#✿ writes
vinnie-w · 1 year
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【 Alhaitham x Single Mom! Reader 】
➥ AU: Genshin Impact (Post-Sumeru Archon Quest)
➥ SYNOPSIS: Your warm morning is interrupted by an unexpected but welcomed surprise.
➥ AU: Canon Genshin (Post-Sumeru Archon Quest)
➥ WC: 889
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You could tell how big a toll the work of a Grand Sage had been affecting your boyfriend as, usually, it would've been him that'd be awake but instead you wake to see Alhaitham with his eyes shut as he breathed slowly.
You smile softly as you reach to brush Alhaitham's hair back slowly, and how you wish you didn't as his brows furrow slightly and his arm on your waist pulls you closer to himself.
"Good morning." You giggled, Alhaitham hums in response as he buried his face in your hair. "Mrn'n .." He mumbled into your hair.
You look outside the window and see that the sun was higher than it usually was when you woke up. You attempt to stand up but you forget your boyfriend's tight grip on your waist.
"Haitham, hon. It's past 8." You said, trying to shake Alhaitham awake.
"So?" He replied, pulling the blanket over your shoulders. "It's a weekend, dear. We'll be fine."
"What about Farah?"
"I'm sure Kaveh can handle her."
You shake your head with a laugh, "Archons, Haitham. We can't make our friend do everything y'know?"
"It's reasonable payment for his debt." Alhaitham added, smirking slightly as you laugh at his statement, burying your face in his chest.
"Mm.. I guess I can spend a few more minutes.." You mumble, already feeling the sleepiness return once you allowed yourself to melt into Alhaitham's arms.
"Good." Said Alhaitham, smugly. You both hold each other close as sleep began to overtake you, the warmth of Alhaitham and the blanket and the cool wind from your slightly open window was enough to make you fall asleep.
Unfortunately for you two, because of your drowsiness you failed to notice the door open slowly.
Alhaitham looked up from admiring you and raised a brow at the open door. "Hm? Kaveh?" He called out, rubbing his eye.
"Kaveh?" You mumble, drowsily.
Alhaitham and you yelp as the small figure jumped into your bed head first with a scream before she fell into a fit of giggles.
"Mowing! It's mowing!!" Farah beamed, cuddling into your chest.
Alhaitham and you sigh, it was just Farah, your little 5 year old girl. "Morning. It's morning, Farah." Said Alhaitham, turning on his side as he watched you and Farah cuddle.
"Hehe, no it's not!" Farah giggles, turning to face her dad. Alhaitham could feel his heart melt a bit as you pulled Farah closer and kissing her cheek.
"What do you mean it's not, baby?" Alhaitham asked.
"Cause that's how uncle Kaveh says it!" Said Farah, sitting up. "He goes, 'good mowingg!'" She then proceeds to exaggerate Kaveh's yawn, throwing her arms up in the air and falling back onto your chest, laughing.
"Of course, he'd say it wrong. He's an idiot."
"Haitham!" You yell, playfully slapping his bicep with a laugh. Alhaitham chuckles, propping himself up on his arm as he admired you.
The way the sun perfectly captured your features, your laugh like music to his ears always had his heart skipping a few beats.
Alhaitham was no believer of fate, choosing to believe in facts instead, but he would get down on his knees and thank whichever god or archon of Celestia had given him the chance to meet you and your daughter and giving him the small family he has now.
Alhaitham smiled softly once you'd calm from your laughing as you looked up at him with your (e/c) eyes. He slowly leaned in, about to give you a kiss when he was immediately smacked away.
Alhaitham sat up in shock as he rubbed his nose, while Farah blew a raspberry at him. The two glared at one another before Farah smugly kissed your cheek and cuddled you.
"Oh?" Said Alhaitham. "That's how you want it too be, hm?"
Farah screeched as Alhaitham pulled her off of you. She was kicking her legs and squealing as he tickled her sides, blowing a raspberry into her neck that had Farah laughing and squirming.
"PAPA LET ME GOOO!!" She laughed, trying to tickle her papa back but Alhaitham held her arms down as he continued the tickling.
You laid back as you watched the two play fight. You can't help but thank the archons for blessing you with a man as loving accepting as Alhaitham for accepting you AND Farah when most men you've met have insisted for you to leave her behind
But not Alhaitham, he saw your fears and made a promise to love and protect you both. You smile fondly as Farah finally escaped Alhaitham's grasp and run out of the room, calling for Kaveh.
