#Avengers: ugh not this again
worstloki · 2 years
how would loki and thor react to thorki being a thing in universe i (like. if ppl online were shipping it or talking about it)
I think they would find it hysterical they wouldn’t be able to get enough of it it’d shock them a bit at first but they’d start mock flirting constantly about it too
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noscomnias · 1 month
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"even though we may take different paths, i am... still his little sister."
#PLATONIC!!!#brainrot ahead..#thought a little too hard abt sunday and robin literally being madoka and homura (AGAIN PLATONIC I NEED TO STRESS THIS)#sunday did EVERYTHING all for the sake of humanity and his sister.. he made countless mistakes to help her and even avenge her (alleged)#death and making himself worse? becoming order itself? hurting himself mentally? all for robin. all for His People#he became so obsessed with control and making sure everything went right but every single time thjngs found a way to backfire#so even though he was protecting robin it still caused her harm in the end bc of his own selfish desires.. literally homura..#and in the end? robin (madoka) saved him despite him trying to save Her. and it worked.#they did it all for the sake of each other and sunday accepts robins help despite wanting the upper hand because its his sister. he was#expecting to fall and die alone because its what his mindset was. he thought he deserved to fall and suffer. but robin saved him!!!#MADOHOMU DO EVERYTHING FOR THE SAKE OF EACH OTHER AND HOMURA HAS THE SELFISHNESS AND URGE TO SAVE MADOKA#AND IN THE END EVEN THOUGH HOMURA WANTED TO HELP HER SHE HURT MADOKA (SEPARATING MADOKAMI AND TEEN MADOKA IN REBELLION)#AND MADOKA SAVED HER FROM BECOMING A WITCH ANYWAY!! BECAUSE SHE LOVED HER!!!#they are such. ugh. platonic doomed sibling love thsy make me so GHHGJHG#my art#honkai star rail#hsr#penacony#sunbin#art#artists on tumblr#robin hsr#sunday hsr#hsr fanart#sunrobin#pmmm#madoka magica#third piece of art ive done with pmmm undertones? yep
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faeriecap · 1 year
beyond all the other completely valid reasons why going back to live through the 20th century without getting involved at all would be absolute hell for steve rogers such as the racism/sexism/torture his friends and loved ones would face at any given time, like… it’s so clear this ending doesn’t work for STEVE who ISNT an idealized version of captain america, the all american super human hero. like why would steve rogers choose to go back to the same time period where he was discriminated against for YEARS, basically left for dead due to medical conditions, where he was physically and verbally abused constantly before receiving the serum, where his family likely faced xenophobia, where things like homophobia and transphobia and judgement of anyone who even slightly misaligned with cisheteronormative standards was subject to scrutiny and abuse (especially during the cold war/lavender scare)??? like THAT steve rogers?? the disabled, queer coded, righteous, anti facist, child of immigrants always desired a better world… and the 21st century is by no means perfect in terms of equity, equality, and social justice, but it’s CERTAINLY IMPROVED. like…. just bc he got the serum and basically passes as the epitome of all privilege in his supersoldier form doesn’t erase his actual identities nor does it mean it wouldn’t bring up TONS of triggers even if he himself was no longer a target for bigotry and discrimination ??? and if, as the writers say, he’s going to go back and not even bothering to change any of it, then WHATS THE POINT FOR HIM? why would he choose that over a world where things are so much better and he has the chance to keep helping them improve alongside his chosen family ??? unless you’re actively choosing to forget that steve rogers spent most of his life as the underdog SPECIFICALLY because he was a minority and felt the impacts of bigotry, unless you’re just seeing the whedon-esque, conservative, old fashioned, naive, golden boy persona projected onto him by others, you Cannot tell me he would WILLINGLY have any desire to go back permanently. even for the so called love of his life. esp at the expense of his other relationships, motivations, and joys
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hopeurokays · 1 month
nobody talks about pepper potts in endgame so can we talk about her for just a minute? when she saw tony dying, peter was there crying. she put her own feelings aside for a moment and took care of a kid who wasn't even her own. and then she held in her tears and forced herself to smile while the love of her life was LITERALLY DYING so he could die with peace that they would be okay. not to mention that at the funeral she held it together, especially in front of morgan. if that was me i would've been uncontrollably sobbing the entire time but she kept it together for the sake of everyone else. she truly doesn't get the credit she deserves
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saixpuppy · 10 months
I know in theory, our respective comforts and preferences should really be prioritized over the comfort and convenience of our singlet friends, but it's so hard.
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eaglefangz · 1 year
the way i have to Physically and Emotionally prepare. to watch avengers (2012) again.
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jademight · 2 years
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The Boy
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buckyalpine · 8 months
Okaaay! How can you write perfect imagines like that ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Now I cant help to send you another idea and I'M NOT SORRY!
Another Bucky one, where you’re kinda their technician and support the Avengers out of the IT section of the compound when they are on the field. But Bucky also thinks you should learn how to self-defense yourself just in case, but you always refuse. One time you finally give in and he starts training private with you, which one time leads you falling and landing on top of him. instead of getting up, he pulls you closer and kisses you and even carries you to his room to make sweet love. Afterwards he’s a huge cuddler and you both confess your feelings ? I LOVE YOU 😊
I LOVE YOU I LOVE THIS I LOVE IT ALL, give me some sweet, soft Bucky loving his shy girl. (also bb, idek if you remember sending me this considering how long I've taken, IM SO SORRY, I hope I did this justice). Ugh, I love this type of smut, lowkey a weakness.
You breathed out a sigh of relief, setting down your headset after navigating the team through the building they had to break into, infiltrating the security system from your place in the Avengers tower. You guided them down the halls, alerting them of any potential hazards that were to be expected, carefully watching four different screens at once so you had eyes on all of them.
"Couldn't do this without ya short cake, see you soon" Tony's voice crackled through the coms, making you giggle before signing out. You loved your job with the Avengers, helping them on the field through the latest Stark technology, safe in your IT lab. You never had to worry about skills or getting injured because you didn't have to go out onto the field, at most, having to worry about the wifi ever slowing down at the wrong time (though there were plenty of back up softwares in place).
The familiar sounds of boots softly thudding down the hall made your heart flutter, peeking up from your place behind the computer to see Bucky walk into the lab, still in his tactical gear. He didn't seem fazed by the cut that was bleeding from his forehead; at the very least that seemed to be his only injury.
"You saved our asses again" Bucky grinned while you shook your head, taking his hand and making him sit at your desk, pulling out a first aid kit to take care of a gash that was cut across his eyebrow.
"And you're still bleeding" You gently dabbed a cotton ball to his eyebrow, carefully blowing away the sting after.
"Just a scratch doll" Bucky shrugged, letting you clean up the cut, the serum already starting to heal it. "How were things here"
"The usual, made some tea, watched your mission online, nothing exciting"
Bucky hummed, bringing up the same thing he always did after getting back from a mission without fail.
"Maybe you should learn some self-defense doll" He peeked an eye open, meeting yours while you put a final band aid on the side of his forehead just above his brow. "Just in case. Can't have anything happening to our favorite little short cake"
"I'm perfectly safe in the lab, Bucky" You replied, his words making your cheeks heat up, brushing them off as his usual playful teasing. This wasn't the first time Buck had suggested you learn self defense and you always shut it down.
"C'mon. I'll teach you, give you a private lesson. I'll be gentle" He prodded further, being dead serious in his offer. Sure you were safe at the tower but should anything happen, he wanted you to be able to take care of yourself if necessary.
"It'll be good for you! What if someone broke into the compound when we aren't here"
"Or if aliens attack. It literally happened last month. Remember that big purple ball sack-
"Or if you're just walking down the street and someone tries to steal your purse"
"Pleaaseeee" Bucky gave you his final puppy pout, eyes wide, his bottom lip jutting out until you finally huffed, butterflies fluttering around you tummy.
"Just once" You agreed, feeling like you'd been lit on fire at the handsome smile he gave you, deciding to meet up twice a week at the gym for training. You felt nervous, seeing as you'd never had to use self-defense in your life. You weren't exactly coordinated for fighting and even though you were learning you didn't want to look like a complete fool in front of Bucky of all people.
You nervously made your way to the gym, surprised to find it empty with just Bucky waiting for you at the mats. You were expecting to find it full with the others training as well.
"Is it just us here?" You asked as he held his hand out, helping you under the ropes.
"Booked the gym just for us doll, we have it for an hour so you don't have to worry about anyone else" He smiled warmly, hoping the blush on his cheeks wasn't obvious, not wanting to seem like a creep. He really did want to train you, but he couldn't help the inkling of excitement he felt getting to help his crush.
You were surprised at what a gentleman he was. Training went surprisingly well; Bucky started off with easy moves, always warming up and helping you stretch first. It didn't help that you were flustered each time, usually slipping or tripping because you were caught up in his blue eyes or pink lips, the scent of his cologne always making you woozy.
He caught you every single time, setting you back on your feet with ease, praising what a good job you were doing whenever you did something well and encouraging you when he showed you something more challenging.
"Alright, today you're going to attack me" Bucky stated while you stared at his wide eyed, shaking your head.
"Bucky, I'm not sure I can-
"Yes you can short cake, c'mon, show me what you've got" He threw you a playful smirk, taking a few steps back and getting into position. You gulped, shaking off your nerves before steadying yourself, remembering everything he'd taught you. It didn't help that he'd decided to leave his shirt behind, his sculped body nearly taunting you from focusing. You launched yourself at him, managing to land a hit near his ribs before he caught you, gently grabbing your arm and holding it in place.
"Good job doll, now you're going to try and get out of this and attack again". Bucky's voice was strained, struggling with all his might to keep from blushing more, the scent of your shampoo and the softness of your skin making him giddy. With each training session, he was falling more and more for you, your shy giggles and smiles making his school boy crush worse.
You tried to focus on getting out of his hold instead of the fact that you were pressed tightly against him with your back to his chest, his warm breath fanning against your cheek, the coolness of his arm making you shiver. You wriggled around, slipping out and lunging forward again. You couldn't recall the exact sequence of steps Bucky had taught you, asking him while still moving.
"Do you think I should-ops-" You squeaked, losing your footing, crashing right into the soldier, sending you both onto the floor, landing right on top of Bucky. Bucky caught you, hands firmly on your waist while your eyes grew wide as your nose nearly brushed against his, chest pressed right onto him. You were frozen in place as the the tension grew thick, his baby blues daring to your lips before looking at you again, your sweet face centimeters from his, all he had to do was just-
Before he could stop himself, he pressed his lips against yours, smirking at the surprised gasp you let out before melted into him, eyes closing when you left his tongue softly trace along your lips. You lost yourself into the kiss, gasping again when he handled you with ease, standing with your legs wrapped around his waist, holding you securely. Your heart hammered against as he made his way towards to the gym doors, his arm supporting your ass while the the other cupped your face to kiss you again.
"Wanted to do that for so long short cake" Bucky shyly smiled, pressing the button of the elevator to take you right to his room, leaning in again for another kiss. You giggled, kissing him right back, tugging on his dogtags, not breaking away from each other until you were in the privacy of his room, gasping for air.
Bucky gently nudged the door shut, laying you down softly on the bed, lying on top of you, brushing your hair away from your face.
"Hi" He gave you a boyish smile, nuzzling his nose against your cheek, coaxing you to look at him when you tried to shy away, still in shock you had kissed Bucky and now you were in his room.
"Hi" You whispered, biting your lip feeling his hand softly stroke your waist, the both of you lost in each other again. You sucked in a breath before pressing a kiss to his cheek, blinking up at him to see if it was okay.
"So soft" He hummed, stroking up your thigh to your waist when your hitched your leg over him desperately wanting him closer. "My pretty short cake" Bucky didn't rush, the both of you innocently kissing on his bed, not leaving an inch of skin untouched with hands exploring each others bodies. Your stomach flipped when you felt his erection press against your tummy, the deep blush on his cheeks making you fall for him so much more.
"Is this okay?" Bucky asked, toying with the hem of your shirt, waiting for your permission before going any further.
"Please Bucky" Your voice was needy, craving to be closer, warmth pooling in your panties at the sight of his bulge straining in his grey joggers. He took his time undressing you, taking your hands in his and pulling you up so he could take your top off, tossing your sports bra aside immediately after. You lifted your hips up, letting him pull your shorts and panties off in one go, feeling exposed, your legs shut tightly together. As much as he wanted to admire your pretty body, Bucky kept his eyes on your face, smiling at you reassuringly while you covered yourself with his sheets.
He threw his clothes off before joining you under the covers, laying on top of you again, this time letting his kisses trail to others places. You let your hands cling onto his muscular shoulders while he kissed down your neck and across your chest, making his way to your peaked nipples, taking one into his mouth. You bit your lip to hold back your moan, hardly realizing you'd spread your legs for him, the slick between your folds making a mess between the sheets.
His cock leaked against your thigh each time you whined, his tongue drawing circles around your softness, pulling off so he could pay attention to the other. His thumb came up to flick your nipples, groaning when he felt your hand come to play with his hair, his hips rutting against the bed.
He continued to kiss down your body, nipping your tummy before settling between your legs, licking your sensitive inner thighs before spreading your folds apart and kissing your clit.
"So sweet doll" He whispered as he began to gently suckle, moaning when you whimpered, his arm slinging over your hips to keep you from squirming.
"Oh-B-Bucky!" You gasped, the band in your belly already starting to tighten as he drew circles, his lips sealed around your sensitive nub, nursing from you with the most soft, gently gurgles, his beard soaked with your juiced. "Bucky-I-I'm gonna-
"Come for me short cake, lemme taste all of you" Bucky went right back in, the sound of your moans growing louder making his cock throb, restraining himself from humping the bed knowing damn well he'd blow his load if he moved the slightest. You came all over Bucky's face, covering your face with your arm when he crawled back up with a grin, your arousal glistening off his lips.
"All shy for me now doll?" He purred, moving your arm away so he could kiss you deeply. You could feel his painfully hard cock pressed against you reaching down to stroke him.
"Fuck" Bucky hissed, his eyes rolling back, involuntarily thrusting forward into your hand, a drop of precum falling onto your skin. The sight alone send another wave of arousal gushing between your legs, feeling more empty than ever, feeling his thick velvety shaft fuck your hand.
"Can-can I?" You were too shy to say it but you wanted to make Bucky feel good too, his perfect pink glistening cockhead begging to be sucked, all leaky and swollen.
"You have no idea how much I'd love that but I just-I really wanna be inside you baby" Bucky panted, letting out a strained chuckle knowing damn well he wouldn't last if he saw your sweet doe eyes looking up at him with your mouth filled with cock, much less actually feeling your tongue. "Is this okay?"
He pumped his cock a few times, swiping it along your folds, his weeping tip catching against your fluttering hole.
"Will-will it fit?" you bit your lip, bringing your legs to wrap around his waist, your arms slinging around his shoulders, wrapping yourself around him.
"Told you I'd be gentle" Bucky smiled softly, kissing your cheek as he started to push in, swallowing your gasp as he began stretched you. "Fuck you feel so good" Bucky moaned softly, continued to give you every inch until he bottomed out, stilling so you could adjust.
"Everything okay?" He looked at you with concern, wrapping your body protectively against his.
"Feels good Bucky" you nodded, your voice melting into a moan as he started to move, pulling his hips back slowly and thrusting forward again, keeping a steady motion, letting you feel every bit of him inside you. He reached places you'd never felt before, shamelessly getting louder, digging your nails into his skin when he moved faster, desperate to give you as much pleasure as he could.
"Wanted this for so long doll, y'know that? How long I wanted to make love to you?" He confessed, grinding his hips, barely pulling out, his full, heavy balls pressed against your ass. "Make you feel so good pretty girl, take care of my sweet little short cake who always looks out for me"
"Please don't stop Bucky!" You begged, squeezing his cock, your pussy pulling him back in each time he pulled out, nearly tearing up at his words. "Don't-oh god-Bucky, don't-stop!"
"I know baby, I know" Bucky cooed, "Shhh, feels good, doesn't it? Is that all babygirl? Does it feel good?" His thrusts grew more powerful until he was pounding you into the matters, pouring every bit of his feelings into his strokes, the feeling of your body wrapped around his driving him closer to his own climax.
