pickingupmymercedes · 1 month
A thousand times over - Lewis Hamilton
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request: Hii! Omg, I just saw a comment on instagram that was so cute it made me think a Lewis fic would be so much cuter. You're my favourite writer for F1 so I know you'd eat this up. So a guy commented that when his wife takes off her wedding rings for baking/gardening/painting/etc and he finds them, he waits til she's done then gives them back to her by proposing to her again. - @happy-golden-hour
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: pure fluff
wordcount: +1K
a/n: The three times Lewis reasks y/n to marry him, and the one time the roles are reversed.
a/n.2: Thank you for the idea bestie, took me a while but I couldn't decide on a single scenario, so there's 3 and a surprise one. Hope you like it ❤️
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The Gardening Proposal
The morning sun made the garden golden, its rays filtering through the leaves and casting long shadows from the pine trees across the lush grass. Even though it wasn’t even 8 am yet, you were already lost in the peaceful new flower bed you had been working on for the past week. The air was crisp and fresh, a bit of fog still lurking deep in the woods that surrounded your country home, adding to the serene atmosphere.
Lewis looked over from the porch at the scene, his ever-attentive eyes lost in thought as he admired you. His fingers played with the golden band of your wedding ring he had found on the kitchen counter just minutes ago. The soft glint of the ring caught his eye, reminding him of the love and commitment you shared.
Before you could even feel his presence, he cleared his throat to catch your attention. Your vision as you turned was him, in only his basketball shorts, kneeled in the grass by the flower bed. In his hand was the band you had left in the kitchen the previous day, placed carefully so it wouldn’t get amidst the dirt.
"Love, would you marry me, again?" Lewis said softly, holding out the ring between his fingers, his gaze filled with warmth and affection. His voice was gentle, carrying a hint of playfulness that always had you melting.
Surprised but delighted by his heartfelt gesture, you accepted the ring, feeling its familiar weight as he slid it back onto your finger. The metal felt cool against your skin, a tangible reminder of the bond you shared. "Thank you," you whispered, your heart swelling with love and gratitude.
Lewis chuckled, his eyes sparkling as he looked up at you. "Well, is that a yes?" he began, his voice filled with warmth and humor. His playful tone made you laugh, easing any lingering nerves.
Tears of happiness welled in your eyes as you nodded, your voice filled with emotion. "Yes, a thousand times over" you replied, sealing your promise with a passionate kiss. The scent of blooming flowers filled the air around you, a perfect moment in your blossoming garden.
The Workout Proposal
The early night lights danced around in your bedroom windows as you read your book. You had just finished an intense workout in your home gym, the exhaustion and exhilaration leaving you feeling both drained and sleepy. So, after a shower, you had wrapped yourself in a plush robe, seeking comfort in your bed for a bit before thinking about dinner.
A while later Lewis found you, curled up in bed. A smile tugged at his lips as he admired your relaxed demeanor, his fingers playing with the ring he had found placed at tv console in the gym, now safely tucked in his pocket. Scooting closer to you on the bed, he gently pulled you into his embrace, his warmth enveloping you. His touch was gentle, and with a contented smile, you nestled closer to Lewis, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your chest. His arms wrapping around you protectively.
In that intimate moment, Lewis gazed into your eyes softly. "I love you," he whispered, his voice soft but filled with conviction. "And I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy."
“I love you” You whispered back as you looked up at him, although not without a questioning look, as to why the sudden confession.
He let out a chuckle and reaching into his pocket, he retrieved the ring, his features full of adoration as he asked you for the thousandth time "Will you marry me, again?" his voice barely above a whisper.
Overwhelmed you took a moment to gather your words, your heart pounding just like it had when he asked for the first time. “Yeah, always”, your voice steady and certain. As he slipped the ring onto your finger, sealing your renewed commitment, your hands reached for the back of his neck, pulling his lips down to yours.
The Candles Proposal
The aroma of a Sunday roast filled the air, mingling with the comforting scent of herbs and spices. You were in the kitchen, focused on preparing a delicious meal for Lewis's family. His mother was by your side, offering her expertise and sharing cherished family recipes.
As you started making fresh pasta from scratch, you carefully removed your new wedding ring, placing it in Lewis's hand for safekeeping. He smiled, understanding the gesture, and pocketed the ring, promising to keep it safe.
The meal was a success, filled with laughter, stories, and the warmth his family always provided. As you two got back home late at night you headed for the shower, to clean up and decompress.
When you returned to the living room, you were greeted by the soft glow of candlelight. The flickering flames cast dancing shadows on the walls, and soft music played in the romantic and intimate background that Lewis had created.
In the center of the room, Lewis knelt on one knee, his eyes filled with love and determination. The ring you had entrusted to him earlier glinted in his hand, catching the candlelight. "Since I still don’t believe it’s true… would you marry me?” Lewis asked softly, his voice filled with warmth and affection as he held out the ring to you.
"Yes, Lew" you replied, your voice filled with love and gratitude. "I would be honored to marry you, over and over again." Surprised and touched by him, you felt a wave of emotion wash over you. The love and thoughtfulness he had put into this moment a reminder of the lengths he would go to show the love he felt.
The Surprise
As you entered the newly painted nursery, a smile spread across your face at the sight of the lovingly decorated room. Your heart swelled with anticipation at the thought of welcoming your baby into this home and to finally start your own family.
As you admired each detail, your eyes fell upon the wedding band resting on the dresser. Curiosity piqued, you picked up the ring, a tender smile playing on your lips as you realized Lewis had left it behind, probably had taken if off when he was painting.
Knowing he must be in his study, you made your way there, your heart fluttering with excitement. Entering the room, you found Lewis absorbed in his work, surrounded telemetry and car part’s designs. Without a word, you wrapped your arms around him from behind, resting your head against his shoulder.
He turned to meet your gaze, a soft smile lighting up his face as he pulled you onto his lap, his hands automatically resting on your 6 months-bump. "You know, I can't physically kneel like you always do" you teased, a playful glint in your eye, "but there's something I've been meaning to ask you."
Lewis chuckled, his arms tightening around you as he waited for you to continue. With a grin, you reached into your pocket, retrieving the wedding band. Holding it up between you, you met Lewis's gaze, your heart overflowing with love and joy.
"Would you marry me?" you asked, your voice filled with warmth and affection. Lewis's eyes shimmered with emotion. Without a moment's hesitation, he nodded, his voice filled with love. "Yes, I’ll marry you, every day if need be"
As you slipped the ring onto his finger, sealing your renewed commitment, you knew that no matter what life had in store, your love would always be the guiding light that led you through every joy and challenge.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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russellsppttemplates · 4 months
That’s bullshit if I’ve heard of any (Lando Norris)
Lando finally had enough of seeing you hurt like that
Note: english is not my first language. I've been writing this one for a little bit and today felt like the day to finish it ✨️ this also felt close to home, but good to write it out, too!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: reader's self-doubt and low self esteem, loneliness, curse words, mentions a bad date with a rude person
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Are you sure you want me to come over?", you asked your best friend over the phone, refusing to accept that he had no better plans for his Friday night now that he was not racing.
"Is this your way of telling me you don't want to come over? Because that's fine, I'll stay in - are you going somewhere though? Like a date?", Lando said over the phoneline.
"Bold of you to assume I would have plans, and with a date nonetheless", you muttered, "all I'm saying is if you have something better to do, you should go do it!", you explained, not wanting to get into the topic too deeply.
"There's nothing better than spending time with my bestfriend! Do you need me to pick you up or do you feel comfortable driving at this time of night?", he wondered, "I'll be there in 10 then", you chatted off, ending the call.
Looking around your room, you found clothes that were both comfortable and presentable in case, with your usual luck, you were pulled over by the police and had to come out of your car.
Lando finally had some time off before the season began and he wanted to spend it with you. While you were usually able to fly out to most of the European races and even travel the long distance to other race tracks, this season you had more responsibilities to juggle between your internship, your studies and your family.
He arranged the pillows on the sofa and brought out your favourite snacks, getting his place ready while occupying the time until you rang his doorbell, walking up to the door so he could let you inside, "hey!", he greeted, excited to finally have you with him after weeks where you both had been busy.
"Hey", you said, nudging his hip slightly with yours as you went to the shoe cabinet, leaving your shoes there and putting on your slippers you kept at his house.
Following him silently to the living room, you watched him sit down as you took in the comfort his place made you feel.
"You're not okay", Lando stated, "I noticed when we were on the phone".
"So this is a pity visit?", you wondered, "That's why you called me over?", you grumbled, feeling the blush erupt on your cheeks along with a little annoyance.
"I never said that! I, I called you and then noticed you weren't okay! Scoot, scoot, I got a tray full of goodies for us to eat", Lando urged, pushing the blanket to the side so you could get in the warm cocoon he created with the soft fabric along with pillows in various shapes and sizes you had insisted he needed to make the place feel more home-y.
"Are you going to talk about what's on your mind or do you want to watch this new show in silence?", he wondered, pointing the remote at the TV.
"I don't want to talk about it, not now anyway", you grumbled, finding your perfect position as you laid against your bestfriend, his arm going around your shoulders as you snuggled your legs under the blanket.
The new show ended up involving a romantic couple which only heightened your feelings. Lately, it was all you could see. Everyone around you seemed to have something romantic going on and they were happy with it. One of your friends was even convinced that she would be proposed to within the next few months, and you were single. Soon enough after you entered these thoughts, they pulled you to questions like why won't people love me? why am I single? what is it that doesn't attract people to me? and the one that you had yet to find a proper answer to, the list becoming too long for your own good am I unlovable?
"Can we watch something else, please?", you asked after debating for a few minutes wether or not you should interrupt, "I'm sorry, but I'm not enjoying it that much", you mumbled.
"That's okay, Y/N, I'll just put on one of our reruns", he smiled, changing the streaming platform and looking for the square on the screen, "if you want to just lay here, that's fine, too", he encouraged.
"At least I'm not alone with my thoughts", you mumbled again, looking at the ceiling as Lando moved his neck to join you, "I'm not sure what you mean, but I'm here for you anyway", he squeezed your hand that found its way to his own.
"It's just, - I've been reflecting? I don't even know if that's the word, but I've been feeling lonely", you blurted, still unsure if you were voicing all of it.
Lando hummed, urging you to continue, "like, I'm craving to have somebody there for me, someone who I know is in my corner, who I feel totally comfortable with. My brother was telling me all about the stuffed bunny his girlfriend asked him to take care off! I want that with someone", you pouted.
Lando tensed, rearranging his position on the sofa to look at you softly as you kept looking at his white ceiling.
"Maybe I should be less opinionated, less vocal about what I think and feel", you mused.
You'd lose your essence, Lando thought as he heard you rant on and on about the traits you wanted to change about yourself.
"Changing something physical is harder, but maybe I can change that, right? Be a bit quieter with what I say, measure my opinions, say yes and agree with things more", you shrugged, shaking the whole thing off of your body, wanting to rid yourself of the thought, "I can't, I won't be able to do that, they'd notice it straight away", you sighed.
As the night went on, Lando quickly changing the subject, you spoke about anything that came to mind until you looked at your watch, "Fuck, it's so late, I have to go", you stood up quickly, bending to pick your slippers up from the floor when he stopped you, "stay in the guest bedroom for tonight. Sleep here", he tried.
"Is it because I said I was lonely? I was just venting it out, you don't need to worry about me being a loner", you tried your best to assure it.
"No, you muppet. I'm doing it because I don't like the idea of you having to drive all the way back at this time of night", he reasoned, getting up himself and walking with you to the guest bedroom.
"Is this still made from the last time I was here?", you wondered, looking at the sheets.
"I made it before you came here! And I've washed the sheets, thank you very much. You have a fresh bed to sleep on", he smiled charmingly.
"Thanks", you smiled back, grabbing the clothes you usually wore to sleep when you stayed over from the drawer, "those have been washed, too", he pointed, "if you need anything, I'm in my usual spot", he winked, "Good night, Y/N, sleep tight!".
"Thanks for this", you gestured, "Good night, Lando", you said before he saluted you playfully, closing the door behind him.
Using the ensuite for your night routine, you changed into the shorts and Lando's t-shirt, noticing that all of the washes had made it smell less of his cologne and more of the scented fabric softener he uses.
The t-shirt fit snug against your hips, embracing your curvy body as you got under the sheets, letting the weight of them lull you to sleep and slow down your thoughts.
Lando was driving to a restaurant he knew well enough. He had had a few dates there before, one team dinner and a few family birthdays too whenever they were in town.
But right now, he was picking you up. From a date that apparently wasn't going well since he got a text from you asking him to pick you up.
"Hey, gorgeous girl", he said once he opened the car window as he parked in front of the restaurant, thankful that it wasn't too busy and no one seemed to notice or care that he was there.
"Thanks for picking me up", you mumbled as you sat down, pulling on your seatbelt and nothing your bestfriend's gaze on you, silently questioning you.
"He was an asshole", you explained, "kept asking me if I was sure of what I was doing, if I knew any Formula One drivers - don't worry, didn't out anything - and then he just kept being rude to me, to the waiter, who was wonderful by the way".
"I didn't mean him. I don't care about him, I care about you", Lando said, driving back to his place, assuming you'd want to have someone close by that wouldn't ask too many questions.
"It was just another one where it didn't go well", you mumbled, letting your head rest on the window and looking out at the lights illuminating the city.
"Do you want to go to my place?", Lando asked, knowing you wouldn't want to be pushed about the subject, "yes, please", you said.
As soon as you got inside his place, you took your shoes off, walking up to the spare bedroom to leave your bag in there, "thank you for picking me up, you're the best, Lando", you smiled as you rested against the door frame.
"No worries, okay? Sleep tight, I have good plans for tomorrow so this will be out of your mind", he smiled a small one.
"Night night, Lando", you said back, closing the door behind you and letting the tears finally fall.
