#Force marriage
aesrryssa · 1 year
An Arranged Love (Bakugou x Reader | Arranged Marriage AU!)
Summary : Being left pregnant by her Ex-Boyfriend, to keep the good name and the reputation of the family, Y/N was arranged to marry Dynamight, The number 2 Hero in Japan. Will they found love for each other further in the marriage or will they hate?
Warning : Bad words, pregnancy, break up, arguments, fight, family issues & force marriage, brand names are being mentioned.
A/N : This is my first time writing a story so I’m sorry if there’s any grammar error. I just wrote the first part of the prologue first because I’m afraid that it’ll be too long to read😅 Enjoy!
Taglist : @xoxo-teddybear @citrustsuki @mymysenpai @abbylouamanda
Prologue: Part 1 | Chapter List🕊
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I look out of the window, looking at the busy street in front of me. Sitting by the window really helps you to distract yourself from current time. looking at what people are doing.
Like a man wearing a suit walking to work, a group of girls talking to each other while carrying their shopping bags, a couple with their kid holding hands, people crossing the street, cars driving by and a lady walking her dog. It is a fun way to distract yourself for a while
It’s a Friday morning. I’m sitting at the end of the cafe, where it’s hard for people to notice me. I’m wearing an all-black attire today. I don’t to pull any attention so I put on a mask and a cap. The hoodie covering my hat
I was here since half an hour ago. I’m supposed to meet someone, but it seems like they’re late.
I was distracted from my thoughts when my phone chimes. There’s a messege from Sayaka Hayashi. We’ve became best friends since elementary school. It’s been a long time since we last met. We often call each other. But lately we’ve been more busy with work and our daily life.
Saya-Chan : I’m here.
I see the door of the cafe opens and Sayaka walks in. She see me and walk towards my table. Her expression have a mix of concern and curiosity. I stand up and hug her tight. It feels so good to have someone to hug, especially in times like this. She returns the hug just as tight.
“I’m sorry for being late.” She said apologetically. “It’s okay. I know you have something to do...”. We sits across of each other. A waitress came and ask for our order. “Would you like to order, Ma’am?” She asked. “I’ll have Iced Americano. (Y/N), do you want anything?” Sayaka asked. “No, I’m good.”. The waitress go and send her order.
“(Y/N)…” Sayaka called my name. I looked at her and the looked of concern is still on her face. “Tell me, you’re not joking, right? Because this isn’t funny.” She asked worriedly. “It’s true Saya-Chan. I’m not joking.”. She’s asking about the new discovery that I just made. It’s really unbelievable, I almost didn’t believe it at first. “Oh my god…this is a lot to take…” She sighed. “Ho-How did you found out?” She asked curiously. “I have my own suspicions for the past weeks…but I just ignored it… until I feel like I have to get It checked up…” I explained to her. “But it could be wrong...” She said, still denying it. “How can’t be wrong if I’ve went to the clinic and they’ve confirmed it.” I said.
Sayaka sigh and lean back into her seat. There’s a long silents between us until Saya-Chan breaks it. “Do you know how far along are you?” She asked. “Yeah. They said that I’m 4 weeks in.” I said.
“Have you tell him about this?” She asked. The concern expression never fell from her face. I take a deep breathe “No…not yet…I don’t know how to tell him…”. There’s a pause until I continue “How can I tell him that I’m pregnant?!” I said, almost yelled. “How would he react?! You know that he doesn’t like kids! What if he leaves me?!” I’m starting to freak out. Sayaka notices the tables around us are looking at us so she calms me down. “Hey-hey! It’s ok! Relax, calm down. Deep breathes” She said and I do as she told me to.
“I’m sorry… I’m just-..” Sayaka cut me before I can finish my sentence. “It’s alright! I understand. I know that this overwhelmes you and belive me, it does for me too. But it’s going to be okay.” She said with a warm smile and reassuring tone.
That warm smile that she have always worn since elementary school never fails to make me feel better. That’s one think that Sayaka have always been good at.
I take a deep breathe “Thank you Saya-Chan…” I pause “My head is messed up right now. I almost don’t know what to do…” I said to her. Sayaka reach for my hand and put hers on top of mine. “It’s okay (Y/N), I’m always here for you. If you need anything, just tell me.” She told me. There’s warmth in her voice that always makes me calm. She smiled at me, and I smiled back.
I sigh and look up at the ceiling. ‘What should I do?…should I tell him?…what if he leaves me?… I could tell my parents, but they’ll be disappointed in me…’. I look back at Sayaka and ask “Saya-Chan, should I tell him first or should I tell my parents?”
She pause and think. After a minute, she finally answers my question. “I think you should tell him first. If you tell your parents first it’ll make the situation harder and more complicated. Especially when your relationship with them is not that good.” She said.
Right, she does have a point. Well, my family is well known for our status and wealth. My father, (F/N) (L/N), owns a big modelling agency, EL Modelling. His agency is known for their super hot, beautiful models. He have worked with a lot of designer brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, YSL and etc. While my mother, (M/N) (L/N), owns an entertaiment agency called RUBY Entertainment. The company is know for their strong reputation of debuting many talented and succesful idols.
Me and my brother, (B/N), worked as a model at my father’s agency. Both of us have been a model since we were a child. Since then, we were always used for product advertisements. From clothing, food, appliances to cosmetics and skincare products. We also have participated three times in a runway show for Vogue.
Seems like a pretty fun life, isn’t it? But no. Despite having the same amount success as my brother, my parents seems to favour him more than me. They always say something like “Oh! (B/n)! You always makes us proud!” Or “You did a very good job, (B/N)!”. But whenever it comes to me, it’s always “You should do better! Why can’t you do it?!” Or “Doing great? Ha! Your work is never going to be great! Do better or else!” And “Can’t you be more like (B/N)?! Look at him! He always does his work perfectly!”.
It’s not that I’m not doing my job properly. In fact, I put more efforts into my work! While he just lazying around and doing nothing! He does do something but not as much as I am! It’s not like I’m saying that I’m better without prove but it’s fact! I always try my hardest! But yet, they’ll never see it… it really disappoints me.
Since I was a kid, they’ve always belittling me. Always point out the worst in me. And that really makes me sad and disappointed in them. But I bottle up the feeling. And I’ll never want to show it. So, I do as they say.
“Yeah.” I said. Agreed to what Sayaka said. “I guess I’ll do that…” I say as I look down at my lap and put a hand on my stomach. Sayaka squeezes my hand and I look at her. “Remember, I’m always here for you.” She said with that smile again. I smile back and nod.
Her drink arrives and we talk a little bit about work before we go to pay at the cashier. Getting out of the cafe, we hug each other in front of the entrance door before we say our good-byes.
We go our seperate ways. Sayaka said that she has something to do at work so she’s going to the office. I don’t have anything scheduled for me today. I’ve asked them to give me about a two weeks off from work. I’ve been really sick these past few weeks. And you can already tell what’s the cause of it.
I’m waiting for my car outside of the cafe. After 10 minutes of waiting, it finally arrives.
I hop in the car and it drives from the cafe. I’m heading home. I’m currently living in a Condominium I owned here in Tokyo. Living here makes it easier for me to stay away from my family. I got more privacy and space. And there’s no one besides me who lives here. No servants, not a single person live with me. Just my self.
The car stops as we reach the traffic light. I watch as people are walking using the zebra crossing and cars waiting for the light to turn green.
I sit here in the back seat, thinking. ‘How am I suppose to tell him?…How am I suppose to tell Ren?…’.
Ren Inoue…we’ve been dating for almost 3 years. We kept our relationship secret from the public and our parents. The only people who knows about our relationship is Sayaka and some of his friends.
I met him by a colleague. He introduces Ren to me. We became friends and not long after,…I realise that I have feelings for him. I confesses to him and he said that he also felt the same for me. After that, we started dating. Going to each other’s places, hanging out, going on dates. He makes me feel so happy. Feel appreciated. By someone else besides my friends, or family…
I was pulled out of my thoughts when the car stops. I than realize that we have reached my the condominium building. I get out of the the car and thank my driver.
I walk towards the lobby and towards the elevator. I press the button and waited. Soon, the door opens and I get in.
This building has 30 floor and my house is on the 20th floor.
Once the elevator reach my floor, the door opens and I get out.
The hallway is quite. I guess it’s because people are at work right now.
I walk towards my apartment. I reach down to my pocket for my keys and unlock the door.
I walked in and turn on the lights and walk towards the living room. The apartment was decorated with industrial designs. I’ve always been a fan of the style.
I take of my cap and put my bag down on the coffee table. I pick up the controller form the and turn on the TV and put it back down. This has always been a habit of mine since I moved out of my family’s house. I’ll listen to something while doing my work or chores. It kinda makes me feel less lonely.
I walked into the kitchen roll my sleeves up to wash last nights dishes. I didn’t get to wash it this morning since I need to meet Sayaka.