"Feels-good-so-good" you hiccupped between a whine, crying out when he brought his knee up to fuck you deeper, hitting a different angle. "RIGHT THERE BUCKY"
"That's it angel, I know baby, that's your spot, doing so good for me, think you can give me one more doll? Cum one more time for me?"
"Y-yeah!" You wailed, your back arching off the bed as he brought his hand between your bodies, rubbing your clit with soft circles, adding more pressure between snapping his hips. "I'm gonna cum Bucky!!"
"My good girl, makes me so hard when you say my name baby, cum for me angel, cum on my cock, don't stop till you cream all over me baby, I got you" He held you tighter, your head tucked into the crook of his arm while he cradled you, his other hand still rubbing you. His pace didn't faster, panting, desperately holding his own orgasm off, your brows knitting together, jaw slack, sweat covering your skin.
"You look so pretty like this babygirl, fuck, gonna make me cum y/n" He practically whined, moaning loudly with you when he started to feel you milk his cock, fluttering and squeezing him as your orgasm washed over you.
"BUCKKYY" You screamed his name as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm, his movements growing sloppy.
"You feel so good doll, so so good, sweetheart-fuck-I'm cumming" Bucky moaned against your neck, stilling as his cock started to throb, his warmth splashing against your cervix. He rocked his hips a few more times till he was milked dry, collapsing into your arms and rolling over so he could pull the covers over you both.
You giggled to yourself, tucked snuggly in Bucky's thick arms, your cheek pressed right against his warm chest. Neither if you had spoken a word yet, basking in a post sex haze, cozy and content in each others embrace.
"What's so funny short cake" Bucky whispered, tipping your chin up to meet his twinkling eyes, a dusting of pink still covering his cheeks.
"You're so cuddly for a big scary assassin" You teased, while he chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"S'not my fault" He playfully pouted before squeezing you tighter. "Can you blame me? Look at who I get to cuddle with"
You smiled, resting your head on his chest again, tracing invisible shapes onto his skin while he stroked your back, his heart starting to beat faster as he began to speak again.
"This-what happened between us-
You froze, stopping your ministrations, dread pooling in your chest over Bucky's words.
Had you misread the situation?
Oh god, you did, he didn't actually like you, you-
"It wasn't just a one time thing for me. I've liked you for a long time short cake-" Your spiral stopped immediately, looking at him with wide eyes, only to find him nervously chewing his bottom lip raw. "I don't- I don't know if you feel the same way but I'd love for you to be mine-if you'd have me"
His last words melted into a whisper, still looking at you with precious shyness, your heart ready to burst out of your chest at how soft he was for you. Your surprised him, smashing your lips against his, the adorable squeak slipping past his lips turning into a groan.
"You like me?" You grew bashful, tucking your face into his neck, giving the young soldier his confidence back, a smirk playing on his lips. "Like me like me?"
"Course darlin' you're my best girl" He kissed your forehead before rolling you over and attacking you with kisses again, the both of you grinning at each other with heart eyes,
"My favorite little short cake"
"My Bucky bear"
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mochie85 · 5 months
I'll Follow You
One Shot Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
Summary: You came back to the compound, a year later after you left to make your own career, and you are worried about meeting Loki with how things ended when you left. Pairing: Romantic!Loki x OC Female Reader (Foxglove is her Superhero alias.) Word Count: Over 5.3k Warnings: Explicit. Fluff. Angst. Smut. Oral (female receiving). Shadowplay. Hallucinations.
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Loki flipped through the magazine at a hurried pace, not looking at the photos or any of the articles. His hands needed something tactile to do. Or else, he feared, he might choke someone with them.
He paused when he saw an advertisement for a watch you were modeling for. There you were—a close-up of your beautiful face. Your eyes were bright and round. Your lips were dewy and sensual. Norns, he missed those lips. Especially when they were wrapped around his…
Ugh. Why can’t I stop thinking of her?! Loki snarled under his breath as he threw the magazine halfway across the room. It landed on the floor right by Sam’s feet. “You dropped this!” Sam said picking it up from the floor. He held it up in the air, not even looking, his attention fully absorbed on the TV screen.
Everyone had gathered to watch the talk show you were appearing on tonight. They couldn’t wait to see you come out and gossip about your life or inconsequential things. The entire team supported you in your decision to leave and start your acting career—everyone, except him.
Loki wanted to leave the room. He should’ve left and not agreed to come and watch the show with the others. He was about to stand up when-
“Shh. Shh. Guys quiet down. Here she is!” Wanda said shushing the entire room.  Loki watched the enormous television, enraptured. The camera panned over to the audience, their loud applause and cheers were deafening. Signs and pictures were held up from a time when you were an Avenger. He couldn’t help but sink further into his chair and get caught up with your grace once again.
“So, Foxglove- can I still call you Foxglove?” The host asked as you sat down.
“Of course, you can,” you beamed at the man behind the desk.
“I- I don’t know the protocol for these things. Do you get to keep the name even though you’re not an Avenger anymore?”
Your practiced laugh showed through your gritted teeth. “It doesn’t work exactly like that. Foxglove is the name I gave myself. I had it with me when I started with the Avengers and took it with me when I left. It wasn’t a title or anything.”
“And did they just let you leave? I would think it was like being in the mafia. ‘You know too many of our secrets. We can’t let you out alive!’ sorta thing,” the host said, thinking he was being clever.
“My friends and colleagues have all been supportive. And I remain in close contact with most of them.”
‘Most of them.’ That statement swirled the emotions Loki was feeling inside. He was not one of those who supported you and was very vocal about it. The fact that you still keep in contact with almost everyone here left him envious.
“And that’s actually part of the reason why I’m here tonight,” you continued. “My dear friend Tony, whom many of you know as Ironman- again, not a title…” you chuckled. “…Is throwing his annual charity gala this spring. This year he decided to make it a month-long occasion with different charities and events happening once a week culminating in the yearly gala at the end of the month.”
“That’s wonderful! That’s all he does when he’s not out saving the world, is party, huh?” the host said looking straight into the camera.
“Asshole!” Tony sassed under his breath, earning a few chuckles from the team.
“And what exactly is your part in this month-long event?” The host asked you.
“Well, I plan to raise money for The Nature Conservancy here in New York. I ask everyone to come and help us plant new trees or donate. Every dollar will be matched, and we can help restore some of the forests, in other parts of the country.”
“The Nature Conservancy is a special organization for you, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it’s where I first worked. It’s where I first started noticing my powers.”
“Your powers are amazing! You can talk to plants!”
“Well, it’s a lot more complicated than that,” you said with restraint. “Chlorokinesis allows me to excel a plant’s growth to a thousand times what they normally can. I can also enhance their natural defenses and abilities. And like my namesake, Foxglove, I can give you hallucinations when touched.”
“Can we get a demonstration?” the host asked to the cheers of his audience. You reached out to touch him “No, no, no!” he said nervously. “I don’t need any more hallucinations right now!” you both chuckled. “Thank you. But maybe you can make a flower grow?” he suggested, and the audience cheered you on.
“Sure, of course,” you smiled, happily. You rotated your wrists and flicked them around, gesturing for a plant to grow from the host’s wooden desk. The branches wrapped around itself forming a steady trunk. Soon the branches grew out further and further. Blooming wisterias in varying colors began to sprout, amazing the audience.
You used to be unstoppable. You used to tear down enemies left and right, numbing them with your visions before you cut them down and made them regret opposing you. Now you do party tricks for the camera so you can get a laugh from people who don’t care about you. Who didn’t even love you! Loki was furious.
Once again, Loki made to get up. He was almost through the exit of the room when he heard the next question that made him stop.
“So, Foxglove, will you be attending these events alone?” The audience ‘ooh’d’ at the question when the host decided to get a little more personal. “I heard you were cozying up to a certain superhero. Do you like those types? Do you have a type? What does Foxglove look for in a partner?”
You laughed embarrassedly. “These rumors! I swear they pair me up with someone new each week.”
“Oh, but you were seen leaving a nightclub with your costar, Superman himself, Henry Cavil.” The photo was put up on the screen. A picture of the two of you laughing in front of a busy club as Henry gingerly put his arm around your shoulders. The entire room of Avengers whooped and hollered cheering you on.
“We were celebrating. We had just wrapped our movie and it was my first time in London. So, Henry just wanted to show me around. Very friendly. All platonic.” You smiled, blushing. Loki noted that blush. I’ll break him like a twig!
“Ok. Ok. What about your former colleague, Loki of Asgard?” The host asked as a picture of the two of you replaced the one on the screen.
It was a photo taken when the two of you had gotten back from a mission. You had failed and cried about it on the flight back. Loki was wiping the tears from your face, trying to cheer you up. You didn’t know the PR department was there taking shots as all of you disembarked off the jet.
The camera cut back to you and you blushed harder. Once again, Loki noted that blush. He let out a deep breath he didn’t know he was holding and swallowed. Does she miss me too?
“Loki and I have remained good friends. I look forward to seeing him again,” you told the host.
Lies. Not a single word was exchanged between the two of you since you left. The last words you said to him were “I hate you! I never want to see you again!” Loki couldn’t detect any falsehood when you screamed those words at him. That hurt the most.
Everyone turned to where Loki was standing. Some, like Thor, were smiling. Mostly everyone else was shocked.
“What?!” Loki snapped back at them, making everyone turn back to the television.
“Oh! Did you hear that? She wants to see him again.” The host embarrassed you. Your powers grew erratic as a new sprout of branches grew from the tree.
The whole audience was eating it up, clapping. You tried to hide behind your hand, but the different cameras provided different angles of your mortification.
“Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Foxglove, everybody!” The host said pointing towards you clapping. You laughed and waved at the audience as Wisteria petals fell from the ceiling.
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Weeks later, you sat in the back of a Maybach that Tony hired to chauffer you to the gala. This year it would be held at the compound which garnered more donations because everyone wanted to see inside the heavily guarded facility. Your intricate beaded dress fit you snuggly and covered you from shoulders to toe. It ensured that no one would accidentally come in contact with your skin. Especially with how crowded Tony’s parties got. The only wrinkle was from all the times you’ve grabbed it in anxiousness and wrung the fabric.
Why did I let Tony talk me into this?! I should’ve faked sick or something! What if Loki’s there? Of course, he’s there. Where else would he be? What if he doesn’t want to see me again? What if he has a date?! Maybe I should’ve invited Henry? No, no. He’d get the wrong idea. Just drop in, say your hellos, then leave. I don’t have to stay. I’m a grown adult. I can do what I want! FUCK! What if Loki comes and talks to me?
Once past the gates, the car crawled through a winding road with lanterns adorning the pathway. The car stopped at the front steps of the Avenger’s compound and you could hear the heavy bass of the music pounding through the car windows as bright lights and lasers littered the night sky.
You made your way through security to the massive, yet highly decorated, quinjet hangar and a sweeping staircase that descended to an impressive room below. You smiled, reminiscing about all the parties and events you attended as an Avenger- sweet memories that erased the worry you had when you were in the car. Picking up your gown, you gracefully descended the staircase. Keeping your eyes trained on the steps below, you tried not to look around, to look for him.
“Fox! I can’t believe you’re here!” Wanda shrieked as she ran up to you. She squeezed your sleeved arm and pressed her cheek on your shoulder.
“I’ve missed you, Wanda!” you said kissing the top of her hair.
“Come on. Everyone’s here- well, almost everyone,” she corrected herself. “We haven’t seen you in so long. Everyone wants to catch up.” She led you along to the bar where you were greeted by your former teammates. You were grateful that Loki wasn’t among them. He always loved these parties. You actively refused invites the past year just to avoid him. Awkward hugs and pleasantries were shared. Drinks were offered along with your first few dances promised to Sam and Wanda.
After hours of conversations with the team, and some drinks with Tony, you fell back into a sense of belonging and family. You didn’t realize how much you missed your friends here. How much you missed being an Avenger. It got so lonely most nights not having anyone to talk to. At least here, you would have had Nat or Bucky to train with in the middle of the night.
Or Loki to keep you company.
You groaned internally. You couldn’t help but be on edge all night, thinking about him and wondering if Loki was ever going to show up.
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Before leaving for the night, you excused yourself to get some fresh air. There was a greenhouse in the back glades of the compound that you frequented most nights just to be alone. You used to make the hedges grow all around, giving you a private garden away from the rest of the world.
Inside, it was as if you had never left. The plants stood tall as if to greet you. Bright flowers bloomed in different colors as if in competition to win your adoration. And in the back corner, hidden behind large monstera plants, was a cove of plush blankets and chairs that you hid from anyone ever finding. Everyone except, “Loki?”
Loki sat in the rattan chair; his legs crossed reading a magazine with your picture on the cover. He looked as breathtaking as the first time you saw him, like trouble and a promise all wrapped up in his pressed monochromatic black suit. His mischievous smile appeared, tempting you closer.
“Hello, Foxglove,” he greeted you. His voice sending shivers down your spine. Fight or flight? Fight or flight? You kept repeating in your head.
“I…didn’t know this spot was taken. I won’t bother you. Goodnight,” you hastily said as you turned to leave.
“Wait!” he cried standing up. You could feel him grab hold of your wrist. You looked down to see his shadow holding on to you like a dear friend, shadow to skin. It’s been so long since you’ve been touched. It’s been so hard to be intimate with anyone because of your body’s defense mechanism. And here was Loki, the only man who figured out a loophole to your little enigma.
“I just wanted to say…” Loki paused, staring only into your eyes. “Y-you look beautiful tonight.” You pulled your hand away from his shadow and stayed quiet. “I saw you. We… the team… saw you on the talk show. You’ve done amazing things this past year. One movie, a television show, countless endorsements.”
“Still don’t think I can make it?” you challenged.
“Fox, it was never about that!” he argued. His sudden outburst propelled him like a predator. He stalked his way closer to you, making you back into the glass wall of the greenhouse. You caught whiffs of his cologne mixed with the tropical scent of the flowers all around you. He stopped when he realized he had alarmed you. “I should not have advanced on you so quickly. I apologize.”
“It’s all right. Just habit, I guess.” You were always conscious of people touching you and getting too close. You never wanted to be the cause of their hallucinations. Loki felt relieved that he hadn’t scared you off. His shadow stood ahead of him, rubbing your arm with the back of his fingertips, trying to mollify your anxiousness.
Loki watched and waited as you settled. Jealousy festered in his body at the sight of his shadow being able to comfort you and he couldn’t. “You look… breathtaking, by the way.” He tried to soothe.
“You already said that,” you said curtly, blushing. Loki loved your blush. He loved getting under your skin and teasing you.
“Is your new lover here with you tonight? Got sick of the real superheroes, had to get yourself a pretend one?” he tried deflecting. Loki smirked looking through the glass and out to the party to see if he could spot Cavill.
“As I recall, you wanted nothing to do with me once I stepped foot out of your room,” you said quoting him from the last time you spoke. “So, it’s none of your business whether or not Henry and I are together.”
“But you are…together?” he asked. His stare was unwavering, demanding an answer to his desperate question.
“I don’t need this right now!” You were angry and speechless. He doesn’t have the right to question your life’s choices especially when he wanted no part of them in the first place.
You moved to get away from his shadow’s hold and out of the greenhouse. Loki followed you close. “Fox, please. Stop.”
“Why are you even here, Loki?” you called back, briskly walking towards the exit. “You knew this was- This was my spot. MY SPOT!” you yelled, turning abruptly towards him.
“Because I wanted a chance to talk to you in private! Without the cameras or the paparazzi. Without some life-or-death mission hanging over our heads. I needed to see your face again, without all these people trying to steal your attention away from me.” He stopped and watched you reach for the door to go outside. “I’m sorry, Vixen.”
Feelings you thought you had buried deep down inside of you started to resurface. All because of that name he used. The one he would whisper as he called for you in his arms late at night. The name he used when he made you laugh so hard the only way to stop you was to kiss you.
The one name he knew would stop you in your tracks… because it was the one name he used when he was about to touch you himself.
“I am sorry if I ever made you feel…”
“Unworthy? Incapable? Useless?!” you turned as you accused him.
“Unwanted,” he finished.
