#Thor turning to Loki: your eyes brother they’re so beautiful
worstloki · 2 years
how would loki and thor react to thorki being a thing in universe i (like. if ppl online were shipping it or talking about it)
I think they would find it hysterical they wouldn’t be able to get enough of it it’d shock them a bit at first but they’d start mock flirting constantly about it too
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bones4thecats · 3 months
If it's okay can I please ask for Loki Beelzebub and Poseidon but how are they react to meeting Kianna's older brother Subaru
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In her backstory she actually left Subaru alive since he helped her and they see each other as siblings
Meeting Subaru and Yui (Sibs of S/O)
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Loki, Beelzebub, and Poseidon Name: Meeting Subaru and Yui (Sibs of S/O) Requester: @nunezs-stuff
A/N: Much like with my past work, if you want to find some more information on this ‘Kianna’, you can go to the requester’s account and read all about her OC. Here, Yui is technically alive, since this is set after the events of the story, so they’re all dead and in Valhalla.
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🐍 Loki has a smaller family when it comes to the Godly-standards, he has Odin as his uncle and Thor as his cousin. While in Pantheons such as the Greek, there were four brothers with one being married and having three kids, Zeus’ blood and non, and there was Kronos and Rhea
🐍 So, when he officially met you, he wasn’t very surprised to hear about you having a sister and brother. In fact, Loki basically begged for you to introduce them to his own family
🐍 It took many different tries on his part to actually get you to consider bringing in your siblings in for a visit, but when you told him you gave in and were bringing the two in for a reunion of the Norse Pantheon
🐍 Looking back at the two behind you, you noticed that Yui smiled as she adjusted the collar around her kimono as Subaru adjusted the bow holding his outfit together, and once they gave you their respective nods, you began to walk ahead and opened the doors to the Norse Pantheon’s estate
🐍 Loki was getting bored floating around and pranking his fellow Deities, it just wasn’t the same without his amazing S/O alongside him
" Loki? Are you around? "
🐍 Opening his eyes and turning upside down from the tree branch, Loki looked around for the beautiful eyes of his S/O, only to be immediately met with the sight of mismatching red and pink eyes
" Woah! Watch where ya’ hang there. " " Y/N? " " Hello there, Loki. "
🐍 Okay, this guy was so confused right now…
🐍 Once he caught sight of you, your boyfriend wrapped himself around you from behind, slightly glaring at the man and woman, blissfully unaware of who they were to you
" Loki, meet Subaru and Yui, my ‘adoptive’ brother and my sister. " " Oh… my bad. " " Meh, I’ve had worse reactions than that. Note; don’t go to a church as a vampire, doesn’t end well. " " Yeah. Besides, we understand, you’ve never met us until now, so it’s understandable why you’re weary of us. "
🐍 Loki’s eyes slightly widened at how loose they seemed, while you normally were more tightly bound with superiority issues
🐍 As Yui held out her hand, the calls of Odin’s bird, Huginn and Muninn echoed in your ears, alerting both you and Loki that Odin and Thor were ready to meet your siblings, just to make sure they were alright to visit again
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🪰 He was surprised that this curse has allowed him to even be around you and care for you, nonetheless even come into a full-on relationship filled with love around you without you being harmed
🪰 When you had admitted that you had a couple people you wanted him to meet, Beelzebub was put off, since for many years, he grew up with this curse and because of it, never really had anyone before you and Hades
🪰 Holding your hand tightly, Beelzebub looked down at you and sighed, knowing that you would provide your dearest God with any kind of comfort or space if he needed it
" Are you ready, Beel? " " I suppose… " " Open the doors for my siblings! "
🪰 As the guards of the estate opened the doors in fear of your rage, you noticed the feeling of Beelzebub’s grip on your hand tighten as the doors creaked open further and further until the sight of a tall man and shorter woman were shown
🪰 Smiling gently at the duo, you lightly pulled your boyfriend with you to great your guests, or rather, your family
🪰 Yui looked at your boyfriend and back at you with confusion before Subaru cocked an eyebrow and practically glared at Beelzebub, not fearing that he was a God set to participate in the upcoming event of Ragnarok in a few days
" Ah! My apologies, you must be Y/N’s boyfriend. I’m Yui, Y/N’s older sister. And this is- " " Subaru, their ‘adoptive’ older brother. "
🪰 You sighed as Subaru kept his stern look on your boyfriend, his form not shaking or anything as the Lord of the Flies just stared back without any emotion inside his black eyes
🪰 Gripping his hand tighter and making him slightly flinch at your surprisingly strong grip, Beelzebub lowered his guard slightly, just enough to notify Subaru that he were not going to harm you or Yui
" Would you guys like a tour around the estate? " " That would be amazing, little sibling! "
🪰 Despite the fact that Subaru was still burning holes into the head of the man you were holding hands with, you understood that Subaru was only trying to protect you from harm, and you knew it was fruitless. Beelzebub loved you, even the Gods you have met said so, and they hate mentioning stuff like that
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🔱 Poseidon didn’t even like having to see his own family, nonetheless seeing someone else’s, it just made him feel slightly awkward. But, he could also say he was annoyed, he isn’t fond of social events, preferring to spend most time to himself
🔱 He sat down at the small table on your bedroom’s balcony and heard as the front doors opened with a loud drag from their sheer mass and size
🔱 Just at that moment, you knocked on the door and walked inside your room, alerting your soon-to-be husband that you were going to tell him who had come by for a visit, and whether it was for him or you
" Poseidon, my love, it seems we both have guests. " " And who, perhaps, are these guests? " " They are my two siblings, Yui and Subaru. "
🔱 Poseidon knew that you had siblings, as during one of your first dates years ago, you and him spoke about your family relationships, so parents, siblings, everything like that
🔱 Looking from the dark and colorful ocean to you, the God of the Seas sighed mentally, speaking to some random people was something that he did not want to participate in that day. He specifically scheduled no meetings for said reason
🔱 But, no matter, as long as they don’t try testing his patience, he can hold himself back for you
🔱 Holding out his arm, you wrapped your arms through his and began to walk down to the main room to meet up with the two siblings you hadn’t spoken to for the few months you have lived with your lover
" My dear siblings, to what do we owe the pleasure of your presence? " " Y/N! You haven’t spoken to us in months! What do you have to say for yourself? " " First of all, thank you for the gracious hello back. Second, I would like to introduce you to my fiancé, the Greek God of the Seas and the third-born son of Cronus and Rhea, Poseidon. "
🔱 Yui’s eyes widened and the man beside you could sense her aura slightly depleted in fear, but, he could also tell that the man beside her aura had enlarged with protectiveness
" P-P-Poseidon?! Oh my! I’m so sorry for the rude introduction! I am Yui, your lovely to-be older sister, and this is Subaru, our older ‘adoptive’ brother. " " Pleasure. "
🔱 You looked into your to-be’s ocean-blue eyes and slightly pinched his arm, making him look into your eyes with shock hidden underneath a layer of emptiness glossing his form
🔱 Subaru groaned and had to hold Yui back from running over and hugging Poseidon and you, since he knew that the God of the Seas was one with very little love for physical touch
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mochie85 · 1 year
To Have and To Hold - Chapter 9 (Finale)
THaTH Masterlist Complete Masterlist
Summary: Loki and Violet finally get a chance to talk. The final conclusion to this series A/N: I wanna give a big thanks to everyone who has helped me with this series. I couldn't have survived without you! Pairing: Loki x OFC/Reader Word Count: 3278 Tags/Warnings: Fluff, light angst Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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Loki sat by the soul forge, staring at the two babies in front of him. They had turned and hugged each other. Latching onto an arm or the other’s head, as if they were still inside the womb. Twins! He should’ve known. To his credit, he probably would have if you didn’t hide the fact that you were pregnant.
He heard his mother’s footsteps before he saw her in the dim light. She walked up behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders. “They’re beautiful, Loki.”
He reached for her hand and held it on his shoulder. “Thank you, Mother. I just hope they’ll be all right. Five months is too soon for them to be born.”
“A gestational period for any Jotunn is a lot shorter than an Asgardian, or a Midgardian, for that matter. It’s not all dire.”
“I somehow feel like it wouldn't have happened if Violet hadn’t traveled through the Bifrost. I don’t blame her, of course. She did it to save me.”
“I hope you don’t blame yourself for this,” she rebuked.
“Well, then who can I blame?”
“Do you need someone to blame?” She asked. Loki sighed, not wanting to argue with his mother. He rubbed his face with his hands, fatigue setting into his shoulders. How could he explain all he felt? All his fears at now having to be a father when neither of his fathers wanted him.
“I wanted you,” she expressed as if she could read his mind and answer his questions. “I saw you coming. And I had wanted nothing more than to hold you in my arms the moment I laid eyes on you.” Frigga cried as Loki looked up at her.
She held his face in between her hands. “Odin had brought you home, bundled up in burlap. Then Thor saw you. He was so excited. He had always wanted a brother. He was lonely, and he secretly wished for you.” Loki held his mother’s hands to his face as she gently placed her forehead to his. He nodded as tears fell down his cheeks in silent cries.
“You are wanted, my dear boy. And by no one more than the woman you have chosen. And pretty soon the two miracles in that forge.” Loki let out a sob and cried in his mother’s embrace. She comforted him as she always did whenever Loki came to her in pain.
“Why haven’t you told us about her, dear? About the situation? We could’ve helped you from the beginning.”
“It was one thing after another. We never got a chance to talk about it ourselves.” He answered, wiping his eyes. “This is the first time I’ve been in the same room with her in over two months.”
“Ah. Then perhaps I shall leave you two to reconnect,” Frigga said looking over his shoulder. Loki turned around to see you leaning against the threshold of the room, hiding patiently and not wanting to ruin the moment between him and his mother.
“Violet. You should be in bed. What are you doing up?” Loki said coming over to you.
“I was just…I couldn’t sleep. I needed to see them.” You explained. You wiped the tears off Loki’s cheek in silent recognition.
“Your body has just gone through something amazing and has departed with a piece of your soul. It is craving to be near them.” Frigga enlightened. “It misses them.” She held her hand out to yours, beckoning you closer.
“Can I- hold them?” you said in wonder as you watched your little miracles sleep inside the soul forge. They were loosely swaddled in green muslin, holding onto each other so tightly. “Are they warm enough?” They were so small and so fragile looking. You were afraid they would break if you even so much as breathed too hard on them.
“Why don’t you get in with them, darling? Lie down and maybe the forge can help you too,” Loki suggested. Without taking your eyes off the twins, you carefully got in and lay beside them. You put your arms protectively over them, cradling them gently.
Your body visibly relaxed. You let out a breath that you didn’t even know you were holding as you sunk into the plush cushion of the forge. Neither of you noticed Frigga walking out of the room, stealthily. Smiling to herself at the wonder Loki had made for himself.
“They’re beautiful, Loki!” you whispered.
“Just like their mother.” He said sitting on the opposite side of the forge facing you. Loki reached in and swiped the hair off your face. You had changed. Life alone had hardened you. You were no less beautiful. But you had a solemnity in you that Loki could see. “Why, Violet? Why did you run away?” he questioned softly.
You looked into his eyes. They were unguarded and in so much pain. “I- I honestly can’t even remember now, Loki. All I remember is the feeling of regret for having done so. It was so consuming that it outweighed why I left. Then I came across the napkin you had written.”
You took out the napkin, the one you always kept with you, from your pocket and showed it to him. It was wrinkled and almost see-through. The edges were nearly torn from all the time you had opened it to read it. “I couldn’t believe that you would still love me after I hid the fact that I was pregnant. So I ran.”
Loki conjured your letter. His note, too, looked weary and torn from all the times he’s tried to make sense of your logic. “I don’t understand. Why would you think you weren’t worthy? ‘You were meant to be with someone who can be your queen? Your equal?’” he read aloud. “Darling, I-”
“Loki. You were livid! When you found out I was pregnant you basically alluded to me being a social climbing schemer!” Loki looked contrite, laying his head down on the cushion.
“You will never know how sorry I am for the way I made you feel. If I have to spend the rest of my life making it up to you I will. I will, Violet. Just…I’m so sorry.”
“Then when I spoke with Thor, he reminded me that you were a prince. This wasn’t just about us anymore. It was about a whole kingdom. A different culture. There were different rules now. I didn’t realize…I mean I knew you were a prince. But to me, you were just…Loki. The man who gave me roses and who would sneak out to the back glades with me. The man who put his arm around me when I got cold. Or steal kisses from me when no one was looking.”
Loki smiled. You never once thought about his position and rank or what he could do for you. It was always just about him and you. The only one who ever saw him as Loki, not the god of mischief or the Prince of Asgard.
He grabbed hold of your hand and squeezed it while laying his lips on your fingers. “I promise, Violet. I will never take that for granted. I realized too late that, in my own self-absorbed world, you only ever saw me as me. Thank you for that.”
“Loki, I love you. I still love you…”
“I love you too, Violet.”
“…It hurt me to write that note. And to leave you. Looking back, I know I shouldn’t have left. I should’ve talked to you first. But I didn’t know how. You were so angry about the baby. And then Thor said that your father would take them away and at that moment, I made a split decision to just run. I didn’t know I wanted them until the thought of taking them away hurt more.”
“Vee, I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you or support you.”
“And I’m sorry I ran away and hid the pregnancy from you.”
Loki laughed, “Imagine to my surprise that you were still pregnant when I found you. And with twins, no less.”
You smiled back, holding your tears from escaping. “What happens now?”
“I don’t know, darling. But I do know that I want to be a part of your life if you’ll still have me. And a part of their lives too.”
“Will Odin keep you here?” holding onto his hand tighter. You were afraid he would suddenly be taken away if you let go.
Just then, the doors swung open, Odin burst through the doors with a line of Einherjar soldiers behind him. Loki stood to shield you, blocking you and the babies from Odin’s view. Loki’s face was stoic and hard, trying to anticipate what his father could be doing.
“Stand down, my boy,” Odin said coming closer to the forge. “I only came to see my new grandchildren.” The warmth of his tone left Loki stunned. He did not show it, however, and stood in place refusing to budge.
You gathered your babes, closer to your chest. The small, fragile babes were easily secured in one arm, as your other arm covered them. “You will not take my children away from me!”
“Rest child. I will do no such thing. I merely wish to see them.” Odin reassured you again.
“Father, what exactly are you trying to see? The resemblance? Because I assure you they are every bit as mine as they are my own body. Just because they do not resemble a frost giant, doesn’t mean…”
“Of course, they don’t look like a frost giant. They haven’t seen one yet. Have you changed in front of them? Or perhaps they are still too young to see.” Odin hypothesized. “Have you given them names? Have you called them yet?”
“No. No, we haven’t discussed it yet.” You answered. A thoughtful hum escaped Odin’s lips as he nodded. “Wait. I’m confused. Thor said that you would take the children and raise them in your ways until they are of age. I mean, isn’t that what you did with Loki?” you asked holding onto Loki’s hand.
“Loki was found on the steps of a temple. He was smaller than the other frost giant newborns I happen to come across and realized that he was left there abandoned.” He turned to Loki and said, “I heard your mother’s voice in my head then. She would’ve never spoken to me again if she found out I had left a small infant alone to brave this harsh world by himself.
“So I took you with me. The moment you opened your eyes and saw me, you had changed. Your markings had disappeared. Your skin, your eyes- they mimicked my own. I knew right then that you were going to be a force to be reckoned with.”
“Have you gone soft, Odin? Where is all this sentiment coming from?” Loki provoked.
“Don’t try my patience, boy.” Odin turns to you and says, “Now, tell me all that has transpired, and we shall see what is to be the outcome.”
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Five months had passed, and you remained on Asgard with Loki and your new family. Part of the reason was that you were still healing, and Loki loathed to have you travel through the Bifrost in your condition.
You didn’t mind staying though. It was nice to have help and people to watch the kids from time to time. You doubted you could get that back home.
The other reason was that Loki wasn’t necessarily welcome back to Earth after the alleged attack on the air force base in France.
“Both Thor and I were there. So was Cal and Rhodey.” Bruce said through the holographic communication device. He and Thor had gone back to try and smooth things over with the United Nations and U.S. officials. “I know Rhodey might’ve been apprehensive, but facts are facts. Loki didn’t hurt anyone or do any harm. We were there to look for you because we thought you were in danger.”
“Thank you, Bruce.”
“No problem. It’s the truth. So, how are you getting along? How’s Vallen and Minerva?”