"Now, where was I-" You cut him off by sneaking your arm around his neck and kissing him. Alhaitham immediately reacts by wrapping his arms around your waist.
You pull away, muttering "Love you." Smiling up at him. Alhaitham smiles back, but just as he was about to lean down for one more kiss, another voice startles the two.
"Oh- OH! Not in front of your own child, you two!"
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A/N: Shdjhahs you guys have no idea how happy I am to vomit a fic about him jaklsjdlkadj I love him so he's so mean and rude.
I'm ngl, I wish I was built like all the genshin tumblr writers here with their cool aesthetice but I am simply a wattpader 😭
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animentality · 5 months
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blueboxbeagle · 2 months
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By LabradoriteKing on Pinterest
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pierog · 3 months
i'm so glad goncharov happened when it did, right before prolific public use of AI. that was pure honest gaslighting straight from the heart. real human whimsicality and trickery thru blood sweat and tears. we were a family. and we all gonched, together. you cant replicate that with any machine.
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ad-wills · 3 months
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writing-prompt-s · 22 days
Two lovers have reincarnated throughout history, destined to find each other and fall in love all over again. There’s also this third guy that reincarnates alongside them… we don’t really know what he does.
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lizardsfromspace · 5 months
The thing about Cottagecore is that is a fetishized aesthetic of country life, divorced from labor and idealized by a primarily urban audience with a backward looking ethos of tradition. They are not prepared for the stresses of a rural life: farming; harvesting; tapping pumpkins to ensure none of them have been replaced with flesh; losing out on income by having to use one of your pigs in a blood sacrifice to paint protective sigils over your doors and windows; checking cracks and chimneys for the flesh-vines of the Pumpkin Lord; having to decide, before the Growth is complete, whether that's really your tradwife or an amassment of vines, leaves, and blood in the shape of your tradwife; ignoring their desperate pleas that "I'm me! No! No!" as you burn them alive, realizing too late you picked wrong; and the exploitative corporate nature of commercial farming in 2024. All seen through a deeply colonial lens, of course
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out-of-jams · 2 months
Too many beds
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss
Really nice guy who hates only you
Academic rivals except it’s two teachers who compete to have the best class
Divorce of convenience
Too much communication
True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)
Dating your enemy’s sibling
Lovers to enemies
Hate at first sight
Love triangle where the two love interests get together instead
Fake amnesia
Soulmates who are fated to kill each other
Strangers to enemies
Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating
Too hot to cuddle
Love interest CEO is a himbo/bimbo who runs their company into the ground
Nursing home au
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faeriekit · 7 months
"This fic was ai generated—" Cool, so lemme block you real quick
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fellshish · 2 months
The devastating difference between how much time it takes to write something vs how fast people read it lol
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sourdough-seal · 2 months
“omg you’re so creative. how do you get your ideas” i hallucinate a single scene in the taco bell drive thru and then spend 13 months trying to write it
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vinnie-w · 1 year
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【 Alhaitham x Single Mom! Reader 】
➥ AU: Modern AU
➥ SYNOPSIS: Alhaitham and Baby Farah in the pool!
➥ WC: 1085
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"No need. You've been working by yourself for days now, the least I could do is let you relax for a bit." He states, feeling his lips quirk up slightly as he lays a hand on Farah's back preventing her from falling.
You smile at the domestic scene in front of you, Alhaitham looking down at Farah as she relaxes in his arms and stares off into space. "Fine." You sigh, "Are you really sure though?"
"Of course. I don't mind staying inside, I much prefer it actually." Alhaitham states.
"Ah.." You mumble, nervous. Glancing at the side while rubbing your arm. "That's, uh. Gonna be a problem then."
"Hm, how so?"
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Alhaitham sat grumpily in the kiddie pool with Farah on his lap, happily splashing at the water around them. He leans back dodging the harder splashes.
"You doing okay there?" He heard someone ask before turning to his side to see you, a white shirt over your swimsuit. You laugh slightly at his ears turning pink before sighed.
"I'll be fine." Said Alhaitham before getting splashed in the face by a giggling Farah, he tries to rub the water out of his eyes before realising his hands were wet as well.
You laugh, cupping his face with one hand and the other using your shirt to wipe him.
"Thank you.." He mumbled, leaning into your hand. You peck his forehead and mutter, "No problem, habibi."
"Can you two never NOT be gross?" You two turn to see Kaveh groaning from behind you, laying on his pool float. You smile mischievously, giving Alhaitham and Farah a kiss before jumping into the pool right on top of Kaveh.
