baby it's cold outside - chris sturniolo
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summary: you are forced to share the air mattress with your long time enemy, chris, on a camping trip.
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"Since you two wanted to argue the whole way up, you guys get to share a tent together. Yay!!", Matt says while jumping up and down in fake excitement.
On the way to the camp site, Chris and I did argue a lot. But in my defense, the idiot kept pushing my buttons! He kept turning my least favorite songs on and blasting them at full volume so I couldn't sleep. When we stopped at 7/11 he grabbed the last of my favorite drink and gulped it down in front of me. When we finally arrived, he dumped all my heavy bags on the ground and laughed at me struggling to pick them up. It was like he was asking to get yelled at, or like he wanted me to be mad at him.
"No, Matt please!" I grab onto his arm desperately. "I'm sorry but please don't make me stay with him!"
Matt rolls his eyes at me and folds his arms over his chest. "Would you rather sleep outside then?" I scoff and shoot a glare towards Chris who isn't standing too far behind Matt. "Yeah, sounds about right."
"Sleep outside then. That's fine by me, princess." Chris sneers responding to my comment while turning his back on me to set up his tent. I take three deep breathes and close my eyes. I am not going to let this idiot keep getting under my skin. I stomp away from Matt and Chris over to the log Nick was sitting on and he laughs at me.
"Well hello, Mrs. Grumpy"
"Oh shut up" you sigh.
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I plop my bag down on the floor, my chest heaving from hauling ass. I had to carry my heavy bags all the way from where Chris dropped them earlier today to the tent. He was laying all comfortable in his set up of blankets and the sight alone pissed me off.
"Thought you were sleeping outside tonight. Is it because you're scared of the animals, princess?" he sneers out the nickname like I'm more of an ogre than a princess. Why is he always so fucking annoying.
"Leave me alone, and I leave you alone. I'm going to bed. I'm tired and I'm not here for the bullshit." I say as I reach into my bag for my sleeping bag. My sleeping bag. Holy shit.
"Shit, shit, shit" you dump out your bag and see no sleeping bag in sight. Its cold out and the thought of sleeping without any covering made a shiver crawl down your spine.
"What is it now??" Chris sits up and turns the flashlight on in an exasperated manner. You sigh deeply. "It's nothing, go to bed Chris." He shrugs and lies down again, turning his back to me. I didn't need to give him another reason to tease me tonight. I flop on the ground on the opposite side of the tent from him and curl up into a ball. I can feel myself shivering but I try to ignore it.
Thinking back on when I first met the triplets in 3rd grade, I remember how cute I thought Chris was. I met Nick and Matt on the bus ride home from school one day when Chris was sick. The next day, me, Matt, and Nick were playing tag at recess when Chris walked out with a doctors note in hand. He walked over to his brothers and my heart skipped a beat. Immediately, Nick and Matt went to introduce me. "Chris! This is-" before Nick could even finish his sentence, Chris was already talking. "Well, isn't she a looker" he chuckles sarcastically while looking down at me, clearly judging me. I also looked down at my two loose braids and hand me down clothes and sigh. "Am I really that ugly" I thought to myself. I knew I probably shouldn't have let a boy that I hardly knew opinion get to me, but the tears came nonetheless." I wanted him to like me" you thought to yourself, wallowing in self pity. I was cut out of my trance when Chris started to laugh sporadically. "What? What is it?" I mutter looking at Chris and then too Matt and Nick who look embarrassed by their brothers rude antics. "Nothing, nothing. Its just... You're even uglier when you cry!" he starts laughing even harder. I felt myself start to shake from embarrassment and anger. Who did he think he was. "Your mean!" I stomped my foot which only made him laugh harder. I couldn't take anymore harassment in one day, and turned on my heel and ran away with Nick and Matt right on my heels.
After all these years he still hasn't changed. "Y/N, HELLO!!" Chris yells bringing me back to the present. "What?".
"Where the fuck is your sleeping bag?" he asks. I sit up from where I was laying to face him. He was now laying down with his body faced in my direction.
"Oh my God, clearly not here or I'd be using it, dumbass." I roll my eyes and go to lay back down.
"Lose the attitude and come stay in the bed with me" he mutters before I can return to my balled up position. My mouth flys open. Since when did he care if I was cold or not. "Wait, what?" I say in shock.
"Get the fuck up and come here. Nick and Matt will punch me in the throat if you catch a cold." he says nonchalantly as if it's normal for people that hate each other to share a bed. I roll my eyes again. I'm not sharing a bed with an asshole, even if it causes me to freeze to death. "No thanks" I scoff, preparing to lay back down again.
He sighs exasperated and moves from his comfortable position in his blankets. He stands up and starts walking towards me. I feel my throat start to tense up. "What are you doing?" fear creeping into my tone. Once he reaches me, he grips underneath my thighs with one hand and tries to support my back with the other. Desperately, I try to wiggle out of his grasp but too no avail. I am in his arms in no time. It takes everything in me to not sink into his warm chest. I didn't realize how cold I was until this exact moment. Suddenly I start to panic again when he starts to walk because I have no idea where he's taking me. Then I think of the worst. "Are you seriously gonna throw me out the tent. Come on Chris, do you really hate me that much??"
He stops moving entirely and he looks down at me. God the way he looks looking down at me is enough to be in any girls dream. Too bad he's just a big dickhead. "You weren't listening to me. So now I'm forcing you to stay with me on the air mattress." he pauses before continuing, almost like he doesn't want to say what he's going to say next. He sighs and continues on, "You were shivering really bad while you were in La La land. I didn't want you too freeze anymore." He had a glimmer of concern in eyes when he said it and that's all it takes for me to believe him. I hate the way my cheeks warm up from the honest confession. It meant he cared, and it shouldn't matter to me but it does.
He starts to walk again, seeing I had no response and plops me down on the mattress. He flops down right beside me, and even though it's warmer with the blankets, it's not enough. Another shiver racks through me. "Y/n??" Chris doesn't even try to hide the concern in his voice. "Do you need me closer? Will that help?" he looks at me waiting for my call. The thought of Chris getting close to me is enough to make my head spin. And as much as I wish being in Chris' arms would repeal me, it doesn't. Instead I feel my heart skip a beat like they did all those years ago. Get it together Y/n.
"Yes" I whisper. Chris doesn't need to be told twice and he pulls me impossibly close to his body. He grabs my thigh and puts it around his waist and then pulls my head into his chest. All I can sense is him. Instead of it annoying me, I lean into his scent and his warmth. In my heart I know that even if it was the hottest night of all time, I'd still enjoy being wrapped in him like this. And I hated myself for it. I melt into his arms and feel myself getting lulled to sleep. Just as I'm about to fall asleep I feel his lips graze my hair. " I could never hate you, angel, not in a million years. I'm sorry". And with those words, I fall asleep in his arms.
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Send in request, I could always use some more inspo
Love, Mya
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oll13v3r · 26 days
The newest X-men 97' episode hurt me. (This has happened plenty of times before)
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wroteclassicaly · 4 months
When your best-friend Steve Harrington asks you to hold his fleshlight for him.
It wasn’t really something that either of you planned on happening. But then it just did. Steve had been pent up from work all day from typical annoying patrons, smart mouthed jocks from the high school, that were freshmen when he was a senior (tenfold karma, Harrington), and Keith’s particular way of criticizing his every move out of some form of nerdy revenge. You could count on one hand the times that Steve had to bail out of your two person movie nights on Fridays (Saturdays were for dates and Sundays were for hanging with the rest of the parties and running kids around), and tonight happened to be one of those occurrences. Usually, it would be for self-care or whatever reason he needed to spend alone, but when he’d barely shed his leather jacket upon entering his house, dusting snow off of his boots — he was about to crawl out of his skin by the time his massive palm was wrapped around the receiver, thumb strangled by its cord.
He was… off? And seconds after he’d cancelled without much reason, the line went dead. You wanted to give him space, especially because he usually called back to tell you goodnight. But after being unable to sit still and finish a generous portion of the large pepperoni pizza you’d ordered the two of you, you were grabbing your keys for the journey over to his place.
It didn’t take but five minutes before you reached Steve’s house, pulling in behind his familiar car. You dangle the copy - made spare from your pointer finger, trekking your way up to the door and letting yourself in, wiping at your wind-whipped, wet eyes. You know he’s not on the first floor, its entirety dark and a little cool. So you toss your coat and keys onto the small table beside the entryway, kicking off your boots to join his on the cheesy welcome mat, and you make your way to the second floor landing to his bedroom. Seeing a buttery glow spill out from the crack in his doorway, you’d proceeded, only to be met with a sight that only appeared in your late night fantasies… and pretty much your every waking thought.
Steve is facing his mattress, sheets tousled and clothing pooled beside him, stood on the left side of his bed, naked and glistening in the perspiration of teasing, observing his massive length as he edges himself, moving the toy slowly over his cock. You know what it is, you’ve seen it in magazines and stores, in some porn. A fleshlight, they call it. Your brain goes through a million thoughts at a couple seconds to spare.
Why doesn’t he have someone here to do this with? He can get a date?
Is he okay? Obviously he’s very okay.
Holy fuck… he’s big.
Holy fuck… he’s beautiful.
A little more than usual, waiting on the summer sun to tan his freckle and mole spattered skin. His hair has grown longer, curling at the nape, his shoulder blades and biceps defined from a regular regime. And that ass, the way it flexes and is perfectly plump, connecting to those hairy thighs and big feet, his own toes curling when he twists, a wet squelch coming from the faux cunt. There’s beautiful chestnut curls scattered across him sternum and connecting to a trail that surrounds his base and those full, heavy, balls. That cock… thick, barely able to be pushed back into the toy, his fingers having to peel back its soft pink layers to help ease the slick way, decorated in a vein that matches the one running along his forearm
And you must make some sort of noise, because your lips part to let in a gasp of air, causing his body to twist in a sudden defensive stance, clenching the toy so tight with a ‘caught’ pose. You go to move and the door spills open completely, slamming back into his dresser and shaking old sports trophies. You’re panting, seeking out the words to apologize, Steve is wincing from how hard he still is, attempting to cover his modesty. But the air shifts in the room and you gain a boldness, a restlessness that won’t be satiated, nor a conscience satisfied if you don’t ask.
“Can I help you?” A customer service line from working at Scoops with him. But it comes naturally.
Steve, biting his lip, disheveled — he nods. And it’s happening. A tickling ease, a line crossed.
“C’mhere.” He’s waving with his opposite hand. His ribcage expands as he gulps in lungfuls of air.
You’re at his side shortly, shyly. “W-what do you need me to do?”
His spare hand pushes back through his hair, amber gaze gone to a midnight sky, teeth milky white, defined jawline covered in stubble, and a perfect nose. His voice is raspy when he lets you know what he needs.
“Go get on my bed, lay back for me. Please?”
A fucking gentleman.
All of your clothes feel too tight, smothering you as you lay back on his bed, his pillow immediately invading you. Your hands are unsure of where to go, but he approaches slowly, kneeling his way into kneeling by your feet. “I’m gonna… Can I use this between your legs, honey? You don’t have to do anything, just let me do all the work.” He motions to the toy and you want nothing more, suddenly offered the world.
It’s your turn to say it now. “C’mhere.”
He’s using that enriched tendon covered forearm to prop himself up beside of your head, slotting right between your knees, his remaining hand wrapped so tightly around the toy that his skin is pulled taunt over his knuckles. He sinks his teeth into his lower lip, releases it, licks it, and then he’s asking, “Can I?”
“Go. Do what you need to do. I’m right here, Steve.”
If you thought the toy was loud before, the sound of him working his lengthy girth through its walls right in front of you now — it’s surround sound. You’re watching, unable to help it, bones threaten to be dusted to ash from how hard your heart is ramming beneath your breastbone.
“Wanted to come over, but it’s been a shit week, an even shitter day. And I just needed to —“
“— Release some tension, right? I get it, I do it too. I have a cock that goes… I —“ you stop your horny rambling, face feeling too much warmed.
Steve’s face scrunches, teeth gritting, and he twists the toy until slowing it almost completely. “Tell me what you do. You fuck yourself with it, right? When everything is too much and not enough? Fuck, honey.”
He doesn’t verbalize, but you don’t either, simply accept the toy and hold it against your denim covered cunt, leaving Steve’s hands free to hold on either side of you, his nose nudging yours as he leans down — here, present. You copy his earlier motions, using the toy to glide along his length as he thrusts into it with a new focussed vigor. “That’s it. You feel so good, honey. Workin’ me so right.”
“I’m soaking — fucking — wet for you, Steve. Just so you know.”
His hips stutter and his nose finds its way into your eyelashes, cheek pressing into your own. “Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum into this thing, and I want —“
“— You want what, Steve?” You hold your breath.
He answers without fear or pause. “You.”
// Eat me paragraph //
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joonberriess · 1 year
𓆩♡𓆪 “i heard from a friend of a friend, that that dick was a ten out of ten” — jock!jk
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·˚ ༘ 💌 TAGS — threesomes, sexual objectification, yg and jk are both high, dom-sub undertones, petplay(?) yg just calls oc puppy and makes her crawl, dumbification, protected sex, pussy eating, blowjobs, reader’s in for it LMAO, cum-eating(?), it gets soft i swear
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“You remember I told you about Yoongi, right baby?” Jungkook wraps his arm around your waist and gently guides you out of the car, “ ‘s not gonna take long, we’ll be in and out. I just need to pick something up.” He closes the door and tugs you with him with a hand on your ass.
You sleepily look around the parking lot mumbling about how pretty the apartments looked. “Yoongi is the one you said sells you weed?” You softly reply as you follow him into the building, “But I thought you said weed makes you dumb, ‘s why you don’t let me get you any from Jooheon.” You pout.
Jungkook presses a kiss to your forehead, “Jooheon’s a idiot and I don’t want you near him. At least Yoongi actually sells shit worth buying.” He presses the button to the elevator, “You’ll like him baby, he’s a good friend of mine. Plus his roommate has a dog too.”
You step into the elevator with a angry little pout, “You said we would be in and out, does that mean I can’t play with the doggy?” You huff, you’re no stranger to Jungkook taking you out so late to do god knows what, but you really hope he isn’t making this a short trip because then it means you got all dressed up for nothing. :(
Jungkook kisses the pout off your face, “Don’t give me that fuckin’ pout, I’ll take you out after this. You think I’m gonna let your cute ass go to waste?” He teases softly as he gives your ass an appreciative squeeze.
Well, he does have a point. You ARE dressed pretty cute tonight, you had chosen to wear this pretty jean miniskirt along with your new pink tube top that had little rhinestones all over! You find yourself smiling brightly at Jungkook, “Can we go get fried chicken at that one karaoke place?”
Both of you reach Yoongi’s floor, his roommate Hoseok(?) invites the two of you in and he heads off into his room talking about needing some sleep. You coo quietly at the small dog sleeping by the TV stand all curled up into a tiny fluff ball. “He’s so cuteeee.” You whine as you bend over to get a better look at the dog.
Jungkook chuckles quietly and leaves you be, “Yoongi! Get your ass out here!” he says, disappearing down the dark hall in search of said man.
You’re left all alone in the dimly lit living room with the puppy. You’re too busy cooing over it to notice Yoongi come out from the room opposite of the hallway Jungkook went into. “So you’re the one Jungkook talks about.” Yoongi’s eyes rack down your form until they land right on your ass where your skirt rides up just a tiny bit, “Guess he wasn’t lying afterall.”
You jump a little at the new voice and turn around to look at Yoongi with puppy eyes, “You scared me!” You hold a hand over your chest, “Don’t sneak up on me like that, you look like a creep.”
Yoongi snorts, “My bad sweetheart,” he holds his arms up in surrender as he licks his lips, “didn’t know it was a crime to walk in my own house.” He shakes his head and walks to the kitchen connected to the living room, “Where’d your ‘Jungkookie’ go hm? Think you can be a good girl and use that little brain of yours?”