The thought of your twins brought a smile to your face. “Vallen is clingy. He is always holding onto his sister,” you laughed at how, even at his young age, Vallen is already protective of his sister.
“And Minerva looks just like her father. She prefers to be in Jotunn form, and I can only hold her temporarily before I need more protective clothing.” Of course, that means that she is always being held by Loki.
“Ah! So how is Loki?”
“He’s…” How would you describe him? The determination in his eyes when he wakes up in the morning, knowing he has a purpose in his father’s court made him look invincible. The smile he gets when he sees you and the babies after a long day in the high court was heart-warming. The nights you spent together reminiscing about old memories and reacquainting yourselves with each other were sensually and emotionally awakening. “…Happy. He’s happy.”
“Good. Listen, I’ll talk to you later. Tony wants to get started on making space for you and the babies when you return.”
“Thanks again, Bruce.”
“Hey, that’s what god-uncles are for.” He blushed and quickly disappeared from the holographic communicator.
“Are you leaving?” Loki’s voice echoed in the empty chamber. You turned quickly to find him leaning against the bedpost, a stunned look on his face.
“Loki! It was supposed to be a surprise.” You said walking up to him and wrapping your arms around his waist. His reluctance to hold you conveyed more than what he wanted to say.
“A surprise? Are you running again?” settling his hands on your arms. “Did I not spend enough time with you and the children? I knew I shouldn’t have agreed so quickly to father’s offer. I’m sorry Violet, please...”
“Loki! No! I’m not running! Not ever. Never away from you. And I would never take the kids away from their wonderful father.” You said kissing him on his lips.
“Then why?”
“I wanted us to have a home to go to when we were on Midgard. A place to call our own. I know the sanctions on your banishment haven’t been made clear yet, but when they do, I want us to have a safe place to be a family. It’s the least Tony could do after he reported the quinjet stolen. I mean honestly, so dramatic,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes at Tony’s actions.
“So you aren’t… going away?”
“No! And if I do, I’m taking you with me.” You said wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him all over his face. “You, me…and the kids.” You corrected, laughing.
“Running alongside each other, forever.” He agreed. Forever. That was a word that had a different meaning for him and for your children. It could never be forever for you could it? You were only mortal. But Loki, and the children, had Jotunn blood. His immortality runs through their veins.
“Thank you,” Loki said shaking you from your spiraling thoughts. “For making a home for me…”
“For us!” you corrected.
“For us…wherever we may be,” he said kissing you passionately. He pulled your body closer to his and you melted right there in his arms.
“I have a surprise for you too.” He said coming out of the heated daze you two found yourself in.
“A surprise?” you said with a smile on your face, your worries all but forgotten.
“Yes, come on it’s out by the gardens.” He said grabbing hold of your hand.
“But the twins…”
“Are being watched by mother tonight and her ladies in waiting. They can’t get enough of them. Come. It’ll be like before- when we used to sneak out to hide our courtship.” Loki led you through the castle, hand-in-hand. Your soft giggles followed you through the hallways as servants bowed to both of you in your passing.
“Not so secret now, are we?” you laughed.
The jasmines were in bloom tonight. You could smell their sweet fragrance as you ran past them through the thicket of fruit trees. In the center was a blanket laid out with a large picnic basket. Books were stacked hurriedly in the corner as floating candles wafted by, giving the whole clearing an ethereal glow.
“Ta-da!” Loki exclaimed spreading out his arms.
“Loki! This is beautiful! It’s like…like…”
“Like the picnics behind the compound we used to have?” he finished your sentence. You walked towards the blanket, looking around at the floating candles of light. You were always amazed at Loki’s magic.
Turning back, you finally focused on him, with one knee on the ground. He smiled as he pulled a small velvet box from his pocket and opened it.
“Violet, will you make me the happiest man, in all the nine realms and be my wife?”
“Loki…” his question was a shock to you. You stared at the ring, an oval shard of different colors, set in a gold band. It shone so brightly, even under the darkening skies. “Loki is this what I think it is?” You looked into his eyes. You could see the sincerity and love in them.  
“It’s a piece of the Bifrost, faceted with diamonds around it. I wanted to give you a reminder, that wherever you are, my heart will always find you and take me to you.”
“Loki.” Your eyes spilled tears and small sobs began to wrack through your body. “You know that you don’t need to do this. I love you.”
“I love you too, Violet…don’t need to do what, exactly?”
“Get married.”
“But, we love each other. Is that not why we should be married?” He asked standing from his kneeling position on the ground.
“Yes, but…”
“Vee, stop it.” He commanded. You looked up into his eyes, tears staining your cheeks. “Stop overthinking this,” he charged.
“I don’t want you to feel obligated…”
“With the kids, Loki. You don’t need to do this just because we have kids?”
“How is it never easy with you?” He said throwing his hands in the air. “I love you, you frustrating woman!” he cried holding your face in between his hands. “I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you and I have never stopped.” His emotions overtook him and he kissed you zealously.
“I want late-night dances…” he paused his kiss to say. “…and early-morning trysts with you,” Loki murmured in between lips and tongue. You remembered those words so ardently. They were the same words he said when he confessed his love to you all those months ago. A lifetime and heartache ago.
“I want to be yours! Your friend. Your husband. Your god!” he growled holding you tighter. His lips found the soft spot right under your ear that made you a quivering mess. “And I want you to be mine. My queen…” he kissed your neck. “My goddess…” kissed your cheek. “My wife.” He said taking your lips.
“Marry me,” he said breathlessly. “Bind my life with yours.”
You cried. The overwhelming emotion and love you felt for this man would never let you turn him down. You would do anything and everything for him. “There’s nothing I want more than to be yours. In front of everyone. In front of the whole world.” You said, repeating the same answer you had given him all those months ago. Loki’s smile grew as he picked you up and twirled you around the haze of light and trees.
“To have and to hold,” he breathed, kissing you one more time.
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⬅️Chapter 8 | Epilogue ➡️
🏷️ @emarich7 @michelleleewise @coldnique @vickie5446 @psychospore @mukagentropy @lokisgoodgirl @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958 @salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallows @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @joyful-enchantress @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokisninerealms @kikster606 @glitterylokislut @loz-3 @slytherclaw1227 @chantsdemarins @the-lady-amphitrite @eleniblue @km-ffluv @lokidokieokie @n3rdybirdee @melsunshine711
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lokiswifeduh · 2 years
I’m okay now
Pairings: wanda x dark!sister!reader, loki x reader
warnings: grief, mourning, mention of Thanos, mind control, choking, maybe language? knowing me probably, mention of Odin, evil!reader. I don’t think there's anything else. 
A/n: I literally love this idea. it’s kinda rushed because I worked in an hour. BUT, I hope y'all like it. Let me know if you want a part two!!
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You knew you should’ve listened. The people around you and the small voice in the back of your head telling you to stop. But love drove you into this place, as did grief. Even now, as you studied a certain spell, surrounded by lifeless trees in a field of death, you only had one purpose on your mind. To get him back. 
“Y/n!” You turned, seeing Wanda land beside you, her palms glowing a bright crimson. “Give me the Darkhold.” She held out her hand, making you shake your head and grip the book tighter, “It’s not yours anymore. You gave up.” “I came to my senses.” Wanda corrected you. “I chose to live my life and not be filled with anguish which is what will destroy you.” You walked toward her slightly, your own power flooding your hand with a green energy. “I suggest you leave.” Wanda stepped closer as well, showing you she was not scared. “You know they’re scared of you.” Quirking an eyebrow, you listened as she talked about the so called friends and family you had left behind after the final battle against Thanos. “Natasha, Bucky,” She paused taking a deep breath, “Thor won’t even consider talking to you.” You scoffed, turning your back to your sister. “He was always jealous of Loki.” Your power sank back down, no longer threatened by Wanda. “I’m not surprised he doesn't want him back.” “You think he doesn't?” Wanda raised her voice slightly. Staying silent, you confirmed her question. “He loved him. Loki was his brother-” “And he was my husband!!” You turned back, shouting so loud a couple of crows flew away from the dead tree branches. “I’ve lived without him before. When he faked his death. But this..” You shook your head, gulping. “He always came back.” Wanda’s eyes softened as she came forward, attempting to grasp your hand. You let her, cold blackened fingers mixing with her warm touch. A tear slipped down your cheek as you lifted your gaze to her. “It’s been six years and...he hasn't come back.”
Your sister snaked her hand up and behind your neck, bringing you to her chest. Her big sister instincts kicking in. After Pietro had died, you and Wanda were left to the care of the Avengers. Training and fighting beside them to take down HYDRA and any other entity that threatened the Earth. 
Along the way you met Loki who had been under the supervision of Thor. Showing him that he could become a trusted citizen of Earth. One thing led to another and he proposed, both of you having a beautiful ceremony in the gardens of Asgard. It was a shock when Odin actually allowed it. 
Yet now, as you twist the wedding band around your finger, you don’t feel the happiness you once did. You feel misery, and suffering. “No.” Shaking your head, you back away from your sister. Breaking the hold her arms had around you. “You won’t change my mind.” “You can turn back now. You can stop this before it gets out of hand.” Wanda tried to convince you but you just kept shaking your head. “I can’t.” You gulped. 
“Why?” The redhead questioned, “Just come home and we can talk about-” “I can’t stop because I'm already there.” 
Wanda’s brows furrowed, “What are you talking about?” You straitened your stance, holding your head high as you lifted your hand. Green wisps surrounded the air until Wanda could see everything. There was your ticket to so called happiness. America Chavez, stuck in a paralyzing trance, waiting. 
Wanda gulped, recognizing the child she had once terrorized. “Let her go.”
You laughed, walking over and behind the teenager with a smirk. “You think I’m going to make the same mistakes as you? No.” Bringing a hand up to the side of the girls head. “Loki is alive.” You placed two fingers on her temple, an array of green energy surrounding the three of you. “In every other universe but ours.” 
Wanda watched through your powers as Variants of you and Loki laughed, make dinner together, and kissed in the passionate way you once did. Taking your hand away, it all disappeared. “I will get him back.” You lifted your palm, green surrounding Wanda’s body in a hold as she was heaved into the air. 
“Y/n!!” Your sister shouted, her body being crushed by your tight lock. “What happens to the other Y/n that he loves?!” Her breathing was shallow, but your hard glare scared her more than the diminishing oxygen in her chest. “What happens to her?!”
“She’s just a step in the path to being with him again.” With a whisk of your arm, Wanda was sent back to the compound, out of your way. 
You turned to America, controlling her mind to bring you to the certain Universe you had been spying on for a couple of weeks. A bright electric star created a pathway as you looked to the other side. The familiar golden hallways and the sound of Loki’s laughter filled your heart. 
“And with that step,” you saw other you holding onto Loki’s neck as he carried her into their shared bedroom. “I’ll crush her.”
You walked through the portal, your link on America instantly breaking as it shut behind you. 
“Loki!!” The other you giggled, “Come back,” holding out her hands in a grabbing motion. 
Stepping through the door, just enough to see, you watched as Loki shed himself of his armor, leaving him in only a loose pair of sweatpants. “I’ll just be away for a minute darling.” He disappeared into the bathroom, making you enter and the other you had no idea. 
Your power swarmed your fingers as you raised your hand, instantly cutting off the oxygen to her throat. Her chokes and sputters could hardly be heard over the running water in the bathroom, easier for you. 
Finally, you made yourself visible, her eyes going wide. “What..” She choked, “What the..he-hell.”
You smirked, lifting her higher as she struggled to intake air. “You’re going to go to sleep, and I’ll wake you when I see fit.” The other you tried to shake her head but before she could protest you placed her in a deep sleep, moving your hand so her body couldn’t be seen. 
“Darling?” Loki yelled from the next room, making your head snap in his direction. Moving quickly, you changed your attire. The once dark green suit was now a flowing night gown. Your fingers were a regular skin tone and your hair was tied into two long braids like she had. 
“Yes?” You tried to sound as normal as possible but the crack in your voice broke through.  The bathroom door opened, showing you Loki for the first time in over six years. His raven hair was down, surrounding his neck and shoulders. A smile turned his lips up as he looked at you. Looking at you with those gorgeous green eyes you had missed gazing into. “Are you alright?” He questioned, his expression softening slightly. 
You nodded, not being able to hide a tear that fell upon your cheek. “My love.” Loki moved forward, wrapping his arms around your fragile body. “What ever is the matter?” You missed this. His touch. The way his skin was always cold compared to your once heated body. You missed the way his back would relax under your touch. His lips came up to your forehead, leaving a long kiss on the crown of your head. 
“I just...” You gulped, looking up to your husband. “I missed you.” “While I was in the restroom?” Letting out a laugh, you nodded. “It sounds silly.” Loki shook his head, “You could never sound silly. Not to me.” He peered his head, bringing his lips to yours. You wrapped your hands around his neck, your mouth moving in sync with his. He pulled away reluctantly, “I love you, Y/n Laufeyson.”
You let out a breath, closing your eyes tightly before meeting his. “I love you.”
He held you tighter, pressing your head tightly to his pale chest, “Are you sure you're alright?”
You bobbed your head up and down, now finding happiness in twisting your wedding band around your finger. You breathed in the scent of vanilla and pine, feeling at home. “I’m sure. I’m okay now.”
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ashdreams2023 · 2 years
Hello! Can you please do a cute one shot where the reader goes into labour in the middle of the night and Loki drives her to the hospital and obviously stays with her all night and while she gives birth? And also maybe Nat and the other avengers visit them as well while they’re in the hospital? 🥰❤️
Baby on the way
Your due date wasn’t until the end of the month so when you woke up with your water broke you almost had a heart attack.
"Loki wake up!"
Loki jumped from the bed the second his brain functioned with the new information.
Your hospital bag was likely ready so he grabbed it first then helped you put on some shoes, he didn’t care if you wore pants, your night shirt would have to do.
His eyes raced between watching the road and making sure you’re doing fine in the back seat.
By the time you two arrived at the hospital a wheelchair was ready for you since Loki was smart enough to give Tony a call before going, Tony made sure they knew you’re coming.
It was insane, everything and everyone was going so fast.
Loki stayed by your side through it all, disappearing only for a few minutes to sign some important papers then ran back to you.
During the birth itself, he let you squeeze his hand hard till the color in it turned blue. It didn’t hurt but the pressure you were pushing on his resulted in his true skin showing a little bit.
At one point you were cursing every nurse that touched you because you’ve been laying there for too long pushing.
"GET OUT!!" You screamed.
After a few final pushes the baby was born, the cry of the small being made Loki’s heart beat slow down.
His eyes bounced around from looking at you to looking at his baby.
He kissed your sweaty face, not realizing that he himself was crying.
"You did amazing, fantastic, you’re absolutely perfect" he mumbled against your skin.
After calming down for a few minutes the nurses came back with your baby and the first you saw were those big green eyes.
You laughed tiredly before pressing a kiss on the newborns head "my baby"
"Beautiful, beautiful you" Loki cooed at the little girl in your arms, running his finger across her small cheek as she stared at him in awo.
He held her for a while too, before the nurses took her from him and told him you need to be cleaned and put in a room to rest.
The very next day though your room was barged in by none other than your superhero friends.
Tony being the first to walk in with the biggest gift basket you’ve ever seen in your life, followed by the avengers and other close friends.
"Where is the little one!?" Thor excitedly asked, you pointed your head towards the small bed beside you, where she was still sleeping.
"Can we wake her up!?" Loki shook his head before looking at you, you nodded before he picked the baby girl up and caressed her cheek until she whined and opened her eyes.
Loki kissed her cheek before handing her to you, everyone gathered around to look at the little Angel.
"She’s so cute!"
"She has your eyes brother!"
"And your nose y/n"
You pouted at the last comment but Loki’s little pinch on to your nose made you giggle.
Tony and pepper were the first to hold her.
"What did you name her?" Said Natasha.
"Aurora…princess aurora lokidottir" you said.
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honeypiehotchner · 3 years
unrequited (Loki x Stark!Fem!Reader) -- one shot
I watched Loki ep 2 and had to literally talk with @chelseyjoyce​ abt it because WHAT WAS THAT so anywho here’s an angsty one shot out of spite :))
(This is one of those WIPs I mentioned hehe)
Summary: You finally see color when you meet your soulmate, Loki, but it doesn’t end in happily ever after like everyone says it does.
Warnings: literally all angst. Loki is an asshole, full stop (sorryyy)
Loki Masterlist || Main Masterlist
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Midgard fades into nothingness as Thor and Loki return to Asgard.
“You broke her heart, you know,” Thor said after a while.
