. The more time they spend with each other, the more they start to be attracted to each others features, way of thinking and understanding each other. Things escalate and they have to keep their relationship a secret in hopes of not being reprimanded.
Jason Todd:
Good girl/Bad guy trope- Though I wouldn’t classify Jason as a ‘bad guy’, seeing him with someone who loves him purely would be so cute. Reader met Jason at the park when walking alone, he decided to help her get home safely when he realized she was buzzed after drinking for the first time. After meeting in secret time and time again due to readers strict parents, they begin to fall for each other. “Touch her and you die” kind of vibe. Bonus points for Jason being the readers first everything or mostly everything.
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thatfreshi · 9 months
We're all just trying to cook out here, let us cook!
TW - run-in with abusive ex, bf and ex get into a fight
Recommended Song: I Didn't Change My Number - Billie Eilish
Evening walks, humidity in the air from the day's rain, hands intertwined. You can't ask for much more. While you and Astarion enjoy a good party-filled night, it's nice to simply observe the bustle of dusk, lovers just now finding each other in alleyways, ridiculous drunken fights. It's fun, making little comments about the surrounding chaos, Astarion mostly just making fun of people's outfits.
"I mean really, I have never seen such a gaudy scarf in my life, and I've lived for almost three hundred years!"
"Yes, I remember."
"I'm just saying, truly a bad scarf."
You cling to him, as you usually do. The streets of Baldur's Gate make you nervous, so many uncertainties, especially one man. You never told Astarion about your past lover, not wanting to burden him with all of that. After all, you have no idea if he still lives in the city, but it still makes your skin crawl, knowing he's out there.
"Are you alright my sweet?"
He noticed you had slowed your steps, zoning out.
"Of course."
You smile, hiding the thoughts quite well. Eventually, the two of you make it to a quieter part of town, and you both lean against a stone building, taking in the sights of the stars. As people silently pass by, a figure makes their way towards you from the street.
"Well, if it isn't Tav? How are you old friend?"
Goosebumps, chills all across your skin. Your ex, a half-drow, eyes a burning purple. You stay silent, and Astarion simply watches the situation play out.
"Who's this?"
His gaze moves to Astarion. You wrap yourself around your lover's arm, squeezing him tight.
"Tav, would you like to go?"
Practically ignoring the drow, he turns to you, trying to deal with your fingers digging into his skin. You nod.
"Now hold on, I just wanted to say hi! Tav and I, we have a past together, and it just so happens I haven't seen them in a long time."
A grin grows across his face, disgustingly intrigued by your current circumstances.
"Yeah... hi."
You don't make eye contact, simply agreeing. Not liking the way things are progressing, Astarion goes to grab for the dagger under his coat, keeping his hand on the handle.
"Oh, so your new lover thinks he's so scary, huh? I'm sure you've told him all about me, right?"
"Aster, let's just go, please."
Your voice is practically a whisper at this point.
"Hold on darling, it's okay. I've got you."
He steps between you and the drow.
"Unless you want to be splayed all over the cobblestones, I'd suggest you move along now."
The drow steps to him.
"Splayed? Are you sure about that pretty boy?"
You didn't remember just how tall he was, making Astarion look tiny.
You plead, scared that he's bit off more than he can chew.
"Aw, scared for the pretty elf are you? Seems things haven't changed, you're still just a fearful mouse, prey."
He's said too much now, and the vampire pulls his dagger, meeting the drow's knife. While he's distracted trying to hold off Astarion's blade, the second dagger comes out, piercing right through the drow's stomach. He got him good, knowing right where to stab that would make him bleed profusely, but not kill him, not if he was quick. Your ex cries out in pain, he wasn't expecting the second blade. Astarion pulls him in by the collar.
"I never want to see you in this city again, understand?"
Still wheezing in shock, the drow nods, clutching at his stomach. Astarion smiles, content with his work.
"Good. Now, I would get someone to patch that up soon, lest you bleed out in the dark somewhere."
With that, he scurries off into the darkness, and you realize a few people were staring at the spectacle.
"Apologies, nothing to see here!"
Astarion waves off the strangers, and turns back to you.
"Are you alright my dear?"
You're still in shock, not expecting to see him here, now. You nod, wrapping yourself around his arm again.
"It's okay my love, it's over."
You mumble, lying against his arm.
"I know, I just-"
"Shhh, hush now. Let's go home, alright?"
You nod, weeping from the fear that still hasn't dissipated. He wipes away your tears, and you try to smile at him.
"Thank you."
"Of course my sweet, anything for you, always."
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reareaotaku · 9 months
Yandere! Billy Loomis AKA Scream Headcanons
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Tw: Slight NSFW, Death, Murder
Before Becoming Scream
He makes you watch horror movies [Even if you don't like them]
He likes to haunt you and torture you, but never anything extreme, just playful
Grabs a handful of you when ever he gets the chance
Leans his head on your shoulder and kisses your cheek
He gets aggravated if you reject him
He charms you into a relationship and you don't even realize it
Calls you Mommy during sex, even though he's the dominant one. Chokes you a little, but gets so loving after where you forget about it until next time
He gets jealous pretty easily
And he doesn't take it well
Always has an arm around you, usually your shoulder or your waist
He likes to pull you close into him
Leaves hickeys all over your neck, dark and big
Wants to do you on any surface he can get you on
He's addicted to you; Like an addict with drugs, an alcoholic with beer, etc
After Becoming Scream
He becomes incredibly violent and goes after people try and hit on you
It gives him a rush and turns him on. He always wants to fuck you after
His one rule for Stu is he can't touch you. You're his
If you try leaving him, he'll threaten you
"You want to break up?"
The next thing you know you have a knife to your throat and he's threatening to cut you
"Say that again. Come on-"
"You wouldn't-"
"Oh, but I would. See, if I can't have you, why should anyone else?"
"You're sick!"
"And yet you had sex with me."
"I didn't know"
"Oh come on," He sticks the knife in deeper and bends his head down a little, to look at you from below, "You always know"
"You're a sick man, Billy. You need help"
"I won't need help if you just shut up and forget about this whole thing"
You're a little more angsty around him after his knife incident
Whenever anyone asks you about it, Billy will speak for you
"Oh, you know. She's freaked about the whole killer on the loose. Don't worry babe, you've got me"
You can never leave him so don't even try
"You're the killer?"
"And your one stupid, stupid bitch," Billy tilts his head, fiddling with the blood on his shirt, "But God do I love stupid bitches"
You can tell the cops, but you have no proof and Billy has alibis. They'll see you as a jealous ex
Makes you watch as he kills your father. All you can do is scream and beg for mercy
"Aren't you enjoying the show, Y/n?"
"Please Billy! Pleeasee," You beg, tears streaming down your face. You can barely move with the restraints and drugs in your system
Billy will look you in the eyes, before gutting your father like a fish
You can try and run, but you can never escape Billy. He will always find you. He can't have you leave him. No one will ever leave him again. Not another woman will abandon him...
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slutforsnow · 5 months
Lady With Lousy Luck
Part two of "A Pretty Girl Playin' With The Big Boy's" (<-link to pt 1)
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CW/TW// guns, Billy is his own warning (so is Jesse, but this aint abt him LMAO), shooting, talk about abusive/manipulative ex and old friend, scars, forced marriage (?), shooting, grooming
Summary: Violet hangs with Billy and Jesse as they go shooting and get to know each other
A/N: Oh. My. Satan. GUYS ILY FOR GIVING PART ONE A CHANCE TY😭😭🫶🏼🫶🏼 also I might proofread that cause I posted it at 2am LMFAO if you guys have any writing tips/notice any misspellings lmk (also this is after the scene where he helps Kathleen working before he goes shooting with Jesse)
"Vi, why did you bet so much?" Jesse inquired as they walked to the make-shift shooting area after leaving Billy to let him join and check up on his ma. She shrugged, not really knowin' why herself.
"Don't know, just felt like it." As she spoke, she was rubbing her arm red and raw from how hard that gambler had grabbed her. She scowled as they walked, biting the inside inside of her cheek. The gambler had looked too similar to her ex. Shaking her head, she shuddered, trying to rid the image of her ex's face from her mind. 'Outta sight, outta mind my ass.'
"What's Billy like?" She questioned back, avoiding the topic of why she shuddered or bet so much.
"How d'you mean? I've told you he's a pretty damn good gunslinger for his age." Jesse looked at his younger sister with a raised brow.
Violet looked at Jesse with a look that could pierce through anything."Not like that, dumbass, I mean, is he a good person or somethin'." She swore that Jesse was messin' with her with how he shrugged. She was goin' to slap this man. She didn't care how much older he was.
"He's pretty quiet, hardworking," Jesse began, stoppin' for a moment to relax. "Loves his ma, Kathleen, and little brother, Joseph, to death. He hates his step-father, and between you and me, I can't blame him for that—but other than that, he keeps to himself."
Violet nodded, leaning against a tree and looking up at the blue sky. She watched the clouds go by as the pair waited for Billy to arrive, and she remembered how defeated Billy looked back at the saloon.