After I finished, I walk to my room and lay down on the bed. I reach for my pocket and take my phone out. I open my message and go to Ren’s contact and texted,…
“Baby,…can we meet tonight?…”
“ There’s something that I wanna tell you…”
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aristocratic-otter · 1 year
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Thank you to @hushed-chorus, @prettygoododds, @confused-bi-queer, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @j-nipper-95, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @fatalfangirl, @artsyunderstudy, @palimpsessed, @rimeswithpurple, , @nightimedreamersghost, @dragoneggos, @annabellelux and @ileadacharmedlife for the tags over the last week and a half. I'm working my way slowly and steadily through your posts (and having a lot of fun with it!), but I wanted to post tonight, so I'm switching gears here.
Yay! Summer vacation has begun! To celebrate, here's my first WIP Wednesday in a while.
Segments below the cut
From my COBB (it's so soon, y'all!)
We’ve reached the foot of an actual mediaeval looking tower. I stare up at it in awe for several seconds before realising that Simon hasn’t waited for me. I scurry to catch up. He’s mounting the first of what looks to be an endless spiralling staircase. I look around, but there’s no sign of an elevator. No ADA compliance in magedom, I guess. 
Even as I’m thinking that, on one landing, a boy in a wheelchair emerges from one of the many doors. I know it’s rude, but I can’t help but stare when he mutters a few words, waves his wand, and the stairs immediately smooth out to a gentle ramp. 
I guess they don’t need ADA compliance in the World of Mages. 
From my (still unnamed) Age of Sail AU
Simon and the cook spend their days cataloguing what’s left to us and writing out plans and routes on the deck boards with graphite sticks. They seem to think that if we’re lucky, the winds will push us into a shipping lane and another ship will just appear to rescue us.
I think they’re living in a fantasy world. I think we’re stuck here until the ship’s wounds prove too much for it and it falls apart. Or until the next storm tears us apart. Or until we run out of food or water and starve to death. 
Ha! Running out of water when we’re surrounded by leagues of the stuff. It’s what my tutor would call ‘the height of irony.’
Fuck, I never thought I’d miss that pinched old man. But I think if Professor Gerint showed up right now, I might hug him. If he showed up with a boat, at least. 
I try not to spend too much time thinking about how my parents just…left. How they didn’t wait for me to come back from under the deck. How my father didn’t leap up out of the lifeboat, desperate to find me.
How, in the end, my stepmother and the babe she carries were far more important than me.
From Snow Fox, my COTTA
It’s almost anticlimactic how easy it is to free the American officers on their march to Georgia. 
My men and I waited until the British column was passing through a dense part of the wood. Then the men I’d placed at strategic points on either side of (and behind) the line of British troops, fired their guns in the air on my signal (a high whistled ‘fee-bee’, the call of the chickadee). After the column froze, the Brits groping for their guns and looking frantically in ever direction, I rode out to face the commander at the front of the train. 
“Drop your weapons,” I said, mildly. “You’re surrounded.” At those words, my tiny band of men had switched positions by several feet each, and fired again from a new location. The British soldiers were practically cowering now, because each time I spoke, the guns fired again, from a new spot. It sounded like a thousand American soldiers were holding their tiny force in a giant fist, and all I’d need to do is to give a signal, and that fist would crush them. 
An impression we'd carefully planned out ahead of time, given that I’ve less than fifty men, and the British force has more than two hundred. 
The British leader looked at my gun pointed at his head, and listened to the gunfire and screams behind him, and surrendered without a shot fired.
From: To Heal a Broken Mind
Simon looks up and smiles tiredly at me when I approach. “Any luck?” he asks. 
I purse my lips. “Maybe…you’ve got a lesion in your left temporal. It may not mean anything, but it reminds me of something… I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I’m going to review my medical journal back copies tonight. 
Simon nods slowly. He doesn’t look particularly encouraged, but it’s not like there’s anything concrete yet. In silence, but hand in hand (what’s the point of hiding now?), we depart the hospital 
From Westward Son:
“You putting your oar in?” I tease. 
He shrugs and smiles. “Not really. I’m no use when it comes to survival skills, you know that. But…there may be folk who are. That’s what I was going to suggest.”
I’m puzzled. “You were going to suggest that we look for advice outside the train?” I look around at the sheer emptiness around us. Most trains that we’d gotten used to seeing gave up and stayed back at Fort Boise, or even at earlier stops. I’ve not seen anyone but us for days. 
“Not people you can see,” he says, with emphasis. 
“People we can’t see, but could help us,” I scowl. “Do you get a thrill from being mysterious, Shepard Love?”
He laughs. “No. But there are people…well, not precisely people, but beings, at least, in this area.” 
My breath catches. He means the fair folk. “Shepard, that’s too risky,” I say, my voice shrill enough to attract Simon’s eye from where he’s standing several feet away, brushing Agatha’s coat. 
From Saving Simon Snow:
Simon pulls back so abruptly that I’m dizzy. “Baz,” he says urgently, “do you still hate me?”
It takes me several seconds to recover my wits enough to understand the question. I’m still fighting the urge to pull his gifted mouth and tongue back to my neck when I realise what he’s asked me. 
My mouth opens and closes uselessly for a moment before I sigh. 
“Simon,” I croak, and then pause to clear my throat. “Simon, I never hated you.”
He goes still. “Never?” He stares at me. 
I shake my head. “Never. I pretended to hate you. It was what my family expected of me. What I expected of myself. But I never could quite manage it.”
He scowls a little. “You gave a damned good impression of it.” 
And a tiny tease from Raising Dragons (it's done, y'all! Fristi and I are making some final decisions, but it should post in the next few days!)
“Don’t laugh at me, you arsehole,” I whine. 
“But when will I ever laugh then?” he mocks me. He loves that line. And I love him, so I let him get away with it, every time. 
Tagging, for Sunday (or not, no pressure!):
@angelsfalling16; @bazzybelle, @bookish-bogwitch, @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @erzbethluna, @frjsti, @fight-surrender, @giishu, @ionlydrinkhotwater, @jbrrring, @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists, @krisrix, @letraspal, @messofthejess, @moments-au-crayon22, @moodandmist, @mostlymaudlin, @nausikaaa, @onepintobean, @prettylightsbigcity, @raenestee, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @tea-brigade, @theearlgreymage, @twinkle-twinkle-up-above, @upuntil6am, @unfiltered-alice-liddle, @urban-sith, @whogaveyoupermission, @whatevertheweather, @yu-miou, @yeonjunenby, @yellobb-old, and everyone above!
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cheesecakethots · 9 months
geto having a cute little non-sorcerer wife that he swears he hates.
he only marries you for your father’s riches, and so when you arrive on his doorstep he leaves the maids to tell you where you’ll be staying; the room furthest from his own.
you’ve been instructed not to so much as look at him, but he finds that he hardly sees you, anyway. you’re more like a ghost that haunts the manor than his wife.
most of the time he’ll happen to pass you sat alone in the garden, dressed in pretty kimonos that have most definitely been suited to his tastes. he hardly speaks to you, the only time he has was when the two of you had accidentally bumped into each other when turning a corner.
“watch it, monkey,” he had hissed, before continuing on with his day. he later found himself thinking on the nervous expression and faint embarrassed blush that had adorned your face. he had been tempted to smash his head against the wall to rid himself of the memory, as it plagued him the entire evening.
your father starts visiting and he has the basic decency to at least pretend as though he loves you. it results in awkward proximity and unloving kisses to your forehead, at least until your father leaves.
for some time, geto’s not entirely sure as to why you play along. you could go to your father and ask to leave this loveless marriage, could you not? then it dawns on him; your father doesn’t care, and you already know that. geto doesn’t like how a tiny part of his chest aches when he thinks too hard about that fact.
it’s not as though he leaves you locked up in some basement, withering away. you’re allowed to explore most of the manor, most of your needs can be met by asking the maids and very rarely he will permit you to visit the nearby town marketplace with some guards.
he starts seeing you more. he’ll sometimes find himself out in the garden, pretending that he has any business outside other than to keep an eye on you. he’ll never admit it, but it can sometimes calm him down, just watching you go about your day. to him it’s like watching a pet trot about, not realising their owner is watching with keen eyes. you’re still just a useless monkey, of course.
one day he discovers you crying in the garden you love so much. he’s never seen you cry before, hell, he’s hardly seen any emotions on you.
“what happened?” he finds himself asking before he can stop. you jump in your seat, not having expected him to be beside you.
“nothing, really,” you say, your voice still shaky and your hand wiping away at drying tears, “i’m sorry to have bothered you.”
he frowns, his patience quickly wearing thin. “tell me, now. what happened?”
you sigh, and some part of him can’t help but note how pretty your eyes look, despite the redness around them. he pushes the thought out before it can properly settle.
“my father sent me a letter,” you confess. “he’s… not happy with me.”
he steps closer to you. “why?”
you hesitate, your mouth opening and closing, but the expression he wears has you telling the truth.