“I know,” Loki replied, quietly.
“You’re not going to try to fix it?”
“How can I?”
24 Hours Earlier
“Dad! Look at this! I finally got it to connect, watch!”
Tony watched in awe as you showed him your newest invention. He never thought his daughter would turn out just like him, but you’re a spitting image. Intelligence, wit, colorblindness and all.
The latter you’re less happy about. You hate it, actually, but you never talk about it. Your dad tried for a few years to invent glasses that would help you see color, but they never worked. You’d get glimpses of dull colors that would fade completely within a few seconds.
After the third try, you told him (quite impolitely, you’ll admit) to stop.
That was just a few months ago, and now he’s never seen you happier. You’ve thrown yourself into your work, and this is the quickest you’ve ever completed something.
“That’s awesome, munchkin,” Tony laughed. “Gimme five!”
You smacked his hand with yours, grinning wide. “I’m sure some improvements can be made—”
“Ah, ah, ah, what did we say about respecting our work?”
You rolled your eyes. “What should I improve?”
He sighed. “Alright, fine, but later. We’ve got a couple people stopping by, so I need to see them first.”
“Ooh, are they friends?”
“Kind of?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You laughed, tossing your arms up. “Can I meet them?”
Tony shrugged. “Sure, why not, come on.”
You followed your dad out of the lab and into the elevator, then down a few floors. You usually tried to avoid the elevator at all costs. Everything looked so beautiful through the glass that your chest just ached with want. Why did you have be cursed like this? It wasn’t fair.
You’ve tried to be grateful, knowing that one day you’ll meet your soulmate and the colors will come back and it’ll all be right again.
But you’re getting older. And losing hope.
“What are their names?” You asked idly.
“Thor and Loki.”
“What?!” You yelled, not expecting to hear those two names. “Why didn’t you tell me they were coming?”
“You know them?”
“No! Yes, kind of, I know of them.”
Tony rolled his eyes, the same exact expression you got from him. “They’re just picking something up. Something top secret, so don’t ask.”
“Wasn’t going to.” You so were.
You were busy with fixing a drink when the elevator opened again, and this time the two brothers stepped out. You turned around when you heard your dad greet them, and that’s when it happened.
You dropped the glass from your hand, your eyes wide as color painted everything around you. Bright blue everywhere — is that really Dad’s favorite color? Thor was wearing red and Loki was in a dark green— Loki.
Oh, this is bad. Or is it good? The death glare Loki was shooting your way told you it was bad, very bad.
“What the hell?” Tony said, waving his hands. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you replied, gaining your composure. “Sorry. Got a little starstruck I guess. Sorry…”
Tony sighed. “Okay, just...watch where you step. I’m sure Thor won’t care if you take a selfie with him in a minute,” he teased.
Thor smiled. “I like taking selfies.”
You swallowed thickly, blinking slowly, the color nauseating you. Loki looked everywhere but you. And you wanted to be anywhere but here.
“No thanks,” you murmured. “I’m just gonna go back to the lab, sorry— Sorry about the glass.”
You stumbled around, looking like a newborn deer as you rushed toward the stairs, throwing the door open and practically jumping down the entire flight.
You made it to your room before you nearly collapsed. Heaving, coughing, sobbing. You threw yourself on your bed and screamed into the nearest pillow until your throat was sore, and then you did it again. And again.
After you exhausted yourself to the point of delirium, you turned over on your back, grimacing at the color choices you made. When you didn’t see color, you based things on texture or what shade of grey they were. Now you’re realizing that your favorite shade of grey isn’t your favorite color, after all.
You closed your eyes to get away from it, and when you opened them again, a few hours had passed, but the colors had not.
So it really is Loki.
But he wanted nothing to do with you. He glared at you and then looked anywhere but you. Thor at least smiled at you. Why couldn’t it be Thor?
It’s Loki.
You almost smacked your own head in annoyance. You didn’t need the reminder. You understood loud and clear the first time.
There was absolutely no way that your dad could find out about this. Thor already had his soulmate, so you couldn’t even lie and say it was Thor. It was definitely Loki that made you see color, and definitely Loki that wanted nothing to do with you.
As much as you wanted to vomit right then, you didn’t.
You got up and ventured out of your room, in search of food or something stronger to make you forget, but then you ran right into Loki.
“Shit,” you muttered, stepping back like he burned you — but it was the exact opposite. He felt cold. Even through his clothes, or maybe it was from his hand that reached out to steady you.
“My apologies,” he said, and even his voice made you shiver.
You glanced around him, finding an empty hallway. But still, you whispered. “I thought you weren’t staying.”
“We aren’t. We’re leaving in a few minutes.”
“Then what are you doing up here?”
“Snooping,” Loki replied, and you figured that sounded about right for him.
You nodded, not questioning it. “Can I ask you something?”
Loki already knew, but still he said, “Yes.”
“Did you see it earlier?” You asked. “The color?”
What Loki wanted to say was that yes, he saw color and he saw you and you were beautiful and he wanted to wrap you in his arms and take you home to Asgard immediately, to be his princess, to one day be his queen.
But that isn’t what Loki said. Instead, you watched his face turn into one of mocking, teasing, mischief. “Silly girl,” he laughed coldly. “I’m a god. I already saw color. You’re not my soulmate, I’m afraid it’s blatantly impossible.”
You blinked, wondering what the hell he even meant by that. “What?” You blurted. “But that makes no sense!”
“I don’t know what else to tell you.”
“Why were you glaring at me then?”
Loki raised an eyebrow. “You wasted a perfectly fine glass.”
“Because I saw color!” You yelled.
“Well, good for you.”
You wanted to smack him. You wanted to smack the smile right from his lips, and then you wanted to kiss him senseless, but you didn’t.
“Whatever,” you said. “Just go away. Back to As...whatever.”
“Asgard,” Loki corrected, almost growling.
You rolled your eyes. “That place. Have fucking fun or whatever.”
You shoved past him to go toward the kitchen, but then you started running, toward the stairs, down the flights, right into the lab, where you smashed one of your secret inventions.
It was meant to show you your soulmate. It showed you the exact dark green Loki wore. But you thought it was lying. You wanted it to be a lie.
Tony found the pieces of smashed technology a few hours later, after you had long gone to bed. You hadn’t shown him this invention, so he had no idea what it did, but he knew something was wrong.
You never smashed anything that you created. This was just wildly unlike you.
So, Tony did what he does best as a dad, and he knocked on your bedroom door. He started with being nosy.
“Munchkin? Got a moment?”
You didn’t hear him because you had headphones in and were literally blasting music as loud as you could. But your silence didn’t stop Tony from entering your room, his worried mind taking over.
And when he saw you, his heart broke. Headphones in, tears running down your face as you stared straight ahead. You merely blinked when you noticed him in the doorway.
Honestly, you felt and looked numb.
Tony carefully sat next to you on the bed, and gently lifted the headphones off your head. He smiled softly, grimacing at the volume. “You’ll bust your eardrums like that.”
You barely lifted your shoulders in response.
“Wanna tell me what’s wrong?” Tony asked. “I’m fine with the guessing game, but it would speed things up if you give me a clue. I have got all night, though.”
You knew he had all night. He always did. “I can see color.”
Surprise crossed Tony’s face at your statement. He had pictured it being said with excitement, not the deep melancholy he heard just then. “Who is it?”
You shook your head. “I don’t know.”
You took a deep, shaky breath. “I thought it was Loki,” you muttered. “But when I asked him if he saw it too, he…” You squeezed your eyes shut, steadying yourself. You got Tony’s temper, too. “He said he could already see color so it wasn’t him and I wasn’t his soulmate and he was...a fucking asshole about it.”
Tony sighed. With this information, Loki’s subdued attitude earlier made more sense. Tony figured it was because Thor had threatened him beforehand or something. Tony never banked on the reason being you were Loki’s soulmate and Loki, per usual, was just a jackass to you.
But...it was Loki. You couldn’t be with Loki. Tony wouldn’t let you, soulmate or not. But it didn’t seem like you were going to fight him on this, so he didn’t bring it up.
Instead, he held you. He let you cry. And he took you out for milkshakes at midnight.
Because Tony had always been able to figure out how to parent, but he realized that night that he never quite figured out how to heal a broken heart — especially when that heart is yours.
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midgardianweasley · 3 years
The Royal Ball
The Royal Ball
Loki laufeyson x Fem!reader
Summary: There is an Asgard ball being hosted in the palace, Y/N is yet to find a date to accompany her. She’s disappointed when a certain God doesn’t ask her, however, what happens when he sees someone else getting a little too close for comfort throughout the night?
Warnings: lil bit angsty, self doubt, JEALOUS LOKI, fluffy ending
Word Count: 3.3k
Message/ask if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
Requests are open loves <3
Y/F/N - Your Friend’s Name
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It was a beautiful autumn’s day, crisp brown leaves were falling off of the large trees in the courtyard and scattering the cobbled ground. Loki and I had been wandering around for some time now, discussing everything from the books we’ve been reading to the dreams that have come to us in our sleep.
“And then this huge ghost thing was chasing me around the halls! and if that wasn’t weird enough, you popped up-”
“Ah, seeing me in your dreams are we, darling?”  Loki chuckled, taking great pleasure at the fact that he had made an appearance in my subconscious, completely ignoring my distress at being chased by a supernatural being.
“Funny you should say that, right after seeing you, I woke up. The sight must’ve given me quite the scare.” I scoffed, a smile unable to stop itself from making its way onto my face, eyes meeting his, face etched with shock. With a hand to his chest, he spoke again in disbelief.
“You have truly offended me, love. I never knew you had this side to you.”
“What can I say? I’m a woman of many talents.” I winked, nudging his side slightly with my elbow.
“Really? Can you produce illusions?”
“Look inside other people’s heads?”
“Well, no, but-”
“Turn yourself into a snake to scare your eight year old brother?”
“I still can’t believe you did that”
“My greatest achievement yet.” He smirked, the memory never failing to amuse him.
His stories always had me in awe of his capabilities, even if it was to give his brother a long-term fear, it was still an incredible talent. Whenever he tells me of his latest adventures or tricks, I always think of how well his title fits him. God of Mischief. Maybe that’s why I liked him much more than what a best friend should, not that I'd ever admit it. Not to him anyway.
We soon found ourselves standing next to one of the windows of the hallway, the crystal clear glass giving a beautiful view of the city of Asgard. From here, you could see the Queen’s gardens, full of flowers in all different colours and types, grass cut to perfection. You could see the families in the town, walking around the different buildings, children playing. It was lovely to watch, seeing everyone enjoy the seasonal weather and the light bounce off of the windows, it was ethereal.
“I never get tired of this.” I sighed, voice only slightly above a whisper
“Tired of what, love?”
“Just, this. This view, this kingdom, it’s incredible.” I looked up at Loki, trying to see if he was seeing the same beauty that I did. He was already looking at me when I met his eyes and upon seeing the way they sparkled, I assumed he did.
“Actually, speaking of the Kingdom, I have something to tell you. There’s-”
Abruptly stopping him from continuing his sentence, voices were heard from the other end of the hallway, though we couldn’t make out the words until they came closer. We gave each other a quick look of confusion before turning to see where the commotion was coming from, hearing the quick and heavy footsteps before being able to put names to the faces.
“Loki! Y/N!” A deep voice bellowed. Was that Thor making all of that noise?
Before I could process any more information, a blur of a pastel pink dress was in my face and hands were placed on my shoulders. I smiled down at the slightly out of breath figure using me as a support stand, it was Y/F/N.
“Wow, Y/F/N, you sound much different than when I spoke to you yesterday, did you drink something funny?” I chuckled, receiving a glare from my friend and a quiet laugh from the God beside me. Thor soon appeared next to Y/F/N, hands on his hips and head thrown back as he tried to compose himself.
“My God, Y/F/N, you run fast.” He pants.
“Care to tell us why you’re both running like madmen through the palace?” Loki speaks, one eyebrow raised in curiosity and what looked a little like concern.
“We..had to..tell you..there’s a ball..next week.” Y/F/N spoke, a bit more stable now, but still in between breaths.
I felt my eyes widen, a ball? I didn’t know Asgard held balls.
“Father is opening up the palace next week to neighbouring kingdoms, in hopes to be closer with them, open Asgard up to more trade opportunities, build relationships and whatnot.” Thor explained, emitting a loud sigh to come from Loki.
“I was just about to tell her, brother. Thank you for interrupting.” He rolled his eyes, half joking, half serious. I reached up and patted his shoulder gently, a small smile on my face.
“Maybe next time Lok” He nodded in response, I didn’t get a chance to comfort him much more before I was being pulled away by Y/F/N. With a small huff of surprise, I gave Loki a glance, silently apologising for our conversation being cut short, receiving a shake of his head in reply, affirming me to not worry about it.
“So.” she begins. “We need to find you a date and a dress. I’m thinking blue. I’m wearing purple so it’s probably best to avoid that one. Hmm. let’s see..oh! I know! we could- Y/N? You listening?” I snapped my head around, not missing the sly smile that was plastered all over my friend’s face.
“Y/F/N, don’t-”
“Loki! He has to be your date. You could wear green and match! If he’s even going to wear green, I'm sure I can get Thor to find out, I assume they’ll get ready together. And black accessories! I have so many ideas.” She clapped her hands, over-excited about the opportunity to plan this evening for us. Except for one minor detail.
“That sounds great, Y/F/N, it sounds wonderful, you’re just missing something.”
“Missing something? Oh, if you mean our hair then i’ve already-”
“No, not our hair. Loki hasn’t asked me, and I doubt he will.” I spoke, the second half coming out more as a whisper, my heart dropping a little at the thought. He’d never really expressed having those kinds of feelings for me and I'd always seen him be close with different girls around the palace, he’ll probably ask one of them.
“He might ask you, you never know what’s around the corner.”
“I guess so, we’ll have to wait and see.”
And that was the last we spoke of it before she went into full planner mode again, while I continued to ponder over all of the thoughts running through my head. I mean, he could ask me, right?
He didn’t.
After talking about it with Y/F/N, I had a glimmer of hope that maybe I was wrong, maybe I hadn’t noticed something that she had, that Loki would approach me and ask me to be his company for the evening.
I spent the next couple of days with him, hoping he would ask me, everytime a pause would appear in conversation, maybe he was finally going to do it. And everytime, a little bit of the hope I had, had fizzled out.
I’d even considered other reasons as to why he hadn’t asked, maybe the King didn’t want him and Thor to have dates so that they could mingle with members of the other kingdoms. Of course that theory had flown right out one of the Palace’s windows when Y/F/N told me that Thor was going to be her date. I was right then, he wasn’t wanting to go with me.
I guess I understood, I’m the best friend, we’d always been that. I think a part of me just thought that maybe he, like me, wanted something a little more. Clearly, I was mistaken.
Y/F/N and I had been getting ready for a while now, our hair was styled to perfection, our dresses were on and both of us were fully accessorized. We were looking at ourselves in the mirror, doing spins and curtseys and gushing over how good the other looked.
“You look amazing tonight, Y/N, really. Loki is missing out.”
“Thank you, and I'm sure his date is beautiful.” I spoke, fidgeting with the fabric of my dress, trying to avoid the subject and the twisting knot in my stomach at the thought of him with someone else all night. “You look incredible! You were right to pick purple, it’s definitely your colour.”
“Y/N’s right, you look gorgeous.” Thor declared, leaning against the doorway sporting a black suit and a dark purple tie, the perfect match with his date’s dress. I could feel my eyes light up when seeing how happy the simple, yet effective comment had made Y/F/N. Rushing over, she engulfed Thor in a hug before leaning up slightly and giving him a peck on the cheek.
“Ah and can’t forget, Y/N, you look stunning tonight.” He gestured to me, arm almost scanning me up and down.
“Stop, you’ll make me blush.” I laughed. “You both head off, I’ll catch up.”
“Are you sure? We don’t mind waiting?” Y/F/N questioned.
“Don’t be silly. You guys go on ahead, I'll meet you there.”
With a nod and a wave, they were off. They really did look like a perfect match tonight. I continued to look at myself in the mirror, fixing any stray hairs, flattening any kinks in my dress. Realistically, I was probably trying to prolong leaving for as long as I could. I was excited, but I was turning up on my own while everyone else had someone, it was a bit nerve-wracking. I still wanted to look my best though.
“Stop trying to convince yourself that you look good, you could literally blow an army of men away by looks alone.” A voice spoke, I spun to see who was speaking, the flash of green was enough to decipher who it was.
