#∘⡊ ☾ ˚⊹Do You Even Lift?⊹ — 「 Crack 」
rainyrindou · 29 days
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hanma is a childish grumpy baby when he’s been woken up. 0.5k wc ノ fluff ノ a little suggestive.
cw: no pronouns used, hanma calls reader doll and baby, brief mentions of a previous blowjob & free use.
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“doll…” his low grumble comes from beside you as he shakes your shoulder a bit.
you barely glance in his direction as you scroll on your phone. “yes, shuji?” 
“turn the damn light off.”
“huh? there aren’t any lights on.”
he lays there with his eyes still shut a few seconds before he cracks one open and points out the window with a childish grunt. 
you stifle a laugh, “…that’s a street lamp.”
“…huh? for what? why is it on?” he’s clearly half asleep, and a little incoherent. you know you’re safe to giggle as much as you want when he’s like this. 
“so people can see.”
he pouts, throwing an arm over his eyes, “ugh, it’s like, 3am, nobody needs to see anything right now.”
“actually shu, it’s only midnight. and, if i hadn’t sucked you comatose, I’m sure you would be one of the hooligans out and about at this hour.” 
“….close the curtain, doll.”
“no. it’s like a night light, and–
he scoffs, “what do ya need a night light for? dontcha trust me to protect you?”
he wants to bite back and tell you that he doesn’t need a night light, not because he isn’t a little afraid of the dark, but because he feels so safe next to you.
“–and it helps me wake up in the morning when the sun comes through,” you deadpan.
another thing he won’t tell you is how he doesn’t need the sun that streams in through the window every morning; the sight of your sleeping figure beside him is enough. 
but it’s midnight, apparently, and he’s not feeling the type of tired where he can be vulnerable tonight, so he keeps that to himself, even though he desperately wants to know if you feel the same way.
“excuses, excuses,” he tsks. he turns his head toward you and lifts his arm from his eyes, barely cracking them open, “if you hate me just say that.”
“shuji, my dearest. i had your cock down my throat 20 minutes ago.”
he full on glares at you, or at least he attempts to; his sleepy, half lidded eyes betray him. you don’t miss the way the corner of his lips twitched up for a moment, though.
in the dim lighting of your bedroom, he paws around in search of your arm, and grabs you tightly when he finds it, causing you to gasp and drop your phone. with a confused yelp, you’re suddenly manhandled on top of him as he buries his head in your neck, muttering a muffled, “relax, baby.”
you sigh, “shuji, you’re insatiable.”
you feel a deep chuckle resonate against your throat, “c’mon, you told me you like being used, yeah? so be my sleep mask for a lil while...” you roll your eyes at him for using your words against you, and at the way his voice trails off as if he’s already falling back asleep. you can’t help but giggle at your needy god of death who whines when you aren’t touching him for even five minutes.
your personal guard dog, the grim reaper of kabukicho— his world would fall apart without you. 
he’s never told you that, but you feel it through his actions; through the longing in his touch. 
in the morning before he leaves for work, he gives you a tighter hug than usual, and the sweetest, softest kiss. in bed when he grabs at your hands, no matter what position he’s tangled the two of you in, he gently brushes his palm against yours before he squeezes. and now, as his breaths even out and you slowly attempt to shift yourself off him, his arms tighten around your waist with an annoyed huff. 
he feels protected by…well, whatever it is about you; he doesn’t know. it’s less like the way he looms over any poor soul that dares to glance at you a second too long, and more like your soul is the solace that his needed all this time. your presence grounds him in a way he hasn’t experienced before; it warms up his heart and makes him soft. it’s the reason he can’t bear to let go of you in the night, and clings to you as long as he can before he goes out into a life that doesn’t treat him with nearly as much warmth.
despite the headache that he is sometimes, he makes you smile. so you settle in on top of him, because he’s given you no other option than to be his anchor in a world where he can only see the light in your presence. 
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bedoballoons · 8 months
Can i ask a venti and/or xiao with a reader that ALWAYS cracks some parts of their body? (imagine reader cracking their back and xiao as an heart attack because he thinks we broke our back)
Can i be anon-🍄?
I have a family member who does this often and it always freaks me out...but I think this is a super fun request!! Of course you can be a anon! Welcome to the anon squad, I dub thee mushroom anon! (You can change it if you'd like :p)
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃
{༻~Snap crackle pop~༺}
CW: Fluffy!!
(Includes: Venti and Xiao!)
Venti watched with wide eyes, trying not to panick as your knuckles cracked loudly and your back popped, it sounded like you were breaking every bone in your body. Of course he knew you weren't, in fact you seemed to like it...even sighing in relief afterwards, but he just couldn't handle the noises, "Heh....my dear, I know you aren't doing anything dangerous but can you wait to crack the rest of your bones? I'm just worried for my heart..."
You stretched upwards, a satisfying crackling sound coming from your back as it popped and your body loosened up, but you didn't get get to enjoy it long. Xiaos arms suddenly wrapped around you, eyes filled with horror and his voice panicked, "Are you alright?! Did you break your back?! I'll take you to Baizhu!"
"N-no Xiao-"
He lifted you up bridal style rushing out the door as you tried to explain, blush creeping onto your cheeks out of embarrassment, "Xiao I was just cracking my back!"
"Just try not to move, Baizhu will know how to help. Humans are such fragile creatures..."
◥(•̀₩•́)◤☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 ☾𖤓~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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tsukimefuku · 5 days
4 a.m. ☾ nanami kento
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summary: nanami is your ex and calls you just before dawn to hear your voice. wc: 1.5k cw: gender neutral reader. very much angst. this takes place the night before the shibuya incident. notes etc.: song is 4 am, by taeko onuki.
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lord, give me one more chance ☾ is this the last one, I wonder?
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Your phone’s ringing would’ve jolted you awake from your dreams — that is, if you had been able to sleep. The life of a sorcerer was plagued by nightmares, it seemed, and you made sure to sleep as little as possible to achieve dreamless nights during most of the week. 
“Yes, this is me.”
Definitely his voice, alright.
It was 4:00 AM, and you feared for a moment when his name lit up on your phone’s screen that you were receiving that dreaded witching hour phone call.
However, this was considerably more unexpected, given that he was the one to break things up with you years ago and never contact you again. 
“Are you okay? Has something happened?” you tried your best to keep your voice from cracking, an awkward pit of... something gnawing at your chest. 
The silence reigned solemnly for a few seconds, only muted breath coming from the other side. 
“I just...”
You knew his voice. He was definitely inebriated. The way his syllables were breathier and dragged over the tone was unmistakable. 
“Nanami... what is it?” your voice came labored with a sigh, part in concern, part in discomfort.
“I just wanted to hear your voice. I’m sorry if I awoke you.” 
“You know very well you haven’t,” you replied, half in jest, trying to ease the mood. It had been a minute since you two last spoke — since he had broken up with you, “but...”
Your words died on their way out. 
“I... I apologize, I shouldn’t have bothered you,” Nanami said on the other end, more for his benefit than yours, seemingly coming to terms with whatever entity had taken hold of him, guiding his fingers towards his phone and dialing you up. 
“It’s fine, it’s okay,” you offered, uncertain, “it’s... nice hearing your voice. It’s been a while.”
You lifted yourself from your sofa, picked up the glass of red you had resting on the coffee table, and made your way towards your apartment’s window, being met by Kyoto’s nightscape.
You heard him sigh, a sound heavier than you would have expected from Nanami, and his uneasiness was palpable, even through the phone. 
“You didn’t think this through, did you?” you playfully inquired, knowing full well that if Nanami did think this through, he would've stopped himself from reaching his phone. 
“I did not,” he offered in earnest, and you couldn’t help but wonder where he was right now. Was he at home? Sitting by his table still in his work attire? Laying on his bed in a t-shirt and sweatpants? 
You wanted to ask, but held your tongue as quickly as the thought came.
That wasn’t how it worked for you two, not anymore. 
“How have you been? Are you alright?” you genuinely asked. You truly, really wanted to know how your unwavering man — “your” solely in dreams from the past — was doing. Was he fine? Did he leave Jujutsu High again? What had he been up to? 
The aching desire to peek into a life you weren’t entitled to anymore was enticing, even if a painful reminder of the door that had been permanently shut. 
“Still pushing the same boulder uphill everyday,” he replied, and you heard some icy, glassy clacks on the other side, followed by a sip sound. 
He was drinking. Probably a glass of whiskey with the same exact three ice cubes he always put in it.
“Is the hill getting taller and the valley deeper, too?” you asked him, a distinct smile to your voice.
He huffed, amused. 
“One could say so.” 
“Kento,” he cooed in the same husky, deep voice he used to caress your skin every time he whispered to you something in a crowd, leaning against you in a way only a lover would, or when he undid you just to build you up back up over and over every night you spent together.
The voice he would only use to love you.
It hurt. 
“Nanami...” you repeated in the same beat, the concern and warning in your voice mingling around the uneasiness that now clenched at your chest, too. 
“Just... for tonight. Please.”
He rarely asked you for anything, and whenever he did, you caved.