She bit the inside of her cheek, thinking about it. She decided to be nice decided to give Billy her winnings from poker to him. She figured it would be a nice 'thanks for savin' my ass' sort of gesture.
When Billy arrived, Violet watched them shoot the targets from a spot on the grassy plains behind them.
She was mesmerized by his focus and draw. How the muscles in his hand flexed when he drew his pistol and fired. She had to admit, it was hot and so was he–but not just physically. Billy was respectful, a gentleman, funny, loyal, and powerful. She knew he'd be a good friend in the long run, so she planned to at least become his friend.
As Jesse and Billy conversed about guns and how to modify them, Violet started to rub her bruise again. It was a reminder. A painful reminder of the man she hated. The one who almost ruined her life and ended her life of innocence.
She laid down in the grass, laying like a starfish, and sighed. 'When I find you, Henry Antrim, I'll kill you.'
After a few minutes, Jesse came over kicking Violet in the side, which earned him a kick to the knee.
"I'm awake, what," She groaned out, sitting up. Jesse rolled his eyes before dropping his sister's hat on her face.
"Goin' piss, entertain Billy," He said, before deeper into the trees to relieve himself as the bathrooms were too far of a walk from their place.
"Hi again, ma'am," Billy greeted, tippin' his hat down to Violet and sitting down in the grass next to her.
She laughed softly and playfully pushed him in his side as she sat up.
"No need to call me ma'am, Billy, I'm perfectly okay with being called Violet."
"But wouldn't you find that disrespectful?" He questioned, taking his hat off.
"Nah. I ain't really fond of being called miss or ma'am. Not after my ex," Violet stated, grabbing her lucky make-shift knife and stabbing the dirt as she looked at Billy. He looked nervous to be talking to a woman around his age. Alone.
"Oh... we'll... what exactly did he do? If you don't mind me asking?"
"Well, the short story is... he popped my cherry before I was ready. He and an old friend of a mine also sort of... controlled and manipulated me to think it was fine despite being 16 he was, I think, maybe mid-to-late 40s. Said it was love, but...it wasn't," She explained, gripping her blade hard before throwing it at a tree down by the targets, and it stuck into the trunk.
Billy was taken aback by the sudden drop of what happened and why she hated her ex so badly. Finding no words to say, Billy hesitantly put a hand on her back and rubbed her back in a comforting manner. Violet had originally shuddered at the touch and had gone to shove him off, but instead... she relaxed. She half-leaned into his touch, finding comfort and warmth from the cold and distant man. Billy didn't speak, but Violet didn't want him to. Most people asked how she could be so stupid or yell at her for being dumb. But Billy offered comfort, and she found solace in it.
As a few minutes passed, Violet suddenly sat up remembering something. "Oh shit, I almost forgot!" Billy looked down at her puzzled as she fished out her winnings from poker. When she finally grabbed the large wad of cash, she pressed it firmly into his rough and calloused hands.
"Here," She said, smiling up at him as the wind blew her curls out of her face.
Billy stared, puzzled. She was giving him her winnings and didn't understand why.
"Why are you giving me your winnings...?" He asked, slowly closing his hand around the wad of cash and coins.
"Cause you saved my ass- besides, I planned to buy you a drink, but my brother gave me a look that said we needed to get out of there now. Figured money would be a better alternative after hearin' about the mining accident," She answered, playfully hitting him in the shoulder as he stared at her in awe.
Billy didn't really understand the whole concept of love at first sight, but he did know one thing; this woman was his soulmate.
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dilf-whore · 2 years
I love your writing,
after reading a Milf Reader x Billy i got a idea.
Maby a Teen mom Reader x Billy, where the reader is singel or her bf is a cheater and not good to her.
pairing: billy hargrove x f!reader
genre: fluff
A/N: i hope you like this and that i was able to write it how you imagine your request would be, please let me know what you think :> likes, reblogs, and comments are highly appreciated 🫶🏻
requested: yes
word count: 728
requests are OPEN
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The silence was killing Billy, you weren't yourself tonight, something’s bothering you, you seemed nervous. It would normally piss him off and leave just like that if it was with some other girl, but you were different - he sincerely likes you and he’s worried about you right now.
“Hey, are you alright?” he finally speaks up. 
You take in a deep breath, you were out of it. You’re planning to let him know something important and you’re scared of how he’s gonna react. 
“I-I gotta tell you something” you start. Now Billy’s getting nervous, does she not like me? did I do something wrong?
“I have a daughter, she’s 2 years old. My ex broke up with me when I told him” your mouth goes dry and you take a sip of your water, you can’t even look at Billy, you don’t wanna his face. “Look, I’m sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I’m just so scared that you wouldn't want to go out with me anymore because I really really like you but of course my daughter is really important to me and she’s my main priority. So if you’ve changed your mind it’s okay, I understand. I just want you to know that if we continue this, my daughter also needs to be part of it” you already shoot everything all at once, so he could know about everything that you feel.
Billy sighs in relief, “can I meet her later after our date?” he says with a small smile. Your eyes grow wide and face him, “what did you just say?”.
He chuckles softly, “I said, can I meet her later?” he repeats himself. “So you still wanna be with me?”.
“Of course I still wanna be with you. I really like you too and if being with you means having a kid involved then so be it, which is why it’s important that I have your daughter’s approval”
“Billy, she’s just 2″
“I know, it just means I need to work harder to make her like me” he jokes.
You and Billy arrive home, you knock and the babysitter opens for you with your baby carried on one arm. “Hi my dear Sophie, Mommy’s home!” you face lights up and so does Billy’s, he likes how your eyes sparkled when you see your daughter, makes him fall deeper in love with you.
You take Sophie and give the babysitter her payment before she leaves. Billy closes the door, “Sophie, why aren't you asleep huh? It’s 9:30″ he coos, kneeling to meet her chubby face and taps on her small hand. “She can’t sleep without me by her side”. Sophie giggled as soon as Billy talked to her, she then reaches out to him, wanting to be held by Billy. “You want me to carry you?” he takes her from you and starts playfully bouncing her, “since when are you good with kids?” you ask. “I don’t know, guess it just came naturally” he shrugs.
You excuse yourself to get some milk for Sophie. Billy sits on your couch and place her on his lap - facing him, “you look just like your beautiful mother” he whispers. She got your eyes, nose, pretty lips, everything about her just reminded him of you, he loves Sophie already. The idea of having a family with you keeps coming up in his mind ever since you told him about your daughter a few hours ago.
Billy leans towards her, “do you think I could be your dad?”. Sophie smiles, it’s like she understood what he just said, “I’ll take that as a yes”.
You come back with a warm bottle of milk for Sophie, “come on baby it’s time for bed” you say as you try to carry her but she whines, holding on to Billy and nuzzling her face on his cheeks. 
He felt his heart explode, he’s so warm and cozy inside, he feels cared for and appreciated just by a baby wanting to stay with him. “May I?”
You nod and give Sophie her bottle, he cradles her into his arms and he starts rocking her to sleep. He meets your eyes, you could tell he’s waiting for you to say if he’s doing it right.
You give him a thumbs up, “you already have her approval the moment she saw you”.
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ariesbilly · 2 years
season 2 except steve is still “king steve” and billy is the new kid but instead of chasing for steves title he just keeps to himself, doesnt talk to anybody, has a bunch of rumors going around about him that he did some fucked up shit back in cali and thats why his dad moved him out to indiana. some say he killed a guy, some say he blew up a government office, some say he ran with the cartel... billy never comments on any of it tho. lets people think what they want. he’ll be out of there in a few months time anyway
but steves interest is piqued and one day in front of the whole cafeteria he goes to sit down with the new kid, billy all alone at his table reading some book until steve starts chatting him up, has this cocky air about him
and like billys smitten immediately but hes also already learned his lesson about fooling around with pretty boys like steve harrington so hes got his guard up, wont give steve the time of day. gets his shit and leaves
but of course steve is used to getting what he wants and he wants billy. even moreso after such blatant rejection
anyway cut to steve constantly ambushing billy when they see each other around town etc etc steves charms eventually wear billy down. they start hooking up in secret. keep it as strictly sex and nothing else. until of course they start actually enjoying their time together with their clothes on and theyre seen hanging out at school and everyone wonders how steve managed to get in with the new kid also everyones panicking cuz they think billys crazy and is gonna kill steve which steve admits its kind of amusing this concept of him being in this supposed danger being in billys presence when in reality billys the one on his knees for steve every night but no one needs to know that little detail besides them so
yada yada billy and steve growing closer and opening up to each other and steves the only person who knows the real reason billys in indiana now (shitty divorce between his parents coupled with neil finding billy with his ex boyfriend one night)
and steve gets the softer side of billy no ones allowed to see and billy gets the caring compassionate version of steve no one else thinks exists... and theyre both still total bitches to everyone else around them :’) wholesome
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im-not-buying-it-ether · 10 months
How to Marvelously piss off a Bat: A Guide by Billy Batson, Pt 1
Bruce: Hint at anything and everything prophetic, alternate futures or timelines where something goes horribly wrong. The sheer amount of stress will piss him off, weather its true or not.