“He went to look for you down the other hall!” You smile cheerfully and stand up a bit straighter. He eyes you silently and you make a confused noise, following his gaze down only to see he’s staring at your chest where a tiny bit of boob pops out. “Oh. Sorry,” you softly huff and mutter about your ‘stupid top’ as you fix your tits.
Yoongi nods, “Nah, nah… you’re absolutely fine..” He trails off and sips his water. Jungkook comes barreling in a few moments later and Yoongi perks up, “Oh there you are, I was just asking about you to your girl.” He clears his throat.
Jungkook rolls his eyes in faux annoyance, “Yeah, yeah dickhead I was looking all over for you. Got my ass yelled at by Hoseok cause I was making too much noise supposedly. You got what I need or what?” He grunts, pulling you to his side.
Yoongi nods, “I just rolled one a couple minutes ago, why don’t we smoke that one first, on the house Kook you know hyung rolls the fattest blunts.” He smirks, “On the house.”
Jungkook raises a brow and looks over at you, you’re obviously lost in your own world as you coo at the now awake puppy which is hiding at your feet. “Fine, but y/n’s not smoking, got it. So don’t even fuckin offer any cause I know your ass.”
Yoongi grins, “Pinky promise.” Jungkook doesn’t miss the wink he shoots you.. Oh, so now Yoongi likes to share his blunts all of a sudden? Generous.
They get situated on the leather couch together as Yoongi lights the blunt up, taking a long drag from it and passing it off to Jungkook. You mostly ignore the two, opting to sit out with the puppy playing around and cooing at it. Yoongi watches you with darkened eyes sitting back in his seat and enjoying the sight of you looking so pretty on your knees.
“I can see you staring bitch,” Jungkook grunts and hands off the blunt back to Yoongi, “you’re not being so fucking subtle like you think you are.” He narrows his eyes.
Yoongi shrugs, all to calm for someone who just got called out, “I know a pretty ass when I see one, I’m only a man after all, sue me. Don’t worry, I won’t go near your precious y/n.”
Jungkook looks over at you, you’re sitting so pretty and clueless at the same time. He looks back at Yoongi who’s intently watching him with those cold calculated eyes which hold something akin to mischief in them. It suddenly dawns on him he’s more interested than he initially thought he was. Jungkook has a vision (which is partly owed to the weed taking over his senses and clouding his mind) and something in him wants to see just how perfect you go with Yoongi..
His beloved Yoongi hyung whose reputation was built far more worse than his own was. His hyung that fucked a plethora of women who all had one thing in common–their shared love for his tongue and fingers which apparently they referred to as heavenly and mind blowing.
“... How bad would you say that you want y/n, and none of that what are you talking about shit. I see the way you’re looking…shameless bastard.” Jungkook smirks as he takes a long hit.
Yoongi slowly tilts his head to look at you as he licks his lips, “Does little Kookie wanna watch hyung fuck his girlfriend into another universe? Is that what you like Kook, watching someone else ruin that pretty thing over there?” He grins, eyes half lidded with desire. Jungkook shivers, he’s possessive sure but something about getting to see you get wrecked right in front of him does things to him.
“You know my answer to that.” He pokes his tongue against his cheek and smirks in return.
The two carry on in silence passing the blunt back and forth. You on the other hand sit there in utter shock, frozen in your spot after hearing all those things Jungkook and Yoongi were saying about you. Yoongi gives you butterflies in your tummy, the good kind too, and hearing them talk about you like you’re not even there makes it ten times more appealing.
You slowly turn around to look at the two sitting across from you. Yoongi catches your gaze and stares right back at you with a promising grin. It has you feeling a second heartbeat down there between your thighs as you shift around and rub them together. Yoongi hands off the blunt to Jungkook and curls his finger at you in a ‘come here’ motion.
As you go to get up Yoongi stops you, “Ah, ah,” he grins evilly, “on all fours sweetheart, wanna see you crawl like a cute puppy.”
You flush under his words and slowly lower yourself back down, crawling towards Yoongi with a sway of your hips. Jungkook’s own eyes are dark and half-lidded, he watches you with close eyes and mutters something about how hot you look on all fours like that.
“There you go sweetheart, guess your little brain does work for something after all.” Yoongi pats his knee, “Right here baby, right where you belong.” The insinuation itself has your pussy creaming, clit throbbing from arousal and neglect. You’re not too sure you can survive this.
“Let’s get this flimsy thing off.” Yoongi pulls you in even closer once you’re on his lap, his (veiny) hands slithering down to your miniskirt as he begins to unbutton it for you. “Up you go,” he slaps your ass, “yeah, just like that baby, I think your Jungkookie likes what he sees.” He motions over to Jungkook.
You turn around to face Jungkook with puppy eyes, pouting even more when you see his tattooed hand rubbing over his growing erection sitting so sinfully in his sweats. He nods at you with a grin, “Be good for hyung baby, show him how much of a good girl you are.” With that in mind you turn back to Yoongi.
Yoongi hisses under his breath when he comes face to face with your lacy panties, chubby little pussy hugged so perfectly by the flimsy material with an obvious wet patch over the center. “Do a little spin for me sweetheart, nice and slow for me.” He licks his lips sitting back and staring up at you.
You shyly do a spin, making sure not to go too fast since you’ve done this countless times for Jungkook. Yoongi’s hands come up to stop you mid-twirl, holding you still in front of him as he runs his hands over your baby-soft skin, gently cupping your asscheeks and bouncing them in place.
“Shit.” He growls, “So fuckin’ pretty.” He suddenly pulls back to smack your ass harshly, watching it bounce in place as a hand print slowly starts appearing. You yelp softly and chew on your bottom lip, this isn’t fun at all if he’s only looking :( you want him to make you feel good too!
“I bet you’re even prettier over here.” He whispers huskily and gently presses two fingers right up against your cunt, rubbing over the wet patch as he presses in to emphasize his words.
You mewl softly and give him the best puppy eyes you can muster, “You’re being really mean right now. ‘S not fun at all!” You huff angrily.
Yoongi smacks your ass hard, “You’ll take what I give you sweetheart, no need to get fucking mouthy with me. Your greedy little pussy is practically beggin’ for it at this point, look at you,” he laughs which adds further to your embarrassment, “you want me here?” He presses right up against your swollen clit which lies hidden away in those damned panties. “Puppy forgot how to speak?”
“N-No, ‘s just–”
“Just what sweetheart?” He quickly interrupts and forces another whine out of your throat. “C’mon, I don’t have all night to sit here and wait until you decide to use your little brain to figure out what you want.”
Yoongi is cruel with the way he pinches your clit while he nonchalantly talks to you still expecting for you to be able to reply to him. Your lip wobbles and you begin whining again with small hiccups, “Y-You’re being mean..! I don’t want your stupid fingers anymore, you’re not even doing anything and it’s not fair.”
“Not fair puppy? How, if you can’t tell me what you need? Are you that dumb you can’t even figure out your own needs? Has Jungkook fucked you stupid babydoll?” Yoongi pulls you back into his lap as he circles his arms over your waist and holds you still against him, “Hm?”
“ ‘s not true, I know that I want your fingers.” You huff cutely and lick your lips, “And if you won’t do something about it then I’m going to Jungkook, he’ll do something.” You glare.
Jungkook makes a noise since he’s addressed for the first time since this has started. “My patience is running thin Yoongi, if you won’t I will and you’ll single handedly ruin your only chance to get your hands on my baby.” He smirks.
Yoongi rolls his eyes and lays you back on the couch, “Brats, the lot of you.” He slides your panties down your soft thighs and tosses them in Jungkook’s direction, “Get yourself off with those loser.” He grunts and lays his eyes over your glistening pussy.
Your breath hitches in excitement and you let your thighs fall open for the older, biting your lip in anticipation. “Actually I got a better idea.” Jungkook muses as he rises off the couch and slowly walks over, “from what I remember…puppies don’t speak.” He grins.
Yoongi looks up at Jungkook and then trails his gaze down to you, “You’re right.”
Soft moans and garbled little cries are punched out of your throat with every thrust Yoongi sends your way. His cock punches in deep and strikes a spot inside that has your thighs shaking and pussy leaking. His thighs smack into your over and over again, he practically has you hanging off his cock bent over at a perfect angle with your ass up high.
Yoongi grips your hips tightly and occasionally digs his fingernails into your soft skin, leaving behind marks from his aggression. He releases a series of pleasured grunts and tiny sighs as your pussy tries to milk him of all he’s worth. “Loosen up for me will you sweetheart? Gonna give it to you just the way you need.” He moans.
You’re trying not to tighten up around him but it’s a little difficult with your mouth preoccupied with Jungkook’s cock. You’re trying not to choke up around him but Yoongi keeps catching you off guard with his punishing pace. The pleasure clouds your senses, making it a bit harder to focus on Jungkook.
“C’mon baby, you can do better than that.” Jungkook grunts as he guides you up and down his cock, watching as you slobber all over him and leave behind a mess.
You whimper loudly and squirm around, your jaw aches pleasantly from the stretch but you don’t find it in you to care much. Not when Jungkook’s cock settles just nicely over your tongue, you easily catch him off guard when you suckle around him and slurp up your spit and precum. Yoongi however, catches your attention again when he delivers a slap to your ass.
“I don’t want a drop wasted, good girls always make sure to clean their messes don’t they? You gonna be good to Jungkook and swallow all of it, or are you too cock drunk to understand.” Yoongi pants softly and re-adjusts his grip on your hips and fucks into your harder.
The sound of your ass clapping off of his pelvis resonates loudly, between your thighs there’s a mess of your creamy slick which seems to form a visible white ring around Yoongi’s cock everytime he backstrokes. Yoongi hisses at the sight, he wishes that he wasn’t wearing a condom so he could fill your sweet little cunt up and watch as his cum was pushed back in.
“Ah fuck,” Jungkook groans out and throws his head back, “keep going like that baby.” He whispers in pure bliss, “You’re doing so good for me.” He grips your hair tighter.
You gag around his cock in response, feeling the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat. You’re pretty sure you look a mess right now, tear streaks down your face and ruined makeup. “Mmm..!” You cry out in a mix of pleasure and some pain when Yoongi reaches between your thighs to pinch at your swollen clit, rolling the sensitive bud between his fingertips.
“Go on and make Jungkookie cum baby, don’t be a selfish little slut.” Yoongi purrs as he slows his hips down to a sensual grind. “Hold it in for me sweetheart, good girls cum when they’re told to.”
Jungkook on the other hand loses it when you make eye contact with him, he grabs on to your hair tightly and begins fucking up into your mouth. His balls press snug against your chin as he rolls his hips quickly. “Shit, shit baby, you’re gonna make me cum,” he shudders as he tightens his grip, “just a little more for me.” He moans.
Not wanting to disappoint him you swallow around his cock and moan loudly, letting the vibrations travel as you flick your tongue on the underside of his cock where a particularly sensitive vein lies. Jungkook’s poor cock throbs as the first few spurts of warm cum shoot down your throat. He lets out a long moan, eyes slipping shut and head falling back in pleasure, “Shit.”
Yoongi licks his lips and pulls you off of Jungkook’s cock, “Swallow for me.” He whispers, yanking your head back as he watches you greedily gulp down the cum. “That’s a good girl,” he licks his lips and delivers hard punishing thrusts, “gonna cum all over that pretty ass sweetheart.” He closes his eyes and groans.
Your cunt throbs in excitement as you shakily whimper and hide your face in Jungkook’s thighs. “P-Please, ‘m so close,” you sob softly it gets harder to hold your orgasm back, and you do NOT want to be a bad girl.
Yoongi suddenly pulls out, leaving you empty and clenching around nothing as you whimper from the loss. You hear him rip the condom off and toss it on your ass. “Fuck,” he hisses as he strokes his cock rapidly, “turn over for me.”
You shakily comply and push yourself off of Jungkook, lying on your back and staring up at Yoongi with those sweet puppy eyes of yours. He aims his cock down at your lower tummy and spills all over, hissing through his teeth as he tips his head back and sighs. You watch with teary eyes, this isn’t fair! They got to cum but you didn’t!
“Don’t you pout at me, I haven’t forgotten you yet.” Yoongi sighs, utterly relaxed from his strong orgasm as he wedges himself between your thighs, “You did so well for me puppy, sit back and relax.”
His hot mouth ghosts over your pussy until you feel his lips wrap around your clit. You cry out in sensitivity and reach up to hold on to Jungkook’s hands while Yoongi begins ferociously eating you out. He eats you like a man starved, basically making out with your cunt at this point.
“Mm..! Mmm..!” Your head is thrown back, mouth agape as he spits on your cunt and traces your clit with the tip of his tongue.
Jungkook gently hushes you, “Just let go for me baby.” He leans down to smooch your cheek and whisper words of encouragement.
The praises are what leads to your orgasm. A loud cry escapes out of you and you’re left shaking on the couch as you cum harder than ever with your clit in Yoongi’s mouth. Yoongi slurps up the mess he made on your cunt as he pulls back to pant softly, “Good girl, look at you.” He whispers as he watches your chest rise and fall.
You pout your lips up at Jungkook for a kiss and he easily complies without hesitation. You happily sigh into his mouth and relax under both men. Jungkook for the most part ignores Yoongi and murmurs against your lips if you’re okay. You think he’s so sweet for that and it makes you melt even further.
“Are you guys getting the fuck off my couch anytime soon? I gotta clean this shit before Seok wakes up.” Yoongi says now standing as he smokes the rest of the blunt he and Jungkook were sharing earlier. “I have a magical thing called a bathroom where you can do this thing we call freshening up.”
“Fuck off.” Jungkook snorts as he gently gathers you in his arms, “Leave my baggy out there and we’ll be on our way after we freshen up.” He says as he lifts you up and begins carrying you off down the hall. You pass by Yoongi mumbling a ‘I have to go peepee remember?’ to which Jungkook replies, “Yes you do baby, ‘less you want a STI.”
Yoongi stands there with a unreadable expression, “Get the fuck out of my house.” He rolls his eyes and begins cleaning. (He doesn’t mean it though..)
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TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @jungkooksseuphoria @kooliv @angelarin @jjeonjjk7 @lilliankoo @pb-n-juju @ellesalazar @saweetspoiled @laylasbunbunny @prettyprincejk @cherrysainttt @hyunjinswifeee @joongraduatewithonor @hellbornsworld @leire-mia @m1sss1mp @lissful @winkii @lifeless-firefly @exactlygreatcoffee @taestoess @ayalies @floweryjeons @softtcurse @lilspinachwrld @tearyjjeon @littleobsessedkitty @lovelovelovebts @angeljmnie @rerefundslocals @bangtans-mama @thvhoe
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envy-of-the-apple · 6 months
Hello! I love your writing, especially that mad dog Drabble! Could you maybe do something similar for Oikawa? Noncon if you’re comfortable with that too. Thank you so much!
I wrote this awhile ago and then I never got around to publishing it and now I refuse to reread it because i cringe at my old writing but i remember spending a shit ton of time on this so here's my three year old trash fic. enjoy.
(Warnings: dark content, non-con touching, rape, non-con/sexual harassment, verbal degradation, forced orgasms, public-sex, overstimulation) 
18+ content 
 Tutoring Sessions 
You knew Spanish. 
Not an expert by any means, but you could probably get by if you were stranded in a Spanish-speaking country. You were good at it. Decent. 
You just weren’t the teaching type. You could barely learn, let alone, pass your skills on to someone else. Teaching required patience and diligence. That wasn’t you. 
But, really, what could you say when the Captain of the volleyball team himself asked you to tutor him? He looked so desperate too, looking down at you with pleading eyes. He asked for an hour-no-just thirty minutes. All you had to do was correct his grammar, jot a few vocabulary words for him, and maybe teach him extra conjugations. 
Looking back, you should have declined. You should have made any bullshit excuse you could think of. You should have laughed nervously, apologized- have done anything to get out of his attention. 