Just like you caved at that very instant. 
“Thank you.” 
You exhaled, trying to ease the forceful flattening sensation tying around your lungs. 
“Kento, why are you calling me now? I mean, we have been broken up for so long... after you broke up with me.” 
Some of your last words came out with a tinge of bitterness, and even through the phone, you somehow knew he’d be looking away after you said that.
“I... I really just wanted to hear your voice. And if there is nothing to be said, I’d like to stay on the line with you for a while, even if in silence. I... I want... I want to share this quietude now with you,” he offered, an explanation of sorts, but not enough.
This was the issue — nothing was neat, calculated, mathematical enough for him. Waiting for the precise moment, life had passed you both by. 
“Why? Why did you... break up with me? For real?” you asked, fully aware this might be the last time you spoke to Nanami for a long while, if ever. 
He inhaled on the other side, as if picking apart his words to answer you with the perfect building blocks to fit the hole he knew he’d left behind. 
“This life, our life... is not suited for romantic relationships. I couldn’t bring myself to step out the door and do what I do — what we do — knowing I could leave someone at the wake of my demise any day. In this life, we should die alone.” 
You sighed and sipped on your wine, leaning against the edge of your dinner table.
“Don’t preach to the choir, Kento. I know how this gig goes, but I think you’re lying to both of us right now.” 
“I... I don’t know,” he remarked. His voice sounded lost, strained, decades older than himself, and he pleaded for a light, if you could ever so kindly offer him one.
“I think...” you began, trying to be as unfiltered as possible, “you ran away from me, just as you ran away from Jujutsu High years ago. You were afraid just the same. Somehow, you surpassed the fear of dying any day on the job, but are still to surpass the fear of risking loss again, of lov-“
You bit your tongue before finishing your sentence, but he noticed it. 
“Please, continue. The fear of what?”
He knew. 
“Of loving.”
Nanami kept silent for a while, the only telltale sign the call hadn’t ended being the sound of his drink’s ice cubes clinking against the rim of his glass.
His voice came back, a deep, husky tone cutting through the silence like a silk thread. 
“I want to see you.” 
“Kento, you’re drunk.” 
“Yes. And I want to see you, I have thought about it for a long time, and I believe you have too, just the same.”
He was right. Oftentimes, in the silent hours of the night, after the thud from your shoes falling in the entryway subsided leaving a void of sound behind, you missed his warmth, his arms wrapped around your waist, the feeling of his body pressing against your back. There had been others, but no one could compare to him — to Nanami.
How many others there had been for him? Had they measured up to you?
You shoved the thought away, trying to not dwell on it for too long. 
“I have,” you answered honestly. 
“We could try again. We could...” 
“Kento...” you cooed, realizing this was the same voice you’d use whenever you purred at him when you were enveloped under the covers, sharing your own tiny private sliver of the universe. 
“Please...” his tone came strained, pained in response to how you called his name — the way only his lover ever did. You. 
“It’s 4:00 in the morning, we... let’s talk this over dinner. We have the time. Moving around tomorrow will be terrible because of Halloween, but we could... after tomorrow?”
You felt the faintest hint of butterflies around your chest, something you hadn’t felt in a long time. Not with anyone else but him.
He sighed on the other side, equal parts intrepid and relieved. 
“Okay. I’ll come to Kyoto after tomorrow so that we can have this conversation properly. In person.”
You tried to exhale away your own disquiet, quivering in anticipation for seeing Nanami again after so many years. 
“It’s a date, then.”
He huffed the faintest chuckle. 
“It is.”
You clicked the big red button on your phone’s screen, and the call ended.
End notes:
You already know... Had The Big Sad™️ and decided to turn it into everybody else’s problem. This is an adaptation of a HiguNana piece I posted on AO3 (but if you want to read the fic like reader is Hiromi, I won’t try to stop you 👀).
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starfxkr · 1 month
trailer park!jj and reader play fighting in bed but he gets too rough and ends up having to baby her bc she got hurt and he forgot she’s just a ‘little girl’ and can’t be played around with like that
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺˚ ༘ ౨ৎ⋆。˚✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺˚ ༘ ౨ৎ⋆。˚✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺˚ ༘ ౨ৎ⋆。˚✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺˚ ༘ ౨ৎ⋆
it started fun, jj's calloused fingers poked and prodded at your ticklish sides until you were gasping for air, kicking your legs that he easily caught in his arms. you were a mess of limbs, striking and grasping, he had you pinned more times than you could count but you wiggled away each time.
however, things shifted, an accidental slap to his face escalated. now you were biting and scratching at each other, his teeth locked on your neck while you whimpered, "get off...papa stop it hurts, get off!" your flailing arm smacked at his shoulder but he hit you back with a loud crack and everything stopped.
it was an accident really, sometimes jj doesn't know his own strength and he forgets how much bigger he is than you. for a few seconds he was completely still and you could hear a pin drop--then you started to sniffle. quickly, he lifted his face from your neck to look at your crumpled face, you were holding a hand to your reddened cheek trying your best to hold back tears.
"oh shit, sweet pea i'm sorry you know i didn't mean that." he wraps you up in his arms, sitting against the wall and kissing the stinging skin as you hiccuped out a cry, "sometimes i forget i can't play like that with you, you're just a little girl i shouldn't be fuckin around like that."
all you do is gasp out, "that really hurt."
"i know, i know, i'm an asshole. can't be doin my pretty girl like that, lemme see it." he eases your palm away from your cheek to observe the damage--there was no bruising, just a little red from impact, your eye watering a little and he can tell it was the shock of it more than anything.
he kisses the inflamed skin over and over, murmuring apologies until your breathing evened out. he felt like shit, of course he did. a little friendly fire was fine but this? no, he never wanted to see you cry because he put his hands on you, even as an accident.
"you know i'm really sorry sugar, we was just having fun, shouldn't have ended up like this."
"it's okay." you sound so small his heart aches.
"nah it's not, i may not be the best but i'd never put my hands on you like that, and god forbid if i ever do you just walk out that door and never come back."
that seems to upset you even more, you cling to him harder and whisper, "i don't wanna leave."
that's what he was afraid of.
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cheriiyaya · 5 months
everybody wants to love you
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-"said, I'm the first girl that got you getting romantic"-endlessly by kali uchis
☾⋆⁺₊⋆ Contents: Dazai x Fem!reader, Fluffy fluff, just dazai and fluff that's the whole fic, uhh implied references to marriage in the end,
☾⋆⁺₊⋆ A/N: ...i lied bitches fedya's gonna wait my pookie is always first. Also this was so much better in my head uhhh-
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You woke up to bandaged hands around your waist and dazai's chin on your shoulder, his breath coming out in little puffs against the back of your ear. You hesitated before carefully attempting to pry his fingers off you, which caused him to whine and pull you closer against him.
What you didn't realize was that he was already awake.
"mmh, love can't you stay hereeeee?" He huffed, kissing behind your ear before he buries his face in your nape. "...it's so cold anyways, why would you wanna leave?" You sighed, pulling away from him and giggling when you hear him whine.
"C'monnn, you can't stay in bed all day." Dazai merely pouted.
"Watch me." He grumbled, however his expression softened as soon and you brushed away his bangs to press a kiss to his forehead. You smiled and brushed your fingers into his knotted tresses, scratching at his scalp and tugging at some of the knots.
"...wanna get up now?"
"Hmm, fine." He sitted up and stretched before you laced your fingers with his and pulled him up. You led him into the cramped bathroom of your shared agency dorm-a dorm meant for one that two had carved a home into.
You spread toothpaste on your toothbrush and brushed your teeth while humming softly and dazai followed in suit, hip bumping against yours. After rinsing out your mouth, you looked at dazai as an idea sparked in your head. "let me brush your hair, it's a knotted mess." Dazai raised an eyebrow but smiled as you reached up onto your toes, comb in hand. "can you bend down, you giraffe?" You huffed and dazai chuckled at your adorable pout, poking your cheek as he bent down a bit.
"M'yeah." You gently tugged at knots in his wavy hair, brushing it away from his eyes and you combed it until it was softer and not as tangled. Once you were done you set the comb onto the counter and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. Dazai chuckled and tapped the tip of your nose. You pulled him out of the washroom and into the kitchen, pulling out leftover rice and a few eggs from the fridge. "What do you wanna eat?" Dazai hummed and leaned against the counter.
"Whatever you want." He shrugged and you decided on tamagoyaki and leftover rice-frankly you didn't want to cook much. You opened the cabinet and grabbed a bowl, cracking eggs in and measuring out some soy sauce, grated radish and a bit of sugar. Dazai watched you, smiling at your small movements. The way you narrowed your eyes as you measured stuff out, the small crinkle of your nose was just oh so adorable to him. Quietly, he walked up behind you and spun you around, ignoring the stammers of protest you let out as he cupped your face and kissed every part of it; your nose, the curve of your jaw, across your redden cheeks and finally placing a playful kiss to you lips. With a sly chuckle he placed his hand on your lower back, fingers grazing your spine and he reveled in the shiver it brought about.