Billy: Well, this could be worse…
Batman: Superman is flinging himself into buildings high on fear gas, how does this get any worse chum?
Billy: Well hes not murdering his wife or lasering my eyes out right now so we’re definitely in the better timeline
Bruce: he’s not What now
Dick: Midair super-speed pokes. The slightest jab at the side, ankle, or even knuckle mid leap or drive freaks him out and leaves him fumbling a lot.
Nightwing, happily summersaulting off buildings preparing to grapple to another mid flip: It’s a bird, its a plane, its the Lord Gray-
Captain Marvel, gaining righteous revenge for his bowl of marshmallow only lucky charms: (Pokes the back of his right knee) bop
Nightwing, now clutching his right knee 57 stories up: so-IIIIIEEEEEE
Jason: Stick a plunger on that crome dome of a helmet, bonus anger points if its during a meeting or in front of people he’s trying to intimidate
The Red Hood, scourge of Gothams criminal underworld, in a meeting with his lieutenants: Next thing on our agenda-
The Red Hood, now with 3 plungers stuck to his helmet: We- what the hell
The Hoodlum from the warehouse rafters: THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR SELLING ME OUT TO BATMAN JERK FACE!!!
Hood, taking a plunger off and pointing it at Hoodlum: I KNOW 17 WAYS TO KILL YOU WITH THIS THING YOU LITTLE SHIT, SO YOU’VE GOT 17 SECONDS TO RUN!!
Tim: Mutter something sounding like a vague hex within his proximity, he’ll think you cursed him if he knows you’re petty enough. Basically a magical non-magical psych out
Tim, very tired: I am not helping you beat Damians score on Cheese Viking Billy, that goblin will know you cheated and then its my head on the same stick as yours.
Billy, muttering under his breath while walking away: oi karpoí tou kópou sou na xekinísoun sto stóma sou (may the fruits of your labor sour in your mouth)
Tim, understanding the Greek and that billy has ties to Greek gods and magic: *panik*
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theshippirate22 · 11 months
independence day au where dustin graduated from MIT and knows a lot about a lot but works as a cable repair man for a radio station and spends a lot of time with his mom. one day he shows up to work and everyone’s freaking out because the line is totally messed up, something is hogging all the radio space
cut to dustin’s ex-wife, El (henderhop agenda, yes) she’s President Robin Buckley’s right hand man woman and they’re trying to figure out what to do about this phenomenon (and try to convince Robin’s wife, Chrissy, to get on a plane and get out of LA). It’s quickly established that whatever is in those things surrounding earth are very much aliens.
Dustin calls El up and tells her something is very wrong, that the signal is actually a countdown. Claudia comes with him because he doesn’t want to let her out of his sight, and he and Robin get to work on finding a solution from Air Force One
meanwhile, there’s a pilot called Billy Hargrove- infamous alcoholic- who’s supposed to be in charge of his sister Max, and they take their RV out towards the base where the presidential troupe is (Area 51, actually) to offer his piloting skills.
now, in Indiana, one Steve Harrington, a marine on holiday leave who lives with his boyfriend and his son (Steve’s about ready to make him his son and make Eddie his husband) gets called up by his friend Nancy, who says they should meet at the base for whatever this is because they’ll probably be needed. Steve tells Eddie to meet him at the base because it’ll all be over soon and they can still do the fourth of july stuff they were planning
then independence day stuff follows, where dustin and el get back together, steve and eddie get married, nancy gets killed (whoops sorry), dustin and steve have to infiltrate the mothership, billy sacrifices himself (muahaha get got) and everything goes on.
(except the first lady doesn’t die because i hate that part and i cry every single time without fail because bill pullman is such a good actor)
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
Scream Wardrobe Hcs PT 4- Sidney Prescott
This is mostly based on her aesthetic in scream 1, it changes quite a lot after that (this is how I'm picturing her in debaser at least).
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Mom Jeans
I'm not roasting her here, mid/high rise boot cut jeans were popular at the time and she looks hot in them
I'm thinking she goes for the levis 550 or 560
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2. Overalls
I know for a fact that she has at least 2 pairs of these, she's a lesbian come on. Bonus, later in life she'll wear them with a bandana.
Also fml imagine how cute she would be in the oversize dickies ones (to the left) I can't
also idk why but these seem like final girl threads
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3. A collection of cozy swearters from places like GAP, FILA and Tommy Hilfiger
Sid and Billy both have a GAP sweater that they pull down over their hands because thats what you do when you're closeted apparently
She mostly goes for lighter blues, purples and pinks
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4. 90's girl brands like dELiA's (yes thats how the brand capitalized their name??) and Limited Too
She definitely used to go through the dELiA's catalogue with her mom to pick out back to school clothes every year (ok I made myself sad)
She wears a lot of high neck t-shirts and tank tops, plus some of those matching shirt+cardigan combos they used to sell
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5. Corduroy and Denim Jackets
She hasn't upgraded to her final girl leather yet but omg look how cute the corduroy is
She always has chaptick and a little pack of tissues in the pockets and she will offer you some tissues if she sees you crying/sniffling
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6. Hand me-downs from Tatum
Tatum likes to dress her up for parties and then decides she likes her clothing better on Sid so she just gives it to her
Every time this happens Sid is equally as embarrassed and flattered and constantly ends up doing that little look down/hair tuck thing she does
Sid would never have picked these out for herself but they do make her feel cool
Also these are both from dELiA's
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7. Classic White Adidas & Leather boots
Pretty sure the boots are the Steve Maddens she wears in the movie and tbh I'm obsessed, she's ready to kick shit already, she's a beautiful butterfly waiting to emerge from her cocoon and kill her ex.
I like to imagine that she wasn't sure about buying them but Tatum hyped her up and they're her confidence boots now
But also my girl loves a white trainer, I think she's been wearing these forever and just always buys a new pair when they wear out. They're comfy but also cute and she's a practical girl.
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8. Inexplicable grandma nightwear
sorry Sid, Billy was a gay bitch and he shouldn't have negged you like that but also WHAT IS THIS
Tatum thinks it's cute though
Why did I choose to pick out their underwear, I did it once so now I feel like I have to:
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Sid is wearing fruit of the Loom briefs with her crisp white ankle socks and her grandma nightie and she will fucking kill you if you mess with her
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kayhi808 · 1 year
More Than Our Scars - Part 13
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In the days that follow, the news media is flooded by updates of the murder of local business man, James Wesley. James took care of the day-to-day running of Fisk's empire, legal & illegal. You don't know what bothers you more, that fact that Bill murdered someone or that fact that you're aren't as upset as you think you should be about Bill killing James.
James was a horrible sadistic son of a bitch. You suffered at his hands more times than you can count. The world is a better place without the likes of him in it. Your main concern is what's going to happen when Kingpin finds out Billy is responsible for the raid on his warehouse & James' death. To make things worse, the media is reporting that James' tortured & brutalized body was left in Kingpin territory. You're glued to the TV watching any updates they have on the case.
"Sweetheart, turn that shit off." Billy picks up the remote & clicks off the TV. Bill is dressed in a suit, getting ready to go out. "Watching that just upsets you."
"Where are you going? Shouldn't you stay in? It's too dangerous for you to be out."
Kisses your forehead, "I need to pick up something at Homeland. I don't want to leave it up to the couriers. Besides Fisk doesn't know it was me."
"But he's got everyone looking. I guarantee it! I don't think you realize the magnitude of what you did?? You practically dumped the fucking corpse in his backyard!"
Billy's eyes take on a hard glint & his voice gets so steely, you flinch, "I know EXACTLY what I did." You glare at each other. You're the first one to break the staring contest as you get up to go to the bedroom. Bill grabs your arm as you pass him by, "Babe, wait." You stop and wrap your arms around his waist. "I know you're worried."
"No, I'm terrified!"
"I told you I won't let him touch you."
Exasperated, "I'm worried about YOU, William, not ME!"
"Look, you know what? Get dressed, we'll pack a bag & get out of the city for a couple days. Return when things die down a bit."
You pull back to look up at him, "Really? You'd do that?"
Growling, "Would it make you happy?"  You smile up at him & nod. "Shit, hurry up before I change my mind," swatting you on the butt, as you hurry to the bedroom.
You quickly throw clothes for the both of you into a duffle bag. You don't know where you're going but as long as it puts distance between Wilson & Billy, you don't care. Bill joins you in the bedroom with his laptop case that he stuffs in the duffle you have sitting out, "You set? Did you pack warm?" You nod. "Let's go," taking the bag and grabbing your hand.
"Are you very mad at me?" He sighs & kisses your forehead. "I'm not mad at you. But I don't like that you're this upset."
"Of course I'm upset! I love you! I can't have anything bad happen to you." He shakes his head & squeezes your hand & leads you out. "Where are we going?"
"Out to Beacon." You look at him curiously. "I don't know why but that place is the first thing that popped into my head."
"Is it a memory? You've been there before?"
"I don't know. We'll find out, huh?"
