#//SE let me down so I gotta make up the difference
wintaerbaer · 4 months
bottle up old love (jjk) (m)
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summary: Jungkook may have broken up with you a year ago, but that's not going to stop him from coming to your rescue when he sees you being cornered by a creep.
pairing: Jungkook x Reader
rating: 18+ (MINORS DNI)
genre: exes to lovers, the holy trinity of angst/smut/fluff
word count: 4.6k (this was supposed to be a drabble 💀)
prompt: JK + exes to lovers + "I'm sorry" + "I hate you" + "Don't fucking touch me" + "Leave" (for @btsborahaee <3)
warnings: language, a short harassment scene at the beginning (nothing too intense), explicit content including: unprotected sex (DO NOT), fingering, praise kink, biting, marking, spanking, cum eating (sort of?), big cawk soft dom jk, cowgirl (yeehaw), creampie, cockwarming, i think that's all but this also wasn't supposed to be too smutty so clearly idk what's going on lol
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“Don’t fucking touch me!”
You spit the words at the man in front of you, pushing him back as he tries to make another grab at your arm.
“Why do you gotta be like that?” Seungcheol whines. “I thought we were having fun.”
“You and I have very different ideas of fun.” You take a step backwards towards your building. Somewhere down the sidewalk, footsteps clatter against the pavement.
“C’mon.” He matches your movement, reaches for you again. “Invite me up. You enjoyed the last time, didn’t you? I told you that was just a warm-up.”
The building’s brick wall is closer than you thought, and you bang your shoulder against it as you try to sidestep him. “Last time you didn’t follow me to a bar I didn’t even invite you to. How did you know where I was anyway?”
“Let me come up, and I’ll tell you,” he rumbles with a flicker of his eyebrows. He has you fully backed up against the wall now, and you press against the muscle of his chest to no avail.
“Stop!” you shout before he’s ripped away from you so suddenly that you’re left blinking in confusion, huddled against the brick.
There’s a thud–the sound of a fist hitting flesh–and a yelp before Seungcheol is reeling back with his hands clutching his nose. Blood seeps out from beneath his fingers, black even under the glow of the streetlamps.
“What the fuck?” he shrieks, and it’s only then that you take a proper look at your savior, looking every bit like he’s stepped straight out of the shadows with his dark hair, ebony clothes, and deep brown eyes.
And a lead weight drops into your stomach as you recognize him.
Jungkook sets himself between you and Seungcheol, looming over the latter as he continues to cover his face, whining. “I’m giving you ten seconds to get out of here.”
“Who the fuck are you?!”
“Ten,” Jungkook growls, taking a step in Seungcheol’s direction. “Nine.”
Seungcheol straightens–clearly a last-ditch attempt to look intimidating. Spitting blood onto the concrete, he peers at you over Jungkook’s shoulder. “This isn’t over, bitch.”
Then he spins and takes off running down the street.
Your hands grip your elbows. It may be a balmy summer night, but you’re shivering where you stand, unsure whether you’re more affected by Seungcheol’s behavior or the ghost who’s unexpectedly in front of you.
“Are you okay?” he quietly asks, gaze fixed on your face. You stare at your shoes and give him a brisk nod as a response before turning away, punching in your building code, and walking through the front door.
He follows closely, slipping in behind you and trailing a few feet. You let him for a little while, guiding him through the modest lobby and up the first flight of stairs. But when you’re halfway up the second stairwell–almost to your floor–you pause on the landing, spinning his way.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
His eyes are gentle, sincere. “Making sure you get in safely.”
“There’s no need for that,” you assert. “I’m already in my building. There’s a keypad. I’m good.”
“The keypad does almost nothing. I followed you in no problem.”
“So I should be worried about you then?”
He flushes, the tips of his ears going pink. “Please just let me see you inside.”
You want to argue back, want to shout at him and make a scene, but you know it’s no use. Know that he’s stubborn as a bull and will get what he wants one way or another.
It’s how he broke up with you after all.
You say nothing, only hustle up the last set of steps and down the dimly-lit hallway until you’re in front of your door, Jungkook tailing you the whole time with his hands in his pockets. You practically fumble your key in your haste to get it into the lock, letting out a satisfied sigh as the latch finally clicks open.
“There. I’m in,” you say as you step over the threshold, waving a dismissive hand at your unwanted companion. “Leave.”
But he hesitates just outside the doorway, teeth chewing at the corner of his lip. “What are you going to do if he comes back?”
“That’s my problem, isn’t it? I stopped being your concern when you dropped me out of nowhere a year ago.”
Your eyes sting at the memory, tears threatening to spill over. You don’t want him here. Don’t want to see him or have him anywhere in your vicinity. Not when it still hurts like this.
Though, truth be told, you don’t expect to ever be fully over him.
“We’re done, Jungkook,” you murmur. “You made sure of that.”
And you close the door in his face.
The distress subsides quickly once he’s out of sight–like he was never there to begin with–and you don’t linger, dropping your bag on the sofa and heading straight for the bathroom. This is how you’ve made it a year without him; it was weeks of crying before you realized that wallowing was doing you no good, only fueling your misery instead of providing any kind of catharsis. So you’ve done your best to simply push past it and cast away the anguish that bubbles up every time you think of him. Not allow it to linger like the shadows at the edges of the room.
You shed your clothes and turn the shower to a temperature that you’ll probably regret later. But for now, you savor the way the water sears your skin as you wash away the day with all of its unpleasant surprises. Taking your time, you scrub every inch of your body and carefully shampoo your hair (trying not to fall back into the fantasy that’s plagued you on occasion where it’s his hands and not yours spreading the bubbles over your form).
The self-care continues as you step out of the shower and leisurely work through your skin care routine, even taking the time to blow dry your hair. By the time you exit the bathroom, the fog on the mirror has dissipated, and you’ve once again successfully tamped down the memory of Jungkook and his hands and eyes and everything you ever felt for him.
Or so you think.
After popping into your bedroom to pull on some pajamas, you pad back into the living room for a glass of water, and your eyes are immediately drawn to the front door. Regret attempts to push its way into your consciousness against your better judgment. The man broke your heart, yes. But you do feel a little guilty slamming the door in his face after he just fought off a creep for you.
And speaking of Seungcheol, what if he does come back? You’re pretty sure he saw you punch in the building code the night you brought him home with you, and given his behavior, you wouldn’t be surprised if he filed it away in his head.
Anxiety winning out, you creep to the door and peer through the peephole. The hallway looks empty, drab beige walls taking up most of your field of view, but you jump as you spot a hulking shadow to the right. Your heartbeat races then slows, a closer look revealing hunched, unmoving shoulders wrapped in a familiar black t-shirt.
Jungkook swings his head to look at you as you open the door and glare down at him. His legs are pulled up, arms resting on his knees, and it might be endearing if not for the fact that he absolutely, positively should not be here.
“What are you doing?” you ask him for the second time tonight.
“He might come back.”
“And you’re going to what? Fight him?”
He shrugs. “If I have to.”
“Yeah?” You raise an eyebrow, challenging. “You’re going to sit out here all night?”
He shifts where he sits, wiggling his hips like he’s firmly planting his butt into his chosen spot. “Yes.”
You roll your eyes at him but don’t doubt that he would. Again, if there is anything you know this man to be, it’s stubborn. “You’re going to scare the neighbors.”
“Who, Mrs. Kwon?” A tiny smile plays on his lips as he glances in the direction of your elderly neighbor’s apartment. “I think she’d be delighted to see me.”
If you’re being honest, she probably would be. She’s always adored Jungkook and praised him as the “kind, handsome young man” who helped her put away groceries and fixed her leaky faucet one time. In the months following your breakup, she’d asked about him once or twice, patting your arm reassuringly when you awkwardly told her she wouldn’t be seeing him anymore.
“Don’t worry, dear,” she said. “He’ll come around.”
Well she’s turned out to be right in that he’s certainly back here again, still watching you from his spot on the floor. And you don’t know whether it’s his big doe eyes or the fact that he really would guard your apartment all night if you let him or the genuine fear that one of the other neighbors will make a fuss at his presence, but you feel yourself softening.
Turning abruptly, you stride into the kitchen for your glass of water, walking out of sight of the door, which is still wide open.
“You coming?” you call, pulling two glasses down from the cupboard.
There’s a rustle as Jungkook stands and shuffles into your apartment, closing the door behind him with a soft thud. For someone who was so determined to defend you tonight, he seems uncertain now that he’s actually inside. His hands are once again stuffed in his pockets, and his eyes flicker around like he hasn’t been here a thousand times. Hasn’t cooked you breakfast in this kitchen in nothing but his boxers. Hasn’t watched The Notebook with you on this TV and held you as you both cried.
Hasn’t made love to you on the couch.
You slide a water his way, and he murmurs his thanks, sipping at it lightly. It’s strange–seeing him here again–and you can’t help but think about the last time he stood in this room. It’d been a maelstrom of accusations and hurt feelings that culminated in him storming out, the slam of the door echoing in your ears.
“You never cleaned that?” He gestures at the rug that covers most of the sitting area in your living room, eyes on the dark purple stain roughly the size of your hand.
You gulp down your water and try not to follow his line of sight. Try not to remember how you’d knocked over a glass of wine in your haste to get his clothes off during another movie night less than a month before your breakup.
“I kind of forgot about it,” you say. “Stopped noticing it after a while.” 
It’s a lie. There was never a time when you didn’t notice it, the memory of him haunting you every time you sit down on the couch and stare at the garish stain. And still, you haven’t been able to bring yourself to try and erase it.
Silence worms its way between you again. With only the soft light from the tabletop lamp glowing next to the couch, Jungkook’s face is cloaked in shadow. And so you barely see his lips move when he speaks. Barely hear it with how quietly his whisper slips into the room.
“I’m sorry.”
Your glass almost drops from your fingers, droplets splashing across your knuckles as you catch it at the last moment and steady it on the countertop. Turning to face him, you find his gaze already on you, melancholy tinting his expression.
He tongues his lip ring, shoulders dropping a fraction. “For how things ended. I’m sorry.”
You can see the sincerity in his posture, can see the sadness in his form. And yet, his words only fill you with a hot anger that bubbles out of you before you can swallow it down.
“I don’t know why you would be,” you challenge, “being that you didn’t even respect me enough to give me a proper reason.”
Jungkook huffs at that; you think he’s resisting the urge to roll his eyes. “Did it really matter?”
He gnaws at his lip again, no longer looking at you, and his lack of an answer only riles you up further.
“Was there someone else?” you demand, causing him to flinch. It was the same thing you asked him when he told you he thought you should break up, standing in almost this exact same spot.
“No,” he murmurs after a moment. “There wasn’t anyone else.” He pushes a hand through his dark, silky hair. “There hasn’t been anyone else since either.”
This surprises you. Jungkook is, in your eyes, the handsomest man you have ever come face-to-face with, but even from an objective standpoint, he is exceedingly attractive. There is no doubt in your mind that he would easily be able to land a woman if he so desired.
“So then why?”
He sets his jaw, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows and fixes his stare out the window. And it’s this final refusal, this steadfast dedication to not explaining himself, that finally has tears tracking down your cheeks.
The sight of you crying has his attention snapping back your way, hands reaching out as if to hold you.
“Don’t touch me,” you gasp, recoiling until you’re out of reach. “I…I hate you.”
It almost seems as if your voice lands physically, and Jungkook staggers back like you’ve slapped him, remorse immediately wiggling its way between your ribs. You know you don’t mean the words even as they fall from your mouth, but it feels pointless to take them back now, the sentiment already thrown out there and hovering in the hollow space between you.
Jungkook muddles towards the couch–more of a defeated slump dragging his steps than anger–and you think he’s going to sit down before he whirls back towards you at the last second.
“The gala,” he mutters. “That’s when I decided.”
You know which one he’s talking about. Hosted by your medical school to celebrate the end of the academic year, it had been a night of food, dancing, and socializing. You had, of course, brought him as your date and introduced him to your friends and classmates, excited to finally allow him to put faces to names. As you comb through your memories of the night, you can’t pinpoint any warning signs, only remembering the way he’d smiled at you throughout. The way he’d pulled you close and danced you around the room.
“I don’t…I don’t understand.”
He rakes his fingers through his hair again, tossing strands of night over his forehead. A sad chuckle looses itself into the thick air of the room, and the final dregs of his resolve flicker away. “I realized that I didn’t deserve to stand next to you. That you could do much better than me.”
Whatever you thought his reason had been–whatever theories or thoughts had kept you up night after night for the past year–this is not even close to what you expected. And while you always thought finally receiving an answer would be freeing, would offer you some semblance of understanding, you’re surprised at the rage that boils in the pit of your stomach, bile rising in your throat.
“Are you fucking serious right now?” you growl, taking an angered step towards him. “You were feeling insecure, and you made the decision to break up with me without even thinking to, I don’t know, discuss it with me first?”
His hand goes to the back of his neck now, embarrassment showing its face as he peers at you from under his lashes. “I was stupid–”
“No, shit.”
“But can you blame me?” he presses. “There we were: you, about to be this incredible doctor with all of your doctor friends…” His voice falters, sorrow lacing his tone. “And I’m just a tattoo artist.”
The defeatist way he says it helps to dampen your ire some, even if a heap of frustration remains–the sad shape of his doe eyes softening your edges.
“Just a tattoo artist,” you repeat. “Jungkook, I have always been so, so proud of you. I was never anything but proud to have you as my partner. You must’ve known that.”
His teeth worry his lip, and though he nods, he doesn’t seem fully convinced.
So you continue on, closing the distance between you a fraction more. “You started your own business from nothing. And I saw how hard you worked: to get the building, to hire other artists, train your apprentices.” You shake your head–half in irritation, half in awe. “And look at you now! You’re thriving. The last I heard, if you want an appointment at Golden Tattoo, you need to book months in advance.”
His eyes are alight now, some hidden emotion glimmering under the surface, but he stays quiet as he soaks in your words.
“So how can you possibly act like you weren’t enough?” you push. “You are amazing, Jungkook. And I never gave a shit about any job comparisons people may have made.” One more step, and suddenly you’re almost chest-to-chest. As always, you’re unable to resist the pull of his gravity. Yanked right back into his orbit. “I only wanted you. I’ve only ever wanted y–”
He cuts you off with his mouth, strong hands snagging your hips to pull you against him, and your own fingers reflexively tangle in his black hoodie as your subconscious gives itself over to him. Like it’s been waiting for this.
“I’m not. Not thriving,” he mumbles against your lips. “Not without you. Been miserable without you.”
And in spite of your anger, in spite of the fact that you were ready to kick him out a mere hour ago, you find yourself kissing him back, relishing the slick glide of his tongue as he licks into your mouth.
You startle as the backs of your knees suddenly bump against the couch, and then Jungkook is spinning as he settles onto the plush seat, pulling you along to straddle him. He sucks at your neck until you can feel the blood blooming under your skin, painting you like the pretty ink on his arm.
Speaking of.
The fabric of his hoodie whispers as you pull it up and over his back and head, tossing it over his shoulder and into a corner. His arms now bare to you, you gloss over his tattoos with your eyes and fingers until you find the one you’d picked out for him; the lovely orange of the flower petals seem to glow even in the dim light of the room.
“Beautiful,” you whisper.
“Just like you.”
You look at him then, the twinkle of tiny galaxies in his eyes betraying his hope. And before you can go any further, you need confirmation.
“You left.”
“I did.” Fingertips press lightly against your waist like he’s afraid you might be the one to disappear now. “I’m sorry.”
“Jungkook, if…” You lick your lips. Can almost taste his regret. “If we do this and you leave again–”
“If we do this, I'm not going anywhere,” he insists, tugging your hips down to grind against him and ghosting a kiss at your jaw. “Just wanna be here with you. Just want you.”
And it’s all you need to hear.
You shed the cotton shirt you had thrown on after your shower and move to yank his own off, tossing it in the same corner as his hoodie. The muscles of his pecs and abs shift under your hands, burning hot where your fingers trace the contours of his torso. 
“God, I missed this,” he groans as he buries his face between your breasts, nipping at the skin there before laving the spot with his tongue.
You’d agree–echo the sentiment that your body has been aching for this–if not for the fact that you’re too busy trying to get the two of you naked, thumbs hooking into the waistband of your shorts.
But a tattooed hand covers yours, eases it away to take its place. “No,” he rumbles. “Let me.”
Wide palms and long fingers span your hips and thighs, grasping as much skin as possible even as he drags your shorts and panties down your legs and helps to steady you as you kick them off. They join the tangle of his own clothes
“Fucking gorgeous,” he growls at the sight of you finally naked in front of him. And with such speed that it almost seems like it’s involuntary, an impulse outside of his control, he’s immediately stroking at the apex of your thighs.
“Baby, this wet for me already?” A breathy sigh passes from his mouth to yours, almost laughing at the ease with which he glides through your folds. “Hell, I could just–”
A finger slips in and you gasp, Jungkook smiling wickedly at you as he quickly adds a second and curls them against your walls. You force your eyes closed as they roll back in your head, and you keel forward, babbling incoherently against the line of his collarbone.
“Use your words, love; you can do it.” He says it as if his fingers aren’t currently buried in you down to the knuckle. As if he’s not making you see stars behind your eyelids right now.
You choke down a breath, desperate for the oxygen. “Insane,” you pant. “I said you’re fucking insane.”
“Only for you,” he says before sliding his digits out of you and dipping them into his mouth. He moans at the taste, and even with his lips closed tightly, you can see the way he’s working his tongue around each finger, unwilling to waste a single drop of your essence.
Like you said. Insane.
He gives you a moment to catch your breath until you’re the one who’s getting impatient, hastily undoing his belt and tearing it from his pants with a hiss. But as you shift off of him so he can slither out of his pants and boxers–his length springing free to slap against his smooth stomach–you’re hit with an untimely realization.
“Jungkook, I don’t have condoms.”
He freezes, the color draining from his face (though admittedly, that may be because all of his blood has clearly gone south). The two of you stare at each other for a long second before he suddenly leans over, rummaging back through his pants pockets. He pulls out his wallet, rifles through it, then tosses it across the room in frustration, head tilting back against the couch as he groans at the ceiling.
“Fuck, me neither.”
You chew at your lip, a loaded quiet settling over the room as Jungkook wipes a hand over his face.
“I’m still on birth control,” you whisper, and Jungkook whips his head around, eyes wide and questioning like he’s not sure he heard you right. But you don’t repeat yourself, only hold his stare until he’s tentatively reaching out to graze his fingertips along your thigh.
“I told you. There’s been no one else.” His expression is earnest, eager. You trust that he’s telling the truth, and yet you also know that if you refused him, if you said you weren’t comfortable, he wouldn’t push.