"Osamu-" He cut you off with another kiss to your lips, pulling away with an exaggerated "mwah!" Flustered, you put a hand on his cheek.
"Osamu! I-I gotta cook!" He ignored you, opting instead to pull you flush against his chest and waltz you around, humming a random song that you couldn't quite place a finger on. Dazai hands trailed up to rest under your ribcage as he ends the dance with a flourished dip. Right now, the sight of you to him was immaculate-Cheeks flushed and eyes wide, lips parted in surprise you were the most beautiful thing he'd seen. With a chuckle he lifted you back onto your feet, dipping down to kiss your left hand before he tapped your ring finger.
"Hm, bella this finger seems empty-naked even!" He acted as if it was the most horrible calamity in the world. Before you could interject he unravelled some of the bandages on his hand, ripped of three or four inches with his teeth before wrapping it around your ring finger. "Much better!" He grinned and tapped your finger again, making you look at the makeshift ring he'd made. Heat flooded your cheeks and you couldn't help but sputter out.
"Osamu!" You huffed, eyes wide and dazai laughed at your expression.
"Aw, bella'! C'mon, don't worry! Maybe next time I'll put on a real ring, how does that sound darling?"
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©Cheriiyaya 2023
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maivolpe · 14 days
sorry I didn’t see what you don’t right for :(. I swear I wouldn’t have sent that tasm ask if I didn’t know.
Could you write headcannons for tasm! Peter with a reader who hasn’t had a bf b4? And he’s all flirty and suggestive;)
Again sorry for sending that ask
you’re totally okay! i think i literally put those up at the same time as you requested so absolutely no worries! also i struggle a bit with the hc format so i’m just gonna do a blurb if that’s okay :) thank you for requesting ♡
・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚.
pairing: tasm!peter parker x reader cw: cursing wc: 491
“whatcha readin’?”
you jumped, quickly closing your book, unaware that someone had been hovering over your shoulder. a quick glance backwards confirmed that it was none other than peter parker himself.
“ever heard of personal space, parker?”
“nope,” he said, popping the p. he pulled up a chair, sitting down next to you.
“you almost made me lose my spot, you jerk.”
he shrugged, pressing his lips together in an unapologetic line.
you pinched the next page between your fingers, doing your best to avoid his gaze. it wasn’t that you disliked him— frankly, it was quite the opposite.
peter parker had an effect on you. it was like nothing you’d ever experienced. without even trying, he could say things that set your heart aflutter, could do things that made you weak in the knees. he meant it all, too, like nobody else had ever before.
but you’d be damned if he was gonna get to you this time. you were going to hold your ground today.
he cleared his throat, startling you out of your thoughts.
“i bet i’m more interesting than whatever’s going on in that book.”
you felt your cheeks warm, though whether it was with annoyance or endearment you couldn’t say. you chose to ignore the comment, instead lifting your book to hide the smile playing at your lips. he noticed, eyes narrowing as he leaned toward you.
he was close. you felt the heat from his breath, catching a whiff of coffee and something that smelled burnt. your eyes traced along the curve of his lips, the slant of his nose, until you met his eyes.
there was a curiosity, a sort of hunger hidden in them. he looked at you like you were a case he wanted to crack.
“what are you hiding?”
“i’m not hiding anything!” you sputtered.
he smirked at your loss of composure. “sure looks like you are. i can see the wheels turning in that pretty head of yours.”
your stomach flipped at his boldness, at how easy it was for those words to slide off of his tongue. you leaned back, breaking the tension between the two of you. “well, you’re wrong.”
he raised his hands in mock defeat. “alright, alright.”
“what are you even doing here in the first place?”
peter grinned cheekily, leaning back in his seat. “it’s a library. flash wouldn’t be in here if his life depended on it.”
“you’re right about that,” you giggled.
his eyes, soft and brown, flashed with pride. “so you admit it!”
“admit what?”
“that i’m right about something!”
you chuckled. “whatever makes you happy, parker. now be quiet and let me read my damn book.”
he was silent for all of two seconds before leaning toward you again.
“reading is kind of an overstatement, don’t you think?” he whispered.
you arched an eyebrow at him.
“well, it’s just that you’ve been on the same page since i got here.”
・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚.
ko-fi ♡
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aackxrmxn · 1 year
Elijah Mikaelson: A Promise
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Warnings: Maybe a tad bit of violence, swearing.
Plot: After you had been captured by some vampires, Elijah makes a promise to protect you at all costs.
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I had heard them before I saw them, the voices close but distant. A pain like never before throbbed from my head down my neck and to my left shoulder. I winced as I tried to lift my head, seeming impossibly heavy at the moment. What happened? Where was I?
“Ah!” One said enthusiastically, “She’s awake. Perfect!” A rough hand grabbed at a handful of my hair and yanked it upright. A gasp fell from my lips as the pain soared through my body even more. “What a pretty little thing you are…” The same one snarled and I felt his breath on my neck but I didn’t dare open my eyes.
“Are you sure we’re doing the right thing? That Elijah guy seems like the real deal.” Another spoke, his voice filled with worry.
The hand left my hair and whoever was close to me had left my side. “Quit it, Paul!” They shouted, “We can finally win against those son of bitches.” I finally decided to open my eyes and look around to see where I was.
I seemed to be in an abandoned building tied to one of the supporting beams, the ground was trashed with old newspapers and other rubbish. There was broken windows and graffiti over the walls.
The two men were bickering off the side of me and I went to lift my head but my vision swirled and spun. A groan left my lips involuntarily, a small whimper escaped as well.
“Oh, isn’t this poor little thing in pain?” The same one cooed and lifted my head with his finger. His face shifted to his vampire one and he snarled at me, showing his fangs. “It’s too bad Elijah can’t save you, I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he realised that you’re dead.”
My eyes widened as I realised what all this was for; Elijah had killed one of their members a few weeks back for what reason I still didn’t know. Elijah didn’t tell me the gruesome details of his kind, not wanting me to view him or his family different, even though I never would. They wanted pay back for what Elijah had done, and what better way then kidnapping his girlfriend and killing her?
“You’re making a mistake.” I blurt out then, my voice hoarse and dry.
The same guy raised his eyebrows, “oh, how’s that?”
I could feel my heartbeat increase as tried to think of an answer. “Elijah is an original, much stronger than you two combined. He’ll kill you the first chance he gets, but he will make it painful like no other pain you’ve ever experienced before.”
The other guy who seemed reluctant rolled his shoulders with a worried look. “Ceder…”
“Shut up Paul, the girl thinks she’s better than us.” The first one smirked.
“No I don’t think I’m better than you, but I know I’m smarter than you and I’m telling you to let me live or you’ll regret it.” I warned.
The first guy, Ceder, laughed dryly. “Alright, I’ve had enough of this brat, time to eat.” He suddenly was in front of me and grabbed me by the shoulders, “And quite frankly, he can hurt me all he wants, I won’t regret this.”
Unbearable pain shout through my neck as his fangs clamped down on my neck, I screamed as the pain shot through my whole body. I vaguely remembered that Elijah said that a vampires bite would hurt bad but would get more pleasurable; this was not becoming pleasurable.
Ceder was torn from above me and I heard a cracking sound, like someone’s bones had snapped. “No one hurts my family and gets away with it.” A heard a familiar voice but my eyes were shut, and my head dropped, too heavy to hold up.
The body dropped, the impact causing the wind to hurt my sweating yet cold face. Another hand cupped my cheek, comforting and familiar. “‘Lijah…” I mumbled.
“Shh,” He whispered, “I’ve got you.” A small smile creeped up on my lips at his comment before I felt something touch my lips, instinctively I pulled away. “It’ll help you Y/N, you only need a little bit.”
I did whatever Elijah said and tasted blood, any other time I would have gagged at it, but I was too weak to care as I swallowed it.
I heard someone yell, almost like they were scared before I heard that same bone cracking sound. I opened my eyes then, seeing Elijah crouched in front of me and Klaus holding a bloody heart in his hand with those two men dead on the floor.
My eyes widened, I had never seen a real heart before, let alone covered in blood. Elijah noticed and blocked my view before lifting me bridal style. I knew he was worried about what I had seen but I didn’t see him or Klaus any differently.
“Let’s get you home, love.” Elijah said then and all I could manage was nod at him as he carried me out.
A warm blanket was draped over my body and I turned to see Rebekah was a comforting smile. “How are you feeling? I hope the soup was alright, I don’t normally make food.” She laughed.
“It was good, thank you.” I said and moved closer to the middle of the bed so she could lay beside me. “I wanted to talk to you about something if you had a minute.”
“Of course, what’s wrong?” She asked me.
“I want you to know that I don’t see you guys any different, vampires or not, I don’t care about that. You guys have taken me like your own family and I can’t be anymore thankful.” I explained, my hands sitting in my lap until Rebekah grabbed them and help them.
“Y/N, you’re my sister, I would do anything for you, just like my siblings. You don’t judge us and you don’t think we’re creeps for drinking blood.”
