#“Why didn't you kill me when I asked you son of a bitch”
dnalt-d2 · 3 months
(probably gonna delete this later idk)
So this isn't Q S M P related but I need to scream into some uncaring void about this so
But I just spent MUCH longer on a project than I really should have (because life is a bitch and chooses the worst times to decide to kick you in the nonexistent dick) and WAY too much of said project was some very tedious nonsense
Like not difficult, but irritating and time-consuming. Basically arranging things in a way to look more coherent in a project file
And of course, I finish it, I get it all done, but decide to add one last part, and subsequently place it where it needs to go
Only to accidentally click on the wrong button
And find out
That there's been a shortcut to this thing I've been doing
This entire goddamn time
LITERALLY mere moments after finishing the project
If anyone needs me,
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m2ok · 3 months
Golden Salvation Pt.2
pt. 1
cowboy!Ghost x m! reader
A/N: There will be one more part to this just to wrap everything up :)
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Your pulse thundered in your ears as the stranger loomed closer, hand gripping lethal iron at his hip. Fight or flight instincts kicked into overdrive - this was no ordinary burglary; you could see it etched in every predatory line of his body.  
This man had come for blood, your blood.  
Slowly, you raised your hands in a gesture of peace even as your mind raced. One wrong move and you’d be pushing up daisies come morn. These were the dark shadows Simon lived in, the enemies he’d made through his notorious work. And now they were coming for him...through you.  
.“Don’t want no trouble, mister,” you said, keeping your tone calm and even like you didn't know why this man was here. As if there could be any other reason for someone to break into a home as dingy as your own. “Just a simple bartender is all – barely got a dollar to my name”  
This snake didn't need to know how deep your bond with Simon went, especially since hiding your relationship was the only way you could see to get out of this situation.  
The man cackled at your words, rolling his eyes as the smile dropped and he stalked closer to the bed, aiming the gun at you as he cocked it back with a sickening crack.  
“ Mhm... as if you weren't all nice and cozied up to him not mere hours ago – ya really think im gonna believe you?” He gave you a mocking grin 
 “No no im not stupid sweetheart. Im not here to collect any of his debts from you – I care more about the eight men o’ mine your Ghostie killed. Those boys were my family, he didnt think twice about that though when he shot em’ dead where they stood. Figure I should make him feel the same hurt I do, hm?”  
“You won’t hurt him none-” You tried to reason “His heart don't belong to me, he won’t spare a second glance past this cabin. Hell, He's probably halfway across the desert by now” Your voice was shaky as you spoke, lies seeping through your lips at the risk of your life. You knew what you meant to Simon, no one else was able to get into his space as you did- at least not if they wanted to walk away with their life.  
The man's smirk dropped, new anger burning in his eyes as the grip on his gun tightened, “I saw the way that mongrel looked at you, you’re his boy and that's clearer than any mountain river” he scoffed, finger moving from the side of the gun to rest on the trigger.  
You closed your eyes, praying in your head, but not to any god. No, your prayers were aiming for Simon's rescue, praying that he would somehow know you were in trouble and come rescue you from it. 
Simon sat astride his horse on a dusty ridge, watching the moon rise silver over the desert wastes. A half-smoked cigarette dangled idly from his lips; he’d been nursing the same thoughts over and over since dusk fell heavy as a shroud across the badlands.  
 Thoughts of you.  
Somewhere deep in his gut, an uneasy feeling roiled. Like an invisible string tugging at his soul, trying to tug him back the way he came. Simon growled low in his throat, frustrated with his own foolish longings. You’d made your stance clear – this life wasn’t for you, not truly. And he had no right to ask you to join him.  
And yet... 
A crack suddenly split the still night air. So faint and far that any lesser man may have missed it entirely, but not Simon.  
In an instant he was vaulting onto his horse’s back, boots pounding twin paths in the dirt as they flew towards the distant lights of your little town. Another shot rang out, louder now, and Simon’s blood turned to ice in his veins.  
He knew that sound – deep in his bones he knew something was horribly wrong.  
Choking the reins in a near stranglehold, Simon rode as if all the demons of hell were nipping at his horse’s hooves. Towards you. Towards salvation or damnation, he did not know. But by God, no son of a bitch was gonna harm one hair on your head if he could still help it.  
Help was coming- you just had to hold on.  
The man fired the gun, a sharp sting hitting your side before it blossomed into agonizing pain. You let out a pained cry, one hand instinctively going to land on your wound while the other covered your mouth to muffle your sobs. Your hand was soon coated in dark crimson, entire body shaking with adrenaline as the man cocked the gun once more.  
“Was gonna just end you, but I figured I should make this painful the same way he did. Should fill you with so many bullets he won’t be able to recognize you” he hissed, aiming the gun at your other side.  
Simon was little more than a blur of dust and primal fury as he crashed through the remains of your splintered front door. For a split second, time seemed to freeze – taking in the scene with a single, piercing gaze.  
You,curled onto the bed clutching a bloody wound. And him. That snake. Gun pressed sickeningly against your body as he spewed his venomous threats. With an almost guttural roar, Simon’s Colt leapt into his hand like it was part of his very being. Two blooming shots rang as one; his aim was true as bible scripture.  
The intruder pitched backwards, scarlets blossoms exploding from where his eyes once were. He was dead before he hit the floor.  
But Simon saw none of it. Already he was at your side, tatty serape ripped and pressed desperately against your weeping injury. Brown eyes wild and scared met your own, and for a moment the steely outlaw facade slipped entirely.  
“Darlin’...” he choked, voice thick. “Talk to me, baby. Stay with me now, ya hear?” Working frantically to stem the flood, Simon tangled scarred fingers gently through your hair, anchoring you to this world with his touch alone. 
“That’s it…keep breathin’, just keep breathin’” His voice dissolved into ragged prayers mere ghosts could hear. Help was still minutes away - but for now, you had Ghost. And he’d be damned before he let the reaper take you from him. 
You were sobbing, your brain mangled with confusion and fear as the adrenaline ran out and the full pain of the bullet lodged in your abdomen had you reeling, 
Red painted everything around you, hands, clothes, and sheets underneath you drenched in it. 
“Simon-” you rasped, breathing labored as you looked around with wide eyes at the gruesome scene in front of you. It was too much, you could feel your head going light- brain fuzzy and ears ringing as you fought not to close your eyes. 
“It hurts” you choked, trying to shove his hand away from where he was pressing down on the wound to stop the torrent of blood flowing out. “Simon I cant-” you said, throat raw from the sobs that came out. 
You wanted so badly to stay with him, to be able to wake up tomorrow with him, but you didn’t know if you’d get that with the way you felt your strength leave your body.
“It hurts- it hurts” You were almost begging, for what you didn’t know. You just wanted the pain to go away. 
You were terrified- not ready to die yet, and especially not like this, not when you had so much left to do. The thought alone sent a new set of tears streaming down your face, hand shaking- clutching the bleeding wound on top of Simon’s own to try and ebb the pain that burrowed deep in your skin. 
Simon felt his world crumbling as your agonized crimes tore through him, sharper than any bullet ever could. Seeing you in such anguish ripped open a fissure in his battered heart, letting the demons of his deepest guilt and self-loathing spill forth in a torrent. 
“I know, baby, I know it hurts…” he choked, pressing you close as if trying in vain to absorb your pain into himself. His own broad shoulders shook with ghosts of rage and grief, tears cutting rivulets through the dirt caked on his cheeks. 
Goddamn it all, he should’ve been here. Should have followed his instincts and never left your side. Now it may be too late to hope for forgiveness, your blood staining his hands a brand of failure he could never outrun. 
“Please, darlin’, please hold on…’ Simon begged, voice breaking as he spoke. His bandana was wrung out and useless now - in desperation he moved to cradle you fully, applying trembling pressure with his bare hands and what remained of his coat. 
Distantly he heard the clatter of the approaching horses, but paid them no heed. You were fading, slipping away before his eyes, and all the strength and guns in the world couldn’t stop it. 
“Don’t ye leave me now…I can’t do this world without ya…” A broken whisper, barely audible above the thunder in his ears. Simon pressed his forehead to yours, sharing the same ragged breaths, two souls more tangled than any root or vine. Hanging on a blade’s edge against the dark. 
You stared up into Simon's eyes, eyebrows cinched in pain and eyes soaked with fear. 
“I don’t wanna die, Simon” you whispered, voice shaky as you clung to him - like he alone could save you from this fate. 
You could feel your heartbeat slowing, breathing ragged as you gasped for air that just wouldn’t enter your lungs….
Soon enough the doctor burst into the room, medical kit in hand as he came barreling over to you. He very carefully took you out of Simon’s arm with some convincing, to lay you back on the bed before he opened up his kit. 
He handed you a flask filled with whiskey “You’re gonna want to drink this - it’ll help ease the pain” He said. 
With shaky hands you drank the bottle, a scream ripping from your lungs as the man began to carefully dig into the wound, grabbing hold of the bullet with sterile tweezers before carefully pulling it free. 
With practiced care he cleaned the wound, a harsh whimper leaving your lips at the sting of pain before the wound was stitched up and bandaged. 
You were shaking, sobbing so hard your throat was raw and your lungs burned - the pain was unbearable and a large part of you wished you could just die to get away from it. 
The doctor had you drink another flask, the alcohol numbing the pain receptors in your brain just enough to allow you to fall into a light sleep. 
Simon sat vigil at your bedside through what felt like hours, not letting go of your limp hand once. Your cries of pain echoing loud and endlessly in his mind, driving spikes of pure anguish deep into his soul.
He watched in heavy silence as the doctor worked, breath caught tight in his chest, hardly daring to hope. But then - your ragged breaths evened out, color returning sluggishly to waxen cheeks. Alive. You were alive. 
It was nearly two hours later when the man was done, wiping his hands on a rag as he stood up on shaky legs. 
“He’s stable” The doctor said simply
Choking back sobs of relief, Simon buried his face in the crook of your neck, leaving a trail of gratitude-laced kisses amongst salty tears. “That’s it, darlin’...you fight. Got too much left to do in this world.” he’d whisper to you, voice so soft only you could hear
 “Most important thing now is cleaning that wound twice a day lest it get infected. If it does…” The doctor ordered, his words trialing off though his intentions were clear. He put down a set of bandages and cleaning solution on the nightstand for Simon’s use. 
“It’ll take a long time to heal, I reckon” The doctor said “but my work is done here, y’all know where to reach me should he take a turn for the worst” He said, tilting his hat to Simon before he gathered his tools and headed out of the shabby cabin. 
Simon took the doctor's words as gospel, nodding along to every word before the man left. He spent the next few hours cleaning up the mess that was now your little home. He dragged the body out back to deal with fully in the morning, cleaned your sheets and changed you into new clothes, boarded up the broken window, and finished by fixing the door that he had come barging through. 
His own hands were gentle as churches doing their appointed duty, cleansing and dressing the angry wound each time without fail. Whatever it took to coax your stubborn spirit back to the land of the living. 
Days bled into each other without notice. All that mattered to him now was you. And slowly, so slowly - full color seeped back, fever broke its hold. Eyes fluttered open to meet his own once more, full of pain but oh-so-blessedly alive. 
“Hey there, sunshine…” Simon whispered hoarsely, like a parched man dying of thirst at an oasis. Finally, finally, he allowed himself the ghost of a weary smile. 
You were going to be alright. And by God, he’d spend his last days making sure of it. 
You slowly sat up, a soft whine leaving your lips with the movements as you aggravated the still raw wound. “Simon” you mumbled as you held his hand, reaching over to take a swig of the whiskey on the nightstand to ease the searing pain. 
You rested your head back against the pillows with a soft sigh. It had been a few days now, and the pain was still a dull yet constant ache in your side. 
You took the sight around you in, everything was clean and neat including your bedding and clothes. Even the floor had been mopped, the only reminders of your near death being the hole in your side. 
“Simon you did all this?” You asked simply, eyes wide as you gazed up at him. 
Simon huffed a soft, weary laugh at your question, gently squeezing your hand just to make sure you were really here and he wasn’t hallucinating. 
“Course I did, darlin’. Weren’t about to let ya recover in filth,” He replied gruffly. Truth be told, tending to your every need had been the other thing keeping his demons at bay these long days and nights. 
Keeping busy spared him time to think - and thinking led down paths too bleak to tread. Like how terrifyingly close he’d come to losing you forever.
Holding your gaze with quiet intent, Simon softly brushed calloused knuckles along your cheek “Reckon it’s about time i started pullin’ my weight ‘round here proper. Ain’t no safe place for ya out here alone” A question lingered in the subtle quirk of his brow, the hopeful yet wary gleam in tired eyes. After all that had passed between you both, was there still room for him at your side? A Ghost finally ready to lay his soul to rest, if you’d have him. 
You could only hum softly at his words, sleep still filled in your bones. You didn’t answer him, instead you patted the empty side of the bed “Come sleep next to me, Si. You need the sleep” You said, your words a silent confirmation that you still wanted him. 
Simon gave a soft grunt of approval, too weary in body and soul to do anything but obey your gentle prompting. Careful not to jostle your healing injury, he stretched his long limbs out beside you with a satisfied sigh. 
It felt strange but right, sharing your space in such an intimate way after so long living apart. Like the final piece of a puzzle slipped neatly into place. 
Turning his head, Simon watched you watch him through half-lidded eyes, drinking in every beloved feature as if to confirm this wasn’t some whiskey-fueled dream. Reaching out, he lightly touched the graceful curve of your cheek before letting his hand come to rest against the steady rise and fall of your chest. 
“Sweetest sound there is,” he murmured, voice sleep-roughed and thick with meaning. A tousled head tucked itself beneath your chin with a contented sigh, tension seeping from tense muscles. 
Come what may with the light of dawn, for now all was peaceful. You were alive, you were safe. And against all odds, Simon had finally come home to roost. 
You held him close in your arms, gentle fingers carding through thick hair as you let his head rest against your now steady heartbeat. He needed the comfort, you could tell, and you were more than happy to give it to him. 
“Rest now, Si. I'm not going anywhere. Can’t get rid of me that easy” You assured, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. 
It was a funny thing, holding such a toughened man in your arms, keeping him close and coddled despite the almost laughable size difference. 
SImon made a low sound of gratitude at your soft reassurance, melting bonelessly into your gentle embrace. Your gentle fingers winding through his hair brought forth a wave of lethargy he’d fought to stave off this long week past. But no more - here in your arms, he was finally allowed to let his guard down. 
It still struck him sometimes how two souls so disparate could fit together so seamlessly. But you’d always had a way of easing even his most ragged edges, soothing demons he thought long beyond taming. Lithe as you were in your current state, your strength ran deeper than any show of force ever could - and he found solace there like nowhere else. 
“Missed this…” he mumbled, so soft it was barely audible even in the stillness enclosing your little world. One arm curled protectively around your middle, thumb brushing idle patterns against the slowly healing wound beneath the bandages. 
A prayer of thanks on parched lips, Simon let weary eyes slide shut. Sleep rose like a gentle tide, carrying him off to oblivion sheltered in the piece of heaven he’d begun to call home. You’d brought him back from the brink of darkness once more, anchor in the storm. And for that, he was eternally grateful. 
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buccini555 · 8 months
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𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐓𝐚𝐠, 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐭
≡ You asked them to pretend they knew you because you were being followed by a strange person on the street
⌕ x r e a d e r!