Real tears fell down your face now. Loki cupped your cheek and wiped it away with his thumb. You could feel the heat in his touch. The energy. You’ve felt it with his shadow, but there was always something electrifying and passionate when Loki touched you himself.
It was a luxury to feel this connection with someone. To feel the warmth from his fingers. The callouses in his palms. You imagined feeling his soft lips on you once again until you stopped yourself. It was a dangerous path to have such expectations right now. You opened your teary eyes to find Loki watching you.
His eyes darted around to your surroundings before he closed them and tried to focus back on you. “You are very much wanted, Vixen. I just couldn’t admit to myself how much I wanted you back then.”
He opened his eyes to yours. The swirl of emotion in them was breathtaking. It was then that you saw his true face for the first time. His emotions. His thoughts. He was stripped of his armor and his pretenses. You felt as if you two were the only thing that existed in that time and space. As if he were holding his life, right there cupped in between his hands.
Your heart pounded in your ears as he continued his confession. “I am a jealous god. You know this. I didn’t want to share you with anybody. I wanted to keep you to myself. To keep you from the world. I was afraid that you would tire of me like you did with being an Avenger. Cast me out after seeing what the world out there could offer you.”
Loki placed his forehead to yours, feeling your breath on his lips. He bared it all for you tonight. He admitted something you knew was difficult for him to confess.
But could it erase what he made you feel for wanting to follow your dreams? Horrible and selfish. Untalented. Unwanted.
“I love you.” Your eyes grew wide at his expression. “I loved you then. I’ve loved you since. I am still deeply in love with you. Even now, when you’re about to run away from me, my heart won’t let me forget you. I was afraid that I would have no place in the world that you were creating for yourself. So, for that, I am sorry.” You closed your eyes and lingered in his touch a while longer.
“I wanted to apologize. I never got a chance to see you again after our fight, and I regret that I never made amends to you. You had every right to follow your path. I shouldn’t have stopped you. I should’ve supported you.” His thumb caressed your cheeks back and forth. You always did have the softest skin, unblemished by anyone else’s touch, he thought.  “You don’t have to say it back. You don’t have to say anything at all. And if you want to leave now, I won’t stop you. Never again. But I just needed you to know how I felt.”
Do you love him? You asked yourself as you looked into his variegated eyes. Did you spend every night thinking about him? Did you ignore the compound, and your friends, this past year just to avoid seeing him again? Afraid that he would have someone new in his life? Did you miss his voice when he says your name? His kisses? His touch?
“Yes,” you answered yourself. Loki’s brows knitted in confusion. “Loki, I understand now. Thank you… what I said to you back then, I was angry, but...” you tried to start.
Loki smiled, placing a kiss on your forehead. “We were both angry and said things we didn’t mean. Me more than you. Please don’t apologize. Least of all to me.” He exhaled as his eyes darted around again. You nodded your head, accepting his grace- forgiving you without having to apologize.
You looked up at his eyes, filled with wonder, “What do you see? When you touch me?” you asked gently. All this time you never thought to ask him.
“I see what I always see. Since the very first time I touched you. Do you remember?” You shook your head no. “They showed a picture of it on the talk show.” Realization sunk in. “I was wiping your tears just like now.”
Loki looked around again and smiled, putting his hands in his pockets. “I see home. I see the woods that used to grow behind the castle walls. Thor and I used to sneak out when we were children and climb the trees. The same woods we used as hunting grounds when we got older. Would you like to see it?”
No one had ever asked you that before.  No one had ever had the power to do that before! You nodded and faint green smoke rose from his fingers. Your vision got blurry as the greenhouse was replaced by a dense forest. The trees were tall and luscious. Strands of warm light filtered through the canopy above shining down on the emerald grass below.
“Come with me.” Loki held your hand as he walked further into the woods. Dead leaves and twigs crunched at your feet as a soft breeze blew through the lace of your dress giving you goosebumps. “There’s a glade up ahead where we can just lay on the grass. I used to spend my free time there, letting the hours idle away.” The thought made you smile.
Sure enough, a clearing began to form up ahead. Long, soft grass weaved itself as it grew amongst large wildflowers. The filtered light from the canopy above made the blooms shine like jewels on a bed of velvet.
“I have yet to see anywhere comparable to this place on Midgard,” Loki said circling the glade, a look of homesickness in his eyes. “That metropolis has nothing compared to the splendor of these woods.”
“It’s beautiful.” You said walking towards him. A path of small wildflowers blooming with every step you made.
“Thank you. It is beautiful. But still an illusion. We are still very much in the greenhouse by the compound. You’re just seeing what I’m seeing at the moment.” You reached out towards a tree and felt cold glass instead of bark.
“You see this every time you’ve touched me? Every time we’ve…”
“Hmm,” Loki nodded solemnly. “Sometimes it's these woods. Other times it's my bedchambers in the palace. Yet, every time I’m with you, I see this- my childhood home. I haven’t been back since you left.” Loki bent down and picked up a wildflower that had grown in your stride. “I try to conjure it myself, but it never feels the same. The colors aren’t as vibrant. Not as much warmth.” He placed the flower on your ear, pushing your stray hair back. His hands ventured further down, tracing the beads of your sleeves.
“I’ve missed you,” he admitted.
“You’ve missed me? Or you’ve missed my powers and that they can bring you home?” you asked slightly jilted.
Loki looked deeply into your eyes as he turned you into his embrace. Your hands fell onto his arms and the look he gave you stole your breath away. “You are my home,” he confessed with a passion and honesty you’ve never heard from him before.  
He wasted no time. He gave you no warning as he conceded to his urges and kissed you fervidly. The soft lips you were fantasizing about earlier painted a poor picture of his actual kiss. Soft yet demanding. Giving, yet always ravenous. It was as if no time had passed between you two. You were back in his arms kissing him and it felt like he described it. Home.
“All I ever wanted was to have you here in my arms,” he breathed in between kisses. Your hands found their way into his hair, pulling him back to you for another kiss. His arms wrapped selfishly around you, holding you tighter to him.
The heat was too much. It’s been so long since you’ve been held so intimately. But with Loki’s lips devoted to your neck, you would burn gladly. You would die happily on this pyre- as the last thing you would hear would be Loki moaning in your ears.
You were lost in his haze, caught up in the moment with the feel of his body against yours. He pushed you against the tree and you felt the cold glass of the greenhouse against your back.
Loki towered over you, “Tell me you want this,” he whispered onto your noxious skin. “Tell me you’ve missed this and want this with me.” He looked into your eyes, imploring something deep and vulnerable inside you.
“I do, Loki. I want this with you” You moaned holding tight against his grip. You felt his hands gather your dress skirt. Slowly his hands wandered, savoring the feel of your soft skin. His hallucinations were getting more and more vivid. Believable. Or perhaps it was just his kiss, sending you into slight delirium yourself.
Loki hurriedly took off his suit jacket and flung it across the room. He knelt in front of you, in between your parted legs as he raised your left knee above his shoulders- kissing his way up to your inner thighs. “Loki is this real?” you asked looking around you.
“Gods, I hope so,” he prayed, leaving a mark on your thigh. He kissed his way up to your core and licked you through the fabric of your panties. You heard the sheer cotton tear as his fingers brushed up against your eager clit.
Your fingers ran through his hair, pulling when he licked a wide stripe in between your folds. Your knees buckled at the sensation and soon you were reaching around yourself for something to hold. Something to keep you up as Loki lost himself in your wet arousal.
The cold glass of the greenhouse was replaced by the feeling of something warm and sturdy behind you. You looked up to see that Loki’s shadow had positioned himself to where his chest was flushed against your back- his dark hands roaming your body. His arms reached forward to hold your dress up above your waist, aiding Loki in his endeavors.
You felt a kiss on your neck, a quick peck as if he was asking for permission or giving you a warning. You yelped as his shadow quickly lifted you by your hips and Loki pushed both your knees up for his shadow to hold.
“Yes, my love?” he asked as he continued to latch his mouth and draw on your aching cunt. Loki’s shadow spread your legs. You were splayed open and exposed. Leaving Loki to devote his tongue to you. You reached up and ran your hands through his shadow's hair, pulling as he sweetly kissed your neck.  
You couldn’t help the moans and loud whimpers escaping your lips. You bucked your hips onto Loki’s face as your head reared back onto his shadow’s shoulders.
“Come for me, Fox. Let me hear you,” he commanded as he continued his consumption of you. “Let me taste you again. Give me what I’ve been missing. What I’ve been craving.” He said the last words to your tormented clit. You shuddered violently as moans and whimpers of his name fell from your lips. “That’s it. There you go, Vixen,” he cooed as he drank your arousal and lapped around your thighs.
His shadow laid you down gently and you felt the plush pillows and cold blankets from the greenhouse corner underneath you. A warring sensation against the heat of Loki’s body pressed on top of you. A bit of reality mixed in with the illusion Loki was scarcely hanging on to.
His hands fondled your every curve and every soft line. You cupped his face and led him to your kiss. His soft lips quivered when you reached in between your bodies and stroked his clothed erection. So hard and so tight. He breathed a sigh of relief when you unzipped his pants and stroked him.
“Fuck,” he moaned. Your name followed next as he bucked his hips into your hand. “Vixen…tell me you’re mine,” he panted. He kissed you hard, not letting you reply, afraid of your answer. You lined him up next to your expecting cunt and pulled him inside you.
You bit your lip and moaned as the look of pure pleasure radiated through your face. “Tell me…” he tried again as he pushed his hips into you repeatedly.
“I love you, Loki,” you moaned. His eyebrows slanted skeptically, stilling his movements and letting your words sink into his thoughts. “I’ve always been yours.” You admitted.
His kiss was magic. It was passion and life. Remorse and reconciliation all at once. He began his movements again at a steady pace, savoring your tight walls around him. You could feel the ridges on his shaft with every euphoric pull and thrust. His head bowed at the sheer power of your declaration. “Say it again…” he whispered.
“I’m yours,” you moaned.
“…say it…” he bit his lips. “…ag-again…please…” His eyes were closed as he focused on the agonizingly drawn-out movements of his hips to yours.
“I love you, Loki,” you cried as he slammed against you. You squeezed around him finally pushing him off that edge. Loosening the tight hold he had on his pleasure and pouring it all into you. The wave of bliss hit you hard and you came onto his throbbing cock at the same time.  
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Spent and panting next to you, Loki held you close. His kisses were endless. Your cheeks and jaw would be bruised tomorrow from the affection he was showering you with. His hands were always touching you. Your neck, your face. Your thigh that was wrapped around his legs. You lost all track of time being with the god of mischief and soon the bright sunlight that trickled down to the forest floor was replaced by the harsh glare of the greenhouse overhead lamp.
Loki had little strength left to keep the illusion up any longer. He seemed weary but content. You kissed him fleetingly as you sat up back to reality. “Stay,” he said softly. “The one thing I didn’t say last time…I’m saying it now. Don’t go. Stay.” His hands held yours tightly.
So many feelings were attached to that one word. The weight of it crushing your heart. “I’m not asking you to give up your life. I’m not asking you to stay just for the night either. I’m asking for you to just be,” he smiled at you. “Be who you want to be and I will support you like I should have.”
You crawled back to him, settling your head on your propped-up elbows, while your other hands played with the buttons on his shirt. “And if I decide to go?”
“Then I’ll do the one thing I should’ve done last time but didn’t.” he smiled as you looked at him expectantly. “I’ll follow you.”
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A/N: This was a request sent in and I'm sorry to say it took this long for me to finish it. I hope you like it my lovely @gruftiela. I tried to stick to the vibe of the song. But I also added lyrics from one of my other favorite Depeche Mode songs. See if you can spot it 😝.
🏷️ @emarich7 @michelleleewise @coldnique @psychospore @lokisgoodgirl @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958 @salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallow @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @joyful-enchantress @lokisninerealms @kikster606 @glitterylokislut @loz-3 @slytherclaw1227 @chantsdemarins @the-lady-amphitrite @eleniblue @km-ffluv @lokidokieokie @n3rdybirdee @melsunshine @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokischambermaid @cjand10 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @chrisevansmaindish
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scoonsalicious · 16 days
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7.4 Bucky*
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, Explicit Sexual Content Minors: GTFO; I don’t serve your kind here (hand stuff(f receiving))
Word Count: 1.3k
Previously On...: You got it on. In the woods.
A/N: Ugh, my beautiful long weekend is over. No more days off from work until Junteenth.
If you ever feel so inclined to support my work, hop on over to buy me a coffee; it's much appreciated! <3
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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“I’m gonna end up falling in love with you,” she had said to him, and Bucky could barely believe his ears. He made love to her again, under the stars, assuring her with every thrust, every kiss, every caress, that he felt the same. 
After he’d taken her apart once more, he’d grabbed his discarded shirt and dipped it into the stream. Wringing out the excess water, he brought the wet cloth back and used it to gently clean her folds. He’d made such a mess of her, but the sight of his seed oozing from her core was one of the most beautiful things he’d ever seen. It was all he could do to keep himself from bending down and using his fingers to push it all back inside of her, where it belonged, where he wanted it to always belong, from now on. 
But there would be time for that, later. 
For now, he helped her dress, and using the combined lights of the flashlights on their phones, they managed to collect the rest of the picnic gear and made their way out of the clearing, hand in hand, and back to the parking lot, Major leaning against his arm and occasionally letting out a contented sigh that filled Bucky’s heart.
When they reached their cars, Bucky was surprised to see Major had arrived in a pickup truck. “Not sure what kind of car I was expecting for you, sugar,” he said with a laugh, “but a pickup wasn’t it.”
With a smile, Major lovingly patted the truck’s hood. “Yeah, wasn’t my first choice, honestly, but when I  started my business, I needed something that could transport shit to The WarZone from our suppliers. It’s grown on me, though. Speaking of,” she added, her face falling a little, “I should probably head home; it’s already nine o’clock, and I have to work tomorrow.”
Bucky felt his heart sink. The last thing he wanted to do was say goodnight to her. “Spend the night at the Compound with me,” he offered again, bringing his hands to her waist. “It’s closer than your place, and I don’t want to say goodbye to you just yet.” He brushed a strand of hair away from her face and offered his most pleading puppy dog look. “I can bring you back to your truck in the morning.”
Major sighed in feigned reluctance. “I suppose I could be a little late tomorrow,” she admitted. “I think my boss will understand. I happen to know for a fact that she’s quite fond of your dick, so she might make an exception if I tell her I was out late riding it all night.”
Bucky laughed and pulled her to his chest. God, he loved the feeling of her as she wrapped her arms around him, the way she seemed to fit perfectly into the dips and curves of his body. 
“To hell with it,” he heard her mumble into his chest. “I’m gonna take the day off tomorrow.” 
Bucky pulled back and looked down at her, trying hard to stifle the grin that was threatening to spread across his face. “Are you sure, sugar?” he asked her. “I don’t want you putting your business in any kind of jeopardy because I’m trying to be a bad influence.”
Major shook her head and smiled at him. “Honestly, things over there run so smoothly now, I don’t need to be as involved as I am. I just like keeping an eye on things because, well, the business is my baby, you know?” Bucky nodded, he did understand; she’d devoted so much of her life to making it a success. “So, I can afford to take a day off here and there to spend time with you,” she said. 
Bucky grinned and pulled her in for a kiss. “Since you’re playing hooky and don’t need to worry about being home early,” he said, “how ‘bout we finally eat dinner? You’ve got to be starving.”
Major let out a low groan. “God, yes, please. Don’t get me wrong, I fully enjoyed our alternative activities, but damn, boy– you had me working up an appetite.”
“Gimme one minute,” Bucky said. He hauled the picnic basket into the back of Major’s truck and spread the blankets along the bed. He grasped Major by the hips and gently lifted her over the tailgate before hopping in, himself. He propped up some pillows against the back of the cab, and sat down against them, spreading his legs and motioning for Major to sit between them, with her back to his bare chest. He then rummaged through the basket and retrieved their forgotten sub sandwiches and lemonades. 
While they ate, Bucky pointed out constellations to Major, telling her the stories behind the figures in the night sky. He loved how much more could be seen out here than back in the city. He’d always loved space, and Major listened to him with rapt attention, asking thoughtful and poignant questions, letting him know that she was both paying close attention to everything he said, and that she admired his interest. 