So you swing a leg back over his lap, drag your wet folds against his cock. He moans, gripping your thighs hard, but he leans in to bite at your lower lip with a growl before pulling back to search your face.
It hurts that he even feels the need to ask. Because how could you even want someone else? Who could possibly measure up?
You brush a reassuring, barely-there kiss against his already swollen lips. “No one else for me either.”
This seems to please him, but you still see hesitation behind his eyes as he asks, “What about the guy downstairs?”
A drunken mistake was what that was. All sloppy lips and fumbling hands that had left you feeling more empty than anything, and which resulted in you sending Cheol away before he had even gotten a peek at your bedroom.
“We made out once,” you admit, hating that you’re even having to think about another man when Jungkook is here in front of you. “But nothing else happened.”
“Good,” he grunts, but his fingers dig into your backside like he’s trying to reclaim you. And just a fraction of a second later, he’s devilishly tonguing his lip ring as he winds his palm back to bring it down harshly against the meat of your ass, the smack echoing between the walls almost endlessly.
“Ride me, baby.”
You’re quick to line him up–desperate, at this point, to have him inside of you–and begin to ease yourself down slowly, trying to give your body the space and time to adjust to the burning stretch of his girth. He’s always filled you to your absolute limit, tested the furthest boundaries of how much your body can take with his size.
“Yesss,” he hisses, nipping at your neck once again. “You’re doing great, love. Always take me so fucking well.”
You gasp as he bottoms out, struggling to catch your breath with the relentless push of him. If you were a betting woman, you’d put money on your intestines being somewhere in the area of your throat right now.
He wraps his inked arm around your waist, continuing to whisper his praises against the shell of your ear as he starts to guide your body up and down. Intoxicated by the smooth slide of his length, you soon find your pace, and your shared moans fill the room–the whole city probably able to hear you right now.
You move that way until the pressure building becomes too much and your legs start to tremble, quivering against Jungkook’s own muscled thighs.
“It’s okay; I’ve got you.” He bands his arms around you and presses you to his chest, holding you in place so he can thrust upwards.
You’re practically screaming now, burying your teeth into his shoulder so as to muffle your sounds and not scare the neighbors. It’s all you can do to hold on for dear life as he rapidly pistons his cock inside of you, the slap of your hips like a metronome.
It builds and builds until it breaks and you’re falling apart in his arms, the spasms of your inner walls pulling him over the edge with you as he empties his seed deep inside.
The silence that follows in unlike the others you previously shared this evening–tension traded for serenity as you sit on the couch holding each other, you still contentedly stuffed full of him. He traces the ridges of your spine in a soothing pattern that has your eyelids drooping, your cheek resting against the warm skin of his neck.
“I missed this,” you whisper once your brain has finally remembered how to construct human speech.
“I missed you.”
You pull back so you can rest your forehead against his and gently run a finger over the lines of his face. “Where do we go from here?”
He hums. Tucks a stray hair behind your ear. “Take it day by day?” he suggests. “We don’t need to rush into anything if you don’t want to.”
“Mm, that does seem like a problem for tomorrow.”
A dark eyebrow quirks, teasing. “And what about right now?”
“Now?” you ask. “Do you remember the way to the bedroom? Or…” You shift your hips, already feeling him twitching inside of you.
“Or.” He jolts forward to capture your mouth in a hot kiss, and you smile into it, whole again. “Or sounds good.”
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a/n: pls like, reblog, reply, and/or send an ask if you enjoyed! <3
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4K notes · View notes
munsonsprincess11111 · 2 months
My girls perfect
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: you and Eddie are dating have been for a while. Your a cheerleader he's well... Eddie. So when thr jocks make a comment to try make you feel insecure to piss eddie off, Eddie doesn't let it slide easy.
During the school week you and Eddie sit together ever day but Friday. Whether it's just you two or with hellfire. However Friday was normally basketball day so you was needed being a cheerleader. Friday was also hellfire day which meant Eddie was obviously needed.
He would sit with hellfire. You'd sit with the jocks. It was like you didn't exist to eachother on Friday between 11 am to 8 pm. Neither of you minded ofcourse. You had your own things and lucky they fell on the same day. It had been that way for 2 years.
However something was different about this Friday. Eddie was sat at the hellfire table laughing and messing around. Well and annoying the jocks. But after his usual stand on thr table thing on Friday he always looms to you to se you smirk and give him a sarcastic eye roll. But you looked out of it. Like you didn't want to be there.
You starred at your tray didn't turn to look at Eddie. It's like you wasn't there. Eddie sat back down in his chair frowning and kept glancing over at you. Until you pushed your tray away from you got your bag and walked out of the cafeteria some of the boys saying "oh y/n Common."
Eddie glanced at his friend's who was also starring at the table you was once sat at as was other people in the canteen shocked by you leaving. "Be back." Eddie said standing up walking off. He walked to the table you was sat at and stood at the end of it.
"What do you want freak?" Andy said. Eddie rolled his eyes looking at Andy and Tommy sat next to Jason then to Jason.
"What the fuck did you say to her." Eddie said bluntly starring at the three boys blankly.
"Just said she should be more like Chrissy and carol and focus in her appearance more." Tommy said smirking leaning back in his chair folding his arms over his chest. Eddie nodded and walked back over to hellfire.
"Dude tour just gonna let him say that your way to calm." Gareth said looming at Eddie in disbelief.
"Doug can I borrow your milkshake ill buy you another on Monday or before hellfire." He ignored Gareth asking doug. He nodded and handed it to Eddie who bit thr inside of his mouth thanking him before walking off. He walked around thr table of jocks and cheerleaders as if he was going to walk out of the door.
As Eddie got to the head of the table he threw the milkshake so it went over the three boys not stopping walking. "Maybe you should worry about yours I suppose you've gotta have a big ego to make up for thr rumours about your small cock." Eddie said ruffling Tommy's hair as he walked past him wiping his milkshake covered hand on Jason's back.
"Fucking freak." Tommy said standing up. Eddie took that as he had to run. So he did. He ran down the halls with the three boys following him. He went left and as he went down the hall he saw you walking. He slowed down as he approached you.
"Hey baby." Eddie said as he stopped next to you. You smiled up at him. "Here lemme take those." HE said taking the two books you was holding and your bag. He put thr books inside and slung it over his shoulder holding you into his side. "Don't listen to em ok? There is nothing and I mean nothing wrong with you. Babe some of them girls look like they haven't eaten for days cause they listen to them dicks. Your healthy. You got a beautiful face, amazing personality and a banging body." Eddie said holding you closer.
"Banging... Jesus Eddie." You laugh slightly.
"I'm serious want me to prove your perfect the way you are and there's nothing wrong with your weight or body?" Eddie askes stopping you both. You nod skeptically. Eddie wraps his arms around your waist picks you up and spins with you.
He puts you down after a moment and your both laughing. That's what he wanted to see. He wrapped his arms around you hugging you and you did the same. "See I can even touch my other arm don't listen to em." Eddie smirking kissing your cheek.
"I love you so much you fucking weirdo." You giggled kissing Eddie.
"I love you so much to you fucking freak." Eddie smirked back.
"Love how you went from saying how perfect I am to calling me a freak babe." You laughed pushing Eddie shoulder.
"Please we've been over this there is nothing wrong with being a lil freaky sweets." HE sid pulling you back into him.
Before you could answer you heard Tommy, and and jason at the end of the hall shouting Eddie name.
"What are they covered in?" You ask.
"Milkshake." Eddie smirks.
"What why?"
"CAUSE no one fucks with my girl and gets away with it... yeah we may need to run." Eddie says grabbing your hand and running down the hall with you.
Moments later you reach the van which luckily Eddie never locks he swings the passenger door open for you then runs around to the drivers side getting. You get in yourself and slam the door pushing the lock down Eddie doing the same the starting the van up and driving out of thr school faster then anyone should.
You look in thr mirror to see the three boys stood looking pissed. Then over to Eddie who's lighting a cigarette. "I'm not going to cheer tonight they'll be fine without me." You say leaning back in the chair.
"Yeah? Come watch hellfire could be fun babe." Eddie says exhaling the smoke. You nod smiling at him.
"Besides the boys think it's funny when your there cause apparently you make me go all stupid n they think it's funny when you tell me to stop being mean to them." Eddie smirks. You laugh and kiss his neck.
"I love you so much." You say kissing the spot again.
"I love you so much too... you know you could always leave a little mark there I mean I for sure wouldn't mind it. Just saying." Eddie said pretending to be serious. As he drives you leave him two hickeys inna heart shape and he smiles.
At hellfire that evening the boys notice it and every time Eddie runs a hand over his neck or through his hair the boys have plenty of comments.
"Woah who's the real master ed?"
"Maybe Eddie's curls arent real after all."
Then they notice you have one to you didn't know about.
"I do not have one!" You protest to the boys at the table.
"Yes you do I fucking put it there." Eddie chims in. You shake your head and Eddie kisses under your ear. "Relax there just jealous cause your more perfect then them so you get one." Eddie says kissing you sweetly. You smile and Eddie turns to go back to his campaign but doug then has a memory.
"You still owe me a milkshake!" HE points at Eddie and you laugh taking Eddie's hand in yours.
"What seeing Jason, Andy and Tommy look like they were covered in shit wasn't good enough for you?" Eddie says leaning back in his chair.
"Was for me made me feel better." You laugh
"Look Eddie you may have been getting your revenge for your fantastic girlfriend-"
"Which was totally a lie what they said by the way babe they inly said it cause you date the person they hate most and are hottest on the team." Eddie cuts off doug looking at you earning a smile a squeeze of Eddie's hand.
"Yeah big lie. But. I TAKE MY LUNCH VERH SERIOUSLY!" Doug shouts pointing at Eddie making the others laugh.
"Fuck off doug ill get it to ya Monday." Eddie says kissing you.
After the campaign your helping Eddie tidy up when he speaks. "If he ever makes you feel like shit again tell me. Either me or one of thr others will tone em down. N it would only be the others cause I'm running to your rescue." HE says stretching.
"Really bothered you huh babe?" You say walking over to him.
"Well yeah, I get them being mean to me bit they don't need to drag you into it nd try make you feel insecure. Your gorgeous and they just jealous." Eddie says putting his arms around you.
"Thank you." You says nuzzling into his neck.
"Don't thank me for looking after you against them dicks I'll do it everyday I love you."
"Mm yeh. I also meant for letting me wear your hellfire top when I got cold in the campaign n you sitting there with no top on under your jackets but ok." You giggle kissing him.
"Did I look hot." HE laughs.
"SO hot honestly babe would've jumped your bones right then if you wasn't in the middle of a campaign." You say kissing him.
"Guess I'll have to keep thr jackets on when we get back to the trailer." HE wiggles his eyebrows.
"Your so weird."
"You love me."
"Mmm I do.... let go of my ass."
"Never." HE laughs squeezing it before letting go.
"I knew that conversation was a bit to serious." You say picking up his notebook.
He nods kissing you sweetly.
No matter what anyone said you knew deep down there was nothing wrong with you and of it took you a moment to remember you'd always have Eddie to remind you. As he held you and kissed you you both pulled away resting your foreheads together.
"You still owe doug his milkshake."
"OH fuck off." Eddie laughs kissing you again.
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bonny-kookoo · 10 months
The ilysib couple are so cute and secure in their relationship🤧🤧 I want, no I NEED him😭
Has the oc ever felt jealous/protective of jk when another woman tries to flirt with him?
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"Here, let me help.." Jungkook tells you, reaching out to take the glass bottle of strawberry flavored ramune from your struggling hands, palms already an angry red from trying to push the glass marble in by yourself. He, on the other hand, doesn't even use his palm at all- a push from his thumb all that's needed for him as he quickly drinks the foam bubbling up from the bottle, before he gives it to you.
But before you can even say thank you, someone next to him giggles, her friend behind her equally as charmed by his actions it seems like as she leans on her hand, cleavage pushed forwards so much that you're wondering when her tits will finally spill out. "It's so cute seeing a guy take care of girls like that." The older girl says, looking at Jungkook, and you freeze up for a second. "My brother has to take care of his besties' sister sometimes too, I get it." She laughs, and you put down your drink at that.
It's something that you've noticed happening quite a lot with Jungkook at your side. Maybe it's your girly outfits sometimes looking more cute than sexy just because you feel like wearing something more comfortable. Maybe it's the height difference between you and Jungkook. Maybe it's your rather round face that makes people think you're younger than you are, especially when you don't dress revealing and confident.
It's, after all, one of the reasons you do dress like that, most of the time. Because you're just not being taken seriously otherwise- and right now, you're just being proven right on that.
You don't want to cause a scene and put Jungkook on the spot however, knowing how uncomfortable things like that make him- so you just stand up, shrug off your partially see-through beach cover over your chair next to him, before you lean over to kiss his cheek. "I'll be going for a swim, alright?" You say, and he nods, a bit caught off guard- before he watches you walk off, towards the sea where you slowly walk further into the deeper water.
He's suspected that you have a distaste for things like that- being belittled by others especially.
He's noticed that you're a little sensitive about jokes made concerning your height or soft facial features, and it had taken you quite a long time to ask him for help for.. anything, really. And even now, you much rather break your neck and twist your limbs in order to reach a higher shelf in the grocery store than ask him who's more often than not right next to you.
He doesn't know what to do to help. Because while he knows that you hate being called that, you are simply.. cute to him.
"Would you join us for the beach party tonight?" The girl next to him asks, pulling him out of his thoughts- and he shrugs, before he takes your beach cover, folding the see-through fabric before he puts it in your bag that he zips up. "Aw, come on-"
"Gotta ask my girlfriend if she's up for it." He simply says, before he waves at you to come back- something you do, though your face still shows some discomfort.
"Oh- well, it was worth a try." The girl says, shrugging. "But considering she's not here right now, you can always call me up when you get tired of her-" She leans closer, when Jungkook stands up, not even looking at her. Instead, he wraps the pink beach towel over your shoulders so you can dry off, and picks up your bag for you.
"I wanna go somewhere less crowded.." He mumbles towards you, and you not quietly. "Hey." He says, catching your attention to look up at him, giving him a good angle to kiss you- something that definitely catches you off guard- before you can feel his hands adjusting your bathing suit to cover your chest a bit better. "Okay?" He asks you, and you're not sure what he's asking-
But you nod.
And so he holds your hand the entire way from the beach to his car, to drive to a more secluded spot like he said. And he also holds your hands in the back of his car, where he shows you just how much he loves your body just the way that it is, no matter how much you dislike it.
And while it doesn't cure your insecurities, his love and care does help you, little by little.
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ghouljams · 8 months
I, for one, vote that the changeling’s mom be Keegan’s gf.
I love Keegan so much, he's so funny. I love the idea that he isn't involved in my AUs per-se, but he pops up to have his little cameo whenever I feel like I need his chaos. Anyway in my mind he gave mom!reader the changeling child, and then looped around to start dating her a year or so later. She wanted a kid, and he was like "damn ok milf". So it's technically his kid, but she doesn't need to know that. He's just a regular human man...
Keegan crouches to hold Riley's collar as your little one reaches out to grab the German shepherd's thick fur. He's so good with the kid. You were a little worried when you first started dating that the baby would be a deal breaker but here you were almost two years later. Your boyfriend loves your kid like they're his own. It's funny, sometimes you look at their inquisitive eyes and think they look just like him. You know that isn't right though, you made a deal for your child. You still hold out hope that the creature you dealt with never comes to collect on that.
"Gotta be gentle Monster," Keegan tells the kid quietly, prying their little fingers off the dog. He splays their hand, and pats it against Riley's head to demonstrate. It goes as well as he could've hoped, the little one pats a few times before Riley shakes his head and tugs at Keegan's hold. The man sighs and lets the dog run off away from the changeling.
Keegan doesn't blame the poor creature, the kid's too young to really know how to be good with animals. Riley knows they're his at least, keeps their scent, that's for the best. He sits heavily, watching the kid watch him. He sniffs, kid must've gotten out again, they stink of magic.
"Tell me about your new friends kiddo." He brushes away some of the fuzz around them, the strands stuck to their jumper. Strange magic indeed.
"Don't wanna," They wander away to find something else to play with. Keegan sighs and flops back to lay on the floor. You nudge him with your foot, a laundry basket on your hip. He grabs your ankle with a smile.
"Kid doesn't like me much," He says. He always says that.
"They adore you," You remind him. He hums, stroking your ankle with his thumb before pushing himself back up to sitting. You offer him a hand to help him stand up. Despite the difference in height and muscle mass, you think he appreciates the offer, or at least finds it funny. He nearly hauls you down to his level pulling himself up. He grunts, twists at the middle to stretch his back, and grabs the laundry basket from you.
"Where'd they wander off to this time? Anywhere I should be concerned about?" You stoop to pick up a spare toy and drop it in the toy bin as Keegan finishes your walk to the washer. It's questions like that, that make you love him. He cares just as much about your kid as he does about you, the same as any parent would.
"That um," you cringe a little and force yourself to call her what she calls herself, "Witch, a few blocks down found them." Keegan hums again, he's never commented on the city's peculiar fascination with the magical, but you always get the feeling he doesn't buy into it. You aren't sure you entirely do either, at least not the human aspect.
Although you suppose if monsters can grant children, there's no reason a witch couldn't be, well, a real witch.
"Honestly I'm just glad they weren't snatched by anyone," You sigh.
"Suppose they are pretty cute," Keegan rumbles, "but I think anyone snatchin' 'em would give 'em back just as quick." His joke takes away some of your anxiety. You love your child you really do, but they have their quirks. If they aren't silently watchful they're talking your ear off about whatever strange subject they've taken an interest in. Today tarantulas, tomorrow taxidermy. They've really been liking "t" sounds recently.
You wander over to lean against Keegan as he pours detergent into the drawer and turns on the washer. He wraps an arm around you, and you tip your head back so he can kiss you. It's calming. He's calming. He's such a rock through everything, you often wonder if anything phases him. He takes such good care of you, his fingers holding your chin to follow the angle of your kiss, his lips gently insistent as he draws you closer. He's just slipped his tongue past your lips to draw your own into his mouth when your little one tugs at your pant leg. You break the kiss with a bit of a spinning head and try to shift your focus. Keegan beats you to it, scooping your child into his arms and bouncing them on his hip.
"What's this?" He asks, taking the offered drawing from the child. He turns it over and whistles, clearly impressed. "Gotta say Monster, you really know how to capture my good side." He turns the paper to you and you laugh at the scribbled in darkness around stick figure Keegan's eyes, the sharp teeth you think are supposed to be his usual mask. He grins, bounces the kid again to get them giggling, and set them down again with a, "Go make one for mom."