You shouldn’t have let him coax you into the fourth floor of the library, trapping you with his tall body in an isolated booth. 
At least then his hand wouldn’t be currently rubbing your thigh.
His movements were slow, casual, as his fingers made lazy circles up and down your leg. You couldn’t tell if it was intentional if he was touching you on purpose or mindlessly moving his hands. His face betrayed nothing, solely staring forward at the sheets of paper. 
“So, I just replace the ‘ar’ with ‘aron’?” He asked, his hand slowly moving higher and higher, “Why can’t I use ‘aban’?” 
You bit your lip, “Because it has a definite ending. The-the sentence is ‘they spoke with me yesterday’. The action ended yesterday, that’s-that’s why we use the preterit form.” 
Your breath hitched when his hand trailed underneath your skirt, skimming across your panties. Your hand balled into a shaking fist. 
You wanted to tell him to move, you wanted to shove his hand off you, but you weren’t confrontational. Instead, you elected to push down the feeling of unease in your chest, trying your best to ignore his ministrations, praying that he’d drop his hand by himself.
He didn’t.
“Right, you use preterit form for a definite ending,” He’s murmuring now, a sultry rumble that sends shivers down your spine, “I keep forgetting that." His laugh twinkles through the air. It's a jarring contrast to his warm hands.
“So ‘Hablaron me ayer’?” 
He took that moment to slide past your panties, lightly rocking on your heat. You sucked in a short breath, gritting your teeth. You couldn’t pretend like he didn’t know what he was doing, not when his fingers were sinking deeper and deeper-
A finger tapped on your inner thigh. Play along.
“It’s-it’s ‘me habl-ah-hablaron ayer’. The object comes first-” You flinched when his pointer finger stroked over your hot skin, “And-and then the subject.” 
You wished he’d stop making you talk. You wished you could just push him off you. You wished so many things, things Oikawa wouldn’t grant you. 
“Okay,” He’s grinning now, a little less put together. His breathing is a little ragged, hitching whenever you uncomfortably shift. Though he’s still resolutely staring at the pages before him, his eyes are shining. Eager, “-makes sense,” 
You just realized how empty the library is. 
You can feel his calloused fingers crawling under you, searching for something. His middle finger curls a little, softly brushing over your sensitive clit. 
You stumble forward. He says something, but you’re not listening. Not when his fingers are hovering over your hot button, delving down to push and prod. 
Your reached up to cover your mouth, instantly silencing any noises you knew would come spilling out. He laughs at that, finally finally breaking the act of playing innocent. 
Or maybe it wasn’t such a good thing. He’s looking at you now, a knowing smirk on his pretty face. 
Repulsion burns through you. It’s quickly replaced by humiliation as a wet squelch erupts from the place he’s touching you, making you lurch. 
“I wasn’t expecting that,” He hums in satisfaction, “You already dripping? You must really want this, huh?” 
He stares at you, daring you to reply, knowing fully well you won’t. No, you wouldn’t say anything, you wouldn’t do anything either. You would just sit there and take it. 
Exactly what he wants. 
He’s moving at a rhythm now, rubbing your clit with his thumb as his fingers inch down your folds. Your nails are digging into your trembling palm, but you don’t tell him to stop. You don’t say a word. No, that would be acknowledging what he’s doing. It would make it real-
your thoughts vanish as a slender finger sinks into your pussy. Your sigh is muffled by your clammy hand, digging further into your mouth as he starts fucking you in earnest. He’s going too fast; your mind is spinning. You can’t keep up with the waves of pleasure coming in and out and in and out and in again. 
Your hand slips and the moan that escapes your mouth surprise you. It was loud and so dirty, you couldn’t believe it was your voice-it was you who made that noise. 
His finger curls, bending in your tight walls and you feel like wailing. Oikawa strokes against a spot deep inside you that has you seeing stars. 
You unconsciously lean against him. Oikawa draws you in closer, forcing you to rest against his shoulder as a second finger sinks into your heat. You whine as it pushes through your sopping walls, completely stretching you out. 
You think you hear him snarl a quiet fuck but you’re not paying attention. Your head is pounding, matching the brutal thrusts of his fingers. It’s devouring you it’s too much and you want to stop, you want to breathe. Oikawa isn’t keen on helping, not when he’s rubbing fast circles on your clit, stretching his fingers inside you when he feels you’re not making enough noise. He wants something from you. 
And you’re forced to give it to him. 
There’s a hitch in your breath, the tiniest pause, before you clench around his fingers with a muffled scream. He hushes you, allowing you to bury your face into his shoulder as he keeps fucking your pussy until you collapse in his chest. 
You’re panting when he finally removes his fingers, wiping the slick haphazardly on your inner thigh. You shift uncomfortably when he pulls away, feeling your hole clench again. The orgasm fades away and all you’re left with is the shock of what you’ve done and utter humiliation. 
He lifts your chin, forcing you to look at him. His brown eyes were dark, coated in lust. He’s sneering at you. 
The kiss surprises you. You weren’t expecting his lips to be soft as he gently melts into yours. It’s so tender, a stark contrast to what he was like before. Maybe it was because you didn’t really put up a fight, your lips falling open when he stroked his thumb on your sensitive skin. 
It’s still intense and when he pulls away, you take your first real breath. 
“See?” He hums, a hand settling on yours, “That wasn’t so bad, right?” 
He’s pulling you out of your seat before you can finish your sentence, dragging you away from the abandoned table filled with unused highlighters. Your legs are still weak, you stumble around a little. Oikawa doesn’t mind, towing you like he’s carrying nothing but air. 
He slips into an empty storage closet, with you reluctantly trailing behind him. The door closes behind you with a dull thud, and you’re forced to stand with him in the darkness. 
When the light comes back on, he’s towering above you. His chest presses against yours, pinning you against the wall. His smile is manic, filled with a hunger that you know won’t be satisfied with just one taste. 
No, he wants to devour you whole. 
It’s the realization, that he will ruin you, that make your eyes sting. Hot tears creep down your cheeks as your lips waver. 
He coos at that, “Don’t cry, baby. You’ll be okay. I took care of you, right? I made you feel so good?” He shuffles closer and you can feel something hard and stiff press against your thigh. 
“Now you gotta’ do the same for me. It’s a fair trade, right?” 
He’s kissing you again. It’s rough, this time, as he bites on your bottom lip, hard enough to tear skin. Your yelp is muffled as he shoves his tongue into your drooling mouth. You taste the smallest hint of something metallic. 
His lips move down, covering your jaw with soft butterfly kisses that made your head spin. When they find your neck, he clamps down on your soft flesh, licking at biting at everything he could taste. Your breath hitches, a sound that’s in between a gasp and a moan. The sensation of his teeth against your neck causes you to lean your head against the wall, reluctantly giving him room. He purrs at that.
“Good girl.”
His hands are fiddling with your buttons. You barely have time to speak before he impatiently rips your shirt, sending the round objects scattering.
A half-hearted apology is mumbled into your skin. His fingers skitter over your bra, you cry out when his cold hands push the material up to feel your tits.
It’s still not enough. His body is feverish, you feel so hot against him, so pliant, so beautiful. You’re crying, whimpering, softly whispering for him to stop but do you even know how desperate you sound? Your voice sounds so needy, it’s hard to be sated from just touching.
Oikawa yanks down your skirt, letting them pool at your ankles. Your thighs are still glistening from his previous ministrations and your panties are wet, still soaked.
He feels pure euphoria watching them slide down your legs, landing on the ground next to the other piles of clothing.
You’re standing before him, barely clothed, shivering. He gives you a chaste kiss on the cheek, mumbling a soft ‘be good for me, okay’, before he reaches down to his pants.
He doesn’t pull it down all the way, just enough to reach inside and pull out his throbbing cock. It’s already an angry red, a single drop of precum leaking at the tip.
He gives it a few cursory pumps, before he stills.
“I really wanted to see you cum, bet you looked so pretty. Do you mind doing that again, just for me pretty please?”
He grinned when you didn’t reply. You can’t understand how someone so beautiful could hide so much cruelty. 
“No? That’s okay, I’ll just make you. Again.”
In one single movement, he hikes your leg against his hip and thrusts his cock inside you.
You wail as he pushes himself inside, already starting to set a rough pace. It hurts, much bigger than two fingers. Whatever he did before clearly didn’t help make it feel any less painful. You give a choked scream, hot tears clouding your vision.
He’s not quiet either, leaning his forehead against the wall behind you, moaning shamelessly. He’s saying your name like a prayer, repeating it over and over again until it sounds like that’s the only thing he can say.
“You have to relax, baby-fuck you’re so tight.” Oikawa hisses, hiking your leg higher to fuck you deeper.
The pain fades. You wish it stayed, keeping you sober while he pushes you against the wall, greedily palming your tits, sucking on your neck.
But it disappears and a loud moan leaves your lips, too breathy to be made from anything but pleasure.
You instinctively cover your mouth, trying to muffle the sounds your traitorous body is making.
“Nope, not this time,” He cheerily says, ripping your hand away, “I wanna hear you scream.” 
He angles his hips, his cock sinking into that spot and you do scream.
The pleasure that waves up and down your body blinds you. Your body isn’t listening to you, anymore. Your cunt keeps sucking him back in with each thrust. You can feel beads of precum roll down your thigh. Oikawa’s head is resting on your shoulder now. His weight makes your shaky legs buckle, digging your back further into the hard concrete.
He kisses your hand, encouraging you to drape it on his shoulder. It limply falls beside his neck, barely brushing against his hair.
You shift your hips and his cock stutters almost stopping his rhythm before Oikawa’s cooing something dirty into your ear, reaching down to rub your clit until you’re crying out again.
It’s addicting, he realizes, having your cunt flutter around him like this, leaking out his precum. It’s a feeling that makes him piston himself into you over and over again, relishing in the way your pussy tries to suck him in, like you were begging for more.
“O-oikawa,” You finally gasp when you finally regain the ability to speak, “Slow down please please slow-slow down.”
His laugh is breathy, “You want me to slow down, angel? What, are you close again?”
You don’t respond, but it’s enough to make him go faster, ignoring your pleas in search of your gradually rising voice.
He hisses when his knee hits the wall, grimacing.
“-Wanted to do this at a bed, you know,” He grunted, “Somewhere soft. But-but I didn’t wanna-hah-scare you, you’re so anxious it was so-fuck- hard choosing a place-place you’d actually show up in.” 
He rubs your clit, feeling your walls grow tighter and tighter. He pulls back to look at you, eyes shut, your lip caught between your teeth, your face filled with lustful pleasure.
“Cum for me, baby. Show me how perfect you are.”
You follow his orders, your orgasm making you cry in ecstasy. It makes you go limp and you almost sink to the floor before Oikawa catches you, keeping you upright as he chases his own end.
He doesn’t stop, not even when you beg him to slow down that it’s too much. No, he just hushes you again, stumbling over a tensed ‘Just a little more’, before he’s going faster and faster until you feel something warm, wet, and sobering fill your cunt. 
He’s slows down then, his eyes shut in bliss as he rocks his hips forward, milking as much as he could. When he finally pulls out, he does it with a hiss, making you flinch as his skin hits your sensitive clit. 
He doesn’t catch you this time, letting you drop to the floor. You tumble to the ground, your hands barely catching your fall. The tile is so cool against your sensitive skin, it almost makes you forget the milky liquid spread on your legs, the finger-print shaped bruises on your thigh. 
You don’t think you have anymore tears left, but they still fall, running down your cheeks. 
He’s instantly over you, brushing a hand down your face. 
“Oh, don’t cry, baby, you did such a good job,” Oikawa cooed, wiping your tears away. 
He’s not comforting you. His smile is too satisfied to make you think he had any semblance of pity. You briefly wonder what he’s seeing. You, exhaustedly crumpled against the wall, your legs curled, cum seeping out, your neck and chest littered with teeth marks. No wonder he looks so pleased.  
He pets your hair, shifting it back in place and it’s so domestic-so loving that it makes you sick. 
Oikawa grins, showing teeth. “How about next time we study at my place.”
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 month
Bullet In Your Heart, Part 8
Summary: you and Clark....
Pairings: Clark Kent X Reader
Rating: explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, oral sex (F receiving), PIV sex, unprotected sex, cream pie, breeding kink, judgmental people, grief, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 4.2K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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Your fingers dig into the sheets, and your eyes roll in the back of your head as your back lifts up off the bed. Holding onto whatever ounce of your senses you have left while you bite on your lip, it was the price you paid for having two small children.
Your back starts to rise off the bed, but his meaty hand press your stomach, holding you down. His right hand drives in and out of your core, while his mouth makes a meal of your honey. You can feel the rumble on your bundle of nerves as he chuckles when you slap a hand over your face. Muffling a scream you couldn’t stifle.
Clark’s mouth is a work of art. If you were artistic you would have already made a shrine to the godlike qualities he possesses. Starting to wiggle around, and then he curls those fingers. Hitting over your g spot over and over again until your body trembles. Still he begs for more. Using his shoulders to keep you good and spread. Your legs try to close at the overstimulation when his fingers pound into your sex. Seeing stars, you come undone, squirting into his mouth, and he laves up every bit of your juices like a man starved.
You’re left panting. Gazing up at the ceiling while your husband feasts, and you wait for the room to stop spinning. Lifting up to your elbows you watch Clark smirk at you as he wipes off his glistening face. “Don’t you look proud of yourself,” you huff out.
Clark nods as he stands up out of the floor. Picking your body up, he launches you up the bed before he’s splitting your legs, and crawling in between them. Slapping his cock over your clit, smiling even bigger, “Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy that, my sweet little Cricket bug.”
“I really despise that nickname.”
“Why’s that?”
“The nickname of a child,” your eyes go cross eyed as he slams his girth into your body. “Oh my god.”
“You know why I like that nickname?” You shake your head no, and grab onto his hips as he starts a slow thrust into your body. Dragging his veiny cock out of you slowly, and leaving you breathless before he stabs back into you. “Because even though you’re not this tiny little girl anymore, there is this tight little cunt that I get use every fucking day.”
“Clark,” you whimper, and your nails dig into his back. “Clark, they’re gonna wake up.”
“And it’s time for us to have another one,” you nod your head up at him. Wrapping your legs around his waist, and you pull him even closer, yipping when his bulbous head grazes over your cervix, “You always did like me deep, huh? Like to feel me in your pussy for the rest of the day. Aren’t we going to that pool party?”
“What?” Pulling himself out of you, he goes harder than ever before. Moaning out loud, and he places a hand over your mouth.
“Quiet, Cricket,” he starts at an earth shattering pace. Leaving you begging for mercy. “I want you to go to that party with my seed dripping out of you. I saw Frank staring at you. There’s only one man you’re slutty for, and that’s me, understand?” You give him a head nod, and you cling to his back for dear life.
“Got me in a damn vice grip. My god, you’re coming aren’t you?” Another nod as your body becomes completely pliable for him. “Good fucking girl,” pulling out of your body, he flips you to your knees, before crawling behind you. Burying his cock balls deep into your cunt, he mounts you, and you have to hide your face into the pillows. “It’ll take this way. You're such a pretty little slut for me in the morning.”
You can feel him all the way your stomach as he splits you open. Using his body for his pleasure when you hear him use his strangled voice. “Are you coming a-a-again? It’s because you feel my cock throbbing, huh?”
“It’s because you’re fucking me so deep,” that was too loud, but you’re in a different world. Your body rocking with every hammer he does into you.
“Right…right there. Best pussy I’ve ever had,” Clark’s hands pull apart your ass cheeks, and he stares at where the two of you connect. Watching as he nearly turns you inside out, and your walls cling to him so tightly. “So fucking sloppy for me. Fuck — me!” One last hard push into you, and ribbons of hot cum fill your belly, and you look back at him with the softest smile. Your walls milk every last bit of his essence, making you all warm and tingly.