“You look lovely tonight, darling.” He grinned, the pet name had set off butterflies in my stomach.
“Thank you. As do you.”
“Well, I did put in an effort, nice to know it’s appreciated.” He joked, a breathy laugh left my lips, entertained by his words.
“Yes, well, I'm sure plenty of others will too.”
“The eyes will never leave me, I'm sure. Unless they’re on you, then I'd be surprised if I get even so much as a glimpse in my direction. Someone is a very lucky guy tonight, that’s for sure.”
“Why do you say that?” I asked, confused by his statement.
“Well, they get to be beside you all evening, it’s a beautiful view.” He winked.
It could’ve been you, I thought. I knew he was joking, however that didn’t stop the fire in me from igniting.
“I could say the same for you, someone is a very lucky girl.”
“I’ll be sure to let her know if she ever thinks otherwise.” Joking, again.
So he had asked someone. Albeit disappointed, I'm happy he’s happy. Though I still wish I was the girl in question, I couldn't stop him if he was interested in someone else. That wasn’t fair.
Giving him a brief nod and a tight lipped smile, I picked up the front of my dress a little bit and made my way out of the room and downstairs to the ball. I could still enjoy myself, the night is young, I've got this.
“It was crazy! And let me tell you, my dad was so angry with me. He didn’t let me serve Turkey again after that year.” Charlie, a guy that I had met an hour or so ago, finished his story of the Christmas horror he had, allowing me to relax for the first time that evening. Up until now, it had felt like all I’d seen was either happy couples, or stares from across the room. Usually the second and usually Loki. The same Loki who had a girl’s arm linked with his and was looking at him like he held the world in his grasp. I broke the gaze, finding it difficult to look at the pair for any longer, as I turned back to Charlie so he could have my attention again, a lazy smile was present as he took a sip of his wine.
“I don’t blame him, really, it sounds like you started a riot!” I exclaimed, sending us both into a full on belly laugh, thinking back to the story. This continued for another five or so minutes, laughter turning into a low chuckle, as if we were about to be told off for how loud we were being. Just as my hand had reached his arm to help hold me up, saving me from laughing myself into the ground, Loki and his date had made their way over.
“Enjoying ourselves, I hope?” He beamed, taking one look at me before giving his full attention to Charlie.
“Yes, yes we are, thank you. How about the two of you?”
“It’s been fine, yeah, good. So, what’s your name then?” Loki interrupted, his date having no choice but to leave him to respond instead.
“I’m Charlie Fernsby.” He held his hand out, greeting Loki. A gesture that was very awkwardly not reciprocated as he let his hand fall back to his side before Loki spoke up again.
“Charlie..Charlie, now, isn’t that a girl’s name?”
“Loki!” I scolded, giving him an evil side glance, what was he doing?
“No, no it’s okay. Yeah, it can be used for girls too, but it's common for boys to have the name Charlie.” Polite as ever, he responded. A mischievous look made its way onto the God’s face. Oh no.
“So, I take it your parents wanted a girl?”
“I- I’m sorry?”
“I assume your parents wanted a girl, considering they’ve given you a girl’s name?” I rolled my eyes, this teasing was unnecessary.
“Charlie, let’s go and get a drink.” I tried to tug him away, only to be halted by another sentence leaving my best friend’s mouth.
“It was only a question, I'm sure he doesn’t mind answering, do you Carl?”
“That’s what I said.”
“You said-” I tried to interject, but he was quick to stop me
“I know what I said, Y/N, but I'm speaking to him. Let him answer the question.”
Loki’s date was long gone by now, she’d left to speak to another group of people, presumably another few couples, leaving us three to have this discussion, thing, whatever you would think to call it.
“I’m just saying, maybe they would’ve preferred a daughter, seeing as they’ve very obviously made that clear.” He beamed, expecting me to join in and agree with him, I don’t find this funny. At all.
“Can you excuse us, Charlie? Loki, A word.” I pointed to the door, giving him a look implying for him not to test me.
“I’m in trouble. Wish me luck Carlos.”
“I know, that’s what I said.”
I pushed him all the way out the door, into the hallway and round the corner so as not to disturb everyone else’s evening. When I’d made sure there was no one else around, I looked up at the Asgardian, my arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed, I wasn’t impressed anymore.
“So, are we out here for some hide or seek, or?”
“What the hell was that in there?!” I raised my voice slightly, his need to always make everything a joke wasn’t working this time. He had his night, his date, he didn’t need to come over and insult mine.
“What was what, darling? I was making conversation.”
“You were making fun of him.”
“No, I showed some concern about his parents choices, that’s all. Friendly advice if anything.” He looked a bit more frustrated with me now, as though he was stating the obvious and it was going over my head. I wasn’t having it this time.
“No, Loki. You weren’t and you know you weren’t. You had your date, she was fine, you were fine-”
“Let me finish. Everything was fine. Until you caught sight of me having a friendly conversation with another guy who wasn’t you. But guess what Lok, I’m allowed to do that! I’m an adult, I can speak with whoever I like!” My arms were all over the place now, my frustration was starting to show itself, it seems I had a bit pent up.
I saw his lips move, I heard something, but it was so quiet I couldn't make it out.
“Speak up, Loki. I can’t hear you.”
“I said, if you think he was just being friendly, you’re clearly out of your mind.”
Is he serious?
“Are you- Loki, you have no right to make a judgement on who and how and why I interact with other people. Not that it should matter to you anyway, you’ve spoken to other women before and I've never said a word or tried to stop you. Why does this matter so much?”
“No, please, go on, tell me, enlighten me as to why this bothered you so much tonight, because trust me, I'm dying to know, truly.” I was shouting now, I just wanted answers for his behaviour, I didn’t think it would be this difficult.
His hands had made his way into his trouser pockets, eyes looking everywhere before settling on mine. He looked conflicted, I wanted to drop it when I saw his troubled gaze, but I couldn’t go back in there without an explanation.
“I like you, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear, love? That I was so uncomfortable seeing some you get close with some guy that I had to embarrass him in front of you? Something I'm sure my father won’t be so impressed to hear, but there, you’ve got your confession.” His voice had gone much louder than mine, taking me by surprise, so much so that it took me a minute to process what he had said. He liked me?
He turned to leave, I assume because I hadn't said anything for a matter of minutes, but I gently grabbed his arm, tugging him back towards me. I looked up into his eyes again. I was so close that you could see the specs of different colours spotted in them, they were flawless. This view beats the Asgard view anyday.
“Why didn’t you mention this before?”
He shrugged, “I don’t know. Worried I guess. We’d never spoken of moving past friendship and I didn’t think you’d be interested.”
“I’m more than interested, Loki.” I grinned, my smile meeting my eyes, never leaving his.
“Not Chelsey?”
“For the love, it’s Ch-”
I couldn’t say his name, a certain pair of lips had stopped me from doing so. As they molded against mine, my hands went up to tangle themselves in his hair, his hands falling to my waist and pulling me closer, I didn’t even think that could be possible. We pulled away when we needed to catch a breath, foreheads falling against each other, smiles painted on both of our faces.
“I bet I'll be in your dreams again tonight.” He whispered.
“I bet I'll be in yours.”
“Always are, Darling. Always are.”
taglist: @horrorxweasley
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americancowgirl19 · 3 years
Perfectly Beautiful
Summary: You’re one of the daughters of Medusa and you’re an Avenger. Someone you least expected makes you feel truly beautiful.
Warnings: None
Reader: Female Reader. Medusa’s Daughter.
Pairings: Loki x Medusa’s Daughter Reader
Word Count: 1,326
A/n: Enjoy!
Masterlist - Either Way (Sequel)
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“Y/n... Why is Tony a statue?” Steve asks, coming into the kitchen where you’re peacefully sipping on coffee flipping through your favorite magazine. His eyes are glued on the statue of Tony. The billionaire is frozen in mid motion as if he were waving his hands while ranting.
“He wanted to try out his new glasses. He’s been trying to find a way to deflect my ability and has thus far been failing,” You explain, not taking your eyes off the page you had just turned too.
“And why is he still a stature?” Steve wonders.
“I didn’t feel like being interrogated about my abilities nor listening to his complaints about why he glasses won’t work,” You tell him. “I wanted a couple minutes of peace,”
“And how long has he been like this?”
“Three hours,” You respond, unapologetically. Steve bites back an amused smile and clears his throat.
“Mind releasing him? I need to talk to him about a mission,” Steve says, leaning against a nearby wall. You sigh dramatically.
“If I must...” You mutter standing up.
“Thank you,” Steve says but you merely wave him off. You walk up to Tony’s concrete statue and take a moment to savor the peace before kissing his stone lips. You step back and watch the statue turn into a man. Tony gasps in a breath when the transition completes.
“That was... rude,” Tony says. You wink at him and return to your seat. Before Tony could go off on a tangent, Steve pulls him away. You smile, shake your head and return to your book. You only get a few sentences in before you sense that you’re not alone.
You’re eyes glance up from the page and notice the god of mischief staring at you. His gaze is calculating and curious. You arch an eyebrow, silently wondering what questions are running through his head.
“Are you able to turn anything into stone?” Loki wonders, walking further into the kitchen. The Asgardian has been aiding the Avengers for a few months. While he’s been on multiple missions and such, there are some who are hesitant to call him an Avenger. Thor vouched for him, told the group that he hadn’t been in the right mindset during New York but few believed him. However, the god of mischief was proving to be useful and a good ally.
“Anything with eyes and a soul,” You told him. “Those with blindness are tricky for me,” You explain. You weren’t Medusa, just her daughter. You had inherited most of her abilities but you were still your own person and there was a difference between the two of you. You mother is mainly reptilian while your mainly human.
“And you can reverse the effects?” Loki questions.
“With a kiss,” You smirk slyly. “Very cliché if you ask me but I didn’t make the rules,” You shrug. The edge of Loki’s mouth lifts just a smudge. You find yourself briefly wondering what he would look like smiling broadly, even laughing obnoxiously like his brother. You wondered what he looked like without the weight of the world on his shoulders, a truly care free god of mischief. 
“And your hair?” Loki asks, moving even closer. You stare at him for a moment, wondering where he was going with this. 
You and your mother shared many things. You both had the same eyes, the same skin tone, and the same texture of hair. Texture of hair as in snakes. However, while your mother had so many snake in her hair you couldn’t care to count them all you only had about a dozen of them.
They’re live snakes. You can hear their thoughts in your mind. You can feel their fatigue and their anxiousness. You can see through their eyes and smell through their noses.
While the snakes are a part of you and you love them all dearly, they made many people uncomfortable. You’ve felt like an outcast your entire life, even when you’ve been apart of the Avengers for a few years. You knew your teammates cared about you, they’d protect you just as fiercely as the others. However, that didn’t stop the staring nor the obvious discomfort they felt whilst looking at them.
You’re not ashamed of your snakes, at least that’s what you tell yourself. You love your snakes but you feel self-conscious about the stares and the judgement. So, in order to avoid such things, you cover the snakes. You wrap them in a comfortable scarf and hide them unless your in your room or somewhere alone.
“What about it?” You question, Loki. The god moves until he’s right beside you.
“I can hear them, I can see them moving around,” Loki tells you. “Why do you hide them?” You stare into his eyes, not looking away as he takes a seat beside you. He moves the chair to the point where you’re legs are pressed together. 
“There’s a few Ophidiophobic’s on the team,” You explain. He frowns his eyebrows. “People who are afraid of snakes,” You clarify.
“So, you hide yourself to make others comfortable?” He asks. You slowly nod. “Which leaves you uncomfortable,” He continues. 
“At least their not staring or avoiding me,” You whisper. Loki’s lips press together. You’re eyes dart to his hand as he slowly raises it.
“Well, I am not an ophidiophobic,” He says, his voice low and tender. Your body tenses as he touches the wrap covering your snakes. The rustling under the fabric becomes more frantic as the snakes feed off of your anxiety. You wanted to stop Loki but you don’t. You just watch as he slowly unravels the scarf freeing the snakes.
You’re eyes downcast to the floor as you feel his eyes taking in the image of you. It’s the first time he’s seen you without the scarf. You didn’t want to see the same look in his eyes as everyone else.
It’s only a couple of minutes of silence. The only sound is the sound of your snakes hissing and slithering around. After a few moments, a blue hand gently cups your chin and raises your head. 
You gasp softly when you look into the red eyes of Loki. You observe the blueness of his skin and how different yet similar he looks. His hand moves from your chin to your cheek. His knuckles brush against your skin lightly.
“Beautiful,” He whispers. You notice the snakes closest to his hand slither forward and rub against his skin. Loki smiles, watching them fondly.
“They like you,” I whisper, his eyes returning to mine.
“Don’t hide from me,” He pleads. “Your beauty is in your difference from the others. Should they stare then they should stare in jealousy that they will never posses the beauty you do,”
“I have reptiles for hair,” You laugh sadly.
“You have the softest skin and the most beautiful eyes and the most unique hair,” Loki tells you. “It is an honor to be able to look upon them,” He says, his eyes going back to the snakes that seemed to be entirely entranced with him. “Everything about you is magnificent, it is a shame you feel as if you should hide such beauty from the world... It truly is dimmer without your smile,” 
“Since when did you go from Mr. I’m Going to Conquer the Earth to Mr. I’m Going to Woo the Snake Girl?” You ask, trying to break up the seriousness with some humor.
“Since I became hopeful that the Snake Girl could look at me as I look at her,” Loki whispers. “You’re so beautiful, love. I would be honored if you would allow me to spend time with you and convince you of that fact,”
“Do you know what you’re getting into?” You whisper.
“Hopefully a relationship with the most beautiful Avenger,” Loki smirks, winking at you. You smile, letting out a small laugh.
“Who woulda thought you’d be a flirt?”
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tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
Scandal Ch. 5 - Loki x Reader
Summary: Loki returns to claim what is his - willing to kill everyone in his way.
Warnings: Angst.
Words: ~1800
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I Story Masterlist I General Masterlist I
Taglist: @catlover092402152, @hi-there-x, @haloangel391, @misssilencewritewell, @babayaga67, @accioremuslupinn, @mochimommy2002, @just-someone-who-likes-to-write, @damalseer, @bethanystan, @loser-alert, @star017, @nina1800, @queenariesofnarnia, @n1fangirlsblog, @vengefulsokovian, @lunamoonbby, @freyagallileaevans, @emmojoy, @literate-lamb, @aninnai​, @justsomerandompersonintheworld​
A/N: Sweet little Feedback Anon, I took your suggestion. You know which one I mean if you see it. (:
Btw guys I have like 60+ Drafts I need to finish so pls be patient with me.
Word sure spreads fast among the folk of Asgard, about Odin’s shame and your innocence.
Since his lies had weakened the favor among his subjects, the Allfather was desperate to clean his name and reputation, ultimatively inviting you to come back.
But you declined, stating that this wasn’t your homeland anymore ever since they betrayed you to fullfill their selfish ambitions.
However, Asgard’s hypocrisy wasn’t the only reason you chose to stay on Midgard - you just knew that it would break your heart every day you’d spend on a place with so many memories connected to your deceased husband.
Earthlings, the people of S.H.I.E.L.D and especially Thor’s friends Jane and Erik Selvic had basically become like family to you. Even though they could never fill the void Loki had left in your heart, things being like this was more than you could wish for.
“Lady Y/N!” a familiar voice greeted you, yet his worried tone startled you. Thor was already standing in your room, practically kicking in your door as he was visibly upset.
Immediately, you put Liam into his crib and rushed to his side. “What’s the matter?!”
A strange mix of horror and excitement was stretched across his face, making your heart sink to your stomach.
Actually, you didn’t want to involve yourself with the Asgardians any further. All you ever wanted was for your child to be healthy and happy, no matter where this was possible.
But Thor was still your cherished brother-in-law, as well as a wonderful uncle, never ceasing to provide for you and Liam, even when everyone else had forsaken you.
Yet what he was about to tell you let your blood run cold: 
“Loki is back.”
Immediately, all the walls you had built up over those past months were crumbling as you collapsed to the floor, crying out of anger and relief.
“H-How? How is this even possible?! He’s dead! Loki died!”
“Pull yourself together, Lady Y/N!” Thor has always been a rather touchy-feely kind of person, in opposite to his raw and bulky appearance.
But right now, he wouldn’t dare to hug or console you, like he’d usually do. Instead, he was offering you a hand to help you get back up - which you wouldn’t be able to take just yet. “There’s no use in overthinking this! We need to hurry!”
