#February Gold daffodils
In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen
Romanesco is the consummation of cauliflower season. It usually is the last of the varieties to be harvested. The plants are enormous and each of the four heads weighed 3-4 pounds this year. Read more about Romanesco in a previous post.
That’s me behind the Romanesco for perspective. Harvest generates quite a pile of leaves for the compost and a number of bunnies in the ‘hood. I’ve not been able to interest any humans in the leaves and I’m too overwhelmed with cauliflower to think about options for the foliage.
Despite my staggered planting, all seventeen plants were ready to harvest within a two week period. Some were shared with neighbors and foodie friends who know just what to do with a Romanesco or purple cauliflower.
Unlike navel oranges, tangerines do not “store” well on the tree. It was time to remove them all and begin the neighborhood distribution. No one turns down the Satsuma tangerines. We’ve stored a couple dozen of the ugly ones in the fridge for our continued enjoyment. The crop was the largest we’ve ever had though it’s a mystery why. They’re extra juicy this year, perhaps due to our regular and abundant rain.
It was also the week for a major harvest and distribution of lettuce. Most of this batch is Outredgeous with some Sea of Red and Dark Red Lollo Rossa. As the weather warms this week, some of the lettuce will think about bolting so there may be another substantial harvest.
Check my blog post In My Garden, Late January to see the garden in its winter glory.
Several batches of Sweetened Oven Dried Orange Slices utilized some of the abundant navel oranges. It’s a sweet-tart way to extend the season as they store well in glass jars.
About a dozen unseasonable strawberry guavas bring winter delight. These are about an inch in diameter and luscious. I pull a couple from the fridge every day and warm them in a sunny window to appreciate all the goodness.
February Gold daffodil cheers me on the way to the garden.
Check my What I’m Planting Now page. It’s been a busy week in the garden planting the place opened by the cauliflower harvest.
Harvest Monday, hosted by Dave at Happy Acres Blog returns this week. Join in and see what garden bloggers around the world harvested last week.
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emaadsidiki · 2 months
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Blooms of Forest Hills 🌹🌷🐝🌼🐝🌸🌺
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harmoonix · 2 months
𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡!
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❄️ January ❄️
Birth Flower - Snowdrop
Birth Color - Dark Red
Birth Crystal - Garnet
Houses associated with January in the birth chart - 10th or 11th house
🌷 February 🌷
Birth Flower - Violet
Birth Color - Purple
Birth Crystal - Amethyst
Houses associated with February in the birth chart - 11th and 12th house
🍀 March 🍀
Birth Flower - Daffodil
Birth Color - Blue/Light Blue
Birth Crystal - Aquamarine
Houses associated with March in the birth chart - 12th and 1st house
🌼 April 🌼
Birth Flower - Daisy
Birth Color - Silver/White
Birth Crystal - Diamond
Houses associated with April in the birth chart 1st and 2nd house
🪭 May 🪭
Birth Flower - Lily of the Valley
Birth Color - Green/Dark Green
Birth Crystal - Emerald
Houses associated with May in the birth chart 2nd and 3rd house
🪂 June 🪂
Birth Flower - Rose
Birth Color - Incandescent White
Birth Crystal - Pearl
Houses associated with June in the birth chart 3rd and 4th house
🏖️ July 🏖️
Birth Flower - Larkspur
Birth Color - Bright Red
Birth Crystal - Ruby
Houses associated with July in the birth chart 4th and 5th house
🏵️ August 🏵️
Birth Flower - Poppy
Birth Color - Light Green/Turquoise
Birth Crystal - Peridot
Houses associated with August in the birth chart 5th and 6th house
🌌 September 🌌
Birth Flower - Aster
Birth Color - Blue
Birth Crystal - Sapphire
Houses associated with September in the birth chart 6th and 7th house
🎃 October 🎃
Birth Flower - Marigold
Birth Color - Gold/Brown/Orange/Pink
Birth Crystal - Opal
Houses associated with October in the birth chart 7th and 8th house
🐞 November 🐞
Birth Flower - Chrysanthemum
Birth Color - Yellow
Birth Crystal - Citrine
Houses associated with November in the birth chart 8th and 9th house
☄️ December ☄️
Birth Flower - Paper White
Birth Color - Slivering Blue
Birth Crystal - Blue Topaz/Blue Zircon
Houses associated with December in the birth chart - 9th and 10th house
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hearthandheathenry · 4 months
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All About Imbolc
Imbolc, also known as Imbolg, celebrated on February 1st, marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox in early Ireland and Scotland, and also signified the beginning of the first signs of spring after all the harsh winter days. Originally a pagan holdiay in pre-Christian times, there is little in writing about the historic traditions and customs, although many historians believe it revolved around the Celtic Goddess Brigid, lambing season, and cleansing due to observed ancient poetry.
Brigid is a Goddess and daughter of the father-God of Ireland, Dagda. She is associated with quite a few things depending on the sources, but universally associated with wisdom and poetry. Other associations of hers are blacksmithing, protection, domesticated animals, childbirth, fire, and healing. She was also known as a protector of the home and the family.