It was horrible. The way he treated other people should have been the first clue and red flag, but somehow it still surprised you how he conducted the whole date. You weren't expecting a prince or a gentleman, but you expected human decency and it turns out you were not afforded that. He kept leaving snarky comments about his exes. He was rude, sexist and definitely not your type, and after splitting the bill, you informed him that someone would come to pick you up.
Could someone be unlovable? Not worthy of love to the point where anyone they attracted to their presence just wasn't a match and they had to be content with the bare minimum?
Splashing some water on your face and wiping it with the towel, you took one good look in the mirror. It looks like it's going to be you for a while, so you might as well get used to it, Y/N.
When morning rolled around, Lando was the first to wake up, getting ready and heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the two of you. He wanted to make something special, because even though you had your tough shell on yesterday, he knew you were feeling it deeply and painfully.
This quest of yours was doing you more harm than good. And it wasn't helping him either. For a few years, Lando figured, he has loved you. At first, it wasn't a clear sentiment. You were best friends, obviously there was a deeper connection. But then it felt so much all the time, there was never a break for the butterflies on his stomach or for the jealous green eyed monster whenever you so much as mentioned anyone else. He wouldn't dare say it, but he's so glad your date last night sucked.
As he prepared your coffee, your footsteps approached, "Good morning", you croaked out. You looked like you hadn't slept well, which Lando figured was a given considering the heard you move a lot during the night.
"Good morning, I made this for you. The balcony had nice sunlight right now, I figured you'd enjoy breakfast there", he attempted, bringing a small smile to your lips as you thanked him for the mug, "I'll bring the rest shortly", he called.
As you looked out to the always busy streets, you took in their quickness and rush. How it was all fleeting and momentary.
Lando placed the tray on the table, arranging it so you both could reach everything.
"I heard you crying last night", he began, his fist clenched at the memory as he sat down.
"I'm fine", you shrugged.
"I don't think you are, and I don't want you to suffer, Y/N", he insisted, unusually bold considering he knew which territory he was stepping into.
"It's not easy to come to terms with the fact that I'm single and that it might look like that for a bit, and who even knows how long that 'bit' might actually be", you chuckled, looking at him expecting his understanding gaze but being face with furrowed brows instead along with a scoff. "What? It's not like I'm being unreasonable, I'm just stating the facts", you squinted.
"That's not how it works, and you know that Y/N", he sternly spoke, straightening his back and facing you completely.
It was your time to laugh and scoff a little, "unless something changes within me, I'm sure this is how I'll find myself in the foreseeable", you shock your head.
"All of those things you want to change about yourself? Or that you say you should change to make you more likeable and lovable? That's dimming your light and your spark", Lando bit back, having had enough of it, "if someone loved you after all of those changes, they wouldn't love you for who you are, they would love a fabricated version of you. You're not unlovable", he smiled at the irony of it all. How after all these years, he still hadn't plucked up the courage to tell you how he felt about you.
"How can you say that when you have everyone falling at your feet? Women see you and they're ready to have anything you'll give them! You don't have to change who you are because someone made you feel like you couldn't be loved because of who you are and what you do!", you bit back, sensing a tone in him that was unusual and certainly not comfortable.
“I just need to know who the fuck told you you don’t deserve to be loved, because I’m about to beat their asses up", Lando called, elbows supported on the chair's arms as he looked at you.
"No one's ever told me, I'm probably the one saying it to myself, the rest of the people just make me feel like I'm unlovable, so if you want to hit me, I would prefer you didn't, I bruise quite easily", you tried to joke, not wanting to let your mind wander to the parallel utopian reality where your bestfriend feels the same way about you.
"Then it's all the people that made you feel unloved", Lando said, "none of them deserved a second of your attention, but I can give them a second of mine just for that".
“That’s a lot of people you’re gonna have to beat up, then, and I’m not sure if I want to bail you out of jail for that. We can't all have full bank accounts like yours", you joked again, watching him as he kept on with the subject.
"Stop joking about this! I'm being serious with you, Y/N! You deserve all of the love in the world - and even that wouldn't be enough!", he got up.
“Please, I think we have both realised and reached the conclusion that maybe I’m just not meant to be loved", you added.
“That’s bullshit if I’ve heard of any! No one’s not meant to be loved. There’s someone out there for you, and I think I’ve made it clear that, if it’s really not anyone else, then that someone’s me”, he stopped in front of you. There it was. Out in the open for everyone to hear. His balcony was covered and closed, something he was grateful about as he confessed his love for you.
"You can't joke about this", it was your turn to mention it, getting up as he took your hand in his.
"I'm not, Y/N, I'm really not", he whispered, resting his forehead in yours.
"Kiss me", you pleaded. He was quick to comply to your request, hand cupping your cheek as he tasted the bitter coffee from your lips and felt you unravel to him in a way he didn't think was possible anymore.
"I have loved you for so long, Lando", you whispered once you pulled away for air, "and I couldn't imagine a world where anyone would love me back, let alone you", you admitted, looking into his beautiful orbs.
"You don't have to make any effort to imagine it anymore, baby. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. You're so loved and I'll be damned if I don't show you how much everyday of our lives", he smiled, kissing your lips again as your hands travelled to his messy curls.
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eveningepiphany · 11 months
innocent | H.S oneshot
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my masterlist
summary: while on the couch, harry ends up with innocent y/n on his lap, and she gets unexpectedly very worked up over his thigh being under her, and he does something about it.
warnings: SMUT! thigh riding, dirty talk, handjob (m receiving), best friend! harry, and a whole lot of praise kink.
requested by @shqtteredcrystql1
a/n: i absolutely love this request. thank you so much to the lovely user above who pmed me with it. <3
You shake your head at yourself.
You had not thought any of this would lead to you feeling so suddenly.. needy. But it has?
You were sitting in the lounge room of the beach house you were staying in, watching a movie with Harry while both parts of your family had gone out for the evening.
You and Harry had opted to stay back. The crowded bars being not your vibe for the night, and wanting to just chill out at the house for a while.
The movie was not long beginning in the background on the TV, with bags of half eaten snacks resting on the wooden coffee table— not that you could see any of it, as it was to the back of you.
It started when Harry and you fought over the blanket on the couch.
Pulling it off eachother just to be difficult, and roughhousing until he proposed a quick solution when your fingers started prodding his rib cage as pay back.
“C’mere— c’mere!” He rushed out, hands up in defeat as you technically won the mini physical brawl. Even though you know if he really wanted to win, he would a hundred times over, given his strength.
You went still and frowned as he didn’t follow up with a verbal explanation, and just held hands out for you to come to.
“Why?” You said, slightly amused.
“Because.” He stated.
So you moved forward to him, his hands coming in contact with your hips, and seizing you forward.
Bringing you seated in his lap.
“I can’t actually watch the movie, H.” You flush at your positioning. His hands still bracketing your waist like it’s nothing.
Which you’re confused why you’re reacting like this.
This has never happened to you with anyone else. Only ever with Harry.
And it’s not the first time it’s happened with him. You get big feelings often when he’s near you. They come out of nowhere, when he touches you gently during conversation, or when he flashes you a dimple in his smile.
And this warm feeling will swell in your chest, bubble down into your stomach… and sometimes further. It will simmer down in between your legs.
Leaving you with this feeling of being hot and bothered, in a completely foreign way.
Usually it’s only faint. A quick, fleeting feeling for you. However you’ve never had yourself situated on his lap.
His strong and muscly thigh straight underneath you— mostly bare, his shorts riding up to leave the hair dusted skin visible. His tiger tattoo hidden under you.
“Sorry, want to turn around?” He asks with a teasing lilt in his voice.
Your head snaps up from where you were looking at where your body met his— your pupils blown out a little.
Your eyes lock with his, and your reminded that this is your harry.
Your favourite person. Your best friend. Who has pretty green eyes, paired chocolatey brown curls that fall over them, and frame his gorgeous face.
Who smiles at you like this all the time, like you’re also his favourite person.
“Well i did want to watch 10 things I hate about you, instead of listening to it.” Your hands are resting on his shoulders, and he lets out a chuckle at your gentle quip.
“Alright, darling, let’s turn you around.” He laughs at you, rotating your body himself— handling you so that your facing the screen, your back plastered to the hard wall of his chest.
The new position evokes a flutter from your core, one completely unexpected to you.
And you’re hyperaware that there’s very little separating his leg from the sudden heat between yours, just a thin pair of sleep shorts.
“Better?” He asks casually into your ear, pulling the blanket to cover your laps.
“Yea, thank you.” You breathe out, sounding a little airy.
Your eyes find the screen, but your wholly distracted by his body.
His thumb circling your hip, the gentle breath from his nose hitting the back of your neck, and again, his thigh underneath you.
Your heart is stuttering.
You’re so— confused?
He’s your best friend. You know that, and you’re not sure why you’re feeling like this. If it’s normal?
Another concern of if he can feel it. Feel you.
The heat radiating from you.
You zone out a little, eyes locked on the movie screen. Eventually your breathing evening out for the most part, as you adjust to what was happening.
Focusing momentarily on the comfort of your surroundings. Harry practically enveloping you, the feeling of the couch pillows warm and soft around you.
The gentle hum of the waves crashing from the nearby ocean, sounding through the cracked open window.
Which the breeze being carried through it is just the right temperature, and just strong enough to have the candle flames flickering on top of he TV cabinet.
There’s a warm glow cast across the room from the array of candles, and salt lamp turned on in the corner.
Everything about it was homely, and comforting. And you tapped into the euphoric amount of bliss that surrounded you.
After a few minutes, Harry moved, shuffling his hips back to prop himself up.
His thigh underneath you dragging your thin sleep shorts along your centre, the pressure of his muscles rippling as he adjusted with your weight atop him causing an unbelievably pleasurable feeling to strike through you.
A whine slips past your lips before you can even stop it. The desperate sound filling the room, and it’s too late to take it back. Because you know he’s heard it with the way he stills immediately.
Embarrassment starts to flicker through you hardly a second later.
“Y/N?” He seems to almost whisper from behind you.
“God— sorry— I don’t know… I don’t know why that happened.”
He laughs, the sound golden and dipped in honey as it enters your ears, “Did you just moan?”
“No!” Your skin is flaming as you deny quickly.
He pushes his leg up to press into you again, and you purse your lips together as you try so hard not to let a sound out, or roll your hips instinctively against him.
You fail with the latter of those two things, your body pushing into his leg before you can even try to stop it.
“Hm, what’s gotten you all worked up, darling?” He let’s his hands run up along the side of your rib cage, and is admittedly very curious to what your feeling right now.
He was surprised at first, but fuck, your innocent little whimper has him feeling like he’s got a point to prove.
And he wants so badly to have you come undone under his touch.
“I— fuck…” you lean your head back into his shoulder, unable to form words.
His eyes skate down the profile of your gorgeous face, and further along your arched body.
“Want me to do something about the heat between those legs of yours, baby? Can feel how hot and bothered you are.”
“Harry…” you sigh out as you begin to give into the situation, “please.”
“Alright lovely, since you’re rubbing yourself all over my leg, keep going.”
You frown a little— well it feels good as far as your concerned now. But your unsure how to just continue.
“Here,” he turns you around again, and for a second smiles at your flushed and flustered face.
All the sudden the eye contact has you tingling again, his face enough to have you a mess in his hands.
His hands guide yours to rest on his shoulders, and then his own slide back down to your hips.
“Now, just keep doing what you were before hm, rub yourself on my thigh okay?”
He watches as you experiment with the movement, rolling forward on with your body and moaning at the sensation that it evokes in you.
“Oh.“ you grind against him again, harder this time.
You clench, and he pushes his leg up into you with a moan from himself as he feels your cunt clamping around nothing.
“Fuck, y’gonna tell me why you’re so wet?” He grabs the back of your neck so you’re looking at him.
“I don’t know…” you whine, humping along his thigh. The thin fabric of your shorts going damp from your arousal.
“Your thighs. Your hands. You.” You speculate aloud, watching his pupils blow out with desire.
“My thigh under your cunt get you all worked up?”
“Yes— yes!” You groan out, jaw falling lax as your clit gets caught just right between the shorts and his thigh.
“Baby, take the shorts off. Wanna feel y’soak onto my leg.”
You hardly hear him, still pushing onto him until he physically has to lift you up.
He chuckles as you whine at the absence of contact.
“Tell me, Y/N, Is this okay?” He confirms, pulling your leg from in between his, so now you’re laying practically bridal style in his arms.
“Please. Take them off.” You nod eagerly, back arching in his hold.
He laughs, hair falling again across his brow.
“Let me savour this okay. Look too pretty for your own good.” He mumbles, leaning down to let his lips meet the skin of your neck.
You groan as he sucks the skin into his mouth, and his hand skates up the hem of your shirt, running between the valley of your braless breasts.
“If you need to stop,” he licks over the skin on your neck he was just abusing with his teeth, “let me know, love.”
“I won’t, please keep going…”
You hiss as his hand wraps around your tit, letting his finger tweak the peak of your nipple before running it back down, past your belly button to settle between your still covered pussy.
“Where were we,” he hums gently, rubbing you over your soaked through shorts.
“Off, Harry, please.” Your sentences weren’t properly formed, and you scraped your nails down the muscle of his tattooed bicep.
“God, listen to you. Can you hear how whiney your pretty voice sounds?”
He says it in such a way it sounds like a compliment. The typical connotation of whiney being negative. But he says it like you’re an angel for it.
He peels your shorts down your legs, and audibly groans at the sight of your naked cunt in front of him.
“I should’ve known you didn’t even have a pair of panties on.” He gently taps over your bare clit, and the light touch still has you squirming.
He rubs you a little, allowing the pads of his fingers to tease your entrance. Not before man handling you back on top of his thigh.
Your blindsided by how amazing everything feels.