“What do you even want me to do?” you wondered, because if your husband was really alive, you’d doubt him wanting to see you. “He’s changed...killed a lot of people before he disappeared. And still, I don’t wanna fight him. How can I be of any help at all?!?”
“We know he’s probably after you and the child” the God of Thunder stated coldly. “So you need to be transferred to a safe location.”
What can be more safe than a base of S.H.I.E.L.D? If only you knew he had already demolished a whole, giant outpost of them with ease...
“I’ll explain everything to you on the way.” “Let me quickly get the baby.”
“What, did you forget the name of your nephew already?” you chuckled awkwardly, but seeming to have struck a nerve.
Thor was only slowly approaching the crib in which your lovely baby was resting, staring at it with awe while his trembling hand caressed Liam’s cheek.
“Incredible...” he whispered mainly to himself,  as if this wasn’t the thousandth time he would lay eyes upon him. “He’s just like I remember him.”
Something was off.
Of course Thor had a spare key to your flat, but you had never heared him unlock it - he had just kind of appeared in the middle of the room. Could as well be that you had been to invested with something, or buried in thought to notice him, and yet...
“Wait” you stated, making him flinch away from the child and turn around. “My knees are still weak. Help me up first.”
With heavy steps, Thor would force himself away from the crib and towards you again, lending you another hand and easily pulling you up - just for you to point a sharp dagger to his throat.
“Lady Y/N, when did you summo-”
“Shut up!” you hissed, and the god held his hands into the air to assure his goodwill. "Drop the disguse. Now!”
The man let out an amused huff, a taint of green covering his body to revert it back to normal - revealing your husband.
His hair had become longer, and dark rings showed how devastating those past months went by for him. Yet still, he was unmistakingly your husband.
Yet a faint, mad spark in his eyes was what worried you the most.
Now he was holding a knife as well, both circling around the crib with a knife at each other’s throat, as if to dance with each other.
“So it’s really you, Loki?”
“The one and only” he declared, chest swelling with pride at his performance and completely ignoring your hostile undertone. “I missed you painfully, my sweetling.”
He looked to the side where your son was still sleeping soundly, regret clearly visible on his face. “Wha- what name did you give our child?”
“Liam it is.”
The smallest of smiles tugged on his lips, swallowing harshly to surpress the sobs wanting to break free. “Beautiful name. Very well chosen.”
Pain was stretching across your features, desperately trying for the dam of emotions to not break. The dagger in your hand vanished, rather choosing to reluctantly caress his cheek - to make sure this was really him, and not one of his illusions.
And it was really him, leaning into your touch with a content purr. “Yes, my love, just like tha-”
A loud noise drang to his ear, effectively cutting him off. He needed a second to understand that it was in fact you slapping him what caused the interruption.
“Dear, wait, I-” Another hit, this time it was your knee digging into his groin, making him gasp in pain.
With his current power, it would be a piece of cake to block you - yet he knew that after everything that had happened to you, and everything he had done...
...it was what he deserved. So he would allow you to let off some steam.
Yet much to his surprise, you were done already - now grabbing desperately on his cloak and pulling him in for a passionate kiss.
He immediately reciprocated, dropping his weapon as well to embrace you fully, lips mingling with each other over and over again.
Oh, how long had both of you craved for each other?
“Sorry” you panted as your lips finally parted, “Just needed to get that off my chest.”
“Do not apologize, my love” Loki declared, chin resting atop of your head, still no intention to let go off of you. “I deserve far worse than that.”
You looked up to him, the kiss having made something surface in his eyes: So solemn, and incredibly fragile, it made your heart ache.
“Wha- what happened to you? Where have you been all this time?”
Loki’s face contorted at the question, as if the thoughts in his mind were physically painful. But his mind was clouded, unable to make his proper memory resurfacing. “Places far beyond your imagination, dear. And I have learned many things.”
“I-I thought I had lost you...” you ultimatively began to sob, face dug into his chest.
“No” the god whispered softly, his gaze still unwavering. “You always have me. I promise.”
“What now?” you sniveled as he gently pet your head, just as back in good old times. “Where do we go?”
“What do you mean?” Loki’s features creased into a slight frown, “We stay here. There’s no need to leave or flee.”
“Bu-” you hesistantly took a few steps back, to take in his full reaction. “But you’re a wanted criminal, Loki! On Asgard as well as Midgard!”
His manner became more defensive again, glee radiating off of him. “Oh, my sweet, innocent Y/N...still the idealist, I see.”
“And you are still insufferable” you scoffed back, crossing your arms. “What do you mean?”
Actually, you dreaded the answer.
The man seemed to be thinking about many things at once, eyes narrowing before he finally took a hold of your hand, squeezing it ever so slightly when he saw that you were still wearing his ring - even after everything that had happened.
“Y/N, my love, those deaths were a necessary evil.” He tried to peck a quick kiss on your hand, but you pulled away at those words. “The only crime I feel guilty for is having left the love of my life. But don’t you worry, I’ll make up for it.”
He summoned a staff, glowing in the same blue as the tesseract - and much to your terror, his eyes started to adapt to them as well.
“I will create my own kingdom, Y/N! Here on Midgard, with you as my queen! This is what you deserve, my love! You and our child will have everything you desire and more!”
“This is madness, Loki!” It wasn’t the first time he had heared that.
People always treated him wrongly, afterwards wondering why he was trying to create felicity on his own. “Is it?” he croaked, “Is it madness for a person born to rule two kingdoms to create a home he never had?”
His plan did not merit awe or any such feelings he hoped you to have - the only person in the world he thought would understand him.
“Loki, what your parents have done to you is inexcusable, yet-”
“They’re not my parents!” he screamed enraged, eyes then widened in shock that he had raised his voice at you. “My apologies, I...”
“They have kept the truth from you so that you’d never feel different. You know you’re their son, and the Asgardians are your family. You must know that!”
“You speak like mother” he spat, and still Frigga’s words he could not shake off as easily as Odin’s. “There is no going back to that place, and Jotunheim I never had a connection with. You most likely heared that I tried to kill Laufey, yes?”
Nodding in silence, you nervously bit your lip. “Please...” Wrapping your arms around him and placing one ear at his sternum, you could clearly hear how his heart was fighting a war, struggling to decide.
“You can still stop whatever you were gonna do. We can start anew somewhere, lead a peaceful life with Liam. I don’t need wealth or power, and you clearly know any of this wouldn’t give you the satisfaction you’re searching for!”
“As always, you’re right” he grumbled deeply, already regretting what he was about to do. “But it’s not that easy, my naive little dove.”
“No~” With his hand on the back of your neck, he infused a powerful magic inside your body, slowly shutting down your nervous system completely. As careful as possible, he cradled you in his arms and slowly led you to the floor, then proceeding to take his heir.
“The only thing I need for myself is our little family - and I will avenge you by murdering anyone that did you wrong, or tries to separate us again.”
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A gentlecat.
Summary: A black cat comforts you when you need it the most. Your new friend is quite peculiar for an animal. It's almost like they could understand you.
Pairing: Loki x gender neutral reader (it's not actually a "pairing", you can see it as a friendship, or something platonic).
Word count: 2K.
Warnings: anxiety, sadness.
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Disclaimer: picture not mine.
You used to frequent the roof of the compound everytime you were melancholic.
Or everytime you had too many feelings to process and needed time alone. Or anytime you felt too empty and needed to refill on sentiments and life by staring at the moon and remembering how much it means to exist in this world. Or too overwhelmed, and needed to be reminded of how little it all matters, how few are the things that are actually important.
No matter the motive, the roof and the moon were always there with you.
The wind blew on your face, almost like a whisper, almost like a caress. The same wind that blew on a crying child, or a couple of teenagers kissing for the first time, or an old man remembering with gratitude the love of his life. Or a lost young who, just like you, was looking at the moon searching for a meaning. An answer. Why all of this? Why to you? Why to everyone and why everything at the same time?
You inhaled a deep breath as you laid your back against the floor of the terrace, and the only thing you got to see were the few starts pollution would let you, and the gigantic moon smiling at you.
A noise startled you, and you were sitting back up again in no time. Being an avenger made you a little more paranoid than you expected. But you didn't say anything. You looked around nervously and waited for the sound to reappear. And it did.
"Who's there?".
No answer. You heart was pounding, but you didn't let your voice break. A hand flew right to the knife in your thigh, waiting for the danger to appear.
The noise came out of the shadows. A black cat approached you precatiously, almost as if they knew you were a threat. You put your guard down and finally sighed.
"God, little thing, you scared me", you whispered as you put a hand near them to let them smell you and be familiar with you. The cat didn't do so, instead, they sat by your side and rested their head on your hand. "Well, you certainly trust easier than me".
The cat meowed answering you, and you felt a connection to them. You loved animals, but this one was different. It was almost like they could understand your words. You moved your thumb slowly, petting their head. The cat let you, staring at you with intensity. Blueish green eyes that you felt like you knew from somewhere else.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" You asked, and you felt stupid. What life choices had lead you to the point of talking to a black cat on a roof, while everyone else was partying? The cat meowed back again. You chuckled. "So you understand what I say? I'll keep talking, then. Just don't think I'm too crazy". The cat purrowed in your hand, and you took it as a yes.
"I just... I don't like these parties, you know? I don't feel well when there's too many people around me, and all the noise... you'd understand, I think cats are sort of like that, right?". The cat meowed again. You smiled. "I appreciate being here, I really do. But the whole Avengers show we should put up... I don't buy it. We know damn well we're not what we pretend to be". You ranted, and realized immediately after you should've been looking around first. If anyone actually heard you, you'd be in big trouble. You went back to a whisper "but that's our little secret".
The cat slowly walked nearer you and looked at you before sitting in your lap, as to look for approval. You nodded and caressed the fur as they did so.
"Do you have a name?" You asked, looking for a collar. "Weird. A cat so well taken care of like you should have an owner". The cat hissed and you laughed "alright, not an owner. You don't like the expression, I get it. A human partner, maybe?". The cat stared at you again. You wished they could talk, but it was probably better off like that. Maybe you liked animals because they couldn't talk.
"So you're from the streets?".
The cat looked inside the compound and then looked back at you again. You interpreted as if they was asking you why wouldn't you go back. "I can't go in there, I got too anxious and said I was sick". You swear you saw the cat roll their eyes.
"Why are you here?". And you immediately laughed "oh, God. I'm asking questions to a cat. What am I waiting for? An answer? You probably just want food. Wait here, I'm gonna get you some. I'll steal some of Bucky's. He has a cat, too".
You sneaked through the party and nobody noticed you passed by. Once you were back, the cat wasn't there anymore. You left the food in a cup of tea on the floor, just in case they came back, and went back to the compound.
The next time you were on the roof, you weren't running away from any party. It was that same week that you felt increasingly anxious out of nowhere, in the middle of a dinner. After a while you went back to bed and you overheard the asgardian brothers discuss something in a low voice outside your room. Thor wanted to walk in and make sure you were fine; his brother told him he knew you needed space, so you were better off left alone. You wondered how he knew that, and then realized he was like that too.
You basically never spoke to him, but you always shared your silences. Everyone in the Stark Tower was so... enthusiastic. Outgoing. You and Loki enjoyed the silence of the nights over a good book and a warm drink. You barely spoke to each other. You were various meters away, in different parts of the common room (that one with the big couches and old books Mr. Stark set up for the introverts of the group, ahem, you two and ocassionally little Peter Parker). But you were there, always sharing that loneliness you craved in such crazy times.
After a while, you crawled out of bed and rested your arms in the window. You realized there was someone waiting for you in there.
"Hello, friend".
The cat purrowed in your hand. They had a protein bar in their mouth, as to give it to you. You frowned in confusion.
"You know, whatever you are, you don't pretend to be a cat very well". The cat opened their eyes widely, and you laughed. "But thank you. I don't know how you knew I didn't have dinner, but I appreciate this very much".
You opened your window so that they could come in, but they didn't. They looked inside, but stayed in there, as to care for your privacy. "It's fine, you can come in". The cat stayed out, anyways. "I think I'm gonna do some reading. If you care to join me, you're invited".
You and the black cat stayed up all night on the balcony of your room. You read in silence and the cat rested on your lap, purring and staring at you with those big, intense eyes. The night wasn't cold, but refreshing. Windy, before the big rainstorm that would have place next day. You loved that weather.
It wasn't the only occasion you stayed all night with the company of the black cat. Once they already felt comfortable enough to get in your room, you'd both lay in bed, and the cat would curl around your neck, using your shoulders as a mattress.
One dark and rainy afternoon you were on the roof, and the cat was with you, laying on the floor, watching the stars and the moon, just like you. You overheard some of the Avengers talking about you. Clint's voice commenting on how you basically adopted a stray, and Tony laughing. Thor corrected them you befriended a cat, and you chuckled at the offense he took from the word "adopted".
"Don't worry, I befriended you. You seem to be good by yourself", you clarified. The cat meowed.
It got dark and you stayed in the floor until the last light on the compound was turned off. The cat seemed to be curious as why you stayed for so long.
"I want to go to the common room, I haven't been there in a few weeks", you commented. "Best time of the day is when almost everyone's asleep".
At some point of the night you got up and walked through the compound to get to the kitchen. The cat followed your steps, and you swore they knew the way.
You poured some warm milk in a cup for the cat and they waited for you to have your coffee in hand to start sipping. You both sat on the couch of the common room.
"Such a polite gentle...cat", you whispered. "You know, it's so weird this is empty right now. At this time there's someone else reading here". The cat looked at you and you didn't understand what they meant. "I think he would like you. You have sort of the same energy, maybe that's why I even befriended you. Someday, if you let me, I'll introduce you two". The cat nodded weirdly.
You spilled some coffee on your shirt and cursed to yourself. The cat went to the counter and grabbed a napkin for you. At that point, they didn't even pretend to act like a cat at all.
"Ah, thank you". As you cleaned yourself, the cat looked at the book you were reading. It was in old norse. The cat looked at you with interrogative eyes. "Ah, that's... stupid, actually. I'm a little embarrassed I'm even doing that". The cat sat infront of you, and you felt like it was a way to ask you for more. You felt free to elaborate.
"This man... well, not a man. There's someone in this compound I never speak to, yet I still feel very connected to, you know? And everytime we're reading together, he reads these very dusty and heavy books in old norse. I didn't know that language, of course. But I was always curious to see what he read. You know, he can spend all night up reading those pages; he's so concentrated he doesn't notice his expressions. But they're great. He smiles, and frowns, and sighs. And I don't think he's aware of that, but I find it so beautiful", you explained. The cat kept looking at you with their eyes wide open. You sighed and continued. "Anyways. I just... I wanted to see a bit more of him. I'm too... shy, I guess? To actually talk to him. In fact, I feel a little intimidated, he's tall, and has some darkness in his eyes, and... well, he's a God. But I'd... I don't know. I learnt old norse and I started reading these books. And I feel like I understand him a little more. Even a little".
The cat looked down a bit and made themself a ball of fur in your lap. You kept reading. They rested their head in your arm and stared at the book as you read, as if they were reading it too.
When you woke up, you were in that same couch. The cat was nowhere to be found. You had a blanket over you, the book was closed over the coffee table, and your shoes were off. You felt weirdly safe. Anonymously taken care of.
You heard noises in the room next door -the kitchen-, and you peeped in. The God of Mischief was in there, making two cups of coffee. He turned around as he heard you walk in, and handed you one cup.
"Góðan morgin", he said. It meant good morning. You swear you saw a little smile forming in the corners of his mouth.
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stanknotstark · 3 years
Serinakakers As Proof
Serinakakers are actually called Norwegian butter cookies in english and I don’t think i’ve ever had one but they look good to me lol i didn’t feel like making a whole new otherworldly dessert sorry I’m lazy sometimes 😂
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Summary: You’re dating Loki but keeping it a secret as per Loki’s request. The team starts to question if you’re lying about your ‘lover’ and Loki has to save you because Thor has really bad timing.
It all started two weeks into dating Loki. Loki was a little unsure what the team’s reaction to you two dating would be so he told you to keep it a secret for now. You respected his wishes but that didn’t stop you from flaunting about how you had the best ‘lover’ (Loki refused to be called boyfriend) in the world. 
Two weeks in Valentines came up and Loki had a vase of beautiful flowers sent to you with a little card that said, “For the fairest of them all - your love” In reference to Snow White, which you had both watched very recently. 
You had taken them around the whole tower, telling people it had come from your lover when they asked. 
“At least give us his name, I promise to not, like, totally have a background check on him!” Tony says with a pout. 