ᶻ 𝗓ᵎ 𝐹𝑡. Kakucho Hitto, Rindou Haitani, Hakkai Shiba, Manjiro Sano and Baji Keisuke
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𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨
He would find your presence strange as soon as you suddenly started walking next to him, as soon as he noticed the distress in your eyes and your labored breathing, Kakucho would immediately realize that there was something wrong.
"P-please pretend to know me, I'm being followed." You said in a low tone to him, as soon as he heard you, he pretended he knew you.
Kakucho gently brought you closer to him, acting as if you were an acquaintance "It's nice to meet you here! Come on, I'll take you home."
He would stay with you until you calmed down and made sure there was no one else chasing you, after which he would take you to your home.
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𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢
Rindou would wonder why you were walking so close to him, that would catch his attention and it wouldn't take long for him to realize that there was someone following you.
"Pretend you know me, please! There's someone following me." You whispered with a trembling voice, getting even closer to him.
Rindou would initially be in doubt whether he should trust you, but he wouldn't forgive himself if he ignored you and then found out that something happened to you even though you were a stranger.
"You around here? I missed seeing you." Rindou would say, resting his arm on your shoulders and hugging you, keeping an eye on whether anyone would still have the courage to follow you with him by your side, he would stay with you for a while to make sure you were no longer being followed and walk with you to your house.
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𝐇𝐚𝐤𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐚
Hakkai wouldn't even notice his presence until you got closer to him.
"H-help me, I'm being followed, pretend you know me, please" You spoke in a low tone, he looked at you and stopped for a moment, but then offered his arm for you to hold.
"Good to see you!" He would say with an awkward smile, keeping an eye on the person who was chasing you, when he was sure there was no one else there, Hakkai would take you home.
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𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨
As soon as you started walking next to him, he noticed how apprehensive you were, so he started paying attention to you and your surroundings.
"You ok?" He would say in a brief whisper.
"Pretend you know me, there's someone following me." You would respond in the same low tone, as soon as Manjiro understood the reason for your nervousness, he hugged you. "Wow! I hadn't even noticed you there, how long!" He said as he hugged you, watching around the street to make sure that person wouldn't be following you anymore, after a while, he would walk you home.
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𝐁𝐚𝐣𝐢 𝐊𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞
Baji would immediately be uncomfortable with the fact that you were walking so close to him, but as soon as he noticed the fear in your eyes, he knew there was something wrong, being a little more attentive, he realized for himself the fact that you were being followed.
You looked at it and said in a low tone that you were being followed. "P-pretend you know me, please." Baji looked back at you and gently pulled you closer to him.
"I finally found you! I missed you..." He would say. "...Who is this son of a bitch? I'm going to kill him." Baji whispered as he hugged you, you just replied that you didn't know that person.
Baji would spend some time taking care of you and then walk you home.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
Can we have a company party night that Rufus was out in charge of? He organized everything properly and now the actual event has come. All the Turks and SOLDIERs are present along with directors and a bunch of popular celebrities. What happens?
The Company Party From Hell #2
• Rufus has been tasked with hosting Shinra's annual charity ball. The event area at the HQ has been transformed into an opulent party, with all of Midgar’s elite invited to drink and dance as they please. It's the event of the year and everyone wants to be in attendance. 
• Almost everyone. 
*Angeal and Genesis drag Sephiroth into the ballroom, each of them holding one arm* 
Sephiroth: I'm going to scream for help and embarrass you both. 
Angeal: I once had to drag Genesis kicking and screaming from the book store after they sold out the last Loveless graphic novel. Nothing fazes me anymore. 
Genesis: Please, as if I kick and scream when—SON OF A BITCH! SHE SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU WHEN SHE HAD THE CHANCE! 
*Sephiroth stops struggling, he and Angeal look at Genesis like he's insane* 
Angeal: What the hell was that? 
*Genesis pulls his hair back to reveal wireless earbuds on both ears* 
Genesis: I'm listening to a soap opera finale. I cannot miss it, so this is my brilliant solution. 
Sephiroth: Don't you think people will notice when you start having meltdowns? 
Genesis: What? I'm being so quiet. No one will notice a thing—AH HA! I KNEW YOU SLEPT WITH HIS MOTHER! 
*Everyone turns around and looks at Sephiroth and Angeal* 
Sephiroth: This is going to be a long night. 
*Zack comes bouncing up to them, happily drinking a flute of champagne* 
Zack: Hey guys! What's going on? 
Sephiroth: I slept with Angeal's mother, apparently. 
Zack: Cool!
• The four of them split up, Sephiroth and Angeal refusing to be anywhere near Genesis. They find a table and watch the party go by, talking to celebrities and other execs when the need arises. All is well, but Angeal keeps checking his phone and Sephiroth is getting suspicious. 
Sephiroth: Are you waiting for a call? 
Angeal: Actually, a text. 
Sephiroth: From who? 
Angeal: You might judge me, but I accepted an anonymous request to punch Rufus in the face. I'm waiting for the text from the anon so I can put the plan into action. 
Sephiroth: I can't believe you would agree to something like that. 
Angeal: They're paying me 10,000 gil. 
Sephiroth: I can't believe you didn't ask for my help and agree to pay me 5,000 gil. 
Sephiroth: What's the plan? You simply go up and punch him in the face? 
Angeal: Uhh…I'll let you know when I get the text. Just don't tell Genesis. 
Sephiroth: Bold of you to assume I would go anywhere near Genesis. 
*They turn around to look at Genesis, who's seated at the next table with Tseng and Lazard* 
Tseng: Genesis, is something the matter? 
*Lazard turns to Tseng* 
Lazard: What is he talking about? 
Lazard: Tseng, I had no idea you harbored such feelings for me. 
Tseng: What!? Genesis, what—
Genesis: Ah, I see how it is. *Genesis stands up* You are in love with his brother. You're having an affair.
*Lazard turns to Tseng, alarmed* 
Lazard: The Vice President??? 
Tseng: I don't know what he's talking about. 
Genesis: Two sick individuals you are, fooling around behind his back. 
*Genesis promptly leaves when Zack comes back with their drinks. Lazard turns to Tseng*
Lazard: How dare you have feelings for me while you fool around with the Vice President. 
*Back at Sephiroth and Angeal's table, they continue to watch*
Sephiroth: Should we do something? 
Angeal: We should've locked Genesis in a broom closet thirty minutes ago. 
• Meanwhile, Zack and Genesis are walking around the party when Cissnei comes up to them in a hurry.
Cissnei: I need one of you to do me a huge favor. 
Zack: Sure, what's up? 
Cissnei: The target I've been tracking for weeks is here at the party, but I need to go undercover as a man to get near him. Can one of you switch outfits with me? 
Zack: But you're wearing a dress!
Genesis: I would do it, but unfortunately I'm too busy listening to—I KNEW IT! I KNEW SHE WAS PREGNANT! 
*People turn around to stare at Cissnei* 
Cissnei: What's with him??
Zack: Don't judge him. Let him enjoy his soap opera. 
Cissnei: I don't have a lot of time! Zack, can you please switch with me? 
Zack: Ahh! Fine, but you owe me! 
Cissnei: I know, I know. Come on, I'll help you into this dress 
*Cissnei grabs his hand*
*People around them gasp and stare at Cissnei and Zack* 
Genesis: Apologies, dear, maybe I can help by doing your makeup so you blend in with the feminine crowd. 
Zack: You think that'll work? 
Genesis: Of course. I've also got a wig in my emergency makeup kit, so we're all set—SHE LIED. SHE'S NOT PREGNANT. SHE'S SCAMMING HIM FOR MONEY THAT WENCH! 
*People gasp and stare at Cissnei*
Zack: Dude, I can't believe you'd like to me about your pregnancy. 
• Meanwhile, Sephiroth and Angeal have just separated Lazard and Tseng from a fight that escalated into a physical altercation. 
*Genesis walks up to them with a very pretty girl in a glittery blue dress and long black hair*
Genesis: How's your night going? I just helped Zack—*gasp* HE GOT MARRIED TO HIS MOTHER! 
*The bartenders and other people at the bar turn to look at Sephiroth and Angeal* 
Sephiroth: Genesis, are you going to introduce us to your friend? 
Zack: It's me! I look hot, right? 
Zack: I had to switch outfits with Cissnei so she could infiltrate a group of men in disguise. 
Sephiroth: You're a good friend. 
Zack: Thanks! 
Angeal: Why couldn't Genesis wear the dress? 
*The people at the bar gasp and look at the four of them* 
Angeal: Never mind.
Zack: Hey man, what show are you watching? It sounds intense. 
*At that moment, Rufus Shinra himself passes by and overhears this conversation*
Rufus: Rhapsodos, why are you screaming at our lovely guest? 
Rufus: Oh my god. Is this true? 
*Rufus turns to Sephiroth* 
Rufus: Did this woman fake a pregnancy to scam you for money? 
Sephiroth, nodding: And had an affair with Angeal, yes. 
Angeal: WHAT? 
Zack: Hang on, I didn't do any of this! I'm Zack, I'm just wearing Cissnei’s clothes. 
Rufus: It's alright, miss, I'm not judging you. 
Zack: No, I really am Zack. 
*Tseng walks by* 
Zack: Look! Tseng can vouch for me. 
Tseng: Excuse me? 
Zack: Tseng, tell Rufus I'm really Zack in disguise.
Tseng: I'm sorry, I don't know you. You do look familiar though. 
Genesis: I can't believe this. I finally understood the full story. He was in love with him, but started having an affair with his brother behind his back. And now he got a woman pregnant. 
*Lazard is walking by and overhears this*
*The music stops, the whole party gasps and are now watching this go down* 
Tseng: I have no idea what you're talking about. 
Rufus: This isn't what it looks like. 
*Lazard gestures to Zack*
*Zack rips off his wig* 
*Everyone gasps* 
Sephiroth: I think there's been a misunderstanding. No one's pregnant, no one's having an affair with anyone, and no one is involved with anyone's mother in any way. 
Angeal: Yes, if everyone will please calm down, we can sort this out without fighting. 
*Angeal gets a text notification on his phone* 
Angeal: 10,000 gil here I come. 
*Angeal punches Rufus in the face, the crowd gasps* 
*Rufus is bleeding* 
*Genesis is still listening to his soap opera*
Lazard: THAT'S IT!
• Lazard flies at Rufus and the two start brawling on the ground. Tseng and Lazard rush to pull them apart, but this ends up creating an even bigger fight when both Turks and SOLDIERs start attacking each other. The party quickly descends into chaos.
• Angeal pulls Sephiroth and Genesis out of there. 
Angeal: Happy, Genesis? Look what you did!
Genesis: Me? You're the one who punched Rufus in the face! 
Angeal: Yeah, but I got paid to do it! 
Sephiroth: Speaking of which. 
*Sephiroth pulls out a wad of gil from his pocket—10,000 gil* 
Sephiroth: Angeal, here's the money you were promised. 
Sephiroth: Yes, I believe this is what is called a plot twist. 
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schemmentis · 2 months
La Cosa Nostra - Pt. 2
Co-Written w/ @janeyseymour
Part 1
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Summary: You tell Melissa what's going on, and the investigation continues...
WC: 2k
Irish Translations: Mo ghrá - My love, A storin - My little treasure
Italian-American/Italian Translations: Figlio di puttana - son of a bitch, mamaluke - idiot/fool, Ti voglio ben’assai - I love you so much
“Well,” Danek sighs. “She said the magic words.”
You let out a rather long yawn, this unplanned late night catching up to you. “Can I go home now? God... my wife is going to kill me.”
“You’re back here at nine sharp, lawyers present,” Shaw tells you. “Or we will find you, and we will arrest you.”
You huff. “Can we do ten?” you try to negotiate. “If I’m going to stay married, I know I’m going to have to take my girls to school today, and they start at nine.”
“Ten o’clock,” Shaw tells you. “But know that if you aren’t her-”
“I know,” you roll your eyes. “You will find me, and you will arrest me.”
You stand and go to leave, only to realize that your car is sitting safely in your driveway at home. It’s far too late for you to walk home alone safely now too. “Can you take me home?”
You’re escorted back to your house, grumbling about how if you were hiding something like they think you are, why on Earth would you let them know where you live. You only hope these two believe you. The entire ride home, you feel the binder dig into your back, and you know when you go to change you’ll have various marks from the edges of the sharp book.
Unlocking your door, you sigh heavily. Kicking off your shoes and relocking the door in the dark, you finally shrug off your blazer and pull the binder from between your belt. You stretch just slightly before making your way into the bedroom.
The sight before you makes your heart swell. Both of your little ones are curled into your wife’s sides as she sleeps just slightly propped up, clearly having fallen asleep waiting for you and trying to work out her own business. Her glasses are half on her face, her phone is resting on her chest, and both hands are laying over your twins’ chests.
You get ready for bed as quietly as possible and hide the ledger for your illegal business in the safe under your bed before sliding in and attempting to lay Melissa down without waking her. Of course though, that doesn’t work.
“Y/N?” your wife lets out sleepily as she blearily opens her eyes. They take a few seconds to adjust and focus on you. She glances at the clock. “It’s three am, and you’re just getting in?”
“We’ll talk tomorrow,” you sigh softly as you curl up around Rosie. “Get some sleep, I’ll wake up with the girls tomorrow to make it up to you for not being here last night.”
“Are you okay?” Melissa asks you in a whisper.
You prop yourself up on your elbows to kiss her gently. “I don’t know, but you three will be.”
“What does that mean? Where were you?”
“Don’t worry about it,” you sigh as you lay back down and close your eyes.
You feel a gentle hand reach for your own in the darkness. It squeezes, almost too tight for just a moment before it relents to a soft grasp. You take a deep breath, though you don’t open your eyes. You know it’s Melissa’s silent way of reinforcing her presence, as well as her combination of frustration and worry.
“You don’t just get to come home at three am after leaving me high and dry for mom duty.” Your wife’s voice hits your ears softly in the dark. You’re certain it’s only because your girls are asleep next to you both that she doesn’t sound as pissed as you expected. “After having Tony tell me to take my ziti off the menu, might I add. Then he didn't even tell me where you were. I was worried.”
“I was down at the station,” you reveal with a heavy breath. “Now seriously, Mo ghrá, get some sleep, and we can talk about this tomorrow.”
Your wife huffs, not thrilled to not be clued in with whatever is taking place, but she does relent. An arm of hers wraps around Cat as she lets her own eyes flutter shut.
That night, you dream of what might come out of this. You dream of ways for you to possibly escape the sticky situation that you’ve found yourself in. But you also have nightmares of the many (and more probable) ways that this could all pan out: Melissa being hurt, your girls getting hurt, being taken away from the twins, being murdered- just like Bobby.
You don’t know how long it took you to fall asleep. Properly asleep, that deep and restorative sleep. You know when you wake up though. Your eyes pop open, startled awake by the slap of a tiny palm to your face. Half a palm and little fingers blocking your left eye and the other half pressed to your upper cheek. 
“Mam.” One tiny voice doing her best to whisper calls for you. You blink when the little hand pulls away to see Cat, half sprawled across your wife and her sister to reach you. “Mam!” Her decent attempt at a whisper rises with her excitement to see you awake.
