#- i've been v hurt by what they said and this is my exercise to that freedom lol
061306 ยท 6 months
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โฅ list of things iโ€™ve successfully manifested !
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i discovered manifestation and the law around early 2022 and here's what i have manifested since then! this might not be much but this is to remind me that i am capable of anything and everything!
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๐–ฅป 1. clearer skin
i used to have a terrible breakout on the right side of my face + oily skin. now my skin is much better and less oily! i do not have acne anymore.
๐–ฅป 2. weight loss ( 14 kgs )
i went from 69 kgs to 55 kgs in around two months with minimal exercise ( walking ) & a simple diet.
๐–ฅป 3. height increase ( 11cm )
i used to be 150cm but not anymore lol. i got better proportions too!
๐–ฅป 4. text messages & instant replies from people.
i also manifested message from a friend i was no longer in contact with.
๐–ฅป 5. passing exams i thought i was going to fail
accountancy was my weakest subject but i manifested passing several tests and exams. i also manifested getting better in it!
๐–ฅป 6. getting above average % board exams
board examinations are a big deal in my country and i, unfortunately, ended in a stream i was not interested in. i manifested getting ~80% in them despite getting way lesser in school examinations.
๐–ฅป 7. food
one single thought turned into an assumption and i am having whatever i want for dinner!
๐–ฅป 8. storage of my phone increasing
i only have 32gb of storage in my phone lol. so sometimes i have to clear app caches to make space, but not anymore.
๐–ฅป 9. love confession
i simply wanted a love confession and i got it. as easy as it gets.
๐–ฅป 10. an increament in my momโ€™s salary & money for myself
my mom really wanted an increament and i manifested it! she got increament of 5.5k! also manifested a bonus for her. + got gift money from my parents and relatives!
๐–ฅป 11. letting go of & detaching from several people
i used to be attached some people that hurt me but not anymore. i have let go of them and it feels so much better.
๐–ฅป 12. books & manga ( jjk )
my mom is not the type to let me spend money on buying books ( for leisure reading ), much less a comic book. but i manifested her allowing me to buy 4 books + 1 manga volume! she even paid for them.
๐–ฅป 13. delaying the start of my college, teachers & professors taking leaves, not getting scolded for submitting assignments late
my college was supposed to start from early june but i manifested a delay and it started from mid-july. i have manifested both school teachers and college professors taking leaves on my desired days.
๐–ฅป 14. nice aura + compliments
i have a magnetic aura, people feel comfort around me and i get so many compliments about literally everything i do!
๐–ฅป 15. quick deliveries of my orders
๐–ฅป 16. winning an elocution competition
i was really worried because i only found about it a day before and some other contestants had been trained by their professors. i was full of nerves but still won the first rank! the judges said my content was unique and everything i did was perfect.
๐–ฅป 17. kitten type beauty
manifested myself big upturned eyes with pretty lashes & a v-shaped face with smooth skin!
๐–ฅป 18. cats loving me
call me a cat whisperer the way cats love me! i can easily befriend any cat!!! หƒแด—ห‚
๐–ฅป 19. desired skincare products for cheap
i really wanted vitamin c serum and face cleanser and sometime later i saw an ad with an offer to get both for 1 rupee! crazy right?
๐–ฅป 20. entering the void on several occasions.
i have entered the void several times albeit unaware. recently i've started becoming aware before snapping out of it!
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masterlist. | notes โ€“ i've also manifested getting a merch of my bias. i got it from my best friend as gift but i didn't add it on the list because i didn't want break the perfect 20. also this list is as on 04 DEC 2023.
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170 notes ยท View notes
penvisions ยท 26 days
the melting point {chapter 19}
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x Baker! Reader (ex EMT! Reader)
Summary: Time passes and heals a lot of things, while others are discussed as the wedding gets closer. Frankie sees the stress weighing down on you amid it all and plans something specialโ€ฆ
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: hurt and comfort, fluff, light angst, reader has trauma similar to the triple frontier guys, reader is described as having tattoos for plot points, reader is partially handicapped, reader has mobility issues, adult content, adult content, smut, p in v smut, oral (m recieving), the whole gang is here, plus oc inserts, serious conversations, alcohol consumption, alcohol, mentions of past trauma, ptsd, nightmares. that seems to be it, but let me know if i've missed anything!
A/N: as we see this penultimate chapter, i just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who read, liked, commented, and shared this fic that holds a special place in my heart โ™กโ™ก
ao3 link || series masterlist || main masterlist || ko-fi
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โ€œWeโ€™re going on a trip. Cleared it with your doctors and ensured them we would keep up with your stretches and daily mobility exercises. Doesโ€ฆdoes that sound okay?โ€ Frankie is making dinner, busy at the stove as he stirs the contents of one pot and keeps an eye on the other. Simple, today, after you had gone to work a shift at the bakery, and he had been in the air since before the sun rose. Lex was in the living room doing her homework, the tv on but muted to allow her to work easier.
You were at the table, having set it up for the meal and now on your laptop answering emails. You look at him over the top of the screen, about to question him when Lex trots in and all but shoves herself into your lap and puts a piece of paper down across your keyboard.
โ€œMama Pastel, I donโ€™t understand this.โ€
โ€œIs this your way of asking for help?โ€
โ€œAlexia, manners, please. Did you ask Pastel if you could sit in her lap, her legs are still very tender sometimes.โ€
โ€œYes, papa.โ€ She barely resists the urge to roll the very same eyes peering over at her. She turns to you with a smile so sweet your heart melts. You wrap an arm around her, holding her in place as you shift your legs to hold her weight more evenly. โ€œMama Pastel, can you please help me with this, itโ€™s fractions. Also, your legs can hold me, right? Iโ€ฆI feel like I need to be close to someone right now.โ€
โ€œOf course, mija, my legs are always strong enough to hold you. Fractions are no fun, huh?โ€ You smile over at her father, something he catches before he turns back to finish dinner as you lean down to rest your chin over her little shoulder. The soft murmuring of you helping her with the page fills the room, and itโ€™s enough to make you yearn for everyday to be this easy.
But just last week, Frankie had had a rather alarming nightmare, his mind replaying the events of his hearing. He had woken up in a sweat, frantically wiping at his face to rid himself of the white powder he had been indulging in right in front of the judge. You hadnโ€™t been in bed, which further spiked his overwhelming panic. Searching through the whole house to find you sat behind the wheel of your truck, hands tight on the steering wheel as you bowed you head and sobbed. You had a nightmare of your own, dreaming of driving and loosing the feeling in your legs and crashing. You hadnโ€™t said anything other than that, but Frankie read between the lines. You were afraid of hurting them, of causing them injury with the potential for your limbs to suddenly be numb to your control.
โ€œWhat are we having for desert?โ€ Lex asks as Frankie announces dinner is ready, turning off the stove tops.
โ€œLittle Pastel, thatโ€™s what youโ€™re turning into.โ€ Frankie pins her with a raised eyebrow, his eyes meeting yours behind her as he settles the pots in the middle of the table on trivets.
His lips are twitching as he tries to tame a fond smile in order to chastely parent. Though you can see right through him, worry and love for his daughter outshining the reminder to be kind and respectful because he knows itโ€™s a reminder that sheโ€™s comfortable around you enough to push into your space and seek you out in the ways that she has been. Itโ€™s been a little better since she returned to school, feeling more like herself and doing better in crowds. She had even asked to go on the winter fieldtrip, a weeklong thing at a conservation center down South toward the coastline. You had both agreed it would be good for her, even more so since she seemed so excited. But needed her therapist to sign off in the idea before a decision was made.
โ€œBetter than little Catfish!โ€ She fired back loudly with giggles that only increased in volume as you tickled her sides and asked her what was so wrong with being like her daddy.
โ€œHeโ€™s so good to us, we should both wanna be more like him, I think.โ€ She squeals as she fidgets in your hold, trying not to lose her balance still in your lap. But you donโ€™t let her fall, you wouldnโ€™t dare. You look up at him and offer him a bright smile he canโ€™t help but reflect back before he says to dig in before the food gets cold.
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โ€œThank you,โ€ You wound your arms around his neck, pulling yourself closer to him as his hands helped to guide you into a comfortable position against him. Nestled in between his outstretched legs, you pressed a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth. You moved to do so to the other side, but he dipped down and captured your lips fully with his own. You had been doting over wedding plans when he had found you in bed, papers and brochures and an open laptop scattered all around you.
โ€œNo need to thank me, sweet girl. Want you to be comfortable. You okay with this, not too much pressure on your hips?โ€ His hands were light on you, helping to support you as you stood on your knees over him. But you didnโ€™t answer him with words, instead you planted yourself right over his lap, grinding down on him. The deep groan he graced you with was swallowed by your willing mouth, tongue lapping at his lips to catch the lingering taste of something sweet he had eaten.
โ€œQ-querida, we- you sure this is okay?โ€ Despite his cock stirring in his boxer briefs, his worry for you softened your heart further and you felt adoration for the man beneath you fill your chest with a jittery feeling. You had been lingering, staying up late to greet him after his double, triple flight tour day. It had been marked on the communal whiteboard in the kitchen for weeks now, a reminder that he was still the only one working.