“Alright darling, use me. Grind that wet little cunt on my thigh to get off.” His words have you fluttering around nothing, and him feeling your bare entrance clenching atop his skin makes his already hard cock twitch beneath the waistband of his shorts.
His hand comes down to palm over himself, delivering a gentle squeeze to try and relieve some of the pressure down there.
You pant as you resume a relatively fast pace, aided by the fact your arousal is dampening his leg. Making it easier to slide yourself on.
“Mmm, god. It feels so good!” You moan out, hands coming to his shoulders to brace yourself.
“So does your pussy on my leg, baby. You’re so wet for me. Who would have thought my little Y/N would get so worked up over sitting on my thigh of all things.” He praises, hands coming to cup the swell of your ass
“No one’s ever— fuck— made me feel like this.” You cry, the stimulation along your clit euphoric.
“Ever, huh?”
You nod, “Ever.”
He could just moan at the thought. That his sweet thing is completely foreign to sexual experiences with other people. That you got all wet on his thigh and had no idea why.
The idea that you weren’t sure why you were trying so hard not to push your pussy onto him. And that you’re probably so sensitive down there, so reactive.
That last one has him struggling not to place you on that coffee table and fuck your hole with his tongue.
He only held back because the sight of your riding his thigh was indescribably hot.
“Good girl f’me, let me help you, make y’come all on my thigh.” He hummed, pushing his leg up to add some more pressure on your clit.
“Harry!” Your pretty voice moaned out as his hands came to guide your hips, to push them faster and harder against his skin.
The control he was taking over you was enough to make you almost drip. Because even if he was so gentle about it, it was insane.
He pushed your bucking hips down, and his leg up, making a delicious pressure that had an unfathomable heat simmer between your legs.
“I wanna come on your leg, Harry, please…” you’re pleading him, hips messily fucking over his skin.
“Yea, baby? My perfect little slut.” He tests out the nickname, watching as your whole body reacts with a quiver at his dirty mouth.
“Oh, you really do like it dirty…” he realises out loud, smirking as you moan.
“Look down at your cunt riding my leg, humping all over it.” He gently laces his hand in your hair, tilting your head down, “How about when you’re done, I get you on your knees and make you clean it up?”
Your mouth goes slack, and it’s baffling to hear such words coming from him.
Yet he could ask you to do anything at this point and you’re convinced you wouldn’t even hesitate before doing it.
“I will, I will!” You nod, thighs quivering on each side of his own.
“Cmon pretty, fuck,” he bucks into his hand that was stroking over his fabric-clad cock, “wanna watch you come. Hear you cry out my name.”
Your clit was pulsing along his now drenched tattoo, and you could feel your muscles tightening in your stomach.
The simmering feeling in your core that you had originally started with has turned into a pot that was about to boil over.
“Harry, ohmygod—“ you whined, falling further into his chest, hands coming up to intertwine with his hair.
He pushed his thigh up against you, and the pressure finally peaked, and you teetered on the brink of orgasm.
You were moaning into his ear, and he could feel your pussy clenching around nothing, waiting for that final little nudge.
“Good fucking girl, let it all go f’me.” He growls into your ear, accent husky, and the words zip straight to where you needed it.
You let out a loud moan of his name, nails dragging down along his shoulders as you messily grind through the pleasure.
He is groaning at the sight. Just as fucking beautiful as he imagined.
Your back arched, and he could feel your cunt pulsating around his leg. It was filthy, and he loved every damn second of it.
“Oh, god— harry, please!” You whimpered, your core jutting against him still, but now with slower more irratic movements.
“That’s it, ride it out on me love. Fuck.” He curses as you absentmindedly drag your lips down the column of his neck.
You slowly come to a stop, the stimulation too much for you now. And your panting as you pull back to look at Harry, and the mess you made atop his thigh.
You lock eyes with him, his hair is messy, and cheeks are flushed. You smile at him, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on his also smiling lips.
You glance down between your legs, spotting immediately the glistening skin of Harry’s leg, and how his finger reaches to get a sample and bring it to his lips.
Watching, he sucks his finger into his mouth, humming at the taste of you on his tongue.
“Taste like a dream, my darling.”
He gathers some more on the same finger, bringing it up to your own lips, letting you suck on them.
“Mm, good isn’t it? Look so good with your mouth wrapped ‘round m’fingers.” He praises, eyes darkening at the sight of your lips sucking his long digits.
You slide off them, taking in his beautiful appearance again. How the warm glow of the lounge room light is casting over his tan skin.
You’re still a little muddled about everything that just occurred. And that the little crush that’s always festered in your head when it comes it Harry has just led you here.
Him being the first person to ever see your pussy, and make you come. On his thigh of all places.
“Thank you…” you flush, a little shyness coming out.
“Don’t get shy with me baby, just watched y’come on my thigh. No room for that.” He smiles, pulling you into his chest.
“Now,” he begins again, stroking the small of your back, “let’s go get cleaned up before everyone suddenly comes home to you still half-naked on my lap.”
You laugh a little as he pecks your cheek, “then we can come back to the couch, and rewind 10 things I hate about you and share some ice cream, m’kay?”
“And uhm, what about you?” You gesture to the tent in his shorts.
“Worry about that another time, alright lovely. Not tonight, that was all for you.” He confirms.
“It’ll just… go away?” You frown, confused— and a little embarrassed you didn’t know what would happen with it.
“Should mostly. Might still have a semi, since all I’m gonna be able to think about is what y’taste like. But again, you can worry about me another day.”
You shake your head, “i want to worry about you now though…”
He blinks slowly, “Fuck, well if you keep bloody begging me to get y’hands on my cock, I’m not gonna be strong enough to tell ya no.”
“Never, uh, done this before. As long as that doesn’t put you off.” You shrug, watching his green eyes flick between your hand and his erection.
“Don’t stress, darling. I have been pretty much about to come at the sight of you, I don’t think it’s gonna take much.”
“And for the record,” he rests a hand on your hip, “nothing could put my off of you. Especially when it comes to you touching me.”
You nod, slowly. Still a little unsure as you reach down to pull the waistband of his shorts from his laurel-adorning hips.
He lifts his hips so you can pull them down, far enough that his cock springs out of them.
Your lips parted at the sight, his flushed tip, with beads of precum seeping out, blotting along down his shaft.
His cock was as gorgeous as you’d imagined. Because of course a pretty boy like him would have such a nice cock.
Not that you have much to judge off, but if the smooth skin and the sudden overproduction of saliva in your mouth was any inkling… you would say he was perfect.
Your hand reached to stroke along him, noticing the lack of lubrication.
You put to use the gathering pool of spit in your mouth, and you pursed your lips to let some of it drop down onto his tip.
He had a whole body reaction as he felt your warm spit slip down the head of his cock. A moan sounded from him, and he sounded like an angel.
“Fuckkk, already spitting on my cock. Little minx y’are.” His eyes went half lidded, and he fought to keep them open. Just to watch your all too curious expression and your hands glide over his cock.
“Faster?” You asked, looking for advice.
“Squeeze it, baby. Then stroke it.” He directed, struggling to form the words.
Then struggling even more not to cry out as you did just as he asked.
“Y/N.” He hissed, bucking his hips up as you started stroking his cock with a moderate pace.
“You look very pretty.” You meekly stated, admiring the way his face has flushed and lips have parted all from your touch.
You speed up your hands, watching intensely as he takes his bottom lip between his teeth in attempt to control himself.
“My god, your hands…” He moans, arm coming to drape over his forehead as he rolled his hips into your warm hand.
You took liberty to swipe your thumb over his tip, and your eyebrows raising as his whole body shudders.
“To know you’re fucking my cock with your spit and your hand.” He sighs out, heat building in his stomach.
“Can I touch here too?” Your hand gently ghosts over where his balls are, and you’re not sure if that’s somewhere he wants you to touch.
“Fuck yes, baby. Ohhh god, I’m gonna come so fast.” He is moaning suddenly without care as you massage him attentively.
Dragging your hands back up to his cock, you continue to stroke and rub along him.
“Want to see you finish too…” you smile, also excited to see the way his body reacts when he comes.
“Cant wait to paint your hand in my fuckin’ come.” He pants, hand gripping the couch cushion near his head.
He can probably feel you getting wet on him again. Seeing him like this has you a mess.
“Fuck— any faster and I’m gonna come on your hand Y/N.” He moans, now his thighs being the ones trembling.
You fuck his cock with your fist faster, in awe of the way he moans out as his orgasm hits him.
Ropes of his warm come spurting out his tip, spilling down your hand as you keep up the pace.
Waiting until he whines with the overstimulation.
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” He shakes his head, blissed out from his orgasm.
Hazily taking in the way you lick a stripe up your thumb, where his come had landed.
You enjoyed the flavour of it, salty and overall pleasant on your tastebuds.
“Can I?” You leant down, wanting more off his cock.
“God, love— wanting to clean the come off my damn cock it tasted that good.” He praises you, letting your mouth gently slide over his softening dick.
You make quick work of the mess, and he remarks shortly, “fuck, gonna have to spend some more time later with your mouth wrapped around me. You’re like an angel.”
Once you’re done, you pull his shorts back over him and watch him smile, dragging you in for another soft kiss— regardless of whether his dick was just in your mouth.
“Alright pretty, let’s get cleaned up before you start grinding anymore on my thigh. Can feel you already getting wet again.”
“Yes, Harry.” You whisper, letting him pick you up and carry you to the bathroom.
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celestialprincesse · 3 months
The 141 + Konig with their s/o wearing a pheromone perfume just to tease them or simply just for fun to see their reaction while they are turning FERAL to get another wiff of that addictive smell.
(u could just skip this but if you have free time and willing to is an absolute)
Thank yew besty, i can sleep in peace now. 😌
Anon baby?! You cute toot little genius megamind?! Also I can't believe this is my first time writing for König? Anywho💕
Price buys all of his s/o's perfumes, knows the scents they like and their favourite notes and therefore buys them a perfume for every occasion or at any airport duty free he manages to browse. Because of this, he has a tendency to bury his nose in their neck, or kiss the insides of their wrists, the smell of them alone allowing him to think back to the day they got married or the night he proposed. When he stuffs his nose between the crook of their neck and their hair, and doesn't recognise the scent they're wearing, he's immediately confused, leaving his face smooshed against them whilst he tries to work out what it is they're wearing that smells so delicious. They're just trying to reply to some emails whilst he's literally got his face buried in the back of their neck, sniffing loudly as he tries to get their attention. "You got new perfume?" He grumbles lustfully, voice halfway between a low grunt and a breathless rumble. "Mhm. You like it?" "Smells fuckin' delicious - smells like sex." "Sex?" You giggle incredulously. "Sex. Speaking of which, come to bed."
Gaz loves when the smell of his s/o lingers around their home and reminds him of them. He loves when his head hits the pillow of the bed and their sweet shampoo lingers in their shared space, or when he puts on one of the hoodies they've borrowed and it still smells of them. When he comes home from an errand to them sat watching their favourite show on the TV, he practically lays on top of them like some kind of human weighted blanket, stuffing his face up their shirt with a deep sigh. "Smell good." He grumbles into the warm skin of their sternum. "Yeah?" Your hum, scratching your nails soothingly into his scalp, to which he only gives a contented hum of approval. He spends the afternoon just sort of nosing at their skin, and ends up falling asleep in their shirt.
Johnny is just generally feral. This man uses all of their fancy creams and lotions, just generally doesn't share the boundaries that some couples would have. He'd spot the perfume on their bathroom counter straight away, probably brush it off too. He doesn't really pay it much mind how good they smell until they're both pottering around the kitchen together making dinner. He'll just sort of inch closer until he's grabbing their wrist where they've spritzed a tiny bit of the perfume that morning and proceeded to forget about it. He's so weird about showing his affection too, probably nipping at them and licking them throughout the day, confused as to why they're more alluring and attractive than normal. His mind races with thoughts of maybe they're ovulating or he's got some kind of weird hormonal guy thing going on. Whatever it is, he's all over them all evening, and practically pawing their clothes off when they get to bed.
Simon gets grumpy when he can't control himself around them. He's a man who prides himself on his ability to remain stoic and impassive, not to mention the fact that he hates feeling like some out of control, lovesick teenage boy. He gets all huffy and puffy, and his s/o is like genuinely concerned for him, so much so that he walks in on them in the bathroom scrubbing at their neck and wrists with a loofah. "The fuck are you doing?" He grunts with an inquisitive, amused raise of his eyebrow. "I - um - spilled something?" "Like that 'pheromone' stuff I got the purchase notification on my bank app for?" "Whaaaaaat? No! Maybe." He just sort of chuffs at their oversight, and the fact that he'd literally seen them browsing these faddy pheromone perfumes on the sofa right beside him.
König literally is just an animal. This man has very limited social decorum as is, at home? Yeah, no, gone. His boundaries are non existent, and he has a tendency to paw at his s/o, slip his hands down their pants or up their shirts daily. Wearing pheromone perfume doesn't help their cause. He spends the day following them around the house like a needy puppy, whining when they swat him away so that they can work or cook or go to the bathroom. He acts all grumbly and wounded and pathetic, and they promptly hide the pheromone perfume, deeming it more of a hindrance than a help, although it is kind of entertaining to see their nearly seven foot, sniper boyfriend so needy over something that they thought was a total scam. It doesn't stop him from practically dragging them to bed by the scruff of their neck, huffing about how he's been wanting them all day.
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bangtaninborderland · 9 months
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Summary: you know it isn't healthy, you know you should leave, but you can’t and neither can he.
Genre: hurt/comfort, angst.
A/N: self indulge from my own experiences
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You get home a little past 6 pm, Jungkook isn’t there, he is always busy though so that’s normal. You set your bags down, slip your shoes off and head straight to change into some comfy clothes. You loved the confidence you felt ready for the day, the way you felt a little braver as you applied a hint of concealer under your eyes, masking the lack of sleep you’d had but your favourite time of the day was the moment you could come home and remove it all.