You softly shush her. “I’m happy to see you too, A storin, but we don’t want to wake up Mommy.” You quietly explain as you untangle yourself from your little family taking up all of your bed. 
You pick up Cat first since she’s awake, kissing her small cheek before you maneuver to pick up her sister. You carry both your girls to the kitchen, setting them to their chairs at the table. “Mam is going to make breakfast and then take you to school, okay? We’re going to use our inside voices and let Mommy get some extra rest.” 
Thankfully, they listen to you. Seemingly, they’re content so long as you’re in sight and softly speaking with them or humming the songs you know they like. You only have a small snafu when Cat insists she has to wear the shoes you’d just gotten onto Rosie’s feet. They are her shoes and not her sister’s, she informs you. You placate her by proffering an exact matching pair that would have been put on her feet next anyway. She still grumbles a bit about her sister wearing her shoes, though. 
You’re just about to get them out the door when Melissa appears, dressed aside from her shoes. She kisses each of your girls’ heads when they greet her excitedly as she leans down to grab the pair she means to put on.
“I told you I’d take them in.” You softly remind her. “You were supposed to be sleeping in.”
She glances up at you as she slips her heel over her foot, balancing without leaning against the doorway. “Are you kidding? This is already more sleeping in than I usually get. I need to check on the prep since I didn’t get to oversee it personally.” Melissa looks away just long enough to situate her other heel before her eyes return to you, slightly harder than usual. “Besides, you still need to tell me about last night.”
You nod, hustling your little ones out the door a little faster than you might otherwise. You’re on the edge of running late and the last thing you need is some PPD squad car pulling you over because it’s 10:01 and you haven’t walked back into the station yet.
Melissa gives you a look once you’re all in the car, the girls safely into their car seats in the back. You can read her expression well enough by now. You can tell she doesn’t like what’s going on- your late night last night, you're rushing them all this morning.
You sigh as you pull out of your driveway towards the girls’ school. “I have to be back at the station at ten.” You finally say beneath the girls singing along to Frozen songs played from your phone over the car speakers. 
“Back at the station?” Melissa repeats, staring at you. “What’d they need you back for? They didn’t figure all this sh—” She stops herself short of swearing with a deep breath. “They didn’t figure out what they needed from you last night?”
You glance in your rearview mirror, ensuring both the girls are still occupied. Not that they’re old enough to understand anything they may hear. They are, however, old enough to repeat whatever they hear without discretion. 
“They’re investigatin’ Bobby’s murder.” You answer as you look back to traffic. “I dunno what they’ve found in doin’ that but it…it sure seems like whatever it is also put them on to the salon. I wouldn’t be surprised if they got people campin’ it.”
“So, let’s just call Tommy. He’s kept the blues off of everything for us plenty of times before.”
“Mel…” You take a breath. Tommy is one of your ins in the PPD, an old connection and friend by now. The girls call him Uncle Tommy. He comes to your house on holidays. You trust Tommy. But even Tommy can’t go up against the FBI. Not without risking himself immensely. “It’s the Feds, babe.”
“Figlio di puttana!” Your wife does curse now, not exactly quietly but not as loud as you know it would have been if you were the only two in the car. Hopefully the language switch and bigger words means if the twins heard, they can’t really repeat it properly. 
Melissa doesn’t say anything else as you pull up to the twins’ school. She only speaks to say goodbye to both your girls and tell them to have a good day before you walk them in. You take a little extra time to say goodbye to them yourself in their classroom doorway. You hug them both tight, telling them you love them. Just in case. You can’t help imagining the worst from the rest of whatever today holds. 
When you get back to the car, Mel has switched to the driver’s seat. You slip into the passenger without batting an eye. You can see the tension the redhead is holding. In her shoulders, in the steady whitening of her knuckles as she grips the steering wheel. You feel it all mirrored in your own muscles. 
“I’m comin’ in with you.” She says as you turn down the street the station sits on.
“No.” You quickly protest. “I kept you from the restaurant last night; you need to worry about that today.” You insist.
“Fuck that, I’m not leavin’ you to sit in an interrogation room for hours again. If you had told me that’s what was happenin’ last night—”
“I was already asking plenty by asking you to miss your prep. The girls needed you to be with them last night.”
“No, what the girls needed was you to be there to keep your promise to ‘em. Don’t get me started, Y/N.”
You close your eyes briefly as Melissa swings your car into the station’s parking lot. You squeeze them tighter just a little when you hear her grumble next to you. “Oh, great. Do we really need Sammy?”
You open your eyes after a deep breath. You see Sammy, dressed immaculately in a suit as he steps from his mercedes. Salvatore ‘Sammy’ Gaetano is one of the best lawyers in the city. He’s also a member of the Italian mafia in Philly. Which is why he’s standing in the station’s parking lot, staring pointedly at you through your car’s windshield. He raises his arm, tapping his rolex. You’re running out of time.
“Look, go to the restaurant, okay? Take care of everything there that you need to, alright? I’ll ask Sammy to call your Ma to get the girls from school so you don’t have to worry about them tonight.”
Melissa’s glare turns away from Sammy, still staring as he waits on you, to you. “And what about you, huh? I’m just ‘spose to not worry about you, that it?”
“For today, yes.” You say as you unclip your seatbelt.
“Don’t be a mamaluke.” Melissa grumbles. “You know damn well I’m gonna worry anyhow.” She reaches as you open the car door, gripping the sleeve of your dress shirt and tugging you to lean across the console to her side of the car. She kisses you like her life depends on it. Like she’s worrying about the same thing you are. Like it could be the last time. “Ti voglio ben’assai.” She whispers to you when she pulls away.
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Into the Fire (Kaz x fem!reader)
Summary: after time in Hellgate, your sister makes a bargain to break you out.
Warnings: A lot of violence, discussions of sickness and serious injury, mentions of suicide and murder
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It had all happened so fast. You were blamed for a murder, a murder you didn't even commit, you were the one that happened across that damn body. No doubt the works of Pekka Rollins after you declined the invitation to the Dime Lions. You were a valuable asset, there was no doubt. You were extremely intelligent, knew your way around locks and could charm the most stubborn men. Pekka needed to one up that son of a bitch that was trying to take that title of "King of the Barrel" from him.
Your sister, Dahlia immediately tried forming a plan when she heard from a friend about someone who might take a deal to help her. So she saved up, working beside Nina.
"Good luck trying to convince that good for nothing bastard" she'd tell her. Still, Dahlia had heard enough to know that this Brekker man was simple if you had enough Kruge. Finally she filled up five jars of it, walking into the Slat with hesitance.
"Who's that?" Jesper asked Inej who was sitting next to him.
"No idea." She said confused, watching the girl look around. She turned to the two who were staring.
"Where can one find a mister Brekker?" She asked. Jesper almost let out a laugh. Very rarely had he heard a "Mister" be put in front of Kaz's name.
"Uhm.. I'll uh.. find him." Jesper said getting up. Inej looked at the girl. She was pretty. Too pretty to be standing in a place like this without purpose.
"Kaz. There's uh..." Jesper let out a small laugh. "There's a girl wanting to speak with you out there." Jesper said. Kaz looked up from his desk, holding papers with his gloved hands.
"She say why?" He asked, looking back down.
"No but I'll tell you, she looks out of place." He said. Kaz sighed.
"Ask what she wants. If she's a whore, send her out."
"And if it's something else?"
"Send her here, I suppose."
Jesper walked out, the girl looking up. "Is he here?" She asked.
"What's your business?" He asked.
"I... I need help." She said.
"Are you wanting to join?" Inej asked.
"Join? Join what?" She asked confused. This girl had to be a serious fish out of water.
"You're definitely not from here, are you?" Jesper asked.
"No, look can he see or not?" She huffed.
"If you're from the Menagerie, he's not interested." Jesper said.
"I'm not from the fucking Menagerie!" She said, clearly annoyed.
"Okay... well. Let me see-" "Is that his office?" She asked. "Well-"
She shoved past Jesper, Inej standing up shocked as she walked into Kaz's office. "I need help." She said. Inej ran in.
"Seriously!? What is your problem!?" Inej asked, grabbing her arm.
"Let me go!" She yelled.
"You can't just barge in-"
"I HAVE MONEY!" she yelled.
Kaz looked up finally at the chaos. "Let her go." Kaz said. Inej looked at him with uncertainty but let go after his stern gaze. He motioned to a seat in front of his desk. "Sit." He said. Dahlia sat down, glaring at Inej as she left. Jesper pointed at the door, silently asking if Kaz wanted it closed. He nodded, Jesper closing the door as he went to calm down a pissed off Inej.
"What's this I hear about you needing help?" He asked.
"My sister got framed for murder. She's in that god damn prison, she's been there for almost a year." She said. Kaz rose a brow.
"She's in Hellgate?" He asked.
"Yes." She said. "Have a good day, close the door on your way out." Kaz said, Dahlia frowning.
"Now hold on-"
"Grab a drink if you'd like. Just go." He said. She slammed a jar of money on his desk. He looked up.
"I've got five more of these." She said. He leaned back in his chair.
"How do you know she was framed?" He asked.
"She's not exactly the person to kill a man. Steal his wallet, sure. Murder isn't something she'd be able to do." She said. Kaz sighed.
"Who framed her?" He asked.
"Some gang leader. Uhm... Pekka something." She said. Kaz's blood ran cold.
"What?" He asked.
"She got noticed by him. He made her an offer, she said no and one day on her route back home, she found a body and he had her arrested." She explained. Kaz frowned, staring at the jar of money.
"Five more of these?" He asked.
"Yes." She said. He sighed.
"Fine. But you aren't going with us. You'll wait the Crow Club, do I make myself clear?" He asked. She nodded.
"Thank you." She said relieved.
"Don't thank me yet, I haven't freed your sister yet."
Your eyes had become used to the dark from the prison you had been trapped in. Your hands were bound to the floor by the shackles as the smell of piss and blood hung in the air. You debated every day on just strangling yourself with your chains but you knew Mediks would revive you as quickly as possible.
"Psst" you heard. You lazily looked up to see Quincy, a guard you had charmed into being your friend. He tossed you a piece of bread. You mouthed thank you to him, him nodding quietly as he turned his back to the cell as if he were guarding it. He was the small bit of light in such a bleak place. You heard footsteps of other guards pass.
"What time is it?" You asked in a low whisper.
"Three in the afternoon" he said softly. You leaned your head on the wall, letting out a shuddering breath. In a week, it would have been one year since your capture.
You wondered if Eloise was alive, if she was still at home. You two parted ways when she was eighteen, you leaving for Ketterdam. You recalled her saying something about moving during your trial but you had no clue if she had gone through with it. You missed the fresh air of the outside. The air here was stale, it reeked of death. It didn't help that Hellgate was basically caught in a draft of air where the smells of a nearby island that was inhabited by the dead.
Each breath you took felt heavier and more horrible than the last. When you first arrived, you thought you had been put in the wrong area, however it seemed you were wrong. You were one of the few women housed in this wretched place.
"We're doing WHAT" Jesper asked.
"Unfreakingbelievable." Inej said, putting a hand to her head.
"She's paying." Kaz said.
"And if the bitch paid you to jump off a cliff?!" Jesper asked.
"Eh. Depends on the amount." He shrugged.
"Are we recruiting this girl?" Inej asked.
"It depends." Kaz said.
"Depends how?" Inej asked.
"On if she's worth the trouble." He said. Nina was right. He was very slappable at times.
"So how are we breaking her out? I'm thinking we'll pretend to be nuns and pull her into a convent-"
"Jesper. Serious." Kaz said. Jesper sighed.
"Kaz, this is beyond crazy. This is insane." Jesper said.
"I've figured out a plan. It's insane, sure. But not impossible." He said. Inej sighed.
"Jesper, you'll be our distraction. Inej, you're to sneak in on a freight ship, there's one leaving in eighteen hours. Can you make it?" He asked. "Yes." She said reluctantly.
"Good. Now for the rest of this."
You heard the familiar jingle come from the hall and you sighed as the man you loathed stood before you. "Do you want in today?" He asked, his dark emotionless eyes staring into yours.
"Fuck off Roland." You said.
"Come on now darling, don't be that way. I'm sure those snakes will eat you alive one of these days. Have fun on your damp floor." He said with a chuckle. You shuddered as you heard him walking down the cell block.
Tears of frustration built in your eyes. This felt like an inescapable nightmare. Yes, this could be worse, you could've been in the old tower. You could be friendless. But it didn't stop the fear of being unable to come out of this alive from seeping into your mind. Your once vibrant eyes were now hollow and filled with darkness. You were sick of this life. You were sick of everything.
The fog settled on top of the waters towards the island. It felt ominous as the group rode in the rowboats. Inej was questioning everything at this moment. She was wondering why she went along with such a stupid plan in the first place. She looked at the man who was looking at an island with distant and pained eyes. There was a familiarity in this location, there was no doubt to her.
You heard Quincy move back to the post. "How's your sister?" You asked, knowing you were mostly alone now.
"She's fine. A little worse for the wear but..."
"good." You said softly. This was the most news of the outside you'd hear about.
"Didn't you say you had a sister?" Quincy asked.
"I do, I have two. One is two years younger than me, the other is three years younger. " you said.
"Are they pretty?"
"Trying to get ideas over there Quince?" You teased making him chuckle.
"Hardly. I'm more of a fan of older women thank you." He said. You gasped dramatically.
"Hunting cougars are you?" You teased making him fight an urge to laugh.
You heard a door slam and you closed your mouth, Quincy straightening up. "Quincy." A man yelled.
"Sir." He said.
"Your under arrest-"
"What?" He said confused.
"For conspiring with a prisoner-" your heart dropped.
"You and Miss Y/n have been conspiring for nearly the whole time she's been in here-"
"He's innocent!" You argued.
"Shut up." The man snarled.
"You'll have time to argue in the old tower." A voice said. No. No. No no no.
"NO!" You screamed. "HE'S INNOCENT- PLEASE!" You screamed as the door opened and guards came to retrieve you. You thrashed against the guards as Roland smirked against a wall. You locked eyes with him. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" you screamed. Quincy was cuffed and you panicked. "I'LL DO IT!" You screamed.
Roland leaned off the wall. "You will?" He asked, satisfied that it was so easy to break you.
"Yes! Just let him GO!" you said. Roland looked in your eyes.
"Fine." He said. "You heard the girl. Uncuff him." He said. They obeyed, uncuffing Quincy. "Return to your post boy. Be thankful we didn't take your fucking head." He said. You watched him leave, looking over his shoulder clearly concerned for you. You were yanked forward, released from the floor but now dragged through the halls.
You followed the guards, hearing prisoner's screams through the prison. You hated Roland at this moment. You hated Pekka more. He was the whole reason you were in here. You knew he did this. He did this to put you in the Hellshow... Oh he'd get a show.
Kaz stepped out of the boat, face covered by a mask. Inej was horrified the first time she caught wind of such a place. To set foot in it was even worse. "Do not stray from the guide until you have my say so." Kaz said. Inej nodded. She knew the rules. If she strayed too early, she'd be found out and killed. Or worse, locked up in Hellgate.
The group followed the guides which happened across your cell block. Kaz was frowning under his mask once he realized you had been moved. There was only one reason you wouldn't be in there. The reason was also the purpose of having a guide for such a terrible place. The group had been seated in a coloseum like structure. Inej hated this plan more than any other plan that Kaz had formed before. Not only did she have to be in the most awful place but she had to watch this.