I laughed, “well, I think it’s weird you drink blood but I guess it’s like humans needing water… which I would kind of love right now.” I said, noticing my dry throat.
Rebekah was quick to get me a drink and that’s when I noticed Elijah standing at the doorway of the room. Rebekah came over and said she’d give us some privacy before leaving.
“I’m good Elijah, for the hundredth time already.” I smiled bashfully and picked at my nails. Gosh, they needed doing.
My attention was bought back to Elijah as he came over and moved some hair behind my ears. “I know, I’m just worried that you’re stressed.”
“Well… I am stressed. I was bitten by a vampire, any human would be stressed over that.” Elijah sat beside me and bought me in close to him with his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I sighed and snuggled into him and closed my eyes, the TV in front of us as background noise. There was a silence that came over us then, I could tell there was something else Elijah wanted to say. I sighed again, “Elijah I don’t want you to hide what you are from me.” I looked up at him and he was staring at the TV, though not paying attention to it.
Elijah looked down at me after a few seconds, “I just don’t want you to be scared of me.” There was a glossy glint in his eyes, like he was about to cry. I smile knowingly, leaning up with what little strength I had at the moment and kissed Elijah on the cheek then to his lips.
It was soft and passionate, all the emotions of sadness, anger and confusion mixed into it. We had never kissed like this before. I pulled away after a while, needing air and smiled against his lips.
“I promise I’m not scared of you, not ever.” I whispered. I managed to get up and straddle his waist, linking my arms around his neck and his securely holding my hips. “Can I ask you something?” I said then, pulling away a little more.
“Of course, my love.” Elijah said, smiling at me.
“Can I see it?… Your vampire face.” I didn’t know how else to describe it, but it was the face they all made right before they drank blood, I had seen other peoples, but not his.
“Please ‘Lijah, I want to see. I’m not scared of you, I’m really not.” I played with the strands of hair on the back of his head. I wanted to see who he really was… what he really was. I wanted him to know that I trusted him with my entire being, that nothing he could say or do would ever break my trust with him.
He looked at me a moment longer, like he was contemplating his choices. I wouldn’t forced him… I couldn’t compel him, but I was curious as to what he looked like.
Slowly, his eyes darkened and veins protruding from under them. He didn’t take his eyes off me, going to stop at any moment I may have seemed uncomfortable, but I smiled at him and my fingers traced at the veins under his eyes.
“You’re…” I took a moment to think of the word, “beautiful.” My mind was still fuzzy after today and I was starting to wonder if I was hallucinating all this. To make sure, I leaned in again and kissed him, this time harder than before.
I felt something prick my bottom lip slightly and I pulled away to see his fangs slightly showing.
“I have another question…” I asked, this time more shy then before. Elijah didn’t say anything so I continued, “I want you… to feed of me.” Elijah stared at me, his face not changing, “stop staring at me and say something please.”
“Why?” Is all he asked.
I gulped, and he noticed. “You said to me that it’s pleasurable.” I spoke, I was still in pain though I had been healed and any type of pleasure would make me feel better.
“You’ve already lost too much blood today, you need to rest.” His grip on my hips tightened slightly, I know he wanted to taste my blood, ever since he had told me about how pleasurable it would be for me, it was his way of letting me know. He would never plain out ask me.
“I’m fine Elijah, plus I’ve been curious to how pleasurable it would be.” It wasn’t a lie. Slowly, Elijah took my wrist, never once taking his darkened eyes off me and brought it to his lips.
I gulped again and realised he was waiting for me to give the nod. I did and braced myself, and as his teeth clamped down, I gritted my teeth.
It was painful, but not nearly as bad as the other guy today. Elijah closed his eyes, his other hand holding me close and slowly the pain subsided to something better.
I sighed as a calm washed over me and I bit my lip, wriggling in Elijah’s lap. He hummed and his hand smoothed over my back until it was resting on the back of my neck and he pulled me closer so my head was resting on his chest.
I panted as my eyes drooped, starting to feel tired and a moan slipped from my lips. Elijah suddenly pulled away but I was too tired to take notice as he manoeuvred me to lay on the bed. Something touched my lips and I tasted blood again, this time I took it without pulling away.
A kiss was placed on my forehead and my eyes opened as I saw Elijah wipe away the blood from my lips and I smiled at him. “Ever the gentlemen.”
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seungmoonandstars · 4 months
Can you do a one shot of Blind Date!Seungmin comforting and just being sweet and emotionally supportive of mc?? I need more some cozy soft minnie
thank you!
August, 4AM
Kim Seungmin/Female Reader
wc: ~1.1k
rating: fluff -`♡´-
comments: Soft boyfriend Seungmin is always good and welcome 🤍 also easy to sneak into their timeline for 2023
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
The phone buzzes again. Just another text, and you know who it is, but you don’t have the energy to answer. You don’t even have the energy to turn over and look at it. The empty bed isn’t the best place for you right now, but there’s nowhere else to go, and there’s nowhere you need to be.
Another text. And then a phone call. You ignore that, too, because you you’ve been crying too long and too hard.
But you do turn when you hear a video call come through. Only one person does that.
Seungmin speaks before you even see him come into view.
“Baby what are you doing, why are you crying? You look like you’ve been crying all day”
“Just a few hours”
“Just a few hours?” His head tilts to the side like a puppy, and you laugh for the first time all day. “That sounded better, now tell me what’s wrong. Why are you upset? Is it me?”
“No, of course it’s not you”
“I texted you a few times, you didn’t answer…don’t make me worry. Did you get some sleep?”
His voice is so quiet and gentle and patient.
“I didn’t, no…what are you doing? When are you coming home?”
“I just finished packing, and we are headed to the airport”
“To come home?”
“Yeah, coming home”
Both of you are quiet for a moment—you just stare at the screen, he’s preoccupied double checking his room as he heads out.
“A few other stops first, probably, then home. So it might be very late. But we can talk if you want...”
“I’ll be here”
Seungmin manages a wave, and then you hear familiar voices join him, so you know he has to hang up. But before he does, he brings his face up to the screen and kisses.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆
The beep of the keypad is so loud in the quiet hallway, and he’s sure it’s echoing all the way into the apartment and through every wall. Seungmin hopes you’re asleep, and he doesn’t want to wake you yet.
Everything is amplified as he walks in and sets his bags down. The tv is on, so he can at least see where he’s going, and he doesn’t trip on his way to the kitchen to grab a beer from the fridge. He grabs two, then thinks better of it and grabs one more. Now he heads for the bedroom.
The string lights are on, the puppy nightlight is on, and the bathroom door is cracked just enough to see some light coming through. You’re a small, curled up lump on the far side of the bed—half covered by the blanket, Seungmin’s pillow and yours both stuffed under your head, and when he walks around the bed, he sees your Daengmo plush wrapped up in your arms. He still doesn’t want to wake you, you look so comfortable and deeply asleep. But very gently, he sets the bottles on the table, and then he starts to undress, because usually, you sense his presence and wake up on your own.
It takes you a while this time, and Seungmin knows you’re exhausted, so he’s not surprised when you don’t stir until he climbs onto the bed and opens his beer. Even then, you only kick your feet and roll over on your back. He has to lean down and place a kiss on your cheek before you finally open your eyes.
“Minnie” your voice is scratchy from sleep and crying, “you’re here.”
“I’m here, peach. Did you fall asleep when we got off the phone?”
“Eventually,” you sit yourself up and scoot into his open arms. “What time is it? Did you bring me one?”
He hands you his open bottle, then grabs another for himself.
“It is 4:15…do you feel any better?
“I’m better now that you’re here”
“Why have you been so upset? What’s going on?”
You lay against him and press your cheek into his chest. One arm wraps tight around your shoulders, the other lifts his beer to his mouth until he downs half of it.
“I’m not sure. Maybe it’s a lot of things piling up and getting to me. I left work early and might take some time off.”
“You just feel sad? I understand, I get that way sometimes.”
When you don’t answer, he pulls you closer and sets his chin on top of your head. “Time off is good, I’ll be here for a few days, if you want company.”
“You always tell me, right?”
“Tell you what?”
“When you get sad”
“When I need to talk about it, yes. Promise.” Seungmin reaches and sets his empty bottle on the table, grabs the last one, opens it. “Sometimes I think you’re more…what was it you called me before? Stoic...you’re more stoic than I am. So maybe we should get some sleep, and talk more in the morning.”
“After you finish that.” You finally take a drink of your own. “How was your flight? And the trip? And your tiktok dance challenge?”
“My tiktok dance…uhm, oh oh,” his eyes widen a little, “jealous? You never get jealous.”
“Maybe…it was a cute. They were cute. You were even more cute.”
He squeezes you tight, “you're cute, and you have nothing to worry about. I only have eyes for you.”
“Do they have eyes for you…do they flirt with you?”
Your chin is lifted until he can look you in the eyes, but he doesn’t talk—he waits a few moments, then kisses you once on the lips. “No, not really. They don’t look at me the way you do. Nobody does.”
“I don’t believe that.” You reach up and pinch his cheek. “Have you seen yourself?”