It doesn’t take you long to dress down and situate yourself on the couch. You eye your phone a few times, debating whether or not to call Jungkook ultimately deciding against it. He would probably be upset if you called in the middle of a schedule especially if he was in a meeting or something. You settled for a simple text:
You: I’m home, will you be here for dinner?
J🩶: No, working late, don’t wait up.
You: Okay, Love you.
Message Read 6:48PM
The message is left unread but that’s okay, Jungkook is a busy person with things to do. You don’t take what you have for granted so instead of mourning the time you don’t have you focus on the time you do have. Which albeit isn’t much, even when he isn’t working he finds better things to do.
You’d never stop him though, he worked hard, and he deserved that time for himself. You couldn’t be a burden.
You settle on ordering takeout for dinner, it was pointless cooking a meal that would never get finished. The leftovers from three days ago are still in the refrigerator, untouched, despite the note you’d left telling your boyfriend that they were there.
The food arrived an hour later, you turned on the TV and tucked in, letting yourself be drawn into the world of another sappy drama but not even that could keep your mind from wandering, from thinking about how everything got so messed up.
You’d started out years ago, two young kids just wanting some affection and care. Jungkook had just left another relationship, being three years older than you it was safe to say you’d had significantly less experience in the dating department but you fell hard and fast. You’d call all the time, things were busy then but never as busy as now, he would often wait up until late at night when everyone else was asleep to call you from the shared Bangtan dorm room, even if it meant he was a little more tired the next day. He would write you sweet messages whenever he had time, a few words that you would cherish and reread anytime you missed him.
Sure there were rough patches, fights, disagreements, the distance was hard whenever he was on tour and even though it hurt you, really hurt you, there was something always holding you in place so you never left, you couldn’t even imagine it, the few times Jungkook had proposed a break-up or a break you’d denied, argued against it, plead your case as though you were on trial because you couldn’t lose him. He was all you had.
You had friends sure but none that you were actually close to, family wasn’t something you found comfort in, and the arguments that came with being around them were something you’d rather not experience so you stayed away, stayed alone. Maybe that’s why it was so easy to adapt to everything Jungkook was, there hadn’t been a single thing you’d done without him in mind.
You’d been his place to let out everything he felt, most of his emotions bottling up until it came out as a wave of evil anger, words that lacked truth still tearing you apart piece by piece. Still, his apologies were sweet, warm, and soft, they gave you comfort. So you smiled and said it was okay, smiled and tried to ignore the list of names and backhanded comments you’d heard.
Besides, the next day everything was okay, everything would always be okay eventually.
You’re still sitting on the couch when Jungkook gets home, he walks straight into the bedroom, ignoring your presence as though you don’t exist but you remind yourself it’s dark, you didn’t have the lights on so he probably didn’t see you.
“Marco?” He called out and you couldn’t help but smile at the silly American game he had taught you a few years ago.
“Polo.” You called back, unable to hide your grin.
As he came closer you smelt the soju on his breath. “I thought you were working late?”
He groaned, slumping against you on the couch. “Yeah, well we finished around 7 so Mingyu asked if I wanted to get drinks.” He shrugged. “Don’t get all mad.”
“I’m not mad Kook.” You were thankful no lights had been turned off, although you could cover up the shake in your voice the sadness in your eyes was significantly harder to rid yourself of. “I just missed you.”
“Fuck I know okay, I know but I don’t need you putting pressure on me too I’m already working hard twenty-four seven, you want me to come home and be the perfect boyfriend to you but where is my time? Where is the time for me? It’s selfish of you to always put your wants first.”
“No I just meant that I missed you I didn’t-“ you sighed, the argument dying on your tongue. “I’m sorry.”
“You always say that. You just ruined a good day…god” he huffed, a hand running through his hair. “I’m going to shower and then I’ll sleep.” With that he was gone, his footsteps retreating.
A coldness settled over you, an unspeakable pain simmering in your chest. He had misunderstood, the words you’d said with honest intentions had been taken out of context and twisted to portray you as a selfish person.
As much as you loved Jungkook he had one flaw, he failed to see what wasn’t directly In front of him. He wouldn’t ever be able to realise or understand the extent to which you’d given up everything of yourself to be with him. The friends you couldn’t have because you felt awful having such an important secret that you couldn’t share with them, the fact Jungkook was…Jungkook meant the relationship you had couldn’t exactly be paraded around, your own paranoia preventing you from having friends in case they found out and shared it with the media. You’d hidden your own dark days whenever something was troubling him, you chose your words carefully to prevent him from worrying too much. You’d always hold off discussing things that had been awkward or uncomfortable until it was suitable for him and by then those feelings and situations were too far gone to bring back up.
It all piled up and then what was once a small ball of insecurity, sadness and longing had grown into a boulder, one that you carried around on your shoulders every day, the weight crushing you slowly.
Still, you didn’t pick a fight, you let it be. Tomorrow would be better, you wouldn’t talk about it, not seriously, you never did.
You waited until you heard the shower switch off, giving him time to fall asleep before joining him in bed.
Maybe it was just habit, something that you’d both done for so long it happened involuntarily but Jungkook reached out for you, tucking your body under his as he whispered a soft “I love you” with a kiss to your head.
The next day things were better, Surprisingly you found him at the stove, singing along to some slow song, probably something Taehyung had sent to him. “Good morning baby.”
You smiled at the term of endearment. “Good morning.”
“Come here.” He called out to you, turning the stove down before opening his arms for you. “I’m sorry about last night.”
Your heart ached at the reminder of his anger the night before, his misunderstanding of your words, his lack of understanding of how you felt. “It’s okay.”
He pushes you back a little, observing your face. “Is it really? Do you forgive me?”
“Always, I’ll always forgive you.” You smiled back and it wasn’t a lie. You would always forgive him, regardless of what he did, or how he hurt you, you would always forgive him because you simply could t live without him.
You both knew it wasn’t healthy, knew it wasn’t okay to act this way, to brush over the misunderstandings you dealt with daily but you couldn’t help it. Facing just how bad things were between you, facing just how poor your communication and trust was meant facing the reality that there was no way to fix it.
The only fix would be to separate and you knew, you knew without a doubt you wouldn’t take that step and neither would he.
So you both held on, ignoring the boulder because you couldn’t let go, even if it was just attachment, you’d let yourself be safe here in the familiarity of everything you shared together for a little longer, even if the boulder was killing you.
You held onto the false reality you’ve created between yourselves, you were sure you always would even if it was insincere because the pain of being the person who took every negative emotion out on was nothing compared to the pain and emptiness you’d feel if he wasn’t there with you, if you no longer had him to hold you and brush your tears away.
“I’m in love with you.” He leaned down to kiss you, tilting your head upwards for easier access.
“I’ll love you for the rest of my life.”
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pixelnrd · 2 months
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One of Heather and Jenny's favourite outings was to visit the night markets in nearby San Myshuno. Heather loved to sample the interesting food on offer, and poke fun at Jenny's face as she tried new things at Heather's behest.
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Heather loved talking to the vendors - asking about their experiences, where they got their produce, sampling their offerings - so much that it had got her thinking of a new venture; the next step in her culinary career. One evening as they were eating under the starlight, she put her idea to Jenny.
'What if I started doing a stall,' she proposed. 'With all my own recipes. I wouldn't quit my job, but it would give me a change to take Around the Table to the next level, and actually make my food for people, gauge what it is that they like, run my own show.'
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Jenny, to her relief, loved the idea. 'I think that would be amazing,' she gushed. 'Seriously, I mean who knows maybe you'll get discovered? Food stall, restaurant... tv show?' she said with a grin.
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Heather was so excited about her new business baby. She began prepping her recipes at home, in her tiny apartment kitchen. Then she brought everything down to the market and opened her very own stall..
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w2soneshots · 17 days
You’re to cute -W2S
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Words: 1.0k+
Warnings: pregnancy, slight worrying.
In which Harry and the boys decide to cheer you up by planning a cute evening for you and the side girls.
a/n: I love this request, so cute🥹. Protective Harry🫶🏼. I hope you all enjoy!!🤍🧸🎀
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Me and Harry have been together for almost five years now. We always knew we wanted kids so when I found out I was pregnant we were elated. It's been amazing so far. We had to wait almost 3 months to tell everyone, which was torture for Harry since he can't seem to keep his mouth shut. But once we could finally tell all of our family and friends it was amazing. I could rant to Faith about the good and bad things that come with being pregnant and Harry felt a huge weight off his shoulders.
This last six months I haven't been feeling the best. I had awful morning sickness at the beginning (which is how I knew to take a test), I'm tired all the time and the hormones have been wild. One minute I'm laughing the next I'm in tears then two minutes later I'm pissed off. But the first scan, listening to the babies heart beat, finding out we're having a little girl and feeling her kick make it one hundred percent worth it.
Today Harry had to leave for a sidemen shoot early so I woke up alone in our bed. I got up, make myself breakfast, took a quick shower then put on some comfy clothes and lay back down on the bed. I sighed as I turned the tv on, then I clicked on my favourite movie. I spent almost the entire day in bed and on the sofa which has been my daily routine for quite awhile now. I've been to lunch with Talia a few times, baby shopping with Faith and Harry always makes an effort when it comes to little dates, mini golf, bowling, stuff like that. But I've still been feeling a little bit left out.
When I finally heard the front door open I smiled. After he'd put his things away Harry pushed open the door to the bedroom. His face beamed when he locked eyes with me. "How are my girls?" He asked as he sat down on the bed, beside me. "We're good. How was your day?" I moved to rest my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me. "Um some of it didn't really go to plan but I think it'll make the video funnier," He replied. "Actually... me n the boys were talking and -only if you feel up to it- we were wondering if you wanted to come out for dinner and we could watch that new movie that just came out in the cinema?" He proposed.
I smiled (tho he couldn't see my face) "that would be lovely. But don't you hate movies?" "Well I don't hate them, they're just not really my thing. But if it means getting to spend time with you and my friends then I really don't mind." My heart melted at his words, then uncontrollably tears began to spill down my cheeks. I sniffled and Harry quickly brought my face up so he could look at me. "What's wrong? We don't have to go if you don't want to." He reassured kindly. "No Harry I'm fine and I really want to go, that was just really sweet." I wiped my face. He laughed lightly then pulled me into a hug.
After getting up I brushed my hair back into a ponytail then slipped on some shoes before grabbing my phone. "Ready?" Harry asked. "Yup! Let's go." I replied with a bright smile. Harry drove (for once) and we were soon outside the cinema. He held my hand as we walked into the building. I looked around and spotted Faith, Freya and Talia standing near the popcorn, along with their boyfriends and Tobi. We walked over to them and a look of pure excitement spread across Talia's face. "You look so cute! How are you?" She pulled me into a friendly hug. "Pretty good, you?" I replied sweetly. We waited a few minutes for JJ to arrive, when he did we scanned our tickets and made our way into the theatre.
The entire movie Harry's hand was intertwined with mine, while my other one sat comfortably on my little bump. "You two are so cute." Faith whispered into my ear. I looked at her and smiled. Once the credits started to play we all got up and grabbed our things. As we walked out we decided on Nando's for dinner, since there's one just a five minute walk from the cinema.
As we were walking down the pavement a pretty big group of fans surrounded us. I was quickly pushed away from Harry as I got trapped in a small sea of people. "Hey!" I heard JJ's voice call out "move!" My eyes scanned around and they met with Ethan's. He lunged forward, pushing the teenagers out of the way. Then he gently grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards Harry. Josh, JJ and Tobi told the fans to politely "get lost." While Harry fussed over if I was ok. "Are you sure? Is the baby ok?" I nodded as my heart rate slowed "I'm fine. They didn't know. It's ok." I reassured him. Since I'm not really in the public eye we decided not to tell the fans that I'm pregnant. We want to just keep it to ourselves for now, our little secret.
With Harry on one side and JJ on my other we walked the rest of the way to the restaurant. Once we got there we found a table and sat down. Then Josh and Simon went to the front counter to order. Our food came just ten minutes after we'd ordered. We chatted amongst ourselves and I talked to Faith about the crib me and Harry had just recently ordered, since it wouldn't come for quite a few weeks and we wanted to have everything finished as early as possible. Once everyone had finished we walked back to our cars, said goodbye and headed home.
"Thank you for tonight Harry." I murmured as I lay on his chest. "I'm glad you had fun it was nice to see you laughing." He replied. My eyes closed "you're so cute." I whispered. "Good night y/n. I love you." "love you too." My voice trailed off as I fell into a deep sleep.
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killedpink · 1 year
방찬 | the space between us.
🎧 masterlist !?
🏹 synopsis: after a particularly difficult breakup, your reliable, trustworthy best friend chan shows up to comfort you. in some ways more than others.
☕️ word count: 3.7k
🏷 contains: breakup, friends to lovers, mutual pining, comfort sex, soft dom chan, pet names, unprotected sex, creampie, teeny bit of nipple play, possessive chan, thigh riding, so much praise, multiple orgasms.