“he wishes that i was pregnant with your child. i have told him that i am not, and never will be, and he… well, he’s not happy.”
suguru raises an eyebrow. “never will be… ?”
you blush, looking to the floor. “i know that you hate me. it may be easier for you to have a child with another.”
he scoffs.
“i don’t-“ geto pauses himself. “do you really think i’m the type of man to have a bastard with some whore?”
“w-well, no, but-“
“do you wish to stay married to me?”
you gulp. “no. i don’t.”
he pauses for a moment, seemingly considering something.
“if you give me a child, i’ll allow you to leave. you’ll still be married to me in name, but you won’t have to stay here, and you won’t be tethered to your father.”
your jaw drops for a moment, and then you collect yourself. “will i be able to see the child after i give birth?”
“sometimes,” he tells you. in reality, he doubt he’d ever let you near them, but you don’t need to know that.
“… okay.”
he finds it harder to convince himself that he hates everything about you when he has you beneath him, your ankles on his broad shoulders and your hands pressing against his back. he can’t help but fuck you even faster when hearing you whine and mewl. he wants to lick the expression you have off of your face, but refuses to indulge in the idea.
“su-su-suguru!” you cry. he stills inside you for just a moment. it’s the first time he’s ever heard you say his name. he was beginning to think you had forgotten it.
he grabs onto your wrists with one hand, pressing them above your head and manhandling you into another position, one in which he can somehow go even deeper than before.
he chuckles, low and raspy, “stupid fucking monkey…”
he’s starting to wonder if maybe he needs two kids. maybe four? hm. maybe you do have your usefulness. maybe he shouldn’t let you go, after all.
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getodrools · 3 months
warnings. yan! true form sukuna, implied non/dub con: ( forced marriage and pregnancy ), kidnapping.
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All of them looked at you.
You recognized those faces. And you tried to hide from them behind the mighty stature built of an abundance of muscles and cursed energy…
But, all of those familiar faces contorted differently, some not knowing how to react; some gaped wide as others felt pity when you were shoved in front of the king by those large hands you grew to loathe.
That cruel and selfish thing held a wide wry smirk as your body — so frail, yet heavy with a large bump wobbled embarrassingly and tired ahead… You couldn't bear to lift your crown to confront them, too mortified. Yet, they couldn't see that attempt, you only looked too weak to try in their eyes…
You felt it in your heart, deep down they had a sense — they knew what was going to happen soon as he left with you.
As much as they forever wished for your safety and honored your valor of vengeance, carrying on your name as the savior when Sukuna swore he'd seize havoc if he got what he wanted — to marry you and earn an heir, he'd settle with leaving all merciful. Leaving behind the chaos he caused and settling far from their territory with the only promise of you.
You remember that very doomsday when he held you with two bloodstained arms — blood of your own comrades who fought with all their might… weak legs dangling in the smokey air as flames erupted from buildings and screams begrudged through the entire city, you remember scraping at the tough skin, seemingly unbreakable, but in hopes he'd release you, you tried unduly before you could end up with no head… But fighting with the last of your might, you swear to this day you could still feel that very cruel squeeze to your sides as he stalked the others with ease, cursing a promise out you had never expected to hear, truthfully.
Almost all warfare seized. They all looked just as disgusted as they do now, just how they were watching the way you shivered when Sukuna’s leather-like tongue lapped over your neck to the whole side of your face as he panted out those very words you toss and turn from every night,
“Take too long to give an answer, I’ll kill another. Or, I will set ablaze to everyone if you don't.”
There was no winning.
Leaving with you far beyond the horizon and years to come, the people you once called family and friends were never to be seen again.
Sukuna wasn't as surprised as they were once they found his concealed empire plagued with cursed energy. He didn't even care, he already got what he wanted and they couldn't do a single thing about it. They knew that very well too.
Especially seeing how you lived now.
They tried to prepare themselves though, knowing his ruthless acts were to be brought upon you once you agreed — you didn't need to, but for the sake of countless lives and for the ones you cherished, you sacrificed yourself, a single life, to him without thought, and now you harbor a dreadful wedlock and bear a child.
Yuji’s face was the worst. He felt disgust and outrage – you poor thing. He couldn't imagine what you've gone through, especially now as you carried a half-being inside of you. Something mixed with the King of curses genes brewing into something undoubtedly revolting, something he couldn't conjecture how you had to submit to such monstrosity to get this far…
Megumi steps back, “Y/n…” You flinch. You haven't heard your name in years, only the title of being Sukuna’s wife dug a deep scar into the tissue of your brain.
Even the other members flinch.
But now, they had their eyes on you for long enough and Sukuna grabs your shoulder to reer you behind him again, right where you belonged.
“Interesting seeing you all.” The king stood tall; a pair of strong arms crossed over his chest as the others waved around smugly.
They knew his strength and didn't want to erase all the disarray you've went through to save them once, so they stepped back, cursing themselves as they did. Crossing boundaries they never thought they'd see, Sukuna knew it would be idiotic for them to waste your life if they dared to overstep it.
They couldn't do that to you.
Waving them off, “She's expected soon,” Ryōmen smacks his lips, keeping his chin up high and all eyes low as if he wasn't already towering over them, “Once that's out, she’ll be busy on the next – as promised.” You shiver, huddling behind the only thing you grew to get used to — so to speak, forced to.
Clinging to his side, you barely peek through his arms to catch their faces once again, but oh, how much you've missed them… Too repentant, weary eyes only tremble at the floor they creaked on, and the further they got, the longing to run alongside them and to be free worsened…
You squeeze your belly.
Shoving your ridden face into his naked back as your husband continued threatening them with your life, you remind yourself this was worth saving them… even if…
… You still needed to give him five more.
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pensbridgertons · 10 days
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2.08 | 3.04
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yourdivinity · 5 months
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The sting of my slaps make your pathetic cock so hard. Before you can even catch your breath, your mouth will be full. I want you gagged and drooling like the stupid slut you are and taking each slap in stride, wearing the red print like a badge of honour
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bluerosefox · 8 months
Beloved Beyond Time
A DeadSerious Prompt where a young Damian follows his mother's advice about finding his future 'Beloved' and is smitten with a TimeTraveling Ghost King (Prince) Danny when his grandfather summoned the eldritch being.
Damian, despite being young, will want no other to be by his side once he takes over the League. Especially since the King was able to strike fear in his grandfather for even just for a moment.
Danny, whose just started taking up his soon to be Kingly title and duties, at first freaked out when a kid who just got out of toddlerhood is offering marriage. Who wouldn't. And well while he didn't fully encourage it, he found it a little adorable and tried to nudge the kid away from said... err crush feelings?
He was a little sad to have to say goodbye to the kid when his month long stay with the al Ghul's (mostly to see if they're worthy to keep the Pits) he was pretty for sure he'd never run into the kid again and if he did who knows how old they'd actually be because again.. time travel.
So Danny now at the age of 16 really wasn't expecting to be basically be cornered on his first day at his new school at Gotham Academy by a 17 year old Damian Wayne who is leaning over him and says "Hello Beloved. Time has been kind to you it seems."
Danny's poor half-alive heart is currently dying from being cornered by an older Damian.
Let this crazy train wreck begin.
#danny phantom#danny fenton#blue rambles#crossover#writing ideas#random idea#danny phantom dc#dpxdc#dcxdp#dead serious#Damian sneaked into a League meeting when they summoned the Ghost King#but they actually got the Ghost Prince who was learning how to handle realm duties at the time#but Danny doesn't tell them that. Also they summoned him when he was practicing his eldritch form. So yeah he scared them.#Danny actually scared Ra's into submission by threatening his precious Lazarus Pits since he was going to be forced to stay for a month#Danny actually and sadly can't do much to the Pits.Its been there for so long the world would start to become unstable if he took them away#He can heal people who have been effected by it though#Anyways this is another thing Ra's doesn't actually need to know if Danny has anything to say about it#Damian is a smitten kitten by the being who managed to strike fear in his grandfather#and decides only the Ghost King was worthy of becoming his Beloved#During the month he tries to get Danny to agree to their impending marriage#Danny freaks at first but finds it a little adorable and never really takes it seriously#he does try to reason with Damian about how it wont work but the boy is stubborn#Damian does worm a spot in Danny's heart though by being stubbornly adorable#When the month is up. Damian swears to a fading Danny he will marry him in the future#Danny returns to his own time and thinks thats the end of that.#A few weeks later he finds out that someone as a joke signed him up for an exchange student program and that he was picked to go to Gotham#Damian has NEVER forgotten the one he calls Beloved#and has drawn him. Many times. In Eldritch form. Ghost King form. Little Man form. Phantom form. EVEN his human form only Damian knew of.#So when Damian spots Danny. He knows who he is.#Damian is gonna try to channel his mother's abilities in seduction to woo his Beloved
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coline7373 · 6 months
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"For Life and Light."
Pffffiuuuuu... I didn't thought I would finish it in time but I did! *fist pump*
Just in time to thank the @codywanfirstkissbingo 's mods for such lovely prompts and to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and/or Winter's Holidays!!!!!!!!!