Seungmin smiles and shows you his teeth, then shakes his head back and forth, “did that…get to you, maybe? And jump on your pile of bad things and knock everything over?”
The look he gives you is clever and endearing, and one eye closes slowly until he’s winking. He just knows. He can read your mind sometimes. You make it easy, though.
“You’re allowed to feel jealous sometimes, but you don’t need to worry, k?”
“I know, I just miss you. And of course I want your company, pup. You’re the only company I need.”
He’s thinking—trying to get his next words in order. “How would you feel about other company? Me and you aaand—“
Before you answer, you catch up with where his second bottle is. “You wanna let our secret out…more? I’m starting to think we’re not actually a secret anymore.”
“Maybe. But dinner with just,” he holds up two fingers, “whatever you’re in the mood for, they’re not picky.”
“When? Soon? Before you leave?”
You’re perking up, and he can tell. The color is returning to your cheeks, and he helps it along by pinching gently at them. “Yes, how about the Wednesday night?”
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thinking thots about exhibitionism with zb1 legal line ☹️☹️☹️ having them tied up as you touch yourself in front of them makes them go FERAL
okay so. i know you probably wanted a serious response but… i wrote you something a little funny instead bc i’m just in a funny mood. i’ll tackle it seriously another time, just remind me 😈💕🩷
warnings: suggestive/smut 18+ but nothing graphic, ^^prompt, gn!reader, healthy dose of crack ya know
☾⋆。° ✮₊ ⊹₊ ⊹๋࣭ ⋆。˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚☽
jiwoong is kicking himself for not lifting more weights at the gym:
⋆。°✩ “i need you, oh my— god, i didn’t think ribbon was this fucking strong”
⋆。°✩ “break the headboard, why don’t you? i’ll just tie you up to the mailbox instead so the neighbors have a better view of you being a little bitch”
hao is basically foaming at the mouth since he’s so used to getting what he wants and it makes him babble like an idiot:
⋆。°✩ “i can’t… i can’t… please baby, i can’t take it anymore. i’m gonna die, i think. it would be really awkward to explain to my parents if i died like this”
⋆。°✩ “you’re such a fucking drama queen; just enjoy the show. and also i would never tell your parents you died watching me touch myself wtf”
hanbin is enjoying the show a little too much for your liking (and he’s also tired, being a leader is hard):
⋆。°✩ “fuck, you’re so hot. i could cum just watching you. and i don’t even have to do any work! we should do this more often”
⋆。°✩ “what the actual fuck is that supposed to mean hanbin”
matthew is crying of course and he’s insisting he’s not crying because he’s canada oppa or whatever:
⋆。°✩ “i’m not crying. they’re NOT tears. no, it’s… it’s cum! you’re so hot that i’m cumming from my eyes watching you”
⋆。°✩ “okay that is a million times worse than you admitting that you’re crying”
taerae never misses an opportunity to give you attitude:
⋆。°✩ “fuck, tae— want your hands on me so bad”
⋆。°✩ “should’ve thought about that before you tied me up like a christmas ham”
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toomanybandstocare · 11 months
Congrats on your account anniversary! You’re an awesome person and friend! ✨💕
I’m submitting the .𖥔 ݁ ˖☾𖤓.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Sneaking Around request…
with Captain Rex x Reader!
Perhaps something fluffy and sweet? 💓
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖☾𖤓.𖥔 ݁ ˖ - Sneaking Around
Drabble for character x reader. @starrylothcat requested something fluffy and sweet with our resident Captain with puppy dog eyes. I hope you enjoy it!! Thank you for celebrating with me, an dI so enjoyed chatting and getting to know you, friend <3
Pairing: Captain Rex x GN! reader
Genre: Fluff
Length: 800w
Warnings: Mention of alcohol, Barely proof read
Counselor Note: So sorry this is shorter! I really wanted to write this for you and just share a piece of sunshine fluff with our boi.
-> Celebration Announcement Post <- -> Celebration Masterlist <- -> Camp Resolute Masterlist <-
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A warm sea breeze lazily drifts over the beach club as sun beams lightly kiss the skin of vacationers and employees. Cheers and shouts from the shoreline harmonize with the ocean’s rolling waves as children splash around in the crystal blue waters. Parents sit under umbrellas with blankets and coolers of snacks while they keep a careful eye on their kids as they enjoy a moment of relaxation. Other patrons chat excitedly as they wander around the cabanas and different restaurants on the property.
Arching your back with a satisfied hum, you sink further into your lounge chair. Although your movement is limited with the weight of your lover’s body resting on your chest. Rex’s sleeping expression pinches at your movement, and his arms tighten around your waist. 
“Where do you think you’re going,” he asks. His voice thick with sleep now rumbles against your skin with its low vibrato that sends shivers through you.
You peer down at him over your sunnies with an amused expression. “No where, I promise. I was, however, trying to get more comfortable, but it seems like someone’s more concerned about their afternoon nap,” you lightly tease. Rex presses his face into the crook of your neck and groans, which pulls a melodious laugh from you.
The two of you were granted an extended leave after the most recent battle. Without a second thought, Rex started to pack both your bags as he muttered under his breath about everything his commanding officers and brothers put him through with the latest so called plan. As he flew across your room looking for your favorite outfits, you quickly reserved a private cabana for the two of you to hide away and enjoy from prying eyes. Neither of you want to lift a single finger, and both of you made a secret promise to make sure the other didn’t as well.
Rex has never thought too much of what his future would be. The sensitive heart that makes it home in his chest shies away from false hope. After losing so many brothers and close friends, Rex isn’t sure he could survive even one more crack in his tattered heart. Yet when he pulls away from your soft skin, he melts when he meets your adoring expression. Late afternoon sunlight frames you in a breathtaking glow that makes Rex fall in love with you all over again. Only this time it feels like the air is knocked out of him, and Rex falls harder for you. “What would you like to do, hm?” Rex asks as one of his arms slips from your waist and cups your cheek.
Even with the summer heat, you alway find comfort in Rex’s warmth. Leaning into his palm, your eyes flutter shut for a moment as you hum in thought. “How about dinner and drinks? Been here all morning, and we forgot to bring a cooler and our beach bag today,” you muse out loud and look at him once more. Your mind finally slows into a languid peaceful bliss after half a month disconnected from the rest of the galaxy. Never in a rush to get from place to place as you focus on enjoying the taste of normalcy with your riduur.
“Then dinner and drinks, we will find,” Rex agrees with a groan as he pulls away from you. Slipping off the lounge chair, Rex stretches his arms above his head. When he opens his eyes to catch you unabashedly checking him out, Rex’s cheeks blush a deeper red from the already existing sun kiss to his cheeks. “Alright, enough of that. There’ll be plenty of time for whatever daydream you’ve come up with later,” Rex rushes to try and tame the butterflies soaring in a flurry within his stomach. He dips down and loops on arm under your knees as the other rests on your lower back. 
As Rex pulls you up to his chest, your chest sears with excited nerves as laughter falls from your lips. “Rex,” you cry out in giddy disbelief. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you rest your head on his shoulder while he begins to walk towards your favorite of the club restaurants. “Please, don’t drop me,” you breathe out. You trust Rex implicitly, but the lingering nerves make you press closer to him.
Rex glances down at you with a soft expression. “I will never drop you, cyar’ika. I’m always going to be there to catch you,” he promises you. Something squeezes at his lungs when you look up at him in utter adoration, and Rex swears to himself that he will always try to keep that expression on your face. Wholly devoted to your wellbeing and happiness, Rex has never felt more at home than he has in this moment.
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danosrosegarden · 10 months
..howdy partner..I hear you’re doing requests here..
I say that’s a mighty fine thing to do, I have a request for ye..if ya think ya can handle it partner..(I know you can I’m just playing up the cowboy thing)
How’s a bout..Fem!Reader goes to see Edward Nashton in Arkham, nothing smutty no no, we want pure sugar here cowpoke..something to make the tooth ache with how sweet it is partner.
Reader reassures Edward and they can have a tender moment of your choosing..
Alright..let’s get riding off. It was good to see ya partner. See ya
when the sun hits - edward nashton x gn!reader ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
{contains: sad fluff and mild mentions of violence.}
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Arkham was a dark, empty night, void of stars, barren of any sliver of moon. It was as if you could feel the grime ground into the floor as you were led down the hallway. The frosty chill of the air in the asylum sunk deep into your marrow. It was impossibly bleak, hopelessly desolate. And you hated to imagine your Eddie in a place like this.
You couldn't help but feel a sheen of disapproval cast over the glaring eyes of the guards leading you to his cell. How could you still love a monster like him? To them, he was a rabid dog, fangs still dripping with the blood of the innocent, eyes still bloodshot with streaks of burning-hot frenzy. He was a killer. He was the man who giggled while he splintered bones, grinned gleefully as he cracked skulls. That's all they saw.
Fuck what they thought. You knew better.
Your stomach was in a billion impossibly twisted knots as the metal barricade groaned as it lifted.
And there he was. How to describe the scene.