โ€œFrankie, I need you. Itโ€™s been so long.โ€ Youโ€™re suddenly desperate, having been alone all day. Caring for and totting Lex to and from school, making dinner with her, getting her bathed and settled into bed with a fluffy blanket fresh from the dryer and a bedtime story. You longed for the days to feel just like that, the shadow of Frankie all around the house, in her smile, her laugh, her sparkling brown eyes. Her love for you as strong as the love you had for him and for her in return. The ease of domesticity stirring something in you, making you feel like your skin was too tight and Frankie was the only one who could help abate it.
โ€œI-I want toโ€ฆโ€
โ€œJust, let me sit on it. Please, carino, I need to feel you inside me.โ€ You canโ€™t help the whine of your voice, the scent of him fresh from the shower and dressed only in his underwear laid across the bed too much of a temptation.
โ€œFuck, you can have anything you want, just want you to be comfortable.โ€
โ€œI will be, once your cock is nestled as deep as it can go, filling me up, stretching me. God, Fransisco, your cock is so beautiful, so thick and hard, and perfect. Youโ€™re perfect to me, for me. I love you, mi amor. I love you so much.โ€ You panted against his lips, kisses smothering the words into his skin, his lips, his scruff, the column of his neck. Hands trailing down and releasing him from the fabric.
โ€œDios mio, mija, youโ€™ve got a mouth on you, donโ€™t you?โ€
โ€œLet me show you what kinda mouth Iโ€™ve got.โ€ You push down further to rest over his shins, hips hinged as you lean down and press an open-mouthed kiss to the head of his weeping head. His hips stutter up, chasing the feeling of your warm breath as you pull back to relieve yourself of his large shirt you had stolen before settling in bed to wait for him.
Itโ€™s slow, despite your desperation for the man you loved, the way you take him fully into your mouth and lave at the velvet hardness of his cock with your tongue. Taking him as deep as you could before bobbing your head at a savoring pace. His thick fingers tangle into your hair, gathering it into a mockery of a ponytail to better see your face.
Hallowing your cheeks, you look up at him through your lashes and groan around him at the wreckage youโ€™ve caused. His mouth is hanging open, plush lips wetted by his tongue and puffy from your barrage of kisses. Beautiful eyes blown wide as he takes in the image you create between his legs, blush high on his cheeks as he feels the slight scrape of your teeth along his length. Heโ€™s still so warm from his shower, smelling of his woodsy and homey soap. But he chokes on his next breath as you dive down, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat and you close your eyes to revel in the feeling of him thick and hard in your mouth.
โ€œGet up here,โ€ He moans out, hands letting your hair fall from its loose hold. You readily pull your mouth from him, making sure to lick a firm strike up from his heavy balls to the sensitive tip before moving up to straddle his waist. He shimmies from his underwear completely, shucking them to crumple at the end of the bed along with all the paperwork you had hastily piled together.
His cock nudges against your inner thighs and you take him in a gentle hand to line him up properly while he latches a mouth around your breasts, free from the flimsy camisole you had on just seconds ago. He bites down on the hardened peak as you sink down, slick arousal making it easy for him to stretch you. A wonton moan at the feel of him after so long catches as he grazes that soft, spongy spot at the perfect angle and your hips rock forward suddenly. His hands wrap around your ribs, grounding you, keeping you upright even as you arch at finally sitting flush, hips to hips after what had been nearly six months of being cautious and careful. Nearly six months of waiting and pleasuring each other in other ways.
โ€œIโ€™ve got ya, sweet girl. Just take your time, weโ€™ve got all the time in the world for you to feel good.โ€ He rumbles, voice gravel as he presses kisses all along your neck and chest, nipping at the soft weight of your chest, your lips, your cheeks. Everywhere he could to sooth you while you adjusted to feeling so full once again. โ€œGonna make you feel good for the rest of our lives, yeah?โ€
โ€œY-yeah.โ€ You stutter out, lifting up slightly before sliding back down his length with an obscenely wet sound. His lips capture yours and you hook your arms around his neck, beginning to move against him to spark pleasure across both your bodies.
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It was winter, the new year just having passed, Alexia sent off on her fieldtrip, leaving you and Frankie to each other for the entire week.
Open road is stretched in front of you, the tires below you moving quickly and devouring it as quickly as Frankie would allow. You were busy in the passenger seat, one of his hands on firmly on the wheel while the other moved the piece of paper in your hand to get a better glimpse at it over his dark aviators.
โ€œI think we should keep it small, even if the city has rallied to help us.โ€
โ€œYeah, I donโ€™t want a huge thing, its already going to be in the paper. An article in the magazine.โ€
โ€œWe can ask them to not do that, if you really want.โ€ He smoothly drifts into the fast lane to pass a slower work truck laden down with a trailer full of yard work machinery, shifting back into the slow lane as soon as heโ€™s passed them and had enough room to safely do so before he glances at you out of the corner of his eye. The flowers, the venue, the caterers, the photographer, everyone one of the local businesses had offered to either donate their services or severely discount you for the event. Wanting to make sure you both had everything you needed or wanted for the momentous day.
It had honestly shocked you, when you discovered just how much the people around the city appreciated your efforts during that fateful last day of the farmerโ€™s market. Offering your shop to those seeking shelter in the chaos, the people you had stopped to help if they were bleeding or limping from the rushing crowds as you searched for your own people amidst it all.
โ€œNo, I thinkโ€ฆI think itโ€™s nice to have some good publicity for the bakery.โ€
โ€œDidโ€ฆdid you pick out a date you wanted?โ€ You paused, looking out the window as you felt your heartrate pick up and your nerves spark to life. It was beyond sappy, you realized, but the particular date you had in mind seemed to work out perfectly with all the vendors, with family needing to fly in or travel, with a break for there to be coverage at the bakery and Lexโ€™s school out for the summerโ€ฆ
โ€œI wanted to pick one that meant something to both of us soโ€ฆI was wondering if the date we first met was okay with you?โ€
โ€œSweet girl, thatโ€™sโ€ฆthatโ€™s perfect. I was thinking it but didnโ€™t want to influence the decision if you already had your heart set on something.โ€ His hand curled tighter over your thigh, dull fingernails making light marks in your skin.
He helps you out of the truck at the next gas stop. His hands strong around your waist as he makes sure you have both feet on the ground and your cane in hand before he dips to kiss you cheek and lets you loose to make your way into the building. The giggle bursting from your lips and the slight float to the skirt of your dress has him feeling warmth bloom in his chest as he makes sure you have no trouble along the small distance. Someone is exiting just as you approach the door and they do a double take at the sight of your tattoos on display and the flattering form of the dress over your skin, holding the door open for you and saying something you seem to reciprocate.
Frankie busies himself with hooking the gas pump into the tankโ€™s opening and looks up to watch you amble through the store through the wide windows, the guy who held the door open doing on the other side of the pump. Youโ€™re slow in your movements around the few aisles, taking in all of the sweet and savory options. But you make sure to grab a dr. pepper and a cherry coke. Mini powdered donuts make their way into your hand holding the drinks to your chest before you approach the checkout.
โ€œSheโ€™s a looker, man, good on you.โ€ Comes from the other side of the pump before a vehicle takes off.
โ€œFrankie! I got snackies!โ€ You hold up a plastic bag the second youโ€™re back out the door, shaking it slightly before grimacing and halting the movement, realizing it would make the drinks fizz up. โ€œOops, my bad.โ€
โ€œSweet girl, what did you get us to munch on? Weโ€™re only about half an hour out at this point.โ€
โ€œAnd where is it weโ€™re going again?โ€
โ€œNice try, querida, but itโ€™s a secret. I think youโ€™ll really like it.โ€ He pressed the tip of his index finger to your nose as you enter his orbit. Hand moving to take the cane from you and place it in the truck exactly where you preferred it. It was a beautiful thing, sleek carved wood stained a dark, espresso brown. The hand coated in silver cast to look like blooming flowers to ensure your grip is secure and travel down a few inches. The tip of it capped with rigged silver as well to help with steadying your uneven right side.
He takes the bag from you next, setting it down in the middle of the bench seat, the center console pushed up to create more room for you to cross your legs while you went over stuff. It wasnโ€™t the best position for you to be sitting in for long hours, but you argued it was one of the few ways that brought relief sometimes so he let you do what you thought was best. He had put his foot down and gotten stern with you though, saying that if he noticed it was doing more harm than good that he was going to ask you to try and sit another way.
Truth be told, Frankie would carry you for the rest of your live if you would allow him to. Should you need to be off your feet altogether. A custom wheelchair having been ordered to replace the generic one the insurance company had covered for immediate use after your surgeries. It had been a long conversation, one in which both of you had shed tears during. But the agreement was that it would be stored in the downstairs closet and brought out for longer trips, hospital visits that would take more than a quick pop in and out to ensure no uncomfortable and hard waiting room chairs caused harm, and days where the errands piled up.
While you were recovered from the surgeries and dealing with the trauma of what happened, your legs worked as well as they could. Though the already replaced right one tended to go numb at random intervals the doctors could only explain as part of a degenerative disease that had probably been undiagnosed before the first shooting. The left often got a tingling sensation, sciatic nerve sensitive on both sides making it hard for you to get out and about some days.