You press your fingers to your lips watching your baby eagerly scurry away, trying to keep your laughter to yourself. Keegan sticks the drawing to the fridge with one of the letter magnets. He kisses your cheek before you can turn to ask him to help.
He keeps his voice low, lips against your ear. You're glad for it, glad for the privacy as he addresses your fears. "Next time the witch finds 'em, gimme a call, I'll go make sure she isn't stickin' the little monster in a cauldron."
Keegan stands outside of the misplaced cottage, his grip on Riley's leather leash tight as he knocks on the door. He can feel the sticky barbs of witches wards. Nasty little fuckers. If his kid is in a cauldron there's gonna be hell to pay. The door is tugged open almost absentmindedly, and Keegan narrows his eyes at the familiar fae.
"Gonna be a second they got-" Price looks up from wiping his hands and narrows his eyes, "Russ." Riley growls low.
"Price," Keegan drops the glaring in favor of a much more annoying neutrality, "Thought you ate witches."
"I do," Price raises a brow. Keegan glances around him and into the house. The witch, he assumes that's the witch, is wiping his kid's face with the corner of her apron. Very much un-eaten. He didn't know the old man could be funny. "Knew the kid smelled familiar."
"Aw," Keegan tuts, "you remember me."
"Remember you're a pain in my-" Price cuts himself off, suddenly in tiny earshot.
Keegan crouches to scoop up the child as they run towards him, all excited smiles and babbling half finished sentences. Riley gives an excited 'wuff' in response. "Hey monster!" Keegan coos at the kid, hardly glancing at the witch trailing behind, "Gave your mom a scare, you walk all the way here by yourself?" The kid nods eagerly, hardly bothered by the fluff of witch magic sticking to them. Changelings, resilient little buggers.
The witch stops short of the doorway, "Oh," She frowns, "are you the father?" Her fingers itch towards her necklace, gripping the edges of the stone triangle that hangs from it. The large hole through the middle menaces in the evening light.
"Better not," Keegan warns. He shifts his grip on the kid, pulls the dog's leash to loop around his wrist, and holds out his hand. "Keegan Russ." The witch makes a face, and Price takes a half step in front of her. Interesting.
"Witch is fine," She takes his hand with a firm grip, "you use your full name."
"Nope." Keegan pops the last consonant, hears the kid do the same and keep doing it. "But it makes it easier for other folks to give up theirs."
"Suppose so," The Witch nods once, before turning her attention to the child in his arms. Probably for the best, more comfortable for all of them. "You tell your mummy hi for me alright?" The kiddo nods, cuddling close to Keegan.
"I catch you trying to boil my little monster I'll have your head," Keegan tells her flatly. The Witch's mouth opens and closes indignantly as he turns to go, hardly needs the word to get the dog to follow. He hears snippets of her half finished thoughts, barely able to come up with a suitably upset response. Witches are so easy, mention one crime from a hundred years ago and they all act like it's a personal offense.
"The P stands for Prick," Price calls after him. Keegan holds up his middle finger for him, hardly missing a step. His kid waves excitedly over his shoulder, before notice the gesture their father is giving, and giving their best imitation of it.
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sixpennydame · 10 months
Make. Believe. ❖ Drabbles
Thirst Tweets!
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A/N: Y’all, this is just pure silliness between Hange, Levi, and Erwin and I am here for it! Thank you to @littlerequiem @youre-ackermine and @ricecrispiebirb for some of the tweet suggestions! ;-)
Content: Suggestive/explicit language (these are thirst tweets, after all).
Make.Believe. Series
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“Yes! Bring on the thirsts, Buzzfeed!” Hange says enthusiastically, rubbing their hands together. “I want the internet’s thirstiest, nastiest tweets.
“I’ll admit I’m curious what people are saying about me on the internet,” Erwin adds. “Levi? What about you?”
Hange laughs. “Oh come on, Levi, you know you’re gonna have the best ones.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.” He crosses his arms.
“Well then I’ll go first.” Hange takes the phone and reads:
I want Hange to probe me like a titan.
“Oh ho ho, now that was a little saucy, wasn’t it? I’ll have you know that my character was not sexually attracted to titans. Just…curious..”
“What about what you said to Pieck? About riding her?” Levi asks.
“That was different. It was Pieck. Next one:”
I would let Hange do anything to me. Truly anything. Hange, if you’re reading this… call me.
“Well, that’s very courageous of you…but you wouldn’t be able to handle me.”
“Yeah, I’m not sure they realize what they’re asking there,” Erwin adds.
Levi laughs. “Or Hange would just make them take field notes all day and be like, ‘you said anything.’”
I have a lot of dreams where I make out with Hange Zoe, and they’re always a little weird, but my parents walking in on us is by far the weirdest. There’s a peek into my psyche for ya!
All three are silent, and Hange just looks into the camera and clears their throat. “I feel like there’s a lot happening in this tweet, and although my character was a scientist, I am definitely no psychiatrist. Next!”
Hange Zoe could slap me with a piece of cheese and I’d be like BLESS YOU HANGE ZOE.
“Why would I slap someone with cheese?? What is happening here?” Hange yells out.
“If you’re slapping someone with cheese, you gotta be using those Velveeta cheese slices.” Levi explains. “Those aren’t really cheese, right?”
“Yeah, they’re imitation cheese!” Hange says.
Erwin agrees. “It’d probably make a better weapon than a food.”
Hange holds out their hands. “Why are we talking about this so much? Now I’m hungry.” They pass the phone to the right. “Erwin, it's your turn.”
“Ok, here we go..” he reads:
Let’s all agree here…Erwin Smith just exudes big dick energy…I’m weak just thinking about it.
He looks up, sincere. “Thank you, yes I do.”
“You’re just rolling with that one, huh?” Levi jokes.
“Yes, I am. Ok, next:”
I want Erwin to sit on my face and ride into battle.
Erwin is silent for a moment.
“It’s a sexual reference, Erwin,” Hange whispers.
“No, no…I know…I just..”
Levi looks at the camera. “You’ve made Erwin Smith speechless, folks.”
“Here, I’ll read the next one.” Hange grabs the phone from Erwin:
I want to eat a rack of ribs off Erwin Smith’s chest. Suck some ranch off them thighs, eat some cupcakes off them nipples just lawd!!
Hange and Levi look at each other, then at Erwin, who sits there with his head in his hands. “I too would like to eat cupcakes off your nipples,” Hange jokes, raising their hand in the air.
Levi joins in. “Me too.”
“Guys, please don’t encourage this. I guess…I’m happy you find me appealing but I don’t know what it would be about me that you’d want to eat ribs, ranch dressing, and cupcakes - specifically - off me.”
“Because you are a delicious, delicious man,” Hange says, then looks down at the phone. “Oh god, please let me read the next one!”
I want Erwin Smith to clone himself and I want Erwin Smith and his clone to Eiffel Tower me.
Erwin’s eyebrows scrunch up in thought. “Wait…what does the Eiffel Tower have to do with anything?” He looks at Hange, then Levi, who is trying hard not to laugh. “Is this something sexual?”
Levi can’t contain himself anymore, and lets out a huge laugh. “Yes, Erwin, it’s sexual! These are thirst tweets!”
Hange has their phone out and then shows Erwin. “Oh….” He looks again. “Oh..”
“Me and my clone, though?” He hands the phone to Levi. “I was wrong..I didn’t want to know what the internet thinks about me.”
“Let’s just get this over with..” Levi sighs.
Best angle to look at Levi? On my knees.
Levi pinches the bridge of his nose. Hange leans over to whisper to him. “It’s a sexual reference.”
“I know, Hange!” He blushes. “Just…next one:”
Can we all agree…Levi Ackerman is the definition of Daddy, right??
“Am I, though? I feel like Erwin is definitely more of a Daddy.”
“Awww, thanks, Levi,” Erwin replies.
“You’re both giving me ‘Daddy’ - there’s enough to go around,” Hange adds.
Levi could punch me and step on me and I would thank him.
“Oh lord…I do one scene where I punch and kick Eren and suddenly everyone’s turned on…”
“When I saw that, I thought it was pretty hot,” Hange confesses.
“His hugs are better than punches,” Erwin adds.
“Ok, ok, enough you two…”
I’m gonna get Levi Ackerman’s face tattooed on my left ass cheek so I can say I sit on Levi Ackerman’s face all the time.
Erwin speaks up. “Oh wow..that’s creative.”
“You really did get the best ones! I’m jealous.” Hange chimes in.
“No…I don’t want any of this..please make it stop.”
Hange waves at the camera. “Thanks, Buzzfeed, for having us!”
Erwin smiles and leans forward. “It was an enlightening experience for all of us,” he laughs.
“I will never do this again,” Levi replies with a deadpan expression.
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jung-shook-iieee · 1 year
Darkside 2 | PJM
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➳ pairing: Jimin x reader
➳ rating: M (gore violence, implied dubcon.)
➳ genre: arranged marriage au, dark themed.
➳ summary: after the demise of your father, you were forced to marry a mob boss who was a decade older than you. Jimin has always been ruthless and marrying someone like him wasn't your first choice, but living with him made you crave for his attention. For getting his attention you were repeatedly acting out until one day he decided to take the matter in his own hands.
➳ warnings: spanking, fingering ( not much described), use of curse words, orgasm denial, gore violence, slight exhibition, dark themed, implied dubcon, reader se def scared of jimin, jungkook is fucking sexy you know? And jimin is in full daaddy mode lmao, overall it's really fucked up and dark and yeah it's a 18+ so if you feel uncomfortable do not read further.
➳ word count: 5k , (pt.ii) ( pt i)
➳ a/n: woah, it took me so long to post it but yk my exam is tomorrow and i don't know what the fuck I'll write but here is it so enjoy? And i haven't proofread it so genuinely sorry for any grammer mistakes. ( I know this story is fucked up so don't come at me. Okay?) Reblog if you like it tho. <3333333
➳ a/n2: I do not support this kind of activities in general, it's just a fiction and I do not own anybody. Please understand the difference between fiction and reality. And please enjoy. &lt;33
You could hear them downstairs. The men your husband had over. It seemed like there was two-three of them, plus your husband. Drinking alcohol and talking in low voices. Probably going over some illegal deal - not that you cared. You took a deep breath and looked down at your outfit for the night - a lacy black nighty with a plunging neckline - sinfully short too, with the hemline barely brushing against your upper thighs. You knew if you bent down, it would leave nothing to the imagination. And panties? Who needed them?
Slowly, you made your way down the stairs, each step feeling more excited than the last. You had never really disobeyed Jimin so blatantly before. A part of you, despite everything, was still scared of the big bad mob boss he was. But a larger part of you was irritated by his apathy, how he acted like you didn't even exist. At this point, you'd do anything to get somekind of reaction out of him - which is why you were in your current state.
The cold air hit you hard when you entered the living room. The serious chatter between the men seemed to cease almost immediately as you slowly made your way across the room, not sparing any of them a glance - not even Jimin. You made sure to wink your hips with every step, knowing that every single eye in that room was currently on you - even Jimin
You made your way into the kitchen, exhaling the breath you'd been holding in. You hadn't thought too far ahead with your plan, but decided to grab the leftovers of ttaekboki, since you didn't get to eat it properly.
You could hear them chuckling and whispering to each other until one's voice chimes in, " Well Mr. Park, who's she? Is she your whore? " You wrinkled your nose in disgust. These men were sure not from the local or else they would've known you. No men dared to look at you, let calling you a whore alone.
" You gotta introduce her to us man, I bet she must be good that's why you're keeping her around. Huh? " Another unfamiliar voice chimed in. God why  the hell Jimin even invited them over? Shitty perverts.
" I'm his wife and hello to you too. " You said casually leaning over the marble top giving them a show. Even though the lights were dim in the kitchen but still they could see your cleavage. It was cold, your nipples were poking out from the silk material.
You dared to make eye contact with Jimin and you could've sweared your blood ran cold just from his gaze only. He's a master in controlling his facial expressions but the way he was eyeing you up and down with cold,stoic expression on his face told you that he was beyond pissed. His fist was clenched tight, turning white and your coy smile instantly faded.
You regretted coming down, yes, you did and you were about to stood back quickly when suddenly Jimin stood up and smiled at you, the kind of smile which told you that you fucked up. He started walking towards like he's going to beat the shit of you.
" Excuse me everyone, this is my wife. Park Y/N." He said smoothly and walked beside you. He roughly pulled you by your waist more close. A squeek left your mouth and you did not dared to look him in the eyes.
He tugged you forward walking towards the guest. "It seems like my wife is definitely confused because I clearly told her that she isn't allowed to come downstairs. But -" He paused, and you stuck your chin up and gave him the biggest glare you could muster up.
But unfortunately for her, she's disobeyed me." Jimin finished, looking at you and reaching out and grabbing your wrist roughly. The calmness in his demeanour was making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, but you'd sooner die than give away that you were definitely scared. You tried to twist out of his death grip but to no avail. And he was literally crushing your wrist with how hard he was holding it.
" Let go of me. " You hissed at him, knowing full well that you were basically putting on a free show for everyone else in the room, and they were hanging on to every word you spoke. Jimin didn't even spare you a glance.
"So, you gentlemen will have to excuse me while I go see to my wife. As you can see, she's being a bratt and needs disciplining. Jungkook, take some more beer out for these guys. They'll sit and wait while I finish with her, won't you?" asked his right hand guy and othrs, except you knew it wasn't really a question.
" Sure park we understand it would be so nice if you would tame her in front of us. It would be a sight to behold. " One of them said adjusting his bulge. He had the audacity to say this to jimin and you wondered why jimin only smiled at him. It wasn't the nicest smile of his, which definitely gave you goosebumps.
Jimin said something to jungkook in foreign language, something only which jungkook understood and smirked.
The whispering drowned in the background as jimin started dragging you roughly towards his room. The look on his face was unreadable, regarding His actions his expressions were calm. The grip on your wrist kept getting tighter and your heart was thudding out of your chest.
Let go of me, you fucking jerk!" You swore, wiggling around, your small fists landing on his muscular back. Your small fist's punch would probably doing nothing to his built body. You felt embarrassed as everyone eyed you shamelessly while your own husband dragged you like some sack of potatoes.
" FUCKING LEAVE MY HAND YOU ASSHOLE. " You swored again as you entered his bedroom and surprisingly he did. With a blink of an eye he pushed you roughly on the bed making you whimper from the harsh act.
" Fuck you bastard you're so fucking crazy they were calling me whore and you yourself treated me like one in front of them. How fucking dare you. " You spat every word laced with venom, Your nose was flaring up, You tried to get up, planning to storm out of his room and run into yours and lock the door and just get the fuck away from him.
Easily, jimin overpowered you, roughly pushing you back down onto the bed when you tried to make a run for it. And again, you tried to get up, because fuck if you'd let this man get the best of you. You attempted to shove him aside, except he was built like a brick wall and didn't budge an inch. That was when he grabbed your jaw roughly, jerking your face forward to meet his gaze.
"Keep fucking talking, you dumb bitch, I dare you." He hissed, his thumb and forefinger pressing so hard into your skin, enough to bruise. It got your eyes tearing. No one ever in your life has treated you like this.
" If you keep acting up like this y/n then I'll have to do something really bad. " He threatened by pressing you harder against the mattress, he hovered you, arms on both sides and trapping you in between. He was looking down at you so dangerously.
" Fuck you. " You seethed through clench teeth and wriggled more vigorously. You scratched jimin's neck in the process, blood started trickling down his neck but you did not felt sorry for him instead you again aimed to scratch there but this time jimin slapped you across the cheek.
It left you stunned. You did not dared to turn your head the other side. " You have the fucking audacity", began quietly, face inches away from yours, "To parade around downstairs in this fucking clothes, acting like you're a free piece of ass. I don't know if you're asking for it, or just plain fucking stupid."
" Bastard. " You said in low voice, your throat was sore from all the shouting earlier.
" And that filthy mouth of yours. Damn! Y/n you just annoy the shit out of me sometimes. " He continued. "And to think I was going easy on you all this time. Excusing your behaviour 'cause you're young and stupid." He shook you, hard. "Not anymore. You're a fucking spoiled little rich brat, and clearly your daddy didn't fucking think it was important to teach you some manners and respect."
And before you knew jimin manhandled you, You scratched and clawed to try and escape his grasp, but in two seconds flat he was sitting on the side of his bed with you over his knee, your thrashing legs pinned underneath his strong thigh. Red hot embarrassment coursed through your veins - how dare he put you over his knee like this! In a position so demeaning?
" Let go of me jimin I swear -"
You were cut short when you felt his hand on your ass. His rough, calloused palm stroked the silky material of the chemise that barely concealed your bare skin, and involuntarily you sucked in your breath sharply. What the fuck was he doing?
" You should have been disciplined a long time ago but looks like your daddy was a shit huh? " He chuckled, how could he even dare to insult your dead father. " He clearly did not bothered to teach you some manners? " He caressed your flesh over the silk material.
" Shut your fucki-" He did not even let you finish and suddenly grabbed the soft flesh roughly And you couldn't help but gasp - both at his touch and at the jolt you felt between your legs. What the fuck. No. Fuck no. This wasn't happening. He continued to fondle your ass, touching you as if you were a piece of meat on display. " How about I teach you some fucking manners my dear wife? " He asked Mockingly.
" You're fucking sick." You gasped, determinedly ignoring the way your pussy clenched at his words. With all your might, you tried once more to wiggle out of his grasp. Your motions ceased immediately when his palm cracked down on your ass. Hard. And you cried out in both pain and shock.
"You try and move one more time, and I'll use my fucking belt." jimin warned, the threat making your mouth run dry. You immediately fell limp against him, breathing hard from fighting this losing battle. Fuck him. Fuck him for taking you over his knee and spanking you like you were a child. You hung your head, squeezing your eyes shut to keep the tears of anger and embarrassment at bay.
That's more fucking like it." Jimin said, once more going back to squeezing your stinging ass, as if to rub salt on the wound. You bit your lip at the pain, and debated calling for help. And it seemed like he could read your mind: "And by all fucking means, yell and scream all you want. The door's wide open, princess. They can all hear you. But if you think anyone's coming to save you, you're dumber than I thought."
"You... You can't do this." You said, voice breaking but still having a bit of fight left in you.
Jimin lifted the flimsy material of the chemise, exposing your ass to his cold stare. "That's where you're wrong, princess. I can do this. I'm the only fucking one who can do this. And you're gonna take it. Because you deserve it. You deserve to be punished for flaunting your fucking body as if it's not already been claimed."