Big love sent to everyone!!!
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sp0o0kylights · 8 months
Whole thing on A03
It didn't matter how much Steve explained. Not one member of the Party was going to get it. 
Tommy and Carol would, but then, they were no longer on speaking terms. A fact that hurt even if it was for the best--particularly in times like these, because they got it. 
They understood how he had been ensnared with the very same wealth people mocked him for. What it meant when his parents demanded Steve drop everything and go on vacation, his own plans be damned. 
They knew, because their families had done much the same, and so the lives they led also were tethered to leashes made of their parents' design. 
Dustin, whose mother bent over backwards to try and better her kid’s life, didn’t even have a frame of reference for this kind of thing, let alone sympathy. 
"Do they not understand you have a job?" Dustin asked incredulously, and Steve didn't have the emotional bandwidth to explain that his parents didn't consider working at Family Video to be a real job. 
As far as they were concerned, Steve could quit if he had to, and then go find another job when they were done using him to play the nice, All-American family. 
Likely for business purposes.
"They aren't the type to care." Steve said instead. 
It was easier than getting into it.
(Easier than explaining the BMW wasn't in his name, but his parents. 
How his money went into a bank account they had access to. 
That practically everything he owned was actually owned by Richard and Stella Harrington, and both were quick to remind him of that fact the second they felt Steve was acting out of line. 
And boy, had he been acting out of line. 
 Getting into fights. 
Turning their punishment of working a job they picked specifically for the humiliating outfit, into the far worse public embarrassment of being involved in a mall fire--an embarrassment because Steve had "lost" the keys to the BMW, had "put himself in danger" playing hero instead of letting the perfectly capable firefighters do it, then “paraded around” with bruises all over his face, racking up medical bills. 
Truly a sin for someone who hadn’t made it into college.) 
So no, this vacation they demanded Steve drop everything for  was not anything close to a reward, or even something they were doing to spend time together. There was a reason they needed Steve, and as far as they were concerned, Steve was at their beck and call until he shaped up and got his life back on track. 
His own plans be damned. 
"That's not fair though!" Dustin burst out and Steve sighed in relief, because here at least, he knew what to do to distract his younger friend.
 “We planned our trip months ago!” Dustin continued, looking two seconds away from giving in and stomping his foot. 
The kid might have been smarter than Steve--smarter than most people really--by a hell of a lot, but he was still fourteen. 
Smarts, Steve knew, didn't exactly equate to emotional intelligence, and it definitely didn't stop rampaging hormones.
Ice cream on the other hand, was a great aid in both areas. 
"You better be making this up to us." Dustin threatened thirty minutes later, spoon wedged deep into a sundae. “We can’t do, like, half the stuff we were going to do without you!” 
“I'm sure you guys didn’t need me to play ghost runners or whatever.” Steve said, but was quick to back down when Dustin nearly threw his spoon at him. 
Rather than antagonizing him more, Steve dutifully raised his hand to put over his heart. "I swear on your mom that I’ll make it up to you.”  
Dustin rolled his eyes, but otherwise, finally, let the whole thing go. 
Stupidly, Steve thought this meant the worst was over.
He was wrong. 
Mike hadn’t cared. 
El and Will hadn’t really either, though both expressed some sadness that Steve wouldn’t be participating in the camping trip that the Party as a whole had been looking forward to for the past few months. 
Erica had simply snapped at him, making him promise much the same as Dustin had that he would be making it up to her sometime in the future. Likewise, she had been bought off by ice cream (even if she insisted it didn’t count because Steve owed her ice cream anyways.) 
Max was the surprising emotional standout. 
"You can't tell them no?" She demanded, arms crossed over her chest. 
Lucas was hovering awkwardly at her shoulder, shooting "what can you do?" vibes as hard as he could at Steve as his (currently on-again) girlfriend outright dressed the elder boy down; her shoulders creeping up higher and higher until she seemed to realize she was visually giving away her upset and forcibly relaxed them. 
Unlike Dustin and Erica, her tirade was very out of character and Steve was growing more concerned by the second that something was wrong the more she spat at him. 
“I mean for fucks sake, didn’t you tell them you had plans!?” She finished, eyes narrowed in rage. 
Which was rich coming from someone whose stepdad had Billy Hargrove running all over town before he’d run off after the guy’s death, but then, Steve knew better than to bring all that up.
(The image of Max, unresponsive in the hospital with casts on almost every limb, was still too fresh. 
Even now he didn’t like to push her, even if the Party as a whole did their best to take notice when one of them was isolating themselves again. 
Max, though she was down to one crutch, was still inclined to use it as a weapon and very much enjoyed practicing her swings on people’s ankles.) 
“I did indeed. They don’t care and they’re not giving me a choice, but for what it’s worth I am sorry.” Steve tried to keep his voice even and out of angry-shrieking range, and vaguely prayed it was working. “I swear, I will make it up to you guys, even if we have to go on a second camping trip.” 
This was clearly not the correct thing to say.
Though judging by the murderous rage being aimed his way, Steve was pretty sure nothing short of “You know what you’re right, let me go tell my parents to fuck off!” would make Max happy. 
“So you’re seriously just going to drop everything, all our plans, your job, us,” She took a very threatening step forward and despite her being a full foot shorter than him, Steve had to fight not to take a responding step back. “So you can go play rich boy in the Bahamas?” 
“We’re not going to the Bahamas--” Steve tried, but was interrupted with a loud “ugh!” of disapproval. 
“Whatever makes you happy, Steven.” Max spat, and then turned on her heel, storming off towards the rest of the Party (who had taken one look at Max’s face and fled into the arcade so she and Steve could “talk.”) “I’m sorry us peasants weren’t good enough to hang around!”  
“Sorry man.” Lucas apologized quietly, on his way to run after Max. 
Steve just scrubbed a hand through his hair and sighed. 
“The kids are mad at you.” Nancy announced, appearing across the Family Video counter like a phantom. 
Steve swore, nearly dropping his stack of VHS’s, while Robin (who had clearly seen Nancy approach) cackled at his fumble. 
“Yeah, I did get that memo.” Steve said, after he stabilized his stack, safely moving them from his arms to the counter. 
Nancy peered around them, her face giving away nothing. “It is kind of shitty to cancel at the last minute like that. We were relying on you to drive.”
An old fury shook itself awake in Steve’s chest, taking an interest in the conversation the second Steve realized what Nancy was here to do. 
He took a deep, shuddering breath, and pressed it down, back into the box he’d slammed it in all those years ago. 
“I’d leave the keys to Robin here, but unfortunately, someone failed their drivers test.” Steve said instead, jamming his finger over his shoulder and blatantly attempting to pass the buck. 
Robin, who absolutely knew that was what he was doing, faked a gasp and kicked at his ankles. 
“That crotchety asshole failed me on purpose!” She protested, spinning to face Nancy. “He made like, three misogynistic comments before we even got in the car!” 
“Pointing out that he knew the car wasn’t yours wasn’t misogynistic, he was just surprised to see me letting you use the Beemer.” Steve shot back, rolling his eyes. “I don’t exactly let a lot of people drive it.” 
Unspoken was that Steve’s BMW was one of the town’s more unique cars, and thus easily identifiable by the locals at large. 
“How is that better!?” Robin returned, but Nancy cleared her throat before they could successfully get the Steve-and-Robin show on the road. 
“The point is that we--but really, the kids, were counting on you.” Nancy said, dipping into her patented “I’m upset with you” tone. 
A year ago it would have cut Steve to the bone, even if he didn’t show it. 
Now he just stared tiredly at her back. 
“I’m sorry, Nance, but it is what it is.” He said simply, hoping the apology (even if he knew it wasn’t so much a real apology as it was something he said to keep the rage from breaking out and wrecking havoc via his mouth) would soften his ex. “I don’t know what else to tell you.”
Given the abrupt narrowing of her eyes, it very much did not help his case. 
“For someone who was so vocal about trying to change I have to say this is pretty disappointing.” Nancy said simply, but with just enough of a tone that Steve had to close his eyes for a second. 
Feel the way that old anger, the one that had powered King Steve, hit the bars of its cage.
Robin stilled immediately next to him, her head ping-ponging between Steve and Nancy both as she too, clocked that Nancy was pissed, and here to chew Steve out about it. 
“Um.” She said, voice going high in discomfort. 
Steve grit his teeth. “I don’t exactly get a say in these things, Nancy. You know that.” 
He had to work to keep his voice even, fighting against the ice that wanted to sharpen his own tone. 
It was just---Nancy did know. 
Steve had told her all those years ago, in the safety of her arms, about his parents' expectations. Their predetermined path, the way they dictated large swathes of his life. 
How they’d allowed him to pick which sports he played, but required that he play a sport no matter the time of year. 
That the pool they had installed wasn’t for him, he just got to use it as much as he did in part because he’d joined the swim team, and the kind of mental mind games he and his parents played about things like that. 