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a knock at your door pulled you from your bedsheets, throwing the covers off of your entire body and swinging off the edge of the comfortingly warm bed. your apartment was unnaturally quiet, unnaturally bare and unnaturally unfamiliar. was it even yours to begin with? it didn't take long to get to the dead-bolted front door, unlocking the tedious locks and swinging it open, the cold air slamming into your face.
seeing chan felt like a weight was lifted off of your shoulders, slamming your tear-streaked face into his middle and wrapping your arms around his toned back was your new favourite thing to do. he smelled warm, homey and gently masculine, like cedar wood and citrus. he was calming all over, he was comforting all over, he was kind all over. chan was your only sense of familiarity now, the better half of the past year being wasted on a dirtbag of the highest order. "what happened, beautiful?" he whispered into your hood, (his) the black champion hoodie obscuring the top and back of your head, using it to shield you from the cruel, unjust outside world. just hearing chan's voice made everything feel better; his presence giving you another reason to carry on tomorrow. you could hear the soft thumps of his heartbeat, you could feel the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed, and most importantly you could feel his large hand slowly stroke your back, moving up and down, following the path of your spine.
you felt yourself hiccuping tears into his chest, his arm slowly rocking you back and forth like a tiny, exhausted baby. you pulled away from him, eyes immediately focusing on the dark patches on chan's hoodie from where you had cried into him. "come in, chan." you stood aside, letting him enter your apartment and set down the hot drinks he brought with him for the both of you to share on your coffee table. who bought that? you couldn't even remember, feeling like an intruder in your own home, despite owning it before ever knowing the world's worst boyfriend. chan settled on your couch, his trusting eyes watching you follow his lead, leaning your head on his broad shoulder. "i hate him.." you spoke, to no-one in particular, your eyes closing to let your tears pass. "oh, baby," chan was sympathetic, of course, rubbing your sides and wiping the tears from your eyes. you let chan take care of you — you let yourself relax into his touch, into his warmth, into his chest.
"what do you say we forget all about that idiot guy, yeah? you wanna watch a movie?" chan proposed, his australian accent making you giggle. "of course. you pick." you smiled into him, moving off of him so he could grab the tv remote. is that where you last left it? you watched chan, noted how his brows creased in concentration, how his full lips pouted as he debated every movie your netflix had to offer. everything about him just felt right: he never made you sad, he never made you uncomfortable nor unwelcome. you hated how you didn't hate anything about chan, instead completely enamoured with every little detail of him. his wavy hair, for one — you loved the way it tickled your skin, or how it framed his face, how it bounced when he moved too suddenly. his dimples, especially, you felt your heart flutter when they peeked through his skin when he stretched his cheeks or spoke certain words.
you hadn't had a drink all day, your body dehydrated from crying. the warm, aromatic coffee tasting so delectable you struggled to put it down, letting the heat seep into your hands through the sleeve on the cup. when your eyes caught chan's gaze, he looked away, seemingly upset even if you could only see one side of his face. he shook his head, barely, and turned to you, with a soft, small and gentle smile on his rosy, plump lips. "no one's gonna hurt you again, i swear." the palm of his hand gingerly holding the outside of yours, your hand now feeling warmth from both sides, giving you goosebumps. or was it chan's touch? his hand moved from yours to your cheek, softly cradling your face in his wide, strong hand. his brown, trusting eyes searching yours as if the harder he looked into them the more of your mind he would be able to read, "i won't let them." he whispered, your bodies close enough that you heard the emotion in his voice as clear as day. your hand wrapped around his muscular arm, fingers curling around his forearm, "i trust you, channie." you muttered, your mouth speaking the words before your brain even realised you were speaking.
there was nothing else the two of you needed to say in that moment, opting for a comfortable silence in which you simply rested your head on chan's chest, letting him absentmindedly play with your hair or fiddle with your hoodie strings. it was oddly relaxing; just lounging on chan was all you needed to feel miles better, his company alone proving to be more efficient than spending your days sobbing into your pillow. those days of pure heartbreak feeling like a lifetime ago already in chan's arms. he fixed everything, even if he was doing nothing but watching a movie and letting you use him as a pillow.
if you were asked what the movie chan picked was called, you'd be speechless, completely concentrating on chan, your aching, yet mending heart and the sting of your under-eyes. you supposed it was funny, considering you often felt the rumble of his chest from laughter, his mellow voice soothing you entirely. it was late when chan arrived, the sun slowly exiting the sky and the roads chock-full of people rushing back home. about twenty minutes into the movie you were certain neither of you were watching, the sky faded into a dark blue, the edge of the earth still brimming with light. you shifted positions, your legs resting on chan's lap, your head still tucked safely into the crook of his neck, his heartbeat coaxing your exhausted body to sleep.
when you woke, it was entirely because chan had moved you from his arms onto your bed. your body woke before your mind, your eyes not registering the time on your clock for a few moments before your brain had the opportunity to catch up. 01:22. are you serious? "chan? how long was i asleep for?" your eyesight was bleary, yet you could still make out his tender smile, his eyes crinkling. "don't worry about it. you needed the rest. go back to sleep if you want." he stroked the hair out of your face, kissing your forehead. what? "chan.." you started, voice betraying you as it whispered, voice slightly hoarse and feathery from sleep. "i know, i'm sorry, i didn't realise i.." chan was trying to get the words out of his mouth faster than he could say them, unable to explain what had happened.
"no.. it was okay, actually. i.. i liked it. a lot." you smiled, slowly sitting up on your bed. chan still seemed a bit uneasy, his mind likely racing like you knew he had a habit of doing. you sighed, "look. it's late, it's dark and it's cold. just.. stay the night for me? please? we don't even have to talk about it. i just.. i don't wanna say goodbye yet." you stammered, feeling your heart beating frantic in your chest, blood rising to your cheeks, throat dry and hands trembling. you smiled at him, your heart fluttering when you saw he couldn't resist his own smile, his dimples showing and his eyes turning into crescent moons. he was so pretty — who in their right mind wouldn't want him to stay the night?
please say yes. please say yes. please say yes.
"you're right, it's late and it would be really dumb to try driving anywhere right now. i'll just sleep on the couch, i'm sure you want your space," he decided, shrugging sheepishly. you were instantly dejected by his answer, his dark, copper eyes briefly holding eye contact with yours. you knew you were teetering on friendship and relationship, you knew asking could ruin so much — but you also knew you couldn't sleep without chan. fuck it. "please don't go. chan, stay with me. please." asking felt like a shot in the dark, it was terrifying and exhilarating. his gaze softened, his brows relaxed, his soft lips curved into a tiny, delighted smile. "okay. i'll stay here." chan sat down next to you, easily welcoming you into his arms once more. "so.. about that kiss?" you inquired, eyeing him carefully. his body usually reacted before his mind, always caught up in his thoughts. he shifted momentarily, "i just.. i don't even know, i saw you there, all sleepy and calm and i just wanted you to feel better." you shook your head, "i always feel better with you, chan." he was taken aback, clearly unaware of his effect on you, or on others. you sat up, facing him, inches away, interested in what his next words will be.
you were not expecting a kiss. a full bodied, chan's soft, plump lips on yours, his hands holding your cheeks tenderly, type of kiss. and while you sat there, blinking, dazzled it was over before you knew what had happened, before you had the opportunity to savour it. your eyes were wide, resembling a deer caught in headlights, a strong opposite compared to chan's relaxed, calm eyes. you leaned your body into his, allowing your lips to collide with his once more. you felt him smile into the kiss, you felt the tip of his wide nose brush against yours, you felt his hands twirl the hair from the nape of your neck in his fingers. you felt tingly all over, goosebumps rupturing all over your skin, feeling yourself nuzzle into him. "this isn't a heat of the moment thing, is it..?" chan whispered against your lips, pecking them quickly, hungrily and eagerly. you shook your head, "no.. definitely not." you answered, pressing your puckered lips against his, your teeth grazing his bottom lip.
distance grew in-between the both of you. "do you wanna..?" chan trailed off, too embarrassed to formally ask. "i thought you'd never ask." you leaned into him once more, pressing needy kisses to his jawline, "i need you, channie." you murmured into his bronzed, tan skin. with less than five words, you had set something ablaze in chan that you had never seen before. he tore his hoodie off of his body, letting you — not so subtly — check him out. he was like an adonis, every inch of his torso perfectly carved like he was a living, breathing marble sculpture. following his lead, you yanked the hoodie off of your body, turning it inside-out in the process, throwing it wherever your mind decided in such a short amount of time. your legs fell on both sides of chan, his hands holding your bare breasts in his hands; they felt heavy all of a sudden, hyperaware of his hands experimentally groping them, fondling the soft flesh in his skilled hands.
chan took your nipple in his mouth, flattening his tongue to brush the hardening bud in one swipe, his lips puckering around it as he let his teeth graze against the sensitive skin there. it gave you goosebumps — the feeling of his hot mouth on your erected nipple, heating up not only your breast but your face, feeling it flush against the skin of your neck. he replaced his mouth with his thumb, rubbing the nipple with the pad of his thumb, observing how you reacted to his touch intently. you squirmed in place, "chan, please.." you started; however unable to finish. he caught on quickly, yet he was simply too cruel to follow through, instead opting to lean back, putting his weight on his hands and arms as they held him up, "c'mere, then. i won't bite.. too hard, at least," he grinned, his white teeth poking out from his blushy, pink lips.
you approached him on your knees, "take these off," chan's finger hooked under the waistband of your pants, watching you expectantly. as shy as you were — you weren't embarrassed by chan, thanks to your many years of friendship, intimacy came surprisingly, yet welcomely, easy. you didn't have to think twice about it, quickly stripping them from your body, leaving you in your underwear alone. it couldn't be helped that your eyes wandered to his chest, watching as it rise and fell with his breath, watching as the shadows contoured his muscles, and how his abs fluttered with the air he inhaled and exhaled, the movement just a few milliseconds behind his chest's movements.
his hands wrapped around your waist, sitting just above the swell of your hips, and guided you onto his thigh. his smirk was crudely wide, not even hiding how much he was enjoying this. the denim of his jeans gave a different sensation than what you were used to, your arms wrapping around chan's bare, wide shoulders to anchor yourself, allowing him to grind you onto his thigh, your flesh under his fingers dipping from the pressure he was using to grab onto you, his veiny hands clinging onto your waist as if you'd slip through his fingers. chan brought you to paradise and back, pushing and pulling you by your waist on his thigh, clenching and unclenching the muscle underneath your cunt so expertly that you needn't do much but let him control you; positive you couldn't achieve an orgasm as brilliantly as chan gave it to you if you tried by yourself. your nails dug into the muscle of his shoulder, connecting his neck and shoulder blade as your clit caught on the waistband of his jeans — causing chan to chuckle and grind you onto his thigh even harsher than before.
it didn't take long for you to cum, leaving a dark wet spot on both his jeans and your underwear, sticky and clinging onto your sex as a consequence. "you see what you do to me, beautiful?" chan muttered, your eyes falling down to his crotch to see the painfully apparent bulge residing where his cock was. fuck, he was that big? the ashes of your orgasm are still glowing and simmering with a residual heat in your body, but it's the kiss that chan presses against your throat, and the way his hands trail down to the curve of your ass and brazenly gropes it — that's what fully reignites that volatile pit in your gut.
"chan.." you plea, your hand falling to cup the tent in his pants, palming it in your hand. you watched as his abs trembled, his chest stuttering as he shakily drew in a breath. he used the side of his hand to push you back, your body colliding with the mattress below that easily took your weight and cushioned your fall. chan loomed above you, your eyes unable to look away from his, despite the audible sounds of his belt unbuckling, the sound alone making your breath hitch and mouth water. he shrugged his jeans off surprisingly seamlessly, making it look easy — which you were sure it was not. you stopped him before he got to his boxers, "i wanna do it," you were sheepish about it, sure, but you were more eager than coy; you'd swallow any pride for him.
chan lets you undress him, of course, watching you endearingly as you pulled his boxers down, letting his cock spring free and hit his stomach. you almost want to roll your eyes when you see it, because on top of being caring, and talented, and funny, he's got a gorgeously thick cock that you know no man or toy could ever replace. your hands cradle his hard shaft, unable to fully hold it with one hand alone, your fingers a few millimetres away from touching your thumb. you drag your hands up and down the length of chan's cock, until his skin is glistening with his own arousal and every ounce of your body is screaming at you to let chan fuck you in desperation.
you felt his hand start at the curve of your calf, fingers dipping into the inside of your knee, travelling higher to the silky skin of the inside of your thigh, rounding out at the dip of your hips, before finally brushing against your naked, wet slit. you hum in approval, your hips bucking to follow his touch and grind yourself onto his hand. chan's index finger starts at your entrance, moving higher to illustrate small, electrifying circles around your clit, swollen and puffy and sensitive from his touch. chan stopped as soon as he started, removing his hand from your sex and using both hands to wrap around your thighs, spreading them far apart from each other and letting them rest on both of his sides, caging him in. you hiked them up onto his waist, both legs wrapped around and pulling him into you.
soft lips collided with yours, chan's mouth tasted lustrous and sweet, like ambrosia on your tongue. he parts the kiss before he slinks into you, "wanna see your pretty face when i finally get to fill you up," he hissed all too eagerly, his eyes attentively watching every flutter of your eyelids, every gasp that falls out of your lips, every little movement you could possibly make; chan ensured he'd witness it, determined to see it as it really was, not as he imagined it to be — but to really, truly see you under him. he fantasised about this for months, a vision of you not too far away in his mind whenever he had his cock in his hands. your breath hitches when you feel his hot, hard cockhead press against your hole, but you have to draw in a breath when you feel him slowly inch inside of you. there's no discomfort when he enters you, just a dizzying, breathless, fullness. it makes your eyelids flutter closed, completely lost in the feeling, suspended in the moment of pure, unfiltered delirium that seemed to intensify every time chan sunk deeper into you.
he watches as your cunt swallows him whole, eyes wide with glee and dark with a carnal hunger. he has to hold in a sensual, sex-drunken groan when he watches your puffy slit swell from his cock buried under your skin, and with each eager ache of your cunt clenching ravenously around his cock he in turn feeds you more and more of himself. you can feel his bulbous, sopping wet head throb from within you, letting out a starstruck gasp when chan finally fills you to the brim, his hilt rubbing against your sopping wet clit and you cry, keen and write under him, gasping for air. "so fuckin' beautiful like this, you're taking me so, so well," chan gushed, his heart-fluttering words of praise almost sounding innocent if his language wasn't filthy, and if he wasn't practically moaning the words out.