Once Christianity arose, it is believed that the Goddess was syncretized with the Irish Saint Brigid by Christian monks due to the many overlapping associations. This caused Imbolc to quickly turn into St. Brigids Day and the next day into Candlemas with the rising Christian popularity, enmeshing the holiday associations together.
Today, many people have mixed the traditions and melded many associations from both religious and cultural history to celebrate their own unique way. Common ways to celebrate are making a Brigid's Cross, welcoming Brigid into the home, having a feast in her honor, cleaning the home and oneself, visiting a holy well, and in some parts of the world they still hold festivals and processions carrying a representation of Brigid. Many pagans nowadays are using associations of hers and their connection with nature to create their own ways to celebrate, however, and you can absolutely celebrate however you feel called to do so.
Imbolc Associations:
Colors - white, gold or yellow, green, and blue
Food - milk, butter, cheese, seeds and grains, breads, herbs, blackberries, oat porridge, wild onion and garlic, honey
Animals - sheep and lambs, swans, cows, burrowing and hibernating animals
Items - candles, corn dolls, Brigid's cross, fires, snowdrops and white flowers, crocuses and daffodils, flower crowns
Crystals - amethyst, garnet, ruby, quartz, bloodstone
Other - lactation, birth, feasting, farm preparation, cleansing and cleaning, the sun, poetry and creative endevours, smithing, water
Ways To Celebrate Imbolc:
make a Brigid's cross
light candles
have a feast
bake bread
plan your spring garden
leave an offering for Brigid
make a corn doll
craft a flower crown
clean your home
take a cleansing bath
make something out of metal
have a bonfire
look for the first signs of spring
make your own butter or cheese
do divination work and seek wisdom
write a poem
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esoteric-chaos · 4 months
Imbolc - Spoonie Witch Friendly
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Imbolc is usually celebrated between February 1st & 2nd, in the Northern Hemisphere (In Southern hemisphere around August 1).
Imbolc is a fire festival celebrating the home, hearth, and the halfway point between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.
Is is the celebration of the return of the light and sun. A great time to honour the coldest days and the arrival of spring.
Imbolc Correspondences
Pastel Colors
Bay leaves
Root vegetables
Dried fruits
Fermented foods
Dairy (specifically ewe's milk)
Herbal tea
Canned foods
All burrowing and hibernating animals
Candle flame
Brigid’s cross
Sheep (due to Imbolc’s association with ewe’s milk)
White flowers
Flowing water and springs
Spiritual meanings
Fresh beginnings
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Brigid (Celtic)
Aphrodite (Greek)
Bast (Egyptian)
Ceres (Roman)
Cerridwen (Celtic)
Hestia (Greek)
Vesta (Roman)
Venus (Roman)
Athena (Greek)
Demeter (Greek)
Persephone (Greek)
Aenghus Og (Irish)
Eros (Greek)
Faunus (Roman)
Pan (Greek)
Cernunnos (Celtic)
Osiris (Egyptian)
Asmodeus (Demon, personal UPG)
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I got you covered.
High energy celebrations and ritual
Astral projection/travel
Cord cuttings
Create a Brigid’s Cross
Gardening (best time to start to plant seeds)
Make resolution(s) and goal(s) for the year ahead (I'll fight to the DEATH about my personal opinion that this is a better time for resolutions than New Years itself. Best time for renewal and goal setting)
Ritual to say farewell to winter
Make bread
Spring clean! It’s the best time for it
Low energy celebrations 
Starting a manifestation journal
Burning a bay leaf with manifestation on it
Planning in your planner
Lighting a candle in honour
Make a cup of tea
Practice self care
No spoon celebrations 
Putting on sun lamp
Greet the sun at sunrise
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
Also please note some stuff is UPG. A great book is Year of the Witch by Temperance Alden for honouring the celebrations and if you wanted to work more seasonally. It's not wiccan based and has plenty of resources for every witch.
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detournementsmineurs · 3 months
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“Miniature Case with Tulip, Daffodil and Rose" in gold and enamel (circa 1680) presented in “A History of Jewellery: Bedazzled (part 3: Baroque Splendour)” by Beatriz Chadour-Sampson - International Jewellery Historian and Author - for the V&A Academy online, February 2024.
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smudgingpumpkins · 4 months
Also referred to as Imbolg or Candlemass
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When is Imbolc?
Typically celebrated between February 1st to February 2nd.
What does Imbolc mean?
It is a celebration of rebirth, fertility, and the arrival of the lambing period of sheep. It is considered the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, celebrating the near arrival of springtime.
Who does Imbolc celebrate?
The Goddess Brigid is honored at this time, who is the goddess of fertility, hearth, poetry, and smithcraft.
Work with stones that promote fertility, healing, and/or creativity, such as moonstone, amethyst, carnelian, rose quartz, malachite, clear quartz, and turquoise.