The first hit sounded like the crack of a whip, and stung just as bad. You couldn't help but cry out in pain, knowing you were giving him the very reaction he wanted from you. And how you wished you were stronger, calmer, cooler, more collected. You wished you hadn't given him the satisfaction of hearing your cries of pain. But it hurt like a bitch. So then why could you feel the wetness pooling between your legs?
And it was like Jimin was unleashing hell on your ass, with smack after smack raining down angrily onto your sensitive skin. It was like all his hatred rested in the palm of his hand, which cracked down against your ass with full force, making you scream every time it did.
" Dumb fucking slut." He said through clenched teeth, the spanks never ceasing as he continued to talk. "And to think I felt sorry for you. For being forced into this. To think I left you alone. Didn't say shit when you were in my house, -"
As he was talking to you, you heard a loud series of cries, which immediately made you stiffer. You instantly clutched his biceps because you were scared. You did not know the source and the cries only grew louder along with a sound of hitting something very hard to be precise.
" Jim- is- down- who........ " You mumbled being scared of those atrocious sounds.
" Y/N focus on me. " Jimin ordered with an authority and you couldn't deny him so you nodded your head. Still scared you started sobbing softly.
He grabbed your hairs and pulled you backwards towards him, " Don't ever dare to cut me in between. No one have that power over me got that? " He tugged it harshly making you cry loudly.
" Answer baby....? " He again tugged it.
" Ye-s.... Y-es.. Please I'm so-rry. " You begged. All the faint arousal you felt till now vanished in a blink. You weren't aroused now, not even a bit. You were plain scared. Scared of what might happening downstairs.
" Good, so where was I? Huh I was saying you using my credit card, acting like a spoilt little bitch. Complaining about everything under the fucking sun. And you think you could keep your fucking act for long huh? " He completed his sentence and smacked your butt hard.
To be honest you couldn't focus on jimin properly because the loud muffles and cries could be heard real fucking good from downstairs. And jimin noticed that and he wasn't really happy about it.
He told you to focus on him. Didn't he? But you being the spoiled brat pissed jimin even more.
This time he spanked you really hard, which left you howl in pain.. Wriggling around furiously, you faint sobs turned into ugly ones. " It fucking hurts pleaseeeee. " You begged with whatever energy was left within you.
" Good it should fucking hurt. I told you to focus on me did not I? " He turned you around and manhandled you onto your knees. Your face was red, eyes puffy, lips swollen from all the harsh tugs you gave yourself to keep quiet. " But you had your fucking focus on anything but me. " He wrapped his hands around your neck and squeezed tight. "L-eav-ee.. So-rr-.. Pleas-" The oxygen was cutting, your eyes we're rolling back.
Jimin released your throat giving you a light slap on your cheek. He took in your condition for a good two minutes. And within those two minutes you felt exposed, embarrassed, self conscious and what not. Anyone in your place right now would want to jump from the cliff, he turned you into this condition of yours. He was the reason why you felt ashamed and pathetic.
Jimin stood up from the bed and fixed his obvious bulge, he raked his fingers through his hairs and patted your hair. " Come on stand up. " He helped you in getting up. He wiped your cheeks with his hand, pushed back all the strands of hair which were covering your beautiful face.
" Not so sassy now, are you? " He taunted while sucking his lower lip between his teeth. That coy smile was taunting you. He leaned down and kissed your cheek. Then took your small hands into his and started walking towards the stairs.
" I - need to- chan-ge.. Pleas-ee. " You somehow managed to say that, even though your mind was telling you to keep your mouth shut. Jimin laughed, throwing his head back., " Why now? You should have used your little brain before baby but don't worry now they won't mind. " He said and dragged you downstairs even though you struggled to stay back.
You were feeling scared as jimin dragged you downstairs, the smell instantly hit you, making you nauseous. The iron smell was so strong that it was surely blocking your senses. 1...2...3...4....steps and then you entered the hall. You screamed so loudly that all the heads in the room turned towards you.
No, it must be a dream. The sight in front of you was too disturbing to see. There was a pool of blood on the floor, jungkook's hands were bloody, but the blood wasn't of him. His hair were messy, a few buttons from his shirt were ripped off, other guards were also in the same condition.
Those three men who insulted you were on their knees, fucked out, beaten into a pulp, they were shivering and covered in their on blood.
You unconsciously tried to take a step back but then you remembered jimin was next to you. He quickly tightened his grip over your arms and dragged you forward. You started crying, you were feeling dizzy and felt like vomiting when your feet came in contact with the cold yet warm blood.
" Please, please, please, don-t do this.. I want to go back please ji-min.. " You begged, hell you would beg a hundred time more right now. Fuck your self respect you just want to go back to your room, hide under the covers and cry.
" Sshh baby, you should not cry... They deserved it. You remember how they called you names. Don't you? " Jimin cooed at you, stroking your back while maintaining the tight grip over your arms.
" They dared to disrespect you, my wife. But don't worry I'm still not finished with them. " Jimin chuckled and roughly dragged you towards the couch, so you could get a perfect view of jungkook's art.
To be honest it was the most jimin had ever spoken to you, and you never wished to see him like this.
He sat on the couch and made you sit on his lap. You were scared to death. You were shivering, not because of the cold but because of the fear. Sweat was trickling down your forehead and neck but you couldn't utter a word right now.
" So, what we're you saying noah? Repeat your words.! " Jimin whispered said to one of the men who insulted you. The guy was literally unconscious, he couldn't even open his eye properly. When the guy did not replied jungkook grabbed his hair and shook his head sideways. Thr lateral groaned in pain.
" Say something buddy, I'm waiting.!! " Jimin said as he fumbled with your nighty straps. You were traumatized, couldn't utter a word, the tears were continuously flowing down.
" Bas-t-ar-d. " The guy barely said and instantly received a punch from jungkook. The action made you shriek loudly. You did not want to be here. Even if those guys called you a whore, you don't want them to die.
" Shut up will you? I'm talking right here ain't I?? " Jimin grabbed your chin and turned his side harshly, you Whimpered as you looked into his eyes. They were emotionless, this jimin right here, in front of you was different.
" m'sorr-y.... Please. Please. Jus-t... I won-t do that again. Please. " You begged, with your hands joined in front of him.
" I will let you go princess, but we have to give them a show. They're our guest. Sit pretty and listen to me now. Won't you? " Jimin pecked your lips as he cooed at you. Stroking your wet cheeks with his thick fingers and pushing back the hair from your face.
" No. No-No... Pleas- No. " Your eyes widened, you cried loudly and struggled against his body. You were trying to get up but jimin easily held you in place.
" Sshhh... You don't want me to fuck you on the floor. Now would you? " Jimin warned and in one quick movement he tore the lace material off your body. You screamed and cried, he was being inhuman. How could he do these things in front of other people?
" Come on y/n, jungkook did so much for you! He deserves a show as well. Would you like that jeon? " He asked from the brown hair boy sheepishly.
" Anything you want Hyung. " The boy replied with a smirk on his face and jimin signaled the other guards to leave the place.
" I swe-ar i would not dis-obey you again. Jimi-n please dontt do th-is... Please. I promise I Will li-ssten to you. Promise.. Please just don-tt. " You furiously begged, at the moment you would do anything to change your husband's mind. But it was too late he already started separating your legs roughly, and flicked your nipples with other hand.
He stopped and looked at you, " See, princess? See how easy it is for me to break you? To reduce you to a crying mess?" He stroked his finger against your cheek, gathering the salty tears that were drying against the soft skin. His touch was feather-soft, intimate. And you felt so humiliated, so defeated, so conflicted - and now it confused you why he was being so gentle.
You sniffled. No other man had ever reduced you to feeling like a humiliated, kicked puppy. "I was just... I just... Please." It was like you couldn't gather yourself, couldn't tame your thoughts which seemed to be running every which way.
Jimin's hand slowly slid down your thighs and ghosted over your pussy. " Don't cry baby this will only teach you a lesson. You thought I was some local mafia? On whom you could shout, blame, curse anytime? No baby, I'm the fuckin king. " Jimin stated as hi flicked your clit lightly. You weren't in your senses right now, you couldn't believe your eyes and ears.
You audibly gasped, the sudden direct contact making you almost convulse forward into his chest. You grabbed a fistful of his white shirt, scrunching your eyes shut and wishing to God that maybe he will stop tormenting you, that maybe he could feel pitty for you.
" You're soaking baby..... You really are crazy my lady. " Jimin fake gasped, easing a thick finger into your pussy. And you cried into his chest, hating that after beating the living shit out of your ass, and scaring the daylights out of you this man had casually just began fingering you and it felt so fucking good. You prayed he or jungkook wouldn’t notice when you began to slowly hump against his finger, wanting to create more friction. He chuckled, “You’re a naughty fucking slut, aren’t you? All riled up and on edge, wet from all this mess in front of you, Now you want your daddy to take care of you, don’t you?”
You were too ashamed to reply, your face still buried in his chest, your tears staining his shirt and your lips bitten raw from trying to suppress your moans. Jimin added another finger and increased his pace, his thumb finding your clit and causing you to cry out. He smirked, “Who knew how easy it was to get you to shut your mouth. You got nothing to say anymore, baby? Where’s my little wife who loves to run her mouth, huh? Where’s she gone?”
Please,” You mewled softly, arching your back from the mounting pleasure, his fingers curving upwards and brushing against all the right spots. His thumb expertly massaged your clit, as if he knew your body, knew exactly how it worked. As if this wasn’t the first time he was touching you down there. “Please, I just…”
Immediately, jimin pulled his fingers out of you, your pussy making a squelching sound – as if it was trying to keep his fingers inside you. The heightened pleasure you were feeling instantly died down, and you cried out in indignation, “Wh-What! No! Please!” You gripped his forearm, “Please!”
“You don’t deserve shit after that stunt you pulled earlier baby.” jimin said simply. His eyes trailed towards the three barely alive body's and on jungkook who was no doubt enjoying the show and then back at you. He sighed, his fingers, soaking with your juices, now absentmindedly playing with the lacy borders of your ruined nighty which now sat bunched up around your waist. “You ruined my meeting, sweetheart. And now, you’ve distracted me.”
You swallowed harshly when he took your hand, placing it on top of his clothed dick. God, he was so hard. Painfully hard.
" Clean up the mess jungkook, will you? " Jimin said standing up, straightening the creases he got over his trousers.
" Don't kill them yet, I want them alive. Move to basement and I'll be there shortly. " Jimin ordered jungkook and the boy nodded in response like a fucking robot. He too had no emotions no guilt in his eyes and body language. They all are beyond your imagination.
Your husband turned towards you and offered you a hand, " Come baby, you still got to learn so much. I'll make sure everything stays in your pea size brain. " Words took a few seconds to register in your mind. It's not the end, he still has so much in his mind. How will you survive this?
@hoseokteardrop @screamertannie @hopeonthestreet67 @qttp365 @taeluv13 @favfanfictsbts @elayne321 @kooookie @sweetwolfcupcake @vvh0adie @yellabella77 @bri-mal @g-o-bs--fanfictions @miyaohyeahh @dearbambideer @emojkluvr @abcbabcba @stannorr @realhotficshit @sweetlovesjk @kookieboo @sublimekidoafknight @bonny-kookoo @aliceaflor5-blog @kookiecrumb @jjkeverlast @prettyghost @kooliv @gimmethatagustd @pb-n-juju @aslias17 @ririlovesangst @taehyungseggs @dewamused @jungshook7 @moonfaery @fragmentof-indifference *sorry for the tags, trying to grow my community back. * :)
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ask-carmenpondiego · 11 days
Chapter 25: Is it cold in here or did Hell freeze over?
A few days later, Lekir and Carmen were packing for their trip to Cador, after much discussion, since Carmen had been accidentally setting things aflame. The trouble was that the Doctor still hadn’t fixed the C5 Doorway to be functional and undetectable. Some components were not compatible then there were some that simply exploded in use. He had to rush off to a place he knew to pick up what he needed to replace and complete the work, and possibly save the world. Lekir was sour that she had missed him as they were about to leave. “Looks like we’ll just need to ask Kalai for a portal. She at least has the authorization to create one. Then we can set your device to return whenever.” She suggested.
Carmen thought for a bit, she knew she may be able to sneak past security as she was at the capital’s portal transit station, but perhaps not since she looked a little different than her passport pictures. Portal travel had been extremely tight to anyone with dimensional portal powers due to the uptick in dangerous activity. Its been restricted to only authorized use and the main portals at each region’s capitals. Lekir knew some folks in her homeworld that were high up the command chain that were able to create portals for them, Carmen has never met them though but she knew they wouldn’t appreciate constant portal requests for her heisting. Portals were rare enough, they were only summoned after months of preparation and consultation at the capitals, and heavily guarded. General teleportation was not as regulated since the amount of magic to be used to travel to different worlds is far too much for an ordinary individual of this particular world, and simple teleports were limited to short distances.
This particular morning, Carmen’s stomach was churning. She couldn’t figure out if she ate something that didnt agree or she was just too nervous. She hasn’t traveled this way before, and she hasn’t been this nervous before. She had everything packed in a single suitcase and ran through a list of things that continued to be done while she was gone. She met up with M and Wally in the foyer for the review. “Alright so we may be gone a few weeks, I don’t know how this training is supposed to go but it’ll help me control this fire thing going on.. Wally, I need you to keep a stock of food, make sure Ninoga doesn’t empty us out, and keep a check on the fresh produce, Blendin may come over and you know he’s a crunchy kid with his veggies. He prefers greens over junk, so make sure theres fresh stuff for him.”
“M, I would like to have Daring introduced to how things work here, she’s my eldest and I would like a family backup if I decide to retire or something. She’s the closest to my body shape and all, gotta keep appearances. Go over the protocols and maybe let her on the field with one of you on one of the lesser priority heists. She may not like it now but she may grow into it.” Her stomach flopped a bit, and she paused. Wally and M looked at eachother, M tilted his head, “You sure you wanna go travel in this condition, Red? You usually don’t have nausea.” Wally gently shuffled her to the foyer sofa, had her sit down, he opened her water bottle for her, “M’s right, are you sure you wanna do this? You do look absolutely green around the gills..” Carmen took a sip and waved them off, “I’m fine, its probably just nerves.. This Cador has much heavier gravity than here and before I was not able to survive, I’m now supposedly able to and I am kinda worried about it not working but I’ll be fine..urp!” She clapped a hand over her mouth as she almost heaved. She got up and dashed to the nearest bathroom, rushing past Lekir. “Whoa.. Is she still sick?? I can let Kalai know to postpone for a day..” M groaned and shook his head, “You know how hard headed she is. She’s determined to leave today as scheduled. We’ve even asked her.”
“Good thing we’re not leaving for a few more hours. Gives her time to settle herself.” Lekir put her hands on her hips, waiting for her wife to be free from the bathroom. “Well, I’m about to go to my physical exam, maybe I’ll bring her along and see if theres anything they can give her to ease it up.” Wally offered. M laughed, “Good luck with that, you know she fuckin hates doctors since she was hauled away after the fuckin fire. Its been years.” Wally shrugs, “All the more reason, its been too long.” Carmen stepped back out to the foyer, looking a little worse for the wear. She had tied her hair up to a tight high-tail, “I’m not going to any doctors. Its just nerves. I’m fine. Go, don’t be late for the appointment. See if they can give something for the pain at least, maybe get them to do a chest scan, we don’t know how far its gotten..” she fussed over him, picking a missed crystal from his shoulder, where the shards shredded a hole. Wally smiles and kissed her nose. “I’ll be fine, just drink some ginger ale or something. I’ll be back soon.”
Blendin rushed through, almost bumping into his father, “Whoop, sorry Pops. Hey Mom, have you seen my backpack? I’m heading to a mission but I need something out of it real quick.” He starts looking behind the cushions of the sofa, M’s tentacle actually held it right above his head in a corner, the two wives snickering, “Look up, sweetie.” Carmen chuckled. Blendin looked around the ceiling for a moment “Hey! I need that! I’m gonna be late!” M cackled as he kept it slightly out of reach. “Uncle M, come on.. please?” The young stallion begged, the brash changeling dropping the backpack into the awaiting arms of the newly eighteen year old. M shook his head with a wicked grin, “That kid cant jump worth a damn..”
While the wives were preparing for their trip, Wally made his way to his appointment in a large city. In a large concrete building that almost looked more like a facility management center like the city’s Water Works, he stepped through the door and flashed his Wander Society coin, “Waldric Wander. I’m here for my physical.” He mentioned to the front desk where he was directed to the waiting room. After a few moments, he was called into an exam room where a new doctor stood to greet him. The tall black and white stallion grinned as he outstretched his hand, “Waldo, Glad you could make it. I’m Dr Ravidel Soltek and I’ll be handling your checkup today…”
Daring walked up to the door right outside Skyggja’s lab, where Sigryn greeted her, “Hello Daring! We weren’t expecting you! Would you like anything to drink?” The young pegasus shook her head, “No, I’m just looking for Mom. Have you seen her?” The dovefox nodded and escorted her towards the workshop area, “Oh yes! Carmen is right over here, getting some adjustments done before her trip.” Daring soon saw Carmen sitting in a shop chair, with a snack-tray in front of her with papers and books, awkwardly trying to sift through things with one arm as Skyggja was just a few feet away, working on the missing arm. Carmen looks up and smiles, “Adora! What brings you here?” Daring huffs a bit in annoyance, "Mom, why do you have a thing in my schedule for VILE training?! You know I don’t want to be a part of this! And with Uncle M for that matter!” Carmen straightens up and takes off her glasses, “Honey, I don’t know what will happen when I’m away and I need you or Blendin to know how things work here just in case there needs to be a leadership shift in the event of emergency. That and if anything should happen to me or your father, you’ll know what to do. I don’t want this to dissolve, too many people have made their home here. So its just a little crash course on how things work. I’m not asking you to become me. I want you to be your own person.” Daring crossed her arms, “You’ve already proven that you are worse at dying than a cockroach. So why me? If you hadn’t noticed, I’m now the only normal person that hasn’t been altered or abnormally strong or have powers..” Her mother beamed, “Sweetheart, I’m talking about your intuition and intellect, your ability to notice details, quick thinking and even quicker reflexes.” Daring glares, “But you don’t see what is wrong here! You have a skewed sense of morals in which I don’t want any part of! You steal from museums and other locations! And its mostly for your own gain! You don’t need any of it! Its all to see if you can while trying to disguise it as a way to punish a more crooked individual!”