Working full time had been another conversation, safety rails installed with the help of the guys all around the house should you be home alone. The showers in the two bathrooms you used were set to be remodeled with ledges for you to set on should you want to, the tubs to be replaced with shower stalls and a fancy tub of your choosing to be put in the master one attached to yours and Frankieโ€™s room.
He worried about the stairs, something that took a longer conversation in which you admitted to feeling like you were flipping his whole life upside down and ruining the home he had carefully curated for him and his daughter. His solution had been as simple as breathing, as loving you: turn the guest room and laundry room into a new downstairs master, expand the kitchen to accommodate the laundry room equipment. The money it would take had caused you to break down, even if Frankie hadnโ€™t batted an eye at the arguably large sum it would require.
Will and Benny had argued that two cousins of theirs that resided in Texas was more than willing to make the trip to oversee the project. They had readily agreed to absolve the labor and graciously discount the materials as long as their flights were covered, and they had a place to stay as for the duration.
You had briefly talked with Joel about it, equal parts meek and steadfast on certain aspects of the project. Insistent that they would be able to stay in the apartment above the bakery. You had promised you didnโ€™t want to be difficult, but the manโ€™s deep twangy voice had assured you that you had every right to be since it was for your comfort.
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Trees got thicker on either side of the winding road as the elevation hiked up. Deep in a forest of some part of the northern portion of the state. Somewhere you had no idea of, the GPS on the truck shut off and Frankie leading the vehicle with just the inner workings of his mind. The truck was moved into second gear and the engine rumbled loudly as Frankie continued to drive. He had shut off the radio to concentrate, something you did often as you drove to new places for the first time. A pleased smile pulling at your lips as you discovered things about him that you shared.
Turning off the paved road, the tires crunched over a gravel one as he continued on. You were leaning out of your seat to try and better see the glimpse of bright blue off aways between the trees.
โ€œAlmost there, sweet girl.โ€
โ€œFrankie, what in the world did you plan?โ€
He just chuckled, jostling your thigh in his grip before removing it. You were about to turn to him when you heard the hum of conversation and laughter through the open window. The gentle splash of water trickling in the background as he rounded one last curve and began to pull up the drive of an impressive looking cabin. It was all dark tones with neutral accents in the form of a large patio that shifted into a deck, stretching out onto a decent sized lake. The water sparkling in the sunshine and temporarily stunning you.
โ€œAbout time, Fish! Mante, watch this!โ€ Benny hollered as he ran down the length of the deck that jutted out into the water and leapt from the edge of it. Balling up, he made a spectacular splash into the pristine water, causing it to splatter all over the girls lounging on the bank. Morgan and Luciana only laughed as Benny bobbed up to the surface, wiping the water from their skin and turning to wave at you from their spots. Will and Santiago were over by the grill, trading laden down plates with of cooked and raw items from a long wooden picnic table set up right in the middle of the covered part of the deck that doubled as a large patio off the side of the cabin.
โ€œFigured the water would feel good on your hip. Got you a set of trekking poles if you want to hike, but thereโ€™s also plenty for us to do around the cabin if you donโ€™t feel like it. Whatever you wanna do, sweet girl.โ€
โ€œDonโ€™t be hogginโ€™ the woman, primo.โ€ Santiago sidles up to the passenger door, leaving Will to handle the grill on his own. His sunglasses pushed up into his hair as he reached through the open window to brush an errant wave of hair away from your face and behind your ear. You feel warmth blossom in your chest at the endearing move, grateful for the man that he was and the part he had become in your life even if it had been more than bumpy since meeting him. โ€œLetโ€™s get the week started! Cโ€™mon, Fish can unload the truck. Iโ€™ve got your favorite beer in the cooler waiting for you, hermosa.โ€
Before you move through the door Santiago opens for you, you lean over and take Frankieโ€™s face in both your hands to kiss him deeply. Your hands trail down the thickness of his neck to rest atop his shoulders as you scoot across the long bench of the front seat, the center console pushed up. You hook your arms around them to scoot closer to him, pressed your chest flush with his. Tongue licking into his mouth, you sneak your hands into the back of his shirt dip them below his belt and grope at skin beneath. Hoots and hollers rang around the open space hidden in the trees, making your heart soar to be around so many friends, around Frankie.
He seems a little star stuck as you scoot out and walk arm in arm with his best friend toward the hub and bub of the deck, taking a moment before he pushes himself from his won seat behind the wheel and follows suit with a shining grin.
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ire-as-iris ยท 11 months
What do you need to hear right now? [Divination Reading no. 1]
๐Ÿšฉ Remember to take what only resonates to you.
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โ”ˆโ”ˆโ”ˆโ”ˆโ€คยฐ โ˜ฃ ยฐโ€คโ”ˆโ”ˆโ”ˆโ”ˆ
Pile 01
"I can't give up now before its too late." "I've had enough shit in my plate, get lost" "It's better to stay than to go with you" Pile 1, you maybe moving on from something or someone/staying on the path you started. For those who are dealing with a person: You can't move on from the memories but you know deep down this relationship was doomed from the stort and the universe gave you a chance to see it but you ignored the red flags listen to your intuition carefully to avoid this mistake again (is this the third time you let this person in?) I'm sensing that this pile is too focus to this relationship and for a few of you that is not dealing with a person but a situation to yourself, you're going to be at a better place right now (even if you don't notice it). You decided to fight for this passion, you're not letting the doubts take your dream away Additional messages: Nape, neck, taurus, capricorn, 939, B, V, X, Y, Z, W, chick style clothing, pasta, hoodies, jeans, milk, cereal
Pile 02
I'm hearing: Temptation, don't let temptation get the best of you
This pile has an addiction
I'm also hearing drรบgs, I was almost going to cough when I write that but I managed to stop it, something about your throat seems blocked. For some of you, you may have fever or feeling sick of everything in this life So you cope with it using that addiction.
My spirit guides are telling me to take care of your mental health, are you depressed? If you're going to cope with something, make it hhealthy One example would be talking with the people you love to reduce the stress, anxiety; doing something you're passionate about etc.
Some of you are fighting the negative self of yours.
Stop whining and doing nothing (oh, some people are demanding change but lazy.)
Remember that in order to heal, you don't need someone (some people have it but they lack what?) cooperation, resiliency, and determination...that's what it takes to heal from your mental struggles.
As a psychology student, I'm begging you please, don't let a thing or person ruin everything for you. You already have passed so many obstacles in life just by being here, look how far you have come!
Additional messages:
Throat chakra meditation, blue, 2, 8, 9
Pile 03
Self love is the main of this pile, you're healing the wounded parts of yourself, CONFIDENCE seems to the number of people who picked this is working on. Keep on going bro! I feel like there are more guys in this pile than 2 and 1 (you're may be drawn to pile 1 as well)
My spirit guides wants to tell you that you've been doing a great job! Also, they said to consider exercising and include healthy foods for your diet to boosts your confidence more.
Something good will happen... you'll see it soon.
Additional messages:
4th house, 5th house, 6th house
โ”ˆโ”ˆโ”ˆโ”ˆโ€คยฐ โ˜ฃ ยฐโ€คโ”ˆโ”ˆโ”ˆโ”ˆ
METHOD USED: AUTOMATIC WRITING and spotify playlists
โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅFOLLOW ME HEREโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ
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โค Thank you! See you on my next post! โค
๐Ÿ’‹ Be you, Do you, You are You! ๐Ÿ’‹
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meowmeowchapel ยท 11 months
the west wing, 20 hours in america, sentence starter meme.
You know the story about the guy whose cars gets stuck in a muddy hole. A farmer comes along and says he'll pull the car out of the mud but he's going to have to charge 50 bucks 'cause this is the tenth time he's had to pull it out of the mud today. The driver says, "God, when to you have time to plow your land, at night?" The farmer says, "No, no. Nighttimeis when I fill the whole with water."
Why aren't you there?
It's tough to explain.
[name] has trouble concealing his displeasure.
Stepped on it.
You seem pissed that I brought it up.
When somebody can give me an answer to that question, I'll let you know.
I am lightened up. This is me lightened up. You're saying lighter?
You want to lighten up a little?
Speaking of health and fitness...
I had half a grapefruit.
You think I'm lying?
You've been up the past two nights and I don't want a zombie.
Go to sleep.
I'm kidding. that was a joke. I kid because I love.
No kidding, it feels good out here.
You sure i'm not taking you away from something you need to be doing?
You have a second job?
This is fun. We're roughing it.
Remember some of that stuff I said, okay?
Yeah. Doesn't sound quite right, though, does it?
Just out of curiosity, what do you think would happen?
I'm not very easily impressed.
Yeah, you know what? Sue me.
It's a-a common mistake.
How did...? I don't understand.
What is this, a joke?!
Okay, this is a whole new thing now. My guys are going to need to walk this off a bit before they can regroup.
No, I'm sorry buddy. I know you're supposed to be sleeping today.
I don't know what it is you do in there.
Welcome to the club, partner. We got jackets.
You ever love so much it hurts? Like, physically hurts?
It's not intellect, it's memory. It's a different gift. A wonderful one. I've never had it.
I make fun of the French as much as anybody and I don't even know what that meant.