Utilize aromatic herbs and flowers such as cinnamon, basil, angelica, daffodil, plumeria, and myrrh, which are known to be mood-boosters, diaphoretic, and aid with quelling anxiety. Daffodils specifically symbolize “new beginnings.”
Create or consume diary products such as cheese, cow’s or sheep’s milk. Imbolc is the celebration of lambing, after all! Sweet berries such as blackberries and strawberries are also good choices.
Wear or decorate with brown, beige, white, ochre, and gold colors.
Incorporate animal imagery (e.g., drawings, photographs, figurines, et cetera) of sheep, cows, and swans, symbolizing the Goddess Brigid’s connection to animals. These animals are specifically associated with love and fertility.
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Burn candles to symbolize the welcoming of light and warmth of the forthcoming springtime. Burning herbs and palo santo can aid with cleansing and purifying around you.
Take a ritual bath: add one cup of milk, dehydrated strawberries, and a couple drops of rose hip oil to your bath.
Create or purchase Brigid’s Cross. Place it on an altar or near your front or bedroom door for protection. You can make one out of rushes or paper!
Indulge in creative endeavors, whether it be painting, sewing, poetry, journaling, singing, metalworking, playing and instrument, et cetera. The Goddess Brigid is specifically associated with poetry and writing as well as working with metals.
Appreciate nature. Take a walk around your neighborhood or a park; engage in outdoor activities; or take photographs, draw observations, jot down notes and observances, or simply introspect.
Plant seeds of your chose in your garden to represent birth and growth, and foster a connection to nature.
Get creative with recipes! Carlota Santos, who is the author of Magika, recommends a simple strawberry milkshake or baking a blueberry and chocolate cream cake.
Carlota Santos’ Imbolc Cake Recipe
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koratheweirdo · 6 months
a year for a witch 🩷
★spellwork: change/ new beginnings, branching out, self purification, safety, and stability
★crystals: garnet, rose quartz, jet, onyx, amethyst, and cavansite
★smells: lavender and pine
★deities: Hera and Freya
★colors: navy blue, purple, black, maroon
★candles: yellow, brown, green, and orange
★herbs: thyme, angelica, peppermint
look forward to a great year ahead and search for new opportunities! make a list of all the goals you want to achieve and the dreams you've been brewing up inside of your mind.
★spellwork: growth, fertility, love, and self-love
★crystals: amethyst, jasper, moonstone, angelite, and bloodstone
★smells: sage and heliotrope
★deities: Aphrodite, Juno, Diana, Demeter, and Persephone
★colors: purple, light blue, and yellow
★candles: pink, red, and blue
★herbs: rosemary, pine, nutmeg, and myrrh
a time of love and happiness. you can manifest new relationships, platonic or romantic! new people mean new experiences. get out there and enjoy the world around you!
★spellwork: balance, prosperity/ wealth, luck, and courage
★crystals: aquamarine, bloodstone, and jade
★smells: rose, jasmine, citrus, and honeysuckle
★deities: Mars, Tyr, Athena, Hecate, and Libera
★colors: light green, red, and purple
★candles: green, orange, brown, gold
★herbs: yellow dock, jasmine, and sage
★flowers: daffodils and cattails
a new season has sprung about! celebrate spring, and balance your life to be as peaceful as the singing birds coming back from migration.
★spellwork: banish bad habits, confidence,
★crystals: diamond, quartz, emerald, and white sapphire
★smells: bay leaves, grass, and daisies
★deities: Aphrodite, Bast, and Ceres
★colors: pastel (pink, green, purple, blue), and gold
★candles: white, black, and yellow
★herbs: basil, chives, fennel, and dragon's blood
★flowers: daisies and sweet peas
do you ever wish your bad habits would just disappear? well, april is the perfect time to work on banishing bad habits. being a greater you will help your year turn out greater as you grow!
★spellwork: transformation, communication, empathy, and clarity
★crystals: pearl, moonstone, alexandrite, citrine, and blue lace agate
★smells: lily of the valley and lavender
★deities: Juno, Hera, and Jsis
★colors: yellow-green and orange
★candles: silver, purple, and blue
★herbs: meadowsweet, dill, lemongrass,
★flowers: rose, honeysuckle, lily, and clover
a time of clarity. clear communication will help you achieve all of your goals during the end of spring.
★spellwork: manifestation, divination, and self-awareness
★crystals: ruby, carnelian, green calcite, and peacock ore
★smells: frankincense
★deities: Athena, Venus, and Juno
★colors: blue, gray, silver
★candles: silver, yellow, green, and purple
★herbs: lemon balm, agrimony, sandlewood, and myrrh
★flowers: waterlily, honeysuckle, and gardenia
★spellwork: growth, spiritual wellness, and protection
★crystals: peridot, onyx, and green sapphire
★smells: frankincense and heliotrope
★deities: Demeter, Ceres, Jsis, Venus, Hecate, and Diana
★colors: gold, yellow, and green
★candles: green, blue, and brown
★herbs: chamomile, angelica, bay leaf, fennel, rosemary, and lilac
★flowers: poppy and jasmine
after a long summer, it's time to check in with yourself. how have you been? has your year been plentiful so far?