“That’s the one, Cricket. I don’t know if I want a little Lottie or a little Henny,” keeping himself inside of you, he adjusts himself down to his knees. Those crystal eyes look up at your satisfied face before back to the two of you. “I gotta keep it in there, okay?”
“Okay,” you whine. You didn’t want him to pull out yet anyways. “Clark?” He finally looks up at you, and you preen, “I love you.”
“Love you, too, Cricket bug. I meant it, you’re the best pussy.”
“I really don’t want to think of all the women you’ve been with while you’re inside of me.”
“Deep inside you,” he gives you a wink, spreading you wider apart. “You know, there is another hole back here,” you shake your head no, starting to giggle, “Dot let me…”
“Clark!” He starts laughing, spitting down to your ass, “No!”
“Come on. One time.”
“You’ve already came.”
“So if I get hard again?” You want to kick your husband off you, but then he looks back at your hole, starting to slowly slide himself out. Dropping out of your body when he just stares, “I love seeing how gaping I make you. God, I made such a mess.”
”Daddy!” The door handle wiggles a bit, and you’re thankful Clark was smart enough to lock it. It wiggles again when a big bang happens, “Daddy! Henny is in my room! Wake mommy up, and get your son! Daddy! I hear you laughing.”
“I’ll deal with this,” you say, standing up, and Clark points to your panty drawer. “Yes, daddy. Let me put this on, so I feel your mess inside of me while we’re with the neighbors, but you got to wash your filthy mouth. Lottie will want kisses. Go,” you motion towards the bathroom, and Clark walks towards it. But stops to pinch your nipples, and pull you towards him.
Slamming his mouth against yours, and you can still taste your arousal on his tongue. Moaning at how good he feels, “Daddy!” Lottie knocks on the door a bit, and he pulls back.
“I’ll make sure to fuck you again tonight, Mrs. Kent.”
“How about you let me fuck you?” He growls, and jogs into the bathroom, leaving you to pull on your panties and a nightgown. Opening the door to see your exasperated daughter stare up at you.
“What took you so long? Were you and daddy having a tickle fight again?”
“Yes, darling. Come on, let’s deal with Henry. He is just like your daddy, you know?”
“Wild man,” he really was. He was every bit as wild as Clark used to be. But marriage and children really calmed Clark down, and you couldn’t be more thankful. Life was different than you had planned, but you had finally learned to love where you are currently. Happy that you get to see Carter through Charlotte. She is every bit as sweet and loving as he was.
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You give a curt smile to the host. Everyone here judged you for being with more than one man, and several hated you for taming Clark. He leans in behind you, kissing your neck, and placing another behind your ear, “They’re jealous that they couldn’t get me to settle down.”
“Oh, so Susie is someone you made a mess of?”
“Absolutely not. She’s someone I turned down. Such a prude. Here, take Henry, I’m going to go cook with the dads. Have yourself a cocktail,” he gives your ass a little swat before walking away, leaving you to kiss over Henry’s chunky cheeks.
“You know, I don’t know how you do it?” Judith, one of the more distant neighbors, says while walking up behind you.
“Do what? He’s really not that heavy.”
“Oh, no, dear, she means you and Clark,” you glance between her and Susie confused, and the host offers you a cocktail, “He can walk, right?” You answer yes, and she gives a point over to the kiddie pool. “He’ll be fine. I’m sure Clark won’t mind keeping an eye on him with you.”
Confused, you let Henry step onto the grass, and he runs right to his daddy’s legs. Crashing into them with a belly laugh, “See.”
“What about me and Clark?” You feared these women would never accept you as one of them. Bitter Betty’s. Throughout the years, the whispers never stopped. It didn’t help that you kept to yourself.
“Oh, honey, don’t get defensive. Of all the men that you could have found, you chose Carter’s best friend? Ain’t that a trip?” You smile sweetly at her, when in reality you want to gather your children and go back home. “How do they compare? I mean nobody was talking about Carter’s size, if you know what I mean.”
“What exactly do you mean?” Batting your eyes, you look straight at her, and thankfully her smile starts to fade.
“Don’t do that, it’s all good fun.”
“Yes, my first husband dying in a war is a riot. Thankfully Clark wasn’t drafted.”
“Did you ever, well, you know?” Judith shakes her head no at Susie, and you look between the two of them again. What were these women on. “I mean, everyone thought about relations with Clark. He’s practically slept with every woman in town.”
“Except you,” she shuts her mouth, clearing her throat. “No. I never once thought of Clark like that. In fact both of us were distraught when Carter passed. We fell in love during grief, and we fucked before we were married,” Susie gasps, placing her hand on her chest, and Clark turns around, now holding Henry. His face is full of concern as he watches you leave the women.
Leaning down to Charlotte in the water, “Lottie, come on, baby.”
“No, I’m playing with my friends.”
“Charlotte Abigail Baizen, out of the pool now!” You feel your cheeks inflame with anger as she pouts, climbing out of the pool, and Clark hands you the baby.
“I got her. Hey?”
“Don’t you thank them for inviting us either,” Grabbing Henry with a huff, and kisses his cheek you start to stomp home. Fuck all of them. They could go straight to the pits of hell for all you cared. They had no idea the inner battle you feel every single day. Feeling guilty that you can’t love Clark the way that you loved Carter because Clark would never be him.
But somehow in the midst of your turmoil you fell in love with Clark. The way he fathered your children. The way he looked at you every morning. You were feral for the way he treated you when it was just the two of you. It wasn’t the same, and would never be, but you and Clark had created something entirely different. You created a love that bloomed from grief and friendship.
Clark finds you in the living room, dancing around with Henry while an old record plays, shooing Lottie into her bedroom, when you kiss over Henry’s closed eyes. Humming along with the music when Clark comes back. He stands at the entrance of the living room, watching the two of you. “Cricket, go put him in his crib.”
“I need him right now.”
“Don’t use my son as a way to avoid this conversation,” looking up at him, you scowl. That isn’t what you’re doing. “Cricket, he’s asleep. Either you take him or I will.”
“Clark, you don’t understand.”
“Then put my son in the bed and explain it to me.”
“Your son,” you hold his body closer to you, wishing you could rewind the day, and never go to that stupid party. You didn’t need friends. “You never tell me what to do with your daughter. I guess because she’s Carter’s?”
“Go put Henry in the bed, and let’s talk about this because you’re being unreasonable. Now!” With a final kiss, you stalk out of the living room. Laying him down in his crib, and you pet along his perfect skin. He is one of the most beautiful little boys you have ever seen. Deciding it’s best not to make Clark wait too long, you walk back into the living room.
Clark is now in his chair, lighting up a cigarette when he looks at his watch, “That took almost five minutes. His room is just down the hallway.”
“You timing me? Can I not take my time to look at your son? I thought about stopping in Lottie’s room to help her change, but thankfully Carter’s daughter is smart enough to change out of her wet bathing suit.”
“What the fuck is your problem? Lottie is my daughter, Henry is my son, and they’re our children,” he watches your chest heave. Breathing angrily, you try not to shed a single tear. Clark has always been there. Was there the moment Charlotte was born, and you have built a beautiful life. “Why are we bringing up Carter?”
“Because he’s always going to haunt us. Because you couldn’t keep it in your pants, and you had to fuck his widow. Your best friend, Clark.”
“You weren’t complaining much,” you hate how he can be so calm when you are raging. You want to throw something at him. He is the reason you went to the party. “So why are we bringing him up?”
“Because those stupid bitches hate me. They hate that I married you, hate that I tied you down, and have your child.”
“They hate that you know what I feel like, and feel me everyday.”
“You’re such a slut.”
“Yeah, for you,” you roll your eyes, starting to walk away, but Clark stands quickly, grabbing your wrist, and pulls you into his body harshly. “You’re my little slut, and I’m yours. I don’t care what those women think.”
“But I do! You insist on trying to be friends with the neighbors, and going out and being social. And I go there and they talk to me like I’m trash because I’ve had two dicks.”
“Who the fuck cares?! Are we happy? Are our kids happy? Did I not fuck my seed into you just this morning? Cricket, I don’t care about them. I care about you. You don’t want to be social, fine. We’ll get us a pool. Get the kids a playground. You and them are all I care about. And I’m not going to spend the next six months arguing about Carter. He’s gone. And…I’m glad.”
You lean back to gaze up at him, tears filling your eyes while you search his face. “I wouldn’t want to have missed this with you. So yeah, you tamed the slut. If he’d come back, I wouldn’t have you and our home. I love you, Cricket Bug. You’re my favorite person, followed by a tie for second. I can’t change his death, but I can love you fiercely, and take care of you. But I will not be the other man in my home. Have I made myself clear?”
“Yes,” he wasn’t coming back. You could have done so much worse than Clark. And this man adored you. Worshiped you every morning while he kneels before your altar. “But don’t say you’re glad.”
“I am glad. But I’ll promise never to say it again. Just like I promise I won’t make you go to one of those parties ever again. Now, let’s eat some sandwiches, and then we’ll go find a playset for our children. Okay?” You nod your head. They were yours and Clark’s, Carter’s in spirit.
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His hands slide around your middle, lips starting to nip around your neck, and you let out the most adorable giggle. “Clark, where are the kids?”
“Lottie is out front playing on hers and Henry’s new playset. The swings are her favorite. And I just laid Henry down for his nap,” he twists you around. Grabbing onto your waist harshly, he places you up on the counter. Planting his body in between your thighs.
Clark’s hands swipe away the baby hairs around your face, and he starts pressing soft kisses all over your face, “The kids.”
“Shh,” he whispers. His mouth moving behind your ear, following on down your neck. “I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you for the life you’ve given me.”
“It’s me that should be thanking you.”
“Why’s that?” His head pops up, and those baby blue eyes bounce around your face. You smile up at him, biting your lip. “Honey, why should you thank me?”
“You saved us.”
”Us? What are you talking about, Cricket bug?”
Your hands roam up his chest, and around his neck, “You saved me and Lottie,” he starts shaking his head no, but you cup both his cheeks, grinning. “You did. You didn’t have to stay with me, with us. I was a wreck, and pregnant, and you made sure I ate, and…you loved me when I couldn’t love myself. You took care of her when I was still learning to cope. You kept us alive. And…”
“Please, stop. I did that because I love you, and her. And I love this life that we made.”
“Aww, Clark does have some sweetness, and not just need to fuck me.”
“You’re ruining this moment,” both yours and Clark’s heads look towards the door when you hear your daughter scream. “Lottie?” Jumping down off the counter, you head towards the front door. That is a scared scream.
Charlotte climbs up the slide ladder before going down it again. Stopping at the end of it, and she looks back at the house exasperated. Henry always had nap time when she wanted to play. Huffing, she moves over to the sandbox, starting to play with the tools while she waits on her brother’s short nap.
A man walks down the road to the house. His eyes look around the property longingly before stopping far enough in the distance to see Charlotte. Not close enough to alert her, but close to hear her voice. She sings a sweet little song while her fingers dig into the sand.
The man’s fingers run over the picket fence, it has been freshly painted, and he sighs. Walking a bit closer, the girl spots him, and gives him an odd look, “Are you here to see my mommy and daddy?”
“They’re inside,” she gives a point towards the front door, and the door is open. Letting a light breeze blow through it, but he can’t see anybody. “Mister?”
“Yeah,” he asks, squatting down to look at your daughter closer. She gives him a little giggle. “What’s so funny?”
“Why do you have a beard? My daddy and grandpa don’t do that, no sir,” she said that word again. The man gulps before sitting down beside her. Sticking his hand in the sand. He picks up a wad of it before letting it fall back in the sandbox. “You don’t talk much.”
“I didn’t even know who I was for a long time.”
Scrunching up her nose, she looks at him funny. Giving a little scoot back, and even the man timidly scoots back, too. “What’s your name?”
“Charlotte. I was named after my angel daddy’s grandma,” the man gives her a soft smile, but then she looks into his eyes, “Why are you crying?”
“I’m overwhelmed right now.”
“Let me get my daddy. He’ll know what to do.”
“No,” he grabs her tightly, and she lets out a scream. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. Charlotte, don’t scream.”
“Stop! Mommy!” The man goes to stand. Dropping her arm, and he sees the door open. “Mommy!” She turns running towards you, and you and him stare at each other for far too long. Seeing a tall shadow walk up behind you, he turns to leave.
You can’t believe what you saw. Trying to calm your breathing. It was all right, and so wrong, “Carter?” The man freezes, and Clark places a hand on your hip. “Carter Baizen?” Slowly he turns around to see you, but sees his former best friend behind you. “Carter?” He nods his head, and you gasp, covering your mouth.
Visions of your life with Carter flash through your mind. The moment a sweet little boy gave you a dandelion and told you he was going to marry you. Your first kiss behind the school house while Clark kept watch for the adults. The first time Carter touched you and you felt actual sparks fly between you. That first ‘I love you’. Every moment with your best friend, and the love of your life plays like the greatest story ever told.
Placing your daughter in Clark’s arms you walk over to him. It was him. A bit grown out and rough, but it was him. The same eyes. And the way he looked at you was the exact same. “I thought you were dead.”
“I did, too,” he looks back at Clark holding Charlotte, and then down to you. “What’s he doing here?” His eyes move towards your hand, noticing the ring on your finger. “No,” he shakes his head as tears stream down his face. “I told him not to fall in love.”
“Carter, maybe we should go inside, and have a talk,” you look back at Clark. Unsure of what you need to feel. But Carter is alive, and he’s here. Clark turns with Charlotte still in his arms, but leaves you with your husband? Former husband?
“Cricket, what happened?”
“Life. Come on,” you aren’t sure what this means. Aren’t sure what you should think or react. But your Carter was right beside you. Following you into the house that you made a home with his best friend.
Getting into the living room with Clark now in Carter’s chair and Charlotte hugged up against him. “I’m sorry, bud. I couldn’t keep my promise,” hearing a creaking door, Carter’s eyes look down the hallway, and sees a little barefoot boy running towards you. Outstretched arms and calling for his mommy.
“This is my son, Henry Carter Kent,” Carter’s eyes slowly close. Swallowing the bile that threatens to rise up his throat. “Cricket, we can’t have this conversation with Lottie.”
”What comver — comversay — saytion…why can’t you talk in front of me?”
“Don’t make me do this,” Clark stares up at you shaking his head. Hoping you remembered the last ten minutes over right now. While you had happy memories flowing through your mind, he felt like his happy moments were being stole from him. “She won’t understand.”
“Tell me!” Charlotte grabs his cheeks, trying to get him to look at her, “Daddy, I wanna know.”
“What are we supposed to do with them?” Your words come out stiff. If you allow all the emotions to pour out you might just collapse on the floor. Everything is so overwhelming right now, and you don’t know what to think. What to do. What you had to do. Was yours and Clark’s marriage now a lie? What did this mean for your family? What did you want to do?
Carter was your everything. And then life happened and you settled into your new something. Yours and Clark’s relationship could be volatile at times. Things never flowed as easily as they did with Carter. But you two fought to make them work. Because you wanted to. Or did you just not want to be alone? And Clark was there accepting you when other men would turn away.
“Your folks can get them. Don’t make my daughter try and understand this,” Carter clears his throat, and Clark shakes his head no, pointing at him, “Don’t. She is mine. Cricket, honey, call your folks. I don’t want the kids to be part of this until…please, just don’t.”
“Can you give — just a moment. Clark’s right. Okay? They’ll be right here,” Carter nods. Having a seat on the couch in front of Clark, glaring. That was supposed to be his chair. His daughter. His home. His family.
His wife.
His life.
His everything.
It was all stolen from him. It should have been Clark.
A/N: Yes, this will be a choose your own adventure. So who do you choose? Carter or Clark? What is the right decision? is the decision for you or your children?