The crowds cheered as the announcer pumped up the crowds. "We are proud to announce that the got some new meat today." Kaz frowned. Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit. You were pulled into the ring, Inej glancing at Kaz. She could tell even under a smask that he was frustrated. "SPIN THE WHEEEELL!" the announcer screamed making the crowd roar. You did, spinning it as you fired an angry look at a man in the stands. If looks could kill, this competition wouldn't have been an issue for you.
The wheel landed on a dog and you were unshackled after the announcer was lifted, as to avoid being killed by you. Kaz sighed. At least this would be a way to figure out if you were useful or not. He knew you had to be somewhat resourceful seeing as Kaz got intel from one of the guards who claimed you as a friend. Kaz thought it impossible to find friends in such a low place but you made him stand corrected.
You picked up a blade from the sand swallowing hard as you focused on the wolves emerging from the mouth. You counted three as the mouth closed. You swallowed hard, slowly raising the blade. You hadn't wielded one in years.
Kaz noticed your footing. This was not the first time you used a blade. Kaz saw the various scratches and bruises on you, letting him know that you could take a hit before going down.
A wolf challeneged you, you ducking as it leapt for your throat and slicing its underbelly. You shuddered at that feeling as it hit the ground. Two more to go. You decided to make the next move before the wolves, using the wall to push off for a faster trajectory as you slammed the blade into one's jaw. "One more." Kaz thought. "You have just one more."
You backed up, your ankle hitting your shackles making you stumble. The wolf chose then to attack. You had to react and you had to react quickly. You kicked up the heavy shackle, winding the wolf as it hit its belly. You slammed your blade down, through its head.
The crowd roared for your victory as wolves' blood stained your face. Inej glanced at Kaz, unsure of what to do. They sat through numerous matches until the groups were escorted back. "What now?" She whispered. "We'll have to change course, she won't be in the same cell." Kaz said. So they slipped out, proceeding down a hall.
You were shoved into a new cell, Roland wearing a grin that said he got exactly what he wanted. You glared at him. "Come now, don't be like that! You've got a new cell." He said as the guards shackled you back to the floor. You saw Quincy behind him.
"You called for me sir?" He said.
"Ah. Right. The boy." Roland said looking at him. You saw the glint of silver that was his knife and frowned.
"Quincy, you're in danger-" a guard slapped you.
"Shut your mouth, girl." He said. Quincy looked at you confused before Roland's blade stabbed him. You let out a scream of horror and anguish.
"YOU BASTARDS!" Kaz heard in the hall.
"Follow that voice." He said.
"How do you know that's her?" Inej asked.
"She's the only female in this block." He stated before walking through the halls.
"State your business." A guard said.
"Oh I had an inquiry." He said.
"Which is?"
"Your mother and whether or not she's aware she's raised a bastard." Kaz replied, mouthing "shut eye." To Inej. She rolled her eyes, knocking the guard out.
"A simple, where's the loo would've worked!" She said. Kaz shrugged it off, slipping past the unconscious man.
"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" You screamed, angry tears falling from your eyes.
"I'm sure we will. Enjoy your stay in your new cell!" Roland said. You let out a frustrated scream as Roland walked away, yanking your chains as far as they could go. You sobbed, looking at Quincy who was struggling on the ground.
"Quincy- I am-am so sorry" you cried.
"An-any moment now." He breathed. You were confused looking at him. "Ther-there are p-people here for you" he said.
"Exec-executioners?" You asked. By this point, the headman's axe was a mercy.
"R-rescuers." He said.
"Quincy-Quincy what have you done?" You asked. You heard a struggle out in the hall. Quincy looked relieved.
"Be-be free." He said.
"Quincy- QUINCY!" you screamed as the shallow rise and falls of his chest stopped. A masked figure came out with someone else.
"We've got a few seconds before the third bell." The figure said, unlocking the door. You moved away from them confused.
"We're here to bring you home." There was a woman in this group.
"Home?" You were beyond confused by this.
"Get her unlocked Kaz, we don't have much time." The girl said. The masked man, presumed now to be Kaz was unlocking your shackles. You heard a loud boom and looked confused as you heard multiple guards sprinting through.
"We have to go. Now." He said, pulling you up. You winced and he frowned. "Shit. She's injured." He realized.
"Thank that bastard Roland." You muttered, numbed tears falling from your eyes.
"Where's Quincy?" The girl asked.
"He's the body behind you." You said, looking at him. "Shit. SHIT." Inej hissed.
"We don't have time, we need to leave." Kaz urged.
You were practically dragged through the halls of the prison by these people, who honestly, you had to trust because literally anything could be better than this hellhole. You made way for an exit before Roland blocked you.
"Thought you were leavin' aye?" He said, that cocky smile filling you with rage. You gritted your teeth, snatching the cane from the masked stranger. He almost scolded you but everything happened so fast. You had not only managed to kill Roland, you had taken the lion's head and bashed in the skull of the man.
You finally stood up. "Incapable of murder" your sister said. "She doesn't have it in her" she said. Otherwise your sister had drastically underestimated you or this place drove you to that point. Considering the Hellgate was infamous for its conditions, Kaz guessed the second option as you handed him back the cane.
"I've wanted to do that for months." You said, stepping over his corpse. Kaz wiped off his cane, swapping a look with Inej.
You and the two others walked outside, a man waiting by a boat. "Let's go, we've got five minutes before they realize she escaped. " he said. Kaz motioned for you to climb aboard first. You did, Inej handing you a cloak as Kaz got into the boat. Inej untied it as another man dashed over and jumped in.
"Saints Jesper! You're going to flip us!" Inej gasped.
"No, it's fine- now paddle like your fucking life depend on it because it does!" Jesper yelled.
And so Inej rowed, after a good distance, Kaz removed his mask as did Inej. You looked the face of Kaz, looking in his eyes. You could see that behind a hardened persona laid a boy who still had a glint of humanity in him. You took a moment though, the second you were back in the waters of Ketterdam to breathe. Really breathe. The place was not perfect by any means. However it was, it still was home to you. You felt a drop of water on your shoulder. Kaz sighed. "Yes, rain on top of it all!" He said frustrated.
"Let it, it'll mask us for now." Inej said, pulling into a harbor.
You were helped out the boat by this Jesper man. The rain fall got worse as you walked through the streets of Ketterdam. "I swear to the saints this is the most annoying job I've done" Kaz muttered.
"I thought you didn't believe in saints?" Inej teased. Kaz gritted his teeth.
"Forgive them, they were raised in a barn." Jesper said to you. You smiled slightly. "So you're out of prison. What's the first thing you want to do?" Jesper asked. You pondered.
"Have a nice meal." You said. He laughed.
"A respectable answer." He said making you chuckle. Kaz entered the club, all of you following behind.
You froze in your tracks though the instant you saw her. Jesper saw the look on your face. Everyone could see the look on your face. What was supposed to be a heartwarming reunion of sisters was something far different.
Rage. Unbridled Rage.
"Oh thank the saints! You're safe!" Dahlia said, rushing forward to hug you. You immediately shoved her away, Inej looking at Kaz confused.
"Y/n? Are you alright?" Dahlia asked.
"You think I don't know?" You scoffed. Jesper looked at Kaz then you.
"Y/n, I paid for your freedom--"
"You took my freedom!" You snapped. Kaz could see something different with Dahlia's stance. He underestimated the teary eyed girl. He didn't like being fooled. And he certainly didn't like going through all that for a traitor. Kaz gripped his cane, the leather cracking sound of his gloves alerting Inej to his anger. She suspected that if the man wasn't wearing gloves, his knuckles would be white.
"Y/n, I surely don't know what you are talking about-"
"You and Pekka fucking Rollins!" You shouted. Heads in the club certainly turned to that name. "You tried to sell me- you and father both did! To that-that monster! And when it didn't work you had me framed for fucking murder!" You screamed. Inej frowned, looking at Kaz shocked by the revelation.
"Y/n, let's discuss this somewhere else- we'll have coffee- we'll talk-" you shook with anger.
"I would rather go back to Hellgate than ever talk to you or father again." You snarled. Dahlia went silent.
"The girl you knew, the one that bowed to your abuse, father's abuse is dead. And you killed her." You said. Dahlia finally dropped the facade, her face looking at you with hatred.
"You have nowhere to run Y/n. You will come home or you will go back." She said.
"I'll die first." You said. "I can arrange that." She said, a despicable look on her face. You swallowed hard, staring her down. It felt like you were staring at a monster even worse than whatever came from the Hellshow. Jesper looked at Kaz for guidance.
A gun was drawn from under Dahlia's dress and Kaz raised his cane to her, everyone else following suit. There must've been dozens of guns and pistols aimed at Dahlia, along with a few knives.
"There's a problem with this." Kaz said. "I was told to bring Y/n back. Here she is." Kaz said.
"Oh for fucks sake." Dahlia huffed, slamming her bag down. "Your money is in there." She said, not removing her eyes from you.
Inej reached into the bag, pulling out the jars of money. "It's here Kaz." She said.
"Good. Jesper." Kaz said.
A loud shot rang out and Dahlia toppled over. You saw the pool of blood form from her head as her dead gaze landed on you one last time. You shook, partially from fear, partially from the fact that you were damp from the rain. Kaz looked at your sister with disgust. "I hate being lied to. Even more, I hate that it worked." Kaz said. "Lynn. Clean it up." Kaz said. A woman sighed, walking over. "You. Follow me. Now." He said to you.
"Kaz wait a minute." Jesper halted.
"What Jesper?" Kaz snapped.
"The girl is hungry. She's cold. Have some humanity." He said. Kaz looked at you. He sighed.
"Xander, make her a steak. She deserves it. There's a fireplace in my office." He said, motioning for you to go. You looked at your sister one last time before looking back at Kaz. This man didn't need to rescue you, but he did. He didn't need to kill Dahlia, but he did. He didn't need to feed you, and yet there he was making a demand for food.
You took the time to eat, following Kaz back to a place he called "The Slat". You walked with him into his office as he lit the fireplace. "Sit." He said, motioning for you to sit on the couch.
"I am wet from the rain... If you don't mind I'll sit on the floor." You muttered.
"Do what you'd like, I don't care." He sighed, sitting on the couch.
You looked into the fireplace, feeling warmth for the first time in almost a year. Real warmth. You held out your hands, letting them heat up. Kaz looked at you. You were ruthless when you had to be. You were charming enough that you found a friend in the worst place. You could he useful, only if you wanted to be.
"Your sister said you had nowhere to go." Kaz said, looking at you. You didn't look him in the eyes.
"I suppose that's true... Now that Quincy is dead I..." you cleared your throat, lowering your hands. "I have no one." You muttered.
"You can work for us." He said, leaning back. You looked at him finally.
"What?" You asked shocked.
"The Dregs. You can join the ranks. You'll stay here with us until you're on your feet." He said.
"You want me to join the gang that is rivals with the other that tried to kill me?" You asked.
"We have a common enemy." Kaz said. You couldn't argue with that. You wanted that Pekka bastard dead.
"What... exactly are the benefits?" You asked. "You'll have a roof over your head. Friends even, if you like that sort of thing. You won't go hungry. The only thing you'll have to do are the jobs I give you." He said. You looked at him.
"You're not... shipping me to the Menagerie are you?" You asked. Kaz scoffed.
"Hardly not. Inej would have my head if I did." He said. You looked at him and the hand he extended to you. You noticed, despite the wetness of the man's gloves, he did not remove them.
You had come from Hell and survived. You had lived in Hell and survived. Now wasn't just an offer of food and a roof but a chance to side with the very people Pekka hated. That was enticing. That was more than enticing.
That was perfect.
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maweallgotohell · 10 months
Jerome Valeska - Brother's Assistant pt.1
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pairing: Jerome Valeska x fem! reader
warnings: none
summary: Jerome locates Jeremiahs residence and decides to pay his brother a visit - to kill him. But when the door opens, he is met with the prettiest and kindest woman he has ever seen. But how will Jeremiah react, especially when it turns out, that Jerome has caught feelings for her, his assistant and best friend? And how will Jerome himself react in such a situation?
He found him.
He searched for him for all these years and now he found him. His brother. And he wanted to kill him.
For all these years he made dozens of plans and figured out the best ways to spread fear and get his name all across Gotham so his brother would notice.
He wanted him to feel unsafe.
He wanted him to be afraid.
A few weeks ago he found out what name Jeremiah now went by and after knowing that it wasn't all too complicated to find him. Well yeah, he lived in a fuckin' bunker in the middle of the woods (fuckin' paranoid bitch), but with a name like his, it wasn't very difficult for Jerome to make out his location. Just threaten the right people and you're ready to go.
And there he stood. In front of his brother's labyrinth bunker. Was he nervous? Yeah. But he was determined to kill Jeremiah.
For the last few weeks, he tried to find a way to break into the bunker without being noticed, but there wasn't another entrance. Just the main one. And so he just... pressed the doorbell?
It was weird for him because it felt like a polite gesture. He felt like a brother, who wanted to visit his twin for dinner, while he was the "evil twin", who came to kill that son of a bitch, he had to call his brother.
* ring*
To his surprise, it wasn't his brother's face, that greeted him at the door, no. A beautiful young woman opened it swingingly, her silky (hair color) hair swaying with her movements. It was quite early in the morning, which was why she was still wearing her nightgown, the dark green silk hugging her curves perfectly and the lace gracefully accentuating her (skin color) skin. Her warm and welcoming smile greeted him like a cozy hug and he couldn't help but stare at her.
" Hello?", she asked, her voice sounding soft and gentle, as if she was an angel, that came down to earth just for him.
Her face changed and turned into a frightened one immediately as she recognized his features. She must've recognized him from the news or from stories his brother told her, he thought, but that wasn't the case. Not at all.
" Omg, Xander! What happened to your face?! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" She rushed directly towards him.
" Uhm, hello..? No, no Miss, I'm Jerome, Jeremiah's, uh, I mean Xanders' long lost twin brother.", he answered nervously.
Why did he stutter? And why did he lie? Well, it wasn't exactly a lie, but he wasn't honest either. How could the presence of a woman make him this nervous? He should've shot her right then and there. But he couldn't. She was too. .. breathtaking and.. . interesting to kill. He somehow knew she was different. He felt it.
Her expression softened and her smile found its way back onto her face. She hugged him as a greeting, which kinda took him by surprise.
" Omg hello!", she grinned. " I didn't know Xan had a twin. Glad to meet you! I'm YN." You held out your hand for him to shake.
You had a nickname for him? Was he your boyfriend? Jerome came to kill his brother, only to fall for his girlfriend? Wow. That was weird, even for him. And how could someone like Miah even pull a girl like you? Tf?
„ Nice, nice to meet you too YN.", was all he could bring himself to say.
" Xan will be so happy to hear that you're here and that you found him."
She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the front door with her.
" Come in. Follow me.", she said as she closed the door behind them.
The sudden touch of hers took him by surprise as he stumbled after her into the building.
It was silent for a bit, only the sound of their footsteps against the concrete was to be heard.
Then Jerome found the courage to speak up.
" Sooo YN.. is "Xander" like.. you know... your boyfriend?" He found it so awkward to ask you that, whyever that was, but he just had to. He had to know that to contemplate, whether he had to kidnap or kill you if his brother really was your boyfriend.