Bill left you in the car while he goes inside to pick up the file from Agent Madani. You're in no mood to see Bill & his ex lover together. It only makes you feel a smidge better that he has no memory of her. Besides, you're enjoying staying in the car. Bill wasn't driving his usual SUV, he brought out his Rolls-Royce Wraith. Beacon is about an hour & a half outside Manhattan, he said since its a road trip we might as well be comfortable. You think it's an excuse to show off. Big boys & their toys. Whatever, the car is pure luxury! You're going to enjoy it while you can.
As you wait for Bill to return, you see Krista Dumont leave the Homeland Security building with a man from your past. You start feeling nauseous & breaking out in a sweat. The man she was with was someone Fisk sent you to. You try to remember what Fisk needed out of him but it was a while ago. You can't remember. And here he is with Dumont. What the fuck?! You fumble with your phone trying to get a picture of them. What was his name? Shit! What was his name?
You were so engrossed in trying to remember his name you didn't notice Bill until the car door opens & you let out a squeak that makes Bill laugh until he sees your face. "What's wrong? What happened?"
"We need to get out of here. NOW. It's not safe for you. Please, Bill." You click on your seatbelt. "Go. Now,"
Bill does what you ask & pulls out into traffic. "Ok, we're gone. Want to tell me what's going on?"
"Dr. Dumont was back there. She was leaving with a m...man that I...that was an aquaintance of Fisk's."
His head whips to you & you stare back, "What's his name?"
Shaking your head, "I...I don't  remember. Hawk? Fox? It was like an animal name? I don't know."
Billy rests his hand on your thigh, "Did they see you?"
"No, the windows were up. Your tint...they didn't see me. But I tried to get their picture. See?"  You give him your phone.
"Ah FUCK!" Billy quickly cuts across lanes of traffic to pull off to the side.
"Billy!?" Bracing  yourself again the dashboard.
He stops the car & starts scrolling through your pictures. He zooms in on the man. "This guy! You're positive you know him? No doubt in your mind." Embarrassed & near tears, you nod. "Wolf."
"Wolf. Yes. That's his name," nodding in recognition.
"Carson Wolf. Special Agent in Charge of Homeland Security. Madani's boss." Bill spits it out like a curse.
Your jaw drops in shock. "Would she do that to you? You two...were you guys a...thing? He must be the one that told Fisk about the raid?"
"Son of a bitch!" Hitting the steering wheel.
"How does Dumont fit into all this? Why was she there? With him."
Bill starts the car & pulls back into traffic. He has a death grip on the steering wheel. He continues to drive out of the city. You thought he'd return to Anvil, but you aren't going to question him. He looks furious enough to kill. You don't want to make the situation worse with your questions.
It's a long silent drive to Beacon.
@idaofinfinity @e-dubbc11 @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend
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zepskies · 2 years
And So It Goes - Part 12
Summary: As Madelyn Stillwell’s personal assistant, Helena Flores finds herself caught between protecting her job — and more importantly her life — or helping Billy Butcher bring down the supe who killed her best friend, Becca. 
Pairing: Butcher/OFC (Latina!OC)
ASIG Series Masterlist
Word Count: 4,500 Warnings: 18+ only. Smut (finally!), language, angst
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12: Break It on Down
In the morning, Helena was shocked to find Butcher in her kitchen, making coffee in his pajamas.
And not just the cheap instant coffee she kept in the cupboard, but the expensive, European grounds she liked to brew in the French press. The smell was heavenly.
But him actually doing something for her was not as surprising as the fact that he was still here, in her home. After she broke down on him last night, she had expected him to be long gone by now. Allergic to emotions, as he was.
“You’re still here?” she said, unable to quell her incredulous tone. He looked up at her with a raised brow, then a smirk.
“What, am I trespassing?” he replied, with his usual snark.
“Do you even know what you’re doing there, Chef Ramsay?” She nodded at the French press. He was stirring newly poured hot water in with the grounds in the carafe. He seemed to be doing it correctly, which was yet another surprise.
“Ya know, I’m not some cave-dwelling creature,” he said defensively. “Just ‘cause I don’t buy into this fancy bullshit doesn’t mean I can’t work it out.”
He then put on the lid and left it to brew. “Instead of belittlin’ me, maybe you could get some eggs going.”
He then pulled out a package of bacon from the fridge, presumably to start frying up a few slices.
“And you might think about restocking sometime soon, before all you’ve got left are mustard packets and a two-year-old packet’a fish sticks,” he added. “How the hell did that survive the move?” 
A smile threatened to curve her lips. Helena closed her robe more securely, as she was still just wearing her nightgown underneath. He’d already seen it last night and hadn’t made any flirtatious overtures, despite some looks she’d caught him making when they were baking cookies. He was only a man, after all. But she didn’t think he truly saw her that way.
Not anymore, at least.
Sure, he made his sly remarks every now and then, but that was just Butcher’s default. Any chance they might’ve had of breaking that boundary died the moment they discovered Becca was alive. The fact that she was gone now didn’t change anything, in Helena’s mind.
Whatever was left of Butcher’s heart only had room for Becca. And out of respect for her, Helena wouldn’t cross that line. Not even for one night of easy, no-strings fucking.
Because even that, she knew, wouldn’t be just once. And it probably wouldn’t be easy—not in the long run. When she couldn’t trust her own heart to not get…attached.   
So, what are you doing exactly? she thought, as she moved around Butcher to grab the eggs from the fridge. Are you running a bed & breakfast for ex-cons, or are you just playing house with your best friend’s husband?
No, she reminded herself. It was for Becca that she was doing this. She wouldn’t have wanted Butcher to twist in the wind forever, with no safe place to come home to…but could Helena really be that for him? Could she handle it—and the many perils that came with a man like him?
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She changed into a comfortable yellow sundress, and they eventually sat down to breakfast at her small dining table, fit for two. Even with this large house, she hadn’t seen the need for a bigger table. It wasn’t like she often had company out here in the sticks.
But first, Butcher poured her a cup of coffee. His long fingers brushed hers when he passed her the mug. Her eyes flicked up to his, and she murmured her thanks. His mouth quirked upwards, then he took the seat across from her. She found herself smiling before she realized it.
“So,” she began. She cleared her throat a little and took a sip of coffee. It was fucking perfection. “Are you finally going to tell me what you’ve been up to?”
He was already digging into his eggs and bacon like the carnivore he was. She followed suit at a more human pace.
“What?” he said, unfortunately with his mouth full. She inhaled, and chanced on touching something sensitive.
“Ryan, for example. Have you looked in on him at all?”
Since it happened, was implicit. Butcher’s gaze finally met hers. It took him a while to reply, but eventually, she sensed he gave the truth.
“Every now and again, for whatever it’s worth,” he replied.
“I’m sure it’s worth a lot to him,” she said. “Becca didn’t just want him to be safe. She wanted him to be taken care of.”
“Mallory’s got that worked out.”
“I’m sure she’s keeping an eye on him too. But who’s taking care of him?”   
“What’s it to you, anyway?” Butcher said. There was a bit more bite in his tone, and Helena could see him tensing up the further the conversation went. She wasn’t going to pretend she completely understood Butcher yet, but she was learning.
“I saw you with him, Billy. Much as you’re trying to deny it, you care,” she said. “Ryan may not be your son, but you’re all he has now.”
After a moment, Butcher gave a short, humorless chuckle before he brought his coffee mug to his lips. “Ain’t that a scary thought.”
Helena saw the self-deprecation in his eyes, and was sad. Billy Butcher was by no means a perfect man. Most times, he wasn’t even a good one. But he did have a heart, no matter how much he tried to bury it. Despite his calloused edges, there was a good man in him. She had seen it.
Maybe that was why, as hard as she tried, as much as M.M. and Mallory and Becca’s death warned her otherwise…she couldn’t say no to him.
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Butcher was starting to feel that familiar itch: the reminder that he should be moving on. He had dropped in here more than too many times, because it was convenient. Because it was a safe place with free food and a comfortable bed. But clearly, if he could be roped into baking cookies at 2 a.m., it was too fucking comfortable.
Still, when Helena acknowledged that he was eating her out of house and home, and she needed to go out and replenish her kitchen, he found himself agreeing to go with her to the local grocery store.
“Really, you don’t need to take off anywhere?” she asked. She was trying not to show it, but she looked hopeful. He wasn’t expecting that, and wasn’t sure if he felt pleased, or just uncomfortable.
“Nah, I can stay…as long as you’re cooking,” he replied.
Helena rolled her eyes and grabbed her purse and keys from where she left them on the kitchen counter.
“Right. I have a feeling if it hadn’t been for M.M. or Frenchie in your little boy band, you’d have withered up and died of starvation before any supe managed to stomp you out,” she quipped.
“That’s what Shake Shack is for,” he countered. He then followed her out the front door, with his own wallet and keys in his pocket.
Really, he should be checking in on Ryan. She had unknowingly reminded him about it at breakfast. Mallory certainly had the night before, in a text designed to be equal parts guilt-tripping and blackmailing. Butcher should just ignore the old bat on principle.
But then again, he was 99% certain Mallory was the reason he’d been able to move off the radar for the past eight months. Homelander-free. So essentially, she was likely the reason Butcher was still breathing.