★spellwork: balance, femininity, and reflection
★crystals: bloodstone, sapphire, peridot, and rainbow obsidian
★smells: rose, lilac, and bergamot
★deities: Demeter, Ceres, Freya, Thor, Thoth, and Persephone
★colors: brown, yellow, and green
★herbs: mugworth, thyme, valerian, and marjoram
★flowers: aster, morning glory, forget-me-not, and lilac
it's been a long year so far, and you might be losing your balance. reconnect to the world and find your place back on the tightrope.
★spellwork: transformation, psychism, and divination
★crystals: opal, tourmaline, rose sapphire, and citrine
★smells: ginger, cinnamon, strawberry, and apple
★deities: Hecate, Diana, and Jshtar
★colors: red, orange, navy blue, brown, and gold
★candles: black, purple, white, and silver
★herbs: rosemary, catnip, sage, thyme, basil, and clove
★flowers: calendula and pennyroyal
after reflecting on the year, it's time to check up on the past, present, and future. death and life can be seen together, a thin line blurred in the late evening.
★spellwork: empathy, gratitude, and release
★crystals: topaz, onyx, and obsidian
★smells: rosemary, dragon's blood, lilac, pine, cedar, and mint
★deities: Bast, Circe, and Nepthys
★colors: white, purple, gray, sage green, and black
★candles: yellow, white, and blue
★herbs: ginger, hops, and wormwood
★flowers: daliah and white lily
Clocks - Luke Faulkner
★spellwork: manifestation, luck, prosperity, and release
★crystals: serpentine, flint, and lapis lazuli
★smells: peppermint, cinnamon, and rose
★deities: Ra, Odin, Horus, Demeter, and Gaea
★colors: maroon, green, white, and gold
★candles: orange, red, and brown
★herbs: holly, ivy, mistletoe, juniper, sage, and cedarwood
you've accomplished so much this year! it's time to celebrate your achievements and release negative energy while spending time with friends and family. happy holidays!
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isorottatime · 2 years
january is red february is orange march is black april is daffodils mayis yellow june is green but i will also accept sky blue july is green and blue but like jelly august is bronze semptenber is gold october is orange-brown november is silver december is blue
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crazyblondelife · 1 year
Staying Warm In Spring - 5 Outfit Ideas
I don’t remember a February that was as warm as the one we just had and March is looking very up and down as far as temperatures go. It’s always been a challenge to stay warm in spring and cool in the fall, but this year, it’s anyone’s guess what the quandary may be!
It’s going to be unseasonably warm here next week and then it’s looking like snow on the weekend but if you’re anything like me, you’re ready to pull out those cute spring clothes and add a few new pieces to refresh your clothes from last spring!
Honestly, if you look out my window right now, the daffodils are blooming, the weeping cherry is in full bloom and everything is so green…it looks like spring so I definitely don’t want to keep wearing the same tired old sweaters!
Here are a few ideas that might spark your fashion creativity so you can dress like it’s spring, but stay warm at the same time!
Adding a boot to a neutral sweater dress with a lightweight jacket (also love this one) is a great way to jazz up your wardrobe right now! Neutrals are great, especially these because they can be worn for three seasons. The bag (here is another option) and earrings definitely give this outfit more of a warm weather feel and I always like to update my makeup when the seasons change!
Can you ever have too many grey sweaters? I think not! Grey sweaters make getting dressed so much easier! Style them with white or light wash denim for a spring look and try adding a cute shacket like this light blue plaid one.
I’ve been wanting this Marc Jacobs bag for a while now and it may be time to bite the bullet and get it! Not sure what I’m waiting for because (as designer bags go) the price is right and it goes with everything! Dior Addict lip gloss is my favorite (also love Buxom) because it isn’t sticky and comes in so many colors! The boots (another option here and here) and gold hoops complete this casual look.
Stripes are as synonymous for spring as florals…although truthfully, I love them all year long. Stripes have a beachy nautical feel and are basically neutral. Add another neutral such as this Golden Goose leopard sneaker (these are cute and less expensive) along with an olive green jacket, jeans and a great belt bag and you’re good to go. All of these pieces stand on their own and can be mixed and matched endlessly!
Cardigan sweaters (also love this one) although classic are on trend for this spring and you can’t go wrong with white! Light wash jeans couldn’t be more perfect with white and look great with leather accessories! Loafers are everywhere as well this season and you’re going to see them in every color and heel height from classic to chunky and chunkier so now is the time to invest in a pair you love! Wear them with jeans, skirts and shorts!
Another classic spring piece is the lightweight trench but don’t think you can’t wear it with leggings and a sweatshirt! This look is so cute and practical! The sweatshirt is from H&M (also love this cropped one) and so inexpensive…I always want a sweatshirt to throw on when I go to the gym, but most of the time, I end up wearing it all day long, so it’s nice to have a stack of cute ones to choose from. The sneakers are a bit pricy, but so cute…these are more reasonable if you’re in the market! The Lululemon belt bag is a must have for spring and very reasonably priced…you’ll want to throw the Buxom lip balm in it and carry it everywhere because it feels so good on your lips!