The first thing you noticed were his eyes. Though bags pulled at the skin underneath them in a dull, weary violet, there was something deep in the pitch black pupils that glimmered like glitter underneath the whirring lights when he saw you.
Edward placed his hands on the glass, scoffing out a wonder-struck laugh.
"Hi, angel," a quivering voice spoke.
When Edward was The Riddler, he was no longer a cold, frightened child who kept his head down and spoke to nobody. He was strong. He was brave. You detected something in his voice that sounded like him before he put the mask on, something quiet and stamped-out and fearful. You felt the woosh of your heart in your ears, and your jaw ached and popped with anxiety.
"Hi, Eddie."
You stood facing each other, wading around aimlessly in a thick goo of silence. What to say. What even was there to say?
He spoke first.
"I'm so sorry."
You felt the stitches of your heart begin to rip apart. "Sorry for what?"
"For...for putting you through all this. For leaving you." His lip quivered. "I'm so, so sorry."
You cursed your body for the tears you felt welling up and burning in the corner of your eyes.
"I hate being without you." The words that poured from your lips felt mechanical, like you were a wind-up toy, marching without thinking. It came out rushed. Pathetic and whimper-laced. "I hate it so much, Eddie."
He shook his head rapidly, his breath fogging up the glass. "I'll find a way. We don't have to be apart."
A filmstrip of memories rolled in your mind of all the evenings he'd spent at your apartment. The tender mornings you'd wake up with your bodies entangled in one another. The laughing until tears were rolling down your cheeks. Your heart still struggled with his actions, but there was no denying how badly you ached for his presence.
It hurt to go to bed alone. The sheets felt stiff and bitterly cold, the blanket laying on top of you like the shell of the memory of his warmth.
"I don't care what I have to do. I'll write. I'll call. You can come visit," he said rapidly. "I can't be without you. I can't make it alone."
The future seemed gray and bleak from where you were standing. But maybe you could spot the sun peaking through the clouds. Maybe it might take effort, but it was as if you could feel the sparkling sunrays warming your skin as you peered into his eyes. Perhaps your apartment would feel less riddled with ghosts if you could still talk to him through letters and phone calls. Maybe his touch wouldn't feel a million miles away if you could still visit.
"I'm going to do whatever it takes," he swore with a low whisper.
You held you hand up to where his rested on the glass.
"You promise?"
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slicznymartwy · 10 months
Hello, can I request Billy Lenz with an s/o who is also a murderer? Like one of the members of the sorority had snapped and started killing or maybe Billy accidentally witnesses a murder when he's out of the house and develops an obsession? Love your writing!!!
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fish .. ur so genius as always. i loved writing this so much, like genuinely i want to expand on this more one day .. just 2 very sick people against the world ueueue warning: brief mention of suicide/self harm, bullying, the sorority sisters are kind of mean in this one im sorry T T u guys know i love all of them, minor oc character death (she deserves it)
☾⋆⁺₊ billy lenz x gn!reader
The puddle shimmers under the dim light coming from your bedside lamp; it’s a mix of glitter and little shards of glass that get swept up in the spreading fluid. The base of the snow globe lays in the rubble, the little Bambi figurine is broken too. You can see his decapitated head lonely on the floor.
“Oops,” Susan says. You can’t stand to look at her, but it sounds like she’s smiling. This must be really funny to her, you think to yourself, still watching the snow globe’s blood spread. 
Your hands tighten into fists. Your breath shudders. Your ears are still ringing from the sound of your most precious treasure shattering on the floor.
“Don’t tell me you’re going to cry,” Susan goads, but your eyes feel dry. You used to cry when her bullying began. She would stand on the other side of the bathroom door and let you hear how hilarious she thought you were being. You hate her laugh. It’s ugly, like a braying horse spooked in its stable. No one else seems to mind it, though. None of your sorority sisters ask her to stop, even when she’s laughing so hard that she cries too.
Your father bought you that snow globe. He used to shake it up for you then put it in your hands, making you promise to be careful with it. He died when you were ten. The glitter in Bambi’s eyes makes it look like he’s weeping for you.
“It’s just a piece of shit toy, anyways. You’re too old for a stupid Bambi snow globe, aren’t you? I mean, that’s probably why no one wants to date you. Everyone can tell you’re just a weird loser freak. I don’t even know how you got into this sorority. I’d ask if you slept with someone to get here, but I don’t think there’s a single person on Earth that would take you up on that.”
You keep watching the puddle. It turns the wood dark as it flows into the cracks. Susan laughs and laughs, you can see her holding onto her stomach like she’s making herself sick. 
“Hello? Are you ignoring me now?”
You look up at her. Her smile is ugly and mean.
She follows behind you as you walk downstairs.
“Where the fuck are you going? Are you leaving? Don’t you know it’s rude to ignore someone who’s talking to you? Hello!”
She’s in your ear like a gnat. You don’t know why she can’t just leave you alone. You walk into the kitchen, and you rip your arm out of her attempt to hold you back.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, huh? Are you broken or something? You can’t just ignore me!”
You pull a knife out from the storage block. She guffaws, rolling her eyes.
“Seriously? You fucking bitch. Is that for me, or are you finally going to off yourself already? Everyone’s placing bets, you know,” she says, still laughing. “Go ahead and do it. Slit your wrists, I won’t save you if you do.”
You’re not laughing. You stare at her. The knife is surprisingly heavy in your hand. You lift it up by your head.
Her laughter dies down.
“You can’t be serious. It was a joke!” she says. She stumbles back, but you follow her. “Stop it! What the fuck is wrong with you!”
She runs up the stairs and you follow her. In the long straight hallway, you lunge and drive the knife into her back. Susan screams as she falls, and you follow her down. She’s screaming and writhing in pain, but you sit on her hips and drive the knife down again and again. She’s leaking like the snow globe, her fluids spreading across her shirt. Once she’s quiet, you sit back on top of her.
Sniffling, you lay down the knife on top of her back. You feel numb inside still; part of you had hoped that doing this would snap you out of it, but it didn’t. You don’t react when you hear someone climbing down from the attic. You only barely glance at him when he kneels down next to you.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur to him.
“It’s okay,” he whispers back. “You didn’t mean it.”
“I think I did,” you admit.
“Bitch whore deserved it. Fucking cunt.” There’s so much animosity in his voice. You wonder why you’re spared from it. You wonder who this stranger is.
Still, you don’t respond to him. You keep watching the blood grow.
“I can help,” he says after a moment. His voice is quiet and nervous, like he’s never said those words before and wasn’t sure how to pronounce them. He gestures you to climb off of her and you do, standing up shakily beside him.
“How?” you ask. He doesn’t answer you, just hands you the knife and takes a hold of your dead sister. He holds her wrists and hauls her towards the attic ladder. Her blood smears like jelly on hardwood toast. 
“Fuck. Fuck,” you mutter to yourself. You need to clean the mess before it stains. You hurry to the bathroom, running the hot water and putting on gloves. When you get back to the hallway, all that’s left is blood. You clean diligently, and it’s all mostly out. What’s left might be unnoticeable to someone who doesn’t know where to look.
The man comes back down, his sweater covered in blood. You frown.
“I have to wash that before it stains,” you say. You take him to the bathroom, and he sits shirtless on the floor next to you as you rub out the stains in the tub.
He keeps looking at you, you can feel his eyes on the side of your face. You don’t look back at him.
“I can help,” he says suddenly. He sounds more sure now.
“It’s almost out,” you say, shaking your head.
“I can kill the rest,” he says. Your hands stop moving in the freezing cold water.
“You don’t have to,” you murmur, still not looking at him. 
“You’re so pretty.”
“They’re not all like her,” you tell him gently, ignoring his comment.
“They’re pig sluts. Disgusting shit-smelling whores,” he spits. You look at him then.
“What about me?” you ask him quietly. He looks into your eyes.
“You’re so pretty. I like Bambi,” he says. 
You couldn’t cry before, but now you mourn your snow globe. Your face crumples, and the stranger hugs you.
“They’re so mean sometimes,” you whimper. “I don’t know why they hate me.”
“I can help,” he says into your ear. “Billy wants to help Bambi.”
You know there’s no saving Bambi, though. His head is cut off and he’s crying in his own blood. All that’s left are shards of glass.
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© slicznymartwy 2023, please do not repost or copy.
a/n: reblogs and replies are really appreciated <;3
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miastideclock · 1 year
quiet, bang chan
requested by: absolutely no one word count: 968 warnings: me being a simp, also not edited :)
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the humming of the fridge and the slight buzzing of the airconditioner in the other room. cracking of knuckles every now and again. soft tapping on two separate keyboards.
chan was sitting with his back against the headboard, tapping away on his computer. you were sitting cross legged, facing the headboard and using your pillow as a seat for your own laptop. it was just one of those nights where you had been doing each your thing, but together in a sense. you hadn't spoken in the past two and a half hours, but every now and then, you would rest your hand on his knee and rub your thumb against his exposed skin. in the same way, he would take the time to bend over and brush your hair out of your eyes and kiss your cheek once in a while.
you adored time spent like this. you both acknowledged that there was no need for talking all the time, and you could easily spend quality time together in complete silence, focusing on each your thing.
it had been a while since you rested your hand on any part of his leg, so while you were going from one tab to another, you reached your hand over and gave his thigh a light squeeze. it was then you noticed his shorts weren't keeping him warm anymore. the exposed skin on his leg was almost shocking to the touch. you looked up from your screen and at him, waiting from him to do the same.