Skyggja looks over her shoulder, “It may be stealing but your mother has done more to help others than you realize! She’s not exactly a Robin Hood but she isn’t any Sheriff of Nottingham either! As for doing it to see if she can, I’ve seen first hand how easy she can steal things. No wonder she keeps trying to go for more complicated heists. Theres no effort in protection anymore in lots of places. Consider us like WhiteHats, finding holes in security, only we get paid with their loss.” Daring growls in frustration, “You can get hired legally for that! You don’t have to do it illegally!!”
Sigryn comes over with a tray of drinks for everyone, some spiked lemonade. “I think they learn the lesson harder when its done off a legal paycheck. Besides, Don’t you do similar to us, Daring? You steal things from temples and ruins..” Sig smirked, sipping her own drink. “But thats different!! I’m legally allowed to because its covered under anomalous archeology!! Its my job to collect and neutralize the unstable artifacts for the safety of the world!” Carmen puts her glasses back on and goes back to read a paper, “So its not that different, honey, just a different boss to answer to. Where here, that boss may be you someday.” Skyggja turns, holding the arm, and reattaches it with a couple clicks. Carmen flexes her hand, and moves it around to make sure everything is connected and functioning properly. Daring turns to leave, her mother calling after her, “Just talk to M, he’ll help you out!” Skyggja chuckles as Daring leaves, “You sure have a firecracker there. If she comes around, she’s gonna be a spittin image.” Carmen smirks, “I think she’ll warm up to the idea. She just needs time. Ooh I just got a craving for pickled beets and peanut butter, out of now where.. weird.” Sigryn laughs, “That sounds like a pregnancy craving if I ever heard one! Such a weird combo!” Carmen sips her spiked lemonade, “Nah, I’ve been on a strong birth control since having Blendin. I have unusually high levels of hormones during my cycles and I had to cap it somehow. Not even Kiros could get me pregnant with these pills. Besides, its not so weird, folks used to roast whole onions stuffed with peanut butter about a century ago and it was a household favorite! I personally havent tried it but pickled beets cant be too much different!”
Skyggja raised an eyebrow, “You capped your hormones during cycles yet some of us STILL can’t keep up with your stamina during your heats.” The mare shrugged, “I’m a medical marvel apparently between that and my disability to use my natural unicorn magic. Other than that I used to be perfectly normal!” Skyggja’s mechanical eyes whirred a bit, “Right, well ya ain’t normal anymore. Maybe you should cut back on the drinkin till after you get back. You said your stomach wasn’t too happy with the nerves, and who knows what the portal may do, especially since Lekir said the environment is different.” Carmen waved the notion off, downing the rest of the drink. “I’ll be fine. Thats why I’m double checking with you about my augments. If I can get used to the atmosphere quickly, I’ll be right as a rainbow.”
Within a few hours, Wally had returned, and had a small pill bottle in hand. He went to put it in his medicine cabinet after reading the label when Carmen knocked on the doorframe, “Hey, how’d the appointment go?” Wally smiled and shrugged, “Fine I guess. I got prescribed a new medication that may help slow the crystal growth and help with the pain. Still no word on a cure. But its better than nothing.” She smiled and rubbed his arm comfortingly. “We’ll find a way. I promise. Now you have everything you need while I’m gone? Because once I’m on the other side, its hard for me to get back on short notice.”
He nods, “I think we’ll be just fine. I’m already kinda feeling better. And I haven’t even had the new pill yet.” She points to him, “Take the medicine, even if you feel better now. You still need to take it. The doctors say it will help in the long run. I’ll check that bottle when I get back if I have to.” She chuckles.
Soon it was time to depart, Lekir sent word that they were ready and a shimmering portal appeared with a figure of a gracefully lanky black fox with green tipped ears, a green stripe along her back and emerald eyes, she was dressed in a modern version of a greek muse, the pale green shirt was billowy with draping sleeves and matching dress pants. Lekir crossed her arms and glared at the arriving figure, “Hello Kalai, Its about time you showed up..” The newcomer sneered smugly and got close to Lekir, growling, “About time you begged me to send you back, I expected more groveling.” The two growled fiercely at each other before bursting out laughing, giving each other a big hug. Lekir laughed, “Its soo good to see you, is everything ready for our arrival?” Kalai wiped a laughing tear from her eye and nods, “Oh of course! Everything is all set and ready. And you must be Carmen, I’ve heard so much about you. You are absolutely glowing!” Carmen blushed as Kalai looked her over, “Its a pleasure to meet you, and I’m just nervous. I’ve obviously never been to Cador and I’ve heard so many stories about it.” Kalai smirked, “Its a certainly more than that but I’ll explain more when you’re settled and checked out.” Carmen hesitated, “Checked out? Like customs and quarantine right?” Kalai tilted her head, “Its a medical standpoint to see how far along you are and to see how your new blood is effecting you.” Carmen relaxed a bit, “Oh right, haha, to see how far I’ve adapted to this, right. Got it.” Kalai chuckled with a confused look, “Did you forget that I can sense all life and health? Or did Lekir not relay that.” Lekir huffed, “No, I told her everything I knew!”
Carmen reached out in a sudden thought, right before Kalai was about to speak, “Wait! So that means you can heal, right? Like take diseases away? May I ask a favor before we depart? My husband, Waldo, has been inflicted by what we call Vivian’s Burden. Its fatal with no cure. We haven’t had any luck finding anything that helps. Can you help him?” Kalai sighed and had him stand near her since she couldnt stray far from the portal without it closing. She looked him over, “You recently took out all the shards of crystal?” Wally nodded, “We try to take out any that we see.” Kalai turns to Carmen, “I do not do these for charity, I do require payment and the cost will be steep. Are you prepared to pay my fees for such a service, even in your condition?” Carmen gave a confused face and looked herself over, “My condition? Like my limbs? Whatever my condition, yes I will pay whatever the price, I have plenty of money or priceless art, or if I dont have what you want, I can get it with no issues... Just.. we’re running out of time to find him a cure. He has less than a year and a half before it starts getting to his vitals.” Kalai looked her over and proceeded to reach out her hand, touching Wally’s chest and with a soft green glow, she pulled the illness from him absorbing it into herself and destroying it, healing his wounds from the crystals. “We shall discuss payment when you get settled then, and it will not be monetary.”
Wally lifted his shirt and smiled wide, laughing, “Holy moley! I feel amazing! I didn’t realize how much strength I lost!” He did a couple hops and ran over to Carmen, picking her up and twirling her, giving her a deep kiss. “Oh this is wonderful! Thank you Kalai! I have a new lease on life!” He woops out. Carmen smiles and laughs, “Better thank Lekir too! She’s the one who knows Kalai and had her come here!” Wally went right over to Lekir and gave a big bear hug to which Lekir patted his back and felt awkward. “Thank you so much!” Lekir pried him from her with a chuckle, “Yeah, no prob. I didn’t realize this was the answer you all were looking for.. “ Kalai smiled, “Its may not have been the main reason for my being here but if a life can be saved, I’m happy to help. Now, say your farewells for now, I’ll have you back safely within one month of your calendar.” M takes a draw from his cigarette and strides up to Kalai. “You better fuckin keep them safe. Those two are my charges, and I don’t like being fuckin far from them. If anything happens to them, I will have no issue rending your flesh into fuckin paste, myself.” Kalai looked at him and suddenly whipped vines from the ground to twist around him tightly, sapping his strength from full to near completely depleted, his breathing labored as he wriggled. She gets close to him, the vines pulling him lower to his knees, she ripped the cigarette out of his mouth and tossed it, “And You should not be smoking near a mother to be! I have much to discuss about her and her son.”
Carmen raised an eyebrow, “Wait, you mean Blendin? He’s just turning 18…” Kalai never broke eye contact with M, “No, no, your other son.”
“I don’t have another son. I have a daughter.”
“I’m talking about the son you carry in your belly this very moment!”
Carmen’s hands instantly went to her stomach, “Wait, I’m actually pregnant?! How?! I literally just had this conversation.. I was on birth control since having Blendin! Do they not work anymore?!… oh my god they dont work anymore. Why dont they work anymore?!” She starts panicking and Lekir rubs her back soothingly, getting her some ice water. “It could be the demon blood.. your transformation could be enough to override it. Normally non Cadorian females who carry Cadorian Demon babies cant survive the pregnancy, but you can since you have had the blood transfer.” Lekir explained. Kalai smiled over to Carmen, keeping M bound still, “I thought you knew already, I apologize but this way I can assess both your abilities and progress! This has only happened once before with a human but never a unicorn! I’m very eager to learn what I can if you are willing to let me observe while you train your new skills.” She turned back to M and used her power to read his biology and such, smirking, “Oh.. now you are a strange one. Much different from the individuals in this building. Last time I was here on this planet, nothing like you existed yet.. Oh interesting.. Hmmm Lets keep some of that between us, shall we?” She patted his cheek and let him go, releasing his strength back to him. He stumbled back and shook his head, “What the fuck did you just do to me?!” He roared, his claws lengthening sharply. Kalai flicked her fingers and explodes his bones within his arms before flicking them back, instantly healing him as if no harm was ever done. “I am the Harbinger of Life. I can unmake you as easy as you were made to begin with. I am a scientist of biology and magic. I am older than you can comprehend. I have seen wars and seen my people die around me. I have felt their anguish and pain.” M straightened up and adjusted his jacket, “So we have something in common.” Kalai tilted her head, “You are a being who changes shape. Your biology doesnt show this feature you speak of otherwise. Please elaborate.”
M scoffed but went into detail of his kind and his experiences. “I’m a dark balance changeling, I feed off the negative of life. Every Murphy’s law, every bad luck streak, is my dinner. I use my powers to feed off those emotions of despair and hopelessness and chase it down with survivor’s bittersweet love and pain of the lost one. I don’t just kill and witness death. I absorb it, I feast upon it. Well, I used to kill. Red here has a no kill ban and I agreed to it.” The fox came much closer, her lips almost touching his, she breathes cold air onto him, breathing her experiences of those exact emotions and senses him taking it in. He licks his lips as the glow in his eyes shift slightly, “That was a nice appetizer. I never fuckin expected that.” Kalai smirked tracing her finger along his shirt, “I could feed you for a lifetime with all that I am. Take you home like a lost puppy.” He took her hand from his chest, “Don’t mistake me for a fuckin puppy. I can do more than just bark.” Kalai smirked wider, “Suddenly you have gone from just a passing thought to someone I may actually enjoy. Not many fully understand what I feel, but you do. Interesting for such a strange one.”
M growled, “I have a name. I didn’t just spend two fuckin decades fighting with an ai to say my goddamn name instead of Rude one, I ain’t gonna do it again with you.” The vixen crossed her arms, “Oh I know your name, Marehem Skaedfryd. I was hoping you would take my compliment instead since you don’t care for your full name being spoken. So you go by M, as I was saying, you are a strange one.” M grumped and adjusted his jacket, sticking his hands in his pants pocket, “So. You said a month, yeah? I’ll set my calendar. One month. On the dot. Be here, or I will come there and destroy what I can to get them back, gravity or no gravity.” She laughed, “I have seen extinction level events, you do not frighten me.” M lifted his chin before moving his muzzle next to her cheek, speaking low, “I’ve caused extinction level events. I do not intend to harm you if you do not intend to harm them.” She chides softly, “I am as gentle as a flower but certainly not as frail, no harm will befall them, I assure you.” He puts his hand on her arm, keeping his head close, “Even the smallest and weakest flower can be deadly just as a sturdy flower needs care to not wither.” Kalai licks his cheek, “Perhaps someday I will let you tend my garden. There are no gods to judge, we ate them, haven’t we?” He gave a soft groan, almost a low chuckle. “When we ate them, we became gods ourselves, ain’t that right?” Kalai grins bringing up a hand to cup his neck in a soft embrace, “Then perhaps gods shall lay with gods someday.”
Carmen leans over to Lekir, whispering, “What the fuck am I seeing right now?” Lekir shrugs and whispers back, “I dunno.. I wanna say they’re flirting.”
Carmen gives an unsure grimace, “With M though? Oh maybe he’ll do his fake out that he does with Molli. M never flirts seriously. Any minute he will give the middle finger or something.. any minute..” Lekir shakes her head, “I think he’s serious. Even look at his tail, its curled around both their feet. Not swaying like he’s plotting.” Carmen continues her grimace, “But M though?!” Lekir chuckles, “Almost reminds me of a Death and Deadpool type of chemistry.” Carmen shrugs, “A death and what? Whats a deadpool?” Lekir looked at her wife in disbelief, “Do you not keep up with pop and comic culture? Your own son reads them, ask him. It’ll make sense when you do.” Carmen scoffs, “I read comics! I’ve read… Garfield…” The Vesk pats her shoulder, “When we get back, we’re having a comic crash course.” They look back in time to see M kiss her hand gently, then he catches eye contact with the wives, and flips them his middle finger. “There’s the middle finger.. its just towards us instead of her. Great.”
After Lekir and Carmen finished farewelling, Kalai escorted them through the portal, looking back to give M a wink before the portal closes. Once the girls were gone, the two brothers stood, Wally giving a sheepish grin towards M who had crossed his arms in thought, tapping his chin. M gave a side eye to Wally, “What the fuck are you lookin at?” Wally grinned and chuckled, “M has a crush~” M cackles, “Right, and you are the king of Scotland. Bullshit.” Wally singsongy teased him, “You think she’s preeeetty, I think you liiiiike her, you wanna kiiiisssss her..” M grabbed him by the shirt neck and made a fist, “If you dont fuckin quit..”
“Mom hasn’t been gone five minutes and already you’re fighting like children?! This place is in a more sorry state than I thought.” Daring stood in the doorway, hands on her hips. “And what is a little pipsqueak like you gonna do?” M towered over her. She smirks as Kiros comes up behind her. “I’ll ask her next strongest agent to help me keep things under control.” Kiros grinned as he cracked his knuckles, “Daring and I have been getting along quite well. Now whats this I hear about M having a crush?”
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Polar Opposites - Book 3: Fire - Chapter 1: The Awakening
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It’s been three whole weeks since Ba Sing Se fell to the Fire Nation… Three weeks since Aang was struck down by Azula’s lightning… After Aang had gotten hurt you and the others met up with your dad and the rest of the Water Tribe warriors at Chameleon Bay where you took over a Fire Nation ship to blend in, while making your way towards the Fire Nation for the Invasion on the Day of Black Sun. You stare out into the distance, thinking about how you’ve been on a ship, just like this one, not too long ago… Back then though, you were a different person… Back then, you were just a girl from the Southern Water Tribe. Now, you’re a different person. So much so that your siblings, as well as everyone else on this ship would say that you’ve changed so much to where they don’t even know who you are anymore… You honestly wish that you could turn back time and go back to whenever everything was simple. Back to when you were back home, taking care of your people with Sokka, Katara and your Grandmother.
You sigh at the thought of home.
You miss home so much…
You wish you could go back and just forget about everything that had happened in Ba Sing Se.
You know you can’t go back though…
Not now, especially with the invasion just a couple of months away…
Ever since you and the others left Ba Sing Se, you’ve tried to forget about everything that had happened between you and Zuko, but you just can’t… After everything that the two of you had been through together before what happened in the crystal catacombs in Ba Sing Se, you really don’t want to forget all of it… Everyone’s been so worried about you since you’ve been so distant… Your dad has even tried to make you talk to him about it, but you refuse to talk to him about it because you know that he wouldn’t understand… Sokka and Katara are the only ones that know the whole story of the reason as to why you’ve been acting so distant to everyone lately. Even though you didn’t really want to tell them everything at first… Both Sokka and Katara didn’t want to push you into telling them everything but you eventually told them everything about what had happened between me and Zuko while you were traveling with him and Iroh. And now that you’ve told both of your siblings everything, the three of you have become even closer than you've ever have been because of it.
Your thoughts are then broken by something small and furry jumping onto your shoulder. You jump slightly in surprise, turning your head towards whatever it was that jumped onto your shoulder. My eyes land on the big brown eyes of Momo. He chirps at you and you smile softly at the sight of him. “Well, hello to you too, Momo.” you greet, scratching him behind the ear. He purrs in response to your action, making your smile widen.
“It’s good to see you smiling again.” the voice of your dad says to your left. You turn to him, Momo jumping down from your shoulder and landing in front of your dad, causing your dad to crouch down and start scratching him under his chin, making Momo purr loudly in response. You’re about to respond to what he said a second ago when you’re cut off by running footsteps and something or someone falling down onto the deck. 
“Momo?” a very familiar voice that you haven’t heard in so long asks.
At the sound of the voice, you, your dad, and Momo turn to see Aang, laying on the floor in front of you. A second later, Aang picks himself off of the floor as Momo jumps onto Aang's shoulder, licking his cheek. “Twinkle-Toes, that's gotta be you.” Toph says as she and Katara run over to him excitedly. “Aang, you're awake!” Katara exclaims. “Are you sure?” Aang asks as he rubs his eyes. “I feel like I'm dreaming.” he continues before Katara embraces him in a hug. “You're not dreaming. You're finally awake.” Katara says as she lets go of him and you and Sokka, who’s dressed as a Fire Nation soldier walk up to him. “Aang, good to see you back with the living, buddy.” Sokka says to Aang as he lets go of him and you give him your own hug, the mask that he’s wearing muffling his voice a little bit. “Sokka?” Aang asks, confused. You take a step back from Aang, seeing how exhausted and confused he looks. “Uh-oh! Somebody catch him, he's gonna…” Toph exclaims. At her words, Katara runs to catch Aang but he falls, landing on the deck with a groan. “Ughh.” You and the others gather around Aang, worried expressions on our faces. It’s good that Aang is alright, but he certainly has a long way to go before he’s fully healed.
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A little while later, Aang wakes up and seems to be more aware of his surroundings. “Why are we on a Fire Nation ship? Why is everyone dressed this way? And why am I the only one out of it?” Aang asks in confusion as you put a red robe around his shoulders to use as a disguise, just in case. You then walk over to Appa, petting his head, giving the two of them some privacy. “You need to take it easy, ok? You got hurt pretty bad.” Katara says to him, referring to what had happened with Azula’s lightning hitting him.
You look down at the ground at the memory of that day.
The day that your life changed forever…
And not in a good way…
“I like your hair.” Katara says to him, breaking you out of your thoughts, causing you to look over at your sister and Aang again. “I have hair?” Aang asks her in surprise as he feels his scalp. “How long was I out?” he questions. “A few weeks.” Katara answers. In the corner of your eye you see dad walk up to them. “Everything ok?” Katara looks away from him before answering. “We're fine, Dad.” Dad offers Aang his hand. “I'm Hakoda, Katara, Sokka and Kida's father.” “He knows who you are.” Katara says, sounding annoyed. “I just called you ‘Dad’, didn't I?” “I guess you're right.” Dad replies, sounding a little bit unsure.