Below, you’ll find a boutique of everything mentioned in this post! Have a great weekend…whatever the weather where you are!
I’m curious…do you try to incorporate a few of the trends you like into your wardrobe each season? Which trends are you loving for spring 2023?
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In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen
Cauliflower season nears the end. Two Romanesco heads linger in the 4 x 8 foot bed where seventeen plants thrived. Today’s post will summarize the brassica season and next week the citrus will steal the show.
If you’re fascinated like me by Romanesco—part math (fractals), part art, part wonder, learn more at my Romanesco post.
Check my post How to Grow Romanesco for growing tips. It’s a cool season crop in Southern California. In some USDA zones it may grow well in the shoulder seasons when weather is cool.
Here is the compost-rich raised bed in mid-November, interplanted with lettuce and bunching onions. Seeds from Territorial Seed Company were planted in late August and transplanted in early October. There were five ‘Veronica’ Romanesco, and six each of ‘Graffiti’ and ‘Amazing’ cauliflowers planted 15 inches apart. Romanesco plants grow very large so those were spaced at 18 inches and all were heavily mulched with dried grass and crumbled leaves.
Most heads weighed in at about 1.5 pounds with minimal stem. Neighbors shared in the bounty and for almost a month, cauliflower was on the dinner menu in some form. Local rabbits, guinea pigs and chickens feasted on the leaves and apparently bunnies love the cauliflower stems.
The salads have been memorable and varied with colorful winter lettuces.
My novelty crop this year was ‘Jacaranda’ broccoli, a chance find when perusing the Territorial Seed catalog. It’s a suitable replacement for purple sprouting broccoli which is unreliable in my garden. I’ve noted side shoots developing on the six plants.
Other commendations: it produces about ten days earlier than most broccoli varieties and the plants are slightly smaller. The heads are still a decent size, though not as large as my ‘Premium Crop.’
Six ‘Premium Crop’ plants performed admirably and now are setting sizable side shoots. Those will continue as long as I am patient to harvest and the spot is not needed for warm season crops.
The large plants are spaced 15 inches apart and shade the well-mulched soil which helps with irrigation. January in California was the driest on record but fortunately I had captured about 800 gallons of rainwater during December storms.
On the way to the vegetable garden, ‘February Gold’ daffodils cheer me. Hopefully, they show up in your ‘hood soon.
I’m pleased that Harvest Monday begins again today, hosted by Dave at Happy Acres. For readers joining by that route, check what’s been happening in my winter garden in December and January by reviewing recent blogposts. See the options on my landing page.
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themirroredmoon · 3 years
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Wheel of The Year ✧ Yule (December 20th-23rd) ✧ General meanings: winter solstice, new beginnings, rebirth Crystals - Bloodstone, Clear Quartz, Emerald, Ruby, Garnet, Diamond Animals - Bear, Boar, Deer, Eagle, Owl, Tiger, Wren Herbs - Chamomile, Ivy, Mistletoe, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Cedar, Cinnamon, Cloves, Frankincense, Juniper, Myrrh, Orange Deities - Odin, Ra, Isis, Brighid, Demeter, Gaea, Diana, Mithra, Lugh ✧Imbolc (February 2nd✧ General meanings: candlemas, hearth, and home Crystals - Amethyst, Bloodstone, Garnet, Onyx, Ruby, Turquoise Animals - Burrowing Animals, Bear, Deer, Groundhog, Lamb, Sheep Herbs - Acorns, Angelica, Basil, Bay, Blackberry, Chamomile, Crocus, Jasmine, Lavender, Rosemary Colors - Green, Brown, Red, White, Pink, Yellow Deities - Brigid, Triple Goddess, Eros, Osiris, Pan, Herne, Aradia, Athena ✧Ostara (March 20th-23rd)✧ General meanings: spring equinox, renewal and duality Crystals - Amethyst, Aquamarine, Clear Quartz, Agate, Jasper, Moonstone, Rose Quartz Animals - Butterfly, Chick, Rabbit, Lamb, Robin, Worm Herbs - Clover, Daffodil, Honeysuckle, Iris, Jasmine, Lemon Balm, Lilac, Lilies, Mint, Peonies, Tulips, Sandalwood, Tangerine, Ylang-Ylang, Geranium Colors - Pastels, Gold, Light Green, Blue, Pink, Yellow Deities - Eostre, Astarte, Aurora, Kore, Osiris, Dionysus, Ares, Adonis, Venus, Aphrodite, and Narcissus ✧Beltane (May 1st)✧ General meanings: may day, love, and fertility Crystals - Emerald, Garnet, Malachite, Rose Quartz, Tourmaline Animals - Bee, Cat, Cattle, Dove, Frog, Goat, Leopard, Rabbit, Swallow, Swan Herbs - Coriander, Crocus, Curry, Daffodil, Dandelion, Dragon’s Blood, Fern, Flaxseed, Hawthorn, Nettle, Paprika, Primrose, Snapdragon, Peach, Rose, Vanilla Colors - Bright Greens and Blues, Purples, Yellow and Red Deities - Bel, Pan, Maeve, Tanit, Flora, Gaia, Danu, Herne, Aphrodite, Artemis, Brigid, and Diana ✧Litha (20th-23rd)✧ General meanings: summer solstice, warmth, and the sun Crystals - Amber, Carnelian, Citrine, Diamond, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Tiger’s Eye Animals - Bee, Butterfly, Cattle, Horse, Robin, Sea Creatures, Snake, Bird Herbs - Basil, Calendula, Chamomile, Heather, Heather, Mugwort, Wild Thyme, Peony, Roses, Daisy, Sunflower, St. John’s