Tonight, he decided. He would set out tonight to go see Ryan, like he promised Becca he would. And then he wouldn’t come back to upstate New York for a good long time.
That decision solidified in his mind as he followed Helena around the grocery store. She seemed comfortable in her new house, and in this slow, small town, where she already knew her neighbors and almost every shopper in the store knew her. They greeted her with inane, civilized chitchat.
She didn’t seem to mind it, and had smiles and polite conversations with all of them. First there was a married pair and their two kids tearing around the display of canned corn and green beans. Then there was the old man and his emotional-support ferret (Butcher wasn’t one to judge, but as a New Yorker, he had a disdain for long rats).
Meanwhile, Butcher was the scruffy, somewhat dangerous-looking shadow behind her. And their surreptitious side-eying confirmed what he already knew: he was out of place here, and in her life, and it was time for him to go. Maybe for good this time.   
“I was thinking of making fajitas. What do you think?” she asked. He sensed her looking at him, and it shook him out of his thoughts.
“I’m not choosy,” he said. “Just don’t go overboard on the poblano peppers. Last time I couldn’t get off the shitter for six hours.”
Helena choked on a laugh, but shushed him with a reprimand in her eyes for speaking so loudly. She dragged him into the produce aisle to hide him from the now frowning couple and their giggling kids.
He graciously bent down to say, maybe a little too closely, “I’m serious about them fucking peppers.”
She narrowed her eyes at him over her shoulder and smirked.
“Lightweight,” she said, and pointedly nudged him in the arm. “Now behave.”
Helena then spent the next few minutes ignoring him. She inspected various fruit and veg with a scrutiny that reminded him of Mother’s Milk. While she was preoccupied with the merits of organic versus non-organic avocados (they looked exactly the same to him), he snuck over to the bakery.
Really, who decided to put the veg next to the cakes and cookies and shit?
“You know, avocados are technically a fat, but they’re really good for you,” Helena said. She tossed a few into one of those plastic, yet paper-thin, can’t-hold-more-than-a-Brussel-sprout produce bags.
“So I’ve heard,” Butcher said, only half-listening. When he first met up with Helena after all those years, she was a chili-cheeseburger eating, Chinese takeout-every-week kinda girl. Now she was apparently scouring health-nut blogs and doing yoga lessons off of YouTube.
Well, the yoga he didn’t mind. Her ass did look great in spandex.  
While she was still contemplating fruit, he came in behind her and dropped a strawberry cheesecake into the cart. He hid it under a broccoli stalk and a bunch of bananas.
“Yeah, they’re made of monosaturated fats, so it’s the good fat. Not me-in-middle-school-fat, before my mom made me join the swim team,” she said. “Like she wasn’t the one who raised me almost exclusively on Cuban pastries and fried chicken.”
“Parents,” Butcher scoffed in sympathy, even as he added a container of cherry Danishes to the cart. “The fucking nerve.”
“Right?” She finally decided on the normal avocados, crossing the item off her shopping list. She even starred it on the notepad, reminding herself that she was only buying three of them instead of four. Yet another thorough, bordering on anal trait he would typically associate with M.M.
But even that simple thing, Butcher was sure, was part of what made Helena successful at Vought. She was meticulous, catching details and patterns that others missed. And like Butcher, she could be relentless about it. Which might’ve been why she found out Becca was alive before he did.
And according to Mallory, she had given them a thorough intel report that they were still sorting through, eight months later. That included access codes and memos Helena recorded herself, from memory.
In Butcher’s experience, the CIA recruited on that kind of talent. He wondered, in fact, if Mallory had offered her the same “in” with Supe Affairs as she has offered him.
“Hey, you okay?” Helena asked. Butcher inwardly shook himself from his thoughts again and met her gaze.
“I don’t know. You’ve been broody all day,” she said. Her brows crunched with concern, and maybe a little bit of suspicion.
“Do what you want with dinner,” he said. “Looks like I’m gonna have to take off when we get back to the house.”
Her suspicion grew with her crossed arms and pursed lips. “Why, what happened?”
“It’s better you don’t know,” he said…which wasn’t exactly a lie. But she clearly sensed it wasn’t the whole truth. Her expression dimmed, and she turned away from him to push the cart. It felt very much like a cold front was settling in.
Butcher almost sighed in annoyance. He followed her into the checkout line, where she started loading everything onto the conveyor belt.
He tried to hand her the eggs, but she only looked up briefly at him before she said, “I’ve got this. You can wait in the car if you want.”
Before he could answer that he wasn’t going to wait in the car like a little boy, the cashier brightened when he saw Helena.
“Welcome back,” he said with a friendly smile. Though he was too busy staring at her ass, bent over as she was to reach into the depths of the cart for the bananas. Her dress was just long enough to hint at said shapely ass and tanned thighs. But his gaze quickly moved back up to her face when she turned around.
Butcher’s lips thinned.
“Andy,” Helena said flatly. She finally found the cheesecake and Danishes under the bananas and sent Butcher a raised brow. He offered his most charming smirk. It earned him a roll of her eyes, but she still put it on the counter with the rest of the groceries.
“Hmm, I see you changed those nails for me,” Andy said. He raised flirtatious brows at her respectable French tips.
Helena couldn’t muster more than an irritated sigh as she waited for him to bag her groceries. Meanwhile, Butcher hung back to watch the little scene play out. Frankly, he was surprised she hadn’t verbally ripped the guy’s dick off like he knew she could. Like any true New Yorker would.
It was disappointing to know she was going soft out here in the suburbs.     
He gave Andy a short glance. It didn’t take much to get the seize of him. He was young, maybe late-twenties, fresh-faced, with blonde hair that screamed of early-2000s frosted tips.
Three strikes, Butcher thought with an inward smirk. He watched the cashier try to flirt with all the game of an ex-football player who peaked in high school. Helena was quickly losing patience, tapping her credit card on the counter and wearing a mix of boredom and irritation.    
“Look, much as I love this song and dance we do every time I come in here,” she said at last, “I’ve actually got other things on my to-do list today, so…”
“But you keep coming back here, to my register, so I just thought—”
“You’re the only register open,” Helena snapped. “And considering this is the closest grocery store to my house for another twenty minutes—”
“Ah, live nearby, huh?” he said, jumping on the line she unintentionally threw him. “What neighborhood? I’m over by Westchester.”
Butcher almost burst out laughing. The warning signs of the impending eruption of Mt. Helena couldn’t be more entertaining. But his patience was also wearing thin. He finally stepped in behind Helena and presented her with a container of peaches he grabbed from the closest display table.
“Ya wanna try these peaches, love? They’re on sale.” 
She glanced up at him, a little curious at his downright cheerful tone. But she shrugged. “That’s fine.”
Butcher gave Andy a cheeky wink.
“I love me a good peach, don’t you?” he said. His free hand slipped down to the small of Helena’s back. For her, it was barely a brush of his fingers. It still made her spine stiffen and a heated blush flood to her face. She gave him a suspicious look over her shoulder.
But to Andy, it looked like he’d literally made a claim on her ass.
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“That wasn’t necessary,” Helena snapped, once they’d left the store with their groceries in tow. She was still blushing though.
Butcher smirked. “Shut him up, didn’t it?”
They loaded her groceries into the car while he watched her silently fume. Until she slammed the trunk shut and glared up at him.
“I don’t need you to save me,” she said. And a little more pointedly, “I don’t need anything from you.” 
Butcher’s smirk faded. She got into the car without waiting for him to snark back.
On the ride back to her house, he was pensive. He was usually too drunk or too in the mix of a mission to be pensive. But he’d quit drinking four months ago, so there was no other choice.
When Butcher made decisions, he was efficient. They were quick. They were final.
He’d decided this morning he was going to leave, and so he was going to. But first, he helped Helena get the groceries in the house. He helped put them away, as he now knew that the milk went on the fridge door but the vegetables went on the second shelf so she wouldn’t forget about them in the bottom drawer.
He knew that she now liked setting out honey rather than sugar for her coffee. She had a special jar for rice, like a “true Cuban” (her words, not his), and so never left it in the bag.
Somehow over the past few months of being in and out of this house, his subconscious had filed these things away and now he couldn’t forget them. Like the way he used to leave the tortilla chips on the middle pantry shelf so Becca could reach them. And how he used to put the Doritos on the top shelf because she couldn’t.
“I suppose I have time for a quick bite before I leave,” he said, breaking himself out of his thoughts.
Helena shrugged. It seemed she no longer cared what he did. She might well want to see the back of him…but he had a feeling he knew her better than that.
When he took a poblano pepper from her hand and broke out the chopping board from its cupboard, she stared at him with an annoyed frown.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“What?” he mocked. “I could sit on my ass and catch up on The Voice if you prefer.”
She scoffed. “Yeah, wouldn’t that be a change of pace.”
But she allowed him to help. It strangely reminded her of the first and only time they had cooked together in her old apartment. They worked pretty much in silence, and it gave Helena time to think. Really to wonder, what the fuck is he doing?
She set a timer on the stovetop to let the fajita meat and veggies smoke in the cast iron pan for a while, then she set to making some rice. It was familiar. It was methodic. It let her brain go on autopilot while she measured and washed and drained and watered again. And she would have finally set the rice on the stove to cook.