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @missus-shadowsinger @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @charmed-asylum @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @mrsevans90 @slowdownbeforeyouregretit @suunnnieeeee
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crowsoundsonly · 8 months
can i join you?
pair: soft!loki x fem!reader
word count: 1.5k
summary: loki takes really good care of you on your period :')
warnings: nudity but nothing graphic! mentions of periods and period blood, ooc!loki honestly because i wanted him to be mega soft and sweet
a/n: hey guys! i wrote this a minute ago and am impulsively posting it because i am too tired to proofread it lol. it is just super self indulgent and everything i needed today so i hope it is what you need today :)
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Your day had been plagued with one unfortunate event after the other, the crowning jewel of the ugly tiara you wore being the surprise arrival of your period. You didn’t expect it for another week, and it struck with a vengeance, worse than you have experienced in years. Wanting to simply crawl in bed with your favorite book, you manage to make it through the day and to the rest you ached for.
Curled up in a ball with the lights low and book in hand, you hear footsteps and a knock on the door. You call out, “Come in!” not wanting to remove yourself from the comfortable position you finally found. The door clicks open and you throw a glance over your shoulder when the footsteps near the bed.
“Hey, love,” Loki says softly, swiftly moving to lay on his side in the empty space beside you.
You hum and smile, happy that he decided to stop by your apartment. “Hey,” you whisper back, sighing as he reaches over to stroke your cheek, obviously sensing that you are not feeling well.
“How was your day?” he asks, already knowing the answer.
“Not the best, but that’s okay. There’s always tomorrow, right?”
You find yourself often trying to hide yourself from Loki, not wanting to burden him with your mortal trivialities. He has never given you a reason to think that he does not want to hear about them, but you can’t help but feel that he would not be interested. 
At your words, he eyes you suspiciously, sensing rather acutely that you are downplaying your struggles, and asks “What happened?”
“Things were just not going my way today, that’s all. And I don’t feel very good. I,” you paused, considering telling him why. You figure that he is thousands of years old, so he is not unaware of the condition, so you finish your sentence. “I started my period.”
He sighs in sympathy, reaching out again to stroke your side. 
“Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?” he asks, continuing to run soothing fingers over your hip, slipping his fingers under your shirt to skim over your stomach. “Have you showered yet? That might help.”
You shake your head as your eyes fall closed at the feeling of his cool knuckles brushing below your navel. He leans in to kiss you softly as he continues to massage your stomach gently before pulling away and grabbing the book from your hands. “Come on,” he says, linking his fingers in yours, tugging you off of the bed and into the bathroom. 
“Can I join you?” his voice comes out more tender than you have ever heard it. All the bite in his voice seeps away when he talks to you, a low and gentle tone replacing it.
You consider his words. It won’t be the first time he has seen you naked, but you feel gross and bloated. But, you think about his fingers in your hair, massaging your body as the warm water patters over your shoulders which outweighs your thoughts of apprehension.
“Please,” you nod.
Loki smiles at your response and begins helping you get undressed. Grabbing the hem of your shirt, he pulls it over your head, dropping it to the floor beside you. Nothing about this feels sexual, but everything about this feels intimate. He is not rushed at all, seemingly enjoying comforting you in the best way he knows how at the moment. He helps you unhook your bra as you start shimmying out of the pajama pants you had thrown on as soon as you stepped through the door of your apartment. 
You move to turn on the water in the shower, leaving your panties on until you are ready to hop in, not keen on having blood drip down your legs and over the floor in front of your boyfriend. You can hear him removing his own clothing behind you. When he finishes, he hugs you from behind, tucking his nose into the crook of your neck as you wait for the water to heat up. With every touch, he can feel you relax into him.
When you deem the water ready, you slip out of your panties and into the spray of the water, Loki trailing in behind you. You moan at the feeling of the warm water hitting your skin, and you can hear Loki chuckle at the sound. Cheeks heating, you turn to have your back to him, facing the shower of water. 
“Sorry, love. I’m not laughing at you,” Loki says as he reaches for the shampoo, “I love seeing you happy and feeling better.”
With shampoo lathered between his palms, he reaches into your hair, massaging his way over your scalp, fingernails scratching ever so slightly. Another moan falls from your lips at the sensation. You whisper his name, almost reverently, your mind thinking of nothing but the feeling of his hands on you. He guides you to turn around and rinse out your hair under the water, his hands helping the suds rinse out. Your hands find his torso, your grasp on him rooting you to reality.
Loki continues to gently and carefully wash your hair before grabbing the bar of soap, lathering it between his hands. His hands glide over your back, tracing your spine to the small of your back, massaging there for a moment. You brace yourself against the wall of the shower, your head falling against the tile. His hands push their way over your shoulders and down your arms before tugging you to turn around. He lathers more soap in his palms and smooths his hands over your chest, thumbs flicking over your sensitive breasts, causing you to arch into him ever so slightly. 
At this, he leans in for a chaste kiss, pouring his tenderness into it, expressing how much he loves you in such a simple action. Loki breaks away to kneel in front of you, placing a soft kiss to your hip, skimming his palms over your stomach. He lathers more soap then sweeps his hands down your legs, rinsing away the pink trails on the inside of your thighs. 
You marvel at his willingness to take care of you so keenly, not bothered by the blood, by the way your body has changed because of your period, or your lack of desire for intimacy in the way you normally express it. He seems completely content in attending to you without any hint of want of anything in return.
When he is finished, he stands again, finding your lips, enjoying the sigh you let out when he does. You weave your hands into his hair, intending to do the same thing to him what he just did to you. Loki, suspecting this, stills your hands with his own, whispering, “It’s okay. This was just for you. Let’s get out and get you back in bed.”
His words cause tears to well in your eyes, his tenderness and your hormones getting the better of your emotions. He kisses your cheek then steps out of the shower, reaching for the towels in the cupboard. 
“Loki, I forgot to get a new set of underwear,” you say as he wraps you up in the towel. “I don’t want to drip on the carpet.”
“Of course, sweetheart,” he says before padding away to fetch you clean panties. He returns with your most comfortable pair and fresh pajamas, practically reading your mind.
“How did you know this is my period pair?” you ask with a laugh in your voice, holding up the underwear, too comfortable at this point to care about sounding ridiculous. He did just spend the last twenty minutes tenderly attending to you in the shower, so you think that you have unlocked a new level in your relationship.
“I pay attention, you know,” he replies slyly, “I’ll let you finish up.” With that he leaves the bathroom, closing the door. You sigh, already feeling leagues better than you did an hour ago. You wonder how you are so lucky as to be allowed to see this side of Loki which is so gentle, kind, and attentive. 
When you are ready, you go to lay back down in bed, finding Loki already dressed and waiting for you beneath the covers. You tuck yourself into his side and wrap around his torso, hooking a leg over his. 
“Thank you,” you whisper into his neck.
“You’re welcome, love. Anything for you” Loki hums, pulling you closer while reaching to grab your favorite book from your nightstand. He flips it open to the bookmarked page, and begins reading aloud. You close your eyes, enjoying the sound of his voice, and before long, you are fast asleep in his arms. 
a/n: thanks so much for reading! let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!! check out MY SLEEPOVER going on right now !!
taglist: @buttercupcookies-blog, @kats72, @mischief-dream, @iamlokisgloriouspurpose
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mac-and-thefox · 8 months
Some soft regressed ghoul comfort for @sphylor. This is my first time attempting writing regression, I hope its okay 💙
Aether and Swiss caring for a regressed Dew and Mountain during a thunderstorm, a little bit of angst but mostly comfort.
CW: fear of storms, regressed ghouls, non-verbal regression
Comforts of Home
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A clap of thunder rang through Aether's room and woke him with a start. The sky was dark, with huge, roiling clouds overtaking the sky. A cold wind blew through the room, bringing the damp promise of an autumn storm with it.
A sudden flash of lightning, followed by another massive jolt of thunder filled Aether's senses as the old stone building shook under the wrath of the storm. The smell of Ozone filled his nose.
Aether removed the book laying face down on his chest and glanced at the clock. Just past 4:30 in the afternoon. He must have dozed off while reading. He swung his legs off the bed and made his way to the window to close it.
As the latch clicked shut and the sound of howling wind muted, Aether's ears twitched at a distressed, high pitch whine coming from down the hallway. His tail tensed, coiling up tight as the smell of charred wood filtered into the room.
More thunder boomed through the abbey, followed by another frightened cry, this time accompanied by the distressed scent of mildew and wood rot.
Aether padded to the door and stepped out into the hallway. The two distinct scents were stronger there, as were the cries and whines. His ears drooped against his head at the sound; he needed to check on Dewdrop, as he knew the fire ghoul could regress quite small when frightened, especially at a time like this. As he made his way down the hallway, a door opened and Swiss poked his head out.
“I’m going to check on Dew,” Aether said, wincing at the booming crash of more thunder.
Swiss nodded and walked in the direction Aether had come from, slipping through the door with the distinct earth symbol.
Aether stood in front of Dew’s door and knocked quietly.
“Dew? Are you alright?”
He was met with a whine and an overwhelming wall of distress and charred wood.
Aether opened the door softly and stepped inside. The room was dark and cold, the fire in the hearth burned out. A flash of lightning cracked across the sky, illuminating the room and revealing a small, shaking figure curled up in a ball on the floor.
Aether approached the ball slowly to see Dew cowering on the carpet, curled around a teddy bear that was almost the same size as him.
“Hi Bug, everything is gonna be okay. Can I come closer?” Aether spoke softly, crouching slowly down to Dew’s level.
Dew hesitantly unwound himself from the teddy bear, peering at Aether with big, wet eyes. His lower lip quivered and he whimpered quietly as he reached out for Aether, making little grabby hands in his direction.
Aether scooched over to him, sitting on the floor next to the fire ghoul and leaning up against the bed.
Dew crawled into his lap, tucking his head under Aether’s chin and curling up against his chest.
Aether rubbed Dew’s back in small circles, humming and purring softly.
Another peal of thunder caused Dew to jump and curl further into himself, whining quietly, clapping his hands over his ears and burying his head into Aether’s chest, eyes screwed tightly shut.
“Aef…m’scared…is to’loud..”
Dew was too small to understand what was happening. He couldn’t understand that he was still safe, despite the storm raging outside the window.
Aether brought a hand to Dew’s head, running his fingers through his hair and massaging his scalp, holding the fire ghoul close to him.
“Oh love, I’m not going to let anything happen to you. You are safe and warm right here in my arms.”
Dew looked up at him through wet lashes, sniffling. His tail curled around his own arm and Dew rubbed his cheek against the spade in an attempt at self-soothing.
“Don’ like da t’under…fell outa bed. Arm is ouchie…”
Aether took Dew’s slender arm in his hand, examining it. It was nothing more than a bruised elbow, but Aether let his quintessence gently reach out and wick away the soreness. He gave the offending elbow a soft kiss to seal the deal.
“There we go, Bug. All better now, hmm?”
Dew nodded into Aether’s chest, suckling softly on the spade that had wandered its way into his mouth.
Aether held Dew close to his chest, rocking the little ghoul slowly back and forth, purring in his chest. He placed a finger under Dew’s chin, lifting his head gently to look at him.
“Tell you what, Bug, why don’t we go down the hallway and join Swiss and Mounty, hmm? We can all snuggle together in Mounty’s big bed. Would you like that?”
Dew nodded, eyes still big, but shaking subsided.
“Uhuhh...wanna be with Swissy an’ Mounty..can we, pwetty p’ease?” He mumbled around the spade in his mouth.
Aether leaned in and gave the fire ghoul a kiss on the forehead.
“Of course, love. Hold on tight, okay?”
Aether stood slowly, allowing Dew to wrap himself around Aether’s torso koala style. Dew laid his head on Aether’s shoulder, still suckling quietly on his tail as the two made their way down the hallway and into Mountain’s room.
The room was awash with the glow from the fire lit in the hearth. They found the two ghouls in Mountain’s bed. The Earth giant was curled up with his head on Swiss’ chest while the Multi ghoul held him close, singing a song quietly in Spanish. Their heads turned towards the sound of Aether and Dew entering the room.
Mountain, seeing Dew cradled in Aether’s arms, squeaked out a sad whine and reached out towards him, eyes big and a little spacey.
Aether set Dew gently on the bed. The little ghoul crawled over to Mountain, curling up together with him. The two rubbed noses, bumping horns together softly before burrowing underneath the warm soft furs, chirping quietly to each other.
Aether laid down on the other side of them, looking over at Swiss.
“He’s still non-verbal. This storm really scared him bad,” Swiss whispered, not wanting to disturb the two ghouls curled around each other between him and Aether.
Aether nodded, looking out the window at the courtyard below. The branches on the trees were being shaken every which way, leaves scattering everywhere as the wind howled on.
Another jolt of lightning, followed by the subsequent boom sent Mountain and Dew deep under the covers, whimpering out small mewls and cries as the shaking recommenced.
Aether rose from the bed and walked to the window, closing the heavy drapes, muffling the sound and hiding the flashes of light outside.
Swiss leaned over and slowly uncovered the two. Mountain and Dew peered up at him, tears in their eyes. Mountain whimpered, lower lip quivering.
“Swissy…make da soun’ stop… is scary..” Dew cried, trying to burrow under Mountain’s arm as the two tried to curl as close to each other as possible.
Aether laid back down next to Dew. He and Swiss exchanged looks and silent words before scooching in as close as they could to the two frightened ghouls in the middle. They wrapped their arms and tails around the two, providing a grounding touch as they began purring deep in their chests.
Swiss rubbed Mountain’s back, channeling some of his fire into the now formed pile, warming the group in an effort at comfort.
“I know these sounds and flashes are scary, I'm so sorry, my loves. You and Mounty are being such brave ghouls right now. We are so proud of you.”
Aether leaned in and gave Dew a kiss to the back of his head.
“We can stay here and cuddle as long as you two like. We don’t have to go anywhere or do anything that you don’t want to.”
Dew turned into Aether’s arms, nuzzling under his chin. Aether’s arms were always the safest place in the world to him. Even though he was little, and even though he was scared, he knew that Aether would always protect him no matter what.
Swiss drew Mountain back against his chest, holding the earth ghoul gently in his embrace.
“We would never let anything happen to you, Sapling,” he murmured into Mountain’s chestnut waves.
Mountain wound his tail around Swiss’ hand, snuffling with the beginnings of a tentative purr as he burrowed deeper into Swiss’ arms, closing his eyes.
They laid that way for a time, taking comfort in each other's warmth and presence. Slowly, the distressed smell of charred wood and mildew was replaced with warm cinnamon apples and dewey pine.
A gurgle rose up from the middle of the pile. Dew raised his head, a slight frown on his small face.
“Aef…me an Moun’y are gettin’ kinda hungwy..”
Mountain peaked over Dew’s shoulder, nodding with a slight chirp.
Aether smiled, sitting up slightly.
“Are my two ghouls hungry? I can hear your rumbly bellies from over here,”
Dew ducked his head and giggled as Aether gave him a nuzzle on his cheek.
Mountain touched Dew softly on the arm, chittering quietly into his ear before snuggling back into Swiss’ protective embrace.
“Moun’y saids he wan’s some’a dat soup dat Cum’lus made,” Dew declared as Mountain nodded solemnly over his shoulder in agreement.
“Da soup wiv…wiv…duno the word Aef,”
Aether tilted his head, smiling softly at the two ghouls in the middle of the pile.
“You mean the….Butternut Squash soup?”
Dew’s eyes light up in recognition.
“Yeah! Dat soup,”
Aether pulled the covers back and climbed out of Mountain’s bed. He stood, facing the three remaining ghouls before putting his hands on his hips and scowling slightly in mock seriousness.
“Okay you two, I will go get us some dinner. We can eat in here, but you have to promise to be very careful. No spills, okay?”
He was met with enthusiastic nods and chirps. Swiss grinned from behind the two Littles.
“I’ve got the two terrors, go forth and bring us sustenance, Aeth.”
“Not terrors, Swissy!! We’re good ghouls, righ’ Moun’y?”
Aether closed the door softly, trying like hell to conceal his laughter as Dew squawked his indignation at the Multi ghoul.
He made his way to the kitchen, loading up a tray with four bowls of the rich, spiced soup, along with four slices of warm, home-baked bread.