Elitist, feminist-- you can't do that to the English language.
Several of the men I've dated haven't yet gotten over their fear of frogs.
Option one is we make a joke out of it.
We make a joke out of it? What would we have to do to it to make...?
What's your specialty?
No, I mean I can't believe you're considering doing it.
I didn't know you were superstitious.
How long have we been talking about this now?
Okay, let's not tell anybody that.
Whatcha' doin' on the floor?
I'm sitting here listening, already I've turned to a life of crime.
And they're using Act V scene from Hamlet? Are these Batman villians?
300 IQ points between them-- they can't find their way home.
I swear to God, if [name] wasn't there, they'd have to buy a house.
I don't know. I'm a puzzle.
We'd rather people didn't exercise common sense but I agree with what you're saying.
You know I can hear you, right?
I'm in your corner.
You call me a liar to my face?
Well, I'm afraid we're at a classic impasse, [name].
You were strange the first time I met you, and you're strange now.
Hey, the first time you met me there was a good reason.
My powers of deduction are not to be mocked.
That come with tights and a cap?
I'm going to figure it out anyway. What I lack in memory, I more than make up for with exceptional powers of deductive reasoning.
By the way, my powers of ordering are a joke.
Ah, you pulled the switcheroo.
You are so heartbreakingly easy at the end of the day.
You deceived me.
You played upon my love for you.
I'm going to make fun of you while you do, okay?
Did you have other plans?
As a matter of fact, I did. I was planning a quiet night...
If you ask me, it's soft porn. No one needs to massage garlic oil into a leg of lamb that much, on top of which...
You know anything about chaos theory?
Let me get you home. I don't think you're going to make it.
Good writers borrow from other writers. Great writers steal from them outright.
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viktheviking1 ยท 8 months
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The Pompous and The Prick Fanfic
Chapter 7: Everyone Should Cry More
Typically, the Stolas mansion was dead silent, without even a single creaky floorboard to announce a living presence. It was as schrรถdinger's box; with everything in it could be dead or alive and you wouldnโ€™t know until you looked inside. At least, that's how it was on a usual day.
"Sh*t!" Stolas screamed, turning over furniture, "Blast it all to hell and up your father's *ss!"
Loona heard this from outside, but was busy looking up at just how big the mansion was, mouth agape. She traced her hand along the smooth curve of a pillar. D*mn, what was Blitz running from again?
Octavia, however, heard the expletives and approached with caution.
"That . . . Is unusual. Maybe wait on the doorstep? It's not that he would hurt you, I just don't want him to have an aneurysm if he realizes that you heard all that." Octavia said to Loona before she opened the door. She began sneaking through the palace, hearing crashing and the occasional curse from Stolas, only some of which made sense.
โ€œ. . . Dad?โ€ she peeked her head through the open door.
Stolas spun around so fast, his head had to catch up with the rest of his body, โ€œV-Via! Darling! How long have you been home? Donโ€™t mind me, dear, Iโ€™m just doing some . . . cleaning! Yes, cleaning; Iโ€™m sorting things that need to be thrown out, and things to keep. You know how the saying goes, you gotta make a mess to clean a mess!โ€ He said, before tripping over some books on the floor.
Via looked around at the overturned nightstands, sheets stripped off the bed, vanity drawers emptied of their contents, โ€œYeah . . . very organized sorting.โ€
Stolas sighed, leaning against his bed frame which was now several meters away from where it usually was, "Alright, I'm looking for something I've lost. I'm sure I never took it out of this room. Still, it was a light blue envelope, if you see it, please give it to me directly, and for heaven's sake, do not open it. There are things in there that a young child should not read." He went back to looking around and rummaging through his own reckage like a maniac.
"I'm not a young child anymore." She said, leaning on the door frame.
Stolas paused his chaos to look her dead in the eyes, "Okay, then there are things in there that my child should not read. It was addressed to Blitz. I was never going to send it, of course. It was just an exercise advised by my therapist."
"You go to therapy . . .?" This was news to Via.
"I was planning on burying it in my garden, or perhaps throwing it poetically into a brimstone lake on a family trip together, but if I don't know where it is, then anyone could have gotten their hands on it. And just when you had specifically asked me to lay low in the media, too-" Stolas's eyes wandered over to where the grimoire usually was held on the shelf, ". . . Sh*t . . . I know where it is."
He began gathering his coat and barrelling past her..
"You mind if I have a friend over-?" Via called after him.
"Of course, darling! They can help themselves to whatever's in the fridge!" He shouted as he ran.
"Hi, Stolas." Loona smiled and waved as the prince ran out of the house.
"Hi, Loona. Sorry, not now." Stolas said without looking, โ€œWhere the devil is the car?!โ€
โ€œUhh . . . Donโ€™t you, like, portal everywhere?โ€ Loona cocked an eyebrow up at him.
โ€œOh, right! Thank you dear!โ€ He called back, and made a portal in front of himself.
Octavia walked over to Loona and they watched Stolas leave.
โ€œWhere the f**k is he going in such a hurry?โ€ Loona asked.
"No idea, but he'll probably realize that you were here, later. At least the aneurysm will be someone else's problem. Come on, let's go."
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milkbreadtoast ยท 2 years
HEY GUYS I've been working on this for a while to study Korean, but I translated every Milk Cookie line in his Korean voice clip reel!!! (consulted native speakers for help w some)
anyway if u like milk cookie pls read... I feel like they hid so much lore/characterization in these voice clip reels that you don't get to see in game๐Ÿฅฒ (and please listen to the voice lines too!!)
Video: https://youtu.be/RrxOkdNdZ7Y
(Pre-battle lines:)
์ œ๊ฒŒ ํž˜์„ ์ฃผ์‹œ๊ธธ...!
(Please) Grant me strength...! (praying)
์•„๋ฌด๋„ ๋‹ค์น˜๊ฒŒ ๋‘์ง€ ์•Š๊ฒ ์–ด์š”!
I won't let anyone get hurt!
์ ˆ ๋จผ์ € ์ƒ๋Œ€ํ•ด์•ผ ํ•  ๊ฑธ์š”!
You'll have to face me first! /You'll have to get through me first! (taunting)
ํ‰ํ™”๋ฅผ ์œ„ํ•ด ํž˜์„ ๋ชจ์•„๋ณผ๊นŒ์š”?
For the sake of peace, shall we join forces/work together?
์ œ๊ฐ€ ์žˆ์œผ๋‹ˆ๊นŒ ์•ˆ์‹ฌํ•˜์„ธ์š”!
I'm here, so please don't worry/rest assured!
๊ฐ€ํ˜ธ๋ฅผ ๋นŒ๊ฒŒ์š”.
I'll pray for blessings. (this is 1 of his field tap lines)
(Defeat lines)
์ž์‹ ์„ ์˜์‹ฌํ–ˆ๊ธฐ ๋•Œ๋ฌธ์ด์—์š”...
It's because I doubted myself...
๋‹ค์นœ ๊ณณ์„ ์น˜์œ ํ•ด ๋“œ๋ฆด๊ฒŒ์š”..!
I'll heal where you've been hurt..!
๋„ˆ๋ฌด ์ƒ์‹ฌํ•˜์ง€ ๋งˆ์„ธ์š”..!
Don't be too/so heartbroken..!
(various milk sfx)
์ฐพ์•„์™€ ๋“œ์…”์„œ ์ •๋ง ๊ธฐ๋ป์š”~ ์ž๊ธฐ ์ง‘์ฒ˜๋Ÿผ ํŽธํ•˜๊ฒŒ ์ง€๋‚ด์„ธ์š”!
I'm really glad you came over! Please make yourself comfortable, like it's your own home!
๋งค์ผ ์•„์นจ์— ์šฐ์œ  ํ•œ ์ž”์ด ๊ฐ•ํ•˜๊ณ  ์ˆœ์ˆ˜ํ•œ ์ฟ ํ‚ค๋ฅผ ๋งŒ๋“ ๋‹ต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค~
A glass of milk every morning makes a strong and pure cookie~
๋‹น์‹ ๋„ ๋‹คํฌ์ดˆ์ฝ” ์ฟ ํ‚ค๋‹˜์„ ์กด๊ฒฝํ•˜๋Š” ๋™์ง€๋กœ๊ตฐ์š”~!
So you also admire Dark Choco Cookie-nim~!
์–ด๋ฆฐ ์ฟ ํ‚ค๋“ค์—๊ฒŒ๋Š” ์˜์›…์ด ํ•„์š”ํ•ด์š”!
Young cookies need a hero!
์•ฝํ•œ ์ฟ ํ‚ค๋ฅผ ๋•๋Š” ๊ฒƒ ๋งŒํผ ์ˆญ๊ณ ํ•œ ์ผ์€ ์—†์ฃ !
There is no work as noble as helping weak cookies! /There is nothing nobler than helping weak cookies!
์ „ ์ง€๊ธˆ... ๊ทธ๋ถ„์ด ์ž๋ž‘์Šค๋Ÿฌ์›Œํ•  ๋งŒํผ ๊ฐ•ํ•ด์กŒ์„๊นŒ์š”?