She just didn’t expect Butcher to be right behind her when she turned around. It knocked the pot filled with rice and water a little and splashed some on the floor.
She uttered a small gasp and jumped, but Butcher’s hands on her hip and elbow stopped her from slipping on the wet floor.
“Sorry,” he said with a smirk. He reached around her to drop the used cutting board in the sink, but his other hand never left her hip. It slid up to her waist, subtly bringing her close enough for their bodies to align—the way they shouldn’t be, she reminded herself.
Or maybe…the way they were meant to. Maybe she wasn’t crazy to think there was still something here. Maybe he didn’t look at her like a sister after all. 
Helena couldn’t help the thought when her eyes met his, always so intense and focused wholly on her. She really couldn’t fucking take it anymore.
Her heart was beating fast. And faster still, when his gaze dropped to her lips after she nervously wet them, then tugged her lower lip into her mouth.
The stovetop alarm beeped loudly.  
It startled both of them, but Helena used it to breathe and slip by Butcher. She stopped the alarm and set the rice on the stove, not knowing that he was standing there behind her back, frowning.
Disappointed, with a heavy dose of self-loathing. One moment he was determined to leave, the next he was contemplating fucking Helena in her own kitchen.
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They ate in silence. There was a movie playing on the TV, but neither of them were really watching. It was some mind-numbing action movie blessedly free of supes, a rare find that was.
When it was finally over, she shut it off while he started taking dishes to the sink. He cut on the water, but a moment later, she turned it off.
“Stop,” she demanded. “Stop it right now.”
Butcher crossed his arms defensively. “What’s your fucking problem?”
“What are you doing, Billy?” she asked. “You say you’re going to leave, like you’re trying to run from me or something. The next you’re…pretending to be my boyfriend and acting like you’re going to devour me on the kitchen counter. What the fuck is this?”
She gestured wildly between the two of them. Butcher leaned in, until his face was inches away from hers. He similarly waved a finger between them.
“You put a stop to this a long time ago,” he said, with that deep, rough voice of his that made her absolutely insane. She expelled a sigh of frustration.
It would be so easy to fall into this, into him.
But M.M. was right. Butcher carried baggage he would never let go of, and ultimately, it would get him killed. It could get her killed.
As reckless as she had been by letting Butcher stay here, she didn’t want to die. Even now, if she closed her eyes, she could feel Homelander’s hands around her throat. She could hear his whispers from her nightmares. I know what you did for them. I know everything.
“I stopped this,” she said at last, “because I’m not Becca. I can’t be her replacement.”
As if I ever could be, she thought.
Butcher’s brows pinched with a glare. “I fuckin’ know you’re not.”
“Don’t lie to me!” she snapped.
“That’s fuckin’ rich, innit? When you’re the one who lied!”
She took a step back from him, incredulous. “When the hell did I lie?”
“The day Black Noir came for us at your apartment,” Butcher said. “You didn’t tell me you had a run in with that goddamn golden cunt.”
Her shock silenced them both, her heart falling into the pit of her stomach. She swallowed past the lump of anxiety in her throat.
“Who?” she asked. A feeble attempt to deflect.
Butcher’s eyes narrowed.
“You’re lying right now, to my face. You know who the fuck I’m talkin’ about,” he shouted. “Homelander choked the shit out of you. He nearly killed you in the middle of a fuckin’ hallway.”
Her gaze fell, and her hand raised unconsciously to her neck, where the bruises had long since faded. She sighed, more shakily this time.
“How do you know about that?”
“Mallory showed me the bloody footage,” he said. “I heard what he said, saw what he did. You could’ve quit your job, right then and there, and old Stan wouldn’t a’ been the wiser.” 
She didn’t have an answer for him. She tried turning away, maybe to hide in her room until he left her alone, but Butcher wasn’t having it. He held fast to her hand and prodded her to turn back around.
“It’s not like you owed me anything,” he said. “Why didn’t you skip town?”
 Interesting, she scoffed. That wasn’t what he said when he “recruited” her, all but blaming her for Becca’s disappearance.
“You know exactly why. It wasn’t about you, it was about me,” she said. “I wanted to find Becca. I can never…fix what I did. Or what I didn’t do, I don’t know…I needed to redeem myself.”
She was sure that was something he could understand. And he seemed to, if the fire quelling in his eyes was anything to go by.
“You know, I thought saying goodbye to you both that day was going to be it,” she said. “I never thought she would be gone while I’m still here.”
She leaned a hand against the kitchen counter, fighting for the things she wanted to say. Maybe Butcher sensed that, and was giving her a moment to figure it out.
Eventually, she grabbed onto his shirt, near his collar. As much as she wanted to fight the pull of him…it had been a losing battle from the start. His hands found her waist, her hips, molding to the curve and shape of her.
“It’s been eight months. Almost a year since then,” she said. “This thing…about you, for you. It’s driving me fucking crazy.”
When he kissed her, it was a sweet relief. It was dominating heat and need. Her hands found purchase on his shoulders while his continued to burn her skin over her clothes, kneading her hips, her ass. He pressed her into the counter and she could already feel the length of him against her thigh. Meanwhile, his tongue found hers and she had no qualms with being devoured. Her entire body was on fire.
She wrapped her arm around his neck for better leverage, but he had his own ideas. His grip on her hips became firm enough to heft her up onto the kitchen counter. Maybe it was cliché, but it made perfect sense to Helena. She wrapped her legs around his hips, forcing him to rock into her clothed center. She shivered, and he smirked into her kiss. His hands slid up the soft skin of her thighs, bunching up the skirt of her pretty yellow sundress.
He briefly squeezed her thighs and let his thumbs draw between them, towards the heat pooling between her legs. He brushed against the dampness in her underwear.
“Don’t take much, huh?” he teased.
She reached down and felt his hard erection straining against her hand. He groaned in response to her touch.
“I could say the same,” she retorted with a cheeky smile.  
Butcher's lips quirked, then they met hers, tasting her long and slow. To her, he felt solid and confident, and she actually felt safe in his hands.
He began kissing his way down her neck. It just mildly distracted her from what he was doing further down, grabbing the delicate material of her underwear and ripping them down on one side, then the other. Her eyes widened in shock at feeling the lacy material slide out between her legs. She blushed the sensation making her skin tingle deliciously.
She should be mad that he’d just ruined a $30 pair of panties. But the strength she felt in his arms as he did it only quickened her heartbeat and enhanced the flood between her legs.
She sucked in a breath when he finally began teasing her slit with one finger, then sliding between her slippery folds. The muscles in her lower belly tightened in anticipation. They were really doing this.
“Yep,” he said.
Helena snapped her head up at his smirking face and realized she’d actually said that thought out loud.  
Butcher smirked, and then two of his fingers sunk into her wet heat. She uttered a short whimper of pleasure as he began to work her with an expert hand. Her breaths deepened in his ear and she all but grinded down rhythmically into his touch, especially when his thumb found the swollen bud of her clit. She carded her fingers through his black hair, and his name fell from her lips. Like a prayer.  
His fingers moved deeper within her, curling against that special spot inside. Finally, that dam of heat within her broke in waves as she shuddered against him. But his fingers didn’t stop their relentless onslaught, drawing out her orgasm and pulling a long moan and a couple of of Spanish expletives from her throat. Because fuck, had it been a long time since she’d felt this good.   
Helena clung to Butcher’s shoulders while he eventually stopped to let her catch her breath. Her head was resting in the crook of his neck, so she first pressed a kiss below his ear, then raised her head and he met her with a fierce kiss.
“You nearly cut the circulation in my fucking hand, love,” he said with an indecent smirk. “Thought I was gonna lose it in this sweet pussy.”
She was sure her face was red as a cherry by now. Still coming down from her unbelievable high, she had no words. She watched him withdraw his glistening hand and make a show of licking one of his fingers clean.
“Sweet indeed,” he added. “But we ain’t close to done.”
Her hands shook, but she pulled him close again by his belt and began to unbuckle it for him. “You’re goddamn right.”  
Then, it became a race for whoever could remove each other’s clothes first. Helena unzipped his pants while he helped wrench up her dress. Her hands glided up under his stupid fucking Hawaiian shirt and forced it over his head.
He all but tore the clasp of her bra and freed her breasts, which fit perfect and full in his hands. He kneaded and caressed and rolled his thumbs over the pert brown buds, and she panted and arched into him. She met him with a deep kiss, sucking his lower lip into her mouth and let her nails drag a little down his back. It earned her a throaty groan and a warm, rough hand between her thighs.
She could feel his wet tip positioning at her entrance—and it snapped her out of autopilot, back into her head where red alarm bells were flaring loud and insistent.
She grabbed one of his hands, stopping him.
“Wait. Billy, wait.”
He was panting and straining with need himself, but to his credit, he stopped. His eyes snapped down to hers, his brows crunching in mostly curiosity.
“I can’t do things halfway here,” she warned him. She’d been alone this long for a reason. “I can’t be what’s convenient for you.”
His eyes studied hers. For what, she couldn’t be sure.