You laugh and shake your head. “No can do Tin Man. He doesn’t want you all to know who he is just yet.”
“See, that makes me a little skittish, if he doesn’t want us to know he has something to hide.” 
“I agree with him and think he should remain nameless.”
“That doesn’t make me feel better.” Tony points out.
You shrug at Tony and do the motions for zipping your lips closed and throwing out the key. 
Loki ends up picking a random day, a month later, to send you a big basket of chocolate, your favorite hard candies, and really small plushies of all the Avengers (It’s totally not his way of giving you sweets because you’re on your period). Your favorite plushy isn’t one of the Avengers, it’s a small plushy of Loki. Because you’re given the basket in front of everyone you make sure not to freak out over the Loki plushy but you keep stealing glances at the god who sits apart from everyone else, reading. 
“He even got you Loki?” Steve asks bewildered. 
“Like it or not, Loki is part of the group. Seems he has built a group of fans now.” You say, stealing a glance at Loki who smirks at his book. You know he’s pleased you’ve defended his honor. 
“You do realize I’m right here, do you not?” Loki says, still not looking up from his book. 
Steve at least has the decency to look ashamed and his cheeks flare up. 
“There’s not a card with a name!” Tony says making everyone look at the basket again.
“Of course not, you dumbass.” You say, slapping the back of Tony’s head, Tony proceeds to throw his hands and slap away at your receding hand. Thor and Bruce chuckle with you at his childish antics. 
“Can you at least give us a letter in his name?” Clint asks from your side. 
You sigh and look to the ceiling in thought. 
“Kevin!” Clint immediately yells. “Wait, we don’t know a Kevin.” 
“Who said you know who it is?” You ask as you gather your basket to put in your room. 
Clint completely disregards what you said and yells, “Kate!”
Natasha hits Clint’s arm, “She’s straight, stupid.”
Tony then pipes in as you walk away rolling your eyes, “Kyle! Kaden! Kayden but with a y!” 
“His name doesn’t start with a k guys!” You yell as the elevator closes, exasperated. 
Next, a week and a half has passed when they start questioning your relationship. Thor figures it out but only because he grew up with the thing you’re gifted. 
You had been the last one to enter the kitchen for dinner and right as you entered Thor came up to you with puppy dog eyes and was holding a tin of sweets. You take a long look at the delicacies, they’re some type of cookies, in a swirl pattern, and decorated with powdered sugar. Thor answers your questions right after you think that.
“They’re butter cookies, can I please have one, your boyfriend sent them.” Thor says making sure to enunciate the word boyfriend. Your eyes snap to Thor’s and the god smiles down at you. On one hand it looks innocent but you see past his facade.
He knows. 
You clear your throat and grab the tin from him, making sure to pull one of the cookies out and give it to him. 
“Since you’re nice, sure, big guy.” You say giving Thor a look that said ‘Say nothing’. Thor bounces from foot to foot, shoving his cookie in the face of the other Avengers.
“She likes me!” Thor roars then demolishes the cookie in a single bite. 
You laugh, glance at Loki from under your lashes as you look at the cookies and pick one out to try.
When the cookie touches your tongue you can’t help closing your eyes and moaning. You chew and the cookie just melts in your mouth. You moan as your take another bite and you think you could practically orgasm this cookie is so damn good but remember the entire team is there. 
When you finish the cookie you open you eyes and look at everyone. Tony is looking at you like he wants to eat you, Natasha is eating her food like she doesn’t fucking care, Steve is blushing so hard you think his head might explode. Clint is shocked, and Bruce is looking at you with a raised brow. The last person you look at is Loki who sits there staring at you with flushed cheeks and a glint in his eye that says he’s going to tear those noises from your lips again, this time without the cookies.
You cough and look at Thor who is smiling like he is satisfied. You understand why he wanted one so bad now. 
“I’m sorry but what the fuck just happened.” Tony says shaking his head. 
You laugh. “I had an orgasm while eating a cookie, get with the program.”
“Honestly, if his cookies are that good you need to marry the man, just saying.” Tony waves his had at you then goes on to start eating his dinner.
You go to eat another cookie but Loki finally says something. 
“No dessert before dinner, put the cookies down.” 
“Or what?” You challenge the god.
Loki raises a brow at you and levels you with a glare.
“Put them down.”
You suck on your gums and squint at the god as you put the cookies on the table.
“You’re lucky I like you.”
“Ok, first of all, you like everyone so I don’t see the point in saying that. Second, how have you told Loki you like him before me? We all know I’m the favorite around here.” Tony scoffs while aggressively stabbing a broccoli floret. 
You take your seat next to Loki and that’s when it’s asked.
“Is your boyfriend even real? Or are you gifting yourself all these things so you’ll make one of us jealous?” Clint asks in a normal voice, he really doesn’t mean it to be mean.
You stop smiling at Tony and frown at Clint.
“He’s real.” You say a little hurt. 
“I mean it just seems a little fishy.”
You pout at Clint.
“I could look into her purchases and see if she bought it herself.” Tony rouses from the other side of the table. He’t totally joking but Steve doesn’t take it that way.
“Tony! That’s private, you can’t just do that!” Steve tries protecting you. 
You start to get a little angry.
“He’s real. If you don’t think he’s real then that’s on you. I know he is and that’s all that matters.” You reason, more for yourself than anything else. 
Under the table you feel Loki’s hand squeeze at your thigh. 
“Just give us something to let us know he’s real.” Tony pushes. 
You slam your hands on the table and stand up so fast the chair you were in topples over. 
“Stop!” Loki yells, in a quick move he stands and puts an arm in front of you, not to protect Tony but to stop you before you did something you regret.
The room is silent save for your rough breathing. 
“It’s me.” Loki harshly says, glaring at Tony and Clint.
“You don’t have to cover for her, it’s embarrassing but-”
“Shut up!” You scream at Clint.
“I’m not trying to cover for her. I’ve been dating her for the past month and a half. I did not want her to tell you because I wasn’t sure how all of you would react.” Loki gets out then turns and brings you to him so he may kiss you. 
Loki makes it a show for the team, relaxes as you lean into him, your hands wrapping around his neck and tugging at the nape of his neck. He pulls away before you can lose yourself in his kiss and looks at the team with a raised eyebrow as if asking ‘Is that enough for you?’.
Finally Thor peeps in between a big bite of his food. “Ay, Loki is telling the truth, those are Serinakakers, an Asgardian delicacy my mother used to make us.” 
Loki rolls his eyes at his brother’s really bad timing and then looks back down at you, you’re still wrapped around him, now with a tiny smile on your lips as you look at him.
“Ok, darling?” Loki asks anyways.
“I’ll be happy if you let me take those cookies and eat those for dinner in my bedroom.” 
Loki brings a hand up and trails a finger from the back of your jaw to your chin, going up to touch your bottom lip. “Only if you promise to make those sweet sounds every bite you take.” Loki whispers.
“Ok this is seriously gross, I’m literally gonna throw up.” Tony says with a fake gag.
You laugh and pull from Loki who glares at Tony. You point at Tony, then at Clint. “Don’t think you two are off the hook, I’m still royally pissed, you’re just lucky when I’m around Loki I can’t stay mad.”
You make your way around the table, Loki following, dinner forgotten, and pick up your cookies. Then, you head towards your room. 
Halfway to the elevator Loki grabs your hand and doesn’t let go until you’re both laying on your bed enjoying your cookies. Talking about everything and nothing. 
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
i really love your writing sm. could I maybe request something with Loki and reader being slow to realize that the feeling is mutual? if you dont mind <3
A/N: Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoy my writing, that makes me very happy to hear. I tried my best with this, I wasn’t really sure how to go about it, but I think I did a fun little twist to it. The italics are flashbacks. ALSO, you don’t need to know the song “Stuck In The Middle” to read this, but it will make this fic a little bit cuter if you do, so go stream it! It’s by Tai Verdes (actually just go listen to his whole album TV). I hope you enjoy this, nonnie.
Stuck In The Middle
Loki x reader
Word count: 2255
Warnings: fluff, maybe swearing I don't remember lol
Tony decided to throw another one of his giant parties, but no one is really sure why. There’s no holiday, no accomplishment to celebrate. All you know is that the tower is filled to the brim with high named people and well rounded faces. Music is blaring as people lounge around drinking or casually dancing. The Avengers are all around, scattered among the faces.
You on the other hand are leaning against a wall drinking some pop and trying to ignore the creepy men that hit on you. Parties are fine, you don’t mind them, but you don't go around gloating about your business or accomplishments. You watch Tony walk around getting praised by millionaires and celebrities with a smirk on your face. Shaking your head, you look down and give your glass of water more attention than the people.
“You really should get out there.”
Steve stands next to you with his little suit on that makes you laugh. You’re not used to seeing him all dressed up.
“I’m not a boaster. I’ll dance here and there, but conversation isn’t my forte.”
“You're having a conversation with me, so what does that say?” He laughs.
“I don’t need your technicalities, Cap,” you laugh as well.
“You don’t even have to talk to people you don’t know. We’re all here.”
“Fair enough.”
“Do you want me to stay here with you?”
“No, Steve. Go have fun.”
He smiles at you before returning to his seat at the bar by Bucky and Sam. You smile at the three of them. You do truly love your friends, even if they bother you during alone time.
“Why would you enjoy them if they bother you?”
“Loki, stop reading my mind.”
“I can’t. You’re quite loud,” he jokes.
You roll your eyes as you take another sip of your water.
“Do you not like these grand parties?” He asks.
“Eh, I don’t mind them. Just not a bragger.”
“Ah, yes. One night dedicated to gloating about your own accomplishments while putting down others.”
“No, that’s the Oscars,” you joke.
“Who is Oscar?”
“Never mind. Why you go out and dance? I bet you have some moves.”
“Not without a partner. I’m more of a partner dancer.”
“Well, there’s plenty of pretty girls around you to ask to dance.”
“Why dance with a pretty girl when I have the most beautiful one right here leaning against a wall and ignoring everyone? That’s more my style.”
“Loki, I’m flatter,” you laugh, “is this your way of asking me to dance?”
“Possibly. Thor has been bugging me to ‘get out there’ and I don’t like anyone here beside you.”
“Such a gentleman.”
Loki rolls his eyes as he takes your hand in his and leads you to the dance floor. The song changes into a fun chill song you recognize as “Stuck In The Middle”. You and Loki dance together as the two of you laugh. At some point, he pulls you into him, holding him at your chest.
“Remember when we first met?” He asks.
“Yeah, I do. You were arguing with Tony and Thor.”
“I want to return to Asgard and I will no matter what you say.”
“You’re a war criminal serving time here for your attacks. If you even attempted to go back, the American army would shoot you down.”
“And good luck to them.”
“My brother is a god, Man of Iron, do not forget.”
“Shut it, point break. You can try to leave if you want to die.”
Loki scoffs at Tony’s threat. As he goes to open his mouth, he sees a girl wander into the living area and scour the kitchen. The three watch her in silent and she opens every cabinet. Loki is curious by the girl with her long black hair and sweats on, clearing not caring about the argument happening. She finally turns around with her mouth filled with pretzels from shoving them in. She looks at the two gods and Tony with a wide eyed look, clearly asking “what” in her face and shrugging.
“Am I interrupting something?” She asks after swallowing.
Tony laughs and shakes his head, walking over to her and placing a hand on her shoulder.
“You’re fine, sweetheart. We’re just having a disagreement. Go enjoy your pretzels,” Tony chuckles.
Loki watches the way she submits to Tony and follows his lead, wondering who she is and why she listens to Tony without hesitation.
“I was so intrigued by you, this small little thing who looked so full of life. What happened to her?”
You laugh hard, “You got to know me, that’s what.”
Loki hadn’t seen the innocent girl in two weeks, wondering if she was even real. There had been some kind of glow to her so had he known better, he’d say she’s an angel.
Loki decided to coop himself up in the library while he was stuck on Midgard. Since he was stuck here, he thought he’d at least spend time doing something enjoyable. He’d spend hours in there until he had read every book and started to reread them. Then, as if the universe had heard him, the innocent girl had returned, putting a book away and getting a new one. She immediately walked out of the room and down to the tower’s elevator. Without hesitation, Loki got up and followed her at a quick pace, wanting to get in the elevator at the same time. As he walked in, they stood in silence next to each other and Loki realized he had no plan.
“I’m Loki. I don’t think we properly met.”
Loki feels his heart pound as she speaks to him with her heavenly tone. She sounds exactly like he thought she’d sound. It fits her so perfectly and he wants nothing more than to listen to her talk all day.
“I apologize for anything you heard the other day. Stark and I don’t see eye to eye.”
“Don’t worry about it,” she laughs, “He can strike a nerve sometimes.”
“That is an understatement,” Loki says, losing himself in his anger towards the billionaire.
You laugh at his comment which eases his anger. Loki is filled with joy knowing you find humor in his words, learning you’re not as stuck up as the other Midgardians.
“You read?”
“Yes, I love to.”
“What’s your favorite book?”
“Sense and Sensibility.”
“I don’t think I know that one.”
“It’s a Midgardian classic,” you say with some snark.
“I’ll have to read it. May I ask what you are doing for the rest of the day?”
The elevator opens and the two of you walk off, Loki still following you with awe.
“I’m going to spar with Steve for a little bit. You can join if you want.”
“I will not participate, but will not refuse to be of company.”
You smile at him as you walk towards the training room. Steve stands there getting ready and is surprised to see the stoic god behind you.
“Is he joining?”
“Just to watch.”
Loki sits down on the bench and leaves you to get changed and stretch. He can’t comprehend how something as sweet as you can be so willing to fight one of the super soldiers. He can’t even lie that he’s scared for you, but he’s soon proven wrong in seconds as you knock Steve down to the ground in a sweet kick. You and the super soldier go at it and you prove to be a worthy match for Steve. Loki is shocked by your swiftness and strength, clearly underestimating you.
“Well, I’m impressed.”
“I didn’t expect you to be as tough as you are.” “Wow, you underestimated me. I’m hurt, Loki,” you tease.
“I’ve learned to expect the unexpected with you.”
“How so?”
“I think we all remember your silly holiday ‘April fools’.”
April fools is one of your favorite holidays and now that the trickster god is living with you, all of the avengers are on high alert all day. No one realized he didn’t know about the special day, so Loki wondered why everyone seemed to ignore him more than usual. He walked into the living space to see you sitting on the couch with another book.
“Did I do something?” He asks.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m aware I’m not well liked, but it seems that I haven’t seen anyone all day except for you right now.”
“It’s because its’ April fools and they’re scared of you.”
A little ping of pride hits Loki.
“They’re scared of me? And what is April fools?”
“It’s a dumb holiday here where you prank people and they’re worried you’re going to pull something. After all, you are you.”
“You have a whole day dedicated to messing with people?”
“Yeah, usually it’s something simple like telling people you’re pregnant when you’re not or tying the spray nozzle on the sink together so everyone gets wet when they use it. Other people go big which is what they expected from you.”
“That doesn’t shock me,” he laughs.
“Yeah, I wanted to prank them, but I think they’ve left the building entirely.”
“You say we have the tower to the two of us?” Loki can think of a couple ways he’d spend alone time with you, but the idea of messing with the Avengers with your help is too tempting. He’ll have to put his other ideas to the side for the moment. “We can still do something.”
“Like what?”
“I’m not sure, but you could think of something, I’m sure.”
“We could glue everything down so you can use anything?”
“Like stick the together?”
“Exactly, but we could use your magic so we could reverse it later.”
“I like how you think.”
About two hours later, the Avengers return from wherever they had been throughout the day and run to their rooms to avoid Loki. As soon as they noticed the two of you relaxing on the couch, they tensed up and sprinted. You pretended to not have told Loki about anything and watched them get nervous, trying to hide your amusement.
It’s only minutes later when they all run back in yelling at you about how they can’t pick anything up or open drawers. Loki looks over to you among the chaos and smiles, seeing the wide proud smile across your face.
“That was a lot of fun. You surprised me in the past though, too.”
“Whatever do you mean?” He laughs.
You had gotten hurt on a mission and found yourself with a broken arm. Every day activities became 10x harder because you have to do it with your non-dominant hand and it’s started to get annoying. You’ve been attempting to make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for about 25 minutes now. Loki walked in to see you struggling with peanut butter all over your hand and a glob on the bread. There’s a giant tear in the middle of the piece you’re spreading it on and a frown on your face.
“You look like you’re struggling.”
“Thank you, captain obvious!” You exclaim in an angry tone, glaring daggers at the god.