scratch that — nothing about any of this is innocent. not even a morsel. chan's hips kiss your inner thighs, fucking you in brutally powerful, needy and erratic thrusts, skin snapping against yours, his cock filling you to his hilt each time, his head nudging your cervix and pouring his leaking precum into your hole, confident you can take it all. and it's the only thing you can do, repaying his more-than-satisfactory efforts by taking everything he generously gave you. how is that anything but sinful? he's getting close, you can tell, his hand clinging onto your waist so hard it burned, setting your nerves ablaze. you shudder when you feel your shared slick leak out from your hole, chan's filling cock leaving no room inside of you, consequently pushing it out and letting it smear your thighs and trickle slowly down your slit. your body moved on its own when it clenched around him, your stomach twitching each time your cunt milked chan's cock.
you squeal, you cry, you gasp out his name like he will save you, your legs tighten around his waist to pull him physically impossibly closer to you, as if he could get any closer to you, both of your bodies sweaty and skin sticking together. your arms wrap around his neck, fingers hooking into his skin like he'd slip out from underneath you. your voice is hoarse, your legs ache, your head is dizzy and your lungs are breathless, but he keeps going as if he has something to prove. you wail out chan's name, your eyes squeezing shut, ignoring all of your senses but one: touch, of course, lost in the sensation of the wanton licks of friction chan sparks between the both of you, each drag along the inside of your cunt pushing you further on the edge of mind-numbing bliss. your pulse echoes in your ears, your heartbeat thundering in your ribcage as your insides turn into mush, your limbs jellied and your body so, so exhausted.
chan bottoms out inside of you, pushing his entire cock into you so forcefully you're sure you'd fuse together, his hips stuttering and his mouth pouring out such a pornographic moan so erotic you're sure you combusted from his sounds alone. he's shameless. he's noisy. he's so fucking sexy he makes you want him all over again. he stills, and you can feel the way every atom in his body tenses as he fills you with his cum, so heavy and so warm, pouring himself into you. completely spent, you sigh chan's name as if it were a prayer, leaning into his touch and surrendering yourself completely to him. once he pulls out, you quite literally feel yourself gush with yours and his climaxes, spilling out of your entrance and down your legs, slowly and crudely dribbling onto your bedsheets below, likely already soaked with sweat.
you wait until chan lays down next to you, and you sluggishly, timidly crawl into his middle, resting your head above his heartbeat, still erratic and still winding down. his arm wrapped around your waist, his skin so much warmer compared to yours even now. chan's thumb affectionately stroked your clammy skin, all the while whispering into your hair, "just so you know, i'm not going anywhere."
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ariforshort · 4 months
♡︎valentines day mizu hcs♡︎
modern day mizu x f!reader hcs because I'm insane !!
nsfw in red <3
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would take like 2 days off of work to be with you
spends so much money it's insane
she wakes you up on valentine's day with your favourite breakfast and like 7 gifts
she has more.
buys reader a new dress and shoes specifically for the day, on top of the necklace she got you
does ur hair for you and tells you how pretty you look
she'd take you out on a date like going to the beach and then the arcade and then dinner
at the arcade she wins you like 5 plushies. she is very good at arcade games.
at the end of the day she runs you a bath with bubbles, bath salts and rose petals
she would give you her favourite shirt to sleep in and put on your favourite tv show / movie
not that you end up watching much of it🤭
"cmon, baby.." mizu coos into your ear as she curls her fingers again, sending you so close to the edge your brain damn near short circuits. your voice is hoarse as your thighs tense around her head. one more curl of her fingers has your mind dull and seeing stars behind your eyelids. she kisses your neck gently before looking you in the eyes, smiling in admiration at her gorgeous girl all fucked out. "gods, you're stunning."
she is constantly praising you, giving you every compliment under the sun and kissing u whenever she's able to
had an argument turned physical fight with taigen over who was gonna spoil their gf more while you and akemi giggled as you watched
you bought the two of you matching rings and she had to pretend she wasn't crying
at some point during the evening she disappears for about an hour
she was on call to akemi to make sure you'd like the ring she bought you to totally not propose to you
akemi gave her the seal of approval and she still waited until the day after when u were out for dinner
sorry it's short !! either way I love mizu she's my wife <333
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rggie · 2 years
twst boys as babysitters
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characters: leona kingscholar, malleus draconia, vil schoenheit
summary: cheka comes to visit leona! instead of being a responsible adult, leona throws the burden onto you … and the poor unfortunate soul that happened to be with you at the time. tldr; twst boys as babysitters
cw: established relationship, gn!reader, crack & fluff, sfw. not proof read. wc: 1.5k+
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leona kingscholar
“oi, herbivore. got you something.” leona calls, dragging his feet into your room, hands hidden behind his back. “early birthday present. keep this one forever.”
oh dear
now you’re no stranger to receiving gifts from your boyfriend (though he won’t admit that he likes to spoil you) but something about his tone makes you worry.
surprise!!!! he raises cheka above his head, who squeals with delight at the motion, making grabby hands when he sees you. you’re his favourite person after his uncle leona, after all!
cue a moment of silence … you’re staring at leona, he’s staring at you … and cheka … is still raised in the air.
“leona, stop dumping things on me all the time.”
“but he likes you. take care of him for me.” which actually means ‘he’s disturbing my sleep and i need to get him off my back.’
you refuse, obviously, and propose that the pair of you babysit together. you’re meeting him halfway.
leona agrees too quickly. perhaps he wants to spend time with you—and okay, maybe he missed cheka too. the little brat.
there is something so endearing about the way leona interacts with his nephew
leona, who has an abundance of smarts and strength, is nothing more but a flickering candlelight when put against the blazing fire that is cheka kingscholar.
his power knows no bounds.
if you’re stuck with these two, expect a lot of play-fights
leona complains and verbalises very often how annoying it is, yet never bothers to physically remove cheka off him. he simply takes the hits, feigning pain afterwards.
“that really hurt. i’m tired now.” leona, be for real. just admit you’re a softie
but beware. if he’s in the mood, he might fight back. and leona shows NO mercy.
it doesn’t matter that cheka is a child! he’s preparing him for the REAL world
oh boy, here come the crocodile tears
when cheka is tired out, it’s time for leona’s favourite time of the day.
no, not lunch time, nap time!!!!
you know the saying two’s company, three’s a crowd? you’re spooning on a bed that’s definitely not made for three.
leona’s arms are strung loosely around your waist, his head in the nook of your neck
cheka is curled up in a little ball against your chest
it’s kind-of a squeeze, but it’s also comforting, their soft snores filling the otherwise quiet room
until cheka wakes up again, and this time he has his eyes on another opponent.
malleus draconia
you’re trying to introduce malleus to your favourite shows, and he’s slowly getting into them as well
in fact, maybe he’s teleported outside your door in order to find out what happens in the next episode of the said show, and not because he wants to be with you.
he rings the door once, then twice, then thrice, but you don’t show up
he knows you’re a busy person, so he tries his hardest to be patient. either way, he’s certain he’d wait eons for you if that’s what you asked him to do.
when you turn up with leona’s nephew in his hands, he …
well, he doesn’t do anything at all, actually
he doesn’t even ask about it. you guys just carry on and sit in ramshackle as if everything is normal.
like hello???? are we going to address the furball other than grim in the room or not?
cheka: *scratching malleus’ horns like they’re ears*
malleus: ???? This Is Fine.
the truth is he’s scared
he’s malleus draconia, a fae feared by all—rendered immobile by a child attempting to swing from his horns.
you’re shocked he’s just letting it happen… he’s just sitting staring at the tv screen as if nothing is bothering him, but his whole body is visibly tense.
cheka is a talkative kid, and malleus is fascinating to him, so he just has so many questions! “why are you so tall?” “are you really a fairy?” “why don’t you look like the ones in storybooks?” “are your horns even real?”
“i don’t know. why don’t you check for me?” it’s an invitation for cheka to go wild, to do as he pleases
except malleus is NOT smiling, so it goes unnoticed
cheka is like :3 and malleus is like : |
malleus doesn’t want to scare the cub away, he wants to chat with him! he wants to play!!!
but he lacks the verbal skills to communicate properly
he thinks back to silver as a young boy and finds a way to keep cheka entertained
“little lion, would you like to spar?”
malleus, no!!!!???
silver may have been training at a young age, but this is different. he was not raised by two fae.
despite your desperate pleas, cheka agrees.
malleus is grinning, a rare sight—its giddy and goofy and so youthful, you don’t have the heart to stop them
they sit crossed-legged on your bed with spoons for swords, violently clashing against each other
malleus is REALLY serious about it, though. he’s smiling, but he’s also teaching cheka at the same time
“good one.” “this is your opponents’ blind spot.” “you should try this on your uncle leona.”
you’re starting to think he’s doing this purposely.
but this is the most fun you’ve seen him have in a while, so you suppose leona will just have to pay the price of leaving cheka in your care.
vil schoenheit
why on earth is leona’s nephew sitting in pomefiore’s lounge, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed?
he has half the mind to curse out leona next time he sees the beastman, but then you appear behind him.
his frown and his thoughts falter a little. (his lips subconsciously pull upwards into a smile whenever he’s around you. it really is a bother that he cannot control his emotions better, considering he’s an actor.)
“did you bring him here?” he points at cheka, tone accusatory, but lacking any real bite.
all he wanted was to spend time with you. now he’s plagued by some child who didn’t even know the basic instruction ‘sit.’
upon closer inspection, he shrieks and moves backwards from cheka quickly.
“prefect, where are his shoes??”
you’re joking, right? please tell him you’re joking.
“so you’ve been having him walk around OUTSIDE barefoot?”
“he’s just … one with nature!” you laugh lightly to quell his anger.
he is not laughing. not this time.
Mother Nature may be smiling down on Cheka, but Vil Schoenheit is not.
his feet. his feet.
those feet have been walking all over the school, who-knows-where, and now they were padding across his previously immaculate carpet. holy seven, he thinks he sees the shape of a foot-print staining the floor already.
that’s it. it’s bath time, he declares, demanding you to swoop the child into your arms and follow him as fast as you can to the en-suite bathroom in his dorm room.
it’s already a battle alone trying to get cheka into the bathtub. cheka hates water, mewing, thrashing his body about and scrunching his nose like a bratty kitten.
but fear not. you’re lucky your boyfriend vil is an esteemed warrior in the sense that he has had plenty experience getting messy kids to behave (*cough*, epel)
get your tickets for Queen vs. Future King Of Sunset Savanna NOW!!! they’re going at it like it’s wordstar
once he’s in the bathtub, things are a lot more calm.
vil is … surprisingly sweet? his voice is gentle and soothing as he works away humming to a tune you’re unfamiliar with, assuring you that you can sit back and relax.
you’ve never seen him interact with children before, but you realise he acts as he does with everything else he cares about—practical and meticulous—although he can be harsh at times, he has good intent.
perhaps it’s the atmosphere of being around someone so young rubbing off on him, but he’s a tad playful, styling cheka’s hair in funny ways with shampoo. at one point cheka’s hair stands so tall above his head, it may rival malleus’ height. just kidding, but you get the point.
afterwards, he lets cheka use his favourite scented creams, as a reward for being good. the plethora of items displayed on his vanity was more than enough to make anybody with a penchant for self-care jealous.
cheka is overjoyed, his sense of smell heightened compared to you and vil, who were only human. the different scents around him are stimulating; he’s content having vil place pea-sized pumps of cream in the palms of his hand.
“smell.” vil orders. he waits for an opinion: “smells fruity, like oranges!” which is about as much descriptive lingo a five year-old can muster up before repeating the process all over again.
you had to stop cheka from trying to eat vil’s products several times
“yes, it smells like summer fruits with a dash of honey drizzled over and a side of fat-free greek yogurt, but it doesn’t taste like it!”
to anyone else it may have seemed quite strange, but to them, it was exciting.
at the end of the day, vil may not have edible treats to give to cheka, or the will to play-fight, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care.
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confusedemiposts · 6 months
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Chuuya sfw alphabet
Notes: Requested by Anon but i accidentally deleted the ask.
Tags: Floof, tiny angst for E,D and W. Not proofread, might be oc, GN! reader
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'A' is for Affection (How affectionate are they?)
He's very affectionate, he'll spend any time he can with you and buy you a bunch of gifts, he loves seeing your face light up when he suprised you with a gift, a grin on his own face from your reaction. But his favourite is physical touch. He loves it but he keeps it to a minimum in public, he always has a hand on you no matter what and keep his arm around your waist but nothing too much, only one or two short brief kisses if deemed appropriate, this is even less within the Port Mafia because he wants to keep serious and not seem like some lovesick puppy by his subordinates.
But once in private space? He'll smoother your face In kisses and keep you in his arms for as long as he can
'B' is for Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend?)
He's litterly such a nice and calm person canonically but only acts like an annoyed hot headed chihuahua to Dazai cause he annoys the shit out of him but also trusts him, so unless you annoy him like Dazai then he's the most loyal and trustworthy friend you can find and he loves hanging out with you. I feel like he's the type of friend to beat the shit out of someone who wronged you and offer to buy all your things and even if you say no several times he will buy it anyways, no repayments back.
'C' is for Cuddles (How would they cuddle?)
He likes to cuddle you like a teddy bear, just letting out all his stess out from the day and let exhaustion consume him while he's in your arms,he holds onto you tightly. I think he prefers to cuddle on top of you so he can embrace all of you and just keep his face in your chest or shoulders, embracing your scent that he cannot get enough of.
'D' is for Domestic (Everyday life with them, do they want to settle down?)
Unless you work in the Port Mafia you won't really be able to see him for hours on end, only before and after work or his day's off. He wakes up really early in the morning and cooks breakfast if you aren't awake, and let me tell you he's a fantastic cook. The evenings are more quiet and gentle, probably cuddling on the couch as you either watch tv or read a book as he drinks a nice glass of wine
I think he wants to settle down and spend his every day with you but realistically he can't unless he somehow retired from the mafia, which I don't think Mori will let happen :(
'E' is for Ending (If they had to break up with their partner)
If he had to break up with you it would be for your safety, dating a mafiaso is dangerous in general, dating a mafia executive is asking for a death wish. Your safety would be in absolute danger if any organisation or even Mori were to know you were close to Chuuya, who knows what they'd do to you if they had ill intentions. He'd talk to face to face about it, calm and collected even though his chest is aching at the thought of even doing this
'F' is for Fiance (How do they feel about commitment?)