You don’t know why, but Katara has been a little rude to dad ever since you and the others met up with him and the other warriors at Chameleon Bay. You can sort of see why she would be, considering he left her, you and Sokka to go fight in the war with the rest of the men of the tribe a few years after mom died…
The thing is though, you and Sokka haven’t been like that to him.
You may still be a little bitter about him leaving, but you;d never act like Katara is as you’ve moved past it and you think Katara should do the same. “Nice to officially meet you, Chief Hakoda.” Aang says to your father, offering his own hand to him. My dad grabs Aang’s arm. “It's an honor to meet you.” “Great, great. Now you guys have finally met, so would you mind giving us a little privacy?” Katara asks him, annoyed. “Of course.” Dad replies before walking off and up to Appa where he pets Appa’s head. “Don’t worry dad, Katara’s just worried about Aang. She’ll come around.” you say. He nods. “I know.”
A couple of minutes later, your dad walks away from you and Appa and you see Katara leading Aang back inside, presumably for a healing session.
You yawn tiredly, deciding that now’s as good a time as any to try and get some sleep, since you haven’t really been able to get that much sleep… Not since before we fought against Azula and Zuko in the Crystal Catacombs…
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The next morning, while everyone is eating breakfast, Sokka explains what had happened while Aang was unconscious. “After what happened in Ba Sing Se, we had to get you to safety.” Sokka begins from his spot next to me on a crate. “We flew back to Chameleon Bay, where we found my father and the other Water Tribe men. The Earth King decided he wanted to travel the world in disguise, so he set off alone. Well, not completely alone. Soon, the bay was overrun with Fire Nation ships. Rather than fight them all, we captured a single ship and made it our disguise.”
He then pulls out his map and explains where you’ve been so far. “Since then, we've been traveling west.” he says, pointing to Chameleon Bay and then moves his finger across The Serpent’s Pass. “We crossed through The Serpent's Pass a few days ago. We've seen a few Fire Nation ships, but none have bothered us.” “So, what now?” Aang asks. “We've been working on a modified version of the invasion plan.” Your dad answers. “It's Sokka's invasion plan.” Katara says, annoyed. “Yes, Sokka's plan.” Dad agrees, sounding quite unsure and possibly a little confused as to why she’s acting this way towards him. “We won't be able to mount a massive invasion without the Earth King's armies, but the solar eclipse will still leave the Fire Nation vulnerable.” “So we're planning a smaller invasion. Just a ragtag team of our friends and allies from around the Earth Kingdom. We already ran into Pipsqueak and The Duke.” Sokka says, turning over toward where Pipsqueak and The Duke sit. “Good to see you again, Aang.” Pipsqueak smiles as he and The Duke, who is sitting on his shoulders, eat their noodles. “And the best part is, the eclipse isn't even our biggest advantage.” Sokka says. “We have a secret.” he whispers. He then looks to the left and right. “You!” he smiles. “Me?” Aang asks him in confusion. “Yep, the whole world thinks you're dead!” Sokka exclaims as he stands up from the crate, raising his arms triumphantly. “Isn't that great?!”
Aang is so shocked about the news of the whole world thinking that he’s dead, that he gets up from his seat and walks over to the railing, looking down at the water. “The world thinks I'm dead?! How is that good news?” he asks as he turns to face you and the others again. “That's terrible!” “No, it's great.” Sokka disagrees. “It means the Fire Nation won't be hunting us anymore. And even better, they won't expect you on The Day of Black Sun.” “No, no, no, no, no. You have no idea. This is so messed up!” Aang exclaims as he clutches at his hair, shaking his head in aggravation.
You’re about to try and reassure him when the horn of another ship blares. You and the others look over to see another Fire Nation ship approaching. ‘Uh oh.’ you think as the ship gets closer and closer. “I'll handle this. The Avatar is back!” Aang says as he grabs his glider and slams it on the floor, opening its wings, but it causes him to flinch in pain and clutch his side. Bearing through it though, he grabs onto the wings and prepares to take off. “Aang, wait. Remember, they don't know we're not Fire Nation.” Katara tells him as she walks up to him, causing Aang to stop from taking off. Aang, who’s sweating heavily, reluctantly folds his glider up. “Everyone just stay calm.” My dad says to you and the others. “Bato and I will take care of this.” he continues as he and Bato place their helmets on their heads.
In preparation of avoiding getting discovered by the crew of the Fire Navy ship approaching your ship, Pipsqueak and The Duke cover Appa with a large tarp as he sits in the cargo hold, while you, Aang, Katara, and Toph crouch inside the stairway that leads down below deck. Hopefully whoever comes onto the ship won’t want to search the ship, because then you’d all be in big trouble. “I hate not being able to do anything.” Aang whispers angrily. “Hopefully, you won't need to.” Toph replies in which you agree with wholeheartedly, especially with Aang being as hurt as he is right now. It’d be safer for him to just lay low and not get hurt even more than he already is.
You and the others watch as a bridge lowers across the gap in between the two ships. Once the bridge is lowered, a Fire Nation officer and two soldiers walk across to our ship. You see your dad and Bato exchange a glance and you hope that the Fire Nation officer doesn’t think that suspicious or anything, because then you’d be in big trouble… “Commander, why are you off course?” The officer asks your father. “All Western Fleet ships are supposed to be moving toward Ba Sing Se to support the occupation.” “Actually, we're from the Eastern Fleet. We have orders to deliver some cargo.” Your father answers. “Ah, Eastern Fleet. Well, nice of Admiral Chan to let us know he was sending one of his ships our way.” the officer replies. “I am sure Admiral Chan meant no disrespect, sir.” Bato replies. “I mean, how hard is it to write a quick note and send a hawk our way?” the officer asks, sounding a bit annoyed. “Next time, we'll send two hawks to be sure you get the message.” your father reassures him and you hope that he buys it.
Luckily, he does, and your dad and the officer bow to each other, before your dad and Bato walk away from them, probably to get the ship going again once the officer and the two soldiers leave.
"Sir, Admiral Chan has been on leave for two months at Ember Island." you hear one of the soldiers next to the officer say to the officer. 'Uh oh…' you think. "What? Why doesn't anyone ever tell me anything?" The officer asks. "Something's not right. They should've known that. I think this is a captured ship." 'Spirits, we're in trouble…' you think as the three of them walk away, walking across the bridge in between your ship and theirs.
As you crouch down next to Toph, you see her eyes widen in shock and you know that you’re not the only one who had heard him say that. Without any hesitation, the two of you climb out of the stairway, Toph pointing at the three soldiers as they walk back onto their ship. "They know!" Both of you shout out to the others at the same time before Toph thrusts her hand towards the floor, using her metalbending on the metal of the ship, twisting it and causing the bridge that the soldiers are walking across to buckle and disconnect from the ships, causing the soldiers and the officer to fall into the water below.
You quickly rush over to the edge of the ship, using your bending to create a small mountain of water in between the ships. You quickly turn in a circle, thrusting your arms forward, causing the water to slam into the side of the other ship, knocking it back several yards, giving you and the others a chance to escape. You turn to the others, your eyes wide with urgency. “We need to get outta here! NOW!” you command and at my words the ship starts moving at full speed. 
Not even a minute after we start our retreat, the other ship is in hot pursuit of your ship, firing multiple fireballs at you, trying to sink the ship. Luckily, all of the fireballs have just skimmed against the side of the ship, not causing any significant damage. You try to keep your balance as the ship tips from the most recent fireball just missing it. “Load the Toph!” you hear Toph shout before you hear Pipsqueak grunting and a loud bang against the metal floor of the ship. You smirk, those Fire Nation soldiers on that ship won’t know what hit them. She shoots the stone disc at the ship, destroying one of the ships’ trebuchets, demolishing it. Another fireball comes your way, but Toph launches another disc. The fireball and the stone disc collide in the air and explode.
As soon as you think the fireballs are the only weapon they can use against you, you see a ballista being aimed downwards before firing. The chained, metal projectile shoots into the water and punctures the hull of our ship. You run over to the edge of the deck again, seeing the water rushing inside of the hole that the projectile had caused. You wave your arms upward before pushing your palms down, exhaling freezing mist towards the hole in the hull of the ship as you do so. The mist descends down the ship toward the breach, freezing it over. “I’m gonna give us some cover!” Katara shouts before she presses her arms down, pushing down the water between the two ships, causing a cloud of mist to form and rise up. Katara lifts her arms up and bends the mist into the air. She then pushes her arms out, making the mist float out and behind our ship.
The moment that you think that we’re home free, a fire ball comes flying at you through the mist, crashing into the load of stone discs that Toph was going to use in case you needed them. “Aang! No!” you hear Sokka exclaim as you see Aang running out onto the deck, Sokka right behind him. Sokka grabs Aang’s staff, stopping Aang in his tracks. “You're still hurt, and you have to stay secret. Just let us handle this.” Sokka says to him. “Fine!” Aang answers as he angrily snatches his staff away from Sokka before he storms off. 
You understand why Aang’s upset about being kept secret from the world… but the thing is, we just can’t risk it right now… Especially with the invasion coming up in a couple of months…
You can’t risk having the Fire Nation knowing that he’s alive right now, it would take away your advantage for the invasion…
Another explosion cuts your thoughts off as the blast causes a fire on the engine. You quickly bend water up from below, throwing it at the fire, quickly extinguishing it. “How we doing?” Toph asks. “Things couldn't get much worse.” Sokka replies.
The universe just loves proving Sokka wrong, because the serpent from The Serpent’s Pass bursts from the water behind him. “The Universe just loves proving me wrong, doesn't it?” Sokka asks as he turns around to face the serpent. “You just had to say something, didn’t you?!” you ask him to which he shrugs in reply too. “You make it so easy!” Toph responds to Sokka's earlier question. The serpent’s about to strike but a fireball from the enemy ship strikes it in the head. The serpent turns to the ship that fired the fireball, disappearing into the water a few seconds later.
After swimming under your ship, the serpent emerges from the water, wrapping its body around the enemy vessel. You, Sokka and Pipsqueak run over to the edge of the deck, shocked that the serpent is attacking the other ship. Well, you guess you can see why, especially when they were the ones that fired the fireball at it and caused it to attack them in the first place. “Thank you, The Universe!” Sokka praises, while looking up at the sky.
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We just docked the ship at a merchants’ pier to get some supplies and something to eat for dinner. You and the others walk up to Aang’s door, entering the room. “Hey, Aang, we're going into town to find some dinner.” Toph says to him. At her statement, Aang clutches his stomach as it growls. “Well, I am pretty hungry. Maybe dinner's a good idea.” Aang says with a small smile on his face. Sokka pulls out a red headband, holding it out to him. “Here, tie this around your head. It'll cover your arrow.” “I'm not going out if I can't wear my arrow proudly.” Aang says angrily before he turns away, laying back down on his bed. “Aang come on, be practical.” Sokka tries to reason with him. Katara places her hand on his shoulder. “You guys go ahead without us. We'll catch up with you.” “Come on guys.” you tell Sokka and Toph as the three of you leave the room, closing the door behind you.
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You and the others just got back to the ship and Katara decided to give Aang a tray of food since he was hungry before you left. You follow close behind Katara as she carries a tray of food to Aang’s room. When you get to his room, you find that the door to his room is still open and both of you step inside. “We brought you some food.” Katara says, only to see that the room is empty. Your eyes widen in surprise as you look around the room for the young airbender. “Oh no!” Katara says, the tray of food in her hands spilling onto the floor, before she runs out of the room. You quickly run after her, hoping that you can find Aang before it’s too late…
While you and the others were in town getting dinner, Katara had told you what Aang had said to her about him wanting his honor back.
Now that you think about it, what he had said to her reminds you of something Zuko would say back when you were a passenger/prisoner on his ship and he was still the ‘banished prince of The Fire Nation’.
In a way, part of you can see why Aang ran away, but the rest of you thinks that him running away now, when he’s still hurt, isn’t a good idea. And if he faced the Fire Lord in his current condition, he would probably get killed and all hope would be lost when it comes to the war coming to an end…
You and Katara run up on deck, seeing Bato talking to your father. You stand behind Katara, but you can still tell that she’s very upset about Aang leaving. “I'll leave you three alone.” Bato says to your father before he walks off and you and Katara step closer to your father. “What's wrong Katara, (Y/N)?” Dad asks us, looking from you and then to Katara. “He left.” Katara answers. “What?” Dad asks her in confusion, his eyes meeting mine for a moment, wanting me to explain what she means.
You’re about to explain what had happened, but Katara interrupts you from doing so. “Aang. He just took his glider and disappeared. He has this ridiculous notion that he has to save the world alone. That it's all his responsibility.” “Maybe that's his way of being brave.” Dad suggests. “It's not brave. It's selfish and stupid.” Katara exclaims angrily. “We could be helping him. And I know the world needs him, but doesn't he know how much we need him too? How could he just leave us behind?”
From her words, you know that Katara isn’t just talking about how Aang just got up and left, she’s also talking about how dad had left you, her and Sokka to go fight in the war with the rest of the men of your tribe. Dad seems to figure that out too, a somber expression coming onto his face. “You're talking about me too, aren't you?”
You feel a tear slide down your cheek at the memory of the day that he and the rest of the men left to go fight in the war.
You had wanted to go with them so badly… But your dad persuaded you that you needed to stay home and protect your people as well as your siblings.
“How could you leave us, Dad?” Katara asks him, as more tears stream down your face at the memory of the day he left. “I mean, I know we had Gran Gran, and she loved us, but… but we were just so lost without you.” she continues before she turns away, letting out a few sobs, covering her face with her hands. Dad puts a hand on her shoulder. “I am so sorry, Katara.” Katara turns to him and hugs him, continuing to cry into his chest, making him return the embrace. “I understand why you left. I really do, and I know that you had to go, so why do I still feel this way?” Katara asks him. “I’m so sad and angry, and hurt.” she cries, burying her face into his chest.
Dad lifts his head up, and his dark blue eyes meet your own bright blue ones. He stretches out a hand for you, gesturing for you to join the hug. You don’t hesitate to run into his arms, tears streaming down your face. “I love you two more than anything.” he says to both you and Katara. “You two and your brother are my entire world. I thought about you every day I was gone, and every night when I went to sleep. I would lay awake missing you so much, it would ache.”
His words make you sob into his chest at the thought of how much you missed him while he was gone. 
You missed him every single day and you would’ve done anything to have kept him from going… But now you know that there was nothing that you could’ve done to do that… Because honestly, if he didn’t leave, you don’t think your siblings would’ve met Aang, and you probably would’ve never met Zuko…
Fate and destiny sure are funny things.
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After deciding to meet up with the invasion force on the day of Black Sun, you, your siblings, and Toph leave on Appa to look for Aang. You and the others aren’t sure as to where he could’ve ended up… Hopefully, he’s not on the Fire Nation mainland where someone could find him and see that he’s the Avatar.
Before you and the others reach the mainland, you all see a crescent shaped island in the distance. You and the others decide to check the island, hoping that Aang is there and not on the mainland on his way to the Fire Lord’s Palace…
The closer Appa gets to the island, you see a figure laying on the rocky shore near the edge of the water. “It’s Aang!” Katara exclaims, pointing down at the figure. Momo, who was sitting next to you in the saddle, takes off towards Aang as Appa makes his descent. Sokka lands Appa just as Momo jumps onto Aang’s chest, licking his cheek, waking him up. Aang slowly sits up as you and the others run over to him. Katara drops to her knees and hugs Aang’s head. “You're ok!” she exclaims in utter relief. Relief floods your body as you and the others gather around Aang and Katara, forming a group hug.
After a moment, Aang breaks away from you and the others. “I have so much to do.” “I know, but you'll have our help.” Katara tells him. “You didn't think you could get out of training just by coming to the Fire Nation, did you?” Toph asks him. “What about the invasion?” Aang asks, looking at you and Sokka. “We'll join up with my dad and the invasion force on the day of the eclipse.” Sokka responds. “Hey, what’s…” Toph says as she reaches back behind her, grabbing something. She brings the object in front of her and it’s Aang’s glider that’s now broken and burnt. Toph hands Aang's glider as we all get to our feet. “That's okay.” Aang reassures. “If someone saw it, it would give away my identity. It's better for now that no one knows I'm alive.” he continues before he turns around, jumping onto a mound that’s trickling out lava. Aang spins the glider above his head and slams it into the lava end first before jumping away. “Come on, we better get moving.” you tell the others as you mount Appa, climbing onto his head, taking the reins. The others nod in agreement and as they mount Appa, Aang’s glider is consumed by flames. You look away from the glider and flick the reins. “Yip yip!”
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sadie-bug345 · 2 months
could you do the gang at school please? (including the ones who graduated or dropped out haha)
yessss!! i did one similar to this already…
BUT I WILL ADD ON cause there have been some newer hcs i would give the greasers🫶🫶
probably unironically eats lunch in the english teachers classroom or smth
but don’t get me wrong he isn’t a teachers pet by any means
considering how he mentioned how he’s like one of the only greasers in his classes cause my guy is an honor student🫶🤌, i think he feels left out a good amount
like he dreads group projects cause either there’s no friends in his class to choose to be on his group
or he hates it whenever the teacher picks groups themself and throws pony in a really awkward situation with a bunch of socs
gives middle to front row student
WILL HIT THE DEEPEST SIGH when the teacher says there’s homework
he’s so put out lmaooo🫶
just there for the giggles
honestly there’s a good amt of kids in my classes that come to mind for this
its just hard to describe like similar to two bit he genuinely likes school cause friends yk
but some days for him just feel like they go on for YEARS AND YEARS
gets the most bored when it’s finals week and there’s like zero talking during classes
i think just cause he’s the quietest of the group we forget he’s still like a 16 year old boy??
like he’s still a menace sorry
but he’s more aware of his actions compared to dally or two but definitely
he still a part of the rowdy group of greasers who yell when they pull up to rumbles and stuff
hes just a lot quieter in comparison to someone like two or steve
just the type to not talk to you unless you talk to him first but once you kinda get that friendship going in class it’s a bunch of fun
other than that just chills ngl
idk why it’s so hard to picture my guy in school like what is this😭😭
i think it’s just cause se hinton really set in stone how darry truly is young, like 20 YEAR OLDS ARE NOT SUPER MATURE GUYS THEY ARE NOT OLDIES
they probably make some of the dumbest decisions
but darry can’t afford to make those carefree mistakes cause he doesn’t have people to scold him about it but then help him get back up
dally acts more like a 20 year old than darry does and the only reason dally can make those decisions is cause he doesn’t think there’s people depending on him like there are for darry
anyways rant👹🤷‍♂️😐
whenever he sees his ex sylvia walking in the halls holding hands with another guy he gives them the worst side eye glare dirty look IMAGINABLE
either that or he totally avoids eye contact like just tryna act like people don’t get to him
i feel like he genuinely wouldn’t be popular
like yes matt dillon is FIIIIIINEEEE but looks arent everything to popularity
you gotta be willing to actually talk to people you think are cool
and when it takes short of a world war to get dallas to let his guard down, his circle is small
he def does have a reputation but i wouldn’t think he’s walking different friends to class every passing period
he just sticks to the same people cause that’s comfortable and he thinks that’s the only thing in his life that is stable🫡
i think we underestimate how much of A SUPER DUPER SENIOR TWO IS
so when i tell you teachers either love him cause he been on campus for FOREVER now
or they absolutely despise him
i think in general teachers do like him cause he the typa guy that teachers use as an example of what not to do😟😭
definitely would eat lunch in his favorite teachers classroom and write the goofiest stuff on the chalkboards
it is so hard to hc steve omg
like i know my guy has nuances we don’t know about
but considering pony’s a little bitch and only rats on him for like half his description in the book
i think he just chills w soda yk
like they are suchhh a package deal
and it’s mutual
but steve’s the loudest of the gang, apart from two
whenever there’s like a get to know you thing in class he just says he likes cars like no other fact abt him is shared in front of the class LMAO
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Who would you call if the world was ending?