“You’d make an excellent astronomer,” Major commented, after Bucky had pointed out the tiny dot that was Neptune, far off in the unfathomable distance.
“When I was a kid, that’s what I wanted to be when I grew up,” he confessed with a nostalgic smile. He’d never told anyone that before– not even Stevie. When you were a kid from Brooklyn, growing up during what would become known as The Great Depression, the idea of making a career out of looking at stars seemed so fanciful as to be almost insulting. Bucky had known there was no future in the cosmos for him, only a life of hard, manual labor, doing what he needed to do to put food on the table for his family.
Only, that never even came to fruition, either. One measly letter from Uncle Sam had ripped away all his dreams, and his reality.
“Well, it’s never too late for a career change,” Major said, her tone only half teasing. “I mean, you’re only in your early hundreds. You’ve got time.”
And now, here was Major, simultaneously both reality and dream, and when she said he could be an astronomer, she had Bucky believing it.
Once their food was finished, though, Bucky couldn’t resist sliding a hand down the waistband of Major’s jean shorts, seeking out the warmth and wetness of her folds.
“Bucky!” Major sucked in a breath as she arched her back into his chest. “Fuck!” He slid two of his flesh fingers inside of her, working them in and out at a leisurely pace with one hand, while his vibranium hand pointed out the stars of one of the smallest constellations, Delphinius.
“That’s the Dolphin,” Bucky told her as she grasped onto his forearm to support herself. “The stars aren’t very bright, but the myth is that Poseidon– doll, how can you pay attention if you keep squirming like that?” He knew she couldn’t see him, so he had no need to hide the mischievous smirk that covered his face.
“Bucky,” Major whined, and god, how Bucky loved the sound of it. He brought his lips to the crux of her neck and shoulder.
“I’m trying to teach you about the stars, doll, and your mind’s completely elsewhere,” he teased. He brought his vibranium arm down to join his flesh hand, and used it to work her clit, until Major was a crying, shaking mess in his arms.
“I’ve got you, sweet girl,” he assured her as she came down from her high. He made sure to hold her close to him, loving how her whole body shook with the aftershocks of her pleasure. Pleasure that he had coaxed from her. 
“You are a bad boy, Bucky Barnes,” Major said with a laugh once she’d found her voice again. “And you definitely do not play fair.”
“If you think I’m bad now,” he offered with a grin as he kissed the top of her head, “just wait until you see how bad I’m going to be when I get you back to the Compound.”
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malertop · 1 month
Steve Rogers x TonyStarkSon!Male Reader
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Gif is not mine!
Genre: Smut
Warnings?: bad bad bad writing,since english aint my first language and this is like my fourth or fifth fanfiction the writing may or just isn't the best..or great!,please forgive me if it's just BAD.
"Are you sure you're ready for this Y/N?" Tony Stark asked.Tony Stark was and is known as the one and only Iron Man but also as a highly intelligent playboy who is also a billionaire man."Yes dad,can you calm down now and just trust me!" Y/N said.Y/N Stark is the son of Tony Stark and the big brother of their second child named Morgan Stark.Y/N Stark is a smart guy just like his father,but one thing that made him special is that he was gifted with powerful magic,and because he was ready to do anything to save people.Y/N magic was something powerful,so of course he had to join the Avengers but what happened is that he got a super big crush on the leader of the Avengers who is also known as the one and only Captain America a.k.a Steve Rogers."Oh c'mon,this is dangerous and you're just a kid,MY KID.I am sorry that I am worried for my son's safety!" Tony said dramatically again,scared and worried for his son's first actual dangerous mission "Dad oh my god don't worry I am going to be just fine!" Y/N insisted,he tried telling his dad for the 50x time probably already that he is going to be okay "Okay no,I am done!" Tony said as he put his hands in the air "What do you mean now?" Y/N said as he rolled his eyes as he sighted "I am sending Steve with you so he can watch you." Tony said with a serious voice and face "...I AM NOT A KID!" Y/N said as he yelled "ohmygodohmygodohmygod!" Y/N yelled in his mind "GOD PLEASE TELL ME HE IS JOKING!PLEASE PLEASE DAD TELL ME YOUR JOKING,I CAN'T BE WITH HIM ALONE" "Oh you are a kid kiddo,you're my kid and i don't want anything bad to happen to you." Tony said as he pointed at me as I just gave up.As I looked up I saw him starting to walk towards the door "Where are you going?" Y/N asked him as Tony turned to face the kid "Where else do you think?,You know what just stay here and wait." Tony said as he opened the door and then left.After 20 minutes Tony came back but with someone Y/N didn't exactly expected to see right at the moment "Okay Steve are you sure your fine with going with him?" Tony said before entering the door,with Steve next to him "I got no problem with that,and we can get along kind of more" Steve said with a smile "Are you saying you want to be friends with my son?" Tony asked as he pointed at Steve "what wait n-" as Steve started to panic Tony interrupted him "just kidding,I don't care" Tony said as he opened the door and let himself and Captain America enter where they saw Y/N already sleeping on his chair since as a hero he didn't had much time to sleep.
"Okay I am going to take a shower..." Steve said quietly as he put you in a bed "this kid is really heavy,I am really swea-" but as Steve was staying he noticed something that caught his eyes immediately,his eyes winded as he saw Y/N's bulge through his pants,he started to slowly move his hands towards Y/N's bulge as you were sleeping,just wanting to feel it but stopped himself and instantly backed away "okay Steve...just go to the shower." he said quietly as blush appeared on his face,he instantly rushed towards the bathroom leaving Y/N's unconscious body on the bed.
"ugh" Y/N mumbled as he started to open his eyes.Seeing the light hurted his eyes for a bit but then his eyes got used to the lights,he got up and started looking at the room wondering where he is "where am I?..." Y/N said confused as he started walking but then bumped into a person "Oh your awake kid?" Steve said as he stood In front of Y/N,his perfect body still being wet and dripping some water,his big pecs which are better than any tits,his abs,his muscular arms,and the towel that was the problem right now because it was the only thing he was wearing."Oh-I-" "oh my god oh my god,please please stop i am going to get hard" Y/N stood there with blush on his face,frozen and not being able to say anything while standing in front of the muscular adult "M/N?...are you okay?" Steve asked as he put his hand on Y/N's shoulder,Y/N turned his head looking down and seeing he is starting to get turned on,Steve noticed Y/N looking down and he decided to see what he was looking at,he slowly turned his head down just to see Y/N's cock jumping and twitching through his pants,he instantly turned his head up and saw Y/N looking at him "...Did I make this?" Steve asked as he touched the bulge which made Y/N flinch for a second.
Steve looked at the shorter young boy who was blushing and all shy,Y/N couldn't move or do anything,and Steve couldn't risk what he desired,to get dumb fucked by the boy.Steve started to stroke the cock through the boy pants as he kept looking at him "tell me Y/N..do you want to have some fun,since some people think i am boring..but i can make real fun~" Steve said with a seductive voice as he kneeled down to the floor,seeing the boy face clearly made him even more turned on by the situation that he and the boy was in right now."W-What kind of fun?.." Y/N said stuttering while watching the older men that was on the floor stroking his dick through the pants,"oh you will see~" Steve said and instantly took down the pants revealing Y/N's big cock,the guy didn't even wait a second and took the dick inside his mouth,making himself already gag on it.Y/N moaned from the unexpected move Steve made as Steve started to give the shorter guy a blowjob.A gag after another fag followed from the older guy and moan and moan from the younger guy,Y/N couldn't help it but grab Steve's hair and push himself deep inside of his throat making the older men choke,Steve rolled his eyes as saliva was all around Y/N's cock.Y/N throw Steve to the ground as Steve began breathing for air,Y/N grabbed him by the hair and threw him on the bed as the towel fell."So Captain was a little bitch huh..then let me handle you like one~" Y/N said as he grabbed Steve's legs and pulled them towards him,splitting them apart wide open and looking at the breathing shaved white soft hole "W-Wait M/N it may not fit without prep-" "Don't worry Steve..your saliva made my cock wet enough to be used as a lube~" as Y/N said that he spit in his hand and brought it towards Steve's hole,he felt the soft skin of the older male turning him on even more as he couldn't wait anymore.
*slap* a slap was heard,Y/N slapped his hole teasing the older men with his dick as he watched the expression "Please M/N..just put inside of me already!~" Steve begged as he couldn't wait anymore,Steve was needy and that was well known for anyone now."What if it doesn't fit,Captain?" Y/N teased "then either we or I will make it fit" Steve teased back as he made Y/N blush,after hearing those words Y/N instantly put his whole cock inside of Steve's hole which made his eyes go wide open as he moaned by the unexpected move.Steve became a mess as Y/N thrusted more and more "Oh yeeeessss!" Steve said as he moaned "Destroy my hole M/!N,~~" Steve moaned as his hole was getting destroyed "Fuckkking god!~~~" Steve cursed out of enjoyment "What happened Captain,i thought we should watch our language and not curse?" Y/N teased as he continued to thrust every second,his balls hitting Steve's ass,his cock being buried inside of his whore hole "T-The language doesn't matter n-now~~" Steve said with cracks in his voice,Y/N started thrusting faster as Steve act like himself anymore "you like that Captain,making you my little bitch?" Y/N teased with a smirk as the slaps could be heard from miles away "yeeeeeesss~~" Steve said as his eyes rolled back which suprised Y/N making him stop for a second "wait why...why did you stop?" Steve asked as his eyes we're making eye contact with Y/N "i-" "Please M/N don't stop,look what you did to me already~" Steve cut Y/N off,as he finishes his sentence Y/N looked down at his hole and for a second pulled out revealing the wrecked hole of the older man "see..so-so don't stop!~" Steve said with smile and the next second his eyes rolled "Fuck yeah that pussy!" Y/N said as he shove his whole cock inside of Steve's hole and began thrusting again but faster than ever,slaps could be heard miles away as they were made every 1 second "FUCK M/N DESTROY MY LITTLE PUSSY~!!" Steve loudly moaned as he put his hands on Y/N's back "DESTROY MY PUSSY M/N,OWN IT,MAKE ME NOTHING BUT A MESS!" Steve continued as Y/N started to feel himself getting close "PLEASE M/N JUST MAKE ME YOUR BITCH AND OWN ME ALREADY,JUST DESTROY MY LITTLE CUNT AND O-OH-OHH FUCKK~!" Steve finished his sentence with eye rolling again as Y/N hit his spot "RIGHT THERE!,RIGHT THERE M/N! GAPE MY PROSTATE AND MAKE ME YOUR TOY~!" Steve moaned "fuck S-Steve..I..I am feeling really close~" "CUM INSIDE ME M/N!,PLEASE FILL THE INSIDES OF MY PUSSY~!" as Steve finished his begging that made Y/N completely out of control "fuck you pussy is sucking my dick S-So bad!~" Y/N said as he did his final thrust,cum started filling up Steve's soft wrecked hole.
"I am so proud of you son" Tony said as he hugged Y/N who of course hugged back,after like 1 minute Tony finally pulled back and looked at Y/N "you grow up so fast,just like how fast you were able to defeat them" Tony smiled "Dad c'mon!,I ain't a baby" "well in my heart you will always be a baby" Tony said as Y/N chuckled "Now you can go,I have to take a call" Tony said as he started walking towards his desk,while Y/N out of the door,he came to his room and as Y/N opened the door and entered,closing it and as he turned around he was stunned "Hello Y/N" Steve said as he came closer to younger guy,Steve was wearing nothing but a towel,he dropped the towel as he revealed himself wearing Captain America jockstrap "you dealt so good with the villains that I think you deserve an award" Steve said with a smirk on his as Y/N looked at him.
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espinosaurusrexex · 9 months
Forever, of course.
SteveRogers x Female!Reader
summary: Steve has a crush on you but your flirty character isn’t making things easy for him. Now he even has to marry you to please a 6-year-old superfan of his. Whether that’s a good plan or not, isn’t quite clear for Steve yet.
a/n: I think this will be the last AI-adaptive story but it was a lot of fun! Shoutout to @RandomTingsForFun on beta.character.ai for having created the character that helped me write this story (and the Bucky one).
Word count: 4k
warnings: a Stevie in love, an attempted funny reader, and a super excited 6-year-old (she carries the story tbh), this is really just super fluffy
・゚✫* 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 。✭・゚
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Steve shook his head at the sight of your chat history. It wasn’t too long ago when he didn’t even know how to listen to music on the device he was holding in his hands, let alone write a text message in less than 30 seconds. Now, he was bickering with you, and he had to admit it was even a little fun to wait for a response from you. Of course, Steve didn’t do anything else in the time he waited for your reply. He just stared at the screen in his hand and willed his heartbeat to slow a little. 
*ping* Why would that be important? So? Maybe I have been talking to Sam about you. Have you been talking about me with Bucky?
Steve: No I haven’t! And it is important because if he’s badmouthing me, then you’d believe him. What has he told you anyway?
You: Just the usual. Save the world this, Captain America that. I stopped listening when he started obsessing over your shield again.
You: Wait. Did you seriously think Sam would say something bad about you? That guy is obsessed with you.
Steve just laughed at your antics. Sam loved the shield for some reason, but every time Steve would give it to him to ‘throw it one time’ Bucky would intervene and ‘show him how it’s done’. 
*ping* Anyway what I actually wanted to ask is if you’d come to my niece’s house with me this weekend. She’s a huge Avenger fan and I might have promised her to meet one as her birthday present 😬
Steve: Of course, I will! I would feel bad if you made such a promise and I wasn't able to make it. And I bet she'll know who her favorite Avenger is after a visit from The Cap 😉
You: ugh please don’t call yourself that. ever. 
You: I’ll pick you up Saturday at 1:30? 
Steve: Yeah, sounds good! I'll make sure to clear my schedule. How old is your niece by the way? And what’s her name?
You: You can call her Izzy. And she’s turning 6 this Thursday. Be nice. And make sure to talk me up a bit, will ya? I mean, I’m already her favorite aunt but just making sure...
Steve: How could she not love you? But I’ll do it anyway. I’ll talk you up so much you’ll never be able to escape my praise! What’s her favorite food?
You: weirdly enough it's carrots, that child is strange. Says vegetables make her a superhero or something. 
Steve: I mean she’s not wrong. Carrots are great for your eyes! What does she think of Iron Man? I need to know my chances against the competition.
You: I just asked her and she said she doesn’t care about Tony because you are her one true love. 
You: I told her that’s not possible because you are already mine. Now we’re in a big fight so thanks for that.
Steve: why would you say that?
You: I like to see her freak. Don’t worry about it, captain. It was just a joke 
You: ...or was it 👀
Steve: I don’t believe you. You’re lying.
He got a little nervous. But it was a good nervous.
You: why? Do you want me to? 
You: Am I making you nervooouuus?
Steve could practically see you wiggle your eyebrows with a grin. A silly idea flashed past his mind, and he felt like grabbing it.
Steve: You need to stop before I accidentally propose to you.
Nothing - just a second, though. Then:
*ping* you have a ring?
Steve: I can get one in less than an hour. Meet me at the chapel on main and I’m all yours. 
You: I’m stunned. I’ve taught you well. 
Steve: 😊 I’ll see you Saturday, doll. 
Steve sat back on his sofa. That girl is really something. A smile broke loose on his face at the silly thought of marrying you. Honestly, he wouldn’t mind if it happened. Out of all the people he knew, you were the only one he’d want to spend the rest of his life with. You were fun and you made him loosen up. He was a whole new man around you and he loved it. Because being in your presence was easy, and comforting. There was nothing to worry about.
He sighed before putting his phone down and staring at the ceiling. He couldn’t wait to see you again.
❁ ❁ ❁
Steve stepped out of the door and smiled upon spotting your car. You were already waving at him, a beautiful smile adorning your face and Steve felt his heart skip. Car rides with you were nice. You always had some soft music playing. Always making sure it was nothing too funky so he felt comfortable. Still, he was a little nervous. It wasn’t every day that he go to meet someone who looked up to him - well, actually, it was every day - but this one was different. Because it was your family and Steve needed to make a good expression. 