Apparently either Nancy had forgotten, or simply hadn’t taken it in to begin with because she wasn’t backing down. 
(Not that Steve had ever seen Nancy Wheeler back down.) 
“I know you have trouble juggling your parents' plans with your own.” Nancy said, and her tone was absolutely icy now. “I certainly remember waiting for a date that never happened.” 
Steve sucked in a breath through his teeth, knowing immediately what Nancy was referring to. 
“I told you they came home unexpectedly.” He said, arms now crossed against his chest, nails digging into his arms as a way to help himself stay grounded. “They wouldn’t let me use the phone until the next day and I apologized.”
“And I recall having a lovely conversation with your mother where she said otherwise.” Nancy said, her words punctuated by another high pitched “Uhhhh.” from Robin. 
“Funny how you believe my mom over me.” Steve said and whoops, yup, he definitely sounded mad now. 
So much for all the effort he’d put in to staying calm. 
“Because I look at actions, Steve. Patterns. The same ones you kept repeating.” Nancy was clearly about to escalate, and Robin, bless her, had had enough. 
“He-eeey.” She said, wedging herself in between Steve and the counter Nancy was starting to lean over. “I totally get it, you’re both upset, but this maybe isn’t the venue to fight about it? There are customers in the store and--sorry Nancy--but I do kinda need Steve for work, so…” 
She trailed off, glancing nervously between the two of them. 
Nancy took a breath, blasting it out of her mouth like an academically inclined dragon. “You’re right. I’m sorry Robin.”
She then turned on her heel, making her way to the doors. She paused before them, and Steve prepared himself because he knew whatever she was going to say next, it was going to hurt. 
“I wouldn’t care if it was just me, Steve, but the kids don’t deserve you pulling this shit. Not after all they’ve been through.” With that, Nancy pushed through the door, head held high as she stormed to her car. 
As was typical for Nancy’s aim, she scored a direct hit. 
Steve, somehow, resisted throwing things. 
“Can you believe her!?” He said, the second the doors were closed and Nancy safely out of eyeshot. “Coming in here like that!?” 
He ran his hand through his hair, once, twice. 
A third time for good measure. 
“Yeah, that was seriously public for her.” Robin agreed, sliding up next to him. “Like really public.” 
Steve shrugged, because well. Not really. 
Not anymore. 
But Robin didn’t know that, just like Robin wasn’t entirely familiar with the depths Steve’s parents went to save face. They hadn’t exactly had time to really dig into it all, given how fast the Vecna situation had hit after Starcourt and the sheer PTSD both incidents had caused. 
Most nights they spent together was spent trying to avoid reliving nightmares, not discussing ones they were currently still living in. 
A fact that Steve was more than happy to bring her up to speed on, but to do so involved a lot of backstory, and backstory involved Nancy, and God, he was fucking pissed at Nancy. 
Soon it was an hour into his rant and he hadn’t actually gotten around to the sheer level of shit his parents would pull, too busy with Nancy and old echoes of ‘bullshit.’ 
 He only stopped when Robin put a hand on his shoulder, shaking him ever so slightly. 
“Dingus. You know I love you, and I know you’ve changed, but you do gotta admit, canceling at the last minute is kinda shitty and I get why they’re upset.” 
It was like the carpet had been pulled right out from under Steve, yanked so quickly he’d have to pinwheel to keep his feet. 
“What?” He said, eyes round in sheer surprise. 
“I just mean like, I get your parents are dicks but,” Robin’s face screwed up, looking like she’d sucked a lemon. It was her “I’m going to say something you don’t like face” and it hit Steve like a punch to the gut. 
“Our shift’s almost over and no offense, you’ve started to repeat yourself about Nance, and I get it! I do, memory shit is hard!” Robin’s hands moved as she talked, her bracelets jingling as if punctuating her point. 
“But I also think admitting you double booked yourself on accident and just taking responsibility for it would help smooth things over. Middle ground, you know?” Robin waggled her hands in a gesture that, for the first time in a long time, Steve didn’t understand. 
He found himself suddenly struggling to breathe. 
“Are you--are you saying you think I didn’t tell them I had a trip already planned?” 
Steve wasn’t sure how he managed to get it out. Wasn’t sure how he was doing anything, given the heat that was shooting through him, a hot mix of confusion and betrayal as Robin fidgeted to his left. 
“No! Okay well,” The lemon face got worse for a second. “I’m just saying you did kinda forget to pick me up that one time, and you do kinda blame your parents when stuff like that happens.” She bit a nail, peering at him out of the corner of her eyes.  
“I don’t--” Steve said, completely knocked adrift. “I…”
Robin didn’t believe him.
His Robin. 
Who wasn’t--wasn’t exactly siding with Nancy, but wasn’t saying she was wrong either, or that she understood that this shit was out of his control, and in fact, was kind of implying that Nancy was right more so than Steve was and---and--
There was a ringing in Steve’s ears he wasn’t sure actually existed. 
“I’m sure a lot of it is your brain injury. The doctors said your short term memory can take a while to fully come back and I totally get why you don’t wanna say that, I just, I think it would be better if--Steve?” Robin jumped back as Steve finally found his footing, swiping his jacket and punching out before she could catch how badly his hands were shaking. 
“I’m leaving.” Steve told her, his own words a million miles away, entirely uncaring if Keith fired him. 
Keith was likely going to fire him anyway, given Steve was about to ask for a week-long vacation not even four months after the whole Vecna ordeal. 
“Wait, Steve, hey--Dingus! I wasn’t done, I mean, I had more to say I, dammit Steve--!” Robin called after him frantically as Steve bolted for the door. 
Steve ignored her, aiming for the Beemer and swinging himself numbly into the driver's seat when he got it open. 
Put the car in park and avoided Robin’s face entirely as he backed it out, punching the gas far harder than he needed to. 
The Beemer roared in response, nose rising as it shot forward. 
Robin was his best friend. His fucking--platonic soulmate, as she kept calling him. The very idea that she agreed with Nancy in general was a blow but in this?
Against his parents? 
Nausea rolled angrily in Steve’s stomach, matching the sudden wetness that coated his eyes. 
Angry and needing an outlet, Steve stomped hard on the gas, taking the next corner far too sharp and making the beemer fishtail, tires squealing . 
He didn’t know where he was going.
He figured he’d find out when he got there. 
Given what Steve knew about the universe at large, (nevermind Hawkins) it probably wasn’t the smartest thing to hang around the Quarry at night.
But then, summer was in full swing. Kids were home from college and itching to find a place to party without parental overhead. 
Deep to the left side of the water, around a few bends and tucked oh so neatly out of sight, was a place where one could do just that. 
This stretch had long been claimed by the college kids of Hawkins, and guarded zealously for it. 
With the sheer number of drunk people whooping and hollering around the bonfires below the ridge where everyone parked their cars, Steve figured he was safe enough. 
Even if he was up with said cars, sitting alone. 
Not like it mattered. If a demodog or demogorgan or demo-fucking-dragon decided to come along, Steve had half a mind to just let it have him. 
It felt easier than trying to fix the current mess his life was in. 
So he sat up here, blowing through the alcohol he’d purchased from the one gas station that never carded, drinking his problems away. 
(That also wasn’t the best course of action but with his parents home to spring the whole “vacation” ordeal on him, it wasn’t like Steve had a choice.) 
He hadn’t grabbed a lot--had been so damn upset and struggling to hide it that he’d picked up a four pack of wine coolers instead of the intended beer he’d wanted. It was all he had though, and so he chugged the last bottle with a wince and wished he was a hell of a lot drunker than he felt.
Then promptly caught sight of the person walking towards him, and wondered vaguely if he was drunker than he felt. 
Of all the people to come and offer him a can of beer, Steve would have never expected Tommy Hagan. 
He eyed it and his old friend both, before slowly reaching out and taking the can. 
“Heard you and your parents are doing CoHo this year.” Tommy said casually, leaning up against the front of the Beemer like it was old times. 
“Yup.” Steve replied, drawing the word out. 
“Angie Tideman’s parents are going, they’re bringing her ith .” Tommy said it casually, and had the good graces not to grin when Steve audibly groaned.
“Oh god.”
Tommy sucked on a lip, nodding absently. “Yeah.” 
Then; “It gets worse.” 
Steve, who now knew what this conversation was about, instantly began tearing into the beer can. “How can it get worse? You know what Angie’s like.”
Angie, whose full name was Angelina, lived a few towns over. Born to wealthy parents who doted on their beloved only child, Angie had more in common with your average shark than she did her fellow humans. 
A comparison that, frankly, was unkind to sharks.
She was without a doubt the most selfish person Steve had ever had the misfortune of encountering, and the mere idea of being trapped in a room with her made his skin crawl. 
Their parents were business buddies though, and god forbid he ever insult a business buddies kid, 
“She goes to Purdue, you know, with me and Carol.” Tommy said, instead of answering directly. “We cross paths a lot, party wise.” 