“Do you need some help?”
“I would love some because clearly, I’m having some difficulty.”
Loki comes over and helps you finish making your sandwich. You sit down to eat but because of your bad mood, you don’t even want it now. Loki notices your distress and shakes it head, waving his hand by.
“You’re healed, now eat your sandwich.”
You look at him in confusion until you realize your arm doesn’t hurt as much when you move it. You rip off your cast and feel around to feel how your arm is completely healed.
“Thank you!”
“You can be very sweet sometimes.”
“Don’t let Stark hear that, he’ll think I have mind controlled you.”
The Avengers all sit around the bar and watch you and Loki dance. They have a big smile on their face as they see you two have fun, laughing and talking. Thor has never seen his brother look so relaxed and joyful before, it’s refreshing to see him happy. Steve and Tony don’t miss the way you look at Loki, it’s filled with more love than any friends would look at each with.
“You think there’s more there?” Thor asks.
Steve and Tony turn to look at him with confused yet amused faces. “Thor, you really are an idiot,” Tony laughs.
The song comes up to the last chorus and you and Loki have stopped talking. He swings you around and holds his body next to yours. The music get’s both of your attention.
Cause we’re stuck in the middle of lover and friends
And we’re losing every part of the benefits
You’ve hurt me more than I ever knew
But it’s shitty because I’m doing the same to you
As the lyrics set in, you remember all the things Loki has done for you. Making your PB&J, recommending books, keeping you company when the Avengers are away, dancing with you at New Years parties, giving you a hug when you return from missions, and not leaving your side when you’re hurt. Loki thinks of all the things that made you bearable. Your sense of humor, the smile on your face when you see him, the way you’ll reread books you love, the way you make fun of others with him, and how you defend him when they make fun of him.
“I think I like you,” you both say.
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tuiccim · 3 years
Terrigenisis (Part 17)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Bucky Barnes X Inhuman!Reader
Words: 1700
Summary: After undergoing terrigenisis unwillingly your life is turned upside down when you are deemed too dangerous to return to life as a civilian. You are put with the Avengers team to train and rebuild. As you hone your powers and skills, you must also decide if you can find home and love again. Or is your curse to be a lonely wanderer forever?
Warnings: a god of Mischief (He’s a warning, okay?)
Terrigenisis Series Masterlist       Divider by @firefly-graphics
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You lounged on the lawn furniture in the back of the compound watching Dizzy run in joyful circles as Redtail made loops overhead. You had brought a tennis ball out and Dizzy was adorable as she ran around with it in her mouth. Occasionally, she’d drop it in your laugh and you’d throw it out into the expanse of lawn. You laughed as she leapt into action each time the ball was thrown. Redtail would swoop down every now and then to tease the dog. 
The rest of the team was out on missions or meetings. Sam, Steve, and Bucky had been sent on a mission yesterday afternoon and you were enjoying some down time. It felt like it had been some time since it had happened. You stretched lazily, basking in the feel of the sun on your skin and the feeling of contentment. 
You hear footsteps approaching and turn to see Loki walking towards you. He had been in a meeting with Thor, Tony, and Maria Hill when you had checked earlier. 
“Hi. How’d the meeting go?” You greet the god. 
“It went well. Nothing of grave importance,” Loki takes the chair next to you, “What are you up to?”
“Relaxing in this glorious weather,” you see his eyes take in your tank top, jean shorts, and sandals. “You know, I’ve never seen you in anything except the leather. Is there casual wear on Asgard?”
“Simple tunics and robes but, as prince and warrior, I do not wear them often.” Loki raises an eyebrow at you. 
“I see. What about for Tony’s party this weekend? Will you wear this?” you motion to his attire.
“I plan to wear a suit.” Loki chuckles. 
“I look forward to seeing that. Isn’t the leather hot though? It’s 80 today.” 
“I could strip for you if you’d like.” Loki smirks playfully. 
“That’s okay,” you hold your hands up in defeat. 
“Is this better?” Loki’s form shimmers for a moment before revealing him in bermuda shorts and hawaiin shirt. 
You grin, “I like it! You look ready for a beach vacation.” You stare at Loki for a moment, wondering about his personal life. He knew a lot about you but rarely revealed much about himself. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course, darling. Anything.”
“Do you have… someone? Here or on Asgard or… somewhere?” you stammer through the question. 
“Your two lovers are not enough for you?” Loki chuckles. 
“They’re plenty for me. You don’t talk about yourself much, Lok. I mean, you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to but I’m curious about you. We’re friends and so I wonder, is there someone? Are you a player? Are you a monk? You know my story. You haven’t given me much of yours. Have you ever been in love?”
Loki studies you for a moment and then nods as if deciding something to himself, “I suppose I would be what you Midgardians refer to as a player.”
“Love ‘em and leave ‘em?” you giggle. 
“I suppose. There’s only ever been one person who…” Loki trails off. 
“Who what?” 
“Who I thought I could fall for.”
“What happened?” You question. 
“She belongs to another.” Loki says as he looks away. 
“She belongs only to herself.” You counter. 
“Of course. She’s engaged to another.” 
“I’m sorry.” You tell him. 
“Thank you.” Loki pauses to contemplate before asking, “Are you happy? You’ve been through a lot in your short life.”
You smile at the statement, “I’m not that young, Loki.”
“I’m over 1000 years old.” Loki deadpans. 
“True,” you laugh, amazed at the lifespan of Asgardians, “Yes. I am happy. This isn’t what I imagined my life to be. Terrigenisis tore my world apart but you make the best of what you have. I have a family in the team, lovers in Steve and Bucky, friends, a purpose. This is… home.”
“And I’m your friend?” Loki asks. 
“Of course you are.”
“Aren’t you afraid I’ll betray you at some point? I mean, I am notorious.” 
“I trust you, Loki. I think I know your heart, but understand that I live by the statement, ‘Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.’ I may let someone make a fool of me once but I won’t let them a second time. Once you lose my trust, it’s gone and would take a great deal to earn it back,” you explain. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“I have to trust you. I’m letting you play with my brain.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Giving me a chance. Trusting me. Seeing me as something other than the villain that I was.”
“You’re more than your past. Oh!” you exclaim when a slobber covered ball is dropped in your lap. “Hi Dizz.” you laugh and throw the ball for her. 
“She has you well trained.” Loki smirks. 
“That she does. Speaking of training, are you up for another session?” you ask. 
“Same time as always, darling. I’ll see you then.” Loki gets up. 
“See ya later, friend,” you watch as Loki walks back to the building, dropping the glamour to reveal his normal outfit as he walks. He sends you a brief wave before walking into the building. Your attention is pulled away when Dizzy drops the ball in your lap again. Time to play. 
You get to the training room early to do some climbing and ended up in the rafters as you were known to do. You were just about to climb down when Loki entered with Thor trailing behind him. 
“Drop it, brother,” Loki grouses at him. 
“Just tell me you aren’t playing at anything with her and I will,” Thor demands. 
“Mortals are your weakness,” Loki rolls his eyes at his brother. 
“Love is not weakness, Loki.”
“I do not feel that way about her. She is a friend. Much like Sif is to you.” Loki says pointedly.
“That’s all I wanted, brother,” Thor smiles. 
You clear your throat loudly, “Good afternoon, gentlemen.”
Loki looks up at you in amusement, “How long have you been there?”
“Well before you came in,” you wink at him. 
Thor looks at you sheepishly, “I’ll let you two get to your training.”
“Okay. See ya later,” you are holding in your giggle as you make your way to the climbing rope and jump to it. When you slide to the floor, you look into Loki’s mischievous eyes and you both burst into laughter. When it’s spent you say dramatically, “Loki! I can no longer control myself. I must swoon into your arms!” You pretend to faint against him and he catches you. 
“You’re ridiculous.” Loki narrows his eyes at you. 
“Yup! And you, my friend, are stuck with me!” You stand back up.
“You know that won’t be the last time someone will make the insinuation.” Loki says quietly.
“People have a hard time believing a man and woman can be just friends,” you shrug.
“That is true. Can I ask you something?” Loki asks. 
“Of course.”
“Hypothetically, would you have been able to fall in love with me if…” Loki trails off. 
“I don’t think I would let myself fall in love with any Asgardian,” you admit.
“How old are you, Loki?” 
“A little over a thousand years.”
“Exactly. Asgardians live for around 5,000 years, right?”
“That’s why. Humans live maybe 80 years. That’s a blink in comparison. I’ve lost a lot of people who are important to me in my life. I don’t think I could purposely put someone through that. Falling for an Asgardian, letting them fall for you, would mean making them watch you die while they live on for millenia. I don’t think I could do that to someone, ever. It’s difficult enough being friends and knowing that. Being lovers, it would be unbearable.”
Loki nods, “I couldn’t have said it better myself.” 
You smile at him, glad he understands. “How about we get to work?”
“Let’s go, darling.”
Over the past week, you had worked up to slipping into Loki’s mind without the unbearable pain. It still caused a headache but you were able to see through his eyes and communicate in a similar fashion to how you did with animals. Today, you were attempting to take control of Loki’s movement. It wasn’t easy. Just lifting his hand took a toll. You drop the warg after a moment. 
“What’s wrong?” Loki looks concerned. 
“It’s difficult. The pain is worse,” you explain.
“Why don’t you warg and I’ll do some magic? Just play around a bit.” 
“Okay. Sounds fun,” you warg back into Loki. He begins doing some simple tricks and you watch in delight. You try to concentrate on the motions he makes, the feel of the magic flowing through him, and his thought process as he works. A picture flashes in Loki’s mind and you catch a glimpse of a beautiful face before he forces it away. 
“Does she know?” You ask in his head.
“What?” Loki hedges. 
“Does she know?” you drop the warg.
“No.” Loki says. 
“Then she’s not.”
“Not what?”
“She’s not lost to you. How do you know she doesn’t feel the same way?” you push. 
“She… I… I don’t… She couldn’t-”
“Oh, I’m gonna stop you right there. She could. She really could, but if you never told her how you feel, what’s she supposed to do?”
“She’s engaged.” Loki insists.
“She’s not married, Loki. You should tell her. Wouldn’t it be better to know?”
“At least then you’d know. Either she doesn’t and you have closure to move on. Or she does and you two can figure it out. ‘Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all’, right? Better to say it and know than to spend the next few millennia wondering,” you needle. 
“I…” Loki falters with a far away look in his eyes. 
“Just promise me you’ll think about it.” 
“I will.” Loki nods.
“Good,” you see Loki’s concentration is completely gone, “Why don’t we leave it for today?”
“Oh. Yes, good. I’ll see you later.” Loki walks away lost in thought. 
“Later, loverboy,” you whisper with a chuckle to yourself.
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Part 18
Tuiccim’s Masterlist
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A Stark Halloween Party // Tony Stark x Plus Size Reader
Word Count: 1788 Warning: Light insecurity
There's this one girl. She wasn't a girl. She was a woman. She was bigger than other women. She was different. She loved herself. That's what drew big time tech billionare Tony Stark to her. He liked that she was confident. She was sometimes sarcastic under her breath when she thought no one could hear her. Tony realized that she was very similar to him. Tony didn't treat her like he treated Pepper. Pepper had actually decided to go to a law firm instead of working with Tony.
He knew y/n would be slower than Pepper in heels. He would only order her to stand beside him and write his work notes while he was in his lab. She would make him laugh. That wasn't easy for him since the New York incident. He loved to see her every day at 10am. Being confident was a great thing to be around Tony Stark.
Another thing about him, Tony always loved parties. No disaster would get him down when it came to a celebration or charity. Halloween was a big shen-dig for him. He was a man who liked costumes, too. He made everyone's costumes better yet he had someone else make the costumes; not that he didn't have an idea of the costumes but he couldn't sew. He decided after the computer generated the costumes to go and switch them up himself and give everyone Tony Stark appointed costumes.
He had called everyone in the compound to the main conference room. Everyone was surprised that Tony called everyone since there was nothing on the news or on the tv monitors hanging around the place, lately. He explained that he wanted to throw a Halloween bash. He started giving everyone their costumes and that their outfits will be sent to them when they get made. It was 2 weeks until Halloween. He could do it. He even thought about making them dress up as each other but after he chuckled about that he decided to go with traditional costumes.
Tony named off announcing the costumes explaining he used a generator so they won't guess he chose legitimately to give him and y/n similar matching costumes. or get annoyed if they didn't like the costumes he picked.
Steve. Sailor.
Natasha. Angel.
Y/n. Princess.
Clint. Ghost Face.
Thor. Pro Wrestler.
Peter Parker. Vampire.
Sam. Police Officer.
Scott. Devil.
Rhodey. Storm Trooper.
Wanda. Jessica Rabbit. (Mostly because of the hair)
Vision. Michael Myers.
Bucky. Werewolf.
Happy. Superman.
Loki. Plague Doctor.
and himself. Prince Charming.
It was a bit harder than he thought to give them all costumes. They all practically live in costumes. He chose the most ironic costumes he could. He however made sure he and y/N were matching. He wouldn't tell he didn't generate the costumes. Only FRIDAY knows.
Once everyone got their costumes, they're of course was arguements of why they got the costume they got. Tony rolled his eyes. "Deal with it." He smiled at y/N and went and left to go to his office. He ordered a famous designer to create the costumes except the princess one. He wanted to design that one himself.
"I can't believe I'm even coming to this party," Loki complained.
"Your face will be covered, Brother," Thor responded.
Loki groaned.
"I am stronger than any wrestler," Thor thinks. "I do not trust technology."
Steve looked at Natasha. "I considered joining the marines. I preferred to be an army soldier though."
Natasha was in shock and crossed her arms. "I am no angel. I would rather be a ninja."
Steve chuckles, "Tony's not going to change his mind."
Natasha rolled her eyes, "I blame the computer more than him."
Wanda looked to Steve and Natasha, "My costume is the most sexist outfit..."
Vision looks at her with a soft smile, "I would love to see you in that costume."
Wanda then forgets all her worries about being so sexy and caresses his cheek, "You ok with your costume babe?"
Vision nods, "I will wear whatever is given. I haven't ever celebrated Halloween before."
Wanda smiles, "Ok."
Vision tilts his head, "Who is Michael Myers?"
Wanda calmly describes the psycho to him.
Vision thinks, "I see..." He said that a lot.
Scott looks to Clint, "I'm just glad to be a part of this team."
Clint nodded, "I was going to take my kids trick-or-treating this year..."
Scott laughed, "Well maybe it won't be on actual Halloween."
Clint nodded, "Hope so." He wasn't too fond of his costume. The devil? Really? He disapproved.
Natasha looked at Clint, "Really? you think you got it bad? I've never worn a dress before. A white one at that."
"Computers aren't against you," Happy interrupted Nat and Clint.
Happy liked the idea of being Superman. Finally, he is a superhero like everyone else around him.
Happy looked at Peter who was over excited for being invited to his first Avenger/Tony/"Adult" party. "Are you alright kid?"
Peter nods and flops down on the couch. "Oh yeah. I am excited! I also love that Tony is making our costumes. He always makes me great costumes. You think I can invite MJ? and/or Ned? Do you think Mr. Stark would mind?"
Happy shrugged, "I don't think he would mind."
Bucky was quiet standing in a corner not caring either which way. but trying to think of what a werewolf costume would look like.
Rhodey thought a storm trooper would be cool. Star Wars is a classic afterall.
Sam was neutral about his outfit. He didn't care one way or another about being a police officer. He was trying to imagine himself in it. He could be a police officer. He loved helping people and saving the day. He felt like a police officer anyway. Just with the metal wings.
y/N was being quiet. She was worried now that her costume wouldn't fit once Tony gives it to her. Talk about embarassing. She hurriedly rushed up to her room to avoid anyone else. She wasn't an insecure person since middle school. She was surprised her confidence was currently faltering.
"Looks like the computer thinks you and I should match," She bumps into Tony.
"Tony... I didn't see you... sorry," y/n told him.
"Are you alright?" Tony arched his brow.
"I was wondering if... maybe I could pick my own costume. I mean I'll still be a princess... I just..."
"What are you afraid of... you don't want to match with me?"
"Tony... I'm not feeling well. I am going to my room," She left.
"Hmm... hey... y/N, wait!" Tony didn't understand why she wasn't happy or glad they matched.
She looked in the mirror and immediately went to bed after sighing loudly. She needed to get her mind off of the party. She wasn't even happy that she was even invited to one of the biggest shen-digs of the year.