Right now... have I become strong enough that he'll be proud of me...? (dark choco) (note: when not mentioning him by name, he often refers to dark choco with "๊ทธ๋ถ„" which is a v honorific/respectful 3rd person pronoun)
์šด๋™ํ•  ์‹œ๊ฐ„์ด๋‹ˆ๊นŒ ๊ธฐ๋‹ค๋ ค์ฃผ์„ธ์š”.
It's time for me to exercise, so please wait.
์ด๊ฑด ๋นผ๋จน์„ ์ˆ˜ ์—†๊ฑฐ๋“ ์š”~
I can't skip this, you see~ (seems to be connected to prev line, aka exercising)
๋ˆ„๊ตด ์ข‹์•„ํ•˜๋Š”๋ฐ ์ž๊ฒฉ์ด ํ•„์š”ํ•œ ๊ฑด ์•„๋‹ˆ์ž–์•„์š”?
You don't need qualifications to like someone! /Liking someone is not something you need qualifications for, is it? ^^
์–ด๋–ค ์ฟ ํ‚ค๋“  ๋งˆ์Œ์†์€ ๋‹ค ํ•˜์–—๊ณ  ๋ถ€๋“œ๋Ÿฌ์šธ ๊ฑฐ๋ผ๊ณ  ์ƒ๊ฐํ•ด์š”!
I believe that (no matter who they are,) every cookie has a soft and white heart! (white as in "pure")
๊ณ ๋ฏผ๋  ๋• ์–ธ์ œ๋“  ์ฟ ํ‚ค๋“ค์„ ์œ„ํ•˜๋Š” ๋ฐฉํ–ฅ์œผ๋กœ ๋‚˜์•„๊ฐ€๋ฉด ๋ผ์š”!
Whenever you're stuck at a crossroads (/feel troubled), just go towards the direction that helps other cookies!
์˜ค? ์ด์ƒํ•˜๋„ค์š”? ์–ด๋ฆด๋•Œ ์ž…๋˜ ์˜ท์ด... ์ด๋ ‡๊ฒŒ ์ž‘์•„์ง€๋‹ค๋‹ˆ?
Oh..? That's strange? (To think,) The clothes I wore when I was young.. have become this small? ^^
์น˜์œ ์˜ ์šฐ์œ  ์ง€ํŒก์ด๋ฅผ ์“ฐ๋Š” ๋ฒ•์„ ๋ฐฐ์›Œ๋ณด์ง€ ์•Š๊ฒ ์–ด์š”?
Would(n't) you like to learn how to use the Healing Milk Staff? ^^
๋‹น์‹ ์ด๋ผ๋ฉด, ํ•  ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ์–ด์š”!
If it's you, it's possible! ^^
๋‹คํฌ์ดˆ์ฝ” ์ฟ ํ‚ค๋‹˜์€ ์ง€๊ธˆ์ฏค ์–ด๋”” ๊ณ„์‹ค๊นŒ์š”?
I wonder where Dark Choco Cookie-nim is right about now...?
์–ด๋””์„ ๊ฐ€.. ์•„ํ”„๊ฑฐ๋‚˜ ํž˜๋“ค์–ดํ•˜์‹œ๋Š” ๊ฑด ์•„๋‹ˆ๊ฒ ์ฃ ?
Somewhere out there... he's not hurting or having a hard time, is he...? (dark choco; this line seems to be connected to the prev line)
์šฐ๋ฆฐ ๊ฐ•ํ•ด์ ธ์•ผ ํ•ด์š”.
We have to get stronger...
์–ธ์  ๊ฐ€.. ์ข‹์•„ํ•˜๋Š” ์ฟ ํ‚ค์—๊ฒŒ ์˜์ง€๊ฐ€ ๋˜๊ธฐ ์œ„ํ•ด์„œ๋ผ๋„...
Someday.. to (at least) become reliable to the cookie I like...
์ˆœ๋ฐฑ์˜ ํž˜์œผ๋กœ ์–ด๋‘ ์„ ๋ฌผ๋ฆฌ์น˜๋ฆฌ!
With power of pure white, I shall defeat the darkness! (gacha pull line)
(Gifts (ob lines..?))
๊ฐ์‚ฌํžˆ ๋ฐ›์„๊ฒŒ์š”~
I'll gratefully accept this~
์šฐ์™€! ํ•„์š”ํ–ˆ๋˜ ๊ฑฐ์˜ˆ์š”!
Wow! It's the thing(/what) I needed! (/I needed this!)
์ •ํ™”๊ฐ€ ํ•„์š”ํ•ด ๋ณด์—ฌ์š”...
This looks like it needs purification...
์•—-! ์•„ํ”„๋‹ค๋‹ˆ๊นŒ์š”!
Ah-! I said that hurts!!
๋ชจ๋‘์—๊ฒŒ.. ๊ฐ€ํ˜ธ๋ฅผ...
to everyone... blessings... (death line)
์ฟ ํ‚ค๋Ÿฐ ํ‚น๋ค
Cookie Run Kingdom
(Lvl up lines:)
์ œ ์˜์›…์ฒ˜๋Ÿผ ๊ฐ•ํ•ด์ง€๊ฒ ์–ด์š”!
I will become strong, like my hero! (dark choco)
๋ชจ๋‘์—๊ฒŒ ๊ฐ€ํ˜ธ๋ฅผ!
Blessings to all! (same as death line)
๊ตณ์€ ์‹ ๋…์ด ์ ˆ ์—ฌ๊ธฐ๊นŒ์ง€ ์ด๋Œ์–ด์ฃผ์—ˆ์ฃ !
My firm resolve(/strong faith) has lead me this far!
ํ•˜ํ•˜! ์‘์› ๊ฐ์‚ฌํ•ด์š”!
Haha! Thank you for cheering me on! ^^
๋” ๊ฐ•ํ•ด์งˆ๊ฒŒ์š”!
I'll get stronger!
์˜์ฐจ! ๋ฐฉํŒจ๊ฐ€ ํ•˜๋‚˜๋„ ๋ฌด๊ฒ์ง€ ์•Š์•„์š”!
(grunt of effort) My shield isn't heavy at all!
์šฉ๊ธฐ๊ฐ€ ๋ถˆ๋ˆ ์†Ÿ์•„์š”!
My courage is soaring/surging/bursting forth!
๊ฐ€์Šด์ด ๋ฒ…์ฐจ์˜ค๋ฅด๋„ค์š”!
My heart is full/overflowing! (deeply moved and joyful)
(character tap lines:)
ํ‰ํ™”๋ฅผ ์œ„ํ•ด ์–ด๋‘ ๊ณผ ๋งž์„œ ์‹ธ์šฐ๋ฆฌ๋ผ!
For the sake of peace, I shall fight the darkness head on! (intro line)
๊ทธ๋ถ„๋งŒํผ ๊ฐ•ํ•ด์ง€๊ณ  ์‹ถ์–ด์š”!
I want to become as strong as him! (dark choco)
์ง€ํŒก์ด์˜ ๋น›์œผ๋กœ ์น˜์œ ํ•ด๋“œ๋ฆด๊ฒŒ์š”!
I will heal you with the light of my staff!
์˜ฌ๋ฐ”๋ฅธ ์‹ ๋…๋งŒ ์žˆ๋‹ค๋ฉด ๋ˆ„๊ตฌ๋‚˜ ๊ฐ•ํ•ด์งˆ ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ์–ด์š”!
As long as you have the right faith/convictions/resolve, anyone can become strong!
์ œ ์‚ฌ๋ช…์€ ๋‹ค๋ฅธ ์ฟ ํ‚ค๋“ค์„ ์ง€ํ‚ค๋Š” ๊ฒƒ์ด์ฃ !
My mission is to protect the other cookies!
๊ทธ๋ถ„์„ ๋ชจ์š•ํ•˜๋Š” ๊ฑด ์ฐธ์ง€ ์•Š๊ฒ ์–ด์š”!
I won't stand for you insulting him! (dark choco again)
์–ด๋””์—๋‚˜ ํฌ๋ง์€ ์žˆ๋‹ต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค~
Wherever you go, there is always hope~
์ขŒ์ ˆํ•˜์ง€ ๋ง๊ณ  ๋‚˜์•„๊ฐ€์ž๊ณ ์š”!
Don't lose hope, let's keep moving forward!
์–ด๋–ค ์‹œ๋ จ์ด๋“  ๋ฐฉํŒจ๋กœ ๋‹ค ๋ง‰์•„๋‚ผ ๊ฒ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค!
I will defend against any trial with my shield!
๊ดœ์ฐฎ์•„์š”! ๋‹ค ๋•๊ณ  ์‚ฌ๋Š” ๊ฑฐ๋‹ˆ๊นŒ์š”~
It's ok! We all live our lives helping each other after all~ (/Life is about helping others after all~) (this is like a response to being thanked)
๋‚˜๋น -!!
That's/It's bad-!!
(I said) Have a go at me! (taunting)
๋ฌผ๋Ÿฌ๊ฐ€๋ผ๊ณ ์š”!
I said get back!
์ œ๊ฐ€ ๋ง‰์„๊ฒŒ์š”!
I'll block it!
์ด ๋•…์— ํ‰ํ™”๋ฅผ...!