Steve stayed silent. 
Knew how Tommy talked, how his stories meandered. Especially the juicy ones. 
“She’s been talking a lot recently. Given you don’t look all that informed, I’m gonna assume the one person she hasn’t talked to is you.” 
Steve gripped the can of beer, a sudden, sick fear blooming in his gut. 
“Tommy.” He said mildly, not loud enough to really interrupt, but with enough force to let his former friend know to get to the point, now. 
“Got all super fancy right before we left for summer break. Hair done, whole new wardrobe, nails, you know.” Tommy waggled his fingers playfully, but dropped them when Steve just stared. “Went full whore on us. I swear she was making out with any guy who even looked at her--” 
“Tommy.” He repeated, this time a hell of a lot firmer. 
Done pushing, Tommy let go of the proverbial bombshell. “Apparently you’re planning on proposing to her this summer. She’s gonna return next year as an engaged woman, with you in tow, because apparently, you got into Purdue. Congrats by the way.” 
Tommy clapped him on the shoulder, right as Steve’s mouth went dry. 
For the second time that day, he found himself fighting the burning heat of embarrassment and fury as it rolled through him. 
“I’m proposing.” Steve said, as if saying it out loud would scare the very idea away. “To Angie.” 
“Yeah we kinda figured you didn’t know.” Tommy said with a snide little grin. To the average outsider it was mocking, but Steve knew better.
Tommy was uncomfortable, because Tommy had understood what Steve’s parents had done. 
“What I’d like to know is just how much Angie’s parents paid to get you into Purdue. That’s gotta be a minimum fifty thousand dollar donation at least.” Tommy removed his hand, to instead lean his shoulder against Steve’s. Like this was the old times, before they’d fought. “ I didn’t think they had that kind of money to throw around.”  
A past conversation with his father struck Steve, running through the front of his mind like a bad horror movie. 
“They sold the estate.” Steve said vacantly, the implications not quite hitting. “The one they’ve been trying to get rid of forever, over in Cape Cod.” 
“Oh shit.” Tommy said, blinking as he too, recalled what was likely his father telling him the very same news. 
“They sold the place on Cape Cod, and they used part of the funds to fucking buy me like a toy.” And yeah, saying it out loud, it definitely sounded bad. “I didn’t think Angie even liked me.”
“Does Angie like anyone?” Tommy asked, incredulously, but nudged Steve’s shoulder again when his joke didn’t net him the laugh he wanted.. “I mean, you had to know your old man had plans to straighten you out. He keeps getting mad at my dad, because the ass won't stop making jokes that I’m going to take over the company instead of you.” 
“And this is it. Attaching me to Angie.” Steve said vacantly. “Because they know if I get married…” 
He’d put his wife first. His family, first. 
The one he’d wanted, dreamed of, since he first realized he didn’t have one. 
He’d been playing checkers the entire time, too busy fighting fucking monsters and Russians to realize his parents had upgraded to chess. 
In a dizzying array of mental connect-the-dots, Steve replayed the last years worth of conversations. All the odd little things they’d said. All the dumb things Steve had just ignored. 
 They’d warned him. 
Had told him he better shape up, or they’d be forced to do something drastic. 
That his parents hadn’t wasted all this time, effort, money on him, for him to throw away his life like he was. 
“You better start acting right and figuring out how to get your life back on track, because you won’t like what happens if I have to fix it for you. You get a month Steven, and after that? Well. Just remember you forced my hand, Steven.” 
They knew. They knew him, and what made him tick.
“I think the real question is what Angie’s parents see in you.” Tommy teased, but then they both knew the answer to that puzzle. 
For all that Steve’s mom complained about her husband, the guy was a shrewd and calculating businessman. Those weekends, then weekdays, then more and more time away hadn’t just been so he could go screw his secretary. 
Richard Harrington had fast tracked his business to the point where it was now getting attention. The business journal, ‘Top 50 Companies to Watch’ kind. 
Even if Steve fucked up entirely, he was set to inherit a fortune and a business that would continue adding to it, for some time to come. 
Provided he did what his parents wanted.
Such as marrying Angie. 
Thing was, if his parents did what they always did, and held their wealth (his car, his home, his life and all the little things in it) against him like a gun to his head, if Angie got that ring around her finger? 
 Steve would bow to their whims. 
 Because they could fluster him into proposing so he didn’t embarrass Angie, and her parents and anyone else who’d undoubtedly be watching. They’d make a spectacle of it. 
Because once he did propose, they wouldn’t let him back out, burying him under guilt trips and veiled threats until he was marched down the aisle in a groomsman suite and told to stand. 
Because against all common sense, Steve wanted a family who loved him so desperately he’d chase it like a dog if he was presented with the opportunity and told to make it work. 
It didn’t matter that Angie was selfish. 
Steve would try anyway. 
His parents were maneuvering him as easily as they had back when he was a kid, using love as a tool to get him to do what they wanted and even seeing the nose hanging from the rafters, they knew just the right words to get him to place it around his neck. 
“Thought you’d wanna know.” Tommy finished, pushing himself off Steve’s car. “Before your parents sprung it on you.” 
“Sonofabitch.” Steve hissed angrily, a million thoughts racing through his head, the heat of being caught in a trap blasting down his spine. 
“Yeah.” Tommy added, rather unhelpfully. “But hey, given that you’re about to go on vacation to propose, why don’t we consider this,” here Tommy swept his hand, gesturing to the party below, “your proposal party?” 
It was a downright horrible idea.
But then, Steve didn’t exactly have a better one. 
Not  when the world itself seemed against him, grinding its heel into his back and laughing about it. 
He knew the drill. If he went down there, arm in arm with Tommy, then it wouldn’t matter that half those kids were from a few towns over, driven in by new college buddies.  
They’d see him as a reason to get wild, absolutely uncaring that they didn’t know who the hell he was. 
Steve needed that.
People who weren’t mad at him, buying into the easy lies his parents wove, or who didn't understand the games played against him. 
“Fuck it.” He announced, standing up from the hood of his car as Tommy’s grin morphed into something he used to see in the days of old, back when they were sneaking drinks from their parents' alcohol cabinets. “This way at least I get a party.”
Not like his parents were going to let him have an engagement party. Or a bachelor party, or likely let his ass back into Hawkins. 
No matter how long the engagement. 
Tommy cheered, raising his arms to the sky and Steve grinned wildly with him. 
He’d figure out how to get out of all this later--but for now, he wanted just a few damn hours where he didn’t have to think. 
Not about his parents, or Angie, or possible attempts to force him into marriage, like this was the yee olden days and Steve was a Victorian maiden who needed to be brought to heel. 
Likewise he didn’t want to think about the Party, or Russian torture, or how Nancy could be so damn smart in some things and downright stupid in others. 
He absolutely didn't want to think about Robin. 
“Hey boys and girls, look who I drug up!” Tommy yelled as they approached and soon, word had spread.
This was Steve’s proposal party, and he was here to get absolutely smashed (while encouraging everyone else to do the exact same, in his honor.) 
Which would be how Eddie found him a few hours later.
Still at the quarry, crossfaded off his ass, a forty in one hand and a lawn dart in the other. 
“Are you kidding me, Steve?” Eddie grit out, desperately trying to wrestle the lawn dart out of his hand. “You’re fucking partying with Tommy Hagan!?” 
Steve blinked at him a few times, finally catching on that Eddie was in fact, actually there. 
“When did you show up?” He asked, though given the wince on Eddie’s face and just how hard it had been to move his lips, Steve correctly assumed he’d slurred the shit out of the question. 
Somehow, Eddie understood him anyway. 
“Robin called me a while ago, gave me a list of places you might be. Almost skipped this one until I stepped out of my van to take a piss and heard the party.” Eddie explained, and somehow while doing so, he’d successfully gotten a hold of the dart. 
He was now working on removing the 40 ounce. 
Steve frowned, using his newly freed hand to grip it closer to his chest. 
“Harrington.” Eddie warned, and oh, wow, they were back to last names huh?
Well why not, it wasn't like his night could get worse. 
“This is mine, Munson.” Steve fired back, putting as much vitriol into Eddie’s last name as he could.
This did not detour the metalhead. 
“Come on man, give me the bottle.” Eddie said firmly. 
Steve shook his head stubbornly, enjoying the way his hair whipped at his face. “No.”
Another man stumbled over, a guy Steve absolutely did not know. He frowned, looking between Eddie and Steve. 
For two seconds, Steve thought they might have trouble, and given the way Eddie was tensing, he clearly thought so too. 
Instead, New Guy just kind of rocked on his heels. “Hey, shove off it, buddy. It’s this guy's bachelor party, let the man drink!” 
Eddie’s face did something complicated then, pulling the sort of expressive looks only he could manage.
It was both adorable and hilarious, and if Steve hadn’t just been reminded of the very reason he was drinking, he’d have told Eddie so. 