She stopped in her tracks to turn around and look at him, only to burst out in laughter.
" Oh god, no.", you giggled. " I'm his assistant and we're like best friends. No romantic feelings between us, really. But I live here. We both needed someone to live with and we've worked together before since we met at St.Ignatius and became best friends there and later, roommates. And here we are."
He was relieved. You weren't with his brother. But were you single? He knew he was there for a different reason and definitely not to go all heart-eyed over his brother's best friend and assistant, but the question occupied his mind completely.
You stopped in front of a door and put your key card in front of the card reader.
" We're here.", you said. "This is the living room. Make yourself comfortable, Jerome. Do you want anything to drink?"
He nodded.
" Soo we have coffee, a few types of tea, water, hot chocolate or orange juice. What would you like?", you asked him with a genuine smile.
" Oh, uhm, coffee sounds amazing. Thank you."
You nodded.
"I'll be right back."
And with that, you turned around and left into the kitchen, which was right next to the living room.
" Xan should arrive here soon too btw. I think in half an hour or so. I'd be happy to have you stay here and accompany me while we wait for him. Only if that's fine for you, tho.", you smiled.
Jerome had always been able to accurately identify and define his feelings. He was also able to consider and assess them rationally. And right now, he felt something he never thought he could feel. Admiration and joyful excitement.
You could've told him to leave or come back when Jeremiah was home or given him an appointment to meet up with his brother. But you didn't. No, furthermore, you invited him to stay with you and said you would like him to accompany you. You weren't even a little bit scared of him, not even because of his "awful" features, which he found sometimes. No, you didn't do any of that. Instead, you were genuinely nice to him and treated him like everybody else, or rather special.
You made him feel wanted just by these small things you did and your naturally nice behavior, which was quite rare for him.
He thought he had, no, he was sure that he had developed a small crush on you. Even though it was unusual for him to trust someone that easily or feel drawn to someone, especially that fast, he wasn't afraid of it at all.
It felt like being near you lifted all the weight he carried off his shoulders without effort. And he wasn't scared to experience these new feelings, because he felt like they wouldn't do him bad at all. It was strange but exciting at the same time and he couldn't wait to learn more about you.
You two chatted a bit until you noticed that you hadn't informed Xan about your guest.
" Sorry, I hate to interrupt you, but I just noticed, that I haven't told Xan about you being here. Lemme just send him a message real quick."
He panicked immediately. What if Miah warned her about him and made her have a different view of him? I mean, sooner or later, Miah would come home and she would find out, who Jerome 'really' is, yeah. But he didn't want their nice little talk and their shared time to end so soon.
"Uhm, YN?", he spoke up, his voice rather quiet. The young woman looked from her phone, back up at him, a questioning expression on her face.
"Could you maybe not tell him I'm here?" His low voice now sounded rather hesitant. Your eyebrows furrowed a bit in astonishment.
"I...I wanted to surprise him. After all this time we haven't seen each other, you know?" He was surprised by himself. He said those words with such emotion, that even he himself would've believed that he missed his brother that much.
Her astonished expression settled again and gave way to a lovely smile.
"Oh yeah, sure! That's a very sweet idea. Xan will be so happy to see you", the young woman cheered.
Jerome exhaled in relief but then lowered his head as well as his voice.
"I doubt that. See, I wasn't always the best brother for him, you know. It may be that he doesn't want to see me at all, let alone talk to me or even have me here. Don't be disappointed then, YN. It's okay, really. I don't want to bother you two. Really, I don't."
He said that. And he sounded like he really missed his brother or felt sorry for the things he did.
Did he? No, very surely he did not. He came here o kill Miah, not to reunite with him and be like 'best buddies'.
But he didn't feel as if what he told the girl before was a lie. Because it wasn't.
The sad undertone in his voice was not a result of missing his brother so much, no. It was because he knew that when Miah returned, he would no longer be able to spend time with the beautiful young lady sitting across from him at that very moment, looking at him sympathetically.
She had changed everything for him in that short time. He had already heard that when you are in love, you no longer have control over what you feel and think. But he had never experienced it. Until this very moment.
Until that moment when she opened the door for him.
" Jerome, please. How could someone, especially Xander, ever be that resentful."
He sighed.
He contemplated telling her the truth. That his brother built this whole bunker they're living in, just to protect them from him.
But he didn't.
Because he was... scared. This was the first time since he killed his mother that he was truly afraid of something.
He feared losing her. And it was more terrifying than anything else.
While Jerome and YN chatted and got to know each other better, Jeremiah just then received a text from her.
> Hey Xan! You home soon? We have a surprise guest. C ya.<
At first, he thought of it as a normal text she would send him. Everything was fine.
But then it hit him like a crash.
Nobody knew where they lived. Nobody.
He panicked immediately and quickly got in his car, so he could be home as fast as possible. What if YN was in danger but didn't know yet? He could never forgive himself if something happened to her.
word count: 1820
The first part of a new short series (probably gonna be 2 or 3 parts again). Hope y'all like it.
C ya
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 2 months
Damian has been in the family for a while he has made his peace with Drake understood that no matter what he has a place but he still can't understand the dynamics. Maybe it isn't exactly the most intelligent choice to track down Todd and ask but he figured it was the best option.
Sitting on Todd's couch in the middle of crime alley eating a dish he can only vaguely remember his mother making he isn't exactly regretting it yet.
"So let me get this straight bat brat, you don't get how people work so you came to me?" Todd's confusion isn't exactly surprising but it is unhelpful to his plight.
"No I understand people, well when I have to I do not understand the bats." He at the moment can't bring himself to actually act with the dignity his mother expects of him another way Gotham had corrupted him.
Jason can't say he expected to feed and be interrogated by the demon brat he just wanted to relax but this isn't exactly a surprise now that the kid has chilled out he was almost waiting for it.
"You want me to give you a cheat sheet to how our family actually works becusse you are now realizing that Talia didn't understand shit and it fucked you?"
He can't keep the pure joy out of his voice knowing that he is actually gonna get to knock the kid down a peg after today.
"Not in those words Todd but I understand you have a perspective that I may lack."
God demon looks pissed below the joy he understand that this is actually important and he needs to explain this well knowing this could make or break the already pretty fucked up kid.
"Alright listen and don't fucking interrupt me save your questions and bitchness for the end do I make myself clear."
Holding the kids eyes he sees the kid is actually paying attention as he nods maybe Dickie really did find out the secrets housebreaking who knows.
"Ok let's start with me and I'm gonna be sappy for ten seconds and if you ever repeat this I will shoot you and put you in another duffle bag ok, ok good. I'm your brother I love you would kill for you that whole bullshit. I'm also Dick's, and Tim's brother, on days I don't want to kill the old man I'm his son."
God he's gonna need a smoke after this bullshit fuck he sees the kid is nodding good he hasn't lost him.
"Now Dick is my older brother he's not yours you can lie to yourself all you fucking want but he's your dad teaching you how to be a real boy and all that shit."
He sees an embarrassed flush and the start of protests but he's not dealing with it that bullshit the kid can work on in his own time.
" You wanted it your gonna fucking hear it, now Tim-Tam the sleep deprived idiot is a bit more complicated."
He takes a breath trying to put into words what he wants to say.
"Why is Drake complicated wouldn't he be somewhat easy" the confusion isn't a good sign maybe it is better the kid came so he can restrain him if he has too.
"Tim is the best of us alright, he's someone I want to protect I love him truly even if he's an annoying little shit. Now listen Tim is a lot like you when it comes to Dick crossing the line between Dad and Brother. Tim will always side with Dick that's his Robin and Tim is Dick's. You can't be a jealous little shit here because I don't even fully understand them."
"Bruce isn't Tim"s dad at least on his end Dick is, Bruce loves Tim but no one can ever replace Dickie just like you which is honestly half the reason you hated the kid."
Damian is now regretting this conversation he thought this would be simple once again he has somewhat lost his mind since coming to Gotham.
Yet he knows Todd's right that the way Grayson looks at Drake is the same look he gets and the same part of him who loves his animals and loves Richard feels guilty because he knew. He just didn't want to admit it.
"Why I don't understand why is Timothy so different to any of us even you, both of us tried to kill him yet he seems to matter so much"
frustration is leaking through but this is what he wanted to know why Drake is so important even to him why, what is so special about him.
Todd is hesitating but slowly steeling himself Damian cant help but to copy him knowing whatever comes out isn't gonna be easy it's gonna hurt but he asked didn't he.
"Tim was the first, the one to really unlock Dick not being well a dick he knows parts of all of us, secretswhatever, the shit that matters. Bruce, Dick, me even you, we don't run shit ok Wayne Entetprises, plans Tim does. Dick and Tim are the glue holding us together without them we would be fucked you know that."
"That's what's so special about him everything we do Tim has a part of he's genuinely irreplaceable and it bothers the fuck out of both of us."
Damian can't breathe he just runs words he never wanted admitted are stabbing through his mind he doesn't stop until somehow he ends up in his bed at the manor he just hides pushing it down the real reason he tried to kill his brother the fact that he almost broke the family he just hides he shouldn't have asked.
Maybe Richard was right being naive was a gift and now he can't go back.
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ve1vet-cake · 2 months
C h o i c e ?
Cw: Mention of murder and hints at family abuse!
Minors/ageless accs DNI
Characters belong to @14dayswithyou (and.. one belongs to me)
Summary: Someone decides to hold a certain someone accountable for their.... Sins
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"Thank you so much for coming, Mr. [ ]"
The woman's lips stretched into a sinister smile as she watched the man sit down in front of her.
"Cut the act, bitch. Where is my wife." His tone showed that he wasn't asking, rather he was-
"Demanding. Hmhm~" The woman giggled, leaning back in her chair, strands of brown and platin blonde brushed past her shoulder and settled behind ehr back, her golden eyes seemingly catlike, trained on the man in front of her as if he were mere prey.
"I told you I'd get to it after our little... Chat" She hummed as she spread the cards, eyes leaving him for a second. "Or do you want me to kill her?" She looked up again through her lashes, bathing in the glares of the man.
Unbeknownst to him she'd never actively harm that woman. She didn't do anything that displeased her.
"Quit dragging this out then and get to the point." the man crossed his arms watching as the woman's nails trailed along the cards. "What do you want, why do you freak have my wife and why should I play this stupid game with you?" He tipped his head back, blue eyes glaring into his opponent.
"Well I just wanted a little talk and fun- say are you familiar with Tarot?" The expression on the brunette's face changed to one of utmost kindness and sweeetness.
She pouted.
"It can tell you your future, you know. You ask spirit or a god for something and they will tell you an outcome! It's highly fascinating."
"When will you bring me my wife?"
She pursed her lips.
"When I feel like it. Now, I have a question for you and you'll choose the answer by tapping a card."
The man nearly stood up, growling at the woman yet she didn't even bat an eye. With innocence laced eyes she smiled, pointing at the cards.
"Starting off easy; -"
After a few simple questions to get the man into the game, the woman smiled, seemingly satisfied.
"What nice foreplay! Now to the big questions...." A sadistic grin twisted her face and for a second the mam could've sworn he saw his soul burning in her eyes, succumbing to the flames of hell.
"What is your worse fear?"
Furrowing his brows he tapped a card, the slim fingers of the woman traced it before picking it up with a satisfied shriek.
"Three of swords! Separation! Afraid of losing your wife? My, only if you cared enough about your children to feel the same loss, hmm?"
The man's exes narrowed.
"How do you know of my children."
"Oh it was easy Taylor! But I digress" a high pitched laugh erupted from the woman's throat.
"I shouldn't be answering questions, you see. You are. Now then!"
As the woman excitedly went on about the exact separation Taylor was afraid of the man continuously attempted to interrupt her until one sentence fell.
"And this is why I won't be handing over your wife! It is far too funny to see you this pathetic! After all you aren't a real man- your son would qualify- not you th-"
With a loud thud the chair the man was sitting on hit the ground. He abruptly jumped from his chair, taking the woman by the collar of her blouse.
All she could do was laugh, holding up the Tower, the last card he had touched and flipped unknowingly.
Her eyes widened, pupils turning a poisonous green.
"I believe you heard me just fine! And just so you know- Your little outburst won't stop me from taking everything you have and strip you from the shrivels of... Humanity you have." Her Head tilted sideways in an unnatural way.
"Or did you already forget what pain you caused Ichika? Hannah?.... Or my beloved darling?" The grin fell as her head snapped back in its original place. Her expression serious, she looked even more threatening.
"The tower predicts your downfall. Your end. I will no longer tolerate your pitiful existence."
The woman stood up, nails digging into the flesh of the man.
"I will stain my hands with your blood just so [Redacted] won't have to. You never deserved a wife like Ichika, or children like Hannah and him."
She pushed him off, adjusting her clothes, making her way to the door, leaving the man to stand there dumbfounded. He didn't know how to react, the rage, fear even the uneasiness her stares gave him made him freeze, overloaded with too much fury and fear.
"It was nice having this little chat" She smiled. "I have a few meetings to attend to.. further discuss your careers. Ta-taa~!"
And with that she slipped out of the room.
Meanwhile someone couldn't quite comprehend what they had just witnessed via the security cams in that room.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 month
Fixed on creations
Male Reader Winchester x Sabrina Spellman
Request - Male Winchester Reader x Sabrina Spellman(CAOS) R is Dean’s son and the Winchesters go on a hunt to deal with a witch when they hit R with a spell, sending him into another world and he wakes up outside the Spellman mortuary
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You are on a hunt with your father and uncle, trying to stop witches. Chasing towards the woods, Sam thinks it's a bad idea.
“Dean, stop!” Sam yelled.
“What!?” Dean yelled.
“I don't think it's a good idea to follow them in the woods,” Sam said.
“Why?” You and your father said.
“I think it's a trap,” Sam said.
“So?” You said.
“I’m not scared and they are going to pay for what they did. You can stay here, but I’m going” Dean said.
“I’m going to, dad,” You said.
You are a hothead like your dad, you rather go guns blazing instead of going safe. To you, your dad is your hero and he showed you every rock band music he likes.
You follow your dad into the woods and Sam is mad. He calls for Cas and you keep following your dad.
“What’s the plan?” You asked.
“Try not to get hexed. And don't fall for their tricks” Dean said.
“Okay,” You said.
You and your dad saw the witch. You aim your gun at her and slowly move.
“There’s nowhere to go,” Dean said.
“Your guns are not going to stop us, Winchester,” She said.
“We have a special bullet just for you bitch” Dean said.
“You won't pull the trigger” She smirked.
“He will then I will pull the trigger,” You said.
“You two are idiots,” She said.
“Enough talking!” Dean yelled.
She throws a hex bag next to you then she starts to say a spell. You and your father pulled the trigger but she used her magic to slow down the bullets. Then a portal starts to open and your father sees you get sucked into the portal.
“Y/N!” Dean yelled.
The portal closed and Dean is feeling angry. She is laughing then he starts to shoot her but she uses her magic to throw Dean against the tree. Cas and Sam arrived too late but she used her magic to disappear. They ran towards Dean and helped him stand up.
“Where is Y/N?” Sam asked.
“The portal sucked him in. We have to find him now!” Dean yelled.
“I will try to find him. Sam go take Dean to the bunker then we will find Her” Sam said.