Upon his return to Mountain’s room, Aether was met with a sight that melted his heart. Mountain and Dew were wrapped up in each other’s arms, fast asleep. Their tails twined together and they rubbed their horns together in their slumber as they snuffled softly. Their faces finally smooth and peaceful, awash with the warm glow from the fire.
Swiss looked up from his phone at the sound of Aether quietly clicking the door shut.
“They zonked out while you were gone. I say we let them sleep, they both need the rest.”
Aether placed the tray on Mountain’s desk and climbed back into bed behind the lightly snoring fire ghoul, snuggling in close as Swiss settled back in behind Mountain.
It was still early, dinner could wait.
@ghuleh-recs @jimothybarnes @dewedup @rainyhoursinhell @jesusbutbetterrr @littlemoon-beam
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yanderenightmare · 1 year
Can we get incel shiggy hating himself for actually (deep down) feeling soft for his darling and taking it out on her?
Shigaraki Tomura
TW: NSFW, yandere, abuse, incel misogyny, mean shiggy
fem reader
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You cry and shield yourself, crawling into the darkest corner of the room. "Please-" You plead – a small shaking hand held up in the slimmest and weakest of efforts – and sadly, all you could to protect yourself.
Your whimpers are never-ending and act like a drill to the heart and everything else soft inside of him – churning his guts and splitting his mind.
He growls. "Shut up-" Grabbing you by the hair and hauling you up and out of your curled state.
"Please, Tomura, please- I'll be good, I promise-" You cry, trying to shelter yourself though without pushing him away – scared to have your wrist snapped in punishment.
"Keep my fucking name out of your mouth." He hisses, sparing you and your silly pleas no mercy when throwing you down on the mattress – stomach and face first.
"I'm sorry-" You feel your heart jump to your throat, knowing and dreading what is to come but only allowing yourself to twist the sheets in curled, trembling fists in spite of it – cowering as his hand comes down on the back of your head again, keeping you bowed and down, with your hair tugged between his fingers.
He doesn't want to look at your face and therefore shoves it into the pillow instead - feeling the tremors of your cries hitch against his palm. Flashes of your teary eyes haunt him either way, and he growls again, tearing the boxers you'd put on down to your thighs before scoffing – using his quirk instead he lets the dust filter down your legs to settle neatly on the floor.
"I told you to stop stealing my shit-" He repeats, putting a hand down flat on your back – watching the ashes of his shirt reveal your pretty skin.
You start sobbing, then – doing little else. Naked and shivering, you flinch beneath his touch while he kicks your legs apart. Obeying without a word, you spread them wider – offering that which you know he’s going to take like the night before – hoping your willingness is enough to soothe him.
It isn’t. The hand in your hair shoves you down harder until it becomes hard to breathe, and soon you start struggling again. You guess he likes that, to see you try and fail. He shoves inside you when you’re like that – his own spit doing little to ease the stretch and pain, and you scream despite having no air left to make a sound.
He lets up after a while – allowing you to gulp to smoothen the ache in your lungs while he fucks you raw. He leans over and yanks your head back – rasping at your ear. “Feel that, whore?” Your head burns listening to his dry chuckles, your heart tearing itself apart with disbelief that something so cruel can exist. “That’s your cunt going sloppy wet for me.” 
He shoves in deep and hard, too quick to let you adjust – and the attack makes you jolt and choke on pained moans. 
He scoffs. “You act like you’re not a dirty slut, but cum doesn’t lie. So when I feel you soak me like this- tch- I know for a fact you love it.” He seethes, pulling on your locks some more and trying to angle a little sharper against your womb – enough to make you whine out another pained sob. “You’re nothing but a filthy cumrag… You should be happy I even bother with you.”
He yanks you down on the floor after some time - his other hand gripping his dick in hurried tugs that squelch in the sticky mess of what wetness he’s pounded out of you. 
You keep your eyes closed and await the blow, charting his sounds until he releases that final heavy moan – and soon after, you feel the spiteful warmth from his balls spritz all over your face. You barely flinch.
He pants heavily before letting go of your hair – and still, you don't move.
You just open your eyes again, and he watches them tremble with tears – big and shiny, as you kneel beneath him – your breaths cracked and uneven while you nibble some on your bottom lip. "Thank you." You sniffle, voice thin and softly beaten.
And there goes another sting to his heart, and he scoffs at the bitter aftertaste it leaves in his throat. "Shut up." His hand grabs your face, squishing bloated cheeks tight to make you pout, and you squeeze your eyes shut and let out another whimper. "You don't talk unless I say so. You don't do anything unless I say so-"
Your soft hands brace themselves against his knees gently with shivers, and he feels the immediate urge to kick you away from him – but stops himself.
He watches his cum drip along your tears – upon your cheeks and lips, and the sight leaves him feeling deeply unsettled – the sight of your little face in his big hand and how he barely has one pinky raised to keep it that way.
He wonders if he should set the digit down and put you both out of your misery.
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kiribakuhoe20 · 9 months
In Sickness and In Health
Warning: Sickness and throwing up and just the boys being super cute, this is also my first time writing for them so go easy. Happy Reading!!
Being sick sucks, but being sick and not being able to sleep, and being stuck in the middle of your two giant pro-hero boyfriends, who could heat a house, even worse. You knew you were getting sick, you had a gut feeling and you had been feeling off before going to be. Laying completely still on your back was the only way you were finding comfort, until Kiri pulled you closer to him, which made you move. Gently and as quick as you could without disturbing him you removed his arm from you. Thankfully your explosive boyfriend took this time to turn over into your space and moved closer to your gentle giant of a boyfriend. Kiri latched onto Bakugou, pulling him close to your chest.
Making quick steps you run to the bathroom, you lurch forward falling to your knees throwing up everything you had to eat yesterday. Trying to be as quiet as you could so your two over protective boyfriends wouldn't wake up, they had patrol early today, and it was 2 am, they needed to sleep, not be sitting up with you since you didn’t feel well.
You don’t know how long you had been sitting there, but it felt like forever, throwing up sucked but every time you went up to go back to bed, it started all over again, and your stomach burned. The last time that you felt like this, you scared the living daylights out of the guys you had written it off as your period coming but it wasnt that, Katsuki was a second away from taking you to the hospital but you had finally gone to sleep.
Laying on the cool bathroom tile, helped the heat your face was producing. You shivered due to only wearing one of the boys shirts and your underwear. Maybe you shouldn't have left their warmth cause now the chills you were experiencing were making your teeth chatter. Sitting up ever so slowly you slowly crawled to the walk in shower that was thankfully big enough for all three of you guys. Sitting up on your knees you reach for the shower knob and turn the water on, turning it to the hottest setting you knew you could bare, not bothering to take off your clothes or put up your hair you just curl into yourself and lay under the cold water waiting for it to warm up.
After a few minutes the water is perfect, heating your skin and taking the chill away with it, you start to relax a bit letting the warmth run down your body, letting the shirt cling to you. You close your eyes, dozing off, under the hot water.
Kiri snuggles into who he believes is you until he wakes up a bit more, rubbing his hand down bakugo’s back he opens his eyes, to be met with suki’s blonde spikey hair and not yours. He leans on his elbow to look over Katsuki to see if you're still in bed, and maybe just goes too hot, only to see it empty. Kiri feels a bit of panic because you're not in bed, and it's almost 4 am. He hears the shower going, maybe you couldn't sleep and started your day early, no clue why you would do that when today is your day off but he wasn’t one to judge. 
Kiri shakes Katsuki, knowing the blonde he knew he was going to be grumpy cause this man is particular about his sleep. “Babe…..Babe ... .Babe,” he gently asked the sleeping grump, who groaned and pushed himself away from Kiri, mumbling to stop talking or something of that nature. Kiri knew there was no hope of waking him up so he gently pulled the covers back and covered Katsuki back up and rubbed his eyes, making his way to the dim lit bathroom, to see if you were okay. What he was expecting was you washing your hair or shaving your legs through the steamed glass, what he wasn’t expecting was you on the floor curled into a ball clothed while water sprayed you. Kiri’s heart dropped, he yelled for Bakugo, and turned on the light and ran to the shower, sliding the door open. He turned the water that was starting to get cold off and dropped to his knees to check your pulse.
Bakugo, who was trying to go back to sleep, heard his boyfriend yell, panic laced in his voice and jumped out of bed running, into the bathroom, ready to blast an intruder. His heart sank further into his stomach seeing Kiri check for a pulse. 
“Move dumbass, you're doing it wrong,” Katsuki said while dropping to his knees and moving your hair to the side. You stir, eyes opening, the lack of heat, and being moved around making your stomach knot up which makes your eyes widen at your two boyfriends who tower over you stare glares softening. You push Katsuki to the side and launch forward, Kiri tries to catch you wrapping a hand around your waist but you wiggle free, before throwing up more heaving then anything since you have nothing left in your stomach.
Katsuki’s hands made their way to your hair and made a makeshift ponytail and he rubbed soothing circles into your back. Kiri had gotten up having a weak stomach but still wanting to help went to grab some water from the kitchen and some crackers he knew they had since he had been sick a few weeks ago. 
Your eyes well with tears, from dry heaving into the toilet, the soothing voice of your boyfriend, telling you it's gonna be okay, not helping the embarrassment of being found sleeping in the shower and now throwing up in front of them. Having been with them for a few years and only just living with them for a few months now. 
“I’m sorry,” you say while sitting on your butt, and flushing the toilet.
“Why are you sorry, baby you are sick, nothing to be sorry about, I wish you woke one of us up though, you could have drowned if you stayed in there longer,” Katsuki said while grabbing the mouthwash for you to swish in your mouth.
“I didn’t want to bother either of you, I know you guys have an early day today with patrols” you say while taking a big mouthful of mouthwash only for it to trigger your gag reflex and you to spit it up in the toilet and start dry heaving again. Katsuki moves to hold your hair again and curses to himself for not telling you to take a small bit of the mouthwash.
Kiri comes back wincing at hearing you throw up. He waits until you’re done and steps into the bathroom with the water bottle and crackers. He takes the hair tie he keeps on his wrist for his and your hair, and hands it to Kats to put your hair up. 
Katsuki does his best to pull your hair back out of your face. Kiri opens the water and hands it to Katsuki. Holding it to your lips and reminding you to take small sips. Taking small sips of the cold water helps your sore throat. You decline the crackers and slowly move to get on your knees, Kiri leans forward thinking you are gonna get up but you start to crawl toward the door.
“What the fuck are you doing baby,” Katsuki says with a hint of chuckle in his voice.
“I’m afraid to get up, if I move too much I want to throw up, so I'm gonna crawl to the bed and steal the blanket and lay on the floor,” you say while crawling between Kiri’s legs and slowly making your way to the bed.
The boys just stare at your wet shirt and hair crawling into the bedroom, Katsuki gets up and walks in behind you walking over to the dresser to grab you one of Kiri’s shirts and a pair of his boxers. Kiri who had bent down and scooped you up as slowly and gently as he could put you on the bed and lifted the wet shirt off of you, and Katsuki had put on the fresh one and helped you out of your wet underwear. You cringe knowing you look rough, but accepting the help. Kiri took your wet clothes into the bathroom to let them hang dry and grabbed a towel to help dry your hair a bit, so you didnt soak your pillow with your hair.
Katsuki puts a hand on your forehead checking your temperature and moves his hand to your neck, before reaching over to the bedside table to grab the thermometer that had been there since Kiri was sick a few weeks ago and he had a fever so they kept it there for easier access. He turns it on and pops it in your mouth, before you could protest. Kiri, who had tried to dry your hair the best he could without moving you too much, got off the bed and threw the towel into the somewhat full hamper. He made a note that he needed to do laundry today, he walked back to his side of the bed and reached for his phone to call the guy's agency to let them know they were taking a personal day but you had started to protest. Katsuki was growling for you to keep your mouth shut while waiting to see your temperature. The device beeping to display red and it saying 38.8C (102 F)
“That's not good baby, we need to get you some more fluids and medicine into you to help calm this fever”, Katsuki said while going to the bathroom to disinfect the thermometer. Kiri had a look of concern when he heard Katsuki mutter 38.8 under his breath. You knew 38.8 was high but you normally ran high fevers when you were sick. The boys really had only seen you sick once the other times you had hidden it well cause you can be kinda mean when you were sick and clingy and you didn't want to burden them with it. 
“Kiri, don't call out of work just because I'm sick, I'll be fine, I can take some night medicine and sleep all day” you protest but he glares at you. You stop your protests quick and just groan when a wave of dizziness waves through you and your vision goes spotty, and you start to lean forward almost going head first off the bed, thankfully Kiri wrapped an arm around your shoulders trying to not move you to fast or to much, he helped you scoot toward the headboard to lean against.
“Pebble you are sick and we are going to take care of you, just like you have taken care of us when we have been sick,” Kiri says softly and petting the top of your head, feeling the warmth for himself. He finally gets an overnight sidekick on the phone and turns around so he can let them know they aren't coming today and maybe tomorrow, letting them know that they can forward anything to their emails so they can still get some work done.
Katsuki comes back into the room and walks over covering you with a blanket and puts the small trash can from the bathroom on the nightstand next to the bed and the water bottle you had only had a quarter of. He kisses the top of your head and heads out of the bedroom, mumbling about leftover soup. Kiri takes the opportunity and slides into bed next to you slowly and helps you lay down and lays you on his chest while running his hands over your arms, neck and face, leaving a trail of goosebumps and making you shiver. 
“I’m sorry, I'm causing you guys to miss work and sleep,” you mumble weakly as sleep seems to be slowly creeping in on you. You nestle into Kiri’s side and inhale his scent, having it calm you.
“Hey you are one of the loves of my life, pebble and someday i'm gonna put a ring on that finger, hopefully real soon and when we get married the vows we will take say in sickness and in health, I don't care what it is, I want to take care of you. I want to be there for you and help support you, even if you throwing up may lead to me throwing up with you, we can hold each other's hair,” he smirks at the last part while looking down at you and leaning down to kiss the top of your head. 
“Yeah so stop being such a stubborn brat and let us take care of you,” Kats says while entering the room turning off the light and scooting next to you, sitting up against the headboard. “Red what's with this I shit it's we and you better keep that mouth shut,” he threatens while petting your head and turning on the bedside lamp so it's not so bright in the room.
You smile to yourself cause little do they know you had been planning on giving them rings this coming month’s dinner date you guys try to have twice a year. You feel them both kiss the top of your head and whisper for you to get some sleep while you slowly drift off.
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kkami-writes · 10 months
Devil's Advocate  – Chapter One. cw. written in third person, other chapters will be second person unless otherwise specified wc. 1.1k (1,118)
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October 31, 2020 “Honestly, I think this is the worst idea you’ve ever had,” Hyunjin mumbles out, mostly to himself but his other members are quick to shush him and he goes back to curling himself into a ball. He wonders briefly why he was even here in the first place. 
Him, along with Jisung and Jeongin, were currently sitting in Felix’s room, surrounded by a shit ton of candles that added to the ambience but didn’t provide much light to the dark room. Hyunjin vaguely wondered where Felix had gotten his hands on this many candles, but it was the least of his worries. The two youngest were preoccupied with a ouija board that was laid on top of what he assumed was supposed to be a pentagram; their hands settled on the planchette, moving it across the board in nonsensical circles. 
It was, of course, Felix’s idea to try ‘communicating with the spirits’, seeing as it was halloween of all days and he had insisted that you were supposed to do stupid stuff like this on the spooky holiday. Everyone else had blatantly refused though, leaving just the four of them huddled on the floor. Jisung sat off to the side, a bit further than the others as he clutched a container of salt to his chest. 
‘For protection, duh,’ was his simple response when they had asked him what he brought the seasoning for. No more questions had been asked after that. 
Outside a storm raged on, rain beating loudly against the windows of the dorm, adding to the creepy atmosphere they had set for themselves. Lightning could be heard in the distance, rumbling softly. 