“Yeah!” He said instead, raising his hand in the air, toasting his bottle of forty against the other guy’s red solo cup. “It’s my proposalengagmentbachelor party!” 
Given the second, adorable-slash-hilarious look on Eddie’s face, Steve assumed those words hadn’t come out right either. 
“Okay.” Eddie said hands on his hips in a stance Steve was pretty sure Eddie had gotten from him. “Here’s what's going to happen. You’re going to put the bottle away. Then you’re going to give me your car keys, and then the two of us are going to my house to sleep whatever is happening here, off.” 
At least, that's what Steve thought he heard. It was a pretty un-Eddie like speech, and Steve maybe, might have been the one to say it, because he maybe, might have been mocking what Eddie had actually said.
It was hard to know, given that Steve’s thoughts were a thick soup on a bit of a time delay, and he was having a hard time figuring up from down, let alone what Eddie had been actually saying. 
Speaking of; 
 “When did I get into your car?” Steve asked, blinking as the van’s passenger seat appeared before him.
“Just now.” Eddie said, helping him in.
“Huh.” Said Steve, and then he maybe passed out a bit, because once again, he found himself awake and alert at a place that wasn’t where he’d just been. 
“Come on.” Eddie said gently, one of Steve’s arms over his shoulder as Steve leaned heavily into him, guiding the jock up the stairs and into the small house he and Wayne now called a home. 
The guy might have muttered a few things about bachelor parties along the way, but Steve was too focused on walking straight to really take notice. 
Part Two
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 25
Damian gritted his teeth. He had known his grandfather had been far too accepting of him coming out as gay. Now he knew why.
He stared at his new "bride", trying to ignore the urge strangle his grandfather. The young man was clearly a meta with cat ears and tail matching the snowy white hair on his head. The mans green eyes glowed with the power of the Lazarus Pits, but intead of anger they showed wariness as his gaze flicked back and forth between the guards and Damian. He tried to ignore the twinge of pride when he noticed the mans slit pupils would widen ever so slightly when he looked in his direction.
He was pretty. The heir to the demons head could admit that much. But his grandfather announcing that the boy was basically a walking Lazarus Pit and was "Blessed by the Waters" was not expected. The boy confirmed he could revive anything or anyone with just a small piece of their body but the more he has of it the better.
Anyway, Damian kept expecting his family to burst in at any minute to stop the wedding but it didn't happen. They would be too late when they arrived.
Damian would be married to a cute catboy with enough power to fight God.
Good news. Damian gets to take him home! More good news! No one can complain about cat hair anymore.
Danny seemed a bit wary of the manor and its inhabitants at first but he seemed to settle in fine. He and his spouse got along very well and while it was somewhat embarrassing to sleep in separate beds as a married couple they were practically strangers and Danny was majorly uncomfortable with it.
Danny was relieved to have his own room and was allowed to decorate as he liked. He was skittish with most of the family but was making a visible effort to bond with the others and help out where he could.
Damian is determined to be a good husband and no one can stop him.
Bruce on the other hand is trying to find some way to undo the marriage ritual Ras used
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yandere-writer-momo · 11 days
Thinking about Yandere women again. A barbarian lesbian wife with a rogue halfling wife.
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Yandere Barbarian who cannot get you out of her head. How dare you invade her mind when she needs to be training! You with your soft body and your plain lips… she wanted to kiss you so badly. To bend you over on every surface and have you screaming under her
Yandere barbarian who takes every blow from the enemy to keep you safe! You’re never getting a single attack landed on you if she can help it (please notice her).
Yandere Barbarian who always offers to share her tent with you since yours is almost always destroyed or mysteriously disappeared. Aren’t her arms much warmer than this thing blankets you had?
Yandere Barbarian whose hands start to wander as you try to sleep. Her calloused palms brushed against your stomach and thighs while she began to whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Don’t you want her? She could show you an even better time than any man. (Men are disgusting. Don’t waste your time with them)
Yandere Barbarian who buries her face between your thighs as she feasts on your soaked privates. She doesn’t care that you try to squirm to get away. She’s here to eat you out, just enjoy it, princess!
Yandere Barbarian who continues this pattern until she’s able to slip a ring on your finger. There’s no ability to reject her since she could easily crush you between her thighs like a grape. Just be her cute little wife. She’ll treat you better than anyone in this world! Forever safe at her side as she dotes on you endlessly
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radiance1 · 10 months
There was a dragon in space. A brilliant, glowing white eastern dragon that looked like a star moving within space.
It seemingly wasn't doing anything, just floating throughout space with seemingly, no destination in mind. Sometimes it flies around earth, looking but never flying down onto the planet, sometimes it lands on the moon, taking a nap or just playing around by itself.
There were other times it flew through the asteroid belt hiding the Watchtower, yet it hasn't found it yet.
The dragon didn't seem like a threat, just playing around within space, minding its own business. Batman monitors it regardless, however.
They didn't know where it came from, what its powers were, why it was here or if its intentions of playing were bound to change into something of hostility. He made eventual plans for it, if it were to turn violent one day, though he leaved it to its own devices for the most part.
His plans were to be used for the What-ifs, not willy nilly.
There came a time when the Justice League were having a debrief in the Watchtower, as they usually do. When the satellites discreetly monitoring it picked up on something.
Another dragon.
One that resembled a western dragon more with black and purple scales.
The first dragon they were monitoring seemed to be off put by the other one, uncharacteristically hostile. Meanwhile the other dragon seemed to be smug, arrogant, seemingly about to on some kind of speech before realizing it couldn't talk in space.
They fought, and they got a view of the dragon's abilities for the first time. Ice, energy blasts, shields, and a wail so powerful it could even be heard clearly throughout space.
the other dragon was no slouch, either, though seemingly less abilities than the other. Fire, speed and strength, which was a given considering their species. It tanked multiple of the other dragon's attacks, though seemed desperate, wary, and even scared of its wail.
They both injured each other, quite severely too. The second dragon seemed to have gotten the upper hand, and got cocky because of that, and so, failed to avoid a wail that blasted it back, followed by two more.
It got hit by the second and barely dodged the third. Then had to retreat due to its injuries.
The first dragon wasn't that well off either, various cuts around its body and green blood leaking out into space. It sluggishly flew to the moon, landed, and then stopped moving entirely.
They decided to try and help it.
Danny was the recently crowned prince of the Ghost Zone, though its king, Pariah Dark, was still in his coffin.
He got a new ability, which was sweet! He could turn into an eastern dragon, which was extremely nice, though a bit annoying having to get used to whenever he woke up and realized most of his body was off his bed because he shifted into a dragon overnight.
What was less cool was how many responsibilities as prince he had to go through, etiquette training, learning history, attending the apparent 'high society' of the ghost zone parties, deciding who gets what fair and square and making sure there was nothing going severely wrong in the Zone.
Something the King was supposed to be doing, but you know, can't when he's sleeping and all.
And how could he forget? The marriage proposals.
He goddamn hated them. So much so that he had to publicly demand to stop sending him them be he's never going to court and marry anyone.
All was good, for a while. But of course, everything couldn't go so smoothly for him. The Observants foresaw a future where he apparently went 'mad with power being the sole royalty' and thought him to be the next coming of Pariah Dark, and then forcibly stated that anyone who can beat him in combat is someone who will marry him, no courting involved and no matter how Danny feels about the ghost.
Danny Obviously didn't like that, not at all. But it was fine, for the most part, because there was no ghost capable of besting him in combat. Well, there were some, but they just simply weren't interested in becoming king or in Vlad's case, marrying him
Prince Aragon
The guy kept trying and trying, no matter how many times he defeated him. Claiming that because he has the ability to turn into a dragon, he simply has to marry him, that he deserved to have Danny as his bride.
Danny still batted him away, making jokes and mocking him for it, even. Though he had a sneaking suspicion that Aragon wanted to marry him to regain his nobility, but that wouldn't happen.
He then disappeared out of nowhere, off the face of the Ghost Zone too. Danny was glad for it, no skin off his back if someone that annoying disappeared, so he went on life as normal, hanging out with his friends, managing ghostly responsibilities, and spending more time with his family.
Even his grades got better! Now that ghost attacks happened less.
Then Aragon reappeared one day, declaring another fight for his hand in marriage. Danny thought it would be easy as all the other times. But something was different with Aragon, he was stronger, faster, more durable.
And it scared him. Scared him how very close the fallen prince was to defeating him in combat, how close he was to losing and having to marry Aragon, how close he was to having to have someone like that as his spouse for what may very well be eternity.
He had a nightmare, that night. One where he lost and was forcibly married to Aragon.
So he ran. He told his friends and family why he was running, and didn't care to tell anyone else why he was running, he just had to get away before his nightmare became a reality.
He went through a lot of dimensions, realms, whatever. Not staying for long, constantly looking over his shoulder just in case Aragon was right behind him, following him.
He ended up in space, near earth and he, tired of all the running and just wanting to stay somewhere for once, stayed. Floating around space.