Peace to this land! (skill line)
(atk noises)
(field tap lines:)
๋‚ ์”จ๊ฐ€ ๋๋‚ด์ฃผ๋„ค์š”!
The weather is fantastic!
Shall/may I assist you? /Do you need help/assistance?
๊ธธ์„ ์žƒ์œผ์…จ๋‚˜์š”?
Did you lose your way?
์ „ ๊ดœ์ฐฎ์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค!
I'm fine, thank you! (lit: I'm ok/alright!)
์˜ฌ๋ฐ”๋ฅธ ์‹ ๋…์ด ์ค‘์š”ํ•˜์ฃ ~
Having the right beliefs/faith is important~
์ข‹์€ ํ•˜๋ฃจ ๋˜์„ธ์š”!
Have a great day!
๋ˆ„๊ตฌ๋“  ๋งˆ์Œ์†์—” ๋น›์ด ์žˆ๋‹ต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค~
Everyone has light inside their hearts~
์™€~ ์˜ค๋Š˜ ์ •๋ง ๋ฉ‹์ง€์‹ ๋ฐ์š”!
Wow~ you look really nice today! ^^
I'll cheer you on!
์˜ฌ๊ณง์€ ๋งˆ์Œ์„ ๊ฐ€์ ธ์•ผ ํ•ด์š”!
You must(need to) have an upright heart!
์กด๊ฒฝํ•˜๋Š” ์ฟ ํ‚ค๊ฐ€ ์žˆ๋‚˜์š”? ^^
Do you have a cookie you admire? ^^ (dark choco again)
์‹ ๋…์€ ๋งˆ์Œ์˜ ๋ณดํ˜ธ๋ง‰์ด์ฃ ! (1* promo)
Your beliefs protect your heart /Faith protects your heart! (lit: your heart's protective layer)
์ผ์ฐ ์ผ์–ด๋‚˜์•ผ ๊ฐ•ํ•ด์งˆ ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ์–ด์š”!
You can only become strong if you wake up early! (sounds like talking to children)
์นผ์Š˜์„ ์„ญ์ทจํ•ด์„œ ๋ชธ์„ ํŠผํŠผํ•˜๊ฒŒ ๋งŒ๋“ค์ž๊ณ ์š”!
Let's make our bodies strong(and healthy) by consuming calcium! (2* promo) (also sounds like talking to children)
ํ‰ํ™”๋ฅผ ์œ„ํ•ด ์‹ธ์šฐ๋Š” ๊ฒŒ ์ €์˜ ์˜๋ฌด๋‹ˆ๊นŒ์š”!
After all, it's my duty to fight for peace!
์‚ฌ๋ช…์ด ์žˆ๋Š” ํ•œ ์ด ๋ฐฉํŒจ๋Š” ๋ถ€์„œ์ง€์ง€ ์•Š์•„์š”!
As long as I have a/my mission, this shield won't break! (3*)
์–ด๋–ค ๋ถ€์ƒ๋„ ์ œ๊ฐ€ ์น˜์œ ํ•ด๋“œ๋ฆด๊ฒŒ์š”!
I'll heal any injury/wound!
์ˆœ๋ฐฑ์ƒ‰ ๋ณต์žฅ์€ ๋งˆ์Œ์˜ ๊ฑฐ์šธ์ด์ฃ !
This pure white clothing is a window to my heart! (lit: mirror of) (/Pure white clothing is a mirror of the heart)
์ง‘์ฑ„๋งŒํ•œ ํญํ’๋„ ์šฐ๋ฆฌ ํ•ด์น˜์ง„ ๋ชปํ• ๊ฑธ์š”!
I doubt even a storm the size of a house will be able to harm us!
๋‹น์‹ ์˜ ๋“ฑ ๋’ค๋Š” ์ €์—๊ฒŒ ๋งก๊ฒจ์ฃผ์„ธ์š”!
Entrust your back to me!
๋‹คํฌ์ดˆ์ฝ” ์ฟ ํ‚ค๋‹˜์„ ๋– ์˜ฌ๋ฆฌ๋ฉด ์–ธ์ œ๋‚˜ ์šฉ๊ธฐ๊ฐ€ ๋‚˜์š”!
I gain courage whenever I think about Dark Choco Cookie-nim! ^^ (4*)
์ตœ๊ณ ์˜ ์ˆœ๊ฐ„๊นŒ์ง€๋„ ๋‹น์‹ ์„ ์ถ•๋ณตํ•˜๊ฒ ์–ด์š”
I will bless you(/encourage you/wish you happiness) until the very last moment/the very end! (5*)
๋‘๋ ค์›Œ ๋ง๊ณ  ๋‚˜์•„๊ฐ€์„ธ์š”!
Don't be afraid, keep going!
์šฐ๋ฆฌ์˜ ์•ž์„ ์„ฌ๊ด‘์ด ๋น„์ถฐ์ค„ ๊ฒ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค!
A flash of light will illuminate the way for us! (/our path/the path ahead of us)
(Victory lines)
์„œ๋กœ๋ฅผ ๋ฏฟ์—ˆ๊ธฐ ๋•Œ๋ฌธ์ด์—์š”!
It's because we believed in/trusted each other!
๋„์›€์ด ๋˜์–ด์„œ ๊ธฐ๋ป์š”!
I'm glad I was of help! / I'm happy I could help!
์šฐ์™€~ ๊ต‰์žฅํ–ˆ์–ด์š”! ^^
Wow~ That was awesome! ^^
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ohtobemare ยท 10 months
v personal but i'm okay with tumblr being my little diary so
triggers: obesity, my personal journey, spicy opinions, health and wellness
this year i've been on a journey to understanding and listening to my body. at 28 years old, i've spent my life as a 250+ pound, medically morbidly obese American female. you won't ever know the immense willpower it just took to write spent my life instead of the majority of my life or most of my life, because in point of fact, i've always been fat. accepting that and coming to terms with it hurts and is ugly.
a former friend of mine (we don't speak anymore) suggested that i see her naturopathic doctor when we got on the topic of our periods and how ridiculous they are (mine have always been a painful, vomit-inducing, knock-me-down disaster). i decided to and booked an appointment.
my meeting with her changed everything i've ever known about food, the female body, nutrition, and exercise.
never having been educated on nutrition, i grew up paycheck-to-paycheck. we never really got a shot at eating well. whatever we could afford we ate, and processed foods were at the top of the list. that said, my palette for whatever was cheap, good for you, and good to eat was developed. sugar addiction started early. plus both my parents are not nutritionally educated or aware, and exercise was never enforced, because neither if my parents know anything about exercise.
additionally, most of my foundational years i was teased for my size, told i would be ugly and fat forever, that nobody would want me, and nobody wants to look at me. so i developed body dysmorphia, hatred, and anxiety and hopelessness around the age of 8. by the time i was 10, all the cousins and friends who i thought actually loved me were telling me to get into a gym, but also were laughing at me any time i tried to exercise. so gym anxiety and exercise anxiety started early.
my doctor changed my entire lens about food and actually how to eat, and gave me some resources to begin hormone balancing, skin, and anti-inflam supplements (which those have changed my life!). she also encouraged me to begin exploring bodyweight exercises and slowly changing up my diet; exploring foods I like and are easy substitutes. she is the most supportive, understanding, educational doctor i've ever had.
but listening to my body. that's been incredibly hard and a developmental journey. you don't really realize, as an obese person in our society, how much noise there is surrounding bodies and your personal lens. i didn't realize how negative it was outside of my own head, and how the worldview of obesity really bludgeons obese people into a corner of hopelessness, no options, and defeat even before we really begin our journey. and, it affects how we listen to our bodies. how we navigate them, understood food, perceive exercise, and develop relationship with nutrition and wellness.
i've been talking to two mutuals of mine that are exercise-regulars, non-obese women who i've felt safe and confident with in sharing some of my insecurities and my journey. they have been incredibly supportive and informative, encouraging in ways that nobody in my life has ever poured into me before. they have been gamechangers in helping me understand this journey, how to listen to what my body says---how to know food. how to kick my fear of exercise and that feeling of defeat when it actually kicks my butt.
i've been moving and exploring excercise now for about three months; healing my hormones and internal body with supplements and better food choices since the beginning of the year. and I am just now beginning to see changes in my body. some of them are positive. others are not, but, my doctor reassures me they are plateau's of my body changing and healing itself (primarily skin inflammation and acne resurgences, hair thinning). the scale itself has not changed, but, the hang of clothes is---slowly. i can stand at my work desk all day without fatigue.
i noticed it in my back first. i wore a dress to the office and wrote to one of my mutuals, "this dress hangs straight from my shoulders to my ass without clinging or bunching, and that's never happened!" my bras fit a little differently, and so do my jeans---maybe not around my waistline yet, but definitely in my legs. i'm back into fitting comfortably in XL t-shirts. i am craving sugar less and less, though it's not entirely off my palette radar. and while my skin doesn't look great right now, my hair is still a mess and I'm still hungrier than i want to be most days, i'm getting there. i'm thinking less and less about food and what i'm missing. i'm spending less time dodging mirrors and being embarrassed. i carry my head chin-level with the floor instead of keeping my eyes diverted, or looking away.
the point of this ramble?