She was very quiet during her work the following days. Tony was concerned. He had FRIDAY keep an eye on her for him. She was just anxious and didn't try to keep up with him anymore. She wasn't even wearing heels anymore.
The costumes came in from the designer. Tony already had everyone's measurements so he had sent them out. He didn't have y/n's so he tried scientifically to decide the size of her costume. She would never tell him or let him near her with a measuring tape. She would rather disappear than have ANY of the Avenger's Family know her size, especially Tony. She had a crush on her boss. Who wouldn't? He was Tony Freaking Stark. Tall, dark, handsome, rich, smart, and a superhero.
Everyone is glad how their costumes turned out. They fit just right and were amazing. Tony definitely appreciated the styles and the designs worth every penny. Everyone was happy with their costumes.
The night of the party y/n didn't come to the party hall. He went to her room and knocked on the door. She was crying on the edge of her bed with the dress in her lap, makeup running down her cheeks. "Why aren't you dressed?"
"I can't fit it."
"W... did you try it on?" She shrugs then sighs and shakes her head. "No..."
Tony just stared at her. "O....k. Come on I'll help you. If I have to wear poofy sleeves you have to wear the poofy dress."
She blushed nodding and stood up and he helped her dress into her costume, sucking in her stomach as much as she could so he doesn't see her 'girth'.
As a Prince and Princess, Tony and the reader smiling
"You look sexy in that costume," Tony smiled softly at her.
She blushed deep, "You're drunk and that's inappropriate Mr. Stark..."
"Call me Tony. Please... You've been here for 6 months... You're always with me. You know me better than anyone... You have pretty hair, y/n... and such soft, delicate figure... You are so beautiful. Now will you come downstairs and be with me at the party?"
She giggled, "We are at the party."
He smiled, "I made sure we matched."
He nodded, "I wanted to be with you. I chose all the costumes. The generator was just me. Don't tell." He laughed. "You are my date on purpose."
y/N's eyes widened, "You wanted me to look like a giant marshmallow?"
Tony looked offended, "I wanted you to be mine."
"Wait... like me... and you?"
"Me and you..."
"What why? I'm not as hot as the other women you..."
"NEVER say you are less than anyone else. Where's the y/N I am used to that doesn't care what others think about how she looks? and Especially bimbos from my past. They don't matter. It's the past. This is the future." He takes her hand and puts a palm against her palm and smiles down at her.
" You know... you are such a catch. I'm attracted to you and all your beauty and snark. Yeah, I notice you. You have an old timey type of beauty like a princess... and I am your Prince. Well, I would call myself a King. You do everything for me. You know me better than anyone has ever..."
"He is so egotistical," Bucky said.
Tony rolled his eyes. "She is a Queen. My queen; not a princess."
Steve smiled soft. "She is sweet as can be. Princess was a perfect outfit for her. She better watch out for him. He will corrupt her." He laughs.
y/n grinned wide at Tony insecurities all gone and leans up and kisses him. "My Tony?"
"My y/N..." Tony kisses back passionately.
Everyone claps.
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ashdreams2023 · 3 years
I think abt this all the time
Loki being friends with a reader who grew up to be one of the palaces maids/servants and he isn’t really allowed to be friends with them anymore because he’s no longer young, and its frowned upon to be friends with palace workers? but when they’re older (like around thor 1) he comes across them sneaking away from their duties in the library and they sorta meet up there as much as possible and then fall in love?
im sorry if that too specific <3
Lovely, I posted a similar idea a while ago but definitely could write this, I change one tiny thing but everything is what you asked for I hope
Being Loki’s servant friend growing up includes:
You were brought into the palace too early in your life
It was basically the worst day of your life, since you were ripped off your family
That’s how things worked, your parents rebel against Odin and get punished
It was out of mercy from the queen herself that you were decided to be turned a servant instead of facing the same fate they did
Since you were young, you were given the position of the princes personal servant
They were alright but you didn’t feel like making friends with them
Thor was the one who dragged you and his brother into crazy adventures that will eventually lead you to getting in trouble
You lost the amount of times he was hurt and you and his brother had to lie about his injuries and say he just fell
That’s kinda how you started your bond with Loki
He was the smart, the one that like to learn and be careful about his own trouble he brings
And there were you sucking up any new information he’ll throw at you
He made living in the palace more barbel and fun
And when he got the god of mischief, it made a lot of sense but also it meant another thing
Loki was an adult and a prince
Odin did not want him to be spending his time with a servant
So you were ripped off of your title since childhood
You were sent to serve other important names in the palace and was told to never speak to him again
That would be the second worst day of your life
At least this time you were a grown up and he wasn’t actually dead
He wouldn’t notice but you’ll watch him from afar, hoping one day that maybe he will come looking for you
It stayed like that for years
Until one day during one of the huge parties the palace held from time to time
You were tidying up the library, because apparently nobody cared enough to put backs back on their shelves, even the teachers
"I swear these people are driving to retirement sooner than granted"
Loki was just trying to get some alone time, away from crowds and in his favorite place in this palace
When you look up from the mess in front of you, your eyes meet and it’s like time freezes
His beautiful green eyes stared into yours and your body moved by itself
"Loki!" You couldn’t help it, you jumped to his arms and he held you so tight
"Where have you been!?"
Quickly you realize that you haven’t seen the prince this close for almost 200 years and now he’s so much more grown and beautiful
"Gods, I missed you so much"
You two spend almost the enter night tidying up together and talking about whatever happened to you and his changes
Eventually this becomes your meeting spot
Every two days you’ll meet up, in the same time and just block the outside world, Loki would use his magic to lock the doors on you both
It felt like when you were little, when all you worried about was getting yelled at by Odin or scold by frigga
Though a few things changed
You looked at him longer, his features that became more sharp and his hands that became somewhat rougher due to battle
And one day, you found yourself asking the strangest question
"Can I give you a kiss?"
And you did
Your first kiss was with a prince, and you could tell he liked it
"Let’s do this often" he’ll say, his cheeks would be so red and flustered
And it went on like that, sneaking around to see each other, kiss hug and eventually even more
Than he found out about his true blood
Everything went down the hill after that
But you didn’t lose faith this time, you had a feeling he wasn’t dead and when it was confirmed that he wasn’t, you down on your knees and thanked the gods
He was back but locked up in a prison
You didn’t care
He would feel ashamed to see you at first but his mother would insist because she knew, she just never said anything
You heart shattered when you saw him and your cried
"I didn’t want you to see me like this"
"Oh shut up you drama queen!"
After that frigga took upon her own hands to protect you both from Odin and allow you to visit loki every single day until his punishment would be lifted
"I trust that you love my son, so you have my word"
"Thank you, your highness"
Loki is secretly planning to marry you when he’s out so be patient too
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baroquebucky · 3 years
idk if you’re taking requests but if you are could i get a loki one shot where the reader is super shy and quiet and the only person at the tower she really talks to is natasha but the others have tried and failed. but eventually loki comes to the tower and he gets her to trust him and she opens up to him?? or something along those lines lol i’m just in desperate need of some loki fluff🥺 also i absolutely adore your writing 🥰💓
a/n: yup yup ! i don’t write for loki much so i hope this isn’t too out of character !!
in which loki manages to break down your walls, magic free
word count: 2k
You sat next to Natasha, quiet as the others laughed at the movie. You leaned over making a small comment to Natasha causing her to burst out laughing, the other looking over to see what had happened.
“tell them!” Natasha nudged you and you shook your head, looking at your hands as natasha repeated your comment, everyone bustling out into a fit of laughter.
“y/n is the funniest person here nobody can change my mind” Tony piped up, smiling at you as your face burned.
The rest of the night went smoothly, keeping to yourself and whispering to natasha, making her giggle.
“you really should try talking to the other y/n, they love you” nat urged you, walking to your rooms to settle in for the night. You shook your head, heart racing at the idea.
“no, i mean they seem nice it’s just i don’t know i get so nervous i don’t wanna make a fool out of myself and plus they’re so intimidating” you chuckled, shrugging your shoulders as you stopped at your room.
“you know you’re an avenger too right?” Nat laughed as you rolled your eyes, waving her off and saying goodnight.
Morning rolled around soon enough and you walked out, steve and Sam saying good morning and you smiled at them, rushing to make a bowl fo cereal and sitting a couple seats away from them.
“so y/n what are you gonna do today?” Steve smiled, trying to make conversation with you.
You thought for a bit before answering, “not much, just train maybe uh, i might go shopping with nat later” you replied, ending the conversation and finishing up your food.
You excused yourself before they could say anything else.
“you know thor is brining his brother today” sam called out and you looked at him confused.
“battle of New York one?” You questioned and he nodded, you raised your brows in surprise.
“he’s good now, nice guy i think” steve added, not wanting to worry you. You only nodded your head and left the kitchen, going to train for the rest of the morning.
“is everybody here?” Thor boomed, a smile on his face as his brother stood next to him, arms crossed across his chest.
“where is y/n? Will she be joining us?” Thor questioned, slightly upset you weren’t there.
“I’ll get her she’s probably sleeping or something” Natasha smiled, heading to your room.
She knocked on your door, letting herself in after a couple seconds and found you passed out on your bed, a book next to your head.
Shaking you gently she woke you up, “y/n, wake up thor brought his brother Cmon” she spoke quietly as you stirred awake.
“what? what time is it?” you questioned, yawning and rubbing your eyes, looking around for a bit.
“3:12, you knocked out after our session this morning” she smirked and you rolled your eyes.
“told you i stayed up late” you defended, getting up and putting on some socks.
Natasha was in a t shirt and some sweats, so you figured your t shirt and shorts weren’t too bad. Surely the rest of the team was dressed casually too.
You entered the living room, still half asleep following Natasha, waving hi to everybody.
“now that everyone is here, this is loki, my brother! he’s a good guy now and since we’re gonna be splitting time between here and Asgard i figured a proper introduction was over due” Thor beamed at everyone.
“well hi loki, nice to uh- meet you, again” steve spoke up, trying to get the others to say hi.
“mm a pleasure” loki gave him a tight smile, you rolled your eyes at his tone. You finally looked at him, he was dressed in an all black suit and dress shoes, you scoffed at his outfit.
“you always dress like that?” You spoke up, upset that he had been rude to steve. Everyone’s eyes went wide, turning to face you and loki looked shocked.
“and you are?” Loki shot back, checking you out.
“y/n, and you should be nicer” you quipped, narrowing your eyes at him. Natasha smirked at loki, knowing how sassy you could be after a nap.
“you’ve got a quick wit, i like that” loki smiled and you rolled your eyes, shifting your weight onto your other leg.
As everyone else warmed up loki you stayed an arms length away, only speaking up when someone talked directly to you.
You slowly moved away from the group, turning to sneak away to your room. A smile on your face as you turned around, only to bump into someone’s chest.
“leaving my welcome party so soon, love?” Loki smiled as you stumbled back, eyes widening.
“how- you were just over there?” You gawked, looking back where you saw another loki sitting and chatting with the others.
“magic, did they not tell you about me darling?” He asked, cocking his head to the side.
“no yeah they did, just didn’t pay much mind is all” you smiled, crossing your arms across your chest.
“you know, they didn’t tell me much about you, why’s that?” Loki asked, leaning against the wall and you fiddlers with your fingers.
“don’t really talk to them much, i- uh I’m pretty reserved” you spoke, a wave of realization washing over you as you fully woke up.
“don’t seem that shy to me” he smirked and you shook your head.
“no i was just really tired I’m so sorry I’m usually not like that I’m so sorry oh god” you spoke, fumbling over your words as your face grew hot from embarrassment.
“don’t apologize, i liked it” he smiled, pushing himself off the wall and moving so the oath to your room was no longer blocked.
“cant wait to see you around y/n” he spoke, letting you walk past him, biting your lip to contain your smile.
And you sure did see him around, telling him good morning when he sat himself next to you during breakfast, sparring with him when he suggested it after walking into the gym.
Loki found himself gravitating towards you, wanting to know everything about you, your favorite color, your middle name, your biggest fears. He wanted to know you.
He was persistent, constantly talking to you and spending time with you, he found himself doing things he never thought he would just to spend time with you. It’s how he was in his current predicament.
“okay just don’t smile or else it’ll crack” you replied, finishing brushing the green face mask on him, letting him use one of your head bands, one with pink fluffy bunny ears (he chose it himself).
“how can i not smile when the most beautiful person in all the nine realms is right here” he replied, making you roll your eyes.
You settled into you before, scooting next to him and turning on your favorite show. Both of you watching attentively as your masks dried.
“can i ask you something?” Loki spoke suddenly, you turned to look at him, a small hum signaling to continue.
“why don’t you talk to the others?” He asked softly, taking your hand in his to comfort you.
You let a couple moments pass to gather your thoughts, finally speaking up.
“they’re just really intimidating to me, i mean i grew up admiring steve and the other have saved the world countless times, I’ve helped them once but i didn’t even play that big of a role, it’s just really daunting you know?” He looked at the way your fingers intertwined and held back a smile.
“how come you weren’t scared to talk to me?” you looked at him, laughing softly.
“oh no i was scared shitless, you just wouldn’t leave me alone so i really had no choice” you replied, looking at your hands connected.
“is that how Natasha got close to you?”
You nodded, remembering the way she pestered you until you two became the best of friends, never leaving each other’s side for a whole week.
“well, i hope you know that I’m not going anywhere” he spoke, moving to face you. Reluctantly, you looked at him, tension thick in the air.
“what makes you so sure?” You asked, looking into his eyes.
Both of you leaned in a little, your breath hitched in your throat as you leaned closer, and closer, and-
ding! ding! ding!
Both of you jumped away at the sound of the alarm, clearing your throats and moving to wash the face mask off.
After you had both washed off the mask you headed back to your bed, sitting down with some space between your bodies. The sound of the show filling the room, neither one of you saying anything.
“what do-”
“why do-”
You both quieted at the sound of the others voice, laughing a little as you both stopped. He motioned for you to continue.
“what do you think about me?” You asked, fiddling with your fingers and picking at your nails, glancing at him for a second before focusing back to on your fingers.
“i think” he trailed off, scooting closer to you, “that you are one of the most amazing people I’ve met, that you are kind, funny and exciting” he finished, your thighs touching as you looked up at him.
“really?” you whispered, dizzy from how close the two of you were.
“what were you gonna say?” you asked, giving him a small smile before focusing on the tv show.
“why are you so sure that I’m gonna leave?” He questioned, eyes flickering between your lips and your eyes.
“i- well i never open up to people so they always just leave” you replied, furrowing your eyebrows before continuing.
“when i was in high school and such i used to be really outgoing and loud, everyone would tell me to be quiet when i got excited so i just kinda stopped altogether, no one complained much then” you laughed dryly, remembering the way your friends would get annoyed at how bubbly you were.
“they all left me after i stopped being loud, said i was boring.”
Loki felt his heart fall in his chest, he was angry at you past friends, but he was sad that you had changed so much for people who didn’t appreciate you.
“darling, look at me” he spoke softly, eyes meeting yours.
“i promise you that no one here thinks you are too much, i mean we have that falcon guy and spider boy, i can assure you they won’t tell you to tone it down” he reassured you and you shrugged your shoulders.
“how about we make a deal” loki smirked and you looked at him with narrow eyes.
“what kind of deal” you asked, suspicious of what he would propose.
“you try to come out of your shell more, and I’ll be nicer to the rest of the team” he stated simply, smiling at the way you thought about his deal, he could almost see the gears turning in your head.
“deal” you smiled, turning to look at him and extending you hand out.
He took your hand and pulled you to him, stopping you centimeters away from his face.
“may i?” He asked, eyes focused on your lips.
“yeah” you whispered breathlessly, crashing your lips onto his.
You both pulled away, a smile on your faces, you laughed at the way he immediately pulled you in for more.
You and Loki left your room not long after, knowing the team would be out and about despite it being almost 12 am.
“hi guys” steve smiled and you returned it, walking at bit faster before loki stopped you.
“remember our deal?” he whispered and you internally groaned, nodding and walking over to steve, heart pounding in your chest.
“hi Steve how has your day been?” You smiled, steve was taken back but quickly replied, easily falling into conversation with you.
Loki watched from a far, a smile on his face as you laughed, making conversation with the super soldier. Natasha stood next the Norse god, a smile on her face.
“Glad you could get her out of her shell” she smiled, eyes settling on you talking with Steve and Sam who had joined in.
“she just needed an extra push” Loki smiled, excited to see you become who you really were. Natasha felt her heart grow, she couldn’t wait for the team to appreciate you for who you always have been.
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