Dean started to tell them what happened. Sam called Rowena, but Dean doesn't want her help but he doesn't have a choice.
“He went through a portal that means he can be anywhere,” Rowena said.
“But where exactly,” Sam said.
“That’s the problem, he can in a different earth at a different time,” Rowena said.
“I don’t care what you have to do, Rowena. Just find my son or else” Dean said.
“Kill me then you won't find your son. No other witch will help you and Sam” Rowena said.
“She is right. Rowena, just do what you have to do” Sam said.
“Fine, I will get started after I gather some items,” Rowena said.
Sam followed Dean to the kitchen.
“It’s my fault, I should have listened to you,” Dean said.
“Don’t blame yourself, Dean. We always get into a big mess but we always find a way and we will find him” Sam said.
“I need a beer,” Dean said.
Cas is helping Rowena find the items she needs. Sam starts to look for books that involve portals.
Sabrina is in the woods and she sees someone lying on the ground. She walks towards the guy and bends down to check his pulse. Then she gently touches his face
“Wake up,” Sabrina said.
You start to wake up and you get scared, and you move away from her.
“Where am I!?” You asked.
“In the woods. You were passed out and I wanted to make sure that you weren't dead” Sabrina said.
She stood up then you stood up.
“Dad!” You yelled.
“You don't have to yell,” Sabrina asked.
“Did you see a guy with a red plaid shirt and a woman?” You asked.
“No. I didn't see anyone like that. You can use my cell phone and call your dad” Sabrina said.
“Thanks for helping me,” You said.
She gives you her cell phone and you start to dial. But the phone number is a business store then you dial another number and it's disconnected.
“Any luck?” Sabrina asked.
“No. Where am I exactly? Am I in Lebanon, Kansas?” You said
“Not even close. You are in Greendale” Sabrina said.
“It’s her fault” You mumbled
“Who?” Sabrina asked.
“It’s compilated. By any chance, can I use your laptop?” You said.
“Sure. I live close so we don't have to walk a lot. What’s your name? My name is Sabrina Spellman” Sabrina said.
“My name is Y/N Winchester,” You said.
You followed her to the house. You noticed a lady smoking her cigarette and she introduced you to her aunt Zelda.
“Make sure he doesn't track mud everywhere,” Zelda said.
“He won’t,” Sabrina said.
You go inside then you meet her cousin Ambrose. Sabrina let you use her laptop and you emailed your uncle but the email belongs to a business.
“What are you going to do?” Sabrina asked
“I don't know,” You said.
“I could take you to the police station,” Sabrina said.
“I don't think they will help,” You said.
You go by different names and you always carry fake IDs. Zelda called for Sabrina and you followed her. And you are speechless at who is at the door.
“Crowley!” You said out loud.
Zelda and Hilda are in shock because you know the name Crowley.
“You have the wrong person, young man. My name is Sean O'Neill” Sean said.
You start to stutter
“I’m sorry,” You said.
He went to take a box for Hilda and Zelda.
“Your supplies are here, as I promised,” Sean said.
“Thank you. Sabrina, take this downstairs” Zelda said.
“I will help,” You said.
Sean left then you picked up the heavy box, you followed Sabrina to the basement. She starts to tell you about the family business while Zelda and Hilda talk upstairs.
“I wonder how he knows the name Crowley,” Hilda said.
“I don't know. But there is something about that boy” Zelda said.
“What are you going to do?” Hilda asked.
“I’m not sure for now, but we will keep an eye on him. His last name is Winchester” Zelda said.
“Oh,” Hilda said.
Sabrina tells you where to put the box.
“Where did you hear the name Crowley?” Sabrina asked.
“I heard it in a Spiderman movie” You lied.
“Spiderman? What is that” Sabrina said
“You know, Spiderman played by Tom Holland,” You said.
“I have no idea who is Tom or what is a Spiderman,” Sabrina said.
“Spiderman is from Marvel, he is a superhero,” You said.
“What is Marvel?” Sabrina asked.
“Please tell me you know the show Game of Thrones,” You said.
“You are confusing. I’m not into video games” Sabrina said.
“Something is wrong. I need to use your laptop again, please” You said.
“Okay…” Sabrina said.
She did let you use her laptop. You start to type every pop culture that you can think of. Everything that you typed nothing showed up at all and you are freaking out. Then you typed in your father's name and he owns a juice bar with Sam.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Sabrina starts to follow you around town because you are spying on Crowley. She is confused as to why you are following him. You follow him to his house but you sneak into the backyard, then you look throw the window.
“Why are you spying on him?” Sabrina asked.
“Ahh!” You screamed.
But Crowley didn't hear you.
“Why did you scream?” Sabrina asked.
“Why are you here?” You asked.
“We can go back and forth of asking why we are here. Tell me Y/N, why are you here following him I want the truth” Sabrina said.
“If I told you, you won't believe me,” You said.
You have been following him for two days. He doesn't have powers and he doesn't do anything to hurt anyone, he is a married man with a family.
You and Sabrina leave and she keeps asking questions.
“If I told you then you won't believe me,” You said.
“Just tell me,” Sabrina said.
You go with Sabrina to Cerberus Books store.
“I don't think I’m from this earth, I'm from another earth,” You said.
“How is that possible?” Sabrina asked.
“Everything that I know doesn't exist. It's called the multiverse, meaning there are many Earths of us but living in a different life. I-I know this sounds very strange but I'm telling you the truth” You said.
“So, you are from another earth? Yeah, that sounds strange but I believe you” Sabrina said.
“Really? I thought it would take you a while to believe me” You said.
She put her hands on top of your hands.
“I don't think you are crazy. Those guys you looked up, do you know them?” Sabrina said.
“In my earth, they are my family. We hunt… umm, we hunt monsters who hurt people” You said in a low voice.
“Monsters?” Sabrina asked.
She has seen monsters before but she wants to see what you will say.
“Yeah, like werewolves, vampires, sirens, and witches,” You said.
“Not all witches hurt people,” Sabrina said.
“It's complicated,” You said.
Sabrina gets up and leaves and you start to follow her.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“I don't think I can help you, Y/N,” Sabrina said
“Why?” You asked.
You kept following her. But arriving at her house, Hilda and Zelda are fighting a monster. Then you watched Sabrina use her magic and you are in shock. The monster starts to run towards Sabrina, but you pull her out of the way. She falls on top of you
“You are a witch!?” You said too loud.
“I just met you a few days ago. But thanks for saving me” Sabrina said.
You and Sabrina stand up, and you grab the shovel. Again, she uses magic then you kill the monster but putting the shovel deep in the monster’s head.
“Is everyone okay?” You asked.
“Thank you, Y/N,” Hilda said.
“Now, he knows about us,” Zelda said.
“I won't tell anyone. You and your family helped me since I got here” You said.
“How did you know the name Crowley?” Zelda asked.
“On my earth, he is the king of hell,” You said.
“On your earth? What does that mean” Hilda said.
“I will explain,” Sabrina said.
Sabrina explained everything to her aunts about your situation. You did tell them that you are a hunter but you promised that you won't hurt them.
Rowena is still having a hard time finding you. Dean still blames himself for not listening to Sam or having a plan to save you. Dean is drinking a lot and Sam is worried.
“Any news on finding Y/N?” Sam asked.
“No,” Rowena said.
“Then what is the point of you using your magic!?” Dean yelled.
“Dean!” Sam yelled.
“Do you know how many magic spells can open a portal!?” Rowena yelled.
“I don't care just find my son!” Dean yelled.
“What if, we hunt down the witch and make her tell us which magic spell she used, would it help you find Y/N?” Sam asked.
“Yes, that could work,” Rowena said.
“Let’s go, Sam” Dean said.
She used her magic to track down the witch. Sam and Dean rushed to get the guns and left.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
You are sitting next to Sabrina on her bed. She is sitting really next to you, she likes talking to you. You and Sabrina are starting to open up to each other.
“Wow, I can't believe your dad is the devil. I met God, a total douchebag on my earth” You said.
“Do you miss home?” Sabrina asked.
“Yeah, I mainly miss my dad and uncle. My dad showed me how to hunt and he got me into old rock music. Do you get along with your dad?” You said.
“Not really. My aunts and my cousin are my family and I care for them. They teach me about magic” Sabrina said.
“My dad wears a lot of plaid shirts and so does my uncle. Were you born with magic?” You said.
“Something like that. There is a school for people like me” Sabrina said.
“That’s cool. My uncle homeschooled me because most of the time, we were hunting” You said.
You and Sabrina keep talking about family and other stuff. She kissed you on the lips and you started to kiss her back, you felt her hand on top of your hand.
“I wanted to kiss you, Y/N” Sabrina said.
“I want to kiss you again,” You said.
You kiss her again and she starts to smile. Some of her lipstick is on your lips then you start to smile.
The past few days, you have been spending more time with Sabrina. She is starting to smile more around you and she can talk to you about anything. You and Sabrina are on a picnic date after eating snacks, she lies down very close to you. Your fingers go between her fingers, and you and Sabrina are making each other laugh. Then she lies on her side and puts her head on your chest and you put your arm around her.
She took you to the school library after hours. She had to sneak you inside the school and she found a book about the multiverse. But there are pages missing on how to travel to different earths.
“Someone ripped the pages. Is there another book?” You said.
“I’m not sure. I will ask my aunts maybe they know someone who knows about this” Sabrina said.
You were about to say something, but you and Sabrina heard people talking. She got down then grabbed your hand pulled you down, and now you are hiding under the table with her.
“Shhh, don't say anything” Sabrina whispered
You nod. Someone did enter the library but didn't stay for long. The person left and she sighed in relief, you and Sabrina started to smile at each other. She moved closer to you and you did the same, you slowly leaned in and kissed her. She puts her hand behind your neck and she starts to kiss you back.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Zelda and Hilda are on the porch and they see you and Sabrina holding hands.
“I don't like that she has feelings for him,” Zelda said.
“Is it because he is a hunter? He isn't like the others, he had chances of hurting us but he didn't” Hilda said.
“It’s not right, a witch and a hunter dating. The boy will leave soon and we won't see him again” Zelda said.
“She seems happy, Zeds,” Hilda said.
“She should be with someone else, not him. Follow me” Zelda said.
Hilda followed Zelda inside the house.
Sam and Dean found the witch and made her tell them about the spell. Rowena managed to open the portal and then told them how to come back home. Sam and Dean go inside the portal and they are outside the Spellman mortuary. They take out their guns and Dean starts to scream your name.
“Y/N!” Dean yelled.
Zelda walks outside the house.
“Who are you? Get off my property” Zelda said.
“We are looking for my son his name is Y/N,” Dean said.
“Put down the gun now,” Zelda said.
“Or what?” Dean said.
“He is just like you,” Zelda said.
“Where is he!?” Dean yelled.
Zelda used her magic to make the guns leave their hands. Dean starts to run toward Zelda but she uses her magic to throw him onto the ground. You and Sabrina just came back from town and you see them.
“Dad!” You yelled.
You run towards them and your father hugs you.
“We found you,” Dean said.
“How?” You asked.
“Rowena helped us,” Sam said.
You hugged Sam and Sabrina is happy for you. Then you introduce them to Sabrina and Zelda, then she talks about what happened a little while ago. Sam and Dean put their guns away
“We have to go back home,” Dean said.
“I know. I have to say goodbye” You said.
“We don't have much time. Rowena left the portal open for a small amount of time” Sam said.
You went to Sabrina.
“Thank you. If it wasn't for you I would be lost” You said.
“You are smart, Y/N. I'm going to miss you, it was nice to talk about having magic with someone and other stuff” Sabrina said.
“Yeah, it did feel nice talking about stuff I used to hide from other people. I'm going to miss you, Sabrina Spellman” You said.
You kiss her on the lips and she holds your hand.
“Goodbye, Y/N Winchester” Sabrina said.
“Bye,” You said.
She watched you walk away and she is starting to feel sad. You go into the portal with your dad and uncle, now you are officially home. Sam told you how Rowena used her magic to find you and your dad is happy.
You are in your bedroom and your dad walks in.
“Who was that girl?” Dean asked.
“Her name is Sabrina Spellman, half-witch. Half mortal. I liked her. She was helping me find a way back home but someone ripped out the page of traveling to a different earth” You said.
“I don't like the idea, of her being a witch. But I’m glad she tried to help you, Y/N” Dean said.
“In her earth, you and Uncle Sam own a juice bar” You teased.
“No, that isn't true,” Dean said.
“It is. I bet you didn't eat bacon on that earth” You giggled.
“What kind of life is that? Tonight we are having bacon” Dean said.
You laughed and your dad left the room. Then you told your uncle what you told your dad.
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athanza · 2 months
Starlett - Part 2
Cooper Howard/fem!OC (not self-insert)
Tags: Hurt/comfort (sort of?), non-allowed romantic connection, lots of tention, pre and post war drama, some Cooper dad fluff because why not ♡
Warnings: Mentions of domestic abuse and (no graphic scenes or descriptions of that nature), angst, canon wasteland violence
This branches out from canon but I thought it was a cute story idea so I had to write it. Enjoy! ♡
Part 1 | Part 3 | Final part
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The harsh sun was setting now which meant he needed to find somewhere to settle in for the night. The rickety second floor of one of these buildings would be the best option so he'd have a good vantage point if something were to happen.
As he searched for the right building he began to hear muffled screaming coming from further in the crumbled town. At first, he couldn't give a rat's ass, but he needed to know if it was a big enough threat for him to keep moving.
It didn't take long for gunshots to begin ringing out through the ruins, but they were only from 3 separate guns...then 2...then 1.
As he reached the area where the shots were coming from, the sounds of a pissed off Yao Guai became apparent, and there was one singular person left to fight it off but she looked like she was badly injured.
"You son of a bitch!!" She yelled when her gun jammed and the wounded beast readied itself for another charge.
As it lunged at her one more time a shotgun shell slammed into the side of it's head and it went down, a pink mist left in the air for a moment as the rest of it's brains splattered to the ground.
The woman turned to where the shot came from to see Cooper walking casually towards her, unable to see his face very well in the dark. She pointed her now un-jammed rifle at him just in case.
"Those things'll kill ya." He quipped.
"Yeah, no shit." She replied, wincing at the pain from a gash on her side.
He cocked his head a little. Her voice sounded familiar.
"Why don't you put down that gun so I can cut myself some bear hide and be on my way?"
She scoffed. "So you can shoot me in the face and steal all my shit? No thanks cowboy."
That was it, the confirmation he didn't think he'd get.
"Irene?" He said.
The woman paused briefly, then aimed her gun properly. "How do you know my name?"
He stepped a little closer so that the light from the lantern on the ground could illuminate his face.
It took her a moment but she recognised his eyes and immediately lowered her weapon.
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A scream woke Cooper up in the middle of the night and he instinctively got up and ran to his daughter's room.
"Daddy!" Janey cried when she saw him.
He came over and hugged her tightly. "Hey, hey, it's ok, it was just a dream, you're ok."
She cried into him for a moment before spluttering "Why don't you and mommy love each other anymore?"
That caught him off guard. He had no idea what to say and it hurt so much hearing her say that.
"It's not that we don't love each other honey, it's just..." He tried desperately to search for the right words. "Well...your mom and I just disagree on somethin' really important and we tried to figure it out but it was too hard."
"What did you disagree on?"