it takes time. not just for your body, but for your brain.
we talk a lot about the body side of wellness and obesity, and how you just have to push through. but rarely does anyone ever discuss how you have to re-wire your brain. your worldview has to change. you relationships with things life has told you forever have to evolve, and habits have to break. and then you have the physiological side of dealing with cravings, addictions, taste palettes. it is incredibly, unmissably hard. it isn't just a matter of time management, or "being lazy" or even just fear and being sick and tired of feeling the way you feel. it is a world-changing battle. it's ugly. and as much as people tell us they'll be there for us and this is what society wants from the obese, very few people are accepting and stand beside you in this.
obesity abuse, weaponizing bodies is a thing. i've experienced it first hand. and you can say all you want that it's excuses, that it isn't a thing, that it's just laziness, let me tell you to kindly jump off a bridge.
we need to be there for the obese. there are stages of grief, challenge, hopelessness. this is a fight to change our lives. it isn't a simple fix. most of us have been obese for years, and undoing all those years of abuse is awful. ugly. unattractive. it is the farthest thing from fun. exercising everyday has yet to become something i look forward to, i am still dragging myself out the door and doing the mental gymnastics of not caring who sees me red-faced and wheezing and sweating.
this is the reminder to obese people that you can. it is a mind game as much as it is a body game. you can do this. it's hard, but i see you. i see you and i understand. and it's okay to be scared. it's okay to be frustrated. it's okay not to think you can't do it and needing someone to tell you that you can. you can. forever i thought i was the exception, that it could never happen to me, but i can. if i can, i know for a fact you can.
we need to change the game and actually start seeing obese people instead of talking at them. talk to them. help the expectations you're setting become realities. it isn't just going to the gym for us and starting. it's undoing a lifestyle and creating a new worldview. many of us are uneducated and scared and overwhelmed.
my friend told me something really profound the other day, "you're striving and actually trying to make a change. that's a hell of a lot more than a large percentage of the population."
i think about that all the time. i'm doing my part and trying, more than a lot of people. and while that's great for me, and i'm still doing a majority of it alone, it breaks my heart for others who haven't started this journey yet.
help break barriers, not build them. please.
see us. hear us. help us.
it starts with ya'll as much as obese people. obesity isn't beautiful, but it is life consuming. i know i'm not beautiful. but i'll never be beautiful on my own, because *i* don't think that i am. but if you're saying exercise and nutritional balance makes me beautiful, if these are realities, i need help getting there. i need help seeing that the pursuit of these things are beautiful, even if i'm not at the end result yet.
help me. help us. it should be a community, not isolation. if we're as concerned for the population as we say we are, words without action are dead.
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choilaura ยท 1 year
My OC 'Vossler Valentine' (formerly 'Hewley')
Hey all! How is everyone doing? I've actually decided, after almost a year, to post up my OC 'Vossler Lucius Valentine' AKA 'Voss' AKA 'V'
I have been playing him in RP (roleplaying) scenario's, since 2009, and I've decided to share him all with you! He once started out as my own character from FinalFantasy VII (7) and has a lot of backstory behind him. Those who know characters from FF7, may know the character 'Angeal Hewley' and so i wrote him as Angeal's older SOLDIER brother. Over the past couple of years, he has really evolved as a character, and one i've introduced into the MCU, thanks to some amazing creativity between me and my longest friend, Larissa, and other people here on Tumblr. So, with that said, I'd like to introduce him to you here, and just get some general opinion and feedback on him! I will try to keep it brief, but i just love adding detail about all sorts of things on here. My BIG THANKS to my roleplaying friends over this past year! You're all so amazing, and you'd all given so much love to V already! Vossler Valentine, off you go into the MCU! (AU) This is loosly tied to the events of the MCU, with a bit of AU thrown in too.
Vossler Valentine, stands at about 5' 8", with long dark brown hair, which is waist length, often braided into a 'fishtail' braid. He has striking green eyes, infused with the powers of his own universe, which stand out against his tanned skin. Today, he has a soft '5 o clock shadow', but most days, he is clean shaven. He has a scar on his face, which starts from the left side of the bridge of his nose, narrowly ending at his jawline. This was from an accident long ago. His age - thirty seven, though when clean shaven, looks more like thirty five. His green eyes tell a story - many stories infact, ones of adventure, pain, love, hurt, but you know what they say 'fortune favours the bold' though this hasn't always been in his favour. His hobbies? A black belt in Taekwondo, reading, sparring drills, doing 'slow side kick exercises', spirituality, mentoring, stoic, yet kind, and firm, easy going.
SO, how did he wind up in the MCU? This part follows next.. THE STORY - SO FAR -
Vossler was called upon from his universe, to the SHIELD agency, with connections to Howard and Maria Stark, and so had met a certain college guy named 'Tony Stark', who at the time was in college, and through college Tony met a young trainee Doctor called 'Steven Strange' who gave Vossler a frosty, jealous attitude as their friendship grew closer, the more Steven was away training to become a doctor. At this moment, Vossler is just over 30. Vossler quickly became friends with the young Tony Stark, and of course, as things go, friends become something more..friends who develop feels, one curious about the others universe, the other, falling for the charm and tenacity of Howard Stark's son. Friendship soon turns to 'friendship with benefits', and after a few heated hook up's and flings, Vossler is called back to assist SHEILD, and becomes involved further in what would be the death of Peter Parkers parents, as a witness. It is at this time, that Vossler is entrusted to become the young Parker's guardian and protector, on the basis that the child stays under the further protection of Tony stark, also bereaved of his own parents death. The idea behind this is to give Tony 'something to do' other than party/drink/mayhem lifestyle, according to Voss. Steven Strange returns from training, and the three of them live together, with Voss fading into the background...a silent protector. Vossler's job, is to do simply that - protect. Protect, Protect, Protect, and signs a contract under Tony Stark, body guarding both Stark, and young Parker. Feelings re-ignite once more, between Stark and Valentine, under this 'special relationship' that is formed, and Stark continues to be Vossler's boss, giving him access to tech, of which V refuses. The power play between Stark and Valentine intensifies, particulary after a night of heavy drinking on Stark's part, and Vossler shows up on scene, finding Tony drunk in the office. Things become heated, and Stark and Valentine kiss, which leads to a heated night between them. This goes on for months, the 'special relationship' continues, and Vossler falls in love with Tony. The two eventually call it off just before Vossler's 35th birthday, with Tony gifting Voss a silver 'V' initial necklace, telling him it was a 'gift of friendship'. Voss later, is called back to his universe, leaving behind Peter, and Tony, and Steven, who has been involved in a terrible car accident.
Part two of his story will follow. For now, here is a list of music that inspires me to write Voss. Prompto's solitude - FinalFantasy XV (volume two soundtrack) Is this love? - Whitesnake Don't stand so close to me - The Police Face my fears - Utada Hikaru (english version)
0 notes
kirstenlinae ยท 2 years
Monday Night Ramblings
I have about 20 minutes before I have to pick up my boyfriend from work. I've been looking forward to making a post all day but, I'm having trouble deciding what to write about...
I accepted my first job offer today for the work-at-home position. I asked to see their benefits package before I submitted my response to their offer letter. I had my mom look them over for me. She said that they seemed like good benefits. I know that the health insurance company is the same as my Medicaid plan so, hopefully that means they will cover my surgery. If I truly take that job. I have 4 other interviews this week and one next week for jobs that I will probably be more interested over and above the one I accepted today. Their training starts on Nov. 7th, though so, I'm kind of under pressure to make a decision quickly. As for my two week notice to my jobs right now, that basically isn't going to happen if I take this work-at-home job. My two weeks notice would have had to have been submitted today. I don't want to resign from my other jobs until 1) I pass a drug test and 2) I see if any of these other jobs pan out. We will see how it all shakes out, I guess. I can't be twisted up in formalities if more lucrative opportunities present themselves.
I am tired today. I did spend 6 hours cleaning so, I guess I shouldn't be too hard on myself. I was thinking about riding my bike for some additional exercise besides the cleaning but, my back really hurts today. It's not even a muscle thing, it's my sciatic nerve, I think so you can't do anything to rub that bitch out. I bought a hoodie online from Torrid, which essentially maxes out that credit card (Oops ><) and I went to Kohls and bought another hoodie because I had $20 in Kohls Cash to spend this week. I really needed some nice hoodies. I haven't bought any in a long time. In fact, I think I only have two right now and one is old and dusty. No appropriate to wear out in public. The other one is bright highlighter pink with a V-neck. Not my favorite piece of clothing my any means. I also attended an online OA meeting. Nothing special to report there. It wasn't an awesome meeting but, it did remind me of a recovery tool I was taught by my mentor years ago that I feel I should implement into my current recovery plan. More on that later, if I remember.
Either the dude outside my window has COVID or he doesn't know how to smoke weed or cigarettes or something because every couple of hours he'll come outside and hack his lungs out for a half hour straight and then go back inside. It's honestly very annoying. I never understood people to continued to smoke cigarettes when they're sick. When I smoked, I always had to stop when I was in the thick of my illness, even if I started right back up afterwards, I could never bare to sit there and cough up a lung for the sake of my nicotine addiction. People are weird. I wish I could yell "SHUT THE FUCK UP" out my window but, I'm not trying to live my life like that anymore lol.