Wort, Cedar, Clove, Lavender, Mint, Pine, Sage Colors - Blue, Gold, Red, White, Yellow, and Green Deities - Aphrodite, Astarte, Freya, Hathor, Ishtar, Venus, Athena, Artemis, Dana Kali, Isis, Juno, Apollo, Helios, Ra, Sol, Zeus, Prometheus, and Ares ✧Lammas (August 1st)✧ General meanings: first harvest, abundance, and gratefulness Crystals - Citrine, Golden Topaz, Lodestone, Moss Agate, Obsidian, Peridot, Aventurine Animals - Calf, Pig, Rooster, Salmon, Crow Herbs - Apple Leaf, Basil, Clover, Goldenrod, Heather, Ivy, Marigold, Peony, Poppy, Rose, Rosemary, Vervain, Sunflower, Sandalwood, Frankincense Colors - Bronze, Green, Gold, Light Brown, Orange, and Yellow Deities - Lugh, Demeter, Ceres, Corn Mother, and John Barleycorn ✧Mabon (September 20th-23rd)✧ General meanings: autumn equinox, feast, and bounty Crystals - Amber, Citrine, Cat’s Eye, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Yellow Agate Animals - Eagle, Blackbird, Owl, Salmon, Stag, Wild Goose, Wolf Herbs - Bittersweet, Chamomile, Marigold, Rue, Sage, Yarrow, Cinnamon, Myrrh, Frankincense Colors - Brown, Gold, Orange, Red, Yellow, and Green Deities - Mabon, Inanna, Demeter, Persephone, and The Horned God ✧Samhain (October 31st)✧ General meanings: new year, spirit, and potential Crystals - Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Jet, Obsidian, Onyx, Smokey Quartz Animals - Bat, Black Cat, Cat, Owl, Raven, Crow Herbs - Allspice, Calendula, Chrysanthemum, Deadly Nightshade, Mandrake, Mint, Nutmeg, Rosemary, Sage, Thistle, Wormwood, Hazel, Benzoin, Sweetgrass Colors - Black, Gold, Orange, Purple, White, and Silver Deities - Crone Goddesses, Hekate, Hel, Lilith, Kali, Ishtar, Arianrhod, Rhiannon, Persephone, Baba Yaga, and Isis
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jillraggett · 2 years
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Plant of the Day
Saturday 26 March 2022
Providing glowing pools of yellow flowers in the mixed borders are groups of Narcissus 'February Gold' (daffodil). This bulbous perennial flowers in early spring, with perianth segments that are slightly reflexed.
Jill Raggett
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phae-undergrove · 2 years
(February 1st)
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Child-Like Delight
Cleansing and Purifying
Emergence from Sleep
Newness and Renewal
Sprouting Seeds
Astral Projection
Birth and Rebirth
Setting Intentions
Spiritual Evolution
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Bay Laurel
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Hibernating Animals
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Light Green
Spring Green
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Brigid's Cross
Corn Dollies
Broom or Besom
Crafting Doll or Cross
Making Candles
Dedicating Tools
Setting Intentions
Blessing Animals
Starting New Projects
Canned Food
Dairy Substitutes
Dried Food
Green Tea
Pickled Food
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The Empress
The Star
I really hope this post helps some of you! If you’d like to check out my complete breakdown of Imbolc post click HERE
If you like what I do here please feel free to check out my Mothers Etsy store! Moon Circle Insights She’s got a wonderful assortment of detailed spells on there✨🥰
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns ✨💕merry meet -B
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awakened-tarot · 3 years
• Midpoint between Yule & Ostara, welcome the rebirth of the sun
• Date(s): January 31st to February 2nd
• Altar Decorations: Brigid’s cross, candle wheels, dish of snow, evergreens, grain dollies, ploughs, sun wheels, white flowers
• Activities: Cleanse & redecorate your space, plan your spring garden, review your intentions for the year, light candles to welcome the sun, make room for new beginnings, make candles
• Animals: Cow, dragon, groundhog, hibernating animals (bears), deer, lark, robin, lamb, sheep, snake, swan, vulture, wolf
• Spellwork: Fire scrying, blessing your tools, enhance creativity, take a purifying bath
• Colors: Gold, gray, light green, white, yellow, pink, spring green
• Crystals: Red stones (garnet, bloodstone, ruby), amethyst, calcite, moonstone, turquoise, carnelian, chrysocolla
• Deities:
Greek: Athena, Gaia, Selene, Eros, Pan
Celtic: Artio, Brigid
Welsh: Bronwen
Roman: Aradia, Diana, Februa, Lucina, Venus, Vesta, Februus, Pax
Sumerian: Inanna
Semitic: Dagon
• Flowers: Crocus, daffodil, iris, snowdrop
• Foods: Breads, onions, leeks, shallots, garlic, olives, dairy, egg dishes, pork dishes, scones, muffins, peppers, bread pudding, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, apple cider, spiced/white wine, herbal teas
• Herbs/Incense: Rosemary, basil, cinnamon, frankincense, myrrh, wormwood, heather, hay, blackberry, Angelica, bay laurel, celandine, reed, straw
• Trees: Birch, blackthorn, rowan, sycamore, evergreen, willows
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Daffodils: New Beginnings
Valentines Special: Day Eight
Day One: Morning Glories  //  Day Two: Blue Salvias Day Three: Sunflowers  //  Day Four: Pink Camellias Day Five: Yellow Tulips   //  Day Six: Violets Day Seven: Lisianthus - Day Nine: Red Roses (link to post with all endings listed)
Plot: The reader keeps receiving flowers and sweet messages every day from an anonymous source leading up to Valentines Day. But who is sending them?