Prompt 887 by @creativepromptsforwriting (@creativepromptfills xo)
Fandom: DC
Summary: The world is ending and, of all the people he could have called, Jason ends up calling Bruce
Pairing: Jason Todd/ Roy Harper (minor)
Beep beep. Beep beep.
The caller you are trying to reach is occupied or out of service. Please, leave a message.
Hey Bruce, It’s… It’s Jason. I’m pretty sure you already know, given that it’s you and all, but… yeah. The world is ending and people are doing jack shit about it! Big surprise there. I… you weren’t the first person I was planning on calling. I mean, you didn’t even make the first fucking ten, but… Look, I didn’t want to tell you about this, but Roy’s also doing it and I suppose I should too. Come clean about shit, I mean, tell you stuff. 
I’m not going to apologise for what I did. We both have different ideas of justice and yeah, I killed, but I killed because those fuckers had too many second chances and didn’t fucking take them. I may have gotten a morbid sorta thrill out of it at first, but I don’t fucking like it. I do it ‘cause it’s what I gotta do now. But, whatever I do, whatever your fucking reasons are not to let me come back home, I’m not the only one at fault here.
Dickface always said that taking care of family is one of the most important things, hypocritical as that may be, and I ain’t gonna be at fault for that. I have taken care of my family as well as I fucking could, and the fact that none of you bats have noticed should give you a hint about the problem, huh? The fact that none of you knew? 
Joder, no puedo hacer esto. Esto ha sido un error.
I have a husband. I have a daughter too, and they are the best fucking thing to happen to me, possibly in my whole life. I feel the luckiest man to have them, and I honestly don’t fucking get how you could fuck all of us up this badly if this is what having a child feels like. The reason I never told any of you (except for Alfred. You can’t hide secrets from Alfred) is because… well… they’re my family. You would judge and think they’re not enough, or that I’m not enough and drive us apart somehow, even if you don’t mean to.
And that’s without mentioning any bat business.
I- Roy is asking me not to be too mean to you. I guess he’s right, but he can’t really have a full conversation with Ollie without it ending in a screaming match, so who’s winning here?
Okay, he’s telling me now that he can, thank you very much, but Oliver’s a fucking prick so he won’t even try to. And he’s also telling me that daddy issues aren’t a competition, Jaybird. Que se joda.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that… yeah, well, the world is ending and there is nothing Roy or I could do about it. I mean, is there anything anyone can do? Arrows and guns? How the fuck would we be useful? 
I know that if you had actually answered the call, you would be yelling at me about duty and shit; asking me to do the fucking impossible like always. Well, guess fucking what? I am doing my duty to my fucking family because they are the most important to me, and I fucking wonder what-
Roy’s telling me to stop fighting with you, and he’s right. It ain’t my business anymore. What you decide to do with your fucking dysfunctional family, leave me out of it. I was just hoping, for their sake… Fuck, I’m going to regret this, aren’t I? But hey, the world is fucking ending, so who cares, right?
I miss my dad, okay? I miss the guy who would take me to museums and watch movies with me and comfort me when I had nightmares. Yeah, he might have kinda sucked at it but at least he was trying and he was there and I thought he might have fucking loved me. Because a parent’s love is meant to be unconditional and maybe the other brats and Dickface miss you as much as… as much as I do. 
You can actually be there for them, make me the guinea pig or whatever.
I wanted… I wanted a home and a family to come back to when the world was crumbling down and mira por dónde, now it is! And… and Roy and Lian and I will stay together as a fucking family until we get pulled under. I called to apologise, but fuck that. I doubt you’re even at home with your kids, so right now I don’t owe jack shit to you because you can’t do the bare fucking minimum to be a father. 
I guess… I guess this is goodbye, then.
Seems fitting that the one chance I get for this you can’t even answer the damn phone.
Goodbye da- Goodbye, Bruce.
Unread messages: (1)
From: B stands for Bitch
Come home, Jaylad. The whole family is here. Bring Roy and Lian too, they’ll be safe… Read more
Joder, no puedo hacer esto. Esto ha sido un error.→ fuck, I can’t do this. This has been a mistake.
Que se joda→ He can go fuck himself
Mira por dónde→ guess what
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writergirl3 · 1 year
"Hermosa" - Aaron T x Reader
Let's just say I was inspired by my recent trip to Spain and dreamt up this cute scenario. I don't speak a word of Spanish, so if my Google translate-dependence creates inaccuracies, I'm sorry!
Anyway, onto the good stuff 🧡
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“Not ‘Si’, ‘Sí’!”
“It’s the exact same!”
Aaron T grins at you cheekily, shaking his head fondly so that his chocolate curls tumble about. “So, when someone says ‘Would you like sprinkles with that?’, you’re not gonna sound dumb answering ‘If!’?”
“Shut up,” you furiously scribble out the word in your notebook, correcting the pesky little mark, “Spanish is dumb.”
“Not as dumb as you.” Aaron jests, poking your cheek softly when you pout at him, signaling he’s kidding. “Let’s try something different.”
You eye him with exhaustion. He’s been tutoring you for an hour now and while staying behind at school with your best friend is fun and all, the thought of your bed is equally appealing. “Can’t we just carry on tomorrow?”
“No,” Aaron pushes a cup of coffee over to you, chuckling as you guzzle the caffeinated beverage, “You’re not going anywhere until you can string a sentence together.”
“It’s easy for you,” you settle the coffee cup down, “you’re fluent!”
Aaron chortles and pinches your cheek out of fondness. He shouldn’t find your sleepy grumpiness cute, but alas, it’s out of his control. Falling for you was never on his agenda, but moments like this reminds him why he did.
“Dios mío, eres lindo…”
Your bambi eyes catch him off-guard, and he realises he spoke aloud. At least you don’t understand a word of Spanish.
“Nothing!” Quickly shutting your school book closed, he turns to you and gestures for you to do the same. “Let’s make this fun.”
Narrowing your eyes at him, you draw back, “Fun how?”
“Stop asking so many questions!” He flashes you a toothy smile and it makes you roll your eyes. “Just try and guess what I’m sayin’, we need to get you used to hearing different words.”
You shrug in compliance, awaiting whatever he has in store. He taps his chin thoughtfully before inspiration alights his hazel irises.
“You gotta write about yourself for this assignment, right?” You just nod. “Well, I’ll give you some pointers.”
He observes you intently and, in all honesty, it makes your cheeks heat up a little. When did he get so close?
“Tus ojos,” his voice is softer than you’ve ever heard it, “me hipnotizan…”
Your breath catches in your throat. You have no idea what he’s just said, and all you can do is sit in silence. Aaron just chuckles and lets his eyes trail over your face.
“Tus mejillas son lindas cuando te sonrojas, y,” Aaron chuckles “eso me gusta.”
“Stop saying so many words I don’t know!” you whine, unwittingly ruining the moment. Aaron chuckles, but his eyes never leave your face.
“Tus labios son tan dulces, me pregunto cómo se sentirían en los míos…” 
He trails off, and by the way his eyes flicker down to your lips, you can tell what he’s been talking about them.
Aaron nods encouragingly, motioning for you to write the vocab down. As you scribble away, he eyes you in a daze. Who could blame him? You look so cute when you’re concentrated, oblivious to his flirtations. 
For now.
The word falls from his lips in a lovestruck whisper before he can stop himself. But it’s only when you turn to him that he realises what he’s just done.
“Did you just say…beautiful?”
“I-I, uh…” Aaron fumbles, looking anywhere but your eyes. Why did that word have to be the only one you know?
“You did, didn’t you?”
Your expression softens. You’ve never seen Aaron so nervous, so unsure of himself. Your confident, fun-loving best friend transforms into someone else entirely. Someone you want to be close with, to share things with, to…love?
Refocusing on Aaron, you note the way his eyes dart about the room, his fingers drum on the classroom desk you’re sat at. When he takes his cap off to fan his face momentarily, you question if this is the Aaron you’ve come to know.
It’s plain to see that he can’t formulate any words at all, English or Spanish, so you do the next best thing.
“Aaron,” placing your hand on his tanned forearm, he turns to you while you try to organise your thoughts, “Me gustan ustedes dos…”
His hazel-flecked irises nearly pop out of their sockets at that, and when you lean in to momentarily peck his lips? He loses it.
That’s not to say, though, that he doesn’t reciprocate the gesture. Holding your cheeks tenderly, he succumbs to your charms and kisses the soft flesh of your lips happily. Pulling away, he leans his forehead on yours and meets your eyes with regained confidence.
“I can’t believe you like me back…” His whisper dances across your lips and you find yourself wishing you could feel his again. You lean back in, but not before Aaron verbally cuts in with a cheeky grin, “And by the way, it’s ‘Tú también me gustas’...you said ‘two’, not ‘too’...”
“Shut up and kiss me…”
Musing Meaninglessly Masterlist
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boopshoops · 2 months
Ok, I need to ask for 011 for the twins! I just gotta know!
Also maybe 008 and 027 as well!
11.) How would your character court the person of their dreams?
Yuu Shi- wouldn't. period.
oH nonnono she would convince THEM to court HER.
She wants to be fawned over. She wants to be spoiled. Adored, clung to.
As for how she would convince them... Well- ironically the person of her dreams would be equally trusting with her as she is with them. Encouraging and supportive, meaning they wouldn't mind all of her shenanigans, maybe even work WITH her on them. So, to convince them, she'd prove her worth to make them fall for her. She'd prove she has their best interest in mind. AKA she'd just be a highly caring, soft, nurturing individual, but she refuses to call it so.
She'd showcase her talent, affection, intelligence, mostly affection- clingy, blushy koala affection
maybe have a bit of nerves regarding how she can truly make them happy-
BUT as soon as she works through that- She hopes just one "Oh, you want to kiss me sooooo bad-" would do the trick.
Jocia is the type of person, on the other hand, to have less structured plans involved in 'courting,' if you could call it that- She has always been a very blunt, forward individual, and that is no different in regard to flirting.
She'd not so subtly invite potential partners out for several different activities, be it travel or chilling at home. While I would love to say she'd just come out and be like 'do u wanna make out,' she does also get nervous.
She is well away of how abrasive she can come off as, and that she can be unintentionally intimidating even towards people she's close with. After she confirms that her potential dream partner is completely comfortable, at ease, and happy with her, though, she will most definitely start an ambush of affection.
After that, it all simply comes down to clearly stating, "Can I kiss you?"
(this is so mushy but fuck it we ball <333)
8.) What is their favorite fairy tale?
aAAAH welp- I'm going off of Twisted Wonderland's version of fairy tales- s o maybe lets just call them stories in case i fuck up and choose something that's actually just canon history like pinnochio or smth.
Shi is partial to a Korean (Or ig whatever the twst equivalent would be-) folktale "Gyeonmyo jaengju" It is a story about a fisherman who has a pearl stolen from him. His dog and cat, in an attempt to show their gratitude towards their owner, retrieve the pearl. However, the cat accidentally drops it, and the two end up fighting. The cat later retrieves the pearl and returns it to the fisherman. The dog receives none of the credit.
It stuck with her ever since she found it in her studies when she was young. She grew attached to it due to the inclusion of animals, but why does she still like it so much? She couldn't be... pro je c t ing? could s h e? PSHHH NAHHH.
Jocia can't read /j or rather- she has little desire to. She never paid much attention to stories such as that or- stories in general when it came to study or schooling, and let's just say their parents weren't the type to read their children books.
If she HAD to pick a favorite, it'd be something very basic, most likely on the count that it was the one she remembered the best and therefore found most entertaining.
That particular tale is a somewhat incorrect recount of "The Monkey's Paw" given she only ever heard a summary of the tale- The tale of a man using the paw to grant three wishes, each coming with a terrible price in order to grant. She tried to tell the story to Yuu to teasingly scare her one time, only to found that she already knew it, and also shared a story known as "The Fox Girl."
While "The Fox Girl," another Korean story about a man who desired so much to have a daughter that he wouldn't mind if she were a fox, wasn't either of their 'favorites' per se, but it stuck with them both as- well probably one of the last conversations they had together where they truly, really got along well.
27.) What is their idea of perfect happiness?
Safety. No one can hurt her when she's on her thrown on top of the world. She can't visualize it in a scene, but she can FEEL it. It burns in her heart, a desire so strong she'd do anything just to touch it. No matter how out of reach.
Security. She is at peace. Everyone she loves is at peace. The people she loves can finally rest easy. They can care for themselves. They don't all have to cling to each other like they're in danger. It is time to sleep soundly. She can finally let go.
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paleparearchive · 2 months
Resolution Day
Monet's 1st initial 3★ story (1/2) ( 1 - 2 )
Location: kitchen (morning) ; park (evening) | Characters: Monet, Renoir, Sisley, Bazille, Manet
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Monet: Aight, let's see what we got this morning... Oh, it's Manet-aniki! 'Morning!
Renoir: That's a huge amount of food for every day. It's amazing that you can eat that much in the morning.
Manet: What are you surprised about? It takes a lot of energy to make a good painting. Whether you take it or not, your performance for the day will be different. Even this is not enough.
Monet: As expected from ya, Manet-aniki! I'll have to learn from ya.
Bazille: … Hey, Monet. That's a lot of food. Can you eat that much?
Monet: 'Course I can! I gotta afford this if I wanna be like Manet-aniki! Well then, bon appetit! Om, gnam gnam…
Monet: Gnam, gnam… Uuh, my stomach's gettin' tight... I'm still more than halfway through the meal…
Bazille: You're not a big eater by nature. You knew that was going to happen from the beginning.
Renoir: You shouldn't push yourself so hard, okay? I think energy is important, but I'm afraid you'll get stuck before you get there.
Sisley: That's right. It would be a shame to leave it behind, so I'll help you eat it.
Monet: N-No, it's okay…! Manet-aniki could afford to eat this amount of food. I can do this too! Om, gnam gnam…
Uuuh… Hang in there, Monet… don't give up here. This is just 'nother step on the road to become like… Aniki… Bleurgh…
Bazille: Haah… At this rate, you'll never become like Manet-san, won't you? Guess I have no choice, I'd better get some stomach pills just in case.
Renoir: ~♪ ~~♪
… Ah, I've finished my red color. Hey, Sisley. Can I borrow some red paint?
Sisley: Yes, here. You're about to run out of yellow as well, so use it if you want, okay?
Renoir: Thank you. Well then, I'll feel free to use it.
Bazille: Geez, at least have some spare paint ready. You're too soft on him, Sisley.
Sisley: I don't mind. And it's nice to know that people can count on me.
Even so... It's so unusual for Monet not to be here. Normally, he would take the initiative to invite everyone. I wanted to call him, but he wasn't there. Where did he go?
Manet: Uff…
Renoir: Ah, it's Manet-san. Come to think of it, this park is Manet-san's running course. He's stoic as ever, isn't he? I can't believe that he even builds up his body in order to create the best pictures. I admire him, but I can't go that far... Huh?
Bazille: What's wrong, Renoir?
Renoir: Hey, isn't that one over there Monet?
Monet: Haah, haah… M-Manet-aniki… Wa…it, plea…se…
(No way… I'm at my limit…)
Sisley: Monet! Are you okay!?
Monet: Ah… You guys… Why are ya here?
Sisley: We came here to paint. And you, Monet…
Monet: Manet-aniki always runs at this time of the day, so I thought I'd do the same… Haah…
Bazille: I understand your respect for Manet-san, but you don't have to force yourself to imitate him. What if you break down, like you did at breakfast?
Renoir: Certainly, gluttony and running have nothing to do directly with painting.
Monet: … I know y'all worried 'bout me. But… I was impressed not only by Manet-aniki's paintings, but also by his way of life.
Sisley: His way of life?
Monet: Yeah, it was right after Manet and I were mistaken for each other at an exhibition…
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 1 year
The Perfect Valentine
yes yes, i know it isn't day of love anymore but it still is in my heart !!! and what better way to celebrate it than with Daya trying to make it the most special day for the most special girls in the world. hope you all enjoy!!
"Alright," Jasmine huffed getting Ava into her carrier after a small struggle over her buckles, "we're meeting my Moms for lunch and a little bit of shopping so max we'll be gone is three hours." Daya nodded, still in the kitchen sipping from her mug.
"Jas, I'm not going to die if you leave me alone for more than an hour." She smiled lopsidedly. "I can hold down the fort. You go have a good time with your Moms." She walked over to her and kissed her forehead.
Jasmine smiled at her. "I know, baby. I just don't like leaving you for too long." Ava whined in her carrier, one of her blanket being thrown onto the floor. "And neither does Avie."
Daya bent down and gave the blanket back to the baby and smile into the carrier. "You'll be okay, baby bug. You get to go see Grandmas." She tickled her little stomach, getting the baby to squeal and giggle.
She stood up and rubbed the blondes shoulders. "You'll be fine, Jazzy." She kissed her gently. "Now go before you're late."
Jasmine nodded and hugged her loosely. "Can't have that now. I love you, Dee."
"Love you too." She smiled and waved before closing the door as she left. Daya breathed a sigh of relief and pulled out her phone. "Crys? Yeah she's gone. Bring everything over."
"I still can't believe you roped me into this." Crystal groaned, carrying in a huge bouquet of flowers.