"Well...that's grown up stuff baby girl."
She sulked quietly, putting her head back on his chest.
"We still love you very very much, that hasn't changed at all."
"Is it my fault?" She asked and his heart broke.
"No baby girl, no, not at all. None of this is your fault."
"I know I haven't been doing my homework, and I don't always feed Roosevelt when I'm told and-"
He cut her off, kneeling beside the bed so he could look her in the eyes. "Janey," he held her hands. "None of this is your fault. Your mother and I loved you since the day we found out we were gonna have you. And when you were born, we looked at you and we just cried and cried.
I have never been prouder or happier than I was in that moment. And you know what? That hasn't changed a bit, not even a little."
Janey smiled, her face still wet with leftover tears.
"Really?" She sniffed.
"Yes." Cooper chuckled, scooping her up and hugging her again and she giggled. "Now, how about a hot chocolate, with double marshmallows?"
She smiled and nodded enthusiastically.
She hugged him as he carried her downstairs. "I love you daddy." She said.
His chest burst with warmth and happiness and he smiled. "I love you too sweetheart."
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The next morning, Janey was watching cartoons on the TV while eating her breakfast and Cooper sipped greatfully at his cup of hot coffee, having not gotten much sleep.
He smiled as he heard his daughter giggle at the TV, her mouth full of cereal, and sat down at the dining table with his newspaper.
But just as he sat down the loud ringing from the telephone rang out through the kitchen and he sighed heavily.
"I'll get it!" Janey yelled and ran over, hoping it was her mother. Her face dropped when it wasn't her mother's voice she heard on the other end of the line. "Yeah he's here, I'll put him on."
Cooper looked up at her tone and she held the receiver out to him. "It's for you dad."
He walked over and took it, kissing her on the head before she went back to her cartoons.
"Hello?" He said.
"Mr. Howard, it's Irene. I'm sorry to call you at home but I need your help."
Her voice told him it was serious. "What's wrong?"
"You were right. About Frank. I know we barely know each other but I need somewhere to stay for the night before I go to my mother's up in Sacramento. Lee...Lee doesn't know."
"I uh..."
"...no, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have bothered you." She said.
"No, no, it's ok. I'll make up the guest room for you."
He could hear a faint sigh of relief in her answer. "Thank you, so much, I owe you one."
He gave her his address and they hung up.
"Who was that dad?" Asked Janey.
"A friend from work. She needs a place to stay tonight so she's gonna stay in the guest bedroom. You'd like her."
She kind of shrugged in an uninterested way and took another bite of her cereal, her attention back on the TV.
He hoped no one sees Irene at his house, that's the last thing he needs in the papers, especially now.
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Part 1 | Part 3
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lilylylalil · 4 months
Normal Fucking Day
Alastor × Reader
Before reading, i will like to inform you that this version isn't finish and will never will be, if you want more information i will put a link where i talk why, anyways hope you still enjoy.
Warnings: cursing, blood, killing, reader has a problem
Fucking shit…
who could have thought that your co-worker could be a degenerate fucking cult leader…?!
I am sorry but i am done from this shit. Nope this shit is worst then the time that my mother tried to stab me with a fucking sandal. Actually i prefered if i could go to that time then this shit….
Ugh, why the dangerous psychopaths are the hot boys? Literally he is soo fucking hot Alexander. I could say some catching quotes like: “i don't mind you stabbing me~” but i could say that for shits and giggles! Not when that person literaly tried to stab me!?
Alexander almost stabbed Reader untill he paused and look at Reqder and ask:
“Do you always think aloud?”
“Shit! Did i say that aloud?!”
“yes and you are doing again”
As Reader was distracted as she felt ashemed and Alexander had the time in succeding in stabing her on her left shoulder.
“Fuck! You motherless son of a bitch! Hope you choke on a dick! No actually i hope you choke with your salivia! Hope you have the most stupidiest death! I want it to be so stupid that they can't make it public! Like…you electrocute yourself when you tried to use a sex toy when you could be in a bathtub with water you dumb shit-”
Of course Reader inuslted Alexander for the 15 minutes or at leats she planned that but Alexander didn't let her and knock her out.
You may be wandering why didn't she fight back? Well the same reason you start your homework at the last minute. because both of you are stupid.
When you opened your eyes you were tied down on a..table…?
“oh great. Do you know people this is how almost every porn video start?”
Actually you didn't know shit because you never saw a porn video in your life, i guess It's a curse and blessing at the same time or…maybe you have been cursed by the god of porn because you didn't watch in your entire life a porn video…
“what the fuck.”
You didn't even look at your surroundings but now with the voice that interrupted your thought you notice there is at least 34 people surrounding you.
“Oh, did i talk at loud again my thoughts?”
You said as you look at them. You had a feeling they were done with your shit without even seeing their faces. Well, it's not your fault they chose to be in a cult.
“Borther and Sisters, we are reunited in this beutiful demoniacal hour for our sacrifice for our lord-”
Before Alexander could say something else Reader interrupted him
“if i die as a sacrifice can at least die in peace knowing that i died to a hot god or whatever..?
One in the crowd said
“how dare you, you insolent-”
Reader again interrupted
“yeah yeah, “how could i?” but did you forget how your leader captured me? He propose me a one night stand and he knows how I am weak for pretty boys or girls~”
“okay just stop” Alexander said “Can't you be fucking serious for once in your life?! aren't you afraid for you life?!”
“ho you sweet summer child. Bold of you to assume i love my life-”
“would you shut up if i give you a dollar?”
And that actually did shut Reader as she was similing like an idiot with her one dollar that could not even spend, if the sacrifice was a success or she doesn't escape.
But guess what? Did she even try to escape? Nah, will she regret it? Probably but like she said “future problems for future me”
As the cult do its ritual, flames, dark shadow and a dark black light come from no where. Reader wasn't a religious type but that didn't mean she didn't believe in supernatural beings, she was pissy because she didn't have any popcorn for this or maybe she should film it but she thoughts that if she publish on YouTube no one could think the video is real but she could always do some buzz!
Reader didn't have an angel or demon on her shoulders. No, she had another version of her but with an expensive suit with expensive glasses that always thinks “mmmh…is it worth it the effort? Is it beneficial with money?”
anyways like every sane person you think, why Reader is thinking about that when she is in an horrible situation ?! Well i don't know Charle, why are we alive when we will die at the end?!
Before Reader could lose any other type of sanity (if it even exist) she stopped her thoughts and look what the fuck the cult members summoned, it could be funny if they summoned an instopable force without any morality and kills you but also the memebers…AHAahah…oh fuck..you realise you jinks it.
And guess what? You were right, the thing that they summoned it attacked everything and killed every members that tried to run away, you didn't know how after all you closed your eyes to not be even more traumatized then you are already but you could certainly hear their screams of pain, it feel like hearing souls from hell getting tortured there. It felt like the entity knew exactly how to inflect pain to give the most horrible death possible.
Even when the screaming stopped you open your eyes again after a good minute and you didn't believe what you are just seeing! A fucking furry…?! Actually you have no idea if It's a half wolf but you are sure that his aesthetic is a little too red for your liking and it felt like even if it had a humanoid appearance it was everything but human. That thing had too much of a dark aura to not feel like fleeing like a little bitch but you were lucky because mama didn't raise a bitch so you are going to face him! Wait- actually mama didn't raise anyone. She was a bit-
Plus it's not like you had a choice, you were still tied up.
You waited for your end (even if you didn't want a furry to kill you, i mean the ears could make you laugh if you weren’t in such a horrible situation)
And waited
And still waited until you see that that thing was looking at you curiously, ominously like it was thinking what to do to you.
Well the little human was right for once, the demon was interested in her why she wasn't screaming or trying to escaped, it isn't as fun if the victim already accepted Its end. That completely cuts Alastor appetite.
“sooo…” a voice break the tension “are you gonna kill me? After all normally i was suppose to be the sacrifice…”
Alastor's smile went even wider as he said with enthusiasm “Oh my dear! Actually that was the plan! But you seem more interested alive." Was that a compliment?
“oh…thanks..? I think….?..”
Alastor chuckles as your no longer tied down with a simple gesture of Alastor's hand.
“Well my dear..should you introduce yourself?”
“you know my mom said to not talk to strangers-” you tried to joke but that beast gaze was becoming a little too dark
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My redneck neighbor Doug watches 'The Bad Batch': The Outpost
As per many people's requests, I've collected a series of texts and Facebook messages from Doug when he watched certain episodes of everyone's favorite Copy Paste Boi show.
Some he was quite pithy on ('Ryan-from-Accounting goes fast but not fast enough to get away from the Bitch Wife Laura'), and others...well, he got excitable, to put it mildly.
Here's one of the more deranged ones, Season 2, Episode 12, 'The Outpost'. Or as Doug calls it: "The Daddy Warcrimes Christmas Special."
CW for Language like you wouldn't believe. Doug says "you'll need a permission slip from your momma to read this, I guess."
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Daddy Warcrimes is waiting by the Empire's equivalent of a windowless van, because comfort is just not his thing and he really wants the experience of smuggling cocaine across the border one of these days.
Some bitch who looks like she works at a bank is telling these clones that their extended warranty is up. I wanna bring her a bag of pennies and make her count it before I deposit it because I'm sick like that.
So here comes in SOME BLOND JACKASS. Mother of Hell do I hate this guy. Can I just tell you how much I hate him? I hate him like I hate the Crimson Tide, like I hate February, like I hate my mother-in-law. Hate hate hate. 
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So Daddy Warcrimes, SOME BLOND JACKASS, and some homies get into Floating Probable Cause to lay waste to an unsuspecting Third World country or whatever.
Well, I was wrong! Looks like Elsa and her frozen fingers took over this dump. Disney owns both, so why not. The cold never bothered them anyway. Nope, they’re at somebody’s nasty old storage shed. Why does this remind me of visiting my sister in Wyoming?
Oh, who is this no-frills, salt-of-the-earth, son-of-a-bitch? Is that tanned Kurt Russell? No? It’s Sassy Park Ranger! I like him already. If he was my boss I’d actually show up to work on time and sober, or late and hung over, either way, it’d be a good time with the man. He just seems cool and chill and a nice dude. I bet he’s got homemade beef jerky in his locker and his beard always smells like cigar smoke. 
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OH SHUT UP STUPID BLOND JACKASS, Jesus Christ I’ve never wanted to hit someone with a folding chair so hard in my life. CALL HIM COMMANDER.
Aw, Sassy Park Ranger’s being nice to Daddy Warcrimes, maybe Daddy Warcrimes will share the Columbian nose candy in the back of the van with Sassy Park Ranger, and Sassy Park Ranger won’t ask about the sobbing family Daddy Warcrimes is probably holding for ransom in the back. It’s all about understanding each other. 
This is truly the Daddy Warcrimes Christmas special, snow and friendship and stuff. I hope this doesn’t end up with Daddy Warcrimes 86’ing Rudolph and the rest of the reindeer from the sky, that would traumatize the children. But this is the same studio that produced Bambi so who knows. Didn't he try killing a kid the first episode?
Oh man, Sassy Park Ranger’s lost a lot of his men, that’s real sad. Only two left, Jesus. SHUT UP BLOND JACKASS SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP.
(I won’t repeat it, but the amount of times that SHUT UP was texted was….something else- Dr. MM)
Sassy Park Ranger’s taking Daddy Warcrimes on a hike around the place in the middle of a blizzard, probably going to say hi to the yeti hooker they all frequent and show him how to write his name in the snow with pee. He’s such a good guy. If they go sledding I’d be so happy.
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Oh, shit! Daddy Warcrimes remembers that he has a job and proceeds to cop some poor bastard in the leg so he can follow the trail of blood in the snow. What in the Fargo am I watching here, does Steve Buschemi show up at one point now. No sledding in this one, I guess.
Well there goes Sassy Park Ranger and Daddy Warcrimes on a heartwarming romp following a crippled burglar in the snow as he bleeds to death. Kevin McCallister would be so proud. Well, now, they found a dead body already. You know, at this point, if Daddy Warcrimes capped Santa in the head this show wouldn’t be less wholesome. 
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Aw shit Daddy Warcrimes stepped on a landmine, but Sassy Park Ranger watched his training videos that HR made them sit through and disarms it. They’re having a nice convo, I really, really like Sassy Park Ranger. If he dies I’ll be so freaking mad. 
(I said nothing, FYI - Dr. MM)
Aw shit, they found the bunker of crazy white people with guns in the snow. It’s confirmed: the Daddy Warcrimes Christmas Special takes place in Wyoming. Are Daddy Warcrimes and Sassy Park Ranger facing off my brother-in-law and his branch of the VFW near Laramie? Those guys need hobbies besides doomsday prepping and getting drunk in the snow. It ain’t right. 
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“After all we sacrificed”…man. I feel right here. Is this the child friendly version of Enemy at the Gate? Shit. Please these two bastards need to survive. I need a beer and I wanna hug my wife.  
Dr. Meat Muffin, please don't tell me you're letting your babies watch this show. They need that dog from Australia who has fun with her daddy, not this.
Oh shit, avalanche! 
Oh no, Sassy Park Ranger. Oh no, oh no. Oh, Daddy Warcrimes.
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Thank Christ they made it! They’re gonna save him! They’re gonna save him.
Wait. What. 
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Yay! Daddy Warcrimes finally took out his gun and 86’d that FUCK. CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY!! YAAAAAAY!!!!!
Man...I hope this ends okay for Daddy Warcrimes. I hope his brothers aren't just dicking around somewhere warm while he and the other bros are out dying.
Guess that'll be next episode?"
....Doug snapped SO HARD watching 'Pabu'. Brace yourselves.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 10 months
Enough is Enough
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Goddess!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Warnings: character deaths, reader being forced to kill, revenge kills, fluff at the end
Request by anon: Heyy! Can you write a one shot  of team free will x powerful demigod reader? Where the reader is the daughter of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades  and blessed by the Gods and the Team need her help for some case and they summon her for help and in the end Dean or Sam fall in love her?
Summary: Sam and Dean take on a case where people are killing themselves after what appears to be a ghost touching them when in reality, something much deadlier is attacking them.
Square Filled: summoning a spirit for @spnclassicbingo
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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“Okay, Sammy, tell me one more time what we’re dealing with,” Dean says as he drives into Victorville, California.
“Two people have died under mysterious circumstances. They were normal people with normal jobs until one day they suddenly went crazy and killed themselves. None of them had prior indications that they were mentally ill or had depression.”
“Yeah, that could be our thing.”
“I already called the sheriff. He’s expecting us.” Dean heads into town and stops at the local sheriff’s station. Both brothers get out and enter the station where the sheriff greets them. “Sheriff. I’m Agent Lennon and this is my partner Agent McCartney.”
“Thank you for coming out here.”
“Of course. What else can you tell us about this case?”
“I can do you one better. I can show you. Follow me.” The sheriff brings Sam and Dean to his desk where footage from a CCTV camera is already pulled up. “Go ahead. Press play.”
Sam sits down and presses play to start the video. There is a highway with passing cars and a diner on the other side of the road where someone is waiting for something. Thirty seconds pass before Sam sees something glitch in and out of the frame. If someone were scrolling through the footage, they would miss it but Sam knows what he’s looking for. As soon as the mysterious object passes through the frame, the man starts screaming in terror. He pulls at his hair and runs into traffic where he gets hit by a car.