It wasn’t long before you pulled up to your sister's house. But before you could even reach the front door, a little girl jumped out of the door and ran toward you with wild screeches. 
“Auntieeee!!!! OH MY GOD, you really did it! You invited Captain America!” The girl jumped up and down beside you and Steve couldn’t help his smile from spreading. Izzy was adorable - very loud - but adorable. Concentrating on it made his nervousness subside a little.
Then she turned around and stared up at him with wide eyes. He could have sworn there were little stars sparkling in them when he crouched down to her height and extended his hand.
“Hey there, little lady. It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Steve.”
“I know that!” The 6-year-old giggled as Steve shook her hand. But when he was about to let go, her tiny fingers grabbed onto his wrist and dragged him up the driveway. “I want to show you something! It’s soooo cool!” 
Steve was still a little cautious as she dragged him to her room. His only experience with kids came from Sam’s nephews and prior he had only gotten to hold a couple baby’s for pictures. He didn’t know how to navigate the situation, but he decided he would just rock with it.
Your niece pushed the white door with her name brightly colored on a sign hanging on her eye level open and revealed a tornado aftermath of action figures. He was able to spot most of the avengers laying scattered around a dinosaur toy but the overwhelming red, white, and blue covering her room was undeniable. There was a poster of Steve hanging by the desk and a bunch of her own drawings framing the magazine shot. Izzy appeared next to Steve again, holding a small action figure of himself in her hands. 
“My aunt gave me this one. It’s my first one.” She reached up to Steve and barely passed his hip with her little arms. The figure was well loved - he could see it from here. And when he bent down to retrieve it, your niece pulled him down further and whispered a giggly ‘you’re our favorite avenger’ into his ear.
His heart swelled at the excitement presented in front of him. It was adorable, and he could see a little of you in the little girl nervously treading beside him. 
“I’m your favorite, huh?” He said, his voice full of affection. Steve usually wasn’t the kind of person to get mushy over an adorable child, but the way her face lit up was too cute. The little Cap figure in her hands was pretty cute, too. “My, my. I must be pretty special then.” His thumb stroked over the blue helmet in her hands.
Lost in thought and seriously flattered by being the hero that inspired this impressive collection, he almost didn’t notice how Izzy threw her hands in the air. “So special! My mom says I will marry someone as special as you one day, but my aunt says there is no one like you. That is so mean!” Her little chubby cheeks puffed with a pout and Steve had to hold back his laugh. The 6-year-old had no idea what you implied with that comment, but he still felt more pride from being called special by you and your niece than from any medal of honor he had ever gotten.
“Well, a girl your age shouldn’t worry about things like that. But who knows, maybe I will be part of your family one day.”
“Really?!�� Wide eyes stared back at him and Steve could practically feel the floor vibrating when he nodded with a laugh. Izzy held out her finger and then she exclaimed a rushed ‘stay here’ before zooming past him and out the door.
Steve stayed a little longer and admired Izzy’s room before he heard an excited ‘Captain America said I can marry him!’ Which made him instantly rush to the source.
He spotted her clinging to her mother’s leg, giddy and jumpy. But your sister just shared a laugh with you over the kitchen counter. “I don’t think he meant it like that, buttercup.” Steve watched your sister explain before his eyes got stuck on the little frown on your face. Was that a hint of jealousy, he was detecting? “But if he marries your aunt, he will be your uncle and just as much part of the family.” A little fire hushed past your older sister’s face. It was a look of mischief he had seen you hold all too well. Steve’s cheeks heated when you caught him leaning in the doorway, scratching his neck at the slightly awkward situation. 
“That works?”
“That’s how it works, baby.”
Izzy turned with excitement and within a second she was before Steve again. “You have to ask my aunt to marry you! Right now!!” She ordered with a stomp of her foot. “Then you can be my uncle and we can hang out every day!”
Steve’s eyes wandered from the six-year-old to you and his heart picked up its pace at the laugh you shared with your sister. There was no harm in a little play pretend, right?
So, he knelt down in front of you and when your name traveled past his lips softly, he almost imagined a grasp coming from you. “Will you,” his head tilted with a wink, “marry me?”
You hid your laugh behind your hands as they covered your mouth in feigned astonishment. But Steve caught the little glimmer in your eyes at his little show. He continued to take your hand as he threw together a little speech for Izzy to hear, and when the child began excitedly jumping up and down beside him, your face softened. 
“Oh, Steve! This is so unexpected!” You clutched your chest and your sister chuckled beside you. Steve felt a tinge of nervousness wash over him then, but he would be okay with a fake rejection - he wasn’t sure if Izzy would, though. “Of course, I’ll marry you! Come here you big, hunky, handsome superhero!”
And as if he hadn’t been prepared for you to agree so quickly, Steve felt his cheeks heat up. He couldn’t deny that the words you described him with had his stomach tingle with excitement, and before he could help himself, he leaned forward and kissed our cheek.
“That was the easiest marriage proposal ever,” he mumbled beside you to which you just slightly pulled from his embrace. 
“What? You’ve done that before? Are you already cheating on me, Rogers?” You raised your brows suspiciously, but Steve was only able to shake his head with a smile before Izzy blared into his ear again. 
“A wedding! A wedding!” She swirled by him like a tornado, immediately collecting things around the house. “Mom, get all the stuffies, ready! We have to do a wedding!!!” And then she was off to prepare the quickest wedding in history. 
Steve shook his head as his arm remained around your waist. “What did I get myself into?” He mumbled to himself before turning to you. “Do I dare ask what a six-year-old’s idea of an official marriage ceremony looks like?”
“I think Paddington Bear will be your best man and if I’m lucky, my sister gets to be my maid of honor, but who knows.” You shrugged with a laugh that warmed Steve’s heart all over again. 
❁ ❁ ❁
Not even ten minutes later, Steve found himself kneeling beside a makeshift altar with a bunch of toys and stuffed animals as wedding guests. Action figure Cap had made best man and was neatly propped up behind him. Your sister had officially been crowned the ‘disco machine’ along with a lengthy speech on how important the right song was for the bride’s entrance. Steve had fought hard to keep his face steady, but when Izzy had suggested ‘Party Rock Anthem’, he’d lost it. When really, he was just proud, he knew the song because you had shown it to him the other week - it was Izzy’s favorite. 
You had been instructed to wait behind the couch until the music started to play, and Steve felt himself get a little nervous. It was silly, but somehow his desire to have this wedding according to your niece’s wishes was a lot more important to him than he had initially thought. 
“Now what do we do?” He asked as he leaned over to Izzy, but that was when the girl gave her mother the ‘sign’ - which was the chicken dance, of course - and his eyes immediately swerved to you. He could see the amusement in your gaze as you bit back a laugh.
Izzy wasn’t wasting any time, as soon as you had reached the altar, she put your’s and Steve’s hands together and immediately began talking. Steve had had barely any time to wipe the sweat from his clammy fingers before they connected with yours, but you didn’t seem to care. He smiled as he watched you listen to your niece’s little speech.
“We are gathered here today, to make Captain America my uncle,” she started, and both you and he struggled to keep it together. It was cute though, and something about becoming this little girl’s uncle excited Steve like nothing had in a long time. “Mr, Captain America, will you take my aunt as your wife?”
Izzy’s eyes were serious as she waited for Steve’s answer. And when he didn’t do so fast enough, she leaned over and whispered the answer to him.
“I will,” Steve chuckled and gave your hands a small squeeze.
Then Izzy’s eyes wandered to you. “Do I even have to ask?” She said with her adorably high voice and everyone started laughing. 
“Yes, I will take Steve as my husband,” you answered with the same squeeze of your hand as Izzy imitated the audience cheering.
“You are now husband and wife. Now, kiss, kiss, kiss!!!” It was a little awkward, but Steve leaned in, anyway, to press a gentle kiss to your cheek. He looked at you again and the spark in your eyes was a little brighter as that smile lit up your face again. You looked beautiful, Steve thought, and his heart jumped in his chest at the realization.
“Wohooooooo!” Your sister cheered loudly and ripped Steve out of his trance.
“This is so awesome! You have to come to every family dinner and we can be best friends forever!!” Izzy must have eaten a bag of gummy worms with the way she was vibrating to the song coming out of the little pink CD player. Steve was sure he’d never seen such a hyper six-year-old before. 
“Every family dinner?” He asked her as Izzy swayed his hands to the music. When his eyes caught yours, you just shrugged. "Forever?"
"Of course!" Izzy exclaimed as Steve spun her around. His eyes stayed locked on you, however. Forever didn't sound so bad...
“Looks like you’re stuck with me.” You laughed, but Steve didn’t mind that in the slightest.
❁ ❁ ❁
The evening had come sooner than anyone had anticipated. Steve had been so occupied with Izzy all day, he had forgotten all about the time. It didn’t bother him too much, though. He had fun, but exhausting as well. And now that he was finally sitting in your car again, his head leaning against the headrest and enjoying the silence for a moment, he felt how much energy it had really cost him. He would do it again, though - especially if it meant marrying you over and over for eternity. 
His eyes opened when you sighed beside him. You hadn’t so much as bothered to start the car just yet, and Steve was kind of happy about that. 
You smiled at him when his head turned to you, still leaning back with a dreamy smile himself. “Who would have thought that we would get married today?” You chuckled with a shake of your head. “And you didn’t even give me a ring. I should reconsider my standards.”
“A ring, you say? Well, you are married to the greatest superhero in the world - according to your niece - so I think we’re going to need something pretty special...” Steve joked as he turned in his seat to look through the car, and when he spotted the right thing, the smile returned got his face. “Should I do the honors?”
And then he took the lid off his water bottle and popped the plastic ring off to place it on your finger. 
“It’s perfect, blue like your eyes,” you laughed watching the big plastic ring hang from your finger. “I’m gonna have to get that resized, though. You must think I’m fat.” You shook your head. “Wow, not even a day in, and I already have things to tell my therapist about.” But the mischievous glimmer in your eyes told Steve that you were only joking. 
“Do I really need to say it, doll?” He took your hand in his before spinning the plastic piece. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” He whispered, secretly meaning every word.
You laughed it off but Steve didn’t miss the stutter in your smile at his words. It made the butterflies in his stomach go wild. 
“So what should our first act as a fake married couple be? Celebratory drinks at the Stark Tower rooftop bar?”
"Stark Tower... that sounds good to me.”
The engine roared to life and soon, the faint music was playing in your car again, the streetlights passed him by and the full moon shone above the New York City skyline. But Steve didn't care, he had more beautiful things to look at. 
❁ ❁ ❁
“You’re what now? Married?! And I wasn’t invited?!” Sam’s shocked face yelled across the bar, making few agents turn their heads with intrigue. 
You chuckled before leaning your head against Steve’s shoulder. The second Martini seemed to already work its wonders on you, but Steve loved how close you were. 
“Married by a six-year-old. Count that as you will, but I have a ring on my finger and I’m not telling you how much it cost.” You stretched your hand over the counter to show off the blue piece of plastic and Natasha just laughed at the cute story.
“So, how is the newlywed life?” She leaned on her hands to play along while Sam still tried to get over his non-invitation to a fake wedding. “You guys talking about kids yet?”
That startled Steve a little but he tried his best to keep a straight face - he failed. The thought of having a family with you did things to him he couldn’t explain if he wanted to. The warmth in his stomach spread to his heart and his arm almost instinctively came up to press you further into his side. 
“Who knows, I wouldn’t mind a couple mini me’s.” He shrugged with a low smile. He loved this little game more and more. It just got harder and harder to remind himself that it was just that - a game.
“Hold your horses, now. You’re not the one squeezing them out of your body, Mr. Rogers.” You patted his chest and sighed theatrically. “I can already see that I will be home alone with a bunch of kids and you’re working late every night. Our life will fall apart!” Your hand brushed over your forehead as your head fell back like that of a damsel in distress. 
The group laughed at the little performance, but Steve was a little quieter now. Somehow, he couldn’t rid himself of the feeling that he needed to tell you how much he really cared. He’d never let your life fall apart - not when he was able to prevent it. And while he sat there with his friends, laughing about something as ridiculous as Captain America settling down, he contemplated in silence, if all this life had really been worth it when he would end up alone in the end - giving up the dream of an easy life he’s had for a century. 
❁ ❁ ❁
It was about 12am when Steve and you stopped before your door in the hallway. His eyes were glued to you, his mind racing with scenarios this could go. He had decided to tell you about his feelings about two hours ago, and ever since, he had tried to come up with the best thing to say. But even though talking to you was the easiest thing he’d ever done, and even though you were already married - fake married - he didn’t have a single idea. Not one word that seemed fitting enough to describe the exciting fireworks in his chest whenever he saw you, to somehow tell you how bad living without you would be. 
He must have been staring for a while because you began to shift from one foot to the other before finally clearing your throat to kill the silence. 
“So... uh... that was an eventful day...” You started, fists nervously opening and closing beside your body. “Thank you for playing pretend. You made a little girl very happy.” You smiled and Steve’s heart skipped another beat. 
He caught the small shimmer in your eyes just in time to give him confidence. Your body kept moving forward as if you willed it back again and again, and Steve gathered all his bravery to open his mouth.
“You know what,” Your name tumbled over his lips like a song he’d sung a thousand times. But the effect it had on you still excited him every time anew. “Today... it’s not going to be pretend.”
And before you could even react to his weirdly vague statement, Steve leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. Full of love and affection, his hands moved on their own - one to your hip and the other onto the wall behind you. There was a moment of panic settling in Steve’s brain, but then your arms came up to sling around his torso and he leaned further into your touch. You pulled him even closer, your lips melting with his, tongues gently stroking soft skin until air got scarce. His whole body felt electric with you so close to him - finally. And when he pulled back, he rested his forehead against yours, eyes still closed and thoughts swimming in the moment you had just granted him. 
“I... I love you.” He whispered against your skin, and he felt his warm breath bouncing back. Your chest was still rising and falling beneath him, a subtle reminder of how breathtaking all this was - Steve couldn’t get enough of it, of you.
Your hand came up to stroke over his cheek, making him open his eyes to find you already looking at him. 
“I love you, too, Steve.” You bit your lips, and it made Steve just press his mouth to yours once more.
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@circe143 @valkyrie418 @mirikusashes @noideawhyimdoingthislol @nikkitc0703 @lethallyprotected @erynnnn @misshale21 @wattpaduser200 @buckyseddie @adoreyouusugar @km-ffluv @fangirl-swagg @mi-amoree1111 @lastwandastan @royalwritersoftheuniverses @dinwifey @stuckysgirl27 @broadwaybabe18 @buckybarnessimpp @goodkittyspost @simpxinnie @blackhawkfanatic @kandis-mom @ashhsage
a/n: I have to say I was pretty impressed at how much it adapted to my writing and I really liked the last part, so I put it in here. I hope you enjoyed it :)
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Mr. Barnes, Teacher Aide of the Year (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Teacher!Reader
Summary: Your brooding Avenger boyfriend becomes a regular visitor in your classroom.
Warnings: flufffffff
Word count: 1k
A/N: absolute self-indulgence - can you tell I miss being a teacher lmao? also Bucky with kids also grumpy bf/playful gf dynamic ugh my heart
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When your first graders ask if you're bringing anything to the show-and-tell party, a lightbulb goes off
"I would be the coolest teacher ever if an Avenger came to visit!" "I dunno, doll..." "Come on, you're so good with Cass and AJ!" "That's different. They're family."
You try to convince him by telling him Steve has done a lot for schools. Bucky looks confused so you show him the Captain America Fitness Challenge and all of Steve's PSAs. This derails the conversation for at least 24 hours as Bucky descends into a record-breaking laughing fit. He laughs in bed with you, he laughs at the dinner table, he visits Steve's memorial to laugh with him there
Eventually, he agrees. You wake up to him ironing a henley and chinos. You tut at him and he shoots you a disbelieving look
"Ah, come on, love, cheer up," you tell him as you grab your work bag. He's waiting for you by the door, grumpy as ever in the black leather jacket and steel toe boots he wears on missions. You tighten the buckle across his chest as he scowls at you. "It's for the kids!"