Hyunjin on the other hand, was just about done with his members' shenanigans. He was more than ready to call it a night and crawl into his nice warm bed that was practically calling his name. It was just about to strike midnight and nothing even remotely interesting had happened in the last ten minutes. How much longer were they gonna keep trying? 
Felix and Jeongin on the other hand were still visibly excited, the former starting to chant something in what Hyunjin supposed was to be latin, though being incredibly butchered by the deep voiced aussie. At this, he’s officially done. Hyunjin could only handle so much from them.
“You guys are crazy, I’m out,” He says with a sigh, moving to stand up and leave. 
It’s at this moment though that lightning strikes nearby, resulting in a loud echoing boom that feels like it shakes the entire dorm. All of them scream loudly, definitely waking up their neighbors (who have already filed plenty of noise complaints against the group). Jisung practically flings the salt out of his hands, effectively sprinkling it all over the carpet as he moves to cling onto Jeongin. 
The candles suddenly blow out and they’re screaming again - this time Felix launching himself into Hyunjin’s chest, the latter eagerly wrapping his arms around the lithe boy for any source of comfort. An almost eerie silence overtakes them as they sit in the darkness for a few minutes, no one daring to utter a single sound. 
“Can we be done now? I think my heart is about to give up,” It’s Jisung that breaks the silence, a slight whine to his voice as it cracks from the fear that’s stuck in his throat.
“Aw, don’t you wanna have some more fun?” A new voice pipes up, this one distinctly female and that was definitely not here before. The boys are screaming for a third time, all of them scrambling up in an attempt to get away from this intruder that sounded far too close to them. The disembodied voice laughs at their fright, the sound is light and sultry, almost borderline seductive. 
“Jeez you guys are loud. Calm down. Here, let me get the lights,” At this, all the candles flicker back to life, the boys watching with wide eyes. All four of them had ended up huddled together, pressed into the corner of the room and clinging to each other rather desperately. 
Hyunjin blinks in disbelief at the sight before him. In the middle of the room, laid on top of the makeshift pentagram and ouija board is a woman. The position she’s in is seductive, one leg fully extended and the other propped up at an angle with  a hand on her hip while the other holds her head up. Clad in black lingerie, there’s a corset wrapped around her waist that nicely accentuates her curves with a garter belt that holds up sheer thigh highs. To top everything off, her black stiletto shoes are definitely at least 3 or 4 inches and could probably kill a man. 
Hyunjin finds it rather hard to swallow down the lump in his now very dry throat. 
The thing that stands out the most are the bright red horns on top of her head, they’re slightly curved inwards and they match the eerie color of her eyes that are currently glowing and piercing through the four boys. To top everything off, she’s also got a tail, it’s pointed at the end and currently in the air, swirling around as if it was a snake hunting for its prey. 
Silence follows for a few minutes, none of the boys really know what to say, their minds coming up blank in the impossible situation before them. The girl is simply studying them closely, not bothering to move from her comfortable spot on the floor. They don’t get the chance to say anything before the door to Felix’s room is being slammed open, the other members piling in. 
“Hey, we heard you screaming? Is everything ok?” Chan asks the four boys in the corner, not even noticing the biggest problem in the middle of the room as he goes into leader mode. The other three have definitely noticed the new person in the room, who had definitely not been there before. 
“Hyung,” Minho’s nudging into Chan’s side, his eyes glued onto the half-naked girl whom his leader hasn’t even seen. 
“Oh my god what,” Chan starts as he turns towards Minho, whose gaze is somewhere else and he lets himself follow the other’s line of sight. He can’t see too well in the barely lit room so he quickly flips the light switch on.
He falters at the figure he can now clearly see, she’s still laid out on the floor, seemingly content just watching the events fold before her. But once she notices that Chan’s eyes have landed on her, she’s sending him a cheeky grin and a small wave - her sharp canines not going unnoticed by the eight. 
“Well hello there,”
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thebetawolfgirl · 7 months
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A PR Nightmare pt 2
Pairing: Timmy x Reader
Warnings: Angst with a happy, smutty ending.
A/N: @tchalamss Part two up!
A PR Nightmare pt 2
Timmy had searched everywhere, called everyone but he still couldn’t find his y/n. If was even worthy to call her that anymore.
He had no intention of going to the Met this year, he had specifically told his manager he would not go. But those fucking Jenners always find a way to twist the arms of everyone around them to do what THEY want. He had said no photos either, but it was the MET GALA. You couldn’t avoid photographers even if you tried.
Now here he was sitting in his empty bedroom unwashed and unshaven for days.
He had known the second his foot hit the last step to the front door something wasn’t right. A feeling of dread and fear washed over him like a bucket of ice water being dumped over his head when he walked into an empty and eerily quiet home, he through the house slowly, his fear and dread slowly growing when he reached the table in the hall and saw the note with the picture and her hurt words on the paper.
‘NOOOOOOO!’ He roared crushing the paper in his fist stormed up the stairs to the bedroom and found only his belonging in the wardrobe and drawers.
He nearly tore the house apart looking for y/n hoping she was hiding somewhere in the house to punish him. He grabbed his phone and with shaking hands called everyone he knew asking if they had heard from her or where she could have gone.
That was three days ago. After going through every contact on the phone book, talking to everyone, even getting his entire management to search for her, he came up with nothing.
He crawled into their shared bed, curled up under the sheets with her picture and waited to rot or die.
He ignored his phone and on the second day when Kylie came to see him he told her to fuck off that this was all her fault and she ruined his life!
After telling her he would kill her if she or her family came near him again he slammed the door in her terrified face and crawled over to the sofa and curled up in to a ball.
He honestly didn’t know how he ended up in the bed. But he woke up after a week hearing the bath water running and home cooking. He lifted his head squinting at the open curtains and groans covering his head with the covers, when he heard a small voice of an angel.
‘You’re awake, finally.’
He shot up like a bolt and felt his head spinning before he lifted himself off the bed and onto the floor forgetting he hadn’t eaten a thing in a week and a half, but found the strength to crawl over to her and wrap his arms around her ankles whimpering and clinging to her.
She pushed his hair back helping him to stand unevenly on his feet, as he moved his arms to hold her waist and let his head fall tiredly against her shoulder and began mumbling incoherently while sobbing.
‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.’
‘Shhh, it’s okay. I’m home now.’ She whispered to him holding his head up making him look at her.
‘I should never have left you the way I did. Mark contacted me and explained everything, how you completely ignored her the entire night. How you only talked about me. When you did talk of course.’ She smiled at him running her thumb over his cheek as he swayed against her.
‘Now we’re going to get you into the bath and get you washed and in fresh pyjamas, then we’re gonna get some food. You haven’t eaten in a week, so we need to build your strength up again.’
He nodded, more awake now ‘I’m sorry.’ He croaked his voice raw from lack of use.
She pecked his nose nodding
‘Me too, I should’ve stayed and let you explain everything.’
She helped him into the bathroom and washed his hair gently untangling his curls, smiling when he moaned closing his eyes, then she helped him get dressed.
They spent the next few days rebuilding his strength back to as it was.
During that time they talked about everything, with Timmy deciding to terminate the contract with Kylie Jenner. When y/n began to protest he shook his head ‘I can’t lose you again, y/n. I can’t. That was the worse time in my life. I can’t do it again. I know my priorities now, it’s you!’
She nodded and leaned forward to peck his lips when he pulled her against him to deepen the kiss. She tried to pull away ‘Timmy, we should wait until you’re stronger-‘
He silenced her by pushing his tongue passed her lips and deepening the kiss pulling her against him. She climbed onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his shoulders kissing him more intensely.
Timmy flipped them over pinning her beneath him and began to undress her, she pulled his T-shirt over his head messing his curls up and smiled pulling him down for another kiss.
He removed her blouse and tossed it aside and made quick work of their jeans and underwear.
She sat up with him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as he lifted her up before lowering her down on him, he wrapped his arms around her waist and rocked with her at a steady pace as he kissed up her shoulder and neck.
She tugged on his curls gently pulling his head back and kissed and nipped his neck causing him to groan from the back of his throat, he held her tighter against him thrusting into her faster and her harder until they both came hard clinging to each other and he lay her back against the pillows trying to catch their breaths he kissed and nipped up her chest before meeting her lips in a long lasting kiss before resting his head on her shoulder burying his face in her neck.
She breathed heavily running her fingers through his damp hair and down his back gently then up again as he closed his eyes falling asleep to the sound of her heartbeat.
They had many obstacles ahead of them, but if they could get through the Jenners they would survive anything.
Whatever came next, they were ready for it.
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saintsugu · 2 years
Daddy’s Girl.
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pairing: ran haitani x fem!reader
contents: daddy kink, possessiveness, jealousy, oral sex (f), teasing, ran kinda views you as property, overstimulation, mentions of him owning you, unestablished relationship, unprotected sex, creampie, violence, implied murder / assault
word count: 2.8 k
author’s note: first re-upload on here !<3
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The phone rings once—twice, before the man on the other line answers. 
“Why are you calling so soon, doll?” His cocky tone is quickly cut off by the sound of you sniffling. “Doll, what happened?”
It’s been close to a month since he’s heard from you. You started seeing someone else and decided to break off contact for the time being. He didn’t put up much of a fight, because he knew that it was only temporary; knew that in the end, you’d come crawling back to him like you always do. 
“He left, he broke up with me.” You sound weak, but he can tell that you’re trying your best to stay strong while on the phone with him. 
Ran can feel his teeth grind as he immediately grabs his keys. The thought of someone—some lowlife, jackoff doing this to you, makes him seethe with rage. 
“Can you…can you come over?” You timidly ask. 
“I’m already on my way, pretty,” he states as his car starts, engine roaring as he opens the garage. 
He can still remember the way his blood boiled when you told him that you started seeing someone. Besides the obvious jealousy, he genuinely didn’t have a good feeling about this guy. He told you his thoughts on the matter, but you marked it off as him not wanting to let you go. 
There wasn’t really much he could do or say, considering you were just fuck buddies and nothing more. But in the end, you’re calling him in tears and once again, he’s proven right. 
The streets are barren since you called him so late at night, and he’s able to make it to your place in under ten minutes. He rushes up the stairs and uses his spare key to unlock the door; one that you don’t even know he has. 
“Ran?” Your voice is shaking as you speak and he despises the sight in front of him. 
You’re curled up on your floor, knees to your chest and used tissues are balled up on the carpet surrounding you. Face red and eyes puffy as you sniffle.
“The door was unlocked,” he lies, making his way to you. “C’mere, baby.” He scoops you into his arms, letting you grab onto his neck and wrap your legs around his waist as he carries you to your bedroom. 
He sits on the edge of the bed with you still placed in his lap. He leans back, motioning for you to do the same, and from this position, he wipes away strands of your hair to look at your face. 
Your beautiful face, that should only look like this because of him. You should only be crying if it’s because he’s fucking you too well; because he’s pushing past all of your soft limits and making you cum more times than you thought possible. You should only ever be crying because of him, not some two-bit piece of shit. 
“Why are you crying, sweetie?” He coos, gently caressing your cheek. 
“He used me,” you sniffle. “Just like you fucking said he would.” 
He doesn’t say anything, probably hoping to coax you into continuing; spoiler alert, it works.
“Said he only…” you’re still having post-crying hiccups as you struggle to regulate your breathing. “He only used me for my body.”
Suddenly, Ran sees red. This dick that he allowed you to see, was using you for Ran’s body? That doesn't fly for him. You’re his, and his only. He’s gonna make you see that. 
“Listen to me, doll,” he whispers, tilting your head up so that you can look him in the eye. “I’m gonna make you forget all about him, okay? That sound good to you?”
You nod, still taking short breaths in as you sniffle. You let him set you on the mattress, laying down flat on your back. Even if you didn’t realize it at the time, this is exactly why you called him earlier. 
“Don’t gotta do a thing. Just let your daddy take care of you, yeah?”
His lips find your neck and he already knows what spot he needs to focus on. As soon as he starts to suck a bruise onto the flesh, you let out a soft moan. It’s been a month since you’ve slept with him, which also means it’s been a month since you’ve been properly taken care of. 
Ran knows you better than you know yourself. He knows every single thing that makes you tick, no matter how big or small it may be. 
His hand slips under your shirt and since you’re conveniently not wearing a bra, he easily starts to palm your tit. 
“Ran,” you whine.
“Patience.” He silences you with a single word. “Let me take my time with you.”
You whine and buck your hips against him, but you don’t dare defy him; you’ve learned your lesson from the multiple times he’s made you get off on his thigh in the past. 
He leaves a line of kisses down your sternum, sucking marks as he goes. He needs to cover every inch of your skin in him, needs to get rid of any sign of your shitty ex. 
“You’re so wet, and I haven’t even done anything,” he muses as his finger slips under the band of your panties. “Poor baby, did he not take good care of you?”
You shake your head no, hoping that it’ll spur him on to do something. Ran’s always been very competitive in the end. 
“Don’t worry,” he presses a kiss on your lower stomach, right above the top of your shorts. “Daddy’s here, now.”
As he pulls your shorts and panties down in one fell swoop, you quickly shut your legs because of the cold and bitter air, but no, Ran’s not taking that. 
“Thought you were gonna be good for me. Thought you were gonna listen to daddy,” he hums, prying your legs open again. “Daddy never said to shut your legs.”
“I’m sorry…”
“‘Sorry’, what?” He sucks on the inside of your thigh, waiting for you to answer before giving you what you crave so badly. 
It takes you a moment, probably too embarrassed to say it right away, but you come around and utter the words, “I’m sorry, daddy.”
He pulls away from the skin with a pop, and smirks at you. “That’s my girl.”
It’s the last thing he says, before his tongue is on you. He licks your clit until it’s puffy enough for him to suck it into his mouth. You squirm and whine in his grasp, but he keeps his forearm crossed over your waist to prevent you from moving too much.
“Ran,” he lightly slaps your thigh, making your whole body jolt before you correct yourself. “Daddy, I,”
“What is it, pretty girl?” He returns to licking your clit, occasionally slipping his tongue into your clenching cunt just to hear you moan. 
“W-want your cock,” you struggle to think with him stimulating you and it takes a little longer than usual for you to finish your statement. “It’s been too long, please.”
“Gotta get your ready for me, baby doll. Or did you forget my size?” He wolfishly grins. “How about this, you cum for daddy right now, and I’ll fuck you the way you want me to. Sound good?”
You’re biting down on your lower lip, trying your best to contain your moans as you shake your head in agreement. He goes back to sucking on your clit and before long, you’re coming undone on his tongue. 
He groans against you, letting his tongue dive into your hole to lick up your juices. He continues to stimulate you through your orgasm, sucking your clit raw until you tug on his hair to pull him off, whimpering about how, “‘s too much, daddy, please.”
He almost feels bad for you. You don’t realize that this is just the beginning—just the warmup. He wants you crying for him. Crying over the pleasure he’s causing you, and not the pain some no-named jackass caused. 
When he’s done with you, you won’t even remember your own name, let alone his. When he’s content, the only thought left in your dumb brain will be about your daddy and his big fucking cock. 
“Oh, sweet girl…” He sits up, towering over you as he presses a kiss to your cheek. “We’re just getting started.”
The words send chills down your back, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t excited. You watch in awe as he sheds his clothes layer by layer. You haven’t seen him like this is in too long, you almost forgot how much you missed the view. 
His tattoo is on display, the light falling on it perfectly as he undoes his belt. 
“If this wasn’t the first time in so long, I would’ve used this on you,” he hums, belt wrapped around his palm before he tosses it to the floor; the sound of metal hitting echoing through the room. 
“I can take it—” He doesn’t let you finish, simply cuts you off with a finger to your lips as he crawls onto bed. 
“Shh, daddy’s thinkin’, sweetheart. Let him decide what’s best for you, okay?” You’re looking at him with wide eyes, and your lips are sealed tight as you bob your head up and down. “So obedient,” he coos, gently petting your cheek.