If this a long term serious relationship the thought of marriage would come across his mind maybe a year or two in, when he realises he genuinely loves you and wants to spend all his waking hours with you. He would propose to you if your thoughts of marriage are positive and when he feels like the moment is right- unless you propose to him first, leaving him extremely flustered but he will instantly say yes
'H' is for Hugs (What are their hugs like?)
He likes hugs. He loves to wrap his arms around you and feel you close, doesn't matter if you're taller or shorter than him, he loves to bury his face into your neck and feel your warmth and he just loves it when you hug him back with your arms around him.
'G' is for Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is very gentle with you physically, touching you as if you were a delicate flower, but there are times where he loses his patience. He tries his best to keep calm and collected but with the amount of stress he goes through and if tension arises he snaps. But he'll try to fix it if he genuinely upset you, he cares too much about you
'I' is for "I love you" (How fast do they say the L-word?)
This isn't a word he throws around carelessly, it's going to take him awhile till he says it and when he says it he means it.
'J' is for Jealous (How jealous do they get?)
He knows there's no need to be jealous since your his and he is yours but he can't help it if he sees someone get physically close to you with a flirtatious intentions, he will put his hand around your waist and pull you close to him, head on your shoulder as he asks "who's this darling?" Giving a quick peck on your neck and cheek, staring at the person with a menacing glare without your notice.
'K' is for Kisses (what are their kisses like?)
Every kiss he means it, often passionate and deep yet gentle. He loves feeling your lips on his and it's something he will never get tired. Wine and your lips are his favourite things.He likes to place soft kisses on your cheeks, neck, shoulders and the back of your hands. He loves every kiss you give him but he loves the one's where you unconsciously kiss his cheek, forehead or even his mouth with no thoughts in your head, just kissing him makes him feel all tingly inside
'L' is for Little one's (How are they around children?)
He is litterly the BEST with children! He knows how to deal with them and let them have fun, he'd be the best dad ever! The thought of having his own children comes into his head if he sees how you interact with children or just seeing your baby photos. He might bring it up in a late night conversation just to see how you feel about children and ask if you'd ever want children. I think he'd love to have children if he's in a good position but he also cares about your comfort and if this is something you want, since this a serious two person descion.
'M' is for Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Chuuya are calm but structured, if you aren't awake yet he'll cook you breakfast. I feel like he has a morning routine so he wakes up at the same time every day, though sleeping in for only an hour on days off. He has a skincare routine that he definitely does with you, how else is his skin so smooth?? Definitely works out too in the morning, he may look slim but he's definitely built.
'N' is for Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights after work are also calm (he's just a calm person to be around). He often comes home late or early even depending on how the mafia is doing, he'll call you if he's coming home late so you know he'd okay. When he's home your both eating dinner and filling each other in the on the day. I think he'd take a shower as fast as possible after dinner, he likes to keep himself clean, he prides in his skincare and haircare, genuinely dragging you into it too. After that he likes to relax with a glass of wine and do whatever before bed, he does go to bed at a certain time to get his eight hours
'O' is for Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
He is simultaneously close to others yet at the same time he isn't. He will never reveal everything about himself, but what he does reveal will come when he is ready and feels secure enough to do so. He won't bring this up either if you never bring up a particular topic. He says a lot of things just because you ask.
'P' is for Patient (How easily angered are they?)
He tries his best to be patient with you, always taking into consideration of your feelings but the rare times if you're being unreasonable about something harmless and he's stressed he will snap but nothing that should lead into an extreme argument. He likes to solve things before they escalate
'Q' is for Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?)
He'll memorise every single thing about you, your likes,your dislikes, your behaviours, he remembers every single detail he seems nessecary which is all.
'R' is for Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favourite moment with you is the first time he kissed you, just seeing your face from his kiss made him grin. He was addicted to your lips from then on.
'S' is for Security (How protective are they?)
Chuuya is protective but will give you space if you need some, but if you feel bad or threatened, he will definately do something about it. Even unconsciously he's protective, as I said even in public he always has a hand on you and keeping you close.
'T' is for Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He may be severely busy but he is always trying, using his head to keep a balanced work life and personal life. Always planning free time with you and dates, constantly buying you gifts as if to compensate for the time he wasn't with you, he does it unconsciously I think. If you plan or gift something for him he will absolutely adore it
'U' is for Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
'V' is for Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I think his worst habit is blowing up? To be honest I'm not really sure about this letter, I think he'd only snap at you specifically if he's stressed or really upset which isn't often, he likes to sort things out
If you don't like smoking that could be a problem, he only smokes to cool off when he's extremely under pressure but he'll try to quit if you really don't like it
This man is not leaving the house without looking perfect, as I said he has a strict skincare and haircare routine- and have you seen his outfit? He could litterly be a model
'W' is for Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Chuuya has experienced lost before and you certainly won't be the last, Though it leaves him devastated every time,Chuuya has learnt self-control to understand his loss and how he personally experiences grief, since he knows all too well how simple it is to lose people. He bears the weight of loss, yet it is loss that gives him motivation to move forward
'X' is for Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Let me just ramble about his ability real quick. If he wants to hide something from you, he'd use his gravity to hide it on high place that neither of you can reach, he'll use it to tease you if you don't have a nullification ability. If you ask he'd put you on the ceiling or just float in general, making sure to comfort you if you get scared or dizzy from blood rush.
'Y' is for Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Not being trusted back, he is loyal and trusts you so he would hope you would trust him back. Or someone who only sees him for his money as he's quiet loaded
'Z' is for Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He is a sound sleeper, just flat out exhausted one he lands on the mattress, he must get his eight hours worth of sleep. He weirdly sleeps like a mess yet somehow looks ethereal at the same time? He likes holding you close to feel you close and his body is extremely warm like a fire so that sucks during summer
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Why is he literally the most perfect boyfriend ever???
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butterfliesornauseous · 5 months
Emeto this or that part two
(500 special 4/5)
Warning for emeto, mentions of medication, not eating, over eating, alcohol
Feel free to use or send me a number :)
1. Everything coming way in a powerful wave or lots of gagging and spitting up saliva?
2. Gagging on trying to sallow a pill or gagging on a thermometer?
3. Nausea from side effects of medication or nausea from medication withdrawals?
4. Queasy burps or queasy hiccups?
5. Caretaker gently doing a small braid in a sickie’s hair or throwing their hair in the messiest ponytail because there’s no time?
6. “I thought you were getting better” or “I thought I was getting better”?
7. Sickie that’s concerned about getting caretaker sick or sickie who doesn’t care and wants all the love and care they can get?
8. “I want to throw up” or “I need to throw up”?
9. Sickie has a bad caretaker, caretaker that is angry or caretaker that completely ignores sickie?
10. ‘Hurl’ or ‘spew’?
11. Tender stomach muscles after vomiting or dehydration headache?
12. After vomiting, character is hungry and ready to fill their empty guy again or doesn’t want to even smell food for the next couple of days?
13. The character/s getting sick matters more, or the reason for being sick/tropes matter more?
14. Focus on the vomit itself, or focus on the vomiting noises?
15. Producing a lot of saliva before vomiting or throat going dry?
16. Sickie gets caretaker sick, are they more “I told you to stay away” or “I’m so sorry”?
17. Sick feeling tummy from a stuffed belly or nausea from not eating for a while?
18. ‘ Nauseous ’ or ‘Queasy?’
19. Sickie is stuck looking after themselves, absolute pro or absolute mess?
20. Chamomile or peppermint tea?
21. Sickie that begs for their tummy to be rubbed or sickie that would gag at even the slightest belly touch?
22. Embarrassed from throwing up in a doctor's office or embarrassed from missing the bin in a public area?
23. Caretaker has an extremely gross but effective nausea remedy or extremely gross but effective vomit inducer?
24. A formal sickie throws up during work, they suddenly fall apart for the first time in their lives and need care or keep it together?
25. ‘Midsection’ or ‘abdomen’?
26. Puking after getting yelled at or puking after getting told devastating news?
27. ‘Upset tummy’ or ‘Unsettled tummy’?
28. Gagging or heaving?
29. Feeling sick from eating/drinking too much in tight clothes, or already being bloated and feeling sick because sickie forced themselves into tight clothes?
30. Sickie has been hovering over the toilet for ages with no relief, they press down on their own tummy to vomit or caretaker presses down?
31. ‘Twisting’ or ‘turning’ to describe nausea?
32. Kneeling in front of the toilet or crouching in front of the toilet?
33. Hand on the stomach or arm wrapped around the stomach?
34. First time drinker throwing up from the taste of alcohol being way too strong or experienced drinker is proud they have never vomited from drinking but gets cocky one night?
35. Gagging from watching a gross video, or gagging from tasting something gross?
36. Indigestion or intolerance?
37. Accidentally squeezing a queasy belly too hard, or accidentally knocking into a queasy belly?
38. Body language cues (holding stomach, hand near mouth) or sound cues (frequent burping, tummy noises)?
39. ‘ Stomach flu’or ‘stomach bug’?
40. Sickie is extremely nauseous before a massive event, they throw up beforehand and do amazing or do okay during the event and throw up once it’s all over?
41. Feeling sick from physical pain or mental pain?
42. Vomiting on the first date or vomiting before proposing/ getting proposed to?
43. Watching your character hurling in a tv show/ movie or reading about your favourite character hurling in a book?
44. Vomit seeping through a sickie’s fingers when coving their mouth or the vomit pushes their hand away and splats on the floor?
45. ‘Bile’ or ‘stomach contents’?
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deepflowerruins · 5 months
late night drinks
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gojo, toji, nanami and sukuna
navigation link
content warning - explicit language and mentions, curse words, toji and sukuna being the meanies, heavy drinking, mention of alcohol and alcoholic drinks. mentions of breeding, fucking, lots of kisses, blowjob, riding, mentions of having a baby, recieving and giving head, undressing, licking and cuming
warning - this text is only for 18+ readers, some might find this disturbing, you have been warned.
♡ gojo
✧ he is too busy with watching television so you have to pull him and force him to drink with you late at night.
✧ eventually gets ready to drink, and brings out favourite kind of wine.
✧ although he was too busy with the tv, ends up getting the most drunk.
✧ drunk gojo, compliments your body, your voice, your personality and everything about you, also says the most stupid things
✧ "you look beautiful today honey" gets absolutely romantic and forces a kiss out of you.
♡ toji
✧ he is very mean to you, but truly loves you, and you know it perfectly.
✧ he is the one who proposed drinking late at night, prefers the most alcoholic drink out of all
✧ he asks you to pour him drinks until he gets absolutely high
✧ "pour more woman", gets high and asks you to give him a blowjob.
✧ ended up breeding, fucking you, riding your pussy with his all strength.
♡ nanami
✧ an absolute softy, drinks wine with you all night.
✧ talks about your and his future together. talks about his pressure at work.
✧ ends up venting, but makes sure you are not getting bored.
✧ gives the sweetest, warmest cuddles, hugs and kisses ever. gives a very sloppy wet lingering kiss
✧ "I think we should have a baby soon" says between his kisses in a low hot voice.
♡ sukuna
✧ voluntarily wants you fuck you straight away, but gets you high first
✧ give you mean and rude looks and kisses while drinking
✧ undresses you, puts drinks all over you and slowly licks it off your body
✧ offers you the wettest and sloppiest head you have ever experienced. makes you cum hard
✧ "you've got a big ass cunt" he has the best time of his life licking wine off your sweet spots.
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absolutebl · 5 months
47 BLs Announced for 2024
Here are the BLs I have logged on the Spreadsheet of Doom (TM) as announced for 2024 (with supporting evidence, so not just options or acquisitions) as of the beginning of the year. Bold are the ones I'm most intrigued by .
Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka
From YTV releasing 1/11 about Soga, who, after a divorce and relocation to Osaka, seeks solace in dining at 26-year-old Sakae's restaurant. Unbeknownst to Soga, Sakae sees him as more than just a regular customer.
Ossan's Love Season 2
Five years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan, so probubly not. More here.
Perfect Propose
Fuji TV (the Pornographer series) adapting Mayo Tsurakame’s manga, production team includes Tadaaki Horai (My Love Mix-Up!) and Takeshi Miyamoto (scriptwriter for “Old Fashion Cupcake”). Hiro’s so stressed at work he barely has time to eat so he passes out on the sidewalk. An unfamiliar face saves him and insists that they once promised to marry each other.
Love For Love's Sake
Based on the Manhwa Love Supremacy Zone by Hwacha, this will star actors Lee Tae Vin, Cha Jun Wan, Oh Min Su and Cha Woon Ki. The plot of the drama is based on Tae Myung Ha, a young man who is dropped into a game based off of a novel that he knows. His mission is to make another player, Cha Yeo Woon happy. Cha Yeo Woon is Myung-Has favourite character in the novel. But then the game starts going completely different from the novel.
Love in the Big City
Movie adaptation of Booker nominated famous coming of age novel ‘Love in The Big City’ by Park Sang-Young. A cynical yet fun loving student writer name Young pinballs from home, to class, to Tinder matches. He and Jaehee, his female best friend and roommate, frequent nearby bars where they push away their worries about life, love, and money with soju and Marlboros. But as time passes Jaehee settles down and leaves Young to face his problems on his own, finding comfort in the arms of the series of men, including one whose handsomeness is matched by his coldness and another who might be the great love of his life. Not really BL. To star Kim Go-eun (The King: Eternal Monarch), Noh Sang-hyun (aka Steve Sanghyun as Young) and Nam Yoon Su (The King’s Affection). More here.