You spend the car ride convincing Bucky that the kids will love him. He carries your bags into the building, but you stop him short at the entrance. He raises his eyebrow at you as you grip the leather sleeve on his left arm and pull. "Oh, come oooonnnn, doll!" he groans as you wave him into the building, detachable sleeve in tow. "Give the people what they want, babe!" you say.
You prepare your classroom for the day before the kids come in. Your room is suddenly the most popular in the building as staff filter in and out, hearing rumors that an Avenger would be in the building. Your principal insists that Bucky speak to the whole school next time. Your work best friend gives him a friendly hug- you all just had dinner the other night, after all. The entire third grade team comes and gets pictures, each of them marveling at a different muscle group on your boyfriend
Your students LOVE him. You eventually have to ask him to spend some time in the teacher's lounge so your class can focus on your lessons
After that, he becomes a monthly visitor. You create a makeshift "Mr. Barnes Day" on the class calendar. The kids count down the days till they see him again
You have to collect black and yellow crayons from the other classrooms. Your supply runs out too quickly because your kids can't stop drawing themselves with a metal arm
One of your students is having a particularly challenging day. Bucky thinks quickly and takes the rest of your kids outside for an impromptu recess. You help your student calm down, and then you both watch Bucky and the class through the window. The kids are absolutely piling on top of him. Your kids proudly declare that they defeated an Avenger when they go home to their families
It's clear one of your students favors Bucky over you, and only accepts help from Bucky when he visits. She asks Bucky for help with a math worksheet, and his eyes widen when he watches her try to solve it. "This is not how we learned it in the '20s," he whispers to you
Bucky comes home one day, proudly declaring that he has the perfect book to read aloud to the class. The cover is a cartoon drawing of an all-American man with a vibranium shield. He is so excited to read "The Hero from Brooklyn" to your students. The final pages even have drawings of him and Sam, "the best friends a hero could have." "Mr. Barnes, is that youuuu?!" your kids wonder.
You turn Bucky's age into the word problem of the day. "If Mr. Barnes is 25 + 83 years old, how old is he?" Your kids frantically calculate on their papers. "108?!?!" your kids yell. Lukas says that's older than his grandma. Nevaeh says that's older than her great-grandma. Raja gently begins to describe color to him, and you both realize she thinks Bucky sees in black and white
Your students beg Bucky to come in during spirit week. They've missed him dearly, as he has been gone for two months on assignment with Sam. Tuesday is Career Day, and he compliments all the little doctors and teachers as they step off the school bus. He is shocked to see a little kid in all black with their arm wrapped in foil. But more and more Buckies filter in, until he is surrounded by a sea of mini-mes. "We're gonna be superheroes when we grow up!!!" they yell, arms adorned in refashioned black tights, foil, and gold body paint. Bucky sheepishly asks if you can take a picture. Bucky usually hates taking pictures, and his request makes your whole year
You told your class that Bucky was just your friend, but your students are way too smart to believe that, especially after Bucky accidentally calls you "sweetheart" in front of them. Graham misses a day for his aunt's wedding; he comes back and asks if you two would invite the class to your wedding. The class loses their marbles over this, yelling, "Mrs. Barrnnessss!" at you. Bucky turns red. During snack, some of the kids draw pictures of what your ring should look like. You proudly hang it up on your fridge at home
At the end of the year, you invite your students' families to a class celebration. You do this every year, but this year has the best turnout (gee, you wonder why). You have a silly awards ceremony, with certificates celebrating "Most Dinosaur Facts Memorized" and "Best at Catching Their Teacher's Mistakes". Bucky is a puddle of pride and love in the corner until the kids demand he comes up. He's confused until they shove a certificate in his hand: "Mr. Barnes, Best Teacher Helper Ever"
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stuckyrogersbarnes · 6 months
'Fuck me then.' (Pietro smut)
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Warnings - Creampie, oral, praise kink. 
Word count - 1.3K
Female reader
You and Wanda had been bestfriends since your traumatic days trapped at HYDRA. And even though it was long gone, you still met eachother at least every 2 weeks. She was quite busy after joining the Avengers, you couldn't be prouder. And although she tried to convince you to join, you didn't want to get back into that. So, you got a normal job as a barista at a local coffee shop. It wasn't the best, but it was fine for the moment. 
However, Wanda's brother, Pietro Maximoff, never failed to get on your nerves (and vice versa). Sure, he was attractive, but he was a huge asshole, unlike his sweet sister. You, unfortunately, had been blessed with x-ray vision so you got to see Pietro's "progress," all throughout his teenage years, without being able to do anything about it. Meh, he was average. But, luckily, now you know how to control it. 
"Hi, what can I get-" you gasp as you look up. Pietro, the man you hadn't seen in years, was standing right in front of you. "Good to see you too, kochanie. Long time." The word 'kochanie,' never failed to piss me off. It meant 'darling,' or something in Polish, around where he was from. "Pietro, never thought I would see you again." "Life's full of surprises, Kochanie. I'll have a regular cold coffee." You put on a sarcastic smile. "Coming right up." He walks off. You hand the drink to a waiter to give to him so that you won't have to see his insufferable face ever again. And although you hated him, you couldn't help but think that he had become super-duper good-looking, atleast compared to what he used to look like. 
Tony and you were quite close too, so of course, you were invited to his huge New Year's Eve party. You put on your slutty red dress with a pair of golden earrings. After seeing Pietro today, your ovaries had kind of been in a twist, if you know what I mean. You walk your way down the large stairway and feel the stares of hungry men on you. You look around, only to find a certain someone looking directly at you. The same man who you saw today in the coffee shop, he looked taller, more defined, and with a beard than when you knew him. You had a thing for beards, you loved the sting. Your breath hitches. Pietro. "Kochanie, how pleasant to see you here." He greets you. "Mhmm, good to see you too." You try to sound confident but little does he know, you're dying to use those powers of yours right now. You shake it off and begin to walk away.
 Instead of walking away and never seeing him again, you trip and he instantly grabs you by the stomach. "Fuck." you whisper. You can feel his warm breath on the back of your neck as he leans closer, "Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes." he whispers in your ear. He then leaves you, alone, with goosebumps surrounded on your skin. What just happened?
Even though you tried your best not to let your curiosity take over you, you find yourself outside the fancy bathroom. Should I go in? "Ugh." you groan. "Ah. I see you came." "What do you want Pietro?" You didn't turn back to see him, but you could hear his steps as he walked closer to you. "I'll get straight to the point, kochanie. After seeing you today, I needed to see you again. Now that I see you in that dress, looking so goddamn beautiful Y/n, I need to fuck you. Hard." You gasp and your pussy clenches. You slowly turn back, the background music slowly fading out. You thought for a second before saying, "fuck me then." He instantly grabs your neck and connects his soft lips to yours. He pushes you into the bathroom and locks the door. "You sure about this, darling?" "Yes." "good girl," he smirks and hitches you up onto the counter. He immediately bends down to his knees, spreads your legs wide open, and moans at the sight of your bare, wet pussy. No panties, no nothing. "Oh, I have been waiting for this for so fucking long." Before you get to even process what he says his tongue enters your wet hole, you moan and he begins to thrust. He then adds one finger to your pussy and latches his lips to your clit and sucks on it, hard. You grind on his face. Your eyes roll to the back of your head. You never thought Pietro would be so good at eating you out. You pull on his hair and grind on his face as he inhales your juices. "Fuck, you smell amazing." That statement alone was enough to send you on edge. But as soon as he says it, he adds two more fingers, completely stretching you out. "PIETRO!" you scream, unable to hold it back. Your pussy pulsates and you squirt, all over his face, leaving his hair and face wet. "You taste amazing, kachanie." Your blush in embarrassment. Did I just do that?  "I-i'm sorry that never happened before-" Before you finish he cuts off with a kiss, making your pussy even wetter. You can taste your sweet juices in his mouth and lips. "Don't be embarrassed, Kochanie. That was so fucking hot." he then takes two of his fingers and enters your pussy abruptly. He kisses down your neck, immediately finding your soft spot. You moan.
 "Fuck me Pietro." as soon as you say that he unlatches his belt with one hand and takes his jeans off. You can see his hard-on through his boxers. You moan at the nibling sensation on your neck. The surprise and shock of this happening sent you more on edge as your pussy clenches on his fingers and he pulled out, panting, making all your juices spill on his boxers, leaving them see-through. You could see his pink tip and his veins pulsating. He slowly takes off his boxers, his dick jumps out, almost reaching his belly button. You gasp. You do not remember it being so long. And you certainly don't remember it having a slight curve, which it does now. Wow, he has become a man. He takes off the straps of your dress, only to see your tiny, hard nipples. Your breath hitches as he latches his lips onto one of them and plays with the other one with his fingers. You moan, "Pietro. Inside. please," unable to form proper sentences. "Tsk. No patience. Though, I'm complaining." He unlatches his lips from your throbbing nipple. He lifts you up, you yelp. He bends you over on the cold marble counter, making you shiver from the cold sensation. His cock enters you, reaching a spot that had never been reached by anyone, including you, ever before. Before he even started thrusting, your vision blurs and you come. Wow. He groans and begins to thrust. "Fuck y/n, you're so tight." You moan. He bangs into you, again and again and again. You scream. He keeps hitting your G-spot over and over again. "I need you, Pietro." "Need me to do what, my darling?" "I need you to go faster, harder." He speeds up, banging harder. "Fuuuckkkkk." you moan. "Ugh," he moans, "I'm going to come Y/n." "Me too." You clench on his dick, seeing stars for the fourth time in the last half an hour. You can feel his come ooze out of him in your pussy as he pulls out. You squirt all over his still-hard cock. 
"One more round?" He asks. "Yes please." 
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marvelobsessed134 · 6 months
Ive been an awful good girl
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This is part of my 12 days of fics
Pairings: Dom!Carol Danvers x Sub!Fem!Reader
Warnings: pet play, strap on sex, rough sex, mommy kink, reader is referred to as puppy.
Summary: in which you beg Carol for something on your Christmas list
For as long as you and Carol have been dating, you’ve wanted her to be rough with you. And you’ve always wanted to try pet play. You’ve looked on certain websites at different collars and leashes made for that kind of stuff.
Carol has been iffy about it since she doesn’t wanna hurt you. But of course she’s secretly into the idea. The thought of you on your knees with a collar around your neck, her tugging the leash as you suck on her strap.
So, one day -a couple days before Christmas Eve- you pranced into her office. All the avengers have their own offices in the tower for their specific work and meetings and such.
“Hi, Carol.” You chirped, leaning over her desk to kiss her. The two of you were left a little breathless. Then you spoke up, sitting on the edge of her desk with your bare thigh peaking out of your skirt. You noticed the way her eyes lingered on your body before looking into your eyes. “So…Christmas is coming up soon.”
“Yes it is, darling.”
“And I was wondering if you put any thought into what I want this year?”
“Y/n, we’ve talked about this. I don’t want to hurt you. And I don’t know if you are interested in the pet play dynamic.”
“I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t interested. Besides, if it gets too much I’ll tell you to stop. Just please think about it? I’ve been an awful good girl haven’t I?” you gave her your best puppy dog eyes and she sighed, “Okay. But don’t bother me about it again Y/n.”
“Ok mommy.” You beamed before quickly hopping off the desk and rushing out of the room. “Ugh, Y/n! You can’t just say things like that!” She called after you but to no avail, you didn’t hear her.
-Christmas Day-
You woke up to the feeling of the blonde kissing you awake. “Mmm morning baby.” You moaned.
“Morning, sweetheart. I thought I’d give you your Christmas present now. It’s not one I can give to you around the others.” You furrowed your brows but nodded, sitting up and watching Carol grab a box wrapped in red and white striped paper.
She handed it to you and you grabbed it from her, looking into her eyes for permission and the captain nodded. You teared open the paper and opened the box to find a collar and a leash. You looked at her with shocked eyes.
Your girlfriend smirked, “I figured we’d have a little fun before we open presents.”
“Yes please!” You squealed.
You stripped down, and so did Carol. You watched as she put on her strap. You were on your knees in front of her. “Ok puppy, let mommy put your collar on.”
She fastened the collar around your neck. “Not too tight?” The captain asked.
“Not too tight.” You confirmed.
Carol smiled and attached the leash onto your collar. “Puppy, what do you wanna do now?” She decided since it’s your first time doing something like this that she’d give you control on what you do.
You thought for a moment before saying “Mmm…I want to suck your strap please.”
“Aww yeah? Puppy wants a treat?” The blonde teased and you nodded, your slick dripping down your thighs.
She stood up and walked closer to you, moving her cock towards your mouth. You immediately began to suck on it. Your girlfriend pulled the leash as you bobbed your head.
“So pretty like this. Such a good pet.” Carol crooned, petting your hair with her other hand.
You sucked her off for a while before pulling off of her.
“Mommy, I’m so wet I need-“ you were cut off by a sharp slap to your cheek.
“Good puppies don’t talk unless spoken to. Got that?” You nodded. “Good. Now what do you need pretty girl?”
“I need your cock. I need you to fuck me deep inside and don’t be gentle please!” In an instant you were on the bed on all fours, Carol teasing the tip of her strap against your leaking folds.
Without warning she pushed in harshly and didn’t waist any time to start thrusting hard and fast, pulling your leash.
“Oh fuck mommy! So good!” You cried as she constantly hit your spot.
“Taking me so good baby! Fuck!” She groaned snapping her hips to yours.
You felt yourself getting closer and closer to your climax. “M’so close mommy! Please let me cum!”
“Fuck baby, go ahead and cum.”
You clenched around her cock and moaned when you felt your release.
Your girlfriend pulled out of you and pulled you to lay on her chest. “How was that baby?” The blonde asked.
“So good, mommy.”
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buckyseddie · 1 year
out of the woods
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pairings — avenger!james (bucky) barnes x fem!human!avenger!reader
summary — in which, their relationship is a very complicated and rocky relationship that they both have to fight for. based on the song out of the woods by taylor swift!
word count — 7.7k.
warnings — lots of angst, lots of hints at winterwidow (but its not actually happening), also a lot of miscommunication, mentions of bucky's trauma, mentions of reader's past with old relationships, use of pet-names [doll, baby, babydoll, darling, sweetheart], reader calls bucky james a lot, cuddles, dancing, screaming fights, secret relationships, a lot of the avengers not being completely supportive of their relationship and being kind of judgemental, also big mentions of bucky's past and also past relationships and big hints at him kind of being a heartthrob / player / heartbreaker and like sleeping around etc., bucky's kind of an asshole, steve and natasha and wanda are probably the closest to the reader, steve's kind of hard on bucky but it's for a good reason, steve and wanda and natasha are hella overprotective of the reader, kisses, pining, jealousy, love confessions, tension!
notes — i'm back in my bucky obsession, so let's expect more!! also, this is the fastest i've EVER written a fic omg. gif and divider creds to owner!
p.s., feedback is very much encouraged and appreciated <3
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THINKING BACK ON IT, NEITHER of them could say for sure how it first started.
they just knew that finding each other was the best thing to ever happen to either of them.
"looking at it now, it all seems so simple. we were lying on your couch. i remember."
the air is quiet with a calm and comfortable silence.
"do you think anything's going to change?" [y/n] asks quietly, not daring to look up at him.
she keeps her head leaning over his shoulder, becoming incredibly comfortable, but also feeling a little nervous of what his reply will be.
it takes him a moment before he answers her, "no, and even if they do, we'll figure it out."
[y/n] sighs, trying to keep the lingering, negative worries buried, as she moves the blanket to cover the both of them.
bucky chuckles, gently moving the fuzzy blanket off of his body and over to cover her whole, shivering body. "doll, you know my body's too warm for the blanket."
[y/n] sighs dramatically, rolling her eyes. "ugh, i hate how amazing your body is."
as soon as the words leave her lips, she groans and buries her face into his chest. "oh my god."
bucky smirks down at her.
she lifts her head up and squints her eyes in clear embarrassment. "i didn't mean it like that!"
bucky gives her a pointed look.
"i didn't!" she yells defensively.
she sighs. "you know i meant like how amazing your body is in the sense of healing and how you're always warm."
bucky chuckles, shaking his head. "sweetheart, i know. i'm just kidding."