“That ain’t what this is,” he said eventually.
She laid a hand on his chest, over his rapidly beating heart.
“Tell me the truth. Why did you look for me?” she asked.
His iron, demanding grip on her waist gentled. He sighed, and she felt his breath on her forehead.
“You know exactly why,” he said.
Hope and warmth bloomed in her chest, making her smile. She let go of his wrist and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her head tilted to the side as she considered him suspiciously.
“I don’t know if I believe you.”
Butcher’s eyes darkened. His brow rose suggestively. “I can be persuasive.”
He pressed a biting kiss just beneath her ear. Her hold on him tightened as she sucked in a breath. But then she offered him a claiming kiss of her own.
“Prove it then,” she said against his lips.
He took that challenge to heart, pulling her body right to the edge of the kitchen counter until he could align himself at the right angle. The moment his length slid deep into her core, she almost came apart right then and there. He stretched and filled her entirely to capacity—to the point where she worried he might be a little too big for her.
He grunted and pressed his forehead against her shoulder. She moved her hips a little to adjust to his size. He groaned.
“Jesus, you’re tight,” he hissed. “Fuckin' hell.”
She gave a breathless laugh.
“You’re welcome,” she replied with a cheeky grin.
Her legs wrapped around his hips, her heels digging into his ass. He pulled out just enough to slam into her again, making them both shudder. He eased out again, and continued into a building rhythm that soon became frantic. Most of the time, she could only hold onto him for the ride.
But feeling his body tense up further, she knew he was close (along with the sounds he was making). She could see the road ahead and almost taste her release, but to help them both, she reached down between them and touched the nearly overstimulated bud over her entrance and whined into the crook of his neck.
“I gotcha, babe. Almost there,” Butcher muttered. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, and feeling on the verge of his end, he bit down between her neck and her shoulder. Not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to make her cry out at the peak of her own release. Her nails reflexively bit into his shoulders and he hissed with similar pleasure mixed with pain.
He soothed her afterwards with his hand cupping the back of her head, smoothing down her hair. His hand remained at the back of her neck when he leaned back and pressed his forehead to hers, closing his eyes. Her legs detangled from around his hips. Then her hands drifted softly down his bare chest.   
“Well,” she said, “that happened.”
He nodded with a mellowed grin. “Still happening, actually.”
Butcher shifted his hips to remind her that he was, in fact, still inside her. He eased out and grabbed a clean hand towel from the counter to wipe up the slick between both of their legs. He was slower with her though, letting the cloth slide tantalizingly across her swollen lips.
He then smirked at her renewed blush. He didn’t think he would ever get tired of those honey brown eyes, red, thoroughly kissed lips, and flushed cheeks. It was about to get him going again.
“Join me in the shower?” she offered, despite her blush.
Butcher helped her down from the kitchen counter and held her naked body against his. He towered over her by quite a few inches, but her body was strong and her abundant curves gave perfectly in his hands.  
His voice was deep with suggestive grit.
“If we’re smart, we could christen just about every room, hidden nook, and otherwise flat surface in this great big house,” he said.
She laughed and framed his face with her hands. “Hmm. In that case, better take my vitamins.”
Then she covered up what would’ve been his smart-ass retort with a deep kiss.   
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Keep Reading: PART 13
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The Boys Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Tag List:
@lauraaan182, @homielander, @calizmor
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JUNE 15TH, 2023
good evening, fellow crime sleuths, or should we say good morning? we've been up all night going over the details in the murky case of hope mercer's recent murder. the police are being tight-lipped about a lot of the specifics and about as helpful as usual—see charity mercer's cold case—so we've had to turn to alternative sources for our own investigation. this is what we know so far:
JUNE 2ND, 2023: hope mercer goes missing after attending her 25th birthday party in the woods. she was last seen by several reliable witnesses arguing with her boyfriend.
the search party for the local golden girl begins. JUNE 5TH, 2023: hope’s body is found floating in a local fishing hole a few miles away from the party. the search party turns into a murder investigation.
the police have yet to release the exact details of how she was killed, but there are no shortage of suspects at this point in the investigation. let's round up the sus brady bunch and do a little recap for new listeners.
first and foremost, we have hope's boyfriend at the time of her death, theo reyes. it's always the boyfriend, right? and theo certainly looks good for it. everyone knows they had problems in their relationship, and the last time he was seen with her they were getting into it, as usual—and on her birthday?? come on, my dude, have some class. we can't leave out past exes either: a spurned lover knows no linear timeline. danny whitechapel had a nasty split with hope years ago, and noah hayes apparently got a little messy during their breakup last year. maybe, they all did it together, taylor swift style.
even though hope reportedly 'lit up the room with her presence', some people in mercer hollow still had beef with her. people hate a nepo baby—people like andy gauthier and ian mcneal. it's possible one of them snapped. according to public record, ian's proven before that he's volatile. he just got out of prison, so we'll see if he's sent back before he can have his hot girl summer.
from our research, it seems like hope had no shortage of friends. everyone's fyp is full of stories about how much they miss hope and how much they loved her. people love to leech onto tragedy, so that's not entirely shocking. what is shocking is that people seemed to forget about hope's falling out with her childhood bestie embeth mckinnon, high school bestie bellamy tate, and her friend billie dimaggio. if hope hadn't been brutally killed, they probably would've faded into obscurity, but now we have to shine a spotlight on them. heartbreak is one of the number one motives for murder, and honestly friend breakups hurt more than romantic breakups, at least in these true crime reporters' humble opinions. they all had pretty public blowouts in the past, and billie was even seen arguing with hope the night she disappeared. super suspish if you ask us.
some of hope's current friends honestly look a little guilty, too. we got a source in the police department to spill that something belonging to one catalina flores was found with hope’s body! they were friends, sure, but how did it get there after hope disappeared? we don't know what it is yet, but the timing is weird to say the least.
now there's no such thing as a perfect victim, and we would be remiss to not include some people on the suspect list that hope did pretty dirty. according to an anonymous source in the liberty admissions department, grace kwon was supposed to get hope's spot in the very selective liberty medical program, but daddy and mommy mercer stepped in. i'd be pretty pissed if i were grace. we also know from some close friends of hope's that she was the reason noah hayes split with flurie ainsworth. we haven't nailed down the timeline, but they were in the jacuzzi together WHILE he was reportedly dating ainsworth. there's a whole series on cucked women turning into killers, so it's not that far of stretch, especially considering her debut novel is about a small-town darling getting killed...who is literally named hope. is this girl psychic, or is she a murderer?
apparently, hope was nice to almost everyone...but she did hate one person: paloma reyes, her boyfriend's half-sister. we don't know the full story there, but her socials reveal a lot. it was clear there was some sort of toxic frenemy situation going on, which leads us to the next suspect: maeve walsh. we aren't sure what the deal is there, but it's definitely unhealthy. maybe one of these ladies got sick of hope's bullshit? only time will tell.
finally, we have the mercers. honestly, not a lot of evidence there, but they give me the creeps. old money always comes with secrets. hell, maybe it was good ol' josephine mercer. we all grew up hearing the mercer estate ghost stories. wouldn't it be nice if our town monster was really just a folktale and not one of us?
here's to hoping that we find hope's killers. if you like our content, please like and subscribe, and remember to support our sponsors. thanks @hellofresh for sponsoring this week's episode of the mercer hollow chronicle. stay fresh, everyone.
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katberk · 2 years
Fanfic Ideas #1
I have so many ideas for fanfic stories and I don’t know how to write for shit so have my ideas for Stranger Things/actors and all that shit lol
Anyone can write about these so if you see someone who’s already wrote about it don’t worry :) different authors write different stories ❤️
I’m also a very big person on fluff and hurt to comfort so the majority or all will probably just be that lol
More to be added so look out for those
x = Romantic
& = Platonic
🌸 = Someone wrote/read story
If you find any like these/write them please tag me in it 🥰
List 2
List 3
List 4 (coming soon)
Bonus - Have some soulmate prompts/ideas
~1st one~
Dacre Montgomery x reader (high school sweethearts) 🌸
Dacre and the reader are costars with their characters being love interests. They’re both in an interview talking about season 3 and Y/C/N and billy’s death scene. The reader talks about how they got the idea to kill off their character because they wanted more time with Dacre and to not stress out. So the scene goes the reader’s character (Y/C/N) tries to save Billy but sadly dies from his hands by strangulation. It was super emotional because the last words that were spoken were “I just want my sunshine back” (which reader calls Dacre) so they basically talk about that scene and how memorable it was to go that way!
“When they yelled cut all I felt were Dacre’s arms around me.”
(If someone writes this one PLEASE TAG ME!!!)
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~2nd one~
Billy Hargrove x reader
Where reader just tries to make Billy jealous for pay back cause he makes them jealous like everyday at the pool.
“Just let me have this for today. Let me have the attention”
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~3rd one~
Eddie Munson x reader
Reader is full on just female version of Eddie but loves the sweet cliché shit. (Ex: cheesy rom coms, holding hands, picnics in the woods) (P.S. Tiefling fairy! That’s a me)
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~4th one~
Ghost face Steddie x reader
Anything that tbh
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~5th one~
Steve x Eddie x reader x Billy
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~6th one~
Billy Hargrove x reader 🌸
You’re having dinner with his family minus Neil till he comes home and things escalate. He’s about to hit Billy until the reader pulls him back and puts a knife to his throat.