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bolithesenate · 4 months
What happens when a Jedi Initiate dies?
It cannot always be prevented, the galaxy is a dangerous place, especially for children, and the Jedi are still only mortal.
Accidents happen. Illnesses exist.
Tragedies do too.
The Crèchemasters are highly trained to prevent that, of course, but they too are only mortal. They too can fail.
The death of an Initiate is a heavy burden, for the entire Temple. It doesn't happen often, but when it does it is a heavy burden. It is from that burden that one of the Order's most sacred traditions stems from.
They may die an Initiate, but they will not join the Force without guidance.
When an Initiate dies, they automatically gain the rank of Padawan – no matter their age. They will posthumously be taken in by a Master and be gifted a braid and a lineage. If they already found their crystal and built their saber, these too will be taken care of by their new Master.
Some Masters of such Ghost-Padawans, especially those who had a bond before their passing, will live the following years as if they had a living student. They will not take on another until the Force or they themselves deems them ready, at which point the High Council will hold a honorary Knighting.
Because while the Order might lose an Initiate, no Initiate will ever be left alone.
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amostnobleyandere · 14 days
Yandere! Diluc x Reader
Summary: Kidnapped Reader begins to feel touch starved after being trapped for so long and finally reciprocates Diluc’s need for physical affection. Cue a steamy make-out session.
Warning(s): YANDERE content (do not read if you are not comfortable), kidnapping, imprisonment, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, implied Stockholm syndrome, dubious consent (concerning touch), forced affection, forced kissing, steamy, !! heavily suggestive ending (smut implied)!!, slight hair pulling, slight isolation, forced marriage, they make out and both of them get somewhat turned on *gasp*
“Just one kiss. Please, darling.”
Your protests were silenced by Diluc pushing his plush lips onto yours. The kiss was soft, delicate, and loving, something filled with longing after not seeing you for hours. However, the romance of it all didn’t mean much to you when you had been backed into the corner of your shared canopy bed with no way to escape.
You tightly fisted your hands into the sheets as his lips pressed insistently against yours, a discarded book next lying open on the silken bedding. You had been entertaining yourself pretty well before Diluc, your husband, had gotten home from a long day of work and business, deciding that he wanted to relish in your company after being deprived of it for so many hours. Your husband was a working man, and unfortunately for you, he only became more desperate to hold you after being separated most days.
Diluc’s arms caged you in while his thigh pressed against yours, heat seeping through the thin fabric. His winter clothes had been switched out for lighter ones with the coming spring, and you could feel every tensing muscle in his body as it shifted against your shamefully thin loungewear. You could feel the twitching of his body, the stiff movements that came with him resisting the urge to run his hands all over you. He knew you didn’t like him touching you. He knew that he was pushing it by kissing you with such intensity.
Today though, today was different. You didn’t mind the way his lips were bruising yours with each practiced tilt of his head. An all too human part of you was so tired of resisting every day, and it craved the warmth that you felt in those moments after he was done kissing you; those moments when he brought his gloved hands up to caress your face as you avoided his painfully adoring expression.
Hesitantly, you brought your tense arm up to graze the hair near the back of his head, each movement feeling slow and forced. But god, you were so desperate for the thought of being touched, and could no longer keep up the act of repulsion to the little physical touch Diluc gave you; you were tired of being careful to avoid every brush of skin, every silent show of affection.
Diluc knew it made you uncomfortable, and for the first few months of your “stay” you would have rather gagged yourself before you ever kissed him willingly. But loneliness was a powerful thing, and besides the maids who would barely look you in the eye, he was the only one you could reach out and hold.
Your hand landed on the back of his ponytail and you did you best to ignore how quickly Diluc stiffened under the shift in weight. His lips froze against yours in shock, but you pushed your hand further into his hair before anxiety made you pull it back. Your fingers curled into his locks, slightly tugging at the base where a ribbon held it back, and the first thing you thought was how absolutely soft it was.
You heard Diluc shakily breathe in, his eyes wide as he stared at you in disbelief. His hands landed firmly on your hips in an awkward attempt to put them somewhere. You could feel his fingertips digging into your skin, hands tense as he felt the new sensation of your fingers running through his hair.
…Clearly your touch was not unwelcome.
Feeling emboldened, you went further. With one of your hands still nestled in his hair, you rested the other one on his chest. You curiously ran it up to his collar, distracted by the new feeling of the coarse clothing and the strong body that shuddered underneath your light touch. You felt his heart beat unimaginably fast against your palm, heat seeping into your skin already from the light contact.
You quickly glanced up at his eyes and immediately became aware of the intensity of the look he was giving you. His gaze roamed your face, going from your eyes to your lips, searching fervently for something in your expression. You had never been the one to initiate anything before, much less encourage his behavior. You had always been quite cold to your captor ever since he had swept you away and locked you up in his mansion, too paranoid and in love to keep you anywhere but under his watchful eye.
You suddenly felt very nervous. Diluc’s blood red eyes reminded you of a predator, following every slight movement you made with rapt attention.
A primal part of you was scared of breaking eye contact with the dangerous man in front of you and you felt your heartbeat quicken for the first time in a while; whether it was fear or excitement, it made a fire light in your body.
Slowly, you leaned into him, ghosting your lips against his as he sharply inhaled, muscles tensing underneath your fingers as you focused on the rhythmic thrum of his heart. You moved the hand over his heart to join the other nestled in his hair. You pressed your chests together, practically melting into him as the lonely place in your heart sighed in relief at the warmth surrounding you.
You were the closest to him you had ever been, and you were returning the affection he had showered you with since the day he took you away. In the moment, you were unaware as to what exactly was going through Diluc’s mind. This was a sign of you willingly accepting his love. A thing you had only ever seemed to acknowledge reluctantly. His self restraint snapped, and then his hands were everywhere.
What had gone from a sensual kiss of longing was now a passionate fight for breath, with every harsh press of his lips to yours ending and beginning again at a dizzying pace. His exhales met yours in quick, desperate pants, as he seemed only able to pull away for a second before attaching himself to you again.
You soon lost your balance from the onslaught and fell back onto the bed. Diluc paused for a brief moment before following you and carefully placing himself over you, putting his weight on one forearm and using his other hand to impatiently tug open his collar.
“Diluc?” You said, dazed by the sudden change in his behavior.
“Hot,” was the only thing he said, forgoing elaborating to instead nudge his face into the crook of your neck. You tensed as you felt his lips brush against the sensitive area, each exhale adding more heat to already damp skin.
You nearly screamed when you felt his lips settle onto your skin, his teeth latching onto your neck happily. He bit painful heat into your throat, marking each new spot he found with eagerness as he moved down your neck. He began pressing fleeting kisses up to your ear, which he then happily bit and abused. His tongue ran across the shell languidly, a teasing motion with a meaning more sensual behind it, and an unexpected bolt of electricity shot through you.
Diluc seemed to be caught between deciding to pin you underneath him or allowing your hands to be entwined in his hair. Eventually, he guided your hand up to where it have previously been, and you automatically pulled on the long strands just to ground yourself. He moaned at the feeling. You teased the ribbon away until it fell from his nape, watching bright red locks spill over the broad shoulders now caging you in. Errant strands floated above you, teasing at your face and skin as Diluc ran his hands up and down the side of your waist. He panted in your ear and his hot breaths bounced against sensitive skin, making goosebumps rise along your arms.
You jumped as you felt his hand run to your thigh and squeeze, the firm grip making something light up in your stomach. You inhaled shakily, gasping as your realized that you were going to get what you wanted and more. Tonight was going to be a long night.
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sarahowritesostucky · 3 months
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Tags: dark!Bucky, mafia/mob au, dubcon/noncon, a/b/o, threats and coercion, non-con, forced pregnancy, forced domestic "bliss", mating, breeding, hate to strong affection, yandere, kid fic
Summary: You thought you'd left behind the alpha who turned out to be more dangerous than you'd ever imagined. But one day he walks back into your life and reminds you that, come hell or high water, you're all going to be one happy. little. family.
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Daddy's Home (Series teaser)
Episode 1: A Clever, Tricky Little Kitty Cat: Just like Her Mommy
Episode 2: Taking Back What's His
Episode 3: The Lap of Luxury
Episode 4: Motherhood Suits You
Episode 5: Should've Done this Years Ago
Epilogue: A Storybook Romance Once Again
Nickname Dictionary: vorishka = "little thief" mamochka = "mommy/little mother" kotenok= "kitty/kitten" omegya = (made up) Russian spelling of omega omegechka = (made up) "little omega" shlyukha = "slut" krasotka = "Pretty(n.)/pretty one" milashka = "cutie patootie" malen'kiy = "little one"  malyshka = "little girl" pchelka = "little bee"
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@cjand10, @violetwinterwidow01, @ppbhquinn, @myfavbuckyfics, @liannafae, @sadsackssss, @timidquindim, @dakotali, @rayofdawnworld, @wintrsoldrluvr, @lindasweetie
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girlydesires · 2 months
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