"You owed me from last year when I helped with your proposal." Daya quipped back with a smirk. Daya never really made a big day of Valentines Day, she saw right through all the lies of love and only saw corporate greed so she just did what was required of her. A card, cheesy stuffed animal and some flowers was her go to year after year but it was different with Jasmine.
Call her a sap or whatever you want but she was really in love with her. Like always smiling, would never stopping kissing her, want to shout from the mountain tops in love. She wanted to make the day special because that's was she deserved and god damn it She was really really in love with her.
“You know when you texted me you needed help, I thought you were like dying or something.” Crystal said as she arranged the flowers like Daya had told her a million times. “Like you never ask help and then it was for all of this? I thought you got body swapped.”
Daya chuckled as she hung up the streamers. The muted colors of the apartment were now covered in reds and pinks, hearts and shimmering tinsel.
“Beautiful.” Daya said, hopping off the chair with a thud. “You think it’s too much?”
“Definitely.” Crystal said, looking around. “But you said that’s what she likes so I think it’s right up her alley and besides, she's your girl so she's going to love the hell out of all of this.”
“Thanks C. I gotta start on dinner and you have to get home to your fiancée.” She clapped the shorter girls back.
The curly haired girl laughed and nodded. “Yeah. Geege wanted to take me to this art gallery later tonight.”
"Well you go have fun with that. I'll let you know how everything goes." She side hugged her sister before pushing her to the door. Crystal laughed as she waved goodbye, closing the door as Daya went to the stove, turning it on and starting on dinner.
It was a simple dish. Not too flashy, not too boring, just right for Jasmine and Daya was going to execute it perfectly. She took extra care with all of the ingredients and steps, making sure everything was perfect and her mind started to wander to every moment they'd shared.
Her coming home and Jasmine squeezing her so tightly but careful at the same time, every morning when she would turn over to a mouthful of blonde hair, even tripping over her shoes she leaves right by the door no matter how many times Daya tells her to move them.
She looks over and sees some of the dishes still in the sink and smiles at the small baby plate. It's interesting how people just come into your life and worm their way through you and become so pivotal. She never expected to get this in her life, not once. She'd guess she would be dating someone but she never thought it would be this good. She was happy nearly everyday to be with her girls and no one could make her trade the bickering and tantrums for anyone else in the world.
She finished up and grabbed the small bunch of flowers on the counter. Finding the stray ribbon, she carefully tied it around right as she heard the familiar sound of a key sliding into the door. She quickly finished the bow and smoothed over her hair, standing right in the doorway and waiting.
"Di, you will not believe half of the things we talked about." Jasmine still had her back to the door as she out down the carrier with a sleeping Ava tucked under her blankets. She shed off her coat as Daya waited nervously.
She started to turn around, "seriously, I don't know how they do it." She finally faced Daya and stopped, taking in everything. Her eyes scanned around at all the decorations as Daya smiled awkwardly.
"Surprise. I have things for Ava too but she looks pretty tuckered out." She motioned over her shoulder to a smaller bunch of flowers with a little teddy bear.
"When did you-"
"Crystal helped a little but I thought it would be nice since it's our first Valentine's Day." She walked up to her with the flowers. "Happy Valentine's Day, Jas." She smiled lopsidedly and extend the small bouquet to her. "I didn't want to be cliché and get roses but I couldn't think of any other flowers so I just got one of everythin-"
She jumped into Daya's arms, the flowers falling to the floor as she caught her quickly. She buried her face in Dayas neck and hugged her tightly. “I love it.”
“You do?” She smiled lightly. She nodded and pulled away, looking at her with watery eyes. "Hey baby," she said softly, her thumb brushing the tears away from under her green eyes, "it's okay. Don't cry."
She laughed lightly and hugged her again. "Happy tears, Daya. I just love you so much."
She chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "I love you too. I know I don't always do these big displays but I wanted you to really see it today."
"I see it everyday." She smiled. "Thank you, Daya. It's perfect." She leaned forward and kissed her lips lovingly. "Happy Valentine's day."
She kissed back and smiled against her lips and held her close. She wanted everything to be perfect but in reality, nothing could be more perfect than holding her girl close.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
much as it pains me, i only have an hour or so before bedtime so i've decided to press on to gerudo town...i want my snow boots before i try to get that memory and i KNOW they are there
omg this stable has boxes everywhere?! my buddy is here too. where to even begin
YOOOOO evil zelda has been at work here.........telling them not to go near the WELL in a DESERT?
cleaning up thi hoarder junk lol just like real life
man...it's so SAD to be their final customer :( it's sad they have to close up forever...
oh!! he wants art for the stable's final days 😭
geez, those are some tough pictures to get...i'll do my best, but not tonight lol
evil zelda saying stay away from the well is why it's shutting down!!! noooo
girl why does everyone obey her like that, like against logic...the monarchy barely means anything anymore. shes my babygirl but like if my stable was closing bc of some nonsense order i would simply violate the order
OMG yessssss FROGGY LEGGINGS!!!!!! god at LAST...only ONE MORE PIECE TO GO............
if i cleaned the well out does that mean the stable can open again 🥺
oh, when your meal pouch is full addison gives you rupees twice lol
im in the desert and i HATE. SAND. anakin skywalker was right about everything
oooh but it looks so different...the bazaar...what IS that tall thing...how do i sneak in this time lol
this poor korok will have to wait til i get my fucking sand & snow boots
oh cool you can rent a sand seal with a CARRIER now...love it
ah, i see. i guess i can take the korok after all lol. one less for later!
this sand shroud business seems SPOOKY...wild weather in real life fascinates me, and so too does wild video game weather
damn this old lady is fucking jaded. begging me not to drop dead in front of her lol
oh FUN this gerudo is teaching me like, gerudo language, and she's trying to teach me how to make the "v" sound...which i know, because english, but in japanese they don't have that i don't think. COOOOLL
lol a rito just named guy
ah, the updraft is to fly over the shroud...very good. i remember the map not working in botw and it was scary lol
but i still wonder how i get in??
just like when i did the story in the other areas i activate the shrines and leave them behind...smh. at least this time i have the excuse of "it's almost bedtime"
WHAT is this big mushroom thing with the bud in it??? looks almost like a lightroot
i've officially hit 999 brightbloom seeds lol. the game won't let me pick up anymore
oh wow the map going fuzzy is just as bad as i remember lol. it's bedtime but i just GOTTA get to town first...i think i remember an npc saying something about zombies i WANT TO SEE THE REDEADS (or do i)
okay. so.
i got. in. like by just. walking in.
saw a redead. immediately froze in terror.
it's not moving. i'm not moving. alright. alright
killed it with fire. don't like that
GIBDO BONE..........................it is literally not a gibdo. it's not a mummy. it's a redead!!!
shit fuck this looks. so bad. hudson's poor daughter...where even IS everyone
riju's not here...but i found her diary
my friends link and zelda are in hyrule and they'll take care of it 😭
geez she is so young to be dealing with all of this...older now but still
oh my god he's FINALLY in........but to what avail..................
so, everyone is hiding in the wells...
wow, even the bar is fucked up......tragic
where tf are the wells?
OH i found one!!! a square well!
message in a BOTTLE!!!! JUST LIKE OOT
oh lol it's a love letter from a gerudo. girl.......you can't just put love letters in bottles...you and finley both...enough
oh i found the way in but i don't have the girl clothes :( idk how to do it!!!
omg i get the special exception rule <3 i guess thats better than the last game...?
man they arent even allowed to talk to me lol
oh, these guys don't seem to know the trick - killing them with fire lol
another heroines quest! i'll be honest i didn't really understand the first one...
omg they put a guy in JAIL for coming in here...they're serious!!
ok the last thing i wanted to do before bed, which i am late for, was get my shoes. i had to look up the location but AAAA theres two redeads in my way!!!!!!!!! literally kill with fire
i am so tense and hypervigilant walking thru this town. my eyes sweeping everywhere between steps. i am NOT gonna get jumped by one of those motherfuckers this close 2 bedtime
oh god FINALLY made it
those brightbloom seeds just paid for my desert vai armor! of course i had enough for the boots and bought them first lol
well it's more than half an hour past the bedtime i wanted
but i unblocked the door and walked out
saw a redead shambling towards me. went back in.
that's a sign. that's for future liz to deal with tomorrow. eugh
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skylarstark4826 · 5 months
Night in the Forest House - a Brotherhood side story
Norm shivered slightly at the sensation that passed through his neck and shoulders and down his back. She was doing something with her hands. He had to admit it didn't really bother him per se; it felt kinda nice, actually, but he really wanted to know what she was doing.
He'd carried Trudy back to the house after she'd tripped far too many times in her inebriated state, and at first she'd been pretty quiet, just kindof snuggling into his chest - which he didn't mind one little bit. Hey, a guy had to take advantage of his avatar's larger size and exponentially greater strength now and then, and carrying around his girlfriend like she weighed nothing at all was so one of those advantages.
But now she was doing something with her hands on his neck, and he really wanted to know what it was, because it was about to turn his knees to jelly. He bit back a moan as her hands moved up into his hair.
"What're you doing?" he asked, just a little shaky as he walked them through the main room and into the bedroom where he usually left his avatar at night.
"Exploring," she smirked, "what can I say, I'm a curious little girl, and I haven't had this good an opportunity before."
"Um, okay," he nodded. Norm understood curiosity. What scientist of any stripe didn't, after all. "In the name of satisfying your curiosity then, what did you want to know?" If he'd been closer to the sober end of things he might not have put forward such a broad invitation, but Norm had not, in fact, made any effort to limit his intake of the wicked brew the Na'vi kept putting in front of him (or had it been Trudy putting all those bowls by his hand? He wasn't entirely sure) It would have been impolite to refuse any food or drink, and he was never impolite!
"Oh, I wanna know lots of stuff," she grinned, "I've never had a chance to really look at a Na'vi or an avatar close like this, plus..." she scratched her fingernails gently down his scalp, making him shiver and his tail twitch, "I figure if I wanna know alllll about you, I gotta know this side of you too."
"Oh," he said, sitting down on the bed almost reflexively, before his knees gave out.
She grinned, and he knew he was in big, big trouble. "So why don't you just relax and let me work the kinks out of your shoulders from carrying me?" she suggested.
"You...don't need to," he protested as she moved around behind him.
"Naw, it's okay, I want to," she said, running her fingers down the back of his neck. "But you're gonna have to get that vest off, and preferably the tee-shirt too."
Between the alcohol he'd imbibed and the way her fingers were making him feel, all the reasons he shouldn't be doing this just kindof faded away. Before he knew it, he was naked from the waist up, and she was tracing her fingers along his stripes.
"Gotta love inborn camo," she grinned, "and all the little dots, too. Damn I wish I didn't have to wear this stupid mask," she sighed then, "it really gets in the way. Oh well, gotta do what you gotta do."
He was fine with her hands on his back and sides and whatever, but when she started stroking his hair and running her fingers along his scalp, well, that was a different story. It felt surprisingly better than he'd expected, and he couldn't suppress the moans that were almost involuntary. Especially when she got to the base of his queue. He knew he should say something to her about being careful with it; after all, it wasn't something most humans were used to even thinking about, let alone dealing with, but she obviously caught on fast, because even though her fingers were probing the braided hair that protected it, she was being very gentle.
"Sensitive, hmm?" she asked, and he could hear the mischievous smirk in her voice.
"Very," he gulped, holding his head as still as he could and resisting the urge to nod.
"Want me to stop?" She was massaging the spot where his queue met his scalp now, and the feeling was pretty close to utter, relaxing bliss
"Nooo..." he admitted, "just stay right there..."
She laughed a little. "You really are just like a cat getting a good head scratch," she teased.
"Not a cat," he protested.
"Sure you are," she stroked one hand over his head and down, very carefully along his queue as she sat down behind him, "you're my great big kitty-cat if I say you are."
He heard her mutter something along the lines of "stupid fuckin' mask" before taking a deep breath, and then he felt what must be her nuzzling against his side, and placing a couple of small kisses against the top of his hipbone before putting the mask back on.
"Hey now, careful," he said, "I'm too tipsy to fly you out of here if you breathe in the wrong air." He looked over his shoulder to see that she'd flopped down on the bed and was lying on her stomach, playing with the tip of his tail.
"C'mon Norm, I'm not that drunk," she protested, making a face at him, and he laughed again.
"Did I tell you how pretty you look?" he asked, letting his tail flick side to side, bringing it just within her reach before twitching it away just as she tried to grab for it.
"You might've said something," she shrugged (a somewhat awkward proposition given she was holding herself up on her elbows) and leaned against his side.
"Well in case you forgot the other five times I said it...you look really good." Feeling a bit more bold, he let his tail trace along her shoulder, pushing down one sleeve of her blouse just a little.
"Ooo, naughty," she laughed, rolling onto her back to look up at him. "It must be so weird having a tail."
"It took a little getting used to, sure," he nodded, grinning slightly as he let his tail work its way inside her blouse now, "but it has its benefits. Now I'm so used to it I sometimes swear I can feel it twitching even when I'm back in my other body if I get irritated or something."
"That'd drive me nuts," she laughed, "all the time feeling like I had this tail when it wasn't even there." She squirmed slightly as his tail-tuft tickled her stomach, "Hey! Cut that out!" she protested.
He shifted around so that he could watch her better and grinned at her, the combination of inebriation and the beginnings of arousal a heady mix that was making him do things he never normally would have, at least, not in this body. "You sure you want me to stop?" he asked, slowing from tickling to a soft caress along her stomach and up over the side of one breast.
"Ohh...yeah maybe you can keep doing that," she shifted slightly against him, letting the fingers of one hand walk their way along the length of his tail until she reached the base, where she stroked slowly in a very obvious imitation of something else she might stroke. Then her hand wrapped around the base of his tail and squeezed affectionately, and Norm groaned as he felt a sudden and extremely strong rush of arousal.
"Holy shit," he panted, trying to bring himself back under control.
"Oops," Trudy grinned wickedly, sitting up and squeezing again experimentally, "looks like I found a hot spot, mmm?"
He just stared at her, wide-eyed, and his tail wrapped fully around her waist to pull her closer against his side.
"I'd say that's a "yes", wouldn't you?" she squeezed one more time before having at least a little pity on him and letting her hand slide up his spine.
"Goddamn," he groaned, "that's...never happened before."
"Good," she nodded as her fingers reached the back of his neck, as high as they could go without her shifting her position, and she smoothed her hand back down along his queue, lifting it up to examine it more closely. "Nobody else better get you excited like that 'cept me." She was clearly intrigued by the neural tendrils waving at her from the end of his queue, and before he could stop her, she brushed a finger along them.
Now that felt decidedly weird. Norm felt a shudder go through his whole body. She slid her finger back again and the neural tendrils tried to wrap around it, and Norm's eyes went wide. It felt incredibly wrong. Something in the Na'vi part of his mind was telling him he ought to be linked to another consciousness, but there was nothing there...a blank, empty wall.
"Please don't" he whispered, shaking her head, "that's...please just don't."
"Norm?" she blinked at his sudden change in demeanour and carefully pulled her finger away, letting the neural tendrils disengage on their own.
"Sorry," he said, pulling her into his lap, "it's not your fault, that was just...it felt like trying to connect to something dead," he admitted with a shudder.
"Oh," she said quietly, leaning against his chest, "I'm sorry babe, I didn't think..."
"Not your fault," he reiterated, "how would you know, I didn't know that's what it would feel like, I mean, I guess I never really thought about it, but I didn't know it would feel bad like that."
She was silent for a long while, although he knew she hadn't fallen asleep, because her fingers were tracing the stripes along his chest and abdomen where she could reach them. "Do you wish you could? Feel something, I mean?" she asked finally.
"No point wishing for what I'm not going to get," he shook his head, "I love you just the way you are, and the fact that I can't make tsaheylu with you in this body doesn't change that."
"But you won't get a chance to know what it's like," Trudy sighed, "I mean, look at Jake or Tom, both of them have Na'vi girlfriends, and eventually they'll probably get to do the nasty while all linked up and stuff, and Cathy already does... That just really sucks, and I'm sorry."
"Hey, like I said, not your fault," Norm hugged her tighter, "I'll live. It's not like that's something I grew up expecting to be able to do. Besides, having you in my life is way more important than having braidsex."
That made her laugh again, and he knew the topic was dropped, at least for now.
"Hey," she said, pushing away from his chest a little so she could look up at him, "I still haven't finished satisfying my curiosity, and you did ask me what I was curious about."
"Okay, what else are you curious about?" he asked, a little wary at the look in her eyes.
"I've only seen half of you," she grinned, letting her hands move down and start undoing his pants, "and I want to see the other half too, since we have the opportunity and I'm blitzed enough to actually want to know."
"Trudy..." he hesitated.
"Uh uh uh, no weaseling out of this" she shook her head, getting off his lap entirely and poking him in the hip, "you said you'd satisfy my curiosity, now strip!"
Norm groaned, but secretly he enjoyed her ordering him around just a little bit too much to say no to her request. He'd draw the line at anything...physical, though. Their size difference being what it was, and all. He stood up off the bed, kicked his shoes off into a corner and turned away slightly before letting his pants drop to the ground. "There," he said, "happy now?"
"Happy," she grinned, hopping down off the bed as well, walking over to him and stroking her hand along his hip as she walked around him. "Damn you're tall though," she laughed, "come sit back down."
He let her direct him back to the bed, and although she certainly kept her hands busy moving over his skin, she didn't try anything really risque, for which he was eternally grateful.
"You gotta get out of this habit of doing everything I tell you to," she grinned up at him as she settled herself on his lap. Damn, and there he'd been thinking he was safe.
"You haven't told me to do anything that I object to yet," he shrugged, wrapping his arms around her, mostly in a bid to keep her from squirming too much.
She smiled at that and leaned against him, then frowned and grumbled as her mask got in the way again. She took a deep breath and lifted it off, nuzzling into his chest for a moment as she held her breath, then lifting herself up until she was kneeling on his thighs and close enough to kiss him.
It was a brief kiss, given the fact that it was very hard to kiss while holding your breath, and he breathed a sigh of relief as she pulled her mask back down again. He pulled her close to his chest and nuzzled into her hair, memorizing the scent of her, tequila-tinged though it was at this particular moment. She let out a deep sigh and relaxed fully against him, and he realized that she had fallen asleep. Or passed out, more properly. He laid her carefully down on the bed, then got up and grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms, pulling them on before he laid down and curled himself up around her. He was very reluctant to unlink, not looking forward to the prospect of waking up to an empty bed. Well, Jake and Grace would be there, of course, but Trudy would still be here, with his unconscious avatar. He'd just have to grab only a couple hours of sleep and go back into link. He wanted to be here when she woke. He didn't want to miss any more of this than he had to.
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