“Poor son of a bitch,” the sheriff sighs.
Sam rewinds the footage and stops on the figure that glitches into the frame. There isn’t a good angel for it but Sam knows it’s the shape of a woman.
“Was there footage of the first murder?” Dean asks.
“No. It happened inside the victim’s home.”
“If you get any more footage, please let us know immediately.”
“Sure thing.”
Sam and Dean finish up at the police department and leave together.
“Did you see the ghost?”
“I’m surprised the sheriff didn’t.”
“We should check the diner for any signs of EMF.” Sam and Dean drive over to the spot where the second victim killed himself. CSI and the police already investigated here, so the place is pretty empty. No one wants to go to a diner where someone saw a ghost and freaked the fuck out. “Why don’t you see what you can find out? I’ll talk to the staff inside.”
Dean leaves his brother’s side and heads inside while Sam takes out his EMF reader. He walks down the entire length of the parking lot but not a single abnormality shows up on the reader. It doesn’t take long for Dean to finish talking to the staff inside and he joins his brother’s side when he’s done.
“They didn't see a thing. It was too dark to see if there was another person. All they knew is that he came in by himself, ate, and left. Minutes later, he went crazy and killed himself. What about you?”
“Nothing. There is no evidence that there was any ghost here. It’s weird, we definitely saw a ghost on film.”
“What else could it be?”
While Sam and Dean ponder on that questions, two teenage kids hang out at a grocery store on the other side of town. They’re known as the troublemakers of the town. They love getting into fights, trashing people’s houses, skipping school, and causing headaches for most of the adults in town. Dylan and Jaden are best friends who feed off each other’s energy so there is no stopping them whenever they come together.
Dylan is resting on the hood of his car while Jaden is smoking next to him. They’re in the mood for a little fucking around with the locals in town. The best kind of people to fuck with are the tourists and people who pass by their town because they don’t know the boys’ reputation. Someone new moved to town not that long ago making him the perfect target for the boys’ torment.
The man is walking out of the store since his shift has finished and walks toward his car. Dylan nudges Jaden with his foot and gestures to the employee. Jaden takes a deep inhale from his cigarette and flicks it onto the ground.
“Melinoe, come out come out wherever you are,” Jaden smirks.
You emerge from the shadows with a look of hatred on your face. Dylan and Jaden smirk and point to the man walking to his car.
“I should kill you two instead,” you glare.
“Do that and you won’t ever see your heart again. Now go kill the bitch before we kill you,” Dylan threatens.
If someone is in possession of your heart, they have the ability to use you in any way they wish. If someone were to pierce your heart, then you’ll die a slow and painful death. These two idiot kids got ahold of your heart and now have power over you that no human should ever have.
You walk over to the man who has no clue what’s about to happen to him. You’re all for killing people and bringing their souls to the Underworld for punishment but only those who deserve it. The people you’ve killed never deserved it despite the two kids thinking they did. You walk past the man and touch his shoulder to let your powers flow through him. The man screams in terror and pulls at his hair as he is driven mad. He carries self-defense weapons to protect himself which he uses to kill himself.
You turn back to the shadows when you’ve done your part.
The next morning, Sam and Dean show up at the grocery store parking lot where the man killed himself. Dean talks to some of the staff while Sam takes out his EMF reader to check for paranormal signs. Much like the last scene, nothing shows up.
“Dean, this isn’t making any sense.”
“The store manager says we can look at his security footage. He got a good view of the parking lot. Come on.”
Sam and Dean walk inside the store and meet the sheriff at the manager’s office where the cameras are. The manager plays back the footage to the right after the man left for his shift. There are two kids by a car in the background that are illuminated by the light pole, and they’re watching the man walk to his car. A ghostly figure walks into the frame and they gesture for it to attack the man.
They watch as the figure walks past the man who then freaks out. He takes one of his self-defense weapons and kills himself with it.
“Who are those two kids?” Dean asks. The manager rewinds the footage and zooms in on both of them, getting a clear view of them. “Sheriff, could you identify them?”
“Yeah. I’ll have my men look into it.”
The sheriff immediately sends the footage over to his IT department who comes back with both of their identities and their addresses. Sam and Dean will take over from here, so they head over to Dylan’s house in hopes that he’s home. Dean and Sam walk up to the front door and knock three times. Five minutes later, Dylan answers the door with Jaden behind him.
“Yeah, what do you want?”
“Are you Dylan and Jaden?”
“What’s it to you, old man?” Sam and Dean push themselves inside their house and look around. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Where is she?” Dean asks and shoves his FBI badge into his face. “Where are you hiding her?”
“What are you talking about?”
“The woman you use to kill people. Where is she?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Leave before I call the police on you. Do you even have a warrant to be in here?”
Dean is about to tear him a new one when you appear from the shadows in the corner of the room. Sam and Dean take out their guns with iron bullets and aim them at you. Dylan and Jaden step back when they see the weapons to stay out of the line of fire.
“Who the hell is she?”
“Those bullets won’t do anything to me.”
“Who are you?”
“I am the thing they keep hostage to kill others with,” you glare at them.
“Kill them,” Dylan orders.
This is it. This is your way out. At this moment, you don’t care about your heart or where they might have hidden it. The fact is, they don’t have it on them right now.
“No, I don’t think I will. I’m done being your bitch. It’s time you get a taste of your own medicine.”
You disappear from sight and allow them a few seconds of pure terror of not knowing where you are. You appear behind them and place your hands on both of their heads. You let your magic flow through their brains ten times harder than you did with the other victims. Almost immediately, they begin screaming their heads off in fear.
They didn’t know it, but they were declared dead the second they possessed your heart.
They claw at their hair, run their nails down their faces so hard it draws blood, and smash their heads against the walls multiple times. Dylan did it so much that his skull split open and his brain and blood spattered everywhere. Both men slid to the floors when they died, and you turn to the brothers who have shocked looks on their faces.
“My name is Melinoe but I go by Y/N these days. I am the Goddess of Ghosts, Nightmares, and Funerary Rites. I am the daughter of Persephone and Zeus and Hades combined. I’d like your help finding out where my heart is so I can be free.”
Sam and Dean call in the double suicide before leaving the scene as fast as possible. You join them in their motel room to talk about what you’re here for and what it means to have someone possess your heart.
“We’ve met some Greek Gods in our time but never someone like you. We’ve met your father.”
“Which one?”
“Despite what people say, Zeus is worse than Hades. Zeus got jealous of Hades and banished him to the Underworld.” Sam and Dean look at each other in silence. “Look, I know you think I’m a killer but I’m not a bad person. I only kill those who deserve it so I can guide their souls into the Underworld to exact their punishment. Those two idiots made me kill innocent people.”
“How did they do that?”
“They have my heart. I shouldn’t have killed them. They hid it so I wouldn’t grab it and leave them.”
“We’ll find it,” Sam smiles.
“Thank you. I’m not all bad, you know. I can reunite people with their dead loved ones for a few minutes. Cemeteries are my favorite places to hang out in.”
You, Sam, and Dean do some research on where Dylan and Jaden could have hidden your heart. They would have chosen a place where no one would find it. A place that could be abandoned or a cave. There aren’t a lot of spots like that around town so it’s easy to compile a list.
“What will happen if your heart is destroyed?”
“I’ll die. I had ownership of my heart for thousands of years until one day I met a man. A man who heard the rumors about me and what I can do. This was during the time when Greek Gods and Goddesses were roaming Earth. He’s the sole reason why I believe in love, but he’s also the reason why I believe in heartbreak. He stole my heart and it’s been passed around ever since.”
“Greek Gods were around in 900 BC. That’s a long time to go without your heart.”
“You’re telling me,” you scoff.
“I promise to get your heart back for you.”
“Thank you,” you smile sweetly.
“Okay, I have a list of three places where your heart can be,” Dean says. “The abandoned factory outside of town, the old Well House on someone’s farm, and a cave in Long Beach. Though, I don’t think they’d drive two hours for something so precious as a Goddess’ heart.”
“Let’s check the factory first. These guys craved power. I don’t think they would allow my heart to reside on someone else’s property.”
“Factory it is.”
You three head thirty minutes to the factory outside of town. Before you step foot out of the car, you can feel the power your heart holds. It’s here and it’s calling to you. You don’t have to search the entire property because you know exactly where it is. Your heart is inside a dirty box and you scoff at the treatment it got.
“Wow, never seen that before,” Dean mutters.
You grab your heart and it glows bright green at being connected to the person it belongs to. You move the top of your dress to the side and allow your heart to be absorbed back into your body. Your entire body glows bright green before dimming down, and you turn to the brothers with a smile.
“I can’t thank you two enough for what you’ve done for me. Please allow me to repay you back. Is there a dead loved one you’d like to see again?”
“No, we’re good. I just want to get out of this God-forsaken town,” Dean chuckles.
Sam looks at his brother in thought and gets an idea.
“Actually, there might be.”
It doesn't matter where a person is buried or where they ended up after death. You have the power to draw their souls back to you for a short amount of time to give a person a chance to talk to them. Dean is shocked when you pull his mother and father from Heaven to allow him some time to talk to them. Sam never knew them, not in the way that Dean did, so he gives this moment to his brother.
“You must love your brother to let him have this,” you say to Sam.
You and he are off to the side to give Dean some time alone with his parents.
“He knew them better than I ever did,” he shrugs.
“Listen, I don’t have to be in the Underworld right now. Would you like some company for a while?”
A blush spreads across Sam’s cheeks at the thought of spending more time with you.
“I’d like that.”
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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laughing-with-god · 3 months
hi!!!! could you tell us anything about the unsaid vow couple? I’d love to know their story w/o the spoilers of course! ❤️
hey I love your blog! So cool to have you in my inbox!
And yes, I do have Unsaid Vow on my Patreon but tbh...I don't really have much backstory established for them as a couple, so this was a really cool ask that made me think. (I do purposefully keep their history kinda of vague tho, as I want the reader to make their own assumptions/stories.)
anyway, here's some random headcanons
I think you guys met at a party! I picture Y/N as a student probably in her first or second year of college. Had a group project and your group partner invited you to a party they were throwing, where JK also was at
He was very popular with the girls and tbh, I think drunk Y/n just wanted some dick and he apprecitated how you didn't sugar coat that
"I don't wanna be your gf, just heard that dick was a 10/10"
He was amused, you were cute and not usually his type so he took you home for the night
Think he was a clingy little bitch after that, kept hitting you up and you probably just thought he was a fuckboy who would keep trying to hit, so you kept letting him
It wouldn't be until another guy hit on you or something that JK would get up in their face like "tf you on my girl for?" that you're like...oh?
You never really had a bf before and I see you just being like "shit, it's college and he's hot, might as well try this out for a few months."
Don't think you guys have a clear anniversary date bc of that, prob just made a guess and picked a day
Honestly I think you would think this was only gonna be like a three-four month relationship
Early college bf Jk was kinda toxic tbh but you gave him passes bc he was hot and u didn't have anything to hide
I think he would keep your location on at all times, be super defensive if you didn't
he'd try to make you delete social media saying it's so toxic for ur mental health but it's actually bc he doesn't wanna share you w the world lol
stroke game had you seeing things and agreeing to whatever istg
I think he'd have a chain or necklace or something so when he's on top you kept getting hit on the forhead with it LMFAO (why do I find that hot tho?)
Took news of your pregancy surpringly well, you were ready to ask him help for the abortion fee and he was like "why would u kill my bby when we can just raise it?"
acts of service king during your pregnacy. isn't like cuddly or sentimental but def was the guy to buy you anything you looked at twice
stepped out after you gave birth to Hugo and had a lil cry
I think it would only be until after you had his son that his family would demand to meet you, I think for some reason JK kept trying to hide you from them
actually had a good bond with Hugo as a baby. kids are difficult to understand but Jk was good with babies. feed them, change them, burp them, hold them. It was so easy and I think baby Hugo liked naping on Jk's bare chest
Anyway I'm gonna leave it at that bc I don't wanna spoil anything lol
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betyloca · 4 months
headcanons of piotr rasputin (colossus) to wade wilson's friend
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pairing: colossus x latin mutant reader
• Colossus was in the mansion when he noticed on the news that an accident had occurred on a highway involving two mutants.
• Knowing that one of them was Wade, he immediately went to look for him.
• When he arrived at the place he found him trying to kill a guy.
• After stopping Wade from killing him, they started arguing.
colossus: it's not a way to do things, there are rules
wade: shove the rules up your ass
• That caused the colossus to hit and caused a fight between them.
• Of course, between the blows he gave to Wade, he broke some bones
colossus: give up now wade
Wade: ok I need reinforcements morena
• Upon hearing that he saw a masked person addressing him.
• saw how he started shooting at him with a gun
• As a defense, he hit her, sending her away until he saw when she got up, taking off her mask, showing that she was a woman.
Wade: Ahhhh you hit Y/N you son of a bitch.
Colossus: I didn't know she was a woman.
• This guy felt terrible when he realized he knocked you unconscious.
• He decided to take you to the mansion so you could rest.
• when you woke up he tried to talk to you but you just started throwing things at him
colossus: stop throwing things at me
y/n: what do you want.. ehh?
Colossus: I just want to talk, yes.
y/n: after hitting me, no thanks.
colossus: it was not intentional because we didn't start again I'm piotr rasputin but they call me colossus
y/n: ahhh okay I'm y/n Gonzáles friend of wade wilson
• How did your friendship with him begin?
• This guy loved how energetic you were. He loves it when you talk to him about your favorite movies non-stop.
• he thinks wade is a bad influence on you but he had to accept that wade was like your brother from another mother
• likes it when you ask him about his mutation and how much weight he carries
• One day I ask you why you wear gloves.
colossus: why do you wear gloves that only cover three fingers?
y/n: I disintegrate everything I touch by supporting the entire palm of my hand, that's why I use them
• He is fascinated by your mutation, he likes to see how powerful you are.
• Until one day he saw you in action and noticed how agile you were with weapons.
• He loves that you visit him in the mansion, he loves spending time with you
• Wade gets jealous when I steal his best friend because he started to notice that he was in love.
Wade: So you like y/n?
colossus: what times are you talking about?
Wade: Come on, it's clear that you love her and if I'm honest, if you want to win her over, do it with food, you seriously love her.
Colossus: I'll take that information
Wade: She's also a virgin if they do it so you don't break her in two.
colossus: wade!!
• okey wade was right you loved the food
• when I bought you some cupcakes you started jumping like a little child with happiness
y/n: they are for me seriously
colossus: yes I thought you would like it
y/n: *jumping* there I love you I love you thank you* kissing his cheek*
• I love seeing you so I started giving you things, more often they were all snacks.
• tell about seeing you this happy and getting some kisses
• until one day you also gave him a gift, a handmade bracelet
y/n: I made it for you
colossus: thank you very much
Y/N: I knew you would like it.
• He never takes off his bracelet until he shows it off to Wade.
• loves every gift you give him, keeping them as a treasure
• loves having movie nights with you and feels so intimate as if it were a moment for the two of you.
• He likes it when you ask him to straighten your hair, he always ends up making a mess but you show it off with pride.
• you trust him so much that you started wearing his clothes
colossus: that one on my shirt
y/n: I have all my shirts in the laundry I hope you don't mind
colossus: don't take what you want* smiling to himself*
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