"you better be." she mumbles, moving back to lie her head back on his chest and snuggling closer to him.
"you took a polaroid of us. then discovered (then discovered) the rest of the world was black and white. but we were screaming in color. and i remember thinking."
[y/n] giggles as he kisses her cheek, just as she takes the picture.
"bucky!" she yells, turning around to shove him, after she took the polaroid out of the camera and setting it down.
"that picture is probably all blurry now!" she whines, turning back around to grab it on the side table.
she shakes it as he wraps his arms around her waist, both of them waiting to see what the picture will look like.
she giggles again as he buries his face into her neck, the scruff on his jaw tickling her.
he lifts his head up as the picture becomes much more clearer.
"huh." she murmurs, a soft smile forming on her lips as they both notice that the picture is perfect—no blurs, or anything like that.
"see? it's fine." he whispers, but since they're so close, she can hear it clearly.
she giggles as she turns around to face him, moving her hands up to his face, giggling once more at the feel of the facial hair that's grown on his face.
"fine. maybe it is." she says with playful glare.
he smiles genuinely, placing his own hands over hers, just appreciating the moment.
"are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods?"
with a silent gasp, [y/n] holds her breath and stands still, hiding behind the corner of the wall.
"what's going on between the two of you?" steve's voice speaks up again, judgement in his voice.
"what are you talking about?" bucky asks, trying to act dumb.
"come on, buck," steve says, giving him a pointed look. "it's clear that something's going on."
bucky shakes his head immediately, almost feeling and sounding defensive. "there's not anything going on."
[y/n]'s heart stops as she hears those words.
she wasn't expecting him to admit it, especially considering the fact that they've been keeping everything on the down low.
but, how could he sound so disgusted at the mere thought of them together?
with no more interest in hearing any more of that conversation, [y/n] angrily pushes herself away from the wall and marches up the stairs, up to her bedroom.
"are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? in the clear yet, good."
hearing her bedroom door open, [y/n] immediately turns away to hastily wipe away the tears staining her cheeks.
"doll? why are you—" bucky cuts himself off as he notices her red face and runny nose.
"are you crying?" he asks, shutting the door gently as he walks over to her.
"baby, what's wrong? talk to me." he murmurs as he sits down beside her, cupping her face gently.
[y/n] only scoffs, pulling away from him and getting up, wanting to get away from him.
"you have a lot of nerve, james!" she exclaims as she turns around, trying to ignore the sniffling sound coming from her nose.
bucky's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "sweetheart, what's going on? why are you acting like this all of a sudden?"
she scoffs again. "are you kidding me right now?"
he raises his hands up in the air, becoming frustrated.
realizing that he's probably never going to get it until she spells it out, she spits it out with disdain, "how was your talk with steve, huh? you have anything you wanna tell me?"
his eyes fill with realization.
bucky opens his mouth to say something — anything — to explain, before she can come up with too many assumptions.
she holds up her finger, trying to shut him up. "what are we even doing, james?"
he falls short at her words.
"if nothing is going on, then why are we even doing any of this?" she questions, pointing between the both of them to emphasize.
"doll, it's not like that. it's not like that at all, i swear."
he walks over to her, and for some reason, she lets him place his hands over her shoulders.
"i only said that to protect you — to protect us." he explains, sighing when she rolls her eyes at him in disbelief.
"from what, james? what could me or we need protecting from?" she exclaims, tears filling her eyes.
she can't stop the hurt feelings she feels deep in her heart from what he had said to steve.
"baby..." he trails off, hating to see her hurting from this misunderstanding.
"what? what could you possibly say that could make this better?" she exclaims again.
he sighs, shutting his eyes for a straight second. "i wanted to protect our relationship from all of the judgement and the questions!" he suddenly yells, causing her to jump in surprise.
he flinches, trying to ignore what his yelling has caused her.
"look," he says, much more softly this time. "i know this is all still very new to us. and i want to protect us and this relationship before we announce it — we need to figure out what it is before we do that."
she's quiet, tears spilling as guilt fills her for overreacting.
before she can quite apologize or defend herself, bucky can practically read her mind.
"don't worry about it. it's okay." he murmurs, wrapping his arms around her.
she sighs shakily as she whispers, "i'm sorry."
"are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods?"
she can't breathe.
she can't breathe at all as she sees it.
the scene playing out in front of her — in front of everyone too — makes her sick to her stomach.
she swears she hears her own heart shatter into a million different pieces.
despite the tears blinding her vision, she doesn't hesitate as she says, "excuse me, guys. i have to go." and turns around to walk back up to her room.
how could he do this to her?
flirting with her best friend? did she mean nothing to him?
as soon as she's in her room, she slams the door shut and locks it.
and with that, she slides down the door and finally lets everything out with her hands covering her face.
"are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? in the clear yet, good. (are we out of the woods?)"
she'd been avoiding bucky ever since she saw that exchange between him and natasha in the kitchen.
they'd all been drinking and even if [y/n] didn't know it, it wasn't anything more than two friends joking around with each other.
but, even though she was great at dodging and avoiding bucky, one morning, after a particularly exhausting training session with steve, he was able to find and catch her before she could quite run away from him.
she grimaces when he grabs her wrist to prevent her from going any farther away from him.
"[y/n]." he calls, his voice filled with anguish.
"what?" she whispers, trying to ignore the tears that have already spilled down to her cheeks.
she doesn't turn around. not yet.
"doll, what's going on? why won't you speak to me and why have you been avoiding me?" he asks, his voice barely even a whisper.
"did i do something wrong?" he asks again, this time his voice small.
but, [y/n] forces herself not to dwell on it.
instead, she whips around, ripping her hand out of his gentle grip and pointing a finger at his chest. "you have a lot of nerve, you know that, james?" she exclaims, finally having had enough.
everyone around them watches cautiously, before steve nods for them to follow him out of the room.
they do.
and bucky and [y/n] don't speak until the room is quiet and empty.
"what are you talking about?" he asks again, only becoming more and more confused.
she scoffs. "are you that clueless, bucky?" she asks, shaking her head.
how could he not even know what he did?
when he doesn't answer once again, she rolls her eyes, suddenly sick of this heartache that's quickly been happening for her — for the both of them. "i'm sick of this, james. if you wanted to be with nat, you should've just told me and ended this before one of us got hurt."
bucky only becomes more confused. "natasha? what the hell does she have to do with this?"
"oh my god," she mutters, only becoming more and more irritated.
"bucky, i saw you with her the other night, okay? along with everyone else."
his face fills with realization as she continues, "i don't know what you were doing. maybe... you were trying to get everyone off of our backs. or maybe you just couldn't find a way to let me down gently."
tears fill his eyes at the thought of her thinking that he doesn't want to be with her or that there's something going on between him and her best friend.
"baby, i'm not interested in natasha." he simply states, hoping that he can fix this before he causes any more damage.
[y/n]'s eyebrows knit together, creating a crease in between them, and bucky wants so badly to fix it.
"then... why were you flirting with her?" she asks meekly, not quite sure what she's supposed to believe anymore.
he chuckles, running his hands through his hair. "we were just laughing and talking — we were drunk, but nothing like what you're thinking of happened."
she stops short, her heart stopping. "so, nothing really happened?"
"nothing happened." he confirms and she deflates.
tears fill her eyes as she glances down at the floor in clear embarrassment and regret. "oh, god. i'm an idiot."
he laughs, walking over to her to cup her face in his hands. "no, you're not. you're just scared. just like me. right?"
she wordlessly nods, still emotional and embarrassed.
he simply nods and pulls her into his side, hugging her with her arms wrapped around his torso and his chin resting on the top of her head.
"looking at it now. last december. (last december). we were built to fall apart. then fall back together. (back together)."
the screaming match happening in the middle of the living room has gotten so bad that the rest of the team has gone out for dinner.
what is this about, you ask?
well, in a way the cat's out of the bag.
you see, most of the team, including tony and natasha, walked into the kitchen, catching bucky and [y/n] sharing a few stolen kisses.
they'd finally found out about their relationship. and most of them were just shocked.
but, a few others were pretty judgmental and critical about it, like tony.
and thus, leading them to the fight that's happening right now.
"i don't get what the hell you wanted me to do!" bucky yells, raising his hands up in the air.
"oh my god. you can't be serious right now!" she yells back, shaking her head at him in disbelief.
"i am! what the fuck were you expecting?! i was trying to protect us." he screams, becoming too heated, which only sets [y/n] off more.
"first of all, i wanted you to defend me! maybe defend our relationship when tony insulted me and our relationship! and secondly, you weren't protecting us! you were just protecting yourself — just like before!"
he rolls his eyes and scoffs. "why are you always turning this into something it's not?! i've been trying to protect our relationship since the beginning!"
"oh really? because it sure as hell doesn't seem like it!" she yells, her tears finally falling.
"you know what? i'm done!" she exclaims, taking a deep breath as she turns to one of the couches to grab her things.
"this was just a big mistake. and i can't fucking take it anymore." she mutters, but bucky hears it perfectly.
panic fills him, just as much as the guilt fills him.
"wait, sweetheart. don't go." he calls out, walking up to her as she starts to walk over to the door that leads to the exit.
"why?" she whips around to face him, her face red from the screaming and crying and her voice is croaky from said-screaming.
"why, james? all this has caused is pain," she mutters now, looking away from him. "we've had more pain and drama than we've had any good moments or happiness."
his face softens. "doll, that's not true. and you know it."
"look," he murmurs, grabbing her chin with his forefinger and turning her face, so that she's looking at him. "i'm sorry for the yelling. and for not defending you — i was just stressed. but, that's no excuse."
"please, just give us a chance. i promise it'll be worth it."
[y/n] sighs quietly, thinking for a moment.
after a few minutes, she can't help but agree. "okay. one more try."
he smiles, before pulling her into his arms and chest, hoping for something better for them.
[y/n], however, hugs him back with a stressed and worried glint in her eyes. is all of this pain really worth it?
"ooh, your necklace hanging from my neck. the night we couldn't forget. when we decided, we decided. to move the furniture so we could dance. baby, like we stood a chance. two paper airplanes flying, flying, flying. and i remember thinking."
bucky can't help the fond smile that forms on his lips as he admires the way his dog tags hang around his girl's neck.
even without makeup and wearing one of his henley's and her own comfy pajama pants with a messy bun, he still thought she looked absolutely jaw-droppingly beautiful.
something was shifting between them and he knew in this exact moment.
but suddenly, he's shaken out of his daze when she suddenly pushes the furniture away from the floor, along with some of the tables.
"babydoll, what are you doing with that?" he asks with a raised eyebrow, his body growing warm at the excited smile and the giggles that leave her lips.
"we're going to dance, silly!" she says, as if it's completely obvious.
"whoa, whoa," he says as she walks over to him excitedly and he lifts his hands up in the air, to motion for her to stop her actions.
"i don't dance. and also, there's no music." he tries to reason with her, but she simply rolls her eyes at him and grabs his hands and pulls him towards her in the middle of the floor.
"yeah, right. steve's told me stories about how you'd take all of your hookups dancing! and there doesn't need to be music!"
bucky chuckles, moving closer to her.
he puts his hands on her hips and hers around his neck, him unknowingly and unconsciously already starting to dance with her.
"we both know that you're more than just a hookup. so, i guess you're worth my terrible and lack of dancing." he says teasingly, waggling his eyebrows at her.
she laughs, unclasping her hands and pulling them away from his neck to cover up her flaming, blushing face and hide it from him.
he smiles, slowly pulling them away to see her face. "darling, i want to say you're gorgeous face."
she flushes even more. "it's not! you're just saying that."
his face changes into something serious. "yeah, i am just saying that because it's true."
she groans and rolls her eyes as she places her hands back around his neck.
"fine! you win," she mumbles, but she then says quickly and defensively, "just this one time!" when he smirks in victory.
and true to his word, bucky doesn't dance very gracefully.
but, considering the stories she's heard about him in the forties — back before all of that super soldier and nazi stuff happened — she chooses to believe that he only danced clumsily and silly to make her laugh.
"are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods?"
she tries to ignore both the concerned and judgey looks her friends keep giving her.
she'd just told natasha and wanda the truth about her relationship with bucky.
and to say they haven't been completely supportive is a big understatement — it's not that they're bad friends and could care less, it's more about the fact that bucky's been known to break hearts and they worry that their friend will be caught in the crossfire.
"what?" she asks, her voice coming out small.
"are you sure you want to do this with him?" natasha asks, raising a single brow at her in question.
wanda nods in agreement. "yeah. are you absolutely sure that you wanna get into a relationship with him?"
[y/n] scoffs in disbelief. "are you kidding me right now?" she asks, seeing the confused looks they share as they look at each other.
"we just mean that he's not exactly known as a commitment type-of-guy." wanda says hesitantly.
natasha nods. "it's true — he's broken a lot of women's hearts."
"wow," [y/n] mutters in further disbelief. "neither of you have any right to judge. we've all done things we regret! and let's not forget all of the hearts you guys broke!" she exclaims in a whisper as she suddenly gets up from her seat at the kitchen's counter table and marches up the stairs to her bedroom.
"are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet, good."
bucky knocks on the door gently.
he hears quiet sniffles and then a shaky voice say, "come in."
he tries to mentally prepare himself for what drama could be on the other side of the door — he doesn't mean this as an insult, it's just that so many people have been causing them and their new and blossoming relationship extremely complicated for them.
as he opens the door, his face falls at the upset and red face of his girlfriend's.
shutting the door softly, he walks over to her.
it's quiet as he crawls over to the other side of the bed and pulls her into his arms.
"why don't they support us?" she cries, her feelings being a little too hurt from the conversation that she had with her best friends.
he sighs, holding her tight, with his chin over her head.
"i don't know." he says, really not knowing either.
"it's going to be alright, okay?" he murmurs as she buries her face into his chest, crying even harder.
"are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods?"
"buck, i'm not sure this is a good idea." steve states from the couch, nodding towards [y/n], who's standing alone in the kitchen; she's numbly opening a water bottle as her eyes catch the scene of wanda and natasha talking and laughing on the far side of the kitchen.
bucky sighs, his gaze softening, before he turns back to face his best friend.
"what are you trying to tell me, steve?" he asks, giving him a tense — but pointed — stare.
"no offense, but you can't ignore the way you are with women," he briefly expains, continuing on when bucky stares at him silently, daring him to go on, "you can't commit to her, buck!" he whisper-yells, not wanting to catch anyone's attention with their conversation.
bucky scoffs, shaking his head at his best friend's judgement. aren't your friends supposed to not judge you?
"i'm sorry, bucky," he says, stepping up to stand with him. "i'm not trying to gang up on you — i'm just worried about both of you. and i don't want [y/n] to get caught in the middle of it, with her heart broken."
bucky scoffs again and walks away.
"buck!" steve calls, feeling bad for the way he approached this situation.
"no!" he yells, cutting any other words he could say off and catching the attention of everyone else.
"are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? in the clear yet, good. (are we out of the woods?)"
"hey..." [y/n] murmurs softly, walking over to the open hall that leads to the living room and kitchen.
bucky sighs, that anger still bubbling inside of him.
"it's okay, james." she murmurs softly, moving to gently touch his flesh arm and rubbing it comfortingly.
bucky groans, some of that anger dimming down a little bit.
but then, he remembers the conversation between him and steve and that anger comes right back.
he clenches his jaw, staring at the wall behind her.
she notices this again.
"hey, look at me." she murmurs softly, now cupping his face.
he sighs and looks at her this time.
"what did he say?" she asks, bringing one of her hands up and into his hair, in order to calm him even more.
he doesn't answer her.
although, he asks her a different question, "do you think that i've hurt every woman i've come into contact with?"
[y/n]'s puzzled now, her eyebrows knitting together as she tilts her head in confusion.
"what do you mean?"
"do you think i'll hurt you?" he asks, his voice wavering in unexpected emotions.
"what? james, of course not. why are you asking me this?" she asks seriously, grabbing one of his hands from across his chest to hold it carefully — the metal one.
he tries to ignore the dread and worry filling him at her holding his metal hand.
"so, you're not worried?" he asks again.