Choose your own character ending (coming on Valentines Day).
Gender!Neutral Reader x ???
Triggers: Brief mention of fighting        Words: 1,569
Marvel Taglist: @aquariuslavenderhoney​​​, @thebookbakery​​​, @groovyfluxie​​ Requested Taglist: @spuffyfan394​​​, @gaitwae​​​, @fablesrose​​​, @kitkatd7​​​, @thefallenbibliophilequote​​​, @beksib​​​, @destynelseclipsa​​​, @criminaly-supernatural​​​, @tammythompson-singslikea-muppet, @belloangelus​​​, @snarky--starky​​​, @saintbootlegloras​​​, @wecallhimbrowneyess​​​, @empath-bunny​​​, @okkulta​​​, @katinthemoon,  @ravennight41​​​, @youcancallme-rae , @radhumandragonclam, @unfortunateidiotinadilemma, @past3l-w1ngs​​​  , @anonymous-pls-dont-click​​​ , @username23345​​​, @hulkswitch​​​, @theofficialzivadavid​​​, @lainphotography​​​, @fred-deeks-ben​​​, @normanijauregui​​​, @goinggoinggonzo​​, @mxxnmocha​​, @euphouriaszn2​​, @trikruismybitch​, 
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February 13th
"You sure you’re alright?” Wanda asked as she watched your rub your shoulder. 
“I’m good, just a little sore.” you said reassuringly. 
You had been called out on a mission with Steve, Wanda, and Natasha to check out a possible hit on a SHIELD office. You managed to catch the assault team before they made it into the building, but a fight broke out. When you were fighting one of the men, he pulled you down a short flight of stairs, you banged your shoulder pretty bad, but it seemed to be alright now. 
You were riding back to the tower now, sitting in the back seat with Wanda.
“You should get your shoulder checked out when we get back, just in case.” Steve said, looking at your through the drivers mirror. 
“Is that an order Captain?” you asked with sarcasm as you leaned forward, talking to Steve over the seat. 
You could see him smirk at your question as he peaked back at you “If it has to be, then yes.” 
You smiled in amusement as you sat back in your seat “Yes sir” you said, saluting, making Wanda chuckle and Natasha and Steve smirk at your response. 
Doing just as he said, you had your shoulder scanned in the medical wing once you returned. But finding no real damage you went back to work. Entering into the large main room, you staggered back as a man carrying a large box passed by you when you came through the doors. Looking around you saw a bunch of people walking around. It took you a moment before you remembered that they were the people hired to set up the Valentines party.
This room was going to be the main room for the party, tables set up for the dinner and a stage in the front for the entertainment. Seeing through the large doors to your left, you figured that would be where the dancing would take place. 
Looking around, you could tell the color scheme was going to be gold and red, classy, but a bit gaudy in some areas. You saw Tony walk through nearby doors, explaining something to one of the decorators, turning, he spotted you. Leaving the decorator with a last instruction he walked over to you. 
“So, what do you think so far?” he asked as he stood next to you, motioning to the room. 
“No chocolate fountain?” you asked with sarcasm. 
You saw his eyes light up as he snapped his finger “A chocolate fountain!” Turning to one of the nearby people, he got their attention “Any chance of getting a chocolate fountain?” 
You rolled your eyes “Tony, that’s too much!”
“No no, it’s a good idea” he said to you before looking back to the other person who began writing something down “And get some skewers, fruit and marshmallows, it can be like a giant fondue station.” 
“That doesn’t sound very sanitary” you said with a frown.
He hesitated for a moment “No, it’ll be fine, we’ll put up a sign, no double dipping” You shook your head with a laugh as he turned fully towards you “So, how’d your little mission go?”