"are you cold?" you asked him, just above a whisper. he was about to shake his head no when he went to scratch an itch on his leg, right by where you were holding your hand. it then seemed to shock him as well how cool his skin felt.
"i didn't even realize." he admitted, now rubbing his leg, trying to friction up some heat. you turned around and grabbed a wool blanket that was placed on the footstool at the end of the bed. you unfolded it while chan raised his computer so you could place it on his lap. after he had put the computer back down on top of the blanket, he did the same for you.
even though your laptop was resting on your pillow, you still lifted it so he could maneuver the blanket around easily. while you held your laptop up in the air, you looked out the window that was right over your headboard.
as far as you were concerned, the world was a much too noisy place. whether it was loud cars zooming by, or the sound it made when someone was walking across the street, you always thought everything would be better if it was quieter, or at least softer.
"the first snow." you whispered, mostly to yourself, but chan could hear it too. he finished up project-blanket, and looked at you in hopes you would give some context.
you loved winter for that one particular reason. snow. it fell over the world in a gentle, white sheet that silenced everything. sounds didn't carry half as far, and footsteps grew softer.
"first snow of this season." you spoke again, this time putting your laptop down and nodding slightly in the direction of the windows. it was dark outside, so the only way you could really see the snow, was directly under the warm-colored streetlights.
"i guess it is." chan spoke equally quiet as he turned in his seat and looked outside. "c'mere, i have an idea."
you turned your attention over to the man who was no longer sitting next to you, but standing over by the closet. he changed from shorts to sweatpants, eagering you to do the same as he tossed you a hoodie of his. while you did as you were told, he left the room. you could easily hear based on his footsteps that he went to the kitchen.
after getting dressed and descending the stairs, you found yourself trying to place the smell that suddenly entered your vicinity. not many seconds later, chan revealed it to be hot chocolate as he handed you a steaming cup.
"you grab the massive blanket from the living room, i'll grab pillows for us to sit on, and then we meet out on the front steps?" he half instructed, half asked. you nodded in agreement, without really understanding what he was up to.
you turned around and moved to the living room, grabbing the biggest blanket you could find from the ottoman, as well as your slippers, and you walked out on the front steps. there he was, placing two pillows down for you, him patting the one he wasn't already sitting on, inviting you to join him.
after sitting down on your designated pillow, and wrapping the two of you in the big blanket, you took a sip of your hot drink. it was a nice contrast against the freezing temperatures you were sat in. instinctively, you scooted closer to the man on your left, trying to leech off of his body heat. he shifted and wrapped his arm around you, allowing you to snuggle into his side.
"why are we out here, by the way?" you finally asked, having yet to understand his spontaneity.
"i know how much you love snow, and how much especially you love the first snow; so i thought we could sit here for a while and watch it for a while."
it was the perfect reason. you did love snow, and especially the first snow. so there you sat, on the front steps of your shared apartment, watching the snowfall soundlessly.
no more humming of the fridge, or buzzing from the air conditioner. only muted nothingness.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
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cheers, bentley♡
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isawthisangel · 2 years
hi! i absolute adore your writing! could i request a fic about loki hugging the reader for the first time? maybe something happens that just leaves them upset and he just goes over to them and gives them a hug? tysm, once again i love your writing !! <3
hugging loki for the first time - headcanon
a/n: thank you for this prompt anon, and for your kind words<3 i've been kinda busy recently so here's a headcanon for you :) requests and asks are always open!
word count: 550
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We all know that Loki isn’t the most tactile of people. He remembers hugging Frigga when he was younger, but growing up isolated he probably hasn’t hugged anyone or had any form of physical affection for years.
Which is why he panics when he sees you getting upset, because he wants to comfort you so bad but he truly doesn’t know how to go about doing it. The thought of you pushing him away or laughing at him is almost more than he can stomach.
But he can’t just leave you on the other side of the room, not when you’ve been near silent all evening and now tears are filling your eyes, threatening to spill over on to your cheeks even as you turn your head to try and hide them.
Loki pretends not to notice your tears at first, hating himself for being so useless, wishing he knew exactly how to make you feel better. Because he would, if he did, in a heartbeat.
After a couple of seconds he hears a heartbreakingly quiet sniff from your direction, and the sound is so forlorn that before he realises he’s decided to move he’s on his feet and walking towards you.
When he reaches you he stops, and you lift your face to look at him through red-rimmed eyes, and the sight of your face so open and vulnerable before him makes his breath catch in his throat. Something cracks open in his chest, and then he’s reaching out a hand to you.
For a few seconds you just sit there with your tear-stained cheeks, looking at his outstretched hand, and Loki’s heart sinks. Odin’s beard, what had he been thinking?
But then, after what feels like a couple of eons, you reach out and put your hand in his. You stand up, and instinct takes over. Loki wastes no time in pulling you towards him, bringing you into his chest and wrapping his arms around you.
Blood singing in his ears, heart thudding in his chest (he’s sure you’ll be able to feel it), he waits for you to push him away but instead your whole body relaxes, leaning into his embrace and letting your hands creep up his back, holding him against you.
You fit so perfectly against him, and he even risks setting his chin on the top of your head, emboldened by the way you’ve practically melted against him.
He brings one hand up to the back of your neck, keeping the other on your lower back, so that he can gently push his fingers through your hair. If he could see your face, he’d be able to see you closing your eyes with a contended smile.
Loki doesn’t know how long the two of you stand there for, but he knows that however long it will be it won’t be enough. He can’t remember being this relaxed in forever.
He might be imagining it, but he thinks he hears you whisper ‘thank you’ against his chest as he holds you, and closes his eyes.
It might have been for entirely selfless reasons that he’d hugged you, but now he realises that he might have needed this just as much as you had.
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tag list💌 : @mischief2sarawr
comment to be added⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
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hunterssm00n · 4 months
Beyond the Stars
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Layla is a recovering heroin addict on a rehabilitation ship out in deep space; the mission is for the junkies in recovery to build housing for colonies on a new planet that is found to be safe for human existance, therefore giving them a second shot at life without sending them to prison. Basically killing two birds with one stone. However, Layla soon uncovers a secret that Weyland-Yutani Corp. is hiding from the public, and when there's an alien outbreak aboard the ship, she is unsure if she will make it back to Earth to share her gruesome discovery.
chapter 1 of ??
also on ao3: here
*cw include smut, interspecies relationship, canon typical violence/gore, explicit language, past drug use, offensive language, xenomorph things, past abuse, dark themes* MDNI - 18+
hunterssm00n © All rights reserved by me. I do not allow this work to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
"Broke! Inside / This life, you can never be reborn within / I came this far, erase my scars / Fight! This time / Inside, take a break from the lie you live / I came this far, erase my scars" ~ 'Erase my Scars' - Evans Blue
Chapter 1: Erase My Scars
The sound of birds chirping woke her up, along with a steady stream of warm light she was aware of even though her eyes were closed. She allowed one eye, the one closest to her pillow, to slowly crack open. The light was not blinding, but rather awakening, if that made any sense. Not harsh, but warm and inviting. Wake up, you are welcome here. Along with the birds and a faint gentle breeze causing leaves on the trees to rustle, it really was paradise.
Too bad it was fake.
She let her other eye open to observe the simulation of said paradise, the image of a sunny summer morning being shown back at her. The image, though a lie, was definitely crafted well. The whole idea of having scenery simulated on the walls of one's bedroom was a definite jackpot. It was both practical and impractical at the same time. Something crazy, but with just enough sense poured into it that it made the whole thing justifiable. The idea, of course, was to soothe the brain into thinking you were somewhere peaceful, serene, safe. She wondered then if there would be some sort of advanced setting upgrade where there was, like, a rock concert going on in the background, or a derby. That would most definitely defeat the whole 'soothing' purpose of the thing though, so probably not. Just another one of those weird little things she wondered. Hell, there wasn't much in here to do but wonder.
She was Layla Thomas, and here was a floating hunk of metal in deep space that housed junkies and recovering drug addicts. Who knew a few hundred years ago that there would be flying rehabilitation centers zooming through the sky, past planets? If they were zooming though, Layla thought, it would probably be much more fun. Not like any of them would really be able to tell anyways. Windows were limited to none, and most of the patients weren't allowed near them. Mainly because recovering druggies could be very dangerous, especially when coming down off of meds or still on the last gasp of their previous high. Druggies, like psychos, had very little concept of pain when doped up, and could display an incredible amount of strength, even if they were not but skin and bones. These corporate suits weren't going to take any chances. Not even on a 5'3 dirty blonde with curvy legs and big brown doe eyes.