He climbs off the bed, leaving you docile and vulnerable as he rids himself of his pants. He doesn’t even give you enough time to stare, before he’s dragging you to the edge of your bed by your ankles. 
He lines himself up with your entrance, a cocky smirk on his face as he asks, “You ready, sweetheart?” You know that he doesn’t even care about what your answer is, but you say yes anyways. 
Without warning, he pushes into you, sheathing himself fully inside. Your eyes are wide and your mouth opens in a silent scream. 
“So good, such a good cunt,” he murmurs, shallowly thrusting as you get used to me being inside of you. 
“Too big, too big,” you mumble, an arm thrown over your eyes as you pant. 
His lips spread into a wide smirk as he leans in to lick at your neck. “What, my baby doll wasn’t getting good cock while her daddy was away?”
“N-not like yours,” your back arches as his speed picks up. 
Even though he just started, due to your previous orgasm, he’s already starting to fuck you dumb. His hips snap against you over and over again, not giving you any sort of break or mercy. 
“Well, no worries,” he coos. “I’m here now. Y’gonna let me have you whenever, yeah?”
You nod with teary eyes, fingers entangling in his hair as you start to cry; just like he wanted you to. Your fingernails drag against his scalp and you’re gripping his hair so tight that it hurts, but after all, that’s what he likes. 
“You’re mine, sweet girl, right?” You let out a choked up moan of ‘yes’, feeling that coil in your stomach start to tighten again. “Never gonna let you leave me again.”
With a few more minutes of this, you feel you’re ready to snap, but you know better than that. You know that you can’t do a damn thing without his permission, so you start to beg. 
“Daddy, gotta cum. Need it s’bad, please.” He finds your words cute. He’s also glad that no matter how much time you spend away from him, you still know all of the rules he’s set for you. 
“So good n’ obedient.” He slows his strokes down, but makes them deeper; making sure to push as deep inside you as possible and hitting every one of your special spots. 
This is why you always run back to Ran. No matter who you find, what guy tells you they love you, no one will ever fuck you like Ran does. No one will ever be able to make you cum this much in such little time. 
“Since you’ve been so good, why don’t you cum on daddy’s cock, yeah?”
As soon as you process his words, you’re shouting his name and letting everything go. Your moans blend together as you clench down on him, tightening like a vice. He’s determined to bring you to another high before he fills you completely, but god, you’re making it hard for him. 
He doesn’t let up as you cum, his pace being as fast as you allow him with how tight you are around him. His thumb flicks over your clit, trying to bring you to your breaking point in record time as he struggles to keep his own high at bay. 
“Too much,” you moan, tears falling down your face as you look up at him, helpless and pleading. “‘s too much.”
“It’s only too much when I say it’s too much, or have you forgotten who owns you?”
“No,” you start to babble the word over and over. “You own me, daddy. I’m yours.”
“That’s what I thought,” he smirks, pressing a kiss to your cheek, before whispering, “Now, is my pussy g’nna cum for me again?”
The question breaks something inside of you and you go dumb on his cock as he brings you to your third and final orgasm of the night. This time, he cums simultaneously. You practically scream his title as he fills you; so much cum shooting inside of you that some slips out and drips onto your sheets.
As you come down from your highs and he softens, he pulls out and lays beside you. 
“Feeling good, baby doll?”
“More than,” you whisper, voice a bit hoarse. “Can you make me some tea while I take a bath?”
“Of course.” He places a kiss on your cheek before standing up. “I’ll go clean off and start the water, okay?” Your response is a weak nod as you drunkenly smile at him. 
Once he’s clean and dressed, he carries you to the bath and then heads to the kitchen. He brews your tea and pours a cup of water for you. Once everything’s done, he puts the drinks, along with a snack, on a tray and leaves it with you in the bathroom. 
He writes you a quick note, informing you that he’ll be back soon, before heading out to his car. 
It doesn’t take long for him to get an address, just a quick phone call to his brother and he’s on his way to the man’s house. While he’s parked across the street, he slips on his white gloves and grabs his gun from his glove box. 
He has a twisted grin as he crosses the street, knowing that he’s about to make his point very clear; no one touches what’s his.
You fall asleep in the bathtub after finishing your tea, so you didn’t even hear Ran leave. When you enter your room to get dressed, you read the note he left on your nightstand. 
Be back soon, baby doll. Had to take care of something for work. 
You don’t think much of the note, especially since Ran’s opening your front door when you’re slipping on an old shirt of his that he had left at your place, so he must not have been gone for too awfully long. 
“I’m gonna hop in the shower, pretty girl,” he says, walking into your bedroom covered in blood. “Do you mind washing these for me?”
“‘Course not. Just leave them on the counter, I’ll get them in a second,” you reply with a dopey grin, still elated just to see him. 
Leaving Ran was never a good idea in the first place, you knew that. But you grew tired of the same thing over and over again, so you tried to find an actual relationship, but Ran’s like a drug; you’re addicted to him, and no matter what, you’ll always make your way back to him.   
While he showers, you rinse his clothes to get the blood off, before tossing them in the washer. You’re used to him being in blood and you’ve gotten to the point that you really don’t question it anymore. You might be naive, but you’d rather be complacent and clueless than be scared of him. 
Once you’re done with everything, you lay in his arms as you fall asleep. You’ve missed being around him, more than you’ll ever admit. He’s sick and twisted, views you as his property even though he’ll never dare ask you to be his officially, but for some reason you feel at peace with him. It’s estranged and toxic, but it’s what you know, and you aren’t planning on giving it up any time soon.
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silkclan · 4 months
Silkclan’s Fall
!!TW: this post depicts and describes violence towards that of animals!!
Blissrise rested a paw on her side, “Hey it’ll be okay, I’m here for you and I’m sure everyone else is to.” Coldfur let a small smile inch its way up her face in a show of thanks.
The cold chill of night stung even harder than the first peak of day. She tried her best to curl up into a tight ball in an attempt to shield her nose from the breeze. The wind rustled the bushes outside in a light whisper through the camp. She started to wonder how the warriors must feel. Their shrub must not hold up as well as the hollowed out log that the medicine den had made its home. Soon she found her mind racing from den to den in an impossible run to imagine what every cat was dreaming of. When she had been at it for so long, she finally stood and made her way out. Crawling through a hole in the top of the log. She looked out over the shadow filled camp, the rustle of leaves persisted, and she shivered as the wind's breath flew into her face. And with it an odd scent, something she couldn’t quite reach. Narrowing her eyes she attempted to peer into the murk.
There she saw a dark shape, a dull silhouette. She opened her mouth to call out, but quickly snapped her jaw shut. The sent she picked up was not one of a Silkclan cat, it was one of Melodyclan. And whoever this MelodyClan cat was, their icy clue eyes shown only with malice.
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Before she knew it she let out a yelp, and almost in response, the horrible dark shapes and figures lunged from the undergrowth. The scent of Melodyclan cats was suddenly overpowering. The once peaceful camp, the only noise being the quiet hum of the breeze, was now alight with panic.
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She heard a yowl from the warriors den as she made out who she thought was the shape of Piperglare throwing herself into a cat who stood at the front of the den. Her claws must have raked across their pelt because she heard what must have been a loud hiss of pain from the Melodyclan cat. As her eyes adjusted it was easy to spot the red fiery coat of the cat Piperglare had already found herself deep in a vicious scuffle with. The red almost mirroring the blood that would spill this night.
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Coldfur quickly ducked herself back into the medicine den, the fear consumed her body to the point it felt as if it were the only thing in it. Her legs started to shake as her vision could only focus on the battle outside. Any knowledge she once knew of herbs vanishing in an instant. And when her clan needed her most.
On the other side of camp Cinnamonstar came rushing from his den behind high stone. His head whipped around to the chaos around him. The leader almost looked like a scared kit amongst the fighting. Any hope that their leader would know what to do crushed inside her chest, as it sunk to the pit of her stomach.
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As is this nightmare couldn’t get any worse, her fur prickles as she heard a yowl like none she’d ever heard before. And when she looked towards the noise she could only gasp with horror.
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On the ground, in a violet pool lay the body of Agatepaw. The apprentice looked so small, yet her body was splayed out. Quillfur, her father stood at her side fiercely hissing at the white and sandy colored she-cat that dealt the blow.
Quillfur was a very stoic cat, so when tears pooled in his eyes…
“STAY AWAY FROM HER” He cried, the unmistakable shake in his voice.
He bit back tears as he turned to his daughter, convulsing in pain on the hard earth floor. “You're okay.. you're gonna be okay” he mustered as he choked back sobs. Agatepaw shook as her eyes rolled to the back of her skull. The blood loss was too great. “Look at me- look at me please. I’m here Agatepaw, I’m here..”
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 7 months
Summary: Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana break into you and Adam's house.
• Adam Page x Reader •
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*Y/Ns POV*
Sitting on the edge of the bed, I am watching my husband Adam and his friends, The Young Bucks, defend their ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championships. They are getting near the end of their match and I get up to grab some pajamas to change into. They win their match and I turn the tv down not paying attention thinking that was the end of it.........
*Swerves POV*
"We're in the money, my friends. Welcome...to the Hangman Residence."
Prince Nana says walking into the house. He looks back at the door signaling for me to come inside.
"Come on in boss."
I walk inside looking around the house talking to the phone that Prince Nana is holding. I rip up one of their kids art pictures on the fridge than walk over climbing on the couch. I grab the kids book on the table.
"Time for a bedtime story."
Prince Nana says while laughing. We both hear a slight bang sound coming from one of the bedrooms in the back.
"What was that?"
Me and Prince start to walk down the hallway looking where the noise came from.
*Y/Ns POV*
I bump my hip off the nightstand knocking over my perfume bottle and the TV remote onto the floor. It makes a slight bang sound. I sigh and pick them up off the ground.
"Let's hope that didn't wake the baby."
I put them back on the nightstand not hearing the bedroom door open. All of a sudden, I feel a hand grab my neck and make me sit on the bed. I look up seeing Swerve Strickland holding onto my neck and Prince Nana holding the phone up recording what is happening. Swerve tightens his grip a little and makes me start gasping really hard.
"You better not be to loud. You might wake your baby."
He lets go of my neck and I turn over to try and crawl away from them. Swerve grabs my leg and pulls me back. He pulls out some duct tape from his pocket, throws me onto my stomach and duct tapes my wrists together. He flips me over and sits me up duct taping my mouth together. I look up at him starting to tear up hearing Brayden, me and Adam's baby boy, making noises from his room. Swerve looks at Prince Nana than grabs the phone from his hand.
"I will be right back. You watch her."
Swerve walks out of the room and I look over at the TV seeing him live on AEW going to our child's room. I try and move closer to the TV.
"Woah. Don't go to far little lady."
I look back at him with tears in my eyes than back at the TV. Swerve is in Braydens room talking to him as I am crying more watching this go on. I try and stand up but Prince Nana pushes me back down on the bed.
"I said you ain't going anywhere."
I look at him than back at the TV. Swerve is putting one of his shirts in the crib with Brayden. I try and get up again but Prince pushes me back down again. I start trying to kick him away but Swerve comes into the room and sees what is going on. He grabs my legs and duct tapes my ankles together. He grabs me by my hair and pulls me close to his face. Prince Nana has the camera close to our faces.
"Your husband owes me. Owes me big time. He costed me a title opportunity. You let him know that he owes me. Got it?"
I gulp shaking my head yes. He smirks and pushes me onto the bed leaving my wrists, ankles and mouth taped up.
"Boss let's get out of here."
Prince grabs Swerve's arm and drags him out of the room. I move a little on the bed trying to get the duct tape off my wrists. I can't seem to get it off and start crying not being able to go see Brayden to make sure he is okay.
**an hour later**
I am curled up in a ball still crying my eyes out when I hear the front door fling open.
"Brayden! Y/N!"
Brayden is in his room crying really loud. I moan in the bedroom not being able to say anything because of the duct tape on my mouth. I hear Adam run into Braydens room and get him calmed down. Adam than runs into our room finding me all duct taped on the bed.
"Oh my God babe!"
He grabs the scissors and starts cutting the duct tape off my ankles. He than cuts the duct tape off my wrists and looks at my face. He grabs a corner of the tape on my face.
"I'm sorry babe. I have to rip this off."
I shake my head and he proceeds to rip the tape off my mouth. I let out a little scream and grab my face. Adam puts his hands on my face and kisses my forehead.
"Baby I am so sorry! I didn't know he was going to do that! I am so sorry I wasn't here sooner! Are you okay?"
I look at him starting to cry again than stand up and walk to Brayden's room. I walk over, grab Brayden and hug him very tightly. Adam comes behind me and hugs us both very tightly.
"I am so sorry my loves. I really am sorry. I didn't know he was going to come here."
I sigh and look up at him.
"Honey. It's fine. We are both a little shaken up. But we will be okay. But just do me one favor."
He looks down at me confused. I smirk a little looking up at him.
"Kick his fucking ass for me and Brayden please."
Adam smiles down at me kissing my forehead.
"Anything for my loves. Anything."
He leans down and kisses Brayden's head than comes up and kisses me. I kiss him back smiling a little. I pull back and look at him putting Brayden back in his crib.
"If he didn't grab me by my throat and throw me on the bed, I would have definitely kicked his ass."
"Oh I know you would have baby."
He picks me up by my thighs as I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He carries me back to our bedroom and sets me nicely on the bed.
"Okay let's get some sleep baby. We both had a tough day."
He kisses my forehead again and looks down at me.
"Could you do me a favor and make sure the doors are locked please?"
I look at him with a worried look on my face. He puts his hand on my face.
"Of course baby. But if he even tries to come in now, I will personally kick his ass."
He gets up and makes sure all the doors and everything are locked throughout the house. He comes back into the room and I am all snuggled up under the blankets. He smiles and slides into bed with me wrapping his arms around me. I start to fall asleep in his arms feeling very safe and relaxed........
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cod-dump · 1 year
Simon's bed is right under the window. He doesn't know why it helps him feel less anxious but it does. Now imagine simon crawling into bed with price one night. Price thinks it's another nightmare until "... Simon why are you wet?" - "i forgot to close the window. The rain woke me up"
Price was used to Ghost suddenly appearing in bed with him. Every time when he asked, Ghost would always say ‘nightmare’. Of course, Ghost only did it when the nightmare was bad. Price managed to get him to talk about one and them and it broke his heart seeing Ghost shrink down the way his did.
So he didn’t even think about it when he heard his bedroom’s door open or hear someone shuffle across the floor. He felt Ghost lay down and curl up. Price reached out to pat his shoulder, to let him know he was aware of him being there and wouldn’t mind listening to him talk about his dream. But when his fingers brushed a wet shirt—
“What the-,” Price sat up and turned on his lamp, “Simon, why are you wet?”
Ghost was quiet for a moment, “I forgot to close my window and the storm woke me up.”
“My bed is soaked.”
Price shakes his head, “You couldn’t bother to at least put dry clothes on?”
“It feels nice.”
“Oh, I bet it does. Also bet it’ll feel amazing when you get a cold.”
Ghost glares at him and Price gets out of bed. He grabs a shirt and sleep pants and throws them at Ghost before pointing at the bathroom, not saying a word. Ghost rolls his eyes but gets up and goes to change. Price takes the blankets off the bed that Ghost had gotten wet and balled them up, throwing them in the corner. He just finished putting fresh bedding down when Ghost walked out of the bathroom.
“Why is this shirt so big?”
“It’s a spare shirt I kept for König when he was here.”
Ghost hums, walking over and flopping onto the bed.
Price sighs, “Simon… stop hogging the bed.”
Ghost doesn’t move and Price groans. This was the first time Ghost joined him where he wasn’t still scared from a nightmare. This only shows how much of a child he was at heart.
Ghost rolls over to the other side of the bed, wrapping himself with the blanket as he went. Price breathes out of his nose. This was going to be a long night.
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