“Fine, we stopped the assault, arrested all of the members, Nat and Clint will be questioning them.” 
Tony opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted as someone called him from across the room “Go ahead, I’ve got to get back to work anyway” you said as you parted ways. Leaving the room you felt anxious again thinking about the party and what would happen. Trying to shake away the anxiety, you got back to work. 
- - -
You managed to distract yourself by working the rest of the day, and now you were sitting at the kitchen bar in the public part of the tower. Public meaning it could be accessed by all of the Avengers. 
“Hey” Wanda greeted as she wandered in “What are you doing in here?” 
You smiled at her and lifted your hand in greeting “Just finished work, I’m waiting for the rest of the party planners and decorators to leave for the day, they are constantly using the elevators and stairs, filling them with people and stuff.” you chuckled. 
She sat down next to you “Yeah, I couldn’t even get to the elevator in the first place” she chuckled “How’s your shoulder?”
“It’s good, no pain anymore.” you responded “So, are you looking forward to Tony’s party?” you asked her. 
She shrugged “Not particularly. I’m not one for crowded parties.”
“Me neither, but Tony will never get over it if I don’t show up, you too probably.”
“Oh yes I know, he told me so himself” you both chuckled. 
"Tony and his parties.” you commented just as the doors opened. Clint, Steve and Natasha walking in. 
“Ah, there you two are. “ Clint said as they made there way over to you. Clint and Steve sat at the bar with you and Wanda as Nat moved behind the bar. 
You sat and talked with the others for a while, about today’s planned attack, about who they were hired by, and then about Tony’s party. You started to feel the now familiar anxiety rise in your chest. Making yourself yawn, you feigned drowsiness before rising “Alright, I need to get some sleep.” you said, knowing that, though you were tired, you might not be able to sleep anyways. 
“Goodnight” Wanda, Nat and Steve said as you began to leave.
“Hey” Clint said.
Turning back to him you rose your brow. “Did you get any flowers from your secret admirer today?” he asked with a smirk.
“Ooh, yeah I almost forgot about that” she smirked as she looked at you. Wanda and Steve turned to look at your as well. 
“Uhh, no, but I haven’t been back to my room since lunch, soo”
“Soo, maybe there will be something now?” Nat said with a smile. 
Saying nothing you just smiled, cocked your head and then spun around, leaving in silence. Hearing chuckling from the others behind you as you left. You had actually successfully been distracted to the point where you forgot about the flowers. 
Luckily all of the decorators and planners had been long gone, so you could make your way to your room easily. As you stopped at your floor, you braced yourself for what would be on the other side, feeling a sense of familiar excitement. 
As the doors slid open, your eyes were already trained on your door. And placed at the bottom, was a tall bouquet of pale yellow daffodils tied together with white silky ribbon, a note dangling from the side. 
Quickly making your way to your door, you unlocked it before picking up the bouquet and going inside. This was the last bouquet you would get before learning who was behind all of this tomorrow. Your heart seemed to be hammering in your chest as you stared at the note.
You were almost afraid to read it. You hesitated before setting it down and going to the bathroom. Getting ready for bed, you grabbed the flowers and put them into a vase, a new one you bought at the store. Sitting on your bed, you fiddled with the note in your hand. Slowly opening it, you psyched yourself up a bit before you began to read the note. 
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Daffodils
Daffodils mean “New Beginnings”. I chose these because tomorrow will be the start of a new beginning for the two of us. No matter what happens. I, of course have my own wishes of how tomorrow will go, and I am sure you do as well. Perhaps you have your own desires of who I am, and I hope that I do not disappoint you when you find out who I am.
I have so much more I want to write, but cannot seem to put it properly into words. I’m sure we are both nervous about tomorrow, but I do truly feel as though we are meant to be. And though I cannot see the future, I know tomorrow will be the start of something new, and I can only hope that it will be great. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Reading over the note a few times you lied back on your bed as you stared up at the ceiling. You had stopped trying to figure out who it could be. Knowing that they were careful enough not to let anything seem obvious. And if you had been talking to them one on one, or when everyone would be talking about the flowers, they were careful enough not to say anything that would make them seem suspicious. 
For a moment, you debated not going to the party at all. And chickening out instead. But you only entertained the thought for a moment before you felt guilt for even thinking it. They did not deserve that. No matter how afraid you might be about what might happen tomorrow, they didn’t deserve to be stood up, especially not after everything they have said and done. But then again, what if they stand you up? What if they change their mind, and you never find out who they are?
You closed your eyes, your thoughts running rapid through every possibility of what could happen tomorrow. Eventually, without really realizing it, you had drifted off to sleep.
xx xx xx xx xx
Sooo, tomorrow is the day!
I will be releasing every ending throughout Valentines Day (10 in total); starting around 5am MST. Let me know if you want to be tagged in any specific endings.
The endings will be: Bucky, Steve, Tony, Bruce, Thor, Loki, Clint, Natasha, Vision and Wanda. 
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