Layla lifted her head off of her pillow to fully inspect the image of a maple tree to her right; it probably might've been a bit more believable had the floor also had some sort of simulated grass. It went from the beautiful flowery-grassy-lovely scenery on the wall straight to stark white, cold tile.
With a tired sigh, she shifted on the memory foam mattress to reach to the nightstand, conveniently next to the tree, for the remote. There were a few settings that she favored over the others - one of them being this sunny morning that was displayed right now. But her favorite was the ocean setting, which was what she switched to now. Immediately, the green grass melted away to become blue foaming waves, surrounding her with gentle crashing noises of the tide. The birds chirping became seagulls squalling in the distance, and the yellow streaming sunlight became a creamy pink, orange and blue tye-dye. The color of the sky when the sun rose. Layla settled back onto the bed with another sigh; this one of longing.
She missed Earth, missed her family, missed her freedom. And she missed the ocean. A phenomenon she'd only experience the beauty of a handful of times, but she visited it every day in her memory. Her obsession went so far that she had a mermaid tattoo on the back of her left shoulder. Sometimes she scoffed at herself; twenty-five years old and she still wanted to be a mermaid when she grew up.
The drug use hadn't done anything to dull her overactive imagination. If anything, it had increased it. Kind of what she'd been counting on when she'd taken her first hit. Heroin had been her poison of choice. God damn old bitch had caught her at her worst moments and had helped her to fly. She was glad it was gone, but missed it all the same. The withdrawal had been God awful; spewing from both ends, screaming and crying, night sweats, insomnia... If she ever thought she'd been close to death before, it was nothing compared to what she'd gone through then. She'd honestly thought she was dying; honestly had wanted to go rather than endure another day of the unbearable pain.
Finally sitting up in her bed, Layla looked down at her left arm, the inside of her elbow. The track marks were very visible still, even after three months. They would probably remain in sight for the rest of her life. She frowned at how purple/brown/ugly they looked, like ticks dotting her skin. They'd look much better if she still had her tan - too bad the simulated sunlight couldn't do that for her. It looks real, it sounds real, but it ain't real.
A keyboard note softly sounded out through the room, signifying the presence of somebody outside her door. There was no point in telling them to come in or fuck off. They couldn't hear her. This room was totally soundproof from the outside. The only means of contact was the little clear rectangular device on her nightstand. It would contact a nurse should she need something, and aid as a panic button for emergencies. Other than that, everyone could come and leave as they pleased freely through those doors. Everyone but her.
Layla wasn't exactly sure how many patients besides her there were on this ship. She knew it was big; as big as a commercial towing vehicle, or a medical facility. And they probably wouldn't be going through all this trouble for just her and a few other junkies, so she assumed there was more than a mere handful of them.
The entire point of her being on this floating hunk of junk was so that she could help build housing for colonies on another planet light years away from Earth. There were plenty of rehab centers on Earth that could have helped her, but none that would teach her whatever lesson she was about to be taught. Also, none that would have their own benefit of workers that didn't need to be paid. Layla, unfortunately, hadn't been a good girl back on Earth when it came to her drug problem. And upon being caught, she had run from the cops. Busted for heroin, evading arrest: all factors of the situation spelled bad news for her and her future. In court, she was given a choice: prison, multiple charges, her life ruined because of her own stupid mistake. Or, hopping aboard one of Weyland-Yutani's massive ships (since that company was the founding father of most of their technological advancements), and helping them build a few homes on a barren wasteland of a planet. Afterwards, they would let her off scott-free, clean slate. It almost sounded too good to be true, aside from the fact that they would have to be gone for more than a year from their homes back on Earth.
Sparing herself and her family the messiness and pain of prison, plus all of the combined contributions, Layla took the chance she was offered. Honestly, both options sucked, but plan C, aka. not getting caught, hadn't worked out too well either. She'd brought it upon herself; addiction was truly a disease. So many times she had thought about quitting, but as destructive as the drugs had been, they'd also been the only thing that actually calmed her, soothed her mind. That needle in her arm had brought her solace, even though it was destroying her. Lustrous golden hair was now dull and stringy. Tan skin was now pale with track marks and bruises, veiny and death-like. She had dark circles under her eyes that hadn't gone away in months. At least now though she could sleep - when she had first gone off the drugs, sleep had been non-existent.
The doors slid open to reveal a female nurse, Janine, she thought her name was. Janine, Jenny, Geraldine? She couldn't remember, nor did she really care. It sounded awful, but she had stopped caring about a lot ever since she had gotten into heroin. Things that used to matter didn't seem to anymore. That was one of the many reasons why she had wanted to quit, but the fear of things going back to how they had been completely scared her into putting down the spoon and the syringe.
"Morning doll, how ya doin' this mornin'?" the nurse, Jeanette, she could now read on the nametag, said in a southern twang.
"Just great," Layla grumbled. How the fuck did she think she was doing? She immediately felt bad for her grumpiness. It wasn't this woman's fault she was in this situation. It was her own fault. She was even tired of blaming herself though. She did it all day, and especially when she tried to sleep. Did it in her dreams. It was a shitty situation all around. There had been reasons for why she did what she did. Good reasons. But she didn't want to think about them now. Now it was time to start the day.
"Brought you some new pants, figured you was gettin' tired of the old ones," Jeanette held out another pair of pants identical to the ones Layla was wearing. Layla refrained from rolling her eyes/giving a death glare. Humoring the nurse, she took the pants and made her way to the restroom near the exit. If one more person tries to be funny, someone's gonna get punched, swear to God.
AN: I do not own the Alien franchise or any of its characters, but Layla is my own OC, as well as a few others in this story.
The header above was made by me**
chapter 2
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
Stay With Me | CanonAU Drabble
☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x @humanitys-strongest-bamf
☾ A/N ➼ sooooo, this was supposed to be a "Levi rescue" fic for a request but it ended up being all sad. I'm working on a new one for Kat, but there's no reason to waste this Imao. This was proofread like 2 times but I have poo brain from flying across the country all day, pls forgive any mistakes.
☾ content/warnings ➼ blood, death, season 3 spoilers, angst, no comfort
☾ word count ➼ 660
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The high-pitched ringing in combination with the pain pulsing through Kat's head was enough proof that she was still alive, but it was so overwhelming that she couldn't help but wish that she wasn't. She kept her eyes scrunched shut as the muffled crashes and rumbling ground signified that the battle in Shiganshina raged on. A wet cough bubbles up out of Kat's chest and the searing pain that came with it makes her wince. The embrace of death was near, she kept repeating over and over again. For some reason, though, it brought her more peace than she cared for. God, did it scare her.
"Get off the roof!!" Was the last thing Levi yelled at his fiancé before seeing her get knocked off by an airborne boulder. He watched in slow motion horror as Kat tumbled off with a scream he thought he'd never hear coming from her. His own scream ripped from his throat as he threw himself to the ground after her.
Levi saw red in more ways than one. Anger and blood. There she was, flat on her back in a pool of blood that surrounded her distorted body. With a blade sticking out of her lower abdomen. His brain feels like it’s lagging as it processes the dire situation in front of him. Levi hears a small cough and his feet drag his exhausted body over to the source, unfeeling until he sees her face.
"Kat?!" Levi drops to his knees and gingerly lifts her blonde haired head into his lap, ignoring the blood, her blood, soaking into his pants. "Open your eyes!!" Obedient to her Captain as always, she cracks an eye and squints up into his widened, gray ones. She has tears streaking down the sides of her bloody face.
"Don't be mad." Kat croaks out, bottom lip trembling. Levi brushes hair out of her face, dirty and crusted with rubble, then cradles her cheek. She looks past Levi at the rocks raining down.
"You dumbass, why would I be mad." He mutters down to her, throat tight as he forces his voice to stay calm.
"Because now you have to open our café without me." Another cough burbles up, wet with blood. She offers a weak smile, the mouth he loved and kissed a million times now tainted red.
"No, we're getting out of this together. Shut up." Levi growls back, fingers tightening his grip on her as to not let her go.
"Levi, stop." Kat reaches up with difficulty to cup his face. "Our luck had to run out eventually."
"No it didn't. J-just stop talking. Save your strength." Levi swallows the lump in his throat as he takes in the sight of her. He wasn't dumb, this was bad. She wasn't going to make it and he knew it. But he didn't want to believe it, he didn’t want to say anything that would resemble a goodbye. This was too much. "Stay with me. Kat, I don't want to do this without you." Levi whispers, his emotions threatening to spill over with every word.
"You'll be okay. They need you to be okay. I love you, Levi.” Kat mumbles as she reaches even higher to touch Levi's hair that fell in his face, hissing from the strain. He grabs her hand in his and gently kisses her knuckles like he did when he asked for the same hand in marriage. It takes Levi a couple minutes to notice the distant look in her eyes and noticeable slack in her arm. His heartbroken screams reverberate off the crumbling buildings around the two of them.
Little did Levi know, this would not be the only casualty made by the hands of the beast titan. His ongoing fight with it was only fueled by his heavy sorrow and anger. He would end this fight once and for all, even if it meant his own death. For Erwin, for humanity. For Kat.
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