If you read my ramblings, thanks. I know this isn't the best post I've ever made.
Until next time <3
0 notes
latejulys ยท 4 years
omg ๐Ÿ’€
#someone who blocked me almost exactly a year ago (i would know lol they sent me ... messages before they blocked me) just -#- liked and reblogged my posts... why are they revisiting my blog...#that is so weird lol#i don't even think i was following them before i just rb-ed some of their stuff from others??#if ur reading this tumblr user [redacted] good morning to u#JDFSGFS i'm the least confrontational person in the world i'm even a little nervous to be saying this rn but-#- i've been v hurt by what they said and this is my exercise to that freedom lol#n e wayz i just came back to tumblr that time and was clearing out captions in my rbs so they blocked me jdhfjsdk#i didn't know those were a ย t h i n g ย (i assume people get paid from them?) until i settled back in#but like#they could've educated me and told me nicely lol they didn't have to send me messages like that#idk maybe they were right to block me#i hate being a people pleaser this needs to get out of my system#thank u for coming to my talk everyone u just watched me unload a hurt i've harbored lol#can't believe i'm hurt over people online that is so stupid#i've been on tumblr too much recently i think it's getting super unhealthy maybe i should disappear again lol#i'm also not in a good head space lately (esp this past week i literally am just a shell in class and i used to be obsessed about acads it -#was the only thing going good for me) and seeing that-#- person again just triggers something in me#idk why i'm putting this out for the world to see dfkjsd it sounds like i'm asking for sympathy but i just want to vent ig#i don't want to be pitied i wanna get better#wtf this is so dramatic jHSHAHASJHAAHAHAH#time to reflect ig lol#y.txt#negative
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chibinekochan ยท 7 years
Hay it's me soccor girl again I'm srry I've just been getting really good ideas so here is one that I thought of rfa+v+saeran+vanderwood go out on a date with me and decide to play soccer and when they do they surprise me witch attack cuddles and steal the ball but afterwords me at the end gives them a kiss as revenge I know soccer again but I just thought of this one thanks for taking your time to write hopefully u are not to sick to do this one thxs^^
awwwso sweet I donยดt mind soccer requests.
I am100percent okay again thank you for your your concern โ€“
RFA+Minor trio playsoccer with you and surprise you with cuddles and steal the ball.
OFcourse he is up for a match against you.
Buthe is really in a playful mood today.
Alsohe not really likes it when you win against him.
Sowhen you are a ahead of him a few goals Zen decides to play dirty.
Hetackles you with a hug and then cuddles you so you are distracted.
Thenhe steals the ball from you and scores a goal.
Wellthat is quite mean from him you think.
Soyou plot your revenge specially after Zen plays all innocent.
Hehas way too much fun with his stolen point.
Youkeep on playing with him you go all out just to show him what you cando.
Zenis on the ground after he got the ball from you.
Youuse that chance and take revenge by kissing him and then stealing theball.
Zenis majorly pouting but you only took your rightful revenge after all.
Youboth make up later and neither of you is really mad you will keep ondoing this every soccer match from now on.
Its avery cheesy way to play but you both love it.
He isup to play against you for fun.
Hestill is a bit unhappy that you are that much better then him.
Yoosungsthinks to catch you off guard might be a good way to get a chance atleast.
So hedecides to randomly hug you what natural catches you off guard.
Its abit surprising since he is rarely that bold.
ThenYoosung uses that chance to steal the ball from you.
Younever thought that he would use such cheap tactics but he did.
Hescores too not that you really care you are actually not even sure ifyou really that mad at him for that move.
Atleast he hugged you and this is only for fun after all.
Stillyou pretend that you are upset what of course makes Yoosung feelterrible.
Hetells you how sorry he is but then you wink at him and pull him infor a kiss.
Youtell him that is their revenge for stealing the ball that way.
He isa bit confused like what was the revenge you playing mad or the kiss?
Hintits both Yoosung
Youboth love to do this kind of thinks together.
Uselesslyneither of you would cheat or play dirty.
Technicallyyou never said hugging is against the rules though so you cant reallyblame her.
Whenshe sees a chance she comes in and surprises you with cuddles in themiddle of the field.
Itsnice you think till Jaehee steals the ball.
Wellhow dare she you never thought in your wildest dreams that Jaeheewould do such a think.
Sheever treasures good sportsmanship after all.
Wellif Jaehee can play dirty then you sure can too.
Notthat you minded the cuddles or the fact that she tricked you it wasquite effective you have to admit that.
Butat least you want to give her some sweet payback.
Sowhen you both run after a ball you get a hold of her and kiss her onthe cheek what makes Jaehee blush.
Thenyou run of to get the ball.
Avery effective tactic for both of you.
Lateryou talk about setting a rule up to not use tactics like that on thefield but then again both of you enjoyed it so you not change therules.
Thistime he dressed in proper sport attire still wears needlestrips
He is quite dedicated to win you donยดt even know why but you notplan to let him win.
Jumin not really wants to cheat but then again there is nothing inthe rules about a surprise hug.
So he comes in and hugs you from behind of course that startles you.
You think that he wants to take a break but no he kicks the ball ofyou and runs away with it.
You are quite shocked you never thought that Jumin would do such athink.
In the end the man does everything to win well you can do that too.
You plot your revenge and you also want to give him sweet payback.
First you step your game up and score more goals then ever before.
When Jumin looks quite down you just glare at him.
He knows he shouldยดt done that it was quite low he has to admitthat.
You being mad hurts he swears to himself to never use those tacticsagain.
Once the game is over you not talk to him he asks you what he can doto make it up to you.
You then tell him to bend over to you can whisper it in his ear.
Jumin does that and you just take a kiss from him and then you laugh.
Now Jumin is a bit startled but he does not mind it that you kind oftricked him. ย 
Atleast you are not mad at him.
He isup for the challenge of course.
Heaspects a price from you when he wins you accept that.
Yougo all out but the match is quite tight.
Thatis when he plays dirty.
Hecomes over to and cuddles you out of nowhere.
Itsnice till he kicks the ball away from you and then he runs away andlaughs.
Hethen scores a goal what brings him the overall victory.
Somehowyou expected him to pull a stunt like that.
Youare a bit mad that he won from that though so you decide to not givehim a reward for winning.
Ifanything he lost since he played unfair.
Inthe end he agrees that he lost he accepts it that he not deserves atreat for winning.
Youfeel a bit bad for him and still give him a kiss.
Sohim cheating like that was no big deal ? Not really.
Wellhe will now do that every time till you just end up doing the same tohim.
Youboth play this variate of soccer from now on and who ever sees youjust turns away in shame.
Theminor trio is under here just in case of spoilers -
Hejoins you for a game even when he not really takes it serious.
Herather just plays for fun with you.
Whatis okay for you too.
Itsnot really that surprising to you when he cuddles you in the middleof the game.
Hemight just need a break you think.
ThenV shoots the ball away from you.
Hesmiles mischievously and you are standing their a bit dumbfounded.
Did Vjust used cuddles to steal a ball from you ?
Yeahhe certainly did.
V hasclearly a lot of fun with playing that way well he has too much funto be mad at him.
Soyou let him have his fun.
Oncethe game is over you tell him that you will have revenge for himcheating.
He isprepared fr the worst but of course you only kiss him and smile.
Wellthat punishment was not that bad to him he is glad that you not holdt against him.
Younot really mind it so much after all its like he opened up acompletely new side of him to you.
Hecan use the exercise and he like being outside.
Hismotivation to win is quite high today.
Saeranreally goes all out its nice to see.
Youstill have to upper hand though.
Thatis when Saeran decides to do what is necessary to win.
Hecomes in you think he is going to tackle you but instead he hecuddles you.
Youare not sure where that came from but you not mind it at all
Thatis till Saeran kicks the ball and runs of with it.
Youkinda expected him to cheat a bit but not that how he even came upwith that idea.
Wellyou can do that too.
Thenext chance you get you surprise hug him and give him a kiss on thecheek before you run of with the ball.
Prettymuch as hedid before.
Nowthe both of you try to one up each other with embarrassing moves tillneither of you really plays soccer anymore.
Atthat point you ask him to go home since people kind of starring atyou two of you.
Saeranagrees to continue the match at home even its clearly not soccer.
Youchallenged him to the match.
Hegives you a hard time already you still try your best though.
Youscore a few times but Vanderwood is still in the lead.
Theiris no actual need for Vanderwood to pull this move just to get a ballbut he does it anyways.
Hecomes in and tackle hugs you you not even sure what just happenedwhen He got the ball from you.
Itsnot just that you not saw it coming you are also confused why he didit.
Maybethat is why he did it ?
Youcontinue the match normally but your thoughts are somewhere else.
Youend up loosing its not that bad but you gotta know the truth.
Soyou ask him and he avoids the answer .
Wellif you not get the truth then at least you can get revenge.
Soyou tackle him and give him a kiss.
Beforehe can even add anything to that you run of cheering that you stole akiss from him.
Wellyou got him but he does not really mind it he will show you hisintentions later anyway.
Take a look at my Masterlistmy requests are open so drop by !
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