Alhaitham laughs slightly as the pool float pops up from the water along with you laughing at Kaveh in a coughing fit. Turning back to the baby on his lap, Farah was now slowly swaying her hands around in the water, watching as if she was mesmerized.
"What are you thinking about?" Alhaitham mumbled, placing his own hands underneath Farah's incredibly small ones. Farah stops as she saw his hands then slowly, placing her hands on top of his. Her fingers grasping at Alhaitham's hands before making him clap, struggling slightly with the water in the way and makes him splash at the water instead. Alhaitham laughs slightly as he ruffled her hair.
The two peacefully sat in the pool with you occasionally coming over to give the two a plate of the barbeque Cyno just finished cooking or the bag of chips Alhaitham had been eyeing the night before.
Alhaitham took a sip of his beer when the water fountain a few feet away from them had open, along with the bigger fountains near the deeper pool. Farah immediately perked up at the fountain, squirming in Alhaitham's lap.
"Hm? What's up?" He asked, picking her up. He laid Farah on his chest but she immediately tries to push away as she tried to get to the fountain. "The fountain? Sure.."
Alhaitham carries Farah to the fountain, sitting right beside it. Farah then reaches for the water, trying to hold it in her hands. Alhaitham laughs at her then carrying her closer to the water.
What Alhaitham thought would be another cute Farah moment where she watches in amazement at the water was instead just Farah immediately going to lick the water.
In shock, Alhaitham immediately pulls her back making Farah laugh. "Okay. No more fountain for you." He said, moving away from their spot only for Farah to start crying.
Alhaitham panics internally as Farah squirms in his arms to get back to the fountain. "Hey, shh. You can't drink the water." He scolded but Farah continued to cry.
"Hey what's going on?" You immediately get in the pool and take Farah from his arms but the toddler continues to squirm and whine.
"She tried to drink the water."
You laugh slightly, Farah had started to calm and lean on your shoulder but her whining hadn't stopped. The two of you decide to sit back in their original spot, Farah being a bit more grumpy and pushing away the food you try to feed her opting to hide herself into your chest instead.
Alhaitham an you sigh at her pouting and continue to finish off the chips and barbeque you'd brought over.
"Believe me, Haitham." You start, taking a chip with an exasperated look. "Doctor Baizhu tested Director Hu's patience once and it ended with her covering the entire doors of Bubu Pharmacy with ads for the parlor!"
Alhaitham chuckled at your tipsy ranting about an old friend from Liyue, leaning on his arm as he listened attentively. He notices how Farah hadn't moved a single bit since your ranting had started when usually she'd be doing something.
Alhaitham taps your arm, you stop your rants and mumble "What?" when Alhaitham pointed to the unmoving Farah on your lap.
In a panic, you immediately pulled her back to see Farah peacefully sleeping. Alhaitham and you laugh slightly, brushing stray hairs away from her face.
"Maybe it was a bad idea to take her swimming when she just woke up." You laughed. Alhaitham hums and takes Farah from your lap.
"I'll wash her up, I'm sure Collei wouldn't mind watching over her for a bit." He said, you quirked a brow in amusement.
"Oh? You're not watching her? I thought you'd rather be inside than in the pool." You tease, laying your head and arms on the side of the pool as Alhaitham carefully got out.
"And here I thought you'd be happy to have me, maybe I should also wash up."
"Kidding! Kidding!" You laugh and Alhaitham huffed in amusement. "Say, how are you gonna wash her without waking her up?"
Alhaitham stood for a second, glancing at the comfortabley sleeping Farah in his arms before stating, "I'll figure something out." and heading to the bathrooms.
He did not, in fact, figure something out. He accidentally woke her up and made Farah cry. You had to come in to help.
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A/N: heyyyy (in regret) How bad would it be if I said I completely forgot about this 😭 Tbf, I just finished exams yesterday. I'm so sorry I completely forgot about this fic for weeks 😭😭
This fic was inspired by the time I watched over my baby sister during a pool party and girlie dove into the water to drink😭
TAGLIST: @crowbird
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daily-spooky · 4 months
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Some spins on the "mostly male team with a token woman" trope:
The woman is trans and stayed in her old circle of bros even after transition
The woman is the only one in her circle of "girls" who didn't turn out to be a trans man
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thesefallenembers · 7 months
the problem with reading and writing leading to a strong vocabulary is that you tend to know the vibe of words instead of their meanings.
if I used this word in a sentence, would it make sense? absolutely. if you asked me what it meant, could I tell you? absolutely not.
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ad-wills · 5 months
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