"i mean, i'm scared. but that's because of my own issues. it's not because of you — i know you would never purposely hurt me." she says truthfully, moving her other hand to cup his face, smiling softly at the ticklish feeling of the growing scruff on his jaw.
"you promise?" he asks, tears filling his eyes.
"hey," she says, stepping even closer to him and this time, placing both of her hands over his cheeks. "it's okay. i promise."
"remember when you hit the brakes too soon? twenty stitches in a hospital room. when you started crying, baby, i did too. but when the sun came up, i was looking at you."
it all happened too fast.
since [y/n] and bucky have been inseparable — especially with their friends seeing that nothing could tear them apart now — tony and steve decided to pair them up in a simple mission.
all they needed to do was go to a recently revealed hydra base and get some files.
but, the plan didn't go right. in fact, it all went terribly wrong.
[y/n] was supposed to go into one of the rooms to copy their files off of one of the computers with the thumb drive she brought with them, while bucky stood and watched guard.
but, things just went horribly wrong when something drew him away from the door of the room she was in — he thought it would only be a second, just to make sure he could be on top of any sudden attacks.
but, turns out, it was quite a few hydra soldiers trying to distract him.
and before he knew it, by the time he made it back — after finally getting the upper hand on the enemy agents and knocking them out — he came back only to see the door of the room slightly ajar and everything too quiet.
panic filled him as he walked into the room, lightly pushing the door open.
his jaw dropped when he saw another agent standing over a weak [y/n] lying on the floor, who was holding her abdomen in clear pain.
shaky gasps left her lips as she kept pushing herself further and further away from the smirking man before her.
but, before he could even take a step further to cause her even more pain, bucky didn't hesitate; he stepped closer and faster and quickly drew out his gun and knocked him out on the back of the head.
a shocked and pained groan left his mouth, before his body dropped to the ground.
and with that, he had ran over to [y/n] to help her up, panicking much more as he had finally realized what happened.
now as she lies unconscious, bucky continues to let the racing thoughts consume his entire being.
he holds her hands in his own, his chair scooted to reach her bedside and his head leant over their connected hands.
a sharp intake of breath and a pained groan draws his attention away from his intrusive thoughts.
he snaps his head up, his eyes filling with tears.
"james? what's... what's going on? what happened?" she croaks out, trying to clear her throat of the dryness.
"baby... you were shot." he murmurs, his voice wavering in worry.
"but... did we get the files?" she asks, only one thing on her mind.
he laughs. "doll, you got shot and you're more concerned about the mission?"
she shrugs. "i just don't want to disappoint anyone."
"you're not." he says honestly, holding her hands tighter.
after a few moments of silence, bucky dips his head down to take a deep breath.
"i really thought i was going to lose you, back there." he mutters, tears spilling.
"james..." she says, sitting up so that she can grab his chin and lift it up gently.
"it's okay." she whispers, wiping away the tears.
"it's not." he says, crying for the first time since she woke up.
"i know." she murmurs, smiling softly at him. "but, i'm okay."
he sighs and nods.
"remember when we couldn't take the heat? i walked out, i said 'i'm setting you free'. but the monsters turned out to be just trees. when the sun came up you were looking at me."
she couldn't believe what was happening right now — she's couldn't believe what she was hearing.
how could he do this to her? now? after everything they've been through?
"are... are you serious right now?" she asks, barely even a whisper.
tears fill her eyes over him refusing to look her in the eyes.
"tell me you're not serious!" she exclaims, suddenly standing up.
he stays silent.
"no." she says to herself, in denial and refusing to believe any of this.
he finally turns to her, his face cold and unfamiliar to her. "yes, i'm serious. i can't do this anymore."
she gapes at him, the tears filling her eyes — she's absolutely speechless.
but, when he turns around and starts to walk over to her bedroom door — to walk out — she springs into action.
"no! don't walk away — don't walk away from us!" she yells, racing over to him to grab his flesh wrist and stopping him from walking any further.
although, she knows that he can easily leave and escape her shaking hand — being a strong super soldier, and all.
he scoffs, turning to face her a cold look in his eyes — she couldn't recognize the man standing in front of her.
"i am walking away. it's for the better," he mumbles, before saying his next choice of words, clearer as ever, "we. are. done."
he walks out and as he slams the door shut, [y/n] can only cry and sob with heaving breaths as she falls to the ground — she can't believe he's done this.
maybe everyone was right about them — about him — this entire time.
"you were looking at me, oh. you were looking at me. (are we out of the woods yet?) (are we out of the woods yet?) (are we out of the woods yet?) (are we out of the woods?)"
she was miserable.
and so was he — he was just better at hiding it.
[y/n]'s quiet at game night.
everyone's crowded in the living room and the room is filled with loud chatter.
bucky's talking with steve animatedly, as if they never argued about [y/n] before.
seeing this, [y/n] ignores the blinding tears that are pricking at her eyes and turns away from everyone else.
she tries to make it through the rest of the night, but she can't.
she's abrupt as she gets up from the couch, from being smushed in between natasha and wanda.
she doesn't say anything in excuse from her actions.
instead, she starts walking down the hall to her bedroom, the tears finally falling freely.
"i remember. (are we in the clear yet?) (are we in the clear yet?) oh, i remember."
it's quiet for a moment as everyone watches the empty hall — the one that [y/n] had just walked through.
then, natasha stands up and walks over to bucky with a look of pure anger on her face.
loud gasps and yells sound in the room as the black widow slaps him hard on the face.
bucky is shocked, but also not.
steve stands up to hold natasha back. "alright, nat. calm down."
she scoffs. "why should i? he's the one that broke her heart!" she yells, still very much angry and protective over her best friend.
everyone else watches with shocked faces, except for wanda, natasha, steve, and bucky.
wanda watches in silent anger — she feels just as angry and protective, she's just more calm and quiet about it.
natasha is still just as angry as she glares at bucky.
steve is both bewildered, but not shocked at all.
and bucky? well, he's just filled with so much guilt.
"look, i know you guys will never understand," he starts, his eyes cast on the ground. "but, i did to protect her."
wanda scoffs. "to protect her? by hurting her? what the hell is wrong with you, barnes?!" she exclaims, jumping up from her seat and having just about enough of this, to just stay quiet.
he sighs. "you don't get it." he mutters, already giving up.
besides, why should he try to convince them that it's not what they think, if they're already assuming the worst of him?
"then explain it, man!" steve suddenly says, shocking everyone in the room — steve's always been in bucky's corner.
but, what can he say? [y/n]'s always been his soft spot — she's like a sister to him and he'd do just about anything to protect her, even if it's from his best friend.
"i'm trying to protect her from me!" he yells suddenly, millions of different wild emotions crossing his face.
"buck, what do you mean?" steve asks, slowly walking over to him, upon seeing the exhausted and pained look on his face.
"i'm bad for her, alright? you guys were right," he says tightly, motioning to natasha and wanda. "i am a piece of shit when it comes to committing to women. and ever since steve and i talked, i couldn't get it out of my head — i knew deep down that i was only going to hurt her and i couldn't do it anymore."
"but, don't you care about her? don't you remember those good moments with her?" steve asks quietly and gently.
"it doesn't matter. the best thing i can do for her is walk away." he says, rolling his eyes at all of their reactions.
"why are you guys fucking shocked like this? you all have been unsupportive from the very beginning!" he yells, throwing his hands up in the air.
before anyone else can say anything to convince him otherwise, he pushes past them and walks to his own bedroom.
"are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? in the clear yet, good."
weeks have gone past, but for [y/n], it felt like so much longer.
things have only gotten worse for her — the heartache of bucky walking out on her and their relationship has really taken a toll on her.
even as the red-headed ex-assassin talks to her, it all goes over her head.
natasha's voice feels muffled and far away as she feels completely haunted by the memories of bucky.
a shake to her shoulder brings her out of her daze. "[y/n]!"
"huh? what?" she asks, her voice blank.
natasha gives her a pointed look. "i'm serious. you need to talk to bucky."
she scoffs at hearing these words. "why? he's made it perfectly clear that he doesn't give a shit about me." she mutters, pushing back the tears.
the red head shakes her head. "i'm serious. i think he might be just as miserable as you are." she says, trying to persuade her best friend.
[y/n] glares at her. "why do you even care? you've been against us from the very beginning!"
natasha simply shrugs. "well, now i'm not."
[y/n] rolls her eyes. "how is that even possible?"
"because i've seen the change." she briefly explains.
[y/n] refuses to let those words change anything for her. even if her heart flutters at the thought of him changing himself or his mind.
"are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods?"
another party. great. another event i have to pretend like i'm not completely miserable.
[y/n] couldn't help the bitter thought in her head.
but, it seemed that things were only going to get worse.
one minute, she was talking excitedly with wanda and natasha.
and the next? she's feeling her entire body freeze up with her heart stopping as she watches something happen that she should've been expecting to happen soon enough.
how could she expect him to not move on so fast, when it was so easy for him to leave their relationship?
[y/n] gulps, trying to blink away the tears as she watches some mysterious, gorgeous woman leaning into bucky's personal space with a big smile on her face.
as if sensing her eyes on them, both of them turn to look over at her; the mystery woman with confusion and curiosity, and bucky with guilt and something else she can't decipher.
she shakes her head, walking away — away from the man that shattered her heart and her two, confused best friends.
"are we in the clear yet? (yeah). are we in the clear yet? (yeah). are we in the clear yet? in the clear yet, good."
she wishes she could actually kill herself just about right now.
how did she have the bad luck, to run into him in the kitchen? let alone with just them by themselves?
she's been able to avoid him whenever they've been surrounded by their friends, but this is the first time since their big breakup fight that they're really alone with each other.
"sweetheart—" he starts to say, but she cuts him off, holding a hand up.
—"don't worry about it. we broke up — it was messy — but i don't want to talk about it, okay? i just want to move on."
although her words come out as a lie, bucky believes it and it just about kills him.
he swallows his pride and every urge that he has that makes him want to come crawling back to her and get her back. "i just wanted to, uh, apologize for everything — i want to move on as well."
half of her was expecting that he was going to prove what natasha had said about him, but let's just say, she's extremely let down.
she fakes a smile, nodding. "right."
"yeah, exactly."
they both lie through their teeth.
"are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods?"
everyone watches the two as they talk quietly.
but, despite the fact that they are on talking terms, everyone can see that it's not the same.
"this is weird." sam whispers to steve, watching them with an amused look on his face.
steve sighs, frowning. "yeah. it is."
natasha turns to face them, blocking their view of bucky and [y/n]. "i thought he was going to get her back!" she whispers as she glares at them.
steve sighs, sharing a look with sam.
"well, he was," steve says, before sam finishes for him, "but then, she was talking about moving on and it really just ruined everything."
"man, she has no idea how whipped he is for her." sam mutters, steve nodding along in agreement.
wanda chimes in, frowning, "this is so painful to watch."
she nods to them, all of them quickly taking notice of how when one of them looks away from the other, they give the other a longing, sad look.
with that, wanda groans quietly, before getting up and walking away.
despite the both of them acting all content, both bucky and [y/n] are hurting deeply on the inside.
"are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? in the clear yet, good."
things had shifted recently — between [y/n] and bucky.
everyone could see it. just... not them.
things were still tense and they both were still hurting, but it was sort of bearable now.
"how do they not know? seriously!" kate murmurs, watching the pair giggling and discussing a book they have in common in disbelief.
peter — just as appalled — nods and points to kate, whole heartedly agreeing.
tony raises his eyebrows in shock. "i have no idea."
the rest of the group continues to watch confusedly as the pair become even more cute, if that's even possible.
a lot of them, like tony, yelena, clint, and some other watch in disgust, while some others watch in fondness.
"are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods?"
bucky watches intensely, jaw clenching and his baby blue eyes turning cold.
he shouldn't have expected them to get back to their old selves, especially after what he put her through.
but, watching pietro and [y/n] practically flirting right before his eyes, it completely shatters his heart.
he thought walking out on her to protect her was the worst thing he ever had to do.
but no. seeing her with someone else — right in front of him — that's so much worse.
"for christ's sake! barnes, go over there and get your girl!" tony complains, rolling his eyes.
bucky doesn't move his eyes off of the woman in the room.
he hears her laugh at pietro, and it kills him.
"i can't. she doesn't want me back." the words are hard to say, but he says them.
"that's a load of bullshit, barnes," natasha says, rolling her eyes when he turns to her in disbelief. "anyone with eyes here can see that she's completely in love with you."
bucky sighs, turning back to look at her again. "no. she's not."
"are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? are we in the clear yet? in the clear yet, good."
things were intense between bucky and [y/n], to say the least.
especially, after natasha marched over to her and pietro and pulled her to the side, and spilled how heartbroken and longing bucky was over her.
it must've been hours after that.
she left pietro to hang out with the rest of her friends, while she spent most of her time in her dark and quiet bedroom.
no matter what she tried to do — to distract herself — she just couldn't stop thinking about him.
knowing that he thought that she was moving on — that he thought that she didn't want him back anymore — it kept her up, all night.
even when everyone was asleep, she couldn't sleep.
so, instead, she walks out of her bedroom and down to the kitchen.
taking in a deep, shaky breath, she walks over to kitchen sink, trying her best to find a cup and the knob for the sink in the darkness.
although, before she can get her water, the kitchen light flicks on, flooding the room with brightness.
she whips around, only to find herself face-to-face with bucky.
"why are you up so early, doll?" he asks, trying to ignore how her eyes linger on his bare chest.
she looks away. "couldn't sleep."
when she looks back at him, and notices that longing gaze in his pretty blue eyes, she blurts it out, "i'm still in love with you."
he stops breathing for a split second. "what?" he utters in a mere whisper.
she takes in a deep breath, hoping to god that this is the right decision. "i... i can't keep this in any longer, james," she says as she puts her cup down on the counter and walks a little closer to him.
"i've been hiding this for so long. even in the beginning of our relationship, i knew that things had changed between us — and for the better. i knew exactly what i felt for you and it killed me when you walked out on me." she tries to say, her voice breaking as she recalls their messy breakup.
"sweetheart, i'm so sorry about that. i didn't mean—" he starts to apologize, but she cuts him off with a gentle voice, —"james, it's okay. i forgive you."
"how can you? i hurt you — exactly in the way that i hoped i wouldn't, like everyone was telling all of us." he interrupts her once more, the guilt absolutely consuming him.
she laughs, taking another step closer to him.
"because... i love you. i think i have from the moment we met." she says, tears in her eyes and giving him a happy smile.
"you saved me, bucky. i never thought i would find love again, but you showed me that i can."
he gulps nervously as she finally gets as close to him as she can.
"james, i'm so in love with you i can't breathe without you. and i can't be with anyone — not pietro, no one — unless it's you." she says, laughing with happiness as she cups his face in her hands.
his face fills with an insane amount of relief and shock. "are you serious? you're not messing with me?"
she shakes her head, now wrapping her hands around his neck, while his find their way to her hips.
"it's true, james. i love you — only you." she says with so much love in her voice, leaning her forehead over his.
he laughs, feeling both relief and the biggest amount of happiness and love he's ever felt before.
"i love you too, doll," he murmurs, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around her body to pull her closer to him. "i could never stop loving you."
she smiles. "you promise?"
he nods, before his eyes glance down at her lips, hers following quickly after him.
they're both fighting the urge to take things too fast, so fast.
but, with her missing him so badly, she lets herself lose control.
"bucky?" she whispers breathlessly.
"yeah?" he asks, his voice raspy.
"would you kiss me already?" she asks, laughing when he nods with no hesitation.
without another second wasted, he connects their lips and pours everything into that kiss — her doing the same.
maybe even after all that drama and heartache, they made it — they found their way back to each other.
bucky pulls away — far too soon. "i am never leaving you again." he promises, holding her head in his hands.
she scoffs. "you better not."
"never again." he swears, pulling her back in, to appreciate that he has her back in his life and in his arms.
she giggles in excitement as he pulls away and wraps his arms around her waist, lifting her up into the air and spinning them around.
her arms wrap around his neck as her legs lift up into the air as he continues to spin them around.
"god, i love you." bucky murmurs, moving his head to kiss the side of her head when he sets her back down.
"i love you too, james buchanan barnes." she says with brutal honesty.
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