“If you lay a finger on him I’ll slit your throat right in front of your family you got that?!”
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~7th one~
Eddie Munson x Henderson reader, (Dustin Henderson & reader)
Reader and Dustin have the best sibling relationship in Hawkins. He’s the little adorable nerd while she’s the mother always making sure he’s okay and well. (Ex: Makes sure he eats at lunch aka packs stuff for him/shares her food, Ruffles his hair/gives kisses to his head/forehead, makes sure he’s doing good physically and emotionally, always picks him and his friends up from dnd) Eddie finds this sweet and slowly falls for her.
“Hey Dusty guess what I got!” *pulls out two Hostess Cupcake packages*
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~8th one~
Steve Harrington x Buckley reader, (Robin Buckley & reader)
Reader is Robin’s older sister who has the sweetest sweet tooth known to Hawkins. Steve figures this out after a week of visits from the sister everyday sometimes twice a day. How will Steve win her over and how will Robin react?!
“She’d start crying if you gave her a giant cake or something!”
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~9th one~
Billy Hargrove x Pyromaniac reader
Billy dropped his lighter and now it’s gone! Angry he’s been ignoring everyone all day trying to figure out where it went. The next day he makes eye contact with the reader who… HAS HIS LIGHTER!!! Running after them he finds the reader and oh wow… their really hot!
“I-I’m sorry! I just really like collecting empty lighters and I thought this one was forgotten… and I was gonna set this trash bin on fire.”
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~10th one~
Eddie Munson x Guitarist/Artist reader
Every week Eddie finds a drawing of him and every month he finds a cassette in his locker. These gifts make him wonder who’s spending their time of day on the “freak” of Hawkins? With the Hellfire club on his side will he figure out who this lovely person is?
“It has all of my favorite songs on it… and look! The art is so realistic!”
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~11th one~
(Talked about this in a previous post)
Steve Harrington x reader x Billy Hargrove
When reader and Billy are on a date they decide to go see Steve “The Hair” Harrington at Scoops Ahoy (Because they missed him and were gonna pick him up after his shift ended). When the party sees Billy and reader having a good time together half of them try to protect the reader while the other half panic because they know that Steve and reader are dating! The party get a big surprise!
“Wait! Robin you knew?!”
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ariesbilly · 11 months
steve and the other teens having a party/weekend getaway at his familys cabin up in the woods when billy - a deranged little serial killer man - crashes and holds them all hostage and mentally and physically tortures them. you know, all the fun stuff
and after he's killed some people off and theres only like steve robin and nancy left, theres a knock at the door. its heather. everyones relieved, thinking help is here. but whoopsie heather gets captured too.
and nancys trying to play hero of course. when billy steps out of the room shes whispering some grand plan to everyone for how theyre gonna get out of here. its great. theyll kill billy, run out, save their lives. whoopie.
so billy comes back in and the plans goes into action, they get freed of their restraints, nancys going to charge billy...
except heather jumps in front of her and stabs her. shocked gasps all around. billys laughing. heather was with him the whole time they just love theatrics.
robins shook because she and heather were kind of connecting through this thing, or so she thought. and like she still thinks heathers hot but she cant go around dating a killer thats not cool...
steve meanwhile has been in full cuckoo land because before all this he was kind of pissed off at everyone anyway because the whole weekend was his intelligence being insulted and getting into it with his ex girlfriend and just a bunch of headaches and him realizing he needs a new group of friends, so maybe hes kind of fallen for billy during this whole thing. cuz billys hot. and kept weirdly flirting with him and like... when in rome ya know. maybe steves always been insane and this is the push he needed to go full throttle
so hes bargaining with billy to spare him and robin, he wants to go on the run with him. he wont give billy and heather to the police
and billys not an idiot. is like "alright. but to make sure i can trust you... you gotta off the princess" because nancys still alive, if bleeding out at their feet. and steve... does it. kills her, to billy and heathers delight. robins horror. and they all turn to her like "well youre either with us or youre next"
i like to believe robin gets herself a serial killer girlfriend
now... billy and steve could run off together OR billy can get one good fuck out of him before being like "this was fun but i just dont know that i can totally trust you not to turn on me" and kills steve right after. both are fun to me.
the end
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starsthatlinethesky · 2 years
I’ve been rewatching Bones and my head is full of thoughts and this will be something that I’ll revisit once my Hollywood au is done.
Bones AU:
Finney Blake: Forensic Pathologist/Forensic Chemist
Billy Showalter: Crime Scene Photographer/Facial Reconstruction Specialist
Bruce Yamada: Forensic Anthropologist/Forensic Palynologist
Robin Arellano: FBI Supervisory Special Agent/Specialist in field investigation
Griffin Stagg: FBI Supervisory Special Agent/Specialist in stealth missions
Vance Hopper: FBI Supervisory Special Agent/Ex Snipper/ Specialist in rescue operations
General world building/relationships:
The boys have all been working with each other for a while, each FBI agent works with one of the lab specialists.
Robin with Finney, Griffin with Billy and Vance with Bruce
Billy is renowned for his scarily accurate facial reconstructions and his camera work at crime scenes
Griffin originally worked on stealth missions, but he got tired of no one really knowing who he was so he took a job where he could just be himself kind of.
Griffin acts a bit more like a body guard to Griffin at first, but they become fast friends and Billy is the fist person who seems to really get to know Griffin. Griffin stops acting so much like a bodyguard but he’s still protective over Billy. A memorable instance of this being when Billy was in the lab developing photos when all of a sudden everything is going into lockdown, a shooter broke into the lab and Billy’s now locked in the photography room on the top floor. Billy (who is not trained to fight) has to barricade himself into the room and all he can do is wait until this whole thing is over, which he expects will take a few hours but what he would learn was only ten minutes. Griffin had crawled through the vents burst into the photography room, he grabbed Billy by the hand and told him to stay close with his gun drawn and everything, Griffin gets Billy out and Vance starts yelling at him for going off on his own and breaking protocol. Griffin broke protocol just to make sure Billy was safe.
Vance was a feared snipper, but after a tragic incident he was transferred to being a Supervisory agent, at first he’s kind of distant from Bruce and he expects the same because he’s so used to being feared, but Bruce just treats him like a person and not something to be feared and so Bruce grows on him. So maybe Bruce stays back up work on something late at the lab and Vance starts hanging around. Because what if something happens? And it’s pretty much his job to make sure it doesn’t happen. It’s definitely not because Bruce is his (kind of pretty) friend who it would kill Vance if anything happened to him.
Bruce had no idea that Vance was a snipper, all he knows is that this moody agent is going to be spending a lot of time with him, and it’s better they be friends then icy coworkers. Bruce actually had a little trouble trusting Vance at first (not that he let it show) because of Vance’s personality, but Vance earns his trust in the first couple of weeks, when Bruce goes into a crime scene to do his job and this other agent is bugging him, Bruce kept trying to shrug him off but the guy just keeps coming back. Bruce is getting fed up and is getting close to snapping when the guy pulls something out of his hands and before Bruce even blinks Vance is between him and the agent. He starts tearing into the guy about bothering Bruce and it ends up with Vance ripping the equipment out of the agents hands and saying he better not show his face again. This may have also been the day he realised that Vance was nice to look at.
Robin specialises in field investigation, which means he goes out into a lot of active scenes (e.g. Interrogations, hunting down killers, high speed chases) so he’s not to happy about being assigned as what he sees as a babysitter to a lab nerd, but then he meets Finney. And while yes Finney is a lab nerd, he also takes time to explain things to Robin and when Robin doesn’t understand something instead of giving up he finds a different way to explain things to Robin, also he’s very cute which Robin sees as a bonus.
Finney at first figured he and Robin would just be coworkers and would be acquaintances at most. But as the days go in they grow closer and closer as the days go on, Robin starts inviting him for coffee in the morning before work and starts picking him up. Finney finds himself spending more time out of the lab and doing things he would never usually do because he thought he couldn’t do them. Robin makes Finney feel like he can do anything, also Robin is just incredibly handsome which Finney tries not to think about to hard because they are driving to a crime scene god damnit.
A bonus thing of Robin being protective over Finney is when their at a crime scene and Finney is just doing his thing when all of a sudden it goes from a crime scene to and active crime scene. Shots are being fired from everywhere and everyone is running in all different directions, Finney had no idea what to do but then someone grabs his hand and starts shouting in his face and Finney had no idea what’s being said, but then the hands are gone and the shouting stops and gentler hands grab onto him and start leading him to the exit. Finney had no ideas what happened because he’s kind of gone into shock, but when he starts coming to, he sees Robin putting his own jacket over Finney and kneeling in front of him rubbing circles into his hands.”Come on stay with me Finn.” The fighting is still going on, but Robin who loves field work and action instagram chose to sit with Finney and make sure that he was going to be okay.
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