Anti Reset AKA Anti-Reset AKA Antireset
From Vidol to air on 2/2/2024 about a human and robot find love.
1000 Years Old
From Feel Good Bangkok this is one of many gay vampire BLs coming in 2024. Stars Shane (My Engineer) and fresh face Opal, directed by Champ (2gether). More here.
A Secretly Love
Khonprot, a third-year head hazer of the engineering faculty, has a secret crush on Pluem, a tsundere fourth-year head hazer. Over the years, he's seen Pluem cycle through many girlfriends. Recently, after a public breakup, however, Khonprot thinks things may be different.
Addicted Heroin (Thai version)
From the producers of Love Stage!!
Bad Guy My Boss
Assistant to a player boss who is in love with his boss decides to quit to save himself. The boos then makes a move. (A gay "What's up with Secretary Kim"?)
Born to be Y
announced 9/23
City of Stars AKA Fueangnakorn
Star Hunter started filming this 12/23 about an actor falls in love with a programmer and the narrative intends to “explore the ramifications of being public figure in the social network era who must endure critics, bullying, and defamation.” Looks like another Lovely Writer, Call It What You Want sort of thing.
Four Ever You Project AKA Fourever You Project
Sampler pack BL series from Wabi Sabi stars Bas (Gen Y), Earth (UWMA, 12%). Four stories, four couples, all adapted under the Fourever You Project.
I Saw You in My Dream
DeeHupHouse for WeTV based on the novel of the same name by Afterday. The story portrays Aya, a young man who has prophetic dreams. Everything he dreams always comes true. He doesn’t have a problem with it until he starts to dream of dating the guy next door. But the guy next door is in a serious relationship with a girl he’s known since high school.
Iridescent Love
Got nothing.
Harikarn Solution (the Chains of Heart people - boo) stars Gun (Khom in Unforgotten Night) opposite fresh face but cast includes familiar faces from other pulps. Ordinary office worker kinda recluse dork but who at night however, has an only fans account. Then he meets the guy next door.
Jack & Joker (YinWar)
DeHup brings us be gay, do crimes. Yin, War, Mark and a few other familiar faces doing Leverage but gayer. Yes, thank you, I will have that.
GMMTV Ohm Pawat is back but there is some question over whether this is BL or not.
Knock-Knock Boys
Kongthup for WeTV airing 4/2024 Four college friends who conspire to help their friend lose his virginity. stars Seng Wichai, Best Vittswin, Nokia Chinnawat and Jaonine Jiraphat.
Lost On The River
Another Sammon story
Love Sea (FortPeat)
MAME warning, stars same couple as LITA2, but new characters to the Mameverse. While travelling a writer has a one night stand with a very irritating man.
Love Sick AKA Lovesick remake
Remake of the original. No thank you.
Love Upon a Time (NetJames)
Domundi announced for 6/7/2023 then delayed to 2024. NetJames in a historical BL! Also feat Tonnam(Dr Sing from Triage).
Lovely Addict
9NAA brings us a hotel set, high heat, features same pair as Venus In Sky.
Lover Merman
Fantasy BL about a man who falls in love with a merman.
Me and Who
Domundi for WeTV brings this adaptation of Wickedwish’s novel of the same name. it depicts a young man who dies and is reborn into the body of a billionaire heir. The heir happens to be engaged to a handsome man.
Monster Next Door
WeTV Adapted from the novel Godzilla Next Door by Jiwinil. It portrays an introvert who lives mostly in his room, until an extrovert moves in next door. He is loud, frantic and annoying. Do opposites really attract? Will they find a way to get along?
My Golden Blood
GMMTV. Okay, I do find Joss very watchable but this looks very bad and also very like Kissable Lips. But at least land is finally giving us the trashy gay vampires we richly deserve?
My Love Mix-Up Thai Remake (GemniForth)
GMMTV. Hum, well I do love this pair and I did like the original and maybe this time these characters will actually kiss? I'm actually fine with this pick-up. I kind of enjoy seeing different countries remake the same IP. Especially if it's IP I'm mostly unfazed by.
My Stand-In AKA My Stand In
Chinese IP ALERT! Adapted from the novel Professional Body Double (职业替身) by Shui Qiang Cheng (水千丞) stars Up (Lovely Writer) and Poom (Bake Me Please).
OMG Vampire AKA OMG! Vampire (LeeFrank)
Frank and Lee Long Shi are back only vampires now. So many vampires.
Only Boo!
New main pair in an idol romance about a boy who dances good and a food stand vendor. Other side of the tracks, grumpy/sunshine pair who fall deeply in love but, of course, to become an idol baby boy can't date. Boyband but from GMMTV? Control your singing and I'm game.
Ossan‘s Love Thai Remake (EarthMix
Ugh, why?!?!
Red Peafowl
More Thai mafia stuffs.
Spare Me Your Mercy
Increased rates of deaths in terminal patients has a police captain investigating the palliative care doctor with whom he's fallen in love. Their relationship deepens but the mystery persists, driven by mistrust. Adapted from the novel Euthanasia by Sammon (Triage, Manner of Death) stars some old guard BL actors: Tor Thanapob from Hormones as the doctor and (fuck me YES) Jaylerr from Great Men Academy and goddamn Grean Fictions as the captain!
Spirit Reborn AKA Kemjira Will Survive
Star Hunter (of all studios) adapting supposedly the scariest BL. Khem is born cursed. A daughter would be safe but a son dies at 20 so Khem’s mother cleverly gives him a girl’s name, Khemjira “forever safe.” But Knem is baout to turn 20 and he doesn't think it's working so he seeks the help of a cursebreaker, turns out to be his great love from a prvious life.
Star Scope
Wabi Sabi trailer here. Looks sad, one of them is terminally ill, abandons his bf in high school them meet again in uni.
The Boy Next World (BossNoeul)
Same couple as LITA, this is the backstory of Cirrus & Phugun from TharnType 2 played by different actors.
The Hell Guards AKA Hey Don't Mess With My Heart
Boy wakes up from a coma and becomes a messenger between grim reapers and the underworld. Oh will it be... bureaucratic? I think it WILL.
The Hidden Moon
Casting happened 9/23. This is a supernatural romance (my ghost boyfriend trope) ‘เดือนพราง’ by Violet Rain. A Bangkok writer is hired to write an article about an old mansion in Chiang Mai which is being converted into a café. He gets into an accident and nearly dies on his way there. After that, he sees the ghosts of people who died at the mansion, one boy catches his attention. Stars Benjamin Brasier (2 Moons 2) and Folk Touch Inthirat from Brothers. Trailer here.
The Next Prince (ZeeNew)
Domundi brings us more ZeeNew in a fantasy/historical set in a palace where Zee plays a knight and Nu a prince - FUCK YES PLEASE. I did not expect this pair to stick so I really hope this happens. Trailer here.
The Rebound (MeenPing)
VIU Basketball based romance staring Meen (a national basketball player, so yay for that).
The Trainee (OffGun)
GMMTV Office set, may not be BL. Trailer here.
Time the series
MFlow Entertainment for Gaga, WeTV, Channel 3 trailer here. Airs 1/9 After witnessing the death of his beloved Chris from a gunshot wound, the heartbroken actor Foam is given a pocket watch that allows him to go back in time and discover the truth… Can Foam take the chance to set things right and bring Chris back from the brink of death? Only time will tell…
To Be Continued
High school sweethearts who had a bad break up reunite when both of them have full times jobs but coming out is still a problem. Trailer here.
Vampire Project (BounPrem)
Wabi Sabi's My Broccoli only now... vampires.
Wandee Godday
GMMTV and AllThis Entertainment producing a very pulp offering for GMMTV with new pair GreatInn doing high heat Boxer meets surgeon. It features a one night stand, fake relationship, and all the cheesiest of tropes. Also features Drake, Podd, and Thor+ pretty boy (be still my heart). This is totally my kind of BL even if it actually isn't GMMTV's style of BL, so I'm intrigued. Trailer here.
We Are (PondPhuwin)
GMMTV's university friendship Bl featuring PondPhuwin, WinnySatang, AouBoom, MarcPawin - basically ALL in the good kind of messy friendship group (so more My Engineer and less Only Friends). Looks a bit like the Kiss series but everyone is gay. I'm IN! Trailer here.
A reminder we had c. 136 BLs release in 2023 but c. 55 that did not get made.
That seems about right.
Of those announced we seem to get about 2/3 actually released for the year we are told they'll release in.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 4 days
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Michael Gavey SFW Alphabet
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Acts of service and quality time. Michael isn't naturally a touchy feely kind of person, so will show he cares by bringing snacks and hanging out with his partner. He has felt like an unwanted outcast all of his life, so these small acts would be his declaration of "this is my person".
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Michael doesn't make friends easily, social skills aren't something that comes naturally to him. He will befriend people that he considers to be similar to him, and can come off as quite intense in the early stages.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cuddles would be quite awkward at first, as he's not used to physical contact, but he'd grow to love them. He's not the all-encompassing, every limb wrapped around each other type of cuddler, but is never more content than when his partner has their head resting on his shoulder with his arm around them, while they read or watch TV.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Is naturally neat and orderly, but cannot cook to save his life. It would be a case of his partner doing the cooking and he does the washing up afterwards. He does want to settle down though, knowing he has someone who isn't going to leave would make him incredibly happy.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Michael doesn't let go easily, so a break up would be messy. There'd be angry words and tears from both sides. A real mess with no possibility of remaining friends afterwards.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
If the relationship makes it to the one year mark, his partner can absolutely expect a proposal. In his mind, he has found the one, so he wants to seal the deal as quickly as possible.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Emotionally he's incredibly insensitive. He'd need to be taught what not to do. Physically, he's gentle to the point of being too soft, but that comes from nerves and a lack of experience.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs aren't something that comes naturally to him, but as the relationship develops he grows to enjoy hugs as a means of greeting.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
His partner has to be the one to say it first, then he'll say it back. He's not comfortable putting himself out there, in case he's rejected.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Extremely prone to visits from the green eyed monster. His biggest fear is abandonment, so every person is potentially someone you'll leave him for. This lessens as the relationship develops and he feels more secure.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are awkward at first, he's not experienced. As time goes on, he gets more comfortable and his favourite thing to do is brush his lips against his partner's temple or hairline when they're engrossed in a book or concentrating on something else.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Incredibly uncomfortable. He doesn't know how to talk to children.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Michael's an early riser. He'll make a tea for himself and his partner, and leave theirs on their bedside table. He reads until they get up.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He falls asleep early. Usually nods off while watching something.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He is a chronic oversharer, simply because he doesn't understand social dynamics.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He is quick to lose his temper, but it's short lived and he calms down quickly, often seeming embarrassed afterwards.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers every little detail, no matter how inconsequential.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time his partner held his hand in public. The fact that they weren't ashamed to be with him meant the world to him.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He's not protective in the sense that he would get into a physical altercation for his partner, but he's protective in the sense that he makes sure they do what's best for themselves in every aspect of their lives.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He makes a big effort, simply because his partner means the world to him.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Speaking without thinking, eating junk food instead of proper meals, arrogance.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not in the slightest.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He would be crushed if he suddenly found himself without his partner.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
His favourite idea of a date is taking his partner to a museum, and giving them their very own tour, because he'll have looked up and memorised all of the facts regarding the featured pieces beforehand.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Stupidity is a huge turn off for him. Also conformity to the "norm" - he wants someone that has a mind of their own.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He goes to bed early and gets up early.
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cameronspecial · 16 days
Whenever you have the chance can you write a little story or small blurb with either Rafe, Drew, or Zach. About the reader just getting her wisdom teeth removed and they are comforting her. (Got my wisdom teeth removed and it’s been being a terrible pain). Also I know you are packed with requests but you don’t have to rush or anything. Please take your time :)
Wisdom Teeth Worries
Pairing: Zach MacLaren x Reader
Warnings: Worries About Becoming An Addict and Pain Medicine
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.4K
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Y/N was terrified of getting her wisdom teeth removed. She hates the thought of being cut open and being unable to control her actions while on drugs. Zach is there to reassure her the whole time. He went to the store countless times to get her pineapple juice. After the surgery, he continues to stay by her side. She wakes up on the third morning with the most unbelievable pain in her jaw, just below the ear. “Ughh,” she groans, feeling tears brimming her. Zach is returning to the room with her breakfast in tow and he rushes to her side. He rests the tray on his bedside table, jumping into bed beside her. His hand gently rests against her cheeks to massage the area. “It hurts a lot? Do you want me to get you your Tylenol?” he offers with concern in his eyes. She slowly shakes her head, “No, this is so much worse than before. I don’t think it will help.” “Then I’ll get you the T3,” he says, rising from the bed to go to the bathroom. Her hand drops on his wrist, “No, I can’t take them.” 
“Because what if I get addicted to them?”
“Baby, I know that you have a history of addiction in your family and that you want to take preventative measures to make sure you don’t become an addict too. But if you are in unlivable pain, then you should take it to manage the pain.”
“I don’t know…” She winces as she says the final word, curling into a ball and bringing her hand up to her jaw. He kisses her forehead, “How about this? I’ll give you one and hide them. I’ll monitor how many you take and if I recognize any signs of addiction, then we will go to the doctor to ask for an alternative method for pain management.” She considers his proposal and another shot of pain goes through her lower mouth. She finally gives a small nod. He heads to the bathroom and returns with her prescription medicine. She takes them, hoping it will kick in soon. He sits back down on the bed and hands her the tray of food he prepaid for her. Water, scrambled eggs and a banana rest on the flat surface. All her favourites on her new wisdom teeth diet. “Can you feed it to me? I can only focus on my pain,” she asks. He nods and takes the spoon into his hand. 
He takes his time feeding her. Once they are done, he puts the tray away and cuddles next to her. The couple spends the morning in bed, watching TV and hoping that the pain will go away. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworld
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